#if you gonna advocate for the mentally ill you have to advocate for all of us
sheepskinnedgoat · 2 years
If your only contribution to post saying something like, "being mentally ill doesn't = abuser" is to once again reinforce that "but you can be mentally ill and abusive" you're a fucking asshole at best. Yes, we know, the whole world loves to assume mental illness = abuse. Stop hijacking posts to make yourself feel better because you think we gotta make sure mentally ill people know what you really think.
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slutdge · 2 months
i cannot express enough how detrimental those trendy books that were all like "the subtle art of not giving a fuck" were to the current mainstream attitude towards disability like why did you think writing 2647387274 books that scream at people about how they should just suffer in silence rather than advocate for fixing our ableist society so they can be accommodated and are asking for reasonable things was gonna be helpful? And theyre always written by white men born into wealth that have zero mental or physical health problems, i like to call it "buzzfeed nihilism" and "buzzfeed fascism" if you will. those books are marketed to the mentally ill, but they only do that so they can make money off the mentally ill, who then end up hating themselves even more after reading your book when they were seeking genuine help and therapy.
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kenobster · 2 days
Y'all are right. Taylor Swift is a selfish person too spoiled to be bothered about her global warming impact or whether the song lyrics she writes are actually hers or not. Among other things. There are plenty of reasons to mock her, ridicule her, and insult her. Additionally, a great number of her fans will deny all of her shortcomings in an attempt to morally justify their enjoyment of her songs — something which does not require justification — and, thus, there are as many reasons to insist on calling these fans to action as there are reasons to despise Taylor Swift.
But the songs themselves? You don't get a free pass to mock, ridicule, and insult those.
Whether she wrote the lyrics or not, those lyrics resonate with a great many people. Maybe you think they're the dullest, cringiest, most basic lyrics on the planet. Doesn't fucking matter. I find a lot of art to be dull, cringy, and basic. I also understand that art is subjective. What is shallow and nonsensical to me might be insightful and captivating to someone else. Furthermore, art exists on a continuum of quality. Just because art isn't "high brow" (aka appealing to elitist snobs) doesn't mean that it has no meaning or that it's not worth enjoying. To the contrary, all art has meaning. All art says something. I guarantee that at some point in your life you've enjoyed art that is poor in quality, too.
Regarding Taylor Swift specifically, I've seen countless posts (even from people I respect) mocking, ridiculing, and insulting the songs and lyrics of her most recent album which largely focuses on mental illness. Whether or not Taylor Swift is actually mentally ill and whether or not Taylor Swift is appropriating mental illness as an aesthetic for profit, I need you all to understand something very important:
A majority of the people for whom those songs/lyrics most resonate are almost certainly mentally ill themselves.
In other words, when you mock, ridicule, and insult those lyrics/songs, you are mocking, ridiculing, and insulting the things with which actually mentally ill people have identified. You are telling them that they are stupid and pathetic and "cringy" for finding some kind of catharsis from the things that make their life hell.
I am no fan of Taylor Swift. Aside from a couple of her better songs here or there, I'm not even a fan of her music. However, I find it extremely alarming that Tumblr's userbase, a userbase which often claims to have moved past their "make fun of things that teenage girls are probably into" phase, is once again united in making fun of things that teenage girls are probably into. In my social circles, I've even seen people who claim to be advocates for those with disabilities, mental illness, and/or neurodivergence call these songs/lyrics "cringe" or similar — even after reblogging countless posts reminding people that calling things "cringe" is just an excuse to be ableist to neurodivergent people. As a mentally ill and autistic person, I am finding the double standard there to be incredibly demoralizing.
If you hate Taylor Swift, consider making more videos about her excessively wasteful flight itineraries. Personally, I'd even like to see some statistical graphs analyzing her CO2 emissions in comparison to airline companies and other celebrities. You could also make posts revealing more hypocrisies and inconsistencies between her statements and actions (that do not relate to her songs), particularly "feminist" statements she's made that exclude women of color. You could also make posts listing the names of the actual authors of many of the songs she has claimed so that they can receive recognition and praise they deserve from her fans. These are just a few examples of ways to channel your hatred in more constructive ways.
What I do NOT want to see are casual instances of blatant sexism and/or ableism on my dashboard every time she releases an album. You're not gonna change the world by laughing at an out-of-context lyric from a song on the radio. If you don't know how to keep your justified opinions and your personal tastes separate, you're not "raising awareness." You're just being a fucking ass.
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silvermoon424 · 2 years
What did Reagan do that caused America to slowly decline on itself?
Reagan was horrible for a lot of reasons, but one of his biggest contributions to America's decline was his propagation of "Reaganomics" and neoliberalism in general. You can look up more on Reaganomics to get more details, but basically Reaganomics slashed government spending, reduced government regulation, cut taxes (especially for the wealthy), and advocated for "trickle-down" economics. You'll notice that all of these are typical Republican positions today, but it was a lot less common before Reagan and Margaret Thatcher took office.
Income inequality became significantly worse during the Reaganomics years, and because he helped propagate these policies to the GOP they're still repeating them ad nauseam. Most recently, Trump initiated similar tax cuts for the wealthy. That wealth is gonna trickle down any day now!!!
Reagan was also very anti-union. In one infamous event, he fired over 11,000 government employed air traffic controllers who went on strike to demand better working conditions. Having an anti-union president isn't exactly great for unions.
There's also his infamous handling of the AIDS crisis; he and his administration didn't start addressing the disease until thousands of Americans had already died and their response was lackluster at best. The Reagan administration is also hugely responsible for helping turn the Middle East into the mess it is today via their funding of terrorist groups that opposed Soviet Russia. Osama bin Laden was literally our ally for a time.
Another awful thing Reagan did was how he handled mental health. When he was governor of California, he signed a law which made forced institutionalization or medication of people who might be suffering from mental illness significantly more difficult. That sounds great on paper, but it resulted in many severely mentally ill people becoming homeless and without treatment.
Jimmy Carter signed the Mental Health Systems Act in 1980 with the intention of fixing our rapidly declining mental health system. Ronald Reagan repealed it in 1981.
Oh, and he also popularized the myth of the "welfare queen" and generally advocated for slashing social safety nets and while also making the country look down on those receiving federal help.
There's more, but hopefully that's enough to help you understand why Reagan's legacy is still awful for the United States. But he’s been deified by the right so good luck criticizing him.
