#if you are friends or acquaintances with me and refer to me as she/her? PERFECT please keep talking about me you are fueling my ego
eupheme · 20 days
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— a good, good neighbor
john hancock x f!sole survivor/reader
rated e - 2.8k
tags: friends-with-benefits vibes, mutual yearning & jealousy, mention of chem usage, references to threesome, horny!desperate!hancock, desk/office sex, semi-public sex, piv, blowjobs
prompts: “i want to fuck you so badly” + “i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty.”
“How did you imagine us?”
“Every way,” Hancock husks, “Keeping my cock warm while I work. Eating you on the desk or bending you over it.”
“Hell, I’ve even thought about the balcony. I’d take you right over the fuckin’ railing if you’d let me.”
(Or - when you come back from a mission, Hancock can’t wait to get his hands on you)
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Despite the bustle inside the Third Rail, it’s all just dull noise.
Hancock can’t say he’s heard a word Fahrenheit has said. It’s not his fault she had cornered him inside the entrance, right as he was on his way in.
Where he has a perfect view of the bar.
A perfect view of you, where you perch on one of the stools in front of Charlie. Looking like a dream, in your soft, faded clothes.
Not that he doesn’t like your vault suit. The way it fits like a glove around your hips and thighs, the swell of your tits.
He’s always been a fan.
But there’s something about this - how you look like you belong here, with him. It’s been a while since he’s felt his heart stir, but you really seemed to have woken it up.
His partner huffs, finally stepping to the side. Her own plans tonight, eyes already drifting over to the stage. A long-suffering sigh - a hand that pushes her undercut back, a scrunch of her nose.
“Remind me to let you two… debrief next time, before I talk to you.”
Hancock grins, only now coming back, “You got it, sister.”
He owes her one. Tomorrow he’ll sit down and really listen, but it’s been a long fuckin’ week and the chems he downed in his office are just now taking effect.
Tipping him towards being too high to be jealous that you’re talking to another ghoul - a sentiment that he’s only just becoming acquainted with.
That was never really his style, before now.
And just a tad too sober to suggest Deegan just join them, if your conversation doesn’t wrap up soon.
Really fuckin’ soon.
It’s as he sidles up to you that he notices just how good you truly look. Scrubbed clean from the wasteland, and he’s already imagining you in the Rexford, hands sliding over your wet curves in the shower.
Getting ready to come here, applying that pretty shade of red that darkens your lips - a treasure found on a recent favor you did for Daisy.
Something that had kept you away for days, his jaw gritting as you had left without him.
It’s the same shade as his coat - and that does something, too. A clenching in his guts, a wash of need as he imagines it marking up his cock. A pretty ring around the base, staining his skin.
Christ, he needed to get it together.
Your eyes brighten when you see him, “I was hoping you’d find me. Heard you were still working.”
He fits against you, leaning on the bar. A hand draping across your shoulder - eager to touch, as your head tips up to his.
“Never too busy for my favorite girl.”
The smile you give him, those pretty painted lips stretched wide, shoots straight to his cock. Uncomfortable, where it strains against the front of his trousers - and maybe, he just might be head-over-heels.
He needs to get out of here.
“You want to get out of here?” He asks - the back of your neck warm where his palm curves around it, thumb brushing over soft skin.
Feeling the low hum in your throat, as you answer.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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“I want to fuck you so badly.”
Hancock growls it in your ear, as he wrenches the door to the Old State House open. Bypassing your room at the Rexford, opting for something closer.
He always seemed to like you in his bed. Late nights turning into slow mornings, getting acquainted with the soft drag of fingers against skin. Comparing scars until you’ve learned each and every one.
You think he’d keep you there, if he could. If you both weren’t so prone to wandering.
The rough admission sends your pulse racing. Never expecting to miss someone like you did him. Never thinking you’d get a chance like this again.
But something about being with Hancock feels so easy. Something invisible that ties you to him, but that tether is never-ending. Both of you always finding your way back to each other, in a slow orbit.
Never knowing what it truly meant to know that someone had your back - until you were looking down the barrel of something you weren’t supposed to come back from, out in the wasteland.
Knowing he would be there, as soon as you called.
“Then fuck me,” You sigh against him, at the landing of the second-floor staircase. The railing pressing into your back as his tongue licks into your mouth.
Hands fisting in the collar of his frock as his hips roll against yours. Getting turned around in path back to his room.
Ending up across the hall, in his new office. The door still cracked open as you both stumble inside. A soft sound of surprise when you find yourself bumping up against a heavy wooden desk, instead of the couches you’ve come to know so well.
He’s already herding you to the other side, moving his chair out of the way. Hoisting you onto the edge, before stepping between spread thighs.
Mouthing at your jaw, hands slipping beneath your shirt.
“Wrong room,” You sigh, as your arms wrap around his shoulders.
“Right fuckin’ room.” His hips meet yours, rolling himself against your core, “Know how many times I’ve dreamed about having you in here?”
The thought of him thinking of you has your thighs tightening around his hips. A needy moan when his hand fondles a breast over the fabric of your bra, before it’s slipping beneath.
“How-” You start, and then squeak as his fingers pinch against the tight peak of your nipple, “How did you imagine us?”
His black eyes are hazy when he pulls back. A shine on his lips from where his tongue soothed a mark left against your neck.
“Every way,” Hancock husks, “Keeping my cock warm while I work. Eating you on the desk, or bending you over it.”
You whine at the thought - a jolt of pleasure arcing through you as his hips jerk against yours, grinding against your clothed core.
“Hell, I’ve even thought about the balcony. I’d take you right over the fuckin’ railing if you’d let me.”
God, it’s tempting. Heat flaring to life in your cheeks at the thought - knowing he would.
He’s opened the doors to a lot of new aspects of yourself, but there’s still a shred of your old-world modesty that clings to you.
But it still sends a liquid warmth pooling in your belly. He can feel the way your hands tighten their grip that you’re picturing it too.
The balcony is out of the question, but the rest…
Your palms push at his shoulders, and he allows you just enough room to get down. To flip around until your hips are flush with the edge of the wide desk.
“Why don’t you show me?” You coo, with a glance over your shoulder, “Mister Mayor.”
There’s a flash of teeth with his smile - words as sweet and smooth as honey, “Sweetheart, call me that again and I’ll show you anything you want.”
His hand is quick to press at the small of your back, bending you across his desk like he had imagined. Your hand slipping down to work at the button and zipper of your pants, where he’s already gripping at the fabric to tug your layers down.
Hancock’s hips press into your bare center. Nudging the hard, clothed curve of his cock against yours, fingers already smoothing over your skin. Gripping on before nails drag over the curve of your ass, then slipping between your thighs.
You stifle a moan when he touches you, all slick and swollen already. A day-long lingering anticipation of seeing him, keyed up by his own laid-bare desire.
“You miss me, doll?” Hancock husks, when he finds how wet you are. The tips teasing your clit as he frees himself.
Fingers petting at your folds. Slicking them up until he can smear your arousal against his cock - the rough skin shining in the windows of light that peek in from the city outside.
“Yes,” You whine - he always seems to pull things from you, when he has you like this. Making you soft, willing to lay yourself open if it means he keeps touching you, “Hancock, please-”
The word strings out - as he grasps at your hips, tugging you back just as he drives himself deep into you. This is what you needed - the aching stretch, the way your blood sings already.
Squirming when he stays still, slipping half-way while his hands keep you pinned against the desk.
“Don’t slow down now,” You huff, as you rock back into his touch.
Hancock’s own laugh is low and throaty - you gasp when you feel his fingers slip from your hip. Boldly tracing where you stretch around him, letting his thumb rub at your clit until he can feel you clench.
“Just enjoying the view.” He husks, “It’s not every day I get to fuck someone so pretty.”
His words shoot straight through you, settling in your heart. So much understood and even more left unsaid.
You’re used to the before, when there were neat labels and expectations. Left on uneven footing now, with how the world has changed.
Maybe even scared to bare yourself fully - to let yourself feel so deeply for another person again.
But surely this - this partnership, his words, him - must mean something.
“It could be.”
It slips from you with a sigh, too late to snatch back. Something fluttering in your belly, a heady mix of apprehension and pleasure as he growls - a sharp thrust that has him filling you again.
A shift of his fingers until he’s circling your clit, with just the right pressure that he knows you need. A shallow roll of his hips that starts slow, and steady.
“That right?” His voice is low, lilting up at the end.
You couldn’t really ask him to join you - but tonight, you could pretend. The time you had spent together on the road was some of your best moments in this aftermath.
But you respected his decision to stay, to work a little harder at this Mayor business. Even if it had left you unsure of where you stood with each other.
Even if you did miss him, want him by your side.
“Yeah,” You manage, “Keeping touching me like that and, yeah-”
You can hear the smile in his voice as he answers, “Sunshine, you’re gonna have a harder time getting me to stop.”
He makes good on his promise.
A hand catching under your thigh, hoisting your knee onto the desk top. Opening you up further - a stifled cry pulling from you when he nudges deeper, stroking a spot inside you that steals your breath.
The door is still ajar - the thought of your whines and the slick drive of his cock has your heart pounding.
You’re sure he’d love that too - the shout of his name as he makes you come, echoing to where the drifters sleep above, and where the Watch lingers. The sound of his hips knocking yours into the desk, the rhythmic creak of old wood.
It still lingers as a whimper - bitten back as the pleasure builds. He hasn’t forgotten in the time you’ve been apart, pounding into you again and again. His touch circling just as he bottoms out, a pressure in his own belly with each gasp he pulls from you.
“Fuck, John.” You keen - a number already seeming to tick down inside you, with each circuit of his fingertips, “I’m gonna come-”
“That’s my girl,” He coos - keeping the same rhythm, the same steady pound that threatens to break you, “Give it to me. Soak my fuckin’ cock, sweetheart.”
His girl.
It echos - your cry going silent, when as the pleasure washes over you. Leaving you trembling as you ride out the waves of pleasure, meeting the thrusts that grow lazy.
You needed this, needed it as much as he does. So much packed noise inside your brain going quiet the harder he fucked you, now blissfully silent.
“Look at you,” It’s muted, as your back arches - as you drip around his cock, “You feel so fucking good, not gonna last-”
Almost as if he gets off to this - making you come. Taking you apart, until each breath is a wrung-out gasp, your fingers curling into fists.
It leaves you thinking that if he’s staying here - if he’s been thinking about you, you’ll give him something to remember.
Another check off of his list.
“Hancock,” You breathe - eyes heavy and dazed as you glance over your shoulder.
Where he’s arced over you - grinding himself deep. His own gaze blown-wide with need as it tips to meet yours.
“Come in my mouth,” You beg, “Let me taste you.”
Eyes flicking to his chair, still pulled up next to the desk. He’s always been able to follow you, a rough sound in his throat when the catches what you mean.
“Fuck.” His hips stutter, before he’s slipping from you, “Yeah. Yeah, doll. Anything you want.”
You’re sinking to unsteady knees in front of him, as he drops down into the chair. Knees spread wide as your hands run up his thighs, to where his cock hangs heavy against the unzipped fabric.
Already missing him inside you. A rough groan when your hand wraps around, before you’re swallowing him down. Tasting yourself smeared across him, as your cheeks hollow, your fist pumps.
“So fuckin’ perfect, you know that?” Hancock hisses, the words coming out ragged. Hips bucking into the wet suction of your mouth.
No teasing this time, no kitten-licks. Just the familiar weight of him on your tongue, the jerk of your spit-slicked fist.
A ragged sound slipping from him when your eyes drag up to meet his. Peeks of reddened and rough skin along the way that make you want to take a bite as well.
Noticing how he’s marked up with you - faded shades of red stained on his lips and chin. Littered across on his cock, down to the base.
You think you like the look of it, something warm flickering in your belly - an echo of the pleasure he gave you before.
Wanting him to think about you every time he sits here, after you leave. The feeling of your mouth around him, how hard you made him come. Leaving your own mark on this room, as well.
He groans at the way you watch, the soft lap of your tongue. How you squeeze him bringing him closer - waiting for him to show you how much he needs you.
“Fuck. You’re gonna make me come, gorgeous.” It’s a rough warning, as his hand cradles your jaw. The bite of nails against your neck, as his hips buck.
The groan he makes is loud and low - shameless - as he comes. His cock throbbing in your mouth, each pulse leaking his spend as you swallow him down. Coaxing every drop from him, until you’ve taken it.
Keeping him in your mouth, after - your tongue sweeping lazily across his skin, until he goes soft. Easing off him then, letting your head rest against his thigh.
Hancock’s head still tips back, lost in that soft haze. The shallow rise and fall of his chest, a week’s worth of want spilled across your tongue.
“Was that like you imagined?”
There’s the tilt of his head as he grins, his thumb reaching to press against your lower lip - a low growl when you nip at it.
“Even fuckin’ better.”
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The room shifts in front of you - Hancock’s boot propped against the desk, sending the chair back and forth on a slow sway.
Your legs thrown over the armrest, where you sit in his lap. The sounds of Goodneighbor muted outside, as the lights spill across the floor in the dark room.
“Thought I’d stick around a couple days.” You tell him, “Skip out later this week, maybe.”
“You just got in.” He rasps, fingers tracing a pattern against your shoulder, “Got somethin’ going already?”
You hadn’t planned on it. Had been hoping to stick around Goodneighbor for a while. Spend some time with him, before heading out.
“Edward asked me to do a job for him,” You stifle a yawn, your head tilted against his, “Some girl he works for ran off, said she does that all the time.”
Duty always calls.
"Edward?" Hancock’s brow lifts.
His tongue clicks against his teeth, a soft pinch of his fingers against your skin, “Didn’t know you and Deegan were that chummy. Edward, huh?”
Your elbow sinks into his ribs, and he grins.
“Well, you don’t gotta wait on me,” He hums, already thinking ahead. “You wanna get this show on the road tomorrow?”
A small mark puckers your brow as you lean to face him, your gaze searching.
“I thought you stopped running.” It’s soft - a question, hidden in your words.
Hancock huffs, “Not running.”
His voice drops - a softness to his beetle-black eyes as he thumbs at your chin, drawing your mouth down to his.
“Just realized I’d rather be by your side.”
With his admission, the hungry press of his lips…
You think you fall just a little harder.
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loved the idea of a desperate/lovey Hancock paired with a sweetly oblivious “what are we” Sole, haha 💖 thanks for reading!! and for this perfect request!
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billskeis · 2 months
this was a req from anon that was suuuper long but needless to say im obsessed ^.^
ᡣ𐭩 bill’s a stalking pervert
bill’s a pervert. a real, pervert. and not in the way you think. he’s not obvious. he won’t look up your skirt as you walk up the flight of stairs in front of him. he won’t stare down your cleavage as you yell and nag at him for calling you a ‘bitch’ as your tits press close together with the cross of your arms. god no, he’s not that stupid. he plans everything through.
at a good distance away, your house resides a couple houses down from him. perfect for you not to notice the way he’ll angle his head to get a perfect of you slipping out of your outfit, stripping completely naked to then put on a night gown. he relishes in the sight of your body, watering at the mouth. every inch and curve of yours was just utterly perfect to him. he gets hard thinking about running his hands on your soft and supple skin.
he takes pictures, a lot of them. don’t be surprised if you were to ever stumble upon his room and find a few of them pinned to a bulletin board on his wall. decorated nice and neat. one of the pictures he has is of a portrait of you, with a black-sharpie heart drawn on it. most of them were candids, of course, others taken from your social media and social media’s of your friends, and your friends friends, desperate to find anything of you.
try not to be surprised either at the fact he will have a photo of you by his bedside table, with a roll of toilet paper and body lotion.
one day he was following you while you were out on a weekday meeting up with a friend from work. you greeted your friend who was running a little late, embracing her in a friendly hug as the two of you sat down at the cafe table, drinks already ordered. was he sitting at the table next to you in some gaudy disguise? no, too weird. was he peeking through like a peeping tom from the entrance door? god no, he’s not an amateur.
he sat in his car, parked in the parking lot in front of the cafe as he adjusted the earbud he wore. while talking about friends and family, your friend brought up the odd question of what you thought of bill. cringing, you question her as to why she was asking this in the first place and she had mentioned how you two had always bitched at each other, to what she refers to as ‘a little too close for comfort to be just enemies.’
you roll your eyes at her, immediately beginning to throw insults at the man she spoke of. his heart stung a little, pouting at he looked at you through the car window while listening to the microphone of your friend’s earbud on the opposite side, hidden behind the locs of her hair so you wouldn’t notice that bill had been on call with her this whole time.
he had bribed her. but not to mention despite being your friend, she was closely acquainted to him more than she was with you, the money just had to be the cherry on top. feeling a little upset, he suddenly can’t help the gasp that let out his mouth when you told your friend that ‘despite him being hot, i don’t think he’d ever want to get with me, he hates me!’
oh how he was gonna change your mind.
turning the metal knob, you stop the shower water running as you exit the glass enclosure. wrapping yourself in the soft fuzzy towel, you step out of the bathroom into your bedroom, hair slightly dripping onto the wooden floor that creaked beneath your footsteps.
noticing that your closet door was left slightly open, you quirked an eyebrow up. what the hell? you thought you closed it before you left your room to go freshen up. you always leave it closed. well, it didn’t matter anyways because you needed to grab some clothes anyways.
opening the closet door, you heart almost sunk six feet under the ground as you were met with a figure you were least expecting. it was bill fucking kaulitz, your D1 enemy, standing, there, in your goddamn closet. you almost let out a shriek until he immediately covered your mouth with his palm. pressed his body against your half naked one, only the cover-up of your towel separating the two of you.
you blink fast. scared, anxious, what the hell was he doing in your room. he looked calm, but a little nervous. your heavy suffocated breaths are the only noise that fill the room, as he tells you to calm down, you attempt to slow your breathing. not wanting to concern anyone in your family, you comply with his orders. it would be a bad spot if any of them were to find you half naked with a complete stranger, a man, at that.
“gonna keep quiet?” you nod, you wanted answers. you wanted to know why the man you thought to dislike you, along with someone who you’d disliked so much was doing in the vicinity of your bedroom. letting his palm go away from your face, he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans, “well?? what the fuck are you doing here!? how—how the hell did you get inside??”
