#i just wanted a cute picture of enzo kissing is that too much to ask for
rottengurlz · 9 months
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i know i've kissed you before / but i didn't do it right / can i try again, try again, try again?
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sthavoc · 3 months
Hey can you write something about reader spending Christmas with Enzo’s family
I love your writing 🫶🏻
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·˚ ༘ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
·˚ ༘ summary: you spend the holidays with enzo’s family.
·˚ ༘ warnings: fluff, mentions of family problems, mom topic
·˚ ༘ note: thank you so much <3 it is never too early/late to feel in the spirit. did this in headcanons. y’all I can’t sleep so I’m leaving you guys one of the fics I finished here :) im sorry if I missed any grammar mistakes.
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☆ When Enzo invited you to spend Christmas with his family you felt like a load, you never wanted to make it seem like you had nowhere else to go, but you didn’t. You had, had a huge fight with your family and you were sure they didn’t want you around for the holidays.
☆The whole trip to Enzo’s home you asked him if his parents were fine with you coming around, you just didn’t want them to think you were inviting yourself into this home, but Enzo had already made sure to talk to his parents and they were delirious to have you in their house. It broke Enzo into a million segments at just the idea of you spending Christmas all alone, and also the fight with your parents, the least the man felt he could do was invite you.
“Dale, hermosa, estoy seguro de a qué mi madre le encantaría verte.”
☆ He was right, when his mom saw you the first thing she did was embrace you in a hug, and you just couldn’t help but embrace her tightly. There was a moment where you could feel tears swelling in your eyes, with your mother not being a huge hugger, this was the reaction Enzo’s mom got out of you, and when he caught up, he pulled his mother away telling her that it was better if you all went inside.
☆ When it was time for the food you wanted to help so you wouldn’t look bad, Enzo’s mother was having an amazing time with you and was happy that she had another woman to talk to in the house. For you, it felt amazing to have a maternal bonding with your boyfriend’s mother.
☆ Even the cat of the family was having a great time with you. You had jokingly placed him inside the tree and snapped a picture, thinking it was cute, though he almost dropped an ornament. It made you and Enzo react quickly to turn your heads around and catch if his mom didn’t see, lucky for you she didn’t. You had time to take the cat off the tree and share a few giggles with Enzo.
“Nos salvamos eh.”
☆ The whole family came together around the living room after dinner to have a promising time as you awaited midnight, it was a pure moment of having the whole family gathered around, watching Enzo fool around with his siblings, it made you smile. Watching his eyes squint from the laughter his brother got out of him. Such a price.
☆ When the clock was ticking 12, you all walked outside to see the beginning of the blast of fireworks, ready to see the sky light up with the brightness and colors. Everyone lit up a firework and a gold sparkle, your right hand was around Enzo’s waist, his left on yours as well, with a gold sparkle on his right.
☆ When the fireworks went off, your eyes lit up with the light of all the fireworks that filled the darkness of the sky. With Enzo next to you, the man looked down on you and couldn’t be more happy for you to be spending Christmas with his family and him. Seeing you happy meant the world to this man.
His hand pulled you in for a kiss, which out of surprise made you let out a sound but hummed as you felt at ease.
“Feliz navidad, chiquita.”
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creative-heart · 1 month
I've heard you want requests? 😏
You know how to make me happy 🥹
I still l o v e the newest pictures... could be something you can work with? Quiet and peaceful vacation with Enzo, away from all the trouble of life🙏🏻
I definitely could need it... ❤️
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Lucia's notes: Thank you my lovely @lastflowrr for this request, it was so cute to write this little Drabble/One Shot based on these pictures, I really hope I make justice to what you had in mind 🤗🤗🥰🥰.
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"Hidden haven"| Enzo Vogrincic
Content Warning: Just a little slight reference to sex, but in general, just a fluffy little piece.
Word Count: 1k
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You know  Enzo has been so stressed and tired with all the press tour and award season for his last movie, in almost two months you’ve rarely seen each other all three consecutive days, being a last year neurosurgery resident you can’t go away for long. Luckily enough, the universe, the gods or whatever you want to blame it on have aligned for once to your favor and your yearly holidays are coming up just as your raven haired boyfriend finishes with all this madness; so to celebrate and without telling him, you’ve organized a little roadtrip to a cabin in the mountains, just a week or so just for the two of you and you couldn’t wait to surprise him with it. 
As soon as the tan skinned man walked inside your shared home you run to hug him as if it is the last thing you’ll do in your life and you need it to stay alive “I missed you so much Zo” you mumble in the crook of his neck holding yourself up to try and match his height. He holds you up as he peppers your face with featherlike kisses “I missed you too chiquitita mía” he spaces each word with a kiss ending up on your lips with a soft, loving kiss. 
“I’ve got a surprise for you…I know you’ve been traveling so much, but…I’ve planned a roadtrip getaway for us, we’re going to Bariloche for a week, just us two, no phones answered, nothing” you smile looking at him “We’re leaving tomorrow, I’m driving so you’re relaxing and in charge of the aux chord”
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Early the next morning you two set your course out for the sweet and long awaited retreat from the world. You glance over in your boyfriend’s direction to see him laid back on the passenger seat, coffee mug in hand, sunglasses on. Enzo sighs relaxed and glances at you “I love you so much for this, I really needed this, thank you so much bebé”. You smile and the drive goes by smoothly while singing oldschool songs in the most out of tune way possible, snacking on your favourite chocolates and fries and just enjoying the time being just you two with no one from the outside world to derange you.
You arrive at the little cabin in the woods just before the sun starts setting behind the beautiful mountains, and you know it’s been snowing not long ago, the white carpet fresh on the ground. While you go and set your things down in the master bedroom upstairs, Enzo starts trying to work the fireplace and get it started, it’s an old school one with actual logs. After everything is settled, you longue on the couch in your pj’s cuddled up to your boyfriend’s chest playing with his fingers absentmindedly as he hummed eyes closed enjoying being this close to you “You know, I love the fact that getting more well known allows me to work and keep making a living out of this, but….getting recognized everywhere and people staring or asking for pictures is something I definitely do not love” you smile softly keeping your eyes closed as you hear Enzo’s deep soothing voice behind you and you give his forearm a soft squeeze, you knew he didn’t like people looking at him, and you definitely didn’t enjoy not being able to do as many things as you once did together because of that, but on the other hand, you also knew how much he loves acting and that this is what helped him keep doing it.
“I know darling, but I just think you are so good at what you do, that people just get too taken with you and your characters, take Numa for example, you touched so many people with him it was unbelievable”. You feel him humming against the skin on your neck as he trails soft kisses up and down, and you know exactly what he’s doing, it’s his tactic every time he wants to shift the conversation from himself, and in all honesty, it always works. “Zo…” you whisper in what wants to be a warning tone but ends up being more a pleading tone and the little sucker smriks against your warm skin “you can’t blame now, can you princess?” and all you can do is hum when you hear him call you that, he knows just what to say and what to do to make all your stress melt away and your brains turn into mush.
The next few days go by in a haze of late lazy mornings in bed looking out the window, limbs all tangled up together after having some coffee, once you both can master up the will to get out from under the bed covers, usually after some lazy love making as well, you sit down to work on a puzzle Enzo insisted on bringing over, it has like a thousand pieces and you most definitely do not have the patience to do it, but if that’s what the love of your life wants to spend his hours doing, then you’ll sit next to him mostly pretending to help before getting bored and taking his camera walking around snapping silly candid pictures of him working on his project the surrounding mountains, you even go out on little walks around the place to capture some nature through the lens.
Time definitely goes by differently here because when you’re feeling at home and Enzo and you have fallen into a sweet rhythm of slowed down life, you need to go back into the real world and as you pack up your clothes back into the suitcase you sigh, you have definitely enjoyed this time you’ve had here being just the two of you, no prying eyes and screaming girls asking for pictures with your boyfriend feeling left aside. You try to push those intrusive thoughts away as Enzo has made it his life work to reassure you that there’s no one more important in his life than you, well…maybe Ada, but you’re a close second to the cat you share custody of and you know that’s absolutely true, for wherever you may be, his eyes always find your own, and you feel as if you were right here, in a secluded spot just the two of you know.
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P.S: This hasn't been proofread, so if you see any mistakes, please do let me know, I appreacite it. Also, my girlies, keep the reqs coming, don't be shy, fluff, smut, angst whatever you have for me, for Enzo, Kuku, Simón and Santi 💖💖💖💖
@madame-fear  @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @espinasrubi @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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hermywolf · 1 year
top 5 teammates of messi
bestie im kissing u on the mouth (consensually) rn i wanna talk about la scaloneta so bad at all times always
for this ask game
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1- dibu (the third picture??? sexo)
i mean are we surprised. dibu is an amazing goalie first of all. y bueno por supuesto es el mas grande es el rey y ademas esta re loco. and also i want him carnally so that's that. also also, seeing all the french people who fucking loathe his guts is just making me love him more ik so many ppl even irl who just fucking hate him it makes me so happy i love it when he's fucking insane
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2- juli
arañita te quiero tanto amor de mi vida bebecito i would die for him. i don't think ive ever seen a single picture of him where he's not smiling all huge and sunny he's literally free serotonin personified. he's the definition of babygirl i would die for him he's so fucking CUTE
3- kun
whats that? he's not in la scaloneta anymore? umm idk what you're talking about look at this picture
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he's literally world champion?? he's wearing the jersey and everything. clearly he's still part of la selección. why would you even say that smh
anyway he's fucking hilarious y su amistad con leo is everything to me son adorables los amo. sus stream>> thank u kuni for giving us some of the best leo content ever btw
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4- di maria
idk man. idk what to say. anytime i look at fideo i just get overwhelmed by love and fondness and im a loss for words. i just love him
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5- i realize now this was a terrible idea i just love them all too much i can't pick. so im just gonna put rodri, beckham and enzo all in the fifth place bc why not. honorary mentions for dybala and ale. oh and paredes. just all of them really i love them all
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bonus: neymar bc i love him but i wasn't sure if the ask included any teammates or just the argentina nt. he's so babygirl
(also obviously scaloni but i didn't think i could say him since he's not a player anymore. do NOT mention kun we've talked about this)
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paperclipninja · 3 years
Younger post-ep ramble 7x01
I joked in my finale ramble at the end of season 6 that the episode was called ‘Forever’ because that’s how long it would feel between seasons...well joke's on me because now, after 587 days, we are FINALLY here. The Younger drought has been a tough one, but we have been generously compensated by getting the first four episodes all at once, which is both exciting and also, turns out, incredibly overwhelming. As usual the thoughts and feelings are many, mostly feelings (read: I am NOT ok) but let’s start off with a delve into the premiere episode, ‘A Decent Proposal’.