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oopsallfictives · 1 year
I saw a post the other day that basically said "psych abolition is bad because I'm mentally ill and need treatment". I think OP was overlooking some very important things so I'm gonna talk about those
First of all, psych abolition is a movement by and for psych survivors. We're people who have been through the psychiatric system because we ourselves are mentally ill or traumatized, and who have suffered because of it. A lot of people come to this movement because psychiatry isn't safe for us, and no alternatives exist unless we build them ourselves
Our system finally stopped going to therapy because after how much harm was done to us by psychiatry we can't trust any therapist enough to actually be helped by it. We've been lowkey retraumatizing ourselves for years trying to get help from the same system that did so much harm to our body and minds. Harm that we can't heal on our own, but can't get help for because there are no alternatives
Second of all, this isn't a vibes-based movement. There are actual principles involved here. Patient autonomy, informed consent, the right to refuse treatment, the right to culturally-appropriate healing, the right to define our own experiences, pushing back against over-pathologization, and more. These things are guiding the movement, and will guide the alternatives we build now, as well as what we build in the ashes of psychiatry when it's gone
And to be clear, abolishing psychiatry doesn't mean doing away with everything that's currently encompassed within that system. Therapy and medications aren't going to go away, but the way they're handled is going to have to look a lot different. Anyone seeking mental healthcare of any sort must be informed of the potential risks of that treatment even if it means they might refuse it. If people aren't told the risks they can't give informed consent. They also need to be free to make decisions about their care without being shamed, manipulated, or threatened with a loss of care or being labeled noncompliant. People shouldn't be involuntarily incarcerated in hospitals for the crime of being suicidal or psychotic, and no one should be medicated against their will
Are there people online that will say they're for psych abolition and actually mean they think mental illness isn't real and meds should be gotten rid of? Yeah, probably. There's also a lot of people on twitter who call themselves socialists while advocating for the most right-wing shit you've ever heard of, but that doesn't mean that's what socialism really is
At the end of the day, psych abolition is about creating alternatives to psychiatry so that we can tear it down and replace it with ways to help mentally ill, neurodivergent, and traumatized people without stripping away their rights and autonomy. If you don't understand why that's necessary, you need to listen to psych survivors when we tell our stories
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sootwilb · 2 months
Hello, i just wanted to say the post you made today that got like 3 mean comments? I agree with you. Im just a pussy hiding rn but I need to get my thoughts out somewhere. Feel free to ignore because idk how long it's gonna be lmao, I just want to talk to someone who feels the same way as me.
Biting, and not being very self aware at all, are very ND things. It's pretty bad that he didn't stop when she was in pain, but... this was 2 years ago. He's mentally ill. He's probably autistic. He isn't heartless, he isn't evil, he made a mistake and if he knows whats best for him he's learned from it.
It pisses me off that people are using this as an excuse to bring up his messy house, as if this- isnt the same guy who wrote a song about how he wants to jump in front of a train??? Mental health matters until they are messy! Because ew, who would want to look up to him?
I DO. I look up to him. I DON'T support him hurting his girlfriend at all. I really don't. But there's a lot more to it. This is the man who released an album in 2020 which kept me company. These songs brought me through my OCD diagnosis, my suicidal thoughts, and he helped make me realise I WASN'T ALONE. It's so empowering when someone you enjoy watching is open and honest about his mental health. Its nice to know whenever something happens to me, or I think something, I know- Wilbur has been here too.
So I won't be dropping him. I'll keep it on the lowdown. I genuinely can't stop loving him I always always will. Four years of the worst mental pain ever, and him being the only person who I felt genuinely understood by? I won't give that up. People who haven't been here would never get it. ABUSE IS NOT OKAY. But I need something to keep me going, and I'm not risking like- attempting suicide without it. I don't care how parasocial I sound. I really don't. He's been an advocate for mental health, he's been empowering for teenage girls.
And lastly, my dad has been falsely accused of abuse before. They straight up lied. So even if all the signs point to it, I will wait until wilbur and wilbur only, confirms it.
If you do end up posting this, hey guys who think I'm justifying abuse! I'm not. He's unwell. He's SICK. I will support him and he deserves love and he deserves to get better.
hello lovely anon! firstly i want to say im sorry you've been through all of that
wilbur is someone who is autistic and mentally and chronically ill, i hate that people are using this as an opportunity to villainise these traits when people who have them already get a bad reputation as it is. i hate that people support mental health until the person suffering from it is messy and makes mistakes. like ive said before wilbur doesn't deserve shunning he deserves support and help
feel free to dm me if you want to talk more about this anon
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etherealsign282 · 7 months
Abusive person who happens to be mentally ill: omg I love so hard but I also hate so hard LMAO I devalue people so much when I perceive anything as bad but it's not my fault therefore it's not abusive
Me: yeah okay have you thought maybe don't try dating people until you can learn to control the things you say and do to devalue them because regardless of the situation it IS abuse when you act upon your emotions and target innocent people based on a false narrative, especially when you don't bother to apologize or try to cope better, because you are actively causing trauma or even PTSD (bc surprise but you aren't the only mentally ill person in the world), and it's extremely abusive to presume you can keep doing the same shit over and over without holding any responsibility over it to make it better for the other person.
Person: *gasps* well people like us deserve love too, so you're just saying we don't deserve anything and you're victim blaming-
Me: you know what, I don't care.
Them: ... what?
Me: yeah. I know you use mental illness as your scapegoat to ensure you will be loved at the very least out of pity, bc God knows you, as an abuser who thinks they have a golden ticket, have no other way to receive love unless it's through threats or guilt tripping. Since you clearly refuse to learn how to be a good and kind person that is attuned to not just your emotions but everyone else's, and you think being mentally ill is a magical wand that prevents you from learning accountability, apologizing, and accepting consequences, so the only thing you have left to force a positive emotion like love out of someone is through pathetic psychological abuse. However, the truth is, you aren't the only one who deserves love.
And if you're willing to withhold love, make someone feel hated and worthless, and then blame your mental illness so you can victim blame someone for deciding they can't be with you anymore- whilst crying victim blaming on yourself bc you can't not see yourself as the victim even when you're the one treating everyone like shit and using triggers and old pain to inflict new, unnecessary pain on someone who didn't deserve it- then we reserve the right to take our love somewhere else and advise you on the idea that maybe you should seek some help before doing this bullshit to another person that doesn't deserve to be hated, devalued, verbally abused, and shat on. If we didn't deserve love in that moment based on your lack of self control, then maybe you don't deserve that love with just anybody you decide you want to be with because you said so.
