#i just read with my eyes at 6.30 AM
persephoneflouwers · 11 months
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 11
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Series masterlist
Part 10 🍂 Part 12
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Pairing: Syverson x ofc
Series summary: Life with Sy, what more can you wish for? The most amazing husband and father to a whole litter of cute little kids... Sometimes you wonder "how did you get here?"
Chapter warnings: Here. We. Fucking. Go. SMUT. 18+. NSFW. MINORS DNI. Ah, yes, the song of my people. Fingering + oral (f receiving), p-in-v sex, loss of virginity, safe sex, some angst, some fluff... y'know. The good stuff.
Word count: 5.7k
A/N: SO. When I told miss ma'am @keanureevesisbae that this chapter was going to be a long one, and that I had 1k and I'd barely started, she guessed it was smut immediately. (She literally used the words 'Ch11 is smut. There is no other option.') She was right. You bet your ass I'm not writing 1k smut for a first time (or in general?... I like lengthy smut?) I hope y'all are happy now. I know I am! Now girl, get your butt home and read this 😘😘😘
IMPORTANT PSA: It's a first time - without any blood and without any pain. I'm not about that stuff. So if you're someone still waiting for that moment (even if you're a minor who hasn't turned away yet), read it and don't weep: First times don't have to hurt if you take your damn time and make sure everybody's comfortable with everything that's going on. Anyone who can't do that for you? Kick them TF out of your damn bed or wherever the hell you are. And if it still won't happen despite having tried all the smart stuff (smart stuf is NOT putting stuff like vaseline in your vagina, by the way): GO SEE YOUR DOCTOR. And use condoms. Just... Can't stress that enough.
@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @omgkatinka @summersong69 @diegos-butt
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Sy was going to pick you up at 7. By the time it was 6.30, you were ready to go, but definitely not ready in any other capacity. Julie’s advice had been simple: ‘Let him take the lead, you just shave.’ And that last bit was pretty much optional. She’d overheard some drunk conversations between Patrick, Sy and the rest of the boys… He didn’t exactly seem fussy when it came to grooming choices. Nice to know. Maybe a tad too much info.
You checked your outfit another twelve times, your hair another twenty at least, and you did four more laps of the house before it was finally… 6.35? Really?
It took four solid eternities until that knock on the door at 7 on the dot. Your hands trembled when you opened the door, and when you opened your mouth to say something, you couldn’t make a sound.
“Hi beautiful,” he said with a big smile, “ready?” You just nodded, as you were still unable to speak, and followed him to his car. He looked good tonight, as always, and you decided it should be illegal for anyone to look this handsome in jeans and a t-shirt. The denim of his jeans was stretched tight around his thighs, and his shirt almost looked to be at risk of giving out. Alright, maybe you were taking some creative liberties there, but it definitely looked tight and it bothered you that he had it on in the first place. Quite frankly, it bothered you that he had anything on to begin with. During dinner, you had the worst time trying to keep your eyes off him.
“I’m sorry it wasn’t a very creative date,” Sy said at the end of the night, as you walked back to his truck. You laughed at that.
“I didn’t need a creative date, Sy. It just needed to be good.” You snuggled into his side when he threw an arm around your shoulders.
“Was it?” He almost looked shy when he asked, as if he was afraid you were going to tell him it hadn’t been a good date. As if you were going to reject him… But how could you? How could anyone? You put your hand over his and brushed your thumb over the back of his hand.
“Very,” you said, smiling up at him. The way he smiled back at you made you bite your lip. Everything had changed. And anything that accidentally hadn’t changed by now, would change tonight. A voice in your head told you that it wasn’t too late to turn back, that you could go back to being friends…
“Are you alright, Sugar,” Sy asked, his voice all kindness and compassion, “you seem nervous?” Of course he could tell you were nervous. You were a virgin with a terrible poker face, out on a dinner date with the guy you hoped would later tonight become your first. If your face din’t give it away, common sense would.
“I am,” you whispered softly. In the spur of the moment, you made a decision that – in hindsight – was very brave; to trust him. “There’s a part of me that’s telling me it’s not too late to go back to being friends.”
“Neither of us want that, darlin’,” he said as he shook his head. You knew he was right.
“It’s just the nerves, isn’t it?” He nodded.
Both of you were quiet on the drive back to your house. Your thoughts were running away with you, thinking up every doomscenario imaginable, no matter how ridiculous it was. No, the bed wasn’t going to break. No, Sy wasn’t going to hurt you. No, your mother wouldn’t all of a sudden barge into your house announcing loudly that she’d be staying until Christmas. It was just going to be you and Sy, and it was going to be at least as good as last time. One thing you were definitely excited about was being able to wake up next to him again. You had been missing those strong arms around you every morning for the past week. And the feeling of his hairy chest against your back… Somehow you convinced yourself to stick with the thoughts about what you were looking forward to until you pulled up in the driveway, where Sy – as always - walked over to your side to help you out of the truck. He firmly held onto your hand as you walked up to the front door, and while you were fumbling for your keys in your bag, he pulled you into him and gently placed a finger underneath your chin, lifting your face up to his slowly and carefully.
“Hey Sugar, mind if I kiss ya?” This time, no one needed any saving from broken porches and whatnot. It was just you and him, nothing more, nothing less. His lips left yours far too soon, and you continued your search for the keys even more frantically than you had started it. Needless to say, it didn’t work: these damn keys were nowhere to be found.
“Sy, help,” you laughed as you handed him your bag. He found them within seconds and opened the door.
Sy leaned against the door, causing it to fall shut. He didn’t do anything, didn’t try anything, he just stood there, quiet and still, waiting for you to take any kind of initiative.
“I’m scared,” you whispered as you took one step closer to him.
“Scared or nervous?” he asked. You could tell from the look in his eyes that it made an immense difference to him to keep these two apart in this type of scenario.
“Nervous,” you stammered. It wasn’t a lie, despite them being the worst nerves you had ever dealt with.
“So am I,” he replied. The smile on his face was genuine and sweet. You could see he was telling the truth, although there was no doubt a big difference between the amount of nerves he felt compared to what you were going through. He reached for your hand, and you let him guide you to the living room. He disappeared into the kitchen, leaving you there, waiting for him to come back. Your couch had never been this uncomfortable. Sy returned from the kitching holding a beer in one hand and an iced tea – or ‘sweet tea’, if you wanted to avoid another half hour lecture from Jules – in the other. You almost dropped the glass when he handed it to you and cursed your butter fingers and dumb nerves. He just sat down and turned the TV on, looking far more at ease on your couch than you did right now, which put you on edge even more. There wasn’t a single part of your body that wasn’t trembling, your was brain going back and forth between your desire to kiss him and the desire to send him home, and on top of that you wondered why he didn’t do anything. Did you even want him to? You sure weren’t going to… Maybe he didn’t want to push you? He was going to wait a long time if he expected you to take the first step… Eventually, you lifted your glass to your lips to take another sip of your drink, only to find out you had finished it. You were still shaking as you set your glass back down on the coffee table.
“Darlin’, c’mere.” He put an arm on the back of the couch, inviting you to sit closer to him. Somehow, being close to him made you feel less nervous. Sy made you feel safe. Nothing was going to happen to you as long as you were close to him. You let out a sigh and nestled into his side, humming contently as his arm moved from the couch to your shoulder. This was good. This felt right. His fingers drew patterns on the skin of your arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. The movements weren’t pressing, it wasn’t an attempt at anything other than being there with you and stroking your arm. You were sure you would never be able to put into words how much you appreciated that, even if you spent the rest of your life trying.
It was almost ten when you felt Sy move. For a moment you were afraid he was going to get up and leave, and you panicked a bit. It was a much stronger reaction than you felt was necessary, but you really didn’t want him to leave.
“Sy,” you said softly, looking up at him. He was looking back at you, his eyes asking you to continue. “Why are you nervous?” You felt stupid for asking as soon as the words were out, but there was no taking them back now.
“All that talk about makin’ this special…” he chuckled softly, “now I gotta make good on that promise. Don’t want ya to think I’m all talk…” Despite what he was saying, there was no hint of any insecurities in his eyes. Sy looked completely calm. You told him as much.
“I mostly am,” he replied, “got some experience to help shut these nerves up.” You’d expected to hate any reference to his experience, but you didn’t. None of that mattered right now, he was here. He was with you. He was yours.
“Sy,” you said slowly, “I need you to take the lead.” It wasn’t a lie, even though you still hated to admit to needing anyone. You let out a small, soft, nervous little laugh, and you couldn’t keep it from trembling a little, but it was enough. He pulled you into his lap the same way he’d done the week before, straddling his thighs, although he was a little quicker to put a hand on your ass this time around. When he tried to wink, you couldn’t contain another laugh. This one was louder and more comfortable. Sy smiled at you, you smiled back. From the outside, this probably looked really stupid, but as a part of it, it was a lovely and intimate moment. If only it ended and changed into something more… But it didn’t. Neither of you moved.
“One of us is going to have to do it,” you heard yourself say.
“Don’t gotta tell me, Sugar, but I…” You knew exactly what he was trying to say. You couldn’t. He couldn’t. But why – the fuck – not? You knew what you were hung up on, but what was his problem? Was he more nervous than he led on? Did he think you didn’t want this? Did he not want this? Fuck!
“Fuck,” you cried out in frustration, anger, maybe sadness, “why is this happening? This is bullshit! I want you, Sy, literally so bad. I want to kiss you. I want you to kiss me. Why can’t we…” Sy’s mouth crashed into yours, swallowing up the last of your sentence. Whatever you were going to say didn’t matter, it was obsolete, forgotten. Lips parted, tongues met, danced, retreated. He sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, making you moan, turning the sound into a whimper when he bit into it softly. You wrapped an arm around his neck, your hand at the back of his head, pulling him closer to you, the other wrapped around his chest, stroking his back. He moaned softly into your mouth when your nails softly scraped his scalp, down to the nape of his neck. He explored every part of your body he could get his hands on in this position, kneading the flesh of your ass, your hips, your sides, your thighs, leaving every bit of you he touched burning, longing, waiting…
Your thoughts were racing and your heart seemed to try to catch up to them. Weirdly enough, you weren’t worried or nervous anymore, just hopelessly in love and very, very turned on. Your only complaint at this time was that there wasn’t more of Sy touching more of you. Every inch of you was screaming for him, begging for him, pleading with every ounce of your being that he would never leave… And then he was gone.
Heavy hands pressed firmly down onto your shoulders and held you at a distance. It was a while before you dared to open your eyes, afraid you wouldn’t find him in front of you when you did, but when you finally looked, he was there. Half-smiling his way through a pained look and frown, trying to catch his breath. The pressure on your shoulders disappeared as his hands moved up to capture your face in between them. Sy gently pulled you towards him, until you were close enough for him to press a sweet kiss on your forehead before leaning his brow against yours. A warm chuckle escaped his throat.
“Y’alright, baby?” he asked in between heavy breaths. A hum and a nod were all you could manage. Sy spent another minute catching his breath while his hands softly traveled up and down your thighs, before picking you up in the same way he had the week before and carrying you off to the same destination.
You frowned when Sy pulled away after he put you down on the bed, but you were pleased to see he din’t go far. He was sitting right there, on his knees in between your legs, with your thighs draped over his. More importantly; he was taking his shirt off, which made you feel all kinds of ways, but the only way you could articulate it was: ‘yay’. Since there was no way you were supposed to say that out loud, you fought the urge to blurt it out and ended up moaning instead. Close enough. You were barely aware of your own fingers reaching for the hem of your own top until your necklace got stuck when you tried to pull it over your head. Sy was quick to help you untangle everything, even though it was hard for him. Those fingers were definitely made for far less refined work. When his hands moved towards the clasp of your bra, you stopped him. Sy looked at you questioningly – and sad, pouting even, which was adorable – but you shook your head. It wasn’t every day that you put on matching underwear – especially for a man – and he was at least going to see it, dammit, even if he didn’t give a damn about these things. It had been one of Julie’s little confidence boosting tips – she had even helped you justify the strategic acquisition of a new, possibly slightly outrageously expensive set. Sy was suspiciously quick to put two and two together when you refused his attempt to take your bra off, and his fingers tentatively moved toward the waistband of your jeans, a question burning in his eyes: ‘May I?’. You couldn’t look into his eyes as you answered. Instead, you turned your head away and whispered your answer very softly. You glanced in his direction from the corner of your eyes as he took your pants off.
You were going to have to ask Julie if that lovely tip of hers had been solely for the purpose of boosting your confidence, or if she’d secretly known what his reaction was going to be like, but either way you’d need to thank her. Sy’s eyes went wide when he looked at the pale blue lace contraption that kept you from being completely exposed. You shivered when his hands reached for your hips, pinching softly before trailing down your thighs. His hands felt good on your skin; a little rough, but you could tell he was trying to be gentle, and they were warm, which was more than you could say of the air in the room. Your next shiver came from the realization that it was, in fact, quite cold, which was more than apparent from the the way your nipples poked through the material of your underwear.
It caused you to feel an overwhelming urge to hide, but Sy didn’t let you.
“Don’t…” he said, his voice breaking up. He cleared his throat before continuing. “Sugar, don’t hide. You’re beautiful.”
The heat of his body fixed the problem you were having with the cold when he leaned over you to press his lips to yours again. The kiss started off slow, almost casual, before he deepened it and the intensity from before returned instantly. You ran the fingers of one hand through his beard while the other rested on his back, making subtle attempts to pull him closer to you. Eventually, he gave in and closed the remaining space between your bodies, only to move away near immediately. You whined when his lips left yours, wondering why he had to stop kissing you all of a sudden. It had been nice. Stopping wasn’t a good idea – it was a terrible one, in fact. Then why was he doing it? Your questions were answered when you heard the metal of his belt buckle and you gasped. It turned into a chuckle when you watched Sy take off his own jeans in such a hurry that it only slowed him down.
“Laughing at me, are ya, Sugar?” He laughed as he fell back on top of you, catching himself in time to keep from crushing you underneath his body. His lips found yours fleetingly before traveling to your ear, and from there down your neck to your cleavage. Sy couldn’t hide his enthusiasm as he turned his attention to your boobs, kneading them, grazing his fingers over your nipples, making you writhe and moan as his mouth explored the exposed skin of your chest. One hand made its way around your back, unhooking your bra with impressive ease.
“It’s really goddamn pretty, baby, but I want to see you,” he murmured softly against your skin as he unwrapped your breasts – ‘unwrapped’ being an apt descriptor, because Sy looked like a kid on Christmas while he did it… That man was absolutely crazy about your boobs.
“Dammit, Sugar, you look so fucking good,” Sy growled before flicking his tongue over your nipple as he ground his hips into yours. He was hard, and you were suddenly painfully aware of how little fabric currently separated him from you. You couldn’t stop moving as Sy continued his eager attack on your chest, the need to relieve the scalding desire between your legs was too big, too pressing.
“Fuck,” you gasped when teeth fleetingly grazed the pebbled flesh of your nipple, “Sy, please.” Where you found the courage; no idea. Somehow you managed to push Sy’s hand down to your stomach, where he suddenly held still, drawing patterns on your skin. His mouth left your breast alone and worked its way back up to yours, kissing you gently before moving towards your ear. His waiting made you even more restless, and your writhing became more and more desperate with every passing second. Sy chuckled, the sound was warm and sweet in your ear and sent little jolts of electricity straigt down to your burning core. You pushed at his hand again, begging Sy to finally provide you with the friction you craved.
“You’re an eager li’l thing, ain’t ya?” he whispered. The sound of his voice in your ear was magical – which only made things worse for you – but what he said made you a bit nervous. Eager… Was that a good thing? Did he mean too eager? And why were you overthinking this instead of enjoying what was going on? The feeling of his hand sliding further down your stomach until his hand cupped your mound was enough to stop your negative thoughts in their tracks and send them all the way to hell.
“Want me to go on?” You couldn’t even focus on answering while two of his fingers teased you by very lightly drumming a lazy rhythm on your swollen clit.
“Please,” you blurted out, “stop teasing, just…” You were practically sobbing at this point, begging to be touched.
“You best take those off, Sugar,” he laughed in reply to your plea, “I don’t think I can do it without fuckin’ ‘em up.” Your panties were off and on the floor before he’d even finished that sentence. For the love of God, could he just fucking touch you already? You fell back into his arms with an aggravated sigh, the end of which was drowned out by Sy’s grunt when he dragged a finger through your wet folds.
“Fuck, Sugar,” he growled in your ear, “such a wet goddamn pussy.” His voice was that of a man entirely drunk on lust – and somehow you found that empowering? You were startled when Sy gently pushed his finger into your core. He was being careful, keeping a close eye on your reaction to see if he wasn’t hurting you or anything of the sort. It didn’t hurt; it felt good. Not the kind of good that would make you cum, but it was definitely nice. A second finger slipped into you with just as much ease, making you feel even better, but at the same time more desperate for the release you still weren’t getting. You couldn’t hold back the gasps, sighs or moans as Sy pumped his thick fingers slowly in and out of your pussy, searching your walls for a spot you knew existed in theory, but had never found. When he pulled his fingers out, you whined, wondering why the fuck he stopped, and you looked at him, frowning deeply. Of course he was looking back at you, chuckling at your anger.
“Sweetheart, I meant it when I said I wanted to take good care of ya,” Sy said softly in between kisses as he made his way down your neck, in between your breasts, down your stomach. His kisses left a wet trail in their wake, which made you shiver as it came into contact with the chilly air. “Will you let me?"
Fuck, he was cute when he licked his lips. And when he bit it. That didn’t make you less nervous, but it drove you wild enough to nod without giving it any thought. The real nerves hit you again when you saw his face in between your legs and it dawned on you what he was about to do… Whether he saw the hesitation in your eyes or the way you shaped up to stop him, you had no idea, but before you could say anything, his low growl stopped you dead in your tracks.
“Fuck, baby, you look fucking amazing,” he rasped, “such a pretty pussy.” Two of his fingers teased at your entrance, making you whine in a plea for more. Sy chuckled when he slipped them into you with ease.
“So fucking wet for me, can’t wait to taste ya.” He said the words so eagerly that you couldn’t doubt that he was speaking the truth, which settled the majority of your nerves. The rest vanished when his tongue hit your clit. The feeling consumed you completely; there was absolutely nothing else in this moment than Sy’s tongue working the sensitive little pearl between your legs. Fuck this was good. He was good – not that you had anything to compare him to, but still. All of your attention was forced into focusing on what he was doing. His fingers sliding in and out of your throbbing heat, his tongue flicking and occasionally sucking on your clit, his free hand reaching up to your chest… All of it caused the pressure inside you to build, higher and higher until you finally snapped. You felt your walls clench around Sy’s fingers as your hips twitched uncontrollably while you rode out your high on his tongue before collapsing. When you heard him laugh, you looked down. Something in those eyes was cooking up the devious plan to put you through that again, but there was no way you could handle that. First of all because ow, sensitive? And second of all because you needed something else from him. Something your entire body begged for. You reached for his face to pull him back up to you, crushing your mouth against his in a frantic – and very wet – kiss. To your surprise, it didn’t bother you to taste yourself on his lips; if anything it added to your arousal. Most of the restraint he had shown you before was gone – his kiss was the epitome of unbridled desire that matched yours so effortlessly it was almost scary. There was no doubt in your mind that you needed this man as close to you as humanly possible, sooner rather than later.
“Sy,” you gasped into his mouth whenever you saw the chance to speak, “I need you.” He growled in reply. “Now.” You’d never had your body scream so hard for something it had never experienced before, it was remarkable if you thought about it – which you would… later… But definitely not now, no, now was the time for unhinged lust and unfamiliar urges, and angrily mourning Sy’s withdrawal only to find he was taking care of the last bit of clothing he was wearing. Now was the time to take a look at him naked, only to come to the conclusion that your dreams hadn’t been doing him any kind of justice… The reality was far more impressive than anything your mind had managed to come up with so far. Now was the time to stare at Sy, your eyes wide with fear and your mouth open in suprise, and for him to kiss you softly on the tip of your nose before reassuring you that everything would be fine.
He looked around for something, impatiently and frantically and with increasing frustration very apparent in his behavior. You looked at him questioningly.
“Condoms are in my bag,” and that bag was still by your front door…
“I think I still have some,” you said. It would be hard to find any time in your life you’d looked through your nightstand so eagerly before. After some time, you found what you were looking for.
“Of course,” you sighed. They were fucking expired. Good going… You were astounded by your own lack of preparation. The time it took Sy to get to the hall and back was just enough to build up your nerves all over again. This was happening. It was really happening… Some of the excitement was pushed back by nerves. You had seen what you were dealing with, but your brain could in no way make sense of the logistics. There was just no way that was ever going to fit. You were so caught up in freaking out that you hadn’t heard Sy return and you first noticed his presence when he put a hand on your hip.
“Baby, you okay?” There was genuine concern in his eyes. You smiled and nodded, unable to speak. You were so ready for this, but so scared it was going to hurt.
“Talk to me, Sugar,” he said as he put a hand to the side of your face and gently brushed your cheekbone with his thumb. The longer he looked at you, the harder it became to keep your bottom lip from trembling.
“I don’t want it to hurt,” you whispered. You put your hand over his and squeezed it.
“It won’t,” Sy reassured you. “Trust me, breathe, talk to me, ‘kay?” Your nod was careful and quick. The lump in your throat didn’t disappear when you swallowed and your muscles tensed up when you felt the tip of Sy’s cock against your core. Sy chuckled when he noticed and he kissed you softly.
“That’s what’s gonna make it uncomfortable, Sweetheart, ya gotta relax.” It was easier said than done, but his kiss and the soft kindness he showed you in everything he did helped a lot. Everything went well for a bit, until it didn’t. Sy saw the discomfort on your face and stopped moving. His mouth found yours, and he pulled you into a tender kiss, moving his lips against yours softly, calmly and at a gentle pace. He carefully took advantage of the moment he no longer felt your walls clench hard around him, inching himself further into you as you moaned into his mouth. The feeling of your walls stretched tight around his cock to accommodate all of it was surreal. It felt good - so fucking good, if you didn’t know any better you’d say it was magic.
For a moment you were busy with all the things you were feeling, and not concerned with Sy at all, until you heard him moan into your mouth.
“Can I move?” His voice was hoarse. “God, I wanna fuck your tight li’l pussy.” You moaned when he said it. It was strange to hear him talk like that, but it was so incredibly hot to hear how much he wanted you – and it made a part of you feel bad for not being as vocal as he was. The rhythm Sy settled on was slow and his thrusts were gentle. A bit too slow and gentle, maybe? The thought surprised you, but not more than the unconscious movements of your hips did. Without realizing it, you’d settled into the same rhythm, mirroring his movements so your hips met his with each thrust. Sy let his head hang next to yours and his moans and grunts and the feeling of his hot breath on your ear and in your neck drove you wild, which surprised you a little. Soon, you found yourself mirroring those noises as well, unable to keep quiet as Sy drove himself into your tight core time after time. It was as if he slowed down with every thrust – he didn’t – and your exasperation grew with every second as he stuck with the same agonizingly slow rhythm.
“Faster, please,” you moaned into his ear, and he was more than happy to oblige.
“Look at you, baby,” he growled in your ear as he picked up the pace,  “takin’ me so goddamn well.” His words made your head spin and you felt your walls clench around him as he said it. It was sweet, it was nice, but it was also something else entirely you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Your own moans and squeals mingled with his low grunts and growls as he sank into you with harsh, short thrusts that made you feel so good you could just about cry. Your senses were overwhelmed by all the different sensations; the feeling of Sy’s cock, vigorously pumping into you, filling you completely with every thrust of his hips; your skin, damp with sweat, exposed to the cool air; the sounds of skin against skin and Sy growling in your ear, mixed with the sounds of your own pleasure; the strangely arousing smell of sweat and… sex; the look on Sy’s face as every move he made pulled him closer and closer to the finish; and finally the salty taste of Sy’s skin that hit your tongue as you sank your teeth into his shoulder when his final thrusts were almost painfully erratic.
“Sorry ‘bout that, Sugar,” he laughed apologetically as he held you close for a moment. You winced at the feeling of emptiness when he pulled out of you and left your walls clenching around nothing. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple before moving away, disappearing from the room to handle the necessary clean-up. Maybe the cold came a little too abruptly, maybe it would have happened all the same if he’d stayed close to you for a little longer, in any case, a slight fit of panic set in. Sy couldn’t have been gone for more than two minutes, and when he returned he found you curled up on the covers, shivering and staring into space.
“Sugar, are you okay?” His hands were warm on your skin. It was nice.
“Tired,” you answered with a slight chuckle as the panic disappeared with every stroke of his hands. Everything was better now that he was here. “A bit overwhelmed…” That was probably not a weird thing, right? Sy sat next to you on the bed and gathered you up into his arms. It drew your attention to the sweat and… other fluids… you were covered with.
“And sticky,” you blurted out before you realized it. You somehow managed to laugh at that. In fact, you both laughed at that.
“You can go take a shower if you want?” Sy suggested. It was a great idea, but there was no way you were going to let go of him, and you told him that.
“Are you tellin’ me to come with ya?” Sy grinned and instead of rolling your eyes at him, you grinned back. Apparently, he took that as a yes, because he threw you over his shoulder while he muttered ‘don’t gotta tell me twice’ and carried you off to the bathroom.
“Wait!” you yelled when Sy wanted to drag you into the shower. He looked at you, one eyebrow raised inquisitively. You pointed at your hair before finding a scruncie and tying it up. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that that wasn’t much of an explanation for a man with more hair on his chest than on top of his head. “I can’t go to sleep with wet hair, it’s really bad for your hair.”
“Never knew,” Sy said. Something was clearly amusing to him, but you were too tired to question it. “Now, c’mere, Sugar, I wanna get to bed.” Sy’s strong arms combined with warm water were exactly what you needed right now to wind down and process everything that had happened tonight.
It was a good thing you had Sy with you, because it gave you something to lean against when your legs didn’t feel like it anymore, and someone to carry you back to bed when the time came.
“So, this is taking proper care of your woman, Sy?” you chuckled as you snuggled as close to him as possible. “Sugar, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
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xelasrecords · 2 years
The Worth of Gifts
Han Jumin x Reader
This is basically a love letter to Jumin because that one line that he said in his route lives in my head rent-free. Waking up at 6.30 am on the weekend just to write this was worth it.
Words: 1.4k
Masterlist Read on AO3
"I have brought a couple of things for you, my love." Jumin rushed in a flurry of cold wind as he entered the bedroom that you shared together, his navy blue coat billowing behind him. He settled down a horde of shopping bags on the bed that you were lounging on. They had lined both his arms up to his elbows and you found it curious that he was doing the hard work alone, without the presence of a trailing assistant nearby.
You had been on your phone engrossed in your favourite TV series when Jumin came in. Immediately, you sat up straight and scanned the bags of different colours and sizes that were strewn across the bedding. "A couple of things?" You raised your eyebrows at him. "I don't think I would define it that way. Which dictionary are you using? Maybe I should get one too to understand you better."
"A dictionary? I'm afraid I don't have one ready at my disposal. I calibrated my purchase decision based on the number of things I wish to give you, and these barely count towards anything." Jumin was about to expound on it more when he saw your face lighting up with mischief. "Ah, you were teasing me."
You gave him a playful shrug. "Maybe?"
"I see." His lips curved into a sly smile that matched your own.
You took account of the things he got you. They were things you had mentioned in passing or had pinned on your Pinterest boards and saved in your wish list. It was astonishing that he remembered everything. That he remembered and thought to gift them to you because he thought it would make you happy.
Throughout your life, all you wanted was to be known, to be seen by someone who loved you and someone whom you loved back. And here he was, showing you how much he knew you so casually as if it was a given. This love language of his, although it overwhelmed you at first, was something you could learn to get used to in time. You had never been pampered lavishly before, but hey, there was a first time for everything.
"Jumin, love," you started.
"Yes, darling?"
"Why did you get me so many things?" You looked at him in awe. "I appreciate everything you bought me. I mean, do you know how long I've longed for these?" You shook your head while peeking into the bags. "You are something else, Jumin. But I have to wonder, why of this magnitude?"
"This isn't anything. I can do so much more for you."
"I know, but why?" You pressed, genuinely curious.
Jumin wasn't one who would deflect from sensitive questions that came from his beloved. Like you, he wanted you to know everything about him. He was secretly relieved that the both of you shared the same desire. He couldn't imagine being with someone who couldn't care less about his more vulnerable side.
"If you must know, it's because that's what everyone expects from me since I was little," he said, his head tilted down almost imperceptibly. You didn't miss it, and you detected a slight tremble in his voice nearing the end of the sentence.
It tugged at your heartstrings seeing him like this. Carefully, you pushed aside the shopping bags and crawled towards him. You came to a kneel in front of him and swept your fingers through his tousled dark bangs. "You don't have to prove your love to me through material means. My love isn't something to be earned or bought. You deserve to be loved simply because you exist." You took a breath, diffusing the anger that burned in your chest at the unfair expectations Jumin had to live up to since he was young. No kid should ever shoulder that kind of responsibility, and that included corporate heirs. "I love you for being the Jumin that you are."
He raised his eyes on you, and you found his gaze faltering, unsure. It was a silent urge to go on. "Think about it. Think about how our relationship first developed. In the beginning, I was interested in you because you're smart and funny in the most unexpected ways. Then, I saw how caring you are towards your friends and family. How you offer unwavering support for them despite being the butt of their jokes most of the time." You brushed the back of your hand against his cheek and he leaned into your touch.
"I just did what I had to," he muttered.
You couldn't let Jumin throw out more self-undermining statements. For someone so confident and self-assured, it hurt to see that he felt the need to cover up this part of him before his own friends. "You have that sense of duty because you love us. Deny it as much as you want, but it doesn't diminish the truth. You know, it surprised me how non-judgmental you actually are despite the firm personal beliefs that you hold. You let other people be themselves, and that's what I want for you, especially when it comes to this relationship." Your hand found its way to the back of his neck, compelling him to raise his eyes to you. "Don't ever think that you can only be accepted if you provide enough things for me. You are enough. I'm happy with you even without them."
Jumin was silent. When you were talking with such ferocity, you didn't notice that you had inclined your body so close towards him, near enough that your noses were touching.
Jumin rested his forehead against yours. "How do you always know the right things to say?" he breathed out.
"I only see what is already in you." You pressed a brief, tender kiss on his lips, tasting the cold air from his earlier excursion outside.
"Thank you for reminding me of your love," Jumin said, his expression an earnest reflection of how he felt about you.
"You can always ask for one whenever you need it. I'm your endless supply of support."
"What would I have to give in exchange for this dubiously free support?"
You grinned. "Nothing, I'm naturally generous! Just press the button and I'll come running spewing out motivational speech. I won't stop until you wind me down."
"Wind you down," Jumin appeared to be in thought before continuing, "like this?" He stole a quick peck on your neck.
Instantly, you felt heat rising up your cheeks. "Hey! That'd just wind me up," you scoffed.
"Then I'd have to do it more often." He attacked you with tiny kisses all over your face, nose, chin, and jaw, and trailed down to your shoulder. You burst into laughter, pretending to pull away from him but bringing him down on the bed with you instead.
The shopping bags around you rustled. Jumin toppled on top of you and you could feel the fabric of his dress pants rubbing against your bare thighs. He was smiling and man, your heart was taking flight on its own. This beautiful, beautiful man. You could never get bored of looking at him. He was above Greek statues. He was real.
"I love you," Jumin said quietly.
"Funny. I feel the same way." You tapped on his nose. "But we probably should get these out of the way if we want to do more." You gestured at the sea of bags lying nearby and wiggled your eyebrows suggestively. "I don't want to ruin these gifts you procured for me with blood, sweat, and tears."
Jumin sighed. "Must we? I can just get the replacement for them later."
"We absolutely must."
"Fine." He was about to push himself back up when he halted. "Wait, I have to clarify. Do you mind if I still buy you things?"
You propped yourself up on your elbows. "Of course I don't. You're allowed to shower me with love, only don't do it to prove your worth to me."
Jumin took a second before replying. "Earlier, you expressed your wish to understand me, but you seem to have understood me well. Sometimes even better than I do myself." He chuckled to himself before training his eyes on you again. "I want to understand you deeper too if you would let me."
That wasn't even a question. "Once again, you're allowed, Jumin." You dragged him into another kiss, the mess around you be damned.
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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sebstanaddict · 11 months
Love Song
Sebastian Stan x Female Reader Story
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Epilogue - Love Song
Summary : A romantic comedy story between Sebastian Stan and female reader where we witness their journey after they said I do.
Reader and Sebastian finally live the life of their dreams. It's been four years after they found out they were having a second baby and life couldn't be better for them. But they couldn't seem to shake the curse that had fallen on them during their honeymoon, causing chaos and mayhem during their family vacation to Europe. Will they finally enjoy a European family vacation of their dreams or will they suffer all the bad things that have happened during their honeymoon again?
Pairings : Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader
Chapters : 24/24
Chapter List >
Warning : fluff, sexual references, non vulgar smut
Word count : 14.3k
This is a sequel to my first Sebastian fic Always You. If you want to understand more about Sebastian's and reader's relationship, please read it first. But it's not necessary to understand this story. Check it out here.
In this lifelong, love song
You can love right
You can love wrong
In this love song
You can love wrong
But if you love wrong
It doesn't mean love's gone
Love Song - Hanson
Nyack, NY, May 14th 2027 - 6.30 am
Soft morning light enveloped the trees, the creek, and the houses around them as morning arrived in a quiet part of Nyack, New York. The light fell on a two story country home and streamed through a gap between the curtains in the master bedroom and finally fell on a sleeping couple. 
A woman stirred under a white thick comforter and found herself stuck underneath her darling husband's big arms. She was lying down on her right side and found his left arm around her shoulder while his left leg was on her thigh. His breath was slow and steady and she could feel it on top of her head. 
She smiled as she slowly lifted her husband's arms away from her and turned her body a little to face him. She couldn't turn all the way because the lower part of her body was still stuck under his leg. 
"Iubirea mea.. wake up.." She called out gently.
"Hmmm.." Sebastian mumbled.
"Wake up, Seb, Iubirea mea." She called out again, a little louder this time.
"Hmm.. no.. I don't wanna wake up.." He replied with a hoarse voice still thick with sleep.
"Seb.. at least move your leg up so I can get up." She protested.
"Hmmm.. no.." He mumbled and put his arms back around her shoulder, making her roll her eyes.
"Iubirea mea, please let me go." She pleaded.
"No.. You're my hostage. I'm not letting you go until I get what I want." He said, his voice returned to normal.
"And what is it that you want, mister?" She asked, smiling a little, knowing where this was going.
"I'm a monster and I'm hungry and I want to eat you!" He suddenly yelled, startling her. He quickly started to tickle her waist, making her squirm underneath him. 
"No! Help! A monster is trying to eat me!" She yelled as he started to give her kisses and gentle bites on her neck.
"Ssshh.. keep it down, sweetheart. You could wake the kids up." He scolded her.
"Sorry.." she giggled as he finally got his legs off her and turned her around to face him.
He started kissing her with so much passion and desire, turning on the fire of passion in her own heart. Butterflies flew around in her stomach as they continued kissing and caressing each other. 
She really loved this about them. They've been together for six years and known each other for twenty six years but he never failed to make the butterflies flew around in her stomach. He didn't even have to do much for her to start feeling them in her stomach. Just a glance, a smile, a little touch from him, and the butterflies would fly around excitedly. She hoped she would continue to feel this way until the day she died.
They ended up making love again that morning even though last night they just did it. They really could never get enough of each other.
"I love you so much, sweetheart." He said breathlessly after they reached their peak together.
"I love you so much too, Iubirea mea." She smiled as she stroked his cheek gently.
They stayed in each other's arms for a while, enjoying being one in heart, body and soul for a moment in time. She loved being so close to him like this. Every inch of their bodies were touching each other that she didn't know where he started and where she ended. There was no sound safe from their heartbeats which she realized were beating on the same rhythm.
In the stillness she could hear the sound of a door being opened and light footsteps outside their room. Sebastian seemed to hear it too because he immediately peeled himself off from her and put his boxer shorts and shirt back on while she put her underwear and night gown back on.
"Let's pretend we're still asleep." He winked. She nodded and smiled.
They laid back underneath the comforter and closed their eyes when the door of their room was opened slowly. She could hear the creak of it breaking through the quiet morning.
"Sssshhh.. keep it down, Adrian.." a young girl's voice whispered.
"Sorry.. " a young boy's voice whispered back.
She couldn't help but smiled a little as she heard the sound of her two children entering the room.
