#i love how felix just pops in i'm dead
volturiprincess · 4 months
Alec Volturi x vampire mate reader
Summary: Alec has been distant from y/n, will his mate forgive him Warnings: Slight curse words, angst to fluff A/N: You know the satisfaction of finishing a one-shot is beautiful. Im also glad Alec is my second one, love this man of a vampire. Also whenever I write for the twins, they are aged up. Enjoy :)
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(This scene is perfect, that eye movement was everything, I could watch this GIF for hours if I could. But like sir who let you look that good?)
I was sitting in the library with Felix and Demetri just talking about our latest mission that the three of us had recently.
“You know the satisfaction I had when I sunk my teeth into that human, she was such a pain in the ass, and it made it better that her vampire mate was watching, but….. I got to say Felix the amount of times I have seen you rip heads off, it's always more satisfying than the last one”
Felix smirks “Thanks y/n, you know it never gets old either and you are right that human girl was annoying, glad she got what she deserve”
Demetri spoke up “I never understood how a human and a vampire can be mates, it's just how can that be you know, like I feel if they ever had intimacy or something that poor human would be dead in a minute”.
We burst out laughing at his comment, “Dem you never fail to make me laugh” 
He shrug his shoulders “What can I say it's a talent”
I roll my eyes at his comment and Felix says “Where’s your mate and Jane, I thought you were going to spend the day with him anyway or something”
I said casually with a hint of sadness“I was suppose to be with him today, but he canceled last minute, he said he had to do something important”
Both guys looked at me and Demetri was the first to talk
“More important than you? y/n that's been like the 10th time he has canceled on you this past month, how in the world are you not pissed at him, when was the last time you two spent quality time together?”
I thought about it for a minute trying to remember but then I realized it's been a very long time, maybe a half a decade already. We haven't even had sex in that time either. I looked at the boys
“Um…maybe a couple of years?”
Their eyes widened at that “A couple of years?” they responded in unison.
I nod hesitantly “I didn't even realize it's been that long, son of a bitch, has he been avoiding me or something?”
Felix shook his head in disapproval “You know that's not fair for you y/n, have you even brought that up to him”
I shook my head “I mean I just….You know your right Felix, this cant be going on like this, maybe I should I give him a piece of my own medicine”
Demetri eyes widen like a child who was given a treat“Oooo I like the sound of that”
I smile slightly but then I sense Alec entering the library which causes me to internally panic. I ignored him sitting next to me and instead I went to the bookshelves and looked for a book to read. In the corner of my eye I see that Alec looks at me with a bit of a confused look but then an idea pops up. My power is being able to move things with my mind but I could also telepathically talk to others. I use my power and send a message to Felix to improvise with the upcoming plan I'm about to do.
“Felix? Can you help me get that book that's up there?”
I look at the mountain of a vampire who is instantly by my side. “Of course cara, which one do you want?” 
I could see that Alec’s eyes have narrowed at the sudden interaction “That one called Philosophy of Athens”
Felix nods and reaches over me to grab the book and I just look up into his face when he is reaching up, he looks down to me with a devilish smirk and I just wink in return. I knew Alec will be fuming with anger but he deserves payback. Felix hands me the book and he slightly brushes his lips on my jawline which catches me off guard for a minute but I fake an innocent look at him while he just winks and walks back to his previous spot. I stand there for a minute and I see that Alec has disappeared. I look around the library and Demetri speaks up
“He left after Felix gave you the kiss, you should of seen his face, if looks could kill, Felix would of been six feet under”
I roll my eyes and ask “Should I go after him or…?”
Demetri shakes his head “Y/n you got a reaction out of him, you need to keep going so he is the one that comes up to you, he is the one that has been pushing you aside, now it's your turn”
I nod “Your right Dem, this is the start of a new era”. They both smiled mischievously.
1 week later..
It's been a week since the library incident and Alec still has not come up to me, I know the game I am playing is dangerous. I mean come on he's one of the infamous twins who are the most intimidating and ruthless and yet here I am ignoring and pushing him away. It has been so hard to be this way with him, I love him so much that just being like this is torture, I think I would rather have Jane use her power on me then have to be like this with Alec and that is saying something.
On Alec’s part he still is acting the same, he has not even dared to look me in the eye or even been in the same room as me for long. I also noticed that recently I have been aching for Alec more than usual, I literally want him to be with me again, at this point I would take anything from him even if he just looks at me. 
I miss his piercing burgundy eyes that always leave me in a trance or how his jawline tightens when I would brush against him slightly. Even to how he stands so elegantly when we are at our guard meetings with the Kings. Or how his smirk can literally make me feel weak in the knees but I would never give him the satisfaction in telling him the effect his smirk gives me because I know he would tease me for years to come. I miss how we cuddle either in our shared chamber or under the willow tree I am currently laying down, it was our spot that we would spend hours at.
I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice someone was calling my name until someone slightly kicked my foot and I finally sat up and snapped my gaze to the person. It was Jane and she had that emotionless look as usual, she was the one to speak first 
“Why are you here alone, I thought you were going to train the newborns with Felix and Demetri?”
I was going to do that today but the guys knew I was not feeling it and noticed I am not in a right mindset so they gave me the day off
“They gave me the day off”
She nods slightly “Still does not answer my question”
I look down defeated “He doesn't want me anymore, he won't even look at me anymore or even leave those little love notes in my favorite books”
There was a silence and I thought she left but she talked again “You think my brother does not want you anymore?”
I nodded and if I could cry I would at that moment “He doesn't even come into our private chambers as often”
There was that tense silence again “Have you spoken to him about this?”
I shook my head “How can I when I don't even know where he is half of the time and he wont even come to me anymore, he keeps canceling our date nights also”
At that point I wanted to shake Jane to get her to tell me anything about Alec, I was that desperate but I used my telekinesis to hold me down so I didn't actually jump her.
She spoke up again “I don't know what is up with my brother, he won't say but I can tell there is something wrong, I would assume you would have an idea because when we part ways i thought he would always go to you”
When she said that my gaze snapped up to her again in shock “So not even you know what is up with him then?”
She shook her head and I said “Jane, if I asked you to do something for me would you do it?”
“Of course, you are my sister-in-law after all, your the second person I genuinely like, first being my brother”
I nod “Can you use your power on me?”
I saw her eyes widen at that and she instantly shook her head “No I will never do that to you, why would you ask such a request from me?”
I let an unnecessary sigh out “I don't feel anything Jane, Alec has been distant for a couple of years already, I can feel that sudden small rip in our bond, it hurts Jane, it really does, and at this point I don't think I can even go on in life without him, even when I spend time with Felix and Demetri, I just fake it so they don't question me to much”
She got down on her knees and what she did next would shock others but not to me, she hugged me tightly. I just let her hug me while I just sat there dully, she soon pulled away and said “Y/n I can't bare to see you like this, I haven't even realized that you and Alec have been like this for so long, I don't want to see the two most important people in my life like this anymore”
I don't respond but nod along mindlessly
“Wait here, I will be back”
She left before I can look at her, I decided to lay down again and closed my eyes as I felt my eyes burn with venom, the thing that sucked of being a vampire is not being able to let real tears out, I just feel this burning sensation in my eyes but I haven't felt like this in centuries already. Alec has always made me feel loved and happy, the way that man with only just a touch has me melting for him or when he did those rare smiles I love so much. If I had a heart it would be beating out of my chest every time we are together.
When me and Alec were told we were mates by Marcus, we absolutely loathe each other, we could barely be in the same room without one of us getting annoyed by the other. It took us a good year until we started to tolerate each other. Soon after that year I started to feel the bond with him, I couldn't stand to be away from him for long and I knew he felt the same way because the minute we were apart he or I would go search for the other.
One day he decided to take me on a walk in the gardens, and as cliche as this might sound he kissed me under the moonlight. The moonlight was literally on us when we were kissing, at that moment me and him accepted each other completely as mates. We were inseparable, we started to share a room together and the Kings were more accepting of me and Alec going on missions together without the fear we might rip each other's throats out. 
It felt like we were in wonderland or in cloud 9, when he moved I moved, or when I moved he followed along. We also had a very long honeymoon phase where we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves, every time when we were hanging with the other guards, me and Alec would sneak away and have our intimacy or when we were in the hallways he would give me kisses out of nowhere against the wall, we been caught various times but that didn't stop us from doing it again.
We have been mated for centuries, and not a day goes by that I don't fall in love with him all over again or feel tired of him. He really is my other half but with the lack of Alec in my life it has taken a toll on me, it almost feels like HE is sick and tired of me.
Just that thought could break my non-existent heart, I would end up like Marcus in a way. If Alec were to leave me it's way worse than him being dead. I would still have to see him and be in his presence but not be able to actually be with him.
My mind must have wondered again because I didn't realize a certain someone was sitting next to me. I opened my eyes when I realized it was Alec from the pull of the bond. From that I sat up and he looked right at me, watching me carefully and intensely. He still has that stone face that makes him look so gorgeous, he really is the reincarnation of some Greek god. We stayed quiet watching each other for a while when he finally spoke, hearing his voice again would have made me shiver if I could.
“So you and Felix, huh?”
Even though it feels amazing to hear him talking to me, that question threw me off and made me change moods in an instant.
“Seriously? After months and months of not having full conversations or paying attention to me, you have the audacity of asking a question like that?”
He stayed quiet and I could tell his mind was blank because I couldn't hear his thoughts.
“Why would I ever get with Felix when I have a mate that I love deeply? words cannot describe the love I have for you”
That for sure caught him off guard because he blinked a bit from shock and he spoke up
“Just wanted to hear you say that and get a reaction out of you” and then he winks.
That bastard winked and it was so smooth that I didn't even give what he said a second thought, he left me flabbergasted.
“You really are bipolar, you never fail to surprise me after centuries of being together”
He smiles slightly at my comment 
“And you don’t fail to amuse me with your words”
“Don't think with your wink and smile will make me forgive you that easily”
“Forgive me? For what?”
The way he genuinely looked surprises at my accusation really did set my mood off
“Are you really asking me that? Have you not heard what I said earlier or noticed the lack of us?”
I saw his facial expression shift to tense “So I was ignoring you then?”
 “Obviously, do you remember the last time we went on a date?”
He stayed silent and I knew he was trying to remember and at that moment I can also tell everything that what has been happening these past few years was hitting him.
“Too long ago…”
I nodded “And even then when we made plans you would cancel or say you forgot or are to busy”
He looked down in what I could assume was shame.
“Even if we didn't go on dates, you have been avoiding me like the plague, you don't even look at me as much or even hug me, you can't even bare to be in the same room as me for long, it's as if we are back to when we hated each other before accepting each other as mates all over again but worse”
His mind was still blank 
“I have been miserable without you, I even asked Jane earlier to use her power on me because I don't even feel anything anymore”
He looked at me with shock “You really asked her to do that? But…”
“I did, but she refused of course”
He nodded “Cara mia, I been so stupid, I never meant to hurt you in anyway”
I looked at him “If you really never meant to hurt me what made you act like this toward me for so long?”
He took an unnecessary breath “I don't know, I felt like these past years I was feeling…..off, I felt like being away from everyone but I didn't even realize its been going on for a while until Jane came up to me and smack me and ordered me to come to you”
 “You could of just came up to me and talked or let me into your mind if you can't form words, I have always been there for you Alec”
He looked at me with remorse and in a soft voice he confessed
“I didn't want to be a burden to you or bring you down with me”
I reached reach for his hand
"Alec you will never be a burden to me, we go together in our darkest or lightest days as we always did in the past, there's no I in us”
He squeezed my hand “I never wanted to make you feel unwanted, I just wanted to figure this out alone but I realize I can't without you”
I nodded, “How could you let so much time go by like that without trying to get help from me or saying anything?”
He shrug his shoulders “We been immortals for so long that time kind of blurs for us in a way but that still does not make up for what I done to you, you are my whole reason for being here, my center and life, mi amore ti amo, I will never to this to you again, and if I do then I give you permission to slap me or something because then I would of broken my promise to you”
“Oh Alec come here” I reached for him and he instantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his laps to deepen the hug.
Just being in his arms again was the best feeling. I fell in love with him all over again at that moment, he is my reason for being and I would not want it any other way. 
A/N: This one was longer than the Felix one (it does not mean I love Felix less 😬) but Its cute. Anyways, Im debating to either do Jasper or Caius next. I have a Jasper one in the drafts but its not that good, I will see who's next.
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feelbokkie · 5 months
Let’s Fall in Love, IRL | Chapter 10
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pairing: Jisung x fem reader
genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au, Pen pals to lovers, friend of a friend to lovers
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it); 3rd person
warnings: swearing (what's news), slight depiction of a panic attack, mention of food
summary: When she was a child, L/n Y/n was in a horrible accident that left her face disfigured.  After getting bullied relentlessly by her classmates for her appearance, Y/n escaped to the digital world where she meets Felix. Now an adult, Y/n has be come a complete social recluse, only talking to her 4 childhood best friends and roommates and her only friends. When Felix goes AFK one day in the middle of a game, Felix’s roommates decides to step in. Is this the start a new relationship or will Y/n’s crippling social anxiety get in the way?
taglist: CLOSED
word count: 1,840
screenshot count: 11
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©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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"Do you want me to drive on the way back?" Hyunjin asks as he climbs to the front seat.
You watch as Seungmin walks away from the car, straight into the store. Inuyasha sits in the back, now occupying the entire backseat now that Hyunjin is sitting in the front with you. The car is off but soft music plays from Hyunjin's phone.
"I'm fine. Like I said, the car is another safe space." You reply softly.
You lean your head on the headrest of your seat, turning to face out the window to take in the scene. It's gloomy out. Even in late October, it's too cold. If anything, you're glad to be in the warmth of the car. Seungmin is insane for wanting to be out in the cold.
Your eye focuses on Seungmin as you watch him walk out of the store empty-handed. You wait for him to get closer before rolling the window down.
"They didn't have what you're looking for?" You ask as you unlock the car for him to get in.
"I didn't look yet." He says as he pops his head in through the window.
"Then why are you back here? Did you forget something?" Hyunjin asks, looking around his seat.
"No," Seungmin turns to face you again. His bangs just barely reach the top of his eyelids. He dyed it recently, opting for a lighter color than you're used to. His blonde hair resembles the golden brown of Inuyasha's fur. In a way, it makes him look like your dog. "It's pretty dead inside. Do you want to come with me?"
bum, bum, bum
You freeze. You're not sure if it's the late autumn air coming in from the open window or your nerves, but the car suddenly feels much colder than it was just a few seconds older. You can't help but stare at Seungmin. His eyes are soft and concentrated, hoping for you to say yes. The car moves suddenly as Hyunjin adjusts himself in the seat.
"Seungmin, what are you--"
"I'm not talking to you, Hyunjin. I'm talking to my sister."
"She's my sister too, dumbass--"
"I'll go," You say quickly.
You blink at Seungmin, unsure of where this newfound confidence is coming from because you feel anything but confident. Your heart is pounding so hard in your chest that you can feel it in your throat. You’re waiting to throw up your heart any second. Your body feels cold and clammy. You regret your impulsive answer.
“Are you sure?” Seungmin asks, taken aback by your answer.
You think for a moment. The parking lot is empty, meaning Seungmin is right, the store is dead. You should be fine. Plus, you have Inuyasha, if something goes wrong, he knows what to do.
You quickly nod your head before you change your mind. If you need to, if it really is too much, you could always come to the car. Both Hyunjin and Seungmin share a look before Seungmin moves out of the way of your door. You roll your window up as you mentally prepare yourself to leave the car.
It's daunting, the idea that you're about to walk into a store. The risk of running into someone is exponentially higher than your walks with Changbin. He would purposely choose backroads to have less of a chance of seeing other people. But it's almost impossible to avoid running into someone in a store. Your hair might get jostled or your mask could fall, and then what?
You take one, long, shakey deep breath before opening your door and stepping outside. Hyunjin, who you weren't even aware left the car, hands you Inuyasha's leash. Inuyasha hovers closer than he normally does. You close the door behind you, taking one tiny, minuscule step forward before freezing.
"I..." You start, not sure what you want to say in the first place.
"It's okay, I got you," Seungmin says softly as he slips his hand in yours. Your fearful eyes turn to meet Seungmin's hopeful ones. He gives you a small smile.
déjà vu
An image of younger Seungmin flashes in front of you for a second. You remember, your first day at your new school after you entered the group home. You were scared. You didn't talk, having become mute from the shock of the accident that took your parents and your left eye. You weren't close with any of the other kids in the house yet. But on that first day, you stood outside the school gates, terrified to walk in, and Seungmin, barely 5 years old himself, took your hand and didn't let go until you were ready.
