#i miss lightning soo bad
roe-and-memory · 16 days
lightning and his struggle with emotions save me….
those feelings of inadequacy that suffocate his every thought, that fear that if he messes up — acts in a way that nobody wants him to — then he’ll lose everything.. and how, for a little while, all those feelings carry over to radiator springs (maybe they even stick around for the rest of his life)
i cant see lightning as much of a crier, he doesnt seem like the type to want to express those emotions, especially in front of people, and thinking about this concept in the context of radiator springs is sooo…
hes finally got those people that love him and hes so terrified that if he makes one wrong move, says one wrong word, then they’ll kick him to the curb and he’ll be alone again that he just. Stiffles. these feelings.
for a while no one really notices, but flo is the first one to realize she’s never seen him in any negative mood aside from anger like.. ever? she tries to brush it off, make an excuse in her mind for him, but the more she tries to neglect it the more obvious it becomes that he’s purposely hiding his feelings from them and she cant figure out, for the life of her, why. she mentions it to doc, asks him quietly if hes ever seen or heard lightning cry, and the silent pondering from the man is enough to tell her that he Hasnt.
she doesnt wanna be nosy, but shes so concerned because she KNOWS there has to have been something thats upset him in his time here, he just hasnt expressed it to anyone…
but imagine her shock, three months into lightnings life in the town, he comes into the cafe on the brink of tears with scraped shins, blood staining his now torn jeans, and a glimmer of fear in his eyes.
he apologizes to her, sits down in a booth — seemingly not realizing hes wiping blood everywhere — and buries his face in his crossed arms that are resting on the tabletop. its the first time flo has seen him look this scared, and it brings up those thoughts of how long he’s been hiding these emotions from everyone. she watches from behind the counter, a half dried bowl in her hand as she finally catches the slight trembling of his shoulders and her heart just Breaks.
lightning had nowhere else to go for this — docs clinic was closed and doc himself was at home, sally was at home, Everyone was at Home — so the best idea he could come up with was hiding at flos in an attempt to get away from everyone else because when the string of events that went wrong occurred, he Knew then it was that final straw that was gonna rip the carpet out from underneath him and bring him to exhausted, overstimulated tears.
i think at some point flo stops what shes doing, studies the empty cafe, and abandons her dishes to sit down at the table with him. she scooches into the booth beside him and rubs gentle circles on his back like a mom would, and, unbeknownst to her, that just makes him sob harder.
part of her is happy that hes feeling this, but oh Boy, that mom part of her is genuinely heartbroken for him. she doesnt know what happened but she can safely assume hes in pain and startled, and she knows shes willing to sit here for as long as she needs to make sure he feels safe and comfortable again, even if it means keeping these tears a secret from people like doc and sally at lightnings request.
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zafiro-anyejo · 1 month
I will never forgive that one youtuber who said "chuck mcgill is worse than walter white".
The man is literally just a socially anxious, unfunny, jealous older sibling. What he does to Jimmy is in no way comparable--in any universe--to what Walter White, or even Mike--did to Albuquerque. The harm that Chuck internalized himself was far worse than anything he did to anyone in his life.
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lucvly · 7 months
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— boyfriend headcannons with matt. ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: the usual !! sfw and nsfw parts. not proofread my bad.
a/n: i love reqs helppp 😣 working on another one which actually involves writing as we Speak !! i had to reupload this because i forgot tags SORRY anon 💔
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— this man is obsessed with you. literally doesn’t even find any other women attractive. he has the biggest heart eyes for you it’s insane.
— adores hyping you up on instagram. he’s the type to reply “alr i saw it you can take it down now !!” when you post a story. your posts are filled with comments from him.
— he’s an absolute sucker for grand gestures. asked you to be his girlfriend by decorating your room with balloons !! goes all out on your anniversary (buys you a dress, gets you new jewelry, etc.)
— loves to color coordinate with you. whenever you two are going out or just seeing each other he calls you to match outfits. he thinks it’s the cutest (+ chris and nick tease him sooo bad for it)
— always gets you your go-to drinks. you’ll mention an iced latte once and he’s getting one for you every single day !! he’s so cute bye
— secretly loves it when you take pictures of him like a soccer mom LMAOO. he thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. you love taking pictures of him doing literally anything: driving, doing laundry, etc.
— loves sleeping on call with you. he absolutely adores hearing you rant about your day. + sleeping on call together him while he’s on tour and misses you so badly !! half of the call is just him complaining about how much he wishes he could see your face and kiss you.
— he may whine about how you’re stealing all his clothes and hoodies but secretly loves watching you in them.
— him driving is sooo attractive. he’s such a gentleman ughhh. this man will get out of the car and open the door for you, leans over and buckles your seatbelt, + always has his hand on your thigh.
— always kissing you. forehead kisses, neck kisses, cheek kisses, etc.
— soo good at comforting and reassuring you. he’s such a sweetheart it’s sickening !!!
— your personal driver. it’s 3 am and you wanna go out? call him and he’ll be there in 5. you’re drunk at a party and need a ride? your boyfriend’s there.
— replies to your texts at lightning speed it’s sooo embarrassing but cute !!
— updates you on everything that happens throughout his day.
— nsfw below!
— anytime you kiss him it ends up in a heated ass make out session. your hands softly pulling on his hair, his hands gripping your waist as you ever so slightly grind on his hardening cock !! lollll !!
— he leans more towards the gentler side in bed. cute pet names, makes it All about you and your pleasure– (though he loves it when you give him head).
— howeverrrr, he can definitely get mean during sex. i’m talking manhandling, shoving your face into the pillow, dirty talk. (“too big— i can’t–,” “i don’t care, you can take it. i’ll make it fit.”)
— loves it when you overstimulate him. it’s his favorite thing ever. have fun watching him squirm, hearing him moan and whimper your name.
— begs you to sit on his lap. he adores it. stroking your hair, kissing your neck, his hands on your waist as he tries his hardest to not grind his hips up or simply just fuck you senseless.
— he’s vocal. whimpering out loud, begging, groaning, grunting. all of it.
— extremely good at aftercare. he’ll immediately clean you up, get a bottle of water for you, cuddle, talk, anything you want and he’s completely at your service.
— he’s such a secret pervert !!! cannot see you in a skirt because he’s already hard. showing a bit of cleavage? hard. sees you in a bathing suit? it is over for him. he needs you.
— cockwarming him while he’s gaming <333. he’s all for it. one time you two made a bet that consisted on making the other crack first. spoiler alert: you ended up with your moans being muffled by a pillow because you just couldn’t let him finish his game, could you?
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shift-shaping · 9 months
What are your top ten video games?
Tagged by: @ellana-lavellan-rp (thank you :D)
Tagging: @veshialles @keturagh (pick which ones are least bad ig) @mallk-z @dreadfutures @redinkofshame @inner-muse @skiitter @storm-of-feathers @dreadwxlf @drakonovisny @little-lightning-lavellan @kirstinetheartist @first-flower-of-my-house @sugarspunquill @disasterdrvid and anyone else that wants to!
I am going to enforce a rule on myself of only one game per series. In no particular order, and based on how I am right now currently feeling:
1. Pokemon Insurgence - Cringy, edgy, and over-the-top in the best way while also delivering a challenging and genuinely very fun experience. I love the canon Pokemon games, but a good fangame can really bring out the best of the series while catering to longtime fans and Insurgence does just that. My Insurgence team is still the one I remember best out of all of my Pokemon teams. Cannot recommend enough if you can handle a little "i'm twelve and this is deep" writing. It's ridiculously fun.
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2. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Everything about this game is beautiful and haunting and it fundamentally changed me as a person. The world it creates is one of profound isolation while the characters and themes emphasize the importance of connection and hope. Everything I have ever written carries some of its DNA. It is also a kind of boring hack n' slash dungeon crawler with a lackluster remake and a really annoying difficulty curve in the endgame. i never successfully played it in multiplayer as intended because i did not have any friends. It also made me bisexual.
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3. Hades - Extremely fun and challenging with fabulously tactile and energetic gameplay. If you have not played Hades, you really should. Also Megaera is there. 4. Stardew Valley - everything you could want in a farming sim, especially with its excellent mod support. My only issue is: where does everyone poop?? 5. Skyrim - Obviously. if you think skyrim is bad you are kidding yourself. skyrim is the most video game of all time.
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6. Dragon Age Inquisition - even more obviously. The apex of the series, though it is far from perfect, especially in its pacing/story construction. Still, Origins has its pacing issues too, and Inquisition has much better/more fun gameplay. I will not argue on this. Block me if you disagree i guess. Bad hair though. 7. Subnautica - Stunningly beautiful and terrifying, even on the goddamn Switch where it barely runs. I put so many hours into it on creative mode that I broke my save and had to send it to the devs to fix. They never did get back to me... 8. Disco Elysium - hnnnnngggggghhhhnggggn it's so good you guys it's sooo good it's so fucking good guys it's soo gooooood
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9. Fire Emblem Three Houses - i love these stupid anime kids so much. i love big titty byleth. this game is so bad. i think about it daily. do not play this game 10. Animal Crossing New Horizons - just a lovely little game. being able to customize your entire island is A++++, enough so that i'm willing to forgive how many features it is straight up missing and how bland the dialogue gets.
Honorable mention: Wingspan - BIRDS AAAAAAAAAAAA
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starlitangels · 1 year
hi! about the micro fics, since i'm soo starved of zed and miss him sm, could u write a fic about him. i was fussing over OTP prompts and i found the cutest prompt ever: Zed putting flowers in Guardian's hair🥺🥺 (you can write it the other way around if you want) 🤭🤭🤭 thank youu!!
Sure! Let's give it a shot.
"Guardian, look!" Zed exclaimed, grabbing at my sleeve to point something out to me. "The Lightning Lilies are blooming!" He beamed up at me. "No one thought this patch was going to make it back after last winter. But the little things soldiered on."
I let him drag me across the small town road to the patch just outside the buildings. He knelt at the edge and delicately cradled on of the lilies in his hands.
"They make great lightning resistance potions," I remarked, kneeling next to him and running my fingertips over the underside of the petals of one. "They're not bad as an ingredient for lightning ball throwing potions too, though not quite as effective."
"How... how did you know that?" Zed asked curiously.
I raised a brow and glanced at him. "You do remember I'm immortal, right? I've been around for a long time. When it comes to old school magic like that, I know all the tricks." I plucked the Lightning Lily low on its stem and held it up to my nose, inhaling. They smelled so sweet.
I passed it to Zed. "Sniff?"
He took it and held it up to his nose. "Sweeter than I expected," he remarked.
I nodded. "They always are. Almost sickly so."
Zed nodded thoughtfully. I held a hand out for it. He passed the lily back. I crushed it in my fist, stem, petals, and all. Zed jolted. "G-Guardian! What... what are you doing?"
"Watch," I said.
As I loosened my grip, electricity crackled across the plant's fibers, but it was green.
