#i saw the tie one a few days ago and was like
waitimcomingtoo · 6 months
Sugar And Spice
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x reader
Synopsis: Peeta gets jealous when a guy keeps coming into the bakery to flirt with you
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“Can you watch the bakery for a second while I frost a cake?”
“I can do it but I have to warn you. I’m super charming so we’re probably gonna get a bunch of customers and sell out immediately.” You said and held up your hands in defense. Peeta couldn’t help but smile as he watched you tie an apron around your waist. Something about you wearing something that had his last name on it made you even more endearing. He knew he shouldn’t be thinking about his best friend like that, but he couldn’t help it.
“I don’t doubt your charm but we haven’t had any customers all day.” He reminded you.
“That’s because you’ve been keeping me in the back. Go frost your cake. This place will be packed when you return. Just watch”. You said and shooed him okay.
“Okay.” He replied sarcastically.
You were only alone in the bakery for a few minutes before someone came in. It was a guy around your age wearing a hard helmet so you could only assume he was a coal miner.
“Hello.” He smiled at you as he walked up the counter.
“Hello.” You replied. “Welcome to Mellark Bakery.”
“Do you guys sell bread?” He asked you.
“Here? At the bakery?” You asked and stepped to the side to give him a full view of all the baskets of bread behind you.
“Okay, it was a dumb question.” He admitted.
“It’s okay. It’s probably the only question you can ask that I could actually answer. I just learned what yeast was a little while ago.”
“Oh, so you don’t usually work here?”
“I don’t. My best friends family owns the place. But his brother gave his mom a cold and then the whole family caught it. I’m just filling in until they’re better.” You explained.
“That’s a shame. I thought I’d have two reasons to come in here now.” The boy said with a coy smile.
“Two reasons?”
“For delicious bread and a chance to see the pretty girl working the counter.” He replied. You raised your eyebrows in surprise at his flirting before smiling. You’d never had a boy flirt with you so boldly so it made you feel good.
“Well, thanks. How can I help you?” You asked him.
“My mother sent me to get that brown bread but I keep forgetting the name of it.”
“Isn’t all bread brown?”
“Well, yes.” He realized. “But she said this one is browner than the others.”
“I actually think I know what you’re talking about. Is it pumpernickel?” You asked and pulled out a loaf of pumpernickel bread.
“Yes! That’s the one. Look at you being smart. I’ll take a loaf of that.” The boy said. You didn’t really like the way he acted like it was shocking you’d say something smart but you didn’t say anything.
“Surely. Anything else I get you?” You asked as you handed him the wrapped up loaf.
“How about your name?” He smiled as he handed you the money.
“It’s Y/n. You?” You said through a nervous laugh. You weren’t entirely sure you liked the attention anymore.
“Hi. I’m Lycan.” He said and extended his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Lycan.” You smiled politely and shook his hand.
“It is nice, isn’t it? Will you be filling in all week?”
“Most likely.” You told him.
“Then I’ll be back. Thanks for the help.” He winked at you just as Peeta came out from the back. He saw the much taller and stronger looking Lycan leaving the bakery and stopped in his tracks.
“No problem.” You called after him. Peeta caught the way Lycan’s eyes lingered on you after he left the shop and he didn’t like it. He got a weird feeling in his stomach when he noticed that you were flustered.
“Who was that?” Peeta asked.
“That was Lycan. And he bought the last loaf of pumpernickel so we knead to make more. And that was a baking pun, by the way. But it would’ve worked better on paper.”
“Oh. Do you always learn the customers names?” Peeta asked as the weird feeling in his stomach grew. He was feeling jealous already and now that he knew you learned that guys name, it was even worse.
“Not always.” You shrugged. “But he asked my name so I asked his.”
“He asked your name? That was nice of him.” Peeta said through a forced smile. He didn’t know why it bothered him so much that you had caught the attention of the attractive stranger. Maybe because you’d caught Peeta’s attention years ago but still hadn’t noticed.
“Yeah. I guess he was nice. He called me pretty.” You said and looked at Peeta as if you were expecting him to disagree with that statement. Peeta clenched his jaw but kept a straight face.
“You are pretty.” He insisted. “Why do you sound so surprised?”
“I don’t know. I guess because no one’s ever just called me pretty before. Except maybe my mother. But I’ve never heard it from a boy. It was kinda, I don’t know, nice.” You said as you stared out the window. Peeta was kicking himself for never vocalizing how beautiful he found you because now you had to cling to the compliment of a stranger.
“I think you’re pretty.” Peeta said quietly. Your head turned to Peeta and you had a surprised smile on your face. Peeta turned a deep red as he waited for your answer.
“You’re pretty pretty yourself, blondie.” You replied as you passed by him. You started to rearrange some of the baked goods but Peeta was still hung up on this stranger who called you pretty.
“Did you like that guy?” Peeta asked you and feared for the answer.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “It was nice to be noticed. But I don’t him enough to know if I like him.”
“Right.” He nodded and desperately tried to take his mind off it. You noticed the far off look in Peeta’s eye but didn’t understand what was bothering him.
“So how’s your cake?” You asked.
“Not good. I made the frosting a weird color. Can you go look at it and tell me if I should scrap it or not?”
“Sure. But if you go check on it later and there’s a piece missing, it wasn’t me.” You teased.
“Very funny.” He said sarcastically.
“I know, right?” You laughed and went to the back. Peeta laughed as well but his smile quickly dropped when the door to the bakery opened. Lycan walked back in and Peeta gulped. He’d only seen him through the window before so now he got to see just how tall and handsome this guy was. Peeta nervously fumbled with the tie on his apron and felt a little insecure to be wearing it when this guy was covering in soot and dirt from being down in the mines.
“Hi. How can I help you?” Peeta asked him. Lycan was visibly disappointed to see Peeta there and was ignoring him as he looked around the bakery for you.
“What happened to the girl that was working here just a few minutes ago?” Lycan asked.
“Who’s asking?” Peeta asked without dropping his cheery smile. Lycan looked Peeta up and down and scoffed a little.
“I am.” He replied. “I wanted to ask her where she lives.”
“Why would you want to know that?” Peeta frowned.
“So I could see her again. I was planning on stopping by sometime. I figured she’d like that.” Lycan answered with a smug expression.
“Well I know her well enough to know she wouldn’t want me telling a stranger where she lives so…” Peeta trailed off and let Lycan fill in the blank.
“Hm. You must be the friend she mentioned. I guess I’ll just have to ask her myself. But why don’t you do me a favor and tell her I stopped by?”
“Surely.” Peeta replied. Lycan recognized the same word you had used and narrowed his eyes at Peeta.
“Thanks, baker boy. Bye.” Lycan smirked and left the bakery. Peeta blinked in surprise at the unexpected rude tone. If he was feeling insecure before, he was feeling even worse now that Lycan made it obvious that he looked down on him.
“Who was that?” You asked when you came out from the back.
“No one.” Peeta lied. “How’s the cake?”
“I actually like the grey color. You should leave it as it is.” You told him.
“But it was supposed to be a wedding cake. Won’t the customer be mad?”
“If I was getting married and my cake was baked by you, I wouldn’t care what it looked like because I would already know it was delicious. But you don’t have to worry about that because the cake looked great. Your cakes always look great. You’re the best cake decorator I know. So stop worrying about it.” You said and playfully smacked his chest.
“I’m the only cake decorator you know.” He said with a shy smile.
“That may be true.” You agreed. “But even if I knew more, you’d still be the best. You’re an artist. All your cakes are lovely. I promise.”
“Thanks for saying that.” He blushed. “We can have a grey cake at our wedding then.”
“Oh? Our wedding?” You raised your eyebrows.
“Your wedding.” He quickly corrected. “I meant your wedding. I will make you a grey cake for your wedding.”
“What if my groom wants a white cake?”
“He’ll want whatever you want.” Peeta said confidently.
“What makes you so sure?” You asked skeptically.
“Just a guess.” He said quickly. He wasn’t about to tell you that if he was the groom, you’d get whatever and however many cakes you wanted.
“Well he better. My mother is already on me about finding someone and settling down. That’s all she thinks I’m gonna be apparently. A wife.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“Oh, yeah? Is there anyone in particular you’re thinking of?” Peeta asked without looking at you.
“I mean, I wouldn’t be against running off and eloping with you to get her off my back.” You joked. Peeta blushed at the joke and hoped there was some truth to it.
“Or maybe I’ll just marry this Lycan guy to shut her up.” You added, making Peeta’s smile drop. He was definitely jealous now and it was only gonna get worse.
The next day, you went to the bakery again and helped Peeta run the shop. He had you handling the customers while he stayed in the back to bake. Even though you had said it as a joke, you actually were bringing in a lot of customers and selling through baked goods fast. Unfortunately, you brought in Peeta’s least favorite customer.
“Oh no.” Peeta said when he saw Lycan through the windows.
“What?” You asked just as the door opened.
“Hello again.” Lycan greeted you and didn’t acknowledge Peeta in any way.
“Oh, hi, Lycan. What can I get for you today?” You asked him.
“How about you get me your favorite thing in the shop?” He asked with that smug look Peeta hated. Peeta rolled his eyes at the lack of manners but held his tongue.
“Well, that’s hard to pick. Peeta bakes everything and it’s all delicious. He’s an amazing baker.” You said and patted Peeta’s back. Peeta and Lycan made eye contact and gave each other tight smiles.
“Oh, so this is your friend who runs the bakery? Did he tell you I stopped by yesterday to see you?” Lycan asked knowing full well Peeta didn’t mention it. You looked at Peeta in surprise and Peeta gave you a sheepish smile.
“Must’ve forgotten to mention that.” He said quietly.
“Right.” You laughed awkwardly. “Well, I love the cinnamon buns Peeta makes. And we just frosted some so I’ll go grab one from the back.”
You went to the back to grab a cinnamon bun, leaving Peeta and Lycan alone together. Peeta kept his eyes down as Lycan stared at him with a smug expression.
“So how come you had her running the shop all alone yesterday?” Lycan asked with judgement in his voice.
“She was fine. She was only alone for a few minutes but she would’ve been perfectly capable of running the shop all day. She’s great at this stuff. She’s better than me and I grew up in this bakery.” Peeta defended you.
“I could tell.” Lycan snorted. “But running a business is no place for a lady. She should’ve been doing the baking while you handled the customers. A girl like that should be able to sit still and look pretty while you man the place, you know what I mean?”
“Um, no, I don’t know what you mean.” Peeta smiled tightly. “She’s not the type to sit still but you wouldn’t know that because you don’t know her. And we “manned”the shop together all day. I just happened to be in the back decorating the cakes when you came in.”
“Oh, so you make all these? Where did you learn how to do that?” Lycan asked with a condescending smile as he looked at the cakes on display.
“My mother taught me.” Peeta said quietly.
“Oh, I see. My mother taught me that a man’s job involves getting your hands dirty but hey, what does she know?” Lycan shrugged.
“Clearly not how to teach her son manners.” Peeta mumbled. You came out from the back and Peeta relaxed.
“Here. One hot cinnamon bun.” You smiled kindly and handed the treat to Lycan.
“Thank you. It looks almost as good as you do.” He said with a much kinder tone than he had given Peeta.
“Oh. Thank you.” You laughed in surprise and looked over at Peeta. Peeta was too busy staring daggers at Lycan to notice.
“See you tomorrow?” Lycan asked you.
“See you then.” You waved as he left the shop. Once he was gone again, Peeta could finally breathe.
“I don’t like that guy.” Peeta shook his head.
“What? Why not? He’s so nice.” You said. As much as Peeta disliked that guy, he wasn’t about to burst your bubble and tell you Lycan had implied you could not and should not run the bakery by yourself.
“He’s too nice.” Peeta insisted. “And I don’t like the way he was looking at you.”
“How was he looking at me?” You frowned.
“The same way every guy looks at you. Only he looks dumb enough to try something.” Peeta mumbled. You let out a laugh and Peeta was confused.
“What?” He wondered.
“Nothing. I’ve just never heard you call someone dumb before. Here I was thinking you were all sunshine and flowers.” You shrugged with an amused smile.
“I can be tough. You don’t think I can be tough?”
“Well, I’m sure you can be. I’ve just never seen it. I’ve only ever seen your good side.”
“I can be tough. I can be a real tough guy.” Peeta insisted but it sounded unnatural coming out of his mouth.
“Okay, tough guy.” You chuckled. “Show me what you got.”
“What do you mean?”
“Say something mean about me.” You said and gestured towards yourself.
“What? I would never do that.” He laughed but meant it.
“I knew it. You’re too sweet. You don’t have a mean bone in your body. You’re all sugar.” You said and squeezed his arm. Peeta blushed at the contact and felt a little better about himself.
“Here’s something mean. That guy just tracked mud all over the floors. Why are coal miners so messy?” He scoffed and grabbed the mop.
“Maybe because they’re in dirty mines all day? Just a thought.” You teased as Peeta cleaned the floor.
“This is just gross.” Peeta huffed. “And did you see his hands? They were filthy.”
“I didn’t notice them.” You shrugged.
“Yeah, cause you were too busy flirting.” Peeta grumbled.
“Flirting?” You laughed. “I was not flirting with that guy.”
“Yes you were. I’ve never seen you bat your eyelashes like that before. And when’s the last time you warmed something up for a customer? You did that to flirt.” He half joked, half meant entirely.
“That wasn’t me flirting. I was just blinking because of all the dust he brought in.” You said simply. Peeta stopped mopping and looked up to see if you were serious.
“You really weren’t flirting with him?” Peeta asked hopefully.
“With a stranger? Who do you think I am?” You scoffed and grabbed the mop from him. You cleaned up the rest of the mud tracks before handing the mop back.
“Okay.” Peeta smiled. “Good.”
“Why’s that good? You didn’t want me to be flirting with him?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Psh. No. I don’t care who you flirt with.” Peeta quickly explained but even he didn’t believe it.
“Don’t you?” You asked and took a step towards him.
“I don’t.” He gulped.
“All right then.” You smiled sadly and went back behind the counter. Peeta looked over at you and wondered if you had wanted him to say that he didn’t want you flirting with anyone else.
The next day, Peeta was hesitant to leave you alone in the bakery in case Lycan came back to ask you out. If he actually made a move on you, Peeta knew he didn’t stand a chance. There weren’t a whole lot of options for dating in your district so if he asked you out, you’d probably say yes. But Peeta couldn’t stay in the front forever and eventually had to go to the back to frost cakes. And as soon as he was gone, the wolves descended.
“Good morning.” Lycan greeted as he came into the bakery. Your heart started to beat faster when he came in but it wasn’t from excitement. His presence was starting to make you anxious and you didn’t know if you liked the attention anymore.
“Good morning. What will it be today?” You asked politely.
“Some more pumpernickel please. But only half a loaf. I had some of my worker friends over last night and we went through it. We just get so hungry being down in the mines all day. You know how real men’s work is. It’s brutal but hey, someone’s gotta do it.” Lycan shrugged and leaned on the counters that you had just cleaned.
“Right.” You said sarcastically. “Anything else?”
“A smile. From you.” Lycan added. You gave him a tight smile back and realized you really didn’t like the attention. At least, not from him.
“Have a great day.” He said as you handed him the loaf and he handed you the money.
“Thanks. You too.”
“I already did. Because I got to see you.” Lycan said and pointed to you. You forced a smile back and watched as he tracked mud on the floor as he left. Peeta came out from the back a little while later and saw the mud.
“I see Lycan returned.” He said stiffly.
“He sure did.” You replied. Peeta rolled his eyes and grabbed the mop before looking at you.
“Don’t give me that look.” You laughed. “It’s not my fault Mr. Muddy Boots keeps coming in here.”
“Yes it is. I heard him telling you to smile. He likes you.” Peeta mumbled and mopped the floor. His jealousy was back and in full force so he kept his head down.
“Maybe he was just being friendly.”
“But he wasn’t being friendly to me. Only you.” Peeta pointed out.
“Okay, true. But that still doesn’t mean anything. He might just want to be friends.”
“No way. No guy wants to be just friends with a girl as interesting and funny as you.”
“What about you? You just want to be friends, don’t you?” You asked and smiled at his words but he didn’t see it. He was too busy keeping his head down so you couldn’t see how much he was blushing over what you asked.
“There. Finally clean. But if he comes in here and gets the floors muddy one more time, I’m gonna ban him from the bakery.” Peeta said to change the subject.
“Maybe he’s had enough of your baked goods and won’t come in anymore.” You shrugged.
“He’ll be back. Although he might stop buying things and just start coming in to stare at you.” Peeta grumbled, making you laugh. When your laughter died down, you thought about what it would mean if this guy actually wanted to be more than friends.
“Do you actually think he likes me?” You asked quietly.
“Of course he does. And I can’t blame him. But I can be annoyed about how often he comes in here.” Peeta said and continued to avoid eye contact with you.
“But him coming in here means you get more customers.” You reminded him. “And what do you mean you can’t blame him?”
“Him coming in here means I have to look at his dumb face while he bumbles around and tries to flirt with you. All while making the bakery muddy. I wouldn’t mind losing him as a customer.” Peeta replied and conveniently ignored the second half of what you said.
“Well we should probably bake another loaf of pumpernickel in case he comes in tomorrow.” You shrugged and started to gather the ingredients. Peeta froze and watched you tie on an apron as jealousy burned a hole inside him.
“What?” You asked when you saw Peeta’s face.
“You want him to come back?” Peeta asked in a soft voice.
“I didn’t say that. But if he does, which I’m assuming he will, we should have bread for him.”
Peeta was quiet again for a minute as he looked at you. He didn’t think you liked this guy back until he watched you gathering ingredients to make something specifically for him.
“Do you, um, do you like him back or something?” Peeta asked you. He didn’t sound angry or anything, just sad.
“What I like is earning money. Which customers bring in. Customers like Lycan.” You said and headed to the back where the oven was.
“Fine. But just don’t bake that with love, okay?” Peeta called after you. He heard you laugh and felt a little better because it reminded him that no one made you laugh quite like he did.
“I’ll try.” You called back.
The next day, Peeta was ready for anything. He asked you to bake some muffins in the back while he dealt with the customers during the evening rush. He had made it through almost the entire day before he saw Lycan coming in to the bakery. He looked around for you as soon as he walked in before walking up the counter.
“How can I help you?” Peeta asked with a forced smile.
“Actually, I was hoping Y/n could help me. She here?” Lycan asked and peered behind the counter.
“She’s busy with the baking in the back.”
“Really? I thought frosting cakes was your job? Tell me, how do you make them look so pretty?” Lycan asked in a mocking tone.
“It takes a steady hand. And a clean one.” Peeta said as his eyes dropped to Lycans dirt covered hands.
“These are workers hands. But you wouldn’t know anything about that would you, baker boy?” Lycan said in a low voice as he leaned on the counter. Peeta gulped but was determined to stand his ground.
“I know about hard work. Just because my work is different from yours doesn’t mean it’s any less important.” He replied.
“Are you serious?” Lycan laughed. “I risk my life everyday to get the coal that you use to bake your pretty little cakes. You’re not important. I mean, your work isn’t important. I know that, and she knows that.” Lycan whispered so only Peeta could hear. His words were getting to Peeta and he wasn’t feeling as confident as before.
“She’d never go for you.” Peeta said quietly.
“What other choice does she have? You?” Lycan scoffed. “I asked around about the two of you, you know. Everyone had the same thing to say. That the bakers boy absolutely adores her but isn’t man enough to do anything about it.”
“I could do something about it.” Peeta insisted.
“Oh really? Then why haven’t you?” Lycan asked him. Peeta opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He had no answer to give.
“That’s what I thought.” Lycan snickered. “She’d never go for you either.”
Peeta looked down at the ground and believed what Lycan was saying. You came out from the back and immediately sensed the awkward tension. You first noticed Peeta’s sad expression and then Lycan’s smug smirk.
“Oh, hi Lycan. Back so soon?” You asked as you looked between the boys and tried to figure out what had just happened between them.
“I just needed to get some bread. And seeing your pretty face never hurts.” Lycan said and switched to a nice smile.
“Aw, thanks.” You said with a fake smile.
“You know, being a coal miner is really dangerous. Nothing like the easy job this guy has.” Lycan said and nodded towards Peeta. “When the boys and I go down into the mines, we never know if we’re gonna get to come back out. So I try to take a minute and appreciate the beautiful things in life as much as I can. And that includes you.”
“Aw, thanks.” You repeated in the same uncomfortable tone. Peeta looked up and saw that Lycan was staring at him with a puffed up smile. In other words, he thought he ate that.
“See you around, doll.” Lycan winked at you before leaving the shop.
“That was painful.” You said once he was gone.
“For us both.” Peeta mumbled.
“I think you were right. I think he may be more than just friendly.” You laughed nervously.
“What gave it away?” Peeta smiled sarcastically.
“I just don’t understand what he wants from me. I don’t even know what to say when he talks like that.” You said and grimaced at the memory of his little speech.
“He probably wants a wife. And he wants you to say it can be you.”
“A wife?” You laughed in shock. “He doesn’t even know me.”
“But he wants to. That’s why he keeps coming in here. He probably wanted to ask you out today but wouldn’t with me in here.”
“Well I wouldn’t say yes even if he did. So there’s nothing to worry about.” You shrugged.
“Don’t tell me there’s nothing to worry about.” Peeta snapped. You were both surprised by his tone and stood in awkward silence following his exclamation. Peeta was too embarrassed to look at you so he kept his head down and played with the ties in his apron. He heard your footsteps coming over to him and suddenly, you were lifting his chin to get him to look at you.
“What’s this about?” You asked quietly. Peeta sighed and looked to the side.
“He works in the mines and risks his life. I work in a bakery and decorate cakes. He’s covered in soot and dirt and I end the day covered in flour and sugar.”
“So?” You laughed.
“So, he’s a real man.” Peeta insisted. “And that’s what you deserve.”
“Do you think I don’t see you as a real man?” You asked and wrapped your arms around Peeta’s neck. He turned bright red and finally looked at you.
“Look at me. And look at him. We’re not the same.” Peeta said softly.
“Just because he works down there and you work up here doesn’t make you any less of a man.” You assured him.
“It feels like it does. Especially when…”
“When what?” You asked when Peeta trailed off.
“When I thought you liked him. I assumed he caught your attention because he’s all big and tough and I’m just…soft.” He shrugged and gave you an embarrassed smile.
“He caught my attention because he’s annoying and dirty. And I happen to like that you’re soft.” You told him.
“You do?” Peeta asked skeptically.
“Of course I do. I like that you never have a mean thing to say about anybody. I like that you decorate cakes and smell like cinnamon all the time. And I like that you stop to pick flowers that you like. But you know what I don’t like?”
“That guy. I don’t like how he thinks I shouldn’t run the shop by myself. I don’t like how he can’t compliment me on anything but my looks. I don’t like how he thinks his job makes him superior to us. And I don’t like that he made you feel bad about yourself.” You said. Peeta looked into your eyes and saw how serious you were. A smile tugged at his lips as he believed that he didn’t have anything to worry about.
“He made fun of my cake decorating.” Peeta added with a coy smile.
“What? Now that’s too far. Let’s ban him.” You played along. Peeta laughed and pulled you into a hug.
“I never want you to think you’re not good enough ever again, okay?” You said as you rubbed his back.
“Okay.” Peeta reluctantly replied. You pulled out of the hug and rubbed his shoulders.
“If he comes in here again, I’ll tell him to back off. Of both of us.” You assured Peeta.
“Good. Because I’m not much of a fighter.” He said through a relieved laugh.
“I know. You’re a lover. Thats what I love about you.” You told him and went to go clean the counter. Peeta watched you for a minute with a content smile on his face.
“It is?” He asked in a soft voice.
“Amongst other things, but yes.” You replied.
“There are a lot of things I love about you too.” Peeta said without looking at you.
“Are there?” You asked with piqued interest.
“Of course. Dozens of things.”
“Dozens?” You pretended to gasp and looked over at him.
“Uh huh. A bakers dozen.” He replied with a coy smile.
