#i'd like to cry but even after being on E for a while that's still nearly impossible
the-mighty-nappa · 21 days
Oh boy it's time time of the year again where due to [redacted] I rethink my entire fucking [redacted] and realize there is no proper outcome in this situation.
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lgbtlunaverse · 29 days
This page from the adventurer's bible makes me want to cry
Like basically any neurodivergent dungeon meshi fan, I see a lot of myself in the Touden siblings. But I was blindsided by just how much I suddenly related to Falin in this little comic from the adventure bible's complete version.
It's about the Touden siblings' differing relationships with their parents, and why Laios still holds their treatment of Falin against them, while Falin herself doesn't.
We know that Falin was isolated and ostraziced by their village after she saved Laios from a ghost, displaying her uncanny affinity for magic. Her parents, instead of defending her, sent her away, which angered Laios so much he ran way himself before Falin even left for magic school, hoping to make a living so he and Falin could live together alone.
He tells Marcile this, but when she goes to Falin, she says she sees things differently. Her father sent her to magic school to protect her form the rest of the village without having to cause a conflict. He didn't explain that, and we actually see her burst into tears when he says it.
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But, well... Laios was gone for a year before Falin went to magic school, and everyone else in the village avoided her. The understanding Falin has with her parents to me looks like one borne out of necessity, she literally didn't have anyone else to talk to.
And this is where we get to the page that made me want to cry
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Like I said, I relate to the Toudens because I'm neurodivergent myself. that feeling of suddenly realizing you're disliked, but not knowing what you did wrong or what you should have done instead? Yeah... that's one I recognize.
When I was around 9 years old, the same age Falin is in this comic, a bunch of kids in my class decided to make a "game" where you lost if you touched me. It was basically the 'cheese-touch' from diary of a wimpy kid, except I always had it and couldn't pass it along. They'd pretend I was poisonous or disgusting and run away from me screaming or gagging. The point was to make fun of me. But my autistic little 9 year old ass thought "Oh I get it! It's tag but I'm always it!" So I... played along. Running at a boy and having him fall on the ground screaming in fake pain because you tapped him is, in isolation, pretty funny.
It wasn't until months into the "game" that I realized it was meant to be meanspirited. That the reason I was the one who was always 'it' wasn't an arbritrary rule but the whole point. Because I was weird and gross. I wasn't in on the joke, I was the punchline.
Falin may have come to understand her parents' intentions, but she didn't always. The adventure bible actually tells us that she at first didn't even notice that the rest of their village disliked her. She clearly knows now, but she had to be told. So when her mom tried to exorcise her, she just saw it as an activity she got to do with a mother she usually didn't get to spend much time with because of her poor health. It's only Laios who notices something is wrong.
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(Sidenote, Laios being hyper-aware of people's poor attitudes towards Falin but completely blindsided when he's in the same spot, like with Toshiro, is also very relatable as an eldest sibling)
It probably also took Falin months, until after her brother had left and she had no one but her parents, to realize why her mother had been doing all those things.
And I know they're not the same. Even misguidedly, Falin's mom was trying to help her, not make fun of her like those boys in my class. (Though, as a queer person who also cares a lot about the queercoding in Falin's storyline, a parent trying to 'exorcise' their child of a fundamental part of them the parent thinks is evil or corruptive? yeah... that's not perfectly wholesome)
But do you know what I did, when I finally figured out the game was always meant to make fun of me?
To me, it looked like I had a choice.
See, those boys eventually figured out I didn't understand that they were being mean to me. I'd laugh every time I managed to catch one of them, I was visibly having fun. And while it no doubt only made me more of a weirdo in their eyes, they never informed me that I shouldn't be enjoying myself. That the point was for me to feel hurt.
So now that I did know, I had a choice. I could either get upset, and let the insult land as it was supposed to. That wouldn't stop them, because making fun of me was the original goal. Or I could ignore it and go on as usual. They had already accepted that I didn't get it, and they weren't gona stop me from having fun, so why should I?
And the thing is that I had... one friend, in that whole class. One person who actually liked talking to me and hanging out with me. I was lonely. And the 'game' provided me with another social interaction, mean-spirited as it was, that I desperately needed. And it was so delightfully simple. Navigating actual friendships as a kid with autism and adhd was so fucking complicated, and I'd never know when I might break an inivisble rule. But I knew the rules to the game perfectly!
Sometimes, if I was chasing one of them, the others would trap him and hold him down so I could tap him. In those moments it actually did kind of feel like I was playing with them, rather than against them. And it didn't change much, they didnt start actually liking me. But they were willing to roll with the fact that I wasn't upset, and I took advantage of that because I needed to.
So you can look at Falin seeing the best in her parents as her being naïve, but I look at this page and I see myself, at first unable to differentiate between playing and being made fun of. And then later, when I did see the difference, deciding not to get mad about it because that'd mean losing that social interaction, and I couldn't afford to.
Like I said, Falin probably first realized this in the year she spent with her brother gone, and everyone else avoiding her like the plague. If she refused to talk to her parents, like Laios did, she'd have no one left.
I see a lot of people relating to the fight between Laios and Toshiro. that frustration when you realize someone you thougth was your friend actually hates you, and they never said anything, never gave you a chance to fix it because you had no idea that you were even doing something wrong! And I can see that, too. But sometimes, when people don't fully hate you, it feels better to go along with the pretending. Because adressing it won't fix it. Because the problem isn't a specific behaviour, it's you. And if they're willing to tolerate you, despite the fact that it's you, then you'll take it. Because other people do hate you, so this is the best you'll get.
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belphegorbillickin · 9 months
Could I request b,e,o,v,x for Floyd and Jade
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Honestly, I feel like this is one of the only situations where the yandere version of the characters would actually be nicer and potentially even healthier, at least for Jade.
So consider yourself warned.
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Bargain, would they just accept a break-up? Do they mope around or try to fix things? How would they attempt to get you back?
Honestly, I could easily see Floyd going either way. He's definitely not the type to start crying and clinging onto someone as they leave, but he's also definitely not the kind of guy that just lets someone leave either. So if Floyd's getting kind of bored or if he can tell you're just trying to play mind games with him? He'll let you go with zero fanfare. Or, if he's actually annoyed, he'll start rubbing it in and use every one of your closely guarded insecurities against you to ensure your faux tears turn real. Honestly, it's your fault shrimpy, for assuming he wouldn't notice just 'cause he's a little moody. Floyd is eerily perceptive, he just rarely utilizes it for anyone else's gain. Well, besides maybe Jade and occasionally Azul, if he compensates him enough.
But if he doesn't want you to go? You don't. Period, end of story, capiche? Try to leave and suddenly everyone you've ever cared about is either under contract, got the other twin's fist wrapped around their throat, literally and figuratively, and the trio already has several lists worth of blackmail ready to send to everyone's employers and landlords. Whether it's actual evidence, falsified, or both is up to you and your loved ones. So do be sure to make a wise decision, won't you?
Trying to get the police involved means getting the family involved, and while they don't have as much influence above sea level, it's still more than enough. You're in this for life, or y'know, until they get bored of you. Which isn't all that unlikely, although chances are if neither has gotten sick of you a few years in you're probably stuck for life. But who cares about the fine print when you're living in the moment? You're having fun, aren't you? Aren't you?
Jade is a bit trickier, as his behavior can change quite a bit depending on your own. Even in a relationship, you can never be quite sure how honest he's being. Although honestly, I can't see him being the kind of person to truly chase after someone, and he's certainly not the kind to beg or plead with any kind of sincerity. Well, romantically that is, he very much loves to chase people in the literal sense. Especially when they let out those delightfully high-pitched shrieks humans are just so full of. Regardless, chances are if you want to break up it's most likely because he's already started to lose interest, otherwise he would've already prevented that. Or tried his best to, anyway. But, in the rare case that you saw something you shouldn't have or you start to want to stray for whatever inane reason, I could see Jade pulling his usual schemes to get you back.
Though, there is an extremely high chance he's only winning you back just to gouge your heart out and ruin all of your future relationships instead. You do remember what he said back in Scarabia, right? "If I were betrayed by someone the way you were, I'd lash out with a torrent of unmitigated abuse to break them mentally, then bind them and drag them beneath the waves."
In the even smaller chance that he actually wants you back… Yeah, you're still getting much of the same. If anything he's even more likely to isolate you and carefully lash out at any support systems you may have. Not because he's under any real delusion that they caused this and you're just an innocent little guppy, but because Jade believes in an eye for eye and you've left him awfully blind. Or rather, Jade believes in an eye for an entire shattered skull, at the very least. Jade is aware that he's a rather complicated man. He adores chaos and unpredictability, but delights in squashing the weak and innocent under his boots, one inch at a time, controlling every aspect of their life. But don't you feel flattered to catch his ever wandering eye? You should you know, he can count the number of people who've entertained him this long on one single, spindly hand. Do take care to keep that up now, won't you?
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Outrageous, how do they react when you get yourself into trouble? Do they bail you out or are you on your own? Do they expect you to get them out of trouble?
