#i'm so tense this is somehow a huge step forward and three steps back for them someone help me
lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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oh and suddenly i don't even care OH god -
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riahlynn101 · 2 years
"When I'm Gone" (30).
Chapter Thirty (Last chapter)
Author's note: Thank you guys for reading <3
Also, for those that don't want to scroll back four-plus months to find the rest of the story: When I'm Gone - Chapter 1 - Riahlynn101 - Five Nights at Freddy's [Archive of Our Own]
After five surgeries, a combined sixty stitches, and some physical therapy, Elizabeth was released from the hospital. Vanessa, Samuel, and Gregory were the ones waiting to take her home. Or, she should say, take her to their home. She wouldn’t put it past her landlord to demand rent even though she’s been in no position to pay up. Not to mention none of them know where she lives, or at least she hopes they don’t. 
The drugs they gave her are still wearing off and are making her a bit paranoid. 
The car ride home is tense, filled with Gregory’s excited rambles about the new house they had built with some of the money from the settlement. Not that she can focus on anything beyond her daughter’s obvious discomfort. Vanessa is pointedly refusing to make eye contact, and is instead staring out the window, and making small talk with Gregory (when she can get a word in edgewise). 
The car pulls into the driveway, a shiny number fifty-seven plastered on the mailbox. Gregory squeals, bouncing in his seat.
“C’mon! C’mon!” 
Samuel gives her a knowing look. “Hey, kiddo…?’
Gregory pauses, still buckled in. “Yeah?”
“How about we give your mom a second, okay? I think she and Vanessa need to talk.”
Gregory hums, considering that. “Oh, okay. But,” he turns to his sister, “don’t take too long.”
Vanessa makes a sound more fitting for a frightened mouse than a grown woman. She looks at her brother for help. But it’s no use, because Gregory is already half-way out the car. He falls, somehow managing to land on his bottom. Shaking it off, he scrambles to his feet and up to the porch. Samuel sends one last apologetic look at them both before shutting the car door. 
They sit in silence for all of three seconds, before the image of her brother falling on his bottom gets to Vanessa. She laughs, trying to muffle the sound with her hand. 
Elizabeth makes an amused sound. “He is quite clumsy, isn’t he?”
Vanessa stops laughing, clearing her throat. “Not usually, no.” Which is a huge lie. God gave Gregory two left feet and no directions. “Must be an off-day.”
Elizabeth turns in her seat to see Vanessa. “I think we both know that’s a lie.”
Vanessa blanches. What is she, a witch?
“Besides, if he's anything like your uncles, then that kid was doomed from the start.” She imitates the sound of an explosion. “Walking disasters they were.” 
“I hate you,” Vanessa says, hating how she was forced into this. “And I don’t like that you’re here. I know you, and I know you’ll leave again.” She leans forward in her seat, finally making eye contact with Elizabeth. “I don’t know what your end game is, or what you’re planning but rest assured I will hunt you for sport if you break Gregory’s heart. Poor kid’s been through enough,” she mutters the last part to herself, crossing her arms and averting her eyes. 
“Fair enough,” Elizabeth says. “And I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. For what it’s worth, Vanessa, I really am sorry.”
She scoffs, opening the car door. “Words mean nothing to me. Prove it.”
Elizabeth gives her daughter a five minute head start, just in case Vanessa wants to avoid her. Perhaps forcing Nessa to interact with her was a bad idea right from the get go. But eventually she pulls herself out of the car, holding her stomach. The stitches still hurt if she moves too much, so she has to move extra slow. 
Thankfully the driveway is a short walk to the porch. She leans against the railing, as she heads up the stairs. Gregory must hear her, because the second her foot lands on the top step, he’s rushing out the front door. 
“Here, let me help you,” he says, linking his arm with hers. “Now,” he pulls away, helping her lean up against the wall closest to the door, “don’t be alarmed. But we might have gone a bit overboard.” He assists her in the final step-up into the house.
“What do you-”
Elizabeth jumps, startled, but quickly gets over her shock upon seeing her guests (are they the guests? Or is she the guest? The world may never know). Across from her stands: GlamRock Freddy, GlamRock Chica, Monty, and Roxy, that weird sun-shaped animatronic that saved Gregory's life, a wide-array of S.T.A.F.F. bots (including a map bot, which Gregory is glaring angrily at), a small, adorable Freddy-esque animatronic similar in style to Funtime Freddy, and a bunch of caution signs-that are currently doing circles around her. Her family, Gregory, Vanessa, Evan, and Michael (and she supposes Sammy as well, to a degree), are there, hidden partially behind the hulking robots. Cassidy is there as well, looking happier than Elizabeth ever remembered her looking while they were kids. 
Flustered and a bit taken back, all she can manage to say is a soft-spoken, “thank you.”
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tuiccim · 4 years
Brassy (Part 2)
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Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Words: 2038
Warnings: Language, PTSD, Memories of abuse, panic attack
Summary: You’re in a friends with benefits situation with Loki and some of the other Avengers aren’t happy with the arrangement.This part delves a little more into the readers backstory. 