"When my mommy and daddy were being mean, I would get really scared. But then my noona would hold my hand and I would be not so scared anymore." His small voice echoes in your mind.
You spent most of your life with Seungmin holding your hand, dragging you along with him so you wouldn't be scared. Not once has he ever complained. Or if he did, he never said anything to you about it. Hyunjin was always on your other side, either with his arm around your shoulder or on your head. He took his job as the oldest of the trio seriously. Always the first one to run to you when you got hurt. Always the first one to say some smartass comment if anyone said anything rude to you. Always the first to get Chan or Changbin if they were needed.
You feel small, like you're 5 years old again, while you stand in the parking lot. But, with Seungmin's hand in yours and Hyunjin's arm being placed on your shoulder, you feel stronger than you did back then. You feel, not so scared anymore.
"Okay," Your grip on Inuyasha's leash and Seungmin's hand tighten as you turn to face the store again.
"We don't have to if you don't want to," Hyunjin whispers as he pulls you into a side hug. You weren't even aware that you were shaking until Hyunjin's grip tightly wrapped around your shoulders.
"I...I can go in. It's fine." You take one deep breath while you stare at the store.
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"I need you to understand something--"
"Ah, what the fuck!" Jisung jumps as he opens the door to the apartment, dropping his phone and keys in the process.
He's been gone for a few hours, still trying to process his earlier conversation with Felix. He left him on read, which doesn't look good given the circumstances.
"Were you just sitting in the dark waiting for me to come home?" He asks, holding his hand to his heart.
"That makes me sound like a creep," Felix says as he flips the lights on.
"And you don't think you are?" Jisung finally calms down enough to pick up his phone, silently praying that the screen is still fully intact.
It's painfully quiet in the apartment. Neither Felix nor Jisung dare to say a word while Jisung checks his phone over. The tension from their earlier conversation still loomed over them. Felix teeters on the balls of his as he waits to say something, his earlier confidence completely disappeared when Jisung screamed. The nerve he built up while he sat around waiting for Jisung to come home.
"What were you saying?" Jisung asks as he slides his phone back into his pocket.
"Oh, right," Felix rubbed his hands together, trying to build up the nerve again. "I need you to understand something. I don't like, Y/n. Not like that."
"But?" Jisung hesitates, unsure where this is going.
"No buts. I don't like her like that. End of story." Felix says firmly, emphasizing his position with a final hand gesture.
"So our earlier conversation? The way you've been weird since you found out we were talking? What was that?"
Felix bites his bottom lip, thinking long and hard about how to respond. Because the fact of the matter is: Felix doesn't like you. To him, you're just one of his best friends, and that's all. But that doesn't mean he's not jealous. You're his best friend. He found you first and adopted you as a permanent fixture in his life ever since he was an awkward middle school teen.
"I don't like sharing," He explains simply.
"And?" Jisung walks past Felix, moving to the couch to continue the conversation. "Is Y/n some sort of toy? What are you getting at?"
"That's not what I'm saying. Look," Felix runs his hand through his hair, very nearly ripping it out. "There's not much in my life that I've had that was just mine. My clothes, my career, and my friendship with Y/n. That was it. I shared a room with my sisters and so much other shit throughout my life. I live in a shared space where we pretty much have everything be common use. But--"
"But you didn't have to share friends with Y/n?" Jisung finishes.
"Exactly," Felix finally sits down, leaning against the back of one of the couches.
"I'm sorry...But you're not exactly sharing her. We have our own inside jokes and conversations and all that."
"I know, but...If you two start dating and it goes south, your relationship with her isn't the only one going to suffer."
"What are you...?' Jisung asks softly.
Jisung freezes, finally understanding what Felix is getting at. If you and Jisung broke up, Jisung wouldn't be the only one heartbroken. Your relationship with Felix would be at risk too. Felix introduced the two of you, therefore, he's guilty by association. Felix would rather have Jisung hate him and be jealous than have you not in his life. Even if it makes him look selfish.
"I don't want you to talk to me about Y/n because I don't want to be caught up in your relationship if that's what you really want. I don't want to give her any reason to blame me or walk out of my life."
"You say that like you're expecting me to fuck up," Jisung sits up in his seat a bit.
"I'm not, but I know how Y/n is. She is my best friend. My platonic soulmate. And I want to keep it that way. I rather not have you two date, but that's not for me to say. Just--I don't want you to misunderstand."
Jisung sit quietly for a moment, his eyes fixed on the front door to the apartment. He gets where Felix is coming from. But at the end of the day, he would never dream of hurting you. He likes you. He may even be in love with you. Hurting him would feel like hurting himself. Insane for a relationship that developed by accident a few months ago. The way that you and your voice have completely taken over his brain terrifies and excites him all at once.
"I get that, I get your fear. But I would never hurt Y/n. I can promise you that. I'll take good care of her."
Buy me a coffee?
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
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leiflitter · 1 month
The Quotable Catton
Putting some of this one under a cut for NSFW reasons. Felix is a yappy fucker in more ways than one.
“Clean bill of health. Apparently I am a little deficient in vitamin D, but I'm sure you can help with that.” [...] “Also had a delivery notification, so how about I be a gent and carry those bags for you? And you can make a big fuss of me when we get back to the car for being awfully brave. I didn't even complain when they took my blood- well, complain much… Then, when we get home, I can stab you a bit.”
Chapter 53
“That's a risk I'm willing to take. I've got very good lawyers, Ollie.” [...] “They'd get me off, but I'd far rather you did, you little tease.” 
Chapter 53
“Eenie meenie miney mo, catch a tiger by it's toe, if he squeals let him go…” [...] “Cock out, boyscout.” 
Chapter 54
“Oh, come off it, Oliver. You think you're subtle? I see you looking, you know.” [...] “I know you're bent, mate. I must say it'd be nice to get a blowie from someone who actually likes cock.”
Chapter 54
“Don't play coy, Ollie, it's a cock. We both have ‘em, and we both know you're about ten seconds away from begging for me to stick it in one of your holes. What was I saying…? Oh, right. So. If Lu comes home and I'm balls-deep in your arse on the bloody dining room table, then what chance do either of us have of getting away with it? But… Well, that's what you want, isn't it? Fucking hell, are you always this much of a shameless slut, or is it especially for me?”
Chapter 55
“Ollie, you're too bloody sexy and it makes it very, very hard for me to be a twat to you.” 
Chapter 55
“Right. Where were we? I promise I'll be so impolite, Ollie… Alright. You're a shameless slut. Right.” [...] “That's… Oh, shit. Line, Olls?”
Chapter 55
“You can leave, you know. I'm just going to follow you. Easy peasy… and I think I said that you can leave if you get sick of us, so unless you're sick of me…”
Chapter 56
“Me and Ollie are up to his parents’ for New Years, so you can all have a ghost party if you'd like. No snogging any long-dead Cattons, Venetia, I don't care if you're dead, it's still incest. I, um. I miss you all.” [...] “I wish you could, you know, give me a call or pop back for a visit in the summer? If you can, then… Let me know, but not in a spooky way. I love you.”
Chapter 56
“Look, Olls, I know I'm not divorced yet, and it's been… a month since Oxford, and not even two weeks of you being here, but I want to. I'm sorry I don't have a ring and I'm not on one knee, and it's not romantic but I really, really mean it. How about it?”
Chapter 56
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this-is-all-unreal · 11 months
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My Dear Friend
Part 14
Warnings: mention of injury, claustrophobia, trypophobia, mentions of death, needles.
         Have you ever watched an old movie and thought about how everyone on the screen, everyone who worked on the film are all dead? That footage of their own faces outlived them.
       "Margaret, can you hear me? I asked how your weekend was." Bruce had just gotten home from his and Alfred's trip. I guess I didn't realize he had walked into my room, but I wasn't in my room. I was sitting on the kitchen counter. How did I get here? 
         I turned to look at him. It had only been a few days but he looked different. I don't think he shaved. The way the short hard hairs poked shallowly out of his lower face made my skin crawl. He put the back of his hand against my forehead. "You don't feel warm, Margaret, can you hear me?" 
        "Yeah why do you keep asking me that?" He looked relieved but I wasn't sure why.
        "Because you weren't answering me. How did it go? Dick said you did pretty good on patrol." Bruce asked as he leaned against the kitchen counter. I couldn't help but stare at his scruff and 5:00 shadow. It aged him a lot. The bags didn't help, neither did the worried expression on his face.
      "Answer his question idiot."
       "I didn't like it. It was scary and the suit was uncomfortable." I wasn't sure how much Dick told him. Did he know about the run in with Joker or my head? Bruce chuckled a little 
       "You will get used to it I promise."
       "No I won't because I'm not going back out there." One side of Bruce's lips curl into a smile. 
         "Why don't we table the conversation for now." He says as he turns the rings on his finger.
          We looked at each other for a second, could he see something was wrong? Could he tell I was hiding something? Was I hiding anything? 
        "Nothing out of the ordinary happened when I was gone?" He asks probing for information. 
        "Jason and I saw a movie."
        "That's it? No one got hurt?"
       "He's bluffing. He doesn't know shit stay strong." Trypophobia, that's what his new facial hair was reminding me of. The small pours the hairs were popping out of. It made me want to scrap it off him. I normally don't feel this way about holes. Why was it bugging me now? God my head is killing me. Maybe that's w- "Margaret for the love of God, answer the man. He's just staring at you. He's going to realize something is wrong."
         "I don't know Bruce, was someone hurt?" 
          "Why did that sound so intimidating? What's wrong with you?" Bruce raised an eyebrow and rubbed his hand against his bothersome beard. The sound of the coarse hairs rubbing his skin gave me chills. 
        "Right, I'll be in my office if you need anything." He says as he walks out of the room. 
        I wasn't sure what was happening. I'd have moments that felt normal then the next I'd be confused and more confused than I normally am. Felix was catching on quick. Unfortunately so was Bruce I think. Him and Dick had a long conversation alone. Felix wouldn't say about what. It was late evening and I was trying to watch cartoons. I was feeling mostly better but I'd have fleeting moments where I couldn't remember where I was. It was starting to scare Felix.
        "Margaret? I'm going for a drive. Do you want to come?" Bruce asks. He had a knack for sneaking up on people. I wasn't even sure how long he had been standing there. 
        "No, the cat might actually get the mouse in this episode." I say pointing to the TV. 
         "No he never gets the mouse Margaret. I want to go on a drive with you, I missed you." Bruce admitting to something like that caught me off guard. "We can stop by the pet store to look at the fish. Maybe we could pick out a tank for your room." He said with a soft grin. Pet fish did seem like fun. 
       I agreed and he had me in the car in 10 seconds flat. He didn't even have a coat on. He pulled into a hospital parking lot. I had been duped.
       "Dick told me about the hit to the back of the head you took." Out of the two of us I didn't think it would be him who ratted. 
        "I feel better, I think it was a Felix thing making me feel weird, not the head."
       "Don't blame this on me! This is definitely a head thing."
        "If you walk in there with me, we can still get you some fish. If you don't there won't be any fish and I can't promise you will be very comfortable. Either way you are going in." I knew there was no convincing him. Even Felix seemed on board. 
         Without me agreeing one way or another Bruce gets out of the car and walks over to my side. He opened the door for me. "Do you need me to carry you in?" He asked, leaning down into view. I didn't respond, I was upset I was lied to but more so my head hurt so bad the thought of walking made me want to scream. He sighed and leaned over me to unbuckle my seat belt. He picked me up in a bridal style. I was too old to be carried but I don't think he minded.  
        "Do I still get pet fish?" I ask as I sit politely in his arms. We walked into the very fancy hospital. 
         "We will see." He says looking down at me with a small grin for a second. I closed my eyes, scrunching them up tight. The harsh light in here was killing me. 
        Bruce spoke to the secretary and got us in a room right away. It was the fastest I had ever been seen by a doctor. I sat on the noisy paper covered bed. Bruce stood next to me and spoke with the doctor. They went back and forth for a while. I just sat there and looked down at the tile floor counting the black squares. 
         The doctor didn't seem to bother asking if he could touch me. He moved behind me and started to examine the closed wound. 
       "We have a nurse in the family who thought he could handle it." Bruce said, explaining away the stitches. 
       "Well I'd say he needs some more practice, it's stopped bleeding but I'd like to go back in and clean that up." The doctor said as he gently brushed his thumb over the uneven stitch. I grab Bruce's hand quickly. 
       "I don't want new stitches." I say emotionless as I stare down at the floor still. Bruce holds my hand back and nods. 
       "She isn't going to be shaving her head. It isn't a problem if it scars, is it going to stay closed?" Bruce asks as he leans back to take a look himself. 
         The doctor hums as he takes a better look. The skin around it was so tender. 
         "You said she fell at the counter? This is pretty big for that."
          "It was a very tall counter." Bruce says in a sure tone. The doctor shakes his head. 
        "I'd feel better closing it myself. It won't take any time." 
       "I don't want new stitches." I tightened my hold on Bruce's hand as he pats my back.
        "Will it open back up?" He asked, I could tell he was going to side with the doctor. 
      "Probably, the knotts he used are not secure." The doctor says not understanding the ordeal it was the first time. Bruce seemed to have a better idea but he still wasn't there. 
        I pulled my head from the doctor, Bruce pushed himself against the bed to block my escape off the bed. 
         "Margaret, chill out he's an actual doctor. He can close it properly."
          "If you hold her I can have it done in less than five minutes she won't feel a thing." I tried to move out of Bruce's grasp but being stuck on the bed made that virtually impossible. He grabbed me and laid my head on his chest. I let out a scream as he put his arm around me. I could hear his heart beating in his chest, it was so calm. How could he be so relaxed in a situation like that?
         The doctor made quick work of my wound. After the pinch of the needle I couldn't feel anything. I squirmed the whole time. My head was the only part of my body I couldn't move because of Bruce's vice-like grip. Once it was all finished Bruce let me off the bed. I stood there as the doctor made an order for an MRI to be done just to make sure. He left for a moment to put the paperwork through. 
      "I'm sorry I had to do that, I didn't know he'd have to redo the stitches." Bruce said as he sat down on one of the chairs. I shook my head at him. I didn't care if he knew or not I was still mad. 
       "Don't talk to me, It hurt!" I say in a whimper. Bruce looked apologetic. 
        "I'm sorry Margaret, if you still want to we can get the fish after the MRI. I just have to know you are okay. You have been acting different and it worries me." He wasn't lying. I felt different as well. I looked away from him and sulked for a bit.
          A nurse takes us to the room with a big machine tube thing. She explains what it is but honestly I wasn't listening. It takes pictures of my head. I wondered if they could see Felix. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. I got up on the bed and I was buckled in with a plastic and cloth belt of some kind. The nurse said it's just a precaution. I was mad at him but I was more scared than anything now. I looked at Bruce as I started to cry. His face softened just a little. 
         "It's okay. It's going to be loud and warm but nothing is going to touch you. It's just pictures." He says, trying to reassure me. He hands me a tissue and lets me dry my own face. I lay back down and the tube pulled me inside of it. At first it was quiet, but slowly I heard a whirling sound as the machine started. it got a little warm but the sound was the worst. It was like my head was shoved inside a cymbal. It was all these crashing and banging sounds. I thought the machine was going to crush me inside of it. 
        "I want to come out!" I yell at whoever is out there. I don't think anyone answered but I couldn't tell because of all the noise. After what felt like forever I couldn't take it. I was scared I was in there all alone. I felt like the tube was closing in on me. I started to hyperventilate and scream for help. I undid the buckle and started to wiggle my way out. The room I crawled back into wasn't the same room. As soon as I got off the slab the sound stopped and it seemed the machine had powered down. It was completely dark. I could see the emergency exit sign lit up over the door that was to the back right of the machine.  I ran over to it and tried to pull the door open but it wouldn't move. 
       "Bruce! Help me!" I cried as I slammed my fist against the large door. All of a sudden the MRI machine started back up. It was so loud like I was inside of it still. The lights turned on again and the slab started to move out of the tube. I could see feet slowly peek out from the machine's entrance. I was just in there. How did someone crawl in? As more of the body was revealed by the machine I could tell that it was a girl, a young girl maybe. I moved closer. I could see the top of her head as she laid still. She sat up and kept her back to me. Her hair looked like mine. 
        "Hello?" I asked, taking one small step closer. She kicked her legs over the edge of the slab. But kept her head and upper body looking straight forward. Slowly she turned her head to face me as she got up. Her movement seemed so unnatural. It was me, kinda at least. She was much paler, almost blue or gray even. Her eyes were milky and her lips were white. She had no expression. She looked like a corpse.
