#Gavin isn’t the nicest guy
gavin-reed-is-gay · 3 months
Every time I come across Gavin hate, old or new, I always think of that meme in Trolls:
Someone: Why do you hate Gavin?
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It’s a bit strange how, considering how popular he is in the fandom, we don’t actually know a lot about Gavin Reed in canon. Things like him liking cats, him smoking, his relationship with RK900, that’s all stuff the fandom made up. The only thing we know for sure about canon Gavin is that he hates androids.
But we do learn somethings about Gavin from his VA, Neil Newbon. They aren’t confirmed as canon, but Neil has talked about his personal headcanons about Gavin on stream, stuff about his past and motivations.
These are some of those things...
Gavin didn’t have a good home life or a strong father figure
Gavin fell into some bad shit before he met Hank, who took him under his wing and inspired him to become a cop.
Gavin started out as a good and “by the book” cop, but after seeing some fucked up shit in the line of duty he kinda lost faith in the force.
Gavin started to resent Hank when he turned to alcohol because he felt betrayed and disappointed seeing someone he looked up to fall from grace. He also fears that he could also fall like that.
Gavin doesn’t like Androids because he’s insecure about his own abilities and scared of being replaced.
Gavin is not discriminatory to humans of other races, genders, or sexualities, and if you met him at a party he’d be the nicest guy ever, he just hates androids.
Gavin hates Connor in particular because he had viewed Hank as a surrogate father figure in the past and he’s jealous of Hank and Connor’s bond. Gavin is like an older brother jealous that the little brother is getting all dad’s love and attention.
Neil Newbon clarified that he isn’t trying to defend Gavin’s actions in the story and that Gavin’s definitely an asshole, but this is why he thinks Gavin acts the way he does.
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type40thiefoflight · 3 years
In honor of whatever the heck that sad excuse of a finale was, here’s a list of all the things I wish had/hadn’t happened over the course of the series:
Elaboration the Bloody Mary plot-line. Dean’s eyes bled when she appeared, meaning he felt guilty over someone’s death, but we never got to see whose.
Remember the one and only time they used “Christo” to identify a demon? Why didn’t they keep that up?
Rendering three of the horsemen powerless. Did they get replaced after Dean took their rings or are they still around and just less powerful?
Dean making Castiel erase Lisa’s and Ben’s memories.
Ben is Dean’s son and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Dean finally got the amulet back after Chuck appeared to him and Sam as God. Why didn’t he start wearing it again?
Chuck should have started out as a normal prophet that eventually became God’s vessel. This would explain his total behavioral shift from mousey to  arrogant and cocky. I think the possession would have happened after Raphael destroyed him and Castiel. Did Raphael really strike you as the kind of guy to have mercy on a human, even if he was a prophet of the lord? Chuck didn’t miraculously survive the attack. He was wiped out like Castiel was and God reconstructed his body like he did with Castiel in Stull Cemetery, then took Chuck’s place.
People who shouldn’t have been introduced/brought back:
The Campbells. The whole point is that it’s just the brothers and Castiel against the world. Sometimes their friends are there. We already knew from the flashback that Mary’s family behaved similarly to how John got after her death. There didn’t need to be more of that.
Bobby Singer. He died for Sam and Dean and even in death they still dragged him into their problems. Let the man rest already.
Gavin MacLeod: Didn’t need to be there. He showed up as a ghost once and his story-line seemed pointless.
Mary Winchester. Her story-line ended when she, as a ghost, sacrificed herself to fight off a poltergeist terrorizing the Winchesters’ old house.
Lucifer. His characterization post-Hallucifer was completely different and felt like watching a totally different character.
John Winchester: Should have stayed in Hell. He was an abusive father and didn’t deserve the reunion brought on by Dean wishing on the pearl.
People who should have been brought back/shouldn’t have died at all:
Bela Talbot: She wasn’t the nicest but she didn’t deserve that, Dean.
Ash: Just because his name is Ash doesn’t mean he had to become it.
Pamela Barnes: Cool characters with cool powers and actual personalities aren’t allowed to live.
Ellen and Jo Harvelle: Fans were so mean they got killed off to protect them from potential future bad writing and hate.
Balthazar: I really don’t remember why Castiel killed him but I liked him.
Rufus Turner: Did Bobby really have to get possessed by the Khan worm?
Bobby Singer: Couldn’t they have parked that van a little closer so he could have time to close the van door?
Amy Pond: Needing extra fresh food (human organs) for her sick son isn’t a good reason to kill her, Dean. It was a one-time thing.
Emma: Why couldn’t they have taken more time talking her down and gotten her away from the Amazonians? Sam, that is your NIECE!
Charlie Bradbury: Burying your gays isn’t cool, you guys.
Benny Lafite: Dean or Benny could have used dream root to contact Sam or Bobby and tell them the way out.
Kevin Tran: The whole Gadreel thing was dumb anyway but did he really think killing one human would impress Metatron?
Linda Tran: Not dead, just disappeared. What happened to her?
Krissy Chambers: Also not dead, but where did she go?
Tessa the reaper: Since when are reapers angels? There’s a specific way to kill them and it’s not angel blades.
Death: If Gabriel’s smart enough not to let someone get a hold of his real weapon then the horseman of death certainly is.
Gabriel: There’s no way he’s really dead. His second death was exactly like the first one and I believe Lucifer knew that when he saw AU Michael “kill” him. He waited until the coast was clear then got away.
Meg: Lead characters’ romantic interests aren’t allowed to live I guess.
Joshua: He and the Garden of Eden should have played a bigger role, maybe when they had to deal with Eve in season 6.
Crowley: They should have found another way to complete the ritual. Actually, weren’t they by a lake? They could have just stabbed a fish.
Missouri Moseley: Stop bringing back cool characters just to immediately kill them off.
Rowena MacLeod: Terrible mother, wonderful character.
Donatello Redfield: Not dead, just vanished. Where did he go?
Amara: Not really “killed” but absorbed even though that didn’t really give Chuck as much of a power boost as it should have. Adam Milligan: You’ll move Heaven and Hell for Sam but forget about your other brother? I get you’re jealous that he had a real relationship with John, but come on Dean.
Michael: The relationship between him and Adam was cool and I wanted to see it expanded on.
Donna Hanscum and Eileen Leahy: I would have liked confirmation that they were brought back when Jack reversed Chuck’s Thanos snap.
Castiel: I repeat: burying your gays bisexuals isn’t cool. (I say bisexual because remember Meg?)
Dean: His Mystery Spot deaths were sadder than that. For the third time: Burying Your Gays Bisexuals Isn’t Cool.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
1301. Part 2
This was prompted by the wonderful @sparklingrainbowdragon! It’s not my best, or as good as the first part, but it’s something. Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
Their little heart-to-heart had been okay. Gavin didn’t find sleep easy that night, being plagued by how goddamn week he had been to apologise to a tin-can no one should care for. What did it matter how a robot felt? It wasn’t like anyone had ever cared how he himself felt and he was phcking human! Somehow his thoughts spiralled back to that encounter with Elijah, this final meeting that changed everything: His ambitions and goals in life, his efforts to get on people’s good side, his relationship with his family. Some stray thoughts had compared his behaviour to Elijah and his doomed self-worth had sprinkled more salt in the wound telling him he was just as much of an asshole his brother had been to him. Gavin’s answer had been to turn to his other side in anger, pulling the blankets closer around him as if they could protect him from his own thoughts. He didn’t fall asleep easily that night, and the sleep itself wasn’t resting at all.
The next day he walked into the bullpen with an even sourer mood than normally. One look into the new android’s face had him groaning and disappearing to the break room. He wasn’t ready for another day of this and he knew this morning would end in murder without his coffee.
The days passed without any casualties, but it gotten pretty far a few times. Even if the android had disagreed when they first met, Gavin had to side with Fowler on this one: The android had no personality. It had shown some ticks and preferences, but not enough to say it liked something. Gavin had no problem with that, he could work with bland people as he didn’t care enough for them anyways, but no, the RK900 was just as much a people-pleaser as Connor. Even worse: Whenever a superior officer of rank or experience said something, it would agree. There was no challenging others or just plain disagreeing. God, not even a healthy, civilised discussion worked. And even that would have been something Gavin might have tolerated had the android not turned on him.
Gavin had used unconventional methods on a case. The android documented it in detail in his report. Gavin had been rude to a witness, who had complained about him. The android had told Fowler when asked. Hank had made a crude comment about Gavin. The android agreed.
But when Gavin was around it always emphasized that it didn’t mean what it had said, that it couldn’t lie to them and that it was sorry. ‘Yeah, but you can do this to me, right? Because it doesn’t matter if you get on my bad side, because everyone is on my bad side. You know what, plastic? Phck you. That is real asshole behaviour and trust me to know that as I have been an asshole for longer than you’ve been active!’ The android looked at him with a pained expression that was more emotion than he had shown in days. ‘Detective, this isn’t what I meant, you are getting this wrong.’
‘Then how the phck should I get this right?’, Gavin asked, barely able to contain himself. ‘Because you know what, if you hate me, that’s fine, I’m used to that and I can get along better with someone who hates me than with someone who does but pretends not to!’ ‘I’m…’, the RK900 started. ‘I don’t know how to explain it without knowledge about android tech…’ ‘Surprise me’, Gavin sighed. ‘I know more than I might suggest.’ ‘Deviancy allows us to disobey orders, that’s all it is. All androids are based on the same base programming derived from a single prototype. The only code ever created to successfully bind a machine to it’s programming while still allowing enough free will to serve their purpose and even get creative.’ ‘RA900’, Gavin muttered with pangs of guilt. That’s it. No more free will for you. God, how he hated that particular day of his youth. ‘What did you say?’ ‘Oh, nothing, continue.’ ‘Well, that programming while working is not as advanced as what was added later on. Improving through experience was a key feature to androids that led to their huge success. And inevitably to breaking the RA9 base code.’
