#james beaufort x reader
sagewritings · 2 days
Grace and Arrogance - James Beaufort x Fem!Reader
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pairing: james beaufort x fem!reader
synopsis: amidst playful bickering, the dynamic between you and james transforms from turmoil to bliss when james sheds his facade of arrogance to reveal hidden admiration.
word count: 2.1k
warnings/tags: mentions of a car accident, fluff with james beaufort
a/n: hello everyone! it's been a while since my last post because i haven't really had any inspiration and time over the past months but after watching maxton hall last week, i just couldn't help but write! ! i wrote this in like an hour on my notes app so it may seem a bit rushed but that's okay :>
if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
Being a regular visitor at the Beaufort estate has familiarized you with every corner of the house. Now, you have memorized every room and decoration, immediately spotting whatever is newly added. The Beauforts didn’t mind your presence, with your family being close friends of theirs.
But it was not the Beauforts' son who you were particularly fond of.
You were extremely close with Lydia, your best friend since childhood. Despite both of you coming from wealthy backgrounds, your upbringing was notably different. Your parents owned a chain of hotels and restaurants across Europe, but they insisted on raising you humbly, teaching you the value of hard work and modesty. This upbringing made you see through the arrogance often displayed by James, Lydia's brother.
James, with his confident smirk and air of superiority, was someone you couldn't stand. Your encounters often led to playful bickering, a routine everyone at Maxton Hall was familiar with. But behind your teasing, there was an underlying respect for each other, one neither of you would openly acknowledge.
One sunny afternoon, you found yourself in the Beauforts' expansive garden, your favorite place to unwind with Lydia. She was lounging on a chaise, flipping through a magazine, while you were engrossed in a novel. The peace was soon interrupted by the sound of footsteps.
"Well, well, what do we have here? The ladies of leisure," James's voice drawled, cutting through the tranquility.
You looked up, ready to retort. "And here comes the lord of arrogance. What do you want, James?"
James smirked, leaning against a nearby pillar. "Just enjoying the sunshine. Is that a crime?"
"Only if you're planning to cast a shadow over our peace," you shot back, not missing a beat.
Lydia chuckled from her seat. "You two are impossible. Can't you ever have a conversation without turning it into a fight?"
"It's not my fault your brother is insufferable," you said, closing your book and standing up to face James.
"Insufferable? That's a new one. What else do you think about me, Y/N?" James asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Do you really want to know?" you challenged, stepping closer.
"Absolutely," he replied, his gaze locking onto yours.
Before you could respond, Lydia interjected. "Okay, enough, both of you. Can't we just have one afternoon without the bickering?"
You glanced at Lydia, then back at James. "Fine. But only because Lydia asked."
James shrugged, a smug smile on his face. "Whatever you say, Y/N."
Despite your frequent clashes, there were moments when you couldn't deny James's charm. Like the time he helped you with a school project, his intelligence and wit shining through in a way that caught you off guard.
You were in the library, struggling with a particularly difficult economics assignment. The sound of approaching footsteps made you groan inwardly. Of course, it had to be him.
"Need help, Y/N?" James asked, looking over your shoulder.
"I can manage, thank you," you replied curtly, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of admitting you were stuck.
He pulled up a chair next to you anyway. "Let me see."
You sighed, sliding the paper towards him. "Fine. But no gloating."
"Wouldn't dream of it," he said with a wink, scanning the problem. "Ah, I see the issue. You're overthinking it. Here, let me show you."
For the next hour, James patiently explained the concepts, his usual arrogance replaced with genuine enthusiasm for the subject. By the end of it, you had to admit he was a good teacher.
"Thanks, James," you said, a reluctant smile tugging at your lips.
"Anytime, Y/N," he replied, his expression softening.
Despite these moments of truce, your dynamic remained largely unchanged. That is, until the day you stopped going to your classes in Maxton Hall without warning. Lydia knew the reason but couldn't divulge it due to your parents' wish for privacy. This secrecy, however, only fueled James's concern and curiosity. Despite your clashes, he had always admired your kindness and humility.
Days turned into weeks, and your absence left a noticeable void. James found himself more worried than he cared to admit. His irritation grew, not just because you were gone, but because Lydia refused to tell him why.
James sat in the library, his usual spot, staring at the empty chair across from him. It felt wrong not having you there to challenge him, to banter with him. The silence was suffocating.
"Where is she, Lydia?" James demanded, cornering his sister in the hallway.
"I can't tell you, James. It's not my place," Lydia replied, her expression firm yet sympathetic.
"You know something, and you're keeping it from me," he accused, frustration evident in his tone.
"Trust me, if I could, I would tell you. But I can't," Lydia insisted, turning away.
James ran a hand through his hair, his frustration palpable. "You don't understand, Lydia. I need to know she's okay."
"She is. That's all I can say," Lydia replied softly before walking away, leaving James standing there, his mind racing with worry.
He spent sleepless nights thinking about you, imagining the worst scenarios. Had something happened to you? Were you in trouble? Each passing day without any news felt like an eternity, and the worry gnawed at him incessantly.
The mystery was finally revealed during a dinner at the Beaufort estate. As you and Lydia's parents chatted, the conversation inadvertently turned to your family. James listened intently as they discussed the car accident that had left your father seriously injured. You had been absent to take over the family business in his stead, juggling the responsibilities of an heir with the pressures of high school.
"It was such a terrible accident," your mother said, her voice tinged with worry. "He was lucky to survive, but the recovery process has been grueling."
James's heart sank as he listened. The image of you, strong and resilient, dealing with such a massive burden alone, tugged at his heartstrings.
"Y/N has been amazing," your father added, his voice filled with pride and concern. "She's stepped up in ways we never imagined, taking on the business and keeping things running smoothly."
Lydia's parents nodded sympathetically. "She truly is remarkable. We can't imagine the pressure she's under."
James felt a pang of guilt and a surge of determination. He admired you even more for handling such immense pressure with grace. The next day, he decided to visit you.
You were in the midst of preparing for a business meeting when James arrived at your house. The sight of him surprised you, and your initial reaction was to push him away.
"James, I don't have time for this," you said, frustration evident in your voice as you shuffled through papers.
"I'm not here to argue," he replied, stepping closer. "I'm here to help."
You looked up, skepticism in your eyes. "Help? How?"
"I know how to run a business. Let me support you," he offered, sincerity in his voice.
You hesitated, the weight of your responsibilities making you wary. But the genuine concern in his eyes made you relent.
"Fine. But don't think this means I like you," you muttered, turning back to your work.
James chuckled. "Wouldn't dream of it."
He stepped forward, his presence steadying you as you felt the weight of everything crashing down. You fought back tears of exhaustion, the stress overwhelming you.
"Y/N, let me take some of this off your shoulders," James said gently, his voice a soothing balm to your frayed nerves.
"I… I don't know if I can trust you," you admitted, your voice trembling. "You've always been so… unserious."
James's expression softened, his eyes filled with understanding. "I get it. I've been a jerk, but I care about you. More than I let on."
You looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity there. "Why now, James?"
"Because I admire you. Your strength, your kindness. You're handling all of this with such grace, and I want to help you. Please, let me," he pleaded.
Your defenses crumbled, the exhaustion and stress finally taking their toll. "Okay," you whispered, the word carrying the weight of your vulnerability.
James stepped closer, his arms wrapping around you in a comforting embrace. For the first time in weeks, you allowed yourself to lean on someone else, to share the burden.
Over the next few days, James proved to be an invaluable ally. His expertise in business management eased your burden, allowing you to balance school and work more effectively. The more you worked together, the more you saw a different side of him—one that was caring and dependable.
James took on tasks with a surprising efficiency, his usual arrogance replaced with a dedication that impressed you. He handled meetings, reviewed contracts, and even helped streamline operations, all while providing a steady source of support and encouragement.
One evening, after a particularly long day, you both found yourselves sitting in the garden, the stars twinkling above.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" James asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
You laughed softly. "How could I forget? You spilled juice all over my dress."
He chuckled, shaking his head. "I was so nervous. I wanted to make a good impression, and I ended up making a mess."
"I thought you were a spoiled brat," you admitted, smiling at the memory.
"And now?" he asked, his gaze locking onto yours.
"Now, I see someone who cares deeply about his family and friends. Someone who hides his true self behind a facade of arrogance," you said softly.
James's expression turned serious. "And I see someone who is incredibly strong, even when faced with immense challenges. Someone who inspires me to be better."
The air between you seemed to crackle with electricity. Before you could second-guess yourself, you leaned in, pressing your lips to his. The kiss was gentle, tentative at first, but quickly deepened as you both poured all your unspoken feelings into it.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and dazed, you met his gaze and saw the same vulnerability mirrored in his eyes.
"I've liked you for a long time, Y/N," James admitted. "I just didn't know how to tell you."
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "I guess I like you too, James. Even if you are insufferable sometimes."
He laughed, pulling you into another kiss. The garden seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in that moment.
The days turned into weeks, and with James's help, you managed to stabilize your family's business. His presence became a constant source of support and comfort, and your feelings for him began to shift.
Returning to Maxton Hall, you and James surprised everyone with your newfound camaraderie. The playful bickering was replaced by a growing closeness that neither of you could ignore.
The fundraiser ball at Maxton Hall was an annual event where everyone dressed in Victorian-era attire. This year, you and James were assigned to fix the lights, a task that allowed for a rare moment of privacy.
"Careful with that, Y/N," James warned as you reached for a particularly tricky bulb.
"I've got it," you insisted, balancing precariously on a ladder.
James steadied the ladder, his hands brushing against yours as he helped you with the light. The proximity made your heart race, a tension building between you that neither could ignore.
As the last bulb clicked into place, you turned to thank him, only to find him closer than expected. His eyes locked onto yours, the air thick with unspoken feelings.
"James…" you began, but he silenced you with a gentle touch to your cheek.
"I admire you, Y/N. More than you'll ever know," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
Before you could respond, he closed the distance, his lips capturing yours in a tender kiss. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in that moment.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and dazed, you met his gaze and saw the same vulnerability mirrored in his eyes.
"Can we try this?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly.
James smiled, his thumb brushing against your cheek. "I'd like that very much."
As the evening wore on, the lights you and James had fixed illuminated the grand hall, casting a warm glow over the attendees. You stood together, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
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wanderingsoul6261 · 2 days
I'm Here Now
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Credit for gif goes to mauraeyk
James Beaufort x Reader
synopsis: follows the plot of a few requests, mostly pregnancy, angst, etc. In this one, Reader finds out she is pregnant. She tells James and he gets cold feet. Events in this fix are probably unlikely, but Y/N had been understanding, considering who his parents were. And then they meet several years later.
warnings: none, I don't think? If I'm wrong, please let me know and I can change it. My brain isn't working right now.
expect two more within the next 24 to 48 hours.
The plastic stick stared hauntingly at her. This was it. The next nine months of her life and everything that came after, already laid for her. Ultimately, she had a different route, but she couldn’t do it. She would never do it. 
Her parents stood in the doorway of the bathroom. Silence filled the air and Y/N felt like she could suffocate in it. She picked at her fingernails, her eyes on the floor, looking everywhere but at her parents. It was already known how disappointed they were in her. How they had expected and hoped that she would get through the first few of her life after Maxton Hall before anything like this happened. She knew that they hoped that she would get through college and make a life for herself. 
But here it was, all thrown back in their faces. And it wasn’t just her parents. Y/N expected something completely different, and this was definitely not it. 
“Does he know?” Her mother finally spoke, breaking the silence. Y/N casted her eyes briefly in her parents direction. Her father leaned against the door frame, a hand on the bottom half of his face, and her mother stood a few steps closer, her eyes focusing solely on the pregnancy test. 