Maybe you deserve love in someone who is going to teach you exactly how it feels to be devalued and hated- which y'all usually have already gone through, in which you have labeled them a narcissist immediately upon being abused and devalued, because you aren't actually a mental health advocate, you're an abuser who has found one of the only things they can use as an excuse for their bs then uses tiktok psych phrases to demonize others while infantilizing yourself (despite doing the same thing the big scary "NaRcS" do, aka abusers that you've mislabeled for your mental health war).
Or maybe you deserve love in the one single person who is foolish enough to sit and tolerate your bs and not care about their own well-being as you constantly shit on them and treat them horribly. But that's not going to stop us from feeling bad for them. It's not gonna stop us from telling you that you need a therapist and some coping mechanisms, not a person you can take your frustrations out on even if they're so fucking up your ass that they don't care how you treat them. It's not going to stop *our* feelings which y'all are usually the "everyone's feelings are valid" group anyway- so when do we get our feelings validated? When is it your turn to be the asshole, not the victim? When is it the other person's turn to be loved instead of hated?
Y'all think you deserve infinite love by whoever, all the time, and that's why you think it's a threat when someone says go to therapy instead of torturing people and then blaming mental illness. "oh no, they're telling me I don't deserve love!" And that's bc you equate *fixing yourself to be able to love other people properly so they have a reason to stay and love you back* to "oh that means I can't use my mental illness anymore to demand and guilt trip love from who I want loving me 24/7 even during my devaluing stages where I'm justifying not giving them the same 24/7 love energy, boohoo." Y'all use mental illness as a fxking crutch just to make sure that you get the love you want so you think you automatically lose out on all the love you desire the second you tell someone "hey, I need to go get help before we continue dating". You think you're automatically losing out on love the second you don't have that anchor pinning everyone down!
Them: well see you're just ableist bc mental illness doesn't make us abusive and it makes you sound like you think abusive people are mentally ill.
Me: maybe stop excusing your abusive behaviors on your mental illness and it won't sound like that, bc I certainly know that mental illness doesn't make you abusive, so your abusive behaviors is entirely on you, not bipolar or BPD.
Them: but it's not abusive bc it's a mental illness symptom.
Me: your actions based on that symptom, followed by guilt tripping, gaslighting, victim blaming, and manipulation, bc you don't want to be held responsible or even apologize and make amends without looking like the victim, is the abuse part. Pinning the blame on everyone else, forcing them to stay and deal with it, and guilt tripping them for being upset about being hurt, is abusive. Playing victim to "abandonment" when you hurt someone so bad that they feel the need to leave is abuse. All these things, not symptoms. Maybe a reaction to symptoms, sometimes, but not an actual symptom.
Them:... okay but you're still ableist. Bc what you're saying hurts my feelings and makes it seem like I have control over myself and how I react to my mental health.
Me: my guy in Christ, I have bpd, bipolar, CPTSD, ADHD, MDD, and severe anxiety. This applies to me, too. But y'all would never be, and in fact have never been, this lenient on anything I or someone like me does, because I'm not an aggressive stereotype walking around bragging about my shitty behavior and how I don't need to apologize or fix it, i just need people to tolerate it forever or I'll demonize them and cry abandonment issues, and then claim I'm a victim when people call me out.
I'm not a spokesperson for every other abuser, who happens to be some of the loudest and most manipulative in any group they come across to put a nasty label on whatever they're excusing their behavior with, to feel safe with by making victimized posts about how I'm allowed to shit on people and ruin lives.
Everything I've said in fact is based on how many times I've been mistreated and abused by people who think they're psychiatrists now bc they watched a few tiktoks and listened to their therapist one time to basically twist the words and rehash it to me, the person they were abusing. I have PTSD based on this bs psychological manipulation that y'all have started funding to be able to save your feelings from getting hurt. But every time I see someone guffaw about devaluing their partner, I'm supposed to control myself without being triggered, right? Everything I am, everything that I do, it doesn't fit in your perfect fantasy world where the mh community is split between takers and people pleasers/doormats that you can guilt trip into staying and dealing with shit. So I'm the only one who is supposed to present as neurotypical or a doormat now, or else I will be demonized, devalued, have my mental health and feelings invalidated, etc because what I'm saying is based on "hey, maybe don't demonize, devalue, and invalidate your partner", and y'all think that means it's demonizing, devaluing, and invalidating YOU (which THAT is bad and uncalled for, but not demonizing, devaluing, and invalidating people to begin with).
And maybe if you genuinely can't control yourself, you take lessons and coping mechanisms *to* learn how to control yourself, work on apologizing and acknowledging that it's wrong to do even if you *didn't mean to*, and stop blaming everyone else for your bullshit as a guilt tripping/manipulation trick. It might be hard to stop your anger issues but it doesn't prevent you from saying sorry and going on Google to research for things that *don't* pertain to justifying your behavior.
Stop pretending you give a shit about ableism or mental illness when the only time you're a spokesperson for it is to justify your behavior (or to pretend you would tolerate if your partner ever did the same shit you do, when you can't even tolerate someone's differing opinion based on their own triggers and trauma without devaluing them, labeling them as awful, and guilt tripping them. And also the reason for your devaluation is bc you can't even handle things that are usually fabricated or based on illusions, let alone if they were actually fucking mean right back in the first place!)
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rjalker · 11 months
Every time one of you cowardly bigoted motherfuckers complains about me criticizing Martha Wells' bigotry I'm gonna complain even louder than before!
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[ID: Three hands clasped together.
The first arm is labeled, "JK Rowling saying that house elves enjoy being enslaved".
The second arm is labeled, "Martha Wells saying that only mentally ill serial killers have a problem with the Raksuran caste system".
The third arm is labeled, "Martha Wells saying that enslaved robots should not be freed because fighting back and killing their oppressors would be bad" with a sad emoticon.
The three clasped hands in the center is labeled, "Literally the exact same kind of bullshit".
End ID.]
And this isn't even getting into the casual advocation for eugenics in The Books of the Raksura. Or the transmisia. Or the exorsexism. Or the ableism. Or the racism. Or the classism.