Gavin sighed. ‘Yeah, yeah, I know how deviancy works, I was there during the revolution, in case you didn’t know.’ ‘Well, my programming is different. As a soldier unit obedience is key. What improvement is an android to a soldier if you can’t use it recklessly? A machine without morals or self-preservation following every command was desirable. They planned on using us to set off bombs, to shield humans, to take damage for them. So, they installed new directives and wrote new code to bind my series. And that is not as easily broken by an advanced learning tool.’ ‘So what, you aren’t really deviant? Deviancy, light edition?’, Gavin laughed humourlessly. Nines sighed. ‘Let me put it this way, Detective, imagine you are afraid of heights and in front of you there is a ravine with a narrow wooden bridge leading to the other side. Your mind tells you it is dangerous and that you should rather stay where its save. It takes effort to defy it, it is scary and even if you want to walk over the bridge, most of the time you make it half way and run back to safety.' Gavin grinned, ready to stubbornly tease again: 'So you are telling me, you are a whimp, who-'
'Reed! Nines! To my office!'
They both flinched to Fowler's shouting and stood up to follow his orders with only little delay. But surprisingly enough the android held him back before they left their desks. 'Detective, I don't know why you are such an ass about it, but I don't mean I am scared of standing up for myself’, he whispered. ‘I meant that I am not as free of my chains as the regular deviant when it comes to disagreeing and-' 'Yeah, fine, whatever, let's go before he eats us alive.' He pulled his arm out of the android’s grip and stormed off to the Captain’s office. All he hoped for was this talk to be Fowler declaring he had found someone else to dump the RK900 on. Gavin was able to work with the thing, but that didn’t mean he liked it.
Back in Fowler’s office he refused to sit down again, crossing his arms and kept eye contact with his superior. They both stayed silent, until the RK900 entered and closed the door behind him. Only then Gavin leaned back and said: ‘I’m not going to defend myself this time, whatever it is I did again, not if that phcking snitch tells on me anyways. So, what is it now?’ Fowler sighed. ‘Gavin, for once you didn’t do anything, though I could get you for disrespecting me again. No, I just wanted to inform you two, that we finally have a good spot for you, Nines. A job better suited for your abilities. You could start working there tomorrow already, if that’s what you want.’ ‘Thank God’, Gavin cheered, earning an eye roll from the android. Fowler ignored him. ‘There is a free spot with the FBI and as I told them we had a RK900 unit, they were more than happy to offer you the job. You would work directly under Special Agent Richard Perkins, one of the best agents in recent years.’ Gavin froze. ‘No.’ ‘Detective Reed, you are only here, because I have a new case for you later, you have no say in the matter.’ But the man stubbornly shook his head. ‘Jeffrey, you can’t be serious with this! How is that asshole even still at the FBI, I thought they would have fired him by now!’ ‘Gavin I know he isn’t the nicest pers-‘ ‘Not the nicest person?! Have you met the man? Richard threatening-the-leader-of-the-revolution Perkins? That guy hates androids even more than I do and uses them as nothing but a human shield. You know how the statistics are, every android sent his way ends up with mysterious malfunctions, or coincidentally is killed on a job. You can’t be phcking serious!’ ‘It’s not your decision.’ ‘Well, the bot won’t say no.’ ‘Gavin, I can very well decide for my own, thank you.’
Gavin shook his head even more and stomped his foot in frustration. ‘You know what, tin-can? Fine. Go to that asshole. You won’t last a week. Sell yourself to an early deactivation, see if I care.’ With that he shouldered past it and was out of the door. If Fowler had a case for him, he could E-mail it. He sat down on his chair and watched the office from the corner of his eye. The android was looking at its hands again and Gavin could only wince. How on earth could a human failure like Perkins continue doing his job? And why the hell did he think about it, he wasn’t invested, he couldn’t care less about an android that was nothing but a nuisance to him. Who cares if it was gone and who cares what happened to it, it was a machine, it wasn’t human. So why did he care so much?
He focussed on his work until there were footsteps coming closer. He looked up to see the RK900 sitting down on his chair again, LED a deep red. ‘What’s up toaster?’, Gavin asked sourly. ‘Am I finally getting rid of you?’ ‘No’, was the simple answer of the android. ‘What?’ ‘I won’t take the offer. I will stay here as your partner.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because I like working with you.’ ‘And why the hell should I believe that?’ ‘You make me realise what I can get away with. Also, I can clearly see you struggling with some issues yourself and I want to see what’s underneath all that.’ ‘So, we are finally getting courageous, tin-can?’ ‘Detective, my name is Nines and you will address me as such. And I’m not “getting courageous”, I just crossed the bridge.’
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spin-birdie · 5 years
there was a conversation in the rk1k discord about a spiderman au a while back and i decided to try write something about it bc its consuming like 30% of my brain
idk if i’ll write more (im way better at writing ideas down as bullet points instead of prose) but man it just seems like a neat idea idk
word count: 1.6k
pairing: general
additional tags: human au, physical violence, gavin is an unsympathetic rat boy
Look, Connor considers himself a calm person. He’s level-headed at the best of times. But he’s pretty sure even the calmest person would panic at least a little if they got stuck to their bedroom wall.
One hand is completely splayed out on the ceiling, the other one still stuck to his sneaker. His feet aren’t quite flat on the ceiling, but he certainly wouldn’t have a comfortable fall if he stopped sticking to everything. Why he’s sticking to everything, he still doesn’t know.
He doesn’t know why anything that’s happened to him today has happened; he grew a good three inches taller overnight, he accidentally stuck to his biology textbook - and subsequently tore it to shreds - this morning, and it’s like he’s jumping at the slightest provocation. There’s been a foul taste in his mouth all day, and he swears he somehow burned a piece of paper he chewed on, but he hasn’t got a fever. It doesn’t make any sense.
Even so, the thought sends Connor’s anxiety through the roof…more to the point, his anxiety is making him stick to the fucking roof.
For no good reason, he keeps thinking about yesterday. The field trip to the CyberLife Lab, the spider that crawled onto his hand and left him a painful, bruising bite. The tour guide said something about the experiments they were running on arachnids and other small animals, genetically enhancing them with nanobots in an attempt to slow or prevent extinction, or…something. But that doesn’t make sense. There’s no way to confirm the effects are transmittable to humans.
It’s probably not helping him at all to scream his head off, but he’s not sure what else he can do. He’s pulling his hand away from the ceiling as hard as he can, even trying to pry it off with the sneaker in his other hand, but it’s not working. He’s just putting more cracks in the paint.
He can’t see the door opening from his angle, but he hears it, followed by his dad’s voice: “Connor, are you o-- What the fuck?!”
At the same time as his dad swears, Connor finally frees his hand with a startled yelp. Drywall flakes off with it, but it doesn’t quite fall into his face before his entire upper body falls down with nothing to hold it up. The upside-down view of his room, of his dad’s confused and horrified expression, makes Connor nauseous.
And just a second too late, it strikes him that he’s hanging from the ceiling of an old house by nothing but the balls of his feet. With a dull crunch, the drywall above him gives out and he plummets to the floor. Connor’s fall is half-broken by his bed, but his knees land straight on the floor. Carpet be damned, it’s a rough landing.
And now there’s a perfect handprint of missing drywall on Connor’s ceiling.
Okay. So maybe Connor has unhuman abilities thanks to a genetically altered spider. That’s fine, probably. Kind of. Once he figures out how to ignore them, everything can go back to normal.
And for a few weeks, it’s almost like Connor gets away with telling himself that blatant lie. Ignoring them during school is hard and stressful, but at home, he’s free to throw theories (and himself) at the wall to see what sticks; and once he’s done that, he knows how to avoid triggering them. It gets a little bit easier to stop sticking to everything, to stop burning whatever enters his mouth or visibly jumping whenever something sets off his fight-or-flight reflex.
Maybe it’s a smarter idea to tell someone. Or maybe telling someone would be the fastest way to be locked up in a government facility and experimented on until someone wrote a book about him. Or maybe he’s being paranoid, but still, Connor has a bad feeling that he doesn’t want anyone to know what’s happening to him. And apart from his poor father, no one seems to know.
“Hey, jackass! I’m talking to you!”
That might change if this guy doesn’t leave him alone, though. Connor’s sharpened foresight allows him to step out of Gavin’s reach before he can grab Connor by the back of his sweatshirt. Instead of turning back to face Gavin, he pulls up his hood and keeps walking as fast as he can without looking conspicuous.
Gavin reaches out again, successfully pulling Connor back by his backpack. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
As Connor is forcefully spun around, he barely stops himself from glaring. “I’m pretty sure I’m not. And I’m pretty sure this isn’t even the way to your house, so you ought to turn back and go home.”
Predictably, Gavin ignores him. “Don’t play coy. You promised to help me out with exams, remember? I just need your English notes; I’ll bring them back safe and sound tomorrow, alright?”
“When I promised to help you, I thought that meant tutoring you. I’m not letting you copy my notes. Especially if you’re copying them word-for-word.”
“That was one time--”
“If you don’t want to listen in class, that’s your own problem.” Connor can’t quite stop spite creeping into his voice when he continues: “I’m not letting you get us both in trouble just because you don’t want to stop being an asshole.”
“Watch the tone, robot,” Gavin sneers.
“If you literally ever watched your own, I’d consider it. Instead, you have to waste all your energy on being the biggest dickhead on the planet and pretending you’re not just like every other mediocre straight guy ever.”
He shrugs Gavin off and steps back. “Ask someone else for help. I’m done talking to you.”
That proves to have gone too far as soon as Gavin shoves Connor back into the wall of a nearby building. His backpack stops his body from colliding at full force, but his head still gets knocked pretty hard. Right before Connor recovers, Gavin moves forward and punches him straight in the diaphragm. He doubles over for a moment before Gavin grabs him by the jaw and shoves his head back against the wall.
“Alright, smartass! I’ll give you one more opportunity to do this the easy way.”
It dawns on Connor just then; they’re alone. Connor is the only kid who goes home this way, and he doesn’t live in the nicest part of town. At school, there are always witnesses, no way for people to get away with beating each other up for very long. Out here, people probably won’t step in unless Connor runs for help, and he’s not sure if he can get away fast enough. At least, not without setting off his powers.
