#i know hes only being affectionate bc he wants to leave
hannieehaee · 11 hours
Because I love making my boyfriend handmade little gifts but he never appreciates them :(( I need how svt would react to you making handmade gifts (those silly cute ones from Pinterest yk) for them
their s/o making them handmade gifts
content: implied established relationship, fluff, etc.
wc: 697
a/n: hii anon pls leave ur man and date someone who will love and appreciate ur cute little gestures :(
seungcheol -
he's so flustered and touched and happy and and and!!! he's just so in love with you, with insane adoration in his eyes when you give him yet another one of your cute handmade gifts. he already adores you so badly, only falling deeper for you when he sees what a sweet gesture you made him just out of pure love.
jeonghan -
cooing and aw'ing at you endlessly any time you come to him with a cute little gift. carries it around with him as a treasured item for everyone to see. will sometimes stop whatever he's doing to look at the cute gift you made him just to smile to himself as he recalled how adorable you looked giving it to him.
joshua -
he already has such a cute habit of gifting his loved ones little handmade bracelets, so you two would compliment each other perfectly<3 would fill your jewelry box with personalized bracelets any time you gave him a cute little gift.
jun -
he lightheartedly whines at you for being so cute, claiming he's supposed to be the cutest one in the relationship. this would start a tradition of you two making and giving each other gifts every so often to surprise each other. falls in love with you more and more each time you give him a cute personalized gift.
soonyoung -
shows them off to everyone lol. he needs everyone to know that his baby loves him and made him such an adorable present. he'd be so affectionate in showing his gratitude for making him something specifically just for him.
wonwoo -
so bashful in receiving your cute little gifts, thinking its the cutest gesture ever. does not care for the price of anything you give him, he appreciates heartfelt gifts even more and carries them around with him as good luck charms.
jihoon -
chuckles sheepishly the first time you give him one of your gifts, shy in accepting it bc he thinks its such an adorable detail from you. he doesnt really know how to react properly bc he finds it just so cute and lovely, but tries his best to let you know how much he loves such gestures by keeping them displayed in his home and studio.
seokmin -
literally cries the first time you make him a cute little handmade gift. treasures it forever and thanks you endlessly for it. has such an urge to show it off to everyone else, making you a little bashful whenever he'd do it in front of you.
mingyu -
he'll carry around anything you give him either in his wallet, bag, or even phone case. for once you'll make him blush at how cute the gesture is, causing him to lose his composure and let his cuteness aggression take over as he gave you endless affection in return.
minghao -
finds the thought of you making this for him so adorable. thinking of you looking for an idea, making it, putting it all together and giving it to him would make his cheeks hurt from smiling. he'd thank you with a hug and a kiss to your forehead, believing you to be the cutest thing alive.
seungkwan -
groans and whines at you for being so cute and lovely. you know the effect you have on him so why would you amp up your cuteness in such a way!! it's like you want him to melt for you, it's not fair!!! you cause him such heart pains he doesn't even know what to do with himself anymore. kisses you and thanks you for it without holding eye contact, far too touched by these little displays of affection to articulate his feelings properly.
vernon -
so touched by you taking the time of your day to think of him and make him something you'd thought he'd like. would save it or carry it around for years just bc you made it and that alone made it special to him.
chan -
heart eyes the moment you come up to him with the gift and the explanation behind it. his heart literally hurts at how adorable he thinks the gesture is, literally groaning out loud at how cute he finds it.
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aahsoka · 2 months
no fucking wonder their marriage sucks they havent even sat near each other for a meal the entire time theyve been married ??????
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
doing grocery shopping with the batboys
Could you write something fun and fluff please?
is one of my favorite activities.
I love what you write so much. My favorites are Dickie bird and Jay bird.
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Don’t know whether this is fun or fluff as you’d wanted it (kinda went on a personal rant in Jason’s a little bit but I don’t regret it) but I still hope you enjoy it not the less. Also thank you for enjoying my Jason/ Dick stuff! 🫶🦦🐿️
You go in for certain things that you need and come out with way more then you probably should. (And most of it isn’t what you actually needed)
Half of the stuff you get is mainly what Dick thinks Hayley might like and she ends up only liking 50% of it…the ‘daddy’s little girl’ doggy shirt was pushing it tbh.
Dick tends to wander off when your shopping together that when you went to ask him a question, only to notice that he was gone, you sigh and say;
A few isles over you heard a faint ‘yes honey?’
He was in the pet section. again.
You’d have to remind him that you were only there for specific things and nothing else, but Dick would always try to persuade you into allowing him to get something was wasn’t on the list at all, by battering his eyelids at you and saying ‘pretty please.’
You naturally can’t say no to you pretty boy who acts like a man child when shopping, especially if you’re the one who’s paying.
The shopping list you made might as well have been thrown in the bin with how often you come home, only to be reminded that you barely got 25% of the stuff on the shopping list thanks to Dick’s impulsiveness.
However Dick would only use this as an excuse to go shopping again later on in the week/month and do it all over again without remorse.
Also Dick is way too polite to tell people blocking the isle to move, he wants to, he really does but all he does is breathe in deeply and plaster on a smile before soldering on.
Grocery shopping wasn’t a favourite of Jason’s but if he were to do it, he’d rather do it with you because he got to be a little goofy with it.
And by that I mean him getting a little affectionate and pinching your backside and you snacking his bicep and scolding him for being inappropriate in the frozen food section.
‘I’m not doing anything chipmunk.’ He’d defend himself as you glare him.
‘I’m sure as shit there isn’t a perverted ghost here that pinches people’s backsides for fun. Now pack it in.’ You hissed as you rubbed your ass in hopes of soothing the sharp pain you felt seconds ago.
‘Sorry sweetheart.’ He’d chuckle as he kisses your cheek in apology.
You couldn’t help but smile as you could never truly stay mad at your sweet Jason, not unless he was staining your carpets with blood from a night out on patrol, but that was neither here nor there.
Other than that Jason would take the trolley from your hand and storm the store with a determination to get the fuck out as fast as possible.
His long ass strides tend to leave you behind in some random isle somewhere. So to combat this from being a reoccurring thing, Jason would just grabs your hand and puts on the trolley before putting his own on top; Now you were being dragged instead of getting left behind in somewhere with people blocking the fucking isle.
How sweet of him.
(If you’re one of these ppl, go fuck yourself bc what the fuck is so interesting that you have to block the ENTIRE FUCKING ISLE? MOVE!)
Speaking of people blocking the isle, it’s Jason’s biggest pet peeve because WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY TAKING SO MUCH FUCKING SPACE?! FUCKING MOVE YOU LAZY BASTARDS!
He will fucking glare at anyone who even dares to lean over his trolley to get something and when you tell him about how obvious he was being, he’d only response to this was: ‘they’re privileged with the use of a voice, they should fucking use it sometime.’
You’re basically there to calm him down before he bulldozes some poor bastard by guiding him to a lesser crowed isle and get some junk food for later as a reward, followed by your magical cuddles and kisses.
Jason hates shopping but with you it was made just that little bit enduring, only a little bit…he still wants to fight the young couple who wouldn’t fucking move in that one isle and honestly you don’t blame him as you would gladly join him.
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sukunasweetheart · 6 months
oddly specific relationship headcanons with sukuna pt. 2
part 1 here
modern AU, fem!reader, sukuna being an ass as usual (affectionately)
sukuna is a food stealer. he'd rummage through ur home for snacks or food like some raccoon going through the trash. not necessarily bc hes hungry, sometimes it's bc he wants something to chew on, other times its bc he wants to judge your tastes and/or shame you. if ur fridge and cupboards are empty, with barely anything other than a bottle of ketchup in it, he will quite literally give you a silent stare bc hes simply speechless... he will say youre boring, then hes gna get concerned on whether ur eating well or not...
other than going through the things u have at home, he will also take large bites and mouthfuls of whatever you're holding onto outside. be it ice cream, bubble tea, a burger, corndog- he just wants a bite of whatever youre having! he'd then have the audacity to rate it, telling you "hmm, not bad" or "this shit tastes horrible". sometimes he just does it to piss u off, he's just like that.
if you tried the same against him, you'd have to either catch him off guard (nigh impossible) or just beg and plead until hes satisfied enough to share his snack as a treat. otherwise, he's holding the item above ur head and laughing at you. maybe if you pout he'll then finally bend down and give a little smooch on your lips before offering you some.
another thing he loves doing is draping himself all over you... full body weight if youre lying down, leaning against you fully if youre sitting, or resting his chin or arm over your head/shoulder if youre standing. just. using u as a support bc this man is so comfortable with using u as a resting tool HAHA and i know this man heavy as fuck bro *sobs* if u complain abt it, it only fuels him more... (me personally, i'd love if he put his whole body weight on me... pls crush me)
he likes feeling u squirm against him and yelling for help bc ur getting squished LMAO and also, most of the time you can't support his weight for long and you slowly sink down... he always enjoys watching u lose against him one way or another...
i already mentioned previously that he likes playfully smacking your ass around the house but i'll also add on that he likes to just grope and massage different parts of your body randomly when the two of you are lounging about together, not even sexually, he'll just squeeze at your flesh bc he feels like it and he likes the bouncy sensation. cue one hand groping ur ur tiddies/thighs/tummy while he idly scrolls through his phone
hes very independent when he wants to be independent. but hes also clingy as fuck when he's in the mood to be. one second he could be fine with doing his own thing, but all of a sudden he's craving your attention the next. he's content with being by himself one moment but then the itching desire to be next to you comes around and he does just that. watch out bc the second u get comfortable, he'll probably change his mind again and head back to continue whatever he was doing again
if you do the same against him, coming and going as you please, he's a lot more resistant as opposed to you... while you just let him do whatever he wants (most of the time, anyway) he will be his teasing self as always. he's in the middle of something and you wanna cuddle him all of a sudden? he expects to be rewarded afterwards (something lust related, probably). you wanna get up and leave after getting your fill of the cuddles? too bad, he's too comfortable now, youre not leaving til he's satisfied. he's just a selfish bastard, what can i say
one last thing, i think i mentioned this in some post before but anyway.. sukuna's 100% the type of mf to show a lot of his softer love while youre SLEEPING. be it forehead kisses, caressing your cheek, just admiring your facial features or thumbing your lips. maybe even leaving a little kiss on them. brushing aside any strands of hair. but he'd also pinch your nose and chuckle when you eventually open ur mouth to breathe LMFAOAOA <3 just languidly admiring ur sleeping face <3
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earthtooz · 1 year
BABE I HAD AN IDEA- Reo Mikage ANGST where he calls reader a gold digging whore in the middle of an argument, ultimately affirming all of her insecurities so he has to figure out a way to show that he didn't mean it and that he's sorry without using his disgustingly abundant wealth 💔 anyways ilysm hope you take care of yourself
girl feel free to come back into my inbox WHENEVER and giving me your juicy ideas bc holy shit i loved this.
IMAGINE THIS: it's been a rough night for both you and reo, he's been through a lot in the past weeks because his dad just had to during the middle of soccer season to lecture reo about how to run a big business. the transition process is beginning to happen since father mikage is about to retire and although your purple-haired boyfriend has been preparing for this his whole life, having gone to business school part-time and graduating with honours, there's still a little part of him that feels weary from all the responsibilities.
all this accumulated stress needs to have an outlet eventually, right? welp, you just happened to be there at the right (wrong) time. you were simply delivering a platter of apples to your boyfriend who had his head in his hands, hunched over an endless pile of paperwork that was beginning to irk him with each passing second. countless images of him shredding up the paper flowed into his mind, a fury that manifested into his reality, except the paper was you D,:
one thing evolved into another, reo's endless stream of venomous words didn't stop flowing out of him as he spat poison after poison, burning you with the intensity of it all.
"you're so overbearing, can't you see that i'm fine? unlike you i can handle myself when things get hard," he spits, eyeing you with fury in his eyes, one that makes you gulp thickly.
-but you wouldn't know the first thing about fighting for what you want right, you fucking gold-digger."
that stops you in your tracks, silences you effortlessly, causing you to let your hands drop limply back to your sides as you stare at your boyfriend blankly. you're sinking into an abyss of hurt and insecurity, it's getting harder to breathe because of the way your chest swells with anger.
reo only continues, not noticing the way you physically and emotionally drop. "even if you don't give me attention for one second of the day, i won't forget you exist, so stop being so clingy and unnecessary! my money isn't going anywhere either, you don't need to occupy majority of my day so leave me alone. go shop online or something."
that was it. was that all reo perceived you to be? a dent in his money, the expenses of his bank account?
