#i just had to put this somewhere whatever it’s out ok now back to writing
rowanisawriter · 4 months
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The hard days
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.4K
Summary: reader has been struggling a bit and her girls step in.
TW: depression? Sadness
A/n I want people to know I’m still now writing much marvel but this was a special request so … yeah.
To say you felt bad would be an understatement. It had been a hard day. No. It had been a hard week filled with hard days and it just seemed to be never ending. Today you decided to tell whoever was pulling the strings to kindly fuck off. Whatever cruel game they were playing could play without you for just one day. Sure, it wouldn’t fix anything, but the bed was so comfy. The team could survive one day without you. They were big kids, and they could suck it up for once. Today was a pj and bed day. The only reason you were leaving this bed was for the bathroom and snacks.
Nat had been up since dawn as she was every day. You can take the girl out of training, but you can’t take the training out of the girl. Nat was in the gym, the boys were all away on a trip to some space conference or something Tony wasn’t in a sharing mood, so they were either in space or somewhere else, for once nat didn’t care.
After a solid three hours in the gym, she threw in the towel. Using the fluffy sports towels Tony kept in the gym nat took a shower and changed into comfier clothes. She has been up before the sun and already gone for a run before she came to the gym.
After what could only be described as the best shower of her life, nat walked to the lift and caught it to the communal floors for a hearty breakfast. Quietly she padded down the hall and into the kitchen. For once it was only Wanda at the table and they exchanged a puzzled look.
“I thought y/n was with you?” Wanda said covering her mouth which was full of jam and toast.
“I assumed she was here?” Nat responded coming to lean on the bench.
“Nope, haven’t seen her at all today.”
“Neither.” Nat frowned, you had seemed rather blue and tired when you went to bed last night but nat was willing to dismiss it as stress combined with fatigue.
“We should probably go check on her. Right?” Wanda asked putting down her half-eaten toast.
“Yeah… yeah, probably.” Nat said trying to stop herself from biting her lip. She usually did her best to suppress her anxious habits to make it easier to slide into character for missions. Wanda slides a comforting arm up and down nat arm.
“She’ll be alright. She probably just overslept.” Wanda said but they both knew you never overslept.
The two women took the lift to the floor with everyone’s rooms. Walking down to the hall at the end nat forwent knocking as her nerves got the better of her while her mind ran circles around her heart.
Opening the door, she frowned at the fact the curtains were still drawn. She looked to the bed to see a y/n sized lump cover head to toe by the blankets. Wanda stood in the doorway ready to provide backup of nat needed it.
“Y/n.” Nat said poking the lump.
“No.” Came a mumbled response.
“No?” Nat asked.
“No.” you said again.
“Y/n what’s wrong you never sleep in?” Nat asked shuffling up the bed to wrap her arms around you as best she could in this position. “Baby we just want to help.” She said softly.
“It’s … it’s all too hard.” You sobbed and Nat gently peeled back the blanket to see your tear-stained face.
“Oh honey.” She cooed and slide under the blankets to wrap you in her arms. She ran her hands through your hair while she tucked your face under her chin. “It’s ok my sweet girl. It’s ok. It will all be ok. I won’t let anything happen to you. We love you so much baby girl.” She cooed holding you tight into her chest. Over your head she shot Wanda a look and Wanda nodded and disappeared.
You must have cried for hours. To Nat’s credit she never left your side. She held you the whole time, uncaring of her tear-soaked clothes, you were more important.
“Baby? Do you want me to braid your hair?” Nat whispered and felt you nod into her collarbone. Gently she sat you up and grabbed the hairbrush from the bedside. After brushing out the knots which was a slow process due to her wanting to tease them all so you weren’t in pain, she started braiding. She began by sectioning your hair, running her nails over your scalp to seperate it into chunks. After it was properly parted she began twisting the strands, grabbing more hair as she went to create a beautiful design that ran across your head and fell into two of the cleanest braids you had ever seen. When nat was done she pressed a kiss to each of you cheeks and rubbed her thumb over your cheekbone.
“Oh my love, I don’t know what I’d do without you. I don’t know how I’d survive without your little notes it find around the tower. Or the endless ideas you have on missions. Your so special my dove, never forget that. The world would be lonely without you. Everyone is unique to loose you would be to loose something so unique it will never return. We need you. Not just as an agent, but as a person. You are loved my baby. You are so so loved.” Nat said and pressed a kiss to your nose. You let out a small sniffle and nuzzled into her neck.
Wanda came back to the door and sent nat a nod over your head.
“Hey y/n/n?” Nat asked softly.
“What?” You asked in a small shy voice.
“I think you might want to come to the cinema.” Nat said and helped you up. You shot her a confused look and nodded to tired to disagree.
“Ok.” You mumbled.
“Thank you baby.” Nat said and before you could react she scooped you into her arms. Your fronts pressed together as she held onto you like a toddler. You buried your face in the side of her neck and let the up and down motion of her steps lull you into a soft hazy daze.
After a minute you felt nat sit down on something soft. She held you close to her and whispered in your ear. “Open your eyes sweetie.” She said and you looked up. And you have never loved Wanda more.
Starting with the table, Wanda has dragged a table into the room which was covered in snack and drinks as well as just about every takeaway box from New York. She had made a pile of blankets which was made into a makeshift bed the size of almost the whole cinema floor. Pepper was sat cross legged tapping on a tablet and looked up to meet your gaze with a tender smile. Carol was tossing jellybeans into her mouth and sent you a wink when she caught your eyes. Mj was doodling in her sketchbook down the back and waved when she saw you. Yelena and Kate were throwing food at each other which was being eaten by Kate’s dog lucky.
You looked over to Wanda with tears in your eyes. “You did this for me?” You asked gazing around and noticing your favourite movie cued up to play.
“Of course y/n. The boys don’t get to have all the fun.” Wanda grinned and you sniffled.
“Thanks guys. It really means a lot.”
“Anytime boo.” Carol shot you finger guns and a grin.
“Not a problem at all y/n. I love free snacks.” MJ grinned.
“I needed a break.” Pepper sighed.
“Clint’s been driving me crazy, this is the perfect escape.” Kate said and elbowed Yelena from where she was trying to steal her pizza back off lucky.
“Oh… yeah… free pizza and a movie, plus a chance to annoy my favourite sister? Wouldn’t miss it for the world bubs.” Yelena grinned and lunged at the dog who darted out of the way and she landed on Kate who pushed her off.
“It wasn’t that hard. Plus you deserved it.” Wanda said and Nat just placed a tender kiss to your lips leaving the taste of her chapstick she stole from you a month back.
“Ready?” Wanda asked and you nodded as she pressed play.
It was safe to say you had never felt more loved and safe. Life was full of hard times, but without them the good wouldn’t feel so great. You were needed. You were loved.
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sunatooru · 4 months
Hey i have a request, ( ̄∇ ̄)
Can i have a fic about kuroo finding out the reader is pregnant with his child when they are in high school/collage and they are not dating. Like his reaction when he tells her and what he does next.... (It's ok if you don't but please do I'm dying to read something like thisಥ‿ಥ)
Btw I love the way you write✍️
Helloo, I hope you like this x
Warnings: mentions pregnancy
You didn’t realise one night would change your whole life. A night of fun, of starting college, carelessness, and living in the moment is now shoving 2 red lines into you face as your sit in a campus toilet.
Do you tell him? Do you keep it? Should you just pretend it didn’t happen? All these questions race through your head and as much as your pinch yourself hoping it’s a dream, the red lines are still there.
You decided that you had to tell him. It took two people that night and it’ll take two people to come up with a decision.
You ready yourself before leaving the bathroom. Half hoping you wouldn’t see him and the other half just wanting to get it over with. And you see him, laughing with his group of friends with no stress. You get your phone out and message him. You needed to do it somewhere quiet
“Hey, do you mind seeing me for a bit? I’ll wait around the gates after classes.” You read it five times before hitting send, jamming your phone in your pocket in case he replies straight away.
You still hadn’t check your phone as you waited at the gates. He’ll come right? You chewed your lip in nervousness, slowly reaching into your pocket to check your phone. But just as you was you, hear his voice.
“Y/n, hey sorry I took so long.” He smiles at you. And that was all it took for your eyes to fill up with tears.
You grab his wrist and pull into a less crowded space, quickly wiping your tears as you build up the courage.
“You ok? Did something happen?” He looks worried, he really was a nice guy.
“Kuroo…I know we aren’t a couple and we had a night together and it probably meant nothing to you. I mean it wasn’t like we really knew each other but I just…I’m sorry I just need to let you know this..” you ramble and he furrows his brows trying to understand you.
“I realised I was a few days late but it happens some times so wasn’t too worried but I decided to check just in case… and… I’m pregnant.” You squeeze your eyes shut, bracing for what he will say. Will he walk away? Will he take responsibility? Does he want it?
A few seconds pass and you still haven’t heard anything from him. You open your eyes and see his hands covering his face.
“Y/n..” he starts and you feel your tears coming back.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I’ve put you in this position. I- I won’t let you go through this.” Oh so he doesn’t want it, you think to yourself.
“I won’t let you go through this alone. Yes, we’re aren’t in a relationship but honestly I like you, you’re so kind and smart and I want to make it work. For you and for the baby. If you want to keep it, that is. I’m here for you. I’ll be here for you. Whatever you decide, I’ll support. We can make it work.” You look at him in shock. Did he just say he’ll look after us? Was it really your choice?
“Kuroo, are you sure? We’re still in college, and I know that you’re studying super hard to get where you want. Won’t this be too much for you?” You needed to know.
“Y/n. This isn’t just your responsibility, it’s mine too. I know we’re in college and studying hard but that doesn’t mean I’ll leave you alone to deal with this. Even if we didn’t ask for this to happen, it has, and I’m going to make I’m there for you both.” He really was a nice guy.
He gives you a tight hug, rubbing your back as your sigh into his embrace. He walks you back to yours, telling you what he plans to do, including picking you up and spending more time with you. He reassures you that you and him will make it work and that he won’t give up no matter how tough it gets.
You smile to yourself. Even though you didn’t start off together, the soft kiss he leaves on your forehead tells you that you will grow together. As a family.
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agaypanic · 4 months
They're open yay omg!! Ok I had a cute idea for Rodrick Heffley if you're up for it! :)
Rodrick x Male!Reader where reader sings him 'boyfriend' by Big Time Rush the same way that Rodrick sang 'baby' by Justin Bieber for that one girls birthday (I literally don't remember her name lol but also it doesn't have to be his birthday) but like, it doesn't end as badly as it did for him lmao
Idk if they should be an established relationship between him and reader or if this is like readers confession so ill let you choose what you feel like writing for!
Boyfriend (Rodrick Heffley X Male!Guitarist!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: While waiting for your friends to show up to band practice, you decide to show Rodrick a new song you’ve been working on.
A/N: this is my first time writing for rodrick so pls lmk how i did! au where reader wrote ‘boyfriend’ instead of btr (with a few tweaks). rodrick and reader are in the talking stage (i dont wanna say situationship but ig that works lol) but their friends dont know about it. the only instrument i know about is the violin so sorry if i get anything wrong. also i think doing singing in stories/fics is kinda weird/awkward but whatever lol
You always cherished the few minutes you had alone with Rodrick during band practice. Sure, you liked your other friends. But there was something about being able to watch Rodrick not put on the whole ‘bad boy rocker’ persona that he was used to wearing. Around you, he felt like he could wind down and not think as much.
Although, he didn’t think too much in the first place.
“I think we have a real shot at winning this talent show,” Rodrick said, drumming a beat on your thigh as he watched you tune your guitar. “We just need to practice more.”
“Well, I think we sound fine right now.”
“We don’t need to sound fine; we need to sound great!”
“Chill out, Roddy.” You said gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. “It’s a month away; we have plenty of time.”
“Don’t call me that.” Despite his words, the corner of Rodrick’s lip twitched up at the nickname. You were the only one who called him that. At first, he didn’t like it; it wasn’t a hardcore rocker name. But soon, he found himself getting giddy at the softness of it. “I guess you’re right, though.” 
Rodrick strummed his fingers across the strings of your guitar, laughing when you slapped his hand away.
“Work on anything new lately?” He asked, looking up at you from his hunched-over position. Along with being the guitarist, you were one of the main songwriters in Löded Diper, having many one-on-one writing sessions with Rodrick. That’s how the two of you grew closer, going from childhood friends playing on slides to somewhere between friends and something more, playing songs. Secret handshakes turned to lingering touches, and loud laughs turned to whispered jokes.
You were a bit hesitant to answer. You had been working on some new songs, but they didn’t exactly fit the Löded Diper brand. They were love songs, most, if not all, written with Rodrick in mind. 
“Kind of.” You finally say, picking at a frayed edge of your jeans. Rodrick perked up, always loving your new material.
“Yeah? Show me!”
“It’s not exactly like the stuff we play.” You argue, a bit anxious at the thought of Rodrick hearing what you had been toying with recently. “Besides, it’s not finished.”
Rodrick just shrugged, leaning back in his seat.
“Show me anyway.”
You hated how you could never say no to those eyes. You sighed and finally agreed, fiddling with your guitar while trying to remember the chords.
“No laughing.” You say.
“When do I ever laugh at you, Y/n?”
“All the time.” With that, you started playing. You gave Rodrick a nervous glance before clearing your throat and singing.
“Have you ever had the feeling you’re drawn to someone?
And there isn’t anything they could of said or done?