Honestly, both Floyd and Jade probably find it funny, or at least entertaining. So long as you're not in mortal danger of course. They'll give you the chance to get yourself out of whatever trouble you've gotten yourself into, just for the sheer joy of watching you struggle, but neither of them would pass up on the chance of getting you indebted to them. It'd be incredibly hard to get to the chance to actually save Jade, and honestly I think he'd find it very disconcerting at absolute best anyway, especially since that would typically mean neither Floyd nor Azul had been able to get there first. Jade wouldn't dare act ungrateful though. He'll immediately start paying you back, but he's putting at least twice as much effort into finding some way to gain control over you in turn.
Floyd would also be slightly uneasy at first, but mainly head over heels for his beloved shrimpy! Your spine will be shattered by his sheer adoration and excitement instead of the usual reasons. He'll still pay you back, but he's nowhere near as concerned about it as Jade is. Who still tries to get you under his control, just for his brother's sake instead of his own this time.
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Emergency, what would they do if you needed them? Do they drop everything? Do they panic? What do they do if they need you?
Floyd may not seem like it at first, but he's very protective, territorial even, when it comes to his darling shrimpy. A dog bites you, tearing out a piece of your flesh? Well, you'd better find something to bite down on yourself, because Floyd is going to be gouging it out with his own needle-like teeth soon after. Don't whine too much, alright? Azul can fix that right up. But not before Floyd bites you first, for... reasons. Eelmer reasons. You may uh, also want to keep any Mr John Wicks away from the area depending on the circumstances and how bad your injuries are. …Okay, yeah. Realistically whatever animal that attacked you is getting beaten to death in a way that'd make his usual go-to of being gutting something alive with his claws or snapping a spine in two seem merciful. The owner is likely getting their ass handed to them as well, especially if they did nothing to intervene or even blamed you, regardless of how high up they think they are.
People living under the sea, especially in the deep, dark trenches where eelmer usually live, don't have the same luxuries as those living above it. If something, whether that be another predator or simply another unknown mer, gets too comfortable around their pod, then they must be destroyed for the good of the group. Open, bleeding wounds are a one-way ticket to a feeding frenzy, and although mer may not be anywhere near as protective of their young as most of the other sapient races, they would still rather kill any predators their children have no hope of surviving. Besides, what kind of mate would he be if he allowed you to bleed out? From something he didn't even do himself at that? Humans are awfully pathetic creatures, aren't they? Good thing you have him to protect you then, like any other good eel protected their beloved shrimp. (Even if it is very a bit reminiscent of a protection racket.)
Jade, for all his efforts to appear oh so controlled, is actually not all that dissimilar once his instincts kick in. You'd never know it just listening to his voice, but get him riled up enough and it'll be shockingly easy to mistake him for Floyd with the way he's wailing on your assaulter, one broken bone at a time. Though you do have to wonder if Floyd was ever this cruel as he somehow manages to avoid knocking them out, prolonging their suffering even further. But don't worry. Once he's done with that he'll ruin them financially, if they're even still alive that is, as well as everyone else they've ever loved as well. 
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Vacation, Do they have vacation plans? Where are they taking you? For how long?
Floyd would love to take you back home! It's where he can laugh at all of your pathetic attempts to keep up with him as you beg to not be left behind. It sure does feel nice to be wanted, doesn't it? Where he could scare you by hiding in the kelp forests and dragging you into them, show you all of his favorite spots, the cute wildlife he imagined you cooing at, and show off his fighting abilities in a form even stronger than the one you're used to.  As much as Floyd loves to seek out new experiences, he does seem to be the most homesick and comfortable in his natural form out of the three of them. Besides, having you come along with him keeps things fresh and exciting! And mama's been dying to meet you! Don't be shy, she doesn't bite. Without good reason to, at least. Unlike her (two) son(s.) As for how long? Probably not too long, but as is everything with Floyd, it's rarely consistent. Even when he's already agreed to a specific date.
Jade, on the other hand, would love to bring you to the mountains with him. He's surprisingly patient with you, even if you keep stumbling and asking for breaks, so long as you're willing to let him ramble on about the wonders of nature and show at least a little excitement for him. He's maybe a little too excited, especially when you (un)knowingly bite into the love(mysterious mushroom)-packed lunch that he made just for you! But why wouldn't he be? Are you really so cruel as to accuse your poor "little" heartbroken boyfriend of having some ulterior motives? He would love to stay longer, (and see how long you could last out in the wilderness,) but alas, duty calls. Jade can rarely stay for longer than a weekend, but he'd love to leave Friday night and come back Monday morning if he could.
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X-ray, what are some of their thoughts when with you that they don’t say aloud?
It'd be easier to list the things that Jade did say aloud, in front of or about you. Honestly, I don't think Jade would be all that into romance on his own at first. He'd probably think of your relationship as more of an experiment at first, in the psych study kind of way, until he finally started getting attached. Not that he would've just done it with anyone though, that would be a colossal waste of his time and effort.  No, you were still special to him in your own way even before that. Enough for Floyd to notice his interest in you and consider interfering even. For his brother's sake of course, what kind of an eel do you take him for?
Floyd on the other hand hardly ever keeps anything to himself, regardless of how that might make you feel. He absolutely loves the cute little faces and complaints you make when he says something a bit too crass. If he thinks you should be wearing something more flattering or acting a bit smarter? He'll tell you. If he thinks you look really good in public? He'll definitely tell you with zero care of who's watching. Or especially so, if it means offending someone like Riddle. Floyd does whatever his black little heart desires at the time, regardless of (most of) the consequences. The only real exceptions are things that Jade doesn't want you to know, (Azul's usually fair game though, especially if it gets him all huffy,) and classified details about the family business. That's not to say he can't be incredibly sneaky or plan things out however. Remember Bean Day? As Floyd himself said, Morays are cowards at heart. He won't go in for the kill until everything's set up just right, even if the waiting is killing him, and he's certainly not averse to bringing Jade or Azul into his plans. You may not even notice he's planned anything at all however, as Floyd's behavior is so erratic that all of his carefully laid plans and suddenly bossy behavior as he pulls you along don't stand out at all.  Your only hope of noticing when he's going to pull you into something particularly dangerous or permanent is the excited gleam in his eyes, and how much of his undivided attention he's been giving you for hours on end. So yeah... Good luck with that.
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Honestly, I've just never really abided by the popular fanon characterizations.
I wasn't active in the fandom at all until book three had been released on the English app, and still rarely sought out anything until after book 4, so seeing them being characterized the way they are on tumblr left me feeling like I had read something completely different.
At least one member of the octatrio is always in my top 3 specifically because they were some of the only "truly evil, unrepentant villains" in TWST.
Especially because I only really got into TWST when I was feeling frustrated about OBM! losing almost all of it's edge and seeing nothing but fluff & lighthearted humor 24/7.
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writers-ex · 11 months
to celebrate i was going to give you an itzy spam but im exhausted from school so i thought i'd entertain your minds with my newest obsession :3 BASKETBALL BABE RYUJIN UWU AND OMG I HAVE THE SOFTEST THOUGHT EVER TKEAJLKGDLKSJLKJLKSDJ erm anyways enjoy this headcanon of being girlfriends with the star of the basketball team *cough go heat cough* also shoutout to anyone that plays a sport or likes to play for fun you gays/gurls/besties are amazing 🫶🏼
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warning: mentions of g!p bc i need this to happen rn or i'll cry, dom!ryujin
um first what's not to love about this girl like ???
you both met at one of her games only she teases you now about falling for her because you literally tripped over your shoes and fell on top of her as she was heading to the court to warm up
making sure you were ok she then has her eyes on you the whole game
and also makes a friendly wager with you that if she scored the last basket you'd give her your number
three months and one day later you both started dating and ryujin still manages to score the last basket for you
perks of dating the star player include-
becoming friends with her whole team
instant skips in line for lunch bc her team won the game last night
wearing ryujin's jersey when she's not around
and her fawning over it being on your body
on days that the match is lost or ryujin gets pulled to the bench she becomes a different person
however with you in her life ryujin's temper dies down along with her habit of breaking things expect your back bc she loves to break that <3
watching her run up and down the court working up a sweat can make you overheat sometimes wink wonk
and she knows what she's doing to you everything she looks up and sees your legs squeezed shut-
locker room sex
sex in the locker room
did i mention after game sex in the locker room???
s c r e a m
her shorts on the floor, you on your knees sucking her off bc she's too tired to fuck you
cumming in your mouth and then suddenly getting enough energy to pick you up and have you riding her dick with your legs wrapped around her waist-
while she french kisses you
lowkey feeling like she would like to be called daddy while she rails you....
her taking off her jersey and making you wear only that as she takes you naked from behind <3
OR better yet making you touch yourself on top of her jersey while she watches not doing anything until you stain it and then she proceeds to fuck you fast and hard
like extremely fast bc practice makes your girlfriend strong and with double endurance
oh yeah multiple rounds with ryujin are a must i don't make the rules
she'll keep going even after you pass out from exhaustion making you her pretty little cum dump :3
loves to spoil you after a very lengthy and hot 'practice' session with ice cream by uni
and she does all the laundry while you order your favorite takeout to eat and binge something cuddling in your girlfriend's arms
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gz-missfit · 8 months
So....Tazercraft again huh? /aff
I could go on for a bit about how Pac e Mike behaved during that kidnapping, how much their reactions spoke volumes about their trauma and how fucking good these 2 are at breaking people's hearts while teasing at this situation multiple times during the stream (also having heard some of their voice acting of a lot older videos just how fucking good Pac has gotten at acting like Jesus christ my heart). But I feel like a good amount of posts in the tags have summed up everything I would've wanted to say amazingly and I definitely recommend scrolling through them.
