#idk i just woke up from a nap & was just laying there thinking for a while
heydocpotts · 2 years
sometimes u do a little thinking & ur like. damn. i went thru that???
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#so for the last like. as long as i can remember. ive had a shit sleep schedule#mostly like sleep all day and stay up all night kinda shit#but i got sick/burnt out recently and slept for almost two days straight#and somehow it reset my sleep schedule to something normal#like i went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 5am for the last few days#and i havent had to nap#and the not needing to nap is really fucking with me#like im used to waking up. feeding my dog. and then napping until i go to work#i should be napping rn. but im not tired#i dont have to get ready for work for another four hours and ive already been awake for three hours#i went to the coffee shop and to walgreens. im in real clothes instead of pajamas. i did a load of laundry#im laying in bed (its so hot i might be dying) and i just. dont know what to do with my time#im probably gonna do some cleaning and packing because im moving in two months#idk im just feeling some strange type of way because for the last few days ive been. alive#instead of sleeping my life away#its so strange. i got sick. slept for a few days. and now my biggest problem is just fixed? and i can have a life now?#its 70 degrees today and the world is my oyster. what should i do?#i have a list of chores im gonna do. i might walk to the coinstar machine so ill have money#yeah i want to do that cuz im in the negatives in my bank account but i want to get a cool drink before work today#my dad texted me this morning 'noticed your bank account is overdrawn for the second time this week. whats going on kid?'#which is such a sad text to get because i know im broke. thanks dad. lets pls ignore my financial hardships#if you want to make my dad less sad hmu for my venmo /hj#anyways ill probs do that today. get some cash so i can get a frozen lemonade from wawa or something#yknow that post thats like 'seasonal depression seems fake until its 50 degrees in march and it feels like you took a party drug'#i think thats partially whats happening here. its 70 degrees and sunny and my systems dont know what to do with that#i hope youre all having a great day that you dont sleep through. i love you!!
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bkgml · 11 months
pro hero kats having to do an interview when he’s sick because he signed a contract.
i just know he’s so baby when he gets sick because of that only child syndrome he’s been stuck with. he gets really needy and just wants to be around you. give him love pls.
maybe it’s one of those interviews with the boards that have the peel off stickies on them where he answers questions about himself and his life.
idk whatever u guys think!
he doesn’t want to go.
“baby?” you ask gently and only get a grumble in response.
your hands drift over to trace the muscles on his back. you’re sat up against the headboard on your phone and he’s laying on his stomach with his head on your lap and he’s got his arms wrapped around you.
when you guys woke up this morning you’d planned to walk around the city you’re in, grab lunch and maybe do some shopping before going in for his interview.
but katsuki unexpectedly woke up with a fever and a stuffy nose.
so instead, your day has been filled with tylenol and naps.
“i know you don’t feel well but it’s time to get up.” you say gently, caressing his back while you speak and finishing with a tap on his shoulder to signal him to sit up.
“i don’t want to fucking go to this shitty interview.” he bites. it’s not directed at you and it’s clear from the way he nestles himself deeper into your plush thighs as he speaks.
you lean forward to press kisses to his warm forehead.
“i know,” you coo.
“but you have to. i’ll get you some more medicine before you go, okay?” you murmur against his temple.
he huffs but peels his eyes open anyway, shifting to rest his chin on your thigh while looking up at you.
“you’re not coming with me?” he replies with an unknown quietness, a hint of desperation slipping through.
you smile and kiss his forehead again.
“do you want me to?” you ask and he nods gently before shifting to press kisses along your bare thigh.
“okay.” you whisper.
“we need to get up now though.” you say and he grumbles but stands with you anyway.
the two of you get ready together-slowly but surely, and head out the door.
when the two of you arrive it’s obvious to everyone on set that katsuki’s more annoyed then usual.
his brows are furrowed so deep they practically cover his eyes, and he’s covered in a thin sheen of sweat.
you explain the situation and the crew agrees to keep this as quick as possible for him.
he puts on his brave face for the camera, goes through about one board in between each cut where he gets a five minute break.
“cut! thanks dynamite, take a five minute break.” the director calls out and you walk to where he’s slumped in his chair, pout on his face.
“hi, handsome.” you smile.
“what do you need? tylenol?” you ask and he shakes his head.
“water?” another shake of his head.
“do you want me to get you a cool towel for your head?” and he shakes his head once more.
“what do you need?” he ask gently.
his hand reaches out for you, misses once and after seeing his brows furrow in frustration you step forward.
the second time he reaches for you he gets a hold on your elbow and drags you forward until your thighs are touching his knees.
he sighs and allows himself to fall forward until his forehead is planted on your shoulder.
you breathe out a laugh and his arms come up to hold you around the waist.
you just stand there and let him do his thing.
every once in while you let your hand travel up and down his back. sometimes you’ll let it slip into his hair, scratching gently.
he lets out sighs and little grunts in reply when you ask him questions. he’s just breathing and hoping the director never yells action again.
“alright everyone, breaks over!” the director shouts and katsuki’s arms tighten around you because he was honestly starting to drift off, but he lets you go anyway so this can be over with.
he does two more boards where he answers questions about pro hero life and the rare question about his childhood and some about you.
there’s a 45 minute dinner break and katsuki spends it in his dressing room.
there’s a couch in there and he wants his half hour power nap.
“here take a tylenol before going to bed.” you say and he pops the pill before laying down and attempting to drag you with him.
“i’m going to get you a cold towel, i’ll be back.”
he groans when you leave but if he’s being honest a cold towel does sound really good.
“hi, i’m back!” you announce while walking back into the room.
when you get close enough his big hands snatch you by the waist and lifts you to straddle him while he lays on the couch.
you giggle and place the towel over his forehead.
“god, your makeup team is going to kill me.” you sigh.
he shuts his eyes and drags his hands up and down your thighs.
“don’t care. i’ll tell them i asked for it.” he mumbles, already drifting off.
“okay.” you whisper.
his power nap did not help him much and in fact probably made him a bit worse.
but you just reminded him that the quicker he got through this, the quicker you guys could go back to the hotel and sleep until morning.
he got through it. had to have little breaks for water and hugs, but he still did it.
when the two of you get home from the trip there’s edits popping up everywhere of the two of you on set.
“katsuki bakugou needing cuddles while he’s sick.”
“pro hero dynamite being in love with his girl for ten minutes straight.”
and all of the comments are filled with shit like,
katsufan118: can he look at me like that?
dynamiteloverrr836: why is he so cute with her
ynnkats4life: my fav relationship
katsuki frowns like his reputation has been completely ruined.
“kats they’re not wrong.” you smile and he grumbles but secretly agrees with you.
“who the fuck filmed us? ‘m getting them fired.” he says.
you slap his chest lightly.
“katsuki! don’t. they’re doing gods work here. i get a compilation of you being all needy.” you smile brightly.
he argues with you playfully but he can agree it’s not all bad.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
could you maybe write about following scenario? it’s reader x leah x lessi 
imagine sleeping on the couch peacefully in lessis arms and leah comes back from grocery shopping or whatever (she likes going bc then she can pick out the most plain ass meals for herself without any teasing from you two) and sees it and wants to take over, complaining that she didn’t get to cuddle you all day and alessia shooting back that leah had you all to herself yesterday as she was out with ella or sth and they start bickering and pulling you back and forth into their arms so ofc you wake up and are really pissed and just lock yourself into your bedroom so you can take a nap and sleep in peace and they make it up to you somehow by being nice and sweet idk 
flu season II a.russo & l.williamson
"oh come on!" leah groaned to herself, struggling to balance the shopping bags hanging off her wrists while she tried to jam the key in the front door. "for fuck sakes." she huffed as the door popped open and she stumbled inside.
making a beeline for the kitchen she dumped the bags on the counter with a sigh of relief, quick to put everything away before either one of her girlfriends appeared and made fun of her 'childlike' choices.
closing the fridge leah stretched, rolling around her tense and knotted neck. surprised that she was still alone she followed the sound of the television in the living room, finding her two lovers curled up together on the sofa.
"sorry i didn't come help babe, was a little preoccupied." alessia smiled apologetically, nodding down to the sleeping girl on her chest, hands playing absentmindedly with her hair. "s'okay my love it's all put away now." leah bent down to affectionately peck the strikers lips a few times.
"has she been out long?" leah asked, taking a seat beside her relieved to be off her feet, having been running around doing errands almost all day. "she's been in and out napping, but she's been properly passed out for about an hour or two?" alessia answered softly, both girls watching your body gently rise and fall in her arms.
"her temperature's back to normal now too, i think we're out of the worst of it." alessia added on, affectionately kissing the back of your neck as your face was smooshed into her chest. "flu season mm." leah chuckled, the younger girl being a kindergarten teacher meant whenever it was cold or flu season she always came down with something passed on from her students.
both her and alessia had taken turns looking after you, forcing you to take the last few days off work and utilise your sick leave as they swapped shifts of who would miss training to stay home with you, much to your insistent demands that you were fine.
"okay well, my turn." leah made a shooing motion, gesturing for alessia to move so that she could replace her position. "what? no! she's all comfortable and asleep, leave her be." alessia chatsized quietly with a frown, tightening her arms around you.
"less you've been home with her all day, don't be selfish." leah scowled, tugging on her hoodie as she used one hand to push the older blonde away, the two of them beginning to bicker back and forth.
at the disturbance your eyes fluttered open, squinting tiredly as your head raised slightly off the comfortable pillow which had been your girlfriends stomach. waking up a little more and tuning into what exactly it was that had woken you, your eyes narrowed tiredly.
"now look what you did lee, you woke her up!" alessia huffed, punching leah whose scowl deepened, features melting as her eyes flickered to you. "hi baby, cuddle?" leah offered, opening her arms with a soft smile.
"she is getting a cuddle, back off williamson you had her all day yesterday." alessia grunted posessively, hand coming to rest on the back of your head as she gently pushed you back down to lay on top of her. "thats not my fault you chose to go out shopping with tooney, you know that girl takes hours!" leah scoffed indignantly, one hand tugging on your hoodie.
"she came down all the way from manchester to visit, i'm not gonna ditch her!" alessia huffed back as you pulled off her hand which held you down on top of her. "baby what-" you ignored the both of them, standing up to your feet with a tired glare sent both girls way, turning on your heel and padding off toward your shared bedroom, door closing with a slam.
"that was your fault!" both blondes yelled, pointing to each other with a glare. "you're so needy, we were perfectly comfortable before you had to come stomping on in." alessia frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "oh i'm needy?" leah cried out with a look of disbelief.
