#i'm sure he's a perfectly nice fictional character
writingseaslugs · 1 year
Pomefiore: When They're Sick
Did I have too much fun writing Rook, as per usual? The answer is yes. I think I finally get why I like him so much; we're the same dramatic hoe who will talk and hype our friends up. Also obsessive tendencies for the win. He stalks Neige like the fanboy he is, and I stalk several fictional men like the fanboy I am. We're not so different…oh look like I'm rambling again. Hahaha please enjoy the next part of the series!
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please click the “Au Information” below!
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Pomefiore: When They’re Sick
Vil has always been meticulous when it comes to self-care, and holds everyone in his dorm to the same standards. This means getting sick in the dorm wasn’t a very common experience, since everyone took care of their health and took proper vitamins to ensure they don’t get ill. Sadly this doesn’t stop the beautiful thing known as the common cold from spreading around and getting a few sick. Normally it was a quarantine situation, keep the sick student at the nurse’s office until they can get better and keep them away from the other students. Sadly during the flu season, every bed in the nurse's office is oftentimes taken, and no Pomefiore members wants to risk getting sick just to take care of someone.
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil sees being sick as a major inconvenience on his end, and automatically goes into self care mode. If he even so much as sniffles he’s calling up a doctor. His health is very important, so he’s meticulous in taking care of things before it gets bad. Sadly some things can’t be prevented, and when flu season rolls around and it’s a new strain that his body isn’t used to, there’s only so much he can do. He’ll still be calling up a personal doctor though to help take care of him.
The moment you offer to help he’s turning you away. He already has a team on it in order to take care of him, so he doesn’t need a classmate to do anything for him. So why aren’t you leaving? You know you can get sick too, right? Not to mention he looks hideous like this! His poor skin is paler than normal and looks sickly, his nose and eyes are red and he has the sniffles. Honestly the only reason he doesn’t want you there is because he can’t stand you seeing him like this. Insist on staying though, because doctors are one thing but they aren’t there 24/7 to take care of him, and something domestic about taking care of someone while sick melts his heart.
Due to the doctor’s working with him, he has lots of prescribed medication and vitamins to take while recovering. The only thing he needs is for someone to bring them to him while he lays in bed and tries to feel better. This is where you come in, obviously, playing the role of nurse and making sure he takes all his medication. He’s anal about it being exactly on time, so have alarms set so he doesn’t have to even think about it.
Just like with medication, he has a team of nutritionists making him meal plans. Again, his health is closely connected with his career, so he needs to get better as soon as possible. If you make the meals you better follow the instructions perfectly, or get someone else to do it. He won’t admit it, but he’s happy if you make him the food yourself. He’ll comment that it tastes nice and that he appreciates the efforts you’re going through to take care of him.
Thanks to you, the doctors, and nutritionist, his flu lasts a solid three days. He’s going to be taking it easy for the next week or so just to make sure his body is fully recovered. He’ll of course be thanking you at that time, and letting you know how much your efforts mean to him. He even promises that if you ever fall ill, he’ll make sure to get you a team to help take care and nurse you back to health. Wait…you want him to assist? Oh honey, he can’t afford to get sick again.
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Rook Hunt
Rook has always been a wild child, eating things off the ground when he was a small boy and hiding in the foliage while hunting. His immune system is legendary at this point, so it’s no surprise that he rarely ever catches anything more than a slight head cold. When the flu season washes over Pomefiore and he gets sick though, it’s game over. He’s getting the man flu to the max, high fever and delirious to the max. He probably should be taken to the hospital because you’d think he was dying with how crummy he feels.
He’s not even going to remember you offering help, but he is going to remember you taking care of him. That high fever makes most of him being sick on the first day very fuzzy. He does recall Vil checking in on him and then getting a doctor, and then later you came over and saw his state. By the second day when he’s no longer suffering from his fever, he’ll be a lot happier to have you around. He’ll be calling you all sorts of pet names and adoring every moment he gets to see you, calling you the perfect spouse even if you’re not romantically involved in the slightest.
He will happily take anything you give him, even the most foul tasting liquids. He’ll say it tastes heavenly just because you prepared it for him, and be thanking you as he takes it. He won’t even make a reaction to visibly show disgust, just a smile as he puts it down. He’ll then be asking if you’d like to sit and stay for a while so he won’t be so lonesome. He does worry about you getting sick, but as long as you’re not sitting on the bed and are a safe distance away, he’ll love to have your company. He’ll be babbling away about stories from his childhood to help pass the time until he falls asleep.
Oh? You made him something? Perhaps getting sick every so often is worth it if it means he gets to have a come cooked meal delivered directly to his bed. Of course he’s going to adore whatever you make him and not think twice about what’s actually in it. He’ll be singing your praises to the moon and back, even if it’s not super tasty. Really it’s the thought and effort that you put into it that has him singing praise; if it happens to taste good that’s just a bonus.
Once he’s better you’ll be bombarded with compliments and small presents. Sitting in class is always interesting when random arrows impale themselves into your desk with a small poem about how heroic you were to save a damsel in distress like him while he was sick and dying. He’s dramatic, of course, but he’s truthful. He really appreciated all the time and effort you spent to help nurse him back to help, and he swears one day he’ll return the favor ten fold.
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Epel Felmier
Epel is the definition of “I’m fine” when he’s clearly not. As someone who grew up on a farm, he never sought medical treatment unless his grandma was dragging him in. Things were always too busy and he didn’t have time to take away from his chores. So unless he’s dying or someone he knows is dragging his ass to the nurse, he’ll just go about his day. Sadly for Epel, he lives in Pomefiore with Vil who notices every nuance. The moment he gets sick Vil is dragging him to the nurse and getting him on some medication and forcing him to rest in bed.
He doesn’t need help at all…or so he says. Really, it’s just a slight cough and a runny nose, nothing to worry about. He could still go to class like this actually, but sadly Vil won’t let him. If you insist enough he’ll allow it though, one thing he does remember growing up was how kind his grandma always was when taking care of him while sick. It’s going to warm his heart and he’ll be thanking you for taking care of him. He won’t be too fussy either, letting you do whatever you think he might need.
Okay now this is where he draws the line; he cannot stand medicine. Even at home he rarely ever took it since it was never serious, so having you telling him he has to is blasphemous. He’s going to try and negotiate so he doesn’t have to take it, but he knows it’s a losing battle. If he doesn’t take it from you, then Vil is going to be forcing it onto him one way or another. Better to just let you hand it to him so it’s more pleasant, right?
Now he can get behind this, nothing beats a good home cooked meal when you’re feeling sick. Hand him some chicken noodle soup and he’s a happy boy. Suddenly being sick and having you take care of him is all worth it. He won’t comment that it isn’t up to par with granny though, everyone knows that Grandma’s make the best soups when you’re sick. Something about it heals the mind and soul, but yours does come pretty close. If it’s from a can, just don’t say anything and ruin the illusion. Although honestly if Vil saw you bringing a canned soup to Epel while he’s sick, he'd grab it and force you to the kitchen for a cooking lesson.
Vil is making him go to your dorm with a handwritten thank you note; and his grandma probably sent him some apple juice to give to you as well. He’s a bit embarrassed when he comes in with all the things, but loosens up when you tell him all is good. He’ll insist that he’ll help you if you ever get sick though, and will probably stay over to enjoy a bottle of apple juice and maybe leave behind a perfectly carved apple. It’s the little things that make a difference. 
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staarri · 2 months
HIIII, how are you? I hope everything goes well <33 I would like to order gaming x reader, maybe as an accidental kissing session? If it's not too much trouble, thank you very much for reading <33
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬   
  —   characters :   ga ming
  —   character(s) are friends with reader, gn!reader, not really an accidental kiss… it had a purpose, mutual pining, this is a work of fiction
      fluff     ,    accidental kiss     ,    modern!au     .      word count : 1.1k
hi there lovely! i changed this up a bit since i couldnt figure out what to write. i hope you dont mind! very extra special tag for @aventurne !!
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The movie ends in such a bittersweet way. The protagonist lives her life as a teacher and her sister marries the boy she once loved the most. She looked back at her life in such a happy way now that she also had someone for her.  You sniffle, bringing a tissue to your eyes. Your friend looks at you, eyes filled with worry.
“Are you okay?” He asks, hesitantly bringing his hand to your cheek and wiping away any kind of remaining trail the tear left. You two had planned a little movie date. If you could even call it that–You did it as friends anyway. Yet you never expected the movie you chose to be this… This devastating.
“Mhm–” You sniffle again, cheeks puffing up. You start fanning your face to try and stop crying, but the more you think about it the sadder you get. “That was just. Wow, like I didn’t expect it at all.”
He giggles, laying back comfortably on his seat. He nods, yeah. 
“Think that’ll happen to me too?” You’ve always believed love would never work out the way you wanted it to. For you, of course. I mean, your friends are all in happy relationships–marriages for some and you’re stuck at this golden age, single. 
“With the amount of unrequited love stories you’ve watched? At this point, I’m starting to believe it will.” Ga ming teases you. 
“That hurt a little, `ming.” Crossing your arms pretending to be upset.
“Oh–Oh I'm sorry,” He says sarcastically, laughing. “Let’s not forget what happened with La La Land.”
“Whatever! I doubt you’ll be getting a partner in the near future anyway; So we're in the same boat.”
He grins, “Really now?”
You nod frantically. Going on a short rant about how his personality is so explosive it causes the other people’s social battery to die out immediately, or how he’s so active all the time you never get a break from all the activities you guys do. Or how his smile is so captivating, maybe how his face is so bewitching.
“Don’t know. All I'm hearing is you like me so much it's killing you.”
“I do not!” 
Yeah. Maybe you do like him. A lot, maybe a bit more. He’s cast a spell on your heart and you can’t undo it–It’s a curse and a blessing all at the same time. What if you like your best friend? It’s not like he felt the same way anyway. Well he might, with the mixed signals he’s been giving you. But he’s nice to everyone–He’s like that to everyone. And it has always been like that from the very start.
