#i think adding the bells changed the vibe
kikirites · 29 days
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꧁Easy lovers꧂
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L Lawliet x gnreader
“𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐟 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧e“
warnings: none
a/n: this post is pretty long so be warned!!!! Was L L-ing?? 😭 I feel like he wasn’t especially at that part with Watari
Nights like these made your job worthwhile. Being able to relax and soak in the quiet ambiance after rush hour at the bakery was like coming home and sinking your teeth into that dish you had been thinking about all day, and savoring the delicious taste. You hummed one of the songs playing from the speakers while putting more sweets out on the display window. The sugary sweet aroma that wafted throughout the bakery added to the vibe of the place and to your relaxation. Once you got done with that, you went back to the counter and unconsciously zoned out.
Hearing the familiar ding of the bell at the door caught your attention. A man who seemed to be about 5’10 with black spiky hair and side swept bangs, walked in. He had a white long sleeve shirt on, with light blue jeans and white untied sneakers with his heel hanging off just a bit. You instantly recognized him. He frequently came to the bakery, and always ordered the same thing: strawberry cake. He ordered it so much you made sure to have some on standby in case he just so happens to visit. Silently walking towards the counter, you greeted him politely and asked if he’d be having his regular. He raised his eyebrows a little while nodding, surprised that you took the time to remember his order.
You opened the display window and carefully picked up the plate containing the slice of cake. He thanked you and paid for the sweet treat, then sat down at one of the tables in front of you. The both of you never talk to each other. Instead, you just bask in each other’s presence. Looking back on it you guess tonight was different, because he spoke up with a mouthful of cake and asked you why you remembered his order. “Well I guess it’s because you never change it, you always order the same thing so it’s easier to remember.” You explained. He hummed in acknowledgment, before taking a piece and eating again.
People came and went slowly but surely, then it was just you and him again. “What do you think about strawberry cake?” You perk up at the question and tell him you like it a lot.(sorry if you don’t like cake) “okay” he said while standing up and walking to the door. “Thank you for the cake,” his eyes traveled down to your name tag. ”[name], I’ll be sure to come back again.” “Please do, goodnight.” The bell of the door dings as he makes his way out, leaving you in silence one again.
A few hours later you closed the bakery and made your way home.
The next day, things were different. There he was again sitting at the same table with the same slice of cake. This time though he asked you if you could sit with him. You were surprised at the question, but sat down with him anyway. Yeah he was a little weird and yeah he did sit weird too but that didn’t stop you. “Have you heard about Kira?” He muttered lowly after licking the frosting from his lips. “Yes I have, it’s honestly scary to know that there’s someone out there killing people,” he looked at you intensely waiting for you to continue. “I mean yeah I guess his intentions were good by trying to get rid of horrible people but I don’t think that’s the right way to go about it” you answered. “Understandable,” reaching for another portion of cake he asked you another question: “do you like sweet things?” “I do but I don’t regularly eat them.” “Alright.”
A pregnant pause followed suit afterwards. Seeing more people start to come in, you got up and told him you had to tend to them and go back to the counter. He nodded and went back to eating his cake. This went on for a couple of weeks. You both started spending more and more time together and he started coming in more frequently too. The conversations that were had started getting more deeper which resulted in you sometimes taking a couple of seconds to answer. It wasn’t just him asking all the questions anymore. Gradually you started asking some of your own like: “How did you find the bakery?” or “Do you think the police will catch Kira?”
“Oh I forgot to ask you, what’s your name?” A short beat of silence followed through. Just when you thought he wouldn’t say anything, you decide to apologize and tell him to just forget it but he opens his mouth and answers: “Hideki Ryuga” you perked up at the familiar name. “No way, like the celebrity?” “Yes, but I wouldn’t call myself a celebrity….” He trails off. “Well of course, it’s just surprising that’s all” “say [name], would you like to sit and talk together again sometime maybe when you’re not working?” Caught off guard you take few seconds to process what he just said then you stutter out a yes. “Great.” He responded and went back to his cake. You were still so shocked at his sudden question. ‘Was he asking me out?’ ‘Will it be a date?’ You asked yourself so many questions that you were too nervous to get an answer to. So for now you would just have to see how things played out. You told him you were free on Wednesdays and Sundays.
About five weeks later on a chilly Sunday night, Ryuga and you met up at a cafe he had taken a liking to, and talked all night about anything and everything. He liked your different outlooks on various topics and was very fond of your intellectually stimulating conversations. The more you hung out with him the more you started looking forward to your little chats but little did you know, he felt the same. The end of the year came by in a flash and you both felt like you knew each other on a much more personal and deeper level than when you both started talking. He expressed his appreciation for your quietness and told you he liked how you never filled the air with needless conversation, instead opting to just soak up the quietness together. He told you that he was a college student majoring in criminal justice and it was his first year. Ryuga’s creative compliments touched your heart, soon you realized you had feelings for him. You started putting more effort into your appearance again and tried to look more appealing when you hung out together outside of work. Now, almost every little compliment he gave you, no matter how small, made your face warm. When your time together ended you both would try to make it last a bit longer. L was ecstatic to have finally found a true friend. To finally be able to understand what friendship was like for once.
After getting watari to find information about you, and declaring that you were a normal person, he decided to tell you his real identity. L showed up to the bakery and sat down at his usual spot while waiting for you to finish up with the rest of the customers. As he walked in you glanced at him and got his slice of cake ready after the previous customer left. You came up to him with his cake and sat down in front of him. “It’s been so busy recently, I’m so exhausted” you complained with a huff. Taking a piece of cake, L lifted his fork up to you. “Cake?” You nodded and took the fork from his fingers, accidentally brushing your fingers with his, and ate the sugar infested treat. “Thanks, I need some energy” “[name], I have something to tell you” he blurted out. “Oh okay go ahead” L’s eyes met yours. You both stared into each others eyes before L spoke up. “My name isn’t actually Hideki Ryuga, I’m L, a detective” you didn’t say anything. You were stunned. He really lied to you. You furrowed your eyebrows. You were extremely upset. Seeing your expression, L tried to console you. “I apologize for lying to you but I need to for my safety.” He explained. You had a downcast expression. Was everything you knew about him a lie? Was he investigating you to see if you were Kira? Was he telling the truth when he told you he appreciated you? Was he manipulating you? You understood that he did it for his safety but if it was that easy for him to lie then what else has he been lying about? “Uhm,” you swallowed thickly before continuing. “Were….you lying about everything else? Did you mean it when you said you appreciated me? Did you lie when you said you were a college student?” You looked up at him with more questions in your head.
L looked at you solemnly. He didn’t want you to think that he lied about everything. “I did mean it when I told you that I appreciated you, but I did lie when I said I was a college student,” he diverted his attention to his slice of cake. “I’m truly sorry.” He muttered. After that there was silence once more but this one was different from the comfortable silence you both were used to, no, this one was nasty and unpleasant. L hadn’t came to the bakery for the next few weeks. You didn’t seem to mind, it gave you more time to properly process your emotions. “Where’s your boyfriend at, [name]?” You co-worker teased. “He’s not my boyfriend, and I don’t know” you grumbled while rolling your eyes. “Trouble in paradise? Don’t worry I’m sure you both will get over it, don’t sweat it.” She assured you before clocking out. ‘I guess’ You grabbed a fork from the sink and cleaned it. Just then you heard to bell on the door ding, signaling that a customer had come in. Sighing, you walked out and wiped your wet hands on your pants.
There he was. L. Standing there slouched over with an unreadable expression. “L,” he walked over to where you were behind the counter. “Are you still upset?” He asked. “No, I’m not, although I do wish you were honest with me, I understand you reasons,” You walked towards him and wrapped your arms around him. You felt his body grow stiff and you heard his heartbeat increase a bit. “I forgive you, L” L reciprocated your hug, and thanked you. “I know it’s sudden but, I’d like you to come back to my hotel with me” You gasped. “Huh?! What are you trying to do, L?” “It’s nothing sexual, there are just some people I’d like to introduce you to.” You looked up to see him already staring down at you with his wide grey eyes. Your eyes softened when you met his. “Okay, I’ll go with you.”
While waiting for your shift to end, you and L had began catching each other up on the latest things happening in each other’s life, more so you. Whatever you said, he listened intently. You talked about things at college, work, anything. Before you knew it your shift was over. When you closed down the bakery and locked the doors, L lead you to a black car. Outside, in front of it, there was an old man who looked to be in his late 40s to early 50s. “[name], this is Watari, Watari, this is [name]” Watari smiled at you and you both exchanged greetings. “Ryuzaki talks about you so much, it’s nice to finally meet you.” You looked at L and he had his head turned the other way. Obviously hiding his subtle blush. “Watari, there was no need for that” Watari apologizes while chuckling. “Ryu….zaki?” “Oh yes, for now just call me ryuzaki” He says. You furrow your eyebrows at him, he picks up on your reaction and apologizes and says that he prefers to be called ryuzaki and the reason he didn’t tell you was because he didn’t want to dump too much information onto you. “It’s okay ryuzaki, don’t worry about it” he nods and you both get in the car.
When you both arrive to the hotel, he introduces you to the task force. You exchange greetings with everyone and sit down next to ryuzaki. “I’m a little nervous, ryuzaki,” you whisper to ryuzaki. “I feel so…out of place, are you sure you want me here?” L glances over to you. “I apologize if bringing you here is heightening you anxiety levels, but I would like you to be here, you calm me” you feel your face get warm from his compliment. “Do I really? Well then, I’ll stay just for you” you said while smiling. L gives you a small smile of his own. “Thank you.”
