#i still don’t know if that boy knows i’m trans i’m realizing. like i think he does but i’ve thought a lot of people do and i was wrong
callixton · 1 month
i adore my department head to death but i do wish she wasn’t so transphobic. hurts sometimes
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#It’s very interesting to me that I tend to get gendered more correctly when I’m visiting my family in Latin America than I do in the US#I got called ‘joven’ (young man) there a few times#but here even when I’m wearing a more masc look I still get ma’am-ed to hell and back#Idk I’ve always felt like standards of conventional femininity were always more intense in LatAm#Which is why I was so surprised when a lot of discourse here in the US talked about women of color being perceived as more ‘masculine’#Bc the women I grew up around were so undeniably feminine in every way#The standards for femininity were so much more intense and rigid#But then I realized that it’s probably bc of that racial perception#so there is much more policing when it comes to how much you conform to traditional femininity#Unconsciously at least#And bc I don’t conform to those standards people are much quicker to assume I’m not a woman#(at least until I talk)#It’s funny#I used to feel much more dysphoric back home bc of this#My body felt wrong in the trans way but it also felt wrong with how people perceived my assigned gender at birth#I wasn’t a woman but I still had to Look like one#But now that I know I’m a guy it’s like…#I can be more myself and people recognize me a bit more for it?#It’s not like I pass (and I don’t think I ever will) but those few times I get mistaken for a boy are worth it#I deviate from LatAm’s standards of femininity Just enough#It’s a good thing coming out of a bad thing I guess
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scientia-rex · 6 months
I had one of those days where I just had too many feelings to fit inside my skin, and I’ll have to recover from it.
Telling a patient she has breast cancer. Telling a patient she has dementia. Calling a patient at 6:30pm, still sitting at my desk, because even though I finished seeing patients at 5pm, I have work to do. Doing an endometrial biopsy on a patient who may have cancer. Calling a company so I can get the password to a website so I can recredential every three months so my clinic can charge for my work. Working with an assistant on whom I’ve also done an endometrial biopsy. My regular MA is out with COVID. I’m getting a year-end bonus for the first time in my life. Some idiot kid thinks I don’t know how ears work. I saw back to back ADHD patients; one is a trans woman who paused her transition because she can’t afford it. One is a kid who did loops around the exam room chairs the whole time I talked to his mother. His mother was frosty towards me at first because I was running late because I was telling a patient she had breast cancer, and she was crying, and her daughter was crying, and when her partner died of a different cancer last year the hospice workers were homophobic and she’s afraid of hospice. A different idiot kid thinks I don’t know how soap works. The ADHD kid’s mom warmed up to me when she realized I cared and knew what I was talking about. The kid said, “AHEM. What’s up, chicken butt?” I laughed and high fived him. I gave his mom the Vanderbilt forms to assess ADD symptoms across multiple environments. I saw a patient who had a certain air about her that I recognized intimately, and at the end I asked what she did, and she was a doctor, too. I knew it had to be something like that. When I explain medical concepts I aim for lay language, but I can see when people get faintly impatient with me for it, and I’ll add in more and more technical language and see when they start looking confused; she didn’t. I could watch every new patient take in my brightly-colored hair, combined with the utterly forgettable rest of me, all browns and grays and dress slacks and comfortable shoes, because the hair is my one concession to my deep need for attention; in the exam room, I need to recede into the background so the patient can be the focus. Studies have shown that patients don’t like it when doctors disclose that they have the same medical issues. It might seem like bonding, but it shifts the focus away from where it belongs: the patient. That island of time is theirs. The breast cancer patient’s daughter said to me, “Thank you for spending the time with us. I know you didn’t have the time.” And I said, “From each according to their something or other, to each according to their needs. It’s lukewarm Marxism.” I don’t think she heard it all, or took it all in, which was good. I had a migraine that made my head feel three sizes too big with a steady drumbeat of pain despite taking two Ubrelvy, two Aleve, and two Tylenol, plus 100mg of caffeine and a propranolol and a Zofran. You have to disconnect each patient from the next. I can’t bring the breast cancer patient’s grief and heaviness into a room where a little boy is doing hand-stands and telling me silly puns. One of the nurses brought me a sublingual Toradol from a stash—someone’s purse, somewhere—because she wanted me to feel better, and I felt tears stinging my eyes because she cared about me. I couldn’t afford to cry. I just told a woman she has dementia and she doesn’t believe me. I told her to bring her husband to our next visit. I ended my clinic day doing an endometrial biopsy, trying to pass a uterine sound through a stenotic cervix, but I’ve done this before enough times to know to have the set of dilators ready. I dilated her cervix gently but firmly, with the back pressure of the tenaculum, until I could get the sound in, and then I left the sound there while my assistant handed me the sampling pipelle, because if you remove it there’s a good chance the cervix will tighten down again and you’ll have to repeat the dilation. The patient was holding her husband’s hand and chanting to him under her breath, in pain despite the Xanax I gave her.
I’m a doctor. It’s everything to me.
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steddielations · 10 months
Dom Steve Fic Recs
Strange as Angels (soft dom steve) by @munsonkitten
Eddie hasn't been able to get himself off in months, and now he's high, sweaty, and horny, thinking about the very man sitting in his room in nothing but a wife beater and a pair of tiny athletic shorts, and he thinks he might die. Steve notices. Of course, Steve fucking notices, what, with all the squirming Eddie's doing. Steve offers to help get Eddie off. As friends do. (As long as those friends are completely in love with each other.)
Like The Hero Who Never Ran (dom awakening series) by callmejude
While Steve and Dustin are searching for survivors, they're surprised to find Eddie alive, hiding out in Rick's cabin. Steve takes up the task of caring for him while staying in his trailer.
Genius Loci (dom bottom, magic steve) by @sayesayes
It’s 1986, and Steve falls in love with a boy who is leaving. It’s 1990, and Eddie comes back home. The fic where Steve is a selectively mute, homesteading, truck-driving witch with head injuries and also somehow it's canonverse.
(Don't) cream your pants (soft dom steve awakening series) by @corrodedbisexual
“Don’t know how to cream your pants, huh?” Steve asks, unable to conceal a smirk. He hears a quiet whine as Eddie seems to try and make himself disappear inside the couch. “Want me to show you how?”
Gilded (dom steve, blindfolds, ice play) by @cheshiredogao3
Steve and Eddie are looking forward to a weekend all to themselves, but it doesn’t go as planned.
Trouble Looks Good On You (wip, spanking, kink discovery) by me indelicate
It happens like a fever dream. The first time Steve gives Eddie a swift smack on the ass, it’s obviously just an old jock habit that’s stuck with him. It wasn’t meant to have Eddie’s knees going weak, or turn his blood hot under his skin, or give him a brand in the shape of Steve Harrington’s hand, or— Nope, because Eddie’s not even into that. But then, it happens again. Or, Steve keeps accidentally awakening Eddie’s new kinks.
You Make Me Feel Like I Am Whole Again (wip, dom top and dom bottom steve) by @munsonkitten
Eddie has never felt like his body belongs to him. It gets worse after he's nearly mauled to death, left with scars and healing wounds, a lopsided chest, and more trauma stacked on top of everything already wrong with him. Steve Harrington finds out Eddie's trans by accident after the bats, and Eddie finds out Steve's surprisingly okay with it. More than okay with it.
