#idk its not that hard to post a few times a day in my opinion
kethabali · 3 months
sorry but nothing can convince me its not disgusting to continue posting thg content when theres an actual occupation and genocide happening right now and the least you can do is post about it like what girl.. how do yall live with yourself obsessing over fictional characters and making your whole life about it when 40k people are dead
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wildpeachfarm · 12 days
Ok anyone else reading this who doesn't know me as well as Moku; all of this is the opinion of someone who's been watching Jacksepticeye and Markiplier since 2012/2013, and is also incredibly loud themselves. We're talking ultra stan, I've been to both of their youtuber liveshows and have signed merch.
Jack lost a little bit of relevancy. It's (mostly) not his fault, as time passes some youtubers fade or quit and while it's sad (thumps fist against chest then raises it to sky, Matpat Game Theory) it's the cycle of life, and the life of youtube is not something that can be kept up forever. Jack is not pulling the same views he used to- and to be fair to him he's not the only one, Mark also sometimes doesn't pull the same views, its the cycle of life. Not all of it is Jack's fault.
Jack did also shoot himself in the foot a little bit. He started doing less collabs, something that always helps with combating less relevancy. For comparison, Mark still does collabs all the time (tbf with the same two/three people, bob wade and ethan, but he still does them). Jack also started changing his content a few years back. Instead of just gaming videos, what he's always done, he started adding in react andy content- meme time reddit reactions, tiktok compliations, cringe comps, epic fails, that kind of thing. There's no harm necessarily in reaching out to try new content but it always does come with risk.
He also changed how he posts videos. Idk about yall but 30min to 1hr is my golden zone for videos. 1.5hrs max (or 3hrs max for a vod). He was/is uploading full games as 1 video. 4hrs plus. Saw one even that was 12 hours. Clickbait titles. Or titles that are just "(game name)- full game". For me this was a personal turnoff. I don't have the attention span for content that long.
He also, and this is the potentially upsetting part to people as I know my comments will butt heads with Irish culture and stereotypes, but like, he didn't "get with the times". The way he yells and overreacts in videos is very 2010 youtube era. Yes some of his volume control is due to being Irish, I get that, I also have volume control issues, but sometimes it's reminiscent of like. Jake Paul videos. Ricegum videos. Even with a nostalgia bias it's hard to swallow sometimes and I'll click back off a video.
For comparison, Mark still does (although limited) collabs, and interacts with other youtubers in the community. Mark has stuck to similar/the same content he's been known to make, and although he does branch out (A Heist, In Space, Iron Lung, sponsered videos, or other video game genres) he usually still sticks to what he's known for- horror video games, and has stuck to the same video lengths with only a few variations for reasons that are usually extremely understandable. And this is less of a fair comparison because Mark was never "loud" to begin with, so while he did tone himself down he did not have to tone himself down as much as Jack in theory would.
My speculation is that Jack is taking the "lost a little bit of relevancy" a little bit too hard, a little bit too personal, RSD style (we know for a fact he has ADHD). Whereas Mark (and again I'm trying to make this as fair a comparison as possible, Mark is also ADHD) hasn't taken it personally because he seems to recognize any loss in viewership is not his fault but rather just a fact of times changing and people growing older. While I can't recall if Jack has ever said anything on the same lines, I can recall Mark on multiple occasions saying he could never quit youtube or making videos, because even if he's "only making one single person happy with his videos, that's still one person he's making their day better". Less of a views thing for Mark, and more of how Dream sees videos and content creation- trying to bring joy and happiness to people. Idk if Jack has ever said anything like that, or if he has it's not something I can currently recall so it was likely a once-off, whereas I remember Mark and Dream saying those things because they've both talked about it multiple times.
Essay Andy Echo out.
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This is so interesting, thank you Echo 🫶
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
I just found this blog so I'm jumping aboard the plushie bandwagon.
First we got Absol. (i feel like maybe i should've taken a closer-up picture but it's the face sooo)
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Then a Wooloo
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And, saving best for last, this Leafeon plush I own... of which I swear on my life is official merch.
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I also have some more eeveelutions (plus an eevee and a few more) but: 1. I didn't want to send too many. 2. Eeveelutions are more popular so I wanted to give some other people the chance to submit their own. 3. I don't know where my Pikachu and Snivy plushies are cuz I own too many stuffed animals.
Only reason I submitted Leafeon was so I could show off this ~masterpiece~ of a plushie I own. And it's face isn't the only thing wrong with it too lol. Also I just noticed I accidentally had one of the ears hanging back but I'm too lazy to go take another photo but i hope this amuses you nonetheless.
let's start with these guys. beautiful. wonderful. i do not believe that that leafeon is official merch. this statement is baffling to me. welcome to the front-facing pokémon family. i love the eyes on that absol and wooloo is one of my faves. i was rather obsessed with it when it first came out and have a whole wooloo tag on my main blog because of it. though i guess i cleared that whole thing out recently so i don't anymore
let's get the nose ratings out of the way:
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↑ this is a lie. 10/10 chespin
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it's very wide and also 10/10 you're being too harsh. merry day to you too
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circular face indeed. did i already post this one? if i did you can have it again
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clodsire be upon ye. clodsire fans this is your treat until gen 9
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this is a trend now. i think tumblr just crunched this image to hell for some reason so here's what the text says:
"Felt like joining the others for front facing pokeplushies [images] I have more pokemon but its early morning and these are the plushies that are easy to access"
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i have not but i imagine "a moment" has long passed by now. my apologies but apparently today was an important day or something? idk
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YEAH it's super unbelievably fucked up. i think i kinda remember the circumstance being a bit dire so everyone else was more worried about either 1. protagonist getting stomped on brutally or 2. saving the world from kyurem / the bittercold. i was totally under the impression that he was dead in that moment but i guess the characters may have known that he would just come back? i seem to vaguely remember partner being surprised that he came back and being like "but we watched you die :OOO" but maybe i'm misremembering that. i do create a lot of pmd lore on my own time so i have a hard time telling the difference between canon and fanon sometimes
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two a day makes the world go round! this blog started when i started college, paused for 80% of my college career and now has started back up and i just graduated college a week ago. i would say "how time flies" but it has been a very, very long year
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i've said it before and i'll say it again: gen 6 is my favorite gen, so you'll be seeing lots of favor for this gen from me in the tags i'm sure. maybe gen 6 is my excuse to start doing other things here. like that stream i keep talking about
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if they put meloetta as a little obscure puzzle thang in sv, i'm sure they'll do something for genesect. i hope. at least for keldeo probably. genesect i'm not sure is very popular, unfortunately, outside of the tumblr crowd. if the general public's opinion on genesect is favorable, then maybe
okay and then i tried to scroll down further in my screenshots for more asks and saw the wobbly will smith in a hospital bed Gimme a Hug, Man that i copied from the "i get a little bit genghis kanghis" post so that's it. to everyone who christmases: merry it. it is today. although it's basically over by now so! merry boxing day for tomorrow if i don't say anything tomorrow. but i probably will. now i'm gonna go queue up today's 'mons because i haven't done it yet today. see you all in a few weeks when those post
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carpentergirl · 1 year
A Few More Minutes
Sam and Tara get trapped by Ghostface... Probably not the best time for Tara to have an Asthma Attack.
Author’s notes: I was inspired by @autism-swagger post about Tara’s asthma in scream 6 kinda outlined this.
This is my first time writing so idk if its anything people will like so good luck ig.
I probably dragged this out too much.
Just Sam and Tara being well Sam and Tara. 
Word count: 3871
: )
Sam and Tara had left their apartment rather early in the morning. More like Sam had a plan to get out of the house before Tara woke up. But in usual Samantha Carpenter style things never went as planned and Tara was miraculously up already and Sam acquired her presence anyway.
She didn’t mind her company of course, she just didn’t want to pull Tara down the path she was heading. But Tara being well- Tara would not take no for an answer and rushed to get ready.
