#i'll sleep when im dead
Luci, you just couldn't resist watching, could you? XD
I am on the verge of passing out but every time I hear the word Ferrari it's like a hit of heroin so yeah XD
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shipperwithnomister · 5 months
I both really want to sleep and also really don't want to sleep.
Like if there was a button I could press that would put me to sleep instantly, I'd press it.
But I don't want to actually put in the effort and concentration required to fall asleep. I don't feel like I have time for that.
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kostopher · 2 years
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silly-songs-with-saph · 2 months
thousand yard stare looking at the dinner I'm cooking on the stove contemplating grabbing my disposable from my purse
"It'll be okay, we all get to die someday"
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etrevil · 10 months
Dazai really,
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he really just took the opportunity to hold Chuuya's cheek huh? Like the pining boy he is, huh? Who has been spouting cheesy line after cheesy line ever since Chuuya's brutal rejection at fifteen, huh?
Sir, what do you say against the charges about your seven-year-long infatuation with your (ex) partner?
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bronzebtch · 1 year
unrelated, and i know nobody asked but skjkjsdf if you're ever writing anything that's related to theme of : alcoholism, effects of poverty, abandonment issues ( specifically abandoned mothers and spouses ), addiction, generational trauma ( also from the effects of poverty, alcoholism, addictions, etc but honestly, i do think it still generally expressed this quite well even without relating back to those topics ), possibly a lot of unspoken rage and grief from broken familyhood, i would recommend the discography of III by The Lumineers so badly.
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calpicowater · 1 year
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Week 5.5/52: January 30th - February 5th 2023 | Calgary in iPhone 14 Pro 🍎
After being clocked in for 51 hours for the week, I went to meet up with Tiffany. A YYC work trip is not complete without meeting her tbh hehehe. Went to eat Moon Korean BBQ and we just ordered rice cake hot pot HAHAHA. It was very delicious although quite overpriced. Def want to try their bbq in the future. Also tried their yogurt ade and it was yum! Ended off the day with Calgary skyline at Scotman’s Hill LOL. It’s so pretty! 
This is the only slightly positive post about this trip that’s so sad lol...
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dyslexicempress · 1 year
talkin to a prof earlier today about how its really difficult and mentally frustrating that i can’t get myself to write things like a normal person-- takes me literal hours to get started on writing even IF ITS THE ONLY THING I HAVE TO DO AND WOULD ONLY TAKE MAYBE AN HOUR OF APPLIED TIME 
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she told me to drink about it. vent in tags
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slipper007 · 2 years
Cannot wait to move back to college
#cw negativity#to delete#im so frustrated#nobody listens and everything is always a personal failing.#here I am with three weeks until I go back and i gotta write two 10 page papers. that's already stressful.#so one parent nags me once a day and the other blows their top whenever they feel like it because theyre not done yet#why aren't they done? I'm working through shit from the traumatic bullshit of the year. this is a horrible work environment. I'm burnt out.#but no. go off about how I'm lazy despite straight As and never having had this issue in all my years of school.#i can't fucking sleep. my house is full of distractions but so is everywhere else. there's nowhere to work.#got kittens & im absolutely terrified theyre gonna die horrifically (thats totally not a trauma response from holding my dead cat for hrs)#I've been explaining I can't work without a desk since i was nine and yet there is still nowhere to work. kitchen has no wifi. bed has bed.#(my lil bro got a desk in 2020 except it's covered in his junk & in the living room where everyone always is so I effectively can't use it)#nobody else does shit w the kittens so they're always high energy. keeping me awake @ night. getting me up early. horseplay w each other.#trying to explain that im constantly overwhelmed by the environment gets me nowhere#trying to stay home when everyone else does things gets me nowhere#now im going to see my aunt & grandmother for a week because my gma is looking bad & she's gonna go & you're going to make me feel worse#about it??? you know how much I'll fucking hate myself if I don't go and never see her again? over fucking schoolwork???#but thank you for reminding me that I effectively only have two weeks left. very helpful. just what I needed.#and thanks dear parents for never listening when I need you to be understanding. surely if you've finished grieving we all have.#how fucking dare they say im using death as an excuse to shirk my schoolwork. as if im not constantly worrying about it.#as if I don't constantly feel like shit about it. i want my school work done too. i just. can't focus. can't sleep. can't do anything.#and they're completely unwilling to do anything to help me with that.#like fuck i always knew i wasn't good enough for them to actually care but really this is a new low i think.#ugh#i was supposed to plan and research my thesis this summer too. so I guess I'll just be behind this fall too.#best four years of my life huh?#college is a fucking joke with shit like this going on#but at least it's not here.
