#if you're a terf this poem is not fucking for you
alphawolfstabs · 7 months
Billy. He/Him
I'm not a minor. Terfs dni, also basic dni criteria. This space is viewer discretion advised. This space is also Autistic friendly as I am autistic.
I'm Billy, my ao3 is also aphawolfstabs. Currently fixated on Scream, more specifically Stuilly. Updates on Fics may be slow or may be quick as I'm Bipolar; If that bothers you- fucking oh well. I'm not super nice but I do consider myself mostly chill.
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My Fics:
Animosity: Pre canon, trans Billy Loomis. [Inspired by Sharp's Debaser fic. Highly recommend.]
The Vexation: A crackship fic with Doug/Billy
Fangs of Insatiable Longing: Vampire Billy, Human Stu.
Crimson Moon: Stu discovers he's a werewolf and Billy will need to help him figure out how to navigate. [idea originated from Cereals art, highly recommend his blog if you're 18+]
You Like It Rough, but I Like It Rougher [18+]: Smut fic, lots of blood and knives in this one
Shut My Brain Off, But Keep Me Breathing [18+]: Submissive Billy Loomis with Dom Stu, This was self indulgent when I wrote it.
To the Edge, Until We All Get Off [18+]: Sub Top Stu with Dom Bottom Billy, It's Stus birthday and Billy gets him a present. not super long but it's pretty snazzy, me thinks
My Carrd: This is a Carrd I made mostly for fun, there's a link in my bio as well. I recommend looking at it before following
My Discord: alphawolfstabs [Honestly if you decide to message me through discord please consider I'm really fucking awkward and if a conversation suddenly ends, it's because I can't hold a good conversation so you'll probably need to double text.]
I'll probably use this blog to post my fics, headcanons, mostly random shit. I say random shit a lot, and I reblog a lot of things as well.
And as always, feel free to use my inbox! You can ask questions, pester me, yell out shit, literally tell me random shit I don't care, I love everything that gets sent to me <3
Stuilly Headcanons
Autistic Billy Loomis
Funny Scream Posts
Scream Script
My poems
Have a good day / night, you're all loved and valued very very much <3
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arctic-hands · 1 year
Bear with me as I ramble for a few paragraphs. I'll be real, I owe my literacy to Harry Potter. I didn't learn how to read until I was six, and I was crap at it until my friend recommended me the book when I was seven and my mom bought it for me during Christmas shopping. Since I was a crap reader, my sister read the first few chapters to me, but when school started up again she had to stop. My mom read it to me after that, but she's a crap story teller and I got frustrated with her after a few chapters. But I was determined to finish the story so I started reading it myself and my skills began to improve. By fifth grade I was reading at a collegiate level. I have no doubts in my mind it's because of Harry Potter.
It was a huge portion of my life. When the sixth book came out, my Professor Trelawny cosplay on the night it came out won me the book for free. The next book my Luna Lovegood cosplay won me second place and a huge discount for the seventh book. Even after the series ended I bought the supplementary books, and it remained one of my biggest fandoms. I wrote fanfiction for it, even as an adult.
I'm not going to pretend I always knew it was bad. Being a young white American Gentile, I had no frame of reference for the antisemitic stereotypes of the goblins, and when I first learned of the controversy as a teenager I dismissed it to myself as "JK probably didn't mean for it to come across that way, it's just an unfortunate coincidence." And while I sympathized with the plight of house elves, the implications of a sapient being being happy and eager to be a slave was also lost on me. I started to have an inkling about the implications of the characters of color like Cho Chang after hearing Rachel Rostad's slam poem "To JK Rowling, From Cho Chang", but I'll be honest, it wasn't until I was well into adulthood and Rowling began to attack the trans community that I belong to that I began to reexamine all aspects of her bigotry that was there from the start.
And I, being an adult ideally capable of critical thought and ability to reexamine things in my life, dropped the series from my life and dropped my support for Rowling. I got rid of my books and movies because just looking at them on my shelf filled me with disgust and anger and betrayal. I stopped buying anything related to Harry Potter. Was it hard? Yeah, kinda. I'll admit I mourned the loss of this big portion of my childhood and even adulthood. I still miss it sometimes, or at least I miss the seemingly innocent joy it gave me. But I knew it was time to let it go and move on. My own personal safety, the safety of my community, the safety of the Jewish community is far more important than any lingering nostalgia.