Moving to New York was not the fresh start Sam had hoped it would be, Rather her reputation or persevered reputation preceded her to the big city where everyone had their opinions. Some were sympathetic to the young woman who had tragically been caught up in a legacy bestowed upon by her estranged father who died before she was even born. While others believed that Sam was Billy reincarnated and was meant to finish what he had started all those years ago, much believing in the story that Richie and Amber had tried to create.
Sam knew little to nothing about her father besides of course the conspiracy and movies about him. That wasn’t enough for her. Of course she didn't set out to miraculously find out he was a great guy and was just misunderstood as most cliche villains would be- she knew that wasn’t the truth. Her father was no villain, he was true evil but despite that and even if she hated to admit it- he was still a prominent part of her and she was desperate for some identity outside of ghostface.
Tara during the transition was- well, again, Tara. She didn’t say much about moving. She didn’t say much about anything as a matter of fact. She was just happy to once again be with her sister. After basically fending for herself ever since Sam left she was having a hard time adjusting to having a helicopter parent. She would never admit it but having Sam be there for her, especially when she didn’t want her to be, was something she could never find the words to thank her for. Tara didn’t deal too much with her past in the new city. She didn’t want to live in the past. It was too painful to remember the town of Woodborough. Everything she had gone through and all before the ghostface attacks. She’d rather forget it all. Some people were curious but rarely cruel, or maybe she never gave them the chance to be, Tara avoided people like the plague. The only time you would find Tara in any social situation is if she was about 3 shots too gone which is what led to Sam’s alleged stalking.
But at the end of the day Tara would always be with Sam, as long as Sam would have her of course.
Even with that being said Tara found it extremely difficult to be blindly led by her older sister into a psycho’s lair. Yes, Tara knew she asked for this when she volunteered herself as Sam’s companion for the day and yes Tara could at any point leave and go back to the safety of their apartment but she’s made it this far right?
“I don’t know, maybe we should go back home?” Tara sheepishly suggested her feet planted firmly on the sidewalk outside the abandoned movie theater. She knew why they were there, she knew Sam wanted answers, she just wished the answers didn't have to be so creepy.
“T, I told you not to come, I’ll call Kirby to come and get-” “No. You’re not going alone.” The girls bantered walking up to the entrance.
The lair was exactly the same as the first time they were there. When Gale had brought them looking for insight on who the newest masked freaks were. To no avail, it was just a ganky collection of Ghostface memorable. Pieces from the killers and victims. An unsettling tomb of whatever screwed up legacy Billy had started.
Tara knew Sam had been itching to come back, alone, she saw the way Sam gawked at her father’s robe, the knife he had used to murder people. She saw Sam’s need for answers and Tara knew she didn’t understand and she knew couldn’t understand which is why she didn’t want to get in between Sam and the answers she was looking for.
They crept their way through the shrine and Tara started to get uneasy. Everything about this gave her the untimely shiver of impending doom. It was almost as if every step brought her closer to the end of her being. She slid her hands over the display cases filled with bloody artifacts to some infamous murders and innocent victims, who, just as herself, had been brutally attacked. She was surprised that nothing of hers ended up behind the glass walls to be shown off like a trophy.
At the head of the room were the costumes, the same ones that made Tara shutter at the sight of even if it was nothing more than a costume at a party. Her eyes fell on Amber’s. Someone who had not crossed the oh so complicated mind of Tara Carpenter in a long time. A weighted rope had wrapped itself tightly around Tara’s heart and given into gravity. She didn’t want to think about Amber, the worst part of Woodsborough.
She noticed Sam in the center once again examining her father’s robe, she just couldn’t understand any of this, and quite frankly she didn't want to. It was becoming all too much for Tara.
“Sam, I don't feel well.” she said taking two puffs of her rescue inhaler, cursing herself for not using her orange one earlier in the morning, the one that prevented asthma attacks.
“Okay, Just a few more minutes and we'll get out of here.” Sam said concern glistening in her eyes but she was too close to turn around now- surly tara would be fine if they stuck around for a few minutes more.
Tara nodded, agreeing that a few more minutes wouldn’t kill her, she walked around the theater trying to find more theatrical attributes rather than the homicidal ones she was far too familiar with. She wandered past the wretched museum into the old concessions rooms looking at the abandoned candy trying to pinpoint a possible year of extinction for the theater.
She ran her fingers through the dust again causing her to cough again. Tara should’ve known better than to be stirring up dust when she was already at a  disadvantage for the day.
The youngest Carpenter had been looking at an old movie’s reel, trying to make sense of the little pictures in the frame holding them up to the light. She heard something behind her fall and she jumped to attention slowly turning around. To see absolutely nothing.
I'm losing my mind. Tara thought to herself, after all the shit she’s been through, she thinks it finally got to her.
And got to her it indeed did. The next time Tara heard a suspicious noise she once again contributed it to her new found psychosis and hallucinations. Until it was no longer a hallucination she could write off but instead a menacing Ghostface who had grabbed her from behind.
Tara let out an ungodly scream before laying a blow to the reaper’s stomach with her elbow and kicking at their knee. In which she was freed enough to take a running start and right into Sam’s arms.
The two  Carpenter sisters now found themselves one again being chased down by a robed figure. They raced to navigate the halls of the abandoned movie theater trying to escape.
Tara was not faring well to begin with and definitely not now with this whole running situation. She miserably tried to keep up with Sam running- stumbling was more like it. Her breathing was unsteady, panic glistened over her as she tried to keep up. While they had only been running a few minutes her anxiety coming face to face with a reaper once again was an accelerant for disaster and was taking a toll on her.
“Sam” the younger sister gasped, reaching out for the taller girl “I-”  Tara coughed.
Sam turned to the smaller girl chopping her step, Tara was hunched down at the waist, hands on her knees as she tried to stabilize her breathing.
This was all her own fault Tara thought to herself, if she wasn’t so instant on going then she would’ve remembered her inhaler this morning. Then again if she hadn’t been there then Sam would’ve been with Ghostface alone and without warning.
Everything burned. Her lips were dry and her mouth felt chalky, usually meaning it was time for an inhaler dose and possibly even something stronger. Her throat was on fire as if it was trying to burn a way to breathe for her. Sam grabbed her wrist pulling the girl with her as she heard the clatter of Ghost Face getting closer to them.
The next time the girls came to a stop was about 20 seconds later when Sam felt the tug of Tara hitting the ground, before she had only felt the staggering of the smaller girl which was enough for her to keep Tara in tow.
“Tara!” Sam yelled for her attention as the youngest carpenter grasped at her chest in a desperate attempt to let air in.
“T, calm down. You gotta try to calm down.” Sam rubbed circles into the girl's back while trying to pull her back up and failing Tara’s legs struggling to support her.
“You can’t out run me forever” Tara’s eyes found her sister’s, filled with tears and pure fear across her face. For the first time Sam was really forced to take in her appearance. Her lips tinted white with sweaty glistening skin over the color she had lost making her look ghostly.
Sam tugged Tara up yet again, this time taking the little breath she had left. She had to do something, there was no way Sam would let GhostFace get to Tara. Forcing the smaller girl to her feet and starting running once again, as fast as she possibly could she was basically dragging the girl who could only be heard by the rapsiness of her gasps. Then she spotted it, the storage room in which she had earlier caught Chad and Tara in successfully cockblocking them… again. She basically threw the younger girl in the room and barricaded the door with a shelving unit. Surveying it for anything useful as a means for defense with no luck.
Tara’s face had taken on an unnatural tone. She choked on her coughs. No matter how hard she tried she simply could not get air in. It seemed impossible.
Her mind was panicked. She could not go out like this. So miserably choking on her own inability to properly breathe. She could not die running from the fool who thought it was a good idea to dress up as her ex girlfriend, her sister’s father, a complete psycho.
She did not survive Amber’s attack to die like this. She did make this far to die because she couldn’t remember one day’s dose of medication. She couldn’t die. She wasn’t ready.