“does that really matter right now? aren’t you glad to see me?” he holds his arms out, waiting for your response. he knows just how to push your buttons, you bite your lip. god was he tall, he had to look down at you for the two of you to make eye contact. this fucker was lucky that he was good looking, or else you would’ve called the cops. pretty privilege amiright?
“get the hell out.” “princess—” “i said, get the hell out, bill.” bill can only stare at you. staring you down, his eyes shift up and down your figure. you can feel his gaze on you. of course, he was standing right in front of you, acting as if he wasn’t undressing you with his eyes. your face heats up, could it be you’re feeling shy that he was looking at you with such lust or the fact that you had taken a steaming hot shower not too long ago?
he steps a little closer to you, you take a step back to keep a distance. “prinzessin, bitte.. i need you so bad.. i don’t think you understand how much i want you. wanted you. i craved for this moment for ever.. can’t you make my dreams come true..?” you’re at a loss for words, totally unbelieving the words that are coming out of his mouth. he wants you?? does this mean he likes you??
“i came to see you, i love you.. and i want you to make me yours..” “i.. c-can i get a moment to think about this?? you’re moving way too fast—” pulling you into a hug, you towel could threaten to fall off if he were to let go, his body slightly unravelling the heavy cloth that wraps around your body. your head was pressed against his chest, you hear his heartbeat. it’s fast and never stopping.
“y/n please!! i can’t wait for your response.. just please let me out you out.. please let me fuck you.. i only want you to feel good.” his black dreads drape over and tickle your shoulders as he nuzzles his head into your neck. as he begged and he begged, you can feel his hard-on pressed into your thigh. swallowing, you let the lump go down your throat as you whisper him a small ‘fine.’ he can’t help but let out a moan of joy, clearly relieved by your answer. he’s so happy. he’s so happy he gets to go down on his favourite girl.
your legs clamps around bill’s head. a grip entangled in his black locs as you form a makeshift ponytail with your hands to hold bill’s dreads back away from his face as he eats you out. he’s starved, hungry, licking at your folds if it were his last meal on earth. his moans vibrate in your pussy, his nose nudging your clit as he motions his head up and down.
he wouldn’t be able to stop now, and neither were you going to be able to stop him. he’s been dreaming of this, dreaming of the day that he would be able to use your body as he likes. he wouldn’t wanna use you like that though! he loves you too much, he only cares about your pleasure, if you’re feeling good, he comes second in this equation.
“auugh, b-bill..” you thrash your head back into the pillow as he flicks your clit with the tip of his tongue, “you taste sooo fuckin’ good..” as he eats you out sloppily, he purposely sucks at your cunt in a way that the noises are only what’s heard in your bedroom.
he wanted to be gentle! trust me, he did! bill would only want the best for his girl’s first time. you let him know before he went down on you, telling you that it was okay and just let him do all the work for now. but he can’t get enough of the taste, it’s like nectar to him. he can’t get enough of how sweet your moans are either, how his name just so easily rolls of his tongue other than in the context of you screaming in his face.
your juices drip down his chin, and he looks up at you from between your thighs. expecting, his eyes look as though he expects you to say something, “feel s’good billy.. m’gunna cum soon..!” and this fires him up even more, wrapping both his arms around your legs to bury his face into your pussy even more. messily lapping at the wetness, he places wet kisses on your clit as he whimpers at how pretty your puffy, sensitive cunt is. suddenly, he stops.
“s’pretty, but i want you to come on this dick. get up schatzi..” with weak wobbly legs, you prop yourself up on the bed, crawling to bill who’s already sat up against the bed frame. nervously, you bring your hands to palm bill through his sweatpants, a wince escaping his lips as he slightly trembles.
“shit..” “sensitive are ya?” you let out a soft giggle as he nods his head, biting his bottom lip a little too hard that it may bleed. you free his cock from its constraints to see it stand tall. fuck. he’s huge. you pray to the gods he doesn’t rip you apart, with such a length and girth. it’s a pretty shade of pink, and it leaks pre, a lot of it.
bill brings his hand to jerk himself off, as you position yourself within his lap, cunt slightly hovering over him. both prepped, he asks if you’re ready, and with just a nod, he pushes himself into you. slow, he inches his dick into the tight walls of your cunt, letting out a wanton moan as tears begin to fill his eyes. he’s so sensitive, with just the tip inside, he might already come. his dreams were finally coming to life, and it’s all thanks to you :3.
he wanted to wait for you to feel adjusted to his size. he knows he’s big, he just doesn’t flaunt it, wanting to save himself in surprising you with it of course. sitting there, he holds your hips as he can only moan out words of affirmation to you, telling you how pretty you look perched up on his cock or how good you tasted.
as good as he knows how to get under your skin, you also learnt today how good he was at making you nervous. what a little shithead he is, isn’t he? to no further notice, you begin to bounce your hips on his cock, cunt sliding up and down his length as your walls mould to the shape of him.
“a-amazing.. you feel s’good.. don’t stop—oh god—p-please don’t stop!” a tear falls down bill’s cheek as he whimpers from the way you fuck your hips back onto his. a heavy slapping sound fills the room as you ride him with no intent to stop and his sensitive dick can only hold out so much..
bill’s gaze cannot seem to focus on one thing. the way your tits bounce with how hard you ride him, or how your cunt just envelopes his dick. he doesn’t know where to put his hands, so he lets them fall to the side of his body. as you do all the work, you smirk, suddenly clenching around bill as he gasps. eyes widening as he cries out from the pleasure.
he’s pathetic. a complete and utter sobbing mess. dreads prettily framing his face as his black eyeshadow runs down it. rising your hips, you attempt to get the both of you off as quick as possible. you notice how bill squints his eyes shut, he’s concentrating on trying not to come too fast. cupping his cheek with your hand, he opens his eyes in shock, quickly nuzzling his face to stifle his moans into your palm as he shies away.
“mmphf.. s’happy.. s’glad you said, ah! y-yes..” “yea?? you happy?” “mmhm!!” and that’s what did it for you. while bringing your face closer to his, you kiss bill hard as you shove your tongue in his mouth, invading his as you piston your hips on his. you grin at the whorish moans he lets out into the kiss, tongues swirling within one another as bill attempts to catch his breath, wanting to let go but you only kiss him deeper.
he’s pussy drunk, it’s like a drug. and for what seemed like forever, bill’s orgasm came as he filled your insides, cum spurting to paint the insides of you white. he wraps his arms around you to bring your torsos closer together. thighs trembling, bill only fucks himself deeper than he already is, hitting your cervix straight on as his cum fills your womb.
the cord in your stomach finally snapped as your orgasm followed shortly after, electricity pulsing through your body as you clenched around him. as you break off the kiss, a string of saliva following, heavy pants are exchanged as the two of you stare at one another. “you okay?” you ask bill, he seems way more disheveled than you were, “mm’kay.. that was.. amazing..”
“don’t tell me that was your first time too? “s-shut up..” you laugh as you wipe the sweat off his forehead, putting some of his dreads behind his ears as you peck the tip of his nose. bill only smiles at you, telling you that he’s sorry about earlier. you can only shake your head at him and tell him that despite the fact he could’ve confessed any other way, you didn’t mind this, telling him that you also like him.
bill’s heart can only skip a beat as you lead him into the washroom to run a nice warm bath.
so rip to everyone else who was in that house >.> anon also wanted aftercare but im lazy this is all u get >:3
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gn guys ! i did not proofread this .. or any of my works matter of fact :p
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anon-amiss · 1 year
hello, I have a request of Wally Darling x singer y/n
at first, Wally and the others did not know the reader could sing. One day they all decided to have a group picnic and Wally was the one who would get you. Wally knocked at y/n home and Y/n didn't answer he noticed the window open and he heard Y/n singing. (Love like you by steven universe)
then and there Wally fell in love he could not bring himself to stop the reader from singing.
you can pick what happens next :)
Beginning notes: I love this! I'll do my best! Thank you for the request! Another quick mention is that the reader might be referred to as "neighbour". I don't mind using Y/n at all, but people give it so much bad rep :[
Some warnings: Nothing triggering, just reader being mildly embarrased haha
Wally Darling x Singer!Reader
(Platonic or Romantic)
(a bit more on the romantic side haha)
"...Turns out, I was holding the letter all along!! Now isn't that just hilarious??" Eddie boasted out, laughing while waving his arm around rapidly. Barnaby fell to the floor, rolling around and snickering in response. It was as if he'd just heard the funniest thing in Home, which, honestly, could have been probable.
Wally giggled after hearing the passing conversation, placing the picnic blanket down on the grass with ease.
The sky was perfect, and the weather calm. This meant only one thing: it was finally time for the monthly picnic party! Everyone was invited, which meant you were too! It was going to be your first time at this event, and everybody was very excited to have you join them as their special guest! Everyone came extra prepared, bringing gifts and items they thought would help with getting you acquainted with their tradition.
Sally weighted the blanket down with what looked to be a large sewing machine and a bag full of various fabrics and sewing materials. Wally turned his attention to her and tilted his head.
"What are all these for?" Wally asked, a little surprised she was able to carry all these items on her own.
"Why, I wanted to show our new friend how to make hand puppets! They've been asking me all week, and I thought this would be the best opportunity to teach them!" She beamed, organizing some of her tools on the blanket.
"Yeah, and I brought my makeup so we could do a little fashion show with them!" Julie interjected, placing a few of her bags, presumably filled with makeup, on the blanket next to Sally's items. "I made sure to bring everything I had just in case they wanted a certain look!"
"Oh! I brought along some arts and crafts if that helps at all!" Eddie chimed in, holding out a delivery bag filled to the brim with tons of crafting materials. He placed himself on the blanket next to the growing pile of goods. It was starting to form a little mountain by now.
"Whoa now, buddy! Make sure to leave some extra for the butterfly nets!" Frank blurted out. He held nothing, but Wally assumed they would use some of Eddie's resources to make the nets.
"Do we have to participate in this event before or after lunch?" Barnaby joined, with Poppy following suit. He placed down a picnic basket full of the most delicious smelling food. Oh! He seemed to have placed it on Eddie's head! It's perfectly balanced!
Frank shot him a glare and sighed. "We'll do it after lunch just so you won't complain the whole time."
"What can I say? Small dogs like me need lotsa energy to run!" He jested, laughing to himself with a wide grin.
"You better not eat it all this time, Barb! Poppy and I spent a lot of time gathering the most perfect ingredients for this specific batch of food!" Howdy blurted out, tapping his foot at the fluffy 'little' pup.
"Don't worry, Howdy! I wouldn't dream of ruining our new neighbour's first picnic! Besides, a tiny guy like me can't finish all this by myself," he replied, giving him a pat on the head for reassurance.
"Speaking of our new neighbour, where are they?" Poppy asked, turning to Wally with a motherly smile.
"Yeah! We can't possibly start without them!" Julie added on, turning to face Wally with an excited grin.
"I told them I'd come and pick them up as soon as we were done setting up!" Wally replied, clasping his felty hands together with the happiest expression he could give. "Would you all be so kind as to help me finish up while I go get our neighbour? I'm just too excited to wait."
"Of course! We'll have everything prepared in a jiffy!" Sally exclaimed, jumpstarting the task and immediately organizing the items on the blanket. Julie joined in, working at the same pace as her.
"Thank you so much! I'll see you all soon. I love you!" Wally waved to them, setting off to your home with an overjoyed feeling in his body. He felt so lucky to have friends like them.
Your home wasn't too far from the picnic site, only a few minutes away, so Wally got there pretty early. He told you earlier that he would probably finish up by noon. By now, according to the town clock, it was about 11:30pm. Though a few minutes definitely passed after Wally's struggle to remember how to read the clock in the first place.
Wally stood in front of the door to your home, ready to knock before hearing a quiet melody. Curiously, he turned his head to the source of the noise, which appeared to be coming from a nearby open window.
He hummed and looked away. Wouldn't it be rude to take a look inside? This place was your privacy, so maybe it was best to ignore it.
Another melodic tune began to ring out quietly, followed by the deafening tone of piano keys being smashed rather aggressively. "Oh dear..." Wally refused to look through your window. That would be unneighbourly!
Then he heard groaning and began to grow worried. Maybe just a peek. For your safety. Definitely.
He followed intuition and looked through the window, his eyes searching rapidly for the source of all the noise. His gaze happened upon you. You were sitting at the piano, holding what looked to be a journal and a pencil.
You were grumbling to yourself and writing angrily in the book, but other than that, you seemed to be doing relatively well. Perhaps you were just experimenting with new sounds. Wally's suspicions began to die down, and he would have left it at that, but before he could turn away, you did something completely unexpected.
Once you cleared your throat and placed your journal down, you began to press numerous keys, getting acquainted with the feeling before you began to play what sounded like an actual song.
Your fingers gingerly glided across the piano, leaving Wally entranced and more breathless than he already was. If he had a pulse, he was sure it would be beating critically by now.
He blinked, dumbfounded. Not about the fact that you were talented, but of the fact that you had kept this a secret for so long. He couldn't fathom why someone would hide such a gift.
Then another surprise emerged. Not from your movements, but from your voice. You began to sing! He nearly tripped himself inside your home, not realizing how far he was leaning into your window. He held onto the frame, his mouth agape from the sheer astonishment you managed to succumb him to.
He could only make out a few words from so far away. "If I could begin to be...... I could do about anything...... Could even learn how to love like you...." You continued on with the song, putting all the focus you could on playing the right keys. It was hard to concentrate when you sang and played at the same time, which was why you were practicing in the first place.
You didn't want to necessarily practice for anybody but yourself. You never planned on anyone hearing your singing, mainly because of how embarrassing and distracting it felt. It would most definitely make you mess up, which would only be more humiliating for you in the end.
You weren't a professional, and honestly, you were okay with that. As long as you could finish the song at all, you would be just fine. The accomplishing feeling was worth much more than the sound of cheers. You steadied your breathing and began to focus on your singing a little.
Meanwhile, Wally was lost in thought, watching you with a dreamy gaze. He absolutely adored you. He was so proud knowing he had a friend who could do so many beautiful things. He so badly wanted to learn this song so he could sing with you. He wanted to praise you right there and then, but he knew it was probably not the best idea.
He leaned on the window frame, crossing his arms and watching you intently. He was baffled, feeling himself just melt into the mixture of sounds you were creating right before his eyes. He sighed and closed his eyes, falling into the deepest state of peace he's ever had in Home.
He loved the concocting mix of your voice and the piano. The sounds succesfully meshed to create a hum that reverberated off the walls and vibrated the glasses around you, which, in turn, created what sounded like an extra voice. Angelic!
Then you did something else totally unexpected!
There was the tiniest note out of place, which was proceeded by the loudest smash of keys Wally's ever heard. Mortified, he opened his eyes and looked up at your figure.
You were frustrated with yourself. You were doing great, but you just had to take your attention away from the piano, didn't you? You groaned and rubbed your forehead. You'd been practicing for a while now, so maybe now would be the best time for a break.
You turned your body and got up from your seat. Water sounded good right about now.
Wally didn't have enough time to react before you laid your eyes upon the window. Panicked, he flopped down on the ground, feeling himself heat up. He wasn't sure if he had the capability to blush, but if he did, he was definitely doing it now.
At first you were shocked by the sight of Wally, but even moreso when he launched himself back from the window???? You hurridly rushed towards the opening and looked down at the ground. There he was.
"Wally?? What are you doing here??" You asked, observing as his felty face began to grow a few shades darker. He chuckled nervously and sat up quickly.
"Well.. Erm..."
"Wait there! Let me help you," you interrupted, making your way outside as hastily as you could. You grabbed his hand and led him in your home, helping him dust off some of the grass that seemed to have stuck to him when he threw himself back.
You invited him to sit at your dining room table, grabbing two glasses of water and placing one in front of him as an offering. He seemed to just stare at it quizically. Oh wait, did he drink water? Now that you thought about it, you don't think you've ever seen him consume anything.
But as you snapped yourself away from your thoughts, you found the water to be gone. Oh. The cup was too. Did he eat it? Maybe it was a puppet thing???
"I'm so sorry for my actions, neighbour," Wally started, staring up at you with dejected eyes. "I was going to knock on your door so I could escort you to the picnic, but I guess I got a little curious. I shouldn't have looked through your window. That was very uncouth of me." He hung his head low, expecting you reprimand him for his actions or get angry, but much to his surprise, you just laughed.
"Oh, Wally. You don't have to apologize. I would have gotten a little interested, too, if I heard all that noise I was making," you stated, laying a hand on his shoulder. "Besides, I wouldn't have minded having you listen to me. I can always depend on you to be kind and unjudgemental." You took a sip of your water, reassuring him with a smile. "I should be the one apologizing to you, in all honesty. All that key smashing was probably very... erm... unsurprising, to say the least." You gave out another laugh, Wally doing the same.
"Well, I must say, I just love your singing. It was gracious," he admitted, making you feel gaucherie-like. It wasn't unlike him to compliment you, even for the smallest of things, but you always knew he was genuine. It was refreshing to hear that he liked something so personal about you. "I could listen to you all day, really." His eyes had a glaze to them that you couldn't understand the meaning of, but it made your heart pump.
"Thank you, Wally. That means a lot to me," you replied, grinning proudly. He nodded and got up from his seat.
"Well, we should probably be heading to the picnic now. I wouldn't want everyone else to worry haha!" He pushed his chair in and offered his hand out to you, which you did take, but you had to admit you were a little bashful while doing so.
You both headed out, only stopping once for Wally to ask if he could hear you play sometime.
"Of course!" You responded cheerfully, feeling bubbly from his excited expression afterwards.
"Then it's a date!"
End notes: Haha, in the end I guess it was more on the romatic side. I might write a oneshot for the 'date' and the picnic as well if anyone wants that. I had fun writing the transitions between the characters, and in my personal opinion, this oneshot was a little funky, but hey, that's fine! I liked writing it! Thanks for your request! I appreciate your amazing idea!Sorry if it's not what you completely had in mind!
Another note: this is what I imagine he looked like when listening to you sing. I'm not the best artist, but I do try >:]
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oftenwantedafton · 4 months
The Perfect Girl - Dave Miller/William Afton x Female Reader
Chapter 10
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - restraints, captivity, sexual content
Also available on AO3
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Spring cleaning.
That’s what William refers to it as, when he announces he’s going to freshen up your living quarters. Even though it’s not spring and the room is already tidy. You know the real reason behind it. Destroying evidence. Bloodstains. DNA. You wonder what he’s done with the bodies.
