#i hope I’m not too rushed with the conclusions
Welcome Home Agere Fic - Mama’s Boy
Characters: Poppy Partridge, Frank Frankly, Julie Joyful (at first section)
Setting: Poppy’s Barn (living room, kitchen)
Premise: Frank is having a hard time warming up to his caregivers in little space, but Poppy makes him feel right at home.
Authors Note: I wanna avoid anything angsty here, just cute fluff and cuddlin!! I hope my silly lil fics can bring some light on the WH agere community, lol
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about! That is just silly!”
“C’mon Frankie, there’s nothing wrong with being a mama’s boy!”
Frank Frankly and his dearly delightful friend Julie Joyful were having a light banter and bicker as they sat for tea one sunny morning. They had gone back and forth with whatever had come to mind - what new insects Frank had discovered, the latest play from Sally, whatever Wally would have going on - and at some point, regression came to light.
“You’re making such a fuss over something that doesn’t exist!!” Frank protested. Julie was teasing the frowning fellow because, recently, Frank had been harboring a closeness to Poppy Partridge - the town chicken. When times got difficult to handle and they felt themself slip into little space, he would go towards the feathered fellow’s comforting wings and let her take care of him and love him as a small boy. It made him feel comforted and safe, and all their worries would wash away.
And here, he was denying all of that.
“Come onnnnn, Frank!”, Julie teased, “it’s so cute! I guarantee it!” Frank felt his cheeks warm in embarrassment as he leaned back into his seat, gripping the handle to his cup.
“It is not,” he muttered, “it’s nothing more than tomfoolery, buffoonery, silliness I tell you!” Julie pouted, she just couldn’t get to him.
“What’s so wrong with it? Who wouldn’t want someone who’s arms are perfect to fall into and coddle you like a baby, isn’t that what you want? It’s like a dream you can see!” Frank huffed in response, setting down their cup and crossing their arms.
“What I want is to be clear, and dear I am quite clear that this is NOT a real thing!”, he protested, turning his head away from Julie’s sugary-sweet gaze. She sighed, sipping her tea and scooting closer to the grey and gloomy fellow.
“You are quite the stubborn bull, I can see horns growing from you right now!”
Frank rolled his eyes, scoffing.
“But, I won’t push. If you insist that this doesn’t happen, then I won’t fuss you further.”
Frank turned his gaze back, his expression softening slightly. His rosie-cheeked chum simply crossed her legs, leaning in close to his ear and raising a hand close to her mouth. A whisper slipped out.
“Doesn’t mean it isn’t cute.”
“A mama’s boy, huh? What’s so wrong with that?” Frank had soon found himself sitting alongside the aforementioned pheasant, Poppy. She had noticed his unusually more sour mood than usual, and had invited him in for a short talk.
“That’s not the biggest issue with this, Poppy… she’s talking about you.” Poppy’s eyes widened after that statement. Her? A mother figure? A complete lie in her eyes.
“Oh goodness, me? A mother?” Poppy further questioned. The frowning fellow nodded, sighing. This made Poppy think for a moment. She was aware of all the times that she had cared for Frank, little or not. On days that he was big, they would talk about the flowers and the bugs that grew around them, or he would help Poppy bake some bread or any new dessert she needed help with. On days that he would go small, she would read him small random facts about any bugs that he wanted to hear about, or just swaddle and hold him for however long he wanted to stay.
In a way, Julie was right. I mean, she sure wasn’t completely right, there were a few things she got wrong. But for the most part, she wasn’t too far off.
“W-Well, if she were right, she wouldn’t be too far off,” the feathered friend noted. Frank shot her a look, his eyebrows furrowed and a small pout on his lips.
“I-I didn’t say she was!”, she frantically corrected, “I was just… hypothetical, be-because if she were, then she wouldn’t exactly be wrong! It’s not a confirmed fact, ho-honest!” Frank simply stared for a bit, before groaning and slumping back into the sofa they sat at.
“It’s just… so embarrassing to me! I don’t want people to think I’m just some innocent and naive infant that needs someone to care for me every second. Is that so hard? To be treated like an adult?” He crossed his arms in frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand. Poppy hummed and nodded, hesitantly resting a wing on his back as an act of understanding.
“W-Well, I mean… you regress, r-right?” Frank nodded slowly.
“Hmm… w-well, you can still be an, um… adult but also feel comforted by someone, can you not?” The grumpy fellow raised his head a tad, looking up at the bird.
“I mean, um… for me, back when I was a chick just molting, I thought that being seen as a child was the worst possible thing, so I began to bottle up what worries I had and completely shut myself down. It worked, but only for a while, and when it ended… well, all I can say is that I sure was a mess, haha! My m-mom saw me at my worst, and was the first to comfort me. She told me that, well… being an adult is very hard, so it’s ok to cry and-and tell others that you feel bad every now and then. It doesn’t make you feel any less older or any more younger, okay?”
Frank sat there for a moment, his gaze turned away and his arms crossed, and his mind filled with thought.
“Well, even if I did want it, why is it so embarrassing? Why does it make me feel uncomfortable even if I know I need it?”, Frank questioned. It was hours only gripe, as he really wasn’t sure how to respond.
“Umm… m-maybe it’s because you were taught before that it-it was something to be a-ashamed of?”, Poppy responded, “because really, it’s nothing to feel bad over! It-It’s okay to get a hug and a kiss every now and then, heh!”
“So… it’s okay?”
“W-Well, of course!”
It was so new to him for comfort to be something to be celebratory about. All their life he was told to “grow up” and “act like an adult”, otherwise life won’t help you. However, he never really considered that this childish behavior was something to embrace rather than hide. He was shy, but rather grateful for Poppy and even Julie for helping them discover this.
Frank untangled his arms and held them in front of him on his lap, fiddling with his hands. His head felt conflicted but fuzzy and warm, and his hands felt tingly and soft to the touch.
What ironic timing to feel small. Even more ironic that Poppy noticed it.
“Frank, dear?”, she asked, “are you feeling small?” Frank shifted a bit in his seat, nodding hesitantly after a second. He didn’t know how to feel.
He suddenly felt Poppy scoop him up into her wings and onto her lap, his face now buried between her body and her fluffy feathered embrace.
“You should never feel bad about needing a break, honey. Whenever you need one, you can always come to me, okay? My doors are always open… though n-not literally because burglars could come in, hehe!”, Poppy reassured. She kept her arms wrapped around the glum fellow, rubbing his back softly and resting her head against him.
Poppy’s presence soothed Frank, he couldn’t help but melt into her, burying his face into the crook of her neck. He smiled, though it didn’t show.
“Th-thank you, mama.”
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lightwing-s · 5 months
pairing: simon "ghost" riley x reader
It must’ve been early when the knocking woke you up. Rolling in the warmth of the bed, you struggled to get up and once you did, you walked towards the door on pure muscle memory, still too tired to proceed with any coherent thoughts.
You opened it automatically, rubbing your heavy eyes and letting out a yawn.
“Ghost, Price and I were thinking that maybe…” you heard a voice you faintly remembered blurt out words you vaguely put together. “Yn? What are you doing in Simon's room?”
Freezing at the spot, your eyes dart open, as wide as they could possibly be, and a burst of energy runs through your body, making your mind jolt alight, finally deciding to work.
“Fuck.” you whisper, as you could hear the sound of objects falling and stumbling steps rushing to your side. Simon, still shirtless, holding up his loose sweatpants and whose mask had been clumsy put on, only one of his eyes properly fitting through it’s proper hole, arrived beside you breathlessly, pulling Gaz into the room and closing the door immediately thereafter.
Pushing the Sergeant onto the unmade bed, it took him a moment to catch his breath, spinning around on the same spot on the floor. He had fixed his mask, and the moment his eyes caught yours you could clearly understand his message.
We’re fucked.
Your eyes were restless, moving from Simon and Gaz so quickly it was making you dizzy. Your hands tugged at Simon’s shirt, dressing you like a dress, but barely covering your legs, ones you were not used to exposing in front of your comrades.
It was awkward, this whole situation an awkward mess you had put you all in.
I’m sorry, you mouthed and pleaded with your eyes as Simon stopped in front of you, his hands reaching for your arm, rubbing it warm, consoling you as much as he could as you two sulked in unwanted company.
“Can you two explain what’s going on?” asked your “guest”. Exchanging glances once more, you two fought over who would break him the news. “Or am I supposed to make my own conclusions?”
“‘S pretty obvious, innit?” Simon replied, dryly.
“I wanted to hear it from you, it looks too surreal.” he said, leaning back and straightening his position, a smirk spreading on his face, amusement evident in his eyes. “The Lt and Yn shagging.”
You looked back at Simon once more, his arms crossed on his chest making his biceps look twice their size, and his clear crunched jawline, probably planning three hundred different ways to murder his teammate. Touching his shoulder, you asked for allowance, watching as he considered the options before nodding in return.
“Gaz.” you called, catching his attention. “We’re married.”
Gaz’s head bobbed forward as his eyes almost jumped out of its socket, questioning the shocking news and his own reality. To confirm your words, showed him your hands, more specifically your ring finger, where a pair of letters, ‘SR’, were tattooed secretly on its side. The Lieutenant followed suit, uncrossing his arms to expose your initials drawn on the same spot in his ring finger. 
You two were married. Married, and no one in the base knew it. Hell, they didn’t even know you two had a thing for each other, was going through Gaz’s mind.
“Married?” he repeated, more an affirmation than a question, trying to process it in his head. “I can’t wait till Johnny knows it.”
“Johnny can’t know it.” you immediately cut him. “Please, Gaz. I-it’s…” private, you wanted to add, our lives. But a lump in your throat caught you, feeling everything you’d build crumbling down. 
You’d been so careful. You and Simon had taken every possible precaution since the first night you hooked up, not wanting anyone to find out your silly “mistake”, to the day of your wedding two years ago, the most important day in your entire life. And now the secret was done for, days counted even if Gaz were kind enough to keep it to himself.
“Private.” Gaz completed your words after a brief minute of silence, and the hope in your chest grew. “I get it. You know I’m not a snitch.” Standing up, he continued. “Your secret is safe with me.” and extending his hand towards your husband he wished. “Congratulations, Simon.”
Your husband, after second thoughts, shook Gaz’s hand in his, evident force used to make sure a warning was heard: you say anything, you’re dead. However, knowing him like no one else, you notice signs no one would, and the slight drop in his shoulder lets you know he trusted his Sergeant.
“Congratulations you too, Yn.” he turned to you, giving you a tight hug instead, lifting you off your feet for a brief moment before returning you to the floor. “Does this make me the best man over Johnny?”
Fishing for a pillow, Simon threw it straight into Gaz’s head as he rushed out of your room, giggles heading out with him. You too stood laughing, enjoying knowing your secret paradise wasn’t done for yet, and trying to calm down your sulking and annoyed husband.
a/n: short drabble to announce i'm now taking simon and other cod men requests ♡
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percyjavksongf · 5 months
𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫!.•❀
➤𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤!𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
➤𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐’𝟖𝟖𝟓
➤𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲, 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥
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“𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧’𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫“ 𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞 “𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮“ 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝,
“𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫“
Somewhere in camp, Percy was probably off teaching younger campers how to properly wield a sword, and you? Well your contribution to Camp Half-Blood was keeping your pouting face hidden in a feather filled pillow.