The episode picks up within minutes of where the season 6 finale left off, with Diana and Enzo not wasting any time to hot foot it out of their wedding reception and into their happily ever after (Arrivederci bitches!). Of course I’m very happy for Diana and her happiness but there’s only one couple’s happiness that I am on tenterhooks about now that Diva is sorted and that is Charles and Liza, as they watch their sprinklers fizzle out in some sort of awkward, symbolic, anti-climax. 
You may recall that mere moments earlier, Charles had popped the question on the dancefloor before the two were separated by an obligatory conga line, and Charles quickly assumes that Liza’s lack of enthusiasm to shout her answer across the reception of another person’s wedding is an answer in itself. As anyone who has read my rambles before knows, I unapologetically fly the Team Charles flag, and let me tell you, despite her supreme stalling techniques (you’re not divorced yet, we should probably speak to the children blah blah), hearing Liza say, ‘my answer is, I love you’, my jaw hit the floor. I’m sorry, did Liza Miller just declare her feelings openly and directly and with absolute certainty??? We’re 33 seconds into the new season and I AM SHOOKETH DARREN. 
Speaking of declaring feelings openly and directly, I love absolutely everything about this opening scene. The music choice was perfect and really helped build the moment, as Charles told Liza he understands her hesitation before un-asking her to marry him (so that when the she’s made her mind she can pop the question - I kid you not, this has always been my dream...). The music cutting out and just hearing the crickets as Liza asks if he’s really withdrawing the proposal, his quip about her having to make the next move, assuming he’s still on the market (I love/hate this foreshadowing btw), it is Charles/Liza banter at its best and my sappy heart was soaking up every morsel. Throw in some CGI fireworks and the observation that they are sign (which may or may not play out at a later date) and you have yourself a pretty darn near perfect start to Younger’s final season.
Speaking of talking openly and directly, one of the staples of the Youngerverse, the Maggie morning debrief, is back as our way to gain insight into the thoughts, feelings and ponderings of Liza. Straight off the bat I am very pleased that Maggie has fully committed to ‘Chaz’ for Charles and I’m even happier that we actually hear these two talking about what’s going on because honestly, the last couple of seasons the Maggie/Liza convos, which we traditionally rely on heavily to know where Liza is at and to hear Maggie’s sage/sometimes terrible advice, have been skimmed over or felt rushed. We are also reminded that Liza has indeed seen Charles’ goods (the Empiriconda, she’s meaning the Empiriconda) and that the sex is hot, because we need to have all the information on top of the declarations of love to highlight how their relationship is pretty much perfect so that what transpires is even more painful.
Other things that are painful include the fact that Diana will be decidedly absent for most of the season (to be fair scheduling/covid are pretty legit reasons and in ep 1 we can chalk that up to her honeymoon, so more lamenting on that later), but early on it provides some pretty fab Lauren Diva-worshiping. Donning a baroque print Moschino suit that would’ve made Fran Fine jealous, Lauren is clearly distracted by the responsibility of her interim role at Empirical, as her mother frets about the theme for her 30th birthday party over face-time.
Keeping up the chaotic energy, we also discover that Kelsey has to go and let Quinn know she no longer needs her money (these characters’ ongoing relationship with the woman who has tried to ruin all of them at some point really needs unpacking with a good therapist at this stage) and Josh is in full frantic dad mode because he thinks Clare is trying to kidnap Gemma (lol that Lauren straight up calls her out on it later). Two quick points here:1) love seeing this side of Josh and 2) love Kelsey’s calm, measured reassurance that of course Clare would want her family to meet Gemma. I will say though, Josh meeting Rob for the first time when he’s about to go with Clare and Gemma to Ireland and hearing this guy he doesn’t know from a bar of soap exclaim, ‘I’m just in love with your daughter’ was super unfair. Not cool Clare, not cool. 
Kelsey keeps her cool as she breaks the news of her change of heart to our fave resident villain, who comes complete with a bowl of fortune cookies she ominously encourages Kelsey to consult while also enjoying her own fortune, ‘a new love will come into your life’. It’s all very OTT and ridiculous in it’s obvious foreshadowing and I am here for every minute of it because I sincerely love to hate Quinn very much.
My love of all things over the top is further fed by Lauren entering Diana’s office and making her way to the desk - the music, the way Lauren looks at the framed picture of Diana and Enzo before relegating it to the drawer, any moment I was expecting her to utter ‘my precious’ as she became more and more entranced by the power of the neckwear, before Liza abruptly broke the spell by asking what she was doing and warned her off her consideration of claiming Diana’s office as her own. Very much appreciated the continuity later in the episode when Liza is very distressed that Lauren has gone full-Trout with the chunky baubled ornament around her neck, though Lauren is less Invasion of the Body Snatchers and more Nancy Drew at this point, as she has caught wind of Charles’ proposal while reviewing video footage from Diana’s wedding which she decided, for some reason, to show Josh, who was ‘still not interested’ (we hear your words Josh but your face says otherwise). I am very on board the Liza/Lauren dynamic and their ‘circle of trust’ as Liza asks that Lauren keep the proposal to herself (we really haven’t seen the friendship between these two much) and Liza’s gratitude, ‘Thank you...Di-va’, is hilarious, as is the response, ‘my pleasure, Queen’.
We get many fine moments in the office this ep, the first meeting when there are formal announcements and speeches made welcoming Kelsey back...to a conference room of Charles, Liza, Lauren and a random guy we’ve never seen or heard from before and never will again it seems. It makes me laugh that every person in the room except the dude we’ll never know already knows everything but hey, formality is important I guess? The pitch for ‘Little Women in Space’ by an author played by an actress who is friends IRL with Sutton Foster and they were in the musical Little Women together is honestly too much but also just the right amount and this show does meta so well (not to mention Lauren’s excited outburst upon realising her party theme plus her making sure Liza knows that she knows about the proposal. Subtle as a sledgehammer is our Lauren). 
One not-so-fine moment is the extremely out of left field resignation of Zane followed by the completely douchey moment of him breaking up with Kelsey via face-time with the line, ‘I love you Kelsey, take care’. I’m sorry, what?? On the one hand, I get it that CMD wasn’t available for the season so in some respects better to deal with it swiftly and move on, but it was very abrupt and strange. I had zero investment in the pairing so it doesn’t overly affect my viewing, but any fans out there shipping those two, are you ok? Because that was a brutal way for a pairing to simply cease to exist.
So we have I love yous being thrown around by Kelsey and Zane as they break up because that makes sense (in retrospect I should’ve seen what was coming because these words clearly mean NOTHING *breathes deeply, exhales slowly*) but thank goodness Liza is there to comfort Kelsey, whose statement that she really doesn’t care would be a lot more convincing if she wasn’t crying inconsolably. We get a beautiful transition from Kelsey’s office to Charles’ with a sweeping aerial shot across the autumnal canopy of Central Park along with the gentle music adding to the relaxed pacing of the episode. Liza doesn’t want it to be weird between her and Charles now that the proposal is out there (well actually, its 100% in her court but yes), so he reassures her it’s not weird at all by planting a kiss on her that almost triggers the sprinklers because friends, it is HOTTT. Cue super cute exchange about pro and cons lists, lovingly looking into one another’s eyes and then, another ‘ I love you’ from Liza to Charles followed by Charles responding, ‘I love you too’, and despite my deceased status at this point, it was magical. But also WHAT. IS. HAPPENING. 
These two are so enamoured with one another and it’s as though it’s something they just say to each other all the time, but this is literally the first episode we’ve heard any kind of expression of feelings to one another since the season 6 premiere and even then it wasn’t this direct; Liza ran away and Charles told her he didn’t mind not being at the office because he did it for the woman he loves followed by a cute story about how he can do maths because he’s had feelings for her for 16 years. Don’t get me wrong, the entire scene this episode was perfect and it was SO well done in the way it captured the best parts of their dynamic (damn you Darren Star for being so good at what you do), but it also felt like we were being shown the dream version of what could have been before it’s all snatched away.
Not unlike Millennial, which is like naming a business Boomer Print according to the table of boomers at the investor meeting who blindside Kelsey and Charles by voting to restore the name Empirical (head boomer has clearly had it with millennials, indicated by his statement, ‘who gives a shit about millennials any more?’) and so it is done and Kelsey is officially having a very bad week. It is while enjoying a quiet bourbon in the bar that evening that Charles is joined by Quinn, who is allegedly on her apology tour to explain to investors why she dropped out of the Senate race, but also offers Charles what seems to be a sincere apology for treating his company like a toy (prediction: nothing is ever as it seems with Quinn). I have a confession to make and believe me, I don't like it any more than you do - they absolutely nailed the set up of tension and a little bit of a spark between Charles and Quinn in this scene IMO and I...I *whispers* I liked it.