“Hey.” You laughed. “Baking humor is my thing.”
“I know, I know. But I think that’s another reason Lycan bothered me so much. I thought he was gonna take you away before I got a chance to tell you any of them.” Peeta said simply. Your expression changed but he didn’t catch it as he went to change the sign on the door from “open” to “closed”.
“Well. It’s quitting time.” Peeta sighed and looked the front door.
“Right. We should go.”
The next day, Lycan came in bright and early in the morning. He was the first customer and walked in before you had even arrived yet. Peeta gulped when he saw him and hoped you’d get to the bakery as soon as possible. Then he remembered what you had said about what you loved about him and felt a little braver.
“Hey, Peeta. Just you today?” Lycan asked in a condescending voice.
“For now.” Peeta answered calmly.
“These are nice. You pick them yourself?” Lycan asked as he flicked one of the flowers Peeta had in a vase on the counter.
“As a matter of fact, yes. I did.”
“I thought so. Just when I thought you couldn’t get anymore pathetic. It’s no wonder Y/n doesn’t want you.” Lucan snorted. He hadn’t heard you entering the bakery from the back so when you appeared behind the counter where Peeta was, he gulped.
“Oh, hi, Y/n. Good morning.” He said nervously and hoped you hadn’t heard what he just said. You gave Lycan a big smile before turning to Peeta.
“Good morning.” You greeted Peeta before pulling him into a long kiss. Peeta was stiff with shock at first but then kissed you back as his hands found their place on your waist. Lycan watched this with a dropped jaw and angrily cleared his throat when he felt like it was going on too long. You pulled out of the kiss with a big smile and patted Peeta’s red cheek.
“Sorry about that.” You chuckled as you wrapped an arm around Peeta’s shoulders. Peeta and Lycan were both silent as they processed what had happened. You made your choice loud and clear to the both of them and they were both too stunned to speak. Peeta finally smiled and took one of the flowers out of the vase to place behind your ear as a little thank you. You smiled in appreciation before looking at Lycan.
“So.” You shrugged. “What can we get you?”
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suashii · 20 days
— 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝒸𝒾𝓉𝓎 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁 ౨ৎ
boothill x f!reader. 2k wc. ノ non-canon compliant ノ sfw ノ some vaguely suggestive bits ノ farmhand!boothill ノ flirty teasing ノ pet names ( darlin', princess, honey, sweetheart. . . i went crazy @.@ )
my comeback to writing for hsr! first time writing for boothill so pls don't be too tough on me :3 hope u like ! !
masterlist ౨ৎ next part
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the new farmhand at your grandfather’s ranch is trouble.
he shouldn’t be, not with the way your grandpa speaks so highly of him—he’s exactly the kind of help this place needed, he tells you. starts on time, is thorough in his work, and takes good care of all that your grandfather holds dear. you should love him simply for that—taking a weight off the old man’s shoulders and putting his heart at ease—but you’ve seen an entirely different side of the so-called saint.
ever since you arrived at the ranch a few days ago, the one called boothill has been a pain in your neck. it took nothing more than you stepping out of your car for him to label you that city girl, the “little lady” who looks like she’s never stepped foot in mud a day in her life.
from that moment onward, it’s been nothing but sly remarks at your expense. you don’t miss the chuckles he makes no effort to hide as you refamiliarize yourself with the animals and get used to the scent of hay and manure. his not-so-subtle smirks when you’re simply passing by have been the most irking. your mere presence is seemingly a joke to boothill.
you’ve made it your mission to steer clear of the man but the task is proving to be difficult. the fact that he’s now living in what you used to know as one of the guest bedrooms coupled with your grandpa’s oblivious albeit innocent nature seems to be enough to throw a wrench in that plan of yours. 
your trip here was meant to be a relaxing getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life but you’ve only taken on a new role as boothill’s personal assistant if the tray with two glasses of lemonade is any indication. if it were up to you, you’d be enjoying a peaceful breakfast without worrying about the man bothering you but it’s just your luck that your grandfather caught you before you could make the meal, politely asking you to deliver a cold beverage to boothill who has been working since the sun rose over the horizon.
luckily for the farmhand, you can’t say no to your grandpa.
that’s how you find yourself wandering the grounds in your satin pajama set and the boots your grandpa prepared for your arrival. your legs move in muscle memory as you navigate the vast stretch of land in search of boothill. thankfully, you don’t have to go much farther, catching sight of the man at the entrance of the barn.
he’s gone for a simple look today—a white t-shirt and jeans paired with the dirtied boots you haven’t gone a day without seeing him in. his shirt is already stained and is darker around the neckline, dampened with sweat. he’s made an effort to tie back his black and white strands of hair, though, a few of the shorter ones have escaped and frame his face. the hat you’ve grown accustomed to seeing him in, strangely, isn’t sitting atop his head.
he must see you approaching out of the corner of his eye because he turns to face you, an immediate grin taking over his lips. it makes you grip the tray tighter.
he looks you up and down as he pulls off his gloves, stuffing both in his back pocket. when gray eyes settle on yours, he tells you, “nice get up.”
you roll your eyes because you saw a comment like that coming. everything you do down to the way you dress is scrutinized when it comes to him. even though you’ve only been here a short while, you’ve come to expect this kind of behavior from boothill.
he huffs out a laugh at your reaction before his gaze falls to the tray in your hands and the glasses that sit on it. “that for me, darlin’?”
against your will, your heart jumps in your chest. that, you haven’t grown accustomed to. you’re not sure you’ll ever get used to him throwing around pet names at you like it’s nothing, like it’s the most natural thing in the world to him. it’s easier to blame the heat blooming in your cheeks on the sun’s beaming rays rather than boothill’s sweet talking.
you hold the tray out to him, hoping the effect of his words isn’t visible on your face. “courtesy of grandpa.” you can’t have him thinking this gesture was born from the kindness of your heart. his teasing would be merciless then.
“of course,” he drawls, grabbing one of the glasses and swallowing a few gulps. the shine of the lemonade is left on his lips when they pull away from the brim, his tongue poking out from between them to lick up the lingering drops. your eyes remain on his lips longer than they should, long enough to see them curl up into that annoyingly handsome smile. “little miss city girl wouldn’t be caught dead out here on her own accord.”
he can only stay charming for so long. “did you miss the whole part when my grandpa told you i grew up here?”
“no, no, i caught that.” he takes another sip of his drink. “it’s just that you strike me as the type who spent more time riding the horses than cleaning up after ‘em.”
you keep quiet and nurse your glass of lemonade because the only other option besides lying is telling him that he’s right. in your defense, what ten-year-old wants to spend their summer hauling hay and shoveling up horse crap?
“look,” you start, “i’m not some delicate glass figure who can’t get her hands dirty. i’m perfectly capable of helping out.”
boothill raises his eyebrows, a glint of humor sparkling in his steel irises. you know the look of a challenge when you see it and it almost makes you regret trying to defend yourself. “oh yeah? then the princess wouldn’t mind lending me a hand?”
“i wouldn’t,” you tell him. contrary to your statement, you really don’t want to spend more time with him than necessary, even if that means proving a point and settling some stupid argument. your mind races to find a believable excuse that’ll let you off the hook. “but i’m barely dressed to do any work. another time, maybe.”
he waves his hand in dismissal. “don’t worry, darlin’. what i’ve got in mind ain’t much work and won’t steal too much of your time.”
you nervously chew your cheek as boothill takes the tray that’s tucked under your arm, setting the now empty glasses on it and finding a place for them to rest. he nods his head in the direction he wants you to follow and, reluctantly, you do just that. he casts a glance over his shoulder to look at you. “just help me get this hay inside the barn, will ya?”
the job seems easy enough, a surprisingly straightforward request from boothill who seems to derive pleasure from giving you a hard time. too easy, you think to yourself as he heaves one of the rectangular bales of hay from the top of the stack. the task looks effortless when he does it, a short grunt being the only suggestion of exertion on his end.
he disappears into the red building and you take his temporary departure as an opportunity to pick up a bale of your own. you grab a hold of the twine keeping the hay in its shape and immediately grimace at the way the fodder pokes and prods at your palms. you’re tempted to let go and step away but you have a point to prove and plan on doing so. with a groan, you lift the bale, or at least try to. it’s heavier than you expect it to be and the scratching against your exposed legs is uncomfortable, sure to get worse with the distance you’re meant to walk.
you’re about to drop the bale back in place when a pair of arms reach around you, calloused hands joining yours to carry the collection of hay. boothill’s unexpected presence catches you off guard and the proximity of his mouth to your ear makes your breath catch in your throat. “having a bit of trouble, love?”
love? your skin prickles with goosebumps at yet another pet name. this time, it’s more difficult to blame the heat running beneath your skin on the sun. it takes a moment for you to find your voice and when you do, the ones you manage to get out refute his claim. “i’m not. i told you i wasn’t dressed for this.”
he snorts at your reply as though he can see right through the flimsy excuse. “right, well, you’re in my way, so why don’t i help you with this one?”
before you can protest, boothill is on his way, dragging you along with him. your steps match his, his bigger boots trailing behind yours as the two of you walk the path to the growing supply he likely started before you interrupted. you’re released from your place between the bale and boothill when he drops it on top of the other.
you’re free to make a move, to slip away from the charged air and reclaim your personal space. instead of doing so, you simply turn around to face him. you’re met with his broad chest before you tip your head up to meet his eye. “i could have done that on my own.”
“i’m sure you could have,” he says, but the smile pulling at his lips tells another story. he reaches behind him with one hand to pull the gloves from his pockets, waving them between you as an offer. “these might help.”
you happily take the gloves as he takes his leave, slipping your hands into the protective gear. they’re larger than you need and there’s extra space in them but you don’t mind, not if they’ll help you show boothill that you refuse to be reduced to some city girl.
and they do help, at least with shielding your hands from the unpleasant sensation of hay against them. the bales are just as heavy and just as awkward to haul but you’re able to get the job done, nonetheless. for every one you carry, boothill lugs two more past you. his familiarity with the job means the two of you are finished one within a reasonable amount of time. 
you drop the final bale with the rest, a relieved sigh pushing past your lips at a job well done. boothill stands off to the side and whistles as you snatch the gloves off, wiping your forehead with the back of your hand. “well, would you look at that.”
“surprised?” you ask, tossing his gloves back at him.
“honey, anyone can hoist some hay.” he catches the gloves with ease, stuffing them back in his pocket. you’re almost offended at how easily he dismisses your efforts but you don’t have time to let the annoyance sprout before he’s approaching you, tipping your chin up so that you have no choice but to look at him. “though, i doubt they’d look as pretty as you doing it.”
you can’t tell whether he’s trying to get a rise out of you or if he truly stands by his statement. all you know for sure is that his sugary words and the feel of his skin against your face leave you unmistakably flustered, so much so that you can’t control the erratic beat of your heart and can’t stop the little nagging voice in the back of your head from whispering that you don’t dislike him as much as you let on.
boothill is trouble, but not in the way you thought he would be.
“i have to go.” you knock his hand away and turn on your heel in a rush to get back to the house, far away from boothill.
you can escape the sight of him, the feel of him, but not the sound of him as he yells after you. “see you around, sweetheart!”
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thanks for reading! consider reblogging if u enjoyed :3
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iwendix · 2 months
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𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: not proofreaded(there's probably misspellings and mistakes but rn I'm too tired to do anything about them😭). smut with just a little bit of a plot. a lot bit of manipulation. fingering, pussy licking, breasts play, teasing, dom!harin, sub!reader, praise kink, praise receiving!reader, good girl!reader, unnie!harin, strap using. reader innocent and harin loves to have control over such a gentle flower, it feels comforting for her.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: you always had been in A, but a few months ago this changed, and now on every vote you're a B. were you a perfectionist or did you just want more power and status? who knows. but one thing is clear: you want to become A again and harin can help you with this, and very opportunely, you notice harin’s constant glances at yourself.
you always get the same rank from the very first day that harin started the pyramid game, you never doubted what rank you would get, it was always obvious A. let's say, being the heiress of a rich family was a kind of guarantee of success in voting for you. your carefree life continued for a long time, but suddenly, during the 13th game when you opened the app you saw your name in column B. that's when your eyes widened and fists clenched in annoyance and kinda discomfort. harin, sitting nearby, saw your reaction and the corner of her lips slightly moved up, of course, you didn’t notice that cuz you were too busy with your first “failure” in game. B this is not at all bad for others and you thought the same until today, until for some reason you felt very strong discomfort from such a voting result. yes, it hurts your pride very deeply. you racked your brains for a long time trying to understand why suddenly everything changed so much and you couldn’t return to A. though, the answer was much closer than you could have imagined. knowing that you would be desperate to get the desired result, harin decided to take advantage of this. it was easy to get some people in the class not to vote for you so that you don't get higher than class B. you weren’t stupid, at least not stupid enough to don't understand that the solution to your problem — baek harin, and she’s clearly interested in you, judging by her gaze that linger on you for a little longer than it should.
well, the realization that apparently you're a little more stupid than you initially thought came precisely when you came to harin for "help" in getting back into A rank in game and offered a service in return. expecting harin to ask in return some help with homework or something like that. just how wrong you were...
"a favor in return, you say? I would like to have a taste." harin said as her eyes lingered on your face for a couple of moments before moving a little lower to your chest. her hand gently touches your belly through your shirt, smoothly moves and rises along your silk covered body to your tie. with one confident and decisive move she tugged the tie a little, pulling you towards herself forcing a quiet gasp out of you.
you find yourself in harin’s house, that same day after school she invited you, talking about how the house is empty today and is at their disposal because her parents are on a business trip for work. your unnie’s room was spacious, very simple, but cozy and luxurious. in the dimly light the king-size bed was covered with soft, silky bed linen.
you're on the bed, harin is sitting right behind you, your shirt is already unbuttoned and open enough to give access to your bra and breasts that were almost spilling out of lingerie. first you feel the gentle touch of harin's fingers on your ribs, and then her fingers easily crawl under the lace fabric, prying up the hooks of your bra and unfastening it. she touches your already bare breasts, massaging them and then plays with your nipples, pinching and squeezing them, enjoying the soft moan you let out.
she pinched your nipples a little more now making you moan louder and unintentionally back away a little, causing you to feel her chest pressing to your back.
"yes? what is it, hm? do you want to ask unnie for something?" one of her hands continues to play with your breasts not stopping her relentless assault on your nipples and her second hand goes down to your hip bone, squeezing it a little. she leans closer causing a goosebumps to run through your body from how nice and pleasant her warm breath feels on the back of your neck. "do you want me to touch you more, princess?"
when harin squeezes your thigh bone and plays with your breasts, you feel something unfamiliar but almost painfully pleasant and uncomfortable at the same time. it's like a knot is tightening in your lower abdomen and you feel the heat between your legs as well as the wetness starts to seep through your panties.
"yes. i want you to touch me... please. i feel the heat spreading trough my body..." you mutter trying not to sound too inexperienced and eager but failing immediately.
harin changes position a little, lowering your back onto the bed and your head resting on the pillows. the girl sits next to you, lifts your skirt and pulls down your panties, revealing your wet folds to her gaze. harin humms in delight and lightly licks her own lips. harin's fingers lowered to your pussy, collect moisture and smear it over your entrance. just a moment and one of her fingers pushes inside, moving a little.
"oh god, you're so tight... such a perfect girl for me." soon two of her fingers are pushing into your wet cunt, she spreads her fingers and twists them inside, stretching you and making your legs tremble. your moans are so cute, they only arousing harin more, a wet spot soon appears on her own panties too.
"Harin-ah!..." you yelping when she enters you with a third finger and it becomes difficult for you to stay still. a new layer of fun added harin’s tongue that moves circles around your clit, teasing the bundle of nerves. her tongues licks your folds all over, while her fingers pounding into you and now her lips wrap around your clit, starting to suck on it. you arch your back and your whimpers become much more urgent, your voice trembling.
"Unnie... please... I can't... oh my god... I'm gonna... I'm-"
with a wet pop, her fingers leave your pussy, which for a few more seconds tightened around the air trying to return contact. suddenly her tongue probs inside, she alternates between tongue fucking you and sucking your already swollen clit, making slurping sounds, drinking in your juices until you cum undone on her tongue. harin raises her head, and her fingers come to your clit, massaging it and slightly prolonging your orgasm. your eyes met and pleased smirk tugged her lips, seeing how your cheeks have turned red, and beads of sweat appeared on your forehead.
"you're such a good girl, princess. though, we're not done yet. i want to try something else on you." harin's hand reaches to the bedside table from where she takes out a medium-sized strap. she quickly and easily attaches the strap to her hips and positioned herself about you.
"oh, maybe we won't?... I mean, maybe we’ll try another time..." you sound a little nervous and worrying clearly etched on your face.
harin sighs, and pat's your head gently. she speaks, her voice calming and gentle but still gives the feeling of her being in control of the situation. "you don't want to? mm, princess, we can try... It's up to you, hon, but we could try and stop if you want. if you try for me, you'll make me very happy. you want unnie to be happy, right?" her last words, of course, kinda manipulative, but still you can't help but nod a little just unable to say no. harin smirks and raised your legs, bending them at the knees and she positioned the tip of the strap near your pussy still glistening with cum. she takes your hand in her own, gently stroking it and comforting you like that. when you look distracted enough she pushes all the way inside with just one thrust. you whimper in slight pain and squeeze her hand, your breathe catches in your throat. harin doesn’t move her hips for a few seconds, let you get used to the feeling of fullness and stretchiness.
"good girl... see, it wasn't that hard, right? I'm happy with you, princess. I'm so proud of you. such a gentle little flower... but still taking me so good." harin at first began to move her hips smoothly, later picking up speed, thrusting faster and harder. she pulled away and then slamms all the way back inside, hitting the sweet spot inside you. her thrusts were a little irregular but so good... she makes you moan, whimper and beg for more. in the end of the day you're becoming a breathless, blushing mess all hot and bothered, stretche and wet, just lying on the bed, your head on her chest while she plays with your hair
"by the way... as i said before, I'll help you return to A rank, princess."
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cursingtoji · 8 months
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𓆩𖥟𓆪 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐑 — Geto is a thoughtful leader who uses visual resources to help his followers learn, and tonight you get to play a part. #Cult-tober.
< Part 1 - Contradiction
— cw: religious imagery but no specific religion, exhibitionism, emotional manipulation, god complex, public nudity, fingering, unprotected, oral (f -> m), sex cult behaviour. 3k words.
— note: did my research on cults for this one, also based on this request.
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“Come here” you hear his voice after calling your name, the tone gives you chills.
You know better than to fear him, this is not the first time he calls you to the main room of the temple — a place that has become the closest thing you can call a home now. This room in particular is already very known to you, so why the fear? Can’t you remember the familiar feeling of the tatami under your knees? What about against your cheek? Wasn’t worth the pain of having your face rubbing on it while your master roughly thrusted into your behind? You do recall his pitiful smile when he realized what the mat had done to the soft skin of your face, right? He kissed it so tenderly while holding you like you were made of glass, a glass he didn’t mind breaking a few minutes prior to that, but now, glass.
So what’s wrong now?
Except for the dozens of followers sitting on their knees in that same room right now. How come you never saw that many people before? And more importantly, why are you seeing them now?
A few hours ago, he left you two things along with a note with the time and place you had to be. Those things are: a sheer black lace mask, very delicate fabric meant for your eyes, the type of thing you could picture a woman using in a ball in the 1800s, and a yukata, a simple one. You thought it was weird he didn’t leave an obi — the belt to tie up the yukata, so you took one from your own drawer to complete the traditional piece.
The mask is clearly not part of it, but you know better than to question him. Besides, the note is clear, you must wear nothing but those things. Nothing.
The room you thought you knew now seems strange and gloomy, it’s nighttime so there’s only a few candles lightening it up, there’s an essence burning somewhere the smell is weak but it’s there.
Geto in all his glory sits in his altar, his feet are up in the mat, unlike everyone else sitting on their legs. He has the pose of a deity and clearly that is what everyone thinks too.
Your bare feet touch the tatami, slowly approaching the altar and feeling the dozen pairs of eyes upon you, the offsetting lighting doesn't allow you to see their faces, which is probably for the best, yet Geto’s was lit up as if the sun itself rose for him and him only.
“Look at her, when I met her she was sick, this beautiful lady had a disease. I tried to look away, she was too far gone, but what did I do instead, sweet child?”
“You saved my life” you respond without batting an eye, your mind feels cloudy.
“Kneel” you obey taking place beside him.
Maybe he is a deity after all.
Just that day you were having a conversation with the twins. They had so many questions, especially after seeing you hurt by some curse, so many why’s leaving their little mouths.
“It doesn’t matter!” your voice rose for the first time since taking them in your embrace “If Geto-sama says it’s day and the sky is dark, it’s day. If he says it’s night when you can see the sun, you go to bed because you sleep when it’s night, understood?”
Sometimes you barely recognize the voice that leaves your lips. Scolding is something you never saw yourself doing, not to the girls you loved more than anything.
In your situation one would assume this behavior is driven by fear, what would Geto do if he found out your girls were questioning his actions? They cannot possibly care more about this non-sorcerer in front of them. Never.
But those people would be wrong. Fear does make you do what you do. Love does.
Only love makes you stay put in front of him when he unties your yukata, love has you looking him in the eye even while the disapproval for the presence of the obi is evident.
Geto makes you sit facing him, his stunning image much more welcoming than the unlighted audience, he’s big enough for you to understand can still see the quiet crowd behind you. His calloused hands touch your shoulders under the yukata, the soft touch is enough to warm up your entire body as he slowly revells a skin decorated by some few bruises, some caused by curses, some caused by gods, well… one god.
“She’s still not cured, I don’t know if she’ll ever be” he doesn’t have to project his voice too much in the quiet room, the hot breathing fans over your face, “But I’ll keep trying nevertheless” he says more quietly.
Geto’s hand goes between your legs and you have trouble keeping your sounds to yourself. His hand is big, and the space between your closed legs — while you’re still sitting on them — and your core is narrow, Geto has to be a little rough to get where he wants to.
And he always gets what he wants.
Your face is warm, breathing erratically but still… you’re not panicking even given the disturbing setting. It’s all due to him, if it was anyone else you would be screaming right now, fighting your way out of this.
Geto starts to stroke your folds with his fingers while talking about sins, the best thing you can do is shut your little brain from overthinking everything he says and taking it as personal.
However, what is left to do when he keeps going on and on about undeserving ones while teasing your fluttering hole? You can’t even look him in the eye, just keep staring his throat as he speaks. Your gasp interrupts him when he inserts a finger, both your hands to your mouth, you were distracted enough to forget this was obviously the next step.
Geto snaps his eyes back to you, not glad about the interruption, yet he resumes his speech so he can go on with his plans.
Your hands remain on your closed mouth, not wanting to make the same mistake again. Geto adds another finger and starts scissoring you, which worries you slightly, you thought this was merely a play for the followers, an exhibition of power, but the stretching he’s doing indicates he plans to go all the way. That and the erection under his haori, which you should’ve led you to suspect his intentions from the beginning since he’s never presented himself to his followers without all the layers of his traditional clothing.
Geto removes his fingers, straightening his posture as he finishes his sentence, he pats his lap and you find his eyes, they are predatory, from then on you’re dealing with Geto-sama, not Suguru.
You’re already undoing the ropes that tie his haori just like he did to you a few minutes ago. He’s bare under the fabric, dick is tall and hard, the leaking tip shines under the orange glow of the candlelight as you align it with your entrance.
“If you can’t control your urges, they’ll control you” he claims, hands behind your knees, his voice is steady but the grip he has on you tells it’s hard to control himself too.
“No person or thing should control you… except for me” the last part is whispered for your ears only. You bottom out on him, needing a moment to recover, not just from the stretch on your lower half but from his words and by how willing you are to let him control you.
Especially when he puts his hand on your head, pressuring slightly guiding you to his neck. He keeps his hand there, caressing your hair as you relax on his hold, like he’s comforting someone who's just lost a dear relative, not a simple villager he spared and is now balls deep inside dozens of followers.