“Your inhaler” Sam questioned as Tara hadn’t already thought of that. Sam patted her pockets and then checked  the younger girl’s she knew Tara just had. She watched her put it in her pocket. She never left her house without it. And the extra one was in Sam’s backpack- of course the one she had tossed at the sound of Tara encountering Ghostface. Sam’s face dropped as she realized the inhaler simply wasn’t there, she grabbed her phone to use as a flashlight hoping it had just fallen out when she pushed the younger girl in. No such luck.
The stutter in Tara’s chest caught Sam’s attention again. Making her give up hope on the inhaler and resort to an escape plan. She pulled out her phone once again and found the previous texting chat.
Core Four
Sam: Trapped in the theater, Ghostface has us pinned in the storage closet.
Chad: We’re two blocks away, Mindy is on the phone with 911
Sam: Tara is bad- Asthma Attack- please hurry
Sam breathed a few moments of relief before the shuddering of her sister demanded her attention.
“Okay Tara, hold on a few more minutes.” Sam cooed, pulling her in close.
Sam could hear Ghostface clattering around in the halls looking for his next victims.
“Tara, Tara, Tara..” The voice menaced.
“Making me pick up after you, did your mother not teach you to pick up after yourself- oh right.” Tara was barely able to keep the focus on anything but her desperate need for air. She barely even processed what the menace was taunting her for.
Sam tried to keep Tara calm as the threats got louder.
“Well, at least I know you won’t get very far.” He threatened. Almost as if on cue Tara had let out a violent cough causing her body to shake. Sam quickly covered her mouth in an attempt to stifle the sound and not give away their location.
Tara was fading in and out; she could only see the outlines of the things around her, and her ears started to ring on top of the pounding of her heart instead of processing the sounds around her. SHe felt the strong arms around her body and the hands covering her mouth. She needed air and these hands in her way were not productive.
Sam cringed at her primal impulse to pull her arms away from her face.
The innate instinct to protect her airway.
Sam only held her tighter stiffening up against the wall.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” Sam kept whispering in her sister’s ear as she clawed at her. She felt Tara’s heart on her forearm, beating so hard it threatened to burst out of her chest and the way Tara’s breaths were pulling on her palms erratically and the exhaled air making them feel sweaty.
All Sam could do was cry.
She never wanted to hurt Tara, She wanted nothing more than to let her go and comfort her, but she knew if she did that they’d be moments from discovery and they were at a disadvantage.
I’m so sorry was all she could say before it was a blubbering mess.
A few more seconds had passed Tara weakly pried and then dropped her arms to her sides. Her head dropped back into Sam’s shoulders and Sam felt the smaller girl’s weight fall into her. She slowly slid down the wall now sitting with Tara hoisted up between her legs. Slowly moving her hands away from Tara’s face and pulled her in closer, putting her head to her chest- hoping she would still hear her heart. Which she did. She noticed her blood-tinged lips and Sam’s hands. She sobbed as Tara continued to take uneven breaths and let out quiet gasps.
“I’m so sorry baby girl.” The guilt ate at her. It was a normal occurrence for Sam- knowing that all of this had happened because of her, if she had never found that diary, if she had never confronted her mom, if she never mentioned her real father then Tara would not be suffering the way she was.
They wouldn’t be stuck in a supply closet of a freak’s shrine of psychos.
“Oh Samantha, you thought you could hide from me.” Ghostface teased and was extremely close to the sound of it. Oh how badly she needed the others right now, there was no way to get out, and no way to protect Tara.
She heard the crunch of plastic outside the door “Oops” Ghostface muttered undoubtedly crushing the younger girl’s inhaler that he had discovered earlier. Sam slowly slid out from under Tara gently lowering her to the ground. She grabbed the rod she had found in the room earlier, it wasn’t much of anything, mostly likely a discarded mop or broomstick. But it was a last-ditch effort for Sam to defend herself. She positioned herself on the other side of the door waiting for the menace to step in.
She heard the doorknob jingle. Still blocked by the shelves.
Sam was panicking. Her ears started ringing and all she could do was prepare herself for yet another dance with the devil. She tried to remain focused on the now pushing door; it wasn't until the shelf was knocked over that Sam was zoned in and swung her “weapon”.
“Woah,” he said, catching the rod before it made contact with him.
“This is- um Inventive,” he said finally entering the room. Sweaty.
“Chad?” Sam questioned coming down from the adrenaline that had instinctively been released in her system.
She rushed over to Tara.
“Is he gone?” She questions pulling Tara’s limp body up from the ground and struggling to support her.
“I think so.” Chad said, quick to help Sam pick Tara up.
He reached for his pocket uncovering an orange inhaler. Which Tara clearly hadn’t used this morning if Chad had it. She looked down and saw the blue one crushed to pieces in the hall and shook her head.
“It’s too late for that- we have to get her to a hospital.” Sam rushed him out the door. Mindy came running up to them.
“There’s no one here” She huffed out trying to catch her breath and for the first time Sam had heard the sirens all around the building. The police must’ve scared them off so she tried to rationalize.
Chad carried Tara bridal style out of the building and straight to the stretcher. Tara was ghostly white and her lips started to tint blue. Chad shuddered at how lifeless she felt in his arms.
Sam dodged the police and reporters who had gathered around asking her what had happened.
She hopped into the ambulance as the paramedics worked on his sister urgently.
Sam sat impatiently in the waiting room of the ER. Chad and Mindy there, somehow Kirby and Gale also made it there. Honestly it was all a haze to Sam.
“Tara Carpenter.” The Doctor called out to the room of eagerly waiting family members, Sam was up in an instant.
“I'm her sister.” She begged the Doctor for him to say that Tara was okay.
“Tara went into respiratory distress earlier, as a result of her asthma, luckily we don’t believe she suffered any permanent damage to her brain and she shouldn’t have any long lasting effects but we definitely want to keep her overnight to be sure. Just a few more minutes and we could’ve been having a very different conversation.” The doctor explained. A wave of relief washed over the group. This wasn’t Tara’s first close call but it was definitely the closest in a long time.
“But the blood” Sam mentioned to the doctor, as she raised her hands as proof. “X-rays are clear, just some popped capillaries from all the coughing.” He added placing a reassuring hand on Sam’s shoulders.
The older girl rushed to Tara’s room, her sister set up a heart monitor and oxygen though she was steadily breathing again. Sam stood frozen at the foot of her bed. Kirby made her way into the room leaving the others in the hallway.
“Sam…” She started. “She’s okay. You saved her.”
“I didn’t fucking save her Kirby, I almost killed her.” Sam shook her head. Her palms striking her temples. Still stained with some of Tara’s blood.
“I put my hands over her mouth. I could feel her fighting me. I suffocated her.” Sam cried, pulling her hands into view.
“You did not suffocate her, you saved her. You did what you had to do to save her.” Kirby pulled Sam’s hands down and held them. She pulled her into her arms hearing what had happened in that room for the first time.
Kirby had basically adopted the Carpenter duo as her own, she made them her responsibility even if they all liked to pretend that Sam and Tara had everything under control.
It was easy for Kirby to come in and help. It was easy for Sam to let herself go in the agent’s presence. It was even easier for Tara to relate to Kirby and accept the advice that she would offer even if it was the same advice Sam would suggest- It must’ve sounded different coming from the older girl.
“She didn’t even want to be there, she asked me to leave and I- I made her stay” Sam continued to cry into her ‘older sisters’ chest.
It wasn’t long until Sam composed herself and put on her brave face for the rest of the group and they all gathered around in Tara’s room. Sam next to her bed of course rubbed circles into the smallest girl’s hand.
Tara had regained some color, still much paler than her usual complexion, but better than before. Her lips were once again pink and she had lost the gleam of sweat. All to the group's relief.
No one dared to leave even as the early hours of the morning threatened to trap them in the hospital.
Soon the silence was broken by Chad offering himself to get chips and snacks from the vending machines which he would later regret because
A) he used all of his cash
and B) Girls are too ‘particular’.