You thought of dragging your tired legs off the bed and going out, doing something productive with your last few days at camp before the summer was up, but then you’d feel sick at the thought off speeding up your day by doing something productive, so you’d just sigh and roll over in your bed. Your internal fight to leave bed lasted for an hour or so before you came to the conclusion that at least sitting up in bed would be better then slowly suffocating in your bed sheets, so you did just that.
You groaned at the pop your back made when you finally pulled yourself up, gods you really needed to get out of this bed. Although you understand it probably makes a hell of a lot of more sense to actually achieve something on this crisp summer day, like run through the strawberry fields with Selina nipping at your heals, squealing with happiness as the sun beats down unforgivingly against your sweating skin. Or maybe you’d be sneaking around with Connor, he always knew how to put an honest smile of your face, even if others found him annoying, you believed he had a hidden sweetness to him that he covered up with stupid jokes and wild pranks.
You flipped through your thoughts for awhile, humming the familiar tune that drifted through the air of your mother’s cabin, Demeter, admiring the wildflowers that seemed to almost dance along with the tune. A knock at your Cabin door had you reluctantly removing your eyes from the ballet of the wildflowers and staring curiously at the door, you weren’t expecting anyone so you almost considered ignore the noise, that was until they started knocking furiously on the door and forcing you up from your comfortable position. You walked over to the door quickly in hopes to stop the awful banging that disturbed the plants and swung the door open.
“you wanna get drunk?”
You send him a false look of annoyance and let your eyes travel down to the pitcher of grape flavoured cool aid in his purple stained hands, he must’ve just made it.
“drunk?” you questioned incredulously, “have you finally done it? Turned water into wine! Oh you’re a little Jesus in the making!” you cried out dramatically and reach for the pitcher. Pollux, picking up on your tease right away quickly moved to hold the pitcher away from you
“ha ha, very funny. I’m obviously still working on completing that miracle, but in the mean time we could go get a sugar rush” Pollux peered behind you, raising a brow at your obviously recently occupied bed “or are you too busy?” you rolled your eyes and put a hand to Pollux’s chest, pushing him the rest of the way out of your cabin’s front door and turning to shut it behind you. You supposed it wouldn’t be much harm to spend an hour out in the fresh air.
An hour turned into five and the sun was starting to set on yours and Pollux’s makeshift dining area, the once filled pitcher was now discarded, empty and resting on it’s side. Pollux and you had moved to rest against a rough tree and people watch, making comments on possible up and coming romances in the camp.
“you know I’ve heard a few rumours about you” Pollux stated matter of factly and you gasped, turning to face him in an instant. “you have to tell me”
“no I don’t” Pollux grinned, obviously enjoying the power he had over the topic
“yes you do, you can’t bring it up and then not tell me” you state seriously, causing Pollux to grin wider “actually I just heard from the department of hidden information and yep, uh huh, ok yeah I’ll let them know. No, I don’t have to tell you” you stared unimpressed at the skit Pollux played out for you of him answering the phone to deny your request, you looked away from him and stared off at the sunset, “thats fine smart ass, I’ll just have to let Mr D know about the time you actually got drunk, and how it wasn’t done by any miracle but more so by a lie his devious son managed to get away with”
“It’s about you and Percy”
A laugh burst out of your chest at how quickly he confessed, and you failed to notice boy’s stare burning into your skin, and the slight blush forming on his face. You laughter had died down and you finally registered his rushed words.
“Percy and I? What about us” you questioned curiously. Percy and you had been joined at the hip since you first came to Camp Half-blood, both having a peculiar love for blue food and the ability to get yourselves into all sorts of trouble. You’d say you became close friends after the fight of Manhattan, you had taken a nasty blow to the head that left you unconscious for a couple of days, when you had finally awoken in the camp infirmary the first thing you noticed besides the pounding in between your ears, was the exhausted face of Percy Jackson sitting in the chair beside your bed, his restless hands fiddling with your bed sheets. Since that day Percy almost seemed to make a habit out of making sure to see you every single day. The thought snapped you back to the present, surprised you hadn’t already realised it, you hadn’t seen Percy today.
“just something about you two spending a lot more time together, thats all. You know how people around here gossip over nothing” you frowned at the bitter tone of his voice and looked back towards the camp, where was Percy?
“have you seen Percy today?” you replied, forgetting the topic of your conversation mere seconds earlier. You tried to ignore the small frown that appeared on Pollux’s mouth at the mention of Percy. Over the past few months you had noticed Pollux’s opinion of Percy shift every so slightly, he used to be overjoyed by the mention of Percy but now it seemed to be the worst thing you could talk about with him, and you weren’t really sure why.
“probably somewhere showing off his sword fighting or something” Pollux grumbled and leaned back on his hands “never mind him, lets just lounge in the sun and pretend we had a productive day”
“let us live as flowers, wild and beautiful and drenched in the sun” you grin and look over to Pollux, knowing the quote will earn you an eye roll
“yeah ok flower power, just change the last part to drenched in wine and I’ll accept it” an eye roll or a dumb comment.
Your gaze returned to the camp once more and to your surprise you spot Percy only a few feet away from you, walking over at a comfortable pace. That was always something you enjoyed about Percy, he always seemed so laid back. You let a smile bloom over your face and lifted you hand up to block out the dying sun,
“hello miss wild and beautiful and drenched in the sun” the shit eating grin that graced Percy’s features maked your heart flutter,
“you’re here to eavesdrop I see” you quickly take note of the new freckles that decorate his sun kissed complexion, and the gentle stream of red that’s flowing on his upper arm that makes you frown and get to your feet, at his side in an instant “Percy your arm-”
“it’s fine, really. Just comes with the job of teaching twelve year olds how to use a sword” you carefully brush your thumb over the skin just beside the cut, it was just a nick but still was un welcomed by you none the less.
You hummed and removed your hand from his skin, it almost felt like your palm was burning as it drifted away from Percy, itching for the contact once again. A forced cough from behind you steals your attention, Pollux had gathered his pitcher and gave you a tight lipped smile, “I’ll leave you to it, see you around” you gave him a smile wave and thanked him again for the cool aid, you turned away from his retreating form you’re met with another unimpressed look.
“you better hope the wind doesn’t change, Perseus”
Percy’s burnt nose wrinkles from the name, only his mother calls him by his real name.
“what have I done to deserve a full name?” he scoffed
“give me that look” you replied matter of factly
Percy’s frown deepened for a moment before springing back up into a soft smile, the wind had picked up and you watched as his hand reached forward to tuck away a strand of your hair that was moving lazily in the breeze. You stared up at Percy through your lashes, uncaring of the heat that bloomed on your face. Percy knew the effect he had on you anyways.
“Pollux doesn’t like me” Percy said, moving his hand to rest against your cheek, his calloused thumb drawing soft circles on your skin. Your eyes scan your surroundings, hoping to the gods that no one was around to disturb your moment of piece, where the cloak fell off and left Percy’s love for you proudly displayed. Percy’s other hand playfully pinched the exposed skin on your waist and your eyes fixed to his once more. “don’t worry about them, let them see us”
Your eyebrows raised unintentionally at that, Percy and you had decided to keep your budding romance to yourselves when it first began, when the war had just ended and you felt it was best to leave that detail out, more focused on the loss of your fellow campers and dealing with that grief. But as the months went on you had still stayed the same, secret meetings after the camp fire had died down, sneaking into the lake with the help of the Percy’s air bubbles, only the fish that inhabited there knew of your love for each other. Sometimes during a particularly serious game of capture the flag, one where you and Percy were on different teams, he would manage to sneak up on you a steal a quick kiss before running off with a laugh in attempts to through you off your game. You’d always return the kiss later after your team won.
“why do you think Pollux doesn’t like you?” you questioned
“because he likes you” Percy replied much to your surprise “it’s all anyone at camp can talk about these days, they swear he’s going to ask you out any day now” it’s hard to miss the slight grumble in his voice as he goes on about how Pollux has been flirting with you for months, but you honestly hadn’t picked up on it. Right now you were more focused on the way Percy’s eyebrows furrowed slightly at the mention of Pollux trying to woo you. You’d had reached the wooded area of camp and reached for Percy’s hand then, your fingers intertwined and you positioned yourself in front of him, now walking backwards to face him as you spoke. Percy seemed to be more focused on guiding you away from any trees unknown to you.
“I don’t think he dislikes you, Percy. He’s never said anything bad about you” you said, Percy hands moved to your hips to side step you away from a fallen branch.
“he’s never said bad about me to you, probably” Percy said
“probably, see it’s not definite” you attempted to reason, any other words leaving your mind in a heartbeat when you feel the scratchy bark of a tree pressed against your back. You eyes stayed glued to Percy’s as he stepped closer to you, his hands drifting up to your waist. You looked around then to see if any campers, or gods forbid, Mr D, were taking a stroll through the woods at this time. Percy’s fingers resting on your jaw beckoned your attention back to him “always looking around” he spoke lowly, his words for you and you alone.
“are you sure you want to make this known?” you’re unsure why you whispered it, there was no one around anyways. But you still felt nervous, it only took one person to see before the news would spread like wildfire, and you would be bombarded with invasive questions and ‘how could you not tell me!’ from your siblings. Too be honest you kind of liked being a little secret, knowing you had Percy all to yourself. But you knew how much better it would be to not have to sneak around everywhere, the teasing would die down eventually and your relationship would be common knowledge.
“I think we’ve hidden this away for way to long, I want everyone to know you’re my girl”
you can’t contain the smile that his words bring you, his girl.
“we’ll only if you’re ok with that, of course” he followed up with quickly
“yeah I think it’s about time I explain to Miranda why I keep waking her up at three in the morning to let me in through the window” you laughed, imagining the look on her face when you finally spill the beans to her, she’s undoubtedly by excited by the news, but probably also scold you for keeping it from her for so long.
The sun’s golden rays poured down through the dancing leaves that dressed the trees and sunk into your skin, you watched as Percy’s eyes almost seemed to glow in the light, he was summer’s child.
You relaxed against the tree and pulled Percy closer to you, and for a moment you let the world consist of just the two of you. You never thought it ever would, even though the two of you had been friends since the age of twelve there was never a time where you could just breathe together. there was always a quest, or a battle, or a four thousand year old girl who Percy vanished with for two weeks, that one had caused a raft between you for a few weeks.
But now you simply exist together, and it makes everything worth it.
You brought a hand up to rest against his upper arm, revelling in the heat that was coming of his dirt covered skin, you made a mental note to tease him about it later and send him off to the showers. Your hand continued it travels upwards and you finally landed in the space between his shoulder and his neck, running a thumb against the underside of his jaw.
“you in love with me or something?” Percy teased, drawing a hum from you in response
“I might just be, Jackson” you grinned, before letting out a gasp as Percy dipped his head quickly and kissed you. It started off heavy and warmed you up like nothing else, it slowed down into soft pecks before Percy drew away, not without pressing on last kiss to your redden lips.