Part 1
The following week everyone was at the tower. No missions were currently in priority and everyone was anticipating Tony's party on Friday night. Thursday morning you Wanda and Vision cooked a huge breakfast for everyone. Steve, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Tony, and you were gathered around the table. 
"Wanda, these biscuits are delicious." Bucky compliments her.
"Oh, that was all (Y/N). She's the one who makes the biscuits and gravy." Wanda says in her cute accent. 
"Oh, uh... they're good, (Y/N)." Bucky stammers at you.
"Thanks." You say not quite meeting his eye. You could feel across the table how uncomfortable he was giving you a compliment. 
"Where'd you grow up, (Y/N)?" Clint pipes in. You didn't know each other well since he was semi-retired. 
"Kinda all over." You say.
"Military brat?" He asks.
"Runaway." You quirk an eyebrow at him. 
"Really?" He leans forward.
"Long story. You really are as much of a gossip as Nat says, huh?" You decide sass would be the best way out of this conversation.
"Gossip?!?" He looks at Nat, sitting beside you, putting his hand on his chest as if wounded. "Simply because I care about people's history?"
Nat rolls her eyes and shoots you a look. Deciding to hit back Nat says to you, "You're bestie joining us tomorrow?"
You smile with aplomb, "I don't know. Say, Thor, will Loki be joining us for the party?"
"Yes!" Thor replies enthusiastically, "He said he was looking forward to it. He enjoyed the last one so much."
"Aww...I'm so glad. He's a good time." You smirk at Nat.
"Your friendship has done him good, (Y/N)." Thor spouts.
"Done me good, too." You say under your breath to Nat. 
"How did that happen?" Tony asks. 
You look at him innocently, "We met at your last party. And hit it off quite well." You glance at Steve who is giving you a look. 
"My last party, when the ice statue fell over and nearly killed a guest?" Tony narrows his eyes.
"Is that when that happened?" You ask with wide eyes.
Steve clears his throat and directs a look at you.
"What was that about, Cap?" Tony looks between you two.
"Nothing." Steve says but now that Tony has the bone he's not gonna let it go. 
"Do you know what happened there, Cap?" Tony pushes.
"Nope." Steve sits back crossing his arms, never taking his eyes off of you. You are, unfortunately, losing an internal battle to hold in your giggles. 
"(Y/N)." Tony draws out the name. "Did you try to kill one of my guests?"
"Of course not, Tony." You say but then a suspicious cough comes out of your mouth sounding far more like the laugh you were trying to cover.
"That was Pepper's cousin." Tony eyes you.
"I didn't try to kill him. Just maim him a little." You finally confess. "Hopefully he learned that you don't play grab ass without a lady's permission."
Bucky suddenly gets up from the table and leaves. "What's up his ass?" You ask.
"Language." Tony mocks. 
"Oh, fuck, sorry." You say. 
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose clearly frustrated with you. Clint looks at Natasha questioningly and receives a shrug. 
"Yeah. Paul's gotten a little handsy in the past. Probably was a good lesson for him." Tony winks at you dispelling the cloud that had momentarily settled. Breakfast calmed down after that and everyone enjoyed the remainder of the meal. Afterwards, you found Steve and pulled him off to the side. "What the fuck did I do wrong to Bucky?" You ask.
"(Y/N)." Steve says, again pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Sorry. What the hell did I do?" You ask again.
"I don't know." Steve says exasperated.
"Is it just me?" You keep going.
"I really don't know, (Y/N). He hasn't said anything to me." 
"I've wracked my brain trying to figure out what I did or said and I got nothing." 
"You'd have to ask him." Steve persists. 
"That would require him staying in the same room with me for more than 10 seconds. Nevermind." You say and head towards the elevator. Wanda is going that direction, too. "Hey Wanda. Do you think you could help me with my hair for tomorrow night?"
"Of course!" Wanda says and you two head off to her room to talk. 
Later that afternoon you had finished training and decided to head to the kitchen for a snack. You met up with Clint heading the same direction. You pulled out some fruit and cheese to slice and water from the fridge and were happily munching when Steve and Bucky came in looking for an afternoon snack as well. You and Clint were chattering and somehow you got on the stupid games you played as a kid. 
"Do you remember Around the World in 80 days? You know the song that you rubbed in someone's back to make them get a chill?" He asked.
"Never heard of it." You say.
"Really?" Clint says. He turns to the other guys. "Steve? Bucky?"
"Can't say that I have, Clint." Steve says and Bucky shrugs.
"Do it to me!" You say. "Give a girl the chills, Clint." 
You're laughing a little as Clint starts.
"Around the world in 80 days." He draws circles in your back. "X marks the spot. Comma, comma, comma, question mark." He continues drawing on your back. "Stab a lady in the back, watch the blood run down."
"Really?" You hear Steve say.
Clint continues, "Cool breeze." You feel Clint blow on the back of your neck and the world turned sideways on you. In the next moment, Clint says something murky and that's when you felt the hand squeezing the back of your neck. Your eyes dilate and breath leaves. Before anyone realizes what's happening you react, grabbing the knife you had used on the cheese, you have Clint in an arm lock and the knife is pressed to his throat. Somewhere beyond you there are voices but you can't make anything out. Breathing shakily you stare into Clint with body tensed. A droplet of blood is sliding down his throat where the point of the knife has nicked him. 
