#i've seen 0 flies
recklesshorizons · 7 months
i'm pretty happy with my fly-over so far :D ignore the random hole in the ground
i just need to figure what what to put on the awkward strip of land between the cliff and the river and also on the beach at the top (ideas are appreciated)
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squishosaur · 11 months
i hear youre a treyjade enjoyer, do you have any headcanons with them or how they got together? :0
yeah ummm.... a few :lookingaway:
♡ - i'd like to think that jade has always looked up to and respected trey, but when he realized "oh, this guy is not as normal as he says he is" he is just infatuated and needs to study him. like a freak.
☆ - i think trey is someone who sees the best in people. like, he could be seeing the scary parts of jade, he just finds him silly and interesting though. riddle is distressed like, "you DO NOT want that guy." but trey is like "i could fix him" when jade is Actively trying to make him worse.
♡ - jade definitely fell first, but that doesn't mean trey didn't Also fall fast. trey was sort of interested in him, and jade instantly picked up on this and started toying with him. anything from offhanded comments about how nice he looks or how polite he is to just straight up "i heard you were interested in dentistry. can you look at my teeth" and then he does Not wait for an answer. trey is conflicted about this!!! floyd and azul are so disturbed at jade just opening his mouth like that in public.
☆ - trey has a horrible sense of humor. jade also has a horrible sense of humor and will laugh at any of his godawful jokes or puns. (have you seen the shrimp flied rice comic)
♡ - as for how they got together, trey would probably confide in cater about his crush (and he is Absolutely eating this up btw it's so funny to him) and he's like "oh dw trey-kun, i'll be your wingman kk??" and trey is like "oh my god no.." but it's too late.
☆ - with cater on the case, he is like. coaching him on what to say and what to do. "sit with him at lunch, compliment him, get to know him better, walk him back to his dorm, Ask Him Out OMG WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG..." and trey somehow fails at all of these things but this is amusing to jade. "your eyes are like... um. leucoprinus birnbaumii and. tilled soil?" "aw, are you flirting with me?"
♡ - azul also gets wind of this information also and is like "i can tell you any amount of information on jade's interests right now if you become the dessert chef for the mostro lounge exclusively- sign here." trey said no, but azul is still pushing. so now trey has like the shoulder angel and devil thing going on with azul and cater... but they're both devils.
♡ - in the meantime, they're Not Dating, but jade keeps asking trey to spend time with him. "i was just about to check on the mushrooms i've been growing, would you like to accompany me?" "if you aren't busy this weekend, i was wondering if you could join me on my next hike. it's just so lonely on the mountains by myself... camping would be so much more fun with friends..." trey says yes because his internal monologue is like "how could i possibly say no..." (riddle is shaking his head defeatedly, like, "just come back alive").
☆ - trey is about to just Give Up at the end of his third year, since they won't be on the same campus or anything anymore, but suddenly jade is like "can we exchange contact information, i think i'll miss you the most.." and so they do that. And are Not Dating Still.
♡ - during his off-campus year, trey studies dentistry and also spends a lot of time messaging jade and when they're both free they arrange meet-ups. cater is still trying to wingman over the phone and trey is like "no, we're still just talking..." and At The Same Time floyd keeps asking jade when he's gonna break up with that guy and jade is like "oh, but we haven't even started dating yet."
☆ - after trey is done with his studies at NRC, he decides to spend a year back at home with his family. as luck would have it, jade is spending his 4th year in the queendom of roses to study mycology (and a little bit of anthropology also, but mostly the mushrooms, molds, and yeast interests him). and he reasons "what better place to study yeast than a bakery!" trey feels absolutely insane when he asks his parents to let jade stay with them for a year. but they say yes because they as just so nice ("as long as he helps in the bakery" was also a condition).
♡ - they were not expecting a merman though and are quite shocked by the very tall eel with razors for teeth politely introducing himself one day. trey's siblings like him though! they ask him all about the ocean and his studies and nrc and even just about what trey was like at school (trey keeps shutting this specific topic down). jade helps with cooking and cleaning around the house and mr. and mrs. clover both appreciate him for it.
☆ - at some point, the two stay up really late together (they're both studying) and trey just finally blurts out that he likes him. jade just goes "i know." with a smile and asks him out. trey is shocked because he had waited Forever to ask it but its too late now. he laughs it off and says yes. they kiss (followed by jade quipping that it was not customary to kiss on the first date, to which trey responds that is was Hardly their first date and jade goes "touché")
♡ - you would think i would end this here because you asked about how they got together but i can't because i havs not gotten to the part where trey 1) actually comes out to his parents and 2) tells them that he's going out with jade
☆ - but anyways, yes, he comes out to his parents and they accept him for who he is. his mom also mentions that she assumed that he and jade were Already dating and he just wasn't ready to tell them yet. trey vehemently denies this and jade is just laughing. trey also texts cater and cater replies saying "tell jade i said i'm so happy for him and his ugly fking bf i'm serious /ref <3333" he also tells riddle who Actually says something positive. jade tells floyd and azul, who reply "can you divorce him yet" and "congrats! is he willing to work for me now" respectively (they really all are happy for them btw)
♡ - they do go on dates mostly outside on walks or hikes when they have time to spare. trey talks about the history of the area and jade identifies different organisms and infodumps about them as trey listens intently. if they see the same thing again, jade will say its name and trey will recall something jade said about it before, which makes jade happy.
☆ - neither is big on pda (unless they get jealous, which is infrequent), but they will hold hands when they're alone. they both tend to go more with acts of service and just quality time with one another, so generally they will do things like cook for the other or engage in activities that the other likes.
♡ - they do visit the coral sea, but it's more of an annual trip. usually, if jade wants to see azul or floyd, it's on land because azul's franchise is on land.
☆ - unfortunately i could continue for forever but i will not yw <333
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thechaoticreader · 3 months
Popular Books I Read and HATED
*Disclaimer: If you like any of these books, slay! I'm happy for you! These are just my own consumer choices, and imo negative book reviews are just as helpful as positive ones!*
This list is not long because I don't actively dislike many books that I read, and I have a very good sense of what I will and will not like, but there are some I had to read/were misled into reading so here we go:
1. Tender Is The Flesh
by Agustina Bazterrica
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My rant review is above if you want more details but recently I've seen a few videos that articulate my feelings in a way that I couldn't before so im going to add a few reasons here that were not included in the original post:
It gave very Qanon and general antisemitic vibes: i.e blatant conspiracy made up by the "wealthy liberal elites" to encourage cannibalism for their own enjoyment (I know she's Argentinian however that doesn't mean im not allowed to get the ick from it)
Purposefully inaccurate depictions of meat industry and disrespect for farmers (context: im a vegetarian from farm country with a roommate who works in the cattle industry - Angus beef if you're curious - so im very familiar with the process and cannot say in good conscious that it is all bad -> just support local farmers <3)
world building makes little sense
the "disease" doesn't make sense (even if its made up who would believe it)
No themes were treated with the depth nor nuance they require (capitalism, feminism, veganism etc.)