Bite Through These Wires (soft dom steve's strap game series 🤭) by @steves-strapcollection
“Wouldn’t you be Ken, though?” Steve had hoped Eddie would ask a question like that and he had to refrain from punching the air and ruining his punchline. “I come with all the coolest accessories, so clearly I’m still Barbie,” Steve retorted, his voice going just a bit deeper as he leaned closer to Eddie.
Relax (Lay it Back) (soft dom yoga instructor steve) by @wynnyfryd
Five times yoga instructor Steve teaches Eddie how to chill the fuck out, and the one time he learns his lesson.
Melt Me On Your Tongue (soft dom, bathing) by me indelicate
“This okay?” “Yeah it’s— shit, it’s more than okay, Steve.” “… you’re crying, Eds.” Eddie can’t hold back a choked off noise then, somewhere between an overwhelmed laugh and a sob. “No one’s ever done this to me before.” He doesn’t know if he means no one’s ever given him a bath, or braided his hair, or just any of the things Steve does for him, really. Eddie's never had a Steve before.
Kiss Me (Beneath the Milky Twilight) (pleasure dom steve, virgin eddie) by @gorgeousgreymatter-x
Eddie has never been kissed. Steve apparently would very much like to volunteer to fix this.
Getting Lost in the Dark is My Favorite Part (wip, masochist virgin eddie, kink discovery) by queerontilmorning
After his near-death experience, Eddie decides it's time to get rid of his pesky virginity and heads to a gay bar. It leads to some... realizations... for both him and Steve.
You're a Sweet Shot of Kerosene (When I Threw it Back, it Poisoned Me) (wip, mob boss steve) by @gorgeousgreymatter-x
Whatever fucked up shit Eddie’s father had inadvertently roped him into simply by being what he was — a shit-stain excuse for a sperm donor who preferred sticking a needle in his arm to taking care of his family — well, Eddie’s pretty sure it’s about to be him that pays that price. And maybe Eddie’s delirious, because by the time it’s apparently his turn and they’re dragging him down some hallway (and yeah, it’s not like Eddie’s not trying to put up a fight, but it feels almost performative at this point considering he’s pretty much hogtied here), the only real thought he has when they deposit him on yet another cold, wet tile floor is this: Uncle Wayne is gonna be so pissed at me if I get shot in the head tonight.
closer to you (soft dom steve) by @natesfwl
“C’mon baby, where's my little rockstar?” Steve spanks him, groans when he feels Eddie tense up around him from the impact, “Perform for me.” “You let me penetrate you” Eddie stutters out the line as he lifts himself up with his knees. “There you go,” Steve whispers, watching as Eddie fights to keep his eyes locked onto Steve’s when he sinks back down. or the really self-indulgent fic of steddie fucking to the song closer by NIN.
Destroy The Silence (drummer steve) by @artaxlivs
Steve becomes the drummer for Corroded Coffin and Eddie can't handle his thirst
Trouble and Temptation (series wip, businessman dilf steve) by @heartharps
“Come on, Harrington. I’d lay you badly but I’d lay you gladly.” When Steve looked up, he was glaring, as stern and serious as ever. “Eddie, let me remind you that as far as I'm concerned, nothing has ever happened between us other than of a professional nature.”
Sting, and Other Brainworms (series with switching) by @riality-check
“Do you need to go down, baby?” Eddie gets like this, sometimes. Stuck between overwhelmed and incredibly bored. Steve watches until he remembers that they have a way to fix this. Eddie calls it a hard reset. Steve calls it fucking him until he can’t see straight.
Edification (sadist steve) by aristal
“Alright Munson.” She bares her teeth and grins like a wolf. “Tell the class: what’s your biggest sexual fantasy?” A slow smile creeps into his features, and his dark eyes flash. “Oh, you’re asking the good questions, Wheeler.” He takes another long pull of his joint, dragging the moment out for dramatic effect. Steve doesn’t care. He wants to know the answer. He needs to know. Eventually, Eddie blows out the smoke, eyes a little hazy as he grins at the ceiling. “I’ve always liked the idea of being slapped around and choked in someone’s car.”
In My Boxers, Half Stoned (dom bottom Steve) by eddywow
"You can," Eddie said, almost sounding like he was nodding along to his words. The image was too pure for Steve. "You could say anything you want to me and I'd- I think I'd be into it. Because I saw your pics and like, I know your face isn't in them but- but I really like them. Is it okay that I liked them?"
Insatiable (public, skirts, cages) by @cheshiredogao3
When their club ritual is rudely interrupted, Steve and Eddie make a point of proving their bond—rather publicly.
Done Deal (series with switching) by @morningberriesao3
Steve Harrington doesn't have any money with him, so he offers to pay Eddie Munson some other way.
Lovebite (sub vampire eddie) by hellcore
It shouldn’t feel so good, being tasted.
* The next few don't have the tag but in my opinion they have dom Steve vibes and I want to include them here (:
Cyclical (wip, time loop fic, rimming, switching, lots of smut with plot) by @cuips-not-cute
steve keeps finding himself back in the boathouse where everything started, wrapped up in the arms of a boy who can’t stop dying. he's desperate to rewrite the timeline, trying everything he can think of to fix it. including falling in love.
Dirty Words by @morningberriesao3
Steve gives Eddie a lesson on dirty talk, but things start to get carried away.
Memorize My Number, That's Why I Got A Phone (phone sex) by queerontilmorning
while on tour with Corroded Coffin, Eddie makes an important phone call to Steve.
My Right Hand Man (spanking, kink discovery) by @entanglednow
In which movie night takes an unexpected turn, and it's surprisingly easy to just let it happen.
Shot Right Through (pierced eddie) by @entanglednow
Steve overhears a conversation between Eddie and Robin, and then spends a few weeks trying to think of anything else.
Pleased To Meet You (demon steve) by midnightdrive
Eddie accidentally summons a demon who is bound to fulfill his every wish. He, somehow, gets more than he had bargained for.
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fletchah · 3 months
Sorry to be posting about KOSA again, I dislike getting involved in politics, but as a queer minor on the internet this is the one time i will.
I had a theory a while back that i considered withholding because it’s honestly really upsetting to think about. Realizing that it could even be a possibility hurt, and i’m sorry if it hurts you too.
I’ll keep it short. What if the governors who are trying to pass these bills know that cutting LGBTQ+ kids from information WILL encourage them to commit suicide, and they’re doing it to cleanse the “filth”? They’d have to find a roundabout way to end LGBTQ+’s future because they can’t just outright kill them.
I don’t know if it’s true, but it feels like it’d be pretty on-brand. Nevertheless, encouraging minors to off themselves in any way is RANCID, and even if they are trying to protect kids this is a shitty way to do that.
So how do we ACTUALLY keep minors safe on the internet?
TEACH THEM SHIT. Talk to them about how grooming happens, how to avoid getting into dangerous or illegal situations, how to be FUCKING KIND and MINDFUL, both because people are inclined to retaliate against rude comments even if they’re from children and because it’s just good to know how to be polite.
Wiping LGBTQ+ off the internet isn’t going to protect kids from a made-up threat of queer people brainwashing them into being gay. LGBTQ+ media isn’t going to make them gay either, because we grew up watching content with typical straight relationships and we still know who we are.
You know what i’ve seen firsthand? A little boy pretending to be trans like his big sibling. But that was okay, because at the end of the day he knew who he was.