And everyday I see you on your own
And I can’t believe that you’re alone
But I overheard your friends and this is what they said”
Looking over at Rodrick, you saw him intently listening. Any other time, you’d be prideful of the fact that all his attention was on you. But right now, it made you wanna run. But you stayed planted in your seat and continued with the song.
“That you’re looking for a boyfriend
I see that, gimme time, you know I’m gonna be there
Don’t be scared to come put your trust in me
Can’t you see all I really want to be
Is your boyfriend
Can’t fight that
Knock me down you know I’m coming right back
I don’t care at all what you done before
All I really want is to be your
You let the last chord ring out before you set your guitar down and cleared your throat.
“So, yeah…” Rodrick kept staring at you. “That’s… the song.”
Rodrick scooted closer to you, and you lifted your head to face him eye-to-eye.
“Did you write that about me?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. You bit your lip, watching how his hair fell from the movement.
“Depends.” You say, taking a deep breath. “Did you like it?”
Suddenly, Rodrick laughed. It made you stiffen, but you soon relaxed when he put a hand on the back of your neck.
“You’re so corny, dude.” He said before closing the gap between you. 
After the shock washed away, you gripped at his hair and ratty t-shirt, wanting to keep him close. You had come close to kissing Rodrick a few times, mainly while drunk at parties that you shouldn’t have been at or during writing sessions that eventually got interrupted by Rodrick’s younger brother Greg. But those close moments didn’t prepare you for how good the real thing felt.
When you parted, you rested your forehead on Rodrick’s as the two of you caught your breath. You opened your eyes and moved back a bit so you could see him clearly.
“So…” You start, not knowing what to do from here. “Are you looking for a boyfriend?”
“Sure.” Rodrick snorted before kissing you again.
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Heey, for Colby's request, can u write an imagine about y/n being in her slut era and also include Brad and Dylan? Like she's an actress or a singer and has been hoeing around, but Colby starts getting feelings for her and gets angry at her for being with other men?
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I had too much fun with this one
Colby smut
Dylan moves his hand on my leg, moving it from my knee to my ankle. My legs are on his lap, while I'm seated next to him. I run my hand through his hair to steal his attention from his convention with a friend to me. He faces me and looks directly at my lips, before his sleepy eyes meet mine. I lean in and peck Dylan's lips.
"What's that, y/n? Are you a second grader?", he mocks me so i get up from my seat and take his hand, pulling him towards a dark hallway where we can be alone from all the people in the club. Dylan presses me onto the wall, his big hands falling on my hips, pinning me flat, as his lips kiss my exposed chest. The low cut of the dress gives him enough access to leave bruises and his mouth travels to my neck, up my jaw and finally to my lips. I grab him by the waist, pulling him closer to me, feeling his boner pressed on my area, making me crave more of him by the second. I bite his lip and pull at it, earning a smirk from him. Dylan grabs me from behind the neck with one hand and presses our lips back together harder, the kiss getting even more heated, our gasps filling the echo of the hallway.
"Let's go to your place", i say while kissing down his neck, my hand traveling down his abs, to the belt of his jeans, slowly unbuckling it. He let's out a loud breath as my hands slowly unbutton his pants.
"Mhm, let's go babe", Dylan grabs my hand and puts his t-shirt over the unbuttoned jeans. We hurry through the crowd of people, but i trip and hit someone, causing a drink to spill.
"For fuck's sake, I've just gotten those", the man shakes his head looking at the broken glass and spilled whisky.
"Colby?", i ask surprised
"Oh, y/n, what the fuck are you doing here?", he laughs and we hug.
"Oh, I'm here with Dylan. You know i told you we were going to hang out soon", i smile and grab Dylan's hand to come greet Colby.
"You mean bang soon", Colby greets Dylan and they hug, tapping on each other's backs
"Is there a problem with that?", Dylan asks and Colby shakes his head.
"I don't see why there would be any problem with that. I'm happy my friend is living her life finally.", from what's recognizable because of the darkness and few neon lights, Colby fake smiles at the both of us.
"Hey, stop it, you know each other for a long time now, no need for this type of discussion", i tell them and put a hand on Dylan's chest, which he takes and kisses the back of my hand, looking deep into my eyes
"True, I'm waiting in the car, baby. Don't take too long tho", Dylan waves goodbye to Colby and manages to come out with half a smile, while Colby just waves and puts his hands into his jean pockets.
"Baby? What's that?", he asks me and i just roll my eyes at him, smiling
"Can't we use cute nicknames even if we're not dating?"
"Whatever. Haven't seen you in a while. How's the album going?", he changes the subject and I'm glad he does it
"Almost done. I know i haven't been around much but i was also a lot in the studio -"
"With Brad yeah", he cuts me off and crosses his arms at his chest, looking somewhere behind me. I roll my eyes.
"How come it is ok for you to fuck around but it is not when i do it? I'm finally single after a long time and i really want to enjoy myself. You didn't seem to complain when you were fucking me"
Colby looks me dead in the eyes and let's out a tired sigh. He raises his hands in defense and takes a small step back, as much as the people behind him allow him to.
"You're right, i really enjoyed it and it's not fair for me to judge that,I'm sorry. I just miss you."
"i miss you too, Colby, but I've been busy, you saw that as well. Putting aside my sex life, thank you, which I'm sorry you haven't been a part of in the past 2 weeks. You just weren't around", i shrug my shoulders. "How about you come by the studio tomorrow? At 2pm?"
He let's out a sigh and looks again somewhere behind me. "Brad's there, right?", i nod
"We produce my songs together. He's part of my team of songwriters and he also produces a few of my songs. So yeah, he is there."
"Ugh, fine, just because i really want to spend some time with my friend too, not just Dylan and Brad.", he rolls his eyes but he giggles. We hug and wave him goodbye, before managing to leave the club.
I hold Brad from behind the shoulders, my chin resting on top of his head as he replays the song I've just recorded. We vibe to the slow song and i kiss his cheek when a cheesy lyric comes on.
"I know i inspired you to write this song, you have to admit it at some point", he looks up at me and i peck his lips.
"Maybe, in like... 50 years?", i walk around the chair and sit on his lap, moving a curl from his forehead. "When you won't remember me anymore", i joke and cup his face to kiss him, both smiling into the kiss, as his hands grabbed my ass and positioned me better on him.
"Hmm, I'll give you like one more minute", he leans in and deepens the kiss, my hips rocking into his. We left quiet moans and stop all of a sudden when we hear a knock on the door. Brad falls back on the back of the chair and i get up from him to go open the door. I see Colby standing in front of it with a bag of McDonald's and a big, wide grin on his face.
"Thought you guys were hungry, so i decided to bring you some food", he greets Brad and gives me a hug, making sure he pecks my lips one time. For a second I'm shocked that this happened, but Colby was the first one I've kissed once i was single and he was the one that made me want to explore this side of me. I've always seen Colby at parties with other girls, leaving with them and then coming later that night back home or even in the morning. We've been friends for a lifetime and it was very hard when i got into a relationship to keep up with the constant fights with my boyfriend because i was living with Sam and Colby. Tho Kat moved in, and I've had my own room always, it didn't make a difference. I offered to move in with my boyfriend into an apartment, but he also didn't want that because he didn't want to settle with me. So we came to an end a few months later, months that felt like agonising years of constant yelling and no relaxation whatsoever. When we broke up, i got home and expected to stay in bed, demoralised and feeling bad of that happened, but instead, Colby and i found ourselves in a heated make out session after a few "celebration" shots. We quickly found the way up to his room and whenever we had time or were alone, we would have fun together wherever possible. Of course, none of us ever mentioned the idea of a relationship, because both of us seem haooy with what we have. He kept on seeing other girls and well, even if they're a different from time to time, mine happen to only be Brad and Dylan, which have also been really old friends of mine.
"Thanks, mate, i didn't even realise what time it is", Brad takes a sandwich and i take another one, sitting next to Colby on the couch. We talk and we laugh and i look at Colby who seems very different from last night, when he didn't like the idea of me having Brad around. He smiles, jokes around and actually has a conversation with him. I take another bite from my sandwich and Colby puts his arm around my waist, pulling me on his side. I look at him and he brushes his nose over mine, kissing my temple.
"Well you're in your feelings today", i say and put the food away to drink some water
"Not true", he lies and we're very aware of that.
"I'm gonna go make a phone call real quick and also give you some space. I'll be back", Brad winks at me and leaves the room. I get back on the couch and sit on the side so i can look at Colby. He looks back at me and his smile slowly fades away.
"Come here", he puts a hand on my cheek and brings me closer to his face, kissing me passionately. I grant him access immediately and his soft tongue brushes over mine slowly, none of us hurrying the moment. I lean backwards and i pull him by his t-shirt, getting him on top of me. Colby rocks his hips into mine and i moan and the pleasurable friction between us.
"Gosh, how i missed this", i whisper, unable to speak out loud. He groans in response and takes off his t-shirt, while i trace his abs and tattoos. I bite my lip, flashbacks of previous rounds of sex coming in my mind and i grow eager to receive more from him. He unbuttons my jeans and takes them off along with my underwear, throwing them away in the room. His eyes scan my bare bottom half and his eyes turn dark with lust. Colby licks his lips and comes down between my legs, licking a few lazy stripes on my core, collecting my arousal and building up my pleasure. He flicks his tongue over my clit at a steady pace, making my legs spasm every once in a while when he reaches a very sensitive spot. He smirks and grabs my thighs firmly, keeping them in place while nibbling at my clit a few more times.
Colby takes off his jeans and reaches for the condom in his wallet, rolling it on his length, getting between my legs and slowly slipping his dick inside me. We both gasp as it goes deeper and deeper, a moan escaping my lips when he's fully in, already touching a the right spots. He starts thrusting in me and a slow speed, adjusting to my tightness and making sure he doesn't hurt me.
"Fuck, y/n, oh my God, you're incredible", he whispers in m my ear as he hovers over me and puts one of my legs around his waist. I scratch his back and try to muffle my moans into his shoulder, biting it. Colby thrusts harder, the skin slapping noise turning us on even more. He cups my breasts and kisses them, licking my nipples and sucking every now and then on the sensitive skin. "You're so fucking mine", he groans as my lips find his, my hands in his hair and pulling at it, while his hands pinned my hips down as his thrusts get faster.
"Fuck, Colby, just like that", i lean my head back, his lips attacking my neck and focusing on the sweet spots.
"I'm so close", he buries his head in the crook of my neck and i nod, putting my other leg on his waist too.
"Me too", i say and he grabs the armrest of the couch and starts pounding into me, hitting my g-spot until my legs shake uncontrollably as my orgasm hits me like a wave.
"oh fuck", he bites my shoulder to cover as much as possible his loud moan as he bursts inside the condom. Colby gets up and slowly exits me, taking the condom off and wrapping it in some empty food package. We get dressed and i motion him to come back next to me. I hug him and remain like that for a few moments.
"Oh how i wish we would take our usual aftersex nap", i chuckle and he does the same.
"We can, let's go home", he offers.
"I still have work to get done", i motion my head towards the laptop with the list of songs I have to record.
"By the way, where's Brad? Wasn't he supposed to be back?", Colby asks and gets up from the couch. I frown.
"He knows we're fucking, he just gives us some free time.", i shrug my shoulders. "It felt so good, i missed our sex", i give him a tired smile.
"Then let's do it more. Y/N, i hate the fact that you have sex with them too. You have no idea how bad it pisses me off", Colby throws his hands around
"What? You can't say that, you do the same thing, with more girls may i add"
"Because i knew you weren't going to settle for me once you got single again."
I open my mouth but don't say anything. He is pretty much right. I didn't need another relationship right away.
"I just can't stand the thought of anyone finishing you and touching you and having you moan underneath them", Colby comes back to the couch and zones out
"I'm sorry i didn't know about what you've been feeling. You should've told me.", i grab his hand in mine.
"Can you please, at least consider, dropping out of your slut era?"
"I've been out of my slut era since you called me yours ten minutes ago. There was no going back afterwards."
"Oh shit, i did say that.", Colby laughs and i lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back and then kisses my forehead, pulling me into a tight hug. "Finally. I'm so stupid for not owning up to my feelings"
"No, you're not, just don't own up to your feelings with anyone else please", we both laugh and we hear the door open. Brad grins at us and sits back in his chair.
"Ready for round two?", i walk towards the recording booth and turn around to Colby
"Always", i wink at him and he laughs. I shake my head and put on my headphones.
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months
hey! i loved your imagine with dalton, so i was wondering if you could write another one with possesed Dalton x reader! Please<3333
Thank you much!!!
What I Said in the Dark
A/N: I may or may not have done a little happy dance when I saw you sent another request; thank you so much!! This was requested several times and I enjoyed writing it, although I'm not sure how I feel about the final product.. please let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy :)
Update: Part 2 has been posted! What We Do in the Dark
Warnings: canon typical violence/threats, I used Dalton's possession scenes from Insidious (2010) and The Red Door (2023) as inspiration, lots of 'closing the door' symbolism, angst. 1.1k+ words
Dalton’s voicemail message plays for the fifth time in as many minutes while you look at Chris and huff. “He’s still not answering.”
“He’s fine; probably just painting,” Chris reasons. “Or has company. You don’t have to babysit him, you know?”
“I’m just worried. The power was out longer than before and you know how he is about the dark.”
“I know that he is a big boy who can take care of himself, and I know that we’re going to be late if we don’t leave now.”
Debating how much time you have, you bite your lip and look at the small drawing Dalton had given you sitting on the nightstand.
Chris sighs and moves toward the door. “I also know that you won’t be able to enjoy yourself until you know he’s ok. Go check on him, invite him, whatever, and I’ll see you later.”