He looks at you in a way that squeezes and twists at your chest; He smiles at you in a way that causes all the butterflies to fly from its cage in your stomach and you feel so lightheaded when you two laugh together. You’re lost in the way he’s so caring, and it makes you feel sick and selfish wanting him for all yourself.
But that's just how you feel. For all you know–He might just be leading you on, and you’ll find out once you admit your feelings to him right now at this moment.
It's so difficult not to blurt it out. The love from your heart is escaping and taking this tension between you as its new home. You just look at him as he takes in the surroundings of your venue, with the warm fairy lights emitting a glow that makes him look more ethereal by the moment, and with the couch that has his hair all fluffed up. But it’s just now that you notice how bright his eyes look, how the shine compliments the red hues so perfectly. Just now that you see the little fangs on his teeth and how his face scrunches up so right whenever he smiles widely. You wonder how he’ll look when you two grow old, how much will change within those years.
You can’t be his, it’ll ruin you in more ways than one.
“You’re awfully quiet, was the movie that bad?” His concern is enough to melt the walls you’ve worked too hard to build around your heart. He will ruin your inner peace, is it weird that you would let him?
You don’t dare answer.
“Hey, look at me.” 
He brings his hands to your cheeks, making you face him. You feel stupid in love, it's like you just can’t get enough air to your lungs because even that is filled with the scent of him.
“Talk to me, what’s wrong?” 
His eyes wander from your lips to your own eyes, looking for any kind of sign that you don't feel good. You place your hand on top of his and gently press your cheek against him more. You warned yourself, this is a bad idea. But you never listen, not once. 
Now he’s kissing you in a way that’s going to screw you up forever.
It’s soft, the way he handles you so gently. As if you’re some kind of porcelain that’s a little too fragile. You’re regretting everything that brought you to this moment but you’re not complaining one bit.
And it was short-lived. It wasn’t even a kiss, it was a peck on the lips. He was scared that you wouldn’t feel the same way, because somehow maybe you didn’t fall in love with your best friend who you’ve had multiple dimsums with. The friend that held you in your darkest moments and the friend who wished for all your partners to somehow quit playing with your feelings so he could be the one to be there for you instead.
Oh god, you were inlove. And so was he–and maybe even more than you.
“I didn’t mean to do that.” He stammered. Cheeks red and yours the same. You two were affected under the same spell you put on each other. “I swear–You just looked too pretty. I couldn't help it.”
It feels like you’ve just discovered love. Like you were the only one to know how it feels to be in love with someone. The tension is gone and all you’re feeling is pure adoration from him, from the way he stares at you with an expression you’ve never seen before.
Someday, this will end. But for now? You’ll be treasuring the moment in a way you’re sure no one else has.
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characters belong to their respective companies. everything is written by staarri - do not steal, reupload, translate, modify or feed my work to ai.
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correctthroam · 6 months
I read THROAM for the first time in ~5 years. Here's what I have to say.
Volume I: There was so many characters I forgot about when going into the fic. Pete, Jac, Spencers family. I cant believe I forgot them. Pete will always be a fave because everyone hates him and it makes me laugh. The first volume was always my 2nd favorite, I think it still is. overall, the storyline isn't complicated and I like that. Ryan is such an asshole so I dont feel bad for him one bit in any of the fic. Also, I used to say that the bus crash was Brendons fault (I was 13, okay?) But Ryan was just an unstable motherfucker who truly should not be trusted to drive a vehicle of any kind.
Volume II: holy shit. I hate volume two. Not saying the writing is bad but Jesus Christ, Ryan is an asshole. bro literally stalked Brendon after he ran into him at that party like what? I had messaged a friend after finishing volume 2, saying "I'm a really nice person I never wanna make people feel sad, let alone make a whole fictional story about someone being severely depressed and unstable whilst chasing a boy then fucking his bf at the end???" and I think that perfectly sums up how I feel (and always felt) about volume two. other than the fact that I used to say that it was Brendons fault. (I was 13. THIRTEEN) it wasn't his fault. Some parts were, yeah, but it's hard to pinpoint everything that happened on one person. at the end of the day, its a good story I just Hate it (does that make sense) I love it but I hate it? it remains my least favorite purely for the pain it put me through.
Volume III: I love this volume. I always have. Sisky is amazing, we all love Sisky. I will say the iconic song/album references/jokes made me cringe a bit, though. Im not exactly sure what about this fic I always liked so much, I guess you can really see Ryans character growth and finally not be as much as a miserable fuck (he's still unstable dw) Since Ryan is less insufferable, it makes the volume more enjoyable. I like that Spencer and Ryan became friends again, I think it makes the book more enjoyable and tbh I think Spencer rly tied vol 3 together, if he wasn't part of it it would lowk suck. overall, best volume cant wait to host the throam tour where we go to hotel Chelsea then machias.
final thoughts: if I thought throam was 100% good when I was 13, Id say now that I think throam is about 85% good now. (does that make sense pt 2) this fic has sent me back into being 13 and I have been blasting some pretty. odd. (im listening to it rn as im typing this) and listening to this album just makes my life feel more simple. still a solid fic, I think it would be an amazing published book. and I think we can all agree that it would be amazing to see THROAM movies (in our dreams)
Thanks for reading lol
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tyxoxo · 1 year
One Night Only - VII.
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ch.6, m.list
Jeno x fem!reader series
Genre: slow burn, fuckboy!jeno, enemies to lovers/hate fucking fwb! bookstore jeno → model jeno au, 00’ dream + mark + jun (seventeen) character inserts
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: only suggestive themes in this chapter, jeno is mean, cocky, stubborn, this relationship is extremely toxic (i dont condone, this is pure fiction),
tagging: @sukistrawberry @mingiandbaconjam @baecobies @produmads @glitchfiles @devinitysann @jamy99hoe @pradajaehyun
a/n: don’t come for me! i know it’s been a minute 🫣
**edit: forgot to write that jeno changed his clothes. just imagine him in his all black fit from Milan!!:)
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Chapter 7
He had to have been the most foul person to ever step foot on this subway, thinking he could get away with trying to put his hands in between your thighs. It was painfully obvious that he was attempting to get to where you secretly needed him the most.  
“Jeno…” The way his name fell from your hushed lips made him go wild. Even if you were going to tell him to stop, it wouldn’t keep him from daydreaming about spinning you around to face the subway doors, letting everyone on the other side watch the two of you fly by as he took you against the foggy windows.
Even bonus points if he managed to rip your flimsy flannel open as he fucked you from behind, breasts pressed against the plexi glass from his relentless thrusts.
He was aware you weren’t wearing a bra underneath; practically begging to be exposed.
You whispered out his name again, not even realizing that you snapped him out of his wild daze.
“Hmm?” He hummed against your ear, causing your back to arch and ultimately intensify the way your ass fit perfectly into his groin. 
“We can’t do this here…” You fought against your desires, trying your hardest to not let your words drift off into a moan. There was no way the other subway-goers couldn’t hear you. Your tone was quiet enough to hear a pin drop but everyone was practically squished against one another, you and Jeno included. The only thing that set you apart from these strangers, was your guilt from struggling to behave.
“Why not?”
“There’s kids in here…”
He briefly turned his head from the front of the train to the very back. Due to his one-track mind, of course he didn’t notice.
“Fuck…” Disappointment was evident in his expression, forehead dropping onto your shoulder from the realization that he was cock-blocked.
You purposely dropped your eyes down at both of your shoes, knowing the civilians were probably disgusted, and would maybe even consider reporting you to the nearest authorities; this was Seoul after all. 
Regardless, Jeno kept his claim on you, making sure his hands were locked on your waist for the entire train ride. 
“So…what is there to know?” You asked as the two of you scoured the outdoor flea market. You didn’t know of any other way to start a conversation, but you hoped something would come out of it.
Neither of you were on the hunt for anything in particular, but the multitude of booths gave you both plenty to look at.
From antique’s, to handcrafted jewelry, to “hand-me-down’s” in a stand alone thrift section, there could be something worth buying. 
“What would you like to know?” Jeno knocked his shoulder into your own as a signal for “shoot it.” But you were certain that he had no idea how many details you wanted to discover. 
“Well, you seem pretty tame at the moment, which is why i asked.” 
He scoffed at your statement, knowing that he was so close to causing a scene on the subway. But he could care less about the old farts or the young bloods. He was never one to respect authority.
“I mean yeah, since we’re very well acquainted now.” He said his snarky comment rather loudly, to which you gave a rather loud and abrupt “shhh.”
A few shoppers turned to view your utterance, to which you quickly diverted your eyes from the sudden onslaught of attention. 
“Hmm, let me guess. You want to know why I'm being so nice right now. Or maybe you want to know when I'm gonna ditch you…”
He looked up towards the sky as he listed his malicious theories; a shit way to ponder on all of the possibilities.
You could only shake your head from your decision to initiate talk, but you couldn’t help but remain curious.
“You know you’re like a billion red flags right?” You snapped back with something only half as presumptuous; never quite on your “A” game with someone as forward as him.  
“Yeah, and what does that say about you?” He said with a smirk. It was becoming increasingly difficult to not tug on your lips with every word he spoke.
Sadly, he was right.
You were just as unstable as him, to all of a sudden be around him more often than your old self would’ve wanted to. 
“That I should be ashamed of myself…” 
Somehow that amused the both of you. And hearing him laugh for the first time, actually stirred something within you, even his eye smile making your cheeks turn scorching hot.
“But seriously though, what made you want to work at a bookstore, doesn’t seem like your kind of vibe. Having to be quiet all the time…”
“I mean, Renjun and I both wanted something lowkey and not super complicated. And could you imagine me in retail or fast food, sounds terrible right?” 