I wanna talk about something else tho. Richas. Moreso his relationship with Pac.
Richas has said before that Pac e Mike are his chill dads, the ones that have always let him get away with shit or encouraged his shenanigans but he still has always carried different relationships with each of them individually. He's a bit more distant from Mike due to the time where Mike isolated himself away from Richas in the fear of Richas loosing his last life because of him. Richas knows Mike is dangerous, he knows Mike's a bit unhinged and I'd like to think that unhinged almost destructive chaos is what Richas got from Mike. (Taking for example yesterday when he warned Bad that Mike is the one that can kill him) Richas knows Mike is smart and even tho he doesn't have the knowledge to talk with Mike about it he still relishes in the chaos his Dad Mike's ideas bring.
Now Richas relationship with Pac is what peaked my attention yesterday though and it showed me just how much of his emotional personality he got from Pac.
Starting with the obvious it's that Richas isn't often seen sad, he's not seen as a sad egg but rather a mischievous ball of positive social energy and that's how Pac is seen by anyone aside from Mike and nowadays Fit. Everyone sees Pac as this emotional ball of sunshine who's always happy if a little anxious, but both he and Richas hold their actual emotions close. They're rocks for others before they are people who let their own emotions out. Pac having always been the emotional rock for Mike while Richas has always been one for all his parents. It's fascinating to see how genuinely similar they are with this.
Which is why yesterday when Pac told Richas what had happened I feel like was the first time we saw Richas react to the news that one of his dad's got kidnapped again. Obviously he's bound to Crack at some point, he's a kid after all. But to have Richas be this clear about his emotional body language and distress is rare in terms of kidnapping. Seeing him physically recoil, frantically and in disbelief shake his head stung so much cause it's the first time we've seen Richas react this strongly to something like this infront of one of his parents. And I feel like it's because he has that more emotional relationship with Pac.
He let's himself be this openly emotionally vulnerable with Pac because he knows how Pac is. It's like how you have that one person you're not bothered to cry infront of because you know how they are when emotional and they know how you are. They're both people who are painfully aware of how many emotional burden they carry of other's just by being themselves and I feel like a big part of Richas view of Pac comes from that too! (Him saying to Bad that Pac is the most precious Brazilian and that Bad should be careful what he does to him) Richas knows how important Pacs emotional stability is to the people around him and how I feel like he himself takes after Pac a lot in just constantly pushing through things. Because that's what's Pac always done and Richas had to learn this from someone after all.
That's why the way that stream ended hurt me so much more, Richas coping mechanism after deep emotional trauma is just wanting to sleep. Pac actively said he wanted to do nothing but sleep now and Richas KNEW what that implied, he himself knows best what that out of Pacs mouth means because I'd like to think that that's what he learnt in the early days of the favela 5. That's how he learnt to deal with emotions because Pac had always been the one to be so open with his own to Richas. It's why Richas didn't stop him. It's why Richas just helped him get to his room and sat at his side while he played a melody in hopes that he'd ease some of the emotional pain his dad currently carried. Richas still ended up being the emotional rock in this, but his behavior with Pac was so much more emotionally charged yesterday. He was so much more vulnerable himself because he is so much more similar to Pac and actually seeing it this obvious was almost painful.
Richas and Pac are used to dealing with their emotions on their own so for Richas seeing Pac break this openly infront of him was distressing because he knows how much it takes for someone, who buries distress deep down so he can carry the weight of others peoples feelings, to break this upfront. To dump all his emotional pain onto someone and I feel like Richas was for the first time openly struggling to be a emotional rock until he gathered his bearings.
And I'd like to think that he slept alongside Pac for the same reasons yesterday, hoping that the dreams would take any tears away that were so close to falling while he was awake.
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mortalityplays · 6 months
Did you make more money in hospitality or office? 🤔 (asking just because I'm currently trying to get into hospitality because I've heard they make good money on tips and I'm broke)
that is the DEVIL TALKING. whoever is telling you that has the tongue of an asp and probably goat hooves and goose blood and the heart of one of those toads that secrete lsd in their sweat.
here's the shit: hospitality will break your bones and your spirit and pay you at best like 1/5th of what you should be making at minimum for the time, effort and skill involved in your job. you will be demeaned so casually and regularly that you genuinely start to believe you don't deserve sick days when you're sweating and puking, and that the least you can do for your boss is to cancel your plans and come in on a saturday with 30 minutes notice. You will find yourself apologising for only being 15 minutes early to the start of your paid hours and not 30 minutes like management wants. no they will not subsidise transport to or from work, even for the 19 year old girl who has to walk home alone along the unlit canal after midnight.
customers will abuse you wantonly because at least 10% of them consider that to be part of the service they're paying for. You will take pride at some point in being so accustomed to strangers yelling at you that you no longer want to walk into a cupboard and cry, and you will watch the new hires get upset that management are taking the drinks they dropped out of their paycheck and just think 'wonder how long they'll last'. you will sit through branded e-training about mutual respect and diversity and then listen to your manager use slurs from the 1950s about your coworkers. you'll listen to the line cooks use slurs from the 1950s about your manager, and you'll still know whose side you're on.
you will also learn very fast to do a lot of things you had no idea you were capable of. you will learn to deal with the worst kind of asshole, make the best kind of friend, and multitask like crazy. You will learn to suck it up and do dangerous, disgusting, frustrating, unfair things while your body complains and you fantasise that you're anyone else anywhere else. If you stick at it, you will attain a whole secret world of social skills and the lifelong confidence of a grizzly bear.
hospitality is boot camp that never ends. I think everybody should be forced to work hospitality for a year when they turn 18, like national service. I loved it, and I had to get out when I realised I was waking up in the morning wondering how badly I'd need to be hit by a car to get out of my shift. I still miss it, I'm never going back.
office jobs pay more, offer progression, and treat you like a person instead of livestock. on the other hand you will miss out on the technicolour upton sinclair underworld right beneath your nose. maybe that's good? I dunno. yeah, you might make decent tips.
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nyoomfruits · 9 months
Oscar “human embodiment of the standing man emoji” Piastri LOOOOL you hit the nail on the head with this
I’ve read ALL of your Landoscar fics and loved them and now I need more — do you have any recs? I love the chaotic Lando + just some guy Oscar dynamic I demand more content 😭
oooooh anon you've come to the right adres i have SO MANY fic recs and i need to yell about all of them
first of all there's this list i posted before!
now for the newer stuff because landoscar writers are just out there creating masterpieces every single day and i'm just a grateful recipient:
carried away by venerat | E | 22k
"Oscar," Lando said. "Don't hate me, alright, but I've—”
ITS A FAKE DATING AU BY THE ONE THE ONLY VENERAT LITERALLY WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT. this is BEYOND perfect especially because you said you love the chaotic lando + just some guy oscar dynamic because this captures that PERFECTLY. anyway this is everything to me and i sleep with a printed copy of this under my pillow
how much can you fit (under your skin) by cloudcollector | E | 4,5k
Oscar has biteable thighs. Lando has teeth.
The Thigh Biting Fic (tm). this was posted like i think a week ago and it's already a classic. mandatory landoscar reading i'd say. for everyone who wants to bite oscar's thighs and for everyone who doesn't yet know they want to bite oscar's thighs. the tldr everyone comes out of this wanting to bite oscar's thighs. anyway, 10/10 characterization, features oscar's reading which i LOVE and just. so goddamn hot a++++++
signed sealed by venerat | E | 4k
yeah yeah another venerat fic sue me. the tldr is if you love landoscar just binge read venerat's fics. ANYWAY this one is in a VERY fun texting format which i LOVE i love when fics find different intersting ways to tell a story. also very very hot
Your Plans (And Those Slow Hands) by xxcelientje | E | 4k
He could probably fit both of Oscar’s hands in one of his own, he could for sure use one hand to hold both of Oscar’s wrist and an idea entered his mind. He smiled at Oscar. ‘You like my hands?’ Oscar’s cheeks reddened even more as he nodded, his eyes still on their joined fingers. ‘They fascinate me,’ he admitted, biting his lip. OR: Lando and Oscar have some fun (and share some feelings) after the Belgium GP
celine is insane and i have a hand kink now. anyway this is so!!!!!!!! them being all tender horny for each other and also so fucking DESPERATE for each other i'm so weak for that always. 10/10 we as a fandom should include more light choking in landoscar fics as a rule
what would you do (if I went to touch you now)? by laceyamethyst | E | chapter 4/5
“Okay, so they both like each other. We need to get them together.” “How? Lando’s too freaked out to think straight and Oscar is the human embodiment of the standing man emoji.” Charles purses his lips for a moment before he snatches his boyfriend’s phone up from the other side of the table. “What are you doing?” “Initiating Mission Landoscar.” “Did you just make that up?” Charles waves at him dismissively as he begins texting, and Max lays his head down on the coffee table and prays for strength. *** In which Max tries to prove to an oblivious Charles how glaringly obvious it is that Lando is head over heels in love with Oscar. When Charles finally gets with the program, Lestappen go on A Mission™ to get the two idiots to admit their feelings for each-other, but it’s easier said than done.
if you've been following me for a while you've probably heard me yell about this fic because i'm OBSESSED with it. especially very good for lestappen shippers trying to dip their toe into landoscar because the whole fic is from max's pov and has LOADS of cute max/charles moments. just AAAAAh. the landoscar dynamic is super super cute and so perfect in this, it has a bunch of straight up hilarious shenanigans and also a VERY VERY fun characterization of logan that i'm obsessed with. 10/10 recommend, cry over it daily, need to lay on the floor about it regularly
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In case I delete my damn Twitter (I really should), I want to preserve the only tweets I ever made that I liked. Which, unfortunately, was rating every Fire Emblem Final Boss on their fuckability (remixed).