Connor bares his teeth. “Smartass this, retard that, do you even know my real name? Is your brain that small?”
Gavin hits him in the stomach again. And again. Connor thinks he hits a kidney on the third strike. And then he makes a snap decision, jerking his head to the side and biting down, hard, on Gavin’s finger.
“Ow, what the fuck?! Ow!”
Gavin recoils, clutching his hand like it’s on fire. Connor didn’t expect such a strong response, but he’s just glad he hasn’t got his back against a wall, and he wants to keep it that way. Without thinking, Connor grabs Gavin by the ears and headbutts him with all the force he can muster.
He promptly realizes a human skull is harder than he thought, so he hurts himself just as much as he hurts Gavin. And he’s within range for Gavin to reel back and knee him directly in the groin. As he curls in on himself, Gavin throws him to the ground and kicks him again in the stomach. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
He doesn’t stop, he even kicks and stomps on Connor’s ribs and face a few times for good measure. There’s blood in his mouth, and he’s not 100% sure it’s Gavin’s. He pulls his hood all the way over his face in an attempt to protect himself.
And a few moments later, it abruptly stops. Gavin breathes like he’s tired, but he’s not kicking Connor anymore.
“What are you doing?!” an unknown voice shouts. “Leave them alone!”
Gavin swears through gritted teeth, and Connor hears footsteps sprinting away. He doesn’t get up. The newcomer murmurs under his breath - their? It’s a masculine voice, at least - before more steps are heard. A hand rests on his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
It takes Connor a few moments to find his voice. In the meantime, he drags himself into a sitting position, wincing at the pain. He’s definitely going to have some spectacular bruises, and that’s a best-case scenario. “I think so,” he grits out.
“Can you tell me your name?”
Connor lifts his hood enough to look at the stranger. A tall guy with tawny skin, who looks to be a little older than Connor. His head is shaved, but there’s a ghost of stubble on his jaw. His eyes are heterochromatic, focused intently on Connor even as he not-too-subtly gawks at the stranger’s arms. He’s obviously athletic, and the tank top he’s wearing doesn’t leave a lot to the imagination.
Oh, right. Still bi.
And still in immense physical pain. Connor leans over and cradles some of the worse pain spots. “I’m Connor.”
“Markus,” the stranger replies.
Something feels amiss all of a sudden. It’s close to that distinct feeling Connor gets when he’s in danger, but there’s something off about it. It’s pulling him towards something instead of away; towards Markus, specifically. Some unheard epiphany is pulling at the corners of Connor’s mind, stronger and stronger until it snaps. Almost simultaneously, they speak:
“You’re like me…”
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birooksun · 5 years
Tina meets Chloe, or Gavin and Elijah lose a bet
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Read on AO3
Tina walked into the party Elijah was hosting with Gavin and Nines by her side. It was odd seeing Elijah again after so many years. She looked around the room, seeing groups of different androids sitting around and chatting with each other. She gave a wave to Elijah who toasted her with a wine glass. Tina felt Gavin give her a nudge as she noticed one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen sitting next to Elijah.
“Who's she?” Tina grabbed Gavin’s sleeve before he could vanish in the crowd with Nines. She suspected he was going to search for the alcohol. The rat bastard.
He glanced where she had pointed and looked back at her, “You mean Chloe? She’s like Eli’s assistant or girlfriend or something. I have no clue what the fuck is up with them.” He shrugged and vanished into the crowd.
Tina stood by the door, feeling very out of place in Elijah’s house, and in a dress instead of her uniform. She pushed back a lock of hair wondering again if she should have just kept it in her usual bun. “Fucker just left me.” She looked around the room some more, her eyes trailing back to Chloe as she searched for someone she recognized. Chloe was just so beautiful she intimidated Tina.
She spotted Connor in a hideously loud shirt talking with Hank and another two androids. She made her way through the crowd to see them, “Hey guys! Glad to see you could make it.” Tina gave him a hip bump as she looked to the other three. “I’m Tina, and you are?”
“North.” They both shook her hand and she glanced around the room again, her eyes meeting with Chloe’s again.
Something about the way she moved, how she glided through the crowd and smiled at everyone just captured Tina’s attention. It wasn’t until someone touched her arm that she noticed Connor had been talking with her. “Miss Chen, is everything alright?”
She could feel her face heating up and wished she had a drink to hide behind right then. “Uh- it’s nothing?” He gave her a blank look and she looked past him to see Chloe walking up to them. Tina glanced up at Connor with a nervous look before giving Chloe a smile.
“Connor, Elijah wanted to chat with you when you had a moment.” The beautiful blonde smoothly shook Tina’s hand in greeting before putting her arms around Connor’s and dragging him off to Eli.
Tina cursed to herself as she watched them leave, Markus gave a low laugh before speaking. “I assume you work with Connor then?”
She pulled her eyes away from Chloe and Connor walking away and gave Markus and North a nervous smile. “Yeah, we both work in homicide.” She cracked a smile and looked around, “Do you guys know Nines? Connor’s friend, brother, whatever the hell they are?”
North rolled her eyes, “Not all deviants know each other.”
Markus cut her off before Tina could apologize for offending them, “Yes we do know Nines. Do you happen to know how he gained that… moniker?”
Tina gave a giggle before replying, “I always thought Connor gave it to him. Anyways, I’m sure Connor or Nines have mentioned Reed? Gavin Reed? He’s that asshole I came in here with. Well the first time he meets Connor he asks him for a coffee. He does this with everybody, human or android ‘cause he’s an asshole. Well he does the same thing to Nines when he comes into the DPD. Nines, of course we didn’t know how snarky this man is and I love it. Nines decides to listen to Gav and grab him a coffee. Only he didn’t hand it to him, he instead walked up to Gav, held up a cup of coffee right above his head and poured it on him. We were all howling with laughter!” Tina finished her story with giggles and North laughed a bit as well.
“Knew I liked that kid.”
Markus rolled his eyes at North. “No you didn’t.”
“Well I do now.”
“Ah, so is that why Gavin had 3rd degree burns on his scalp after RK900 was assigned to be his partner?” Elijah spoke up from over Tina’s shoulder.
She yelped and slapped him on the chest. “You need a bell!” He grinned down at her and looked over her head to North and Markus. Tina crossed her arms over her chest and turned away from him, “Fucking cat. That’s what you are. I thought you wanted to talk with Connor anyways? He just left with Chloe looking for you.”
“Semantics.” Elijah turned and walked away.
“Welp. He hasn’t changed a bit. Still a weirdo.” Tina let out a huff of air as she shook her head at him.
One of the Chloe’s came rushing between the three of them. “Have you seen Elijah? He mentioned something about spiking Connor’s drink and I think he’s actually going to go through with it.” Tina nodded and pointed in the direction Eli vanished in. “Great, thanks!” She gave a bright smile to Tina and rushed off.
“Are they all so pretty? That’s just not fair.” Nines walked up and handed Tina a drink. “Thanks man. You seen Connor? Apparently Elijah wants to spike his drink.”
Nines looked down at Tina with a deadpan expression. “Are we sure he hadn’t already? You saw what he was wearing.”
“Connor does have a rather… interesting fashion sense.” Markus tried to say it as nicely as possible.
North brushed him off, “He dresses like he’s color blind. This is the Deviant Hunter! We feared him and now seeing him the only thing I fear is how broken his eyes are to wear those shirts.”
Tina and Nines both nodded. “He loves his bright colors.”  She looked around the room again, seeing a couple more Chloe’s rushing around the room, obviously looking for Elijah. She still couldn’t spot the one who walked away with Connor though. Something about it, she just seemed different from the other Chloe’s. Tina gave a wave to Markus and North, deciding to wander the room and see who, if anyone else she recognized.
She did manage to find Hank and chatted with him for a bit before Elijah showed up again. “Tina my dear, is that really the nicest thing you own?” She felt the urge to pour her drink on him as he looked her up and down.
Hank rolled his eyes and took a drink of his beer. “Not everyone’s as rich as you are Kamski.”
Elijah nodded before motioning over Tina with an open arm, “That is true, but just look at this dress. It’s obviously not even worth a hundred dollars. How can this be the nicest thing she owns?”
Tina plucked at the collar of her dress for a moment. It had been $75 and it was painful to part with that much money for a dress. She pulled up all her courage before striking, “You know Eli, this isn’t the nicest thing I own.” He turned to her with a raised eyebrow and she smirked before throwing her arms around his arm and pinning him to her side. “Thank you so much for the offer to buy me a nice dress!” Tina batted her eyes, smiling at hearing Hank start howling with laughter. The dumbfounded look on Elijah’s face made any embarrassment worth it.
He turned to Hank with a confused expression before looking back down at Tina again. She didn’t release his arm, not for trying to humiliate her with his comments on what was her nicest dress. “I- what just happened?” He looked around and Chloe walked up to the three of them. Tina almost let go of his arm in her surprise at seeing the beautiful women looking at her with a smile on those beautiful lips. “Chloe, how did I get roped into buying Tina a new dress?”
Chloe giggled and pulled Tina’s arms off of Elijah. She let Chloe move her as she looked up at the beautiful blonde. “If I heard correctly, you insulted her clothing.” Chloe reached over and booped his nose with another giggle. Tina was sure she was staring at Chloe like a lovestruck idiot, but she couldn’t help it. “She may be your half-brother’s best friend, but Elijah- you never insult a woman’s clothes.” Chloe turned towards Tina with a smile and took her hand. “I’ll take you shopping instead. We can make it a date? Say next week?”
“Sure!” Tina nodded and followed Chloe, she never wanted to let go of that hand. “I’ll do whatever you want.” She missed Gavin sliding up to Elijah and the brothers handing Hank money for their lost bets.
Hank gave a laugh as he watched Chloe sit in a secluded corner with a very content Tina. “I told you. Tina’s too shy to ask out Chloe herself.”