I think thats all I haven't covered but this is the only book I have ever read where my hatred of it continues to grow with each day. I went out of my way and deleted it from my reader and get annoyed every time I see it. And for the record (because yes i'm salty) I didn't hate it because it was too disturbing, in fact I've read and loved worse and ive been an avid horror reader since I was (admittedly too) young. I hate it because there wasn't a well done story underneath the gore. I'll say it loudly for the people in the back GORY HORROR BOOKS STILL DESERVE A GOOD/INTERESTING STORY, especially if you want to try to put complex themes in it. If you cannot write a deep story but you're good at and enjoy gore, write yourself a lil 100 page splatter punk and we can all have a good time <3
Unlike with Tender Is The Flesh I don't have a ton of thought out critical reasons for the rest of these soooooo I'm going to give my highly subjective reasons -> I totally understand why some like them <3
2. The Handmaids Tale
by Margaret Atwood
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hated the writing style
It didn't keep my attention
disliked the ending so much I actually threw it across the room <3
3. The Hobbit
by J.R.R Tolkien
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hated the writing style
male centered fantasy is not my vibe
my ADHD cannot handle long incredibly descriptive sections in books -> I physically fell asleep multiple times while reading this book
honestly even with the movie I fall asleep every time
0/10 book I want to read
10/10 bedtime story
4. Lord of The Flies
by William Golding
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hated the writing style
hated most of the characters (and not in a slay anti-hero way)
was forced to read it in high school and it single handedly sent me into a 4 year reading slump... I missed so many good books because of this and will forever hold a grudge
5. Romeo & Juliet
By William Shakespeare
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I'm too jaded and gay to enjoy this -> every single character is so painfully stupid
tbh im just bitter that his (imo) better plays get less love than this one, its way over hyped
but I will give it points for boring me so much that I wrote my first fanfic (Romeo x Mercutio if you're curious ... no its not posted anywhere and it never will be <3)
sidenote -> Shakespeare plays I love incl:
Hamlet (duh im a depressed emo gay on Tumblr)
Macbeth (also duh, witches and female manipulator... need I say more)
Othello (a slow burn for the true crime girlies)
Measure for Measure (absolutely underrated, please please please look into this play -> I saw a production of it and it was incredible)
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hirocimacruiser · 2 years
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Direct coverage of the Moroccan test for the Paris-Dakar 2nd consecutive victory
Pajero EVO T2 good start!
Last year's winner, Kenjiro Shinozuka, J.P. Fontenay, and B. Saby of Mitsubishi Works, are driving the new Pajero Evo T2 at full throttle.
Report & Photo/ Yoshikazu Nakajima (Hochi Shimbun editorial board member)
Effects of Regulation Changes and Countermeasures.
From the helicopter chasing the Pajero Evolution T2 speeding through the Sahara Desert, I could see a long stream of white smoke on the horizon. It started running about 10 minutes ago and is an Evo T2. The desert turns red, reddish brown, white, gray and even black depending on the angle of the light. The surroundings of the Evo T2, which receives the afternoon sun as front light, are gray when viewed from behind). Like a rocket trailing a trail of smoke, the car itself was invisible, but the trail of white dust was long and growing.
Make T2 closer to a commercial vehicle. After Mitsubishi Pajero's Kenjiro Shinozuka won the 1997 race, TS 0 (Thierry Sabine Organization), which hosts the Paris-Dakar, changed the regulations for the 1998 race. A restrictor with a diameter of 32mm is installed at the engine intake. Chassis is commercially available and no modifications are allowed. GPS is limited to those provided by the organizer.
This is the main change from 1996 to 1999....
These three points are the major
tormenting cox.
The engine is in Okazaki's research department
Generates 340 horsepower at 8000 rpm
A powerful thing to do aboard. Of course, there was no restriction on the air intake. There are 32mm restrictors. According to TSO's trial calculation, "260 horsepower will be the limit." last year pajero T2 has 270 horsepower. The Pajero Evolution released on September 22 has 280 horsepower, and it is said that it will be an unthinkable situation in which a works car that runs in the desert has less power than a commercial model. "We've tried a lot of things, and if the commercial model is actually 50, the Evo T2 is 100.
However, I don't understand why the horsepower alone doesn't seem to be much...but the engineer says it will be the same or even more in actual racing," said Shinozuka with a wry smile. The engineer vaguely asked, "Is it the exhaust system?"
Then, if you change to 2 intake ports at once, it will be difficult to deal with it. Being limited to a commercial chassis is also tough on the Evo T2. The entire body of the Pajero in the Dakar Rally was constructed with a tube frame, so it was like putting a Pajero body over an F1 machine or buggy.
Two consecutive wins 99.99% sure!
High rigidity and good serviceability. However, it became impossible to ``use the commercially available chassis itself'', assemble the front frame part with pipes, give freedom to design the suspension, or replace the entire front. There is a danger that the front lower arm will crash into the road surface when jumping hard and landing.
“We put on a strong underguard, but that alone adds about 15kg,” said the engineer. But the Evo T2 sprinting through the desert doesn't seem to have that problem. Quickly jump over a ditch that drops sharply. Even if it is pushed up by a bump, the rear does not jump up much, and it feels like it flies horizontally.
The movement of the suspension seen from the helicopter is as smooth as a well-trained gymnast doing push-ups.
“We are also testing the tires, so I can't say that everything is OK, but when I put the tires on last time, they were in the best shape.
Both the front and rear are double wishbones, and the same Donelli shocks used last time. Although it is unknown, it supplies to a few influential works, and Paris
・It is secretly known to those who are familiar with the field that it is favored by the superstar and veteran cell of the Dakar motorcycle division.
“I've been using it since last time, and it works well. It works stably,” says Shinozuka. Two Dunbars in the test in California in July.
However, in Morocco, two dampers with coils and one bare damper without coils like a F1 car are added. The rear has three dampers (the front has two). "We haven't decided what to do with the tires yet," said Shinozuka, but Michelin sent two engineers and one mechanic to the Morocco test. We brought in two types of newly developed tires. The diameter is 25 mm larger than the previous one. Width is also wide. Side by side, it looks like something you could put on a different car.