I'm sorry.
(Note: I confess that I am not a monsterfucker, yes yes leave your angry comments below, and I will be ranking every boss on their most anthropomorphized form to even the playing field)
(Edited on 2/17/2024)
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Oh boy here comes the most generic villain ready to offer me the most generic sex possible. How could I ever contain my excitement
VERDICT: Look tumblr likes to make evil sex with your evil spouse look de facto exciting but even the spark can go out of villain sex. If he's a boring villain in the streets he'll be a boring villain in the sheets.
DUMA (FE2, FE15)
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Man I am so glad that the remake gave Duma a human form and I don't have to be talking about ~~Duma's wiggles~~
VERDICT: I will confess to not being particularly attracted to him, but.... Not to spoil anything but he's going to be one of the better picks on this list.
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He is a child.
VERDICT: He is a child.
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Oh boy, you KNOW he fucks with the same enthusiasm of a disgruntled middle manager fitting in a quickie between reruns of Home Improvement with a wife that he's a decade past loving.
VERDICT: I mean there are worse choices on this list but love yourself.
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Even putting her somewhat... neotenous features aside, the whole free will removal kinda makes the idea of sex with her pretty unethical at best.
VERDICT: And even if we ignore all that she got one rounded by Roy. Total turn off.
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There is no anthropomorphized form. It's just a dragon.
VERDICT: I have concerns about size differentials here.
LYON (as possessed by FORMORTIIS) (FE8)
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Ok, ok, I acknowledge this one is kind of a stretch as those two are separate entities and the Formortiis you fight is NOT in the shell of Lyon but like. Give me a break. I know you horny fuckers want Formortiis to become intimate with your intestines. I'm terribly sorry this stupid post isn't for you.
VERDICT: Let's be real. Unless you're Eirika or Ephraim (or willing to put on some cosplay) he won't be bringing his A-game. If you are, though... oooh. Boy. The emotion would run high. There would be crying. I'll leave it up to you as to whether this is a plus or minus.
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Unlike some other options on this list, it is at least 100% proven that he has had sex, if only as a means to an end. I honestly doubt whether he would fuck for any other reason to be honest
VERDICT: If, for some reason, being used as a genetic experiment isn't a turn off, he's absolutely going to ask if he can turn a family member of yours into a mindless war beast, probably immediately after the sex. If for some reason this still isn't a turn off, uhhhhh I hope y'all are happy together.
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While I could imagine most of the other characters in this list being open to the idea of sex, I really couldn't see Ashera being DTF. But...
VERDICT: She's hot in a scary Drakengard way, so I'd say it's worth at least shooting your shot. She'd probably turn you to stone, but that's the risk you take for love.
ROBIN (As possessed by GRIMA) (FE13)
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Fell Robin is a great example of the effects of evil on human attractiveness. On their own, Robin is human tofu. They are a perfect 5/10. Being possessed raises their score to at least 6/10.
VERDICT: 6/10 is better than average. Why not.
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As far as I know, he doesn't have an official age, but I see this character and I think "that's baby"
VERDICT: All I want to do is give him butterscotch candies and ask him how he's doing in school.
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Like Ashnard, at least you can say he definitely fucked. Quite a bit, considering the excess of children he has (discounting his propensity for picking them up off the streets) So, uh, he's got one thing going for him?
VERDICT: He has this expression the entire time.
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man who fucking cares
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He's the only final boss in Three Houses that doesn't turn into a big ol' monster so he's got that going for him (or against him, depending on your point of view.) Unfortunately, he is, however, a zombie, which I would rate as worse.
VERDICT: One certainly can't say he's slacking on the gym routine but... zombie. Does he smell? Ew.
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It's everyone favorite problematic waifu! What is there to say about her that hasn't been said before.
VERDICT: No, I mean really. Uh... if you like her I said she was stinky and if you hate her Edelgard come step on me uwu. Everyone can be mad at me. It's fun for the whole family.
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Rhea is a scary, scary woman and fucking her would ruin your life
VERDICT: Rhea can totally get it.
EDIT: As of this writing (2/17/2024) I have beaten Fire Emblem Engage, and have edited this section accordingly.
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Like Garon, Sombron canonically fucks. A LOT. This does not mean he's necessarily any good at it, mind, but he's got to at least... know... stuff, right? He was able to turn the yaoification beam on Hyacinth so he's clearly not completely lacking in sexual appeal. He will NOT wear a condom tho, although who on this list would?
VERDICT: I feel like you'd need to have some very specific fetishes for this to be a good idea, but if you do... have fun?
As for Heroes, I will confess that I only played Heroes very briefly; I don't know shit about the story and will have to rely on the wiki. So if I get some stuff wrong, apologies that I didn't play a shitty gacha. I was too busy... uhhhh having sex with your mom (NOTE TO SELF DELETE LATER)
BRUNO (Heroes, Book 1)
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This bitch loses shirts like a Yakuza character. His abs have more screentime than his face. He pops on screen and Yusuke Kozaki manifests behind you and whispers in your ear "don't you just HUNGER for his dick????"
VERDICT: Oh come on.
SURTR (Heroes, Book 2)
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Uh... he was pretty good on my team for the brief moment that I played. Uh... shit let's consult the wiki
VERDICT: ...oh. He's not very nice at all. Yeah don't fuck him.
HEL (Heroes, Book 3)
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Ok. Look. Listen. Ok. Ok. Look. Ok. Ok. Listen. Ok. Listen. Listen. Listen. Ok. Look. Ok. Look. Listen. Listen. Look.
FREYJA (Heroes, Book 4)
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Ok, she's cute, but... I don't know. I just don't vibe with her design. It screams "designed for lonely dudes" and I'm a lonely GAL thank you.
VERDICT: Bring back the goth milfs.
EITRI (Heroes, Book 5)
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EMBLA (Heroes Book 6 oh my god how many fucking books are there)
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Oooh, she looks deranged! I like that; I'm a big supporter for women's wrongs.
VERDICT: ...Admittedly, she has more "wet drowned rat" appeal than sex appeal.
Book 7 isn't actually done yet (I think) as of time of this writing so I'm DONE. NO MORE.
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l0sercat · 1 year
can you please do nsfw alphabet with ghostface? <3
NSFW alphabet with Ghostface/Danny J.
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
No after care. Maybe he clean up the cuts but that's it.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your chest and thighs. They're just so squishy<3
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Loves to cum on your chest, face, in your mouth, anywhere. It doesn't matter as long as it's on/in you
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He once watched you masturbate and recorded it while he was also jerking off
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He has plenty of experience and he for sure knows what he is doing
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Doggy style or legs over shoulders.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Definitely a bit goofy but can be serious
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He is trimmed and it's kept decent.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He jerks off, not a lot but still. He'll come to you if he needs to relieve stress or get rid of his boner
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Blood play, bondage, BDSM, knife play. Honestly anything where your tied up, submissive and weak. He loves giving you cuts and marking you as his. He even carved his name on you<3
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere. But if I had to choose I'd say the woods because he gets off the thrill of anyone seeing you guys.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you in revealing outfits, you crying, just bending over for something or you on your knees begging
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Piss kink, scat kink, incest roleplay. He's into some kinky shit but that just gross
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers to receive. He just loves to see your lips wrapped around his cock.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He's fast and rough. He is never slow and sensual
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He doesn't mind quickies at all. In fact most of the time y'all have them. Especially if your in a trial.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He's down to take risks. Hell he'll even bend you over a window and take you there while your teammates are close by
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last 6-7 rounds
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He owns one and will use it on you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease. It's just so fun to see you squirm and whine
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He groans and moans a lot. He is very loud and not shy
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a very high sex drive
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Almost 7inches long and 3 inches thick
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He has a collection of videos of you being fucked or you masturbating. He labeled them all. His bedroom walls are covered by your pictures (mostly graphic but some aren't)
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn't fall asleep very quickly it takes a while
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oopsalltes · 7 months
ridiculously long text dump incoming but i figured i'd finally go over some more technical stuff about the au. ive seen other people talk about their headcanons for how the bombermen work in-game and got a bit inspired since ive mostly been going over lore with my comics!
SO, WHAT ARE BOMBERMEN? true to most of the games, they are still robots in the au! entirely mechanical with no organic components. the vast majority of them originate from the former planet earth, now called planet bomber, but some models have been integrated into different planets (planet scrapheap for example) for specific jobs.
all bombermen come from "the original", Shiro, who was built by evil forces lurking underground on planet earth before it was renamed planet bomber. during his tenure as a reluctant minion of evil, his purpose was to create bombs for their efforts of subjugating the remnants of humanity on earth.
prior to his escape from the clutches of the evil forces, he looked very much like how he is depicted in the games!