         "Why did you let this happen, Bruce? I could have been so much, I was so innocent and you let me die? What kind of man are you? Your father would be ashamed." She even sounded like me. She wasn't talking to me, she was talking to Bruce. But he wasn't even here. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could I heard a man yelling. 
         "Margaret, wake up! Wake up now please!" It was Bruce I think. All of a sudden the room was filled with a white light that took out my vision and I was laying on my back again on the slab. One of the doctors was checking my pulse. As another was about to move me to a crash cart. I looked around confused and tried to sit up but one of the doctors pushed me back down. I was looking for Bruce all over. He was behind me, some nurses were holding him back but let him go as soon as I started to move. I have never seen such a scared expression on his face. It made me even more scared. He rushed over and stopped just short of the bed. 
         "What happened? You can see me now?" He asked as a doctor shined a light in my eyes and turned my head to face them. They were checking me over. 
           "Of course I can see you. What happened?" I asked as he seemed just as confused as I was for once.  As soon as he saw an opening he wedged himself between the doctors and hugged me so tight it almost hurt. His rough facial hair graded against my skin. I could feel it poking through my hair as he put his chin on my head and held me to his chest.
         "What happened? What the hell happened to her?" He asked, looking at one of the doctors. They were not sure themselves. We were moved to another room, this one with a real bed. 
        Bruce explained I had some kind of fainting spell or something. My eyes were wide open but I wasn't looking at anything, I couldn't respond and the doctors were scared I wasn't breathing. He wrung his hands together as he recounted the terrible look on my face. How he thought I had died. I did my best to comfort him to reassure him I felt okay but there is only so much I could do. 
        "I don't want to lose you, I'm not going to let that happen again." I gave him a confused look. He didn't even know what it was but he was promising me it won't happen again? I just nod, not sure what to say.
        The doctor came in and said everything looks mostly normal. Just some spots that shouldn't be so dim and others that are too bright. But nothing that seemed major. They couldn't tell him what caused my catatonic state which didn't seem to satisfy Bruce.
         "We'd like to do more tests in the future but tonight there isn't much else we can do. If it happens again, come back of course but I'm going to schedule some tests with her General care physician." The doctor kept giving me this look, it was almost fearful. Maybe that's just what his worried face looked like. 
        Bruce carried me back to the car even though I was feeling well enough to walk. He seemed a little different. He held onto me tighter than before. He put me in the seat then got in himself. 
        "I know I promised but can we go fish shopping tomorrow? I want to get you home and in bed." Bruce said as he started the car and began to drive. 
      "I think I know what that hallucination was about."
         "Sure it's fine by me." I say as I lean my head against the window. I didn't think Felix could see my hallucinations. Did he see this one? I didn't want to ask him in front of Bruce. He seemed freaked out enough. Felix must have taken the hint because he didn't try and talk the rest of the drive home. 
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starrgaziinggg · 2 years
BEGIN AGAIN | hwang hyunjin
Hwang Hyunjin messes with your head, unknowingly, for over a month. Until you can't take it anymore.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Growing up with Chris Bang as your best friend had it's perks - a permanent bodyguard, a shoulder to cry on... and seven other boys who also became your best friends as you grew up together.
Week in, week out, your routine stayed the same. Study, go to class and patiently wait to attend your regular Friday evening home cooked meal with your friends. You just couldn't wait to graduate and start working, to rid yourself of exams and finally start earning some proper money like the boys.
Desperate to put some light back into your mundane, studious life, Chris forces you to start blind dating. Two miserable dates down and ready to murder the man, someone completely unexpected appears and makes a mess of your orderly life.
And a mess he does make.
|fake dating|friends to lovers|slow burn|non idol au|
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chapter three
You look at yourself in Chan's mirror, huffing at your own appearance. You didn't even know how you ended up here on your Saturday night, standing in Chan's apartment in a skimpy black dress and red heels, wearing more makeup than you ever have before and wanting to die.
When Chan had phoned you that morning saying he had a blind dead ready and raring to go, you'd told him to fuck off and hung up the phone. When you'd gotten over you post morning grump, you'd called him back and said fuck it, what did you have to lose - one date wouldn't hurt. That's how you ended up here, with Chris wolf whistling at you.
"Never seen you look so fine, kid," he said, giving your shoulders a squeeze in reassurance. He knew you felt uncomfortable dressing up like. Since you'd grown up surrounded by boys, it took you much longer to figure out your style and makeup, and you still felt nervous when you had to go all out sometimes.
"Ew. Shut up," you said, refusing the compliment as you weren't in the mood. Chris laughed.
"Seriously, you look great. You're date will love it, I assure you."
"You're only saying that because you chose this outfit, dumbass. Can you at least show me a picture of him? I want to know what I'm dealing with, here," you said, wiping off mascara smudges on your eyelids and downing the glass of alcohol Chan had given you to ease your nerves.
"Nope. Your taxi will be here soon, you'll meet him soon enough."
"Why couldn't you just drive me?" You ask him.
"Because Hyunjin and Felix are coming round shortly," he replied, answering your question. He took the empty glass from your hand and looked at the time. "Actually, you should probably get ready to go outside and wait for it."
You huffed again, looking for your keys and jacket. At that moment, the door opened and the two boys Chan had been waiting on entered. Hyunjin came in first, and you didn't even notice his eyes almost popping out his skull when he saw you, you were far too stressed. He was wearing a pair of cargo trousers and a regular t-shirt. His hair was in a ponytail, which you loved. Felix walked in after him wearing comfortable clothing, his blonde mullet tousled from the wind and, unfazed, gave you a hug. You were so happy he grew his hair back out after cutting it a couple months ago. His mullet was iconic.
"You have fun on your date, don't be a dick to him and try not to get the Ick too quickly," Felix laughed, helping himself to a beer from the fridge in Chan's kitchen. You laughed, easing up already just from Felix's encouragement.
Hyunjin wasn't the type to show you much physical affection, and only gave you a small smile.
"You look lovely," he said quietly, almost as if he only wanted you to hear, which was strange since the boys usually didn't have an issue complimenting you in front do the others. "You're going on a date?"
"Thanks, Jinnie," you said, using the nickname you chose for him - only reserved for when he was acting sweet. "Yeah, Chan set it up."
"Downstairs, now! Stop stalling," Chan shouting, pushing you out the door as you yelled a goodbye to the boys.
The taxi ride was short and stressful, and you felt your legs wobble as you walked into the high class restaurant. It was gorgeous - high ceilings with gorgeous fairy lights dangling from them. The interior was classy, the lighting setting a moody atmosphere. You walked up to the person at the front of the restaurant handling the reservations, and said the table number you were supposed to meet your date on. The hostess led you to the table and you're date turned his head on your arrival.
You could instantly tell he was a foreigner, with fair skin and blonde hair with blue eyes. He did have a nice smile, you noticed.
"Hi," he said in English, standing up to greet you. "I'm Jason, how are you?"
You were sort of shocked that he spoke in English to you since Chan hadn't told you anything about him and you were worried he didn't speak Korean. You were fluent in English (and French), because your dad was Korean/French and your mum was Korean/English. Naturally you grew up speaking all three languages, although your French was not great anymore since you hadn't much reason to speak it. You did still keep it as a course on Duolingo, though, to keep up with being trilingual. You'd always wanted to visit Paris, too. Even though you could speak English, you were much more comfortable in Korean as that was your most spoken language.
"Hello, I'm good thank you. Do you not speak Korean?" You asked, sitting in the seat across from him. He shook his head.
"I've only just moved here for work, so I literally know no Korean as of yet. I hope that's not an issue for you," he said in a slightly cocky tone. You tried to ignore it.
"No, it's not a problem since I'm fluent in English, but I don't talk it that often so I'm just rusty a bit," you said, laughing. You only really spoke English to Seungmin, Felix, Chan and Hyunjin and even though you were really confident with it, being put on the spot like this with a stranger made you really nervous.
"I can tell. Your words are all mixed up," he laughed. You scrunched up your face. You knew your English wasn't amazingly perfect, but was anyones? English was a really hard language to master and you thought you'd been doing well so far, so the comment took you by surprise.
"How many languages do you speak?" You asked him, looking at the menu to decide what to eat.
"Just English," he replied with a quizzical look.
"Okay then, I'm trilingual so please do not mock me until you can speak three languages."
"Jeez, chill out it was a joke," he said. You could tell he was starting to get nervous so you attempted to loosen up, Felix's words in the back of your head. You both ordered your food and drink of choice and settled back into conversation. He seemed alright, but he made a few comments that didn't sit right with you. You found out he was from Michigan, USA, that he was studying finance and moved to Korea to travel and for his job. All the while the man hadn't asked a single thing about you, until now.
"So, what do you like to do for fun?" He asks.
"Mostly I spend time with my friends, we have dinner together every Friday night. Other than that, I like painting and reading," you said. He screws his face up.
"You don't go out with your friends? Like partying, clubbing?" He asks, as if it's a human necessity to party.
"Well yeah, sometimes," you replied. It was true, you and the boys did sometimes go out out, but usually only for special occasions. "But we like to try and all spend time together and it's easier to get the boys round to eat rather than to go out clubbing."
Jason gives you a weird look.
"The boys?"
"Yeah my friends," you reply. Surely Chan had made this guy aware of their friend group situation. It was one of the first thing you told boys who appeared interested in you, since a lot of boys might not be happy with you being friends with 8 guys. "Chris and the others."
"You're friends with Chris' friend group? I thought you meant, like, girl friends," he said. You could tell he was uncomfortable and you just wanted to roll your eyes. It was so infuriating when guys closed you off just because of your friends.
"Oh. Well, Chris' friend group is my friend group," you explained. "Anyway, what do you like to do for fun." You attempted to redirect the conversation.
"Mostly clubbing with my mates, or going out on the yacht. Oh my god, let me tell you this story about Jim on the yacht," he started telling this ridiculous story about Jim falling off the yacht and you droned out, not caring at all.
As the date went on, you realised how much you'd rather not be sitting in front of this man and with your friends instead. He was extremely pompous, talked about himself constantly and by the sounds of it, partied more than he worked. He did not appear to be someone you wanted to spend much time with.
The date ended with you both parting ways and you were sure you'd never see that man again in your life. Although you'd insisted on paying the bill, he made some sexist comment about how it's embarrassing for a woman to pay and at that point you were so done. Instead of going back to your own apartment, knowing you'd be even more irritated than you already are by getting a night of no sleep, you got a taxi back to Chan's and went straight in, the door unlocked.
"I cannot fucking stand you, Christopher. I truly and utterly hate you," you announced, kicking off your heels the minute you were in the door. The three boys you'd said bye to earlier were sat on Chan's sofa, playing some game on his tv together. They all looked up at you when you stormed towards them a crashed on the second sofa dramatically.
"Take it the date went well, then?" Chan chuckled.
"It was perfect. I'm going to marry him and have all his babies," you said sarcastically with you face smushed into the couch. You groaned, rolling over so that you were facing them. "He was such a dickhead. He only spoke English and mocked me when I got some of my words mixed up. He was so arrogant, only partied and made me want to slam my head against the table. How do you even know that guy?"
"He's a friend of a friend of a friend," Chan said slyly. "Sorry kiddo, I'll do better for your next date."
"Aw, bubs, don't stress. One bad date isn't the end of the world. At least you got a nice meal," Felix smiled at you. Hyunjin stayed relatively quiet, just observing.
"True. The meal was great," you said. You looked at Chris with puppy dog eyes. "Can I sleep here tonight? I can't be arsed going home to the fucking workmen and I'm shattered."
"Yeah, chill. You can sleep in my room if you want, I don't mind taking the sofa."
"Ew no thanks. I would rather sleep on a bed of nails than in that bed," you said screwing your face up. You loved Chan like a brother, which is why you couldn't even think about the many girls he'd had in that bed.
"Fair, fair. I'll get the duvet for you. You want some clothes?" He asked, getting up.
"Yeah please, just some joggers and a tshirt will do."
Felix and Hyunjin also stood up, Felix stretching his arms out.
"We should probably get going. It's getting late," Felix said, looking at Hyunjin who was probably giving Felix a ride home.
"Yeah, we'll see you on Friday, guys," Hyunjin said, picking up his car keys and jacket from a nearby chair. You said your goodbyes and headed to the bathroom with Chan's clothes, washing your face and brushing your teeth with one of the spare toothbrushes he kept. You often ended up staying at Chan's when you couldn't be bothered going to yours since it was further from the city centre.
"Night, kid. Sorry about your shit date," was the last thing you heard before heading off to sleep.
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straykidzstay · 11 months
Fated Passion Pt. 1
This is a new series im working on. I have no clue how long it will be. It is FelixXFReader you are a very popular streamer in America. Felix is well he is Felix. Reader is clueless about K-Pop (seems to be my normal go to im sorry everyone!).
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Felix rushed into his room to get on discord and hop on his PC. This had been his routine for the last year all his free time had been spent on online talking and playing games with you. At this point Chan was convinced you two had an online relationship. Sadly you didn't Felix knew he liked you alot but he knew you didn't like relationships. Plus you ran your own twitch channel. He didn't think you would want to deal with the stress of a long distance relationship. 
You lived in America a whole ocean away from him it wouldn't be fair to each other. Plus he was scared what fans would do, not just his but your’s were rather unhinged. He would love to tell you how he feels that he wants to be more to you than someone you game with. He wants to be the person you call when you're having a bad day. He wants to be someone you want to travel to see. He wants you to be out in the crowd at his shows. 
That was one thing though he still hasn't told you he was in a K-Pop group. He wasn't even sure if you knew who Stray Kids was or if you even listened to that kind of music. He was sure that if you were a stay you would’ve recognized his voice. Plus you two snapped and texted you've seen pictures of him. So you've never recognized him, which is something he was grateful for. Pulling up discord he noticed you were streaming. Which meant he was going to watch and bully you through text.
As of lately you had been streaming alone but today you were streaming with your best friend Emma. Felix enjoyed when you played with her you would usually let her play music. Not that your banter was boring, he just really liked to see what music you liked. He watched your eyes flick down to the chat smiling before you said, “What’s up mate.” He laughed behind the screen at your fake aussie accent. Typing ‘hello’ in reply to the chat. The way you would always say hello to him when you saw his username always warmed his heart.
Reader's POV
“Yo! Y/N!” Emma said to you as you waited for Dead By Daylight to queue up. Humming back in response as you were talking trash in your messages with Lix. “I wanna show you some songs I found on tiktok.” 
“Oh geez.” You said this locking your phone making a cringe face into the camera. “Well everyone it's been awhile since we've done this.” Being the party leader you canceled the queue pulling youtube up. “It’s  everyone's favorite game ‘Y/N reacts to whatever the hell Em found on tiktok’.” Placing the cursor in the search bar you waited for your friend to tell you what to type, knowing she could see you.
Giggling with excitement as she figured out what she should make you watch first. After a minute she finally decided “Look up Wish you the best by Lewis Capaldi.” Instantly you searched the video pressing play. By the end of it you were tearing up a little bit.
“Why do you gotta do me like that man?” You said this, making your friend laugh. Then she showed you an animated show she had found called ‘Helluva Boss’. Honestly you loved it, the humor, the art , all of it was appealing to you. “I love that! I think i'm gonna continue watching this later.” 
She giggled to herself happy with the fact you enjoyed it. “Ok, the last thing I'm gonna expose you to before I gotta go is Stray Kids.” 
“You mean like orphans?” You asked confused about what Stray Kids could be. “I know what this is though right? Am I wrong chat?” You watched as your viewers laughed at what they thought was a joke. However you were serious. 
You could hear Emma facepalm at your lack of knowledge you had. “No dummy! It is a K-pop group.” When she said this you mouthed “oooohhh’. She laughed and told you to choose any video. Searching the group you choose Maniac as the first video to watch. “Why does this give me JoJo Bizarre Adventure vibes?” This definitely seemed like something that would be in an episode. After watching for a minute you felt like you had seen one of them somewhere before. 
As the video ended you were truly puzzled as to why the blonde with a deep voice was so familiar. “So what did ya think?” Emma excitedly waited for your opinion on her new obsession. Still assessing the video you pondered for a moment. “We could watch another one search God’s Menu.” Shrugging your shoulders you put the video on. As the video played you still had this strong feeling you've seen one of these guys before. Does the guy with a deep voice look like Felix? No Felix has freckles but everything else was spot on. 