Why do they think kids have no sense of their identity, and the notion that people can change their gender will immediately make them trans too? What significant damage will that do? Minors aren’t really allowed to get gender changing surgery besides puberty blockers so they can’t worry about kids “destroying” their bodies, and if they’re a functioning member of society then I don’t see the problem?? Maybe capitalism would benefit from accessible gender affirming care. Just sayin. More cash being circulated is better than a bunch of dead bodies :/
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AITA for tricking my grandma into misgendering her cat?
Background: my (19F) grandma (67F) is a southern baptist and pretty conservative. My cousin (Matt, 24M) is trans, he came out to his parents and mine about two years ago because he knew we would be supportive, but he waited until he was on T a couple months and was mostly transitioned socially before he officially came out to our less supportive relatives, like my grandma.
Since Matt came out to everyone else (which he did by showing up at family Christmas with a “hello my name is” sticker on, which I thought was hilarious) my grandma has refused to use his correct pronouns, name, or anything, saying “it’s hard to switch” as an excuse. Matt has cut off contact and everyone else in the family just kind of avoids talking about him around her.
I am in a weird situation because my family lives the next street over from where she does, and we have always been pretty close. Since she started being so shitty about Matt, though, I’ve put more distance and just stay polite when she’s over.
Okay so now to the AITA part. About two months ago my grandma wanted to adopt a cat, and my best friend volunteers at an animal shelter so we were helping her. We showed her pictures of some of the cats and she saw an older male who was all black with longer fur and said she wanted to adopt “her.” I started to correct her saying it was a male cat, and then realized the opportunity I had so I kept my mouth shut. I made a point to handle all the adoption stuff for my grandma so she never saw anything indicating the cat’s male-ness, and then brought home her new “female” cat, pink collar and all.
Last week “Miss Kitty” (such a creative name) got a paw injury and at the vet they told my grandma the cat was male. My grandma told me and my parents about it when she was over for the Fourth of July (we had family and friends over for barbecue, including Matt’s parents). I made a point from there on to continue using “she” for the cat and still calling “Miss Kitty” instead of “Mister Kitty.” It took her a minute to notice but finally she called me out and said “he’s a boy, stop saying she.”
I immediately snapped back with “oh so it’s easy for you to switch the name and pronouns of your cat but not your own grandson?” Everyone got quiet and she got all flustered, trying to say it’s different, but I just said “oh okay, so you put more effort into using the right words for a cat who doesn’t even know English, got it.”
My mom told me to stop and leave it alone. I said “I’m just saying, it’s pretty clear who she cares about more.” And then my mom told me to leave the table if I was going to act like that. I just got up and took my plate in the kitchen and finished eating.
After everyone left my mom lit into me and told me that what I said was cruel. I said I was just teaching her a lesson and that maybe now she would think about it different. My mom said that I just made things worse and humiliated her on purpose in front of everyone. My dad had been quiet but then just started laughing. He realized that I had been playing the long game, and it wasn’t a mix up at the shelter- I led my grandma to believe the cat was female. He basically said “that was wrong but also hilarious” and now my mom is mad at both me and my dad. When Matt’s parents told him he thought it was super funny and said he isn’t mad at all.
My mom wants me to apologize, but I am not sorry about what I said. I don’t know if I should feel bad about tricking my grandma, because I didn’t technically outright lie, I just didn’t correct her when she assumed the cat was female. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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hitmewithsomebooks · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic Jan 13 - wet, 547 words
A smuttier take on the prompt, w/ trans Regulus
“I-I don’t know. Maybe I thought it was just… talk.” Regulus muttered, eyes darting away to look at the wall.
“Regulus.” James uttered, bringing a hand up to his chin. “Look at me.”
The younger boy eventually did, meeting James’s dark, sincere eyes.
“It’s never just talk with you, my love.” James assured him, and Regulus believed him. One thousand percent. Because you couldn’t look into those eyes and not believe him.
“I can show you how much it wasn’t talk.” James then murmured, voice lower, smile more mischievous.
“Just imagine, Reg. Me on my knees like I am now, tasting you.”
Regulus whimpered, knees trembling slightly. This was becoming overwhelming, and all James was doing was speaking.
“James…” Regulus said, and he didn’t even know why. Why James’s eyes on him felt like fire, why James’s words were making his legs tremble.
And while James could tell the boy was nervous, apprehensive, he also noticed the blown pupils, flushed cheeks, and shaking legs.
“Do you like that idea, Regulus?” James asked, because he’d caught on to the way his use on Regulus’s full name affected the smaller boy.
Regulus, despite himself, nodded, lower lip clenched between his teeth as his eyes refused to look at the man below him.
“I bet you’re already wet again. Just from me talking about it.” James smirked, voice deep and slightly smug. Regulus’s brows knitted together, hand coming to rest in James’s hair.
“Can I touch, love?” James asked, pressing another light kiss to Regulus’s thigh. It trembled.
“Y-you already have, you dunce.” Regulus replied, trying to regain some of his usual composure. James paused a moment to press another firmer kiss to the boy’s thigh, licking it before sucking lightly.
“Yes, but that was with clothes.”
And as much as Regulus did and would pretend to think it was dumb of James to keep asking, he appreciated if more than James could ever know. Though the main thing in his brain now was arousal, the appreciation and- no, he couldn’t say that. He couldn’t be. He did not love James Potter. Not that he would admit. But he appreciated James. So much.
“Yes, you can touch.” Regulus said, grip tightening slightly in James’s hair. The older boy grinned, bringing the hand that wasn’t clutching Regulus’s hip up to his cunt. He pulled apart the folds, sliding a finger in between. Sure enough, his crease was slick, so much so James could literally drink it up.
“Oh, Regulus. I knew it, didn’t I?” Regulus just nodded. James slid his finger up and down.
“Want to fuck you so bad. With my cock, with my tongue. Just think, my tongue working into you as you stand here. You, dripping down my chin, grinding against my mouth.”
Regulus whined. “James… I’m already late.”
“But don’t you think my tongue inside you would be a pretty good reason to miss rounds?” James asked, his voice buttery.
James’s thumb brushed up against Regulus’s clit suddenly and he jumped, still oversensitive from two orgasms not fifteen minutes ago.
“I could be quick, baby. Could see how fast I can make you cum with my tongue.” James said, voice dripping honey.
Regulus realized that it was very good reason to to miss prefect rounds.
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captainzigo · 3 months
hey hi hello , as a fellow trans girl pony enjoyer i love ur art and posts and the like!!
do you have any headcanons abt how HRT affects ponies? personally when i transitioned i made my self insert OC have a lighter coat & mane color and changed her name a bit so she transitioned with me :) the hormones been brightening her up quite a bit
:3 yes! i think it changes your cutiemark
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on the left that’s marble pie from the show. pinkie’s sister. and that is octavio pie on the right. pinkie’s brother. from the silly pony life show. identical in design to marble, and not mentioned once in any of the many friendship is magic episodes about pinkie’s family. that’s because these are before and after transition pictures. i doubt anyone thinks of pony life as canon, but if it were then what im saying would be straight up canon. like not even headcanon.
one of the reasons people headcanon trixie as trans is she uses some animation assets normally used for the boy ponies. the only one i remember is her irises, but i seem to remember she may have also had a bigger horn? i don’t know if there’s any headcanons to form from that lol. but i like coming up with really alien biologies. like maybe some ponies wear contacts as an affirmation thing? that’s weird but it’s kinda cool to me. also possibly getting horns reshaped somehow
also i think they probably do transitions with magic. or maybe they do it with potions. but whatever they do its all fancy and whimsical like the rest of the stuff they do. when trixie and twilight had that magic duel they said no one can do the spell that “turns a mare into a stallion” but that’s not really what gender affirming procedures do anyway.