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shipperwithnomister · 4 months
Sleep evades me and I shall forever be plagued by random thoughts
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Can they leave their work at the door (disconnect from ‘work mode’ and enter ‘home mode’) or do they carry it with them wherever they go?
Headcanons Memes - Not Accepting
Nabooru is allergic to Hyrulean grass, but she's even more allergic to the concept of "work-life balance." Admittedly, it's a taller ask than it is for many people, being the leader of a major religion, as well as holding political power to some degree or another. Even within that lenience, she's terrible at disengaging with work. It's come to the point by her older verses that she considers her actual job as a priestess her "me time" if only so she can slightly disengage with being a leader.  The problem is, she never wanted to be a leader in either capacity. She was a very devoted priestess, both to the region and her people at large, but she never expected to be the leader of the temple. Likewise, one of her greatest regrets is that Ganondorf  turned out to be as evil as he was, because it meant she had to take over that as well.
For all this, she really isn't self-important. She second guesses herself quite often and spends hours agonizing over important decisions for the tribe. However, she was placed in a position which required leadership, and she turned out to be the only one capable of filling in. Because of that, she spends every waking hour trying to live up to the needed specifications of a chieftain and heirophant.
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itsjustinknow · 1 year
also building off that last thing except i'm too tired to reblog it, but it's so weird to think that just a couple of years ago i was like 15 or so on this site talking about my ocs and my little fantasy novel series that i wanted to write and stuff and now i'm 22 and going to grad school for literary fiction/magic realism (though i have every intention of returning to fantasy when i can, it's just the horrors of academia that keep me from doing so right now). i'm graduating undergrad in less than two months with two degrees. i grew my hair back out. i'm different but i don't always feel like it. i should go to bed.
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awearywritersworld · 11 months
the three times gojo thinks he might be in love and the time he knows for sure
gojo satoru x reader summary: title says it all w/c: 1k tags/warnings: ft baby megumi. fluff, then some more fluff. gumi refers to reader as mom. one curse word. brief reference to canon typical violence. a/n: i am ridiculously soft for this man. he needs a hug masterlist check out my latest work for gojo here
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the first time it happens, it's the dead of winter and you're both still teenagers. it's the year before the star plasma vessel mission, when everything in gojo's life feels like it's falling into place. he has friends, real friends, for the first time in his life.
you drag him, kicking and screaming (it's all for show, he'd go anywhere with you), out to a snow covered field. you innocently beg him to turn off limitless, and of course he acquiesces, only to be pelted in the face with a snowball.
he throws himself into the snow upon impact, arms flailing dramatically. "i'm dead! you've killed me!"
you join him on the ground, arms out stretched and nudging the fabric of his coat. "hm, then i guess i'll have to drink all the hot chocolate by myself-"
"i have returned to the living realm!!" he shouts, shooting up into a sitting position. "had to fight god for it, told 'im i couldn't bear to leave my (y/n)-chan!"
"oh, you are so full of shit," you accuse with an amused smile.
you gaze at one another as the snow falls around you silently, both somehow feeling warm despite the frigidness of the air. his glasses have slipped down his nose, giving you a glimpse at his eyes. you're thinking about how the flakes blend in with his lashes before melting away entirely. he's thinking that he might be in love with you.
some time passes before the second instance, which takes place in the spring. gojo makes his way around campus, looking for wherever you and megumi ran off to. the small boy has been attached to your hip ever since gojo brought him home two years ago.
when he finds you, you're both splayed out in the grass and pointing up at the clouds.
"that one looks like a dog!" megumi exclaims excitedly.
"and that one looks like it might be his ball, don't you think?" you question. he agrees wholeheartedly with an enthusiastic nod.
after awhile, megumi sits up, rubbing at his eyes. "can we go inside now, mom?"
there's a split second he doesn't realize what he's said, but when it dawns on him, he looks down right scared. "'m sorry!"
your features soften and your heart soars before you're gathering him up in your arms.