There’s no way he wouldn't have told me about this right? Shaking the thought out of your head. “Hmm, they definitely aren't bad.” Saving the last video so they would start coming up in your playlists. “I'm definitely going to start listening to them. Emma giggled in response, clapping her hands in amusement. Both of you signed off and you immediately called Felix in discord.
Felix's POV
His worst nightmare was happening in front of him and he could do nothing about it. He watched you type Stray Kids into the search bar and every fiber of his being cringed. “Fuck!” He dragged his hands down his face in fear. You didn't seem to recognize him so far. He was genuinely hoping you would just skip over him. When you started watching God’s Menu he knew there was no way you wouldn't recognize him. He basically saw you figure out the moment he was on the screen for longer than 3 seconds standing still. 
He knew you were going to ask him about this and he wasn't prepared, not in the slightest. He felt like if he had any chance with you before now it’s completely destroyed. He saw your live end and 5 seconds later you were video calling. Taking a deep breath he answered your call. The screen loading in showed your confused expression. “Hey Y/N!” he said sweetly trying to pretend you didn't figure it out. 
“Felix.” you said sternly, raising an eyebrow at him. “Do you have something you would like to tell me?” 
He avoided looking at the screen for a long time before he sighed out. “Im Felix from a popular k-pop group called Stray Kids.” he said, slightly embarrassed. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.”
“It’s okay, I just wish I knew sooner.” You said this like you had something heavy on your mind. You leaned your head into your hand looking down at your desk to him you looked sad. 
Watching for a moment he tried to examine your features to determine what you were thinking. “Y/N, what's wrong. I'm really sorry i neve meant to hurt you by not telling you.” He was frantically thinking of anything he could say to make you forgive him. You looked up at him softly, not a look he'd had been expecting at this moment.
“I'm not mad, Lix.” The use of his pet name brought him immediate comfort. “It just makes things harder.” That statement confused him. Makes what harder? His eyebrows pulled together trying to find the answer in your face. As if it would be scribbled upon your features.
Finally he got his words together to ask, “Makes what harder Angel?” 
“Before I had to worry about my fans, now I have to worry about yours.” 
“What do you mean?” He asked this breathless he felt like he was dreaming. 
Looking down embarrassed he watched a small blush creep onto your cheeks. “I feel like it's obvious Lix.” Looking back up at him. “I'm in love with you.” 
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Incorrect Quotes Tag
Thanks to @blind-the-winds for the tag! :D
Quotes are getting pulled from this generator, there's going to be a mixture of the Titan gang in here. Popping under a cut to save peoples' dashes because there is going to be a few. Also because some of these may not be entirely SFW. A reminder that Aurianna is a young gold dragon.
Aurianna: You know what bothers me? Bats. Why can bats fly? Meredith: Not again! Aurianna: No. Seriously, who gave them the right? They're mammals! Mammals walk on land, no exceptions. Elowyn: Just wait until you hear about whales. Aurianna: What now? (Aurianna being insulted that a certain type of mammal can fly is an adorable thing to think about)
Meredith: *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT! Elowyn: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity. (..... this is actually pretty accurate....)
Snotgrut: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Quentin: Several traffic violations. Meredith: Three counts of resisting arrest. Felix: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Elowyn: Also, that’s not our car. (let's pretend that snotgrut let himself get caught but got in over his head for this one. No way is anyone actually catching him)
Elowyn: Where are you going? Aurianna: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one! Elowyn: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday! Meredith, knowing full well that Elowyn got Aurianna an expensive ring: *eating popcorn* (I had to modify this one slightly because Aurianna is Elo's paladin mount and a *child*)
Snotgrut : I can't take you seriously wearing that. Felix: Aw, you take me seriously at all? Snotgrut : Fair point. (snotgrut is savage, we all know this. I love our accidentally autistic coded gremlin goblin)
Selene: *slams books down in front of Edwin* Selene: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night. Edwin: You could have said literally anything else. Selene: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja Blast to fuel my trouble. Edwin: I’m going to just stop challenging you when you say random shit. I won’t win. I realize this now. (in a modern au setting, this is definitely something that would happen. Sel is a caffeine fiend in canon)
Selene, handing out popsicles: Which flavor do you want? Chrackle: Blue flavor! Selene: Uh, you mean Blue Raspberry? Chrackle: Blue flavor! Blue flavor! Selene: Blue is not a flavor! Chrackle: BLUE FLAVOR! (this is a nice summary of Selene and Chrackle's entire relationship)
Laurence: Thank God you were there, Elowyn. I knew you wouldn't let your best friend die. Elowyn: I'm still gonna arrest you. I just can't do that if you're dead. Laurence: Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Baby steps. It's hard getting them out of their shell.
Laurence: Though I admit I don’t know much about you, I am feeling pretty confident in my assessment that you are probably some sort of sick deadly fuck. Snotgrut: Who told you my secret?
And here are some for the original Heroes, just so they're not left out of the fun
Selene: Why would you give a knife to Ivan?! Alexis , shrugging: Ivan felt unsafe. Selene: Now I feel unsafe! Alexis : I’m sorry… Alexis : Would you like a knife?
Ivan: Egrim told me to stop being immature, so I told him to get out of my fort.
Selene: ARE YOU- Ivan: Fucking. Selene: KIDDING ME?! YOU- Ivan: Fucking. Selene: IDIOT! Alexis: …What was that? Ivan: Egrim banned Selene from swearing, so I’m helping her out.
5.6: I'm not that stupid! Alexis: 5.6, you literally ate the wax from a babybel. 5.6: IVAN TOLD ME IT WAS EDIBLE! (.... this is totally accurate. 5.6 was a flesh golem and was pretty much a small child mentally)
Alexis: Look, I’m glad everyone’s on the same page. Alexis: But it’s the last page in a book titled “we’re all going to die”. Selene: That’s not even clever.
Selene: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends. Edwin: ... Your what? Selene: My friends. Ivan: Is she saying “friends”? Alexis: I think she's being sarcastic. Fai: No, no, no, this is delirium, she's cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Selene! All of your friends are in this room. (.....yeah..... this is the kind of brain fart Selene would have in the middle of a crisis)
Fai : I dare you- Selene: Alexis is not allowed to accept dares anymore. Fai : Why not? Alexis: I have no regard for my own or others personal safety
Selene : Edwin, you love me, right? Edwin: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Alexis to Edwin: First rule of battle, little one... don’t ever let them know where you are. Ivan, shooting out of frame: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo! Alexis: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
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abronzeagegod · 2 years
The Writing Works of Mine That I'm Actually Proud of
These here things are a bunch of things that I wrote that I’m particularly proud of, and if you want to get to know me/my writing style, these are the things to read.
The Novels, a.k.a This is Gonna Take a While To Read
Waiting for Ragnarok (Amazon link): the published book; Immortal Viking Anders gets reincarnated a high school girl Cecile in 2008 where life isn’t as violent as it usually is and oh hey that history teacher is super attractive.
Waiting for Someone Else’s Apocalypse: side-quel to Cecile’s WfR adventures as told through the perspective of the love interest Kate Barrington.
False Prophets (draft 1)/finished novel can be found here for purchase: the best book I've written so far. There is a prophecy about the end of the world and it is here, darkness creeps across the land and only the chosen one can stop the rapidly approaching apocalypse. It's just too bad that he's dead. Lucienne Prophet is the only one willing to go out swinging, and she'll have to work with some truly dangerous and unsavory people if she's to survive and save the world. This is where you can read a much longer version of this explanation on my website. This is where you can read the spoiler version of the same thing.
Short Stories, Fan Fiction, and Others
The Riddles of the Sphinx: the whacky adventures of Eli the man who can’t solve a riddle to save his life and his companion Klea the Sphinx who will only help him out if he solves a riddle.
Cold Black Iron and Green Fire: a detective fiction story set in a strange and magical world. Detective Saint Felix is a broken woman trying to put herself back together as she solves various magical crimes in her city full of the supernatural and the dangerous. I'll finish up that next story starring her one day.
The Queen of the Kill: an assassin that has popped up in a few stories for some reason. I don't know what to do with her or her stories, but I do like them.
Fan Fiction
Mass Effect
Mass Effect: Control Lost: what Crimes of War turned into. My attempt at the story for Mass Effect 4, dealing with consequences, indoctrination, the Reaper remains, the impossible shadow cast over the galaxy by The Reaper Killer herself, all of that fun stuff as seen through a couple of OC’s working for the Mysterious Shadow Broker. The ultimate goal is to turn this thing into a fully fleshed out Choose Your Own Adventure Game and I make some progress every couple of years but it's a massive undertaking and I need to pay the bills.
An Epilogue to Destroy: what happened to Commander Shepard after the Crucible blew up and the Reapers all died.
Mass Effect Andromeda 2, Hypothetical Design Doc: I liked Mass Effect Andromeda, it was fine. Not terrible, not great. Shame we'll never get a sequel. Unless someone at Bioware reads this hypothetical design doc and likes what they read and lets me in as a writer. That'd be cool. But it won't ever happen so here's this instead.
The Legend of Korra
Old Souls: Asami’s quest to get reincarnated with the Avatar, also one of my favorite stories I’ve ever written
The Colors I See: everything is black and white until you see your soulmate, sucks for bisexual Korra
Love Isn’t as Easy as the Books Make it Seem: Korra as a harlequin romance novelist, Asami as herself, they met once and had hot, steamy sex only to disappear into the night never to reunite, until Asami picks up a copy of her favorite romance novelist to find the story was about her.
The Podcast
I write a podcast (and do the audio editing). I sell it as Law and Order: Sword Coast. It's a crime fiction podcast done in the style of a narrative true crime podcast but set in a homebrew dnd world. How do you get away with murder when a suitably powerful cleric can just as the dead who killed them? How hard is it to get away with murder when you can cast fireball? All these questions and more will be answered in various ways through out the lifetime of the podcast. Transcripts are being posted slowly on my website.
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sheikahwarriork · 1 month
- Outside of Dimitri, who's your favorite characters from each house? ( Counting the Church as a house! ) And what's your favorite support too?
- What's your favorite moment in all the game? And your favorite line?
- If you could give three supports to Dimitri with ANY characters of the game ( counting everyone, even those normally impossible to talk too like Sothis or dead character ) who would that be?
- Do you have any headcanons you'd like to share?
- Also I've seen you like Mother Mother from your fic ( good taste by the way :] ), so are there any songs you associate with three houses?
Those are a bit more specific, but I love seeing other creative take on that game, so:
- If the characters weren't nobles, what do you think they would be doing in life?
- Do you have any fe3h alternate universe?
- If you could had any element to the game, what would it be? ( It can be anything! And oc, a new class, a new type of magic, etc )
If you don't like a question or don't have the energy feel free to skip them or respond later! Also take any time you need :) Also I tend to be a bit overexcited when talking about the game so sorry about the length ^^"
thank you so much for these questions!! <3
1) for the black eagles, bernadetta 100%. i dont talk about her often, but i loved her since i first played the game (and i recruit her everytime!!), i wish she could s supports f!byleth because i totally was going to romance her in my first CF run if i could! we have a lot of things in common, and i love how in post time skip CF she is outside her room! also when she's near jeralt's grave when he dies çwç babygirl. i love her so much. i even bought the pop parade figure (alongside with the dimitri one of course xD). for the golden deers, i like marianne a lot!! she's so precious and sad and i just want to hug her grrrr. her supports with sylvain are super cute ("cheeeese?"), i love her smile. for the blue lions, aside for dimitri... man i love them all so much! but i'm gonna say mercedes. she's sweet but also clumsy and also funny and she loves ghost stories!!! best girl :3 for the church staff, know that i love flayn soso much but i count her alongside the blue lions, so i'll say seteth. bc daddy. sad daddy. best daddy. 👀 oh, i was forgetting about the ashen wolves! i really like yuri: chaotic bisexual thief lord. what more can i say?
1.5) about my fav support... i love many of them! ugh i cant choose just one! dedue/mercedes supports are so soft, the part where mercedes says "duscur may be gone, but you're still here" and then dedue whispers to himself the same thing... it's so precious and angsty but also cute, and that was the moment i fell in love with mercedue xD i also enjoy a lot the felix/annette supports bc theyre so funny and i love grumpy felix falling for cheerful annette!! grrrr netteflix i love it grrr. i have others but i should get to the other questions lmao
2) my fav moment in the game? "your hands are so warm... have they always been?". what more can i say? angst/fluff dimileth + dimitri starting to heal, just in a one line!! perfect moment. my TOP FAV line tho is "KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM" bc chris hackney didnt need to go so hard but he did and i love him for that. powerful. love feralmitri
3) before three hopes, i'd say bernadetta for sure, but i'm pretty happy how their supports went xD so i'll say: dorothea (she'll explain to him what bisexuality is and dimitri will finally have his bi-awakening), petra (with dedue being his best friend, i think dimitri would be willing to help petra with brigid indipendency), and yes sothis too. imagine dimitri (who doesnt fully believe in the goddess) talking to a little green gremlin who teases him over his crush for the professor *chef kiss*
4) i have TOO MANY headcanons dear anon it's an endless list 😭 i'll say the one about dimitri's sense of taste: he recovers it back after a lot of love from byleth :3
5) yoo another mother mother fan hello!! i actually have a playlist, it's dimileth-core basically lmao.
6) if characters werent nobles... i never thought about that! i like to think ferdinand would be an actor at mittlefrank opera company, and annette a songstress; bernadetta would be a farmer, maybe with marianne (bernie takes cares of the plants, marianne of the animals); ingrid a mercenary... these are my first thoughts!
7) alternate universe? mh... i have an intricate modern au in mind (actually a wip fic currently on my laptop), but im not sure if it's what you mean. i like the aus where sitri doesnt die and byleth grows up at the monastery tho!
8) a new element in the game... please let my non-magic classes cast magic if the unit did learn magic!! 😭 also i'd like if the weather in the monastery changed, at least based on seasons
thank you so much this was so fun!! and dont apologise for the lenght, really, theres no need i appreciated this ask a lot <3<3 if you have any headcanons or other thoughts about the game i'd love to read them! my inbox is always open uwu <3
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chanstopher · 1 year
9 YEAR OLD DREAMY WAS IN LOVE WITH GRAYSON??? i actually almost choked on air reading that because when i was 8-10 i had a phat crush on robin/dick from young justice season 1; this is so funny skdjfhj i think there's been a variety of fandoms i've been in but the dc + marvel ones were the longest. i also loved littlest petshop, gen rex, ben 10 etc. but my iron man craze was literally the worst. can you believe that i had all 44 iron mans (the designs) memorized by name when i was 12? it's absolutely mindblowing thinking of that for me, i can barely remember my friends' names now djdjfkfj also hiii hope you are having a lovely day today ❣️ the flamin' hot cheeto look was a really fun one, if i'm being honest and yes! changbin looks so nice with light hair... my favourite binnie remains go-saeng era bin though, the ash blue/grey hair and slight mullet suited him a lot! i personally love natural hair on everyone but my preferred hair colour has always been a deep purple, like the one minho had a while back! whenever any of my biases get the grape hair is when i think they look the prettiest⏤my favourite gem is amethyst and that shade reminds me of the geode a lot, especially once it starts fading towards the pastels, it's like it's fading from the crystals to the chalcedony :D others i love are silver/lychee hair, blueberry hair, peach hair etc. hehe oh you're so cute :c i am more of a person whose love language is acts of service + gift giving so i often end up remembering the most absolutely trivial things concerning my friends, which has extended to my biases jfkjkgjd a few things i associate with them is: the stars (cliche but i once heard someone say to another person that their freckles were like specks of stardust & constellations in the night sky somewhere and that stuck with me for felix once i saw him after that!), guitars, berries, bandaids, skateboards, cooking/baking, cats, trace chain necklaces, sweaters, garlic (LOL) and little envelopes! soem of these are things i've seen them with and the others are like. this will sounds so weird but what i smell/taste/feel/picture when i think of them? it only happens with a few people though and the funniest thing is my ult isn't one of them KLDJDSJ but yeah jeongin is the one with which it does happen! what's your favourite food? and what is some fun activity you'd like to try out with chan if you had the chance to? - 🌨
hi my love! sorry im always so swamped during the weekends im like brain dead lmao
omg young justice was SO good the fact that it got cancelled was such a crushing part of my childhood, it was so perfect but just cause girls liked it they trashed it :( i fully support u memorizing all of iron mans suits, i always go into fandoms like that lmao if i really like something i was to be an encyclopedia of knowledge on it. i used to be that way about lord of the rings but a lot of that info has absolutely leaked out of my brain since i was a kid so now it just pops up randomly and im like how do i know this still???
purple is ALWAYS such a good color, its so sad to me that chris had purple hair for liek a week because its always SUCH a pretty color and i agree it was ESPECIALLY amazing on minho for maniac era, it really suited him! i do wish minho got to have more hairstyles, i feel like he either gets a coconut or coconut but you can see his forehead lol and i think he could pull off anything so i always wonder why they dont really do anything else most of the time.
omg i love remembering little insignificant facts about ppl, i always find that those are the things that make people feel so loved. the amount of times ive gotten something or mentioned something to my best friend that i know she likes it always surprises her cause she doesnt even remember telling me the fact, but im like its about you so it was important to me to remember. I also love gift giving for that reason, cause im not someone to do something super big or elaborate, but i'll get a couple tiny things that i know mean something to someone or that really remind me of them and it always feels nice, like im sharing a piece of how i see them with them.
my favorite food is easily tacos lol i love tacos so much that my best friend has a taco tattoo for me! and i like all kinds of tacos from the garbage taco bell ones to really good authentic street tacos, just something about them i find really comforting I don't know lol but yeah theyre definitely my favorite.
oh god this is massively cheesy but if i could literally do anything with chris it would to be to drive to the middle of nowhere and go stargazing. like just forget everything else and just tell each other stories about the constellations with nothing else around to bother us. i think that would be the most ideal thing to me.