The group shared jokes and conversations trying to move on from the earlier events and living more in the moments they were all together. They had grown quite the roar almost as if they were in the sister’s apartment and it was a casual Friday night. Arguing over what M&M flavor tasted the best with Sam reluctant to admit she thought they all tasted the same because- well didn’t they?
First there was a cough. It came from the smallest member of the group. They all stopped mid debate, assessing the situation. They watched as she stirred in her bed sitting up frantically and coughing “SAM” she yelled between her coughs.
“Tara” Sam grabbed her. “It’s okay, breathe, you’re alright” Sam cooed.
Tara took in her environment no longer in a dark dusty theater but rather in a bright antiseptic room surrounded by the worried faces of her friends, Family.
She took a deep breath in, she was sore but it didn’t burn, she was able to breath without a fight. She relaxed into Sam’s touch.
“Jesus christ I never want to do that again.” She chuckled. After a pause of her remembering the earlier events. Everyone laughed.
“Glad to see you’re doing better.” Kirby grabbed the girl’s knee in support.
They continued the night moving onto the next candy flavor they could debate about. After of course Tara added that the blue M&M is the best tasting one. And Sam could not have been more grateful to hear such ridiculous words come out of her mouth. They were okay, Sam prayed to stay like this at least for a few more minutes.
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foliejpg · 1 month
oh yippie more asks:D
i have a lot :3
you dont have to answer all of them but here you gooo
oh hell yes this is gonna be so fun <3
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
i don't remember specifically how, but i know i first interacted with shipping on youtube in like 2007-08 back when you could comment on people's profiles and message other users, so i think i must have commented on some like.. pokeshipping amv and just struck up a convo before i followed some friends i made to ff.net and deviantart, and started writing on ff.net lol
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
so i don't use spotify, i'm an apple music girlie and i really only listen to my own playlist i made that is composed of all of my top 100 songs of the year going back to 2015 LMAO
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@actuallyalaska she got me
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
every writer i tagged yesterday!! all of whom take part of the @bandomthememonths go read all these great fics by these awesome writers<333
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
@judasisgayriot your gifs are a godsend and i always love getting a comment from them <3
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
my name is short for guinevere lol
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
so i'm sort of picky abt my dash lol i try to stick to foblr so if you post mostly fob then i'll prob follow! i do a good scroll through to get the vibe, but if they post a lot of non fob stuff, i usually skip bc its just not for me but no hard feelings ever<3
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
well i just bought a new (refurbished) computer for the first time in a few years, so that's exciting! i've recently started making embroidery patches and that's been a lot of fun lol idk i've just been having a good time<3 i'm doing a lot of home renovation projects so i'm excited to have a brand new kitchen soon lmao
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
not a fandom character but as far as bandom goes, i don't really care for mcr and maybe that just has everything to do with that i'm really not familiar with lore/band mbrs etc., but danger days is the only mcr album i really connected with especially when i was 16-17 and its still one of my favorite albums, but i'm good on their other albums lol
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
just be kind<3 ik that's super cheesy but i think its easy to forget that other ppl have feelings too and maybe just being nice to someone will make their day. also don't ever pay full price for anything if you can avoid it. generic brands are just as good as name brands
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
i have.. no idea honestly lmao
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
listen when i figure it out, i'll let you know lol when i'm stuck i eat an edible and stare at the wall until something comes to me
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ANY AND ALL!!!! especially when they tell me a specific part they liked - even if its just a line makes my heart go bu-bump<3
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
genuinely i can't think of a character i hate, i really don't watch anything but like. seinfeld and its always sunny in philadelphia lmfao
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
this is my cat bear<3 she's ten years old and sleeps in a drawer in my desk while i work
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🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
here and here and here and this nsfw fanart from my bubbline au these are all my absolute favorites <3
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
i answered this here but its super long so<3
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pompurumi · 3 months
gonna make a separate post for this one but buckle in... I've got lore. most of it is self indulgent, projection, and just AU shenanigans. Some are from before meeting Kenneth, some are after meeting Kenneth. David Firth wouldn't be proud of me.
Salad's human, in my opinion. After so many years of radiation poisoning you don't tend to look it, though.
Grew up in a neglectful and abusive household in England, somewhere north, and is the youngest of three siblings and a mother.
Most of his life before the wasteland is a blur now. It's all blocked out, but he does get the occasional flashback that pulls him into a meltdown.
Is trans, has a 🐱
Born May 6th, 1989 (35 years old)
Where Salad lives is a place completely disconnected from the modern world. No Internet, no new newspapers, no electricity or running water except for the hose a few tens of yards away from where he lives. A place that can probably make his strange appearance seem much more welcomed.
Has a pretty harsh history of self harm through masochism. I see his masochistic tendencies as an unhealthy way to reclaim all that pain he's had to endure. So all these nettles and the stabbing and cutting is just his way to cope, albeit in a very unhealthy way. Its linked to how he sees himself, how he thinks he's unworthy and his terrible TERRIBLE self esteem and insecurities.
Incredibly skinny, has a hard time putting on weight let alone keeping it.
This may seem very out there... but he is very vanilla. He wants to be swayed and guided, to be caressed, to be stroked, to be kissed and cherished, to be praised as if he's a goddess amongst men. he's a lil dewdrop, and he will be treated as such.
Very traditional. Don't let the cute outfits fool you, he has a very narrow mind on how people should act and be
Salad is extremely weak and frail. Personally, I imagine him to be fairly short, 5'6, and BARELY weighing 100lbs. His immune system is weak and he has the worst stamina known to man.
He's scared of children but loves babies, wishes to be a parent himself one day.
Terrible at cooking dinners but makes delicious cakes.
Despite Salad Fingers being portrayed as rather hairy, I personally think he's completely hairless. Again, because of a the radiation.
Loves summer rain !!!
After this, its more AU based and my little turn on Salad's fate. continue reading if u wanna !!
Meets a guy called Kenneth after almost freezing to death during a snow storm. The wasteland is actually very prone to having pretty extreme weather due to radiation or whatever, but he didn't realise just how bad it was gonna get. Meeting a human who spoke for himself was the most unsettling experience in his life.
Kenneth is based on Salad's dead brother.. lover? Idk what he was to Salad, but let's be honest it was probably just a random corpse he saw and his deluded mind saw a handsome man. He's got good hair, born in America but is ethnically Russian, and came to England only for a short while for a college thing he was doing. Is 26.
Used to smell like rotten flesh and mold, now smells like a bakery. Cleanliness means a lot to him now that he has the privilege to maintain himself that way.
Sews a lot. Blankets, outfits, pillows. Kenneth taught it to him as a way to distract himself from any self-harm or masochistic tendencies. (This is based off me lolol)
Shows his affection and love through biting and giving teeth marks. This can be on Ken's hand, arm, shoulder. Kenneth eventually learns this love language and gives him soft mouthed nibbles.
lastly... he loves, loves, LOVES!!! when Kenneth calls him names of endearment. His favourite are "bambi", "ducky", and "sweetheart"
Kenneth is friends with the human akins of Hubert, Jeremy, and Marjory, and they're all huge party animals and stoners. Salad gets high with them sometimes, as long as Kenneth's with him, though would prefer to stay as sober as he can incase anything goes wrong.
wooohoo! I've actually got a bunch more in my notes app, but these are all the ones I can think of at the top of my head. I've got a fair bit of nsfw too and all these silly scenarios, though I think you'd implode if you read them cause... they can get DIRTY. ANYWAYS IF UR HERE TYSM FOR READING I LOVE U 🎀🎀
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purrlstar · 26 days
idk what's going on and why so many people are posting their opinion on rap music all of the sudden but I do wanna say: I LIKE IT
i don't listen to it regularly bc its very heavy and i have to be in the right mood to appreciate that kind of deep messaging but I do listen to it at least once a month from various artists! I am in awe of the technical skill it takes to say so many words that quickly and keep up with the rhyme, I think about the time it takes to write that kind of music and the practice you have to have to perform it and I love to appreciate rap and it makes me sad that its often got so much in such a little space it can be hard for me to listen to for more than a few songs at a time the same way more melodic music does (though having a melodious chorus helps break this up and i can listen to the song on repeat for half a day if it has these) To me listening to rap music is no different than being in a busy/public place and it can trigger my overstim quite quickly if im not careful but I love it even through this because it's so interesting to me
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vyeoh · 1 year
please post the pokemon games rant
Okay so. First of all so people don't get mad at me, this is obviously all my own opinion. This is coming from someone who's childhood *was* Pokemon. I watched the pokeemon anime starting from 5th grade and followed it until the end of XY, I played the games throughout middle and the first half of high school, and the pokemon manga are, to this day, one of my favorite books of all times.