You covered your mouth as you imagined the scenario, entertained by his facial expressions and agreement with his own statement.
“I definitely couldn’t. But you should really treat Mark with more respect, he’s way too lenient with you, or any of us for that matter.”
You couldn’t help but scold Jeno, for all the times he was inconsiderate to your nothing-but-nice boss.
Jeno gave a sarcastic pout, and an aura of silence after catching sight of a ring at one of the many handcrafted jewelry booths. As he began to approach the tent, you inspected the banner attached to the front, reading “Brimstone Jewelry” with a Leviathan Cross situated on both ends. 
You followed behind him, hanging onto the back of his black jean jacket to keep up with his stride. 
As you stood side-by-side, you watched as he grabbed the grunge-inspired silver band, face showing interest in the decorative etchings. 
Eventually, who you presumed to be the owner, approached the two of you, hoping Jeno would buy it. 
“You like it?” The woman had a unique look to her. Despite being middle-aged, she seemed to be just as lively as the younger demographic: with dyed red fringed hair, spiked cuffs, and an all black sheer dress. 
Jeno could only respond with a “mhm” and a subtle nod, raising the ring to get a good view of the sticker on the inside that gave the size. 
“Do you have this in a size 9?” 
“Yes! Let me get it out of my box!” The lady bent down to grab the container that was hidden underneath the table by a white drape sheet. In it, was the ring he had asked for, along with others that were just as edgy. 
It was noticeably bigger and once Jeno placed it on his right middle finger, you felt your knees buckle.
He looked so hot, with it on. Even though his black jean jacket covered the veins on his arms, you could see them branched out on his hands, complimenting the avant-garde design of the ring.
You hadn’t even realized that your mouth was hung open as he held up his hand in the sunlight, not until the lady smiled and laughed at your expression.
Jeno was oblivious until she spoke again,
“Are you guys a couple?” 
She was daring to ask such a thing, and you tried to gulp down the lump that formed in your throat like an aftershock.
Jeno placed his hand down, giving an obvious and shameless “why would you ask such a thing” look.
Jeno’s curt response, without a reassuring glance, made the air around you go cold, despite the relatively warm day.
What did you expect? And why did it make your entire body slump into a low-spirited posture? 
“Didn’t mean to intrude, young man. Just thought I’d ask because I have some really nice couple rings.” The lady gave a sympathetic bow, one that was ignored by Jeno as he tossed the ring on the table and walked off without you.
You were in disbelief, not only from his brusque actions, but from the entirety of the situation. It seemed like he retreated anytime your presence was known…did you even really exist in his mind? Or only when it benefited him? 
Of course, you were probably overanalyzing. But this was the second time he withdrew after the two of you engaged in such a way. 
You mentally shook your head of your inordinate thoughts, giving a delayed bow to the lady on behalf of your anarchic partner, if that even was the appropriate title. 
“How come you didn’t buy it?” You eventually caught up, with your subconscious never failing to make you grab a hold of his arm as the two of you walked. Surprisingly, he didn’t shrug you away, and you could honestly care less if he secretly hated it. 
“I don’t know. I just didn’t want to…” 
If you ended up following through with your spur-of-the-moment plan, you could no longer say that you didn’t have feelings for Jeno. All of the denial would be nonexistent from this point onward. 
Because the moment you decided to walk back up to that same booth, you would make it your mission to have Jeno fuck you with that ring on, one way or another.
“Where are you going?” He looked back after feeling you release the back of his jacket. 
“I’ll be right back. Can you find me something to drink and some shade, like frozen lemonade or something?” 
As you attempted to keep your whereabouts unknown, you were stopped in your tracks by Jeno’s firm grip on your wrist, causing you to whirl back around to face him. His jaw was clenched, probably due to your equivocal decision to go alone suddenly, especially in such a busy crowd.
“What?” He asked with a tilt of his head.
“I’m gonna go check something out, can you find me something to drink in the meantime?” You tried your best not to involuntarily point your head in the direction of your objective, fearing it would give your plan away. 
“Tell me.” 
“I said i’ll be right back!” 
Because of the increase in your tone and the attention drawn to the two of you now, Jeno had no choice but to let go. He seemed to walk away in the opposite direction, where you had both eyed a drink stand minutes prior. You continued your journey back to the jewelry booth, hoping the lady wouldn’t tell you to go away because of Jeno’s ill-mannered attitude. 
Surprisingly, she smiled upon seeing you step up again to her booth.
“Back again huh?” 
“Yeah I couldn’t stay away.” You offered an awkward laugh to fill the once-cold space.
“Could I buy that size 9 ring we looked at earlier?” 
“Of course! But may I ask…how come he won’t?” 
She seemed to be the nosy type, but for some reason you didn’t mind, even envying her audacious personality.
“Uh-uhm. It’s a surprise for him. He never tells me or shows me what he likes so I thought why not.” 
A terrible lie, one that she might see right through.
“Well, I must say it fits him. You guys look good together. Just make sure he treats you right…been there, done that.”
She spoke low as she put the ring in its own matte-black holder, assuming Jeno was nearby to hear.  
You bowed from her conscious advice after handing the money, to which she waved goodbye as she handed you the brown paper gift bag. 
The bag was adorned with the same Leviathan Cross sticker on both sides, indirectly foiling your plans to keep it a surprise. 
As soon as you left the booth, you took out your phone to see if he texted where he could possibly be. And there on your lockscreen was a single message.
[jeno]: i’m at the drink stand we saw earlier. you should see a bunch of bright yellow chairs
[you]: ok, heading over now
It was impossible to hide the rush of excitement that forged within your body. You just knew he would love it, even if he tried to outwardly display annoyance from your persistence. 
You held the bag close to your body as you made your way to the stand, almost stumbling past a few people in the process.
There, in the distance, you saw him. And despite the toxicity, he took your breath away at every glance: the way he sat in the chair with the typical male leg cross—ankle up and resting on the opposite knee while scrolling through his phone made you grip the bag even tighter.
He had successfully fulfilled your request, with two large cups of what appeared to be frozen lemonade placed on the outdoor green mesh table.
It wasn’t until you got in arms-length distance that he looked up from his phone, eyes following the brown paper bag as you placed it on top of the table.
And once he looked from there and to your smug grin, he instantly knew. 
“What the fuck?” He leaned forward, switching to a normal sitting position simultaneously. 
His profanity garnered a mother with her two young children to cover their ears as she stood nearby ordering at the stand, but neither you nor Jeno cared about her own censoring. You began sipping the slushied drink through the straw as you shifted in the bright yellow chair, watching with a smile as he inspected the familiar sticker on the bag.
“Try it on again.” 
You spoke in between sips, not surprised to see him obeying your command within a second of your sentence.
After a hefty amount of rustling through the bag, he pulled out the matte-holder, and with it came the satisfaction of a lifetime.
As soon as he slipped it on his right middle finger, your mouth hovered over the straw, just like when you first saw him with it. 
He looked down at his hand with intrigue, and soon fixation as you scooted your chair over to him.
He sat frozen in his seat as you leaned over, chilled lips hitting his ear in two breaths,
“Now fuck me with it on…”  Where did all of your daringness come from? Not even you could answer that, but based on the rush of how he gathered all of your belongings and your wrist, he was determined to find out...
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Uh...Hi 👋🏻
I'm not sure how this 'ask' thing works since I'm new to Tumblr, but my friend recommended reading one of your fictions and it was really well written, I don't usually like fan fiction since majority of the time its really OOC.
But I'd like to ask for one please, I'm a really big Xiao and Kazuha lover, so may I request a scenario where the reader {could it be female if thats okay?} is sitting in a nice little scenery with the lad, and she just admires them wholeheartedly and compliments their features like I for one love Xiao's eyes so much.
That's all for now, your creative brain can think up the rest. Thanks <3
Admiring them [anemo version]
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summary: you´re busy admiring your anemo boyfriend when he catches you staring
pairings: xiao x gn!reader; kazuha x reader; heizou x reader; venti x reader; aether x reader
warnings: kazuha´s and heizou´s parts are a little suggestive but nothing too bad; otherwise just fluff
a/n: thank you so much, nonnie!! hearing that my writing is in character is one of the best compliments i could imagine (also shout out to your friend) ♡ these are just some short scenarios bc my brain didn´t have the stamina to write long scenes but i might come back to this idea bc i, too, could stare at xiao´s eyes for hours~ and, as you might notice, i´m down bad for heizou
genshin impact masterlist
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Doesn’t notice at first but gets so shy when he catches your starstruck gaze
His gorgeous features are highlighted by the rosy blush dusting his cheeks as he turns his face away and tries to shield himself with his hand
But you don’t miss the way his curious amber eyes flit back to you to gauge your reaction
You were comfortably settled on one of the hilltops surrounding Liyue Harbor, granting you a grandiose view of the city below. The Lantern Rite Festival was in full swing and every street and house was lit alight by a multitude of colourful lanterns. From where you sat, the people carrying lanterns were unrecognisable, making it look like a thousand fireflies were dancing through the night.
Leaning your head against Xiao’s shoulder, you let out a deep sigh “Isn’t this beautiful, dear?”
“I guess so,” he mumbled as he hesitantly brought his arm around your waist. When you snuggled into him more, his action gained more confidence though and he lightly tugged you further against him. “People don’t believe in the adepti as they used to but they still throw festivals for them. How ridiculous.”
“I think that’s the case with most traditions. Their original meaning fades over time but because people grow up learning this way, they’ll continue to do it like that in the future. And their kids will grow up learning it too…and so on and so forth.” Xiao merely scoffed but you knew he wasn’t as averse to the people of Liyue Harbor as he let on. 
You sat in  peaceful silence for a while, letting the bustling of the city mixed with the sounds of nature from the mountains serve as background noise. Then, the first light of a xiao lantern floated into the night sky and thousands followed its path. The sea around the harbour was set ablaze as people set lanterns out on the water. Reaching for your boyfriend’s hand, you intertwined your fingers and gave them a playful squeeze.