"oh, my sweet boy," you coo.
rocking him back and forth, you hold him for a few passing moments. he hides his face in your chest, his hands gripping onto your shirt as if it's his life line.
you pull away just enough to see his face. you'd do anything to stop the tears swimming in his eyes, just like any mother would. "you can call me whatever you like 'gumi."
"yup!" you assure, bopping his nose with your pointer finger. it earns a small giggle.
gojo watches as you rise from the ground, megumi's head now resting on your shoulder and his arms around your neck. you're humming as you walk back toward the buildings.
gojo's legs are like lead and his heart feels as if it's shifted up into his throat. for the first time, he thinks about getting married, about having a family. your face is at the forefront of every image that forces itself into his mind.
the third time happens in the dead of night. megumi is asleep and the two of you decide to watch a movie, but you're yawning before he even presses play.
you sit so close to him that you can feel the warmth radiate from his body and although you fight to keep your eyes open, you can't help but be lulled to sleep.
he tenses for a moment when your head lands squarely on his shoulder. it seems as if you're both frozen, but then you let out a soft snore as your body shifts and your hand moves to his stomach. he finally relaxes.
your hair had fallen across your face and he pushes it back behind your ear so that he can see you. he tries to ignore the urge to brush his fingers across your cheekbone, or over your bottom lip. he fails.
gojo remains still for hours, and it feels strange to the usually hyperactive man, but he's terrified of disturbing you. terrified that you'll pull away from him and he'll never get to feel like this again.
he lets that stupid movie play through twice, but he spends most of the time stealing glances at you. he does eventually turn the tv off and the only sounds that remain are the trill of summer crickets outside his window and your soft, slow breaths.
he has no idea what time it is when he falls asleep, but when he finally does, he dreams about that day in the snow.
leaves fall at your feet as the two of you make your way down the sidewalk. every now and then, your fingers brush against his and it makes his heart skip a beat. he wonders (hopes?) if anyone has mistaken you for a couple.
you come across a familiar mansion, one that the two of you exorcised together as teenagers. it feels like a lifetime ago. you stop at the gate, a bronze glint on the ground catching your eye.
crouching down, you brush away shades of orange and red to reveal a memorial for all the people who had died on the once cursed property.
"for the lives that were taken here, and for the lost soul who took them... may they rest now in the afterlife."
gojo scrunches his nose, about to make some comment about how pitiful it was to commemorate a cursed spirit, but the words die in his throat when you look up at him with watery eyes.
"this is so beautiful," you remark, turning back to the engraved words.
he shoves his hands in his pockets, peering down to read over the words once more. maybe he'd missed something?
"this community was so fearful, remember? people lost friends and family here." he nods even though you aren't looking at him, watching how your fingertips move across the words as if you're considering them further. "the spirit scared them and it stole from them, but they still regard it with sympathy and kindness.. it takes strength to do that, you know?"
he feels his chest tighten as he registers your words. for a fleeting instance, he feels like an asshole for ever finding it pitiful, but that was the thing. you have such an easy way about you, a sort of gentleness he had yet to find in anyone else. the time he spends in your company seems like the only respite he ever gets from the horrors of the world.
he hasn't answered you yet, so you look back to him expectantly. "don't you think it's beautiful, 'toru?"
god, he could fall to his knees right then and there. he could roll over and die on the chilly concrete and he'd consider it a privilege to have died by your side.
i love you. i love you. i love you. those are the only three words his brain can muster.
"yeah," he finally chokes out. "it really is."
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emmyrosee · 4 months
bf!sukuna who's a big softy will get mad at you for not eating dinner but cook for you anyway.
"You ain't ate yet?!"
"Tch. Whatever. I guess i'll make you something."
Whenever you fall asleep from working too long/being online too long he'll always tuck you into bed and give you a kiss on the forehead.
He has all your favorite snacks memorized and has them stocked up for you.
When he thinks you're asleep he will tell you stories about him from his past and you will admit sometimes you could NEVER see him doing those things.
"Yuji and I lived at the beach for like, 2 years I think. I used to surf. I was REALLY good at it, maybe I'll show you one day."