“I want to gain as much road clearance as possible, so the bigger the better. We don't have time to start all over again with the suspension," Shinozuka suggested, suggesting that the tires from the previous race would likely be used.
The Sahara rally has also presented navigators with a difficult task in terms of navigation. GPS must be provided by TSO. 6 years ago increase
Ever since the use of GPS was permitted in 1945, ``Saharan Adventure'' has continued to lose its adventurous color. As I got used to using GPS and its performance improved, I became able to type detailed routes on the large GPS LCD screen. Follow the instructions that appear on the LCD screen by correctly inputting points into the GPS from the aerial map, frame map, and ground map.
It was becoming a navigation that was like a "TV game".
The GPS screen supplied by TSO is 4 inches high by 6 inches wide. I know the direction, but it's a fine point.. "I want magnifying glasses that make me look bigger when I put them on. I can't read the fine points in a swaying car on this screen. I'm going to have to rely on frame charts. There may be some fun in rolling, but it's hard here."
Pajero Evo T2, challenging new fields
The Paris-Dakar will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year. It's been a long time since I started Paris. On January 1, 1998, I started running from the front of the Palace of Versailles.
“Once you win, you feel better mentally.
I think that the degree of
hey....... This time, in addition to Schlesser's buggy, an American pilot
Rotork (V8, 5.8ℓ)
and diesels without restrictors. Pro trucks are ridden by American veterans such as Pescaro Kuchi, who was active in Citroën's Lartigle Mans. The Pajero Evolution T2 looks like it will be a tough battle,” Shinozuka observes.
The Evo T2's engine is said to have around 260 horsepower at the Morocco test stage, but in the main race it will be on par with or even higher than a commercial model.
Young engineers are enthusiastic when they show their strength. Drivers love the fact that the torque is almost flat from around 3500 to 6500 rpm.
Fontenay, who competed with Shinozuka for the top spot last time, said, "I didn't think it would be this easy to ride, even though it has a restrictor. I think it will be a good car if we improve it further before the rally."
The Pajero Evo T2", which sprints through the Sahara toward the memorable 20th Paris-Dakar, may open up a new world of off-road vehicles.
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the runaway express from soul eater?
Yes you can, holy shit, this is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in anime
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[ID: a screencap from the anime "Soul Eater". The Runway Express, a steam train powered by demon magic, flies through the sky at an angle, revealing the underside of the locomotive and cars. The locomotive is a black 4-6-0 with gold buffers, and a red headlamp above its smokebox door. Fire pours from its funnel. Behind it, the sky is clear, and below, a desert can be seen.]
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thesmilingfish · 4 months
I was thinking about some of the gifs that I reblogged and how for a period of my life I saw a lot more movies in the theater than I do now. I thought maybe it was just my imagination so I decided to check myself and randomly chose 1990 as a starting point, then did checked the Wikipedia list for movie releases and then did every ten years to see the results.
1980 - 4
1990 - 45
2000 - 11
2010 - 3
2020 - 0
My memory, of course, could be faulty so I tried to err on the side of caution. It's not like I even saw all of the biggest movies that came out in 1990 or that those movies are better than movies now. Maybe it was because of my age and the group of friends I had at the time. Maybe it was because I lived in a place that had a lot of movie theaters, including an independent 'art' house so I had more options. It could have been the cost of going to the movies was more affordable at the time. (I went pretty much every Friday night to the movies and out to dinner with friends afterwards.)
Weirdly, looking at the list of 1990 movies some of them I never watched again, even though I enjoyed myself at the time. A lot of them I have no idea why I even went to see them in first place, but it was probably because it was what was playing and we wanted to go to the movies so we found something we could all agree on. I do know the only reason I saw Ghost was because my boss made me. We went to the movies together sometimes but he complained that I was a film snob and didn't watch hit movies as a result. Around two minutes into the movie I slipped him a piece of paper naming the murderer and later I almost got attacked by a couple of women for laughing inappropriately. The credits sequence, I believe done by Mike Jittlov, is still my favorite part of the movie even though I've never watch it again.
Below the cut, are the list of movies. Just because.
1980 The Nude Bomb The Empire Strikes Back My Bodyguard Phantasm (!!! way too young to have seen this)
1990 Flashback The Hunt for Red October The Handmaid’s Tale Lord of the Flies Nuns on the Run Cry-Baby I Love You To Death Miami Blues Bird on a Wire Back to the Future Part III Total Recall Dick Tracy Gremlins 2: The New Batch Die Hard 2 Ghost Arachnophobia Navy SEALs Young Guns II Air America Flatliners Pump Up the Volume Darkman Men at Work The Witches Hardware State of Grace Pacific Heights Texasville Henry & June Memphie Belle Tune in Tomorrow Jacob’s Ladder Vincent & Theo The Krays Home Alone Rescuer’s Down Under Dances With Wolves Misery Cyrano de Bergerac The Grifters The Rookie Edward Scissorhands Mermaids The Field Hamlet
2000 Pitch Black The Ninth Gate High Fidelity Mission: Impossible 2 X-Men Hollow Man Charlie’s Angels Quills Vertical Limit O Brother, Where Art Thou? Shadow of the Vampire
2010 The Ghost Writer Iron Man 2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
2020 - STREAMING Extraction Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga The Old Guard Greyhound Enola Holmes Wonder Woman 1984
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desultory-novice · 2 years
What do you think of the theory that Marx and Kirby are childhood friends, which is why Marx used *kirby* of all people to manipulate and betray?
For a different theory, do you think it's possible for Void to store energy if it's not enough to reincarnate? If so, then both theories I've had about Kirby's possible energy origin could be true.
For the Void thing, I don't see why not! Especially in sealed form, it always kind of looked to me like Void was storing up energy. That energy can be dispersed and coalesce into things like the friendship heart and friend platforms, as it was in the beginning of Star Allies, or reabsorbed later! (Honestly, I always thought the Jamba group had been working on the Void thing for ages anyway!)
As for the first theory... I'm completely smitten by it and a huge devotee of it! Even though it was born from a (official) Kirby gag manga...it makes a lot of sense?! Lemme explain!
It feels a bit like an expansion on the "lost copy ability helper" theory. That being that there is a "Helper" for every copy ability in Kirby Super Star, except for Mic, Crash, and Sleep. But the idea is that if you COULD have turned these into helpers, they would follow Kirby around and help him save the day! And Marx would be the "Sleep" helper! (if you buy into the Noddy theory - even if you don't, you could say he's all three, because he's got the hat, is loud, and EXPLOSIVE!) But he's foe, not friend!