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WHY DO THEY LOOK LIKE HUMANS NOW? in the original NES bomberman game, the plot revolves around bomberman's escape to the surface under the belief that he will become human. the AU follows this premise, but more literally: although Shiro doesn't actually become an organic human, he is rebuilt to resemble their appearance more faithfully! thus, all bombermen that come after him retain that human-like appearance.
this applies to the human experience as well. they can cry, taste food, live like humans even though they are artificial. they're aware of the fact that they aren't human, mind, but the line is very thin for some! Shiro goes so far as to say that he's just as human as any organic one because of his free will and his ability TO desire to be human. but most are pretty normal about it.
BASIC ANATOMY STRUCTURE bombermen possess an internal structure intentionally designed similar to that of humans. their endoskeleton is practically 1:1 of a human skeleton, the only difference being that it's obviously metal. they possess significantly less "organs", with most of their computer components centralized in a single case located where a human heart would be. their central processing unit and memory cards are located inside of the skull, reinforced by pure steel to prevent any potential internalized damage. while ripping off the outer layer of skin takes about as much effort as it would to a human, you'll be hard-pressed to actually penetrate their head/skull. pain receptors are probably the most complex and delicate in terms of structure, essentially microscopic detectors found across the body like nerves. the part of the processing unit that recognizes the feeling of pain can be manually turned off if needed, but is usually left on so that the individual is aware of damage or something malfunctioning.
all bombermen have an antenna attached to their left ear. this is used for communication with others across distance, and is also used to monitor their surroundings! it can pick up movement, energy, and other various things. it's one of their trademark identifiers, and can also be used as a sort of ID for other bombermen, so its very important to them! to remove their atenna is like declawing a cat.
like most computers, their capability of information storage is limited. although usually equipped with multiple memory cards, many bombermen elect to move data/memories they don't need all of the time onto items like USB drives so they don't need to outright delete things. their sleeping routines are the most effective way for them to undergo defragmentation.
with resources on earth having been very scarce, bombermen are equipped to run on multiple kinds of energy. like most computers, electrical energy is the most common and widely used, but their synthetic skin is capable of taking in solar energy and a furnace "stomach" can transform eaten foods into chemical energy - think of the latter as burning coal to fuel a locomotive. the one thing they DON'T use however is oil. its seen as very volatile source of energy because it's not renewable. this means they don't bleed! there's no need for them to have any liquid circulation, so replacing parts is also easier in that regard since there's no fear of losing any potential lifeforce.
ASIMOV? WHO'S THAT?? they do not follow the three laws. they are completely independent. most bombermen lean towards being good-natured (if not with their own quirks), so murder of organics/destruction of their own kind is HIGHLY taboo. this doesn't mean they're incapable of making that decision, though.
WHO BUILDS THEM? this answer is a little more complex. early in the timeline, the only way to make a bomberman was to build one yourself. this was especially apparent during earth's final years before being renamed, as most of humanity had abandoned the planet after the evil forces were reawakened decades prior. as such, bombermen were short in number because the few remaining humans that were technologically competent were the only ones capable of making them.
however, ALL bombermen are capable of recreating their own kind. this was information originally given to Shiro by the evil forces so that, for whatever reason, it would be instinct for him to prevent the extinction of his own existence. when more bombermen began to populate the planet, they started to do the creation themselves since they knew everything they needed in order to accomplish it. this is where familial relationships become possible! many bombermen who create their own kind view their creation as siblings or children, and this carries over further into the timeline even when a mother computer meant to mass produce models comes into existence.
WHAT'S IN A TITLE? "Bomberman" is both a species and a title. while most common bots will refer to themselves as "a bomberman", very few have the privilege of being called Bomberman. this name is reserved for particularly outstanding individuals who are responsible for the protection of planet bomber, meaning only a few of them exist across the timeline.
so far these include Shiro (the original), Ivory (Shiro's brother and the protagonist for most of the games that take place on Planet Bomber), and White (the sbr iteration - his siblings get privileges by association but since he's the only cracker white bomberman of the group he gets the official title). depending on how development of the timeline goes there might be more...
WHAT THE HELL ARE PSEUDO BOMBERMEN? I actually addressed this question on my twitter with a funny little comic but i'll go a little further in-depth with the discussion here.
as the name implies, these aren't considered to be "real" ones for various kinds of reasons. bombermen become very popular to imitate due to how (in)famous Shiro becomes across space, but building a robot might not exactly be conventional for some people. this is where pseudo bombermen come in. anything from bomber-cyborgs, organically made bombermen, etc are all considered pseudo bombermen. the general rule of thumb is if it isn't a robot, it's a pseudo.
notable pseudo-bombers would be Max (cyborg), Shirobon from Jetters (alien), and the Bomber Shittenou (made from elements).
ARE YOU GOING TO ADDRESS THAT LINE FROM YELLOW IN SBR2 sure they can have cock and balls why not. full human experience or something.
well that was long as fuck!! thanks for reading!!! if there are any questions feel free to leave them in my inbox and ill be sure to respond to them :)
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lee-aveyourmark · 2 years
besties with nomin!
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∘.∙°. masterlist Pairing: Lee Jeno x reader x Na Jaemin, nomin x bestie!reader Genre: sickening fluff, a whole lotta crack Warnings: mentions of food Wordcount: 767
A/N: I'm back bitches
- nomin are like a bonded pair of pets - you befriend one of them and just couldn't avoid befriending the other
- you're definitely the middle ground in this relationship, bc these two boys can be quite the opposite of one another
- being very open and accepting of jaemin's physical affection while understanding jeno's feelings and concerns through his gazes and jumbles of words is a massive feat but they absolute treasure you for it
- it means that jaemin can randomly give you hugs to feel comfort at the physical contact and not really say anything at times, allowing his nonverbal cues to communicate his intentions as his embrace is ever so gentle and his eyes ever so soft
- it also means that jeno can freely express his emotions and frustrations without judgement, gaining release from negative internal thoughts, and gets excited at the thought of catching up with you to ramble on about how his day went, regardless if it was enjoyable or utterly crap
- haechan has shared about how jeno literally hates anything cute and being associated with cuteness, but i know full well that you and jaemin still coo and baby the living daylights out of him not because you're trying to annoy him, but because you two believe with your whole hearts that he is a d o r a b l e and deserves to be showered with affection and praise
- the amount of pure satisfaction gained from seeing jeno blush
- nomin has money and they know it, so they like to buy you gifts from time to time (it's also a way of them showing their appreciation for you putting up with them lol)
- perfumes are a go-to, with jaemin carefully selecting a new fragrance each time while jeno opposes many of his selections and chooses one that he sniffed once
- rip jaemin when you're given the two fragrances and then end up wearing jeno's selection more often
- playdates are random late-night baking sessions together with jaemin making sure that you and jeno don't burn the kitchen down, becoming distracted himself as he accidentally adds 3/4 tablespoon of salt instead 3/4 teaspoon
- "did someone cry into the brownie mix? why is it so salty?" jeno frowns, reaching for a glass of water to cleanse his overwhelmed palette
- "it was me, i cried when fishing out all the broken eggshells from the batter" jaemin deadpans
- also, imagine just happily enjoying a day off together, walking in a park while your arms are linked with theirs, feeding each other bites of street food and taking the cutest pictures together
- after the first time one of you gained the courage to link arms with the other two, it becomes a little quirk of your relationship
- whether it be strolling around late at night or trying to encourage each other to hurry up in getting to a certain place, linking arms makes it just that lil bit better huehue :)
- until, you guys run into a doorframe and suddenly you're all turning 90 degrees like a blade on a fan to fit through sideways, not even bothering to think of unlinking arms
- your group chat is used mainly for memes and confirming deets on your next get-together
- oh, it also consists of jaemin writing in paragraphs about the most random things and jeno responding with 'k' while you try to respond as empathetically as possible to prevent jaemin from moving out of the dorm lmao
- aND, sometimes with jaemin ignoring jeno's questions followed by jeno sending some words that seem very vulgar but surprisingly none of which are profanities, all ending with the (.◜◡◝ ) emoji
- i'd imagine you guys would facetime on a regular basis, but the timing is always really odd and, more often than not, at least one of you are in a less than publicly decent situation
- most calls aren't even proper conversations - it's just you guys showing each other something cool and then quickly cutting off, or jaemin calling you to tell jeno to turn the lights off
- "jaemin, i swear, it's 4am" "exactly, that's why i need you to tell jeno to turn the lights off so i can sleep" "newSFLASH, I DON'T LIVE WITH Y'ALL"
- but yet, you call the gamer boy anyway
- and alas, gamer boy jeno didn't pick up as he was, as expected, gaming, leaving you to give up and ignore jaemin's calls
- sigh what a lovely friendship <3
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depressionisreal1996 · 3 months
The Traumatized Omega
Chapter 8
Bold and Underlined=POV Change
Underlined=Line Break
Bold=TV Script
Bold, Underlined, and Italics=Vision
       I was just laying down, thinking why Wednesday wanted me to escape the therapy session with her. It just doesn't seem like her to want others with her. I am thankful that she did let me, but I'm so confused. I need to talk to Enid about this, maybe she'll have some advice on what to do. I also need to make sure she doesn't gossip about it either. I love that girl, but she is a gossip queen, and in my opinion the gossip queen. I'm really falling in love with Wednesday Addams, and I hope she accepts me as her mate, even when I tell her about my past.
