#i was going to do one originally until i realized just text looked better for now
lullabesstie · 2 months
Found this comment on Reddit. Couldn’t explain it better than this.
“It’s clear from Mist and Fury that the original ships were: Feysand, Nessian, Elucien, and Mor/Azriel. Like it’s so obvious the way she wrote Mor and Azriel; Mor even seems vaguely interested/torn about Az. Looking at interviews, SJM even talks about Elucien as a couple (eg where would they like to travel together, etc).
Flash forward to ACOWAR. For whatever reason (lack of chemistry with Az, wanting more diversity) SJM has Mor say that she prefers women. This time the Az-pining-for-Mor is more desperate/feels like a zero chance of being requited. SJM also introduces Az as a potential love interest for Elain because she loves throwing a wrench. Just because Elucien are mates doesn’t mean they’ll have it easy; SJM’s whole thing is angst. She had to throw in a love triangle to make it uncertain. This is the first couple where mate status is confirmed upon meeting.
But there’s a problem now. If Az and Mor are no longer endgame, who will they end up with? is it not suspicious that the two new characters introduced in SF (Gwyn and Emerie) just HAPPEN to be potentially be good partners for Az and Mor? Like it’s not a coincidence that Emerie looks at Mor and blushes, remarking how pretty she is. It’s not a coincidence that Az and Gwyn have so many interactions in the text. It’s not a coincidence that a “random side character” shows up in a bonus chapter.
When SJM created Gwyn and Emerie, it wasn’t just to give Nesta friends. These characters clearly didn’t exist when she wrote MAF. SJM wanted new characters that would solve her retcon of ending Az/Mor. She wanted to solve the Mor/Az retcon so bad that she created a NEW RETCON of Az going to Sangravah. Like why bother to add that detail if it’s not important.
Also: poor Lucien. His endgame heroine was supposed to be Nesta until SJM realized they would be terrible together and that Nessian had better chemistry. So she gives Elucien the mating bond. Like is she really going to fuck Lucien over TWICE? She loves him as a character and has put him through the wringer. Yes, I agree that SJM can change her mind and maybe is open to mate rejection, but Lucien has already switched love interests from Nesta to Elain! Who else is he going to switch to, considering that Jurian and Vassa are “at each other’s throats?”
Finally, please think about the number of books left. Ignoring novellas (which are probably gonna be fluffy ones like ACOFAS where nothing happens), there are two main books left. Two couples.
Option A:
• ⁠Gwynriel (Valkyrie growth, Illyrian rebellion, exploring Ramiel, Gwyn’s autumn heritage and maybe lightsinger?? powers)
• ⁠Elucien (Helion secret baby, defeating Koschei, freeing Vassa, fixing spring court)
Option B
• ⁠Elriel (mate rejection storyline, potentially some stuff above)
• ⁠?????
Literally WHO is the second book in this equation? Lucien and Vassa?? We barely know Vassa and there’s barely any connection to Night Court. And Lucien’s book is going to be depressing as fuck dealing with mate rejection; does anyone want to read two heavy books of rejection? Jurian and Vassa: again, we barely know them! At least with Tower of Dawn, Chaol had been a main character for a long time with POV. SJM will not do a full-length Emerie/Mor book as much as I would love for one. She’s very cognizant of criticism re: Mor bi rep in the past; she doesn’t want to open a can of worms and be accused of writing bad sapphic rep. If anything, I can see a fluffy Emerie/Mor novella with little angst (or them getting together in the background of other books).
So from a meta structural level, I don’t understand who the second couple will be if Elriel is endgame. Lucien/Vassa is the most plausible answer, but 1) we barely know Vassa, 2) she’s human and Lucien is immortal. So are we going to toss her into the Cauldron to make her immortal? Serious question, and 3) I don’t want TWO books about mate rejection, it’s depressing as hell. I can see one but not two.
But with Gwynriel and Elucien, you have enormous fan and audience interest in ALL FOUR CHARACTERS. They’re directly tied to Night Court and SJM so far has no intention of staying away from the core group.”
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the mindset journey
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So hi.
My mindset has been evolving a lot ever since I started this journey, and I thought I'd lay it all out in one post. Subliminals, mindless affirming, scripting, visualization, states. I've tried so many things out, and I think I've finally figured out what works for me.
Stop “trying” to manifest or checking the 3d, you already have full results, creation was over like since forever.
Sure you know that you’re God, as the posts and everything you’ve seen tells you, but have you really embraced that internally?
It doesn’t matter how many posts you read, it’s up to you to actually change your mindset.
Logic is literally useless, be delusional (don’t you just wanna go ape-shit :), go get your fucking desires)
Time is not linear, and means nothing when manifesting.
Revision is so powerful, use it.
It’s just so easy guys, please just make sure you’re actually applying the information you see instead of just passively scrolling through.
And the rest is under the cut, happy reading <33
I started off in the subliminal community in Oct 2020 and just had so many limiting beliefs, it was sad. Not to shit on the community or anything, some of them are wonderful people and most of them have changed their mindset as well, but my initial knowledge prevented me from getting to this point until now. But, now I’m here, and a day after I wrote this in my drafts, I literally manifested my ideal life. I originally started this blog to collect advice from loa blogs, but honestly, I don’t need any of it anymore. Though I do like helping people, so if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask.
The Initial Mindset:
I always read through countless posts that say “You’re God” and “You literally can get what you want without even trying.” While I understood the text and adopted the mindset, I still did little subconscious things that contradicted it. While I affirmed my self-concept was perfect, I would also cram-study for exams and worry I would fail. I would say I look perfect, but then also worry about the way my body looked. Also, the way that I literally became obsessed with loa media? I spent hours watching Sammy Ingram videos, looping subliminals, and reading tumblr posts on “how to manifest faster and better”. During this phase of my life, my mind was plagued with intrusive thoughts and my self-concept was slowly getting better, but still absolute shit. I would manifest things here and there, but nothing life-changing.
The main problem however, was the fact that I would treat manifesting like a task I HAD to do. Now that school was back in session, I literally would zone out during specific classes on purpose and just affirm to myself. I would feel bad if I hadn’t listened to my subliminal playlist for the day because I “wasted time in getting my desires”. There’s nothing wrong with vainly affirming or listening to subs if you believe it works, but for me, treating manifesting like a task meant that I was looking for an outcome. Clearly, now I know better, that everything is always done and that there’s nothing to complete, but back then, this was probably the main reason why I struggled to see full results easily. I was acting out of desperation and didn't believe manifestation already was done.
When Everything Changed:
I know that it’s different for everyone, but my “aha!” moment was probably when I read this post. Seriously, go read it, it made me realize that I was going about it all wrong. Now, it wasn’t learning how to perfect my manifesting, it was learning to pull out the tiny limiting beliefs that had burrowed its way into my subconscious.
For example,
“I need to do xyz so that I can get my manifestations.”
Why would I would need to do anything if I already have all of my manifestations hmm? It’s literally already done. Like there’s no need to put in that effort into something that’s already perfect right? So why do I need to even need to try? I literally get whatever tf I want without even trying. This doesn’t mean that every method out there is useless, but in the end, you are the one doing the manifesting, not the method.
“But... this makes absolutely no logical sense! How would this even work?”
I know that STEM me loves finding the logic behind everything, so that’s why I struggled a lot with the logic and time aspect. But darling, it doesn’t need to make sense. There are literally so many things in the world that scientists to this day can’t explain, including just how powerful and complex your brain is. Not to mention the fact that concepts such as logic and science are literally man-made too? What’s the point in trying to deal with logic? Just let go and have fun.
“I affirmed so hard, and I believed it. But then it never showed up when the time came.”
First off, your time spent affirming means nothing, sorry to break it to you. It’s about the mindset(your state if you will) you currently exist in that truly makes a difference. And just because it didn’t show up today doesn’t mean that you missed your window of opportunity. Revision is still manifesting, because time is not a linear concept. Anything at any time can just change with a snap of your fingers. You want to change all of your test scores? Bam, it’s done. you wish WW2 never happened? Bam, it’s done. You want to relive the past 5 years of your life? Bam, it’s done. It doesn’t matter what the event is, what time it is, or that you “didn’t do it before the deadline”. Whenever you do get it(which is instant/soon if you're persisting properly), it will be there, seamlessly blended in with your 3d. You don’t need to worry about a damn thing, your subconscious will take care of everything for you.
“Oh no! I just had intrusive thoughts, did I just mess up my manifestations?”
Why are you giving intrusive thoughts the power to do anything? Sure, you may get them, but that doesn’t mean that they have any effect on you. It’s the doubt they make you feel in your mindset that truly messes it up. Don’t give in. Acknowledge the thought, accept that it literally means nothing, and continue to persist. Your thoughts only have the power you give them.
“Nah, everyone has to be lying, this doesn’t seem real.” / ”Manifesting must just be a coincidence, there’s no way this is real.”
Oh? So you’re saying, the amount of posts you’ve seen, all of the success stories, all of the followers and comments, are you saying every single one of them is lying? No. I’m not saying that every single one of them is truthful, but there’s no way that every single one of them would lie and put this much work into something that’s not real. If you find yourself struggling to believe in the law, I’d suggest you try to manifest something small, and then build up your belief from there. I sure as hell didn’t believe in any of this from the beginning, but then, I manifested consciously for the first time. Again, and again. It became easier, and my life got better. It soon becomes apparent that literally everything you think happens. I always used to wonder how things I randomly thought in the back of my head always happened even though I literally didn’t do anything about it in the 3d. This proved to me that your mental state is more powerful than it seems.
“Can I manifest-”
Yes. Just yes. You’re GOD. GOD. Why tf is God asking some random loa account if they can manifest something or not? Ofc God would know that they can manifest whatever the fuck they want instantly. Do you think when God said “Let there be light”, he first asked people around him if he could? No. He took that shit and just fucking ran with it.
“But-but, what if-”
Uh-uh. I don’t want to fucking hear it. Like I said in the previous section, stop overthinking everything you do. Just go. Run with what you already know and manifest the life of your dreams. You don’t need to keep looking for new information, some specific post that changes everything for you. All they can do for you is steer you in the right direction. You’re the one who’s going to have to figure out our mindset and pull yourself together, no one else can do it. Take back your power, embrace it. I don’t care if you unfollow every single loa account or delete tumblr, just stop looking for the next post. Why would you need more information when you already have everything you need?
I wrote down everything I struggled with, forgot about it, and continued to persist in my new mindset. I ignored any negative 3d circumstances, and just vibed in the feeling that my desires were already here, that feeling of contentment someone has when everything in their life is just amazing. The main question I asked myself was, what would a person who had ____ think, and I went from there. Soon the things I wanted just started popping up in my life, just as I knew it would. I feel like the things I’ve said in this post are pretty much the same concepts you see all over loa tumblr, which is why it’s so important that you actively take in the information that’s being given to you and actually apply it. I was obsessed with tumblr and kept on scrolling through countless blogs and posts, and I was only able to fully manifest after I stepped away from all of that. There is no big secret. There’s no miraculous method that will fix everything for you. There’s just... you. And your subconscious. Whatever you tell your subconscious, goes. As simple as that.
How about, instead of scrolling to whatever next loa post you were about to see on this app, you close tumblr and just go live your best life? Don’t overcomplicate it and just do whatever feels natural to you. I hope this post helped, happy manifesting!
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gyuvision · 4 months
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goodnight ricky
wc ; 1k - pairing ; ricky shen x fem reader
summary ; before your roommate left she promised she’d find you a replacement. 3 years later she never did, until now, leaving you as confused as ever while you looked at the 6ft male sitting in your room.
contains -> fluff/slight angst
you came back late, having class at a top (and painfully competitive) med school plus the late shift at the local coffee shop. you were tired especially during exams. all you wanted was to stay in your bed and read a book, or sleep for the rest of the night. however you pleased.
so naturally being that exhausted you were absolutely not expecting the man sitting in your desk, drawing towards the conclusion that you were hallucinating and that maybe sleep sounded like a better idea than a book.
“someone told me to wait for you here”
“you know, your roommate?”
oh. right.
your roommate was your best friend. you were inseparable, shared the same dreams, got into the same college together.
but everything changed. she got a boyfriend, and suddenly your future wasn’t as intertwined as you originally planned it to be.
they broke up and she realized she wasn’t sure what she wanted. everything about her had changed and your schedule almost never lined up because of how many times she changed it for her ex.
so, she cut ties, peacefully. she explained she no longer wanted the same thing as you and left but promised to visit soon and that she’d find someone to take her place because she knew how much you hated being on your own.
guess that explained why the man (who you later knew as shen quanrui) was waiting for you, in the same spot she always waited for you to come home.
“its been.. 2 years since she left. how could you have found me when she couldn’t even shoot a text?”
“unbeknownst you, you mean a great deal to her more than you seem to think you do. i was her partner in art school before we had graduated, and she sent me here. she knows how you are, with your life plan laid out in front of you, for you. she knows you’d still live here even after almost 3 years. she knows you’d end up getting into med school after college. you’re not that unpredictable jung y/n.”
“so i’ve been prepared all my life, and what about it? i don’t march towards things without a plan. and how could you address me by my full name when i don’t even know yours?”
“shen quanrui.”
“shim what?” “shen. quan. rui. shen quanrui. its not that hard.”
“so you’re not korean?” “obviously not. i’m chinese.”
“can you say your name one more time?”
“my god. you can just call me ricky.”
“lovelicky.” “what?” “nothing.”
“i brought back food. it was supposed to be a snack for me but i guess you can have it now that i know i’ll be accommodating for two from this point on.”
“thanks. but uh- can we just go to sleep?” ricky asked, moving from your desk to sit on your twin bed.
“what? this is a two person flat. go sleep in her old room.”
“uh- i would, assuming she left behind her bed. but you kind of boarded up her room and i’m not looking to take it down at midnight on a thursday.”
“oh. i guess you’re right. i forgot about that. i just never assumed she’d actually send someone to me so i didn’t want to look at everything she left behind.”
ricky shrugged and laid down on one side of your bed, while he let you climb into the side touching the wall. since when was he wearing pajamas?..
