#i want the two volumes to match but i don't want them to be the same
wososcripts · 5 hours
Face to Face (Part II)
Fridolina Rolfö x reader
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Summary: you begin to recover with the help of several of your teammates... except a certain blonde.
A/N: another part! the entire fic is now written so hopefully I'll update more quickly :) also don't forget to read part one. as usual this is all fictional and in good fun!
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings ⚠️: angst and lots of it, medical description
"What the hell was that!" Zećira said, turning on her teammate once you were off the field. "You could've seriously hurt her with that messy shit!"
Zećira raised a hand to shove her teammate away, rage bubbling in her gut. You two had always been close at Chelsea when you played there, and you were in almost daily contact since you left. She was protective over you, you were her junior only by a year but you always came across so kind—it was difficult not to want to shield that from the tough world.
Magda stepped in, forcing Zećira away. But her stern eye was more for Rolfö, the one who had fouled you.
"That was dangerous, Frido. Really." Were all the words Magda had to share. But her eyes spoke volumes.
She too had played with you at Chelsea, and knew you to be a sweet, caring, hard working person. To see you hurt was tough to stomach. Especially when it was her national teammate, and your clubmate, responsible.
"Why did you hit her so hard? It's a friendly. She's your clubmate. Now she'll be out of Barcelona's line up for at least a few games."
That meant having to answer to Jona, and Alexia, both of whom would surely not be holding her in their good graces right now. Rolfö didn't even want to think of the state of her phone.
"I didn't mean to…I'm sorry." Rolfö mumbled, not sure what to say. Even she was shocked by her actions, and what had followed. The reality of it was beginning to sink in, how hard you'd gone down, the fact that you had to be practically carried off of the field, that you had some kind of concussion all because of her. What the hell had she been thinking?
Clearly, she hadn't.
Zećira scoffed at her apology and wandered off back to the box, leaving Magda to deal with a now glossy eyed Frido.
"Hey!" Another voice called.
It was Alexandra Popp, who was walking over with a stern look on her face. She made eye contact with Magda and nodded, making it clear there were going to be no fights between them. Popp was good at keeping her head.
She seemed to have none of the grace for Rolfö, though, who she turned to next. Instead she gave the Swedish player a harsh look, her mouth set in a straight line.
"I hope you know you're lucky to not have been carded for that. That was completely unnecessary, and you've hurt a great person because you couldn't clean your game up. So stay the hell away from my players, okay?"
Popp didn't give her the chance to reply, turning around and stalking back to the bench to talk with the coach about who would be subbed in for you.
"It hurts," you whimpered to Laura. She had raced to the med bay the second the match was over. Germany had won, but it hardly mattered. Your head was killing you, tears streaming from your eyes. Even with the dim lights the pain was intense. Every noise, every movement, hurt. They were taking you to get scans as soon as the ambulance arrived.
Laura rubbed your skin soothingly, terrified by how much pain you seemed to be in. The doctors had told her they couldn't give you any medication until they got to the hospital and found out how bad it was.
She spotted Popp and Sara at the door, then Zećira as well. She shook her head.
"I'm going to go tell Sara and Zećira how you're doing, okay?" She whispered as softly as she could, and you gave her a thumbs up.
Laura slipped outside, keeping her eye on you through the door's window.
"How bad is it?" Zećira asked first.
"They don't know. We're waiting for the ambulance to take her for scans."
Popp rubbed her temples, clearly distressed.
"Have they given her anything for the pain?"
Sara peeked in and saw you curled into a ball on the medical bed.
"Not yet, not until we get the scans—listen I've got to get back in there…"
The girls nodded and Laura opened the door, assuring them she would pass on their well wishes.
Still in the locker room, Frido opened her phone and saw that indeed, a few of her Barça teammates had clearly been watching the game. Firstly there was a link to what must've been a video of the tackle from Mapí followed by a series of question marks; then a long message from Ingrid saying that she didn't know what was going on with her, or with the thing you two had (or didn't have), but that she was there if Frido needed to talk; and finally two missed calls from Alexia, who would much rather scold her over the phone.
She couldn't call back now, not outside the quiet of her room where nobody was likely to interrupt. She knew the voice Alexia would use—she'd never been on the receiving end of it and never wanted to be. Once Alexia scolded her, Frido knew the reality of the situation would settle on her.
So she clicked on the link that Mapí had sent instead, curious how bad the incident looked from the camera's point of view. She hardly remembered it, it was a split second, resentment-fueled decision mixed with a tactical one—when you were anywhere near the goal like that the chances of you scoring were high. Then there was your surprised yelp, and the feeling of skin hitting skin, and Frido had popped back up.
The video started from a wide angle, in which you were barely visible in the corner. But she saw you get around a defender, then start dribbling down the pitch. And she saw her own approach, the way she cut across the field, racing. Magda was there too, behind her. She saw Zećira eye you, prepping for your shot. And then—slam. It looked like it hurt even on video. She'd slid her foot under your left leg, causing you to lose balance as her body collided with yours. Frido took the ball and passed it to Amanda, running off in the opposite direction as you went down.
The video switched to a closer angle of the collision where she could see how you fell first on your hip, then your shoulder, then she saw your head bounce harshly off the ground. There was no audio, but the way your head bounced from the pitch made Frido a little nauseous. The camera remained on you as you laid there, not moving. The game continued as you lay there, still. Eventually someone kicked the ball out of play, Freigang probably. One of your closest friends on your national team. Suddenly Zećira appeared by your side, asking if you were okay. Your eyes were scrunched up, and she could see you trying to breathe through the nausea. Zećira lightly cradled your head with her gloves, the contrast almost comical. You gave a weak thumbs up, not moving otherwise.
The announcer, who had been keeping an eye on the ball until now, shifted his attention to you. And with a pretty harsh tackle there from Rolfö, she seems to be hurt… yep there are the medics. We're hearing maybe a head injury, that's never good. And as a Barcelona starter that means she'll likely be out of the lineup for a few weeks depending on how bad this is. A shame, really. Should that have been a yellow? Clearly Freigang thinks so…
Frido closed the video, feeling sick. She hadn't realized how long you'd been out. The panic in Zećira's eyes was clear in that video, and Frido felt some of it reverberate in her chest even now. The medics were always extra concerned when someone passed out cold. That meant serious impact.
She didn't answer Mapí's text, or Ingrid’s. Mostly she wanted to see if you were okay—but she didn't have any idea where you were. In the medic room? The hospital? And who could she ask?
Unexpectedly, Pernille sat down next to her. She must be there for Magda, Frido figured, but she hadn't seen her earlier in the stands.
"Hi, Pernille. Where's Magda?"
"I'm not sure. A few of them went down to the med bay… she might be there."
Pernille stayed silent for a beat, studying Frido.
"Is there a reason you aren't down there?"
"I'm probably the last person she wants to see right now."
Pernille grabbed Frido’s hand, squeezing it. Before she could offer words of advice however, Magda walked in.
"Hi, love," she leaned down to give Pernille a kiss.
"Frido." She said curtly.
Pernille looked to her girlfriend, then back at Frido.
"Come on Magda, it was an accident."
Magda crossed her arms, still upset.
"I'm sorry." Frido mumbled.
"You need to direct that apology somewhere else."
The three of them stood quietly, Frido refusing to look up from her shoes. Pernille squeezed Madga's hand giving her a look.
Magda let out a sigh, putting a hand on Frido’s shoulder. She pulled the blonde woman up and into a firm hug, not wanting her sternness to hurt Frido.
"Go get cleaned up. The bus leaves in half an hour."
Frido waited until she was back in her hotel room to call Alexia. Stina, her typical roommate, was out for dinner with a friend. Frido knew she would rather be staying in and relaxing after the strenuous travel and match they had had today, but Stina was considerate enough to give her privacy.
Clicking on Alexia’s contact, noting the two missed calls from earlier, was the most nerve wracking thing she had done all day.
"Hi," Frido mumbled into the phone as Alexia picked up.
Part of her was hoping to get a voice-mail, but to no avail.
The silence stretched.
"How are things?"
Frido nearly laughed.
"Pretty shit, I'd say."
Another pause of silence.
"Did you go and check on her?"
"No. No, I haven't. Freigang and Popp are up there with her now. I'm…" Frido cleared her throat. "I think she needs her rest, mostly."
Alexia stayed quiet on the other edit of the line.
"What do you want me to say, Alexia?"
"I don't need you to say anything to me, but I'm sure there's apologies you owe someone else."
Frido didn't reply. She couldn't admit how much she had hurt you. Not now.
"You already know it was messy, and unnecessary. I saw Zećira yelling at you on the field—and to be clear if that had been in a game I was playing in, I'd have done the same. I just don't understand it. I guess I want you to explain it to me. That's what I want from you."
"I made a bad decision. In a split second. That's it."
"You aren't that aggressive when you play. You don't throw tackles in like that, you're tactical. That was not tactical—you could've easily gotten a yellow."
"Alexia, don't you think I already know I could've been carded?"
"And yet you still tackled her." Alexia sighed. "Jona will want to talk to you too, once you're back. We all love you, Frido, and we care about you. Whatever is going on, you can talk to someone about it."
"Thanks… but I'm fine, really."
"All right, then I'll let you go." Frido moved to hang up before she heard the Spanish woman's voice again, "and be prepared to face Patri when you get back, you know how protective she gets."
Frido sighed. She knew Alexia was joking with her a bit, trying to lighten the mood at the end of the call, but it was true. She knew everyone on the team would hold just a bit of anger for her and that made her stomach churn.
“Sí, Alexia.”
Once the phone had been hung up the room felt stiflingly quiet. Now she wanted Stina, or someone, to fill the space. Usually Frido wasn’t one who needed other people’s company to feel secure, but right now she craved it.
“The initial scans are clear. That means no bleeding,” Laura said into her phone. She was speaking as slowly and clearly as she could. “She’s asleep right now, they’ve got her on pain medication… No, I don’t know when she’ll wake up. Okay, yes I’ll stay here with her until you arrive, Alexia, of course.”
Laura rubbed her forehead, letting out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She slumped into her chair and looked at you, suddenly unable to keep the tears from streaming down her face. It had been such a terrible day, seeing you in that amount of pain. Fielding calls from your mother (who was coming to visit in the morning), the other German teammates, and the Barcelona girls was exhausting. She had barely had any time to process things herself.
She just wanted you to be okay, no matter what. And she wasn’t sure she would ever forgive Fridolina for this. It was a bad habit, grudge holding, but this felt warranted.
The sound of your breathing was accompanied by the beeping of the machines you were hooked up to. A nurse was supposed to come in every two hours and wake you up and ask you a few questions: your name, what happened, things like that. Apparently it was so they could tell if there was brain damage. The thought terrified Laura.
She had been there when you got a concussion on the U16 team. It wasn’t as bad as this, at least in her memory, but your parents had been the ones dealing with it so she wasn’t completely sure. You had been out for a few weeks, and she remembered that the doctors had told you to be careful of that spot in the future. Multiple concussions compounded on each other, apparently.
“Hey,” a soft voice called from the doorway. It was Zećira. She had her hair down around her shoulders and was dressed in a hoodie and some sweatpants. “I brought some stuff for you, I figured you probably hadn’t had a moment’s rest all day.”
Laura stood, shocked by the kindness of someone she barely knew. Zećira had always been polite when they met on the field, and she was a damn good goalie, but Laura was pretty sure they had never even had a conversation.
“Don’t worry, it’s not Swedish gear. Popp gave me some of your clothes, so they should fit.”
It was only then that Laura realized she was still in her kit from earlier. The dried sweat on her skin started to itch as she became aware of her unclean state. She must smell awful too.
“You can shower in the bathroom, I’m sure nobody will care. I’ll watch over her while you do.”
Laura nodded, taking the clothes from Zećira and slipping away. She muttered a soft thank you on her way, looking back at your sleeping form once more.
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lovelaceisntdead · 2 months
The binding of Mabel has Begun.
22 notes · View notes
astraystayyh · 4 months
pieces of you
single dad!chan. x fem!reader
genre : neighbors!au. fluff. angst. slow burn. mutual pining. 8.7k wc
summary : In which you and chan are each other's missing pieces. Alternatively, Chris and his daughter come knocking at your apartment asking for flour, and he's no longer embarrassed when you open the door.
a.n. : my chris best girl dad agenda is going strong!!!!!! my second fic for the winter falls collab with my writer xi hehe i hope you will all enjoy reading!! feedback is highly appreciated 🤍 the song chris will write for sowon is light by sleeping at last, highly recommend listening to it!!
winter falls masterlist.
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“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”
“Shh, daddy smile.”
Soft murmurs linger just beyond your door, elusive words that could easily be dismissed as figments of your imagination. However, any doubt in your mind dissipates with three resounding knocks, jolting you from your momentary contemplation. 
A reluctant groan escapes you as you glance down at your attire—a loosely hanging oversized hoodie, a testament to the numerous times it has been tugged down, and a pair of pajama pants whose matching top has mysteriously vanished. Clearly, you don't feel presentable enough to welcome anyone at this late hour. So, you remain motionless, futilely lowering the TV volume in hopes that whoever's behind the door will just continue with their night. But the knocks persist against your wish, so, with a resigned sigh, you rise from your seat, your blanket cascading to the ground in a soft descent.
“What–” the words dissolve in your mouth like a sweet nectar as you open the door, your eyes beholding no one in your periphery. A slight tug at your pants draws your attention downward, only to find the most adorable child your eyes have ever laid on. She's clad in Rapunzel-themed pajamas, wolf slippers bumping into your plain ones, and, to your surprise, a whisk cradled in her small hand. 
“Hey there,” your voice softens as you crouch to meet her warm gaze. You find an innocent happiness gleaming in her eyes, a radiant spark shining even beneath the corridor's muted light. Two dimples adorn her cheeks as she smiles at you. 
“Hi, my dad wants to tell you something,” she says, pointing with her whisk to the very end of the hallway. You crane your neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the elusive figure. 
“Your dad?”
“Mm. He’s a bit shy, that’s why he’s hiding,” she confides in a whisper. But, despite her earnest attempt, her words still resound loudly in the vacant space, causing giggles to spill out of your mouth. 
“And you aren’t shy?” you inquire, tilting your head. 
“Nu-uh,” she shakes her head with conviction as someone emerges behind her. She instinctively wraps an arm around their leg, nestling her cheek against their thigh. 
She isn't shy because she feels protected.
You rise from your place, eyes locking with a familiar shade of brown. Only these hold a mesmerizing quality to them making your very breath catch in your throat. Kindness pours from his gaze as it travels down your face, a sentiment that further materializes as delicate smile lines stitch around the corner of his eyes.  
He’s beautiful. 
Your eyes trail down to two pairs of dimples, mirroring the ones of his daughter perfectly. She is his living portrait, sharing his eyes, lips, and smile. Yet, his cheeks blush in a hue she does not possess, while his left hand fiddles with his earlobe, in an unspoken, timid gesture. For some odd reason, it pierces straight through your heart.
“Sorry for bothering you,” a smooth Australian accent rolls off his tongue, similar to rich butter spread on warm bread- it infuses your being with tingles pulsating from the base of your toes. You suddenly no longer miss your blanket.
“I'm your next-door neighbor. We were just making cookies and we realized we actually  don’t have flour,” he explains, a bashful smile imprinted onto his lips. 
“You didn’t check beforehand?” you ask, laughter tinting your voice. 
“I forgot,” he admits, but his tone sounds almost sad as if beating himself over it. A fleeting shadow veils his face briefly, dissipating like a passing cloud grazing the sun.
“Can we borrow some from you? I told Sowon that we could go to the store but she said it’s too cold out,” he asks, his hand resting on his daughter’s shoulder soothingly. 
“It is too cold out,” you agree with a frown, looking down at Sowon to which she smiles brightly, happy to have your support. 
“And of course, I'll bring you flour. Don’t worry about it. Do you want to come in meanwhile?”
“It's okay, we'll wait here. Don’t want to intrude.” 
“Thank you!” Sowon beams, her missing tooth in full display. 
“Yeah, thank you so much…” he trails out, tilting his head as if to silently inquire about your name.
“Yn. And you?”
“Nice to meet you, Chris,” you smile, shaking his extended hand. His fingers wrap around your palm, and it feels as if you’re grasping thunder, crackling with an electricity that your eyes can’t behold, yet your soul does, suddenly illuminated from within. 
Your smile grows as you detach yourself from his hold, before bending forward to bop Sowon’s nose. “And nice to meet you too Rapunzel.” 
Your words make her hide behind her father’s leg, peeking out slightly to look at you. 
“See I'm not the only one who gets shy,” Chan chuckles, and Sowon whines in complaint, further burying her face in her dad’s grey sweatpants. 
Adorable, so much it stirs a long-forgotten melancholy within your being. 
“She gets a pass, she's still young, right Sowon?”
“Are you calling me old then?” Chan fakes outrage, bringing one hand to his chest while the other cradles Sowon’s back. 
“Old enough to forget about flour,” you wink and he laughs, looking down at your slippers. 
A few minutes go by before you come back, a recipient full of flour in your hands. The sight before you makes you pause in your tracks– Chris, leaning against the wall, Sowon propped on his hip, her arms loosely hanging around his neck, her eyes closed. 
“Did she…” you whisper and he turns to you. 
“Yeah, fell asleep,” he smiles fondly, tucking a few strands of her hair behind the curve of her ear. “She’ll be disappointed when she wakes up to no cookies. She wanted us to have a baking holiday tradition.”
“You don’t know how to make them?” 
“No, I was counting on a six-year-old to assist me,” he chuckles quietly, prompting a snort from you. 
“Well, keep the flour, in case you need it again.” 
“Thank you, Yn,” he grins, the smile taking over his entire face, grabbing the recipient from you. 
“You’re welcome Chris,” you say, as you both linger around the door still, not making any attempt to move. 
Your eyes refuse to peel away from his, as if there were a magnetic force drawing you to him, telling you that your gaze belonged to rest on him.
“Uhm,” he clears his throat, leaning away from the wall. “I'll get going.”
“Yeah, sleep well, Chris.”
“Thank you,” he smiles before turning around. 