He gets so mad when you don’t eat, even if it’s only been for a few hours bc you’re not taking care of yourself dummy, and now he’s tasked with the laborious task of feeding you and taking care of you (his words, not mine)
He also can’t stand when you overwork yourself, or fall asleep at your desk because when your back screams at you later, he’s the one that’s going to have to massage it. But he’ll deny the way his heart skips when he scoops you in his arms and carries you to bed, and your cheek nuzzles into the warmth of his torso until you’re laid down on his side of the bed so you can keep his familiar smell in your mind :( all before he goes back to turn off your lights and save your work for you bc what of it got deleted huh? He’s gonna have to hear about that too? Tf?
He, and I cannot stress this enough, knows ALL of your favorite snacks, because for a good chunk of them, they’re his favorite too, and he has to chose between being a good boyfriend and saving the last few bites for you… or, eating them himself and kissing the pout from your lips while you whine and cross your arms petulantly. He’s always sure to be especially affectionate after he eats them, bc he knows he’ll find his shit left in the backyard for him to sleep on the porch swing.
AND HE LOVES TO TALK TO YOU WHILE YOU SLEEP 🥺 bc 9 times out of 10, you are in fact dead asleep, left with your lips smooshed against his chest and arm draped over him, and he can tell you anything. Deep secrets, deep desires, how he used to love yuuji as a kid, the whole nine.
But that 1 out of 10, you blink awake and give him a smile, and he nearly screams in fear of you coming to life, and you giggle softly. “You can surf, but you don’t know how to ride a scooter?”
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bellflower-goat · 2 years
#Man I'm tired and I can't sleep till the dryer's finished so guess I'll just talk a bit here#So turns out that we'll be reaching some very very cold temperatures tommorow and I know I'm dead#Cause they only cancel school in our levels if it's like - 3 and we're not at that level yet#Not even middle school will cancel em yet wich sucks so im helping out so the kids my mom works with won't freeze#Causedamn we are a fucking desert. We were handling very hot weather like 2months ago and a week ago it was still short-appropriate weather#But its fine. We've got so many blankets so I'm currently washing em. I'll take some with me so I don't freeze n i told everyone to bring#their softest pj's under their usual clothes to try n not freeze and I think we'll make it#It would be easier to just not go but this one teacher is a bit of a bitch and will make sure our grades suffer for not going#Just. Mannnn#But I do gotta say. We get very comfy and the vibe around sharing cookies coffee n hot cocoa while smothered in blankets is inmaculate#Some other people laughed at us when they saw us with blankets on monday but now everyone is bringing em#Likelisten ya wanna freeze in this damn place w no heating while you're writing so much important shit your hand feels numb then bmy guest#But my friends n i ain't cowards and#being seen as childish is the least of our problems so we WILL make a blanket fort while fighting for our lives in advanced calculus or#however that damn class is called#So TLDR; don't be a pussy. Bring your damn blankets n pj's to school nobody cares n if they do ya wont hear em cause they'll be too busy#freezing to death :]
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osachiyo · 7 months
love, love, what do you think about a reader who has really thick thighs :0 how would the bsd men react to it >:0 I feel like Nikolai/Dazai would like to force the reader to sit on their face lol (it’s a thirst just in case!!)
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ note. . . AAAAAA this ask made me so insane tysm for this nonnie. . . (mdni) not proofread sorry im a lazy fuck </3
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dazai would love them, maybe so much so that its a little concerning— only a little though ! he'd lovee to lay his head on your plush thighs, whining for you to sing him to sleep— its the only way he can get some rest, y'know? he already loves your thighs so much but if you like wearing booty shorts, tights or even stockings? this man is a goner. just a heads up though, they're gonna be ripped to shreds by the time he's done with you. and no, he's not gonna buy you new ones (he's too broke ya'll)
he's definitely gonna beg you to sit on his face— at least do it once for him, won't you? oh but when you actually give in, he's so fucking happy he could basically die. he'd even say it to you— pretty brown lashes fluttering as he slurs out muffled words like— "god, bella. i could just— could just suffocate between these thighs," and if you know him, you know he's being dead serious. but you can't bring yourself to complain when he's practically making out with your pussy so fuckin' good, making you drool and sputter your words as he runs his tongue up and down your slick folds. filthy slurping noises escaping his lips while his fingers dig into the fat of your thighs— they're definitely gonna bruise later..♡
chuuya would find them adorable. he just loves to bury his face between them. not even in a dirty or suggestive way— he just found it so comforting, y'know? but also would be downright mesmerized by the way your thighs jiggle and spill out of your tights— blood rushing to his face and he can't help but sneak a couple glances at your plump thighs. shit, did they look good but he just wanted to rip them off as soon as possible.
