#i like the aesthetic of the show and helluva boss
sidsinning · 2 months
Good thing I'm a Cherri/Pentious fan bc it's a nope from me on this guy's design from Addict
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katiekatdragon27 · 4 months
Guys sorry, I am not immune to Hazbin/Helluva propaganda. I am also not immune to criticizing the designs and character motivations.
So! Let’s start with one of the most redesigned characters in the show: Beelzebub^^
So, sorta hot take, I really like the idea behind Beelzebub in the show. Ik "boo tomato tomato," but hear me out. I like how she is meant represent the hellhounds she rules over (ik she actually is a reference to Jay Jay, but let me have this connection PLEASE). However, the source material is very bug-like and compact.
The HB Beelzebub is NOT that bug like. Or compact.
With this redesign, I decided to pick all the stuff I liked about the og, and what I wanted to see more of. I kept her colors and general vibe but made her more built like a bumble bee with more inspo from the fly Beelzebub.
This is what I got.
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Progress doodles n stuff below cut (it's gonna be an essay, y'all know the drill):
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(She was much sharper in the sketch lol)
Anyways, I always imagined Beelzebub to be, y'know, more BEE like. The show did not give me that, so I did it myself. I made her wings bigger, gave her an actual bee tail and face (with the proboscis and stinger too), and more stripes and fluff. I also made her small and slightly chubby. Gotta hone the bumble bee.
I thought the hair made the original design too cluttered, but I wanted to keep the party colors. To compromise, I stuck all the goop in her tail. It sort of works like a firefly's abdomen and a lava lamp. I also nullified her cloths, so they would blend more with the body and help pop the neon colors in her eyes, antenna, and tail.
When she stands at her normal form, she is the smallest of the sins. But when she is in her "true" form (that I have not illustrated yet), she is the biggest of the sins. This is a reference to how gluttony starts small but gets really large over time, both mentally and physically.
As for additional details, I wanted to keep her "foxness". So in a brilliant brainstorm of ideas, I came up with the concept of "Masks". Basically, all the sins I'll redraw will have them. The masks are meant not only to represent their hellborn, but to represent how the sins pretend to be good things at first.
Stuff like "Rest a little more, it won't hurt" and "Be proud and don't care for what others say" are how they present on the surface, but if you continue those mindsets in a toxic way, it turns into sloth and pride and stuff instead of self-care and being proud of things.
For Bee specifically, it's "Have a little more, you deserve it!" and she has a hell-hound/fox mask. This also feeds into her personality change.
In the og, she's a party animal who cares for... moderation??? Yeah, I hate this about Helluva Boss. Why is it so hard to write *sshole/negligent people in power and why is it only Mammon who's allowed to be like this? Give me more morally dark grey powerful people!
That's where Bee is different for the redesign. She runs te lowest ring in hell and is in charge of hellhounds, the lowest species in hell. B/c of this, she is much more lenient compared to the higher ranked sins in hell, which is why she is often seen talking and hanging out with lower classes. (She gets slack for this from the other sins). She is also the only sin who has had open relations with lower class citizens all the way down to hellhounds. However, none of them last. Most of her relations outside of the sins are one-night stands and flings.
As for how she sorta sucks: she is still a party animal, yes, but she purposely chooses to be blind and ignore all the suffering that occurs at the parties. People have fun, but they overindulge, and as a result get sick, sad, and violent. However, Bee leaves the parties before they get this way. She does not want to see it. She is negligent. When she comes back to the party aftermaths, she quickly gets her workers to clean everything, so she does not have to discover anything gruesome and sad. She just wants to live, party, and see people "happy". (Sort of like Gatsby's parties minus the pining for a single woman who does not care for her).
... I wonder what would happen if that mental image she had shattered? I guess only the future will tell.
But anyway, if you have any questions or characters you recommend I design or redesign, feel free to ask lol.
I hope this made at least a little sense. Have a lovely day^^
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skyeblue8 · 8 months
Ɗᥙҽ 𝜏σ ᙏყ Ɲҽɯ⨍σᥙɳԃ Ƒιχα𝜏ισɳ... ♚
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Specifically with the Gluttonous Sin of Beelzebub being my favorite Sin of the group (not necessarily in Helluva Boss, but just in general), I wanted to make a ranking list of my favorite Queen Bee redesigns and their creators for really no other reason than I just feel like it. Now, this is all personal opinions and should not be taken to heart by any means, it's just for fun:
#1. "Beelzebub & Bibi" by @gravcore
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♡ In terms of an actual redesign of the original, I love how this artist made "Bibi" because, for one thing, they made sense of the originals hair by giving her a ponytail since way too many characters have a mohawk style (Loona included); two, I cannot explain just how much I adore the clothes they gave her. The top is actually insect based and gorgeous, and not some recolor version of Loona's outfit; and third, they made canon Bee her own character rather than a royal because nothing about the OG read "Ancient Sin" to anybody.
♡ Now, in terms of the actual Beelzebub, here, she's legitimately stunning. Rather than a redesign, I can tell this was the original long before the Queen Bee episode came out, and I love how it reads both "70's party girl" and "regal ruler" all in one. That, and the actual bug design aspect and the color scheme. Above all else, I love how they incorporated the lava stomach in her design, too.
#2. "Beelzebub" by @s3tok41b4
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♡ This design can best be described as a literal re-imagine of the canon Beelzebub as it shares almost all her similarities with the actual bug aspect to it that it desperately needed. It's legitimately simplistic but still appealing to the eye, futher showing us that Viv was perfectly capable of making something so simple, but actively chose to make it more confusing than it had to be.
#3. "Beelzebub" by @ruinxl0ve
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♡ Similar to the first two, this shares both a regal and party girl bug aesthetic with the added bonus of actually being beautifully emotive despite not even having a mouth. I feel this beautifully differentiates the design from the original while also making it recognizable and I feel that it kinda feeds into the original concept that Queen Bee could literally "feel the vibe", hinting to her being an empath in some manner.
#4. "The Three Bees" by @onehelluvatime
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♡ Long story short, these are three individual versions of the Queen Bee and her new placing within the Hellaverse outside of the canon one. For more in-depth explanation of these interpretations, it's best to check the blog yourself. Truly, I love these designs not only because of the visual redesigns themselves, but also the well-crafted and creative explanations and backgrounds regarding these characters. I especially like the idea that the hellhounds within society are half-undead with skull-like appendages and facial aspects.