Which is why it's so incredibly frustrating now. I can say I had waited most of my life for a game like Hogwarts Legacy until Rowling went TERF, but when it was announced I had no desire to play it and lend my financial and tacit support for Rowling or anyone connected to the game. And to see my peers who turned saying "trans rights" into a meme now flock to it, and then self-flagellate themselves by saying they couldn't help it, the nostalgia was too strong, they're donating to trans causes as they give their money and support to both a terf who is influencing the British government and the antisemite original developer of the game, boo hoo people are calling them out and spoiling the game and that makes them sad.
The inability of grown ass adults to reexamine their support and realize their nostalgia shouldn't overrule the safety of multiple vulnerable communities is not only infuriating, it's terrifying. Millennials like to pretend we're the most progressive generation, but god forbid anything go against our happy childhood memories. God forbid we self-reflect. God forbid something spoils our fun.
TL;DR: As a former Harry Potter fan, fuck you if you're playing Hogwarts Legacy, you fake ass ally and progressive. Grow up.
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clefairytea · 2 years
Do you have any horror book recs? you are very big brained and I trust your opinions
OH BOY DO I. Standard warning that this is all horror so it's all like. Fucked up. I'll try to place warnings for anything specific but like. There's just going to be a lot going on in general. If you’re interested but maybe concerned I’d advise looking into any rec further before diving in, especially as some of these I read a while ago and may not remember certain aspefcts of!
I have to start by repping my fave novel of all time, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, by Shirley Jackson. It's maybe not as well-known as her short stories (e.g., the Lottery, which from what I've heard a lot of Americans study in school) or The Haunting of Hill House, but it's such a spectacular, dark, weird novella. It's about witchcraft, family, alientation in the American suburbs, and how fucked up a teenage girl can get. There is barely a second of wasted breath in it. It's funny, dark, creepy, and weirdly triumphant all at once. I love it so much. Warnings for familial abuse and murder.
Recently I also read Sayaka Murata's short story collection Life Ceremony, which I thought was absolutely fantastic. Murata's insights on conformity in Japanese society are fascinating, and while I'm not sure Murata has ever come out and identified as one way or another, there's a lot of queerness baked into her work (particularly from an ace-aro perspective). These short stories are fantastically freaky, sometimes funny and sometimes scary. A lot of it concerns s/ex, cannibalism, gore, death, and reproduction.
Speaking of Japanese horror, the short story The Human Chair by Edogawa Ranpo (https://pseudopod.org/2021/08/21/pseudopod-771-the-human-chair/) has been living rent-free in my brain since I listened to it almost a full year ago now. It basically is about a guy who wants to live in a chair and uh. It escalates. It's a bit of a weird horror in that it's one where when you read it you're like 'haha, this is silly' and then when you lie down to sleep later you're like 'DDD:'. Warnings for paranoia, sexual harassment, and uh. Being very fucking creepy generally.
I also recently finished This World Does Not Belong To Us (which, what a NAME, eh) by Natalia Garcia Frere. This novella is INCREDIBLY dark, grimy, and weird and I loved it so much that I wanted to eat it. This one is about a dude who is sold into slavery as a child and returns to his familial home to enact revenge. It's so so bleak, but beautifully written - almost more of a prose poem than a novel - and it's just so astoundingly eerie. I want Del Toro to adapt it to a stop-motion film. Content warnings for abuse, slavery, gross bodily functions, and SO MANY insects.
For something a bit campier and maybe more like, fun horror, I'd recommend Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix. Try and get a physical copy of this one, rather than ebook, if you can, because the entire concept of this it's a horror-comedy novel based entirely in an off-brand IKEA, and the book is styled after an IKEA catalogue. It's pulpy, spooky, a lot of fun, and I devoured it all in one day. I wouldn't say it's scary exactly, but it is a gruesome anti-capitalist ghost story so. Who can say no.
If you're after more 'terrible women being awful' horror, I'd recommend Tell Me I'm Worthless by Alison Rumfitt. This is about a fraught friendship between a trans woman and a recently radicalised TERF, following a traumatic incident they had together at a haunted house. While I do think this book suffers a bit from needing a more brutal editor (esp considering the author's relatively young age), it's really compelling and gripping. Content warnings for transphobia, discussions of geno/cide/naz/ism, r/ape, terrorism.