What I liked even more was Lauren’s completely in character entrance to her own birthday party, omg it’s so ridiculous and perfectly her and Denise telling her daughter, ‘fix your crotch, good girl’ had me chuckling. I feel like we’re getting Kelsey’s set up for the season at this party too, as she’s feeling unsure of what defines her now, and the conversation about defining things carries over into Josh and Liza’s chat when he asks her if congratulations are in order. This exchange between the two of them is just lovely, with Liza clearly feeling a little awkward talking to Josh about Charles, but Josh reassures her that he does like him, for her, and that it brings him joy to know she’s happy. They agree that their relationship doesn’t need to be defined, and that they'll always be in each others’ lives no matter who they’re with. It feels very final for their romantic relationship and I would be celebrating the end of the triangle had I not clocked Josh’s fallen expression as Liza walks away. I really do hope that Josh finds someone he loves and who loves him the way he wants to be loved this season. Josh’s words gave Liza some clarity of her own and so we find ourselves at the magnificent Seaglass Carousel, home of Liza and Charles’ first proper date, once more.
Charles is clearly full of hope and expectation as he meets Liza and they remember the time he and the beard we try to forget about brought her there and it’s all amazing and beautiful and...*collects self*...Liza tells him that she just wants to keep riding the perfect ride. She once again tells him she loves him (we’re up to three times in one ep now for those of you playing at home), that all she wants is his heart and that she wants to be happily unmarried to him every day. To say this does not go down the way she is expecting is an understatement; we learn that Charles doesn’t want a ride, he wants to get off the carousel and not live in a fantasy. He believes in marriage whereas she believes they are now finally free and folks, this is why you talk about your stance on marriage in a relationship BEFORE you pop the question out of nowhere at someone’s wedding. 
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You can see on his face, as Liza says she doesn’t want to define their relationship by the rules and obligations of marriage, that he’s hearing that she is not all in (whether that’s true or not) and he thanks her for letting him know what’s in her heart. You know the bit that actually plunges the knife into my heart? Charles shaking his head as Liza says his name, clearly overcome with emotion, before he kisses her on the head looking as though his world has just come crumbling down around him. That knife just gets twisted even further as Liza is left there in disbelief, (we are all Liza in that moment honestly), trying to process how her own declaration could be so easily rejected. You know, I knew it was coming, but it didn’t make it any less painful. I can see it from both perspectives and I have no doubt that these two characters have a lot they need to address and work through as a result of their own failed marriages if they’re going to have healthy relationships moving forward. 
I tell you what, after so long with no new episodes, this first episode of the season was concurrently beautiful and heart-breaking and one thing’s for certain - this final ride ain’t gonna be smooth. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m just going to go and regain some composure so we can start on ep 2...
Season 6 ramble collection can be found here
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minah-delacroix · 3 years
At any price (Part VII)
Universe: Dynasty AU
Characters: Minah, Tyler, Daniel (briefly)
Word count: 2,1 k
Tyler and Minah are like a drug to each other. As days pass by what was initially meant to be some sort of ridiculous ploy to get over Sungjae soon becomes something Minah loses control over and almost tastes like an addiction. Somewhere between their unspoken agreement and sex by a pool, whatever it is they have has sent Minah’s judgment flying out the window. The smug smirk plastered on Tyler’s face every time she pronounces his name, suggests he’s fully aware of it and enjoys the power he holds over her. Under normal circumstances, Minah would’ve been mortified, but given the fact she wants to keep Sungjae off her mind, she doesn’t care as long as her nights —and days— are spent with her body pressed against Tyler’s, having fun between the sheets of his canopy bed. Or on top of his mahogany desk. Or hers.
Today it’s the sofa in their office; a purchase Tyler had deemed unnecessary, but that now seems useful as he lays shirtless on it, arms up under his head. Amused, the man follows Minah’s attempts to cover the marks on her neck with a one-of-a-kind ‘Jeu des Omnibus et Dames Blanches’ carré Hermès that he managed to snatch from a private collector, a first edition as rare as Minah herself.
“Don’t tell me you’re leaving already” Tyler sits up, his voice laced with an evident intention that turns even more obvious as he slides to Minah’s side, his lips tracing kisses along her clavicle.
Minah can guess what he wants without even looking at him.
Over the past months working together and a couple of weeks sleeping with him, Minah has learned that Tyler Lee likes grand gestures and despises dullness. The fact she has a ten thousand euro worth piece of silk wrapped around her neck to hide the love bites he left on her skin it’s a testament to it. It is as arousing as it is embarrassing, so she tries to stop Tyler’s attempts to untie the scarf, but she knows she’s fighting a lost battle because there’s not ever a time Tyler lets her go without a second round. And for that, lately, she’s as thankful as she’s equally exhausted  —or at least Enzo has pointed out so every time they meet for lunch—.
“Did you read our end-year report?” Minah questions, pushing Tyler’s head gently and looking at him in the eyes. He clicks his tongue, but can’t even begin to get mad at her because there’s an angelic aura of sexual afterglow surrounding Minah that distracts him from reality and the fact she’s glaring at him.
Ignoring the small dent between her brows, he reaches over and plants a sloppy kiss on Minah’s lips,
“I should’ve learned it by now” he laughs when Minah breaks the kiss and starts fastening her Kiki de Montparnasse corset “Discussing business is your version of an after-sex cigarette” Minah gives Tyler that faint half deprecatory, half seductive smile she is so good at and shakes her head “But I’ll give you some credit, at least you’ve moved past the this-is-the-last-time-we-do-it speech” Tyler teases, pulling her into his lap and lowering his head to hers.
“No, this really is the last time” Minah whines, but it is evident her words are empty because her body instinctively responds to his lingering touches “I don’t want people thinking we’re doing business together because we share a bed”
“You mean a couch” Tyler corrects “Or a desk, or the bar” he continues, giving Minah soft pecks on the cheeks “The only time we leave this office is to do it on the balcony or home”
“Well, had you read the report, you’d understand why.” Minah knows she’ll have her legs wrapped around Tyler in a few minutes without much effort on his part, but she still attempts to direct Tyler’s attention to the problem at hand. “Our company isn’t as profitable yet” Minah rolls her eyes when Tyler starts kissing her neck again and unclasping her corset “And this is not exactly helping-” she groans.
“Now, isn’t it?” A cocky grin stretches out on Tyler’s face when Minah shifts under him.
Minah still wants to protests, but she gives in once again, mentally scolding herself for allowing Tyler to get away with it every single time.
Foreign territory
An hour or so later Tyler slips a black turtleneck sweater over his head. Across the room, Minah buttons a silk transparent blouse that allows the corset underneath to flaunt her perfect figure. A strategic choice that had a lot to do with Tyler and little with the fact she had been summoned to Delacroix Manor for, in the words of her aunt Valerie, another meeting revolving around the preservation of Delacroix Corp and the family —which Minah had pointed out was basically the same thing.
“So, the end-year report,” Minah says without preamble. She struggles again trying to find the perfect way to tie her silk scarf and effectively hide the hickeys on her neck, which amuses Tyler enough to make him chuckle.
“You know we’ve been on the market less than a year, it was expected we ended the year like this” Though Tyler’s face suddenly turns serious, Minah still can detect a double sense to his words, especially because he’s buckling his belt as he speaks.
“And when do I ever settle for the expected?” Minah pouts ever so slightly.
Tyler is about to reply with some witty comeback, the kind he’s so good at making and he doesn’t even have to think of because it just slips past his lips naturally, but he’s interrupted by his phone pinging somewhere in the office. He stands up and scrambles to find it only to realize it’s still in his suit blazer. He practically jogs to get his Tom Ford jacket from the back of his chair and his face contorts in something akin to unhappiness when he finally inspects whatever it is he’s received.
Minah looks at him concerned.
“What’s wrong? Did Harrods ran out of turtlenecks again?” Minah tries to joke, walking up to him and wrapping an arm around his waist.
Tyler shakes his head. His expression is bitter and if she didn’t know better, Minah would assume Tyler looks hurt.
“It’s Tara, she’s bailing on me for Christmas to spend time with Yang and his family” He informs with a somber expression, throwing his phone onto his chair mindlessly.
“Well, it’s only fair, after you ditched her on your birthday for that mystery woman” Minah still recalls how angry Tara seemed after finding out Tyler was seen sailing in a private yacht in the Galapagos after ditching a party she prepared for weeks. It was back when Tyler and Minah were planning the launch of Envoûté and she still lived in her family’s home.  She can also remember Tyler being super secretive about it and Tara ignoring him for weeks after the incident. Thinking about  the whole situation suddenly makes her curious, so she ventures to ask “So, who is she?” Minah moves slyly to face Tyler “Name, age, weight?”
He only laughs and shakes his head
“Oh, come on, Lee, you know about my past” Minah pouts “Why can’t I know about yours?”
Tyler shrugs and Minah doesn’t insist. She’s learned to recognize some boundaries between them and this time his lips appear sealed on the topic, so she walks back to her desk to pick her purse and pulls a Dior 5 Couleurs Eyeshadow Palette and her YSL lipstick from it. She retouches her makeup without even sparing a single glance at Tyler.
Then, out of a sudden, he clears his throat
“There was never another woman, Minah,” He says, simply. The revelation forces Minah to stop smacking her lips together and turn to look at him with a raised brow. “I was visiting my dad.”
To understand the weight of Tyler’s words one must know that Mr. Lee, once upon a time one of the greatest politicians in Asia and formerly one of the richest men on the planet had been sentenced to 8 years in prison for embezzlement, bribery, and corruption. It had been so shameful for Tyler’s mother that she’d ran away with Tara and Tyler back to her parents’ home in London and never looked back. Ever since talking about their father was taboo for the Lee siblings.
“I thought you’d cut ties with him,” Minah says after an uncomfortable silence settles between them, making Minah wonder if she’s ventured way too far into foreign territory. Even if they’re business partners and as of recently “more than friends”, the whole oversharing family secrets seems a bit too personal for her liking. Tyler seems to think the same judging by the way he keeps his answer curt and free of any further detail.
“I am trying to fix it” Tyler tries to appear nonchalant as he walks toward Minah, “And because of that, Tara is giving me the cold shoulder” he adds, closing the distance between them and sliding his hands down Minah’s back.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Minah says cupping his face with both hands, she almost seems ready to coo at him and how cute he looks when he’s sulking “I hope she comes around,” she says, letting her hands fall to rest on his chest.