Moments passed as she waited for her children to reach them when all of a sudden..
"Blaaaargh!" Sebastian yelled, startling her and making the children screamed in fear.
"Who dared to disturb my slumber?" Sebastian sat up, making his children scream again as they started to run back towards the door. But Sebastian jumped out of the bed, ran towards them and caught them both on their waists.
"Monster is angry. It's time for your punishment little children!" He growled as he carried both struggling kids back towards the bed.
"No! Help! Mommy help!" The children squealed and giggled as Sebastian dropped them off on the bed and started to tickle their waists. 
"Your mommy is a monster too! She won't help you!" Sebastian said as he continued to tickle them.
"Noo.. mommy noo..!" Starlene said in between her giggles.
"It's true! Mommy is a monster too!" Y/n yelled as she started tickling their feet, making both children laughed uncontrollably.
"Stop daddy, stop mommy!" They pleaded in between their giggles.
"Monster won't stop until you say the magic word." Sebastian said as he continued to tickle them, on their tummies this time while Y/n continued to tickle their underarms.
"Pleaseee..." Adrian pleaded as he squirmed under their relentless tickle attack.
"Please stop, daddy, mommy.." Starlene begged.
"Alright, okay." Y/n raised her hands up from both children and Sebastian followed suit.
"Pillow fight!" Adrian yelled all of a sudden as he got up and picked a pillow and started moving it around.
"Yeah! Time to attack the monsters!" Starlene yelled and started to copy her little brother.
They hit both Sebastian and Y/n on their faces with the pillows making them fall over on the bed, laughing and giggling.
"Aaaahhh.. nooo.. you're too powerful. Monster can't fight you!" Sebastian said as he raised his hands in surrender while bracing the pillow attacks from his children.
"Yeah, we give up.. we give up!" Y/n said, laughing and raising her hands up.
"We won, we won!" Adrian squealed in delight while jumping up and down on the bed.
Sebastian pulled Adrian down on top of him and ruffled his brunette hair then gave him kisses on his face.
"Eeewww.. daad.. gross.." He protested as he squirmed in his hold but Sebastian just laughed.
"Come here both of you." Y/n said, reaching out and pulled Starlene and Adrian both into her arms and hugged them both tight. Sebastian opened his arms wide and embraced all three of them in his arms, hugging them tight.
"I love you all so much my amazing family!" He declared.
"Aaawww... We love you too, daddy." Y/n smiled and winked at him.
"Yeah, we love you too, daddy. Now can we break this up? I can't breathe." Starlene protested.
"Sorry.. sorry.. " Sebastian chuckled as he released all of them from his embrace and they all broke apart.
"Now, who wants some pancakes?" Y/n offered.
"Me!" Adrian immediately said and jumped off from the bed.
"I want some pancakes too!" Starlene said as she jumped off from the bed too.
"Race you to the kitchen!" Sebastian said as he started to run out of the room followed by their children.
She shook her head and smiled as she got off the bed. She picked a robe from a hanger behind the door, put them on and followed them out of the master bedroom.
Four years had passed since she found out they were having a second baby. Things have changed a lot for the Stan family. It felt just like yesterday when she saw Sebastian being hit by a car and having to endure four months of hard recovery. Thankfully after four months of continuous therapy with the best physical therapist in New York he was able to completely recover from his injuries and continued to shoot Thunderbolts. Yes, Marvel still kept him on as Bucky. There was no question at all of replacing him with someone else. He did have to give up doing all the stunts himself and let his stuntman do all the work. But he was happy to be able to continue to shoot regardless.
James Adrian Stan came into the world three months after he started shooting Thunderbolts, right after he was done shooting. He stopped all other work after that and focused on his family for three months. They also moved out of his Soho apartment during that time. Having an additional family member made them think that living in a small apartment wasn't ideal. Additionally, the fact that paparazzis knew where they lived was really bothering them. They decided to move to Nyack, New York, where his mother lived so they could be closer to her.
The house they ended up buying and moving into was only a half a block away from his mother's. So they frequently visited her and vice versa. It was the third house that they had surveyed. She fell in love with it the moment she stepped out of their car and saw the facade. 
The house had light grey walls, dark grey roof and the famous white picket fence. It was located by a creek which they could see from their backyard and from the window in their master bedroom. Waking up everyday with the view of the creek and the small wood behind it was heavenly. She couldn't have wished for a better place to live the rest of her life in.
"Woof.. woof.." a golden retriever came running towards her as soon as she stepped foot in the kitchen.
"Morning, Lucky." She smiled and leaned down as she scratched the dog's neck.
"Woof.." Lucky greeted her and started moving around her feet.
"You're hungry aren't you?" She laughed as she opened a cupboard and picked a can of dog food. She put the dog food into Lucky's bowl and stepped back as Lucky immediately started gobbling the food down.
"Well well.. he's really hungry isn't he." She chuckled as she threw the empty can of dog food into a trash bin.
"He's not the only one that's hungry. We're hungry too, mommy!" Starlene protested.
Starlene and Adrian both sat on the dining table, pouting at her.
"Well you won't get any pancakes if you don't help out. Set the table up and get all of the toppings out while I prepare the pancakes." She scolded them.
"No, I'm just three years old. I just wanna sit here." Adrian protested.
"Adrian.. listen to your mommy. Come on, let's set up the table together." Sebastian offered as he picked Adrian off from his seat and put him on the floor.
"Fine.." Adrian pouted.
"Thanks." Y/n mouthed at Sebastian and he just winked back at her.
An hour later a stack of perfectly cooked pancakes were placed in the middle of the table. Various toppings were placed around it. The smell was heavenly and she couldn't wait to dig in. 
"Starlene! Don't touch that." She scolded at her daughter when she saw her reaching for a can of whipped cream. 
Starlene suffered from lactose intolerance and couldn't digest dairy. She knew full well what the whipped cream could do to her stomach and she really didn't want to deal with a sick child that day. They were going to Europe that summer for a vacation as well as accompanying Sebastian who was invited to attend Cannes Film Festival. She remembered full well how Starlene was during the start of their honeymoon after Sebastian fed her cake with buttercream. She didn't want a repeat of that smelly and agonizing ten hours of airplane ride with a baby that kept on farting, burping and had diarrhea.
"Why can't I have it while Adrian can have the whole can?!" Starlene whined.
"You know how it will make your stomach hurt, Starlene. You don't want to have a stomach ache while on the plane or anywhere else for that matter." She reminded her daughter.
"Besides, Adrian can't have the whole can either. Remember how sick it made you feel, Adrian?" She said referring to the time Adrian finished a whole can of whipped cream meant for his birthday cake and he ended up having a stomach ache and being nauseaous despite the fact he didn't have dairy intolerance.
"Uh huh. But I still love whipped cream." Adrian shrugged as he ate a spoonful of pancake with whipped cream on it.
"Honey, I think you should just stop buying whipped cream at this point." Sebastian suggested as he cut his pancake.  
"Umm.. yeah.. I think I will." She said sheepishly as she remembered why she bought a can in the first place. Knowing Starlene had lactose intolerance she usually bought non dairy foodstuff. But for the past week she had been having a weird craving for whipped cream that she sneaked out in the middle of the night and ate several spoonfuls of it. This had never happened to her before and she had a suspicion she was pregnant again. But it was too soon to have a pregnancy test so she decided to wait a couple more days before she takes a pregnancy test.
"Good morning everyone!" A lady came into the kitchen and greeted them all.
"Good morning, Rosita." Y/n smiled as she looked at the professional nanny that they had hired since Adrian was three months old.
Yes, she ended up hiring a professional nanny to help her take care of her children. Sebastian had to go back to work when Adrian was three months old. She didn't think she could handle taking care of a baby and a two year old toddler without help. She didn't want to bother Sebastian's mother so despite her initial misgivings in letting a stranger take care of her babies, she ended up changing her mind out of necessity.
After interviewing a dozen nannies they ended up hiring Rosita, a Mexican woman in her fifties who had plenty of experience caring for babies and toddlers. Having hired Rosita turned out to be such a blessing. She was patient and loving to her children yet could be stern when needed. Y/n actually learned a lot of how to raise children from her. She turned out to become like family to them.
"Come and sit here with us Rosita, have some pancakes." Sebastian offered.
"Oh no no, thank you Mr.Stan. I already had breakfast this morning. I really need to watch what I eat. I gained another pound overnight." She sighed as she went to the sink and started washing some dishes.
"Oh Rosita, as long as you're healthy it's okay, you don't need to worry about gaining a few pounds." Sebastian said.
"Yeah, that's what my daughter said. But I'm about to be sixty in a few years. I really do need to watch what I eat." Rosita responded.
"Well, okay. Maybe have some apple and carrot juice instead." Sebastian offered. While Y/n was making the pancakes, he made some apple mixed with carrot juice with help from the children.
"Thank you, Mr.Stan. I might just have some a little later. Thank you very much." Rosita turned around from the sink and smiled at him.
"Good." Sebastian smiled back.
"So, are you ready to go to Europe, Rosita?" Y/n asked.
They decided to take Rosita with them to Europe so they would have someone to watch over the children while they went to the Cannes Film Festival. They also wanted to have some time enjoying the vacation without the children. Having Rosita around would help them in getting some alone time.
"Oh yes! I'm so excited! Can't wait to go on yachts in Cannes and hit on Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise. They wouldn't be able to resist my charm." She said, making Sebastian and Y/n laugh.
"I can't wait to see that too!" Sebastian said, laughing.
They decided to go to the same cities in Europe as they did during their honeymoon, aside from Cannes. They hadn't had the chance to go on a family vacation in a while and seeing how they didn't enjoy most of their honeymoon trip, they decided to recreate it in the hopes that they could enjoy it this time even though they had two children, a dog and a nanny this time.
Their itinerary was a little different for this trip. Their first stop would be Cannes and then Paris, Amsterdam, Cologne and Rome. They decided to go for a full month, leaving plenty of time to enjoy each city fully. They were even going to take the whole trip from Cannes to Cologne by car then took the plane from Cologne to Rome. So it was mostly a road trip.
Their flight was scheduled to leave for Nice, France at 3.30 pm that afternoon. They had to be at the airport by at least 12.30 pm to make sure they had enough time to check their baggage and also to check Lucky in.
"Is your luggage ready, Rosita?" Y/n asked.
"Yes, they're in the living room, Mrs.Stan." Rosita replied.
"Okay, good. Maybe after cleaning the kitchen you can help make the final check on the children's luggages. I already packed them last night but I might have missed some things." She said.
"Sure thing, Mrs.Stan." Rosita replied.
"Don't forget we're leaving in.. two hours." Sebastian said after glancing at the clock on the wall. It was 9.30 already. Time seemed to fly by so fast.
"Okay. Well if you guys are done let's go and take a bath you two." Y/n said as she looked at her children who were not done eating apparently.
"Starlene! Put that down!" She shouted as she caught Starlene took a little of whipped cream from Adrian's plate with her spoon and was about to put it into her mouth.
"Oh mom.. " she whined as she put the spoon down.
"Honey, maybe it's okay if she just takes a little of it." Sebastian said, watching his daughter's pouting face with concern.
"Seb, don't you remember what happened last time? Do you really want to deal with that again?" She scolded him.
"I.. well.. okay. You have a point. Maybe we can get her non dairy whipped cream next time. What do you think Starlene?" He asked.
"Non dairy whipped cream?" Starlene asked.
"Yes, it doesn't taste as good as the original whipped cream but it won't make your tummy hurt." He explained.
"Oh okay. Can we have it, mom?" Starlene turned to look at Y/n.
"Yeah, sure. If they have it in Europe you can try it there." She replied.
"Thanks mom!" Starlene said brightly.
"Okay, now finish your pancakes Starlene, Adrian. We don't have much time to get ready." She reminded them.
They ended up being ready and finally left the house three hours later. Having two children and a dog to prepare for a long trip really did take some time. 
Having missed an hour of precious time Sebastian stepped on the gas of their family SUV on the highway towards JFK airport, swerving quickly between cars.
"Seb! Watch it!" Y/n yelled as their car almost grazed another car on their right when Sebastian tried to bypass it.
"Sorry.. sorry.." Sebastian apologized.
"Iubirea mea, we still have time. Don't go too fast. If we get into an accident it's not worth it. Don't you remember what happened at the start of our honeymoon?" She scolded him.
"Yeah yeah.. I remember. Sorry." He said as he slowed the car down.
"We're not gonna be late. Don't worry." She said as she placed her hand on his and squeezed it gently.
"I hope so." He said, glancing at her. His eyebrows furrowed, his face looked so tense.
"I know so." She winked and he smiled. The tension on his face gradually disappeared as he looked at her.
It all happened so fast but one second she was looking at his smiling face and the next she heard a loud screech right outside her window and felt their car bumped to the left as another car grazed them.
"What the f**k?!" Sebastian yelled as he slowed the car down and drove it to stop by the side of the street.
The car that grazed them didn't stop but just continued driving away.
"Is everyone okay?" Y/n turned around and found her children's eyes were widened in shock. Adrian seemed to be on the verge of crying. Rosita was raising her hands in prayer, her mouth mumbling things she couldn't hear. Lucky were barking loudly at the very back of the car.
"We're okay, Mrs.Stan." Rosita finally replied after she was done praying and caressed Adrian's head gently to calm him down.
"Lucky! Calm down boy, it's all okay." Rosita called out and thankfully Lucky stopped barking.
"Daddy said a bad word." Adrian said after his initial shock went away.
"Yeah.. yeah.. I'm sorry, Adrian." Sebastian shrugged as he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door.
Y/n sighed, unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door too. Once outside she studied her side of the car and found a bump and a long mark right on her door towards the front of the car.
"Great!" Sebastian commented as he looked at the damage, his eyebrows furrowed in anger.
"Iubirea mea, it's not that bad. We can deal with this after we get back. The most important thing is that we're all okay." She said, trying to stay calm.
"Yeah. I can't believe that driver just drove away! What a coward!" He said, placing his hands on his waist as he looked away towards the street, as if he could still see the car that grazed them.
"Maybe he didn't have the money to compensate us, Iubirea mea." She said.
"Yeah, but still, how rude of them for just leaving. They owe us an apology at least." He protested.
"Yeah, I know. But Seb, let's not dwell on this too long. We have a plane to catch." She said as she reached out to touch his hand.
"Thankfully we can still go. And you know we've been in much worse situations." She reminded him as she pulled him closer to her and placed her hand on the side of his face. She looked up and saw him gradually relaxed under her touch. The crease on his eyebrows slowly gone.
"Yeah, you're right. We definitely have been in far worse situations." He chuckled. 
"I just hope this doesn't mean our trip is gonna be another cursed trip." He sighed.
"Oh Iubirea mea, even if it is, as long as we have each other, it's all gonna be okay." She said, stroking his cheek gently.
"You're right, honey. I love you." He smiled as he picked her hand that was on the side of his face and kissed it gently.
"I love you too, Iubirea mea." She smiled.
"Alright, let's go. I hope we're not gonna be late." He said as he released her hand and went back towards the driver's seat.
"We won't." She said, glancing at her watch. Hopefully. She thought. It was almost 1.30 pm, their plane leaves in two hours and JFK airport was still about half an hour away. They would be cutting it very close.
They finally went back to their car and drove away towards JFK airport. She might look calm from the outside but she couldn't help but feel slightly worried too. His comment about this being another cursed trip echoed in her head. But she tried her best not to dwell on it too much.
Thankfully they arrived on time at the airport and still had time to check all their baggages and Lucky even though they really were cutting it very close. However, the feeling of being in a cursed trip continued as they started their journey on the plane. Despite trying her best not to let Starlene have anything of dairy, Starlene ended up getting some accidentally on the airplane. The stewardess were offering drinks to all the passengers. Starlene had requested soy milk but was given regular cow's milk instead so she ended up having a stomach ache and went to the bathroom back and forth. 
"I'm sorry Mrs.Stan, I should have watched what the stewardess was giving her." Rosita said as Y/n stood up from her seat and took Starlene’s hand to guide her to the bathroom.
They were riding on first class and the plane had one-two-one arrangement on each row. Sebastian sat alone by the window, Y/n and Adrian sat across the aisle from him while Starlene and Rosita sat behind her.
"It's okay, Rosita. It's an honest mistake." She sighed.
Starlene ended up moving to sit next to her while Adrian sat with Rosita. Having her stomach hurt a lot Starlene wanted to be near her mother. So she spent the rest of the airplane ride putting on essential oil on Starlene's tummy and accompanying her whenever she needed to use the bathroom.
"I feel a little deja vu." She commented, turning to Sebastian right after she was back from accompanying Starlene to the bathroom for the fifth time.
"Oh honey. I know. But I'm sure everything will be okay in the end. I mean.. I.. for one.. will not ask you to have sex outdoors ever again. So you don't have to worry about getting arrested again." He chuckled and she couldn't help but laugh as well.
"Okay, you have a point, Iubirea mea." She said.
"Sweetheart, just relax and try to enjoy this as much as you can. Like you said, everything is gonna be okay as long as we still have each other." He said as he reached his hand out across the aisle and squeezed her hand tight.
"Yeah, thank you Iubirea mea." She smiled and squeezed his hand back.
Unfortunately the feeling that the trip seemed to be another cursed trip intensified for her after they arrived in Nice.
They were waiting for their luggages to come out from the conveyor belt when something unexpected happened. They already picked Lucky up from the cargo area but he was still in his crate as pets were not allowed out of their carriers inside the airport.
Starlene and Rosita were in the bathroom as Starlene was still having stomach ache. Y/n and Sebastian waited by the conveyor belt with Adrian sitting on a trolley behind them and Lucky in a crate next to him. Lucky kept on barking and wouldn't stay put in the crate. The long flight must have stressed him out.
"Mommy, Lucky wants to go out." Adrian commented.
"I know, Adrian. But he's not allowed to go out. We'll let him out once we're at the villa." She replied, referring to a villa they rented in Cannes for their first stay.
"Sorry, Lucky." Adrian said as he stood up from the trolley and placed his hand on the crate.
"Woof.. woof.." Lucky barked as he looked at Adrian.
He whimpered and gave Adrian puppy dog eyes. 
"Maybe it's okay if you're out for a just a minute while we wait for the bags." Adrian said to himself with a low voice that no one else could hear.
Slowly he started to open the lock on the crate and moments later it was successfully opened. As soon as it was opened Lucky immediately ran out of it and started running away from him to God knows where.
"Lucky, no! Come back here!" Adrian shouted as he chased Lucky.
Y/n and Sebastian whipped their heads around and saw Adrian running after Lucky. They were running towards the exit, bumping other people as they passed, making people fall over and generally making a mess throughout the airport.
Sebastian glanced at Y/n for a split second in disbelief.
"I'll go and get them. You just wait for the luggages, okay?" He said and she could only nod.
She watched as Sebastian shouted both Adrian and Lucky's names and ran towards the exit to chase them. She hoped he would be able to catch them and reign Lucky in. She was starting to regret bringing Lucky on their trip. She thought because Lucky was much older and could already behave that it wouldn't be a problem to bring him on the trip. Apparently that wasn't the case.
Half an hour later she successfully picked up all their luggages and with great effort put them all on their trolleys. With help from Rosita she pushed them out of the airport while her mind was still worrying about her husband, son and dog who were nowhere to be seen. After passing the baggage check, she finally got out of the airport and immediately looked around her surroundings to find the rest of her family.
"Woof.. woof.." She heard the familiar bark of Lucky not far on her right. Moments later she saw Lucky running towards her left with Adrian and Sebastian still running after them along with two airport security officers. None of them managed to catch Lucky.
She sighed as she saw them and put her fingers in her mouth. A loud whistle came out from her mouth. Lucky immediately stopped in his tracks and turned towards her.
"There you go Mrs.Stan." Rosita handed her a bag of dog treats as if she could read her mind.
"Thanks, Rosita." She accepted the dog treats and started shaking it in front of her, making Lucky ran even faster towards her.
Lucky finally stopped in front of her and barked, wagging his tail excitedly, asking for his treats.
"Sit, Lucky. Sit! I'm not gonna give you your treats unless you sit. You've been a very bad boy!" She scolded him as she raised her hand up in the air preventing Lucky to get the treats in her hand.
"Woof!" Lucky sat down immediately, his tongue sticking out of his mouth.
She gave him several dog treats then with help from Rosita she put a leash on his collar and held it tight.
"Oh.. thank God you got him, honey." Sebastian said moments later as he stood next to her, trying to catch his breath.
"Yeah, well, he needed some motivation to stop running." She shrugged.
"Yeah.. Why didn't I think of that? You're a genius, honey." He smiled at her, making the annoyance she felt about the whole situation lessened for a bit.
"Now, Adrian. Didn't I tell you not to let him out in the airport?" She turned to Adrian who was standing next to Sebastian, panting after all the running. She raised her voice a little and glared at him.
"I'm sorry, mommy. He looked so miserable in his crate. I thought he wouldn't run away." Adrian replied, his head hung.
"Well, you need to listen to me, Adrian. What if he got out and went to the street and got hit by a car? It's not safe from him to be out at a public place like this." She continued to scold him.
"I know, mommy. I'm sorry." Adrian said, still with his head hung.
"Well, the most important thing now is that we got Lucky back and no one was harmed. Now let's go and find our rented car. I'm tired and can't wait to get to our villa." Sebastian said as he placed his hand on Y/n's shoulder and squeezed it gently, trying to calm her down. She took a deep breath and let it go.
"Okay. Come on. I think the car rental company's booth is over there." She said, pointing towards what seemed to be a small booth with the car rental's company logo written on the booth. And with that they continued to walk. Sebastian and Rosita pushed the trolleys while she guided Lucky and the children.
Her feeling that this was another cursed trip got even stronger, unfortunately. Her heart dropped to her stomach, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she looked at the rented car that arrived in front of them several minutes later.
"Well, well, well.. what are the odds of us getting this ridicilously mini car again?!" Sebastian exclaimed out loud as he stared at the smallest car in the world, the Fiat 500, the exact same one they got during their honeymoon.
"I'm sorry Iubirea mea, I swear I ordered the Volkswagen Sharan van and not this. Let me just talk to the rental company." She said, feeling guilty for causing another mishap in their car rental arrangement.
Apparently there was a glitch with the rental company's system that they ended up getting the Fiat 500. Fortunately the Volkswagen Sharan van was still available. They just had to wait for about an hour before the van arrived from the rental company's headquarter.
She couldn't help but feel annoyed with how things turned out so far. She was tired because she barely had time to sleep on the plane with Starlene wanting her to rub her tummy continuously. The children were tired too and they began to get cranky. Lucky was also restless. They ended up waiting while resting in a cafe nearby, but since Lucky wouldn't stay put, she ended up asking Rosita to take him out on a walk around the airport while she and her family rested.
"I'm sorry, Iubirea mea. I guess I should have learnt from the past and used a different rental company. I can't believe they still have the same glitch in their system after all these years." She said as she stirred the cup of cappuccino on the table in front of her.
"It's okay, honey. It's not your fault. I mean, there is a reason why they have the lowest rate out of all the other rental companies." He shrugged then sipped his coffee.
"Yeah, you're right." She sighed. "I really hope this trip isn't cursed."
"Honey, I'm sure it's not. I mean, I know some things that have happened were similar to the start of our honeymoon. But we're not going to stay in a castle this time so at least there's no chance of being haunted by a ghost." He chuckled.
"A ghost?" Adrian asked, looking at Sebastian curiously.
"Yes, Adrian. Mommy, daddy and your sister saw a ghost last time we were in Europe." She responded.
"But I don't remember seeing it." Starlene commented.
"Well, you were only ten months old Starlene, you wouldn't remember." She said.
"I wanna see a ghost too!" Adrian piped up.
"Are you sure, Adrian? The ghost was really scary. The ghost looked like an old lady wearing a black dress, her hair was put up in a bun, but.. she has no face!" Sebastian suddenly yelled as he covered his face with both hands, trying to emulate a scary faceless ghost and making the children scream in surprise. But then they giggled just moments later as Sebastian continued to make silly faces.
"The ghost had no face?!" Starlene exclaimed in awe after their laughter subsided.
"Nope." Y/n shook her head.
"Well, if the ghost doesn't have a face, how is it able to see?" Starlene wondered.
"I don't know, Starlene. You're gonna have to ask the ghost herself." Y/n chuckled.
For the first time since they left New York she finally felt relaxed and happy as they continued to chat and laughed together. Sebastian was right, whatever happened in the trip it would all be okay as long as they had each other. She hoped there won't be any more bad things happening to them though. She just wanted to spend a happy and relaxing holiday with her family. It was not supposed to be an unattainable wish. But, she should have known that their family was special and that chaos would lurk around every corner throughout their holiday.
Villa Joliet, Vallauris, France - May 15th 2027 - 2 pm
The villa that they had booked for their stay in Cannes was located at Vallauris, a small town north east of Cannes about 7 km away from La Croisette Boulevard where the Cannes Film Festival was being held. It was located on a hill among other large luxury villas facing the beautiful view of the French riviera with Port de Golfe Juan as its central view. Port de Golfe Juan was a small craft harbor located between Cannes and another small town, Juan-Le-Pins, where small yachts could dock. From the villa one could clearly see the small harbor with the white docked yachts dotting the waters.
After a thankfully uneventful but scenic ride from Nice Airport to Vallauris they finally arrived at Villa Joliet, the beautiful Mediterranean one story villa. The 300 square meter villa had 3 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms fit for 6 guests with a fully equipped kitchen, large dining room, spacious living room, a sun room and the most stunning of all it had a large infinity pool right next to it facing the beautiful French riviera. 
As soon as their rented car stopped in front of the villa, Lucky and the children ran out of the car and immediately entered the villa, their exhaustion seemed to be gone.
“Wow! This place is amazing!” Starlene exclaimed out loud as she ran into the villa while Adrian and Lucky ran straight towards the lawn with the infinity pool on it with Rosita walking quickly behind them.
“This place is amazing, honey!” Sebastian commented as he entered the living room and put their luggages on the floor.
“It is, isn’t it?” She smiled as she stood next to Sebastian who was facing the large window in the living room. The window was of course facing towards the beautiful French coast.
She circled her arms around his waist and took a deep breath as she stared at the view of the sea. The air was fresh and smelled a little like the sea which she loved. She couldn’t wait to spend some time on the beach.
“I think we’re gonna really enjoy ourselves here, and I hope the master bedroom is far away from the other rooms.” Sebastian said, placing his arm around her shoulder and squeezed it tight as he glanced down at her with a twinkle in his eyes, making her face reddened.
“Oh Seb, you have such a dirty mind.” She chuckled.
“Why am I not allowed to think that? With a wife as beautiful and sexy as you are, it’s normal for a husband to think about it a lot.” He winked as he turned towards her and turned her to face him by her waist. He gazed down at her with eyes full of love and longing that she felt the butterflies again in her stomach. He leaned closer to her and captured her lips in his, making her feel like she was flying. They kissed and kissed as if the world was only theirs.
"Ahem." A male voice cleared his throat, startling them.
They jumped in surprise and immediately broke apart only to find a man standing by the door to the lawn, smiling wide at them.
"I'm really sorry to bother you Mr. and Mrs.Stan. My name is Maurice and I will be your concierge and butler during your stay here." Maurice said in a thick French accent. He smiled as he walked closer to them and extended his hand out to her.
"Oh yes, hello Maurice. Nice to meet you." Y/n smiled and shook his hand.
"My pleasure Mrs.Stan, Mr.Stan." Maurice nodded as he shook Sebastian's hand.
"Now, let me take you on a tour of the villa and show you your rooms." Maurice said, beckoning for them to follow him. 
The villa had a bright white and beige colored theme giving a warm and homey summer home feel. Every room was meticulously clean with off white walls and shiny beige ceramic floors. The decorations were minimalist but had beach vibes. The bedrooms felt warm and inviting with light brown parquet floors and bright comforters and sheets. Out of three bedrooms one even had its own small kitchen and dining table which made it perfect for Rosita in case she wanted some privacy.
"Well, I hope you enjoyed our little tour Mr and Mrs. Stan." Maurice smiled half an hour later as the tour concluded and they stopped in front of the master bedroom.
"We did enjoy it. Thank you so much, Maurice." Y/n smiled.
"Glad to hear that Mrs.Stan. Oh, by the way, I believe you've been informed about the no pets policy of the villa?" Maurice asked.
"What?" Sebastian asked, dumbfounded.
"Umm.. yes. I was told about it by the sales staff. But she said she already talked to the villa's owner and he told her that he could make an exception seeing how it's us, Sebastian Stan's family, that are staying here. And I believe I have told your sales staff that our pet dog is a very well behaved dog and will not cause any trouble. So, she said the owner of the villa gave his permission to let our dog stay here with us." Y/n quickly explained.
"Hmm.. I see. In that case, if you are certain that your dog will not cause any trouble in this villa and that the owner has given his permission, then I have no choice but to accept." Maurice nodded.
"Thank you so much, Maurice. I promise our dog will behave." She said even though deep down she started to doubt it.
"I'll take your word for it Mrs.Stan. However, in the case that he does cause trouble I would like to remind you that we have every right to do the steps necessary to prevent damage to the villa, including evicting you from the premises if needed." He said.
"What? So if our dog causes trouble you're going to kick us out?" Sebastian asked, his voice raised.
"Well.. that's another way of saying it. I'm sorry Mr.Stan. That is just part of the rules." Maurice responded.
"Don't worry, our dog will behave." Y/n said again, trying to convince Maurice and herself.
"Very well. By the way, I believe you requested for a barbeque this afternoon Mrs.Stan?" Maurice continued to ask.
"Oh yes! That's right!" Her face brightened.
"Barbeque?" Sebastian asked, turning to her.
"Yes! They offered to prepare meals throughout our stay and I thought a barbeque would be nice for our first day here." She said, smiling wide.
"That sounds great, honey." Sebastian smiled.
"Well if you'll excuse me then Mr and Mrs.Stan. I will prepare the barbeque for you. They should be ready in an hour." Maurice said.
"Alright, thank you so much, Maurice." She smiled. Maurice nodded and finally left them.
"I can't believe you used the celebrity card to let them allow us to bring Lucky here." Sebastian chuckled as they entered the master bedroom together, dragging their suitcases with them.
"Well.. I had to. I fell in love with this villa and just had to make it work so we can stay here." She shrugged as she closed the door behind her.
"And you did make it work, honey. I just hope Lucky will really behave. Otherwise we'll be in trouble." He said as he placed his suitcase by the wardrobe and walked towards the bed.
"Oh he'll behave. I'm going to make sure he does." She responded.
"Alright, after what happened back at the airport I believe you, honey. If there's anyone that can tame that dog, it's you." He said and she chuckled.
Seeing a large and comfortable bed in the master bedroom Sebastian immediately laid on it and sighed in contentment.
"I think I'm gonna take a nap for a short while." He said as he put his hands behind his head and gazed at the view of the sea from the windows right across the bed.
"Come and take a nap with me, sweetheart." He said, patting the bed next to him.
"I wish I can, Iubirea mea. I want to unpack and check on the kids." She said as she sat on the edge of the bed next to him.
"Oh come on, honey. Lie down here with me just for a minute and rest. The kids are okay. We have Rosita watching them, and our stuff isn't going anywhere." He persuaded her.
"Well.. okay. Maybe just for five minutes. The bed is inviting." She smiled as she slowly climbed onto the bed and scooted closer to him.
"Mmhmm.. but I think there's something else more inviting on the bed." He smiled with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Ah yes.. the pillows! They're so fluffy and thick. I love them." She said as she patted a pillow behind her, fluffed it and laid her head down on it.
"Hmm.. I think you're forgetting something." He said as he looked at her with eyebrows raised.
"What?" She asked, glancing at him with a small smile on her lips.
"There's a monster on the bed and he hates that you ignore him!" He yelled and started to tickle her waist.
"Seb.. No..!" She laughed and giggled while trying to pry his hands away from her.
"Monster is tired and hungry, monster needs to eat!" He growled as he started kissing and biting her neck gently.
"Noo.. someone help! " she giggled but she was powerless as his kisses traveled upwards onto the back of her ear, where one of her sensitive spots was located. She couldn't help but trembled at the feeling and melted in his arms.
"Seb.. it's day time.. the kids are awake.. there's Rosita and Maurice.. and Lucky.." she said breathlessly, feeling the fire of passion in her heart ignited as he continued to plant kisses behind her ear. She gasped as she felt his hand traveled to one of her breasts and squeezed it.
"I know.. but I don't care.." He whispered, making her feel weak all over.
For a moment she let herself blissfully drown in his kisses and touch but she remembered her children and she had a nagging feeling that she should check up on them.
"Seb.. I thought you wanted to take a nap?" She asked as she caught his hand that was on her breast and pushed it away. She looked up at him and her heart skipped a beat as she saw his eyes darkened with desire.
"Yeah well.. with a wife as hot as you are I just can't help myself." He said with a husky voice.
She couldn't help but feel warmth crawling from her neck up to her cheek.
"All the tiredness I felt just went out the window, especially seeing you blush like this. You look so pretty when you blush, honey. I love it." He smiled and stroked her cheek gently. 
Her heart beat so fast in her chest as he gazed at her with love and longing in his eyes. Slowly but surely he leaned closer to her. His lips hovered on hers that she could feel his breath on her lips. His hand cupped the side of her face and he leaned even closer. She felt like her heart was going to explode with anticipation. She closed her eyes and his lips finally touched hers gently, sending shivers down her spine. He kissed her with so much love and tenderness that she felt like flying. Sometimes she wondered how he could still make her weak all over like this even after years of being together. She felt like the luckiest woman on earth to be able to continue being in love with her husband throughout everything that had happened in their lives. She hoped she would continue being in love with him for the rest of her life.
His kisses became more urgent and passionate as time went on and his hand traveled down back to her breast, cupping and squeezing it, igniting more passion and desire in her. But as they continued to kiss and caress each other she couldn't help to think about their current situation. This was really not a good time to make love as much as she wanted to. The kids could come through the door at any minute. And the nagging feeling she felt earlier came back to her.
"Seb.." she stopped kissing him and pushed him away.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
"This really isn't a good time to make love. The kids could come through the door at any time. And I really need to check on them." She insisted.
"Oh honey, the kids are fine.." He started to say but suddenly they could hear the sound of something crashing onto the floor.
"Adrian! Starlene!" They could hear Rosita's surprised shout from outside the bedroom.
"I told you.." She sighed as she started to get up and Sebastian finally let her go but with his head hung.
"We have to continue this later tonight, honey." He said as he got up from the bed and she followed him.
"Oh of course Iubirea mea, if we can." She shrugged and he just grimaced in return.
They went outside of the master bedroom towards the living room, following the voices of Rosita and Maurice who seemed to be fighting with the sound of Adrian and Starlene's cries in the background.
"This is an expensive vase! There's only one like it in the world! You're hired to watch over them!" Maurice shouted at Rosita.
"Well I'm sorry but I was in the bathroom for like a minute! And could you stop yelling?! You're scaring them." Rosita shouted back as she pulled the children close to her and patted their backs, trying to make them stop crying. 
What looked to be broken pieces of a vase were lying all over the living room floor by the large coffee table in the middle of the room with the flowers that were in it strewn all over the floor. 
"Rosita, what's going on?" Sebastian asked.
Seeing their parents coming Adrian and Starlene immediately ran towards them. Sebastian leaned down and picked Adrian up into his arms and started to rub his back gently while Starlene cling to Y/n's leg.
"Oh I'm sorry Mr.Stan. I was in the bathroom for just a moment then I heard the sound of something crashing. When I got here Adrian was standing on the table and the vase was already broken. I didn't see what happened." Rosita explained.
"Adrian, why were you standing on the table?" Sebastian asked, looking at Adrian.
"We were playing 'the floor is a lava', dad." Adrian said, sniffling.
"Yes, daddy. He jumped from the sofa to the table and bumped onto the vase. I tried to stop the vase from falling down but I couldn't." Starlene explained, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Oh Adrian, be careful next time and don't jump on the table." Y/n scolded him. "This isn't our house. You have to be more careful and behave." 
"I'm sorry, mommy." Adrian said, his ocean blue eyes welled up with tears and he started to cry again.
"There there, Adrian, it's okay." Sebastian said as he continued to rub Adrian's back.
"Well I'm sorry Mr.Stan, but it's not okay! The vase is imported from Italy and the owner could fire me if he knows that it's broken." Maurice said in agitation.
"Maurice, calm down. I can pay to cover the damage, okay? How much does it cost?" Sebastian asked.
"Well, I'm not sure but I believe the villa's owner bought it for two thousand euros." Maurice replied.