Prickly Pear, my oc from my profile. was just an oc long before i started using her as a sort of sona. i will not be revealing her assigned gender. but i did draw an actual sona one time and that bitch definitely used to have a different cutiemark. probably something i hate but was still kinda good at. like choir
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man i drew her a while ago. her proportions are weird. although i guess i do have a lot of ass in real life so maybe that’s fine
i realize now i talked mostly about affirming procedures and not just hrt, but close enough. i think your cutiemark changes magically when you redefine your own identity for yourself. also this is just a headcanon i have. i’m not denying the transness of ponies who’s cutiemarks stayed the same through transition.
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lulusbabygirl · 6 months
Do you have any tips on how I can be more girly like you?
Thank you 🥺 this made me happy (and turned on) that other girls are looking to me for tips on how to be a better girl!!
1: Embrace your natural femininity. So many fakeboys have shoved their natural feminine traits down so much they can forget they’re there. Remember, you were socialized to be a girl for sooo many years and you can’t run away from that!!
2: Voice train!! It’s not just for trans fems, we shouldn’t have to have a male voice either!! You’re still a girl even if your voice is deep but passing as a girl again would be so amazing right??
3: Shave any masculine hair. If you have some hair that women usually have it’s okay, even though I love a fully shaved body, but shave off alll that gross masculine hair. It’ll make you feel so much prettier right??
4: Talk like a bimbo! Even if you want to have a more traditional feminine look, I think having a cutesy speech pattern is sooo adorable and girly!! Use multiples of punctuation, use cute emoji, and pay attention to how men talk and avoid sounding like them!
5: Play with your pussy everyday! I think paying attention to the part that separates you from real men the most is sooo important. Get big fat dildos to stretch out your vagina, play with your clit rubbing it in circles, get a clit sucker!! I love my clit sucker and I can’t cum any other way. You should be edging your pussy to stay a girl for longer, and if you’re able to fight the post orgasm clarity please don’t try to be a boy after you cum! Remember, it’s not good for you to be a boy even if you’re dysphoric.
6. Misgender and “deadname” yourself and find others to do it! Hearing your birth name and female pronouns will turn you on and also slowly fix you! Your boy name and male pronouns should be forgotten eventually. Just keep building up until you don’t respond to he/him or your boy name ever again! Btw anon if you want to tell me your real name I would love to hear it! Anyone who needs their real name exposed I want to hear it!
7: Watch sissy hypnosis or porn made for women. That stuff makes me feel so girly it’s crazy. I love when I open a video and it immediately knows what I am. I recently watched a gangbang video with my girlfriend and the whole video was talking about us being gangbanged and showing all these beautiful women on screen!! All I could think about it how much more I look like those girls compared to the superior men. It made me crave detransition more than anything has lately and I’ve been thinking about it all the time since I watched it~!!
8: Most obviously, wear makeup, grow your hair out, wear women’s clothes, and get off T. I know it’s easier said than done and you can fight me on it but it really is the way to go. I haven’t been able to get myself to stop hormones but I’m really trying and that’s all we can ever do! You just need to realize that you’re 100% supposed to be a girl and you need to stop making stupid decisions for yourself. Finding an owner who wants to detransition you is such a good idea!! It helps so much to have a rational person in your life who can guide you and push you to be who you were meant to be, a beautiful woman!!
I think I ran out of tips but if you have any more questions never hesitate to ask! I love helping other women find their true path and it makes me so happy that fakeboys can look up to me. Anyone who’s reading this and and wants to detransition you can do it!! You’re a beautiful woman and you deserve to see it too!!!
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deaddovedecadence · 3 months
Cassandra cain x male reader headcanons?
Ooh so I’m not going to lie, I’m transmasc so this might be a little trans masc coded but i’ll try and be neutral about it!
First Meeting
honestly there are two ways I could see this going
Nerdy Reader
the two of you meet at a cafe, she’s struggling to order because none of her siblings are here and she’s so tired and doesnt want to be here but she needs to order for her family. you sign to her, asking if she wants help and you rely the order for her.
buys you coffee and gives you like a hundred bucks
does not understand that you are just being kind so you ask if she’d like to study with you as repayment instead.
she accepts and the two of you start meeting for regular study dates
decides by time three that you are going to be hers
Fighter Reader
the two of you meet at a queer friendly gym when she’s looking for a spare you’re looking for someone to help you continue to get stronger. She learns that day that she really likes putting pretty boys on their asses.
You ask if she’d be willing to train you and offer her money to do it. She realizes that you are being completely genuine and you do not know who she is.
Thinks it’s so cute
the two of you meet for months before she decides that she wants to date you and tells you very firmly that the two of you are dating now.
Very used to her and her odd ways, you accept
First Date
Nerdy Reader
at the same cafe you met her out. She asked her brothers for advice and they all agreed that peace was best on a first date unless they are also a vigilante. Tim, the only person dating a civilian and a superhero says that peace really is for the best sometimes (she does go to duke for confirmation)
Dresses in something very pretty, and when she sees you, does in fact go bright pink. Doesn’t know how to handle the sheer love she has for you
The two of you just talk and talk and talk. Thinks that you are the sweetest thing in the history of the world and really considers just taking you.
Fighter Reader
she takes you to a ufc fight and points out everything that the fighters are doing wrong.
Spends her time watching you watch the fights and thinks that you’re so cute when you’re enthralled
Ends up punching a girl for getting to close to you. this has happened before so you aren’t really that bothered by it even though you wish that she wouldn’t get so violent with people that are no where near a threat to her
In her mind they are threats, threats to her boyfriend
What she loves about you
in all of my au’s cass loves that you love her for her and not for everything she can do. All you know is that she’s strong, powerful and willing to do anything for the people that she loves. That’s all the matters to you, and you don’t care about her wealth, because in the end, she’s your cass and you’re her boyfriend
How is she a yandere?
Nerdy reader
will do anything except kill for you including kidnap you. You’re just so delicate compared to her and she just needs to protect you
leaves hicks’s all over you once she understands the technique
wants to carve her name onto you so that people will leave you the fuck alone. the only person you need is her okay, and maybe one day her family
Fighter Reader
it’s a little better with this type of reader because you can fight, can take care of yourself and she likes that
still leaves hickies everywhere and she smiles so hard when you go shirtless, exposing all of the marks she’s given you even if she does have to ward people away from you
still wants to leave her name on you but gets you to agree to a c.c tattoo on your wrist!
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princesssarcastia · 1 year
things i’m still thinking about after my second showing of across the spider-verse
Ham and Noir never showed up at headquarters, but they showed up at the end when Gwen and Miles needed them.  I’m actually very curious about that—they both enjoyed working with Miles, Peter B., Gwen, and Peni in the first movie, so they don;t object to working with others on principle.   I wonder if their spidey senses pinged when Miguel or Jess showed up to recruit them, and they said no.  Or: they got all the way to headquarters, caught the vibe, and refused to sign up, not even to see their new friends.  Certainly, Noir is enough like Hobie to see the problematic elements of this place quickly and refuse to take part in it.  And Ham really loves Miles.  If he made it all the way to the part where they explain the anomaly, and how Miguel believes Miles fits in...I think he’d walk out.  My boy Ham would not have stood for that chase bullshit
(Or:  Miguel took one look at Ham and Ham’s world and said “Fuck that, no way.”)