As more and more lights filled the air, you turned to Xiao who was curiously watching the scene unfold before him. The lanterns’ shine was perfectly reflected in his gorgeous amber eyes as they seemingly glowed from the inside out. The night breeze gently twirled the strands framing his face and you couldn’t help but be in awe “Truly breathtaking…”
“Aren’t you exaggerat—“ Xiao faced you but was cut off by you already looking at him. “Why are you giving me that look??”
“What? I’m admiring the view, that’s what we came here for after all,” you teased, giving him a gentle nudge with your elbow.
“I will never understand you mortals”, he grumbled without any malice as he whipped his head to the side to hide his rosy cheeks from you, of which you had already gotten a glimpse.
Sitting up on your knees, you draped yourself over his back, your head resting on his. “It’s true though. You’re absolutely stunning, whether you can see it yourself or not. But that’s what I’m here for, right? I’ll remind you everyday if I have to, that you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever had the luck of meeting, both inside and out. If you know that, then it’s okay.”
Tentatively, Xiao slipped his fingers between yours, tenderly returning the affectionate squeeze you gave him earlier. He needen´t express himself with words when you knew it was a grateful "I know."
Kazuha’s pleasantly surprised, his features soon morphing into a serene smile
Conveys how much he appreciates your affection before returning the favour and showering you with the most eloquent of verses
He’s always been very secure in your relationship and has never been shy to voice how charming you are to him, so catching you admiring his features feels very intimate in a non sexual way
You were sitting beneath a crimson maple tree a few kilometres away from Liyue Harbor as you watched the falling leaves dance in the breeze before gracefully landing in a gentle stream carrying them away. But this wasn´t the only view to marvel at. No, if anything, the sight which caught your eye was even more beautiful than the landscape surrounding you.
Enraptured, you followed each elegant move your boyfriend executed as he practised his sword technique. He might have discarded the title of samurai but he was still diligently improving his fighting prowess and you certainly didn't mind “reviewing his form”.
The polished silver of his blade gleamed as it passed through the sunrays filtering through the tree crowns above. He had tied back both sleeves of his haori jacket and his hair, the short ponytail exposing the curve of his neck. Every now and then, you were even granted a peek of his collarbones when the garment slipped slightly open at the front. The muscles in his forearms flexed with each rise and fall of his katana, which subsequently made heat rise to your cheeks.
“You have a curious way of observing my technique, love.” Kazuha´s low chuckle brought you out of your daydreaming fantasy and you quickly averted your eyes, your face and neck practically burning in shame. The action caused him to laugh a little more as he lowered his sword and slowly approached your sitting form. “It´s alright, darling. After all, you need to get a very close look to help me with the fine details of my practice, isn´t that right?”
“Point taken, now stop embarrassing me!” The measly cover your hands provided only lasted a couple of seconds before two hands -one bare and one bandaged- gently closed around your wrists and exposed you to the inquisitive gaze of your lover. As your eyes found crimson ones, your heart beat started irregularly jumping up and down at the depth of emotion you found swirling within.
“There we go, that's much better.” Light as a feather, Kazuha trailed millions of fluttering butterfly kisses first across your wrists, palms and fingers before making his way up your arm until he had pulled you close enough, so his warm breath fanned your neck. If he couldn´t hear your heart before, he certainly could now. You were surprised it hadn´t leapt out of your chest and into his hands, where it metaphorically had already made its home.
More kisses bloomed along the skin of your collarbone and up your neck, stopping right underneath the sensitive spot behind your ear, his low hum sending shivers down your spine. “You needn´t be embarrassed, my love. On the contrary, I quite enjoy having your attention on me, considering how your alluring charms occupy my mind nearly every waking second of my day. Even at night, your magnificent figure follows me into my dreams, so it seems only fair that this feeling is shared by us both, don´t you think, darling?”
“None of this is fair!”, you whined as the vibrations of his voice seemed to reach even the deepest part of your soul. As if to prove your point, Kazuha cupped your cheek with one hand to keep you in place while his soft lips worked their way up your jaw. Yes, you were certain: whatever game this was, your boyfriend was definitely cheating.
“Ah but don´t you remember, love?” The skin around his eyes crinkled lightly to reflect the scarlet mirth staring back at you, the small smirk he adorned tangible against the corner of your lips.
“´All is fair in matters of love and war.´ But if you think this is foul-play,” he contemplated while his thumb traced the arch of your lower lip, “I might have to throw my morals to the wind more often.”
(Why would you do this to yourself? /j)
The smug smirk he wears when he catches you staring tells you that you’re in for it now
It’s nearly impossible to slip anything past his trained detective eyes and when Heizou studies your expression, he’s naturally quick to put two and two together
But don’t you dare look away while he’s cooing at how adorable you are, he’ll tilt your face back towards his with two fingers placed on your chin to further continue his investigation~
You’re not sure if either of you had moved within the last hour. And you’re not sure if either of you wanted to move for that matter.
For context, your boyfriend was completely absorbed by a new puzzle he had gotten, so much so that you doubted he could see or hear anything that was farther than 10 or 20 centimetres from reach. By now you were used to his moods and just let him be, having learnt the hard way that there’s no way to get him back to the real world in a time like that.
As for you, well, you were completely absorbed by…him. The way his brow creased, how his teeth worried his bottom lip when he was stuck on a certain part, his bright eyes that narrowed in deep concentration and his moles…those goddamn moles!!
For now, you were torn between admiring him and scowling at him for being so beautiful it was maddening. Frustrated, you scoffed under your breath.
“Drives you that crazy, hmm?” he said without looking up from his work, mischief swinging in his voice. Chuckling when your head snapped up in surprise, he raised his eyes to meet yours, amusement evident amidst olive green. “What, you thought I wouldn’t notice when you’re basically burning holes into my head with how much you’re staring, baby?”
“I’m glad at least one of us finds this amusing,” you grumbled, defiantly looking away from him. If you had kept your eyes on him a little longer though, you would’ve noticed how he rounded the table and came up behind where you were sitting. But because you didn’t, his voice ringing out directly besides your ear nearly made you jump out of your skin.
“For someone who’s been so observant up until now, you’re quite easy to sneak up on, you know.” His teasing snicker set the back of your neck and most possibly also your cheeks on fire. When you turned around to give him a piece of your mind, you were playing right into his hands, which came down on either side of you as he crowded you against the table, his smug smirk even wider now. “Tell me baby, what’s got you so upset?”
“Oh come on. I’m your boyfriend, remember?” he cooed. One of his hands cupped the side of your jaw, high enough for his thumb to trace circles onto your cheek. “But I’m not a mind-reader. I can’t make you feel better if you don’t tell me what’s wrong. My, with how you’re burning up, I might just think you have a fever.”
“Oh, shut up,” you mumbled and turned your head away again. “You know exactly what’s going on.” 
“Mhm, I do.” His voice low, barely above a whisper and oh so close to you, made goosebumps rise along your arms. “But I like to hear you say it.”
“You’re the worst.”
“Aww, you’re breaking my heart, sweetheart. Say,” two of his fingers rested under your chin to tilt it back to his, making it impossible to escape his half-lidded gaze, “am I really that bad?”
Your eyes flitted down towards his lips as Heizou leaned in. Winding your arms around his neck with one hand settling comfortably in his auburn hair, you straightened to meet him halfway. 
As your lips nearly touched his, you whispered “Yeah, you drive me out of my mind.”
Cheeky, cheeky bard
Thrives with your attention on him and will tease you about it
As he flirts back and returns your compliments tenfold, his bright eyes seem to hold an even livelier spark than usual
When he shows you the most recent song he wrote, you’ll find the person who inspired it feels rather familiar 
The fresh breeze curled around your face and tugged at your clothes but it didn’t chill you. On the contrary, it was a welcome sensation that brought with it the scent of flowers and apples.
You were sitting on the stone parapet surrounding the plaza in front of the cathedral. At the foot of Mondstadt’s Barbatos Statue there was a little get together of bards from all over Teyvat, swapping stories and presenting their newly written works. 
And in the midst of it all was your lovely boyfriend, who naturally attracted the people around him. Whether it was because of his charms, his talent or because he was literally the patron of bards you didn’t know but you were happy he could share his passion with like-minded people. In fact, it was your idea to come here in the first place. But at one point you had taken a step back from the conversation and let Venti do his thing.
Your attention was drawn back to the crowd though when the familiar tune of a lyre reached your ears. From how often you got to listen to it, you’d be able to pick this instrument from hundreds of its kind each time. Or maybe it wasn’t the lyre but the person playing it.
Slowly you approached the bards and pushed your way to the front, where you had perfect vision of Venti strumming his lyre with lithe fingers and humming a new yet comfortingly familiar melody. With his eyes closed and a serene smile on his face, he swayed in time with his piece. Although it was an action so simple, you found you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the sight of him so in his element, as if nothing or no one else was there.
You were so lost in him that it took you a couple of seconds to notice he had finished performing and was making his way over, teal eyes already fixed on you. There was a playful grin tugging at his lips, getting more excited the closer he came.
“Did you like it, dove?” Venti immediately grasped both your hands within his and brought them up to his lips to press quick pecks to your knuckles “Or were you too busy staring to notice who this song was dedicated to, ehe~?”
“Well, I can’t help it that my boyfriend is so beautiful, can I now?”, you teased back, one hand straightening the cap on his head before twirling one of his braids around your finger.
“It’s a tragedy, really,” he sighed, wiping a fake tear from the corner of his eyes. Then he lifted his hand to your face and gently smoothed the knuckle of his pointer finger across your cheekbone, all the while giving you the softest look you’d ever seen a person muster “But this does not even compare to the hardships I go through, all because my partner is so gorgeous. Especially when they look at me with eyes so full of love, how can I keep myself from writing a million songs about them? How do I endure the constant thoughts of them crossing my mind? The burden, it’s near impossible to bear!”