"okay maybe we're both a little needy." alessia mumbled with a roll of her eyes, slight pout forming on her lips. "the two of you are needy, i'm the rock of this relationship." leah puffed out her chest as alessia gave her a look before letting out a loud peal of laughter.
"you're the neediest of all of us love, and the most in denial about it." alessia patted her shoulder with a knowing smile, moving up and off the lounge with a grunt. "time to apologize to sleepy for waking her up with a stupid argument." alessia held out her hand toward the shorter girl.
"come on needy, then you can get your cuddles." alessia teased wiggling her fingers impatiently, leah mocking her under her breath but accepting her outstretched hand none the less, being pulled up to her feet.
"see, knew it." alessia grinned as leah hugged her tightly, having missed both her girls today, the captain pinching her side for the comment before the two of them made their way to the bedroom.
"she locked us out." alessia sighed, trying the door handle as it jiggled but didn't move, leah disapearing to get the key before letting the two of them in. the taller blonde smiled seeing you'd not been bothered to draw the blinds, instead tucking yourself completely under the duvet leaving a person size lump in the middle of the bed.
"if you're gonna argue again go away, i'm tired." your head popped out, hair sprawled messily along the pillow as you fixed them both with a glare. "we won't, sorry sweets." leah apologised softly, coming around to the other side of the bed as alessia nudged for you to move over.
leah slipping in on one side you rolled so your head rested on her thigh, the blonde choosing to sit up not particularly tired as she stretched out to grab the remote off the bedside table. alessia slotted in behind you, her arms moving to wrap around your torso as her head tucked into your neck, leahs free hand moving to tangle in your hair as she flicked through trying to find something to watch.
"see how much nicer it is when you both know how to share." you mumbled, eyes closed making both of your girlfriends smile and exchange a look.
all was well as leah settled in to watch a movie, switching her hand to play with both yours and alessia's hair, until she heard it, a sneeze. though this time it wasn't from you as the striker behind you lifted up her head guiltily.
flu season had struck again.
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wavesrollin · 3 months
Ked Photos
A Sonic Unbreakable Bond Fic
Tails goes through Sonic’s phone and is embarrassed to find millions of photos of him.
Skyblue8: Hi
Kit: Hi Tails : )
It was just another lazy day at the Hedgehog/Prower residence. Sonic had just gotten home from a week-long adventure, and Tails, as usual, wouldn't leave his brother's side after being away from him so long.
And that's how the two found themselves scrawled over on either side of the couch together. Sonic flipped the page of his book as Tails stretched out some more, resting his feet in his brother's lap and his head on the arm of the couch.
He yawned as he tapped on his Miles Electric some more, a mischievous grin on his face.
Skyblue8: wyd?
Kit: nothin' u?
Skyblue8: hanging with dork older brother
Skyblue8: don't tell him, but I'm the one who sent Amy flowers in his name
Kit: lol
He ignored his feet moving as Sonic shuffled around underneath him.
Kit: nice
Skyblue8: you wanna sneak out tonight and toilet paper houses?????
Skyblue8: my brother sleeps like a hog. he won't notice
Kit: IDK...
Skyblue8: I'll let you fly the tornado
Kit: :O deal
Kit: Meet you at 10
"You know I can see your messages, right?" Tails' dinner plate wide eyes snapped to Sonic, who had put down his book and was now holding his phone, scrolling down at a familiar chat log.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
A month ago, Sonic had hired some other tech wiz (Tails sure as hell wouldn't have done it) to install parental controls in the Miles Electric after what happened last time. Tails shuddered, remembering how mad Sonic had been over what happened last time. And now his brother could, among other things, see all of his chat logs.
He had meant to make something that could bypass it. He had meant to make some code between him and his friends. Sonic wouldn't think anything of it that way when they communicated their plans. But he hadn't. And now he was in deep shit.
"Uhh," He wracked his brain for an excuse. What good was having an I.Q. Of three hundred if he can't come up with a good excuse at the top of his head. "We were joking?"
Sonic held out his paw, "Come on, ked. Give it." Tails groaned and handed him the Miles Electric.
"What am I supposed to do nowwww?" He whined, huffing and crossing his arms.
"Well," Sonic put a paw to his chin as if thinking. "You could watch TV- Oh wait, you're grounded from that too." Tails stuck his tongue out at him and shuffled his feet in his brother's lap.
"You're such a pain."
"Yeah, I know," Sonic replied nonchalantly, grabbing his book from the coffee table.
"Whatever, Imma take a nap."Tails turned so that his muzzle was in the crook of the couch, blocking out the light from the living room. He felt Sonic gently push his feet down from where they had lifted to his chest.
He felt Sonic gently petting his tail as his mind drifted away into slumber.
Tails woke up to the sprinkling of the shower echoing from the bathroom in the hall. He turned; face pressed against the couch cushion with a groan, disappointed to find the lap his feet had been laying on to be gone, replaced by a warm spot.
He got up and crawled over to the other side of the couch, curling his body around the circle of warmth. Grumbling when he felt cold glass pressed against his side.
Getting up to glare at the perpetrator that interrupted his precious slumber, the familiar sight of Sonic’s deep blue phone greeting him.
The mischievous grin Sonic was always wary of crept over Tails’ muzzle. He turned the phone on, no lock screen, figures. Smiled at the Home Screen of him, Sonic, Amy, and Knuckles hanging out under a palm tree.
He tapped into messages and onto Knuckles’ contact. His eyes scroll through the previous messages, nothing but sending each other coordinates and the occasional message from Sonic checking in on him. Tails rolled his eyes, board then his grin widened when he tapped on the keyboard.
Sonic: Hi Knux
Sonic: I have a confession. I’ve always had a HUGE crush on you.
Sonic: wanna go out sometime?
Some dots appeared as Knuckles started typing, Tails was lucky enough to contact him during his downtime when he would be checking his phone.
Knux: wtf
Knux: have you been possessed?
Sonic: no just really wanna date you <3
Some more dots appeared and then disappeared. He deleted the evidence and blocked Knuckles so Sonic wouldn't figure out what’s happening until it’s too late. Tails chuckled to himself. That was sure to get Rogue knocking down their door later.
Next was Shadow. Tails couldn’t figure out what to text him so he opened up the gallery, expecting to find some sort of embarrassing photo to send him. He's sure the dark hedgehog would appreciate that, might even make him smile for once.
But when he looked through the photos, he found something completely different. A familiar yellow-orange kit with white-tipped tails filled the screen, eyes shut, a blanket draped over him, paws wrapped around the orange fox plush Amy had gotten him for Christmas. The one he only ever slept with when he was sure Sonic was away or in deep sleep to hide from the embarrassment.
Tails gasped at the betrayal. His own brother. Took an embarrassing photo of him while he was unconscious and helpless.
He rolled his eyes and swiped to the next one. This time Tails was scrawled over his desk, head in his arms and tails wrapped around him like a blanket.
Another swipe. This time Tails was in Sonic’s lap, curled up with his muzzle in his brother’s chest.
Another swipe. He’s in bed again with the blanket knocked onto the floor, he’s sleeping with his mouth just barely open, tongue out slightly. Blepping is what it’s called. Something he'd only seen pictures of cats on the internet do. It took all his willpower not to delete this particular photo.
Another swipe. He’s stretched on a checkered picnic blanket on the beach. A beige arm coming out from behind him, two fingers above his head making bunny ears, pink quills barely visible on the edge of the photo. Amy too? The betrayal! The audacity! The outrage!
Huh, Amy was right, he was picking up Sonic's dramatic flair.
He kept swiping right. Almost the entire gallery was just pictures of him sleeping, his fur got browner the further back he went. A few of him awake looking mildly annoyed which he vaguely remembered, more of him blepping, and even fewer of just the two of them or all of his friends together hanging out.
He scrolled until he couldn’t scroll anymore. The last/first picture is a dirty fur-matted kit sleeping in an oversized sleeping bag. It was four years old. God, you’d think Sonic would upgrade his phone after four years.
Just as he was about to set the phone down, the bathroom door slammed open. Sonic came out, shaking the water out of his fur, walking over to the living room whistling.
“At least the ked’s getting some actual rest right now. God knows he needs it the way he overworks himself.” He grumbled as he scrolled over to the couch, eyes widening at the very awake fox who had his phone in his paw.
“Is that my phone?”
He put his paw out, “Give it.” There was that authoritative voice again, commanding his poor little brother to his every whim.
Tails grumbled and handed it over, then crossed his arms. “Why is your gallery full of pictures of me sleeping?”
Sonic’s ears perked up alarmed, “Ummmm…”
“Why huh? Is this a blackmail scheme? Because I’ll let you know I have way worse things on you- “
“What? No! I take them because I think it’s cute." Then he got nervous, "Wait what do you have on me- "
“Kinda creepy Sonic.” Tails scolded, ignoring the previous question.
“Don’t tell me what’s creepy Mr. send our mutual friend flowers in my name.”
“Hey, I'm just saying," He teased, "I don’t take photos of you sleeping.”
“Well, that’s different.”
“How?” Oh, he was going to have fun listening to this explanation.
Sonic grumbled something under his breath that Tails barely caught, “What was that?” He turned his ear towards him.
“ ‘Cause you’re my ked.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re my ked, Tails.”
“I’m your brother, not your child.”
“Sure, but I’m also kind of your only parental figure.”
“Am not!”
“Tails, I literally grounded you a few hours ago.” Tails grumbled. Wait, a few hours? How long had he been asleep?
Then Sonic moved his paw to scratch that special spot underneath Tails’ ear making him reflexively move his foot to scratch himself.
“Hey!” He reached over to move Sonic’s paw, who just chuckled. “I’ve known you since you were four. I practically raised you.”
“Yeah, but you were eleven.”
“And if I’d been any older, I’d tell people I was your dad.”
The kit’s eyes softened, “You would?” Someone actually cared enough to want to be his parent? He guessed if that someone would be anyone, I’d be Sonic. Still, it was surprising.
Sonic wrapped his arm around his brother and lifted him up to his chest. “Sure would.” Then he blew raspberries into the kit’s forehead like he used to when the kid was even younger. Tails screeched, giggling, kicking at Sonic until he dropped him back on the couch.
The kit smoothed down his fur and then looked at Sonic, an idea forming in his head. “…Do you want me to help you put these on a cloud?”
“Sure, ked.” He ruffled Tails’ head, ignoring the look the kit gave him since he just fixed his fur.