“isnt this weird?” you muttered.
“not really.”
“i just met you.”
“your couch looks stiff as fuck and i’m not sleeping on the floor.”
right. you had a couch.. maybe med school is taking a toll on your memory. you feel like your frontal lobe is deteriorating.
ricky watched as you reached for a book, before he quickly grabbed your hand and set it back down on the shelf above the bed.
“no. sleep. you have school then the night shift at the cafe.”
“how did you-” “you leave your schedule framed on your fridge.” “right..”
“goodnight y/n.”
“okay. goodnight ricky.”
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animequeen4 · 29 days
Adam x reader
story take place in the garden of Eden (just wanted to try something)
Here @mamamim thanks for the encouragement to write this please enjoy
Yn pov:
I didn’t know what to do anymore
I was originally made to be a companion for the Angel Lucifer as a way to keep him distracted from the humans as heaven has notice he had been spending too much time with the humans getting in the way of them of what their supposed to do. But sadly it did not work and Lucifer and Lilith had fell I love running away leaving me without a purpose making me feel empty inside. I go to one of the trees in the garden and proceeded to try silently. As I am crying I do not hear the sound of someone coming. When I come to, I noticed the human Adam looking at me annoyed until he saw my face.
Adam was not exactly happy to see another Angel considering one just recently stole his wife. but upone seeing the female Angel he feels pity for her. “what is wrong with you?”
“Oh I’m sorry I thought you were on the east side of the garden I’ll go if I’m bothering you” I start to feel even worse knowing that someone saw me at this sad and pitiful state blushing profusely and about to fly off
“wait!… You don’t have to go we can just sit here if you want”
“Um sure I guess it’s better than being alone” sits back down
after that moment be become closer and even become friends. It was a bit awkward after Eve was created but we still made it work and even after he was kicked out of Eden I keep and eye out on him
when he finally made it into heaven we became even closer and somewhere along the way we fell in love next thing I know I made his 3rd and final wife. Things only got better when we found out I some how got pregnant. Adam says it’s because of his “angelic sperm” but we honestly don’t know 😖 either way we are excited and happy and all though it still hurts to think about luci leaving me in heartbreak I wouldn’t change it any way if it meant I didn’t meet Adam and get our happy ending
one day Adam says he wants me to come with him that he wanted me to come with him to a meeting even though it’s in hell and I was 7 months pregnant. he said it was just a simple meeting with Lucifer and his daughter it would be quick and lute couldn’t go with him since she had the day off and he couldn’t get in contact with her and he trusted me. After much discussion and him promising to get me some pickles and ice cream, to carry me there because flying has become a lot harder due to the extra weight and soreness, and him promising to stop complaining about my weird pregnancy cravings and to give me a massage and cuddles later I agreed to go (let’s just say I used this to my advantage a lot)
We got to the meeting room early and waited to meet the father and daughter duo. Charlie can first and came up to shake our hand's and when she saw the baby bump she immediately had start eyes. She even asked to if she can feel the baby bump but backed off upon seeing Adam’s annoyed face not long after she took her seat Lucifer came in
Lucifer pov:
As I was a bit late getting ready for the meeting so as I was getting ready i a got text from Charlie saying she is with Adam and some women who sounded familiar.
upon thinking I realized it was yn, the girl I left all those years ago. I still feel bad about it but I was in love with Lilith and was thrown out of heaven. What no one know was that I did have some feeling for her but I was in love with Lilith.
upon walking into the meeting room I am meet with my sweet Charlie, unfortunately Adam and yn. Granted she looked a little different now but she was still just as beautiful as when I was still in heaven.
After a bit of talking we are finally done and I decided to talk with her a bit unfortunately though we couldn’t really get close to each other due to us sitting on different side of the take. But as I was hoping she was still the same beautiful girl I remember.
yn pov:
As we are finishing me and Adam get up too leave and upon getting up Lucifer screams out “what the what?!?!”
“what?” “you’re pregnant?!?!” “Yes I am, 7 months to be exact” I smile fondly and start caressing my baby bump
“Oh that’s great! 😃 Amazing even! Who’s the lucky guy?” He asks all nervously
Adam then proceeds to come closer and hug me from behind picks me up and Carry me while making a smug face
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“Yup I did that”
“WHAT?!?!” Both Charlie and Lucifer asks surprised but Lucifer says especially
“Yes me and Adam are married and he is the father” I say trying not to act flustered and shows them the wedding ring on my finger
“Wow this is wow I did not expect Adam to want any more children. But I am happy for you” Lucifer says with a little sadness behind his tone
“Thank you and it was nice seeing you Lucifer”
as Adam turns around to walk through the portal still carrying me he looks behind him one last time giving Lucifer a smug smile knowing he now is the one with a loving wife and being loved while luci now know what abandonment he and his wife felt life.
okay this took a while but here it is please be nice this is my first original writing piece thank you hope you all enjoy
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kanna1garden · 2 months
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‧₊˚ genre — romantic fluff
‧₊˚ tags — kissing, hand holding, hugging, age gap, pet names (dear) gift receiving 
‧₊˚notes — Zhongli is a man who got a small break from his job for once and go on coffee run and happens to run into you a beautiful college student, hopefully you can win the heart of this random man.
‧₊˚word count — 2379
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The timer goes off from your phone to show when your class was meant to end. You finally got a head start to leave as you chose to sit in the back today. Today was the day you would finally go to that new shop that opened up. You hoped it was a store that finally sold some type of boba. It has been so long since you had boba ever since you started college. You ran so fast out of class. Sure you might have gotten some stares but its whatever fuck them.
Opening the doors to the outside. You felt the air hit your face. It felt nice for a second until you realized it was moving your hair around. On the way there you fighting with your hair to keep it in one place. Luckily you didn’t run into anything or even get hit by a car. But here you are next to the store you have been waiting to go to for a while.
You walk in. It’s so nice and well kept inside. You see the menu on the wall and see they sell boba and coffee. They even sell lychee flavored boba. “Miss is there anything you seem interested in or do you need help picking from our menu?” Says the lady behind the counter. “Oh no its alright I think im ready to make my order sorry for taking a bit.” You say quickly as you didn’t realize you were taking a while to order.
You tell your order to the nice woman. “Miss your order total comes out to be 220 mora, would that be mora or card?” Says the nice lady. You were shocked with the price. Maybe this is why they didn’t have prices on the menu but this better be the best thing I have. “I'm going to pay with a card.” Unsure if you even had that type of mora on your card. You just heard the door open to the store. You look up to see a good looking man with long brown golden hair walking through. “I'm sorry but your card isn’t going through, is there any chance you have a different type of payment?” The sweet lady asks, breaking your thought process again. You were about to say something with shame but the good looking man says “Don’t worry miss, is it alright with you if I pay your order?” You say with SHAME as you couldn’t pay your own things but at least a stranger is willing to pay. “If it’s alright, I'm so sorry for bringing you to this.” The man only smiles at you after handing the cashier his (childe) card.
After paying for your order, he bought something called osmanthus tea. “Sir, I'm so sorry for making you pay so much.” You say trying to be as sorry as you can be. “It’s alright dear, I offered to pay.” He says being nice to you. “Is there anything I can do pay you back maybe?” You say trying to be nice to him even if you might never see him again. “Well maybe we can talk here for a bit as you seem like a lovely woman to talk to if you have the time.” In the back of your mind you knew you were hoping just for a no as you're a broke bitch who couldn’t pay this off, But you were happy to just talk to a fine looking man who was a gentleman. “My name is Zhongli by the way.”
After some talking and maybe some light laughter at a random table in the store by the window. An hour or so has passed. Maybe this guy isn’t expecting anything from me for paying my things. “Shit” he says shocked when he saw the time. “I'm very sorry dear you are a really lovely woman but it seems I overstayed my welcome.” You try saying something by unconsciously holding his hand to ask something but he moved his hand from yours and he quickly wrote his number for you. “This my number call me or text me when you feel like hanging out again or just talking but i have to go im very sorry.” He says quickly grabbing his things and quickly walking out. All you could do is wait a bit and save the number in your phone…
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
It has been 3 days since meeting Zhongli. Strangely even after all that talking it seems you missed him so maybe it’s finally time to text him. You turn on your phone and look for his number in your contacts.
Heyy its (___)
Hello I wasn’t expecting to get a message from you.
Haha sorry for taking a while to send anything. I got too shocked to send anything.
That’s alright. By chance you might want to meet again?
Of course!! It was so great talking to you last time :3
That’s great to know.
See you soon.
You are now staring at your roof lying on your bed. Just smiling to yourself, unsure why you just recently met Zhongli, just some guy. Maybe you’re just going insane. Your alarm goes off basically saying you are late to class now as you still have to get ready. Maybe this man might cause you hell or maybe bring some type of peace.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
It was a bit awkward getting ready to see Zhongli as you haven’t seen him in a while after that meeting in that store. You’re getting yourself dressed to meet him at the location he has sent you. In the back of your mind you were unsure if you have heard this place before but it sounds so familiar. Xinyue Kiosk was the place. All that you can remember it was a famous restaurant but you could never guess how famous it was until you got there.
You finished getting ready and just realized what time it was. You just realized Zhongli messaged you a bit ago telling you that he was outside your place to pick you up. You quickly put on your shoes. You try to quickly get to the front area to where he was.
In front of you was a 1966 Porsche 911 coupe that seems to be well kept by Zhongli. Sure you never asked how old he is but you thought you could guess how old he was but what if he was older by the type of car he had. It was obvious he had mora from day one. When he realized you were near he opened the other door for you to get. “Good evening dear, how are you today?” He asks you when you are closer to him. “I have been alright and you?” You reply back to him just to keep the small talk. He gets in the car and starts driving while you two have small talk about what ever is happening in the world.
You and Zhongli have finally made it to Xinyue Kiosk Restaurant just to see a line of people waiting to see if they can even get a table. You started to get nervous if Zhongli was going to wait in this line and he could tell. “We aren’t going to be waiting. I have a reservation for right now so we should be going already .” He says smiling at you hoping maybe it would relax you a bit. “Thats good to know that line these like they have been waiting for days!” You know you wont even last an hour standing in a line like this. But at least now no wait. Zhongli parks the car and opens the door for you. “Thank you Zhongli!”
“It’s not a problem this what every man should do for a beautiful woman like yourself”
All you could do is laugh. It wasn’t to mock him but because you didn’t know how to reply but sweetly laughed at the comment. He joined you but it only lasted for a bit. Both of you started finally walking to the restaurant. “Hello, how may I help you?” Asks a girl with short blonde hair and golden eyes whose name tag says ‘Lumine’ and they were at the hostess stand “I have a reservation under the name of Childe.” Zhongli tells Lumine. You are just standing there, thinking who this other name is and if you should even ask. “Okayy, both of you may follow me now” says Lumine sweetly. :3
When you are walking to your table you decide to slip your hand onto Zhongli’s hand on the way there. When he looks back at you, you just smile at him. When she shows what table the two of you will be waiting at and puts menus down and leaves. “So Zhongli may I ask who's that person's name you used is?” You asked him as it was lingering in your mind still. He replies with “We are just work partners and had a reservation he won’t be able to make.” You guessed it was a good enough answer so this place seems to be packed so it might be hard to even get a reservation. Before you could say something, Lumine comes by again and asks if both of you are ready to order something off the menu. “I will get golden shrimp balls.” You order and Zhongli orders “I would like a slow-cooked Bamboo shoot soup if that's possible.”
“I will get that out as soon as i can” Says Lumine trying to be nice. She walks to the back where you guess where the kitchen is. When you see Lumine start cooking what you both ordered. Does that girl do everything around here and where are the other workers? Well you guess that’s unimportant as you are getting your food no matter what. You and Zhongli talk until both of your food comes.
You try to hold Zhongli’s hand while trying to talk to him when you both finish eating and pay. But this time with the speed he is walking. No holding hands this time. But he opened every door again for you but he drove you home with some talking in the car
You are home again. You feel a bit sad as the day is over now. “You know I hope we get to see each other again.” You say to Zhongli that maybe both of you can see each other one day. “Hopefully we both find time for each other to have something like this again” he says waiting for you to go inside your place, and leaves when you are finally inside…
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
It has been a few months and you guys had grown a routine of hanging out with each other with some now and then hand holding. Maybe it's time to tell him how you feel. He might have the same thought as you. Tomorrow you plan on confessing when both of you plan to meet up again. Maybe it's to get some rest for you as you have been just thinking to yourself for a little too long. You were in your sleep for a long time. It was almost time for you to see him. So it's best to use the time to get ready.
You are finally ready to see Zhongli. You can feel your nerves build up as it has been so long you have even been able to think about if you even like someone. You really hope he would feel the same way. You are finally at the place where you both are meant to be meeting at. And there you see him with his long brown hair flowing with the wind in that low ponytail he always wears everyday. “Hey Zhongli!” You say trying to call out to him. “Hello there dear '' he says smiling to you when he realizes you are nearby. “Dear may i ask you something?” He says slightly nervous. “Yea sure what is it?”
‧₊˚✧[ENDING 1]✧˚
You ask back now getting worried about what he might say. “We should hang out more than we do now. Your presence is comforting.” You were unsure what to say you knew this man was old but now you were unsure how old. “Zhongli would there be any chance you would be interested in a romantic partner?” You ask, getting a bit more worried about what his answer would be. “Yes i would be interested in a partner one day maybe.” You guess maybe it's time to shoot your shot cause this might be the only time you will have the guts to say.``Zhongli will there be a chance you date me?” Both of you are now sitting there in awkward silence and he finally replies. “Yes i would.” You felt such a relief after hearing that. You move closer to him and hug him. Zhongli was unsure what to do but hugged you back after a few seconds. He lifts up your face and kisses you. And pulls out a pair of earrings made out of diamonds…
Maybe yall last for a long time and maybe you will live in his memory for a while now. Hopefully you live long enough to stay in his memories before you die leaving him #foreveralone ❤️
‧₊˚✧[ENDING 2]✧˚
You asked back now, getting worried about what he might say. “I think we should stop seeing each other. It’s just for the best.” He says to you. All you could feel is your heart sink but maybe it is for the best. “I know it might not be my place to ask why but i want to know why?” You ask, hoping maybe it’s for a good reason. “I can tell you may be catching feelings and I would never be able to share these feelings with you.” All you wanted to do is cry but you just said your goodbye and ran away..