#5. "Spontaneous Beelzebub" by @redd-byrd
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♡ I know it's essentially the same as the canon design, but with the small tweaks that were made to this one (the giant "Bee Butt", the added black lines, the actual bug-like wings, the blue-thin eyes), all of them give a more clear indication (at least to me) that this Bee is more higher up than her fellow hellhounds, meaning she looks a lot more like a hybrid thus making her more grand. It's nice how they added these small details for improvement while still essentially leaving the design like its original.
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Anyway, thanks for listening to my Ted Talk. Have a nice day!
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showtoonzfan · 2 months
Just want to preface this by saying i love ur analysis sm- u put my exact thoughts into words when i cant verbalise whats wrong with a particular writing decision 🥲🥲
Anyway, smth ive noticed is how... little time vivzie actually spends on writing or characterizing or fleshing out her characters.
Which has to be the weirdest thing so far bc every writer and artist ive met agree that its the best part of making an oc! Its so fun to think of backstories and tie that into their current personality and generally just figuring out random details to get to know your characters!
Like, my ocs are my best friends, i know everything abt them from their trauma and childhoods, to their favourite food and music.
But time and time again she proves that her characters are at best acquaintances... the fandom fleshes out the characters so well and with so much love and care and thought that vivzie herself cant do and its just sad.
Not even mentioning the hundreds of retcons and how characters will just change personality randomly or act out of character which results in the work feeling like a fanfic of itself. (Ironic considering some fanfics have better and more consistent characterisation)
It feels like shes making it up as she goes, instead of having an actual plan. Just shoving random ideas she likes or picks up from the much more creative fandom into the 2 shows without actually stopping and thinking abt the consequences or implications.
Theres so many decisions shes made that irk me so bad... the ideas individually have potential but they either dont fit the show or have to make huge retcons and result in the plot not making any sense.
Also, ngl but she has the worst case of tell dont show ive ever seen my god 😭😭 like... you realise you have to show things instead of just fucking singing it or having a character say it??? Or is that another thing that the fandom has to do so they can convince themselves that the show has good characters??
Atp idk how to salvage the show... i keep finding more and more plotholes and unless i literally turn my brain off and only focus on haha funny dick joke or pwetty colors, these questions keep popping into my head making it a painful unenjoyable experience.
Again, if the fandom has to justify your bad nonsensical hypocritical worldbuilding then you failed. Massively.
Anyway im very sleepy rn just wanted to rant a bit bc im a writer and artist myself and it pisses me off how someone gets their show on the air and still doesnt care abt putting in effort into their plot or characters beyond aesthetics and random ideas that dont go well together...
You’re speaking facts! And it’s honestly like..kinda funny too that people who have their own OC’s can flesh them out and deep dive into their arcs/backstories ect, yet a professional showrunner who’s had these characters for YEARS can’t even give the majority of her characters flaws or quirks, or even consistency, same goes for Helluva Boss.
Viv is a really good example at letting inspired writers know what not to do when making a story and characters so at least they have that lol.
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uninformedartist · 7 months
I really don't like going through Viv's likes or anyone's for that matter but for evidence purposes I do. Viv liking this tweet is so... I can't describe it just wow (second tweets is more context).
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Viv there is lots of valid reasons (yeah some not) that people dislike you and subsequently don't want to support/dog on your projects. You're a shitty person in many ways from transphobia, employee abuse, having a toxic work environment and not changing it at all, allowing your fans to run as your protection hounds (not once you stepping in to call out their behavior) from silencing your victims in multiple egregious ways, harassing critics/critical fans. Your show helluva boss is ableist, it fetishises queer people/relationships, inconsistent in its storytelling/identity, has staff members working on it thats problematic yet you never address the multiple call outs against them, heck Viv interacts with said problematic people regularly on twitter showing she doesn't care. Hazbin hotel has the worst poc representation I've seen in recent animation from Velvette being a black woman but looks ashey thus erasure, Alastor being creole but looks how he looks, basing him on a native American creature you been told by many native Americans to remove that aspect of him, making Alastor use Haitian Vodou when many said its used incorrectly/used in an aesthetic manner which is insensitive/wrong to use, basically making a mockery of these people's beliefs/religion. And I can go on.
Even your own staff/die hard fans shit on other idie shows in private (and some of such sentiments seep out in public social media spaces)
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And lets not forget you making such a big deal on your lackadaisy donation, posting the amount & tier of executive producer credit you selected. Then when your donation was rejected you subsequently posted its rejection, which triggered your fandom to boycott lackadaisy. Also the fact Viv posted that donation rejection on the same day when lackadaisy hit an astronomical donation goal, which resulted in many of her fans pulling their donations because their "queen" feelings got hurt.
Remind, is was totally valid for lackadaisy to do, whatever the reason for the rejection they can deny/accept whatever donation, that is their production's private decision. Lackadaisy had to come out with reasonings on their rejection because of the dogpiling they received, and they even replied to Viv rejection tweet they sent a message in private/the matter could've been talked about in private.
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Also this liked by viv: sorry on the gif can't post more images.
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And this is all the tip of the iceberg. So yeah don't cry/like tweets of your bootlickers pitying yourself in the process Viv when people don't like you/want to support you. Play the victim all you like Viv, you're a shitty person through & through and people are starting to see it.
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spopsalt · 2 months
Just gonna drop this one off here. We can all agree Hazbin and Helluva are dropping balls and fumbling bags left and right.
So, I’m gonna recommend a few GOOD series that discuss life, death, and religion.
1. Dead Like Me. It’s an early 2000s show about George Lass, an 18 year old woman who’s life was cut short when she died on her first day of the job. No longer a part of the living, George gets a new job, reaping souls before they die and helping them pass on. It’s admittedly dated, but much better at handling it’s more progressive themes than Vivziepop. The soundtrack and fashion is pleasing aesthetically. And as for writing, there are some things left to be desired, but its still incredibly ambitious with an amazing cast of characters. Lots of nuance. DO NOT WATCH THE MOVIE. Also, if you like Hannibal, this was created by the same guy.