“It’s just as likely as you getting the company out the red” Tyler presses a soft peck on the tip of Minah’s nose and she automatically scrunches it up as though he’s done something disgusting, but it’s actually the realization of how domestic and couple-like they are acting at the moment what makes her react that way.
“This is a season for miracles,” she says, pulling away from Tyler, at the very last second, before his lips come into contact with hers.
“And sorry, but I have to go see my grandparents. They want to negotiate my return to their home” Minah says, briefly picking her coat, her purse, and rushing to the door, leaving a very confused Tyler behind.
Festive spirit
When Minah arrives at Delacroix Manor, her grandparents, aunts, and Suho are waiting by the door, looking nothing less than picture-perfect. So much that the image almost seems fake and makes Minah wish she’d stayed with Tyler instead. They’re all wearing matching festive colors, so although she’s not the slightest bit surprised —after all it’s nearly Christmas— Minah’s outfit clashes with the rest of her family members.
“Intervention or surprise party?” Minah inquires as she climbs the last stairs and finds herself face to face with her grandfather.
“Welcome back, actually,” Her grandmother says, her face not really showing any hint of emotion that allows Minah to discover whether her presence is appreciated or not.
"And not for you” Aunt Valerie adds apologetically.
“Thank God, I was afraid I had to act grateful” Minah walks past her family, ignoring whoever spoke to inform her that  Gabe was returning to the Manor after a short “business” trip Minah knew had to do a lot with his latest scandal and very little with Delacroix Corp.
“Minah” The Delacroix patriarch calls before she manages to sneak inside the manor “Best behavior”
It’s probably the Christmas spirit or the fact Tyler exhausted her too much to complain, but Minah only rolls eyes and takes her spot beside Suho as her brain formulates intricate plans to go back to the Lee Manor before Tara leaves for that college reunion she had scheduled. She thinks she might've found the perfect Christmas gift for the Lee siblings.
However, Minah doesn’t make it to Lee Manor that night because both Suho and her finally get those apologies they’d been expecting, and with her thoughts clouded by the emotive moment, she agrees to move back to the manor, even if it’s just for the holidays. It’s a start and everybody seems happy with that. Even Minah’s grandparents.
That’s why the next morning Daniel Choi parks Tara’s Mercedes S-Class in front of a row of topiaries by the entrance of Delacroix Manor. He can't quite believe he allowed Tyler to convince him of joining Tara —who's maneuvering out of the car holding a heavy bowling bag— and Minah in whatever ridiculous activity they were planning for the day, so he curses his best friend silently as he steps out of the car. It’s the third time in a row that Tyler stands him up and he’s beginning to feel it’s about time he packs his bags and goes back to New York.
“Or probably not” Daniel says, noticing that cutie from the other day—Seokjae or whatever his name is— walking in their direction.
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Start Over/2
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Part 2
Elena Gilbert x Nick Amaro
a/n: this is my new au ship - and here is a little story. I am borrowing Nick Amaro from Law&Order SUV
featuring Bonnie and Caroline and their new loves
This is totally AU.
Premise: Nick Amaro left New York to go live in Mystic Falls, to be close to his daughter Zara.
He meets Dr Elena Gilbert Salvatore, who now is a widow, as Damon Salvatore died in a car accident.
Nick will soon find out that Mystic Falls is not such a normal town.
It’s a little love story. I hope you like it.
some gifs are not mine-
Thanks for reading. xoxo (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) ♡
thank you @miguelsbrat​ for the lovely nicklena💑🏽  moodboard. I looove it. (*゚▽゚*) and this story is dedicate to you, dear friend.
A week later
"I really wish I could stay. Hate to leave you dealing with the move on your own." Sidney said.
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"I am very much capable of taking care of things on my own. Plus I got my vamp friends - and I will not carry anything heavy." Bonnie reassured her fiance.
"Right. I will call you when I land. Love you."
"I love you, too. And stop worrying."
"I can't help it. The witch in me just - I am overprotective, you know."
"I know. It is so cute. And I don't mind being molly-cuddled, as you know. But, seriously. We will be fine. Now kiss me."
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A tad bit later
Salvatore School
Caroline sat down at her desk and opened her diary and started an entry,
"So, we have a wedding to prepare. Bonnie doesn't want anything big, but I will talk her into it. After everything we have been through, we deserve a big celebration of life. So, dear diary, I will be very busy. And the kind of busy that feels so good. More than good. Ok - there is something else that - but more about it later."
Caroline's phone rang and answering it, she got up, "Yes, Bonnie, I am on my way."
As the two friends met for Bonnie's wedding dress fitting, Caroline raised a question which has been on her mind for some time.
“We need to do something about Elena and Nick”
“Why do we need do anything about Elena and Nick?” Bonnie looked at her friend a tad bit wide-eyed. But knowing Caroline, this actually didn’t come as a surprise.
“You know what she is like. She will overthink it and push him away. She has done it like with any guy that showed that he is interested.
"I would never think that Nick is her type actually" Bonnie remarked browsing through the dresses.
"Ok - so?"
"Well, nothing but - you know Elena. She loved the bad boy type -"Bonnie said. “He is actually the opposite.”
"Sidney is not the bad boy type and you fell for him" Caroline pointed out.
"No. You're right there." Bonnie nodded.”And if she wants to be with him, who am I to judge.”
“Exactly. You were with Enzo. Not as bad as Damon, but - now - it’s like - we are out of that phase. Bad boy. Been there done that. Got the T-shirt. Now let’s try the good boys.”
As Bonnie wanted to comment, Caroline swayed off from the topic, jumping up and put her hands together as the seamstress stepped away from Bonnie, clapping a little delightfully.
"You look so beautiful!” the blonde vampire exclaimed.”Don’t move. I need to take a picture and send it to Elena."
The MFPD Station
“What do you mean, the marks on the body of that man disappeared. Now you will tell me there are real vampires living around us? Halloween is in October.”  Nick said.
“In Mystic Falls actually, Halloween is every day. Vampires, witches and werewolves don’t wear costumes. Not even on Halloween.” Victoria Fell said.
“Come on. This is serious. I saw the body in the woods. It had - animal bites on the neck.” Nick said.
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“It’s time you get to know a few things. Come on, I need a real coffee and a burger.” the vampire said getting up. She now looked in Nick’s eyes, compelling him to take the news about the vampires existing like it’s a normal thing.
Matt, who saw the whole thing, now pulled the female detective to the side. But before he could say anything, Victoria cocked an eye brow at the man.
“Don’t start with the moral thing. He is not ready to take it in.Not yet anyway.”
“This was not your call. We agreed.”
“I am not part of the Secret Council.” Victoria said and swished out of the station.
🥞💑 ☕
Later that evening
Gilbert House
Browsing through the gallery, Elena went through the crazy selfies her two friends sent her from the dress fitting, reading the messages that followed.
Caroline: “You are not missing the cake tasting- and that is an order”
Elena:”I will be there. I solemly promise.”
Caroline: “Good. Tomorrow at 11 am. And if I have to compel you to come with us, I will.Night. xoxo”
Elena pouted a smile and finishing the text with a 🧛grr.xoxo. she slipped her phone on the kitchen counter.
Bonnie deciding to get married in Mystic Falls was a magical boost for both her and Caroline. For years they both kind of put their lives on hold, as they tragically lost their loves. Life was completely unpredictable and she knew that so well. All three of them. Not just her and Caroline. Bonnie, too.
Pouring herself a glass of Merlot, she flashed back to the girly movie night a week before at her house.
“Deciding to build this house and selling the house Damon and I lived in was a big step for me to - start the process of staring over.” Elena said.
“Yeah, you said.” Bonnie nodded a little, taking  a sip of the mock cocktail. “And we - have to. We can’t sit and be defined by our past and - everything that happened. I thought I would never get over Enzo. And - he will forever be in my heart, but - we got to live life. And now - with the baby - I am so happy I have listened to my heart and let myself fall in love with Sidney.”
“OMG - you guys” Caroline wiped her tears that welled up in her eyes. Exhaling deeply, the blonde vampire then held her hands out to her friends and said, “We make a pact. We will be happy. And allow ourselves to be happy. Ok?”
Taking her hands, both Bonnie and Elena nodded.
Elena opened the door and stepped out on the back porch, sitting herself down on the steps. Taking a sip of the Merlot, she now looked up to the bright blue moon hanging over the garden.
“Hey you” she slipped and then jumped a little as she heard a voice returning the hey you.
It was Nick, who came into his part of the garden from the back.
“Did I startle you? Sorry -”
“No - well. I kind of - get to talk to the moon from time to time. Weird, I know. He is like my diary now.” Elena shook her head, trying so hard not to talk jibberish.
“He definitely will keep all the secrets. Not that you have any secrets. I didn’t mean to imply” Nick pressed his lips, swiveling his head.
“Wanna a glass of wine?” Elena offered, waving his remark off.
“Yeah. I’d like to.”
“I got Merlot. I also have Bourbon - maybe you’d like something stronger. It looks like you had a crazy day.” Elena jumped up. She, of course knew what went off earlier today as Matt had texted her immediately after Victoria and Nick had left.
“Merlot is fine.Thanks.” The detective said and now got through a small gate into Elena’s garden, taking off his jacket, making himself comfortable on the step.
“Ok.” Elena uttered and went into the house.
Nick found himself gazing at the moon. Vampires, witches and werewolves are real.Victoria Fell’s words now echoed again in his head. He took a long deep breath. Something inside him found it strange that it didn’t bother him and that it was just a normal thing.
It’s like - you know the tv show ‘Mayans MC’ - you probably don’t watch this.” Victoria said, but Nick nodded in confirmation that he did see the series.