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chizz · 3 years
@ohworm-writes wanted a part 2! Oh lord...I'm crying- you guys make me feel like the most special person!! UGH, STOP IT. Remember art isn't mine!
Jack walten x dead! reader PART 2/?
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"Hey Jack, You seen my keys? I have to go and fix the animatronics." You say, while going to check into the fridge, that's where they usually, all of a sudden it's missing.
"Yeah! Actually...there right...here!" He says, you hear the jingle of keys, and gasp surprised to see them, you go to try and grab it, but jack takes it out of your reach.
"Jack, C'mon, Not funny!" You exclude, going to grab the keys, he dodges it away from you. Again, let me tell you, when jack met you, he did NOT care about your height.
"You may be one inch taller than me Y/N, but that doesn't mean you have the longer arms~" He says in the most werid seductively way...you find it cute that he could persuade you with that. You know when jack wants a kiss before you leave.
You stand up, towering over him a bit, kissing him, and leaving him a blushing mess, after all these years how can Jack not still be shy around you?
"Bye Jack, Love You!" You shout to him before riding on your bike. He Smiles, After all these years, you still ride that bike he brought you for your birthday.
After awhile, he heads out the door, making sure to lock it. Smiling to himself the whole car ride to work. You make his day. And he damn sure makes your day.
Flashback End.
"Hey, Jenny, You mind if I go check out that bunnyfarm thing?" Sophie asks the taller female.
"Sure! Tell me how it is! And I'll see you in a bit!" Jenny kisses her cheek, which makes Sophie Blush Uncontrollably.
"Okay, let's see what you can do-" sophie suddenly gets cut off by the loud sound of the game starting, she didn't do that..did she? She just turned the game on.
Yes - No
Yes - No
■■■■□□ 98%...
Please wait while you're game is loading..
■■■■■■ 100%!
Finished loading!
⋆ ࣪ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ⋆ ࣪   𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼  ꒰ ა ♡ ໒ ꒱  ⋆ ࣪ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ⋆ ࣪   𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼 
"Let's see what this game has..." sophie says, leaning closer to the screen. Then a person who reminds her of somebody pops up on the screen.
"Hi! I'm Y/N! And I'll be guiding you! You'll be playing as me! And I'll start introducing you to the characters! Isn't that the proper thing to do? Anyways let's get to it!" Sophie furrows her eyebrows. But goes along with it.
"Ha! Hey Bozo! How's it Going?" Sophie looks at Bozo, then The unfamiliar character again. Hm? Weird..
"Is Sha Around Here? If not, Please tell her I need her! Shes been gone for a bit TOO much now. Ever heard of a Rock Band? Its like [their] into groups? Wait, where did that even come from? Anyways, don't let her act like shes [Dead] to the world, now go fetch her for me, will ya?" Sophie notices the uncomfortable look on The now known as, Y/N, Face.
"Yep! Will Do! Bye Y/N!" Bozo speaks. Y/N waves back at him. Then all of a sudden they fastly turn towards the camera. "Heya! If you could please enter your name dear player?"
Sophie enters her name, Then looks back at the screen, then she sees the bunnyfarm, after seeing that, she sees you walk into the place.
Its..very...Dark? Shes waiting for any sudden movement, but sees..none? She sees a flash of light pass her. Then she sees you.
You're only staring at her...with this Werid smile on you're face. Why...? That's off, is the game supposed to do that? Wait-
Then she sees a street? Then a unfamiliar voice speaks.
"Felix are you SURE you'll be able to drive? You don't seem...Stable enough."
No response. Then the screen goes black. Again. Then she sees your face. Smile wide, just a bit to wide.
After awhile...the screen just stays there, and you with that same smile on your face. She hits one of the buttons to change it, but that doesn't work. Your smile then starts fading.
Sophie jumps when she hears your voice, and the loud sounds in the back.
"Why are you trying to turn me off? Don't you want to play the game? You'd be the first one actually. So why...? Are you trying. to. turn. me. off?" You ask, with black tears coming down your eyes.
"Wha- Is this what the game is supposed to do-" sophie then gets cut off by crying and screaming.
"HELP M-" then it stops.
The screen goes black, as usual, then cuts back on, to you, with blood all over you, and a..well?
"why...?" Sophie continues, then stops, cause she sees two eyes peeping at her and two hands sticking out.
"He killed me. I'm dead. He threw me into the dirt like I was nothing. Take me back to jack please...I need him. Please." She doesn't know what to say. What can she say? That everything will be alright? Everything will be fine? She can't tell you anything because you're dead.
"So. You're just like him? Hm...Funny, I thought you'd be different. Tell me..what about those pills? ANSWER ME!" sophie jumps. Then looks away.
"Jenny isn't here. She left. She can't save you. I need to know If you can help me. Don't want you getting the bad end, now do we?" Sophie nods her head, but suddenly feels another presence behind her. Jack? What's he doing here?
"Is that...them?" He says, walking closer to the screen, she looks up at him, scanning him, he knows them? Who are they?!
"Jack? You're here...? Just in time! Let's go back? Shall we?" You disappear. Then in the darkness, they see two pair of eyes. Glowing.
"Jack..what's going on?" Sophie looks up at him, while he looks back down at her.
"I-I don't understand...the accident..the..I don't know!" He yells, then he sees you. With you're favorite outfit on, he starts crying. Sophie puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, apologizing for his loss.
⋆ ࣪ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ⋆ ࣪   𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼  ꒰ ა ♡ ໒ ꒱ 
"Felix? Was Felix You're Friend? And Y/N...You say you were gonna...marry them?" Sophie ask, while still looking at the screen.
He smiles a sad one, nodding his head. Still thinking about you.
"They were my everything..now they're gone. I don't know what else to do..i shut the business down. And..I just-Sorry, I'm rambling." He says, trying to stop the tears from coming down.
They hear your voice once again.
"What I want you two to know, what Happened to me, was not yours faults. That night...He was drinking. 20 drinks in total. I miss you both. So, So much. When can I come home?" You start fading away from the game.
Sophie looks confused, and shocked, while jack is just there...crying and shaking his head.
"I miss you too, you'll be home...y-you'll be home-" then it goes off.
⋆ ࣪ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ⋆ ࣪   𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼  ꒰ ა ♡ ໒ ꒱ 
"Okay, Goodbye Jack." Sophie bids her goodbyes, then leaves. He looks back a the game again, sighing, then he's gone.
What's going on? All this werid stuff is going on! What are you looking for? What do you want?! Forgiveness, revenge? What. Is. It?
⋆ ࣪ ᖭི༏ᖫྀ ⋆ ࣪   𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼  ꒰ ა ♡ ໒ ꒱ 
Ahh! @ohworm-writes I hoped you enjoyed! Sorry If it's not what you wanted :( I'll try again! Just ¡like! If you want another part!
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corpsette · 3 years
pairing → sykkuno x fem! reader
words → 837
a/n → this is so fluffy I- lower case intended! also, this is my first fanfic legit ever so ill probably have millions of mistakes in this lmao... n e ways, enjoy~
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it was just supposed to be another boring crewmate round. a round where rae was most likely the imposter, and was also going to most likely kill you first because you were always alone... until sykkuno showed up.
"hey! Y/N! want to come stand on a vent with me?" sykkuno asked, making a goofy smile appear on your face. out of everyone- ludwig, sean, and corpse included- you were the biggest simp for sykkuno, and it wasn't just something you did for the cameras.
"of course!" you replied, wiggling your character in front of him. as you and sykkuno slowly inched towards the vent, you heard a voice passing by.
"hey! where's sykkuno?? syKKUNO!! I wanna simp for him before Y/N can!!" you heard sean addressing his chat, his voice slowly fading away. “imposter or not! I’m coming, sykkuno!!”
sean didn’t see you two, though, he passed right by you. the only reason you knew he was there was because of proximity chat.
"right here, Y/N. I have something to tell you." sykkuno said, walking onto a vent. you followed closely behind and stood on top of him.
"what is it, sykkuno?" you asked, still smiling like a giddy school girl. then again, you were always like this around sykkuno. he was just too cute to resist.
"you've been getting killed first a lot. I'm gonna protect you!" sykkuno said, making you smile even more than what you thought was humanly possible.
"and what if we get double killed?" you asked, wiggling on top of the vent. you already thought sykkuno was the imposter, after all he only really got people to stand on the vent when he was imposter, but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
"oh, trust me, we won't-" he was cut off by tina's screaming as she inched closer.
"Y/N! SYKKUNO! RAE IS THE IMPOSTER!" tina shrieked, wiggling frantically. “HELP ME! SHES GONNA KILL ME! EEEK!”
"nooo!! I saw tina vent!!" rae stepped in shortly after. "oh, hey sykkuno, are you ready?" rae walked on top of tina, who immediately tried to run away.
"oh no, rae, we can't-" he was cut off once again by rae attempting to do a double kill by killing tina. "OH MY GOD RAE-" sykkuno quickly covered his mouth as he stared at his screen.
you stood still in total shock as rae started wiggling. "KILL HER!!" rae said, laughing sadistically. it was now obvious who the two imposters were.
"go on, sykkuno. you can do it." you said after a pause. "I wont mind." you smiled softly and stood there, still on the vent.
"r-really Y/N? you really mean it?" sykkuno asked, walking towards you. he hovered his mouse over the 'kill' button, but he didnt dare press it.
"yes, sykkuno. I'll be rooting for you from the grave, as always-" you were cut off by the kill animation, but it wasn't sykkuno's character who popped up on your screen.
"TIMES UP, LOVE BIRDS!!! IM HUNGRY FOR BLOOD! MUAHAHAHAH!!" rae said, laughing again as she walked away from the double kill she did all by herself.
sykkuno stood there in shock, staring at your dead body. "Y/N..." he whispered, covering his mouth as he reported the body.
"ITS RAE! SHES CHASING ME!" toast said, not waiting for sykkuno to speak. "HELP! HELP!"
"IM JUST TRYING TO SEE IF YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!!" rae replied, laughing once again. its surprising how much chaos she can cause in a matter of seconds. her kill cooldown wasn’t even over and she already had another victim.
"YES, RAE. IM ALIVE." toast yelled, before continuing. "can we vote her out, please? I dont feel safe. if you keep me alive, ill tell you who the other imposter is." toast didn’t have a clue who the other one was, but he just wanted rae out.
"OH PLEASE! I WOULDNT HURT A FLY!" rae said, laughing again and sounding like a crazy person.
"cap." ludwig stated, earning some 'oooo's from the lobby. "I have reasons to believe its rae."
"what are your reasons, lud?" asked sean.
"wait," corpse said as sean voted. "what info do you have, sykkuno? which body did you report?"
"o-oh." sykkuno said, fixing his hair. "I reported both of the bodies. it was me, guys. im the imposter. can I please be with Y/N now?"
"awwww." rae said, slightly fangirling. "that's so sweet it makes me wish I could've killed you earlier so i didnt have to hear that."
"SPEEDRUN!!" felix yelled, voting for sykkuno. the votes were pretty split. 3 skipped, 1 voted for toast, it was probably rae, 2 voted for rae, and 4 voted for sykkuno. with that, sykkuno was voted off and the meeting ended.
"hey, sykkuno."
"hey, Y/N."
"for what?"
"FOR LETTING ME DIE BY THE HANDS OF RAE! ALL I WANTED WAS FOR YOU TO 'CHOKE ME LIKE YOU HATE ME BUT YOU LOVE ME-'" you broke into song, using a deep voice to imitate corpse. "do you not love me, sykkuno?"
"WHA-WHAT?" sykkuno said, covering his mouth as he smiled. "of course! I do love you, Y/N!"
"you guys are too cute." tina said, giggling and floating around you both as she watched the scene unfold in front of her.
"yeah, sykkuno is too cute."
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misslilli · 2 years
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. M. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 58 - Working Hard Or Hardly Working
[ FM ]
The hardest part about working from home and with my profession is that killers and kidnappers don’t always wait until you can make time for them in your schedule. You can’t just close your laptop on an open case at a set time and leave it be, not when you’ve just gotten an idea of what’s going on inside their heads. No matter how much you want to leave the house to go on a date with a beautiful woman you desperately want to see today.
So you have to pick up your phone and call for a raincheck, even if it’s the last thing you want to do right now.
Phone ready in hand, I’m quite surprised to see that she’s calling me before I get a chance to. And have to smile at the cute picture of hers that pops up on my screen.
“Hey, I was just about to call you! What’s up?” She's breathless on the other end of the line and there's a frantic shuffling of papers in the background, kids shouting on top of their lungs, ready to take off for their afternoons.
“Hi! I’m really sorry to do this, but can we maybe take a raincheck today, I’m still working on something I need to get done for tomorrow! Ooh, you have a good afternoon too, Annie!” The last statement is preceded by a small-girl voiced goodbye so close she must be hugging her teacher good-bye and I absolutely love that she's so good with kids and cares so much about them. That part of her personality is what I'm drawn most to, she really cares about the people in her life and I count myself incredibly lucky to be one of them.
“That’s too funny, I wanted to call you for the very same reason, I need to finish up some stuff too. I was really looking forward to seeing you today, but I'm afraid we can't reschedule huh?"
"Mhh sadly, no, I'm booked until Saturday. This sucks, I really wanted to see you too before Saturday…" I can practically hear the pout in her whiny voice over the phone and a thought pops into my head, a loophole that may allow me to see her today after all.
"Hm… you wanna come here and work? I've got ingredients for sandwiches in the fridge for lunch, if you're hungry?" Hopefully, I hold my breath waiting for her answer, please say yes!
"Starving, actually, I didn't even have time to eat my snack today! Are you sure, I don't want to disturb you working!" At that, I have to snort on the inside, has she met Felix? He couldn't keep quiet for more than a few minutes to save his life.
"Don't worry, you won't. I live with a very loud 7-year old, if you remember, I'm pretty good at tuning out any disturbances!" In my head, I've already prepared some more arguments to get her to come over, dead set on the idea but thankfully, she doesn't need more convincing - I'm not above begging, but I don't necessarily want to come off as too needy, either.
"Okay… I'll just pack up my things and I'll see you in a bit, then!"
"Yeah, see you in a bit!"
Looking at the mess on the dining room table, it's probably best to make some room for her first, before I get all excited about the prospect of seeing her, even if it's just for working alongside each other. I throw on a shirt for her benefit too, might not be all too work-appropriate when I'm sitting across from her half-naked. Unless… no, all work, no play.
[ DS ]
"Hi! Are you Australian? Because you meet all of my koalafications!," I continue the cheesy-pickup line tradition he started yesterday once Mulder swings the door open, proud that it manages to put a grin on his face.
"G'day mate, come on in, it's freezing outside!"
We've moved past the awkward greeting stage after a few dates and I find out to my delight that greeting kisses regularly turn into heady make-out sessions. Wrapped tightly around each other, I just can't get enough of his smell, his taste and the feeling of his arms that crush me into him so tightly, I sometimes wonder if we'll melt into one person at one point.
I'd happily spend my entire afternoon exchanging slow kisses and breathless smiles, but we do have work to do, still. Reluctantly, I loosen the hold of my arms around his neck to pull back and have to smile at the blissful look on his face, his eyes still closed and the small grin dancing around his just-kissed lips.
