#idk it just doesnt feel right the way they train him and i dont take advice from them on training
beansnpeets · 27 days
Thinking about human behaviour compared to animal behaviour again.
It's funny to hear people (the older gens) complaining that "kids these days are lazy, they don't wanna work, etc." What do we get for busting our asses? There is no reward. Many will never own homes. Many are unemployed, trying to find work, and nobody will hire them because they don't have a million years experience and a masters degree OR they want people to work for minimum wage??? People are giving up because there is no reward. Why would we do all this for nothing?
Same as a dog that won't recall when you haven't reinforced it with a reward. Your dog isn't going to do what you tell it to if there is no incentive. No, your dog SHOULDN'T listen just because you're boss and it should respect you. That isn't how it works. They don't think that way. And honestly neither do people.
When we went hiking Sprocket wasn't always taking treats gently from me when I recalled her or she checked in and I rewarded and my one friend told me to stop giving her treats. I told him I won't work for free so why should she. And he said "I do things for free all the time because I want to do them," and I didn't say it then, but I wish I had, but if you like doing it, that's the incentive. It's a self-rewarding behaviour. Just like anything else a dog does, like chasing a squirrel or sniffing things or getting into the trash. Heeling instead of going off to sniff stuff or recalling off of something they want to chase is something you have to reinforce. You have to give them something better so they make the choice you want them to make. They won't make it just because they *respect* you. They won't willingly recall off of exciting prey out of RESPECT. You need to give them a tangible reward for that. You cannot possibly expect your dog to listen just because and then punish them for disobeying you.
Yeah, Sprocket bit my fingers a couple times. The one time pretty hard. But she was excited. She knows how to take gently and I reminded her and she tried very hard to be gentle most of the time. I wasn't going to stop rewarding her for checking in with me and recalling while we were off leash hiking in the woods. I want her to know that coming back to me is good and in the event of an emergency I would like her to not blow me off.
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ceilidho · 6 months
coworker soap who frames the fleshlight thing as a joke but with a creepy undercurrent that you cant understand why you know it isnt a joke but you also dont wanna rock the boat so you dont tell hr bc johnny the ex-military man is a model employee otherwise and you cant help but feel hot shame run down ur spine when he says it that you are, at least a little, flattered by it bc shit dude hes HOT. coworker soap who just. doesnt bring it up again. its just boiling rhe frog. he says weird, borderline creepy shit that could be passed off as "guy talk" in any other situation (regardless of readers gender). He follows you around like a puppy and where it used to be normal for you, you feel a little creeped out now but. everyone. already refers to you as a duo. itd be weird if you stopped for no reason? right?
i don't know what broke in my mind long ago that this is like, the weirdly hottest thing in the world to me but im genuinely twitching over it right now.
model employee Johnny, knows the handbook inside and out, walks elderly customers to their cars with their bags, shows up to work early for every shift, always with a smile and a positive attitude. management loves him because his sales are also record high (i mean, it makes sense - i wouldn't be able to say no if he was helping me with a purchase and tried to upsell me). he's also a spokesperson for the company in all of their internal training videos because he was hired through some "jobs for vets" program that they just rolled out (idk i'm making this up). and the guy can stack things on a shelf like no one's business lmao like MILITARY precision/organization.
all your coworkers love him and genuinely like fist pump whenever they get put on the schedule with him because he's a blast to work with, and some of your coworkers are actually incredibly jealous that he just seems to follow you around everywhere. hangs off your every word. always seems to just pop out from around the corner whenever you're having trouble reaching something on a shelf.
but he says weird, uncomfortable shit to you sometimes. way over the line. you don't even know what to say at first when Johnny jokingly tells you that he has a fleshlight at home that he's named after you, just laughs and then stares at you for a second. and you like, give a little awkward laugh, growing more uncomfortable by the second the longer he stares at you without blinking. until something passes over his eyes and suddenly he's back to normal, clapping you on the arm and wandering off back to the men's apparel section.
he does a lot of strange shit actually. maybe insists on walking you to your car when the two of you are on the closing shift and it's well into the evening. laughs a little too hard and with too much vigour when someone calls him your shadow, his eyes just a little too bright and fervent. asks if you want to sit on his lap while he shows you how to use the forklift in the backroom. begs management to let him take his breaks with you and doesn't let you have a moment of peace, just sits with you in the breakroom or follows you to your car when you say that you're going out for lunch.
and you can't complain to any of your coworkers because the second you so much as criticize his work, they bark at you to be nice to him. he's just re-acclimating to civilian life, of course he's not perfect at his job yet. they defend him viciously. and the real jealous ones even tell on you in front of him, leaving you standing there embarrassed and on the spot until Johnny just smiles and says that it's alright. you'll just have to teach him better.
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iloveboysinred · 1 month
That zuko smut you wrote was SO good!! is it okay if i request some nsfw hc ??? but from keith kogane, idk how to be specific lol!! Thank you sm 💗💗
Thank you anon youre my second ask ever i’m super excited !!!!! I’m glad you enjoyed it! You are so kind🥰 & Ofc you can !! I love me some Keith Kogane. Top tier boy in red
cw; sexually explicit content, 18+ MDNI! Nsfw under the GIF kinda long!
GIF BY @/kin-of-the-sheep
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- Okay so in my head i feel like after you and all the paladins get launched into space and learn about Zarkon and the war and everything, you and Keith definitely didnt have time to really “get it on” if you know what i mean. Things were moving so fast and you all needed time to adjust.
- But after a few days of training and getting used to the fact that you’re literally in space the switch is back on for sure.
- Keith isnt a patient man. So I feel like he definitely enjoys quickies here and there around the castle. They’re never planned. Sometimes the way you train in hand to hand combat gets a little too touchy, sometimes the way you looked at him made his stomach turn and his dick jump. Keith just needs you in that exact moment, and the way ya’ll be fucking its a miracle nobody has walked in on you yet
-or maybe they just stay away on purpose 😭
- he likes to be rough during these, slapping your ass, squeezing your hips, shit even tugging on your hair. Everything is moving so fast he wants to get a feel of everything.
- but when you guys have real sex, its like night and day.
- You guys would come home from a mission, tired and scared for each other, every time you guys go out there you run the risk of being captured or worse. So immediately you and Keith embrace each other, heading to the showers to clean off.
- It starts innocent, Keith washing your back, washing your hair. He was savoring every caress, just wanting to be in your skin.
- but then he starts getting touchy feely, ghosting his fingers over your nipples, leaving soft nibbles on your neck. You feel him starting to get hard, his body pressed to yours as close as he can be.
- knowing thats on his mind, you decide to take it to his room.
- it takes you a minute to get there, because Keith kept stopping mid walk to press you against the wall and kiss you and feel you up over your towel. He gets needy fast. Like i said, he’s not a patient man.
- So, when you finally reach the intended destination, his movements are in haste, wanting to get you bare and open for him as soon as he can.
- His kisses are slow as his hands wander, holding you close to him as if he’s never going to get the chance again.
- he’s greedy with your body, eating you out messily. He wants every last drop of you, whole time relishing in the fact that you’re all his.
- every sound you make, every reaction to his touch is reserved for him. In a world where everything was taken from him, Keith wanted something to himself. Something he could take.
- So, he took and took. Orgasm after Orgasm until he was satisfied with the mess he’s made of you.
- But even then he’s not finished with you yet. He likes to watch you closely when he enters you. Eyes half lidded as the tightness of your heat squeezes around him, its utter bliss for the two of you, and he doesnt hold back.
- I dont care what anybody says, Keith is vocal during sex. He grunts and moans right above you, thrusting into you with a passion that shocks you. He loves to ask you how he makes you feel, if you like what he’s doing, ect. Despite having been in the same predicament many and i mean maaany times and knowing just how to set you off.
- “like that, baby?” “Fuck…tell me you like this dick” “take it baby, fuck!”
- Very into eye contact during sex. You guys will lock gazes often. You love to drown in his purple iris while he fucks you, getting almost lost in each other, the only thing you can think of is the stuttering of his hips as he nears his end. He’s everywhere at once, his scent, his body, his voice. All you see is Keith.
- ngl Keith folds you up into so many different positions. He just wants to be as deep and as close to you as he can. He’ll have your legs on his shoulder while he basically folds you in half, beating down into you with his forehead pressed against yours, grunting out curses as his hips rock into yours. He loves the way your face contorts with every thrust. He’ll reach between your legs, playing with you just to watch you squirm.
- He loves when you scratch up his back. It lets him know that he’s hitting it just right, boosting his ego as well as adding to his pleasure.
- he doesn’t really do pet names during sex. He’ll call you “baby,” “hun”, “beautiful” maybe even “my love” if he’s feeling sappy & he loves when you call him “baby”, “honey” or even just his name sounds good coming from your lips. But as far as daddy, sir, master?? He will roll his eyes at you so fast and look at you so crazy, it actually makes me laugh thinking about it.
- When he reaches his peak, he smashes his lips onto yours, his hips jerking into yours as he spills into you.