Sebastian's and Y/n's eyes widened as they heard the price of the vase. Sebastian took a deep breath and let it go.
"Fine. Just charge it to us. We'll pay for it." Sebastian said.
"Very well Mr.Stan. I'm going to report this to the owner." Maurice said.
"Okay, do that. Let him know we're willing to pay for it." Sebastian said and Maurice nodded. 
Maurice pulled out his cellphone from his pants' pocket, took some pictures of the vase then continued to use his cellphone. 
"I just sent the pictures to the owner and he said that he really appreciates it that you are willing to cover the damages, Mr.Stan. The vase costs him three thousand euros, not two apparently." Maurice said moments later.
"Fine. We'll pay for it." Sebastian sighed.
"Very well, Mr.Stan. Thank you. I'm sorry, but the owner also said that if something like this should happen again, he has no choice but to evict you." Maurice said slowly, his eyes stared at Sebastian in apprehension.
"Fine. That's fine." Sebastian said, gritting his teeth.
Y/n placed her hand on Sebastian's shoulder and squeezed it gently as she saw that he almost lost it.
"Thank you Mr.Stan. Now let me clean this up." Maurice said.
"Yes, please do that, Maurice. Thank you so much and we're really sorry for what happened." Y/n said.
"It's okay Mrs.Stan." Maurice finally smiled a little then left them.
"I'm really sorry, Mr.Stan, Mrs.Stan." Rosita said, her head hung.
"It's okay, Rosita, it's not your fault. Now where's Lucky?" Y/n asked.
"He was by the pool when I went inside with the children." Rosita said.
"Alright, thank you Rosita. Now kids, why don't you go with Rosita and have some cookies while we wait for the barbeque to be ready." She said.
"Okay, mommy." Starlene nodded.
"I'm sorry, mommy." Adrian sniffled as Sebastian put him down on the floor.
"It's okay, Adrian. Just don't do that again okay? Be a good boy." She said, kneeling down in front of Adrian and gave him a hug.
"Okay, mommy." Adrian nodded in her arms.
She let him go and stood up as Rosita guided the children to the dining room. 
"Three thousand euros for just a vase." Sebastian shook his head as he walked towards the lawn.
"I know. Ridiculous isn't it? I mean, the collection of china that Starlene broke at that castle in Germany cost ten thousand euros. Just one vase should cost way less than three thousand." She commented as she followed Sebastian out towards the lawn.
"Yeah. That's true honey. The owner probably lied about the real price of the vase. But we have no choice, do we?" He responded, sighing.
"Yeah. Even if we want to move to another villa we can't. They're all fully booked seeing how tomorrow is the start of the film festival." She commented.
"Well, we just have to make sure nothing else is broken in this villa for the rest of our stay here." Sebastian said as they reached the infinity pool and sat on chairs by the pool. Lucky was apparently lying down under a tree not far from them. He seemed to be sleeping.
“Yeah. You know what, Iubirea mea. It feels exactly like our honeymoon again. This trip feels cursed.” She said, dread in her stomach.
“Oh honey, if what you say is true we should have been kicked out of this villa, but we haven’t. And I really won’t ask you to have sex outdoors again. So don’t worry about it, okay?” He said, reaching his hand out to touch hers and squeezed it gently.
“Okay.” She chuckled and she squeezed his hand back.
She released his hand and leaned back on the chair. Her eyes gazed towards the breathtaking view of the infinity pool and the sea far beyond it. As she enjoyed the beautiful and serene view she prayed in her heart that the rest of their trip would be pleasant. They still have a month left to go. Surely they would be able to enjoy the trip as days progressed.
However, the universe seemed to want to play with them again as what happened next triggered a big change in their trip.
They were all sitting outside by the pool around a table, enjoying the delicious barbeque Maurice had prepared for them when a squirrel who just gathered some nuts from the woods ran up the tree where Lucky was lying down under. Apparently the tree was his home.
“Mommy! Look! There’s a squirrel!” Starlene exclaimed out loud, pointing her index finger towards the squirrel.
“Oh yeah, how cute!” Y/n responded. 
Her heart dropped to her stomach as she saw what happened next. The squirrel dropped a nut it was carrying in its mouth and it fell right on top of Lucky’s head. Lucky woke up immediately and looked around, barking loudly. Then he looked up and saw the squirrel. He growled and barked at the squirrel, placing his front paws on the tree, trying to get to the squirrel but couldn’t. He tried hard to climb the tree as the squirrel looked down at him in panic.
“Seb, do you see that?” Y/n asked.
“What?” Sebastian asked, looking up at her. He was too busy focusing on his food to notice anything. He finally noticed when the squirrel ran down the other side of the tree and sprinted towards the nearby woods. Seeing the squirrel had successfully run away Lucky ran towards the woods and chased it.
“Oh no.. Lucky! Come back here boy!” Sebastian shouted as he stood up and started to chase him.
Soon all of the Stan family left the table and started to run chasing him.
“Lucky! Stop!” Adrian shouted.
Y/n put her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly but Lucky didn’t care, he continued to run chasing the squirrel. The squirrel seemed to panic as it saw that it was being chased not just by a dog but also by humans. In its panic state it circled around a tree and ran back towards the villa where Maurice was still busy with the barbeque. The squirrel ran straight towards Maurice, passed his feet and went straight into the villa. Moments later Lucky ran towards Maurice too. He streaked past Maurice and bumped onto the small grill in front of Maurice. The grill toppled over onto a nearby plant, startling Maurice. Lucky continued to run chasing the squirrel inside the villa while the plant started to catch fire from the grill.
“Oh no!” Maurice exclaimed in panic.
Y/n stopped in her tracks as she saw what was going on. With her eyes widened she watched as the fire became bigger and Sebastian tried to help Maurice to extinguish the fire while Rosita and the children continued to chase Lucky and the squirrel inside the villa. She walked closer towards the chaotic scene and winced as she heard the sound of things breaking inside the villa.
Cursed. This trip was definitely cursed. She thought as she continued to stare at the chaotic scene in front of her helplessly.
There was no question that after what happened the Stan family was kicked out of Villa Joliet. The fire on the lawn was thankfully extinguished successfully but the plants around the grill all burnt down and the grill was damaged. The condition was worse inside the villa. Almost all the fragile decorations around the villa broke and destroyed when Lucky chased the squirrel around the villa. Eventually Y/n managed to stop Lucky from running by offering him some dog treats and the squirrel could slip out back into the woods.
Sebastian and Y/n begged Maurice to let them stay but he was adamant that they couldn’t. Worst of all the owner of the villa wouldn’t refund the rental money that Y/n had paid them in full before they arrived. He even charged them an extra thousand euros for making all the damages to the villa. 
"What a greedy bas***d! They're charging us so much! We haven't even spent one night here!" Sebastian shouted in anger as he turned the ignition of their rented van on and started backing out of the villa's driveway.
"Daddy said a bad word again." Starlene pointed out.
"Yes Seb, watch your language." Y/n sighed.
"I'm sorry.. I'm just frustrated. They're robbing us!" He said as he drove the van towards the small street in front of the villa.
"Well, they do need the money to cover all the damages." Y/n stated.
"Yeah, but I’m sure it wouldn’t cost that much to cover all the damages. It’s not like we were staying in Versailles where a single vase could cost millions of euros." He said as he stepped on the gas and the van started its descent down the hill the villa was located on.
"I know, Seb. I know. Let's just focus on where to go from here." She sighed as she pulled her cellphone out and started browsing for options.
"Right, okay, I'm sorry. Maybe we can just try booking a hotel somewhere near the Croisette." Sebastian suggested.
"Yeah, I'm looking at the available options but there are none, Seb. All the hotels, motels, villas, bed and breakfasts are full in Cannes." 
"Well.. how about we try and search somewhere around here?" He suggested.
"You mean around Vallauris?" She asked.
"Yeah, or Juan-Le-Pins." He nodded.
"Okay. Let's see." She said as she started to browse for options.
Soon a list of all the hotels and accomodations around Vallauris popped up in her cellphone. But after checking on them, all of them were also fully booked. She then searched for options around Juan-Le-Pins, thankfully there was one available hotel in Juan-Le-Pins, Hotel Castel Mistral which was located near the beach and a railroad. The hotel was about 5 kilometers away from the villa.
"Oh thank God." Sebastian said as he started to drive the van towards Juan-Le-Pins.
"I have to remind you though that you might not like the hotel. It says here that it's close to the railroad so the sound of the trains can be disturbing. And it's an old two star hotel, so don't expect much." She warned him.
"Honey, right now I don't need a perfect place. I'll take anything. I'm tired. As long as it has a bed and a private bathroom I'll take it." He said, exasperated.
"Alright. There's a private beach about 40m away from the hotel. So tomorrow you guys can play at the beach while mommy and daddy go to the film festival." She said, turning around to face her children.
"The beach! Yay!" Adrian shouted in delight, his face brightened immediately, making her smile in return.
She turned her head back towards the front of the van and sighed, knowing what kind of hotel they were going to go to. She hoped it wasn't as bad as it seemed.
After passing through small idyllic streets and passing port de Golfe Juan and Juan-Le-Pins beach, half an hour later they finally arrived at Hotel Castel Mistral.
"I know now why you said I might not like the hotel." Sebastian chuckled as he drove the van into the hotel's small parking lot.  
The hotel's exterior had cream colored stone walls with a medieval castle theme. The building looked old, worn down and consisted of three floors. 
"Yeah. It reminds me so much of that haunted castle in Germany." She chuckled as the van finally stopped.
"Yup. I hope this place isn't haunted." He commented as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
"Haunted? Do you think there's a ghost here, dad?" Starlene asked, dumbfounded.
"Well I don't know for sure. But most likely not because this hotel doesn't look that old." Sebastian responded.
They entered the hotel and seeing the interior made Y/n feel another deja vu. The interior of the hotel had vintage and classic feel with dark brown parquet floors, mahogany furniture and classic floral wallpapers. Seeing it reminded her so much of the haunted castle in Germany. The main difference was that it didn’t have many old portraits of people on the walls and there was of course no armored knight statue around, but the old vibe still gave her the chills.
They checked into two rooms at the hotel. One room had a double bed while the other room had a single bed and a bunk bed. Sebastian and Y/n took the room with the double bed of course while the children, Rosita and Lucky took the other room.
By the time they were settled in their rooms it was already time for dinner. Feeling tired they decided to just order room service for dinner and sleep early. The next day was a busy day for Sebastian as he was supposed to attend the press conference and premiere of his movie with Renate Reinsve. After the premiere he was scheduled to attend a party to celebrate the release of the movie. So he was going to be busy from morning until night.
Y/n was also invited to all of the events. Even though she wasn’t someone who worked in the film industry but being Sebastian’s spouse she was allowed to come as his plus one. 
She laid down on the bed that night feeling tired all over her body. She still couldn’t believe everything that had happened to them that day. She wondered if their trip really was cursed. Every single thing that had happened to them on the trip had already happened back during their honeymoon. And looking from what had happened, the ghost incident should happen next.
Suddenly she heard the sound of someone snoring lightly which startled her a little. She looked to her left and saw that Sebastian already fell asleep. His mouth opened a little and he looked so peaceful and innocent in his sleep. She smiled as she looked at him and snuggled closer to him. She placed one arm around his body and laid her head on his chest. He stirred and stopped snoring as soon as she touched him.
“Good night, Iubirea mea.” She said gently, looking up at him.
“Hmmm.. night, honey.” He replied and placed his arm around her shoulder then pulled her closer to him.
Home, she felt at home in his arms. Even though they ended up staying somewhere completely different, she still felt at home as long as she was in his arms.
It took a while for her to fall asleep as she was kind of dreading and anticipating the appearance of a ghost. The sound of the trains from the nearby railroad also kept her awake. Eventually though, being so exhausted after a long and tiring day she fell asleep without seeing any ghosts. The Stan family could thankfully sleep in peace that night.
Palais des Festivals et des Congrès, Cannes, France - May 16th 2027 - 5 pm 
Y/n's heart beat so fast in her chest as the limousine that brought them to the Cannes Film Festival's venue for Sebastian's movie's premiere stopped in front of the red carpet. Sebastian got out of the limousine first then extended his hand towards her. She picked it up and got out as well. Flashes from cameras soon blinded her as numerous photographers took their pictures. 
They looked stunning that day. Sebastian wore the usual black tuxedo with a bow tie. His hair was short but fluffy at the top and his face had some short stubble which she loved to see on him. She herself wore a champagne long-sleeved tulle dress with floral white appliques adorning the bodice from the plunging v neck line down to the skirt. Her hair was pulled up in an elegant bun at the nape of her neck. The only accessories she wore was the necklace with the heart and key shaped pendant Sebastian had given to her years ago along with the heart shaped diamond earrings he had gifted to her at the start of their relationship.
She was really nervous that day because she had never gone to the Cannes Film Festival before. Over the years Sebastian had invited her to come to his movie's premieres including Thunderbolts and the Ric Flair documentary. The first time she went to his movie premiere was for Thunderbolts and it was quite a nerve wracking experience for her because it was her first public appearance with Sebastian after the infamous scandal that they were in. Thankfully it went well. None of Sebastian's fans harassed her and some of his fans even cheered for her, which she was genuinely surprised about. After that she felt more confident being seen in public with him and she finally reactivated her Instagram account even though she rarely posted.
Even though she was much more confident about being seen in public with Sebastian, she couldn't help but feel nervous that day. Cannes Film Festival was a whole different beast of an event and she just hoped she would be able to walk the red carpet without tripping.
Sebastian seemed to notice how nervous she was. He smiled warmly at her and squeezed her hand gently as he guided her to walk along the red carpet.
"You look stunning, sweetheart. Don't be nervous. You're doing great." He whispered in her ear as they continued to walk. She looked up at him and smiled. 
"Thank you Iubirea mea. I just hope I can survive the long walk to the top of the stairs and not trip." She whispered back.
"Honey, I'll be here to catch you even if you do." He winked and she blushed.
He raised her hand up and kissed it, making the photographers go wild and took more and more pictures of them, making her blushed even more.
"I love it when you blush, honey. You look so pretty when you do." He smiled and she just shook her head shyly.
Thankfully she survived the long walk to the top of the stairs and she watched as Sebastian posed with Renate Reinsve, Joachim Trier the director and other cast members.
As she watched them her mind went back to the time she went to the set of the movie to shoot a scene with Sebastian. Yes, she was in the movie even if for a very short while and she was only seen from the back and wore a wig. She replaced Renate for a brief kissing scene between Sebastian's character and Renate's character.
She didn't ask for it but Sebastian offered it. Ever since their honeymoon scandal happened he had tried very hard to make her feel more comfortable in letting him leave to shoot movies around the world. He took no more than three projects a year and when he had to leave for a shoot more than a month he always took his whole family with him. He also took projects where there was no vulgar sexual scenes, unlike during his single days when he didn't think twice about taking on roles that required him to be in vulgar sexual scenes. These days even if there were sexual scenes or kissing scenes, he tried to persuade the director to allow the scene to be taken with Y/n. Thankfully all the directors didn't mind and this was her second time of being in a movie with Sebastian.
His very considerate and respectful gesture touched her deeply and she knew that he really loved her so much as much as she loved him. She was the love of his life and he was hers. Nothing in the world could change that.
Palais des Festivals et des Congrès, Cannes, France - May 16th 2027 - 8 pm 
The crowd erupted in cheers as the closing credit of Sebastian and Renate's movie started rolling. Everyone stood up, clapped and cheered giving them a standing ovation. Y/n cheered and clapped hard as she watched Sebastian and Renate took bows on the row in front of her. The director, Joachim Trier, gave Sebastian and Renate hugs and clapped their shoulders. 
Her heart swelled in her chest as she looked around the theater. She couldn't be more proud of her husband. The movie was not just visually stunning but the subject matter, which was a drama and thriller about human and child trafficking, was something so important to bring up to the world. Most of the general public was not aware of the urgent issue of human and child trafficking and the movie was definitely something that could make people more aware and help bring the matter more into light.
Sebastian played a CIA agent who was tasked to investigate a series of child abductions happening around the US and ended up finding out about the underground criminal organization who were doing human and child trafficking all over the world. Renate played a single mother who lost her daughter to an abduction that happened in rural US. Their acting was top notch and Y/n wouldn't be surprised if they ended up bringing home the awards for Best Actor and Actress that year.
The audience ended up giving a twenty minute standing ovation for them. Something that had not happened in the festival for a long time. The last time the audience gave a twenty minute standing ovation was for Fahrenheit 9/11 back in 2004. So it was quite a big deal for Sebastian and the rest of the cast and crew of the movie to receive a standing ovation that long.
By the time the standing ovation was done her hands were numb and red from all the clapping but it was worth it. Joachim followed by Renate and Sebastian filed out of the theater to go outside for a photo call in front of the famous red steps at the front of the venue. Even though they already posed for photos at the red carpet earlier that day before the screening started, there was still one more photo call they needed to do before they were off to the movie's release party.
She walked a little further away from him and let him and everyone else in the movie posed for the cameras. It didn't take long for Sebastian to notice her absence. Ignoring the shouts from the photographers he walked away from the middle of the red carpet and quickly went to where she was standing.
"Honey, come on, take some pictures with me." He grabbed her hand and started to guide her towards the red carpet.
"Seb, I think I posed enough. It's time for you and Renate to take the spotlight." She refused.
"Sweetheart, you were in the movie too." He winked and she just shook her head shyly.
"Just for a minute and then we go." He pleaded.
"Okay." She finally nodded.
Sebastian's face brightened and he immediately pulled her towards the middle of the red carpet where Renate was posing. They posed for some pictures together all three of them and then Renate left them so the photographers could take pictures of just the two of them.
Throughout the photo session his hand never left her. He placed his hand at the small of her back then he also pulled her closer to him by her waist.
"I can't wait to get back to the hotel and strip you off this stunning dress." He whispered as the photographers continued to take pictures of them, making her blush furiously.
"Seb.. " she looked up at him in disbelief but he just looked down at her with love and longing in his eyes.
"We need to continue where we left off at the villa yesterday." He winked, making her blush even more.
As if that wasn't enough, he leaned closer to her and planted a soft kiss on her lips, releasing all the butterflies in her stomach.
"I love you, sweetheart." He whispered.
"I love you too, Iubirea mea." She whispered back and smiled shyly.
Their little PDA scene made the photographers go wilder. Her face reddened throughout the photo session that she was sure she looked like a lobster, but Sebastian seemed to love looking at her blushing furiously. He kept glancing at her lovingly throughout the photo session, making the butterflies in her stomach fly around wildly.
The photo session finally ended and Sebastian guided her to go to their limousine. They were going to a hotel nearby to change their outfit for the party that night into something a little less formal. The movie studio had booked a room at a nearby hotel specifically for the movie's cast members to get ready for the red carpet and party that day.
There was a queue to get into their limousine as everyone else were also leaving the venue. They stood in line behind Renate when her cellphone buzzed in the small purse she was carrying.
She pulled it out from her purse and immediately picked it up after seeing who the caller was. Rosita was video calling her.
"Rosita, what's going on? Where are you?" Her heart rate raised a little as she saw where Rosita was. It seemed she was standing outside of the hotel and not in the hotel room. Her eyebrows were furrowed, she looked like she was really scared about something.
"Mrs.Stan.. I'm really sorry to bother you but.. You need to come back here soon." Rosita replied, her voice sounded agitated. She could hear the sound of someone shouting in the background in French and what seemed to be the sound of splashing water.
"What happened?" She asked, dreading the answer.
"I was in the bathroom with the children giving them a bath after we got back from the beach, when a.. a ghost appeared Mrs.Stan.." Rosita said, her voice shook.
"What?!" She exclaimed in surprise.
"Yes, mommy! There was a ghost!" Starlene's face popped up next to Rosita's face, her face looked scared.
"Oh, Starlene, really?" She raised her eyebrows.
"Yes, mommy, really!" Adrian's face popped up next to Starlene and crowded the screen.
"Honey, what's going on?" Sebastian asked, looking at her cellphone screen curiously.
"They said they saw a ghost." She explained and Sebastian's jaw dropped.
"What?!" He exclaimed out loud.
"Yes Mr.Stan. We were shocked and scared and immediately ran out of the room. But.. umm.. I forgot to turn off the tap in the bathtub and.. umm.. the water flooded the room and flowed all over the floor and it wasn't until the water started to flow downwards to the ground floor that I realized I had left the tap running. And.. umm.. because of that we got kicked out of the hotel." Rosita explained.
She couldn't believe what she was hearing. A ghost finally made an appearance on their trip and they got kicked out of their accommodation yet again!
She exchanged looks of disbelief with Sebastian and after a moment Sebastian finally asked. "Alright, where are you now, Rosita?"
"Down at the hotel lobby, Mr.Stan." Rosita replied.
"Okay. Just wait there and we'll come there soon. Kids, stay there with Rosita and don't go anywhere, okay?" Sebastian warned them.
"Yes, daddy." The children chorused.
Rosita finally hung up the video call session but not before showing them a little of the water flooding the floor of the hotel.
Y/n turned her cellphone's screen off and put it back in her purse.
"So, what do we do now?" She looked up at Sebastian, her mind still reeling from the information they just received.
"Well.. looks like we have to skip the party and rescue our family, there's no other choice." He sighed.
"I'm sorry Iubirea mea. You know what, you can stay and I'll go back alone. I'll check out of the hotel and bring the kids, Rosita and Lucky here. Maybe we can ask Christie to allow us to stay at the hotel." She suggested, referring to Christie, the movie's producer who had booked the hotel room for the movie's cast members that day.
She felt really bad if Sebastian missed the party. The movie was a big deal for him. She was sure that he would love to attend the party and network with people and promote the movie.
"Honey, I don't care about the party. Our family is in danger from a ghost! And they're stranded at the hotel. I need to save them. It's my responsibility. Not just yours." He said, looking at her with his eyebrows furrowed.
Her heart swelled at his answer. Four years ago she was certain he would choose to stay for the party instead of prioritizing his family, but he had changed and she was so happy about it. She was glad that he could finally sort out his priorities.
"I love you." She blurted out, making him smile.
"And I love you more, honey." He replied as he reached out to squeeze her hand tight.
"Come on. Let's save our family." He beckoned his head towards their limousine which just stopped in front of them.
She smiled and nodded. 
"You know what, Seb?" She asked as they sat at the back of the limousine and the limousine started to move, taking them back to their children.
"What, honey?" He asked.
"Maybe next year we should go on vacation to Asia or maybe even Africa. We may have better luck there instead of here in Europe." She suggested, making him laugh.
"Great idea, honey." He chuckled.
"And you know what honey, seeing that what has been happening has checked all the boxes of what happened back during our honeymoon, I'm sure you know what's next on the list." He teased.
"Oh Seb.. " She blushed as she realized what he was referring to.
"I am desperate for you as I was back then." He said slowly with a low and husky voice, making her heart skip a beat. 
"You, looking so stunning with this dress made it worse for me, honey. You have no idea how many times I imagined making love to you tonight." He continued as his eyes traveled from her face down to her body with so much love and desire, making her feel weak all over.
He pushed a button by the window and the barrier between the driver's seat and passenger seat rolled up, effectively covering them from the view of the driver.
Without waiting any longer he pulled her closer to him and started kissing and caressing her passionately. She was powerless as she gave in to her desire and let it consume her completely. How could she hold back with a husband as handsome and sexy as he was? She couldn't.
The ride back to Juan-Le-Pins was quite eventful for them as they made sweet love at the back seat of the limousine. 
"I love you so much, sweetheart." He said breathlessly after they reached their peak together. His breath was short and fast as he tried to recover from all the pleasure they just felt, she could feel it in her ear.
She was sitting on top of him, straddling him while somehow still wearing the stunning dress. Her arms were around his shoulder as she felt the remnants of the peak of their love making all throughout her body down to the tips of her toes. They were hugging each other tight. He was still in her and she never wanted to let him go.
"I love you so much too, Iubirea mea." She whispered breathlessly.
After a while she finally released her hug on him and looked down at him. They gazed at each other in silence as they enjoyed basking in the feeling of the peak of their love. His fingers caressed her cheek gently and she did the same to his cheek.
She wished they could stay like that forever but of course they couldn't.
"So, ready for another adventure?" He asked gently with a small smile on his lips.
"With you, I'm ready for anything." She replied, smiling back at him.
Whatever obstacle the universe throws at them. Whatever chaotic mess she and her family got themselves into. She knew that they would be able to deal with them. As long as they had each other. As long as they continued to love each other as they always have for the past twenty six years.
@sebsgirl71479 @dhoruwolfie
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kazuki86 · 5 months
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I have nothing if I don't have you
(Chapter 1)
This morning is just like any other previous mornings.
Kakashi poured hot water into a cup containing instant coffee, then stirred it with a spoon in his right hand, while his left hand was busy fiddling with his smartphone.
A few minutes later there was a "cling" sound from the toaster, indicating that the two toasts were ready to be eaten. Kakashi immediately took it and placed it on a plate, along with two other breads that had been toasted earlier. In total there were 4 loaves of bread, one for him and three more for his three children who were still sleeping in their rooms.
With his left hand still busy playing with his smartphone, his right hand opened the refrigerator door and took a bottle of milk, placed it on the table, opened the lid and poured the contents into three glass glasses, then returned them back to the refrigerator.
Kakashi then sat in a chair, sipping his coffee while checking his social media, skimming the news, then checking his schedule for today. There is nothing different from other days, except maybe the first schedule this morning before leaving to take the children and go to the office, that is meeting the new prospective nanny.
Since Rin just left two years ago, Kakashi has had difficulty handling everything, so he decided to hire a nanny to take care of his three children, at least this could reduce his burden besides having to work to earn money. However, finding a nanny was not as easy as he thought. He had received five people, but none of them lasted long. There were those who took the initiative to resign because they couldn't bear to look after their three children, there were those that Kakashi quit because he couldn't look after them well.
And this morning he planned to meet the sixth prospective nanny. Judging from the personal data sent to Kakashi's email, his name is Tenzo. He is three years younger than him. Actually, Kakashi was surprised, because Tenzo was male. This is the first time a male has applied to be a nanny. Kakashi also doubts whether Tenzo can be a nanny. But in his application, Tenzo stated that he had been used to taking care of his 3 nephews since they were babies. Besides that, Kakashi himself really needed a nanny. So he replied to Tenzo's email by asking him to come this morning at 6.30.
Suddenly the doorbell rang. Kakashi was a little surprised. He then looked at the clock. 6.30 sharp. It must be Tenzo, apparently he is very punctual, thought Kakashi. He put down his smartphone and coffee cup, then headed for the front door.
Kakashi opened the door and was shocked.
"Umm...Can I help you?" He asked the figure standing in front of him. A girl with wide eyes, long brunet hair that fell past her shoulders, wearing a soft purple cat t-shirt and jeans, and a sling bag.
"Good morning, sir! I'm Tenzo, who sent you an email yesterday and intends to apply to be a nanny." Tenzo answered in an enthusiastic tone while bowing.
For a few moments Kakashi was silent, trying to digest his guest's words.
"Umm...sorry...I thought you are a male...."
"I am sir..." answered Tenzo with a smile. This is the first time Kakashi saw a man who was very beautiful and really looked like a real woman. "Umm...is there a problem, sir?" Tenzo asked.
"Oh...no...no problem. I'm kakashi. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kakashi," said Tenzo as he bowed again.
"Please come in..." said Kakashi.
Tenzo enters. Kakashi closed the door then walked towards the sofa. "Please sit down..." he said as he sat down. Tenzo sat across from Kakashi.
"I have read your biodata. And I accept you to work as a nanny here. Your main task is to look after my three children. Starting from preparing breakfast, lunch, taking them to school, picking them up, accompanying them to study, and making dinner for them. Your working hours start from 7 am when I go to the office until 7 pm after I go home. You work from Monday to Friday. And I have mentioned the salary I am offering in the reply email I sent you yesterday. Do you have any questions?"
"About food, is there anything your children shouldn't eat, sir?"
"Good question. Nothing."
"Yes sir, I understand."
Kriiiiiiiing....there was an alarm sound from upstairs.
"That's the alarm from my children's room. I'll ask them to come down and get to know you. Please wait here..." Kakashi got up from the sofa and walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor.
Tenzo sighed. Even though he was used to taking care of his older sister's three children, this was the first time he would take care of other people's children.
Not long after, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs was heard. Tenzo took a deep breath and exhaled again to calm himself, then hurriedly got up from the sofa.
Kakashi was the first to come down while carrying a boy with yellow hair, behind him a girl with shoulder length pink hair who was still rubbing her eyes and yawning, then behind her was a boy with black hair and pale skin.
"Okay kids. This is Tenzo who will help dad look after you. Now introduce yourselves, please.."
"So... this flat breasted aunt will be the new nanny..." Sakura said without hesitation while yawning again.
Tenzo was shocked, as was Kakashi, and the atmosphere became awkward for a moment.
"Sakura! Watch your words!" Kakashi scolded.
"I said the truth, right?" Sakura said, she didn't accept it.
"You really are an honest girl, Sakura." Tenzo said with a smile.
"Umm...please forgive her..." said kakashi feeling bad..
"It's okay. Sakura is right. I'm flat breasted. That's because I'm a male. So you don't need to call me auntie. Just call me Tenzo. Okay?" Tenzo said with a smile.
"Wow...you are the first beautiful male I've ever seen in my life..." said sakura.
Kakashi cleared his throat. "This is my second child. Come on, introduce yourself..." said Kakashi while holding Sai's head.
"I'm Sai." The pale boy's answer was short and expressionless.
"Hello Sai. Nice to meet you..." said Tenzo with a smile.
"I don't." Sai said flatly.
"Sai!" Kakashi scolded.
"It's okay. You're also very honest, sai." Tenzo said. "How old are you, Sai?" Tenzo asked kindly.
"Ten." Answer briefly.
"Dad...I'm still sleepy..." said the boy in Kakashi's arms while rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"And this is my third child. His name is Naruto. Well, Naruto, say hello, please.." Kakashi said while stroking Naruto's hair.
"I don't want to. I want to sleep again..." Naruto answered.
"Hey champ! Nice to meet you. How old are you?" Tenzo said.
"I don't know..." Naruto answered casually while burying his head in Kakashi's shoulder.
"Naruto..." said Kakashi. "He's 6 years old..." said Kakashi to which Tenzo answered with a smile.
"Okay. Let's get ready for school..." answered Kakashi.
"I don't want to go to school...don't want to...don't want to..." said Naruto whining.
"No way. You have to go to school. OK Tenzo, I think that's enough introduction. You can start working tomorrow."
"Yes sir! You can count on me." Tenzo answered with an enthusiastic smile.
Well...that was their first meeting. Kakashi's (and his three children's) first meeting with Tenzo. Also tenzo's first meeting with them....as a nanny.
We never know which direction fate will take our lives.
Even though they initially met as strangers, who knows, maybe later they would become close...even very very close...as close as a sweet couple or as close as a family...a warm family.
But as the universe dictates, sweet-close-warm relationships will not just form easily without challenges and tests. Right?
To be continued.... :)
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gottalovef1 · 2 years
You are crazy - Toto Wolff x Reader
Hii, I am back with another fic, definitely not my best work but it’s alright :) (this is not part 2 of I’m not catching feelings) Please keep in mind that there can be some grammar mistakes as I’m Dutch and not English :).  i am also thinking about making a second part to this one, but i'm not sure yet, so let me know what you think. Enjoyyy!!
summary : Can a friendship with your boss become more than just a friendship? 
warnings: none 
words: 3.2K+ 
You woke up, 6.30 AM you read on your phone. A little too early. Quickly you put your phone away and roll over to the man whose laying next to you. Slowly resting your head on his chest, as you move your hand through his hair before resting it on the other shoulder. He looked so peaceful, a thing he definitely needed. Without opening his eyes, he moves a bit so his arm is wrapped around you, before slowly kissing your forehead. You loved this, every second you spend with him. And he loved you, words could not describe how much.
It was a regular Tuesday at the office. Just like always, you would drive to Brackley and arrive around 8:30, greeting your colleagues cheerfully as always before then heading to your desk, but not before passing by the boss’s office you let him know you were here. “Good morning, I got you a coffee.” You could always just walk in if you saw he wasn’t in a meeting. Closing the door behind you, you walked towards his desk and put the coffee on it.
 “God, you’re the best.” Your boss smiled lightly. You would always sit in his office for a couple of minutes before you would start your workday. “So how’s everything going?” You wondered, resting your head on your hands. “Better than expected actually, we may can become competitive again.” He said, taking a sip of his drink. 
“Will this mean no more sleepless nights, in which you are calling me over for company?” He chuckled as you spoke. “But I thought you liked keeping me company?” He said, smiling weakly and looking at you with those big brown eyes. 
“I do, but only because it means that you are extremely sweet to me, I did not like the stressed nights in particular. Sometimes you would just go crazy and then there was nothing I could do about it.” You spoke, remembering those nights, especially during race weeks, he would call you in the middle of the night to keep him company in the hotel room, no weird things, just having someone around him that he could trust and has been such great friends with for so long was helping him. He was a big strong man, but on the inside, he just loved cuddling up in the bed, as you tried to calm him down as he was stressing over the car. “But I’m always extremely sweet to you.” You looked at him. “Most of the times.” You chuckled, before getting out of the seat. “I have to start working, before a particular Mr. Wolff will get mad at me for wasting so much time in the office.” You smiled. “You’re my favorite employee, such a hard worker.” You knew he was not being serious by the look on his face. “Perhaps Mr. Wolff should start working himself before he will spend another evening at the office.” You winked. “Perhaps you should stay then and then we will have dinner together?” A sudden smile appeared on the man’s face. “At your service, sir.” You joked before heading out of his office, towards your own desk, shaking your head at how silly this conversation was. 
You and Toto had been best friends ever since you joined Mercedes. God, that has already been 3,5 years. From the moment you started here, it just clicked. When you were together, you felt like you were teenagers again, doing silly things and annoying others. You laughed so much with him, even when you had to be serious, sometimes one would just burst into laughter. You have a key to his house, he has one to yours, which you only had taken away from him when you started dating again. Toto had always told you that this man was not the one, and as he was right, he couldn’t be more happy getting his key back. During those stressful nights, he would call you in the middle of the night. A cuddle was the way to go, you being there to comfort him was his cure. People would always refer to you as a couple, to which Toto would reply that you were too good for him, so that the idea of being a couple was out of his league. Yet, he loved you, and he wanted more, but he was still waiting for one right moment, which had not appeared yet. He decided to just let it be the way it was now, because he was happy that you were around him, 80% of the time, but it has crossed his mind a couple times, when you were sitting in his bed, cuddling. How bad would one kiss be? Would that ruin everything? What are her thoughts? He wished he could read your mind sometimes.
 You had been on your phone for most of the day, as your girlfriends were stressing about an upcoming holiday in the summer, which led you from being cheerful to being extremely annoyed. As you saw Toto approach, you quickly put your phone away and started working. “Lunch?” He wondered, leaning against the wall which was next to your desk. You looked at the time, 12.30PM. “Yes fine.” You stood from your desk and walked ahead of him towards the cafeteria. 
“Hold on, hold on, stop walking so fast, what is going on?” Toto tried to stop you. “You know what, screw lunch, you are coming with me.” He spoke before you could reply he grabbed your hand and made you turn around. “Toto it’s nothing, I’m just a little annoyed because of Amy and Jackie.” You spoke, trying to get out of his grip. “That can’t be the only thing, come on tell me what’s going on?” He spoke as you arrived in his office, to which he closed the door. “Really, that’s it, but because of it I think I’m going to cancel my vacation, I’m not going there to argue with them the whole week.” You sighed and so did Toto. “That’s the big deal, is it that bad?” You nodded, “they are just so annoying, I just don’t agree with what they are planning.” It was really a stupid thing to be mad about it.
“Are you… on your period.” Toto tried to understand what this was about. “Are you being serious right now?” You crossed your arms standing in front of him. “Yes, I mean you are being mad about such a little thing, stand above it, please this is not something you should be that mad about. And if you were on your period, I could bring you all the cuddles and chocolates or ice creams you need.” He tried to make a joke out of it, which worked. “I don’t have to be on my period to need that sometimes.” You chuckled. “See, it worked! Now come here then.” He said spreading his arms for you to join him in a hug. “You are better than that, and you should not make a big deal out of it.” He spoke, resting his face in your neck, as you felt his hand sliding down to your ass. “Hey, watch that!” You hit his arm away from there and broke the hug, laughing slightly. “I knew that would work, come on I’m hungry now.” He smirked, knowing very well how to make you smile again. “You are an idiot.” You sighed as you two made way towards the cafeteria again.