Zed was wide-eyed. "I've never seen them do that," he said.
"You have to pick the right one that holds the most lightning magic," I said. "I can just... sense it." I shrugged. I dug into my bag and pulled out what essentially passed for a traveler's compact mortar and pestle and dropped the bits of the flower into it. A quick spell drew a tiny bit of water from the air and into the mix, making a messy paste. From my bag, I withdrew a tiny, hollow glass ball. With a little encouraging—and a little magic—I got the paste into the tiny glass ball. "This is a very basic and easy conduction pellet," I said, not quite looking at Zed while I sealed up the bottle. "Throw it at someone or the ground near their feet and you can lock up their muscles long enough to get away. In theory."
I looked up and held it out—
Only for Zed not to be where I left him.
I looked around. "Zed? Zed?!"
He was in the grass directly behind me. On his knees but not sitting on his heels like I was. He was mostly upright—his hands held out toward me.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"O-oh. Well. You just... um... you were so deep in thought, I... there were smaller wildflowers among the lilies and I thought... I thought they'd look nice in your hair." He scooted away from me. "S-sorry."
I reached up, holding the glass capsule in the curve of my thumb, and delicately felt around my scalp. Nestled around my entire head, petals brushed against my fingertips.
I smiled. "That's sweet, Zed," I said.
His cheeks and ears reddened and he turned away.
Biting my lip, I looked back to the Lightning Lilies. Star Captains could choose to feel emotions or not, and I'd chosen not to feel a long time ago. Zed hadn't seen how numb I was—yet—but he'd figure it out sooner or later. It should have been heartwarming that he'd just wanted to lace flowers into my hair.
But instead there was nothing.
I reached up and brushed the tiny flowers again. Try and feel something, I thought. Anything? Did I even remember how to turn my emotions back on anymore? Three hundred years—more?—of nothing was a long habit to break.
I pinched a delicate stem between two fingertips.
I'll keep trying.
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bananasfosterparent · 2 months
Efenity Kelmorn's Theme Songs
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For my own reference/index, but wanted to share.
Here are all the songs that I would consider main theme songs for my evil Tav, Efenity Kelmorn! If your Tav/Durge is a similar type of person or has similar beliefs/views, perhaps some of these songs you can add to your own Tav/Durge playlists!
ABOUT MY TAV: Efenity Kelmorn is a half high-elf, Storm Sorcerer (lightning/thunder), and criminal (specializes in heists and transport of goods). Neutral Evil, ESTP. She is (happily) paired with Ascended Astarion. More about her here.
There's 10 songs in total here, under the "read more" cut.
I also included some personal notes as to how that song relates to her, if you care lol
🌩️ Do Bad Well (ft Nevve) - KSHMR
Oh, my daddy taught me well There's some devils in heaven and some angels in hell So promise me child, when they pull your card You'll know, you'll know which one you are (Yeah) Ooh, oh ooh Yeah, my daddy taught me well (Hey) Ooh, oh ooh If you can't do good, better do bad well
This song speaks to her criminal father raising her. He sucked as a dad, but he still cared for/about her and did the best he could with who he was. But one thing he certainly taught her was that what's "good" and "bad" are subjective. Things aren't so black and white, and you should look out for yourself, no matter what that means. And you better do it the best you can. From both of their perspectives, everyone (even a "hero") is the villain in someone else's story anyway.
🌩️Glamorous Life - Eden's Crush
She wants to lead the glamorous life She don't need a man's touch She wants to lead the glamorous life Without love it ain't much, it ain't much
This song is about a woman who's goal is to live in the lap of luxury and she will fake it til she makes it on her own. But the one thing missing from her life is true love... and when she meets a guy (who happens to be rich), real love scares her, but she gives in and is able to have what she wants (love and riches). That's... literally Efenity's story...sorta lol Her biggest goal was to complete a huge heist she had planned for a year and buy a big house, take over a criminal ring for herself, use the revenue to continue to pay for the house, throw lavish parties and live alone in peace. But she ended up getting that, and something so much better.
🌩️Only Happy When It Rains - Garbage
I'm only happy when it rains You wanna hear about my new obsession? I'm riding high upon a deep depression I'm only happy when it rains
Pretty straightforward. Efenity's used to living a life of negatives and unfortunate happenings and at this point, she's learned to revel in it and find joy within it.
🌩️ Catch My Breath (Cutmore Remix) - Kelly Clarkson
Catching my breath, letting it go Turning my cheek for the sake of this show Now that you know, this is my life I won't be told what's supposed to be right
Efenity refuses to give into the influence of others for what decisions need to be made. Especially when it comes to Astarion.
~~~~~ 🌩️ Ultraluminary - Phillipa Soo
I'm the light every night in your world, hey You revel in the glory of my beauty You ready to watch me be legendary? 'Cause I'm ultraluminary
This song is kinda random but it feels so Efenity-coded for me lmao Her ego is only rivaled by Astarion's (and maybe Lorroakan's and the Aboslute lmao). But for Efe, her arrogance is also grounded in gaining the confidence she did not have for most of her life. But by end-game she knows the magnitude of her power and influence. She went from sleeping in an abandoned building she made into a home, to sleeping in a triple king-sized bed of a grand palace. So I'd say she ain't doing too bad.
🌩️ Unstable - SVRCINA
I tried to play to every angle Tried to keep up, but I’m just not able Nobody wants to feel like they’re too fragile Turns out that I might just be unstable
Kinda speaks for itself, her struggle for most of her life.
🌩️ Good To Be Bad - CRMNL
I’m a straight up killer And imma eat you for dinner Ice in my veins like winter And I like it like that (like that) It feels so good to be bad
Also self-explanatory lol Efenity is not a nice person. She doesn't try to be. She doesn't care. She is going to do whatever she can to preserve her quality of life and get what she wants.
🌩️Royalty (ft Neoni) - Egzod & Maestro Chives
Best to give me your loyalty 'Cause I'm taking the world you'll see They'll be calling me, calling me They'll be calling me royalty
Never lose sight of your life goals, kids uwu
🌩️ Into Dark - Kate Havnevik
Now or never I can choose Misadventure Turn it loose Be whoever And I'll fade into dark
Efenity actively choosing to be the villain and focus on the needs of herself and Astarion over the needs of anyone else. But for her, from her own perspective, that's a "growth".
🌩️ Either Or - Kata & Philip LeForce
You can choose to win or lose, I give you the choice The world is black or white, either or You either like me or you don't I don't care, no, not at all (Oh, oh, oh) Don't like me now? You never will If you do you'll get a thrill (Oh, oh, oh)
A random song I found years ago, but it felt so relevant to Efenity and her outlook on life and toward the world.
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consumeronionbulletin · 8 months
Moving (2023)
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Take seven episodes of Korean X-Men fanfic, add four episodes of spy stuff, a pinch of Korean gangster nonsense, mix well, and you have recipe for a pretty good superhero show.
The final three episodes of janky CGI fight scenes let me down at the end, though.
What Worked
The high school story that made up the first half of the show was delightful. Just a fun mix of YA tropes and the good kind of mutant superhero nonsense. I also liked the whole secret agent assassin thing playing out in the background as well.
And every single character actor was fun and interesting, this was a show that made sure to treat its secondary characters well.
What Didn't Work
And then the secret agent nonsense started taking over the entire show, and the plot got pushed to the side in favor of five episodes of backstory for every single grownup on the show, and then it got frustrating. I still liked alot of it, especially the meet cute between Bong-soek's parents, but we needed half as many episodes of it.
Also, that gang war plotline was just completely drawn out and gory and unnecessary. It made me dislike Hui-soo's father quite a bit. At least the past version of him.
The show's worst fault, though, was that dang three episode long fight sequence at the end (intercut with backstories on every single person in the fight). This series only had about 12-14 episodes worth of story, and they squeezed out 20 of them.
The series just gradually gets worse after episode seven, to the point where I was skipping scenes by episode 10, and even most of episodes 13-14. It's a case of not enough story and also too much backstory. That kind of thing works better in comics and/or webtoons, but does not work for a TV show.
The Performances
There's too many characters here to cover all of them, but they did a good job of making them (mostly) interesting.
Han Hyo-joo as ("secret agent mom") Lee Mi-hyun. I loved her. The character was well written and the superhero abilities were at the level where they could do creative and interesting things with Mi-hyun. Han Hyo-joo gave a good performance, but she was given a darn good character to play.
Ryoo Seung-bum as ("super hero assassin") Frank. Another interesting character played very well. He somehow managed to feel dangerous even when his only real superpower was not dying. The action scenes with him just worked, which made the big janky stuff at the end of the series look even worse.
Lee Jung-ha as ("super hero / boy next door") Kim Bong-seok. For this series to work, you had to really like this kid, and the actor did a good job making me cheer for him. Which made all the episodes where he was missing harder to get through.
Youn-jung as ("strong girl") Jang Hui-soo. Another likeable actor with a great character. It's too bad they kind of pushed her to the side in the final episodes. And it wasn't a knock on the actor. Her character arc just finished early and then they made 6 more episodes and the writers didn't really give her anything. The bullying stuff she had to deal with at the beginning of the series was gripping to watch.
Zo In-sung as ("the amazing, flying") Kim Doo-sik. All of the scenes he played opposite Han Hyo-joo were great. The rest of his backstory was pretty good, but a little uneven.
Ryu Seung-ryong as ("human punching bag") Jang Ju-won. I liked all the stuff he did in the early episodes, and I disliked most of what he did during and after his backstory arc. His stuff with Hui-soo's mom was okay in execution though a little unoriginal.
Kwak Sun-young as ("Hui-soo's mom") Hwang Ji-hee. I've seen this actor before (notably in Hospital Playlist) and she did a good job here, especially some of the early romance arc with Jang Ju-won. But the plot itself was cliche, and they just kind of killed her off to make people sad rather than having it make too much sense. (Was the NIS behind it, or not? Does that really change anything?).
The Lightning Man / Bus Driver. Some of this was engaging in that "everyone has a story" kind of thing, but that guy should have been fired the first time he hijacked the bus to go on a rogue mission. For every cool thing they let him do, we had to slog through 4-5 uncool / depressing things, which is not a good ratio.
The High School Kids. They were mostly okay, though there was really no reason for the future youtuber and the grumpy bully to be hanging around those last few episodes. And they built up Class President kid in the start only to just have him be mostly useless. Even his dad's backstory was completely superfluous to the plot.
The High School Teachers. They should have just made them all straight up villains. It was kind of okay to make the one teacher somewhat redeemable, but we really didn't need as much of his story as we got. And what was up with that security guard?
The Gangster Crew. No thank you. Did not like. Completely useless and a little depressing, especially for all the episodes we got of them.
The South Korean Spy People. They were all pretty hate-able, and meant to be hate-able. There was some good material but they drew this whole plotline out so much that I stopped caring about them.
