#im not their parent lmao
some of yall dont get that kinnporsche is camp and it shows
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puppyeared · 22 days
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renaissance dogys
characters belong to @canisalbus
#i love i loveeee ludovica sm shes so cute. ive only known her for 5 min but i fell in love with her design and i love her friendship#with vasco ^_^ i think them having each other makes hiding their sexualities a little less lonely so thats sweet#ik in modern au shes considered an old friend of vascos but i originally assumed she and vasco fake dated in college or smth#to get their parents off their backs until they came out properly and continued to stay in touch as friends after LMAO#im not very familiar with period fashion so i had to look at renaissance costumes as reference. but i have to admit i love the#high waistlines used in some of their dresses.. i have a minidress with a similar high waistline pressed against the chest and sleeves#also if u squint machete is holding a little paper bag in the 2nd photo which is supposed to be his lunch courtesy of vasco <3#idk what ludovica would wear in modern au but i thought poet shirts might suit her because theyre like somewhere evenly between#masc and femme. to me anyway.. based on observation lesbians seem to love poet shirts and i think she looks good in one#these are all shitposts.. ill draw serious art of them one of these days i promise#i listened to fools rush in and it reminds me of them.. especially when it goes 'though i see the danger there / if theres a chance#for me then i dont care' like its so poignant and bittersweet.. a little indulgent when u think of those small moments they have togethr#save me gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries save me#my art#myart#doodles#fanart#others ocs#canisalbus#fur#furry art#machete#vasco#vaschete#ludovica#sfw fur#furry#anthro
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bubblingsteam · 1 month
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suntails · 6 months
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200 years
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strawberrystepmom · 2 months
cw children, cw families. gojo x f!reader. they are married and have a 5 year old. | divider thanks to cafekitsune, wc 1k.
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Kneeling with your daughter in the living room of your home, you sigh and brush her tear wet hair off of her round cheek, white strands sticking up on end thanks to being mussed up by your loving hands. She raises a fist and rubs her nose with it, dropping it at her side defeatedly when she finishes.
“Hey, it’s okay, alright? Let’s dry those tears, he won’t be mad at you.” 
She sniffles, shaking her head and bunching her little fists to shove beneath her armpits when she folds her arms over her chest. The little girl is far too much like her father Satoru when her cheeks are rosy and her pout is defiant, blue eyes scanning the rug beneath her feet and the walls for something interesting rather than meeting your glance. 
The sound of the keyless lock’s buttons being pressed alerts the usually excitable five year old that her father is home. Generally she’d leap up and run to the door and into his arms, helping him take off his shoes or carry his bag in, but today she stays firmly in place by your side. Gojo enters your home with a grin, lifting his blindfold and looking at the two of you with uncertainty. The grin dims, a brow is raised, and he approaches the living room with caution. Standing near the two of you, he tilts his head and looks downward. You mouth the word “trouble” and he nods his understanding.
“Alright baby, can you tell papa what happened today?”
Eyes wide with concern, the five year old turns her face upward to look at her father in his now uncovered eyes with a pout. A little sniffle bubbles out of her. You rub her back soothingly, kissing her temple while remaining kneeling at her side, wiping little tears away with your free hand. 
“I…I…,” she starts between sobs. “I got in trouble for letting Yukio eat from my chopsticks.”
Satoru stifles a laugh and you shoot him a withering glance from where you kneel next to your child, still rubbing her back through the half hearted sobs that wrack her body. He kneels down in front of her with arms extended, an invitation she accepts without much thought. Running face first into his chest, your husband lets out a dramatic “oof” and pets the back of her head.
“I don’t see why you should get in trouble for that.”
You agree although you decide to keep that information to yourself pending the rest of the story being told. Remaining kneeling, you comb the ends of her hair with your fingers while he pets her head and her sobbing begins to subside. 
“It’s okay. I’m not mad and neither is mama but tell me, where did you learn to do that?”
Little shoulders shake and the two of you exchange a knowing glance over the top of her head, grateful that she cannot see it bearing in mind how astute she is. Too much like both of you for her own good.
“I learned from mama.”
She learned how to feed another person straight from her utensil from the two of you. You raise your brows defeatedly and Satoru stifles another laugh, holding his daughter against his chest and pouting at you over her head.
“Oh did you?”
Whatever sorrow remained in your child has clearly disappeared thanks to the audible smile in her father’s question. She giggles against his chest, unburying her face just enough to reach upward and poke him in his chin.
“Yeah because she feeds you, papa. You don’t know how to eat on your own!”
It is now your turn to stifle a giggle, turning your head into your shoulder to pretend that you don’t find the drama of being five years old and witnessing your parents love each other hilarious. Your husband gasps at the accusation. There is no wondering where she gets it from. She pokes his chin again and wiggles out of his grasp, running toward you and looking over her shoulder.
“I’m not in trouble, right?”
The two of you shake your heads when she looks between you. 
“Nope. Go wash up and we’ll work on homework in a little bit, alright?” 
Smiling, she accepts kisses on her head as she walks toward the opposite end of your house. You watch her and shake your head with a sigh, finally giggling at your husband who holds his hand out to help you up.