The scent of chemicals pervades your nostrils. You help wipe down the less unsavory things, furniture and surfaces that you know aren’t contaminated. Something to keep your mind off of what the older man is doing. Citrus cleaners now overlay the previous odors.
He doesn’t linger once his task is complete. You think the mess outside your room must be much more significant. His lips press against your forehead. “Be a good girl,” he says softly, and then he’s back through the doorway that teases an exit from your captivity, the wall moving with whatever kind of remote he’s got in his pocket that slides the panel over. Sealed shut once again.
The couch is damp from where he’s scrubbed it. You settle into the recliner instead. Waiting.
William doesn’t spend a lot of time in the mall security office.
Not more than strictly necessary. It’s a job with a lot of autonomy and that suits him. He does as he pleases most of the time.
So it’s a surprise when he finds that he’s being summoned to that office. A middle aged male detective is waiting, alongside the young woman who works with you at the clothing store. The one who had been seemingly oblivious.
Maybe not so oblivious, then.
He settles into the seat the detective gestures to. Calm. Hands freshly washed of the latex scent lingering after cleaning the pizzeria with gloves. Clean clothes. He’s learned to keep more than one set available. His eyes flick to the girl, who looks away hurriedly.
“Mr. Miller, I have some questions I’d like to ask you.”
“Of course. How can I assist?”
“You’re aware, I’m sure, of a young woman who’s gone missing. She’s an employee at The Rave. A clothing store—”
“—I’m aware,” Afton interrupts.
“Right. So this young lady here is also an employee there. She claims that she’d seen you with the missing person multiple times over the course of the summer while she worked there. Can you verify if that’s correct?”
“Yes.” A hurried glance from the nervous figure beside the detective. Had she thought he would deny it? He’s prepared for this possibility. Always prepared.
“When was the last time you saw her?”
“Hmm…it must be two months ago, give or take. She left work one evening, and that was the last time I recall seeing her.”
He nods. “That correlates with the security camera footage we’ve viewed. She was seen leaving the store, but no footage captured of her outside of the mall itself. Her car is missing, too.” He pauses. “What, exactly, is the nature of your relationship?”
“We’re friends. We take breaks together. Share a snack. That sort of thing.”
The suited man leans back in his seat. “Are you…intimately acquainted?”
“No.” The lie rolls easily off his tongue. He’s meeting the man’s gaze. His breathing even. Nothing to stir any suspicions.
“That’s not true,” the girl protests.
William’s eyes shift to her. “Are you calling me a liar?”
“Yes,” she says, her voice wavering a bit. She’s afraid of him. “I know you guys were an item. Are an item. Whatever.”
“Did you ever see anything to confirm that suspicion?”
The security guard feels the detective’s eyes on him.
The witness squirms in her seat. “Well, no.”
“So what, exactly, did you see?”
“They were always together. Going for breaks. Walking around. Talking. He went out back with her once,” she adds, chin lifting defiantly.
“To use the restroom,” Afton supplies smoothly. Was this all the girl had? Hardly condemning.
The law enforcement official frowns. “That’s not what you told me earlier. You said you saw—”
“—Look, I know he’s got something to do with it, okay? I mean, what normal guy in his forties hangs out with a teenager? She and I weren’t even friends, but…the guy’s a total creep.”
William smirks. She’s discrediting herself and he doesn’t even have to put in any effort. He can see the man across from him losing confidence in her testimony. Thinking this is a waste of time. A false lead.
“Why don’t you like look him up in the system or something? I’m sure he’s got a record.”
“We already did. We went through all the mall employees. Including you. Shoplifting from two previous employers. Expulsion from school. DUI. Do you want me to continue?”
The young woman’s cheeks flush. William has to fight very, very hard not to grin. He already knows his alias Dave Miller has no record. Nothing incriminating in his false background identity he’s created. Not, as he’d told you before, his first rodeo.
“Would you be willing to come down to the station to make a formal statement?”
He spreads his hands. “Of course. I’m more than happy to oblige. Anything I can do to help. I really hope she turns up safely soon. We’ve all been so worried.”
“Thank you for your cooperation.” The investigator stands, adjusting the button of his blazer. “We’ll let you get back to work now.”
“That’s it? You’re just going to let him go?” She stares at the man beside her in disbelief.
“There’s no reason to detain him. I suggest you look after your own affairs and stop worrying about other people’s.”
“I’m trying to help you find a missing woman.”
“And I’ve followed up on your tip. That’s it, we’re finished here.” He nods to William before exiting the office.
“I know you did something to her,” she whispers.
“Prove it, darling.” He winks at her.
William is in a good mood.
You can see it as soon as he enters the living quarters. The soft smile when he looks at you, the little satisfied hum after his lips meet yours in greeting.
Something’s happened.
“How was your day?” You ask. He sets the bags he’s carrying on the kitchen counter.
“My day was… very amusing.” He leans back against the counter and folds his arms. His eyes roving over you. An appreciative smirk now. You’re wearing his favorite color. Something flirty and feminine.
“Why amusing?”
“I had a detective in the security office today. The mall office, I should say.”
Your heart skips a beat. “The police are here?”
“Were here, sweetheart. That little twit you used to work with thought she was being clever ratting me out. Saying she saw us together. As a couple. Which of course she hasn’t. Quite the rap sheet on that one, too.”
And just like that, any brief hope you’d had dies. He’d talked his way out of it, just like he’d promised you he would.
“Did they mention my mother?”
“No. But they’re doing a candlelight vigil Friday night. Here, just outside the scene of the alleged crime, as it were. Do you think I should introduce myself? Tell her how sorry I am for her loss?”
You shake your head. “Please leave her alone.”
“What? Do you think I’d do something to harm her? I have no interest in her. It’s you that I want. And I’ve got you, don’t I?” He pushes off the counter and walks over to you, tucking a swathe of your hair behind one ear. “You’re all mine, aren’t you? My little pet. My willing slave…” His mouth meets yours. Lips parting obediently. You welcome his tongue. It’s become a reflex. Your body automatically submitting to him. “That’s my good girl,” he murmurs when you part for air. “You know, talking about our relationship today—the breaks we took together, sharing snacks—made me realize how much I’ve missed it. So I thought I’d treat you tonight. Take you out on a little stroll. Have something sweet. What do you think?”
You haven’t been outside of the room since your escape attempt. You don’t entirely trust yourself to speak. Was he testing you again? Were you supposed to say you’d prefer to stay here, with him? The jovial mood frightens you more than his angry version.
“I asked you something. Do you want to go?” His fingers stroke along your jaw. “It’s not a trick question. It’s okay to say yes.”
“Yes.” You draw a trembling breath. “I miss it, too. Breaks with Dave Miller…”
“He’s still here. Part of me. Inside of me. The person that you liked, that you were so drawn to…” He sighs heavily against your mouth. “We should leave now, before I change my mind and keep you here.” He lifts your hand and kisses the inside of your wrist. It almost feels like an apology for the binding you know will soon follow.
The cafe table is tucked away in the corner of the food court, the pair of accompanying chairs placed side by side. Brought there by William earlier, perhaps. Knowing it will be out of line of sight. No chance of being captured on camera even though he has access to all of the footage.
He’s brought chocolate covered strawberries. The first dessert item you’ve had in months. He brings one to your mouth, watching your teeth sink into the red fruit. The dark chocolate is bittersweet on your tongue. A contented sigh he echoes. Some juice leaks over your lips. A stray bit of melted chocolate on his fingers. He licks the stain from the corner of your mouth. You suck his fingers clean.
“I got you something,” he says.
You frown, waiting. Watching him reach into his chest pocket with his unbound hand to withdraw a small box. He lays it on the table in front of you.
You lift the lid. A necklace. Circular jasper disc bracketed by silver horns. “Hathor,” your murmur. The symbol for the Egyptian goddess of love. You wonder if he knows this. If he’d researched it. Asked someone at the jewelry counter, perhaps. Your index finger strokes against the red stone. “It’s beautiful.”
“Let’s try it on and see how it looks.” The restrooms are nearby. A little fumbling with bound wrists to get the lobster clasp secured, hair swept aside. It sits below the notch at the base of your throat. Your eyes meet in the mirror above the sink.
The plastic at your wrist digs into your skin. Your skirt is lifted, your panties shoved down. The fly of the security guard’s pants undone. His breathing harsh. He lifts you so you’re sitting on the edge of the sink, the cool porcelain rim digging into your bare flesh. Your linked bound hands brace against the basin. You whimper when he kisses you. Louder when he enters you. Of course you are wet for him. Welcoming his big cock back into your narrow maw.
William moans at the feeling of being sheathed. He rests the fingers of his unrestricted hand over the pendant he’s gifted you. “You’re mine. My perfect girl, made just for me…”
You lick a stripe across his throat. Your knees dig just above his hips. It’s still such a stretch to fit inside you. Every thrust testing your body. You like the angle he’s fucking into you at. The way the head of his cock rams the tender spaces deep inside. Punching little sounds of pleasure out of you. Your fingers tangle in his sloppy hair. The strands feel a little more oiled than usual. He’d been up so early, cleaning up—
Don’t think about it. Don’t.
The cops had been here. They didn’t believe your coworker. But maybe someone else had seen. Maybe they were just too shy to go to the police. Afraid. Someone must have seen the two of you together.
Afton knows every shadowed space. Every blind spot. He’s pulled you into all of them. And you’d let him. You’d wanted him to, hadn’t you?
You’d asked for this. You were asking for it again right now.
Your knees grip the older man’s body more tightly. You don’t need him to cue you. The words spill from your lips all on their own. “Please let me, William. I want to cum, want you to fill me up, mark me inside, make me yours…”
The sharp point of his nose digging against your neck. Your shudder and his answering release. Salted kisses to counterpoint the sweet dessert you’d enjoyed earlier. Led back to the pizzeria. Hand freed. A hot shower and mint toothpaste. His lips on yours before he leaves.
You return to the laundry hamper. Lift out the skirt you’d been wearing. He’d purchased it because he liked the color. You’d chosen to wear it because it had pockets. Shallow slashes that were just roomy enough to hold something tucked away in secret.
You think about how your unbound hand had reached back to brace yourself against the sink earlier. Closing over a small rectangular object somewhere near the chrome faucet. Someone had left their cell phone behind. And you’d stolen it.
You flip it open, heart pounding. No service. You walk around the room. Absolutely no signal. The battery is almost dead, too. There’s an icon on the home screen indicating there are several unheard voice messages. You slap the cover down in frustration. Useless. You’d risked confiscating it for nothing. You begin pacing.
Except. You pause, halting mid stride. It was only useless where you are right now. Outside the room would be a different story. You hold down the button to power it down to conserve what battery life remains. You have to think very carefully about where you’re going to hide it, and how you’re going to retrieve it and bring it with you the next opportunity you get.
If William finds it, you know you’re going to be punished.
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writersblockedx · 2 years
The Side Effects of Curses
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Pairing - Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader Summary - While hunting a witch, Y/n gets a rather harmful curse placed on her. Slowly, the people around her begin to forget her existance - Dean is the last, and only, person who remembers, stopping at nothing to lift the curse. Warnings - ANGST, general violence, death Words - 4.1K
A/n - I don’t know what it is about me writing 4K fics full of angst, but here’s another one
Part Two / Visit my masterlist
Y/n had a certain hatred for witches. They were tricky creatures, always slipping through your fingers just before you were able to slice their throat. In this particular case, Y/n had been so close to get said blade at said throat, but a few utters of Latin and suddenly she was thrown across the room and, as always was the pattern, the wicked witch slipped right through her fingers.
In a blurred haze to figure out what was going on, the girl tried to pull herself up, soon feeling Dean crouching at her side. "Hey, are you alright?" He questioned, already inspecting her health: pressing his palm against her temples and scanning for any physical signs that she was hurt.
She nodded, though she still wasn't 100% sure in the fact. Her arms reached at her shirt sleeve, pulling in backwards to reveal a mark that the words of a Latin must have left her with. Both her and Dean were puzzled, glancing at one another. "Do you know what it means?" The boy lightly shook his head before pulling the girl up from the floor.
He kept one hand around her waist, her's around his shoulders, as they headed for the exit. Their timing had been perfect when they wandered onto the front porch to find the witch's blood on Sammy's hands and her limp body below him. "Everything alright?" Queried the younger brother.
Dean looked to Y/n to answer. "I don't know yet."
They stuffed into the impala that night, driving straight for Bobby's, while they continued to question the curious symbol that painted Y/n's wrist. Dean was too busy with his hands on the wheel to pick up a book, but Sam sat with his father's journal and Y/n with the laptop in her lap. It had been an hour; they had found nothing.
"Let me see the symbol again." Sam instructed and she followed, putting her arm over the leather of the front seats. The boy inspected in, referring to the drawing that was situated in the book, brows narrowed. When he was certain (and by that I mean, absolutely certain), he let out an, "Oh no."
One expression that had erupted panic over the historic car. "What?" Snapped Dean as his eyes darted between his brother and the road ahead.
Sam didn't look to his brother. Instead, his gaze found Y/n who was sitting doe-eyed in the back seat. He read over the words in the journal to, once again, be utterly sure in what was about to happen to the girl. "Be careful when gaining this curse from a witch. From the moment the spell is placed, the target will begin to be forgotten." He paused, eyes flickering between the book and Y/n. "To start with, those who are not well acquainted with the target, will forget they ever even existed. Photos of them and any written documentation that exit will soon begin to fade. Friends and the people closest are the last to remember them until it's as if they don't even exist at all."
It took a moment for the words to seep in. A long moment. "Okay, well that's enlightening." Y/n huffed as it hadn't just frightened her to her core just at the idea.
"How do we reverse it?" Dean asked.
There was anxiety in Dean's tone, which prompted a fast response from Sam as he read directly from the pages in front of him: "To reverse the spell, the witch of whom casted it must reverse it and create a protection bag for the target..." His words kept coming and it only made the stone in Y/n's chest heavier.
She pushed the laptop to the side, leaning over the seats, her elbows rested against the leather. "It say anything about if said witch happens to be dead already?" She questioned, hiding the terror that was sitting on her tongue.
Sam shook his head and that terror grew ten times. "Nothing."
"Then we'll find something." Dean objected.
The car was silent. They had weaved their way out of many things, but the timer was already running out and they had no idea what to do. "Dean-" Y/n had started her argument but the boy was already past listening.
"No. Bobby will have something. He always does." He assured.
While her brain ran with the thoughts of 'what if he didn't', she sat quietly in the back and waited until they returned to the hunter's home for the lost. The idea that people may already have forgotten her was beginning to infect her mind. Following that, was the idea of being completely alone, of having no one to hang onto. No more Sam or Dean, no more Bobby. Her future had been stripped away in an instant, and in it's place, was a lonely road she wasn't certain she was ready to walk down.
Dean pulled into Bobby's in record time, a pace in his step as the three of them rushed to the front door. He banged against the wood - sure to anger the older man at this time of night. "I'm beginning to think you boys needs a key." He grumbled, swinging the door open. He was about to open his mouth again. Then it shut and his gaze focused on Y/n. Oh no, she seemed to think. "Who's this?"
She couldn't speak in that moment. The timer was like quicksand - and Y/n was falling through it quick. Her eyes darted to Dean, begging silently for him to take this one. "Bobby, this is Y/n. You remember her right?"
As if a light had just been switched on in his head, realization faded over him. Then confusion. "What the hell do you do this time?" And like that, he turned and stormed back into his home, leaving the trio to follow behind him.
"It wasn't what we did, Bobby." Y/n started as they came into the kitchen, Sam going to the fridge for a beer. "For once anyway."
"One word," Sam started as he retracted from the fridge, bottle in hand. "Witch."
The girl screwed up her sleeve to showcase the symbol that now littered her skin. "People are going to slowly forget me. Obviously, some already have." She explained.
Sighing, Bobby took a seat at the kitchen table, Sam joining him. "Well, have you even looked at solutions?" He questioned.
"The witch needs to be alive to reverse the spell." Sam informed as he kept his eyes on the table.
"And which of you idgits killed her?"
Dean pushed himself from the counter he had been leaning against, unusually quiet. "It doesn't matter." He exhaled deeply, wandering into the study area as everyone's gaze followed him. "There has to be something in one of these many books that tells us how to fix this." Dean was certain of it. Because, if he wasn't so certain, then what else did he have to rely on?
Sam and Bobby shared a look. The sort of worrisome look Y/n wasn't supposed to catch when it happened. The one that silently said, they weren't sure she was going to get through this one. It made that terror grow like vines wrapping around her thoughts. "Then we should probably start reading." Y/n suggested.
Her and Dean took the couch, Bobby at his desk and Sam at the kitchen table. And they read. Dean researched like he never had before, breathing in every word. But there was a lack of anything related to this curse. The time was running out and they had yet to make any moves at all.
Y/n shut her book, the heaviness of the text causing a thud that sounded through the walls. "Maybe we should get some sleep." She suggested through an uncertain tone. "Fresh start in the morning."
They all stared back with blank expressions. It wasn't until Bobby huffed when the silence was finally broken, "They won't say it, so I will." He paused as he debated over the right words. "You do realise that if we sleep, we may not remember you when we wake up. I'll be honest, I have to keep reminding myself why I'm reading this. Not to mention, I can tell my memories are fading."
"So what? You want to stay up all night, staring at the same books and come to the same conclusion that the answer isn't here?" Bobby's library of books was big, but it wasn't everything. Sometimes they just had to figure another way out of things, find another book and find another expert on the subject.
"We can't do nothing." Dean stated through a stern expression.
She glanced over at him, his eyes sharing the same amount of terror that was bubbling in her stomach. "So you forget me, I'll probably work faster finding a way to reverse this alone anyway. And once I reverse this, everything will be back to normal. I'm sure you can last, what? A week at the most without me?" The thought of having Y/n completely wiped from their thoughts was daunting, but they trusted her enough as a hunter to get the job done.
Sam was the first to open up to the idea, "So we just go to sleep...hope when we wake up we still have some memory of you?"
She shrugged, "Unless you have any better ideas." Which none of them did.
Sam and Bobby gathered from the living room for the sleep they were truly craving. Her and Dean were more slow, as if wanting to savor this moment they knew he would forget. "If it's any consolation, I think this plan is terrible."