An idea brews in your head, a germ sprouted by the clear adoration in which Sowon gazed at her dad, and the disappointment in his face as he said he would no longer be making cookies. Had you wished to dig a little deeper, you would’ve also found a long-buried feeling of a little girl who would have loved holiday traditions as well. You close the door before heading straight to your kitchen. 
One hour later 
You knock softly on Chris’ door, fidgeting from one foot to another. You almost retract back to your apartment after your fourth knock, when the door finally opens, Chris coming into your line of sight. 
“Hi,” you greet, hands behind your back. 
“Hey,” he smiles, leaning his arm on the doorway, right above your head. He tilts his head to the side, silently wondering what you want. The words dissolve in your mouth at the way his eyes fixate on you as if trying to peer behind your irises onto your mind. 
“Cookies,” you bring the plate before him, as his eyes grow wide, an incredulous smile drawn on his lips. 
“You made them?” 
“Yeah, didn't want Sowon to be disappointed,” you shrug and his eyes grow wild, racking all over your face in disbelief. 
“You didn't have to do this,” he finally says, tone softening, syllables ringing like a sweet sonnet in your ears. 
“I know. I wanted to. and I'm a baker so making cookies comes easily to me, don't worry about it,” you shrug sheepishly, biting your lower lip slightly. You felt scrutinized by him in ways you haven't felt before. 
“Thank you, Yn, I don’t even know what to say,” he says, his smile resembling a beam of light. A surge of pride courses through you at managing to bring it forth. 
“No need to say anything. I hope I didn't wake you up,” you smile sheepishly and he shakes his head. 
“No, I- I was working in my studio and Sowon is asleep. It's just us two. Always has been,” he adds, tone slightly changing, air growing heavier between you both. It's just them two. 
“Studio?” you inquire, hoping to dispel the tension latching around you both. 
“I'm a music producer,” he clarifies. “I made a studio here so I could stay the night with Sowon.” 
“I'm sure she appreciates that,” you say as you hand the plate to him. His fingertips brush against your own, and a slight electricity courses through you at the touch, the hallway suddenly brighter from the fireworks ricocheting off of you both.
“I…. I'll get going.”
“Yeah, yeah, don't want to take more of your time.”
“I'll see you around.” 
“Yeah, I'll see you,” he says, words not ringing carelessly into the air, sounding more like a promise. He'll see you, he'll make sure of it. 
“Can you wait!” a voice echoes near the building entrance, and you prevent the elevator doors from closing as hurried steps near you. 
You recognize the voice easily by the light tingles running down your spine, the Australian accent shooting straight through your heart. Its owner materializes, Chris— leather jacket hugging his muscles snuggly, black t-shirt tucked into a pair of blue jeans, cap nestled on his head, rebellious strands of ebony hair peeking behind it.
You find the breath knocked out of you once again at his sight. He's beautiful, even more so in broad daylight, where every feature of his comes to life, beckoning, demanding your sole attention. 
“Hey, Yn,” he smiles in delight, uttering your name in a familiarity that infuses your being with warmth. Even though you've only talked once, two days ago. 
“Hey, Chris,” you greet back, pressing the fourth elevator button again. you face the mirror to find Chris already looking at you, his eyes instantly locking with yours. 
“The cookies were good,” he smiles softly and you grin. “I'm glad you think so.” 
“Where is your bakery? I need to taste more of your baking.” 
The butterflies in your stomach tone down at his words, your attraction momentarily forgotten as gratitude coats your heart instead.
“I can text you the address?” you propose. 
“Yeah, here,” he takes out his phone, a picture of him and Sowon set as his lock screen— their cheeks are pressed tightly to one another, messily done eyeliner on both their eyes. you giggle to yourself as you grab the device.
“Cute picture,” you muse and he brings an arm to his neck, scratching the side of it timidly. 
“She insists on trying her makeup on me.” 
“She makes you look better,” you giggle and he rolls his eyes, tongue poking against his cheek. 
“She wants to become a stylist,” he explains, as the elevator doors open. He lets you out first, arm stretched forward.
“I find her passion really cute so I buy her anything she asks for,” he shrugs and you chuckle, pointing to the bag of pink ribbons he is carrying. 
“Let me guess, she wants to use these on you?”
“Yeah. She also said that I quote ‘need to learn new hairstyles because her friends always come to class with intricate braids, and she can't go to class with a simple one.’” He repeats, tone growing slightly high-pitched as he mimics his daughter's words. Yet, the fond smile on his face is louder, screaming of his love for her. 
“She has you wrapped around your finger,” you muse, leaning against your door. The keys in your bag are long forgotten. 
“She can be very scary for such a little girl.” 
“What does she threaten you with?” you ask, feigning horror. 
“No goodnight kisses,” he whispers, as if scared she'd hear him beyond the wooden door. 
“Torture,” you gasp, placing your hand on his shoulder reassuringly. Yet, the smiles slip out of your face instantly. Was it normal for clothes to dissolve under your touch, layers of cotton and leather doing nothing to stop the warmth of his skin from seeping through you? Was it normal to be so affected by such an innocent touch? 
“Uhm,” you clear your throat, “I can help you. with her hair, I mean.” 
“You don't have to. I already took too much from your time with the cookies,” he seems truly apologetic, his tone sobering as if despising others doing things for him. You see yourself in him, in the way he wants to carry the world’s burden on his shoulders. It is a reflection you wish to mend. 
“I don't mind, I remember feeling jealous of the other girls in my school so I made myself learn all the braids.” 
And then you see his gratefulness, the twinkle in his eyes that you can only grasp for a millisecond before they disappear into moon crescents. Happiness looks grand on him, overtaking his entire face, brightening his features with a glow too ethereal to be of mankind, as if they were carved to translate joy. You find yourself willing to give up more of your time to see it.
“Thank you,” he breathes out and you nod, a grin taking over your face as well. 
“You’re welcome. Let me just change my clothes.” 
“And then, you pull the right strand all over to the middle one. Then you repeat, this way the ribbon is braided into the hair,” you explain to a very concentrated Chris, his eyebrows furrowed as he follows your movements. 
“It looks easy when you do it,” he frowns and you giggle, handing the mirror to Sowon so she'd be able to look at her hair. 
“Do you like it,” you ask, a tad apprehensive and she beams, dimples that almost swallow her chubby cheeks surging forth. 
“Pretty!” she exclaims and you giggle, bopping her nose. “You are pretty.”
“And you are pretty too. right, daddy?”
You turn back to find Chris watching you, a smile so fond on his face that it renders your insides putty, coats your cheek in the palest shade of pink.
“Very much so,” he says, tone quieter, his eyes never leaving yours. 
Sowon suddenly climbs on her dad’s lap, star and moon stickers in hand. She places them all over his face, and he sits there diligently, arms wrapped around her midriff so she won't slip away. Every carefully placed sticker is punctuated by a soft gasp from him and a small giggle from her. You could feel the love radiating from both of them, a feeling so strong it made your heart twist in your chest. 
Were there red neon exits you weren’t aware of in your being? Ones through which love trickled away all these years ago? Were the spaces between your fingers carved to hold someone’s hand, or to make everything you've ever wanted slip from your grasp?
“What do you think?” Sowon startles you and you force a smile on your face, willing the heaviness in your heart to dissipate. There were questions you'd never find the answers to, you had to make peace with that.
“I love it!” you grin and Sowon nods, satisfied. You look down at your lap as Chris fixates his eyes on you, a worried crease growing between his eyebrows. 
“Fun is over, you need to do your homework, Miss Bang,” he scolds and you snort, as Sowon rolls her eyes slightly. 
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” he fakes offense and you giggle as Sowon huffs slightly. “Dad, I told you I have no homework. I already did it with uncle Felix.” 
“Oh, right,” he deflates slightly before brightening up once again, “then, you should put away all these hairbrushes and ribbons, okay?”
“Will you watch a movie later with me?”
“Of course, baby.”
“Okay then,” she grins, quickly standing up to start putting away her things. you smile, getting up your turn to leave. Chris understands and stands with you on cue. 
“You can stay and watch the movie with us.”
“It's okay, I have some things to work on,” you turn around, but then you feel his fingers wrapping around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, hand still burning straight through your skin, igniting a million nerve ends with a simple touch. You avoid his eyes, looking down at the ground. It seems to be response enough for him. 
“We’re conditioned to say yes even when we aren’t, right?” he speaks softly, his words travel through your veins in a rapid course against the current of your blood— which one will reach your heart first and flood it? 
Your facade cracks. His voice wins. 
“So, you don't have to reply now,” his thumb swipes once across your pulse. “But I'll be here if you ever wish to tell the truth.” 
You’ve grown exceptionally fond of Chris in the span of mere months, more than you would like to admit to yourself. It was an easy task, as natural as the current of a waterfall. Yet, you did not plan for it, for a new emotion to settle on top of your lungs, to make you more aware of your heart and how it beats, slightly faster, around Chris. But it happened serendipitously, against all odds, when he knocked on your door at 10 p.m. asking for salt.
“Should I start buying groceries for you?” you joked, and it took Chris a millisecond longer to respond, his gaze wandering across your face, as if discovering the world’s eighth wonder, hidden in plain sight all these years. 
“For my defense, I have a daughter that likes experimenting with cooking,” he smiled, and you raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Just with salt?”
“She added four teaspoons of it in an omelet. Then forced me to eat it because I always tell her food shouldn't go to waste,” he shudders at the memory and you chuckle loudly. 
Chris knocks on the doors of your heart, once.
It happened when you spotted a cockroach the size of your palm on your bedroom wall. You would’ve killed it, you were going to, except it started flying towards you and you let out a loud shriek you didn’t know your vocal chords were capable of conjuring. So, you called Chris. 
“Can you please come over,” you murmured, crouching near the entrance door, a pair of slippers in your hand.
“Why are you whispering? are you okay?” he sounded worried, and you heard the turning of a lock as he opened the door to his apartment. He didn’t ask questions, instantly coming to your aid. A sudden urge to weep filled your being at his gesture. 
“There is a cockroach. a flying one,” you precised, horror dripping from your tongue and his laugh flooded your ear, tiny squeaks that made your hold on the slipper grow limp. 
“I'm from Australia,” he knocked on your door, and you stood up promptly. “I've seen worse,” he said once you finally opened it, his eyes softening incredibly when they met yours. 
He did kill the cockroach, by spraying your insect repellent enough times to asphyxiate you too. “I don't think I can sleep in there tonight,” you sighed, gulping down ice cold water, “why does it feel like we went through war?” 
“We? You were behind my back all the time.”
 “I was cheering you on, from afar. Spiritually.”
 “I can’t believe a cockroach scares you this much.”
 “You literally screamed when it flied towards you too.”
 “I didn't scream! I made a very manly, non-terrified sound.”
 “Mm, sure,” you giggled, voice softening at the blushing of the tip of his ears. Chris didn't have to force the door down to your heart, you willingly opened it for him. 
And after that, it was a race to find the silliest excuses to see one another. Chris suddenly taking up an inkling for baking, you manifesting a newfound interest in music, Sowon needing her makeup done for a dance, Chris visiting you in your bakery, Sowon craving your cookies and you teaching her the recipe, Chris knocking on your door and you knocking on his. The same giddy smiles on your faces as you usher each other in. And it always, always ending with a movie night. 
“Let's watch Tangled,” Sowon exclaims, clapping her hands excitedly. 
“Baby, we watched this movie for the past…” he looks at you for support. “Three,��� you whisper, a bashful smile on your face. “Yeah, for the past three movie nights,” he whines slightly.
“But I love it,” she says, her pout morphing into a huge grin. “Again! Again! Again!”
“Fine,” he concedes, mouthing “save me,” from afar to you. You giggle softly while Sowon cozies up to your side, your arm naturally draping across her body while her legs stretch atop Chris’ lap, naturally, as if having you both by her side was the way things have always been. The only reality she’s ever known.
It is a fleeting fifty minutes as the three of you watch the movie, Sowon reciting excitedly the lines that she seems to remember. But then the quiet is replaced by her soft snores, her body growing light against you.
“She fell asleep,” you whisper, tapping Chris’ shoulder to catch his attention. He tilts his head to the side, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as his eyes land on his daughter. 
“I'm sorry you have to watch the same movie every time,” he says apologetically and you shake your head. 
“I don't mind. Tangled is a good movie.” 
“Are you here just because of the movie?” he smiles, dimples peeking through. The juxtaposition between the weight of his words and the soft expression on his face makes a buzzing warmth spread through you. He’s cold and hot, in and out, yours but not. 
“What do you want me to be here for?” you throw back, squeezing his shoulder slightly. 
“The company.”
“I do find Sowon entertaining.”
“Just her?” he pouts and you giggle, tipping your head back. 
“And you too, I suppose, by extension.”
“By extension, mm,” he hums, as he gathers Sowon in his arms, freeing her from your hold. “Then I guess I shouldn't come visit you in your bakery anymore. Since you only enjoy my presence by extension.”
“So sassy,” you shout-whisper as you both walk to Sowon's bedroom, “I like your company too, idiot.” 
“Yeah?” he turns back to look at you, tone a tad bit too hopeful. He doesn’t care that he sounds eager for your approval, not when he feels as if he can only truly breathe when you're near. 
“Yeah, Chris, I really do,” you speak earnestly, and Chris bites his lower lip slightly, suddenly overwhelmed by the gentleness of your tone. Your eyes follow his action instantly. 
He lowers Sowon gently onto the bed and she stirs awake, blinking repeatedly at the both of you. “Yn,” she calls out quietly once her eyes land on yours and you kneel before her bed. Chris watches from the door entrance as Sowon cups her hand near your ear, before whispering something to you. He notices your body stiffening, your gaze fleeting to him before you relax, pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
He wishes he could freeze time, stitch this moment into his eyelids until it is the only thing he sees when he goes to sleep. Loneliness is too big of an enemy for one person to fight off, but it seems more harmless when you are near. 
Chris sees you right here, every night, not forcing your place into his family, but falling seamlessly into place. Perhaps you were the missing piece that’ll soothe the burn in his heart. Perhaps he’d let you in, even as fear paralyzes his being at the mere thought of asking you to stay. 
One week later. 
You've grown used to the knocks on your door at ungodly hours of the night, Chris seeking your company each time you both fail to fall asleep. Except this time, there is a chilling premonition in your heart as you walk to your home’s entrance, anxiety coiling like a steel ball in your throat. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask upon opening the door, locking eyes with Chris's bloodshot gaze.
“Sowon,” he heaves, tone laden with fear, so different from how he usually pronounces her name. The syllables pierce through your heart like an arrowhead dipped in alarm. 
“Sowon?” you question, peering behind him to his slightly ajar apartment door.
“Yes, she has a high fever, and it won’t come down. I tried everything, and I-I don’t know what to do anymore. She’s shaking, but I can’t—”He trembles, his quivers akin to delicate chinaware on the precipice of an earthquake, poised to shatter at your feet. You'd plunge to the ground first, anything to soften his impending collapse.  
“It’s okay,” you soothe, your voice soft as you grasp his wrist. “Let’s go see her, okay?”
“It's her first time being this sick,” he whispers, clearly distraught, one hand running through his freshly dyed blonde hair. 
“It's okay. Don’t panic, it happens. Did you give her medicine?”
“Yes, a few minutes ago,” he replies as you guide him towards her room.
“Good, it'll start working soon,” you reassure, opening the door and crouching before Sowon.
“Hey, Rapunzel,” you coo softly, and Sowon attempts to muster a smile. Her cheeks flush, eyes dim like withered petals.
“How are you feeling?” you ask, pressing your hand to her feverish forehead. You cast a wary glance at Chan, who's anxiously biting his thumb.
“Cold,” she whispers, and you nod, peeling off her blanket. “I know you are, but you have a high fever. We need to let it cool down, okay?”
“I-I’m shaking,” Sowon sighs, lower lip protruding and trembling, both from the iciness clawing at her frail being, and the tears welling in her waterline, like a cup on the brink of overflowing. 
“Shh, don't cry. It will pass, it's okay,” you murmur soothingly, cradling her face on your lap, gently moving damp strands of her hair behind her ear.
“Chris, can you bring me a towel and a bowl with cold water?” you ask softly, and the man startles, painfully peeling his eyes away from his daughter, as if doing so would consign her to a dark fate.
“Sure. Sure,” he repeats, scurrying out of the room.
Sowon buries her cheek in your thigh, small hands clinging tightly to yours. You tie her hair up into a loose bun as Chan hurriedly comes back, a bassinet in his hand.
“Thank you,” you smile, as he kneels beside the bed, his hand resting on Sowon’s knee gently.
“Hey sweetheart,” he coos softly, and Sowon blinks at him, light spilling over her face. 
“Hey daddy,” she replies as you dip the towel into the water, before squeezing the fabric to remove any liquid excess. 
“You're being so strong. I love you so much my pretty girl,” he says, bringing her small hand to rest upon his cheek, bestowing a gentle kiss on her palm. 
The moment feels so intimate, so tender, that you almost feel like an intruder. You imagine this is what thorns on roses must feel like, so out of place amid delicate petals and stems. 
“I love you too,” she grins, and you remain silent, diligently wiping her face and neck with the dampened towel. You soon lose track of the number of times you've repeated this motion, but Sowon’s eyes are now closed and her body is no longer trembling. 
You rest your palm upon her forehead, a sigh of relief escaping your body as you realize that her fever has gone down noticeably- the medicine finally taking effect.
“It's better now,” you smile reassuringly and Chris’s eyes widen, irises shaking as he looks back to his daughter. 
“Will she be okay?” 
“She will be. She just needs to sleep a bit.” 
“Okay, thank you.” 
“Can we prepare her something to eat meanwhile?” 
“Mm,” he absentmindedly nods, his fingers trailing down Sowon’s features delicately, resting upon her round cheeks. 
"She looks just like you," you softly smile.
"I know," he admits, not with pride but in surrender, as if his reflection was nothing but a cursed fate. His voice tastes like ocean water, salty, acid, suffocating.
“Chris…” you trail off and he shakes his head, abruptly standing up. 
“Let's make her chicken noodle soup. She loves it,” he says and you nod. A ticking bomb resides in his veins, devoid of a countdown, leaving you unsure of when he'll finally explode. 
You get your answer soon after—it takes two minutes and thirty-three seconds for the first tear to roll down Chris’s cheek. You spot it as you retrieve carrots from the fridge, averting your gaze as Chan angrily wipes it away.
