#im in love with how they incorporated her witch form into it
karinmisono · 11 months
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arcadekitten · 4 months
The Lambchop World is so fascinating and cool… but I’d like to know more about it as well! What’s the economy like there? Do people still have jobs, buy and sell stuff like supplies, clothing, food, etc… just like they do in Stella’s town?
(Also, speaking of which.., is everyone’s wardrobe that emo/gothic? Did Lambchop force it to be? Because I love Stella but those clothes are REALLY not her style! I really hope that Lambchop didn’t force her into wearing them… that’s leaning a bit too much into “toxic relationship power imbalance” for me)
What’s the general attitude of the population? Are they all violent, bloodthirsty and prickly besides Stella or do some of them retain their normal personalities? Do they lean in more towards their “animalistic” side (like Ruuuby eating Buck) or do they still eat normal food? …WHERE would they get normal food? Is it all meat and cannibalism??
Also, assuming that Lambchop goes after the whole WORLD instead of just a small village like Stella did… is death common there? Or does Lambchop resurrect them to “have some more fun” on his planet? Are his powers that of a normal Star witch as well? I’m so curious if it is!
And finally… what are Stella and Lambchop’s roles and relationship on this planet? Lambchop seems to live just like a common “resident” of that planet… getting into riots, street fights, etc. What does Stella do though? Is she just Lambchop’s personal nurse who takes care of him after he gets into fights or something?
This seems to be an anarchic world, so I doubt that their’ll be a government or any form of legal system there.., but I am curious if there is some sort of “gang hierarchy” on this place, like the most respected fighters are the rulers of certain territories and clans or something. It’ll make sense for his world, and I wonder if he’s in the “top hierarchy” or something like that, considering that he literally CREATED the world lol. Do the other residents have respect or are intimidated by him? What do they think of Stella?
P.S: Kinda a dumb question but are Stella and Lambchop in a relationship in this AU? Do they date and have a house (or a joint living area maybe) and live together or something? How do they treat each other? I like to think that Lambchop treats Stella…well, like allowing her a small garden to plant some flowers and have a semblance of normalcy in their home. Kind of like how Stella bloodied up her village for Lambchop, but much less drastic.
And for the million-dollar question: What on EARTH are the other Star Witches when Stella needs them??? Did they abandon her or something?
These are A LOT of questions, I’ll admit… Im rly sorry if this is too much :( But I’m just so curious about this world; the idea is absolutely fascinating to me!! Thank u sm for reading all this!! :D
oh this will be fun!! *cracks knuckles for the second time* I'll try to answer best I can!
-The economy is a bit strange. I think some people still kinda have jobs and make money, but money alone is probably not valued as much as "substances" or "favors" (Ex: "Get that fucker out of my bar and you'll get free drinks for the whole night" )
-Everyone's wardrobe is pretty emo-gothic, but I wouldn't describe it as a "Lambchop forced it to be" situation so much as. In the vision of Lambchop's perfect world this is just how society dresses. And so Stella dressing like this is more of a societally pressured thing. For one, there's probably not other clothing options. And if there is, dressing in a way that strays from the norm would be like affixing a giant target to her back--everyone would be trying to start shit with her. It's safer to blend in so people don't think you're soft.
-Most everyone is pretty prickly. And if they are "nice", it's a kind of niceness that incorporates violence into the mix--otherwise you'd be down for the count. Everyone's probably on "high defense mode" all the time and is just waiting for you to be the one that growls first.
-Most food is probably meat based. I don't imagine that everyone is just eating whoever they slaughter on the street (though some might) but rather there's some mysterious "meat processing" plants. Where's the meat come from? Don't spoil it by asking questions.
-I don't think Lambchop has any sort of special/magic powers that set him aside from everyone else. I think it's less of a "Lambchop controlling the world to be this way" and more of "The world itself shaping itself around his desires." Death is pretty common, though I hadn't considered the possibility of people coming back in this version too...interesting to think about.
-I think the possibility of some gang hierarchies exist, but I hadn't put too much thought into it. I do think some people might be more well-known either for being really good fighters and/or for starting trouble a lot. I feel like Lambchop wouldn't be the most well-known but might have a bit of a rep for being able to take people down.
-Combining some of your Stella questions into one, Stella's relationship with the planet is pretty...fraught. I think she's still got magic powers but they're nowhere near the the level of skill she's got in Sweet No Death. At most she can perform small magic, making things grow, levitating some smaller objects, etc. I feel like Stella's status as a star witch is vague even to herself--like maybe she got amnesia upon landing here, but she knows that things could surely be better than this... Stella tries to help people and sometimes they accept it and sometimes they don't, but when they do allow her to help she feels good inside and it helps restore a bit of her hope in the world.
I like to imagine that maybe Lambchop and Stella found each other when Stella was attempting to "fix" things instead of breaking them like everyone else, and Lambchop was a bit captivated by how different she was from everyone else. Stella would in turn see him as different from everyone else--less prickly, more smiley, and likes her company.
I think Lambchop and Stella are dating. They live in some dank, decrepit apartment building which probably isn't even owned by anyone anymore and they might be the only people in it. Stella's got something of a greenhouse on the balcony where she grows as many little plants as she can keep alive and can enjoy the feeling of fresh air for once.
Despite the general violence of the city and Lambchop preferring things this way, he and Stella have a pretty lovey relationship. They sleep in the same bed all cuddled up next to each other every night. If Stella is having a bad mental day (can't handle the stress of everything, being worried something really bad will happen to Lambchop if he goes out, etc) Lambchop will stay home with her and they'll spend the day snuggling and kissing and maybe working in her greenhouse. When Stella goes out Lambchop usually tries to be beside her. She's able to defend herself but he knows she doesn't *like* having to do that, so he doesn't mind being her bodyguard for anyone who would want to pick a fight with her. Sometimes they even try to go on dates outside despite how crazy everything is. When Lambchop gets into fights Stella bandages all his wounds when he gets hurt. She hates seeing him hurt but she loves seeing his smile as he recounts to her how he won. I think she uses whatever magic she has to help expedite his healing process.
-As for Star Witches, the thing about Star Witches is like...they are catty and judgemental but if you are another Star Witch they will not help you improve unless it benefits them in some way. They will come into your house and might adjust a crooked picture frame on the wall, but they won't clean up your kitchen or tidy up your living room or do your yard work for you. If they were to see a world like this they would not help it try to get better because it is not their monkeys, not their circus.
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dreamerwitches · 20 days
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Iiitttss Kazumi magica doppels wheeeee! The kazumi girls are done so. Fucking. Dirty. In magireco. Im so viciously mad about how shit Carola is
Well anyway lets start. Carola is completely redone, based on when Kazumi is transforming into a witch along with other aspects. She seems to be very based on curls and such. Kept the chef hat cause thats like the ONLY good part of the original. Michiru’s witch is regular while Kazumi’s will incorporate parts of her clones, tying her up like shes not in control.
Now where’s Umika’s witch? Um… I was so utterly uninspired by not only her but also her doppel, like, man, I couldnt think of ANYTHING. Maybe another time…
As much as I love the trans icon Antonio, its so not Kaoru its unbelievable. So new Antonio is metallic to match with one of Kaoru’s abilities and they have big feet to focus on the football theme. This is definitely a first go, they need more work
Weisse Konigin, Niko’s witch. Shes a little hard cause there isnt much to her but I think simple can be good. Niko is suspended in the middle of the target and the doppels arms go into the ground to attack with her blades. The hole in her head is dripping with blood
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Ritterustrung von Heulsuse and Satomi. My poor sweet Satomi… forgotten… v-v dont worry Satomi, I love you… Satomi is inside the cage of her witch with her legs sticking out. I simplified down the witch and gave her one big arm for her whip to suit the more simple appearances doppels usually go for
Plejaden von Asunaro. Saki is inside the closed, crying eye of the witch. Miyuri’s silhouette is in another part of the doppel and it is on a stalk like a flower.
Angelica, Mirai’s witch thought up by me. Of course it would be a teddy. Is it too simple? Maybe… It has her blade and the circle on its chest resembles Saki’s witch.
Another fanmade witch, for Kanna. I intended her to be the opposite of Niko’s. Schwarzer Konig, black king to oppose the white queen. Her hands match one of Niko’s abilities, able to fire bullets. The body of the witch matches Kanna’s outfit.
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Nie Bluhen Herzen for Airi. Similar to her half witch appearance, not too hard. She’d use the defibrilators for attack
Arzt Kocken for Yuuri, kinda a match to Airi’s. Arzt Kocken is her bottom half and Yuuri wields her forks.