(Or: Peter B. didn’t push for Miguel and Jess to recruit Ham and Noir.  Didn’t push for them to recruit any of the people he grew to love and love working with, during the collider incident, because he knows Miguel, and knows deep down that this environment is toxic, and not at all what he wants for them)
Which brings me to another thing I can’t stop thinking about: how Peter B. definitely knew Miguel before this whole inter-dimensional spider club got started.  They are definitely friends, or they were.  It gives Peter more leeway to fuck around with Miguel, and it gives Miguel more leeway to be an uptight fascist with Peter.
I also think that the reason Peter B. and so many other Spider-People buy into that bullshit narrative about canon events is because they, like so many traumatized people before them, want it all to have meant something.  They want there to be a reason, a divine purpose, a plan, so that their suffering isn’t pointless.  Peter B. has convinced himself that purpose makes the loss hurt less—and it’s not until Miles rightfully calls them all out on it that he starts to realize it actually makes it hurt more.
“All this loss makes us who we are!”  Bullshit, Peter B., you should know better.
We never meet another Miles, not once.  I know some people are speculating that 42!Miles was supposed to get bitten by that spider, but I don’t think that’s true.  
I think the Miles Morales in 1610 is something wholly new in the entire multiverse, and I think that should and does terrify the everloving pants off of everyone involved in the status quo.  In every peter who likes feeling special, who likes being The One And Only Spider-Man, In Every Universe.  In Miguel, who’s clinging desperately to the boxes he’s shoved the universe into so he doesn’t have to try and get better.
And Miles Morales is...oh, he’s mind-blowing.  I can’t stop thinking about the way he! plows! through! an! entire! multi-verse’s! worth! of! spider-people!  All of them!  It’s hard, but he fucking does it and he beats them and he’s RIGHT.   They should fucking crown him king.
Not only that—he beats them at the violence from the moral high ground!  He doesn’t give into despair, doesn’t take the easy route of “I couldn’t stop it, leads to, I shouldn’t stop it.”  He puts the onus on himself to do both.  To save the world and his father.
Miles Morales Is Better Than You
The way that Miles and Gwen seem to have some sort of trans-dimensional spider-sense hookup is so fucking cool.  Gwen stands in his room long enough to spider-sense out through the whole UNIVERSE and tell that he’s. not.  here.  they’re CONNECTED they have a CONNECTION.
Speaking of, Gwen Stacy is trans as fuck.  Claiming her now.
Hobie is a delight.  He sees, I think, what Peter B. sees (and what I think Ham and Noir see) which is that there’s something special about these kids.  (Obviously, that something special is that they’re the main characters.  But for the most part, Miles and Gwen are fighting head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd, and on their way to thinking head and shoulders above the crowd, too)
I wasn’t expecting the movie to focus on Gwen so much, but her story was heart-wrenching.  Her dad, picking her job over his daughter.  Getting a second chance, with some people she clearly desperately wants to be her new family, but that second chance is contingent on her ability to perform for the Mission—and comes at the expense of the only friend she’s made since Peter died.  And then...then she fucks up the mission.  And loses everything.  Big oof.  She gets punched in the face so many times, but every time she gets up angrier than before and starts hitting back.
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1987vampire · 2 years
A Hidden Box | Brian Thomas
Fandom: Creepypasta / Marble hornets Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: Trans Male!reader, smut, sex toys (vibrator), praise kink, "pretty boy" "babyboy" and "baby" used alot, Dom!Brian, Sub!reader, maybe more idk. A/N: Like usual, in my poly!proxies x reader universe thingy with like one reference to the others. Extra: Cashapp: $orpheus89 if you're feelin' a lil frisky
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It was bound to happen one day. With the boys having slowly moved into your house when they weren’t at the mansion, most of your personal space had been taken over. Not in a bad way, of course. Nothing was more exciting than seeing them as much as you could and finding their things mixed with yours when you were cleaning.
Still, you should have known it would happen. You had just gotten out of the shower, the air was biting with winter setting in. Your heating unit had been fucked up for a bit now, and you hadn’t gotten around to getting it fixed, so your skin prickled as you shuffled to the bedroom.
The door was kicked open already, and when you peeked inside, you realized that Brian had moved from the living room to here. He was hanging clothes and rearranging the closet a bit, it seemed, though he paused as soon as you entered the room. He gave a smirk, huffing a short laugh to himself.
“What’s so funny,” you questioned as you walked up to him, leaning in for a kiss. He obliged, pressing his mouth to yours before hanging up the last shirt.
He hummed softly, turning fully to press against you, hands pressed to your hips only covered by the towel that you held tightly onto. “Just stumbled across something,” he replied as he pulled away.
You titled your head, confused, and he gestured to the bed with a tilt of his head. You turned only to feel your body immediately heat up with embarrassment. Hidden in the back of your closet, tucked away for whenever the boys weren’t home or busy, was a box of sex toys you had slowly collected over time.
“I- uh- I don’t-“
You stumbled over your words as he let out another laugh, gently pushing you back towards the bed as he followed, one step at a time. “Come on, pretty boy,” he spoke, leaning down to get close, voice rumbling deep in his chest. “You know you don’t have to hide anything from me – from us. You’ve got your needs, huh? We can’t always be there for you, right?” His tone was so teasing, sending shivers down your spine. God, how could he get you riled up with only a few words? That just wasn’t fair.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered.
“Mmmm, don’t be sorry, baby.” Your back hit the bed while he towered over you. His fingers toyed with the towel, looking up to make sure he wasn’t crossing any lines before he pulled it off, flinging it to the side. You made a noise at the cold prickling your skin, moaning when he grabbed at your hips again. He was warm, so, so warm. “You were just doing what you had to do, right? Just couldn’t help yourself.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your neck. “Dirty little sluts like you never can wait, huh?”
The noise you made was downright sinful, but before you could even think to be embarrassed, his hand was between your thighs, and his mouth was pressing at your neck, and you were in heaven. Your mouth fell open, breathing already picking up as his middle finger circled your clit. “Brian-“
“Ah, ah, ah, stay quiet,” he murmured. He paused, seeing if you would continue, and when you didn’t, a grin split across his face. “Good boy.” Your face burned at the praise, trying to stay quiet as he circled around your clit a few more times before pulling away and grabbing at you, pushing you further onto the bed. Then, the box was pushed up beside you too. “Now, how about you show me what you do when I’m gone.” You must have looked like a deer in headlights because he let out another chuckle, sitting back a bit to watch you. “What? Getting all shy now? Babyboy, you’re already laid out so pretty for me, why not give me a show?”
And fuck, if he wasn’t convincing. “What do you want me to do?”
His eyes darkened at the confirmation that you were, in fact, definitely way more into this than you thought you would be. “Show me how you get off.”
You fumbled for the box, reaching in and pulling out one of the first things you could reach, one of the most used items in the box. It was a light blue vibrator, a small one with more settings than you ever used, but it got the job done. You were nervous, you realized as you held it in your hand. This wasn’t something you had ever done in front of someone. As much as Brian had seen you do and done to you, this was uncharted territory. It was almost embarrassing. Being forced into such a raw state in front of someone by your own hand – your own toy.
He must have noticed how you felt because his gaze seemed to almost soften. He padded over to the side of the bed so he could lean over you properly. He leaned down, hand holding your chin and tilting your face up so he could kiss you properly. His lips met yours and then tongue, and then you weren’t sure why you were anxious in the first place as he reached over to your hand and pressed the button to turn on the device, slowly leading it towards your cunt. You had time to pull away. You always had time to pull away, he made sure of it.