       Before I could finish my thought, I heard someone playing the cello, and it was very beautiful. I love instruments like the cello, and I have a feeling on who is playing it. So, with that thought I got up to go over to Enid's and Wednesday's room to listen to her better. On my way there, I ran into Enid, so we just walked together.
Wednesday's POV
       I was just finishing up playing my cello, when Thing asked me if I feel better.
       "No, I don't really feel better," I replied to him, "there's just something wrong about this place. Not just because it's a school."
       Just then the door to the balcony opened and revealed Enid and Y/N. They walked over to us.
       "How the hell did you get that oversized violin out the window," Enid asked. I saw Y/N glare at her, and shaking her head.
       "I-i-i-it's a ce-ce-ce-cello E-e-e-enid," she told Enid with a tone that says that she was offended by the comment. This almost made me smile at how cute she was being.
       "I had an extra hand," I told her, with Thing showing himself. Enid looked at him with awe and slight fear.
       "Whoa. Where's the rest of him," she asked, coming closer.
       "It's one of the great Addams family mysteries," I told her. Then we heard howling in the distance. It's the full moon, so the werewolves have turned, but Enid is also a werewolf. She didn't turn, so I'm intrigued.
       "Why aren't you wolfing out," I asked her. She looked down in what I assume is sadness.
       "Because I can't," she replied, then she extended her nail towards me, "it's all I got. My mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but I've been to the best Lycanologist. I had to fly to Milwaukee, would you believe it. Yeah, she says there's a chance I may never..... you know."
       "What happens then," I inquired.
       "I'd become a lone wolf," she told me, still looking down. Y/N just walked over to her to comfort her, which didn't sit well with me.
       "Sounds perfect," I told her, but Y/N just glared at me. I don't understand why, as being alone, well not completely alone with her, is a bad thing.
       "Are you kidding me? My life would be officially over," she told me, with slight anger in her voice, "I'd be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate."
       "I'm failing to see the problem here," I said, confused why someone wants to be with other people. I saw Y/N roll her eyes, and I had to hold my anger in, as she shouldn't be concerned about Enid at all, only me.
       "I could die alone," she replied.
       "We all die alone, Enid," I said.
       "You really suck at this. Cheering people up," she said, then started to silently cry.
       "Why are you crying," I asked her, completely uncomfortable with the situation.
       "Because I'm upset," she told me, raising her voice a little bit, "haven't you ever cried, or are you above that too?"
       "It was the week after Halloween. I was six years old," I replied, and I don't know why I was telling her about this. Y/N also was listening as well, "I took my pet scorpion, Nero, out for his afternoon stroll, and we were ambushed. They wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion for a pet. Two of them held me down and made me watch.... while the others ran Nero over until.... It was snowing when I buried what was left of him. I cried my little black heart out. But tears don't fix anything, so I vowed to never do it again."
       Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Y/N holding her mouth, with tears rolling down her face. I could also sense that she was very pissed off (I was also pissed off, I do not condone animal abuse and I wish I could legally hunt animal abusers down).
       "Your secret's safe with us. Still think you're weird as shit, though," Enid said.
       "The feeling is incredibly mutual," I replied, and I saw Y/N smile, "how would you like your single room back? You just need to show me how to use your computer."
       I saw Y/N with a frown, so I walked up to her and whispered in her ear.
       "I'm taking you with me, I don't think I can survive without your," I told her. To this she beamed and nodded her head.
Narrator's POV
       Now we see Thing crawling up someone's house. He crawled up to the window and knocked on it. Inside, we see Tyler walking towards his window to investigate the knocking at his window. He opened the window, when Thing crawled inside which caused Tyler to startle.
       "Holy shit," he exclaimed. He got his bat to swing at Thing. Thing just crawled, dodging the bat, until he got to the desk. He then got a hold of the bat and threw it away. He showed his palm, which had a message from Wednesday to call her.
       "Okay, I'm taking orders from a hand. This isn't weird at all," he said, and proceeded to do what Thing showed him.
Wednesday's POV
       I heard the computer ring, so I went up to answer. After looking for the button to answer, I finally saw Tyler.
       "Uh... hi," he said, looking off to the side.
       "That's Thing," I told me, and nodded at that.
       "Is he, like, your pet," he asked, though this caused me to be mad at him, but I wouldn't show that. I also heard Thing flipping him off.
       "He's sensitive," I told him, which was true.
       "Look, I know Nevermore is ground zero for all things weird," he said, "but this is next-level. So, what happened to not wanting to be a slave to technology"
       "Desperate time. Are you still willing to help me escape," I asked him.
       "After what happened today, I figured they'd have you in solitary," he told me.
       "There's the Harvest Festival this weekend," I replied, "attendance is mandatory. I'm going to use it as a cover. If you're willing to drive me to the station, I can make it worth your while."
       "I'm in. And no charge," he told me, though I was confused why he would do this with no charge, "consider it a freebie."
       "Why," I asked.
       "Cause I wish I was going with you," he said in a serious tone, "at least one of us will get out of this hellhole town."
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atoriv-art · 5 months
little asks compilation as to not spam ♥
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thank you!! ♥
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crying this is vaguely related but did you guys know neji appears in a time travel episode(/arc?) in the boruto anime. does it surprise you to hear that it makes me extremely mad
but also so true LMFAO i'm usually the type to give things a chance (or so i'd like to believe) but not much of boruto interests me 😔 some of the kids look cute and i like.... like..... a few of the timeskip designs (...like three of them? i like suigetsu karin and tenten's.) but it's not worth it and in fact i think having to see neji and hiashi alive in the same UwU Family space would have had me banging my head against a wall.
also what if they made him ugly. that's my perfect angel boy they can't do that.
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HEHE ofc!!! part of the reason i love posting fanart is that i get to spread propaganda for the things i like LMFAO
and i'm glad people enjoy the funny sharky ears they're my favorite <3
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ASDMKASD eu acho que esse é o maior contato com outros brasileiros que já tive quando posto arte e afins, é bem interessante
eu consigo imaginar o tipo de coisa da qual vc reclama, eu acho bem chato tbm GFKMGFM
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fave i respect the movement though i'm more of a short king gaara truther myself bc i think it's cute. sasuke still the tallest of the boys tho
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thank you!! and hehee this ended up being more me ranting about their general writing but :)
i'm veeeery fond of their og naruto dynamic, i think it often goes misunderstood/understated but to me it's one of the highlights to the original series! from stuff like kakashi shielding him from orochimaru and sealing his curse mark (which. btw. crazy. LOVE that scene) to the ENTIRE deal with chidori and the pride kakashi felt watching sasuke fight gaara with it... i think it's SURPRISINGLY well done! while i due to personal preference like to read it as specifically familial, i think you can read it anyway you want (not all mentor-type dynamics need to be familial in nature and not being so won't make it any less meaningful)
i don't think kakashi was a particularly great teacher (in fact i think tenzo is shown to be a MUCH better captain/mentor the moment he's introduced to team 7 lol) but you can certainly tell that he cares about all of the kids and wants to do right by them, it's just that with sasuke specifically to me it feels like it's of highly personal significance to him?
and it's not hard to see why, obviously kakashi and sasuke do not have the same trauma but i find it reductive to say that it means kakashi can't see himself in him at all, or that he can't be of any use to sasuke? one of my favorite scenes is the (... i think mildly controversial, from what i've seen?) one where he talks to sasuke on that tree and tells him to drop his revenge quest, because while yeah it was not a perfect effort, to me it's clear that 1. kakashi was being very genuine in his words and 2. that it like... almost worked? sasuke was very sincerely pondering his words before the sound 4 came along.
btw so funny that both kakashi and obito tie him up when talking to him. anyway
so you add that with the weird relationship kakashi has with the entire uchiha clan, starting with obito (the very reason kakashi is able to teach sasuke in any meaningful way at all), going through itachi if you treat team ro as canon WHICH I DO, I LOVE TEAM RO, and ending with sasuke, who is someone kakashi can still try to give a normal life to? yeah i can see why he might feel personally responsible for him!
sasuke's side is less in your face but like... sasuke sought kakashi out to help train him and very much echoes kakashi's words about not abandoning your comrades. he is also often the first one to understand where kakashi is going with something, him and kakashi have similar ways of going through life even if kakashi has majorly mellowed out with age.
there's also little things like how sasuke just had no qualms about walking into kakashi's house unannounced (after itachi beat his ass ty itachi looove u itachi), even before that, how when kakashi calls sasuke over while itachi+kisame are having tea, sasuke just kind of announces that he HATES sweets (so cute), as if he made the assumption kakashi either bought it for him or was thinking about it? like.
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look at his baby face.
despite whatever route it ended up taking To Me it's very clear that they did have a special bond and that it was a VERY important part of sasuke's everything pre-shippuden, he was clearly comfortable around kakashi despite his standoffish attitude. it was not perfect and kakashi does hold blame for a lot of things (in general he has a very hands-off teaching style that doesn't work great with these kids), but that's like. part of why i like it you know! it's a little complicated but not through any ill will. it's just that they are both full of Issues lmao
it makes me ssoooooo saaaaad that they BARELY speak to each other at all in shippuden because like. that was one of THE dynamics in the original team 7 you know? and idk if it comes as a surprise but i'm not even OPPOSED to sasuke wanting to kill kakashi by the time they meet again? in fact i think it could be kind of awesome. because like he could have a lot of reasons to be angry with him, up to and including the mere fact that kakashi took SO LONG to even meet him again?