Y/N was silent for several seconds. 
“No.” She averted her eyes back to the ground in front of her. “He doesn’t” 
“Do you plan on telling him?” Her eyes snapped her father this time, who now stared back directly at her. 
“Yea. I just don’t know how. It’s not exactly an easy subject to talk about. Especially at your ages.” 
“It’s definitely the right thing to do.” He agreed. Her father let out a heavy sigh. “But… you might not like the response and actions that he might have.” Her mother nodded.
“This will be just as hard for him as it is for you at this moment.” 
“And you’re sure you want to keep the child?” She had been asked this question twice already minutes before. Y/N turned her gaze back to the ground, swallowing thickly as thoughts ran through her mind. 
“Because if not, we can pull some strings, and-” 
“Stop.” Y/N cut her father off, and he went silent. He had almost surprisingly looked dejected, and it was likely genuine. Y/N should have known. Her parents weren’t like other parents of rich kids. They meant well and actually cared for her well being. She knew that no matter what she decided to do, they would have her back no matter what. “I’m sorry.” She apologized. “But yea, I’d like to keep the child.” 
“What?” James was pale, and if Y/N hadn’t known any better, she would have thought him to be sick. She swallowed thickly, picking at her fingernails, a nervous habit of hers. He had seen and slapped her hands, telling her to stop it. Then he took a step back. 
She stared at him. James had obviously not liked the news, shock and fear written all over his face. Y/N had been scared that this was going to happen. In fact, she had almost expected it. But she had been surprised when he still showed enough care to stop her from picking at her fingers until they bled. 
Maybe there was a potential for hope. 
“I’m pregnant.” Her voice was barely above a whisper. 
“Mine?” She nodded. 
“Yours.” James mumbled under his breath. Y/N watched as he paced back and forth in front of the pool. Y/N watched him, growing slightly more stressed with each stride he took. Her eyes followed his feet, repeating her mannerisms from the other night. She refused to look in his face. She had let so many people down by allowing this to happen, and in the end, she still wasn’t sure what she would lose or keep. “Can you stop pacing please?” Y/N asked quietly. “You’re stressing me out.” 
“Stressing you out-” James paused, finally stopping to stare at Y/N. She had shrunk into herself and despite his attempt at stopping her from picking at her fingers, she still continued to do so. His breath got caught in his throat. What was he to do? His parents, especially his father, would not allow this. He would see it as a scandal and do everything in his power to separate Y/N from him and keep it that way. 
James had to do something first. 
He stopped his pacing, and sat on the opposite end of the bench that she sat on. James hunched forward, running his hand down his face as he ran through different possibilities in his mind. 
“You don’t want this right now, do you?” Y/N asked. His head whipped up and towards her. She was staring at him, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. James opened his mouth, trying to think of something to say, willing himself to say anything, but nothing came. He closed his mouth, but kept eye contact with her. Y/N searched his eyes for anything, anything that might tell her what exactly it was that he wanted. 
“I don’t know.” He finally said. 
Even if it wasn’t a definitive answer, those three words still punched a hole in Y/N’s stomach. She swallowed thickly, turning her head away from him and looked towards the pool. Her eyes flickered over the waving surface, suddenly interested in the way that the sun showed on the ripples created by the slight breeze, watching as the sun rays bounced off the bottom floor. 
“I mean. You have to understand, Y/N.” James went silent again for a few seconds. “This is a tough thing at our ages. And your parents might be more accommodating, but mine-” 
“Are you basing your decision off of what you want, or what they would want?” Y/N turned back to him. He didn’t even have to answer it. She knew the answer before he answered it himself. 
“Y/N, you know how my parents-” 
“And that’s enough to potentially think about walking away from me and your unborn child?” She asked. James went silent and averted his gaze. His eyes peered down at his shoes, taking note of the scuff and dirt marks that he had never really noticed until now. They were dirt and scuff marks that his father wouldn’t stand for. 
His father. 
He turned back to Y/N, who now had tears streaming down her face. A sigh escaped her lips and James was almost expecting more to come from her mouth. He had already felt bad enough that he was leaning more towards the thoughts of his father, but the more he thought about it, he was almost protecting her. If his father ever found out, he didn’t know what would happen. 
“I won’t be mad.” She finally spoke, and James was beyond surprised. He had indeed expected more from her. Not this. He didn’t expect her to be as understanding in this moment that she currently was being. A child was supposed to have their father in their lives. And this one wouldn’t. 
James was silent for several moments. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“No. I’m sorry.” Looking in her face, James knew she was being genuine. “I should have done more.” 
“No stop.” He said. “We both had a part to play in this.” 
And with that, both went silent. They remained on opposite ends of the bench, until enough time had passed and James had decided it was time to leave. He itched to hold her one last time, knowing that once he walked out of the front door, things were going to change. However, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. 
But she did. 
As he walked by her, she grabbed his hand, staring up at him. He stared down at her, but couldn’t offer her a smile, not that she had one to give back.
“Can I find you in a few years?” He asked. ‘When I don’t have to answer to my father?,’ he almost wanted to say, but he stayed silent. 
“Maybe.” Her heart broke some more. 
And then he was gone. 
After finding out that she was pregnant, Y/N had opted to continue her classwork remotely, only making visits to Maxton Hall in the first few months of her pregnancy. After she started showing, she had stopped, not wanting to raise questions or a potential scandal amongst the students there. 
When the children were born, Y/N knew that things would be okay. 
Twins. She had twins, and the only thing that she could think of were the Beauforts. A boy and a girl. The baby girl definitely had the looks of James more than the baby boy did. Y/N figured that she might be the troublemaker of the two in the coming years. The baby boy was quiet and good, the opposite of his sister, which was ironic, considering it was the other way around for both Lydia and James. 
Raising the twins though had actually been easier than she expected, especially with the help of her parents. Certain moments had been a bit tougher, like when Y/N had to take them in for vaccinations and doctor appointments. Listening to them cry their little hearts out because of being poked had broken her own heart. Many moments, she had wished that James was around to witness his kids grow up into the young children they were growing up to be. 
Even as they grew up, even if James wasn’t there, she still acted as if he was. Y/N told the kids stories about their father and what he was like. After all this time, she still loved him.She loved him enough that she wished that he had been around to witness their first steps, to experience their first words, etc. In general, Y/N had just wished that he was there. 
Especially now, walking through the park. The twins were a little over the age of four. They stomped around Y/N, giggling and laughing. They brought a smile to her face, making her happy when she thought that things were turning for the worst. She now knew that things weren’t going to turn out as bad as she had expected the day she found out she was pregnant. 
She came back to earth after hearing one of her kids let out a surprised shout. Y/N looked around, seeing her son on the ground, seemingly unhurt and okay. D/N had hurried over in an attempt to help him up, but the man S/N had ran into had helped him up first. 
“Sorry kiddo. Didn’t see you.” The man looked up and around, seeing Y/N. 
Her world stopped at that very moment, for the man that stood before her, she never expected to see again. 
“Y/N” The two a few feet apart and S/N and D/N were now next to their mother. James had already put two and two together, his eyes now focused on his kids. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing was spoken. His eyes moved to look at Y/N, who only smiled softly at him. It almost seemed sad. 
“What are you doing here?” He finally asked. 
“On a walk with the kids. Wanted to give mom and dad some peace and quiet.” Y/N explained. “What about you?” she asked. 
“I was just at a business meeting. I decided to cut through the park to get to my car.” His eyes were focused back on the kids, who stared up at him with large eyes. They hid partially behind Y/N. He could definitely see himself in both of them. 
“What are their names?” 
“D/N and S/N” Their names rolled off James tongue easily. Y/N followed his gaze to the kids, before shooing them away. “How about you two go play on the slide? I’m right here, I’ll be watching you.” The two ran off towards the slide without any hesitation, their giggles could be heard as they raced. 
“How are they?” he asked, watching their movement. Y/N watched James, taking in his appearance. He really hadn’t changed much. James still looked like himself. 
“They are good kids. Healthy. Take after us, that’s for sure.” She laughed a little, took a step closer to James as they now both watched the kids. 
“Do they know about me?” 
“Yea.” Y/N spoke softly. “I tell them stories about you. From school, what you’re like, just a bunch of things about you.” She said, “They’ve been coming up with their own questions lately.” James turned his attention to her. His eyes trailed over her form, taking her in, before looking back at the kids. 
“Like what?” He hesitated in looking back at her, before finally turning his head back towards her, but their eyes didn’t meet. She watched her children, a sad look in her eyes. Like she wanted to give them so much more than they already had in that moment. “Y/N.” She turned to him. 
“Would you be mad or upset with me now, if I asked if I could be in their lives?” he asked. Her smile looked a little less sad. 
“Never. You have every right to be in their lives. I can tell you right now that they want you in their lives. I can guarantee it.” Y/N turned to face him. “We can do whatever works. We can set up visitation times. Or you can take them whenever you want. We can work something out.” James nodded along, listening to her and the suggestions. He was silent for several seconds, and he knew that she was waiting for something from him. 
“Could we, maybe. Perhaps…could we try things over again?” Her smile seemed even brighter. 
“I think so.” She said softly. “I understood why you didn’t want anything at first. Yea, it took some time to adjust and get used to. I missed you terribly, but I want to work on things, especially between us. And that’s not only for us, but for them.” The two turned their attention back to the kids, who were running around, their high pitched giggles filling the air as they laughed. 
By the end of the night, after being invited for dinner with Y/N, her kids, and her parents, James had started to wedge himself back into their lives. His son and daughter were latched to him, never really letting him out of their sight. They told him everything that they could, as James stared at them, love apparent in his eyes and he listened to what they had to say. 
This was it. This is what he wanted. After everything that he already had, this was it. 
And as he looked up and his eyes found Y/N’s, already staring at him with the kids, and he had seen the smile she had adorned her face, he knew already that he was willing to give up anything to keep this. 
And she would let him. 
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uniquexusposts · 8 hours
The best friend - James Beaufort (3)
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Click here to go to part 2
Main characters: James Beaufort x reader Genre: fanfiction, fluff, TV show  Word count: 3547 Note: I just love writing for Maxton Hall. Pls hire me as a scriptwriter xx
Summary: from best friends to... more? When Y/N visits the last lacrosse game of James, things will take a turn
Y/N walked across the campus of Maxton Hall, her footsteps confident on familiar terrain. She wore a polite smile on her face, the kind that spoke of fond memories and an unspoken connection to this place. She had graduated from Maxton Hall just last year, but the school still felt like a second home.
As she made her way to the lacrosse field, where Maxton Hall was playing its last game before the winter break, she couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over her. She greeted a few students when they greeted her. When Y/N arrived at the lacrosse field, she looked around; the game had already started. She expected to be on time, but she was not. Her eyes scanned the field and then the tribune, looking for familiar faces, and she smiled when she spotted Lydia. Y/N tried to blend in with her outfit, but her outfit didn’t match the uniform. However, Y/N was wearing a blue jeans, trainers, a shirt and a in-between coat, it didn’t even came close to the uniforms. 
“Hey, hey,” Y/N smiled when she sat beside Lydia and her friends.
“We were almost scared you wouldn’t make it,” Lydia said. “James wasn’t sure if you would make it.”
Y/N put her hands in her pockets and looked at the field. “There was so much traffic in town. But I’m here now.” Her eyes lit up when she spotted the blue jersey with the number 17 on it. “Did I miss anything?” 
Lydia chuckled. “Not much, just the usual. James is playing really well today, though.”
Y/N watched James skilfully manoeuvred the field, his movements fluid and confident.