Then Sonic squinted his eyes and tapped his foot as Tails realized he was thinking about something. “Wait a second…did you do anything else with my phone?”
“Noooo.” Tails said innocently, clutching his paws behind his back with his fingers crossed. His older brother sighed, giving up. “Guess I’ll find out later.”
“Mhhmm.” He looked away, ears folding back guilty as thought about how mad Knuckles and Rogue were going to be. How confused Sonic was going to be. His brother seemed to notice as he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
“I am so putting a Lock Screen on my phone.”
“We both know I’d hack that in less than a minute.”
“True, true.” Sonic laced down on the couch, dropping his back over Tails as the kit scrambled to get out from underneath him. “Hey!”
Tails huffed, “Can I have my Miles Electric now?”
“Fine. But no chatting, especially with Kit.” Tails rolled his eyes, Sonic never liked the fennec for some weird reason. Maybe because he'd tried to kill them? But then again, a lot of their friends have tried in the past.
“Deal.” He said, fully intending to anyway. Then the kit flew up to the high shelf where he knew Sonic had hidden everything he had taken away from his brother. He grabbed his device and sat himself back on the couch. Wedging himself between the cushions and Sonic, laying halfway on his brother’s chest. His heartbeat resting against his right ear.
He felt his brother wrap an arm around him before the room was full of loud sleeping noises. Tails could swear Sonic did it on purpose, only snoring at home just to annoy him.
He scrolled through his device and tapped onto Fall Guys, fully intending to play it until he drifted off to sleep as he had been doing lately when a thought popped into his head. He’d installed a camera on the Miles Electric months ago thinking he might need it on a mission, he never had but this was the perfect chance to put it to use.
He slowly sat up and pointed it at his sleeping older brother. Turning off the flash before snapping a photo. It was only fair after all.
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savannahsdeath · 11 months
shes basically taking care of you n all:3
mdni please<3
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warnings: anemia, a lil of smut
writers note: i swear its okay to read even if youre not anemic:3 i feel like shed do these thingss even to hers not anemic gf.. also this may seem odly specific because im anemic myself and idk this idea randomly came up to my mind so enjoyy !!
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🌿lets start with the fact that an anemic person tends to become tired and sluggish very easily so they (most of them) enjoy any kind of support
🌿ellie knows that your health is fragile so she tries to be as patient and gentle as possible in your interactions<3
🌿when youre not feeling well shes is usually pretty awkward and she has no idea how to help you😓(my poor awkward gf) BUT whenever she doesnt know what to say she just offers to help you out in small ways like preparing food or running errands
🌿if you both live together her GOAL is to keep your house well-lit and cool as too much heat or brightness makes it hard to focus/uncomfortable for people with anemia
🌿she always makes sure you drink and eat well so you have more energy and all
🌿she always gets mad when you refuse to go to sleep because she knows you need to.. even if youre making a cute excuse like
"but els, i want to stay up so i can spend time with you!"
and then she'll roll her eyes at you and say "we can do whatever you want tomorrow, you need to rest now!"
and would even forcefully make you if needed🙏
🌿if its modern!ellie(just ellie having access to a phone), she'll secretly google things about your illness and things like "how to help your anemic girl from passing out every time she misses breakfast" I JUST KNOW SHED DO THAT ISTGG
🌿she would hate to hear you being guilty. like when you say "im tired of you making all the little house jobs just because i mostly dont have the energy to.." she'll go crazy. not in a bad way, of course, but she wont drop the topic until she makes sure you understand she doesnt mind.
🌿she also definitely hates when you want to convince her into letting you help her.
"fuck, ellie, its not cancer, its anemia! i can at least help you" you say angrily. like, really angrily. because youre kind of right (but she doesnt care)
"we've talked about this, lay down and wait for me," she answers sternly. so sternly you feel shivers down your spine.
🌿but when you eventually talk with her (you manage not to start an argument but really, simply talk) she understands your point and promises she'll let you help her with some things
🌿one time you told her that anemic people are sensitive to the cold and its true but now she overuses it as an excuse to cuddle up with you. like she couldnt just say she wants to be near you. istg, this woman...
🌿she ALWAYS lookout for things that could potentially cause bleeding
🌿she loves when you blush. more than anything. mostly because anemia makes the blood blah blah idc basically anemic people dont really blush so when you actually do she would just stare at you with a wide smile. and when you ask her why is she looking at you like that she wont admit it just like that, shed say something like "you just look more colorful than usual"
🌿anemic people often have pale or translucent skin tone and that makes bruises really visible. and we all know ellie can be rough. so when she wakes up after a.. long night and she notices what she did, she feels so bad. like really bad. she apologies as soon as you wake up and of course you try to convince her it doesnt hurt, because it really doesnt and you, in fact, really enjoyed all of this, but she thinks youre just lying to make her feel better
🌿one time you woke up in the late evening after one of your naps. usually, ellie stays with you - awake, watching you sleep and drawing something in her sketchbook but this day you woke up to an empty bed:( you quickly stood up to look for her and after a few steps, your little anemic head started spinning from the sudden move. your vision got blurry and eventually completely black. you felt your knees getting weak but right before you could fall someone caught you. your lovely hero - ellie. you leaned on her as she held you from behind, what could look like a normal hug for someone who just saw you both like that, and you felt the bulge in her pants pressed against you. why the hell would she wear it now? you failed to stay quiet and you let out a soft moan. your girlfriend noticed that but she thought its caused by your health state
"shh, shhh... it's okay"
when your vision was back to normal, you turned around and kissed her as a simple way to thank her for being here with you. before you could think, you were grinding on her lap, getting ready to take her strap while she firmly held your hips, guiding them to move back and forth 🥰🥰
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littlehypnone · 1 month
idk if youve done anything like this but um
big rain losing trust in dew after an argument? so later when shes little, she doesnt have her main cg and she goes to find someone else and is sad?
and then maybe later, dew makes it up to her or something idk
im feeling kinda yucky and bad so idk but just an idea ?
i really liked this idea!!!
Rain and Dewdrop don’t argue often. Even when they do, it’s usually something borderline petty that would be resolved easily if one—or both—of them simply wouldn’t not be in a very communicative headspace. They always make up quickly, though, and their relationship is never damaged in the end. It’s always like that and everyone is used to it.
Sometimes, though, complications come up.
This time it was—technically—Dewdrop who was at fault, who started the argument. If only Rain wouldn’t have been as tired and achy as he was, if only he wouldn’t have added fuel to the fire with his words. But no, it didn’t go that smoothly, and so the fire ghoul had stormed off outside to take a very much needed breather, and Rain had returned to his room scoffing and snarling.
Hours later, Rain is overthinking the argument and feeling more and more guilty about the last couple of words that left his mouth before they went their separate ways. This and the pain that is pulsing through his legs that day is a simple recipe for the water to ghoul little, so little she ends up.
Her thoughts aren’t nice and she really, really needs Dewdrop, as usual in her current headspace, but all the mean things he said…she isn’t sure Dewdrop still likes her, and she isn’t sure she has enough trust for him while in her vulnerable state.
She sniffles sadly and fumbles with her phone to send Swiss a short message. A code they have set for when Rain goes little and needs him, but, for whatever reason, can’t get him any other way. Two emojis go flying and Rain cuddles around her shark plushie and waits.
Soon enough, Swiss appears in the door and immediately crawls into the water ghoulette’s bed and lays on his side next to her. “Hi, guppy.”
“Hi, Swissy,” she mumbles. She really likes Swiss and is always happy to spend time with him—big or little—but the argument with Dewdrop still hangs over her, and the fact that the fire ghoul is not there with her to calm down her bad thoughts hurts her. “Can I…can I get warm Swissy cuddles?”
“Of course you can, princess!” the multi ghoul smiles, intent or doing his best to cheer the little thing up, even though he knows he isn’t powerful enough to get rid of all the ickiness. Everyone knows Rain needs Dewdrop for that, but it's hard when he’s the cause.
Rain curls her lips upwards the tiniest bit, just to show Swiss she really appreciates him, before she curls up against his chest and nuzzles into his neck.
Swiss helps her fall asleep with a little spark of calming quintessence, and she naps for a while—all the bad thoughts kept at bay. When she wakes up again it’s to a quiet knocking at the door and she’s a lot smaller than before falling asleep. Her head is all fuzzy, but it’s okay. It’s warm and nice, thanks to Swiss.
The multi ghoul calls out for the person to come in, but he curls around the little ghoulette in his arms protectively. Fiery smell reaches Rain’s nose and she understands it’s Dewdrop who came in. She whines quietly and hides in Swiss’ chest.
“Dew, I don’t think it’s a good time,” the multi ghoul mutters, but there’s no anger in his voice. He knows it’s just how Dewdrop and Rain are, that they’ll be fine. “She’s really small and she just woke up from a nap.”
“Oh, I…Okay, I’ll go…I’m sorry,” he whispers, and even though Rain is so very sleepy and a bit scared of the fire ghoul at the moment, she doesn’t like the tone of his voice. She doesn’t like how small and sad it is.
“No,” Rain says quietly, barely loud enough for Dewdrop’s ears to catch it. “Don’ go, Dewy.”
“Are you sure, my little lady?” he asks and it sounds like he’s moved closer.
“What about me, princess?” Swiss pulls back to look down at her and tuck a strand of her hair behind a little ear. “Do you want me to stay or go?”
“Don’ gotta stay, Dewy’s fine.” She tells him. The multi ghoul nods in understanding and leans down to kiss her forehead before moving away. Rain immediately feels cold and Swiss notices, so he tucks a fluffy blanket right under her chin.
“If you’ll need me send me the code again, alright?”
“Mhm,” she hums in agreement and Swiss smiles softly and leaves. He clasps a hand over Dewdrop’s shoulder on his way and squeezes reassuringly.
The fire ghoul sighs heavily when the door closes. He takes a step forward, twisting his fingers. “Can I sit in the bed with you? I can offer some warm cuddles, if you’d like that.”
Rain nods and wiggles a hand out from under the covers to pat the mattress encouragingly. Dewdrop can’t help but smile; he really doesn’t deserve this sweet creature.
He gets onto the bed and under the blankets and waits for Rain to get into a cuddle position she feels comfortable with and she decides to curl up against his side, similarily to how she’s been with Swiss. Probably so she can be close and warm, but so that she can kept her face hidden in the blanket and Dewdrop’s chest. He throws an arm around her little form and she doesn’t tense up, so he holds her closely.