And yet there you were, alone in the office at 7:30PM. It wasn’t until Toto came out of his office before you could finally go, you were hungry and impatient. “Finally done?” You wondered as Toto walked towards you. “Not really, but I saw you finished like an hour ago and I’m kind of hungry.” He spoke. “So come on, let’s go.” You nodded, grabbing your stuff and following Toto towards his car. “Since when do you park your car so damn far away?” You sighed as you strolled around the parking lot. Toto walked fast and you were trying to keep up the pace. “Jesus you want me to start running?” You spoke, out of breath as you were reaching his car. “Would be funny.” He smirked. “I have ordered food, we need to get home quickly, before it arrives.” He said, getting into his Mercedes. You already knew what this was going to be like, having dinner, hanging around the living room and then realize it was too late and your car was still in Brackley, so you had to make your way to the guest room, for another night at his place. This has happened so many times that you have a spare outfit in his house, as well as that you take your skin care and make up with you.
 On the way to his house you talked about work, he had been busy, as Silverstone was right around the corner, but he was sure they had made improvements. After 20 minutes, you entered the porch of his house, and right at that moment, the delivery guy arrived. “Perfect timing.” Toto smirked, quickly getting out of his car and greeting the man. Soon the man left and Toto opened the front door with a bag full of food. “Don’t tell me you ordered sushi.” You spoke, dropping your stuff in the hallway. “You know me to well.” He smirked, unpacking on the dining table. “Your favorite, want some wine.” He smiled.
 “So what are you going to do about your holiday problems with  the girls?” Toto wondered, as he put some wasabi on his sushi. Spicy, alright. “I don’t know, I really feel like not going, it’s just too much problems, which I have no time for.” You sighed, grabbing a piece of sushi. Toto coughed as he tried to reply. “You don’t have to show off for me sir.” You laughed, as Toto quickly grabbed a bottle of water. “Idiot.” You shook your head as he was trying to recover. “Usually it’s not that hot, I eat it all the time!” He spoke as his face had turned a little red. “But what I wanted to say, if you don’t feel like going, then don’t go, I mean you are a grown woman and you can make your own decisions right?” And he was right, but they were your friends. “But they are my friends and on the other hand, if I’m not going I have nothing to do besides sitting at home, since you are gone also.” You sighed, reconsidering wether to go or not. “Then come with me.” The dark haired man in front of you spoke, making you nearly choke on a piece of sashimi. “I’m serious.” He added. “Oh really, gosh, don’t you want a break from me?” You smiled. “Yes, you are annoying, too energized, a little childish and maybe a little too present sometimes, but at the end of the day you are the most fun to be with, so why not.” He smiled, shrugging his shoulders. “Oh right, thanks for the compliments, now I have to think about it.”
“no you don’t, I can see it on your face.” Toto observed you always, and of course he was right. “Where are you even going?” – “italy.” Of course. “On your own?” The man nodded, though actually, he had planned this all along, hoping you would join. “I could never.” Imagine going on a holiday on your own, I mean when you are younger you can easily make friends, but when your older… “but fine, then I will come win you, as long as you promise to not be a pain in the ass.” You smiled, to him, but also to the idea of going to Italy with that man. “Of course, anything to make the princess happy.” He smiled, as you shook your head. “Stop it.” You chuckled.
“Maybe you will find your Italian prince there.” Toto suddenly started on a topic you rather not talk about. “Maybe you will find your Italian princess there, because I am not going to look for any prince, anywhere.” You said, quickly finishing your food. “She doesn’t have to be Italian.” Toto chuckled, taking the final piece before standing up and making his way to the kitchen. "Maybe I have found my princess already.” He spoke, walking back into the kitchen.
Hold on, what is he saying. “Are you not telling me something?” You crossed your arms as you leaned against the kitchen counter. “Oh no, I was kidding.” He replied, he had to find a way out of this. “Then why would you say such thing, tell me everything, what does she look like?” You dragged him to the living room, it was quick fire question time on the sofa. “I don’t know, because she does not exist.” He sighed as you pulled him on the sofa. “I don’t believe you.” Toto sighed at your reply. “Tell me, is she jealous of what we have? Does she know?” Toto closed his eyes for a second. “Listen, there is nobody, otherwise she would’ve been in this house right now.” His eyebrows lowered a bit, showing off the fact that he was annoyed. “You don’t have to say a name, just tell me, how does she look, maybe I know her.” You pushed his arms slightly. “Fine, she’s blonde, dark eyes, funny and terribly annoying at the moment.” He spoke, trying to give a hint which you didn’t get. “Oh that’s why she’s not here, are you guys on a break? Why didn’t you tell me?” You heard a loud sight and quickly he was off the sofa. “Don’t walk away from this.” You spoke, following him into the kitchen again.
“You are being terribly annoying right now” he muttered. “Yes because you are not telling me and I’m your best friend.” You crossed your arms. “Yes, because there is nobody to tell you about, and yes you are my best friend and of course I would tell you, but you are clearly not understanding what I’m saying and that annoys me, so end of the conversation.” He had never spoken to you the way he did now, and he noticed how it hit you a little. “And that is nothing personal, but I just can’t have it at the moment.” He sighed, “because you don’t see it, you just don’t see it.” He moved his hand towards his head, a loud sight followed. “Do you want me to go?” You were being the dramatic woman you had always been now. “hell no, I don’t ever want you to go.” The first words were loud and clear, followed by the rest of the sentence in a whisper. “I do feel like I should go.” And you shouldn’t have said that, because that was his limit. “Fine, then go. If you don’t see it, then there is no reason we should be talking about this right now, because this made it all clear to me, at least.” He shook his head, waving his hands in the air.
You still didn’t understand what he meant exactly by that, but you did realize that you didn’t have a car and that your house was 20 minutes away. Considering what you were going to say next, he moved. “I need some air.” This surely wasn’t all on you to blame, but he was also stressed about the race weekend, as it was now or never for the Mercedes boys. “We never argue.” You mumbled, hoping he’d hear.
You just stood there on your own, in his kitchen , while he was outside, considering whether or not to go back and just elk you or apologize. You thought back at what he said. Blonde girl, dark eyes, funny and annoying, you don’t see it, then there is no reason to talk about this. Was it you, were you the one he was talking about? That thought quickly was in and out of your mind, it couldn’t be. Why would he ask you on a holiday if he was seeing someone, why would he have you in his house all the time while he was with someone, why did he never mention this non existing person? And then it hit you, and you felt like the most stupid person in the world.
Toto looked at the stars, it now was clear that you didn’t see him like that, right? Otherwise you would’ve understood. What was he going to do next, what was his move, pretending that this never happened? Opening up even more? Make up a fake girlfriend?  
Slowly, you made your way outside, a dark figure sitting on a table, looking into the dark sky. What was your move, you didn’t have one. As Toto looked up you were in front of him. He thought for a second. “I’m sorry, look I’m just stressed and really I’m not seeing anyone other than you.” Now you were sure what he meant, but instead of telling him or saying anything you just wrapped your arms around his neck, slowly bringing him into a hug, which he embraced. “I’m sorry I didn’t understand.” You whispered, into his hair, as you were now just a little taller than him, as he was sitting. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion from that moment on . Slowly, you broke the hug, but one of his hands never left your waist. “Do you understand now?” Was his reply, still looking the hand he had on you. “I think so.” You mumbled, like you two were trying not to be hurt. Now he looked at you, everything on his face said that he was sorry. “I have found my prince already.” A weak smile appeared and then disappeared on his face, as he wasn’t sure how to reply. “He’s right here.” You carefully tapped your finger onto his shoulder.
“I’m in love with you.” There it was, he had said it, quickly breaking eye contact. “I know.” You whispered, carefully lifting his face from under his chin. “I’m yours.” You spoke, as Toto let out another loud sighed, not knowing what to do anymore. So to help him, you lifted his arms, wrapping them back around you. Smiling weakly in his direction as the distance closed. “Are you sure?” Toto muttered, as you were about to kiss him. “100 percent.” You muttered as you approached his lips, you were in control of this, as you noticed his eyes had already closed. Slowly, your lips touched his, a soft, sweet and lazy kiss, with yet so much meaning to it. Now the old Toto slowly came back, moving his hand to the back of your neck, to deepen the kiss, before ending it with one final peck on your lips, a smile on his lips.
“How long.” You wondered. “Since we went to the IWC gala a year ago.” He replied, standing up, clearing his throat like he didn’t just put all of his feelings open on the table. “You don’t have to leave.” He spoke, grabbing your hand and taking you back inside. “I wasn’t going to.” You replied, as he stopped in the kitchen again. “Come here, love.” He opened his arms one again for you to embrace, kissing your forehead. “You are crazy.” He sighed, looking you into your eyes. “But you love it.” He chuckled at your words. “I do.” Followed by a quick kiss on your lips. “More than you’ll ever know.” He added, before pressing his lips on yours one more time.
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I honestly don't know what's up with my health right now but I wish this would end already...I am currently in bed, crying my eyes out because just as I am finally maybe starting to get rid of this flu I've had and the cough I've been coughing about for 2 months, I get a sort of rash or like these red spots all over my body this morning like out of nowhere and my body is very like tender and its red all over and I've not even started my homework and its already 21.50 pm when I write this post and nevermind the retake exam I have to take on Friday because I was sick when I was supposed to take it two weeks ago and I've not started to read for it because I'm so freaking tired and all I want to do is cry and just sleep forever because I don't have the power or motivation to do anything that I should be doing...And tomorrow I have to be up at 6.30 and get to school by 8 to start my school day that'll last till 4 pm. But I can't just stay home because I'll fall behind and never finish this course and then I'll have problems with graduating in a few years.
I've stayed home sick for 2 full weeks prior to today and been on antibiotics for half of that time. Now I'm off the antibiotics and this is what I've been left with.
And now I'm rambling...
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mairablue · 1 year
Star Crossed Myth - Department of Punishment
ZYGLAVIS (💛) - Reassuring you.
You were walking home as fast as you can to start working on the assignments your teacher gave you.
The sun was setting, you reached home changed your clothes and started washing the dishes left in the sink. Folded the clothes and ironed your clean uniform for tomorrow. 6.30 pm you got a phone call from your mom telling you she will be late for dinner. You sighed, she always works so hard. You started your assignment knowing it will take you another evening to complete it. Your mom came home and you two ate in silence. She has dark circles under her eyes, a clear sign of her sleeplessness. " Mom. How was the meeting ? You don't have any extra work this weekend, right? " she smiled and said " no". She looked relieved.
1 am, you heard someone typing something in the living room, it's mom. She lied to you, because you wanted to go to the movie theater with her on Sunday and she couldn't refuse you. She knew your love for movies and she wanted to spend some time with you. Your mom went to work and you went to school as usual.
Around 2pm you were called to the principal's office. She told you " Your mother has collapsed at work. Your mother's co worker will pick you up within 15 minutes."
Your mom was awake. The doctor told you she is alright but she has been diagnosed with diabetes. But he warned both of you that this should never happen again.
Your mom had to stay in the hospital for two days. That night Zyglavis visited you and your mom in the hospital. You were a happy to see him since you last saw him two weeks ago. " How are you?" he said. " Fine". " How is work? " you asked. He smiled and said department of punishment were busy . He seemed tired almost like a human. He wanted to stay but the hospital staff refused to let him stay.
You wanted to talk to him. After telling your mom you went to the mansion. It was empty. " He told me he would be here today" you recalled. You went to his room and saw a letter on the floor.
It read " My sweetheart, Jessica. I have talked to your parents about our wedding. They are delighted and want the ceremony to take place as soon as possible. I wanted to tell you this in person but i have some business to attend first. Please take care of yourself my love".
You couldn't believe what you just read. How could he do this to you? Did you not mean anything to him? Were you just a toy for him to play with? You wanted to cry but no tears were falling from your eyes.
Zyglavis came back to his room 15 minutes later. You have already left the mansion. He was waiting for you. There was a knock on the door. He answered it immediately. Instead of you it was his cousin sister Jessica. Jessica rushed inside his room, she was looking for something. " Did you see the letter? I think i dropped it somewhere. " she said. " What letter? " he asked . " The letter that was in my hand along with the documents you asked me to bring. It was from my fiance". " What was written in that letter? " he asked cautiously. " Did you forget about my wedding, brother? My fiance went to my parents to get their blessings."
9 pm, you were sitting beside your mom's bed on the chair with the letter in your hand, wondering what went wrong between you two. You loved him but he was there making plans to marry some goddess while lying to you about being busy with work. There was a knock on the window. You opened it saw Zyglavis and a beautiful woman. You knew he is here to finally announce his marriage. " What do you want, Mr. Zyglavis? Are you here to announce your marriage? you said in a cold and emotionless tone. Before he could say something the woman, Jessica apologized and explained you everything. " I am sorry, it was all my fault. My brother will never never do something to hurt you. " saying that she left. " I am sorry " you said ashamed. He gently raised your chin " Its not your fault, anybody reading that letter would have thought so." " I will never leave you my love. You are my one and only. He gently kissed you on the forehead. Your mom got discharged from the hospital the next day and she took a two weeks leave from her office. The next day all the three of you went to watch the movie in the theater.
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castle-dominion · 10 months
castle 6x10 the good the bad & the baby
the baby lotto episode liveblog
heheheh I actually missed this one on my family watch & we had to go back afterwards to watch it.
I'm so stoked.
Loooove a good bit of christianity. The aesthetics, the folk-catholic, the goth/emo, the religious trauma, I love it sm. *dies immediately after handing a baby to the priest*
Very Castle of him. But he's right leftovers are important. Oh yeah, Pi. (Ooh audio commentary... which I've seen) lol mom Oh her dad is joining them! ... Costume? (take it in the context of the times Dom, period typical homophobia tagged on ao3 as 2007, it's ok, well it is not ok but it's fine it's fine you don't need to do anything, just be quiet, it's fine, everyone in 2023 knows that this is racist it's fine just keep watching)
Should I clip this? KB: Uh … you guys – you guys dress up for Thanksgiving? RC: (pause) Doesn’t everybody? KB: (low) No, I think that’s pretty special to you. (to CASTLE) Um … so, is there anything else I need to know about you before we get married? RC: So many, many things.
lol beckett & becket
RC: When we do this, let’s not do the dead body in the middle of the aisle.
6.30 mass? that's early af. "at the buttcrack of dawn" said my lil bro
JE: a little something something. LP *turns around with a smile & a baby* RC: A BABY!!!!? LP: A boy. I’m guessing he’s about three months. (lol no.) And he’s hungry because he keeps going after the girls. RC: Oh, who can blame him? Hi, buddy. What’s your name, little man?
rysposito arguing over lottery lol (yk what? I'll quote.) JE: his name is Cameron Ducane, 30, lived in the Bronx. There’s no baby pictures in his wallet, he’s got a commercial driver’s license, probably drives for a living. He’s got a car wash coupon– (he scoffs) – and like Ryan, spent his hard earned money on a lottery ticket. KR: (sighs) That is the Five State Magic Ball Jackpot. At $247 million you’re crazy not buying a ticket. JE: Yeah, one or two. Not fifty. KR: I’m just increasing my odds of winning. JE: You’re increasing your odds of being broke. KR: Listen, do you have any idea what it costs raising a child in New York City? JE: (shrugs) I don’t know how much it costs. I mean - KR: Of course you don’t, ‘cause you don’t - JE: I’m – RC: Guys! How about we don’t fight in front of the baby? Beckett smiles and rolls her eyes all at once.
He does call himself ruggedly handsome more than once lol. Castle is also such a dad! He sees a baby & immediately he goes from "12-year-old humour" & "15 year old who thinks he can seduce his teacher" to "DAD MODE ENABLED. OBJECTIVES: PROTECT CHILD, CLICK TONGS, MAKE JOKES."
What's his name? Julian? Love how Castle just steals him(*shrugs at beckett*) & gets ice cream. I am so glad that in the bonus features of at least one of the seasons we got to meet the "cast behind the cast" clipping
Yes he does drive for a living THAT IS A HORRIBLE SHIFT IMO. I used to work 11-19 but it was always that not 23-6...
Maybe he was thinking abt having a baby & put locks on the doors for that
I loooove this scene. They just filmed it in a car elevator. soo goood. (no-show or call in sick or smth?) (roman is very... artiulate if you know what I'm thinking about. Which you do. Why would you read my liveblog without having seen the show? unless you're reading my liveblog WHILE watching the ep but who would be doing that? I am not that popular.) Love the whistle
Ok so Roman the car service owner said that since Werid Prison Dude showed up, Cameron had been staying out all not, not coming in for his 3.00 lunch break.
That's an awesome tattoo but also it sounds like literally every tattoo. apparently this individual messed up their lines, it was supposed to be "howling at THE moon" but he said "It was pretty spectacular. It was a wolf, teeth bared, howling at a moon." & they kept it bc it was awesome beckt it is NOT specific. LOVE the outfits for ryckett, but I liked beckett's outdoor outfit better than her indoor one. Oh & esposito has bisexual clothes on (even tho it's supposed to be a classic case of dark haired gay x light haired bisexual)
If speeding tickets are on your criminal record then these detectives should get A Lot more "no record except for speeding tickets" rather than "no record"
KR: A guy takes off for work at 10PM and never arrives. And then at 6:45 the next morning he shows up shot to death at a church, holding someone else’s baby. What the hell happened in those 8 hours? That's the point of the episode babe
BECKETT shakes her head. The elevators dings and they turn to see CASTLE walking in, the baby in this arms. A UNIFORM (Julian?) follows him, his hands FULL of baby stuff. CASTLE waves. KB: Hey. So … that’s a couple of things? (ryan's big smile when castle comes in) RC: Yeah. I just grabbed the essentials. You know, diapers, a carrier, wipes, blankies, bottles, formula. Didn’t want little Cosmo going hungry. (Older brother's horror game player: B'by!! Baby! ... The ba,bey!) uwu castle dressed him up like a turkey! KB: I’m suddenly getting a clear and frightening visual as to what my future will look like. so she is planning on having kids.
KR: Hey, Castle. …um, mind if I hold him? It’ll be good experience for me. RC: Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Ready? KR: Yeah He passes RYAN the baby. As soon as the baby leaves CASTLE’S arms, he starts to fuss. (because the film team had quadruplets & each baby had a different specialty. This baby hated being on their back so they would start crying. Coincidentally, Seamus Dever was holding them so the camera could see them which just so happened to be a position that the baby hated so they started to cry as soon as he held them.) RC: Hold his head, there. KR: I know. RC: Hold him up under his – KR: I know. The baby keeps fussing. KR: Um… he’s crying. What am I doing wrong? RC: Just try to remain calm. They can sense fear. (like bees, dogs, & bread dough) KR: This is not at all like the practice doll. The baby continues to cry and CASTLE makes a face. Finally RYAN breaks and hands him back to CASTLE. KR: I thought I was ready. Clearly I am not. (aside) Oh God, I’m not ready. Poor man XD, but also NOBODY is ready for a baby. (clipping)
I'm the baby whisperer!!!
RC: Want to hold him? Her smile falls. KB: Uh, no. I’d rather figure out where he came from. RC: Well, when a man – (Sex? I’ll explain how that works later.) KB: Stop. Stop. I know where babies come from, Castle. Just not this one. She heads for her desk. RC: I can’t believe you don’t want to hold the baby. Everyone wants to hold the baby. JE: I don’t want to hold that baby. (THAT baby XD) (tbh I could clip that one phrase) RC: shrugs.
Jimmy Wolfinsky, aka Jimmy the Wolf. Good name, good tat. That sketch has a slightly too strong chin
RC: So it’s a tale of betrayal and revenge. Cameron abandons his partner Jimmy he comes down, leaving him to take the fall. Ridden with remorse, Cameron tries to put it all behind him, start life anew. But surprise, surprise. *cameral looking at ryan from the baby's POV* RC: Jimmy made parole after spending seven long years thinking of ways to make his partner pay. I like the "chorus" shakespeare bonvolio moments where people recap what has been going on in hte ep. Makes it make sense for me. But I thought cam told his wife everything & wouldn't keep secrets like extra marital babies & presumably bank robbery
Clip the jacket toss? Maybe they don't know he's gone, just like the lightbulb len episode (not relevant to anything but remember when castle was like "alexis doesn't think loving ashley at college is practical but she needs to love him anyway" & now with pi he's like "don't you dare effing move out") clipping lanie baby talk to for sure
LP: Well, whatever happened happened near that church. She drops her jacket on a chair. KB: Lanie, what are you doing here? LP: I had some information and I thought I’d come by and check on my little patient. (she bypasses them completely and picks the baby up from the pack and play) Hey little doodlebug. How’re you doing? KB: What makes you think Cameron was shot near the church? LP: Well, based on the nature and the severity of the wounds, your victim maybe had only five or ten minutes before he bled out. RC: He couldn’t have driven that far. LP: Twenty blocks at most. I also found something unusual under his fingernails. [In baby voice] Wax residue, charred nitrocellulose, and camphor. Despite her rundown of the facts, she more interested in the baby. KB: Nitrocellulose? LP: Yes. It’s used to make celluloid. You can find it in old filmstock, certain kinds of plastic, but it’s highly flammable. (she goes back to the baby) Isn’t it? RC: Charred celluloid? Where would that come from? LP: Beats me. That’s your job. Right now my job is to play with the little baby. Yes it is. LP continues to bounce the baby. KB smiles.
Ryan no you are embarrassing me & I'm just watching the show. JE: Yeah, this is Detective Esposito. I need to put out a BOLO on a Jimmy Wolfins- (he pauses when he sees a man walking toward him) Never mind. I think I found him. should I clip the oblivious ryan + fight scene esposito? lil bro said yes
INT – TWELFTH PRECINCT OBSERVATION ROOM RC: is in the room, holding the baby. They’re watching JIMMY through the glass. RC: See that man? That is a bad man. He’s gonna confess and we’re going to know just who you are. The baby coos in his arms. KR: walks in. KR: Castle? Mind if I try again? RC: Course. Here you go. He hands the baby over, and just like last time the baby immediately starts to fuss. RC: makes a face and KR: starts to panic. He hands the baby back. KR: I’ll just … wait outside. RC: No problem. KR: sighs as he backs out the door. He can’t even come up with an excuse. RC: (low, to the baby) You did that on purpose, didn’t you? High five. (the baby hits his palm) Good job.
RC: That’s a grownup lying. (low) Get used to that.
I like the wolf. Not ratting on his partner even tho the man abandoned him in the bank job.
JW: Because … I don’t know, when I was convicted I may have told some folks that Cam would pay. But that was years ago. (they’re silent) Look, the truth is, I was the one who messed up that day. I got hung up inside. Cam waited as long as he could. Longer than he should’ve. I told him that. He knew we were square. Good on them tbh
You're out of the house before 7? I mean I used to have to catch my bus for culinary school at 6.00...
Love seeing Gates be normal Gates not "iron gates".
KB: Castle, we were strangers until this morning. but you were only strangers until this morning! Consistency is important for kids! In the face of that face XD
One of our own sjfhdsjksdjklj
lunch HOUR? He works 7 hours & one of those hours is his lunch?
I had never heard the term blotter in this context before this fandom. KR: Nope, only three men and a mustang.
Wait how do-- right the footage. We saw the footage at 4.12 & mass was at 6.30.
Files, information, bank transfer numbers... they don't need to physically steal stuff b'y. Yeah bro if they got in you need to know how they did & where your security failed.
RC: A heist where nothing was taken. Maybe this is a classic ‘no honor among thieves’ situation. You know, a heist goes wrong, they fight. (reminds me of 2x21) RC: A not-so-classic no honor among thieves situation? KB: Where someone gets shot running away with a baby?
aaaaaaaaah def clipping
KR: I mean, earlier just got me thinking. Our baby’s due in a month and I can’t stop it. What if I’m really not ready? JE: Well, you’re not ready. KR: What?? JE: (shrugs) Nobody is. Look, being a dad is like being a cop. No matter what they teach you in the academy, you learn on the streets. You did okay with that, right? KR: Uh :| …my first day I was so nervous I rear ended the spot man and the guys in vests poured out ready to take me out with extreme prejudice. JE: JE: Well … you care. That already makes you a hundred times better than the dad I had. KR: [watches him for a second] (the man took you to baseball games between the ages of 3 & 5 at least...) also wow a month! The next episode is when the baby is born btw.
Typically I hear Beckett call him Espo the most. love his scarf btw
Castle can tell by the smell it was recent? A DIAPER!!! Poor baby, possibly witnessed someone get shot
I love rysposito just chatting in the background (saying goodnight & leaving in "we"s bc caskett are going home together but girl that also implies rysposito are going home together)
You are correct, he is NOT a bad guy. My man used to be a getaway driver but then he got out of the life bro. He's trying to save this baby from whoever is out there shooting ppl! actually that makes me think. Why didn't cosmo cry when cameron handed him to the priest?
Lol he's the baby whisperer. I mean yeah! Castle raised Alexis! "officially remains custody of the nypd" I used to dislike self-insert fanfiction but uh heheh technically custody of the nypd babes. & he's right! He DOES have all the stuff!
"wanna have a baby with me?" XD It'll be fun! cut to: this is SO not fun!
I love how Baby Whisperer is capitalized Them is so much faster to say but at least the book didn't say "it" (also heck yeah caskett moments) just has an exercise ball cream of mushroom soup babes HAS SHE STILL NOT HELD THE BABY? *holding him at arms length* "I hate that blanket" KB: We’re going on the nasty blanket. Yeah. Like a surgery lol. Castle really is a dad. Love the music *just not showing anything lol, rly good for filming bc they don't need to be in front of the camera* (the music heehee)
RC: All right. Now all we have to do is get him to sleep. Oh no
Martha was ALSO a single parent! The door opens and ALEXIS CASTLE walks in. Her eyes widen when she sees CASTLE and BECKETT rumpled on the couch and MARTHA happily feeding a baby. AC: How long have I been gone?
The elevator dings and CASTLE and BECKETT step off. They both have coffee but they both look bone tired. KB: Coffee’s not even helping. RC: I’d forgotten about this part. They sluggishly head for her desk. KR: Whoa. (really good "woah" from him) You two look like you got hit by the milk truck. CASTLE gestures to his face. RC: You see this face? This is the face of your future. (not clipping) JE: That bad, huh? RC: No, no, no. We slept like babies. KB: Yeah, up every hour. KR: Where is the little guy? KB: Martha and Alexis offered to babysit him. (Is that allowed? they r not the nypd?) KB: They said they were going to make a day out of it. (she tries to focus on work) So .. where are we on … um … JE, who has also basically adopted people: Child services? KB: … child services.
Nooooo did the baby's relative DIE???
KB: Uh, given how much baby garbage we generated in just one night and given how quickly they cleaned and vacated that apartment after the shooting, I’m wondering where all their garbage went. JE: raises his eyebrows. It’s a new angle. EXT – NEW YORK CITY ALLEYWAY (they've filmed in this alley before /neu) RC is digging through a dumpster. KB pops up next to him. (nice jackett btw) RC: You always take me to the most exotic places. KB: If you didn’t want to jump in your could have waited on the side like you usually do. Her teasing is good-natured. RC: What? After the puke storm I put you through last night? It felt wrong not to participate. KB: Yeah. RC: Which, by the way, you were great last night. KB: (smiles) Thank you. You weren’t so bad yourself. RC: Well, I was no baby whisperer. (she laughs) You know, I’ve gotta say, when I volunteered to take Cosmo I – I thought I was doing it for his benefit, but … I realized I was doing it more for mine. I – when Alexis was little Meredith wasn’t really around, so I – I did it all on my own. And … when you said you weren’t a baby person … KB: Ah, okay. Okay, I get it. You were thinking that … RC: (nods) Yeah. KB: Well, tell you what. When the time comes, there’s no way I’m going to let you take care of our baby on your own. She smiles and he smiles back. They lean in for a kiss. (“it’s just weird” -rc in reference to kissing in front of a dead body) KR: Hey guys! They pull back. KR holds up a bag triumphantly. (also if u look in the background esposito is peeing against the wall. Remember s1 with the nanny when castle asked where detectives go to the washroom?) KR: I’ve got something. (lil bro: "it's a couch! for my apartment!" dumpster divin', dumpster kevin...) He jumps out and runs to show them. KR: Diapers. The same kind that Cosmo was wearing when we found him. RC: The cheap, un-biodegradable kind? Now that’s just criminal.
Ryan canonically knows abt wine then? he mentioned if he won the lottery (before he had a baby) thet he'd buy a winery & farm, he's impressed by argon canisters... JE: They were lighting pin opng balls on fire??? RC: *you're right that's a college party trick*
KB: Okay, a wine preservation kit, a missing baby, and a heist where nothing was taken. I mean, each time we find a piece of this puzzle it makes less and less sense.
ryan embarrassing moments:
RC: There’s something we’re missing. Something that – There’s commotion from out in the bullpen. KR pulls a chair over to the TV. KR: It’s time! It’s time! RC: - something that’ll make the pieces fit. They head out to see what’s really going on. JE shakes his head. INT – TWELFTH PRECINCT BULLPEN KR: Quiet everyone. It’s starting! KR hands a few tickets to his coworkers. (BRO???) JE: Wow man, how many of these things did you buy – KR pushes his finger against JE’S lips to get him to stop talking. KR: Shhh. Baby needs an education. Officer Harrison.
RC: Right. The break in where nothing was stolen? Ping pong balls, wax, gas? You guys, it makes perfect sense. They fixed the lottery. The crowd mumbles. RYAN looks at the TV in disbelief before ripping his tickets in half and tossing them in the air. (at the desks now) RYAN groans, his head in his hands, shaking, BECKETT'S hand rests on his shoulder. Except how would they get them in ORDER?
the winning the lottery joke was not good
Oh no the husband is probably the one who got shot!
ok but is that the third briefcase from the end or the third briefcase from the leftmost one? what if you're doing double inclusive counting? double exclusive counting? I'm really bad at this sort of thing Benny was crying? Benny was there? no wait that was yesterday not today Why would gates ask beckett what would happen to Paul Vail? She's the captain here babes
Corner after corner walk & talk
Caskett finishing each other's sentences lol RC: They’re not leveraging him. He’s in on it. Yeah lol acab
Ooh the way the music stopped when she put down the phone? so good
They just have him in the car service location? Ok so sometimes they show up & start yelling from a distance, other times they sneak up on em. What's the difference?
Oh the reunion!
VG: Nicely done. KB: Thanks. But uh … Cam is the real hero here. VG: The getaway driver? RC: Yeah. Turns out it was a case of honor among thieves. JE: Yeah. Paul told us the whole story. KB: When Cam’s boss, Roman, found out about his past, he pressured Cam into the job and threatened to fire him if he didn’t go along. RC: It was going to destroy everything he and his wife were trying to build. (all four of them are doing the finishing sentences thing) JE: Roman promised no one would get hurt, but then after the ball exchange at the TV station, Cam overheard Roman and Walter Dennis talking. They whole leaving the country thing was bull. They never had any intention of letting the Vails live. KR: Yeah. After collecting the winnings, they were going to stage an accident, killing them all. VG: Silencing the only witnesses to their crime. KB: nods. RC: When Cam found out, he couldn’t live with that. PAUL: He tried to save us both, but they caught him. So he grabbed Benny and ran. (to MIRANDA) He gave up his life for us.
Baby! Love his hat btw
KR: Well, the good news is, I mean, besides saving that family, they are rolling over the lottery. So I’ve got another shot at that $247 million. All I’ve got to do is tape my tickets back together. JE: Oh … dude. (KR stops) They uh … they already took out the trash. KR stops for a seconds, then turns and bolts out the door, almost running into someone in the process. After he’s gone, JE starts to laugh. He pulls KR's tickets from his pocket. JE: It’s– I’m just going to let him swim around in a dumpster for like a hour, then I’m going to pull him out. XD what a dick but it's funny
AC: Hey, if you guys have kids in a few years, and I have kids in a few years, they can grow up together. RC: RC: And … it’s ruined. Bestie the turkey should have already been out of the freezer those things take forever to thaw. I missed a day of culinary school. & was screwed. Also, like??? just break it down? Different parts of the carcass have different cooking times. Break it down & then cook them so that you have them all perfectly done instead of some overcooked some still half-raw
Love Martha's outfit (her braids are not nearly tight enough tho) *don't talk about it don't talk about it don't talk about it don't talk about it hhhhhhhhhhhh* where's Jim? I'm glad that thought distracted me. Also yeah I totally believed the castle family would do that. but why did SHE get castle's outfit? if she thought castle was being srs & would have his own?
So yeah I really really loved this episode! Minus the fact that I'm FNMI ofc.
So there IS an audio commentary of this but idk if it would be worth liveblogging.
0 notes
ruka-eru · 1 year
Short Scene (19)
Short Scene 19 (Love? or Money?)
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Type Of Story: Short Scene, Continuous, Unfinished
Genre: Love, Romance, Drama
(#Author long Hiatus Notes: Please read previous previous scenes before this scene and heads up for awkward writing :3 I just get back to life!)
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At Takamina’s Luxury Condominium…
Around 6.30 PM (Continued from last scene)….
*DING DONG!! (bell rang)*
Suddenly I heard a doorbell, making me question Jurina.
“Juri-chan, who’s that?”
“Don’t know.”
Short answer from her while lifting her shoulders.
“You can check on the camera ya know…”
As she mumbled again while making dinner for us.
“Ahh, Sou—! Must the delivery guy because I ordered coffee before I come back just now…”
Suddenly, Rena-sama is interrupting.
“What?! I can make it for you, you know… you don’t need to waste money to buy outside coffee. It’s not delicious at all!”
As Jurina starts her speech.
“I don’t want to trouble you! Just finish the dinner already!”
She mumbles while heading to the main door. Once she opens it…
“Ehhh—? Yukirin?”
I suddenly heard that woman’s name, making me furiously heading to the main door as I want to verify it.
I asked Rena and unexpectedly seeing…
“EHHH?!! Yuki?!”
I’m feeling very shocked! She’s suddenly appeared in front of the main door!
“Rena-chan? Sae? What’s going on in here?! Why are you guys together in this house??!!”
Loud voice from her and making me quickly drag her inside with my full strength. I don’t want other people to hear our conversation or else, there will be another negative article come out on the news!
Once we are all inside the living room…
I got a hard slap from her on my cheek! And it’s seriously fucking hurt!!
“Ouch! That must be hurt!”
Said Jurina who suddenly appeared in the living room.
“Yuki-chan… I…. I mean… Kashiwagi-ojousama! Please, let me explain…”
I tried to calm her down while my hands are shaking. Of course, I’m trembling! Because I didn’t expect this to be happening right now!
“What is that you want to explain?! It’s all in front of my eyes now! You're together with her! In this house! Alone!”
She shouted out loud, making Jurina is saying..
“Tskk.. not alone… I’m also here though…”
Hearing Jurina’s words, she quickly gives a sharp glare to Jurina and making her gulp hard in her throat.
“Yukirin… calm down. Currently, I’m living in here..”
Explained Rena. Then, she’s suddenly questioning,
“You live with Sae?!”
She seems shocked and making all of us shouted,
And then, I continued my words,
“No! This is Takamina’s condo. Why would I live in here..?”
I explained to her, and then, I just realized that, I am being here only on weekends. So, I correct my words again by saying,
“Well, I mean…. I do live here, but just only on weekends because all of us will be gathering in this place. This is our new hideout place. Previously, it was at my rental apartment. But after it has been exposed to my dad, we forcefully moved in here… ”
Hearing my long explanation is making her calm for a bit. Rena on the other side is suddenly moving her body as she grabs Yuki’s hand,
“Nee… I will talk with her for a while…. Everyone please calm down..”
Said Rena, and then she turns her view to Jurina while saying,
“Jurina, please continue making dinner. Takamina will be in here in anytime now…”
She said again while disappeared from here with Yuki. I think, they will continue their discussion in Jurina’s room right now.
“Haii~~ Haii~~”
Answered Jurina in cheer tone.
*DING DONG!! (bell rang)*
“Haaa! That must be the delivery guy, for real this time!”
Said Jurina after she heard the bell rang for the second time. She’s quickly running to pick up the stuff at the main door. Me on the other side is still standing like a stone. My cheek is still hurting and many questions inside my mind right now, like…
Does Yuki follow me again?
How does she get an access to this place?
And one last question! Why would she think that I live with Rena-sama?!
Is she feeling jealous right now?