I've seen it said that Marx is a funny character to get fixated on because he appears only twice (one of those times is the pre-game cutscene) in the very last sub-game and has something like four lines of dialogue total. That it's silly because Marx has no "character" to speak of. But even before Star Allies came out, Marx has always been a subject of fan art and fan appreciation. What, then, were fans basing his character off of?
...Well, I think some of the bond between Kirby and Marx ties into the "0%/0%/0% Theory" (which I was going to save for another comic, but I'll go ahead and outline it here. I may have brought it up before, in which case...I don't apologize because it's a damn good theory.)
In short, due to the expansion chip “Kirby Super Star” (SNES) used, it was a very volatile game cartridge. Meaning that if you put it into the SNES wrong, or wiggled it or such, you might lose your data. A lot of people would turn the game on after completion only to be greeted with 0% 0% 0% (representing the three save files.) It was a relatively easy game (as long as you weren't going for full completion on GCO) so people would just beat it again.
What began to happen in the fandom thanks to that is the idea that the game was resetting ITSELF. And what's the last thing that happens before that reset? You fight Marx. (Marx who made a wish to get control of Popstar and failed to get his wish. And Galactic Nova is implied to be immortal sooooo...RESET TIME) And as much as I love Milky Way Wishes that (infamous) ending is...a bit anti-climactic? Marx + Galactic Nova explode, Kirby flies home, Kirby has a nap. The END. It's like something is MISSING....
...The idea became that what is missing is Marx himself. You can't "save" Marx. You can't stop him. Or talk him out of it. Or even talk TO him. You're just stuck in this time loop of fighting him again. And again. And again. And every time you fight him, his power inevitably goes berserk and sends him crashing into Nova... And the tragic cycle begins again.
There was a desire, at least in some fans, to want to SAVE Marx. (Anyone getting “Undertale” feels here? Because I think you can draw some “Undertale” parallels with Marx and Kirby and “Milky Way Wishes” being played out hundreds, possibly hundreds of thousands of times.) Even if they weren't friends to begin with, they have to know each other VERY WELL after X number of time loops they're stuck in, never able to escape this sad, inevitable conclusion.
I brought up in my Magolor's theme park post that there's a lot of pretty fanart of Magolor with those blue flowers that mean "I forgive you." 
There's an equal amount of fanart that portrays Kirby reaching out and grabbing Marx (saving him) to keep him from falling to his doom in Milky Way Wishes, and I think the timeloop/friends theory is the reason. This time...This time, we can prevent Marx from his fate...!
But while it's a brilliant little theory (and breaks this old fan's heart - I love me some tragic time-travel stories) it’s a little complicated to explain, so I think skipping back even further and setting them up as friends before Milky Way Wishes is an excellent way to reframe the accidental friendship the two of them had "built" over the years since Super Star was released.
It keeps the tragedy of the situation, that of two friends locked in battle, in a nice easy to consume way. If you like the additional idea from said manga that Kirby forgot about him for years, it makes it even more tragic on Marx’s part, and helps fuel why he wishes for what he did - and why he trusted that Kirby, of all people, could get it done. Or maybe that he chose Kirby to do this because he wanted Kirby to be there when he made his reveal?
It’s been questioned before, “Why didn’t Marx just summon Nova himself?” Especially if he’s that powerful? Then Kirby would never get involved and Marx would basically get his wish. If he’s already bitter at Kirby for some reason, it makes perfect sense why Marx wants Kirby there as opposed to just getting what he wants ALONE. (He’s tired of being alone!)
Frankly, outside of the "manipulation" thing, there's really no reason Kirby WOULDN'T be friends with Marx! We know that Kirby is himself someone who loves to play games and be silly. In the various manga, they’re often a total (adorable) troublemaker themself! The fact is, Kirby and Marx would probably have quite a few things in common! (Marx just takes his jokes further and has less interest in lazy, boring days. But even if "keep him fed" from Star Allies is a mistranslation, there's still enough associations with Marx and food that you imagine he enjoys eating enough to have that in common with Kirby too!)
So, yeah. What this boils down to is Dess cares a whole heck of a lot about the Marx + Kirby friendship and all its complexities, bruised feelings, misunderstandings, and eventual redemption! It is probably my second favorite "relationship" in Kirby. (First being my OTP, of course!)
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icedmochasi · 2 years
how do you think lilith's relationship with the rest of her high school friends is gonna develop for season 3 :0?
i think perry, who in the flashback appeared the most bookish of the bunch (and was potentially the one joining lilith for the study session at the end of TtBk), was the raine to lilith's darius- new found bestie to get into shenanigans with bc i've been (or feel like, in lilith's case) ejected from my primary friend group. seeing how gus is missing, i see him becoming more relevant in s3 :D
next up is darius. instead of rekindling their high-school dynamic, i think it's finally making something of their coworker relationship. bc it's my personal hc that lilith being mentored by flora was concurrent with darius being mentored by the prev gg.
no idea what their dynamic would have been like, but given how the emperor's coven heavily isolates its members, she may have been desperate for anything that reminded her of home, and formed a infrequent, but friendly relationship with darius before the death of his mentor turned him cold.
sadly, what I think is more likely is that the ec pitted them against each other, juuust to hammer in that sense of loneliness and making sure both graduates weren't especially close. it probably resulted in competitions to see which mentee could get something done faster, and thus got more praise (not that the prev gg would have manipulated darius like that)
on the slight contrary, however, it probably granted some stability, as bickering with a 'fellow scholar' is what lilith and darius love to do, so they found some security and comfortin that relationship, even if it was slightly negative. again, however, the death of the prev gg turned darius cold and ended that relationship.
TRIPLE HOWEVER, he follows her on pentsagram, specifically on an account she made after she betrayed the ec (ec!lilith would have never called herself 'chilly.lily'), so it's likely darius went 👀 at her rebellion and went to follow her
i've also seen talk that lilith will lead the rebellion against the collector in place of team red in order to close off her arc and bring it full circle, so there's that as well :D
speaking of team red, i think her relationship to raine is the most... frayed. like, that picture that teased raine for the first time suggested that lilith felt replaced (and therefore bitter) by raine, and it's not like raine wouldn't have noticed. and then there's the whole thing with cursing eda as well.
i've seen some joking posts where raine flies into a rage when lilith admits it, but as funny as they are, i don't think so? it's far more likely that raine is told by lilith, has a mild reaction before squashing it down and giving a brisk 'ok, thank you for telling me' before getting back to work, because there's two god-children on the loose!
beyond that, im not exactly sure. any ideas :0?