“I might just love you too” Percy breathes out, dipping back down again to press his lips to the side of your mouth, “my sweet girl” he mumbled against your lips finally before pressing one last kiss to them.
“Percy” you whispered, putting a hand against his chest to create some distance as you flushed at the realisation of how exposed the two of you were. Percy took a step back with a smug grin, his hands never leaving you.
“you are though” Percy continues, causing you shove against him gently in protest “my sweet girl, or do you prefer my girl, cus you know both statements are true-”
“shut up” you whine out in embarrassment, he was so shameless. Percy laughed at your protest and took your hand in his, pulling you towards the rows of cabins.
“what’re we doing?” you said, letting him lead you away from the shade of the trees, Percy only smiled at you before continuing ahead
“we’re going to hang out with the rest of the campers, maybe your friend Pollux will be there”
you give him a deadpan look at the mention of Pollux, still wondering how a man like Percy could be jealous of your friendship with Pollux, it was obvious you only had eyes for him.
“and why are you so eager to get us there?” you questioned curiously
“cus I want them all to see that you’re my girl” he stated back as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, bringing your intertwined hands up to his lips to press a quick kiss against. You sighed and made a show of dramatically rolling your eyes.
I guess he was sticking to that term, his girl.
a/n: helloooo, wrote this in a couple of hours so it's rushed like all of my works <3 my first non christmas inspired percy work so i hope yous like it!!!
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luveline · 11 days
hi jade! ☺️☺️ ur one of my favorite writers gosh you feed my heart everyday
im currently going through my usual body-wrecking periods 🥲 ur fics are helping
could you write something for bombshell! x spencer where maybe deeper into their relationship she is open with him about her period and he comes over to take care of her when her body is aching or she feels nauseous. im thinking some hair playing or some tummy rubbing.
i hope your weekend is lovely 🫶
thank you ❤️❤️❤️ fem, 1k
Can I come over? Are you home 
You summon your first smile of the day, reading Spencer’s text. 
Don’t know, you text back, can you handle me? 
Usually not, but that hasn’t stopped me so far. I’ll bring dinner? 
What kind of dinner my love  
Maybe Indian? What do you want? I want tandoori chicken 
Indian food is awesome if that’s what you want, I’m just messing with you 
You can hear his voice in his next text, I know that. So I can come?
You can always come over but I have to warn you, I’m irritable 
What’s wrong??? 
Spencer texts again before you can answer, I’ll come now and we can order delivery, I’ll be right there 
You decide to call him before he can make the wrong conclusions. He answers so quickly you laugh down the line. “Spencer, hi, there’s nothing that wrong.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“You don’t have to rush over.” 
“Well, what’s wrong? Did I do something?” 
“Why do you always think that, babe? No, you didn’t do anything. You’re actively making me feel better just talking to me.” 
Spencer pauses briefly. “Really?” 
“Really. I’m on my period, it’s kicking my ass,” you mumble, dropping your face into the soft top of your couch. “It would make me feel so much better if you were here. I want a hug.” 
“I’m coming. I haven’t brushed up on my hug skills for a while–”
“You hugged me yesterday before I went home?” 
“How would you rate that? On a scale of one to ten?” 
“Ten, definitely.” You sigh and stretch out your legs. “No, just, my stomach is hurting and I feel sort of sick from the cramps. I’m a bit… depressed, maybe, so you don’t have to come over if you don’t want to. I might not be good company.” 
“You’re always good company, you loon.” 
“You what?” 
“Sorry, I’m trying to be playful.” 
“I know that, you loon,” you say, grinning. “Okay, you better be putting your shoes on. My patience is running out.” 
“I’m by the door!” he says, giggles woven through each word. You can picture his smile, his unbuttoned coat. “You feel sick, should I still get dinner?” 
“Yes, please. Tandoori chicken for me too, and–”
“I know what you want.” 
“Okay, I’m gonna go shower before you get here and see me all disgusting–”
“Don’t you dare.” 
“Spencer!” you laugh. 
“I’ll run you a bath when I get there. Can you sit down until then?” 
“I can’t believe how you’re speaking to me. You used to blush when I said hi.” 
“Because you never just say hi. And it’s not like anyone else saying hi, it’s you.” 
Spencer lets that kindness sit with you and says goodbye, promising he’ll be there soon with dinner. You hold your sore stomach and wait, flicking through tv channels, craving something warm to eat and a warmer chest to lay your head. Spencer’s hugs are without doubt a ten out of ten experience, he’s weirdly good at them for someone who maybe hasn’t had as many as he deserves. His hands are active as the rest of him stills, rubbing over your shoulders or your chest with care, his hair soft and ticklish on your cheek or his lips right next to your ear. 
You’re dozing when he lets himself in. The rustle of a plastic bag awakens your dormant appetite, and you force yourself to meet him in the hallway. 
He drops the bag like it isn’t forty dollars worth of food and beams at you. “Hi,” he says, fawning at your sloppy pyjamas. “These are cute, they’re way too big for you.” 
You manage to hug him first, your arms around him and face screwed up in his chest. “Hi. My stomach hurts so bad, I missed you.” 
“How bad?” he says, dropping his volume. “Have you ever considered you might have endometriosis?” 
“Spencer, I love you, can you hug me for now and tell me about it later?” 
“Sorry,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “Where does it hurt, everywhere?” 
“It’s in my back.” 
Spencer drops his hand lower. “Oh, here?” He rubs your back, and he leans away enough to see you eye to eye. “Let’s have dinner, then at least you’ll have a full stomach.” 
“I don’t know if I can manage it, but I’m starving.” 
“You don’t have to eat everything.” He visibly looks you over, one feature at a time. His eyes get stuck on yours, your lashes, and his lovely mouth tips down. “Were you sleeping?” 
“Got bored waiting for you. I’m not tired,” you promise. 
“It’s okay.” He grasps your back and rubs at it with good pressure, the shard of a cramp held back by his touch. “You okay?” 
You lift your chin, turn your head just a touch to one side, asking and not asking. He smiles in that not so secret pleasure as he gives you a quick peck. It’s quick and chaste and everything you need, better when he encourages your face into his neck to give you a last good rub on the back. “Do you wanna sit down? I’ll make you a plate and we can eat on the couch.” He dots a kiss against the highest point of your cheek. “I got you motrin. And tylenol, too.” 
“I don’t need any painkillers, you’re gonna rub my back.”
Spencer smiles into your cheek. “Mm, I’ll relax your uterus. Rhythmic touches.” 
“That’s one way to say it, sweetheart.” 
“How would you say it?” he asks, cupping the back of your neck tenderly. 
You deflect, not wanting to make fun of him. “I love you.”
He pulls away, grinning, failing to talk. He's smiling so hard. When he goes in for a third round of hugs, you aren’t surprised. 
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thebirdsandthebats · 8 months
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Okay @s-p-r-i-n-g-t-i-m-e I’m sure you know plenty BUT I’m going to use your wonderful and hilarious comment on this as an excuse to talk about Bernard, bc I realized recently that there are plenty of ppl who haven’t read most of the comics he’s been in. So get ready for my long overdue:
UNPACKING BERNARD DOWD + HIS TRAUMA (for those who cannot keep up with comics but want to get to know him)
So to start, Tim met Bernard years ago ofc, when they were in high school. It’s established pretty quick that Bernard is an extremely Unserious guy LMAO, the first thing he does is literally circle Tim and try to feel him out socially, see what kind of guy he is. He’s the kind of guy who gets himself in trouble with his big mouth, and seems to enjoy poking at Tim and testing his patience. By the time we meet Bernard again in the recent years, he’s grown a lot, but at his core he’s still the light-hearted, fun, goofy guy with very strong opinions. Just less stand-offish, maybe
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Throughout the time Tim spends at this school though, Bernard does experience some wild shit. He lost Darla (somebody he really cared about), he experienced a shooting at his school, and then Darla came back from the dead, kind of scared the hell out of him, and used him to contact Tim again. It was kind of played for laughs, but like. That’s gotta fuck you up. (Robin #140)
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Obviously this is the kind of thing that maybeee has a lasting effect on you. And BECAUSE Tim Drake: Robin got cut so short and the writer had to rush to wrap up the series, we’re left to fill in a lot of gaps and draw conclusions about the years we didn’t see Bernard ourselves. But we absolutely get some insight as to his life after Tim left that school and we stopped seeing him in the comics. Spoiler alert: it was hard.
In TDR, Bernard discusses the the cult that he’d been in that Tim saved him from in Urban Legends. He says that “he’d accepted himself”, but others hadn’t. Obviously there’s the natural reading that he means his queerness (which has me chewing through drywall), but I think that he’s speaking very broadly too. Bernard is a very odd example of a civilian, because he’s always getting dragged into things much bigger than him. And even before that, he had his big ideas, his conspiracies, his loud personality. He tended to rub people the wrong way in high school. Then in issue #7 of TDR (the Bernard pov issue my most beloved, weird pacing aside) Bernard refers to this “oozy, sticky feeling” that he ALWAYS feels when Tim isn’t around. He says when he’s alone it’s harder to put one foot in front of the other. To keep GOING. To wake up every day.
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I think that Bernard has always felt like an outcast. (Robin #121, he doesn’t fit into any clique). He wasn’t as okay with it as he acted. And I think he wasn’t getting any attention from his parents. (Batman: Urban Legends #5, Bernard’s parents nonchalance to the days leading up to his kidnapping)
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So just like Bernard explained to Tim, that feeling got bad. and he wanted to let go. The chaos monsters, the cult, all of it was a means to an end. But then Tim agreed to see him again, and I think that sparked something in him. Because he started learning to fight. When he was tied down to that alter and Tim was saving him, I think it fully sank in to Bernard that he didn’t want to die. Reconnecting with Tim gave him hope and made him really feel something good for the first time in ages.
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So now that they’re dating after the cult fiasco, we get to know this current Bernard. A less goading, maybe calmer Bernard. But he’s still himself, of course, rambling about his ideas and making bad jokes and sticking to his guns (he has NEVER been a pushover, no idea where people get that idea?). I think a lot of people complained that Bernard mellowed out too much in terms of attitude, but I think if he seems “nicer” it’s because 1) he’s grown now. It’s been a while since we last saw him, and he’s clearly changed a lot. And 2) because he’s dating Tim now. He likes him a lot, and he’s an affectionate partner. He wants to lift Tim up.
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But the fact that he was pulled into a cult still remains. And as lighthearted as Bernard tries to be, that traumatic experience still happened. It said in Urban Legends #5 while Tim was searching for him that Bernard had welts on his arms and legs and had been acting different, so it’s not like he was just snatched up on a whim. He’d spent significant time there. For those who haven’t read much abt the ways cult trauma specifically can fuck you up, I recommend doing a search if you’re in a good headspace for that and want to understand him more. because it’s pretty bad.
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And then! yeah. you guessed it. Bernard gets kidnapped again. Chained up next to a BOMB that’s counting down. RIGHT WHEN HE’S WORKING ON HEALING FROM ALMOST BEING SACRIFICED BY A CULT.