and rip them off he did— blunt nails easily ripping the fabric of your mesh tights as he continues lapping at your soaked cunt. he only chuckled when you gasped and whined about how those were your last pair! he'd peak his head from between your spread thighs— tongue running over his swollen lips and god, did he look like a total fucking mess. his eyes were glazed over with pure lust and love for you— twinkling with delight as you moaned and clutched onto the bedframe, holding on for dear life as chuuya ate you out like a fucking animal. a sloppy grin graced his features, hand moving from your thigh to reach between your legs— pushing two gloved fingers in with ease. "relax, doll. I'll buy you all the tights you need. jus' lemme enjoy my fuckin' meal." and with that, he dived right back in..♡
fyodor found the contrast between your body and his own adorable. he was tall, lanky and slim. you, on the otherhand, were plush, soft and just....so enticing to him. he loved each and every part of your body, of course but your thighs— god, your thighs. he'd love to just bury his face between them and stay there for hours. not that he'd ever admit it, though. his pride wouldn't allow it. that doesn't mean he wouldn't show his adoration for them in a...different way, of course.
he'd lay you down gently on your shared bed, kissing every part of your body from head to those delicious thighs of yours. and after he's finally done— he'd press them together before sliding his cock in between. what? why're you looking at him with those pitiful eyes of yours? what better way to showcase his love for your plush thighs than to fuck them, no? he'd shudder at the way the flushed head of his pretty cock would catch against your clit with every drag of his hips. he'd only laugh cruelly at your whining and begging for him to just put it in! oh well, he's not stopping anytime soon until he gets to cum all over your pussy and those pretty thighs of yours so..goodluck..♡
nikolai would just.. keep his hands on you all the damn time. i mean, how could he not? when you're practically asking him for it! that's why you decided to wear those tight stockings, didn't you? to show off your mouth-watering thighs to the world? he just couldn't keep his eyes off them the entire fucking day. the way the fabric clung and dug into the meat of your thighs and fuck. how could he not get rock hard?
and that's how you ended up seated on his pretty fuckin' face. eager tongue exploring your insides as guttural groans and growls left his parted lips. he was soaked— head getting squeezed by your thighs and he could almost cum from the feeling. his hands were also busy— occasionally slapping and pinching the soft fat on your thighs and snickering at your high pitched squeals. he'd also lift you a little by grabbing the back of your thighs just to look at you with those drunk-dazed eyes. and fuck, he was practically pussy drunk. he wasn't at fault though! it's all your fault for having such nice fucking thighs..♡
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©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, reblogs are very appreciated♡
TAGS »»————> @hopefulpain @inkmooon @constant-existential-terror @nda-approval @mellieellie @lxverss @lynxxyyy @nanamibeloved
@sorahatsumi @himebwrries @nopethenope @neviex @fyodorisbbg @stygianoir @saharei @x-lunawrites-x @munnaitorei @emyyy007 @dearhoney-31 @the-foreigner @angoisfine @hannzai @honeycombflowers @yuiiasathesilly @kaithegremlin @poisonedslop @sukiischaotic @squigglewigglewoo @boba-is-good @cupidszvlvr @ashthemadwriter @4xxxv @bloobewy @mrs-bakugou @hauntedsol @ask-me-or-not @hanakotateyama @qqingque @lunaeheroine18 @kissesmellow21 @dazaichuuya69 @xxsilverjackalxx @gettinshiggywithit @leftrunawaybanana @deaths-presence @sugaredpersimmon @rjssierjrie @iheartpieck @angelof-darkness @otakudul @dazaisimpletmereadfanficspls @hellokitty-4-lele @scinclaitnoir @aly-insanity @kemis-world @bisexuawolfsalt @thateldribitch
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