"fine. goodbye," you simply mutter before slipping through his office door, out in the hallway.
"don't bother me whilst i'm in here," he says with finality, one last declaration before you shut the door behind you.
the luxurious walls of reo's penthouse look down at you mockingly, the spacious area caging you in, chanting 'gold-digger' over and over again until it's all you hear.
staying here feels wrong.
so, you grab your purse and leave, as quietly as possible. slipping down to the garage where your (second hand) car was parked, you start the engine up and begin reversing out of the parking lot.
you begin to reflect on your relationship with reo. you love him, you really do, you love him because he's reo, the man who was always capable of making you smile, laugh, and make you feel like you were on top of the world. his money and fame was an added bonus that you truly didn't care much about.
but ever since dating him, you've had your own insecurities that have been forced on you by other people. there were crowds calling you a 'gold digger' who was only with reo 'for the money', and although you were sure of yourself and your intentions, your armour breaks down sometimes.
what reo said tonight was the final jab that allowed it to fully disintegrate.
you had a stable job of your own and finances to your own name, money wasn't something you avidly chased, sure having a few zeroes in your bank account was nice but that was all you really needed. as long as you could buy necessities and spoil yourself, it was satisfactory, and you could provide that for yourself!
reo loved to spoil you, showering you in luxurious gifts that you never knew how to accept. it would take a great deal of convincing for you to take what he bought you, and when you promised him to stop buying them for you, he agreed before buying you more material stuff.
as you pull up to the parking lot of the apartment complex that you resided in, you get into the elevator with a heavy heart, pressing the button to your floor with a lot of emotions.
the ride is silent. everything is so silent.
your apartment is even more silent. it's unused, slightly barren. your furniture was still there, except some dust had gathered on the tables and cabinets from how long you've neglected it.
the only reason you were able to keep your apartment was because you had no expenses outflowing since reo took care of almost everything. anything you needed, he bought it, groceries, bills, whatever, were charged on his card. for a period of time, your bank account merely grew and never decreased.
and since you hadn't been here for a while, electricity and water bills never bothered you too much.
you flop onto your made bed with a sigh. it wasn't as soft as reo's but you didn't find it in you to care, you just needed some well-deserved shut eye.
well, 'shut eye' occurred for merely an hour before your phone started vibrating violently.
with a groan, you shove your face back into your pillows before blindly reaching for your phone.
you already knew who it would be without looking at the caller id. of course reo would be looking for you, noting your obvious absence in his penthouse.
"hello?" you mutter.
"y/n? where the hell are you?" comes reo's frantic voice from the other line. he sounds genuinely concerned.
"doesn't matter."
"i'm sorry for everything i said. please, come back."
"reo, i'm tired, i can't do this with you right now."
"i'm sorry, i'm really really sorry."
"i don't want to hear this right now."
"i love you."
you sigh and you're sure reo can hear it on his end. unsure of how to respond, you just hang up on him before throwing your phone away. normally, you would feel bad about the way you left him, but that wasn't the case this time. you just needed to sleep on this.
but, it was reo you were talking about, and the last thing he was going to let you do was sleep without him.
at 1:24am, there's a series of ferocious knocks on your door, followed by screams of your name.
oh my god it was so embarrassing, you literally shoot out of bed as soon as you register what was happening and dash for your door. you don't want to disturb your neighbours' sleep and let them hear that the pathetic grovelling of your boyfriend. the entire hallway could hear reo and his shouting.
you open the door, pull him in, and slam it shut behind you again, leaving the purple-haired to stare at you with a bewildered expression.
"what are you doing here?" you hiss.
he looks at you the same way a puppy does when its owner kicked it out of the house.
you should've known that merely telling reo 'i don't want to hear this right now' would not be enough to pacify his determination and the fact that you hung up on him only intensified his pettiness. the purple-haired always sought you out, pulling himself into your orbit like a magnet. where you went, reo followed, even if it was to the ends of the world.
he had the money to do whatever he wanted, you suppose.
"i wanted to make sure you were safe," he pouts. "i didn't know whether you'd be here or not."
"well, i'm safe, and i'm here. so."
"i can see that," he leans against the back of your couch. reo looks so out of place in your small apartment, awkwardly playing with his hands. "so... should we go to bed?"
the audacity. "what do you mean 'we'? go back home, reo, i'll see you some other time."
as you turn around to go back to your bedroom, reo's quick enough to round around you, blocking you from the hallway with his larger figure.
"but you are my home. please, i'm really sorry about what i said, i didn't mean it," he pleads, grabbing your face so you could look him square in the eye.
you step out of his grasp easily, shaking him off. if you were in your right mind, you would've seen the look of heartbreak on reo's face.
"sure, if you didn't mean it then you wouldn't have said it in the first place, mikage."
you swerve around him to reach your bedroom and he follows you the entire time, trailing behind you, desperate for an ounce of your attention.
"i know i fucked up, but i didn't mean to hurt you and project my frustrations like that onto you when you were just trying to care for me." you sit down on your bed with a sigh and reo takes a seat beside you. "you know i love you right? like, a lot."
that's right. if there's one thing about reo it's that he loves you to an endless degree.
"thank you for always caring for me. i know you don't do it because you're after my money or fame, but because you want to ensure that i'm healthy and not rotting in all that i have to do," his voice cracks. is he beginning to cry. "i don't know what i'd do without you."
you let a beat of silence pass by before dropping your walls. he was always going to smash through them no matter what.
"i've always felt insecure in our relationship," you confess, no louder than an exhale and if reo wasn't holding on to every action of yours, he wouldn't have heard you. "being called a gold digger became normal when i started dating you and i didn't really care. well- i tried not to care."
you continue. "i don't want to let these comments get to me, but then you said it and... i don't know, it just felt horrible."
you feel an arm sneak under your leg, and another hand come to your elbow, both of which simultaneously pull you to straddle reo's lap. you don't look him in the eye- something he frowns at.
"i love you for you. you're the best i'll ever have, reo, but sometimes i-"
"-please don't finish that sentence," he murmurs, breath fanning against your face.
you meet his gaze. he's crying freely. tears are running down his cheeks like streams and you instinctively bring use your thumbs to catch the drops. you hate it when he cries.
"i don't want it to be anyone else but you," confesses the purple-haired. "i hate it when we're separated, i can't stay away from you too long or i think i will go insane."
his statement causes you to giggle a little.
"you laugh but i'm telling the truth."
"i laugh because you make me happy."
his arms wound around your waist, keeping you pressed against him, leaving you with no room to escape or part from him. just what reo likes.
"i'm sorry for what i said," he says against your collarbone. "when i didn't see you in our home, i didn't know what to think. i got so scared for a second because i had no idea where you could've gone so i started spamming your number-"
"-yeah wait, was calling me 24 times necessary?"
"i was going to keep calling you until you picked up so it could've taken 24 or 1000 times or more. now let me speak." you nod wordlessly, smiling a little at how silly reo can be. "and when i realised that you went back to your apartment, i felt horrible that i drove you out."
he looks up at you with glossy eyes.
"you came here because you wanted to prove me wrong, right? because you bought all this by yourself and don't need me, right?"
"well, kind of, but i also didn't want to be around you so i came back here."
reo frowns before leaning in to press delicate kisses to your neck. "please don't leave me. i need you by my side," he inhales before whispering his next statement. "even if you don't need me."
a hand of yours go up to thread through his hair. "don't say that," you use your other hand to direct his face away from your neck, pressing a kiss against his puckered lips. "i absolutely adore you, my love. you're my favourite person ever."
he smiles before leaning in again, kissing you with more fervour and passion. you can feel another tear slide down his cheek.
"lets go to bed, reo," you say when you part and he simply nods, laying you on the side of the bed before laying beside you, arms naturally finding themselves around your waist as reo tugs you as humanely close as possible. "sorry if this mattress isn't as comfortable as your twelve grand one back home."
"i couldn't care less," he whispers whilst tracing patterns on your bare skin.
so long as it's you he's next to, reo doesn't have a lot to complain about.
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kyokiiro · 1 month
General dating hcs w/ Robin
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Synopsis - what it's like to date the renowned halovian singer
Warnings/content - Men please dni!!, Fem!reader, wlw/nblw, fluff, slightly suggestive, relationship hcs, small scenarios, use of petnames(cutie, dove/my dove, pretty girl, angel, etc), physical touch/affection, mentions of Sunday, Reader works under Sunday as his assistant, possibly ooc Robin bc this was written before she was released, Robin being the sweetheart she is, Robin being a tease, protective Sunday, messy+rushed cuz writers block was being ass, possible grammar mistakes, not proofread
A/N: First time doing Fem!reader so i hope this turned out okay! This is for the sapphics out there so thats why "Men please dni!!" is in the warnings. Also this a bit different from my other dating hcs fics, since i wanted to try smth new. I hope yall don't mind:') I don't have anything else to say, so enjoy the fic!!<3 I also had a writers block so apologies for the wait🙃
Tags: none yet
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No one knows how you managed to get into a relationship with the famous renowned singer Robin. You didn't know either. You were just an assistant of Sunday. But you somehow caught the attention of his little sister and now you guys are in an established relationship
Nevertheless you guys were happy with eachother. Though it was hard to get Sunday's approval of you guys' relationships. Since he is quite protective over his little sister, but with a bit of Robin's help. You guys managed to get Sunday's approval!
Robin already was quite affectionate with you before ya'll got together, but after becoming an official couple her affection doubled
Robin definitely isn't one to shy away from pda, but if you aren't fan of it she will keep it minimal. Though handholding is a must, also she will 100% call you petnames.
If you are someone who is easily flustered. Yeah i pray for you, because this woman will tease you relentlessly- But if it makes you uncomfortable she will stop the teasing, since she never wants her pretty girl to be uncomfortable<33
You guys don't get alot of free time, due both of your guys' jobs. Both of you are extremely busy, you being Sunday's assistant and Robin being a celebrity. But the time you guys do spend together is worth it<3
Robin adores cuddles, she likes the feeling of being so intimately close to you. She likes to brush her fingers through your hair whenever you had a particulair stressful day. She will softly sing a lullaby to help you relax
When Robin had a stressful or exhausting day, you always offer her a massage, sometimes a bath. She always accepts the offer with a soft smile on her face
Remember when i said Robin loves physical touch? Yeah don't be surprised when you randomly feel someone hug you from behind/side or a small kiss/peck on your cheek/lips- Robin loves to catch you off guard. Be it in private or public
Robin won't tell you this, but she loves it when she leaves lipstick marks on you. Be it on your neck, cheek or even your entire face. She will have a proud smile on her face, while you are as red as a tomato.
Robin loves to call you petnames. She mostly uses my dove/dove, my muse, sweetheart and angel, but when shes in a more flirty/romantic mood she uses cutie, darling and sweetstuff
Robin doesn't get jealous often nor quickly. She's confident in your relationship. She will only step in if the person who is flirting with/hitting on you makes you uncomfortable. Her status alone makes them leave, but that doesn't mean it always works. Though it rarely happens expect this time..
You sighed annoyed when yet another person started flirting with you. This isn't the first time though, but it really is starting to annoy you. The person continued to flirt with you even after you told them you had a girlfriend. You tried to leave, but instead they grabbed you wrist. "Where are you going beautiful, i still didn't get your name" They said while smirking at you. "Let me go you creep!" You shouted while trying to get out of their grasp, but to no avail. You let out a yelp when you felt someone pull you towards them. But you recognized the familiar scent, but when you heard their voice you instantly knew who it was. "Hmm, who allowed you to touch my girlfriend like that?" Robin asked with a soft voice, but you could clearly hear the bitterness in her voice. "And who are you supposed to be?" The person asked irritated. "I'm Robin, a renowned singer. I'm sure you have heard of me before!" Robin spoke cheerfully, while her grip on you tightened. The person chuckled "And you think that will scare me? Pfft, i don't care who you are, just mind your own business" they hissed at her. You could feel Robin's aura changing and the strained smile on her face made it clear that she is pissed. "Listen up here you pest, if i see you touching my girlfriend again. Ill make sure your entire life will be destroyed." Robin spoke with venom lacing in her voice while glaring at them. You watched the color from their face disappear and the pride they held was gone in mere seconds. "Now scram" Robin hissed at them. You have never seen someone ran so fast. Robin then turned to you with a worried face, completely different from what her face was seconds ago. "Are you okay sweetheart, they didn't hurt you right?" She asked with a soft, yet concerned voice. "N-no, i'm fine Robin. They didn't hurt me" You quietly said. Robin let out a relieved sigh and looked at you with a warm and loving gaze. "I'm glad you're okay (name). How about we go home and cuddle?" She cooed at you caressing your cheek. "That would nice" you murmured leaning into her touch. She gave a quick kiss on your forehead before intertwining her hand with yours<33
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Sunday still is abit against the relationship, but seeing his sister so happy makes him hold his tongue for now
Although the relationship is abit unexpected. You guys love eachother nontheless<33
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Reblogs are appreciated!!