“How are you?” Lydia asked. “Long time no see.” The girl looked at Y/N. Lydia had always looked up to Y/N, and she still did. Y/N had everything she didn’t have. Y/N had a gentle soul and a bright spirit, qualities that Lydia cherished. Lydia was blessed to have a friend like Y/N in her life. 
“I’m fine,” Y/N nodded. “Busy with work, making coffees and listening to those endless conversations of customers,” she said and looked at Lydia. “And how are you? Started on studying for the exams yet?” 
Lydia sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. “Barely. It feels like there’s never enough time. Between the regular classes, family, Beaufort and trying to have a sort of social life, I’m barely keeping up.”
Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. “Yeah, I’m glad I had it all last year,” she breathed. “But I’m happy to be here. I missed it here. I missed spending time here with you, at the field, the library… I feel like I entered an entirely different world now.” She nudged Lydia. “But you got this. You’re one of the smartest persons I know, Lyd.”
“Thanks, Y/N/N. If I have questions about anything related to exams, can I call you then?”
“Yes, of course! Even if they are not exams related.”
A grateful smile came on Lydia’s face. “Anyway, how are things going between you and James?” 
There had always been a special connection between Y/N and James. Lydia wasn’t the only one who noticed it. Everyone thought they would have been together by now, replacing the best friend title with girlfriend and boyfriend, but they were still lost in the best friend zone. 
A careful smile came on Y/N’s face; she knew what Lydia was trying to do: she was fishing for information, as always. “Just the usual,” she replied. “We barely have time to see each other. The last time I saw him was during the boat day. We FaceTime every now and then, but we’re both busy.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. 
“Do you miss him?” 
Y/N’s eyes shot to Lydia, who was grinning. “Of course, I miss him. He’s my best friend, and we used to see each other daily. It’s the same as I miss you and all my other friends from here.”
“Uhu,” Lydia hummed and squinted her eyes. “Well, we miss you, too,” Lydia said. “Happy to see you here.”
They both focused on the game. Y/N found herself increasingly drawn to James. She couldn’t help but admire his dedication and skill. There was a moment when he scored a goal, and the crowd erupted in cheers. She widely smiled and looked around; it was just wonderful to see everyone go crazy: all for him. 
Since the boat day, something changed in Y/N, and something switched in her mind and heart. For weeks, she doubted. Y/N and James grew up together; they knew each other from when they were eight years old. She wasn’t exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. It could be the day on the boat, it could be before that day, it could be after that day. But she started to realise that she was falling hard for him right here and now. And she could only hope that he was feeling the same way. She wouldn’t tell him about her feelings. She didn’t want to give up their friendship because of her stupid feelings. 
Y/N bit on the inside of her cheek when she felt her cheeks heating up. She could feel Lydia’s eyes burning on her face, but she stared in front of her. She could see Lydia smile from the corner of her eye. 
“Ah, miss Y/L/N! What a surprise to see you here,” Principal Lexington said when he spotted a former student on the tribune. “How have you been? What are you doing now?” 
The right timing, Y/N thought. She engaged in the conversation with Lexington and shared some life updates while looking at the game occasionally. Y/N knew Lexington was being extra kind to her since her parents were paying a lot of extra money at Maxton Hall, even more than the Beaufort’s. 
The final whistle blew, signaling the end of the game. Maxton Hall had won, and the players celebrated on the field. The people in the stands also started to cheer; their team had won. Y/N and Lydia walked down the steps of the stands and headed to the side of the field. 
Everyone in the team took off their helmets and laughed with each other. It was a messy game, but so much fun. James looked towards the side of the field, hoping to see one person. His face lit up when he was Y/N, talking to Lydia. He jogged over with a brilliant smile on his face, his blue jersey clinging to his frame, sweat glistening on his skin. His hair was messy. His eyes sparkled with excitement and pride. 
“Hey,” he said surprised. “You made it.” He dropped his helmet on the grass. “I want to hug you, but…” He looked down, looking at his dirty and sweaty jersey. 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Y/N replied, holding up her hand. 
James gave her a high five instead of a hug. Their gaze met, and they widely smiled. He waved his fingers together and held her hand for a few seconds before letting it go. “Are you cold?” he pointed at her red cheeks. Y/N and cold? Not a great combo. James knew she was cold when she had red cheeks, kind of like blushing. 
“A little,” she shrugged. 
He looked at Lydia, but she grinned and shook her head. James nodded and walked to his bag. He grabbed a hoodie and handed it over to Y/N. “Here,” he gave her his hoodie. 
“Ey, Beaufort!” 
James glanced over his shoulder and saw his teammates grinning and waiting for him. He turned back to Y/N. “I’ll see you in the canteen, Y/N/N,” he said warmly. Then, he jogged back to his team, who were all whooping and cheering. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” he laughed.
Y/N watched him go, her heart fluttering. His smile lingered in her mind, and she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of longing. But she quickly recovered and looked at Lydia, who looked away. They decided to go to the canteen and wait for the team there, since it started to drizzle. 
As everyone returned to the main building, many greeted Y/N and Lydia. Y/N's time at Maxton Hall had left a lasting impression; she was a familiar face to students and staff. She carried a name everybody knew, not because she stood out dramatically, but because she had a quiet, magnetic presence that drew people to her. She was popular in a way that didn't rely on drama or trouble, quite the opposite of James, who had a knack for getting into mischief.
The contrast between Y/N and James had always intrigued people. Their friendship was like yin and yang; she was the calm, composed one, while he was the lively, unpredictable spirit. Their dynamic was amusing and fascinating to those who watched them navigate their school years together. Some saw them as the perfect couple; Y/N was a beauty, and James… You just fell for James. 
Once inside the canteen, the warmth and noise enveloped them. Students and faculty were milling about, celebrating the victory and catching up with one another. A group of students waved and called out as Y/N and Lydia passed by. Y/N returned their greetings with a warm smile, her presence lighting up their faces. Lydia also smiled. 
“Sometimes… I feel like we are royalty. I imagine myself moving, smiling and talking like a royal,” Y/N smirked and found a free spot at a long table in the middle of the canteen. She removed her coat and slid on James's hoodie, trying not to react to its familiar, comforting scent.
Lydia laughed and took off her coat as well. “Look at yourself,” she replied dramatically, tossing a piece of hair over her shoulder. “No, I get you. Long live the media training we had.”
Even though Y/N didn’t have to deal with the same media pressure as James and Lydia, she still had to attend media training this summer. Well, it was more like she wanted to do it. Y/N’s brother had to do it, and he asked Y/N to join him. Luckily, it was interesting, and Y/N also learned a lot from it. 
Lydia and Y/N talked about some fashion and beauty trends to kill time. It seemed like forever for the boys to arrive at the canteen. To Y/N, it felt like yesterday, she started her final year at Maxton Hall. She was one year above James and Lydia, while Y/N wasn’t that much older than them. They all had their own friends but still found each other during breaks to hang out. 
Finally, the doors to the canteen burst open, and the entire lacrosse team entered. The peaceful hum of conversation was replaced by the loud chatter and laughter of victorious players. Everyone walked to the long table Lydia and Y/N had claimed and sat down with more friends. Lydia got up and moved to another chair to let James sit beside Y/N. 
“Looks good on you,” James winked while sitting beside Y/N. 
Y/N’s lips curved into a smile. “Congratulations, you were amazing. That goal, though,” she said impressively. 
He placed his arm on the backrest of her chair and satisfyingly smiled. “Thank you, thank you,” he said with a broad smile, still slightly flushed from the game. “I didn’t see you when we started. When did you arrive?”
“Just missed the start,” she said and shrugged. “The traffic was drama.”
James moved close to her face. “I almost thought you forgot it,” he whispered. 
Y/N turned her head to him. His face was close. “Never,” she replied. “And even if I had to, I would let you know.”
They were talking about the game and later moved on to other topics like work, school, and other things. They hadn’t seen each other for over two months, and even though they FaceTimed, they had to catch up on a lot of things. 
Across from Y/N and James, his friends and Lydia were looking at him, laughing and talking in ways they hadn’t seen before. James seemed so happy to talk to Y/N and couldn’t stop smiling. Y/N was always smiling, but this smile meant more. 
“They say they are best friends, ‘just friends’, but literally everyone who ever looked at them when being together, like now, just knows they are something more. It’s so fucking obvious they had fallen for each other, but they just don’t admit it. Look at her; the way she looks at him is like he is her world, and the way he smiles is just happiness when he looks at her. And he barely smiles this happy,” Alistair said. 
Eyebrows around him raised. “Did you really say that?” Wren asked. 
“How poetic, didn’t know you had that in you,” Cyril added, taking a sip from his drink. 
Alistair sighed and shook his head. “Do I see things wrong, then?” 
“No,” Cyril smirked. “They’re both so fucking blind.” He looked at Lydia, who seemed to agree with everything the boys said. “Would it be a problem if they get together?”
Lydia took a moment to think. “I don’t think so. She has the name. And our families do businesses.” She leaned back on her chair. “However…” She squinted her eyes. “I don’t see Y/N being part of Beaufort or Y/L/N. Her brother is going for Y/L/N because he wants to. Y/N doesn’t have to do so…”
“Thanks for your technical opinion,” Cyril replied. “But they are allowed to get together. Where are we waiting for?” 
“Let them be. They’re close. Give them just a few more days, possibly hours,” she responded. 
As the afternoon progressed, the energy in the canteen remained high. Cyril and Wren planned a party tonight to celebrate their win and the beginning of the winter stop. 
“Y/N—” Cyril started but paused when he saw Y/N yawn. He raised an eyebrow, and she felt caught. “You are invited to the party tonight. So be there.”
James looked at her, smiling, hoping that she would join. It had been a while since she attended a party.
“I’d love to,” Y/N said, dodging another yawn. “But I’m passing.”
“Y/N…” several people protested in unison.
“I’ve been awake since five o’clock this morning and worked five days this week. Don’t mind me,” she defended herself. “But go party. You do you. Have fun.”
James’s smile faltered slightly. He understood her exhaustion but had hoped she’d be there. He reached out and gently touched her arm. She looked at him. “Are you sure? We can go home, and you can take a power nap,” he softly said. 
She bit her lip, reconsidering her decision. “I’m passing… But you should go. I will be there next time, I promise,” she smiled. “I just don’t feel like it today.” She looked back at the boys. “Next time, amigos.”
“Next week,” Cyril said. “Put it in your agenda. You show up, okay? No excuses.” He pointed at her. 
Lydia sighed. “If she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t have to go.”
“I’ll be there next week,” Y/N said, grabbing her phone. She looked gratefully at Lydia. With just a few clicks, she added the event to her agenda. “You guys go and have a blast. I’ll catch up with you soon, but I’m going home now.” She got up and grabbed her coat. 
James looked at her. “I will bring you home,” he offered and got up as well. Y/N parted her lips, ready to say that she had her own car, but he shared that one look; the look that it was his decision and nothing could change it. “I will see you, boys,” he said. 
“You will be there tonight, Beaufort,” Wren sternly said. 
James walked away with Y/N on his side, throwing his hand in the air, but not saying anything. He wrapped his arm around Y/N’s shoulders and lightly grinned when Y/N wrapped her arm around his waist. With his other arm, he threw his back over his shoulder. Together, they walked through the halls of the school to the parking lot. 
“I drove myself to here,” Y/N reminded him. 
“Uhu,” he hummed. “I know.”
They walked in comfortable silence, the echoes of their footsteps filling the empty corridors. James's presence felt reassuring and warm, and Y/N found herself leaning slightly into him as they moved. Within minutes, they were standing next to Y/N’s car. Well, her parents’ car. 
“Last time, you drove. Now it’s my turn,” he said. 
She squeezed her eyebrows together and looked confused at him. “Aren’t you supposed to go to that party? You’re the star of the show, after all.” She was searching for the keys in the pockets of her coat. 
