#i’ll tell you the fandom
i’m gonna rant on here cause no one will see it but some people istg. like sure i’ve been reading fanfiction for years and i just don’t understand the way some people react to it. like if something happens that you don’t like or makes you upset you have full autonomy to STOP READING IT. i don’t get going onto another app and just complaining about someone’s work. like most likely it was in the tags and even if something isn’t tagged which yes sucks you can still stop reading. like it’s fictional characters and people can interpret them however they want. they don’t belong to anyone and that’s the point of fanfic it’s their choice to write them that way. people who do this make people less likely to share work and worried about being dragged down. if you don’t see them that way great, find a new fic and move on. i couldn’t tell you how many times i’ve stopped a fic cause i didn’t like something but i can tell you i’ve never told someone their work is wrong or sent hate or gone on some other platform and started a hate train. sorry i just hate that so many people get this treatment and don’t feel comfortable sharing their writing. cause yes fanfic is not a job and no one is obligated to write it so please can people just silently walk away instead of bringing people down. and i know there’s complications to this argument cause some fanfic is messed up but in this case it was literally just someone disliking a characters action and i’m like there’s plenty of other fics where this isn’t the case and people write characters doing dark and fucked up shut all the time.
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seagull-scribbles · 10 months
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But tonight, I’ll need you to stay
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robinette-green · 25 days
I’m so tired. I spent the whole day working on Sun and Moon designs for a new AU that slammed into me this morning.
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Still don’t know what I’m going to call it yet.
It’s going to be a weird mix of Wonderland and Oz.
Sun is from the town of sweets and Moon is from the porcelain city. They are the jokers in the royal deck of cards, jesters for the kind and queen of the land.
(I’m going to have to simplify their designs for when I draw them in future 😅)
I did a design for the MC as well. This outfit is probably from a ways into the story.
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Y/N would, of course, physically look how ever you want them to, This is just what I would look like as them 😅
I used myself as a base then added a mix of Dorothy and added some touches of wonderland.
If anyone had any ideas for what I should call this AU I would love some suggestions
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sableeira · 5 months
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always wanted to arrange my artworks in a gradient and since I started drawing again over a year ago, I was finally able to put this together 🫶
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 4 months
Why can I imagine Azriel singing Hey There Delilah 😩😩😩😩😩😩
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rist-ix · 20 days
https://www.tumblr.com/rist-ix/749015401700229120 not you reblogging this when you ship bloom with the man who murdered her family 😭
Bloom's into ppl who slay! Hope this helps :3
#alright snark and ship wars aside i get where you’re coming from tho#if you're genuinely interested in my thought process here i would love to elaborate#which is exactly what I’ll do!#first of all! the post you linked is about headcanons#which my brain kinda wants to put into a whole different category than ships — fandom ships in particular! — but i can leave that aside#because there IS an argument to be made that relationships are an extension of characterization and personality traits#if you wanna go that route i would wanna explain that Bloom's and/or Valtor's interest in the other is in fact based on canon#(even though I don’t really think ships need to be established in the source material. make shit up that’s what fandom is for#1) the Andros episode speaks for itself. Valtor specifically tells the Trix to back off because HE wants to be the one to fight bloom#2) the episode before that he asks questions about her (and only her; even though he has more powerful enemies to worry about)#demonstrating curiosity about and interest in her#3) that same episode (or the one before; can’t remember) is their infamous first meeting#where time LITERALLY slows down as the pass each other on the stairs#they get IMPACT FRAMES#the whole color palette changes!!!#idk about u but I eat that shit up. love the drama of it all no one does it like them#I’m gonna skip all the instances where Valtor is spying on Bloom through his little scrying spell because oh god who has the time#let’s go straight to Bloom#if I had a week I would not be able to collect all the moments where she growls his name in pure fury and single-minded determination#she gets a little bit obsessed with him over the course of the season and I personally think that’s very sexy of her#Bloom is known for her tunnel vision when it comes to her past and origins and Valtor's existence fits PERFECTLY into that#it ties in neatly with her overarching story of the past 2 seasons#literally PERFECT foils#which always makes for the juiciest stories#4) she singles him out for a duel in the museum episode#5) she can literally feel his presence#6) the mere mention of his name sends her into her weird faux enchantix#of course there’s no romance in canon but there’s TENSION AND CHEMISTRY which is all u really need for a ship#all their animosity and bad blood is what makes it so INTERESTING to wonder how they COULD work. it’s the spice that makes for good fanfic!