Once everyone feels like they’ve progressed enough, everyone starts heading home, you do too. L calls out your name and bids you goodnight. “Goodnight Ryuzaki, get some rest, I’ll see you later.” L watches you leave before going back to his work. He misses you already.
A few weeks after that, L comes by and invites you to join him back at the hotel again. You agree and so he waits for your shift to finish. This time, while L and everyone else had been working on the Kira investigation, you were making L some strawberry cake. When you were done you came out and carefully placed the plate down on the table. He looked up to see you smiling at him. “For you.” He was shocked, but took a bite of the cake. “Did you make this yourself?” He said with a mouthful. “Yes, I did, do you like it?” He nods and thanks you for it. This became your everyday routine when you were with L at the hotel. You would make different types of sweets for him and if he was craving that particular thing, he would be in a noticeably better mood, but if you gave him something he didn’t have a taste for, he would sulk. He’d still thank you of course but he would pick at it even if it was good.
It was just you and L. Everyone else had gone home but he wanted to have a sleepover with. He hesitantly asked you if you would like to stay over then told you that you didn’t have to, but you said you wanted to. The both of you watched movies and ate sweets while working on the investigation. You and him talk about favorite confectioneries. “[name], do you like strawberries?” He asked while peering down at the work in front of him. “Yes, I do” L glances at you before saying: “Strawberries… Despite the name, they aren’t actually berries. How berry disappointing” He hears you chuckle a bit at his silly pun. “That was funny, I like that one” you say while smiling. Silence envelopes you both. The indistinct chatter coming from the TV serving as background noise. “You’re a night owl, [name], that’s funny” you turn your head away from the tv to lock eyes with L. “How ironic, I could say the same about you, Ryuzaki” yet again another beat of silence. It was uncharacteristic for L to talk this much. You didn’t mid of course.
“What do you think of sunsets?” Without looking away from the tv you answered that you like them, and the colors were very beautiful. “You’re pretty talkative tonight, huh ryuzaki?” You tease him with a smirk on your face. “I suppose, I just like talking to you,” he turns to you and makes eye contact with you once again. “Staying up late talking with you makes me feel calm.” You laugh before saying you feel the same. “Talking with you is so easy, talking feels so much more natural when it’s with you” you whisper as to not ruin the quiet atmosphere. He agrees with you.
“I’m grateful to have someone like you in my life, [name]” you turn to him with an incredulous expression. “The day we spend together are very precious to me, you bring me peace,” he says while turning to look at you. “What I need to live is glucose… and to talk to you. Nourishment for my brain and heart…” he hesitates before saying “You understand, don’t you [name]? What my heart so strongly desires is something more…” You heart is racing. You can’t believe that he likes you too. “I feel the same way, ryuzaki” You move to him then lean in more. You’re dangerously close to him. His breath hitches when he feels your lips graze his and he feels like he’s just died when you seal the small gap between you both, with your lips. Humming in satisfaction, he puts his hands on your wait and pulls you closer, deepening the kiss while a smile adorns his face.
“𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫“
reblogs are appreciated!
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adastra121 · 3 months
Touchstarved as Non/Disney Songs
Added the "non" part because some of these aren't Disney, but I still wanted to include them.
Kuras x MC= “So This is Love” (Cinderella) / “Looking Through Your Eyes” (Quest for Camelot) “I see the heavens each time that you smile…and suddenly I know why life is worthwhile,” “Here in the night, I see the sun.” I just think this is a sweet song for him.
Leander x MC= “I See the Light” (Tangled) / "Let Me Be Your Wings" (Thumbelina) "Anything that you desire, anything at all." That's basically what he says to us, isn't it?
Vere x MC= "Trust In Me" (The Jungle Book) You know that one ending in the demo? / “Love Will Find a Way” (Lion King 2) “There’s a perfect world shining in your eyes.”
Ais x MC= “Don’t Let Go” (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) I really just put this down here for the vibes. It reminds me of Ais. / “Candle on the Water” (Pete’s Dragon) I feel like if you put it in a minor key, it could give some unsettling Seaspring vibes.
Mhin x MC= “Beauty and the Beast” (Beauty and the Beast) "Bittersweet and strange, finding you can change, learning you were wrong…" / “I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)” (Hercules)
Sen x MC= "So Close" (Enchanted) “So close to feeling alive…” / "Ma Belle Evangeline” (The Princess and the Frog) "You're my queen of the night." Like her flower.
Elyon x MC= “For the Dancing and the Dreaming” (How to Train Your Dragon 2) "I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry, I only want your hand to hold." / "La Seine" (Un Monstre En Paris) I don’t know don’t know, so don’t ask me why. I just like to imagine him with it, maybe it gets performed in his brothel. “La Seine” is a homonym for “La Scène” in French, meaning the stage. The song could be about your love for the river in Paris, but when sung, it sounds like you’re talking about your love for the stage. For performance. And with his flower, the blue orchid, being a miniature performance in and of itself…
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For everyone’s entertainment (because according to my friend, it’s hilarious that I’ve fucked to nearly every gvf song) -
Greta Songs that I have done the deed to and how I rank them:
Age Of Machine, 10/10 - this one hit. I can’t even begin to explain it. If you haven’t put this song on your filthy playlist, it should be on there. Go do it.
The Archer, 10/10 - Gah damn. That’s all I can even say about this one.
The Barbarians, 10/10 - Obviously. I mean, come on. Good shit.
Frozen Light, 10/10 - That bass line? She’s sexy, so therefore… it fits a sexy environment.
Fate Of The Faithful, 9.5/10 - This one is down right NASTY. Like holy fuck I’d let this song put a baby in me. DAYUM when I tell y’all this one just hits different. Jesus christ.
Stardust Chords, 9/10 - I know what y’all are probably thinking… but it’s so good.
The Falling Sky, 9/10 - Was definitely adding to the intensity. In the right situation, this shit will get you railed.
Built By Nations, 9/10 - Once again… if the vibes are right, shit will get you railed. It’s heavenly, really.
The Weight Of Dreams, 9/10 - This shit was almost like an otherworldly experience. The guitar solo??? Yeah. Mhm. Orgasmic.
Meeting The Master, 8.5/10 - The change in intensity throughout this song is really what makes it so good to me.
Sacred The Thread, 8/10 - This shit… whew. The drums sell it. The rhythm is immaculate, tbh.
Brave New World, 8/10 - would have NEVER truly expected this one to hit as hard as it did. Good god.
My Way Soon, 8/10 - This one is solid. If it played again while I was doing it, I wouldn’t be mad at all.
Watching Over, 7.5/10 - I can’t say it let me down. It didn’t. It doesn’t always fit the vibes, though.
Lover, Leaver (Taker, Believer), 7/10 - Again, could absolutely dig it in the right situation, otherwise I would deem it a little much.
The Indigo Streak, 6.5/10 - While the solo is sooo fuckinggg sexy, the song overall would not be my first choice, but I don’t dislike it, either.
Safari Song, 6.5/10 - this one was pretty fun after you get beyond Josh’s scream at the beginning 💀
Age Of Man, 6.5/10 - This one would genuinely be sooo much higher on the list, if it didn’t make me so damn emotional.
The Cold Wind, 6/10 - this one’s crazy but… on the occasion I like it.
Light My Love, 6/10 - Unless you’re trying to be all sweet and sappy, I’d stay away from this one… but it was lovely. I won’t lie. I liked it.
Trip The Light Fantastic, 5.5/10 - I loved it and also felt weird about it all at once???
Caravel, 5/10 - I… As sexy as the bass line is, for some reason it just didn’t quite scratch the itch in my brain all the way.
Talk On The Street, 5/10 - Before actually fucking to it, I would have said, “hell yeah, I bet this one would be great!” But it’s just mid.
Heat Above, 5/10 - So sweet… but i’d rather not have flashbacks to my greta show and suddenly be on the verge of tears.
Highway Tune, 4.5/10 - I tried it simply because Jake said it was in a sex scene…
Tears Of Rain, 4/10 - Lowkey… could have put this higher, but also I have to mentally prepare for this song or I will cry. Sooo… idk.
Broken Bells, 3/10 - Great if you like choking on sobs while having sex.
Flower Power 2/10 - This one played on accident… And i did lay there contemplating leaning over and skipping it.
You’re The One, 1/10 - I just… I can’t. It’s TOO sweet, like in a little highschool crush kind of way.
Farewell For Now, 0/10 - This one couldn’t have played at a worse time and I hated every second of it. Love the song, but not for THAT.
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beanyboobee · 3 months
Can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Vanitas no Carte? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks if you want to answer....
I literally adore all the characters it's so hard to choose just 5 or 3 because to me they are all so well written and have so much depth to them. They all interwine so wonderfully that I can come up with a million reasons on why I like or am interested in each character!
My obvious choice of favorite [obvious meaning apart of the main character group] is Noe, for multipul reasons and mainly because I relate to him far too much for my own good on some of the things he says or does.
But out of the not obvious choices and main characters I would have to go with, Johann, simply because he is definetly keeping secrets of his own and gives off antagonists vibes and I'm excited to see where his character goes, and why he has such a strong dislike for Noe in the recent chapters. We could assume its just because he was oblivious and nieve and that's why Johann doesn't like him but it's definetly not just that. Johann almost seems to hold a- personal, vendetta agaisnt Noe. Or at least people like Noe. From how he gave him such a suspiciously timed look in Orlocks office. To how he almost always refers to him as- the other one. And never his name when not around him. I'm fascinated by his character.