With a sharp pinch on your thigh Geto signs you to start moving, you arch your back and raise your hips to slide out of his cock till only the tip is left then sitting back. Since the yukata was not fully removed, it stays on you, sleeves pooling on the middle of your arms, the rest serves as a curtain, keeping the audience from viewing the junction of you and your savior.
You busy your mouth by kissing and sucking his neck, he gives your hair a discreet pull, a warning to not mark him, guess it would be bad for his reputation if his beloved sorcerers find out he’s whipped by a good-for-nothing human.
All they know — as far as Geto is concerned —, is that you’re his little pet, kind of a 3 for the price of 2 after he took in the twins, a package deal he simply had to accept.
Whatever, you don’t care about them anyways. As long as they’re treating your girls as one of their own, it doesn’t matter how they treat you. Geto, Mimiko and Nanako are all you need to be content with your life.
Geto should limit himself from touching you, his fingers shouldn’t be tracing the little marks and scratches on your back.
“You are not perfect, mistakes will happen, that’s why you need someone to guide you” he talks to the audience, his chin resting on your shoulders as the tip of his fingers run over each trauma and imperfections on your back. At this point — with his dick reaching such a sweet spot inside your walls —, you are not sure if he’s still indirectly talking to you, but something makes you think he’s talking to himself, about you.
Is it such a delusional thought? That you are the one guiding him and not the other way around? You thighs clench around him, the awkward feeling in your chest start to bring clarity to your pleasure blurred mind and you start to look around reflecting on your situation.
Geto relizes something switched in your dumb little head, you do that sometimes, look around with wide eyes and heavy breathing. Suguru remembers the days in jujutsu tech, when he was confused, consumed by the trauma and unsure about his future. Why did you make him remember that? Your chest is rising rapidly, he doesn’t want you to panic, that’s not supposed to happen under his watch.
You’re taken from his lap.
“You love me, don’t you?” Suguru holds your chin bringing your focus to him, only him. You nod slowly, admiring his sculpted face by the candlelight, “Then what are you afraid of?”
You search your mind for all the reasons to be afraid right now, shouldn’t be hard, all you need is to look around and remember why you’re here.
Yet his hazel eyes don’t allow you to find any of those reasons, somehow your heart doesn’t feel so heavy anymore.
“Don’t you trust me?” he rubs your chin and you nod again, “Show me” you blink confusingly, “Show me how much you love me.”
You’re sitting on your knees as your eyes trail down where his member is still hard, it glistens with your juices and throbs slightly, the sight is too irresistible.
So you bow to your savior, taking him fully into your mouth, the position giving the closest thing to a privacy moment, where you could pretend it’s just you and Suguru like in the late nights in his chamber.
“There you go” he sighs happily patting your head, not putting any pressure, like what you’re doing is not sexual at all.
It’s merely a form of adoration. And Geto deserves being adored.
Naturally, you take him as deep as you possibly can, focusing your best in worshiping every inch of his skin, putting as much love into it as you can, not even minding the emptiness on your lower half or how you’re dripping on the mat.
There’s a buzz in your ear, you know Geto is talking, finishing his speech probably, but you can’t actually hear him, feels like hearing someone talking from a distance.
The last thing you remember is the hot shot on the back of your throat and the member twitching in your mouth. You think you heard Geto moan, which brings a weird feeling in your stomach since, as far as you know, you’re supposed to be the only one to hear that. His thumb goes to your chin, whipping the saliva and cum, pushing you to release him, you do, but you keep kissing his soft length until the smell of him mixed with the candles and something only this room had made you black out.
A word that resumes what Geto thinks about your performance tonight. If he gave you a script it wouldn’t have played out so perfectly.
Sometimes Geto underestimates how willing you are to be controlled by him.
When everything is done, he takes you into his arms, after wrapping the Yukata back around your body, he raises to his feet and steps down from his small stage carrying you.
There’s a door behind the stage, passing the curtains, which he usually uses as entrance and exit. Yet that night he feels like walking through the audience, with a pretty little thing unconscious on his mighty arms and a bunch of loyal followers bowing on his feet he experiences being, truly, a god.
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stillmonsterz · 2 months
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pairing: jay x reader, sunghoon x reader genre: smut with plot summary: ever since your mother passed away, your stepfather has been there for you. but when your old crush finally makes a move on you, you find that you want to pursue something different. one night won't change a thing, right? contains: unprotected sex, dubcon, mentions of death, infidelity (?), "humor", piv, blowjobs word count: 8.6k (unproofread) taglist: @belowbun @moon7jay @ui11iane @bambangan A/N: I didn't intend to write this, but here we are. Hope you enjoy it!
You tasted the dish you had made once more before setting the spoon down and closing the lid on the pot. Perfect. Jay would love it. You both worked full-time jobs, but he did so much around the house that you liked to have dinner waiting for him. You were a better cook than him, anyways.
You washed your hands and decided to head to the couch while you waited for him to come home. It was your ritual: when your mom was alive, you, Jay, and her would all sit down and talk about your day before going your separate ways. Your mom had liked to eat dinner alone, so your time to congregate was just when everyone got home. 
Your mother had passed away a few years ago, shortly after her and Jay, your stepfather, had gotten married. It was a car crash, a stupid drunk driver. Just the thought of that night made you curl into yourself. Jay had taken care of you after that. Even though you had been an adult for a while, able to support yourself with your job, he had never even mentioned you moving out. He had moved you and your mother to his lovely house in the suburbs, got you whatever you wanted for your room. To repay his kindness, you liked to do little things for him: cook, do the laundry, mop the floors. It was the least you could do.
The breakers in the doorknob clicked, and Jay walked into the foyer. You tried to rid your mind of the hard times, of the grief. When he saw you, his face brightened. “I smell something good,” he said, taking his shoes off and loosening his tie. He had a high-status, forward-facing job, so Jay wore suits everyday to work. You ironed them for him on the weekend, taking care to put them in protective plastic bags. 
“I made cream pasta,” you said, relaxing onto the couch. “Your favourite.”
“Oh, thank you, sweetheart,” Jay said. “I need it. Was so busy I didn’t get lunch today.” He walked into the living room and gave you a quick peck on the cheek. “Just gonna go wash up, then we can chat, okay?”
“Okay,” you said happily, washing him dip into the downstairs guest bathroom. 
When he came back out, he had loosened his tie so that it hung slackly around his neck. Jay walked over to the couch, tilted your head up, and gave you a long, gentle kiss. He broke the kiss to lower himself onto the couch, settling next to you.
Jay held your hand in his, stroking his thumb over your knuckles. “How was your day?”
You shrugged. “Nothing to report. This guy kept asking for the book ‘Against bad and Good’ by Fyodor Dostoevksy, and eventually I figured out that he meant beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche.”
Jay laughed. “Was he drunk?”
“Just stupid, I think. How was your day?”
Jay squeezed your hand. “Good, good. I got a lot of work done in preparation for the trip. Had to coordinate with marketing for the proposal, which is always difficult, because marketing is staffed by-,”
He kissed your cheek. “I’ve taught you well.” You laughed, which earned you an affectionate smile from him. 
“I remember when I heard you laugh for the first time after your mom passed,” Jay said, his other hand coming to rest on your shoulder. “It made me so relieved.”
“It did?”
“Mhm,” he said. “That’s how I knew you would be okay.”
You smiled at him, then, and he leaned in to give you another gentle kiss on the lips. He pulled away slowly, almost teasingly.  You held his cheeks with both hands and brought him back towards you, tilting your head to deepen the kiss. Jay softly groaned into your mouth and wrapped his arms around your lower back, drawing you into him. 
One of his hands strayed towards your chest, and he groped one of your clothed breasts.So it was one of those days. Jay tugged on your lip as he pulled away from the kiss, one hand still lingering on your chest.
“We might have to postpone dinner,” he said, running the side of his finger along your cheek. 
“Why? You’re not hungry?”
“I am,” Jay said, “but for something else.” With that, he leaned in and kissed a sensitive spot under your ear, eliciting a gasp from you. 
“Bedroom?” you asked. 
Jay nodded and lifted you up, holding you bridal-style. As he carried you upstairs, you began unbuttoning his white collared shirt, kissing at the new expanse of skin awarded to you. “I need all the time I can get with you before my trip.”
“Where is it again? Singapore?” you asked before pressing wet kisses on his upper chest. 
“Yeah,” Jay said. “Fuck, I’ll really miss you.”
“It’s only five days.”
“And I’ll miss you every single hour,” he said. He pushed the door to his bedroom open and brought you inside. All of your mom’s stuff had been moved to storage, leaving it an entirely Jay space: white walls, creamy bed-sheets, vintage record-player sitting on a side-table, lounge chair. It was still late afternoon, so golden sunlight shone past the cracks in the blinds and cast a shimmering glow throughout the space.
“I’ll miss you, too,” you said softly. Jay kissed your cheek before resting you on the king-sized bed. You pulled your clothes off quickly, not wanting to waste a second. Jay had the same idea, tossing his suit jacket and pants onto the lounge chair. 
“Iron those for me later, will you?” He strided over to his nightstand to get a condom. While he did so, you began prepping yourself, sliding two fingers in and out of your warm pussy while you rubbed your clit. 
“I will, Jay,” you said. When you saw him approach you, you stopped playing with yourself and leaned down on your elbows. Your mouth watered at the sight of his erect cock.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Jay crawled on top of you and kissed you deeply. His hands ran along the sides of your bare skin, feeling their contours. You had done this with him so many times, but he always managed to make it feel as though he were exploring uncharted territories every time he kissed you. “Do you mind if we do missionary?”
“I’d like that,” you breathed out. You traced your hands along his arms, feeling the taut, tense muscle.
“Good,” Jay said. “I want to see your face.” He gave his cock a few tugs before he slid inside of you with a groan. The stretch was delicious, as usual, and your toes curled as he pushed himself in. Jay gave you both some time to adjust, his eyes closed tightly shut. He owned them and began to move, your creamy pussy welcoming his hard length.
Your hands grasped the back of his neck, stroking the soft hair. “I’ll really miss you,” you said, gasping in between words. Jay’s pace was slow and purposeful, his cock teasing the gummy wall of your G-spot. The bed creaked every time he thrusted into you.
“I’ll miss you more,” he said, driving his cock deeper and deeper into your pussy. “You have no clue just how badly I want you there with me.” Jay’s face was contorted in pleasure, and he dipped down low to suck on your neck. 
“No marks,” you whined, trying to push his face away. “I’m seeing Sungyeon in a few days…”
“Just tell her it was your boyfriend,” Jay mumbled against your neck, nibbling the tender skin. He was always like this just before he went away, clingy and needy. “Or a hookup. I don’t care.”
“Oh,” you sighed. How could you argue with him when his cock felt so good? He canted his hips into yours at an even pace. He never rushed a thing. Even the way he gave you hickeys was careful and slow. 
Jay pulled out of you, and you protested at the sudden emptiness. “Want to taste you before I go,” he said, pressing kisses from your neck to your breasts to your belly-button. Then he lavished attention on your inner thighs, sucking red marks onto them. His lips smacked against your soft skin, and he caressed your legs gently with his large hands. Sometimes Jay would put on his old rnb playlist when you two made love, but you liked this, too, when you could hear everything.
After he had kissed every square inch of your thighs, Jay gently parted your vulva lips. He pecked your clit, too, which made you giggle. The laughs choked in your throat as he began to lave his tongue over your sensitive pearl, ever so softly. He alternated between flicking his tongue and making a swirling motion. Jay’s hands clutched your waist, holding you in place. Your hands threaded into his dark, well-kept hair, and you let out a moan.
Jay brought you to the brink before he pulled away, swallowing in air. “You taste so sweet,” he said. “So sweet.”
“All yours,” you said.
Jay lifted his head back up so that he was face to face with you. “Come taste how sweet you are, baby.” You kissed him, and he stuck his tongue into your mouth so you could better taste your arousal. Your tongues played hide and seek with each other- when Jay would retract his, you would suck it back into your mouth, and vice versa. 
You felt his cock bump the tip of your entrance, and he plunged himself into you once more. You wrapped your legs around him, driving him deeper inside of you. You loved it when his chest pressed against your, when every single part of you felt connected. Jay rocked his hips against yours slowly, lovingly, and you basked in the glow.
After a while, Jay rolled off of you. He planted a kiss on your forehead and held you close, wrapping both arms around you. “Did you want me to finish you off?” Jay shook his head and kissed your neck as he nuzzled into you from behind.
“Wasn’t the point,” he murmured. “Did you want to finish?”
“Wasn’t the point for me either,” you said softly. 
You fell asleep like that, tightly ensconced in Jay’s embrace.
You hadn’t exactly meant to start fucking your stepdad. It had started even before your mother had passed. Jay would come inside your room to talk, and you welcomed his company. He was funny, witty, and a good listener. Before you went to work in the mornings, if your mother wasn’t around, he would give you kisses on the cheek as a goodbye. Then the kisses turned into pecks on the lips, which turned into long, slow kisses that left your head spinning. 
The first time he fucked you was when your showerhead had started to act strange. You had wrapped a towel around yourself and called his name. As he pushed past you to examine the problem, your towel had come loose, exposing everything to him. Jay had taken you on the counter mere minutes later, leaving the shower running and shoving a pair of panties in your mouth to muffle the sound. 
For some reason, you had thought that your mother’s death would have killed any chemistry between the two of you. On the contrary; Jay had taken you into the funeral home’s bathroom and fucked you in there. You figured it was a coping mechanism, or something.
In hindsight, nothing about your dynamic had really changed after your mother’s passing. You still talked regularly, you still had frequent sex (frequent enough that Jay begged you to go on birth control), and you still loved to cook for him. 
You woke up a few hours later. Jay was already staring at you, a soft smile on his face. “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” he said jokingly.
“What time is it really?”
Jay glanced at the clock on his nightstand. “6:38.” 
“Ah, I’ll have to rewarm the pasta…” 
“It’s no rush,” Jay said, stroking your shoulder. “Not that hungry anymore.”
You smiled and kissed his nose playfully. “You’re full?”
“For now,” Jay said. “I might need more later.”
“Don’t you dare leave any more marks,” you said. “Sungyeon won’t leave me alone if you do.”
“Are you sure you’re worried about Sungyeon, or her scrawny brother?” 
You snorted. “Sunghoon? I’m not worried about him.”
“You told me you had a little crush on him,” Jay replied.
“It’s just a crush. It’s nothing. He probably wouldn’t even know what to do with a woman.” It was a partial lie. You had seen women who definitely weren’t Sungyeon’s friends slip into the Park household. Many of them were repeat visitors, so you figured that Sunghoon probably was good. But what Jay didn’t know wouldn’t kill him.
“Probably not,” Jay said with a sniff. “Kids like that only want one thing, and they’re not good at it.”
“Not like you,” you said.
Jay grinned and kissed your lips. “Exactly. I take care of you, don’t I?”
“So well, Jay.” You started to draw little patterns on his chest. “So, so well.”
Jay rolled you on top of him, hands traveling down to our lower back. “You need me to take care of you again?”
You didn’t get to eat dinner until 10 o’clock.
You had Saturday off, but Jay still had work to finish up at the office before he left for his business trip on Monday. You agreed to go grocery shopping together after work so you could have Sunday all to yourselves. Sungyeon was also free, so you decided to go around to her place. She lived a few houses away from your place; you had met her while you were on a jog. Neither of you were the most sociable people, so it was great to have a friend who was so calm and who lived so close. 
It helped that she had a cute older brother. He was only a few years older, and he had recently moved back home due to the poor economy. Their parents made good money, but he had wanted to be independent from his parents when he turned 18. You knew all this because Sungyeon told you, not because Sunghoon had ever spoken with you about anything even remotely personal. He treated you like a houseguest. You didn’t mind because you had Jay, but in the brief moments when you considered getting into a more traditional relationship, Sunghoon was always the first person to come to mind.
You walked over to Sungyeon’s house, a two-storied building not at all dissimilar to your own. You clambered up the steps and rang the doorbell. 
“Door’s open,” she called, so you let yourself in and locked the door behind you. “I’m in the kitchen!” 
You had come over to spend the morning and afternoon watching Marvel movies, and Sungyeon had promised to make snacks. Indeed, when you walked into the kitchen, you smelled something sweet yet burnt. Sungyeon was dropping a pan of partially burnt Rice Krispie squares onto the stovetop. 
“How’d you fuck up Rice Krispies?” you asked, grabbing a knife from their drawer. 
“Shut up,” Sungyeon whined. “I was trying to be domestic. For you. Because I care.”
“Should have cared about setting an oven timer,” you retorted, cutting a chunk out of the Rice Krispies. 
Sungyeon frowned. “Don’t eat that. It’s still hot.”
“Won’t even bother me,” you said. You used the knife to place the gooey treat onto a paper towel and raised it to your lips. One bite and your mouth was on fire. “Ow!”
“Dumbass,” Sungyeon grumbled. You fanned your mouth frantically and she meandered while she got you a glass of water, relishing in your despair. 
As you tearfully gulped down the water, Sunghoon walked into the kitchen. He was wearing a baggy gray T-shirt over black sweatpants, and he looked exhausted. He was a serial gamer, so chances were he stayed up playing League or Overwatch with his friends Heeseung or Jake. He looked at you, then Sungyeon. “What’s that smell?”
“I made Rice Krispie squares,” Sungyeon muttered. “But they’re bu-,”
Sunghoon was already cutting a piece out of the pan and shoving it into his mouth. He coughed. “Fuck, it’s hot.” He kept eating it despite the apparent pain, wandering back upstairs.
“Two freaks,” Sungyeon said, rubbing your back. 
Once you caught your breath, you said, “Maybe we should also get some cereal.”
Sungyeon breathed out a defeated sigh. “Probably the best idea.” You got the bowls and spoons, and she got the cereal and milk. Once you had prepared your bowls, you set out to the living room. Sungyeon accidentally knocked into you, spilling milk over your front. 
“What’s up with you today?” you said with a smile, putting your cereal down.
“Mercury retrograde,” she said. “You can go put your hoodie in the wash. I’ll bring it to you on Monday. Get something out of my closet if you want.”
“Gracias,” you said, heading up the stairs. Their laundry room was located conveniently on the second floor, so all you had to do was take a hoodie from Sungyeon’s room and change in the laundry room. When you took off your tank top, you examined it carefully to make sure that you didn’t get any milk on that as well. The last thing you needed was to smell warm milk as you watched your movie. As you looked down at your chest, you noticed that Sunghoon had left his hamper of dirty clothes here. You knew it was his because you had seen him wear every shirt in the pile at least fifty times since you had known him. 
“Wow,” you heard a voice say. You turned and saw Sunghoon, standing behind you with his arms crossed. “You hide them well.” His eyes, you realized, were trained directly on your chest, and a faint smile graced his lips. 
“I don’t hide them at all,” you said. “You just haven’t been looking.” No way were you going to pass up an opportunity to flirt with Sunghoon. Given your status as his sister’s friend and his casual sex habit, you doubted anything would come of it anyways. You were certain that Jay probably had wandering eyes, too.
“Maybe you’re right,” Sunghoon said. He stepped a little closer and tapped your neck. “Who gave you this?”
You tilted your head. “Why do you care?” 
Sunghoon rested his hand on your shoulder, his thumb pulling at the strap of your tank top. “I need to know who my competition is.” 
“Didn’t realize there was a competition.”
Sunghoon lifted his hand away, shoving it into his sweatpants pocket. “Then you haven’t been looking.”
You shrugged your hoodie on over your tank top. “I was looking for years, actually. You missed your opportunity.”
Sunghoon scrunched his nose, and you didn’t think he knew how cute he looked. “You didn’t act like you were interested.”
Leaning against the washing machine, you looked him up and down. “Then you don’t know shit about women.”
He leaned in, his smirk growing. “I know a lot about women. You gonna let me show you, or are you gonna dub me?” 
You paused, weighing your options. Finally, you walked past him, turning around at the last minute to say, “I’m going to go watch Marvel movies with your sister.”
“Can I join you?”
“Nice try.”
Sunghoon shrugged and started walking to his room. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t try.” 
You shook your head and went down to remake your bowl of cereal. So now you knew that Sunghoon really was interested in you, after years of ignoring you. You wouldn’t let it phase you, though. You had Jay. Sungyeon didn’t even know that you weren’t a virgin, let alone that you were fucking your ex-stepdad. You didn’t know if you could ever tell anyone about your arrangement. 
When Jay picked you up from Sungyeon’s place, you didn’t dare mention what happened with Sunghoon to you. Normally, you mentioned anything that happened with a man, and Jay would lament about the many women at the office who wanted him. But you couldn’t talk about Sunghoon, not when he had made your heart race like that. 
“I was thinking,” Jay began, driving with one hand, the other resting on your thigh, “we could go to this new store. They have these novelty fruits, like blue carrots. Does that sound good to you?”
“Sounds great, Jay,” you said, a little absent-mindedly. 
Jay caught the hint of distance in your tone. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
You sighed, hating how it felt to lie to Jay. “It’s silly but…I really will miss you when you go away. This time it’s different, you know?” 
Jay squeezed your thigh. “I know what you mean. I’ll be back before you know it, hm? I’ll bring you back some souvenirs, too.” 
You leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek, which made him briefly smile at you before returning his attention to the road. “Okay, Jay.”
“Hey,” Jay said. “I have an idea. Let’s go to a restaurant. Right now. Let me take you someplace.”
Looking down at your outfit - shorts and Sungyeon’s hoodie - you frowned. “I can’t go out like this.”
“Please. You look beautiful no matter what you wear,” he said, squeezing your thigh again. “We don’t have to go anywhere fancy, just a place with good food. Someplace we haven’t tried.”
That was how you ended up at a sweet, 50’s inspired diner. You and Jay sat on opposite sides of the booth and pored over the menu together. When the waiter came over, he jabbed his pen at you and Jay. “So, what can I get you and your…”
“Stepdaughter,” Jay said with a terse smile. When you two went out, it was almost inevitable that someone would ask about your relationship. You had developed an unofficial way of answering the question: when you wanted to return to a place, you would say that Jay was your stepdad. When you wanted to try a place out just once, he would call you his girlfriend. It always made your heart flutter when he addressed you as his girlfriend, even though it seemed far too juvenile a term for your relationship.
The waiter smiled and took your orders. As you ate, you couldn’t help the thoughts of Sunghoon from returning. Sunghoon slouching around in his rumpled, baggy clothes, so different from the suits and starched button-ups Jay liked to wear. So boyish and immature in contrast to Jay’s maturity and poise. So bold. 
Your food came, and you picked at it. You hated that you were even considering it, what life could be like if you were dating someone your own age, someone who wasn’t so hopelessly entangled in your past. Someone your mom hadn’t fucked.
Jay called your name softly. “Come sit next to me,” he said, scooting over and dragging his food over to the side. You pushed your plate over and trudged to his side of the table. Jay wrapped his arm around you and wiped a crumb from your cheek. 
“Are you sure it’s just the trip?” he asked quietly. 
You hesitated, then decided to tell a half-truth. “I wish we could be normal sometimes,” you admitted. 
Jay took in a sharp intake of breath, looking down at his lap. Then he gave you a small smile. “Me too,” he said quietly. “Sometimes I wish I was 15 years younger, or you were 15 years older. But what we have is something special, something really magical. I wouldn’t give that up for anything, would you?”
“No,” you said. “I wouldn’t.” Not even Sunghoon. 
Jay ran his thumb on your lips. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I really am. Being with an old man like me can’t be easy…”
“You’re not old at all,” you protested. “Not to me, not at all.”
Jay laughed quietly and leaned in to give you a gentle kiss. His mouth tasted like the milkshake he had been drinking, and you ran your tongue along his lips to lap up all of the flavour. His fingers gently caressed your neck in a soothing motion as you continued to kiss. It felt so right, so sweet.