Heart break will always happen with an old man like him. #foreveralone ❤️
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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Hey, I'm microwavesofconfusion, the one who was planning on confronting the guy from D&D club. I both phrased my first comment poorly and planned poorly. I'm sorry to anyone who took offense from my behavior.
I kind of rationalized confronting him as something that would put me in the right. I originally joined D&D club to have fun playing D&D and because a lot of my friends were in it, but when I found out that he was in it, it kind of ruined a lot of the club for me. I still have fun when I'm playing in groups without him, and sometimes when I'm in groups with him, but whenever he's DMing, I (and other people, including those not in the know) have a terrible time. My school's D&D club has roughly 40 people, but only 20-25 of us sit at lunch together. I used to not sit with them (I used to sit with the band group until we broke up over an argument, but that's another story) but when a lot of my friends graduated, I began sitting with both D&D tables more often. I am genuinely friends with these people, and I love my friends very much. (I don't think that came across well in my comments). The thing is, the guy did some terrible things last year, worse things two years ago, and someone told me that he's doing those things more covertly now. Most of his friends are freshmen and sophomores (with juniors and seniors being reluctant to talk to him) because they don't know what he did. I tried talking to one of my friends about all of the stuff he did, and she sounded like she believed me, but then she invited him (well, via their mutual best friend) to the art honors society party, and she's still on good terms with him because she's never seen anything from him firsthand.
I decided that subtly dropping hints that he wasn't great until people thought about it and came to realize on their own that he wasn't a good person was the way to go, because if I try to tell people, it will become a "he said, she said" sort of thing, and people will rise to defend him. So, rather than say that he told a girl that he wanted to sexually assault her, or try to write down some of his racist jokes (which people defend anyway), I just say stuff like "isn't it weird that his girlfriend is so quiet around him" or "I didn't like how he yelled at us during the one-shot" to get people thinking. While I kind of am turning people against him, it's not empty lies. Everything I'm saying is true, and people can dismiss it as easily as they dismiss other people who tell him to stop making homophobic jokes.
It's not really a matter of whether I like him, I just think that people shouldn't be looking up to him as some sort of role model when he still does shady shit (skipping class to hang out alone in the welding room with someone else's partner is shady, whether it's cheating or not). My methods weren't great, and maybe there's a better way to go about it, but I just don't like how he's starting up again.
He did get punished for the stuff he did two years ago. He got suspended for something around the same time that he got in trouble for peeking in the girl's dressing room while the actors were changing, and he isn't a peeping Tom anymore, but he still convinces underclassmen to skip class to hang out with him, and he still sends people (who aren't his girlfriend) lewd texts, and he still discusses BDSM with anyone who has ears, but idk. How do the people of tumblr think I should have handled this situation?
For context:
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
ignoring erin until he snaps and decides to kidnap reader
Erin fixes his hair using the reflection of a water fountain tap. His father's plain white button up hangs loose around his collar, the antennae of his hornet tattoo visible. The shirt was about three sizes too big, but it was all he could find on short notice. His bleached jeans ruined some of the novelty of the fit which he prayed you'd ignore for him trying to improve. Erin ties his hair into a bun with a rubber band and brushes lint off his tie; straightening his posture as you walk inside the building.
"Morning, Y/n. What were you up to over the weekend?"
You stop briefly to take a look at his attire. It's the most attention you've given him all week. Erin allows you to take a few more steps ahead to create distance before scrambling to catch up.
"Mine was pretty crazy too. My mom was in town and she took me to dinner that just opened up. Maybe I can show it to you sometime?"
You enter your classroom without a word. You had different first period classes so Erin couldn't follow unless he wanted to get yelled at by your teacher. He angrily tears off his tie chucks it in the trash, the top button of his shirt flying with it from the force. He slams his fist into the closest locker and crumbles to the floor below it. Fuck.
"What did I do wrong?"
Erin knew he wasn't a very likable guy. Hell- the first time you spoke was when someone else framed you for stealing his knife. He was comfortable with this idea because he thought it made him look tough. That is until the day it bit him in the ass in the long run.
After the misunderstanding was cleared up, that didn't stop his abrasiveness towards you. Developing a crush on someone he previously berated, the only reason he had for it was the fear of what falling in love with you would mean. That shame was almost justified with how hard he actually fell for you. He thought about you constantly, and when he didn't his whole world felt bleak. He was willing to change for you, and that was the most damning evidence of your claim on him.
Your silence was the cruel awakening to the reality that brute force couldn't win your heart. A person with a better outlook on the world would have realized that from the start. He figured you were find with his tough love and even acknowledged it as such with how you acted at first, but once you stopped responding to him it all became clear.
Erin tried his best. Allowing people to speak before he acted. Returning things he stole. Helping out without being asked. Given, he only did this when you were around, but it had to mean something in his favor. You stopped leering at him in disgust, but that was about it. It drove Erin mad to hear your voice down the halls, only for it to stop when you crossed his locker.
"God fucking damn it." Erin clutches his bruised fist. He tried everything. Neither his status nor his kindness won you over. Couldn't you see he could be whoever you wanted him to be?
Fuck this. If even the better option didn't win, all Erin had left was the original plan.
Did they really have to text you so late?
Tailing back to the campus at the peak of dusk, you relay your frustration to your friend using your keyboard. They tell you not to worry about it and just hurry up. Whatever this is better be worth it if you couldn't just head over to their house.
Walking into the parking lot, the only car you see is an old beat up minivan. You confirm with your friend that it's where they are. You peak through the windows before you even think about getting in - the door opening and arm shooting out once you get up and close.
Erin slaps a hand over your mouth as he drags you in. "Don't freak out. Just- just don't scream."
He buries his head between your shoulder blades, tears staining your shirt. "One night. One night is all I need to prove myself to you. I'll let you go home as soon as its morning, but please... just one."
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rocknrollbabe14 · 4 months
Professor Quinn teaserrrrrr
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Professor Quinn forgets your birthday…..or does he?
Your alarm clock went off, immediately causing you to slam your hand on it to silence it. A soft groan escaped your lips, but quickly faded when you remembered what day it was. Today was your 23rd birthday and that instantly made today a little better. It was not unusual for you to set four alarms in the mornings. You had never been a morning person—except today that is.
Peeling the covers back, you sat up and began to stretch. You’d fell asleep in your usual attire—tank top and panties. Your phone dinged, causing you to immediately unplug it from charging.
-Good morning beautiful. Can’t wait to see you in class. X
You had not saved his number in your phone and didn’t plan on doing it anytime soon. But you couldn’t help the smile that curved across your lips.
-Good morning. And thank you. ❤️ Can’t wait to see you too.
You tried to ignore the ping of the disappointment that creeped into your chest upon realizing that he hadn’t wished you happy birthday. A week ago, you were in his bed—maybe even cuddled up to him after mind-blowing sex and you remembered explicitly mentioning that your birthday was this week. Maybe he was going to surprise you. Or maybe he had forgotten.
-Can’t help but think about what you’re gonna wear, love. Wanna show me or tell me?
Quickly, you typed back a response.
-Thinking I may just surprise you. 😉
Dropping hints much?
-Aw. Want to make your professor wait?
Your stomach twisted and ached at his words. Biting your lip, you texted back again.
-No but doesn’t everyone love a good surprise? I can show you what I slept in last night….if you want……
You laid your phone back down, closing your eyes for a moment. Until you heard thing ping of your phone again.
“Someone’s popular this morning!”, Tori chimed in from outside of your door. “Was just making sure you’re up for your morning anatomy class.”
“I’m up.”, you responding through a laugh, picking your phone up again.
You smirked lightly before laying back in bed, making sure there was a good angle of you. For one, you were usually never confident enough to take sexy pictures of yourself. You didn’t really consider yourself “sexy” but he was quick to reassure you that you were indeed both sexy and beautiful. It was nice to hear it, something you would never grow tired of. The guys you had dated before had never made you feel the way he does.
You pulled your tank top up lightly to give a good angle of your lace panties, leaving little to the imagination and snapped a few different pictures, and wasting no time sending them to him before getting up out of bed and slipping out of your tank top and putting on your push-up bra, adjusting it lightly. Professor Quinn—or Joe as he had asked you to call him convinced you that you didn’t need a push up bra to make your boobs look good. It had been a hard adjustment since you all had began to see each other more and more.
It started with you being drunk at the party, a decision you were originally embarrassed of but had led you down the path you were on now. It was also originally very casual sex or so you’d thought. It began happening after class, in his office, eventually leading to his house. He had offered to make dinner for you one night after he got off work and how could you say no? He was a woman’s dream—great personality, sexy looks, great job, a great house, great car. He had done well for himself and that only made him more attractive.
A smile spread across your face as your stomach flipped.
-FUCKKKK, you’re killing me baby. Only thing that would make it better is for you to be naked and in my bed.
-And just when am I getting that chance again? 🥺
-Let me check my schedule and I’ll let you know soon, love. Be careful coming to class. See you soon. X
You frowned lightly at his response, clearly disappointed with his cryptic answer. Tossing your phone lightly, you finished getting ready. All you could think about was the possibility of him forgetting your birthday and if he did, it would hurt you. You knew that sounded stupid. Sighing, you took one last look in the mirror at your outfit before doing your make up. You had decided on a black long sleeve shirt, a plaid skirt, black tights, and black knee length boots.
For once, you felt confident. You did look sexy in this. If this didn’t grab his attention, you weren’t sure what would. Grabbing your backpack weighed down with your books and laptop, you decided you would grab coffee on the way.
“Have a good day in your sexy professor’s class.”, Tori winked.
You winced lightly. You had hoped she would lay off the comments about your “sexy professor.” It was easy for her to make those jokes before you had entered a relationship with him.
Shall I continue???? 🫠 comment and let me know!
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heartateasee · 12 days
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“Chapter Four”
Word Count: 6.9k
(Chapter four to “Cherry Bomb” - please make sure to read the TW on the “Cherry Bomb” masterlist before proceeding.)
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Giving myself one more small spray of hair spray, I run my fingers through my hair, and tease it a little bit before sucking in a deep breath. Tonight, I was going on a date. It would be my first date since moving back home, and I don’t remember the last time I was nervous for anything other than a gig. I spritz myself with a bit of perfume as I check my phone on my vanity, and I see my Uber is only a few minutes away.
Hudson, my date, had offered to come and pick me up when we were texting earlier today, but I declined. I’m someone who definitely doesn’t feel comfortable with someone knowing where I live on the first date, so I either drive myself, or Uber - if I know that drinking is going to be involved.
I grab my purse from my nightstand and head towards my door, locking up my house before heading into the driveway to get into my car.
Hudson and I met late last week when I was in the local music store when I realized that the original microphone I had in my home studio wasn’t going to cut it. The sound wasn’t clear at all, and I knew that I needed something that was going to record way better than what I had. As I was looking over my different options, I could see that Hudson was also looking at some - two different microphones in his hands.
“I should probably know all this shit given I’ve been in studios so much, but I don’t,” I laughed softly as I looked over at him. “Do you have any suggestions as to what works best in a home studio?”
I figured he would have some insight since he really seemed to be contemplating the two mics he had in his hands. Once he looked over at me, that’s when I noticed just how attractive he was, and then he sent me a charming smile as he moved a bit closer to me.
He walked me through which microphone he thought would suit best for what I needed and why. After I made my decision, we ended up talking a little bit more, and he was interested in what I was doing music wise. He didn’t know who I was, which is something that never bothers me, but it was kind of nice to talk about my newest album without anyone having any idea about what my previous stuff has sounded like.
After that we ended up exchanging numbers since we felt we clicked pretty well, and we’ve been texting everyday ever since. It wasn’t until yesterday that he asked me about grabbing drinks together tonight at a bar he frequents, and I agreed. He seemed really genuine, and nothing thus far had given me any red flags. I had told Kailey at the club a couple of weeks ago that I wasn’t interested in hooking up. I wanted to try and find a relationship, and I made those expectations clear to Hudson a couple days into us texting.
He was on the same page as me which ended up being a big relief.
Speaking of the club a couple of weeks ago, I haven’t seen Harry or Rylan since. I also haven’t heard from Harry at all. No random phone calls, or angry text messages. It was refreshing, and I honestly found myself forgetting that we were even residing in the same area again most of the time.
I hope that Rylan leaves it be from now on, and she doesn’t try to force us to hang out anymore. I don’t want anything to do with Harry. He clearly doesn’t want anything to do with me. It’s best if we just leave things like they were - him ignoring that I existed in his life at one point, and me just having to shove all my memories of him to the back of my mind.
My Uber pulls up to the bar, and I thank the driver before collecting myself and getting out of the car. I walk in, and I see that it’s a bit of a dive bar, but that doesn’t bother me. Local dive bars are sometimes the best places you can find. 
I look around, and I finally spot Hudson at a two top table towards the back of the main area of the bar. Once I reach him, I can understand why he chose this table. It’s a bit more quiet back here, and we won’t have to yell to hear each other over the music or the other patrons.
“Hi,” I smile as I approach him, and he quickly stands up - wrapping his arms around me in a hug.
“Hey,” he runs his hand over my back before we separate, and he pulls my stool back a bit from the table so I can properly sit down. “I haven’t ordered yet. Was waiting to see what you’d like.”
“Oh, thank you,” I say while sitting down, running my hands over my denim thighs. “I’ll just take a Coors Light, please.”
“Okay, sure. Do you want a shot as well?”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” I nod. “Anything is fine. I’m not picky.”