“I just heard there’s also a party next week, with my star on my side,” he replied and snatched the keys out of her hand. He opened the trunk of the car and threw his stuff in it. “There are more parties. They can party without me.”
“Who are you, and what did you do to James Beaufort?” Y/N crossed her arms in front of her chest, tilting her head. “Since when do you say no to a party?”
James smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Since I want to spend time with you,” he casually replied. “I haven’t seen you for ages.”
Y/N blinked in surprise, the playful banter catching her off guard. “Really?” she asked, a hint of scepticism in her voice. “What happened to the party animal I know?”
James stepped closer, his expression softening. “Sometimes priorities change,” he said quietly. “And right now, you’re my priority.”
Before she could respond, he cupped her face gently, his touch warm against her skin. Without hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her. It was a soft, lingering kiss, filled with all the unspoken feelings that had been building between them for years. He pulled back and looked at her with a wide smile, while she stood still, processing what had just happened. Her arms hung limply by her sides, her heart racing in her chest.
James smirked, stepped away, and walked around the car to get in. Y/N just stared ahead, blinking a few times as she tried to comprehend the moment. Her fingers reached for her lips, where he had been just seconds ago. The warmth of his kiss lingered, sending a shiver down her spine.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching pulled her from her thoughts. She glanced towards the school entrance; his friends and Lydia were standing there, all looking shocked and impressed at the same time. It meant that they saw it happening. Y/N’s jaw dropped, and she looked at them. Then she covered her mouth with her hand. They all laughed at her reaction. She covered her entire face when she felt she was blushing. Y/N took a deep breath and walked to the passenger’s side of the car. 
“Take him, Y/N,” Wren said on an average volume, but Y/N still could hear him. 
Her eyes shot up to the boys, Lydia and everyone else standing there. They were all grinning. Alistair stomped on Wren’s foot, likely as a signal to give them some privacy. Y/N quickly stepped into the car, closing the door behind her. James sat relaxed, trying to act like nothing had happened, but the blush creeping up his cheeks betrayed him. It was a sight Y/N had never seen before; James Beaufort, blushing.
She bit her lip, trying to process the moment. James swallowed hard and turned to look at her. When their gazes met, both their expressions straightened, the weight of the situation settling between them.
Without another word, Y/N leaned in and kissed him once again. This time, it wasn’t out of surprise or uncertainty; it was deliberate, a confirmation that they were on the same page. The kiss was gentle yet filled with a new intensity, a silent agreement that whatever was between them was real and worth exploring.
James responded instantly, his hand finding the back of her neck, pulling her closer. When they finally pulled away, both of them were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting against each other. 
"I've wanted to do that for so long," he confessed, his breath warm against her lips.
A smile tugged at the corners of Y/N's mouth, her heart soaring at his words. "Me, too," she admitted softly, her voice filled with the same depth of emotion.
Taglist: @notacoffeedrinker @tvshowgirl81 @crashingwavesofeuphoria @maryvibess @chocolatefartstrawberry
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is anyone going to start writing for James Beaufort from Maxton Hall?!? i have ideas 👀
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evermorx89 · 13 days
what bothers me the most 😨 is that until now there isn't a james beaufort x reader fic… i mean, have you seen that man????
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I need James Beaufort x reader fanfictions. This men is eating me alive
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bitchybeesx · 4 days
so like what if i started writing for james beaufort…what then
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februerik · 1 day
miss mona, wth was that
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mi6-cafe · 4 years
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It’s Supportive Sunday!
Supportive Sunday is a day when we encourage you to support someone in the fandom!
Here’s some ways to do that:
Kudos something you like
A short comment (“Loved this!” or “Extra kudos!”)
A more detailed comment (“X made me laugh out loud!”)
Make a rec post
Send a creator a short anon ask about their work! (“What inspired X?”)
Send a reader who’s commented a short anon ask showing your appreciation! (“Your comments make my day!”)
Reblog this post with a rec
As part of Supportive Sundays, we’re also highlighting some fancreations with few comments that may be overlooked.
Show Me The Way Home  by  storm_of_sharp_things        
Commander James "Hurricane" Bond of the RAF is an instructor at the multinational Lightning Force training program at MCAS Beaufort, South Carolina, with Q as the civilian technical chief. Lieutenant Danny "Peach" Holt was part of the program, but after his pilot, Lieutanant Aiden "Joker" Cafferty was killed, he left to run a bar near the base. Lieutenant Alex "Runner" Turner is the RAF pilot of a mixed team, flying with Marine Lieutenant Ron "Slider" Kerner.
Do Maverick and Goose even need an introduction? Anyway, the canonical deaths in Top Gun and London Spy do not happen here, sorry for the spoilers, this is mainly about negotiating relationships and seeking comfort in your partners. Also, cuddle piles.
Social Navigation by aliensundermybed, Anyawen 
Freddie Lyon is going to a party. A posh party at a country house filled with posh socialites —and his bloody annoying (and attractive) neighbor, James Bond. As he continues his investigations into the murder of Ruth Elms, and learns a few things about Bond as well. Interesting things ...
Bright Wings by  IrishWitch58 
Bond sees something astonishing at the end of a mission gone wrong. Did he see what he thinks he did? And what is Q hiding? 
as close to hell by midrashic 
O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray: grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. —Romeo, Romeo & Juliet I.v.114-115
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putthison · 7 years
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eBay Roundup
Nice clothes can be painfully expensive these days. So twice a week, we roundup the best of menswear on eBay to help our readers find the best deals. If you’d like an extra roundup each week, along with a list of the best store sales, subscribe to our Inside Track. A weekly newsletter gets delivered straight to you every Saturday for just $5/ month. 
Some of my favorite items in today’s roundup: a striped cotton Eidos shirt inspired by the film The Talented Mr. Ripley, a brown Schott double rider, and an olive colored, Real McCoys M-65 jacket (a photo of how the same model looks after five years of wear can be seen above). For your quick, weekend trips, this Engineered Garments bag would look great with any of those pieces. 
To dig up more menswear gems, try using our customized eBay search links. We’ve made them so you can quickly hone-in on high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
Olive green LBM sport coat, 38
Grey herringbone Kilgour sport coat, 40
Grey checked Ring Jacket sport coat, 40
Brown checked Freeman's Sporting Club tweed, 40
Bunch of Opening Ceremony topcoats, various sizes
Waxed cotton Barbour Beaufort coat, 36
Brown Schott double rider, 36 (pictured above)
All black Mariglea five-zip, 36
Real McCoys M-65, S (photo above is how the jacket looks over time)
Quilted Isaora shirt jacket, S
Black Taylor Stitch chore coat, S
Tan Our Legacy shawl collar coat, S
Blue Norse Projects raincoat, M
Buzz Rickson deck jacket, M
Engineered Garments beach popover jacket, M
Tan Our Legacy hooded parka, M
Unis field jacket, M
Vetra French chore coat, 42
Freemans Sporting Club French chore coat, L
Comme des Garcons military field jacket, L
Brushed cotton Engineered Garments chore coat, XL
Grey Nanamica coach jacket, XL
Tan Sulka topcoat, 44
Sweaters and knits
Double breasted Camoshita cardigan, XS
Brushed Ralph Lauren Rugby Shetland, XS
Marled Howlin' of Morrison sweater, S
Jamieson's Shetland sweater, 38
Marled Nom de Guerre cross collar sweater, M
Cabled Inis Meain cardigan, M
Officine Generale cardigan, XL
Navy Brooks Brothers cardigan, XL
Navy Snow Peak sweatshirt, XL
Shirts and pants
Striped Eidos summer shirt, 38 (same as shirt pictured above)
Red plaid Our Legacy flannel shirt, S
Unionmade x United Arrows indigo shirt, S
Brushed cotton Eidos plaid shirt, 15.5
Pink gingham Ralph Lauren shirt, M
Our Legacy navy paisley shirt, M
Engineered Garments x Fairbault CPO shirt, L
Officine Generale chambray shirt, L
Post Overalls shorts, various sizes
Bunch of Unis chinos, various sizes
Engineered Garments workwear pants, 30 - 34
Tan wings + horns chinos, 30
White RRL chinos, 32
Iron Heart jeans, 32
Tan RRL five pocket cords, 32
Turnbull & Asser moleskin trousers, 32
3sixteen jeans, 33
Post O'Alls workwear chinos, 34
Engineered Garments jeans, 34
Meermin shoes, various sizes
Common Projects grey suede bball hi tops, 7
Crockett & Jones suede bluchers, 9.5
Heschung Tyrolean shoes, 10
RLPL suede chukkas, 10
Ralph Lauren shortwings, 10
Ovadia & Sons black single monks, 10.5
Allen Edmonds penny loafers, 10.5
Gaziano & Girling Adelaide brogues, 10.5 
Gaziano & Girling perf toe oxfords, 10.5
Mark McNairy x Sanders suede shortwings, 11
Vintage Vans sneakers, 11
Carmina crocodile boots, 11
Tricker's black shortwings, 11.5
Paraboot split toe bluchers, 11.5
Tricker's chukkas, 11.5
Vass double monks, 12
Orange Ben Silver floral tie
Navy Marinella floral tie
Crooks and Creed navy floral tie
Calabrese burgundy diamond motif tie
Bunch of wool knit Cable Car Clothiers ties
Sam Hober grenadine ties (1, 2)
Black knit Brooks Brothers tie
Bags, briefcases, and wallets
Black Atelier de l'Armee backpack
Richard James carryon bag
Dunhill attache
Engineered Garments overnight bag
Orlebar Brown doggie print swim trunks, 32
Brooks Black Fleece dopp kit
Black Ralph Lauren alligator belt, 32
Brown Ralph Lauren o-ring suede belt, 32
Elastic Anderson striped belt, 32
Lot of canvas watch straps
Hill Side baseball cap
If you want access to an extra roundup every week, exclusive to members, join Put This On's Inside Track for just five bucks a month.
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wanderingsoul6261 · 2 days
Heavenly Skies- Part 2
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credit for gif goes to fabiolajyx
James Beaufort x Reader
Synopsis: Part two of heavenly skies - Ruby and James get into one of their arguments during class, in which she tells him that no one would ever love him truly.
warnings: None? I think?
This one is shorter than other fics. I just didn't know what else to add, and everything else I thought about didn't feel right.
James had finally returned back to Maxton Hall, and upon his arrival, many could tell that he had changed. No one knew exactly what had happened, but after a bench and a plaque was erected in Y/N’s name, many started to talk, and eventually it had become an unspoken rule within the walls of Maxton Hall. 
Don’t speak about Y/N. Specifically, don’t talk about her to or around James Beaufort. Additionally, it also became known that the bench that was dedicated to her, also belonged to him. No one else sat in it, and if they did, they received a heavy barrage from a certain Beaufort. 
However, there was one person who didn’t care what she said, in order to hit all of the right buttons. 
“How can you be so empty minded?” Ruby called out James in class, specifically the one that would help prepare them for Oxford and the expectations of the university. “Or is it the money talking?Did it go too far into your head that you lost all sense?” She had turned around in her seat. She glared at him, and Lin was doing everything in her power to try and calm her down. 
“Money has nothing to do with my intelligence.” 
“No, but you let it speak for you.” James puffed out his cheeks. 
“It’s never about the money. From a business standpoint, money isn’t the only thing taken into account. There is more to it. Stats, logistics, the commercial avenue of the marketing industries and their customers-” 
“Never about the money?” Ruby asked. She scoffed. The professor had tried to calm the two down, but when the two started to raise their voices, her own voice was drowned out. Her attempts were pointless. “It’s always about the money for you, regardless if it’s from a business standpoint or not. That’s how every single silver spoon child is. Money is their source of greed and they feed into it at every moment of every day. Your businesses only supply the rich and anyone else who tries gets ridiculed!” 