The North Korean Spy People. The writers did a good job of making them both creepy villains and somewhat sympathetic as well. But we got way too much backstory for what ended up being very little payoff.
This is not a bad series overall, but if you feel like skipping episodes, or just leaving after episode 7, that's okay. If you go into the show expecting a webtoon / comic type story, and you actually liked that kind of thing, then you should be in good shape to finish it.
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staliaqueen · 2 years
Okay so I'm gonna put a lot more lyrics than 5 but I'm assuming you'll be okay with that.
I've heard it said / That people come into our lives for a reason / Bringing something we must learn / And we are led / To those who help us most to grow / If we let them / And we help them in return / Well, I don't know if I believe that's true / But I know I'm who I am today / Because I knew you (For Good, Wicked)
It was hard not putting the entire song in here because it’s just soo good. Wicked is my favourite musical for a reason. This one is especially great cause of how relatable it is. I always think about me and my ex best friend when I listen to it. 
If your heart is in your dream / No request is too extreme / When you wish upon a star/ As dreamers do (When You Wish Upon A Star, Pinocchio)
When You Wish Upon A Star slaps and I think we should talk about it more. 
Take a look at the Invisible Girl / Here she is clear as the day / Please look closely and find her before she fades away (Superboy and the Invisible Girl, Next To Normal)
This one isn’t relatable to me at all. Not even a little bit. Doesn’t make me cry when I listen it. You have my me-core playlist, you can check it, it’s not there.
And they called off the circus, burned the disco down / When they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns / I'm still on that tightrope / I'm still tryin' everything to get you laughing at me (mirrorball, Taylor Swift)
Just had to include this one. What can I say, I’m a mirrorball. 
And I'm still a believer, but I don't know why / I've never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try (mirrorball, Taylor Swift)
No, I don't want to be afraid, afraid to die, die, die / I just wanna be able to say that I have lived my life (Immortal, MARINA)
For the longest time I thought that immortality is stupid and a curse and anyone who’d wanna be immortal is stupid. Recently, though, I’ve gotten really intrigued by the concept. I still would never do it if I somehow got the chance, but I understand the temptation more now. At first I couldn’t at all put words as to WHY, but with this song Marina just fucking nailed it. Time can really be our worst enemy and that’s fucking scary. I’d honestly like to put the entire song here because it’s so good (seriously you should listen to it) but I especially wanna highlight this other lyric: “Oh, all the things that humans do to leave behind a little proof But the only thing that doesn't die is love, love, love”.
And I'm not scared to jump, I'm not scared to fall / If there was nowhere to land, / I wouldn't be scared / At all (Falling, Florence + the Machine)
Lights went out, you were fine / You kinda struggle not to shine (An Evening I Will Not Forget, Dermot Kennedy)
You know I didn't want to have to haunt you / But what a ghostly scene (my tears ricochet, Taylor Swift)
This one is also about me and my ex best friend. I am also not normal about this song for another reason that I can’t tell you yet but I promise you you will find out some day. 
I swear I never stole anything / I never meant to hurt anyone / I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid / A good kid, who's had a bad run (Good Kid, The Lightning Thief)
Fun fact when I listened to this song for the first time (ironically while skipping school, yes I will mention that every time) this was the part that made me cry. Just the way he sings it 😭😭😭😭😭
Oh, I hate those voices / Telling me I'm not in love anymore / But they don't give me choices / And that's what these tears are for (We Were Happy, Taylor Swift)
Top ten Taylor Lyrics for me. I rarely see the confusing feeling of missing someone you had feelings for despite being over them discussed. Because at the end of the day, it’s still a loss, you’ve actually lost something. You can miss being in love with someone despite not wanting to date them anymore and that’s just something you’re gonna have to grieve a bit. And she just puts it to words here so PERFECTLY. 
Hmhmjhum send me a 🪄 to get a song lyric I am not normal about
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quicksilver87 · 2 years
No Sleep
Why my heart so heavy
why my head so light
why does stomach rumble
and my chest so tight.
my feelings full of fear
that this is our last week
that your heart isnt near.
that you will dissapear
all my thoughts are racing
towards our goals and dreams
scenarios processing
i guess tonight no sleep.
how can i use my life
so yours will better be
i wanna give u all i have,
i wanna give u all you need.
but fears and doubts
dont leave my mind
am i soo weak, am i so cheap
am i incapable of trusting leap.
can love like this be even real
if feeling it is wrong or blind
i cant escape this thinking bind
i cant decide with heart or mind.
when we connect i never have this battle
writing, talkin makes life true
and feeling presence, touching you
will allways clear my brain of blue.
why so hard then is this at times
when you alone are fighting
my mind is full of lightning
and all the bad thoughts biting
i know u tired are from all
i know its hard to write me after
but sometimes you will build a wall
that i cant climb and i cant fall
a message that says we have to talk
without a greeting of love
without anything that makes me calm
is like a spark that lights the the clouds above
its not your fault it really isnt
my logic and love are too strong
my analitic brain is never lazy
and love like this is really crazy
but i will still believe in it
cause i'm allways feeling lit
your presence fills me with a bliss
the one that i then always miss
the one that makes my soul alive
and fills me with desire
torches any doubts with fire
and makes the doubters dive.
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noodles-n-soba · 2 years
What a normal day with the Genshin boys would be like
Characters: Bennet, Tartaglia, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Razor, Thoma, Xiao, Venti, Zhongli
A/n: I've been thinking about separating these kind of headcanons in different parts, since they're always very very long. What do you guys think, do you prefer reading them in one post, or different parts? :)
"Benny's adventure team! Going out for a stroll."
The team only consists of you and Bennett to be honest..
The mornings are peaceful, whenever he's still asleep. You prepare breakfast for the two of you
The moment he comes in the kitchen, there's this eerie presence around him.. But you try ignoring it, knowing it's probably his bad luck
Experienced with these situations, you place his plate on the table.. Avoiding him taking it from you.. Since he manages to ALWAYS drop the plates.. But that's just his bad luck. Again.
Throughout the day the two of you explore around a bit.. Finding chests, beating up Hilichurls..
The fact that when you open chests you receive all the goodies like weapons and mora, and when he opens chest he'll only find vegetables is literally SO weird.. Like how?!?!
You manage to calm him down when he is throwing around the 60th chest he opened, filled with nothing but a single radish.
"Its just so.. Unfair!"
He's used to this, and believe me.. He's very happy for you that you get all the good stuff, but at some rate his patience runs out
So the two of you do something else, like beating up Hypostates.. Except the Pyro one. I feel like he'll burst into tears when he realizes his attacks don't do anything..
The two of you return to Mondstadt, and lucky enough you have made reservations!!! Or you cook something again, but the Good Hunter's food smelled really good when the two of you walked by..~
Will tell you about all his troubles and thoughts
Will also thank you for having so much patience with him and that he really appreciates to finally have someone at his side who doesn't leave him!!
Well, at least you haven't been struck by lightning yet.. Soo, it's all fine. (Even if you'd get struck, you made a promise you would stay with him..)
After you are home, you take care of his wounds and kisses the bandaged places
Tells you that he loves you for the 400th time that day..
The two of you will always be tired as heck when you return from your adventures..  So, you fall asleep on his chest almost immediately when the two of you lay on a couch or a bed..
Even if he doesn't have time for his poor brother Teucer, he will force a spot in his agenda for you
He's a very very busy man, and you know that to be honest.. So you will try to bother him as less as you can
But  he'll always complain about you not bothering him.. He loves it when you're acting like you're annoyed for some reason.
"Eehh.. (Y/n), aren't you missing my love and affection?!"
You will stay by his side to help him out whenever you can, even though he tells you it's dangerous work he performs.
You insist, since you're a "fighter" (Your words, not his..)
He will carry out his tasks while protecting you... And damn he does a fine job at that..
Whenever he pushes himself over his limit, you're the one that carries him back to Liyue Harbor to visit a doctor from the Fatui..
When its late, will give you a bag of money to spend on food, clothing,  everything.
You said you refused to take the money.. Which he answered "You will~" on.
So you placed the bag on a place he wouldn't look, only to return it after you bought your groceries to prepare a meal.. And some other clothes you like
While you are on the market, done with everything.. You grasp your wallet out of your bag.. Only to find a bag of money.
"How did he-?"
Well seems like whenever you try to hand it back, he somehow manages to sneak it into your bag without you noticing it?!
Most of the time you're back home earlier than him, so you will already start preparing diner.
You wont notice he has been looking at you for a minute or 3, looking so beautiful while doing the very thing you're good at.
Will press a kiss on your cheek, followed by a kiss in the neck.. And than he'll hand you over a present.. Because this man has an "I need to give (Y/n) a present. Everyday." Mindset. AND ITS CUTE.
Will help you finish cooking, but I feel like he doesn't know how to cook... He'll just go with the flow~
When the two of you are done, you'll either go to bed or look at the stars outside..  Lying on the grass. He'll embrace you and cuddle with you
He'll tell you about Snezhnaya and his family..  How dear they are to him and how he actually hates working for the Fatui.
You always try to stay awake, but most of the time it'll be late in the night.. So you drift off to sleep.
Whenever he sees this, he'll carry you to bed while he thinks about his day, telling you how beautiful you are and how happy he is to have you..
The two of you lay in bed, he pulls you close and also he eventually falls asleep
He wakes up early in the morning.. Sadly enough.
When you wake up, he's always gone already
Sometimes he accidentally wakes you up whenever he's crawling out of bed.. Than you embrace him once more before letting him go..
He'll always press a kiss on your cheek, awake or asleep and will never miss a day.
You have a habit of visiting him at work.. And he loves it.
Even though he's busy, he'll find a way to chat with you.. For example, telling you to sit at the bar instead of a table..~
Since you've been missing him quite frequently, you decided you would help him in the Dawn Winery with paperwork and stuff every evening. This way the two of you could be together some more
Will take you out for diner, that's one of the things that he won't forgot to do for you.. He has to do at least one thing to treat you like his king/queen
Will apologize sometimes for his absence..
"(Y/n).. My love, I'm so sorry for never being by your side that much.. Even though I wished for a better situation, I cannot change this fate.."
You always tell him not to worry and that you understand it. He's a busy man, no possibility in denying that..?
After the two of you are done in the evening, sorted out all the paperwork and filed everything neatly, the two of you head home.. Sometimes you hold his hand, sometimes you don’t. But you surely know you missed his touch.
The two of you have such deep conversations when walking home.. Like, every day you discover some tragic backstory about him and Kaeya, or he'll tell you how he's really feeling.. And how much you cheer him up when he's down..
Arriving at your house, the two of you will head straight to bed
Not prepared for the next morning of him leaving early, having no one to rest your head on.. You hug him tight, hoping that one day he would still be laying there the next morning..
"General Gorou of the Watatsumi Island resistance, ready and waiting!"
Every single morning he'll practice his speeches in the mirror when he wakes up..