"This is really nice, Mulder, but we have work to do!" With one last peck to his emerging pout, I sidestep his groping hands trying to get me to stay put, and head into the dining room. As an afterthought, I give his jeans-clad ass a resounding smack, smirking to myself at his mock-shocked whispered "Scully!" before settling myself on the floor with my post-its and papers.
[ FM ]
Mind still reeling - I didn't peg her to be the ass-slapping kind of woman - I return from the kitchen with sandwiches to find her sitting on the floor, already surrounded by pieces of paper and colorful post-its in hand, frowning deep in concentration.
"You know, there's a perfectly good set of chairs to sit on, you don't have to sit on the floor, Scully!"
She's already in full-work mode and just answers with a distracted " 'S fine, more space down here…" and a thank you for the proffered sandwich-plate.
I follow her example and sit down to work myself, shuffling around gruesome crime scene photos that really turn me off my own sandwich. After working so long from home, alone except for sometimes Felix being there, I've completely forgotten how nice it actually is to work alongside someone.
Even if you're both working on separate things, I really enjoy the company and the rustle of someone else's papers and the occasional hum from Scully when she's stuck on something. I'm just glad she doesn't have an annoying habit, like pen-clicking, that would drive me insane.
Bored with my photos, I look down to watch her curiously, sitting among her mess on the floor, colored post-its scattered on a big sheet of paper with names scribbled on them, head tilted, a crease between her brows and chewing on a pencil.
"Whaaaat-cha doing?" Is your boyfriend really your boyfriend if he doesn't annoy the shit out of you sometimes?
"Sheating shart.," is her mumbled answer around the pencil she takes out to enunciate a little more clearly, dragging her gaze from her workspace for a moment.
"Seating chart. The kids gave me a wishlist of three names of kids they'd like to sit next to and I'm trying to figure out how to meet their wishes without going nuts with their incessant chatting. Kyle can't sit next to Maddie because he has a crush on her and keeps bothering her. Stan has ADHD and can't sit next to Alex, who's really loud and unpredictable, which will trigger a freak-out. Sophie is a chatterbox and really wants to sit next to her best friend Marie, but that's not going to happen, so I might have to seat them with their backs to each other to trick them into thinking I've fulfilled their wishes. And so on…"
"Sounds more like a soap opera than an actual classroom," I joke wryly and she laughs, nodding.
"Yeah, certainly feels like it sometimes. Are you done already, if you have that much time to chat?" It's such a teacher thing to say, I shake my head chuckling and obediently return back to work. I'm a little afraid she'll put me in detention if I act out.
When I get bored again with my report, I briefly wonder if I have ADHD too, like her Stan and lean back in my chair with an exhale. "Wow… it must be so nice to play with colorful post-its instead of groping around the minds of disgusting killers, I'm kind of jealous…"
The carelessly uttered statement was supposed to be funny but it fails miserably, because she sets down her pencil a little too carefully and looks up at me slowly, miraculously transformed into the Teacher-Scully. I haven't seen her in months, the one with the pronounced raised eyebrow, slightly pursed lips that speak volumes of her disdain, and an even, slow tone of voice with just a bit of an edge to it.
"Would you like a chance to rephrase that statement? To make it sound a little less condescending?" Oops.
To be completely honest, I'm a lot scared of Teacher-Scully and also, weirdly, a little turned on but I absolutely do not want her to think I'm belittling her job.
"I'm sorry, that came out wrong, it was supposed to be funny…" I take a big chance on my distracting abilities, sliding off my chair to crawl over to her on the floor to kiss the disdain from her lips and it seems to be working, she's smiling against my lips and mumbles an "You're such an idiot sometimes…" into them.
Pulling back, I point a finger at her with a mischievous grin, trying my hand at the raised eyebrow. "Ah ah ah, you broke the Mulder house-rule Number 1, no name-calling - punishable by Mulder-law!"
The accusing finger tickles her mercilessly until we're both rolling around on the colored-post its giggling like little kids and she's squealing breathlessly for me to stop, I'm messing up her hours of hard work.
It really happens just like they always show on screen, one minute you’re rolling around on the floor laughing and the next minute everything grows quiet and you find yourself one on top of the other, bodies pressed together tightly and legs entwined, searching the other’s face quietly, breathlessly, the ghost of your laugh still on your lips brushing together.
Tentatively. at first until it's not enough anymore and one of us gives into the other's teasing and opens her lips with a little sigh and we're so lost in each other, we forget about gory pictures and colorful post-its. Shirts get pushed up and then out of the way into a mingled heap on the floor and you finally get to feel both of your goosebumps and shivers under your fingertips and I think this is the moment I'll just cease to exist, with her fingers tangled in my hair and her quiet appreciative moans in my ear, in bright daylight on the hard hardwood floors of my dining room.
The wrongness of the when and where slowly seeps into my mind, my very last conscious thought and both of us realize that this is not the right place or the right time for taking this any further - pressed for time until she has to gather up her papers to go home because I'm expecting Felix to be home soon from his baseball practice.
I barely manage to drag myself away from her deliciously bruised lips and flushed cheeks and trace her high cheekbones with my thumbs long enough to rasp out my desperate plea. "Tell me to stop."
It doesn't make stopping any easier with her looking up at me with those big, blue eyes and her fingers still running through my hair slowly and a whispered "I don't want you to stop."
I'm this close to frustrated tears at the unfairness of bad timing and my looming responsibilities and the we can't's and we really shouldn't's and the prospect of spending yet another night with just the memory of her touch on my skin.
Dragging myself up and away from her fully is something I have to, not necessarily something I want to do and from the pronounced pout on her face, it's something she doesn't want to do either.
With an exasperated sigh, we get up off the floor, gather up our shirts to pull over our heads again and get back to work.
"You know… I really hate adulting sometimes. All those rules and responsibilities, blergh!," she laments when her pouting face reappears from her shirt, tugging it down over her jeans. Her pout transforms into a grin when I hook my fingers through the belt loops to pull her closer, leaning down for a last kiss.
"Mhmyeah, adulting sucks. But at least girls don't have cooties anymore!"
I take a deep, cleansing breath and think of England, I get down on the floor to help her finish up the seating chart until she's looking at it with a satisfied nod, declaring we did a good job with it.
After she's gone and before Felix gets home, I take a much-needed cold shower - the anticipation is almost killing me and the cold shower doesn't help much.I can't get the image of her on that damn floor and the contents of that shopping bag out of my head.
[ DS ]
I’m nervous and giddy with anticipation when I find myself standing on the front steps of the Mulder boys’s house on Saturday, on the verge of starting the night with a sharp knock on the door.
“It's open, come on in!,” I hear Mulder’s muffled voice from inside, so I twist the doorknob and let myself in.
"Hi! I'm glad you made it before the blizzard!" He emerges from the kitchen wiping his hands on his apron and I match his grin once I see what it reads. 'Hot stuff coming through (and I don't mean the food)'
Mh-hm, seems about right, he does look hot, underneath his apron I can make out the crisp white dress shirt with the navy buttons unbuttoned just enough to reveal a few tufts of chest hair and the hollow between his collarbones I'd love to sample as an appetizer.
When he takes my coat off to hang it up next to his, I catch a whiff of his cologne that has him smelling so delicious, I just want to eat him up. 'Get a grip on yourself, woman!,' I have to remind myself with a deep breath, so I don't unceremoniously jump him before we sit down for dinner.
Instead, I try to distract myself with some dry humor. “When did Mr. Trust-No-One-Lock-The-Door-Twice suddenly become Mr. Let’s-Leave-The-Door-Unlocked-For-Anyone-To-Walk-Through?" Head tilted to his side, he considers this for a moment.
“Hmm… I’m leaving it open in the hopes that one day a gorgeous, smart and sexy lady will walk through it.” He gasps in mock-surprise, amusement twinkling in his eyes. “And look, it worked! Come on in, dinner's almost ready!”
Following him only a few steps as he heads back into the kitchen, I take my time to glance around, to take in my surroundings.
The sweet smell of dinner that must have taken him hours to prepare, the soft crackles of the fireplace in the background, the low instrumental music that fills the room, unobtrusively setting the scene that this is not only about fulfilling basic carnal needs.
The elaborate, careful way he's set the table, two candles flickering between plates and silverware and the single daisy sitting in the middle spreads a warmth of being cared about through my chest and gives the part of my heart that's been neglected for so long a careful little awakening nudge.
The chilled wine glass he places into my hand accompanied with that boyish smile of his sends shivers down my spine that evaporate in the warmth of his hand on the small of my back he draws me in with for a kiss that's there and gone so quickly, it leaves me aching for more. Patience is a virtue I find very hard to exercise when it comes to him.
He guides me over to the dining room table with gentle pressure of his splayed out hand in its familiar resting place, pulling out my chair for me like the gentleman he is.
"It smells really good in here, what are we having?" I shake out the rolled-up cloth napkin to place protectively across my lap, following him into the kitchen with my eyes to appreciate the sure-of-himself way he handles pots and pans as well as the outlines of his muscles moving underneath that white dress shirt of his. Mhh delicious. Leaning back a little in my chair to get a good long look at how good his ass looks in his black dress slacks. Catching myself just in time before my chair topples over. Smooth Dana.
"Oh, I just whipped up a creamy shrimp risotto real quick, I've been wanting to try this recipe for a while now…I hope it turned out alright."
His self-deprecating nonchalance is absolutely adorable, acting as if I didn't know there's nothing quick about making the steamy pot he places next to the daisy and that you don't just "whip up" risotto.
"Smells delicious, that's for sure!" It really does, almost as delicious as the whiff of cologne I catch every now and then, and it looks delicious too, decorated with slices of lemon and sprinkled with chives.
"Without your help, I had to take a wild guess with the wine, I hope it's alright… and the candles, I know it's a bit much, but I thought they looked nice and… if you don't like the music, there's a few other stations to choose from…"
Taking another glance around the room, the fireplace, the setting of the table and finally landing on his face, bottom lip drawn between his teeth and a nervous hand raking through his hair, almost as if he's worried I wouldn't appreciate each and every thought he put into this dinner.
"Everything's absolutely perfect, Mulder, thank you. I don't think I've had a dinner like this since… actually, I don't think I've ever had someone prepare a dinner this nice… for me."
I blush a little self-consciously at my admission, purposely leaving out the "by a man" that's implied, but the relief that flashes across his face has me wondering if he ever prepared such a lovely evening before. Or if maybe he did only to be met with criticism about his choices.
"I'm glad you like it. I only learned to cook a few years ago, so I'm still pretty inexperienced but my cooking hardly ever gets any complaints from the little man. Although I think he'd draw the line at shrimp risotto!" The image of Felix's wrinkled nose and the look of disdain on his face pops into my head, amusing me into a small chuckle.
"I can imagine… guess you're lucky to have someone who appreciates it now, hm?" I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing the usually sharp and angular features of his face softening almost imperceptibly when he looks across the table at me, lips quirking upward and a slight tilt to his head.
"Mh-hmm. Very lucky."
'And about to get luckier, Hot Stuff!,' I think to myself with a twinge of anticipation in the pit of my stomach.
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druidx · 2 years
Incorrect quote tag game!
Tagged by @corkythewriteblr, about this time last year
Rules: use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag as many people as quotes you listed.
I decided to do all these from the Fighting Fantasy World of Titan because of that the last 'find the word tag' I did. Also, I'm popping the taglist up here cuz it says do as many quotes as tagees and so this is gonna get long.
Tagging: @strosmkai-rum @spacetimewraithwrites @wildswrites @tetrodotoxincs @odysseywritings @ayzrules @morganwriteblr @my-writblr @bexminx @writingingraves @dreamwishing @aalinaaaaaa @wardenoftheabyss @pleaseloathemyveryexistence @jaguarthecat
Also tagging @aquadestinyswriting because she'll get a kick out of these.
Random criminal: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on. Farren: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Elowyn isn’t
Elo: Hey, Yoruk, can I get some dating advice? Yoruk: Just because I'm with Merri doesn't mean I know how I did it.
Elo: I prevented a murder today. Aurianna: Really? How’d you do that? Elo: self control.
Snotgrut: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Farren: You're like 15 years old Snotgrut: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
Elo: How did none of you hear what I just said? Thazar: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Strucker: I got distracted about halfway through. Schreiber: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Elo: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling? Farren: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Milli? Milli: Probably “road work ahead”. Snotgrut: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
Elo: This is a mistake Felix, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day! Elo: But not today Felix, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
Elo: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Strucker: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Elo: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
Elo: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase. Farren: Elo, that's a coma. Elo: Sounds festive.
Merri: I was arrested for being too cool. Snotgrut: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Felix: Whaddya call a fish with no eye? Snotgrut, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons Felix: Felix: fsh
Snotgrut: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died- Elo: Twelve, actually. Snotgrut: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that? Elo: Yours! Snotgrut: That's right: no one's.
*Quentin and Felix are doing something absurdly dangerous* Felix: I think Houdini did something like this once! Why, if I recall correctly, he was out of the hospital in no time! Quentin, deadpan: Well that's encouraging.
Elo: Snotgrut, keep an eye on Schreiber today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched. Snotgrut: Sure, I’d love to see Schreiber get punched. Elo: Try again. Snotgrut, sighing: I will stop Schreiber from getting punched.
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’* Enezeag: Thanks fam! Elo: oh no Felix: *cries* I love you too Snotgrut: Sounds fake but okay Laurence: *A flustered mess* Quentin: can i get a refund
Felix: Everytime I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke. Aurianna: Okay, but what is updog? Enezeag: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish. Snotgrut: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released. Quentin: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden. Snotgrut: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter. Felix: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs. Laurence: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current. Snotgrut: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway. Aurianna: What’s a henway?? Felix: Oh, about five pounds.
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volturicangetit · 4 years
D.V/A.V/J.V/F.V- soft moments
9 ” Vampires? God no, those fuckers can go back to the ’ Vampire Diaries ’, I’ll have a wolf. “
10 ” Fuck me. “ ” I might. “
12 ” There is blood on my new couch, my phone just broke and I’m already in big debt so, no, I won’t calm down. “.
13 ” Cool cape, mosquito boy. “
A/N: I decided to just use one prompt for every guard so yeah, because I just couldn’t choose between them. <#
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A steady knock on your window pulls your attention away from your book. You look up at your left towards your window. A dark figure with two bright red eyes is staring at you. A normal person would be terrified, but not you. You have gotten to know the person as Demitri. You met him two months back when you had gotten lost in the city that you now call your home, Volterra. He had shown you around and brought you back to your house and you have stayed friends ever since. He comes by almost every night to check up on you and hang out at your place for a bit. You quickly throw the book down onto the couch you are sitting on and jump up, running to the window. You open it and Demitri silently makes his way inside. You quickly close the window behind him to prevent any more cold air from coming into your warm home. Demitri wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a tight hug. His cold skin is concealed by a thick layer of clothes. His normally formal outfit of a robe and blouse is now replaced by a pair of sweatpants and a sweater. You didn't know any better than 'casual Demitri' but if any of his coven members saw him like this, it would be a culture shock. "Demi," you croak out. "Can't breath.". You give him some pats on his back so signal him to let you go. He quickly releases you from his grip and walks over to the couch before letting himself fall onto the soft furniture. His fingers run over the cotton fabric that covers it.
"So, what have you been up to?" he asks. A smile appears onto your face at the sound of his voice. God, you loved his accent. You walk over to him and grab the book that is lying beside him. He looks at the cover. "A vampire novella?" he asks. You shake your head, smacking his head with the book softly before plopping onto the couch next to him and continuing your book.
"Vampires? God no, those fuckers can go back to the ’ Vampire Diaries ’, I’ll have a wolf," you say before pointing at the white wolf printed into the cover of the book. Demitri fake pouts as he holds a hand over his heart. "Oh, how it breaks my old heart to hear that.". You know about Demitri's vampirism. You don't know the in's and out's of it but it also isn't very hard to guess judging by his red eyes and unusual clothing when you first met.
You shrug, putting the book down again. "Yeah, I don't know. At least wolves won't try to kill me," you say. You put your two pointer fingers up to your lips, making 'fangs' with them. "I want to suck yer' blood!" you say in a bad Dracula-like accent. Demitri lets out a laugh as he gives your arm a playful slap. "On a totally different note, want to watch a movie? Maybe 'Dracula'?" you ask. Demitri throws a pillow that is lying beside him at your head.