So maybe this is just me being a cranky old man, but the direction the previous few pokemon games have been going pisses me off. It feels like Nintendo ran out of ideas for Pokemon years ago, and is now just trying to get as much cash from the franchise as possible before it completely crashes, instead of actually putting the time into making it good.
Like, take Sword and Shield; it was the last pokemon game I played and I didn't even finish it because the graphics were so ugly, the open world concept felt unnatural as hell to navigate (as well as boring and empty), the gimmick of making your pokemon huge was so stupid, and the storyline and characters were forgettable. I was hoping that Scarlet and Violet would be better, but from what I've heard, it's the same issues, just reskinned. Its even more frustrating because as a longtime fan, the possibility of an open world pokemon game was like, minecraft cave update levels of anticipation, and then it happens and its so clearly underdeveloped. ESPECIALLY compared to other franchises. Like, obviously we aren't asking for BotW levels of effort but the way Pokemon sword and shield looks feels like it was made in 2014.
And the thing is, they're clearly pushing their developers waaay too hard
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Like. Look at the number of games released after Sun and Moon compare to before. Not to mention the work of making an open world and all the extra features they insist on. And idk, I'm not a game developer, maybe porting over to the Switch expedited the process, but I feel like whats more likely is that the devs are being pushed harder, and are making worse quality games (which is, of course, not their fault but rather the company's money motive).
TLDR: In my opinion, Pokemon is becoming more and more of a collection of quick, cash-grab gimmicks, and if Nintendo can't be bothered to put in the effort on the franchise, then I don't have the time or heart to invest in them anymore.
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dearweirdme · 8 months
I've come to the conclusion that people don't like jungkook's music because it's in English. I've tried to give people the benefit of the doubt, but when you truly look at it that's what it comes down to. I have a feeling that if Seven and 3D were in korean majority of people who hate it now would love it. The biggest argument i always see is that they dont like it because its talking about s*x, and conveniently those same people praise like crazy. Like crazy is also a song about s*x lol it's just in korean. Now with 3D, I understand JH verse is a bit controversial but I found it SO funny how a majority of people who were hating on the verse switched up once there were ai covers of rapline rapping the verse. It just further proved that the lyrics weren't necessarily a problem if a bts member would rap it. I genuinely find this so weird and off putting... it seems like some army just don't want bts to get out of the kpop bubble. They only want korean lyrics and korean artists to be featured. Idk it just is a weird take imo.
And I'm not trying to silence anyone because everyone has different tastes, but honestly the criticism jungkook is getting is out of hand. I didn't like all the members' releases, but I don't go out of my way to write these long think pieces that are borderline hating. I just don't understand the point of it? Is the goal to make jungkook release music they like instead of what his artistic heart wants?
Also, this post is just in general. This has been on my mind lately, especially with how solos have reported 3D on kcharts and are trying to cancel jungkook's 3D performance on the music show.
Hi anon!
I think it’s complicated being Jk right now. Even before Seven came out, the whole fandom was basically sure that out of all members, Jk was probably going to do best solo. I don’t think anyone is actually surprised at how well bis songs are doing. There was this expectation and it came true. At the same time though, when that expectation came true, people started to say that Jk was getting arrogant. Certain remarks of his were emphasized to proof that he was.
What it felt like for me at that point was that people didn’t mind him doing well, but they minded that he wasn’t being humble enough in their opinion. I think Jk was just feeling very proud of himself, and deservedly so. To me it looks like Jk is really happy being a part of BTS. I think he had a bit of a hard time at the beginning of the year knowing he wasn’t going to be doing what he was used to, and I think he felt really insecure. So for him to have worked through that, and to come out of it with a big hit.. that’s really something.
Right now, the discourse is a bit different. It’s very much about his image (girls everywhere) his lyrics, and him doing collabs. I think the shenanigans paired with the not so great reception of 3D lyrics was a bit of a sucky timing. They seemed to intensify each other.
Jk has talked about wanting to show himself to us as a grown up. He specifically mentioned a few times that he is now 26. By singing these songs, he’s claiming a certain adulthood (and no, that’s not the reason for him picking those songs. It’s a side effect). It’s an important thing for him I feel. He’s always been the maknae and I don’t think he’s always liked being the youngest and having been told what to do. He couldn’t even work out as much as he wanted at one point because it wouldn’t suit his young image. Jk smoking, Jk telling us he knows some might not like what they see.. it’s all him showing he’s a grown up.
People’s negative response to Jk these days do come from a place of insecurity I think. New things are often scary to people. Scared for what Jk’s succes might do to BTS, scared for who he’ll become. It’s unnecessary imo, I still see the same Jk from before.
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linolinoing · 28 days
[ hey, you dont have to post this, i just wanted to say smth in response to some other asks ive seen you get. im just saying things in a monotone btw pls dont read this with any sort of extreme tone /gen. ]
all of them are older than me, and i am an established adult. they know the real world. i see not a single reason you should expect them not to.
chan is just as online as your average stay. felix is all over tiktok. students in a south korean university are demonstrating so noticeably news of it have reached people all over the world. and they are in south korea. they would have heard of everything by now.
chan has a habit of doing things jyp doesn‘t want him to do if he wants to do them bad enough.
i dont think anybody forced them to do this collab.
i dont think they secretly hated it. theyve mentioned wanting to collab with this guy before multiple times; i remember at least two.
3racha and skz have brought insane success to jype with all four of their most recent comebacks. jyp has his flaws, but i don‘t think hes an unapproachable tyrant. other jype artists have talked abt negotiating things with him pretty easily.
i personally dont believe they tried to object to anything theyve recently done, cc or this. i wish people would stop acting as if theyre literal slaves. theyre in a good position in the company and the industry at large.
if they truly wanted to object, i believe they would have.
hard is just something this sort of thing is. no matter who, what, or where you are.
[ all of our takes are more or less speculation, this is just my two cents. i would be happy if you would share them, but do with them what you will, its your blog. have a good day ]
About your second message - don't worry it didn't come of that way at all and please don't feel stupid for voicing your opinion!
I definitely don't think they were against any of the collabs they did, but unfortunatly there's still a lot of people who live in their own bubble and don't check the world news, so I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know what companies are being boycotted.
Most kpop idols stay silent about pretty much all social and political topics, most can't even say outright what their own beliefs are. However there are idols who do speak up - Fatou from balckswan, BM from kard, Suho from EXO to name a few that I can think of. Can it potentially cause consequences for them? Yes. And they still did it. Until a few days ago people weren't event asking kpop idols to speak up, mostly fans were asking companies to divest from working with zionists.