Someone cleared their throat. “Excuse me,” the waiter said timidly. “Just wanted to know if you guys were doing all right over here?” HIs eyes were confused, darting between you and Jay rapidly.
Jay pulled away from you and nodded. “Yeah, great, thanks.” The waiter sped away, nearly tripping over his shoes. Jay frowned. “What’s up with him?”
“You told him you were my stepdad this time,” you said.
Jay smacked his forehead. “Damn, that’s right. Shame. The food here is really good.”
In spite of yourself, you laughed.
On Monday morning, you watched as Jay drove away. You had given him the best send-off you could think of: marathon sex from Saturday night to Sunday night, and a final, romantic round on the kitchen counter before he left. You sighed and headed indoors to get changed for work. 
Just as you were putting your pants on, you heard a knock on the door. You zipped up your pants and buttoned up your shirt as you walked to the door. You glanced at the monitor, and you saw Sunghoon shuffling outside the door, holding something. 
You opened the door and Sunghoon waved. “I have your hoodie,” Sunghoon said. “Sungyeon’s busy tonight, but she wanted to get it to you as soon as possible.”
“Did she,” you said, accepting the hoodie, “or did you want an excuse to come here?”
Sunghoon laughed. “You caught me. Can you blame me?”
“Very easily,” you said. “I have to go to work in ten minutes, so you’d better make this quick.”
“That’s enough time,” Sunghoon said. “Just wanted to talk. Can I come in?”
You shrugged and gestured for him to come inside. Sunghoon sniffed the air as he moved further inside your house. He had been over a few times just to drop Sungyeon off or steal a snack before heading back to his place. Sungyeon liked coming over because she thought your stepdad was hot. It was so hard to pretend like you didn’t agree with her. “Did you…”
“Did…I what?” 
Sunghoon lingered by your kitchen’s counter. “It smells like sex in here. Most people aren’t linking at 8 in the morning. So…you have a man?”
“Something like that,” you mumbled, embarrassed at having been caught. You had never really noticed the smell, but now that you were aware of it your face burnt. “He…slept over.”
“Nothing serious?” Sunghoon unzipped his hoodie slightly, feigning being overheated. 
“We’re not…exclusive,” you said slowly. “But we’ve never talked about finding other people, if that makes any sense? It’s weird. I don’t know.”
“A situationship,” Sunghoon said, snapping his fingers. 
“I guess.”
“Anyone I know?”
You winced. “Don’t know.”
“How cryptic. Anyways, I’m not looking for anything serious,” Sunghoon said. “Don’t get me wrong. Just...well, I’ll be blunt. You’re hot.” 
You had been by the kitchen table, packing your purse up as you talked, but now your hand froze. Sunghoon continued talking. “I came to you last night,” he said, voice growing lower. “You wanna know what I thought about?”
You glanced at your phone’s screen to check the time. “What, Sunghoon?”
“I thought about how good your tits would look covered in my cum,” he said, “or how’d they look soapy from the shower. I imagined fucking you in the shower, pressing your tits against the glass while I fuck you from behind.”
Your eyes widened. The words were going straight to your pussy, and you hated your body for betraying you. “Sunghoon…”
“It’s so hard acting like I don’t want you,” Sunghoon continued. “Sungyeon doesn’t want me fucking one of her friends, so I’ve had to just pretend like you aren’t one of the sexiest women I’ve seen. I’m so sick of it. I know you want me too.”
“Sunghoon, I have to go.”
Sunghoon sighed and started to walk off. “Fine,” he mumbled.
“But,”  you said carefully. He turned around, a hopeful look on his face. You counted the days in your head. You were busy at work today, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but… “Come over on Thursday at eleven.” Jay would be coming home on Friday, so there was no way he would catch you two.
Sunghoon grinned, revealing his darling little fangs. “Seriously?”
“‘Seriously’,” you mocked. “‘Oh, boy, I’m getting pussy!’”
“I’m not even listening to you,” Sunghoon said. “I’m already thinking about all the things I’m going to do to you. If you don’t mind being late for work, I could show you.”
“Tempting offer, but I really do have to go,” you said. 
“So hardworking,” Sunghoon said sarcastically. “All right, I’ll see you on Thursday.”
That night, you were pent up, so you decided to play with yourself. When Jay wasn’t around, normally you would focus your thoughts on him, on some fantasy, something you wanted to try with him. But your thoughts kept shifting towards Sunghoon, his slight build, his charming smile, his frustrating indifference, how his hands would feel all over your body. You thought about what he said, about him pressing you against the shower, cold glass pressing against your tits.
When you came, you whimpered his name. 
You ended up heading to Sungyeon’s on Wednesday after all. Your extra shift had gotten picked up at the last minute, so you decided to spend the evening with her. Generally, when Jay went on trips, you would stay by her. You hated to be alone in your big, empty house. 
Sunghoon was nowhere to be seen, thankfully. The things you had said to him yesterday didn’t feel real or concrete. Just a fantasy the two of you had came up with, talking out loud. You snuggled closer to Sungyeon as you two sat on the couch, watching a Spiderman movie. Sungyeon had pulled a large blanket over the two of you. 
“What are you guys watching?” Sunghoon asked. You looked up and squinted at him. He was wearing plain clothes as usual, his hair tousled. 
“Look at the screen, dumbass,” Sungyeon snapped. 
“That’s just Jake Gyllenhaal,” he sniffed. Sunghoon sat down beside you casually. You glanced at Sungyeon, but she was staring at the screen, eating her second, newly improved batch of Rice Krispie treats. You tried to focus on the screen, but Sunghoon’s body was radiating so much heat. 
“You’re hogging the blanket,” Sunghoon whispered to you. “I’m freezing.” 
“Don’t try anything,” you said in a low, conspiratorial voice. “I already promised you that we’d hang on Thursday.”
“I’m innocent,” Sunghoon said. “Now blanket.”
You reluctantly covered him with the blanket, and after that he was still. Until, of course, he rested his hand on your thigh. Just that touch alone felt delicious. Too delicious. You wondered if Jay was doing something similar on his trip, letting other women touch him. The thought made your stomach churn.
As if by magic, your phone started to vibrate. 
“Who’s that?” Sungyeon asked.
“My stepdad,” you said. Jay liked to call you to check up on you. You answered the call there, ignoring the burning sensation of Sunghoon’s hand slowly rubbing your thigh, moving higher and higher. “Hello?”
“Hi, sweetheart,” he said, his voice sleepy and husky. Sexy. “How are you?”
“Good,” you said. “How are you?”
“I could be better. I’m missing you,” Jay said. “What are you wearing right now?”
Your face burned, and you prayed that Sunghoon or Sungyeon didn’t hear it. “I’m at Sungyeon’s,” you said neutrally. “We’re watching Spiderman.”
“I don’t care,” he said. “Go to the bathroom or someplace private.” 
You swallowed and stood up. “I have to take this,” you said to Sungyeon. “It’s important.”
Sungyeon nodded and popped another bite of Rice Krispies into her mouth. You didn’t get a look at Sunghoon before you hurried away to the guest bathroom upstairs. Locking the door, you learned against the door. “Oh, my God. You can’t just do that. They almost heard.”
“I’m sorry,” he said in that same low tone. It made your stomach roil in pleasure. “Just had to hear your voice. Now tell me what you’re wearing.”
“Just a hoodie and shorts,” you said. 
“And underneath your hoodie?”
“My tank top and…my bra.”
“Which bra? One I got you?”
“Yeah, the pink set you got me for my last birthday,” you said, reminiscing on that particular memory. He had practically fainted the first time he had seen you in it. “I’m wearing the matching panties too.”
Jay’s breath hitched, and you heard a squelching sound. “Fuck. Would you mind sending me a picture? Please?” 
He had never asked you for nudes before, so he really must have been hard up. “Of course,” you said, resting the phone down momentarily as you flicked the light on. “I’m taking my hoodie off right now,” you whispered into the phone. “Now, I’m taking my shorts off…my tank top…you really wanna see?”
“Yes, please,” Jay said pleadingly. 
Once you had fully stripped down, you flashed a quick picture of yourself on your knees, phone held high. He always liked you when you were in your most natural state, so you figured he would want a casual picture. You sent it to him, anticipating his reaction as you put the phone to your ear again.
“Jesus fuck,” was his quiet response. “So perfect. No one else gets to see you like that, right?”
“Of course not,” you said quickly. “Just you, always just you.”
“Wish I could tear that off of you right now,” Jay said. “I’d rip that thong off with my teeth, eat your needy little pussy for an hour straight.”
“I wish you would,” you said, longing creeping into your voice. “I wish you were here. I haven’t touched myself once since you left.”
“You haven’t?”
Of course you had. “No,” you whispered. “My fingers aren’t as good as yours are…or your dick.”
“Good fucking girl,” Jay said, his voice beginning to crack. “Good. I’ll make you cum over and over again when I get back. I’ll make you cum on my tongue, on my fingers, on my cock, until you can’t think. You’d like that, right?”
“I would,” you said. Your head was starting to grow cloudy, and you dipped your fingers into your panties to deal with the growing need there. Your clit was hot and you were already dripping with arousal. 
“Are you touching yourself right now?”
“I am.”
“So, so good,” Jay said. “Can’t wait to reward you when I get home, give you everything a good girl deserves. Gonna fuck you in every room in the house, until you’re begging for me to stop.”
“I’d never want you to stop,” you said, circling your fingers on your clit and fighting back your moans. You could be loud, and the Park siblings were both downstairs. 
“Of course you wouldn’t,” he said, and it sounded like he was straining just as much as you were. “Your body will be exhausted but you love my cock so much that you’d just let me keep fucking you. I won’t be able to stop myself. Just a few days without your needy little pussy and I’m already experiencing withdrawal. I won’t even make it past the door, I’ll push you down into the hallway and fuck you on the floor.”
You bit down on your lip hard, speeding up your movements. You were going to cum in record time, but you didn’t care. 
Jay kept going. “Going to mount you’re a bitch, fuck you from behind. It’s been so long since we did doggy, I can’t stop thinking about it. I love seeing your pretty face, but I love watching the way your ass jiggles when I grab your hips and just pound away.” 
“Close already,” you said quietly. 
“Me too.”
“Want you to fuck me like a bitch,” you said. “Want you to use me, Jay. Want you to treat me like your plaything.”
“Fuck,” Jay said. “Fuck, I’m going to. Just wait for me…  Ah, fuck, cum now, sweetheart. Fucking cum!” 
Your orgasm hit you so deeply that you had to clench your eyes shut and grit your teeth together. Your phone tumbled out of your grasp, and you could hear Jay grunting and panting your name. You hastily picked it up, checking for cracks. 
“Did you drop your phone?”
“Yeah,” you said with a slight giggle. “God, that was good.”
Jay sighed. “Sorry to bother you,” he said contritely. The shift in tone made you giggle again. 
“That’s all right,” you said. “I missed your voice.”
“I called you yesterday, silly.”
“Miss you all the time.”
Jay laughed as well, the sound filling you with warmth. “I missed you too.” 
You didn’t say I love you to each other, never did, so instead you said, “Take care.”
“You too. Enjoy your movies.”
You hung up on him and stared down at yourself. Panties dressed with your own juices, clothes off, body coated in your own sweat. You were in shambles. You bustled about the bathroom, cleaning up quietly. Once you looked presentable, you opened the door. 
Sunghoon nearly tumbled into the bathroom, but he righted himself quickly. “Stepdad my ass,” he barked. “‘I-I-I’m cumming! Uwah!’”
“Keep your voice down! And I don’t sound like that,” you snapped. “Why were you listening in on me?”
“You left in such a rush, I came up here to make sure that you were okay,” Sunghoon replied. “I guess you were really okay. Your legs are shaking and everything.”
You looked down at your legs, which were indeed quivering. “It’s none of your business,” you said.
“It is,” Sunghoon said, blocking your path. “You said it wasn’t serious, but here you are having phone sex with him.”
“It’s not serious.”
Sunghoon laughed sarcastically. “So unserious that you say that you miss him when he’s gone, right?” 
“Oh, so you don’t tell your boys that you miss them?”
Sunghoon looked offended. “No.”
“Then you are an unfeeling man. Now move. I’m missing the movie.”
“I’ll spoil it for you. Spiderman fucking dies.”
“No, he doesn’t.” You sighed and pocketed your phone.  “Look, we’re still on for Thursday, right?”
Sunghoon screwed his lips up to the side. “Yeah, we are.”
“So don’t worry about who else I’m fucking,” you said. “And I won’t worry about who you’re fucking. Okay?”
“Fine,” he said, moving aside, “but you’re a real shameless little slut, you know that?”
“Oh, don’t call me that,” you said, heading downstairs. “It’ll turn me on.”
“That’s why I called you that,” Sunghoon said, smacking your ass as you walked. 
Thankfully, Sunghoon left you and Sungyeon alone, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were doing something horribly wrong.
Thursday evening rolled around, and you were at your wit’s end. You didn’t know what other guys liked, not really. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t had experience with other guys, but the bulk of your early adult life had been with Jay. Someone you had lived with, who had seen you at your rock bottom, who didn’t care if you wore pearls and diamonds or greasy sweatpants. You had no clue how to impress someone.
You went to the bathroom and followed a makeup guide on Youtube, pursing your lips. It was a pretty cute look. When Jay got back, you’d do it again when you went on a date and he could introduce you two as your girlfriend.
Dolled up in your best lingerie set - a silky robe over a lacy, barely-there bra with a matching pair of delicate panties and thigh highs - you lounged on your bed. You rarely ever used it for sleeping or even sex, because Jay’s room was bigger, so there was a certain novelty in lying around in it at night. 
The doorbell rang. You glanced at the clock on your phone: only 10:45? Sunghoon was early. He must have wanted you worse than you thought. The thought made you smile.
You pranced down the stairs, flicked the foyer light on, and opened the door. Instead of Sunghoon’s lithe frame, Jay stood in front of you, holding a bouquet of gorgeous red roses. His eyes bugged out of his head as he took you in. “Sweetheart,” he said slowly, “you look phenomenal. Hah, did you know I was coming home early? I wanted to surprise you.”
You took the bouquet of roses from him, desperately trying to fight the growing anxiety within you. You had never gotten Sunghoon’s number, so there was no way to contact him. You could ask Sungyeon, but it was so late that she’d question why you wanted it. “I didn’t know,” you murmured. “I was trying out the look I was going to do tomorrow.” 
“I took a red eye here,” Jay said. You placed the bouquet on a nearby coffee table. Jay’s eyes lingered on your chest on their slow journey up and down your body. “God, you’re a work of art.” Jay took his suit jacket off and tossed it to the side. 
“You know, Jay,” you began slowly. “I’m actually feeling a bit, uh, tired.” 
“Really?” Jay loosened his tie. “You don’t look tired to me.”
“Well, I am, and…” 
His lips pressed onto yours and you felt your defenses crumbling. Damn him. “When I said I’d fuck you in the doorway,” Jay said, “I meant it.” With that, Jay used his body weight to force you onto the floor as nicely as he could. Even through his dress pants, you could feel his hard length, and despite your growing horror, it made you feel wet. Maybe, Sunghoon would get cold feet. Maybe he was lying about wanting to fuck you. You comforted yourself with this thought.
Soon, Jay was bucking his hips into your warm, desperate pussy. Your panties had been pushed to the side, your bra was askew, and your thigh highs had been ripped. Your arms held yourself upright as he took you from behind, just the way he said. Worst of all, Jay had left the door swinging open. You were facing outside, and the foyer light was still on. Anyone could see you as he fucked you.
“Missed you,” he groaned. “Missed this pussy. I can tell it missed me, too.” His hands were wrapped loosely around your neck, applying comfortable pressure. 
You couldn’t even tell him that you missed him in good faith. You let out a pathetic little moan, your eyes trained on the darkness. To your terror, you saw a dark figure shifting, a phone light illuminating its way. It was coming towards your house. 
You didn’t know if Jay saw him, because he didn’t stop. His dick reached inside of you so nicely, but the fear clogged your throat. 
The figure stepped into the light, revealing Sunghoon. His mouth was agape, and he stared at you, then at Jay, then back at you, then at your tits. It was humiliating beyond words. 
“What the fuck?” Sunghoon asked. “The guy who’s been cucking me is Mr. Park? Your fucking stepdad?”
Jay, mysteriously, didn’t stop fucking you. He merely slowed down, and his grip on your throat moved to your midsection. “And you’re the skinny punk who has a crush on her, right?”
“She has a crush on me,” Sunghoon retorted. “She invited me here to fuck.”
Jay finally stopped, pulling out of you. You groaned, unable to face him. “Is that true?”
You nodded. “Yeah,” you said weakly. “Sorry, Jay. I’m really sorry.”
“We’ll talk about that later,” Jay said. “Are you going to tell anyone?”
“Me?” Sunghoon pointed at himself in this overly ostentatious way that pissed you off. “Am I going to tell anyone that you’re fucking your dead wife’s daughter? Maybe. Why shouldn’t I?”
Jay swallowed audibly. “I’ll let you get what you wanted.”
“Jay!” At your outburst, Jay lightly pinched your side.
“You wanted it,” he said, his voice an irate growl. “You wanted to be a slut and fuck another man, so now you’re getting exactly what you wanted.”
Sunghoon still looked aghast, but from your angle you could see a bulge forming under his sweatpants. “You’ll really let me have her?”
“I will,” Jay said. “You just can’t cum inside her.”
Sunghoon’s Adam’s apple bobbed in anticipation. “Can I use her mouth?” 
“Sure you can,” Jay said. “I don’t use it often, so maybe she’ll be a little rusty.”
You hated that they were talking about you like you weren’t around, but you’d be lying if you said that it wasn’t a little thrilling. You watched as Sunghoon shut the door behind him and tugged his sweatpants down. 
“How long have you two been fucking?” he asked, lowering his boxers. He wasn’t as girthy as Jay, but he seemed like he was the same length, if not a little longer. 
“Don’t ask questions,” Jay said, and you could feel his cockhead bullying its way into your pussy. 
“Fine,” Sunghoom mumbled. Your arms were still braced for doggy, so all Sunghoon had to do was thrust his cock into your mouth, guiding it in with his hand. He groaned as soon as the wetness of your mouth wrapped around his dick. 
“She’s good, right?” Jay was now returning to his original pace, slamming into you steadily. He felt so good, intruding inside of your walls. “She’s always…known how to use that big mouth of hers…”
“I see why you started fucking her,” Sunghoon said, fucking your mouth slowly. He could hardly talk, his voice airy already. “She feels good.” It had been so long since you had had a cock in your mouth, and you liked the feeling of having both of your holes filled. You briefly pulled away from his cock to spit on the tile. After wrapping your lips around your teeth, Sunghoon pushed his cock back into your mouth impatiently. 
“She’s an angel to me,” Jay said with a wry chuckle, and it made you happy that he wasn’t so mad at you that he couldn’t say anything nice. A hand groped at your breasts, Sunghoon’s pale hands fondling your body. 
“I’m jealous,” Sunghoon said. “Wanted to fuck her for years.”
“You can be a little rougher with her,” Jay said, and as he spoke you could feel his pace increasing. He put his hands around your waist and started dragging you on his cock harshly. “Like this.”
Sunghoon took Jay’s advice and grasped both of your cheeks, taking control of your head. He shunted into your mouth like it was a pussy, and what was a mildly uncomfortable experience became his cock choking you. Your mouth filled with spit, and it ran down your neck. You gagged against Sunghoon, not only because of the face-fucking but because of the cock fucking you from the other side. 
“Can I fuck her…once you’re done with her?” Sunghoon asked, breathing clearly laboured. 
“Sure, buddy,” Jay said. Buddy? 
Sunghoon grunted and ravaged your mouth with his cock, the taste overpowering your senses. Your pussy was being worn out by Jay’s dick, and the stimulation was driving you insane. 
“Gonna cum inside you,” Jay said. “You aren’t even close to cumming, are you?”
Instead of answering, you moaned against Sunghoon’s cock again. Your arms were growing weak from holding yourself up while the two men used you. 
Jay’s cock throbbed inside of you, signaling his imminent release. With a final grunt, he came inside of you, filling your pussy with his cum. “Fuck,” Jay said, and you could hear him rising to his feet. “That was good. Your turn, Seungmin.”
Sunghoon finally let go of your head and pulled his cock out of your mouth. You gasped for air, and saliva dripped onto the floor. Your arms shook from the exertion. 
“Hold her arms,” Jay said, pointing at you. “She’s not gonna be able to hold herself up.”
“What, you think I’ve never fucked before?” Sunghoon snapped, taking the opportunity to run his hands over your body. Unlike Jay’s touch, which always brought a sense of familiarity, Sunghoon was explorative, greedy. 
“I don’t know what you’ve done,” Jay said, “but you’re just a little boy to me. I want to make sure you’re fucking my girl right.” 
“What, are you going to coach me?” Sunghoon held your wrists behind you in one large hand, his other hand working his cock a few times. 
“I’m starting to think I’ll have to,” Jay replied.
“Don’t you dare,” Sunghoon said. His cock probed the inside of your walls, and you gasped. It was all just skin and nerve endings, but you could feel the difference immediately. Sunghoon pulled you back so that you were flush against his chest, using his hips to fuck into you cautiously. 
“Turn her around,” Jay said. “I want to see her.”
“Cuck,” Sunghoon muttered, but he obliged, shifting you so that Jay saw you. Jay was leaning against the wall adjacent to the door. He had tugged his boxers back on and his hair was completely matted with sweat. His eyes were cold, colder than you had ever seen them, and your lips trembled.
“You can enjoy it,” Jay said quietly. “I’ve always known you were a bit of a whore.”
“I’m not,” you protested. “I’m not a whore…” Sunghoon plunged his cock into you, brushing against your G-spot, and you let out a cry.
Jay’s gaze remained cold, almost analytical. “If she moans like a whore, fucks like a whore…”
The worst part was you were enjoying it. You liked the way that Sunghoon fucked you. He fucked like a rabbit, energetic and youthful. He grunted and groaned like he was merely trying to chase his own pleasure. Up until today, Jay had always tried to ensure that you enjoyed sex, but they were both treating you like a sexy toy.
You matched Sunghoon’s movements, grinding down onto him when he thrusted into you. They had called you a whore, and you weren’t going to turn down that label. You moaned over and over again.
“Is she always so loud?” Sunghoon asked. 
“Normally, she is,” Jay said, and a ghost of affection appeared on his face again.
Sunghoon bucked his hips into you a few more times, but you could feel his cock twitching already. “Shit, where can I cum?”
“You’re cumming already?” Jay asked with a slight chuckle. 
Sunghoon didn’t respond, instead yanking his cock out of you with another groan. He pushed you so that you were on your knees once more, stood up, and rained his cum onto your lower back. Then he let go of you and crouched back into the floor, breathing in slowly. Once he caught his breath, he looked at Jay. “Your stepdaughter blueballed me for days,” Sunghoon hissed. “I’m surprised I didn’t cum in her immediately.
You were so overwhelmed that you couldn’t be assed to listen to Sunghoon complain anymore. Instead, you slumped onto the floor completely, cheek resting on the tile once more. 
“Poor thing is all tired out,” you heard Jay say sympathetically. After that, you entered a haze of half-wakeness and half-slumber. You didn’t know how much time had passed when you felt someone’s cockhead touching your pussy.
What fascinated you was that you didn’t know whose it was.
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lewisvinga · 3 months
margaret | alex albon x fem! reader
summary; moments when alex knows that y/n is the one for him. when he knows that he will spend the rest of his life with her.
warnings; suggestive comment n that’s all i think 🥸
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
word count; 1.1k
note; WHEN YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. slight crazy rich asians reference lol
‘born to die’ series masterlist.
masterlist !
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“Y/n, you don’t need to-“
“Shut up, Alex. You are not getting up without help.” Y/n huffed when she saw Alex trying to get up from the couch. It was only a few days after he had gotten his appendix removed and she swore to take care of him. That meant she would listen to everything the doctor said despite her boyfriend’s protest.