My favorite moments however are alott easier to pick out: in no particular order.
1. The bell tower scene, I think everyone agrees that it's an amazing scene, and honestly everytime I re-read the manga I find myself so hyper focused on it that I just stare at Noes mysterious little smile for awhile, I really think that's when Vanitas finally started seeing Noe as someone he could open up to one day. That Noe gave him this hope of someone actually believing in him. And also the odd little moment at the end where Noe appoligies genuinely makes me think that never happend. That it's just something Noe wished he said back then and is just adding it in now, now that Vanitas is dead.
2. Little Louis when Noe was Introduced, when he pulled Noe In and said he felt bad for hom because his grandfather took an Interest in him. This is small moment but one that always gives me that- "OOOOH SHITTT" vibewhen I read it. I think that's wuen the manga was really leaning Into- the teacher is sus. And it also shows us that even before Louis found out he was a curse bearer that he knew his grandfather was never up to any good. It makes me wonder if their were other kids, before Noe. That didn't quite meet the teachers expectations and what was done with them.
3. The entire fight scene between Vanitas and Noe with Domi on the ferris wheel. Everything about that entire chapter is everything to me. And Vanitas' "why can't I kill you-" will always get to me. Because ot shows how much Vanitas has changed. How much he has developed enough to of actually let someone in.
4. The moment where Jeanne gets all flustered because vanitas said "I'm telling you. You're lovely" because I'm a multishipper and that oannel was just too adorable , Jeanne looked way to cute.
5. Noe lifted his hand up to talk in count orlocks office. Its small, but compares to hoe he acted the first time he was in orlocls office. It shows he has grown. That he has a better grip on his emotions and even learned to communicate better. First time he was in orlocls office he wouldn't hear anyone out and was determined to prove that the book heals people, while now. He raised his hand. And asked why no one calls Dante and his group by their names. Even though he truely detests people beigrefurred to anything but their name. Which names me wonder. Is their something else in Noes past that he has forgotten. Some point in his life where he wasn't referred to as Noe. Or even by a name at all. First he gets mad for Vanitas abiut vanitas being referred to as a number. Then mad at vanitas for only ever calling him that vampire, and then confused on why Dante and squad are only referred to as Dhams. Which would be curious concidering his teacher mainly uses a nickname for him and not his actual name most of the time.
And finally of course. The iconic "I'm glad you are the person you are now vanitas" scene on the roof.
Honestly their is definetly more. But it's late and my brains slowing down so for noe just the ones that i can remember, I could probually make a top 5 moments list for every character at this point if I'm Honest
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yourlocalnameless · 6 months
ok so I think ima actually explain all my pjmasks gacha remakes so yeah LESSGOO
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first up carlyyy!!
-She has headphones as you notice. I added them since I thought "Hey if cartoka wanted to tell Carly something from the other room bro can just talk into bros mic and Carly would hear it" besides that I also think shed listen to music while driving around for fun. (These headphones are also used when Carly and cartoka troll kids in roblox)
-I'd like to think when Carly found out abt race car drivers on earth she saw that for some reason a bunch of them wore scarfs (pretty sure they dominated scarfs its a universal rule that all racers must have atleast 1 scarf at this point) so she stole one for herself (Pop off I guess!!??!!???!)
-the glasses were a gift from octobella for her birthday. (She wears them to sleep too)
-that bandage on her leg is not just for fasion purposes but also protection for a recent injury that she got while driving and accidentally crashing (Cartoka tried getting her to put the damn bandage on but she was kicking, screaming, fighting for her life since she didn't want to put it on. Cartoka was so tired he just tied the bandage over her pants 😭)
And that's it for Carly! If u got any questions for her design just ask
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Next up is the icon, the legend, the moment, the queen herself. Octobella 😍😍
-I gave her double ears cuz HELLOOOO she's literally a fish (well she's an octopus but still) HER EARS LOOKING LIKE FINS IS SUCH A VIBE.
-Id like to think she's really crafty (POP OFF QUEEN 🥰🥰😍😍) SO all her clothes are made from stuff she found while searching around in her moat or stuff she stole.
-OK SO U SEE THE BACK PART OF HER HAIR?? My headcannon is she has hydrokenisis!! This is a useful skill when it comes to fighting but alsooo she uses it to make her hair (Or tentacles) to look more fluffy and fuller (MERFOLK BEAUTY HACK FR 🥰🥰😍😍‼️‼️🙏🙏)
-"WHY DOES SHE HAVE LEGS??" Glad u asked. Remember that episode where octobella changed herself into gekko? Yeah I'd like to think she has multiple forms she uses to make her life easier. This is one of them!! This is her half human half octopus form!!
-The stars on her hair?? Dead star fishes 🥰
-that yellow thing on her head?? Coral she kept alive w magic
-the crown??? Thats a necklace she made that she kinda didn't like as a necklace so she's wearing it as a drooping crown.
And that's it for my girl bells!! If u have any questions let me know.
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-First off the clips in his hair all have a specific reason of being like that
-the sun flower is bc he likes gardening
-the cat one was a gift from catboy
-and the pumpkin is to remind him of the pumpkins he raised that orticia took 🥰
-as a dancer myself (I'm a ballet dancer) we wear legwarmers so our legs don't get cramps AND LOOK AT THAT GEKKO IS ALSO A DANCER SO THAT GIVES ME AN EXCUSE TO ADD LEGWARMERS.
-he got sick of only the color green so he dyed some parts of his hero costume (He kinda regrets it)
He has a hood to cover his identity instead of a mask now!! (This is bc I genuinely start tweaking when I can't give a character eyebags and adding a mask would equal no eyebags so ☠️)
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darkestprompts · 1 year
Here's something I haven't seen anyone post their thots on, what kind of voices/accents the heroes have! it would be crazy if at some point the dd2 devs added voice-overs to some of their lines. I think only being able to hear the ancestor's narration adds a sort of lonely vibe to the game which makes sense
Hmm I mentioned it before but personally I like that the game is mostly unvoiced. Wayne June's voice work is god-tier and even that tires me out sometimes. That being said, it's harmless to speculate, right?
Antiquarian: her voice has a bell-like quality, clear and tinny. Speaks a bit fast but enunciates every word, so it's not hard to understand even with her accent.
Man-at-Arms: rough from barking orders under cannonfire, also has that "aged" quality to it. Impressive lung capacity, his bellow qualifies as physical assault. Has a good, hearty belly laugh.
Plague Doctor: high, a bit nasaly, tries to speak at the same speed she's thinking, which makes her impossible to understand when she gets going (you can beatbox to her science rants).
Occultist: has a professor's vocal endurance. Projects his voice well without yelling, speaks clearly, pausedly and with emphasis, which may give the impression that he thinks people around him are too stupid to follow (he does).
Bounty Hunter: low voice, slightly rumbly. There's a Tardif Noise Dictionary of unknown authorship making the rounds. It's shockingly accurate.
Jester: to no one's surprise, the best vocal range in the group. It can be hard to pin down his real voice, since he's always doing bits: performing, mocking, mimicking. Even when he's just talking he often forces a nonchalant falsetto. It can be surprising when he gets serious and drops it, intentionally or not. In reality, he's at the lower side of a tenor.
Shieldbreaker: a smooth contralto. Good singing voice. Of the foreigners, she's the one with the most obvious accent due to her more recent arrival, not helped by the fact that she keeps to herself.
Leper: this guy was trained form birth to give speeches, debate publicly and lead official cerimonies. Plus, he's into poetry. Flawless diction (in more than one language too) and very pleasant to listen to. His rich baritone used to be smoother, lately it has become more gravely.
Abomination: between the constant anatomical changes and torture, Bigby's throat is all kind of fucked up. His voice sounds hoarse and often cracks. He tries not too speak too much or too loudly to preserve it, but the beast will ruin it anyway. Someone please give this guy some propolis.
Crusader: his voice isn't actually as low as you might expect from his size and age, but it's strong, bright and resonant, which is why he does well with rallies and encouraging speeches in general.
Grave Robber: does something similar to Sarmenti, where in social situations she will instinctively use a higher pitch and speak in a more affected manner, most people wouldn't recognize her "private" voice. When genuinely tickled, she'll let out a loud, uncontrolled cackle that has led Dismas to call her evil witch of the graves.
Vestal: the nuns of Saint Martha had a choir, so she actually has some vocal training, although she lacks the confidence for a solo outside of religious duties. I don't know how to describe it, but she has the Concerned Religious Lady voice. If you know, you know.
Flagellant: low, breathy, has a constant intensity to it even when he's speaking calmly that can be too much for most people. And then there's his... enthusiastic sounds when he's flagellating. We don't need to talk about those.
Highwayman: Dismas's neck has experienced too much first degree contact with knives, ropes and other dangerous items for his voice not to sound rough. It also has a strained quality to it, which may have a physical origin, or simply be a result of his hair-trigger.
Hellion: Barristan's buddy in the "voices that commit violence" category. Can produce enough guttural growls, high screams and low roars to make a black metal singer die of envy. Has absolutely no control over her volume. Good with folk and tavern songs.
Houndmaster: light, friendly, pleasant. The Marked for Death team often has to tell him to drop the "dog voice" when talking to people.