2. Good Omens. You’re on Tumblr, you’ve probably heard of it, so I’ll keep it short. It’s essentially The Omen, with a twist to it. Due to a series is mix-em-ups on the day he was born, the AntiChrist was mistakingly raised by a normal, loving family. Having had a rather not-so-complicated friendship since the creation of man, a demon and angel must team up to stop the end of the world as we know it. Taking the well know Omen story, and adding its own humorous twist to it alone makes the story fun. But it’s also fascinating seeing the representations of angels, demons, and horsemen alike. The overall take on religion was fun in and of itself. It was also a book.
3. Hellboy. During WWII, the Nazis opened a portal. A baby came from that portal. That baby was Hellboy (yes, that’s his name.) Hellboy was raised by the US government organization BPRD (The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense). He’s supposed to bring about the end of days, but HB is a brawler with a heart of gold and a hand of rock. And maybe a taste for alcohol. The series hosts a ton of fascinating characters, with all sorts of different backgrounds, lore, and species. There are many cues takes from world mythology, Abrahamic religion, and even H.P. Lovecraft. It’s mainly a comic franchise. The first two movies were great. There’s also a mini comic series called ‘Itty Bitty Hellboy’ that’s cute.
Never watched those before, but I'm sure those did them better than Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss (It's not hard) I might check those out!
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hisshiss-bitch · 1 month
just realized i never made one of these omg so
lets start with the basics:
☆ hi, my name is [redacted]* and i'm a minor, i go by she/they (demigirl), canadian, i'm pansexual and demiromantic, i use way too many emoticons and usually type in lowercase letters (for the aesthetic), and i am always so veryvery excited to meet new people on here :D ☆
GO CHECK OUT MY SIDE BLOGS: @random-thoughts-uwu and @astraea-pixels :3 i'd be very grateful
ask game below!!
*i go by a new online fake name every so often and right now i am using one that @m0ngrxl bestowed upon me: anastasia (after my succulent who is currently dying :')
☆ fandoms: good omens | the vivzieverse | all of em studio ghibli movies (mainly howls moving castle and my neighbor totoro) | the osemanverse | pirates of the caribbean | all of those delicious tim burton films, beetlejuice especially (and the musical!) | sorta in the heathers fandom but i haven't actually watched the musical, just the soundtrack ;-; | night at the museum but only for the tiny gays lol ☆
☆ favourite books: anything by alice oseman | coraline | good omens | the book thief | percy jackson | harry potter* | honor | a good girls guide to murder | the graveyard book ☆
*not supporting jkr by any means i just am feeling torn cos i love the series but hate her views
☆ favourite movies/tv shows: howls moving castle | inside out | encanto | helluva boss | hazbin hotel | good omens | coraline | night at the museum | monty python and the holy grail | matilda | my neighbor totoro | ponyo | the harry potter series ☆
☆ favourite visual artists: @hg-aneh @cliopadra @crystallizedtwilight @dingledraw @greykolla-art @gleafer @hattersarts @honestlynotgonnalie @libbyframe @mrghostrat @marsipanart @plumbum-art @ufofrommarss | my best friend | vincent van gogh ☆
☆ favourite MUSICAL artists: girl in red | tv girl | queen | abba | bon jovi | britney spears | taylor swift | conan grey | musical soundtracks lol | beyonce | cavetown | laufey | lemon demon ☆
☆ things that make me happy: meeting new people online | doing puzzles | doomscrolling | the sound of keyboards | reading | my cat <3 | the color of bubbles ☆
i'm trying to get better at tagging things so
my thoughts: #ramblings
interactions with moots: #[name] [emoji] and #moots!
masterlist of moot tags: here!
❤ - can we be friends?
🧡 - socials?
💛 - top 3 places you'd like to go on vacation
💚 - favourite plant/flower?
💙 - favourite type of weather?
💜 - top 3 favourite animals
🖤 - ___ or ___ (fill in the blanks)
🎨 - last thing you created? (art, fanfic, music etc.)
🎧 - last song you listened to/currently listening to
📚 - last book you read/currently reading
🍎 - did you eat today? if so, last food you ate?
📸 - last thing in your camera roll?
my numerous aesthetics i am flipflopping through always:
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currently listening to: (new song every week if i can remember)
i made some userboxes, wanna see?
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other userboxes i resourced from elsewhere: :3
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sorry they're all one thing 😔 i wanted to fit as many pictures in to this post as possible
i think i'm gonna ramble on at you for a bit more
anyone else hate the sound of styrofoam? makes me want to shed my skin and shiver until mushrooms erupt from my pores
that was weird. sorry.
y'know i think i'm gonna ramble on about one of my special interests to you now.
listen up pals because i'm gonna tell you some stuff about pompeii.
ALRIGHTY so getting right into it, pompeiis eruption was mainly just ash and dust falling down on the city, along with some pumice etc. it covered the city so thickly that even people who stayed inside died.
but that's not all. the dust rushing down the mountain, called the pyroclastic surge, got superheated. i can't remember the exact number but it was big. think burning upon impact.
speaking of the heat of the pyroclastic surge, it was so hot that the people standing in the streets immediately evaporated all the water in their bodies, and that's why they were all curled up on the ground, the heat caused their muscles to contract. cool, huh?
yeah. i think so too.
why are you still here?
i've recently been getting into the sort of fourth-wall breaking dreamcore stuff.
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bet you weren't expecting that, hm?
i'm gonna go now
psyche! as if. i've put too much work into this post now, i can't stop.
i love space. not the sort of purple and blue and red galaxy thats on every piece of edgy wolf art, but the way that you look up at the sky and think you see a star, the first star of the night, but no its just an airplane.
but then you realize it was a star, your vision is just swimming
and you suddenly see all the stars
and look, there's a constellation
and you stand there under the flickering streetlight for a bit, just looking up
up is a funny word.
two letters. short but conveys a lot.
what was i talking about?
oh right, the stars.
i like the stars.
this is a long post.
d'you think i can make a text post longer than "do you love the color of the sky?"
"which one?"
i love the color of the sky.
unfortunately, i live in the city
too much light pollution to see the stars or the color of the sky.
my friend wrote me out this poem and the last line was "like a spider trapped under a cup, you wish you could just float up."
at least i think thats what it was.
that word again. up. up. up.
i'd like to float up, i think.
i'd take my phone with me, so we can stay together.
remember the panplosaurus? good times.
how long has it been?
sometimes i want to
thats sad. what do i want to do? i looked through my autocorrect suggestions to find something i might want to do
i don't know what to do
well, this is getting depressing. i'm getting tired. sorry.
whenever i think of the word sorry i think of heartstopper in the one panel with nick telling charlie to stop apologizing.