If you're planning to argue with this post, you're literally not allowed to unless you've read all of the Murderbot Diaries books at least three times each, and The books of the Raksura each and every book three times each, within the past year, as an adult over the age of 20.
I'm not going to argue with people who haven't read the books in years or who have only read them one time who are children who are literally physically incapable of fully comprehending what they're reading.
Read every single book in both of these series three times, and have the books open in front of you while you write, checking every single fucking thing you want to argue to make sure it's actually fucking correct, and then you get to argue with me. But not a single fucking moment before. I am done wasting my energy explaining shit to people who have no fucking idea what they're talking about and refuse to fucking admit the facts even when the literal quotes are shoved into their faces.
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ghostcrows · 14 days
Uhg this is maybe gonna sound patronizing but sometimes people on here spend to much time making sociological theories and forget that evidence based practice >>>>> theories that tie things together and explain everything. Every time. Every time they trump it. So it’s like the current state of mental healthcare and disability accommodations being so bad leads to the theory of how pathology is a structural validation to stigmatization of neurodiversity esp things like schizophrenia. And that coupled with the hater mindset around how “popular” and “lol quirky” adhd and autism are being portrayed on social media (this sounds deeply unserious but it’s the best way I can put it) leads to people who are adhd and autistic which can be materially physically seen and is real dismissing themselves in favor of the theory. Like idk. People love to do lots of thinking and I am not at all trying to disparage it but even when you’re a radial anti establishment politically extreme leftist if you’re theorizing then you’re theorizing and venerable to the pitfalls of theories. Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer won a nobel prize semi recently for doing the most water-is-wet thing and conducting experiments and looking at the results to determine policy change instead of basing policy on theory. It really opened my eyes to read about. The theory is just a tool to talk about the world. The world comes first always. Adhd being a physical condition of the brain does not fit into certain theories and so proponents of the theory will consciously or not, willfully or not, brush aside certain things that do not fit into the worldview supported by the theory or would be complicated or made worse by implementing the policy proposed by the theory. But it’s all just smoke. Does this make any sense. I saw someone say bipolar wasnt harmful outside of the stigmatization because they prescribe to the theory and I was so shocked. Manic episodes can lead to the bipolar person becoming physically violent and thank god for medication. Bipolar can ruin a life because of the things you do while in a manic episode and it can end a life in a depressive episode it’s like. Circling back around to denial of mental illness.
definitely does make sense i agree with this, we can speculate all day long but at the end of the day people are struggling, and they would likely struggle regardless of society's response towards their conditions
it really does loop back around in the end and its just frustrating
i understand not wanting to be pathologized, i understand not trusting the psychs, i understand that the system is as broken as it ever was with maybe a shinier coat of paint over it now and slightly less medieval torture methods deployed...but regardless how you classify mental illness or how you rename it, its a fairly consistent set of symptoms and experiences
its like when people have this idea that mental illness will cease to exist in the utopian post-capitalist world the revolution will bring
but the way i really know people still dont get it even within these circles is the way they cant seem to agree on how much of mental illness is even in the control of the sufferer. like theres always a point at which its simply an excuse, because, well i suffer from this and i wouldnt do that...in the fight against the stigma we throw so many people under the bus and end up only advocating for the people who can speak for themselves in the first place, the 'high functioning' people (who subsequently are not really allowed to show symptoms either because, you're too functional, you're too cognizant of your own actions, you must be doing it on purpose too)
and the anti-med stance is another i cant really get behind even knowing that yeah...you can go through everything they got and never find one that works for you, you can get meds that fuck you all the way up, even when youre on them you might still struggle, you might hate the side effects more than the illness...i get all that and i recognize all that and people totally have the right not to take shit they dont want to...but also i know people who need their medication...big pharma or not doesnt fucking matter cause its obviously something that tangibly helps enough people that we cant just not have it. same with therapy its totally understandable to lose all faith in that avenue of help but there will always be people who need that kind of service even in its imperfect state
reminds me a lot of a book i read called 'no one cares about crazy people' , every few decades we have a new dominating theory of mental illness and the people who are labeled mentally ill continue to struggle through every iteration of it
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doggiewoggiez · 1 year
what is the reading list you’ve been doing
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This meme. Got reposted from 4chan to Reddit to Twitter and finally to Tumblr. I'll update this post as I read each book. Here's the complete list:
1. Goosebumps #28: The Cuckoo Clock of Doom - R.L. Stine. Very middle of the road Goosebumps book not especially good but not terrible. 6/10 dead sisters.
2. Call of the Crocodile - F. Gardner. This book is a meme on /lit/ cause the dude's batshit and is constantly trying to promote his books that are extremely poorly written. He calls himself a famous author, doesn't believe gorillas or giraffes are real, and advocates chainsmoking cigarettes to help with the writing process. This book is the funniest thing I've ever read and made me so fucking angry by being so awful. 10/10 misplaced commas.
3. No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai. A semi-autobiographical story published before the author's suicide about a severely mentally ill character named Oba Yozo through his life of addiction, women, suicide attempts, and so on. An incredibly depressing read. His whole inner life is laid bare and it's disgusting and grotesque and you see yourself in him and you wish you could hold him and cry for him but even if you could you would never have the power to make anything okay. Beautiful fucking book, genuinely 100% no fucking joke changed my life. 10000/10 shitty cyberpunk adaptations.
4. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky. I cried hard as fuck dude. Another life changer for reals. Dostoevsky had such a deep understanding of human nature whether it be the lowest, most base and vile instincts or the unending capacity for love and compassion that exist in us all. All while being the blueprint for like every heady crime drama like Death Note, Breaking Bad, etc. The shit all you fags like. Most people just remember it as maybe required HS reading and definitely something people are pretentious about but it 100% deserves all the love it gets. Fan fucking tastic. 100000/10 years in Siberia.
5. Becoming - Michelle Obama. A bit too heavily ghostwritten, but when Michelle's voice shows through it's not terrible, it's kind of interesting to hear the inside scoop on White House life. It's kind of sad that Barack is the most interesting part of the book, and book-Barack seems like an extremely interesting and cool guy. But the book doesn't address all his dead civilians. 5/10 drone strikes.
6. Ulysses - James Joyce. The modernist novel, from what I understand. Half retelling of the Odyssey in 1900s Ireland, half a troll on literary critics, all around a pretty damn fun read. Not very far yet. Definitely the most difficult thing I've ever tried to read. Unfinished/10 Agenbites of inwit
7. 48 Laws of Power. This is like, THE sigma bro self help book as far as I've heard. It's pretty iconic, but I'm not especially excited for it.