Puuftt… I cannot imagine that. She does feel jealous! Just like Mariko-sama’s incident! She’s willing to secretly following me and made a chaos! Now she repeats it again without asking me clearly what exactly is happening right now..
“My Goshh…”
I accidentally speak to myself loudly, making Jurina softly patted on my shoulder.
“I feel sorry for you Sae-chan… please be patience nee~~”
Actually, I just remembered something..
“Oh my God! I forgot to contact her after that incident! That is why she’s here now!!”
“What incident?”
Asked Jurina with a confused face.
“That dating incident with Mariko-sama….”
I give a long sigh.
That’s the only word that came out from Jurina.
“Now, I really need to speak with her!”
- - - - -
While inside Jurina’s room….
I have explained everything to her. About my family matters and now that I got full scholarship from Miyazawa’s Company. I told her that Sae helps me a lot. Not because she likes me, but because of Jurina keeps pleading to her. I also told that Sae really likes her, not only like, but actually, she’s really loves her very much. She got shocked when hearing my explanation because it seems that I knew a lot of their secret matters. I told her it’s not that I always being with them,
but actually..
I found that kid’s diary inside the drawer. I read her diary and that is why I know everything about them…
“She gives this to you?”
Asked Yuki with a curious face while holding one of Jurina’s diaries.
“Nope. She told me not to read her diaries, but I just ignore her words. It’s very boring in every night because I am always alone in this house. So, her diary was like my bedtime stories before sleep…”
I explained with a calm voice.
“Is that really interesting..?”
As Yuki said while playfully flipping the book.
“It is very interesting because, everything she wrote in her diaries, it’s similar in their album pictures…”
As I slowly open the drawer and show their album pictures to Yukirin.
Said Yukirin in a fascinating tone, as now, she’s looking at their album pictures. There really have a lot of their pictures. From Jurina's childhood until now. I could see that Sae and Takamina start to get along with her, when the time she was eleven years old and until now. But I still didn’t get to the Miyazawa-ojiisan’s part yet because her diaries have a lot! It was like her whole life stories have been written in that book and all diaries are very details like a novel…
“Now I don’t know with whom that I want to feel jealous! Because it seems that Jurina is very close to Sae!”
As Yukirin said while flipping the album one by one.
“Well, I do admit that they are very close to each other. But I think, Sae just thought Jurina like her younger sister…”
I explained to her with a cool voice, making her interrupted by saying,
“Don’t you feel jealous towards Sae, Rena-chan? She’s very close to Jurina every day, you know, and I know you like Jurina..”
Her last words making me turn my view to her.
“I never said that I like Jurina…”
I tried to deny but then,
“It’s very obvious in your face expression and I knew you for a very long time. You cannot deny it to me…”
I lost…
Maybe she was right, I do like Jurina. I really love to read her diaries and never missed them every night…
“Fine! I do feel jealous sometimes, especially when the time they both were taking a bath together in a bathtub, but after I read her diary, I’m not feeling jealous anymore because I know Jurina love me so much!”
My fast explanation made Yukirin suddenly say,
“I said Jurina loves me so much, so I will not feel worried about Sae...”
I repeated my last words as I thought she might mishear them…
“No! Not that! Did you say they were taking a bath together?! In a bathtub?!”
She said with a surprised face.
“Yes, and it was 2 days ago...”
Short answer from me, making she’s suddenly standing up from her seat and say,
She accidentally shouts it out loud.
“Yukirin please calm down. Sae knew her when she was eleven! They were like sisters.”
“But she isn’t eleven anymore!”
She said with anger voice and furiously left the room.
- - - - - -
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In front of Jurina’s room…
I actually want to knock on the room, but it seems that she suddenly appears in front of me.
“Sae! We need to talk!”
She said with a serious voice.
I softly rub my neck as I think she’s still mad at me.
“You lied to me! You told me that you will contact me but until now! I didn’t hear anything from you!”
There, she starts prying on the previous incident.
“I—I’m very sorry Yuki-chan. A lot of things happened lately, and I really forgot to contact you after that incident!”
I tried to win her heart again, but it seems failed.
“You told me to trust you! But then, you never called me or even texted me anymore! And yet! How can you be taking a bath together with Jurina, in a bathtub?!”
I’m not sure whether I misheard her last sentence, but how she knows that I was taking a bath with Jurina? And what is wrong with that?!!
And what with that matter to do with this?! I’m so confused right now…
“Wait, what’s wrong with that? And how did you know that I was taking a bath with that kid? Did Rena-sama tell you this?”
Hearing my questions making her more angrier than before.
“What is wrong with that, you said?!”
“Yuki-chan… come on! She is my sister! And I knew her when she was eleven years old! We were doing this since she was a kid! And I’m not a “paedo” you know! That title should be pointed to Rena-sama!”
“Geezzz…. I’m not a kid anymore! I’m 18 years old this year!”
Suddenly, Jurina is talking beside us, making both of us jolted in surprise.
“And please stop your wild imagination Kashiwagi—ojousama! Sae-chan is like my ‘Ojii-san!’ Hell no I’m gonna have interest in her! Also… Rena-sama is not a ‘paedo’! You adults really have a serious issue.. Geee….”
Said Jurina with anger voice while slowly opening the door of her room.
“Go get a room or something… I will tell this to Takamina….”
She mumbles again before disappeared from here. I guess, she heard all of our conversations previously.
“Yuki, please… forgive me okay..”
I slowly hold onto her hands while starting to plead with her again…
She furrowed her eyebrows while looking sharply into my eyes. She just stayed silent for the moment.
“Well, to be honest, I just got a big responsibility from my dad and to make it short…”
As I hold her waist and pull her body closer to me while continued,
“I will make a new partner which is your dad’s company, and to be honest, I really love you, Kashiwagi Yuki-sama….”
I start kissing deeply on her lips, making her widen her eyes in surprise. It has been a while since I’m kissing her. Then, she starts to kiss back as she wraps her arm around my neck and slips her tongue inside my mouth. Our tongue made dominant at the moment until…
*Click! (Door open) *
“That arrogant rich lady is always making me stressed!! I thought she will be kind to me after I saved her life! But within these three days, she asked me to do that, this… that… this .. that!! ARGHHH!!”
It seems that Takamina suddenly come back from her work, and she keeps talking without stopping. Me on the other side suddenly broke the kiss and say to Yuki,
“You can stay overnight in here if you want. Please make this place like your home…”
I said while giving her a short kiss on her forehead. Then, I lead her along to the living room. Once I’m in the living room, I could see that Takamina is already at the dining table. It seems that she brought a lot of different alcohol with her, and this looks really bad because she cannot hold liquor.
“Takamina why did you bring a lot of alcohol with you?”
I asked with a curious face. She still didn’t realize that Yuki is also sitting at the dining place, as she was busy grabbing glasses from the bar side of the kitchen.
“I need to let out my stress, you know! My hand feels really hurt! So does my heart! I did a lot of things today and yet! She’s still being cold towards me and made me do a lot of her work! I’m the boss ya know! I am the President of TakaHiro CORP! And she’s only …. A general manager! How dare she gives me commands like I’m her slave?!!”
*CLING!! – BAMMM!!! *
As she slams hard on the table while the glasses are still in her hands. I think she is slightly drunk. She might have drunk some before coming back here...
“Takamina, are you drunk?”
I asked her because I couldn’t clearly see her face as she was facing down while slamming the table.
“I’m not drunk!”
Now she answered me while facing me. My guess was right...
She is drunk…
“Ehh?!! Isn’t she, her friend?!”
She noticed that Yuki is sitting in front of her and making her suddenly become mad…
“Sae! How dare you leaked out our hideout place to her other friends?!”
Her face becomes redder than before. And now she starts shouting instead of talking…
“Enough with Rena-sama knows about our hideout place! Now, Kashiwagi-ojousama also knows about this too?!! You’ve got to be kidding me, right?! Both of her best friends are here!! And yet, listening to my babbling about her?!!”
“Oh my gosh… what should I do with you, Takamina….”
I mumbled while slowly heading to her. As I hold onto both of her shoulders and saying,
“Takamina! Calm down okay! It will be fine! And please don’t drink anymore! You will act really bad when you’re drunk!!”
I’m shaking her shoulders. Then,
“What’s wrong?”
It seems Jurina also arrived here with Rena.
“Ahhh~~ Jurina-chann~~ Come here, sit, and have a drink with me~”
She said in a drunk voice while patting a seat beside her. Me on the other side quickly stops her.
“Oii!! Oi!! She’s still underage to drink!”
I quickly sit beside her instead of Jurina. And then, I pull her down to sit beside me. I could see that her face seems really red. She sits while pouring liquor into her glass. She’s actually mixing vodka and a beer?!
“Oh my God Takamina, not again…”
I said while just keep watching her move.
“Rena-chan~ Please have a seat~ I will serve you guys dinner~ I cannot wait to hear another drama tonight~”
Said Jurina and after that, she’s quickly serving us dinner. It seems that she cooked rice with a lot of side dishes. We’re having our dinner but on the other side, Takamina starts drinking again. She always mixes her drink with vodka. I’m afraid she’ll pass out soon. This time, I could see that she mixes a lot of vodka instead of beer. So, I decided to stop her moving,
“Okay, that’s enough! Takamina!”
As I grab her hand and snatch her drink.
“How dare you want to stop me! Who are you to stop me huh?!! I AM THE PRESIDENT OF TAKAHIRO CORP!! I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT! WHO ARE YOU TO STOP ME, HUH?!”
She's rarely drunk. She will only drink whenever something really really bad happened to her. And I guess, today is really her bad day…
She was always come out with random shits whenever she was drunk and I will act along with her to make her stop…
“I am the C—E—O of Miyazawa’s Heirs Corp…which is higher than your title now.…”
I said with a proud face, making her more annoyed with me.
“What? Is that true?”
Asked Yuki with a surprised face as she was the only one who didn’t know about this yet.
“Do you remember the responsibility that I told you before..? It was this..”
I explained to her.
“Why do you always become childish whenever she’s drunk?”
Asked Jurina while pouting at me.
“Because I really hate whenever she’s drunk! She becomes bad!”
Half-shouted from my voice while pointing to Takamina.
“If your title is higher than me, then prove it!!”
She grabs the full glass of vodka that was mixed with beer previously and hands it to me. She gives a hint for me to drink it in one shot.
“Don’t, Sae!”
Shouted Yuki.
“I accept her challenge!”
I ignore Yuki’s words while drinking it fast in one shot.
“Tskk… so childish…”
Mumbled Jurina.
“Urgh! Fine! You win!”
Said Takamina before being knocked out on the dining table.
“You clean up the mess… I need to change my clothes…”
Yuki said in an angry voice while slowly leaving with Rena.
“I will sleep with Rena-chan tonight!”
As she said again before disappearing from here.
“What?! But I want to sleep with her tonight!”
Whined Jurina, making me say to her,
“Ohh, no no! You will sleep with us in the living room tonight! Come and help me move this midget to that big couch!”
I give the command to her while slowly standing from my seat. I could feel that my head is spinning right now. Might be because of that full glass of vodka that I drank earlier.
Once Jurina and I placed Takamina on the couch, I’m feeling want to do something, but I cannot because suddenly…
“Urgh… I think I got really drunk…”
I also pass out on the floor, in front of the couch…
- - - - -
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Tskk… tskk tskkk…
This stupid boyish girl suddenly scared me by pass out in front of me! I think I should hide all of the liquors inside this house so that they cannot make any trouble like this anymore! How embarrassing! In front of these people?
“My gosh…”
I mumbled while start moving my body and search for a mattress and blanket inside Takamina’s room. I also bring an extra pillow for this stupid boyish girl..
I put the extra pillow under her head, and I thought want to give this blanket to Takamina, but then, I could see that she’s unconsciously removed her working shirt. So, I guess, she’s feeling hot right now and doesn't need this blanket. As I place the mattress near Sae, cover my full body from head to toe with a blanket and I start falling asleep.
– END OF JURINA POV – - - - - - - At Maeda’s Villa….
Around 2 AM in the morning….
Inside Atsuko’s room…
*Sound of ringtone*
Mumbled the rich lady in her deep sleep. It seems that her phone keeps ringing, making her slowly grab her cell phone and pick up the call. She didn’t even bother to look who was calling her…
She answered in a sleepy voice.
“Atsuko… who do you think you are…You give me hard time, you made me as your slave, do you think this is funny…Do I look funny to you…After I saved your life, I thought you will be kind to me… All of this time, I followed your command because I love you…But on second thought… now I hate you Maeda Atsuko…”
Hearing the voice is suddenly making the rich lady fully awake from her sleep.
“Umm, Minami? Is that you? Are you okay, Minami?”
Asked the rich lady with concerned voice.
“I’m not okay, Atsuko….I love you so much… Why are you doing this to me…I cannot even hate you...shhh…”
Even though her voice sounds like mumbling, however, the rich lady could hear it clearly.
“Minami, where are you right now?! Are you drunk?!”
*tuttt…tuttt….tuttt… (sudden hang up)*
- - - -
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- - - - To be updated….
0 notes
oshbluepacific · 3 years
Love. Me.
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Type: Fluff/Slight Smut
Character: Park Jinyoung x Reader
Words Counted: 4K8+
questions and request are available / masterlist
NOTE: i was inspired to write this while listening to Ed Sheeran - Kiss me. so while you guys are at it, listen to this. you know when to play the song when you read it. happy reading!
“Mr. Park, your father wishes to see you in his study.” The man in full black and white suit told me.
           I nodded my head before I could take my glasses of and remove myself from my chair. I grabbed my robe, putting it on. I walked along the long hallways towards my father’s study, a woman came emerging from the door.
           “Mother.” I greeted her. As always, she looked marvelous. With her green dress underneath the coat. Her flowery perfume that smells wonderful and my father loves so much.
           “Jinyoung… you’re just wearing your robe and pants.” She commented, eyeingher own son from head to toe.
           “I opened the window to get some fresh air as I was working mom. It was perfectly chilly in the morning, but it got all sunny.” I smiled at her, and she shakes her eyes as she smiled back. She adjusted my robe so that my chest isn’t overly exposed.
           “Okay, now, let’s get to your dad’s study... he has something important to tell you.” She said as she looped her arm on mine.
           We both got to father’s study as the doors closed behind us. He was on the phone, sitting on his armchair behind his neat, tidy desk. He hung up the phone moments later, placing it on the desk. My mother approached him as he reached out for her hand and she took it.
           “Jinyoung, have a seat boy.” He said, gesturing to the seat in front of his desk.
           I took a seat, getting myself comfortable on the chair.
           “My son… you’re not wearing any clothes.” He started, I only rolled my eyes, before I explained what I was doing to him and he nodded his head.
           “Well, I think your mother had told you that I have something important that I want you to know.” I respond with a nod.
           “I’ve told you before that I’ve met your mother through your grandfather. At first, she was a stranger to me, and even after we get married, she was still a stranger to me. But time after time, we get to know each other, and I knew that your grandfather has introduced me to the love of my life.” He held on to my mother’s hand before bringing it up to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss to the back of her hand.
           “Your father and I had agreed that this is the perfect arrangements for you.” My mother chimed in.
           I sat there, nodding my head, trying to understand everything. I felt my heart racing against my chest.
           “She’s coming for dinner tonight, and I’m sure, you’ll be happy to see her.” My father added.
           “What is her name?” I asked him, my eyes darting to both people who had raised me.
           My mother chuckled before she could walk towards me.
           “You’ll love her! You can introduce yourself to her tonight.” She then leaned, to kiss my forehead before she excuses herself out of my father’s study.            
           My father talked about the marriage arrangement, and how the wedding date is set and everything is planned. The more he talked about it in detail the more nervous I get. After the conversation, my father dismissed me and I went back to my room, but I couldn’t seem to get my focus back.
When I first met her, it was almost like love at first sight—and who the hell am I to believe in all that? She was so beautiful, intelligent, btu also like every person who just met a stranger, shy. While dinner, she didn’t say much, but she was very polite—not just to my parents—to hers, and to the staff members at home. When our parents were talking about stuff that we don’t actually know about, I took this chance to excuse myself and her to have a moment. I took her out to the back garden where I took this opportunity to get to know her. It was as if I’ve known her for all my life, she opens up about everything I asked her. She has this beautiful personality. When she smiles, I felt those types of certain jolt of happiness.
           When it was time to get back inside, she took my hand all nervously, when really it had me worried.
“What is it? Something wrong?” I asked her, turning my heels  before I looked around the place.
           “No, no, nothing’s wrong…” She managed a small smile before dropping her face to the ground. She then looked up to me.
           “Jinyoung… I don’t know you’ll love me or not, I don’t know what the future holds, but I will try my best to be what you need me to be. I’ll try my best not to be a burden for you.” She told me and I just nodded my head.
           “You’re not going to be a burden for me—”
           “I’m not done.” She shot a look into my eyes, and there was a certain sadness in her eyes.
           “Promise me one thing.”
           “And that is?” I asked, gently taking her by the hand.
           “Promise me, that if you don’t, love me, then don’t force yourself to.” She said.
           I smiled at her, knowing that I already fell in love with her since day one.
Skipped time frame, I married the woman I just met 7 months ago. And to be honest, I couldn’t be more in love with her.  When we moved, I let her take a pick of the house, I’ll be out of the house most of the time while she stays in. I let her decorate however she likes, and I offered her to have the masterbedroom.
           “What you’re not sleeping here?” She asked.
           “Would you be comfortable?” I asked her and she stayed quiet before she nodded her head.
           “You doubted.” I chuckled.
           “No, I didn’t, I—”
           “It’s okay, you can have the master bedroom for a while.” I told her with a smile.
For 4 months I’ve been crashing in the guest bedroom and sometimes fell asleep on the couch in my study. What finally made me sleep with her in the master bedroom was when she suddenly came, knocking on the door of my study in the middle of the night while I was working.
“Why are you still up?” I asked her, as she stepped inside the room. Her eyes darted on the couch before she could take a seat on the chair in front of my desk.
           “I don’t know, I just couldn’t sleep… bed just feels too big today.” She said, rubbing her eyes with her hand.
           “Do you want me to come down and accompany you?” I asked, my eyes looking up to her from my paper.
           A smile appeared at on her sleepy, adorable face before she nodded her head.
           “Okay, I’ll clear this up for a bit and I’ll join you in a bit.” I told her as she got up from the chair.
           “Okay!” She then left the room while I tide up my desk and couch.
           I knocked on the bedroom door before I heard her mumble. I opened the door to see her laying under the fluffed blanket and realized, the bed is too big for just her.
           I lay there next to her, trying to get the comfortable position. I let her lay her head on my arm as I wrap my other arm around her.
           “Jinyoung…” She whispered.
           “Yeah?” I looked down.
           “Sleep here more often, this is nice.” She smiled.
After that, we’ve gotten closer with each other. We would talk all night right after I got home from work. Even though she spent most of her days at home, she would always have something to tell. And I would always listen to her, happy that she is too.
“Jinyoung?” I heard a voice as my head moved up from the water.
           It was a sunny day, on my day off, and it’s just the perfect time to dip myself in the pool.
           She was standing on the side of the pool with a glass of what looked like a passion tea. I swam towards her, resting my arms on the side as she crouched down as she hand the glass to me. I took a sip of the sour, refreshing, fruity drink before handing it back to her.
           “Your mother just called.” She said before taking a sip of her passion tea.
           “Oh? What did she say?” I asked her
           “She’s inviting us for dinner tonight.” She said, placing the glass of refreshing drink aside.
           “Tonight? That’s very unusual of her to invite dinner on the last minute… What time?” Iasked her again.
           “Seven.” She answered.
           I looked over her shoulder to the patio where a huge clock was hanging. It was already 3 PM.
           “I’m going to take my shower, and then get dressed, we could leave just before 6.30.” She pointed.
           “You just finished working out?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
           She was wearing a black, tight, sports leggings with her sports top over the grey cardigan she was wearing.
           “You’re going to shower?” I asked her again and she nodded her head. “Well in that case help me up.” I said, extending my hand to her.
           Maybe because of her exhaustion, she didn’t think of anything and took my hand. Instead of pulling me out of the pull, I pulled a smirk on the corner of my mouth before pulling her into the cold pool water. She shrieked before she could hit the water.
           I laughed as she emerged from under water before giving me a death glare.
           “Park Jinyoung you have 10 seconds before I can drown you in this very water!” She screamed as she put her hands on the top of my head before pushing it down with herself.
           We stayed in the pool for a bout 30 minutes or so before getting ourself out to race towards the bathroom.
I let her shower in our bathroom while I shower in the guest bedroom bathroom to spare some time. As I finished, I put on my black shirt and grey pants before I could roll the sleeves of my shirt. I put on a pair of shiny black shoes before I stood in front of the full-length mirror to fix my hair before walking out form the room and knocked on the door.
           “(Y/N), are you dressed?” I raised my voice so she could hear me.
           “Yeah, just come in!” I heard her voice behind the door.
           I opened the door to see her in a beautiful white dress, exposing her back to me. As she turned around, I just felt my heart skipped a beat. It was a long sleeved dress, showing her strong shoulders and collarbone. The dress wasn’t tight, but it shows her curves just perfectly. From her knee, the dress becomes sheer so you could definitely see her calf and the white high heels she was wearing.
           “Do I look overdressed?” She asked, holding up her hair.
           I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head. I walked closer to her, my eyes still focused on hers before it went from the top of her head to the tip of her toes then back up to her eyes again. I placed my hands on her hips. The smell of her amber, musk perfume.
           “You look… absolutely beautiful.” I told her and she just gave me a shy smile.
           “I might just stare at you all night, afraid that somebody might comes in and swoops you out from me.” And she giggled.
           “Stop, you’re making me want change dress.” She said, and I quickly shook my head.
           “No, don’t! we’re already late, now come one, we have a dinner party to attend. I told her.
           I held her hand as we both walked down the stairs. We both got into the car and I quickly start the engine.
Never in a million years that I thought my house could fit thIs much of a people. The front hall that I thought was too big was just packed with man in suits and women in dresses. A glass of champagne or wine were at hands. As we both stepped into the building, I felt people were staring at us—or to be more specific—at (Y/N). I could feel the grip of her hand on my arm tightens.
           “People are staring…” She whispered low.
           “People are mesmerized by your beauty of course.” I convince her with a smile.
           We walked around the building and I couldn’t seem to find the host of this dinner party, to be exact—my own parents.
            “Jinyoung! (Y/N)!” Finally a familiar voice called out. We both turned our heads to the source of the voice, and I could see my mother waving her hand. She was in a blue dress, a cocktail in her hand. She walked closer to us and I could feel (Y/N)’S grip loosen before she lets go of me to give my mother a hug.
           “(Y/N), you looked absolutely beautiful! Your dress is very much stunning!” She complimented (Y/N).
           “Oh, no… you looked amazing yourself mum!” She smiled, and then my mother turned to me to give me a hug.
           “I’m sorry for the late notice to you both… You father had been keeping me busy all day, so I didn’t have time to call you all morning.” She explained.
           “It’s okay, we’re sorry that we’re a little late.” (Y/N) apologized.
           “No need to apologized dear—Ah, which reminds me, I have something I want to give you (Y/N), do you mind coming with me?” My mother offered her hand and (Y/N) politely took it.
           “It’s upstairs—Jinyoung, I’m sure your father is looking for you somewhere, you should go.” My mother suddenly left me alone in a room packed with people. I was about to say something but shook my head as I watched my mother and my own wife, walked through the sea of people staring at them before they turned the corner. I walked around the house before a waiter with a tray of glasses of champagne passes by, I took one before taking a sip still walking to an unknown direction. I found my father in the living hall, sitting on the couch with his friends. When his eyes spotted me, He waved his hand and I scurried to him.
           “My boy! How are you? it’s been a while since I last saw you!” He said happily, putting his arm around me. “Where is (Y/N)? Is she at home?” He immediately asked about her whereabouts.
           “No, she’s here, mother took her to talk about something, and left me here.” I explained.
           “Ah, come here, and sit down with us! We’re discussing, you should hear about it.” He said, as I took a seat besides my father.
           The conversations went on for hours. My father then excused himself before patting my shoulder.
           “Come my boy, I need to speak to you about something.” He said.
           I nodded my head before I couls stood my grounds and bowed to the remaining people and chased my father.
           “How long have you been living with (Y/N)?” He suddenly asked.
           “7 months.” I answered right away.
           “If you add another 2 months, I could be seeing my grandchild.” He said in a sarcastic note.
           I was too surprised by his comment, so I kept my words and stayed silent.
           “Have you talked about having a child with her?” He asked again. I shook my head.
           “No… not yet… I don’t want to do anything that makes her uncomfortable.
           “She’s your wife.” He pointed out.
           “Yeah, but I don’t want to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to!” I pointed back, feeling a bit anger.
           My father stopped his steps and so did I. I looked at him with wide eyes, assuming he felt my anger he managed a smile before turning himself to me.
           He placed his hand on my shoulder with a smile on his lips.
           “Do you love her?” He asked me.
           I raised my eyebrow as if asking are you seriously asking me that question?“Yes, of course I love her.” I answered him anyway.
           “Have you told her you love her?” He asked again, and this time I stayed quiet. I do love (Y/N), but I never really said it out loud to her, because I don’t know what she thinks of me. I just met her 7 months ago, and I don’t know if she loves me yet or not even the slightest bit.
           “When I married your mother, it took me a year to said it out loud to her.” He said, continuing his steps and I followed him as I listened to him.
           “It took months to get to know your mother, it took months to know what’s her favorite color, to know what she likes to do at home, what’s her favorite food and drink—to know everything about her. It took her months to open her heart to me! And the first time I told your mother I love her was when you were finally born. And do you know what your mother said to me?” He then stopped by the glass window, overviewing the crowed on the backyard. There were people dancing, drinking, some were even in the pool enjoying a nice, freezing. Swim.
           When I didn’t answer to him, he turned to me for a brief seconds before looking out the window.
           “She cried and then she said… ‘I thought I was about to have a child with his father who doesn’t loves his mother.’ And at that moment, I never missed a day where I don’t express and told her just how much I love her.” He said.
           “Jinyoung, your mother and I both know, that you will do anything in your power to keep (Y/N) happy and safe, because that is how we taught you. But I also want you to make her feel loved… don’t make her doubt that she’s not worthy of love. I know you love her, and I know full well that she loves you.”
           “How do you that she loves me?” I asked. And just on queue, my father’s face lit up, looking something past me.
           I turned to see my mother and (Y/N), walking side by side. I felt my father patted my back, leaning his face close to my ear. “Trust me son, I lived much longer than you… I know love when I see one. “ He whispered before he could walk closer to my mother.
           “Honey, I was talking with (Y/N) when suddenly I heard out favorite song, I just had to take the dance with you!” My mother said excitedly, offering her hand to my father before he gladly took it and kissed the back of her hand.
           I didn’t realize the people started pairing up as they danced gracefully in the room.
           “And, my goodness, (Y/N), might I say that you look magnificent tonight.” My father commented before she smiled, slightly bowing to my father.
           “You looked dashing yourself father.” She complimented back.
           My father smiled at her. “Please both of you, enjoy the night! Now if you’ll excuse us, I must dance with my lovely wife!” My father happily said before he walked toward the middle of the room to dance with my mother. (Y/N) moved herself to stand beside me to watch my parents danced their heart out, with smiles on both of their faces.
           “Your parents looked so in love with each other.” She suddenly said beside me.
           “Yeah…” I responed before I could turn to look at her. She had her eyes focus on the dance floor with that bright smile on her face.
“And at that moment, I never missed a day where I don’t express and told her just how much I love her.”
“I know love when I see one.”
I heard my father’s words echoed in my head as I looked to her.
           I think she might have noticed that I was staring at her so she turned up to look at me, raising her eyebrow.
           “Something wrong?” She asked.
           “Ah, sorry, didn’t mean to stare—have you eaten?” I quickly asked, changing the subject.
           “Yeah, you mother actually took me to her study I believe… and we eat there.” She informed.
           “Have you?” She asked.
           “Yeah.” I lied, I haven’t eaten a damn thing. “I was invited to dinner and then I came here with m partner, but then I was ditched as soon as we arrived so I had to cope with something.” I explained sarcastically and she giggled by my side.
           “I’m sorry that I ditched you tonight.” She apologized, hooking her arm around mine.
           “I mean you know… I can’t actually say that I was ditched, because… this is my home anyway.” I added only to make her laugh.
           “Should we get back home?” I asked her.
           “What, you don’t want to take a dance first?” She asked.
           I gave her a shrug, “Let’s just dance at home, where the chances of me stepping on people’s foot is lesser.” I told her and she laughed again.
           I took her hand before we both could leave the building. As we got into the car, I shook my head before turning he car engine on.
           “What?” She asked.
           “Nothing, it’s just… old people, they should be asleep by now, but they came so late at night.” I told her, she giggled and hit my shoulder lightly.
           “What’s up with you and your sarcastic comments lately?” She asked again.
           “This is what happens when you left me with my father with a glass of champagne in my hand.” I turned to her, before I pulled the car out of the parking spot and drove back home.
Once we arrived, we stepped in our quiet home, the only sound I could hear was the sound of the pool water outside, and the sound of our shoes against. She walked towards the living area where she lights up the fire place before taking a seat on the couch.
           “What are you doing?” I asked her.
           “Taking my heels off?” She answered, but it came out more like a question.
           “I’m about to ask you to dance and you’re going to take your heels off?” I asked her, and she looked to me surprise.
           “Oh, you were serious about taking the dance here?” She asked again, with a hint of amusement in her tone. I nodded my head as she stood up and walked closer to me.
           “But there’s no music….” She pointed out.
           I rolled my eyes as I fished my phone out form my pocket and randomly play a slow song I had before blasting its volume and slipping it back into my pocket. I took her hand as I slipped my other hand on her waist. She placed her hand on my shoulder with a small smile before we both could start taking a step.
           “This is nice…” She said, as the music plays in the background, moving our body side to side.
           “Yeah…” I let out a sigh, before she could rest her head on my chest.
           “(Y/N)…”            “Hm? She looked up to me and our eyes met.
           “While you were with my mother, my father actually pull me aside to talk.” I started.
           She moved her hand from my grip before wrapping her arms around my neck while my hands are down at her waist.
           “What did you guys talk about?” She asked, still with that small smile on her face and that radiant glow in her eyes.
           “He told me about when my mother was pregnant with me, she never felt any love from him. And when I came to the world, he finally said that he loves my mother when my mother, but really it was hard to gain my mother’s heart again.” I explained.
           Her smile faded, and I could feel our steps became smaller and slower.
           “And I don’t want that to happen to you… I want you to be happy, I want you to feel safe here, I want you to be comfortable whenever you’re with me… but not just that, I want you to feel loved too.” I told her.
           “Your mother actually told me the same story actually…” She said, with a light chuckle.
           “What did she tell you?”
           “Same story, but different perspectives.” She managed a smile. “She told me that yes, your father made her very happy, but… she never felt she was loved. And by the time you were born, she didn’t believe that your father loved her. So your father never missed a day to tell her that, and that he would always try his best to show that… he really did love her.” She explained.             There was a few seconds of silent as we moved around, with just the music playing in the background.
           “Jinyoung…” Her voice, finally broke the intense silence between us. “Do you love me?” She asked as I looked down to her.
           “Of course I do…”
           “Don’t lie…” She said, her eyes looking glassy as if she blinks this second, she’ll tear up.
           “I do, (Y/N), I do love you, I love since the first time we’ve met!” I confessed and she stayed silent as we stopped our pace.
           “Before we got married, we promised to not force our feelings right? Well, to tell you the truth, before we even made that promise, I was already falling in love with you. Everytime you smile it feels like the whole room just lights up. I love how you always laugh at my jokes and sarcasm. I fell in love with your own personality, you’re so polite with everyone, you’re kind, you always show your happy side and believe me… each and every waking day, I fell in love with you even more.” I told her.
           A small smile appeared, but there was also a hint of doubt on her face.
           “Maybe you don’t believe me now, and maybe because part of it is my fault, I should’ve told you sooner.”
           Her face drops, but then she shakes her head.
           “I love you… Jinyoung, and maybe you don’t believe me too because we were just told about our parents mistakes… and part of it is my fault too because I made the promise and I should’ve told you that I love you too.” She explained. Her eyes stare deeply into mine, but they were soft and gentle.
           “What can I do, to make you believe me?” I asked her.
           Her eyes searched for something on my face before I could feel her warm hands touching my face as she leans herself closer to me.
           “Maybe…” Her eyes fell to my lips. “This…”
           Nothing was said after that. I felt her plump lips moving against mine. I moved my hand against her bareback as I could feel her arms around my neck tightens. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and she gladly welcomed me, letting me explore her. A gasp of moan escaped her mouth before I then swooped her off the ground, carrying her in my arms. She squirmed, pulling lips away from mine, but our eyes didn’t leave each other. I then lay her on the couch, letting myself hover on top of her before she could pull my face back to connect our lips again. I held on to the side of the couch to make sure I won’t crash on her.
           “(Y/N)…” I breathed.
           “What? Are we taking it too fast?” She asked, suddenly nervous, causing me to chuckle.
           “No, no, I want to keep this pace, but… I won’t do anything that you don’t want to do.” I told her.
           “Do you even know what I want?” She shot.
           “Do you want to?” I asked, raising my eyebrows sounding to eager.
           A smirk appeared on her lips before she could support her body with her arms, leaning closer to the side of my face. I felt her hot breath against my neck before I could feel her lips pressed against it as I closed my eyes. I felt my arms jiggled for a bit, as her lips then moved to my ear, and right there I just lost it.
           “don’t make me change my mind.” She whispered seductively into my ear.
           I pulled my face to look at her before I got off from the couch, bitting my bottom lip.
           “Then what the hell are we doing here?” I asked.
           She squirmed when I lift her up from the couch followed by her giggle as she rest her head on my shoulder. I walked up the stairs towards our bedroom. She helped me to open the door with her free hand before I could throw her on the bed. He giggles stopped when I pressed my lips back onto hers.
           “Baby, you look amazing in this dress tonight, but, I can’t contain myself anymore, I want to see you for what you are.”
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Shine bright.
For: @adarafaelbarba September Bingo
Square: Sugar Baby
Pairing:  Miguel Galindo x reader.
Warnings: Fluff and Flirty.
WC: 597
Enjoy x
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Up until now it had been all for show, the designer cloths, designer shoes, designer bags and sunglasses, over the top jewellery and being driven around by one of his men. A few short months ago you were just one of the girls that worked in the local coffee shop, just hoping to stand close to a Galindo car if it was parked in the main street, but now you were Miguel's eye candy whenever he needed you. If he needed you for an event, either it be somewhere or at his house on the hill, you didn’t ask questions, you asked what time he needed you and waited for the new outfit to arrive with a hair and makeup artist, waited to be picked up at the time you were told and a large amount of cash to cover more than your lost wages at the end of each month.
Something had shifted recently in Miguel; he was asking you more questions about yourself on car rides if you went somewhere and over dinners when he had a minute for himself. You were liking the extra attention he was giving you and it was starting to feel like less of a business deal and more like seeing someone. Your tummy filled with butterflies when you heard a knock on the door with a parcel and note. You read the note first, it being signed from Miguel that a car would be there at 6.30 to pick you up and you opened the box to a beautiful pair of designer jeans, designer button down and he asked in the note if you would wear the pair of red peep toed heels he had brought for you a few weeks ago.  
The music was flowing through the house when you walked through the front door. You walked into the living area and you caught your breath setting eyes on his solid back, thick arms and one of his thumbs hooked into his pants waist. Miguel hadn’t noticed you were there, so you walked up to him, your hand going to his lower back. Miguel looked down at you with a grin and his eyes sparkling,
“Hola mi hermosa” Miguel lent down peaking your cheek “You look beautiful” Miguel turned and put his hand on your hip.
“Thank you. You picked well” you smiled up at him “Do we need to go somewhere or is someone coming over?”
“No, I just thought we could have a dinner together, get to know each other” Miguel brought his hand up to your chin, taking it between his thumb and pointer finger “And I want to run over our deal, I want to make some changes”
You looked between both of his eyes and nodded,
“Ok, no worries”
“Y/N, I like everything I see and everything about you. You have served your purpose, but I have a new purpose for you” his voice was low laced with lust.
“Ok” you whimpered when you saw his eyes go dark.
“You’re not just a show piece, you’re so much more than that. Everyone thinks your Galindo territory, but I want to make that official. After we finished dinner I’ am going to take you upstairs and show you what it’s like to really be mine” Miguel stepped forward flush to your body, his other hand going around you tightly “Is that ok with you, my love?” he purred.