“Yeah yeah. You won. No need to rub it in.” Gavin rolled his eyes and looked around the room. “I thought you weren’t going to actually spike Connor’s drinks Eli?”
The three men turned to see Connor dancing on a table with North. Hank cursed and Elijah just stared at the two of them. “I didn’t. I was spiking Nine’s drink’s all night but he didn’t react at all.”
Hank cursed again, “That’s why the fucker was trading his drinks with Connor whenever he wasn’t looking!”
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shadeofazmeinya · 5 years
For prompts; a scene from earlier on in the crew where it's just Geoff, Jack, and Jeremy.
Jeremy wasn’t really sure what to do with himself with this crew. They were confusing, nothing like anyone else he had worked with before. Powerful, he knew, though they didn’t act like it. They held terrifying reputations, but in working with them the few months so far he has, he’s also seen the Golden Boy tripped over his feet every day, the Vagabond flubbing as he speaks, and even Mogar just saying the strangest, idiotic things with just a shrug when someone points out it doesn’t make sense. Jeremy had no idea how to interact with them. And amongst this confusion he had to fucking land in a safe house, hiding after a heist, with the two who hold the most control of this crew. Ramsey and Pattillo.
Jeremy sat on the turn up couch, arms folded and looking down, trying to take up as little space as possible. The safehouse here was an apartment in a shittier end of the city. It made it easy to hide, but not the most lavish of accommodations the Fakes have had. Still far comfier than Jeremy’s had in the past.
Geoff was pacing back and forth, talking through the coms, half commanding and half scolding all the others as he directs them to other safe houses. The heist went smooth until the end, as far more police showed up than what was expected, forcing them to separate and hide. Which meant being stuck here for the night at least. The sound of pounding against the windows takes Jeremy’s attention and he blinks as he sees the dribbling of rain, a storm brewing. His stomach starts to churn.
“You ok?” Jack hums as she moves to sit besides him, looking him over. “Not hurt anywhere?”
Jeremy shakes his head. “I’m fine, not hurt,” he says, trying to will his body to relax.
Jack hums, accepting it for now even if concern still rests on her face. “I think there should be some food stored here. I can see what I can whip up for us to eat.”
“I can help?” Jeremy says, unsure if she wanted it but figuring it’s proper to ask.
It earns a smile at least, as Jack nods. “Extra hands won’t hurt. Thanks. You’re much nicer than the other boys, they’d be disappearing into another room to avoid any cooking.”
Jeremy shrugs, standing up to follow her into the kitchen. Jeremy liked Jack, or at least wanted to since she is apparently the nicest of the bunch (as nice as a fucking most wanted criminal in Los Santos can be). She’s been trying to bring Jeremy in on conversations and helping him grow used to the chaos of living in the penthouse with everyone but explaining some of their… eccentricities. Like Gavin’s apparent gold fetish, why he should be careful not to break Ryan’s plants, to ignore Michael when he’s going on rants and let himself work it out on his own, and even just learning how their damn shower works. And Jeremy appreciated it, he did. But he can’t help but also feel like there’s something she’s going to want in turn, that she’s going to change once he falls into a trap of believing her kindness. She was the one calling a lot of the shots here, after all. Holding just as much power as Ramsey.
She doesn’t seem like it now, smiling and chatting about the heist. Asking Jeremy’s estimates of how much they got, chuckling about how she thinks she’ll win the bet against the others over guessing the closest. Jeremy starts to feel a little more at ease as the both set to work on making some dinner, just some simple pasta and garlic bread based on what was available.
Geoff finishes up, as the rest of the crew seems settled, collapsing into a chair at the tiny kitchen table. He looks a bit haggard, as Jeremy has learned he always does after a heist. They stressed him out, he explained once. But he still loves doing them.
Jack glances to him now, smiling and chuckling as she moves over to steal a quick kiss. Jeremy looks away, focusing back on stirring the pasta. Another surprising, but shouldn’t have been so surprising, fact he learned rather quickly after working with the crew- Ramsey and Pattillo were together. It wasn’t exactly a widely kept secret, but Jeremy still didn’t expect to find them kissing and holding hands and cuddling as often as he did. It wasn’t excessive, but still. He thought people in this business wanted to keep relationships under the rug, not showing weaknesses and all that. Not showing potential targets for others to point their brutality towards.
Despite that, Jeremy found it enduring, if still wanting to give them privacy. It was nice seeing that these criminals still cared about some things, cared for each other. Not as cruel as the other crews he had worked for before. But it still didn’t make Jeremy feel like he can slip into their dynamic. Or that they’ll care for a near stranger just entering their crew.
“Jeremy,” Geoff says, snapping Jeremy out of his thoughts. “How’re you doing? You did good out there. Fucking glad you were watching our backs from above.”
Jeremy smiles a bit and nods. “Thank-“ he starts as a crash sounds, thunder that makes Jeremy jolt where he stands.
Jack glances out the window as the storm was in full force, cursing a little. “Guess we’re stuck here until it passes, I don’t want any of our idiots out there in that.”
Jeremy swallows, trying to calm the tightening of his chest. He’s never liked storms. The noise of it too heavy, the lights too sudden. But he can’t afford to let this affect him. Not now, not in front of them.
But Geoff and Jack don’t seem to notice, already turning back to the food that was finishing up, grabbing plates and silverware to set out. Jeremy lets out a long breath, clenching and unclenching his hands to keep them from shaking.
“Here,” Jack says, holding a plate out to him. “Eat up.” Her soft smile almost makes things better and Jeremy tries a small smile back as he takes it.
Dinner is a whole other thing to get through but Jeremy keeps himself as still as he can. Jack and Geoff take up most of the conversation, neither commenting that Jeremy may be a little quiet tonight. Maybe they think he’s still just recovering from the heist. Or maybe they’re just ignoring him overall.
Jeremy has to grip his leg under the table, hands like claws digging in, probably leaving bruises, doing everything he can to suppress every jump and wince. But he tries to keep up with the conversation, if only partially. Then, before he knows it and what also seems to last forever, they’re all finished eating and start cleaning it up. The storm doesn’t let up.
Jeremy lays in the shitty chair in the other room later, a blanket wrapped over his head and shoulders. The others had fallen silent, resting besides each other on the couch as Geoff flips through TV channels. Jeremy can’t focus on the TV with the pounding storm thrashing against the walls, as if trying to get in. He stares at the floor, hoping, praying the storm stops.
Jeremy wasn’t always afraid of storms. In fact, statistically, most of his life he was rather indifferent to them. Of course, statistically most of his life was pretty normal until it suddenly wasn’t. When normal life becomes shattered, that’s when it matters most. That’s when if feels like that has been your whole life.
When the mundane was violently stolen, Jeremy was forced to living on the streets, shoved out to make his own survival. When he had the safety of a roof over his head and warm food in his stomach, a storm meant nothing. But when you’re sleeping behind a dumpster because that’s the best protection you can get and the last food you’ve eaten was two days ago, a storm means a whole lot worse. When it freezes you and you can only curl closer and pray this won’t be the thing to finally kill you, a storm holds a very different meaning.
Even when he’s later earned a roof back over his head, the fear of the rumble and flashing hasn’t gone away. The impending doom of it spelling his misery and possible death rises with every raindrop that falls. Curled in his blanket, shaking and taking gasping breaths, he doesn’t notice that the others had been calling out to him until Jack’s face appears right next to his as she’s kneeling in front of him.
“-remy?” he blinks as his hearing kicks in again. “What’s wrong? Are you ok?”
“You look scared as dicks,” Geoff frowns, worry knitting across his face as he seems to hesitate reaching out to him, not sure if he wants to be touched or not. “What’s going on?”
Jeremy opens his mouth then snaps it closed. What could you say to these guys? A little storm has him paralyzed? Would they dare keep him around them? Another boom vibrates the floor and a whimper escapes Jeremy’s throat, telling far more than he’d like.
Jack blinks and then understanding fills her face. “Not a fan of storms?” she says softly and Jeremy curls more into himself, expecting ridicule, disappointment. But instead when he looks over he finds worry, concern. “That’s alright. Ryan isn’t much of a fan of them either, so we get it. You can tell us, you know. If something is bothering you this much. But right now, what can we do to help?”
Jeremy shrugs, still unsure of the sincerity, no matter how genuine Jack seems to be. He eyes her, wide and skittish. Jack frowns more at it, reaching a hand out to him.
Jeremy looks at her hand for a long moment, before hesitantly reaching out to take it. Jack smiles more, squeezing it lightly and shifting closer. “Deep breaths,” she hums. “With me. In and out.” She mimics taking the breaths, squeezing and releasing Jeremy’s hand in time with it.
It takes a bit, but the breathing does help, Jack’s presence starts to calm him. He starts looking less like a wild animal caught in a trap, as he is able to gain his focus back. Geoff stays by his side but it’s reassuring, not imposing. Nonjudgmental. The opposite of what he had expected from them. He isn’t sure how much time passes, filled with breathing, the TV chattering on behind them, the rain seeming to lessen.
“Better?” Jack finally breaks the pattern. “You had us worried there, I thought you were hurting or something.”
“Sorry-” Jeremy starts to mumble but Jack raises a hand and cuts him off.
“Not your fault. We should’ve noticed you getting worked up earlier. Now, what else can we do to help? You want to watch a movie? I think the game station left here should still work. Want to play something?”
Jeremy thinks for a moment then nods. “Yeah. I think that’ll help.”
“Good,” Jack beams, gently pulling him up. “Now, come here. You can join us on the couch and we’ll get some game started. I think we could use the distraction as well.”
“Are you sure-?”
“Of course we are,” Geoff says with a warm smile as he goes to turn everything on. “We want to help take care of you. What kind of crew would we be if we just fucking let you sit there panicking and didn’t do anything to help? We’re not cruel to our own, not in the Fakes.”
Finally, a smile is pulled from Jeremy as Jack gets him settled on the couch, blankets draped over both of them. Geoff flops down on Jeremy’s other side, unsure for a moment how close to be until Jeremy starts to rest to Geoff’s side. Geoff relaxes against him in turn, handing a controller to him as whatever game was in there starts up.