Zweikopfiger boser flugel and the Souju twins. Dunno if I like it 100% the girls have the collars of the witch and threee mouths to represent their three forms
I wanted to give a witch to Sumire. Since she was in the freezer, I gave her one of the witches that appeared there. And as she has a Japanese styled outfit I went for the kagami mochi witch. Sumire sits on her tendrills like a swing and she shoots oranges.
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mixedkid-matchup · 1 year
tournament where you vote for your fav multiracial (or multispecies!) character(s)!
inspired by polls like: @blackandpinkbracket @blorbo-archers-tournament @blueandyellowbracket @ultimatepinkgirl @homoeroticbetrayal @adhdswagcompetition @autismswagsummit @beefy-babe-showdown (HIII) tagging @competition-list
twas not planning on taking submissions, BUT IF YOU HAVE SOMEONE I DONT ALREADY then send me an ask bc im too lazy to make a google form. (characters i have are below cut + rules)
Submissions will stop being taken on Thursday, March 9th @ 7PM MST Tonight at 7PM MST SUBMISSIONS CLOSED
Rules: 1. fictional characters only. i’d love to put myself on the poll for kicks but fr I don’t know how your fave youtuber would feel about being put on a tumblr poll lmao.   2. pjo characters do not count. their greek ancestry is not incorporated in dna (this is stated in the books, but there is evidence against it, like percy’s greek eyes, but this is a fantasy/mythology book so like whatever. also this is stated so the characters can date outside their cabin.) 3. you can submit more than one character but dont submit one more than once 4. my matches so far are color-coded based on anime character, cartoon character, comic/graphic novel character, live action character, and book character. so in the beginning i will match the anime ones together and so forth to keep it fair for at least the beginning. 5. dont submit the entire family in the poll. keep it to like a pair of siblings that are the focus or something. or the main character. 6. polls will last 24 hours because im impatient 7. you can campaign!!!!! TAG ME!!!!!! I’LL SHOW IT OFF!!!! 8. you do not have to be nice in the comments and tags idc!!! trash talk!!! have fun!! just dont like actually legit send death threats or slurs to people. in seriousness. and to people you dont know. Characters so far: - Tamaki Suoh (white-french/japanese) - Luz Noceda (afrolatine/black dominican) - Kipo (black/korean + mute/human) - Inuyasha (human/demon) - Miles Morales (afrolatine/puerto rican + black) - Hiro Hamada (white/japanese) - Glimmer (asian/??? whtever tf her mom is ig) - Damien Wayne (white/arabic) - Alex Russo (Wizards of Waverly Place) (white-italian/mexican) - Alina Starkov (white/asian) - Sabrina Spellman (mortal/witch) - Aquaman (atlantean/surface dweller LMAO WHY DID THE CREATOR SAY IT LIKE THAT) - Keith Kogane (galra/human) - Raven (human/demon) - Mark Grayson (human/vultrimite + white/asian) - Marceline (half human) - Scott Mccall (white/hispanic) - Steven (Steven Universe) (gem/human) - Marinette Dupain-Cheng (white/asian) - Cassandra Cain (white/chinese) - Alex (Totally Spies) (afrolatine + white) - Aster (The Witch Boy) (black/white) - Ginny (Ginny and Georgia) (black/white) - Wednesday (white/hispanic) - Mako and Bolin (LOK) (fire/earth bender) - Elisa Maza (black/indigenous) - Carter and Sadie Kane (black/white)
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livecharliereaction · 3 months
quick rambles from phone bfore i fall asleep
- they got my ass. I was fully in camp "beato had a rushed redemption bcs well she really likes battler i guess" It was so meticulously planned. All the way from battler going Hmm imagine having a girlfriend haha... at the very start to beatos sprites to her vas phenomenal performance in changing personality to EVA beatrices existence to EVERYTHING
- It does make me wonder what is real and what isnt at all Like rn im under the impression that whatevers happening i shouldnt trust what i see because the witches r capable of just making up and showing Situations especially to battler
- Idc im calling them witches now bcs it makes sense but a good point was raised though I cant imagine what the "shabby form" is. Maybe its a hateful way of saying theyre just humans with power but i dont really know This would be supported by what happened to eva Ur just a human until a big witch gives u power (lambda bern and well beato kinda)
- Remember when i said "if eva kills someone i wont be too surprised" at the very start. Jesus fucking crgist
- Like okay eva we get it i Am surprised. Thanks
- Although i cant properly rationalize it all being evas doing im deciding to think of this as the First time theres a human culprit among the 18 that we know of ok
- It does make me wonder.. i have to reread my own tweets ab 1 and 2... i rmbr natsuhi and rosa being the women in charge but i wouldnt say either of them have been murdering like eva just now
- but natsuhi and rosa i can both imagine having some bitterness in their hearts enough to make up a witch... My pattern seeking brain wants to think kyrie is ep4 center then. However thats not actually too likely because she did dump her regrets at that one part already idk why we should see a whole ep about it
- I hope anges like physically there next time shses cute and fun. But probs not shes going there as a witch yes. Mmh More her anyway i looove her already she has some battlerisms and well shes kyries daughter wtf
- Yay
- Lots of good scenes top 3 well hmm
- HONORARY MENTIONS: blind jessica and ghost kanon escape, beatrice and battler "fighting", kyrie and rudolf solo the two sisters of the seven stakes, lambdas behavior going from what seemed like an idiot toddler to Well That, eva beatrices ceremony party thing coronation, the famous lambda lines abt bern
- The mask of the golden land dropping was #awesome do u know how ive felt abt the Name ange mentioned past few days the little ""spoiler"" hit the tl towers at a PERFECT time Beatrices old laugh being back Battlers disbelief Virgilia eyes open twisted expression The whole golden land thing being a little weird but at this point i trusted beato with my whole heart so i couldve never pinpointed why it felt weird It was all virgilias plan Everything is so What the FUCK
- shannon and kanon are promised a gruel violent death but instead get to die peacefully by genjis hand Seriously its just kanon and shannon but that set me off so bad i was crying irl thats somewhat rare these days wow Something something the furniture who wish to be humans so bad get a humane death in the end (Not the end #Lol)
- of course. Bernkastel recognising ange as a golden witch what the hell I have to see ANGE Beatrice NOW but ill wait ill wait Oh bernkastel i love you...
- soundtracks been phenomenal this ep
- i love it here
- beato save me
- i chanhed my mind she and battler those two wont be friends yup Cant wait how ange gets incorporated in next round. Ok. See U
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scvrllet · 4 years
Imagine being Sirius Black’s daughter 
Remus thought he could handle the school year. It was only Harry, who painfully looked so much like James, but it was only him. Well, that’s what he had hoped until he arrived at school. Apparently, Harry was raised alongside his ‘cousin’, (Y/N) Black.
She arrived to Hogwarts 2 days late due to something that happened back home with the Dursleys. Harry welcomed her during breakfast with a hug before walking her to the Slytherin table. From the teachers table, Remus noticed how she had all eyes on her as girls whispered to each other angrily while the boys couldn’t seem to take their eyes off. She had the same charming persona of her father. 
Just like Harry, she was a striking resemblance of her father in almost every way; piercing silver eyes, dark long hair, different from those she grew up with and had a knack for pranking that earned her several hours of detention. It pained Remus more to see her than to see Harry because while Harry was like his father, he still showed parts of Lily. (Y/N) on the other hand, seemed to only represent her father. He didn’t even know who her mother was and he was certain she didn’t either. 
Harry and (Y/N) were raised like brother and sister. They shared a sibling bond similar to their fathers and complimented each other perfectly. Everything about them was just like their fathers and it pained him that they knew nothing about them.
Remus was able to push through the pain he felt whenever he looked at them until one day while teaching Harry to cast the patronus charm. Harry had manged to cast an incorporeal patronus. It wasn’t a full fledged one and though it wasn’t as impressive as casting a corporeal one, he still congratulated him on his effort. They had a small chat after that only to be interrupted by knocking at the door. 
“Oh that must be (Y/N), I must’ve forgotten to tell you Sir. I asked her to come so we could both learn, is that alright? I could always tell her to go if you want.” Harry said and Remus had to remind himself to breathe. He should’ve told Harry to tell her to leave but he didn’t.
“Of course it’s alright, bring her in.” He quickly regretted saying that. He watched as Harry took over, teaching her the charm and helping her practice. They worked so well together. 
He noticed how easy she caught onto things. She was an incredibly bright student for someone of her age and was extremely determined.
Though she was able to cast an incorporeal patronus many times, she wanted to cast a corporeal one. 
“Maybe you should take a break, Black.” Harry teased as silver mist formed a shield above her head. 