A few seconds later, five tears follow the same agonizing trail, and now the knife is shaking in Chris’s hands. He squeezes his eyes shut as if frustrated by his pain, by the emotions escaping through the cracks in his heart.
You stay silent, bringing the water to a simmer.
The clank of metal against the counter snaps your attention, and you see Chris with his head lowered down, his hands tightly clutching the counter.
Your tongue moves before you can order it to speak. 
"Chris," you call out, your hand finding its place on his back. An ugly sob escapes his lips, a raw cry unearthed from the depths of the soil where he buried his feelings, never allowing himself the grace of grieving, then moving on. 
“I'm a horrible father,” he utters so brokenly as if this idea were cemented into his head, woven into every thought of himself—an adjective that lingers like a phantom each time Sowon calls him dad.
“You're not, what are you saying?” you gently turn him around so he'd face you. But his eyes remain downcast, as if ashamed to meet your gaze. 
“I didn't know what to do. I panicked. I-I wasn't enough to help her.”
“It's okay, you can't know everything, you are trying your best-”
“No, no, no, it's not just about this!” he snaps,  despair clinging to his eyes as he finally looks at you. “It’s hard. It’s so hard to be here alone, and I- I try but it's not enough, I can't do everything and I'm not a good enough parent for her, there will a-always be something missing.” 
“You're wrong,” you say but he shakes his head in disagreement. “Chris, you're wrong,” you cradle his face, taking you both by surprise. Your thumb swipes gently underneath the skin of his eyes, wiping his cascading tears. 
“You love Sowon. And she can feel it, she can see it, she can hear it. Everyone can. A parent can't be perfect, but they should love. And you love her.” 
“What if I can't even love her enough for a father? How will I ever fill the role of two parents?” he's leaning onto your palm, hanging onto your every word. You'd sit for hours and untangle every thread of his mind if you have to, until you single out the infested one and burn it away. 
“She loves you Chris. She looks at you as if you hang every star in the sky. As if you're responsible for every good thing that happens in our world. She loves you and you love her.”
You gaze up at the ceiling, tears welling in your eyes. Chan notices the subtle tremble in your hand against his cheek.
“If I had someone who loved me as much as you love Sowon when I was a child, I would've turned out so differently,” you smile bitterly, swallowing down the lump in your throat. 
“You won't be a perfect dad. You can't be. But she won't grow up with a throbbing heart, pulsating because of a void that cannot be filled. Her veins won't be poisoned by hate and abandonment. Because she knows what it's like to be loved,” you pause, as your voice breaks, traitorous tears rolling down your cheeks. “To be cared for.” 
Your eyes hold his in a silent conversation, secretly telling him what your tongue cannot speak of— Sowon, an untarnished blossom, won't unfurl into a solitary flower the way you did.
“I'm sorry,” he whispers after a while, eyes softening in understanding. His knuckles brush gently against your cheek. 
“Why are you apologizing?” 
“So you'd find a reason within you to forgive,” he says, as he leans forward to press a tender kiss on your forehead. And somehow it feels more intimate than any way you've been touched before. 
Five days later.
chris [11:32 p.m.]: you up?
yn [11:32 p.m.]: i just got bad flashbacks to my college years
chris [11:33 p.m.]: ajaksjsbsbbs
chris [11:33 p.m.]: i didn’t mean it like that ㅠㅠ 
chris [11:33 p.m.]: wanna come over? i'm in the studio but im not feeling inspired 
yn [11:34 p.m.]: and how will i help? 
chris [11:34 p.m.]: i find your presence inspiring 
You don’t reply, instead putting on your slippers and walking over to his apartment. He opens the door before you even have the chance to knock. 
“What are you working on?” you ask once you’re settled atop his chair, spinning around slightly. He looks down at the pillow on his lap, lightly plucking its pink fur. “A song for Sowon,” he admits softly and your eyes grow a little wide. 
“That is so sweet,” you pout, inching closer to him. “How is it going?”
“I've finished the melody and now I'm working on the lyrics. There is just.. so much i want to tell her, i'm unsure if ill be able to express it well.” 
“Can I read what you wrote?” 
“Yeah. Yeah, sure,” he searches through his papers. “Here.”
May these words be the first to find your ears
The world is brighter than the sun now that you're here
I'll give you everything I have
I'll teach you everything I know
I promise I'll do better
I will soften every edge
I'll hold the world to its best
And I'll do better
Tears spring to your eyes unexpectedly, you try to stop their flow but they fall upon the paper, splattering like a broken mosaic, mimicking the brokenness of your own heart. 
“I'm sorry,” you spin around, your back to him as you attempt to dry your tears, and yet they show no desire to stop. Chris is in your heart and he’s kicking every other emotion out, forcing you to make amends with your sadness, the one you buried years, years ago. 
Chris gently grabs the back of the chair, pulling you back to him before spinning your chair once again until you are facing him. You bury your face in your hands and his rests reassuringly on your knee, squeezing it slightly. “Is it so bad it made you sob?” 
“Shut up, you know this isn’t the case.” 
His hand delicately traces up your arm, gently lifting your fingers from your face. He kneels before you, his thumb tenderly wiping away the traces of tears on your cheeks.
“Talk to me?” 
“It's so beautiful, so warm, so loving. Everything a parent should think of their child,” a traitorous hiccup escapes your lips. “Everything my parents never felt for me.” 
Chris’ mouth morphs into a pout, eyebrows scrunching tightly. You shake your head, smoothing down the worried crease between his eyes. 
“I don't feel sad over things I can't control and I love myself enough now to compensate for what I didn't have, but sometimes-'' your voice breaks, Chan’s hold on your hands tightens. “It stings to remember what could’ve been.” 
Stings was an understatement, it is rather a pulsating void, throbbing in ache every day, calling out for its missing piece. How can I fill you with what was lost when it chose to walk away? 
“Come here,” he whispers, coaxing you to your feet, his arms enveloping your body as he guides your head to the crook of his neck. His body runs warm, the material of his sweatshirt soft, and he smells nice too, the contours of his muscles tailor-made to complement the ridges of your own. 
“You grew up well, Yn. You did well.”
You clutch his shirt, tightening your grip as you fist the fabric in your palm. He's patting your back, and time slows down to match the rhythm of his touch. 
“Love can be hard, I know. Especially when the people who left are the ones supposed to be staying.” 
He understands, more than anyone you know. He missed out on a different kind of love too, two facets of the same coin. 
“You’re doing well too, Chris. You shouldn’t doubt yourself as much,” your arms trail up to encircle his neck, as his nose tickles your hair. You're the one hugging him now. “Sowon is really smart, she told me that she loves you a lot. She can feel it. She sees everything you do for her.”
“Is that what she told you that movie night?”
“Partly,” you whisper, and Chris leans away slightly, his warm palms still pressed to your waist, holding you close. 
“What else did she tell you?” he asks, curiosity barely hidden in his tone.
You pause for a while, eyes going over the entire room before finally locking on him.
“She thanked me, said that I make you smile more.” You suck in a deep breath, gathering your courage. “Do I?” 
“There are smile lines that don’t show on my face until you're near.” 
“Oh.” That is the only coherent response you can formulate, and Chris giggles, a tiny squeak escaping his lips in a huff. “Cute,” he murmurs, planting a tender kiss on your temple. His lips linger, holding onto the moment a beat longer than necessary, causing your eyes to close in delight. Both of you find yourselves blushing as he leans away, a shared warmth coloring the space between you.
“Sorry, didn't mean to make the mood somber,” you say sheepishly as you sit back down, eyeing Chris’s laptop. “I wanna hear this,” you quickly point to a random track on his screen before he can reply, hoping to make the sadness flee away.
“This one? It’s not really good, let's listen to something else,” his rambling and eagerness to change the track pique your curiosity and you quickly click on the song before he can stop you.
connected.mp3 starts playing. 
Sultry beats inundate your ears, weaving through your veins and whisking you away to the pulsating rhythm of a dance club. You knew Chris produced good music, yet you never fathomed that his voice could be so luxuriously rich, cascading over you like molten wax. You feel a blush rise to your cheeks at the suggestive lyrics, the innuendos peeking behind every word. And then, a sudden jealousy claws at your heart, at the thought of Chris hunched in his studio, fantasizing about connecting with someone who isn’t you. 
You wished to be the only one Chris liked. 
“It’s a- a demo for one of my clients,” he explains through a stutter once the song is done, and you nod meekly, willing your body’s temperature to go down, for the possessivity crinkling in you to fizzle out. 
So, you put on your best taunting smirk.
“I know you want me don’t crumble.. No need to be desperate we’re just getting started,” you sing-song back. “You were feeling so cocky when you wrote this, right?” you grin, inching your chair closer to his. “Feeling yourself, Mr. Bang?”
He chuckles with a hint of annoyance, running his tongue along the expanse of his lower lip. Leaning back into his chair, he casually spreads his legs a bit wider, a gesture that suddenly leaves you feeling dizzy, on him.
“It’s cute how affected you seem by it,” he throws nonchalantly, crossing his arms before his chest.
“I'm not,” you smile, although your erratic heartbeat spoke of a different tale, you just didn't need to voice it to him. “I think you were the one getting all hot and bothered in your studio,” you stand between his legs, hovering over him as he leans back fully in his chair. 
“I was thinking of a pretty girl.”
“Mm,” he suddenly grabs your waist, you feel like your entire body is ablaze. “The prettiest.”
"Who is she?" you exhale, teetering on the edge of crashing your lips onto his, like an incoherent love poem, hastily scrambled on a notebook in a fit of anger.
“y–” The door suddenly opens, Sowon’s small frame standing by the door, she’s rubbing her eyes tiredly, her chick plushie dangling from her hand (a gift from her uncle Felix as she explained to you). You quickly scramble away from Chris as he clears his throat loudly.
“Daddy, I can't sleep,” she says faintly, a tiny pout drawn on her lips, and you can see Chris physically melt at her words, at the way she paddles to his chair, and tries her best to climb up his legs. She fails to do so, so he quickly scopes her up his arms until she’s buried in his hold. Her small hands wound up around his neck, and he tenderly pats down her hair, his gaze never wavering from her frame.
“Want me to sing to you, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” she whispers, before making grabby hands at you, your heart softens like clay dough as you scoot closer, enclosing her fingers in your hold. 
“Sleep well, Sowonnie,” you whisper. 
“Can’t you stay with us?” she asks and you feel your blood freeze in your veins, your heart skipping three beats at once.
To stay. What a frightening concept. Even more scary when you realize that you aren’t opposed to it. 
You yearn to stay, for the first time in years, you wish you could. 
You swallow the growing lump in your throat, before smiling reassuringly. “I'll stay till you fall asleep.” 
Conditions, it is the way it has always been for you. staying till you’re no longer useful, staying till you're no longer wanted. Staying, but always with a time limit, always with an expiration date. 
You’re avoiding him. 
Chris knows you are, since you no longer come over to his house, claiming that you’re tired, or that you have an important order to bake for the next day. He would have believed you had he not seen you only once in the past three weeks. 
Those were excuses, and each one of them weighed heavily on Chris’ heart, on his home too, his studio particularly, the one that got used to the sound of your laugh. 
He misses you. He never thought he’d miss someone again, craving you presence as if every breath leaving his body depended on you. He wasn’t a stranger to intimacy, fleeting hookups every now and then. Strangers invited him to their bed, knowing what they were signing up for– one night of pleasure, never to be seen again, their faces blurring into an indistinct mass in his mind, like an impressionist painting where no features stand out. Yet, with you, every detail is etched in his memory. 
He could pick you out of a crowded room, recognize the delicate curve of your neck, the fullness of your lips, and the way your nose scrunches when you smile.
He could draw the moles scattered on your body from memory alone, recognize your scent from miles away– your cotton shampoo and the specific laundry detergent you love to use and a hint of vanilla that never truly leaves you. 
He’d remember the curve of your lashes and the cascading of your hair, the airy giggles you leave across like a trail for him to follow everywhere, and your eyes– the way they gazed at him, softening slightly around the edges, shining brightly as if crafted from stardust, the way they softened even more when you looked at Sowon, voice growing slightly high pitched as you listened to his daughter’s rambles.
How did you manage to make his home yours without ever living in it?
“Dad?” Sowon calls out and he snaps his head up, locking eyes with his little girl. She’s sitting on a high stool, munching on her pizza, a pensive look on her face.
“Yes, sweetheart?” he asks, walking over to her side.
“Where is Ynnie?” she asks in a small voice and he freezes, mulling over his response. He settles for the truth.
“I don't know, baby.”
“Does she not want to play with me anymore?” Sowon whispers, and he doesn’t remember his daughter ever being this tentative about voicing a question. 
“No!” he's quick to reassure, cradling Sowon’s face between his much larger hands. “Of course not baby she loves you a lot.”
“Okay…” she nods, a small pout drawn on her lips still. Chris senses his heart physically crack in his chest.
“Do you wanna work in the studio with me?” he says in a joyful tone, and she instantly cheers up, the twinkle in her eyes found again. “Yes!” 
“Finish your food first, okay Wonnie?” 
In Chris's life, regrets have been scarce, and certainly not in the form of Sowon, his beacon of hope, as he named her. Having her was beholding a sun wherever he went. However, a fear lingers, a whisper in his heart, suggesting that letting you go might be his one true regret.
So when his daughter falls asleep, he knocks on your door once again. He's suddenly transported into that cold night, months ago, where he asked you for flour. Had he known you were behind it he would’ve knocked much sooner. 
“Hi,” you greet softly once you open the door. He takes a step forward, his wolf slippers matching with Sowon’s bump into your plain ones. You avert your gaze, finding anything but him to fixate on.
“You're avoiding me,” he says matter-of-factly, voice soft, resigning to you.
“I'm not,” you contradict, even as your eyes remain on the ground. He finds himself missing the color of your irises.
“Look at me, hm?” he implores, and you stay rooted in place. A soft sigh escapes him as he cradles your right cheek with his warm hand, his thumb gently sweeping across your cheekbone. “Yn, please, I want to look at you.”
Maybe it is the pleading tone of his voice or the way his thumb tenderly grazes your skin, but something about Chris makes your resolve unravel, threads of fear unknotting before your eyes. So, you finally look at him. An exhale of relief escapes him. 
And then you speak.
“You asked me if I was okay, and I didn't reply, back then,” you say, leaning your head further against his palm as tears well up in your waterline. “Do you still want to know my answer?”
“Of course, always.”
“I'm happy. With you, with sowon. I feel this warmth that I have never known before when I'm with you. It was almost easy to forget I've known you during winter,” you chuckle dryly, “but it is all an illusion, I lie to myself thinking I could stay, I… I can't, I-“
“What if I ask you to stay?” he brings your hand to his heart, where it beats erratically, pulse seeping through your skin.
He’s as scared as you are.
“What if I told you, Yn, please stay with me,” he breathes out, guiding your hand to gently cup his cheek. “Would you? Would you stay?”
“I'm terrified,” you whisper, as he tilts his head, bestowing a tender kiss on your palm. 
“I know, so am I. But, you make me believe that even my bruised parts are worthy of love.”
He wins, before years of skeletons and piled up doubts, he wins. 
“I'm staying.”
“You are?”
“I am,” you giggle lightly and he staggers back, the sun pouring into his smile. 
“Um, wow, okay. Thank you for staying,” his voice sounds airy, happiness floating in his tone, and you find it contagious, imprinting into your own.
“Thank you for asking me to stay.”
“You made it less daunting,” he pats your head, smoothing your hair down. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
He giggles in response and you can't help but mirror the sound. “Why are you so nervous?”
“Whaaat? I'm not,” his tone grows high-pitched and you roll your eyes amusedly. 
“What happened to connected Chris?” 
“He is flustered by the girl he wrote about.”
Your cheeks tint red as he places a hand above your head, caging you in place. 
“I think the girl should get paid for being the muse.”
“Oh yeah?” he smirks, “I'll think about it.” His grin softens, as a content expression washes over his face. You know you must look the same. “Let's talk more tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” you grin, before placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Good night, Chris.”
“Good night, yn.”
You quietly watch as he walks to his apartment door, his hand settling on the door knob. He pauses, for a few seconds where the air around you stills, before swiveling around and walking over to you again. 
you win. 
“I forgot something,” he breathes out, before crashing his lips onto yours, furiously, as if needing to imprint his essence onto you, tainting your soul the way you have tainted him, permanently altering the composition of his being. His lips move on yours as if they've done this before, a dance they have rehearsed countless times, perhaps in all the dreams Chris visited you in. Yet, nothing compares to how it feels to have him touch you, lick your lower lip and drag his hand up your hips, press you against your apartment door, and nibble at your neck. 
Nothing could have prepared you for the passion he shows you, for how delicious it feels to be pressed against him, for the storm that your lips conjure, swirling in your heart in vibrant shades of red. Then, for the softness of his lips as they slow down their course, plump and rosy as they meet your own, tenderly, more gently, one kiss after the other. “My hope,” he whispers, as his lips find yours again, “my missing piece.”
He’s hot and cold, in yet seeking no out, finally yours.
bonus (one year later). 
“So I brought the eggs, milk, sugar,” Chris enumerates as he takes out the groceries, and you turn to look at Sowon to find her already gazing at you, a mischievous look on her face. 
“How much do you wanna bet he forgot flour?” you whisper and she giggles, burying her face in her hands to stifle her laugh.
“And… Wait, where is the flour?” he trails off and you burst out laughing, as you and Sowon high-five each other excitedly. 
“Daddy, you are really bad at groceries.”
“Am I?” he smiles sheepishly, fiddling with his earlobe in a manner that still makes your heart melt, renders your insides butterflies speaking of Chris’ name.
“Yes, it’s good Mom bought it,” she says naturally, looking down at her iPad. You and Chris freeze in your tracks, eyes instantly locking with one another, yours and his, glossy with emotion, a loving tide enveloping you both. 
It's her first time calling you mom. 
You swallow down the lump in your throat, crafted not by thorns but by petals, not by ache but with love, before placing your chin on the small of her shoulder, murmuring softly. "Mm, will you help me bake, baby?"
“Yes! I wanna be a baker when I grow up, just like you.”
“What happened to being a stylist?”