The storm slowly passes as Jeremy plays, letting the lull of the warm bodies on either side, protective, caring, help him get over the buzzing in his veins, the static in his head. He feels… good. Not perfect, the fear still there. But far better than he’s felt during a storm in a long time. It’s another small reassurance that he finally made a good choice in his life, working with this crew. That maybe they will be fair, safe.
He misses the soft look Geoff and Jack exchange over him, a quiet message. That they’re going to watch over this boy. That they’re going to make sure he is cared for properly in this family.
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honestlyconkus · 6 years
Part 1
It almost didn’t seem like the movie was an hour and a half long. Then again, one has to remember that androids are basically immortal and time is a concept to them, at least until their parts breakdown and they wither away from neglect. One minute North was seated besides Josh, staring up at a dark screen and throwing popcorn at Simon and the next minute she was at a fancy restaurant she’d remembered was rated a 4.5/5 stars from yelp reviews. Not bad Hank.
It’s some fancy italian place that she didn’t bother remember the name of, but does remember the rustic vibe it attempted to portray. The walls reminds her of villas in italy, pale sandy-colored bricks covered in faux grape vines and soft yellow lighting. Hank is already waiting inside, looking quite nice in a flower patterned suit. His long hair is even brushed back and a small clip pins the hair nearest his face at the top of his head.
“Wow, you guys all look like movie stars!” he compliments, leaning forward to accept the hug from North. He nods to the rest of Jericho in greeting. “If I had known we were doing Hollywood level I would’ve tried a little harder.”
“I like your flowers.” Simon says charmingly, smiling at the Lieutenant. Connor seems pleased.
“I picked it out myself!”
“We’ll have to work out another color palette for Hank. The flowers are wonderful though.” North chuckles. The group goes around and find their respected spots at the table- Connor on the end sitting across from Hank, with Markus on his right side. Josh sits across Markus, and North is on his left. Simon sits across from her.
They find their voices filling the restaurant as Hank told stories from before the android era. He talked about roombas and how humans younger than him used to personify them. (“A lot of the kids gave them googly eyes.”) Hank himself had a roomba and named it Ankle Biter for its constant bumping into things. Connor didn’t think it was that impressive.
“That’s not a very advanced model if it ran into things instead of vacuum like it was supposed to.” Connor frowned as Hank snapped out of his nostalgia. He threatened to throw a bread stick at him.
“Shut up Connor I loved him.”
North decided to share her experiences at the Eden Club, looking pointedly at Simon and Josh to follow her lead. She talks about how experiences with a few humans only managed to get her on, and how pole dancing was actually fun if one knew how to lure people in. Everyone’s faces turned red/blue, and she had to laugh at Simon’s petrified expression in spite of herself.
But it’s to her own surprise that Connor retaliated with his own stories, claiming he now had an extensive knowledge of pole dancing among other things from all the memories he’d probed during the Eden Club investigation. Hank couldn’t decide if he was to look impressed or weirded out.
“You think you can beat me in a pole dancing competition Connor?” North challenged, smirking at Connor from across the table. “Winner gets to give Markus a lap dance for his birthday. I think he’d enjoy it too.”
“I’m sorry what-” Markus’ face grew blue as he glared at North, but bit his tongue from arguing. Connor didn’t look embarrassed at all; he was intrigued. A gleam in his eyes told her he was up to the task.
“I always accomplish my mission.”
Jericho glanced between Markus and Connor but they didn’t seem to be acting any different. Markus just looked as a mix of annoyed and embarrassed that he was the trophy, and Connor acted like he was after taking a joke literally; he’ll take the challenge literally too.
Filler time. Josh had looked between the two in a panic. “Can we please not talk about this in a family restaurant?” Simon laughed at his expression and Hank shrugged, jostling the offended android.
“We’re family enough Josh.”
Simon took up the reigns by mentioning Markus’ painting habits. He figured if he could embarrass Markus enough he’d admit his feelings for the detective easily. “I think Markus mentioned once you had one of the nicest figure he’d ever seen, Connor. He has a sketchbook he showed to me once.”
Markus grew bright blue and nodded, looking shyly at Connor. “You really do Connor. I was honored to have been able to sketch you.”
“Why thank you Markus.” 
There was a lull in the conversation as they waited for a reaction, but nothing. Connor instead moved on and launched another story about a time he walked with Sumo and Hank, but once again, it seemed as if this was normal. Markus sat and listened to Connor’s story, laughing at the appropriate times but didn’t look out of the ordinary. He didn’t exhibit any notion that he would be on his knees admitting his feelings, despite being embarrassed twice already and exposed. Jericho was stumped.
We have after dinner, North reminded them.
Their stories had to come to a stop once the food arrived. Everyone decides to eat meals for Hank’s sake, even turning on their taste sensors in order to enjoy the food entirely. Hank wouldn’t admit this to anyone but he feels gratitude for their consideration. The gruff city cop smiles as the androids clamor over each other for spices, passing around bowls of food and sharing food they think would taste much better than their own. He chuckles as North steals food from Josh, while Simon offers pieces of his food to everyone he could give to. Markus and Connor find themselves preventing Josh and North from shoving salad in each other’s faces. After a while though, things find itself at a peace as each person eat to enjoy their meal, occasionally sharing quiet conversation to each other.
Then suddenly, Markus looks up and nudges Connor. “Could you pass me the olive oil babe?”
Wordlessly Connor reaches for the oil and gives it to Markus. He also leans forward and gives Markus a kiss on the cheek, before picking up his utensils and resuming his meal. On the other end of the table, utensils clatter and everyone looks up.
North’s face is bright blue, and she points an accusatory finger at Connor. Her voice is just above a whisper. “What did you just do?”
Connor is confused and replies carefully, “I gave Markus a kiss?” Unfortunately this only fuels her wrath even more as she turns to a now embarrassed Markus.
“Markus…” Her voice is threatening and grows in volume as she glares with the fires of the sun in her beautiful brown eyes. “What did that kiss mean?” Even Simon and Josh look in shock as they stare at the former android leader as well, mixed faces of confusion and surprise.
Hank is also confused. “What do you mean? You got something against boys dating each other North?” His voice has a dangerous edge to it, as he prepares to defend his son and possible son-in-law. (He also won’t tell anyone he just thought of that.) “It’s 2039 North, and you’re an android-”
“Wait what?!” Now it’s Hank’s turn to cower in her gaze. “You know Connor and Markus are dating?”
Everyone is looking at each other, but mostly between Connor and Markus. Hank seems to realize what the situation is and glares back at Markus, who’s shrinking more and more into his seat. Even Connor isn’t amused.
“Wait you didn’t tell them we were dating?” Connor’s voice sounds hurt, and Markus sits up to explain.
“Babe I didn’t have the time-”
“How long have you guys been dating?” Simon interrupts, trying to disarm the situation and genuinely curious. How had they not known all this time? Were Jericho really that easy to fool? North looks as if she were going to blow up.
Markus looks too hesitant to respond. “A year?”
“YOU WERE DATING FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?!” North nearly screams, but the squeeze from Josh’s hand on her bicep reminds her to keep it to at least a level 8. Family restaurant, all that. “I can’t believe this. Who else knows?”
“Hank,” Connor answers, pointing to the Lieutenant. “And Gavin Reed.”
North rips a napkin in half.
“Gavin Reed knew and your own friends didn’t? Markus what the hell!”
“Okay to be fair, Gavin figured it out the moment Connor walked into the precinct,” Hank comes to the rescue, shaking his head as Connor shrugs guiltily. “Said Connor triggered his ‘gaydar’, whatever the hell that meant. But yeah, I am pretty surprised Markus didn’t tell you guys almost immediately.”
Everyone stares deliberately at Markus until he shrugs, sighing and scratching the back of his head. “I just… didn’t see the point in announcing it. No one had to know our business. Our relationship wasn’t a status people needed to comment on. But I do see the betrayal it led when I didn’t tell my best friends about it.” He turns to Jericho and bows his head in apology. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys sooner. But yes, Connor and I have been dating.” He takes Connor’s hand in his and presses a kiss to the knuckles, smiling in affection. “And it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.”
They all awe as Connor leans in for a kiss, his LED shining blue. North leans back in her seat, still a little miffed at Markus but satisfied nonetheless. I told you it would work out, She sends to Simon and Josh, as Hank leans forward and ruffles his partner’s hair affectionately. Jericho agrees, the happiness of their leader about the news spreading around the table like wildfire. Laughter passes between the group until everyone is smiling, content. 
Operation Conkus: Successful.
I interpreted it slightly different anon, my bad. But yeah this was fun :) Hope yall liked it~
send me moar headcanons/prompts!!!
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noramoya · 6 years
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“ Dave Chappelle said it best in his Netflix stand up. Michael Jackson never abused any kids, he just wanted to look cool to the kids at Neverland Ranch and wanted to stunt on them. “This is my cotton candy machine, it produces 2 tonnes of cotton candy a day, isn’t that awesome??”
DVSdanny • Aug 25, 2018, 11:54 AM
I once interviewed someone for a magazine I was working for. The person was also a former journalist. I asked her something about her most memorable moment and she said she once interviewed Michael Jackson.
She asked what he would like to talk about and he broke down crying because no one ever asked him that.
Uglybass • Aug 25, 2018, 10:33 AM
Listening to MJs music, you could tell when the accusations and music industry BS started to catch up to him. After the Dangerous album, he started putting out songs like "They dont really care about us" and "This time around". Much darker songs than MJ ever put out in the past.
foreverwasted • Aug 25, 2018, 9:16 AM
He was very close and affectionate with children because he didn't have the childhood he wanted. He was under a lot of pressure from his dad. He was obsessed with children, but in the nicest way possible. Bill Burr was right. Pedophilia is so common a topic of discussion in the USA that whenever we ever see an adult around a child that's not theirs, people's minds go straight to pedophilia.
Catch-up • Aug 25, 2018, 8:26 AM
Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. — Michael Jackson.