Arbalest: well in the middle of the feminine range (higher than Amani or Boudica, lower than Josephine or Audrey). Her voice has good body and energy, and she speaks in a open, approachable way. In medical emergencies her tone gets curt and flat, even snappish if the patient isn't helping (hi Damian).
Runaway: sounds younger than she actually is, making people think she's a teenager. Mumbles and slurs her words a lot.
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aptericia · 1 year
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So! A while ago I made redesigns for some of my least favorite Three Houses outfits. With a lot of the female characters, it feels like the priority with their design is "show boobs and/or bare legs". Obviously, I don't claim to be better at character design than the original artists, but here's my take with the following priorities (in order):
Representing the character and making them easily identifiable. Basically, the design should serve as a "condensed" version of their personality, abilities, culture, etc.
An outfit that I find (with my 100% correct and objective opinion, of course) to be attractive
Being reasonably practical, at least enough that it doesn't break immersion. Considers the character's job, available resources, etc.
Ordinarily I'd design an outfit to go with the character's body type, but I was lazy here lol. If people are interested, I could draw nice versions on the actual characters sometime. Oh, BTW, the concept for this post was heavily inspired by looking through the @bikiniarmorbattledamage tumblr :))))
Below are detailed descriptions on how I went about designing them, if anyone's curious! I will be bashing the original designs quite a bit because I find it funny, but I hold absolutely no disrespect toward anyone who prefers them to my poorly-thought-out versions :)
Bernadetta – I feel like the designers were trying to combine the female archer class outfit, Bernie’s own girly/plushie aesthetic, and the “fancy noble lady” style and it didn’t quiiiiiite work out. I really like the color scheme & overall shapes, so I just went about changing the few things that ruined it for me.
First off, the huge bell sleeves. They’re just silly and don’t match the outfit imo. I turned them into an elaboration on her cute gloves.
Gave her pants instead of booty shorts. I don’t think Bernie would wear a long skirt that would keep her from running around, but the exposed legs give her a “vulnerable” look that I don’t think she’d appreciate. Plus, having the leg-pouch strapped to her bare skin looked really uncomfy ☹.
The boots didn’t work as well with her shiny new Pants, so I gave her knitted leg-warmer things inspired by this gorgeous cipher art.
I expanded her leg-pouch-thing and gave her a teeny little dagger. I just think she’d carry weapons on her person.
Constance – Honestly, credit to her for doing the best she could with the god-awful Dark Flier class design. I still think her outfit is pretty ugly and sexist, so I made some adjustments. I tried to evoke a “noble lady” feeling, but keep the muted color scheme and lack of patterns to imply that she’s actually dirt-poor. I took inspiration from people like Ferdie (noble vibe; armor purely for show not practicality) but with her personal “edgy steampunk vampire” aesthetic.
I changed her stupid boob-cup breastplate. I don’t even care about the dangers of wearing boobplate in realistic combat—it just looks ugly. Like why do you need to go to extra trouble to say “I have BOOBS! TWO of them!!”? It’s embarrassing. I mean it’s fine if you’re proud of your boobs, but then don’t cover them up with metal maybe???
I realized that the designers probably gave her boobplate because, without it, her outfit isn’t actually all that feminine. Coco is a pretty feminine lady, so I remedied this by giving her puffy sleeves (inspired by the Awakening Dark Flier design) and a skirt-thing (with an awkward slit that would allow her to sit on a horse). The skirt had the added bonus of being incompatible with the stupid butt-grabbing hip armor. Good riddance!
Traded in her bare legs for some silly suspender-sock-things. I just thought they worked better with the skirt and more “girly” outfit overall. Also gave her shin-guards to extend the pink color scheme throughout the whole outfit.
I also changed her dress into a stylish vest that, imo, looks nicer (and comfier) with the armor. I gave her some gold accents on the vest & armguards for a dash of color.
Her belt got a revamp to work better with the vest.
Lysithea – On to our favorite doily princess! Her design doesn’t reek as much of “boobs and/or legs priority”, but it’s still silly and looks pretty uncomfortable. I actually really like the aesthetic, so I tried to keep it as much as possible. I did end up having to introduce another color (silver), though.
I think her doily skirt looks extra silly because it’s so dwarfed by her sleeves. I lengthened it, made it puffier, and added another layer beneath it.
More drastically, I ended up changing the whole top of the dress so it was a shirt & skirt instead. I’m not sure I have a justification for this beyond “I don’t usually prefer dresses”, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out 😊 Also, what’s with the weird rows of ribbons(???) at her sides? Into the trash lol.
The ribbon attachment looks like it would be really cold on her bare chest ☹. I moved it down to the level of her shirt and attached it to her shoulders instead of her neck (for comfort).
Her shoes got boringer but less dumb-looking. What can I say, I’m not good at designing shoes.
Hapi – Hers is the least-bad of the Ashen Wolves’ timeskip designs, not that that’s saying much. I don’t really like gray and green as a color scheme, so I gave her a bit of brown and some more gold accents. Other than that, I feel like she has a sort of forest girl/witch/traveler look, which I tried to keep as much as possible.
Obviously, the silly boob-separator strap had to go. I have no problems with Hapi being sexy, but she’s much more the “forgot to put on my pants when I rolled out of bed at 1:00pm” type rather than the “put extra effort into showing that I have TWO BOOBS” type. Therefore, I kept a similar amount of skin showing but tried to make it easier to assemble.
Her new skirt was based on the Valkrie designs from other games (you’ll notice the similarity to the Mist-inspired outfit in this post). I think this version is both cuter and looks easier to move in. Also, I love giving everyone too many belts! Hers has a lil pouch for carrying random junk she finds.
Both her arms and legs looked a little boring imo, so I gave her some pretty bracelets and altered her shoes. Plus, her original boots looked hard to move in. Here, the actual boot is pretty loose but is tied below the knee with an extra laceable piece and above the knee with a brown strap.
Petra – Ho boy. I always felt like Petra’s design could be potentially problematic, although I’ve never done any research. Anywayyyy, it’s clear that the designers wanted something “exotic”-looking, but they had no ideas beyond “well she’s from a warm climate right” (In reality, someone from a warm climate would probably be unadjusted to the cold and bundle up… but that goes against the goal of “condensed character description” so I don’t really mind). Instead, I took a lot of inspiration from this awesome Cipher art! Her color scheme is a hot mess but not without potential, and personally I think I did okay with it!
Ok, ok, her design also does a decent job of indicating that she’s royalty from a hunting-focused nation. When re-doing her top I tried to keep that in mind, so I gave her some fancy jewelry and animal goods (i.e. fluff). I don’t feel like re-iterating the boobplate argument, so suffice to say that her breastplate suffered the same fate as Constance’s.
I adjusted her arm jewelry to be more to my liking. Not really any logic there.
Her miniskirt is pretty dumb, so I changed the shape and incorporated some hip armor (someone tell me the official name). I also took away the fluffy fringe, seeing as she already got some fluff around her neck. Instead, I added the pattern that was originally on her leg-band.
Do I need to explain giving her another pant leg? I know her outfit is based on the female thief class, but it doesn’t look good there either. And once again, I had no ideas for her shoes beyond not liking the old ones ☹.
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madladmorty · 9 months
Can we reclaim Voldemort? Seriously, I wanna do that-
If you read the books, you can, amongst all the transphobia and antisemitism, find a lot of queer coding in Voldemort. Specifically trans/non binary and aromantic.
Look at that fucker, and then look me in the eye and tell me he would be a transphobe. If you can, I politely and respectfully ask you to fuck off because that is not the vibe at all.
The aromantic coding isn't even coding at this point. While, yes, Rowling got it quite wrong about where aromantisism comes from with Voldemort, (for a shockingly nice representation of it I recommend looking at Charlie Weasley), he is canonically aromantic. He doesn't understand love, it's a foreign concept to him. It doesn't make him evil, in fact my aro friends agree that they actually find him a little relatable in that way. Like, wtf is this thing that everyone is constantly talking about? I don't get it. It's weird.
As for trans/enby, bare with me here.
As a trans person myself, I can actually match up to the muggle raised wizard experience in general, but Voldemort has added stuff.
For starters, he always knew he was different, knew he wasn't like the rest but also realised that talking about it would result in a worse situation for himself. Very relatable. I remember when I was very young and finally realised that, no, girls don't all want pixie sticks. I don't why, but I felt that I had to shut up about it because some things are just better left unsaid.
I think the biggest trans/enby coding in Voldemort is the name change. Unfortunately, the way Voldemort's name is treated does somewhat reflect experiences of real trans and non binary people. No one calls Voldemort by the name he has chosen for himself, except the those who view him as a threat. In fact, Harry, egged on by Dumbledore who also does it, flat out deadnames him. To his face. Dumbledore even acknowledges that he uses a different name now but STILL calls him Tom just to seemingly assert dominance. Real mature, Dumbledore, real mature.
Then there is the fact that he has undergone drastic physical changes that people around him view as 'monstrous', 'unnatural' and 'deformed'. That ring any bells? As a trans guy it sure does for me, as Abigail Shrier in her infamous book Irreversible Damage claims that trans guys have a 'bulldozed female profile' and says over and over that we are mutilating ourselves and having our womanly features stripped from us as if we didn't choose this for ourselves.
So please, can we reclaim Voldemort? We can really expand him as a character, it's incredibly easy. I don't condone his wizard nazi views, but we can give this complex, multifaceted, nebulous being the respect and depth that he truly deserves. what do think?