Responding with a farewell, you gather your things and walk through the halls to Dalton’s dorm. Since becoming friends with both him and Chris, you find yourself here often and find pride in the fact you’re close enough to Dalton that you don’t have to knock. You open the door as you say Dalton’s name. Closing the door behind you, you notice all the lights are out, and Dalton is standing in the corner, out of fear of the dark, you presume.
“Dalton? Do you need me to plug your lights back in? The power came back on but you might need to reset the power strip.”
Dalton slowly turns to face you, exposing the black substance covering his face. In the darkness, you can’t tell if it is paint, lipstick, or - an idea pulled straight from your nightmares - blood. You freeze, willing your body to do or say something, but everything seems stuck in time.
“I know what you are,” a deep voice calls.
Your eyes snap to Dalton’s lips, which remain closed as the voice speaks again.
“I only kept you around because I felt bad, but I’m over it. Now, I’ll rip your innards out.”
“Dalton, whatever this is, you are stronger than it,” you say shakily, stepping back as he cocks his head to the side.
He smiles, which causes the black substance to leak from his mouth. You swallow and attempt to reset your calm facade as you swing your hand behind your back in a fruitless aim for the doorknob.
“Going somewhere?” The voice asks, causing you to flinch backward and run into the door.
Dalton opens his mouth, causing what you now believe to be black blood to pour onto the floor and splash against his clothes as he rushes toward you. With your back to the door, you have no escape as he grips your arms and leans in. As he gets closer, the blood stops appearing, and his face shifts into a different nightmarish creature. No longer sure if Dalton is even in this new face, you choke on a scream as it licks your cheek with its long tongue, tightening its grip on your arms as you try to reach the doorknob again.
“Dalton, please!” you yell, losing the battle against your tears.
The creature pulls away from you, putting you face-to-face with what looks like Dalton.
“Are you back?” You whisper.
The answer is his hands raising to your neck, crushing your windpipe as he pushes you further into the door, using all of his weight against you. You swing your arms and kick, but he doesn’t feel anything. As your vision blurs, you pull your hand away from Dalton and move it toward the light switch. You hit it, hearing the satisfying ‘click’ as it raises. A short-lived victory, however, as you realize the light was never off, but the power is out again. Out of ideas and nearly out of oxygen, you say Dalton’s name once more. He leans in further, putting his ear to your mouth as if he wants to hear you die. As your eyes close, you feel like you’re falling… and Dalton won’t try to catch you.
“Hey? Hello? Wake up, sleepyhead,” someone says as they poke you repeatedly.
You force your eyes open to see Chris leaning over you, her facial expression flitting between amusement and concern.
“Why are we sleeping on the floor tonight?” She asks. “You and Dalton hang out without me?”
You sit up, rubbing your neck as the memories from last night hit you harder than falling to the floor.
“Where is Dalton?” You ask, taking Chris’ offered hand and standing.
“I dunno. I just got here.”
The door opens as she finishes her sentence, and you both look up to see Dalton closing the door behind him - his clothes are somehow free of blood, as are yours. He smiles when he sees you both.
“What’s up?” He asks as he grabs his art bag.
“Chris, can you give us a minute?” You ask.
She looks at you questioningly, then winks at Dalton before leaving.
“Do you remember what happened last night?” Your hands rise to your neck on their own accord.
“No. I was painting, then I woke up down the hall. Guess nothing terrible happened or I would have remembered it.”
“Can I ask one more question?” You walk to the door and open it as you talk, feeling claustrophobic now that you’re alone.
“Of course.”
“Are you only my friend because you feel sorry for me? I know it’s a weird question but please be honest with me, I’m sick of lies.”
“Lies?” Dalton walks closer to you, then stops in front of you and leans down to look into your eyes, almost identical to the position you found yourself in last night.
“I just - it feels like you’re keeping something from me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Do you want me to leave? Get out of your life?”
“Why are you asking?”
“You said something last night.”
“Whatever I said probably wasn’t true. It’s usually not me talking once it’s dark, if you get what I’m saying?”
“You said you only kept me around because you felt sorry for me and someday you’d rip my innards out. Even if that wasn't you, how am I supposed to say ‘Oh, that wasn’t really Dalton, it’s probably fine?’” Dalton quickly licks his lips as he stands to his full height.
“That first part was true. I wish you’d walk out right now. I wouldn’t notice a difference if you weren’t in my life; other than improvement.”
You nod numbly and put your hand on the doorknob, still looking at Dalton as you try to keep him from seeing your heartbreak.
“Good luck, Dalton. You’re gonna need it. Don't underestimate whatever is in the darkness; I'm not sure you know how dangerous it is.”
“Thanks,” he says as he turns to gather his stuff. “Bye.” You finally turn and close the door on Dalton.
As the door clicks shut, the blood begins to flow once again.
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imahinatjon · 5 months
Before we start this, I do not have ADHD or at least we don't think I have.
Therefore I cannot say I fully understand ADHD, but I will try. (Like, I understand, but not to the fullest extent)
Also did these in the form of headcannons if that's good? Bulletpointed.
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• So, Jouno... appreciates you.
• He doesn't always understand, but even he gets that enthusiasm is needed in life sometimes - even if it's not technically enthusiasm.
• He won't notice if you start zoning out. He can't see you.
• But he does realise when you stopped making noise.
• Your voice is distracting and almost constant. You say almost anything and everything with little to no filter.
• But he likes your voice a hell of a lot more than the voices of... certain people.
• Jouno can't keep up.
• That's just it. He can't keep up.
• He can learn to understand what your saying, where you're coming from, your personality and behaviours, but that doesn't mean he has the energy to keep up.
• Still, your entertaining to him, he likes you, a lot. So he keeps his ear out for you.
• You rarely stay in one place for too long, buttt your also clumsy. Make a lot of simple, not super dangerous but occasionally concerning mistakes.
• Jouno, with ALL his love for you, thinks you need to be wrapped up in bubble wrap.
• It's for your own safety!
• ...he may or may not try it.
• But, in all seriousness. He does love every bit of you he has come to know. And coming to the rescue every now and then makes him feel like you really need him. (Not that he has issues with this, just saying that I think he'd like it if his s/o relied on him)
• He just wishes there weren't so many unfinished passion projects lying around.
• But he'll get over it because he loves you ♡
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• Tecchou probably understands somewhat.
• You two have an almost perfect relationship.
• When he's not working Tecchou is practically attached to your hip.
• Which means you fall victim to his "cooking" often.
• And your always willing to try whatever he comes up with. Mostly that's because you haven't been paying much attention to what he's been putting in, your only indication that something is up is the fact that everything is the same colour.
• But you trust he won't poison you, so you take a spoonfull.
• You tell him it was nice, when really it wasn't, and remind yourself not to accept food from him again.
• You soon forget about it when the next meal comes around.
• "Sometimes I forget that your cooking is a biohazard..."
• Sometimes the two of you sit together doing nothing.
• It's nice. You were just sat on the chair, comfortable, away somewhere within your own head.
• He spotted you, and thought that you looked cute being so deep in thought that you had no real awareness of your surroundings.
• So, with the 'protection' excuse tucked away up his sleeve, he sat beside you and waited.
• Only to then find himself lost in thought with you.
• He can't help it! Being in such a calm, relaxing atmosphere with you - the ultimate comfort to him, he can't help but loose himself in the moment with you.
• What brings him back is when you start moving. A slight shake of the leg. Constant tap tap tapping, your knee bouncing up and down.
• You clearly got bored of wherever you were a bit ago, and had decided to stay with him, even though he could see you wanted to go and do something else.
• That's adorable - You trying so hard.
• Makes him want to try harder too.
• Oh! Perhaps you could cook with him!
• It will end in disaster. That's just a given. Doesn't matter if your a good cook or a bad cook there will be conflict.
• Nothing serious, and it causes no real issue, just a lot of mess that some poor soul is going to have to clean up later.
• He's so insistent on his way of "cooking" that he won't listen to you.
• And your so stubborn in 'trying something new' (aka following an actual recepie) that you both end up childishly fighting over the bowl.
• It's not serious, and neither of you are actually shouting, but a few bowls and ingredients fall over, and you do run around a lot.
• At least Jouno knows not to go in there - lest he face whatever mess the two of you plan on proudly presenting to him. He doesn't want it.
• So... your relationship isn't perfect, but it's almost there.
• You try and understand eachother, and you stick together.
Is this okay? 🤔
I did research into ADHD before writing this - and tried to recall what one of my relatives behaves like - as he has adhd.
But like I said, I don't have it.
Also Think I finally figured out how to spell these twos names.
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harley-sunday · 1 year
Feels Like Home [08]
Summary: When an unexpected three-week break between Monza and Singapore finds Daniel back on his farm in Perth he’s desperate to use this time to clear his mind, figure out his future in Formula One, and find his way back. He didn’t expect a new neighbour, a sassy two-year old, and three alpacas would make him realise that sometimes, what you’re looking for is right in front of you.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader (unnamed OFC)
Warnings: Language. Smut. Probably NSFW (Finally, right?)
Word count: 5.7k
AN: It’s probably weird to say this about your own writing, but I love this part. Mostly because I’m a sucker for a nice full circle moment but also because I’ve grown these three characters so much. I hope you like it as much as I do ♥
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A quick glance at your watch tells you you’ve got about thirty minutes left until Ellie wakes up from her nap and even though there are still some chores you need to do, you decide to grab yourself a cup of coffee and sit outside on the porch for a bit, so you can try to figure out how to talk to Granddad about maybe hiring a farmhand. Not just to help you out now but also after, when you’re- When he’s fully recovered. It’s definitely too much work for one person and even Granddad fully recovers, he’s seventy-eight, you’re not sure if he’ll be able to manage the growing herd of alpacas.
You’re a little lost in thoughts when you hear a car come down the driveway, a blue Toyota you think you recognise from somewhere, and so you stand up, ready to greet your visitors, wondering who it can be.
Are you a little surprised to see Grace and Joe step out of the car? Yes. 
Ok, not really.
“Hello sweetheart,” Grace says as she walks over to you. She kisses your cheek before she hugs you, holding you tight.
When you let go of her Joe is already waiting, wrapping his arms around you carefully, “Hiya.” 
“What-” You look from Joe to Grace and back, “What are you doing here?”
Joe lets go of you and nods to Grace, “It was her idea.”
Grace smacks his chest, “Hey. No.” She lets out a laugh then and shrugs, “Well, it was but-” 
“Daniel called you, didn’t he?”
“Yes,” Grace nods, taking your hand in hers. “I mean, I had plans to come visit you soon anyway, you know, have a cuppa together, but when Danny called us yesterday and said you had two new alpacas to take care of, well-” She squeezes your hand, “We figured we’d come over and see if there’s anything we can help with.”
“Plus, it’s been too long since I’ve seen old Oscar,” Joe says from where he’s standing behind Grace. “I was long overdue for a visit anyway.” 
You’ve been a little on edge ever since Daniel left but so far you’ve been pretty good at hiding it, at not letting your emotions get the best of you, but now- You lower your eyes and bite your lip but it’s no use because once you blink the tears are streaming down your face.
“Hey, no,” Grace says, her voice soft and soothing. She pulls you in for another hug, her hands rubbing your back, “It’s ok, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry,” you manage in between sobs. “It’s just- I- The girls- And Ellie- And-”
“Ssh,” Grace shakes her head. “It’s ok.” She holds you a little longer, waits until you’ve calmed down before she lets go of you and puts her hands on your arms, making you look at her, “We’re here for you, ok? Joe can take Oscar to go check on the girls for a bit and I will stay here with you so we can do whatever needs to be done around the house, ok?” 
“Thank you.” You use the sleeve of your sweater to dry your eyes and try to smile.
Grace tuts, “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” She nods towards the house, “Why don’t we go inside?”
Granddad greets Grace and Joe like they’re old friends and you find out they’ve seen each other a few times before, when Daniel first moved in. Joe and Granddad settle into some easy banter between them and it isn’t long before they head outside, so Joe can take him to Eagle’s Nest and check up on the rest of the paddocks. 
You hear Ellie call for you from upstairs then and so you excuse yourself and tell Grace you’ll be right back. Ellie’s waiting for you in her cot, looking at you expectantly, as if she knows someone else is here.
“Hi bub,” you pick her up and head to the changing table so you can change her into her clothes. “Guess who’s here?”
Ellie’s eyes grow wide, “Danny?” 
Your heart. Oh, your heart when you see her smile drop, “Danny’s in Mexico remember?.” You press a kiss to her forehead, “But Grace and Joe are here. You remember them?” 
Ellie seems to think about that for a second and then nods, “Danny home.”
“Yeah, bub,” you tell her, picking her up and settling her on your hip, “they’re Daniel’s mum and dad.” 
When you get downstairs you find Grace in the kitchen, loading the dishwasher. Her smile grows wide when she sees Ellie, “Hello pretty girl.”
You put Ellie down in her high chair so you can warm up her bottle of milk and when Grace asks you what else she can do you want to tell her it’s fine, that you’ll manage, but one stern look from her makes you swallow your words and give her your to-do list instead.
Grace busies herself with the laundry and Ellie insists on helping her and so you find yourself in the living room, tidying up and cleaning the floors and windows. It takes a little under two hours but then the living room is clean again, all the laundry is folded and put away, a new load in the machine, and the kitchen is looking like a kitchen again instead of a storage room. 
By the time you are finished, Granddad and Joe make it back as well and all of a sudden you find yourself on the front porch, enjoying a cup of coffee with Daniel’s parents, Granddad, and your daughter, who’s happy with her fruit pouch, sitting in Joe’s lap. 