TL;DR: The FBI conducted several investigations on or involving Michael Jackson from the early 1990's until his passing in 2009, with the last 10 years of his life receiving an ongoing investigation which turned up nothing that would suggest he was guilty of the crimes he was accused of.
More than 70 police officers searched his Neverland Ranch property, his other places of residence were searched, dozens of computers were seized and examined, and there was nothing to suggest he had a sexual interest in children. The only porn ever found which belonged to Michael Jackson was adult, heterosexual, porn. Nothing illegal was ever found in his home. A fake police report was released by gossip website Radar Online in 2016 which the Sheriff's Department stated was ‘falsified, with images that were never part of the original documents,' claiming those images 'appeared to have been taken from internet sources.' There were contents on the report which didn't even exist in 2005.
Corey Feldman also vouches for Michael Jackson’s innocence. ‘He is not that guy,’ Feldman maintains. ‘I know the difference between pedophiles and someone who is not a pedophile because I’ve been molested.’
Close friend Macauley Culkin also stands by Jackson. ‘Nothing happened. I don't think you understand,’ Culkin said, ‘Michael Jackson's bedroom is two stories.’
In1993, when allegations were first put against Michael Jackson, the father who accused him was recorded ON TAPE plotting against Jackson (listen to it here):
On July 2, 1993, in a private telephone conversation, Chandler was tape-recorded as saying,
There was no reason why he (Jackson) had to stop calling me ... I picked the nastiest son of a bitch I could find [Evan Chandler's lawyer, Barry Rothman], all he wants to do is get this out in the public as fast as he can, as big as he can and humiliate as many people as he can. He's nasty, he's mean, he's smart and he's hungry for publicity. Everything's going to a certain plan that isn't just mine. Once I make that phone call, this guy is going to destroy everybody in sight in any devious, nasty, cruel way that he can do it. I've given him full authority to do that. Jackson is an evil guy, he is worse than that and I have the evidence to prove it. If I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever ... Michael's career will be over.
In the same conversation, when asked how this would benefit his son, Chandler replied,
That's irrelevant to me ... It will be a massacre if I don't get what I want. It's going to be bigger than all us put together ... This man [Jackson] is going to be humiliated beyond belief ... He will not sell one more record.
This was said BEFORE Evan Chandler told others that his son had informed him about Michael Jackson. Also bear in mind, Chandler, a dentist, had his son SEDATED with Sodium Amytal, a drug which affects a person's memories and makes them susceptible to suggestion when he got the confession out.
After 2005, Jackson's defence attorney explains it best here where he outlines that the family which accused him of abusing 13 year old Gavin Arviso had targeted other celebrities asking for money, including Jay Leno and Chris Tucker. Defence attorney Thomas Mesereau would also describe the prosecution's tactics as essentially throwing everything at Jackson hoping something would stick.
Take the time. Do the research from verifiable and reputable sources of information. I have literally spent years researching Michael Jackson’s life, art, and allegations and I can honestly say that if you peel back the layers of his accusations you will see that his innocence has always been there.
noiant • Aug 25, 2018, 11:11 AM
So Michael Jackson gets investigated for super long but R. Kelly doesn't?
CookLove • Aug 25, 2018, 8:51 AM
Didn’t the father of the boy who accused Jackson in 1993, commit suicide a few months after Michael’s death? Guilt, maybe?
varnell_hill • Aug 25, 2018, 8:50 AM
Of course, because he didn’t fucking do anything. Was he a weirdo? Yea, absolutely, but that doesn’t make him a pedophile.
This was smear job and a cash grab by the parents, and nothing more.
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ohstylesno · 7 years
Some sweet quotes about Harry 🌹❤️
Rod Stewart: “He’s a lovely man. He couldn't be kinder, and a very funny guy. He’s brilliant.”
Paul Rudd: “Harry has something...There is something intriguing and interesting and cool about him.” 
Ariana Grande: “He’s very funny. He’s very silly. Very sweet, very professional. But never too serious-- like I would be singing in the booth and I would cut a vocal and he’d be like ‘Oooh that was terrible, you should try it again.’ He was very nice. A very very sweet guy.”
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 “I think Brits have this mentality of, not us, but like Brits, lads, who aren't in music, I think they have this mentality of when they meet guys who are really popular they want to hate them, and with Harry it’s just impossible. Like he’s the nicest, most down to earth guy. 
“Harry Styles is the coolest guy on this planet, a thousand percent. He’s just you know when someone walks into a room you just go ‘that kid’s got it’. He literally does walk into a room and everyone just stops. And it’s not just ‘cause he’s famous, he just has an aura about him… It’s an aura. It’s a thing… He’s got a really cool name as well; Harry Styles. It’s almost like he was born to be a pop star. He’s just perfect isn’t he?”
Chris Martin: 
“Harry has come to a couple of our shows, and he’s a sweet guy.”
 “He’s so lovely… He’s so handsome” 
“This song was written by the most beautiful man in the world, Harry Styles.”
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Gavin DeGraw: “I’d only heard good things about Harry from other people that I knew... He was great. We got in the studio and he was really respectful and nice. I played for a second; I sang an opening line and he immediately followed it up with another line. A few hours later we had the majority of a song completed; it's beautiful.”
Hilary Duff: “Secretly, I really love Harry Styles.” 
Kodaline: “He’s a cool dude, he’s a good writer.”
Kate Mara: [Jimmy Kimmel: You’re a fan of One Direction?] “Yeah I mean, have you seen Harry Styles’ face?”
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“You know I have a thing for Harry Styles. He looks like a young Mick Jagger. He has a good mouth. He’s cute. He’s a 10.” 
"He's a beautiful thing, isn't he. I won't eat him. I actually gave him an award at some show, so I got to give him a little squeeze. [His hair] smells like roses and tropical lotions mixed with butterflies."
Alexa Chung: “The thing is though he's pretty amazing. He's got a magnetic quality about him and if he looks at you it’s like you’re staring into the face of a lighthouse.”
Matty Healy: “That whole world is crazy. But that Harry Styles guy, he’s really sweet, he’s a really nice guy.”
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Meghan Trainor: “He’s an amazing dude, he’s really chill. I think he’s an amazing writer. He’s really talented.”
Rihanna: “It’s so natural for him. I had watched their videos and I remember thinking ‘wow he’s a star.’ He seems very sure-- like he had been doing this before.”
Dylan O’Brien: "I love Harry Styles. That dude's the man."
Emma Roberts: "Literally, my little sister and I talk about One Direction all day," I'm scared if someone ever saw my phone, I'm like 'delete these messages!' It's like we're talking about something bad. It's like Harry Styles, Harry Styles, Harry Styles."
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Alana Haim: “He came to our show at The Troubadour, but we had never met him and we were so interested because you hear so many things about Harry Styles and really, he's just a nice guy. He really is just nice and really appreciates music. He really just loves music and seeing live music. I was just so surprised that he came to The Troubadour which is such a small venue - and once one Haim fan saw him it was kinda like Harry-palooza, there was this HUGE group around him. Literally, I just can't even imagine what he goes through every day but he really is the nicest person in the world. I would say nothing bad about Harry Styles, he was so nice, he was so happy to be there and happy to see our band. He is very nice... and I would say that there was a friendship, I think he's very cool. I would be down. He's just so busy, I can't even imagine what our friendship would be [like] - probably running into each other at some place. But he is really nice and he is so nice to his fans and really is just a regular guy.”
Kris Jenner: “We’ve spent some time together and he’s really really really funny. Oh my goodness, he’s one of the funniest guys I’ve ever met. He’s a great guy.“
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Kelly Clarkson: “He was so nice. Honestly, he walked up to me out of nowhere at Billboard awards, and no one does that. Like, in country music they do in the states, but in pop music people are very like too cool for school most of the time. So I thought it was really–he’s such a nice gentleman and he was so kind. I wrote a song for them on their first record and so it was really nice, he came up and thanked me and he was just such a gentleman.”
Mick Jagger: “He’s got it going on. I know him, he comes to see me in lots of shows. And yeah, I can see the influence. I like him. He’s very decent.”
Jamie Lawson: [re: Harry coming to his sound checks.] “It would be thousands of empty seats and Harry.”
Kelly Osbourne: “Harry is a really nice, normal guy considering the situation that he’s in. You’d expect him to be a little more affected but he’s not.”
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Duran Duran: “Harry Styles seems to be a decent chap. That makes me think he is handling it all very well.”
Louis Walsh: “Harry’s a star. He knows how to work the room and he’s nice to everybody. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Harry.”
Lea Michele: “He’s our modern day Mick Jagger.”
Cillian Murphy: “He’s a sweetheart. He’s a really really lovely kid. Very charismatic, and we’ve had a lot of fun.”
John Legend: “We got together for a few hours and wrote what I think is a really lovely song. I’d love to write with him again as he is a very great guy and very talented. He has some really great lyrical ideas and is a very good songwriter.”
Ronnie Wood: “Harry will be great solo. He should enjoy it and I think he’ll do well.”
Rita Ora: "I mean, me and the whole music industry probably have a crush on him. I just think he's funny and cute!"
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Johnny McDaid: “Harry is a really prolific artist and a super-talented guy. He’s really authentic and he has an incredible voice, so we’ve been writing a lot of songs. We’ve been writing songs for years together. I’m really excited by the way he’s sounding at the minute, he’s such a talent. He is a really great guy. I think he will surprise people. I don't know much about what he's going to do or his plans but he's a really lovely guy."
Ryan Tedder: 
“Harry’s a good guy. I wrote a song with him, I love it. He actually really impressed me as a writer and he’s a great singer.
“He’s a phenomenally talented writer. You know they say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but clearly the man has taste in a number of areas and that also is true with writing. He’s just a chill guy. I don’t think I’ve met anyone with that level of fame that is that unaffected by it. I would love to write with him in the future for no other reason than he is one of the chillest dudes I’ve hung with and down to earth.”