“I’d like to talk about our argument properly when you’re big again, my little lady,” the fire ghoul says—quietly and softly, no pressure to respond or even hear him in it, “but I want to apologize now, if that’s okay.”
“I’s okay.”
“Alright. Well, then, I apologize. I’m sorry I was being mean and said all those bad things. I was wrong and I shouldn’t have snapped at you, Rainy. I’m very sorry.”
“‘m sorry, too,” the water ghoulette mumbles and Dewdrop frowns.
“What for, my little lady?”
“Was mean, too,” she shrugs and looks up. Dewdrop could just about melt at her big, blue eyes. “D’yoo still like me?”
“Oh, baby,” the fire ghoul whines, hurt by the question alone. How badly he messed up if Rain has such doubts? He feels terrible. “You have nothing to be sorry for, I deserved being mean to, and I will never, ever stop liking you, my little lady. Please, never forget that.”
“Mmm…okay,” she whispers and it turns into a yawn. She definitely needs to continue that nap. “I still like you, too, Dewy.”
Dewdrop smiles so big both his face and his heart hurt. They’ll be fine.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
inspiration struck me. jacq from sv (love him am aghhhh) ur arcanine and his arcanine had egg. egg had twins. twins r shiny?! idk i just woke up from a nap and it hit me like that freaking shiny voltorb’s explosion. he’d be so happy if u found him a shiny tho u know it cmon. and just. himmmmmmmm ughhhhh. bestie help im. down bad lmao -galaxy
We get it bestie, you want him so bad /lh
"...oh! We got it, Jacq!!" Overjoyed that your carefully crafted "egg power" sandwich finally worked its magic, you gently took the spotted egg out of the picnic basket.
It felt somewhat heavier than previous ones you've hatched, but you didn't think much of it at first and eager showed your partner--the one and only Biology Professor Jacq. He agreed to come out today to study Pokémon habits alongside you.
"Wow..I only took my eyes off the basket for a second and it.....it just appeared??" He slightly gawked as he stared at it.
Once again, he was astonished at the phenomena that was Pokémon breeding.
Since Paldea lacked daycare centers, it took a while for trainers to learn that picnics were the substitute--which actually made things easier since it enabled their Pokémon to breed pretty much anywhere as long as the landscape was suitable.
But even in this region, nobody could explain where the eggs come from. No one has seen a single Pokémon lay them, even if they watched them very carefully and stayed up all night.
The egg would just....show up as though it appeared out of thin air.
It perplexed many professors and specialists for decades, even experts like Jacq. It'll forever be a mystery.
"What do you think it'll be, [y/n]?" He pondered.
"I'm willing to bet it's a Growlithe, since your Arcanine's been cozying up to mine lately." You chuckled, gesturing to the two fluffy fire types who were snuggling next to each other near a tree. "I'll go on a little walk to find out."
"I'll join you!" He insisted, grabbing his lab coat off the chair and putting it on. "Let's stay on the main roads. I'd hate to see the poor thing get attacked the moment it hatches."
"I concur." Nodding, you slipped the egg inside your bag, before seeing your Arcanines waking up and running over to you both. They must've wanted to accompany you--which was understandable given you had their egg. They didn't want it out of their sights.
And so the four of you began the long stroll, with him reading a pacemaker on his rotomphone to count the approximate steps necessary to hatch the egg. He was curious to see if it'll come out the same as other Growlithes..
Or maybe it'll be a Shiny.
He's heard of that phenomena too--where it's possible to hatch a Shiny Pokémon if its parent is paired with a Ditto. That was a popular method in the daycares of other regions.
But here? You'd rather not wait all day for a dozen eggs to appear.
The odds of that type of Pokémon hatching were still low regardless, so you're not pushing your luck.
After feeling like you've been walking for ages, you heard Jacq suddenly stop, and you looked back at him. He was observing the readings on his phone, eyebrows furrowed. "What's up? Is your Rotom being annoying?"
"Oh no, it's working as intended. It's just...we've already walked over a thousand steps. Why, we're nearly at two thousand!" He glanced up at you. "Did you feel the egg stir at all?"
"Hmm..no, oddly enough..." Being equally confused, you took it out of the bag to make sure it was alright. It felt warm to the touch, though for it not to crack yet was bizarre. "Maybe it's nervous to come out." You joked. "Let make it to two thousand and see what happens."
Nodding, Jacq caught up to you, still monitoring the steps you took before it finally happened-
The egg suddenly jolted in your hands, startling you as you quickly and carefully set it down on the ground. "It's time!" You backed up, standing beside him.
As its shell cracked, beams of light began pouring out from it, and both of you waited in anticipation.
Then it completely burst open to reveal...
Not one, but two Growlithes born from the exact same egg. And if that didn't surprise you, it was the realization that they're both Shinies as well.
Their yellow fur emitted starlike sparkles as they took their first breaths of air, taking a moment to sniff one another. Only then did they notice the two Arcanines who approached them, being just as surprised as their trainers.
With yips of excitement, the little Growlithes ran over to their parents, greeting them with loving nuzzles and licks.
Meanwhile, you and Jacq were standing there, still in total shock.
"I-I can't believe it.."
"D-Did...two just hatch from one egg?! In all my years of research I've never heard of this happening! This is incredible!" The biology professor laughed, before going over to examine the newborn Growlithes.
And he kneeled down, he took a look at their stripes, making another surprising discovery before beckoning you over to him. "[Y/n], come look..their stripes are the exact same pattern!"
"Really? Oh, wow.." You joined his side, smiling as one Growlithe jumped into your arms and licked your cheek. "Haha! This is great! What are the odds that our Arcanines would rear twin Shinies?"
"It has to be astronomically low, but not impossible." He chuckled, petting his Arcanine's snout. "Arceus itself must've blessed you with luck, because this is phenomenal!!"
"Yeah." Smiling, you stood up and ruffled the fur of your own Arcanine, happy to see them becoming official parents. "You ready to start your own little family, bud?"
"Arc, Arca!!"
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spookyscarydemonbabe · 9 months
Burn Baby, Burn…
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A/N- Can you tell i’m a little touch starved…
Summary- After a day at the beach, you have to ask the boys to do you a favor. A very personal favor…
Genre- Fluff? Hurt/Comfort maybe?? Idk 😂
Warnings- Descriptions of reader being in pain, reader has female anatomy
Tag List- @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian
(my tag list is always open, if you’d like to be added let me know!)
Word Count- 3.9k
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Everything before this morning had been absolutely perfect.
Jeff’s family had been kind enough to let you and the boys stay up at their summer place for the weekend, and boy, did you take advantage of it.
The beautiful view of the beach from the back balcony, the day spent in the sun as you ran back and forth in the water, the perfect naps taken after being exhausted from the beach. Unfortunately, you wished you spent a little more time under the beach umbrellas, or at least reapplied your sunscreen more often.
Sunburns were common in summertime, it was almost as if they couldn’t go without one another. If it was summer, you were getting burnt. You just didn’t expect it to be like this.
You woke up the next morning with your body aching, a warm tingle spread all across your skin, and though you wanted to toss the blanket away from your body you could feel your skin tighten and ache with every move.
It took nearly a minute and a half before you were able to sit up slightly and move the blanket away from your body, your eyes widening and a quiet whimper of shock left your lips.
Bright red.
The tops of your feet. your thighs, your hands and forearms, and you could only imagine how bad the damage was to your back and face, and everything else beneath your nightgown. Everything was hurting wether you moved or not and you did your best not to cry out for help from the boys. You didn’t want them to think you were in pain, but god only knows how much of a lie that was.
The more you looked at your crimson skin, the more it hurt.
You slowly and carefully tried to calm yourself, taking deep breaths as you turned to your side to check the clock on the nightstand.
9:38 am. The boys were probably just waking up.
A painful groan left your lips as you went to lay on your back, and it must’ve been louder than you thought because it only took a few moments before you could hear a gentle rapping at your door.
“(y/n)?” It was Grant, who must’ve been passing down the hall when he heard you, “You alright? Can i come in?”
You tried to speak but the pain on your cheeks was too much. You were able to muster a loud enough ‘Mm-hmm’ and Grant was unable to get even one word out before his eyes went wide seeing the state you were in,
“We’r- Oh, shit!” He opened your door all the way as he stepped in to check on you, seeing just how badly your burns were.
The look on his face could only be described as being in pure shock, a twinge of sadness in his eyes for not knowing how you could’ve ended up like this.
“What happened?!” He shouted out, alerting the other boys. You could hear their rapid footsteps approaching your room from down the hall.
You were able to whisper out a very quiet,
“I don’t know…” Before seeing the rest of the boys appearing at your bedroom door.
“Oh, god, (y/n)…” Jeff was the first one to enter behind Grant, and they all shared the same look on their face.
Shock. Worry. Sadness. They weren’t sure how to feel seeing the state you were in. They each had their own burns to sport, Grants shoulders and the top of his back were a light pink and Gareths nose and cheeks were a similar shade. Jeff had a bit of skin peeling at his shoulders, but Eddie had made the crucial mistake of putting sunblock all over, but of course completely forgetting the tops of his feet, which were a bright red close to yours.
“What the fuck happened to you?!” Eddie quickly came to your bedside, reaching his hand out and gently pressing his fingers to your arm to try and help you, but he was pulled back by Grant as a pained gasp left your lips. They all saw that just from the pads of Eddie’s fingers on your arm, your normal tone slowly converted back to its bright red state.
“Fuck…” Gareth leaned forward to look over your body before leaving your room, though no one was sure what for.
“How could she have possibly gotten like this?” Jeff asked Grant and Eddie, hoping that at least someone could piece together how you managed to end up in this state.
“I don’t know, i remember we all put on sunblock before we even left the house yesterday morning-“ Eddie started before being cut off by Grant.
“And i know she put it on at least once after we were at the beach, i helped get her shoulders…”
“(y/n), i know it hurts, but do you remember anything from yesterday that would’ve left you like this?”
You groaned again as you carefully contorted your face, just trying to see how much movement was allowed before you quietly spoke,
“I don’t know… i remember we put it on before we left yesterday, and me and Grant put it on again after the first time getting out of the water…”
Jeff carefully went to sit next to you at the edge of your mattress, pulling the blanket down below your feet to see the rest of the damage. He reached the tips of his fingers out, but quickly pulled his hand back. He wanted to help but he knew how painful it must be for you.