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen react to their s/o doubting themselves in their relationship
requested by anon: So this is a very specific request and you don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable or do not like it/are uninspired by it. But how would they handle it if you're in a relationship with them but start doubting whether you're good enough for them? It's a bit sad but I'm curious. Thank you <3
notes: the super soft fluff and the super sad angst are Both my strong points. i love them both so much.
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seungcheol, jeonghan, hansol 
he's noticed the way you've been hesitating around him lately, no longer throwing yourself on top of him for hugs and no longer responding as well to him nudging your heads together to ask for kisses. he's worried, and he's incredibly adamant that Communication is Key in relationships (and he's right) so he asks you during a lull in the evening one day why you're being so distant. it takes a while, but he's patient and he just wants to know you're okay, and eventually when you break and tell him everything he gets really sad and starts hugging you as you cry. begins to cry himself, bc he didn't realise you were thinking that way, and tells you over and over that he loves you and he's with you because you make him the happiest ever and there's no need to worry about something like that. he's going to be with you forever and ever, whether you like it or not. 
joshua, junhui, dokyeom
incredibly perceptive when it comes to these things. knew that you were upset and he's been constantly asking you if you're okay, but you just continue to brush it off until he walks into your room one day to find you silently sobbing to yourself in the middle of the room. immediately drops to his knees on the floor beside you, making those gentle shushing noises to try and calm you down, and when you push him away he makes that small wounded noise, worried that he's done something wrong. he's gentle with you, like you're a fragile creature, when you tell him that you've been worried that he's too good for you. tells you very sincerely that he doesn't think anyone will be able to put up with him as well as you have and that honestly, he's not sure if he'd like anyone else to. for him, there's only you. asks if he can touch you, scoops you up into a big and warm hug that lasts until one of you needs to pee (him) 
wonwoo, jihoon, minghao
the conversation was probably brought up through an almost-argument. you're tired and insecure, which makes you snappish, and he's tired too, leading to biting exchanges that gradually get worse until you finally grit out that you're afraid he's going to leave you because there are better people out there. that makes the anger leave his body instantly, eyes widening. he didn't know you felt like that in the slightest, and he slowly tries to go over and touch you, stepping back if you move away. he feels like it's partly his fault for maybe not being as affectionate in the relationship as you'd like, and promises to do better and make you feel more reassured in the relationship if that's what you need. even if you say it's okay, he'll promise it anyway, because he knows how awkwardness can make him distant sometimes, and he never wants you to think he's going to stop loving you someday
hoshi, mingyu, seungkwan, chan
i think he'll start overthinking your distant nature, taking it as a sign that you don't think he's good enough for you, and comes to you all wobbly-voiced to very genuinely ask if you're tired of him, because he knows that he's not the easiest person to handle at times and if there's something about him that's bothering you, he'll try to fix it for you. it takes you by surprise, because you were afraid that he was tired of you, and yet he's come to you and said this. you end up embarrassedly telling him the reason for your distance, and both of you are crying and laughing because it's a little ridiculous and you're both just in love with each other so much that it has managed to lead to complications like this. you end up pinky-promising each other that neither is undeserving of the other, and exchange sappy 'i love you's for about an hour straight
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astarions-wife · 6 months
Ranking BG3 characters on if I think they’re good at cuddles or not:
Astarion: 10/10, a little hesitant obviously but this man is touch starved for positive, gentle affection like this, so I think he’s super clingy and holds you while you cuddle. But he likes to be held just as much.
Gale: 8/10, he definitely gives good cuddles, probably especially after sleeping with someone. He is not the kind of man to leave after sex, he gives them the cuddles they deserve. Dare I say, while he’d never admit it, this is his favorite part.
Shadowheart: 7.5/10. She’s good at it when she tries! I doubt Sharrans are like, specifically taught how to be affectionate and snuggly, but she’s read enough romance novels to figure it out.
Lae’zel: 3/10. Why would she waste her time? At least for a good while she really doesn’t see the point of snuggling. Eventually a romantic partner night convince her (only bc Lae’zel definitely gets cold at night), but it wouldn’t be super reliable.
Wyll: 11/10, it doesn’t matter the context. He will be there. He will be THE cuddler. Cold? He’s got you covered. Snuggling just because? Anything for his queen/king. He would be thrilled if you suggested cuddles.
Minthara: 5/10. She would be very adamant about not enjoying cuddles, she’s probably not very good at it herself, but in the right circumstance? I think she’d enjoy being held just for a little bit.
Halsin: 11/10. Have you seen him? He’s like Wyll but with bigger abs. His chest is basically a pillow for you. He would suggest the cuddles most of the time, he wouldn’t want to sleep any other way.
Karlach: 9/10. It’s amazing. Someone can touch her, be close to her? Of course she’s holding them tight, running her hand through their hair. It’s great. She sheds a tear when someone does the same for her.
Minsc: 6/10. I desperately wanna say he would be good at it, but like… let’s be for real, Boo would be involved with this cuddle pile. Sure hamsters are cute, maybe not romantic though. Of course cuddling can be done in a non sexual context (and for this thread, most commonly is), but still… waking up with a hamster in your face every morning is, interesting.
Jaheira: 8/10. She would hold you so tenderly. She’d probably braid your hair before bed if it were long enough, and then she’d pull the blankets up around both of you.
Aylin: 10/10. Except maybe remove two points sometimes, because I think she holds Isobel so tight that Isobel very gently has to tell her that while she’s in love with her, she needs to be able to breathe too.
Isobel: 9/10. Normally she’s the little spoon, but one time she got to pull Aylin close to her, and I think Aylin shed a decent few tears.
Orin: 1/10. Maybe if you really let her heal, she would like to BE cuddled, because she’s definitely touch starved. But giving them? She only knows knives and swords, the fact you’re even sleeping so close is a wonder.
Gortash: -3/10. It doesn’t matter the context. For warmth? Get away from him, your feet are cold. Romantic? Ew, that’s gross. After sex? Bold of you to assume he sticks around.
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cowboykento · 8 months
Come on Barbie, Let's Go Party!
characters: nanami kento x fem!reader x gojo satoru (nanami x reader is the main pair/relationship.)
warnings: slight dub-con (everyone is a little drunk), alcohol consumption, threesome, face fucking, hair pulling, degradation (they call reader a slut (usually affectionately) a lot), dialogue heavy, other nicknames used (princess, angel, sweetheart, sweet thing, little girl, etc.), no protection used bc i didn’t even think about it (be safer than this irl!!!). let me know if i missed anything big here.
word count: 2.5k
minors and blank blogs dni or i'll block you :3
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You were shocked Kento had agreed to go to Gojo’s halloween party, although it hadn’t been without effort on your part. You’d first mentioned the idea almost as soon as Gojo had asked you—an intentional move on his part, he knew the only way to get Nanami there was through you—but Kento had said no. 
That didn’t dissuade you, however, and after showing him countless pictures of cute couple’s costumes that you knew the two of you could pull off incredibly well. It had been the Barbie and Ken costumes that had finally won him over in the end. Well, more truthfully it was the outfit you’d shown him for your Barbie costume that sealed the deal. 
It wasn’t a conventional costume, or really even a costume at all by itself. You’d picked out a cute, two-piece pink dress, a white headband to match, and some frilly pink and white stockings. You knew exactly what you were doing, and Kento knew that you knew how to win him over, but that didn’t convince him enough not to finally agree.
Now that you guys were at the party, you could tell Nanami is restless to go home, and has been since you’d arrived. Nobody could deny that the two of you were the most attractive couple there, but Kento knows all eyes are really on you and your short skirt and pretty top that showed off the perfect amount of skin. 
The more depraved part of Kento thinks he should have left marks along your throat and collarbone for everyone to see, and you probably would have let him, too. Instead, he’s forced to stand dormantly and do everything in his power not to pull you away from Satoru’s wolfish smile and charming words. 
Truthfully, Kento isn’t having a bad time at all. In fact, he’s enjoying himself much more than he thought he would—only because he can shamelessly ogle you as you talk to everyone and could drink free booze, but he’s still having a good time nonetheless.
You’re plenty drunk yourself, anyone with a set of eyes could tell, but Nanami knows better than anyone. You’re being careless—more than you can afford to be with the skimpy little outfit you’d chosen. Part of him, the more jealous and unreasonable part of him thinks maybe you were doing it on purpose, just to rile him up, but he tries to quell those thoughts and blame it on the liquor. 
What he refuses to blame on the alcohol, however, is the way Satoru looks at you. Sure, he’s guilty of exactly the same thing, but you’re his. You’re not Satoru’s, and Kento can feel his blood boiling with the way Gojo eyes you up like he doesn’t know fully well that you’re taken. 
Eventually, Kento makes his way over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as you smile brightly at him, thrilled to see him like you’d forgotten he had come with you. 
“Ken!” you shout, smile nearly reaching your ears as you stand shakily on your tiptoes to press a sloppy kiss to his cheek. 
“Hey, angel,” he replies, voice much softer than yours but just as full of affection. “Are you having fun?”
You nod quickly, “Mhm! We were just about to play a game! You should play with us!”
Kento frowns—he’d been hoping you’d be just about ready to leave by now, but alas it seems like you’re having the time of your life. 
“I don’t know, princess,” he starts hesitantly before suddenly a new weight has landed on his shoulders.
“C’mon Nanamin!” Gojo shouts, “It’ll be fun!”
Kento shrugs Gojo off, “Yeah, I’m not sure I want to be involved in anything you consider fun, Gojo.”
Before Gojo has a chance to be offended, you’re batting your eyelashes up at your boyfriend, “Aww, but Ken, what if I say it’ll be fun? Please?”
Nanami’s jaw clenches. You know as well as he does that he’ll never be able to deny you when you look up at him all pretty. He scrubs a hand over his face and sighs, trying to ignore your and Satoru’s anticipation as you wait for his reply.
“Fine, I’ll play.”
About four rounds of shots and a game that’s devolved into something unrecognizable and Kento’s never wished he had more willpower to tell you no than he does now. 
You’re sitting pretty on Kento’s lap, have been since he agreed to play, and he’d be lying if he said he isn’t turned on right now. Your skirt, which was already so short you had to be careful how you moved, had ridden up just enough that the only thing keeping everyone else at the party from seeing your panties was Kento’s hand placed on your thighs. Unfortunately for him, that also means he can feel every time you rub your thighs together when he would whisper something into your ear. He isn’t even trying to get you worked up, but it was working nonetheless, and he knows it.
“You wanna feel good, sweetheart?” Kento whispers, fingers dancing along the hem of your skirt.
You turn in towards Nanami more, trying to hide yourself from everyone else as you clench your thighs together in a desperate attempt to feel any relief between your legs. At this point, the only people left at the party are Satoru, Suguru, Shoku, and Haibara, and they’ve all turned into their own conversations, ignoring you and Nanami. 
You look up at him, your eyes wide and a bit watery—Kento isn’t sure how he let you get this drunk, but he’s far from sober himself at this point and doesn’t have the mind to think about anything other than making you feel good. You nod desperately, hanging on to the front of his shirt like he’s the only thing keeping you tethered to Earth.
His fingers reach farther up your thighs as he kisses along your neck. It takes the little shreds of dignity and control you have left in you not to moan out. His thick, demanding fingers reach your panties, his thumb ghosting over your throbbing clit. 
“Kento,” you groan into his ear, “need you so bad, need to feel good, please.”
“I know princess, I know. But you gotta keep quiet for me, yeah? Don’t want all of our friends to hear you being a little slut at Satoru’s party, do you?”
You shake your head as Kento continues thumbing at your soaked-through panties, making your head spin with pleasure. 
“You’re so wet for me, sweet thing. You’ve got no shame, do you, princess? That’s okay, I’ll take care of you even if you’re a slut.”
You can’t help the whimper that escapes your lips, and instantly Kento’s actions halt.
“Be good,” he pinches your thigh, warning you. “If you make another sound, I’ll have to stop. Understand?”
“Mhm, I’ll be good, promise.”
Kento kisses your temple, as he continues circling your clit, “That’s my girl.”