After half an hour Granddad announces he’s going inside to take a quick nap, which Grace and Joe take as their cue to leave.
“Thank you so much,” you tell them before you give each of them a hug. “I really appreciate it.”
“It was our pleasure, sweetheart,” Grace tells you with a kind smile. She hands you a piece of paper then, “These are mine and Joe’s numbers. Promise me you’ll call if you need anything? We’re happy to help, whether it’s watching Ellie for a few hours, or-”
“Thank you,” you tell her, carefully folding the paper and putting it in your back pocket, knowing there’s no use in protesting. 
“We’re flying out to Abu Dhabi on the sixteenth for Danny’s last race,” she says, “but until then we’re here.”
Brazil is- It’s a race he’d rather forget. A collision with Magnussen on the first lap means Daniel is out of the race before it’s even started and he spends the remainder of the seventy laps watching the race from the garage. They leave for Abu Dhabi the next day and the knowledge that it’s his last ever race for McLaren makes him actually look forward to the last race of the season.
His parents come in on Wednesday and if he gets a little emotional when he hugs his mum, so what? It’s been a long time since he last saw her and it’s an emotional weekend as is. 
Daniel finishes ninth in the race and brings home a few points that in the end don’t make that much of a difference in the constructor’s championship but he feels good about. The team throws him a small farewell party after the race and he spends most of Monday a little hungover and vowing to himself he’s never going to drink again. 
By the time Tuesday comes around and it’s time for their weekly call, Daniel feels giddy with excitement, knowing that the next time he’ll talk to her won’t be over the phone.
She picks up on the first ring and smiles into the camera, Ellie sitting in her lap with an equally bright smile, “Hi.”
“Hi,” he feels his grin grow ever wider. 
“You’ve made it,” she says, hugging Ellie closer to her. “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Daniel admits easily enough. “I’m glad it’s over. I uh-” He runs his hand over his face and shrugs, “Yeah.”
“And then tomorrow-”
“Yep,” he answers, knowing what it is she wanted to say. 
“I’m really happy for you, Daniel,” she says. He can see Ellie nod in agreement even though he doubts the little girl knows what’s going on. “When-” She looks at him with a shy smile, “When are you flying back?”
“Next Monday, but it’s a late flight so-”
“That’s ok,” she answers. “There’s no rush.”
Daniel disagrees. He can’t wait.
You angle your phone towards Granddad, “Look, it’s official. Daniel’s back at Red Bull.” 
Granddad nods, “Good.”
“He’s not driving though-” You frown as you read the caption of the Instagram post, “They’ve made him their third driver-”
“That’s good,” Granddad says with a mischievous smile. “He’s getting the best of both worlds, sweetheart. There’s no pressure anymore.” He chuckles then, “I can’t wait to hear what shit excuse McLaren comes up with next year, when their cars still aren’t performing and they figure out maybe it had nothing to do with Danny.”
“What?” Granddad feigns innocence with a cheeky smile, “Don’t tell me you’re not thinking the same thing.”
It’s close to ten when they finally make it back to his place, their flight delayed because of bad weather over Sri Lanka and a long wait at baggage claim despite their priority tags. Daniel’s happy to be back on his farm but he wishes they could have made it earlier so he could at least have gone over to see her.
“I’ll see you in two weeks, yeah?” Blake’s voice pulls him out of his thoughts. 
Daniel nods and leans over the centre console to give his best friend a hug. “Thanks, mate,” Daniel says, patting Blake’s back, “for everything.” There’s a weight behind Daniel’s words that he hopes Blake understands.
“Absolutely no worries.” Blake lets go of him and pats Daniel’s cheek, “I’m glad we’re back.” 
Daniel nods, understanding exactly what Blake means, “Yeah.” 
“You need me to help you with your bags?”
“Nah, I’m good, thanks” Daniel says as he gets out. He grabs his backpack from the backseat, already using the one Red Bull gave him, before he takes his two duffel bags out of the trunk. He taps the side of the car and waits until Blake has driven off before he makes his way over to the house, putting his bags down on the porch so he can take his keys out of his pocket. 
He drops his bags in the mudroom, deciding he’ll unpack them tomorrow because he desperately wants to take a shower first. The lights in the kitchen are on and he isn’t surprised to see there’s a note from his mum on the counter, letting him know she came by earlier today to sort through his mail and do a bit of cleaning. He’s already talked to her while he was waiting for his luggage but still he sends her a message to thank her and to tell her he’s made it back.
After a quick shower he finds himself back downstairs, wearing a comfy t-shirt and a pair of shorts hanging low on his hips. It’s still nice enough to sit outside and so Daniel grabs a beer from his fridge, sending a silent ‘thank you’ to his parents for making sure it’s fully stocked with food and drinks, and heads to his front porch. Or tries to anyway, because all of a sudden his intercom rings and with a confused frown he answers it, “Hello?” 
Even though you try not to speed down his driveway, you still make it to the house in under a minute, Daniel waiting for you on the back porch. It’s been sixty-three days since you last saw him and it both feels like it was only yesterday and a lifetime ago and your heart seems to be bursting at the seams while doing somersault after somersault.
And if you park your car rather haphazardly, well, so what?
Taking a deep breath for no other reason than to not feel like you’re about to lose it, you unbuckle your seatbelt and step outside and all of a sudden Daniel’s right there and cupping your face. He pushes you against the car gently but there’s a sense of urgency when he captures your mouth in a desperate kiss. You close your eyes and moan into the kiss as your hands grab onto the fabric of his t-shirt, needing something to hold onto.
His teeth graze over your lower lip and when you open your mouth he licks inside without hesitating and fuck, that feels good. 
Your hands have found their way into his hair, pulling him closer to you so you can deepen the kiss, and you hook one of your legs behind his, needing more of him. 
Daniel pulls back then, panting, and lets his forehead rests against yours, “Fuck, I’ve missed you.” 
You wrap your hands around his neck and pull him close, breathing him in, “I’ve missed you too.” 
“How did you-”
“Your mum called me after you texted her earlier.” You let go of him and cup his face, your thumbs caressing his cheeks and feeling yourself getting a little lost in those big brown eyes, that seem to be just a little watery, “I really wanted to see you.” 
He lets out a shaky breath, “How long can you stay?”
“We’ve got all night,” you whisper back and give him another kiss. “Ellie’s with Granddad.” 
“Yeah,” you nod, going in for another kiss because now that he's back you're not sure you ever want to let him go.  
“How’s Oscar doing? Back to his-”
“Daniel,” you groan, dropping your head against his shoulder. “We are so not talking about Granddad right now.”
Daniel laughs, “Noted.” 
“Good.” You look up at him and roll the corner of your bottom lip between your teeth, “‘Cause I’m gonna need you to kiss me again.” 
“Oh, don’t you worry,” Daniel says in between kisses. “I’m planning on doing a whole lot more than that.” 
They make it to his bedroom eventually, both of them a little out of breath and a lot turned on. Daniel's never not touching her, as if he wants physical proof that she is really here, as if she might disappear when he lets go of her.
"Daniel-" she breathes, tilting her head back to give him better access to where he is sucking in the pulse point in her neck. 
He lets his teeth graze over her skin before he swirls his tongue over the now sensitive spot, drawing another moan from her. There's entirely too many layers of clothes between them, he decides, and so he lets his fingers dance from her hips to her shoulders, hooking them under the straps of her dress. Daniel kisses his way back to her mouth, nipping at her bottom lip, and pushes the straps down her arms. 
She shivers and he's worried he's overstepped but then she pulls back a little and looks up at him with a cheeky smile as she tugs on her dress to let it fall to her feet until she stands there in nothing but her bra and panties.
Daniel feels his mouth go dry because she looks absolutely gorgeous, all soft curves and glowing skin and he has to tell her, has to let her know and so he licks his lips and swallows hard, "Fuck, you're beautiful."
She lowers her eyes and he sees the minute shake of her head, like she doesn't believe him.
Fine, he thinks. I'll prove it to you then. Daniel takes a step closer and puts two fingers underneath her chin to make her look up at him. He sees her biting her lip and dips his head, kissing the corner of her mouth and smiling into the kiss when he feels the tension drain from her body. He cups her face and gently walks her backwards towards his bed, making her sit down on the edge before he pulls back and locks eyes with her, "Absolutely gorgeous."
He grabs the back of his shirt and pulls it up and over his head, not caring to see where it lands. She catches on quickly and brings her knees to her chest so she can scoot backwards, watching him as he climbs onto the bed with her. 
She leans back on her elbows and he puts his knees on either side of her hips so he can lean forward and capture her mouth for another kiss. When she lies down he follows her willingly, deepening the kiss by licking into her mouth before he sucks on her tongue so he can taste her. 
When he pulls back she whimpers but then he kisses his way down to the swell of her breasts and the whimper turns into a moan when he pushes the fabric of her bra aside and swirls his tongue around the sensitive bud. It makes her arch her back and he can feel himself grow hard when she rakes her nails over his back. Daniel cups her other breast with his hand, his thumb rubbing her hard nipple over the fabric, and marvels at the way her breathing picks up. 
“Dan-” She tugs on his hair gently, leading him back to her mouth for another kiss and he can feel her smile against his lips when she says, “I need-”
“Tell me what you need, babe,” he whispers, mouth close to her ear now. “Tell me exactly what you need and I’ll give it to you. Everything.” 
“I need more,” she tells him without hesitating. “I need you inside of me. I want to feel you.”
And fuck if that isn’t the hottest thing anyone has every said to him. Daniel lets go of her and slides down the bed, hooking his fingers behind the elastic of her panties so he can take them down with him, while she reaches behind her and unclasps her bra, letting it fall to the floor without looking. When he stands at the edge of the bed so he can take his shorts off, he can’t stop looking at her, finds himself mesmerised by her body - the softness of her stomach, her plump breasts and-
Daniel makes quick work of undressing and then he’s back on the bed, kneeling in between her now spread legs, letting his fingers roam over her legs before he leans down and presses a kiss to the inside of her thigh, muttering a quiet, “Fuckin’ gorgeous,” against her skin. He slowly, slowly makes his way to her sex, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake before he lets his thumb run through her folds, amazed by how wet she already is. 
She doesn't say anything else but he knows exactly what it is she wants from him and so he dips his head and lets his tongue follow the earlier path of his thumb before he swirls it around her clit. Her hands are in his hair again, keeping him there where she needs him most, and he is more than happy to oblige because he can feel himself already starting to become addicted to her taste.
"That's it," you whisper when Daniel bends the two fingers he has inside of you just right. "Don't stop. Don't-"
Daniel doubles his efforts, nose against your clit as his mouth joins his fingers, his beard burning the skin of your thighs in the most exhilarating way. 
"Dan," you warn him, your breathing becoming more and more erratic and your body tensing up, preparing for what is to come. "I'm gonna- Shit. Right there, baby. Don't stop. Please. Please, please, please."
He does as he's told and continues his attack on your clit while his fingers pump in and out of you and it's too much, it's-
Your orgasm washes over you, offering the sweet release you've been craving for so long. Daniel slows his movements but doesn't stop, helping you down from you high at a leisurely pace, as if you've got all the time in the world. You guess maybe you do.
When you finally stop shaking and your breathing is back to normal, Daniel pushes himself off and up so he is face to face with you. There's a soft smile playing on his lips but then he dips his head and kisses you, letting you taste yourself and it's almost enough to make you come again. Bucking your hips you feel his erection press against your core and it makes you pull back from the kiss so you can repeat your earlier request, “I need you inside of me, baby.”
Daniel’s pupils blow even wider, a darkness to his eyes that you haven’t seen before but that turns you on even more. He rolls off of you, pulling you with him, and watches through hooded lids as you kneel on top of him, your fingers skimming the hem of his boxers. He closes his eyes when you brush your thumb over the outline of his cock, letting out a quiet, “Fuck.” 
You slide back a little and lean down, sliding one hand inside his boxers and taking him out. There’s a bead of precum on the tip and as you wrap your fingers around him you use your thumb to spread it out, before you lean down and take him into your mouth. He’s big, too big to take all of him at once, and so you use both your mouth and hands to get him ready. 
“Fuck, you’re amazing,” he breathes from somewhere above you, one hand now cupping your face as you double your efforts and try to take him even deeper. He taps your cheek just as you can feel him start to swell inside your mouth and so you stop what you're doing and look up at him. Daniel swallows hard, “I’m gonna need you to stop if you want me to-”
“I want you to,” you tell him as you pump him one last time and then look at him expectantly. 
Daniel reaches over and opens his nightstand drawer, finding what he’s looking for not much later. Getting the condom on somehow turns into a two-person job and makes you both laugh, which seems to relieve some of the built-up pressure. Once the condom is on, Daniel flips you over again and leans down for a kiss.
You can feel the tip of his cock nudge your entrance and so you reach down and gently guide him inside of you, gasping for breath when he starts to fill you.
“You feel so good,” Daniel whispers against the corner of your mouth just as he bottoms out. “So tight.”
“It’s ok,” you tell him, clenching your walls around him. “You can move.”
He does. At first he only pulls back a little before he pushes down again but the slicker you become the more he pulls out, until he’s pumping in and out of you in a rhythm that you know will get you there sooner rather than later. From the way Daniel’s breathing picks up you’re sure he’s not far behind either. You can feel your second orgasm starting to build and so you reach down for your clit just as Daniel puts his mouth close to your ear, “You’re taking me so well.” 
His words go straight to your sex and you can feel your body starting to tense up once again, “Fuck, I’m gonna-”
“I’m right there with you, babe.” 