Asking you, you were awake for quite a while by the way, how his speeches sound..
You'll be extremely honest, his words are never off.. So there's no need to fine tune them anymore
Will cuddle with you for a bit before dressing up to go and fight off the Shogun's army.
You actually help him prepare himself, taking care of his extremely fluffy tail, combing through his hair, giving his ears a rub, pampering his face with kisses when he whines because you touched his ears-
You'll quickly prepare breakfast for him, receiving kisses every time he passes you to get something.. And let me tell you, he passed you like six times this morning because he kept on forgetting his weaponry and equipment--
One more kiss before he leaves
"Be sweet while I'm gone (Y/n)! I'll be back home in an eyeblink!"
You know he's well trained, but you keep on worrying yourself sick.. What if something happens to him..?
Once you hear the war is over, your heart jumps around with joy..!
You literally rushed to their camp, completely soaked because of the rain and hugged Gorou tight- He will never EVER forget this moment..
After his victory, he still has to deal with Fatui and stuff.. But he will have more time for you :>
I feel like he'd love to bake with you, lazy cuddles are always a win, and train in your garden, and you'll just be one floor higher, leaning on the window sill and observing him running around and shooting down targets with a smile on your face
The days will always end with you wrapping your arms around his waist and requesting some cuddles and eating the snacks you made in the afternoon… Which he can't refuse..
Doing stupid stuff with Itto is an absolute no go-
But somehow he still convinces you to do that stuff that'll get the two of you in trouble
"(Y/nnn)!! My baby, it's the flow ya know.. The Arataki gang's flow..?? You get-what-I-mean-mean-what-I-say-you-know?!"
"You'll get the two of us in trouble.."
You and Kuki try to get Itto out of trouble whenever he did something very very unwise..
Since you're one of the few who can cook, you always prepare lunch instead of STEALING.  H M.
You have a habit of poking his beefy chest when talking, lecturing or teasing him..  But it's just as if he doesn't feel ANYTHING, or he just doesn't mind.
After lunch, Itto would most likely excuse himself to hang out with you alone.. Telling the rest of the men + Kuki that the two of you will be back later.
Itto will tell you about all his crazy plans he has in store, you just listen and shake your head in disappointment..  Not even because of the idea behind the plan, PURELY because he hasn't thought it through good enough..
"At least make sure you won't get caught.. Ugh."
Will laugh it off and wrap an arm around your shoulder
"Ah! (Y/n).. My cute little (Y/n).. You don't need to fret, I'm always careful!"
Proceeds to fail a few days later when executing the mission, you and Kuki have to bail him out of jail-
He will most likely sob about it at night, balled up and laying against you.. Apologizing for being a bad boyfriend ..
You'll comfort him like always, admitting he's an idiot.. But your idiot. :)
This will cheer him up LOADS, like INSTANTLY. So he'll turn the roles around, and now you're the one laying on his chest
Will hug you tight, like a bear hug!! And repeat to you thousands of times that he loves you.
Your life feels like a badly written fanfic with too much cheesiness when you're around this man..
He's so romantic- and such a tease.
The day starts with him waking up, seeing that you threw one leg over both of his, your arm over his chest and you just clinging onto his body for your dear life.. He'll just caress your cheek gently and chuckle
He'll wait till you wake up before he will start moving. Unless you will sleep till like, 12:00.. since he has his duties as a Knight of Favonius..
When you wake up, the first thing you will hear is a "Goodmorning starshine.. Hope the night treated you well~?".. Followed by a soft kiss on the forehead.
With that Kaeya will stand up, stretch and prepare himself for the day
"Hmm, are you waiting for me to come back in bed? I won't hesitate if you'd ask me for a quick round two..?"
Will leave you embarrassed- Like, always.. This man makes your heart beat like, crazy..
Will forget his lunch on purpose so that you will pass the headquarters to bring it to him, and to think this will always happen..
Whenever you straddle into the headquarters, you won't even ask your way around.. Kaeya will always be in his office,  except when he has commissions..
"Hmm, without a knock my dear (Y/n) just enters my office.. Should I be honored or..?"
You'll give him an eyeroll and hand him over his lunch.. The exact moment you are close to him, he'll pull you by the hand and make you sit on his lap
Since the door is closed, he doesn't worry about getting caught slacking off.. Or making out with you
Even if the door is open he'll quickly cover your face with kisses
Whenever he's out for a commission you'll wait for him to return, looking around in his stuff.. Since he gave you permission to do that, knowing you're curious
He'll always return when you least expect it and when your guard is at its lowest point
"Oh? You're snooping around my dear (Y/n)..? Are you searching something that reminds you of me? How cute.. Well, I'm here already.. ~"
This guy's day are decided in three things:
Sleep. Hunt. Socializing a bit.
In the morning you'll try your best to come to Wolvendom everyday, but combining your busy life being a knight and visiting him has formed a challenge for you
Whenever you do come, he'll act like a hella happy dog..
He'll lowkey be clingy and very overprotective.. Like, whenever a boar runs your way, his reflexes will immediately take you into his arms.. Or he'll kill the boar with one easy strike. But the first option is more romantic :)
Staring at the clouds and telling you what they remind him of is one of his favorite things to do in the afternoon.. And the fact that the two of you will be laying close to each other, maybe holding hands.. Or you just against his body, hugging him tight. All those small things make him appreciate his day a bit more.
He will cook for you, definitely.  If it's lunch or diner, whenever you are there.. He'll make you something delicious
On your request he adds veggies, even though he despises them..
"Green is bad.. if you eat green.. then I'll eat you."
You literally SPAT out all your food instantly, he was so confused about this tho.. Poor guy, thinking his cooking was bad..? He blamed the greens!! >:|
You actually never met his Lupical family, which saddens you. You understand that his Wolfpack could possibly be a but skeptical about humans, but.. Was that really that necessary with you being his S/O?
Will make you diner, afterwards he'll give you loads of snuggles as the two of you will lay on the soft green grass.
You will always fall asleep in his arms, and he'll carry you back to your house in Mondstadt without a struggle..
Since its late at night, nobody will actually notice him sneaking into your house through the window, walking up one floor and placing you on your bed
Will gently bump his forehead against yours, followed by an Eskimo kiss and will take his leave..
Hopes that you'll be back early again the next day~
Most of the time he'll be found in the Kamisato residence.. Where he'll simply carry out his duties
Has asked Ayato if you could come and go whenever you felt like, and thankfully he gave you permission because you are Thoma's S/O
Ayato even offered you a place to stay in the residence.. So you and Thoma wouldn't be separated that much-
He'll wake up very early to prepare breakfast for Ayaka and Ayato.. And will always quickly surprise you with a nice breakfast in bed..
Will wake you up by kissing your face like thousands of times, when you slowly open your eyes you will always meet his puppy like gaze..
"I'll be right back at you sweetheart.."
Throughout the day you help him with his duties, because you like to take off some burden from his shoulders..  Besides, you will be done faster..
Whenever the two of you are cleaning, he'll always tease you by spraying some water on you , or bap your head gently with a feather duster..
Will occasionally take breaks to embraced you tight, covering your face with kisses and shower you with affection.
When the two of you are done, Thoma will deal with some of his business.. Fix some conflicts within the Yashiro commission and that kinda stuff. So some time you chill around with Ayaka, or you'll tag along with Thoma.
When he returns at night, the two of you prepare diner for Ayaka and yourselves, since Ayato is normally out on business matters.
Ayaka ships the two of you so bad- So she'll literally say something along "Ah! Look at the time, my brother is waiting for me.. Thank you for the meal.." to leave the two of you alone, she thinks that you really need some quality time together-
The two of you clean up the place and normally end the day with petting Taroumaru in bed.. And normally fall asleep after having a nice conversation and some cuddles.
Mornings with him are SO peaceful-
Since you own a house on your own with a balcony, Venti always makes great use of this
You'll be woken up by the sound of a lyre, wind gently blowing away the curtains towards your balcony
He'll always be found here together with his lyre, letting Mondstadt enjoy his music that ranges from 2600 years ago till now
"Ah, good morning (y/n), seems like I've woken you up once again.. What a beautiful day it is.."
The two of you will talk a bit on the balcony before heading back inside, he wont leave your side till you really say you have to go to work
Since he knows that you work for the Knights of Favonius, he'll always come and pay a visit.. Where ever you are, if you're at the headquarters or outside the city
He'll normally scare the living hell out of you by using his ultimate out of nowhere, screaming "KAZEDAA", pulling in all hilichurls and almost making your weapon fly along
"Ehe~ Did I scare you my songbird?"
You'll bonk his head a few times and shake your head fiercely before continuing your commission.
Whenever the two of you come across an apple tree, will ALWAYS grab an apple and also tries to hand one over to you.. You never know what his initiatives are to be honest.. But he just tells you he loves apples and loves to share one with you.
When the two of you return to Mondstadt, he'll drag you along to come and have a drink with him.. Which you refuse
After complaining about how unfair his life is, you'll get convinced anyways.. Well, there goes your wallet~
Will cheer up in a second and hop to the pub.. Making his presence loud and clear when he enters.. You awkwardly waving at whoever is behind the bar that night
It'll be around 2 at night when you have enough of him drinking-.. He'll be on this 37th glass and will act like he has NEVER seen you- flirting around with you as if you aren't his s/o
"Ahh, what's your name?! *hiccup*, you look fine! Just as fine as this winee.. Ehe~"
Smile through the pain~
You'll have to pay for his orders and drag him home.. He will keep on talking and talking with you, flirting with you and hug you tight till you're back home
"Eh! What's this? Will I be..-"
Gets cut off by you placing your index finger against his lips
"Enough Venti, go sleep now.."
Will drag you to bed and DEMAND cuddles, since you told him you're his s/o..
Falls asleep like a damn concrete block, like.. You cant even move till morning
Even though his drinking is like, incredibly unhealthy, you still love how cuddly and clingy he is whenever he's drunk..
"Adepti don't sleep, sleep is for the weak.."
So, whenever you wake up, he'll be wide awake.. Staring to the land of Liyue
When he notices that you woke up already, he'll hesitate to come to you.. Like, doesn't wanna show off being 'weak', he's sure that you'll be the one that will come towards him..
HE THOUGHT. (LOL-). Whenever you're taking too long, he'll just rush towards you and stare you down.. Seeing you laying on that bed, not heading towards him.. Unacceptable.
His cheeks are flushed red, with his arms crossed he'll look you directly in the eyes
You know he'll get flustered whenever you do something spontaneously, so you'll always pull him in for a hug.. Suffocating him in embarrassment and pressing a smooch on his cheek
He'll look off to the side, ignoring your gaze for a few seconds as you stand up.
"I love you~"
… "Love you too.. Tch."