“I can't be both?” she frowns innocently. 
“You can be anything you want, princess.” you bop her nose and she giggles, pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. 
In the grip of winter, Chris discovers a warmth that defies the season, casting off years of cold from the recesses of his bones. A soft smile graces his lips as he gazes at you, his hopes, his girls, the three of you clad in wolf slippers.
He’ll propose to you tomorrow.
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emilicious0 · 4 months
Could you do more of nsfw headcanons for Lucifer please?
lucifer's nsfw alphabet
I decided to do this wayyyy, hope I will saticify your requests
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
really caring, always making sure that you are okay after you guys are done
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he loves his hands and he likes seeing them on your body; lives for thighs and your neck (buries his face in there)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
creampie, creampie, creampie. loves to feel like he is marking you as his.
also loves to see his cum on you (like your stomach).
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
has hard time with cumming on his own, and always needs you to do it
(and sometimes he wishes you would spank him, but he is too embarrased to tell you that).
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I mean he has experience, but... yeah, you need to teach him or you can learn together ;)
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
face-off (likes to kiss you) and cowgirl (wants to see your face).
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
it depens, but he can allow himself to be a little silly (if it makes you happy).
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
he is very well-groomed and always tries to maintain hygiene when doing such things.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
he is so romantic like- no sexy things if you are not in the mood
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
masturbates a lot, but like I said has a problem with cumming, he needs you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
humping (a lot of it, in his clothes as well), sub!/dom! relationship, slight degradation
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
his office, and bedroom... anywhere in his house, but never outside.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
you. especially when you act all dom to him.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
hurt you while during it or doing it when you don't want to. also never extreme stuff like choking, he is too sweet.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he likes to give and receive equally (PLS RIDE HIS FACE)
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
his pace is rather sensual, but when he is about to cum, he starts to go faster.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he is not a fan of quikies, he wants to devoure you.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
he can take a risk and try something new, but again, he is never going to hurt you.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
he can go all night... this man has some crazy stamina.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
no... he never tried them and why, when he has you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesn't like to tease you, but likes when you tease him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
he is pretty loud and expressive.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he is a total sub.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
12 cm (4,7 inch), with erection 18 cm (7 inches).
long and slightly veiny.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
when it comes to you, it's pretty high.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep )
straightly after you two clean up, he snuggles close to you and you both fall asleep.
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superhoeva · 3 months
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𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 – 𝐜. 𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨 (𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝟏𝟖+ ; 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞) | not technically in the bunny and the bear (because i don't think bear can tase bunny like this and not lose his mind), but feel free to think of it as such! whatever makes you happy <3
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carmen knows exactly what he’s doing. the way he bites his bottom lip to hide his smirk tells you that much.
“ah, look at these tears,” he coos, thumbing at the tears that escape your watery eyes. “my pretty girl. really want it that bad, huh?”
skin hot and damp with a collecting sheen, you twist away from the man. he’s relentless, teetering you on the edge of the white-hot pleasure with a pitying kiss. you clench around nothing, clit jumping when carmen rubs his swollen head over the pulsing bud.
“fuck, bear. please.” your plead sounds pathetic, but the all-consuming desire for him to finally gift you what you so badly need is all you care about. he shushes you quietly, sucking in a hiss of air at the grip he squeezes around his dick. with a heavy breath, carmen plants another wet kiss on the bottom of your chin.
a thick groan punches out of him when he glides himself against you, member shining and slick with your juices. 
“jesus, you’re wet,” he mumbles against you. “drippin’ all over me. fuckin’ soaking my dick, haven’t even stuck it in yet.”
you whimper at his words, more tears pooling to fall from your eyes. carmen brushes them away once more, feeling his resistance dwindle closer and closer to nothing. god, the sounds your pussy makes when teases his head against the entrance. coating the tip in the sticky sap you’re leaking out, tightening around nothing with wet squelches.
“doing so good for me, you know that?” carmen whispers against your lips, and you nearly black out when you finally feel it. he studies you, eyes hooded, at the way you suck in a choked inhale as he sinks inside you.
carmen stops breathing at the feeling, enamored with the way your eyes roll and head throws back. he feels your body begin to tremble, his hips just barely meeting against yours as you let out a wail.
“fuck. can’t hold it, carm,” you warn him, hands gripping whatever part of him you can. the chef can only watch as your face pinches, body quivering with a vigor that would make him worried if not for the words spilling out of your mouth.
his eyes widen, gazing with a lustful wonder as you cum before you can stop yourself.
“shit, yeah. there we go,” carmen rasps out, hips starting to grind himself in and out of you. working you through it while you squeeze and whine and leak around him. your words make out to nothing, an incoherent strand of mumbles only broken by hiccups and slight chokes.
you grow louder as carmen continues to thrust, soon coming to match your volume in his groans at the way his own orgasm creeps closer and closer.
“keep cummin’ around me, baby. fuck, don’t stop, feels so good. doin’ so good for me, lettin’ me fuck you like this, gonna take all my cum while you give me yours.”
your chest heaves as you do just that–keep cuming–bed jerking into the wall behind as carmen increases his speed. your weak and shaking legs find a way to wrap around the back of him, hand reaching for carmen’s cheeks as he lets out a cry.
he’s pounding into you now. both of your bodies jerking together, you feel carmen’s balls smack lightly against you. it’s almost too much. not just the overwhelming ache as he slides in and out of you, but him. his chain danging just between the two of you. a few of his curls, lost and away from the others, bouncing against his forehead. the absolutely filthy words that pour out of him with every flick of his waist.
“pussy’s so fuckin' good, creamin’ all over me. look so pretty like this, shit,” carmen interrupts himself with a surprised whine and a sniff. “love being inside’a you, fuckin’ love it. got you dripping, can feel it leaking down my balls, too. fuck.”
the only thing you can respond with is a broken moan as carmen pulls you closer, something he always does when he’s right there. his hands scramble and plant against you with panicked haste, gripping at your slick skin as he shoots the first string of cum inside you.
you hold him close, arms looped around his neck, as he pumps you full. carmen is all sputtering hips and muddled moans you can’t make out. it goes on for a while, him twitching inside of you and unable to fully open his eyes.
lips finding yours again, he kisses the both of you back to reality. it’s all deep and grounding, his hand reaching to grab at your jaw. his tongue glazes across yours one last time before he pulls away with a glint in his eye.
the softest of laughs bubbles up out of your limp body.
“don’t pull out yet, okay?” you mumble, voice thick with exhaustion, moving some of the hair from carmen’s forehead. “feels nice.”
carmen grins sleepily, pressing another kiss into the corner of your lips. “‘whatever you want, pretty girl.”
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© 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐯𝐚
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jeannineee · 4 months
nsfw alphabet: suguru geto
warnings: uhh there's a lot lol. it's smut. minors don't interact.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
the actual opposite of how he was only moments before. very attentive and doting. will massage your sore muscles, kiss any marks he left. usually runs you a bath unless you're too tired.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on himself, probably his hands. finds it cute when you mindlessly fidget with them. also likes how they look wrapped around your neck.
for you he loves your ass. i feel like this is something we have all agreed on collectively lmao. geto is an ass man.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
prefers to cum inside you. he's a simple man.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
honestly, geto is very open about what he's into, and what he would like to get out of your sex life. i don't see him hiding anything from you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he's canonically the man w the most experience. above gojo, anyway. he knows exactly what he's doing. you won't have to guide him very much, if at all.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
remember how i said he is an ass man?
any position that gives him a good view of your ass is preferred. reverse cowgirl, prone bone, doggy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
it really just depends. lazy morning sex? he's cracking jokes.
rough sex post-argument? he's v serious. it simply depends.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he just keeps a small patch of hair at the base. yes, it matches the hair on his head.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he can be very intimate. like, the type of intimacy that is almost overwhelming, if that makes sense? something w his presence idk if y'all are gonna follow me on this one but yeah.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he does it whenever the need arises. but usually, you're around.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
first off, he has a daddy kink don't fight me on this. also into orgasm control, bondage--esp. shibari. bdsm in general tbh. likes mixing praise and degradation.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he actually prefers the bedroom, so he can take his time with you. but if the two of you really need on another, he's down for anywhere.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
you, just you. it doesn't take much for him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he doesn't have very many limits lol do with that what you will.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers giving!! but he's very teasing abt it. he very much enjoys edging you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
usually on the rougher side.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he doesn't prefer them. he would rather take his time with you.
see L= location.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
very happy to experiment. he regularly comes to you with new things to try, and encourages you to do the same.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can last for hours on end. good luck.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he owns a plethora of toys, majority for you. lots of rope, vibrators, plugs, etc.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he is very, very unfair when it comes to teasing. he loves hearing you beg, so don't expect him to give in very quickly.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
somewhere in the middle. talks a lot when he's teasing you. also talks you through it. hismoaning isn't super loud until he's close to finishing.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
wants to try subbing for you at least once, but isn't sure if he'd really enjoy it or not.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's hung. don't play with me. about 8 inches and very girthy.
(god i am gross LMFAOOOO)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
moderate. enough time for you to be able to recover in between. you're gonna need it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
it usually takes him awhile. (overthinkers club!!!) you're always the first one to fall asleep.
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Johnnie Guilbert NSFW Alphabet
(first time writing, lmk how I did and pls pls pls request some more for johnnie guilbert if you enjoyed because i think hes insanely under appreciated and deserves more written for him)
A=Aftercare (what they're like after)
Definitely big into after care and does whatever he can to take care of you after
B=Body part (Their favorite body part of their partners+their own)
Partner-thighs, they're plushy and he loves squeezing them and loves the way they look when they are wrapped around his head
Theirs-Hands, he loves what he can do with them and he loves how they look around your neck
C=Cum(Anything to do with cum)
He prefers finishing inside to avoid mess but would ultimately do whatever you wanted.
D=Dirty secret(Self explanatory)
He definitely gets off to pictures of you when you're not w him and he's feeling frisky (or if he's js to shy to tell you)
E=Experience(How experienced are they?)
not really at all, except for giving head.
F=Favorite Position(Self explanatory)
Cowgirl-He dies a little bit every time you ride him, he seriously can't get enough of it. Or any position where he can touch you while making eye contact with you
G=Goofy(Are they more goofy or serious during the act?)
Definitely depends on what you're comfortable with but will most likely be the type to make a joke or two and then be really serious after that yk
H=Hair(How well groomed? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
Doesn't really need to do much since he's a natural blonde but will maybe trim it up if he feels like it. Doesn't care if you have any, he agrees that if hair wasn't supposed to grow there, then it wouldn't.
I=Intimacy(How are they during? Romantic aspect ofc)
He is the touchiest mf there is. Loooooooves to touch and see his hands all over you and more verbal than you'd think
J=Jack off (Random Masturbation Headcannon)
As stated before, he definitely Jacks off to you when you aren't around and he's feeling rather frisky so maybe like 3-4 times a week at the most
K=Kink(1 or more of their kinks)
Switch-loves seeing you on top and in control but will take the reigns every now and then
Marking-Loooooves to see bite marks and hickies and such all over you and loves it more when you leave them on him
Hair pulling-loves when you tug on his hair while he fucks you/eats you out
L=Location (Favorite place to do the deed)
Prefers the bed but will eventually escalate to the shower or maybe even the couch when no one is home 😈
M=Motivation(What turns them on? What gets them going?)
Literally anything you do could get him going because he's so infatuated by you, and I think he may be a bit sexually frustrated 💀 but loves skirts, lacy lingerie and fishnets specifically
N=No(something off limits)
Anything that could hurt you or him
O=Oral(Giving and receiving preference, skill. Etc)
is a GOD at giving head. About the only thing he's really experienced with and IT SHOWS. Does like recieving but poor baby would be too shy to ask so you'll have to offer
P=Pace(Are they made rough/fast or slow/sensual or other)
Anything you prefer because he doesn't wanna hurt you or make you uncomfortable
Q=Quickie(Their opinion on quickies)
Doesn't care for them much at all, he likes to take his time and cherish the moment
R=Risk(Do they experiment? Do they take risks?)
Will experiment within his boundaries and your own
S=Stamina(How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
Can last about 3-4 rounds before he needs a minute, if you're not satisfied don't you worry because he'll give you so much head to make up for it
T=Toys(Do they own/use toys on their partner or themselves?)
Doesn't own them for himself but would be down to try them if you brought it to his attention
U=Unfair(How much do they like to tease?)
He doesn't start the teasing often because he's too shy but will do it back if you start teasing him
V=Volume(How loud they are, What they sound like)
Quite shameless when it comes to this intimate time with you, doesn't care who hears
W=Wild card (Random NSFW headcannon)
He secretly loves to fuck you until he can see your eyes rolling into the back of your head and loves fucking your mouth/throat but will only do so if you ask him to
X=Xray(size of his- basically)
6 inches soft and abt 8.5 inches hard
Y=Yearning(How high is their sex drive?)
Higher now bc of you
Z=ZZZ (How quick they fall asleep after?)
Prefers to cuddle after sex and loves falling asleep like that, he'll fall asleep after he knows your asleep
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thisonehere · 8 months
The webs we weave
You are the weaver, once a mere mortal(???) who centuries ago challenged Liu Kang to a weaving competition. The loser had to grant a request from the winner. Spoiler alert: you won. Your request: Immortality and eternal youth and beauty. The usual. Nowadays you are known across the realms for your work... among other things.
Shang Tsung, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Kitana, Mileena, & Liu Kang
A/N: Serious intros mixed with flirting and just the right amount of almost-smut. Be sure to send any other ideas you might have.
Shang Tsung
Y/n: Does my skill flatter you, sorcerer?
Shang Tsung: It amuses, maybe I'll let you live after all.
Shang Tsung: I must say, now that I see your work in person. It's quite... mediocre.
Y/n: Mediocre? MEDIOCRE?
Shang Tsung: That Liu Kang lost to you speaks volumes.
Y/n: I can say the same about you losing to him.
Y/n: You're... you're very charming for a villain.
Shang Tsung: Do I make you weak in the knees, Y/n?
Shang Tsung: That silk coat you made me had acidic venom in the fibers!
Y/n: *grins* Oops.
Y/n: The silk sheets have been crafted as you requested.
Shang Tsung: Excellent, now I just need you on them to make it complete.
Kung Lao
Kung Lao: I need a new costume, something that matches my greatness.
Y/n: Of course, I think I have some leftover pieces of scrap from Raiden.
Kung Lao: You know what, I like you.
Y/n: *rolls eyes* Wow, thank you so much. Your validating me makes me feel so special.
Y/n: What would you like me to make you?
Kung Lao: A nice, big, soft cover. We'll need it for our honeymoon.
Kung Lao: Why do you have so many spiders?
Y/n: I like having company as I spin my threads.
Y/n: Keep you and your hat out of my workshop!
Kung Lao: Oh come on, all I did was accidentally cut some of the work that took you years to complete.
Kung Lao: You should come with me to Madam Bo's.
Y/n: NO. My tab with her is big enough.
Johnny Cage
Johnny: If I knew spiders could be so hot, I'd still smash them all day.
Y/n: I'll never forgive you for killing Gunter!
Johnny: I've got this sweet idea for a new look.
Y/n: Of course, but I'll need your measurements... I need you to get naked, Johnny.
Johnny: Just so you know, I'm cool with doing nudity.
Y/n: Johnny, I'm a weaver, not a sculptor.
Johnny: You got to become my costume designer, we'd kill it on the red carpet.
Y/n: That would be a dream, Johnny!
Johnny: Y/n..that's such a beautiful name. It almost makes me want to sing.
Y/n: Please don't, your musical flopped for a reason.
Johnny: I don't think Christina will ever come back.
Y/n: Remember Johnny, I'll be here for you...With open arms, open legs, and an open mouth.
Y/n: I'll make nothing for you!
Bi-Han: Good, I want you, not your talents.
Bi-Han: You are living proof of Liu Kang's incompetence.
Y/n: Says the man who lost to two farmers.
Bi-Han: I was holding back against Raiden and Kung Lao.
Y/n: Oh, Bi-Han, you don't need to lie to impress me.
Bi-Han: I'll freeze your little insects and leave you defenseless.
Y/n: A. They're Arachnida, B. Pick up a book, and C. Some of us like the cold.
Y/n: Your bed must be so cold.
Bi-Han: Come lay in it with me and find out.
Bi-Han: Let me guess, you think your love can "fix me"?
Y/n: Who said I wanted to fix you?
Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang: Your growing relationship with Bi-Han is concerning.
Y/n: Oh Kuai, don't tell me you're getting jealous.
Y/n: Come to me, Scorpion. I burn for you.
Kuai Liang: You've been spending too much time with Johnny.
Y/n: Perhaps you and I coul-
Kuai Liang: I'm sorry, but I'm spoken for.
Kuai Liang: Harumi loved the tapestry.
Y/n: Only the best for her.
Y/n: Are sure?
Kuai Liang: The feeling I had for you are gone now.
Kuai Liang: What have you been planning?
Y/n: Just a little present for your wedding, specifically for the honeymoon.
Kitana: Can I hope to have your loyalty in my ongoing battle with Shao?
Y/n: I guess we both shall see.
Kitana: You beat Lord Liu Kang!?
Y/n: Of course, when it comes to combat he is my superior, but no man can best me in my craft.
Kitana: I must say, the stories about you do not do your talents or your beauty justice.
Y/n: What exactly do those stories say?
Kitana: Have you ever considered silk worms rather than spiders?
Y/n: *blech* Never, they're gross, slow, and squishy, and worse, they're all gossips.
Y/n: I already have the train ready, just needs some more embroidery.
Titan Kitana: Train? Are you making me a wedding dress?
Y/n: You and Liu Kang are so cute together.
Titan Kitana: I thank you for being so approving, but our relationship is really none of your business.
Y/n: Why do you stare, Empress?
Mileena: I don't know, something about all those bugs around you seems...familiar...
Mileena: Your ascension to the plain of the immortals is most admirable.
Y/n: Perhaps there are some things I may be able to teach you Empress.
Mileena: Are you making wedding attire for Titan Kitana and Lord Liu Kang?
Y/n: Of course, but don't be jealous, I already have something special for you and Tanya.
Mileena: Perhaps you may stay a bit longer, teach me some of your trade.
Y/n: Of course, Empress.