If you're a YA reader, I'd suggest Louise O'Neill's 'Only Ever Yours'. Don't be put off by the corny-ass cover most editions have - O'Neill is an incredibly skillfull writer and this a great, dark dystopian novel, exploring misogyny against teen girls taken to its absolute extreme. While it's very much an YA Novel in many ways (sometimes it does feel like it's sitting you down to Explain How A Sexism Works), I think that's just par for the course for the genre, and if you're reading YA just something you have to expect a bit. Content warnings for r/ape, eating disorders, body image, misogyny, and homophobia (I think, it's been a while since I read this one!).
Yeah, those are my big picks off the top of my head!
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exblattgemuese · 2 years
According to TERFs, I don't exist.
A misogynist tomboy, a sexist.
So here is a poem, all about gender
Fuck you TERFs I'm queer and you're tender
I'm enby, genderfawn, solarian
Not a woman & into men but still a lesbian
I have pronouns: he/it/its
and yes, I WILL cut off my tits<3
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caeliangel · 1 year
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" Too much hope is the opposite of despair... An overpowering love may consume you in the end."
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screen reader ver coming !
" Pain doesn't hurt if it's all you've ever felt "
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about, byf && dni under the cut!
| lesbian flags | gay flags | mspec flags | aro/ace flags | cluster b flags | butchfemme bi flags |
Pint: flags I made
⸺﹒ABOUT ME !!﹒⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⠀⚘️
🦇⋅ ⋅ ⋅ the winged one﹕ 𓆪
you can call me caelian / célian, or seph. I will always answer to those.
I am a franco-irish white indigenous pagan celt!
⚰️⋅ ⋅ ⋅ about the mind﹕ 𓆪
Nbpdtism + pdid + mixed origins.
🩸⋅ ⋅ ⋅ about the identity﹕ 𓆪
My main pronouns are he, hew, hy, she! I am a futchy boygirlflux bi intersex velaurian! Otherkin stuff includes but is not limited to: angelkin, vampkin, werewolfkin && more.
🕊⋅ ⋅ ⋅ about the interests... ﹕ 𓆪
trigun, nge, ff7, tloz, hello kitty, psychology, writing, poems, reading, literature, hoarding stuff and much more!
⸺﹒WILL & WONT DO﹒⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⠀⚘️
hyperspecific terms
gender && term coinning
contradictory labels
names finds
whatever makes me uncomfortable
tranx/id or any radqueer labels
terms for things I do not know well
paraphilic flags or terms
please note I can refuse anything for whatever reasons!
⸺﹒BYF & DNI !!﹒⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⠀⚘️
I am critical of my own interests and believe that things should be consumed critically.
I take everything personally and struggle to read tone!
Anyone can use my flags, just be respectful and credit me.
Dont steal them or change their meanings, thats all im asking. My flags have nothing to do with your queer discourse.
I support "contradictory" labels, this includes but is not limited to: mspec lesbian, mspec gay, lesboys, turigirls, etc.
I believe bisexuals can reclaim the d slur, the f slur, and use the double venus and double mars symbol. I also think butchfemmes are queer labels and not lesbian exclusive.
I am a battle axe bisexual as in, a fight and advocate against biphobia.
I am against separatists aswell and will not tolerate those who took away from bisexuals. Fuck biphobes.
Terfs, radfems, transmeds, truscums, gender skeptics, gender police, etc.
If you believe in monosexual privilege, or use terms like "cis passing" "straight passing"
If you are anti xeno/neos and anti mogai/liom
think non-binaries can't be gay/lesbians or don't support he/him lesbians or she/her gays
If you fakeclaim
If you do not support "contradictory labels"
Against otherkin, non-humans, therian, etc!
Under 13, unless I follow first.
If you demonize the cluster b (npd, bpd, hpd, aspd) and this includes if you belive that narcissistic abuse exist.
If you're going to judge me or mock me/my interests.
Any kind of bigot.
Exclus or "Safequeers"
If you're here to argue or be a meanie whatever
⸺﹒TAGS !!﹒⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⠀⚘️
🦇︰︵︵ winged hoard : my hoard!