Gareth quickly came back into your room, a few bottles in his hands,
“Here, this was in the fridge,” He set a bright green bottle of aloe vera onto your nightstand, along with a cold glass of water with a straw for you to sip on, “and drink this as often as you can, you need to rehydrate.”
You gently nodded and did your best to reach over and grab the aloe off of your nightstand, but with each slow movement you could only feel the uncomfortable heat beneath your skin. You took a slow deep breath and tried to reach out again, only to give up after moving only a few inches, laying yourself back against the pillows.
“It’s alright, here.” Eddie stepped forward and grabbed the bottle off of your nightstand, placing it into your hand. He looked over to Gareth to see if he could remember anything from the day before, “Did you see if (y/n) put on any sunblock yesterday at the beach?”
“I don’t think so… Maybe once?” Gareth moved his attention back to you, “Did you put more on after that one time.”
Yesterday had been a blur. You remember bits and pieces of the day; bringing down your beach bags, coolers, and towels to lay out in the sand, having a few drinks and splashing around in the water, reluctantly packing your things up to bring back up to the house, and that was it.
“I guess not…”
They could hear the helplessness in your voice, quickly coming to your aid.
“It’s alright!” Jeff reassured you, “It’s not your fault, i know after all we did yesterday it probably just slipped your mind.”
“Is there anything we can do to help you?” Grant asked.
You glanced down at the bottle of aloe in your hand and even from gentle movements you were in almost complete pain. You knew exactly what they could do for you, and if it wasn’t for the redness already staining your cheeks they could see how much you were blushing at the thought of asking them to do this for you. They had all put sunblock onto your back at one time or another, and you had done the same for them, but this was different.
You sighed and slowly reached the bottle out in your hand to whoever would grab it before looking to them, hesitating a moment,
“…do you guys think you can put this on for me?” They could see the desperation in your eyes, and if you could move your body any further they knew you would get onto your hands and knees and beg for them to assist you. The pain was just too much.
They looked at one another, wanting to see who would be the first to offer, and though they all wanted to make sure you were in the last amount of pain possible given your current situation they knew that this was different than any other time you needed their help. They’ve seen you in bathing suits hundreds of times, but in your underwear? Never.
Not to mention the fact that they knew you didn’t have a bra on underneath your nightgown.
“Yes.” Jeff said, making the decision for them, “We will. Are you comfortable with that (y/n)? I know it’s all over, you really want us to get… everything?”
You nodded as best as you could,
“I don’t mind you guys seeing me in my underwear, but please make sure to be careful? I don’t want anything… slipping out…”
They understood exactly what you meant.
Each of them moved to a different side of you to stand at, Jeff had moved to kneel at your left side on the bed while Grant stood at your right, Eddie and Gareth moving to stand at the end of the bed.
Jeff and Grant looked at one another before looking down to you, each of them leaning down closer to you,
“We’re going to pull your nightgown up ok?” Jeff said as he and Grant each grabbed the hem of your nightgown, “Not all the way up, it’ll just be underneath…” He hesitated to finish his sentence, but you understood what he meant and nodded.
They both slowly moved the nightgown over your thighs, the cotton underwear you had been wearing were exposed to them before the nightgown snagged on your body,
“Do you think you can lift up just a bit? I don’t want to touch you, i just don’t want you to be in anymore pain…” Grant asked you.
You took a slow deep breath, doing your best to lift your butt and back off of the mattress for them to keep slowly moving the nightgown. With a shaky breath, you laid back down, Jeff and Grant had your nightgown bunched up just beneath your breasts to still give you a bit of your modesty.
Not a word was said, the silence in the room was enough for you to know how horrible they felt for you once they could see how bad the damage was to your body.
The tops of your feet, your calves, your thighs, your stomach and torso, your arms. They could only imagine how burnt the rest of you was. The state of your body was enough to bring you to tears, but you had to try your hardest to keep still. Any and every movement made your body ache, and the boys knew that too.
Grant gently took the bottle of aloe from your hand and squeezed some into his hand, passing it to Eddie who did the same, then Gareth, then Jeff. They each had a section of your body to cover, and they knew they had to be as gentle with you as possible.
“Don’t worry (y/n),” Eddie said at the end of the bed as he and the other boys rubbed the aloe over the palms of their hands, “we’ll be careful, ok?”
You looked down to him and nodded gently, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for whatever you would’ve felt next. You had no idea if it was going to be painful, or if the aloe would help soothe the pain. Either way, you just wanted it to end.
Grant was the first to reach out, his hand lightly touching your stomach and spreading the aloe over your skin. It was warm to the touch, and although the aloe did help to ease the pain and uncomfortable aching, it still hurt to feel his hands on you.
Eddie was next, reaching up and spreading the gel over your thigh, with Gareth following soon after on your calf and the top of your foot. Jeff was last, carefully taking your hand in his and gently lifting your arm as he applied it.
It was a strange feeling to have them all touching you at once, being gentle and treating you so delicately. They had been doing their best to not cross any boundaries, always moving slowly as each of them neared closer to your intimate areas.
Eddie and Gareth slowed their movements as their hands inched closer to the inside of your thighs, Grants touch softened as it lowered down to above the hem of your underwear, and you could feel Jeff wanting to pull back as his hand brushed over the side of your breasts as he moved to your upper arm.
They knew that this wasn’t something that was going to lead anywhere inappropriate, they were your friends and they wanted to help you in any way that they could. They’ve just never seen you in such a state before, needing them to touch you so gently and so delicately.
And although it felt strange to you too, it made you feel closer to them.
You’ve asked them to do favors for you before, spotting you when you didn’t have enough money for food after a show or helping you get ready for a date was one thing. This was different. They had always treated you with kindness and respect. Not letting their eyes wander when you were wearing tight or revealing clothing, helping you get home safe if you had a little too much to drink, they’ve even seen you at your worst and have helped to take care of you when you were sick. But for some reason this just felt… different.
They would do anything for you, and all the wanted was to see you at your best, and though it was strange to see their best friend in such a vulnerable state they wanted to help you by any means necessary. And sometimes that meant doing things that felt a little awkward.
The cool aloe slowly soothed the burns on your skin, and though it didn’t get rid of the pain entirely, you could at least start to carefully move your body.
“How are you feeling now?” Gareth asked as he carefully moved his hands away from your leg as he aloe dried.
“Better.” You said with a gentle smile, glancing around at the other boys, “Thank you…”
“Do you want us to do your back too?” Jeff asked you as he placed your arm gently back down to your side.
“Would you? Please?”
Jeff looked at the other guys and they all nodded.
“Of course we will, just as long as you’re ok with it?” Eddie said to you.
“I’m ok with it. I might need a little help flipping over though…”
“That’s ok!” Jeff said, “We’ll help you.”
You gave them a gentle smile and carefully moved onto your side, Grant and Jeff helping you turn onto your stomach as Eddie reached up to help your nightgown still keep you covered. You let out a few pained moans from the feeling of your burnt skin shifting over the sheets, the boys waiting patiently for you to get comfortable.
With one final pained whimper you were laid out on your stomach, Grant and Jeff adjusting your nightgown once again, lifting it up over your shoulders while still making sure to keep your breasts covered. Your backside had the worst of it.
They could see the stark white line at the bottom of your back, the bright red cutting off where your bathing suit had kept a very small part of you protected. They couldn’t imagine the kind of pain you were in.
It was less painful to be laid out on your stomach and you took a few small, shallow breaths as you felt Jeff’s hand reach up, slowly petting through your hair to comfort you as best as possible.
Grant grabbed the bottle of aloe and once again it made its way around the boys, Grant to get your back while Eddie and Gareth got the rest of your legs. Jeff stayed next to you, being as gentle as he could be as he did his best to detangle your hair to distract you from the pain and discomfort.
“Ready again, (y/n)?” Grant asked.
With one last deep breath you nodded and a quiet gasp left your lips as you felt the cool gel against your warm skin once more.
You closed your eyes as you felt the aloe cooling the burns, trying to focus on anything else other than the pain. Their gentle touch was definitely helping, not to mention how careful they were all being with your body, not wanting to make the situation any more uncomfortable than it already was.
As they neared closer to the worst of your sunburn, a quiet cry escaped your lips, Eddie quickly reassured you just as he and Gareth were almost finished with your legs,
“Shh, it’s alright, we’re almost done…”
With one final application of the aloe to your shoulders, Grant quickly moved your nightgown back down over your body, Eddie and Gareth pulling it back down over your thighs. Though your body was still aching, the cooling gel had soothed the burn. At least for the time being.
“How do you feel?” Gareth asked as he sat at the end of the bed.
“Still hurts…” You replied back with a sniffle, “But it feels a little better now…”
“Do you want to lay on your stomach for a while? Or do you need us to help flip you back over?” Jeff said as his hand kept moving slowly through your hair.
“Can you help flip me?” You asked them all, and without hesitation, they each came to your aid.
They let you do the bulk of the moving, not wanting to put too much pressure onto your skin, still warm to the touch. Jeff had moved himself from the bed, grabbing the blanket from your bed and slowly dragging it over your body as you lay your head onto the pillow.
“Oh! Wait, just one sec…” Gareth stopped Jeff and left the room, returning quickly with a bedsheet in his hands, “I put this in the freezer as soon as i saw you, it’s not freezing cold, just enough to cool you down a little.”
He unfolded the sheet as Jeff moved the blanket away, Gareth carefully laying it over your body. A slight smile came to your lips and the boys smiled with you.
“Thank you,” You said as you looked over to them, “i’m sorry… i know that was probably a little awkward…” You quietly giggled, the boys following after you, a bit of pink at their cheeks.
“It’s alright,” Eddie said, “you’re hurting, you needed it.” He leaned over and gently kissed the top of your head.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Grant carefully placed his hand onto hours, giving it a gentle squeeze, “you don’t have to apologize. We should be apologizing, we were with you all day yesterday and didn’t say anything.”
“It’s ok!” You held his hand back and looked to all of them, “You don’t have to apologize either, it’s no one’s fault.”
“Do you want us to stay with you today?” Gareth asked.
“No, you don’t have to stay. Go and have fun, don’t worry about me.”
“(y/n),” Jeff said to you, “we’re going to be worried about you, i can’t imagine how painful that burn is. We’ll stay back today.”
You nodded and looked down at your body, covered by the cold sheet. The state you were in, the pain, the fact that you had those four boys helping you. You felt like there wasn’t much of anything you could do. Those boys would have to help you with every little thing that day…
You didn’t even notice the few tears that fell from your eyes until Eddie reached forward and wiped them from your cheeks.
