No people. Well, that wasn’t what she wanted to hear at all. The doll gave a shuddering sigh, folding her arms to calm herself. It did nothing to help of course, but at least she was trying to keep it together. “No people...” She repeated, moving a few steps from her box to look for a sign of some kind. Something, anything! Carriage tracks, footsteps, broken twigs... But all she found was nothing. She had no idea how far she’d fallen from their path or if she’d been carried this far by someone else, but all the signs pointed to her being completely on her own now.
“Fighting.” She finally answered. “A war back home they were trying to escape, but... It doesn’t seem like they made it.” She looked back to her box and the blood marking its once-pristine cover. “I’ve never been without my family before.” She confessed, now looking to the wisp once more as if they had any kind of answer for her. 
Wisp had been looking over Odette this whole time to see if she was injured at all, but was glad to see that she seemed unharmed. Startled, perhaps, and a bit confused, but not physically injured. Finally she answered the question of how she got there; she was with her family and she was dropped. So where was the family, Wisp wondered?
They shook their head sadly. “No people.” They explained. This was a dangerous place for humans to be running around. The forest was thick, dark and mysterious, full of dangerous creatures: a kelpie at the river, pixies in the trees, other will-o-the-wisps that would lead people off the path. Just because this particular Wisp was harmless didn’t mean the others cared as much about people. “You do not know what they were running from?”
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Odette didn’t notice at first, but taking a quick glance downward she realized this person didn’t have any legs! How strange, she thought, but when you were a living doll, how strange could anything else truly be? Despite the oddity, they seemed nice, and Odette could use a friendly face right about now.
“The box is like a bed.” She explained as a little smile spread across her face. “I sleep there, but it seems that I was dropped...” Odette turned to examine her resting place, noticing small scuffs and the gold lock on the side broken apart. Then the blood. “Oh... Someone was b-bleeding...” She reached out to touch at one of the dark spots but decided against it, withdrawing her hand and standing straight to look around frantically. “I don’t suppose you’ve seen any people around here? My... My family, they... They were running away from something.”
Oh good, it wasn’t some scary monster on the inside of the box. It was just a girl. Well, it looked like a girl to Wisp. There was something strange about her, though, as if she wasn’t quite ‘real’. But that was silly, they thought. How could she not be real, and still be walking and talking and moving around? Wisp almost laughed at themself then, tempted to roll their eyes. However, there was no time for that. They had to put on a friendly face as to not scare this poor girl! Ghostly, legless and hovering, Wisp could be a spooky sight, but they hoped their aura of innocence was enough to convince Odette that they meant no harm.
“Hello.” Wisp said quietly. Their voice was soft, neither high-pitched nor deep but somewhere in-between. They had been hovering at only five feet, but this little lady was so small that they felt the need to hover even lower to be closer to her level. “Box. You were in a box. Who put you in a box? Are you–are you alright?”
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"Can you hold something for me really quickly?" Cormack asked, his expression perfectly casual. Without any sense of decency, however, he removed his head and tossed it at Odette, the severed cranium wearing a wicked grin as it flew into her hands.
She wanted to say no, but she wasn’t a rude young lady. At least not outwardly, even though the Dullahan did nothing to deserve her respect or kindness. She sighed a little and held out her hands, tiny as they may be. “Yes, I suppose so.” She said, expression dull. It took her a few seconds to realize what had happened but as soon as she did, the poor girl released a startled, high-pitched shriek and threw the disembodied head as far away from her as possible.
“What in God’s name is wrong with you?!” She demanded to know, waving her hands as if trying to rid them of something disgusting. “I have never in all my years met someone so vile and horrid! You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself, you unholy muck snipe!”
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Come into my inbox and play a scary, mean or dangerous prank on my muse.
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Immediately before entering her box and the ‘sleep’ that came with it, everything was a flurry of panic, fear, and frantic movement. Once inside, safe and closed up, all was dark and silent until a knocking sound only inches from her face woke her. Who was trying to wake her up? It wasn’t the girl she’d bonded with; she never knocked!
Regardless of a possible threat, she pressed her hands against the inside of the case and pushed outward to free herself, finding only a terrible forest surrounding her and... well, whoever or whatever that was. Odette blinked a few times, straining her eyes as if not quite believing what she was seeing. 
“... Hello?” She finally broke her silence, thinking a mild greeting was the best place to start. After all, she wasn’t even sure if this person, for lack of a better word, would even understand her.
What a curious place to have a large, antique box. Wisp was more than a little curious about this mysterious thing, circling around it and peeking to see if they could see inside from any angle. What was especially disconcerting was the bloody stains all over it. Wisp didn’t like that at all. With a little grimace, they inched in close to it.
Wisp put their ear up to the box, listening to hear if anything was moving around inside. Silence. Then, they lightly knocked their knuckles against the side, hoping that if anything was inside the box and alive, that maybe it could tell them how it got to this state. Perhaps it was silly to knock on a box, but Wisp just got the eerie feeling that something animate was inside.
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“You must be cranky because you’re stuck with that ragged old head. I believe there’s a pumpkin patch nearby! We can get you a new, more handsome one.”
“Odette? I O-bet she’s not even an O-threat.”
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“A bit far from Sleepy Hollow aren’t you? What, Ichabod Crane too much for you to handle?”
“Odette? I O-bet she’s not even an O-threat.”
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“Cormack? More like bore-mack.”
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