“You’re a terrible influence. First, you give her that personality and now you’re teaching her how to make everyone think she’s the most adorable thing in the world, too. Do you have any shame Mrs. Gojo?”
Rolling your eyes, it’s hard not to bat at Satoru who chuckles in response to the playful touch. He captures your hand in his and lifts it to his mouth, pressing your knuckles against his lips. 
“I think that’s all her actually.” He beams down at you, lips curving against your knuckles as you speak. You remain humble despite being the home where the crown jewel of sorcery resides but that’s always what he’s liked about you, his eyes softening the longer they rest on your face. “You may have to learn how to eat by yourself though instead of stealing bites from me all the time, at least until she forgets she has only seen her father eat on his own probably three times in her entire life.”
He groans, theatrically tilting his head backward and sighing at the ceiling. Your hand is still pressed to his lips and he lifts his other hand to hold it against his face.
“How could you do this to me?”
Laughing, you lean in and rise to your tiptoes to kiss his chin. 
“Easily. Now let’s go see if I’m any better at math than I was when you were still doing my homework for me.”
He drops your hand but quickly collects it in his free one, tipping his head down toward you to capture your lips, effectively getting the last word while twining your fingers together.
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panrao · 5 months
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How I Met Your Father
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winesharksea · 3 months
julian: i've spent years protecting my siblings, but now they're growing up and i trust them to make good decisions 😌
ty: *starts dating the thief and con artist wanted by all of faerieland who broke his heart after helping him perform illegal necromancy*
julian: .... hmm
dru: *starts dating sebastian morgenstern's son who was raised by jace herondale's evil clone and has magic land-destroying powers, the ability to compel emotions, and a shady moral compass*
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gunsatthaphan · 2 months
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the incident // the aftermath
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blueskittlesart · 3 days
btw the best part about all the zine sales ive made isnt the money or the fact that i get to sell art im proud of or the satisfaction of making a product or any of that lame shit its the fact that its making my parents actually believe im capable of doing art as a career for real
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sparksetfire · 6 months
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"No, she's not okay. She's married to a Shelby." - "Being married to a Gold will be less eventful."
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starry-bi-sky · 18 days
how do you clone a fey? that's trick question; and fey love those!
@the-navistar-carol (<333) brought up a good point while I was talking about my changeling danny au with her -- Dani! How would she exist in this au? Danny's a changeling - a fae. How would Dani, a clone of him, be created? How do you make a fey? Not through any means that Vlad is doing; you can't make a fey through unnatural means, considering the Fair Folk are nature. And Vlad's not a fey himself -- he's a halfa, even if he could make a fey, it's not in his best interest too. He's a powerful ghost, but even the weakest fae can overpower the strongest ghost. He won't want a clone of Daniel to be more powerful than him.
(In a three tier hierarchy it goes Ancients -> Fae/Mythos -> Ghosts. They all live in the Infinite Realms, but on different Planes. The fae live above the Ghost Zone in the Fey Wild, while the Mythos live beside the Wilds or down in the ghost zone depending on where they are. Places like the Frozone, the Athens Acropolis, and other such large islands climb throughout all three Planes.)
(While Ghosts can travel into the Fey Wild, its generally advised against as the ectoplasm tends to manifest differently there due to close contact magic. It can make it rather disorientating for a ghost, and as human spirits, the Fae living there would jump them faster than they could blink. So unless you're willing to play mind games with 'steal thy name eat thy face' fae, most ghosts keep out of the way of the Wilds. Fey can travel down into the Ghost Zone, they just don't bother.)
That's of course, not taking into account if Vlad even knows Danny's a fae himself. Vlad doesn't ring me as someone who really cares much about ghost culture or the going ons of the GZ. He might be aware that fae exist, but the moment he realizes he can't use them for personal gain he just doesn't bother with them. The risk is greater than the reward, and he'd rather not get eaten. But lets assume he's aware by now that Danny is fey, and has to take that into account while cloning him.
So, how does Dani exist? Good question! Honestly; i'm not sure. She might not exist at all, or if she does, she's more halfa than fey. Vlad would need a lot of human dna and ectoplasm to balance out all that fae magic. He manages to steal DNA from Jack and Maddie to do it, and since Jack's fey ancestry is very dormant its much easier to use alongside Danny's DNA.