“You know when they talk about this world and that world - like the drugh world and the everyday normal world. it’s the same with Mystic Falls.We have like two worlds living together. People who live here, some know about it and live with it. Some don’t or choose to ignore it. But, yeah. The supernatural world and the normal world here is very pretty mashed.
“Earth to Nick” Elena said as she sat down next to him offering him the glass of wine.
“Ah, thanks. Sorry. I just - was talking to the moon. I think I’ve started a diary as well. But, how does this work? Is it only when it is a full moon or- you can kind of talk to it “
“Oh, shut up” Elena pushed him a little with the elbow, making him splatter some of the wine on the arm.
“Sorry - this was so stupid of me.”
“It’s nothing. Don’t sweat.This is a very good wine. ”
“It’s a full-throttle red. My special birthday stash. Well, Caroline’s stash.” Elena said. “She always buys the finest.”
“She’s got a good taste.” Nick then said, taking another sip of the expensive red.
“Yeah, she does.” Elena said, making a cirle over the rim with her finger, and then putting her glass on the side. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah - “ Nick replied, looking at the brunette, furrowing curously his eyebrows at her. “Why do you ask?”
“I get this vibe that - something is - I’m sorry. I was just being - me - neighbourly- doctor me- always concerned about - people - I like.” Elena gulped, her eyes locking with the detective’s.
They stared awkwardly into each other's eyes for a moment, trying to steady their heartbeats, that suddenly could not be contained. Slowly they leaned into the kiss. Nick's hand clasped gently into the back of her hair, pressing in softly. His warmth, his touch, all of him flowed in this kiss.This slow, gentle, and dreamily deep kiss. It felt like a strange kind of magic ignited something sweet inside them.
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electroma89 · 6 years
💐🌷🌹🥀🌺🌻🌼🌸☘️🌿🌱 hey bitch, what's up?????? Lemme see those flowery asks bloom
Back to this bitch that has a lot to ask about me, Miley what’s good!
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
I was about to say mermaids but hell no bc I wanna go on a cruise sometime. I’d love to see a pegasus flying in the sky. And faeries, lots of faeries.
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls?
Vinyls, plus the aesthethic pics of my room i couls take with them.
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
Like right now? Like in these times we’re living?: 1984
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets?
Mmm shirts not so much, now pullovers are a whole new story.
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month?
We’re only a week into this month lol, I think it’s all the chocolate I got on Easter, and also a quick trip to the store and being surrounded by cute shit.
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself?
To change my mindset to attract positive things
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests?
The ocean, no doubt about it.
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I mean that’s the plan, we’re in a relationship after all xD
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits?
Depends on my mood, when I have to go out super early the next morning I plan my outfit to gain extra time, but most of the time I decide on the spot.
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
A bit heavy, I think I ate to much at lunch, bit tired too.
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having?
I think it was a nightmare bc I woke up pretty statrtled, but I don’t remember why
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now?
You mean food? I just ate so no xD I’d love a good sunday nap rn
lavender dream; turn ons/offs?
Long hair, featherly touches, kisses on my cheeck, big smiles; as for turn offs I’d say poor hygiene and treating people with disdain
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why?
I think my eyes watered a lot yesterday bc I was watching an opera and boy that makes me emotional af
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize?
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream?
Lick bc braces
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
Howl’s Moving Castle
desert rose; do you like yourself?
Yup, a lot
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity?
I mean if you consider dubbing actors as celebrities (bc I do) I’ve met Roberto Chávez, Hugo Nuñez and Enzo Fortuny
night owl; how many countries have you visited?
Only one (Mexico)
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle?
In Santiago and Viña del Mar
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done?
Carry on after losing everything
lantana; what’s on your mind right now?
“holy shit this is a long ass ask list”
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign?
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself.
I love to sing even if I’m bad at it.
I’m currently learning 3 languages: catalan, german and japanese.
My second surname is arab. 
I lived in Mexico for 6 years.
I don’t want kids.
daphne; do you believe in karma?
In a way
queen of the meadow; ever been in love?
Yup, multiple times
wisteria; whom do you admire and why?
Daniela Vega, for being so true to herself in a country full of hypocrites and prudes
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child?
My mom didn’t told me bedtime stories, she sang me songs, my fave was “Caracol”
remember me; did you make someone laugh today?
I always make laugh my mom, my aunt and my cousin in family lunches
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
Something like that, I believe in energy and different existential planes
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit?
Anything before colonization, please
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not?
Healthy? Maybe, maybe not bc watching everyone die tho
primula; what makes you sad?
Lots of things: injustice, sad lyrics, when people don’t take me seriously
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
Pretty much typical
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most?
I don’t think I trust anyone plenty 100% tbh
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today?
Tea and milk, bread with butter and bluberry jam, a few chocolate eggs 
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life?
Not having fought harder for the dreams I had in my teenage dreams
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe?
I’m invested in too many stories that it’s impossible for me to pick just one
violet; favorite tv show?
Right now I’m watching “La Casa de Papel” and omfg
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
“Cáete siete veces, levántate ocho”
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like?
Plenty of rest, delicious food, walk around the city, lots of cute stores
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies?
Editing pics and videos, discovering new music, collecting skull themed stuff
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you.
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.” - 1984
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared?
Wearing whatever I want, enjoying whatever I want, not caring about what people think
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger?
My age, I dated someone older once but didn’t last too much
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why?
Freddie Mercury, his music means conmfort, warmness and inspiration to me
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read?
Dracula, Frankesntein, 1984 (my fave)
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character?
Sailor Jupiter is my hero
magnolia; coffee or tea?
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
Can it be both? I mean you don’t pay bills with love
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person?
Dog person
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction?
Social media recently
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
Yas, so aesthetically pleasant
moonflower; what’s your favorite color?
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
I don’t have siblings, and I’ll go to a concert with my mom next month so I say it’s pretty good
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person?
Night person no doubt
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness?
Depression and dissociation, anxiety these last years
clover; how would your friends describe you?
You should tell me gurl xoxo (no en serio dime)
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert?
Introvert at first, extrovert when I feel comfortable
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do?
Uhmm nothing? I’m pretty honest withthe things I enjoy: cartoons, pop music, you ask and I’ll tell you
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words.
Honest, loyal, opinionated
lotus; best memory as a child?
My friends in elementary school, and my childhood summer vacations
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color?
Brown and brown
dahlia; do you like crystals?
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
No gender roles since the begging of time
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house?
I don’t like Harry Potter (*collective gasp*)
calendula; biggest pet peeve?
Twirling my hair
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet?
Cocktail party!, with lots of dance please
blazing star; share a secret.
If I share it now it wouldn’t be a secret anymore
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier?
Happier, holy shit
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why?
Anyone who could overcome difficult times in life, bc it shows that “there’s light at the end of the tunnel”
bluebell; do you wear glasses?
Since I was 6
nymphea; forest or river?
orchid; do you like exercise?
I know I need it, but I’m not a big fan
pansy; do you like poetry?
Not a big fan, but I can appreciate the beauty in some works
morning glory; any special talent that you have?
I don’t think so, I think i’m pretty average tbh
Omfg siento que corrí una maratón
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cbk1000 · 6 years
HOLY SHIT. That was excellent. Starting from the beginning, I just wanted to say that I'm so impressed by the detail and the hard work and all the reading and researching that went into your writing. You can really tell how much time you spend on your research and how much you're interested in the theme. It's driving me mad that people like you work this hard over their writing for no profit while people who get paid to write for TV don't bother to do a 30 seconds Google search. I think it's not necessary to mention any names here lmao. Let me just start by saying that I love Klaus with all my heart. I get very attached to all the characters, but that fucker takes the first place no matter what the setting. "He picks up the pistol on his table, holding his charcoal in the other hand, and shoots the man in the face." HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM? He might be human in this AU, but he's every bit as fucked up as he is as a 1000 year old hybrid. I also think you nailed his expressions and thought process, I might not know how to put in words what I think he's thinking, but then I read something like this: "He likes to lick his lips before he says something. He can't just say it: there has to be a pause, there has to be a waiting, all the world must have bent their ear to his genius, and with bated breath grovel for his insight." and I'm like YES YES THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I PICTURED. If that makes any sense lol I adore his banter with Enzo, I guess those two will never like each other, but that's what makes their interactions so golden. I cannot wait to read about him, Enzo, and Caroline living together, oh my God that will be hilarious. AND HIM AND CAROLINE! When you wrote about him drawing her and then her seeing the drawings at the end of the chapter and him not wanting her to see them and being embarrassed, and him being nervous while she looks at his artwork- I CANNOT. "Two extraordinary heads are better than one, wouldn't you agree, love?" Yes, I agree, now go live together and fall in love already. A part of why I love their relationship so much is the fact that Klaus is such a creeper. BUT. Call him out on it and he'll somehow find a way to prove you wrong and compliment himself in the same time (you can see he's related to Kol): "Let's not call it that; bit ugly, wouldn't you say, love? Let's say instead, admiring from afar, shall we?... I am the most brilliant criminal of every generation, after all. A true Napoleon of crime, you might say.." Shuuuut uuuuup, but also I love you. TIM AND KOL. Holy crap I forgot how awesome they are (jk I could never forget). They're slowly starting their relationship and it's BEAUTIFUL. I like how you included Tim being a Dickens fan, a little Easter egg from The Originals series. One of my favorite parts is the one when they go in groups of two to see if the murderer will appear (and obvs Kol has to be in whichever group Tim is), and they talk about how Kol brought 3 guns with him, Tim acts shocked and surprised, and then reveals two of his own guns in his coat and one in his boots. "He may be in love." Same, Kol. ALSO! Tim is such a sweetheart? Case in point: he apologizes for being to tall to play a prostitute, he asked a woman who was attacked if she was okay and gave her his coat while in the middle of a chase etc. And that scene when they found the dead woman's mutilated body and Tim's reaction, broke my heart. Where do I fill out adoption papers? One more thing: I've said this a thousand times and I will say it again, the friendship between Kol and Caroline remains my favorite ever, especially in small moments such as: "Hello darling," he says, and unwinding his scarf, leans over to kiss her cheek. He rests his chin on her head." It's just a small scene that shows how much they care for each other, and I thought it was very lovely and cute. Now, I wanna know who the murderer is SOOO BAAD. I have a few theories who it might be: a) Klaus (that would be a real plot twist am I right), b) Rebekah (since she's the only one of the Originals who hasn't made an appearance) or c) Stefan, maybe? He is the Ripper after all. Also, the all knowing narrator who makes an appearance a few times to "set the mood" is really interesting to me, too. BASICALLY I NEED ANSWERS. All in all, I enjoyed myself SO MUCH reading this, and I can't wait to read the third part, thank you so much for updating, this is literally the best timing ever LMAO.