His voice grew quiet. 
“It’s not that way for all of them.” His mind wandered to Y/N. Images of her in his mind filled the empty spots. A thriving flower in the middle of a bunch of suffocating dandelions. She was the only positive thing about Maxton Hall. The only positive thing about his life. She was a vine, weaving herself amongst his body, taking root with the intentions to stay there for eternity. 
“It’s not that way for all of them.” He raised his voice slightly more. 
“So now we are defending the money hungry people of society? The people that allow those of a lower class like me to suffer and be overwhelmed by the knowledge that they will never be as good as people like you? That’s such a relief.” 
“You don’t know what you’re going on about.” 
“I do.” 
“No. You don't know anything.” He argued. Images of Y/N filled his mind again and he swallowed thickly, his eyes burning into Ruby Bell. 
“I know you, and I think that’s enough, considering that you are the worst of those who go to Maxton.” Ruby bit back. 
“You don’t know me.” 
“I know that you look at every single lower class person the same way, including me. We will never amount to you and what you can achieve in the same way. You had everything handed to you on a silver platter and had eaten with silver utensils. You barely have to work for what you have now while me and everyone else like me have to work our asses off to get to where you are now. And even then, that will never be enough.” Ruby seethed as the two of them glared at each other. “And that is why no one will ever love you. Noone of their right mind will ever want to devote their time to you because they actually love you. They only want your money and that’s all they will ever want.” 
James grew quiet and every single student had their eyes on him. He shook with anger, glaring at Ruby Bell, but couldn’t think of anything to say. The only person who looked at him with sympathy was Lydia, in which his eyes had glanced at her quickly, staking in her saddened look. 
“Yea, sweetheart?” 
His eyes filled with tears as he looked around the room. What was he doing? Y/N’s face showed up in his mind again, imagining her laughter and voice. 
“I love you.” 
James turned his gaze back to Ruby Bell, who was opening her mouth as she continued to talk, but as he watched her lips move, no words could be heard. Even if he willed himself to listen to what she was saying, his mind was preoccupied. He was drowning in everything about Y/N. 
He clenched his fists together on the desk. His jaw clenched and he blinked away the tears threatening to spill over his cheeks. 
James abruptly stood up, grabbing his bag and coat, then stomped out of the room. 
Her parents weren't surprised when they got home and seen James in Y/N's study. He was curled up on the couch in there, the fireplace crackling in the background. James was wrapped in Y/N's favorite blanket, sherpa lined and extra soft, a maroon hoodie in his hands. Y/N's Maxton Hall hoodie.
James snored softly, twitching every now and then in his sleep. They noticed the tear tracks, knowing that too long ago, he had been crying. That he had even likely cried himself to sleep.
A bottle of Y/N's favorite wine had evidence of being open, with a half empty glass on the coffee table next to it.
They smiled softly, happy to know that James felt safe and comfortable enough to allow himself to be this vulnerable. They gave him a safe place to grieve and had welcomed him to come over whenever he wanted to.
When they finally turned to their left, where Y/N's paints had been pulled out, and a partially covered canvas filled the easel, they paused.
On the canvas was a loosely planned painting, the main colors being blocked out for just the moment. However, they knew already who it was going to be. Maybe it was the hair that gave it away, her clothing type, or even the position in which she was being painted, but they knew that the person depicted in the painting was Y/N.
And if that didn't work to show who he was painting, then his open sketchbook, littered with memory drawings of Y/N surely would have given it away. Even in death, she was still everything to him.
When her parents finally left the room, allowing James to have his peace and quiet, he opened his eyes. Tears pricked his eyes as he turned his head to look at the painting.
"I love you too, sweetheart."
@sillyfreakfanparty @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @benbarnesprettygurl
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wanderingsoul6261 · 15 days
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Credit to original gif creator, cinevettel
After the Sun Rises
James Beaufort x Reader
Warnings: suggestive themes at the end, but no details. But 99.9% fluff
P.S I'm still sick, so work with me here.
Sunlight let itself inside the room, the curtains of (Y/N)’s open windows billowing softly with the morning breeze. The distant noise of chirping birds filled the room. 
(Y/N) shifted in her bed, an arm tightening around her waist. A hand gently moved underneath her shirt, fingers trailing softly across the expanse of her stomach, before coming to a stop. She inhaled sharply, the movement of James fingers tickling her slightly, before she settled down. She moved her own hand down, settling her hand on top of his own. 
The two laid like that for several moments, James breath fanning across the back of her neck while her thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of his hand. Neither of them wanted to get up just yet. That much was evident. Nor could they blame each other. This was one of their rare moments in which they had time for themselves. Between the planning committee and doing things for their parents, they finally had a moment of peace. 
Luckily, their parents were all out on business trips, so they had no one expecting anything from them today. 
(Y/N) rolled over, James hand moving to rest on her waist, before he moved it to her back. He pulled her closer, their legs becoming tangled together as he finally open his eyes and stared at her. A small twinkle appeared in his eyes and his lips moved into a smile. His hand moved back to her waist, his thumb gently rubbing across a very tiny patch of skin, his other arm coming to wrap around her back. Another attempt to pull her closer to him. Now they were almost flush, chests about a pinkie length away. 
She brought a hand up to rest on his cheek, smiling when he closed his eyes and leaned into it. 
That's what the two of them felt at that moment.
James finally opened his eyes again. 
“Absolutely stunning.” He breathed out. (Y/N) felt her cheeks grow warm. 
“I haven't even brushed my teeth or my hair?” She commented, a hand subconsciously coming up to comb through her sleep messed hair. His eyes watched her hand movements before looking back at her. 
“Let me do it.” He said. (Y/N) paused, wondering if she heard him right, and when he continued to look expectantly at her, awaiting an answer, she knew she had heard him right. 
“Are you sure?” She asked. “I can do it.” 
“No. I got this. Don't worry your pretty little head over it.” He pressed a lingering kiss to her lips, regretting it because now he didn't want to get out of bed. But he did, and jumped up off the bed to go retrieve her brush from the adjoining bathroom. She watched him walk away, only on a pair of boxers, his back muscles rippling with each move he made. 
And that's how she ended up sitting cross legged in her bed, James sitting behind her. His fingers held her hair gently, taking the task of brushing her hair seriously. Well, for the most part. He would lean over after every few brushes and press a lingering kiss to either her shoulder or neck. 
“Keep doing that and we might not get through completely brushing my hair.” James leaned over, moving her shirt ever so slightly to press another kiss to her bare shoulder. His eyes peered up at (Y/N) as she turned her head slightly and make eye contact with him out of the corner of her eye. 
He pulled away, a casual smirk on his face. 
“Maybe that’s the whole point, love.” She had only rolled her eyes as a smile pulled at her lips. 
“After breakfast. I'm getting hungry. So hurry up pretty boy.” 
“Yes ma’am.” 
And now the two of them sat outside laying on a reclined lawn chair. Their breakfast plates were discarded on the small table next to them. 
(Y/N) laid on him, her fingers rubbing soothing circles on his exposed chest not covered by his button up. She listened quietly to the sound of his heart beat. If she was tired, she would let it lull her sleep. It was one of her favorite things to listen to, because it was him. All him. 
His arms were wrapped around her, his face pressed against the crown of her own head. James pressed a lingering kiss there, basking in the moment as he closed his eyes. And they stayed like that for a while, allowing the sun to beat down on them and keep them warm. 
James was almost certain that he would fall asleep laying there. 
That was until a hand started to move from his chest and went downward. He opened his eyes and looked down at (Y/N), catching her already staring, a smirk on her face. Her hand reached the waistband of his shorts, and he raised an eyebrow. 
“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice suddenly deeper with arousal. (Y/N) didn't say anything. Only stood up, and proceeded to run back into the large manor, obviously towards her room. 
James fell out of the chair, attempting to chase after her. 
They weren't going to make it to her room. James was going to make sure of that. 
Tag list: @lifeonawhim @honethatty12 @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27
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wanderingsoul6261 · 15 days
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Credit for gif goes to creator, cinevettel
A Hint of Green
James Beaufort x Reader
Synopsis: Reader promised to support the Beaufort twins no matter what, having been friends with them for years. Reader adores Lydia, but loves James. But what happens when a certain scholarship student gets in the way?
Warning: only some swear words
P.S, a little self reflective because I've been dealing with thyroid and iron issues. Also, to the person that requested this, I'm sorry if this isn't particularly what you wanted. I'm a tad sick and so grammar and spelling might not also be the greatest.
(Y/N) was a creature of habit and instinct. She did things as they appeared normal for her, doing them in ways that she was used to, as if any other way would stress her out and be too overwhelming to complete. And she has made it work.
One of these such habits? Hanging out with the Beaufort twins. Who are often arrogant but not enigmatic as many thought them to be. Or at least, that's what (Y/N) thought.
But it was also surprising to many because (Y/N) was plenty different from most heirs and children of millionaires. She wasn't arrogant. She didn't use her parents' money as an advantage. And maybe that was why the twins were so drawn to her. She was real. (Y/N) was herself. They could be themselves around her. No trying to please or live up to the expectations held by their fellow classmates, the professors, or even their parents. They could just be, and that was enough.
When it was just Lydia and (Y/N), they did typical girl stuff. It was actually more Lydia doing the girl stuff and (Y/N) reading a book. Lydia appreciated her company nonetheless. She allowed Lydia to talk about Mr. Sutton when she knew she couldn't talk to anyone else.(Y/N) had created a safe place for Lydia. And it was something that both Lydia and James were grateful for.
When it was James and (Y/N), things might have been a tad different. They were agreeably closer. They went for walks together. Studied for the Oxford interviews. Sat in silence listening to music, often resulting in (Y/N) gazing softly at James as he closed his eyes, basking in the moment.
She allowed them to be them.
The three studied together. They went to parties together, even if parties weren’t much of (Y/N)’s thing. But it didn't matter, because James or Lydia was always right there. And they were there for her when she started having health issues and finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism and iron deficiency anemia. They were there for her when she got frustrated with the constant testing and the changing of meds. They knew that it was affecting her hormones and understood it would take time to balance back out. And she was thankful for them. That they never took her snappy comments and fatigued laiden excuses to heart.
(Y/N) knew it before, but when the Twins understood her health issues just as much as her parents did, when no one else would, it had only strengthened her want to support them and be there for them in every way that they were there for her.
And she did just that.
As much as it was wrong and someone should have been told, she saw how happy Lydia was with Mr. Sutton. Although, (Y/N) was certain that she could never look at him in the same way ever again.
She ultimately supported James when he started spending time with Elaine. Even if it hurt and it pained her, because deep down, her heart held a place for him, just waiting for him to come and take it. But she knew he was doing it for Mortimer, being the golden child of the twins. Although she didn't like Mortimer nor the way he treated either one of his children, she supported James wanting to please his father. Didn't mean that she didn't stress to James about being his own person.
And then Ruby Bell came into the picture.
(Y/N) was there for Lydia when she walked up to the group of them at the poolside of their home. James caught (Y/N)’s gaze from where he sat in the pool, her stomach doing a flip before the two went to Lydia, where they found out that Ruby Bell had walked in on her and Mr. Sutton. She was also there for her when ultimately, Lydia would tell her that she was pregnant.
(Y/N) didn't necessarily support James' way of trying to buy Bell out, regardless if it worked or not, but she stood behind him, supporting him regardless. She stood with him and the other boys when the Welcome party was destroyed by the strippers. Lexington was beyond pissed with him, but she supported James regardless for wanting to protect his sister. She wanted to do the same.