"you know, you say sorry a lot."
"don't you dare say it!"
"i kinda want to say it"
i like that part.
anyways, i'm gonna edit most of my spelling mistakes in here and go to bed.
i love you
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xxlittle-miss-horrorxx · 11 months
So a very minor nitpick on Helluva Boss….
I know I said I should only ramble with a sideblog for Helluva boss and Hazbin hotel to put a lot of u criticisms in (it’s not gonna be like an anti blog or anything, the show is still very much a guilty pleasure for me) but I just feel like getting this out of my system
I recalled seeing a critical post about Helluva boss’s lack of music diversity and how we sadly don’t see much other music genres than generic pop songs and musical numbers… They mentioned how they wish they saw more metal music and all of that and it reminded me why I have a massive issue with the show’s misusage of the word goth.
I don’t think anyone outside of the goth subculture or most people (even critical blogs) know this, but goth isn’t really a fashion aesthetic. Just like with metal, punk, and grunge, it’s a music based subculture that originated from the punk movement during the late 70s and on forward gave birth to goth as we all know.
That being said, it’s why I have a massive issue with the show labeling Loona and Octavia being goth, when they literally don’t even show signs of listening to goth music (like the Bauhaus, The Cure..) and mostly just get emo or pop songs.
Loona to me just comes off more like an emo girl than a goth, not even a mallgoth (since mallgoths are more like metalheads) since she’s shown to like bands like My Chemical Romance and even the song when searching for Octavia gave odd 2000s emo vibe. Why couldn’t y’all just went with calling her emo instead of goth 🙃🙃🙃
Now Octavia to me, could come off as a baby bat exploring the goth subculture but she always plays pop music for her and idk… I get it, most baby bats won’t be familiar with goth music right away but idk it be nice to hear those themes.
That being said, Helluva Boss isn’t the only cartoon guilty of this. Majority of cartoons in general were always made by normie people and they don’t know much about the goth subculture and only relied on stereotypes normal people have about goths.
However, there are adult cartoons that actually did research better when writing goth characters and giving them more accurate music that fits them.
Take the South Park goth kids for an example
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In their room, you notice a poster that’s called Skippy Puppy and the Blauhaus, which are spoof bands of real bands called Skinny Puppy and The Bauhaus which are two bands that are very much liked by goths (bauhaus being the first goth band that gave birth to goth, and skinny puppy is more industrial than goth, we consider that goth adjacent since back in the 90s, goth and industries music were very much mashed together in goth clubs )
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Even by character designs, Michael and Henrietta were modeled after Robert Smith and Siouxsie Sioux, who were very much the big time iconic goth musicians.
Matt and Trey themselves are huge fans of the Cure and even had a cameo of Robert smith and even hung out with goths before, so you can see why they got a depiction of them to notch. And the whole thing with them and the vamp kids was a real thing that happened with the 90s with goths and mall goths, i suggestion checking out Angela Benedict’s video for that.
Another example is Venture Bros since Triana believe it or not, is very much an accurate depiction of a goth. And they even referenced bands like the Bauhaus, Alien, Nik Fiend, and Deathrock music as some of Triana’s interests.
But the big kicker is Triana herself, is voiced by Lisa friggin Hammer!
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For anyone who doesn’t know, Lisa hammer was an iconic goth musician during the 90s and was in two ethereal wave bands known as Mors Siphlitica and Requiem in White. The fact they had her voice their goth character shows me they did their research.
Even Seth McFarlene got this right (yes you heard me) with American Dad with Debbie and her goth peers, not only making her a very down to earth person but they made their main theme “Love will Tear us Apart” from Joy Division
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For those that may not know, Joy Division is one of the Big 5 of goth bands along with the the Bauhaus, the Cure, Sioxusie and the Banshees, and Sisters of Mercy. So I was surprised that Seth got this right, since he’s known to stereo things in his shows.
And of course we also have Daria, with having two goth characters and no I don’t mean Daria and Jane. (Having a cynical personality doesn’t make you a goth) But rather do I mean Andrea and Trent
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She was so obviously modeled after Robert Smith and Siouxsie Sioux since those two were very iconic with goth fashion back on the day, we sadly don’t see much of her but you can tell they took inspiration.
And you may be thinking, but why Trent? He doesn’t even dress goth and just seems like he likes any music. While he’s that may be true, but I Remeber having this conversation with other goths in Instagram where we had a huge disccuin of goth characters in fiction. And one of my peers mentioned Trent also counts because he’s shown to have an interest in goth music if you look at his bedroom. So I thought I check out and what do you know
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There’s a poster of Bauhaus and Sisters of Mercy inside his bedroom :) and honestly guys, there are actual goths like this I knew in real life. Where they don’t dress the part but are still a huge fanatic of the music. Like you don’t need to dress all dark to be goth, that’s optional, you just really need to enjoy goth music to be goth.
And of course we have Serena from Downtown who actually was not only based off of a goth in real life, but she’s shown interests in goth bands like Dead Can Dance and a satire of Sisters of Mercy as shown here.
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The Brothers of Creation is basically a parody of sisters of Mercy. But not only that, she even brought up on one episode how she got tired of goths being badly judged and stereotyped by others (even being lumped by Masonites, which we all know how controversial Marilyn Manson was back then and how his fanbase ignited a horrible stereotype about goths. He was never a goth artist, but normies had the assumption that all goths are like him and his fanbase based on how they just dress similar to goths) and her annoyance with neckbeards that thirst over goth women just makes her relatable to me. Since sadly, there are many men that creep on goth women like us and we get tired of it.
Now honestly, it really should not be that hard to add some goth music to give for Loona and Octavia. They do that modern day humor so much with Instagram and tik tok, they literally could had use a parody of Dusty from Vision Video (who’s a very popular goth tik toker and even has his own bad that’s very similar to the cure) and given we have knowledge now, this amount of research to write goth characters SHOULD NOT BE THAT HARD.
But you know, all would be forgiven if they don’t have hints of liking goth music if they just made Loona a lot more likable. My main pet peeve with her is that she comes off as a negative stereotype of goths that a lot of us don’t like. It just gives normies a really bad idea of us that we are all shitty people.