The Thai driver lets out a deep sigh at his girlfriend's determination. Their relationship was fairly new. They have only been together for a few months before getting appendicitis. The way Y/n cared for him made it seem like they’d been married for years.
“Don’t sigh at me like that. It took you five minutes to walk down the hallway!” She exclaimed, fluffing the pillows around him and making sure he was comfortable.
He completely understood her worry. He had a bad reaction to the anesthesia. He had to be put into an induced coma due to respiratory issues. Although the doctors and nurses had said he was fine and clear to start regular recovery, she still worried for him.
While Y/n was preparing a soup that his mother gave her the recipe for, Alex was stuck in his thoughts. He never had a girl care for him so much as Y/n did.
She made sure he was always comfortable. She had reminders on her phone to give him his medicine. She prepared every meal for him and helped him simply move around the house. She made sure to keep his favorite shows and movies playing to make sure he wasn’t getting bored. And even in between classes and studying, she was by his side.
He remembered asking his mom once years ago how he would know if he found the one. She just told him that when he knows, he’ll know.
Alex knew he had only been in a relationship with Y/n for a few months. However, seeing her making his childhood favorite soup just for him and taking care of him was enough for him to know.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Alex, your tie is all messed up.” Y/n huffs when she notices his navy blue tie wasn’t even tied properly as they were leaving their hotel room.
“I think it’s a look,” Alex said with a proud smile but she playfully rolled her eyes in response.
“Not for Carmen and George’s wedding.” She sighs, walking up to him. “Although I much rather prefer you without this.” She added with a smile as she gestured to his blue suit. Her comment made him let out a loud laugh while she fixed his tie for him.
“And I prefer you without this,” Alex said with a smile, his hands finding her waist as he glanced over the strapless silk baby-pink dress she wore. Carmen requested that her bridesmaids wear pink, and that made the Thai driver let out a shout of excitement. He just couldn’t resist Y/n in baby pink.
“You look amazing though, my love.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear once she finished fixing his tie. She gently grasps his navy blue suit and stands on her tiptoes, pressing a gentle kiss against his lips.
“C’mon, pretty boy. We got a wedding to be in.”
Just an hour and a half later, they were both lined up at the altar. Y/n was on Carmen’s side along with the other bridesmaids and Alex was on George’s side with the groomsmen, including Lando.
It was already time for the exchanging of the rings and the Thai driver couldn’t keep his eyes off his girlfriend of two years. Something about her was making her glow. The pink dress paired with her blown-out hair and her soft sparkly makeup made him not even be able to move his eyes.
He had a lovesick smile as he saw George slip the ring onto Carmen’s finger from the corner of his eye. Y/n’s eyes met his and she wore a smile. I love you he subtly mouthed to her.
Her smile grew wider as she mouthed back I love you. Neither realized that the couple already exchanged their rings and just had their first kiss. Everyone around them erupted into cheers as they kept their eyes on each other.
Alex made sure to make a mental note to ask George to go ring shopping with him once the Mercedes driver was back from his honeymoon.
Because Alex knows. He knows that Y/n is the one.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
“Okay, don’t be mad at me,” Y/n said as she held her hands up, walking into their shared home with shopping bags hanging off her arms.
Alex let out a noise shocked noise as he recognized the designer brands. “Y/n, what did you do?”
“I couldn’t help myself!” She exclaims, rushing over to sit beside him on the couch. “Look at what I got from Goyard though.” She continues as she grabs the dark green bag.
“Alex!” She interrupted him as she pulled out the Chien Gris bag in a burgundy color. “It’s for our baby.” She gestures to the grey Bengal kitten sleeping on his lap. She pulled out a matching collar.
“It’ll look so cute on her, babe. Imagine me running errands with her in my bag with a matching collar!”
Alex stares at Y/n in disbelief as she tries to justify her impulsive purchase. She wore a pout on her lips as she held up the bag and collar in her hand. “Think about it, Albon. Think!”
They stared at each other for another minute before he finally gave in. “Okay, I’ll admit it. It would be really cute.” He said with a smile. “Now show me what else you got, pretty girl.”
Alex’s words sparked excitement in Y/n as she moved to sit on the carpeted floor with her bags surrounding her. He wore the same lovesick grin as he watched her show him her new purchases, including a matching bracelet for the both of them.
His mind wandered off to the small black box hidden deep in his gym bag, the one place he knew she would never search in. Inside it, there was a diamond ring that George helped him pick out. The Mercedes driver and his wife are preparing for the proposal when the couple goes out for a date later that night.
He was hours away from proposing and instead of being nervous, he was watching his future wife unbox her new pink Miu Miu bag.
Alex’s mother was right because when he knows, he knows, and he definitely knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Y/n.
456 notes · View notes
hees-mine · 5 months
𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 - 𝐋.𝐡𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭. 𝟗
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Pairing: heeseung ⚥ reader
Warning: smut, oral, fluff, taboo relationship, single dad.
Genre: 18+, best friends dad, smut, single dad, taboo relationship, minors do not interact!
WC: 2,592k
After you and Heeseung talked things over, you decided to give in cause you loved him, and not being with him was eating away at you. Nothing felt the same when you and him were on bad terms and you couldn’t stay away from him any longer, especially after last night. You’d been craving him every single day, and after getting to feel and touch him again, you could never go back to the way things were.
You had woken up a few minutes ago. obviously, heeseung had to leave you so he wouldn’t get caught suspiciously exiting the guest room early in the morning.
The situation wasn’t ideal, but there really wasn’t another option, and besides, as Heeseung mentioned, no one had to know it could be your guy's little secret.
Climbing out of bed, you stretch out and reach for your pile of clothes, but they’re not there. You don’t even get to search for them because you hear a soft knock on your door, and the man you made love to last night is peeking his head inside your room with your freshly washed school uniform in hand. “Morning, my princess,” he whispers and closes the door quietly.
“Morning, hee.” You gave him a tired smile, eyes barely open as you outstretched your hands for your uniform.
He melted when he saw you give him the sweetest smile ever, and all he could think about was waking up to that every single morning. Just your smile alone made him feel like he could move mountains. “I love you so much.” he handed you the uniform and went in for a kiss. You jumped slightly at first but soon relaxed. His hands circled your waist and caressed your sides softly as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. “Hmm,” he hums softly, mouth opening wider as the kiss becomes more passionate. He presses his fingertips into your naked waist, pulling your body flush against his, and you drop your clothes, your hands circling his neck and playing with his fine nape hairs. “Been thinking about you all day,” he breathed heavily into the kiss, quiet smacking sounds filling up the small space as your tongues met.
“Hee,” you say in a warning tone, but that doesn’t stop him as he cups your precious mounds, rubbing them softly and circling the hardened nubs between his soft fingers. “Sir,” you moan softly as you feel him roaming your chest.
“Such a pretty little princess” he pulls away slightly and goes back for more, sucking your tongue into his mouth, and he can’t help but grind his hips into you, his bulge meeting your dampening core.
“Sir,” you mewl quietly into his mouth, your hips moving on their own accord and your naked core rubbing against his cock, staining the front of his slacks. He doesn’t care. He just wants to feel more of you, but apparently, that would have to wait cause you both just heard a door shut a few feet away.
He groans in annoyance and quickly retracts himself from you, but not before pecking your lips one last time. He straightens out his tie and makes his way to the door. “I’ll make it up to you later, I promise,” he says, feeling bad that he got you all in the mood, but he couldn’t finish you off the way you deserved. It took every ounce of strength for him to leave you standing in the middle of the room completely bare and dripping for him, but you both just couldn’t risk being found out. “Sorry baby,” he scurries back over you, kissing you one last time.
“It’s okay, hee.” You caressed his cheek and pecked his lips softly.
“Okay,” he pouts slightly. “Get ready for school, okay princess? I’ll drive you today.”
“Thank you, sir,” you say with a giggle, and his eyes nearly roll back into his head from the simple yet effective nickname.
“Hmm,” he grunts softly, still not wanting to leave you, but he has to, so he kisses you one last time before leaving for real.
You and your friend got ready together to do your daily routine at her house today cause, for all practical purposes, you basically lived there now, and she couldn’t help but notice you had a sudden glow this morning. “You look happy something good happened with Jake?” She elbows you softly and gives you a sly smile.
Oh yeah, you did lie to her about liking Jake. Gosh, you were such a bad friend, a terrible friend, to be exact. “No, nothing, just got more sleep than usual,” you casually lie cause how could you tell her you had a post-sex glow from her father fucking you raw in the guest bedroom last night.
“If you say so,” she grins, leaving the bathroom to get dressed. And you can’t help but sigh at the situation you were in, but you’d try your best to navigate being a good friend and a good girlfriend or whatever you and heeseung were. You don’t even know everything was just so twisted at the moment, but right now, school was calling your name, and you could use a distraction.
You both went downstairs to find Heeseung cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and you couldn’t help but notice he’d changed his pants from earlier. It was kinda embarrassing when you remembered what you two did this morning.
Heeseung wanted to tease you about it, but he kept a straight face pretending like you two weren’t about to fuck less than half an hour ago. “Morning, ladies,” he smiles brightly.
“Okay, what’s going on? You haven’t cooked breakfast for weeks, and what’s with the serial killer smile?” His daughter sits down at the table, helping herself to the stack of pancakes.
Heeseung’s smile fell flat as he narrowed his eyes at his moody daughter. “I try to be a good father to you, and this is the thanks I get? Sweetpea, you hurt my feelings,” he says dramatically.
You giggle softly, and your friend glares at you. “Don’t encourage his terrible jokes.” She rolls her eyes and cuts into her pancakes.
“Thank you for making this.” You smiled at Heeseung and winked at him discreetly.
“Thank you, y/n. At least someone appreciates me in this house.” he smiles triumphantly as he sits down and eats breakfast with you together, and for the first time since his divorce, he feels like he has a little family again, only this time it was so much better he felt so happy and grateful for you and no matter the obstacles that come in his way he’d make sure he’d get through them all if you were waiting at the end.
“Bye, girls, have fun!” Heeseung waved to you both as you exited his car.
“Bye, Dad!”
You trailed behind her a little so you could blow him a kiss. “Bye heeseung”
And he’d be lying if he said that didn’t make his whole day; in fact, his mind was so preoccupied with you that he mindlessly drove to work and showed up an hour early.
But the sooner he left work, the sooner he’d see you, so it was a win-win.
Although it still wasn’t soon enough cause he had already missed you so badly.
You were in the middle of class when your phone vibrated. You sneakily reached for it, hitting the power button, and you saw a text from none other than Heeseung.
Thank goodness you answered. I miss you😗
Aww, I miss you too.
Gosh, I wish I could just come hug you right now.
I’m sorry I’m bothering you. It’s just I’ve never felt this way for anyone, and I don’t know. I just love you so much my heart is racing just typing this to you.
Hee 🥹 you’re not a bother, and I love you so much, too. I can’t wait to see you later. I wanna kiss you so much🥰
My little princess, I’ll give you all the kisses when I get back.
You promise?
Promise baby, tell sir what you want. He’ll do anything for his princess.
Can I tell you when we get home 🙈
Of course, you can think of sir while he’s away 😉
You know I will 💋
He shut off his phone, counting down the grueling minutes until he could go home and see you, but unfortunately, for right now, he had to sit down and stare at his computer for the next seven and a half hours.
When the time came to leave, though, he darted out of that building in a heartbeat. He loved his job. Don’t get him wrong, he’d even stay overtime occasionally, but today, nothing else mattered besides getting home and seeing you.
He pulled into the driveway, shutting off his car, and jogging into the house. When he entered, it was quiet, but he knew you’d both be upstairs by now. He slipped off his shoes, dropped his briefcase on the floor, and went upstairs. “I’m home~” he sang as he opened the door, revealing you both sitting on the bed playing video games.
“And?” His daughter replied as she continued to play her game.
“Enough with the attitude. I’ll unplug the cord if you keep that up,” he states. “Get your butt downstairs and help me with dinner.”
“Dad,” she whines.
“Now!” He commands.
“Okay, fine.” She got up and trudged past him, going downstairs to get started on dinner.
He put his hands inside his pockets, shaking his head back and forth with a chuckle. “Is it just me, or is she a bit irritated these days?”
“She’s been busy with some school stuff, and Jay hasn’t called today.”
“That explains it. I’ll talk with her later.” he takes a few steps over to the bed, leaning down to give you a quick kiss. “Been waiting all day for that,” he pulled away with a smile. “Come down soon, okay, pretty?” You smiled and nodded softly.
He turned on his heels, going downstairs to get dinner started. “Hey, sweetpea. Is there anything you want to tell me?” He grabs a pot from under the kitchen sink and fills it with water.
“No,” he sighs and puts the full pot on the stove.
“Look, sweetheart, I just want to know you can talk to me, okay?” He took the knife that she was using to cut vegetables with and set it aside, engulfing her in a hug.
“I’m just stressed.” Her body deflated in his arms as she sobbed quietly.
“Shh pumpkin, it’s okay. Tell me why you’re stressed,” he patted her back softly.
“Schools have been so difficult lately, and Jay hasn’t texted or called for days,” she sobbed harder, her hands clutching his shirt.
“Don’t cry. I’m always here for you,” he said softly. “I can help you with your homework, and maybe Jay is just busy. He’s a great guy, and I’m sure he’s not purposefully ignoring you. Something important might have come up, but I know he’s thinking of you.” he kissed the crown of her head. “Okay?”
“Okay,” her cries settled down as he gently rocked her back and forth.
“Please don’t cry, sweetie. It breaks my heart.” he leaned back, wiping her tears with his thumbs. She nodded, and he kissed her forehead. “Now go and play your game some more. I’ll come get you when dinner is done, yeah?”
“Yeah,” she pouted slightly as she watched him resume cooking. “Dad, I’m sorry about earlier.”
“I know.” he pinched her cheek softly. “So now you can make dinner all by yourself tomorrow to make it up to me,” he teased.
“Oh, okay,” she smiled and jogged back upstairs to happily rest and take a break.
For about twenty minutes, you went downstairs with the excuse that you needed something to drink. She hummed, barely acknowledging you as you slipped out of bed and went to see Heeseung. “Excuse me, sir,” you uttered the words while his back was turned.
He turned around at the sound of your voice, a huge grin plastered on his face. “Hey princess,” he walked around the kitchen island, wrapping his arms around you as he inhaled your scent.
“Hi,” you whispered and took a glance upstairs before kissing him.
He smiles against your lips, happily kissing you back as he pushes you against the counter, slotting his leg between yours. “Promised id give you those kisses,” he giggles softly, humping against your leg, allowing you to feel his stiffened length cause he just can’t help himself around you. “Feel that? Was like this all day at work couldn’t stop thinking about you rubbing your little wet pussy on my thigh this morning.”
“Yeah?” You moan into his mouth, your body already on fire from his touch.
“Yeah,” he breathed out. “Had to take so many breaks because it just wouldn’t stay down,” he whimpers desperately, rubbing his cock against your legs, his tip leaking and length throbbing in need.
“You poor thing, you just needed my pussy so bad, hmm? Wanted to put your cock in something wet and warm get out all that tension” he embarrassingly pressed his face against your neck, licking just beneath your jaw as he whined for you.
“A-ah, so bad,” he whimpers, rubbing himself on you faster, trying to get off on your thigh. “Please,” he gulps, breath quickening as he grips your shirt for dear life, his end coming way faster than he had imagined. “Feels so good.”
You’re quick to push him away, and he groans at the loss of contact, his cock jumping beneath his slacks, engorged and ready to blow any second.
You quickly dropped to your knees, making quick work of his pants and pulling his cock out of his boxers. “Ahhh fuck” Before he could register his pants being taken off, your mouth was wrapped tightly around his dick, bobbing your head eagerly to make him cum. “My princess, just like that” he lifts up his white button-up to get a clear view of you on your knees with his thick cock shoved down your throat. “I’m so close.” he puffs out a breath of air, reaching for the countertop to ground himself. “Just a little more doing so good for sir,” he whispers, and you use your hand to fondle his ball, caressing them gently, and he squirted his load into your mouth seconds later. “Of fuc-“ he cut himself off, covering his mouth as he grunted in pleasure, his hips rocking on their own as he fucked your mouth til his tip was too sensitive to continue his length throbbed on your bottom lip as you swallowed all his cum savoring his taste on your tongue.
He was a panting mess above you, and you smiled proudly, zipping up his pants and making him look presentable again, although his fucked out expression might have given him away.
You rose to your feet with his help. He smiled at you, brushing some hair behind your ear, his thumb wiping stray cum off the corner of your lips. He brought it to his own, tasting himself for the first time, and the sight made your stomach do a little flip. He hummed at the taste and went in for a kiss, letting you both relish in the sweet, salty taste.
You both part from each other, smiles on your faces, knowing that this wouldn’t be the last time.
Thanks for reading please reblog and leave feedback.
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ageingfangirl2 · 6 months
Tell Me Your Fantasy! Mihawk (OPLA)
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SMUT! After a few glasses of wine Mihawk asks you what your fantasy is. You Jokingly tell him mirror sex not thinking much about it, until he surprises you and makes your fantasy a reality. SMUT! Mihawk x Reader (Female)
After a long day of training, you relax in the kitchen, sitting at the counter and watching Mihawk prepare dinner. Your body was sore from the intense regime he was putting you through, but slowly you were seeing improvement. The hefty amount of wine you'd consumed helped numb the pain. You were a new bounty hunter who'd crossed paths with the warlord two months ago on a random island, he saw potential and decided to help improve your stamina, agility, stealth and swordsmanship. That's how you ended up on his island being trained by him.
'I was impressed with your nimbleness, now you're thinking more of your surroundings and how to use them to get an advantage on your target instead of running head-on into a fight,' Mihawk comments casually in his usual monotone voice.
You smile into your wine glass, 'I still need to work on my stamina though when going against bigger opponents. Any ideas?'
Mihawk hums and flips something in the pan in front of him, 'I have a few ideas. I have a question for you and I want an honest answer.'
You sip your wine, 'ask away.'
He takes the pan off the stove and turns to face you. Without his hat and jacket he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt looking more casual but still intimidating, 'what's a fantasy of yours? I believe in rewarding a good job.'
You spit the wine in your mouth back into the glass, earning you a disgusted look from Mihawk, 'err...are you joking?'
His pupils darken, 'I don't joke about this kind of thing. I want to reward you and its clear we need to break the obvious sexual tension between us.'
You didn't want to bring up your impure thoughts about the man in front of you. You thought the tension was one-sided but you were shocked he felt the same. Of course, he was blunt in confronting you but you didn't actually believe he would follow through with your request.
You bite your lip, 'Hmm...watching myself get fucked in front of a mirror. Does that count?'
'Interesting,' Mihawk states, tapping his fingers on the counter behind him, 'now let us eat dinner.'
You were getting ready for bed, slipping on an oversized night shirt when someone knocked on your bedroom door.
'Coming,' you call out, walking barefoot across the cold stone floor wishing you'd put socks on.
Opening the door you see Mihawk on the other side wearing his usual leather pants and white shirt, 'come with me!' he demands and walks away down the hallway.
'What the hell...' you mumble and quickly follow after the man confused.
He enters a room and you pause at the threshold realising it was his bedroom. You take a deep breath and step inside, feeling excited, nervous and a little scared, 'what's going on Mihawk?'
The room was gothic, and lavish but also simply furnished, kind of what you expected. Mihawk motions for you to close the door behind you, and you jump seeing yourself reflecting in a full length mirror on the back of the door.
'Beautiful, isn't it darling? It will be an even more beautiful sight with your naked,' Mihawk chuckles behind you, and over your shoulder in the mirror he stalks towards you something dark and hungry behind his eyes, 'strip for me!' he growls.
You hastily unbutton the shirt and let it fall to the floor leaving you naked, feeling very much like prey and putty in Mihawk's hands. All you can do is hold your breath as you watch him tie your hair up with a black ribbon before leaning close to your ear and smirking.
'I like to have something to hold onto, and to make sure you actually watch yourself get fucked in the mirror by me,' he whispers, breath hot against your skin compared to the cold temperature in the room which made your whole body shiver and tense.
You hear him unzip his trousers, but before you can turn your head to look one of his hands comes down on your ass hard, 'keep your eyes on the mirror darling,' he tuts.
You stare at yourself as you clearly hear him rubbing his dick, and without thinking you bring one of your hands down and start to finger your clit, letting out the breath you'd been holding, 'fuck--' you gasp.
'Stunning,' Mihawk compliments, 'so eager.'
His other arm snakes around your waist while he nudges your legs further apart with his knee, stopping rubbing himself to bring his other hand up to your breasts which he kneads and pinches your hardened nipples pulling moans and gasps from you as you watch yourself come undone in the mirror, 'please Mihawk...fuck me...' you beg.
His eyes trail down your body lustfully, 'since you asked so nicely darling. Let's practice your stamina.'
You didn't know what to expect size-wise as he bent you over, forcing you to put your hands on the mirror to steady yourself as he grasped the ponytail roughly.
'SHIT!' you scream, as his tip pressed against your folds already knowing he was larger than you expected or had taken in the past.
He slaps your ass again before pushing himself inside you, 'be a good girl and take all of me,' he coos.
Before you can adjust he starts to pound in and out of you, your eyes rolling a little in your head but still managing to watch yourself in the mirror, watching how your body reacted and how turned on it made you, 'hmm...yes...' you gasp.
Mihawk was watching you, and when you locked eyes and moaned his name, he started to finger you, 'I want to see you dripping darling, dripping for me,' he taunts.
Pleasure and pain wash over you at the same time, as your walls clench around him and you feel yourself coming undone, 'please...I want to cum...'
'Just this once because you asked nicely,' he laughs, mocking your lack of control, and relishing how quickly he got you off.
It was exhilarating watching yourself cum and buck your hips against his moaning and gasping. Maybe you should have tried mirror sex a long time ago, 'mmm...thank you...'
Mihawk removes his finger from your clit and while still pounding into you slaps your ass a couple more times, 'I'm not even close yet darling, we still have the whole night ahead of us and you haven't experienced the mirror above the bed yet,' he grunts.
You quickly lose track of time as he continues his assault, eventually cumming inside you, and in turn, it pulled another orgasm from you watching the cum run down your thighs and legs just like he said would happen. You lose track of how many times the two of you got off, your stamina being tested and it was safe to say the sexual tension had vanished. You wondered what other fantasies the swordsman could make a reality.
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uniquexusposts · 17 days
hi are you still writing for james beaufort ?
The best friend - James Beaufort
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Main characters: James Beaufort x reader Genre: fanfiction, fluff, TV show  Word count: 1.999
Summary: An insight into James and Y/N's relationship. Or is it more?
James rang the bell of the property and waited for someone to open the door. He looked around; this house always reminded him of Downton Abbey for some reason. Because of him, people called it the Downtown Abbey house. The door swung open a minute later, and Y/N’s dad smiled. “Hello, mate,” he welcomed James. “Come in.” He was wearing a kitchen gown. 
“Hello,” James replied, entering the house. “Thank you. Is she upstairs?” 
Y/N’s dad nodded. “She just came back from work,” he said, and they walked through the hall together. When James wanted to walk up the stairs, Y/N’s dad asked: “Will you be staying over for dinner?” 
“If it isn’t a problem?” James showed a small smile. 
“Of course not! I will peel just a few more potatoes.” 
“Thank you,” James replied and nodded. 
He walked up the stairs, and as he reached the first floor, he heard some music. A steady beat of rap music filled the hall, an unexpected soundtrack for this place. James knew instantly it wasn’t coming from Y/N’s room; rap was the one genre she couldn’t stand. This had to mean her older brother was home. James smiled, remembering the countless times he and Y/N had joked about her brother’s eclectic music tastes. He approached Y/N’s room, knocking gently before pushing the door open. He found her lying on her stomach on her bed, looking exhausted. She barely reacted to his presence, only turning her head slightly so she could see him.
“Hey,” she mumbled, a yawn escaping her lips.
“Hey,” James replied softly, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. “Long day?”