- But when you reach your peak he takes his time to coax you through it, riding it out with you, whispering encouragement and littering your skin with kisses as you come undone.
- after care is a must. Once you guys are all cleaned up you lovebirds will lay next to each other and lock gazes. Kissing and giggling like lovestruck puppies.
- But all that lovey dovey shit aside Keith is a freaaaaak
- Its the little things you do that really gets Keith’s blood pumping.
- like when the team found out he was half galra and Allura was being cold and standoffish to him, you didnt hesitate to rip her a new one about your man! I know thats right
- while you were bickering with her, Keith was just smug as shit, getting turned on by your protectiveness.
- soon as he got you alone he was beating your walls loose, biting you, sucking marks into your neck.
- when you get angry like that he’ll happily bottom and let you ride him. He absolutely loves when you take control and throw him around a little bit. He reaches up to play with your nipples and leave hickeys all over you as you rock yourself down on him, letting you essentially get yourself off on him any way you wanted.
- Be rough with him. Grab his hair, bite him, mark him up. He’s yours and he wants you to prove it.
- teasing Keith is a dangerous game. If you’re in public doing it especially. You’re basically asking him to break you down as soon as he gets you alone.
- sometimes it gets competitive, Keith doesnt back down and he’ll make sure you’re nothing short of a wreck by the end of the night. But you’re his perfect match. The both of you essentially going tit for tat all night. When he thrusts into you, you throw that ass back on him. When he presses heated kisses to your lips, you suck his tongue into your mouth and turn it into a make out.
- When he came back from being gone for two years with his mom, you guys fucked like animals.
- Seeing him shed his angsty teenager phase into his angsty grown ass man phase was making you feral.
- his hair had gotten longer, he was taller, and his body had become more muscular, but still lean.
- when you got him all to yourself after everyone greeted him and he delivered his news and all that, you guys were just straight up nasty.
- you had two years of no sex to make up for, after all.
- He fucked you in just about every position in the book. Doggy, missionary, cow girl, full nelson, all of it. He missed your gasps, your hushed whispers of his name as he brought you to your high. It was sentimental almost, the way his thrusts showed how much he missed you.
- and it was when you reached your peak that it really dawned on him that he could never stray too far from you. Your boy in red was wrapped around your finger, bound to you. He gazed at you in new astonishment, almost childlike wonder as you fluttered around him. Forcing his own orgasm to rack his body. He moaned, low and drawn out. Pressing his lips to yours like he always did when you reached your climax, rocking his hips gently into yours to draw it out as much as he could.
- hushed “i love yous” between the two of you as you basked in the glow of having your Keith back.
Hope you like this Anon 💕 thank you for your request/ask :> notes and reblogs are appreciated, comments, asks and submissions are welcomed !
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C A T for the ask game please hehe 😻
Cat!! My dearest Shrutual <3333
(Im going to answer alphabetically. Also this got so long omg)
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I do have OTPs :D wolfstar and stucky (also previously: klance but im not into them as much anymore)
I even have a meme for this occasion:
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other ships from the marauders fandom:
wolfstarbucks <333 wolfbucks and prongsfoot are alright too but not in the long run, I think I prefer them as a trio (everyone is there and all is well and everyone is happy. I get sad when R isnt there and im worried about S's whereabouts when he isnt there, so. Trio)
jily - i wouldnt call myself a jily shipper per se, but its also very dear to me <3333. Would choose a fic with them as a supporting ship over alternatives when reading r/s , thats for sure.
james & sirius friendship but also remus & james friendship!!
basically... sirius and remus and sometimes james an lily. in any configuration at this point
(there are other ships I like from hp, mcu and other fandoms but im not into them that much at this very moment)
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Oh boy. Do I have to choose just one?
... Ok that wasnt that hard.
I dont like Tony, I dont care about him, I dont like their relationship we saw in the films (tho i havent read the comics so im judging just the films), Im not into enemies to lovers, there is nothing for me there. zero, zip, nada.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Thats a really hard question bc apart from fighting "mainstream" fanon with canon info i dont think im that invested about most headcanons? so, i will try. i will not elaborate tho.
if sirius was into any muggle subculture it would be punk
black brothers weren't tortured with cruciatus every other day for any minor inconvenience they caused. sirius was abused psychologically and emotionally and until the last second walburga hoped he would come back and take the role of the heir he was supposed to.
regulus wasnt forced into becoming a DE, but he did it bc he wanted to prove himself
alphard was gay and had muggle lover(s)
sirius would become a curse breaker, a social worker, an activist, a mechanic or an engineer or something like that. idk why but i dont like it when he's a healer/doctor. However I can see sirius joining the aurors with james, but i think he would resign not long after finishing training when he realises he cant fix the system from the inside. idk if james would resign tho.
if we assume that the marauders form a pack, its not remus who is the alpha, even while in wolf form
the last one im adding just bc i saw a post about it right before i started answering this ask: the full moon doesnt make remus horny. its a traumatic experience for him and he associates it with everything he fears - pain and loosing control. for a few days before the full he feels sick and weak and he hates everything and sirius has to fight tooth and nail to just get him under a blanket for a cuddle. right after the full he is exhausted and in pain. the further from the full the easier it is to get him in the mood, basically. (i feel like im the only one. at least on this one post every response was the opposite. i read just one ff with a similar thing - where its the new moon that makes werewolves horny.) i am not opposed to remus being horny right after the full tho
las one I just remembered: the hogwarts express has more than two stops. for gods sake. those kids arent travelling to London from Edinburgh just to spend the whole day on the train on the way back. (check out this map) all of the stations have platforms like 3 ⅓, 2 ⅚ and so on of course.
ask game
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roseworth · 1 year
If you got to write an ongoing for Rose, what major arcs would you do? Would you have her ice Slade? Would she team up with Jason's Outsiders, end up with Tatsu or Babs, or be her own free agent occasionally punching other heroes?
oh my god yes. im just kinda gonna start dumping thoughts here with no organization im so sorry but here we go
so first of all i know i will never get this but my ideal rose ongoing would be her working mostly alone but sometimes teaming up with people bc she doesnt like to stay with anyone for long but she DOES work with other people when she needs them
shes been in gotham for a while so id prob keep her there and have her team up with other ppl in gotham every once in a while bc. i want her to. i just think gotham is a good place for her because it is a city of the most stubborn people in the world so she would fit right in
id prob have her do kind of the same thing she was up to in Fresh Hell and taking down various crime rings bc i dont really see her caring much about the costumed villains, not to mention there are a hundred other vigilantes in gotham for the Big Bads
also having her in gotham kind of opens up so many roads SO. gotham vigilante teamups <3 first things first i feel the need to say her and bruce would not have any need to interact and i dont think either of them would really want to fhdkjfhdsf like rose is trained and mostly doesnt kill people so i dont think batman would really care what shes doing until she does something bad, and rose wouldnt really like batman (for various reasons that i wont go into rn) so they would kinda just be doing their own thing
ANYWAYS in general i think that the idea of rose teaming up with bats is sooooo funny bc most of the bats are very meticulous planners and make whole schemes for everything they do. while 90% of the time roses plan is "im gonna go in and start punching people and see what happens" so i think she would give whoever shes working with an aneurysm and thats kind of hilarious to me
i want her to team up with steph and cass for homoerotic reasons because they all have so many narrative parallels, ESPECIALLY with cass so i need them to team up again <3 idk what they would be up to besides getting on each others nerves but i need it so bad
also rose & jason Now.. they r besties to me. i feel like they get into a lot of the same shit so they would also team up fairly often :) not to mention both of them have abandonment issues so they would have the most toxic friendship that constantly shifts between codependency and disappearing whenever something bad happens <3 besties<3333333
honorable mention teamups are babs who im pretty sure ive already talked about a babs&rose teamup before so i wont go into it, helena who i honestly have only read in bop so idk a lot about her but from what i do know i think she and rose would get along, harley who i would only want her to team up with because it would be a fucking mess, dick who i want her to team up with because it would also be a fucking mess but in a different way (renegade arc part 2 but this time theyre both heroes so rose can annoy him even more), duke who i want to include just because i love him even though i cant imagine any reason for him and rose to interact, young justice who arent all gotham heroes but i want them to be around to temporarily absorb rose just for fun, and the entire arrowfam who have no reason to be in gotham but i just want rose to fuck around with them as a treat to ME
as for slade. i think that their relationship is best written when it is really complicated for her :) so i need her to fall back into the cycle of going to him and looking for his approval and being constantly disappointed and angry when he refuses to give it to her :)
anyways ARCS. i dont have a lot of specific ideas for arcs besides another arc of rose giving up the name ravager (bc it didnt fucking stick last time), an arc making her a lesbian (stop booing me im right) and maybe an arc of rose killing slade then immediately spiraling about it bc :))))) yippee :))))))))))
okay this is already embarrassingly long so im gonna stop but i just have so many rose thoughts dc hire me