She smiled over at him as he towered over her. "It's the only plan we have."
"Doesn't make it any more bearable." He paused and for a moment they simply stared at one another - again, savoring this moment. "Just promise me you'll fix this curse? Even if it takes months, years. I can't lose you."
She took a slight step closer to him, her palms cupping his cheeks. "I promise." That moment lasted a second too long. Many words could have killed the empty silence. Many words Dean had been yearning for the courage to tell Y/n for far too long now. Alas, they settled in the silence until Y/n's hands dropped from his skin and they joined Sam and Bobby in the trip for sleep.
It wasn't a rarity for Y/n and Dean to share a bed. They had done it several times in the many dodgy motels they had once been forced to call home. And even shared the back seat many nights in the Impala. Sometimes it was simply due to practically - Sam being far too large to share a bed with. But, there were times, special times, where they shared the space of a bed for the need of comfort. And knowing by the time you woke, your best friend may have forgotten your entire existence, well that called for some comfort.
Both of them tucked beneath the sheets, they turned on their sides as to face one another. At first, they pretended to try and sleep - knowing it was no use. It didn't take long till Y/n plucked an eye open to catch a sight of Dean and see if he had fallen into his dreams yet. To her surprise, her eyes met his stare. "You watching me sleep?" Her hoarse voice said through the quiet rustling of the night.
His stare never dropped. "Trying to make sure I remember what you look like."
"Way to make it depressing." Dean didn't reply, but still never dared to tear his gaze away. Maybe he truly was trying to keep the image of her in the forefront of his mind. "Dean, I'm going to fix this, you know?" She seemed to have to remind him.
He struggled to find the words to respond. "I know." It was just that small what if that was running riot around his thoughts. What if there was no solution to this curse? What if Dean would forget about the girl he had been in love with for years now?
"Hey," She spoke when Dean looked as if he were falling down that hole again. Her hand reached over his own, beginning to draw circles against his skin. "We've beaten worse than a curse." She reminded him before leaning up in the bed to press a gentle kiss to the boy's forehead. "I'll see you in the morning, Dean." Y/n said as she returned back.
"Night." He flashed a smile that he had barely been able to produce.
She let her eyes drop first. Dean waited. He waited as long as his sleep-deprived brain would let him. Until finally, in the midst of the night, he dropped to sleep. Her hand still tangled with his and the two still facing one another. Maybe by morning, Dean would assume he had drank too much the night before and the beautiful girl in his bed had been the consequence of said drinking. Or maybe, as he preyed, he'd wake up and remember every effect the girl had on him.
Y/n didn't know whether to be pleased or terrified that she was the first awake. She'd lingered between the sheets for a moment too long. She watched Dean and wondered if he might stir awake. Alas, he sat stable, sleeping like a baby. So she dragged herself from bed and wandered down stairs for some food.
She was halfway through frying an egg when a familiar set of steps followed through. At first, Y/n wasn't sure what to do. But she figured everything would be fine. "Who the hell are you!"
Y/n gasped at first, holding in her squeal as she faced the barrel of Sam's gun. When she didn't answer, he flicked the gun around as if reminding her of the threat. "Sam-"
Another set of steps followed. Shit. "You really just got to hear me out on this one."
Sam scoffed, "Uhuh, start talking then." He demanded.
It was then Bobby came to join the party, "Sam, what the hell-" The man stopped in his tracks. Within half a second, his gun was too pulled on her.
"I can explain." She flashed a grin she hoped might win them over; it didn't. So she resulted to her next option. "Dean!" She yelled. There was a bit of hope that maybe Dean hadn't joined the other two in forgetting her completely yet. So maybe he might just be able to save her from this interaction.
"Oh," Sam said as if in sudden realisation. "You're here with Dean."
The thought of what Sam was insinuating made Y/n shake her head, and in the spur of the moment she blurted out, "No!" Which, if she were to deny that, it still left the question as to what she was doing here. So, she decided to go with it. "I mean, yes. I'm here with Dean."
Sam huffed and put his gun away, Bobby following as the oldest Winchester finally joined them in the kitchen - far too tired for any of this. "Next time any of you wake me up before I would like to, someones going to get hit." He stopped completely when he realised everyone was staring at him.
Y/n stared at Dean as if she had suddenly become mesmerised by him. She was waiting for the pin to drop. To know whether the boy in front of her would be the one to remember. "Dean," She called to him as to bring his attention to her.
As if in an instant, it all came flooding back. "Y/n." His expression turned worrisome once more, wanting nothing more than to just reach out and protect her from this curse that had her memory doomed.
"Oh, so she has a name?" Sam taunted his brother with a certain light-heartedness that made Y/n feel as if she were suffocating. The boy started walking back, patting Dean on his shoulder as he passed and whispering to him: "I'm proud of you. You don't normally remember their names."
"Shut up, Sam." The older boy huffed before he and Bobby left the kitchen to let the pair talk things out. While they were under the belief this was an awkward interaction after a one-night-stand, they could never remember the severity of the situation.
Once they exited, Y/n couldn't help but crash into Dean, his arms seeming to wrap around her like a layer of bubble wrap. She pulled away and asked one simple question: "What do we do?"
Dean hadn't thought this far ahead. His thoughts had been flooding over the idea that he may not remember the girl in front of him. And now that he did, he was struggling to move forward. "Library. Could be something there, in the archives maybe." He suggested.
Y/n wasn't convinced. "And do what? We couldn't find anything in Bobby's books, I doubt they'll be anything in the library."
"So we just sit and wait until the curse reaches my brain too?" He argued with aggression in laced his tone.
She shook her head, "I'm not saying that." She paused and watched Dean's expression carefully. He was a protective one, who would stop at nothing to make sure her, Sam, Bobby and anyone else he had ties to were safe. "Why don't we get some food?"
"Yeah, we can fit that in between getting your hair done and a trip to the mall." He mocked as if her idea had been one of a joke. "We don't know how long it'll be until I forget you completely."
"That's my point, Dean." She took a step closer, easing her palms around his cheeks. In a wave, the boy seemed to calm, that fury that once settled in his pupils seeming to dissipate. "Like we said last night, once you forget, I've got to figure this out on my own. We don't know how long that will take, weeks, months, years maybe. So I'd like to enjoy what time we have left together." She paused for a moment. "Please." She added with her wide, puppy dog eyes.
And so they dressed for the day, got in the Impala and drove to the nearest diner for their last supper.
Eating greasy food in a cheap diner was a normality for the pair. But as they were served their hamburgers and fries, it seemed like it would take an army for them to begin eating. Y/n picked up the bun, yet, before she took a bite, she glanced to the boy beside her in the booth. "Dean," She said through uncertain teeth.
He turned to her, "What is it?" His voice entwined with worry.
Her breath was shaking as she put the burger back to plate. "I'm going to miss you." She finally spat out as if the words had been waiting on the tip of her tongue. "I know maybe that's stupid to say, but-"
"You'll figure it out." He cut her off. "Because if you don't, I'll kill you." The words brought light smiles to both their faces, hiding the terror that still plagued them.
She nodded as the space between them began to close. So much so, she only had to speak in a whisper. "I know you will." And like that, Dean couldn't help himself. Maybe it was the emotions that overwhelmed him, but before he knew it, he was leaning into her lips to savour his first and (possibly) final kiss with the girl he adored.
When Dean pulled away, he certainly hadn't expected to meet Y/n's teary pupils. She stared at him for a moment longer, wishing they could stay in this booth forever and never have to worry about this stupid curse. "We should probably get going." She suggested, forcing a grin to her lips as if that was going to hide her glossy eyes - it didn't.
Dean nodded, surprisingly not putting up any argument like he had been doing for the past 24 hours. "Okay."
Y/n shuffled out of the booth, "I'm just going to the toilet." She informed him.
"Looks like I'm stuck paying the bill then." He joked.
She raised her brows, "Looks that way yeah." And with that, she left the boy.
She should have known. She should have known that when she wasn't right in front of Dean, then there was no reminder of herself. And that was a risk with the curse that plagued her skin. She should have known not to take that risk. But it all came crashing over her once she exited the toilets.
Her best friend (whom she had just shared a kiss with) was paying his bill, leaning close to the blonde waitress and batting his lashes with the familiar puppy dog eyes Y/n knew all too well. She was at a complete standstill. She couldn't move. Her gut had dropped and, even though she saw this coming, it didn't stop the pain that stung her.
"See you soon I hope." Gleamed the overly eager waitress as Dean winked and gathered himself from the booth.
He flashed his goodbye smile, tucked his wallet into his back pocket and left the diner - unaware of what he had forgotten. Y/n stood in the same spot. She didn't move. She just watched as the boy seamlessly entered the Impala and drove home. Just like that, she was on her own until she found a cure on getting her memory back.
Even the promise Y/n had made to Dean, assuring him she would never stop looking for a way to end this curse, hadn't stopped her. The first year had been the hardest. She found herself in denial, repeating to herself that they had gotten so far and never not had a remedy for something. Now, almost four years later, she had come to accept it, come to accept her new life. While it was a life she lived completely alone - it was life.
She still hunted. I mean, it seemed to be the only job she could do. With no one able to remember who she was, it wasn't as if she would be able to keep a 9 to 5. So, she got her own car, took her own cases, made her own fake FBI badges and killed all by herself. Of course, she still thought about the brothers, wondered whether they ever questioned the empty space in the pictures. But it was mainly the dull ache in her bones that missed them both deeply.
"If you happen to remember anything, no matter how weird, just give me a ring." Y/n flashed a smile to the vic's wife, passing over her face FBI business card.
The sensitive women nodded and took it gratefully. "Thank you." She responded before walking away.
Y/n planned to leave then. But, when she turned, she faced the sheriff. "Got two of your partners as well." He said.
The girl peeked her head over his shoulders, catching the familiar shaggy long hair. The only reason she could see Sam was due to his rather excessive height. And while she knew Dean was likely standing next to him, their eyes didn't meet until the sheriff budged to the side. She was, once again, at a standstill. They, on the other hand, were nervous that they were about to get caught. "Agent," Said Sam as a way of greeting.
She shook her head as a way to bring herself back to the moment. She glanced to the sheriff first, "Would you excuse us?" He nodded and wandered off to complete some police duties.
It was then the brothers were convinced they had in fact been caught. So it came as quite a surprise when she said: "I know you're hunters."
Dean looked to his younger brother before he began to force out a laugh. "What? Hunter?" He giggled as if she had just made a joke. "No idea what you're talking about."
Y/n's eyes rolled before she pulled back her blazer a tad: showcasing the demon knife she still possessed. "And you are?" Asked Sam with one quirked brow.
"Y/n." There was no recognition in either of their eyes. And honestly, to face that had been more painful than anything in then last years she'd spent alone.
"How come we've never heard of you, Y/n?" Dean questioned as if it were an interrogation like she weren't to be trusted.
Another wave of pain hit her. So hard she thought one of them may note the tears that were building up behind her pupils. But she pushed it as far down as she was able and pretended as if the two people in front of her weren't once the closest thing she had to family. "Suppose I'm just not that rememberable."
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violet-shadows · 2 years
I knew it the first night that I saw you. (Part Two – Azriel’s POV)
Part One | Part Two | Masterlist
Summary: When the High Lady’s sister sends a friend to your shop in her stead, you find your thoughts are soon captivated by a certain member of the Inner Circle.
Word Count: 3.6k
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: Thank you so much for your support with part one of this story. I have a few other ideas for snippets that I might write within this “universe”. Also, I appreciate the anon who requested this originally, as well as everyone else who has been sending me requests and ideas. Love ya!
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
The first time Azriel felt the tug, he was wholly unaware of the reason. He stood outside of a bookshop waiting for Nesta, a mysterious pulling sensation in his ribs prompting him to linger close to the shop. At first, he worried that the feeling might signal danger, but his shadows investigated on his behalf and found nothing amiss inside. They did inform him, however, that the “pretty shop owner” was peering at him through the window. He resisted the urge to turn and look himself, caught off guard by his shadow's assessment of your appearance. Usually, they whispered information without assigning commentary, but they seemed somewhat fixated on the shopkeeper, resisting slightly when he reeled them back as Nesta exited. When the Shadowsinger finally dared to glance inside, the shop owner’s back was turned. Nesta fell into step beside Azriel, wholly unaware of his sudden interest in her acquaintance, and he tried to feign nonchalance as he asked, “What do you know about the bookstore owner?”
Nesta gave him a brief summary, smirking as she watched him digest the information, committing it to memory as though it were precious intel. Azriel was difficult to read, but not impossible, and there was something about the intensity of his interest that piqued Nesta’s own. After a few more probing questions, Azriel clammed up, changing the subject abruptly. Nesta, ever the romantic, tucked the conversation away for later use, intent on getting to the bottom of her friend’s sudden interest. A few weeks later, an opportunity to meddle arose that Nesta just couldn’t turn down. Sending Azriel on an errand to a certain bookstore was the perfect way to test the waters. With Cassian returning from his trip, she had an excuse to lock herself up at home while driving Azriel out of the house.
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
When Azriel entered the shop, the first thing that hit him was the smell. While the scent of leather, ink, and paper permeated the small space as expected, another note caught the Shadowsinger’s attention. The scent was intoxicating, a layered perfume of jasmine, warm vanilla, and honey that had Azriel inhaling deeply. His shadows meandered about the space, unusually curious given the innocuous nature of his errand. When he stepped a few more paces inside, he found the source of the sweet aroma, as well as the subject of his shadow’s fascination.
His shadows had claimed the shop owner was pretty, but they had been mistaken. Merely pretty was a gross understatement in reference to the breathtaking female before him. Only years of training and discipline kept him from stammering when he greeted you in turn. “Nesta said you set a book aside for her and asked me to pick it up. She and Cassian as unexpectedly… occupied.”
In truth, he wasn’t sure why Nesta had suddenly decided that “reconnecting” with her mate and picking up this book were both of such great importance that she needed him to run the errand. However, one whiff of the pair’s reactions to Cassian’s homecoming had him agreeing to make the journey if only to get away from the half-feral couple.
You were quick to respond to his request, fumbling slightly as you retrieved the book. Your heart rate had picked up since you turned around. Azriel was used to people being uneasy around him, his reputation and formidable presence often working in the Spymaster’s favor. The thought of you feeling intimidated by him, however, made his stomach turn. Just as he was about to step back in an attempt to placate you, you surprised him by flashing a bright, warm smile. “Yes! It’s right here. That was kind of you, to pick it up for her.”
Kind was not a word oft ascribed to the Shadowsinger. Certainly not immediately upon meeting him. In his line of work, intimidation was a useful tool and Azriel rarely objected to other’s preconceived notions about him. As you spoke, though, he realized he wanted nothing more than for you to think of him as kind instead of frightening. That hope was shattered, however, when he reached out to retrieve the book. As his hand bushed against yours, he realized three things at once. First, was the fact that he wasn’t wearing gloves. Azriel never drew attention to his hands, often tucking them behind him or in his pockets. It wasn’t that he was ashamed, per se, but he preferred they go unnoticed whenever possible. They told more about his story than he was comfortable sharing and were reflective of a lifetime's worth of bloodshed and violence; they were the hands of the Spymaster, scarred and cruel, and he didn’t want to watch your face fall when you saw them. As he stepped forward to accept the book, however, he was surprised to find that you hadn’t so much as given his hands a second look, an inviting smile still lighting up your beautiful features. Distracted by his hands, it took him a moment to come to the second realization, which was that his shadows had broken their leash and were reaching out to you of their own volition. Azriel’s eyes widened in horror as his shadows swirled forward, curling around your outstretched hand and snaking up your arm. He braced himself for your scream of horror, already contemplating how he would explain to Nesta that he had inadvertently terrified her favorite merchant on the Rainbow. The scream never came.
Although you didn’t immediately react, Azriel did, dropping the book on the counter and stepping back as he yanked his shadows away from you, willing them into hiding once more. “I’m sorry!” He yelped, shocked at his shadow’s indiscretion. “They don’t usually— I’m so sorry.”
The third realization came then when you surprised him further by flashing a reassuring smile. “It’s okay! Really! They don’t bother me. I think they’re actually quite fascinating.” It was then that the truth that had been brewing beneath the surface since he stepped into your shop came to light. Suddenly, his shadow’s behavior and his own nervousness made complete sense. As the bond snapped, he felt his knees go weak, his stomach flipping as though he were hundreds of feet above the ground doing a dive bomb. You were his mate.
It took everything in him to keep from falling to his knees right there, the shock of finding his mate and the bond blooming in his chest was utterly overwhelming. Judging by your unchanged expression, you hadn’t felt the bond just yet, but clearly, his behavior had you somewhat worried. “Really, I don’t mind. They’re beautiful.”
Beautiful. You were assigning adjectives to Azriel that were wholly undeserved, but your words made his chest ache with affection, nonetheless, and he took a small, unconscious step towards you. His mind reeling, Azriel thought it best to leave the shop before he or his shadows did anything rash. Despite his instincts roaring for him to stay, he forced himself to make his way towards the door, offering a polite goodbye as he went, “I—um. I have to go. Have a nice evening.”.
It wasn’t until he was high above Velaris, soaring through the night sky that he remembered he hadn’t even retrieved the book and cringed. What a great first impression.
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
“What do you mean you forgot the book?” Nesta arched an eyebrow, peering over her morning cup of tea with an incredulous expression. “You mean you forgot to go to the shop?”
Azriel considered lying to her, but you would surely mention his odd behavior the next time you saw her, and he thought it better to explain himself now. “I went,” he started, avoiding eye contact, “I just— forgot it.”
Cassian let out a chuckle, his face one of amused disbelief. “You forgot it?” he teased, “What, one look at a pretty female and you lose all your senses?” Before he could stop himself, Azriel let out a low rumble, his instincts screaming at Cassian’s remark.
My mate. Mine.
He knew it was a ridiculous thought and wholly premature; you didn’t even know about the mating bond, and once you found out, there was a very real possibility that you would reject it. Azriel reckoned there were few Fae in Prythian with more baggage than the one you got saddled with as a mate. The primal nature of the bond had him feeling territorial where he had no right, and despite himself, he nearly bared his teeth at his brother.
Both Cassian and Nesta straightened, exchanging a glance of alarm at the Shadowsinger’s uncharacteristic response. “What was that about?” Nesta asked, the humor gone from her voice.