“What’s wrong? Is it too much? Do you want us to put more aloe on?” He asked you with worry in his voice.
“No,” You said with a smile, sniffling, “I just… I feel bad…”
“Why? You have nothing to feel bad about (y/n).” Gareth said.
“Because…” You sniffled again and looked back to them, “i ruined the trip…”
“No!” Eddie reassured you, his hand moving to pet your head, “You didn’t ruin the trip. You didn’t ruin anything.”
“(y/n), we don’t mind it. Really.” Jeff said to you.
“Besides, we’re still trying to recover from yesterday…” Grant said with a smile on his lips, “I think we all just need a day to relax.”
You and boys nodded in agreement. After all, you had spent the last day and a half drinking, smoking, down at the beach. As relaxing as it was, it got very exhausting very quickly.
“Do you think you can make it to the kitchen table for breakfast?” Gareth asked you, “I’m making my biscuits and gravy, i know how much you love it.”
“I do.” You said with a smile, “But i don’t know if i’ll be able to move much, at least for the time being. It was hard enough just rolling onto my back, i don’t know how long it’ll be until i can move on my own…”
“That’s alright!” Jeff said, “We’ll make breakfast and then have it in here, i can even roll the TV in, we don’t want you to have breakfast all by yourself.”
You smiled a bit bigger, though quickly lowering it when you felt the aching in your cheeks,
“Thank you…” You looked them over, admiring their smiling faces, “I don’t know what i’d do without you guys.”
“Probably not much…” Eddie said quietly to himself, Grant giving him a nudge to his arm.
“There’s that attitude i know well.” You said to Eddie.
“Come on,” Jeff was the first to step away from the bed to cook breakfast, “let’s go get everything ready-“
“Wait!” You cut him off, he quickly turned his attention back to you, “Cheek.” You said with a smile.
He smiled and quickly came to your bedside, leaning down towards you. You gave him a gentle kiss to the cheek and he made his way back out of your room as you looked to the other three boys,
“You guys get one too.”
They were all smiles each taking their turn getting a quick kiss on the cheek from you. Eddie was last, cocky as ever, leaning down and puckering his lips up before you.
He rolled his eyes with a smile and turned his cheek to you,
“It was worth a shot…”
He shrugged and stood up, grabbing your door handle to shut it closed after he left, but quickly turning back and grabbing the bottle of aloe that was still left on the nightstand,
“Almost forgot! I’ll put this back in the fridge and we’ll put some more on you after breakfast.”
“Thank you.” You gave each other a smile and he left into the kitchen with the rest of the boys to help finish up breakfast.
You sighed and carefully moved each part of your body to see how much mobility you had. You still couldn’t move very quickly, your arms and legs only being able to shift slightly under the sheet, but it was better than nothing. With the boys help you were sure you’d be feeling much better later. Or at least by tomorrow you’d be able to get up on your own.
What would you do without them?
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
idk if you've done this one already, but can you do number 36 from your prompt list for reader and florence? preferably sick reader pls!!
Afternoon In The Bathroom
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Reader
Summary: Florence returns from filming to a sick girlfriend. 
| Fluff | 0.8K | Mentions of throwing up & periods | 
Requests are closed.
Prompt: 36. first time being sick and getting cared for by their partner. From THIS list. 
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“Darling, I’m back” you heard Florence call from downstairs, too weak to call back you hope she’d find you. “Darling?” she called once more only to be replied with the faint sound of you chucking up in the bathroom. 
“Oh honey, look at you” she rushed to hold your hair for you, “hi” you smiled weakly, “I think I undercooked the chicken” you spoke before another urge to throw up took over your body. “It looks like it” Florence rubbed your back while still holding your hair, “how long have you been like this?” she asked. 
“Probably an hour, I had cramps and thought it was my period, so I wanted to bath but then I started throwing up” you explained, wiping your mouth on the hand towel beside you. Florence looked over her shoulder and saw the bath was half full, “you’ve been throwing up for an hour?” she asked again with concern, “no, it’s been off and on maybe like 6 times but every time I move to get off the floor, I feel sick again”.
“Alright, let’s get you into the shower and bed” she suggests, “oh Flo, hon, you don’t have to do that” you assured her. It was your first time being sick since being with her. “Don’t be silly baby” she tired your hair back before turning on the shower, “just sit down in the shower, I’ll get the bed set for you with a bucket and towel. Do you have ice? I’ll get you a cup of ice chips to suck on”. You nodded as she helped your exhausted and weak self undress, “thank you baby” you smiled softly when she led you to the shower. 
The warm water running over your body was already making you feel better, you had enough energy to give your hair a wash and scrub your body by the time Florence came back, “could you please pass me my toothbrush and paste?” you asked, she nodded with a smile. 
Once comfortable in bed with a bucket on the floor beside you and a bottle of water and cup of ice chips, your body was screaming for some decent rest. “Flossie” you looked at the blonde with puppy eyes, “will you lay with me? Please” you asked. “Of course, darling” she smiled, lucky she was already in sweats and a comfortable tee when she came over. She dipped in behind you and instantly but gently wrapped her arm around you, pulling you close to her. “How was filming” you asked once relaxed in her arms. “Long but fun, I can’t wait for you to see this new film” she replied, kissing your cheek before brushing your hair behind your ear. She could see your eyes struggling to stay awake, “get some rest baby, I’ll still be here when you awake up”. 
“Thank you, thank you for being here” you replied in a whisper as a much-needed slumber took over your body, soft snores filled the bedroom as Florence’s thumb gently stroked your stomach for a while. She only left the room when she was confident that you weren’t waking up anytime soon, walking into your kitchen as if it was her own and started making you dinner. She used whatever ingredients she could find that were sure to help you feel better when you woke up. Her phone played her favourite playlist on low as she moved around the kitchen, dancing a little when she wasn’t stirring the pot. She of course, helped herself to the bottle of wine in the fridge that she left behind a few days ago and when you woke the soft voice of her singing along made you smile. 
“Having fun?” you surprised her slightly as you entered the kitchen. “You’re awake, do you feel better?” she asked, walking over, and kissing your cheek once again. “After a nap, I do but my stomach still feels a bit meh” you sat down on the bar stool when she returned to the stove. “I made some soup” she grabbed a bowl and poured two large scoops into it before placing it in front of you, “try and eat some. I won’t be offended if you can’t finish it, its full goodness and it might help make your stomach feel better” she smiled once more. 
“You’re the best, honestly” 
“Anything for you, I’m sorry I wasn’t here to cook that chicken for you” she joked causing you to chuckle, “but you’re here now, saving me from an afternoon in the bathroom” 
Florence playfully shrugged, “it comes with being a part of a Marvel movie” she joked once more. “Oh, is that right?” you smirked, pulling her by the waist gently to you as you sat on the bar stool, “can I kiss you properly now?” you looked at her lips, “only if it doesn’t make you feel sick again” she winked before kissing your lips gently. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @sophie-xox | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | 
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pedrostylez · 1 year
The Gray: Chapter 6
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pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
rating: 18+ (no minors please)
chapter summary: After you and Joel have slept together for the first time, you do a bit of panicking while Joel tries to plan for the future.
word count: 2.3k
warnings etc: mean!Joel, super!Joel, SMUT!, pet names, violence, mentions of SA, and abuse. p in v sex, unprotected sex (please be safe), light cum play, NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: Please read the warnings and understand that each chapter will have its own separate set of warnings as well. Be mindful, and control your own reading experience. A bit shorter chapter, and slightly tamer smut but I wanted it to be a certain type of way to follow up their initial first encounter sexually. I've got the other chapters I want to be outlined as well, and possibly an informational page for like....light background? Idk maybe I won't do that part. Anyways, enjoy!
If there are additional tags I should be placing for filtering purposes please let me know!
Your thoughts are in red, Joel's thoughts will be in blue
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You watched as the barn burned down, standing silently with your toy figure in your hand, a bag full of clothes in the other. "We have to go now." You turned to the woman standing quietly off to the side, a sad smile on her face.
You had just lost your home and your family, but somehow you weren't all that sad. "Where will you take me?" You asked, stepping towards her.
She tried to smile bigger, but she wasn't convincing. "I will have to take you to the home for now, but hopefully someone will adopt you."
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The rain splattered on the windows, above your line of sight to where you could only see the dark sky. Flashes of light sparked, lighting the interior of the bedroom of Joel’s lair, where you currently laid flush against Joel’s front. Your head was propped up just enough to see over his mess of hair, his own eyes closed while he napped. The clock shone 3:00 AM.
After being with him on the floor in the main room, you had both transitioned to the bedroom, where he asked if it was alright to lay down with you. You had scoffed at him, noting that it was technically his bed and watched as he smiled sheepishly at you. “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He had mumbled, dressing in his boxers and helping you into one of his shirts before climbing in beside you and wrapping you up in his arms. 
After about 10 minutes he had fallen asleep, and you had drifted as well, warm and content with him next to you. Thunder had woken you up, now watching the rain in the hopes that you could fall asleep again, but weren’t surprised that your mind was racing. If you were up late at night, you were usually thinking.
It had been a couple months of going rogue from the Organization. Joel had specifically not let you look at media outlets, turned off the TV when you woke up in the morning, and not telling you how to work his system so that you could see for yourself, but you knew that you had to be plastered throughout the news. You worried that you might have to hide for the rest of your life like Joel, and while Joel seemed to handle it well, you weren’t convinced it was the life you wanted to lead. 
I escaped that hell hole for a reason and I don’t want to go back. The thought of having to return to the home you grew up in, no family in sight and villains and superheroes looking for you, without the resources you needed to maintain your powers–it was a lot more than you could handle right now. 
Your mind was leading you down a darker path, a spiral you weren’t prepared to have with Joel next to you when Joel stirred and pulled you closer to him without looking. It was like he sensed your panic.  
His eyes peeked open enough to see you awake, lifting his head to look at the clock himself. “It’s 3 in the morning, sugar.” He felt your heartbeat under his hand, erratic and concerned. 
You hummed, bringing your palm to the back of his neck and lightly scratching the base of his head. He pushed his forehead toward you, nuzzling into your neck. “The thunder woke me up.” You whispered, sighing lightly at the feeling of his breath on your chest. 
He didn’t respond, his calloused fingers running up and down your bare back underneath your shirt. It was one of his shirts he had in the dresser when you first started staying with him, but now it smelled like you instead of stored clothing. He pressed a kiss to your collar bone, tilting his head up to yours to examine your features. Your forehead was tense, eyes looking away from him when you had the chance, chin trembling with something he couldn’t pinpoint. He brought his lips to your chin, lightly kissing your face and shushing you. 