It's pretty obvious 3racha like puths music and were happy to collaborate with him and judging by how many stays didn't know anything about what puth had said in the past, I don't think 3racha knew either. BUT there's is no way they don't know now. When skz were on stationhead today a lot of stays commented about Palestine and the boycott, even tho comments were going really fast, it was very noticeable. Will they stop all the promotions? No. Will jype release a statement? No. They're just going to keep on promoting this collab, remixes will be realesed soon, they're sending this song on radio and performing it on 15th, and that's only what we know of. I kinda feel like even after the promo period they will still perform this song, maybe at the festivals, maybe even on upcoming tour. Also they're spending a lot of time in ny right now so I'm afraid this is not the only weird move that we will see from them, cuz if this song is sort of a pre realese for the album then idk what kind of an album is waiting for us. I hope I'm wrong about that, but i guess we just have to wait and see
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wanderrlust0 · 9 months
sorry i wont shut up about this but i feel so conflicted right now!!D; and maybe typing it all out will help???
and I highly suggest to not read this unless you want to be here for an hour reading nonsense LOL
im seeing my bestie friday so im gonna tell her everythinggg and get her opinion on all of this before i see him again in a few days.
i just started to hang out with a "new" friend but it makes my bf uncomfortable and idk what to do about it... and tbh im not going to stop being friends with them:/ ik that sounds kinda shitty on the surface but its like asking me to cut someone off right after getting to know them.
im gonna explain almost all of the context....
okay, so... 2020 was a ruff year. it was covid and quarantine. my mom was super super strict about it. once people began to hang out in small circles bc cdc said it was okay to, while still being careful, i was still not allowed to leave my house. i felt soso isolated and alone and it was def one of my lowest moments. me & my bf were basically in a long distance relationship.. or thats what it felt like. all we had was facetime. he started to hang out with his friend from school more often (i had stuff to say to him about that & its in another post). after a couple of months, my mom finally let us see each other.. but it had to be in my backyard only and we couldn't be close. it was okay at first but after a while we got bored and wanted more. he got impatient and petty about it. i understood where he was coming from but i was trying to be as optimistic as i could, even tho it was hard. its bc even for like the 1-2 hrs i got to see him, it made my day. (my friends were also starting to hangout in their backyards but i never told my mom bc i figured she wouldnt let me go.. but when i told her afterwards, she said she would have..??)
it was getting colder outside which made it harder for us to see each other. it was also just a sucky situation and it was creating some resentment. he wanted to talk with me on ft about it and i knew it would be serious. AND IT WAS. he did most of the talking and it was leading to a breakup. BUT (this is important) he couldnt for the life of him break up with me, let alone say the words.. SO.. he suggested that we do a break. neither of us have done that before but its obvious that it means its temporary and you use that time to figure things out and get some space (we DEFINITELY shouldve been clearer about it). he got emotional and i held mine in. he was saying all these good things about me and how he still wants me in his life and that we can get together again; that we would still talk everyday and be friends. at the time, weve been dating for about a year and a half. right after we hung up i bawled my eyes out and immediately facetimed my best friend in FL.
days go by and me and him are still talking everyday, only in a more friendly, platonic manner. eventually, he starts replying later and later, he turns off his location, and its like i feel forgotten about. im so used to knowing what hes doing that now it feels weird to not know and its hard to adapt to these changes.
I download tinder to find some FRIENDS to talk to (only for girls). he was barely talking to me and i was questioning our friendship relationship (situationship i guess). although i dont remember the details of my profile, i DEF made it clear that i was on there for making friends only. i had no intention of pursuing anyone for a relationship... bc i had my "bf" still. HE clearly went a diff route during our break....too much to unpack there but in the end, it just made him want to come back to me.
So.... Snow (that is their nickname ive given them for tumblr) was one of those people who i chatted with on tinder. theyre female but identify as they/them (i dont think they used those pronouns when we first started talking tho). they msgd first and our convo was actually really long-lasting so we followed each other on IG. (theyre also not the only one i've exchanged IG with so its not like i only gave it to them). Yes, I thought they were pretty when i swiped. sue me. i think many people are pretty. its just me acknowledging when someones aesthetically pleasing. eventually, we talked less and i also went on tinder less. After about a month into me and my bfs break, he begins to talk to me more like he used to. Then he asks if he can see me bc he missed me. Still cant leave my house with him but we hang out and its nice. HE ASKS ME IF I MET ANYONE NEW. i say no and hes like ...really?you sure? I ask him the same and he says no (while breaking eye contact,, literal red flag but i was blindsided). he tells me the truth over FT and that ruined me way more than i let on. (i think he's feeling a similar way now but for diff reasons)
we got back together after and the rest of the year (2021) was super fun. weve now been together for almost 4 1/2 years! since our BREAK NOT BREAKUP (not me @ ing him when he wont even see this) me and snow comment on each others IG posts now and again. for ex, ive said they looked so prettyyy & i would compliment their makeup skills. they would reply in a cute/flattery way. thats how they reply to comments. theyre also very embellished, like with emojis. theyve commented on my pics saying i look cute and hyping me up with compliments as well. it just turned into a natural, mutual thing; idk how else to describe it. its like having an online friend where you only interact thru the comments to show kindness. LOL IDK that sounds corny but yeah. girly things i guess. & then irl its so subdued.
so aside from the comments, we would react to each others stories like once in a blue moon. they posted about watching demon slayer so i said its a good anime. i posted me and my bfs halloween costumes and they said we looked so cute. fast fwd to the end of last yr... we said happy bday to each other and i brought up the idea of possibly hanging out one day if theyre down. so yes, i asked first. they said they would love to and that they were glad i asked bc they were too anxious to ask themselves (mood). im surprised at myself that i even asked but i guess i felt comfortable enough.
(i feel like im writing my own biography omg..) anyways, we get each others numbers and talk about our schedules. we were both very busy so nothing happened. we sporadically made small talk, as one does with their internet friend, over a couple of months. we talked on IG more & also thought about the plans for when we hang out. its now like almost summer and they text me asking if i was free last minute to hang out bc they were gonna be in my town but i was busy.
its now like a month later and i see them at the mall with their friend when i was with my bf. (i already spoke about this so i wont repeat it). after that day, we finally made a day to hang out. bf wasnt happy about it; i tried to reassure him; he saw and still sees them as someone to worry about; he thinks im gonna do something stupid and act out on any fantasies i may have. he knows im bi; he sees snow as someone who looks queer. he thinks that our intentions are to get closer to each other in a way that crosses a friendship.
he saw me listening to a playlist titled sapphic energy. it just consists of songs i enjoy by female artists and ive had that playlist for a long time now. i only edited the title.. but just now i switched it back to what it was before so thats ONE thing "fixed" to make him at ease.
he doesnt believe me when i tell him that my only intention and motive here is to make a good, new friendship. THATS ALL I WANT. AND THATS ALL SNOW WANTS. i can see how it can look like its more from an outside perspective bc of our IG comments but it was not like that in person at all!! it just felt like hanging out with a friend and introducing new things to each other like shows and foods. snow even made it clear that once someone is their friend, they cant see them any other way and that formed to protect their feelings. when we hung out there were literally no signs of feelings or anything that would cross boundaries. i didnt get that feeling i get when i have a crush and lose all my brain cells. by our second hang out we were past any awkwardness and it felt like a regular day out with a friend.
I did look cute that day but i always dress up!!! i dress up like every time i see my bf. i dress up for work. i dress up when im going out with friends. i enjoy fashion and makeup and looking pretty,,
last yr he was using bumble friends and he met up with a guy but they havent hung out since. ive helped him swipe on people before and i was okay with it, except when it was like an attractive girl.. would that be hypocritical of me tho?...idk. we def both get kinda jealous over these things. i can get territorial, like he is mine lol i am his. we would never be open or add a third and the thought of him befriending new females made me nervous. especially after what happened during our break. like idk, that still sticks with me and makes me think of bad feelings..and even more especially now after finding out about what he and his friend did.. but me feeling nervous about that is like what HE is feeling (T-T) I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT I CAN DO TO HELP AND IT SUCKS. i dont think i catch feelings easily. i dont get butterflies over people easily. im not an openly sexual person.
like. am i being unfair by continuing this friendship? snow doesnt know how he feels about us. idek if its worth telling but im gonna wait till more time passes and see how things go. would him hanging out with us make him feel better?? would it be too weird? he already doesnt like the idea of snow so how would he be in a room with them.
i wanna fast fwd to friday so i can tell my bestie about it and then fast fwd to sunday so i can see him. he is still not back to his usual self when we talk on snap. he tries to save serious confrontations for in person bc he sounds angry thru text so even tho itll make me nervous, i still wanna work this out so it doesnt ruin our relationship.