So anyways rant over, Vivziepop REALLY needs to try and branch out different music genres or research alternative subcultures better before making goth characters.
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kodamaghost00 · 5 months
30 Roxanne Wolf Headcanons
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This post will contain: NSFW,Sfw,Fluff,Smut
It’s also Genderless for the girls,gays and theys! You are a Technician in these scenarios!
Let’s begin!
She’d call you “Champ” or “Cutie”. She would call you other nicknames based on your name too.
You’re the only one who’s allowed to touch her hair and tail. Everyone knows that.
She likes watching Adult Cartoons such as Helluva boss or Hazbin Hotel.
She purrs while you cuddle her.
Her love language is being mean to you. She’ll tease you with “idiot” and “baby” just to see you get pissed off.
She’s aggressive and dominant in bed. No matter if you want to be in control.
She’s also very jealous and protective of you. If she sees you simping for anyone she’ll make you regret that by loving you all night.
Even though she LOVES to talk about herself she’d never stop you from talking about your day.
You help her often with her makeup and she also helps you out with the Parts and services stuff. Like moving around heavy boxes.
When you do maintenance on her she almost bit you once. She apologized over and over again but in the after hours you still heard her blaming herself.
She said to you once “I am the best. But you’re a close second, champ.” She smiled sweetly at you and you did the same. It was her own way of saying she loves you.
You,Chica and Roxy also have many fun memories! Since Chica is Roxy’s best friend you three love each others company.
Roxy is definitely into BDSM. She loves to see you drool over her. The desperation in your eyes turns her on badly.
There was a time before you two were close. You heard her often doubting herself. You knocked on the door to her green room “Roxy? Are you alright?” She looked at the door, hesitating to say something.
She just screamed in frustration “YES IM FINE. NOW GO AWAY!”. You stand there not wanting to go away just yet. “Look Roxy… I don’t want you to feel forced to anything but…” you had a small pause “You can always talk to me y’know?”
She was hesitant but as soon as she heard you walk away she sprinted to the door and opened it. “…Can you come in for a second…?” wich you did. She talked about her doubts while her head lays on your lap and you caressed her hair.
She has a hilarious laugh wich makes you laugh along every time.
She initiated your first kiss. She pinned you against a wall with a leg between your thighs. She looks at your lips then to your eyes. Your heart is racing. “May I?” She asks. You quickly nod and you guys kiss.
She hates it when you make her wait too long. She loves trying out other aesthetics and fashion styles. But she enjoys her original look the most.
“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe?” You ask her as she cuddles you. “Let me think…. Yes. Definitely yes cutie~” you blush as she nuzzles her snout into your neck. She loves making playlists for you. It’s a simple thing but it means so much to her since she only does it for her loved ones.
If she ever sees you wearing her merch she’ll stand in front of you flabbergasted. Mouth gaping. Drooling. “It looks so much better on you champ…”
She loves to show you off to the others. She’ll make everyone jealous cause she’s the one who gets to love you.
Even tho she is mean to everyone she has a love for the older kiddos (9-12 years old). She enjoys pep talking them into having more self esteem.
You guys cuddle so much that you even fell asleep in her arms one time… you basically missed a whole shift-
You enjoy her overprotective attitude. Once a Karen tried to attack you and she jumped and grabbed you. Holding you close to her chest she growled at the Karen.”Back off lady.”
She fixes her hair and makeup every hour to look perfect.
In her solos on stage she always sings Rock songs.
Once you told her that you were insecure about yourself and she just looked at you in disbelief and said “You? You mean the only person who’s on my level of pretty? Nha, I don’t think you should worry about anything cutie.”
Perfect! Now that I’ve done the main 4 I might do the other ones next? Let’s see how it goes. And once again thank you all for reading my post. Have a wonderful day/night!
- Your Ghost ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ
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maxmagic · 11 months
LONG post featuring my opinions on this design and her concept and also Vivs character design decisions in general
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This design singlehandedly made my account rise from the fucking dead because of how much opinions I have on it
TO NOTE : I LIKE Helluva Boss as a show. Is it perfect? No. Do I think it has issues from both writing and design aspects? Yes. Do I like it regardless? Also yes. You can like a show and still have criticisms of it. Also Viv has answered some criticisms about Beelzebubs design and I will talk about them too
Final warning cuz this is LONG and rambled at points
By this point we are all aware that once a new character gets revealed in Helluva or Hazbin , there's always opinions on it.
But Beelzebub truly takes the cake on how divided people are on her design. People either adore it or hate it with a blinding passion (and some just don't like it cuz they have a Viv hate boner).
I have to say I actually really like it as a stand alone design. Remove her from the story and context it's genuinely an appealing design with fun and bright colors. I personally don't mind the early 2010's sparkle dog look. It has a nostalgic charm to it and if you followed Viv for long enough you know she really likes that aesthetic. She has good colors and color placement and my main real dislike is the weird hair.
And she's animated BEAUTIFULLY !!! Real props to the animators for being able to make this design look nice in motion because god lord is it complicated. This will be a criticism later, but again, its really amazing on how they made this design look good even though we all know this must have been a real bitch to animate.
The real issue that come to me with her design is when you put her in the show and have to think about who she is, what she is, what her lore is ect.
Firstly: Her not being 'lore accurate' kinda falls flat given that none of the designs thus far have been accurate to what they're based on. Like Asmodeus has elements that tie him to his demon name counterpart (with the rooster tail and 3 faces) but they're more allusions then design inspirations. Lucifer is literally just a top hat twink and Mammon (even tho we haven't seen his full design yet) is clown/jester themed. Viv has made it clear that this version of hell isn't supported to be an accurate depiction of biblical hell. So she can really do whatever she wants with her interpretation. Her not being an insect, although disappointing since we don't really have that in the show, is only just a matter of personal taste.
HOWEVER there's still a lot of discrepancies with her design.