Mileena: *Bloodlusted* I will rip your tongue out from through your cheek!
Y/n: Ooohhhh, cheeky.
Mileena: When I am done with you I will burn all your work to ashes for what you did!
Y/n: No, please! Mercy, MERCY!!!
Liu Kang
Y/n: You knew I'd win?
Liu Kang: I can recognize talent when I see it.
Y/n: Why did you accept my challenge even though you knew you'd lose?
Liu Kang: I was hoping for a chance to be near you.
Y/n: Who is this D'vorrah? Geras said I reminded him of her.
Liu Kang: Nothing should concern you.
Liu Kang: Please, I ask you, keep your distance from raiden.
Y/n: Why? Worried that I'll tempt your little champion?
Liu Kang: You made me a wedding dress?
Y/n: Of course, I see you as much more of a dress-wearing type of man rather than a boring old tuxedo.
Liu Kang: Be careful, Y/n, your hubris can lead to your downfall.
Y/n: What is wrong with showing a little pride in my work?
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rafescurtainbangz · 17 days
Peach Part 2 of 2 Rafe Cameron Two Shot) +18
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Part 1
Minor DNI
This was a little prompt from a conversation between @drewstarkeyslut @rafesthroatbaby
Spoilers: somnophilia, cheating, swearing, degradation, name-calling, pet names, oral (fem. receiving), eral (male receiving), ownership kink, reader's a sugar baby, rough sex, nipple play, ehoking, creampie, & cum play, no use of y/a but everyone refers to her as the pet name Peach, softish rafe but he's kinda mean here and there, breeding kink, brief smut (kisses and pushing fingers in) with Ward
College!Rafe x Ward's Sugar Baby (female reader)
Word of warning, if you hate the use of "daddy", stop while you're ahead. You'll hate this.
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Reader’s POV:
Rafe chuckles darkly, rolling his eyes to yours, giving you a look that speaks volumes. "Why don't you let me know in two minutes? Huh? I'm sure that's how long he'll last." He reaches down, snagging your little panties off the floor, stuffing them in his powder blue suit pocket.
Rafe reaches out his hand, helping you off the couch. Your knees wobble as you continue to come down from your high off his fingers and lips alone.
Everything with Ward was ruined the moment you and Rafe were alone. Was I hoping for this all along? Was a part of me just trying to get closer to Rafe from the beginning? I mean, it seems like it. All I know is I made a mess for myself and fast.
Rafe opens the door for you, hanging back as his hand continues to hold yours, lingering until the last moment before pressing a soft kiss on top. "You know where to find me. Yeah?" You look up at Rafe, the dark room matching his darkened eyes. He smiles smugly as you give him a timid nod. "Good girl." Rafe releases your hand; the door fanning shut, closing off the two of you from each other.
You walk a few paces, just two doors down from the locker room. Rafe steps out from behind the door, adjusting his tie dramatically before running his fingers through his romp-tousled hair. He looks over at you, giving you a little wink before shuffling away.
Fuck me.
"Ward!" You gasp. Your stomach turns, déjà vu hitting you like you’d pressed rewind. Ward slams his lips against yours, taking your breath away. You pinch your eyes shut, praying silently that he doesn't smell his son’s rich cologne lingering on your skin.
Your long nails scratch through his hair, making him moan and you shudder into your kiss as he pulls you deeper into the room; your guilt mounting by the second. The shame feels heavy, a suffocating weight pressing down on your chest.
"Where were you, baby girl? You were gone too long," he whispers against your mouth as he lays you back on the smooth top of the billiards table.
"I ran into one of the wives," you pant, your heart racing with your thoughts. "M'sorry."
"It’s alright. As long as I have you with me it doesn't matter, Peach." His rough fingers meet the inside of your thighs, moving higher and higher. No. No. Fuck. My panties-
"No panties. Huh? Such a needy thing for Daddy. You couldn't even bother wearing that little set I bought you. Could you?"
you clear your throat in an attempt to clear your mind. "No - no. I need you. Please," you whimper. Your nerves and unease, muddled for sheer unadulterated want. You swallow thickly as Ward’s fingers push inside you. "Fuck, princess... Have you been thinkin' about me? You're so wet," he lauds. “Why didn't you tell me?“
"Hurry. Please. C'mon, Daddy-”
"Gotta be real quiet, Peach. I'd hate for the other guys to know just how good Ward Cameron takes care of his girl. You're drippin' just thinking about it, Sugar-” You grab him by the root of his hair, silencing his ignorance with your drenched pussy.
Goddamnit, Rafe.
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Rafe was right... As much as I hate to admit it. Ward didn't stand a chance. Yet another fake orgasm for the books. After we got back to the event all I wanted was Rafe’s attention. / craved it. I craved him. I wanted his eyes on me and his lips on mine. / wanted to finish what we started. Rafe acted like it was nothing at all... ignoring me which made me fight for his focus even more. Ward’s son going as far as flirting with other women. Just taunting me further.
I couldn't take it any longer, my mind stuck on Rafe, Rafe, Rafe while I listened to Ward snore. I weighed my options for a moment. Sure, I feel guilty. I know what I did was wrong. But, I can’t take the risk.
I need to do something fast. I need Rafe.
You look down at him, his large toned body tangled in sheets. Your manicured finger traces his rosy bottom lip as you study his features - the man, just as beautiful when he sleeps. You grab the bow at your waist, loosening the satin strap, letting it fall to your feet leaving you bare just like him.
Your pussy throbs with anticipation, thinking about Rafe's words just a few hours before, hearing just how bad he wanted you for himself. Your fingers brush over his gold chain, to his strong chest, following the divet of his abs; flexing under your touch to his slight happy trail.
Rafe rolls to his back, pitching the linen sheet eversoslighty as his dick starts to respond to your touch. You let out a needy moan as you pull back the sheet, his long, thick cock just begging to be licked, sucked, and fucked. You reach down, gliding your fingers through your pussy, gathering your wetness as you climb on top of him.
You take hold of the base of his dick, tracing up slowly, feeling him get heavier in your hand the harder he gets. His fat pink tip, shift to a deeper hue as you watch a little pearl of precum gather at his slit growing larger with each stroke. He's so fucking big... Your mouth waters at the sight of him.
Your tongue traces along a vein, catching his precum as it drips down slowly down the side. You lick a few fat stripes up his shaft, kissing wetly as his dick twitches in your palm. You groan onto his cock as your warm wet mouth wraps around his swollen tip. A sleepy moan follows from Rafe as you suckle on his head, flicking your tongue to tease.
You caress his balls as you take him to the back of your throat. "Fuck," Rafe gasps, "Oh. Oh, Fuckkk." His surprise pivots to pleasure in an instant. "Goddamn, princess... Took you long enough," He hums as he gathers your hair in his hand, pushing it out of the way to get a better look. “I knew you’d flip, baby doll. You were mine the moment I saw you.”
Rafe pushes you a little further, releasing a needy moan at your gag reflex. Tears roll down your cheeks as you take almost all of him, pulling off slowly, swirling to the tip making his eyelashes flutter. "Jesus fuckin' Christ," he moans as he throws his head back on the pillow. "Gonna bust my load already... You have any idea how good this feels? Such a fuckin’ slut, ma... You already know how to suck me just like I like," he sighs blissfully, catching the mess of saliva dripping from the corner of your lips before sucking it clean.
Rafe blows out a breath as you start to stroke him with your mouth, rolling his heavy balls in your small hand. You release his cock with a pop, causing him to let out a grunt for more, almost instantly eased by your fist, jerking him off.
You can feel your wetness, trickling from your pussy, seeping down your inner thigh. “I can't wait to fuck you, princess. I already fucked my fist twice since we got back, just dreamin’ about that sweet pussy of yours.”
Twisting your hand at the base you bob up and down. Rafe follows your strokes, pressing you lower as he mumbles more words of praise. "He doesn't deserve this. You're perfect. This fuckin’ mouth, baby. You can get anything you want from me. Wanna breed this perfect pussy. Really make you mine." You hollow your cheeks, milking his cock, making him groan and shift on the mattress, cutting off his babbling. "Gonna cum... let me have it, baby. Let me fuck it deep in your cunt. Yeah? I won't stop. I'll keep going. Just let me fill you up."
You come off his dick, crawling toward his lips as Rafe grips himself. You moan in unison as you take every inch. Rafe's balls squish against your ass as his eyes roll to the back of his skull. You feel his cock twitch, throbbing inside your sensitive cunt as he fills whatever space is left, stuffing you to the brim with his load.
"Fuckk, baby. Holy shit. I… Mmm… I'll take care of you. Alright?" He pants as his eyes lift open on yours. “Say somethin’, princess.”
"Okay, daddy-”
"Daddy?" He echoes, his pleading tone turning smug as he gets exactly what he wanted.
Rafe captures your lips in a heated kiss, deepening it in a moment. Your mouth moves with Rafe’s, exploring and savoring the taste of his soft lips and tongue. Your hands roam his body, pulling him closer and closer. You grind and swivel your hips nice and slow, moaning and whining against his mouth as his cock hits all the right spots.
Rafe’s lips separate from yours, making you chase his kiss. He rest his large palms on your hips, lifting you slightly to hover you over his still rock-hard cock. You feel Rafe’s cum drip from your pussy, catching the head of his pulsing dick before rolling down his shaft.
His dark eyes lift to yours, making chills fall down your spine. "Don't worry, princess. Gonna fuck it all back in you I promise." He mumbles through raspy whisper as he drags you to his lips. His hand weaves through your hair, wrapping the other around your waist before pulling you down to the mattress.
Rafe lays you out, eyeing your slick slit making you whimper as he traces his digits through the mess, lifting it to your lips. You taste the both of you on your tongue; Rafe, letting you suck on his fingers for a moment. You swirl your tongue as your eyes stay locked on his.
“You’re such a filthy whore, baby. Just perfect for me-”
"Please, Rafe..." You whimper the second he pulls them out, frantic and aching for him to plug you just like before.
"What was that, princess?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow in your direction as he clutches your legs, curling them over his broad shoulders.
"Please, daddy."
"Mmm... Mhmm. There it is. There's my girl,” he sighs as pushes into you once more. Your mouth hangs open as he bottoms you out; Rafe making you squeal in pain and pleasure as he plows himself flush with you, pressing his body weight down on you to fold you in half.
"So big, daddy," you weep.
Rafe pecks a soft kiss on your quivering lips. "You alright, baby?" He whispers as he drags himself out.
"So fucking good. I wanna cum on your cock. I need it-”
He sucks his teeth and chuckles malevolently. "How long has it been, Peach?" His tone almost guised for genuine concern.
"Rafe…” you plead.
"No shit? Fuck. That's so embarrassing for him... You poor little thing. M'gonna make you cum again and again until the only man you remember owning this perfect pussy is me." You bite your lip and nod as Rafe throws his hips into you.
His lips locks with yours, moaning and blissful cries exchanged. Rafe’s hips slap against the back of your thighs; his dewy forehead, nestled against yours, stealing glances from time to time to watch his cum-covered cock dip in and out.
He picks up speed, feeling your walls drawn in around him. His large wooden bed frame knocks against the wall, making your eyes widen. "Rafe s-stop... Just - just slow down."
"I ain't stoppin’,” he grunts, snapping his hips a little more. The rhythmic banging surely heard from rooms away. "I told you I'm gonna take care of you. That means takin’ care of him. Aight? Don’t worry, baby. Daddy’s got you. Now c'mon, princess, don't hold out on me. Let him hear how it sounds when his little doll cums... My little doll."
His strong hands grip your hips, using them as leverage to drill into you, making you scream. You throw your head back, eyes shut tight as you feel yourself about to fall apart. Your mouth draws open as a string of curses and praise flows freely. "Rafe. Fuck!" You moan as your pleasure releases, pussy pulsing around his big cock as you cum hard. Rafe fucks you through it as stars dance in your eyes, his stamina unmatched as he continues to rut into you.
“Holy shit, da-”
"Peach?" You hear Ward call.
Your heads snap toward the door, Rafe not missing a beat. “Oops. Think someone’s lookin’ for you, Peach.”
“Uh yeah, Pops. We're kinda busy in here," Rafe drones; his voice hoarse and worn with pleasure. "Ain't that right, baby?”
Ward starts to bang on the door as Rafe starts to thrust quicker, keeping time with the rapid pounding of Ward's fists. The door handle jiggles as he fights with the locked handle.
"Rafe..." You sniffle as tears of pleasure leak from your eyes.
"Me too, princess. Fuck. Me too," he coos. Rafe slips his hand low; his adept fingers brushing fast.
"Yes, daddy. Just - Just like that.”
“I need it baby… Cum for me one more time,” he grunts.
You cry out as your orgasm spills over, soaking his cock, and wetting the sheets below. "That's it... Good fuckin' girl." Rafe leans in close, caging your body in. His lips brush against the shell of your ear, breathing rapidly. "Squirtin’ on my cock, angel? I'm such a fuckin’ showin' off. Told you. didn't I? No one's gonna take care of you like me.”
"Ugh, shit. I'm yours. M'yours, Daddy.”
“Yeah you are… Fuckin’ right. All mine.” His hips snap into you one last time, filling you with his warmth, toppling down on top of you. You can feel everything at this moment, his release and your own, the two of you glazed with sweat. Rafe’s lips press against your just as you hear the door force open.
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Tag list: Tags: @voyeurmunson @romaescapes @gri959 @redhead1180 @h34rtsformilli @joannamuns9n @marahgubler
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@drewstarkeyslut @juniebugg @wearemadeofstardust0
@imbabycowboy @rafesgiirl
@cutielando @rafedrewandjjs
@rafesthroatbaby @999ares9996 @oxpogues4lifexo @chiaraanatra
@drewswifeeee @theoraekenslover @niyahnotnia @1aarii1 @kisses4angel
@beth-gallagher22 @starkeysbaby @rubixgsworld @starkeysprincess
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jeankirstein4ever · 2 months
Love Songs - Modern!Eren J.
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A/N: Match up for @ermbabyel! You guys have been such supportive angels, sorry there was such a long break but the vacation was lovely!
Your first impression isn't ideal - it's the dead of night in a CVS, exhausted and bored with the current color of your hair only to be met with the loudest group of boys in the universe. Eren, Connie, and Jean had had a long night of drinking and playing at some dive bar, barking laughing, and yelling throughout the store.
" fifty bucks if you dye your hair, 'ren," Connie calls out some stupid bet, leaving you to side-eye them as they get closer and closer to you - their volume becoming overbearing.
"Hey, what color should he -hic- dye his hair, d'you think your color would look -hic- good on 'em." Eren throws his arm back halting Jean and Connie as they approach you.
He smiles apologetically, "Sorry about them, they're a bit rowdy when drunk, but your hair is pretty."
You two make chit-chat in the isle, Connie and Jean had wandered off in search of food, while you offered advice on what color would suit him, and what kind of haircare to use to keep the color for longer.
He’ll pay attention to you as you speak- practically trying to drink you in; like a crow, he’ll get distracted by the glimmer and glittering jewelry that adorns your person. Mesmerized to a mind-fogging extent.
He invited you to one of his shows, a bit pouty when you tell him your aversion to louder cramped places, "Well maybe I could play something for just you?" A sly smirk plastered on his drunken face.
You get his number and finally talk yourself into inviting him over, opting for a movie night, and laying out a plethora of blankets and prized stuffed animals. The knock on your door startles you a little opening it, "Hey pretty girl", his dumb smile lazy across his lips, guitar in his ring-clad hand.
He adores your enthusiasm as you lay out the horror movie options, ultimately letting you pick whatever movie you want, "if we don't get through them all I guess I'll just have to come over again."
It felt cliche but he couldn't pay attention for the life of him, you were too, too much of everything, and eventually, when you relaxed into his arms he wanted to eat you; heart and soul.
The next couple of times he comes over, it becomes harder to ignore that desire.
He'll hold your thighs firmly in between his hands, the pads of his fingers rough from years of playing guitar. Licking a long stripe against your wet dripping hole, making you whine. "gotta stay still baby, wanna hear all your pretty noises, can't do that when you're runnin' away from me."
Nipping at the flesh of your inner thighs, one hand interlaced lazily with yours, the other working your body like you were the only thing he knew, drawing his fingers in and out in agonizingly long strokes.
saliva was spilling over your lips, mouth agape and gasping for him, " 'ren, 'ren too full, can't." In contrast to his hands, his hips work fast, too eager to feel you, his hands lifting your soft hips to him, practically bruising your cervix at this pace.
He's shirtless hovering over you, necklaces and hair sticking to his warm skin, "fuck baby, wish you could see yourself, god, gonna-"
Cum spilling out of you onto the flesh of your thighs and his abdomen, Eren collapses into a heap on top of you, his head laying in the crook of your neck, kissing and nipping at your shoulder, "you sound prettier than any love song."
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Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey
Favorite - Isabel LaRosa
Glue Song - Beabadoobee
Real Love Baby - Father John Misty
Homecoming - Kanye West, Chris Martin
Speed - Kali Uchis
She Wants My Money - Dominic Fike
I. Pink Toes - Childish Gambino
Power Trip - J.Cole, Miguel
Kiss - Prince
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kenmakodz · 3 months
11. i'll see you in court ☆
writing in-between cuts!
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hugs are exchanged, and many many "i missed you"'s are exchanged. nobara's hands are shaky as she reaches out to her girlfriend, whom she hasn't seen for quite a few months. while they hug and whisper amongst themselves, yuuji envelopes you into a hug of your own, practically bouncing up and down. his words are jumbled and fast, for someone who doesn't know him, it'd be impossible to keep up. "we missed you so much and i know it hasn't been that long but for us it's felt like forever and we never realized how much we needed you back there and movie nights aren't the same without you and and-" a hand reaches up to his mouth, effectively silencing him. "relax, yuuji. i know you missed me." you smile, softening your words always seems to do the trick when he's bouncing off the walls like that. he gives you another quick hug before backing away, taking a short glance at yuuta before doing so.