“And why should I do that, Potter?” She shot back with a smile. 
Harry was about to say something but found hismelf speechless as a large silver dog shot out from the tip of her wand. It circled around her, her shock quickly turning into laughter as it ran towards Harry and almost knocked him off his feet. Remus stood there flabbergasted, watching as the patronus ran towards him but slowly started to fade. 
“Professor, are you alright?” He was snapped out of his trance and looked up to see his two students looking at him worriedly. Students. It pained him to know that, had things turned out differently, he’d be able to call them his niece and nephew but things rarely seemed to be in his favor.  
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired,” He said, faking a yawn in hopes that they’d buy it. “Why don’t you guys go along, enjoy your evening.” 
The two exchanged looks before nodding and grabbing their stuff. 
“Have a good night, Professor!”
“See you in class, Professor!” 
When the door closed behind them, Remus sat in his chair with a sigh. Why was it so difficult for him to move on. He’d thought that after all these year he would have at least been able to handle teaching them for a few hours a day but apparently it was harder than that. They were so much like their fathers and he almost hated it. Hated how every time he looked at them he saw his friends.
That night when he was laying in his bed he thought about the day before everyone he loved was gone. Thought about how the Marauders and Lily were sitting in the living room of the Potters cottage while you and Harry, who were only infants at the time, were playing together. He remembered Sirius and James arguing about how their kids would be in Hogwarts.
“Have you seen my boy? He’s going to break countless hearts at Hogwarts.”
“As if he has any chance against my (Y/N).” 
“Well at least Harry will be top of his class.”
“Oh please, with me being her father, (Y/N) will be the brightest witch of her age!” 
It was during that moment that Remus realized he was crying. Tears stained his cheeks and he hastily wiped them with the sleeve of his top before rolling over to face the window. Stars littered the dark night sky and Remus smiled softly before whispering. 
“You won Pads, you were right.”
Taglist: @coldlilheart @strangerpilot011 @bravelyparker @emmaloo21 @lozzybowe @jjklefttoe @kamilantya @jellybeanduck99 @sleep-i-ness
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scarlet--wiccan · 4 years
the scarlet witch is an xman? i keep hearing that shell bring the xmen to the mcu and that shes an xman bc her dad and brother are also xmen but then shes on the avengers and im confused. it also seems that she appears a lot on the cartoons where shes also a princess and her dad is magneto.
The Maximoffs have always occupied a weird space in between both groups, but, to my knowledge, Wanda's never been on an X-Men, or otherwise mutant-focused, team-- at least, not in the primary Marvel comics continuity. As you know, there are parallel continuities and alternate universes in the Marvel canon, and while there are examples of alternate-Wandas in X-Men comics, they're few and far between.
Wanda and Pietro were originally written as X-Men villains, first appearing as teen members of Magneto's Brotherhood. They were mainly loyal to Erik because he'd rescued them from anti-mutant violence in their home country, but they eventually defected from the Brotherhood and emigrated to the United State. They were offered a place with the X-Men, but chose to join the Avengers instead, and, for better or for worse, Wanda has been an Avengers character ever since. Pietro has had more mobility-- although he is mainly an Avenger, he was also a fixture in multiple X-Factor series. Due to their status as mutants and close ties to important X-characters, they do have walk-on appearances in numerous X-Men books-- similarly, Erik, and other mutant characters, will occasionally show up in Avengers books because of the twins.
The Maximoffs are at the heart of multiple X-Men/Avengers crossover books, namely House of M and its follow-up, Son of M; Children's Crusade; and AvX. These stories mark major turning points in mutant history, and so, in spite of their distance from any actual mutant organization, the Maximoffs have long been considered important figures in the X-Men world. That status was disrupted by a poorly-received retcon circa 2015 which dictated that Magneto is not, in fact, their father, and that they were never true x-gene mutants in the first place.
Recent X-Men comics have addressed Wanda and Pietro's relationship with the mutant community, mainly through inaccurate and unsympathetic revisions of House of M, but it's hard for me to say what their present standing as mutants is, or what their future might hold. What I can say is that, ever since the events of HoM, the majority of mutant characters have been shown to hold strong negative opinions about Wanda. The X-Men have been generally hostile to the twins, in spite of their numerous attempts to make reparations for the damages they inadvertently caused. Unfortunately, this direction mainly comes from a shallow, misogynistic, and frankly ableist reading of HoM, which is still being perpetuated by Hickman, et al in the current X-Men books.
This means that Wanda really doesn't have any friends among the X-Men, but if we look at past comics, as well as alternate continuities, there are stories about Wanda forming a close friendship with Jean, and a romantic relationship with Kurt. In the main continuity, she and Rigue worked out some of their differences as teammates in Uncanny Avengers, although I wouldn’t describe them as friends. She also associates with magically-inclined mutants such as Pixie and Magik, although this typically happens outside of X-Men books— for example, she and Ilyana are recurring characters in Strange Academy.
Wanda and Pietro's appearances in X-Men cartoons, such as Evolution and Wolverine and the X-Men, are typically inspired by their early time with the Brotherhood, or later crossovers like House of M. These adapted characters are very different from their source material, as their backstories and affiliations revolve entirely around their relationship with Erik, omitting elements such as their adoptive parents and ties to other superhero groups. Wanda's romance with Kurt was even featured in WaTXM.
I hope that was informative! TL;DR: Wanda, in the main continuity, is not and has never been an X-Man, but she and her brother have always been in the X-Men's orbit as prominent mutants and have played major roles in defining moments of mutant history. They frequently appear in screen adaptations, where they are exclusively characterized as Magneto's children, but even then they're usually villains or tertiary characters, and not X-Men proper.
I really can't speak to how, if, or when the X-Men will be incorporated into the MCU. I doubt it will have anything to do with WandaVision, but it seems likely that the series will develop Wanda's magical and/or "reality-warping" powers. If that's the case, she could be used down the line as a catalyst for a soft-reboot, of sorts. I believe that's the running theory as to how the X-Men will arrive the film continuity, but, personally, I think that's a really stupid idea, and that if they were gonna do a reboot, it woul more likely happen in Multiverse of Madness. To be honest, I don't care for the majority of Marvel films and have generally lost interest in movie adaptations of cape comics. I shouldn't have to continue repeating this, but Olsen's Wanda is not recognizable as a version of the character I love, and is only really relevant to this blog as an example of Romani erasure. I don't care what she does in this or any future MCU title.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
hi! do you have any headcanons abt henry jr. particularly as the only nonmagical member of the fam?
i most definitely do!! okay, so for starters, both kat & tam were raised “without magic”; they still went to magic school and paige definitely used magic around the house but they had no active powers, just like henry. and they were all raised on these grand stories their mom would tell of these amazing adventures of the charmed ones and how they were all going to have these great adventures of their own what i’m getting at was for like the first six or seven years of his life henry thought he was magical. it wasn’t until all three of the mitchell kids were with piper and piper was explaining certain elements of her power to the twins and telling them how to use it once their powers get unbound and all that and henry was like what about me what will my power do? and piper’s like you have the most special power of all because you’re really smart & good at learning : ) and then like immediately texted paige like honey you need to explain to henry he isn’t magical bc the longer you wait the harder it’s gonna get. 
it’s actually henry sr. who sits his son down and explains to him that he’s not like his sister or his mother, but how that’s not necessarily a bad thing. he’s mortal, but that doesn’t mean he can’t help people and do great things without magic. and henry sr. really tries to sell him on this whole idea of being a mortal, especially one that knows about magic, gives you a completely new viewpoint on the world, and allows you to see and understanding things in ways no one else will. (and uhh between you & me it doesn’t really convince baby henry that much but the fact that his dad takes him on fun little “mortals only” adventures helps)
uhh that being said henry still really Really wishes he was magical. uhh enter the reading phase. so, for starters, henry was already like smart and really good at / enjoyed reading. but in this sorta late elementary school thru middle school period he develops sorta two obsessions: 1) ya (specifically fantasy) novels. because all of these novels sorta follow the same basic rules of the plain protagonist becoming something great, being whisked away to this great world where they find out they have magic, where they find out they have this amazing destiny to fulfill, the nobody to somebody progression. and uhh henry really craves that. he really wishes that he is somehow magic, in some overlooked way, in some way that will manifest and prove him to be great enough to be a significant part of the charmed line, not some mortal afterthought. and then 2) magical texts/histories. and this is sorta the more shameful/secretive ones, the books he reads under the covers with a flashlight bc he just doesn’t want anyone to know that he spends hours scouring texts and stories of the charmed ones and various magical creatures desperately trying to find something he could be. no one knew who his biological parents were, it could be possible that somehow magical blood runs through his veins. he studies telekinesis and then and midnight hops out of his bed and spends an hour trying to knock a book off his shelf. he reads about orbing and it’s mechanics and tries to move himself across the room. his studies different creatures, and tests how high he can jump, how fast he can run, how long he can hold his breath underwater, trying to find some trait of him that could somehow be significant. (and of course, he keeps all of these trials secret to the best of his ability bc he would be embarrassed as all hell if it ever came out)
eventually, his studies of magical texts become less of a desperate search for something in his bloodline to more a flex on other witches. bc yeah, they might have magic, but he can still hold his head high knowing he will know more than they ever will. when tam & kat get their powers unbound and their practice moves from the hypothetical to the practical, henry still goes with his sisters to magic school, but instead of spending time in the classroom, he chooses to spend his time in the library.