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So she's supposed to be a Bee-Fox hybrid... Where's the bee??? Like take away the hexagon background, where is the bee part of her design? She has antenna and wings but... They don't really do much. The antenna are fine and its smart they placed at the tip of her ears, but the wings are straight up not bee wings!!! They look more like pixie wings and they're so small half the time I forgot they were there. Couldn't you have added.. idk some stripes?? she has stripes on her ears but they don't look like bee stripers more so general Viv design details. It's weird given she uses stripes so heavily in other designs yet the BEE character doesnt. Maybe add some fuzz like how bumblebees have?? Maybe trade that stupid lava lamp tail/hair if its too complex. I really don't like how she has normal hair and also a weird liquid part and liquid tail. It adds too much visual noise and just doesn't gel well wit the rest of her design. Her lava lamp stomach too just feels like needless addition of animation work for something that just doesn't add anything. Her colors ( despite being nice) kinda clash against all the other hellhounds who have a muted black/grey/red color pallate. It makes her look like an 13 year olds OC thats been edited in
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Literally the only things that changed are her colors, size and eyes. In my opinion this should have been her base design because the colors and bug eyes lean into more of the bee aspect. Plus with these colors she fits more with other hellhounds.
Like right now the normal design feels 97% fox with just the most subtle bee elements slapped on. If it wasn't for the background, look me in the eye and tell me this design is a fox bee hybrid.
She also doesn't feel like a prince? She's dressed very casually and doesn't have nearly have enough of an imposing vibe. I didn't know she was a prince until it was said in show. I thought she was just some high rank demon performer. Its kinda disappointing given how grand, larger then life look and energy Asmodeus had. They were introduced in the same way via big song number, but Asmodeus felt like a Prince of Lust, Beelzebub felt more like a performer of Gluttony rather then a ruler.
Also why if she a hellhound in the first place? i saw somewhere on twitter that its cuz her people are hellhounds but that doesnt make sense. Lucifer isn't a human and Asmodeus isn't a succubus, so why does Bee have to be a hellhound? We know that hellhounds are the lowest ranked amongst hell natives, so how do people outside of gluttony feel about her? She is treated like royalty but is also a hellhound, the lowest demon. It causes a needless paradox that makes you question the worldbuilding of the show.
Also why are hellhounds the lowest rank in hell ? and why are they associated with gluttony of all things? I am going to be honest when I say I completely forgot they were native to gluttony because gluttony has a beehive aesthetic and like wtf do dogs have anything to do with it . Like other demons shown have themes that tie them into their respective prince or sin, but we aren't shown why hellhounds in particular are gluttony. Like it feels like a minor thing but when you present information about worldbuilding and show stuff that contradicts it, people will question it.
And why is she dating a hellhound? Or more so why is she so open about it. Like its been shown in the show that Stolas and Admodeus dating imps is a taboo thing so her being so open about her relationship with someone whose even lower then an imp. Again its going back on lore and worldbuilding being contradicted. If you're going to make rules for a show, stick to them.
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I'm putting these two side by side cuz I have the same complaint about them.
How are we suppose to know this?? First the gluttony ring severally lacks any circus motifs (it has more of a bee theme then a circus one), but Bee ESPECIALLY doesn't have ANY hints at being circus themed, let alone animal trainer.
I knew that all the princes had a circus theme but from I (and from what ive seen in other comments) though she was an acrobat or like dancer of the sort. Literary nothing in her design says she is an animal trainer. And also the hippie 60s spirit is also not anywhere in the design. Just because a design choice is clear to you doesn't mean its clear to everyone else. A good design makes its points across loud and clear so everyone can understand it. This really feels like she's making it all up as people ask. She probably isn't but it really comes across that way. You cant just say something about a design that just isn't in the design or its not shown properly. This is an issue a lot of Helluva and Hazbin Hotels characters have (look up any of their trivia and you'll see how bad some designs are communicated), but with Bee its emphasized tenfold because she's suppose to represent all these different things (fox, bee, prince, party girl, animal trainer, DA sparkle dog, 60s hippie free spirit) at it just isn't conveyed or is put in such a way where you cant clearly tell what it is. It honestly feels like Viv had in mind to have a Kesha pop party girl character and just made her a prince. Shes trying to justify all these things and saying them like they're obvious when they're clearly not!
This design suffers from having too many ideas slapped on it that just don't work and actively work against each other.It makes me less excited for the future prince designs
If youve come this far good for you for sticking around to this way too long of a ramble about a probably one off character in a popular indie cartoon :D
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crooked-wasteland · 7 months
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" We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective." – Michael Eisner
(And Vivienne Medrano, apparently)
This image was circulating for a brief time here on Tumblr with the explanation of it possibly being a leak of Oops' script. I didn't want to touch on it at the time because it was of dubious origin. At this point, obviously, we know this is not that script. I've seen some comments about it possibly being a rough draft or otherwise somehow legitimate.
The reason I say this is because, regardless of the authenticity, it does feel like the quality of storytelling found in the show. If a scene like this did appear, I don't think it would feel all that out of place within the context of the show. One cannot fault those who did perpetuate the idea, because the concept of it is believable.
However, I have a feeling this is actually the product of ChatGPT.
The writing and dialogue lack depth and nuance. The emotions are shallow while attempting to portray immense pain. It fails to tap into any semblance of humanity. When individuals discuss the hypothetical threat of AI taking over the artistic space and removing the need for human creativity, it comes from a place of lacking that same humanity. Social media and, unfortunately, Fandom have boiled down art to a content farm.
Algorithms mixed with huge communities seeking immediate gratification have dumbed down art into an appealing image one would admire for a few seconds. They press some buttons and immediately keep scrolling, forgetting what they just saw.
Additionally, character illustrations are the easiest image for AI to recreate. The value of fanwork is not about the emotional depth it portrays but how aesthetically appealing the image is and how identifiable the characters are to Canon. Not to say that fanworks can not showcase depth or meaning in their pieces. Only that the piece will overwhelmingly not be appraised for its cultural or metaphysical value. Instead, it will be immediately replaced.
There is an intentionality to what we call "art." How every element of an artwork was specifically designed to portray something. From the minute background details to the colors and the use of value. How the modern home of philosophy is the theater.
And that's the issue with much of the writing of Helluva Boss: The lack of intentionality as the story (or lack thereof) stumbles along. The crew does not make artistic decisions with an eye to how these events affect the future. They cycle through an unending series of unrelated ideas that are not intended to say anything of the characters or world. It is there to simply be funny, make the audience sad, token representation, etc. The idea mirroring J.J.Abrams and his mystery box mentality of monopolizing the attention-based economy through the emotional investment of the moment.