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And surely this can’t get crazier. He’s almost died twice in the past 6 months. except, remember his parents? In TD:R #7, we really see a little more of his relationship with his parents. He doesn’t live up to their standards, and his dad specifically seems to just want to argue with him. The restaurant they’re at is attacked, and everything goes to shit, and. you know, I think these panels really speak for themselves.
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And for the record, when it’s revealed that everyone is seeing their worst fears, Bernard’s parents fears are not about him.
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So now Bernard has to deal with that. And we start to see that Bernard is really not as okay as he’s tried to be. He keeps a baseball bat by his door because he’s been kidnapped twice now. And just when he’d likely thought things couldn’t get worse, he heard the Chaos Monsters were back. I can’t imagine he feels safe. He lashes out for the first time since all this has happened and yells at Kate and Tim, because while they’re doing what they feel is necessary to save more people (AND I DONT BLAME THEM AT ALL), Bernard can’t talk about it.
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And I will forever be sad and insist that TD:R got cancelled too soon, just before we could get into the really juicy stuff, because things had to be wrapped up pretty quick and this was the only comic Bernard was consistently appearing in. But when Tim is giving himself up to the chaos monsters, Bernard goes out and rallies anyone he knows can help. Things were rushed because there was no more time to flesh out the story the way it could have been, but I’m including these panels just because I love Bernard Audacity Dowd using a fucking flashlight and shadow puppet to call Batman. geeking out for a minute. And then leading the battalion to save Tim with a SLEDGEHAMMER. gay people rule.
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So yeah! While I see the vision of how a lot of Bernard’s trauma was meant to be semi-resolved and let him come to peace after saving Tim back, we just didn’t have the time for him to heal properly. I’d give anything to get inside his brain again. UHH IF YOU READ THIS I HOPE YOU LOVE BERNARD NOW and don’t come at me if I left something out, some of my comics aren’t with me rn. Bonus TimBer for the road:
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amentomensmut · 4 months
first time for everything pt2
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Drug Dealer! Mike Schmidt x fem!reader wc: 5k
this is part 2 to my fic first time for everything! read the first part here.
Summary: After an unforgettable hookup with your friend Sara’s drug dealer, Mike Schmidt, you go to a college party to try and put a stop to your constant stream of thoughts about it, and more specifically, him. However, when you wind up bumping into the man you had been thinking about non-stop at the party, you can’t help but give in to the one person who started it all. 
Warnings: 18+ content, so much banter. Like, so much. Mike is a smug bastard, alcohol consumption, swearing, kissing, dirty talk, use of pet names, fingering, cunnilingus, finger sucking, unprotected sex 
Note: we are so back. also i really hope you guys like this omg. (p.s. sorry that this part has no cannabis use in it. I know that’s like kinda the whole point, but with the story i wanted to tell i couldn’t find a place to put it and i didn’t just want to shove it in randomly so i sorta just left it out.)
Like smoke filling up your lungs, Mike Schmidt has infiltrated your mind in every way possible. 
Thoughts of him invading every corner and crevice of your brain, making them impossible to shake. To say the least, ever since you had the pleasure of meeting him, your mind has been rather occupied. 
His lips on yours, the smoke from his mouth permeating your own, his hands on your body, your skin on his skin—it's all too much, you think. In fact, if you could go back and erase the entire interaction, you would. It’s the only thing you’ve been able to think about, and it’s all Mike Schmidt’s fault. 
You wonder if he thinks about you too. You know it’s probably unlikely, but you can’t help but feel like he might. Like he also dreams about it. Like he also yearns for you again. Maybe he gets off thinking about it, like you do. You shake those thoughts away, however, when you come to the conclusion that it probably wasn’t as special to him as it was to you. 
"Okay, Y/n, what the fuck?” Sara's voice cuts through your thoughts, startling you.
You whip your head around to see Sara standing behind you. Her arms are crossed against her chest, and her face is painted with a worried expression. 
“What?” you respond, confusion evident in your voice.
“You’ve been staring at that wall for 20 minutes.” Sara says it with an accusatory tone, like she caught you doing something you shouldn’t be. 
“I’m just thinking.” You shrug, trying to play it cool. I mean, you’re not lying. You were trying to do your homework, and then you started…daydreaming. Thinking. Whatever you want to call it. 
“Yeah, I know. Thinking is all you’ve been doing this week. What’s going on?” Sara sighs, and you can see the genuine concern in her face. She sits on your bed next to your desk, trying to meet your eyes. You have a hard time lying to her, and catching her gaze will only make you more vulnerable, so instead, you choose to stare down at your homework. 
“This isn’t like you. You’re the most studious person I know, and you can’t even focus enough to finish a couple questions. Tell me what’s going on.” She continues. You weigh your options. You could tell her you fucked her drug dealer. She couldn’t be that mad, right? Or, you could keep it a secret, but continuing to lie to her is the last thing you want to do. You let out a deep breath and just decide to bite the bullet.
“Okay, um, remember when I went to your drug dealer's house last week?” You wearily start. Sara nods her head, signalling for you to continue.
“Well, one thing led to another, and we kinda, sorta had…sex?” The room is silent after your confession, the weight of your words hanging in the air. When you look over at Sara, you expect to see disappointment or anger on her face, but instead, she's looking at you with one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen.
“I knew it!” Sara exclaims, jumping up in a rush of excitement. 
“I knew there was a reason that you were practically glowing when you got back from his house!” You groan at her loudness, putting your hands over your face to hide your embarrassment. You should’ve known she wouldn’t have been upset with you; she practically shoves you at any man who gives you some sort of attention in the hopes that you’ll break your introverted habits. “Wait,” she excitedly adds. “Does this mean you can get me a discount?”
“No, Sara, I can’t fucking get you a discount. I haven’t seen him since it happened.” You say, and you try your best to mask the disappointment in your tone. I mean, what did you expect? That he’d come running to you the next day, get down on one knee, and propose? You knew it would most likely be a one time thing, so why were you so upset about it?
“So that’s why you’ve been so out of it this week. Plagued by the thoughts of a good fuck. Trust me, I've been there. ” Sara sighs dramatically, shaking her head like she knows this feeling all too well. 
“I don’t know... as cheesy as it sounds, I sort of can’t stop thinking about him? It was so good, and now it’s all I think about.” You admit, and Sara takes her place back on the end of your bed. She takes one of your hands in hers, and she nods her head in an understanding manner.
“You know what you need?” She says, and you shake your head, "No.".
“To get your head out of your chemistry books and go to a goddam party! No wonder you’ve been thinking about him; all you’ve been doing is thinking.” She says, motioning to the copious amounts of school-related papers on your desk. 
“Trust me, Y/n. The best sort of remedy for this kind of thing is to just let loose and forget about all your shit for a little while, you know?” As much as you’ve tried to avoid parties and distractions during your college experience, you can’t imagine there’d be much harm in going to one party. Besides, if you can get your mind off of Mike for a few hours and just have some fun, it’ll be worth it. 
“Alright. Yeah, I think you’re right.” You say, and Sara jumps up excitedly as she begins to talk about one of her good friends that is throwing a party that night, and that it’ll be the perfect excuse to get away from all stress of exams. You nod along, a smile plastered on your face as you try to match Saras excitement. You’re not quite sure if this “remedy” will work or not; however, you’d just about try anything at this point. And like Sara always says, you’re a hermit, so this will be a good way to break you out of your shell. I mean, the last time Sara told you to do something, it ended up going better than expected, so what’s the worst that could happen?
“Sara, I feel like I’m going to flash someone.” You say as you pull on the hem of your very mini skirt. The walk to the party wasn’t long, but your bare legs are cold and you’re itching to get warm. You’ve never really worn something as revealing as this, but Sara insisted you wear something from her wardrobe. 
“Your skirt isn’t that short; don’t be dramatic.” Sara teases as she leads you towards a house that's booming with both music and people. You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous. You haven’t been to a party during your time at college, and to be honest, you weren’t ever planning to. Focusing on getting your degree without any distractions was always your goal. An unrealistic goal? Maybe, but it had been working well for you up until a week ago. However, things don’t always go as planned, and now you’re stepping into a house full of sweaty, inebriated bodies and music so loud it makes the entire house shake. The air is thick and humid, and you’d get lost in the house’s dim lighting if it weren’t for Sara’s hand in yours guiding you through the sea of bodies. Your shoes stick to the floor as you walk through the house, and you know alcohol drunkenly spilled from overflowing, cheap solo cups is the culprit. Sara drags you to the kitchen, where all the alcohol is stashed. 
“We should do a shot! To commemorate the first party of your college career!” Sara yells over the music, already pouring each of you a shot of tequila. You give a little laugh at Sara’s enthusiasm, and you nod your head in agreement. As you wait for Sara to hand you your drink, you notice just how many people there are. You watch through the kitchen window as someone throws up on the lawn. You wince a little at the sight and at the thought of how much alcohol they probably drank. You briefly wonder if going to this party was even a good idea, but you try to shake away any negative thoughts. 
“Babe, you’re thinking too much again.” Sara says, waving her hand in front of your face as she passes you the shot. 
“Sorry!” You half-yell, but Sara dismisses your apology with a wave of her hand.
“Don’t be sorry, just have fun!” Sara replies as she effortlessly downs her shot. You also attempt down your tequila; however, it’s not as effortless, and you grimace at the sharp taste of the tequila on your tongue. It takes everything in you to swallow it without gagging, and you wish you had something to chase it with. 
“Fuck, that’s awful.” You groan as you pull a face. You don’t typically drink alcohol, and when you do, tequila is certainly not your first choice. Sara laughs and places a hand on your shoulder. 
“That’s what makes it good!”
The next hour or so goes by pretty smoothly. You’ve essentially been following Sara around like a lost puppy, accompanying her as she greets her friends, which feels like just about everyone at this party. You watch as Sara effortlessly navigates the room, her laughter ringing out above the chatter and deafening music. As you stand alongside Sara, watching as she converses with a group of people you recognise as being on the school's soccer team, you feel a wave of insecurity wash over you, like an invisible barrier separating you from everyone else. You feel out of place at this party, and in a way you are. You haven’t been to a party in your three years at school, and now you've realised that you barely know anyone around here. You haven’t seen one familiar face, other than Sara, in the past hour and a half since you arrived here. You begin to wonder how different your college experience would be if you just got over your fear of people and parties, and went out like Sara had. You try to dismiss your destructive thoughts, but it’s no use. You feel like somehow everyone knows that you’re not really supposed to be here, and it makes your throat feel dry with anxiety.
“Hey, Sara, I’m going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?” You loudly whisper in her ear, trying not to interrupt the conversation she was currently in. You’re anxiously wanting to get away from the crowd, and your body language shamelessly shows it as you bounce your leg and bite the skin off your lips.  
“No, I’m okay,” Sara says, and you watch as her eyes survey your body, her eyebrows knitting together. “Do you need me to come with you?” She bends down to speak in your ear, although her words are slightly slurred, and you softly giggle at the way her alcohol intake has affected her speech.