Perry and Lilith would get on very well! Just two nerds infodumping to each other!
Darius and Lilith were probably somewhat close in their Hexside days before they both started getting mentored.
Consider: Lilith grew jealous of Darius because he had a mentor who genuinely loved him like a son, cared and was protective of him, Lilith grew to resent him because of it because we know her own mentor was not like that towards her. Why should Darius be cared for and not her? Darius grew to resent her for acting like that towards him when he wasn't at fault. Then that distance and tension grew worse and worse, especially with her being so loyal to Belos in season 1, to the point where she captured her own sister.
Darius probably began feeling more positive towards her when she betrayed Belos, and they seemed to be fine when they were in The CATTs base together. Hopefully, they can be friends who understand what it is like to be manipulated by Belos, even as adults.
Darius following her on Penstagram was just another hint he wasn't loyal that I didn't pick up on at first hahaha.
As for her and Raine, I think Raine probably did like Lilith and tried to be friends with her, but Lilith let her growing rift with Eda cloud her view of Raine, and Raine at some point probably stopped trying to be friends with her. Granted, anyone taking Eda's attention like Raine did would have gotten Lilith's ire. It had nothing to do with Raine as person, I think it had more to do with Lilith feeling like she was loosing Eda.
As for how Raine would react to Lilith cursing Eda, I don't think they'd be anything short of pissed. Raine can be pragmatic, but they also didn't bring Eda in on the plan to stop Emperor until it was almost too late because of their love for her and knowing she has kids. Literally didn't let Eda help until they were forced to by circumstances. I don't think Raine would attack Lilith, but I do think it would cause a rift between them for awhile! Raine had a front row seat to how much pain the curse caused Eda for years.
In present day, all of these characters can bond over the love they have for certain children who they'd die for and kill over.
Thank you for all the wonderful headcanons!
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just found out that the jimmy solidarity ceo is in the same timezone as me, wild
anyways I wanna sort of talk a little bit about the hybrid features thing! Just because it's one of the only things I can talk about without Spoilers <3
So basically part of my vision is that wings, especially if they're bright in color like Jimmy's, will turn very Muted when on Red.
Instead of being bright and cheerful, they look sickly and dull. Same with Grian's to a similar extent!
With Ren, it's not so much a physical change as it would be a behavioral change, that would later morph into a physical change. Like watching a dog that's trained to be aggressive, slowly become more and more aggressive. Though, this takes a while to start happening, and if he gets out of the game early, the most you'll see is his fur become rougher.
With Cleo, I've been trying to figure out what I really wanna do. I kinda wanna do something with the whole corpse aspect? Like, the less lifes she has, the more lifeless(pun fully intended) she looks?
Idk, if you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them!
Oh yo same time zone :0 so swag
And I was right that does sound cool as Hell. I love the idea of being able to visibly see someone's life force depleting as they get fewer and fewer loves and chances in the game. They get grey and look more sickly but they're not weak nor frail no in fact they're quite the opposite. Their outward appearance looks as tho they've got one foot in the grave but in all other aspects they're on hyperdrive and every one of their senses is on steroids like they're fighting tooth and nail to live because they are.
Jimmy's beautiful golden wings dull and become more of a muddy yellow. It's so grey and sickly any amount of blood staining them is the sharpest contrast on his body. Maybe his hybrid features are cranked up from some little songbird to a mf bird of prey. He grows talons and when he flies his wings don't make a sound. His vision is sharper, more calculated, and he can hear everything. It's honestly terrifying for anyone who gets to witness Jimmy on a red life.
Ren snarls and snaps at people more. His teeth get sharper and his claws grow longer and his hair fur is always bristled up. He growls and barks and bites and it is certainly not the Ren everyone knows. This is the Ren only seen on red, in death games. His fur gets thicker and more tangled - basically biological armor - and grows in places it usually wouldn't. He's more wolf than man now.
Maybe for Cleo the lower she gets on lives the more they get a craving for flesh/blood? Like normally she'd be grossed out by potentially eating their friends but when she's on red it's all they can think ab. It's her main driving factor to kill other players cause they're so hungry and can't control herself any longer. Maybe they also start actively rotting on red? I think that'd be a neat detail as well. You don't have to get super graphic w it but a few flies always following her and the smell coming off of them?? Could really do wonders :)
But this is just my own brainrot :)) no pressure to adopt them :D
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allthingskakashi · 2 years
Wow, that sounds like such pleasant weather :) it’s pretty nice here too, now that I think about it? A bit sunny, a bit windy. And cats do always live that opulent life ✨ALSO HUH CATS EAT FLIES?? WHAT >:0 Personally, I don’t have any pets, but back when I was in elementary/primary school, I’d always be asking for a puppy xD Even in middle/junior high, I said in my biography that I would own two dogs named Snowball and Sprinkles(?) LMAO (and once again ty for the high praise of my fics!! <3) ~1AM
That's the perfect kinda weather! Noo they don't eat flies lmao they just like to chase em. I have seen my cats eat small bugs on occasion tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ahaha I've always wanted a dog too, someday I'm gonna have one 😤 it's so fun to watch dogs and cats together. Oooohh those would be very cute names for dogs!! Also DO NOT MENTION IT AT ALL
Oh and unrelated but look what i encounter each time i come out of the washroom
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eternalsadnesses · 2 years
Have honestly been feeling a bit put off by Rammstein since reading numerous posts on Reddit about the 'Row 0' girls, and that Till (it seems, exclusively just for him) has this arrangement with a so-called 'casting director' who scouts / accepts messages from young women of a certain appearance to be at the front row / attend after parties and this rumoured second secret after party that is just for Till (so they say).
I don't deny that this was harmless fun for some people, and I'm not taking that away from anyone but there's such an unwarranted hostility on the subreddit to people who have expressed their views on how shady this all seems. And even when a few people have shared having a negative experience - having their mobile phone taken off them, being spiked etc., it just sort of flies under the radar and I think it is because it isn't what people want to hear - not when it is their favourite band.
People are starting to get pissed off if others bring up the front row girls arrangement at all, like you should just accept it and shut up about it. On a discussion forum where people can't discuss their point of view without having predictable responses thrown their way like, 'they're adults and can do what they want' (no one is disputing that); 'consenting adults!' (totally ignores power dynamics in this situation and methods of procurement...it is icky to me that people are procured at all); 'what do you expect from Rammstein / it is the way it is, it is rock and roll blah blah blah' (appreciating a band's material - any artist really - doesn't always extend to being totally accepting of their real life practices, and there's a lot of shady activity that's been passed off as 'just rock and roll'). And my 'favourite' one I've seen, where people are accused of 'slut shaming'. On my part, I would never put the focus on the woman in this situation if she decides that is what she wants to do. I'm more questioning the whole set-up and the features that women in this situation are specifically being valued for. As some people on the subreddit have started posted looking for advice on how to be selected by the 'casting director', and if that were me, it would honestly wreck my self-esteem being valued on select physical attributes...and apparently there is a dress code? The dress code was rumoured before but now it's being spoken about as an actual thing, and this whole arrangement seems to have little do with being a fan, and more with what Till apparently finds pleasing.