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idealspawn · 11 months
tbh now that i think of it i kind of needed him not for himself but for myself too. so that is fucked up a bit maybe from my side too. like that i needed someone secure enough to kind of mm trust them and be truly honest and transparent and loving and giving but not because i so very much loved them and wanted to give TO THEM but to see if i can trust myself to let myself be giving. if that makes sense. to let myself try be securely attached. but not necessarily because im madly in love. but like train my vulnerability. he said he read my poem and it was nice, cheesy at times but with good parallels and metaphores. i explained one part to him more in detail too bc it was pretty open to interpretation. he said he will write it down but i dont think he will. but it also feels so cringe because he was meant to read it when he still had feelings for me. also a good um.. stepping stone for me i guess. to admit i have feelings for someone still when they dont, although im acc not too sure myself how much i was truly madly attached either. feels good to swallow my pride though. i also tend to lose feelings when ppl arent attracted to me which is good. i dont have a problem w chasing him. im attracted to ppl being attracted to me which in a way, from me, is also a bit fucked up. he also didnt become a part of my real immediate daily routine as i didnt really text w him too much. we just were together irl a lot and really present in those times. and i also made sure i didnt abandon my friends this time so i still massively have my support system w me. but it sucks a bit bc i literally talked abt him to so many of my friends but its okay like i dont owe anyone anything to last just bc i talked abt it. and shit changes. just bc i said sth true in one moment doesnt mean i has to stay true forever or that now that it isnt true anymore that it couldnt have been immensely true at one point. one thing that was pretty fucked up tho is that he told me he wanted to have sex w me just bc he was looking for certainty and answers abt his feelings from there not bc he acc felt connected to me. like i usually.. want to be intimate when i feel love not disconnect..... and now he said he didnt find it from there. but like.. we were literally both so high and it was such a bad situation. no wonder you cant feel a spark bc i was literally numb like a vegetable. he said he knows it was a bad decision but like why do you take this situation to tell you clues abt what next then. and like. the same way with all our previous hangouts when i felt sth off. like the reason it was off was bc he was off and not fully honest abt it. it felt like such a relief when he said all the words out so rawly at last and i felt i could come out of this weird anxious shell of a performance i had on w him the past few times bc of the way i felt sth was weird but i couldnt tell what it was so i couldnt fully be normal myself either. so like the last times he gave me "chances" couldnt have been proper chances to show him anything true bc it didnt feel like... normal. there was an elephant in the room that was standing right between us. but he refused to address it when i tried to. i guess i got my answer that its not that im weird that i keep getting into these awk situations but that the other person feels weird and that is the thing affecting me. im fucking normal. i cried a bit too like its not that i am not affected by it at all but i think im kind of fine. i anyway didnt see him for 2 weeks now. its just weird bc we had plans which made us be together daily for like 2 weeks straight and um. i dont know if i can do that. even if we are friends bc i dont usually do that w my friends really. its weird. but like. fuck idk.
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boypussydilf · 1 year
actually i was going to save this for when i made All Grown Up Now designs for the human kids in sgt frog but idk if/when im actually gonna do that so heres jusyt my random thoughts about what some of them r doing as adults and also maybe some au/oc stuff
transfem fuyuki is SO real to me tbh. when she moved out of the hinata house keroro came with her bc theyre all time best friends and keroro deciding being with fuyuki was more important than staying w the secret base or anything like that. fuyuki lives in like a normal apartment with a convenience store job or smth like just the most average life but she also makes youtube videos where she talks abt the occult, goes over conspiracy theories & even debunks them if smth is really stupid, makes vlogs going to places that r supposed to be haunted or have been visited by aliens or whatever other supernatural thing u can think of. also talks casually in her videos abt having lived with an alien since she was 12 but obviously everyone watching just thinks that’s a running gag. she also miiiiigjt be roommates with mois? bc i think mois would want to go wherever keroro goes but i also dont know how fuyuki would feel about that. i dont know if mois can get a job to help with rent. i think that 10 years in the future mois would still be basically 13 years old.
also fuyuki is a lesbian and has a better chance of figuring out that she likes momoka now that shes got herself figured out more but she has NOT figured out that she likes momoka yet bc fuyuki is dense
transmasc natsumi, also, is so real to me. he becomes both a model and an athlete, bc tbh? i do believe in natsumi’s rights to just kind of be Good At Everything. when he moved out he was like Man! It’s so great to not have to deal with the stupid frog all the time! and then felt like everything was weird and too quiet without keroro around obviously but he is still relieved to not have to deal with shit like. oh all the curtains in the house have been turned into pudding. or whatever. that does still happen sometimes sometimes keroro comes to visit and it can go well or it can go horribly. Dating koyuki, obviously, who is the girlboy of all time and also probably still lives in the same house w dororo and hasnt changed significantly so i dont have anything else to say about him.
I haven’t been able to decide what giroro & kururu do after the hinata kids & keroro move out? Bc it feels kind of weird for them to still just kind of be there at the house when it’s just aki and a no-longer-used secret base. and omiyo i guess. But also what else are they gonna do. If kururu wanted to live w saburo they wouldve done that from the beginning so idk. Maybe giroro does just stay in his tent and kururu stays in her lab.
Some time after anime canon the keroro platoon ends up OFFICIALLY resigning from the keron army or giving up on their mission in a way they can’t go back on or Something to that effect where they’re very up front about not planning to invade instead of lying their way around it. I like to think that keroro becomes like a Space Actor and giroro gets to be a train conductor like he wants but that might be a little while away for them still. However this also means that inevitably a while after THAT keron sends in a NEW earth invasion team because theyve been trying (and failing) to take control of this planet for millions of years they’re not gonna fucking give up NOW. & the new platoon doesn’t necessarily HAVE to take any drastic moves against the keroro platoon but they should make sure the kplatoon doesn’t do anything to interfere…..
I wuz gonna design a whole platoon to be that ^ replacement platoon but i didnt get around to most of them </3 maybe someday. Anyway obviously they all have a power of friendship arc and come around to the side of NOT invading planets. except the leader.
I dont know what momoka & saburo would be doing as adults either </3 Momoka doesnt really have to do anything. shes rich. its not like she needs to take up a career or anything. Actually she probably becomes a martial artist or something? Goes into the business of kicking ass like her mom. Saburo MIGHT keep up the radio show but I think they’d get bored of that but maybe stay in a similar vein, entertainment of some sort. Oh I guess there’s art lmao. I dont know. Saburo has a tumblr blog where they post slightly overdone musings on life and nature and shit.
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moesartblog · 9 months
I'm still a sucker for fedvi all these years later. What's your AU about? It looks interesting
It's kinda funny to come across other people who liked fedvi bc it was already such a niche thing even at its height lol.
But also thank you for letting me open pandoras box on my silly au. The biggest departure from the source material is probably just that it was only Giovanni who was executed, and the focus for the "story" is how his death has rippling effects across the family, and how they learn to live beyond his death.
This is gonna be so fucking long so im sorry in advance. I'm supposed to be doing an exam right now lol
Maria who is grieving, and also having to take care of her 4 children on her own now, learning to lean on other people for help with this. I also had this idea for a convo between her, and vieri (after he killed his father) where she's trying to make sense of Giovanni's death, and vieri, while not on any good terms with the family, doesnt think Giovanni should have been killed in the way he was cus it just caused problems all across the board. I also wanted to let her old personality creep back in, cus she was so fun before the execution in the game. I'm also debating if I want an element of being worried about her kids getting so involved with the assassin stuff or not. I'm leaning towards not but idk.
Federico, who I feel like to some degree didn't want to feel a lot of responsibility as an oldest sibling, suddenly has to take up the mantle, his siblings are looking to him for some stability since he seemed so unbothered about things in the past (at least on the surface). Him and Ezio start to butt heads more, especially over rescuing vieri during a mission to kill francesco, only to find him already dead. Federico is trying to hold every string in the family together so they dont fall apart. His goal is to kinda re-find that relaxed feeling he had before. Still with responsibility, but with a balance of relaxation, and, again, leaning on other people to help.
Ezio was the one who did see his father killed first-hand. He becomes a lot more aggressive, and throws himself pretty immediately into the assassin stuff. I see his personality pretty similar to the game (AC2), where he's looking for revenge for his father, and it's taking a toll on his family relationships. He kinda grows the way he does in the games, but a little faster, where he learns the most important thing is appreciating who is here now.
Caludia i wanna develop more, but her thing is based on her situation in AC brotherhood, where she wants to be an assassin too. Federico, and Mario are on board, but Ezio is adamant about her not doing stuff like that. He's still viewing her as the sad little sister who had her heart broken, and doesn't want to see her hurt, but doesnt understand that she is as capable as any of them. She still needs training but she has all the potential the ezio or federico had at her age. She wants to establish herself more and help her family.