“No, I’ll be okay.” You assure her as you walk away from the group, giving Sara a little wave as you make your way to the kitchen. 
You had intended on getting a drink, but when you got to the kitchen and saw the door to the backyard, your desire to escape the muggy, stale air landed you on the back patio instead. Your lungs thank you for the fresh air as soon as you step outside, and the cool winter breeze feels refreshing on your sweaty skin. There’s still plenty of partygoers outside, but it’s certainly not as packed as it was inside. You watch as people play beer pong on a ping pong table on the lawn, and the sight only solidifies your fear of missing out. The sound of hearty laughter and the smell of weed only make you want to go home more, and you sigh as you push off the patio railing to leave. You turn around to make your way back inside when you see him.
At first, you thought it was your eyes playing tricks on you. Like you had been thinking about him so much that an apparition of him was here to taunt you. Like your thoughts of him for the past week had now turned you delusional. However, his eyes lock with yours, and now you so badly want it to be a hallucination, or your mind playing tricks on you. Dread washes over you and you wish you had never come to this party. You want the ground to swallow you whole when you see him beginning to walk towards you, and for a split second, you consider running away. 
You mean for your words to come out nicely; you truly do. However, they don’t come out that way, and instead you say this:
“What the fuck are you doing here?” If your words shock or hurt Mike, he doesn’t show it as he now stands in front of you with that goddamn smirk on his face.
“I have a business to run, Y/n. But you’d know a thing or two about that, wouldn’t you?” You’re not sure if you want to kiss or slap him, but you roll your eyes anyway at his smug tone. He gives an unbothered laugh at your attitude and actually, you’d definitely rather slap him right now.
“Your business is selling weed to intoxicated college students?” You retort with a scoff, crossing your arms against your chest like it’s a defence mechanism. You hate that his presence is making you jittery, but you hold your ground, your eyes never veering away from his.
“Funnily enough, they’re my top customers.” Mike smugly says, and you don’t even try to hide the scowl on your face. You squint your eyes at him, trying to read his intentions. He smells like weed and spicy cologne, and it immediately brings you back to his house, and more specifically, his living room. There's a pregnant pause between the two of you, and before you can work up the courage to say something, he speaks again. 
“Cute outfit, by the way. Have you dropped the innocent act yet?” He asks, obviously satisfied with his words. He's clearly trying to get under your skin, and you won't let him.  
“I don't know what you’re talking about.” You fib, shrugging your shoulders like the question is irrelevant. If he's going to try to tease you about your hookup, you won't feed into it. 
“You know, after that night, I don’t think you can really call yourself a good girl. You’d be lying to everyone. You're lying to me right now.” 
“Fuck you, Mike.”
“You should come by my house tomorrow. You're probably all out of the weed I sold to you last time you were around, right?” He says nonchalantly, changing the subject. You furrow your eyebrows at the change of conversation, and your stubbornness to let Mike have any satisfaction during this conversation doesn’t falter.
“I don't smoke weed.” You quip.
“Lie all you’d like, Y/n. It doesn’t change the truth.” He says, brushing a stray hair out of your face before walking back into the house without giving you another look.
Usually people use the phrase “walk of shame” when you’re walking home from a hookup, however, that phrase pretty much sums up how you feel as you walk up Mike Schmidt's driveway.
You’re not sure how you’ve ended up back on Mike Schmidtd’s doorstep again. Maybe it was the satisfying sting of weed going down your throat and into your lungs, or the insatiable hunger for the man who supplied it to you. Either way, the front door is being opened and the man who you’ve been thinking about non stop for the past week is behind it. 
“Had a feeling you’d be back.” He says with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, and you’re high before any weed has even entered your system. 
“Don’t cream your pants.” You mutter as you push past him and walk inside. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t know why you were here, you both knew. After Mike left you at the party, you knew you were completely and utterly fucked. That any other attempts of trying to forget him would be worthless. That like a bee to a flower, you’d be back here, in Mike’s house, searching for the one thing you had been denying yourself for the past week. 
“So I was right then, you’re all out of weed.” He says as he closes the front door. You take your jacket and scarf off, hanging them on the coat hanger at the door. You face Mike, who's currently leaning against the front door, watching you. 
“Can I have a soda?” You ask, and Mike cracks a smile at the familiarity of the situation. 
“I would’ve offered, but I wasn’t sure how long you’d be here.” He says, trying to bite back his smile. You follow him to the kitchen, watching as he grabs two cans of soda. Your fingers brush as he hands you the cold can, and you look up at him as he clears his throat.
“So…an eighth again?” He inquires, looking at you over his can of soda as he takes a sip.
“Mike, I’m not here for your goddamn weed.” You laugh. Mike laughs as well, and the exuberant sound is like music to your ears. 
“So you came for my soda instead?” Mike teases, and you shake your head with a smile.
“I think you know why I’m here.” You say, and your cheeks heat up at the thought of what happened last time you were in his house. Your fingers tighten around the soda can at the thought of touching Mike again, and you so badly want to reach out for him.
“I’m not sure if you deserve it. You weren’t very nice to me last night at the party.” He smirks, crossing his arms against his chest and leaning against the kitchen counter. He places his soda can on the kitchen counter and tilts his head at you, waiting for your rebuttal. 
“I was nice enough.” You simper, shrugging your shoulders. If he’s going to make you work for it, you’ll play along. 
“Say please. I can’t believe I have to teach you how to use your manners.” He coos, and you huff when you realise you won’t get what you want right away.
“I'm very polite.” You stubbornly stand your ground, but you can feel your resolve weakening with every word that comes out of Mike's mouth.
“You might be polite, but apparently you forgot how to ask for things.”
“Please, Mike.”
His lips are on yours as soon as the words leave your mouth. All the build up from the past week, all the sexual tension between you and Mike is released into the kiss. The kiss is frantic and needy, like even being this close isn’t enough. His want for you shows in the way his rough hands grab any part of your body they can reach. You blindly slide your soda can on the kitchen counter before threading your fingers through his hair, softly pulling at the root making him moan into your mouth. He tastes like cream soda and weed and his hands caressing your body send a shiver up your spine, and you haven’t felt this way since the last time he touched you. 
“You have no idea how much I've been thinking about you.” He says in a gruff voice as he walks you backwards and lifts you up onto the kitchen counter. You spread your legs so he can slot himself between them, and he presses soft kisses into your neck. His hands are on your waist, stabilising you as he kneads the soft skin there. 
“I thought you might’ve forgotten about me.” You shyly admit, and he softly bites your neck, almost scolding you for your words. 
“Are you serious?” He asks incredulously, removing his head from your neck to look at you. His heavy lidded gaze makes you feel nervous, and his reaction makes you feel like you said something you shouldn’t have. Your silence serves as an answer to his question and he shakes his head at you disapprovingly as he slowly gets on his knees in front of you, never breaking eye contact. You suck in a quick breath at the sight of Mike in between your legs, and an involuntary whine escapes from your lips when he begins to undo the button of your pants. 
“Y/n, the only thing i’ve been able to think about is you.” He groans, and you lift your hips off the counter to help Mike as he pulls your pants down over your ass. Your pants hit the floor and Mike is pressing open mouthed kisses into the insides of your plush thighs. He takes his time, kissing and sucking on the expanse of your thighs, and you think you might go crazy if he continues to tease you. Your thighs slightly close around Mike’s head, looking for any friction you can get. Mike lets out a laugh and you throw your head back in frustration.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Is there something you’d like?” Mike innocently asks, looking up at you as his mouth gets dangerously close to your pantie clad pussy. A sadistic smile paints his face and you put your hands in Mike's hair, trying to pull him closer to the place you need him the most.
“Mike, stop fucking teasing.” You pant, and a dissatisfied sigh leaves Mike's lips.
“I thought we talked about using your manners.” He mocks, and although he's the one on his knees in front of you, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s certainly still in control. 
“Please, Mike. Please, I need you.” You beg, and not long after, Mike is licking a hot stripe up your covered cunt. You bite your bottom lip, your chest heaving as Mike continues to press messy, open mouthed kisses to the wet spot on your panties. His grip on your thighs is strong, and the feeling of his blunt nails digging into the soft skin makes your head spin. Soon enough, his thick fingers are hooking into your underwear and pulling it down your legs. He wastes no time, quickly latching his lips to your swollen clit and making out with your pussy like a man starved. Your jaw drops in pleasure, and your hand tugging at his hair makes him moan into you. 
“Mike, h-holy shit.” You cry out, as he enters one of his long fingers into you. His tongue swirls around your clit as he pumps his finger in and out of you, and the sounds of him eating your pussy are absolutely sinful. Mike replaces his tongue with his thumb, rubbing your clit in slow circles as he slowly enters another finger into you.
“You’re so tight.” He mutters, and his eyes are glued on your soaked cunt and the way it sucks his fingers in. He begins pumping his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace, curling them upwards, hitting a spot that makes you jerk your hips upward. 
“M-Mike, I’m gonna-” You start, but cut yourself off with a moan as Mike reattaches hip lips to your clit. With his fingers rapidly moving in and out of you, and his mouth doing god's work on your clit, you swear you’re starting to hear colours. Your thighs begin to shake as you start to grind yourself on Mike's face as you near your orgasm. You let out a loud moan as you finally release, the only thing you can feel is the pure pleasure surging through your body as you cum, and Mike coaxing you through it. Your breathing is heavy as you come down from your high. Mike removes his fingers and mouth from your pussy, pressing a final kiss to your clit before he stands back up in front of you. 
“Open your mouth.” He softly demands, and you do, letting Mike shove his cum covered fingers into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the digits, humming as he lets his fingers travel to the back of your throat, making you gag. “That's it.” He praises, caressing your cheek as you suck his fingers. He removes his hand from your mouth and places them on your hips, helping you off the counter. He turns you around so you’re facing away from him, and he presses a hand to the centre of your back, bending you over the counter. He presses himself into you, and pushes your ass back against his covered erection. Mike leans over you, wrapping a hand around your throat to pull you up against his chest as he brings his lips to your ear.
“How could I forget about you when you look like a fucking angel when you cum.” He confesses in your ear, bucking his hips against you as he releases you, letting you fall back over the counter. The sound of him undoing his belt and pants makes you involuntarily clench your legs together, and you turn your head, watching as Mike spits in his hand and strokes himself a couple times before lining himself up with your pussy. 
“Have you been thinking about this?” Mike taunts, teasing the head of his cock up and down your slit. 
“You have no idea.” You whine, pushing your hips back in an attempt to just get Mike to fuck you. However, Mike holds your hips steady, restraining you from grinding back on him.
“Enlighten me, then.” Mike responds, like he has all the time in the world. But to you, it feels like the end of the world with the way your pussy is throbbing and in need of stimulation. A defeated sob leaves your lips at Mike’s teasing, 
“All the fucking time, Mike. I felt like I was going crazy.” You babble, and your words seem to be good enough for Mike, because he’s filling you up with his thick cock. All your thoughts, any worries you’ve had over the past week are gone. The only thing you can focus on is the way he fits perfectly inside you, and the way the grunts and groans leaving his lips sound like perfect melodies to your ears. His hips snap into yours roughly, and you know you’ll be sore tomorrow.