It took him quite a while to say these words to you tho, so you're always really happy when you hear them
You head off to the kitchen to prepare a meal for yourself, and make Almond Tofu for the grumpy little guy..~
Will sneak into the kitchen to see what you're up to, to check if you're not burning your hands or something.. Whenever you catch him looking out for you, he'll just respond with "… I thought there was a demon in that cabin."
His regular place is in the window sill, you'll always stand next to him eating and having a nice conversation as he eats up his Almond Tofu. By the way, he absolutely LOVES your cooking and especially your Almond Tofu.. Like, whenever you won't make it for him, he'll be pretty upset :(
He'll randomly disappear sometimes, knowing that someone probably called out his name.. You know he'll eventually return
Whenever you're in need, you'll call his name.. And he'll be there faster than the speed of lightning
"What's wrong?"
You just felt lonely :D
He'll squint a bit to you, but will eventually roll his eyes and nudge you over to him with his head. "C'mere.."
Will hug you for a bit, you never notice that there'll always be a small smile on his face.. Because the moment you let go, it'll be gone
The time never actually matters, but he'll have his struggles with the 'voices' of demons in his head. You'll always notice whenever he's frustrated or upset, so at that moment you'll drop everything and go and embrace him..
"I'm okay (y/n).. Don't.. Bother. I can figure this out on my own."
Will always be a bit stubborn if you want to calm him down, but will give in eventually
He doesn't like to show that he's actually a baby for you.. But when he has his moments, he'll completely surrender and lay on your chest as you go through his hair with your hand, telling him it's okay and that you're there for him..
It always seems like he falls asleep after a while, but when you're about to confirm by looking at his eyes, they're always half open.. Shifting towards yours and him humming softly.
".. Let me stay like this for a while longer.. If you'd like."
Tells you every morning how beautiful you are..
When he has time, which he certainly has actually, goes on walks with you
Would pick flowers for you when you don't notice, a handful.
Gives them to you, explaining in detail what each of them means and why they remind him of you.
When the two of you return to Liyue Harbor, he'll always tell you a bit more about the history of the city and about the Archon War
Will answer literally any of your questions, no question is weird.. Well, you know your boundaries.
Doesn't mind if you hold his arm, he actually loves guiding you through the city like this..
Sometimes the two of you will visit a restaurant, on Tartaglia's costs- But most of the time you try and pay it yourself..
First glass will always be Osmanthus wine
Even though the one's who he shares the memories with aren't present, he has decided he would create new memories with you
You drop him by the Funeral Parlor after, because business calls :')
When he comes home late, you're probably asleep already
If not, you will calmy approach him and hug him tightly as if you haven't seen him for ages
Observing your movements, he always knows that you're tired on such moments.. So, like the gentleman he is, he will pick you up and carry you to bed where the two of you will cuddle for a while and fall asleep...
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
Smiles, tests and courage [6x13]
So, first things first:
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Was that the first time, we got to see Lena seeing Kara without her glasses? 
Oh, boi... The episode... I had such a hard time, listening to the dialogue. And not (just) because of Supercorp. The cheesyness... the Power-Ranger-esque fights... Could they really not spare a second take on the civilians punching air and flailing?
But, I was having fun. A whole lot more fun since the rest of whole season so far combined.
J'onn getting pummeled by that science lady and giving her a thumbs up for her efforts
Mitch said "zoinks" XD
Nyxly bashing ridiculous Mission Impossible plots
The things Nyxly does with her legs...
J'onn (again): "Hold that thought."
We've found a potential mate for Spike?
M'gann--.. ah, nevermind, she's still nowhere to be found.
not from the show, but someone on yt called Veeta "Mad Madam Mim" and I am still laughing
I also laughed at the science-babble, that a device that harvests lightning could create lighting - and that the project was oh-so-cleverly called "BOLT"
Kara is a horcrux now
...so glad, Lena's 'secret' didn't remain a secret for long!
Now, somehow Kara's test of courage, the moment she lacked courage most, was somehow her first outing as Supergirl. I can see that... But my shipper-heart wants to scream "And what about the million times she chickened out of telling Lena her secret!?" ...in that regard, I like the theory of someone else here, that Kara denied later when Winn assumed she was gay. And it would tie in with the creators claiming something Nyxly said was the clue of what Kara's test was about (Nyxly pointing out that Kara was happy that moment - which was the moment Kara was with Lena... and being honest / vulnerable with her, but happy non-the-less). But, yeah, that's just my gay heart speaking.
What else could be the "courage to be vulnerable" in that pilot scene?
Really, I'm asking.
It does start at the bar... what are we missing?
...I did not like retconning a cry for help into the pilot. But then, after Crisis, it could have happened, on Earth-Prime.
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[gif by misandriste]
Totem rules: 1) Keep the order. 2) Find them. (shouldn't that be first? how can you keep the order if you don't know what and where they are?) 3) Activate with magic word. 4) Pass test. (Test will take a deep emotional, unpleasant toll.)
...soo, for every Totem, right? Including Love? Yes? Okay, just checking...
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Lena awkwardly crossing her arms in the med-bay, so she wouldn't reach out for Kara...
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My. Heart!
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The Supercorp couch-scene was wholesome. 
No wonder, our girl was happy! Is it bad, that I kept internally scolding at Lena "Get these shoes off that couch, gurl!" ...nice treads, tho. What’s with Supercorp and couches, tho.....
Best theory I have come across (twitter @gayluthxr): Nyxly falls for Lex (a Luthor) because she feels what Kara feels... for Lena (a Luthor). If that's that, then suddenly I am all for ship BaldImp!
Kara had been on edge and depressed the past few episodes (rightfully so, after the PZ), barely a laugh or real smile. Now, Lena's back and look at Little Miss Sunshine:
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🌞 Frown gone! Crinkle gets a break! (I was seriously worried, her crinkle would become permanent, but turns out, all she needed was her Lena.)
Yeah, and the acting and shooting / editing choices....
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Don't give me hope!
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Guess, we’ll have to wait and see...
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roe-and-memory · 4 months
if im posting too much on here lmk i have no idea how this site works but have a little snippet for the paper rings rewrite :3 as a treat :3
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how to train your dragon: how you met your dragon
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Why did you do this? Are you insane? Just because you really want to train a dragon doesn't mean you let yourself be captured by Berserkers! You idiot! Well, to be fair, you did fly on one - for about a few minutes - then you fell and the Gronckle left you on the spooky island. And why you may ask? Because you didn't create a bond with it! And it was scared! It was a Gronckle! As you were pacing in your cell and waiting for Daggur to show up, a man suddenly broke into the hall. "We need you two outside! Some Whispering Deaths escaped!" And just like that, your guards disappeared.  Well, now you can escape - you only need to figure out how. You looked at the bars, trying to find a weak spot or something, but you didn't find anything. Ugh, if only you had a key!  You defeatedly sat down next to the bars, resting your back against the cold rocky wall. Are you going to die? Are you about to be slaughtered? Pf, you went to find a dragon and now you are going to be its food! This is surely your lucky day. You were just about to rest your head against the bars when you realized, that uncomfortable rocky wall wasn't upright. A little bit of the lower part was missing, making a distance between the wall and one of the metal bars big enough for you to crawl through. That's it! You can escape! You took your chance and began to run. You didn't remember where was the exit, so you just carefully followed your instincts. The very first thirty seconds went great, but then one guard spotted you. Oh no! You ran in a different direction and hide in a room. It was a really weird room, really. There were keys everywhere! Fortunately, the guard didn't think about checking the room, so you were safe... for now.
You looked around, admiring the key room. Well, it saved your life, after all. And apparently, it really liked you, because you spotted another door! You opened it and found dragon cages! There were no guards - they were probably still fighting Whispering Deaths - but there were lots of other dragons. Few Monstrous Nightmares, Deadly Nadders, Gronckles, and at the very back of the room a Skrill. Yes. A Skrill! And not just any Skrill. It was the one that met Hiccup and Toothless. You were in shock at seeing it. Didn't Hiccup set it free? Why is it here? The Skrill is intelligent enough not to be caught! You curiously went to its cage and found out the Skrill was kept in a little pool of water, so it couldn't shoot the lightning. "You poor thing," you said, but the Skrill growled. He looked frightened and hide in the corner, so the only thing you could see were spikes on his head and dark purple color. You badly wanted to touch it, but you knew that it would hurt you. "I will get you out of there!" You run back to the key room and checked all the keys. All of them were marked - and one of them had Skrill word written all over it. "Yes!" you said to yourself. But that was when the guard finally found you. "There you are!" he hissed and went after you. You reacted quickly and run towards the Skrill. He wasn't happy to see you, but when you tried to open his cage, he came out of the darkness and exposed his teeth.  "It's okay. I want to help you," you whispered, but that was the time when the guard caught you. "No!" you yelled and tried to fight back but it was no use. The guard was stronger. You looked back at Skrill, finding him looking back. He wasn't exposing his sharp teeth anymore. He looked as if he was thinking. 'Well, hopefully, he is intelligent enough to see, that I am not his enemy,' you thought. 'Or else, I'll be dead.'  Just as the guard finally realized you're not fighting anymore, he loosed his grip. But that was a bad move for him because you easily slipped out. "Hey!" he roared surprised. But it was too late. You opened the Skrill's cage. You didn't know if you should have been scared or happy, but either way, it was your only chance. He was your only chance.
And he knew that!
That's why he quickly flew out of his pen, taking you by his strong legs, and passed the frightened guard. You just hang there, shielding your eyes from the wind and waiting for the Skrill to find the exit.
Now and there he shot the lightning, but it didn't scare you. You somehow started to trust him. Well, you saved him and now he is saving you - and that's enough to begin to bond with a dragon, right?
After he found his way out of the Berserkers' island, he landed on some rock. "Thank you," you said. He just purred, placing his body right in front of you, watching your every move.
You looked away. "It may sound crazy, but even though people are more afraid of you than of the Night Fury, I don't. I trust you." You reached out your hand towards him, focusing your eyes on the ground. "Do you?"
The Skrill placed his nose against your palm and you smiled.
"Now, what should we call you?" The Skrill looked at you with his big eyes, understanding your every word. Just as you were thinking, he shot his lightning towards the clouds. "Hm, Bolt?"
He didn't complain, so you smiled and scratched his scaly skin. "Bolt it is then. How about I introduced you to my family and feed you some fish?"
As much as Bolt enjoyed the scratching, he licked his mouth and lowered his body, so you could hop on. This was the start of your relationship.