“Fuck.” You arch your back and hook one leg over his waist, wanting to feel all of him, and somehow it makes the angle just right and he starts hitting the spot with each thrust and- “Don’t stop. Please. Don’t-”
Daniel picks up his pace even more and before you know it you’re panting, your hands cupping his face so you can look at him. “That’s it,” he says. “Take me in, babe.” 
“Dan, I-” you try but then he slams into you harder and harder and you can feel yourself being tipped over the edge, your orgasm washing over you in full force and so all you can do is just enjoy the ride.
“Fuckin’ gorgeous,” Daniel says, watching you as he keeps chasing his own high that follows not much later when he comes with a loud groan. 
The sunlight seeping through his curtains wakes him up somewhere around ten and he’s a little confused when he hears quiet snores coming from the other side of the bed but then the memories from last night come rushing back and Daniel feels something tugging on his heart. He rolls over and can’t help but smile when he finds her tangled up in his sheets and so he presses a soft kiss between her shoulder blades.
She stirs, stretching her legs before she lets out a quiet moan, “Too early.”
Daniel chuckles, wrapping one arm around her waist and dragging her over to his side of the bed, “Good morning.”
“Mornin’” she whispers as she turns around in his arms so she can face him. 
She looks absolutely beautiful and Daniel feels like the luckiest man alive when he presses a kiss to her forehead, “How you goin’, sleepyhead?”
She nuzzles into him, her warm breath hitting his chest as her fingers dance over his stomach, “I’m really glad you’re back, Dan.” 
He smiles against her hair, “Me too.”
“Last night was-”
“Yeah,” he agrees quickly. “It was.” He hugs her closer, “We should do that again some time.” 
He feels her laugh and she pinches his side then, “We should.”
“Do you think- Will she-” Daniel clears his throat and rubs his hands on jeans, “Do you think she’ll still recognize me?”
You put a hand on his knee to stop his nervous habit and smile up at him, “Just wait and see.” 
When you pull up to the house not much later, Homer lets out an excited bark and rushes towards the car to greet you and whoever it is you’ve brought along. When he realises it’s Daniel, Homer wags his tail enthusiastically. 
“See?” You try, scratching Homer’s ears, “Even the dog remembers you, Ricciardo.” 
“Uhu,” Daniel nods, patting Homer’s head absentmindedly. “That’s great.”
The way he’s so nervous is absolutely endearing and so you don’t hesitate and take his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to let him know it’s ok. You nod towards the house, “Come on.” 
Ellie’s inside, having a tea party with Granddad and Mr Koala, but the minute she spots Daniel her face lights up and she claps her hands, “Danny!”
You have to bite your lip to keep the tears at bay and next to you Daniel clears his throat and when you risk a quick glance at him you can see his eyes are a little glossed over as well. 
He lets go of your hand and squats down, holding out his arms. Ellie all but launches herself at him and Daniel hugs her close, “Hello Miss Ellie.”
“Danny,” Ellie says again, patting his cheeks with her hands.
“I’ve missed you, kiddo.” 
You rub Daniel’s back and when he looks at you from over his shoulder you give him a warm smile.
Daniel stands up then, Ellie still in his arms, and walks over to greet Oscar with half a hug before he sits down on the couch, Ellie snuggling up to him in his lap. She’s babbling, trying to tell him about all the things he’s missed and Daniel listens intently, asking all the right questions with a wide grin.
“I has day tomorrow,” Ellie says then. “Danny come with?”
“I-” Daniel shakes his head and looks up at you for help.
“It’s her birthday on Saturday,” you explain as you run your hand through your daughter’s hair, “but the concept of the days of the week is still a little confusing so she’s been saying it’s tomorrow for the past week or so.” You throw him a wink then, “I think she just invited you to her party.” 
Daniel chuckles and pinches Ellie’s cheek, “Of course I’m coming with, sweetheart.”
“I be three,” Ellie explains, holding up five fingers proudly. Her little eyebrows knit together then, as if she’s trying to figure something out. You guess she did when she grins at Daniel, “Like you.” 
“Like my race number, yeah,” Daniel nods, beaming with pride. 
Daniel’s all over the place the rest of the week, catching up with his parents, his sister and her kids, some old friends he hasn’t seen since the summer break, and he hates that he’s not on the farm as much as he’d like even though she’s assured him things are much more manageable now that Oscar’s finally caved and hired a farmhand who comes to help out four days a week. 
On Saturday though, there’s only one thing marked on his calendar and so he finds himself driving over to his neighbours after lunch, opting to get there a little early so he can help out with any preparations that still need to be done before the party starts. 
He can’t help but smile when he pulls up to the house and sees the front porch is decorated with balloons and banners, and has to stifle a laugh when he sees Homer’s wearing a pink bow tie instead of his normal collar. Daniel pats the dog in his head when he steps onto the porch, “Looking sharp, Homer.” 
Knocking three times, like he always does, before he lets himself in and finds her and Ellie in the kitchen, both of them wearing colourful summer dresses and looking absolutely beautiful. Daniel greets her first, with a quick kiss that might seem pretty chaste but still gives him the butterflies and he knows he’ll never grow tired of, before he presses a kiss to the top of Ellie’s head, “Hi sweetheart.” Ellie looks up at him with a goofy grin and holds out her arms without hesitation. Daniel picks her up and peppers her face with kisses, “Happy birthday, Miss Ellie.”
When he sits her down in her high chair again he hands her the gift he so carefully wrapped this morning, this time using the pink and purple wrapping paper he picked up at Woolies yesterday, “Here you go.”
Ellie starts tearing into the paper, letting out an excited giggle when she sees what’s inside.
Daniel looks at her with an apologetic smile, “I didn’t know what to get her but Michelle told me Isabella loved this when she was Ellie’s age so-”
“It’s perfect,” she says, her hand on his arm. “She’s really into colouring right now so this will keep her busy for some time to come.”
“Momma! Look!” Ellie holds up the box of crayons and the colouring book Daniel got her.
“That’s a fun gift, huh?” She squats down next to Ellie and nods towards Daniel, “Did you say thank you, yet?”
Ellie looks up at him with a bright smile, “Thank!”
“You are very welcome, sweetheart,” Daniel grins back. He looks at her then, “If there’s anything I can do to help-”
“Thank you but everything’s set,” she says as she stands up. He catches her looking at the clock on the wall, “I want to show you something.”
“Ok,” he draws out, not sure where this is going. 
She picks Ellie up and nods towards the back door, “Come on.” 
Daniel follows her outside and watches as she puts Ellie down, taking the little girl’s hand in hers. Ellie looks up at him then and holds out her hand and so Daniel takes it, trying to make his brain actively remember this exact moment because it is definitely one of the happier ones of his life. 
“Your parents and sister should be here around three,” she says as she leads the way to where, he’s not sure. “Blake texted me right before you got here, to let me know he and Michael are running a little late but-” she shrugs and smiles, “I guess what I’m trying to say is we still have some time before everyone gets here.” 
It’s then the field they went to a few months ago, when he first visited the farm, comes into view and Daniel lets out a quiet, “Oh wow.” There is a sea of red flowers in front of him, thousands and thousands of poppies swaying gently in the soft summer breeze, the rolling hills in the distance offering a perfect backdrop.  
Ellie tugs on their hands, urging them forward until they reach the fence and she lets out a content sigh, “Pretty.” 
“Just like you, bub,” she says, letting go of her daughter’s hand so she can squat down next to her. She picks a poppy and hands it to Ellie, “Here you go. A pretty flower for a pretty girl.” When she stands up she looks at Daniel, “What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful,” Daniel admits easily enough, a tiny voice in the back of his head telling him what he already knows. That he’s not just talking about the flowers. 
She takes a step closer to him and puts her arm around his waist, letting her head rest against his shoulder, “Told you so.” 
Daniel slings his arm around her shoulders and pulls her close, pressing a kiss to her temple. There’s something- It’s weird, he realises. He’s only known her for a little over two months, and he was gone for most of that, but it feels like he doesn’t have to pretend to be someone he’s not. Not anymore. He doesn’t have to be Daniel Ricciardo, Danny Ric, DR, or the Honey Badger. He doesn’t have to be a Formula One driver, an eight-time race winner, the most beloved driver on the grid, and the fan favourite. He doesn’t have to be Red Bull’s wild card, Renault’s saviour, or, most recently, McLaren’s scapegoat. 
After thirty-three years, it feels like this is exactly where he was meant to be. It feels like everything that has happened, everything that he’s been through, has led up to this. To this exact moment. 
Because when he is here, when he’s with her, and with Ellie, he is Daniel. It feels- Words can’t describe it but in the end it feels like-
It feels like home. 
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
I loved your Wally x reader and their little sister its so cute I hope its ok if I request a Wally x reader who loves to draw and reader starts looking for inspiration and they come across the show and they start drawing the characters Wally seemingly there favorite to draw
Tysm for the request and kind words! It always makes me happy to know people are enjoying my writing! And your request sounds very intriguing I like it! Hope you’re doing well or that things get better!
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“ Ugh! Why must artblock be such a bitch!?” You cried out scribbling over the drawings you deemed not good.
You’ve had nothing but what feels like years of artblock. Even though it’s only been two weeks you just really wanted draw something and be happy with it but with whatever you drew you immediately hated it or just couldn’t get it how you wanted it to look. Including when a single idea came to mind it would completely vanish the moment you tried to draw. It was almost as if the gods forbid you to draw. Eventually you sighed out too frustrated to keep going as you tossed your sketch book to the side of your nightstand with your pencil and eraser.
“ Maybe watching some TV will do the trick?” You questioned to yourself .
As you grabbed the remote to the Tv flipping through the dully colored shows. Some more mature, too childish for you, others too in appropriate for you. Soon enough after your mindless flipping you came across a bright and colorful show displaying its intro. Now this looked interesting! You put the remote down onto a nearby surface as your eyes were now glued to the TV. Everything about the show from beginning to end captivated you. The show’s character designs were outstanding, the animation even more the puppets was almost too smooth like they were alive, and just everything about it made you admire it. But one character in particular caught your attention.
Wally Darling the main character of the show drew you into it even more. You loved his design and character traits. He was like a little gremlin! It didn’t help that he was also 12 apples tall. He was just a tiny little gremlin in your eyes that loved apples and drew. Him also being an artist was just a bonus for you!
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“ Now! What do you think I should draw today?” He asked through the screen staring at the viewer who was currently you.
“ How about I draw you?” You muttered eyes flickering back and forth to a cream colored page and the colorful puppet.
Your art block finally vanished from your new obsession with the main character Wally. His design was supper easy to draw his figure too was just as easy. It didn’t help that the day after watching the show and drawing him the next few episodes all he did was give you brilliant and adorable poses. It was like he was practically begging you to draw him.
What a model he was. It was almost as if he never wanted you to take your eyes off of him. Like he was your little model doing anything you needed without being asked to. The perfect model indeed. But everyone has their secrets right? And your precious model had many.
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He swung his legs back and forth with glee as he laid on his plush stomach on the the floors of your room. Flipping through your many many many pages of him and his friends. But mainly him. He couldn’t believe that he was the main focus of your inspiration. Him! Wally Darling the main focus of your own masterpieces. He had to admit you really did have some talent with shading and even just with drawing in general. You were just as good as him! It made him so happy almost too happy.
Looking over to your sleeping figure he couldn’t help but just want to give you a hug as a thank you for your amazing work. What kind of neighbor would he be if he didn’t thank you for being so kind as to draw him?
So as quietly as he could he had gotten up off of his little legs pushing up from the ground to tip toe over to your sleeping figure. Somewhere in your own dream land unaware and so unknowingly vulnerable to anyone who came in here. You should be glad it was him and not some horrible soul! Wally never exactly understood sleeping. Every time he tried he’d wake up in a panic scared of the horrible things his imagination came up with in his own dream land. You just looked so peaceful. He must admit that he envied you and his friends for having the gift of sleep. He’s almost surprised he doesn’t have eye bags like Franks. Just as he reached your comfy bed he couldn’t reach up. Pouting as he tried to quietly jump up without waking you. He couldn’t reach you even as he pitifully tried. Your bed was too high for his small plush legs to reach. He wondered how you even got up her everyday. You must of had to do some kind of cardio to achieve the top of this thing!
You stirred around on top of the bed hearing a small pitter patter constantly tapping your floor. You assumed it was your pet wanting attention. It was your fault for spoiling them so much they they only scratched at your bedside or tried to jump onto it so you would cuddle them. Tiredly sitting up you turned to the side of the constant pitter patter you felt around for them eventually feeling something soft and pulling them up. Not even giving it a second thought to the difference in the texture of your baby.
“ You’re so pitiful.” You told them nuzzling their forehead before dozing off to sleep.
Well this was unexpected. You’re now hugging him and he can’t get out of your grip now. Home is going to be so mad at him if he doesn’t hurry up. But at the same time you’re so comfy as you gently huggs you with his plush form. Why must the world be so cruel that he has to go soon ending this amazing moment sooner than he wants it to. If he could he would just lay in your arms forever always able to have your warm figure cuddling him. Wow he could actually go to sleep for once. But the sun is about to rise and home will lock him out again if he doesn’t come back! This was so unfair. After he sadly wiggled out of your loving grip he jumped off the bed. Landing face first onto the hard floor. How lovely?
He bit his tongue rushing towards the TV to scream out in pain as freely as he wanted to.