8. Frankenstein - Mary Shelley. We all know it and love it, I'm interested to read the OG story.
9. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition. Book from the Vatican that lays out what the church's official opinions, rules, shit like that are. Will be boring but interesting.
10. The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins. One of the biggest atheist dude books there is and probably by far the most influential. God is bad people who believe in God are stupid etc etc. Hopefully it has something interesting to say and isn't just a jerk off. It might just be a jerk off.
11. The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood. Some booktok romance schlock afaik. People make fun of it.
12. A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole. All I know is it's about a guy in New Orleans in the 60s. Might be good, people seem to really like it.
13. The Art of War - Sun Tzu. Im gonna get so good at surprising my enemy.
14. Kodomo no Jikan - Kaworu Watashiya. Pure pedoslop, I don't think there's even an official English translation so we might not read it but I'm preemptively giving it 0/10.
15. The Iliad - Homer. The story of the Trojan war. All I know is Helen, Horse, and that's about it.
16. The Odyssey - Homer. It's the Odyssey. I think it's funny that it comes after Ulysses since I don't actually know the whole story of the Odyssey itself.
17. Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer - Stephen G. Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth. This is that thing they made a Netflix doc about a while back.
18. The C++ Programming Language 4th edition - Bjarne Stroustrup. Exactly what it says on the tin, by the guy who wrote the language.
19. Empress Theresa - Norman Boutin. A classic, it's a weird self-published story by a guy who's extremely unwell, usually referenced in the same way Sonichu is.
20. The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner. His most difficult to read work, about a Southern family at the beginning of the 20th century.
21. Black Future #1 - Whitney Ryan. A very racist BNWO sissification porn story that was probably written as a joke. Possible skip definite 0/10.
22. The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss. You know this.
23. The Trial - Franz Kafka. One of Kafka's most famous unfinished works, about a guy who's on trial for something and he doesn't know what.
24. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis. Supposed to be way darker and more fucked up than the movie, really supposed to chill you to the bone afaik. VERY excited for this read.
25. Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon. One of those famous "Really Fucking Long And Hard Books" like Infinite Jest or Ulysses, incredibly autistic foray into WW2 rocket science. Classic Pynchonery.
26. Magick In Theory and Practice - Aleister Crowley. Thankfully it's not the entirety of Magick Liber ABA Book 4.
27. Minecraft Jokes for Kids - Steve Minecraft. Not a real book but we'll substitute Jokes For Minecrafters by the Hollow family.
28. The Jews and Their Lies - Martin Luther. One of the most notorious antisemitic texts, right up there with the Protocols. It's going to be a pretty apalling read but it has pretty damn significant historical value so it's probably worth reading.
29. Dianetics - L. Ron Hubbard. The scientology book. It's way longer than you'd expect.
30. Everyone Poops - Taro Gomi. I don't understand this because girls don't poop.
31. In His Own Write - John Lennon. His writing and art, mostly just a bunch of absurd bullshit. I want to remain neutral and not just hate the book because I hate the guy. We'll see if it deserves that.
32. Bear - Marian Engel. This is that Canadian novel where the woman has a romance with a bear.
33. How To Get A Girlfriend - Chad Scott Nellis. Some bullshit self published thing. I'm gonna be swimming in punani.
34. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - Mark Manson. Some self help schlock afaik.
35. Gabriel Dropout (vol. 3) - UKAMI. This is that cutesy manga about those angels and demons in human high school.
36. 120 Days of Sodom - Marquis De Sade. Old story of elite sex cults, I'm pretty sure it's the origin of that being like a thing that people conspiracy theory about.
37. Phenomenology of Spirit - Hegel. You probably know Hegel from either Marx or Fallout New Vegas. I know Hegel because a chick at my friend's co-op talked at me about him for like ten minutes while I was way too shit faced to know what the fuck is going on around me at all but I nodded along.
38. Star Wars: The Ultimate Sticker Collection. I bought this used for a buck fifty with half the stickers gone. All the new trilogy ones were still there.
39. The Anarchist Cookbook. Vom hard at the idea of "buying" this but I want to make sure I get the version as it appears in the meme so I guess I'll drop a few bucks on it.
40. An American Life - Ronald Reagan. Practical applications for previous book.
41. Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger. Had to read this in high school, hated it, maybe it'll be better this time around.
42. Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce. An early postmodernist work about uhhh fucking whatever it was about. I'm not gonna lie if Ulysses is this hard for me this one will kill me.
43. The Charles Mingus CAT-alog for Toilet Training Your Cat. I'm not in the know when it comes to music but apparently this guy is like one of the gods of jazz. And he wrote a book on teaching your cat to shit in a people-toilet.
44. Am I Disabled? - The Simpsons S7E7. This is the book Homer reads where he learns obesity is a disability and gets really fat so he can work from home. Story of my life.
45. Serial Experiments Lain: An Omnipresence in Wired - Yoshitoshi ABe. The Lain artbook, with the short manga The Nightmare of Fabrication. Will be very expensive to get ahold of.
46. Pounded by the Pound - Chuck Tingle. We've heard enough about this guy the bit was holding onto the last molecule of funny it had like five years ago but I now had to buy a compilation paperback of his work for this.
47. Ford Capri II 2.8 & 3.0 Owners Workshop Manual 1974-1987. Had to order this from the UK couldn't find any in the US.
48. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov. We all know what this is. Of all things when my mom saw this list this was the book she pointed out as being really good, which I thought was funny.
49. Man's Life Magazine, September 1956 issue. "Weasels Ripped My Flesh." Good god it will be difficult finding the actual magazine, but the weasels story itself has been reprinted.
50. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd Edition) - Harold Abelson et al. I like when people make anime girls have it :)
51. Shiver - Junji Ito. Never been a major Ito fan but a couple of his works I really liked are in this compilation.
52. Neon Genesis Evangelion (vol. 2) - Yoshiyuki Sadamoto. The Eva manga was really good I've actually read it before.
53. How To Avoid Huge Ships - Captain John W. Trimmer. Classic meme because I guess the cover and premise is very funny but I don't really get the joke. It's not that ridiculous sounding of a book, it's just niche.