I don’t know if you ever visit this blog, but if you do, I love you, and also I too am salty that certain unnamed people who write for TV can’t bother to do 30 second Google searches when amateur writers can look up Victorian shoe charts for a passing reference in their unpaid boner.
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jads1000 · 7 years
Steroline Appreciation Week (#scaw17) The Snow Globe Part 2
Continued from here X
Writing this has made me feel super emo. I tried to combine all the elements of Steroline I love (friendship, teasing, angst, romance and passion). It’s basically a trip from S2 to S8 and I hope you all enjoy it.
Approaching her doorstep, Caroline let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. After being locked up and tortured by a pack of werewolves, all she wanted was a hot bath and a lot of junk food. Stefan followed behind, concern dripping off him, his shoulders tense with anxiety. As bad as her ordeal had been, it could have been much worse if it hadn't been for the Salvatores and creepy Dr Martin. She shivered as she pulled her key chain from her pocket. Behind her, she sensed his footsteps pause obviously waiting for her to open the door. Then she heard it.
A stifled chuckle.
Was he laughing at her? Because if he was, she was about to kick his ass, hero hair or not.
She spun around to see Stefan's grin smooth out into his more standard earnest face. "What was that?"
"What was what?" He replied, the picture of innocence.
"See, I thought I heard someone laugh and we both know that's not really your style." Her eyes narrowed. "Is being burned with vervain and shot with wooden bullets amusing?"
"No, no, no." His own eyes widened in horror. He gestured at the key in the door as yet unturned. She gave him a 'wtf?' look. "You said it was a shit gift!"
Dangling down was that damn snow globe. After having misplaced her keys several times recently, she had resorted to attaching them to something big and ugly. Funny how she never had that issue since. "It IS a shit gift, but because I am gracious, I will admit it has it's uses. Still, I don't know if I'll ever forgive you." She turned to Stefan who was grinning from ear to ear like she was the most amusing thing in the whole world. Just for a moment, she forgot the existence of vampire hating werewolves and psychotic doppelgangers.
"I'll take useful."
"Oh, shut up!"
Stefan had passed a fitful night on the Forbes' family couch. He was grateful to Caroline for putting him up after Elena moved into the boarding house to avoid by murdered in her own bed by Jeremy. Still he wasn’t looking forward to having to discuss their sire bond revelation with his brother. Stepping out of Caroline's en suite shower, he picked up the towel she had left him and wrapped it snugly around his hips. It didn't leave much to the imagination, all Liz's bigger towels must have been dirty. He moved into her room to start dressing.
Caroline's room was pretty and feminine. To say she was a neat freak was an understatement. Stefan hadn't really been in here before and interested to see what secrets her boudoir might give up. In one corner, there were several shelves containing cheerleader trophies, commendation medals for various good deeds and a suspiciously home-made certificate declaring her third grade hopscotch champion. Caroline Forbes really was multi-talented. In pride of place, her Miss Mystic Falls trophy twinkled and next to it, hung on a small hook, was the snow globe key chain from his one and only attempt at Secret Santa.
His heart fluttered in his undead chest.
Why would she still have this given how much she hated it?
He ran his fingertips over the rounded surface and for the first time in weeks, he smiled.
Stefan and Caroline stood watching the burning log shed. Even as a ghost, Enzo was a royal pain in ass.
"I have a secret for you."
Caroline mesmerised by the fire was stumped. "What?"
"I have a secret I never told Elena." Stefan grinned. "Aside from the ‘dirt on your cheek’ thing."
"Okay." She looked dubious.
"You remember that Secret Santa gift?"
She rolled her eyes at him. "How could I forget!"
Stefan looked chastised. "I had a completely different gift for you, but Damon being Damon ruined the whole thing."
"So not a snow globe then?"
Doubt etched Stefan's face. He had always figured that someone as whimsical as Caroline would love such things, maybe he didn’t know her so well. "It was a snow globe, it was just a better one." He went on to describe the pretty, glass globe and where and when he had got it. At the mention of Lexi, he glanced away as if wishing to hide his sadness from her.
"It's okay to miss her. Damon may be your brother, but he's also a complete dick."
"I'm no better than him."
"Duh, you're a 1000% better."
"I killed Enzo."
"Your brother left him to die in a fire." Caroline cocked her head to one side. "Anyway, I don't want to talk about Enzo or Damon, who is this Disney character you associate with me?"
"Tinker Bell." He replied simply.
"I've never seen Peter Pan."
"Disappointed it wasn't Cinderella?" He teased. She narrowed her eyes. "Tink is misunderstood. People see her as impatient, jealous and impetuous." She frowned at him and opened her mouth to protest. "But it comes from a place of love, she would do anything for her friends." He smiled at her. "And she has really cute shoes."
She punched him on the arm. "You're so annoying."
He smiled. "I just can't believe you've never seen the film. Youngsters of today, don't know you're born.”  And then, even though, he really didn’t want to, he added “Come on, let's go check on Damon and Elena."
Spending an afternoon watching movies with her mom had been one of Caroline's favourite childhood things to do. Now Liz was dying, Caroline was desperate to make as many memories as possible. Stefan had dropped off a couple of DVDs from his collection, along with some chocolates and popcorn so she decided that given how miserable the weather was that was what the two of them would do. Liz was installed on the couch, tucked under a blanket. She looked pale and worn, the fragility of life etched across her features.
One of the movies Stefan had picked was Peter Pan. Curious, she popped in the DVD in the DVD player and snuggled up next to Liz.
"This takes me back." Her mom commented. "I know it's a cartoon, but it's kind of dark. Do you really want to watch it?"
"Wouldn't be Disney otherwise. Besides..." She looked away coyly. "Stefan once told me that Tinker Bell reminds him of me."
Liz made a strangled noise, half way between a snort and a gasp.
"What?" Caroline demanded. “She’s an icon!”
"Nothing. Let's just watch the movie." Liz passed her daughter the popcorn and they settled down to enjoy the film. "He's nice, Stefan. I mean for a vampire."
"Well your comparison is Damon so..."
"Still, he made us dinner the other night, he cleaned up and loaded the dishwasher. I don't think your father ever did that."
"He's trying to get in your good books." Caroline scoffed.
"Ask yourself why he's doing that." Liz glanced over. "He likes you."
"He's my friend, that's all."
"I don't think that's true. He cares about you Caroline and when I'm gone, you're going to need someone there for you."
"I don't want think about that."
The movie continued to play. Tinker Bell appeared on screen, jingling her bells and never once uttering a single word.
"I'm going to kill Stefan." Caroline complained.
"I thought you might." Smiled Liz.
Caroline didn't know how long she could keep up this book club ruse. Her Nook kept her from having to explain the physical lack of books to Alaric, but even with vampire healing, her eyes were constantly red and puffy. Stefan had been gone for six long months, the twins were exhausting and Ric was frankly as much use as a chocolate teapot. Which seemed to be the default setting for most new dads, but then he had a knack of making dusty academia seem like the hardest job in the world. For all his 'you can't explain what you love' bs, she suspected Klaus had never changed a diaper in his life.
Stefan, however, would have been different. She was certain of he would have got up in the night, warmed bottles and changed diapers even the really disgusting ones. He would have decorated the nursery and child proofed the house with bitching and moaning about needing easy access to a crossbow.
She opened the glove box and took out the pile of letters tied in a red ribbon and the snow globe. The key chain was a comforting weight in her palm as she handled the envelopes. She desperately wanted to open them, to indulge in his words, but part of her was too scared to admit he was gone. What if he told her that he no longer wanted her, that he was in love with someone else. By not knowing, she could live in her fantasies of a perfect life with the perfect man.
Turning the globe upside down, she focused on the swirling white flakes. This stupid tacky gift brought her closer to Stefan, easing the ache in her heart. It gave her the reminder he had promised her all those years ago.
Home, it reminded her of home.
"Put me down."
"No, I said I would carry you over the threshold and that's what I'm doing, damn it."
"It's not like we're getting married, I'm just moving in." She squealed.
"Well, Caroline. It is a slippery slope. Just go with my old fashioned, traditionalist ways." He gently set her down, smiling.
She grinned back at him. "So, you want me to be a prim Victorian lady?" She batted her lashes coyly at him before looking demurely away.
In a flash, she was pressed up against wall, Stefan's hands firmly planted on her hips as he raked his dark eyes down her face, settling on her lips before, meeting her eyes once again. "Definitely not." He growled. Hungrily, he pressed his lips to hers as one hand snaked up her body and into her curls. The jokey atmosphere dissipated, replaced by desire.
"I need to unpack." She murmured initiating another kiss.
"That can wait until later." He groaned back and whisked them upstairs.
A few hours later, Caroline was curled up, content in Stefan's arms, planning where all her stuff was going to go. There was some decent closet space and Stefan had cleared some shelves for things she wanted to display.
"I can hear your mind whirring."
"Shut up."
"It's getting late. May I suggest we take a shower together and I’ll help you unpack tomorrow?" He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
She shot him a thoughtful look. "There's just one of thing I need first."