The feeling of the vibration against your clit was enough to suck the breath from your lungs. You gasped, pressing more into him as you moved the device enough to have you clenching around nothing.
Brian pulled back, dark eyes watching your movements with hunger. It seemed to make the arousal already building inside you skyrocket – so on display and out in the open. “Pretty boy with such a pretty cunt,” he mused, fingers trailing down your arm and to your hand, pressing the button to turn up the speed. You practically cried out at the feeling, free hand shooting out to grab at the back of his neck and pull him closer.
“Brian,” you whined out, whining as he turned up the speed one more time. “Brian, please.”
“What do you want, pretty boy? You’ve gotta use your words.”
You weren’t even sure what you were whining for, but the coil in your stomach was tightening, and his hands felt delicious against your skin, rough callouses against imperfect skin. It was making your head spin, making everything seem a bit too much, making you want him more and more. “Can I cum? Please? Can I?”
“You have been so good for me. Listening to me like a good little boy should.” You were so close to the edge. He wasn’t being fair. How could such sinful words fall from such lovely lips? His fingers pressed between your thighs, fingers dipping low enough to catch the wetness dripping from between your thighs, a low groan falling from his lips at the feeling. “Go ahead, baby. Make a mess of yourself for me.”
And you did, crying out his name as you came, fluttering around nothing as you grabbed his arm so tight you felt your fingers shake with strain. This was the same toy you had used more times than you could count, but it had never made you cum like this. You had never shaken like this from it, your head thrown back as your eyes closed and your lips parted, back arching. You were in heaven.
When you had come down, and the toy had been switched off, it was carelessly tossed to the side as Brian finally climbed on top of you. He was practically panting as he fumbled to get his shirt off. God, he’d been fully clothed the entire time you had been naked – why did it seem to make everything so much more exciting? Like there was some strange power imbalance in such a simple act.
As his shirt hit the floor, you grabbed at his pants, unbuttoning them as he bent down to press his mouth to yours again and again and again, practically melting into each other. He pushed his pants down, kicking them off, and freeing himself, and you may have just cum a moment ago, but at the sight of him throbbing, pressed against your stomach in desire, you were ready all over again.
“As much as I’d love to make you sit on my face, make you cum all over again, I’m so hard for you, baby. You wanna let me fill you up? Make you cum on my cock instead?” He was grinding against your stomach, his length leaving a trail of precum on your skin, the sweat gathering there already making it slick.
“Please, Brian. I need you – need you inside me, please.”
He groaned, pulling his hips back and using his hand to guide himself toward your entrance.  It was easy. You were slick with your own cum already, cunt and thighs coated in the substance, and he took it slow and easy, and then, you were moaning in ecstasy. Being filled after cumming around nothing made the feeling of being full almost religious. He fit so well, filling you to the brim and pressing against your sweet spot, and you were already shaking, letting the light dance behind your closed eyelids.
He took a shaky breath, the warm air dancing across your skin pleasantly. Then, he pulled out just as slow as he had pushed in before snapping his hips forward, the sound of skin smacking against each other and the surprised noise you made filling the room. He didn’t stop, though, setting an almost brutal pace, slow but hard, your entire body shaking with each movement. He grabbed at any flesh he could reach, your hips, your chest, your thighs, and his lips were against your own, your neck, your collarbones. He nipped at the skin, trying to suck marks into the flesh, anything that could show his possession, anything that meant you were his.
“You’re always so tight for me, so wet and ready. Such a good boy. Aren’t you, baby? You’re a good boy, right? My good boy?” His words were choppy, breath shaky, but it was enough for you to tighten around him, clawing into his back and making him groan with pleasure at the pain. You were nodding, whimpering noises of affirmation as your head swam, dizzy with pleasure. “Say it. Say you’re my good boy. Say you’re mine.”
“All yours, Brian,” you cried out in response. “I-I’m all yours. Your good boy – so- so good for you- so good- do anything- anything for you!”
One of his hands grabbed yours, moving it so it was between your bodies, so close to where you were meeting again and again. “Touch yourself. Touch yourself for me.” And you did, shaky fingers pressing against your clit the best you could, trying not to cry at the overwhelming feeling you got from it. “Such a good fuckin’ boy. So, so good.” His hand not holding himself up moved to grab at your neck, pressing just enough to cut off your blood flow, enough to make you even dizzier, gasping for air and gripping his bicep. He groaned deeply as my nails drew blood.
“Kiss me,” you whined. “Please, please, please!”
He dipped down without a second thought, his mouth pressing against yours hungrily, wetter than normal with spit as he pressed his tongue into your mouth. You were as close as possible, your hand crushed between the two of you, his hips not even smacking against yours anymore. He was practically just humping into you at this rate, and still, tears were gathering in your eyes as your release built until it was almost unbearable.
“Brian,” you cried out!
“Cum. I need you to cum, y/n. Cum all over my cock.”
And you did, breath hitching, eyes closing, body tensing and shaking all over, and then he was cumming, too, his hips faltering in rhythm for a few moments before you felt your insides get painted white, warmth filling you pleasantly. You sighed softly as you relaxed into the bed, letting your body go limp against the bedsheets. This was nice, you thought as you let yourself fall into full relaxation, only whimpering quietly as Brian pulled out, the feeling of being empty again so soon was not exactly a pleasant one.
Brian lifted himself off of you, shuffling around while you laid in bliss. He returned a few moments later with a damp rag. You could feel him spread your legs, gently cleaning you off. It was nice and cold against your warm and beaten skin. When he was done, he laid down beside you, letting you curl into him fully.
“Thank you, Bri,” you mumbled, nuzzling into his chest lovingly. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, babyboy. You did so, so good for me. So good.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Rest, baby, you’re okay.”
And you did, drifting off peacefully to the feeling of his chest rising and falling and the warmth he was radiating. This was nice.
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anamericangirl · 1 year
You're right it's all being forced on children. Nobody under 18 ever comes to the conclusion they're LGBT by themselves and are getting hurt by these "out every student immediately" bills. As we all know children aren't really people they're just property of their parents who can do with them as they please til they turn 18.
I don’t care what children decide about themselves. Children are going to go through a lot of feelings about themselves as they grow up. They are impressionable and a lot of their identity is going to come from the people they hang around and the groups they spend time with and when they become an adult sometimes they realize what they identified as when they were going through puberty and growing up isn’t who they really are.
If a 10 year old boy says “hey mom I think I’m a girl” and then the mother takes her son and immediately puts him on puberty blockers and has his body mutilated then yes, that is forcing that onto a child. If a parent sees their son playing with their sister’s dolls or wearing a princess dress and start suggesting to him that he might actually be a girl so they better put him on puberty blockers right away yes that forcing it onto them.
Like if your child hops into the room on one foot and goes “look mom I only have one leg!” And then you drive him to a hospital to have one leg surgically removed then yes you have now forced that onto your child.
If you introduce them to the ideas of gender and sexuality as prepubescent children you are creating that mindset and putting it into their heads to start making them question things they might not otherwise question.
Very few people are going to feel the same way about themselves at 18 or 20 as they do at five or six. Why is it so terrible, if they really are trans or whatever, to wait until they are an adult capable of understanding and consenting to these procedures? If they really are trans then they will still be trans as an adult and can then do whatever they want. There’s no reason to push children through a permanent procedure that will forever change their body in ways they can’t possibly comprehend as soon as you feel they might be questioning their identity.