You looked up into his eyes and you felt your panties dampen at his intense stare,
“Do we have to wait till after dinner?”
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 Tags: @beccabarba @alwaysachorusgirl​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @ben-c-group-therapy​
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nxrthmizu · 3 years
| honoured | day 16
@daminette-december2019-2020 ​
prompt | Royalty AU
pairing | Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng 
words | 1.7k 
author’s note | Hi watch me indulge myself in this because it’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a royalty au 
“You’re all pathetic.” Damian hissed, twisting the sword out of yet another knight’s grip. “How are you supposed to protect me when you can’t even beat me in a duel?” His sharp words glared at the line of knights that had applied to be Gotham’s prince’s personal guard. None of them lived up to his expectations, and at this point Damian wasn’t even surprised anymore. 
He huffed impatiently. “Is that all you lot have got?” 
“May I try, sir?” Spoke a knight that was way too short and way too small in comparison to the line of other silver-clad men. A pair of bluebell eyes met the prince’s emerald ones, a spark of determination and confidence glinting in them. 
Damian sighed, eyeing the spark in the bluebell eyes, a smirk overcoming his features. How naive, he thought. He couldn’t wait to smite out that light in those bluebell eyes. 
He didn’t. 
The room was completely silent as Damian’s sword flew across the room with a clang, twisted quickly out of his grip as the small knight surprised him with the sudden attack. It was so quiet that the failed knights could hear the prince’s shallow, panting breaths that hurried to pay off the oxygen debt in his muscles. 
“... What is your name.” The prince’s voice was deadly quiet as he stared into the blue eyes. The knight slid the helmet off, dark blue hair tied up in a ponytail, flushed cheeks painted red from the ten continuous minutes of unending parrying. 
“Marin Cheng, sir!” 
The failed knights watched with bated breath as the prince stared down coldly at the shorter knight. They had underestimated the knight greatly- No one thought that the small midget stood a single chance against the prince, who was one of the best swordsmen known throughout the kingdom. 
“...” He surveyed Marin with a careful eye. “Very well. See Mr. Pennyworth about your new living arrangements.” The words were unspoken, but the whole hall was clear about what the prince had left unsaid. 
You are my personal guard. 
Marin never left Damian’s side, per his request. His personal guard’s job was to follow him around to ensure he was never outnumbered in an ambush- And he had to admit, Marin’s presence was rather enjoyable. The small knight was not made out of a lot of muscle- But certainly had the wits and deftness to make up for the lack in size. 
The knight quickly learnt that there were times when Damian wanted the air to be filled with chatter, and when he did not. During the times that he wanted to rid of the silence, the blue-haired knight would begin talking animatedly, chatting about anything and everything around them- The bushes around the royal garden, the new bakery that opened downtown, the new uniform for cadets. And when the prince valued his silence, the blue-haired knight would keep quiet and simply follow the emerald-eyed teen around. 
The knight was sitting on the floor of Damian’s private library, flipping through a book with the prince’s permission. Blue eyes glanced up instantly, the book forgotten quickly as the knight waited for the prince’s instructions. 
“I’m bored.” Damian pushed the documents he was supposed to read aside. “Fence with me.” 
The two of them were in the palace courtyard in a while, both their swords drawn as the prince stepped forward with the first move. The metallic ringing of sword on sword rang through the courtyard, the blows consistently repeating as the prince parried his knight’s attack. 
“You’ve gotten better, my prince.” Marin commented with a slight smile, blocking another of Damian’s attacks. 
A smirk slipped onto the prince’s features. “Of course.” 
Months flew by uneventfully, Marin moving seamlessly into the prince’s life, getting used to the daily schedule of the emerald-eyed teen. Marin would be up at 5am, training alone in the empty courtyard until 6, when a shower and a quick pop-in to the kitchen would be needed. At 6.30, the knight would accompany Damian to breakfast and the rest of the day would be spent in the study or in the courtyard. 
Of course, Marin’s appointment as the prince’s personal guard brought a lot of attention in the form of jealousy and hate in the knight’s direction- But most of the time, these glares were simply dismissed by Marin. The other knights started trying to find any sort of dirt on the personal guard, knowing there was no way they could outmatch Marin in skill. 
And fortunately for the other knights, (And unfortunately for Marin), the blue-haired knight had a giant secret. 
The blue-haired knight shrieked in terror as the other silver-clad men dragged her into the middle of the king’s court, wrapped in only a white towel, all of her secrets laid out after they ambushed her in her morning bath. 
“Sir!” One of the knights said with a scoff. “We have an imposter among us.” 
It was clear now, without the wall of her silver armour to hide in, that Marin was actually a Marinette. Her long, dark blue hair covered her bare shoulders like a curtain of ivy, her bluebell eyes sharp in fright of the king’s reaction. 
“Prince Damian’s personal guard...” The knight continued, eyeing her hatefully and with a glint of victory. “Is a woman.” 
Before anyone could express their surprise at this discovery, the doors of the hall slammed open, as loud as a thunder clap across the kingdom’s skies. The furious prince stood in the middle of the doorway, marching to the centre of the court with narrowed eyebrows and a displeased frown. 
“What is this?” He demanded, eyes flitting over to the nearly-naked woman sitting in the centre of the hall.
“Damian,” King Bruce begin slowly. “It seems that your personal guard is... A lady.” 
‘Infuriated’ didn’t even begin to describe the prince’s expression. “And?” He snapped, turning to point his glare at the knights that surrounded the blue-haired knight. “She’s more than competent at her job. More competent than you lot, actually.” 
“My prince, with all due respect, don’t you think it’s inappropriate to have a lady as a knight?” One of the silver-clad men spoke up with a raised eyebrow, his fellow knights murmuring their agreements. 
The prince sucked in a deep breath before sharpening his ice-cold glare. “I am to be the future king of this country.” Hissed the emerald-eyed prince. “And if the knight, whether a she or a he, is capable of holding he or her ground in a duel against me, which, may I remind, you lot weren’t, then I would be nothing less than honoured to have her fight by my side.” 
Silence rang deafening volumes in the courtyard as men registered the fact that Prince Damian- The ice prince himself- Just admitted to be honoured to fight in someone’s else company- Never mind the fact that the someone happened to be a woman. 
“Father.” Damian said in an icy tone, shedding off his cloak to wrap around Marin- No, Marinette’s shoulders. “These knights clearly have no concept on respect and privacy. They dragged out a woman in nothing but her towel into the centre of a hall. Father, surely you don’t believe that these people here deserve to be knights?” 
The king hummed thoughtfully. “You do have a point. I don’t suppose they do.” 
“Your majesty-” 
“Alfred, have these men be removed from the palace premises and be stripped of their knight titles, please.” 
“Father, if I could make one more request?” 
Damian stood up, a cold fire burning in his eyes that would later lead him to be a fair and just ruler. “I would like to allow capable women to join knight ranks officially.” 
The court was so silent that you could hear the pen scratching of Mr. Pennyworth, who was busy making arrangements and smiling proudly at the emerald-eyed prince’s request. 
“That is an interesting request, Damian.” The king smiled thoughtfully. “Have your proposal on this new law finished and on my desk by tomorrow afternoon.” 
The prince nodded his head, gripping his personal guard’s shoulders as he helped her stand. “Thank you, father.” He said, emerald-green eyes glinting at the now former-knights as he guided Marinette out of the hall, the doors slamming close as if nothing had just happened. 
 “Did you know this whole time?” Marinette asked quietly, now decked out more comfortably in her knight gear. The prince and his personal guard were seated on the stone steps of the courtyard, the sun beating down into the ceiling-less area. 
“... Ever since you beat me. Yes.” Came the prince’s answer as he watched the blue-haired woman wipe his sword clean. “You were too small-built to be a man. Your shoulders aren’t wide enough.” 
“I see.” 
Silence resumed as the blue-haired knight fidgeted awkwardly on the step, her hands moving quickly to make the metal shine under the glow of the sun. 
“You don’t have to always wear your armour around me.” Damian mused quietly, leaning against one of the pillars comfortably. “You can just wear a shirt. It would be easier for you to move around. And since everyone knows anyway,” He shrugged. “No point in you trying to cover up with your armour anymore.” 
Marinette blushed at the prince pointing her out blatantly. “I... Yes, my prince.” 
“Go change. I want to duel for a bit before I have to draft up my proposal.” He said lazily, flicking his hands at her. “I’ll practice on my own first. Hurry up.” 
He watched her retreating back, the clanks of her armour gradually getting softer as she returned to her room, which was only a corridor away from his. His mind flickered back to the day he first met her- Damian thought he’d never lose to a man in swordplay. 
And he was right. 
He lost to a woman. 
A woman by the name of Marinette Cheng. 
taglist. @maskedpainter @animegirlweeb @starmist19 @myazael @stainedglassm @user00000003 @toughluna @nickristus-dreamer @missmadwoman
send in an ask to be added to Cady’s Daminette December taglist! 
also I feel so sorry for everyone waiting for me to update never knowing which dates I’ll write for lol 
Oh oh and I'm pretty proud of this because I didn't use she/her at all before Marin's gender reveal :)
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marblesphere · 3 years
Dream or Reality (Noctis x Reader)
I wrote this fic years ago. So, I fixed up a little and decided to post it here. I have also posted it in devianart under LastMoogleHunter. Happy reading!
“Aaaaahhh….what a boring day, always the same. There’s nothing new, nothing makes me excited.” I sighed for the umpteenth times. I see, I haven’t introduced myself, my name is [Name] [Last Name], I am 12th grade in Destiny High. This is my last year, thus was recommended in making good memories. Though…there is nothing fun, I wish Final Fantasy characters are real people. That’ll so much fun, especially if there is Noctis.....
Kyaaaa!!! I am so embarassed... ahem, let’s put that aside and let’s get onto the story.
This morning also has the same routine, wake up, bath, breakfast, school, home, dinner, sleep and so on. And coincidentally my literature teacher decides it’s fun to see her students suffer, and thus given us a homework about composition. I groan, this is going to kill my brain cells. “God, please let my life get interesting such as Final Fantasy character come to life..... Just kidding, it’s not like it can be granted anyway.” I exhaled. I put my homework and stationery on my desk and start thinking about the theme I am going to write. Not long after I start doze off.
My internal clock woke me up from my slumber. Groggily, I glance my clock and it shows 6.30 a.m. I blink once, twice and rub my eyes to make sure I am not mistaking it. In instant, all sleepiness fades away. ”Aaaahh!! I am late!!” I freaked out and with lightning speed I took a bath. While I was stripping though, something fell from my shorts’ pocket. I pick it up and examine it, it was a golden watch. Curious, I open it and something was craved on the lid ‘aeternam vinculo’ ‘what’s this mean? More importantly when I got this thing?’ I was thinking and completely forgotten the time.
“[Name]! breakfast is ready!” Kaa-san called.
“No way!” I yelped and resumed my activity.
I run down the stairs and eat breakfast quickly, “[Name], there’s still some time.” Kaa-san said.
I gulp down my orange juice, “Gotta go. Bye Kaa-san, Tou-san.” I said as I ran to school. Fortunately, the distance to school from my house is not that far. Upon arriving there, I still see a lot of students leisurely walking to the school. Looks like I am safe. I sigh in relief as I pat my chest. suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around, but the sight of that ‘someone’ tapping my shoulder made my eyes widenend.
“Morning.” He said, while I blinked once, twice, titled my head and stare at him as he is an alien landing on earth. The person who greeted me is no other than the famous Chocobo head, Cloud Strife.
I keep staring at him without blinking. “You…” I could only manage a word to come out from my mouth.
Cloud looks at me oddly, “What’s wrong?” he asked. 
“Good morning you two.” A new voice called. Our head snap to that direction and find Tifa and Yuffie are walking toward us.
My eyes widened ‘[Name].exe is shutting down.’ I can practically hear a robotic voice said that. ‘What exactly is going on?’
Seeing my confused blank looking face, concern made to Tifa’s face, “[Name], what’s wrong?” She asked.
So, I did the most logical action I could at the moment, I pinch my left hand, “Ow…” ‘It hurt.’ I rubbed my reddening left hand.
“[Name], are you really alright?” Tifa asked again. “Don’t worry Tifa, I bet she just woke up.” Yuffie grinned.
‘It’s not a dream....? t-they are really alive...?’ I am still confused, I am still not sure if I am having a realistic dream or this is the reality. But if so, what about yesterday and the day before yesterday and the days before today? Was that reality a dream? And this is the real reality? My mind is in jumbled mess, but I am happy. My wish has come true, my wish for the Final Fantasy characters are real people and as a bonus I have befriend with them. There’s no more I could ask for.
I feel someone shakes me. “Huh?” I snapped back to the reality.
“Maybe we should get her to infirmary.” Tifa said.
“Whooa. [Name], you really sick?” Yuffie was shocked by the news.
“Let’s go.” Cloud said as he prepared to drag me.
“W-wait! I’m fine, I just dozing because I just woke up.” I said putting a sheepish grin.
“See, she’s just woke up.” Yuffie grinned again, but I can see she was relieved as well.
‘Well, I did wish something interesting like this happen. Well, dream or not let’s enjoyed it to the last.’ I smiled at my thought as we walked to the class.
Upon entering class, I no longer panic on what I saw. There are some FF characters here and there, but I spot no Noctis, ‘Well, I’ll be lying if I am not disappointed.’ I sigh softly. ‘Well, nothing goes smooth now.’
Then I heard giggles and squeals. ‘Don’t tell me this is a famous scene from shoujo manga. The moment when male lead and his group enter the classroom. If so, then… Those girls will be the mortal enemies of the female lead. After the plot milked her usefulness, she and her sidekicks will fall into ruin.’ I blinked as I looked at those girls. ‘What a shame. They look nice enough though. But, I wonder who they’re fangirling about.’ I follow the crowd’s eyes, then the door opened revealing ‘Emergency! Mayday! Mayday! All staffs please evacuate! The ship will sink soon!Eh? EEEEEEHHHHH???!!! What is happening?! Why is he here?! No... I mean… I am happy that he is here. But he being here is a problem itself to me, in many ways.’ The one who opened the door is no other than Noctis.
I stiffen when he walks to me. “Good morning.” He muttered as he walked past me to his seat which is behind me.
“Mo-morning…?” And the problem is I was suttering when I replied, ‘Now I’ve done it…. he officially think I am one of his fangirls.’ I sighed earning a few snickers from Tifa and Yuffie which I give them an odd look.
“Morning, Hime-chi.” Prompto greeted.
I am not sure who is Hime-chi is. But seeing no one responds to him, it must be me, right? “Morning…?” I greeted back hesitantly.
During the duration of the lesson, I can’t concentrate at all. Part of it is because Noctis is sitting behind me. The other part is I am frantically thinking what should I do, what is my relationship with him and the other characters. Just because some of them are my friends, that doesn’t mean all of the characters must be my friends. And I have to be careful how to act around them, so they didn’t notice my awkwardness.
The bell rings signaling lunch break. Finally, me and the group which included almost all of the alvalanche members plus some other go to school cafeteria. Minus Cid and Barret cause they’re too old to go to school anyway which I found out later the two of them are school staffs. Barret as P.E teacher and Cid as engineer. And of course, let’s not forget Zack and Aerith. We go to cafeteria to eat lunch, while the others eat and talking each other, I am thinking about a lot of thing and that mysterious golden watch.
“[Name].” A voice snapped me out of my own world and I found all of them were staring at me.
“Huh?” I blinked owlishly.
“Are you okay?” Aerith asked worriedly.
“Did they bully you?” Prompto frowned.
“Eh? Bully? Who?” I tilted my head not understanding who were they talking about. ‘…For the first time in my life I was bullied…’
“WHAT!? Those girls are bullying my little sister?! How dare they!” Zack raged.
“W-Wait a minute. I am fine. No one is bullying me.” I said quickly calming them down.
“I heard something about bullying [Name]. Who is daring enough to do that?” Another new voice chimed in.
“Ah.” I blinked at the newcomers, twins exactly.
“Stella, Luna. Where were you guys?” Yuffie asked.
“Sorry, the teacher needed us just now.” Stella apologized.
“So, I heard someone is bullying [Name]? Which idiot?” Luna smiled scarily.
��No one was bullying me.” I shook my head quickly. ‘Scary…. Does Lunafreya is this kind of character?’ I sweatdropped.
“If we are talking about bullying, then I am sure it’s no other than her and her little group.” Tifa rolled her eyes.
‘I wonder who and why would people bully me? I don’t think I’ve ever made someone mad enough to be bullied by them.’ I scanned the cafeteria and spot a group of girls glaring at me, ‘Ah. So, they are the bully group.’ Then a mop of blond caught my attention, I narrow my eyes to get better sight, ‘…Who is she? I have never meet her before, but strangely her name popped out in my mind. Tachibana Kirika-san, Noct’s fangirl…. Ah, no wonder.’ I looked at her object of affection.
“Ignore them” Noct said.
“Umm...okay.” I answered.
After that staring contest, all is well. No war break between us. The last bell finally rings, signaling the end of school. And so, as per usual ritual, apparently we always go home together. “See you tomorrow.” I waved to them when I arrived at my house.
“See you.” They waved back. I open the door only to find it is hollow of life. I found a note one dinner table ‘Business trip one week, there’s a leftover for dinner. We’ll get your cousin to stay at the house tomorrow.’ I sighed. It’s still the same,’Oh well, I’m used to it.... wonder who is my cousin. This is the first time I heard about having a cousin staying over.’
Tired and still in term of accepting what has happened today. I am feeling really sleepy, but I didn’t dare to sleep. What if this is just a dream and I’ll wake up in the same position on my desk, as selfish as it may sound I still don’t want this to end yet. So many thoughts race in my head, absetmindedly I take out the golden watch and finally fallen asleep holding that.
I wake up with a start and glancing at my room, then realize something, FF charas. ‘Is it a dream?’ I sighed and I felt something in my hand. The golden watch, it’s still here. That means ‘It’s not a dream.’ I grinned widely, they are real. Thus, I quickly begin my routine of the day.
Arriving to the class, I greet them. Them as in the group. “Morning.” I greeted.
“Morning.” They replied. I sit at my seat and put my bag on drawer, but then a sharp pain creeps through my hand, instictively I take out my hand and trail of blood is dripping from my hand. My eyes flicker at the sound of giggles, there Tachibana Karin stand proudly at what she have done, she even raises her chin up to which I reply with raised eyebrow.
‘Truly, this is the first time I am being bullied for real.’
Seeing my bloodied right hand and still bleeding. Cloud quickly take my hand and examines it. “You okay?” He asked.
“As okay as someone will be with bleeding hand.” I remarked. Zack is definitely pissed off by the look of his face and stalks toward them.
“Why you little-“
“Zack. There’s no need to get angry.” I called to him.
Ignoring my call, he still stalks toward them, that is until Vincent holds him, “Ignore them. We should take her to infirmary.” He said.
“No no no. we can’t let this kind of things go.” Stella stepped in.
“Indeed. We’ll need to teach her a lesson.” Luna easily agreed with the older twin.
“Stella, Luna. Not you two too.” I sweatdropped.
“Let’s just take [Name] to infirmary first.” Tifa said. With that, the group accompanies me to the infirmary.
“The cut isn’t deep, it will heal in few days.” Nurse Quistis said after she finished bandaging me.
“Thank you.” I thanked her.
“It’s my job, now off you go to class.” She ushered.
“Yes ma’am.” I give her mock salute as I get out of the room.
Entering the class, I was bombarded with questions. Quistis kicked all of the out for being so noisy and too much. “I am fine.” I said for the umpteenth time.
Then Tachibana-san comes to me and asks with her sickly sweet voice, “How was your hand? Is it hurt?”
“Well, why don’t we try it to your hand. And then you’ll know whether it’s hurt or not.” I smiled eraning a few snickers from my friends as they heard my reply.
Tachibana-san’s face is red with anger and opens her mouth to say something. But then, the door opened revealing Noctis and Prompto. she quickly puts her sweet façade again to which I know that isn’t fooling anyone with decent IQ. “Good morning.” She greeted him which was ignored and laughter rose from our throats.
“If you didn’t do something like bullying his friends, you might have a chance.” I told her.
“You!” She gritted her teeth.
‘Aaah… She really didn’t get it.’ I sighed mentally. “Good morning you two. How unusuall for you to almost late.” I greeted.
“Good morning, Hime-chi. You see, we are almost late because we met an old woman on the street. She… Hime-chi, what happened to your hand?” Prompto frowned when he saw bandage on my left hand.
“Your hand...”
“Oh, this..” I said as I lift my hand. “Apparently, someone with a bad hobby finds it interesting to get me scream in pain. Unfortunately, they didn’t get what they want.” I smiled. Noct opens his mouth to ask something when the bell rang, signalling the start of class. All of us goes back to our seat. Well, in my case after recieving a hateful glare from Tachibana-san.
‘More importantly I wonder… Why is she targeting me? I mean, Noct’s female friends are not only I. There are Luna and Stella too…. Does she know I like him…? Well, I do like him as character in games before. And meeting him right now does make my feeling stronger… but, I am not sure if I like him as man… Besides…’ A certain scene from the game flashes in my mind. It’s overlapping in a scene I’ve seen here. ‘I am such a fool… obviously they are together…’ A bitter smile graces my lips.
The lessons went well, save for the ocasion hateful glare... okay scratch that, hateful glare all along. Lucnh break bell rings..... “Okay class, that’s all for today... oh and there is winter ball on the 28th December. All of you MUST come, it’ll be the last event for you. Class dissmissed.” Then the teacher goes out of classroom.
I groan inwardly, ‘Great… a ballroom.’ Note the sacarsm. The students scatters, chatting about the ball, while the group (girls only) advance to me.
“Soooo.....” Yuffie begins the conversation. “Who is going to be your date?” she asked excitedly.
“I don’t want to go.” I groaned again.
“You shouldn’t idle too long [Name], he will be snatched away.” Aerith said gigglig slightly.
“He? Who?” I titled my head. ‘Do I like someone?’
“Of course it’s him.” Yuffie answered.
“Tsk tsk tsk. As if [Name] will like another boy except from him.” Stella raised her brow.
“That dense man is too dense.” Luna giggled.
“Who is he exactly?” I frowned. But to them, my expression right now is quite funny because they are giggling.
“Don’t play dumb [Name]. all of us already know who is he. He is the one who gifted you the golden watch on your birthday.” Tifa said.
 ‘So, that was a gift from someone. And that someone is my crush so to speak…’ I blinked. ‘Who is…’ Suddenly the answer appeared itself in my mind.
*Poof* my face explodes to a blush. ‘It’s him. That man who is a trouble to me just by being here.’ I covered my face looking away from the evil grins on their faces.
“That time he was so shy. It’s funny, right?” Yuffie exclaimed.
“Hey, you guys.” I was saved by Reno. “Who are going to be you girls’ date?” He asked excitedly.
“Not again…” I groaned. “Reno, you don’t have any delicacy at all.” I whined.
“What happened to her?” Reno blinked.
“Just girl trouble.” Stella giggled followed by the rest of the girl.
“I mean you guys have fixed date already. Is there any point to ask?” I pouted. “I’m sure Tifa is going with Cloud, Aerith and Zack, Yuffie with Vincent. Stella is with Prompto and Luna will be going with No-.” I said.
“My date is a secret.” Luna cut my sentence.
“Secret?” I blinked.
“Yep. You’ll know when the time comes.” She smiled mysteriously.
“So, what about you [Name]? Wanna be my date?” He winked.
I snort, “No, thank you.” I flat out rejected him. “If I go with you. Your group of angry girlfriends will be waiting for me. Nuh-uh. I still want to be perfectly healthy, thank you.” All of them excluding Reno who is now sulking are laughing at his misfortune. “I am probably going alone. There’s no rule I can’t go alone.” I smiled. “…What’s wrong?” I blinked when I found them stared at me oddly.
“[Name]… You are quite dense…” Tifa sweatdropped.
“Huh?” I titled my head.
“[Name] you know, you are quite popular. If you say you are searching for a date. Everyone will probably line up.” Aerith giggled.
“…You are teasing me, aren’t you? I have a plain face you know. The one that is neither pretty, beautiful or cute. Besides, if I mean if I am quite popular, how come no one talk to me or better yet flirt to me?” I put an unamused face.
‘That’s because a certain someone made sure no one will not talk to you more than necessary. How can they have a gut to flirt with you with him hanging around you like a guard dog.’ All of them sweatdropped.
“Enough about me. What about the prince?” I turned my question to the prince that walked past me back to his seat.
“About what?” He sat back down.
“The winter ball. Who are you escorting?” I asked.
He snorts. “I don’t want to go.” He said.
“Me too. But we are forced to go.” I chuckled.
“I am waiting for someone.” He answered shortly. His answer makes the boys laugh. I raise my eyebrow at their odd reaction.
“You should hurry and ask her out, or else she’ll out of your reach.” Zack chuckled.
“Yep. After all the effort you put into.” Cloud nodded.
Zack’s word make my chest stings a bit. ‘What is this feeling?’ I blink the I shake my head to ignore it and chat with the rest of them.
Zack’s word is still ringing in my head. I am indeed curious as who is he going to ask, but I am more curious about the feeling in my heart just now. ’They are just characters from game, right? So, why did I have this feeling? Besides, I am sure he is going to ask Luna. No need to think that hard. They obviously are going to reveal it at the winter ball.’ I finally asleep while thinking about this.
Again, I wake up from my peaceful slumber before the alarm rings. I rub my eyes to get rid the alimighty power of sleepiness. The calendar on my wall made me realize this is Saturday. ‘Oh, it’s finally this day.’
As usual, I did my everyday routine, and then off to school. My peaceful day was once again ruined by Tachibana-san and the rabid fangirls follower.
“You! You dare to embarass me the other day, in front of my Noctis no less.” She screehed.
“My...Noctis...? Wow, I am not sure how to reply to that statement... Besides, weren’t you the one asked me about my hand, I just answered that it would be better for you to experience it first hand.” I answered effortlessly.
“You bitch!” She swung her hand to slap me. I am ready to dodge and prepare some wise words. But, her hand was caught midair by a more masculine hand.
I turn my head to get a better look of my savior. ‘Squall.’ I blinked at the unexpected character. ‘Rinoa shouldn’t be too far from Squall.’ I giggled inwardly at my own thought.
“You better stop this or you’ll get more than just slapping.” He growled. Tachibana-san turns pale. She and her follower quickly retreat back.
Then suddenly a girl pops out from his side. “Are you okay, [Name]?” Said girl is no other than Rinoa. ‘As I thought, Rinoa is not far.’ I chuckled at my own thought.
“I am fine.” I answered. “But, why are you two here?” I asked, I am not surprised with the characters popping out as my friends anymore. Last time, I found out Ignis is our Chemistry teacher and Gladioulus as our school security guard.
“Listen well! this isn’t over! I’ll make your life a living hell!” Tachibana-san sreeched which we of course ignored. The she stomps out here with her rabid fangirls follower.
“Just like always, you are a trouble magnet.” Squall Leonhart, which like to be called Leon sighed.
“You haven’t answered my question... Squeon.” I added my personal nickname just to annoy him.
“Your parents were worried, so they asked me to take care of you.” He said ignoring my nickname.
“I am fine, Squeon.” I said again.
Squall snorts, he lifts my bandaged hand, “And you said this was okay.”
“[Name], you are injured. What happened?” Worrywart Rinoa asked.
“I am okay. It’s just a small wound, Quistis said it will heal in 2 or 3 days.” I said calming Rinoa down.
Then, we heard some footsteps running toward us. The group are rushing to us. “Squall! Rinoa!” They exclaimed happily when they saw them.
“It’s Leon.” He grunted.
“Nooo, it’s Squeon.” I laughed. Squall only glares at me using his infamous glare.
“Long time no see.” Rinoa smiled.
“[Name], are you alright? I heard from some people Tachibana was bullying you, what did she do to you?” The now panicking Tifa asked.
“I am okay. she was just going to slap me, but Squeon stopped her.” I answered.
“WHAT?! She was going to slap you?! That damn bitch! How dare she!” Zack cursed.
“Calm down. I am not strupid just standing there waiting her slaps me.” I snorted. ‘Besides, which idiot will stand still when they are going to be hit.’
“By the way, if Squall and Rinoa are here. Does that mean they are going to be your care taker again?” Cloud asked.
“Yes, they are.” I said grinning.
“Oooooh, it’s rare that we can gather here together. So, how about we go to Chocobo Land  tomorrow?” Yuffie exclaimed excitedly.
“Chocobo Land.... Well, it’s been a while, the last time we go together was on [Name]’s birthday.” Aerith said. With that said, all of us decide to go to Chocobo Land tomorrow. Unbeknwon to me, I am playing right to their trap.~”~
“Eeeeehhhh~ Why can’t you go with us?” I asked, dismayed at the fact we couldn’t spend time together.
“Rinoa isn’t feeling well.” Was Squall short answer.
But I can’t shake the feeling that something is off. “She was fine yesterday.” I mumbled.
“Yesterday and today are different.” But all I did was stare, stare and stare. He sighs, “Just go already, you don’t want to be late, right?” He ushered me to go.
“Yes~” I sulked.
Arriving at the Chocobo Land. Only Noctis is at the rendezvous point. “Hey, Noct, where is the others?” I asked.
“They still haven’t arrived.” He answered.
‘Weird. They are usually on time. Maybe Yuffie will be a little late.’ I blinked at the unusual happening. And suddenly our phones ring at the same time signalling there are messages in our group chat.
“Sorry, my parents are out of town suddenly. Need to housesit.”
Some brats in neighborhood are hunting my treasure. Need to safeguard it.
Am grounded. T.T
“Sis and I have trouble escaping from arranged marriage.
“Have fun. We will arrive there late.”
“The shop is crowded. I can’t go out yet.”
“Rinoa is sick. Need to take care of her.”
Sorry guys.
“Fixing my bike.”
“Helping acquaintance in photoshoot.”
‘What kind of hellish timing is this?’ I sweatdropped. ‘…No matter how I think, they are definitely setting us up.’ I sighed softly.
The two of us look at each other and sigh. “We were set up.” He said. “So, what should we do? Should we go home?” He asked again.
“Hmmm… We’re already here anyway. So, let’s just play. Just the two of us.” I grinned. A small smile is tugging on his lip hearing my sentece. But, unbeknown to us, we were followed by eight enthusiastic stalkers plus two reluctant stalkers and cameras.
Everywhere and anywhere as far as I can see, all I can see is Chocobo. The excitement is building up. “Chocobo♪~ Chocobo♪~.” I hummed out with sparkling eyes.
“Your love for Chocobo is something else.” Noct sweatdropped.
“What can I say, I just love Chocobo.” I giggled. “Then, our first ride will be that.” I pointed to the Chocobo Jet that was quite far from our meeting point.
“Figures you will ride that first.” Noctis chuckled.
“Let’s go!” I giggled excitedly. ‘Just for today. Let me spend a quality time with him. Yes…Just for today.’ The Chocobo Jet is really exciting. “I want to ride it again.” I said enthusiastically.
“Let’s ride the other attraction first. We’ll ride the roller coaster again later.” He sighed helplessly.
“It’s a promise, okay. I won’t go home if I don’t get to ride it again.” I stuck my pinky to him.
“Yes, yes. It’s a promise.” He hooked his pinky to mine. And then seamlessly warps his hand around mine and tugs me along.
I blink at the action. ‘Alert, alert. The parameter is rising.’ A slight blush adorns my cheeks. I quickly put a hand on my cheek to cool it down.
“What’s wrong?” He asked when he saw my weird action.
“Nothing!” I squeaked in high pitched voice.
He blinks, “You are so weird.” He laughed.
“I don’t want to hear that from you.” I stuck my togue out to him.
The next ride is Chocobo Cup. “Spin faster!” I laughed cheerily as I spun the cup faster.
“You’ll get dizzy later.” Noct smiled.
‘Hm…?’ from the corner of my eyes, I think I caught a glimpse of a familiar chocobo head. ‘Was I mistaken?’
“What’s wrong?” Ncoct asked when he realized I stopped spinning.
“Ah, nothing, I thought I saw Cloud.” I shook my head. “It must be my imagination. I mean this is Chocobo Land.” I laughed. All of the visitors are wearing Chocobo headband which we get as a free gift in the entrance.
“What do you want to do next?” He asked.
“Hm…Oh!” My eyes are drawn to the shooting range not far from us. More accurately, drawn to the prizes in that shooting range. “That! Let’s compete!” I turned to Noctis.
“Let’s see who will get the grand prize first!” I exclaimed.
“Yo, ojou-chan, an-chan. The point for the grand prize is 150. The rule is easy. Your gun has 3 bullets. Knock down the plate with the point written on it. collect 150 points and you have the grand prize. Easy, right?” Baku explained.
“Yep!” I nodded.
“One game is 150 gil.” He smiled.
“Give us two guns.” Noct said as he handed him the money.
“Haiyo!” Baku handed us the bullet.
“The game is on!” I grinned.
~One Round Later~
“Not fair….” I sulked. In the end, Noctis wins with overwhelming victory. I don’t understand how he managed to get 200 points, while I couldn’t even get the 10 points plate down.
“Bwahahahaha! Ojou-chan, you are the best! Your skill is one in one hundred!” Baku laughed merrily.
“Sh-shut up!” I cried out.
“An-chan, your skill is amazing. Usually, the guests will spend more than 3 games to get a hang of this game.” He smirked.
“This is just a fluke. My friend happens to be good at this kind of game. I was only following his advice.” Noct answered.
“Heh. I want to meet this friend of yours.” Baku smirked.
“Next time, I guess.” Noct shrugged his shoulder.
“Bahahaha! I can’t wait!” Baku laughed harder.
While those two are chatting. I am already at my own land of misery. “I am sorry Chocobo. I can’t get you. I am sorry I am such a failure.” I murmured.
“So, what happen to Ojou-chan?” Baku sweatdropped.
“She just happened to love Chocobo a bit too much. Too much that I am jealous.”
“Bwahahaha! You win the game, but lost the war. I really pity you, An-chan” Baku patted his shoulders.
“Haahh…” He sighed. “[Name]. Here, this is yours.” Something is shoved to my face. It’s the grand prize of the shooting range, Golden Chocobo.
“For me?” I blinked.
“Of course.” He rolled his eyes. “If I don’t give it to you. You’ll keep staring at me as if you are having a grudge on me.” He smirked.
“I-I will not.” I flushed.
“Ojou-chan!” Baku called.
“Here. A consolation prize.” Baku gave me two droppy chocobo hat. “Thanks to Ojou-chan, I have a great laugh today.” Baku grinned.
“Thank you!” I quickly put it on my head, while keeping the headband I got on my small backpack I brought. “Noct, you wear one too.” I gave the hat to him. The said man obediently bends down his body so I can put it on him. “We match!” I laughed happily, completely missing his softened look to me.
“Bahahaha! I pray for your success, an-chan.” Baku laughed.
“Thanks.” Noct replied. While I completely don’t understand what they were talking about. “Let’s go. We still have many attractions to ride.” He tugged my hand along.
“Yes!” ‘I think whether this is a dream or reality, this will be the happiest day of my live.’
Our next destination is, “Chocobo House!!!” I shrieked at the sight. I rush to the house, wanting to see it up close and personal.
“Hey! Don’t run!” I heard Noct’s warning.
“Don’t worry! I am not a child. I won’t fall down. Hurry up! Hurry up!” I urged him.
“We need to buy tickets first.” He sighed.
“Ah.” I blinked, completely forgotten that. Noct rolls his eyes as he pays for the tickets.
“Thank you for the purchase. Please enjoy the house.” The staff smiled.
Chocobo House, truly befitting the name. The house is basically Chocobo den. Look right, there will be a lot of Chocobo. Look left, there will be a lot of Chocobo. Look up, there will be a lot of Chocobo lantern. Look down, the tile is Chocobo pattern. And in the center if the house, there is the fat Chocobo.
“….Can I take that home?” I muttered out loud.
“Will it fit in your room?” Noct sweatdropped.
“I have an unused room. It will fit there. I can just move my Chocobo shrine there.” My eyes sparkled.
“Oi oi oi. Will they even let you buy it. Rather, even if they are willing to sell. Does your pocket money enough?” Noct sighed.
“Hmmm…. I should really get a part time job.” I muttered as I trying to calculate how much the Fat Chocobo will cost.
“Wait! Wait! They are selling the miniature version of Fat Chocobo. Let’s take a look.” Noct dragged me to the merchandise counter. In the end, I buy the Fat Chocobo plushie. More precisely, it was bought for me.
“I could buy it myself. You’ve paid for the rides and tickets. I can at least buy the merchandise myself.” I pouted and frowned as I hugged the plushie.