Stefan hoped that it was some sexy nightwear, preferably short and sheer that he could get his teeth into, literally. He wasn't prepared for her to open up a bag and slide out the snow globe. She proudly placed at eye level, front and centre of the shelf. "You've still got that?"
"Of course." She replied incredulously. "Now let's get that shower."
"I understand." She paused in her message.  "I will love you forever." She broke down, sobs wracking her body. She didn't want to get back into the car. She didn't want to be 'safe'; she wanted to be with Stefan. But she did understand. He would always choose to die if it meant protecting others, that was just him. Stefan the Hero, Stefan the Martyr. The things she both loved and hated about him.
She rooted through her handbag to find the one thing that always gave her hope. When she couldn't locate it instantly, she started to panic. Then her fingers met the cool plastic right at the bottom of her bag. Only it felt slimy.
She pulled the key chain from her bag to see it cracked and broken. The contents had leaked out and the snowflakes no longer danced. She knew, then, her home was gone.
Two hundred years later
The sunlight shone through the window waking Caroline. There she was, in her old room at her mom's house, laid on her old bed, dressed in a short black dress with low black pumps encasing her feet. Shards of memories flooded her brain - the crackle of magic, the screams of vampires as they were felled, the sharp spike of wood between her ribs and the warmth of Ilya Bennett’s arms as the world finally faded to black.
To die protecting one of Bonnie’s distant relatives that was a pretty good way to go.
So, this was peace.
She was surprised. She expected to wake up in Salvatore Mansion her home for the past two centuries. She got up, smoothed her dress and took a look around. The room was obviously old fashioned, but warm, neat and stuffed with childhood memories.  Her eye was instantly drawn to the snow globe, hanging on its little hook. She welcomed it like an old friend taking it in her hand and fingering the smooth surface.
There was a knock at the front door, the sound of knuckles on wood could only mean one person.
She raced down the stairs and paused at the bottom.
Standing at the door, no curtains to obscure him, was Stefan, a large toothy smile on his face. She turned the door knob, smiling back at him.
"Caroline.” He said warmly, taking her hands in his. "I see you found it."
"Well, obviously." She replied, holding up the gift.
"Who would have thought Heaven would have a Quick Stop?" He grinned, brushing his lips against hers.
"Shut up." She murmured as she pulled him into a deeper kiss.
She was home.
The End
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notgoingtohappen · 7 years
Revenge, Interrupted (Steroline Fanfiction) - Chapter 1
Fake Dating AU.
Prompt: “Our asshole mutual friends set us up on a blind date and didn’t tell us it was a blind date, so instead of getting to know each other we spent the entire ‘date’ scheming against them and decided an awesome way to get back at them would be to pretend to date and then have a horrendous breakup but now that we’re two months into this charade we’re not sure what’s real and what’s fake anymore” AU (credit)
Setting: This is a human AU, basically they’ve just graduated college and moved to the same city. Bonnie, Elena and Damon went to the same college and Caroline went to a different one and has never met Stefan or Damon, until now!
Ships: Steroline, Bonenzo and Delena (I don’t ship DE but this is an AU so they’re fine here I promise)
A/N: This is going to be super cliche and fluffy but I think our fandom needs that right now! This is also my first non angst fic and my first complete AU fic, I hope you guys like it.
[Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4] [Ch 5] [Ch 6] [Ch 7] [Ch 8] [Ch 9] [Ch 10]
Caroline tapped her nails against the bar counter, growing more and more annoyed by the minute. She couldn’t believe Elena and Bonnie would do this. Seriously, where were they? It had been forty-five minutes and she was already done with her first drink.
She sighed and whipped her phone out of her purse, and called Bonnie.
“Hey Bonnie, just calling to let you know that I’m waiting.” She started in her most sarcastic voice. “Have been for ages. Which you would know if you or Elena actually ever picked up. You know, group hangs with yours and Elena’s college bestie and his brother sound fun and all, but how can I get to know this Damon dude if you. Never. Show. Up. This isn’t Mystic Grill back in high school, okay, I can’t just chat with Jeremy or Matt or whatever while I wait. I’m bored. Hurry up.”
Okay, maybe that was a little too harsh? But she was running out of patience. This had to be a new record. 
She decided to go to the bathroom and fix her hair or something, because really, what else could she do? 
She was just about to get up but stopped when she saw the guy who had been sitting next to her turn around and shoot her a puzzled glance.
He was hot. 
Like not regular hot, hot-enough-to-be-a-model hot. She tried not to stare too much, but his perfectly styled hair and broad shoulders and green eyes were really hard not to gawk at.
“Excuse me, did you say Damon and Elena?” he asked her.
“Yeah. My best friend and her new boyfriend. They were supposed to meet me here but they’re late.” She explained.
“Really late” he nodded.
“Oh, my bad. Sorry. I’m Stefan Salvatore, Damon’s brother.” He held out his hand.
“Caroline Forbes. Nice to meet you.” She shook his hand, a current of warmth passing between them and she couldn’t help but stare into his eyes.
Maybe she was imagining it, but he seemed to be gazing right back.
“So,” she moved back onto her stool. “They just decided it was time for everyone to meet for the first time and then don’t show up? Great.”
“Yeah, Damon hasn’t been picking up my calls either. Which is typical of him of course.” He smiled warmly as if in apology.
Caroline didn’t really feel that annoyed anymore.
If the others were late, at least she was here talking to this cute Stefan guy instead of contemplating getting drunk to get back at Bonnie and Elena who would have to take care of her the entire evening.
“So, you’ve never met Damon before?” He asked.
“It’s so funny but I haven’t. I’ve been to visit them before but the dorms were different, and I heard a lot about him but we never met. Elena sent me pictures when they started dating though.“
“Same, and now that we all moved into the same town, Damon basically demanded we all meet.”
“And this seemed important to Elena, and Bonnie loves these things!”
They stared at their drinks in silence, both thinking.
“Unless.” His eyes narrowed a little. “This is something else.”
“What do you mean?” Caroline asked.
He started going through his phone quickly and then groaned. He held it out to Caroline and she saw a Snapchat story from ‘D_Sexvatore’ that featured Bonnie, Elena and Damon laughing goofily at the mall, with the caption ‘Set Stefan and Caroline up on a secret blind date. LOL.’
“Wow. Seriously?!” She exclaimed. “God, I cannot believe they would do this! They know I have stuff to do, like finding an apartment and freaking job!”
“This is Damon’s plan, I’m positive. My brother thinks it’s hilarious. He’s done it to Enzo and Lexi and Rose. Practical jokes are like his hobby.”
“Wow, he and Elena sound perfect for each other.” Caroline remarked.
“They can’t just get away with it,” Stefan announced, downing his drink.
“No way.”
“They want us to get to know each other and get together, right?” Stefan said slowly as if considering something very carefully. “You know what we should do?”
“Uh, get back at them!” She exclaimed
“Exactly!” His eyes lit up. “It’s time Damon knew what it’s like to be on the other side of a prank.”
Caroline gasped. “Stefan, what of we let them think it went as they planned?" 
He nodded like that’s what he has been thinking that too. "Let's give them what they want.”
“What if we like, pretend to date. We’ll be the perfect couple, it’ll be great, because Damon is with Elena and I’ll be with you and Enzo is with Bonnie and he is Damon’s best friend, right?”
“Right,” Stefan agreed. “He’s coming to town for some job interviews next week. It’s perfect, they’ll be relieved we aren’t mad and it all worked out and we’ll legit be the group from F.R.I.E.N.D.S., except with 3 solid couples. For a while…” he trailed off, looking at her to see what she thought.
Caroline grinned, nodding enthusiastically. “Only, then we have the worst breakup. Super ugly. We shake them up a little, make them take sides for a bit, and get our freaking revenge.”
“The messiest breakup ever seen in all of human history.” Stefan agreed.
“And I was a Drama major before I  switched to Film and Digital Production, it should be a piece of cake!”
And then hours had passed and she and Stefan had been drinking and laughing and plotting and basically been getting along perfectly the entire time before they were interrupted by the buzzing from Caroline’s phone.
She showed the screen to Stefan, eyes wide, and motioned for him to be quiet as she accepted the call.
“Caroline, hey.” Bonnie sounded guilty. Good. 
“Hi Bonnie.”
“So, um, how was it? Did you meet Stefan?”
Caroline hesitated for a second, tempted to get mad at her for pulling this their first week in town, but then answered in a chipper voice. “It went great! Best blind date ever. Stefan is amazing and totally not a creep like every single other blind date I’ve had before.”
Stefan was shaking with silent laughter as Caroline tried really hard not to crack up too.
“And we’re going on another date tomorrow. Oh, you’re relieved? Yes, unbelievably good. I think he’s the one. No, I’m not upset!“ 
People were staring at them now since they were laughing so hysterically they looked like they were having a mental breakdown. 
"In fact, we’re planning a June wedding already” Caroline whispered conspiratorially, biting her lip to keep from howling with laughter as Stefan brought his head down on the bar counter because looking at each other made them laugh more. 
They really were drunk as hell.
“Okay! Gotta go make out with him. Yes, that was a joke. Isn’t that exactly what the three of you jokers wanted though?” She giggled before hanging up and looking back at Stefan.
Stefan wasn’t laughing his ass off anymore. He stared at her, a little confused, his cheeks slightly flushed as if just now realising what this plan entailed. 
And Caroline had to admit it just hit her for the first time too.
They were going to pretend to be a couple. Which included all the cute romantic gestures, going on actual dates as well as group dates, and hugging and kissing in front of their friends.
Stefan was staring at her lips, as if thinking of what it would be like to kiss her, and she stared right back, wondering what it felt like to run her hands through and mess up his perfect hair, what it felt like to twine her arms around his neck and pull him close.
She shook her head slightly to clear it of the thoughts that were obviously a result of the alcohol, and cleared her throat.
“So, Bonnie wants us to meet her at the mall. Apparently their movie is over and they want to grab dinner.” She mumbled.