he also loves studying the book of shadows. yeah, the library has loads more information on its walls then the book could ever contain, but the book has heart. it has this undeniable spirit and energy that ties to countless generations of the warren line, and he really likes to run his hands over the pages and pretend he’s really a part of the warren line (which his family is always ready to fight him on this and say he is a part of the line and blood doesn’t matter, but he’s just like come on guys. you’re my family and i love you but the warren line is a line of witches and i am undeniably not a part of that. but he still likes to imagine).
and y’know like henry’s like twelve or thirteen or something but he really has a lot of information and an insanely through knowledge of book and he’s just like flipping through it or minding his own business in the attic when wyatt (who at this point would be seventeen or eighteen) orbs in looking to id the demon he’s currently after and henry’s like oh you know like what’s it like and he really you know doesn’t want to be an asshole about it or imply he knows more than wyatt (though if you’re outside the family and questioned this kids intelligence he’s demolish you) henry really tries to pass it off as a casual curiosity/polite conversation. and wyatt’s like well im looking for this one demon with like x, y, & z and henry’s like have you thought about this demon? and he’s definitely right and wyatt can tell how much this w means for henry and really starts this sorta tradition of trying to incorporate henry into the research phase of demon fighting (which henry absolutely loves)
and it’s sorta like this self-feeding cycle he gets this role bc he knows a lot but he feels like because he has this role he has to know even more so if you feel like he was a voracious reader before,,,, whew boy are you not ready for now ( in my canon henry Can read latin). and i feel like he’s really close with wyatt bc wyatt is Also A Nerd and genuinely loves to hear henry ramble about this cool new thing that he learned and i feel like wyatt’s totally game to go get boba with henry and hear about all these things the kids been learning i feel like these two have a really close bond. 
and while i’m on the subject of relationships, i feel like henry was definitely one of those kids who had more girl friends than he did guy friends bc a lot of his formative years were spent with his sisters who in turn spent a lot of time with melinda and pj as all four of of those girls were born in 07. so like you know henry would do movie nights with mellie, tam, kat, pj, & parker (and then peyton when she was old enough to watch movies without getting nightmares)
and you know right now he’s like seventeen and a senior in high school and i feel like he’s pretty settled into who he is. he and his dad definitely still to their little “mortals only” adventures, and like a part of him will always sorta be bummed that he isn’t magical, but he’s come to terms with who he is. and he’s not gonna let the fact that he is a mortal you know like hold him back or diminish him, because he is a part of the charmed legacy and the warren line, and he is carving out his own role for himself. and everyone else in the family definitely recognizes him as capable and yeah sometimes he does get left behind bc it’s objectively too dangerous to bring a mortal along and he’s gotten pretty good at being okay with that (or telling himself he’s okay with that). he knows who he is and who he is is undeniably self made. he didn’t coast by on some unearned, hand-me-down skill, and he wears that fact with pride. he may be mortal, but he doesn’t let anyone look down on him for it.
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rabidfangirlteehee · 6 years
Thoughts on The Crimes of Grinderwald ( Spoilers ahead)
The Good
The one thing I did appreciate in this movie ( apart from Jude Law as Dumbledore he was great actually the cast minus Depp i did like. Depp in my opinion just does not make a good Grinderwald) was their effort to show how Grinderwald and Supremacists like him might entice others. Voldemort wasn't shown recruiting anyone who didn't already share his views in the books. But Grinderwald is at a stage where he wants to be able to sway the common Witch/Wizard to his side and incorporate his ideology. So he does things like incite a crowd causing a auror to kill after a perceived attack ( in self defense) and then citing it as a example that the other side are the clear villains here.
Or saying things like he doesn't consider muggles to be inferior just different and offers others a chance to change the future between magic folk and muggles in public. But then in private refers to them as beasts of burden before ordering the murder of a muggle baby.
Or using fear of a dangerous and uncertain future to push the general public to pick a extreme option to prevent a more terrible outcome.
Its not done perfectly and there are alot of flaws. But the attempt to illustrate how Grinderwald and supremacists like him minipulate is something I appreciate.
The bad
Tying up plot threads from the last movie: Namely Credence's death and Jacob having his memory back. I would have liked a better explanation. I think its possible that I might get one in the next movie for at least Credence but even if that is true it still made a sloppy transition from the end of the last movie because Credence's unfair life and death was a pretty big deal in the last movie.
The blood pact: Its never explicitly said that Dumbledore is gay or likes Grinderwald. But I could have accepted it due to the mirror scene, the closer than brothers line and Dumbledore constantly claiming he couldn't fight Grinderwald but offering no explanation as to why. It seemed to me that it was strongly implying he had still had feelings and therefore couldn't face Grinderwald. Despite them not explicitly saying this. But then they went and ruined it by putting in the blood pact. I mean you still have a couple scenes implying things but it kinda makes things feel less compelling. It would have been a much stronger arc if you saw Dumbledore muster the conviction to face Grinderwald despite having feelings. More than some plot convenience blood pact which prevented the confrontation. That being said they could have easily had a moment where there past relationship was brought up despite the dumbass blood pact. Like there is 0 reason to dance around the subject. Still there are sequels so maybe it will be brought up in those so I wont be too harsh now.
Nagini: With all the scandal involving the whole thing about Nagini being secretly a woman I felt that Rowling had pushed it for a purpose. It didn't really improve the original hp story in any way but I wondered if it maybe added to this one. If it had anything to add to this series it wasn't added in this installment. Nagini had a bit part and her cursed to a snake form was something that was not really important at all. Maybe it will for the next movie but from what was revealed in this one I don't really see how.
The only one strong enough to stop Grinderwald/Dumbledore:  The ministry pushes Dumbledore to kill Grinderwald insisting he is the only one strong enough to. And admittedly Dumbledore is strong the Ministry should want him on board. But they act as tho Dumbledore is their only chance. This push to make this a one on one fight makes no sense. As far as I know unlike Voldemort Grinderwald was powerful but had nothing that made him effectively immortal. And the same could be said for Dumbledore. Dumbledore was a strong force against Voldemort not because of his magical strength but because his tactics made Voldemort Falter and Dumbledore could outwit him. And Harry was a strong Force because he made this unkillable thing disappear as a baby. Grinderwald might see Dumbledore as a powerful foe but if he has him under a blood pact then why is he so keen on killing him? Shouldn't he be more interested in world domination? Shouldn't that be what this story is focused on? But no what ties all the different sides together is their interest in Credence. And Grinderwald is interested in him because he can defeat Dumbledore. Even more importantly Dumbledore got the Order of Merlin for defeating Grinderwald so ya he was strong but would he really have that much of a reputation before he did? In terms of fighting skill I mean. His work in alchemy is another story.  Also tied to this is the ministry pushing Newt to go after Credence and join the Ministry. Like Dumbledore is one thing but why are you so interested in recruiting a magical biologist to be a auror. Its like if you were asked to pick the ideal person for a manhunt in New York and your choice was Jane Goodall.
Queenie: This really stood out to me because I really liked her character in the first movie. So in this movie she enchants Jacob to marry her. This isn't a unappealing idea to him infact it is a kinda ideal end goal for him but there are good reasons why he's afraid to pursue this and they are all legitimate reasons to say no. He has every right no say no even if he has feelings for her and likes the idea of being married to her. Its his choice and she was going to steal that from him. She probably would have if Newt hadn't intervented. And if that was shown to develop her character and make her undergo an arc and be held responsible for her actions I would have accepted that. But its not. Jacob doesn't really get mad at her or point out how fucked up it was she did that. Newt never tells Jacob that it was when he is pining for her after. Its never mentioned that this is a thing that might need to be discussed when he sees her again. In fact the only issue to arise from this is Queenie wants to take a risk and get married and Jacob thinks its too risky and Queenie sees it as cowardly. This could be a interesting arguement in its own right but this argument completely glosses over the you just mind controlled me plot point.