Once again, Azriel considered lying. He was good at keeping secrets, even from those closest to him and there were things even Cassian and Rhys still didn’t know. But this secret felt too huge, too all-consuming to conceal from his family, his chest bursting from holding in the truth. He had a mate.
“You can’t tell the others. Not yet.” He began, but it was all the confirmation that Cassian needed. His brother knew what the early days of the mating bond felt like and he put two and two together quickly. Grinning, he bound across the kitchen and pulled Azriel into a bear hug.
“She’s your mate!” He exclaimed, stepping back to squeeze his brothers’ shoulders. Azriel nodded and ducked his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. At the confirmation, Nesta squealed in delight, throwing her arms around her brother-in-law.
“Oh, that’s wonderful, Az!” She said gleefully. “Does she know? Did you tell her? Did you talk about it? Did you spend the night there and that’s why you forgot—.”
“She doesn’t know,” he cut her off, his expression turning serious. “I left as soon as I figured it out.”
“What? Why?” Cassian asked at the same time Nesta offered her suggestion.
“Her shop opens in a few hours; you can go today!”
Azriel shook his head, “I just need a bit of time to process.” He didn’t elaborate, leaving the kitchen to head towards the front door. As he left, both he and his shadows missed the conspiratorial look shared between Cassian and Nesta.
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
Azriel spent the day trying and failing to work in his office, his thoughts constantly dragged back to you. His shadows were urging him to go to you, disquieted by being so far from his mate so soon after the bond snapped and he wondered how Rhys had handled himself so well with Feyre, knowing she was not only far away but in enemy hands and suffering. You were in the same city, safe and sound, and he still ached to be closer to you. Rhys had struggled, that much he knew, but he also thought he was doing what was best for Feyre by staying away.
That thought had Azriel’s blood running cold. What if that was what was best for you too? From what he could tell, you lived a life of peace and safety, and being bound to the Spymaster of the Night Court would almost certainly disrupt that. As much as Azriel was dedicated to maintaining peace, unrest would inevitably come someday. Such was the nature of long-lived creatures like Fae: no single state would be maintained forever. At some point, being bound to him would plunge you into chaos, perhaps even put you in harm's way, and he wondered if the best thing to do was to stay away.
“I should remind you that staying away from Feyre did not work out for me in the end.” Azriel startled, pulling Truth Teller from its sheath as he stood to face the intruder, only to relax when he realized it was his High Lord. “Your shields are down and you’re thinking so hard I could probably hear you from the Spring Court.”
Azriel’s cheeks heated at being caught unaware and he slammed his mental shields back up, unsure of when he had let them slip in the first place. Rhys gave him a sympathetic look, moving to take a seat across from Azriel’s desk. He waited in silence for a moment, knowing his brother well enough to let him formulate a response. “It’s not fair to her.” He said finally, letting out a long breath. “To be tied to me.”
Rhys shook his head, a knowing look on his face. “That’s what I thought about Feyre. Sometimes I still think that. But staying away, making that decision for her… I was wrong about that.” Azriel didn’t respond, his eyes fixed on his hands as he contemplated his brother’s words. “The bond is a gift, Azriel. For both of you. She deserves a chance to know about it and to get to know you.”
“And if being bonded to me ruins her life?” Azriel asked, “What then?”
“I know you. You wouldn’t let that happen.” Rhys sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. “You are not a curse, Azriel. You deserve to be happy.” The Shadowsinger’s throat tightened, and his brother rose, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Give it a chance. Give yourself a chance.”
With that, Rhys left him to sift through his thoughts some more. Azriel couldn’t decide if his brother was right or if he was just being selfish, but he saw the wisdom in the High Lord’s argument. If he didn’t stay away, if he didn’t make that decision for you, perhaps he could still be worthy of the bond. It would take effort, but he was willing to fight every day to keep you safe and do right by you if it meant not having to live knowing half his soul dwelled outside his body.
It was evening by the time he made his choice, the sun beginning to sink behind the horizon, casting Velaris in a warm, golden glow. He would see you again, perhaps even tell you about the bond. He just needed another day or two to gather his thoughts. Or so he planned, until Cassian waltzed into his office, flopping onto one of his chairs unceremoniously. “I talked to Y/N.”
Azriel’s eyes went wide and he jumped to his feet, a thousand possibilities flying through his mind. Surely, Cassian wouldn’t take it upon himself to tell you about the bond himself. His brother chuckled at his reaction and continued. “Relax, I just went to pick up Nes’s book that you so rudely left behind. I didn’t say anything.” Azriel visibly relaxed, his fists unclenching.
“Did she say anything?” About me, he wanted to add.
“She thinks she offended you.”
“What!?” Azriel was on his feet again, pacing the study. “What exactly did she say?”
“Not much, just that she hoped she didn’t offend you. I told her she hadn’t, although she didn’t say what happened in the first place.” Cassian watched his brother, equal parts concerned and amused at his agitation. “So what happened?”
“My shadows like her.” Azriel explained, “They like her a lot. And just before the bond snapped and I…” Ran. “…left, they reached out and touched her without my permission. She said… that they were beautiful.”
“Aww…” Someone murmured from the hallway.
“You can stop eavesdropping, Nesta, and just come in,” Azriel called out. Nesta rounded the corner, a shameless grin on her face that matched Cassian’s.
“And she’s worried she offended you. How sweet,” said Cassian. Azriel’s plan to wait to see you went out the window then. He needed to right that misconception immediately. Tonight. A glance at the clock told him your shop would be closing soon, and he made to leave, traveling through shadows lest he arrive too late. As he entered your shop, he steeled himself, knowing his fate was now sealed. He wouldn’t be able to walk away again. Not, at least, without you asking him to.
You were turned away from him, hunched over the back counter with a pen in hand, wholly unaware of his presence. When he spoke, you startled, whirling around to greet him. “Hello! Welcome! I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in and I was just… What can I do for you?”
You seemed nervous and Azriel wondered if he made the right decision, but he smile on your face, warm and inviting, helped to calm his nerves. Even with your quickened heart rate, you didn’t seem afraid. “I wanted to come to apologize. For last night. My shadows were out of line and I left quickly and forgot the book. It was rude of me.”
“Really, there’s no need. I’m sure you’re very busy. I do apologize that you came all this way. Cassian came by this morning and picked it up,” you replied. In his haste to get there, Azriel had not thought much about what he would say beyond apologizing. He could bid you goodnight and come up with an excuse to see you again later, but his feet and shadows remained firmly rooted.
Behind him, dusk was falling, and your shop would be closing soon. He wondered where you lived and if the walk was far. The thought of you walking home alone in the dark, perhaps even across the city, was concerning even though Velaris was safe. He could fly overhead to make sure you made it home alright, but it had been nearly an entire day since he saw you last, and he found himself yearning to remain in your presence. “I know, I wanted to make things right in person, though, and—,” he paused, gauging your reaction. Almost imperceptibly, the corner of your mouth twitched higher. “And perhaps walk you home this evening.”
The walk home was entirely too short. Though Azriel could appreciate that you didn’t live far from your shop, it pained him to leave you again so quickly. He made the decision to return the next evening before your front door was even latched behind you and return, he did. He worried that you might think him overbearing, but you seemed to welcome his company on your evening walks, even if you insisted, he need not worry about you. “It makes me feel better knowing you made it home safely,” the words came tumbling out before he could stop them and he let out a sigh of relief when you grinned, a faint blush staining your cheeks.
It took nearly a week of nightly walks before he worked up the courage to ask you to dinner. Nesta had encouraged him, or rather ordered him, to make a move already. When you agreed to join him for dinner the next evening, he was flooded with relief and anxiety all at once. Azriel had been on dates before, but he had never seriously courted a female, much less his mate. Enlisting the help of Rhys, he found a restaurant near the Sidra that would serve the perfect backdrop. When he left the House of Wind that evening, Rhysand was there, along with Nesta and Cassian, to “send him off” as though he was a child headed to his first day of school. He scoffed, rolling his eyes at the trio, but appreciated their last-minute encouragement, nonetheless.
He arrived with a bouquet of flowers curated by Elain, still mentally debating whether they were too much or not enough for your first date. He was staring at the bouquet when you stepped out of the backroom, and he audibly gasped at the sight of you. As always, you were stunning, but the sight of you in a bright cobalt dress that exact shade as his siphons could have brought him to his knees. He told you as much and you blushed, accepting the floral arrangement with a twinkle in your eye.
His shadows were also enamored, and as you walked to the restaurant arm in arm, he had to keep reminding them to keep to themselves unless otherwise instructed. You seemed unbothered by their continued presence, chatting merrily as you went. The sight of the Shadowsinger arm in arm with a beautiful female drew quite a few stares as they made their way to a more populated area of the city, but neither of you paid them any mind.
Dinner passed by all too quickly and Azriel marveled at your ability to get him talking. Something about you completely disarmed the usually guarded male, prompting him to open up with unprecedented ease. Towards the end of the meal, you sat back, a content smile on your lips that made Azriel’s heart squeeze. You met his gaze, then startled, your eyes going wide. The cord tethering Azriel to you was alight, its song finally answered by your own. The bond had snapped for you as well. He held his breath, gauging your reaction, and could have wept when a bright smile lit up your features.
“You knew.” It wasn’t an accusation and there was no anger in your tone. If anything, you seemed… happy to have him as a mate.
“I knew it the first night that I saw you. That…”
“We’re mates.”
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
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twstgarden · 2 months
✦ ❝ 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞... ❞ ✰
❝ 𝐀 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 ❞ writing commission for @mariahmaru
— a purchase of one lotus flower has arrived from our dearest customer. a special lotus sent by azul ashengrotto of octavinelle dormitory is now ready.
➻ yandere! azul ashengrotto x mai bouquet (mariahmaru's oc) ➻ mai finds herself enjoying the stability of her life after graduating in night raven college. as she pursued higher education while working to provide for herself, she suddenly reunites with old friends from nrc. however, that meeting somehow caused things to go south. cw: (including but not limited to) yandere themes, unhealthy relationships/obsessions, manipulation, magic manipulation, implied gaslighting, obsessive behaviour, mentions of stalking
➻ word count: 3,760 words
this work does not have spoilers for any of the arcs in jp!
do not steal or translate without my permission.
buy me a coffee here and ko-fi here if you want to support me
commissions are open, you may refer to this info post.
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luck was smiling down on miss mai bouquet.
hearing the words, “you’re hired”, from the human resource personnel of a local café lifted her spirits. finally, she got a job at a café to help with her studies. after graduation from night raven college, mai was one of the other students who opted for higher education rather than working as a full-time adult.
she does her best and her best rewards her greatly. she was praised at her café job, and her professors have been proud of how wonderful she performed in her college work. hearing the words, “congratulations, miss bouquet. your test results came back with an a”, brought a smile to her face.
life seemed so perfect. everything was going well for her in twisted wonderland. it has been about 4 years since she graduated from night raven college, and while she has been keeping in contact with some of her friends and close acquaintances, they could not find the time to go out and have a chat over tea because of how busy life gets now that they are older.
on a weekend night, mai finds herself in her living room curled up on the couch while watching a musical – a typical night on her day off. feeling relaxed, she felt her eyes fluttering shut as she thought of getting a quick nap.
however, a knock interrupted her peaceful moment.
sitting up from the couch, mai glanced at her door and wondered who the person was. it did not take long until a letter came through her door, and everything went quiet outdoors as if the delivery person left.
“…there are still people delivering mail at this hour…?” mumbled mai to herself as she stood up and grabbed the letter – an elegant dark purple envelope sealed with lavender wax with the sender’s address as well as hers indicated on the back.
‘to miss mai bouquet,
reunions tend to occur 10 or so years later but think of this letter as a sweet reminder of all the friendships and old memories we cherished as we meet once more and unwind from life for at least a few hours.
you are cordially invited to the night raven college class of xxxx’s garden-themed unofficial reunion on saturday, xx/xx/xxxx from 1:00 pm onwards at the grand wonder ballroom.
to confirm your attendance, please fill out the attached form and forward it to the same address indicated on your envelope.
we hope to see you there.’
it seems vague, does it not? a reunion after 4 years of being away? surely, it’s too early to reunite with old friends, no? despite those thoughts, mai shrugged it off, accepting the invitation anyway as she did want to see her friends back at night raven college. with how hectic her life was, she found no time to go out and chat with any of them.
on the day of the so-called unofficial reunion, mai entered the venue with a beautiful dress befitting a garden theme while suiting her taste in fashion. upon her arrival, she clutched her bag as all the confidence she felt back home washed away once she saw the crowd in the room.
a soft sigh escaped her lips, hoping to relax her rapidly beating heart. her eyes scanned the room, seeing a few people she recognizes. they were all busy mingling with their old friends, sipping on some drink and having a laugh as they reminisced memories and talked about their current life circumstances.
while observing her batchmates, a voice was then heard beside her.
ah, she knew that nickname all too well. a smile grazed over mai’s lips as she turned around and waved at the energetic leech twin, “hey, floyd! how’s every—eek!”
before she could even get the words out of her mouth, floyd wrapped his arms around the lady and engulfed her in a squeezing tight hug. a series of giggles left his lips as he squeezed the brunette lady, not paying any mind to how she was trying to pry him off her.
“can’t…breathe…!” wheezed mai as she tried to break free from the suffocating grasp.
“my my, floyd, you seem to miss mai-san the most,” teased jade as he let out a soft chuckle, “you ought to lighten your grip.” floyd glanced at his brother as he replied with a slightly disappointed expression, “come onnn~ we haven’t seen each other for 4 years now!”
mai let out a relieved sigh as soon as she felt floyd’s grip loosening a little. patting his arm, she replied, “i missed you guys, too. how’s everything with you both?” with a smile, she conversed with the twins as they shared updates on their lives while mai shared hers in return.
their conversation went smoothly until she heard a familiar voice from behind, “well if it isn’t my dearest pearl.”
pearl. what a familiar nickname.
mai looked back to see azul smiling at her, his attire as formal and neat as always. he looked elegant — far more elegant than how he was back in their school days. paired with his charming smile and suave aura, azul was easily the eye candy of the room, so much so that even mai did not realise her cheeks were tinted with pink.
“azul, hi! it’s been a while,” greeted mai with a smile.
“indeed, it has. i hope things are faring well with you. ...though,” a soft chuckle left azul’s lips, “i’m sure everything is well with you. a talented and kind young lady such as yourself would surely flourish in her life, no?”
mai let out a soft laugh as she replied, “oh, stop with the flattery! haha, but yes… i’ve been doing well. i got a job at a local café while also pursuing higher education!”
azul’s eyes twinkled as if he was amazed and he smiled, “oh? my, i knew you would be doing well. haha, it is very pleasing to know you’re living in a stable condition.” mai smiled in return, thanking the man as they continued to converse with the twins occasionally joining in.
the day was splendid, but mai could not set aside the inkling gut feeling of something going wrong.
was she being paranoid? of course not!
her companions are totally to be trusted.
after the reunion, mai felt like she was on a cloud – drifting away and enjoying life after a relaxing get-together with the people she called her friends. however, that all shattered when she dropped the cup of coffee she was serving and accidentally spilt the hot beverage on a customer.
odd. she was always so composed at work, especially with all the eyes on her.
it was almost as if she was not in control of her actions at that very moment. regardless, she was extremely guilty and felt embarrassed with all the customers watching the commotion now.
“i-i am so sorry!” exclaimed mai as she tried to wipe off the stain on the customer’s shirt, but it was too late as the guest was infuriated and screaming in pain. panic crossed mai’s face as she desperately tried to ease the situation with her co-workers lending her a hand, unaware of the small smirk on a man’s face seated at the far corner of the café.
as if that wasn’t enough, mai received her test results a week after her midterms, but instead of the usual smile and compliments of the professor, she was greeted with a soft sigh and a small frown. “miss bouquet, i am quite surprised with your results. if there is anything you find hard to grasp in our lessons, you can always tell me,” spoke her professor as mai grabbed the test.
her eyes widened the moment she saw her result. what was this? 
failed? after working and studying so hard? was she suddenly not doing her best?
mai spent the rest of her night on her bed, looking up at the ceiling as she wondered why things went south in the blink of an eye. with the mistakes she made at work, she knew it wouldn’t be long until the manager fired her. the only hope she clung to was the fact that it did not happen. yet.
she hoped it would not happen, that being fired from her job would just be a mere imagination.
unfortunately for the lady, things did not go her way. she lost her job and was in the process of failing the rest of her classes. the longer she took the time to get back on her feet, the more things went wrong. mai felt hopeless, but she tried to keep her faith. maybe one day, a light of hope would shine down on her, and she’d be able to live in a stable condition again.
weeks turned into months and her situation at her college got even worse. now that she did not have any job, paying her bills has become a challenging task and it wasn’t long until she received an eviction notice from her landlord.
a soft sigh left the lady's lips as she eyed the letter. she only had 2 weeks to pack her things and leave. "great... just what i needed," mumbled mai as it was a more sarcastic response to her recent situation, "what is going on with me...?"
unbeknownst to the lady, a certain man was happy with how things turned out. it was all going according to his plan.
mai started to pack her things, and on other days, she would sit and search for a job to apply to help with her living conditions and her education. so far, she was not facing any success — her job hunt proved to be a difficult challenge as the ones she applied to either never got back to her after screening or cancelled the interviews at the last minute.
one afternoon, mai decided to sit in a café for a change of scenery. it might lift her spirits — at least that's what she says to herself. mai continued to apply to jobs in every online job posting she saw and even reached out to her other friends hoping that she'd find some luck.
while she was scrolling through the job postings, a figure suddenly sat before her, making mai look up as she wondered who would sit at her table as if she wasn't present in the first place. her raised brow turned into a small smile as soon as she realised it was just azul, "oh... i thought you were someone else."
"did i frighten you?" questioned azul.
"not at all. i was just not expecting anyone to sit at an occupied table," replied mai as she kept a small smile on her face. azul chuckled a little as he spoke to her, "do excuse me. i saw you upon entering the café and thought i should accompany you."
he then glanced at his wristwatch as he was about to ask a question he already knew the answer to, "it's an hour past evening. shouldn't you be at work?"
mai sighed softly as she replied, "i lost my job... and i am about to get evicted, too. life isn't really on my side lately." a bitter chuckle left her lips as if to lighten the mood while slightly showing how her circumstances had been affecting her.