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20 D20 Fanfics
My friend @remidyal ranked their fics once they had written 20 of them. I have just finished my 20th story so I’d figure I would do that too! Dice rules so 1 is the worst and 20 is the best
1. Drowning in the Ink
I had the thought ‘what if Rosamund and Gerard got caught when they went to find Elody’. I still think this is a good thought and want to re-explore it but my execution in this story wasn’t the best. Writing it before the finale was out meant I was working with half knowledge on a lot of characters that I think shows. Plus, I saw a lot of people on Tumblr saying the Princesses’ plan was actually good and I got annoyed at that and it definitely bled through in the story too much. I’ll probably redo and expand this one sometime in the future!
2. Old Habits
I often dislike my most recent creations. It’s got too much me on it still. I haven’t distanced myself from the art yet. So this one was me trying a few things outside of my comfort zone and I really don’t feel like any of them turned out as well as they could have. I can barely even speak of it at this point the emotions are too fresh!
3. Safety
Not much to say about this. Shortest thing I’ve ever written and I do like how it turned out but it’s definitely… short. I enjoy Gorgug and Adaine interacting, I enjoy Adaine scared, but nothing makes this little guy stand out.
4. Half Siblings are a Whole Deal
This one honestly isn’t even supposed to be good. It’s a direct retelling of canon featuring my OC, that premise isn’t going to win any Hugo awards! But it’s fun and I want to explore how Fig’s character would change if she wasn’t going through her family drama alone. If she had to be, heaven forbid, responsible. I do plan on continuing it! I’ve got some good ideas for the end that I’ve already set up.
5. Additions to the Beehive
I think this one is so low just because I didn’t really like the latest chapter I put out. Plus, I don’t really have a solid plan for this story. I have a few scenes I want to do, character beats and themes I want to flesh out, but exactly what’s going to happen is a mystery. The title’s really solid though.
6. Blight
Pains me to put this so low because Remidyal’s Poison series is so solid and Penelope Everpetal is so fun but I kinda stumbled through it. There’s a couple sections I straight up should have deleted and a couple more I should have added. I do think I got the right vibe down, though, and I really want to do more with Penelope in the future.
7. Sneaking In Sneaking Out
I’m going to be honest, I just wanted to write some scenes about sneaking into buildings. It was really fun and I felt clever writing it. I also liked making Aelwyn really really mean especially because Remidyal had posted Camp right before where she was pretty darn nice. Not much happening in this story but it was fun!
8. No Blood Relations
I dunno this one is fine. As stated before, exploring Fig having to go through her parents divorce with someone is very compelling. I also liked pitting Adaine and Fig against each other a little bit, it felt very real to how siblings of divorce act. Too real. I’m kind of blocking it out.
9. Tender Love and Care
I liked this one a lot. It’s supposed to be romance but I don’t think I really it comes through (because I’m bad with romance) but I really liked getting into a desperate Fabian’s head. I think I did well with the physical environment in this one too, something I usually struggle with. And the line at the end of Fabian’s section? Where it says ‘he prayed to the only god he ever believed in. “Kristen please.”’. I know I’m the one who wrote it but I think about it daily.
10. Ring a Bell
Right in the middle! I really like the chapters I have out for this one so far and I’m excited for the plan of where I’m taking it. Only time will tell if I can pull it off into being a good cohesive story but for now this bad boy has potential!
11. Please Wake Up, Please Don’t Sleep
My other Neverafter Fic! This one I am much more proud of. I think I really got the voices of all the characters down and managed to make an interesting little scene out of a relatively simple concept. Rosumand is just a teenager! Someone give her a hug I am begging.
12. For Want of Citizenship
I think this story is severely underrated honestly. I got Goldenhoard’s voice down pat and the pacing of the story flowed really well with nice details that I often forget to include to center the reader. Plus, it’s a ‘what if’ scenario that gnawed at me from the moment the pieces were in place and I was sad nothing ever came of it in canon. Patched a hole in my mind this story did.
13. Horrified Looks from Everyone in the Room
Ah, the story to start us off. My second highest kudos still. Which is wild. It’s a good fic for sure! I think Fabian’s and Riz’s sections both shone and it really started off my addiction of giving Adaine a Bad Time. Definitely things I would change about it if I had to do it again but overall I can see why it’s still so popular and I’m very proud of it!
14. Rule Number One
The other story to kick things off! Can’t believe the prompt ‘Riz lets Biz think they’re friends just a little longer’ started a whole expanded AU. I still think this one’s great! Sticking in Riz’s point of view so the reader couldn’t even tell Adaine was having a whole episode until she started sobbing mid sentence was wonderful. Riz’s guilt and justifications were so juicy. And! Everyone liked my weird Rule quirk I gave to Adaine which I had fun playing with. This one isn’t higher because I think some of the information about the changes in this AU could have been given out in a smoother way but overall one of my best.
15. Fabian’s Sister and Other Perks of Punching an Ambassador
Firstly, name’s bad. My worst titled fic. But it’d okay we love it anyway. I very much like what I’ve got going on with this story. Exploring Fabian and Adaine’s relationship in a unique light, fleshing out Bill and especially Hallariel, even fleshing out some of Fabian and Adaine’s insecurities! I’m nearing sort of the end of the fic (I’m at least half way through) and I’m excited where it’s going too! There are some things I wish I had spent more time on (the other bad kids, Cathilda, ect) but what I do have is solid and streamlined enough for me not to be too sad about that!
16. The Good Wizard Gorgug
My. Most. Underrated. Fic! This is such a solid story I adore it. Gorgug is my baby boy and it was so much fun exploring Adaine’s character through him. The steady climb of them becoming better and better friends, growing more confident and relaxed around each other, only for it to all come crashing down to be slowly built up once again. I love it! I love Wizard Gorgug! What a good good boy.
17. Babysitting a (High) Elf
This one was also fairly recent but I really liked how it turned out! There were things I wanted to explore with this, Gorthalax’s guilt about not being there for Fig all these years, Adaine’s complicated emotions about being abandoned, and I felt I pulled it off well. I also think I did a good job making it funny and writing high Adaine as silly while still noticeably herself. Until I sucker punched her at the end. I couldn’t resist though.
18. Mastermind Introductions
Everything I set out to do in this fic I did flawlessly. I wanted to rewrite Adaine’s introduction scene and hit a lot of the same ‘beats’ but with the special AU twist. Aelwyn and her fight in the beginning (where Adaine kind of started it and then very much failed to end it), stealing the book and then being embarrassed by Fig and Kristen’s help, stuff like that! I really felt like I pulled it off and introduced the other Bad Kids just as well as I did Adaine. If I would change anything it would just to tweak a few details to fit better in my new vision for the overall AU. But besides that it’s a flawless work!
19. The Young Oracle
Yes! I was really worried about this one because of all of the weird time jumps. But I couldn’t not have weird time jumps. It was a story about a very powerful diviner! It couldn’t have time be linear! And I think it wouldn’t have made sense if everything had been in order, funnily enough. But besides all that I really like the tone I set for the story, the details I put into the world, (how I managed it without ever watching SY), and I have been thinking about the expanded version of this AU excessively. Is it a perfect story? Nah, but I adore it perhaps the most of all my fics.
20. Property Of
In a move that caught even me by surprise, Property Of wins! It’s my first muti-chapter I’ve finished, it’s got a really solid character arc, and I feel like I let the tone slip from silly to wild and unnerving in a very smooth slide. Plus I just… had a lot of fun writing it. I couldn’t seem to put it down for a second and when I blinked I was over 10k words! It was supposed to be a one shot! How naive I was! So yeah, I’m proud of it, it was fun to write, and it’s fun to reread and think about the implications. Nat 20!
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Memorable moments, lines, and my observations from season 4:
-Howard saying “Jimmy, don’t” while standing in front of the coroner van right before it drove off made me gasp
-Jimmy’s reply to Howard bearing his soul about causing Chuck’s suicide sent a chill down my spine
-Lmao at Jimmy fawning shock over the printer being so good it could counterfeit money. Bob played that so well.
-Kim goes OFF on Howard, like DAMN. I would watch this woman scream the phone book
-Kim kissing Jimmy on the couch 🥹
Something Beautiful
-Me when Jimmy opened the door for the twins at the Vet’s 😳
-I feel confident the Vet saying “can you not hit every damn pothole, please!?” was a Joe DeRosa ad lib
-The printer shop guy sleeping in his office specifies he wants his pizza sliced- in my head cannon that’s a Breaking Bad call back to the pizza place that doesn’t slice their pie
-The cell phone store aesthetic is spot on. My dad had a few Nextel/Sprint stores in the early 00’s and like Jimmy I had to make my own fun while hanging out there for hours on end
-The twins raiding the compound was v Breaking Bad-esq
-Just realized the advice Mike gives Jimmy after Bag Man about realizing you can forget came from Stacy talking about Matty in group!
Quite a Ride
-We get our first flashback to the Breaking Bad timeline!
-Jimmy’s hair is SO fucking cute in phone selling montage
-I did not enjoy seeing Howard so broken in the courthouse bathroom
-Fuck you, Jimmy
Something Stupid
-The “Need to call? Buy from Saul!” business card we see in the opening montage is just the next step in his catchphrase evolution. I wholeheartedly appreciate the attention and care that went into showing us exactly how Jimmy got to Breaking Bad Saul
-I love that you don’t know who Jimmy is giving the office tour to and it’s Huel lol
-You’ve been selling drop phones? On the street?