And then to make things worse she then joins Grinderwald because....? Like ya he offers her the chance to marry Jacob by changing the rules about this kinda thing. But even if you discount the whole thing about her reading minds and possibly seeing the baby incident, she really believed him that fast? She is a little eccentric but she's not stupid. But lets say she was desperate and believed him. She could clearly see and tell that this idea of joining Grinderwald was turning him off and pushing him away from her. So she chooses to join Grinderwald to be closer to Jacob when by joining Grinderwald will only push them apart based on his reactions to him. Or maybe she will just enchant him again cuz clearly no one sees it as a huge deal.
Im sorry I harp on this a bit but when it comes to men being minipulated into sex or romance or relationships via magical means( love potions or enchantments) Rowling treats the thing as casual. Not seriously fucked up. Even for Merlope from what I remember the problem was more that the dad left she became distraught and died and her actions led to Voldemort being a thing. How fucked up her actions were are kinda glossed over. Same with Romilda Vane trying to drug Harry. Or Mrs Weasely casually mentioning she used love potions in school as if it was this perfectly acceptable thing.
Aurelius Dumbledore: Why just why? And then they added that shit about Dumbledore's family being tied to Pheonixes. Not every interesting thing about a character needs a special unique power or birthright. It would have been fine if Dumbledore just befriended Fawkes and Fawkes followed him because they got along well. Like no special prophecy needed. It felt like Rowling just needed a good twist as to who Credence was because he was actively searching for his family to find out more about himself. So he had to be related to someone very important. But why go with that at all? The most unique thing about Credence was that he was a obscurus. That's not a genetic thing. Finding out who your family is wouldn't help with that. Wouldn't it make more sense if he sought out someone who did know about Obsuruses ? Like say Newt? In fact that would also get Newt involved without the whole Ministry pushing a magical biologist to become an auror subplot. He could be trying to keep Credence safe while the ministry wants to lock him up because of Grinderwald's interest in him. Grinderwald is interested in the power he posesses and not just because its a good way to kill Dumbledore but in general, and Yusuf wants him dead because he thinks Credence is Corvus. And Newt just wants to help him because he thinks Credence should be able to be free. And eventually the problem is solved because Love and familiarity was apparently the way to handle the Obscurus and Credence has finally met someone who gives two shits about him. Newt.
Instead you get Dumbledores Secret brother and Credence being obsessed about his heritage because he's a orphan of course he is.  Not that orphans would by default have interest in who their birth parents were, but it just feels like the stereotypical plot for a orphan when you could have done something else that could be ( in my opinion) more interesting. 
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 6 years
‘Spellbound All Hallow’s Eve’ Chapter 5: There’s No Escape When Fire Meets Fate
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               Janine lunged forward towards Molly, but her attack was dodged. Sherlock was able to grab hold of her wrist to disarm her quickly. The dagger clattered on the floor. He swept it beneath the bed with a swipe of his foot. Molly’s hands shot out, her magic suspending Janine in the air. Much to their surprise, Janine had broken from the spell, and sent Molly flying up against the wall.
               “You’re a witch,” Molly realized. “What coven are you from?”
               “Covens,” Janine scoffed. “I don’t belong to any coven. Why should I conform to their rules?”
               “Because it’s the law!” Molly shouted. “Not that you have any consideration for any law.”
               “Right you are, Molly. I won’t have any problem finishing you,” Janine spoke with malice.
               “Over my dead body,” Sherlock snarled. He had texted Greg whilst Janine was bantering with Molly.
               A growl ripped form Sherlock’s throat as his bones twisted into form. The pain was always agonizing, but he’d be damned if this witch was gonna hurt his wife.
               “Figures you’d be a dog,” Janine remarked.
               Sherlock snarled at her remark, ready to lunge if she didn’t let Molly go.
               “Say goodbye to your wife, Mister Holmes.”
               “Sherlock, no!” Greg shouted, bursting into the room. His presence distracted Janine enough to let go of her hold on Molly. “I’ve got this one, mate. Cool off.”
               Molly sighed in relief, slinking down to the floor in exhaustion. Sherlock padded his way to her, and nuzzled his head against her cheek.
               “I’m alright, you sappy ball of fur,” she laughed lightly. “Come on, let’s go home.” Molly put a glamour on Sherlock so others wouldn’t be able to see a large wolf walking down the street.
               “Hey, where’d he go?” Greg asked whilst he cuffed Janine.
               “Invisibility spell; wouldn’t wanna cause a city-wide panic,” Molly replied.
               “He can’t shift back?”
               “He can, but not unless you’d like to see him in a state of undress,” she smiled with amusement.
               “Best get ‘im home, then,” Greg agreed.
               Two Days Later
               Molly finished the final touches of her Victorian costume, complete with corset, petticoats, and a pale blonde wig styled to her liking. Her earrings were anatomical hearts made out of gears from watches. She liked to have a bit of steampunk incorporated into her ensemble. Sherlock had looked devastatingly handsome with his inky black hair slicked back. She had helped him adjust his cravat perfectly before changing.
               Only a few minutes before they’d be leaving, and another vision hit Molly. She felt dizzy from the quickness of it, but it offered her the explanation of her last vision with Sherlock and the evil man who sounded an awful lot like—
               “Molly, just a couple more minutes,” Sherlock called out to her.
               “Be right there, darling,” she replied.
               Quickly she gathered ingredients from the chest her grimoire was stored away. It only took a few seconds to mix the concoction in the potion vial. She watched as the color transitioned from electric blue to a deep purple indicating that it was finished. This would definitely save Sherlock from the fate in her vision.
               “What’s that?” Sherlock asked from the doorway. He gazed at his wife in awe. She looked beautiful in her Victorian costume. A part of him admitted how well the style fitted both of them, and he began to wonder what life would be like for them in such a time.
               “Oh, just a safety precaution,” Molly assured him. “Mrs. Hudson has Victoria for the night, and I am determined to have a wonderful time with my husband.”
               The party was already in full swing when Sherlock and Molly arrived. Mary greeted them both with kisses on their cheek, leading them through the mass amount of guests. Sherlock’s mind was whirling as he tried to scan the room to find anyone out of place. He was deeply worried for Molly’s safety even though he was the one nearly bleeding to death in her vision.
               They were stopped by John who was in the midst of a conversation with Stamford.
               “Molly! Sherlock! How are the two of you on this Hallow’s Eve?” Mike asked them, joyful as ever.
               “We’re doing just fine, Mike. And yourself?” Molly inquired.
               “Oh, wonderful, really,” he replied. “Bloody fantastic!”
               Sherlock knitted his brows, pulling Mary aside.
               “You’ve done something with the punch haven’t you?” he deduced.
               “Maybe a little something…just to keep everyone happy,” Mary answered him. “I don’t see what’s wrong with that.”
               “It may actually be a good thing in this case—Molly and I have reason to believe Moran’s partner in crime will crash the party,” Sherlock explained. “He may already be here. If we find someone avoiding the punch, or someone less than happy, we’ll have our culprit.”
               “Well, I do hate party crashers, so do what you must,” Mary told him. “And please, if there’s anything I can do to help you bring him down, let me know.”
               Sherlock nodded in agreement.
               Molly, having overheard the conversation, pulled Mary aside as well.
               “Did you mean it? You’re willing to help us?” Molly whispered.
               “Yes, of course! Do you need me to do something?” Mary asked.
               “I may need your help with something, yes, but you mustn’t tell anyone until I say so—not even Sherlock,” Molly informed her.
               “Why do I get the feeling you’re about to do something reckless?
               “That, my dear Watson, is because you know me too well.”
               He watched from a far corner, away from the crowd. No sign of Holmes yet, but the great consulting annoyance was bound to show up eventually. Of course, he didn’t expect Sherlock Holmes to have dressed in Victorian garb for the occasion. For once, it made him blend in, becoming invisible to the Irishman.
               But wait—there he was in all his prideful glory. Sherlock Holmes had just descended the stairs in his trademark Belstaff and scarf. The Irishman followed him through the crowd and out the back door.
               “I knew it was you. I didn’t want to believe it, but here you are, flesh and blood…James Moriarty.”
               “If you are thinking I am my twin brother, you are incorrect, Mister Holmes.” He paused a moment. “I do share the same name with my deceased twin, but that is precisely why I’m after you and your wife. You banished him from this Earth. Your wife hexed him long before the two of you met, and then he died on that rooftop where you should have perished as well.”
               James Moriarty circled his enemy as he spoke, waiting for the right moment.
               “Quite the motive, but I—“ Sherlock tried to fight as soon as the cloth his mouth. The chloroform was too strong. It wasn’t long before he was out cold.