Petruccio is still somewhat young, and has a hard time trying to process all the sudden major life changes. His chronic illness keeps him doing any intense physical training, but he's not super interested in that aspect anyway. He's usually hanging out with his mother, but then he starts to observe Leonardo more and more, and leo starts mentoring him on various things like deciphering things and engineering. It works a lot better with managing his illness, and the topics are more engaging to him.
vieri i decided to do a kinda overhaul on his character (the original character is fun to hate and entertaining but I wanted to go a different direction with his character. also even back in the day, tangent, but I hated the brotherhood flashback with him where they made him basically a rapist in order to make ezios stalking seem less creepy than it was. I HATED the writing of that jesus christ.) He's still fairly arrogant when around his father, and still spends his dads money loosely. but he starts to question his fathers ideas for their family within the templars, and he gets retaliation from his father every time. after giovannis death, he has a deep moment of my father was wrong fer helping set it up that way. giovanni needed to die, but doing it so publicly made a lot of issues for the Pazzi house afterwards. So a fight starts and he kills francesco, and after is found by federico and ezio because of Viola, who were coming to kill francesco themselves. He's taken back and treated at the Villa Auditore, much to Ezio's chagrin. Vieri is kinda stuck in his enemies home and so he's irritable, and vulnerable, but it's an opportunity for better understanding between the two families. vieri is more contemplative now that his father isnt present to influence him. Eventually he decides to become an assassin. He has some chronic pain issues from his injuries.
Viola, i only have a bit at the moment, but she's always been kinda disobedient of her father. Their mother is not in the picture. She doesnt like her father, and butts heads with vieri because of that, but vieri and viola still love each other deep down. Vieri looked down on her for not trying to further the Pazzi house. She saved vieris life after he killed their father, and flagged down federico and ezio to take them back to the villa. beyond that ill have to think of stuff.
cristina i havent posted much but I have this whole thing. Her and ezio had a brief tryst, but i view her as a lesbian, and I think she just realized the sex and romance weren't doing anything for her. She still loves Ezio, just as a very close friend. She wanted to escape her fate of being married off, and so she asks ezio to help her become basically nobody, to pursue the life she wants. In an assassin trip to Venice, cristina comes along and meets Rosa and is almost immediately smitten.
Rosa I made into an intensely butch bisexual lol. She becomes friends with Ezio, and hooks up with him occasionally. He introduces her to cristina, and their energies match up really well and they become an item pretty quickly. I want to develop this relationship more bc this was something i was shipping while i was shipping fedvi but no one else really had any connection to it so i hardly posted it lol.
some last random notes:
-Ezio is still sleeping around, just also with men now. He's hooked up with cristina, leonardo, caterina, rosa, antonio, etc etc
-Rosa and federico become good friends and its a lot of teasing ezio
-Rosa flirts with Maria a lot, and it makes ezio panicky
-i definitely am going to revisit fedvi lol
-uhhh paola and maria occasionally sleep together, arguably in a relationship
That was so fucking long thank you for asking though! i needed to barf all this out
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minkkumaz · 10 months
I JUST DIED OMG MY FRIEND. dude omg bro okay dude so like dude bro!!!
my friend has been dating this guy right, and she had their first kiss like literally yesterday (i SWEAR im going somewhere w this) but basically she asked him to whistle and yk when u whistle you pucker out your lips?? SHE STRAIGHTUP LIKE KISSED HIM.
idk if this counts as a request but i swear it isnt u dont have to reply to this if it seems like one!! 😭😭
but omg what would the bonedos reaction be. LIKE I CAN SEE JAEHYUN EITHER STUCK IN THE 😗 FACE OR HES JUST LIKE 😧.
STOP IT YOUR FRIEND IS SO BOLD OMG can she give me tips on how to rizz up yungyu like that🤔🤔
also i love love the bonedo boys with that, i dont consider this much of a req especially if im not formatting it all aesthetically HAHA so ill give u a little smidge here ^_^
also sorry if i went overboard or its bad LMAOO its like midnight almost 1 am here💔💔
sungho :
- this man is obsessed with you and he would quite literally do anything for you.
- he definitely didnt want to rush into kissing because he believes in the art of slow burn
- and though he would never admit to it he does really want to kiss you
- "sunghoooo do you know how to whistle? i've been trying to learn all day.."
- "darlings it's easy, you basically pucker your lips like this and-"
- you lean in to land a soft kiss on his lips, interrupting his train of thought
- i think bro feels like he just got hit with a heat wave bc he didn't know he could blush this much
- at first he wanted your guys first kiss to be special, but your quirky charm and tactics you used to get him right where you wanted him is what made him fall in love in the first place
- "gahh you're so cute darling, i might have to teach you to whistle more often."
riwoo :
- i don't think riwoo is the type to initiate a first kiss, not unless he was pep talked by jae or something (come on, jae is everyones wingman)
- he loves you so much, and i know as soon as that first is out of the way he will not be able to stop kissing you
- it's kinda early in the morning and today you are going with riwoo to the studio!
- birds are chirping, singing their lil song, which gives you an idea; very sudden, but an idea
- "riwoo you kinda remind me of a bird."
- "what's that supposed to mean?" he pouts.
- "nothing bad! you're just so cute whenever you are all smiley and singing its like a little bird tweeting. bet you could whistle like one too."
- "i think my singing is probably better than my whistling." he looks over at you to demonstrate, but you're already looking right back at him!
- taking him aback slightly, you plant a little kiss on his puckered lips then quickly skip ahead of him
- hes very dumbfounded, but already plotting in his head how he's going to attack you with kisses (in private, doesnt give me much of a pda guy besides holding hands ^^;)
jaehyun :
- this man has been secretly plotting against you to catch you in the most perfect first kiss ever
- unlike woonhak, he wants to kiss u with permission.. and on ur adorable lips (referencing the funnextdoor vid where he kisses woons head LMAOO)
- little does he know you're also planning to outsmart his ass
- the two of you are playing a game on the console in the living room, getting slightly competetive
- "if i win you have to sing me to sleep tonight!" you say mashing on the keys of your controller
- "babyyy you know i already do that for you."
- "guess i got you wrapped around my finger then!" you smile, passing the finish line with a big '1ST PLACE' on your screen.
- "this game is rigged!"
- "less talking more singing pretty boy" you snuggle yourself into the makeshift bed on the couch, jae on the floor with his back against the bottom part, looking up at you.
- "okay what song?"
- "the one i like with the whistling in the beginning."
- as jaehyun puckers out his lips to start, you lean in quickly to catch a kiss
- he has zero reaction, maintaining the same face you caught him in, before his jaw dropped
- you were giggling so hard as he gets up from his spot on the floor to heave himself on top of you
- "i was supposed to initiate our first kiss, babyyy!" he whines, leaning in to kiss your lips again
taesan :
- bro wants to actually kiss you so bad
- im a firm believer in down bad taesan
- and he really wants to kiss you
- but he doesnt want to make you uncomfortable, so whenever he finds himself pulling up your chin to look at him, he only smiles and pulls away
- part of you wanted him to kiss you, but you had a slightly better idea
- taesan was on the floor customizing a pair of shoes. he was whistling quietly to himself before stopping
- "hey what was that tune you were whistling? sounded pretty."
- "you're prettier, but it was just something i came up with last night." he responds fondly.
- you came and sat next to him on the floor, admiring his work.
- "can you do it again please?"
- "only for you love."
- he begins whistling, and you let him for a second because of how gorgeous the tune sounds
- but before you know it, youre pulling up his chin with the infinite rizz you have and kissing him on the lips
- BUT NO. he doesnt let you pull away
- he just smiles into the kiss, pulling you closer to him (and probably getting paint on the back of your head)
leehan :
- i think bro would be easiest to trick with this
- i feel like it might be obvious where i'm gonna go with this.. LMAO
- i am an avid supporter of the leehan fish prince agenda
- he is so in love with you, just as much as his fishies in his little aquarium
- one day you come visit him in the dorms, walking in to see him just admiring the small fish
- he sees the movement of your reflection in the glass, so when you come sit next to him he isn't very shocked
- "you're so interesting when you admire your tank."
- "am i?"
- "yup, you're starting to look like one too."
- "hey! taesan told me that yesterday."
- "give me your best fish face to really seal the deal," you giggle, "kinda like you're whistling!"
- he obliges, pursing his lips into a little kissy face, before you can lean your own lips against his!
- bros entire life played in his head he almost lost his chill guy persona
- leehan was staring at you with so much fondness as he was zoning out you almost got a little worried
- "hannie- hannie!"
- "you are so perfect, y/n." he grins, pulling you into another kiss (in front of his fish children smh)
woonhak :
- this might be a hot take but i think woonhak is similar to riwoo when it comes to first kisses. unless jae is there to hype him up he wont do it
- of course he wants to kiss you, he enjoys affection and god especially when it's with you
- nothing you could ever do would make him look away, you're just so you.
- on a fine ol day, you're sitting with him at the park hanging out!!
- both of you are kinda stuttery, but the conversation ends up flowing fast. neither of you know whether this hangout is considered as your first date as a couple, hence the nervousness
- nonetheless, you are both laughing and just enjoying each others company
- but NO!! you want something a tad bit more
- "hey this might be a weird question but erm-- can you whistle for me?"