54. Spice and Wolf (vol. 1) - Isuna Hasekura. Light novel for that manga we've been seeing around. They put a generic cover on it and replaced the anime girl so it could sell to non-weebs.
55. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand. My sister read this in like middle school and unironically no joke started bawling crying sobbing because poor people are so evil and awful.
56. The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle. Oh Boy I Sure Hope This Little Wiggly Guy Eats Something Normal! Oh no.. oh dear ...
57. Glow In The Dark - Kanye West. Very very hard to get a physical copy but we'll try. Photo book of his tour of the same name.
58. Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler. Now obviously this wasn't included on the list for the genuine important historical value this book has but that's what I'm going to be reading it for. In reading it critically afaik it really paints a picture of how pathetic and unwell he was.
59. Higurashi: When They Cry. I hear it's really good.
60. This is a naked photo of Daniel Radcliffe posed with a horse.
61. Aberration in the Heartland of the Real - Wendy S. Painting. This is a book on the life of the OKBOMB guy, Timothy McVeigh. I hate how true crime shit has become so polarized as either sensational dogshit to make women walk with their keys between their knuckles or some awful horrible thing that's not worth looking into because "they were just racist/misogynistic/etc" I think it's all very reductive so this promises to be a good read.
62. KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation. CIA document on breaking a prisoner and interrogating from the 60s.
63. The Game - Neil Strauss. The Bible for pickup artists.
64. Identifying Wood - R. Bruce Hoadley. Yep, it's wood.
65. Fresh And Fabulous Meals in Minutes - Ainsley Harriot. Lots of memes about him but this is just a regular cookbook.
66. The Turner Diaries - Andrew Macdonald. Far-right racist book that inspired terrorism and hate crimes. People who read it and didn't already agree with it going in have said it's poorly written and just blows, and in the peek I took that seems to be true. It's too influential to not read if I'm going to be reading about Timothy McVeigh. Hard to get since it got pulled from most online stores following Jan 6th.
67. The C Programming Language (2nd Edition) - Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie. Gonna learn to code I guess.
68. A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara. It's a story about a group of mentally ill gay men living in New York. Has been described as trauma porn written by a woman fetishizing gay men and is on there because channers like making fun of it, but it was also shortlisted for a Pulitzer.
69. The Rose of Paracelsus - William Leonard Pickard. The author was the victim of one of the largest acid busts and he wrote this in prison.
70. The Book of Mormon - Joseph Smith. Interested to learn what the fuck Mormons are actually all about.
71. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone - J.K. Rowling. Like most people I read these in middle school. They were mid then and they're ass now but I'm not gonna tryhard about how bad they are because you've probably heard enough at this point.
72. A Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant. As someone who doesn't know shit about philosophy I'm excited.
73. Autobiography - Morrissey. Notorious for being published through Penguin Classics which is NOT for Morrisseys. Bad Morrissey. Go to your room.
74. Official Final Fantasy 7 Strategy Guide. I'm gonna get so good at FF7 dude.
75. My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness - Kabi Nagata. Think of the most annoying bpd she/they you know and then imagine a really mid book that she'd become way too annoying about. You've imagined this book.
76. Children of the Matrix - David Icke. The origin of the reptoids conspiracy theory.
77. Anti-Oedipus - Deleuze and Guattari. Mario and Luigi for your leftist roommate who won't do the dishes
78. Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace. It's a book about a person place or thing I know that much.
79. Sonichu #0 - Gonna be near impossible to source a physical copy from its short Lulu run.
80. Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe. Obviously of great historical importance but I get a sneaking suspicion that's not why they put it on the list.
81. Bronze Age Mindset - Bronze Age Pervert. This is... Well, it's sure something.
82. Drilled By My Two Cowboys - Aurora Sommers. BBW Cowboy porn 😋💦
83. The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky. People say it's his best work and if it's anywhere near as good as C&P was it'll blow me away. Also the Godfather was inspired by it.
84. Spare - Prince Harry. Really unfunny inclusion I can't imagine there's much value in it.
85. Da Jesus Book. That's the Hawaiian Pidgin translation of the New Testament. So basically I'm just reading the bible with extra steps.
86. Elon Musk - Ashlee Vance. Biography on Elon Musk apparently, not especially interested cause good chance it'll just suck him off hard.
87. Where's Waldo (Deluxe) - Martin Handford. Oh god I hope I find him.
88. Dracula - Bram Stoker. Shoulda subbed to Dracula Daily......
89. Bart Simpson's Guide to Life. I'm excited to see what Bart has to say about what I need to do with myself.
90. Bakemonogatari (vol. 1) - Nisio Isin. I've heard of this in passing I don't really know anything about this light novel except there's like girls and they're monsters maybe?
91. Business Secrets of the Pharoahs - Mark Crorigan. Fake book from S8E2 of the show Peep Show, which I've never heard of. It's British.
92. Industrial Society and Its Future - Ted Kaczynski. All I really know about Ted's ideas in the end is that everyone on here says he's based. I definitely want to read him and formulate my own opinion but I will probably also end up agreeing that he's based.
93. My Twisted World - Elliot Rodger. This is the manifesto of that incel shooter, probably a pretty worthwhile read in the same way a lot of this stuff is, a look into a deeply troubled person's mind.
94. Wash Your Penis - Jordan B. Peterson. This doesn't exist so we'll just read 12 Rules for Life.
95. Andrew Tate's Exegesis of the Quran. Unfortunately he did not actually write one though I bet it would be soooo terrible and funny. But we will read the Quran.
96. Art of the Deal - Donald Trump. Time to find out why people respected this guy.
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postlitany · 10 months
I'm just gonna say it, people need to research the drug that they are prescribed by doctors. I've worked in the medical field for 2+ years and the amount of times I've encountered messed up dosages, polypharmacy interactions, and straight up incompetence is insane. Polypharmacy just means you take multiple prescriptions. I'm someone with a lot of mental health medication so I'm a nightmare to a general practitioner. If you want to stay informed about medication management here are are few good resources
Drugs (dot) com- this can help look up drug interactions, it can tell you dosages, and it even has a pill finder. The pill finder is exceptional in helping prevent a bad drug interaction. If you have a pill and you don't know the dose or even the nae this site can help you identify it by it's shape and numbering or letting on the pill.
Wikipedia- I know I know this is a dumb one but understanding drug classes is important. If you wanna know what type of medication you are taking and what it's generally used for that's a great place to start. I would use this for general info or for questions to ask you prescribing provider.