               “Mary, have you seen Molly?” Sherlock asked. “I’m terribly worried something is wrong. I can feel it.”
               “She had just gone out back, but Sherlock, you should know—“
               But he was no longer listening. He raced outside to find no sign of her anywhere. However, he did find one of the buttons off his coat.
               “How did this get here?”
               “That’s what I need to tell you,” Mary spoke up.
               “Tell me everything.”
               “What exactly are we doing again?” Mary asked, making space in the spare bedroom.
               “Shifting spell,” Molly replied as she drew the pentagram on the wood floor with chalk. “Take the clothes out of my bag, will you?”
               Mary did as was told, gasping when she took the first piece out.
               “Sherlock’s coat…Molly are you crazy!?”
               “It’s the only way to make sure he doesn’t get hurt,” she justified her reasoning.
               Mary watched as Molly sat in the middle of the pentagram, swirling around a deep purple potion. After uncorking it, she drank it down quickly whilst making a face that told Mary it tasted awful. She began to chant in Latin, completing the process. Nothing happened at first, and then the pain began. Growing nine inches taller could definitely take a toll on anyone. The bone structure in her face changed as well, making the transition complete.
               “What do you think?” a baritone voice asked.
               “Blimey, it changed your voice too,” Mary was shocked at how efficient the spell was. Without a doubt, she was looking at an exact replica of Sherlock Holmes. “I just don’t understand.”
               “My last vision ended with Sherlock’s last words being ‘gotcha,’” Molly explained. “The only plausible explanation is that I trick him into thinking I’m Sherlock.”
               “Then you’ll be the one bleeding out; I can’t let you do this, Molly,” Mary argued.
               “It’s already been done. I have to protect my family, no matter the cost,” Molly pointed out.
               Mary couldn’t argue with that. She would take a bullet for her family…and the Holmes’s.
               “Do what you must, but I will tell Sherlock if you wind up missing,” Mary told her.
               “That’s precisely what I’m counting on, Mary.”
Author’s Note: Now what'd y'all think of that? So many revelations in this chapter? Which one was your favorite? Since it is midnight here, it's officially my 23rd birthday! So, my gift to y'all is another chapter! All I ask are your lovely reviews in return! 
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Manga the Week of 1/27/21
SEAN: The end of January still has some choice titles coming out.
Seven Seas has rolled out its Airship imprint, so given I separate Ghost Ship titles I should probably do the same with Airship. Next week we get ROLL OVER AND DIE: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword! 2 in a digital-first edition.
ASH: I’m really curious to see how the Airship imprint evolves.
SEAN: Cross Infinite world has the 2nd volume of Hello, I am a Witch and my Crush Wants me to Make a Love Potion!.
A bunch of Ghost Ship titles, including Destiny Lovers 5, Parallel Paradise 4, Welcome to Succubus High! 2, and Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs 12.
J-Novel Club’s debut is one that manga fans will have seen before, as Seven Seas has been releasing the manga. The Ideal Sponger Life, where a young man gets isekai’d to another world so that he can be the husband of the reigning Queen. This is definitely one of those “come for the romance, stay for the politics” titles, and I look forward to it.
Also from J-Novel Club: Black Summoner 3, Mapping: The Trash-Tier Skill That Got Me Into a Top-Tier Party 3, and My Instant Death Ability is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me! 3. Three is a magic number?
Kodansha has two print debuts, though one has been out before digitally. Orient is the newest title from the creator of Magi, Shinobu Ohtaka. They’re in Shonen Magazine rather than Shonen Sunday, but despite that, it doesn’t seem to have more fanservice…
ASH: I plan on giving this one a look eventually; I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve read of Magi.
ANNA: One of these days I need to read all of Magi.
SEAN: The other debut is Sachi’s Monstrous Appetite (Ano Hito no i Ni Wa Boku Ga Tarinai), which runs in Morning Two. A boy loves his tall classmate, and she likes him too… because he smells delicious! Turns out she’s a monster, and monsters are drawn to his scent. Fortunately, she agrees to protect him rather than eat him. I admit I might pass on this if it weren’t in Morning Two, a magazine I respect.
ASH: There is that!
SEAN: Also in print: Fire Force 21, Magus of the Library 4, The Seven Deadly Sins 41 (the final volume), and Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches 23-24, which is not only in 2-in-1 status but is also now on a YEARLY schedule. Does it really sell that badly now?
ASH: Magus of the Library has impressed me with how much reality has been accurately incorporated into its fantasy. It looks good doing it, too!
SEAN: Digitally our debut is My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1 (Level 1 Dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou Desu), which runs in Suiyoubi no Sirius. There’s a bunny girl on the cover, and the “hero” is way in the background. Should tell you everything you want to know about this.
Also out digitally: Am I Actually the Strongest? 3, Maid in Honey 5, My Best () Butler 5, The Great Cleric 6, What I Love About You 2, and When We’re in Love 4.
Seven Seas’ debut manga is The Demon Girl Next Door (Machikado Mazoku), a 4-koma series that runs in Manga Time Kirara Carat. A teenage girl wakes up one morning with demon horns and a tail, and is told her job is to defeat the magical girl. Unfortunately, her power is… kind of like that of the first boss who gets killed off in Episode 3. Could be cute, could be dull.
Also from Seven Seas: The Conditions of Paradise: Azure Dreams (the third in that series), Cutie and the Beast 2, How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord’s 10th manga volume, and Our Teachers Are Dating! 2.
MICHELLE: I hadn’t even managed to read the first Cutie and the Beast yet!
ASH: I’m liking the series, so far, and will be picking up the second volume to see where it goes.
ANNA: I’m with Michelle, I’m already behind on Cutie and the Beast.
SEAN: Square Enix tries to blast us with long titles, as we get The Misfit of Demon King Academy: History’s Strongest Demon King Reincarnates and Goes to School with His Descendants 3 and The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest 3. (What is it with Vol. 3s next week?)
Vertical has the 11th volume of To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts.
Yen On has the 2nd light novel volume of High School DxD. Still banned from Kindle!
Yen Press did a lot of very last minute delays when I did Manga the Week of last week, and then un-delayed them even more last-minute, so some titles I didn’t mention are already out. Angels of Death 11, IM: Great Priest Imhotep 7, and the debut of Re: Zero’s 4th arc, The Sanctuary and the Witch of Greed, in manga form. Don’t be surprised if I say the same thing next week.
For actual next week stuff, Yen Press has a sort-of debut – this was released chapter by chapter ages ago, and is now getting a collected-in-one omnibus. Grim Reaper and Four Girlfriends (Shinigami-sama to 4-nin no Kanojo) ran in Gangan Joker. A nebbish guy avoids being killed by the Grim Reaper by declaring he’ll live life to the fullest from now on. He writes a confession letter… in fact, he writes four of them, knowing they’ll turn him down. They all accept. Welcome to four-timing! Gotta say, this does not sound great.
ASH: Hmmm.
SEAN: Speaking of omnibuses, there’s also Cirque du Freak: The Manga, which is getting a new omnibus edition. Warning: Darren Shan. (Indeed, in Japan the manga was CALLED Darren Shan, as the author’s pen name is also the main character’s name.)
Also from Yen Press: Fiancée of the Wizard 2 and Hakumei & Mikochi: Tiny Little Life in the Woods 8.
ASH: I meant to give the first volume of Fiancée of the Wizard a read, but haven’t actually done that yet. Better get to it before I get too far behind!
SEAN: Lotsa interesting stuff. Anything for you?
By: Sean Gaffney
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oc-review-shop · 6 years
Puella Magi Madoka Magica OC: Luna Yuzuki
Submitted by: daniluni
Reviewed by: Mod Charle
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Whe My first PMMM oc
Name: Luna Yuzuki Age at magical girl contract: 10 Time as a magical girl in main timeline: around 2 years Wish: To be a classical witch, with hexes, magic and curses. (She can only cause minor inconveniences though) Reasoning behind this wish: Because she wanted take revenge on her  elder sister Selene’s bullies, who shunned,belittled and beat her up.
I feel like you need more reasoning behind her wish to become a classical witch. In this scenario with Luna’s sister being bullied, I would assume Luna would simply tell Kyubey “give me the power to protect my sister”. I don’t think her wish would be to “become a classical witch”. However, you can still incorporate the classical witch appearance into Luna’s magical girl form, if she read many fairy tale books as a child and such.
Weapon: a cat shaped broom, which can float and support her weight, shoot beams of light (which are more like distractions) and be used as a staff (her method of fighting).