-KIM’S FACE when Suzanne Erickson refers to Jimmy as a scumbag disbarred lawyer
-SO many silly one liners:
-I’ll leave the bottle
-Are you prosecuting Santa Clause!?
-Clarence is going at the organ, I’m gonna step into the vestibule
-I will be with you PRESENTLY!!!
-The fake donations on the church website is some tasteful foreshadowing/calling back to Saul laundering Walt’s money through fake online donations
-The staircase kiss!!
-I love the painting in the boardroom at Mesa Verde. It’s called The Blue Rigi: Lake of Lucerne Sunrise
-Overall this episode is a 10/10. It’s silly and entertaining but also feels so pivotal on a rewatch because it sets the stage for everything else that will happen. The entire show can kinda be divided into pre and post Coushatta
-Slow down, I’m wearin flip flops!
-I didn’t know I needed an origin story for that fucking bell until I got it
-The! … suspense… ! They really make you think Werner is gonna explode and then he does but not how you expected
-Jimmy driving like a bat out of hell through the S&C parking garage is a vibe
-The way Jimmy’s voice quivers when he says to Kim “you look at me and you see Slippin Jimmy” 😭I just want to comfort him
-ICONIC karaoke scene
-Mike’s gum trick was so slick. What can I say the man knows parking
-Two details about Kristy Esposito reinforce Jimmy seeing himself in her: Howard’s question to her was about working with elders and she’s the only candidate wearing a fun funky shirt
-Michael, is that you? 😏
-I’ll do everything in my power to be worthy of the name McGill… changes his name 5 minutes later
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pacific-rimbaud · 1 year
sooo i’ve noticed lockwood and co on your page!!! is it worth watching? (i read them so i’m hesitant) do you ship lockwood/lucy and would you ever write a fic about them?
Unbridled enthusiasm incoming!
The Lockwood & Co. books are some of my greatest comfort reads, up there with Howl's Moving Castle, A Room with a View and Pride and Prejudice. I've been following the series production for the last couple years, and was incredibly anxious about the end product.
Verdict: I think it's fantastic. Every Lockwood fan on my dash loves it. I think it captures exactly what it needs to from the books. The characterization is on point, the creep factor is present, the vibes are immaculate, the cast is perfection. What was added or changed either brings something great to the series or doesn't take anything away.
Locklyle is one of my favorite ships. They're canon. I mean: Lockwood and the nonsense with La Belle Dame sans Merci? Swoon. In my old screen adaptation daydreams I knew that in shifting from Lucy's first person POV to a third person POV we'd see all the Lockwood pining that Lucy's oblivious to. We DO, and it's amazing. Ruby Stokes and Cameron Chapman's chemistry is incredible. We're so lucky.
I've read some Lockwood fic, but I'm not sure about writing it. The books are plot-heavy and fast-paced, with a lot of conspiracies and mysteries, and frankly I'm not sure I'm that creative. The characters are kids, the fandom is small and young, and there isn't a massive, decades-long tradition of aging them up for adult stories like there is in Harry Potter (as much as I'd love to read Lockwood wrangling ghosts kitted out in some Orpheus Society [redacted]). I love to read children's lit (where all the best plot and characterization happens) but I doubt my writing holds a lot of interest without at least implied smut. 😅 There are some great Lockwood fics on AO3, and I really hope the series brings in new writers!
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greypetrel · 10 months
Hey hey! 7, 23, 65 for the writer asks? c:
Hey there! :D
Here you go, thanks for asking!
I'm gonna put a cut because... Because the first two questions tackles in the perilous field of "Arja majored in literature and every time she has to discuss storytelling meta she's like this":
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Tis the prompt list.
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
I think of who could give the most interesting insight over the same event, and choose according to that. It all depends on what I'm trying to achieve with that piece of writing and the vibe I want to give: in the end a dramatic event stays dramatic, the pov just changes the flavour.
Example: In the Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts chapter, I switch the POV a couple of times accordingly. In the first scene, it's Aisling because she's the only one to exactly hear what dear Gaspard has to tell her. It must be her POV to avoid a long explanation of how she felt in that moment... That she wouldn't want to give, because the second POV is Cullen and knowing he's not faring well, she would never, at this point, go into many details about how bad she felt. You can see in the second scene what would have happened if the POV started with Cullen right away. Yes, you get what happened... I think, tho, that seeing it first-hand could give a nice other side. It changes again for the mission because I wanted a little "Why the heck is she explaining us her plan?" moment, and to start introducing that there are other people working behind the ballroom. And the last scene, with the final duel with the assassin (censoring who is it because a friend who reads me hasn't played Inquisition and if she hasn't read that chapter I don't want to spoil her GREIS DON'T CLICK) which I kept even if SOMEHOW Aisling in game won Belle of the Balle (don't ask me why, Josie drugged her)... I switched back to Cullen, because him not knowing exactly what the Science Bros had planned added a sense of uncertainty and urgency that made the pace quicker and more surprising... Which fitted, I wanted a super quick scene.
Hope it made sense xD
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
EDITED because the former one was more for Original writing and meh I thought of something better.
Originality is overrated.
And by which I mean: looking and actively pursuing something truely original at all costs will only stress you out. It goes in original and fanfiction writing. Stories got told all the time, and if you didn't start writing out of a bubble without ever consuming any work of fiction, you'll get influenced by stuff you liked, whether you want it or not. It's normal, it's something you can see in big ass authors, in authors that you study as "big innovators".
Futurists, who prided themselves in being truely, 100% original by doing something entirely new... Still were influenced by what came before. Because to do the opposite of what came before you must know what did. You must know what you don't want to do if you want to do something different. And that's why Italian futurists were assholes and I hate them and you shouldn't praise them fuck you Marinetti. Russian futurism is something entirely, wildly different and the Russians HATED the Italians with a reason But I shan't start talking about futurists or we'll end up with an essay on that let me just kiss gently on the forehead mr Livshits I love you Benedikt Konstantinovich and your glorious autobiography.
All it matters is not what you write. Is HOW you write it. Give it your vision, give what matters to you, and even if the basic story is yet another fic of a pairing that got written by so many people... Nobody wrote your specific vision of it. And that's all that matters.
At the end of the day, in the hands of a good writer who believes and has something personal to say about a certain trope... The tropes I like the least on paper are something I enjoy from people that thought about it and that you can SEE loved that story. And it's great.
Edited from before because thinking about it better, it's true that genre should not be considered so fixed as I sometimes see them being... But I thought about it better and "mediocrity" shouldn't be so shunned. Write your story, I don't care if it's good. If it makes you happy writing it, if it makes you crack a smile and it doesn't offend people, go for it. Mediocrity is good, mediocrity shouldn't be demonized or looked upon with a frown. If it brings ONE smile to one person, that's a good book, no matter the originality of it. Which brings us to the point I edited this in.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Uh, currently? I can't wait to end Monster Fic to start with DadWolf x°D
Beside that, I got half an idea of expanding a little on the collection of prompts about Raina... And writing something about the duel with the Arishok. Peak drama, peak tragic hero moment. I need to structure it a little better in my head, maybe replay that mission to have a clearer mind (the last time I played it it was with Garrett, aka a mage... Raina is a rogue and after Leandra she'll kill herself before allowing him to go in her place. Really it would be a categoric "No you're not going. Not in a million years." Yes they'll have the fight of a lifetime afterwards.). But yeah.
Also since today I really want to write a snippet of Dark Lady AU in which Cullen makes it to Barad Dur in friendlier terms and notices that there are cats EVERYWHERE. And as every good dog person that doesn't really like cats all that much he'll be LOVED by all the cats. He'll go to sleep and wake up from the purring. Will get used to it pretty soon, he just never paid that much attention to cats. Nazgul flying from Barad Dur to Mordor with backpacks with portholes to bring their cats around.
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banrions · 6 months
Any thoughts on FCG really going in on saying that Ashton doesn't care about anyone? At first I thought it was maybe a... this is what your most recent actions conveyed (kinda a bad faith take but okay). And then I thought it was more Sam poking to get Ashton to admit he does care about the group (which Ashton did). But even after that FCG kept bringing it up/going in on he doesn't care about them when Imogen was trying to explain/give some context. I'm trying to figure out why FCG who arguably should know Ashton better in some ways would have this take when all of Ashton's other actions (and eventually his words) show how much he cares for Bells Hells.
sorry i didn't see this until now!!
(i have not watched this week's ep yet, so, that might change my answer).
um. it threw me a little too, ngl. i initally took it as you said, a combination of 'recent actions show this to me' and 'trying to goad him into saying different' and i think that's mostly still where i land. perhaps only added that, fcg has had some conflict with him abt the whole gods thing, and honestly, ashton's whole vibe is 'aloof and apathetic in many ways' and it might just be getting to fcg/the last straw for them and wanting some sort of confirmation that things will change.
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seven-thewanderer · 2 months
WOO I finished it in time!!!
Okay since as I stated before, once today ends I'll have to go (so like... 8 more hours left)
but I wanted to share the rest of the designs for my Strayed AU before I left (...So I kinda rushed on one of them XD)
But I already shared Bloodmoon & KillCode's designs, Brainsick/Blackhole/Arp (the big villain)'s design, and a doodle of Eclipse & Solar Flare's designs...
So I wanted to design & share the rest!!!