⚰️︰︵︵ rise the flag : flag making
🩸︰︵︵ gift for the beloveds : any requests
🥩︰︵︵ the food is here : flags I find gorgeous
🗝︰︵︵ memories : icons
💌︰︵︵ letters : inbox/asks
just for archival / pinterest purporse
🎀︰︵︵ combo flags
💗︰︵︵ orientations
💋︰︵︵ genders
❤️‍🩹︰︵︵ mad flags
🍬︰︵︵ plural flags
🐈‍⬛︰︵︵ otherkin flags
🦴︰︵︵ pint: caepiric (posted on pint)
🕷︰︵︵ butchfemme
coining event archives...
cael300foevent : tag for the 300 followers event.
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Oh boo hoo the people who made a CHOICE to buy the fucking video game and put it on their platform and encourage more people to make their same CHOICE are feeling harrassed.
You know. I called for no herassment to general public because it's counterproductive. You're just creating enemies. The general public feels like it has no stakes in this game and someone is atacking them for liking a franchise that was a big part of their childhood. So you are actively turning public opinion AWAY from yoir cause!
Did I ever defend terfs or any publically anti trans asshole? No, I literally called for phisical violence against them!
But with the general public that would be the wrong aproach. Make it their problem and thwir intwrest to help you.... that's why I ussualy quote a poem at people who say that this outrage is pointless. Look up "first they came" by Martin Neimöler. And then look up the author and where he stood before and after events in the poem.
Wanna be an activist? Convince people they need to stop those events from hapening again, and helping you and your cause is how they do it.
And believe me Shouting at people and herassing them will lead to spite, alienation and disdain. So stop sabotaging our comunity and do some thinking
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The Bridesmaid
If you learn the building blocks of womanhood
You will never be the same again
This gender self-destructs when gazed upon for too long
And The Sex Therapists and Makeup Artists
The Midwives and Matchmakers
Have all been un-ladied by their knowledge of lady-ness
Here’s to the fat mask-wearer at the Sephora makeup counter
Who will never get a beau and did all the faces at her sister’s wedding
Here’s to legions of ruined teenagers
Riding on the bitch-seats of motorcycles
Because once you’ve gazed on the truth of femininity
The others can smell it on you
Like mother birds rejecting a chick
And all of us Nuns and Ateliers
We’ve only got each other looking out for us now
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1iliketrains1 · 2 years
Intro & Info.
choo choo welcome to hell FUCKERS.
hi, no idea why you're here but you can call me trains. people follow me because they think im funny or something. i prefer they/them pronouns but feel free to use she/her.
rest of my stuff is down below.
table of contents
stuff you can find here
my tags
byf & dni
stuff you can find here. . .
generic tumblr shitposts
fandom bull
instrospective stuff
helpful lists (for college, life, etc.)
things about neurodivergence
things about mental illness
basically whatever i want
my tags. . .
v rarely i post my own art, will see if i do enough to make an art tag. if so will add here.
if you're looking for specific content i usually reblog posts i deem significant as #masterlist or #masterpost. examples include a poem about sad cats and a record of the secret dashboards on tumblr.
posts i generally agree with or feel relation to are tagged with #thonkies. these are more lighthearted but can still get pretty deep.
i usually add the tag #trains.rbg or #trains.txt when i put in my own opinions on stuff
these are all tagged in this post for ease of access.
byf & dni. . .
i usually q.reblog so i don't add other tags to posts unless i have comments, if there's anything you feel i should tag feel free to send me an ask.
you don't need to know every single thing about me especially not what traumas i have or whatever, im literally just vibing so... also reminder you should block liberally instead of sending death threats to people please and thanks?
terfs fuck off, radfems fuck off. MAPs & pedos fuck off.
etc. . .
pirate from disney and other AAA companies that can't be bothered to actually pay their employees. go unions.
one of my alts is @trainsreblogblog, which is mostly full of art tips and pretty pictures. it's my reference blog which i use occasionally.
i have read homestuck. it was... homestuck.
i like a bunch of media, including but not limited to; outer wilds, hollow knight, yurucamp, bee and puppycat, bang dream (bandori), & splatoon.
in terms of music i listen to a bunch of stuff. rock & alt, jazz, lofi, etc. here are a bunch of artists i like:
SHISHAMO & Yorushika (J-Pop / Rock)
Penelope Scott & Soddiken (Alternative)
dodie, Phemiec, chloe moriondo, & Egg (Singer/Songwriter, maybe Pop?)