In turn, it results in a little girl whose more human-ghost hybrid than clone. With that little extra boost in fey magic making her not a fey, but still relatively powerful. Dani is less of a clone and more of a lab-grown little sister. It's a rather tedious, complex process that has Vlad tearing his hair out trying to figure out. But he does eventually figure it out.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#changeling danny au#danielle fenton#danny phantom#still no mention of DPXDC yet so i'm adding the DP tags if thats alright lmao#how do you clone a fey? trick question! you can't. you can only make something that's not-quite fey but has ties to them.#dani's fey ancestry is an ounce of water compared to the bucket of everything else. which is more than the drop in the pond compared to jac#but not quite as powerful as changeling daniel. whose more fey than human at this rate. which is very fun to think about in terms of#his rogues haha. imagine going into the human realm about to cause chaos only to come face to face with a baby fey. a changeling.#i'd simply pass away a second time. where is your parent. human raised or otherwise?? are they nearby??? shit i thought fey hated urban#cities. what are YOU doing here baby man. im going to get eaten holy fuck. that's so many teeth.#. oh. oh you think you're a ghost. hm. hmhm. i can work with that. lets just. make sure you keep thinking that okay :) great :))#like jumpscare dude. i just saw my afterlife flash before my eyes. hello unsupervised fey child. holy fuck are you teeny tiny.#vlad probably uses some of his own dna to get the halfa effect so really dani's more of a lab grown *half* sister. Danny's gonna end up#stealing her anyways in the end. his sister now :). non-human danny my beloved#catch me using fey and fae interchangeably. my bad#some food for thought sorry if its hard to understand.#steal thy name. eat thy face fey
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meamiiikiii · 9 days
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5% of a color headcanon.... two versions since b&w emphasizes the dagger more i think but i still like the warm tones ASFSADA
i am not biased towards rainbow daggers whatsoever i promise (lie)
((also friend is streaming now and im there too!! bit more info linked here, its rated mature tho))
#in stars and time#isat#isat siffrin#i think tumblr is chewing on this ah well#its more of a weapon color headcanon than anything else tbh SAFASDA#but its very funny in my mind to refer to this as#insert percent amount of color headcanon here ASDASFA#i do not have many color headcanons tbh???#overall i would say i have like 1.15(ish) color headcanons that are solid in my brain across the cast???#the rainbow dagger has been in my minds eye for a long time#um SPOILERISH talk ahead in tag talk so be warned#i am serious!! turn back now if u dont want SPOILERS!!!#can u imagine if siffrins parents had lovingly crafted that white cloak and helped him pick out the pure black fit when younger#so they could be fashionably black and white like if things were in color or something#but then the first thing siffrin picks out on their own terms is literally the most colorful thing imaginable for the dagger#i do not know if that makes much sense but yeah#it is fun in my minds eye ASDAFA#actually is it ever mentioned where siffrin got the dagger??#was it also passed down????#ik the cloak was for sure from his family#and the pure black fit underneath is up in the air i think#tho if it was a first pass pick from parents#and he continued to pick it again and again after they got older subconsciously or not might be fun to think about#also do not mind the art style shift it might happen again LMAO#probably sparingly tho? who knows!!!#should i link stream in this post??? i dont know???#i feel a lil bad if it isnt related?????#oh well im doing it anyway because friendship :]#honestly did not think i would also have anything to post today but uh oops sorta just happened and it lined up so ASFASDA#anyway tag talk over stream time WOOO and i think i hit tag limit LMAO
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manyunhappygreenies · 5 months
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"IF your mother was still alive, we would not be here at all."
dad of war but make it shadow and silver.
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
i've always wondered how universal my experiences were! i've deliberately left the age vague and didn't define "regularly." you decide
feel free to share details in tags/replies BUT ONLY IF THEY'RE FUN/SWEET. please don't share traumatic childhoods where i can see ok thank u
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fleshdyke · 6 months
guys i just finished the cake part of the yule log im making and it was so stressful bc last time i baked a cake from scratch it looked like this
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quasarifxxy · 1 year
What primarily drew me to Kazurei as a pairing isn't the roommate trope, nor the golden retriever and brood cat trope, or the gay spy x family gag, but rather this scene from Episode 8 (that I'm somehow still not over.)
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It's the mutual reluctance to love and let themselves heal, with the exception that Kazuki couldn't stand to see Rei in the same position as him, so he offers to take care of him anyway. Both, who had a rough relationship with love, let themselves confide in each other. Rei, who found comfort and experienced what it's like to be taken care of, and Kazuki, who can't help but to extend care because it's something that's just... natural to do in his position. Kazuki, who is hurted by love that is taken from him over and over again, offers what he'd regard as a bare minimum because deep down, he wants his remaining loved ones (and in this timeline just rei) to feel the love he always desired.
Though Kazuki is seemingly full of emotions every time (enough to almost repress his sadness), his actions are always so gentle and full of warmth.
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What makes it more beautiful is how Rei adapts Kazuki concept's, or rather, way to express love to Miri (with the most apparent example being Episode 9) considering Kazuki was probably one of if not the first person he'd experienced and therefore actively saw it from. He initially wasn't able to comprehend how to love and be loved, and only through Kazuki's deeds did he learn how comforting and nice it is to be cared for, so he wanted to extend that to Miri after realizing how much his family meant to him.
Going back to the topic, I genuinely adore how Kazurei is a pairing consisting of two people who weren't given the opportunity to love, and during their time before Miri subconsciously fulfilled each other's emotional needs. Though initially distant, they immediately clicked because they fit together like puzzle pieces. Similar desires but difference in approach and seek what the other has.
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While there is mutual understanding between them, being able to read each other, neither of the two had the will to step onto each others' boundaries and address it. It was satisfying to see them grow closer emotionally and form the courage to communicate, with great examples being the last few episodes of the series.
Tl;dr the soft aspect of Kazurei made me complerely fall in love with the pairing and I used to be neutral about it
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