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furballfaggot · 5 months
my buddy convinced me to make an animal jam play wild account since it actually still gets proper updates and so far my feelings have been. mixed. overall i havent done nearly as much as anyone else bc my account has existed for maybeee 2 or 3 hours? so this is just my first impressions. im also kinda biased bc ive been playing animal jam classic for years and years and YEARS. back when 9 + 10 = 21 was still unironically funny and every cool kid in class read warriors. might update this post with extra thoughts as i go along! all opinions below the cut bc this is an absurdly long post
ive only played a few levels of overflow (and it might be because i played on expert because i Definitely have no overbearing hubris casting a shadow upon my better judgement) but the gem payout being higher than AJC for each level you complete is a very welcome change (2 gems times X number, seemingly determined by how long your path is, vs AJPWs i think it was like 5 gems times X number determined by how long your path is? either that or like 10. idk i blew a whole half hour on overflow alone and it was almost 6 AM by the time i finished so my brains kinda muddled)
also, membership has become far less of an overbearing nightmare monster for AJPW in comparison to AJC! thats a good thing! personally i think that membership just Shouldn't but thats because i think any monetarily-accessed subscription anythings just Shouldn't especially in this day and age. i got to go to the clothing store and buy things i liked and i didnt just have to longingly stare at the paywalled options like a maiden gazing out to sea and it felt great
dont like how theres so many fewer options for shopping for Like Everything but its a far more ambitious game than AJC what with everything being 3d modeled, and its got a younger target demo and theyre usually happy with whatever looks cool, so it checks out. haha. funny pun that was intended definitely. whats there is also pretty great and the den item options you get started off with are both way more cool and way more More than classic in its hayday. idk about the ajc starting den items now though i dug my old account from the ashes of who i once was when i decided to pick classic up again. i dont actually remember if you start with any den items in ajc now that i think about it i might be misremembering. that still means play wild has that point against classic though. shame theres no water animals but they could maybe possibly be added in an update pretty please wildworks if by some miracle youre reading this i am begging and pleadi
really my main issue so far is with how many things cost real-world money. theres next to nothing that requires a membership to even be bought aside from one members-only map location my buddy warned me about beforehand -- which, as a reluctant f2p since literally like 5th grade, ive been playing this game for Far too long, i do genuinely appreciate -- but boy oh boy you can sure tell this was mainly developed as a mobile game. there is so much pay-real-money-for-trinkets stuff and you just Cannot disable that menu. at least let me get rid of the little button that tells me i can spend the hard-earned bucks on moms credit card to get 1/4th the amount of animals of AJC man thats all i ask of this part
also this is largely unrelated but can i just say i DESPISE how many things are like "hi heres a welcome bonus :) oh but you need to pay like 3 bucks for it. yeah its usually 5 but for a Special New Player Like You? its a steal!" like thats not a welcome bonus thats an entry fee. i know thats like a paltry amount of money compared to most things Just Ever but its also coming from a guy whos family usually has zero money to spare
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of-dream-land · 1 year
For this post ... If you haven't been asked yet, Magolor ~
YESSSSS omg this is perfect bc i have a LOT of hcs about magolor
attraction headcanon: i see him as pansexual !! leaning maybe a little more towards guys though
gender headcanon: i think he just doesn't rly care about that. like he says he's a guy out of convenience but i don't think he cares or thinks about that too hard
a ship i have with this character: oh boy. oh MAN. i have quite a few ships with magolor LOL so ill just go through all of them and explain my reasoning behind them i guess?
magoranza: GRAHHHHH.... i love them a lot. i think its my number one ship w him. i like to think that its smth that happens very gradually too. maybe they don't really like each other at first/find the other a little annoying but then eventually they get closer and catch feelings idk.... i like to imagine them as part of the same best friend group (w marx and susie too) so they get to spend more time that way since theyre together more often. also i just think they contrast each other nicely!! like ally who turns out to be an antagonist + antagonist who turns out to be an ally....auauauau
magochilly: THEY'RE VERY CUTE...!! its a little particular tho bc i dont necessarily like/agree w the way it was portrayed in the manga (making magolor this obsessive over chilly is very weird and creepy) but i think the fandom version of magochilly is adorable so im choosing to make my own too. i kinda just see them as magolor being all loud and open abt his love for chilly and chilly just being a little shy abt it but reciprocating when its just the two of them bc hes not used to pda and all... idk!! its very sweet to me
magoroach: so like. this one kind of started as a joke LMAO,,, the little animation scene in the main menu of star allies where daroach steals the lor and magolor runs after him kind of defined their entire relationship to me ngl LOL. like, magolor is a snarky piece of shit but daroach is someone an even BIGGER snarky piece of shit and i think thats smth magolor doesnt expect so he gets riled up p easily by him. i dont rly ship it that seriously tho i mostly see it as like,, smth they just Have eventually but its never that serious
magometa(?)/metalor(?): i dont know the ship name but LMKSDJJSDKL THIS SHIP IS FUNNY TO ME bc i already have a hc that meta knight fucking HATES magolor after the events of krtdl, so their rs to me is basically just the "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" meme. again more of a joke ship that i plan on making very specific fanart of eventually but i dont rly ship it that seriously
thats all for the ships. ahem. back to normal business
a brotp i have with this character: MARX!!!!! i think marx and magolor are best friends but in the way that they can't stand each other. they hate each other but they're always together. they enable each other. they bring out the worst in one another. if one of them died the other probably wouldn't care. they complete each other they start shit together they-- YOU GET ME. i love them. best worsties. worst besties. etc etc. i could talk abt their dynamic all day they mean so much to me
a notp i have with this character: m*rxolor im sorryyy (censoring so it doesnt end up in research tags)... there's nothing wrong w the ship! it's just not my cup of tea bc i see their rs as strictly platonic. also obvious one but him and kirby bc kirby is a child and i hc magolor to be a young adult so.
a random headcanon: i like to imagine that magolor has more cat-like attributes that arent just shown on his appearance. like he probably has a cat tree in the lor that he just uses for fun. he reacts to lasers the same way cats do. he probably purrs idk? if u dangle smth in front of him he'll stop what he's doing to catch it
general opinion of this character: I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHH he might be my current fav character of all times :] he's so fun and cringe (lovingly) and loveable!!! he makes me very happy. i could talk abt him for hours i could draw him for hours i could watch video essays abt him and abt kirby's return to dream land for hours too he is my everything my little meow meow my nyagolor (heart emoji) (heart emoji) (egg emoji) (gear emoji) (cat emo
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Hey, bestie- uhm I might be taking requests soon! I write on mobile cause I don't have a laptop rn 😭 so it's gonna take a minute to write and edit but I'm actually kinda excited about it! Do you have any advice- (I feel cringe asking for advice idk why 😭)
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But now seriously thank you for asking.
First of all, music. I needs lots of it and it has to be specific songs that can put me in the mood for what i want to write. Try to make playlist for sad scenarios or for happy ones ecc so its easier and you dont have to always listen to a single song for the whole time.
do not, i repeat, do not start by doing every single request one after the other without stopping and dont keep them always open ecc. I know it's exciting when people start to noticing you and ask for things ecc but if you do that, as I did, you'll get burnout really fucking fast cause ideas inspiration and motivation dont always come at the same time and as soon as you need them. Try to take a few and take your time with them, have fun most importantly and never try to impress but try instead to make yourself proud.
If your try to think about shit that can impress others everything gets harder so just think about what you would like to read or to see and go with the flow.
If some requests are boring, triggering or you simply dont like them/don't really feel like doing them then don't. You don't have to please anyone babe, you're here to have fun and to do something you love so if you force yourself you're not only going to get the biggest writer's block of your life but you're going to feel like writing is a chore.