The Crane Wives & They Might Be Giants (Rock)
definitely not near all of them but i tried to keep it short. this post is wayyy too long alr.
remember to take care of yourself out there. much love to my friends @ the CBC + MNF <3
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sevdrag · 3 years
on That Essay
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The only thing I really want to say about this essay is that it ... really shows what TERFs want.
the majority of fics in the fandom are, in fact, Aziraphale and Crowley presenting male, often with dick on dick action. they have plenty of content they could be enjoying that fits their, uh, "criteria". there are a ton of male-presenting stories out there and i'm sure they haven't read them all. (shit, most of MY work is dick-on-dick A/C, to be honest.)
they could easily and very simply read the things they like, and allow the other portion of the fandom to be inclusive and representative of other peoples' takes. it isn't hurting anyone to let all these different queer experiences coexist. the queer community is supposed to be inclusive, not divisive; we should be welcoming, and encouraging, and letting other people be who and what they are.
it costs 0 American Dollars to just find the stuff you want to consume and, you know. read it.
but that's the TERF thing; if they did that, they wouldn't be getting any attention, and they wouldn't be actively shitting on anyone else. they don't want to let these other corners of the queer community happily exist. they want to tear them down.
they can't stand the fact that someone on the internet might have a different take, or that it might be okay to let them have it. they can't ignore it. they want it gone.
and they use "homophobia!" and "defending the gays!" as a rally cry, because of course, if you argue with them you're a "homophobe", and no one wants to be "homophobic", right? it's a perfect catch-22. they think if they cry homophobia first and loudest, no one can argue with that.
in reality, they aren't "defending" anything except their "right" to shit on the rest of the queer community.
(neverMIND the fact that they also don't speak for the "gay" or "lesbian" communities at all. no one can. the gay and lesbian experiences alone are completely diverse and different. nobody gave them the right to speak for anyone other than their own damn selves.)
they don't want to enjoy themselves in fandom. they aren't producing works that share the things they like with others. they aren't making good art and fic. everything they put out is TERF propaganda.
and man. if your life is so miserable that you really need to shit on some of the most vulnerable queers out there - if you're really so unhappy with yourself that you need everyone to read your shitty poem - why are you in this fandom?
in addition: it's fucking fanfiction, friends. look, i obviously think fanfic can be as serious and professional as published work; look at Old Vines. I spent as much time on that as I do my original fiction (possibly more). but in the end they're stirring up so much hate over two fictional characters. that exist in a single book and a 6-episode show.
meanwhile trans queers are dying in real life, but no, it's really important that you know Aziraphale Likes Dick.
they do it for attention and to make themselves feel better using the good ol' trick of putting everyone else down.
they don't actually have an argument, and they don't actually want to enjoy fandom, because if they were, they'd be off in the corner of fic that meets their needs. they want you to Feel Bad About Yourself And Your Take On Two Made Up Human Presenting Entities.
so fuck 'em. i'm going to keep putting positive energy into this fandom. I'm going to keep making good words and (hopefully) good porn. that's what I'M here for.
(love you all but i'm not going to answer every anon about this. this is my answer to all of them. let's move on to something else. something better.)
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crushed-crucifixes · 3 years
Ronnie || 22 || she/they || lesbian || atheist
Welcome to my religious trauma blog, babes ❤
So this is just a side-blog where I vent and reblog some anti-religion stuff that I feel is too much for my main. I like/follow back with my main blog @wuhhluhhhwuhhh and I write books and poems about how much I hate christianity more on @bottleofspilledink and I'll be reblogging my very blasphemous and gay works from there onto here!!
I'm not here to debate with believers.
I'm not here to talk about or bash other religions like Islam or Judaism as I have not come from those religions and don't want to accidentally perpetuate islamophobia or antisemitism.
|| DNI ||
Transmisogynists/TERFS/Transphobes are not and will never be welcome here and can fuck off.
Pedophiles are the scum of the earth and can fuck off.