“I’ve got you.” He stated, not sure if it was the thunder or something else making you be awake at this hour. He knew you wouldn’t share, and while he wanted to know, he was content with letting you push it off if he was able to help you relax in other ways. How he was already insatiable after having you just once the night before was unknown to him, but he hoped you would feel the same way. 
His fingers under the shirt sent shivers up your spine, arching slightly into him as his nose brushed yours with a sigh. Joel’s eyes flicked up to yours, asking for permission silently before leaning in and kissing you. 
His body was buzzing, pulling you closer and letting his hand slide down to the round of your ass. He squeezed lightly, urging you to throw your leg over his hip and leaned on top of you. His lips released yours, smattering them over your cheek and neck to listen to your breath catch, feel your pulse speed up beneath his mouth. 
His hand went under your shirt again, ghosting his fingertips on the underside of your chest before swiping them over your nipple. You shuttered, looking up at him quickly. “Joel, please.”
“Take your shirt off.” He growled, leaning down to suck into your neck again before letting you pull it off. You struggled for a moment, laughing at yourself as Joel had to help you, smirking at you when it was finally off your body. The room brightened with the flash of lightening, the outline of Joel appearing on the far wall for an instant that made you jump. 
He laughed at your reaction, leaning down and wrapping his lips around one nipple lightly, his fingers squeezing the other. You swallowed, throat dry with anticipation as he flicked his eyes up to you. He pulled off of you, letting a rush of cold air between your bodies that made you shiver, pushing his boxers down and pulling his cock out. 
He gave himself a couple strokes before leaning back down to you and consuming your lips with his. His fingers skimmed down your thighs, bunching up the fabric of your underwear in his hands before shoving them down, letting your legs wiggle and struggle to take them off. He moaned into your mouth, facial hair tickling your chin and making you laugh as he positioned his hips to line up with yours after his hands had bunched up your underwear and tossed it across the room. His weeping head sat at your opening, pushing lightly but not enough to have you wrapped around him. 
Joel’s hands traveled to your hips, holding you down preemptively as you tried to grind up into him. You threw your head back, his lips dragging down your neck. “You’re teasing me.” You panted, closing your eyes to regain your composure.
He nodded, pushing forward a little again and back out. “I want to see you squirm.” He sucked lightly on your pulse point, feeling your heartbeat pick up as he pushed in more again.
When he decided he had enough, he slid himself in fully, his public bone pressing against your clit. He groaned, sliding his hand to your lower back to tilt your hips into the angle he wanted. He was slow, calculated movements, listening to your breath and feeling how you held on to him to understand what you liked. Let me worship you.
He pulled away again, his eyes having adjusted to the darkness and now he wanted to see himself disappear inside of you over and over again. He looked up at your face, teeth sunk into your bottom lip, eyebrows worried together and hands fisting the sheets below you. He gathered the spit he could in his mouth, keeping his rhythm as a slow drip from his mouth landed on your clit with a satisfying smack. You watch the string of it snap once it reached your center, cool from the long path down on your heated skin, made you hiss with the temperature change. “Joel, I’m close.”
He heard you, not changing his pace, not moving more than his hand to your outer thigh to squeeze. “Well, go on then pretty girl. Let me see you.” He growled, squeezing tighter around the muscle. 
You began to flutter around him, sucking him deeper into you as you let go. He watched your eyes glaze over, your hands searching for something more stable to hold on to. He groaned when your hands came up to his chest and raked down, leaving scratch marks in their place. 
He couldn’t help himself when he started to lose his tempo, sweat gathering at the back of his neck in an effort to hold out to watch you finish completely. But his body had a mind of it’s own, pulling out just enough to stroke himself and make a mess at your center. He covered you completely, watching you tense around nothing as you finished, his cum dripping down to your center. 
You moaned when you felt his fingers touch your clit, circling slowly to continue the after-orgasm tingles down your legs. He slid his fingers down to your opening, pushing what was on his fingers in and out a couple times before bringing his fingers up to your vision. Silently you accepted them, hearing his breath catch as you wrapped your lips around his index and middle finger to taste your orgasms together. “Fuck, that is filthy darlin’.” Joel growls, pulling his fingers from your mouth and attaching his lips to yours. 
You hum lightly, giggling as he pulls away to stand up. He mumble about getting a towel, leaving you to lay there fully satiated and tired again. When Joel returns with both a dry and wet towel, he finds you already drifting off to sleep, spread out on top of the blankets. He chuckles, bringing the wet towel down to your center to lightly rub away the mess he had made. 
You groan, sensitive still and reach down to the towel and stop his hand. He looks at you, eyes wide and soft with a small smile on his face. “You relax, I’ll get you tucked in.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss your check and finish wiping you down, now using the dry towel. 
He pulls your underwear up your legs, kissing your stomach when it is in place and picking your shirt up off the ground where it was forgotten moments ago. He has you sit up, placing the shirt over your head like a child and then pushing your hair out of your face before getting you to lay back down again. Joel climbs back in beside you, wrapping you up with your back to his chest this time and pulls you to be flush against him. 
You smile lazily, drifting off quickly and your worrying forgotten as you feel the solid thud of Joel’s heartbeat against your back. 
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Joel waited quietly, running his fingers soothingly up and down your leg. He listened for your breath to change, slowing down and becoming deeper the more he ran his fingers in circular patterns. You fell fully asleep, and Joel took silent steps out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him. 
He glanced at the screens, bright with surveillance as he picked up the remote to change one of the displays to a local news channel. He turned the volume to the lowest he could stand, sitting down on the couch with a groan. 
Your newest hero is still missing in action, according to Organizaton head, Marianne Adams. She has published a statement as follows: Please look high and low, but understand that she may be dangerously misinformed about who she is keeping as company. Urge her to return. 
It is important to note if you are not aware, that Joel Miller is considered dangerous and likely involved in this kidnapping–
Joel grunted, changing the station back to his surveillance. He rolled his eyes, of course Marianne was manipulating the media. He leaned forward to rest his head in his hands briefly before reaching under the couch to his journal. While most of his life was spent keeping track of everyone’s wearabouts and being connected to the computers, he kept his plans for revenge in a journal that was hidden enough that even you hadn’t gone looking for it. 
He opened it up to the last page he had written, pen marks and scratches covering half the sheet where the most recent information about AJ was written. 
Tuesday and Thursday trainings 2pm
Friday event in public-cameras
Saturday visits home
Marianne escort Sunday
Joel tapped his pen on his chin briefly before drawing out a map of the city-crude in the drawing itself but understandable enough that he could better visualize where he could attack AJ from. 
He was always able to figure out what he wanted to do if he drew a map, able to see the possibilities in his head while he figured out the best course of action. It allowed him to think about other things at the same time, and he was desperate to get his thoughts sorted. 
I’ll grab AJ on Friday night, and spook Marianne on Sunday.
Get them both on Sunday instead?
When they’re gone, we can all go home. No one is set up to replace them.
What do I want to do after this? 
The thought had him pausing his sketching, unsure that he had an answer. He was planning his revenge on AJ and Marianne, for ruining his life, random civilians’ lives, and your life, all while you slept soundly in the next room. 
When he was alone and you were only background noise to his plans, he knew what he wanted. Kill AJ, send a statement to the media, and disappear half way across the world. Now, he wasn’t sure he wanted to just disappear, after being with you. He couldn’t disappear without you, could he?
Joel shook his head of thoughts, shutting the journal back closed and shoved under the couch. He stood, slinking back into the bedroom where your head was under the covers, your hair spread across the pillows and toes stuck out of the bottom of the blanket. He sighed, shutting the door behind him so that the light didn’t leak into the room and crawled back in beside you. 
He looked over to your sleeping frame and watched as you turned over towards him and stretched out your arm in his direction. The corners of his mouth lifted, hand clasping gently around yours and he settled his head back into the pillows. He would figure out what he wanted to do after his revenge another time.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
Imagine if Angel had a break in school, like spring break or fall break or something like that, so she didn’t have to get up early. But h still had to work. So when morning time rolls around and he’s getting out of bed soooo early (really not that early but it feels like it to Angel cus they stayed up late 🥸) and Angel stirs awake cus she’s laying on his chest, and he’s trying to put her on her own pillow so he can get ready. And maybe she’s still in a pretty spacey headspace from the night before (cus it had really only been a couple hours at best, they were up late) and she’d tighten her grip sooooo hard on him and let out a whimper when he try’s to slip away. And he’s “I know baby. I know you’re sleepy” kissing her head “you can sleep still angel. Go back to sleep” and she’s soooo whiney, whinier then he has ever heard her and “noooo. Was comfy. Want you to stay. Please” and he’s “have to work baby” and this is the first time she’d open her eyes all morning and she’s sooooooo 🥺 and he’s “baby :( baby don’t do this to me. Hate making you sad. Please don’t be sad” and she’s “stay” and he’s “people need me Angel. Need me to tattoo them, they’re gonna be waiting” and she’s “but..I need you too” and he’s :((((((((( “you’re making this so hard love. Already hate leaving you. Please don’t do this baby, you know I wanna stay with you. I do” and she’s so upset :( she’d turn around and face the other way, away from him. And he’s “angel..baby please” until he hears her start sniffling and he’s immediately climbing back into bed and scooping her up and “no no no. None of that love. None of that please don’t cry. Not over me baby. Not ever” and she’s “but you’re being mean” and he’s “don’t mean to be baby. Just worried about all the people I made promises to. They’re waiting for me to tattoo them cus I told them I would. You understand right?“ and she’s “..yeah” Still sniffing a little and maybe this is when he kinda realizes she’s probably still in a weird and spacey head space from last night and he’d be :( cus normally she’d just sleep these feelings off and never even feel them but she woke up to his work alarm and him moving her to her own pillow :( so he’d feel even more like shit cus he’d blame him self thinking it’s his fault she’s feeling like this. And so he’d be like “how about this baby, how about I hold you until you fall back asleep yeah? Then after you wake up I’ll probably be half way done with work. And you can even come to the shop when you wake up. And we can have lunch.” And she’s “really?” And he’s “yeah baby, really” kissing her head. And she’s “..okay. Okay I can do that.” And he’s “yeah? Okay, you’re my good girl you know that? Perfect girl. Comere and get comfy” and she’d lay on him literally using his whole body as a mattress and just 🦥 all over him so so tight. And it wouldn’t take long for her to fall asleep all wrapped up in him, her face in his neck and he’s giving her head scratches with one hand and back scratches with the other. And she’d be out like a light, and he’d be so so careful in putting her down this time so she doesn’t wake up :((
Omg stop:( so they basically just had time to nap before h is waking up for the day and getting to work so it’s like….idk it’s just not out of her system yet like she didn’t even have any dreams that was how light her sleep was for those couple of hours so when h is waking her up and telling her he has to go like not only is she exhausted but she hasn’t slept off that like…drop that happens after they’ve done A Lot for the night🥺and the way he’s telling her that it’s okay go back to sleep baby and she’s just so sad:( bc he’s not supposed to leave her not like this:( but him explaining to her that he promised ppl he’d be in to tattoo them and you understand that right baby? Can’t break those promises it’s not right:( but it’s so hard for him to stick to that resolve when she gets so upset not like in the clearest headspace to understand what he’s telling her and everything :( like it hurts him so bad when she tells him not to be mean bc he never wants to be mean to her he loves her so much and he would love to stay home w her all day if he could🥺 but ofc he has a plan for her :( he’ll hold her till she falls asleep and that means he’ll have to rush through getting ready and probably just pull his hair back for the day w no eyeliner but he doesn’t care he’ll hold her as long as she needs and he’s already planning her coming by for lunch and he’ll get something delivered at the shop for them to share :( BUT HIM CALLING HER HIS PERFECT GIRL:(((((((((((((((( so special:(
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Read before: Hello this is my first story ever I usually just stick to just reading so idk how to navigate the writing but I woke up from a nap with this dream stuck in my head so I just have to right it for the people i cant be selfish and keep it to myself😭 That being said I only watch the anime so this probably might not act like how izana really is
So maybe more of ooc izana x reader (it is ment for fem reader but it can be read as gn! Also aged up to were izana and reader are living together
Warnings: none really its just fluff with sexual intentions or it could be cute depending how you look at it (nicknames used) soft moments
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Laying in bed with a book while hearing the rain drops hitting your window a blanket around your body feeling nice and warm with the love of your life is laying right next to you is a dream come true
As I was reading a page of my book about the characters having a tender moment just enjoying each other's company the main character wanted to try to see how her boyfriend react if she put her hand around his neck.