Chat GPT- yes another weird one but if you wanna understand treatment or general treatments for a disease or disorder that can point you in the general direction. For my fellow healthcare workers it can help you write notes scientifically. If there is a phrase you can't figure out how to phrase in a encounter note, that site can be helpful.
I will emphasize that this is just how to look up general information about your prescriptions. Please know you dose of a medication, if anything else know what prescriptions you take. I think in medical encounter people assume the doctor or NP or PA knows it all, but in reality we need as much information as possible to safely prescribe medications for you.
I say all of this as someone who has working in an opioid addiction and chronic pain treatment facility and as someone who know works in endocrinology. I say this as someone who takes up to 10+ pills a day for different illnesses and disorders. This knowledge can save lives. Don't be afraid to ask a question, some providers are assholes, some providers want to be the best that they can be. It truly depends. You need to advocate for yourself, even if you have an awesome doc or NP or PA. We don't know what we don't know.
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ghostussy · 11 months
what is your favourite aspect of each of the Papa’s?
oooh... honestly, that's a really hard question! I'm gonna assume you're talking about fanon (and if not feel free to ask me again lmao) but these are my favorite aspects of the papas <3<3
- gentle old man. sweet, grandpa vibes. Always knows more than you think he does.
- he has a lot of wisdom. He's raised his brothers and seen/taken a lot of shit, so he always has good advice that he can share over tea.
- I feel like out of all the brothers, Nihil fucks with him the least. Primo may be old, but he has definitely beaten his crotchety ass at least once.
- hard exterior, but a total gentleman and sweetheart on the inside. tries to pull the "don't bother me" facade but if the reader comes to him with any need or issue (especially if they're young) then he's going to do his very best to help.
- definitely has arthritis. Is always willing to help chronically ill/young siblings of sin who may be new to the joint issues, and have no idea how to manage it. (no I'm not projecting here shut up-)
- also the best driver out of all the brothers. he is always driving the four of them to meetings and conferences, or to the grocery store, or to the locally owned witch shop for more incense. his only downfall is he has an absolutely shit sense of direction, and he refuses to take directions- so there's a lot of detours when he drives.
- younger sibling vibes. annoying as hell. the cool uncle that buys you weed to make sure it's not laced.
- he's the one that organizes all the uno/game nights and sleepovers. it was definitely his idea in the first place, and now he's in charge of setting up the pillow fort. he prefers to play card games in the fort, but sometimes a sibling will bring their switch and hook it up to play minecraft or mario kart.
- pretends not to enjoy cuddling in the blanket fort, but they always find him half-asleep in a pile of siblings, his brothers and/or ghouls all the time anyway.
- the baby brother. definitely has an anxiety disorder, adhd/autism mix, ptsd. the first out of the brothers to seek therapy, but once he did the others followed as well. very big advocate of mental health/prioritizing health over work, even if he doesn't always prioritize his own health.
- HUGE cuddle bug. perhaps a hint of age regression in him. loves to hold and be held, often wrapping himself and his cuddle partner in a nest of blankets, pillows and stuffies. absolutely owns each of the papal robe blankets. once he gave a sermon in the black one.
- he keeps a collection of stim toys and stuffies, both for guests and himself. often participates in self-soothing actions and stimming.
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sidebaxolotl · 2 months
May God bless you. I've looked to your blog for discussions about Side B Christianity for a while now and I appreciate your vulnerability and sincerity. Thank you. Your tags in the wake of recent debates about trans people where you've talked about wanting to kill people have been pretty disheartening to see. While I wouldn't want to judge you, I think you might be better off taking some distance from thoughts and topics which stir up such bitter feelings and seeking solace. I pray for you to feel at peace and hope for your joy and contentedness in all aspects of life.
Thank you friend!!
I should be clear because people who dont know me will probably take me too seriously--I use hyperbole a lot. Like A LOT. Its part of how I use humor to cope with things or just my own personal brand of silliness.
If it helps, what I'm really saying is that I am deeply angry with how womanhood/sapphic attraction is being appropriated and reduced to nonsense. And that actual women/sapphics are being bullied and ignored by voicing their disagreements with gender ideology. I'm angry in a similar way that we as a society have enabled what is clearly debilitating mental illness to be normalized with "treatment" that mutilates people and calls on everyone to deny reality instead of fixing the actual issue.
And that anger at sin and injustice is appropriate and valid, even if I express it in a goofy/hyperbolic way. I try to express my thoughts, esp in these asks in a more serious academic way but sometimes you will get the hyperbolic "im ending it all" "im gonna start k-wording people" bc i don't always have the energy to verbalize that and thats just how i express myself sometimes.
If I ever say these things or advocate for them in a non ironic/joke-y matter then feel free to call me on that. But in this case its really just me being hyperbolic if that helps.
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hadeantaiga · 11 months
that’s exactly it. the amount of well-meaning white queer people on here that get upset when qpoc point out racism in the queer community, that insist that because they haven’t encountered it it doesn’t exist, because they know the community to be accepting it doesn’t exist, that are so bothered by poc pointing out that they may be queer but they are also still white, could not be missing the point more.
white people ultimately don’t know what it’s like to live without their white privilege - it informs every interaction you have in this world and the true depth of that becomes apparent only when you don’t have it. but privilege has been made into this morally bad thing and that creates a situation where people lean into an identity of theirs that is oppressed and try to act like that supersedes the privilege they have. oppression isn’t 1:1, you can’t say because you’ve experienced one form of it you understand every form of it.
people love joking about how awful privileged people are but all that does is make it so anyone who does have privilege won’t want to admit it because they don’t want to be “bad”. and that is incredibly dangerous
Yes!!! All of this, all of this.
There are certain kinds of privilege that are caused by how many of our societies are currently structured. Having lots of money, sexism, racism, etc. These are forms of privilege that we could theoretically eliminate. We could have a society where birth sex or the color of your skin does not affect your status in society. Being born white or male or rich are things that, while it's not your fault if you have them, is a form of privilege you shouldn't really have in an equitable society.
But there are other kinds of privilege that even in a utopia would still exist. Being born blind, or becoming physically disabled, or being mentally disabled, etc... the utopia I imagine is not one being run by eugenicists, so disabled people are still gonna exist. And while my utopia has cities built around accessibility for disabled folks... they're still disabled, you know? And so someone who is abled is still going to have privilege. It's not a privilege they "shouldn't have" - I'm not advocating we go around breaking people's kneecaps or giving everyone traumatizing mental illnesses. It's just a fact about them as simple as their hair color.