“I couldn’t get high without thinking about you. You fucking ruined weed for me.” Mike admits with a laugh, like the whole thing is preposterous. His fingers work quick circles on your clit and you shiver as Mike places a hand under your jaw, lifting you so he can press kisses into your neck.
“Good. Maybe you’ll smoke it less. It’s bad for your lungs.” You breathily tease, and Mike sucks a particularly dark spot into your neck in response to your words. Mike continues his rough pace, and you clench hard around him.
“Gonna cum.” You whine and Mike only continues to fuck you, wanting to get you there. You cum for the second time, your body jerking as the overwhelming sensation hits you. Mike holds your shaky body up as he cums inside of you, letting out a strained “fuck” as his own orgasm washes over him. You both stand there afterwards, catching your breath as Mike release slowly begins to leak out of you and down your thighs. 
“Did I seriously ruin weed for you?” You hoarsely ask in a disbelieving voice. You feel Mike’s chest rumble as he laughs, and actually, you think his laugh is the most perfect sounding melody.  
“Trust me, It’s embarrassing to admit.” He says, and you let out a quick breath as he pulls out of you. He grabs a cloth out of a kitchen drawer and runs it under warm water in the sink before cleaning up the cum between your legs. He tucks himself back into his boxers before pulling his pants up, and you follow suit. 
“Maybe I’m rubbing off on you.” You jest as you button your pants. 
“Maybe.” Mike says with a smile, and when you look at him, you think you wouldn’t even need weed to get high. You’d just need this feeling.
taglist: @slutf0rmilfs, @angie-likes-to-art, @spenciesprincess, @janitorhutcherson, @leahdhopkins4321, @pickingchoosinglovinghope, @esebabe, @under-sedationnn, @celestbarnes, @brechdan-ham, @souldzaboj, @t0byisher3, @rottingpeache, @joshs-big-toe, @p3talll
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hrtbeomi · 4 months
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summary. what if the txt members accidentally exposed your relationship?
pairing. txt x fem! reader wc. 0.5k                    warnings. not proofread. a/n. happy valentine's day!  i wanted to do something for this day so here it is ^^ i hope you like it <3
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choi yeonjun ୨୧
.  ࣪𖤐 wanted to post a story to his close friends but instead posted it for everyone to see.
as soon as he saw it, yeonjun would totally panic. he would delete the story as soon as he uploaded it and would send you a message telling you that he accidentally exposed your relationship.
pretty boy <3
hi beautiful, just wanted to let you know that maybe
just maybe i accidentally told everyone that we were together 😄
JJUNIE WHAT*!?#($($!?
read, 5:53 pm
he'd still be a little panicked after a few days but he's relieved to see that moa still supports him and you <3
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choi soobin ୨୧
.  ࣪𖤐 won an award and got so nervous he mentioned you
we all know that soobin sometimes gets nervous at award shows and get his tongue all twisted and this time was one of those times.
all his members were with him, grateful that they won and they were waiting for their leader to finish his speech. everything was going perfectly until he started thanking you.
“and thank you to my girlfriend yn for supporting me and-"
"thank you! have a good night!" yeonjun interrupted, completely freaking out while the rest of the members laughed nervously.
after his mistake, he got scolded by the ceo but nothing too bad ! in the end you found this more beneficial for your relationship since you didn't have to hide anymore <3
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choi beomgyu ୨୧
.  ࣪𖤐 wanted to facetime with one of his members during a live but instead he facetimed you.
the comment section started to blow up instantly as they saw your face through beomgyu's phonescreen and when your boyfriend noticed he called you instead of yeonjun, his eyes almost popped out of his skull.
he looked straight to the camera and laughed before ending the live.
“we're public now, sorry” he said to you panicked and before you could say anything he hung up.
in the end, moa was making fun of gyu on twitter and tiktok for his mistake but they were already shipping you two and he totally appreciated that ^⁠_⁠^
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kang taehyun ୨୧
.  ࣪𖤐 wanted to post some photos of him in the gym but posted one of you two instead.
as soon as he saw his mistake, he deleted the post before anyone could see it but of course, ppl already had seen it and made it trending worldwide that day but moa defended you and him, telling everyone to delete the pictures.
he hadn't told anyone about your relationship so it was a surprise for the company and his members. your boyfriend was scared they were gonna put you or him on hiatus but they only banned him from the twitter acc for a month and that was it !
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huening kai ୨୧
.  ࣪𖤐 was replying to moa on weverse and accidentally said he was dating you
your boyfriend loves to talk with his fans so of course he was gonna answer a moa that asked if she could be his girlfriend but instead of saying what he wanted, hyuka replied with “i already have one” and that made the whole fandom & him to freak out.
he rushed to post that everything was a joke but no one believed him 😭 moa was already making theories and came to the conclusion that he was dating you.
they didn't get upset cuz they were already shipping you and kai so it was like a dream come true and your boyfriend was happy they took the news well and could now tell everyone how much he loved you <33
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maizylx · 1 month
Kafka x f!reader NSFW- minors dni
"I can 'lead' you"
Sub f!reader, fingering, strap riding, lingerie, tying and controlling you with her ability,
Words: 2000+
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You were having an absolute blast at the mall with your friends, thanks to Kafka generously providing some spending money. With the guilt of splurging your own funds lifted, you indulged in shopping for clothes and snacks without a care in the world. As you and your friends lounged on a bench in the middle of the mall, surrounded by a mountain of shopping bags and each clutching a refreshing bubble tea, your phone suddenly buzzed in your pocket, jolting you from your peaceful moment.
Curiosity piqued, you retrieved your phone and checked the notification.
It was a message from Kafka. Asking you to meet her in her apartment at 6 pm. How could you possibly refuse? You eagerly accepted the invitation, though a hint of nervousness fluttered in your stomach for no valid reason. After all, it wasn’t uncommon for Kafka to invite you over to her room almost every week for various activities behind closed doors. When Kafka mentioned she had a surprise in store for you, your curiosity was piqued even further.
Your friends couldn’t help but notice the flush creeping up your cheeks and seized the opportunity to tease you. “Is your boyfriend texting you?” they chimed in with amusement. You shook your head vehemently, hastily tucking your phone away. “I don’t even have a boyfriend!” you muttered, sitting up from the bench with an annoyed huff, taking a sip from your nearly empty bubble tea. As you made your way towards the trash can to discard the cup, your attention was suddenly captivated by an intriguing store-a lingerie shop to be exact.
With the idea of surprising Kafka with a thoughtful gift in mind, you made your way into the store, determined to find the perfect seductive undergarments that would surely bring a smile to her face. You knew she would appreciate the gesture, and the idea of showing up with something so alluring made you feel a rush of excitement.
Aware that your sudden disappearance might worry your friends, you quickly informed them of your intentions. “Guys, I’m just going to check out that store real quick,” you gestured towards a harmless-looking shop, ensuring they wouldn’t jump to any false conclusions. They nodded in understanding, allowing you the freedom to explore the store without their watchful eyes.
Browsing through the racks, you eventually stumbled upon a cute set of undergarments in a shade that perfectly matched Kafka’s hair color. It was both pretty and seductive, just as you had hoped. Securing the set in your grasp, you made sure no one could snatch it away from you before indulging your curiosity and exploring the rest of the store.
The store offered an array of enticing items, including stockings and elegant nightgowns, but you quickly dismissed the idea of adding anything else to your purchase. That would be pushing it a bit too far. Making your way to the cash register, you finalized your selection and discreetly tucked the purchase into one of your shopping bags for safekeeping. With the surprise safely hidden away, you couldn’t wait to see Kafka’s reaction.
Returning to your friends’ spot with the same number of bags raised a few eyebrows, prompting one of them to inquire if you’d found anything. You shook your head with a faux disappointed sigh. “Sadly no, but I’ve already spent enough for today, so it’s fine. Plus, it’s getting late, so I think I’ll head home,” you explained.
Your friends nodded in understanding, agreeing that it was indeed getting late and they too should probably call it a day. With a round of goodbyes, you parted ways, each heading in your own direction.
Checking the time as you walked, you realized it was nearly time for your 'meeting' with Kafka. Speeding up your pace, you knew you needed to change into your new outfit before meeting her. Arriving home, you swiftly set your shopping bags down, grabbed the undergarments, and changed into them in a hurry.
Glancing at the clock, panic surged within you. It was already five to six, and you knew how much Kafka despised being kept waiting. Your plain outfit would have to suffice for now. After all, you doubted it would stay on for long once you were with her.
Arriving at Kafka’s apartment door at 18:02, you hoped she wouldn’t be too upset about your slight tardiness. The doorbell rang, and Kafka soon appeared, greeting you with her usual smug smile. “Hm, you left me waiting,” she remarked, her voice dripping with sultry allure, though a hint of irritation lingered beneath the surface. Quick to apologize, you explained about having to take your shopping bags home. She simply smiled and tugged you inside by the arm. “I don’t need your apologies in words,” she teased, her tone laden with implications that left you feeling both excited and apprehensive.
Without much time to react, Kafka swiftly pinned you to her bed, leaving you feeling momentarily dizzy from the sudden movement. Your wrists were captured beside your head, held firmly in place as your back sank into the plush cushion of the mattress. Before you could utter a word, she silenced you with a deep, passionate kiss that stole your breath away, leaving your words trapped in your throat. The intensity of her kiss sent a jolt of excitement coursing through you, igniting a fire of desire within.
Breaking away from your lips, Kafka trailed her lips down to your neck sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin, eliciting a soft gasp from you. Her free hand slipped beneath your top, gliding over the smooth expanse of your stomach, sending shivers of anticipation down your spine. Your sweet reaction drew a chuckle from her lips and after a short while she had removed your top entirely, exposing your skin to the cool air of the room, the contrast with your heated body temperature sending tingles dancing across your skin.
Kafka’s fingers traced the delicate lace of your bra, her touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. “How gorgeous,” she purred, her voice dripping with sultry admiration. “I don’t recall you owning such a pretty bra.” With a mischievous grin, she tugged your bra further down so your nipples were visible, her intentions clear as desire smoldered in her eyes.
Her bruised lips trailed even further down to your breasts, and in a swift movement she captured your nipples between her plump lips. A moan escaped your lips, and your hand tangled itself in her wine red hair to pull her lips closer to your body. While her mouth was busy suckling your nipple, her free hand clawed your other breast and squeezed it roughly. Your sweet moans were music in her ears, and she wanted to make you scream even more for her, so she pulled away from your body to take off your bottom. A chuckle rang through her throat as she admired the way the lingerie looked on you.
"I see, someone wants to be fucked like a slut, hm?" Her words made you twitch slightly and you couldn't help but agree with her words. Your expression said everything she needed to know, so the tip of her finger was slowly entering your panties. Due her movements you expected her to take of your panties, but you thought wrong, Instead, she lifted the fabric of your lingerie and let it flick back against your skin playfully, causing a slight redness to bloom on the spot where it made contact.