You can’t help but grind down into the little bit of pressure Kento’s providing, so desperate for your release and mind so foggy from lust and alcohol.
“So close, Ken, ‘m so close,” you whimper as quietly as possible.
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” he replies huskily, slipping a thick finger into your wet heat. “Cum for me, baby.”
Your orgasm shakes your body, jolts of electricity pulsing throughout you as you bite down on your lip to hold back the moan that tries to rip through you. 
You’re panting as Kento puts your panties back into place and presses a kiss to your shaking lips. 
“You finally ready to leave, princess?”
“You better be,” Satoru’s voice interrupts. “Been waiting for the two of you to be done so I can start cleaning up. Thought Nanamin would have a little more decency, but I guess even he can’t help himself around a pretty thing like you.”
Neither you nor Kento had noticed that everyone else had filtered out of Satoru’s apartment, but now instead of pleasure you feel a hot flash of embarrassment rush through your body. 
“Are you jealous, Satoru?” Nanami’s voice cuts through the awkwardness shockingly. You turn to him, eyes wide and misunderstanding his boldness. 
Satoru takes a step toward the two of you, gently grabbing your chin to force your gaze to fall on him, rather than Kento. 
“Mmm, I just might be. She’s real pretty like this, isn’t she?” Satoru teases, looking over your head and  at Nanami like you’re not even there. 
“Of course,” Nanami replies, something in his voice challenging Satoru. He grabs a fistful of your hair, not too roughly but enough to force tears to prick at the corners of your eyes as he turns you back towards him. “What do you think, princess? I think Satoru wants me to share you. My sweet little girl. Don’t know if he’s worth sharing you with.”
Nanami’s expression is hard to read, especially with the traces of alcohol still in your body, but it’s not hard to feel the swell of his dick underneath you, stretching against the fabric of his pants. 
“Do you wanna give Satoru a turn with you, baby?”
Your eyes are wide and wet, and Nanami’s grip pulling at your roots is only making thinking straight that much more difficult. Still, you whisper out a shy, “Y- yeah.”
He pulls your head back to kiss your neck harshly, sucking a dark bruise into the skin. 
“Knew you were a little slut. Good thing you’re so pretty and perfect,” he speaks into your neck. “I’ll let Satoru have a turn with you, but remember who you belong to, princess.”
He presses another kiss to your lips before releasing his hold on you and letting Satoru pull you back towards him. 
“He’s right, you really are a slutty little girl, letting him finger fuck you right here on my couch at my party,” Gojo teases, pulling you off Nanami’s lap and onto his. “How sweet of Nanami to warm up your little pussy for me.”
You moan loudly at his words as he flips your skirt up, fully revealing the pretty pink panties you’d picked out just to match your costume. 
“Oh, you’re such a doll. All dressed up just for my party? Almost like you knew we’d slut you out right here. Or maybe that’s what you wanted this whole time? What do you think, Nanamin?” 
Nanami has since pulled his dick out of the confines of his costume pants, fisting it slowly to the sight of you hovering over Gojo, “Seems just about right to me. Is that what you wanted, princess? For me to share you? To get your slutty little pussy fucked right in front of everyone? Could’ve just asked, sweetheart, didn’t have to be a tease.”
“Please,” you whimper to Gojo as he unzips his own pants, pulling your panties to the side and lining himself up with your quivering cunt. “Please, want it so bad.” 
Gojo clicks his tongue, “You’ve taught her well, Nanami. She begs so pretty for me.” He turns his attention back toward you, hitting his dick against your sensitive clit a few times before pushing into your tight heat. 
Both you and Satoru moan loudly as he enters you. He doesn’t take any time at all before bucking his hips up into you fiercely, and you hold onto his shoulders for dear life. 
“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you moan, throwing your head back as Satoru pounds into your cunt. 
“Shit,” he moans, “Fuck, this pussy is so fucking good.” 
You hear Kento moan from where he sits, and the thought of him watching you get fucked by Satoru is only turning you on more. You want to put on a show for him, to make him so jealous he comes and steals you away from Satoru and takes his turn fucking you. 
Instead, Kento stands and grabs a fistful of your hair once again, pulling your head back to look up at him. Your body is alight as Nanami tells you to open your mouth before he spits directly onto your tongue, staking his claim to you as you swallow. 
“Turn her around, Satoru,” he commands, “I’m gonna fuck her slutty little throat.” 
Satoru is quick to oblige, the thought of you taking both of their dicks turning everyone on even more. He takes no time in returning to his brutal pace, fucking up into your pussy and chasing his own orgasm desperately. 
“Open wide for me, sweetheart,” Nanami tells you, pressing the tip of his dick against your lips before you comply, taking as much of his length in as you can manage. You hold onto Nanami for balance, Satoru’s thrusts pushing you to take even more of Kento’s dick in your mouth, forcing tears to fall down your cheeks. 
Kento groans loudly, his grip on your hair firm as he fucks himself into your tight throat. His pace isn’t quite as fierce as Satoru’s but it’s overwhelming nonetheless. 
“Fuck, princess, tight little pussy’s sucking me right in. I’m so close, want me to fill you up nice and good?” Satoru pants. 
“You better fucking not,” Nanami replies sharply, his hand squeezes your hair even tighter and you yelp. “That pussy doesn’t take anyone’s cum except mine.” 
Satoru moans even louder at that, his thrusts becoming erratic as he nears his orgasm. You’re close too, the coil in your tummy tightening so much that you think a wayward gust of air on your clit would send you hurtling into bliss. 
You look up at Kento with tears in your eyes, his big thumb brushing them away as they fall down your cheeks. 
“Are you close, angel?” He coos sweetly. “Look so gorgeous like this, letting both of us stuff you full. Cum for me, sweetheart, go ahead.” 
It only takes two more thrusts from Satoru to finally send you over the edge, your vision whiting out as you cream around Satoru’s dick. You gargle around Nanami’s cock as you cum, the vibrations only getting him that much closer. 
Satoru pulls out shortly after you finish, and you only have a second to be confused before you feel his hot seed shoot all over your back, his voice pitching as he lets out a loud, whiny moan. 
Kento continues fucking your throat, his pace picking up as he chases his climax, “So perfect for me, sweetheart. Fuck, gonna swallow everything I have to give you, won’t you?”
You do your best to nod, and that’s all it takes for Nanami to shoot hot ropes of cum down your throat, groaning loudly and pulling your hair, forcing you to take him all the way to the base. 
When the last of him is spent, Nanami pulls out of your throat tiredly and flops onto the couch next to you and Satoru. None of you can remember a time in your life you’d cum that hard before, the overwhelming pleasure enough to wake you mostly out of your drunkenness. 
You curl into Nanami, your breath still ragged and your bones reduced to nothingness. Nanami rubs a hand along your back as he catches his own breath, and Satoru gets up to fetch water and a washcloth. 
You tilt your head up to look at Kento with glassy, worn out eyes and a tired smile, “And you said you didn’t even wanna come to this ‘stupid party.’” 
“Yeah, well, I didn’t. You’re lucky you’re irresistible, you little minx. Made this night interesting for all of us.”
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i literally wrote this at work i don't even know what came over me. did not plan this or even think about it before words started pouring out of me. didn't even plan on including nanami hair pulling but what is a girl to do after the new episode ??? n e ways hope you all enjoyed as much as i do :3
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junicult · 1 year
Uh so what would the bachelors react like if you ask them to go in raw for the first time? Sorry I’m curious and you’re an amazing writer :)
!! how the bachelors would react to wearing no protection
contains ; fem!farmer. established relationships. major nsfw. minors dni pleaseee!!! breeding kink. unprotected sex (obvi.) serious talk of children for a few. one mention of the word daddy pls don’t kill me. missionary / cowgirl. kitchen sex. creampie(s). cockwarming. praise!! minor degradation if u squint.
note ; ok freak i like u
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- he’s so addicted to health, and staying safe and whatnot,
- so it’s no surprise he prefers condoms.
- has literally never not worn a condom during sex. i’m being fr.
- and the only time he’d ever feel comfortable without wearing a condom is if you already had a conversation about children, and were both on the same page on wanting them.
- not to ruin your day if you were hoping otherwise 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
- cus if you asked him to without even talking about kids, i’m sorry but he won’t.
- he can’t be quick enough to pull out.
- but i can assure you, once the conversation has been had…ohh myyy godddd.
- first of all, he was baffled u wanted to have kids considering you’re so busy.
- mostly bc u mentioned it so randomly, while you were both lazily recapping your day in bed at night.
- “are you serious? with me?”
- he’s like…so smiley now.
- the next day he’s absolutely cheesin. grin on his cheeks, even while he’s in his office at work.
- helps you figure out ur ovulation schedule 🫡
- he’s a doctor. ofc it goes beyond just fucking u until it works.
- and when you’re finally ovulating…
- haha.
- he makes you a nice, fancy dinner just for the fun of it. also bc he loves pampering you.
- …and if he’s going to put his kids in u then he’s going to do it right!
- “i love you so much, y’mean everything to me.” hands all over your waist, lips hardly pulling away to murmur.
- he’s almost ravenous.
- he’s never been more affectionate. and that’s saying something.
- kissing you so much, mumbling so many words of praise so your ears go numb.
- and he’s not a huge fan of hickeys (probably thinks it’s more childish)
- but i can assure u this man’s lips are hardly leaving your neck.
- he’s prepping you like never before. on his fingers, mouth, ur cumming at least three times before he puts it in.
- it’s like a silent thank you. if ur letting him fuck you raw, the least he can do is make his own lube.
- literally asks, “are you sure you want me to?” after you’ve been begging for what felt like hours.
- kisses you so long, and so hard before he aligns himself.
- holds your hands, and he’s so slow and careful while he pushes in even though you’re used to him already.
- “finally get to do this…” he sighs, like he’s been waiting forever.
- which he literally has. he’s always wanted a family, so this is quite literally his dream lmfao.
- his head thrown forward, eyes pinched closed while you just cockwarm him for a sec because holy fuck this is what your cunt feels like, no obstructions.
- “oh my—nngh, you feel so good,” teeth seething while his breaths are already starting to stutter.
- he whimpers when he pulls his hips back.
- he’s honestly so indecisive. doesn’t know if he wants to kiss you, or watch you so he keeps just doing both.
- can’t help but look down at the sight of him sliding in and out of u.
- …and the creamy ring around the base of his cock🫡🫡
- and how you’re whining, “s’too much, ffuck y’too much,” just bc of rounds of overstimulation.
- but good for him bc there’s no way he can last that much longer.
- he never realized how good sex can feel without a condom.
- or maybe it’s bc u both know what the end goal is.
- u practically sob when he reaches his hand between ur bodies to rub your clit.
- “just let it out baby, i’m so close, fuck.”
- he cums so fucking much.
- he’s literally cumming for like 15 seconds straight.
- and despite that, he knows that won’t be the only time he’ll be cumming inside of you.
- good thing it takes multiple tries to make a baby.
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- probably a spur of the moment decision.
- you’re both just way too horny to care enough.
- this man is clingy. he sometimes forgets that you’re extremely busy, and he likes to spend the majority of his time at least somewhere within the same vicinity as you.
- so if you have spent the last couple days way too busy to go see him, or for him to come see you,
- you better believe the moment you’re in his arms he’s not letting you go.
- “can’t believe you made me wait so long, missed you so much.” he’s pouting lmfao.
- acting like he hasn’t seen you in years.
- i mean, it’s depressing but he’s so used to being without his dad for so long and he hates it, so obviously he doesn’t like not seeing you for some time.
- burying his face in the crook of your neck while you cook at the stove.
- his hands are already feeling your stomach, rubbing your skin and tilting his head to the side to watch you work.
- needy sam needy sam needy saaaammmmm.
- he’s softly kissing your neck, gently wrapping himself tighter around you.
- and his hard-on is pressing into your thigh.
- but fuck it, you’re not even that hungry anyways.
- literally immediately turning around to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in to make out with him.
- and he’s almost faster then you, pressing you into the cabinets, his skilled lips moving so quickly against yours. so desperately.
- he’s DEPRIVED.
- “been wanting you so bad. had to get off to just the thought of you last night, y’killin me,” into your ear after his teeth softly nip at your lobe.
- his hands reach down to slide under your thighs, lifting you into the counter.
- yes the stove is still on.
- but who cares about a fire hazard when you’re in love??
- slotting himself between your parted knees, lifting your dress just enough so he can reach his hand underneath your underwear.
- rubs ur clit before dipping his fingers into your cunt.
- “you’re soaked. missed me just as much, did you?”