(remember when team 7 finally meets sasuke again w/ tenzo and sai, and he himself mentions kakashi? it's one of those things you can choose to dismiss as meaningless dialogue but i often do think about it lol)
but instead we have sasuke in the peak of his borderline-demonization by the writing, which just leads to there not being much of an interesting dialogue at all. i'm not opposed to kakashi's sharingan being something that sasuke comes to resent either — it could be very fun character writing as that is the very thing that encouraged them to bond in the first place —, but i don't like the way it was done and i ESPECIALLY hate how it was immediately dropped like BROTHER MY PLOT THREADS... THEY'RE FALLING APART...
i could go on about a thousand different other things, such as.
sorry to mention jiraiya but. the rasengan vs chidori thing is VERY telling; jiraiya is naruto's mentor, and kakashi is sasuke's, this is reflected best when the kids each use their respective Overkill Jutsu at each other and the adults each take responsibility for their own kid
again, i'm unsure if it's fully intentional but there is this opposition of orochimaru vs kakashi other than the obvious confrontational scene they have. the very fact that kakashi is the one to put a limit to orochimaru's literal influence on sasuke through the curse mark is a very interesting narrative choice! kakashi is also extremely afraid of orochimaru and highly protective of sasuke; again it reads as a Personal fear/protectiveness rather than purely Professional to me. it builds this idea of kakashi being one of sasuke's choices, and orochimaru being the other (and we know which one he chooses unfortunately lol)
chidori in general is like. crazy btw. it becomes sasuke's signature move. and it's kakashi's creation. hi
this is also something that was dropped but there was also the occasional pointing out of similarities between, fucking, lee and gai of all people vs kakashi and sasuke? and like i don't need to explain this one that much right. gai is lee's dad in like everything but name LOL (and much like kakashi he also has questionable habits when it comes to how he teaches his kid)
but this is way too long LMFAO my tldr is that I Like Them And I Wish They Had More Screentime </3
their dynamic concretely to me is about caring very much about someone who shares a lot of pain with you, but being a little intimidated by that shared aspect. nothing hurts more than failing / being failed By someone who you know DOES understand you, in the end!
it's all my personal preference of course there's no right or wrong way to read naruto (well the wrong way is thinking it's good.) (joke) but i WAS surprised to not see sasuke and kakashi's relationship being discussed more (esp. with empathy for both characters) because well. obviously it's one of my favorite naruto things GFKDMGKFDM
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theimperialnuisance · 7 months
FFXIV Write 2023 || FFXIV Write info\\Prompt list\\Character info \\Master post ||
Prompt 21: Grave
a place of burial, typically a hole dug in the ground and marked by a stone or mound.
Character(s): Ciel Fyth Cw: mentions of death Word count: 983 Notes: Two days in a row for Ciel! This takes place immediately after the events in ARR when the Waking Sand gets attacked. Malek and Elorra were not there, Ciel was. This is the aftermath. It's a little bit of a drabble that I am definitely going to go back and reword but again, this is the first draft that I wanted to submit. For context, Ciel has gone mute and uses sign language to communicate with his brother. I tried my best to explain it but just in case, I figured I'd lay it out plainly here. Anyway for now, please enjoy some angst. :3 /runs/
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Not even two bells after the attack on the Waking Sands, Ciel found himself assisting with the digging of the graves for his fallen comrades.
When he was found by Elorra, he was told he was in some sort of shock but he couldn’t really recall what had happened the moments beforehand. He just knew that something horrific had happened and he blocked it out.
Elorra had brought him to the Chapel near Camp Dry Bone and they both waited for Malek to arrive. He was panicked as he had seen the attack unfold through his echo vision and had hugged Ciel so tightly out of relief. Ciel thought he’d cry then but he hadn’t. 
The head of the church insisted that he rest as Malek and Elorra returned to the Waking Sands to retrieve the bodies but Ciel found that he couldn’t do that. So he instead went out to assist with the digging of the graves and helping lay the bodies to rest as they were brought to the church. It was a need. He had to do this for them because he survived and they didn’t. It was the only way he knew how to cope, just as it had been when his village was attacked all those years ago. 
It took the better part of the afternoon before the final grave was dug and the final body was laid to rest. It was only a small handful of graves but to Ciel, it was far too many. Those people had been his comrades, his fellow Scions, his new friends. They had all been enjoying each other’s company and then just like a candle being blown out, they were gone.
He inhaled a shaky breath as he came to rest under the shade of a nearby tree. There was a heaviness in his chest that was becoming too much but he still couldn’t find the energy to cry. His gaze looked out over each of the graves before him, his hands clutching the bouquet of flowers Elorra had brought for him tightly. This was always the hard part. 
One by one he went to each mound of dirt and placed a lily on top. He did this task silently and slowly, recalling each name and face of the fallen as he went. By the time he reached the last grave, the heaviness in his chest became too much and he collapsed with sobs, the memory of everything rushing back in a sickening haze.
He could their screams, their pleas for mercy. He could hear the imperials barreling through each doorway as they sought their prize, taking out anyone who stood in their way. He didn't know how he managed to escape and stay hidden. He wasn't sure why he was allowed to live when his fear kept him rooted in place while they all fought for their lives. It didn't seem fair.
Ciel was unsure how much time had passed before he was able to stop crying. His throat was raw, his eyes itchy as he slowly began to uncurl from within himself. He slowly sat up, his joints stiff, taking note that the sun was beginning to sink into the horizon. A small sniffle escaped him as he stood up and his ears flickered at the crunch of gravel behind him.
Ciel didn't panic. He knew it was his brother coming to check on him. The viera slowly wiped the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand before turning to face his brother with a small watery smile. He hoped he had only just gotten here and hadn't seen him moments before. He had already put him through enough today.
“Elorra said you'd be out here," Malek said quietly as he came to a stop next to him. "Are you ready to go? We should head back."
Ciel felt his throat close up when he tried to verbally respond to the question. He couldn't bring himself to speak. It was too much. He hesitated on a nod instead, looking back out at the mounds, not wanting to leave them but unable to express that thought.
Malek's brow creased in concern, almost as if he knew exactly what Ciel was thinking. This wasn't the first time he'd watch his brother go through something like this but gods, he hoped it would be the last. He turned to face his brother, placing a warm hand on his shoulder, keeping a firm but gentle tone as he spoke. "You need rest Ciel, I know you want to stay but you'll make yourself sick if you stay out here all night. I'm sure they wouldn't want that for you either. I promise we'll come back to visit them and we'll bring them flowers, alright?"
Finally, Ciel met eyes with his brother, slowly releasing a breath. A few stray tears slipped down his cheeks as he nodded again. He still couldn't bring himself to speak so he instead opted to sign back to his brother. ‘You’re right, I’m sorry. Let’s go.’
Malek smiled softly despite the situation. This was at least a good thing to see him signing so soon. After their village had been attacked, Ciel refused to speak or sign for months. He was expecting it to happen again when Elorra expressed to him her worry that he hadn't spoken a word since she had found him. He had told her it would take time and patience. This was how Ciel processed.
“Don’t apologize, I understand," Malek spoke and signed gently. He gave his brother's shoulder a gentle squeeze before releasing it. "We can come back tomorrow after you've gotten some rest, alright kiddo?” 
‘Tomorrow then.’ Ciel signed giving his brother another nod with a small smile before turning on his heel to walk side by side with his brother down the path where Elorra was waiting for them.
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crusherthedoctor · 2 years
We all heard your least favourite Eggman moments from the games, but what about your favourites?
His creation: Thanks for making him, Ohshima. :>
Wanting Sonic to suffer in SEGA Sonic Arcade: People like to say that Eggman isn't sadistic, but I'd argue that he can be, at least when Sonic and his friends are involved. There can be no other explanation for why he set up an island filled with death traps, with no ulterior motive beyond laughing at Sonic's utter panic and misery.
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The Bad Futures in Sonic CD: This is a more indirect one, but it still qualifies. Think Eggman winning would be harmless? Show 'em these. Palmtree Panic becomes polluted beyond repair, Quartz Quadrant has been hollowed out completely, Stardust Speedway has become a garish shadow of its former self… even his own facilities have seen better days, though that's purely because his manchild sensibilities dictate that he moves on to conquer more lands when he's grown bored with what he already has.
The Bad Futures are a high point of Sonic storytelling in general, since they use visuals to convey a darker and deeper narrative without being inappropriately hamfisted about it like the zombot arc. That Eggman is the one responsible for them in-universe just makes them all the more sweeter.
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Working hard in S3&K: He really wants to get the Death Egg up and running, and you can't stop him. Eggman has always stood out by being more active than his villainous peers, but no game highlights that better than Sonic 3 & Dante from the Devil May Cry series. He burns down forests, he tears down ruins, he traps ghosts, he reignites volcanos… and he tricks the local guardian. Even after a temporary setback the first time around, he does eventually succeed the second time, with a newly acquired Master Emerald on top of that.
But he didn't stop there, did he? Once Sonic confronts him aboard the Death Egg, the mad scientist threw everything he had at the hedgehog. I believe the finale to S3&K will always be one of the best in the series, and a major reason for that is because it shines a spotlight on the important tidbit that Eggman will never, ever stop… just like Sonic.