- "oh-- yeah of course! what for?"
- "you'll see!" you squeak out
- woon is slightly skeptical, but follows through anyways, puckering his lips to start whistling, before nothing is able to leave his lips!
- a roadblock warning he didnt see: your own lips!
- the kiss is fast, but bro is stunned
- mrs rabbit has fainted
- mrs rabbit has fainted again
- he is lowkey stressed a little, but it turns into relief. smiling so wide the whole neighborhood could see <3
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 4! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Ep 31-40
Gotta be real I keep forgetting to post these even tho I'm reading them but it's fine. Obviously I won't finish before the end of the 2 week break (this Saturday) but after this I may start reviewing episodes as they come out, who knows. Last part:
Ep 31
Theres so many other reasons you shouldnt work together but ok
Also shes literally so smart right like thats canon
Artemis is cool hera,,,sometimes
Which two sons i wish i knew the lo family tree as opposed to the real one yknow
How do heras powers work she felt her pain but doesnt know who??
I would kill for a comprehensive list of family tree and powers, dont even have to spoil powers just please i get so confused
Ep 32
Train ur fuckin dogs hades i think ive said that before
He changed skin color again but like not just light vs dark thats a whole diff shade of blue
Hehe threaten low class workers so cute and quirky hades
Why is uh psyche/whatever her nymph name is wearing more traditional clothes while not in the mortal realm
Love the dog
Hades has a point, even tho it makes no sense for him to have said that
Ok also point out in the like future episode he wants persephone to call him Aidoneus but doesnt like when others do it why
Thats my same thing with him calling her Kore like i know in the future its like explained or whatever but idk
Aphrodite has a point it was a favor in a way
A dumb way but yknow
I remember everyone losing it over the “im only interested in the dead ones” panel but looking at it its so lame LMAO changed his entire face shape for a panel
Ep 33
Im but a simple man
Hades texts like an old man i know he is one but
Also i am dying to know how his business works including as the god of the underworld like. Give me something
Then again, maybe i am a lil dumb when it comes to this
I always thought he was giving the little elevator friend a sugarcube lmao
I like how minthes ears react to her emotions
Stop fighting at work omg this would be the worst place to work at
“Hey can u do ur job”
Ep 34
Why this subplot ugh
The crown floats yet is sideways after she hits him
Also haha hitting
Also their relationship does confuse me just a tad bit yknow
All the clues were there hades you dumbass
“Cancel all my meetings” DO YOUR JOB
“This doesnt affect you in the same way” cause hes a man or a king or both but also kings seemed to get treated the same by their subjects until they are dicks and excute their power
From what ive seen
Then again we havent seen poseidon do that but that brings me to the point of I wanna see poseidon realm
thats . so creepy hades ew
“Smth must be done about this” like fair legal action right?....right?
Who reads newspapers these days anyways wait a second
Ep 35
See the laptop having news makes more sense like sure we make newspapers but ppl dont use em as often
“Biochemistry Theory” fun fact I switched majors to specifically avoid taking chemistry
What are they typing he just started speaking
What type of nymph is thetis bc i know minthe is a river nymph but thetis has fancy ears
They are so mean to each other lmao
The financial situation and the fact that they both are like sleeping with the kings confuse me why do both of them do it.
Like retrospectively i understand it but when i first read it i was like “are nymphs supposed to be like hookers??” so i was lost for a bit
“Hades micromanages computer usage” oh what a shit boss
Also the meal ticket she has a job sure hades gave it to her but
Idk maybe im slow
What an awful way to do a heart shape i just tried it wtf
“Crying is for wives” damn
Yes body issues that dont get brought up again right? Like she all of a sudden gets bigger boobs and i dont think hades pays ppl enough for cosmetic surgery
You guys know this is a work setting
Has rachel ever had a job bc this feels like a comical trope seen on tv the workplace drama yknow
Like fully normal ears i know its a mistake but its funny
Ep 36
“Not my circus not my monkeys” queen
Hades is it not your circus how dont involve hecate in this
“Stop starin at me with them big ol eyes”
Oof that does not look good on you, i mean why didnt you give her the coat
“I thought you didnt get jealous” ok she may have said that but literally everything about her contradicts that
And i love this part bc he doesnt call her crazy and they talk, i mean he hides some of the truth which like fuck him, and then they try to talk about the party and
Ugh i know minthe is supposed to be an antagonist but rachel does this weird thing where she tries to flesh her out, then realizes it would be an easy set up for a redemption arc and screws her over again
I know the ppl in the mortal realm are generally frightened of hades but why are ppl in olympus
“I wouldnt expect anything less from a goddess” so we are going to bring in the racism/speciesism that occurs in this story right
Its the middle of the day isnt he supposed to be in the mortal realm moving the sun or some shit
Ep 37
“Last night” Rachel its ok to space things out sweetie
Ok ok so one thing i hate about her characterization of apollo is he goes from being delusional to knowing what he did was at least slightly wrong and i hate both are fine stories but pick one he either is so infatuated with persephone that he thinks that they had a great time or he wants her for her power
And! A transition from one to the other would be fine, but she goes back in forth in his characterization
Little red vines look cool
Hehe cerberus
How did he escape tho
I love that dog
Ep 38
Oh its the greenhouse again
But this time it represents the evil feeling?
Idk but i like eye symbolism im lame lol
Why was she sleeping in the chair
When did she get those clothes i dunno if eros would buy her business casual
Artemis really sees all the signs and then goes “meh”
Like points out the possible crush on persephone just connect the dots they are so close
Why is there not more than one door
Why is no one getting off
How does rachel think train stops work
Ep 39
Also not thatanos with an undercut lmao
Ope its thanatos i mixed it up
Also minthe you just actively arent doing a good job like lmao how are you not getting fired
Hades smoking a cigar is so old and gross tbh
What an awful boss
That man has a point dont stand infront of the door
She gave her a little flower nice
Minthe i know ur being spiteful, weird bc hades explained shes just the daughter of a friend( i know its a lie but still) but just do your job
“It says restricted access but that lady says it was fine” i would just wait until someone came out theres no reason to go inside
Ep 40
Why would they not have a lock on this place actually
Why wouldnt she just leave the way she came
When did hades put on his glasses
How is it hades fault what
So many questions yknow for such a short episode
Also does this place not have security cameras in places that are tartarus
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everythingsinred · 1 year
Previous anon. Honestly nothing made me happier than seeing natsume and mikan well and happy in the spin off manga, just together and happy. Ofc i do miss Hotaru and i hope she managed to get back to the gang bc they are just not complete without her.
I wanted to ask you: do you have any HCs regarding the quartet (yes including Hotaru being back) in their mundane day to day highschool time? How is studying for them, what do they all wanna be when thry graduste? Are any of them going to go to university? How fast are Natsume and Mikan going to be married? Anyone any kids? Maybe a dog or cats?
thanks for the ask <3 yeah my absolute favorite part of the spin off was seeing natsumikan as an official couple! theyre so cute <3 im incapable of thinking of a post-kageki universe where they dont reunite with hotaru.
tsubasa mentions around chapter 73 or 74 that the last couple years of the high school count as university credit but that some students choose to continue college to gain more knowledge. i feel like perhaps hotaru would be in that category. she is very lazy but i think she'd want to refine her skills. if not that, then i could see her easily taking off with a career right out of school since she already has an impressive following. her future is pretty solid.
ruka wants to be a vet and i'm not entirely sure how vet training would work in alice academy? it's a pretty lengthy process in the normal world--about 8 years (4 undergrad, 4 at vet school). if the last 2-3 years of alice academy hs are the equivalent of a typical 4 year university, then ruka would still have to continue the 4 years of vet school to get his credential. in any case, he's pretty passionate about it. he doesn't seem like he puts much effort into school while in elementary school, but i think he'd put his all into vet school because he'll be doing something he really loves.
i can see mikan pursuing a teaching job or maybe nursing--something where she can help people. it would HAVE to be a people-oriented occupation, where she interacts with lots of people and is more hands-on. in either case, she could probably start right away after graduation and since nepotism is real and she's close friends with most of the staff, she's a shoe-in for a teaching position for sure.
i can't imagine natsume having a job he's passionate about. i don't think natsume would ever be passionate about labor, no matter what it is. i've read all kinds of fics, where natsume goes on to be a spy or work in security or what have you, but to be honest i don't think natsume would EVER elect to be in a dangerous field after being a child soldier for so many years. idk cant he be mikan's stay at home husband? cant he have a break? if he must have a job, i'd hate it if he did anything dangerous; i much prefer to imagine him doing something calm and laid-back.
as for the marriage question.... i can see them getting married ASAP. like right away tbh. natsume has a terminal illness after all! but thats not fully relevant to me bc i cant imagine a future where natsume doesnt get "cured" in some way. i just cant. in any case they were 12 when they got engaged so they're the kind of couple that moves fast FOR SURE. they'd get married as soon as it becomes a possibility. i talk about the possibility of nm children here, too.
