#i need a therapist
bambooochan6 · 5 months
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b1anketplask · 5 months
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Rate my cat 1 to 10
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thatweirdorangeperson · 2 months
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HII IM BACK AGAIN I HAVENT POSTED HERE SINCE LAST YEAR ITS CRAZY but after this whole time i had the time to actually practice while watchin videos and using like- references(which helped me out a lot) ‼️‼️‼️🎉🎉🎉🗣🗣
btw no this isn’t in ship art, let a grandpa be a grandpa for pete’s sake,., GO AWYE U PROSH***RS BRUH☹️
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toriwan-hobbits · 2 years
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u know…that moment in drink with me…
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randomity-101 · 5 days
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is my art seriously too cartoony? imma go cry in the corner. He looks like keefe a a kid
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milleeeeeee · 1 year
“you don’t try”
i try
i try every day, every second
if i didn’t try, i wouldn’t be here
if i didn’t try, 12 yo me would have killed herself
if i didn’t try, i wouldn’t have stopped at the last second
if i didn’t try, i wouldn’t have made it past 15, at most
if i didn’t try, i wouldn’t be here today, 6 years later
if i didn’t try, then how come i’m here at the age of 19?
you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, so shut your fucking mouth. i didn’t ask for you opinion
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absprincess · 7 months
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sweetlittlestarbursts · 9 months
In all his glory...
So I saw a random fanart post about codywan and my mind went 'awww look at obi-Wan in all his glory!'
And then 'Obi-Wan in all his glory...'
Which led to 'Obi-Wan in his glory.'
I took a moment to think, "Cody = Kote = Glory."
"Obi-Wan in his Cody..."
I think I might be gay at the moment.
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millennihilism · 2 months
While I have been mildly aware of it for a while, between character studies and meta posts on the characters, it has really been more obvious to me as a Whole Ass Adult™️ that I am Tonks with Remus’s pile of mental illnesses.
And instead of potentially addressing those issues with a qualified professional, I found myself sucked into this fairly niche ship fandom once again and have just taken to violently inhaling a lot of what I can find.
This is obviously the healthiest response I could choose.
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iwannafuckbill · 9 months
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if i was a man and i was around them i know for a fact i’d always be hard. even rn as a girl i think i’m hard
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magma-frog0 · 1 year
Leon x Reader
You were getting ready for an event, you were doing your makeup, or at least trying to. Your hands gripped the edge of the bathroom counter, your knees shaking as you were putting on mascara, you messed up, you look down at Leon who is currently eating you out like it’s his last meal. “You are being very distracting,” you moaned softly.
“Oh stop, we have an hour until we have to leave and you are very temping,” he groaned between your legs.
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elysiumarchieve · 2 years
greetings fellow scaramouche enthusiast.
✨i have brainrot✨
so like, you or he had a bad day and just, out of nowhere, throws yourself onto the other person.
and its just "cuddle me now" vibes.
because my touch starved ass is in need of cuddles-
thank you!
- kunikuzushi <3
i love anything that involves cuddling him because he deserves all the hugs in the world after that archon quest AND SORRY YOU HAD TO WAIT SO LONG😭
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cuddling after a bad day
warning: fluff mostly, scaramouche being scaramouche <3
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✧ cuddling scaramouche after a bad day is weirdly enough very comforting - although it's scaramouche we're talking about
✧ he might be a little taken aback by how suddenly you cling onto him and almost threaten him to stay right there with you and not move under any circumstances, so he just raises an eyebrow as he awkwardly pats your back
✧ he didn't need to be a mind reader to tell you were upset, but i doubt he would question what's wrong - if you want to talk, you will talk on your own and he trusts you to tell him if it's serious
✧ scaramouche doesn't know comfort, my guy was never comforted even once in his life, so don't expect any uplifting words to cheer you up. the most you'll get is him looking at you and sighing at you for being so clingy and eventually a few pats on your back ("you survived the day, be glad, others did not")
✧ however, if you happen to cry due to how bad your day was, he might be more alert - but even then, he waits dor you to speak up first or expectantly looks at you until you finally decide to tell him what's been bothering you the entire day
✧ while he looks like he doesn't really care about it, merely nodding along and resting his head on his palm, he's actually somewhat upset over seeing you like this - usually you'd come to him with a bright smile and a your cheery attitude, so seeing you like this put him in a rather horrible mood, too
✧ he might also seem like he's absolutely annoyed at you for being so clingy and cuddling him, but he tries at least. you want to cuddle with him? whatever, just do it. if his presence calms you and even manages to cheer you up he might pride himself on it
✧ in fact, he might not even complain about this at all. he prefers you coming to him with all your troubles and telling him all about it instead of it being anyone else. he's your lover, seeking comfort from someone else is unacceptable to him