Hudson reaches forward to give my hip a soft squeeze before he starts off towards the bar, and I let out a deep breath as the sensation it causes in my stomach. Seeing him again, I’m reminded of just how insanely attractive he is. I keep my eyes on him for a moment before I turn to sit properly at the table. I get my phone out quickly to let Kailey know that I’ve arrived safely.
She made me share my location with her earlier tonight just to be safe, and honestly, I’m glad she did that. It was something that I hadn’t even thought of, but now we both have each other's locations, just in case.
I pull up my email on my phone as I wait, and answer an email from Lys regarding the status of my first recording to submit to the label. I respond back to let her know that I was having an equipment issue, my mic specifically, but that I would be able to start recording as soon as possible.
I’m quick to lock my phone back up as Hudson comes back over, and I smile up at him. “Thank you so much.”
I see he has a beer for each of us, passing me mine before setting a shot before the both of us as well. “I got gold tequila, I hope that’s okay.”
“Totally fine,” I nod. “Like I said, I’m not picky.”
We each lift our shot glasses and tap them against each other before Hudson speaks. “To our first date.”
“To our first date,” I repeat with a nod before we down the shots - setting the glasses back down on the table afterwards.
After a moment we start to engage in a true conversation, and it so happens to be one about music.
“So, you’re working on your new album, right?” Hudson asks, to which I nod. “Who would you say are your heaviest influences so far?”
I hum softly as I take a sip of my beer - contemplating my answer. “A mix between older artists and modern artists. I really enjoy Joan Jett, Blondie, Heart, Annie Lennox, Fleetwood Mac and Billy Idol from the past. If we’re talking more modern, Lizzy McAlpine is great, No Doubt, and I also like Ethel Cain. Although, Ethel writes a bit darker than me.”
Hudson nods in response. “I’ve heard of Blondie, Fleetwood Mac and Joan Jett, but I don’t think I’ve heard of any of the others. Maybe if I heard a song or two by them then I’d know.”
Narrowing my eyebrows slightly, I’m a bit shocked that he hasn’t heard of at least Billy Idol or No Doubt the most, but I let it slide. It’s always something I can introduce him to later on.
“Who do you like to listen to?” I ask curiously, raising my eyebrows softly.
“To be honest, I listen to a lot of music, but most of the time I don’t know who I’m listening to,” he shrugs. “I’ll usually just turn on some type of mix playlist that’s already curated for me, and just play that in the background while I’m working or doing chores around the house.”
I purse my lips to the side, not really understanding his take on music, but I leave it be. Maybe we don’t have as much in common as far as music goes - at least not in the way that I was expecting.
“That’s a good way to find new music, I guess,” I smile as I tap my fingertips on the top of the table nervously. I search my brain a bit to figure out what to change the subject to. “I don’t think I’ve asked, but have you always lived in LA?”
Hudson shakes his head, setting his beer back down on the table. “No, I’m originally from Wyoming. I moved here a couple of years ago to pursue art full time. Both making it, and dealing it.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize you made your own as well! What’s your go to medium?”
“I like charcoal mostly, but it’s pretty messy,” he chuckles. “I can show you a couple of pieces, if you’d like.”
“Yes, please,” I say, leaning over the table a little bit as he pulls his phone out and begins to scroll through his camera roll.
“This is my most recent,” he states, turning his phone to face me better, and I swallow harshly.
The art in front of me…is not good.
I can tell where his vision is, but it’s definitely not executed in the right way. I know art is subjective, however, I can’t make heads or tails of why he’d choose this way to interpret his vision.
“Oh,” I lick over my bottom lip. “It’s very unique. I don’t think I've ever seen art quite like this.”
Not exactly a lie.
“Thanks, Marlowe,” he smiles, showing me a couple of other pieces before tucking his phone away. “I know you talked about getting art for your home recently, so if you ever want me to make you something, just let me know.
Yeah, that’s not happening.
“Sure! I don’t have too much space on my walls anymore, but if I end up rearranging some stuff, I’ll let you know.”
Hudson and I have been at the bar for a couple of hours, and honestly, this date wasn’t going at all like I expected. He’s nice enough, that’s for sure, but I’m definitely not feeling a spark like I was hoping based off of our text conversations. At first I thought maybe it was nerves between the two of us, but I feel like if that was the case, they would have faded by now.
“I’m going to go and grab another beer. Do you want one?” I ask as I push myself off my stool.
“Yeah, sure. I’m just going to pop into the restroom real quick.”
I nod at him before heading towards the bar, ordering us another round of beers - putting them on Hudson’s tab as he’s instructed me to do all night. Carefully carrying them back to the table, I sit back down on my stool, my back to the main bar as I push his beer over to his side.
Hudson returns only a few moments later, and we start up another round of small talk which only seems to be dwindling more and more with each conversation we try to engage in.
Soon I hear a loud commotion behind me, the sound of glasses clashing and a stool scraping the ground, and I look over my shoulder to see Harry towering over a shorter guy by the bar.
“Fuck,” I whisper, feeling conflicted on what to do at the moment.
I watch as Harry pulls his long hair back into a bun, and he walks forward so his chest is pressed against the man’s. The last thing I want is for Harry to get in some sort of legal trouble that could come back to bite him for however many years.
“This guy again,” I hear Hudson mumble, and I look over to him with narrowed brows. “The one with the long hair - he’s always fighting. He’s close with one of the main bartenders, and that’s the only reason why they let him back in. He’s also drunk off of his ass most of the time, so I think they pity him. Can’t hardly pay his tab half of the time unless his little blonde girlfriend is with him.”
An unfamiliar feeling lingers in my stomach as I listen to Hudson’s words, and I’m already looking back to Harry.
“I’ll be right back,” I say, quickly getting up, and I feel Hudson’s hand on my arm.
“You’re not going over there, are you?”
“I…I know him,” I tell him, holding his eyes for a moment before I pull away and start making my way over to the bar.
Before I can get there, I see the guy pop Harry in the mouth with his fist two quick times, and I pick up my speed - pushing through the crowd that managed to gather around them. Harry lands another fist to his brow, and I can see now that his mouth is bloody, and his brow is split.
“Harry!” I call out once I make my way past the people, and he looks over to me - his expression showing one of surprise at my presence.
I knew it was highly foolish of me, but I just want this to stop, so I shove my way between the two men so I can press my hands against Harry’s chest. Walking forward, I attempt to push him away from the other guy. “Come on, don’t do this.”
Harry continues to stare at me, his gaze hardened, but I can see something else brewing behind his eyes.
I open my mouth to speak again, but I’m quickly yanked away from him by my shoulders - being flung into a nearby table. Gasping, I grip to the surface to stabilize myself, and I realize it was the guy fighting Harry that shoved me away. When I look back at Harry, I see nothing but anger all over his face.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Harry’s voice bellows before he lifts his fist - gripping to the front of the guy’s shirt as he clashes his knuckles against any part of his face that he can connect with. 
“Harry!” I yell out, shaking my head. “Harry, stop!”
Soon two security guards come over, and they separate the two of them before shoving Harry towards the front door, and the other guy towards the back door.
“Both of you get the hell out!”
Afraid of what Harry could do being alone like this, I make my way back to my table to let Hudson know that I need to leave, but I see he’s already left - the receipt for the tab on the table to show that it’s paid. I flip it over and I see that he’s scribbled on there that he had a nice time tonight, but needed to head out.
Rolling my eyes, I know that means we won’t be seeing each other again, and that’s honestly fine with me. I grab my purse before heading towards the front and exiting. I look both ways on the street before I see Harry leaning up against the brick building with a cigarette dangling from his fingers on his bloodied hand, and I slowly walk forward to him.
He looks up from his feet, and I wince when I really take in the damage the guy had done to his face.
Harry pushes himself off the wall to close the gap between us - eyes scanning over me as if he’s checking me for injuries too.
“Are you okay?” He asks, and I think it may be the softest I’ve heard his voice be since being back.
“I’m fine, I’m not worried about me,” I shake my head, going to lift my hand to inspect his face further, but I drop it back down. “You should really get your face cleaned as soon as possible. That gash on your eyebrow looks bad.”
Harry rolls his eyes as he takes another drag of his cigarette, swaying a bit. “You shouldn’t have fucking gotten in between us like that, Marlowe. That was stupid.”
“Well, excuse me for trying to look out for you,” I snap, crossing my arms over my chest as I shake my head. “I might not like you, but I don’t want to see you get in trouble.”
“Don’t act like you actually fucking care,” he scoffs, flicking the ash from the burning stick. “Just another one of your self-righteous acts.”
I stare blankly at Harry as he looks around the street a bit before focusing back on me.
“Fuck you, Harry,” I whisper before turning around, walking away as I pull my phone out of my purse to order myself an Uber home.
As I stand there, I go to move my arm to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear to get it out of my face, and I wince at the dull pain that throbs in my upper part of it. When I ran into the table, I guess my biggest point of impact was my bicep without me realizing.
I punch my address in, and Uber connects me with a driver as I patiently start to wait.
“Are…are you sure you’re okay?” Harry’s voice makes me jump, and I look over to see him in closer proximity than before. “You looked in pain for a second there.”
“I’m fine,” I look out to the road in front of us. “My arm is just a little sore.”
We stand in silence as cars pass by us, and I can see Harry drop his cigarette onto the sidewalk after a minute or so - snuffing it out with the toe of his boot.
“How are you getting home?” I ask, and when I look back to him, I see his eyes look even more glazed over.
My guess is that he must have ripped a few shots before getting into that fight, and the alcohol is catching up to him even more now that his adrenaline is wearing off. He takes another step towards me, and he sways again, but this time harder, and I’m quick to catch his falling body.
“Shit,” I hiss as I tuck my arm without any pain underneath one of his to keep him up straight - pulling him into my side. “Do you need me to add a stop for you to my Uber? Do you need me to get you home?”
Harry’s eyes run over my face drunkenly, and he lazily licks his lips. “I’ll be fine.”
I shake my head in response. “No, you won’t. You can’t even stand up straight, Harry. Tell me your address, and I’ll add it to my ride.”
Before Harry can say anything else, my phone vibrates to indicate my Uber is here, and I look over to see the car my app had paired me with.
“God, I’m going to regret this,” I whisper to myself as I shuffle us both into the backseat - greeting the driver.
I’m thankful it’s a bit dark in here, so I’m sure he can’t see the damage done to Harry’s face, or just how fucked up he is. I’m also praying that Harry doesn’t end up getting sick on the drive home.
Bringing him back to my house seems like the only option at this point considering he won’t tell me where he lives, and I know I couldn’t leave him alone outside of that bar. He’s so drunk that I don’t think he’d even find his own way home, and as angry as he makes me, he doesn’t deserve that. Who knows what could happen if he ends up passed out on the street somewhere.
As we’re driving down the road, Harry’s body moves slightly with each turn, and I scoot over in my seat a bit to press my body against his to keep him upright. He looks down to me, and I see his throat expand as he swallows before slowly lifting up his hand.
“You sure it’s okay?” He slurs, ghosting his fingertips over my upper arm before dropping his hand back into his lap.
“I’m fine, promise,” I assure him, feeling the emotional whiplash that he always seems to provide - having it smack into me at full force.
It doesn’t take long for the Uber to get us to my house, and I once again thank the driver before getting out, and then carefully pulling Harry out as well. I keep an arm securely around him while fishing through my purse for my keys as we walk onto my porch. Once I find them, I unlock the door, and I lead the two of us inside - blindly throwing my hand out to the side to reach the switch to turn on the lights.
“Here, lean against the wall for a second,” I instruct him as I shut the door and lock it up before I hang my purse on the hook - tossing my keys onto the small table in my entryway.
Once I turn back to Harry, I see him looking around, and I shrug off my jacket. I drape it onto one of the arms of the coat rack in the corner before I pull him into my side again. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”
Harry grumbles, and I know he wants to fight me on this, but I don’t think he has the energy, or the proper thought process, to do so right now.
I get him into my guest bathroom - coaxing him to sit down on the closed toilet seat before I dig underneath my sink for my first aid kit. Once I find it, I place it on the counter and open it up, immediately going to the alcohol wipes in there so I could clean his cuts up. I made a mental note to remember to grab rubbing alcohol next time I was at the store - just to have under the sink at all times.
Moving to stand in front of Harry, I tuck one of my hands underneath his chin to cradle it in my palm so I can properly look at him in the light. I lift the wipe up to his brow, and I speak before I have it make contact with his skin.
“This is going to burn a little,” I mumble before starting to rub it against the wound.
Harry just lets out a small grunt, his body tensing for a moment before he relaxes. I can feel his eyes wandering all over my face as I tend to the gash thoroughly, and once I get it cleaned up, I’m grateful to see that it’s definitely not deep enough to need stitches. 
“Why were you even trying to fight that guy anyway?” I ask as I head back over to the kit for another alcohol wipe so I can clean the blood that had gathered in the corners of his mouth.
“He’s an asshole,” Harry reaches up to pull his hair out of the bun - letting his long curls fall against his shoulders.
“Oh, like you?”
The words escape me before I can filter myself, and I stare down at the kit for a bit longer until I look back over to Harry. His eyes hold mine, but he doesn’t say anything as I walk back over to begin wiping at his mouth.
I clear my throat after a moment - wanting to just get back to taking care of him. “I have some mouthwash under the sink. It’s usually for canker sores, but I think it might help with where your teeth have cut into your lips. You should really rinse with it.”
Harry just hums in response, and I pull away once again to get a good look at him. “You’re all set.”
As I go to put the first aid kit away, I pull out the mouthwash and place it on top of the counter. Harry stands and lazily grabs the bottle, swaying a bit as he looks down at it.
“Go ahead and rinse. I’m going to get the guest room situated for you,” I tell him before exiting the bathroom and heading down the hall.
I go ahead and pull the covers back on the bed so that’s one less thing he’ll have to do, and I dig through the nightstand drawer for an extra phone charger in case he needs it. Kailey had left one here as a spare the couple times she’s stayed over.