... why did he look at me like that?
a small wave and a smile is exchanged between you and megumi, he's never really been one for hugs... or affection by any means.
after eventually wrapping up the dragged out greetings, nobara announces that she will 'drop dead' if she doesn't get something to eat immediately, so you're all headed to the dining hall as your first stop. you will periodically sneak glances at yuuta, who has his hands in his pockets and is seemingly glued to the side of toge. you wished he would walk next to you, give you any attention at all, but you're just friends. you aren't entitled to him. at least, that's the conclusion your brain has come to at this point. instead of your black-haired boy, yuuji is by your side rambling about all the different stops they took on the way here, and how nobara insisted on buying snacks at every single one. this conversation continues at the lunch table, which turns into the two of them pointing fingers at eachother back and forth, and megumi ready to put his head in his hands out of embarrassment.
you laugh, and it almost feels bittersweet for a split second. this feels so comfortable, something you've struggled to feel ever since moving here. of course, you couldn't have found a better group to surround yourself with; you're eternally grateful to your new friends for taking you in. but, nothing will beat the pure happiness that comes with being around the people who know you best. the ones who have seen you at your highest, your lowest, your... weirdest.. (we don't talk about mario kart nights). you may have made amazing friends at your home away from home, but these are your friends, your people. yuuta notices your demeanor, and his anxious gaze softens when he realizes what you're doing.
how can i be acting like this when she's so happy?
hands are placed on your shoulders, and you're (literally) shaken out of your thoughts. "earth to y/nnnn!" yuuji's voice rings through your ears as you fade back into the conversation, and you turn to him with silence, yet a look on your face that speaks volumes. his face brightens, and he retracts his hands, holding them up as an apology. "sorry, sorry, but you've been so dazed! we're about to leave!" your eyes widen, trying to recollect just how long you've been in your head for yet again. "where are we going?" you ask, turning to the rest of the group who starts to snicker at your confusion, when they've been talking about the location for at least five minutes at this point. "nobara wants to go shopping, so we're going to the mall." maki finally says, smiling at you thinking she knows something. you squint at her smugness, but brush it off once the group starts to head out.
i should've sat next to her instead.
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after another sigh from maki, and matching pouts from you and nobara, a hand taps on your shoulder. you turn around and are met with yuuta, who pulls you slightly farther away from the two girls starting to bicker over whether or not a weighted sloth plushie is necessary. your hand doesn't leave his, and you look up at him puzzled. "what's wrong?" he just smiles and shakes his head, which confuses you more. "nothing, i just didn't want to tell you i'll buy you one in front of them" when those words leave his mouth, your eyes noticeably light up, and even with your best attempt at hiding it, it doesn't work. pushing him away slightly, you attempt to decline, but he's already dragging you back to where you were and picking one out with you.
"if i pick one with you, it'll belong to both of us"
"will i get shared custody?"
"i'll see you in court."
yuuta seems much more content than he was before after you two picked out a stuffed cat and named it charlie. but, he was very much still on his guard. he doesn't like the way yuuji puts his hands on you so often, and he doesn't like the way you allow it. but, you're not his, who is he to control you?
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-> ooooooh boyy yuuta.. this boy has had his eyes on y/n since the moment the friend group arrived. he feels so guilty for being so jealous, but he wishes he was close with you the way you are with them. your actions and the way you carry yourself seem so much more laid back than how you are with him and the rest. he wants you to be that comfortable with him, why now is he realizing that you may have been tense? he thought you liked him, why do things feel weird all of a sudden..? is he too deep in his thoughts?
-> a bit of a timeskip happened! not much, just two days from when we last saw them :3 (i didn’t know how to fill the gap help)
previous, masterlist, next [12. jealousy]
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taglist is open! @just-a-girlblogger @moryymor @swissy23 @hvnyacoded @sereniteav @k4romis @jayathelostdragon @h3rmess @olivandeee @lysaray @ari3000dontcare @raechu11 @marifujioka @nyxlai @sonicsolos @saltypuffin1040 @r0ckst4rjk @h8ani @lmaolmaolmao @maya-maya-56 @mittensdun @adrenova @pnkblueberry @morgyyyyyyy @chososwh0r3 @lunecqm @r4veeen @arivsx @levlucs-kiru @mellozhi @sad-darksoul @ichorstainedskin @phoenix-eclipses @h3xi2g0n3 @eternalalmondd @en40p @love-jelly @kaeichi @vianna99 @dreamxiing @satoryaa @0range-juiceee @you-always-made-me-blush
if you are in bold, i am unable to tag you :( and if i forgot to add you, PLEASE YELL AT ME
⤷ © kenmakodz
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nihilo-sensei · 3 months
The Infamous Chuuya-SSKK Car Ride
Two. Fucking. Hours.
Akutagawa and Atsushi have been arguing for two hours almost non-stop and there's still an hour to go in the trip. If you had asked Chuuya before he climbed into this four-wheeled prison what the most annoying thing on Earth was, he would've said without hesitation that it was dealing with Dazai. That was a more innocent time, a time before life had decided to punish him for his every felony, misdemeanor, and wasted gallon of milk. He wasn't sure if these apparently nuclear-powered bickering machines being confined to the backseat was better or worse for him. Probably better; at least one half of the invective wasn't being spewed directly into his left ear.
As much as he wanted to blame a member of the Armed Detective Agency for all of his misery, he was disappointed to say that it had been his subordinate and fellow mafioso who started this. Granted it hadn't taken much to get the weretiger to dive down to Akutagawa's level, but he was just trying to make conversation, asking if Chuuya listened to much music. Honestly, the gravity manipulator would've been delighted to spend a three-hour car ride talking about music, even with an ADA member. It was kind of nice that the kid had reached for some common ground between them. Akutagawa really hadn't needed to cut Chuuya off before he had a chance to answer by saying, "No one cares, weretiger." That one admittedly rude remark had sealed Chuuya's fate for the rest of the ride out to the countryside. Thanks, Aku.
"You better not get in my way when we get there, weretiger. The Port Mafia doesn't need Least Beneath the Moonlight."
"I guess I'll leave the job to Brash-ōmon, then. Get over yourself."
How are they still coming up with new insults? Chuuya hadn't even had the energy to tell them to shut the fuck up passed the 35-minute mark, about 25 minutes after his throat started to hurt from trying to match their combined volume. It was like they didn't even hear him. They were in their own little world together.
That was what he'd been warned about, though, wasn't it? Akutagawa and the tiger boy had… tension. He had heard about it from Dazai, but hadn't given it much thought. After all, why would he bother listening to anything that mummy's asshole says off the battlefield? He would happily throw Dazai off a building if he wasn't sure it would make that freak even happier than it would make Chuuya. Something about this train of thought makes Chuuya feel like a hypocrite for some reason. Where was he?
"At least I don't dip my bangs in Wite-Out!"
"Your impoverished ass could only afford one bang!"
Oh right, this thick fog of something making itself at home in Chuuya's backseat and inside his pounding skull. He had thought it was just a joke or an exaggeration, but this much passion for each other? Could all of that really just be simple hate? No, this doesn't really feel like hate. But if they don't hate each other why tell themselves that they do? That's so self-destructive. They should just confront their feelings like adults. Even if those feelings aren't romantic they could still find themselves good friends, they have a lot in common. At least they'd stop making their sexual tension or whatever everyone else's problem.
Why does Chuuya feel like a hypocrite again?
Chuuya stares into the rear-view mirror. The new Double Black had practically passed out five minutes into the drive to Yokohama. Not surprising after the mission had turned out to be far more complicated then they had anticipated. He wasn't complaining, he really couldn't deal with another three hours of angry sound waves bouncing around an enclosed space. Truthfully, they'd earned the rest. Even when the situation was going to shit they'd worked well together. Atsushi kept Akutagawa's mind on the civilians while Akutagawa's support kept Atsushi calm and focused. Chuuya sees now why Dazai put them together, not that Chuuya would ever openly tell the man he was right.
So he'd let the pair sleep, only debating whether he should wake them up after the blessedly silent car had crossed the Yokohama city limit. He had glanced into the mirror and caught sight of something that made him suddenly redirect as much attention as he safely could to it. The Sun had set halfway through the drive so he had had to wait for the car to pass the next street light to get a good look at it, and sure enough he saw exactly what he thought he had. At some point in the drive Atsushi and Akutagawa had leaned into each other while they slept. Atsushi's head was now resting on Akutagawa's shoulder while the mafioso's head rested on top of the weretiger's. Chuuya smiled. Definitely not hate.
As the car nears the ADA office, where Atsushi was to be dropped off, Chuuya pulls into a gas station with a new mission in mind. After he puts the car in park he takes out his phone and hopes that fatigue keeps the pair asleep and unaware while he does what needs to be done. He gambles on using the flash and wins a nice, clear picture that's going to absolutely make his fucking day the next time Akutagawa decides to make him sit through another "that goddamn foolish weretiger" rant. But was it really fair to make just Akutagawa suffer when Atsushi was about as responsible for Chuuya's three-hour ordeal earlier? No. And isn't the ADA all about that justice shit?
Chuuya opens his text thread with Dazai, taps his thumbs to the screen a few times, and hands down Atsushi's sentence with the push of 'Send'. He only has to wait a few seconds before the weretiger's irritating superior responds.
Mackerel (21:04): Oh my god, thank you so much for this! How useful my dog is becoming!
You (21:04): I seriously can't do this with you right now, Dazai. Those little bastards almost wiped me out on the way to the mission. They argued the entire time. I'm fucking tired.
Mackerel (21:05): Impressive, isn't it?
"Impressive" was one way of putting it. "Never gonna happen again" was another.
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paleprincessturtle · 3 months
harvey fic request! :) maybe they get in a spat about harvey getting jealous or a miscommunication but then they fix it and then super fluffy
Hiiii!!! Thank you so much for the request and I'm so so so so sorry it took so long for me to continue writing here. Life been tough but here I am. Enjoy❤️
The Greenest
When Harvey received a phone call from Mike, he was happy, to say the least. But upon hearing what he had to say, Harvey sighed. There was this charity in Seattle, and both Mike and Rachel invited him. Harvey dodged the question by saying that he had to ask his wife. It wasn't that Harvey didn't want to donate his money for a good cause, but he rarely spent time with his wife now. He just wanted to stay home and do absolutely nothing with his wife in his arms. He could just write a check for it and make up some excuse later.
Harvey got home to Pink Floyd blasted through the house. He couldn't help but hum along with the song. It would be useless, he thought, to call out for his wife. He found her in their bedroom, a few dresses draped on the bed as she stood in front of her kingdom of shoes. "Are we going somewhere?" Harvey asked casually as he took off his suit. She jumped at his voice, eyes wide. "You scared the living hell out of me," she said, reaching for her phone to turn down the volume of the speaker. "Well, I suggest you shouldn't give your husband a spare key, then." Harvey rolled up his sleeves as he observed the dresses. "We're going somewhere?" Harvey asked again. "Oh yes! Mike and Rachel invited us to this charity gala. It's for abused women and children. Can you imagine?" Harvey watched as his wife's face scrunched in sadness. He swore this woman wouldn't even hurt a fly. "It's in Seattle?" Harvey asked again as she earned an eager nod. Well played, Mike, Harvey thought. Going straight to his wife. Well played. "We sure can come, yes?" Harvey looked at his wife, knowing damn well it wasn't a question. He nodded and smiled. 
Harvey's favorite thing to do whenever he went out with his wife was to watch her get ready. He watched his wife put on matching underwear in black, all lacey. He stole a glance at his watch as his brain raced at the possibility of tempting his goddess of a wife for a little fun activity. "Don't think about it, Harvey." His wife scolded him as she watched him from the unreasonably huge mirror in their hotel room. "Think about what?" Harvey asked, pretending to be clueless. "Think about taking off my underwear, bending me over, having your way with me, being late, and what excuse should you give Mike for being late?" Harvey smirked at the sultry way his wife said it. "We've been in this dance before, Harvey. I will not fall for it again. Now, why won't you be a nice gentleman and zip my dress?"
"Jeez, Harvey. Didn't you arrive at the hotel yesterday? This whole thing started an hour ago!" Mike scolded Harvey, who gave him a knowing look. "Seriously?" Mike gave him a disgusted look, and not long after, his wife came along. Mike hugged her and thanked her for coming. He then managed to explain this charity he and Rachel are now part of. He also said it would be good for the charity to know two successful New York lawyers are here, siding with the charity. It just meant more money for the charity. Which was great.
Not long after, Rachel came, and she gave them brief hugs. She managed the whole event, so Rachel was running around as she made sure that nothing went awry. The three of them were having a good time. They talked about what was going on in their lives. Harvey probably would have to admit that this wasn't an entirely bad idea to come. Mike nudged Harvey, "There, that's the city attorney. Let's put that pretty face to good use." Harvey looked back at his wife, signaling for her to come along. "I need to go to pee; I'll look for you later." Harvey smiled at her as he followed Mike.
Harvey just realized that his wife was never to find him. It had been 20 minutes; surely she didn't need that long. Harvey tried to look around. He squinted his eyes at the sight of his wife, who happened to look way too comfortable with a man he had never seen before but was somewhat familiar. A man her age. Harvey frowned as he hurriedly excused himself. He made a beeline to where his wife stood but slowed down his pace when he was near. "Oh Jackson, you know how it is in New York," Harvey heard his wife laugh not long after. "Well, then maybe you should consider moving here." Before he could hear what his wife's reply would be, Harvey stood beside her, an arm wrapped around her hip. Harvey didn't miss the way this Jackson guy's eyes followed where Harvey's hand rested. "Won't you introduce us, sweetheart?" Harvey asked a rhetorical question. She sensed something wasn't quite right with Harvey's attitude. "Jackson, this is Harvey, my husband." Harvey extended his free hand. "Harvey, this is Jackson ...." Before she could finish her sentence, he jumped in. "I'm her ex-fiance," Jackson said, shaking Harvey's hand. Harvey gave him a curt smile. "Who would have thought that Harvey Specter is your husband?" Jackson said to her, but his eyes never left Harvey's. Again, before she could say anything, Harvey said, "What can I say, Jackson? I'm immaculate, and my wife has an immaculate taste." They looked at each other for quite some time, trapped in an uncomfortable silence as the two men tried to intimidate one another. Harvey then remembered that he once went against him in court. Harvey won, of course. "Well, it was nice to meet the two of you," he was about to leave when he stopped in front of her, "especially you; I'll give you a call when I visit New York." Before he left, he touched her bare arm. And Harvey was seething. Harvey took her hand to make them face-to-face. "What the fuck was that?" Harvey said, his jaw tightening. "What the fuck was that? What the fuck was what? I was just trying to get him to donate, Harvey!" Harvey scoffed, "By flirting with your ex-fiance, who suggested you move here?" She looked at him, exasperated. "We're going back to the hotel," Harvey said quietly. He took her elbow as he guided her out of the crowd. "Harvey, we are invited here to help them raise the donation," he said, shaking his head. "We're going back to the hotel." Harvey's voice left no room for argument. Before exiting the venue, she caught a glimpse of a confused Mike. She shook her head in silence before Mike became out of view. 
The two of them were silent during the ride back to the hotel. "We're back now at the hotel, happy?" she said sharply as she took off her heels. "We could've helped more if you weren't being so childish and being all jealous!" She raised her voice, both hands on her hips. She looked at Harvey's back, and he poured himself some scotch. "If you weren't flirting like a high school girl, we would still be there." Venom laced his voice. He turned to face his wife. "Do I need to pack your things and send them here so you can get back with Jackson?" His wife shook her head in disbelief at his words. He finished the glass in seconds, opened the door, and slammed it hard. She sighed and prepared herself a bubble bath. There is no use in arguing with him now.
She woke up with the curtain open. She squinted her eyes. She was greeted with the sight of Harvey sitting in a chair just beside the bed. "Hey, sunny," Harvey said softly. She didn't say anything or react; she just stared at him. "I'm sorry," he said genuinely, she could tell. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did; I'm really working on my issues. She nodded, she knew he tried. "Did I hurt you?" he asked as he took her hand in his. He did so as if he might break her, so gently. "You did," she answered quietly. "I'm really sorry," he kissed her hand softly. "It's okay, Harvey. Just try to work on yourself harder, okay? I'm here ready to help if you need anything, but no more lashing out," she said as she caressed his cheeks. Harvey leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" Without answering, she moved over and signed for Harvey to lay beside her. 
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writingforstraykids · 4 months
what about sub minho with dom felix? like all the boys think felix definitely gets topped by minho and then they hear felix ruining him in the dorms…
He deserved it
Pairing: Minlix (mention of OT8 | Chanin)
Word Count: 1324
Summary: Felix marks his territory after listening to Minho drooling for Chan all day.
Warnings/Tags: smut, whiny!sub!min, rough!dom!lix, degradation (slut), spanking (shortly)
A/N: Loved that one...might post a 2nd part if you want🤭
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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The boys were all sitting on the sofa watching a movie when their front door opened. The two missing members came inside, and Chan greeted them with a wave, frowning at how pissed Felix looked. The rest couldn't help but stare either as Minho put his sneakers aside, tensing up as Felix grabbed his wrist tightly. Minho blushed heavily as Felix whispered something to him and nodded timidly. 
Felix pulled him into the living room and pushed him past their friends. Minho was waving at them with a small smile before getting pushed up the stairs. 
The door to Minho's bedroom fell closed and Chan blinked a little in surprise. “What the hell did we miss?”
“God, Lix looked pissed,” Jisung chimed in. 
Hyunjin frowned gently. “Did I just see that right?”
“Felix's in charge when it's those two?” Changbin asked, stunned. 
“I always thought….,” Seungmin started, blushing a little and stopping himself from finishing that sentence. 
“Minho…a bottom? Minho being submissive?!” Jeongin finished it for him. 
“Nah, that can't be. Felix is way too-” Chan trailed off at a sudden noise, the bedframe hitting the wall. 
Jisung grabbed the remote, turning the volume down. None of them protested. All of them had been sleeping with at least two other members. None of them really remembered when that started, but they didn't mind having seven pretty guys at their disposal whenever they needed someone. 
“Felix can be dominant,” Jeongin told them and blushed, thinking of their last encounter. “But with Minho?”
“He can?” Chan frowned, surprised. “He was sobbing last time; I can hardly imagine that,” he giggled. What made him even more curious was the thought of Minho being submissive. They never hooked up yet because they both liked to be the one in control. A loud moan of Minho answered his question and he sank deeper into the sofa as they rose in pitch, matching the bed frame hitting the wall. “Oh god,” he whispered to himself, and Changbin threw him an amused glance. 