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You woke up in an award position as if you were hugging something. You stretched your arms out trying to undo a few knots in your back. All the sudden you heart your pet making a ruckus at the door. You huffed getting out of bed to see what got them so rilled up. Soon you came to the door hearing the bell ringing. Opening the door you saw a small rectangular box at the bottom of your feel. Looking around the corner unsure you ordered anything that was supposed to arrive today.
You brought it inside to see if you could find an address or anything to know who’s it was and to your dismay there was no sticker or anything just a colorful. Little box the red, orange, and yellow pattern looked familiar. You decided to open it up to see if there was anything in there.
As you opened it you couldn’t help but squeal. It was a little Wally puppet! Whoever this was supposedly to go to was never getting it back now. You couldn’t believe it! There was only so much and so few Wally Darling puppets ever sold. You fawned over the doll not noting its smile growing by the moment as you hugged it.
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Hope you all enjoyed this! I’ve been having a bit of writers block but managed to get through with this I’m so happy! I hope you’re all doing well or that yo ur day gets better.
Also ty all so much for the kind words you all comment on my works. It makes me so happy to know you all are enjoying my writing. I had written my first Wally Darling fic and a joke tbh and because I was bored and next thing Ik I’m now doing it so often I bearly write for twst XD.
Sincerely-Cup1dT3a 💌
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its-time-to-write · 9 months
ch. 2 - hustling for the good life
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table of contents only reason I had the courage to post this is bc I saw another post that was like “bby you can write whatever you want.” so I did.
dancing is a dangerous game
Natalie comes back with these fluffy silver slides. They’re ridiculously comfortable and you’re not sure how she managed to find them so quick, but hey, that’s Nat for you. Her mantra is, “Comfort first.”
“You have to wear them with me,” she commands. “It’s in my contract. Plus, they go with your dress.”
You scrunch your face at her. “No it is not. I’m wearing my heels. There’s no way you’re getting me in public with those on my feet, much less a party with a bunch of famous people.”
“Ohmigod, I fucking love your shoes,” says Keeley Jones an hour later. 
Natalie smiles and points her toe. “Thanks!” she replies, “Had to convince this one that it would be fun. And thanks for getting us the invite, Keeley. Means a lot.”
Keeley shrugs. “Not a problem, babes. I’ve known Stella for a bit, and she hosts the best parties. Her boyfriend’s around here somewhere, and he always invites a bunch of his football friends. They’re pretty hot,” she says as she shoots you a pointed look. “Perfect for getting over a recent breakup?” she says pointedly.
You wrinkle your nose. “I’m not really looking for anything right now,” you admit.
“Or ever,” Natalie coughs.
“Fine,” you concede. “Or ever. I don’t really have time for another relationship between Mango and getting ready for the Blue Glass tour. Too much work.”
Keeley nods and says, “Ah. Last relationship was PR, was it?”
“Try last three,” you sigh. “But don’t tell anyone. They were trying to put out the rumor that I was getting engaged, but I don’t think that I could play with someone’s life like that. It’s just too hard. If I were to date again, I’d want it to be real. And private. But…” you shrug. “I’m me. I’ve had to fight tooth and nail for every ounce of privacy I currently have.”
Keeley shakes her head. “Well babe, they say there’s someone for everyone but for now, enjoy the single life! Go get a drink then meet me on the dance floor, yeah? My boyfriend isn’t here because he’s an old grump, but I promised him I’d have enough fun for the both of us.”
She talks about her boyfriend so affectionately that is stirs something in your chest. You think Keeley Jones must have the rare luxury of real love, and you wonder what that must be like.
“Come on don’t get all morose on me now, we’re getting smashed,” Natalie says as she drags you to the bar. You raise an eyebrow. “Ok, alright, I’m getting smashed,” she amends. “Keeley swore up and down the walls that this party isn’t going to end up on the internet, and I’m going to take full advantage of that.” 
You roll your eyes as Natalie herds you to an in-home bar and pushes her way through tall, muscly men. You admire her faith in Keeley, but you know that you can never be completely in control.
“Do you make espresso martinis?” she shouts above the din. The man behind the counter nods as you give her a strange look. “What?” she asks, “Don’t act like coffee and booze aren’t the best combo since peanut butter and jelly.”
She takes her drink and says, “We should go find Isaac and Stella so you can thank them for having you. You know, meet the hosts and everything.” 
“Alright,” you say, “but then we’re dancing the night away. Don’t need to be buzzed to have a good time.”
“But it’s better if you are,” she replies as she grabs your hand once more, weaving through what you assume are famous footballers, actors, and models. You wave to a couple people you know as she ducks under arms, effortlessly taking sips of her martini. 
Natalie stops in front of two people you’re pretty sure you’ve never met before, and you’re having trouble placing their faces.
She nudges you as she says, “Isaac, Stella, pretty sure you already know who this one is.”
They smile, and Stella leans forward to kiss the air beside each of your cheeks, which are a little flushed from Natalie’s presumption. You introduce yourself anyway, because you’re not going to assume people know who you are, for goodness’ sake. 
“Can’t believe you’re here,” Isaac says. “Fucking mental, you’ve been top of the charts for months now.”
Stella nods in agreement. “Me and the girls have been listening to Mango ever since it came out. I mean come on, Patch is absolutely gorgeous.” She catches your squirm of discomfort and continues, “But you must be tired of talking about all that. Don’t worry, darling, you can dance all your cares away. Everyone here is somebody, so no one cares who you are.”
You give her a small smile, grateful for her perception. “I’ll keep that in mind you say. Oh shit, is that Margaret? I’m going to go say hey. Haven’t seen her in forever.”
You excuse yourself to the other side of the room to grill Margaret about her relationship.
The night is sliding by at a glorious pace as you catch glimpses of Natalie flitting back and forth, making new friends and connections that she’s sure to use to your advantage later. 
You’ve passed a pleasant hour dancing with Keeley and Margaret but you get tired of it without the buzz of alcohol in your veins. You decide to slip into a corner and observe, relishing the sheer disinterest that people have you. You’re pretty sure you see a Beckham walk by, as well as an actress with a blockbuster summer movie.
Andrew would’ve loved this, you think and you allow yourself to indulge in a memory of your staged romance with the guitarist.
Andrew used to take you dancing. He’d pull you onto the dance floor and put his hands on your hips to help you move in time with the music. He was the kind of person where a touch never felt threatening, and it was actually enjoyable the way he’d slide a hand down your arm to sway you with the music. He’s the reason you can move as well as you do and can actually enjoy yourself without feeling self-conscious. 
You think of the song you wrote together, Ice, and how you thought your friendship with him might be the closest thing you ever had to love. Maybe you had just conflated admiration with adoration, but if he decided he had real feelings for you, you think you could have made it work.
But he had his own albums to promote, so your breakup was timed to bring in the most hits. You missed him, but still talked every now and then.
You silently thank Natalie for pressuring you into wearing those goddamn slippers because yeah, they’ve been getting comments, but as people get drunker, they stop caring about what other people look like and more about their own comfort.
You can catch bits and pieces of conversation, familiar voices mixing with the unfamiliar, and it’s soothing for a moment until it’s not. 
Without warning, the room is too hot and too stifling, and your skin is tight on your body and you can hear your heart pounding louder than the bass of the music. 
You look around for an exit, maybe a door to the backyard or something where you can panic unnoticed. You push your way to the kitchen and see a sliding door. It’s open and inviting, but it doesn’t seem like anyone’s outside so you take a step into the cool night air.
There’s a pool, so you take off the slippers, bunch your dress up to your knees, and dip your feet in.
The shock of the water combined with fresh air begins to slow your breathing and you take a moment to appreciate the relative peace, when a voice breaks the spell.
“Too crowded, innit?” says someone in an accent that’s definitely British, but not in a way that you can place. 
You turn to see someone sitting on one of the recliners. You must have missed him when you first came out.
“Nice shoes,” he says, getting up.
Don’t sit next to me, don’t sit next to me, you silently will him because anyone closer than three feet feels like choking.
He might be telekinetic because he sits three and a half feet away, trousers rolled up.
“Had the same idea,” he continues. “Isaac throws a mad party, but it gets all crowded and shit. And anyway, I still got training tomorrow. Or maybe it’s today.” He frowns. “Got no idea what time it is.”
You note that he seems to be personal friends with Isaac and that he mentioned training, so he must be a footballer. 
He also seems to be perfectly content to fill the silence without your help.
“I’m Jamie, by the way,” he says. “You’re American, ain’t ya? Heard there were a whole bunch of you coming. None of you appreciate good football.” He shakes his head in mock sadness. “Bet you don’t even know who I am, do you?”
You tilt your head to better assess his face in the darkness. You think he might be familiar, but maybe he just has one of those faces.
Jamie obliges your perusal by moving his head to better catch the light. “Don’t matter, love. Stay in Richmond long enough and you’ll see this sexy face all over.”
He studies your face for a moment. “You’re a musician, right? That new one with the album about the fruit.”
You chuckle and say, “I’d hardly say I’m new. That was technically my third album if you don’t count the singles. Did one called Rotary Phone first, but people didn’t pay much attention till the first single on Blue Glass. Turned out pretty good, too. But yeah, my new album has a fruit on it. Not really about mangoes, but…” You trail off. Those are the most words you’ve said to a stranger in a long time but Jamie doesn’t notice.
“Right, yeah, ok,” he says, “I remember your name.”
He pauses before saying it into the night.
You almost shiver.
You’ve never quite heard your name like that before.
It’s a little distorted with his accent, but the way he says it it’s almost- familiar. Like the way a close friend would say it. 
“Yeah, that’s me,” you reply quietly. “Big star, or something.”
Jamie nods. “Hm. Oi, you’re best mates with Taylor Swift!”
That makes you laugh. 
“Nah, I’m really not. People just think that because we both play guitar.”
The words are barely out of your mouth before Jamie’s disagreeing with you.
“You have to be good friends. I mean she basically co-wrote half of Blue Glass!”
“Tay was just featured in Creekside. She’s not listed anywhere else.”
“C’mon. Allie Gooding? The bird you have as one of your co-writers? You expect me to believe that’s not Taylor Swift?”
You raise an eyebrow. “I have no idea what you mean.”
Jamie gives you a look. “Allie? Alison? Taylor Alison Swift? It ain’t hard to figure out.”
You scoff as you tell him that he’s reaching. “You sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist.”
Jamie’s still looking at you like he doesn’t believe you, but he changes the subject. “What’s your favorite song you’ve written?”
“Margarita,” you reply without hesitation. “No contest.”
Margarita was on Rotary Phone and is more of a deep cut, but Jamie seems to know it because he nods in approval. 
“Mine’s Tiny,” he says. “I like that the words are about his heart but it’s really about his dick.”
You smile. Tiny was really fun to write. “Wait, hang on, how do you know so much about my music? You were acting like you’d barely heard of me.”
Jamie grins. “Didn’t want to freak you out, did I? A pretty girl’s a pretty girl, no matter the fame.”
You laugh at that and he joins in for a moment before becoming serious.
“Oi, but really, are you alright? Saw you come out here with your hand pressed to your chest, like.”
You take a shallow breath before answering with as much sparkle as you can muster.
“Oh yeah, totally. All good.”
Jamie raises an eyebrow and you raise one right back, but he isn’t backing down.
“I won’t press you, but I know what anxiety looks like. Gaffer- er, coach has it pretty bad.”
You’re saved from responding by Natalie staggering outside with Keeley on one arm. 
“There you are!” she shouts. “Been looking everywhere for you. See that one?” she asks Keeley, pointing in an exaggerated fashion. “That’s my best friend. My famous, gorgeous, single, bestie.” She notices Jamie and smiles. “You want to date her? She could use a boyfriend and maybe a couple laughs.”
You frown as you get up to rescue Keeley from drunk Nat. 
“No, I couldn’t. I’m good. And you should probably get home, young lady.”
That just makes Nat and Keeley giggle. “What is she, your mum?” Keeley gasps.
Jamie gets up too and makes his way toward Keeley. “Oi, Keels, better get you home safe so granddad doesn’t have a fit.”
She peers at his face before patting it and saying, “Jamie? When’d you get here? You trying to get with this one?”
“Nah,” Jamie says, “she wouldn’t be interested in someone like me anyway. Now come on, love, I’ll drive you home.”
He disappears inside with Keeley wobbling on his arm, loudly saying something about how he needs to be nicer to himself.
You sigh and reach for your phone to call the car.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 3 months
hello :) So have about we do a fanfic we’re reader is Knoxvilles daughter (she’s like 14-15 whatever) and she does stunts but not like the ones the guys do. So one stunt reader does a crazy stunt and gets very mildly hurt but papa Knoxville is not very happy and very worried???
sorry if this long asf 😭😭 ok bye bye love ya 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
Knoxville’s Girl
When Johnny’s daughter does her first stunt (behind her father’s back, mind you) he isn’t very happy with his buddies who helped her out.
1.1k Words
Warnings: Injuries, mention of underage drinking
An: Thank you so much for the request!! Sorry for the long wait in writing this but as a side note you always give me really interesting requests so thank you XD I decided to add in the fact Y/N skates in this fic because when I was 15 I was really adamant about learning. I never did, but I acquired quite a host of bruises as a result! I still have my old board lying around somewhere, I think…Anyways, thank you for the request and please keep them comming!!
Despite what most of America would think, your dad was one of the most responsible men you knew- at least, when it came to you. A lot of this negative press could be attributed to his whole line of work as a stunt man and generally rowdiness with his best friends who he was so close to that you often referred to them as your uncles. As far back as you could remember, you begged him to let you do stunts- it didn’t even have to be all that crazy, you told him. Hell, you would settle for antiquing one of the guys, but nooo. He would always give you the same reasoning, that he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if anything happened to his little girl. Sure, it was sweet, but it’s not like you were eight years old anymore- you were fifteen, and you could handle a few bruises, what with how you were learning to skateboard (and getting pretty damn good at it if you do say so yourself).