"i mean, things got so bad that i even started to flop at college! i failed my exams and my assignments were just showing me a big fat f," ranted the brunette. she had no one to talk to about her problems as she was trying her best to keep herself busy to distract herself from the sadness. so, the moment azul struck a conversation with her as an opening to console her, she took the bait.
azul sat silently with his eyes on her, paying attention to all her rants as if he was not the cause of her problems. of course, she did not need to know that.
nor will she ever find out.
after mai ranted to him, she felt a bit of her burden lifting off her shoulders. she needed to let it out, and now that she did, she was able to breathe a little. that did not solve her problem, of course, but at least someone was willing to listen to her.
"...my pearl, what if i lend you a hand?" spoke azul.
mai went silent for a bit as she raised a brow, "...for a price?"
azul laughed a little and shook his head, "of course not. when have i ever charged you for any help i extended out of my compassion?"
"um... you tried when we were still in nrc."
"ah, but that was so long ago, no? people change, dear," replied azul, "come now, i really want to help you."
mai stayed quiet for a moment, thinking about the offer as she wondered if he was being genuine. though she knows azul might be acting suspiciously, she thought of giving him a chance. after all, they are good friends and mai knew he wouldn't do anything to harm her even more than life already did.
she still tries to find the good in him. despite his ways back then, mai will admit that he is quite generous and helpful.
"...alright," replied mai, "what help are you talking about?"
azul smiled as if he were glad to hear her answer, "i know a library that is currently hiring for an archivist, and i believe you'd be a perfect fit for what they're looking for."
it was as if mai was blinded by a ray of hope.
"wait, seriously?" spoke mai, "please refer me. i'll hand you a copy of my resumé!"
azul hummed in response as they continued with their dealings, and it did not take long until mai received a call a few days after she met with azul. the call came from one of the staff in the library he had mentioned, and after months, she finally scored an actual interview.
mai passed the interview with flying colours. she finally got a job as an archivist in this cosy, yet large library settled a few meters away from her college.
her first day went splendidly. though mai was still a little nervous and paranoid that she'd face some other bad luck, everything was going smoothly, and it had gradually calmed her nerves.
now that she had one problem solved, she had to find a way to pay her rent, or find another place to live in. she only had 3 days left in her eviction period and she had all her things packed, all ready to leave but not knowing where to go.
"...should i?" mumbled mai as she held onto her phone, azul's contact flashing through her screen as she hesitated to call and ask him for help. he did help with the job hunting, but mai hoped it wouldn't be too much to ask for a place to rent.
30 seconds turned into 1 minute, and 1 minute turned into 2 minutes. mai eyed azul's contact number before looking at her clock, then back at her phone, then back at her clock again. "...screw it, i'm calling him."
not even two rings later, azul picked up the phone and spoke with a rather pleased tone, "ah, my pearl. i was not expecting you to call. how may i help?"
'not expecting...? he answered it rather quickly for someone who isn't expecting a phone call...' thought mai before shrugging and speaking to him, "hello, azul... i was wondering if you could help me find a place to rent. since i'm being evicted and all... i only have 3 days left in this apartment."
azul then replied through the phone, "of course! you know, you don't have to bother with renting at all. you can stay at my place."
mai blinked in surprise. she had been financially struggling for a while and being given the option to live rent-free sounded fantastic for her current circumstances, but she was also worried she might make the wrong decision.
"...are you sure? i don't want to bother you," responded mai.
"bother? nonsense! you are always welcome to stay here."
mai did not respond for a bit as she was weighing her options down. it came to the point where she had nowhere to go, and she did not exactly have the finances to pay months' worth of rent if she picked a new place.
and that sealed the deal.
mai soon found herself in azul's home. it was quite a lovely two-storey modern house with a garage and other amenities such as a backyard pool, outdoor seating, and a small garden. if mai had to be honest, azul's house was fancy.
"oh... wow, you live here?" spoke mai in disbelief as she gawked at the place.
"mhm, and you are free to live here as much as you like..." replied azul.
mai was able to settle in nicely, and even if she won't admit it, she felt comfortable in azul's home. perhaps a mansion would be better suited to call the young man's home with all the fancy things that are included.
things were going well with mai. azul had been nothing short of generous and hospitable, allowing her to make herself at home. mai felt like her life was getting back on track — she got a job as an archivist, her grades at college were slowly working their way back up again, and she got to live in a large home without having to worry about rent.
luck was smiling down on miss mai bouquet once more.
hearing the words, "you're doing well, mai!", from the librarian lifted her spirits. she was happy once again with how stable her life turned out. perhaps all those hardships she experienced these past few months were merely a challenge, a test, to see if she perseveres.
and persevere she did. her job paid her well, and her education was thriving once more. her professors were proud to see her do well on her tests and assignments, and seeing the "a" on her report card made mai proud.
azul was happy for her. really, he was.
he was always there to celebrate her achievements or comfort her on days when she felt down. he never once left her side or let her deal with her problems by herself. it was as if he wanted to make sure mai never felt alone, and that she was never struggling alone. that she always had him no matter what happened.
mai was grateful. she had a friend who would lend an ear or their shoulder if she needed one. that was all there is to it. a friend helping a friend out, no?
so why is she starting to feel uncomfortable with azul's "friendliness"?
there was never a day azul gets to miss some physical touch with her — whether it's through hand-holding, head patting, or even just a light touch on her shoulder.
at first, mai thought it was nothing, but it had gradually escalated to more than just light touches and friendly pats. he started to wrap an arm around her shoulder when they sat on the couch, or hug her from behind whenever she started to cook something in the kitchen. he would even place an arm on her waist when they walked together in public.
as if that wasn't enough, he had started to dote on her. when azul gets a day off and mai still has to attend to her work, she comes home with food neatly placed on the table while azul sits with a smile, inviting her to have a taste of the food he made.
mai tolerated that for a while. she knew it was just his way of being friendly, and she couldn't exactly tell him off when he was being nice to her. at least, that's what she told herself.
her tolerance was starting to wear thin as days passed. the more affectionate and domestic azul had acted towards her, the more uncomfortable she felt.
she wanted to know why he acted that way towards her. perhaps there was just a little misunderstanding between them and she wanted to make it clear that she was not looking at him in a romantic light.
one night during dinner, mai silently ate her meal with azul on the other end of the table. they were enjoying their meals in silence until mai's voice was heard, "...hey, azul?"
azul glanced up at her as he gulped down his food, "yes?"
"um... why are you being so... affectionate?"
that was it. mai finally asked the question she badly wanted to know the answer to, but instead of a reply, azul merely smiled at her before returning to his meal as if he never heard the question.
mai waited for a reply the whole night, but he wouldn't even acknowledge it, so she decided to ask once more after preparing to retire for the night.
"...you still did not answer my question earlier," spoke mai as she reminded azul of the inquiry. the young man was already in his sleepwear as he was about to head to his bedroom when he heard mai speak.
he stopped in his tracks and turned to face her, "is it bad?"
mai was not expecting that response. she wanted to tell him that she felt uncomfortable, but it was as if all words ceased to exist at that moment... like she could not speak all of a sudden.
azul then walked towards her, leaning down a little to her height as he added, "my pearl, i've been nothing but hospitable and kind to you. oh my, don't tell me you're no longer in need of my help?"
"what...? no, no, that's not what i—"
"is it suddenly so wrong for me to show you some affection? when all i've done is to make sure you get to be with me?"
mai was a little stunned. what did azul mean by that? yes, he helped her, but why was he saying that as if his help came with a price? oh dear, perhaps she should have said no in the first place.
seeing her stunned expression, azul smirked in amusement. he laughed a little as he narrowed his eyes at her, "now that you're here with me, i'll make sure you'll never find your way out again."
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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lollytea · 2 years
if we're talking Huntlow: ASIAS makes me lose it bc like. Willow not knowing Hunter was the Golden Guard and Hunter not knowing Willow was associated with Luz/Eda meant they like. met each other as they are. with no attached judgement. Hunter met Willow and saw a girl who's kind and fierce and powerful and determined and smart. Willow met Hunter and saw a boy who's intense and socially awkward but skilled and good-hearted and just trying to prove himself. they SAW each other, y'know?
YEAH YEAH EXACTLY!!! This whole thing drives me absolutely insane. That episode aired and I was immediately possessed by something demonic and churned out a whole fic about them in like two weeks with the central theme of what it means to be truly Seen because I could not get all of their stupid symbolism to stop eating my skull from the inside out.
First impressions can be everything sometimes. They can be the foundation of how you view a person. Which is why it's so interesting that they became acquainted having no idea who each other were. They don't know their stories yet. They're perfect strangers.
It's not like Willow's relationship with Hunter is, in any way, superior to the bonds she has with her other friends. They're just. Different. Different circumstances. He sees Willow differently as a result.
There's too much about Willow and Amity's relationship to get into but the basic jist of it is that once the girls begin to repair their friendship Amity only sees bits and pieces of Willow. She sees her kindness and her wisdom and her bubbly personality. But she's still not getting the full picture and this frustrates Willow. With her history in mind, the way she's seen as she currently is means everything to Willow's sense of identity.
Obviously Luz and Gus both adore Willow. And they understand that she's not the person she used to be. They recognize her strength. Luz once described her as "tough as nails" and Gus referred to her current confident personality as "the real [Willow]." They hype her up endlessly. They're fantastic friends. They do not look down on her, not even a little bit.
But maybe every so often Willow tires of being reminded that she's always gonna be viewed as an inspirational story to them. In their eyes it's "Wow Willow, look at what you've become." So maybe it'd be nice to meet somebody who instead thinks like "Wow Willow, look at what you are." It's good to have friends who have known you from your rough beginnings and can understand how you got this point but it's also nice to make friends who you have a clean slate with, yknow?
Willow makes it clear during the intro of ASIAS that she's still not entirely satisfied with her current self. She likes it just fine but there's still quite a bit of climbing to do before she can truly see herself as the witch she wants to be. Willow is reaching for the stars.
It must mean something that ASIAS was the debut of Willow's new look. She had the pigtails near the end of Follies, but it's them paired with the new glasses that makes the whole statement.
The hair was braided by Amity. It's the hair she used to braid for her when they were little. It's an old part of herself that she's reclaiming. It's to symbolise that Willow refuses to define herself as her trauma caused by Amity Blight anymore. She is trying to mend bridges and move forward.
And the glasses? They're not really linked to anyone in particular. At least nobody she knows yet. The glasses are something brand new, something different, something to establish that Willow is turning over a new leaf in terms of her identity. There's this cooler, more confident version of herself that has been growing lately and this is her fully embracing it. She wants to be perceived as this new (real) Willow and the new glasses reflect that. She wants somebody to see her the way she wants to be seen. So isn't it a cool detail how she starts wearing them in this episode in particular? Isn't it interesting how her frames are gold? Doesn't it make you go batshit how she began wearing those glasses wishing for somebody to see her and then somebody does? Because it makes ME go batshit.
In Willow's mind, she's still reaching for the stars. In Hunter's mind, she's already caught them.
Hunter on the other hand, goes in the complete opposite direction and yet still ends up in the same place. While Willow strolls into Hexside that morning to establish her true self, Hunter arrives in "disguise." In his eyes, he's not portraying the version of himself that he wants to be seen as. The Golden Guard is who Hunter wants to be. That's his whole motivation in the episode. But when he shows up at Hexside, he's unmasked. It's revealed in a later episode that he feels significantly less confidant when his face is bare, which adds a funny bit of irony to all his recruitment tactics. Hunter tries to put on an act, to become somebody else, but the moment that mask comes off he can't help but become the messy, awkward, moody yet energetic and painfully sincere person that he tries so hard not to be.
Hunter very much does not want to be seen as his true self. In fact, he is trying to completely dismantle his true self and lose himself entirely to the Golden Guard persona. But Willow sees the person underneath, completely unaware that this person she's meeting is supposed to be a shameful secret and she likes what she's seeing. She likes him.
And the absolute kicker here is that it was because of Willow that Hunter first started to like himself outside of the mask. I think the Flyer Derby game was the first time we ever saw unmasked Hunter so happy and confident. Willow took his hand to help him cross the first stepping stone into accepting himself for the person that he's been trying so hard to stomp out all this time.
So it's like. They see the best version of each other. Hunter sees the version Willow wants everyone to see. Willow sees the version Hunter doesn't want anyone to see but it's the version that helps him grow in the long run.
And that's only the foundation. But sometimes foundation is everything. The respective pasts do end up crashing into this tentative relationship. Willow learns Hunter is the Golden Guard. Hunter learns that Willow has weaknesses too. However, the foundation will always remain the core of how they see each other. At the end of the episode, Hunter reaffirms just how he sees Willow by referring to her as "Captain." And Willow, in turn, decides to believe in Hunter's capacity for good and keeps the friendship door open. If they hadn't met each other in the way they did they may not have really seen each other as clearly and it's possible the series of events that followed may have gone much differently. Who knows if they'd even have become friends. Its all about foundations, yknow??
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tuliproses435 · 2 years
BTS Fic Recs: June 2022
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We Choose You by @breadoffoxy | KSJ | Summary: Being a babysitter isn’t the most glamorous job. When you get referred to a friend of a friend your life turns upside down when you start looking after an impudent child in the home of a wealthy CEO. Things get even more complicated when you start falling for the kind and devilishly handsome single father. Tags: Fluff, angst, smut, CEO au
P.O.V by @jtrbluv | MYG | Summary: you were eight when you first met your soulmate. then you were eighteen when you realized that the boy who just got hired at the local record store next door, is also your soulmate. the issue at hand: you are the only one that knows. Tags: Fluff, angst, soulmate au, college au, high school au
Nine-Months from Now by @softlyjiminie | MYG | Summary: his was not supposed to happen. this was never in the plan. a sudden, unexpected turn of events leads you into a world of baby bottles and baby grows, it just so happens that the cause of this mess is your boss…min yoongi. Tags: Smut, angst, fluff, parents au
Ignorantly Yours by @ot7always | PJM | Summary: You never could have expected your best friend to show up at your apartment right as you were about to go into heat, but when he did, something in you just wouldn’t let him go. Tags: ABO au, friends to lovers, fluff, smut, angst
Vanilla by @aexthetic-suga | PJM | Summary: Jimin is a busy guy. The idol life is not an easy one. With you missing him for three months due to his schedule, all you wanted was to spend his first night back with him. When that doesn’t go to plan, you end up spewing shit about your sex life with Jimin – or better yet, your lack of one. Tags: Smut
Please Love Me by @ahundredtimesover | JJK | Summary: As the only unmarried Jeon and Kim children, your families propose a union to symbolize your unbreakable bond that spans generations. But despite developing an affection for Jungkook growing up, he never returned it; he never seemed to like you, actually. You’re okay with the proposal, but surprise surprise, he isn’t. Tags: Arranged marriage au, childhood friends au, angst, fluff, smut
Fright Fest by @adonis-koo | OT7 | (Themed Series) Summary: in the Realm of Arestella trouble bubbles and nasty things lurk below the surface. Things are afoot as the full moon rises and the time draws near. It will take many different paths crossing to put all the pieces of these troubling times together. Tags: See each story
Microwave by @btsmakesmehappy | MYG | Summary: Yoongi can’t help to worry about his neighbor. Not only that she almost burned the apartment down, she also trusts people too much, and yet she doesn’t want people to help her. She is just trouble written in bold and capital and he shouldn’t be acquainted with her. But yet, he makes it his mission to help her with all costs. Tags: Agent au, fluff, angst, smut
Daddy Diaries by @bts-reveries | MYG | Summary: yoongi started blogging his life on his social medias to prove everyone who thought he couldn’t raise a child alone wrong. but as his daughter’s birthday draws near, what happens when she wishes for a new mom? Tags: Single parent au, baker au, smau, fluff
One Night Light by @bts-reveries | JHS | Summary: Hoseok has been living his very own version of a perfect life. Unlike some of his best friends, this doesn’t include a happy marriage, adorable kids, or even a stable relationship. All he would ever need was music, dancing, and of course, the parties. Now what happens when he gets a wake up call from reality when the door rings approximately six years after his last one night stand? Tags: Single parent au, fluff, smau
Counterfeit Culture by @ggukcangetit | KSJ | Summary: for as long as you can remember, you’ve always known right from wrong, good from bad, and woke from entitled/ignorant. but when you continue to cross paths with Kim Seokjin - the apparent antithesis of everything you believe in - certain walls begin to crumble. and over time, you come to realise that the world isn’t black and white, first impressions can be misleading, and that you are just as guilty as each person you’ve judged so harshly. realisation brings acceptance, and maybe, just maybe, acceptance can bring something more. Tags: Enemies to lovers au, fluff, smut
The Mark of Yun-Ki by @ladyartemesia | MYG | Summary: For a thousand years the tiger god Yun-Ki has marked the heirs of the Min Empire and thus only a marked heir can inherit the throne. When the beautiful daughter of the Min Emperor’s loyal warlord rescues a mysterious tiger hybrid from the imperial prison, she unleashes a secret that the throne would kill to protect. The young emperor claims to be the chosen heir… but who really bears the Mark of Yun-Ki? Tags: Hybrid au, ABO au, royalty au, fantasy au
It's Complicated by @xbaepsae | KTH | Summary: You are long past the point of no return. The rational part of you is screaming that this is a terrible idea, that this is bound to ruin your friendship with Tae. But you can’t find it in yourself to really care. You want him, so badly you are about to burst. Tags: Friends with benefits au, friends to lovers, angst, smut
Devil in a New Suit by @yeojaa | JJK | Summary: Money’s something that makes the world go around. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with securing the bag.  You don’t shame anyone for doing what they need to do.  That is, until you come face to face with the poor guy that’s being suckered out of both his heart and cash.  You simply can’t let it go on. Tags: Fluff, smut
Fake Love by @aquaminwrites | JHS | Summary: Every year, your family spends the holidays at your parents’ cottage in the country. Freshly single and not wanting to be picked apart by your family for being alone, you decide to recruit one of your friends to pretend to be your boyfriend. The only available volunteer? Your brother Namjoon’s roommate, Hoseok. Only problem? He absolutely hates your guts. Tags: Fake dating au, enemies to lovers, fluff, smut, angst
Demon-etized by @jungkxook | KNJ | Summary: in this episode of unsolved, namjoon and the boys risk their lives by spending overnight in an abandoned and supposedly haunted asylum in the hopes of finding some ghouls — but the boys are pretty certain the real reason for the spooky moaning isn’t allowed to go on youtube. Tags: Youtuber au, ghost hunter au, smut
Lose Somebody by @kooala | JJK | Summary: It had taken you two years to get over a guy you hoped to never see again and taking a break from college to meet up with your friends to go camping seemed like the perfect way to get your mind off of things. If only there hadn’t been the boy who messed you up in the first place.  Tags: exes au, exes to lovers, camping au, pining, fluff, angst
Palate Cleanser by @btsmakesmehappy | KTH | Summary: Taehyung needs something to take his mind off his broken heart. His best friend, Jimin, suggests that he should meet another woman and the first woman he met was you. Would you help him even though you have your own problem, that you hate men? Tags: Agent au, baker au, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff, smut
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a9saga · 7 months
i mentioned this but my grandfather passed away last week. he was 95. my grandmother died in february of 2021 and it's really something that he made it that long without her at his age. they were married 69 years and had 7 children and 21 grandchildren, as well as 11 great grandchildren now with two more on the way. his wake was wednesday night and the memorial mass and burial were yesterday.