I’m not gonna lie, I really dig this weapon. She was 10 years old at the time of her contract which would explain the cuteness of her weapon. It��s also really useful and reliable at the same time.
Appareance and uniform: She is a short magical girl, with freckles gray eyes and long bushy hair, she wears a lavender poofy shirt with poofy sleeves, a dark purple vest with a big pink ribbon located at the heart position with her red soul gem there , a dark purple bubble skirt (with frills!), pink and lavender  stockings, dark purple shoes with ribbons, and  a pointy dark purple hat with a ribbon
First of all, I don’t think you mentioned her hair color. Second of all, I feel like her outfit might need some tweaking. She does give off a Selena Grace vibe (I assume a lot of your OC was influenced by her) yet it doesn’t fit your idea of a witch. I think it would be better if her colors were a little more on the darker side. The ribbons are a good touch since they add to her innocence and young age, but her outfit in general should look more like a witch (pointed shoes, spiky-ish sleeves) but I do LOVE the bubble skirt.
Personality: Frank, Stubborn,Supportive, Efusive,Sees things in black and white, Friendly, Energetic
She may be a little contradicting in herself, but it could work out.
Pre Contract and encounter with Kyubey: Luna and her sister Selene lived in England with their mother Chandra who often told them fairy tale stories  
I hope these are stories about witches and fairy tales
and their father Kosuke, their lives where quiet and happy since Luna and Selene lived basically all their lives there, but, alas, good things had to end, after Chandra died of heart failure and there was no way of contacting Chandra’s parent’s, they had to move to Japan and start anew, while Luna adapted rather quickly, making some friends and becoming mildly popular, Selene had a lot of trouble due to being a slow learner, having a stutter, and a more withdrawn personality, being a clumsy pushover  which annoyed a certain group of girls (3 girls) who decided to pick up on her which hurt Selene’s already low self steem, and she started to develop a strong depression, starting to not care about anything.
Although the point of moving to Japan was to give Luna a chance to see Selene’s bullying, they didn’t necessarily have to move to Japan specifically. Japan doesn’t have any significant purpose in Luna’s story unless there is specific development in her character with one of the other present magical girls (although I do like it when OC’s keep their interactions and developments to themselves, especially in the PMMM world). There are magical girls all over the world, so London could have sufficed for the setting.
When Luna was taking care of Selene she spotted a catlike figure stealing something from her desk, and she ran to catch the thief , throwing things at them, and yelling angrily and through tears “You can’t have that! It’s from my sister and it makes her happy” the figure revealed itself to be Kyubey, who apologized and asked her for a contract… and she accepted.
Kyubey is a goddamn hoe
However, like I said, a more realistic wish for Luna would be for the ability to protect her older sister or something around that.
Despair: While things seemed to go better for Selene, her Bullies weren’t quite happy with that, because they  had inconveniences over inconveniences, that often got them suspended  (They tripped on their faces on P.E, broke their pens, got their uniforms splashed, arriving very late) they decided Selene was a jinx/bad luck bringer and decided to put the entire classroom against her, and Selene couldn’t take it anymore, when Luna went to the restroom, she found the dead body of her sister, with vomit stains and an emptied out bottle of floor cleaner on her hand, that scene broke poor Luna’s heart who just yelled “Why, Why?! ” Kyubey appeared just to answer it was her wish to be a witch, to attack Selene’s bullies and thats just what she did,Luna just started throwing things at kyubey, attacking furiously while her soul gem became darker and darker.
Man these bullies are MEAN. I really do wonder how Luna found Selene first before anyone else since she did commit suicide in a school bathroom. Kyubey is also a little bitch.
Witch name and description: Margaret The BullyHunter Witch: She has a protective nature, she cares for the powerless, the weak and the helpless, she cannot stand abusers and bullies, powerful on hot sun days, best time to fight her is in a cold and rainy night
You could probably change BullyHunter to something like the Chivalry Witch. It sounds a little more sophisticated. The witch’s personality and purpose do fit her very well, I have to admit.
Madoka’s reset: In Madoka’s reset she has a less black and white look of the world, and started to introduce Selene to her friends, being less vengeful and more supportive, and when time took its toll on her, Madoka took her away
I agree that this is a very good Madoka reset for Luna. However, I would like to know more about when exactly Luna was taken away by Madoka and how this happened.
Homura’s reset (yes im doing that too, lol) : While nothing much has changed and she still had to move to Japan, her father remarried, and Selene started to go to other school, with much nicer classmates, and Luna began practicing stage magic to surprise her friends, even though she wondered what would happen if Selene’s classmates weren’t nice
Stage magic is a good addition to Luna’s extracurriculars since it hints at her witch-like form as a magical girl. She seems VERY protective over Selene, and I would like to get more into the personalities and dynamics the two share.
Trivia: *Margaret (her witch name) is in reference of Margaret Hamilton, who was the iconic Wicked Witch of The West
*Her sister is 4 years older than her
If the age gap was 4 years, they wouldn’t be at the same school, which makes me wonder how Luna knew so much about Selene’s activities with the bullies. I would suggest making the age gap slightly closer. Also take into consideration grade levels. Luna would be in elementary school while Selene would be in middle school.
*She met Kyoko and Mami and fought alongside them, she thinks fondly of Mami, but doesn’t think highly of Kyoko, because she finds her rude, because of her black and white thinking
I don’t know if this has much of an effect on Luna’s story overall. I feel as if this is unnecessary and the plot would be fine if there wasn’t any interaction with the PMMM magical girls.
*She has a vivid imagination *Her mother was of  mixed race (Punjabi-White) *her life in Homura’s reset is what would have happened if she met and interacted with Homura *Her witch form looks like a combination of common witch familiars (Crows, owls, cats, bats,frogs)  while her familiars are cauldrons with broom legs.
I love her familiars.
Overall, Luna was a very good OC. I thought she was well written and well elaborated on. There are a few things you need to fix about her, but I think she is one of the better PMMM OCs I’ve seen (She’s not a Mary Sue!)
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Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps! (^▽^)
*All OC credit goes to daniluni
~Mod Charle
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insidiousflame · 7 years
My Spirituality
 So I consider myself to be a very open-minded person when it comes to spirituality. I didn’t always used to be because I grew up christian. And as a result, I was taught to believe in that religion absolutley 100% with no grey areas in between. But of course as a person grows older, they start to question things and branch off into other ways of thinking and morals. For example, I used to be very against gay marriage because I was ignorant, and only knew the bible said it was wrong. But as my knowledge matured about the world and my own faith, I realized how out-dated that way of thinking was. My personal experiences and relationship with God, gave me an abundance of love and wisdom about life. And I had to decipher within my self what to believe, versus what other PEOPLE told me to believe. Along with of course, the many inconsistencies within the text of the bible itself, whole big conundrum i wont get into. It was a tremendous struggle because i always just trusted what other people, especially my parents, told me was right or wrong and that was it. So instead of just going along with a written text, i focused more on what felt right with me and my own heart. And let me tell you it feels so much better. So i still do consider myself a christian today. But theres some magical, controversial bits in between that I’m about to shed light on now.    I have a big interest in the supernatural. Like, not just with the knowledge about angels and demons, but things from the common mythical creatures to straight up chakra and psychic and witchy aspects of it. Magic basically. I have always, from the ripe young age of an elementary schooler, been curious about witchcraft and things associated. The only reason i was introduced to it at such a young age was because I had a friend way back then who was apparently a witch. All I remember was her having this book on witchcraft and wanting to do some spells with me. And i was like “oh that sounds cool!” But somewhere in the mix the parents found out and i pretty much wasnt able to hang around her much anymore. And that was the end of that until a bit later. I wanna say I started learning more about that magical stuff again in highschool. I would end up watching supernatural shows on youtube or researching stuff about tarot cards and crystals etc and I was just so drawn to it. And I again, came into contact with a friend who practiced all that cool stuff and he opened me back up to it with his own tarot which he actually let me borrow at one point. And oh boy was I excited. This stuff...was crazy. It felt like my soul was just passionate with this curious fire. Now there was also this side of me who felt like i was doing something bad because of what I was raised to believe. Basically, if it aint of God, its of the devil. And the devil was gonna try and suck me into this evil stuff. And although i had this excitement, I had a feeling, as I kept working with the cards over and over, that they were telling me to stay away from them. The cards were telling me. Or whatever divine influence around me was. I mean, my parents found out about them eventually and of course gave me the whole “its demonic” schpeal. But i got my own warning signs i started to notice. And this will probably sound really crazy. But honestly....all this stuff is crazy. But still happened mind you. See, the tarot cards consist of what is called Major Arcana, which is your well known cards like “The Devil, The Wheel of Fortune, High