As I go to exit the room to grab him some water and some Tylenol, I collide with Harry in the doorway. “Make yourself comfortable, okay? I’ll be right back.”
I move around him and make my way into the kitchen where I quickly fill a glass with ice water, and I grab two Tylenol from the cabinet above the sink. Once I get back into the bedroom, I see that Harry’s jeans and jacket are draped over the chair in the corner, and I swallow harshly when I realize he’s laying underneath the covers in just his boxers and shirt.
“Here,” I place the glass down with the pills next to it, and I see his phone is sitting there, but the screen doesn’t light up when my hand moves over it. “I think your phone might be dead. I got a charger for you. Do you want me to plug it in?”
Harry shakes his head, sitting up to take the water and the pills. He gulps the Tylenol down quickly, and drinks about half the glass of water before setting it back down. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“What about Rylan? She’s not going to get worried if you don’t answer?”
“Sometimes I let my phone die so I can be alone, and I don’t have her pestering me,” he slurs before laying back down, pulling the covers up to his chin.
I frown at his answer, but I don’t argue with him. “Alright, well…I’m just down the hall if you need anything. I’ll take you home in the morning, okay?”
Harry’s eyes shut, and that’s when I know I’m not going to get any more responses from him tonight. I turn on my heel and head back into the hallway that leads into my room. Once I’m inside, I shut the door behind me, and I strip myself of my clothes, and then wipe my makeup off while sitting at my vanity. After changing into some PJs, I collapse into my bed.
Staring at the ceiling, I wonder if Harry’s going to be angry when he wakes up tomorrow and realizes where he is. Is he going to mouth off at me? Is he going to try to say I pity him, or that I’m being self-righteous again by bringing him here?
I suck in a deep breath as I tell myself I can’t worry about that right now. That’s a problem for the morning - not tonight.
Turning onto my side, I plug my phone in and turn on my lamp before cuddling underneath my covers, and falling into a deep sleep.
Stirring in my bed, I blink my eyes open to see the sun just barely peeking through my curtains. I glance over to my nightstand to see that it’s a little past ten, and I groan. It’s been a while since I’ve slept in this late, but I’m sure the events of last night had me feeling a bit more exhausted.
I jolt up in bed when the memories hit me, and I stare blankly at my wall.
Harry is here. He’s in my house.
I take a minute to gather myself before I slip out of bed, and I rummage through my dresser to pull a hoodie on over my tank top that I wore to sleep. Grabbing my phone, I head out of my room, and I quietly head down the hall towards the guest room. I crack the door open, trying to be as quiet as possible, and I see Harry sprawled out in the middle of the bed.
Silently making my way into the room, I grab the glass I had given him last night, and I’m happy to see that it’s empty. I know it’s not a lot in comparison to what he drank alcohol-wise, but at least I know he had a full glass of water in his system. I head downstairs to quickly refill the glass, and grab two more Tylenol, before heading back upstairs.
I sit the items down on the nightstand, and I bite down on my bottom lip as I brush some of the hair out of his face to get a better look at his injuries from last night. He has a decent bruise surrounding the gash above his eyebrow, but thankfully his mouth seems to look okay.
Not wanting to linger too long and risk the chance of him waking up to me staring, I exit the room and head back down to the kitchen to begin making us some breakfast.
I rack my brain a bit as I try to remember exactly what he likes for breakfast food, and I’m almost certain that he always liked my mom’s homemade pancakes. Rummaging through my pantry and cabinets, I realize I have everything I need to make them, including syrup, so I get to work - starting to mix everything into one of my large mixing bowls.
I begin to play some music quietly on my phone as the first pancakes begin to cook in the pan, and I walk over to press the start button on my coffee maker. 
While making my way through the pancakes, I purse my lips to the side as I realize it’s been so long since I’ve cooked for someone other than myself. I’m not the biggest fan of leftovers, so I’m usually sticking straight to a recipe that will only produce one serving - that way I’m not wasting any food.
“This has to be some type of joke,” I jump at the sound of a low voice rumbling in my kitchen, and I look over my shoulder to see Harry standing by the island in the middle of the room.
“Fuck, Harry,” I gasp out, clutching the spatula in my hand against my chest. “You scared the shit out of me.”
My eyes scan over him for a second, and I watch as he puts the glass that I left on the nightstand for him down on the counter. I’m happy to see that it’s empty again. “So, out of all the women in LA that I could’ve gone home with, how the hell did I end up here with you?”
I roll my eyes at his comment, shaking my head as I turn my attention back to the pancake in front of me - flipping it.
“That’s a crappy way to talk to someone who kept you from sleeping on the street last night,” I say, not speaking too loud though. “Also, did you forget you have a girlfriend?”
“I wouldn’t have slept on the street,” Harry almost laughs as he says it, and for some reason that has me growing irritated.
“Oh, really?” I ask, throwing a laugh right back at him. “You could hardly hold yourself up, and I asked you several times what your address was, and you couldn’t even answer me. I think it’s fair to say you wouldn’t have been getting yourself home.”
It goes silent between the two of us as I take the finished pancake out of the pan, stacking it on the plate with the others. “I have one more pancake to make, and then we can eat.”
“You made me breakfast?”
I look back to Harry to see an expression I don’t recognize from him covering his face, and I nod. “I just figured you’d be hungry. I was going to take you home after, but if you don’t want anything, then I can take you home now.”
Harry continues to just stare at me for a moment before he shakes his head. “Breakfast is fine.”
“Okay,” I respond, and then I grab the mixing bowl - pouring the batter for the last pancake into the pan. “The coffee in the pot over there just finished if you wanted some. And if you want something else other than that or water, I have juices, and a few sodas, in the fridge.”
From the corner of my eye, I can see that he steps towards the coffee pot, and he pauses - beginning to look around.
“Mugs are in the cabinet right in front of you,” I instruct him, placing the empty batter bowl into the sink.
Harry opens the cabinet, and he pulls a mug out before pausing. “Do…do you want a cup?”
I raise an eyebrow at his back, not having expected him to offer, but I don’t comment negatively on that - no matter how close the words are to the tip of my tongue.
“Yes, please. I like mine with some sugar, and a bit of oat milk.”
Walking back over to the pan, I flip the last pancake, and I smile when I see this one is just as perfectly golden brown as the others. I let Harry do his thing as he moves around my kitchen, not watching like a hawk like I want to, and I pull the pancake from the pan.
I set the plate with the stack in the middle of my dining table before returning to the kitchen to grab both butter and syrup. Once I’m back, Harry is already sitting down while leaning over to place my mug at the head of the table, and he’s sitting in the seat beside me.
“You didn’t have to do all of this,” he mumbles once I sit as well, and I just shrug in response.
“I know I didn’t, and honestly, you don’t really deserve it, but I wanted to.”
Harry catches my eyes for just a moment before staring down at the empty plate I had already set down on the table before I started cooking. I don’t comment any further as I lift my plate and grab my fork - stabbing two pancakes and dragging them over.
For a second I think Harry isn’t going to indulge, but then he also reaches out to take two pancakes. While I smother the tops of both of mine with butter, I can see Harry is doing the same. We go to reach for the syrup at the same time - fingertips brushing against each other. Harry clears his throat before dropping his hand.
“You go first.”
Nodding, I take the bottle, and pour just the right amount that I like over my creation before passing it over to him.
We eat in silence for the most part, but I can’t help but speak up after a while.
“Last night you said you were only trying to fight that guy because he was an asshole,” I state while cutting off a new bite of pancake. “What’s the real reason?”
Harry pauses in the middle of bringing his fork to his lips, but once I look over to him, he sets the silverware back down against his plate. “He uh…he said some shit about my mum. His dad used to date her or something.”
I can’t help but wonder if what the man said about Harry’s mom was justified because truly, she’s not a good woman. The older I’ve gotten, the more I find it hard to wrap my head around how a woman allowed herself to get so drunk around her teenage son for years. I know she has a problem with alcohol, but I’ll never understand how she prioritized that over her own child. Unfortunately, by the sounds of it, she still continues to.
"I'm sorry, Harry," I extend my condolences as Harry pops his bite of pancake into his mouth, but I don't really mean it - at least in the way that I’m not sorry someone spoke ill about his mom. I am sad it led him to want to fight someone though. "How's your face and your mouth feeling?"
“Face hurts,” he winces a bit as he grazes his fingers over the darkened bruise and gash. “But my mouth feels fine. I don’t think my teeth dug in too deep, and I’m sure that the rinse you had me use helped a lot.”
“I thought you didn’t remember where you were this morning,” I smirk softly, realizing that I caught him in a lie. He does have memories of last night.
Harry’s eyes wander over my face, and he opens his mouth to speak before I hear a chime coming from my phone over on the kitchen counter. 
I stand and make my way over to it, and I panic when I see I clearly have a meeting at noon for a local gig Lys had found for me. An open-mic type event.
“Oh, shit,” I shake my head when I see that it’s already a little past eleven. 
Racing back over to the table, I pick up half of one of the pancakes I had left, leaving the other on my plate as I shove it into my mouth. I grab my coffee mug, and I begin to quickly head down the hall.
“I’m sorry, I completely forgot I have a meeting today at noon!”
Entering my room, I crack my door, and I pull off my pajamas and hoodie, heading into my closet to find something easy to wear. I settle on a black dress that has a corset-like top, and I pull it over my head - thankful that it supports enough for me to not have to wear a bra. Sitting down on the side of my bed, I roll my fishnets on, and slide black ankle socks onto my feet before shoving them inside my usual pair of Dr. Martens.
From there, I pull my door back open in case Harry needs to say anything before sitting down at my vanity to do some quick make-up. I guzzle down another few sips of coffee after applying concealer where needed, and I lean closer to my mirror as I start on my eyeliner.
I see that Harry has moved from the table to stand in the door out of my peripheral, and I lick over my bottom lip.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to just dart up from the table like that. I just hate being late for stuff,” I explain as I start the eyeliner on my other eye.
“It’s fine.”
From there, I can see he’s crossed his arms over his chest, and he’s now leaning against my doorway - watching me intently. I don’t comment on it. I just let him watch.
After coating my lashes in mascara, I stand up and drink down the rest of my coffee before heading into my en-suite. I brush my teeth as fast as I can, while still being thorough, and I walk back out to see Harry dragging his fingertips over the neck of my acoustic guitar in the corner.
I come to a complete stop as I see him tilt his head to the side, and I watch him take in a deep breath as presses down a bit harder while running his fingers down the strings. It makes that small little scratching noise as he does - causing him to straighten up a little bit with his mouth pursed.
Once he abruptly turns his attention to some of the artwork on my wall instead of my instrument, I make my presence know again as I re-enter the room.
“I’m sorry, I promise I’ll take you back to yours as soon as I get back, but I don’t have time right now,” I head towards my front door, and I can hear Harry following behind. “Please make yourself at home while I’m gone, and if you need anything, just text me okay?”
I sling my purse over my shoulder, and grab my keys from the table near the door. 
“Okay. You just…you’re fine with me just staying here?”
I shrug as I open up the door, and I turn around to keep facing him as I step outside, and backwards, onto my porch. 
“Maybe I’m making a mistake, an even bigger mistake than letting you stay here last night, but hopefully you’ll prove me wrong.”
Harry narrows his brows, but he doesn’t speak before I continue.
“Just lock the door up for me, alright?”
Turning around completely, I head towards my car while unlocking it, and I slip in the driver’s seat as I punch the address to the venue into my GPS. I get out of my driveway and onto the road as I truly process the fact that I’ve left Harry alone in my house.
“Please,” I whisper, shaking my head. “Please prove me wrong.”
Taglist: @daydreamingofmatilda @prettygurl-2009 @ghoststyles @lillefroe @gem1712 @lemoncrushh (if you’d like to be added to my taglist, please send me a DM!)
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odiesbun · 1 year
Could I request a TXT reaction where you call them by their name? No honey, no baby, no dear. Their name, and they end up like "What did you just call me?"
Hope you're doing good :)
♡...You call them by their name...♡
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There may be errors in the text, as my native language is not English. Thank you for your likes and your request!
genre: fluff, some angst
warning: mention of Bahiyyih from Kep1er in reaction to Kai, insults, little banter, resentment, full names of the guys.
w.c: 1.3k.
a/n: I hope you like this part and the ones that came out a little earlier, haha. This reaction is very one-note because my inspiration is at zero, but come on. Happy Valentine's Day, my babies!
•Yeonjun is used to the fact that you always called each other cute or funny names. So when his name came off your lips instead of «baby» or «darling», Yeonjun's face contorted into a surprised grimace.
You were sitting on the couch, cuddling and watching a movie after a long, exhausting day. You asked him to serve you popcorn and at first he didn't give it much thought until he realized.
- „Wait, what did you just call me?“ - He arched one eyebrow, crawling closer to you and handing you a small bowl of popcorn. You smirked, pretending not to understand.
- „Yeonjun? What is it about your name that makes you so surprised?“ - You smiled, making Yeonjun sigh and bite his lip. He ran his hand through his hair, leaning back on the back of the couch.
- „Usually you call me «baby», «darling», «sweetheart», but not Yeonjun. It seems rude and dry, like you don't love me anymore... Did I do something wrong?“ - Yeonjun's eyes glisten with the tears that come up, he clings to you desperately, begging you to tell him what happened.
•Will pay you back in kind. Once you decide the reason for Yeonjun's sudden new nickname, he will, in his heart, still be offended. So don't be surprised that instead of the usual affectionate words, you'll be a simple Y/n.
- „Y/n, I'm off to work!“ - Yeonjun smiles slyly, peering out from around the corner and squinting his eyes. You tsk, crossing your arms over your chest.
- „Choi Yeonjun, are we going to keep resenting each other and calling each other our usual names?“ - You sigh irritably, rubbing the bridge of your nose.
- „Well, if you call me my name again, yes.“
•In the beginning, when you first started dating, you kept calling yourselves by your first names, for you were too shy to use the typical, cutesy nicknames. But once you got really serious, you started calling each other cute nicknames. So Soobin was surprised and at least a little offended.