“Oh, woe is us! Fate can be so cruel,” you mock sobbed before you both erupted into a fit of giggles. When you calmed down you fixed him with the most loving gaze “I love you, Venti.”
“I love you, too, dove.”
A smile so bright it could replace the sun and the matching warmth on his cheeks
Followed by the most adorable giggles which envelope you like a cosy blanket
Very expressive about his gratitude and even more vocal about his adoration for you
Expect more ‘random’ compliments and small gestures from him from now on
You were lazing around on your shared bed as you waited for your boyfriend to grace you with his presence. And luckily for you and your ceiling, which you probably would've turned into a donut if you had stared any longer, the characteristic sound of the front door opening, followed by the hopeful call of your name, had you sitting up straight fast enough to make the room spin.
Aether had been away on commissions for too long in your humble opinion. So, when the bedroom door opened to reveal your sunshine of a boyfriend, he thanked the Archons for his fast reflexes, otherwise both of you would´ve gone down with how you threw yourself at him. But luckily, Aether is Aether and twirling you around upon catching you was one of the easiest parts of his life.
“You're finally back! I missed you so much!”, you exclaimed while throwing your arms around his neck. You couldn't help but giggle when he returned the sentiment as sincerely as you gave it. Pressing a kiss to his forehead, you slid back down and intertwined your hands. “Come on, you must be tired. Let's get you washed up and then let's eat!”
No matter how often you saw it, there was something entrancing about the way Aether carefully removed piece after piece of his armour until only his pants and crop top remained. When all his discarded clothes found their way into the hamper, he sat down in front of your vanity and reached for the end of his braid.
“Here, let me help you with that.”  Aether offered no protest as he relaxed fully into the chair and basically melted as your fingers trailed up his arms and massaged some of the tense spots around his shoulders. Then, just as carefully, your fingertips brushed along the expanse of his spine and you prided yourself on the little shiver that visibly ran through him. “Relax, honey. Let me take care of you.”
By the time your fingers gently removed the hair tie from his blonde strands, Aether had his eyes closed while his breath had evened out. If it weren't for the little hums he left out as the pressure on his scalp ebbed away when you slowly undid his braid, you'd have thought he was asleep. After tenderly running your fingers through the entirety of his hair to get out the biggest tangles, you reached for the brush on the vanity.
Making your way from the ends of his hair to the roots, you found that there wasn't much to do actually. Sure, there was one or the other tiny knot but otherwise his hair had inexplicably remained pretty tangle-free. You couldn't help but wonder how your boyfriend managed to do that because you were quite sure if you had his hair, you´d have brought at least half a forest worth of twigs and leaves home with you.
So, who could blame you that you kept smoothing over his beautiful locks long after you were done brushing them out, especially when the sinking evening sun turned them into liquid gold between your fingertips. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt right?
“You´re so cute, you know that?” You tore your eyes from the strands in your grasp to the mirror, wide eyes meeting his half-lidded ones. In your surprise you had let go of the hair you were holding as you fumbled for something to say. But Aether beat you to it. “Please, keep going. This feels so nice.”
Who were you to deny him? He needn't ask twice before your fingers had picked up their earlier ministrations again as the light falling through the window made your boyfriend glow brighter than any treasure ever could.
„How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?“, you mused, small smile visible in the vanity mirror. At that, Aether craned his neck to look up at you, his eyes wide and curious at your sudden declaration. But then an equally adoring grin tugged at his lips as he turned around in your arms.
„Isn’t that my line?“, he chuckled. Looping his arms around your neck, he cradled the back of your head in his palm as he pulled you down to his height. Every kiss you shared didn´t last long as you both smiled into them, leading to you breaking apart after only a few seconds. Giving his nose a quick peck, you settled for resting your forehead against his, basking in your boyfriend's contagious giggles. 
You´d often heard people say that home was not a place but a person and while you understood the meaning of the statement, you could never reflect the sentiment. But after meeting Aether and travelling Teyvat with him, you started to see the truth behind the phrase. After all, you couldn´t care less about where you were as long as you were with him.
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lutzlig · 1 year
Tumblrwoman Election Wrap-Up
To celebrate the end of this election, I'm gonna answer the rest of your questions!
First off:
Thanks everyone for participating! This ended up way bigger than expected. It was pretty exciting, seeing everybody chime in and participate.
Shoutout ESPECIALLY to all the people making fanarts, memes, etc... you people are incredible!!! Most of it can be found under #twe23, be sure to check it out, everybody!
Here's some highlights you people have made:
this github live number tracker made by @twilight-sparkle-irl during the vriska/katya poll. A THRILLING read!
this hollow knight miku oc by @anonymous-utility!! shes so cute...
@seasoned-cabbage made a wiki sandbox for the polls... it's so satisfying to see the stats laid out like this : D
@unidentifiedfroggy wrote fanfiction that just perfectly encapsulates the whole experience : ' )
General Q&A
"Who did you want to win?"
I myself think Vriska deserved the title most! I think vriska is just as integral to tumblr as Cecil is, if not more.
As for the other 2 involved, they didn't really care who won!
How often did you hear "Why are you pitting 2 bad bitches against each other"?
Often! One of us was going to count, but he got so annoyed that he stopped. You people need to get a new sentence.
"Why are there minors in a tumblrsexywoman contest?"
It's not a tumblr sexywoman contest, it's a tumblrwoman election! Before we made the poll, we considered whether it's better to throw out the minors or remove the "sexy" angle. We decided on the latter, mostly because this kind of competition would feel incomplete without tumblrgirls like miku and vriska.
Will you be doing this again next year?
Hm, not sure. Probably not! At least, I wasn't planning on it. We did this on a whim, and this is (SUPPOSED TO BE) my art blog.
I might make a blog for it next year, if these are still relevant and the demand is high (which i highly doubt).
Why didn't you answer my question?
I got like 130 asks this week and most of them were cries of pain and outrage. I was also incredibly busy irl until a day ago. If I didn't answer your question, Sorry!
Concerns about Corruption
According to the tags on these, every single one of the polls was rigged in some way or another. Particularly grievous examples of this were Miku's loss (I suspect Vriskavoters doing foul play (I am vriskavoters. I voted Bayonetta to sabotage Miku. Then i spent the whole day listening to Miku voicebank comparisons.)), and Marcie's win (Somebody accused the Adventure time subreddit of having swamped the poll. The post in question had 19 upvotes. The poll on tumblr had 92,123 votes).
What's more, I've been offered bribes!! Several american dollars! The political landscape of tumblr sure is a scary place...
Some of you really don't know how to act. This goes out to a small (but very, very vocal) minority - don't be a dick! Just because it's the internet does not mean you can just insult random strangers! This is a poll about fictional women, this is NOT a place to call people the r-word or imply someone is stupid for liking a character.
Some people left pretty graphic, violent messages. Most of these were jokes, but still. Take caution with the words you choose. This should go without saying, but telling strangers to "eat glass" and the like is not acceptable behaviour.
In the end, this was a competition between fictional characters, so seeing people arguing in the replies and trying to gain some sort of moral high ground was a little bit saddening.
Most of you were nice though, luckily : )
To everyone who left kind messages, to everyone engaging and having fun, the fan art, the posts, to everyone expressing their thanks to us - thank you!!!
In the end, this was a lot of fun, and it was nice to see the website come together like that!
What's next?
For the next few days, I'm going to be promoting my friends' projects as much as I can to scare all of you people off of my blog.
I got WAY too many followers from this and frankly, that is simply not acceptable. You all need to leave NOW, because I want to get back to posting art eventually and I would rather not be on everybody's timeline.
That's why I have decided to become a massive sell out and reblog my friends' stuff on main for a bit. Peace!
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
In a modern au, what would be the most they could stomach in a video game? like from a 1 to Postal 2 scale
Hmm. I think it depends on what exactly we're talking about. I'm assuming you're talking about violence here so I'll start with that, but I think discussing other categories for ratings would be fun. Sexual content and horror elements would probably be the two other main ones.
Putting under a read more, I don't go into much detail about any of these but hey, it's pretty long anyway so may as well do that, in case you don't want it out in the open on your feed haha
FPK - while he doesn't mind gore itself (we're talking about a guy who eats animals raw in the main AU, after all), I think he would be very squeamish about something like torture, or mass violence. He would be fine with survival games though, since in those you usually commit violence to survive or in self-defense. He's definitely the type to be nice to NPCs in games, he wouldn't want to kill them for no reason. So it really depends on the situation, but if we're talking Postal 2 like violence then he wouldn't like it.
Grimm - he's far more comfortable with violence, he's not opposed to killing others (at least in the main AU) and with video games the barrier between reality and fiction would make him even more indifferent to it. That's where he stands, I think, he wouldn't usually go on mass NPC killings, especially if FPK was watching him play, but he wouldn't be opposed to very brutal scenarios. He can stomach it just fine.
Hornet - she's the type to take her anger out on video game characters so she'd be perfectly fine with shooting random pedestrians in GTA or even playing Postal 2 and pushing it to the extreme. She's desensitized to violence and gore as long as it's in a video game, in real life she's a bit more squeamish about it (especially if she's placed in a situation where she has to treat someone's wounds, she'll handle it but she would have to look away in the worst moments).
Holly - they don't like blood, gore and violence, so they would avoid it altogether if playing video games. While blood itself is usually fine (after all, they don't mind seeing blood on FPK or Grimm's mouth/clothes in the main AU), they avoid any kind of violence. They're the type to play Stardew Valley, or sit and tend to their farm in Minecraft, leaving combat to the others. So not counting the kids, they're the most squeamish about video game violence.
