#i swear i am actually a cat
selfcare-barbie · 1 year
I'm in a funk. My sort of midterms have exhausted me and flicked my depression switch. I don't feel like showering, getting dressed, or leaving the house and it is only our 3rd beautiful, warm day of the year. Feel free to reach out with tips or tricks you use to get out of a funk!
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egophiliac · 2 months
But … how the staff swear? We Need to know that too…(of you want of course … love your art and your Amazing humor!!!)
(thank you! :D)
Trein: said 'damn' once when he was sixteen, still lays awake at night in embarrassment about his deplorable lapse in manners.
Vargas: swears like an old-timey carnival strongman. lots of "poppycock" and "what the devil" and an occasional "deuces!" (this makes classes very confusing for poor Deuce)
Crowley: doesn't intentionally swear, but every once in a while he'll, like...put together a presentation on the new staff policies or something that builds up to an acronym which, by complete coincidence, spells out something shockingly depraved.
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it happens often enough that you'd think he's doing it on purpose, except. it's Crowley.
Sam: swears in the text, gets away with it because the character reading is always something else
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(this is very specific to the Japanese version and probably too meta but I made myself laugh with it, I...I'm sorry)
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robo-milky · 5 months
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What do you mean Rook Hunt from Twisted Wonderland wasn’t my date?
*Not Cloche but me 😎
[Canon Event]
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bonefall · 1 year
Why doesn't Blossom just. leave? Idk if that sounds weird since you have talked about how the clans essentially function like a cult (although this was in reference to starclan), but if Blossom feels so completely isolated and shut off, why not just. Run away.
Blossom literally gets told 'no one cares about you, why not just disappear?", and the clan does NOTHING to say otherwise, and their silence is basically agreement. Suicide tw, to someone who is already at their lowest, or just climbing out of it at least, that line could have horrible implications- you dont matter, just fade away, no one would notice, etc. Idk if that was intended (ashfur seems like the kind of asshole who would intend it but i dont think you intended it), but. yeah its horrible.
Since im believing it wasn't intended, maybe change it? Emptycry could work (instead of 'no one cares, you're a waste of space' its 'your words are empty, be quiet'), or maybe naming her Rottedpetal- the flowers have been shredded, and now they have begun to rot instead of growing anew. Or, if you want to keep the name, Blossom snaps and decides that he's speaking the truth- so she leaves. Maybe she becomes a loner (does the lake territories even HAVE any loners that function similar to Barley, Ravenpaw, Smudge, etc???), or joins another clan (i highly doubt this since the other clan would eventually learn of 'clearface' and start calling her that again, or worse kick her out for breaking the code), OR she becomes a kittypet, completely willing to trade freedom just to be loved.
...forgive me but I feel like a lot of people are missing the point of Dishonor Titles and why and how Ashfur uses them.
Ashfur is picking the cruelest possible names he can think of exactly because he wants the people who oppose him to be broken. He is finding a character's deepest insecurity and putting it on full display, forcing the other cats in the Clan to join in on his mental abuse to set them against each other.
This serves the purpose of showing that Ashfur is even worse than Bramblestar, and that he is very perceptive of people's insecurities.
The cruelty is the point. These titles from the Impostor aren't meant to be petty, they are meant to be gutwrenching.
Why does Blossomfall not leave? Because her entire family is here. Father, siblings, three children, any friendships she's finally started working on. She had to beg to come back in on their grace and she will not get another chance. Random humans aren't an option. It hurts but she eats it, knowing her only options are to take it for the next two weeks or be exiled forever.
If she was going to leave because of the name, then that is something Bramblefake can use as well. "Codebreakers are weak cats. She couldn't handle having her disrespect thrown back at her and cared more about her pride than her Clan. A traitor twice, now a traitor thrice."
But things were just finally starting to get better for her, and she's not willing to leave her entire life behind for the exciting opportunity to... live alone in the woods. Not yet.
She becomes a rebel later, but not yet.
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I did it
I f@%$&ing did it
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What am I doing to myself rn...
If this gets accepted I'll drop beejoy's entire lore in one post
Every single part of her lore.
Idk what woke in me,apparently uhyeah..
I watched his most recent video today,and if he had drama with the euphoric brothers,but resolved the issues,and got a cameo,then maybe I will too... (I doubt it...)
Not to mention Sunday (my cat) stealing one of my mini pizzas while I was writing my request to the euphoric brothers...