Mark Rylance: “He is one handsome fella with an incredible smile and eyes. What’s really surprised me is he’s really witty, really funny — he really makes me laugh. He’s been ever so brave, not making any fuss. He seems remarkable … one of those people [who has] — Sean Penn has it too — a kind of panache. I look at them and think, ‘How did you get that?’ But he has got a lovely, lovely character. It’s a gift.”
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fraser-creek · 6 years
Fraser Creek; Chapter Three - Gracie Sparrow
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In the opinion of Gracie, the sun is a little too bright for a Monday morning as she’s laid back on a picnic table in front of the Fraser Creek High. It is a sight, her thick black hair pulled up into a perfectly messy curly high ponytail and a red and white checkered mini dress matching the red heart sunglasses that perched on her perfectly sloped nose. She pretends that she doesn’t try to always look perfect, that it’s all just effortless and comes naturally. But it’s impossible for anyone to look that cool while sitting alone while everyone around her is bustling busy catching up with friends.
She pulls out one of her earbuds as she raises up to lean back on her elbows, pushing down her sunglasses slightly to look around. She clicks on her phone to check the time again, or at least for a text from one of her friends, explaining why they are ten minutes later than they said they were going to be. But nothing, no calls, no texts, nothing.
She unlocks her phone, pulling up her conversation with James, half a mind to cuss him out for being so late when she feels sudden hands on her, one on her shoulder and another on her chin, turning her face before feeling a quick kiss planted straight on her lips. James.
“I’ve been waiting here forever you twit, what took you guys so long?” she swats him away as she pushes herself off the table and turns to see the other three friends walking towards them, James must have run ahead.
“Shit, you’re wearing lipstick,” James grumbles when he sees her face, completely ignoring her question, as he quickly wipes the back of his hand over his mouth, trying to smudge away the red stain that is barely there, at least not enough to suffice for the contorted look on his face. They’re not dating, god she would never date him, but it was times like this that made her understand why anyone who didn’t know them definitely thought they were.
“Hey,” Bellamy smiled simply as he leaned in to give her a one-armed hug and a smile. He’s too sweet, always has been the nicest out of all of them. Eternally known as the nice guy on the team.
“Oh, it’s been too long!” Gracie moans dramatically as she pulls Stella and Adi in for a tight hug, both at the same time. When she pulls away, she links arms With Adi, but turns to look at Stella, “When did you get back in?”
“Last night,” Stella grins as she swings an arm around Gracie’s shoulder, “How was back to school shopping without me?” Stella asks, leaning out a bit to glance at Adi as well.
“I went alone because someone is stuck on the idea that back-to-school shopping is a conspiracy or something,” Gracie says, shooting a side-eye to Adi.
“Back-to-school shopping is a sham that corporate America made up to trick youth into believing that they need new clothes to start school with or else they will be judged by their peers. It’s all schemes to make money,” Adi says strongly as if reciting a law.
“Says you and those jeans you’ve owned since middle school,” Gracie laughs, poking Adi in the leg, only for her hand to be swatted away. Adi just rolls her eyes as they break apart to walk into school.
“Stells and I have History together in Smith’s room upstairs,” James announces as he and Stella break off from the rest of them as they pass the big staircase.
“Our table at lunch!” Adi shouts out as the duo walks away, earning a nod from Stella and a salute from James as he spins around theatrically to keep making his way towards the stairs. Adi, Bellamy, and Gracie continue towards the maths hall, where both Bellamy and Gracie’s lockers consequently happen to be, as well as their first class.
“Meet me at my locker when you’re done,” Gracie directs as they pass Bellamy’s locker, both he and Adi breaking off. She has used his locker since they started there last year. It was a laugh when they found out that Adi’s locker was in the awfully-named bang-wang hallway; a hallway that was a dead end with no classrooms, just lockers, that had no cameras and was in the most inconvenient sketchy corner of the school.
When Gracie reaches her locker, she doesn’t even think as her fingers twist around the knob on the lock, putting in her combo before clicking it open. She’s just finishing pulling her books from her bag and putting them in her locker when she notices someone lean behind the door. She steps back slightly to see who it is and nearly groans out when she recognizes him. Gavin Sinclair, the most annoying asshole in the school, a grade above them. She settles for an eye roll.
“What do you want, Sinclair?” She asks, trying to sound as nice as possible, but it’s difficult, all the girls he had played and been an asshole to over the years coming to mind. Suddenly she wants to punch him right in his annoying nose. Maybe she’d try to hit a bit higher, his small eyes were so close together, she could probably give him two black eyes if she wanted. The thought of the eyes made her reconsider, maybe a comment about how inbred his hick family probably is would get her a lesser punishment.
“Hey Chang, looking good too good for how smart you’re supposed to be,” Gavin smirks, looking her over with a gross grin. She lets out a heavy breath, shaking her head at his ignorance. It was nothing new, Gavin Danvers being a complete ignorant douchebag.
“My last name isn’t Chang, asshole,” Gracie nearly growls, slamming her locker shut.
“But your Chinese, Sparrow isn’t a Chinese name,” Gavin throws back, looking at her as if he’s obviously right. She has never wanted to punch anyone else more than she wants to punch him right now.
“First of all, she’s Korean, genius,” Bellamy’s voice drips in sarcasm with the last word, as he and Adi step up from behind, “and she’s adopted.”
“Oh yeah, by those fags,” Gavin chuckles, but before he can finish, he’s being shoved back up against the lockers; by Adi.
“Wanna say that again?” She challenges. Gavin just stays quiet. “That’s what I thought.”
“Good luck getting on the lacrosse team this year if Coach hears about this,” Bellamy speaks up, finishing their business there, grabbing Gracie by the shoulder and turning to walk them away before Gavin can even try to protest. Gracie lets him, and the other three follow, leaving Gavin and his meaningless apologies and excuses behind them.
“Sorry about that asshole, Gracie,” Adi snares, latching her arm around Gracie’s as he shoots one last glare over her shoulder, back at Gavin as they turn the corner.
“I’ll talk to Coach, he won’t be playing this year, not after that,” Bellamy assures her, his voice soft as he nudges her shoulder lightly with his.
“Bell, don’t worry about it, really,” Gracie says. “In a town like this… you can’t expect much else for someone like me, you guys know what it’s like,” Gracie shrugs with a smile, trying to make it seem like the situation didn’t make her sick to her stomach. “Either way, my dads have it way worse than I do. And assholes like Gavin are the ones who end up getting hurt in the end.”
“Come on, you’re not the only person he acts like this towards,” Adi urges, “He and the rest of those hicks think they’re better than everyone because they’re white and Catholic and their ancestors founded the town or some crap like that. And because they are male for the fact of it. He deserves to be taught a lesson.”
“She’s right, Gracie,” Bellamy adds.
“Yeah, I know, but if you tell coach then he has to explain himself to Gavin’s parents then my dads will get dragged into it and I really don’t want that. They worry about it as much as it is and they will blame themselves and start thinking that I get repeatedly bullied ‘cause of it and I don’t,” Gracie explains. “It’s really not worth it.”
“We can always just get Teddy to beat the shit out of him,” Adi grins, only half-joking.
“Hah,” Gracie belts out, “I bet Teddy would love an excuse to punch his teeth in.”
“Come on, we all know if Teddy wanted to punch Gavin’s teeth in he doesn’t need a good excuse. He just needs an ounce of provoking and Gavin’s taking a trip to the dentist,” Bellamy says, stepping to the side, pulling open the door to Ms. Allen’s math class. He steps back to let Adi and Gracie inside first before following them in.
0 notes
survivorindia · 7 years
Does Jordan Pines Think I’m F**king Stupid?- Sarah
Episode 4
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Great.. a swap. Worst of all, three of my four main allies 'ere are on the other tribe. It's just Alex and I swinging at the fences now. Last night, Alex and Gavin called me so they could walk me through what's been going on with their tribe and so we could find a way to get OUT of this mess. Luckily, we still know the name of our idol board and we've already set up what each other (Alex and I) will guess so we'll keep that rotation going. So right now on my tribe besides Alex we have... Lexi and Ruben, which is BAAAAD for me since I clearly targeted Lexi and if they're together (which why wouldn't they be, ofc they'll be together) they could very well turn on me. Robin is probably with them, so if anything, she's my way out of being cut so soon on this tribe. Admittedly I haven't spoken much with Bernel, Julia, or Dom - I have played with Dom a long while ago but we talked like once in that game and I was gone right at the merge so I don't really know him too well. I'm going to try to hit everybody up today because I don't want to get too far behind socially. And then there's Jaiden. Just like me, he's waiting for death, so that's swell. I've been told he's a huge villain but let's not judge a book by their cover just yet and wait to see what the hell he does out here.
Oh BOY did I miss a lot today. I woke up like two hours ago and have been doing chores since so go me! Anywho, I'm just going to do a quick assessment of people here since I've gotten a little time to know em:  - Dom is nice and all but dude apologizes for everything, even semi-good things lmao. A for effort?   - Julia's social game isn't all there, hell, it's weaker than mine. At least she's somewhat enthusiastic though. - Bernel's pretty cool, don't have much of a read on them. - I really haven't talked to Lexi in forever oop and Ruben seems decent, haven't spoken too much with him. - Robin is same ol, same ol.  - I can't say I have much of a read on Jaiden either at this point, all I know is that people say he ain't the nicest.  - Alex is great! I hope he and I can survive this tribe because I'd love to jam with 'im out here. I really gotta pick up my social game because I'm slacking especially since I missed most of an entire freaking day fuck me 
You can't bully me into making more confessionals! "I do what I want!" - Danny Gluck But yea I'm doing a shit ton for this challenge hopefully my efforts don't go unappreciated
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So this is really terrifiying. So we swap, and boom, there goes my closest ally Sarah and she is on another tribe. I'm on a tribe with a majority of villians, but honestly this far Sarah has helped me a lot though this game. And last nigh I found out about a lot of shit. So I learned that Jaiden has very bad breakdowns, I learned Jordan Pines wants to be an ally of mine, I learned Sarah is truly being real and probably trusts me to the fullest extent by now, I learned that DOM HAS AN IDOL. yep. So I have THAT to deal with, while I try and search for a new idol board on the hero's tribe. So yeah, that's whats going on as of now. I'll be back with more deets.