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Hideous zippleback-
It was late in the morning and you were just leaving your house. You had a great dream and you were well fed. 'Well, this is going to be a really good day,' you thought. You headed towards the woods and soon found a little cave. It was small as your bedroom and it had this really big opening that kind of looked like a large window.  "Hello," you greeted your two friends, Odias and Hanka. "Here is our sleeper!" said Odias amused, while he was drawing something on the paper. "Why do you always sleep so long? It's almost lunch!" "Gotta get my beauty sleep." You sat down next to Hanka and asked: "What have you guys been doing?" "Playing with Bea," she simply answered and took the little Terrible Terror from the ground. "She is so lovable, isn't she?" You looked at Hanka's bright red dragon and scratch it under the chin. "Yeah, yeah," you agreed, but you haven't sound as enthusiastically as she.  "Why don't you get your own little dragon?" She asked you and smiled at the thought.  "Err, but it's just a Terrible Terror. What's the point of having a dragon, if you can't ride it?" Suddenly, Hanka became angry. She couldn't believe what you just said! She felt insulted. "What's the point of having a dragon, if you're not brave enough to get one!" "What did you just said?!" You two stood up and faced each other. "I am brave!" It was normal for you to have a fight with Hanka. I mean, she has been your close friend since kindergarten and arguing with her was quite normal. "Then prove it!" "Fine!" And without another word, you left the cave. You needed to chill out. The forest was warm at this time of the year so you decided to take a short walk. "Not brave enough," you mumbled under your breath. "I'll show her." After like ten minutes, you found two Terrible Terrors playing with each other. You sat down next to them and they curiously came closer. You scratched one Terror's head and it purred. "You dragons are soo easy to get." You picked one up. "Come on. Let's get you to Hanka." Terrors still thought you are playing so they didn't mind going with you. They looked really happy, but you were so annoyed, you almost didn't see a movement from behind the bush. "Who is there?" you asked out loud while placing the Terror back on the ground. "Hanka?" Is she stalking you? Or is just someone pranking you? "Show yourself!"  The creature came from behind the bush and your eyes opened wide. It was a goldish green Hideous Zippleback with red spikes. Its heads were calmly looking from you to Terrible Terrors. The Hideous Zippleback probably sensed you were a friend to dragons and that's why it came from its hiding place. "Well, you will help me with my 'Hanka problem' just fine," you smiled, forgetting all about two Terrible Terrors. You reached your hand and touched one head. "But maybe I should name you first." You touched another head and scratched it. The Hideous Zippleback liked it and fought for your attention. It was amazing how one dragon can have two personalities.  "How about Vengeance and Revenge? I think it'll suit your next task."  *** "Where are you?!" yelled Hanka. "Look, I am sorry. I shouldn't have said you're not brave!" "Yes!" agreed Odias, yelling as well. "She is an idiot! Now don't be angry! Show up!" They have been searching for you in the forest for the last ten minutes and your amusement just grew. You have been looking at them from the sky (of course, you have been riding Vengeance and Revenge as low as possible for your friends not to see). "Show yourself! Please!" While Hanka yelled, Vengeance quickly showed Odias from the ground and put him onto his neck. He looked shocked but after he saw you, he grew mischievous as well. "Odias! Where are you?!" Vengeance and Revenge hid themselves in the bush and when Hanka turned around they roared.  "W-who is it?" She held her Terrible Terror so tight you had to cover your mouth not to laugh. "Now," you whispered to your new dragon and it jumped from behind the bush. Hanka fell on the ground looking pale as the moon and breathing heavily. You and
Odias burst in laughter, jumping from the dragon. "Got you!" "What?" asked Hanka. "That's my new dragon. Vengeance and Revenge," you said casually. "Still think I am not brave enough?" Hanka stood up - but she didn't look angry nor pale. She just looked sorry. "Ok. I am sorry. You got me." You two smiled. "But seriously, you've got yourself a dragon and named him Vengeance and Revenge just to show me up?!" "Yep." "Well, I should've known." "Wanna ride?"
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(had to put that gif there lol)
It was that time of the year when Gothi gave you a list of ingredients you needed to find on the Healer's island. You really liked doing it. You had a free day for yourself just collecting flowers and stuff. Who wouldn't want that, really? Every time, you pick some random Gronckle to give you a ride, so you don't have to get to that island on the boat. You really liked Gronckles, but they weren't your type of a dragon. You wanted a strong and fast one. But there wasn't enough time to find you your own dragon, so you just used Gronckles when they were needed.  It was a really great day. Sun was shining, birds were singing and your basket was slowly being filled. At the time you were heading towards the rare yellow flower, you heard a loud sound - as if someone was smashing a piece of metal against another piece of metal. It was weird. As you were wondering what could be possibly making that sound you saw it. A female Razorwhip. From what you could see, it accidentally got its long neck in the rope that was hanging from the tree and when it was trying to broke free, it sliced the tree in half and as the tree fell on top of the dragon, it knocked off one big stone from the rock wall and that stone fell on the dragon's wing, trapping it completely. "Oh my gods!" you exclaimed looking at this mess. You immediately dropped the basket for Gothi and made your way towards the poor Razorwhip. Your steps were slow, but that didn't stop the dragon from being scared. It raised its tail and shot the spines but because of the fallen tree, it was unsuccessful. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you!" You made your way back towards your basket and found a dragon nip you store there for Gronckles. You picked it up and made your way back to the Razorwhip. You didn't get too close, of course, just enough for the dragon to smell the dragon nip. When you saw that the dragon relaxed, you decided to come even closer. And fortunately, the Razorwhip let you. You let her smell the green plant some more, but then you let it fell to the ground so you'd get the dragon's full attention. It was a girl - cause it had really long eyelashes - and her eyes were, unlike Windshears, red. But not bloody red, more like strawberry kind of red.  "Now let me help you," you said while reaching your hand. Razorwhip had to be really intelligent because it pressed its scaly head against your palm, letting you touch it. She probably knew you were her only chance now. After you caressed her smooth metallic grey scales on the head you took insight into her full appearance. Well, you definitely needed some help with that stone on her wing and also with that entire tree, but the loop on her neck could be removed easily straight away. "Now I will take my knife and cut that rope off your neck, okay?" you informed her. "Please don't freak out, I won't hurt you with that knife."
Razorwhip purred, so you carefully took out the knife from your pocket and did as you said. The dragon didn't even flinch. "You're a brave girl, you know?" you said happily because it went so easy. "How about I call you Fearless?" She looked happy since her neck wasn't in the loop anymore so you could tell, she was content. "Now how do I take care of this?" You made your way towards the stone and then the idea hit you. "Wait here I'll get some help!" Fearless roared for you, but you ran away. Soon, you came back - but on a happy green Gronckle. "We'll get that stone away, okay Fearless?" you asked and fly towards it. "Don't worry, it will be over soon!"Gronckle's strong legs lifted that rock up and placed it on the grass. Then you made Gronckle do the same with the tree. It was tough at first, but with Fearless's help, you actually managed to break her free. "That's it!" you yelled happily and quickly made Gronckle land on the ground, so you could hug Fearless. "I told you I'd help you. Is your wing alright?" She raised both of her wings straight up to the air, showing you her strength. You laughed and waved at the leaving Gronckle. "Now, do you want to help me found a yellow flower? After that, we'll get you some sea slugs and you could come home with me back to Berk!" You were really excited about creating a bond with her! But so was she.
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redmeanslove · 3 years
Farm Boy Seb 🐄Masterpost
aka the Final Co(w)ntdown (to be continued in S3) aka an unnecessary statistic on all the scenes revolving around Seb and his life as a farm boy in HSMTMTS.
Let's start with all the lines hinting at/including words surrounding Seb's farmlife. {I had to include some other lines in some scenes because it needed the context to make sense.} The number in brackets equals the number of farm vocabulary used in the episode (in amount of words).
Season 1
101 (0)
102 (4)
Seb: "Cool glasses!"
(Ashlyn) "Thanks. They're my grandma's."
(Seb) "I have the same ones at home."
(Ashlyn) "Really? Why?"
(Seb) "So I can see when I'm milking.
(Ashlyn) [mouthing] "Milking?"
(Seb) "I'm sort of obsessed with musical theatre which makes me stand out a little bit in my family - they raise cattle and sheep. I just wanna raise the roof!"
103 (0)
104 (0)
105 (5)
(Seb) "I mean I practice for like an hour every night in our barn. My parents think I'm bonding with the livestock.
(Seb) "We lost one of our cows."
(Carlos) "You could have texted!"
(Seb) "We have bad reception at the barn. I am really sorry about being so late!"
(Carlos) "I'm really sorry about your cow!"
106 (0)
107 (0)
108 (0)
109 (0)
110 (0)
Season 2
201 (1)
(Kourtney) "This one doesn't say anything except the words 'my cows'"
202 (0)
203 (7)
(Seb) "I wasn't going to say anything but I've got something special coming from ye old farm."
(Carlos) [squeals and hugs him]
(Seb) [mouthing] "Ye old farm??"
(Kourtney) "So what are you trying to figure out?"
(Seb)"Well, I told Carlos that I had a special present coming from my family's farm."
(Kourtney) "Ooh what is it?"
(Seb) [plays suspenseful music]
(Kourtney) "There is no special present coming from your farm, is there?"
(Seb) "This is terrible! I knew a handmade card would never be enough. What am I gonna do?"
(Kourtney) "Find something organic and just be you."
(Carlos) "Oh....dirt!"
(Seb) "I planted some organic seeds from my barn in there about an hour ago. I thought maybe we could have something that grows with us."
204 (6)
(Seb) "Oh no you guys! I missed an alert from my Farmer's Alman-app. Salt Lake just got half of foot in half and hour."
(Seb) "But if it's your phone, why do I have to be the one up here?"
(Kourtney) "Because you said you got struck by lightning that one time on your farm. So that makes you a better power conductor than me!"
(Seb) "Everyone! That was an alert from my Farmer's Alman-app! It says that the roads are clear and the sheep are in heat! - I should have read that last part in my head!"
205 (10)
(Ashlyn) "Why do I hear sheep but don't see sheep?"
(Seb) "Oh that's Jimmy. He has social anxiety."
(Kourtney) "Well I'm team Jimmy. I don't camp, I don't glamp, I don't even sleep without a silk pillow case."
(Ricky) "Listen, I'm sure Seb and Gina have a good reason for bringing us to his barn so late, on a school night."
(Seb) "I'm going to need some help in the barn with something involving tractors."
(Carlos) "Soo we're talking this Saturday?"
(Seb) "Mmm-hmm."
(Carlos) "Just come over and help in the barn and not to celebrate something else that you could figure out with a quick search of public records?"
(Carlos) "The ride over here was, uhm, exciting."
(Seb) "I only have my driver's license for farm equipment."
206 (0)
207 (0)
208 (0)
209 (4)
(Seb) "And I told him Milky White was nearing labor. Cows don't stop having babies just because school let out."
(Carlos) "Yet somehow you're having a cow about me not staying in Salt Like, so..."
210 (6)
(Seb) "But while I helped bring a new baby cow into the world, Carlos was in a world of his own. I know, I know, I am crying over spilled milk - no seriously, I spilled so much milk in the barn."
(Carlos) "I just don't understand what happened. I mean, Seb doesn't seem like the jealous type."
(E.J.) "What does he seem like?"
(Carlos) "I don't know? The farmer type?"