-…licks his fingers…
- and that’s abt as much prep as ur gonna get for tn LMFAO.
- he’s already tugging down his pants, freeing his painfully hard cock from its restraint and already lining himself up at your entrance.
- he’s leaking with precum, so this step isn’t necessary but he still drags his tip between your folds to gather some more of your slick before he pushes in.
- it takes like five thrusts before he realizes.
- “fuck, i forgot a condom—“
- “i don’t care.” you murmur breathlessly, and in his mouth just before you pull him back in for a messy makeout.
- and that’s enough for him to not give a fuck either.
- because you’re so warm, and tight, and you feel so fucking good that he’s already forgetting all about it.
- literally each time he pushes back in he’s letting out a moan into your ear,
- a whiny little mess just because he hasn’t felt your pussy in two fucking days.
- he’s so pretty when he cums, and ik he’s cumming fast this time around.
- probably takes like two minutes.
- has to hold onto the cupboard, especially when your legs tie around the back of his waist and he’s immediately throwing his forehead onto your shoulder, panting while he cums inside of u.
- oh but he’s a gentleman.
- so give him a sec, and then he’s lowering himself to his knees to thank you for his impatience.
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- AHHHH!!!!!
- he’s no stranger to going in raw, i’m gonna be fr.
- back in his glory days i’d say he’d wear condoms almost every time.
- there was the occasional, “both way too drunk to remember” situation, but that was only sometimes. and thankfully no mistakes 🫡
- but when it came to you, he always wore a condom.
- bc u guys definitely fucked before you were ever in a relationship, you had to have the STD and safe sex talk.
- and as your “situationship” grew, the more you realized you both were strictly just having sex with each other.
- you went from fucking, to catching feelings, to dating.
- so romantic.
- anyways, ur a busy woman, and he’s in zero position to be a father. he needs to work on himself before he can raise a whole living being.
- as he’s gotten older, he’s settled down tremendously. he’s learned to stop letting insecurities get in the way, and he recognizes the fact that you do genuinely love him as much as he loves you.
- so what i’m saying is, condoms were always in the picture.
- aside from the couple times you both accidentally forgot.
- which happens, y’know. but thankfully nothing came out of it when you weren’t ready, so you both went on with your lives.
- once again, i wanna say it was probably a spur of the moment decision.
- although, it was definitely on your mind for a while. you just didn’t mean to let it slip so easily like this.
- you’re already panting against his cheeks, shaking your head to stop him from reaching over into your nightstand to grab the rubber.
- “just forget it, don’t wear one. please, i need you so bad. need you right now.” you whine, already naked aside from your dress you only cared enough to ride up your chest.
- “what?” he’s breathless, and confused.
- “please, i’ve been waiting all day, just fuck me already.”
- that’s enough to fucking kill him.
- he’s already latching his lips onto yours, pulling his boxers down his legs and squeezing your hips in his palms.
- you’re already prepped, from his fingers, and the fact that you’ve been literally dripping all day.
- so he doesn’t waste any more time. he needs you just as much as you need him.
- lifting your legs to rest on his shoulders.
- “y’know just what to say to drive me crazy, don’t you?”
- he’s sighing when he finally bottoms out, just feeling you tighten around him for a sec before he even thinks to move.
- it’s not like he’s never felt this before, it’s just much different when it’s intentional and he’s actually in love with the person.
- hands squeezing your hips, thighs, chest, literally anything while he starts to pump in and out of you.
- lifts up the rest of your dress to watch the harsh bounce of your tits every time you meet his thrusts.
- he’s nearly moaning at this point, his breaths syncing with each move of his hips.
- “does it feel good? huh? c’mon, you can speak to me.” “am i fucking you stupid? needed me so badly you just couldn’t wait another second, hah.”
- fucking laughs when you hide your face behind your hands, because he knows he’s right.
- he loves biting.
- not enough to hurt you, or anything. just enough to make you whine.
- like biting your neck, ears, cheeks. don’t even get me started on ur chest or thighs.
- his pace is so quick and rough it has you digging your fingernails into his arms.
- he fucking loves when you get like this. almost makes him wanna deprive you for a few days, and see what’ll happen.
- “you gonna let me cum inside too, right? if you want me this fucking bad…”
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- pullout method fs.
- mostly cus he’s definitely wasn’t ready to be a father, but also because he lovesss the sight of his cum on your stomach.
- …but he doesn’t usually wear a condom.
- i think this time it’s cus you’re already on some form of birth control, so you’ve never been adamant on telling him to wear them.
- if you did, however, he would of course. but it’s just never been like that.
- so i wanna say ur situation is a little different then just telling him he can fuck you raw.
- let’s say, realistically after you’ve been dating for years, and you’re probably newly married is when you start to think further into your relationship.
- when you first started dating, in zero way did he want kids. he wasn’t ready, had no idea what he was doing with his life, and he still lived in his parents basement.
- but now, since he’s a bit older, things have changed a little.
- “what if i stopped taking my birth control?” you ask, once again dropping the bomb during a moment of comfortable silence after already laying in bed together.
- he’s all ears, although he stays silent so you can further explain, “just because i’m tired of taking it, and we’re always safe anyways.”
- “yeah, if that’s what you want. sure.” he sounds nonchalant, but something changed in his mind.
- instead of fear, he was excited.
- it’s not like you got married without even a discussion of children in the future. when you talked about it a while ago, it was a mutual agreement that, “yeah, maybe one day, if it happens.”
- it was never a set in stone plan.
- so he has no idea why he got so excited, and why he couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks.
- it wasn’t until one night, already lovedrunk just from teasing all day, when he properly brings it up.
- “you stopped taking your birth control, right?”
- his lips dragging across your jaw, hips slowly moving in and out of you while you whine into his ear.
- “yeah,” you nod, hardly registering the conversation in your mind.
- “just cus’ you were getting tired? no other reason?” his warm breath fanning your ear, eyes lidded, hands pressing against the mattress beside your head.
- you’re so cockdrunk that you don’t even think about teasing, just immediately letting your thoughts spill from your mind.
- “nno, want you…wanna feel you cum inside me,”
- u abt made him bust right then and there tbh.
- u guys know i love inexperienced sebastian, and trust me, he’s still the same man but after he gets older, and he’s fucked you more times then he can possibly remember, he’s gonna get more confident.
- so he chuckles, pressing one kiss to your cheek before he moves to meet your eyes.
- “you wanna baby? is that it?”
- you nod weakly, already stupid from the slow drag of his cock that’s making your body simultaneously twitch each time he presses against that spot inside of you.
- “pleassee, sebby. don’t you think it’d be nice, having a family of our own?”
- your sweet, wide eyes and even sweeter voice makes him pick up his pace a bit.
- “it could be fun. you’d be a great mamma,”
- “and you’d be a great daddy.”
- “you think so?” his pace is quicker now, panting into your mouth just like you do to his. your arms wrapped around his neck, running your fingers through his soft hair.
- “there’s only one way to find out.”
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- as an athlete, i feel like he’s another guy who likes to keep his health in balance.
- mental, physical, even sexual.
- so expect him to also be one to insist on wearing a condom. for a while, at least.
- especially when you’re in a particularly new relationship.
- but just because he thinks it’s best to wear a condom, doesn’t mean he doesn’t dream about not wearing one.
- cus every time he fingers you, his mind will never fail to think about how you’ll feel around his cock.
- the way you clench every time you gasp, and the way you’re just so wet and warm.
- but he also just kinda thought you preferred a condom too.
- so when you proposed the idea…
- your thighs positioned on either side of his hips, hands rubbing up and down his chest while he ran his hands up your waist.
- “you know i’m on birth control…right?” you randomly mumble, pulling away to blink your pretty little eyelashes down at him.
- he’s confused, cus where tf did that come from.
- y’all were just making out??
- “yeah…?” LMFAO.
- your eyes follow your fingers that circle his skin lazily, a subtle attempt at avoiding eye contact.
- “…you don’t have to wear a condom, then, if you don’t want to.”
- it’s the way you’re speaking that just confirms the thought has been on your mind for so long.
- he kinda just stares at u for a sec, before chuckling and sliding his hands down your thighs to rub them.
- “where’s this coming from, baby?”
- “i dunno…i was just thinking. doesn’t it kinda desensitize you, a little…?”
- sounds to him like it desensitizes you.
- “hm, not really. i think you feel amazing. i always cum, don’t i?”
- he almost grins at the slow, defeated nod you give like he isn’t just teasing you.
- he may be a himbo, but he’s not THAT stupid. he knows exactly what you’re hinting at.
- “just tell me if you want me to take it off, baby. you know i’d do whatever you want.”
- and i’d like to say next time u have sex he doesn’t wear a condom…but ur already abt to have sex so it doesn’t take long.
- in this exact position.
- lazy, slow sex where ur both too horny to even bother taking off all ur clothes😇
- you’re still wearing your shirt, and underwear he pushes aside. he hardly takes off his boxers, only enough to spring his half-hardened cock free.
- despite this not being his favorite position, nothing beats the way your face clenches when you try to lower yourself on his length.
- especially when ur kinda unprepared, but you’re still too eager to even give him the time of day to prep u.
- “just take it slow, baby. i’m right here,” sliding his hands up your waist and watches you.
- brings his thumb down to slowly rub ur clit <3
- it’s like ur trying to kill him by going so slow, especially since this is a new sensation.
- …when ur more warmed up he’s gonna take the lead.
- i’m sorry, he’s impatient.
- “sorry, sweetheart. y’just feel too good…” while he’s holding your hips still and thrusting into you.
- snakes his hand underneath ur shirt to squeeze ur boobs lol
- he’s groaning, throwing his head back against the pillows because fuck, you were onto something.
- this feels so fucking good.
- he has too much stamina to stay in this position for long.
- even though it’s extremely attractive, watching you take him like that, he still flips you over and is propping you on ur hands and knees before u have time to even register what happened.
- he’ll fuck you like that until ur face is buried in the pillows, back arched as far as he forces it to and you’re panting like a bitch in heat.
- unfortunately he pulls out just in time to cum on your back.
- “haah, i can see why you’ve been wanting to do that for a while. why don’t we go again, sweetheart?”
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- he’s so sickeningly sweet.
- he genuinely wants whatever you want.
- if you’re on any form of birth control, and you feel pretty impartial about children at this point in your life, but you still want him to wear a condom,
- then of course he is. no complaints.
if you come to him, whining about the feeling of condoms and that you want him to get rid of them,
- then he’s getting rid of them. no complaints.
- he genuinely has no issue with either. whatever makes you happy and comfortable makes him happy and comfortable.
- that being said….
- i feel like elliot prefers no condoms. lol.
- will he vocalize that to you if you prefer them? absolutely not. he doesn’t want you feeling pressured to do anything you don’t want to.
- it’s the closeness that makes him so much more excited. the feeling of being that connected to you.
- and the fact that ur cunt is just so warm and perfect.
- he’s sitting at his desk, tired, lost with inspiration while his forehead rests in his hand.
- his eyelids are lowered and lazy due to the hours he’s spent in his painful, rickety chair.
- he’s got his hair tied in a messy, loose bun, dark rimmed glasses low on his nose before he takes one deep breath and leans back in annoyance.
- “sweetheart, you’re torturing yourself. come to bed. please.”
- it’s your sweet, honied voice that lures him back into his fantasy land, causing him to turn his head and see your pretty frame right next to him.
- in one of those gorgeous nightgowns you don’t wear often, silk to the touch and smooth against your body.
- “i know, i’m sorry, my love. i’ll be there soon, i promise.”
- it’s a broken promise, because he said it earlier and the tone never changed.
- which is probably why you sigh, taking steps closer to him until you can wrap your arms around his neck and get so close to rest your chin on his shoulder.
- “need me to get you anything?”
- “oh, no honey. get some rest, i won’t be long at all.”
- but he knows you won’t listen, especially when you move around him and carefully slot one of your legs over his, positioning yourself on his lap.
- you’re pressing light kisses against his jaw, sprinkling them down to his neck like you know he loves.
- his hands are already around your waist, tilting his head to the side to give you more room on his skin.
- he wishes he had self control when it comes it you, but unfortunately, here his is.
- it doesn’t take long before your slowly grinding against his already hard cock underneath his pants.
- you’re pushing ur panties aside, and he’s stuffing his pants down just enough to free his erection.
- “look what you do to me, baby.”
- it could go both ways, honestly.
- you know he’s addicted to prepping you. will take hours just fingering you through orgasm after orgasm, but now you’re both just too horny to care.