The idea that something that feels straight out of ChatGPT could just as easily be pictured as a scene in an episode shows the utter lack of connectivity to the project and the basic act of being human.
Medrano and her team are not interested in making art. They are prioritizing the consumption of their content over the quality of the artistic work itself. Given the support and platform to say whatever it was she wished to do so, she has chosen to go nowhere and do nothing with these resources. It's one of the keystone reasons I feel the series has lost as much support as it has. When given the option to make history. It isn't about the art, but rather she seeks to make it about herself. Medrano doesn't want to tell a story or make a statement. She just wanted a show.
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amongusmaker · 5 months
Voodoo is barely even a part of Alastor’s character and this element didn’t need to be a part of his design at all
Alastor is one of the many characters in Hazbin/Helluva that has too many details crammed into his characterization all at once. He is a serial killer/radiohost/warlord/cannibal who has ulterior motives, hates technology, and also apparently practices voodoo.
Another bad example of this is Angel dust, who is a stripper/porn star/drug addict/mafia member/prostitute/abuse survivor all at once. All of these different professions and backstory for these characters conflict with each other and seem to compete for the writers’ attention.
Will Alastor’s asexuality ever be explored at all? I don’t know, we might just end up with characters making advances towards him and getting rejected for comedy like in the pilot. Will Alastor having a radio show affect anything in the story or will he just have a static effect on his voice sometimes? Probably the latter. Will voodoo ever actually affect how Alastor uses his powers or something? Will they even mention loas or anything? Probably not. It’s probably just for the aesthetic. Is the cannibalism or the murder going to impact anything at all other than just explaining why this guy went to hell? Well, there might be a joke or two about it.
This issue is the most prominent in Helluva Boss, which has already come out. On top of already having a bloated cast, almost no plot point or character trait except Stolitz gets the screen time or development it could have gotten because some new tertiary idea is seemingly stapled to one of the characters at random.
Moxxie suddenly also being in a mafia family in season two (despite Angel dust already doing that), Blitzo’s relationships with Fizzerolli, Verosika, and his sister. Blitzo stalking Milly and Moxxie sometimes for some reason. Chaz. Stolas literally getting shot and that being forgotten in the next episode. I could go on and on because there are just that many.
There are so many ideas in these shows that should have probably been cut. They could have explored just a few of these plot lines such as Loona’s backstory, Blitzo and Fizzerolli, Stolas and his family, etc for several episodes and told different stories with these elements. That probably would have been more interesting and Fizzerolli forgiving Blitzo would have been less rushed.
Alastor practicing voodoo could have easily just been removed and it would have changed absolutely nothing at all. It really doesn’t seem like it’s even going to go anywhere. The sheer amount of good ideas going to waste and the unnecessary details that end up sticking around is one of the most disappointing parts of this show.
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skyeblue8 · 6 months
ᗯι𝜏ԋ Ɛʋҽɾყ Ɲҽցα𝜏ιʋҽട, ㆜ԋҽɾҽ 𝓐ɾҽ Sσ𝓶ҽ Ƥσടι𝜏ιʋҽട... ♚
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So, because I'm in a bit of a shitty mood due to a whole lot of work I have to do before my break, and I don't feel like piling onto the already large list of what's wrong with the Helluva Boss series - and also, because everyone liked the Beelzebub list, I decided to do a quick list of my top five favorite songs from Helluva Boss. Despite the questionable writing, characters, world-building, creator, etc, the songs are actually truly solid when they want to be, and for that, I'm willing to give praise.
𝟏.❞𝕂𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝔹𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳 & 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦
❥ Putting aside my general love for these girls, however brief their appearances were in the episode, this song was just incredible to me! The dancing was smooth, the beat was heavily reminiscent to Kpop, which I just love anyway, the visuals were stunning, in addition to their overall designs, and I'm honestly just sucker for fish-based characters since they have a whole siren aesthetic going on. Speaking of, many people find these twins to be reminiscent to The Dazzlings, from EQ Girls, and that's just the cherry on top for me! The full version truly makes this even better and, overall, I think the song was brilliant in establishing the whole rebranding of Mammon and how these two pose great threats to Fizz, much like those badass singer villains in Saturday morning shows. You know, the one's everyone ends up simping for at some point in their childhood. Anyway, because of the new episode, this song managed to shoot its way to the top of my faves, knocking down my original fave in the process!
𝟐. ❞𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣❜𝕤 𝔹𝕒𝕝𝕝❞𝐁𝐲, 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐳𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐛
❥ This song walked, so "Cotton Candy" could trip and fall on the scalding hot pavement. Apologies if I sound dramatic, and you happen to like Cotton Candy, but the amount of disappointment I feel towards the fact that we didn't get this song is indescribable. Now of course, I understand WHY we couldn't (again, waste of time when someone could've just gotten Rochelle in the first place 😑) but I digress. Aside from the fact that a specific line in the song gives clear clarification of who the hell the flying fox is, it feels like the cool, degenerative (said affectionately) party girl song that I would've actually liked to hear.
❥ To me, it's reminiscent of "Cannibal" and "Die Young", and I feel like both themes generally tie into what we think of a Modern Beelzebub to be like. The beat, the shift in pace of the lyrics that brings out the fast party vibe, the fact that it felt like a real pop song that didn't take fifteen minutes to get through just to see the rest of the episode – all these are what made this song my former #1 favorite, now my #2. And the "non-binary specimen" line was a cool, quick inclusion to me.
𝟑. ❞𝕁𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕫 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕝❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧
❥ I know this is technically too small to be an actual full song, but I still loved it regardless. It was really cool in its short runtime for the following reasons: the Tom Hardy's vocals (idk what it is, but something about Australian accents that just sounds satisfying, especially when singing), the praising of the Twins, and the satisfaction of seeing Fizz squirm a bit. Apologies to any of you who like Fizz. I don't hate him per se, but rather, I'm just bitter that we're loosing out on other character development because of him and Ozzy. And, I prefered Robo Fizz who was an unrelenting asshole and not another UWU boy that, imo, there are one too many of in Hell.
❥ Anyway, it was cool seeing more visuals of the Greed Ring stage. And seeing the spider visuals that are associated with Mammon. I understand if some people thought it was kinda tacky, but I personally think it could work if assessed the right way. (Hint: I'll be explaining more about this in later Greed Ring Headcanons and/or Mammon Headcanons.)