Minho's face was buried in the pillow, eyes squeezed shut and jaw slack, leaving him no way to silence the noise. He could only hope the others wouldn't hear him getting ruined by Felix; they'd never take him seriously after that. He gripped the sheets as Felix pounded into him, pulling his bum up high and making his back arch beautifully.
“Not so talkative now, huh,” Felix gritted out between his teeth, and Minho moaned in response. “Behaving like such a little slut instead of asking.”
“I'm sorry,” he whimpered and cried out in pleasurable pain as Felix slapped his bum. 
“No, you're not,” Felix shook his head, picking up the force of his thrusts, shoving Minho up the mattress. The older one weakly reached up to brace himself against the headboard and stop himself from scooting up even more. “Talking about Channie hyung all night, saying he'd make you cum harder than I ever did.”
“I wa-ahh-s joking,” he moaned out in pure bliss. “Needed you, wa-wanted you so bad.”
“Yeah, so needy that you started talking shit?” he asked and slapped him again. 
Minho grew slack with a loud whimper, tears shooting to his eyes. “Mhm, so needy.”
“Needy little slut,” Felix growled and changed the angle of his hips. “You're mine.”
Minho nodded dumbly and gripped the sheets tightly as another harsh pain shot through his left cheek as Felix's hand hit it. “Only need you, don't need Cha-ahhnn,” he moaned out obscenely loud as Felix hit his prostate and made his body shake. 
Chan's ears burned up, eyes widening and lips parting at the sound of Minho moaning his name so loudly it could be heard in the whole house. If he hadn't been hard before, he definitely would be now. He didn't dare lift his gaze and check if the others had caught it as well and shifted a little on the sofa, getting uncomfortable. Looking up, he noticed Changbin and Hyunjin had started kissing, and Jisung was seated in Seungmin's lap. 
“Hyungie?” Jeongin spoke up, and Chan turned his head to his maknae. He was sitting on his knees next to him, eyes teary at the neglect of the others, and his sweatpants did a bad job of hiding his arousal. 
Chan's face softened, and he patted his thighs. “Come here, baby,” he said, and Jeongin quickly shuffled over, straddling his lap and pressing down against him with a soft sigh. Chan gently cupped his face, soothingly rubbing his thumbs across his cheekbones, and planted a kiss on his forehead. “Need your hyung to take care of his little baby?” he asked quietly enough for only them to hear. 
“Please,” he whispered, needily grinding down against him. 
Minho was seeing stars by now, unable to form a clear sentence. He couldn't stop the noise from leaving his mouth, and it had him writhing with embarrassment. Felix had never gone so hard on him before, and fuck he loved it. “Close,” he whimpered, and Felix laughed. 
“Forget it, you're not cumming before I say so,” he told him. “I'll show your beloved Channie just how fucked out you are once I'm done with you.” An obscene moan spilled from Minho's lips, and he clenched hard around him. “My baby would like that, huh? Such a needy little slut.”
“So needy,” Minho slurred, completely out of it by now. “Please,” he whimpered, a tear falling from his face. 
“Please, what?” Felix asked sharply, dragging his dick across his prostate with every harsh snap of his hips. 
“Need to -ohh- cum,” he choked out, curling his fists in the sheets so tightly his nails drew blood even through the fabric. “Please, can't-” he breathed out before breaking apart with another loud moan. 
“Go on then, cum and make a mess, like the needy little slut you are,” Felix told him, and Minho's body shook intensely only seconds later. He came with a broken shout of his name, sobbing into the pillow weakly as Felix kept chasing his high. 
Chan gently kissed Jeongin, rubbing his hips after tucking him back in. “How the fuck are they still going?” the younger one asked, and Chan laughed. 
“No idea,” he said, noticing they were the only ones left in the living room. Jeongin curled up against his chest and Chan soothingly rubbed his back. His ears burned up at the sound of Minho stumbling over the edge, and closed his eyes, hoping they'd stop before he'd lose his mind. It got quiet soon, and after another few minutes, Felix strolled down the stairs, looking pleased with himself. “You menace.”
“He deserved it,” Felix shrugged and smirked at Chan. “Didn't stop talking about you ruining him. Should've seen him when I told him I'd show you how wrecked he is.”
“Felix,” he gasped, and Jeongin stared at his friend in wonder. 
“Never thought you'd be so jealous,” Jeongin snorted. 
“Well, I am,” he laughed and exchanged a glance with Chan. 
“Please tell me you didn't leave him there like that?” he said, barely above a whisper. 
“He's fine; he gets emotional, that's all,” Felix shook his head. "Come on, hyung. Do him the favor and take care of him. I'll cuddle Innie. I promise he's fine; I wouldn't leave him if he weren't.”
Chan reluctantly handed over Jeongin to Felix and made his way up the stairs, heart thumping in his chest. Seeing Minho like this, he hadn't imagined it to happen like that. Chan pushed the door open, jaw dropping at the sight. “Oh my God,” he breathed out. Minho was sprawled out on the bed, sobbing quietly as cum dripped from his hole. His hair stuck to his face, tear streaks painted his cheeks, and his body shuddered. “Lix, we have dance practice tomorrow!” he shouted downstairs, and Felix cackled in response. 
“Channie,” Minho whimpered, and Chan's stomach flipped at the sound of it. 
Oh, for fucks sake.
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Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@atinyniki @mal-lunar-28 @lilmisssona @aaasia111 @galaxycatdrawz @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @rebecca-johnson-28 @michelle4eve @lixie-phoria @gxtwllsn @xxstrayland
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jsprnt · 3 months
Americano PT. 2 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: my exam took me out and I had the longest nap of my life but here’s part two!! <3
W/C: 3.757
part one
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"No, I'm fine. You know, I get nauseous when we run around the stadium with a full stomach." I tell Luis as he offers me one of his packed sandwiches.
He hums, taking the last bite of his sandwich while observing the streets of beautiful Madrid,  looking comfortable in the passenger seat.
It was match day against Union Berlin, the first in the group stages of the Champions League. We were all pretty optimistic about it.
"Can you hand me some gum instead? It's in the glove box." I point, placing my hand back on my steering wheel as I take a left turn. The Santiago Bernabéu Stadium coming into sight.
He leans over, grabbing the blue packet of gum, quickly removing the plastic foil.
"How many pieces do you want?" He asks, crumpling the foil with his hand.
"Two please." I say, lowering the volume of the radio as we enter the staff parking lot of the stadium.
I notice him unwrapping the individual pieces of blue gum and extend my hand so he can place them in my palm. 
"Thanks." I mutter, popping them into my mouth after I manage to find a parking spot.
"When is the team arriving?" He asks as we step out to collect the camera equipment out of the trunk. I make sure to hand him his staff badge, clipping mine to my lanyard.
"Twenty minutes, I think." I say, helping him with the equipment bag. We quickly make our way towards the pitch, greeting fellow staff members. Luis sets the camera up as I check our drafts quickly.
We finally finish taking videos and pictures of the pitch after a few minutes, our staff badges hanging off our necks as we walk back inside to capture the players walking into the stadium.
"Okay, I've posted the Instagram stories. Mind if you take a look?" I ask Luis, showing him the short clips of the pitch and stadium.
"Looks fine, but you know you don't have to get it double-checked anymore. You've been doing this for a while now." He nudges me, expression reassuring.
"I know, just making sure." I say, analyzing the posts one more time. I didn't want anything to go wrong or look particularly weird, plus it would give Valeria a reason to complain about me.
We make sure to get good shots of the squad entering the stadium, following them out to warm up as well. Finally, we get to sit down when the match starts. We update the social media platforms of the club accordingly during halftime, just as planned.
So far, it was still a goalless game, prompting us to have higher expectations in the second half of the match.
Though, the second half isn't that much more climactic, but we all sit on the edge of our seats when extra time is announced. My finger hovering over the 'post' button of a 1-0 ‘X’ post.
Luis and I look at each other anxiously as we get awarded a corner. A commotion starts right before the net of Union Berlin, the ball bouncing back at first, and then GOALLL!
I practically slam the post button, the stadium erupting in cheers along with us. Finding it difficult to calm down, so we can focus on the last minutes of the game. With the assurance that we would win, Luis and I start packing our equipment quickly. It would make sure we could follow the team back into the tunnel and, of course, towards the changing room for the post-match interview.
"Who got Man Of The Match again?" I ask Luis, noticing a smirk form on his face immediately.
"It's Jude." He says, and I look at him with wide eyes, pulling an annoyed face.
"Really? Now I've got to interview him? It's going to explode his ego, like it can get any bigger..." I sigh, following Luis down the stands.
"You'll live." He mumbles, prompting me to sigh again, wishing I could speed up the next few minutes as if it were a boring Netflix show.
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"Tell him to- put his shirt on." I urge Luis, nudging his arm, my hands falling to my side when he shakes his head.
We'd both already been in the changing room, and my eyes had caught multiple half-naked
players. Prompting me to exit instantly. I didn't want to intrude when the guys were changing for obvious reasons, so I walked myself out before things became really awkward. Though, they probably didn't care, I did.
"Why does it matter?" He asks, pushing my head away from his face.
"It's distra- or just say-"
"I'm ready."
I whip my head around, my head almost colliding with a hard chest. I quickly take a step back, a smug-looking Jude looking down at me.
What the fuck was he so tall for?
"Took you long enough." I mumble, rolling my eyes. Trying to pretend he didn't scare the crap out of me.
He scoffs, the ‘Player Of The Match’ award glimmering in his hand as if he's trying to show it off to me.
"Can we just do the interview so I can stop talking to her?" He says, looking at Luis. His eyebrows raising in question.
I click my tongue in annoyance, tapping my shoe against the ground impatiently. I watch Luis nod, his hand coming up to my shoulder as he pushes me closer to Jude.
I turn my head, looking at Luis confused. I mouth a 'what the fuck?' to him, his smirk getting wider as my arm collides with Jude's. A sudden panic and disgust creeping up to me.
"Let's just do it without my face." I blurt, immediately detaching myself from Jude's side, like he's a scorching fire ready to burn me.
I feel his eyes follow me as I walk to stand behind Luis. I fight to urge to kick the back of Luis's leg for whatever that was and just request him to start filming. Glad that the mic was already attached to the camera.
"3, 2, 1.." he counts down, pressing the record button. I try to fake my uppermost enthusiasm when I ask the questions to Jude. Watching his own expression change within milliseconds. It's like he wasn't just begging for the interview to start, so he could stop talking to me.
"¡Hala Madrid! ¡Buenos Noches!" He finally exclaims, raising the award excitedly. The interview finally ending.
The two minutes felt like an eternity, and he'd probably uttered the same sentence about 50 times now.
I sigh in relief, stepping back as I watch Jude and Luis give each other a handshake. We make eye contact for a split-second, my gaze cold as he looks at me with pure arrogance plastered on his face. Walking away to join his teammates, who had already walked out of the changing room.
"Can we go now?" I ask Luis, massaging my temples. He turns around, blankly staring at me. It creeps me out for a split-second.
"What?" I ask, frowning at him, folding my arms defensively.
"Nothing. It's late, let's go." He says, walking ahead of me. I watch him walk away for a couple of seconds, trying to decipher why he gave me that look. His back almost disappearing out of my sight before I knew it.
He walks past a couple players and staff members, them having their own conversations and being loud. Notably, Ancelotti walking with them.
I curse, clicking my tongue in annoyance. I start to walk fast, trying to catch up to Luis, who, at this point, wasn't even in my line of sight.
Suddenly, I hear Ancelotti call out my name, and I turn around like a deer in headlights. Slowly starting to consider leaving Luis in the parking lot, instead of driving him home.
"Something wrong?" I ask, looking at him cautiously.
Was I in trouble?
"Come here." He says, waving his hand. I look to his right, seeing a familiar group of players glance at me. It consisting of Vini, Cama, Aurelien, and Jude, again. Them laughing and banter amongst each other.
"Can you tell your father to call me? I need to speak with him." He adds, looking at me.
I nod, my expression changing to a less confused one, before reassuring him I would tell my dad.
"Then go on, it's getting late." He says, patting my shoulder, squeezing reassuringly.
I smile at him, nodding and glancing at the guys next to him.
"Good game, guys! See you tomorrow." I say, fully in Spanish on purpose, waving and walking away as fast as I possibly can manage without looking crazy.
Luis was getting his ass left here, for sure.
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"Dad! I'm home." I sing, taking my shoes off at the door, quickly storing them away in the shoe cabinet.
"I'm in the kitchen." He shouts back, and I make my way towards him.
"What are you doing?" I ask, seeing him stand in front of the open fridge.
"Grabbing dinner to heat up. You're hungry, right?" He says, and I nod, walking over to kiss his cheek in greeting.
"I'll do it, dad. You should go rest." I say, noticing him already dressed in his pajamas. I take the Tupperware of food out of his hands, placing it on the marble island.
"How was the match?" My dad asks, leaving to sit on one of the bar stools across from me.
"Good- we won." I say, pouring the tomato soup into a small pot. Placing it on the electric stove, before turning it on.
"I saw, Jude really saved the day. Amazing signing..." He chuckles.
My dad wasn't aware of the absolute disdain we had for each other, but I wouldn't want to bother him with it.
"Yeah, I guess he did." I mutter through my teeth, stirring the soup with a spoon. Making sure I don't scratch the surface of the pot.
"Oh! Mr. Ancelotti asked if you could call him. I think it's pretty important, since he asked me..." I remember, looking up at him from the stove.
"Why didn't he just call me?"
"Maybe, because you're always busy? He probably can't get a hold of you, or your secretary forgot to tell you. Which would be- weird." I say, watching him walk away to grab his personal phone off the dinner table.
"You're really calling him now? Dad, it's like ten at night. You need to stop thinking about work."
"It's alright, we're close enough." He says, calling the man of topic as he approaches the sliding glass door to the backyard, walking out.
I scoff in disbelief, shaking my head. I should've just told him tomorrow after breakfast.
I try to push those thoughts away, finally sitting down at the dinner table, putting on a binge-worthy show on the TV across from me. Enjoying my dinner with a can of Coke.
The ending credits of the episode and my empty bowl allow my mind to wander back to the day’s events. It was the first game of many for the Champions League. No doubt, our team would go far, we had a strong team with amazing support. I just hoped traveling while also studying could be manageable, especially this year.
I decide to give my brain a break from thinking critically, taking care of the dirty dishes, and sliding the backyard door open.
"Dad?" I call out, noticing him sitting on one of the pool lounge chairs. He turns to me, motioning for me to be quiet with a finger on his lip. I nod, mouthing a 'goodnight' and wave. He mouths it back, smiling at me. I nod, turning my back and walking up the stairs.
Arriving in my bathroom, I take a quick shower and do my nighttime skincare. Feeling very refreshed when I crawl into my bed, the silk pillowcase soft underneath my head as my eyes flutter shut.
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The atmosphere today at the training center is very off.
Instead of the players looking happy and excited after their win yesterday, they look somber and tired. The vibe is gloomy, despite the sun shining brightly since early this morning.
Especially the younger guys. I didn't know what was wrong yet. They greeted me halfheartedly, unlike normally, and even Jude himself didn't give me one of his daily, annoying, egoistic looks.
I had asked around, and most other staff members told me they noticed the same, so it definitely wasn't just me making things up in my own head.
Maybe, just maybe, nosy Lina had some information.
I grab a tray, walking along the lunch buffet, and getting my food. I didn't want to bother fussing over all the options today, just opting to go for my usual. I don't forget to grab my drink, an Americano, iced this time to combat the September heat.
I look up to find Lina, my eyes finally catching her wavy, dirty blonde hair at our usual table, as I make my way towards her.
"Hey! Haven't seen you today. What's up?" I say, hugging her. I had been busy filming the recovery exercises of the players with Luis in the gym.
"Finished editing the footage you and Luis took yesterday." She says, smiling at me. Moving a lock of hair behind her pierced ear.
"Was the footage usable?" I ask, looking at my plate of food before looking back at her.
"Yeah, good as always. Posted it on YouTube already." She answers, and I turn to her after swallowing my bite of pancakes.
"Was the interview alright? Did it sound like we wanted to kill each other?"
"It was surprisingly good! You two just have that onscreen chemistry." A smile pulls at her lips, the outrageous statement causing me to freeze for a moment.
"Carolina! Don't ever say that again, please." I use her full name, giving her a look of disgust while shaking my head, horrified.
I hear her laugh mid-bite, she practically starts choking on her food. Prompting me to pat her back semi-aggressively. She finally calms down when I bring her drink up to her lips.
"Can I ask you something? It's about something completely unrelated." I say, changing the topic and looking around for any eavesdroppers.
"Go ahead." She says, clearing her throat for a moment.
"Have you noticed the younger guys- are acting a little off?" I say, choosing my words carefully, watching her eyes light up almost instantly.
She definitely knew what was up.
She nods, pulling me closer by my shoulders, and whispers into my ear.
"Apparently, last night after the match, the guys went to celebrate at a restaurant. When they dropped Jude off at his home- and I'm saying just what I have overheard. Someone tried to break into his place." She whispers, and I pull back to give her a bewildered expression.
"You're serious?" I ask, raising my brows.
"Yeah, something about his window being broken and a note being left."
"A stalker?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee.
She nods, pulling away from me.
"That's what I've heard. Apparently, this wasn't the first time it happened, it being the second time already. The younger players probably feel bad for Jude. They've all gotten pretty close and are probably worried about his, but also their safety." She explains.
Despite the bad blood between Jude and me, I had the heart to feel a little bad for him. I had morals at the end of the day.
"Doesn't his mom live with him?" I ask, recalling what I've heard around.
"She wasn't home, thankfully."
"That's good, at least." I reply, looking away for a moment.
"He'll probably have to start a legal process.." She adds, and I return my attention back to her.
"Where did you even hear all of this?"
"A good gossiper never reveals their sources."
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"y/n, could you come here for a moment?" I hear Hugo speak. The head of PR and marketing for the club. Whom I had the opportunity to grow pretty close to last season.
I place the folders in my hand back on my desk, walking over to him curiously.
"What is it?" I ask, looking at the grey haired man. He's smiling, so it must be positive?