Priestess” titles like that. And the Minor Arcana, which contain the suits, “Swords, wands, pentacles, cups” listed Ace through King with numbers of course in between. I kept drawing, The Devil. I kept drawing cards with the number 6 on it. So Immedietley I had the thought of, “Okay. Something is telling me I shouldnt be using these.” So I eventually gave them back to the friend and didnt mess with them again until much later. But of course my curiousity didnt end there. Bitch please. To speed things along, I ended up buying and destroying a couple of decks until I finally reached a spiritual point where I understood the responsibility that was needed to use them. Through those years I spent a loooot of time researching about witch craft, wicca, paganism and all the metaphysical and divination practices of the like. I researched about what the bible said about them and also the concrete history of witchery and the differences of the different terms associated with them. And then I discovered.....holy shit. This shit isn’t this big bad evil that everyone makes it out to be. It’s actually.....very beautiful and artistic and expressive. And I think the mystery and aesthetic and magical aspects of those things is what really drew me in in the first place. Now don’t get me wrong, magic can MOST CERTAINLY be used for evil. It can most certainly hurt you and others whether you believe in it or not. And I think that’s why my spiritual guides, or whatever was happening back then, steered me away from it. Because I wasn’t mature enough to know how to use those tools safely and without getting carried away. Because now i have absolutley no problem using these tools for guidance. Cause I dont abuse them. Because these beautiful practices resonated so much with me, i started to want to incorporate them more in my life in now a more respectful and wise manner. And it was really, enriching for my soul and my view on life. It brought me so much happiness and appreciation for the mystery life has. And I’ve been able to find a comfortable balance with my beliefs. And here is where I’m at today. I am still a believer in the christian God. But I also enjoy incorporating symbolic and ritualistic crafts from the magical culture into my worship. So in other words, i could put myself in the category into an eclectic witch. Eclectic Witches create their own personal practices and belief or religious systems by re-creating or borrowing knowledge and practices from other beliefs, practices, etc.  So they basically see something they like about another’s belief or practice and say “oh i like that, that feels right with me, im going to incorporate that into my spirituality as well.” Which is what im doing. lol Theres a LOT that needs explaining with that because it is so easy for people to get confused and assume things which is why this topic is so difficult to talk about because it goes back into all that history and research. I had to make a whole educational documentation for my parents so they could understand why i like these things, why they arent as evil as they believe and so on. It is very frustrating when you feel like you need to justify yourself to others about what you believe. And i think my experience with spirituality has really opened me up to other’s beliefs and being a whole lot more less judgmental and more accepting and loving of people in general. So in essence, all I’m doing, is a new form of ritual. When I use my cards, i am specific to say I only wish for the guidance from God and his Angels. And everything that he wishes me to know, will be by his will only with no interference of another force or entity. I always make sure to protect myself from the negative energies. I rarely do spells nowadays, but when I do, it is only of a means of feeling like I am doing more than just....talking about it. It makes me feel a little more in control and I again, make sure my intentions are clear with what energies I am working with and I mean no disrespect to God in the works I do and it is only for creative expression and ritual dedicated to him and no one else. And that feels right with me. I didn’t go into much, but crystal healing is another thing I love, although I dont believe in 100% because I’m just always keeping an open mind and completley understand a skeptic’s point of view. But nonetheless I have had my own share of positive experiences with it and do still enjoy working with them from time to time. That’s about all I’ll go into.  And just for your convenience, I will actually link the documents of some of the basic research and explanation on my practices and beliefs in the description if youre curious. The actual couple of fun pages I gave to my parents so hopefully i dont have to explain myself further. lol I would love to touch up on some more spiritual/paranormal stuff at later dates. Have a beautiful day. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cB0avtCEEyoA_-CZKh5OWCz56qXVqoSJu6MLsZtAYIo/edit
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tigren · 6 years
i dont expect anyone to actually ~*read*~ this but im bored and i love my neopets so here's a looooooooooong post about my neopets as vaguely constructed characters or ideas for them or i dont know. if you’re on mobile and the readmore link fails and you have to scroll past this im sorry.
in no particular order:::
abbur: (pink bori) my sweet gay baby boy. i couldn't Possibly choose a favorite child but if u held a gun to my head he's the first that comes to mind. he's a witch and he loves flowers and faeries and magic. he grew up in brightvale & when faerieland fell he moved to a lil cottage in the forest at the outskirts of faerieland. he made friends w/ an earth faerie who taught him some rudimentary magic.. he wasn't born w/ any natural magic ability but he was able to learn some basic spells and potions and things. his Heroes are Rasala the Bright and Ilere of the Woods. his dream is to meet ilere and convince her to take him on as a student, like she did for sophie!! he's scared of the haunted woods but he doesn't think ilere is dangerous or scary like some do.
thessa: (fire xweetok) she's a Warrior Space Princess! she's a galactic voyager and commands a large space ship that travels to planets for resources, exploration, and scientific experimentation. there isn't a royal lineage or monarchy or anything... it's just a respectful title she has been given for high ranking diplomatic role on the ship. when the voyagers encounter other intelligent creatures, she's the one to communicate and negotiate. those living on the ship are not colonizers and try not to be disruptive in foreign galaxies, but sometimes encounters become hostile and her warrior experience comes in handy.
classent: (robot cybunny) he lives on thessa's ship! sentient robots on the ship are treated as regular citizens, but tend to have "blue collar" jobs. classent is a mechanic and keeps the inner workings running smoothly. but he loves science! he wants to be part of some of the field work the scientists on the ship do on the planets they land on!! he uses his big ol ears with their powerful Audio Receivers to eavesdrop on the scientists and learn as much as he can. one day he's gunna be part of their crew!!
kovica: (cloud yurble but someday she'll be brown.. or something) cryptozoologist lesbian!! she runs a blog about supernatural events & creatures in neopia with a focus on cryptids. she lives on mystery island and she's desperately trying to track the weird monkey creature from the old secret mystery island treasure random event. she wants to be a journalist but nobody will take her seriously.
volkat: (halloween eyrie) wiccan goth lesbian. she's friends with abbur. their magical practices are very different but they love exchanging ideas anyway and just spending time together. she lives in the haunted woods. i haven't rly had the chance to think too hard about her lol
kasdri: (chocolate aisha) she grew up in shenkuu and loves fashion!! she wants to be a fashion designer and has lots of ideas and even makes most of her own clothes, but she's a lil full of herself and doesn't like to be criticized or take no for an answer. she moved to neopia central because she felt like there was more opportunity there, but for now she just works a shitty retail job at one of the big shops. she comes off as a snobby "popular girl" type, but she's really sweet and generous. she's def judging what youre wearing tho
alabryss: (royal uni) he's one of my oldest pets but i can never think of WHO he is, in his heart. :( recently i've thought of him as a normal ol farming boy from meridell who ended up having the opportunity to join the royal guard. he doesn't do anything particularly exciting but it's a glamorous job. but idk, it's so hard for me to settle on anything for alabryss even tho i love him so much. he's been painted a bunch of times before finally reaching his final form as royal so he's always been kind of nebulous. maybe i should incorporate his many forms into his lil story, idk!!!!
purrow: (black aisha) he's literally just one of the aisha theives. he and his brother are dirty dirty theives who steal things. like i'm sure i could expand upon that but i've always justified my laziness w/ the fact that he's canon
arphen: (white peophin) her name is sindarin elvish (from lotr lol) for "noble" and i haven't rly thought of anything in particular for her beyond the vague idea of.......... elf nobility. she lives in the forest.. the one outside of altador i guess. i try not to think too hard about how she really gets around the forest considering she's a horse mermaid.
whomf: he's my lab pet rn but he's perfect and gay and wears his pink heart glasses always. i think if he never gets zapped into something i get attached to and end up with a new lab pet, he'll be a candy blumaroo. i created him as a blumaroo and that's just... who he is....... if i follow thru w that, my whomf plans are::: he's a college student majoring in anthropology. he's from roo island & his school is in neopia central but he's studying abroad in mystery island. as much as he wants to Achieve His Goals he's also spending a lot of time just having fun on the island.. he goes to a lot of parties. he also has a part time job at a lil juice shack. tuition isn't cheap!!
pibbet: (starry poogle) she's a traveler!! she grew up in kiko lake and it's so small and quiet. she felt trapped & bored and now she wants adventures! freesom!! she wants to see all of neopia! her favorite place that she's visited so far is terror mountain because it's sooo tall, being at the peak practically feels like you CAN see all of neopia.
i have a few other pets (khrysinne, vamarie, stymi, ninneko, annapurna) that i don't rly have anything to say about!!!!
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