Zote - he's somewhere in the middle, closer to squeamish, he's fine with killing NPCs but if it gets too violent he has to look away (but only if no one is looking at him). He'll claim that he can handle anything and then run out of the room to puke if the game gets really intense.
Lewk, Asta and Milo - too young for violent games. They often watch the others play, but only those games that are suitable to them. Asta and Milo are too young to really know what's happening, but Grimm and FPK still won't let them look at violent stuff. Same for Lewk, except he's a lot more aware so his dads are even more careful to make sure he doesn't see something he shouldn't.
Sexual content
FPK - while he does have an active intimate life with Grimm, he's not the biggest fan of sex or nudity in video games. He would definitely instinctively look away, and if a game has an option to disable it, he always chooses it.
Grimm - 100% has a save file for every romance option in Baldur's Gate 3. As mentioned prior, he can separate fiction from reality - it's a video game, he'd never cheat on FPK. But I think he'd do it more out of curiosity than for any other reason. Also he'd most definitely critique terrible sex scenes in games hahah.
Hornet - she's fine with it, though if there's an option to skip it she will usually do it.
Holly, Zote - they both dislike it and will avoid games that have it.
Horror elements
FPK - very sensitive to it, avoids horror games like fire. He hates jumpscares and the feeling of dread or terror, so he would not have fun playing a horror game.
Grimm - he loves horror, it's incredibly hard for any media to scare him. Makes sense, he's the god of nightmares, the only time he's going to be terrified is if one of his loved ones gets hurt.
Hornet - she enjoys horror, she'll get jumpscared sometimes and get angry about it, but she does like playing scary games for the thrill.
Holly - they don't play horror games, but they would be able to handle them pretty decently (except for those that lean into violent horror). They have pretty much no reaction to jumpscares, they also handle tense scenes quite well.
Zote - screams at every single jumpscare and then acts like he was just pretending. Classic Zote move
Lewk - surprisingly brave about spooky things, though of course he doesn't get to watch violent scary games, for the reasons stated above.
Asta and Milo - even if Asta is the braver than Milo, the two would still get really scared at loud noises and images, and start crying (which would sound more like quiet sad meows).
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endlessame · 3 months
higurashi ch3 tatarigoroshi thoughts
Yesterday i finally finished Higurashi's third chapter, "Curse Killing/Tatarigoroshi".
I have lots of thoughts about this chapter. So let me put them all in this post.
Obviously, spoilers ahead!
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Let's begin by coming clear. I figured that Tatarigoroshi was gonna be a Satoko revolving chapter... and I wasn't super into it. Not that I dislike Satoko, obviously! But at first, it seemed to me like a chapter around her wasn't gonna be as interesting as one revolving around the Sonozakis or Rika. I was proven SO wrong SO fast.
The silly atmosphere of the beginning of this chapter was one of the best, but when we got to THIS part?
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This trope is one that always gets to me. The trope of "seeing the ghost of someone in someone else" always gets me so emotional, specially in fraternal contexts. This chapter gave so much depth to Satoko's character... the whole Nii-nii part sealed the deal. I was crying.
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Seeing Keiichi in a light that wasn't just "silly mc burdened with the horrors" was also really nice. His role in this whole chapter was amazing, honestly. He felt really genuine and human with his reactions.
As I said, the silliness was peak this chapter. Not really fond of the Coach though, he's a weirdo in a lot of ways that I dislike.
But enough of the silliness, because like every Higurashi chapter... those fun days had to end.
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The whole deal with Satoko's uncle was devastating to read. It really drove home the point of Ryukishi's line of work, because this depiction of abuse and reaction to it is so harrowingly realistic that I, who don't really sob much with fiction, I usually just shed a tear or two quietly... was sobbing on this part. Like, a whole lot. When Satoko said that line? I couldn't hold back the tears.
Then you see Keiichi's reactions, and you're with him. Like, how are you NOT gonna be? You want to act as soon as possible, obviously... but everyone's telling that's not possible. You act, and you might screw everything up.
So when you get to Satoko's breakdown in class... it was one of the most terrifyingly real things I've ever read. Satoko's reaction to contact... it broke my heart. I was devastated for her.
Which was a great way to make me, and I'm sure that a lot of people as well, get on board with Keiichi's plan.
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From here, we get a really interesting insight in Keiichi's/the killer mind. It's creepy in a way Higurashi never really showed us before, which I think it worked great. Keiichi's plan and murder scene were written in a way that made me go the whole time "something's gonna go really bad, isn't it?" Sure, Takano's apparition was bad enough as it was, but I was pretty sure she was gonna end up... well, like every other chapter.
But aside from that... everything started going badly. It was terrifying to read and imagine myself in Keiichi's shoes. A new you is going around. You killed someone, right? He's still alive. There's proof that you killed him. Yet, there he stands. You feel like you're going crazy, because you probably are, right?? But no. Satoshi's bat is gone. You really did do it.
But there's no body. You confess to someone you believed you could trust, but at the end... he doesn't believe you. You go to save the reason behind this entire murder... and she calls you a murderer. She tries to kill you.
And then, they're all gone. Just like that, a curse killing.
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This chapter's ending rounded up perfectly. Everything, everything kept going up, and up... until it burst in this chapter, where no one was left alive, except for Keiichi.
And well, something I noticed... was that even now, Satoko's uncle didn't figure as dead on the credits. He's just... gone.
So now, let's jump into a fun part: theories! I'm really self-conscious of talking about theories, because I'm always afraid of messing something up badly, but whatever. I think it's better to push myself.
What happened? The difficulty of this chapter was said to be impossible, and it truly seems like it. Now, this may be the little Ushiromiya Battler inside of my mind, but I believe there has to be some human explanation to all this, right? Like... I was one of the people who, although believing in the magic of Umineko, still liked to try to unveil the mysteries. I want to fight the witch that's presenting me these challenges, so... what are my thoughts?
The most worrying part is the whole Two Keiichis Situation. At first, I believed that everyone knew that Keiichi murdered her uncle, so lied in order to protect him in case someone (Ooishi) saw the body. But then, the uncle turned out to be alive, because Satoko really didn't seem to be lying...
Could this whole thing be just... a delusion from Keiichi? The whole "murdering with a curse" thing just seems unlogical. Yet again, there's nothing impossible in Hinamizawa...
My best theory right now is that everything we see since Keiichi decides to murder until the great Hinamizawa Disaster... is in some way or form, a lie. I don't know why, but that's my biggest bet. Probably wrong, but oh well.
Also, who murdered Rika? That's another thing to be asking.
To end things, I also noticed how in the Review, they mention the next chapter to be Meakashi, and part of the Answers Arcs. Yet... the next chapter is Himatsubushi. That... really peaked my interest.
I can't wait to continue reading.
I saw a lot of people be excited watching someone reading Higurashi for the first time, so... feel free to send asks or whatever! I love to engage with people as I read. And thanks for reading this far, of course!
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Let's see... what this mysterious chapter... this Final Mystery... wants me to think.
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unsoundedcomic · 1 year
Favorite Hayao Miyazaki villain and why? What do you think an aspiring storyteller can learn from how his villains are written? Do you think any of that helped develop any characters or moments in Unsounded?
Ooooh~~~ My favourite Miyazaki villain is Muska from Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa, but like, he's the least complex villain in any of the movies, haha. He has a huge fandom though because he's such a massive dork and unapologetically evil. He beats up little girls! But there's a real purity to him, and it feels SO GOOD when he gets vanquished at the end. And vanquished in a really horrible way too. God, I love Muska.
Other Miyazaki villains are, as I'm sure you know, much more grey, and beating them isn't about achieving any sort of power fantasy or catharsis; it's more about learning a lesson. Ghibli movies are a degree of didactic that Disney movies only dream about. In most Disney movies, the villain is as two-dimensional as the cell they're painted on, and the audience roars for their blood. This isn't really a great thing to be drowning children in, if we're honest with ourselves.
In most Miyazaki movies, you make friends with the villain. You learn why they are the way they are - you learn that they're human - and chances are you don't get to throw them off a cliff at the end.
I love all the above. I love unapologetically evil villains, and I love the greyer antagonists. Both exist in the real world. It's nice to think that some people are just misunderstood but nope. Some people are just sociopathic evil pricks and they really should be thrown off a cliff.
As far as writing villains, that's really going to depend on what you're after. Sometimes the escapism of utterly destroying a purely evil villain is exactly what the world and your audience wants and needs. We don't get to see that happen in real life too much; the opportunity to experience it in fiction is why we do what we do, so many of us.
But if you want something more nuanced because there is something special you want to express - like the complex relationship between the natural world and the flourishing of humanity, or the insecurity that's at the heart of a lot of bullying, or how isolation breeds contempt, Miyazaki is a fine teacher. Just remember that he likes his irredeemable villains too, and that's perfectly fine.
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sandglass-art · 1 year
I just discovered your beautiful Neji x Gaara art and I was hooked immediately! That's hard to do because I've been so heavily shipping Gaara with someone else that I didn't think I had it in me to ship Gaara again with someone new.
But this pair?? It's got so much potential!! And I cannot believe I am just now discovering your this rare pair and your art.
Have you thought about doing fanart for Boruto-era Gaara with Neji (he lives AU)? Neji would be so handsome and would be a great father to Shinki.
Hi! Oh my God, do you know that these are the coolest words when someone falls in love with your peering? No, seriously! It's simply impossible to get a stronger compliment. I'm really glad to read this, really! And yes, you're absolutely right, this is a very rare pair. Once I tried to write fan-fictions to somehow fill it. To be honest, I write fragments to the table from time to time and now)
This couple really has a huge potential. Of course, Kishimoto wasn't going to bring them together in any way, but it's nice to try to catch moments from the anime where they can interact. How they look at each other on the exam. How closely Gaara watches Neji. And at the moment of his battle with his sister, he begins to tremble, and Temari notices: "oh no, he is already trembling with excitement." And yes, I understand the message that Gaara is looking for a strong opponent and good blood, and Neji is a great fit. But it still catches him, even so. And the fact that Neji, being from an aristocratic family, with Gaara not to use any suffixes at all even when he becomes a Kazekage. About the selection by Gaara Neji for appointment immediately two ranks higher, you can compose a lot of off-screen stories. And the fact that, on the instructions of the Neji clan often performed missions for Suna alone (as mentioned in the anime), is also nice.