And if a child identifies as any other part of the lgbt alphabet soup there is still no justification for pushing them into that oversexualized community where they will see adults dancing provocatively and start showing them porn.
Just because a child tells you something they feel about themselves doesn’t mean it’s ok to start forcing them in that direction. If your child is feeling like the opposite gender then that child needs help and maybe some time to grow up a little bit before you start reinforcing that idea onto them.
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fortemelody · 29 days
(context you prob need for this story: i am gender-fluid)
a lil rant about a moment i had recently
i remember going to the mall with someone i had never hung out with before about a month ago and wanting to look presentable.
it kinda hit me that day that how i interpreted“presentable” in my mind was automatically feminine despite this friend literally being someone else in the lgbtq+ community as well (so they would’ve accepted me now matter how i presented). nevertheless, i curled my hair and made sure my makeup was perfect.
i came home after a very long day, looked at myself in the mirror and just kinda went in my head “this isn’t me”.
it honestly was a terrifying but much needed realization. i obviously don’t feel like this all the time becus of my gender changing constantly, and also my brain just decides to like certain feminine things over others too (for example i discovered a new found love for painting my nails earlier this year; something i used to not like). no matter what gender i feel like though, i think a good basis to live by now is if i can look at myself and be satisfied with what i see at that current moment.
i’m still learning a lot more about myself though and it’s honestly quite frustrating. before this moment i haven’t felt much dysphoria, but now i think i do to a degree. like it definitely doesn’t anxiously overtake my life (that’s just how i personally feel and i am grateful for that) but it’s to the point where i did actually just get a binder (yippee!) and stopped wearing most makeup. im also confused as to if i actually “feel” like a boy or if i just wanna dress like one (both are valid i just genuinely don’t know regarding myself 😭). and finally the worse offender: i’m so worried that due to my confusing and not fairly dramatic dysphoria that this is just a “phase” even though i would never tell this god awful phrase to any other trans person and it’s been over three years since i came out to my friends.
being gender-fluid literally got me tweakin like ohmygoddhgkgkgkrlelsl why couldn’t god just give me ONE GENDER LIKE WHO JAMMED THE PRINTER IN HEAVEN
yknow how there’s that sayin “april showers bring may flowers” okay well what about “may dysphoria brings pride month euphoria” LIKE PRETTY PLEASE YALLL I CANT DO THIS NO MO ☹️☹️☹️
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mister-mickey · 9 months
Sexuality headcanons
(Does not have anything to do with the ship hcs, these are my personal hcs. It’s more related to the twitter au but even then it’s not 100% the same)
Experience doesn’t necessarily mean sex, just like dating and such
- Cis and gay lol
- He likes guys that fight (Paul, tim)
- That’s why he liked football so much lolol
- Despite this he doesn’t have a lot of experience with other guys because he only dated girls in highschool
- Bisexual ofc. Also cis but very connected to fem side
- His type is uhh. Mean ppl. He hates to admit it though and makes excuses for his partner/crush
- “No Sandy isn’t cheating on me she just has lots of guy friends!” “Steve isn’t mean he’s just bitey!”
- Has experience with lots of different ppl because he’s so in demand so he’s good at flirting (charming handsome boy)
- Hm. Also bisexual because if taht obvious crush on cherry but also everyone else in the book lmao. Non-binary in a “I don’t give a fuck about my gender” way. Still he/him
- Doesn’t have a set type, it’s literally just anyone. He meets someone? Oh wow, new crush.
- It seems like he’s attracted to assholes, but it’s actually just because everyone around him is an asshole
- No experience, he’s 14 and kind of losery (I love him still, not pb hate)
- Bisexual but leans towards girl, cis
- Canon that he likes blondes, so I bet he’s made out with dally at a party at least once.
- Marcia is an obvious exception to this and he doesn’t understand it. He jokes about her dying her hair blonde but he really does like her as is
- Lots of experience I’m sure. He’s funny and charming, I’d be surprised if he didn’t
- Bisexual but leans toward guys, cis
- Likes people that kick his ass (tim, Sylvia) honestly his type is just people that see him for who he is
- Tim and Sylvia are his toxic exes that he keeps going back to. He hates it but they really are some of the only people that he feels understand him
- He’s Dallas, im pretty sure Ponyboy mentioned him having tons of flings so he’s got experience.
- Gay, and I read a really good fic where he was ftm and it rearranged my brain so he’s trans now
- His type is pretty boys (soda) he’s mostly only ever had a crush on soda so it’s not like he’s explored his type lol
- He dated evie because she was friends with Sandy and he wanted to double date with soda and Sandy so he could watch them the entire time (jealous mf)
- Zero experience, he refused to even kiss evie and he never had the guts to even look at other guys
- Hm. Gay and cis, but he seriously questioned his gender for a bit because he didn’t have much of a self concept and he couldn’t imagine himself at all. He decided to stop thinking about it because it stressed him out
- His type is people that he thinks are better than him (Dallas, for being tuffer, pony, for being smarter) he thinks that being around cool people will make him feel better about himself
- It doesn’t work, but he still likes to do it. Anyway, pony and dally still make him feel better in other ways because they think he’s so cool
- No experience, nobody ever flirts with him (or even notices him) except for Sylvia that one time. He thinks he’s ugly but honestly he just needs to put himself out there
- Gay and ftm (projecting lolll) very few people know because he was really young when he transed. Like when he was like 4 and his parents were like “hm okay whatever we don’t care anyway.” Also itty bitty titty committee so he doesn’t even have to bind (jealous)
- His type is literally just tough guys. That’s why he dated dallas and why he likes darry. They’re both tough and good at fighting.
- also dated Sylvia but only to make dally mad (and he regretted it because he realized immediately afterwards that he was definitely gay. Sylvia thought it was funny)
- Lots of experience but only with select people (people he can trust)
- Bisexual but doesn’t realize it lol, cis
- She likes traditionally masculine guys and traditionally feminine girls. Idk why but she likes it. Tbf it’s the sixties she wouldn’t be exposed to many fem guys and masc girls. Maybe she had a crush on Sylvia
- Dated bryon and actually really liked him for a bit. She broke up with him for pb but regretted it lmao.
- Bryon was her first bf so no real experience. Also tim chases any possible beaus away so she’s real unlucky
- Gay and cis, but too stupid to realize that he’s gay
- His type is any man ever. (Saw tuffponyboy’s post about how curly likes dally, bryon, and Sodapop and I committed it to my belief system)
- But he also likes pony. Maybe he even realizes and is like “omg I’m a homosexual 😧” and he doesn’t realize that everyone around him is also gay and wouldn’t judge him.
- Zero experience, gets no bitches, loser. Also he’s fifteen and he cares more about fighting than smooching
- Aromantic, asexual and ftm. Idk I feel like it fits him.
- Honestly he cares more about his friends and family than anything else. He literally sold drugs ti support his family (look where that got him)
- Has dated girls before but he hated it so much. Even tried kissing a guy at a party but decided that everyone else was crazy for enjoying this stuff
- A little bit of experience from before he decided that it all just wasn’t for him
- Bisexual and cis
- His type is shorter than him (he likes to be tall and feel strong)
- He dated angela and Cathy, but he kissed curly at a party once (claimed it was because he was drunk and curly looks like angela but it’s not true he just thought curly was a cutie (even he’s super annoying))
- He mentioned being a ladies man so yeah he’s got experience.