You were both cooking your weekend breakfast in the kitchen, chatting nicely about the events of the past week exactly until his full name flew off your lips.
- „Soobin, could you...“ - You start to speak, but Soobin quickly interrupts you, putting his hands at his sides and adopting a serious expression on his face.
- „What did you call me?“ - Soobin turns around with a maniacal look, holding a knife in front of him and looking annoyed. You instantly startle, nervously guffawing away.
- „Honey? You heard me, ha ha, I really did call you honey!“
And Soobin really believes he heard it. Because he hears his name so often, especially from people he doesn't even know, so he thinks he's really paranoid.
- „That's better, baby.“
•Soobin is usually a soft and sweet boy, but in this situation. In this situation, I imagine he'll be teasing you about it for a long time, so you guys will have a lot of banter(and more) after this incident.
- „Hey, shorty Y/n!“ - Soobin giggles, putting his hand on you like you're his personal armrest. You tsk irritably, rolling your eyes.
- „You're just a skyscraper Soobin.“ - You verbally shoot you a smirk.
- „I'm not that tall, you're just too small, Y/n.“ - I hope you understand what happens after this incident.
•I swear by all my original kpop albums, it came out completely by accident. You and Beomgyu had a certain thing in your relationship - you called each other things that normal couples don't call each other. For example, every time before you went for a morning walk with him, you'd say: „hey, long cucumber, let's go for a walk!“ - because Beomgyu is quite a tall boy compared to you. Or every morning, Beomgyu wakes you up with the words: „Thief, wake up“ - thief because you stole his heart.
When you had another evening grooming session, which you did almost every day, giving each other different face masks, my head and all, you didn't notice yourself calling Beomgyu by name.
- „Beomgyu...“ - You started, but the guy interrupted you instantly.
- „Beomgyu? Just Beomgyu? Is that all I've gotten in all the months of our relationship?“ - Choi crosses his arms across his chest, snorting resentfully. You raise your eyebrows in surprise, completely unaware of what he's talking about.
- „What are you talking about?“
- „About what you called me! Am I no more than Beomgyu to you now? Surprisingly so.“ - Beomgyu splashes his hands, putting all your grooming products aside and going into the other room, offended by you.
•Oh, that baby... We guys won't talk for three days now, until Beomgyu gets tired of resenting you and needs your hugs and kisses. He'll definitely bring it up in the future when you're calm and try to understand each other.
- „Why did you call me by my full name? I'm used to the fact that I'm usually something more to you than just Choi Beomgyu...“ - He lowers a confused look at his hands, watching as you intertwine your fingers together.
- „It was an accident, really... No offense, I just wanted to call you something else, but it came out that way. I'm sorry I made you think I didn't love you.“ - You smile as you watch Beomgyu nod with a smile.
•Your jokes and «casual» words won't get through to Taehyun! Because he doesn't care what you call him. Even if you call him a hurtful word, Taehyun will keep smiling and looking at you with loving eyes... That boy is so in love with you, ah.
- „Taehyun, I'm going to be late at work today, so your food will be in the microwave. Don't forget.“ - You smile affectionately, waving goodbye to him. Taehyun nods.
- „Ah, yes, of course. I get it, I won't forget.“ - He comes up to you, hugging you by the shoulders and kissing your cheek. But as soon as you hide behind the front doors, his indignation reaches him.
- „Wait, she called me Taehyun... Wait a minute. Taehyun? Why my name exactly?“ - Taehyun assumes a sitting position, hovering in a web of thought.
•He doesn't really see anything serious in the fact that you just called him by his full name. But he'll still talk to you about it once you get home.
- „Honey, hi. How's it going? How's work?“ - He smiles, running his hand affectionately over your shoulders. You sigh relaxed.
- „Everything is fine.“ - You nod, leading the way to your shared bedroom to share a bed with Taehyun.
- „But why did you call me Taehyun, my full name? I'm usually «dear» to you... Or «sweet»...“ - Taehyun frowns his eyebrows in the dark, his gaze turning to you. You giggle, apologetically.
- „I just wanted to see your reaction and what you would do if I did that, honey. Sorry~“ - You kiss him on the lips, feeling him literally melt in your arms.
♡Huening Kai.♡
•Don't touch the poor boy, please. He will seriously cry if you call him by his full name, it's his worst nightmare. Because he once read on the Internet at school that if people call each other by their full name, their feelings cool off for each other. So he gets scared, Kai panics.
You went out with his little sister, Bahi, for her high school graduation day. And when you called Kai by his real name, only Bahi gave it meaning, for Kai was too engrossed in the conversation.
- „Why did Y/n call you «Kai Kamal Huening» and not «cute», as she usually does?“ - Bahiyyih raised her eyebrows, leaning her elbows on the table.
- „What do you mean by that? Oh... Indeed.“ - Kai's eyes widen, and he purses his lips and turns his gaze to you, waiting for an excuse. If you say it was an accident or something, Kai won't rest for days, wondering why, of all the nicknames, you chose his name.
•Soon you settle this silly misunderstanding, Kai will act suspiciously. If you talk on the phone, Kai will stand under the door eavesdropping. If you talk to him, Kai will listen to every word and absorb it like a sponge.
- „Kai?“ - You gasp in surprise as you run into Kai in the doorway after your phone call. You almost hit Kai with the door, the boy smiles awkwardly.
- „Hi.“ - He giggles, nervously putting his hands behind his back.
- „Were you eavesdropping?“ - You arch an eyebrow, clearly unhappy with your boyfriend's behavior.
- „...Yes, sorry...“ - Ashamedly, Kai answers, lowering his head.
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rfxiii · 7 months
Okay but......... Franklin Clinton being jealous/protective
(ik ik this trope is basic and overdone , BUT I LOVE THE JEALOUS TROPE😭)
(so sorry for the long wait! 😭 and tysm for a Franklin ask! there’s a shameful lack of Franklin stuff out there and I’m happy he’s getting some love <3 anyways, I love this troupe and loved writing about it! I hope you like it!)
TW: none
Franklin Clinton Being Jealous/Protective Over A S/O:
He’s so protective over you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him, and there’s nothing in the world he’s going to let hurt you. Whether it’s one guy trying to flirt and making you uncomfortable, or a whole group of guys catcalling you, Franklin is ready to fight if it means making you feel safe.
Since you are, quite literally, the best thing in his life he does tend to get a little jealous. He’s handsome, smart, talented, but he hasn’t ever had really good luck with a lasting relationship or someone that cares for him like you do. So, he does get a little jealous. He’s proud of the skills he’s learned from Michael, and of how far he’s come. But regardless of if you’re unemployed or a millionaire he’s always going to have this feeling in the back of his mind like he’s not good enough for you.
He lets his feelings fester. He’s embarrassed of getting jealous over things and won’t necessarily come to talk that over with you when he first starts feeling that way. He’ll sit on the feelings until he’s made it into something way bigger than it originally was. It can cause fights sometimes, and if you excuse yourself to get some space and think things over he starts to panic that you’re going to leave him. It’s usually once he’s panicked that he finally opens himself up to talking about what’s bothering him.
He’s not necessarily insecure- but if you’re out and he notices another guy eyeing you, or even if Lamar makes some kind of passing comment about how hot you are, Franklin is instantly on the defensive. If it’s Lamar or another person he’s close with he’ll make some snappy comment about backing off or how you’re out of their league- it usually dissolves into lighthearted banter and taunts after that. But if it’s just some rando on the street or in the club he’ll watch your body language to see if you’ve noticed or if you're uncomfortable then either remove you from the situation or aggressively confront the guy depending on how insistent the offender is.
He’s not the steal your phone, or lurk through your social media following, kind of guy. But if he catches you on your phone during a time where it’s supposed to just be you and him, or if y’all are out and he notices you checking your phone or smiling to yourself he may let his thoughts get the better of him. He won’t take your phone or demand to see texts. But he may get a little grumpy and give you an offhanded “Who got you smiling like that?” or “Who’s textin’ you this late?”.
A master at the discrete death glare. You can have guy friends. But if he catches even a hint of this guy trying to make a move, he’s gonna give him a look that’ll have him quickly reconsidering.
He can be..a little underhanded and sneaky. If you have a male friend that won’t back off, that you don’t realize is flirting with you, he may just send Lamar, or worse, Trevor, to scare him off. It’s not that he can’t do it himself, but it’s a way to keep his hands clean. Having one of his crazy friends do it gives him plausible deniability.
If he misconstrues a situation badly enough, or you ever do break his trust, Michael will be right there to help him pull this guy's house off a cliff or chase him through the city too. Franklin has always had his back and he’s going to help return the favor if he needs it.
But really, Franklin is a great guy. And while he may have his shortcomings or insecurities - as everyone does, he does truly love you. All he needs is a little reassurance and for you to spend some time earning his trust. But once you’ve got him convinced that you do truly love him and won’t leave him, he’s yours forever. He’ll protect you and he’s a little possessive of you. But can you blame him? He loves you more than anything.
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beomqutie · 2 years
ㅡ txt when their s/o is on their period
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genre: fluff
wc: around
tw: mentions of food, blood
yeonjun probably has it all planned out. he doesn't know when exactly you'll get your period but he stocked up on everything; snacks, painkillers, sanitary pads, you name it.
you came to the dorm from college since you had promised yeonjun his weekly amount of cuddles, even though you'd rather stay at home. during class you got your period and originally had texted yeonjun to ask if you could come over another day because of your period. he however begged for you to come until you gave in, who would be able to withstand his charm anyways? arriving at the dorm yeonjun welcomed you with a soft peck on your lips before handing you a small pile of clothes and pushing you towards the bathroom. before you could even say anything he closed the door, making you look down at the clothes which you could make out to be one of his trousers and a hoodie. you changed into them and came back out only to be met with a big variety of all your favorite snacks on the living room table. yeonjun was already on the sofa shuffling through netflix to find a good show for the two of you, he really was prepared.
"come here sweetheart, let's watch movies! i still need my cuddles too"
i feel like soobin tries to let you do your own thing. he notices your change in behavior but doesn't so anything unless you ask him to since sweet baby doesn't want to annoy you or make you upset. he's always up for cuddles though!
coming home from college you dropped your bag off near the counter before making your way too your room. you opened the door only to see soobin already in your room, playing some game on his phone. you had both agreed to not meet up today since you're on your period and had a bad day anyways, not wanting to lash out at him. however currently there was nothing that you wanted more than a good amount of warm cuddles from your big boyfriend. you had texted him to come over but didn't expect him to arrive before you. soobin stood up after seeing the stress out look on your face and wrapped his long arms around you before gently guiding you towards your bed. the two of you plopped down onto it and entangled your legs. you let out a content sigh, already feeling better with soobin by your side.
"it's okay baby, i'm here"
probably the best and worst to have in such a situation! he radiates warmth and loves cuddles so he acts like a personal heating pack for your cramps. at the same time he still wants to tease you every now and then and might accidentally overdo it sometimes, but nothing that a few cuddles and kisses can't fix!
you had been at the dorm alongside beomgyu the whole day. he had taken such good care of you; cuddles, a warm bath, tummy rubs and even a home cooked meal he got taehyun to make! however he had teased you just as much. as the two of you were on the couch watching a disney movie you started crying because of a characters death. normally you wouldn't cry at this scene given you've watched it a lot of times already but in your period you just felt more emotional, totally normal! beomgyu thought it'd be funny to tease you for crying about the movie and thought you'd take his little joke well, like you usually do, however, that didn't happen. you got upset and made your way towards his room to go and lay down. of course beomgyu realized his mistake quickly and went after you to shower your face in kisses as an apology, which you accepted.
"i'm *muah* sorry *muah* my *muah* gorgeous *muah* princess *muah*"
did his research and really tries to understand your behavior while you're on your period! can be slightly annoying though when he tries to lecture you on what you should and shouldn't do during this time. he's right, but no one wants to be lectured on their period.
having been alone at the dorm all day since the boys had to attend their schedules you were growing hungry after laying in tyun's bed all day. the cramps killed you which made you not want to stand up and do anything but watch netflix on your laptop. however you thought tyun would be disappointed if he found out you hadn't eaten much throughout the day so you decided to stand up and make something to eat. right as you were cooking spicy ramen for yourself the dorm door opened and the sound of five pair of feet waddling through the hallway filled your ears. the boys greeted you on the way to their respective rooms with only taehyun engulfing you in a short welcoming hug. when he pulled back he saw what you were doing at looked at you with wide eyes. spicy food wasn't good when om your period and he knew that it would probably worsen your cramps from before. he'd give a short lecture knowing you probably didn't listen anyways and then offered to cook something for you, which you gladly accepted.
"y/n eating spicy food really isn't good for your cramps. let me cook something instead, okay my love?"
huening kai:
sweet baby, the first few times he just offered you cuddles and his plushies for comfort but over time he for better! stocking up on pads and snacks for you whenever you ask! even though he's slightly embarrassed when he has to buy pads.
you were lying on his bed with his big molang plushie between your arms. hyuka said he'd only be gone for 20 minutes but by now 50 minutes had passed and the only thing you got was a message from his asking which pads you wanted. you had answered him within a short amount of time so it was questionable why he hasn't gotten home yet. after about 15 more minutes you heard the front door open and close before an exhausted sigh could be heard from hyuka. he entered the room with a big grocery bag and emptied everything on his bed. he bought five different kinds of pads alongside a few chocolate bars, a bag of chips and some fruit. he claimed even though you told him the brand he didn't know which ones to get so he had to ask the employee. even just telling this story made his face go beet red, which made you give him a sweet peck on his cheek before going to the bathroom.
"i felt so stupid y/n! what kind of boyfriend has to ask the employee which pads to get?"
© beomqutie, please do not translate, copy and/or repost my work.
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Flufftober Day 3: Thick as Thieves
Raphael x Gn!reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: friends to lovers, pining, slow burn, Raph's got a crush, good moments between Raph and Don, spelling mistakes, Vern makes a bad comment (he apologizes), 
Summary: You and Raph are friends - no, best friends - and despite what everyone thinks, there’s no feelings between you two...right?