"Or 'The vampires assistant'?" you giggle as you shield yourself from the pillow. Demitri lets out a groan as lets his head fall back and rest against the couch. "Will you ever stop with those annoying vampire jokes?". You shake your head with a shit-eating grin on your lips. Demitri jumps up and holds a hand softly over your throat as he leans in closer. "I might just have to turn you then,". You swat his hand away from you and give him a small push against his chest before grabbing the remote of your television and turning it on, opening Netflix. "Yeah right, now shut up and watch 'Dracula' with me”
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You and the other higher guards are walking over to the throne room. A trial is to be held in a couple of minutes and you're presence is requested to protect the masters from a possible lash out. You got yourself a place in the Volturi a couple of hundred years ago when Alec and Jane found you on a mission. You felt a strong pull toward Alec the moment you saw him. Marcus confirmed your suspicion when he stated that you two were indeed mates. You and Alec have been inseparable ever since. Which is why it doesn't even faze you when he suddenly runs up beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he walks with you to the throne room. "I was wondering where you were," you say as you lean into his touch.
"I am sorry, il mio amore, some new guard had gotten into some trouble," he says. You shrug, before looking in front of you again. "It's alright,". The trip to the throne room isn't very long. From behind the door, you can already hear grunts and screaming. The vampire on trial had arrived earlier and is clearly not agreeing with the masters. Alec turns you towards him to give you a kiss. Your lips connect and you melt into his touch. The moment is short-lived though since you hear the sound of the marble floor breaking. A fight. "Fuck me," you mumble under your breath as you get yourself ready to fight off the vampire. "I might," Alec growls into your ear.
You push him off you with a smile. "Maybe if you walk me with the wanker," you say as you point towards the dark oak doors. Alec nods as he walks out in front of you and throws the doors open. He looks over his shoulder and sends a wink your way before using his speed to run towards the angry vampire. Cheeky fucker.
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You are annoyed. No, angry. Your day had already been shitty. You missed your bus so you had to walk to work through the pouring rain. Your feet have been killing you since you woke up and your boss yelled at you for coming late. Now, when you finally got home, you find your best friend Jane on your now blood-stained couch with your neighbour lying dead beside her. You got so scared from the sight that you let your phone fall on the ground, causing the screen to break. "What the fuck, Jane? What the actual, royal fuck!" you scream at her as you run over to her to check if she's okay. She slaps away your hand tiredly. "I didn't get to drink in some time, I'm sorry," she says as wipes the remainders of blood from the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand. You shake your head as you sprint to your kitchen to get a damp cloth in an effort to safe your ruined couch.
"I got that you have to drink blood and shit, but why the fuck do you need to use my neighbour for that? He's kind, well was, thanks to you," your tone is pointed as you crouch down in front of the couch and to scrub the still fresh blood away. "He was only human," Jane shrugs as she gets up from her position on the floor. She uses her speed to run over to the kitchen and grab herself a cloth as well and starts to help you with the couch.
"Only human? What the fuck is wrong with being human?" you yell. She places a hand on your shoulder which you quickly shrug off. "Jesus, calm down,". You shake your head and throw your cloth at her head. "There is blood on my new couch, my phone just broke and I’m already in big debt so, no, I won’t calm down,". You stand up and starts to walk in circles around your living room. Everything was becoming a bit too much. Jane quickly sees the seriousness of the issues and walks over to you, pulling you into a hug to make you stand still. You break down in her arms, letting the tears that have been building up all day finally fall from your eyes. Jane rubs soft circles on your back with one hand as the others softly pet your head.
"It is going to be alright," she says in a soft voice. " I'll take care of your financials and replace your couch. Vampire money, remember?" she says. You laugh through your tears as you hear her use your term for the insane amount of money the Volturi and its members have build up over time. You nod, wrapping your arms around her small form. "It is going to be alright, I am here for you.”
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You are the newest and youngest member of the Volturi, having only been turned three years ago and joining them only a year into your 'second life'. The Volturi normal didn't have such young members but they changed that when Aro saw you using your gift in one of Alice's visions. The age gap between you and the rest is like an elephant in the room. Not only did you dress very different from them, but your vocabulary is also vastly different. You have been getting along with Felix because of this. You are like a breath of fresh air in his dead lungs. "Hey, beefcake!" Felix hears you call out. You have given him that nickname since the moment you met him, and he would be lying is he said it didn't bring a smile to his face. He turns around, looking down at you. "What cracka-lacking, old man?" you say. He tilts his head to the side in confusion.
"Cracka-lacking?" he asks with a smile on his face. You nod. "Yeah, like, what's up?". He nods, shrugs his shoulder before pointing over his shoulder, notifying you on what direction to go. He continues his walk and you follow him. " Not a lot, I have to bring a message to the secretary,".
You wipe some fake sweat of your forehead. "Pf, glad I showed up. You would have given her a heart attack, homie.". He frowns his forehead as he looks at you. "I can't help how fragile human hearts are," he says in a deep tone. You shake your head and give his arm a soft slap.
"Hearts are not fragile, you're just really fucking scary," you say. "Like a big bear. A big blood-sucking bear,". Felix rolls his eyes at your words as you near the secretary. Panic fills her eyes as she spots Felix but that leaves the moment she sees you. You send her a thumbs-up as you run over to her desk, sitting down into it. "Hi, what's popping?" you ask as you two do your handshake. You created a handshake with her as you spent most of your day with her. Not only was it good to be around her to gain more self-control, but since you are still very new to the vampire world you relate to her the most. "Sto bene, grazie," she says. She doesn't know much English, which is why you are teaching her some and she is teaching you Italian. Felix hands a small note he has been holding to her. She quickly reads through it before sending him a smile. She grabs a package from under her desk and hands it to him. "New clothes," she says in a thick accent.
Felix rips the brown bag of the piece of clothing. A robe. He wraps it around his shoulders to see if it fits. "Cool cape, mosquito boy," you say, earning a laugh from the secretary. "I am as much of a mosquito as you are," he says. You nod your head at him as you jump off the desk, spotting Alec at the end of the hall and walking towards him. "Sounds like something a mosquito would say," you say with a laugh before calling out to Alec.
@scuzmunkie​ @thanossexual​ @prettyinblack231​ @cullens-stuff​ @rexburn12​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​
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altagraye · 3 years
Big Big Love pt. 7
Maia appearance: 27 weeks pregnant. ( 5 weeks later after ch 6)
Maia age:25
Dean age: 31
Sam age: 27
Jo age: 25
Jo appearance: 7 weeks pregnant, baby is size of blueberry.
Approximate season: 6
Approximate year: 2010-2011
"She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette
She broke his heart, he spent his whole life tryin' to forget
We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind
Until the night…"
-'Whiskey Lullaby,'-Brad Paisley & Alison Krauss
Warnings: violence, gore, elements of r@pe, r@pe, gore, character death, child death, feral states.
Chapter 7: Whiskey Lullaby
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Dean has stopped focusing his hunter energy on Felix. However, that didn't stop the men of the house from keeping tabs on his whereabouts. Since both Jo and I are pregnant, there's an enormous amount of pressure on the Alphas to protect and provide. Poor Dean and Sam look so exhausted all the time. But Dean finds solace in our bed at night, he loves to listen to Little Bean, feel her kick and writhe around inside me.
Dean treats me like a queen, I like it but I see how much it takes out of him. So I try and do what I can on my own. Between Jo and I, we keep burning through Sam and Dean's wallets just by eating. I don't think I've ever ate so much in my life. I'm so glad the puking has come to a screeching halt. I still get nauseated every so often but I've gotten used to it.
Dean doesn't let me go anywhere without him. He's lucky I love him, because sometimes it gets on my ever-loving nerves. I'm glad we're alright and I didn't have to have an emergency C-section or anything like that. Nobody likes under baked sweets. My legs ache frequently and naturally Dean massages them. Ugh, he could be a masseuse in another life. Cas bought a whole truck load of diapers the other day, ordered them off Amazon. He keeps them in the basement, what a weirdo, a sweet and caring weirdo. Bobby is either hitting the books or half asleep drinking from his flask. I still get tired all the time, I can't wait to pop this kid out and get me a nice piping hot cup of joe.
My entire existence is confined to the walls of this house. Most of the time I get pretty bored but Dean does a great job at keeping me company and telling me stories from his past. Like one where he and Sam had this string of unfortunate and fortunate luck when they nabbed an actual lucky rabbit's foot. He told me about Bella the 'Bitch with an itch for rich treasure'. He was very proud of himself for rhyming that description.
I couldn't keep my mind off my hallucination. It's so scary, not knowing what's real. Sometimes I wake up and see him standing over me in the middle of the night, with a butcher's knife ready to carve me open. Like tonight, that's what I saw, second time this week. I'd screamed awake, Dean woke, taking out the gun he always sleeps with under his pillow. My lips quivered, and I'd closed my eyes, fresh tears coming down.
"not real, not real, not real." I kept repeating that mantra. Dean packed his piece away as the light in the hallway flipped on. I feel really bad for waking everyone up. Well, except Bobby's liquor induced slumber. How is he not dead yet from alcohol poisoning? My heart kept thumping wildly in my chest and I was hyperventilating. Dean sat legs, crisscrossed on our bed. He rubbed my back, the pressure firm and sure, an attempt to break my mental torture. He brought my nose to his nape, where his Whiskey was strong, a sure thing to calm my nerves. I didn’t want to cry, but it just overcame me.
This new psychological affliction only furthered my doubts of how weak I thought I was. The door opened, when I'd have nightmares like this, Sam usually made his rounds about the house, not knowing if the threat was real by the end he'd always check on our room.
"Everything okay?" he asked. I kept my sobbing sounds to a low volume, not wanting to show my fragility.
"Yeah, false alarm." confirmed my Whiskey-man. Not really. How can anything be okay when I'm not genuinely free of Felix? Even if he were to drop dead tomorrow, I doubt he'd leave the confines of my mind. Am I just going to have to accept that He won't ever disappear?
I wanted to move through the house, anything to get my mind off the fact that just moments ago I thought Felix was tearing into my stomach. I took a deep breath and flung the covers off of me, standing, my bare feet on the coolness of the wooden floors. Sam moved out of my way and Dean trailed behind me. Sam returned to his own room giving his brother a concerned look.
I rummaged through the fridge, looking for my half-eaten chocolate bar from earlier today. Dean grabbed a second slice of apple pie from the fridge, wanting to eat with me. I brought our food back up to our nest, still needing that comfort that only our bed could give me. Dean's hair was smashed on the side that he'd been laying on it. Seeing it made me smile. But that momentous happiness left, I was unable to stop thinking about my Dealer.
We finished our treats and I had to break the silence.
"I want him dead. Having him poke around in my head like this is bad enough. If he's gone I won't have to worry about a physical threat." I gave Dean this goal.
"Bobby's working on it, but just when we think we have a lead, it's always nothing. He's two steps ahead of us. Plus if something happens, I won't forgive myself if I'm not here. So you can forget about me leaving you and Bean." he said.
"Dean, I don't think he's ever going to leave my head. How the Hell can I function or raise a family like this?" I asked not knowing my future. Dean grabbed at my hand.
"We'll think of something. Maybe Cas can heal your noggin or maybe there's some kind of memory spell out there?" he suggested. I love you for trying but that doesn't make me feel better sweetie. I sighed, turned out my bedside lamp, and lay on my left side, the only position I found viably comfortable now.  I didn't want to fall asleep because I knew Felix would be waiting for me again, on the dark side of my eyelids. But I did it anyway.
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Morning birds tweeted cheerfully throughout the surrounding trees near Bobby's house. What a pleasant alarm clock. My head ached with a dull force, I rubbed at my forehead where the sting was. Today is gonna suck. I got up from bed and dragged my feet to the wall clock and its neighbor the calendar- pretty expertly photographed flowers on display. Tuesday, October 26th, 2010. I crossed out the Monday square with a sharpie and in today's spot I scrawled out '27 weeks'. I drew my best sketch of a kidney bean next to it admiring my work.  In smaller lettering I put '7 weeks' next to Jo's name. I wanted to track both of our pregnancies visually. I gave my belly a loving stroke. Only 13 or so more weeks left, Little Bean, and you'll get an official tour of the Winchester den.
Dean groaned himself awake. "Morning, handsome."  I greeted him, waddling over to his side of the bed. He heaved himself up to meet me, admiring my beauty. He stroked his calloused hand through my hair, tucking the strands behind my ear and using it to press my neck into his lips. He moaned into my tender flesh. Mmm I'll never get tired of good morning kisses. My breath hitched and eyebrows furrowed. Dean let go, scanning my face. My poor Alpha, ever since my medical scare 5 weeks ago, he's been hyper aware of all the groans I make. I grabbed at his forearm, my fingers making contact with the cold metal of his black watch that he never takes off. I let his warm hand spread over my bulging belly, over the spot that had made me grunt. The tension in my mates' face relaxed, he pressed a little harder.
"G'mornin' to you too, Little Girl Bean." his raspiness greeted our little one from inside the womb. I chuckled happily at the awe of my lover and continued our kiss. Dean gently dragged my body closer to his, the base of my stomach brushing his thighs.  He pressed his ear to my chest and listened to my heart thump in my chest for a few minutes before announcing his 'starving' state.
Castiel was up and about surprisingly, away from the refuge of  his dank basement. He was studying one of Bobby's medical Omega books. Dean volunteered to make us breakfast. I sat down, slow, bracing myself on the arm of the couch before sinking into the cushion. Castiel noticed my presence, as I leaned over trying to catch what he was reading. "Good morning, Maia." He said in his distinct monotone the angel turned his head to me.
"Hi, whatcha reading up on?" Why would he want to read a textbook like that? Dean came over with piping hot plates of delicious pork. Gods, Jewish people don't know what they're missing out on.  Dean turned on the TV, taking pleasure in looney tunes. I lived for Dean's laugh.
"I'm reading about Female Omega Childbirth." Cas said finally deciding to answer me. Dean gave the angel a death stare.
"Okay. Why?" I asked finishing a slice of bacon.
"Well, I'm the most probable candidate for delivery if you were to  birth the child here. I spoke to Sam and Bobby about it and they refused. And Dean needs to support you in that event, unless he can stomach delivering his own pup."
"Dude, I'm right next to you, why are you talking about me like I'm not in the room?"  Dean said through a mouthful of scrambled eggs and hot sauce. Eggs still make my nose wrinkle.
"That's very thoughtful of you Cas." I praised him.
Dean turned his head to look at me. "Don't encourage him. You're not popping that kid out here." He told me, tossing his empty plate onto the  coffee table angrily.
"Why not?" I asked. Dean hung his head in annoyance.
"because, Maia. It's not safe. I want you in a hospital where there's medicine and entire staff dedicated to you and  Little Bean. I'll be damned if something happens..." He stopped raking a hand across his face.
I let an arm cradle my stomach, staring down at my forming beach ball.
"What if that choice isn't up to you?" I challenged him.
"I'm not going to risk losing you, it already almost happened. Isn't one knock on death's door enough for you? Besides, do you want to be in agony? You wanna end up like you're fucking Mill-mates?!" He took the book from Cas' hands closed it and chucked it across the room, landing on the floor with a loud bang. His words hurt me to the bone and made me react, I'd slapped him hard across the cheek sending his face in the opposite direction, I drew blood in four streaks across his flesh, my claws had extended.
"Don't you act like nothing's changed! I'm free from that Hell-hole. This is every bit my home as it has been yours. I should have the choice at the very least. Can't you just think about my wants for one second?!" My voice started to crack and I could feel my throat getting raw, my nose flaming with emotion.
"I do! I think about you every second of every day. Don't make me feel guilty for considering your safety, Maia!" I couldn't take any of this, so my feet took me out of the room and back up the stairs. "Yeah, run like you always do!" he yelled back at me, annoyed by my avoidance of the situation. I opened our bedroom door and slammed it shut, thinking I might have broken something in it. Jo had heard the vinegar words from up here and decided to join me in my room. She sat on the bed, by now Dean was back at our door banging on it, "Dammit, Maia. C'mon, open the door. I'm sorry. Can you just let me in?" He pleaded.
It's very unusual for an Alpha to beg, for anything. But I'm the only exception, since he's my mate for life and regarding I have his pup in my belly. If I were anyone else, he'd take what he wanted, he would have bust through the door. Sure, he'd have to fix it later, but near no one surpasses the authority of an Alpha. He thudded his head against the door, sighing, I heard the weight of his body slide down it. He knew I needed some time by myself, except I wasn't alone, Jo was still sitting on my bed. I'd let her do that every once and a while. And we've bonded further considering our pregnancies.