as for other characters...
idk really. i can see tsubasa and misaki for sure having kids. the other class b characters might have kids but probably not right away. i can see ruka for sure having pets always. maybe natsumikan get a kitty. that would be cute!
i have a lot of hcs actually but i feel like this has gotten pretty long so i'll leave it at that for now. thanks for sending me this ask! i appreciate it ;-; <3
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chappybird · 2 years
my take on it, is that fictionally age is just a number. it's important in real life because it's a mostly direct analogy to their maturity level, (idk if thats worded right but you know what i mean. its important that shouldnt be a discussion) but IN FICTION ONLY age is just the author going "ummmm ok i have to pick a birthday, whatever ill do this"
its what they FEEL like that matters, which is why "2000 year old loli" is a thing thats frowned upon - even antis agree! fictional age doesnt matter its what they act like! so if youre uncomfortable with someone looking like a toddler but being technically canonically over 18, you should be fine with a 14 year old anime girl who acts like an adult and is drawn like an adult and saves the universe and flies jet planes and does nothing a real 14 year old would do (which, tbh, its strange of the canon to make them 14 in the first place there but it happened and we cant change canon since apparently even aging characters up is also frowned upon?? lmao)
which side note the "aging characters up is weird, why are you looking at a kid and thinking they'd be hot later" argument falls apart in situations like this where they're ALREADY drawn and treated like a regular adult in canon.
tldr if you watch a media, and have to go out of your way to look up the wiki in order to find out that they're actually underaged? youre fine that should not even be a little weird to anybody
There's a lot going on in this ask, but Im gonna go with what I assume is the reference to Evangelion. Evangelion answers the question of: "Okay so what if we did let teenagers fight in war machines" back in the era of Gundam, GoLion, etc. The answer is it would really fuck them up. Child Soldiers are incredibly unethical, and Shinji Ikari is an examination of what it would be like for a vulnerable young teenager to actually have that sort of responsiblity levied on his shoulders, and what kind of monsters the adults around him are for making children fight their wars.
It's about a lot of other things too, but that was what the series was designed to subvert! Gundam itself is also a subversion of this, though its not as heavy handed. I think its good that these two series exist and they're great examinations of the giant mech genre of anime, and even of shounens in general as they existed back in the 80s and 90s, and even today. A big part of the Eva is that Shinji IS a kid, and he IS being taken advantage of. If he's suddenly 18, a lot of the weight behind the series is gone, along with Shinji being so dependant on the adults around him. Every aspect of his life is controlled by adults that want to use him.
Seguing from that, thats another reason why adult/minor relationships are inappropriate. A child's entire life is controlled by the adults around them, so even if there was some kind of weird genius kid whose brain developed at the age of 15 to be that of a fully formed adult, and they looked and acted like an adult, they would still be social constructs that make them vulnerable. You can, as an adult, make a child's life absolute hell with very little effort. Without going into detail because Im sure my haters would fucking LOVE this, I've worked in situations where I'm responsible for kids, and the amount of training and education you need, that is specifically surrounding make sure other adults dont harm them, is absolutely nuts, and we're still not able to protect all of them. The world is not a safe place for kids, and especially with the existence of the internet, it makes it that much harder. (Ive had kids I work with across multiple jobs try to look me up on social media. I had to lock down my instagram and make it private because a bunch of them were finding us somehow, even those of us that didn't use our real names. They are willy nilly making themselves extremely vulnerable and it scares me to think of someone that would take advantage of that.)
So, to reiterate, the two things that make minors vulnerable and unnacceptable to pursue as an adult:
Their emotional and mental capacity, which is not fully formed yet. This is a biological factor that doesn't change with society.
The social construct of how we, adults, control the lives of children. IE Why 18 is the magic number. Because in truth, that's when we actually give a person basic human rights. As a society, we actually deny children a lot of human right and dignity, so on top of brain development, this makes children especially vulnerable.
What doesn't actually factor into why it's unacceptable to pursue minors:
Their appearance.
Therefore, why there is no moral aspect of RPing or depicting characters that are underage in media:
Because the mental capacity of the people consuming the writing/art is that of an adult, as is there age. There is no person involved here with the mental capacity of a child, or who can legally be taken advantage of... because fictional characters aren't children.
And like, yeah I will agree with people that its fuckin weird to be into the physical appearance of characters that look especially young, but its still not hurting anyone... just kinda icky to a lot of people and can cause discomfort, because we don't like seeing something that resembles something vunerable getting hurt... but the keyword is resembles.
I also think you hit the nail on the head with saying that most anime/cartoon/comic/book characters are indistinguishable from adults, and if you've got to hem and haw and look up an age on a wiki in order to be outraged, maybe pick a different battle. Ultimately my attitude is still live and let live.
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lake-cosay · 2 years
@aniverous so here's my thoughts for my accident "au" (not quite and au cause it's purposefully canon-compliant but i cant decide whether i want it to be canon in my version of canon ya feel)
about 10 years after the train, jesse and lake are in their early-mid 20s, they go on a little day trip and are headed home. jesse’s driving and lake’s trying but struggling to navigate. it's already late, past 11pm, but that's okay because they're not more than a half hour from home (i think they'd still be living at home with jesse's parents and nate).
it's raining too, and it's hard to see the backroads in the wet dark. it doesn't help that they took a different way home, so they don't exactly know where they are. the rain picks up and turns into a storm, and lake tells jesse he should pull over and either wait it out or let them drive. jesse decides they're probably right so he starts looking for a safe place to pull over, but they're pretty much surrounded by trees, so they're not having any luck. just as jesse's about to cave and just kinda. stop and put his hazards on, a deer jumps out in front of the car, and he panics and swerves to avoid it.
and crashes head-on into a tree.
his legs get crushed by the car and a small fire starts in the engine, which slowly eats away at his legs. also because lake’s so heavy they get thrown over the dash and they break the windshield which sends glass into jesse’s face oops. goddamnit lake.
lake rushes out to help him, pries the metal away from his legs and pulls him out. he’s yelling in pain, lake realizes his clothes are still on fire, but they have to smother the flames to put them out, which means touching his legs, which means more pain. (jesse doesn’t remember any of this)
they have to go back to find their phone but they call 911 and help gets there within maybe 10 minutes. while they wait jesse is just kinda laying there wheezing in pain and shock, and hes desperately trying to hold lakes hand cause he feels like he's dying, but lake holds him tight, as comfortably as they can, and they keep repeating "i've got you."
the paramedics kinda try to separate them but lake refuses, never letting go of his hand. again, jesse doesnt remember anything BUT he is very clearly looking for lake’s hands throughout the whole ordeal. they get him loaded into the ambulance and he’s ever-so-painfully holding lake’s hand for support. lake’s brushing their hands through his hair and trying to distract him while the paramedics work. 
they take jesse right into surgery when they get to the hospital and lake experiences More Trauma and Flashbacks (because jesse’s hands being ripped out of theirs reminds them of the train) and crumbles to the floor, with jesse’s blood still all over their hands and clothes. lake is basically inconsolable. a nurse (alma, an OC who’s only here bc she fits in the role and i dont feel like making a new character) comes over and comforts them etc etc it only works because alma Gets It (shes got some trauma of her own). at first lake is very abrasive (back to their old self), but alma sees that really they're just scared, and she manages to calm lake down enough that they can call their family.
i will get to the rest soon i promise, i've got a drabble or two from here. also i should come up with a tag for this but idk what it should be. feel free to lmk what you think, but keep in mind thats just like the beginning of the story and i drfinitely missed some details
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blackvail22 · 6 months
bro i have been sick as hell these past few days
took a covid test and, well, i have covid!!
the first time ever, too
and now, in about 6 hours from now, i have to call my job and tell them that
i know its not my fault im sick, but we only have, like, one person to replace me... and if he cant work, what then? i think there is a new person, but im the associate that trains people, too. who is going to train her?
i keep writing the script of what im going to say in my head. i keep going over it over n over... nothing seems quite right...
its so difficult to talk to my store manager, too. i mean, im socially awkward in general, but she doesnt respond in ways i can expect? and its difficult to read her facial expressions (if she has any at all), so it stresses me out. i cant understand her lol
and thats not her fault...
but i have to call off (again), but this time, its for five days. oooh my god.
i might just ask to talk to my assistant store manager, but i know shes usually busy when shes not mod... and shes stressed out enough lol
im going to SOB
i think my fear of not being believed is taking a part in my anxiety, too, since my mom never believed i was sick while growing up (i was sick so much it caused me to have a disease in my tonsils and severe sinus issues and allergies) so, i mean!!
everything always ends up back to my mom
kinda crazy
kinda... sad.
off topic, but i find it difficult to talk about my dad to my sister, specifically in a... bad way. shes so close to him that she wont see much, if any, wrong in him, so its generally hopeless lol
like, my dad has always had favoritism towards my sister. he showed up to everything for my sister and paid full attention to it. me? nahh. he'd go *sometimes* or if he had to take me, but he wont pay attention.
it makes me sad that i never really had a parent i could go to. i guess i go to my dad, now, but its not the same. its not. i still have this uncomfortable feeling towards him. or, like, he isnt my dad. i dont know. i just see him in a different light now... idk how to explain it
how did it go from me having covid to me being anxious abt telling my boss to me having daddy issues?
i need to take my concentration medication LMAO
its 2:18am on december 2nd, 2023.
i am v much not okay! and thats okay
i just wish i get some actual sleep and i stop fucking coughing
oh, and for my boyfriend to text me back when he wakes up instead just reacting with a heart to my message
update: i got decent sleep, im not coughing as much, AND my boyfriend texted me back. didnt expect that to happen lmao
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getris · 6 months
I've heard some people use tumblr as a way of venting or letting things out, i guess those are the same thing and i figured ill give this a try.