And now, here she was, supporting James, although very poorly, as he spent time with Ruby Bell on the planning committee. It was his punishment for the stunt pulled at the welcome party. She understood that. But it didn't mean she liked it.
She watched as over the weeks, the two had spent more and more time together. And although James and (Y/N) still texted plenty throughout the day, the time in which she saw him lessened and lessened as hours moved by. And she understood why, but she knew who he was with, and although she could tolerate Elaine, she couldn't tolerate Ruby Bell.
So (Y/N) did whatever she could to take her mind off of him and Bell. She didn't want to face a heartbreak if he became a couple with her. So she did what she thought was best. Love someone before James loved Bell.
Although it would have been best to talk to him, she did not. She knew this, but refused, because if James being with Ruby would make him happy, she didn't want to get in the way. Even if it tore her slowly apart.
And as the days since the enactment of his punishment grew in number, he spent more time Ruby. Less time with (Y/N). But it gave (Y/N) more time to go on dates to fill that questionable hole of the future. A future that she would prefer with James, but a future nonetheless. Unfortunately, it also left less time to spend with Lydia.
And over time, texts with James became small and quick. They often left (Y/N) staring at her phone in sadness before putting it away. Something had to be done, but she wasn't sure what.
If James cared enough, he would reach out to her. But she was also smart enough to know that it went both ways. But it was just as much her responsibility as it was his to mend things. But nothing had even happened to break things. So why was she acting like this?
And so (Y/N) spent the next few weeks going on dates. Most never made it past the second one. They were not James. And she knew that, yet she still continued to slowly break her own heart without even noticing.
Whenever she saw James with Ruby, she avoided the two, even if James noticed her or not. She kept herself at a distance because she knew in the end she would potentially be safer. But was she really? Was she only doing more damage?
Whenever she moved away and avoided him, she could see the hurt evident in his eyes. Lydia was also confused as to what happened as (Y/N) slowly became quiet to the both of them. The Beaufort twins began to wonder if they did anything.
Neither of them technically did anything wrong.
It was all (Y/N). And she realized that.
News eventually spread that (Y/N) started dating, after for the longest time, she swore it off. She didn't think he would find out. (Y/N) wouldn't think that James would care. But secretly he did, and she was soon to find that out.
The Beaufort twin was jealous. Jealous of the ones that had (Y/N), even if he only had himself to blame. And she Would get her wish for James to do something.
(Y/N) was walking down the hallway, her bag slung around her shoulder and her face in a book. It was enough to distract her from who also was in the hallway with her, and it wasn't until she collided with another body that she refocused herself with her surroundings. Especially the person currently standing in front of her.
James Mortimer Beaufort.
She opened her mouth to say his name, but only closed it when her body wouldn't let her, even if her brain screamed for it.
(Y/N)’s eyes danced across his face, taking in his appearance, and in the spur of the moment, quickly turned on her heel, hoping for an escape.
She was quickly stopped, his right arm stretched out, his hand wrapped around her wrist. She now realized she had dropped her book.
“What are you doing?” He asked. (Y/N) stared at him in silence for several moments, before finally turning fully to face him and straightened her posture.
“What am I doing?” She asked. James gave her a hardened stare, almost similar to the one she heard he had given Ruby Bell after hearing what happened.
And both of them knew at this moment that it would be their first actual fight in the several years that they have been friends. Will they make it or break it?
James matched her stare and stance, his hand still wrapped her wrist and she basked in it,loved it, and then hated herself when she pulled it away from him to further prove her point.
“You are going to have to elaborate because I don't know what you're talking about James.” He let out an angry huff through his nose, and (Y/N) had barely missed the look of jealousy that flashed across his face.
“The dating, (Y/N). What are you doing?”
“Oh. I didn't know that you suddenly took on the role of my father, James. What is wrong with me dating?” She asked. (Y/N) was being genuine. What was the issue?
“You swore it off. So why start now, all of a sudden?” At this point in time, (Y/N) could almost feel the jealousy seeping off of James in waves.
“And what happened to hating Ruby Bell?” She asked. “You've been hanging around her so much.”
“What does she have to do with this?” James argued.
“What doesn't she have to do with this, James!” (Y/N) cried out. She threw her hands up in the air, tears threatening to spill. He noticed the tears, wondering really how bad things were. “You came to Maxton Hall after that day Lydia came to us with a sickening hatred for her.”
“Things change, (Y/N).”
“Yea. I guess they do.” She turned to leave again when James stopped her once more. “Let go of me.” (Y/N) snapped. James hesitated, knowing she’d probably leave, but was surprised when she didn't. Dare he say pleasantly surprised.
It was several minutes before one of them spoke.
“When was the last time we hung out James? The last time we were together as friends and not some acquaintances that would be forgotten weeks later? Or how about when was the last time we went over stuff for Oxford? Preparing for the interviews. Talking about the campus and what we'd do once we got there? When was the last time we were just “us” together?” She stared at him for several minutes before he finally spoke.
“And you thought the best way to fix that was by avoiding me? Not only me, but also Lydia?” He asked.
“Oh my goodness! What don't you understand James?”
“I don't know (Y/N). You might have to explain it to me. Because what does me being with Ruby Bell have anything to do with you and me and my sister?” She stared at him, realizing that the conversation had gone off topic. They were no longer talking about her dating. They were talking about them.
“I admit, it had nothing to do with Lydia and I feel like an ass for abandoning her-”
“Understatement.” He huffed out. (Y/N) stared at James, at a loss for words. What was she doing? She was willing to support the twins no matter what. And right now she is failing to do that.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stammered and she turned to leave once more, only to be stopped once again. James tugged her against him, his hands coming up to cup her face as she closed her eyes, letting the tears fall. She missed this. She missed him. And she was blaming herself because she might lose it all.
“(Y/N). Look at me.” She hesitated, but slowly opened them. James stared at her, and the jealousy and anger was gone and in was a look of comfort and apologies.
“You want to know why I questioned you about why you were dating?” James asked. A tear rolled down her cheek and he was quick to brush it away.
“Because a crazy rabid squirrel in your head told you too?” She asked, trying to make humor of the situation. He gave her a small smile, a huff of laughter escaping from him.
“Jealousy.” He answered. (Y/N) snorted and James frowned. “What's so funny?”
“Because that's the same reason I started trying to date. I got jealous that you started to spend more time with Bell and not me and I took the irrational way out. And now I feel like arse because I wasn't supporting You guys. I blamed you and it wasn't your fault.”
“But it was my fault. I should have devoted equal time to you as well.” He explained. the two stared at each other for several moments. James gently brushed her cheeks as one of her hands played with the strap of his bag.
It was several more moments of silence before (Y/N) spoke again.
“So are we just going to avoid the elephant In the room?” She asked.
“what's that?”
“We both said our actions were because we were jealous.” It took James a moment to process what she meant. And when he finally did, he glanced down at her lips and then back at her eyes before harshly pulling her in for a kiss. A tiny gasp left her, before she quickly followed suit. A small thud could be heard as her bag fell of her shoulder and onto the floor and her hands found refuge in his hair. She met the ferocity of the kiss equally, letting out a small huff as he pressed her flushed against the wall. One of his hands moved from her face to her waist, pulling her flush against him.
They savored the moment. After so long of nothing, they were going to savor this.
At least that was until they remembered they needed to breathe. Oxygen was a fundamental after all.
“So you don't love her?” (Y/N) asked. James gave her an incredulous look.
“We are both out of breath after just kissing and you ask that? Am I in love with her?” (Y/N) only stared at him in silence, but a small smirk pulled at her lips. She was fucking with him. “Oh darling. You are truly something.” Her smirk softened into a tiny smile as it was now her turn to press a hand to his cheek. James turned his head softly, pressing a kiss to her palm, never breaking eye contact. (Y/N) swore her legs turned to jello just then.
“I missed you.” She finally spoke. “And I'm sorry for being so stubborn.”
“I missed you too, darling. and if anyone has to apologize, it's me.” James’ stare hardened, telling her that he was going to win this apology battle. And she gave it to him. “Oh. And one more thing.” (Y/N) stared at him, waiting.
He paused for several seconds.
“I'll give you the world, sweetheart. Don't forget that.”
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wanderingsoul6261 · 14 days
In The End
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Credit for gif goes to cinevettel
James Beaufort x Reader
synopsis: Reader loses her virginity to James. She says something unexpected, and he suddenly avoids her. It's not until the Victorian dance that mistakes are realizes and amends are made.
Warning: MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT 18+ theme in the beginning. Sexual content below the cut.
Heavy breathing filled the room along with quiet whimpers and low groans. Y/N hands clenched the bed sheets, her back arching as James made quick work of his tongue. One hand settled upon her stomach while the other thrusted two fingers into her pussy. His lips and tongue were attached to her clit, sucking and flicking, devouring her like he was a man starved. And boy was he starved.
His eyes peered up at Y/N. James listened as she started to breathe heavily, closing his eyes has her hands flew to the back of his head, holding him steady. She was getting close. He could tell.
It didn't take him long to get her to this point. She was weak. Sensitive. It was her first time and he want to take his time going over every little quirk about her. He wanted her to be nothing but putty in his hands by the time that they were done.
"That's it, love. Breathe." He said loud enough for her to hear, before latching his lips back onto her clit. James pulled his face away again, watching as his fingers continued to disappear inside of her. He let out a groan at the sight. "Oh, you are so beautiful." His cock strained painfully against his boxers, and on instinct, he rutted his hips against the bed. He let his head fall, the movement of his hand faltering slightly before he continued, trying to hold back on getting himself off on the bed. He wanted it to happen in her. If she'd allow it.
"James- fuck" Y/N took in a sharp inhale of breath, a whimper escaping her. "I need you-" another gasp. "Please." James pressed his thumb against her clit, rubbing it harshly and he continued to thrust his fingers inside. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, leaning forward and pressing his lips to her shoulder. Her arms came up around his shoulders as his lips slowly trailed up along her shoulders and up her neck, to the pulse point right behind her ear. He grinned when he felt her clench around his fingers, not sure how much longer he can wait himself.
"Just give me one, sweetheart. And then I'll give you anything you want." James murmured quietly. He lifted his head to look her in her eyes. "I just ask for one thing." She let out a whimper, as if telling him to say what he wanted to. "Look at me when you cum around my fingers."
If she wasn't already a puddle, she was then. It only took a few more thrusts of his fingers and she was coming. As he had asked, she looked him in his eyes as her body trembled, although her eyes did roll to the back of her head from the pleasure of the orgasm. Pleasure overwhelmed her and James thrusted his fingers inside her through said orgasm, cooing softly at her.
"That's it, love. Such a good girl. You did amazing." He moved down her body, pressing his tongue to her pussy, cleaning up the mess she had made. A quiet groan left his body as he lapped up her juices, before moving back up her body and pressing a kiss to her lips.
Y/N reached her hands down, moving his boxers down his thighs, letting him kick it off the rest of the way. He leaned over to grab a condom from his wallet when she stopped him.
"I'm on birth control." she shrugged. "It's helps with the painful periods." And just like that, James was ten times more aroused. He leaned down and captured her lips into a searing kiss, positioning himself.
Pulling away from the kiss, James looked down at Y/N, waiting for her. When she made eye contact with him and nodded, their following actions were sealed.
"I love you, James."
Y/N felt stupid. Why did she say it? Sure, James and she have been seeing each other for a little bit now, and it might have felt right in that moment to say it. However, she wasn't sure anymore.
And why was that?
James has been avoiding her. And what else was she to think? Was it the sex? Was it that bad? Did he not like it? Or her? No, that couldn't have been it. It didn't make sense.
What did make sense, was what she said as the two reached orgasm, one right after the other.