Total amount of words used in both seasons: 43
Amount of times each word/phrase has been used individually:
Cow: 6
Barn: 5
Farm: 5
Lifestock: 1
Cattle: 1
Sheep: 4
Milk(ing): 4
Tractor: 1
Farmer's Alman-app: 2
Organic: 2
Jimmy: 2
Milky White: 1
Other: 2
and as bonus:
Favourite Farm Boy Seb Moments
I collected all of your answers :) ranked from most to least often mentioned!
Bonding with the lifestock - 4
Jimmy and his social anxiety - 3
Milky White - 2
"[My family] raise cattle and sheep - I just wanna raise the roof!" - 2
Red Gloves - 1
"My Cows <3" - 1
Bad reception at the barn - 1
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gyllenhaalstories · 3 years
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request:  Heyyy!!! So... how about day 9 with Raper Jake?! I feel like that would be soo hot!! 🔥😩🤤
warnings: mentions of food and alcohol, curse words, public sex, angry sex, bathroom sex, rough fucking, spitting kink.
word count: 1350
@jakes-little-slut thank you for this request and for suggesting the setting!!!!! rapper!jake is mentioned, but it’s very vague! so everyone can read without paying too much attention to the character (he does call her his bitch, but that’s normal for the character, i promise!) <3
“Thank you for being here with me, Jake.” You reached out to connect your wine glasses together. Jake looked tired, but he looked content.
He had been working so hard lately, there was a situation with copyrights or something like that. For the past couple of weeks, he was pulled from one side to the other, running to a meeting after being done with one and he had been neglecting you. He was too focused on his work to realize it.
So you tried to help him open his eyes. You suggested you both went on a date at your favourite restaurant, just to change his mind, and yours.
He accepted, it took quite some convincing and pushing around things in his schedule. You still could not believe he struggled so hard to free himself on a Tuesday night at 9 pm, like it was office hours in the traffic.
You respected him and his work, but sometimes you just wished you had more of a normal existence. “Do you remember what we ordered on our last date?” You questioned, scanning through the menu.
“Mmm...” Jake shrugged it off. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He ignored it. “I believe it was the vodka pasta or some shit. Order it, we could share.”
You nodded at his suggestion and waited for a waiter to come by, telling him all of the order and asking for a refill of water.
Another vibration against his thigh. Jake pulled out his phone, just to check who it was from. It was his producer.
“I thought we agreed to leave our phones in the car.” You sighed. It would not be that big of a deal if there was no build up, but it seemed to be the last straw. “All I want is to have a good time with my man, no to wonder if you’re fucking producer is gonna kidnap you for the next three days again.” You rumbed your temples, trying to keep your voice low. “I’m serious, Jake. I just want one good evening with you. If you pick up the phone, I’m...” You hated to threaten him, but it felt like the only way to show him just how much you missed him and valued this precious date.
You did not even let him finish his sentence, you threw the napkin down on the table and kicked the chair away from you. You headed straight to the bathroom, and hid in one of the private stalls.
You sighed loudly, pacing around the luxurious washroom. You felt bad for putting on a show, for putting the spotlight on the two of you while all you cared about was to be normal people having a normal time sharing food and smiling and catching up. Your hand went to grab the door knob, when the door was actually smalled open.
You were ready to scream for help, but instead you gasped. Jake was standing in front of you, looking down at you like you were two feet tall. “You wanna fucking embarass me in front of everyone, huh? Thought I broke you, thought I fucked the whiny little needy bitch out of you.”
“Jake, let’s take that home, okay?” You tried to calm him, pressing your hands on his chest in protest. You heard the lock of the door click. It just hit you that you forgot to do that when you stormed in.
His other hand grabbed both of your wrists so firmly his knuckles were white. “Now you wanna play it nice? How cute.” He chuckled low in his throat, loving just how much your eyes widened. “Is that what you wanted all along? You wanted me to put you back in your place? I’ve been working my ass off to clear everything for the summer, so we can have a nice little trip together, but that’s not enough for you, is it? Always want my attention...” He went to cup your pussy from other your dress. His fingers dipped into your wetness. “And my cock.”
You swallowed thickly. You had decided not to wear panties so that he...
“Gonna fuck you so hard you will be dripping on the floor. That’s all you want? Don’t care about the food or the exquisite wine. All you want is to get fucked in a bathroom like the dirty slut you are.” His hand moved up your body and forced your mouth open, so you could taste your own juices on his fingers. “Say it, say that’s what you want.”
“Mmfh’ yes! I want you to fuck me, please.”
He smiled at your answer. His smile was so... Soft. It turned you on even more. “Open.”
You opened your mouth, and he spit on your tongue. You swallowed instantly.
“Somebody’s desperate to be a good girl.” He turned you around and pressed you on the marble counter. He unbuckled in tuxedo pants at the speed of lightning and leaned down, his feet parting your legs open. He spat again, this time on your pussy.
“I need you.” You whispered, looking at him from the mirror.
He did make you wait any longer. He had one hand on your shoulder, the other one stroking his shaft a few times and then guiding it to your wet hole. He bottomed out in the first thrust, his balls slapping against your neglected clit. “You want it?”
You nodded eagerly, leaning on the counter so you could hold yourself up.
That was all he needed to begin thrusting into you. It was fast, deep, and rough. It was merciless. He wanted it it to hurt, and it did hurt so fucking good. Neither of you had had this kind of pleasure for a long time, everything felt more intense; even for him.
“Fuck!” You cried out, he slammed his now free hand against your mouth to shut you up.
“So fucking dirty. Want everybody to hear you, huh? Wanna put on a show for them?” Jake kept fucking you, getting impossibly faster. “You missed that, Princess, didn’t you?”
You nodded again, unable to speak or say anything coherent. You missed all of it, all of him, but especially the way he looked at you. His eyes were glued to your reflection, there was so much love in his dark blue irises. The duality of him fucking you like a rag doll and looking at you like you were a national treasure made you clench around him.
“Cum for me. Cum all over my fuckin’ cock.” He barked. He didn’t care just how loud he was, he could not countrol himself.
And you did, you released yourself around him. Your legs were shaking, your eyes were rolling inwards and your lipstick was ruined on your cheek and chin.
“Good girl.” He whispered at your ear and let you calm down. You stayed inside of you for a few moments, making sure you gained enough strength to clench his cum inside of you. “Aww, look at you. You look so pathetic.” He laughed and tried to fix your makeup by wiping the remaining lipstick with his thumb, which he had wet under the faucet. “And so fucking gorgeous too.”
You both sat back at the table, not without a myriad of weird looks. You both looked terrible. Jake had trouble adjusting his pants to his softening  dick and you looked... Like something else.
Jake laughed when the waiter came back with all of the plates, setting them down in front of the two of you. He could not believe he did all of this before the food was ready. He grabbed his fork and twirled spaghetti around his fork, presenting it to your lips so you had the first bite. He wiped a drop of sauce off your chin.
“So... What did you have in mind for the summer?
“Nothing much...” Jake shook his head lightly, swallowing a bite of food. “Just a trip to Santorini and renting a private yacht so I could fuck you on the deck at sunset.”
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ahsxual · 4 years
Sassy Girl
Pairing: L!Joker x Fem!Reader
Summary: J finally took you to a meeting with his men. After seeing you agitated, he decides to confront you about it once you leave.
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Sir kink, spanking, dom/sub, vaginal sex, nipple play, degradation, rough kissing, slightly exhibitionism, dirty talk, breath play (nothing too serious), sassy reader, swearing
Word Count: 3,3k
A/N: soo me and @harlequinjoke were role-playing about L!Joker and Harley Quinn, and I really liked the idea, so I decided to write something about it <3 It's my first time writing about J (internally shaking). I got inspired by the incredible, unique and talented @jokerslilhyena, so I hope I get more comfortable with time writing him, because I REALLY love that chaotic bastard 💜💚
Gif Credits: @antonija89
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You and J had an uncommon relationship: you weren't considered his girlfriend and vice-versa, however you were together. It was a totally different experience dating someone so chaotic as him, someone so dangerous and unpredictable. In the beggining, you actually were scared that he would hurt you, however he has proved the opposite: whenever you argued, he would break the first thing he found, scream or even leave for a long time... but he never would lay a hand on you and would always come back, eventually. However, he never apologized, not directly. He was extremely aggressive and reckless towards others, but with you... he wasn’t any of that. Of course he was very proud, would still throw tantrums here and there and sometimes he seemed indifferent, especially when the subject was about affection. Nevertheless, he loves you in a way that, even if it’s strange and unreal to others, he still shows you that he cares for you, that he doesn’t want to make you feel bad and he does anything to protect you from the rude and injustice world you live in. For you, it’s his "special" way to love and honestly, you are fine with it, since he always comes back to you and keeps you alive and safe.
Sometimes you wondered how did you get where you were, having a "relationship" with the one and only prince of crime, the one that everyone fears with all their being. But you, you were unordinary and different from others... and that's what caught his attention. You knew you wouldn't be judge by him, wether it was physically or mentally.
You always had a thing for villains, J being the most dangerous and strategically intelligent of them all: you saw J as someone who doesn't care about other's opinions, someone courageous enough to prove and make the world wrong, someone who isn't afraid to express himself and be the way he was meant to be... the way life made him. You deeply admire all those features about him: his confidence, his intelligence, his insight...
Today was an unexpected day: you wanted to see how J worked, how he organized and "planned" his ideas, how the "bad guy" life was. J, of course, didn't let you go... at first. He said that it didn't make sense for you to join him and he didn't want to get distracted by you, but you knew that was not the whole truth. J didn't want to show his only weakness to others, especially to dangerous people. As intelligent and practical he could be, he was just one man, so he avoided dealing with even more problems, mainly because you were the one who would be in danger. Nevertheless, you insisted, telling him that he didn't need to present you as someone he was having a case with, just a girl who wants to be apart of his "plan".
J knew you would bother him about that until he accept it, so today he finally gave you the answer you were dying for to hear.
"Oh... really? You won't argue with me about this anymore?" you were surprised for him letting you go.
"What do ya want me to do, huh? You were pressuring me all the time about it, so this is the only way to ah... end this." he was obviously annoyed, but he wanted to do that favor to you too. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he thought, and it would be one time only, so it was not a big deal.
"Thanks, J! I knew you wouldn't be such a daddy, it means a lot to me!" he smirked before you hugged him by the neck, something he was not expecting. He just tapped your back with his gloved hand in response, a gesture meaning you were welcome.
"Come on bunny, I can't be late. The boss have always to show up before his ah... employees." he joked, earning a laugh from you. You quickly put some comfortable shorts and a top that slightly showed your cleavage.
"I'm ready, time to go!" you said excitedly. J noticed that your outfit wasn't the most appropriate, but he didn't have time to tell you to change into something that wouldn't show too much skin. He thinks that you should cover the first piece of your neck's skin, to the tip of your toe. J was a possessive man to that extent... and you were a teasing to that extent too.