I've been aware of this for a while and witnessed some comings and goings at the gig I attended in 2019. This tour has been very blatant in the arrangements whilst completing denying or ignoring that some people are having a bad time, and their voices are not being heard because nobody believes them. In any other situation where this didn't involve a band you loved, would people find it acceptable to accuse people of creating hoaxes (where questionable behaviour has been raised as to the goings-on at the private parties), or accusing women of lying and being jealous? And that female fans (in particular it seems) should just accept and put up with this very obvious circus because 'that's the way it's always been' and you must just be a prude if you have any kind of issue or ill feeling towards a much older man who has a female (assistant? employee?) who arranges for young women decades younger than him, to meet with him, and there's all these stories of sex with multiple of these women after shows on the subreddit?
In what scenarios have we heard that kind of language before? Liar, prude, jealous, etc.?
It's just really disappointing to me. As far as I've read online, I think Till is the only one really at the centre of this, no idea about the other guys. But it has gradually soured on me to the point I'm not sure I'd pay hundreds of pounds again to see them. There's other voices on the subreddit that share my sentiments, and I don't post much on there because I can't be bothered with the headache from some of the commenters (I have noticed there are the usual apologists who give the impression that Till can do no wrong) but have tried to put it across in as balanced a way as possible.
I just have a really unsettled feeling about all of it that I can't shake, and again I'm not denying that it's all bad because obviously I wasn't there and I can see from social media that most people seem to be having the time of their lives. But it is just something that has niggled at me and I can't really get those negative accounts - some of which sounded quite serious - out of my mind, and it is like no one is even entertaining them in the slightest.
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yeonjuins · 2 years
I DISAPPEARED I'M SO SORRY ;-; COVID (covid got me ARGH), anxiety and then my cat got sick >.< i hope you've been doing well!! 🌺
i changed icons again of course <33 it's now sadie sink who plays max on stranger things bc IM SO OBSESSED WITH THAT SHOW RN. the latest season has me IN A MESS rn holy—
wait that's so so cute!! my s/o and i have actually been the same recently, we're growing lots of crops! strawberries, cucumbers, kale, lettuce, chive, onions, garlic and a few others. <3 WHY ARE FLIES EVERYWHERE OH MY GOD, they fly through the smallest crack of a window but can't fly out an open door like get tf out of my home. i had a wasp in my home office earlier and i basically just ran through the house 🏃🏼‍♀️ 🏃🏼‍♀️ 🏃🏼‍♀️ DO NOT LIKE THEM ;-;
it's been hot here this week, so my water intake has increased a lot. been drinking more smoothies though <33 i cough so much in the morning, idk why.
SO I GOT MY PC AND WOW WOOOOW IT'S THE BEST PURCHASE I HAVE MADE. it's so quick <33 that's so sweet of him!! <3 i'm weird about mouses, i have a small mouse, i don't like normal sized ones IF THAT MAKES ANY SENSE TO YOU AT ALL HAHAHAH
(lengthy response!)
i'm so sorry this took me forever to get too ;; life's been quite the journey as of late and my jammed pack schedule has finally calmed down a little (":
WHAA IM SO SORRY U GOT COVID OMG i'm glad u feel better now though my love ;; and i hope your kitty is feeling more than better now as well ! <3
sadie sink so true <3 i don't watch stranger things but from the clips that i've seen she is lovely or even just her as an actor <3
GROWING CROPS OH MY GODD..... oh how i would love to go strawberry picking with my friends one day... we've talked about it before as well ;0 BUT YES that makes sense there'd be flies everywhere considering the fact it's ... a field ;; when my mom first began to bring her plants indoors since it was becoming winter, our house got infested with fruit flies and it was THE most annoying thing ever... a good tip is to leave a small bowl of just . dish soap . or a broken egg . and they'll usually just fly into it and be stuck there... a little grusome to look at but it does catch them ;; either that or buy those little sticky tabs that catch them too ! you usually put them directly in the soil so it collects it right away as well ;0
yes my love pls keep drinking water <3 hydration esp during high heat is super important
YAYAYYA IM GLAD UR PC IS GLORIOUS <3 having a good pc is such a !!!!!!!!! thing because you can just ! run everything u want to run without a care/worry in the world that it would crash (":
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limeinaltime · 2 years
Switchie's AU Dump: What If...12 Didn't Get the Chance to Enact Her Plan? (Who the Hell is 12? AU)
Switchie is back, baby! And also with a piece of crucial information about this series.
I'm making these rambles in the format of my earlier rambles. Mostly because I feel like that if I DO, then it'll just take forever. But if it's, like, Friday, then I'll do it in the newer one I've developed. Just wanted to get that out of the way. Now on with the first AU of this series!
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Basically, this is an Au where 12 doesn't exist.
(*Whispers* I wanted to start with a fun one. :)
...Well, okay, She DID exist.
Emphasis in DID.
this AU's main event is when 12, for one reason or another, dies when first activated. Nobody knows why. Not the higher ups, not the scientists, nobody. Gary the Cultist probably knows, but he wasn't seen on site when security arrived.
Also, 12 died because she didn't have a core in her when she was activated. Not that anyone would know, except a nosy scientist who liked to see and hear stuff he shouldn't see or hear and keep it to himself.
But Gary the Cultist was guarding her, and he's known to be VERY diligent, so people have no idea how someone got a hold of it. And it couldn't have been Gary the Cultist himself! They explicitly told him NOT to carve out anyone hear-cores for ritual sacrificial purposes! Weird, huh?
ANYWAYS, fast forward a few years (and plot points) and N is still with his old squamates, E and D. Yay!
But they also hate his guts. Less yay!
Don't worry tough. After they get sent to Copper-9, N starts to grow on them, small bit by small bit. Not enough that they're not embarrassed by him, but enough that they don't hate him.
The incident with R and reunion with X still happens, but the only difference is that E and D reunite with her shortly afterwards.