𝟒. ❞𝕍𝕒𝕔𝕒𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝔹𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕠𝕨𝕟❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲
❥ Admittedly, I was a bit iffy on whether or not I should include this considering my feelings on Verosika. I don't hate her by any means considering, you know, it's Blitzø, but she has nothing going on for her and her one note personality just feels unfair to her considering what she had to deal with. That being said, I realized that I'm judging based on musical appeal and not entirely on character, so I said "fuck it" and put this as #4.
❥ While notably slower and softer than the other songs, I enjoyed it after revisiting it. The pink aesthetic and visuals were just gorgeous to me.
❥ It's slow, playful, and it reminds me a lot of Doja Cat and her songs, and I really loved that. Above all else, it was soothing and nice, and I feel like it was wasted on the Spring Break episode though as, while the episode introduced it a bit more worldbuilding, it felt like a whole load of nothing considering it all happened in one place and that same worldbuilding went out the window almost immediately. Still love the song though. Honestly, if there was a musical battle between Verosika and the Twins, I'd struggle to pick a winner.
𝟓. ❞ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝔸𝕤𝕞𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕦𝕤❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐀𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐬 & 𝐅𝐢𝐳𝐳
❥ While my opinion of Asmodeus has wavered lately, his debut song was incredible! I loved the deep vocals and jazzy tunes used in the song, and I didn't completely mind the bits with Fizz in it given all that's happened. Above all else, I adored how they called out Stolas publically in the episode. Shame it couldn't stay that way. Seriously though, as sexy as the man's voice is his design just doesn't fit that. But, yeah, that's my opinion.
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Anyway, yeah, that was my list. Let me know what y'all think and whether or not you agree with my choices. If any, do you have a favorite song in Helluva Boss? Or a least favorite? Let me know. ✌🏾
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ali3nboyfriend · 4 months
i'ma keep it real w y'all. most of the hazbin and helluva boss designs aren't actually that bad. and i think a lot of the ragging on them is just because y'all don't like the source material. and i also think a lot of the nitpicking on them is because in lieu of other shit to pick at tumblr users tend to double down on saying the aesthetics of something are bad and most of the people saying this shit haven't actually watched the shows 🤷‍♂️
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
i hate how Vivziepop's wants to have clowns and circus theme on her Hell, but only as an aesthetic instead of actually commiting to it.
Like, Helluva Boss has "clown" characters, who doesnt do clown like things, nor work as one, they just have the "aesthetic" of a Clown in their design.
Or the thing where Lucifer is the Ringmaster and the whole hell is his circus. I love that idea, but like, we see NOTHING of that??? Lucifer just has a design that kinda resembles a ringmaster but thats it, and hell as a whole looks nothing like a Circus or anything.
If i where the one who designed that hell, i would make it so everything looked like it was a show 24/7, with sinners being tortured by being forced to perform a circus act by Lucifer, and those acts has the high ranks demons (Ars Goetias, Sins, etc) as the public. And the imps would been the "assistants" of these shows.
But nah, we just got circus aesthetics cuz Vivzie thought they were cool.
The way Vivzie made those makes me think that she saw on pinterest some clowns OC's and Circus-core images, thought it was the most epic shit ever and thought to herself "how can i force this into my show about hell?" (And also not investigating at all about how circuses work).
As a person who has a genuine interest in clowns, jesters and circuses (not just as an aesthetic), it makes me mad.
Gotta say, I'm loving how sincerely passionate you guys are about clowns and the history of clowns. I only wish Vivzie were too.
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Helluva Boss Season 2 break down. Pt 2: Apology Tour!
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I have a feeling this is how Apology Tour will start: Blitzø breaking down due to overwhelming self loathing. Possibly due to someone else going off on him. I believe the cake(? Some sort of food) depiction of him isn't real, but something he's picturing.
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Honestly I don't have a damn clue how we got here, but it seems Stolas is performing at a Verosika show, them bonding over there shared heartbreak from Blitzø, made most obvious by the curtain behind them with "BLITZO SUCKS" spelled out in huge letters.
I also think its possible this is the first time we will see the Envy Ring. As the sky looks more purple here to me than in Lust. But i might be crazy.
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My assumption is Blitzø crashes the show, why and how I am also not sure. I have a few theories but they aren't rooted in much. Presumably him and Verosika get into it, landing them both in jail. I think here we will see similar to in Oops him and Verosika fighting about their past, that leads to actually communicating, them both finally seeing the others side. They end up working together to escape.
Also want to point out that the window behind Verosika shows what might be a green sky. Which would be kinda strange for them to have traveled to a completely different ring. The neon light in the back of the cell seems to be more of Lust's aesthetic. So honestly who fucking knows what ring they are in anymore.
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I think these take place after Blitzø and Verosika escape. Possibly them talking about his relationship with Stolas, and her pointing out the blatantly obvious to Blitzø that Stolas does love him.
I believe the close up shots of them do take place directly after one another, mostly because they are in the same outfits they are shown to be in in their respective clips with Verosika. I think again this is finally them communicating and understanding each other, and possibly here is where they officially become a couple.
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I believe these shots of a fight sequence in the Lust Ring are going to be this episodes B plot. We get parts showing Millie, Loona, and Moxxie (and the cool mega man looking ass robot) but no Blitzø.
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These clips are a little difficult for me placement wise. They would fit with my expected story line of this episode where Blitzø is remembering and regretting everyone he has hurt. Although I have a feeling they are actually from Mastermind, Ill elaborate on [my post for that episode]
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I'm not completely sure where the shot of Millie with the broken glass fits, its been a really tricky one for me. I do not think it has anything to do with Blitzø, like how the line playing when it comes up alludes to. This episode is my best guess, but honestly it could fit a lot of places.
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I want to include this background detail from Hells Belles that may have possibly been foreshadowing to this episode. The sign does say "Pride Tour" though, which AGAIN just fucks with what ring this damn episode takes place.
Again I am sorry for the shit photo quality, and possible bad grammar and spelling. I currently have the posts for the rest of the episodes nearly done so expect those in the next few hours ♡ I'd love to hear any other ideas or theories about the upcoming episodes, or anything I missed/got wrong!
Pt. 1: The Full Moon | Pt. 2 :Apology Tour | Pt. 3: Ghostfuckers | Pt. 4: Mastermind | Pt. 5: Sinsmas
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