I'm glad that I'm not the only woman here, and Jo is an Omega too, so that makes talking easier. Even in this short time she's been here, it's like we're close sisters we never knew we had in each other. I've never had siblings so I wouldn't know what Dean and Sam's relationship was really like. Though I did catch a mere glimpse of it when we soul-bonded, but that's not enough to see the forest for the trees. I took a few breaths so that I wouldn't bawl in front of Jo, even though I probably could. The only one that I felt okay with seeing the weak me is Dean. But that is still hard on me. Chock it up to Omega issues and extreme trust complications.
I joined Jo pulling the covers over my legs and sitting in a relatively comfortable position. Jo held my hand, the gesture made me tear up. Don't fucking cry.
"Hi," I muttered.
"What's up? You guys don't really get into fights." Jo asked. I tucked some of my chocolate locks behind my ear.
"When it rains, it pours. Cas was reading up on Childbirth and that sparked our argument. Dean wants me to have Little Bean in a hospital. He's worried that something might  happen 'cuz of my medical scare. I get that I really do, but I mean what's the point of a nest if I can't have my child in it? This notion has been engrained in us Omegas' for centuries. It's a species-wide tradition." I explained.
"Hmmm. I get that. But Dean just wants you to be safe. Plus they have scent neutral birthing rooms, so that nothing will imprint the baby. You can bring some clothes with you too, to make it kinda like your nest. Honestly I think you should go to a hospital, too. We all care about you, 'kay, Maia? I really do understand your side sweetheart but, you've got a dangerous pregnancy. Just think it through alright?" She told me tying her hair back into a ponytail.
She has a point. Maybe it is for the best? I gave my stomach a loving caress. I don't want anything bad to happen to you, Little Bean. I groaned loudly and rubbed the side of my tummy, my eyes wincing. Jo watched me intently, "You okay?" She asked.
"Mmm yeah, oooo, strong kick. Who knew I was gonna be one of those lame soccer moms?" I joked and breathed through it. Jo's eyes jutted to my stomach but she placed a hand on her own.
"At least you'll be the most badass soccer mom, with a kickass Impala." She noted trying to make light of the situation. I smiled, the tenacious movement being over. She hovered her palm over my belly, wanting so desperately to feel it.
"Don't!" I snapped at her, "No one touches me but Dean. Sorry." Wow, call me heartless, but I didn't know I had that in me. And against Jo? Must be Omega-mother's intuition. See Dean, you're not the only one with a protective bone in that Adonis-body of yours. Jo retracted her hand and set it back on her barely-there bump. Jo frowned.
"What does it feel like? The kicks 'n' stuff. I heard they can do somersaults in there." She said with all the curiosity and wonder of a child. My eyes rolled up to the ceiling in a thinking manner. Can I give her a proper description? Ah! Got it.
"Well, in the beginning it just feels like your stomach moving after a bad burrito. As time goes on, you start to notice little tugs like there's something caught on  fishing line in there. More time passes and you'll get elbowed in the ribs, just a nudge. Kidneys and bladder are never off limits, they usually get the brunt of it. Sometimes you feel it turn around inside ya, that makes me a bit nauseous if she does that too much. It sucks when you have to pee and they decide to kick or punch, you'll find yourself sprinting to the restroom. I've only felt it once or twice but this one likes to lodge her foot into my ribs every once in a blue moon. That hurts like Hell, and you'll find yourself changing positions a lot, 'til they calm down. But, it's the best thing you can ever feel them do, it lets you know that they really are there." I tried to give her my best description.
"Wow! That sounds so cool! Oh I can't wait. Maybe I can though, don't want pee myself." She chuckled at her joke. She looked back up at my face her nose scrunched up in annoyance.
"What's that face for?" I said nudging her shoulder playfully.
"You guys can't keep calling her Little Bean or Little Girl Bean. Look at you, she's almost here and you guys haven't picked out a name yet." She stated shifting her weight and sitting upright. "Got any in mind?"
"Hmmmmm. I don't know. Maybe Olivia? Or Charlotte. I like Charlotte better than Olivia, but uhhh Charlotte is kind of dated." I debated to myself.
"Well you need to think of something before Dean ends up writing Leia on the birth certificate." She concluded. I laughed, "Oh that is so not happening! Such a movie-nerd."
Jo got up to leave and I interjected before she could open the door, "Jo? Thank you. And um, do we have any more chocolate?" I asked buttering her up a little. She smiled and tilted her head.
"You're welcome, girl power right? I'll go check. But, on one condition! You need to come up with a good name soon, and you need to talk to Dork-o. He really does love you, you know that right? Never seen him fall so hard for anything." Jo assured me. Jo's known him longer so to hear her say that, made my heart warm and flutter all at the same time.
"Just thought I'd let you know, lucky bitch." She joked as she opened the door, Dean's head and torso suddenly falling with a loud thud, his weight no longer supported by the door. Dean grimaced.
"Ah, son of a bitch. You could have knocked!" Dean said groaning, and heaving himself off the floor. Jo sucked in a breath from the sight of his scratched up face.
"Oooooo. That looks like you got in a fight with a very pregnant, very hormonal wife. And here I thought you picked your battles?" Jo said snarky.
"Go suck a dick, Jo." Dean protested standing, his boots thudding against the floorboards.
"Gladly. That sounds like a good idea, Sam'll love it." She said with a sexy snicker.
"Gross, get outta my room." The green-eyed Alpha demanded.
"Hmph, your loss. I'll make sure to be extra loud tonight." She said with a wink.
"Very funny." Dean snapped back and closed the door in her face.
Jo laughed as she descended down into the main part of the house, checking the fridge and pantry for my silken request. Dean came over to the bed and sat in his spot, where Jo had been. Dean wrinkled his nose in disgust.
"Friggin' Marshmallows. Now I have to re-scent everything." He said taking off his boots and crawling into bed with me. I shifted my weight as best I could and sunk down into the cold sheets. He stared up at the ceiling, with his hands folded underneath his head. I couldn't keep my eyes off the damage I'd done. My eyes welled up and I couldn't stop them flowing, I can't believe I hurt you. Lovers should never do that to each other. I brought my hand to it touching the wound gently. He winced and looked at me.
"I'm so sorry Dean. I didn't mean to hurt you." He grabbed my hand and kissed it, his blood getting on his lips. "Just a few scratches Maia, I shouldn't have said all that shit." He confessed. I scooted in closer, wanting to be engulfed in my man's Whiskey. His arm fell down to press me lightly to his side, stomach permitting. My crying had stopped.
"Can you believe I'm tired again?" I pointed out, nuzzling my head into his firm chest. He grinned.
"Yeah. You're making a whole 'nother person. You're gonna be wasted." He said rubbing my back and turning his head to kiss my forehead.
"Dean?" I asked.
"Hmm?" He returned.
"About earlier, I was too stuck on mysel-" he cut me off.
"Nah, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. I was too, Alpha." He admitted.
"I'll go. I'll go to the hospital, I've already had complications. You're right. I need modern medicine, not archaic tradition." I confessed. He kissed my forehead a second time, lingering.
"Your wish, my command." He vowed. "Get some rest, Love." He told me rubbing my back soothingly to help me sleep. I couldn't resist, sucking in deep breaths of Whiskey combined with the rhythmic rubbing sent me to La-La-land in no time.
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I'd fallen asleep with her until my nose picked up the intense smell of pine. Someone was nudging me awake, but staying quiet enough to where they wouldn't wake Maia. I opened my eyes and groaned lightly. Sam was towering over me desperate about something.
"Dean! Wake up. Jo is missing." He said in a tense whispery tone. I got up and exited my bedroom closing the door with a small click. Sam turned to me, his eyes full of worry. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a napkin, on it scrawled a note from Jo. Had to get chocolate for Queenie and I really want some peaches. Be back soon, worry-worts. P.S.- time of departure: 5p.m. fuck you Dean, drill sergeant. For making me time stamp. 😛
I glanced at my watch, it was now 10p.m. way too late for a milk run like that. I woke Bobby, still half-way in a stupor but ready nonetheless. Cas said he didn't hear anything.
"I'm going with you," Cas uttered. I bucked up.
"No! Stay here. Protect Maia. Don't answer the door for anyone except us three." He nodded realizing my Pack-leader authority and sat down at the kitchen table, unmoving. Sam, Bobby, and I packed our duffels quick and got up to Baby. There was a note tucked between her windsheild and the driver's side wiper. Special Halloween Prom night-Bash at WestPointe High! Don't be late.-F. The note reeked of Cigars. God-Dammit. He got Jo. I let my guard down and now this happens. There's a chance she's still alive. I crumbled it up and put it in my jacket pocket, the night air fogging with my warm breath against it.
We all hopped in not wanting to waste any more time. Driving down the road, Sammy insisted on seeing the note. He could smell it in my pocket, smell Cigars. This was no hallucination. This was the real deal. I was reluctant but tossed it to him anyway, stepping on the gas. With my driving skills we'd be at WestPointe in ten minutes. It's a fifteen minute trek west from Bobby's. If Felix had done something to Jo, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I'm Pack-leader. Whatever happens at Bobby's goes through me first, no questions asked. Sammy got finished reading the note and sucked in a tense whiff of Felix's Cigar scent. He'd be able to track the bastard once we got inside.
He couldn't stop fidgeting his leg up and down, similar to a kid with ADHD or a guy tweakin' on crack. Either one would be viable. Part of me wanted to turn back, feeling that this was a trap to get us away from the house and away from Maia. But I pressed forward. Cas is a god-damned angel. He can handle a werewolf. I reassured myself. I was barely able to put Baby in park when Sam jumped out. Darting for the front door. Music was blaring and there were strobe lights on inside.
I didn't have a good feeling about this. Sam entered before us, not staying with pack and hunter formation rules. But I let him go, I would have done the same thing. Bobby and I moved a bit slower, wanting to be thorough. I recognized the song, Billie Jean covered by Chris Cornell. The pit of my stomach started to twist. There was red arrows everywhere, leading us in an unknown direction. Knowing Felix's sick ass mind, I doubt it was paint. In the distance down the hall I could hear a terrible wailing. My heart was sinking, my feet picked up the pace.
I opened up the double doors labeled gymnasium, where the macabre arrows pointed. That sound, was the sound of great loss, knowing it came from my brother. I didn't want to find out either, but I needed to. Because I knew my little brother was hurtin' real bad. In the middle of the gym was a chair and in it a headless body dressed in a fine pink prom dress. The wrist fitted with a white rose corsage, stained red with her own blood. God, she was everywhere.
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Sam was on his knees staring at the scene before him. She'd been hacked open, from breast to pelvis. Her innards hung out of her like streamers. Felix's signature was not left unnoticed. Her womb was expertly carved open. It's precious contents missing, not that it would have been able to survive without it's mother. On the bleachers behind her torso was her head displayed on a pike, topped with a tiara. Behind that was a banner a note written in red.
Sixpence none the richer, Winchester. The song stopped and Felix's voice came on over the high schools' intercom system.
"Prom Queen and King! Jo and Sam Winchester. What a happy night, no?"
Sam was no longer a bawling mess of a broken man. Instead there was new found rage boiling deep in his center. The waves of Pinewood could be smelled even from a distance. He was turning feral and fast. He'd sniffed the air and let his nose guide his feet, darting in the direction his senses told him. Bobby hung his hat down hiding his own emotion. I was unsure that I could stop my brother now. I'm not sure anything can snap him out of this.
I had to follow him. I'm sure if he did find Felix, he'd rip 'im limb from limb. I scaled stairs up to the second floor and dashed down to the principal's office where the intercom system was located. Bobby was going to take some time to catch up. Old man. Before I got in there was another roar. But not of sadness. I'd recognized the sound in myself when one of Felix's goons attacked Maia.
Point of no return had been reached. I heard a crash of glass and entered, my gun drawn. No one in sight, not even Sam. Felix was long gone before we got here. The intercom system had a recording of his voice playing on a loop. On the desk written in more of Jo's blood was, Pleasure doing business. Sam must've seen this and bolted out the quickest way possible, down. I'd heard the screeching of tires peeling out the parking lot. My heart started to beat faster than ever, realizing the Felix was probably already at the den. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. HELL NO!
I darted out of the room Bobby finally catching up to us. "Where the Hell is Sam?" He asked winded.
"No time Bobby, gotta go back. Maia's in danger, hurry up old drunk!". My feet and legs took me back to Baby opening her driver's side door. Waiting momentarily for Bobby to catch up I gave my surroundings a once over, checking for my brother. Still no sign. I don't know where you are Sammy and know you're hurt but I need to protect what I have left. Bobby finally got in and I hit the gas the hell out of that graveyard. God, Jo. I'm so sorry. Baby, don't let me down now.
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I woke to find Dean no longer cradling me. Maybe he went to relieve himself? I suddenly got ravenous, hoping Jo had found some chocolate for me. I checked my phone to see what time it was, I couldn't read the wall clock with all the lights off. I'd gotten a text message from Jo. No South American delicacy for the Queen, going to get more. Remember, think about names! I don't want a Leia Winchester for a niece.- Love, Jo.
Bummer. I heaved myself up from bed and set my phone down on the bedside table. I breathed for a moment, rubbing my belly, what am I gonna call you Little Bean? I exited the bedroom and noticed there was something different about the air, like everyone had vanished. Weird. But my cravings to fill my stomach with something was too strong. I took the stairs one at a time, keeping my hand on the rail and one on my stomach. I went to the fridge rummaging around for something that sounds both appetizing and edible. I found a cup of cherry yogurt. Hmm, not my favorite but that'll do. I grabbed a spoon from the silverware drawer, well un-silverware drawer. I sat down in the kitchen chair and began to eat when I caught a whiff of blood. Oh no, my mind immediately thought I was having another abruption but that worry-filled thought left. I wasn't in pain.
My face contorted in confusion as I heaved my pregnant ass up and let my nose do some work. I followed the scent, I caught a glimpse of one of Cas' fancy shoes on the floor I walked further toward them and found the source of the blood. Cas was in the hallway large slashes across his back. I went to him.
"Cas?! What happened? Is Felix here?! Where is everyone? Cas!" He wouldn't wake up. I heard some footsteps from the kitchen headed in my direction. I turned bearing my claws, ready to defend myself and my precious cargo. My claws retracted but I was still, if not more, confused. Sam was there I front of me. His monster of a frame towering. The intense scent of pinewood flooded the whole room. Even in the dark I could barely make out that he was covered in blood. What happened?
"Sam?" I asked, my mind sending me to dark places. "Where is Dean?" His eyes were glazed over like he'd been locked in a trance. Was he feral? Where's Jo? I'd felt hard knuckles across my jawbone, dazing me. Sam just punched me. This is way not good. With no time to react he'd slammed me against the kitchenette table. His claws growing around my neck. I'd tried to slice at his arm but nothing worked.
"Stop asking about fuckin' Dean! You know, I've been so patient with you. And you won't even look my way?! Dean always get first dibs, because he came first. Well, I'm tired of waiting." This wasn't the Sam I knew. Something really horrible must've happened. The pressure of his hand, able to lace his fingers around my dainty neck with ease was just enough to choke me. I'd felt coolness of the a/c treated air against my folds. He'd shredded my undergarments. His frame pressed to mine, a knee violently coaxing my core. He leaned in further and sniffed at my claim-mark, belonging to his brother.
"This should be mine. And this too." He'd placed a hand over my stomach.
"Sam! Please, this isn't you." I pleaded my voice hoarse. His lips crashed with mine. My face grimaced. You're not my mate, Sam! Stop this, it's wrong. He'd let go his grip of my neck just slightly but forced my head down, he licked his fingers and inserted two of his digits into me, making me gasp from shock and unwanted penetration.
"Dean thinks you're a dumb Omega who can't think for herself. I'd never treat you like that, I'd give you your own freedom. He's no different from Felix really, keeping you locked in this house. You're just a buttered up slave now." He didn't really feel this way did he? His fingers kept at a ruthless pace when he talked. My tears were undeniable, leaving drops on the hardwood below me. This is why this happens to me. At the mercy of an Alpha because I've always been too weak to defend myself, pup or not. He removed his fingers and I'd felt his tip at my entrance. When I'd smelled Whiskey.
Sam growled darkly before throwing me down to the cold tile of the kitchen floor, blood from my busted lip, which I hadn't noticed 'til now, casting itself on my cheek. I stared at the brothers, numbly, why did this happen? I kept eye contact with Dean, his shock fading, in its place a fire. Dean wound his arm and let loose, giving his brother not one shred of mercy. I could only watch as I heard the cringing sound of Sam's nose breaking under the pressure of Dean's fist.
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end part 7.
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