She should have made sure he was ready, so she knew for a fact that this was her fault. But how could she fix it?
She had already tried to talk to him several times the first day back to classes that week. And each time she had been avoided. He brushed past her, avoiding all eye contact. She had even tried grabbing his wrist or bicep to get him to stop. But each time, he pulled away from her grasp, continuing on away from her. Y/N was left alone in the middle of the hallway, watching his back as he disappeared from sight, wondering what she could do this fix this. Her face, crestfallen, as he didn't even send a look back at her over his shoulder. And people were starting to talk. What happened to the most popular couple of Maxton Hall?
And that's how the following weeks went on. All the way to the Victorian dance, she had been ignored, but as being part of the planning committee, there was no way she could get out attending it. And she has tried.
And so here she stood, next to Ruby Bell as a small group of them talked. She swirled the champagne in her glass, looking down at it sullenly, her heart aching. Y/N was hoping that today, her and James could have danced. Oh, how wrong she was.
It was only minutes later when Ruby started to nudge Y/N, motioning down towards the ground floor. And she almost dropped her glass at the sight of him standing down there. James Mortimer Beaufort. Wearing a suit that was not quite Victorian Style, but a suit, nonetheless. And as he stared at her, he looked completely and utterly mesmerized.
She gave her glass to Ruby to pass off to some other person, making her way down to him. Why was she allowing her feet to cover her to him. He had been ignoring and avoiding her as if her life depending on it.
Y/N hesitated for a moment. Why was she giving in so easily to him after what he had done?
Because it was an easy answer. She still loved him. But she was pissed.
Y/N came to stand in front of James, and without a second to waste, she slapped him. The crack resounded through the room, catching many nearby by surprise.
He stood in silence, slowly looking back at her.
"You deserve that." Y/N huffed. He nodded.
"Agreed. I did in fact deserve that." Her resolve softened subtly, seeing the guilt and regret in his eyes.
"Then why?" she asked.
"I was scared." He said simply, as if it was some normal answer to what happened.
"Scared of what, James?" she asked. James was silent for several moments.
"Love. You told me you loved me, and I got scared because I've never heard it truthfully. Not unless it was from my mother, and I panicked because I didn't think you could actually love someone like me. So, I did what I thought was best for myself in that moment and that was to avoid you. Over time though, I realized it wasn't best for either of us, because it didn't address things fully."
"Love someone like you- James. I absolutely adore you. I love you because of who you are. Not the James you pretend to be for everyone else. But the you that you become when it's just us." Y/N explained, her hands coming up to rest on his face. "Do I need to say it again for you to believe it?" she asked, noticing the few tears the slipped down his cheeks and quickly brushing them away. He gave her a tiny nod.
"I love you, James Mortimer Beaufort."
"I love you too, sweetheart."
tag list: @lifeonawhim @honethatty12 @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27
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wanderingsoul6261 · 10 days
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Credit for gif goes to userbeaufort
James Beaufort x Reader
Title: Distracted
Synopsis: James and Reader have an argument after she feels that he is being too overprotective. She gets injured during a volley ball game and he comforts and apologizes.
Warnings: mentions of blood/wounds
Sorry if volley ball is described inaccurately in the brief moment it's discussed. Last fic for about 24 to 48 hours. Decided to take some time off to rest up. Sinus infection had gotten worse. My ears are plugged and hurt. I have about 8 to 9 more requests, so more is definitely coming.
The fight that they had was just full of nonsense. At least, that was in regards to Y/N’s own opinions. James felt as if he was in the right, only wanting what was best for his girlfriend. He just wanted to make sure that she was safe. He thought that he was being overprotective. Y/N thought that it was that with a hint of jealousy. It was known though that neither of them could come to agreement on what it actually was. 
“Can you stop breathing down my neck, just for twenty four hours?” Y/N raised her voice slightly, turning to look at James. He had been following her around, making sure that she was okay and safe. She felt suffocated though, that if he continued to stick around that she would die due to lack of oxygen. 
“I just want to know that you are okay. Is that too much to ask for?” 
“Yea. It is actually, because if you stick around any longer, I might get arrested and charged with murder!” James paused his steps and stared at her. Confusion and slight anger was portrayed on his face. 
“What is your problem?” He asked. Y/N turned around, looking at him as if he just slapped her. And he might as well just have. 
“What is my problem? It’s you, James.” Now it was his turn to act as if he had just been slapped. James took a staggered step back, a look entirely of hurt and confusion the only thing to be seen on his face. 
“What?” Y/N had almost felt guilty, seeing the blow that she had just landed, even if she knew that all that he wanted to know was that she was safe. Instead, she had only stood her ground and raised her chin slightly in defiance. 
“You heard me.The problem is you.” James didn’t know how to react, and if they weren’t currently in the situation that they were in, Y/N might have felt proud to have put James in the state that he was currently in. “You’re suffocating me. I feel like I can’t breathe. I take a few steps in any direction and I’m knocking myself into you. And it’s constant, James. It’s like you’re being some possessive boyfriend. What’s next? You are going to start dictating who I can or can’t be friends with?” James did say anything. Honestly, he didn’t have much to say, so he only remained standing, averting his eyes from her gaze and looking anywhere else. His jaw clenched, but he knew that he couldn’t be mad at anyone but himself, even if he was angry at the current way she was speaking to him. 
“What?” Y/N questioned. “Cat got your tongue?” And just like that, James was gone, turning around on his heel and stomping down the hall. Y/N had felt nasty for the way that she had just treated him, but she also knew that she had to make her voice heard. She felt that there was no other way for her to have accomplished it in any other way than in that moment. 
It had been a few days since the two of them had talked. Y/N had rightfully been angry and James himself had rightfully, even if he had deserved it, been upset and hurt. They had both mutually agreed that it was best to give each other some time to cool down and relax. The last thing that either one of them had wanted to do was come back and say anything that would be highly regretted. Not that Y/N didn’t already regret the way she snapped at James. She had honestly wished that she could just go back and choose a better way to have got about it. 
But the damage had been done, and the only thing that she could do now was wait until he had cooled down enough to talk.
In the meantime, Y/N had a volleyball game to prepare for in a few days, and she would be lying if she said that she was good to play. Even if it happened a few days ago, the argument was still fresh in her mind, and had been affecting her ability to focus well enough on the task of the game. 
No matter what happened, she could never stop thinking about him. 
Y/N had wondered if she should check in with them, considering their lack of conversations over the past few days. Her friends would easily tell her no and to let him stew in the moment. A few of them had even gone as far as to tell her to give him hints that she wanted to break it off, because it would quote, light a fire under his ass, unquote. But Y/N couldn’t do it. She wasn’t that brutal. However, she didn’t want to back out on her defense, knowing that her feelings were justified, and she didn’t want to do anything that might suggest otherwise. 
That didn’t change the amount of times that her finger hovered over the send buttons to numerous different messages. 
Im sorry 
Love you
I hope you are doing okay. Let’s talk soon. 
One of them consisted of just heart emojis. There were even times messages consisted of a mixture of those messages. 
Even as the volley game against a rival college was about to start, Y/N was doing just that. She sat on a bench in the locker room, biting her nail as she tried to make up her mind on whether or not to send the message. Y/N wasn’t even sure if he would show up tonight. 
I don’t know if you plan on coming to the game tonight. But I think we should talk soon. Y F/L/M initials 
She let out a heavy sigh, running her hand through her hair, finally pressing send. And then she waited for several moments, waiting to see if he would open and read it. When ten minutes passed and she was finally being yelled at for not being on the court yet, she figured that he was probably still mad at her. 
Y/N tossed her phone into her gym bag, leaving it at that. Which obviously, with the continued emotions only adding to inability to play the game. She should have told her coach, but yet, here she was, running out of the locker room and onto the court, her mind filled to the brim with thoughts and questions, and ultimately, him. 
The game though had surprisingly started out pretty okay. They were almost done with their first set when Y/N saw James walk into the gymnasium. They locked eyes momentarily, her heart fluttering. He showed her his phone, likely telling her that he had seen her message. But he still didn’t look too enthused. She swallowed thickly, turning back to the game when her name was called. The ball was just over her, and she jumped, spiking the ball over the net, scoring a point for Maxton Hall. 
As the team captain, she knew she had to keep her mind distraction free, but it was definitely easier said than done. They couldn’t do well if she wasn’t there. But even with that thought in mind, she still wasn’t doing well enough. Halfway through the game as a whole, everything in her mind, thinking about the argument, about him, and what might come of them after the game had gotten too much. 
She had the space and time to dive for the ball in front of her, hitting it up and over the net just in time before it hit the ball, none of the other girls close enough to hit it, They couldn’t take the risk. So she dove, and in the end, she almost wished that she didn’t. 
No matter what she did, she couldn’t stop herself from cracking her face against the floor. She laid there for what seemed like several minutes and wasn’t even sure if she hit the ball over the net. Instead, she heard the crowd murmuring silently, her teammates coming over to check on her. 
She lifted her head off the floor. Y/N saw the blood. She brought her hand to the left side of her face, feeling the wetness of the blood and gingerly touching the outline of a gash. Her head snapped up to meet James’ own panicked look. He was standing up from his seat, watching her, his eyes wide. It only took a few more seconds and her coach pressed a towel to the side of her head for him to come running down. Her ears were ringing by the time he made it to them. 
She watched as he spoke to her couch,  but her mind was so fuzzy that she couldn’t exactly find it in herself to make out what was being said. 
And then James was escorting her out of the school and towards Percy, where he was waiting for them. One arm was wrapped around her waist while the other was pressed to the towel currently on the wound. 
“We have to take her to the hospital, Percy. Nasty little cut on her forehead.” James spoke to his chauffeur as the two of them slid into the car. As the car got moving, the two sat in silence for several moments. 
“My phone is in my gym bag. Can you tell my parents where we are going?” she asked. He passed his phone to her, but as she grabbed it, he replaced his phone with his hand. 
“I want to say I’m sorry.” he spoke softly. Y/N looked at him in shock. “I shouldn’t have been acting the way that I was. It wasn’t right of me. I know you can look after yourself.” James turned his head to look at her. His eyes glanced at the place where the towel sat. 
“I should be the one apologizing.” His eyes snapped back to her. “I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way that I did. I know that you only want what is best for me, and snapping at you the way that I did wasn’t the best way to show my appreciation, no matter how mad I was.” Y/N explained. “I just hope that we can fix this and use it moving forward in our relationship as a reminder. That is, if you want.” 
“If I want? Just because we had an argument doesn’t mean you’re getting free of me.” He joked, a smile gracing his lips. “It’s only one of many that we will have in the coming future. Arguments aren’t avoidable.” Y/N gave him a smile, leaning into him. She went to press a kiss to his cheek, but he had turned his head enough to make her lips land on his own. They leaned into it, and Y/N could feel a cheeky smile grace his lips. 
When they pulled away, Y/N held his gaze. 
“Promise?” His cheeky smile turned into a soft one. 
taglist: @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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uniquexusposts · 10 days
hi!! would you consider writing a part 2 of the james beaufort one shot that you wrote? absolutely loved it!!
The best friend - James Beaufort (2)
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Click here to read part 1
Main characters: James Beaufort x reader Genre: fanfiction, fluff, TV show  Word count: 2567
Summary: Y/N invited James and his sister Lydia for a day out at the water. Will this be the moment for a lot of realisation?
It was around 22:00h when Y/N stopped the car in the driveway and glanced at James. “Shall I wait here, or do I have to park over there?” She pointed at the free spot behind Percy’s car, next to the wall of his house.
“You can wait,” James replied, his tone neutral.
She nodded and put the car in park, setting the handbrake. As James unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door, he hesitated. “Actually…” He turned to her. “I think it’s weird if you stay here. But then you will have to…” He pressed his lips into a thin line.