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Everything in SA1: Well, aside from maybe the end, since that was the moment that kickstarted a certain trend...
But BEFORE that point, Eggman was magnificent in this game. He unleashes Chaos on the world, but continues to throw his own weight via the Egg Carrier and the E-Series. He collects some emeralds on his own, while swiping other emeralds from the heroes at just the right moments. When the Egg Carrier is down, he resorts to the missile, too furious and vengeful to care if he himself is caught in the crossfire. Then he directly threatens a young boy with murder, for good measure.
Chaos may have been the final obstacle of SA1, but Eggman was unquestionably the main driving force of SA1.
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The fake emerald scene in SA2: Even someone who isn't all that big on SA2's story can admit this moment is a classic. The doctor has a few badass moments in this game, like his one man raid on Prison Island, and blowing up the moon, but this is arguably the best one. The heroes thought they had him fooled, but NOPE, he turns the tables in an instant, and had Sonic not deus ex machina'd his way out of the capsule with the fake emerald, he'd have been a dead man right then and there.
Just a shame that, like everything else Eggman does in SA2, it's somewhat undermined by him being Shadow's pawn the whole time. (So going back to what I said about not being big on SA2's story…)
Kidnapping Vanilla in Advance 2: This one always makes me laugh with how ridiculously petty it is. There is absolutely no practical reason for it, it doesn't benefit any plan of any sort, he just really hates little rabbit girls and wants to punish them for existing.
Driving Emerl insane in Battle: Yeah, the aftermath is regrettable (spoiler: ANOTHER upstaging), but the sheer cruelty in overwhelming the Gizoid with power for all his friends to witness, after the latter was willing to let bygones be bygones, is a moment of pure unadulterated villainy.
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Having a more creepy design than Mephiles in '06: Poor Mephiles tries so hard to act all spooky and menacing, but Realistic Eggman with his golden nipples does a much better job at freaking everyone out without even trying. Eggman: 1, Mephiles: 0.
(This is a joke answer… maybe.)
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The intro and Egg Dragoon in Unleashed: Eggman is arguably treated as something of an afterthought for the middle of the game (much like the plot itself actually), but these two moments are undeniably iconic for the doctor. An action-packed beginning is tapped off with Eggman cancelling out Super Sonic and firing his unfortunately shaped cannon, and the glory of Eggmanland being brought to life is rounded out with one of Eggman's absolute best mechs in the series, in a battle that kicks the adrenaline into overdrive.
Even if Dark Gaia comes along to ruin the mood afterwards, it can't dampen the awesomeness of this fight.
The final boss in Colours is… him!: I still remember my absolute shock when I learned that there were no smoke and mirrors, no cruel tricks, that Eggman was indeed the honest-to-god final-final-boss in a 3D game for the very first time. Took over a goddamn decade for it to happen, but y'know... better late than never.
I was already grateful with the Eggman content in Colours thanks to the legendary public announcements throughout the rest of the game, but this was the much deserved icing on the cake. And while the Nega-Wisp Armor might not be the most complex final boss in a 3D Sonic, I still think it's fun in its own right.
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Finally securing a monster in Generations: What else is there to say? After having bad luck with previous ones, it was long overdue, and since Time Eater is arguably tied with Solaris as the most powerful of the lot, it couldn't have been a better candidate. The fact that he pilots and controls it directly really seals the deal.
Punching a wall of ice in Lost World: C'mon, that scene was metal. As were the bloodthirsty threats that Eggman muttered to Zavok and Zazz, who appeared to actually be taken aback if their reactions were of any indication. Shame he never did get his hands on them... but I guess he was too busy taking back his final boss role behind the scenes, eh?
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Fighting back against Heavy King in Mania: What could have been a groanworthy finale to an otherwise grade-A Sonic experience is wisely averted when Eggman doesn't take that betrayal shit sitting down. And unlike with Chaos, he doesn't get shot down before he can do anything.
What's really interesting is that despite Heavy King having a more impressive transformation in comparison to the withered state of the Klepto Mobile, the game itself seems to treat Eggman as the higher authority between the two, since it's specifically him, NOT King, who Super Sonic rams into one last time for dramatic effect in the post-battle cutscene.
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Everything in Forces: He may have had a little help with the Phantom Ruby, but he asserted his world dominance much better than SatAM Robotnik ever did, and he never sat around idly while the heroes tried to stop him either.
That's all great on its own, but his endless backup plans make it even better: Death Egg's destroyed? Send Sonic to Null Space. He gets out of Null Space? Drop an artificial sun on his enemies. The artificial sun is foiled? Overclock the Phantom Ruby and use its powers more extensively than Infinite ever did. The first final boss is defeated? There's a second one lock and loaded. And since Infinite was the one who dropped a Ruby replica during his fight with Silver, Eggman's ultimate downfall isn't even his own fault.
We can talk all day about what else they could have done with the plot of Forces, but anyone who says Eggman doesn't deserve credit for his showing in this game probably hates him and/or writes for an overrated comic.
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kazxmiyu · 1 year
"Oh the Irony....."
(Takes place in 2047 when Emma is 13)
They had no choice but to abandon you, Kazuko and Lily. Your fractures were not completely healed at the time. A month before the escape, Mother fractured your arm. Kazuko chose to stay with her mother after Lily injured her leg. Your other siblings had been transferred and shipped throughout the previous two years. It was now your and Lily's 12th birthdays, while Kazuko was 11.
As you tried to concentrate on the test, you brushed your (h/c) colored bangs out of the way. The lights turn on, indicating that the exam is finished. You finished first, followed by Lily and Kazuko. Isabella smiled at you and your companions. "Y/n, Lily, and Kazuko! Perfect scores again, just like the trio," she remarked, her eyes narrowing slightly. When you turned to your right, you noticed Lily tense. "Lily, calm down," you said quietly. Lily shook her head and sighed, "I know Y/n, it's just that I'm scared about the escape."
It was now supper time, and you hardly touched your dish while Lily devoured hers, leaving nothing behind. Isabella rang the bell, summoning everyone's attention. "Good news, everyone! You're all getting adopted!" she exclaimed. Except for you and your companions, everyone appeared to be joyful. Your eyes widened as you noticed Lily tense up again, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Kazuko, on the other hand, had her mouth closed and was trying not to cry.
You went to the library after being excused from dinner. You three were always in the library, reading a variety of books and textbooks. When you arrived, Lily's eyes no longer carried the childlike twinkle they once did. Kazuko had already begun sobbing quietly. You approached them and raised your arms, signaling for them to hug you. They dashed up to you and threw you into an embrace.
"Guys…. Can we please be siblings again after we die and are reincarnated?" Lily pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Of course… You two were the best siblings I'd ever had…" Kazuko sobbed. "Hey…. we might be able to esca-" The sound of the bell cut you short. You all stood up and walked out, holding hands.
Kazuko and Lily were dressed in the black coat (?) and grey skirt. They then donned their caps. You were dressed in the same black coat with grey pants/skirt. You, too, put your hat on as you walked with mother while still holding hands. Lily closed her eyes and reflected on all of her good experiences with her siblings. From the time she nearly burned down the kitchen to the time she spoke with Emma in the hospital. Even when Don slapped Ray.
You all approached the gate, your other siblings whispering in fear. Isabella emerged from the shadows and eventually spilled the beans. "The reason you're all here isn't to be adopted; you're here to become products for the demons to devour; your entire purpose was to become food, and my goal was to grow you like cattle." Your other siblings looked terrified as she said this. Some attempted to rush to the gate, only to discover that it was locked.
"HQ has issued a plant reset for Gracefield, which means that children aged 5 to 12 will be shipped out. Emma, Ray, and Norman knew the secret all along but couldn't bring any of you with them. Kazuko and Y/n couldn't come with them because their fractures haven't healed completely.
Kazuko's green eyes closed tightly as she sobbed. Her light brown hair, which was generally braided, was now down. Lily collapsed on her knees, her emerald eyes clouded with sorrow. You, on the other hand, remained motionless. Your (h/c) colored hair is tangled from running. Your (e/c) eyes were now filled with fear as much as acceptance.
Everyone heard a snarl and thundering foot steps as four gigantic beasts emerged from the shadows. Your siblings yelled and attempted to flee, but they were shortly slaughtered. When one of your siblings is murdered, a stem is placed on their chest, immediately puncturing their hearts. The stalks would then open, revealing a lovely but unsettling blood red bloom.
It didn't take long for you, Kazuko, and Lily to fall to the ground. "Hey guys… I love you all… Let's meet soon…" Lily whispered as her purple eyes closed and her grasp on her friends' hands relaxed. "Let's hope we can be reborn into a less harsh fate…" Kazuko stated before dying a moment later. "Mom…. I know you didn't want to do this, I forgive you; please be our mother in our next lives…" you whispered as your eyelids fluttered shut and the temperature dropped by the second. After that, flowers were pierced into your chests.
You had a nightmare about a monster eight years ago. You had dashed into Mother's chamber. "Y/n sweetie.. Monsters aren't real, so they can't hurt you, but even if they were, I'd protect you since you're my child," she explained. Isabella promised to protect you from the monsters, only for you to perish at the hands of the woman you called mother and the monsters you feared so long ago. What irony….
A/N: I didn't post because I was busy thinking and writing this!
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