When you entered J's stolen car, you noticed how the back seats were spacious... immediately your dirty thoughts signaled their arrival, which made you unconsciously bit your lip slowly. Your clown didn't miss it, being as observant as he was, and instantly thought this wasn't a good idea... at all.
"Ya better stop doing that with your ah... lip, doll. Ya better behave or I will make ya be sorry later." he said in a serious tone. The sexual tension between you two was always evident, something that both of you loved and needed: J could have his way with you, respecting your limits obviously, and you would just enjoy the sex as much as he did, since no other man could dominate and have his way with you the way he did... you were his little masochist, his strong woman that simultaneously was so easy to break. He was obcessed with you: you were his drug, his only weakness, his vicious, his significant other... you just completed him, even though he never told you that, he definitely proved it to you everyday.
You usually have an answer for everything he says, but now you remained quite to not make things worse for both of you. You had to keep that fire inside your core hidden from his men or there would be consequences... after all, he is a man of his word.
You finally arrived to the place where the meeting would occur: it was an abandoned building as expected; around it, was nothing more than grit and some old and rotten cars; the sky was almost black, the stars and moon being the only ones lightning the establishment; there were two men located at the front door of the same big building, and surely there were others in the rear entrance. You couldn’t deny you were feeling nervous. As much as sometimes you wished, you couldn't be completely fearless like J.
"Don't worry doll, ya don't need to be afraid. If something goes wrong, we ah... always have a backup." he confidently said, showing you the inside of his coat covered in bombs and grenades. You laughed once again.
"Sure you do, J. You wouldn't be you if you didn't have it." you said while winking at him. He smirked before getting out of the car.
You knew from now on, until the meeting is over, he would act differently: he couldn't have the reputation of being a murderous clown with a soft spot for his little bunny. No one would take him seriously once that was revealed, and you understood it perfectly.
Once you arrived at the front door, where the two men were, they looked strangely at you and then at J.
"Will ya stay there looking at me like the ah... dick heads you are, or ya will let me pass already, huh?" J was expecting this reaction from them, yet his acknowledge didn't prevent him from being annoyed: he wasn't in the mood to give explanations to anyone, mainly to his temporarily needed men. The two men looked at each other, before nodding towards their boss and letting you both pass the tall, rigid door.
The moment you entered the room, you saw all of his men in their seats, already prepared for their meeting with their boss... and his company.
"Who's that?" a man asked boldly.
"She's our ah... tonight's special guest. She will help us with our mission by dealing with the ah... cops." he lied, successfully convencing them. He knew they wouldn't be suspicious about it, since that was his task. You sitted right next to him, noticing the side glances from some men.
While time passed and J talked about his "plan", you deeply admired how attractive he looked: he was so confident, fearless, so right about what he was saying and doing... it made you think how is it possible for a single man to be so strategic and dominant with others... and when J was with you, it was impossible not getting completely horny, feeling hot as hell and being completely at his mercy, gladly. He obviously noticed your long glances in his direction and felt how your legs would rub shamelessly against each other under the table, where only he could catch your signals, since you were almost glued to each other.
"Any questions about what I just said?" he asked after explaining everything that should be done. His men just nodded in return. "Good. Tomorrow morning, 9:30 am. I will be ah... extremely upset if any of you arrive late. And trust me, gentlemen, you wouldn't like to see me mad." he then got up, grabbing your arm and pulling you in front of him while you were walking, which surprised you. Once you approached the car, he opened the back door and pushed you roughly into the back seat, making you lay down with him above you after removing his long purple coat covered in grenades into the passenger seat.
"Now, now... would ya explain me what you were ah... doing back there, huh? Ya seemed very... restless during the reunion, don't ya think... bunny?" he whispered one of your favorite nicknames given by him into your ear, being so close that you could see every little and precise detail on his face: you could feel his hot breath against your skin and see his pupils dilating more and more by every passed second. J decided to confront you about it, wanting you to admit everything you did back there right in front of his face... and you would be the best liar if you said he didn't give you chills all over your body, especially making your core dripping from excitement and eagerness.
"I-I wasn't doing anything, I was just listening to y-"
"Ata-tada, ya don't wanna go that way, doll. You ah... know very well that I don't like when people lie on my face, especially you... not-one-bit." he madly said, pressing firmly the last words with his skilled tongue. Oh, how you loved seeing your psychotic clown having his way with you...
"What do you want me to say J, huh?? That yes, I was feeling horny like a goddamm whore just from seeing you leading those assholes, that I couldn't stop looking and admiring you?? That I couldn't even countain myself from touching myself like a fucking needy virgin?!" you couldn't take it anymore, so you spelled it out so he could make a move as soon as possible... because you knew very well: if you aren't honest with him and don't tell him what you desire, he will tease until you cry and beg desperately for him to touch you... and when that happens, J won't do anything until you admit it. That's how provocative and bastardous he was... but you loved it. J seemed pleased with your answer, since he grabbed you hardly by your hair and pushed you for a clumsily and rough kiss. You wanted to test his limits a little further, so when you felt his tongue against your lower lip, you didn't give him the permission to explore your mouth like he wished. By this, he bit your lower lip hard enough to draw some blood, showing how you couldn't be in control. If you even tried, you would suffer the consequences. You groaned while you tasted your own blood, seeing his face lighten once he saw and tasted the blood himself. His eyes were totally dark now, just like his soul and heart: you knew how much he loved pain and blood, something that was fully attached to his being.
"Ya really know how to make me crazy, Y/n. And ya know as well that has ah... price to pay, dontcha?" you simply nodded, wanting to feel the little pleasure he was giving to you. Suddenly you felt your neck being forcely grabbed by a gloved hand. "I want a strict answer." he said with a deep and low tone, making goosebumps all over your skin.
"Y-yes..." you moaned quietly.
"I couldn't hear ya. Yes what?" he asked even more serious now, pressing harder into your neck, but not enough to cut your air completely. The car door was still open, so if you spoke or moaned too loud, his men would hear you.
"Y-yes Sir!!" you shamelessly spoke loudly. J didn't closed the door for some reason, so why would you care?
"Hmm that's what I like to hear, my good little obedient girl..." he then rubbed his hips hardly into yours, moving his lips towards your neck while sucking and biting until it was red and purple. "You look amazing with those painted on ya, doll. The purple ah... suits you perfectly." he praised you, slowly moving to your already harden nipples. J grabbed your top and ripped it off, but you couldn't care less about it. Luckily, it wasn't your favorite. You didn't own a bra, grabbing his attention immediately. "Hmm someone hasn't been behaving like they should. Ya know what happens to ah... naughty and miss-behaving girls, dontcha doll? Huh?" he dangerously spoke, while pinching your nipples hard enough to give you immense pleasure and the right amount of pain.
"N-no sir, I don't..." you eagerly answered, afraid and excited at the same time about what it would happen next. He smirked at you, his yellow teeth now red from your blood, a view that would give nightmares to anyone, but it only made you wetter. J slowly approached you, whispering dangerously into your hear.
"They get punished." the only thing you knew was being brutally turned over, making your ass being exposed after he ripped your shorts as well.
"No, p-please sir!! I promise I will be a good girl..." you cried, which didn't affect him at all.
"Too late for apologies now, sweet cheeks." suddenly you felt a hard spank into your right ass cheek. "Count until five to me, doll. If ya don't, I will start over... you already know the rules." you knew you had to endure your punishment or it would be much worse. Obviously he was doing this because he knew you liked it as much as he did: if not, you would never be in the position you were right now. You didn't have a choice but to count every spank he gave you, involuntary missing on the fourth, which meant he would have to do everything over again.
"Five!!" you screamed, your ass now painted in red and some shades of purple. You felt the burning sensation so intensely, you could swear your butt was actually on fire. Yet you wouldn't complain, since you loved the feeling of burnt skin after his spankings. "P-please sir, just fuck me, I'm begging you!! I-I will do anything to please you, anything!!" you cried harder, both of you knowing those tears were nothing but a reaction of the pleasure you were feeling and wanted to feel. J thought for a moment if he should make you beg for him a little more, or have mercy. After all, he was just eager was you were, yet he loves to play with you first more than anything.
He suddenly pressed his cock against your dripping entrance, without give you time to adjust to him. It wasn't too much hard to take him, since you were so wet, he could slide inside you extremely easily. But that didn't prevent you from feeling the pain right after, when he grabbed your hips harder than ever and fucked you faster than the light itself. His nails were breaking your skin with each deep thrust he did, more blood flooding down your thighs. J thought in taking his knife to cut you, but he preferred to do it when the two of you were in your house by yourselves, where he had the whole time he needed to really play with you.
"F-fuck!! Please J, don't stop!!" he loved how easily it was to make you cum. You once told him in your first times it would take time for you to cum, because you were shy and insecure at the beginning. But ohh, how that changed... for better, surely. And you know he was the responsible for making you feel comfortable about it: J is the only man who gives you pure pleasure, without making you feel ashamed. After all, he is not a monster like everyone, incluinding batman, thinks. He's just... a man ahead of the curve.
He grabbed your hair forcely with his left gloved hand, while his right one came directly to rub your clit hard.
"Cum for me, you fucking slut. Show me how such a needy whore you are, let me feel ya squeeze my cock hard while I fuck ya until you can't fucking walk tomorrow." he groaned into your hear, his tone much lower than before. That was enough to make you cum right there, even if he wouldn't touch you at all.
"Ohh f-fuck, I'm gonna cum J!!" you moaned loudly before cumming hard on his thick, merciless cock. You felt his dick twisting inside you, while his pace became sloppy, faster and harder, a sign that he was about to cum.
"I'm going to fill that fucking tight pussy and you will keep my cum inside of ya, do ya hear me?!" he loudly demanded, wanting to hear your response before he cums.
"Y-yes sir!! I-I will keep every last drop of you inside me, please just cum inside me, please... I'm begging you!" and that was it. J came deeply inside you while groaning like a wild animal.
The two of you laid there to get some air, him being on top of you, supporting some of his height with his elbows to not crush you. You gently massaged his back in a comforting way, your code to let him know you enjoyed your moment and were okay, that he didn't hurt you badly.
"Wow, that was... amazing. I should come to your meetings more often." he laughed at this, finally looking into your eyes.
"Ya really aren't innocent as ya seem to be doll, and I really like to see that ah... sassy side of yours. We should discuss that after our... second round when we get back home, huh? I mean, if ya can be able to speak after that." you playfully punched him on his arm while laughing, already feeling excited again.
"We will see about that, then. Let's just get home now, can't wait for that promised second round." you winked at him, earning a big smirk from clown.
"I'm sure they know now that ya aren't just some ah... chick apart of the mission."
"Well, at least they know now that they don't have a chance with me, even if they tried." after hearing that, he kissed you passionately in his own way, grabbing your ass in the process, before moving to the front seat so he could drive home to where both of you will continue your so promised round two.
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