Her actions were teasing and playful, adding an unexpected element of sensuality to the moment as she continued to watch your reactions with a mischievous glint in her eyes. You couldn't help but whine slightly at the unexpected pain, and she chuckled slightly "I'm sorry, my dear. I was just joking~"
her teasing antics caused your eyes to roll in annoyance and exactly in this moment she suddenly snapped your panties off your body "I don't like it when you roll your eyes in annoyance, I prefer when you roll your eyes in pleasure~" before you could say anything else she silenced you with her fingers brushing against the slit of your. The sensation caused you to shake, and let out a breathy moan. "Already wet, are we?" Kafka mumbled as she felt the dampness between your thighs while spreading your thighs apart.
The tip of her fingers teased your hole, and lightly stretched your tight walls with one finger for now, before adding a second one. Your body reacted on it's own as it started to shiver and clutching her fingers with your walls as if your hole was about to devour her fingers. Her fingers curled up at a sensitive spot of yours which instantly made you moan her name in desperation. You didn't want her to stop but she suddenly pulled her fingers out of you which left you feel empty.
"W-Why did you stop?" You murmured desperately, when she abruptly reached for your squishy little cheeks, cupping your face "Do you remember the 'surprise' i promised you?" You nodded, trying to recall the memories referenced in her messages, but confusion still lingered on your face as to what they had to do with the current situation.
The curious expression you wore prompted Kafka to chuckle softly as she pulled away from you completely. With purposeful strides, she made her way to a drawer, opening a shelf from which she pulled out something. Your eyes widen as she revealed a silicone dick with a strap. "Do you understand now?"
You gulped and now everything made a little more sense; the fingers were just there to stretch you for the following act. Kafka sauntered back to you with a sultry grin, while you sat up, slightly bemused by her antics. “Oh, please, I expected more enthusiasm,” she teased, her expression feigning disappointment, prompting a sigh from you at her playful demeanor. “What exactly do you want to do with it?” you inquired, unsure of her intentions.
Her face adopted a thoughtful expression as she tapped her chin in contemplation. "You could ride me" The suggestion she eventually proposed left you stunned, though a small hint of excitement flickered within you. “But I don’t know how that exactly works,” you admitted hesitantly, feeling a twinge of unease at the prospect of doing something wrong.
However, Kafka simply laughed, dismissing your concerns with a wave of her hand. “It seriously can’t be that hard. But if you’re really that nervous, I could ‘lead’ you,” she suggested with a playful tilt of her head, her implication not lost on you.
"Okay, fine, let’s try it out,” you agreed reluctantly, giving in to her enthusiasm. Kafka’s satisfied grin only served to heighten your curiosity as she sat down on the bed and clasped the strap around her waist, anticipation building between you as you came closer to her, when suddenly you had difficulties to move.
“Why are you looking like that? I thought you wanted me to lead you,” Kafka purred with a smug smile, her confidence palpable as she guided your body onto her body. With a swift movement, she manipulated the strange pink strings connected to her fingers, wrapping them around your body until you were completely enveloped by them. With another flick of her wrist, she effortlessly lifted your thighs into the air, making your clit kiss the tip of the silicone cock, and she was lowering you even further and further down on her strap.
You could feel the strap entering you and you let out a loud gasp at the sensation. As Kafka’s hand began to move, the strings followed suit, controlling your body’s movements in perfect synchronization. The sensation of being moved without exerting any effort yourself was both strange and exhilarating, and you found yourself enjoying the pleasure despite the initial surprise. With the strings doing all the work, you were able to relax and simply go along for the ride.
Kafka grinned in satisfaction as you moaned and threw your head back in pleasure. She sped the movement a little up and made your tight hole take all of her. Your walls clenched around the strap and your moans turned breathless and strained. Her gaze shifted between your flushed face and your jiggling breasts, and she just had to squeeze one of your pretty breast with her hand. The double stimulation made you whimper her name desperately And you felt yourself coming closer to the point. Kafka noticed that you were close so she tilted her head in curiosity
"Oh that soon already?" she cooed in amusement and made you move even faster up and down. The only thing you could do is nod as you were so full of pleasure to do anything else at this point and then suddenly you let yourself go. Your eyes rolled back, your whole body was trembling, you curled your nails in your palm. Your pussy was dripping with cum and the silicone cock was covered in your juices.
The hand on your breast was loosing up and after a time, the strings were finally removed, allowing you to move freely once again. You collapsed onto the bed next to Kafka with a soft thud, breathing heavily, your lips parted in exhilaration. “Did you have fun, my dear?” Kafka asked, her hand tenderly caressing your cheek as you could only nod in response, still reeling from the excitement of the experience.
"Maybe we should do this again some time~"
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cyberpxnk · 1 year
jealous | song mingi (2/2)
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♡  part one
(can be read standalone.)
♡ pairing: mingi x fem! reader (afab) ♡ chapters: 2 out of 2 ♡ word count: 4.3k ♡ rating: mature/18+ (minors dni) ♡ genre: pwp, smut, established relationship 
♡ synopsis: Nothing could have prepared you for the ray of pink that was Song Mingi when you walked through the door at that moment. 
♡ warnings/tags: idol! mingi, pink! mingi, brief mentions of ateez, san + woo being lil shits, shameless smut, jealous behavior, possessive behavior, cock warming, slight somnophilia, pussy eating/cunnilingus, biting, hair pulling, minor overstim, size kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, name calling, breeding kink if u squint, creampie
♡ author’s note: 
kinda proof read but again, not rly... hehe :3
howdy again, friends! here is the conclusion to jealous. i hope you all enjoy as much as the first chapter! :3 i had a lot of fun writing this one. seeing all the support has really been encouraging!!
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When you step into the stylist's corner that evening, you aren't sure what to expect after overhearing the boy's discussions the previous night. Amidst themselves they chatted animatedly about the possibility of different colored hair. Their rush of words only left you with an undying curiosity as to what you would see today in the hair salon. Unfortunately, none of them seemed too keen on sharing with you, even after your insistent probing.
The time they spent with neutral tones was surprisingly short and they were all too soon being ushered back to the stylists for their new looks. If you had a say, you would have easily protested the idea — given how much you loved Mingi with natural looking hair… but alas.
And sure, most of them had practically gone through the entire rainbow at that point but nothing could have prepared you for the ray of pink that was Song Mingi when you walked through the door at that moment.
Eyes wide with surprise and bewilderment, you're bouncing over to the tall man, practically gushing and cooing as you take in his new appearance. His hair is shorter now, shorter than you've ever seen. The wisps that previously framed his handsome and sharp features are nothing but choppy and sporadic.
"Wow," is all that you can utter as your fingers card through his freshly dyed locks. A low hum of approval comes from him. You stand behind him, staring at him through the mirror he sits before. In the reflection, he's meeting your bright eyes as he beams with a newfound radiance, noting how smitten you seemed.
"Do you like it, babe?" Mingi preens, leaning into your gentle affections as you're stroking his scalp lovingly.
"You look... Uh. Wow." A deep laugh rumbles from his large frame upon hearing your lack of words.
"I look hot, huh?" Pursing your lips, you choose not to reply as you catch the teasing hint behind his words. His statement shakes you from your charmed stupor, as if you're just now remembering how your lovable boyfriend is also oh so insufferable.
"What about meeee~? Do I look good?" You ignore San's whine in the background.
Grasping a fistful of Mingi's hair, you give a playful tug and he lets out a pained noise of complaint.
"Ow! Sorry, sorry… You know I’m just joking."
"You're so annoying, Min." Smoothing out his rosy tufts, you pat his head once and step away to observe some of the others as they're scattered about the salon.
Only a few of the members are in today, most of them having opted to keep their more natural styles. Upon further inspection, you note that only Mingi, Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung are present.
The captain's head is tipping back and forth as he's snoozing peacefully within his chair. You can see they're still lifting his hair, him having fallen asleep as the light color processes. You smile. It would definitely look good once finished.
Not wanting to disturb his beauty sleep, you sneak around him and weave your way toward San and Wooyoung.
Akin to the devil himself San has his teeth bared in the widest grin, dimple showing as he tilts his head toward you, beckoning for you to pet him just as you did with Mingi.
"San, why are even you here? They didn't do anything to your hair."
"It's just a little styling and trimming. See!" The man kicks off the ground and swivels in his chair, spinning a bit to show himself off from all angles. You can't really tell any difference. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at him and snicker alongside Wooyoung as you both ignore his antics.
"It looks good, right? I'm so handsome, right?" San knits his eyebrows together and juts out his lips, offering you his signature pouty face.
"Right, right?"
"Yes, yes. You're so handsome, Sannie. So handsome with your silly little trim."  Though the sarcasm of your statements are blatantly obvious, he has never seemed more pleased. So pleased in fact, that he grasps your hand and places it atop his head before he begins nuzzling into your palm. He really did have some cat like tendencies.
You let out an exasperated sigh and open your mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by your lover.
"Dude! Get your own girlfriend!" Having witnessed the entire charade from his corner, Mingi is on his feet now and you swear you can see steam coming from his ears. You know San's jokes are mostly for shits and giggles, but you do feel a little bad seeing your boyfriend so riled up.
It was only a few weeks ago you had your asses chewed out by management after what you and San planned. Not to mention Hongjoong was on his last nerve and would definitely limit your visitations if you pulled another stunt like that.
Despite knowing the repercussions, San chooses to ignore the rapper as he grins, hand cupped over his mouth while he's leaning over to his partner in crime, whispering to the other.
"Watch him wake up Captain and get into deep shit again." They both snicker.
"Aw, is the big pink princess jealous?" Shooting a look of warning to the pair, you rush over to Mingi.
"San, you directly contributed to our ‘deep shit,’ so I don't wanna hear it!" Stepping closer to the fuming giant, you run your hands along his arms, trying to soothe his anger. His own limbs immediately wind around your waist, pulling you against his solid chest protectively.
"He's just messing with you again, baby."
"I know," he says through grit teeth.
"I'll make it up to you tonight," you murmur into his ear softly, giving his lobe a gentle nip. Upon hearing your words, his eyes darkened considerably. He squeezes you once.
Thankfully, this seems to pacify his temper as he settles down, allowing you to press a chaste kiss to his lips.
"You better."  Without another word, the man returns to his seat. The tension visibly falls from his shoulders, a pleased smile stretching across his features at the thought of your promise for later.
Unfortunately, you're left to deal with San's taunting again once Mingi comfortably slouches into his chair, ignoring everyone as he begins to play around with his phone.
"I'll make it up to you later," San parrots in a sickeningly sweet tone.
"You better." Wooyoung follows his mimicry and the pair burst into an obnoxious fit of giggles. Woo's laughter raises an octave higher as they're both slapping each other around and squirming hilariously in their chairs, making kissy faces.
Two grown ass men. You shake your head and sigh.
The commotion causes Hongjoong to stir. The smaller man rouses from his sleep, rubbing his eyes tiredly as his bleary glare lands on the troublesome duo.
"You two are so loud. You think I would be used to it by now."