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orykorioart · 10 months
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TAZ Sapphic Week Day 2: Cowboys
Dr. Harris Bonkers is the horse 💖.
Teaser for tomorrow: Monster + Dance!
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signed-sapphire · 3 months
I would love to see you draw a scene from my rewrite!
Any scene that makes you feel inspired to draw it at all, can be between Asha and Aster or between Asha and the royals or Aster with the royals, whatever you feel more inclined to
(I’m kinda bad at being specific with art requests because I wanna make sure the artist is drawing something they wanna do lmao)
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Hehe I had fun with this
This is a scene from “Kingdom of Wishes” Chapter 12– Magic Pencil btw 👍
Notes under the cut
So I was reviewing the official designs for Asha and Aster and realized I was drawing Asha’s hair wrong. Oops. So I drew her “correct” hair in her past version. Amazigh girls usually get their first tattoos during puberty, that’s why I didn’t draw Asha with hers yet.
Also I know Aster didn’t conjure up a little Asha in the story, but I wanted to draw past Asha. Got any guesses from where I got little Asha’s outfit from?
The glowing eyes of Aster’s… yeah they look a bit creepy. Idk. It’s a cop-out for drawing hands bc they are the worst Disney villain ever, so this way I don’t have to draw hands
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siilvan · 7 months
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i am once again disappointed but not surprised at the COD fandom only caring about “sensitivity” when it’s convenient for them
#telling people it’s morally wrong to simp for makarov#whilst simping for graves or valeria#or ANY character in this damn series#just shows that you only give a shit about ‘sensitivity’ when it doesn’t inconvenience you#‘but he’s bad :(’ my brother in christ. let’s talk about western militaries#price nikolai and gaz literally kidnapped and tortured an innocent woman and child#the UK and US militaries have DEVASTATED vulnerable countries#y’all wanna talk about sensitivity?? then acknowledge how even the ‘good’ characters like the 141 are shitty!#none of these characters are good people!#i cannot stress this enough. eliminating characters because they’re ‘problematic’ eliminates the entire cast. every single one of them.#MAYBE farah would be safe?? i’m not knowledgeable enough to say for certain. but everyone else— 141. los vaqueros. laswell. alex. nikolai. +#valeria. graves. every last warzone operator. EVERY single character is ‘off-limits’ with that logic.#COD fandom is also horribly racist despite pretending it’s not. notice how people only talk about this when it’s white folks being impacted#no one gave a shit when a middle eastern woman and child were kidnapped and tortured. or when fans were romanticizing cartel violence.#or how the SAS CIA and Delta Force have histories of terrorizing vulnerable people; especially in the middle east and asia#i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again before anyone accuses me of smth false:#sensitivity is important. it can co-exist with letting people enjoy problematic things. the source itself is problematic —#ergo. everything that comes from it (even the ‘good’ things) is as well.#you can’t cherry pick which characters people are allowed to be critical of. you can have your faves and have the ones you dislike#but don’t act like you’re doing something noble when your sensitivity is biased.#sylph.talks
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 5 months
I was going to ask y’all if you’d be interested in me doing something but then decided you get it anyways
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glowsticcc · 22 days
anyway on an unrelated note i am becoming a full-time hermitcraft blog
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ardentpoop · 3 months
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they literally had no clue what a special and one-of-a-kind character they had on their hands
leagues above the rest of this show’s characters in terms of emotional depth
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nineteen-rats · 1 year
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ALRIGHT, square up my beloved!
I request Crow-
HAH, no! Gotchu there, didnt I. No, not him this time. Got y'all hah.
All jokes aside, can I most humbly request smiling Arald? That man needs to be loved and appreciated and he deserves to be happy and I'd die to see him drawn by you.
This is also your reminder that you're amazing and wonderful and I can't stress that enough. Love you!
no actually this is YOUR reminder that you’re amazing and wonderful and I would die for you
(tey arald agrees)
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 4 months
Every time I come across Gavin hate, old or new, I always think of that meme in Trolls:
Someone: Why do you hate Gavin?
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dimitrscu · 2 months
I hope this isnt rude to ask but I see you talk about ocs but do you ever write about them?
it’s not rude to ask. i do write about them only i don’t post it anywhere. from what i’ve seen people are kind of weird about non tarnished ocs and to be honest it makes me a little anxious lmao
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ungaroyals · 8 months
feeling reminiscent of when I first joined the yr fandom back in August 2021. So much has changed.
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