- cockwarming 🙏
- it’s his favorite whenever you’re just so horny, and he’s busy.
- “just give me a minute, princess. you can be patient, right?” while he’s fully inside of you and you’re already whimpering.
- he loves the slow nod you give him, and his hands wrap around your waist to keep you still.
- may pretend like he’s suddenly cured of his writers block, but really he’s just as distracted as you are.
- can’t stop thinking about how you keep clenching down on him, and how you think you’re being discreet but you’re so obviously lifting your hips to move.
- eventually he’ll give up though, much quicker then he anticipated.
- “my pretty girl, so deprived? always needs me so badly, don’t you?”
- non-stop kissing u.
- cupping your cheek, allowing you to bounce on him freely until you become too tired.
- he’ll gladly take it away for you.
- and when he finally cums, he doesn’t even bother pulling out.
- why don’t you just sit there for a minute too, letting him finish his work while he grows soft inside of u.
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unnerving-presence · 1 year
If you're taking requests could you do killers (preferably including Wesker) with an s/o who's very affectionate and likes to lay on their chest? I just want to bury my face in their man titties sometimes LMAO
wesker’s stars skin is my fav and i will cherish it forever his cute lil glasses make me want to kiss him on his stupid little face pls
also i only have the brain capacity to do wesker and pyramid head bc i am not feeling well today. sorry
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Albert Wesker:
Contrary to popular belief, he is quite fond of affection. While he generally doesn’t go out looking for it, he is not opposed to it and doesn’t have any problems reciprocating those feelings in his own way. Hugs and kisses? Sure, he knows what to do. Burying your face in his chest? Well, this is both cute and concerning to say the least. Holding his face in your hands and talking to him like he’s a stray dog? Actually, what does he even do at that point?
While Albert gives affection to a lesser degree than you, he tries his best to use his actions to show how he feels, even if he’s better with words. If you’re looking particularly adorable one day and you decide to give him a kiss, he’ll gently caress your cheek with his thumb for a brief moment. Even if you simply want to give him kind words or even a gift, he will not allow you to leave his side for the next hour, opting to gently rest his hand on your waist as he does his work.
Even the slightest of smiles crosses his face when you greet him after a trial and say goodbye to him when you are called for one. It’s quite amusing watching you give him every single type of kiss on all parts of his body before leaving, especially when sometimes all you want to do is bury your face in his chest and attempt to motorboat. He still never understands that..
Wesker understands the concept of being as affectionate as you are, but he himself will not understand how you can give so much of it in a short amount of time. You really have the energy to dish out 15 kisses, 6 hugs, a particularly suggestive way of holding his belt while looking at him with a smile, a titty squeeze, and a face squish like you’re a grandma who hasn’t seen her grandchild in 20 years in just 10 minutes?? He doesn’t see the appeal in doing it, but he will certainly not complain about receiving it. Except for the face squish. Stop it.
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Pyramid Head:
Dude barely understands affection so he will not mind you laying on his chest. It’s calming that you’re so close to him.. but why..? Also, why are your hands squeezing his pecs? This is nice and confusing at the same time for him. He’ll get used to it eventually. I think..
Over time Pyramid Head has learned how to properly give affection back to show you that he cares. You give him a hug, he’ll gently rest a hand on your back. You give him a kiss, a content rumble will be heard from him. You tell him how much you love him, he will gently press his head against yours. It’s not a whole lot but he tries to make it evident that he is does somewhat understand and enjoy your loving actions. He still sometimes bonks you on the head when he attempts to give you a makeshift kiss and even ends up making quite a terrifying noise when he tries to let you know that he’s happy. I mean.. he’s got the spirit. Hopefully his way of apologizing (random trinket he found on the ground) will make you forgive him.
After you come back from a trial is his favorite when it comes to you giving affection. You look so relieved to be back with him and it’s quite adorable watching you hug him and tell him about how your day went. During these moments he begins to understand why you want to be so close to him. It’s hard for him to grasp, but he has a feeling that he wants to be close to you, too.. even if that consists of following you around like a lost puppy. He’s trying his best!
Pyramid Head is still trying to understand exactly why he enjoys the things you do and is still often confused as to why you do them. He understands affection to a certain degree, but frankly he will never understand why you enjoy smushing your face into his chest and calling them boobs, nor will he understand why you call him ‘babygirl’.
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subskz · 6 months
okay WE ALL KNOW that channie is the goodest boy in the entire world, BUUUTTT that just makes me wanna break him down to the point where he’ll act up. like if one of the rules the two of you were to have is “don’t touch yourself without permission,” channie would 100% follow it. he would never even dream of disobeying you and touching himself without permission. but would it still be like that after a month of zero stimulation? he needs to touch himself, it’s human nature after all, but he doesn’t want to disobey you. but you won’t allow him to touch himself! and if he begs you to touch him, you refuse. it just makes u want to keep going until he breaks down and breaks the rules. he would feel soooo guilty seeing his cum on his fingers after he touched himself without permission. i think he would go to you and fess up, crying and apologizing abt how he disobeyed you and that he deserves to get punished :( or maybe catching him in the act would be a lot hotter…like right when he’s about to cum so he has to choose between submitting to you and stopping or submitting to the desire burning up inside of him and cum right then and there
this is so cute and so channie i love it <333 it’s a lil mean but when he’s such an sweet, well-behaved boy who rarely does anything to deserve being punished, you can’t help but wanna test his limits and see just how far his obedience can go…plus the pure shame he’d feel for disappointing you when he finally snaps and gives in to his desires would make it all the more satisfying~
channie doesn’t see much of a reason to ever be bratty w you bc you always treat him so good!! nothing makes him happier than pleasing you and hearing your sweet praises when he does well, just like you said he’d never dream of breaking a rule!! and it’s not even necessarily bc he’s afraid of the consequences, it’s mostly bc he just hates the thought of letting you down ): but when you suddenly get extra strict on him out of nowhere poor baby would be so confused and doesn’t really know how to handle it bc he didn’t do anything wrong…he keeps begging to make it up to you somehow, but there’s nothing he can do to change your mind, it’s just too cute watching him grow more and more desperate w each passing day
i agree that chan’s the type who can go a long while without needing to get himself off so at first he’d be okay following your new rules, but as the weeks past and he really starts to miss your touch, that’s what clouds his judgement most ❤️‍🩹 it’s hard enough for him to even ask you for permission to touch himself bc it makes him a lil shy, and when you consistently refuse him he ends up trudging around like a kicked puppy, feeling his patience slip more and more. he’d wrap his arms around you and press himself against your thigh, mumbling “channie’s been a good boy right?” and when you smile so sweetly at him and say yes, he almost feels a glimmer of hope, only for you to pat his cheek affectionately and leave him hard and needy like that
when he finally breaks, he doesn’t even need any toys or visuals or anything else to help him get off, he just thinks of you the entire time ㅠㅠ maybe he does it in the shower where he has enough privacy and the running water can help mask his moans of relief. or maybe he does it in your bedroom while you’re away, grasping your pillow close or holding up a sweater of yours to his nose, pumping faster and faster each time he breathes in your scent until he finally spills all over his hand w a pathetic whine. the pleasure of finally getting to release would immediately get overtaken by hot shame creeping up on his skin
he’d absolutely admit it to you on his own afterwards bc he just wouldn’t be able to handle the guilt of what he’d done, in his mind he doesn’t deserve to get away with it. the thought of him breaking into tears as he apologizes and begs you to put him in his place is so cute <3 he would take any punishment you give him like a good boy—spanking, edging, degradation, overstimulation, even if he’s crying the entire time. sweet baby might even hiccup out a weak little “thank you” afterwards through all his sniffling and sobbing
but walking in on him in the act 😵‍💫 the visual of channie looking so desperate and almost animalistic and he frantically tries to bring himself to a climax would be mind-numbing…it doesn’t help that he’s so loud, it’s almost inevitable that you’d catch him when he’s chanting your name over n over and letting out the neediest whimpers each time he bucks into his fist. his reaction when you catch him would be so priceless too…he’d make the cutest flustered squeak and immediately bury his face in your sweater, going beet red. embarrassingly enough, you watching him is almost enough to make him cum on the spot 💓 if his head hasn’t gone fuzzy beyond the point of return, i think he’d force himself to pull his hand away and immediately start pleading for you to help him finish, rasping out how sorry he is for being so pathetic, he just needs you so bad, it aches so bad, he didn’t know what to do w himself anymore ): makes for the perfect opportunity to pretend to agree, only for his grateful moans to turn into full-on sobs when you end up edging him instead…poor channie might end up breaking for real
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So. Predatory species Obi-wan.
Mostly I just think it's funny to make him a predator bc if you take all the SW character and go "which one looks more likely to eat someone" Obi-Wan would definitely not be it. Not even top 20. He's much more likely to deliver a devastating burn with a flat tone lmao but anyway!
Specifically, Obi-wan being from a species who's pretty damn known for eating people. Like, it's not the only thing they can eat but a...... Something big happened a while ago and the galaxy never really forgot. Nowadays Stewjoni people don't really eat anyone but it's.... Mostly because they don't leave their planet. The predatory instincts are definitely here (Quinlan wears proof of that because once when they were teenagers he made the mistake of pissing obi-wan off and letting his finger wander a bit too close and long story short, Obi-wan bit him so hard he severed Quinlan's finger and they had to go to a healer really fast. Obi-wan felt super guilty for a while but Quinlan annoyed him into forgiving himself. Nowadays he's more embarassed that he lost control so bad. Quinlan thinks it was hilarious and that he definitely expected to get bitten but he didn't expect the result.)
Mostly the instincts are just Obi-wan really wanting to bite people when they're annoying and maybe wanting to chase people if they turn their back to him and run. Also headbutting people to show affection, which became a Whole Thing™ when he was on Mandalore. He doesn't really thinks about how people would taste until he's hungry and he's really good at controlling himself.
But basically this whole thing came from an idea I had with Alpha-17!
Basically it's like. Obi-wan being a predatory species is a bit of a secret bc like.... It's not like he'd be killed if people knew but Stewjoni still have a really bad reputation. So he doesn't like to talk about it. And people don't really know because he looks so mild-mannered and he smiles with his mouth closed so you can't see the teeth and he hides his hands in his sleeves because otherwise he picks at his skin which is not good when one has claws.
Okay so the clones don't know Obi-wan is from a predatory species. He's not hiding it, but when the clones see him headbutt Anakin like an affectionate Tooka they either go "maybe that's a nat-born thing" or "maybe that's a Jedi thing" or "makes sense, my batch mate like keldabe kisses too". Due to their childhood they have literally no idea of what is Normal Human Behavior so they don't notice that Obi-Wan isn't human.
Point is, Obi-wan and Alpha-17 get captured by Ventress and she tries to sow discord by being all "how can you trust a predator ? Unless you didn't know what he was? Then how can you trust something that hides what it is" basically she's just trying to get Alpha to distrust Obi-wan so he won't try to help him escape.
Obi-Wan's kind of expecting.... Not fear, exactly. Alpha-17 sort of doesn't do fear. But he's expecting some agressivity at least. Some wariness.
Except Alpha is just mostly outraged. How come Kenobi, who won't even kill a few annoying senators, gets the biological advantages that comes with being a predator?? That's so unfair. This idiot wouldn't even think about eating anyone. Alpha could use the biology way better! He would have loved to be able to eat a few kaminoans!! That's fucking unfair. How come his Jedi gets sharp fangs and he doesn't?? UN. FAIR.
Lmao yeah the whole plot is basically just Alpha-17 being offended that his pacifist of a general won the genetic lottery while he (who would have used the fangs as they're meant to be used!!) didn't. Boo.
(Obi-wan is wondering why Alpha-17 and Anakin don't get along better because they have startlingly similar reactions to learning about his species)
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shadowdaddies · 7 months
Could you do a fluffy Rhys x reader where reader always needs to be touching Rhys? At first he doesn’t realize her always having at least their knees touching when they are sitting down somewhere but over time he realizes and is always right next to her and goes out of his way to always be right beside her and always finds reasons to be touching her (even though he is already always at her side lol)?