And in general, I really like their interaction (and thought out too). I see them as a couple as allies. Not lovers, but allies. This word suits them better. They are both strong guys, separately significant for society and successful. They will not talk about tenderness and love. Instead, they will show it as much as possible in support, care, sacrifice. They will always stand by each other's side, but in private they can say “you're wrong. You are acting like a fool." This is a strong union. They understand each other and communicate with their eyes: Gaara himself was silent for a long time, I'm sure he reads emotions well. Well, Neji's noticing byakugan is not worth talking about, I think he also perfectly captures small changes. And both are far from stupid.
I guess I lose a lot by not romanticizing them too much. For me, it is considered romantic in their pair training, where you can nail one of them to the ground. Exhausted, in the dust, but contented even with defeat. They will definitely never get married. I don't see that kind of opportunity in the Naruto world at all. For me, they generally do not advertise their relationship. Even if it was accepted in society, it would not be Gaara with the title of Kazekage to mess with it. And not Neji - a brilliant descendant of one of the most respected clans of Konoha. That's probably why I never imagined Neji alive and a father to Shinki. I want the characters to be happy. But with age, it would be more difficult for them to defend their relationship when the clan and title expect something different from you, and the traditions and influence of your actions on others are so strong. To some extent, Neji's death fits me with the fact that Gaara still did not marry. He lost a very important person for himself, but could not betray him even after that. The appearance of Shinki gives a new round in his life, he can finally afford to love and live for someone, while not betraying the memory of Neji. But yes, I'm sure Neji would be great in Boruto)
PS. I love glass in a relationship and dislike it at the same time. For a very long time I want to draw the moment when Gaara sees the corpse of Neji after the war. This story is very vivid and stays in my head for a long time. But I seem to be afraid of him. I'm afraid to draw not as strong as it should be. And I'm afraid to bring this plot into their couple. Once I wrote a story about the two of them, where throughout the whole story I was sure of the ending, when Gaara would have to die. This would be a very logical and necessary outcome. He deserved it. This would also be a strong point. But I couldn't do it. I love this couple too much. What to say: this pair appeared for me somewhere in 2009 and to this day remains the only ship for me. That's why it means so much to me when someone gets into it too.
Thank you for your question and the opportunity to pronounce all these words)
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gffa · 9 months
I appreciate you discussing the good parts of Gotham War. It's nice to see people focusing on what was good instead of the bad. Sure, I dislike Gotham War for reasons not related to Bruce, specially when comparing it to how older stories like Murderer/Fugitive handled all the characters involved. But it's also refreshing to talk about what was done right, you know?
*laughs* My brand on tumblr is basically, "It's perfectly understandable to dislike things, we all dislike things, but it is so much more fun to talk about what we did like!" because I'm so, so tired of being mad at the fictional content I consume. I spent years mad at Star Wars and it only made me miserable, so I eventually said, fuck it, I'm just going to find the stuff I like and everything else is getting put out on the curb where I will ignore its existence, because nobody's paying me to be here, so my only "reward" is the fun I'm having, and it's up to me to find that fun. (Okay, I still get salty a lot, I'm human, I'm not going to repress myself for the sake of toxic positivity, but there's a world of difference between that and just saying, "I'm going to make an effort to lean in a happy direction." And the latter has made my life markedly better.) So I'm glad that talking about the good parts of Gotham War are working for you! It's cool if we don't see eye to eye on everything or you still want to tear it a new one on your own blog, I'm not here to judge or care about other people's business if it doesn't involve me. But it's always nice when we can find common ground on other aspects of what we did like! And, for all that I can see problems with Gotham War, I am very much enjoying the story about a traumatized guy having gone through so much shit lately that he's finally hitting a breaking point and it's going to be a mess, because sometimes people who are traumatized are going to break in an extremely messy way. (Goddddd, for someone who never used to care about Bruce outside of his relationships with other people, apparently I have become Invested In His Character. orz)
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elgascreamslikehell · 4 months
So, as long as i have insomnia (it's hard to find a mental issue I don't have rn, i mean I'm fucking Ash Ketchum but with mental issues instead of Pokemon's, catch them all, bitch)
I started a new story!
To basically scratch every itch i still have. I know basically all the main events in this story, i still can't decide if i want a happy ending or DEATH ANGST SUFFERING cause i love me some angst but i kinda want it to be nice in the very end? Somebody should be happy it's definitely not me then at least it should be my favourite fictional characters.
‘Hey, Eddie!’, - Buck is smiling like today is not Monday. Buck really has this sweet smile which Eddie used to like… in the past. He remembers vividly the exact moment he decided he doesn't like this smile anymore. ‘She sees me’.  The exact moment his heart collapsed. Apparently though, ‘she saw him’ for not too long. For an even shorter period than Eddie himself tried - and hell he did try hard - to build something with Marisol which was obviously just a desperate attempt to distract himself from the sad truth. Where the truth was - he loved Evan fucking Buckley. His path to accept his queerness was hard enough. His path to accept that he is close to fail his friendship was brutal. He, anyhow, managed to deal with all of this. At least he was pretty sure he did. And now Buck just smiles at him. Like nothing even happened. Like he didn't smash Eddie's heart with three words. ‘Are you going with us to the bar after work? I want you all to meet someone!’. Eddie grins: ‘Of course. I hope it's nice someone this time’ To be honest, Eddie doesn't give a damn, who this person is. But he can play pretend perfectly. Even with Buck. Okay, especially with Buck. And where did 'you shouldn't pretend with me' go? *** ‘So, who do you think Buck would introduce?’, - Hen is pouring beer but she looks directly at Eddie. He doesn't like it though. ‘I have no idea…’, - and not that he wants to know. And why does Hen think he knows? ‘We haven't discussed his adventures much, so I'm in the same position as you are’ Hen's face is unimpressed: ‘Well, I hardly doubt it. I mean you and Buck…’, - Eddie interrupts her: ‘Are friends. Lately not even close ones i think… Why don't you ask Chim? He's his brother-in-law, he should know’ Hen stares at Eddie's face for a minute searching for something with no success: ‘Ok, if you say so’, - she's definitely not convinced but at least she stopped questioning him, switched to Chim. Apparently, he also doesn't know anything.  When Buck's entering the bar and Eddie sees him - his heart collapses again. It's getting annoying but he can't do anything with it. Because there's Buck, looking damn gorgeous, and… there's this guy, having his hand on Buck's waist. And Buck smiles. ‘So, guys… meet Sam!’ And here goes this specific pause when everything just stopps and all the sound go down, this pause needs to be broken immediately. And Eddie is the one who breaks it with: 'Well, better than I expected. Nice to meet you ', - and he is the first to shake this guy's hand. Right under the sympathetic glances of Hen and Chimney. Very sympathetic. Very uncomfortable.  He can manage this, right? He just has to.
I won't tag anyone cause today I feel like everyone hate me cause i hate myself but I'll be creating a taglist from interaction to this post.
I still write mostly because my mind needs to be away from reality, so I'll be writing anyway and spamming your feed so if it bothers you (i mean i mostly post writings and memes so i have some questions) you can ignore my writing tag.
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bruhstation · 1 year
Yo Yo Yo! I wanted to chip in my two (Or ten) cents as it were. Don't listen to anybody that's trying to bring you down because you like Thomas The Tank Engine! It's way more than just a kid's show, and those that belittle it are too ignorant to see its beauty. There's a REASON it is still popular after what? 78 years??? Sure Awdry's intended main audience was children but he also had adults in mind as well. Thomas is so unique because it brings together people from many different backgrounds, it provides entertainment for children, engrosses rail enthusiasts and even catches the attention of historians and artists for its direct ties to historical moments in rail history and the beautiful hand drawn illustrations accompanying each Railway Series book! My own friends made fun of me for drawing thomas characters until they had to listen to my rambling enough that they actually got interested HAHAH I have accidentally converted a lot of people into the Thomas Fandom and its so wild!
I think I can speak for everyone in the community here by saying we really look up to artists like you! Your art is phenomenal and Casa Tidmouth is so unique, an inspiration for us all to get out of our comfort zones, come together, and geek out over something we enjoy
thank you for such nice words T_T you've put perfectly into words why I enjoyed this series in the first place. despite it all being about trains with faces set in a fictional island, there's "realistic" aspects of it that ties the series down in reality like the historical references, having the moral of the stories not shoved down children's throats, and so on..... and I'm glad so many people are really enjoying casa tidmouth because damn I would be mad lying if I didn't say this AU is making me happy too
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Stay with us!! Yandere Luz + Amity x male reader! + Some of my TOH ocs (Also I don't condone yandere behavior this is just fiction!!)
Luz Noceda: She/Her (more of a obsessive yandere)
Amity Blight: She/her (possessive and aggressive yandere-)
Y/N: He/Him (Bruh he doesn't want to be here-)
Kamora Firethorn: He/Him (Friend 1, has a pet Griffin named butterscotch)
Denndy Yumo: They/Them (idk-)
It was a beautiful day in the boiling isle, you got out of bed and did your normal daily routine, but during it, you couldn't help your two best friends Luz and Amity, they were acting really strange since a week ago when your classmate confessed to you, and when you made a Grudgby team with your other friends, Kamora and Denndy, you said you'd think about it but it scared you! But you got your mind of it and went to school, but before you could open up the door your best friends showed up
"Hey Y/N how are you? Are you okay do you feel well?!"