✧ if you fall asleep in his arms, he just sighs but puts you down gently on your bed (you heard me, gently). he doesn't mean to wake you up but he also doesn't want to habe you laying on top of him the entire night (it's uncomfortable for you and him, so he feels like he's doing you a favor)
✧ but even after that, he stays right there next to you and keeps one eye on you. he has to keep an eye on his favorite idiot and maybe ask you the next morning what that sour mood was for
✧ if scaramouche has a bad day, oh lord, you're in for a ride
✧ not only is he in a horrible mood and has a constant scowl on his face, but he also refuses to speak of it - it's always the same, dumb subordinates, dumb people, dumb mortals,,, i think you can guess what upsets him
✧ in that case, you need to treat him like a porcelain doll. while scaramouche doesn't exactly snap at you for bothering him, the line between getting on his bad side or having him silently mutter curses under his breath in your arms is an incredibly thin one that you shouldn't provoke - he's doesn't have a filter and if you end up bothering him too, he might not even stay in the same room with you that night
✧ what he needs at a time like this is not reassuring words (he knows he's right, atleast in his mind), but rather does he need you to stay silently next to him and ask him about anything but his day
✧ getting him to cuddle you is another story however. if you really want him to calm down and take a break, you might need to coax him a little into coming with you and resting up a little - however, he'd flat out refuse
✧ he doesn't need comfort, he needs new subordinates who won't question his orders - that's probably something that's going through his head the entire time
✧ in fact, stay next to him long enough and he'd start complaining about everything himself without you ever needing to coax him into speaking up on why his eyebrows are knitted almost the entire time
✧ when you offer to cuddle him he'd huff at first. are you serious? do you actually believe this would solve anything? are you trying to mock him?
✧ scaramouche doesn't really realize that you are being genuine about your intentions. you don't mean to belittle him or anything like this, but being as stubborn as him he fails to understand this
✧ if you don't have any patience for this man, this might the point at which you too could become upset him for being this difficult
✧ it might take hours, even after you've fallen asleep for him to come around (though he'd never admit this)
✧ you're the only person who understands him and acting like this could possibly drive you away from - something that he doesn't want nor accept now that you're in his life
✧ if you happen to wake up that night, you might find him right next to you, awkwardly pressed against you in an attempt to hold you close - something he never does when he knows you're awake
✧ he doesn't realize that this also helps him in a way, that he's a lot calmer now and thinks less of the day before now - it's so nice to hold you and be close to you that he almost hates that it has an effect on him
✧ if you're upset and you want to hug him, go for it. he might definitely complain but he's not the type to push you and bother you any further about your day. however, his attempts to 'cheer you up', are absolutely miserable, but he tries (even if you could probably ignore his advice)
✧ scaramouche believes he doesn't need comfort in the form of physical affection. it doesn't help him nor does it solve the problems he had throughout the day, so he believes that it's an absolute waste of his time
✧ for someone who has never received any comfort, he's better at it than when it comes to accepting it for himself - he's stubborn and doesn't accept a lot because he also doesn't want to anyone to believe that he needs comforting
✧ and even then, once he realizes how nice it is to be surrounded by your arms and just do nothing, he doesn't want anyone from finding out. he doesn't want to appear weak, even before you
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vadymxarsioxska · 9 months
I'm bored, and first post btw.
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losmuertosnosufren · 1 year
life is straight whooping my ass
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lordhuachengzhu · 3 months
Have I been waiting literal years for the second season of Heaven Official's Blessing??
Have I been putting off watching the last three episodes because once I do I'll have to go back to waiting and the thought of doing that is devastating?
Also yes.
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mistylakeee · 1 year
✨Season Two Thoughts✨
The most unmatched therapy inducing moment that I will stan until the day I die is Inej’s hallucination idgaf. That shit had me pausing and rewinding like I owned a vhs tape. “May I?”?????? THE RESPECT. Kaz cupping Inej’s cheek??? The waist pull??? Kaz removing Inej’s knives AND his gloves??? So sensual for what. So seductive for what. So good for what. Thanksgiving dinner. Gobble gobbled that shit right up. Goodbye.
I’m kinda mad they did the bathroom scene tease but whatever it was fine the writers said let’s make this plot Crooked Kingdom with no build up or pay off and I ate it up idk what to tell you. Still mad tho.
Also how tf are the crows going to the ice court now? Inej is gone for some reason hahahahaha don’t get me started on that. Why why why why why would they do that when KAZ HASNT GIVEN HER HER BOAT. Also was Tolya like kinda into Inej or was I seeing shit? It’s fine. I’m fine. I enjoyed it. The armor scene was acted out beautifully. I do wish it was done after, I don’t know im just spit balling here, the ICE COURT. But what do I know.
Also I guess Jesper and Wylan had a one night stand before this. Hahahahahahahahahahaha WHAT. It’s fine. I’m fine. Yummy thanksgiving dinner regardless.
Helnik dreams were great. 10/10.
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