my auntie cindy married my dad's oldest brother i believe 50 years ago now. they were high school sweethearts. she knew my grandparents since she was a child, so did the rest of her family for that matter. my grandmother or sometimes my father used to mention a boy in the neighborhood who had unfortunately died very young of a drug overdose. no one outright told me this but i put together when i got older that that was cindy's brother. this is to say of all the in laws that cindy was well acquainted with my family for the longest time, and my family with hers as well.
some months after my grandmother's death, that spring or early summer, cindy had sent out a letter to everyone recalling growing up around my grandmother and marrying into the family, maintaining that relationship for decades. she mentioned something her brother used to say that my grandmother would often quote when cindy wasn't around. she closed the letter with, "i just wanted you to know that i loved your mother like she was my own," which i think was always very evident. cindy's own mother had passed away somewhere over a decade earlier. 4 or 5 years ago diana and i were over her house with our mother, cindy referred to a picture of her mother in the kitchen and said "i talk to her all the time." she's not religious, if that makes it any different. she and everyone else in my family were raised catholic but if you ever get on the topic with her, she thinks the bible and christianity and everything are a load of bullshit. but regardless she does speak to a picture of her mother, which i think is pretty interesting. but i digress.
at the wake, there was a line to the coffin with my grandfather in it. cindy's a sociable person. i got in line behind someone i didn't know. a lot of family friends showed up. cindy came and started chatting her up and she introduced me, and then she told me she'd gotten in line about 6 times but shied away from actually paying her final respects. i was like, wanna do it with me? and she did. so we kneeled before the coffin and she caressed the rosary in his hands, and when we got up i mentioned how much i appreciated her letter in 2021, and it took her by surprise. she said she had wanted to read it as a eulogy at her mother-in-law's funeral but she and my other aunt ended up in a bad argument around it. neither of them are perfect, to be clear. that's not why i'm making this post and i don't plan to elaborate on that.
but anyway, after the burial yesterday everyone went to lunch. i could tell all of my dad's siblings appreciated having each other after both of their parents have died. last weekend my dad and his brother that he's closest to went out to lunch because both my mom and aunt thought they needed it, i know first hand my dad has been very down in the dumps about everything. but anyway, after lunch yesterday when cindy was saying goodbye to me, she rubbed my chin and said "thank you, that was so sweet of you to bring up the letter about connie last night. do you know you had me crying on the way home?"--i don't think i have ever seen cindy cry.
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milllkaa · 1 year
Heclie au where Charlie is Hector's new psychiatrist
As promised, I'm posting. There may still be mistakes, yes, I apologize. Have fun.
It was hard for Hector to work with his psychiatrist, he understood that she was doing her job, but how dismissive she was of him. It was as if she wanted a public confession, saw him as a threat. It was very annoying. At one point he just snapped, he got angry again and said everything he thought about her. And even though it threatened his job - he wasn't going to communicate with her anymore. It wasn't news to him to learn that it was mutual. She admitted that she couldn't cope with the job and offered to replace her with a newcomer. He only got a job with them a month ago, but he had the best references. And as long as he only has one patient, he'll be able to devote a lot more time to Hector. He agreed. Anything is better than this woman.
The Beast of Arkansas case was just picking up steam, Hector was sleeping and eating less and less. He was very irritable, because people kept dying, and the maniac, realizing he'd gotten the attention he wanted, started killing with extreme cruelty. Not that the agent was embarrassed by the sight of the corpses - it wasn't his first year on the job. It's just... there was a strange, unpleasant feeling, like he was someone else's toy
Lucinda was hospitalized. He started having nightmares about his childhood again. It was like a reminder.
"See how she treated you? Are you sure you still love her after that? Or you're just pretending to be a "good son"?"
Despite all the trauma she inflicted on him, despite the cruelty with which she treated him, he continued to reach out to her on some subconscious level. He had no friends or acquaintances with whom he could share his experiences. He's used to being perfect. For others, he's fine.
He decides to visit his mother before his appointment with Charlie, the name of his new psychiatrist. He got his number and wrote about the date and time of the session. Mr. Lonnit was almost ten years younger than Hector, and that, in a way, embarrassed him. It's hard to be frank with younger people. For him. He had always been held up as an example to others, but now that image was rapidly crumbling, and it was hitting him hard.
Standing in front of his mother's room, he couldn't open the door. For some reason it was especially hard to see her now. Maybe the problem was her imminent death, or maybe it was what would come after that. Hector had always tried to be the best for her, to make her proud. But in all thirty years, he never heard that.
With a quiet sigh, he decides to open the door.
"Hi" he greeted quietly, pausing at the door for a while and examining Lucinda. She looked bad, to say the least.
"Showed up! Decided to look at your mother before she died?" - she spat out angrily. Her voice sounded hoarse and she was lethargic. Apparently this is the effect of the medications they give her. Hector frowned. No, of course he had no illusions about his mother's behavior. But perhaps, somewhere deep inside, he hoped that at least now he could talk to her... normal.
"How do you feel?"
"How is a dying person supposed to feel? They pump me full of pills and make me eat this shit. And my own son visits me once a week! And that's in the best case!" she said in her usual disgruntled manner. The agent had long ago stopped paying attention and took it for granted. His mother is just a person like that.
"I work hard, you know that," he sighs deeply and rubs his eyes. He hadn't slept tonight, had a lot of work to do and frankly, he couldn't stand his nightmares anymore. Tired.
"It's your job again! That's all you can talk about, you're not interested in anything else! What kind of son have I raised-"
Well, maybe he came here for nothing. Hector didn't listen to her any further and calmly left the room. She shouted something else after him, but he didn't care. He tried not to pay attention to it, he'd brought up his character. But... It still wasn't pleasant. Whatever he did his mother hated him. And he thinks it's time to get over it.
The agent begins to experience deja vu. He is standing at the right door again, and he hesitates to open it. Only his mother isn't there anymore - his new psychiatrist is sitting there, waiting. Wonder if he too will be counting the minutes of his tardiness? Putting on his work mask of calm, he pulls the knob.
The office is bright, with large windows overlooking a small park, the pleasant smell of something... something long forgotten. In the middle of the office there are two chairs, a familiar sight. Next to each is a small nightstand, and a little further away, against the wall, is a desk and- ah. Lots of shelving with books and plants. As Hector looks at the study in a kind of prostration, it doesn't immediately dawn on him that it's empty. Did he get the time wrong? Looking at his wristwatch, no he was right, he was even a few minutes late. Maybe the man didn't wait for him and decided to leave? Actually, that would be even better. He wouldn't have to waste so much time on idle talk. The main thing was that he did what was required of him - he came to the appointment. But fate was not of the same opinion. It always was.
"Oh Mr. Munday, hi! My apologies, have you been waiting long?"
Hector turns around and sees a young guy, his glasses and eyes immediately catch his eye. So big and bright. He has blond hair slicked back, plain clothes. A big soft sweater, cold? He's a little shorter than he is. Hector remembers the question and shakes his head in the negative. Charlie immediately offers him a seat in a chair and sits down across from him.
"Charlie Lonnit, your new psychiatrist. I'm not going to force you to tell me anything by force. I wouldn't want you to think of our sessions as something horrible and forced. Of course you're still required to come in for the record, but- ha ha, I think you know what I mean! " the young man laughs briefly, looking with his big eyes at Munday. He looks away and notices a small folder in his hands. He recognizes it and his mood immediately drops. Charlie notices where his gaze is directed and immediately continues.
"Ah, folder, yes, I was just leaving to get it. You're right, it's a past psychiatrist's notes. I haven't opened it yet." - Lonnit looks intently at Hector, waiting for his reaction. But there isn't one. "You know, every person sees the world through their own eyes. And even on seemingly identical things there will always be different opinions, that's just the way humans are," Hector raises his eyes and looks at Charlie.He lifted his head dreamily, looking up at the ceiling, a small warm smile on his face. A soft yellowish light falls on his profile, making his skin glow. He averts his gaze again.
"Where was I going with this?" he assumes his old pose again and looks at Hector. "This-" he picks up the folder and waves it slightly, drawing attention "Already outdated data." Hector frowns slightly.
What's he talking about?
Charlie only smiles harder at that, having decided something for himself. He rises from his seat and hands the folder to the agent, and walks over to his desk pulling something out of it.
"You can look through it now, I'll give you time. By the way, do you smoke?". The psychiatrist walks back in, holding a small trash can and a glass of water. It's a... a very strange set, Hector thinks.
"Yes" he simply replies to his last question, "And no" continuing to look at the folder, he hands it back to Charlie but he doesn't take it, just smiles and looks at him with his soft eyes.
"That's good, because I want you to do something before we begin our acquaintance." He places the glass on Hector's desk and then the trash can next to his chair. "Open it," he says simply, returning to his seat.
Even though Hector is a little sluggish from lack of sleep, he begins to guess what is wanted from him. But doesn't say anything. He opens the folder and looks at the first page - there his own, sad eyes meet him. Basic information, when he was born, where he studied and lived, a little bit about his biography in general. Takes out all the sheets and sets the folder aside, clutching the lighter in his hand.
"Nobody likes it when people base their opinion of you on the words of others. For some reason, not everyone wants to get to know a person in person, all they need is a couple of phrases from others to form their opinion of a stranger. I think this is rude. And stupid of course, such a childish thing to do." - Hector casts a glance at the psychiatrist, who sits in a calm pose and continues to smile softly looking at him. It's strange.
"I don't want you to think that my opinion of you is based on the notes of your past therapist. I want to get to know you myself. So that there is a pleasant, friendly atmosphere between us. You're a good specialist yourself, so you'll know right away if I'm lying to you, won't you, Mr. Munday?" he laughs quietly, and Hector nods slightly, confirming his words. "I want to shatter this image that's been attributed to you, because you seem to be beginning to believe it yourself." Hector is silent. He lowers his gaze to the papers and unknowingly squeezes her a little harder.
"Will you help me?"
Hector thinks. Images and the words of his psychiatrist fly through his head. He begins to notice things he hasn't seen before. His own blindness makes him angry; he shouldn't have taken that woman so lightly. He sighs quietly and picks himself up, and though he knows all the psychological tricks… he agrees.
Charlie doesn't look like he's lying or plotting anything, his body language is open, he's calm, and he looks like he genuinely wants to help. Munday doesn't think the guy will be able to get through to him, but he will still be better than that woman. So he agrees. He leans forward a bit and lights the paper. They burn slowly in his hands and he sees the text and his own face distort. He holds the paper until it begins to burn his hand, and then throws it into the trash. And watching his psychological portrait burn out makes him feel better for some reason. It's as if he's rid himself of a heavy burden on his shoulders.
"I'm proud of you, Mr. Munday," such simple words, but it's so strange for Hector to hear them. He looks up and finally looks into the eyes of this strange man. So bright and calm. It's as if he's looking out to sea, vast and so clear. He looks down at his hands, he seems to have burned himself a little.
Charlie looks at the clock across the room; they have another half hour, and why not spend it in a more relaxed setting. He immediately noticed how bad the agent looked, practically falling asleep during the session. He wouldn't want to torment him any further with these formalities. While his patient continued to stare thoughtfully at his hands and seemingly contemplate his action he slowly gathered his things, after which he approached the chair and asked:
"Mr. Munday, have you had lunch?" - looks at the slightly puzzled Hector with a soft smile. He shakes his head in the negative after thinking for a moment. "Great! I mean, no, that's bad, you should eat well, after all, you're keeping me and others safe from maniacs and other… thrill-seekers." - he rubs his neck awkwardly and continues, "There's a good cafe nearby, it's usually empty at this hour so you can comfortably have a good meal and a great coffee. Will you keep me company, Mr. Munday?"
He smiles his best smile and holds out his hand to Hector. He is lost. He's heard so many nice words in his direction today that he doesn't even know how to react. But he is right, he should have some food and coffee or he won't be able to work.
"All right, Mr. Lonnite, I agree." He takes his hand and Charlie helps him up.
"Charlie. For friends, just Charlie," he puts his hand down and looks expectantly at Hector, who puts on his coat. “For friends," runs through his head.
"Charlie. Okay."
The psychiatrist smiles warmly at him in a special way and they leave the office. To Hector's surprise, this is the first appointment that has not brought him any negativity. On the contrary. He feels good. And it even makes him feel a little uncomfortable. He looks at Charlie, which tells him about the cafe they're going to, and there's so much life in him. The bright fall sun is shining directly on them and he involuntarily admires his new therapist.
Maybe it's not so bad, isn't it?
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sunny-m0o0n · 4 months
I read the worst fanfic.... And survived?? :0
I would like to start this off with, I mean no harm with this post. And no disrespect meant to the original author. The thing was just bad. But please don't go send the author hate. Im just talking about what I saw wrong here.
I think we are all acquainted with the fanfiction called my immortal. If you don't know of this... masterpiece(?) I envy you, and you should skip this. There is time for you to save yourself.
I somehow managed to read this in school, on the school computer. And I was mostly doing it as a joke, reading the first chapter out loud to my friend. When I reached the second chapter is where it got really wired, like the absolute mischaracterization is god awful. Dumbledor yelling at Ebony and Draco for you-know-whating, let alone calling, them 'motherfuckers'. Its just wild. I was crying from laughing, and my friend had to genuinely ask if I was ok. I was not.
I made the mistake of reading at home, the whole thing. In almost one setting. Just for reference if you ignored my warning, the chapters where about as long as what you have read so far. So they did not take me long to read at all. Then again there was 44.
As bad as this was, I will say it was fucking funny. All the character's are cannon harry potter character's, but made 'goth'. I.e. The author made the all edgy vampires with ass names, and black hair. For example, Harry was Vampire, Ron was Darkness, Past Voldemort called himself Satan, as that was his middle name. Even though he had a cannon one.
Some of them are just blatant miss-spellings. Snape was Snoop, or Snake a lot, and my favorite one, Nevil was Navel. I just found that one really funny. There was a lot of words spelled wrong, sometimes to the point of it being unreadable.
I would consider myself to be a more alterative style, I like punk, grunge, emo and other things of that sort. I am however aware of goth culture and bands. So the fact that they were almost all goths, spelled goffic/goffik. And they just had to be all vampire satanists, and only where black, was just horrible.
The worst part for me was when anytime music was brought up it was my chemical romance (emo), Lincoln Park (alt), green day (punk) and slipknot (nu metal) I was pretty annoyed. As none of those are gothic bands. The only one im not sure on is Good Charlotte, I have not heard of that one so I dont know what to say it is. I have a good guess its not goth. Please let me know if im wrong on this. But the other ones are bands I listen to and really like.
Also all the mentions of serious topics in this very unserious, troll fic, just made me feel wired? They felt unneeded and just there to be there. They where not mentioned in a respectful way at all. In one of these topics, there was an authors note about how that it was a serious topic. And it was just vagally mentioned. There was so much brushing over of things that irl would not be brushed over. Like sa, sh, and attempted, are just mentioned and then the characters just go on.
I know it's meant to be like this, and I knew about it being called the worst fanfic before going in. But my god, it was horrible.
If you had any criticism you where 'preppy' so 'skrew urself, u suk!111' Im being fully honest the authors note's where more entreating the the 'plot' if you can call it that. The mc named Ebony Darkness dementia way. Smth like that. Has to go back in time to seduce Voldemort so that he wont make her kill Vampire, as she dose not want to kill him because she loves him. If she dose not kill him he will kill Draco, and she loves Draco.
The author keeps saying that Ms. Ebony is not a marry su. When she very much is, she makes her argument that Ebony is not perfect, because she has depression. Yet latter on in the story Ebony is complaining about how all guys fall in love with her, and that she wishes she where ugly. Like- ermmm... If you are asking to be 'ugly' you are most likely a Marry Su.
I feel like I could make this so much longer, but its already nearly an essay. (tbh might write one for fun lol). And it's only my first post on this blog, Im going to end it here. I could go on, as I have yet to mention all the hints at gay and bi fetish, or how some of the adult characters where made pedos.
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marsrize · 1 year
Rewriting my story with you [Part 1 of 6]
Ao3 : Here. Summary : Adrien is not feeling well. He decides to run away from his problems and finds himself in Gotham. But his traitorous heart starts to beat for a certain vigilante. Why did he always have to choose to complicate everything? Relationship : Adrien Agreste x Damian Wayne WARNING: This story makes a lot of references to depression. If you are not comfortable with this kind of theme, I would not recommend reading this fic. 
Chapter 1: I have a problem    
Gotham City was always shrouded in darkness, but for Adrien Agreste, also known as Cat Noir, it was the perfect place to escape his complicated love life. He had left Paris for a while, hoping to find some peace of mind, away from Ladybug and their unresolved feelings.
But Gotham was a different kind of chaos. A darkness that seemed to creep into your soul, and Adrien found himself feeling lonelier than ever. He had always been a lone hero in Paris, but in Gotham, he felt even more isolated.
He was sitting alone in a coffee shop, lost in his thoughts, when he heard a familiar voice behind him.
"Adrien? What are you doing in Gotham?"