Download google docs. I write from my phone too and its not only easy to use but its really comfortable and helps a lot with readproofs ecc
Make aboundly clear your boundaries ecc
Why i do when i have to start a request is to think about first as headcanons sort of format cause ideas go around more easily this way, then when i get a somewhat start point of what i want to do i start to get more detailed ecc
This are literally fanfics so do what you want with the characters. Have fun, personalise them and give them all the things and quirks, personalities and headcanons you want. You dont have to write every slasher/character as everyone does write them. Look at how i describe Bo for example; most people think of him as a person with anger issues ecc but I woke up one day and decided "yeah no you're just dumb and soft and husband material" then boom, himbo Bo. What i mean is that your opinion and your point of view is valid and important and makes your writing so much more fun and personal and interesting.
Idk besides that what else i can tell you other than don't be too hard on yourself and take it easy ♡♡
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zoophagist · 2 years
Re-sent the guest ask, been going through your posts and I honestly want to know more about the Renfield milk???? Like...??? Is it something familiars do in the "Book of Renfield" lore? Is it just his meds (idk if opiates cause spontaneous lactation tho, it's more of a modern day antipsychotics side-effect)? Like I'm intrigued, man.
ooc;; yes, thank you, it's in the queue! should post shortly!
oh, the renfield milk... i'm... man if only it were as logical as any of that. no, silly, it foams from his mouth in a blood mixture when he's frenzied! 🙃 i cannot stress enough how wild some of the shit in this book is. (someday, when i post more of the audiobook project, then you'll all know...) i'm putting the explanation under a cut because... i don't know how to tag this but it's SOME kind of horror or trigger. read with that in mind.
so. i'm not going to be able to explain this without inciting like 5 other questions i'm sure, but let me try to give the briefest, most direct answer i can. the book is framed as seward's uncensored patient file on renfield, seward POV aside from renfield’s oral history. seward never figures out the true cause of this episode, so we never know it either, but it happens only once, at the end of an interview with renfield in which he relives the first time he ingested vampiric blood. and the vampire that feeds him is a mother figure that lets him (a roughly 12 year old) drink her breast milk. (please, i can feel the questions, please try to stay focused.) but the milk becomes blood as he drinks. when renfield recounts this story, he goes into some kind of fit. in its aftermath, seward tells his diary:
"there was something ominous about his calm, and as i looked upon his sudden suspension of activity with concern, i stared with amazement as his lips parted and a long thread of viscous pink fluid spilled from the edge of his mouth.
at my summoning, the attendants returned the patient to his room. i collected a sample of his sputum from the floor which, upon later analysis, proved to be what rational science would never permit it to be: a spontaneous generation of blood and human milk. the substance was rich in fats and nutrients. was renfield able to generate this fluid at will, or only when reminiscing (fantasising?) about this wish fulfilled? If so, it would certainly explain how he had managed to sustain his bulk in his time here, while disdaining our meals."
... again. we never given an explanation of how this happens. i have NO idea what good ol' tim lucas intended, but i personally like to read this as a gruesome little consequence of telling the doctor Too Much. renfield (in tbor and dracula both) implies he's not capable of speaking out against dracula when it's most needed, and while one could certainly parse that as 'he feels his hands are tied' i like to read it as 'he physically cannot speak some truths against the count's will' (backed up, in my opinion, by mina needing to be hypnotized to tell the gang what she knows about dracula's boat trip).
so i think there should be some kind of inhibiting consequences for renfield trying to work past that block and speak the truth. (sometimes i write moments like this with him having sudden pains, migraines, or feeling sick or overcome by terror.) but in this section from tbor he has crossed a line and finally recounted something explicitly vampiric, even if he doesn't use the word. directly before what i quoted above, the text describes that as renfield struggles to get these words out his tone is "a deeply masochistic one; he grunted the words, through his nose and mouth, as though every few words were a chunk of meat he had to tear from his own wincing torso," and when he finishes recounting this, he calms "as if in blessed relief that the pain of that bodily abuse had finally stopped," then the blood/milk drool comes. it reads as if he’s trying very hard to fight through this to tell seward what happened, and is relieved because he was able to get through it. so i love imagining that this is the kind of fucked up, horrible thing that can happen to renfield if he speaks vampire secrets. the blood (/milk) he drank is a pact that bound him to that bride and to dracula (they're potentially the same person. no, no off-topic questions, i said stay focused!) and so if he acts disloyally that pact surges back up viscerally to silence him. maybe he could even lose that blood or that bond in some kind of horrible vomiting episode if he truly betrayed dracula? i just think the horror of that is really fucking cool, and would motivate why renfield never otherwise (in either stoker or lucas) gets so close to revealing the truth about vampires.
ANYWAY, that's what the milk thing is. hope this helps :)
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treeprince · 2 years
hello! ok 1. i love your writing <3 found you from ao3. amazing work *round of applause* 2. i wanted to know how you recommend finding fics / fic recs or promoting your own work? i have heard a lot of ppl say that tumblr doesn’t rly discuss fanworks like they used to and most of that discussion (esp with writing) has moved to discord but i feel like from an outside perspective its hard to stumble upon unless you have friends in the server? idk just wanted to get your thoughts :) have a lovely day!
ive been sitting here on this one all day like,
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are... are you in the right place??? did u click on the right blog for this ask??? thank you?????? made my day and also got me v confused
but to answer your questions, ill do it in 2 parts: one for fic recs and the other for fic promos.
theres a couple different ways i look for fics, and im sure both of these are the most common, but the first is using ao3's filter system. i can pare down any particular thing im looking for in a fic with the filter system ao3 runs on, and the tag wranglers (bless them) have made sure that even the vaguely worded tags end up where they need to be under the larger umbrella tag its associated with. you can also peruse the bookmarks of authors on ao3 in their profile and filter those fics down to specific fandoms or pairings or even timeframes it was written!
the second is a combination of using friends recommendations- publically or in private servers- and fic recs on tumblr, usually thru the ship tag (if im following the tag, and if the author chose to promote their fic on tumblr, or a fic rec blog promotes it as some fandoms do)
it also depends on how large the fandom is when you come into it, and what specifically you are looking for, but if you have friends in that fandom who keep bookmarks of their fav fics or know of ones youd enjoy, id recommend going to them if the tag system isnt providing quite what you're after, as id trust a friend over anything else (word of mouth literally is the best promo)
there are also sometimes fic rec blogs, who's entire modus operandi is promoting works at large, so following a few of those (if there are any) can help bring new content to your door as well
as for promoting your own work, you really kind of have the world before you. make a link post on tumblr with a similar tagline to the summary and tag it accordingly. share the link in discord with friends or in fandom spaces. share the link on twitter and tag it so it gets seen. ao3 is not a social media website, so as long as you are the most recent post in the tag, youll always be at the top. theres no algorithms there like there are on other socmed platforms, so really the choice is up to you how and where you want to promote it! reblog the link as many times as you want! its up to you!
and youre not entirely wrong that discussion of fanworks doesn't take place on tumblr anymore, but it really depends on the fandom youre in. i follow several authors and fic rec blogs for one fandom who do regular fic promos of other writers works and gush about them, but in the way that youll see a blurb in the jacket cover of a book. its really just to keep the content coming back to the top here, and helps bring to the surface fics that didnt get a lot of readers in the first run, perhaps bc its an older work or a lesser known pairing.
discussion about fandom works themselves has turned private namely for the sake of reducing drama and hurt feelings in public spaces, and i dont blame them. ive been in ficbook clubs on private servers that were some of the best times ive ever had bc we were allowed to talk freely about an authors work without airing our opinions out for all the world to see, and frankly i much prefer that style of discussion over public ones, but thats me and i cant speak for everyone.
theres also just been a steady shift away from author engagement on socmed bc of how easy it is for them to get hit by negativity there. the culture just isnt the same as it used to be for fic writers as it was in the last decade. hell, in the last year alone, youd be hard pressed to find an author who hasnt experienced some kind of harassment over the course of their career on socmed, if we're being honest. my honest advice to you is: if youre following an author you like, and u want to know more about how they use their creative process, ask them! they may not all answer these days, but it doesnt hurt to try! just be polite, thats all anyone can hope for.
i hope this helps you anon, and thank you for the kind words! if you have more questions or are just looking to get recs, feel free to hmu!
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