So firstly... we have Earth!!
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This design of Earth I haven't yet decided which form of hers it'll be (whether it's the 1st body, 2nd body, or 3rd I don't know), but this is what Earth looks like at some point during the AU!! Her eyes are more similar to Sun's eyes (in canon), and her ribbon/headband's yellow instead of rainbow because I thought it fit, and because drawing the rainbow repeatedly can get a bit tiring...
I also was gonna draw her different outfits, but my device wouldn't let me keep drawing, so I only drew her skirt
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(Which actually probably means its the 2nd or 3rd body cus the 1st one didn't have outfits..)
Next, we have... Lunar!!! (This one's the current appearance, not the first few ones)
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Lunar's design here is slightly based on those little clown dolls (an example - that I didn't use as a direct reference, but sat in my mind unconsciously as I made it - being these clown dolls made by slocotion which they're cool maybe check their stuff out :3), and based on the details I liked from all of Lunar's canon models, and just. going purely on a clown-like vibe as I went through XD (And while I didn't design it, Lunar's first appearance would match more with Eclipse's first appearance, being more silly clown-like)
Next up: Sunrise!! (Yes he does go by Sunrise in this au)
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For Sun I really tried to go with an art teacher-like vibe... but most of the results were like... dresses and overalls-but-skirts. Which like, Sun would wear those in this AU, but not as his main outfit. So I just gave him one of those puffy-sleeved shirts with the overlapping stripes (#f8c092, 39% opacity. Why am I adding this? why not), and then added some art supplies on him (paint, glitter glue, and stickers) I'll explain the overalls being the 'wrong color' later
Finally, there's Moondrop!!
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Moon wears his overalls as well, but wears a labcoat as well cus.. he sciencey!! This design is specifically after-reset (cus this Moon got reset as well), cus if it was pre-reset, the eye would be red, not green. The bell on his hat is also a crescent moon-shaped bell!!
And also to explain the overalls color-swap for Sunrise & Moondrop:
They usually did wear their colors, Sunrise having the red-orange one with stars, and Moondrop having the blue-purple one with stripes, but then Sun wanted to swap for one day cus.. why not!! Moon agreed basically, but said if Sun got even one bit of paint on it, they weren't swapping back. Moon got the orange overalls cleaned by the end of the day (when they'd swap back), and Sun was basically drenched in paint & glitter glue... so now they've had the swapped overalls ever since XD
So yeah I think that's it!! Still have to design some other characters, like Monty, Stitchwraith, the Creator, Rodrick (who may get a name change in the AU), Foxy, and more!! Who knows, maybe if I get really motivated to, I may design characters from all the other shows in this AU!!
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coolcattime · 7 months
I’m not very knowledgeable on flower meanings, but I think Canterbury Bells and Orange Lilies are pretty and could be flowers for Capsize and Sonja
Hi hi!
I've actually been looking up flowers for Sonja and Capsize for fanfic planning reasons since I wanted flowers for the two of them that weren't roses for obvious reasons. And Canterbury bells and orange lilies look so pretty!!
I did look up the meanings, or at least what meanings I could find as flower language kinda changes from source to source, and Canterbury bells have a meaning I think fits really well with Sonja and Capsize. They can represent gratitude, support, and constancy all of which I think fits into Sonja and Capsize's relationship very well both as a general vibe and kinda what they both need from other people. I think both of them can feel like they're overshadowed by other people but that isn't true with each other and I think the meaning of Canterbury bells like represents that really well.
Now orange lilies are one of those flowers with a negative meaning, with the source I found saying the meaning is "Leave me." Now honestly the flowers are pretty and I honestly don't think Capsize or Sonja are particularly people to be into the meanings of flowers (maybe there could be rituals where Sonja needs to know them but that's really the only situation I can see either of the two particularly being interested). But even with the meaning I can still see orange lilies for the two, particularly pre Capsize's revival, where Sonja has doubts and other people pressuring her to stop her attempts to revive Capsize and I definitely think the meaning of "Leave me" could be used here for her questioning if she should give up on Capsize or continue with her possibly fruitless efforts.
But I definitely wanna use both of these! They're getting added to my flower list I've been making ❤️❤️❤️
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conniescove444 · 5 months
Chapter 5: I Looked Away
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Pairing: Sam Kiszka × female!oc
Word Count (this chapter): 3469
Summary: Lana moved to the States a few months ago and has found herself in a small town in Michigan called Frankenmuth. After visiting a local bar on her first night, she begins talking to the bassist of the band that played and by the end of the night she's moved her things into his apartment. This was the last thing she was expecting to happen... but hey, what could go wrong?
(This story is set in 1971 rather than modern day so I've had to play around with some of the bands' story. I've been playing around with this concept for a while and thought it may be interesting considering their vibe is straight out of that era.)
WARNINGS: alcohol use, heavy drug use, tobacco use, sexual content (due to the themes this fic is 18+, please DNI if you are a minor- you will be blocked.)
The sound of the Beatles' Srgt Peppers album filled the living room and Lana was looking through the fridge to pull out a few beers. The song 'A Day in the Life' was playing and Sam was sat on the sofa listening, "This song changed my life you know."
Lana looked back from the fridge, placing the beers onto the counter, "How come?"
"Showed me that there weren't any rules in music. It wasn't like anything I'd ever heard before."
She smiled softly at him, "The Beatles were who made me fall in love with music."
Sam was about to respond when the phone began to ring, "I got it." Lana said as she moved over to it, picking up the receiver.
"Hey Lana, it's Jake... Lori's had something come up with her parents today so she's not gonna come with us to the beach but if you still want to go then I'd be happy to take you."
"Oh okay... yeah that's fine. I really wanna get some fresh air."
"I'll be outside in 20 minutes then."
"Alright, see ya in a bit."
She put the receiver back down and Sam stood up, walking over to her.
"Who was that?" he leant on the wall next to the phone.
"Jake, Lori's not coming now but we still want to go if that's okay with you."
He nodded, staring at the phone intently "I'm gonna take a shower, I'll see you when you're home."
She watched him as he walked away, "Alright."
Something about his reaction was a little off but she knew he was still hung up on the recording sessions so she put it down to that. She got changed into a pair of bell bottom jeans and a white wrap top, adding her Afghan coat over everything. She then finished getting her things together and went outside to wait for Jake.
The drive wasn't too long and the pair had mostly talked about the different songs on the radio during the drive- they had the most similar taste in music out of everyone in the group.
They'd spent most of the day just sitting by the shore, it was too cold to do anything like swimming or getting ice cream but since it was still the off season it meant it was fairly quiet. They'd shared a blunt at one point and had got to talking about the band.
"Sam seems really stressed about the whole album thing. Is he usually like that?" Lana was sat back, leaning on her hands in the sand.
"He's just got a short fuse, nothing we haven't seen from him before."
She stared down at the sand and then out towards the water, "He was telling me about not feeling like his work was good enough."
Jake sighed softly, "I mean I think he just feels a bit overshadowed. I was the one who got the band started and Josh is obviously our front man so he just wants to find his place in things."
Lana watched as the waves moved back and forth, staying silent for a moment before responding, "I wish he wouldn't put so much pressure on himself. He's so good at what he does, he just can't seem to see it."
"All musicians are like that, he just lets it get to him too much."
"Yeah I suppose so. I don’t like seeing him so miserable though." she traced shapes in the sand beside her as she was speaking.
"Well you were great yesterday. With helping us of course but also with Sam at the start. If any of us had gone in there to ask him to get out of his own world he would have snapped. I think he just feels seen by you."
"You think so?" Lana felt herself blushing a little at the last part.
"Yeah definitely. I was a bit unsure when you guys first moved in together but he needed someone like you."
"Why's that?" She turned her head away from the water they'd both been looking out to in order to face him and he did the same.
"I don't know... I always felt that maybe he was a bit jealous over the fact that Danny has Mary-Jane and I have Lori... Josh is different because he's perfectly happy floating from person to person but Sam was never content doing that."
"It's not like he's never gotten any attention though, he always has girls pining over him and he goes home with them all the time. Surely he's had long term flings or girlfriends before."
"Yeah but it's not about that. I can't speak for you guys but with me and Lori, we can sleep with as many other people as we want but there's never that same connection as what we have with each other. Knowing there's that one person who knows every inch of you and always comes back to you, understands you... no matter what. Having that kind of connection with someone is something that I think most people need but don't always find."
Lana just turned back to the ocean and nodded. She understood what he was saying perfectly.
"I'm glad I found you guys. If I had chosen any other bar that night I'd probably be somewhere else across the country by now." she smiled at the thought.
Jake turned back to look at the water too, "Why were you travelling so much? I mean I get that you wanted to explore but why hadn't you stopped yet before you came here?"
Lana looked down at her feet, her boots covered in sand, "I'm not sure. I guess I was trying to find myself but I didn't really know how. I've never really felt at home with the people I've spent my life surrounding myself with until now."
Jake put his arm around her and pulled her closer. She leaned into him and rested her head into his side.
"I think you've found your home now." He said quietly, rubbing her arm with his hand.
They made the trek back up the beach towards Jake's car and just listened to the music on the way home. They spoke briefly about her time in London but besides that it was mostly comfortable silence. In her time in Frankenmuth so far, Jake had become like an older brother to her. She had no siblings of her own but he was someone she just felt comfortable opening up to around and he was happy to be there for her.
When he dropped her home she came into the apartment to see Sam sat on the sofa plucking at his bass.