“Sounds good. Do you need a ride?” Stefan asked, gesturing for the bill.
“Uh-huh” she nodded absently.
Caroline hadn’t been in a serious relationship for over a year. 
For a second, she wondered if maybe this was going to turn out to be a mistake, before following Stefan out to the parking lot.
[Ch 2]
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mon-amour-eternel · 7 years
Hahaha, sorry, I didn't see that you replied to my ask. I am a sucker for AH marriedKlaroline shenanigans, like maybe first big newlyweds fight? Or people hitting on Klaus/Caroline and the other being jealous/surprised they still get hit on since they're clearly married and all, or maybe they're first ever holiday as a married couple? I honestly will be ecstatic with w.e you come up with. Don't feel pressured to do any one of these. Thanks
Okay, so like a week and a half later, I finally finished it! Sorry it took so long. I wanted to make it good, but it fought me the whole time. I hope you like it!
I did the second two prompts together, mostly because I am terrible at writing arguments. Also, I added puppies instead of babies, because who doesn’t like dogs?
First Christmas
When the plane landed, Caroline’s first thought wasn’t how they were going to deal with Mikael, but their dogs.
Last year, she’d only been a girlfriend and Mikael had been civil due to his thinking she was temporary. Now that she and Klaus were married, any veneer of niceness would be gone. It had been gnawing at her for weeks.
But, in that moment, she didn’t care or even think about her evil step-father-in-law. All she was thinking about was her poor, furry babies stuck in cages for twelve hours.
They were golden retrievers she’d named Jacques and Fleur to fit their Parisian surroundings. Jacques was three years old, Fleur two and a half, and they were both so energetic that she felt her worry for them was justified.
Klaus had to practically run after her, dragging their bags behind him.
It was a long process, but eventually, they were in a rental car heading to the Mikaelson home in New Orleans.
“Okay, so when we get there, the party will be just starting, and family friends will be there. Mikael won’t be mean, but once everyone leaves, then we’ll have to worry,” Klaus went over again.
“I got it. A few hours of him being civil, then a few days of him being evil until we head to Mystic Falls.” She nodded to herself, watching the road.
They talked the whole hour drive to the house, though they didn’t talk about Mikael again. Mostly just about their own house, what they were hoping to get for Christmas, and how they still had to send out thank you cards for their wedding gifts.
There was only a quick stop once they got to the French Quarter, to change into their party attire.
When they pull in, the party is in full-swing, just like he said. Last year, they’d gotten in a day later and got to miss this.
Not that year, though.
They let Jacques and Fleur out to stretch, then put them back in their cages. “Just wait until the party’s over,” Caroline whispered to them, feeling bad for cooping them up all day.
“They’ll be okay, love,” Klaus assured her.
She fretted for another moment, then allowed him to drag her to the doors.
The home was decorated beautifully like always, and Caroline made sure to tell both Esther and Rebekah that she loved it. His other siblings all congratulated them again but didn’t get the small talk act like his mother and sister.
Mikael approached them as they stood chatting, and outright ignored Klaus. He clenched his fist behind her back and ignored him back. “Caroline,” Mikael said. “Nice of you to make it.” Like she would miss Christmas with his family. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
“Thanks for inviting me,” she replied, trying to be nice. In reality, she couldn’t wait until they got to her mom’s house and got to be comfortable around each other again.
“Of course,” he said. “Niklaus, come with me.” He turned and didn’t wait for a response, or to see if his step-son would follow.
Klaus went, though, knowing better than to refuse him. They moved to the giant staircase obediently. She was left at the bottom of the stairs (after a kiss on the cheek and a whispered, “love you”) for the quick word from the family, then they danced.
She held him close, and he whispered in her ear promises of getting her away from his step-father. She whispered back that she would be the one getting him away, and they smiled at each other. They were still in the honeymoon phase, and she was loving it.
They were still flirting when Mikael announced it was time for dinner.
There were many tables spread out, meticulously decorated and set up by Rebekah. She was sat with his younger siblings and their guests. Kol had brought his girlfriend Davina, Rebekah had brought her friend Enzo, and Henrik had come alone.
Rebekah only pretended to like Caroline, but Kol was one of her best friends. Henrik was sixteen, and only there because he was forced to be. He didn’t go so far as to be on his phone, but he was bored out of his wits. Caroline felt a little bad for him, honestly.
She and Klaus made some small talk. Enzo immediately put himself into the conversation.
Kol said, sipping on champagne, “so, how are the dogs? Did you bring them?”
Klaus nodded with a smile. Jacques and Fleur were their babies. “Yeah, they’re out in the car right now. We’ll have to let them out soon,” he said more to her than his brother.
Enzo, his chin in his hand and his elbow on the table, asked, “what are their names?”
“Fleur and Jacques,” Caroline replied, ready to jump into a talk about her babies. She pulled out her phone and swiped through pictures of her and Klaus to get to one of their babies laying in the sun together.
Enzo made the appropriate noises. “They’re so cute! Must’ve gotten their looks from their mother,” he winked.
Klaus tensed instantly. She grabbed his hand under the table and wrapped their fingers together.
“They definitely did,” Klaus said, giving Enzo a hard look. Rebekah rolled her eyes and muttered about boys and their posturing.
Kol just laughed and made sure his usually gentle hazing was not-so-nice when it came to Enzo. He winked at Caroline when Enzo wasn’t looking. She smiled back at him, and thanked him before he and Davina left.
(“Of course, sister,” he said warmly, giving her a hug. With such a mean parent, the Mikaelson siblings had all turned out friendly and outgoing.)
After a few hours, they trudged out to the car to let the dogs out. “Why was he flirting with you, though?” Klaus complained once again, unlocking the car.
She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m flattered, though.”
“Flattered?” Klaus scoffed, turning to raise an eyebrow at her. “So I should be flattered when Camille flirts with me?”
She narrowed her eyes at the mention of her least favorite bartender in the whole world. “Absolutely not.”
He smirked. “That’s what I thought,” his tone was smug as he let the dogs out. She rolled her eyes and bent down to pet Fleur.
A few days of tense moments, and a plane ride later, they were in Mystic Falls, Virginia.
“First stop is Mom’s house, then we can go visit your dad,” Caroline recounted for the third time. “Then Christmas Eve there, Christmas morning with mom, a day of family time, and then we’ll be back home by the 27th.”
“Love, we’ve been over this, I already know,” Klaus replied, acting annoyed. Truthfully, he loved that she was so organized.
“Okay, but do you know,” she stressed. She meant, did he know well enough that she wouldn’t have to remind him. He’d learned that long ago.
“Yes, I know,” he said, rolling his eyes.
They didn’t get much of a chance to talk anymore, as Liz Forbes’ home came into view. Liz hadn’t liked him, at first, but over the few years he’d known her, he’d grown on her. Probably because Caroline agreed to marry him. Once she’d said yes, Liz had suddenly opened right up to him. Still, he reminded himself to compliment the minor decorations she’d put up.
It was quick work, getting the dogs out of the car and getting invited in. Liz was dressed down, no badge in sight.
“Mom! Hi,” Caroline hugged her mother, leading into a greeting session. He got pulled into a hug himself.
They talked for a while, sitting in front of the tree. Caroline gushed about Paris, while Klaus just listened.
“It’s amazing, mom, you’ll have to come visit us sometime! We can go see all the sights, and you can eat the food. The food is the best part.”
He laughed. “I thought you said the boutiques and patisseries were the best part.”
She shrugged. “I like the boulangeries, too,” she said playfully.
“I’m sure you do,” he flirted. He had to go every day to get her her precious French bread.
Liz smiled at them a little less warmly than would be expected. Still, when she spoke, her tone was kind. “When are you leaving for Ansel’s?”
“Not until later,” he said. “We can stay for another hour or two before we have to go.”
“Enough time to make some cookies?” Caroline asked hopefully.
“Yeah, I think so,” Liz said, standing and beckoning her daughter to the kitchen.
It gave him a moment alone, a moment to think about the past year. He’d proposed last Christmas, and this year, he had to somehow one-up himself.
He wasn’t sure his present would be nearly as memorable as last year’s, but he knew she’d like it. It was in two parts, and he was anxious to get back home so she could get the second part.
He stretched, intent on thinking about the little puppy named Géraldine he’d gotten his wife at a later time. Now, he had to find time to wrap the painting and the jewelry he’d gotten her.
Now would be good. He’d been too tense in New Orleans, Mikael and Esther on one side, Enzo and his siblings on the other, to do much of anything. Enzo set his teeth on edge, almost as much as Mikael.
Enzo wasn’t in Mystic Falls, though. He had to remind himself of that.
He couldn’t think of the man anymore, as Fleur decided to try to eat an ornament.
“Fleur! Arrêtez!”
She stopped immediately, responding to the command in French much quicker than in English. (His thoughts briefly wandered to his future children, if he had any. Would they speak French or English? He shook his head and made himself stop.)
“Good girl,” he said, petting behind her ears. She licked his face. “Are you going to be a good girl for mommy?” He asked in a baby voice. While Jacques was an angel with both of them, Fleur was much more taken with him than Caroline.
Caroline’s head popped out from the doorway. “Are you going somewhere?”
He gave her puppy dog eyes. “Just to visit an old friend from high school…?”
She narrowed her eyes at him, skeptical. Still, she nodded. “Okay. Come here, first.”
He stood and made his way to her, Fleur at his feet. She gave him a kiss, one that he’d love to expand on later, and let him go. “Be back before we have to go,” she warned.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, pecking her cheek. “I’ll be back soon. Love you.”
“Love you too,” she said, making his heart pound like it did every time she said those words.
Liz waved, her fingers covered in cookie dough. “See you,” she said.
“Goodbye, ladies,” he said.
He left then, wondering if Stefan would let him use his house to wrap the presents. Stefan owed him, so he was sure his old friend would.
With a plan in mind, his mind was eased. Until, that is, he started thinking about how she would react to the presents. Damn it, brain.
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