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Hi spar! I just wanted to say I really enjoy your metas and character analysis. You always seem to have a great grasp of the characters and narrative and emotional beats that I find super helpful!
I was wondering what you think Imogen’s mindset might be going forward as Laudna slowly recovers and has to deal with her trauma and Imogen tries to meet her where she’s at and support her. Do you think her conversations with Delilah are weighing on her more now that she’s seen some of the things Delilah put Laudna through (not just her violent death but also how much she took from her in terms of her happier memories of her home etc)? Do you feel like Imogen will internalise this or that it will unwittingly come out as Laudna’s trauma response is further explored?
Firstly- thank you very much! :'''D What a lovely compliment, I really appreciate it :) I'm a real sucker for emotional beats and character dives and narratives that get influenced by these things, and I'm thrilled other people also get mileage out of my metas about these subjects. Secondly, this answer is late, and I'm very sorry. But its here now!
TL;DR: Oh yeah totes. Absolutely. Yes on all fronts. Its gonna be wild. :'D
I think that the entire experience absolutely puts a lot of things into a new light. About Laudna, about her shaded past, about each time she trailed off mid sentence because of Delilah. And I don't think it's that Imogen didn't know about any of it before, or didn't treat it with importance, (although the layers of deflection and misdirection between them didn't help). But it's very, very different to have it laid out like it was. In visuals and ghosts and tangible hurt and misery, in faces to names and at the end of it all- Laudna. Tired, and exhausted, and hopeless, in a cage, saying she doesn't think she can do anything. That the choice is all out of her hands. That maybe it always was.
So I think the big takeaway from this revelation will manifest in details of choice and agency, and Imogen with this deep, shattering understanding of how little of it Laudna has had previously. During the res ritual, saying to her: Make your own choice, please, do what you want, and I will support it. But its your choice. Its yours. She was so emphatic about giving Laudna that, desperately wanting her to be happy, wanting her to choose that happiness.
And that mentality, from Imogen, who has spent years clawing for control, her insides and out upended by bigger forces. From Imogen, who has learned the hard way that her best tool, her strongest one, is a weapon- a mind like a spike, like a hammer, in lightning striking down, lies and consequences doled out without hesitation. From Imogen, who very, very recently, has been reminded that the best way (the only way) to keep her loved ones safe has to do with ripping the storm out of her veins and letting it loose.
(What use are all these powers if not for protecting the people she loves? What are these scars, if not a reminder?)
... So to answer your last question- yes, and, honestly, yes. I think Imogen will be invested in advocating for Laudna's happiness and Laudna's choices, and be fighting to not push her into anything she doesn't want. Fighting to not let any of her own wants or needs override Laudna's. And I also think this is going to meld beautifully (Subtext: Uh Oh) with the trigger-happy, protective, self sacrificial "ill gladly do damage to myself to do damage to enemies" things Imogen already has going on.
(So. yes to the internalizing, and then some).
But, as we've already seen in this group of powder-kegged playing-hot-potato-with-therapy individuals, this kind of internalizing is not usually a long term solution, especially under duress (Moon's haunted), especially when someone already has a ton of shit going on (Moon's haunted). So its absolutely going to come out, sooner or later, and we are ripe for Interactions, Situations, and Shenanigans in the meantime. Especially if, Laudna, fresh off of "oh god everyone derailed their lives to fix my issue" tries to focus more on Imogen as a result. Wow what a mess. Hell yeah.
(That said, there are so many other people in the Bells that need* to have 1-1 conversations and resolutions and talks with Laudna, so Imogen might have a bit of breathing room right now for putting all focus and attention on her. So I guess, internalize away, my gal.)
*Need is, technically, MY need, but it still counts. Ashton WILL talk to Laudna soon or i will Combust. F.C.G, Fearne, Chetney, Orym...... Give Me The Conversations, CR. Give them to me.
... cannot wait for the next bit of combat though.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 11 months
sorry guys it's been a day or two so i have a couple thoughts on that disk horse. i think there's an interesting conversation to be had about how people like to use "this makes me uncomfortable" as a weapon. i don't know where it came from or why it's here (i'm no sociology major or anything) but i think it's...well.
i mean i'm not gonna lie, i think it's annoying. my opinion made you uncomfy? then it wasn't for you, OR maybe you should examine why that opinion sets you on edge. is it your trauma? because for the person who got on my ass, it was uh. pretty definitively. trauma.
and it was trauma they tried to project onto ME for some reason. "i'm sorry you got groomed" when...i haven't. i mean certainly the internet hasn't always been kind to me, and certainly i've had my fair share of Bad Sexual Experiences but...i've never gotten groomed.
grooming is a terrible thing that shouldn't happen but it's also specific. there was nothing in my original post that suggested i'd been groomed.
i don't know if the word has been diluted to the point where people don't know "grooming" is specifically when a person establishes an emotional connection to someone (almost always a kid) in order to make them ok with sexual abuse later.
this has not happened to me. nothing in my post suggested this had happened to me. when you're "uncomfortable with the wording of my post" to the point of trying to patronizingly inform me that this had, in fact, happened to me, you're just...fuckin wrong.
i don't think you're uncomfy with my opinion because i'm advocating for something shitty and unjust. i think you're uncomfy with my opinion because of terrible things that happened to you (and that for some reason, you saw fit to inform me of...as a gotcha moment?)
and i think you're conflating "this person's opinion is a Harmful Ideology" with "i have issues surrounding this particular topic and discussion of it that doesn't take into account My Experience is triggering."
because they were definitely triggered (in the mental illness sense not the AHA GET TRIGGERED LIBERAL) sense. they had follow-up posts talking about how scared and freaked out they felt. that is not a normal reaction to seeing an opinion you disagree with.
my point being is that really, i'm just a guy on the internet this person doesn't even. know. i randomly got rb-ed onto their dash. and for some reason they thought i was trying to attack them and Their Trauma when my post wasn't. about them at all. which is irritating.
all this to say i don't really have a strong conclusion here, it was just an annoying interaction and i think you should think before writing an essay about how "harmful" someone's opinion is. is it harmful or did it just harm you, specifically, even though it wasn't meant for you?
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