While you were forbidden from any stunts, you were allowed to hang out on set with the other guys in between takes. You spent most of your time sitting around with Bam, shooting the shit and talking about skateboarding for hours until he had to go run off and hurt himself more. One time, when Johnny wasn’t around, he even snuck you a beer from one of the coolers, which you tried really hard to make it look like you didn’t think it was gross. That's all to say that your dad didn’t think he was the best influence on you. You and Bam were pretty close, which is why it was him who you ranted to about all of your problems, “Ughh…my dad never lets me have any fun!” Rolling your eyes, you sat back in your seat as you crossed your arms, “I mean, I’m in high school now! All I wanna do is one stunt- just one!” Bam nodded, listening to you. After a silence, he took a drag off his cigarette and spoke, “I mean, I’m sure we could figure something out…” Your head shot up with these wide, excited eyes and you were practically squealing in disbelief, “Wait, really? Like- really really?!” Grinning at your eagerness, Bam shrugged, “Why not? Hell, I’ll get Steve-O in on it too- I’m sure he could come up with somethin’ that won’t get you old man’s panties in’a bunch.”
The idea came from, of all places, a Willie E. Coyote cartoon- you know, the whole ‘painting a tunnel on a wall and getting someone to run into it’ thing? It was Steve’s idea to put you on a skateboard. “C’mon, all you gotta do is drop in! You can’t fuck it up that bad, Y/N.” He was right, you thought. You’d dropped in a couple of times before at the skatepark and never once did you get hurt, which wouldn’t be a possibility this time around because Bam had the genius idea to put a helmet on you to eliminate any element of risk so there was no way Johnny would ‘get all pissy’ with them and also because it’s not a good idea to get your boss’s daughter concussed.
Poised at the top of the coping, you stared down in dislebeif at the drywall in front of you with the crudely painted tunnel on it that Bam was next to. On the other side was Steve who stood ready with the camera, angling it up as he waved at you. “Alright, little lady! We’re rollin’!” Okay, this was happening. It’s happening. Taking a deep breath, you nodded and, not wanting to look like a total pussy, swallowed any traces of tension you had before squeezing your eyes shut and shifting your weight forward. See, the thing is when you’re on a moving object, it’s kind of a good idea to keep your eyes open so you can, you know, see things. This thought didn’t cross your mind as you hurtled down the vert ramp before crashing into the wall- the wall that was supposed to shatter and leave you completely unscathed. The only problem was that it didn’t. Drywall entirely intact, you bounced off of it, landing on your back with this horrible, burning hot pain in your wrist.
You walked away with a sprained wrist, a black eye, and a couple cuts and bruises. Not too bad for your first real stunt, you thought, and it was funny as hell too, as you discovered when Steve was showing you the footage in the ER waiting room to make you feel better. If only Johnny could see the same humor in it as you did. You would’ve thought they were wheeling you back in a full body cast when they got you back to set later that day. Your dad’s eyes got wide and his jaw nearly hit the ground as he gasped, taking in the sight with a voice dripping in concern, “Jesus Christ…” Hurriedly pulling you into his chest, you were about to say some comment about how you were fine and it was totally worth it cause you had a great time, when he looked up at Steve and Bam like he wanted to bite their heads off, “What the hell did you do to her?” Neither had ever seen Johnny this angry and were both starting to regret being a part of this when Bam piped up, “I mean, I dunno what you’re so mad about, man- she wore a helmet.”
Funny enough, that did end up convincing Johnny to let you in on a couple of their milder Jackass stunts only to make sure you could do this sort of thing in a safer, more controlled environment under his watch. Chasing the guys around with cattle prods, rigging the giant hand to hit them as they walked through the halls of the Dickhouse offices- you even got to help Bam out with doing Rockys on the cast and crew (even though he really thought he was a bad influence now). The only other time you saw your dad that worked up was when Bam came up to him on set in between takes sounding pretty nervous himself. “Hey, Knoxville-“ He jabbed a thumb behind him, “You know I’m usually pretty cool about this kinda stuff, but I don’t really think Y/N should be doin’ stunts like that with wild animals…” Suddenly panicking, Johnny flew out of his seat, running over to the bushes where he heard your snickering, only to find you sitting across with Chris who had his hand in the Black Mamba sock puppet, wiggling it around like a snake and hissing. Falling back laughing, all Johnny could do was shake his head, unable to keep a smile from creeping onto his lips.
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ufolliegy · 1 year
how would benrey transformer meet gordon?
Ok, I have to preface this by stating I am not a writer. So if any of this sounds dumb. That’s why.
Anyway, I'm gonna infodump to you about my tf au now. This is gonna be kinda like an outline for a fic if I ever would write a fic about it. Don't take it too seriously.
Benrey is a defected Decepticon living on Earth. He arrived on Earth with a couple other bots, but they found him annoying and ditched his ass pretty early on. Not that he really cared much, he prefers to be on his own anyway. 
Benrey hangs around on Earth for a while. He finds human culture fascinating and decides to observe it from a distance. 
Unfortunately for Benrey, Energon is pretty hard to come by on Earth. He soon realizes that being a Cybertronian living on his own on Earth is almost certainly a death sentence without a proper source of Energon. 
So, he begins searching for a source. He knows he can’t really go back to the Decepticons, after defecting there's no way he’d expect any sympathy from them. Going to the Autobots is obviously out of the question. He’s desperate, but he’s not low enough to go crawling to the Autobots begging for help.
Through his searching Benrey eventually catches wind of a certain research facility located in New Mexico, USA. From what Benrey is able to gather, Black Mesa Research Facility has either located a rare on planet Energon source, or has developed technology similar enough to Cybertronian technology that they are able to synthesize their own Energon. 
While this is wonderful news to Benrey, he also learns that Black Mesa may have captured several other Cybertronians that had been living on Earth similar to himself. He has no doubt that whatever Black Mesa is doing with these Cybertronians, it doesn’t seem pleasant. Unfortunately, this is Benrey’s only lead, he has no choice but to go through with it. Carefully. 
Then like a dumbass, on his way to Black Mesa his Energon reserves run dangerously low. This forces him into a semi-comatose state in the middle of an abandoned desert freeway.
Enter, Gordon Freeman. Gordon is a 27 year old new hire at Black Mesa Research Facility in New Mexico, USA. He has just recently moved across the country, leaving behind his friends and family to grab this once in a lifetime chance to work at the mysterious research facility. He’s finally found a use for the stupid degree that he worked so hard on. By god, is he gonna use it. 
Just a little while after getting settled into his new life, his trusty old "dad car" finally kicks the bucket. A begrudging and sad Gordon gathers up what little savings he has and heads to the nearest used car lot. 
When he arrives Gordon is less than thrilled. He wasn’t looking for the fanciest car in the first place, god knows he can’t afford that, but so many of these poor old cars look beat to hell and back. 
Eventually, Gordon does find something that catches his eye. It’s a big dark blue SUV. It’s absolutely caked in dust and has a couple good scratches and dents, but other than that it seems to be in alright condition. It drives and that’s all Gordon’s really looking for. Though, he does notice a strange looking purple logo on the steering wheel. He decides not to pay it much mind. 
When Benrey wakes up he’s somewhere he’s never been before. Not that he’s been to very many places on Earth, but this place is completely unfamiliar. It's an uncomfortably tight space with gray walls and a cold concrete floor. He figures he’d been offline for at least a couple weeks, his Energon reserve’s weak attempt to keep him from burning through it completely.
He decides to stay put, not wanting to waste what little Energon he has left, and also because he’s genuinely curious about where he’s found himself. He assumes it could be some sort of human domicile?
After a few hours of waiting around, Benrey hears a door swing open and the overhead lights flick on. Standing in the doorway across from Benrey is a human.
This human has long frizzy auburn hair pulled up into a tight ponytail, a scruffy beard, cute little square glasses, and oh. Oh man. Are those freckles? Aw, he’s kinda cute. Haha- whuh, oh shit, he’s walking over here?
Gordon drives Benrey right into Black Mesa, unaware that his new car is a sentient alien trying to steal from the facility. 
Benrey is thrilled that he’s made it into Black Mesa and he didn’t even have to do anything. But, his excitement is short-lived. Now comes the hardest part, actually getting to the Energon source inside. 
After observing his human captor(?) enter the depths of the facility without problem Benrey devises a fool proof plan to get what he wants. 
While on his way home from Black Mesa Gordon notices when his new car starts to act strange. Very strange. Abruptly, all control of the vehicle is ripped away from Gordon as it veers off the road on its own accord. Speeding through the sparse foliage and rough terrain of the New Mexico desert, Benrey takes Gordon far away from prying human eyes. 
Once Benrey is certain there are no other humans around for miles he unlocks his doors and boots Gordon out of the driver seat onto the dusty desert ground.
Gordon stares up in terror, shock, and genuine confusion at the sight unfolding (literally) in front of him as Benrey transforms. Benrey looms over Gordon as he puts on his very best “scary Decepticon looking to get what he wants” face.
Benrey tries his hardest to get Gordon to fear him, to submit to his master plan of forcing the human to grab the Energon for him. For a bit it works, Benrey is HUGE compared to Gordon and could easily squash him like a bug. Not that Benrey would really wanna do that, that would be kinda icky. 
Then, in classic Benrey fashion, he says something ridiculous that has Gordon going from cowering in fear to doubling over with disbelief and laughter. 
'Benrey: C’mon man, i'm trying to be scary here. Stop laughin’ at me. You even got the credentials to be out here driving, man? Pretty shit at it. You got the papers? You got a, uh- a passport? 
Gordon: I- I’m sorry it's just- Wait, passport? Do you mean like a- a driver’s license? 
Benrey: huh?
Gordon: What the actual fuck are you talking about, man?'
The two of them eventually calm down enough that Gordon isn’t screaming in fear or babbling in disbelief. Benrey explains to Gordon his predicament and why he needs him to go through with his “expert plan” to get to the Energon.
Gordon, for one, isn’t buying it. Gordon argues that there’s no way he’s putting the dream job he just got on the line to help the weird terrifying evil car that kidnapped him. 
Benrey looms over Gordon again, Benrey’s metal face coming closer to Gordon’s than ever before. He leers him down at him, which Gordon very much takes as some sort of threat. 
Then, Benrey stands, stretches his metal joints, and turns around to start walking the other direction into the desert. He tells Gordon that’s fine, and to have good luck making his way home on his own. 
Gordon sputters and yells out after Benrey, shouting for him to wait. He considers his options, as much as he really does not want to help Benrey, dying alone in the middle of the desert is not on his bucket list. Not to mention that even if he does somehow make his way home on his own there's no way he could afford to buy ANOTHER car after he just bought this one. So very cautiously and begrudgingly, Gordon agrees. 
In the end the two form a sort of symbiosis.  Gordon gets to risk his job to help Benrey get the Energon he needs to survive, and Benrey gets to have fun driving Gordon around on cute little trips to the grocery store and stuff. The two of them might get caught by Black Mesa for their crimes in the future, but it will be fine. They should be able to handle it.
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Hey I'm having a really hard time getting out of a funk. I haven't put laundry away in weeks, and all my friends are going through things too so I can't unload on them. Not to mention my bff has a baby and now it feels like she has no time for me. I could use some positivity, thank you.
I know those feelings, frond. I had a nine-day period just recently that we all referred to as "Bed-Fest '23", cos I didn't get up or dressed or whatever.
First things first - it's OK to be in a funk. Sometimes we have one. It's totally normal. If you do absolutely nothing else, please remember to take any medication that you have - including anything for depression or other mental illness. Even if you can't shower or even eat - take your meds.
Second, prioritise those tasks that are most important and focus the energy you have on making sure that those get done. After medication, my list goes like this: dog's needs met, food/drink, safe environment, shower, tooth brush, washing clothes, clean environment.
By "safe environment" I mean keeping my kitchen clean and cleaning up after myself so food waste and such is not left lying around, which might attract mice, cockroaches, ants, mould and so on. Making sure my house isn't a health hazard, basically. Whereas "clean environment" is putting things away where they belong, like with your laundry. I also work from my bed outwards with a clean environment - if I'm spending all my time in bed, that immediate area gets cleaned first.
As for getting out of the funk - focusing on getting as much of the self care list done as you can - but not scolding yourself and engaging in negative talk when you do not, is how we start. Go to work, or school or whatever you gotta do, and then use what energy you can bear to do what you can. Then give yourself permission to just be. Do what will give you peace. Video games, reading, Netflix, extra sleep. Treat yourself and have no guilt or shame about it. This is what you NEED right now.
When you've recovered some energy by not forcing yourself to do too much, get creative. I write poetry and I draw in abstract colours. I put my emotions onto the page - whenever I'm in a depression or slump, there's a reason for it. There's emotions behind it and if you have an outlet to let those emotions out and into the world, they will start to seep out of you and ease you out of the funk. Your feelings are stuck inside you and need somewhere to go.
Get back into the swing of life slowly and as you feel up to it. Even if you don't have any friends available, it's good to talk to someone about the progress you're making - so you could even just blog about it on Tumblr. I just report in to my partner and mother. "Today I got two loads of washing done, and then I didn't really do much else, I just read a bunch of fanfic, but I left comments on it all, which is active instead of passive."