If you're just here to proselytize and try to "save" me, then you can fuck off.
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idiealotdontworry · 3 years
it's literally terrifying and exhausting to have to fucking........... vet people on here (or online in general) for Bad Takes or Shit Opinions before you apparently have the right to reblog art they did or think their poem was cute or idk, just, interact w them at all. like Oh, i was gonna reblog this Funney Post but turns out OP is an aphobe. that one horror blogger people like supports Child Slavery and it's up to You to Inform people of that. You're A Bad Person If You Accidentally Platform Someone You Had No Way Of Knowing Was An Asshole. constantly having to manually go through the blog, or fuck forbid all the multiple blogs, of every person before i follow or interact with them at all Just In Case they Actually Hate People Like Me is fucking EXHAUSTING. can't people just be nice. can't people just be decent to each other. can't we just fucking mind our business.
and naive people would probably say smth like "just get shinigami eyes and go" but shinigami eyes doesn't actually help that much. shitty people fall thru the cracks all the time and it only looks for One Specific Type of douchebag. it doesn't check for racists or aphobes or discoursers or literally any of the other hundreds of types of people that would hate and willingly hurt someone like me. im not a safe little cishet perisex white allo person that can download shinigami eyes and call it a day and feel secure because i think i'm now suddenly immune to terf propaganda. I don't Have a Choice but to constantly be on the lookout and to constantly be vetting people before i interact with them because if i Don't im inevitably gonna end up interacting with people that would gladly see me dead. (i say Constantly, but i mean only when im actually on here, which isn't very much anymore honestly. but it's still exhausting to have to do that.)
and like. Yeah, I guess that's what Real Life is like too. but in my experience it's much easier to gauge whether someone would hate me or not in real life. online there's anonymity yes and it makes blocking people that feel the need to go on a power trip easy, yeah. but beyond that? people who seem decent but Apparently are pieces of shit? you can't always find that as easily online because people are always only presenting their personas online. you only get to see what they consider acceptable. and if they have shitty beliefs, opinions, or biases that they know aren't "acceptable", but don't get rid of either, then you just.... won't find out, most of the time, until they slip up. in real life people make it pretty evident the type of person they are because they cant edit the words they say out loud or delete what comes out of their mouths. but online? people are on their simultaneously best and worst behavior at all times. and which side of the coin you see is variable.
it's easy when you're privileged enough to not be a constant target and you can politely ignore those dangerous facets of people because they don't affect you, but when you're the target? when you're in danger? when it's, without exaggeration, life or coerced suicide via all kinds of harassment, doxxing, etc? when it's not just your life, but the lives of your friends, family, community? You don't get that security. you can't ignore it. So... you vet people. and you spend less time online, which in the current state of the world, means you spend less time socializing with anyone at all.
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jackawful · 5 years
I've been trying to stay away from the Who Can Use Butch/Femme discourse recently for the sake of my own mental health, but every so often I'm violently struck by the memory of 2016ish when some popular lesbian blogger (who I think wound up being a crypto-terf chased off the platform??? I don't remember the url) responded to someone saying "but isn't butch just an adjective for masculine women?" with something along the lines of "oh that's what you're not getting, no, it's a noun, there's a book called Butch Is A Noun you should read it" in a thread about bi women not being Allowed to use butch - when the flagship poem in said book contains a whole damn stanza about how Butches Never Fuck Men, Except When They Do, and the poem follows this whole format dedicated to pointing out that for every strict border someone draws around butch identity, there's at least one butch stepping over that line while clearly being butch anyway. and it's just...damn Lois or Jesse or whoeverthefuck, this whole thing really could've been avoided if you read your sources more closely and understood basic poetic devices, huh.
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long-hairedbutch · 2 years
I'm just getting this new blog off the ground, but I'm planning on it being my little corner of butchness and deciding what that means to me. I'm new to allowing myself to be butch so this is just kinda me carving it out.
A quick intro: my name is Charlie. I'm 34, bi, poly, with a long term trans partner. So if you're a terf or any other kind of transphobic asshole, I will fuck you up. Don't try it.
I'm a writer, mostly poetry, and I think I'll probably post some poems here, but I'm sure some journalish entries will end up here, too.
So get ready for to talk about sex and poetry and music and queerness and all the other best parts of life.
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