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You remember the night you met the boys as if it only happened yesterday.
Your best friend April had finally opened up about her "extended family" and you were shocked to say the least.
But you quickly realized these were the sweetest, kindest, and most amazing men you'd ever met.
Well, almost. Raphael was quite distant for a good portion of the evening, only saying a few words here and there.
After they left, April said they were a bit suspicious of you because they didn't often meet people. You understood and never pushed them beyond just simple conversation.
Donnie and Mikey warmed up very quickly and you'd spent countless hours playing Mario cart with them. Leo finally started smiling when you talked with him, but Raph was still a little aloof. You never pressed, giving him his space, he'd open up eventually.
It wasn't until about 2 months later that you'd been invited to a Halloween party at Vern's penthouse.
You had a fun night, you finally met Casey, April's boyfriend, and realized very quickly that Vern was a player.
The boys were there, but they weren't wearing costumes, simply wearing their normal gear. You brought it up, not judging or mean, just asking if they had costumes.
A drunk Vern answered. "They don't need costumes, look at 'em! Already look kinda freaky,"
The group went quiet, in shock that Vern, their friend had said something so rude. April was clearly ready to beat his ass, Casey put his arm around her to stop her. Donnie's jaw dropped, glasses slipping down his nose. Leo's haw dropped, drink almost slipping from his hand. Mikey looked the most pained out of them all, wondering how a friend could say something like that.
Just as Raph opened his mouth to yell, you started ripping Vern a new asshole. Saying they weren't freaky or weird and that they were more man than Vern would ever hope to be.
Vern said nothing, just nodded and left the conversation, knowing he was drunk and needed to step back. The boys thanked you before mingling with the other party goers, wanting to forget the whole ordeal.
Raph approached you with an awkward smile. "Uh, thanks, for what you said to Vern. It's not often people stick up for us like that,"
"I wasn't just going to let him bully you like that, no one deserves to be treated like that," You smile, noticing how his shoulders ever so slightly tensed at the mention of him deserving better. "But you never answered my question, do you guys have costumes?"
"Uh, no, we weren't originally going to come, but Mikey was complaining the whole time while we were out and with all the heavy crowds it would've just made patrol ten times harder-" He rambled on, saying more words than he ever meant to. Talking just felt so easy with you, you engaged and listened to every word he said.
The next day Vern (thankfully sober) profusely apologized to the boys, saying he didn’t mean any of it and it’ll never happen again. April still punch his shoulder with a warning that if he ever said something like that again he’d get his ass beat into the ground. 
He got your number that night and you've texted every day since then. You have a lot in common and have the same type of humor. Raph felt as ease around you, like he could talk about everything and nothing and he wouldn't get judged about it.
But after a few weeks he suddenly started feeling strange. He'd stare for longer than he'd mean to. He started to notice your deodorant and shampoo and he could tell when you changed it. He found any and all excuses to be around you or touch you: walking by? Hand on arm. Sitting on the couch? Arm on the back across your shoulders. Hair in your face? Gently moving it behind your ear.
The others started to notice, Mikey making the most annoying comments.
"You obviously like them!"
He didn't do these things because he liked you. He did them because 1. It felt nice to have physical contact with someone. 2. You didn't flinch or pull away when he reached for you.
You were his best friend. His most trusted confidante.
I mean sure you were very good looking, but everybody knew that. And you had very big eyes, that he admittedly liked to look at. And he really liked hearing you laugh, especially when you'd touch his arm after he told you a funny story.
But it wasn't a crush. It didn't feel like a crush. Okay, well, he didn't know what a crush was supposed to feel like but it didn't feel like how it normally did in the movies.
Raph tossed and turned in bed, running his hands down his mask less face. Sleep was evading him for the third time this week. His thoughts consistently about you.
Glancing at his nightstand, he reached for his phone, groaning at the time. 3:52 AM.
He needed to get up and take a breath. A cold glass of water should do him some good.
He rose from his bed, being careful not to trip over anything in the dark. The lair was quiet as he padded to the kitchen, the lights were always kept on incase one of the boys wanted a midnight snack.
Entering the kitchen, Raph paused seeing Donnie sitting at the dining table. They both awkwardly stared at each other for a moment, before Raph cleared his throat.
"I'd ask if ya can't sleep, but it's clear from your coffee cup that ya haven't even gone to bed yet," Raph walked over to the cabinet, getting a glass and filling it in the sink.
Donnie snorted, taking a sip from his mug. "If we're guessing why the others up then I'm going to say you've got something on your mind,"
"It's nothin' just....just some sleep troubles," Raph downed the half full glass in one gulp, gently setting the glass cup in the sink.
"Talking about it might help," Raph rolled his eyes, turning to face Donnie, leaning against the counter.
Donnie had always been a gossip, he'd never spill anything you told him, but he was annoyingly pushy and nosey.
"If I tell you, will you shut up?" At Donnie's nod, Raph sighs. "I'm thinking about Y/n,"
"Ah," Donnie gets an excited glimmer in his eyes. "You finally gained the courage to ask them out?"
"What? No!" Raph scoffed, rolling his shoulders and crossing his arms. "It's not like that,"
"It's not like that?" Donnie mimics, lowering his head to glance at Raph over his glasses.
"Yeah, we're best friends, nothing more,"
Donnie rolled his eyes, glancing at the ceiling. "Please tell me you're joking,"
"What're ya talkin' about?" Raph raised a brow, feeling his guard start to go up.
Donnie held his mug between his hands, easily dwarfing the cup, almost laughing as he spoke. "It's so obvious you have a crush on them-"
"I don't have a crush on them! They're my best friend!" Raph interrupted, unable to help himself. "This is exactly how Mikey treated April when they first met,"
"Yeah, except Mikey got over it and now sees her as a sister, you, my friend, have not," Putting his elbow on the table he leaned his chin on his palm.
"It's not a crush,"
"You know what, you're right," Donnie took a sip of his coffee, looking away from Raph and licking his lips.
It was never a good thing when Donnie admitted someone else was right and didn't put up a fight. A smirk formed on his face, setting down the mug and glancing back to Raph.
"You're right, Raph, it's not a crush," Donnie leaned forward, both elbows on the table. "You love them,"
"Watch your-" Raph took several steps forward, pointing an angry finger at him.
"Shh, don't want to wake up the others, do you?" Donnie calmly whispered. Raph clamped his mouth shut.
When Donnie had mentioned 'love' his chest got tight and his knees started to shake. Surly he wasn't in love with you: he couldn't even tell if he had a crush on you.
Raph sighed, pulling out a chair and sitting across from Donnie, leaning in with a quiet voice.
"I'll tell ya if you promise to keep it between us," Raph holds out his arm, second finger up.
Donnie smirks, putting his second finger around Raph's (their version of a pinky promise). "Deal, I won't say anything,"
"I-I....I think I have feelings for Y/n, but I don't know, it-it doesn't feel like a crush," Raph sits back in the chair, looking at his lap, rubbing his hands together.
"What do you mean?" Donnie calmly says, noticing how honest and scared Raph's tone is.
"In all the movies and stuff, people say it's like butterflies and you can't talk when you're around them, and stuff, but I don't feel that. I'm calm and I feel like I can talk to them about anything," Raph vents, honest to god vents for one of the first times in his life.
Donnie stays silent, allowing him to get it all out. They'd always been close, having the occasional moment or late nights like this, but Donnie felt good knowing Raph felt comfortable enough to tell him.
Raph sighed, glancing up at Donnie. "Alright, say your smart speech, I know you're dyin' too,"
"Some romance experts say that it's a mix between all those things, but most say that you should feel calm around them, like they're a breath of fresh air," Donnie pauses to take a sip of his coffee, grimacing when he realized it was luke-warm.
Raph nodded, licking his lips, his pulse quickening. "So, you're saying it is a crush?"
Donnie shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "I can't tell you how you feel, Raph. I can tell you what I see, from both you and Y/n, but you're the only one who's going to know,"
"But I don't know! And what if I'm wrong?" Raph rubs his head, getting upset. "What if I ask them out and they say no or what if we go on a date and I realize I don't like them and then I've ruined our friendship?"
"I think..." Donnie pushed his glasses up his nose. "You are way too stressed over this situation to not have feelings for them. Just, think about it, not just what you feel, but what you want. Do you want to go on dates with them? Hold hands? Kiss them? That stuff should tell you whether you like them,"
Raph almost took his questions seriously, but quickly shut his mouth before he answered. Raph laughed quietly, running a hand across his bald head.
"I think you should go get some sleep," Donnie snorted. "You look exhausted,"
"Speak fer yourself, genius," Even with the insults, Raph nodded, standing from the chair, it squeaking against the floor. "Thanks for listenin', Don," He mumbles, looking at the floor.
"Anytime," Donnie leans forward, lightly punching Raph's arm. They both laugh softly before Raph sighs and heads back to bed.
Laying down he pulls his comforter to his neck, rolling on his side, thinking about what Don had said.
Did he want to take you on dates? What kind of dates would he even be able to go on? Movie nights with cheesy rom-coms that you laugh at every time? Walks in the park while you wear something that he made you?
Hold your very small and very soft hands? He's not sure if he could given he only had two fingers. Did he want to kiss your lips? The ones that always have lip balm on, that smell like strawberry and frame your smile.
He sighed, picking up his phone and going to his photos. On your birthday you’d taken a selfie with him, one of the only pictures he had of himself and you were in it. 
You had such a bright smile.
He opened up your messages, feeling an inner battle brewing. Taking a deep breath, he made up his mind. 
Early Monday morning you’re up before 5 getting ready for work; while brushing your teeth, your phone goes off. Rinsing your mouth you open your phone expecting to see Raph’s ‘good morning’ message. Instead, Donnie’s name pops up; raising an eyebrow you open the message. 
Donnie: called it, Raph admitted he has feelings for you, expect a phone call or text in the next twelve hours, pay up $$$
Your face warmed, a grin breaking out across your face. A few weeks ago, Mikey had started to make comments about you and Raph, and how strangely close you guys were. You brushed it off, not thinking too much into it, Mikey always teased you. Then Donnie and Leo both started making comments as well, Donnie took pity of your blushing face and told you it was obvious Raph had a crush on you. 
And Donnie, being the little shit he is, made it a bet. And now you owed him 50 bucks. 
Even as your PayPal hurt sending the money to him, your grin got even wider seeing another message pop up. 
Raph <3: Hey, wanna hangout later? There’s something I want to tell you
tags: @flufftober @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch
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tenderfxck · 1 year
no, no, no, youre so right but i might be a little evil with him.
i want al haitham to deny all his pining with all of his might because it really doesnt make sense for him to like me when i go against everything he thought his type was.
hed act like he doesnt want to be in your space all of the time 24/7 but if that was true then why is he always around? doesnt he have better things to do? he doesnt seem to be focusing too hard on that book in his hand either hmm... its so obvious to everyone else but he'll keep on acting like he's not so blatantly into you. its almost cute and very fun to watch but you cant indulge him all the time! you have a meeting scheduled with a certain mr. ragnvindr so he'll just have to survive a little without you. surely he can manage not getting too horribly jealous
i dont even like him that much hes just so...so bullyable...
heh sorry if this skews from what you were thinking but the idea of bullying this man got to me feel free to ignore me
anon this is ABSOLUTELY what i’m talking about. i want to be a menace to him. i would be best friends with kaveh just so we could torment him.
so this got long, if you are okay with me dunking on al haitham, so much is under the cut
translators note: the original text looked something more like “BARKBARKBARK BARKBARK BARK GRRRRRRRRR BARKBARK”
i’m sure at some some point (probably after too many nights just pondering the thought of you) he finally settles on the fact that you simply interest him. or that your talents in your respective field are exceptional and something to admire.
and then the entitlement starts.
well, he’s is the grand scribe isn’t he? with his position, intellect, and good looks he could have his pick of the lot. and it just so happens he’s picked you.
he’ll watch you from day to day, still bugging you and trying not to let those playful, yet sharp words you throw right back at him irk him so much. he’s certain you’ll come around. you probably like him just as much.
yes… you’re probably just playing hard to get.
so that’s why it hits al haitham like a ton of bricks when you reject him.
it all culminates when he finally plucks up the courage to let you know that he, even with his discerning eye, has chosen you for the great privilege of being his lover.
and then you do the last thing he thinks you would.
you laugh.
it’s not mean one, per say. more a laugh of disbelief. disbelief that he thinks anything he’s done has merited your admiration.
and THEN he’s just so vehemently jealous. if not him, then who? piercing gazes at whoever you’ve chosen to wrap your arms around turn murderous in intent as you pretty hands tangle with theirs.
and not with his.
his pride has been wounded, but this archon-forsaken infatuation still remains. and he stays like that until he realizes this is not how love begins, it’s how desire festers.
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greenerteacups · 8 months
I power read Lionheart months ago and it's been living in my brain ever since. In random moments, I see/think about your characters in the world around me. Like: a couple in the park holding hands? I start musing on your Draco's PDA thoughts. I remember the handholding moment as the Third Task started. I see a threadbare book in the thrift store? I wonder how fired up Hermione would be if someone asked her if wizards had an obligation to fix Muggle goods. If Reparo can fix a roof (and costs a witch nothing), should impoverished Muggles have to fight with their insurance company after a storm? On and on. I love it.