“The longest,” Y/N sighed, her voice muffled by the pillow. “I don’t think I’ve moved since I got home.” She followed his every movement, taking off his jacket, tie and shoes. He walked over to her bed and sat on the edge. “What a surprise to see you here,” she mentioned.
“I haven’t seen you for a while, so I thought, let’s check up on the best friend,” he said and ran his hand through his hair. 
Y/N padded on the mattress beside her, inviting him to lie beside her. “The best friend saw you last week,” she replied. 
“Which is a while back. The best friend and I used to see each other every day.” James lay beside her, placing his arm behind his head when his head hit the pillow. 
“That’s a few months ago,” she shot back. 
They looked at each other for a few seconds. The corners of Y/N’s lips started to curl up, which also made James smile. 
“How are you?” Y/N then asked, her voice softening since it was a deep question for James. 
James looked away from her, focusing his eyes now on the desk, which was full of stuff. It wasn’t like Y/N to have a messy desk. “I’m fine,” he breathed. 
He nodded slowly. 
“And school?” 
“The usual.”
After a few minutes of silence, James turned his head to Y/N. He scanned her face; she was zoning out. He reached out to brush a strand of hair from her face. They shared a quiet moment. 
Suddenly, an alarm went off. James looked around the room, trying to determine where the alarm came from. It was an alarm from a phone.
Y/N softly groaned and stopped the alarm. “Time to get up,” she said and pushed herself up. “Otherwise, I will be doing nothing for the rest of the evening.” She turned around and sat on her bed, stretching her arms and shoulders. When she heard a snort next to her, she turned to James. “What?” 
“You never fail to surprise me with your strange habits,” he laughed, sitting up. 
She smiled and shrugged. “I guess I’m strange.”
They both got up from the bed. 
“Your life would be so boring without me,” she cheekily replied, making a bun in her hair. 
James squinted his eyes. “Hmm, I’m not sure.” He showed a playful smile. “Perhaps…”
She raised her eyebrows. “Perhaps what?” 
They held their gaze for a few seconds, their playful tension palpable. Smiling, they moved closer without realising it, their connection deepening with each passing moment.
James finally broke the silence, his voice soft and filled with affection. “Perhaps my life would be incredibly dull without you.”
Y/N’s eyes sparkled with amusement and something deeper. “Good to know you’re aware.” She switched the light off and opened the door to the hallway. 
“How was work, by the way?” James asked, closing the door behind him. Together, they walked down the stairs to the living room. 
“Busy,” she sighed. 
It was hard to admit, but James was jealous of Y/N in almost every way possible. One of them was the freedom she got from her parents. She had the freedom to explore her passion and what she wanted to do in the future. Y/N was currently in her gap year, working as a barista in a cafe in the next town. Her parents were very supportive of her decision. However, she had to work for at least four days. It didn’t matter what kind of job, but she had to work. 
“But it was fine. For some reason, we had a very long rush hour. The time flew by,” she continued, sharing some weird situations with some customers. 
When they arrived at the living room, the doors to the terrace were wide open, and in the distance, Y/N's little brother and sister were playing football in the garden. They also walked to the terrace but decided to sit on the lounge set.
James leaned back, the cushions soft against his back. “Sounds like you had quite a day.” He looked at her, admiring her resilience and positive outlook. He wished he had the same kind of freedom and support to pursue his passions without the weight of expectations bearing down on him. He unbuttoned the buttons of his sleeves and rolled them up his arms.
“Ey,” Y/N mumbled and picked up a lost button from the sofa. She held it up between her thumb and wise finger. “Just because you don’t like it, you don’t have to sprinkle it around,” she smirked and grabbed his arm left, unfolding the sleeve, checking if it belonged to this side. 
“I just wanted to mark my territory.” 
“Like you haven’t done that enough here,” she replied. She rolled the left sleeve up again, unfolding the right side. “Bingo.” She gave James the button. “Let me get the sewing kit.”
“It’s alright. I will let someone fix it at my place. Besides, I have enough white shirts.”
“It’s just a two-minute job. Besides, I know it is a new white shirt, and it’s too good to just throw it away because one button is missing, James.” 
Before he could say anything about it, she had walked away. The left corner of his mouth curled up, and he looked at the button. He could hear her talk to her dad in the distance. He still heard some soft beats from the music upstairs, and he heard the sibling dynamic between the kids playing football.
Y/N sat down beside him again. “Arm,” she said and made a gesture. She opened the small box, probably an old cigar box and got a needle and some wire. 
James placed his arm on her lap. “Don’t poke me,” he reminded her. 
She took a deep breath and lifted her head, straightening her face. “Shit, there goes my plan.” 
“I need to stay away from you.”
She licked her lips and casually shrugged. “I know where to find you,” she said. 
“Oo, now I’m scared.”
Y/N pointed the needle at him and laughed. “As you should.” 
“Aah, no, I don’t want to die. Don’t do it to me,” his voice raised, but his face stayed neutral. 
She sighed and sewed the button back on the sleeve. “Hopeless.”
The music became louder. The loud music was blasting from his speaker when the Y/N’s older brother stood in front of the lounge set. He was moving along with the beat, standing in front of Y/N and James purposely. Y/N gave him a side eye, which gave him a satisfied reaction; he smiled. 
“Turn that music down, mate,” Y/N’s dad said and put some plates with cutlery on the table outside. “Put on a chill playlist and set the table, will you?” 
“Si Señor,” the brother said. He looked at his little sister and James. “The best friends are together again,” he said and walked over to James. “Hey, man.” He wanted to go for a handshake, but it was a weird high-five since Y/N was working on James’ right hand. 
James returned the high-five with a chuckle, the easy banter between them adding to the relaxed atmosphere. “Hey, good to see you,” he greeted Y/N’s brother.
“Likewise,” the brother replied, shooting James a friendly grin before turning to Y/N. “So, what’s the occasion? You two planning a secret rendezvous or something?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, but there was a playful glint in them. “Nothing like that. Just fixing James’ button.”
“Ah, the old ‘sewing buttons’ trick,” the brother winked. “Classic move. By the way, Y/N, where is mum?” 
“Work,” Y/N replied. “Well, I think she will be home any second now.” Looking up, she saw her mum walking in the living room. “Speaking of the devil.” She nodded towards her mum. 
“Ah, mother!” The brother said, widening his arms and greeting his mum. 
Y/N bit her lip while focusing. “Oh, this is light pink wire,” she mumbled and looked sorry at him. “Sorry. I can do it over with white wire.”
James widely smiled and shook his head. “It’s fine,” he mentioned. Every time that I wear this shirt, it will remind me of you,” he winked. 
“Sure,” she dodged his words. “Anyway, will you be joining us for dinner?” A smile curved on her lips. 
“Would love to,” he smiled. He didn’t want to say that her dad already invited him, since she looked excited when asking. 
Y/N nodded and continued sewing. 
They fell into a comfortable silence, the music now a soothing background melody as they finished sewing the button back onto James’ sleeve. Once they were done, Y/N leaned back, admiring their handiwork.
“James, sweetheart,” Y/N’s mum cheerfully said. “It’s good to see you.”
“Good evening,” James politely smiled. 
“Looks good as new,” Y/N declared, a satisfied smile on her face as she rolled up his sleeve again.
“Thanks, Y/N,” James replied, giving her a playful nudge.
The entire family gathered around the dining table outside and made sure the table was all set. They all sat down to enjoy the dinner Y/N’s dad had prepared. James felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. Surrounded by the warmth of Y/N’s family. The conversations they held during dinner were filled with laughter and funny expressions. 
Then Y/N’s mum wanted to invite James for tomorrow. “We are going to sail tomorrow. Would you like to join? Maybe you can ask Lydia, too,” she proposed. 
A sparkle came in Y/N’s eyes when she looked at James, hoping he would say yes. “We can pick Lydia up tonight, so you both can stay here for the night. Then we don’t have to rush tomorrow morning,” Y/N proposed while looking at her parents, who seemed to agree. 
“Yes, I would love to. I will be there, but I will ask Lydia,” James widely smiled.
Click here to read part 2
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twola · 7 months
Sorta got carried away with the prompt list…(I must be ovulating because DAMN the pregnancy prompts got me going)
But #161, 154,151,140,125- where the reader is preggo and miserable walking around camp so the gangs giving out ideas (sexy time) and Arthur’s like ;) then later on the reader is like ya know what get over here.
Do with it what you will.
You do the best with anything you type!
Oh - trust me, I am into this.
I'm also eight months pregnant myself so I am SUPER into this. Am I projecting something here? Perhaps…
Pain Relief
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI, Pregnancy Sex, Breeding Kink
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
You are very over it at this point. Really. Very over it. It’s a struggle to get yourself out of the cot that you and Arthur share. 
The morning sun beats down on the worn canvas of your shared tent, and you know it's by some divine providence that Miss Grimshaw hasn’t summoned you to work yet. Or maybe it was Arthur snapping at her when he saw you struggling to carry a basket of laundry.
That must be it.
But a laze you are not - even now, when your swollen stomach makes any kind of movement difficult - when your sleep is nearly non-existent and the pains and swelling and overall discomfort are driving you crazy.
Pushing yourself up, you huff, annoyed that seven months ago you were chasing down bounty hunters on horseback and now getting up out of a cot makes you lose your breath. 
God, this was terrible. Finally getting around to standing up, you glance at yourself in the small mirror Arthur uses for shaving. Your chemise stretched taught over the swell of your belly. The dark circles under your eyes from lack of quality sleep. Sighing, you run your fingers through your long hair to tame it, or at least attempt to. After fighting with the fabric of your dress to cover your frame, you shove your feet into your boots and breathe out heavily as you sit back on the cot to tie the laces. God damn everything is a struggle with how swollen your belly is.
By the time you make it out of the tent, the midmorning sun beats down, and you shield your eyes for a moment before you feel a small tug on your skirts. You look down to see Jack give you a toothy grin, one small hand fisting the cotton of your skirt and the other clutching the most recent toy Charles had carved for him.
“Auntie, you’re so big! You look ready to pop." Jack pipes up excitedly.
You laugh as you hear a cluck of disapproval as Abigail follows in her son’s footsteps, “Jack - that’s very rude of ya - shouldn’t make comments about ladies like that.”
“It’s alright, Abigail,” You smile at her as she frowns down at the boy, “I do feel ready to pop.”
“Y’look like the baby’s dropped… ain’t long now.” Abigail’s eyes trail down to your belly as she shoos Jack off to play elsewhere.
“Too long in my opinion.” You roll your eyes and Abigail chuckles in return.
Susan Grimshaw’s voice cuts through the peace of the morning. Abigail’s gaze looks past you to where the sharp disappointment came from, and you frown as you hear footsteps stomp ever closer before the camp matriarch pushes into your view.
“There’s laundry to be done,” Susan eyes you up and down, “You can certainly sit and still do the washing. C’mon, get to it.”
She waves her hands at you dismissively, Abigail rolls her eyes and starts to head over toward where the other women have started doing the day’s wash.
You scowl at Grimshaw’s retreating figure, rubbing your aching lower back as you too make your way over to the edge of the camp, where the large tub is filled with soapy water and the pile of men’s shirts seems to be overflowing. You sigh tiredly, finding the stool 
Mary-Beth places her hand on your back slightly over your own, massaging gently as you sigh in a moment of temporary relief. 
"Try walking, I hear it helps. Tilly and I will cover for you for a few minutes.”
You thank her quietly and slowly make your way to the woodline of camp, taking a few minutes to walk back and forth before giving up and sitting down on the stool, letting out a long, labored breath as you wince in pain.
You open one of your eyes to see Karen across the tub, a mischievous look on her face. Cocking your eyebrow, you wait for her to continue.
Karen smirks, "You should try having sex."
Well - volume was never her strong suit. Across the camp, the men’s conversation falls silent as several pairs of eyes glance at you.
You flush from your hairline to your chest as you dunk a shirt into the tub, trying to ignore the stares you know you're getting as Karen merely chuckles.
“Aye, Arthur- sounds like you're needed elsewhere.” Javier chuckles and you're mortified.
You spare the quickest glance up in his direction, the man who got you into this mess in the first place. You can see Arthur’s smug grin from under the rim of his hat.
You silently scrub at the rest of the laundry load, handing shirts to Tilly for her to wring out and hang on the line.
“Don’t let her get to you, you know how Karen is. Tilly places a hand on your shoulder and squeezes gently to assure you before returning to the laundry. You sigh, taking another shirt and dunking it into the water.
A pair of boots land in your vision before a hand reaches down toward you. You look up to see Arthur ready to pull you up to stand, a gentle smile on his face.
“C’mon now sweetheart.” 
You sigh and take his hand, secretly grateful for the assistance to stand up. He steadies you before pulling your hand to his lips and pressing them to your knuckles.
“How’s about you lay down for a little.” He offers, holding his arm out to you as you wind your own around it, letting him walk you slowly to the tent, holding back the canvas for you to step inside. 
You let out a long breath, bracing your lower back with both hands for a moment before sighing. There was just no getting comfortable at this point.
“C’mere, let me help you.”
Arthur stoops down on one knee and loosens your bootlaces enough that he can pull them from your feet one by one. You let a breath out once both boots are off, unable to deny it felt good to get your swollen feet out of them.
“Better?” He looks up at you for a moment and you nod, your hand moving from his shoulder that you were balancing on to your lower back again, idly rubbing at near-constant ache that has settled there. 
Arthur stands up and places a kiss to your forehead before turning around and taking his hat off, placing it on the small table where he kept his shaving kit.
Karen’s suggestion echoes in your mind as you watch him run his fingers through his short hair absentmindedly.
You roll your palm over your distended abdomen, frowning.
“You don’t have to lie and tell me you want me.” Your voice cuts through the silence and Arthur swings around to look at you, puzzled.
“Darlin’, it ain’t a lie. It’s never a lie.” He responds softly, taking a step closer to you.
“Really? Lookin’ like this… it does something for you?”
Arthur blushes before looking down at his boots. “Well, I… uh... Yes?”
You quirk your eyebrow, placing your hands on your hips, “I’m a goddamn watermelon-”
“You’re pregnant-”
“Literally swollen up like a damn cow-”
“C’mon now darlin’-”
And damn, if you can’t hold back the tears from collecting on your eyelashes as you spin away from him.
His broad arms wrap around your swollen waist, pulling you back half a step and against his large frame. One hand spreads wide over your belly as you feel him press his lips to the top of your head.
“I… ain’t the woman you was chasin’ after anymore.” You admit with a cracking voice, the tears spilling down your cheeks as your hand falls upon his over your belly, “Who knows when I’ll be able to ride or shoot or do anythin’ like that again.”
His lips move from the top of your head down to your earlobe, where he nips gently. Arthur’s low voice rumbles in your ear, causing a delightful shiver down your spine.
“Whole world knows you’re mine -” He pulls you another half backward and you gasp as you feel the long, hard line of him against your rear, “Christ, you’re the most beautiful thing alive, all big with my child.”
“A-Arthur - ” You whine as one of his hands cups a swollen breast through your blouse.
“Have half a mind to keep you like this.” Arthur continues, his other hand moving downward to slide between your legs and the needy sound that escapes your throat is loud enough to make him shush you as he presses at your core through layers of cotton.
Your hands fly to grasp his forearm as he gently gropes at your breast, and you turn your head up toward his and he greedily pushes his lips upon your own, tongue pressing inside your mouth as you moan into his.
You have no idea how long it is you spend wrapped up in his arms - your hips pressing back into his, his hands groping at your breasts and cunt, your knees shaking as you pant into his mouth. 
Those damned hands of this, they keep you under his spell as somehow, he unlaces your skirts and they fall to the ground in a heap around your ankles. He spins you around in his embrace, and his lips fly to your neck as he opens the buttons of your blouse. You let him pull the sleeves down your arm, leaving you in just an old cotton chemise stretched tight over your belly. The seam of your bloomers, soaked, chafes delightfully against your cunt.
It’s only another moment before he’s shrugging your chemise down over your shoulders to free your breasts.
“What’s gonna be the best for you?” Arthur whispers into your ear, his warm, somewhat rough palm engulfing your breast, squeezing it gently.
Your head tips backward as you lean against him, a high and flighty moan bubbling up from your chest. “On- on my side-”
Your chemise flutters to the floor, along with your bloomers, his hands pushing the cotton down of your body.
“Go on, get in the cot and get comfortable.” Arthur nips at your ear again and gives a playful swat to your rear.
You nod, eyes falling from his face to his hands as he pulls his suspenders down his arms and begins unbuttoning his work shirt. You back up two steps to the cot, slowly sitting down upon it, your gaze refusing to leave him as he strips himself down.
With the speed of a man on a mission, he rids himself of his boots and the rest of his clothing and stalks the few steps to the cot.  You turn yourself over to lay in it, burdened by your stomach as you let out a long breath as you finally settle down on your side, facing the wagon that makes up the side of the tent.
Arthur slides into the small cot next to you, that warm, big hand finding its way to your belly as he situates himself behind you, pressing all six feet of his frame against you, his body hard, hot, and wanting.
“You tell me what feels good, darlin’.” He mouths against your neck as his hand retracts behind your hip to stroke his cock.
You moan lowly and press your hips back against him, you can feel his smile on your skin as he guides himself to your entrance. The blunt head of his cock presses into the rim of your cunt, and his hand moves to sling your thigh back over his, opening you to him more.
“Mm, that feels good.” Your voice strains as he slides himself deeper into you, a deep, satisfied rumble coming from his chest when his hips press fully against your rear, fully sheathed in your cunt.
His arm swings across your hips, pulling your thigh backward even more as he languidly rolls himself into you. His fingers find that small bundle of nerves as he nibbles on your earlobe.
You mewl aloud at the stimulation, panting as he continues to press himself into you. His low, rough voice whispers in your ear, vacillating from sweet nothings to filthy utterances. The slide of his cock into your cunt is the constant, grounding thing as his fingers that rub at your clit speed up and slow down.
“A-Arthur-” you pitifully whine, gasping as you huddle toward that precipice. He grunts into your ear as he slightly picks up the speed of his hips rolling into yours, still gentle. He pinches at that nub and you’re gone, your legs shaking and hips seizing as you meek through your release, your slick glossing his cock and dripping from your body, even with him filling you.
“Tha’s my girl…” Arthur slurs as his hand moves up to cup at your lower belly, “Christ, I ain't ever gonna be able to stop fillin’ you-”
His murmurs fade into a groan as he presses forward one final time, burying himself deeply in your warmth as he shudders his release into you.
You sigh in contentment at the feeling, warmth blooming from your joined hips. His lips touch the back of your neck as his large hand rubs gently at your hip as he catches his breath.
Arthur gently pulls out, you gasp slightly at the feelings of the loss of his flesh and the dripping of his warm spend from your body. He shushes you with a kiss over your jaw, rubbing circles over your swollen belly.
“Feelin’ any better?”
Your hand covers his over your belly as you lean back fully into his embrace.
“Much better.”
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sooniebby · 1 year
Hi the Anon who asked if you knew JJBA! And I do have another fandom you do write for I’d like to request Which is Izuku x Male reader and the reader likes to where fem things sometimes and one day while hanging out with Izuku and they wear a skirt that is a bit too short and it’s gets Izuku riled up and with consent from reader plows there brains out. You can keep out the part where the reader likes to wear fem things sometimes I don’t mind it can be like the reader wore something too showy. Hope you have a great day!
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❝ 𝙔𝙤𝙪’𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙚 ❞
꧁ 𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪 𝙭 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ꧂
Word count › 2.2k
Rating › NSFW
Warnings › none
Kinks › creampie
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
It wasn’t a secret that (Name) liked to occasionally dress a bit more feminine. He didn’t want to be a girl but he did like their clothes. It wasn’t something often—just a few times in his own room would he prance around in more traditionally girl clothes. 
His boyfriend, Izuku, technically knew. (Name) told him before they started dating but he never wore them in front of him. While (Name) had no shame in crossdressing that didn’t mean he wanted anyone to see him in it. 
It was for him and him alone. 
But it was beginning to get difficult to keep up with when Izuku moved in with him. The pro hero was hardly home but (Name) always got a nagging feeling that Izuku would somehow come home early one day. 
A hum left his throat as Izuku pressed a soft kiss on his neck. Izuku was tall and more muscular than (Name). It made sense—(Name) didn’t do much physical labor with his job. Just sat at his in home work desk and typed away while his cat judge him from her cat tower. 
“I’ll be coming home later tonight, okay? Don’t wait for me to eat,” Izuku muttered before stealing a quick kiss from his boyfriend. (Name) grinned and said his goodbye as Izuku left for whatever job he had to do today. 
Later tonight, for Izuku, usually meant a few minutes before the sun rose the next day. Which meant…. 
(Name) could wear the new skirt he bought. 
It was a impulsive buy, really. He had told himself he was going to have to give up crossdressing and give away the clothes. So, he vowed not to buy anymore but when he was scrolling some online store—he saw two pieces that caused him to die inside. 
A nice baby blue skirt and a ‘virgin killer’ sweater. 
He bought it… 
It came a week ago when Izuku wasn’t home and sat in his closet, begging to be worn. 
And now it will be. 
(Name) sighed to himself and walked over to his bedroom, closing the door behind himself to keep his cat out. Taking out the box from his closet, he first pulled out the skirt. It felt a bit cheap in fabric but he would still try it on. Slipping off his shorts, he pulled up the skirt. 
Only for it to get caught on his boxers. 
And to rip… 
“Wow, fifteen dollars down the drain!” (Name) cursed, glaring the skirt. He pulled it off and threw it back into the box. The sweater was from a different website so maybe it’ll come out better than the skirt. He didn’t try to get his hopes up though. 
(Name) pulled out the sweater and blushed. He knew this was a bit risker than his other clothing. They were way more conservative than this sweater that would practically show off his ass and everything. He had never felt anything sexual toward cross dressing but this time around he could feel his cock twitching. 
He pursed his lips and slipped off his shirt. With a baited breath, the sweater felt soft against his skin as he put it on. (Name) glanced at the large mirror in the corner of the room before realising he needed to take off his boxers. 
With one swift pull, his boxers pooled around his feet as he pulled the sweater down to fully ‘cover’ his ass. It hardly covered it, especially with the wide open back that gave a peak at his cheeks. The air was cold against his skin but only made him like it even more. 
The sweater was a soft grey. A thick collar and strings to tie around his neck to keep the sweater from slipping off. (Name) giggled to himself as he turned sideways to get a peak at what his back could look like. 
It truly did give a small peak at his ass and easily rode up with any movement he did. 
This thing was made purely for sex. 
(Name) pursed his lips. He never masturbated in any of his clothes. It always felt weird to him. But this technically wasn’t a woman’s sweater dress. It was just a costume for sex. He stepped away from his boxers on the floor and walked to his nightstand to grab his dildo and lube. 
Well, he might as well enjoy this. 
He might never get the chance to wear it again. 
Izuku was so happy. It was one of the first times that his boss allowed him to leave early. Though dinner had certainly passed, at least he’d be getting home before sunrise. A smile was plastered on his lips his entire way to his shared apartment. 
He opened the door and was greeted by his boyfriend’s cat. “Ah, Biscuit.” Izuku picked up the cat and walked inside, taking off his shoes and coat. The cat purred in his arms as he called out for (Name). 
But he didn’t answer. 
Hm, did he fall asleep? 
The lights to their bedroom was on. Izuku placed Biscuit on her cat tower and walked over to his bedroom, ready to cuddle with his boyfriend until he saw something shocking. 
There was (Name) on the bed, dressed in something that was hardly covering him at all. He could smell the strawberry lube and visibly see a dildo on the floor that (Name) must’ve threw when he heard the door open. 
“You’re… uh,” (Name)’s breathing sounded stuttered. “Here early…” 
Izuku glanced down to see (Name) had a finger inside of himself. Oh, that explains it. He had done this before. Accidentally walk in on (Name) masturbating but it felt different now. 
He’s seeing him crossdressing. 
In the sluttiest outfit he had ever seen his boyfriend in. 