"Amity give him some space!"
"Oh right sorry... But Y/N why are you in your school uniform?"
You question them and they said their was a incident at the school again so school is off! You secretly questioned it because you didn't get any information that the school was out but since you didn't have to get thrown in the detention pit again you're completely okay with that!
"But hey can we come in? We have a surprise your you!~"
You agreed, when they stepped inside they gave you a small fairy pie,
"we mad sure to get it perfectly!"
"yep, and the ingredients are very fresh."
you took a bite but it tasted weird... Sleeping nettles..? Was this a prank, but before you could do anything you fell and we're losing consciousness
"Awww!! The plan worked!!~ Their asleep!"
"and there so cute when he sleeps! But goodnight Y/N...~"
And with that you fell asleep, but when you woke up, you were in a nice comfy room, but you were tied to a chair you were panicking, you started screaming for help but only two people came, Luz and Amity...
"Hermosa what is it? Are you hungry?"
"N-No I'm not, where am I? Did you bring me here?! LET ME GO!!" you tired to get out of the ropes but they were strong (amity got edric to fortify the rope)
"but... You're safe here! You'll never have to worry again!"
They hugged you, Amity even gave you a kiss on the cheek but you didn't want this... You wanted to play Grudgby with your friends! Like Kamora and Denndy ! You wanted to go home!! You stay there for days, maybe a week, only Amity and Luz could see you, but when you heard something but down the door you didn't expected to be your friends! it was your friends!! It was Kamora! And Denndy-
"Dude your here?! You've been missing for 2 weeks!"
"Yeah, and I had to cover your work!!"
You explained the Amity and Luz situation and how they basically kidnapped you, she used magic to cut the rope
"Well I'm here dude, now let's get out of here!! I only managed to get in here bc of butterscotch, but let's get you out of here!!"
"Yeah you know that big fat Griffin Kamora takes care of?"
"He's not fat >:0"
"is not!"
"is too!!"
Kamora took your hand and started to make their was out of the house, there and antics always put a smile on your face but it wouldn't last for long... Bc when you were outside a abomination grabbed Kamora and Denndy, while you were grabbed by Luz
"Hey let go of us you psychos!!"
"Amor are you okay? Did he hurt you!?"
You tired to get out of Luz's grip but to no avail until
Then a Griffen showed up and started fighting, tbh it was a shit show before you managed to use a electricity spell to get out of their grass before getting to Kamora, then they got on the Griffen
"Y/N NO! Stay with us!! You'll be safe- WE can keep you safe!! Please!!!"
". . . ."
". . . I'm not.."
Kamora wasted no time getting up in the air, you were free..! But for how long... But you shook your head, you were with your two friends, you new best friends...
Auughh first one-shot I did, idk if I like it that much but idk- I'm more used to writing headcanons-
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
Hey i'm not trying to start shit(/gen),especially bc i'm pretty sure it's an old post,but i stumbled across your transfem genderqueer Yumichika fanart and i don't think it's a good idea to headcanon a character as transfem bc they canonically said something transmisogynistic...?It feels like the whole 'male characters saying homophobic things means they're gay and in denial' thing.Plus my transfem friends have said they don't like it when people hc canon male characters as trans girls unless it's other transfem people doing it or popularizing it.Also i'm not trying to assume things seeing as i've seen you post a lot of trans hc in the past but i'm a gnc trans man and i was bit hurt by the 'every gay guy thinks about actually being a girl' line
(Again,i'm not trying to start shit,i just thought to say something)
This will probably be a sloppy response because I'm busy as shit. This isn't meant to be aggressive in any way I'm just too tired and autistic to word it nicely .
Yumichika is a queer character that has been repeatedly and purposefully set up to fight other queer characters to spout queerphobic rhetoric because Kubo is homophobic. That's it. And I'd rather imagine the character is being in a deep state of denial and projecting, as opposed to genuinely wanting to burn the gays. I understand that not every homophobic boy is a gay in denial, that's very harmful. But this is a fictional character made by a homophobic man. And spiting Tite Kubo is my life's goal as a gay trans Bleach fan.
That's all where the transfem headcanon comes from, really. The idea that he's in a deep state of denial and is projecting. If this was a standalone thing (aka if his fight with Charlotte didn't exist) I'd also think it's weird. Just an excuse to ignore a transphobe. But because it's a pattern of behavior, that's where it comes from.
Your transfem friends have a different opinion on this than mine do. Because, and I'm sure you know this, trans people aren't a monolith. I believe it's very reasonable if a headcanon like this doesn't personally sit right with you. I totally get it. I'm not trying to make you headcanon it. I believe it's totally legit to think it's weird, because admittedly, it is slightly strange in nature. But I flip Kubo's Homo- and Trans- phobia on his head to spite him. That's what I do around here.
Also the "every man secretly wants to be a girl" line was... An egg thought. A thought verbalized in an attempt to get people to relate and therefore justify to themselves that they're not transgender. Some people have those, especially transfems. It's a thing. That was the joke. I'm a gnc trans guy myself, I wouldn't imply otherwise.
As I've said, it's perfectly reasonable to see a headcanon of this nature as an ick. Because that's your opinion, and you have the right to feel uncomfortable by this. But understand that I, personally, would rather see the character spouting homophobia and transphobia as a character that's in a deep state of denial and is projecting than just a character who's homophobic and transphobic just for shits and giggles. I get that a headcanon like that is something you don't like. And that's your opinion. But this is mine.
Good day, sir.
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heisen-shrine · 1 year
Hello everyone and welcome to the new and improved Heisen-Shrine!
You guys know the drill! Here I post all kinds of awesome self shipping things, and now I have six f/os and plenty of love to go around.
I can't believe I now have as many f/os as Henry the 8th had wives, but at least I haven't killed any of my guys...yet lol. I'm mostly a villain shipper, but I've dipped my toes into anti-hero territory over the years. Most of my F/Os are villains, and that's okay. They hate everyone else but they love me ^^
Meet my guys!
Karl Heisenberg- the main man! I married this man Halloween of 2022 and we're still going strong. We also have an adopted son, Nanaue from the Suicide Squad. Karl is probably the most prominently featured f/o on here, and I love him to bits. He's encouraging, sweet, makes cool stuff, and is really big about my own creative endeavors. We support each other and make everything work <3
Astarion- the vampire from Baldur's Gate 3, I absolutely adore him. Normally vamps aren't my thing but this guy's got me by the throat with his sass and unabashed honesty. He's the sassy pansexual boyfriend I feel everyone needs in life ^.^
Elijah Kamski- Elijah is admittedly more of a familial f/o rather than a romantic one. But even so he's important to me and seems to be the perfect brother figure. He's helped me through a lot of my own sibling related trauma and I'm really thankful for that. If you need practical or technical advice, Elijah is my go to guy :)
Otto Octavius- from the Raimi-verse spider-man movies. I've loved this man since I was a child, and he's the oldest of my f/os on here. Partly familial, Partly romantic, my relationship with Otto can be rather complicated. Sometimes we don't even really know what we are to each other and I feel that's okay. He's a great man and I love him so much ^^
Oswald Cobblepot- from the Reeves-verse batman. He's a little out of the ordinary for me but I find we just click. He genuinely cares about me and was there when I was going through a very difficult period when I first moved to this new town. In a way he's my backbone and I appreciate it a ton :)
Rabban- from the 2021 Remake of Dune. This is my most recent F/O. He got my attention about two or three years ago but I really wasn't sure where I stood with him. To a degree we're still figuring everything out. Yes while he's brutal, he's been oddly nothing but kind to me and has been there for me in recent weeks. He's very much interested in my world, and I'm very much into his ^.^
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Be sure to read my Rules please!
1. This isn't a Fandom blog per se, but I'd appreciate no Fandom drama on here.
2. Please be nice to me and my guys, we're really just trying here lol.
3. Keep the thirst to a minimum. I get it my guys are good looking, but they're more than that. Feel free to ask them or myself anything.
4. I try to be respectful of other self ships. If I'm shipping with any character that my followers aren't comfortable I fully respect your right to unfollow and block if you need to. I have no desire to make anyone feel uncomfortable or disrespected. I personally don't mind sharing but I know there's a few people who want their f/os to be exclusive to them and that is ABSOLUTELY valid! If you need to leave/block the blog it's perfectly fine and I understand.
5. I don't tolerate hate of any kind. If your only purpose is to come on to this blog and be an asshole you can move right along.
6. I don't think I personally classify myself as pro-ship, I am normally ship and let ship but I do have limits. Yes I know the difference between fiction and IRL but for me personally it all comes down to taste if that makes sense. Self shipping is a spectrum, and I'm on the end of not shipping with people who are far younger than you if you're a grown person. Two consenting adults is fine, but I don't wanna hear some nonsense about how "Oh well this young looking character is actually 1000 years old" or wtf ever. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, understand?
7. Speaking of ages, I am 30+. I honestly do not feel comfortable with people following me who are under the age of at least 20. It's nothing against anyone personally, but in my opinion if you still have teen at the end of your age, you're still a teenager to me. Granted I don't post adult content, but to be on the safe side if you're under the age of 20 please don't follow me. Thanks <3
8. Feel free to come on here and tell me about your f/os! I'm always happy to hear about anything you guys are doing together! I like to see others happy and how their relationships are going! If you need to vent, I'm always here too! I'd like to make more friends in this community.
9. Understand please that this is a side blog. If I follow anyone it'll be from my main blog, which is am RP blog. Heisen-Shrine isn't an rp blog per se, but I might post little funny/fun scenarios with my and my f/os, just general self shipping shenanigans
10. Just have fun, seriously. Life is too short to not enjoy things. Have fun, take it easy, and whether you use self shipping to cope or for some other reason, don't forget to have fun with it and enjoy just being with your f/os. They love you and they want you to be happy, and believe it or not, so do I <3 you deserve it
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