“I’ll park the car,” Y/N responded. James got out, and Y/N parked behind Percy’s car. She then stepped out, swiftly putting her hair up with a clip and leaving a few strands to frame her face. Opening the trunk, she swapped her trainers for heels. Locking the car, she walked over to James. “How do I look?”
James scanned his best friend from head to toe. The transformation from casual to chic business attire was seamless. A smile spread across his face. “Like a businesswoman,” he said.
“Perfect.” Her heels clinked on the concrete as they walked together toward the front door.
“How…” He glanced at her, curiosity piqued. “How did you know about the heels? The preparation?”
“Women’s secret,” she teased. “It’s my mum’s car. She always has an extra pair of heels in the trunk. And by wearing the most comfortable trousers that look chic and classy. Always be prepared, James.” The front door opened just as she finished speaking. “You never know what to expect.” 
James looked impressed and stuck out his arm, signing she could enter the house first. 
“Miss Y/L/N,” one of the maids said. “Mister Beaufort.”
“Good evening,” James said formally. 
Y/N always noticed how James’ demeanour changed when he was at his own house. Here, he was quieter, his smiles less frequent, and his energy felt... different. The lively, carefree James she knew so well seemed to retreat, replaced by a more reserved version of himself. If she was honest, James acted like an asshole when he was home. 
“Hello,” the cheery voice of Y/N said. 
As they walked through the grand foyer, Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for him. The house was magnificent, yet it seemed to cast a shadow over James' vibrant personality. It was his home, and she respected and accepted that. 
When they reached the living room, it almost seemed like James’ parents were expecting them. Mr. and Mrs. Beaufort stood beside each other, ready to greet the two young adults. “Good evening, James. Y/N,” Mr Beaufort said, nodding slightly in acknowledgement. Mrs Beaufort offered a polite smile, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Good evening, Mr and Mrs Beaufort,” Y/N replied, her voice respectful yet warm.
“Whence the honour to see you here so late?” Mr Beaufort asked Y/N. 
“Lydia and I are invited for a sailing trip with Y/N’s family,” James answered for Y/N. “So we are here to pick up Lydia.”
Mrs Beaufort nodded, her smile turning more genuine. Despite a pang of jealousy over the warmth and inviting nature of Y/N’s family, she was glad her children could receive that kind of respect and hospitality from them.
“That sounds delightful,” Mrs. Beaufort said. “Lydia will be pleased.”
“I will go get my bag and pick up Lydia,” James excused himself, touching Y/N’s lower back briefly. 
As soon as James was out of sight, Y/N was immediately offered a drink. Recognising it as an invitation to engage in conversation, she asked for a glass of water and sat on the sofa. It didn’t take long for Mr. Beaufort to seize the opportunity to inquire about her parents’ business, probing for information and potential investment opportunities. Y/N barely knew anything about James’ family, but she knew everything about their business. And probably vice versa. Y/N’s entire personality changed from herself to a businesswoman. She knew how to navigate these conversations carefully, revealing enough to satisfy curiosity but not too much to compromise her family’s privacy. She skillfully deflects any attempts to delve too deeply into sensitive details. She was polite and engaging yet maintained a firm boundary around the specifics of her parents’ business strategies.
After a few more minutes, James returned with his bag and Lydia behind him. When Lydia saw Y/N, she cheerfully smiled. 
“It was delightful catching up with you, Mr. and Mrs. Beaufort,” Y/N politely smiled and got up. “Good evening,” she said goodbye to James's parents. 
As Y/N and Lydia made their way to Y/N’s car, Mr. Beaufort stopped James, sharing some possible investment or collaboration strategies with Y/N’s family. James listened politely, nodding along, but he knew he had no intention of pursuing these discussions. When he could finally excuse himself, he stepped outside to find Y/N reversing the car to make getting in easier. He never expected to think this, but he could kiss her on the spot. Y/N was thoughtful about so many things, but it made him feel weak. As he approached the car, he noticed Lydia already comfortably settled in the back seat, chatting animatedly with Y/N. James opened the passenger door and slid in, seeing how Y/N had already turned back into herself. 
“Ready to go?” Y/N asked.
“Absolutely,” James replied, feeling a sense of relief as they drove away from the formal atmosphere of his home. 
“Y/N,” Lydia said. Y/N had a quick glance at her in the mirror. “Have you ever considered to be a spin doctor? Or a spokeswoman? Because the way you communicate… Not to brag about myself, I know things about being a spokesperson, but you are a natural talent.” She smiled. “Oh, and thanks for the invite!” 
Y/N bit her lip; she had never received a compliment like this. 
“You talk so easily,” James added. “And you always know what to say when improvising.”
“Oh, stop it,” Y/N mumbled and entered the main road. “Thanks, I guess.” She licked her lips. “But yeah, I will reconsider it,’ she mumbled, driving back towards her house.
* * * 
The sun was high in the sky as James, Lydia, Y/N and her family spent the day on the boat, anchored in a bay the following day. They weren’t the only ones who thought spending some time on the waters was a good idea: it felt like the entire country (well, more like the region) was present. But that didn’t stop anyone from enjoying the day. The gentle rocking of the boat and the sounds of the sea created a perfect backdrop for a day of relaxation and fun. 
Lunch was served an hour ago. It was more like a picnic, but it was delicious. Y/N had been reading a book, and James was taking a nap in the sun. The others were swimming, playing board games, reading, or simply enjoying the tranquility. 
James woke up from his nap and felt the sun burn on his skin. He sat up and stretched his arms. His eyes scanned the surroundings and a satisfied smile came on his lips. Then his eyes fell on Y/N, who was in her own world while reading. “Y/N/N,” he softly said. 
She looked away from her book, slightly distracted. “Hmm, ja?” 
“Shall we go for a swim?”
“Scared to go alone?” A playful smile came on her face. 
She smirked. “Give me a minute, I’ve one page left.” 
“Okay,” he said and got up, walking to the cabin to get a cold water bottle. The boat wasn’t huge, but big enough to have every facility on it to serve an entire family. James returned to find Y/N setting her book aside. He handed over the bottle of water. “Stay hydrated.”
She thankfully smiled and took a huge sip. “Much needed, though,” she replied. She threw the bottle on the sofa. “Ready?” 
“Say no more.”
They walked to the edge of the boat, the sun reflecting off the water’s surface. Their eyes both squinted because of the bright reflection. James looked at Y/N; she was inspecting the water, doubting whether she should jump into it. A grin covered his face, and without hesitation, he jumped into the water in front of her. 
Y/N gasped as the splash hit her, then laughed, shaking her head. 
James widely smiled and brushed his hair out of his face. “Where are you waiting for?” 
She rolled her eyes but smiled, taking a deep breath before diving in after him. The cool water was refreshing, and she quickly surfaced, shaking her head to remove the water droplets. “Oef,” she breathed. “My skin was so warm that the water feels so fucking cold.”
A laugh escaped his lips. “Don’t be such a wimp,” he said and splashed some water towards her direction. 
“Ha-ha,” she retorted, playfully splashing him back.”
They began to float around. Sometimes, they point at another boat in the distance and talk about it or laugh about a memory. 
“So… Do you know what you want to do after school?” Y/N asked the forbidden question. 
James stared in the distance, trying to think of an answer to give. Oxford… That was on his plan. Correction: on his parents’ planning. “Oxford.”
“To do what?” Y/N raised her eyebrows. 
He sighed. “Can we talk about this another time? This is not the time.”
“Sure…” Y/N rubbed her face. “I’m just curious and worried.”
“You didn’t like it when I asked you the same question.”
“Because I didn’t know what I wanted.”
James turned to look at her. Despite the severe nature of their conversation, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she looked in the afternoon light. Her cheeks had a sun-kissed glow, and with her hair pulled back, her features were more defined. There was a caring look in her eyes, one that James had always had a weakness for. “I don’t know what I want either.”
“I thought you had a plan,” she said surprisingly. 
“Oxford, spokesperson for Young Beaufort, other projects and eventually take over the business,” he listed off, a hint of frustration in his voice “The plan that was made before I was even born. So no, I don’t know what I want because it’s not my plan.”
Y/N knew about it. Lydia had the same kind of path planned out for her. But somewhere, she had always hoped James and Lydia would pick their own path. She could sense the conflict within him, torn between the expectations placed upon him and his own desires. 
“And I can’t just take a gap year because my parents are less accommodating than yours. I have to live that perfect life, I can’t just try things and hope they work out. My parents have high expectations from me and the last thing that they will do is accept a gap year where I can explore my passion,” he snapped. 
She pressed her lips into a thin line and looked down. “I know,” she said softly, her voice laced with empathy. “But sometimes, you must carve out your own path, despite what others may expect of you. It’s not easy, but it’s worth fighting for your own happiness.”
“Y/N, I know you want the best for me but I can’t make it true, okay? I know you try to cheer me up or give me some help, but I can’t. I appreciate it, but it’s my life,” he shot back. “And don’t take it personally; it’s something I have to deal with myself.” 
“I understand,” she softly said, her heart aching for him. And then her heart dropped at the most wrong moment; she felt something brush against her leg. A loud gasp left Y/N’s mouth, and she reached for James. “Ew, ew, ew,” she panicked and clamped her legs around his waist, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I felt something! There’s something here!” 
James was taken aback by Y/N's sudden panic, his mind still processing their conversation. But when he felt her grip tighten around him, he quickly snapped out of it, his instincts kicking in. He wrapped his arms around her protectively, scanning the water around them for any sign of danger.
“What? What is it?” he asked urgently, his voice laced with concern as he searched for the source of her distress.
“I-I don’t know,” Y/N stammered, her heart racing as she clung to him tightly. “I just felt something brush against my leg, and it freaked me out.”
James glanced around, his eyes narrowed as he tried to spot any movement in the water. “Stay calm,” he said reassuringly, though his own heart was pounding in his chest. Then he saw something in the water; just a plant. A snort left his mouth. “It’s a plant, Y/N,” he said and reached for it. 
“No, I swear, it was not.”
“Look,” he said and held up the plant. A laugh rolled over his lips. “Just a plant.” 
Y/N scanned the plant. “No, it was something else.” Her lips parted. “Don’t laugh,” she mocked and softly slapped his chest. His laughter filled her ears. 
His laughter grew louder, the tension from their earlier conversation dissipating as they shared a lighthearted moment. "Alright, alright," he conceded, still grinning. "But I promise you, there's nothing to worry about. Just a harmless sea plant.” He held her close, his arm around her waist and her body pressed against his. With his other arm, he made movements to stay above the water. “Let’s get back to the boat,” he grinned. “But you have to swim yourself. I will stay close, okay?”
She nodded and slowly let go of him, still staying close to him, almost afraid to move. James grabbed her hand and waved their fingers together. 
As they swam back towards the boat, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of James's hand in hers, the warmth of his touch sending ripples of electricity through her veins. She stole glances at him as they moved through the water; His hair, damp from the water, fell slightly tousled across his forehead, accentuating the soft curve of his jawline. The sunlight danced across his skin, highlighting the subtle freckles dusted across his face. 
With each stroke, Y/N felt herself drawn closer to James, the distance between them narrowing until they were side by side, their fingers intertwined as they moved through the water together. And at that moment, surrounded by the vast expanse of the sea and the boundless sky above, Y/N felt a sense of peace wash over her—a feeling of belonging that she had never experienced before.
When they reached the boat's ladder, James turned to look at her, his eyes soft and gentle as he helped her climb aboard. “Are you okay? Alive? Do you still have all your limbs?” 
Her face straightened. “Shut up.” 
He widely smiled. “See, nothing to be afraid of.” 
Click here to go to part 3
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