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steakout-05 · 27 days
how i feel about TBYS causing a shockwave effect of everyone dogpiling on and harassing Illymation and spreading extremely easily disprovable and malicious misinformation about her and putting her in a lot of danger for literally no legitimate reason
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#big rant in the tags incoming hold on to your hats:#i swear drama commentary youtubers are actually some of the most dense people on the fucking planet#like holy SHIT i have never seen a bigger display of collective stupidity than every drama commentary grifter harping on illy based on shit#-she didn't even say that they heard from a guy who sounds like budget ben shapiro. how are you that dense. like how. actually how.#it's just a big stupid game of idiot telephone with how much basic shit people are getting wrong because they heard it whispered from-#-another person. istg if i have to see ONE more person say that ''oh but she's encouraging obesity'' ''oh but she said [thing she literally#-didn't say]!!!'' im going to SCREAM. i am going to throw my phone against the wall if i see one more malicious misinterpretation of a-#-basic statement that even a fucking doorknob could understand with more grace and nuance than these idiots#i swear to god this is all so STUPID#drama commentary youtube is where basic reading comprehension and common sense go to die. it is the 10th circle of internet hell-#-just below 4chan.#anyway rant over glad i got that out of my system.#i hope illy is doing well and that she and her partner and her cats are safe <3#sorry for being so angry. this whole situation literally makes my blood boil and i'm so upset that an innocent person got put in danger-#-because of some nerd emoji sounding wackass blatantly lying about her and being a dickhead#this is the first and last post i'll ever make about internet drama (unless something really REALLY funny happens) i just needed an outlet-#-to scream into for a few minutes#drama commentary youtubers delete their entire channels and leave the internet right now challenge#shitpost#youtube drama
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
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Idk who sent me this but:
1) I love you. Thank you for giving me a chance to talk about this.
2) I will end up including Transfem Sanji in some way too.
3) If it takes long for me to answer is because it's one of those asks I love so much I would cry and I'm gonna end up writing a lot. So. Wait for it. Thank you 💖
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rimeah · 5 months
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wowowwild · 8 months
Devastating: Can't call Mikeko a bastard in a T rated fic.
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britcision · 1 year
Listen. Could Dead and Loving It be a fraction of the length and maybe finished by now if I only focused on Danny and Jason?
Would it be a better story?
Probably, from several perspectives
But it absolutely would not be the same story, and nor would it be the story I want to tell
Because I am hopelessly addicted to ensemble casts, and I don’t want the boys to exist in a vacuum. I want Jason to run off with his siblings and with Danny’s friends, and I want Danny to fuck with the bats
I want them to touch all the parts of each others lives that existed before they met, and will still continue to exist after even if things change forever between them
I want all the background characters to interact with each other, have their own inner worlds and their own motivations, and yeah, this absolutely means this is not an efficient telling of a slow burn romance
Because the story isn’t the slow burn romance
The story is these two people, and the world they live in, the story is the way Duke and Cass both see Jason differently than Dick and Tim ever could and that matters, and that none of them are wrong
The story is Danny finally telling people who will listen about the Anti-Ecto Acts, and all the fucked up things the GIW do, and being able to ask for help and have that be okay
The story is messy and complicated and will have so many rises and falls, so many pivotal moments that are drama and combat and so many that are just two people talking to each other and finally seeing eye to eye
The story is the way that Jason’s relationships with his family can finally mend, now that he has someone who can get him the help he’s needed
The story is the way that Danny can come to terms with the responsibilities of being a king, the constant question of agency and power and what he’s worth if he’s only Danny and not the Ghost King
The story is Clockwork fucking with the pair of them because he specifically thinks it’s funny (he’s right)
And yeah, there’s a slow burn romance in there. There’s also a coming of age tale, and a story about healing and reconciling and moving forward knowing you cannot change the past, but you can do better
Unless fucking Clockwork decides you can change the past because yeah then it’s fine to just go do that I guess
I was kinda considering breaking the story out into multiple chunks because holy fuck is 100k an intimidating chunk of words, but I’m not gonna
It’s all one story, and you will be my hapless victims as we get to fucking 300k or wherever this beast ends because we are not here for efficient story telling and motion of the plot
We’re here for the connections, the characters, the meaningless bullshit that would absolutely be cut in anything anyone ever wanted to sell, cuz I am not selling this
Imma write every fucking scene I wish I got from books, TV, movies, podcasts, actual plays, every fucking time I scream at the characters to just fucking talk to each other because messy is good too
Messy is okay
Stories don’t need to be marketable to be worth telling, and this one’s gonna be too long and intimidating for some people and that’s okay
But I fuckin’ rolled in from Critical Role which averages around 500 hours of content per campaign and a cast of 7 plus Matt’s NPCs
And I STILL want more goddamn character moments from all of them so I haven’t found a size yet that I can’t manage
I love reading focused stories that I can get through fast, and fuck, look at the rest of my AO3; I will fucking never diss a one shot, or a short story, or a piece that really focuses in on one or two characters
Delicious, I love them, my bread and butter
It’s just not what this mess is gonna be, and that’s okay too
Gods be fucking willing we will not have another six chapters that take place over the course of three hours, but we’ll just have to see how that shakes out cuz I’m being possessed by a seemingly infinite number of plot bunnies and my own tendency for “hey it’d be funny if”
And oh boy has it been funny every time
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earl-grey-love · 4 months
I am so excited to write today!! 🥰🥰
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incognitofox · 1 year
Now, I'm not a furry...