Izuku walked inside the room and closed the door behind himself, not saying anything. He watched (Name) squirm as he pulled out his fingers and try his hardest to cover himself by pulling down the sweater. 
“Is this the cross dressing you told me about?” 
“No… This is new…” (Name) muttered, shame etched on his face. 
Izuku walked over to him and kneeled down, right between his legs. (Name) blinked in shock, reaching down to grasp Izuku’s broad shoulders. The two stared at each other as a boyish grin appeared on Izuku’s lips. 
“You’re so cute.” 
That was all Izuku said before leaning down and licking at (Name)’s lubed hole. (Name) squealed in shock as he was manhandled to have his legs opened wide and rest on Izuku’s shoulders as he ate his dinner. 
(Name) really believed that Izuku would’ve been at least a bit put off by his more feminine side since he was a man but it seemed that Izuku liked it. Compared to the many other times Izuku rimmed him—this felt as if he’d die if he didn’t do it. 
Because of (Name) previous masturbation, Izuku’s tongue easily slid in and out. Gaining whimpers from his boyfriend. (Name) arched his back as his toes curled at this new Izuku. Muttering on and on about him being close to cum. 
But Izuku pulled away at that. (Name) whined in dissatisfaction but Izuku didn’t say anything. 
“You should’ve told me you liked to dress like this. We could’ve had more fun,” Izuku grinned. It was certainly a dirty way of thinking but with his more innocent looks, it felt more like he was talking about something less sinful. 
(Name) huffed. “I didn’t think you’d like it that much.” 
“I like you in whatever you wear.” Izuku said nonchalantly, not noticing that blush that appeared on (Name)’s face. 
(Name) watched as Izuku moved his legs off his shoulder and stood up, staring down at him. 
“How do you want it?” 
(Name) bit his lip. “Like you’ve missed me.” 
Izuku simply grinned as he guided (Name) to stand up. He took his spot on the bed, not before pulling down his pants to allow his cock to gain freedom. (Name)  blushed as Izuku reached over and travelled his hands across the open back of the sweater. 
(Name) loved the feeling of Izuku’s scarred hands on his back, tracing little circles on them. But Izuku wasn’t looking at him. He was looking behind him. (Name) looked back to see what was behind him only to notice the mirror. 
Fuck. He had moved it from it’s usual spot to look at himself in the clothes that he forgot to put it back. Izuku had a clear view of the sweater’s backside from just staring at the mirror and he seemed to notice that (Name) now knew from the knowing chuckle that left his lips. 
“Don���t be embarrassed. You chose to wear this for a reason.” 
(Name) pouted. “Yeah but I didn’t except you to see it.” 
“What do you mean? You’re always going to be seen by me,” Izuku said, having one hand slide down (Name)’s back before he easily grasped one ass check. It was still shocking to (Name) that Izuku’s hand could grip on ass check so easily. 
A whimper left his lips as he glared at Izuku but still leaned in closer, wanting to get past the teasing and into the fucking. 
“Hm?” Izuku easily slipped in two fingers inside (Name) enjoying the squelching from the copious amount of lube he had used. (Name) huffed, soft whimpers leaving his throat as he tried to say what he wanted. 
Izuku used his free hand to pull at the sweater and free one of (Name)’s nipples. He leaned in and captured it in his mouth, enjoying the shriek he earned from his lover. (Name)’s nipples always got him worked up. 
(Name) gripped at Izuku’s hair and arched into his touch, his cock dejectedly twitching for some touch. His mouth was permanently opened with each moan or whimper that left his lips. Izuku’s fingers inside of him soon turned into four that thrusted in harshly inside. 
“Izuku!” He cried, feeling his prostate being violently touched against by his much larger fingers. 
Izuku simply hummed, gently biting on (Name)’s nipple as he continued to suckle on it. He pulled away a second later—(Name)’s red nipple dripping with salvia and perked up in the cold air. Leaning to the other side, Izuku captured his other nipple into his mouth to give it the same treatment. 
“Izuku… Izuku…” (Name) babbled, no longer able to handle the teasing. 
Izuku pulled away from his nipple, a string of salvia connected from his lips to the perky nipple.
“Apologise, first. Then I’ll fuck you.” 
“For what?” (Name) whimpered, crying out at the sudden pressing on his prostate. Izuku was now intentionally rubbing it—gaining nonstop cries from the man above him. He watched in glee as he lover tried his best to not collapse from the pleasure. 
“For not allowing me to see you like this more often.” 
(Name) cried out once more. His prostate was going to be the death of him. His cock twitched at each touch, pre cum dripping from it onto Izuku’s leg. 
“I’m, nng, sorry!” (Name) moaned, feeling his legs give out. He was only still up than on the floor was from Izuku’s hand holding his hips. 
“I forgive you~” 
Izuku pulled out his fingers and used hardly a percentage of his strength to manhandle (Name) onto his lap. 
“Now let me give you your reward.” 
(Name) was dying. His hole was aching and red as Izuku’s cock continued to abuse it. His own cock was dead—only dripping out watery left overs of cum after his third orgasm. Each thrust into his tight heat was sending him off the deep end. 
Izuku had (Name) on his lap while he gripped his waist tightly and used him like a fleshlight. Under any other circumstance, (Name) would’ve preferred missionary or doggy but this somehow felt right with the outfit he was still wearing. 
(Name) gasped at the tug on his nipple with Izuku’s teeth, gripping at Izuku’s thighs. It wasn’t a shock at how long Izuku could last compared to (Name). Izuku, despite his outer appearance, was way more into sex than him. 
Nine times out of ten, Izuku would’ve been the one to initiate the sex. 
“Izuku… I’m dying…” 
Izuku simply chuckled and continued using (Name) as he pleased, enjoying the wet, tight heat that tightened around his cock whenever he brushed against his prostate. 
“Izuku! Izuku, I’m…” (Name)’s mouth opened in a silent scream as he cummed once more, the watery substance staining Izuku’s shirt. 
Izuku’s thrust had started to get sloppy. Grunts and moans left his lips which told (Name) that he was close. (Name) preened with happiness at this finally being over but soon cried out at the continued hits on his prostate from a grinning Izuku. 
Of course, the final thrusts were always the worst. It was as if Izuku was using his last remaining strength to hit (Name)’s prostate in a repeated fashion before going in as deep as possible before cumming. 
And he did, he cummed deep inside (Name), grunting at his lover’s hole tightening around him. The two said nothing as they tried to catch their breaths, leaning over to kiss one another on the lips. 
It was a sloppy kiss as (Name) felt as if he had no energy left. They muttered a quick ‘love you’ before cuddling for a second. Izuku’s hands trailed up and down (Name)’s back before a smile formed on his lips. 
“Wear this again, (Name).”    
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈─➤ END
Wow! I’m actually really proud of this one. I tried something different with my writing style!
Let me know if you guys prefer this!
Feedback appreciated! Thanks for reading <3
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jordyn14 · 1 month
Hi can you please write a Joe x reader where they’re getting ready for a wedding (or some other formal event) But Joe is playing catch with their son and reader keeps telling them to come inside and get ready and Joe keeps saying 5 more minutes
5 more minutes | Joe Burrow
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Pairing: Joe Burrow x fem first person
Words: 2739
Notes: I have been swamped with finals this week and probably most of next week as well, but I’m still trying to find the time to write. I hope you enjoy!! <3
Taglist: @wickedfun9
“I’m almost done doing my hair, can you put Benji’s shoes on?” I called out to Joe who was just in the room building legos with our 5 year old son a little bit ago. As soon as I finished curling the last strand of hair, I flipped all of my hair to the front and looked at myself in the mirror for the millionth time and to my pregnant belly which was showing through my dress. About a week ago I started to show and I couldn’t wait to have another kid, especially if he or she was anything like Benji.
Today is the day one of my good friends get’s married to her high school sweetheart, and I am so excited. When we met at college my first year, I always talked about how I wanted a love just like hers. For one, their relationship was so stable. There was never a time when they wouldn’t trust each other or went behind each other’s backs because their relationship was built around honestly and loyalty. I never thought I would have that kind of relationship until I met Joe. People always talk about love at first sight, and I didn’t believe them until I experienced it with Joe.
After a few seconds of not hearing any response from Joe or Benji and not hearing the clattering of legos as they tried to make something new, I peaked my head out and saw the empty bedroom. I raised my eyebrow in confusion since Joe said they were all done and didn’t need to do anything else to get ready except put shoes on. Thinking that maybe they were one step ahead of me, I headed out of the room and downstairs where I searched and searched and found no sign of either of them.
All of a sudden, I could hear them playing outside. “That was a perfect throw dad!” Benji yelled from outside. I couldn’t help but smile as soon as I heard him and headed for the back door. I should’ve known that they were outside. As soon as Joe found out we were having a little boy, he bought all kinds of sporting equipment for kids so his son could try out every sport with him to decide what he liked best. Joe bought baseballs, basketballs, soccer balls, golf clubs, volleyballs, tennis rackets, and of course footballs. Every day leading up to the day our son could actually really use all of the equipment, Joe talked nonstop about how much he wanted him to grow up.
As soon as I turned the corner and looked out of the huge glass sliding door, I saw Joe and Benji throwing a foam football around the yard. The first thing that caught my eye was my perfect husband in a suit. Yes, a suit. Even though I knew the jacket and tie would come off towards the end of the night, I was so excited when he told me he was wearing one. Joe looks great in almost everything he wears, and he wears some pretty questionable things, but a suit always looks absolutely amazing. I could barely take my eyes off of him and the way his fluffy hair hung on forehead. Oh and that smile. It never left his face when he was with the people he loved.
After practically drooling over my husband for a few seconds while I walked to the door, I looked down at little Benji who used all of his might to throw that foam football all the way up at Joe who looks huge compared to Benji. It was adorable seeing him use every ounce of strength to muscle it up to him. Benji is a lot like Joe in the way that they are both extremely competitive. In baseball, Benji wants to field every grounder and hit home runs every single time. When he doesn’t, he cries. It’s heartbreaking to see him so worked up over something as simple as him not getting a hit or not being the best on the team yet even though he’s the youngest, but then I remember that he’s a lot like Joe in pretty much every fiber of his being. Benji is sensitive as well as competitive, and Joe’s been helping him so much with his little emotions.
When Joe caught the ball which was a perfect throw to his chest, he had the biggest and encouraging smile on his face and leaned his arm back to throw it back gently. Although I couldn’t hear Joe because he wasn’t yelling like Benji was, I could see him say, ‘that was great, Benji. This time, make sure to step with your left foot like I taught you.’ Benji jumped a little bit and yelled with a laugh, “oh yeah, I forgot!” Joe just chuckled and threw the football back to Benji who caught it.
When I got closer and Joe saw something walking towards him, he looked over at me and as soon as he saw me, his face lit up and he gave me that adorable and toothy smile that I love so much. The way he let out a relieved breath to see his wife coming over to him, the way clenched and unclenched his hands nervously, and the way he couldn’t take his eyes off of me made butterflies fly around in my stomach. Even though we’ve been together for years, it still feels like a little teenage romance. It always feels young and alive. I also couldn’t help but notice how his cheeks flushed red when he looked me up and down repeatedly, keeping his eyes on not only my pregnant belly but my face extra long.
As soon as Benji heard the door start to open, he looked at the door super quick and instead of throwing it to Joe like he was about to, smiled up at me, showing me that big gap in his teeth where he lost his first ever tooth just a few days ago. Just to make sure Benji didn’t wake up that night when the ‘tooth fairy’ came, Joe dressed up as a little fairy and went into his room to put the money under his pillow, although I said I could do it since I would be a more convincing fairy. Luckily Benji didn’t wake up to see just how different the tooth fairy looked in person.
“Did you see me throw the ball? I’m getting better!” Benji said and looked back to his dad and threw the ball. This time, he stepped with his left food and threw it perfectly to Joe. “You’re getting so much better at throwing. Pretty soon, you’ll be just like your daddy on the field.” I said with a smile. Watching them together brought me so much Joy, especially watching Joe be a dad, which he’s always wanted. “Really?” Benji said with a shocked look on his face. Joe chuckled at benji’s reaction. “If you keep practicing, I can guarantee you that you’ll be the best football player around. But right now, we need to go or we’ll be late.” I said, trying to get them to come inside and finish getting ready, since Benji now had dirt on his hands and they both had dirt on their shoes.
Right when I said this, Benji’s bottom lip stuck out slightly but was about to walk over to me when Joe said, “aw, 5 more minutes?” I glared up at Joe jokingly. Of course he decided to do this now when we had to go somewhere. We both held eye contact as he gave me those adorable puppy dog eyes, and then I looked to Benji who looked excited. “Yeah, 5 more minutes! Please mommy?” He asked me. Benji looked over at me and then to Joe who was still giving me those pitiful eyes. The next thing I knew, Benji was copying Joe and was now giving me puppy dog eyes as well. After a few seconds, I caved. “You guys are impossible. 5 more minutes if you promise to put on your outdoor shoes so I can clean up your good ones.” I said. “Okay!” Benji said and ran over to me.
Like his life depended on it, he took off his shoes and ran inside of the house, not wanting to waste any of those 5 minutes I gave him. “Grab your dad’s shoes too!” I called out to Benji who disappeared. While Joe headed over to me, I heard something hit the floor extremely hard and was about to run in to see if Benji fell when he yelled, “I’m okay!” Joe and I both let out a laugh as I turned to him as he was taking off his shoes. After picking up Benji’s, I grabbed Joe’s shoes from him. Joe then leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.
“Thank you, we’re just having so much fun.” Joe said, wrapping an arm around me to pull me closer to him. “I know. I love watching you guys have fun. And you know what, you are a fucking dilf. Guaranteed, I will have the most handsome and sexy man at the wedding tonight.” I laughed. Joe reached down and squeezed my butt. I let out a little yelp, not expecting it, and slapped his arm while laughing. “Oh yeah? Well you’re going to be the most gorgeous and sexiest woman at the wedding tonight.” Joe said with that smirk on his face.
Just as Joe and I closed the distance between us and were about to kiss, Benji ran between the both of us and back outside so he could continue playing with Joe. Joe and I just looked at each other, wishing we had more time alone. “C’mon, we only have 5 more minutes!” Benji giggled and threw the ball up to himself so he could play catch with himself. “Okay, okay, I’m comin’.” Joe said and placed a kiss on my lips. Before he went over to Benji, he leaned in close to my ear until I could feel his breath on my neck. Shivers ran down my spine and I could feel my cheeks heating up. “We can continue this after he goes to bed tonight.” Joe whispered in my ear.
I sucked in a small breath and smiled like crazy as he backed up from me with that smirk on his face and went to play with Benji. I looked away from Joe and took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. The things this man did to me. He really didn’t even need to do anything special to turn me on or make me feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world. He did that with just one look. With one look he could make me weak at the knees and feel so confident and beautiful.
Once I calmed down, I walked inside and washed both of their shoes until they looked brand new. The whole time I was washing them, I looked outside to Benji and Joe who were giggling, laughing, running around, and having an amazing time. I couldn’t stop smiling as the realization of just how perfect our amazing life was. After 10 minutes, I headed back outside.
As soon as I opened up the door, Benji started walking over to me after tossing the ball to Joe. This time he wasn’t as bummed. “Oh come on, 5 more minutes?” Joe begged, throwing the ball from hand to hand and spinning it on his palm like he always does during football games and practices. Once again, Benji just looked at his dad with a shocked expression on his face at the fact that he asked for another 5 minutes.
I bit my lower lip and tried my best to hide my smile and instead look mad at Joe, but I couldn’t. “Please. We’ll be well behaved the whole time and I won’t ask to leave early.” Joe begged. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him. “Whether or not I let you have 5 more minutes, you’ll still ask to leave early.” I said with a laugh, knowing Joe always asks to leave early at almost every single event we go to. Hell, he even asked to leave our wedding early so we could have some alone time together and not be surrounded by friends and family.
“I’ll eat all of my veggies. I promise!” Benji added in, trying to get me to give them 5 more minutes. Looking down at how adorable Benji looked, I caved again and was about to walk back inside. “Come and play with us. If you do, I won’t ask for any more time.” Joe said. “Yeah, come play with us! Come play with us!” Benji jumped up and down and ran over to me. I laughed as Benji grabbed onto my hand and tried his best to drag me with him. He let out a few grunts so I walked with him. “Okay, but only if you promise to eat up all of those green veggies and if you, Mr Burrow, act half as well behaved as Benji.” I said. “Yay! Ok, mom, be Ted, and I’ll be Ja’marr. Dad, you already know who you are.” Benji said as Joe tossed me the football he was holding.
Joe and I just looked at each other and laughed at what Benji said about Joe already knowing that he was in fact Joe Burrow in this game. Doing what Benji said, I walked over to Joe who gave me a wink, loving that I got to be his center. I rolled my eyes at him and punched his stomach jokingly. Joe grunted a little bit at the contact, not expecting it, and then smirked down at me. “Y’know, this games going to be more fun with you as my center.” Joe said while I turned around so my back was facing him. I laughed and bent down a little bit.
Then, I felt Joes hands on my butt and turned around to look at Joe. I put a hand over my mouth to try and stop myself from laughing at how this looked. “Well this looks familiar.” I said and started laughing. Just as Joe was about to make a comment about what I said, Benji asked, “what does that mean? Ted’s his center.” Both of our eyes widened a little bit and I looked back over to Benji who looked confused. “We sometimes play this game when you’re at school buddy.” Joe said, coming up with something quickly. I looked back at Joe with a shocked expression and sighed. Even if Benji had no idea what we were talking about, it was still weird hearing him say that to our son.
“Oh, that makes sense I guess. Alright, snap the ball!” Benji said excitedly and got ready to run and catch the pass from Joe. Shaking my head, I bent down a little bit again and once again felt Joe’s hands on my butt, but this time he gave it a little squeeze. Joe clapped his hands and then said, “Set, hut,” before I snapped it to him and he got set up to throw it to Benji. With a smile on his face the entire time, Benji ran to the side and caught the pass from Joe. “Touchdown!” Joe yelled and held up his hands. Just as Benji was about to stop, he slipped a little bit and fell straight towards the concrete patio.
“Ow.” Was all Benji got out as he came in contact with the ground. Both Joe and I started to run to Benji at his reaction, thinking he got hurt and was about to cry, but all he did was stand up and throw the ball at the ground like Joe does when he runs one in. Joe and I laughed before I looked down and noticed the big hole in Benji’s pants from skidding his knee against the concrete. Just as I looked down, Benji looked down at the hole in his pants and his bloody knee and said, “Oopsies.”I let out a little laugh while shaking my head and turned to Joe who was still laughing at Benji’s celebration. “Oh brother,” Was all I said, knowing we were going to be late to the wedding.
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gatorbites-imagines · 8 months
Kinktober day 5
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader + uniform kink
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I’ve been a Darth Vader fanboy (dickrider) for so long, I’m amazed I haven’t written smut about him before. This is loosely based on a plot idea I’ve had for a long time but never sat down and wrote.
This is the longest thing ive written for this kinktober, the spirit of star wars itself must have posessed me.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist
You were an imperial officer, you hadn’t always been one of course. Before the empire rose you had been your average war general under the republic working closely with the jedi and their clonetroopers, most of all you worked with the 501st lead under Anakin Skywalker, a name not even allowed to be murmured anymore. You had always carried some sort of candle for general Skywalker, the hero with no fear, but everyone knew jedi weren’t allowed to be in relationships, and even if they were, you could never imagine Skywalker being interested in you.
For some reason, after the empire rose you had joined their ranks. What else could you do? You had lost everything in the war, and even though you didn’t believe in their propaganda, you knew the republic had been just as corrupt, they just hid it better. Your old coworkers had never liked how easily you switched sides for credits, but since you had no one to tie yourself too it was easy to put on a new uniform and kill under some randos orders. It was what had made you so useful during the clone wars and for the empire afterwards, you were quick and smart and had little mercy in your soul.
Of course, your heart gave a squeeze when you would see the formerly lively clones be reduced to mindless flesh droids, or when you saw the few remaining jedi being dragged away for re-education or to be gotten rid of. But under the emperor you were paid handsomely, more than most other officers you learned, why though you could never tell. Maybe it was the fact that you were the longest lasting officer under Lord Vader, as the sith had a tendency to snuff out the life of anyone who got on his nerves. Anyone but you.
For some reason, Vader seemed to like you, at least to the degree a sith could like somebody. He kept you around, at least. And at times you were sure he was staring at you longer than was appropriate, but you weren’t gonna say anything, especially to the guy known for snapping necks of anyone who got in his way.
Your status as Vader’s personal officer came one day in the form of a special uniform. It looked like your average imperial officer uniform, except for the fact that instead of black or white, the top part of your uniform was now a dark deep crimson. The color reminded you of dried blood. The pants were pitch black, the same shade as Vader’s cloak. If you looked deeper into your outfit, you would see the stitches were done with a red thread, almost like Vader’s saber. It was clear you were Vader’s, whether you wanted it or not.
Being Vader’s personal officer was isolating, more than usual. You had always been known as cold and tough, because you had to be to have lasted as long as yourself standing so close to Vader and the emperor. But after being so visibly marked as someone under Vader’s terrifying eye, all new officers and troopers seemed to avoid you or walk on eggshells around you, as if fearing your wrath would be Vader’s wrath itself. You had gotten used to the loneliness a long time ago, but as more and more officers and crew from your time were replaced you ended up having just yourself and your thoughts.
And your thoughts somehow always ended up back on Anakin Skywalker, that jedi general you had fought beside many years ago now. You wondered how he would have felt if he knew who you had become, how much blood was on your hands, how many innocents you had doomed. You knew deep down it was stupid, he had never truly known you, you had been nothing but coworkers, fellow generals. But for some reason, his handsome face, beautiful eyes, and strong body would appear in your dreams and in the recess of your mind.
Even as you stood behind Vader in the cockpit of the large ships he would parade around in, you would find some of your attention sliding to memories of Skywalker. For some reason his clothes had always fascinated you, the dark robes had been so unusual for jedi, but they had been perfect on him. Maybe it was because of this that small twinges in your mind had started feeling a pull to Lord Vader of all people.
Maybe it was his height, his presence, or just the black clothing he wore that seemed to light something in your mind. Maybe it was fear mixing itself with lust, as you had noticed how he seemed even more tense than usual. Others would be unable to see, but you had stood behind him since the moment the emperor brought him forth. You could see it in the way his fists tightened, and his gloves creaked, or how his breathing just became a lad louder from what you could under imagine was frustration.
You were sure you were going mad from your isolation when your dreams were starting to become filled with not only Anakin Skywalker but Darth Vader, their gloved hands pulling at your body, Vader holding you up as Anakin had his way with you, or Anakin’s mechanical hand twisting and torturing your length as Vader made you choke on his fingers or cock, depending on if your dream thought the cyborg sith even possessed privates.
Normally you would be able to release the tension these dreams brought you, but Vader had seemed to call you to his personal quarters late at night. This night your dream had been stranger than usual, there had not been just Anakin or Vader, or even both at once, instead Anakin and Vader had been on. You had been in your imperial officer garb as well, something that rarely happened in your dreams featuring Skywalker, and the Vader Anakin amalgamation has pulled you apart. His heavy breathing still rang in your ears as you hurried towards your lords’ quarters.
The halls were empty, or as empty as they could be as you passed a couple of troopers patrolling, whom all saluted you as they were supposed to. You were sure you looked a mess, the call from Lord Vader had been urgent, and you hadn’t had time to pick up your newly pressed uniforms yet and had to put on the one you had worn all day. Outside the door of Vader’s quarters, you took a deep breath as you collected yourself, before knocking.
When you were welcomed in you almost choked at the sight before you, for a moment you were sure your lord was suffocating you with the force. There had never been a bed in Lord Vader’s room, as he had no need for one, but now there was. It was large, big enough to fit maybe three or four beings Vader’s own size, and the sheets were blood red and looked so expensive even your high salary felt a hit.