He was surprised to see an old acquaintance: Zoe Lee.
The girl had had to leave Paris during their second year of high school to live with her father. Who would have thought that she also lived in Gotham?
"Zoe!" Adrien exclaimed, standing up and hugging her tightly. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm supposed to meet up with some friends, but they just called me and said they'd be late. I came here to pass the time. I didn't think I'd meet you..."
She looked at him, her smile a little hesitant.
"You're definitely the last person I expected to see here in Gotham."
Adrien scratched his head in embarrassment. He couldn't see himself telling his life story to someone he hadn't spoken to in a long time.
"I wanted a change of scenery. You know... See what the world looks like outside my cocoon..."
"I understand the feeling!"
She sat with him for a while. Finally, when her phone began to vibrate, she excused herself to leave.
"Let's exchange numbers, I still have so much to tell you!"
Adrien couldn't bring himself to say no to her. He felt terribly alone, but at the same time, didn't want to talk about it.
What a strange feeling.
So, he did what he always did: he smiled and gave her his number, like the stupid perfect doll he was.
Adrien returned home. He didn't have much to do so he sat at his window. He had chosen to live in a part of Gotham City that had a bad reputation. Why? He wanted to be as far away from the rich as possible. He had been surrounded by those hypocrites all his life, the last thing he needed was to be around those bullies who thought they were above everyone else.
The window had a fire escape. He stood there, just staring into the void. He came to his senses when he felt the cold breeze give him chills. It was already dark, and he had not eaten anything solid yet. All he had in his stomach was the coffee he had drunk with Zoe.
It was time to go out and buy something to eat. Hopefully there would be a robber or someone to put an end to his miserable existence. As if the universe was laughing at him, nothing happened to him during that night. Nor during any other night. He could go out as late as he could, take the darkest alleys. Nothing happened to him. He didn't know if it was luck or a curse.
This went on for several weeks.
He talked to Zoe regularly, and they called each other from time to time. Adrien was still not getting better, but... He had fewer suicidal thoughts. He just had this constant emptiness in his heart.
Then one night, while wandering around the city, he found himself in a dark alleyway. He wasn't paying attention and before he knew it, he was surrounded by a group of dangerous-looking men.
Adrien tried to run (it was ironic, considering the fact that some time ago he had wished to be attacked), but they caught up with him and started to beat him up.
Just when Adrien thought it was the end for him, a mysterious figure appeared out of nowhere and took down the attackers with incredible speed and precision. Adrien was in awe as he watched the masked figure effortlessly defeat the attackers.
As the last attacker was taken down, Adrien stumbled to his feet, unsure of what had just happened. The masked figure turned to him, and for the first time, Adrien saw the bright green eyes behind the mask.
"Are you okay?" the masked figure asked, extending a hand to help Adrien up.
His heart missed a beat. Then his heart began to beat very loudly. It was as if he was able to hear his own heartbeat. Adrien couldn't believe what he was seeing. This figure was unlike anything he had ever seen before. He felt drawn to the stranger, as if there was something about him that made Adrien feel safe and comfortable.
He took a few steps back. His mouth opened and then closed again. He was no stranger to this situation. Something similar had happened to him before. Adrien was petrified. He finally found his voice and managed to thank his mysterious savior in a low voice.
"Thank you."
The masked guy simply nodded and disappeared into the darkness.
Over the next few days, Adrien couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious figure that had saved his life. He wandered around the city, hoping to run into him again. But the masked guy seemed to be nowhere to be found.
One night, while Adrien was walking home from a dinner with Zoe, he heard a commotion coming from an alleyway. He cautiously approached the alleyway and saw that a group of men had cornered him again. Adrien was about to turn and run, but before he could, the masked guy appeared once again. With incredible speed and skill, the masked figure took down the attackers, leaving them dazed and confused. Adrien felt overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration for the stranger but at the same time, he felt like giving himself a slap.
Buddy, you're just getting out of a chaotic situation. You've spent the last few years in love with a great girl, but who only sees you as a partner, and you... You, you idiot, have a crush on the first guy who saves you? What's your problem?!
"Who are you?" Adrien asked, as the masked guy helped him up.
"I'm Robin," the masked guy replied.
Adrien felt a jolt of recognition at the name. He had heard of Robin before, but never thought he would meet him in person.
"Thank you, Robin. You saved my life."
"-Tk- It's what I do."
As Adrien walked away, he couldn't stop thinking about Robin.
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veryheartyjoy · 9 months
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hija mía, ángel de la tierra, mi flor, cándida flor del paraíso.
🕊️ ‧₊˚ ⋅ ໒꒱.*
she is named after a japanese word that means “love song”, aika, for her soul that is just as alluring and sweet as a love song on a sunday morning, or in the evening—what she is also named after. you might know her as seraphina, but she is definitely more than just her name. let me take you to a journey of knowing more about the girl,
aika evening seraphina
her MBTI tests consecutively showed INxJ, making her lean to either INFJ or INTJ; you can refer to either of them or neither at all… try getting a little closer and you may see it for yourself. she wanders around being illalilaura on twitter while talking about various things, such as music, cinema, arts, even health and fitness—as she is currently studying similar field—which if you are on the same frequency, you will find it very amusing to link up! she’s also very fond of watching asian dramas and movies; she’s such a girl of melodrama and romcom as well as a very huge thai, mandarin, and korean cinematic works enthusiast, can you tell…? however, she is always open for any good melodrama and romcom recommendations!
her version most beloved works ever, a very influential list:
my liberation notes (2021)
soundtrack #2 (2023)
while you were sleeping (1995)
perfect marriage revenge (2023)
king the land (2023)
the beauty inside (2018)
simply irresistible (1999)
10 things i hate about you (1999)
beauty and the beast (2017)
the story of park’s marriage contract (2024)
the three gentlebros (2022)
you & me & me (2023)
seraphina is a big fan of R&B and jazz, especially raveena, yuna, victoria monét, snoh aalegra, alina baraz, jhené aiko, laufey, and sabrina claudio—as well as city pop artists like rainbow note, yukika, yel, and kim a reum. she is also into pop music and a fan of singers such as ariana grande, sabrina carpenter, and madison beer. she is a loyal listener of red velvet, and she looks up so much to joy! she loves listening to other foreign songs such as thai, vietnamese, french, and spanish as well.
on the other side, she loves making covers on bandlab, playing piano, writing, singing, drawing, and painting. she enjoys watching contents by jillz guerin, nara smith, nikita willy, anna park, inayah, surthycooks, tam kaur, simonsquared, wested_arin, lavendaire, alex bondoc, and more with soft living and encouraging messages; she would sometimes spend time to watch and take notes, like a lecture. she is very interested in talking about healthy lifestyle, fitness, and self care. as an INxJ, it is only natural that she is good at keeping up with deep conversations—even when it gets theoretical—so she would definitely love to be engaged in a discussion and exchange opinions, if you’re into any!
she mainly tweets in english, bahasa indonesia, and sometimes korean; she dedicates a huge enthusiasm to learning languages too and she is currently studying korean and thai—feel free to make her your study buddy if you’re currently learning the same languages!
here we are arriving at the end of the introduction journey! ♡ do you feel acquainted enough to join her on more trips of friendship together?
໒꒱. ⁺˳✧༚
💌💭 HER note
my account type is unlabeled; i share my real life activities and pictures, i talk about unlimited variety of topic, and i interact with my mutuals. please do not follow me without my consent. i really appreciate those who respect my privacy despite of my account being public. you can send me a message of request via DM; you are always more than welcome.
strictly do not interact if you are:
1) overly explicit NSFW content tweeter, 2) hardcore idols’ defender (i’m so allergic please understand), 3) fan of immoral and ignorant celebrities, 4) boycotted products’ consumer, 5) disrespectful to me or my friends, 6) problematic (racist, ill-mannered, hater, evil retrospring anonymous, agitator, and so on), and 7) other common DNI criteria. i block accounts i find violating without prior notice.
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Gift for remholder - thank you for your patience!
Set shortly after Voyager’s finale, with some hands waved in terms of who’s where and when and no attention paid to the post Voyager/DS9 books :)
This is for remholder, who gave lovely prompts including: seven and odo bonding over not really fitting in/being TOO different. maybe shortly after voyager returns home, seven makes way to DS9 to see firsthand the wormhole. a borg on the station? odo must investigate, yada yada yada. they become decent friends
An Occasional Security Chief and an Ex-Borg
It was late in Deep Space Nine’s twenty-six hour cycle, and there were few people in the observation deck. Seven stood with her hands folded behind her back, posture perfect, as she watched Bajor revolve slowly below. It was both… humbling and disheartening to be reminded so perfectly, so simply, of the sheer enormity of the universe through observing one planet. She had been through much in her time as a human child, as a Borg, and then as some amalgam of the two, however her experiences mattered very little overall.
Her main area of interest, the Bajoran wormhole, had not displayed itself for her eyes as yet. She had examined the readings and intended to spend some time on it after breakfast in the morning.
The clearsteel one point two metres from her face radiated the cold of space in her direction. She noted both the hazard tape strapped across the giant air vents and the all too human solution of portable heaters placed along the floor on the other side of the railing. The wispy warmth from the heaters played enjoyably over her lower half. A Borg station would not need such comfort.
She was glad to not be on a Borg station. Though being observed here held potential complexities.
“Seven of Nine,” Seven said coolly as she turned. She inclined her head in the direction of the man in brown. He’d been watching her for some time. “Though you’re probably already aware of my designation.”
(Man? Being? She was vaguely amused, in a far off way, at the thought of it being an insult to classify him ‘an officer’.)
“Odo,” he said in return. “Occasional security chief.”
Her brow furrowed. “You refer to when you are off shift?”
A small rumble. Amusement? “I refer to when I’m off the station, and back on my planet of origin. I used to live here permanently, and now I visit. Much like our previous captain.”
“And you have concerns about an ex-Borg being on your station.”
“It’s not really ‘my’ station.”
And yet he clearly felt it to be his. More so than the exhausted couple in holiday clothes to her right, or the replimat worker to Odo’s right.
“Yes. More 'interest’ than 'concern’, but yes.”
Stated baldly enough, but there was a measure of comfort in it. Seven was accustomed to a certain level of acceptance from her closest fr- acquaintances. Suspicion, distrust, and sometimes violent hatred from others. It was inevitable. What she most disliked was when people used a hundred words to try to disguise what could be said in three. To her surprise, she found herself offering a small smile, and a question.
“Would you care to join me for a coffee?”
Two days later…
“I understand Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay had a similar dynamic when Voyager was first lost,” Seven commented, sipping at her Tarkalean tea. Doctor Bashir had recommended it for her minor digestive discomfort, and it was pleasant enough.
Odo’s harrumph this time was thoughtful. She was quite pleased that she’d become able to discern some of the variations in his snorts and harrumphs. Benjamin Sisko turned and raised an arm in greeting to them where they sat at the table on the Promenade. Odo nodded back, and after a moment so did Seven.
“Colonel Kira- Capt- Nerys,” Odo corrected himself twice, and Seven felt her eyes warm. It was endearing. “Nerys had to negotiate some complex personal and political situations, certainly. I can see some similarities.”
“And perhaps between your situation and mine.”
Seven said it quietly, but bluntly enough. Odo valued bluntness, and it was one of the ways in which his company was refreshing. He cared about people, but wouldn’t not say something purely because it might cause offence.
And his expressionless expression showed no sign of irritation. “Certainly. Starfleet consists of many more species than merely humanity, but humanity does tend to dominate. And those in Starfleet, and humans, are……. not repellent, but different.”
She clinked her cup against his lightly.
Five days later…
Seven looked up from her padd to see Odo and Kira Nerys - Seven liked her, but was not familiar enough with her to use a personal name, even in her own mind - exchanging a brief embrace before Kira headed towards the turbolift. She raised her eyebrows at Odo in greeting.
“Was your trip pleasant?”
“The weather was miserable, and we spent most of it inside our hotel room, where Nerys slept a great deal and we ate too much,” Odo said, and chuckled. “It was very pleasant.”
Six days later…
“I had not realized we both come from conquerors,” Seven said bleakly. “I wish that Voyager had had access to a similar wormhole, but when I consider how many difficulties yours has brought you… it is complicated.”
Sisko bumped up against Odo from the opposite side, while Quark muttered something ridiculous about how he couldn’t ever get any honest work done with all these people here watching. “We always get to choose who we are, even if we have to deal with things others have put on us,” he said, grinning that great grin of his. “Quark! Another round!”
Odo nodded at Sisko, then murmured to Seven. “You and I are both more than the sum of our parts.”
Eight days later…
Seven smiled to see Odo waiting for her at the airlock, though it was not surprising. He was due to leave soon, too, after all.
“Looking forward to Earth?”
“Indeed. I have many people to visit, and decisions to make. And how are your concerns regarding an ex-Borg?”
“Entirely gone,” Odo told her, clapping her on the shoulder. “You are welcome to return here any time.”
She did not need his permission. It was still very nice to have it.
The universe was indeed enormous, and humbling, and full of difficulties.
It also held friends for her. Even outside of Voyager.
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johnlone-collection · 2 years
The Casting of the Last Emperor
Q:Are you happy with John Lone's performance?
A:I am grateful to Joanna Merlin for having introduced me to John Lone; she's now the casting director with all the Chinese actors in her pocket. With John I felt what I normally feel when I have to choose an actor. I can tell after five minutes if it's going to work out.He has a certain magnetism which intrigued me and which I couldn't understand immediately. I couldn't tell if it was his striking beauty per se or if it was the wild blend of races that he embodies so perfectly.(Bertolucci by Bertolucci,282)
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Q: Have you seen John Lone's films before he was cast as the Emperor?
A: No, I first met John Lone and Joan Chan (as Wan Rong) on the same day at the Marmont Hotel in Los Angeles. I immediately decided to use them both. I knew it was impossible to find another actor as special as Lone. Not only does he have a noble temperament, but he has very unique acting talent. I had never seen anyone else study Peking Opera, which is the most difficult acting technique, and then he came here to study American acting methods. It's very rare to be able to blend the two together.
The Last Emperor and Beyond: An Interview with Italian Director Bertolucci by Danny McClain
Source:Compilation Reference, 1988.4, No. 124, Ministry of Culture, Foreign Languages Bureau, Editorial Department, Compilation Reference
- What are the reasons for choosing John Lone?
Bertolucci: I think John Lone is the only actor who can play such a special role as Pu Yi! Lone is a very good adult, but he also has the youthful quality of playing an 18 year old. I have also never seen his work "Year of the Dragon" as well as his stage plays. After this film project was confirmed, when I was selecting actors, I had an intuition that he was the best choice to play Pu Yi after being introduced by an acquaintance.
- Did you make any special request for John Lone?
Bertolucci: I didn't say anything, I just said that it's different from any role you've played before. Open the "drawer" you've never opened and reassemble it! It's all rather conventional advice.
- Before filming began, I heard that the director put John Lone through a lot of tests for the role he needed to play, didn't he?
Bertolucci: Well, it took eight weeks, and I acted as a guide for Lone in order for him to get to know China. It was Lone's idea to go walking around the streets in the emperor's clothes. We were very happy that he came up with such an idea and of course readily agreed!
- From Japanese interview Reporter: Hakata Koji
Michael Cimino ("The Deer Hunter") mentioned how he recommended John Lone to Bertolucci
I had hundreds and hundreds of tapes of professionals and non-professionals reading the John Lone part, reading the Tracy Tsu part, reading all the part..
It's a world-wide effort, that's why when Bernardo came to do the Last Emperor right following Year of the Dragon- We've been friends for a long time - and he called me about the casting, and I said, look, Bernardo,l just spent a year going all over the world interviewing every actor and every possibility, and you don't have a choice.
He said, what do you mean? What are you using?
I said, John Lone! You'll get Lone great, he would be perfect.
And the movie was a great success.
And John turned out to be wonderful to be worked with.
Hе and Mickey made complement each other beautifully.
They were one of those magic combinations. And they gave me what I wanted.
If I were a violinist, John Lone would be like the structive areas, I could play any note on him.
Whatever I needed, he gave me. He was one of the rare actors that...
He was just so easy to work with...
He was one of the last people, to be an apprentice to the old Peking Opera,
where you send your kid there. And he spent ten years [correction: should be seven years] just learning every aspect of performance. He is a great singer, in fact, in Japan, he is а quite well-known singer. He is a great dancer, he is good at martial arts, he can do damnly anything.
Los Angeles Times 1/3/1986
Chinese-American actor John Lone, who starred in The Year of the Dragon," will play the young and middle-age Pu Yi.
PEKING - Italian movie director Bernardo Bertolucci plans to film the life of China's last emperor in a $20-million production using more than 10,000 costumes, a Peking film official said.
Xu Chunqing, a deputy manager of the China Film Co-production Corp., said the 18-week filming of The Last Emperor would start at former imperial residences in Peking and Changchun next April.
The film is based on an autobiography by Henry Pu Yi, who became emperor in 1908 at age 2 and was overthrown in 1911 when the Chinese republic was founded.
In 1934, he became emperor" of a puppet state in northeast China set up by invading Japanese forces, was later tried as a war criminal in Tokyo and jailed in China for nine years until 1959. He died in 1967.
Chinese-American actor John Lone, who starred in The Year of the Dragon, will play the young and middle-age Pu Yi.
Wu said the script by Bertolucci and two associates had been corrected and approved by China's culture ministry.
John Lone- Interview (The Last Emperor) 11-7-87 [Reelin' In The Years Archive]
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The role of the Emperor went to John Lone (the prehistoric ice-mummy in Fred Schepisi's "Iceman'' and the master criminal in Michael Cimino's "Year of the Dragon'').
Mr. Bertolucci met Mr. Lone, who was trained at the Peking Opera School in Hong Kong, while casting in Los Angeles. 'I chose him at first sight,' the director said. ''
I felt something very intense when I first saw him, together with a kind of weirdness. I felt that he had a natural makeup on his face, and the tough discipline of the Peking Opera had been sublimated in a kind of great inner tension. I think it's a very good alternative to the New York Actors Studio.'
Mr. Lone plays Pu Yi from an 18-year-old to a man in his 60's and came to China early to study the ways and manners of old people. "They have a very different kind of old age than the Westerner, a different superficial esthetic to their inner strength, a different body language,' Mr. Lone says.
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