"Hi Sammy." she went and took a seat next to him, brushing some hair behind his shoulder to place a kiss on his cheek.
"How was your day?" he put his bass down next to him and turned to face her.
"It was good... maybe a bit cold for the beach though."
He pulled her face closer towards him and placed short a kiss on her lips.
She then pulled away and looked at the phone, "I need to call my parents, I haven't spoken to them since Kansas."
He sighed quietly, "That's seriously what you're thinking about right now?" he looked a rather put out.
"Sorry, it's been on my mind."
"No don't worry about it." he leant back and tilted his head, looking up at the ceiling.
Lana got off the sofa and walked over to the phone, picking it up and dialling the number.
It rung for a few seconds before someone on the other end answered.
"Hi Mum it's me,
... yeah I'm fine, just wanted to let you know I've moved in somewhere for a while.
... I got a job so I can cover the rent,
... no my friend Sam lives here, it's his apartment, I just moved in with him.
... we're just friends."
They spoke for a little while longer and she gave her Mum her new number. She then spoke to her Dad who asked if he could speak to Sam.
She moved the receiver down away from her face and covered it with her hand, "Sam would you mind talking to my Dad? I think he just wants to check you're not a creep."
He looked over at her, "Yeah sure," he stood up and walked over, taking the phone from her.
"Samuel speaking.
... I promise I'll take care of her.
... no, she's no trouble..."
The two spoke very briefly before he handed the phone back to her. While she finished up her conversation he went to the kitchen cupboard to grab a glass before filling it with water.
"Okay, speak to you soon.
... love you too,
... bye."
She put the receiver back down and then leant back on the wall, sighing softly.
Sam took a sip of his water and then looked at her, "Connie."
Hearing the name startled her slightly and she just looked at him with wide eyes, "huh?"
"Don't play dumb. It's what your Dad called you. When were you gonna tell me?" he sounded quite hurt.
She just exhaled deeply and looked down at her feet. "Look I was gonna say something if it came up or if I needed to but it's not a name use anymore."
"Lana you live with me. You should have told me when you moved in." he put the glass down on the side and crossed his arms, leaning back on the counter- the frustration was obvious in his voice.
"I used to hang around groupies Sam, we all change our names and even if I'm not anymore, it still stuck. I didn't see a need to tell you yet."
He stood up off the counter, "It doesn't matter! I need to be able to trust you, if you're not gonna tell me something as simple as your name then how can I?"
"I don't understand why you're so upset? It's not really my name anymore. I don't use it. It's not like you're the only person I've ever met who's never known me as Connie."
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, turning his head away from her, "Wow."
"God it really isn't that big of a deal." she stood up straight and crossed her arms, raising her voice slightly.
He looked at her again, "It is though. I'll take a bet that Turner isn't your last name either."
"...no. It's Smith. Constance Smith."
He didn't respond, he simply walked back over to the sofa and picked up his bass again, messing around with the tuners.
She walked a bit closer to where he was sitting but made sure to keep a decent amount of distance, "What so are you just gonna not talk to me now?"
He didn't respond nor look up from what he was doing.
"Look Sam I'm sorry. I really don't see why you're so upset though." she lowered her voice again and walked closer to him.
He just pretended as though she wasn't there and it was really starting to agitate her. She could understand him being a little hurt by it but this felt like much more of an overreaction.
"You're being so ridiculous right now."
"Oh I'm being ridiculous? What the actual fuck? You've been fucking lying to me this entire time." he moved his bass and raised his voice a little bit.
"Stop it." she had intended for her words to come out a bit more confidently than they had. In all honesty she was trying not to break down crying.
"No. This is such bull shit." with that he stood up and walked into his room, slamming the door behind him.
Lana just stood there paralysed. Why was he this mad about something like that? She'd never ever gotten such a big reaction over someone finding out her name. It wasn't an uncommon thing to change your name, not in the scene that she was in at least. It was mostly done for privacy and safety but for her it was a persona she could hide behind. She felt very vulnerable having people know who she really was and Sam had just made it a hundred times worse.
The only thing she could think to do was go somewhere else, she didn't want to be around him and he clearly didn't want to be around her.
She grabbed her bag from where she'd left it on the counter and got her coat back off the rack before exiting the apartment, slamming the door shut behind her so Sam would know she'd left. She walked a couple of streets until she was at Lori's place and knocked on the door hastily. "Hey hun," Lori had a smile on her face but when she noticed something was off her look quickly turned to concern, "is everything alright?"
Lana just shook her head and Lori took her hand, leading her into her bedroom. The twins were sat on the sofa in the living room but they didn't pay much attention to what was happening, too engrossed in their own conversation. Lana sat on the bed and once Lori had closed the door and sat beside her, she just began to break down. Lori moved closer and wrapped her arms around her, holding her tightly, "hey, hey, it's okay. You wanna talk about it?" she spoke softly and rather quietly.
Lana just shook her head and let her friend hold her. She felt like she was choking on guilt even though she wasn't sure if she should feel guilty. Looking back on the situation, she'd wished she'd just have told him the day she moved in, but it was a different time. It was the 70s. It wasn’t uncommon to not use your real name... Lana was no different. Especially where she came from, people put up barriers and at that point she didn't feel that there was any need to tell him yet. She still however felt like she’d made a huge mistake. It clearly bothered Sam and she wasn't intentionally trying to hurt him, she was just protecting herself.
They stayed in the room together for a few minutes until Lana had calmed down. She was curled up on the bed, holding a pillow close to her chest, Lori stroking her arm.
"I'm gonna go back out to the boys, you can join us whenever you're ready, alright?" Lori stroked her hair and Lana nodded, motioning it was okay for her leave the room.
After a while she'd pulled herself together enough to want to go and join everyone else and she walked back into the living room to see them all in a conversation.
She stood by the doorway, fiddling with her hands, "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on anything."
"No you're fine, it's always nice having you around." Josh smiled at her and then patted the seat next to him. Lana walked over and sat down, curling her legs up to her chest.
Lori was sat with her legs over Jake's lap and he was resting an arm around her knees.
"Me and Jake were gonna go see a movie but you guys are more than welcome to stay here if you want to." Lori said, swinging her legs round so they were back on the ground.
"Thanks." Lana said quietly. Josh simply nodded then looked towards the girl beside him a bit concerned, he could see something was up. Her eyes were raw and puffy and her body language was so different to usual.
Once Lori and Jake had left he moved to sit crossed legged on the sofa, facing her, "You okay in there?" he cocked his head to the side as he looked at her.
Lana turned to look at him and rested her head on her knees, "Not really... could I talk to you about it?"
"Of course you can." he gave her a reassuring smile.
Lana sighed before thinking carefully about her choice of words, "I was on the phone to my parents earlier and my Dad spoke to Sam at one point... now please don't read into this, you know I’ve had a bit of an unusual few years."
Josh nodded.
"Lana isn't my actual name. I hadn't told Sam that yet. I haven't told anyone that yet because I don't go by my old name. I haven't done for years. I changed it back in London like most of the girls I hung around with did but I never stopped using it because I liked being able to hide behind it I suppose... When my Dad spoke to Sam he used my real name and after we'd hung up he got pretty angry about it for some reason. Like weirdly angry. I can understand him feeling a bit hurt since we live together but never in a million years did I expect the reaction I got. I promise I was gonna tell him at some point... I was. It just didn't feel like the right time yet I dunno." she buried her face into her knees.
He reached his arm over to stroke hers, trying to comfort the girl, "Look, I personally don't give a shit what you wanna go by, at the end of the day it's just how we refer to you but not everyone feels like that."
She looked back up at him, her eyes moments away from releasing another wave of tears, "I know but I've never seen him get like that. It really worried me Josh."
Josh just looked at her apologetically, not really sure what to say.
"Am I overacting? Am I in the wrong here for being upset? I was the one who fucked up." she moved her legs to sit crossed legged, mirroring the way Josh was sitting.
Josh took her hands in his, trying to reassure her, "No. You just have different opinions on the topic and that's okay... what did he say about it?"
She sighed, "Just that I had been lying to him the whole time and that he can't trust me and stuff."
Josh stayed silent for a moment, clearly thinking about how to phrase things, "I think he's upset about something else. That was just the catalyst for him, I can't see why he'd be so angry over that. He may feel a bit upset by you not telling him but that seems a bit extreme."
Lana just looked at him, a bit confused. "What would he be upset about? Is it something I've done?"
Josh rubbed his thumb over her knuckles, "I don't know if I'm right but I think you going out with Jake today."
She was a bit taken aback by his suggestion, "... what? why?"
"I don't want to make assumptions but he was really off with Jake in the studio yesterday. I figured it was probably about that."
Lana just looked down at her lap, "Why would he be upset about that?"
"You have to talk to him Lana, I don't want to say anything that may not be true. Plus, it's your issue. You gotta fix it between yourselves."
She looked back up at him again with a shy smile, "Yeah you're right. Thank you Josh."
He just smiled and pulled her in for a hug, he knew his brother and he was getting to know her too... this was something only they could fix but he was happy to help if he could.
When Lori and Jake got back, the twins left to go to their apartment but Lana stayed over that night. She didn't want to go home yet because the idea of talking to Sam was making her stomach churn. She didn't sleep much, she was just trying to go over what she was gonna say in her head but it wasn't really getting her anywhere. She just tried her best to push through, waiting for the next morning to arrive.
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