This will mostly be me venting to myself about things to do with my life starting with my grandad, and id like to stay anonymous so i wont mention his name.
But on may 28th 2023 i lost my grandad, so about 6 months ago now, ive delt with mental health issues for the majority of my life, idk if thats due to a cocktail of family issues, medication my mother was taking when she was pregnant with me or if theres just something not quite right in my head.
Ive delt with major trust issues, self confidence and self image issues, physical and emotional abuse from both parents and emotional abuse and manipulation from an ex partner but never in my life has anything come quite as close to the level of mind twisting torment that grief has provided; i loved my grandad dearly, out of every member of my dysfunctional family he has consistently been the only safe space, i have never once seen him get angry, swear or even raise his voice unless he was letting out one of his typical hearty chuckles and i think i can safely say that no matter what anyone said he couldnt get angry or judge.
That doesnt mean he is incapable of being firm, he was a fair man and if you did something truly stupid or disappointing he would give you this specific look, one that is still filled with love and compassion but sadness and disappointment and he might throw in a softly spoken "dont do that" (but a little rugged from years of cigars and whiskey during his time in the army), even then his tone was reassuring and it never made you feel challenged but it always got through, i could be screaming at my mother, bright red faced and body full of adrenaline but the moment i caught that look and heard that tone it would all wash away and id feel nothing but regret for what ever was said or done, thats when you know someone is a good person, when they dont need to shout at you, push you or say harsh things, and a simple few calm words immediately diffuse the entire situation.
So naturally me and everyone else in my family were close to him, i have so many fond memories of him, like the time he had this golf cart (he loved golf) and my brother turned it on by accident and sent the thing shooting off down the street as my grandad desperately sprinted after it, or the times he would adamantly try to fix or build things on his own since hes an ex army mechanic and knew better, only to sheepishly realise hes made a mistake and go back to the instructions, he took me to a fishing tournament once and i honestly didnt care at all about the tournament but it was a lovely chance to spend one on one time with him as adults, he even bought me a cider and a beer for himself and that was the first and only chance i got to drink with him, that tournament was even broadcast on TV once so id love to go back and try to find it to see if i can spot me and my grandad in the crowd somewhere.
Theres so much more to the relationship between me and my grandad and im sure ill remember some of it and come back to write more another time, but you can imagine why it felt like my world was shook, i was at a friends house when i first got a call from my brother, he said something along the lines of my grandad had fell over and they took him to hospital, found out that it was potentially cancer but there was no certainty, i cried immediately after that call because to me my grandad was this big, unshakeable ex military man and ive seen him hurt a million times and be unbothered, so to hear that he had collapsed immediately sent waves through my body and i knew something wasnt right.
i spent another few days at my friends house and went home, at that time i was grossly behind with university work (due to mental health issues), and i had finals coming up so i had to force myself back into work, nothing but university and train times and study sessions on my mind because i had to pass, i had to... so i went to my friends house, we study better together and have similar mindsets, so it works out really well when we study and bounce ideas back and forth between each other to get the assignments done, i remember finishing a particularly gruelling study session with her one night when my brother messaged me saying he needs to tell me something but its better if i hear it in person, but i intended to stay at my friends until these assignments and exams were over so i pushed him to message me the update and thats where the regrets started.
My brother told me that my grandad was very sick, it was confirmed to be cancer and the moment i read that i felt physically sick, but my brother reassured me that my grandad was told he had a few years to live, so immediately i wasnt too hurt and i was hell bent that as soon as these exams are over im going to go visit him and once hes out of hospital ill make memories with him, drink with him if possible, anything he wanted.
But thats not how it went, i kept studying and handing in assignments and all i had left was one more exam and thats it im free for the summer and i can go see grandad, but just a day or so before the exam my brother messaged me again saying my grandads health had declined rapidly, he was told months, and then weeks left, so of course i panicked, but i had to do this exam and it was only one more day so surely everythings going to be fine and i can still go see him in the hospital and have a laugh and chat with him.
Exam day comes and i cant get it out of my mind by this point, my family told me they are visiting him that day and asked if i could come but because of visiting hours and my exam hours, i couldnt go but again i told myself "he has weeks left, i can bare one more day and visit him the moment my family goes again", so i went to university, went into that exam room and the entire time i couldnt focus, my university was in the same town that my grandad was in care, so all that was on my mind for that entire two hours was "hes only 30 minutes away, what if he passes while im in here", but the exam time passed painfully slowly but it passed regardless, after the exam i was insanely exhausted and depressed, i hung around with my friend after the exam for an hour or so and then took the train home, turns out timing is a bitch because the moment i got home my parents asked if i was still at uni because they could pick me up on their way to the hospital but i had just got home, the next train would be an hour from then so theres no way i could have visited.
Two days later i was at my mothers birthday when she informed me that my grandad didnt in fact have weeks, he had days left at most and they were going to see him the next day and theres no way im missing anymore chances, so the day comes that we get to go see him, but again something really did not feel right, we got in the car and only a few minutes after picking up my grandmother my aunt (who was at the hospital) said to come quick because he was choking on his own tongue at that point and they expect him to be gone any minute.
Thats the beginning of the heartbreak, seeing my own grandmother in the car talking out loud "just wait (his name) just wait a bit longer please", she was a lot like him, always innocent, always smiling and there she was begging to herself in the car crying, hoping he can just hold on a bit longer for her to be at his side.
We get to the hospital, i watched my nan walk as fast as she could, in pain to get to that room, the moment i walked in it felt like my entire world had ended in that instant, he was no longer my grandad, seeing him in that state felt like my heart had just been ripped out through my chest; he was pale, hairless, almost no muscle left on his body, his skin was a different colour, you could see his heart beating through his chest because his rib cage had twisted and changed shape, he had his eyes and mouth half open and all you could hear was struggled breaths, occasionally interrupted by a weak cough or the sound of him choking on his own tongue, his spine had broken in multiple areas from coughing, thats how frail his body had become.
It was painful, he was clearly suffering and i went through whirlwinds of anger, sadness, anger, sadness... Sad and heart broken seeing such a strong pillar of my world laying there struggling to even exist, and anger that he was allowed to stay in this state, nurses coming in to inject him or feed him medication that would only serve to keep him in this state for a little bit longer, i felt like he was being tortured in the most inhumane way for hours, he couldnt see or hear or speak by that point, just breathe and exist in pain.
Thats when family started talking, gossiping about his state and things he had done during his stay which further broke my heart, remember earlier when i said he had never sworn, never raised his voice and was effectively this gentle giant? Well i overheard my aunt, mother and grandmother talking about how he had been in such pain that he had started threatening the nurses, swearing at and insulting everyone within eyesight, begging both nurses and family to either kill him or take him somewhere where he could do it on his own terms, just typing that out brings a painful lump to my throat because to change such a gentle, loving man into that state must have meant either he was already suffering immensely, or he knew exactly bad it was going to get, it was shock after shock, emotional whiplash.
I stayed in that room for as long as i could which turned out to be 5 hours and 24 minutes, i couldnt bare a moment longer before i stood next to his bed and said my goodbyes, seeing a person you care so deeply about in such a state of suffering, staying in that room for those 5 hours had physically exhausted me, its not that i was just tired of being in the hospital, but i dont think i could have processed another second of that day without rest, so the second i got to my house i passed out in my bed, two hours later my phone was ringing and it was my brother, grandad was gone.
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away-ward · 10 months
You know, the more i read your posts and anons' messages, the more i find kai mori annoying, hahahaha! To me, he never really stand out as a character and his annoyingly moral righteous standards are just really laughable to think about after everything he did to rika and banks, and when he keeps friends like michael and damon around knowing the kind of hurt they do to others that are not them (even if he never witness them himself, because he couldve just ASKED, but he didnt). What i find interesting too was your take about the horsemen not really caring about anything as long as it doesnt serve them in a way, and this alligns really well with what emory said in the train and its so true. Theyre not the "good bad guys" that they thought they were, and i feel like to continue living like that for the rest of their lives, they must have live their lives with a certain amount of consistent delusion because they seem to genuinely believe that they were RIGHT all damn time.