E's slow to admit that he's happy to see his mother figure again. He's always been a practical and...knife happy...kind of guy, and just thought it best to bury his emotions. Especially the love he has for his defacto-mom. But after a few months, he starts to open up to the idea that maybe feeling things isn't a bad idea, and eventually opens up around X.
D's roughly the same. He isn't unhappy that X is back in his life, he just feels. awkward around her. He was a bit unruly and butted heads with X, who, while she didn't argue with him, did find him to be unruly herself. They eventually make up though, and have a good Mother-Son relationship.
It's the same for N, who has, roughly, the same relationship with X as in your AU.
But the real difference here is 0's squad.
Due to the lack of 12's influence, 0 remains, what we call, a Good Boi! He's basically a more mature, and slightly bitter, N.
He's a good squad leader, and doesn't brainwash his squad-mates because...why would he in this AU? He's also still friends with 13, a good older brother to T, and has a sibling-like relationship with Y.
He's even with F! Good for him!
He's also a bit terrified of R! Less good for him!
As for X...he still loves her. As a mother, I mean. But he holds a bit of a grudge towards the disassembly drones. Not enough to do something drastic, but it's still there.
When he reunites with X on Copper-9, he's ecstatic. He finally gets to be hugged by his mom again! Yay!
But the disassembly drones are also there. Yaaaaaaay.
The first month is...hard. Whenever E, D, or N are near, 0 just gives them the stink eye, says he has somewhere to be, and flies off. The other assassination drones roughly give the same response, the only difference is the degree of their insults.
A few months in, X confronts 0 and his squad and tell them that she was babysitting them because she was just reassigned to them, not because she wanted to distance herself from her previous students/children, and that she would never abandon them for anything or anyone.
0 and his squad are reluctant at first, but eventually learn to tolerate N, E, and D's company. And a few months later, they actually become friends with them! Neat!
0 gets along with N surprisingly well without thinking that he stole his mother. They share similar likes, have the best intentions, and care for their squads!
13, surprisingly, gets along the most with E the most. A lot of bonding time when you have to fix someone nearly every day because they though it'd be neat to put a live grenade in their arsenal...with the pin off.
Y gets along with D and N respectively. They're like another pair of siblings to her. 0's still on top sibling-wise, but N's a close second, followed by D. She also likes X too, in a mom sense. She ain't afraid to admit it.
T still thinks that 0's Best Big Brother, but she guesses N and D are nice too. Plus, she has TWO cool moms (F and X)! Yay!
As for F, she gets along with all of them, and especially gets along with 0 and X. Mostly 0 though.
So that's it! Just a big ol happy family of murder bots! No more, no less!
There have been rumors of worker drones making weaponry. Dangerous weaponry. Weaponry that can harm, even kill, a disassembly drone.
There are rumors of an army of workers forming.
There are rumors of a war being declared.
And one name is slapped is muttered in these rumors.
The Murder Drone Killer. The Leader of The Resistance. The Great Liberator of Copper-9.
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And that's the end of one of many AUs to come! Hope you enjoyed it, and see you soon!
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Also quick note: F and 0 never had romantic feelings for each other; F only saw 0 as a close friend and vice versa. She and 13 were a thing for a long time, ever since the two were under X’s watch, but after 0 went insane, he and 12 wiped out their squad and forced F and 13 to join the cult, where 0 brainwashed F into being with him instead due to the insanity twisting his platonic feelings towards her as a friend.
Also, I never developed personalities for E and D (despite currently working on a fic with them in it), so these are canon now. Naughty bastard boys who secretly do love their mom.
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zu-is-here · 3 years
The jab wasn't all that bad, it didn't really hurt, and it was over in a second. I was actually listening to music through my headphones to distract my mind and Christmas songs came on! XD
I feel alright, my arm is really stiff though and it hurts if I try to lift it, though that's normal. Other then that I feel fine.
Well not everyone calls them squashed flies biscuits, but it's basic shortbread with little pieces of raisins in them. I actually don't like raisins in anything but these.
Oh yeah it was really nice. This is what it looked like
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Yummmmmmy! It was so light.
Oh yeah it's kind of like an antique shop. My mother got a stone mushroom for her garden, she looooooves mushrooms!
Well I found a bunch of old tops that I forgot all about and I look forward to be able to wear them again! I also found some of my old toys and it really made my heart melt.
Hmmm, I'm not actually sure because part of me wants to post all the references together, but then again I know that alot of you have been looking forward to this, what would you do?
Thanks Zu! I'll let you know how things go.
I'm glad you had a good day! How's work going in general? I hope you're having a good time. It feels really good to see the comic! The perspective is so good!.
Oh yes! My friends are so hyped about it!! I'm pretty excited myself! I'm really curious to see what's going to happen next! It's making me think about the crossover again. We always need some dreammare every now ns again, don't you agree?
That's good to hear it!╰(*´︶`*)╯Was it Let it Snow? xd And how do you feel now? (ówò)
Oh those raisins, same here xp This one looks so delicious tho! *w*
Awww a stone mushroom! Such nice finds for both of you <3
I guess it's absolutely okay to divide them, but if you want to post them all together, it'll be good too! *^*
Thank youuu! <3 Day work's going good and stable and the work on projects is slow but sure (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)☆ What about you and your interview? *^* How are you doing? ♡
P. S. Oh I do ;)
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Oh no worries! <3 That's strange of your phone tho >:0 Hope it's gonna be alright with it and the uploud as well!
That's good╰(*´︶`*)╯Btw— did you tell what you gave her as a gift? *^*
Awww yay! Changing his design again?? (・∀・) Hoo boi I'm intrigued~ I've seen this and that's so sweet! (๑>◡<๑)
It's gonna be great! Good luck with the interview! ☆
A sleep over! \(//∇//)\ It's def not for sleeping ;) Though I remember my friends and I just fell asleep after a long day together xp What are you planning to do? Music, board games, telling stories? *^*
Sure I rememberrr (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)☆ Same here tho :')
Oh I'm doing great, thanks! The Kitty's good yet sleepy (ówò) She's waiting for me while I'm cleaning <3
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vay99 · 3 years
Hawks x reader (Time flies)
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Your Quirk: paper
You can manipulate paper of all kind, into alk forms you wanna
Let's begin~
Flying above the city Hawks watches the sun go down. It's been a busy day, even though nothing big happened he stopped a few robbers and car crashes.
"The new super hero agency?" Hawks notices the building that has been under construction for the past months. "Interesting, I might- huh? An emergency? I'm onto it."
Hawks answers his phone and flies directly towards the Adress that one of his sidekicks told him.
Some guy thought that'd be a great idea to shoot someone before stealing their money. While his side kicks help the wounded passenger and evacuate the streets Hawks follows the villain, who has a speed Quirk. He can barely keep up with him.