Carefully Clint says your name. He says it again and calmly asks you to let up. Out of the corner of your eye you make out Steve and things begin to come back into focus. Steve is looking at you with concern. His mouth is moving and he is holding his hands up in an attempt to appear non threatening. Clint says your name again and the world starts to come back into focus. When you realize what you've done you slowly take the knife away from Clint's neck and drop it on the counter. 
"I'm so sorry." You whisper.
"It's okay." Clint says. "I don't know what I did but I did something to trigger you." He puts a hand to his neck and Steve goes to him to check it.
You start shaking uncontrollably and begin to back away. "I'm so sorry." You whisper again. You continue to back up until you feel someone touch your arm. Looking over you see Bucky. 
"Lemme take you to your room, Doll. You need to rest." He says.
"I'm fine. I'll go." You say. 
"Let Bucky help you, (Y/N). Clint will be fine. Just needs a bandaid."
"No, I'm fine. I'm fine." But when you take a step your knees buckle. Bucky was right there to grab you. Holding you up he takes you to your room and sits you on your bed. Kneeling down in front of you he tries to get you to focus on him. "Hey Doll. Come back. You're okay." 
You're still having trouble focusing. Everything is in a jumble. "Doll, Doll, listen to me. Focus on me. What are five things you can see?"
"What? You say.
"Tell me five things you can see."
You're confused by the question but you start to answer, "You."
"Good. Four more things." Bucky says. 
"The door, my bookshelf."
"Good. Two more, Doll."
"The painting, the floor."
"Okay. What are four things you can touch?"
"The bedspread?" You ask, rubbing the comforter under you. Things were coming more into focus.
"What else?"
"My leggings. My shirt."
"Good. One more."
You reach your hands out to his face, "Your stubble." 
You feel a slight rumble from him as if he's chuckling. "Good, Doll. What are three things you can hear?"
"Your voice, my voice, Wanda's playing music in her room." 
"Two things you can smell."
You take in a deep breath. "My lotion. Your cologne."
"Last question, what's one thing you can taste?"
"Fear." You whisper.
"Yeah." Bucky looks in your eyes. "You back with me?"
"Yeah." You put your head in your hands. "I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, Doll. We all got shit in our past that makes us a little crazy. Want to talk about what happened? Can you remember?"
"Clint and I were talking. He was doing that around the world thing on my back and...and...he grabbed the back of my neck, didn't he?"
"Shit." You rub your face. "I'm so sorry." You say again. "I just...I didn't think...I didn't know...I, I…"
"Come back, Doll. Look at me."
You focused on Bucky's face. Looking into his blue eyes. You don't think you'd really noticed how blue they were before. "So, touching the back of your neck is a trigger for you?"
"Care to tell me why?"
"My stepdad used to hold me down by the back of my neck when...when he…nevermind. I just don't like the back of my neck touched." 
Bucky's face took on such a sad look that you couldn't stand it. "Don't look at me like that." You said. "I'm fine. I'm fine." You repeated.
"What can I do for you, Doll? Do you need a drink?"
You just shake your head not looking at him.
"What can I do?" Bucky repeated. Finally, you looked up at him. The caring in his eyes broke down your restraint and you reached for him. Wrapping your arms around his neck. He seemed shocked for a moment but then his arms went around you. He sat back and crossed his legs, pulling you into his lap. You curled into him. He could feel you shaking still. He held you. Your face nestled in his neck, he stroked your hair and occasionally rocked you back and forth. You weren't sure how long you stayed like that. It was the first time in a very long time you felt safe. Sheltered. 
Finally, you lifted your head and suddenly felt embarrassed for the vulnerability you had shown. Extricating yourself from Bucky, you scrambled to your feet. "Sorry. I, I'm, I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry. I..I'm sorry." You stutter.
Bucky gets to his feet and chuckles. "It's okay, Doll. You feel okay? You need anything else?"
"No, I'm okay. I'm good. Uh, thanks. I'm gonna go."
"It's your room, Doll. I'll go."
"Right. Okay." You watch as he walks to the door. He pauses before leaving.
"We've all been there. It happens. Clint's a good guy. He won't hold it against you."
"Thanks, Bucky." You say as he heads out the door. 
You feel absolutely drained but feel the need to find Clint and apologize. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., Where's Clint?" 
"Agent Barton is in the common room."
You find Clint sitting in the room flipping through tv channels with Steve and Sam. He looks up at you and smiles. "You okay, (Y/N)?"
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry." You ask.
"Yeah! I actually got the remote away from Sam!" He chirps.
You laugh lightly.
"We've all been there. No harm, no foul." Clint says kindly.
You lick your lips and nod. "Thanks."
"Wanna watch something?" Clint offers.
"I'm good. Thanks. Think I'm gonna turn in early."
"Night, (Y/N)." Clint says.
"Night, guys." You say as Sam waves and Steve echoes your good night.
Sleep claimed you quickly that night. A blessed release from your normal torment. 
Part 3
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