“Sir” you stated, straightening your back as you tried to not let your thoughts run haywire as Vader sat upon the bed like a king on his throne. Maybe it was leftovers from your dreams, but the spread of his powerful thighs and slow deep breathing leaving his respirator had your palms going clammy under his gloves. You cursed the fit of your uniform, as you were sure your halfchub caused by your dream was still visible as you stood straight.
This was it, Vader was gonna get rid of you for daring to show up looking so disheveled and uneven. “Officer” he rumbled in his deep voice, and you clenched your teeth and shut your eyes, ready for what you were sure was gonna be your death. Instead you felt your body being lurched forwards with what you knew was the force, falling to your knees as the force seemed to pull your feet out from under you.
As you opened your eyes you found yourself on your knees between Vader’s strong thighs, his gloved palm coming to hold your chin as he seemed to look you over with a critical eye, even under his helmet. You gulped, your halfchub filling up faster than you could dream of suppressing, and the scoffed exhale that left Vader made it sure you knew that he knew just how affected you were.
His other hand came up and adjusted the collar of your uniform, his strong mechanical fingers lingering around the vulnerable flesh of your neck. “Your dreams, officer. Are so very loud” he spoke in that deep voice of his, you were sure you heard it wrong as it felt like he had purred out those words. You face became hot, and so did your entire body, at the mention of your dreams. You knew force users could read or sense thoughts, but some innocent hopeful part of yourself had hoped your dreams would stay secret.
“Your uniform is out of order” he rumbled, the blank lenses of his helmet forcing you to stare at your own reflection. You tried to force yours mouth open to speak, to apologize for your appearance and your dreams, maybe to beg for mercy. But your lord seemed to have different plans, as his booted foot pressed against your crotch where you were hardest, a surprised moan leaving you.
“Remove your coat, officer” he rumbled, the fingers gripping your chin tightening until you followed his orders almost desperately. This had to be a dream, you were sure of it, why else would lord Vader be letting you rut against his boot like some kind of dog. “Your room is just below me own, did you know? You broadcast your dreams loudly” he kept going, grinding his boot harder between your thighs, making you gasp and grasp as his leg.
“You must make it up to me” Vader rumbled, and all speculation if he even possessed privates left your mind. In your dreams he had always been large, as he was so tall, but seeing it did it no justice. His strong grip knocked your hat off your head, another part of your uniform, as he pulled you forwards. You barely had time to prepare before your mouth as filled, and the tight fabric of your uniform pants became unbearable as you found yourself arching at the act.
Vader didn’t moan as he fucked your face, or rather pulled your head back and forth at his whim, but his breathing shook and that was enough for you. Your mind was a jumbled mess of Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker, for some reason you had grown hooked on the combination. If you weren’t so out of it, you might have noticed that Vader would thrust down your throat extra hard whenever images of the jedi appeared in your mind, but you could barely keep focus.
There was no warning as he came, just an extra deep exhale and him bottoming out, forcing your nose against his hairless pubic area. His shiny boot rolled against your crotch, and you were almost sure he must have done something with the force as you found yourself finish, even as he made you swallow all he gave you, you stained the inside of your boxers and uniform pants.
It took a moment to clear your thoughts as Lord Vader finally let you pull back, your throat sore in the best way and your eyes teary. You must have looked a mess, as Vader wiped under your drooling mouth with his large thumb. “Go fix up your uniform, officer” he rumbled, the force pushing you to your feet even as you almost buckled at the knees. Maybe you were still high on your orgasm, but you swore his tone was softer than normal, and that his touch was more careful as he put your hat back on your head and you tucked your jacket back on.
“I will call for you in the morning” Vader spoke, his tone meaningful in a way that had excitement brewing in you once more. “Sir” you replied in affirmation, trying not to shiver at how raw your voice was. As you hurried back to your quarters, Vader exhaled loudly as he ran his hand over his helmeted face, for once wishing he still possessed his old face so that maybe he could have indulged you in that so powerful dream of yours.
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slashers x child!reader who likes to take apart their toys to make little inventions/new toys
*dies* I didn't add Billy and stu because I'm so tired and have no inspiration
Slashers x child! Reader who rips other toys to built new ones.
You probably got old dolls from a few decades ago from Judith's old toys she had when she was a child or his.
Michael didn't care that much that you were destroying the toys until he saw you either only ripped a limb or a head.
He then came and saw you with a toy he never saw before when he recognised some parts and realised you built a new toy out of different toys.
He'll admire it like how he'll admire his "art works" after killing someone. The more weirder and creepier the more he'll like it. although he'll like any kind of invention you make.
When you ran out of toys he broke in a toy shop once and got as many as he could and gave them to you.
You got a whole shelf of your little inventions and he stares at it whenever you're gone and he has nothing to do.
Sinclair brothers
They got you either old toys of theirs (I hv no idea if they had toys as children) or toys around the town.
Bo was like 'why??' when you took apart your toys parts but when he saw you building a new one he thought 'wait that's kinda cool actually' he thinks of it like repairing or building a car so when he actually is repairing a car he'd like it if you were also building something so that you can both look like father and daughter doing similar things. When you finished a piece and showed it to him he probably petted your head and said "good job", what he really wanted to say was 'oh my god, oh my god holy shit it's beautiful you built something in so proud of you'. Got one or two of yours as a gift to him and he keeps it extra safe.
Vincent was ecstatic when you showed him your new toy and told him your little hobby, now you both can make art! He could be painting or wax sculpturing and you could be building with him. He's so proud of you whenever you managed to fully make a toy he howls a bit in delight and gives you two thumbs up and he probably sketches your toys because he thinks they're so interesting. He'll be a bit sad when he sees his childhood toys broken though he thinks your new ones are totally worth it. He sometimes likes you watch you do your thing and helps you if you can't figure out what to make.
Lester was also whying when he saw you taking apart the toys, did you hate it that much? But he went wowing when he saw what you were actually doing and totally watches you make your new toys. He will say so many praises when you finish it, will talk about it to his brothers and bo acts annoyed but he secretly wants to hear all about it too. Wants to learn how to build too, it gets boring having nothing to do driving around all day you know. except when tourists are here but scratch that the twins will sometimes find you both together on Lester's trunk on a challenge to see who can build faster and better, its a tie everytime. Jonesy would be there to watch you two (everyone's watching) if you run out of toys then he'll bring you abandoned cheaper ones.
I think it all started when he brought you expensive nice ones and you took one look at it and then ripped it. He almost choked on air when he saw that.
"y/n.. Why did you do that if you didn't like it you could've just told me..."
When you told him about your intentions he replied with,
"I wish you could've told me that sooner, I could've brought cheaper ones." he pinches the bridge of his nose.
And he did. And he watches with great interest on how your little invention will turn out and smiles and praises you when you show him your art piece. Also like Michael he had shelf/shelves full of your works. Informs Will about this too this is how it goes.
Will, Will look what y/n made.
Hannibal it's 2 am.
He's a happy little cat when you talk to him about your toys and he's just glad he adopted you. Like Vincent you both can do your little art things.
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unluckyhoneybee · 4 months
A big brain (Auston Matthews)
A reunion with your colleagues makes Auston doubt himself. Auston M. x Phd!Reader.
Note: I was thinking of making a few blurbs about this if anyone has requests, but life is busy right now so I can't promise anything (not many long pieces)
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There was something on his eyes that you couldn't identify. Auston was looking around the room, watching people and smiling politely when he had too. But he had barely spoken. You were trapped in a conversation, it seemed to be too important although you couldn't concentrate well.
"YN, what are your expectations now?"
"Hmm" You looked at Arthur, your project director.
"Now that we have received the funds"
You smiled and nodded. "Well, I'm waiting for the permits and hoping to start the field work as soon as possible"
"They are on the way" Arthur smiled at you.
"I talked to them a couple of days ago"
Auston saw you from afar. In second, your eyes lit up. Suddenly, you were smiling so brightly it was contagious. But it only made him want to sink on the seat.
Arthur nodded. "You are starting next week, YN"
You gasped and covered your face. Instantly, your eyes looked for him and Auston felt his chest warmer. The good news were obvious. He wanted to be there by your side and hold your hand. But for some reason, he saw you thank the paople around you and scape.
Your heels echoed through the chatter when you walked to him. There were tears in your eyes. Happy tears.
He caught you right when you hugged him, slightly stumbling on your shoes. With his arms around you and his hand flat between your shoulder blades, plus all the joy in your veins, you squeaked and squeezed him.
Auston chuckled a bit and looked around, cheeking to see how people had reacted. A couple of your mates had warm smiles, a few others looked with judging eyes. Only Auston's glare was needed for them to look away. If his girl was happy, no one would have a word on it.
"Aus" You moved back and cupped his face. "We have the funds. I'm starting next week"
Auston's eyes opened like plates and his heart rate picked up. The joy on his eyes was so visible that you could only kiss him. It was heartwarming to see the person you love celebrate your wins.
"Oh, YN" He hugged you tight and tucked your face on his neck. "I'm so proud of you, you fought so much for this" He kissed your temple and caressed your hair.
The rest of the night was bliss. Auston had stayed by your side, his hand always carefully placed on your hip and a polite smile on his lips when your mates talked to him. For everyone, he was the proud boyfriend, for you, Auston was faking. But not his happiness or pride for you. You could see how genuine his feelings were when he looked at you.
You saw his tie fall to the floor and him walking into the bathroom without even noticing. With a sigh, you picked it up and moved it between your fingers. What was going on? Was it the team? Was it a new injury he hadn't told you about? Were there problems back at home in Arizona?
You took your shoes off and knocked at the door. It was half open and you could see his reflection in the mirror, but you wanted to give him space. He was washing his face and his shirt was gone.
"Come in" He said while drying his face.
You walked in and closed the door behind you. "Hi, babe"
"Hi" He left the towel aside and leaned on the counter. Auston knew what was coming. Your concerned glances hadn't gone unadverted.
You took a deep breath and hugged him from behind. He always loved it when you did that, your body was way smaller and you were kind of hidden behind his reflection. Only your arms around his waist showed on the mirror. You kissed the dagger between his shoulder blades and your hand traveled up to his chest, right above his heart. It was beating fast and his skin was warm.
"What's wrong?" You whispered and laid your head on his shoulder, eyes closed and all.
Auston took a deep breath. He had fucked up your night. The dinner with your co-workers, mentors, the project´s directors, ...
"Aus..." You kissed his shoulder and gently nuzzled your nose on his neck. There were no further intentions, just loving comfort.
One of his hands covered yours for a few seconds before bringing it to his lips.
"I love you" He muttered on your skin.
Your stomach twisted and you lifted your head trying to get a look of his expression. Dead serious.
"What happened?" You wanted to retrieve your hand from his. You trusted him like mad, there wasn't a single person who held it like him. He had you on his hands.
"Nothing. Nothing happened" He said, his voice cracking halfway.
Finally, you moved back. His warm skin was suddenly burning you. "You are scaring me"
Auston lowered his head and cleared his throat. Oh how scared he was of saying his!
"You should be with someone else"
For a while, everything stopped. Your hands were shaking and your mind moving too fast. Meanwhile, Auston was still, not moving and barely breathing. He couldn't get himself to look at you.
"Why do you say that?"
Auston gripped the marble hard, his knuckles even turned white.
"Because... Because who am I? Have you seen the people around you?"
You blinked confused and walked to him. A gentle hand was enough for him to give you space. You found your space between his body and the counter and laid your hands on his chest.
"What do you mean, Auston? Why are you saying this?" This wasn't common for him. He was Auston Matthews, he was laid back and confident, he was one of the best.
"You are a genius" His hand came to cradle your face and by pure instinct, you leaned into his touch. "You are so intelligent, you are getting so many things right. You got the whole group funds for a project" Auston breathed deeply. "I'm just a hockey player, babe. You could have someone like you, with a PhD, your same interests, someone you can talk to about your research. I don't have a big brain like yours, baby" His voice was weak and his eyes sad. It truly broke your heart.
"I don't need or want any of that" You whispered. "I need you so much" You sat on the counter and brought him closer. "I need my hockey player" You pecked his lips and hugged him. "If it wasn't for you, I would have gone crazy, Auston. I need you in my life, you bring so much light and happiness to it. I don't want a researcher or someone like me, I want you"
His hands fisted your dress, now without fear of ruining your outfit. He wasn't sure where this insecurity was coming from, but he hated the feeling. It was a different kind of vulnerability.
"And... Don't even dare to say you are not intelligent, Matthews" You said pulling back a bit. "Because this big brain of yours can make amazing things on the ice. You are not less intelligent than me" You pecked his lips again.
He didn't seem super sure of it.
"Okay?" You kissed his nose.
"It's just... You talk with them and I can barely understand what you say..."
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle. "I still don't know what a power play is about"
He smiled and after a couple of seconds laughed. "I like you how you are, I wouldn't change you for anyone"
"No matter how many Nobel prizes they have?"
"Not when my boyfriend is one of the best hockey players in the league"
Auston brought you closer, completely stepping into your space and wrapping you in a tight hug. "I don't know what got in me" HE muttered on your hair.
"It's alright, we all have our moments" You said and tucked yourself on his neck. "Just talk to me, I don't like when you pout and look like a lost puppy"
Auston kissed your temple. "I love you"
"I love you too, Aus. So much."
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madelynraemunson · 4 months
You can answer this privately, but a few weeks ago I was thinking about if Reader was trying to make Eddie jealous with the song I kissed a girl in the background making out with some girl on the stage you know. Or tryna make him want her more lol.
def need to catch up tho
ooooh a lil toxic lovin’ i see i see 😏💋 thank you for helping with the possessive!eddie dirty talk and reactions, my sweet.
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from the CMWYW universe
timeline: shortly after chapter 013
𝐈 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐭 18+
a collaboration with @emsgoodthinkin 💌
modern!strip club owner!eddie x modern!fem!exotic dancer!hargrove reader
CW: jealous!eddie, wlw, possessive!eddie, boyfriend!eddie, biting, degrading kink, eddie calls us a slut lmao, bratty shy girl, dom!eddie, sub!shy girl, lmk if i miss anything
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[WC: 2.0k]
“I just think you’re getting a little too into it.”
It’s crazy to think Eddie would draw the line at Gareth and not Steve. Yet here you two are, arguing in the dressing room mid-shift because Eddie realized his D&D friends — who are regulars at his D&D themed strip club — have eyes and money. 
“Babe, this is GARETH we’re talking about here,” you emphasize. “Gareth!”
You’re talking about the Gareth who’s gamer tag is ‘Gareth the “Gare Bear” Emerson’.  The same Gareth who still uses the bunny ear method to tie his shoes. The same Gareth who gets upset when his food touches. Aside from his now relatively toned build, clear skin, and knowledge on self-care and personal hygiene, Gareth Emerson is still the same guy. And that guy is a fucking dweeb.
“Yeah, but Gareth is conventionally attractive now,” your boyfriend points out. “And somebody who’s had no choice but to build their charm from the inside out is a dangerous person.”
Projecting, are we Munson? You think to yourself. You couldn’t believe the audacity of your boyfriend. Ever since you two became exclusive, Eddie has become extra protective of you. You didn’t mind it. You actually preferred it because it means he cares. But really, at work? The place you clock in every day (not only to see him but) to make a living?
“You left scratches on his back last time.”
“He paid me to make a girl jealous.”
“And let’s not forget whatever the fuck that was that you did with Creel,” Eddie adds refusing to hear you out. 
“Henry PAID me for a lap dance,” you hiss. “He was lonely, I was doing my job. He came in and spoiled me and your business on his off day, babe.”
The heat dissolves from Eddie’s cheeks when he hears his pet name. Albeit flattering, this conversation between you two wasn’t over just yet. 
Eddie knew what he saw. He knows that blank, fucked out stare from anywhere, and it was prominent when you were giving Henry a lap dance, using the crinkle of his pants to get yourself off.
There’s no arguing there. But you were single when that happened and Eddie at the time made it really seem like he didn’t want anything with you. None of this was taking away from how ridiculous Eddie was being.
“Okay,” you sigh, still choosing to honor his wishes. “No more dances for Gareth.”
“At least for tonight,” Eddie barters, issuing you a fake pout. “Feeling a little bit jealous, but I’ll get over it.”
Stay away from Gareth, or men in general tonight. You can definitely do that. 
Eddie’s a happy camper now. He watches as you do your thing at Vecna’s Lair, cock twitching eagerly in his pants as you swing down the pole and sink your pelvis onto the stage. The men douse you in ones, fives, tens, twenties. And you let it rain down on you with ease. 
But why is Eddie still so jealous? He can’t help but turn green with envy when he sees you smile at your patrons. When you lock eyes with them as you speak. And the way they gravitate towards you and your pheromones like some magnets on a fridge. 
You seem to be unbothered by everything, unbothered by his presence in a room full of other gentlemen. Eddie needs to test the waters. Eddie needs to know you care.
So he decides to grab a beer and approach the first customer of the opposite sex who happens to spiral into his periphery. It happens to be good ol’ Stephanie tonight. 
A regular during the beginning days of the week, this kind hearted, very approachable redhead welcomes Hellfire’s owner with a smile, offering her beer bottle to Eddie for him to give her a clink, hello. 
“Hey!” he chimes. “How uh, how are you doing?”
“I’m doing well, and yourself?”
Eddie grins. “Not too shabby.” 
Performatively studying her with his eyes, he decides to ask her an innuendo-filled question. “You enjoying yourself tonight?”
“What’s it to ya?”
“I always like to make sure my customers are satisfied.”
Her brow does a fruitful quirk upwards.
“So you’re the owner huh? Already so young and successful. That’s quite impressive.” 
“D’aww,” your boyfriend’s hands clutch his chest. “I appreciate that.” 
You can’t help but look over, stomach warped into knots.
Eddie told you to stay away from guys. So why is he flirting with a girl? Specifically a customer you’ve interacted with before. Not that Eddie would know that, since he’s always in his office when Stephanie is here.
Eddie knows you see him now and that’s all the satisfaction he needs. Knowing he got the reaction he wanted, he excuses himself from Steph, strutting back over to his office to disappear for a while and let your mind wander.
But your mind is already two steps ahead. When Stephanie catches a glimpse of you, her eyes sparkle. You wave her over.
“You just keep coming back for more, don’t you?” you infer as she strides towards you. 
Stephanie chuckles. “You just can’t seem to keep me away, Shy Girl. I owe Vicky and Robin one for putting me onto this joint.”
You swing your legs over so you can divert your attention to your stunning regular. She seems to be receptive to your flirtatious nature. And conveniently, the DJ transitions into a very fitting song:
“How are you doing tonight?” you assess her.
Stephanie shrugs. “I’m doing okay. The chick I was telling you about last week stood me up. So I’m here just trying to make myself feel better.”
“OMG I’m so sorry dude.”
But she brushes it off. “It’s okay. The loneliness will die down. I just gotta feel sorry for myself first.”
You rest a consoling hand on your shoulder. Before becoming exclusive with Eddie, you knew the feeling of rejection all too well. 
“You’re welcome here anytime. Even if you just wanna talk. Girl to girl, we can even do a private room for an hour.”
Just then, Stephanie reaches into her bra and pulls out a twenty dollar bill with the smuggest look on her face. 
“What about center stage? You tryna kiss it all better?”
You could’ve… and would’ve done it without the money. But knowing Eddie is in for the plot twist of his lifetime, you’ve rendered the deal priceless. Happily obliging, you accept the money Stephanie insists you take from her and extend your arms out.
“Bring it in, chica.”
It’s not what I’m used to. Just wanna try you on. I’m curious for you…
And then it happens. It starts with a timid smack of the lips to feel out both your comfort levels. The feeling of safety and trust propels you both further into realms of intensity you wouldn’t have thought of exploring with one another before. She tastes of cherry, with a hint of minty coconut. 
You let out a satisfied hum. It registers as a vibration against her full, vivacious chest. Dancing your fingers in her wavy hair now, you pull her closer to your chest as your lips lock in tandem. 
“WHEW!” you can hear Argyle shout all the way from the kitchen. “GAH DAMN!”
…I kissed a girl and I liked it. The taste of her cherry chapstick…
The uproar creates a chain reaction and soon all the gentlemen at Hellfire are hooting and hollering at the relatively unscripted act of affection in front of them. Soon, the money follows. Grinding your hips against her torso now, you chase the feeling of self-indulgence as you unravel yourself onto Stephanie. Right in time for Eddie to see.
I kissed a girl just to try it. I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it.
Floored, confused, and just a tad aroused, your man stands at the foot of Vecna’s Lair with his hands curling at his sides.
It felt so wrong. It felt so right. Don’t mean I’m in love tonight.
His stiff cock protrudes at the posterior ends of his zipper, boxer briefs shamefully laced with the salty spouts of his leaky tip. Fuck, he’s so hard. But still, oh so very pissed.
I kissed a girl and I liked it. I liked it.
Standing where you knew he’d be, you shoot him a wink, letting him know that you’re well aware of his foiled plan. And after you and Stephanie thank one another for each other’s time, you prance off to the dressing room with mountains of bills in your hands.
“You think Eddie’s gonna like this green set?”
There’s an itch to burn the cash you got tonight, so you find yourself browsing the internet for lingerie on your phone.
“Oooh,” Nina coos in approval. “Yes girl. You’re gonna look like a sexy dragon of sorts.”
“Mm. And what about this g-string?”
“Yes, get it. I have the same one and it’s so flattering and comfortable. Look!”
Just then the door shoots open.
“Eddie, what the hell?!” Nina shrieks, quickly donning her cloak to cover up. “Knocking, fucker. Ever heard of it?”
You turn towards the entrance to find your flustered man at the door, scowling at you briefly before turning to apologize to Nina.
“Sorry, Neens,” his gaze softens sincerely. But Nina is already storming out. “I was dumb for that.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” you tsk.
You two wait until your colleague is out of range to engage in what you both know is about to be some pretty reckless behavior. When all is clear, Eddie wastes no time, pouncing on you, pinning you by the wrists to the drawer of your vanity, leaving love bites at the crook of your neck just keen enough to draw blood. 
Pathetically, you love it. Your dripping cunt swells for the intensity — the fury of his rough hands — the vampiric blows to your hot pulse points — the rugged buckling of his hips as he digs his claws into the tender indents of yours.
“Eddie…” you whimper.
“This familiar?” he demands between breaths. 
“Rings a bell,” you muster, tracing his large display of excitement with your trembling palm. “Though it seems like you don’t necessarily…have a problem with it.”
A sinister laugh escapes his throat.
Eddie huffs. “Think you can be a smart aleck with me without repercussions?”
As swift as they come, Eddie flips you around, easing you safely onto the desk portion of your vanity by the your neck. You squirm around like a brat, whining and kicking at him with your heels in playful retaliation. His fingertips then tightly enclose around your thin lacy bralette, causing a minor tear of the sparkly chrome fabric.
Too far. Grabbing him by the wrist, you eye him in disapproval.
“Eds!” you hiss at him, seriously this time.
“You’re buying new sets anyways,” he shrugs indifferently. “You know, with the money you got for being a needy little slut.”
You issue a low grumble as Eddie sinks his body atop the small of your back. The softness in Eddie returns again when he presses delicate kisses around the tip of your chin.
“Mine, remember?”
He spins you around again, ordering you to your knees with an authoritative snap. You oblige a little too quickly, but you don’t care. You’re at the mercy of him tonight and always.
“Yours…” you breathe, knowing he’s about to fuck you and your mouth to spit and tears. “Yours only…”
He smirks, satisfied with himself. You bite your lip eagerly as you watch the King of Hellfire — and your heart — unbuckle his belt, ushering his pants down to line his pulsing cock up against your lips. Desperate for more already, your tongue peaks out to say hello. The deep lines of his snarky face concave further.
“Pucker up, sweetheart.”
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💞 valentine’s divider by @saradika-graphics 💞
happy valentine’s day, sweethearts 💌
tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @mediocredreams , @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @lindseyj23, @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @justinelittlewoodsworld , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay
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