“It’s fine. I just want to. My father told me I need to spoil you to win your heart. He even willingly and happily to let me spend money to make you his daughter in law.” He muttered.
“Hm? What did you say?” I couldn’t hear the second part of his sentences.
“Nothing. Let’s ride that next.” He pointed to the Chocobo-go-round.
“Okay!” ~”~
“I am hungry~” I whined as I sat on the park bench.
“It’s already 1.00 p.m.” Noctis said as he looked at his watch. “The food court is over there.” Noctis said.
“Yosh! After lunch, we are going to continue.” I beamed, while my companion just shook his head at my antics. “Hey, don’t tell me you don’t enjoy it. Because we know it’s a lie.” I pointed my finger to him.
“I never said I didn’t.” He chuckled.
“Then all is well.” I grinned.
We are sitting in the food court, waiting for our order. The topic of our conversation is the hellish timing our friends have. “They are definitely…” I trailed off.
“…Doing this in purpose…” He finished.
“There’s no way they have this kind of convenient timing of not going. Well, in Zack’s case… he might be really grounded.” I giggled as we glanced secretly to the seats behind us.
“He-hey! Don’t be too noisy, they’ll find out.” A familiar voice of Tifa was heard.
“But, I can’t hear what are they talking about.” Yuffie whined.
“What a sloppy tailing.” I sniggered.
“They really… have too much free time.” Noct sighed.
“They seem don’t know that we’ve know they tailed us from the start.” I laughed merrily, really enjoying this charade. From the corner of my eyes, I can see now they are fighting for food, Zack and Cloud plus Yuffie. “Let’s caught them red handed later.” I laughed.
“Here are your orders.” A kind waitress set down our food.
“Thank you.” We thanked her.
“Please enjoy!” She smiled cheerily.
“Thanks for the food.” ~”~
“Noct. Let’s go over there.” I pointed to an ice-cream stall.
“Didn’t you just eat lunch?” He blinked.
“If it’s for ice cream, I am sure my stomach will make more room.” I answered.
“….What flavor?” He could only helplessly ask.
“Sea-salt ice cream!” I said excitedly.
“Wait here.” He told me and he is off to the stall.
“Ah, I want ice cream too.” I heard Yuffie whined.
“If we go now. We’ll be caught.” Stella reminded.
“But… ice cream…” I could already imagine her face looked like a kicked puppy.
“We need to endure.” Luna said sternly.
“Here.” Noct came back with an ice cream.
“Where is yours?” I blinked as I took the ice cream.
“I am good.” He said.
“Is that so?” I licked the ice. “Mmmnn… It’s delicious.” My eyes sparkled. “Here. Have a taste. It’s delicious. Delicious food should be shared to double the deliciousness.” I grinned.
“…Then, I’ll be happy to oblige.” He smiled softly as eat the ice from my hand.
“How is it? Isn’t it delicious?” I asked animatedly.
“Yeah. It’s delicious.” A ghost smile on his lips.
“See! I told you, you should buy one for yourself.” I said smugly. I quickly devour the ice cream until I realize what have I done. *Poof* ‘He ate mine…. Indirect kiss… No no no, let’s not think about it.… Okay, breathe in… breathe out… It’s okay. It’s just indirect kiss. No biggie….NO! it’s not okay for my heart! Does he even realized what he has done! I know I was the one offered it to him, but…’
“Why is your face red? Is it heatstroke?” He frowned.
“No! I am fine! Completely fine. It’s only a little bit too hot! It’s not a heatstroke!” The completely flustered me squeaked out. “Let’s go there!” I randomly pointed a ride and hurried there, missing the knowing smirk on his face.
The clock has shown 5.30 p.m. the only remaining ride is, “Hey, Noct. Let’s ride Chocobo Wheel.” I dragged him to the line. The said man allows me to drag him, he’s suprisingly obidient.
The Ferris Wheel stops when we are at the top. “When are we going to catch them red handed?” He smirked.
“You’ll see.” I grinned mischievously. “As expected from the highest point. I can see all of them park from here. It’s beautiful.” I was awed by the breathtaking view.
“Indeed…” What I didn’t know is, he wasn’t talking about the view.
The ride has ended. We are back on the land. “Ah! I have to call Squeon, first. I am worried about Rinoa.” I said out loud, letting our stalkers hear. “If he has something he needs, I can swing to the nearest drug store.” I fished out my phone from my bag. Can practically hear the nervous choked sounds from our stalkers. I push the speed dial button number 1. A familiar ringtone rings. My smile widens when I heard that.
“Hello!” I waved to them. We catch our stalkers red handed. “I thought you all have some kind of troubles.” I raised my brow.
“Ahahahha… We were just...uh…worried about you two. Yes, we were worried.” Zack laughed nervously, which then elbowed by Aerith for stuttering.
“So, did you guys get nice pictures? Because I am expecting it.” I snickered.
“I thought you were grounded, Zack.” Noct smirked.
“Hey, everyone! The photos are done. What are- “Yuffie stopped in mid sentence when she saw us. “Ahahahaha. Hello, [Name].” Yuffie greeted me.
“Geh! Noct!” Prompto gasped.
“Yuffie~, Prompto ~ What about those pictures in your hands?” I asked with a smile etched on my face.
“O-oh, th-this is..” She trailed off, senaking a glance on me, I still waiting her answer with a smile. “Eheheheh.... Okay, I give up. Here, all yours.” She gave us the photos they took. To put it simply, those are our candid photos. There are also the others but mostly about me and Noctis.
“Awww, this one is soo cute.” Tifa cooed. The pictures she chooses is the one when Noct was eating my ice cream. The angle is good. It’s just quite embarrassing.
“Heheh. Mine is this.” Luna chose the time when I put Chocobo hat on Noct.
“Oh. I like this one.” Stella picked our competition in shooting range.
“This one is good.” Aerith liked the one where I hug the huge Fat Chocobo in Chocobo House.
“Oookay. Let’s save this for later. For the last ride, we’ll go on Chocobo Jet. I will not allow any objection.” I exclaimed happily. For the last ride. We are fortunate the ride is enough for all of us.
“It was fun! It’s been a while I play this much.” I stretched.
“We should come here together again.” Rinoa smiled.
“Agreed! But no more stalking.” I laughed.
Time sure flies fast. It’s already one week before Christmas, we the girls are shopping for Christmas gift. ‘Sooo, what should I buy? Let’s just buy what they can use everyday.’ The other girls already busy choosing their own gifts. I am just strolling in the accesorries shop. After all of us finished, we head back to home. ~”~
It’s finally Christmas. The girls agreed to gather at Tifa’s house and give a make-over to each other, while I opted to not involved which is not an option. I am also dragged in to the whole fiasco. Exactly 7 p.m. We heard the knock, signaling the boy group has come.
“Merry Christmas.” Zack said excitedly.
“Merry Christmas.” We greeted. After we greeted each other, the party starts. I give them their respective gifts. Earrings for Tifa, bracelet for Yuffie, a necklace for Stella and Luna, a phone case for Vincent, a dress for Aerith, a google for Cloud, another dress for Rinoa and a for Zack, my self proclaimed brother, I gave him a pair of shoes. For my dearest cousin, it’s a leather jacket.
I am now down to the last person, but the said person isn’t in the room. The gift is still clutched in my hand. I see Tifa tilts her head to the yard, I nod and flash a grateful smile.
I found him gazing stars. “Not going to enter?” I asked.
Noctis glances at me and then back to the stars. “Too noisy.” Was his short answer. I laugh lightly at his short, but clear answer.
There is a comfortable silence between us, until I remember the reason I searched him. “Here.” I gave him the small blue box.
“For me?” I nodded at his question. Then he also pulls out something small from his pocket and gives it to me. I look at the gift curiously. I try to guess what’s in this little black box. Seeing the blatant curiosity on my face, Noctis chuckles. “Open it.” He said. With that said, I open the box excitedly. There, in the black box there is a ring necklace. My name is carved on the ring. My eyes widened and let out a small laugh. Noctis only stares at me with raised eyebrow.
“Open my gift.” I said still laughing. With a strange look he opens the box. His eyes also widen, there in the blue box I gave him, there’s also a same ring necklace. the only difference is the carved names. Then a small laugh also escapes from his lips.
“Will you allow me to escort you in the winter ball?” He asked.
This question caught me off guard. I never thought he will ask me let alone think about it. I look left, right and then behind me to see if someone is there. “…Are you practicing so you can ask Luna?” I blinked.
“Why are you bringing up Luna?” He frowned.
“Eh? Why? Because isn’t that so?” I was taken back.
“It’s not.” He sighed exasperated.
“Then… If you are fine with me. I’ll be happy to take on your offer.” I smiled. ~”~
The day before the ball. The girls agree to meet up again in Tifa’s house right after school. They are going to match the dress they’ve bought with their accessories. “Hm? [Name], where’s your dress?” Luna asked.
“Ah, I don’t have one I was sure I am going alone, so I didn’t buy dress. I am going to wear school uniform. The rule didn’t specifically say the dress code is an evening dress.” I smiled sheepishly.
“School…” (Stella)
“Uni…” (Aerith)
“…form” (Tifa)
“You said?!” (Luna)
“Huh? Isn’t Noctis escorting you?” Yuffie blinked.
“He did two days ago. It’s just, I don’t have time to pick up dress. So, I am going to wear school uniform.” I nodded.
“Change of plan.” Stella said seriously.
“Yes. We have a change of plan.” Luna agreed.
“Huh?” I blinked.
“We are going to shop for your dress right now.” Aerith smiled.
“Eh? Right now. We don’t have that much time…anymore.” I finished timidly, seeing their scary smiles.
“Sorry [Name}. Even I can’t help you.” Yuffie said. ~”~
At last, the most dreaded day that I wish never come is finally here. 28th December, that means the winter ball. ‘Why it has to be a ballroom, can we just change to more casual party?’ I groaned.
“[Name], you shouldn’t put that kind of face. You are the prince’s date, are you not?” Zack teased.
“The said prince has the same opinion as me.” I said unamused. The girls and the boys wear a matching color, including Noct and I. Apparently, Luna called Noct and asked, no demanded him to wear a cobalt blue suit, so he can match with my dress.
The hall is decorated just like a real ballroom. There are also snacks and drinks there. Once we enter the hall, Reno instantly flies to the other side of the hall sweet talking to a group of girls. The others asked their dates to dance with them. Being a gentleman he is, our favourite prince also asks me to dance. “I can’t dance.” I smiled wryly.
“Don’t worry. Just follow my lead. Waltz is an easy dance.” He said taking my hand. We dance peacefully until someone with the name of Tachibana Kirika ruins it.
“Noctis dear~” She called with such coquettish voice that it actually made me had a goosebumps. “I am sure I can be a better partner than this plain looking girl.” Tachibana-san winked at him.
“Sorry if I am plain looking. At least, you should learn how to wear a proper make up. The color doesn’t suit you.” I rolled my eyes.
“No, thank you.” He refused politely.
But that sets Tachibana-san in rage. “Exactly what did you see in this girl?” She screeched and pointed her finger to me. “I am prettier and a ton of guys asked me to be their date.” She yelled.
Noctis narrows his eyes. “Then, you can have them to accompany you. Listen, I am tired of your antics. Don’t you dare badmouth her! The next time you do so, I won’t forgive you!” Noctis snapped. Then, Noct storms out from the hall, leaving the said girl there standing dumbfounded and biting her fingernail.
‘Wow, this is the first time I see him angry.’ I too, quietly leaving the hall searching for my partner.
“So, you are here.” I said after I found him on the rooftop. He only stands there unmoving. “Still angry?” I asked.
“Not anymore.” He answered.
“I doubt she will stalk you after your outburst just now.” I laughed.
“She better be.” He let out a snort.
“Hey, Noct.”
“What was the meaning of the word carved in the golden watch?” I asked as I took out the watch from my dress’ small pocket.
“Are you curious about that?” He asked.
“Very.” Was my answer.
“That is-” He walked closer to me without breaking the eye contact. He stands right in front of me, making me wait with bated breath. He bends down so his mouth right beside my ear, and whispers softly. “Eternal bond.” After saying that, he stood straight. A small smile on his lip, satisfied with my now blushing face.
“You-! Can just say it normally.” I glared at him. The futile glare only makes him smiles. He pulls me toward him. “Wha-” I blinked rapidly as he pressed his lips to mine.
‘Unable to process. [Name].exe crashed.’
I suddenly wake up from my nap and look at my surrounding. I am in my room, the same room before all of that happen, my workbook is still on my desk untouched. “I see, that was a dream after all.” I said disappointed. I blush again remembering the last part of the dream. “What an outrageous dream I had.” I sweatdropped. I put my finger on my lips as if I can still feel the warmth.
“[Name], you idiot. That was just a dream.” I scolded myself. “Rather than thinking about it, I should take a bath.” I mumbled walking to the bathroom. Unbeknown to me there are a ring necklace with my name and a golden watch with its lid opened on my desk.
“Our bond is eternal”
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dunedan-estel · 3 years
Someone's Sunrise (OC X Terra)
Pairing: Aegis x Terra Genre: Fluff Warnings: Talk of injuries (correction: frustration over injuries) but nothing detailed - only mentioning where the injuries are and the impact they've had (in minor detail relatively speaking). Words: 1, 347 Requested: Yes, by @roxyas Prompt 63 from the sensory prompt list - Indigo skies just before dawn. Tagging: @crqstalite!
Note: Not sure how close this remained to the prompt, but I hope you guys enjoyed it! I may do another version from Terra's POV (same prompt, different story). My current situation was apparently self-projected onto Aegis a-whoops XD But sometimes you just gotta let it out. Also, some terrible flirting I am very sorry.
Post KH3!
Once again, sorry if the read more doesn't work! Comments, reblogs, replies, comments in the tags, and dms about this work are welcome" Requests for further Terraegis fics (with as little angst as possible!) are welcome :)
Aegis nearly tripped down the final flight of stairs at four in the morning - for the most part, her injuries from the battles at Keyblade Graveyard a month and a half ago had healed, but there were still a few muscles in her left leg (her dominant leg and, unfortunately, the most injured foot to top it all off) giving her issues. A misstep at the arch of her foot had caused her to tense and exhale in pain, which thankfully lasted for a minute at most. The tension in her leg, however, made it buckle when the back of her thigh went. Fifteen minutes of laying down on the floor with closed eyes and measured breathing weren’t what she had wearily traversed the four flights of stairs for.
Why is it always me this year….
The limp which had gone just the day before returned momentarily (yet another thing for her to be grateful for this last day), impeding her attempt to get a drink, preventing her from being able to reach for her coat of choice effectively without falling into the coat rail - the opposite of grace but the number of coats saved her from having any further injuries.
She sat with a heavy sigh. Finally… After awkwardly waddling through the front door, then to the nearby shed (nothing old and decrepit, it was no different to the rest of the castle) to retrieve a bench cushion, then traversing ground that wasn’t as flat as she remembered. Her foot was happy to not have any weight on it and she was thankful she could finally breathe.
Aegis looked at her Gummi Phone - 6.30 am, half an hour before the sun began to rise. Perfect timing. She turned off the device and nestled into her coat - whilst it was possible a little too thick for when the sun was out, the nights were starting to get colder, humidity dropping, cool winds picking up. too cold to be without anything on her arms - when the rind picked up enough to remind her autumn was coming.
And she had spent all summer recovering, unable to do anything but wallow internally in self-pity and complete frustration that she was still unable to fast walk - her favoured speed.
"I didn't think I'd find you out here." Aegis' body jumped, startled, too absorbed in trying to stay warm she didn't hear anyone. Terra's voice was the first thing she heard that cut through her focus. There was an amused smile on his face, heard through his next words. "Did I startle you?"
At this point, Aegis had pressed her right hand over her heart, her forehead on the table, whilst she breathed measuredly to calm down her heart. Still, she was amused by the situation, laughing at herself. "A little more than a startle, dear. Caught me unguarded." She straightened and pushed her fringe back over her head - though it quickly fell back down in front of her face - all be it splayed. Terra sat to her right, his hand placed on hers. “Did I wake you? I tried not to…”
“I was already awake.”
“You were?” A hum. “Not fully.”
“Oh.” She took a sip of her drink (peach and raspberry flavoured water), an attempt to mask her embarrassment. “How long?” “About… ten minutes. Heard you come back into the room - Are you blushing?” She shook her head. “No. Why would I?”
“Yes you are.” “Uh-uh. No.”
Terra grinned. “You are very quick to disagree.” He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his side. “What are you bashful over?” “Nothing….” Aegis’ voice was muffled, she buried her face into his side, breathing as controlled as usual whilst her heart was pounding.
“Is it because you were.... Being very sweet to me?” Aegis grumbled. “Am I closer to knowing?” Okay… hm… is it because you kissed my forehead before you left?”
“You smiled at me and I thought it was cute because you were asleep but you were awake, and I pulled the duvet up because you looked cold but you were messing with me…”
Terra’s grin didn’t fade. “I was trying to entice you back into bed.” His voice lowered a little, chest rumbling. If she had lifted her head, he would have spoken against her temple.
“You flirt.” She prodded his chest. “You know… you could have pulled me back into bed.” She tilted up her head. “That would have worked. And less effort.” “I’ll remember that for next time you go to watch the sunrise.”
Aegis tilted her head at his words, raising a brow in confusion. “How’d you know?” Terra gave her a look and she recalled a number of dark times in her life. “I told you it helps me didn’t I?” He hummed - a yes to her question. “My mind’s not been functioning the best this past month, I’m sorry for forgetting things I’d normally remember.” “You’re too hard on yourself.” Terra squeezed her close. “Injuries have always been hard for you.” “I know it’s silly - it’s not like it’s debilitating anymore, but… I want to do things. I want to run and fast walk, jump, go about my day, you know? But I can’t and it’s so frustrating. How my foot was healing so well and then it just hit that part where day by day feels so so little has changed. I can’t get comfy, the mornings are so hard… I know it’s going to take a long while, but I’m so tired and angry and anxious and depressed about it.”
Aegis felt Terra’s fingers at the ends of her hair. He was quiet for a little while but when he did speak, his voice was quiet, measured, like he was thinking more miles than he could process. “Why didn’t you mention it?”
Aegis shrugged. “Wouldn’t solve anything. Complaining over my own misdemeanours isn’t me. Even if it was, Aer worries more than he lets on and I’ve worried him enough these past years.” She managed to weave her arms around his torso. “Like you.”
The sigh Terra released wasn’t heard, but she knew of its existence from the rise and fall of his chest. “Keeping it inside… makes it worse.”
“I know it’s just... “ She sighed this time. “I haven’t had anyone to talk to about things for so long, always looking out for others, I’ve just… got to get used to having people again. But I don’t want to bog people down with my injury when everyone’s together again, happy and smiling. I’m happy, really. It’s just when I stand up that it just… comes back.”
“Let me take care of you. No more hiding.” The familiarity of words she always told him - verbally or written - made her warm. Aegis was used to speaking from the heart, never expecting people to listen, that she never thought they’d be remembered or sent her direction. “Okay.”
“I mean it, Aegis.”
“I know.” She sat up enough to look up at Terra, her chin placed on the plane of his shoulder, with a smile. “I hate being fussed over, but I missed you’re fussing. It’s always comforting. Like….”
“The sunrise. When I’m not doing well, mentally, physically, whatever… it’s like the night. Maybe there’s stars and a moon, maybe it’s too cloudy to see, maybe it’s raining, maybe it’s clear skies and beautiful but still…. Dark. And cold. Frosty, maybe. But,” Aegis moved her right arm to lean on Terra’s shoulder, the backs of her fingers grazing his cheek like she was still in disbelief that he was back. “you check up on me, no judgement, doing whatever you need to, and it’s like the sun coming up through the night sky. Even if it’s raining, or cloudy, it’s never dark. I can see miles in front of me when in the middle of the countryside, miles all around me. I momentarily forget my pain, because I’m okay.”
Terra’s forehead was pressed against hers a split second later, his voice no more than a whisper. “You’re my sunrise, too.”
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planetesastraea · 3 years
On the tip of his tongue
Read Part 1: On the Tip of his Fingers
Geraskier, Modern AU - Explicit - 10 179 words - Warnings: none
Character study, developing relationship, banter, feelings, Geralt vs words, bisexual!Geralt, bottom!Geralt, top!Jaskier, first time, handjobs, blowjobs, anal sex. Also contains pizza (mentioned)
Betaed by the wonderful @oxbridge-quality-fanfiction-co​​
Read on AO3
That morning Jaskier got woken up by a soft but firm hand on his shoulder and a husky voice saying his name.
“Hmmf?” was his very articulate reply, definitely worthy of the Creative Writing and Composition in Medieval Times professor he was. “Three words or less,” he would always say to motivate his students to answer questions during class and to start a conversation. Damn, they would have been proud.
“I gotta go,” the deep voice whispered and the previous evening suddenly came back to Jaskier. Geralt. Wow. Geralt . He sat up and blinked a few times before realising his eyes were open but the sun wasn’t up yet. Geralt was but a silhouette in the dark, his smell a mix of long-forgotten aftershave and well remembered sex.
“Mmokay,” Jaskier mumbled, rubbing one eye with his palm. “Thanks for telling me,” he said sleepily. There was a pause and he realised the sentence didn’t land well.
“Sorry. Didn’t want to sneak out,” Geralt replied tightly.
“Yeano, yeah- I meant it. Sorry. Me,” Jaskier said, pointing towards his own face in the dark, and thus proving the point to no one but himself, “not a morning person.”
Geralt snorted softly. Jaskier was overcome with a powerful wave of fondness and a guttural need to reach out and kiss him. Gods bless adorable bi himbos at law.
“I should get going,” Geralt said and Jaskier thought he heard some hesitation in his voice. The mattress dipped slightly as Geralt moved to stand up, and Jaskier reached out blindly. His hand found the inside of Geralt’s elbow and then slid down softly to the man’s wrist, finding his palm.
“Wait,” Jaskier said and Geralt waited. Then it dawned on him that he was supposed to say something . “Do you want to… see me again?” he offered, truly bringing his A-game as the (supposedly) most romantic man in the continent. (He was not boasting. It had simply been brought to his attention by many of his exes, and who was he to question the opinion of the people?) He tried not to sound too hopeful but it was too early in the morning and his acting skills needed a warm-up. After all, one couldn’t just naturally wake up that good.
The silence stretched in a way that made him uncomfortable, especially since Geralt was practically invisible in front of him. Geralt’s fingers brushed his and something in his chest relaxed, but only for a moment.
“I can’t,” Geralt started, making Jaskier’s heart drop, “make promises.”
And okay that wasn’t the worst he could have said but also - uh what ? “Okay? Well I- I’m not asking you to?”
“Geralt, I- I had a really nice time with you, you know? And I’d really like to have more… nice times with you. And not just sex, I mean, yes, sex was fantastic, it was , but also, well- what I mean is, I don’t expect you to like, abandon your life or whatever, I just-” he was running out of breath. “Gosh I’m talking too much again, fuck, please, say something? I’m getting zero feedback here and you have to know I’m gonna keep talking until you cut me off-”
“Sorry,” Geralt sighed, his fingers threading between Jaskier’s. “It’s just- This is… I haven’t been with someone in a while and,” he said with hesitation and left the sentence unfinished.
And never with a man , Jaskier thought, pretty sure of what was coming next. “Right,” he said, feeling his throat tighten. Not like he wasn’t used to falling for people who just didn’t have the same life plan- or day plan , even.
“But I think I would,” Geralt said, “like to see you again, I mean.”
“Wait, what?“ Jaskier’s brain derailed.
“I’d like to see you again?” Geralt repeated and it sounded even better the second time.
"I… had a nice time, too.”
“Oh. Good,” Jaskier whispered, relief washing over him and unlocking the door to yearning. He moved forward, closer to Geralt, his hand sliding up to his shoulder, finding his cheek and feeling the beginning of a stubble under his fingers. “Good,” Jaskier murmured again. Feeling Geralt lean into him was the best reward. He moved his head closer and his nose rubbed softly against Geralt’s, the intimacy sweeter than some of the sex he’d had in the past.
Geralt inclined his head slightly and pressed a chaste, tender kiss against Jaskier’s lips.
Once they parted, phone numbers were exchanged and the soft wish of getting in touch soon was expressed - or, rather, as Jaskier put it as he walked Geralt to the door, “in touch and, well, in touch .” A freaking poet.
The morning after they “had a milkshake” - as Jaskier nicknamed their first close encounter - Geralt had gone home right before sunrise to find Eskel wide awake, sitting on the living room couch, a book on his lap. Eskel had looked at him, raised an eyebrow, and pressed his lips together to suppress a smile. “Coffee?” was all he had said and Geralt had been oh so grateful.
In the days that followed, he learned a bit more about Jaskier. He taught both poetry and musicology at university, gave private lessons, and performed with his band from time to time. Spring meant preparing finals, helping students to rehearse for auditions, and getting ready for the upcoming festivals The Bard would participate in. Between his schedule and Geralt’s, over a month had gone before they saw each other in the flesh again. But texting? Texting was definitely a Jaskier thing.
A couple of hours after Geralt had left, Jaskier had sent him a text saying “my bed misses you” . Geralt had promptly walked from one meeting to another, only realising at 6.30 pm during a phone call from Assengard, as he caught sight of the restaurant from across the street, that he had left Jaskier hanging. He tried to think of something clever on his way to pick Ciri up from her fencing class. To his surprise, his idea had worked very well on Jaskier.
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Of course, as with most things concerning Jaskier, Geralt quickly discovered, it was prone to get out of hand. The man had decided that “the milkshake” would become “a thing”. The fact that Geralt’s favourite order at Denise’s included a vanilla milkshake with cream on top was apparently hilarious for reasons Geralt could not understand.
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Since then, Geralt would receive texts from Jaskier every few days, ranging from “thinking of u” to “which one of these says ‘I am a 100%-responsible adult person who will turn your child into a virtuoso if you allow me to teach them?’” with a picture of two button-down shirts attached.
Geralt had left him on read , the bastard.
After the six most frustrating weeks of his life - yes, more frustrating than the whole summer he spent sharing a flat with a Spanish model who had very loud, very heterosexual sex on the other side of their paper-thin, shared bedroom wall - Jaskier finally got his hands back on his favourite lawyer’s ass.
They had agreed Geralt would meet him at his place that Friday after work. And so, Jaskier spent the afternoon trying to convince himself he could mark students’ essays, and was absolutely not in the hellish head-space where nervousness meets horniness. (He made it through five so he counted it as a win.)
He had changed outfits three times in two hours, and had promised Essi he absolutely was not falling for some seemingly perfect person who would then turn out to have a secret wife, three children and a dog (“Well since you’re asking, he has a very public ex-wife, one daughter, and a horse.” “A horse?” “Yup.” “What the hell?” “I have no fucking clue.”)
Jaskier was busy adjusting a sofa pillow to make it appear tidy-but-casual when the bell rang, making him jump out of his skin.
When he opened the door, Geralt looked like he was two seconds away from running back down the stairs and disappearing forever in some mysterious vineyard near Toussaint. Geralt, being the absolute asshole that he was, also looked like a fucking god amongst humans so Jaskier’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of him once again. He had almost forgotten how stunning the man was.
“Hi,” Geralt said.
Jaskier shook himself out of his dreamy smitten state and felt a tingle in his cheeks as he blushed. “Hey, come on in,” he said, waving the man inside.
Geralt had his hair tied in a casual bun and was wearing a black winter coat way above Jaskier’s pay grade. Gods, what a sight. Jaskier was fucked .
“Are you-”
“So how’s-”
They both started and stopped at the same time, which made Jaskier laugh and Geralt shake his head as he looked away, a side of his mouth rising into a smile. Boy, Jaskier thought, if Geralt was half as fond of him as he was of Geralt, they’d be married in three years, move to a farm in five, and adopt every stray dog in the area a year after that at the latest.
“Can I take your coat?” Jaskier offered.
As Geralt nodded, Jaskier got his hands on the lapels of Geralt’s coat, fingers absent-mindedly pressing against Geralt’s chest, feeling the soft wool, and the strong pecs underneath all the layers. A moment passed and he realised Geralt hadn’t moved an inch. He stopped staring at his own hand and, as he looked up, realised Geralt was looking at him. Or more like, looking at his mouth.
There was a beat and they both moved forward, catching each other’s lips.
“Fuck, is it ok to say I’ve missed you?” Jaskier breathed between two kisses.
“Hmm,” Geralt replied, pushing Jaskier against the door and leaving his lips to kiss and suck the skin of his neck.
“Ah, okay, I’ll take that as a yes,” he half-moaned and got Geralt’s mouth back against his, kissing like he just couldn’t get enough- because he couldn’t. Geralt got rid of his coat, letting it fall onto the floor.
“M-maybe we should take a second to hang it. It looks expensive.”
“It’s a gift from my ex,” Geralt mumbled against Jaskier’s skin, biting tentatively at his Adam’s apple.
“Or we could stomp all over it,” Jaskier deadpanned. Geralt laughed against his throat and Jaskier felt it resonate through his chest.
“So you’re the possessive kind, then?”
“Uh,” Jaskier bit his lip, “only if that turns you on.”
Geralt kissed a line up to Jaskier’s ear and caressed him through his trousers as he nibbled at his earlobe. In the softest, most quiet whisper, he murmured: “It does.”
Jaskier groaned with pleasure and Geralt kissed him in earnest, his hand still fondling the man’s inseam. He pressed his pelvis against Jaskier’s and both moaned from the supplementary friction.
“Let me try something?” Geralt asked against Jaskier’s lips before promptly getting down onto his knees.
“Oh, wow, okay,” Jaskier gasped as Geralt went straight for his belt. “Ah- w-wait, you- you sure?”
Geralt rolled his eyes, undoing the man’s button and zipper until Jaskier’s hands came to rest softly over his.
“No, I’m serious, you don’t have to.”
"I know,” Geralt answered, looking up at him. “I want to.”
“Okay. Okay. Just stop if it’s not good with you, right?”
He pulled Jaskier’s trousers down, not wasting any time. The curved line of his hardening cock was obvious under his underwear and Geralt slowed down, caressing the back of Jaskier’s thigh with one hand, the other moving up to his crotch. He palmed Jaskier through his boxer briefs (his navy blue boxer briefs) and was delighted to see him try to control his breathing through the surging wave of desire.
“Take them off for me?” Geralt asked, his voice rough with arousal.
Jaskier breathed out shakingly and slid his thumbs under the waistband, pulling his underwear down under Geralt’s relentless attention. Unable to stop himself, Jaskier took his own cock in hand and stroked himself, humming with pleasure with the first movement of his wrist. Geralt was sitting on his ankles, mesmerised.
“You like watching?” Jaskier asked, and even though the answer was pretty obvious, Geralt didn’t say it out loud. He raised to his knees, kissing the inside of Jaskier’s thighs, every breath softly tickling Jaskier’s skin, the hand maintaining its rhythm.
Moving upwards, Geralt’s tongue darted out to lick Jaskier’s balls, surprising him so much the back of his head hit the door, generating a moan which turned into a wince and then back into a moan again. Geralt’s smile shaped the kiss he pressed on Jaskier’s thigh as his fingers brushed through the man’s pubic hair, and slid up to find Jaskier’s hand, slowing it down.
Jaskier felt Geralt’s hot breath coming closer to his cock and had to bite his lower lip when the other man’s lips brushed against his fingers, kissing them one by one, silently asking him to let go. Jaskier didn’t need much convincing until, of course, fuck his goddamn unstoppable brain, a thought occurred to him.
“Wait!” he exclaimed and, at least, was blessed with the sight of Geralt looking up at him with surprise, his lips apart, tongue visible, and… Fuck, he looked so innocent and yet devilishly hot like this.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! Just- safety, right? You can, uh, get STIs. From, you know, sucking off someone unprotected. So you should be safe, you know.”
“Uh,” Geralt frowned. “Do you have STIs I should worry about?”
“No, I’m clean. I just mean, you know, in general.”
“I don’t need sex ed, Jaskier.”
“I know,“ he said, unconvincingly. "I’m just saying. Cause, like, it matters, and, you… well, you know.”
“I know,” he nodded even though he didn’t really. “Anything else?” he asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly.
“Well, you shouldn’t take my word for it.”
“What?” Well, he only had himself to blame, right? He did ask.
“That I’m clean. I mean you can’t take people’s word for it, sometimes people just-”
“ Jaskier. I’ve slept with strangers before,” Geralt said bluntly, missing the brief pained look on Jaskier’s face at being classified as a stranger . “You’re clean. I’m clean. If you’re fine with this, I’m fine with this.”
“Yes. Yeah, I am. I am. Sorry,” Jaskier shook his head. “Did I just ruin it? It’s just, it matters you know, so I figured-”
“Jask. I get it. It’s fine,” Geralt said, rubbing his thumbs on each of Jaskier’s hip bones. “Can I suck your cock, now?” he asked softly. Jaskier’s worries disappeared from his mind instantly, and he nodded enthusiastically about twelve times above the consent limit.
Geralt took him into his hand and stroked him, slowly but firmly, further limiting his brain’s already diminished access to oxygen. Geralt’s other hand had reached out to fondle his ass and his fingers began to lightly drum along the back of Jaskier’s thigh, brushing softly, ghosting against his skin, and sending a brand new kind of sparks of want to Jaskier’s cock.
After a few strokes, Geralt brought his lips to the base of Jaskier’s shaft, kissing the hairs in a way one could have described as chaste if it hadn’t been happening so close to another man’s dick. He then proceeded to drop fuller kisses on the soft skin of Jaskier’s cock, pressing his lips against the skin almost reverently as his hand kept working Jaskier. When he was satisfied with the soft noises and the sound of fast breathing above him, he guided his hand back to the base of Jaskier’s cock, pumping a few times before guiding the tip of Jaskier’s dick to his mouth as he licked .
“Fffuck-” Jaskier gasped, and Geralt smiled.
Wetting his lips, he opened his mouth and wrapped it around the very tip of Jaskier’s cock, kissing it wetly, his tongue running against the underside. He let go, only to kiss the side of the head with an open mouth and then took Jaskier’s cock again.
As soon as he had run into Geralt at the bar, Jaskier had been both mindlessly infatuated and completely unsure what to expect. Geralt’s enthusiasm for learning to give head was definitely one of the things he didn’t see coming.
Geralt’s hand fondled his butt cheek again. As he pressed the tip of his fingers lightly against his sacrum, Jaskier sighed and angled his pelvis forward the way Geralt’s hand invited him to. Geralt took a slow breath through his nose, obviously trying to relax as much as he could as he moved forward, taking in a little more of Jaskier in his mouth and sliding his lips over the ring of Jaskier’s cock.
“Oh,” escaped from Jaskier’s lips as Geralt drew back slightly and took more of him again. “Oh darling, oh, yes, that’s good,” he stammered, caressing Geralt’s cheek before drawing back and slapping his hand against the door to ground himself and to restrain from grabbing the back of Geralt’s neck.
Geralt groaned softly at the loss, reaching out for Jaskier’s hand, closing his eyes as soon as he felt Jaskier’s touch again. He moaned as he kept sucking him slowly, clearly enjoying the guiding hand on his cheek.
“Oh, darling,” Jaskier moaned. His thumb rubbed softly against Geralt’s stubbly cheekbone before his hand slid against his cheek and jaw encouragingly. “Oh, that’s good, yeah that’s- Keep going, love,” he whispered again.
Biting his lower lip, Jaskier kept caressing Geralt’s cheek, whispering sweet nothings and sliding his fingers through the other man’s hair, convinced Geralt would have purred around his cock if he could.
"That’s really good, sweetheart,” and as Geralt enthusiastically took him a tad deeper, he just couldn’t help himself. “Oh, that’s my good boy ,” he moaned and Geralt all but choked on his dick.
Pulling back and resting a hand against the floor, half-slipping on his discarded coat, Geralt coughed and tried to get his breath back from choking on his own spit.
“Oh, fuck, I’m sorry-” Jaskier kneeled by him hastily - and heavily . Having his jeans pooled around his knees wasn’t exactly helping him be graceful. “You alright?”
“Fine,” Geralt rasped, a bright shade of pink all over his face. He coughed again.
“Do you need a drink or something?”
Geralt laughed brokenly through a cough. “To help me forget I could have bitten your dick off?” he asked and Jaskier huffed.
“Don’t be silly,” he smiled, brushing away the hair across Geralt’s face as he leaned to kiss him. “This cock has seen worse.”
“That’s always comforting,” Geralt mumbled against his lips.