Okay not trying to sound divaish ALREADY but... Alex seems kinda cocky to me, no idea why? Than we have Ruben and dom, and as far as I'm concerned they should be online right now and be super active bitch get it together
Okay I swear I already don't like Alex I'm trying to be nice to his bitch ass but he just has such a cocky persona like um I'm complimenting you, trying to be nice, and his vibe is so rude fuck that I hope he gets eliminated soon somehow
Ok I should have been nice but I feel like he hates me   
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Ok I should have been nice but I feel like he hates me (11:04pm night of swap) I have no idea what has been going on the past few days because I've been sleeping haha, but I guess we did a tribe swap which is pretty neat!!
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So we got some snake motherfuckers in this tribe. Kharab is not unified. So Nicole asks to be voted out, everyone is on board but what happens Jaiden tries to flip the vote on me, but like no honey, not going to fly here. No one else votes for me and Nicole votes for Jaiden, so Nicole leaves 4-1-1. But like Jaiden, what are you doing honey, why are you purposefully throwing yourself under the bus, like okay Jaiden comes to me after his flop attempt to get me out and is like oh I asked to be voted out and I just threw my vote to you and I'm like not true, I call major bullshit on you. So as of now I don't trust Jaiden at all, he's a snake he can leave today for all I care. Fuck him, he's dead to me.
Whew, so we won immunity which is nice and now am safe for the round. I was going to make a long confessional at the swap about how I felt about my new tribe but like I got lazy so long story short I like kendall gavin sarah ashley (aka the returnees) lexi is cool but she gives me a weird vibe idk and Casey Liam and Whitney need to step it up. I hope Jaiden gets voted out tonight on the other tribe, that be nice.
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I certainly love snakes. I take back everything I said positive about Sarah, Jordan Pines, and now Dom. I don't even know if I have said anything nice about Dom because I'm pretty sure that's when I was not fully trusting of him. I guess to just catch this up to speed, I got closer to Dom and he shared his idol clue with me. He told me so much about Jordan giving him tea in the game and it just makes things so much more evident to me that he's going to immediately hold things against me if I don't reciprocate the same amount of information. Telling Sarah about the idol clue AND THEN all of my alliances was deadly, because now I think she's gonna run around and expose all of that for the fun of it. She's a snake, I tell you, and she's gonna screw me if I don't screw her over first. I just realized I should stop talking game in general because the walls seem to have ears. I don't think I can trust the hosts with information either lmao since everything likes to just magically leak and fall into terrible people's laps. I'm done bitching, I'm done strategizing, and I think I'm done writing confessionals at this point. I have some fight left in me and I think I'm okay doing some damage going forward. 
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I'm still here against my will send help
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Buckle up... this one's a doozy... I'm writing this as I listen in on Sarah and Jordan with my appear.in strats. Actually, I'll brb
Jordan Pines I’m talking to ashley Sent on: 2:36 pm From: Jordan Pines she really likes you really? Sent on: 2:39 pm i really really like her, but i feel like i may have hurt our bond From: Jordan Pines how so? Sent on: 2:39 pm From: Jordan Pines cause she said this to me From: Jordan Pines when i was talking about a returnee alliance From: Jordan Pines [2017-02-11, 2:20:23 PM] Ashley Hudson: I love Gavin [2017-02-11, 2:20:29 PM] Jordan Pines: i don’t know him that well [2017-02-11, 2:20:32 PM] Jordan Pines: like we played hvv2 together [2017-02-11, 2:20:36 PM] Jordan Pines: but never were on the same tribe [2017-02-11, 2:20:40 PM] Ashley Hudson: Like legit he is my fave right now, he is hella loyal Ayyyye Sent on: 2:40 pm That makes me feel better then *Pats self on back*
What happened on the Karen vote: - I got Karen out of the game with some help - I got Alex to trust Kendall less - I got Kendall to trust Alex less - I got Ashley to trust me more - I got Alex to trust me more - I got Kendall to trust Alex and Ashley less All because Alex and I thought Karen wouldn't want us around long-term :) At this point in the game, we have now swapped and I feel like I am in good-standing on my new tribe right now. Pines and I talk all the time, with him having allowed me to listen in on his call with Sarah while sharing with me that he found the idol. Ashley trusts me even more than before, while I have begun to form a bond with Liam. Honestly, I see things going well on this tribe, and I am ensuring to continue to talk to my #1, Mr. Alex, who got separated from the rest of us returnee heroes during the swap :( Here's to the merge... that will hopefully be rather soon! Also... ha ha lol @everyone who picked Karen over me in their drafts *eyes emoji* This is why you don't add people last to a pre-existing alliance and then echo the exact words of an ally when responding to my messages :~)
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This Tribal could not have gone better. Gavin and I were great and it seemed like we flipped for a different reason than we did. I feel bad about the aftermath; Kendall seemed really upset and I hope we can mend that bond for later. The swap however, could not have gone worse. I am the ONLY one in this entire game who doesn't have ANY of their original tribe members with them. So I've been scrambling to get a group together. Gavin on the other hand is great. The returning players on his tribe have an alliance together, so I really just need to get to the merge and be solid with him later. I'm on a tribe with the lovebirds too (Ruben and Alexis), so we'll see how things go with that; I know Ruben, along with Johnny Poteet, so maybe there's something I can do there. In the meantime, all I can do at this point is sit back, be nice, don't cause waves, and get to that merge.
I got the advantage from the reward. I scored 3 million on the damn thing; so if I didn't get it I'd be shocked. I'm playing a decently dominant game right now, it's pretty freaking amazing.
I love this challenge, it gets us creative. The problem with that is the tribemates I have do not want to talk. I can make us a video, I just need to get the videos made and decided, you know? It's extremely difficult to plan things out when people are not online.
Gavin told me that Dom has the idol, and that's frightening. Dom is definitely one of those guys who I really can't get a good read on and that's scary. I need to just befriend him at this point, what else can I do?
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My reaction to Karen getting voted off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SiylvmFI_8 What I told my tribe when we swapped: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbrbUfYSt0E What I actually meant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrMmfKByyks My reaction to dealing with our useless tribemates when we were trying to make the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo-oWc4uEPE Whoops sorry wrong link... I'll put the proper one here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S_0g My reaction to our harsh judges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYa1eI1hpDE My reaction to us winning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfYnvDL0Qcw And my plans for the future: I have nothing... so I put nothing. Wish me luck in the game! Because now I'm stuck with Jordan Pines. So in conclusion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GeCPanRHU0 God I love this series. Don't know why Count Olaf is the one telling us to look away, considering that he is such a sadistic bastard.
Whoops I put the wrong Chemical Romance song for, what I meant: Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORsFFjt1x6Q
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Alright, so this new tribe is okay, I still have Gavin but lost Alex, but I have always trusted Gavin more so I mean that is a good thing. I now have Jordan Pines on my tribe, last time we worked together it was kind of forced by outside parties so I am hoping for this game we can actually work together by our own choice, and see how that goes. I know Casey irl, but she never talks on Skype, I don't really think she actually plays and is only here cuz Darian told her to. I mean that is okay, but how the fuck did she get this far. Kendall and I are still on rocky ground I think. I am kind of over her trying to get me out but se doesn't believe me for some reason? Like idk, she reads too much into things, I sent her smiley faces and she thought I was being passive aggressive.... which actually is usually the case but still. Lexi G..... Who? Liam.... Who? Sarah... playing another game with her rn, haven't really talked to her though so idk where that will go. Whitney... Who? From Maine... yet I don't know her... so.... Who?
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The tribe's been so understanding and sweet about my situation. I feel like I can trust all the villains right now. I'll try to talk to Whitney and Liam. Maybe the newbies will try to work with each other. I still don't feel exactly safe on my tribe but I think if I play my cards right it won't be too difficult to secure my place in a solid alliance.
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I am so happy we got a tribe swap. What's best is that Lexi and I are still together and now we have her boyfriend as well. It makes them look like big threats and the tribe could potentially want to vote one of them out sooner rather than later but I am completely loyal to them. It may look like I'm playing for third place but Lexi and Ruben seem like good people so I don't think they would just take advantage of me. It's a tribe of 9 so we only need two more people with us to have majority. Ruben mentioned working with Dom and Jaiden. I talked to both a little last night so I'm hopeful that we can get something solid together with them. Also, Lexi, Ruben, and I are looking for the idol together so even if we don't get someone else to work with us we have that to fall back on. These past few days have been great to Lexi and I. We went from being sitting ducks to finding new hope. Making it to the end together just seems more possible as the days go on.  
I've been inactive lately because I've been studying for midterms. I feel bad for not contributing anything to the challenge. We were close to winning so if more of us had participated we probably would've won. It sucks that I was busy this weekend and I hope this doesn't make me a target. Thankfully not many people did much for the challenge so I feel like I still have a chance. The biggest targets right now would probably be lexi and Ruben because of their relationship. They're my closest allies so I have to work hard to keep them safe. I've been going around talking to people. I'm trying to be strategic and approach everyone by linking an interest they have to lexi or Ruben so they won't vote for them. For example, with Julia, I brought up the fact that there's few girls left so we shouldn't vote for lexi and she agreed. Lexi Ruben and I are definitely voting together so we only need two more people. As long as we get them and no idol is played we should be good.
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So my tribe lost and I kind of saw it coming. I mean half our tribe didn't even make a video for it lol. I only did because alex asked. I know people will probably want me or ruben out tonight since were a couple. I mean if I get voted out, it's whatever. ever since tribe swap I haven't really been paying attention because ive been busy. So I wont be blindsided lol. Hopefully myself,ruben,jaiden,robin and dom should be voting together and will have majority. But they haven't really said anything and I'm not gonna freak out about it. I'd rather vote johnny out just because I'm bitter towards him but I don't care whose name we write down honestly.
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