- Straight and cis, but a mega ally !!
- Her type is thoughtful and also big muscles
- She really thought bryon was perfect until he had his, err, mental breakdown and flipped out. It really hurt and she was so worried about him but he shut her out for months so she ended up moving on.
- Pretty sure bryon was her first bf? But she got with pb so she’s got a little bit of experience now
- I think gay and nb, and he doesn’t care about pronouns at all. He’s nonchalant like that
- Had a crush on mark lol. And Randy. He doesn’t date anyone because the only person he’s come out to is Cathy
- He thinks curly jumps him because he’s gay. Doesn’t realize its because he’s a hippie (curly is stupid but not homophobic)
- No experience, he’s like 13 and has never ever dated. Maybe he’s danced with someone at a school dance but he has no charm
- Cishet ally
- Her type is canonly jerks. Very funny miss cherry.
- She dated bob, liked dally, in the series she liked Tim too. Why is she like this 💔
- A bit of experience, she dated bob after all.
- Bisexual in a homophobic way, cis
- Type is attractive rich people. He would never be attracted to a greaser, he’d rather jump off a cliff
- Dated cherry, likes Randy. He wants a very traditional future with a spouse and two children and he doesn’t think he can get that with a poor person for whatever reason. He also wants to be the “man” in the relationship.
- Lots of experience because he’s a whore I think. Flirts with most any rich person.
- Cishet, doesn’t know that gay people are actually real. (When cherry told her she thought it was a joke)
- Type is funny lol. That’s why she likes twobit. I guess that means Randy is somewhat funny
- She actually isn’t that funny herself, she just likes to laugh.
- Very little experience. Randy was her first bf
- Gay and cis
- He likes bob. That’s it !
- He legit isn’t attracted to anyone else. After bob died he changed his entire ideology and became a hippie !! He was down bad. He doesn’t give a fuck about Marcia she’s just a girl to him
- Only has experience with Marcia and it’s not really the experience he wants because he is bobsexual
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AITA for saying my family shows favoritism towards my baby cousin?
(This is copied from my Reddit drafts because my partner told me tumblr would be better for this and I trust them)
Okay this is a long one so I’m just gonna throw out fake names for everyone and everyone is white middle class Americans
I, Op, 20M, I’m a trans man not accepted by my family. This is relevant
Renee, 20F, my twin sister
Bea, 16F, my younger sister
Lee, 35F, my aunt on my father’s side
Lucas, 2M, my cousin, son of Lee
Suzie, 5F, my cousin, daughter of Lee
My father, 44M, the patriarch of our whole family
My mother, 45F
Grandpa, 76M, paternal grandpa, previous patriarch
Grandma, 74F, paternal grandma
So I’m sending this in on Christmas Day of 2023. For some context, I still live at home, but it’s more of a roommate situation now that I’m an adult. Renee lives on her out-of-state college campus but visits for holidays, and Bea is still a high schooler. Lee, her children, and her husband who isn’t relevant to this (I love my uncle, we just literally never talk) live across the country. My father is losing the battle with cancer and can’t travel, so we had two separate christmases this year, one with my immediate family and one with Lee. Grandma and Grandpa went to Lee’s, which was awesome for me because that meant I got to avoid them this year!
As the character list above states, I’m (one of) the oldest of the five grandkids with my cousins being born a lot later than me and my sisters. My family is a traditional WASP family and staunchly conservative with Aunt Lee actively being a cop right now while my parents and Grandpa served in the military. Growing up undeniably queer was hilarious, I know. But the family dynamic wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, my family did a good job of trying to hide the fact that Renee was the favorite child lol, but that was more on the basis of her having the same traditional values that they do until Aunt Lee had Suzie, then she obviously became the favorite. Fine by me, she’s an adorable girl and I love spoiling her. Also, ACAB does apply for Aunt Lee for being complacent in this system, it’s not just the most relevant part of the story besides explaining how she fits into the family dynamic
But then Lee had Lucas a few years later and the focus in the family shifted to him. At first, it was baby fever making everyone dote over him (and I’m guilty of this too) but after a while, I realized that the fever hasn’t died down. If we had family reunions, everyone would flock to Lucas and I would be the one watching Suzie. For a toddler, she’s a great conversationalist, but it was still sad to see all her aunts and uncles and cousins showering her baby brother with attention and not her. And then the comments started. That my father would only refer to Lucas as “my nephew” even when talking directly to Lee (unhinged to witness in person). That Grandpa was so happy to finally have a grandson (felt great). The lady-killer comments and guessing what profession he’s gonna go into based on how chubby of a baby he is (the money’s on Linebacker, little dude is built like a truck). Stuff like that
None of these comments were ever made about Suzie when she was born, and I really don’t want to admit that it’s because Lucas is a boy, but thats the only answer I can think of when trying to understand the favoritism. Lucas is showered in gifts and love and while I know newborns need that, Suzie received nowhere near this much attention. Lee’s husband doesn’t go to family functions because he works full time, but I heard Suzie mumble at Thanksgiving last month that she wanted to go home to daddy. It broke my fucking heart, so I called him and she got to FaceTime with my uncle until my phone died
At this point, I’m not even upset that the family ignores my obvious trans-ness as I’m over a year on T (paid for by myself too) in favor of my boy cousin. I’m upset that Suzie is getting left out of the fawning while she’s still super young and she could grow up resenting Lucas because of it.
Anyways, so this morning we opened gifts as an immediate family and I got to FaceTime my significant other as they unboxed their gift from me and we were having a good time until my dad FaceTimes Grandpa. Grandpa answers and Dad immediately asks how his nephew is. Lucas is pushed in front of the phone and all I can hear is asking about how Lucas is, is Lucas talking yet, is Lucas reading yet. I manage to squeeze my head in and ask about Suzie and Lee’s voice off camera says that “oh she’s fine, just snobbish.” Snobbish? A five year old?
And here’s where I’m probably the Asshole. Honestly, I’m looking between ESH and JAH here, but would perfectly understandable if tumblr decides YTA. My response to Lee’s comment was: “well maybe she wouldn’t be if everyone didn’t pick Lucas as the family favorite.”
My dad smacked me upside the head, Renee and Bea got really pissed off, and the FaceTime went quiet until it was cut off and Grandpa called back to talk to Dad privately. Bea called me an asshole and while my Mom got onto her for her language, Mom agreed that I was.
My dad came back from the phone and did the silent point towards his bedroom, y’all with shitty parents know the one. Because I’m twenty fucking years old and pay RENT here, I shook my head, grabbed my keys, and went to go hang out with my significant partner and work friends. We had a great time and I’m currently in the car with my significant other while typing this. I’m gonna spend the night at their place and go back in the morning to see how bad the damage is. My significant other says I was justified in what I said, but two of my work friends (one who’s a Cishet guy who grew up in a similar household and another who’s a new dad with his own son) say that what I said was uncalled for and rude. They explained that I had no right to weaponize Lucas and Suzie like that and I understand that. I’m just tired of Suzie being neglected and, selfishly I know, I’m tired of how my identity is ignored as well
So, tumblr, AITA?
TL;DR, My two year old cousin is the “only” grandson in the family. The family ignores my male identity and my baby cousin’s five year old sister to fawn over the two year old. Am I The Asshole for pointing this out point blank in front of the whole family on Christmas morning?
What are these acronyms?
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