Jaskier laughed and caught his lips into another kiss, enjoying the way Geralt sighed comfortably, and held on to the back of his neck. His hand wandered to find the hem of Geralt’s shirt and slipped under his waistband before he arrived at a bright idea. “What if - and I know it’s going to be a very bold, and novel concept, but hear me out - what if we stopped using my front door and living room floor as acceptable fucking surfaces and straight out moved to the bed?”
“Hmm,” Geralt mused falsely. “Didn’t know there was anything straight about you,” he snarked and was met with a playful slap on the breast accompanied by Jaskier’s cackling laughter.
“Oh, look who’s talking now!”
They fumbled to get Jaskier back on his feet - “well I do love to spend time on my knees” - and got rid of the jeans which were annoyingly getting in their way, to then move on to the bedroom.
His bedroom, Jaskier decided, was absolutely ruined . Nothing would ever look better than Geralt sprawled on his bed, naked, his hard cock pressed against his lower belly. If Geralt ever decided to break things off with him - a thought which, despite people often calling him dramatic, he knew was perfectly realistic - Jaskier would have to change the room entirely. He would repaint the walls, get new furniture, burn the bed, maybe, or - to simplify - move places. No, there was no way a single soul could ever sleep on sheets which had touched Geralt’s skin without missing his presence like any respectable bard would miss their medieval lute.
At that moment, however, this bard was straddling Geralt’s lap, his arms around Geralt’s neck, while being held around his middle and kissed languorously. They were both naked, every inch of skin yearning to feel the other, and not a single thing was amiss.
“Would you like to touch yourself for me, darling?” Jaskier asked between two kisses, his voice low and syrupy.
A groan came from the bottom of Geralt’s throat and vibrated against Jaskier’s tongue.
“Fuck, I love the noises you make,” he whispered against Geralt’s lips, catching the man’s tongue in another open-mouth kiss.
Geralt started stroking his own cock and howled, and Jaskier broke the kiss unintentionally, unable to stop smiling at the sheer bestiality of the man.
Jaskier smacked his lips against Geralt’s a few more times as Geralt chased his mouth for more. Curving his hand around Geralt’s cheek, he kissed him one more time before slipping his thumb on his lips. He didn’t expect Geralt to kiss his finger, chastely, then lick its tip and lustfully take it in his mouth. Jaskier didn’t sigh as much as he whined .
“Would you prepare yourself for me?” Jaskier asked, making his intentions clearer, his voice a bit hesitant but hopeful.
Geralt let go of his thumb, letting Jaskier caress his lips lovingly. “Maybe it’s better if you do it,” he said, kissing the inside of Jaskier’s palm in an obvious attempt to hide his face.
“Is it?” Jaskier asked, and Geralt closed his eyes, something like regret written on his face.
“I’m not very good at it,” he grimaced.
“You’ve done it before?”
Geralt hummed, uncomfortable. “Since last time,” he clarified. “It didn’t really- I don’t know, maybe it’s not my thing,” he shrugged, still avoiding Jaskier’s eyes.
“Hey,” Jaskier whispered, his voice coated with kindness, unable to stop himself as he tipped Geralt’s chin up and pressed a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips. “You can’t become a virtuoso on the first try,” he said.
Geralt frowned but then hid his discomfort behind a playful look. “Are you saying my ass is a musical instrument-”
“Shush, you!” Jaskier giggled. “I’m trying to be serious, for once!” he chastised him.
Geralt snickered and hid his face back into Jaskier’s hand, softly kissing his wrist.
“Maybe you had one of the best orgasms of your life the first time you rubbed one out but we , regular human beings, had to work for it,” he paused for more dramatic flair. “L ong and hard and again and again …” he wiggled his eyebrows and Geralt snorted. “We learn what feels good and what doesn’t. Just because you’re ol-” Geralt gave him a pointed look “ -der doesn’t mean you don’t need to get to know yourself.”
“Nice save,” Geralt deadpanned.
“I know, right? Almost seamless,” Jaskier smiled back, clearly full of shit, and went in for a kiss.
“Hmm,” Geralt sighed. “I think I’d rather-” he hesitated, “get on with it, you know.”
“Get on with it?” It was Jaskier’s turn to raise an unconvinced eyebrow.
“Yeah, just get it done.”
“My, what a romantic you are,” Jaskier snickered and Geralt rolled his eyes, trying to make amends by rubbing Jaskier’s skin with his thumb where his hand rested on his hip.
“You just said it, first times suck. I just gotta- get through it and then, well. Hopefully, we get to the good stuff.”
“G- get through it ? You know this isn’t CrossFit, right?”
Geralt snorted. “You know what I mean,” Geralt said, then bit his lip as he frowned, pressing his forehead against Jaskier’s. “You know I’m not-,” he waved his hand, “good at this.”
He puffed. “Yeah, words.”
“Yeah, I got that. I hear you.” Jaskier smoothly brushed a strand of hair back behind Geralt’s ear. “There’s something else I heard. ‘First times suck’ ? Well challenge accepted, my dear,” he said and Geralt laughed as he kissed him again.
Geralt let himself be slowly pushed down to the bed as they kissed, his hands moving up Jaskier’s back, feeling the muscles along the way. His hand reached the back of Jaskier’s neck, covering it for a moment before he buried his fingers into the man’s hair as they softly ground against each other.
Jaskier slid his hand between them, giving both of their cocks a pull before moving lower. “Raise your legs for me, darling?” he asked in low tones, sliding his hands under Geralt’s knees. He could feel Geralt slightly tensing up as he set his feet to the mattress. It didn’t feel like it had anything to do with the scar Jaskier had brushed with his fingertips.
“Shouldn’t I be on my hands and knees?” he asked in a breath while Jaskier’s hands found their way back to his chest.
“You could,” he kissed a spot on his jaw, caressing Geralt’s pectoral. “You don’t have to.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier?” his voice was fairly tight and Jaskier faintly wondered if it was any clue to the state of his ass- and then kept the thought very much to his stupid dick-jokes self.
“Nah, not necessarily,” he whispered, trying to make his hands into a calming, solid presence against Geralt’s skin, caressing his breasts, his ribs, his clavicles, lining his scars with the care they deserved. Whichever God carved this man’s body, Jaskier swore to worship them until the end of his days.
“It can be straining to hold that position. Also…” Jaskier raised himself to face Geralt, picking up the man’s hand as it slipped over his shoulder and kissed the root of each finger. “We don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable with it,” he said. “We don’t have to do it today.” He weaved his fingers between Geralt’s and kissed their tips. “And we don’t have to do it ever.”
Geralt’s face became closed off as he took a slow breath in, bolting up the gates before Jaskier had a chance to read him. He raised to meet Jaskier, his hand finding the perfect place at the back of his neck, and kissed him earnestly.
“I want you to fuck me,” he said against his lips.
“Yeah?” Jaskier gasped. “Got you, loud and clear,” Jaskier whispered and leaned into another kiss.
He broke away from Geralt to reach his nightstand drawer, pulling out some lube and condoms. He grabbed a pillow, invited Geralt to raise his hips and slid it underneath.
“Now, where was I?” he said under his breath, settling between Geralt’s legs and rubbing their bodies against each other. Geralt moaned and wrapped a leg around Jaskier’s pelvis, grinding back eagerly.
Holding his thigh with one hand, Jaskier began kissing his neck, licking and biting the skin at his throat, intending to take care of every inch of Geralt’s body. He licked one of Geralt’s nipples, extracting a moan from Geralt when he sucked and scraped his teeth against the strong muscle of his tit. Feeling Geralt slowly relax under his hands, he headed lower, kissing the pale hairy line that led from his navel to his cock.
He squeezed Geralt’s cock gently, carefully caressing the tip with his thumb and watching the precome spread, shiny against the soft skin. He looked up at Geralt as he moved his hand steadily up and down, a spark of ecstasy jumping from his heart to his cock at the sight of Geralt, eyes closed, biting his lower lip. Every moment assured Jaskier that pleasuring this man was actually his entire life’s purpose.
Geralt hummed with pleasure as Jaskier wrapped his lips around his cock, already struggling not to buck his hips when Jaskier took more of him in his mouth.
Jaskier couldn’t help but hum around his dick as he took it in, playing with depth and rhythm like a true maestro, his fingers threading through the light grey curls of Geralt’s pubes. He then let go of Geralt’s cock with an obscene pop that made him laugh and licked up from the spot right above Geralt’s balls.
Geralt’s hips stirred in both pleasure and surprise.
Jaskier got his hands back on the lube as he kissed and licked the man’s balls, encouraged by the whines and groans that escaped Geralt’s throat. He warmed his lubed fingers against each other and caressed Geralt’s ass with what he wouldn’t deny was absolute adoration. “Can I touch you, darling?” he asked, his voice a bit rough.
Geralt breathed a “yeah” and sounded almost like he was begging but Jaskier gracefully didn’t comment on it. (He, however, definitely took note.) Instead, he slid a hand between Geralt’s cheeks and brushed a finger against his hole as his mouth drove back down Geralt’s beautifully thick cock.
Jaskier teased a little, trying out different pressures against the man’s hole before the song of Geralt’s moans left no room for doubt. He slid his forefinger in while his other hand caressed Geralt’s inner thigh and finally felt the heat of Geralt’s body wrapped around his finger. He pulled back slightly and pushed again, this time steadily driving his finger deeper, synching his hand with the movements of his neck.
Despite Geralt’s frequent struggles with words, his gasps and moans were graced with great clarity and proved sufficient to let Jaskier know he was right to keep going. As far as non-verbal cues go, he also quickly found delight in feeling the walls of Geralt’s ass tightening around him and the taste of more precome coating his tongue.
“ Ah , your mouth,” Geralt moaned, reaching out and grasping onto Jaskier’s hair.
Jaskier closed his eyes and moaned, aching for better friction than the bit of sheet he could rub his cock against. Grabbing the lube with one hand, he couldn’t help but jerk himself a couple of times as Geralt’s hand kept pulling his hair with each bop of his head.
Pointedly slowing down and looking up, he waited for Geralt’s attention to focus on him. He made a point of keeping their eyes locked as he shamelessly pulled up and let go of his cock. “D’you want another finger, honey?” he asked, perfectly aware of how depraved he had to look with his hair astray and his lips as probably as crimson as the tip of Geralt’s cock.
Geralt pulled him closer and met him with a crushing kiss as he nodded and moaned against Jaskier’s brow. “Hm- wait,” he breathed, holding Jaskier back as he started to let go, “I haven’t touched you at all,” he complained, his hands cupping Jaskier’s ass in a kind but firm grasp.
“Ah- It’s alright, love,” Jaskier said. “We’ve got time for that,” he smiled against Geralt’s lips but before he could leave again, Geralt grabbed his hand.
“I want you to feel as good as I do,” he breathed.
“Oh, trust me, darling, I’m feeling fantastic,” Jaskier grinned. They kissed one more time before Geralt let go of him and Jaskier drove his attention back to his lover’s lower body.
Geralt sighed as he settled his head back against his pillow, muttering something about how Jaskier was going to kill him.
Jaskier brought one hand at the base of Geralt’s cock, put his mouth back to work and fingered him a little while longer before adding another slick finger. Geralt whined and Jaskier reached out for his hand, threading their fingers together, hoping Geralt would know it was his way of checking in before Geralt sighed “ Yeah, s’good ,” in a tone that sounded pretty far gone.
He fucked Geralt with his fingers a few tentative times and curled them softly on the way out. In case he had any doubt his fingers were brushing against the right spot, Geralt’s hips jerked, driving his cock further down Jaskier’s throat.
“Ah, fuck ,” Geralt moaned. “Fuck, sorry,” slipped from his lips as if he was holding back so many more words.
Jaskier squeezed his hand in reassurance and kept sucking on Geralt’s dick until he could feel him tremble. He rubbed against Geralt’s prostate, drinking in every noise leaving the man’s lips, every movement revealing his pleasure.
“Ah, Jask,” Geralt moaned again, clutching to Jaskier’s hand like nothing would ever be able to make him let go. “Jas- Jaskier, ah , Jask, wait, I’m gonna-”
His hips buckled and his back raised from the mattress as he came, mouth open, gasping. He moaned and groaned as Jaskier kept fucking him onto his fingers until he was done spilling.
Jaskier slid his fingers out of Geralt’s ass, unable not to pull on his own cock even as he wiped off his mouth and tried to catch his breath, resting his forehead against the soft flesh of Geralt’s hip.
“Fuck,” Geralt whispered as he stretched, the last tingles of pleasure leaving his body. He brought his hands to his face, covering his blush and groaned “ fuck ” in a wholly different tone.
“Hey,” Jaskier gasped, slowing down the movements of his wrist and bringing his other hand to touch Geralt’s arm. “Hey, you alright?”
“Hmm,” he groaned from under his hands.
“What’s wrong, darling?” he asked and Geralt huffed.
“I just came like a teenager, darling ,” Geralt mumbled, the edge of his sarcasm largely smoothed out by post-coital bliss.
Jaskier chuckled. “No, you didn’t. You held up really well,” he said, caressing Geralt’s forearm. “My charms were simply too mighty for you to keep it in any longer,” he whispered, and kissed his other wrist and hand, hoping Geralt would emerge from his hiding place.
Geralt groaned again, unconvinced, but let his hand slip away when Jaskier kissed his knuckles, allowing the other man to paint his cheek with the sweet brush of his lips.
“I wanted you,” Geralt whispered, in a weak, almost plaintive way.
“I’m still right here, love,” Jaskier whispered back. “You still have me,” he said at the corner of Geralt’s lips, pressing his mouth softly against his. He found Geralt pressing back with the same tenderness then savouring the taste his own come on Jaskier’s tongue.
They stayed like this for a moment, simply enjoying the warmth of each other’s arms, slowly kissing and holding each other.
“Do you need me?” Geralt asked after Jaskier buckled against his hips involuntarily.
“If your schedule allows it,” Jaskier joked, hiding his face in his neck and humming as he rubbed himself against Geralt.
“What do you want?” Geralt asked, caressing the length of Jaskier’s back, pressing his fingers along the muscles, waking up every fibre of Jaskier’s body.
“This,” Jaskier murmured, “This is perfect.”
He rubbed himself slowly against Geralt as the man covered him in caresses, the callousness of Geralt’s hands contrasting with the softness of his gestures. He ground against Geralt’s hip lazily, welcoming the pressure of Geralt’s hands on his ass, feeling the imprint of each finger into his flesh. His cock was still smeared with lube and the mess he’d spit onto Geralt’s pelvis made for a dirty, wonderful help.
“You look so good like this,” Geralt whispered, kissing a spot under his ear. “You feel so good against me,” he said softly, his tenderness almost making Jaskier come on the spot.
“ Ah , please, touch me,” he begged and Geralt reached for his cock like a servant knight, enthusiastically escorting him to rapture as Jaskier fucked into his hand again and again and again , his shout resonating through the bedroom as he came.
Geralt held him as Jaskier made his way back down, their bodies sweaty and well spent, comfortably intertwined.
After a while during which Jaskier’s mind drifted and fluttered between sleep and consciousness, he adjusted his body to kiss the side of Geralt’s jaw.
“Care to be introduced to my shower?” he asked sleepily.
“Hmm. Good call,” Geralt nodded, and pressed a kiss against his temple.
When Geralt walked out of the shower, freshly cleaned up and smelling like Jaskier’s lemon soap, his clothes were neatly arranged on the bed. He got dressed and followed the sound of Jaskier’s humming, finding him in the kitchen frowning at some delivery menus. He was biting his lip, seeming pretty conflicted and Geralt surprised himself thinking: shit, he’s cute.
He kept expecting to have a change of heart any minute now. It was, after all, bound to happen, the next logical step, the most probable outcome: one morning he would wake up and realise that surely this had all been fun but he wasn’t into it anymore. He just had gotten a bit confused and wasn’t actually feeling so much for this man- or any other man, or any other person for that matter.
After splitting up with Yen, he thought he’d never grow fond of someone enough to want anything (at least anything more than sex, but even sex was quite low on his list of priorities). With Jaskier, though- it was like every other day, Geralt would find another thing he’d like to share with the handsome man who had run into him and insisted on sticking around.
“Hey,” Jaskier said, noticing him in the doorway. “So I was thinking, either Casa Lauretta or Athumani’s Kitchen , what do you think? And before you say anything- I know , take out again, but I can’t both try to seduce you and subject you to my cooking.”
Geralt snorted. “You’ve had me in your bed already. Twice. ” he said, raising a playful eyebrow. “At what point will you consider me successfully seduced?”
“Uh, I don’t know, some time between the third dog and the second honeymoon, I guess?” Jaskier pretended to ponder.
Geralt blinked at him and his smile froze on his face. He often struggled with words to begin with but Jaskier mastered the art of leaving him speechless. Banter was his realm. Jaskier knew the terrain by heart and he revelled in it. He was light on his feet and quick on his toes. Every time Geralt tried to play his game and stepped towards Jaskier, the distance separating them seemed to grow.
He felt like a novice trying to catch up with a man who had hiked the trail his whole life, knew its twists and turns by heart. No matter how much he tried to relax and enjoy the sights by Jaskier’s side, he still felt the man would always be ahead of him. Like he would never be able to catch up and stay stuck in the land of the new and uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat. “What’s in these cupboards of yours?“ he asked, brushing past Jaskier to open a few of them. At first, the answer seemed to be both everything and not much at all . But after initial confusion, he realised Jaskier might actually have a system.
Items weren’t sorted by kind but rather by what goes well together: canned mushrooms next to rice, coconut milk next to curry powder, sliced bread between jam and mustard. He wasn’t sure why "365 Lesser-known Eastern Medieval Poems” was stacked with cereals, or why Jaskier’s watch was in a bowl, but he could find out with time.
Something tickled the back of his neck and he realised Jaskier was playing with his hair, a bit of a smitten look on his face. As Geralt looked at him, Jaskier froze and blushed.
“Sorry,” he said, retreating his hand. “I love your hair,” he said sheepishly.
“I lost my hairband somewhere,” Geralt said, looking around.
“It looks good like this too,” Jaskier said. “Pretty sure it looks good all the time,” he smiled and brushed an escapee strand of hair back behind Geralt’s ear.
And here it was: another immensely confusing thing about Jaskier. The man radiated self-confidence 99% of the time. He could bathe in the attention of a crowd, flirt shamelessly with a complete stranger and whisper the filthiest words, dirtiest things- he could fantasize out loud about getting married to a man he’d only known for a few weeks. Yet there was also a shyness about the smallest of things, a vulnerability . It made Geralt want to pick him up and take him to safety- and he was perfectly aware of how ridiculous that sounded. But it felt like maybe, Jaskier’s hidden, more reserved side was a path where they could meet halfway.
He leaned towards him and kissed the corner of Jaskier’s mouth. “Thank you,” he said.
Jaskier smiled and his whole face illuminated. “How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Good,” Geralt nodded, taking his attention back to the cupboard. And so here he was again, taking a step back on what had started to feel like a comfortable route and stiffly navigating in between the metaphorical potholes on the road leading to Jaskier. As it turned out, talking about how his ass felt after getting fingered was not Geralt’s forte either. But Jaskier - in a moment of extreme humility - had described himself as a master of words and rhythm and that’s exactly what he was. He could use any word, touch upon any topic, express any emotion. Jaskier had a whole planisphere at his disposal, a means to take any road; Geralt had shitty directions and a compass that only told North once in a blue moon.
“No pain?”
“No,” he answered, closed the cupboard and exited Jaskier’s personal space to grab the menus. “Maybe delivery’s better, you’re right,” he said.
“Hmm,” Jaskier answered. “You do that a lot,” he pointed out.
Geralt gave him a look above his shoulder. “What?”
“Changing topics. Avoiding conversations,” Jaskier explained lightly. His tone was not judgemental. He was merely making an observation.
And so, “I’m not,” Geralt lied. He only realised he had lied the second he heard himself. Fuck . “I didn’t realise there was more to say.” Less of a lie. Not quite a half-truth.
Jaskier sighed softly and settled next to Geralt, pressing his forearms against the kitchen counter. "Margherita, then?” he asked. Geralt could see the tight shape of his lips and the square angle of his shoulders. Jaskier had obviously seen right through him but was dropping the subject for his sake.
“You’re disappointed,” he said and Jaskier’s head shot back up to look at him.
“With the pizza options?” Jaskier joked weakly.
“With,” he hesitated. “Me.”
“No-” Jaskier argued right away, raising his hand to cut him off. But Geralt knew how it was, what people expected, not unfairly, versus how little he could offer.
“It’s fine,” Geralt said. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I-,” he paused to weigh his words carefully, eyes focused on the menus. "I’m not very good at-” he hesitated then snorted under Jaskier’s confused look. “ Opening up ?” he said, raising an eyebrow in Jaskier’s direction.
Jaskier laughed and reached out to rest his hand over Geralt’s. “Well, we’ve talked about this,” he said, with a shine in his eyes. “Practice makes better.” Geralt hummed, looking at Jaskier’s hand over his. To his surprise, Jaskier retracted his hand somewhat suddenly and he missed the weight of it right away. “And it’s not like we know each other that well, as you said,” he shrugged, at the edge of Geralt’s field of vision.
“I am ok,” he said, answering Jaskier’s previous question more honestly. “Bit weird but ok.” His brain then caught up with Jaskier’s words a moment too late; as you said ?
"Okay,” Jaskier said, offering a shy smile. “I- it’s okay if it doesn’t come naturally to you. I just- well, I’d just like you to be more comfortable with me. But we’ll get there, right?”
Geralt swallowed, closing and opening the hand that was resting on the counter to get rid of a slight tremor. Saying yes would have been another lie. He couldn’t make that promise. He had tried before, thought that maybe if he forced himself to be enough then things would work out eventually- but they hadn’t.
And so it would have been easy to say no , to back off entirely. He could tell Jaskier he wasn’t interested in building something, just wanted an easy fuck, to experiment a bit, and had simply gotten lucky enough to find a guy who wasn’t repelled by his shitty personality and off-putting scars. It would have been so easy- to tell Jaskier, “I don’t know what you thought you were getting out of this, but you won’t get me .” It was complete and absolute bullshit, a sad pack of lies, but it would be so much easier. He could get back to his life, his job, his kid and the handful of friends he still had, and never think about blue eyes or milkshakes again.
If only the thought didn’t make him nauseous.
Fuck, he wanted this.
“This isn’t casual for you, is it?” he asked, voice tight, and Jaskier startled, almost taking a step back. His face made an odd succession of expressions and he opened his mouth a couple of times before closing it again.
“I- I can be casual. I can be very casual. That’s not a problem, that’s not a- but I-,” he sighed and brushed his hand through his hair nervously. “Fuck, you really don’t fuck around, do you?” Geralt tried to come up with something to say but Jaskier shook his head, his voice way calmer now even if a bit wavering. “No. No, I don’t think I want to be casual with you. And- And you- you don’t w-”
“Me neither,” Geralt cut in before panic took over Jaskier.
The man’s eyes grew a little wider. “You neither?” he asked, and fuck if that wasn’t the most obvious display of naked hope Geralt had ever seen on anybody’s face.
Geralt shook his head and Jaskier seemingly had to fight a full-body shiver.
Jaskier walked the two steps separating them and kissed Geralt with his entire soul. When he pulled back, Geralt leaned into him again for another taste of his tongue. He brought a hand to Jaskier’s cheek and kissed him with feeling. When they parted, he kept his eyes closed, pressing his forehead to Jaskier’s, the tip of his fingers grazing the short hair behind his ear.
“I’m not used to wanting…” Geralt said. “Sex is good. But usually I don’t- I don’t want more. With you, I- I don’t want to ru- to leave . And it’s…”
“Weird, isn’t it?” Jaskier offered, his voice tight but tone playful. The shy smile on his lips was a delicious cherry on top, making the teasing even softer. (Little did Jaskier know that a cherry was the only thing in Geralt’s opinion that could ever improve a creamy vanilla milkshake.)
“Yeah, it’s weird,” Geralt huffed. Jaskier kissed him, and after working through so many words, Geralt ran out of things to say. “So, yeah. Margherita’s good,” he whispered, and it was his turn to make Jaskier laugh. The man cleared his throat and sighed like a weight had been taken off his chest.
“I can’t believe you said all that before even knowing Lauretta delivers vanilla milkshakes,” he said and Geralt poked him in the ribs until they half-wrestled, laughing, Jaskier’s back hitting the fridge- and they were kissing again.
They talked over dinner for a while. Jaskier came up with questions for Geralt to answer, helping him ease into a casual conversation. They teased and flirted and laughed, and soon ended up in bed again, tasting each other’s skin and leaning into each other’s curves.
“Full disclosure?” Jaskier whispered against Geralt’s mouth as he was straddling him. “I really fucking love those tits of yours,” he said, cupping Geralt’s chest with his two hands. Geralt scoffed in between two kisses.
“They’re called pecs,” he said, enjoying the way Jaskier’s hands were basically venerating his chest.
“Nuh-uh,” Jaskier replied, “I, good sir, am an artist, not an anatomist, and these are definitely some of the most magnificent boobies I have ever had the chance to see, touch and lick,” he said, brushing a nipple with his thumb while kissing Geralt’s jaw.
Geralt snorted and kept caressing Jaskier’s incredibly precious ass.
Jaskier sighed with contentment. “So, tell me your secret,” he mumbled against Geralt’s skin, finding a tendon in Geralt’s neck and following it with his lips, tongue and teeth. “How does a corporate lawyer get as buff as you?”
Geralt’s laugh was more of a scoff as he felt the more-or-less accidental brush of Jaskier’s cock against his.
“You’re one to talk,” he groaned, getting his hand into Jaskier’s hair and pulling him into a kiss. “Have you seen yourself, Professor?”
Jaskier suddenly pulled back, eyes wide and cheeks pink. “I- well- I mean I’m nothing close to- Your body is,” he huffed, seemingly at loss for words which was a very odd thing coming from Jaskier.
“Jaskier,” Geralt said, bringing his hand to the small of the man’s back, and squinted. “You know you’re hot, right?” he asked seriously and witnessed Jaskier dissolve into a fit of giggles, ducking his head and blushing even harder.
“I’m- nah, I’m not-”
“ Jaskier ,” Geralt repeated with intent.
“I mean, I’m fine but I’m not- you’re like a, a- an underwear supermodel.”
Geralt snorted. “Right, they do love bodies covered with scar tissue in underwear magazines,” he said self-deprecatingly, making Jaskier frown.
“Don’t do that. You’re beautiful,” he chastised.
“If you say so-” Geralt shrugged.
“I do say so. Les Dessous de Beauclair can go fuck itself,” Jaskier replied and Geralt snorted again.
“Point still stands,” Geralt said. “You’re hot.”
Jaskier looked away again, biting his lower lip. “Wh-,” he started and then closed his mouth right away.
“What is it?”
“Nothing,” he shook his head.
“Jaskier? I’m the one who isn’t much of a talker. There can’t be two of us,” he said, and Jaskier laughed, then hid his face in the crook of Geralt’s neck, wrapping his arms around Geralt’s shoulders.
“What do you like about me?” he asked, his voice so small Geralt barely heard him. He let a moment pass, wondering where to start and how. He slid a hand at the back of Jaskier’s neck, caressing the short strands of hair.
“This,” he said. “Your hair right here. It’s short but long enough that I can grab it,” he felt Jaskier smile against his neck.
” Kinky ,“ Jaskier whispered.
“And I like your eyes,” Geralt said, too focused on picking the right words to get sidetracked. “At the bar, I-” he hesitated, pacing himself. “I noticed your eyes first,” he said and swallowed.
Jaskier hugged him tighter. “I love your eyes too,” he mumbled into Geralt’s hair. "They’re incredible.”
Geralt managed to duck his head and press a soft kiss below Jaskier’s ear. “Your cheekbones,” he said, his mouth finding the sweet spot at the base of Jaskier’s neck. “Your shoulders,” he whispered, kissing Jaskier’s clavicle, loosening their embrace to keep going lower. “Your collarbones,” he nipped his teeth at the bone above Jaskier’s chest, “they’re really, really hot,” he said and Jaskier giggled, still hiding his face by pressing his forehead against Geralt’s temple.
Geralt brought his hands up Jaskier’s back and felt him shiver, Jaskier’s hips startling gently against his, bringing a soft moan from the both of them. “Your back,” he said, “I really love your back- and your ass, gods ,” he linked his hands behind Jaskier’s neck and rolled his hips, their moans echoing through the room. “ Ah , and those fucking arms of yours,” Geralt whispered. “Have you seen those arms?” he repeated, still softly rubbing their cocks together with slow movements of his hips and caressing Jaskier’s arm. “I’m sure you could lift me up with those arms,” he said and Jaskier groaned. “Would you like that?” he asked. “Would you- would you like to hold me up and fuck me?”
“Oh, fuck,” Jaskier moaned, his face pressed against Geralt’s cheek. “Fuck, fuck, yes, yes please, yes,” he begged, and Geralt grabbed the hair at the back of his neck and pulled just enough for Jaskier to whine with pleasure as they both rushed in an almost bruising kiss.
Jaskier had a hard time pulling away from Geralt, but finally managed to turn towards the bedside table to retrieve lube and condoms.
Geralt flushed himself against his back, tearing a moan from Jaskier as his hand directly went for Jaskier’s cock and Geralt’s dick rubbed against his ass.
“Oh fuck, yeah- yeah , we gotta do this some time too, darling,” he panted and Geralt groaned, grinding against him.
“You would like that?” he breathed, his voice low and coated with desire.
“Gods, I’d fuck you anyway you want, darling-” he moaned, “-but fffuck , if you keep going, there isn’t going to be much left of me.”
Geralt chuckled against him. He pulled back, freeing Jaskier from his embrace and sitting back against the wall.
Jaskier kneeled in between his legs and tore the package open, sliding the condom on his cock, realising after raising his eyes that he was under Geralt’s scrutiny.
“You okay?” he asked at the exact moment Geralt breathed “Come here.”
Somehow they crashed into each other, and yet fit each other’s shapes perfectly.
Geralt raised on his knees, thighs parted, Jaskier’s hands moving from his cock to his balls, making his hips jerk and his teeth close on Jaskier’s lower lip as he moaned. Jaskier slid his fingers further, caressing the sweet spot of Geralt’s perineum, making Geralt break the kiss as he gasped.
“Fuck, please, Jask-”
“I’ve got you,” Jaskier murmured, kissing him again and coating his fingers with lube.
Geralt tried his hardest not to jerk himself off here and now, attempting to focus on rubbing Jaskier’s cock while his other arm rested around the man’s neck.
Jaskier teased the rim of his asshole and got a quick return on his investment as Geralt pulled a little harder on his dick, tearing a moan from his lips. He chuckled a bit breathlessly and slid a finger inside Geralt easily. It didn’t take long at all before a second finger joined the first.
“You okay, darling?” Jaskier breathed and Geralt nodded against his cheek.
For a while, they stayed like this, settled against each other, Jaskier slowly fingering him until Geralt couldn’t stop clenching around his fingers and asking for more.
When three fingers curved into him and caressed his prostate, Geralt thought he was going to come undone. “Fuck- fuck, fuck, fuck, Jaskier-,”
“Good?” Jaskier asked a bit worriedly.
“Fuck, yes , good,” Geralt bit in a tone that was halfway between “how the fuck could it be anything but good” and “don’t you fucking dare stop” , making Jaskier laugh again.
“Okay, darling- still love the enthusiasm,” Jaskier said while Geralt whined and begged until finally, fucking finally, Jaskier agreed he was ready. Jaskier slid between his thighs, his strong, well-built arms around Geralt’s middle and Geralt realised it was probably the first time he had been held like this in his entire life.
“Touch yourself for me?” Jaskier asked, his mouth against Geralt’s before Geralt shook his head.
“Can’t- gonna come if I do,” he breathed and Jaskier kissed him again.
“Please?” he asked. “I want to make sure it feels good,” he whispered, holding onto Geralt’s middle tighter.
Geralt complied and before long Jaskier’s hips were rising to meet his body. He felt the tip of Jaskier’s cock slide between his buttcheeks and touch the soft of his ass and he startled, pulling away and pressing back against Jaskier just as fast.
“Fuck,” he swore as Jaskier whined. “Please, Jask,” he moaned as the hand on his cock started shaking. He then felt the tip of Jaskier’s cock against him again, and the steady push of Jaskier’s hips as the head of Jaskier’s cock entered him. He whined as Jaskier pushed further and lowered himself as slow as he could with the lone strength of his thighs and Jaskier’s arms wrapped around his waist.
“Ok?” Jaskier asked breathlessly. A gasp was all Geralt managed. His thoughts were an endless thread of fuck fuck fuck he couldn’t sort out in any order. “Yea- ah,” he broke, “ fuck ,”
“Is it too much?” Jaskier asked, “I can- I can stop, do you need me to stop?”
“ Don’t ,” Geralt moaned, clenching every single muscle in his body to keep Jaskier against him and eliciting a cry from Jaskier. His arms were around Jaskier’s shoulders, his forehead against the man’s temple. Geralt was holding onto him with everything he got.
“I just-” he tried to take a slow long breath thinking about everything he had learned through meditation and managed one ragged breath. “You’re a lot,” he managed in a sigh, clenching around Jaskier despite how much he tried to relax.
Jaskier’s breath caught in his throat half-way between pleasure and laughter. “I get that all the time,” he said cheekily.
“Don’t- don’t make me laugh,” he said, chuckling breathlessly, and Jaskier joined him, both trying to breathe through the involuntary clenching of Geralt’s inner muscles and the accidental movements of Jaskier’s hips.
They laughed into each other’s mouths as they kissed, mouth open, tongues licking each other’s lips, teeth biting softly, teasingly. When they were both ready, Jaskier pulled himself down as he helped Geralt raise on his knees and they met again, moaning and groaning.
“You ok?” Jaskier whispered again and by then, Geralt had no fucking idea. He had never felt so tense and relaxed at once, uncomfortable but so fucking fantastic. His nerves and his ass were on absolute fire but it was good, it was good, it was so, so-
“So good,” he growled, aware that every part of his body was probably shaking in Jaskier’s arms. “ Ah , don’t stop,” he moaned, and Jaskier, incredible, astonishing, wonderful Jaskier did not stop .
Their hips moved in sync, feeding Geralt with the kind of friction he had never imagined could feel so good.
He let himself relax entirely into Jaskier’s embrace, sliding against the whole length of Jaskier’s body, pressing torso against torso, his forehead against Jaskier’s sweaty fringe, their noises brushing, their mouths breathing the same air.
“Ye-ah?” Jaskier moaned. “You like it? You really- ah , fuck- you- ah , you feel so good, does it feel good, tell me-” he rambled, far, so far from actually needing the reassurance.
Geralt groaned. “ Yes ,” he whined, “I like it, I like it, I like you , please,” and Jaskier whined and then did something- Geralt didn’t know, something, somehow, maybe went harder or faster or different, but he pulled and pushed and Geralt lost his fucking mind. He did it again and again, kissing Geralt, licking his neck, biting on his earlobe, caressing his nipples, bruising his hips in his grasp, pulling on his cock, whispering into his ear and making him whine and moan and shout until Geralt begged to be undone.
“I’ve got you, love,” Jaskier said, “I’ve got you.” Jaskier pulled harder on his hips in a half-broken groan, making Geralt slip towards him a little more.
Geralt arched his back, moaning in delight from the new angle. His neck was left exposed for Jaskier to kiss and lick, and breathe against Geralt’s skin. Every cell in Geralt’s body was burning and electric, and boiling. Everything felt so good and so much and so Jaskier , so he begged, begged again, and again for Jaskier to hold him and kiss him and fill him as he came, and so he did. He came, held, and kissed, and filled, and perfect, and Jaskier came, too, gasping into his mouth as they fell into each other.
For a moment, there was no other sound apart from the unsteady breathing and an occasional moan from the two of them as they slowly, comfortably, came back down to earth. Jaskier moved first, turning his head to kiss Geralt’s cheek, pushing his long white hair away from his face, and Geralt turned his head lazily towards him, leaning into a kiss.
“You ok?” Jaskier whispered, probably for the hundredth time and Geralt, for the thousandth time, hummed and nodded. Soon they would detach from each other, groaning from the discomfort of their sensible muscles, their come-dirtied bellies and lube-stained sheets anything but glamorous.
But for the time being, they laid their heads against each other’s shoulders, eyes closed, content with the feeling of holding and being held.
“Hey,” Jaskier whispered.
Geralt hummed questioningly.
“Stay for breakfast?” Jaskier asked. He missed the soft smile that drew on Geralt’s lips.
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