Thanks for opening up your asks for questions! Seriously, that's a badass move. There have been a few stressful moments in my life where--bing!--I check Tumblr and read one of your answers and I'm immersed in your HP world again, carefree and curious. <3
I have about a billion things I could ask/am curious about, but I'll restrain myself to two. This time. ;-)
Draco's mentioned once or twice that Harry & Ron don't understand him and Hermione. I was interested in that moment right before Draco follows Hermione to the Owlery. Harry stopped Ron from saying anything, and Draco recognizes that he's probably just as ignorant about Harry and Ron's friendship. So: 1) Is it too spoilery to ask what Harry (dear, sweet boy that he is) has noticed about Hermione & Draco? Does he think of them as one nerdbrain, or is he like Draco? Hermione? Weren't they married like, ages ago? I'm so fascinated by what others see when they look at Draco and Hermione because good GOD, what a power couple. And 2) Could you speak to Harry and Ron's relationship? Is Harry like, "Ron, you've gotta kill that Hermione pipedream," or is that topic irrelevant in the face of Quidditch gossip and less relationship-driven moments? Their (Harry and Ron) connection just seems so...necessary. It's beautiful.
I hope you're doing well! Thanks again for sharing such an immersive, gripping story with us.
Aw, this is so touching, thank you! I'll try to answer your questions as best I can without spoilers or breaching any rules on author-answer-ethics. Standard disclaimers: anything not in the text doesn't count, if I want you to believe something I have to give you a reason to believe it in the body of the fiction itself, and you're free to disagree with anything I say here. For the purposes of these types of questions, I'm basically just a fan who knows what the author had for breakfast this morning.
Harry knows that Hermione and Draco are... something. I think this comes through most in the arc of Book 4 where Ron separates from the group, and it becomes a tricycle of Draco, Hermione, and Harry. Harry is miserable, and it's not just because Ron leaves (although that's a large part of it); he's now in the position that Hermione occupies for most of the original series, where he understands very clearly that his other two friends, while both loving him very much, are First in each other's minds. He has a number of remarks that start to show his irritation with this, though he tries his best to be understanding — it is a similar dynamic to him and Ron, after all. (Fun story: I didn't realize until late in my drafting how much Hermione and Draco's dynamic echoes Harry and Ron in canon, from meeting on the train, the paying-for-candy moment, the Sorting, the class partnership, etc.)
All this to say that Harry looks at Hermione and Draco and sees a wall, in the same way that Draco looks at Harry and Ron and sees a wall. He doesn't understand it, but he knows that's deep water, and he knows he's usually better off not touching it. (Some of this comes through in Ron's conversation with Draco by the pumpkin patch; there's a blink-and-you-miss-it reference to "whatever the hell you and Hermione have got going on," along with a quick gloss on their weird pseudo-spiritual mind-meld connection, which was meant to give a glimpse into how the rest of Gryffindor sees them: eerily well-suited people with separately terrifying abilities who, when together, sail merrily off into their own universe of intelligence/plots-and-schemery and become a black hole of You Don't Want To Fucking Know. I sometimes amuse myself by thinking of Dean and Seamus giving the first years PSAs on Do Not Approach the Wild Swots In Action.) And he, like most of Gryffindor Tower, would have to be blind not to see how much they favor each other. They're always together. There's really nothing that they can do to hide it.
Which is probably why he pulls Ron back in the Owlery moment. He understands that what Hermione is dealing with is something that Draco, perhaps only Draco, can fix. She needs to hear a very specific kind of reassurance, and she needs to hear it from him. In the same way, when Hermione tried to calm Harry down before the plan to rescue Sirius in the third book, she failed miserably; they love each other intensely (they're siblings! the muggle-born twins!) but they're extremely different, and of all the Quartet dynamics, they're the ones who seem most at peace with that. Harry and Hermione's friendship works because they get what the other needs and they get that sometimes it's not them. (Harry more than Hermione, because she's still working on the concept of "sometimes people do not want my help" in general, but still.) There's a reason basically no one ever speculates about them being involved outside of a joke, because no one who knows them would think they could work romantically. They love each other, but they weird each other out, and they're content with that.
In contrast, Ron and Harry's friendship is more of the soul-bonded, life-partners, "he is more myself than I am" kind of friendship. Catherine and Heathcliff dig-up-the-corpse-to-lie-down-with-it type of shit. When Ron gets a death scare in the finale of Book 3, Harry goes fucking ballistic. Likewise with Harry's portkey fakeout in the end of Book 4 — Ron loses his shit. They are deeply, irrevocably attached to each other in an almost codependent way, which is the product of Harry's "first friend ever, like literally fucking ever, not nobody else, not one" situation meeting Ron's "first person who ever loved me as Ron and not so-and-so's brother" situation. So just as you put it, really: necessary and beautiful (and messy).
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 11 months
Battle Of The Knights Pt. 4: Round 3 -Marc
Pairing: Moonknight trio x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: nothin- you're safe
Genre: fluff- still just fluff lol
Summary: "So let me get this straight, you all like me, so you each want to take me on a date and let me decide what to do after?" You can't believe the words you're hearing even as you repeat them back.
What happens when the relationships you've built with Marc and his two alters are turned on their heads by a proposition that is anything but simple? How can they expect you to risk blowing up the carefully crafted dynamic you've worked so hard to create? And why do you agree to such an insane suggestion?
As much as you'd like to sit and stew on your date with Jake the way you did with Steven, you're starting to think it's best for everyone not to draw this out any longer than absolutely necessary, so the following Friday you text the trio again, this time addressing Marc, with a message identical to the one you sent Steven and Jake.
Marc. Your week starts Sunday. You have until next Sunday to plan and execute a date on a day of your choosing or you forfeit your turn.
Marc almost immediately shoots back an affirmative like Jake did.
But it wasn't until the next day that he reached out to give you any information on your date.
Hey y/n, right now my plan is to pick you up at 7 pm on Friday. Is that okay?
You chuckle to yourself as you read the message. He's the only one who asked if his choice was convenient for you. Even if that time didn't originally work you would make it work, if that's what time his plans are for you have no intentions to make it any harder.
Of course! See you then.
You shoot him back your reply quickly. Friday. You just need to make it through Friday. That is doable. On Thursday you remember to ask for a dress code since none of them seem particularly fond of revealing their plans in advance and when you're again told to keep it casual, you pick out a pair of shorts and a crop top for your third mystery date. Marc knocks on your door just after 7 looking a bit frantic when you open the door.
"Sorry I'm a bit late. I brought you flowers." Marc says holding out a bouquet of pretty purple and white blooms.
"Oh, it hasn't even been five minutes, don't worry about it. Give me just a second to set these up in a vase and then we can go. Okay?" You tell him, turning back into your apartment to put the flowers somewhere.
"Sure!" He calls after you without crossing the threshold. You don't actually have any vases lying around so you stick them in one of your reusable water bottles until you can get them a better home. No one's ever gotten you flowers before so keeping a vase in your apartment has literally never occurred to you before this moment. Marc waits patiently at your door until you return. It's strange to realize this but before now you hadn't really thought about it much until now. Usually, the boys move about your apartment as if they live here but through this whole process, none of them have stepped inside. Whether that was something they agreed on in advance or just a subconscious side effect of the temporary dynamic change you're not sure but you're not about to tip the scales for any of them by inviting Marc in. He can wait at the door if that's what he's chosen to do.
"Okay! Let's go." You smile at him once you're done, stepping out and locking your apartment door.
"Do you have your underground card by the way? We'll have to hop on the train from here." Marc tells you before you leave the building.
"Yeah, I've got it. Where are we going?" You ask.
"Oxford Circus." He says.
"Oxford Circus? What are we doing over there?" You ask frowning in confusion. The name of the station does not give you any clues as to what you'll be doing.
"That's all I'm gonna give you til we get there babes." Marc says.
"Fine." You say with exaggerated annoyance that makes Marc laugh as the two of you walk to the nearest underground station. You catch the next train headed for Oxford Circus while Marc asks you about how your week has been at work. Once you're off the train Marc takes your hand as he walks the streets to an unknown destination. After a few minutes, he pulls open the door to a building that you just barely catch the name of.
"Minigolf?!" You gasp.
"I thought it'd be fun, something laid back and low stakes. You know, except for the fact that you're definitely gonna lose."
"I'm gonna lose?! Oh, you are so going down Spector." You laugh.
"Yeah sure totally." He scoffs as you walk up to the desk at the front. The two of you pick your course, get your clubs and choose from the basket of colorful golf balls, yours blue and his yellow, and then the competition begins. You keep score because Marc is notorious for not doing that properly whenever you play games. By the time you get to the last of the nine holes of the course, it's not hard to guess how things will end. You line up what should be your final shot and knock the bright blue ball against an edge of the course that pushes it into the hole.
"HA! That's game baby! You lose." You jump up when it rolls in.
"Hey now, I could totally make this shot you know. It's not over til it's over." Marc defends.
"Even if you do make this shot Marc you're still five up. You can't beat me at this point." You shrug and Marc lines up for his next putt. It takes Marc two more shots to get his ball in.
"Damn." He shakes his head.
"Yeah- I totally wiped the floor with you." You laugh.
"No no, you wanna have the higher number obviously, so I win." Marc says looking at the scorecard.
"I know I've called you an idiot a number of times but I don't think you're that dumb. Or maybe you are if you think that's gonna work." You scoff. Marc slaps a hand against his chest dramatically.
"Ouch! Must you kick a man while he's down?" He sighs.
"Aw poor baby." You pout at him. "I'd feel worse if you hadn't declared that you'd beat me before we even started." You smirk at him.
"How evil." Marc smiles.
"That's what you get for saying I would and I quote 'definitely lose'. Looks like the stakes weren't what you thought they were."
"When did you get so good at mini golf anyway?" He asks.
"Oh I don't know. I don't play that often."
"What?" He blinks at you.
"I'm just good at most things." You shrug.
"I'd do well to remember that then." He hums.
"Yes. You would." You smile and turn to walk back to the desk to return your club and golf ball with Marc quickly catching up to walk beside you.
"So- I was thinking we could get burgers, or if you want something that's more upscale there's an Italian place not far from here that's pretty good." Marc suggests once the two of you have exited the building.
"In the theme of laid back and low stakes- burgers sound great." You say with a slight nudge.
"Awesome, there's a burger joint a couple blocks down that's so good even Steven likes going there." Marc throws an arm over your shoulders as you walk.
"Really? They have vegan options I'm guessing?" You ask.
"They do indeed. Although- since Steven isn't rambling in my head tonight I think I'll pass on the vegan options this time around. Don't tell him." Marc winks at you.
"Your secret is safe with me." You giggle. You've always found it sweet that Marc, despite not actually being vegan, tries to accommodate Steven's lifestyle as often as he does. Jake really can't be bothered- not that you blame him honestly- he's not vegan either, there's no reason for him to go out of his way to choose vegan options but Marc's attempt at consideration is nice. It only takes you about five minutes to make it to the restaurant Marc was talking about and since the place isn't busy when you get there it doesn't take long to get your food once you've ordered.
"I can see why even Steven likes this place." You hum popping a fry into your mouth.
"Good right?" Marc smiles.
"Yeah, I'll definitely be coming back here." You nod.
"Well- sounds like I'm doing pretty damn good tonight then."
"You're certainly better at planning dates than you are at playing mini golf, I'll give you that much." You shrug.
"I think I can accept that as your official assessment." He says.
"Yeah?" You chuckle.
"Yeah! Imagine if I sucked as bad at date planning. Now that would be something I can't recover from."
"I mean- it's not like I'd go home and block you if you planned a bad date." You wink.
"Sure but not getting blocked is such a low bar. I'm aiming for way higher." Marc says.
"You're doing great so far." You chuckle. The two of you joke and chat while finishing your food and even once all that's left is the rubbish you keep talking until eventually the place is getting ready to close and you have to leave. Your train ride back to your apartment is similarly filled with chatter. It's always interesting to you how no matter how long you spend with Marc you never actually run out of things to talk about with him. When you think about it, that actually applies to Jake and Steven too, it's like you can never spend enough time with them. It's nice, having someone, or in this case, a trio of someones, that you don't get tired of being around. Once you're back at your apartment there's an awkward transition from whatever you're talking about to goodbyes- neither of you particularly rushing for the night to end.
"Well- we made it back." Marc says.
"We did. I had a good time tonight." You tell him with a smile.
"That's all I was hoping for." He says. You chuckle and turn your back for long enough to unlock your apartment and then you face him again, leaning forward a bit to give Marc a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Goodnight Marc." You say quietly before stepping into your apartment.
"Wait-" Marc says before you can shut the door.
"Yes?" You tilt your head at him. You can practically see the gears turning in his head before he speaks again.
"When will we see you again?" He asks. You pause for a moment and consider what would be the best answer.
"Soon." You offer. Giving a specific date wouldn't do any good. If it's too soon you'll be pressured to rush the decision, and if it's too far anxiety may eat the boys up before you even get around to giving an answer.
"Just- soon?" His brows draw together in confusion.
"I'm sorry that I don't have a better answer it's just- well I've got a lot to think about here, I need some time to sort through my thoughts." You tell him.
"Sorry- we shouldn't pressure you. It's all so- strange, we know. It's just- well you know how we can be I guess." Marc says. You look at him for a moment, it's not often that Marc's nerves show, but right now he's fiddling with his fingers and you know for a fact that he's more anxious than he wants to let on.
"Before the month is over. I'll text you all." You say in an attempt to ease his uncertainty.
"That's three weeks." He says.
"Yeah, I know. That- should give me enough time to work out my feelings about this whole thing. And- you can pass that message along to Steven and Jake, yeah? Before the end of the month. I'll message you all and we'll meet up to talk." You nod as Marc's shoulders visibly drop slightly. As if having a timeline just drastically decreased how tense he was.
"Okay. We'll be waiting, whenever you're ready." He tells you.
"Goodnight Marc." You say.
"Goodnight y/n." Marc says. With that, you fully enter your apartment and shut the door behind you. Tonight was fun. So was your date with Jake the other week and Steven's before that. You simply enjoy spending time with all of them- which, you already knew. The more you think it over the more you are sure that you're in way over your head, but it's a little late to worry about that now. You have a decision to make. But you also have three weeks before an answer is expected. Tonight you'll just let yourself enjoy the post-date bliss and you'll worry about the decision tomorrow. Or the next day. You'll get to it. Just not tonight.
Taglist: @queerponcho @avengersinitiative2012 @stressed-cherry @animechick555
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