When Kai found out the secret behind banks being mysterious background (relating to not wanting to expose damon), he called her "loyal". But emmy did the same, and alone too with no contact, but she's a traitor? I know the degree and seriousness of banks and emorys situations here are different but idk, its the same concept no? Idk idk, kai who was already dull to me, became even more unappealing after he said that, because aside from will, he was literally the second most privileged guy in the group who's issues were just daddy's expectations (which wasnt even so big, katsu just wanted the best life for him, but he goes around befriending alleged rapists???) and depression after jail. Even in jail, they got premium seats, unlike damon, so i honestly cant take kai seriously even more now. Idk, maybe i am being a hardass towards privileged characters like kai, but he's so icky and whiny to me (almost as much as will) and it turns me off. Dont get me started with damon and michael though, they were already at the bottom of my list from the start, but at least they got something going.
This might also be one of the reasons why millionaire or billionaire romances just dont hit it for me, because these men are so annoyingly whiny! They solve everything with their money or reputation, so we cant get a deeper insight of their characterisations because "oh yeah, money can solve it". They dont have a solid personality outside of dollars and fame, and its just not something that i wanna read as an escape for a romance. Idk, Ana Huang, Sophie Lark, Rina Kent, Lauren Asher, sports romance authors, theyre all writing their stories with this formula, and while i have no problem with others enjoying stories like these, i wish once in while, we get an amazing rich x poor or rich x rich characters' romance stories. If you do have any, other than the Addicted and Calloway Sisters series, please do recommend us some!
At first I found this sad and then I just found it funny that this blog had the potential to ruin the perception of Kai’s character. The idea that it can take someone from neutral to “wait. Actually I find him really annoying” is so hilarious to me.  I didn’t mean to do it, I promise.
I think for me, a lot of it comes from my disappoint about how his character was revealed. I had such high hopes for him going into Hideaway and was just left feeling so irritated with him all the time. This was not the intelligent and thoughtful member of the team I’d built him up to be; the Heart to Michael’s Brain to balance the crew. The source of wisdom and principles to guide them when they went too far off course. And maybe that was putting too much on him, but I really felt he could have carried it. My fault for building him up so big and putting him on that pedestal; it’s not fair to PD or to the character to be mad about not getting what I wanted, so I don’t really go there with it.  
Of course, I liked Kai more in the past scenes that the present. Obviously, prison changed him and I’m not arguing that it shouldn’t have, but I didn’t like the direction he changed in. He is morally righteous, and I think beyond any of the others, his double standards are the most offensive to me because of it. Kai always wanted to be the good guy with a bad streak, but because of this blemish on his record, he felt that it’s all anyone would see when they looked at him. And I get at first, it can be painful to accept how things got out of control. He was a teenager, or at least young, when all this went down. But after a while, I wished he stepped back and considered, “What have I really lost?” and realized that he didn’t lose all that much, in fact. He still had his friends, the town was still on his side, he had the opportunity to finish his education (though not in the manner he would have liked), he owned his own business, he married a woman who understands him on a deeper level, who doesn’t expect him to hide or control his thrill-seeking inclinations but will indulge with him. By NF, he has a beautiful son and is well on his way to rebuilding his relationship with his parents. Five years on from prison, and by all accounts he’s exactly where he should be and probably would have been if his life hadn't been interrupted. And yet, what do we hear about when he gets upset? Prison. It all comes back to that for him. He’s stuck there, and it made me wonder if all of those accomplishments weren’t enough to help him reconcile with what happened to him, what would be enough?
I still don’t know.
When Kai found out the secret behind banks being mysterious background (relating to not wanting to expose damon), he called her "loyal". But emmy did the same, and alone too with no contact, but she's a traitor?
Yeah, because Banks didn’t send him to prison. It’s really that simple for him. I was really disappointed that it was Damon showing all of the wisdom and understanding in this instance. That not an ounce could be found in Kai is what really sent me over of the edge of tolerating him.
I’m not going to minimize what prison was like for him. His story about paralyzing someone because he let his fear of what would happen get the better of him, and then lost control would be difficult. I bet he lay awake at night, think about what could have happened if he went just a little further. He could have killed that man because he was scared and lost control. That’s would be a dangerous line of thinking for anyone and it makes sense that he came out of prison with his fist so tightly wound around his self-control that he couldn’t relax. And then nearly losing Will and his fight with Damon – I’m sure he had to quickly process that if it came down to it, he’d have to kill Damon. He’d have to kill one of his closest friends and one of the two people he feels understands what he went through. Like, Kai went through a lot. And I don’t want to minimize that. But he’s so exhausting sometimes.
Theyre not the "good bad guys" that they thought they were, and i feel like to continue living like that for the rest of their lives, they must have live their lives with a certain amount of consistent delusion because they seem to genuinely believe that they were RIGHT all damn time.
They would have to live in a state of delusion to think they’re right all the time, and part of me thinks they do. But I also don’t think they care if they’re “wrong” as long as it’s what they want. Which is the bigger issue of them thinking that doesn’t make them corrupted.
That line from Rika really irked me. If they had just admitted they were criminals, I wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. I can’t critique what they freely admit, but since they want to believe they’re right for all they’ve done and are doing, and doing it in a less that legal manner doesn’t make them criminals, then I can sit here a nitpick all I want.
When you say the second privileged next to Will, do you mean in terms of home life? Because I always understood that Kai was the least wealthy of the four? And he certainly understands that his parent’s money is not his money, except for his inheritance. (Side note – I never understood what he meant in Kill Switch when he said “Rika has money,” implying the rest of them don’t? Where is he getting the money to buy properties and start companies, if not his parent’s or his inheritance? And if it’s that’s the case, where is the rest of it? Will still lives off his parents, Rika has her inheritance and income from the diamonds, and Michael is a professional athlete, so that answers that. What does he mean, they don’t have money??) If you meant in terms of his family, compared to the Crists' and Torrances' home life, then yeah. He had a really good home life. And his dad had reasonable expectations of him. So… yeah.
Also, what did you mean by this:
when he keeps friends like michael and damon around knowing the kind of hurt they do to others that are not them (even if he never witness them himself, because he couldve just ASKED, but he didnt).
Because even if I were in Kai’s position, I also wouldn’t be asking my friends “hey, did you commit any felonies or seriously injure anyone today?” Or maybe I would, but I would be joking. Like, I wouldn’t care if they did either… if I were Kai. I don’t know. The friendship between the boys was very “birds of a feather flock together” and I don’t think Kai was interested in changing their dynamic enough to care. Plus, I think for the most part, their pranks were probably painless to the community. It seemed that what we witness in the narrative was probably some of the worst things they came up with, since they escalated each year. Yeah, it probably cost the community money, but the Thunder Bay is wealthy enough to deal with it.
As for recs, I probably don’t have much to share. I’ll point again to the Crowne Point series. The series itself centers around this wealthy family that’s framed as basically American royalty. They have money in a big way, but I enjoyed how that was only a variable to their problems, and neither the reason nor the solution, so that might be something you’re looking for.   
I’ve only read Heartless Hero and Stolen Soulmate. The tropes for Heartless Hero are friends-to-enemies-to-lovers and body guard. Abigail is the youngest of the Crowne family and the one who gets into the most trouble in public. She has a penchant for scaring off her body guards until her grandfather and head of the family assigns her the perfect one to keep her in line – her ex-best friend and crush who is not excited to return to Crowne Point to cater to Abigail. Things went sideways the last time they were together and he also has plans for revenge for a perceived wrong, so similar to Devil's Night in that way.
The tropes for Stolen Soulmate are… enemies-to-lovers, maybe? I actually don’t know what to file it under. Grayson mistakes Story, a member of his household staff, for someone else and kisses her in a dark room… and confesses some secrets as well. When her identity is revealed, he wants to remove her from the house, which might as well be the country for all Story knows and cares. She strikes a deal with him that she can restore his relationship with the person he intended to kiss, his childhood friend and arranged fiancée, and things to awry from there.
They’re both dark romances, and while Story and Gray’s story continues on, I chose not to continue the series since I didn’t like where it was going, but I enjoyed the first half of the book and if you’re looking for a billionaire romance where the billionaire can’t just throw money at the problem, then this would fall into that.
Unfortunately, I do think a lot of romance books right now are formulaic. I don’t read too many that I remember pass closing the book for that reason. They all sort of blend into each other. ‘Sempre’, which you might have seen me rb some of, is one that’s stuck with me since I was younger. Some of the writing is dated and cheesy, but I do love it. Like the others, there are many problems the characters deal with and very few of them would be solved by money – which the main family does have. It’s also a mafia romance, so there’s that also, if you’re interested.
Sorry, I wish I had more. If anyone has some they'd like to recommend to other readers, feel free to share. And if you guys are interested in knowing more about what I’m currently reading (when I’m reading, that is), let me know. I’ve tried to keep this pertaining to DN with a few things on the side because magpie brain demands it so.
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Thanks for the message! Hope you're having a wonderful day. Let me know if you decide to check out any of those books.
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