B U T -
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bigender-cowboy · 2 months
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Is. Is this good.
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I kept my notes. It was people practice but…I guess anthro hit????? It was people. At some point.
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It was like that but I deleted the original for some reason BUT IT WAS GOOD AND COLORED AND AAAHHH (I’m like 40% sure I traced this??? The wobbly lines BUT I CANT TELL BECAUSE THATS IN MY SCREENSHOTS AND NOWHERE ELSE???)
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quatregats · 2 months
Thought I had managed to figure out the whole timeline of where Villena had been during the war and now I'm going back through all the sources I have saved and I feel like nothing is matching up at all with what I have in my head
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bonefall · 2 years
TC Scourge is so interesting tho. How does he play out or effect the narrative? Does he go more clan life and change his name or does he act like a changer who gets the clans to see that outsiders aren’t lesser? I think he could be such a good character in like TBC especially as a rebel. I’m very interested in this idea
I'm glad you asked! I do actually have a point with it, and it's the more "fun" option between two choices I have at a certain point.
I'll try to summarize this and keep the BIG overview for its own post;
BloodClan is much older, forming back during the end of Oakstar's rule
It's neutral now, no longer pure evil. It does good things (distributes resources, protects from invasion, saves cats from abusive and neglectful living conditions) as well as bad things (demands service and/or tribute, gruesome punishments for stealing and disobedience, rigid pecking order)
Scourge is the newest in a line of rulers. Instead of being EVIL he's just very politically savvy, having inherited a large and brutal group.
The BloodClan battle happens because Tigerstar PROMISED them land and Scourge is sick of Clan cats not respecting them
So, in any case, Scourge is NOT dying at the battle. Firestar defeats him honorably, and engages in diplomacy with BloodClan afterwards. Everyone involved is mixed about this, but it works out well at the destruction of the forest where BloodClan absorbs the warriors who are staying behind and provides aid.
The Choice
So the crossroads will come during the period concurrent with Firestar's Quest/Quietus, the part where there was a power struggle between Snake, Ice, Claw, and Rage. In the rewrite I'm combining all the BloodClan power plots into one-- Scourge choosing a successor.
My initial draft was to give him a progressive disease that was going to kill him early, but with some small tweaking, it could just be him getting tired of leadership.
So my choice is that he dies here (much more compliant with canon) or he ultimately joins ThunderClan and accompanies them to the Lake.
Why though?
Because I want him to play a role with Hollyleaf.
In addition to it just being generally fun that there's this very quiet ex-mobster boss hanging out in the background just enjoying life, he would be an uncle figure in PO3.
I think Hollyleaf's struggle with outsiders is really interesting, and since I'm probably going to reduce Stormfur and Brook's role in ThunderClan due to Tribe reworks, there is an opening for him to squeeze in. Hollyleaf is able to look between the obedience the code demands, the way the Clans see outsiders as being soft, and have a real, hard example that this is not true because of Scourge.
He will be old by this point, old enough to not soak up too much attention from younger warriors, but still has that good old BloodClan skill in his claws when it's required. That aside he would generally be a quiet loner type, quite close to Goldenflower, probably accepting a clan name (he'd see it as respecting the culture) but not correcting anyone when they call him Scourge.
He would die sometime between OOTS and AVOS, possibly of that progressive disease or even going down in a blaze of glory during the Great Battle (Tigerstar getting a rematch would be SUPER fun!) and he would become a ghost, not joining StarClan. Tree gets to see him a couple of times, and he would be there for Squirrelflight's Hope instead of the random kittypet, Blade.
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moinsbienquekaworu · 5 months
I've gone from insane about the pilot when it dropped and so so into it to mildly interested and kind of cringing at the actual first episode. 4 years's not a lot but I feel like I got old
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