"I'm sure you're aware I chose you to provide content during matches, but also the match preparations this season, along with Luis."
I nod, eagerly waiting for his point to be made.
"I've seen what you and Luis put out yesterday. I'm very pleased so far, especially the interview with Jude. Feedback has been great online. Looked very nice and casual."
"Thank you, we tried our best to create the best content. I honestly couldn't have done it without Luis." I quickly say.
That was true, I don't think I could've done the interview without Luis, even though he was being a little weird about it.
Why was everyone obsessed with that interview anyway? It was just a normal, run-of-the-mill interview I did most of the time.
"Right, extend my praises to him as well. As you know, the CEO of Apple will be visiting us on Saturday. I'd like for you and Luis to capture the moment. Would you want that?"
Meeting the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook?
I would be crazy to refuse.
"Of course, I'm sure Luis would also appreciate the opportunity. Could you send us the details via email later?"
This was definitely a dream come true, especially for tech-nerd Luis. He looked up to these CEOs for inspiration all the time.
After the conversation with Hugo ends, I decide to finally clock out. I walk down the stairs, my bag slung around my arm as my eyes are glued to my phone. Wondering how Luis would react to the news.
I couldn't tell him in person since he wasn't on site at the moment. So, texting would have to suffice.
I reach the last few steps, my shoes stomping against them, finally taking a right at a corner.
Suddenly, my shoulder painfully crashes against another body. My bag falling on the floor, along with my phone which flies out of my hand.
I look up instantly, eyes locking with someone I don't recognize by name, but have definitely seen around. He's dressed in a brown T-shirt with some dark blue jeans, interesting wear for the weather today. He did look a couple years older, something like late twenties or early thirties.
I clutch onto my arm, trying to ease the pain as I start to apologize profusely. I want to be rude so bad, but I hold my words back with everything in me.
I wasn't watching where I was going, but still, he could have heard me stomp down the stairs.
"No, it's fine. It happens." He says, no actual emotions detectable in his voice. I reach down to grab my bag off the floor. Watching him bend down to grab my phone, which had landed on the floor about a meter away from me.
I stand back up, holding my bag with my unhurt arm.
"Here." He says blankly, handing me my phone. 
"Thank you." I say, grabbing the device. His cold fingers unexpectedly graze against mine, making me shudder as it creeps me, the fuck out.
I did not like whatever that was...
He was holding my phone right at its base, how did his hands even touch mine?
He looks at me for a second, his blue eyes piercing into my soul, as he then walks off, not saying another word. Leaving me standing there in confusion.
I snap out of my trance quickly, trying to forget whatever that interaction was. Finally, walking up to my car and unlocking it.
Most players and staff had left already. Recovery day was so fun, only because it meant getting off early.
After pondering for a few seconds, I decide to just visit my dad's law firm instead of going home directly. Mostly, because I hadn't been there in a while. I could see him, and work on my essay there at the same time.
Maybe, I could also convince the other lawyers there to give me feedback on my essay.
I connect my phone to the car, clicking on my current favorite playlist and increasing the volume of the speakers. Knowing my favorite songs could keep me company while I drove through the city.
I grab my own set of keys out of my bag after arriving. My dad had given it to me, so I could enter and leave the firm whenever I wanted. Giving me the freedom of not having to knock or press the intercom when I visited.
I insert the key in the keyhole of the front door, trying to twist it. I frown as the key doesn't actually twist, making me wonder if the lock was changed. I pull the key out, inserting it again, and try to twist the key.
I sigh as it doesn't work, looking around to see if anyone is staring at me. Only because I definitely looked like I was some stupid robber trying to break in, in broad daylight.
Thankfully, no one is looking my way, so I continue to struggle with the door. Mumbling some curse words in annoyance, a frown settling in between my brows.
I breathe in, inserting the key again, readjusting my grip on the doorknob as I twist the key. I push the door at the same time, the door unexpectedly flying open. My weight presses against the door as I fall inside, clutching onto the door handle for dear life. My ankle rolls painfully, and I let out a pained wince.
I hear a loud groan as I try to stabilize myself. I raise my brows confused, seeing my dad lean over to ask a guy who's cradling his head if he's alright.
I just slammed the door into a client’s face.
A mortified expression forms on my face as I realize the situation I caused. I immediately walk over to place a hand on the guys shoulder, apologizing repeatedly. My dad giving me the most disappointed look to date.
I glance over to the woman next to my dad, recognizing her within a heartbeat.
"Denise?" I ask, eyes widening in confusion. If she's here, then...
I notice my victim raise his head, a pained groan leaving him. We make sudden, unexpected eye contact. I freeze in shock and confusion, a little disgust following at the realization of who he is.
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teezersfics · 9 days
Desperate ~ Choi San
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“Desperation can lead you to do things, much more, beyond your imagination. I am definitely up for it-”
Warnings : MDNI 18+, dom!reader, sub!san (mostly), angry sex, punishment (to san), riding, mommy calling, degradation, oral (f) receiving, hand cuffs(?), NO PROOF READ, if any mistakes please understand,
Word Count : 3.1k
A bit story at the start, (kind of like, almost 1k) 😅
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(I was so hell bent on finishing this, idk what i have written, so, ig, enjoy)
It was one of those days when you'd come home from work, only to drown into pure bliss as soon as you open the door. Dimly lit house, scented candles, slow music on in low volume, and……..your man, in your favourite clothes, in tuxedo vest, matching trousers, his hands cuffed behind his back, (which he himself did), eyes on the floor, which lit up as soon as he heard the door open. Oh San~
It's very rare that you'd come to this situation, and it's the very first time when San were so desperate to have you, to just gave a good fuck, which you were not giving to him. The desperation he had, made him do what you see in front of your eyes right now. Full submission, very very rare sight to see. And the reason-
It actually all started when San was getting a little too close with one of the girl in gym. Well, both of your gym timings were different cuz of work, but that day you went to surprise him and workout together because of your shift change, but, you saw him helping other girl with her workout. You did tell him about your shift change but you still kept it hidden about your same gym timings. You wanted to see how far it goes.
There was a moment when you did realise that it was basically keeping your boyfriend in shadow and stalking him and lying to him, being too possessive and acting insecure. Everyday you tried confronting about it to San, that you don't like him training with other girl, but that day never came. He did ask you why you didn't join gym again, bit you just told him that you want to take a break from gym because you were still adjusting to the shift change. But everyday, you used to leave after him for gym, and leave gym before he does and reach home early, so that he doesn't suspect.
But eventually, the help with weights, turned into working out together. Simple ‘bye's turned into hugs. Her trying to get gym mirror selfies with him. You knew San would never cheat on you or think of any another woman when he is with you. But, the way, SHE was being with him was very suspicious. The was she looked at him while he talked or worked out, poking his biceps, purposefully asking for help were not needed. The gym was quiet big and had alot of equipments, so it was quiet easy for you to hide also with a hood on your head while working out.
But, it was the limit when they were taking mirror selfies for a little too long. They were posing like, him flexing his biceps and her grabbing a handful of his bicep and being shocked. Basically, she was just pretending that the selfie was not coming out right, so that she could just touch him for longer. It fried your brain in an annoying way, that you decided to go surprise them.
You just stood behind them, far, looking them in the mirror, your hood off, and as he saw, he snapped his head back, not expecting to see you there. Him being him, he left the girl standing there and came to you.
“Hey baby, when did you come here.”
You didn't say anything.
“Hey, do you want to meet my new friend. She is ve-”
“We are going home.”
He knew something was wrong.
You confronted about it and told him about all the stuff happened that you observed in the past two weeks.
“But, baby, we are just friends, what so big deal about it?”
“Oh really. I made one of my girls do friendship with her. When they got close and talked, your so called friend said she fell for you. She knew you had a girlfriend, but she said she'd still do anything to get with you. How'd you explain that?”
It was quiet a cold war since then. You were especially angry and disgusted by the girl, but you were also angry on him because he just let it all happen when he could've maintained distance at right time. You both still went to gym together but did separate workouts. You didn't speak that well with him. At first it was just anger, but then you figured out how to turn it into good punishment.
Just when you knew he'd get home from work, you started pleasuring yourself in your shared bedroom, moaning loudly, but not taking his name, pretending that you don't know he is home, when he actually is. Wearing revealing dresses, posting selfies with your male bestfriends from work, using addicting perfumes, etc. He tried alot of times to hold hands with you, trying to make you smile, or trying to have a conversation with you, but you always ruined it for him. You knew you were getting him worked up. And you got the confirmation when you just came home from work, heard moaning sounds, turns out he was jerking himself off while thinking about you, softly moaning your name. Exactly what you wanted.
But you still decided to play hard, always denying having a straight conversation without messing up. Getting him worked up everytime. It was kinda giving him the taste of his own medicine, cuz this usually happened with you, where he tested your patience and punished you sometimes for not behaving. But, this was your time. After weeks of ignoring and playing cold, you knew that two possibilities might happen soon. 1) Him apologising and making it up to you. 2) Your plan not working out and him punishing you instead. But, he is a total good boy when you degrade him at times. And you Exactly knew how to make the first one work.
Present Day~ 9:30 AM
“Well, I am not having breakfast. I am already late.” You said annoyed.
“Y/n, atleast have breakfast before you leave. I know you are not talking to me but, please eat something.”
“San, I am already in a bad mood, don't get me more worked up.”
“Y/n, just listen-”
“Listen what? Listen to you. Do you ever listen to me, did you listen to me when I told you to maintain distance with her, you saw what happened at the end. You always expect me to be a good girl to you. But, have you ever been good boy to me?”
This was it, you shot your bullet. He has a thing of getting called as ‘good boy’, you were saying all this while still packing your bag, not paying full attention to hum, but still you catched it from corner of your eye how his head snapped when you said ‘good boy’. There was sure silence after that sentence, and you left. Left with the hope that the argument might be a bit helpful to you.
Present Time~
The way you were suppressing yourself from smirking. Getting him on knees for you, one of your hobbies. The way he is literally giving you what you want.
“Oh look, what we've got here.” You coo. You've always wanted to do this. Dominate.
“So, this is how it looks like when tables turn. Preety.” You say heading towards him, his eyes tracking you as you go near and near to him.
“Arguing so hard about the stuff, even though you knew, you will have to be on your knees for forgiveness some day, hmm, San?”
You are now circling him, your one hand caressing through his hair making him close his eyes in the pleasure of touch, but sooner than he imagined, there is a painful frown on his face as you yank him a bit by his hair making him look in front, to you. Crouching a little, to match his eye level, you ask with a smirk.
“Finally decided to be a good boy?”
“I- I am….sorry. Really, really so- ah-”
You yank him again, in mid sentence.
“It doesn't end with saying sorry. You will show mommy how sorry you actually are. You will, right?”
There's a glimmer in his eyes, nodding furiously.
“Good boy. Come.”
With this, you leave his hair and sit at the edge of the couch, shoulders leaned back on the couch, and legs spread. He crawls on his fours between your legs. He is looking up at you, like a puppy waiting for the owner to pat him. Glimmer of hope in his eyes. Finding the keys to his cuffs on the tea table, you uncuff him. He knows what he is supposed to do next, and so he does.
Unbuttoning your trousers, he pulls them down to your knees. His hand goes to your clothed core rubbing it with his thumb, a sigh leaves both of your mouth. His other hand on your waist his head dips to your clit rubbing his nose slightly, making you throw your head back on the couch. A month, too long since you both have fucked and you craved this alot, as much as him. He rubs your clit until he starts feeling the warmth and wetness.
Next second, he pulls your panties down, completely removing your trousers and panties and tossing them in the room. He pulls you more on edge by the back of your knees making you yelp a little. No wonder, he's always been a dom, even though he is sub right now, this is his way of having you, rough, but you like it.
He starts with giving light kisses to your clit and inner thighs, quick and wet kisses. Soon, he starts with deep kisses, as if he is making out with your clit. Deep slow kisses, already making you moan. Your hands finds his hairs. The sensation is so overwhelming, that even you don't notice your legs closing in, but he did, ofcourse. He swiftly spreads your legs wide. You both know what's the next step. He starts sucking and lapping on your clit, as if he's been starved. Your toes curl in the pleasure, eyes tight shut. Both of your hands gripping his hairs, pulling on them. That makes him moan in pain right on your clit, making you moan too. The vibrations of his moan travelling in form of goosebumps in your body. Goshhh, you craved this so much.
He enters his tongue, making you moan out his name loudly. He for sure knows how to give best head. He starts sliding his tongue in and out, tilting his head bit by bit, making sure he is licking every corner of your pussy. The heat rising in your body is making you remove all the clothes from your body. You loosen your tie subconsciously. But as soon as he curled his tongue inside you, made you jolt and moan, but his strong grip bought you crashing down on the couch. A little bit more sucking tightened the knot in your stomach. As you start clenching around his lips, he knew that it was time.
“Cum for me, mommy.” He requests.
“Hm?” You say raising your eyebrow, not because you were ordering him around, but because you were genuinely shocked by the desperation in his voice. But he took it as if you were questioning him, so he pleads again, more desperate to have you cummed.
“Pl- please, cum for me…”
After a little more sucking and licking, you cum all over his face, and he licks every single drop off your clit and thighs. As he looks up to you, his wet throat, chin and droopy eyes turns you on more. You drop your head back on the couch, looking at the ceiling above, breathing heavily. But, you know the show hasn't ended yet. There's more you can do to make him plead, a smirk appear on your face.
As he is wiping his chin, you try to push him to side, pretending that you are done. But he senses it, and holds you down by your knees as you try to stand up. His head dipped low, looking at the floor, but you still raise a him at him.
There's no response, you want to laugh so bad right now, because you know very well what he wants, but would it be really fun if you give it to him so easily?
“I said what? I am done.”
His head snapped at you, looking you in eyes, troubled expression on his face, as if you said something so terrible. Again raising one eyebrow you provoke him more.
“Please what?”
“You know, y/n-”
“You can say more with your mouth, you know?”
“Y/n, we- we just haven't fucked in long. Please, please, I want you so bad, please.”
He is literally holding your thighs so tightly which are definitely gonna leave marks.
“And, how you ask for it?”
He does not know how to as for it more politely. But, he is ready to do anything that comes to his mind right now. He hurriedly hold your foot in his hand kissing it several times. This kinda shocked you because it was so unexpected.
“Please” He say in low voice. Well, it did please you.
“Fine” You say and he looked you in eyes, to confirm that he heard right. And, so he wasted no time carrying you in bridal style and walking towards bedroom.
Once reached he sets you on bed quickly getting on top of you. But, that's not your plan for today.
“Uh huh, I am incharge today, pet. On your back.” He halted his actions and did what you ordered him to. Laying on his back, he gave you full control. You first sat on his torso slowly undressing yourself. Removing your somewhat remaining clothes, your coat, then unbuttoning your shirt, but still keeping your bra on. That's for the fun part.
Then, it's time for your favourite. His tuxedo vest. The way his biceps pops out from the vest, it makes him look so powerful and intimidating but the fact that it's opposite, the fact that you have him in your control right now, is very amazing thought to have. You unbutton his vest removing it from him, the heavily toned chest in view, his nippers hard, toned abs and his V-line and veins alongside the V-line disappearing into his trousers. Oh, what a sight, and that too under you. You caress his torso like there's no tomorrow, finally tugging on his pants.
You already have his dick poking your ass from under his pants. You just know it desperately needs to be freed right now. Shifting yourself on his thighs you unbuckle his pants. Palming and messaging his dick through his boxers you already get whispered moans from him. You won't admit it aloud but you are as desperate as he is. Pulling his boxers down, completely removing it from him. You take his dick in your hand, Jerking him, from down to up, slightly putting a pressure on his vein, that's popping out, from his base to his tip, getting a moan from him. You like it so much when he moan so loud. Makes you feel so powerful.
But, no more wasting time, you get on top, just above his dick. Holding it right at your entrance, taking a deep breathe, you slide down. When you completely sit on it, you both let out a sigh. No matter that you are in dom now, the fact that he is so big, it makes you hesitate to move. Keeping your both hands on his chest, you take the support. Eventually, you start to move. The feeling of being full is numbing you. But, soon you gain the momentum and start grinding yourself on him, going back and forth.
Leading down, you kiss him, open mouth, tounges already in each others mouths, your hands now in his hairs, but then you suddenly clench around him resulting in him moaning right on your mouth, eyes shut. He is so sub right now, it makes you want to make him moan more. Even though it is quiet difficult to keep your pace, you still sit up, thus time bouncing on him rapidly. Room literally fills with both of your moans, loud, loud enough to let all the neighbours know about your sweet time. Hearing him moan literally like a girl is so addicting. But, you have one more trick up your sleeve.
You stop bouncing and start pulling on his dick by clenching more harder. He screams in pain because of the pulling.
“Ah, ah y/n please, please that- that hurts, ah-”
“Oh does it?”
“Uhhh, ah don't please.-”
You enjoy listening him scream like that but it's kind of hurtful for you too. The know forms in your lower belly, denoting that you are close. So, you start grinding again, at a low pace, slow movements but deep, reaching for your g-spot. His hands on your hips, helping you keep the pace and grind deeper, making you feel fucked I'm the head, your eyes rolling back, sweat formed all over the body. The numb feeling is growing, not know how much longer you will keep yourself still.
“Y/n, I am close..”
“Me too babe, come on, cum inside me.”
He nods in response and you feel his hot cum shooting inside you, making you cum too. As soon as you both come, you fall upon him, laying on his chest, you can hear his fastened heartbeat, pounding in his heart. And then you hear him.
“Baby, I am really sorry. I- I kinda felt that she was getting too close, but I never knew she would go that far.” He says hurriedly between pants.
“The fact that you told nothing about her to me, made me much angrier.”
“I said I am sorry babe.”
“If it wasn't for me and my friend, she would've created problems between us, do you get it.”
“I get it, I get it, and I apologise. I can do anything to show you how sorry I am.”
You are just happy that he is that devoted to prove his loyalty to you.
“No need, it's all good now. I am not angry anymore.”
You chuckle and just lay in that position for a while until both of your heartbeats become stable. But you hear him again.
“Now that we have got it settled, and also the fact that we haven't done this in while. Let's get to second round. This time, I am dom.” And you a flipped on your back in a blink.
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