An evil thought popped in my mind making me grin as I closed their book"I wanna try that" I thought.
I set the book aside and slyly cuddled up next to izana. "My king?" I asked their fiance try bot to sound suspicious
"Yes my love" izana ask putting down his phone to look at them
I then took my chance not thinking of the consequences and lightly grabbed izanas jaw and tilted his head up to lay soft kisses along his jawline and finished by pecking his lips. A I layed back down next to him I had to take a quick look laughing at his shock face and seeing that izana had a light blush across his cheeks
I giggled while saying "oh nothing I just wanted to let you know I love you" izana quickly snapped out of it and pinned them to the bed.
"You think your so cute dont you" he said while looking down at them with a smirk
"I think I am quite adorable dont you think" (y/n) replied while smiling
Izana laughs at that, "yes you are my queen/king you are so beautiful" before they can reply he kissed them.
Izana looked at the blush across (y/n) cheeks and chuckled. Izana took the back of his hand and ran it down the side of her face when he got to their he then curled his finger and put it on the edge of their lips "you are my heart, the person who lights the stars in my sky" he said while looking down at her with half lidded eyes with soft swirls of lust growing in his eyes.
(Y/n) looks up at him shocked with tears prickling in their eyes. They don't know how to respond to that so they softly kiss his finger that are near their lips. They put their hand on his cheek and see him lean in towards their hands while closing his eyes
"I love you so much my king" izana smiles at that and leans down to their face kissing them gently. He works his way down to their neck and running his fingers down their body. I decided to close my eyes and just enjoy the feeling of pleasure of izanas touch around their body.
Izana slowly lifts off their shirt to kiss the vally of their chest "you were made for me, your mind, this body is mine as mine is yours" izana says in a low tone. I growns while running my fingers through his hair encouraging him to go on. "Please izana I need you I cant wait anymore" (y/n) beg with want and infatuation clouds their eyes. Izana looks at them and laughs "anything you wish for my love".
Izana made sure to show her how much they ment to him that night.
A/n: heyyyy sorry if this is cringy I didn't mean it to be like I said it's my first ever post if maybe you guys wanna give me tip or if you wanna give me ideas to write I can try my best.
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Ok SO I just woke up from a nap and let me tell y'all a little bit about the "dream" I had:
It all started with me on a normal day, casually laying in my bed after school and suddenly I get a notification that's said:
"You won't believe this‼️ Stranger things S5 is already out for you to enjoy"
And I was like "What??? Already??" And so I opened the notification and watched the season and it was terrible because at first we got a LOT of byler content, happy will, happy everyone and I was like "oh, cool but, I already knew this would happen" BUT the problem is that byler being endgame wasn't the big "plot twist" it was this scene that was like:
Will and Mike were on the woods sitting on a dead tree and idk what they were talking about but they suddenly faced eachother and you could literally feel the tension between them and then Mike grabs will's face and he closes his eyes and then he randomly starts laughing
Mike: [Insert the meanest laught you've ever heard] Oh, please, did you really think I had a crush on you, William?
And suddenly everything starts getting darker and falling out and we see vecna standing there and he then says:
001: It's time to go William.
And THEN we see small will crying terrified and then they focus the camera inside of castle Byers and there we could see Will's dead body but not older version of him but TWELVE-YEAR-OLD WILL BYERS, AND THEN THEY REVEALED THAT HE FROZE TO DEATH AND THE REST OF THE SEASON ARE ALL SOMETHING 001 MADE HIM SEE BECAUSE HE FELT PITY.
And then I woke up 🥰🥰
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sentimental-apathy · 1 year
Just woke up from a 2 hour demonic nap in which I dreamt I was on some kind of public transportation and a huge man was attacking me and then another joined him. I managed to escape and was walking away down a sidewalk crying when one of the men started chasing me and knocked me down to the ground, got on top of me and started choking me. And then some unseen force defended me and got him off me and I ran and hid behind a big truck. Idk what happened but. At some point I ended up in an apartment with Dean Winchester??? And I saw a calendar that said March 2005 on it and was like wtf. I told him I think I'm from a different dimension and time and told him about my world where he was a character on my favorite TV show Supernatural.... but I was trying not to give details so I didn't fuck up his future or timeline but I warned him about COVID in 2020.... And then I don't remember what happened or where he went but I was alone in an empty apartment but there were 3 different versions of me and I kept switching my consciousness into each one. At one point I was looking in a mirror and I looked like a young Tilda Swinton/Kate Blanchett mix with bright blue eyes and I was like wtf??? And then I switched consciousness into a young me laying on the floor and she was sick I think??? And retching.... And then I switched into another looking into the mirror and I had jet black eyes like a demon and kept smiling nefariously. At one point in the Tilda/Kate body with bright blue eyes I opened the front door to the apartment and Castiel was standing there, frozen, like literally just frozen as if he wasn't conscious or aware like he was an empty vessel just standing there.... It was so fuckin weird. And when I woke up I felt like my brain was trying to drag me back into unconsciousness. I don't know why I even felt like sleeping at all, I drank a big red bull like right before napping wtf.
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lucysweatslove · 2 years
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09.02.2022 //
This morning started out slow for me. I didn’t have to work, but I still woke up at normal work time despite only getting 6:40 of actual sleep. I waffled on what to eat for breakfast because I had kind of planned to make scrambled eggs but really didn’t feel like eggs. I finally decided on what I call French proast, which is essentially French toast but soaked in protein powder and milk instead of eggs. Currently I’m using Fruity Cereal Mill Ghost protein and it makes the best most fruity French proast. I’ve been aiming to have more fat in my diet for general hormonal health, so breakfast’s fat contribution came in the form of chopped walnuts. I also decided on 3 instead of 2 pieces because…? Idk, I was feeling really lethargic and fatigued and figured I needed the carbs.
After breakfast, I was still feeling sluggish, and Oreo was at daycare, so I just went to lay in bed myself. I’m not advocating for everybody to be lazy and sedentary all of the time, but I’m also never going to advocate for the full “rise and grind” hustle culture. My body said it needed rest. I listened.
Husband came in around noon maybe and informed me he invited a couple of his friends to this Halloween event at the museum. I became royally annoyed. Part of this is because we had already invited two friends and regardless of if they come or not, I don’t want even the potential for a group larger than 4. I get overwhelmed in those situations. Another part is that I don’t actually enjoy those two friends that much. Husband has never asked me what I think of them, but I tend to avoid doing too much with them because I end up more drained and just emotionally feeling like shit around them. A third part to my annoyance is that this wasn’t discussed with me. I originally suggested we go to the event just us two. When we invited the first couple, that was fine- I enjoy spending time with them and can handle 4. But honestly, I still wasn’t THRILLED. This time, it felt like Husband was just completely ignoring what I wanted. That’s a topic for another day. I did tell him that I was not happy with this decision and wish he would’ve talked to me first, but he didn’t want to engage in that conversation and just left.
Anyway I decided I was really not handling that well and probably needed to sleep more, so I took a nap. After my nap, Husband was gone to meet with a notary and pick up Oreo. He picked up subs from Jersey Mikes on the way home too which was delicious. I always forget to ask for no oregano though. I don’t dislike oregano but I don’t like it on a turkey and provolone sub.
I was still feeling pretty sleepy and meh and figured since a) sleep helped but didn’t solve it entirely, b) food was delicious but didn’t really resolve the “meh” feeling, and c) I was definitely drinking enough fluids, the other physical thing to try was exercise. So I got my workout clothes on, turned on What We Do in the Shadows, and did ~30 min of spinning (I think 7.2 miles) through one episode and then my lower body (with some core work) workout through one more episode. I finally finished season 3, and I did actually feel a little better afterwards!
After my workout I wasn’t super hungry since I had a large lunch, but it was a little bit late and I knew I would be hungry later on. I made a nice mixed greens salad with cucumber and celery. I knew I wanted to put my baked tofu on it, so I was debating about dressings as I don’t like oily salads but the dressings we have currently don’t really “go” well with my tofu marinade. So I decided on just vinegar but I did add an avocado for the fats.
Honestly I’m back to feeling pretty meh right now. I could take another bath, but I don’t want to use my bath bombs up too quickly. Maybe bath salts? Or maybe just binge watch season 4 because Colin Robinson.
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