Dude I am a sucker for men who always look for a reason to be touching you. Like they will grab your hips to move you over just a tiny bit even though they didn’t really need to do that, they just wanted to do it. Or will always have a hand on your lower back just resting or to guide you through a crowd/ room, I fold so fucking quickly 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
I feel a little called out here because I fold so quickly too lmao, I have to consciously not lean in when a man touches by back/waist bc their hands are so big and warm and I'm in my feels now needing Rhys to just hold me 🥺 *sigh* I hope you enjoy this lil drabble, I was projecting af here lmao
Rhys x Reader fluff
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It surprised Rhys when he first introduced you to the Inner Circle and you stuck to him so closely the entire evening. He rightfully assumed that your nerves played a part in how touchy you were, constantly holding his hand or holding onto his arm - but it wasn’t only the nerves. You inherently weren’t physically affectionate around people you didn’t know well, but once you felt comfortable around someone, it was not only a primary way that you showed your own affection, but how you received comfort and assurance as well.
While Rhys was initially surprised by your open displays of affection, he quickly caught on to the feelings of comfort that it brought you, and made a point to always keep a hand on you. Whether you were alone together or in public, Rhys would find any excuse to touch you. 
You were having dinner at home with the IC tonight - Cassian and Mor teasing you and Rhys relentlessly as he kept his arm around you the entire meal, your hand resting on his thigh. Rhys simply smirked at their teasing, lifting you up into his lap as you snuggled into his chest, poking out your tongue playfully at the others. 
You played into the bit, teasing Mor and Cass by intentionally being even more affectionate with Rhys, feeding him dessert as he played with your hair. Once dessert was over, however, and the dinner turned to quiet conversation, Rhys’s warm, broad hands that rubbed soothing circles across your back lulled you to sleep. 
You vaguely remembered the quiet laughter of your friends trying not to wake you as Rhys carried you up to bed, and his warmth leaving you as he laid you down while he got changed. You whined at the loss of contact, and he chuckled as he pressed a kiss to your temple. Only a moment passed before Rhys joined you in bed, holding you close as you nestled into his chest, nudging your head against him in a silent request for more. Rhys gladly complied, holding you in his arms as he stroked your hair, you falling asleep practically purring at the pure sense of love and comfort from being close to your mate.
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nanawritesit · 6 months
Obey Me! Dateables: Dating a fem!MC with a Kid (Platonic w/ Luke)
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Characters: Diavolo, Solomon, Barbatos, Luke, and Simeon
TW: mother!reader, light cursing, kissing, mentions of food, Solomon suggestively calls reader mommy bc he’s Solomon
Y/D/N = Your daughter’s name
Y/S/N = Your son’s name
You were walking up the steps of the palace, your suitcase in one hand and your tiny daughter’s hand in the other. After you and Diavolo had made your relationship official, he insisted on moving you and your daughter into the palace. The brothers were sad to see the two of you leave the House of Lamentation, but knew you’d be well taken care of at the palace. Diavolo would make absolute sure of that.
“Dia!” your daughter cheered as you entered the palace, releasing your hand and running up to your boyfriend.
He chuckled and knealt down with his arms stretched out to catch her, then lifted her up in the air and twirled her around. “Hello my little princess!”
You smiled warmly at how affectionate he was with your child, making your way over to them.
He shifted your daughter to rest on his hip, holding her with one arm, and wrapped the other around your waist, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “And hello to my beautiful queen.”
“Diavolo, we’re not even married yet.” you laughed.
“As if that diminishes my affection for you.” he scoffed playfully.
“Dia! I want to see my new room!” your daughter cried, tapping his shoulder repeatedly.
“Okay, okay, let’s go upstairs!” he decreed, motioning you all up the grand staircase.
“What about the rest of our stuff?” you asked. There was still a full truck full of your belongings that needed to be brought inside.
“The movers will bring it all in love. It’s alright.” he chuckled, taking your hand.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to being waited on.” you sighed, rolling your eyes.
“I will!” your daughter declared. You both laughed at her enthusiasm before walking down a long hallway to your daughter’s new bedroom. Diavolo set her down and opened the door, flourishing his arm to show off the room. You and your daughter both gasped.
“Oh my gosh! I love it!” your little girl squealed, running inside.
The bedroom was a little girl’s dream. There was a huge pink lace canopy bed, a wall of stuffed animals, a walk in closet full of pretty clothes, a tv and gaming area, and a chest chocked full of toys.
“I know it’s not much, but it’s enough to start out.” your boyfriend beamed next to you.
You whipped your head around to gawk at him. “Are you kidding? This is more than enough. In fact, she doesn’t need all of this.”
“Yes I do!” your daughter refuted, jumping up into her enormous bed.
You were about to argue, but Diavolo placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. You looked into his eyes which were sparkling with sincerity. “We’ll talk about it later.” he whispered.
You nodded, sighing as you looked around the room. Of course, you wanted your little girl to have the best, but you also didn’t want her turning into a spoiled princess.
Later on, after unpacking all of your belongings and eating a fantastic dinner served by Barbatos, you had put your daughter to sleep and were unwinding in your new master suite with Diavolo. He was undressing at the bed and you were going through your nightly routine at your vanity.
“So, can we talk about you spoiling my daughter rotten now?” you laughed, only half serious.
“Yes, my love.” he smiled, removing his tie. “I know it’s a bit much. But I just want you guys to have the life you deserve.”
“We already do Diavolo.” you grinned, turning around to face him. “We’re healthy, and happy, and we’re together. That’s enough.”
He smiled affectionately, walking over and kneeling down in front of you to grab your hands. He looked you in the eye before he continued. “If you’re worried about her becoming a spoiled brat, don’t worry. There’s ways we can teach her to be humble and have gratitude. And if she’s anything like you, she’ll remain kind and compassionate towards others.”
You blushed slightly at his compliment, looking down at your lap. “I just don’t want her thinking that the life I gave her before wasn’t good enough.” you practically whispered, voice trembling slightly.
“Oh, my love…” he sighed, gripping onto your hands sympathetically. “That won’t happen. One day she’ll understand the sacrifices you’ve made for her in the past. But she’s just a girl now. I promise you, everything will be okay.”
“Okay, I believe you.” you exhaled with a small smile.
“That’s my queen.” he praised, kissing you on the forehead. He then hoisted you up from your chair and carried you over to the bed. You were giggling and feigning protest the whole time, until he tossed you into the bed and crawled over top of you. He began peppering kisses all over your face and down your neck, the last one being on your lips. “I’m going to take such good care of you both. I promise.”
You sighed in contentment, ruffling his auburn hair. “I love you so much, my wonderful Lord.”
“I love you too, my beautiful queen.”
“Solomon! Mommy!” your son cheered when he saw you walk through the entrance of his daycare. He began to run over to you with his arms outstretched.
You giggled at his enthusiasm, kneeling down to catch him. You picked him up and placed him on your hip, looking at him with an affectionate grin. “Did you have a good day today?”
Your little boy nodded, then glanced between the two of you. “Did you guys have fun at school?”
Solomon chuckled mischievously before answering him. “Yes we did, especially mommy.”
You rolled your eyes and hit him on the shoulder lightly. “Hush, Simeon! He doesn’t need to know about that.”
“About what?” your son asked you curiously.
“Nothing honey, come on, let’s go.” you told him, making your way out of the day care with a snickering Solomon slinking behind you.
“Mommy made something explode in potions class today.” Solomon blurted out, catching up with you on the sidewalk. You whipped your head around and glared at him, setting your son down.
“Really mommy? That sounds so cool!” he marveled excitedly.
“It was not cool, honey…” you explained, brushing his hair out of his face. “Mommy needs to brew a successful potion in order to pass the class.” You grabbed your sons’ hand to cross the street, and he instinctively reached for Solomon’s at the same time. He always wanted to be between the two of you so you could swing him up in the air.
“Well, Solomon’s a good sorcerer!” your son giggled between jumps. “Why don’t you have him teach you, mommy?”
“Yeah honey, why don’t you?” your boyfriend teased, glancing over at you with a shit-eating grin.
You bit your tongue to keep from snapping at him in front of your child. “Because, dearest boyfriend of mine, I want to pass the class on my own. I���m never going to be a good sorcerer if I always have to rely on Solomon.” you explained through gritted teeth.
“Well, I think you’re a great sorcerer, mommy!” your son praised, looking up at you admiringly. “But there’s nothing wrong with asking for a little help.”
You winced at how sweet your little boy way, kneeling down to take his face in your hands and place a kiss on his forehead. “Thank you, Y/S/N. You’re so sweet and helpful.”
“He gets it from his mother.” Solomon grinned, smiling down at you with sincerity.
You looked up at him, trying to hide the smile that crept its way up your face. You then turned back to your son. “Come on honey, let’s go get some dinner.” you told him, taking his hand and leading him down the sidewalk.
“Or I could make us dinner!” Solomon suggested.
“NO!” you and your child both exclaimed in unison. The three of you all stared at each other blankly for a moment, then burst out into laughter.
“Mommy, can I run to the end of the street?” Y/S/N asked you. You nodded, letting him run off excitedly.
“So, are you going to let me teach you that potion?” Solomon smirked, putting an arm around your waist.
“Fine, fine, you can teach me.” you sighed defeatedly, leaning into his touch. “But I get to decide what we do after.” you winked suggestively.”
“Of course. Anything you want, mommy.”
Barbatos walked into his bedroom to see his two favorite girls in the entire world curled up in his bed fast asleep. He slowly crept over to your side and sat down next to you, brushing the hair out of your face as he admired your sleeping features. He then gently leaned down and placed a kiss on your cheek, making you shuffle awake.
“Good morning, my darling.” he smiled warmly, placing a hand on your cheek. “Breakfast is ready.”
“Awh, you didn’t have to do that, darling…” you pouted affectionately, placing a hand over his.
“It’s alright, really. With Lord Diavolo away on business, it’s no trouble making breakfast for the three of us.” he reassured you.
You rolled over and shook your daughter awake. She sleepily squinted open her eyes, glancing at the two of you. “Good morning mommy. Good morning Barbie.”
You both chuckled at her nickname for him.
“I’ve made your favorite blueberry pancakes for breakfast this morning, Miss Y/D/N.” Barbatos told her with a grin.
“Oh yay! Thank you Barbie!” she cheered, immediately springing up out of bed and running to the kitchen.
Barbatos laughed at her antics over his shoulder, then turned back around to face you. He opened his mouth to suggest following her, however he never got to do so, as you had grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down on top of you, crashing your lips against him.
“What was that for?” he asked, cheeks turning a shade of light pink.
“For being such an amazing boyfriend, and treating my daughter so well.” you told him with a smirk.
“You don’t have to thank me for either of those things.” he grinned sincerely, shaking his head slightly. “I consider them a privilege.”
“Don’t speak too soon. I think Y/D/N wants to have a tea party today.” you giggled, pushing him off of you to get out of bed.”
“Hey, I happen to think I look fantastic in a tiara and a feather boa!” he shouted behind you, chasing you down the hall playfully. You squealed as you ran away from him, until he caught you and twirled you around in his arms. He placed a tender kiss on your lips, yelling away slowly.
“Can you guys please stop kissing and come eat breakfast with me?!” your little girl scowled from the entrance to the kitchen. You both just chuckled, letting Barbatos carry you into the kitchen and plop you down in your chair next to him.
“Y/N! Hurry up, we’re gonna be late!” Asmo whined from the doorway. You glared over at him, your son still in your arms.
“In a minute. I need to say goodbye to my little boy.” you practically hissed.
“I’m sorry…” he pouted, backing off. “But Thirteen has the limo waiting outside!”
“Okay, I’ll be down in a second.” you told him, softening slightly.
Asmodeus and Thirteen had insisted on taking you out for a “girls’ night’ saying that you worked too hard and needed a night of fun. You were happy to go, although you were a little nervous about leaving your son for the night. However, the fact that Luke offered to babysit made you feel a lot better. The two were practically best friends, and Luke was highly responsible with him.
“I’m here!” Luke suddenly chimed from the doorway. He took in your glamorous appearance for a moment. “Oh, you look so beautiful!”
“Awh, thanks Luke!” you smiled, standing up and adjusting your dress. “Your timing is impeccable, I was just about to head out.”
“Hi Luke!” your son cheered, running over to him and hugging his knees.
“Hi Y/S/N! Are you ready to have some fun together while mommy is out?” Luke asked him, patting his back.
“Yes! You can go now mommy.” your son instructed, pushing you out the door.
“Okay, okay, one second baby!” you laughed, gripping onto the doorway in protest. “Thank you so much for doing this Luke. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no trouble at all! I love this little guy!” the angel beamed, waving to you. “Now go have fun!”
You had a great time at the club, until it was time to leave and Asmo and Thirteen were shit-faced. You were sober of course, being immune to the effects of Demonus, and had dragged them back to Purity Hall with you. You decided it would be too hard to get them back to their own separate houses and threw them into your guest room together. After tucking them in, you made your way down the hall to Luke’s room.