"What?" not understanding what just happened Hawks watches the villain being lifted into the air. By books? "What's happening..."
The police acts fast and takes care of the guy as a hero appears out of nowhere. Hawks watches the scene as he slowly approaches the hero that's talking to the officers.
"Were you the one to catch that guy?"
"Cool, I'm Hawks-" stretching his hand for you to shake his eyes grow wide. "(y/n)?"
"You're still a night owl I guess?" Haws offers you a cup of coffee as he sits down besides you. After everyone was save and taken care of the two of you decided to take a break on the top of the highest building in town.
"You could put it like that. Thanks." you gladly accept the beverage.
"We may have grown older but we haven't changed a lot have we." he chuckles taking a sip of his coffee. "Your Quirk is still the most fascinating I've ever seen."
"I feel like I've heard that before." you shake your head laughing, remembering how a 15 year old Hawks watched you experiment with the wings. Eyes filled with stars.
"I can repeat it as often as you like my lady." Hawks bows which causes you to laugh even more. "It's nothing but the truth. When we were in school I always thought that your Quirk was the best."
"That's sweet. I remember you cheering me up after I lost in a direct fight. My paper cut technique didn't work and my fighting skills were 0. We trained together. I like to think back to those times, when everything was easier, the heads full of dumb ideas and the eyes upon our dreams."
"I miss those times." he lets a few feathers fly around you. "When our group split up, and you went to (any country) I hoped that we'd be able to laugh and do some stupid things again. Life feels easy when I'm with you."
"We're in our 20's, isn't that the tie we're supposed to do some stupid stuff?" you joke, catching one of his feathers. "But as pro heroes we've got a tough life. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and just re life those years."
"Even when you know what will happen afterwards?" Hawks tingles your nose with his feather before calling them back, besides the one you're holding.
"No, I'd probably wouldn't be able to enjoy it then. Life can really suck can't it?" you look towards him, noticing how different he looks, you two have grown up.
"It did. But now you're back." he smiles softly. "Let's protect this city together, like we did in trainings, you're the best partner."
"From kids with dreams to heroes who work together. Cheers to that."
A comfortable silence falls over you as you watch the city by night. Always scanning the streets for possible danger.
"Why don't you just take a picture." he teases you for your staring.
"Only if you sign it."
"Anything for you."
"Let's take some pictures together, in front of our old school. You know the one we took each year?" you both laugh at the memories. "I had the last one in my office. Everyone in the agency kept asking if you were my boyfriend."
"What did you tell them?"
You started as a sidekick of the number one hero of (country). There were plenty of side kicks and they all eventually ask about the picture.
"Wow your boyfriend is cute, you two are a great match!"
"He's actually not my boyfriend." you always hoped that it sounded believable. How much you wanted to say Yes.
"Who's that!?"
"A good friend of mine." you hated how you said the word friend, even though a friendship is not worth less than a relationship. But it's not what you wanted with him.
"Someone's got a great taste in men! Nice catch!"
"Thanks." you gave up. No more explanations which eventually broke your heart even further.
*End of Flashback*
"That we're friends." there it is again. No matter how many dates you had, you were never able to get rid of your feelings.
"I see." he leaves his eyes upon the streets below. "I remember how dumb I felt when you left, I never told you about my feelings and regretted it for a long time. I still do."
"You had feelings for me?" nearly falling off the building out of shock you stare at him with wide eyes.
"Yeah, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, I was about to when you left. But the words gut stuck in ny throat."
"Don't apologize. I wanted to do the same, but I was too scared to."
"You only regret the things you didn't do. Guess the saying is right after all."
"Since when have you become so poetic? What have you done with my I've-set-this-on-fire-by-accident Keigo?"
"Your Keigo?" he tries to act smug but you calling him by his first name has him weak.
Staying silent you fiddle with your fingers, not knowing how to handle all the emotions that rise inside of you. He takes your hands into his as he leans in closer.
"As much as I'd love this, you gotta wait a bit longer." you jump off the roof, using the paper you always have with you to firm yourself some wings.
"There's a bank robbery! Come and join, you'll get your kiss afterwards!"
"Deal!" he spreads his wings and follows you. "God damn I've missed her."
I usually post one shots on Quotev (https://www.quotev.com/Vay120499/published)
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Duck as the Lady of Emptiness!!! :0 Please, if you write it... I will read it sdhfjsdfhjg >.< Lady of Corruption sounds so interesting too?? Like I feel like this is definitely another one of those things that different MCs will being such different flavors to and I'm sad that there seems to be very little of this?? I think I've only seen like yours and @amistytown's TSL fics and even then MC is always Henry...
Which is absolutely fine! But I like there's so much potential in setting the MC as someone who isn't Henry because Henry seems to take the same role as MC does in canon
And hmm... I feel like TSL!Dola be really inclined to help the Lord of Masks with the rebellion just from being the Lady of Masks but her enthusiasm would vary depending on how much she knows and understands the family? Because that's definitely going to lead to conflict that'll affect all the brothers...
Moving away from Henry opens up a whole new world! I do really love Henry!MC and will probably keep writing them, especially with the Lord of Shadow, but other options are very good.
I think I'm going to say Duck as the Lady of Emptiness... I think the marriage happens post-Lord of Emptiness being freed but before the brothers reconcile. The marriage is basically a ploy thought up by the Lord of Fools and Henry to prevent the Lord of Corruption from locking their youngest brother away again, as Duck's family and their allies would be furious.
From Duck's family's perspective, they only trade their youngest daughter for an alliance with at least four powerful lords (Fools, Shadow, Flies, and Emptiness), so it's a good deal.
It's an arranged marriage for the actual newlyweds. They're actually a pretty good match... and they hate it. The Lord of Flies is like :) I'm so glad you've got someone who makes you so happy and the Lord of Emptiness is like shut up.
I think Duck's powers would be related to nature, and most people see her really positively because she can make crops and flowers grow. But nature isn't just blooming flowers and good, it's also rot and decay - and the Lord of Emptiness is the first person she can show that side of herself to who doesn't flinch away. Meanwhile, the Lord of Emptiness is a grumpy asshole who is horribly lonely but pushes most people away, but Duck just doesn't leave? Like he'll be napping in the parlour and Duck will just walk in and sit and start reading or doing some embroidery or some work on actually running his lands and he hates to admit it's nice to have someone close by who is prickly nature doesn't seem to annoy.
Oh, so TSL!Dola is very loyal? I wonder if they could be talked out of it if they had partners who could speak to them?
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