I hope that at least some of this advice is helpful. I never know if I have any advice in me until someone asks me a question. The life of an Accidental Agony Aunt.
The Slightly Aggressive Affirmer
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Ooo requests are open! Honestly LOVE your blog, it got me inspired to write again!
Could i get the nastiest, most toe curling, mouth watering smut with arkham riddler 👀👌💗
Make it all yours! I dont mind anything ♡ and again amazing blog 10/10 writer and amazing person ♡
Just A Taste
Arkham!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: 1.6k um thank you so much for giving me some free reign it was nice to do something that was sort of open u-u which speaking of, i went female reader but it's really kind of afab, reader has a vagina and obvious breasts but the language should be gender neutral (apart from one good girl) so works for anyone with a those body parts 💚 also thank you for being so nice to me ;-; you are also an amazing person, 100/10 for being so sweet and cute u-u request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: oral sex giving and receiving, suggestive language, daddy!kink, begging, straight up sex, fingering, i put my whole clit into this honestly i love him so much
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In moments of boredom, you liked to go to the workroom and watch Ed tinker with his projects. Getting to see his nimble fingers, strong forearms, working on his passion projects, his tongue poked out in concentration, sweat beading above his little goggles. Nothing turned you on more. And sometimes, he’d let you help. As long as it wasn’t too dangerous, he would get you to pass him tools, test a switch, turn something on for the first time. And you were always reminded how good you were afterwards.
“I have to assume that it’s you sneaking around in here, and not that idiot detective come to ruin my plans?”
“It’s me!” You were giggling like a kid, happy that he had heard you, noticed your presence. As you rounded the corner you could see his legs sticking out from underneath whatever it was he was currently working on, legs sticking out, feet planted on the floor so he could shuffle himself back out as he laid on the creeper. Wheeling himself out, he took you in, smiling at you, before returning under to continue his work.
“Do you need any help, Eddie?”
“Uh…ok, sure.”
You were giddy with excitement. Sometimes, he could be distant, it was difficult to get his attention. And you were desperate for it, desperate for him. So any crumb, even if it meant hanging around in his disgusting work room doing some work for him, was better than nothing.
“What do you want me to do, sir?”
“Uh, ahem, you see that uh…you see the blue button on the front there?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Aha…ok, push it when I say so. You’ll have to put a bit of effort behind it, it’s kind of stiff still.”
“Oh my, I think I can handle something stiff.”
There was silence, but you could see him squirming. It drove Eddie mad when you were flirtatious. He had no idea how to react to it. Over your time together, he’d tried different approaches. Flirting back, telling you off, now he just awkwardly ignored it. But you could tell he enjoyed it, and you were sure if his face wasn’t underneath a pile of machinery and covered in motor oil and dark smudges, you’d be able to see his cheeks blushing a rosy pink.
You searched for the button, noticing that it was a bit high up, right in the centre of the front of whatever this hunk of junk was. To get to it, you stood to the side of Eddie, teasing at your skirt modestly before your brain clicked on. Stepping over him silently, trying not to alert him to your position, you stood, one foot on either side of Ed’s body, legs spread apart and skirt offering a view of your underwear.
“You ready?”
“Absolutely, Eddie.”
“Ok…hit it.”
You pressed hard, but nothing happened.
“Huh…ok, try again.”
And again, nothing. A soft sputtering noise from somewhere within the metal chamber behind the button, but then silence.
“Are you pushing it right?”
“Am I pushing a button right?”
“Ok let me just...”
Eddie wheeled himself out again, trying to see what could possibly be going wrong. You stayed still, inspecting the button, trying to act like you were so focused on what could be going wrong, as if you had any clue, pretending to be completely unaware of how exposed you were above him.
“Uh, if you…maybe try the…uh…i-if…the button further down…if you crouch a little?”
“Oh, sure, no problem, sir!”
You lowered yourself slightly, offering him a better view of you.
From below you, Eddie licked his lips, admiring the way your panties barely covered your entrance, noting the light outline of your lips against the thin fabric. He could feel his arousal growing, the pit in his stomach tightening as he felt his length harden.
“Is that doing anything for you, Eddie?”
“Ah..aha…um…yeah, but uh…maybe, can you see underneath, you might need to come a little lower still…if that’s ok?”
“Absolutely, Eddie.”
He was drooling, having to lean forward slightly to prevent from choking, the closeness making it worse though as he could feel the heat radiating from you, smell the scent of your arousal, could practically taste you on his tongue which he now realised he was holding outside of his mouth in anticipation.
“Ed?” You angled yourself, bending over to stare into his eyes. “You ok?”
His calloused hands took hold at the back of your calves, pushing up and hooking his deft fingers into your underwear, sliding them down and letting them drop against him as you stood out of them, kicking them to the side before returning to the crouched position you held over him. Following the bend of your legs and snaking over your thighs, curving around your hips and pulling at you, he was tugging at your body until you were lowering yourself onto him, leaning back to position your body on his chest. He swatted at your right thigh with his hand.
“No. Face.” He removed his hands from you briefly to remove his goggles and glasses.
Pushing you back up, you slowly lowered your body down, the heat of his breath warm against your splayed entrance, his nose the first thing that came into contact with your tingling skin.
“Not enough, please. Please, sit on me. Ride my face.”
“Jesus, Ed!” You were pleasantly surprised by his sudden crass and desperate desires, but you weren’t able to tease anymore out of him, as his fingers were digging tight into your upper thighs, pulling you till you landed on your knees, one leg either side of his face, completely on him as he pressed his tongue up and into you, hungrily lapping at your slick.
From his mouth, a myriad of whimpers and mewls came forth, moaning against you and vibrating through your core as he worked his jaw around your folds, his tongue flicking around inside and out, the ministrations of his lips and teeth almost impossible to bear against the rough skin of his hands which soothed over your thighs. Each time you lifted yourself to give him time to breath he brought you crashing back down again, unafraid of losing conscious if it meant not having your cunt pressed tight against his wide-open mouth.
As you ran your fingers through his hair, trying to at least hold him back for a few seconds to regain your composure, you could make out some mumbling. Easing off of him, you listened intently to his pleading whines.
You stood up on shaking legs, offering a hand out which Edward took and heaved himself up with. Almost blushing at embarrassment at his previous efforts, he lifted his vest up, exposing his soft stomach and surprisingly muscular chest, wiping your juices from his chin and clearing his throat. His tongue drifted out from between his lips, tasting what remained of you, the lingering flavour seeming to spur him on again as he grabbed you and held you against the wall, lips crushing against yours to the point where you could taste yourself on him. It mingled with the faint hint of grease, sweat and oil, the metallic tang of Eddie. You bit his lip, letting your tongue pass over where you had nipped at him, lazily drawing it down his throat and chest.
With his hands free, he lifted your shirt up and off, grasping almost violently at your breasts, his roughened fingertips squeezing at your nipples as he teased them out, rolling them between his knuckles. Moving his palms to your elbows, he brought you back up, standing against him, locked in a kiss that was mostly teeth and groans.
Under your skirt, his fingers were teasing at your folds, covered in your arousal, dipping tentatively in, just enough to have you jutting forward into him, trying to get them further within you. But he held back, bringing them out softly, trailing them up and down your lips as your voice got lost in the moans.
“Tell me-no…tell daddy you want it.”
“I uh…mhm…I want it daddy, please.”
Turning you round swiftly, knocking the breath from your lungs, he draped you over the workbench, helping you shift yourself on to it with his hands on your hips, before he shifted their focus back to your swollen cunt.
His fingers were the tools, but his strong forearms did the work as he thrust the fingers of one hand into you, hooking up slightly to catch at the spot he knew made you quiver, the other hand stroking softly, swiftly at your clit. His eyes never left yours, and you found yourself straining to keep them open as he brought you closer and quicker to orgasm, his touch alone sending you over the edge, mouth silently praising you, lips able to form the words “good girl” only, all his concentration focused on bringing you to your climax.
And when it came, he left his hands on you, working their ministrations to a slowing pace, not leaving until you were clawing at him, pushing him away as you became overstimulated at the sensation. When you finally managed to sit up slightly, you noticed he was still staring at you, deep into your eyes, pupils blown completely, lips snarling wildly, almost feral. Clearly he wasn’t finished yet.
“I have to go clean up, but you better not. Go wait in the bedroom, I’ll be right in.”
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gwyns · 2 months
I read a post from a while ago that said the reason why Elain gave Azriel ear plugs was because she might have an inkling that he might be near a lightsinger. One thing I’ve noticed some E/riel’s do is when Gwyn is brought up about being a lightsinger they say she’s evil, but if there are theories that Elain herself might be one, then lightsinger’s aren’t bad (I’ve actually seen some E/riel’s come up with Elain being a lightsinger theory I’m dead serious). That Elain can sing to or call different things like people, animals, shadows and life/death. It’s like they’re picking and choosing what benefits their ship. How her seer abilities are letting her see this, and not to say that can’t be true, and she avoids Lucien because she sees that they’re not meant to be.
Another post somewhere said Elain might have accidentally thrown Bryce into Prythian while trying to scry for a Dread Trove object or Gwydion and that to get back to Midgard, Bryce will need Elain’s help (this post & theory came out before HOFAS so I’m curious to know their thoughts now🤡). I’ve seen a lot of e/riel’s say that Elain is a spy (and she’ll help Azriel search for the Dread Troves), but if she was then wouldn’t her sisters know or have some inclination? I feel like most E/riel’s only care about self inserting themselves in Elain, for whatever reason, and don’t really care about her. I don’t think Elain will be evil, but I just wanted to share this; there was an evil Elain theory someone had. She gifted Az the headache powder (we don’t know how it works) and earplugs to secretly numb his senses.
i've seen the earplug theory before and my god did it make me laugh like the desperation... but elain being a lightsinger? HUH?? do they not remember the description of them in acosf? they lure people and kill them. they're not beloved by animals or something like wtf??? i can't anymore 😭
if anything i think it'd be more accurate that elain avoids lucien because she sees a happy life for them. like put yourself in her shoes, she was in love with a man who rejected her coldly because of something she had no control over and she's tied to this man she barely knows because of fae magic and now her fae magic is showing her they're going to be perfect together?? i wouldn't be surprised if she thought the bond was influencing her seer abilities somehow
ok look i love elain, she's my soft baby girl, but not everything is about her omfg. clearly their hofas theories were wrong (who's surprised? not me) but it's insane how they shove her into every single plotline. she'll get her own story whenever sjm releases it, relax
i've said before that i don't agree with the "evil elain" theories, it's not something i see sjm doing at all lol she writes her antagonists/soon to be antagonists a certain way and elain doesn't give off those vibes. plus she confirmed her book years ago so yeah, elain is safe. not saying you do, anon, since you said you don't think she will be either. i'm just talking about others i've seen over the years who, for some reason, can't accept that women can be kind and polite and soft without ulterior motives. anyway, moving on... do i think elain could somehow be manipulated by other forces? maybe, but it wouldn't be with the intention to harm anyone else. so i don't think she gifted him those things for any other reason than the fact that they're gag gifts
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thebansacredbanned · 2 months
get to know me meme (tagged by @vaynglories hiiiiiiiiii)
do you make your bed? I mean I guess? I straighten my duvet when I get out of bed. I never really know what people mean when they say this which is probably an embarrassing thing to announce on tunglr.hell but whatever
what's your favourite number? 8? maybe? i don't reguarly think about things like this
what is your job? I'm volunteering in a charity shop while I mooch off my parents. I'm calling it a 'gap year' and ignoring the fact I'm in my mid 20s. such is life
If you could go back to school would you? I'm planning on going back to do a professional qualification in september! then I might be able to get a job!
can you parallel park? my driving instrutor taught me how to last week! Whether I can do it again is another question
a job you had that would surprise people? I moved to Greece and worked there for 9 months last year! The job itself isn't surprising but the fact that I went and did it in another country that doesn't have english as a first language surprised uhhh me tbh (I now am still dealing with Greek bureaucracy though 0/10)
do you think aliens are real? I guess they must be some form of life somewhere but I don't think humans will find it any time soon
can you drive a manual car? NO when I was signing up for driving lessons I was like 'automatic or nothing' I've already put off learning for like 8 years and there's a Reason for that lmao
what's your guilty pleasure? I don't think people should feel guilty for enjoying things. That being said: one of my favourite films is Alexander (2004) and I should feel guilty about that lets be real it's actually really REALLY bad
tattoos? nope, needles are scawy o.o
favourite colour? porple
favourite type of music? spotify wrapped informed me my top genre was 'new wave' which is probably correct but I also like Queen and whatever The Amazing Devil have got going on
do you like puzzles? jigsaw puzzles? eh they're ok. sudoku/crosswords/etc? HELL YES this is how I love to waste spend my time
any phobias? creepy dolls including those mannequins you get in museum exhibits (I'm less bad now but child me was SO freaked out); spiders but not if they're just chilling
favourite childhood sport? I fenced! I was not good at it but hitting people with swords is what I personally consider a good time
do you talk to yourself? all the time if there's no one else around
what movie(s) do you adore? my top childhood films which I still also count as my top films now are Hoodwinked! and Looney Tunes: Back in Action. Endlessly quoted in our house
coffee or tea? ew. hot chocolate
first thing you wanted to be growing up? probably a ballerina? that ambition didn't last long but the lessons lasted longer
tagging: @nemainofthewater @wishthefish @sinni-ok-sessi @tavina-writes @robealafrancaise @feng-huli @omgpurplefattie @circumference-pie @yletylyf and like anyone else and also don’t feel like you have to do it the booping gave me confidence to tag without stressing for once lol
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