You slowly creaked the door open and tiptoed in to see Luke passed out on the bed next to your son. Ever since you arrived in the Devildom, your son didn’t like sleeping alone. Luke knew this, and offered to have a “sleepover” with him in his bedroom so he wouldn’t feel embarrassed asking to sleep with him.
You smiled affectionately at the sight of the two of them so peacefully asleep next to one another. You crept over to the bed and placed a small kiss on both of their foreheads. “Goodnight, my sweet boys.” you whispered. You then walked across the hall to go knock on Simeon’s door and ask if you could bunk with him for the night.
“Alright, wash your hands sweetie!” Simeon instructed, placing a stool against the sink for your daughter to stand on.
“Okay Simey!” she replied, hopping up to do as he said.
You smiled as you tied your apron around your waist. Simeon had bought matching ones for the three of you specifically for this occasion.
Your daughter was obsessed with Simeon’s baking. To her, his desserts were the best in the universe. And she honestly wasn’t wrong. A few days ago, while you were all eating the cupcakes he made, your daughter asked if he could teach her how he made them. Simeon, who absolutely adored your daughter, was happy to oblige, and now that it was the weekend, here you were doing so.
“Mommy! Wash your hands too!” your little girl instructed you.
“Okay, I’m coming!” you chuckled, tying your hair up quickly before rushing over to the sink.
“Alright, are we all clean?” Simeon asked, drying his hands. You both nodded. “Okay, let’s move over to the counter and start on the batter!”
You scooted your daughters’ stool over so she could help, placing her between the two of you. Simeon began going through the recipe, teaching your daughter how to measure the ingredients and carefully dump them into the mixing bowl. You were the designated mixer, stirring the batter after each addition.
“You’re a natural, Y/D/N!” Simeon praised your daughter as she measured the sugar all by herself.
“Thanks Simey!” she replied, a happy grin wide on her face. “Mommy’s doing a good job mixing too, isn’t she?”
“Yes she is.” Simeon smiled, looking at you overtop of her head. He shot you a playful wink, making you blush slightly.
“Do you want Simey to teach you how to crack an egg?” you asked your little girl, wiping your hands on your apron.
“Yeah! He does it so cool!” she cheered, glancing over at Simeon excitedly.
He couldn’t help the flustered grin that made its way onto his expression, chuckling as he grabbed the egg carton. “Thank you so much, sweetheart. But it takes a bit of practice to do it well! You have to tap the middle of the egg on the edge of the counter, hard enough to break the shell but light enough so that it won’t explode. Then, you dig your thumbs into the crack and pull the shell apart, letting the egg fall out.” Simeon explained, doing the steps as he said them. The egg landed perfectly into the mixing bowl, making the two of you gasp in awe and applaud him. He did a little bow while laughing, then handed one to Y/D/N. “Your turn.”
“Yay!” your daughter exclaimed, lining the egg up with the end of the counter.
“Just be careful sweetie, don’t-“ you started, but were interrupted by the egg splattering all over the counter. “Hit it too hard…” you sighed in defeat.
“I’m sorry Simey…” your daughter said meekly, glancing up at Simeon with wide, teary eyes.
“Awh, it’s okay sweetie, really!” Simeon reassured her, grabbing a washcloth to wipe up the egg. “You should’ve seen the first egg I ever cracked. Mine exploded so bad that it ended up on the ceiling of Archangel Michael’s kitchen!”
“Wow, really?” she giggled, wiping her eyes with her arm.
“Yeah, really! It’s okay, hardly anyone does it right on the first try.” he explained, patting her on the shoulder. “I’ll do the egg cracking just this once, then you can try again next time, okay?”
“Okay Simey!” she smiled. “Can I mix them in, mommy?”
“Sure, sweetie.” you told her, handing her the mixing spoon. Once she was occupied, you looked over at Simeon with an appreciative smile. “Thank you.” you mouthed silently. He nodded with a grin, cracking the rest of the eggs.
Once the batter was done, you poured it into the cupcake liners and placed the tray in the oven. Then you told Y/D/N she could go play for a little bit while you and Simeon washed the dishes.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” you told him, elbows deep in soapy water.
“What do you mean?” he chuckled, glancing over at you as he rinsed a plate.
“You’re so good with Y/D/N. She absolutely adores you.” you explained. “And so do I.”
He pouted affectionately, setting down his dish to pull you in for a hug. He kissed the top of your head lovingly, then each of your cheeks. Finally, he took your face in his wet hands and placed a kiss on your lips, deepening it slightly at the end. “Well I absolutely adore you guys too. I’m the luckiest angel in the world.”
You grinned at him lovingly, then leaned in for another kiss. You didn’t care that your cheeks were wet, or that you were getting soap on his apron. Right now you were simply lost in your love for him.
“The cupcakes will be done soon, love...” he whispered, forehead pressed against yours.
“No, I think they need a few more minutes…” you refuted, pulling him back down by the collar to crash your lips against his once again.
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silversainz · 1 year
number 44
Lewis Hamilton x reader
Summary: Lewis loves the fact that even though you catch the attention of everyone else, he still has you all for himself.
requests combined: "half request/half just a late night thought but staff/race engineer!yn and lewis having a flirty relationship and lewis mentioning how he thinks it’s hot that ur work shirts all have lh44 on them specifically, teasing u and saying it makes him possessive, especially if team members of other teams flirt with u"
And "can i make a request about mercedes engineer! reader like u don’t have a big social media presence but ur friends with the merc social media admin and they post u and u go viral online for being hot and ppl wanting to know who u are and all day the team is affectionately teasing u for it except lewis who’s jealous bc he’s always flirted with u but u never thought twice of it thinking he’s like that with everyone. like he overhears another team crew member talk about u and he’s like 🙄"
warnings: fluff, flirty!lewis, light jealously, possessive aggressive behavior (but in a soft way?), petnames, flirty!reader, sexual tension, suggestive themes, sorry for taking ages to write this, crappy ending.
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liked by, yourusername, sebastianvettel and 800,678 others
Mercedesamgf1 get you somebody who could rock the Mercedes merch as well as @.yourusername
User67 holy shit she's beautiful
user89 Lewis who? George who? Sorry I only know her
User90 she's gorgeous holy hell
User45 she's hot, marry me
user3 so beautiful, I would leave my wife for you
user67 she looks incredible! Glad to see her getting the recognization she deserves!
view all 9,000 comments
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"look somebody said "so beautiful, I would leave my wife for her," everybody at the table laughed, including you. as you looked at all the comments on the Mercedes post with you in it.
"I don't think I've ever been this hit on in my entire life" you snorted at your own little comment, as everybody laughed again at your sad joke
"oh babe you haven't met me them" John, one of the youngest engineers said as he slid in the booth next to you, his arm going around your shoulder. "How you doing, I'm John" you gigged at his joke and jokingly shook his hand that he held out for you.
"well hello John" you said in the most flirtatious voice that you could ever pull on, and watched as his cheeks turned red.
"aww he's blushing" one of the other engineers David stated, making John go all shy and cover his face up with his hands.
"I hate y'all" you all laughed at poor John. you decided to make matters even worse and pinched his cheek "aww, but he's cute when he's blushing" and with that John jumped up from his seat and went to go sit back down beside David looking away from you embarrassed and cheeks growing even more red if that was possible.
"alright boys I need to head back to work" they all whined, but you ignored them and headed to the hallway making your way towards your motorhome that the team gave you, but stopping when you saw Lewis standing in the hallway learning against the wall with his phone in his hands.
"hey Lew, what are you here?" he looked up from his phone at the sound of your voice approaching him
"so you've never been hit on before huh?" you looked at him confused, but eyes going wide as the realization hit you. now it was your cheeks that turned red.
"were you spying on us Lew?" you crooked your head to the side, a cheek grin on your face.
"couldn't help myself, John was getting a little too friendly with something of mine"
"something of mine huh" you gave him a teasingly smile, but it soon dropping as he casually walked up to you while placing his hands on your hips.
"yes something of mine" you felt your breath get caught in your throat as you felt him pull himself closer to you, if that was even possible.
"you looked beautiful by the way on your first Instagram post" he leaned in towards your ear, his lips placing light kisses to your cheek making his way towards your jaw.
"Lew we're in public" your voice was shaky, afraid that somebody was going to see you and him practically pressed up against each other in the hallway.
"okay and" you felt his hand slide up your back, his fingers tracing over the two numbers that laid out across your back, number 44, as his other hand cupped your cheek making you look up at him as his finger played with your bottom lip.
"I love it when you wear my number on your body, you look gorgeous with it on" he leaned in giving your cheek a kiss, before he pulled away from your frame eyeing your figure up and down a smirk pulling at his lips. as he put his hands in his pocket.
"I'll see you around love" he gave you a wink as he turned on his heel walking from you, frozen in place, breathless and wanting to feel his hands on you again.
Lewis soon returned to the garage, making his way back over to his seat, which ironically was beside john. "Hey have you seen --, thought she was supposed to be coming out soon?" he fought the urge to roll his eyes at the kid.
"no I haven't seen her" his response was blunt and sharp, which made John give him a weird look and turn away from him.
"hey John, did you see the Mercedes post of ---" another engineer who wasn't sat at the table at the time, picked up his phone and showed John the photo. which made Lewis roll his eyes as he heard the two boys fan over you.
"yeah, she looked gorgeous and she's such a nice girl" again he ignored them
"yeah, I talked with her. she's amazing" and ignored
"plus her body-
and that was the final straw for him, he cleared his throat loud enough for the two boys to hear "can you two shut up, we're in a important meeting" Lewis stated cutting the two off, both boys immediately shutting up and giving him weird looks, but remained silent. Which he was thankful for.
you walked out of your motorhome, files in your arms, freshened up and a different shirt on which now had George's numbers on it. as you walked into the garage, you noticed John and Scott and walked over to them
"hey there she is!" you laughed at John's loud voice and shushed him, white sitting down beside him. you noticed Lewis giving you a glare, as he eyes the now different shirt. But you ignored it and focused on toto who made his way into the garage with multiple files for the new car parts.
As the meeting ended and everybody got up from their seats, you looked around before going over to Lewis "you changed shirts" he said before you could even get a word out.
"yeah figured I needed to wear someone else" he rolled his eyes, jaw clenched tightly.
"looked better when it was my number" he looked up at you, a little tent in his eyes that clearly showed he was a little mad at how you changed shirts.
but you only shrugged, a innocent smile on your face "oh well, I like George's number better. looks better on me" you giggled as you saw his knuckles turn white from gripping onto the table so hard.
he said nothing as he got up from the table his hand grabbing onto yours as he pulled you away from everybody, not caring that they gave you both Weird looks as they saw you both leaving with each other
"Lewis slow down." He did in fact not slow down until you both were standing in front of his motorhome, where he unlocked the door and pushed you inside, relocking it once he was inside with you.
"so, you planning on kidnapping me from them?" he shook his head at your words, giving you a light chuckle.
"nope just wanted some alone time with you" he confessed, as he slowly walked up to you, his hands immediately cupping your face as he cashed his lips on yours. the kiss was slow and tender at first, like it was your first kiss. but it slowly turned sloppy and rough as he backed you up against the nearest wall, your leg automatically wrapping around his waist.
"you looked much better with my number on"
"well, why don't you take this off me then" you taunted him, his hand playing with the hem of your shirt. making you lift up your arms as he took the shirt off your body, the black tank top underneath still covering you up
"see, you look even better like this" he leaned forward, placing lingering kisses to your neck. "so, so much better like this" he pulled himself away from you going over to sit on the couch where he patted his lap making you walk over to him straddling his lap, his hands stroking the back of your thighs.
"so about earlier, 'something of mine'" you raised your eyebrows at him, making him shrug clearly not thinking much if his words.
"what I don't like when people flirt with something of mine, is that so bad?" He said, his hand going under your tank top making goosebumps appear on your skin as his cold hand hit your warm skin.
"since when was I considered yours"
he tilted his head pretending to think, "since last week. When you came over to my place and you let me have you all night long" you looked at him in shock, mouth sightly open as you felt your cheeks turn red at his bold words of truth.
"I think you know what I'm talking about, no"
"I hate you" you leaned forward burying your head in his chest, getting embarrassed. the air in the room getting hotter and hotter as each second passed. he chuckled at your embarrassment and softly messed with your hair
"no you don't. now look at me" you slowly lifted up your head from his chest "you're mine right" he asked again, his hand coming to rest on your collarbone, awaiting your response.
"course I am"
"of course you are"
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