Everyone falls silent when they finally realize their captain has awoken. His sleepy gaze sweeps over the room, eyebrows cocking up in surprise when he notes that Mingi seems to be the most behaved of the bunch. That was not typical, but he wouldn't dwell on it.  There's a curt nod in your direction, as if he’s giving you kudos for trying to keep the boys in line.
"Behave, kids."  Hongjoong leaves them a single warning, too tired to chastise them as his droopy eyes fall shut, the drowsiness overtaking him once more.
The bickering has died down now and everyone is left to their own muses, the previous playful encounters momentarily forgotten as a comfortable silence overtakes the room.
Another half hour passes by in a breeze and it's not long before you're all filing back into a company van to return home. Shuffling between each member, you're quick to buckle into your seat beside Mingi and no sooner is the vehicle veering out of the driveway toward the direction of the dorms.  
As the van takes off the street lights fade in passing, blurring beneath the night sky. The sight has your eyelids growing heavy, suddenly feeling a bit exhausted from your day's events. You don't seem to realize how tired you are until your cheek falls on your lover's broad shoulder.
Blinking at the sudden weight on him, Mingi turns slightly to look at you before a fond smile overtakes his face once he sees you dozing off. A warmth spreads within his chest as he takes in your delicate features, cooing lovingly before he presses a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Sleep tight, baby."
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The first time you awake that night you don't register the feeling of his lips trailing along your shoulder. Groggily opening your eyes, you're met with mostly darkness, only a sliver of the moonlight peeking from the window. You can feel the springs of a mattress beneath you and the familiarity of Mingi's lean body pressed to your back. Like most nights, he holds you from behind, effectively caging you in his arms.
Though you don't recall the man carrying you from the car to the dorm, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. This wasn't the first occasion where you had knocked out on the ride home. Mingi was all too used to hauling your ass back to his room and readying you for bed — which mostly just consisted of him stripping you to your undergarments and tucking you in.
With your current state of undress, the man beside you feels particularly restless. He fidgets once, then twice. You squeeze his arm gently and that's all it takes for his curious hands to begin roaming upon your bare skin, ghosting along your hips and stomach before he's cupping one of your breasts to fondle between his palm, rolling your nipple between his fingers.
A quiet and tired whine falls from your lips and you're soon shifting against the bed, your panty clad ass brushing against him. Feeling your movements he involuntarily bucks against you and even through the fabric of delicates separating you, you feel the weight of his half hard cock against your backside.  
His lips find purchase on your neck once more, eager to paint a pattern of his love bites on the skin. There are fading marks from days prior and he's readily retracing over the hickeys with teeth and tongue. The thrill of showing others his claim was simply his favorite.
Despite the desire that throbs between your thighs, you find yourself too drowsy to reciprocate, only just barely grinding yourself against him as he continues to grope at your body and rut against you.
"Fuck," he curses between wet kisses along your nape.
There is an air of impatience in his actions and he's hurriedly fumbling around with his boxers, freeing his erection from its confines. It slaps up against one of your cheeks and you can feel his precum leaking through your underwear.
Mingi is unable to help himself as he pulls your panties to one side, lining himself along your slit before he's slowly sheathing his thick cock past your walls, already wet and coated with your arousal. Even in your dazed state, you feel a surprised moan bubbling from your throat as you begin to clutch onto the bed sheets when your cunt stretches deliciously around him to accommodate his size.
Consumed by the feeling of your walls clenching around him, a pleased growl spills from your lover's lips. The grip he has on your waist returns and soon he's bottoming out within you, pelvic bone flush to your ass as he's relishing the heat that hugs his length so tightly.
Gods, your pussy felt like the heavens to him. Mingi knew he could come then and there if he lacked any self control. The position which you both lay presents him with a different angle to fuck you, dragging against your cunt in a way that has his length throbbing within you. His eyes nearly roll back at the feeling.
Though he's enraptured in a state of pleasure, he doesn't budge against you, only breathing heavily against your neck as his fingers stroke circles into your hips. Normally, there is an encouraging noise or movement from you after you adjust to his size, but the silence that follows has his concerns raising slightly.
It's only several seconds later that Mingi hears the sound of your light snoring. Unbelievable... With you having fallen back to sleep he resigns in defeat and hugs you closer to him, closing his eyes as he tries to follow suit, his hard cock still stuffed within you.
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The second time you wake up, it's still dark within the room but the beginnings of sun rising glimmer past the window curtains. Huh? You find your body is feeling unusually hot and you're panting softly, eyes heavily lidded.
Drowsiness still overpowers you as you’re blindly reaching around for Mingi. His body has since disappeared from your side and only now do you register the feeling of his weight against your legs.
A scratchy moan rips from your throat when you glance down. You're met with the sight of pink hair disappearing between your thighs and it sends a tremor of arousal through you, shaking you awake. The two of you had discussed this scenario many times prior, but you were beyond thrilled to finally have it happen.
“M-Mingi?” Your throat is hoarse and dry, though you don't know if it's from having just woken up or from seeing the sinful sight of your lover languidly lapping at your pussy. You’re unsure of how long he's been awake, but the mess that has accumulated beneath you was evidence enough — fluids having trailed down from your heat, seeping into the bedsheets.
The man hums in acknowledgement, his tongue delving past your dripping folds as he hungrily begins to eat you out. Now that you were awake, he wouldn’t hold back. His mouth moves with fervor, tongue swiping along your cunt as he greedily drinks in your juices.
“You said you would make it up to me.” Between kissing your clit and dragging the flat of his tongue against your wetness, he rumbles deeply against you. He just barely lifts his head and meets your stare with a heated look, pupils blown wide, the desire and want evidently swirling within his lustful eyes.
When he nudges his nose against your clit, your legs tremble, closing slightly as they tighten around his head, earning a pleased and muffled noise from him. Your hand finds its way down to his head as you begin to buck into his face, fingers gripping at the rosy locks.
His own hands palm at the globes of your ass, cupping each cheek fully as he lifts your pussy closer to his face. Mingi is ravenous as he eats you out. His mouth traces over every inch of your cunt, tongue sloppily laving against your folds, his actions akin to a starved man.
At this point, you're wide awake and squirming with pleasure. With his grip holding you up, your back arches off the mattress and no sooner you’re driving your hips into his face, shamelessly bucking against his mouth. He’s diving into you with reckless abandon and it's only when you feel his lips latching onto your sensitive bundle of nerves that you're turning your head to muffle your cries into the pillow under you.
Knowing how vocal you were, you had to keep quiet as the boys could wake at any moment. You couldn't risk getting in trouble again. Even so, your face is pressed to the pillow and you're biting the fabric of the pillow case as you're fisting Mingi’s hair. You can barely contain the lewd noises that Mingi elicits from you.
The muffled sounds that come from you grow increasingly louder when you feel him circling your clit with his tongue. The way he alternates between licking and sucking you has you seeing stars, your eyes rolling back in pleasure.
When your thighs finally begin to shake in his grasp, he knows you're close. Mingi’s mouth doesn't leave your clit even as you're grinding harder into his face. Swiftly one of his hands dips between your legs, two fingers fucking into you as he drives you to your orgasm. The combined stimulus pushes you over the edge and you’re cumming hard on his face.
You sob into the pillow, writhing wildly as your fluids spill from your pussy onto his face. His mouth finally leaves your swollen clit as he savors the taste of your release, groaning into your cunt while he begins to tongue fuck you once more. The taste of your essence is sweet, irresistible; and only for him to have.
When Mingi has finally had enough, you're already nearing your second orgasm. You’re breathing hard and trying to recover as the waves of pleasure roll through your body.  The man lifts his head from your legs and you swallow thickly at the sight of him.
There is still a carnal hunger that glitters beneath his stare. Your eyes trace the angles of his face, following down the curve of his nose until they land on his mouth, watching as his tongue darts out to lick some remnants of your juices from his lips. Even in the dark, you can see the way your own release glistens on his cheeks and chin.
The look he gives you has a wave of arousal pooling in your belly, burning so hot that you're already locking your legs around his torso. Mingi roughly cleans his face with one arm and wipes it onto his bedsheets.  
You’re about to protest, but the complaint dies in your throat as he begins to leave a trail of wet kisses up your body. He starts below your navel and ghosts past your ribs next. Similarly, his large hands stroke up to your legs as he holds them in place.
As he moves up your body, your pussy drags along the ripples of his muscles, leaving a line of your wetness down his abs. He begins grazing past your nipples and he teases along the slopes of your breasts before he reaches your lips. His mouth connects to yours, all too eager to taste you. Now that your bodies are level to each other, your thighs naturally rest around his waist.
From this position you can feel the weight of his thick cock laying heavily against your messy cunt, his length coated with your slick arousal. Grinding against each other, the friction between your loins has you both gasping out between kisses. His tongue finds yours all too easily, labored breaths against each other’s mouths.
When he parts from you, there is a string of saliva that stretches between you. After your first orgasm, you already looked so fucked out laying beneath him. Your breasts are heaving with each gasp of pleasure and your hips wiggle against his impatiently. He groans at the sight, cock twitching.
“Think you can take more, doll?”
“Please, Mingi…” Under his gaze, you're trembling with want and need. Mingi loves when he hears your pathetic whines laden with desire, especially with the way your voice goes up a pitch when you're desperate to have him filling you.
“Baby girl wants to be stuffed with my big dick, yeah?” A taunting smirk overtakes his features.
“Mingi, need you inside me. Please…”  You squirm beneath him, pressing yourself closer to his body, flush to the shaft of his aching erection.
“Love how you beg for me every night. You're such a slut for me, with the way your tight little cunt molds so well around my cock.”
The deep treble of his voice has you moaning softly, your body heating up from the dirty words that escape him. He feels the way you gush more fluids onto his length, growing more wet as he praises you.  
“Be a good girl and take my big cock, mmm?”
As the last word falls from his lips, he’s sinking himself into your dripping hole. Mingi is slow and calculated, enjoying the drag along your folds as you begin to stretch around his thickness. From this angle he sees the way your cunt swallows him, his cock buried inside you.
You both moan breathily as he fills you to the hilt, the head of his cock nearly kissing your cervix. The grip of your thighs tightens around his waist as you're trying to drive him deeper within you.
“God, such a good girl. You always take me so well, baby.”
“M-Mingi,” you mewl back at him, feeling entirely full from his large size splitting you apart. He doesn’t need to adjust this time, knowing your second orgasm still looms closely. You're high on the pleasure and you're already grinding into him.
“See how big I am inside you?” The sight beneath him is almost too much. Within you his dick is twitching and throbbing as your walls envelope him. He hovers above you just slightly, creating space between your bodies to give you a view of what nearly sends him into a frenzy.
Obediently your eyes flit down to follow his stare and you can see the outline of his big cock against your lower belly. Your cunt clenches at the sight and he involuntarily thrusts a single time.  
“So big… feel so full of your cock,” you gasp at him, eyes fluttering with pleasure as you're reveling in the feeling of his size. He pulls his hips back, slowly beginning to pump himself within you as you’re both watching the outline of his girth moving back and forth.
“Fuuuck.” Mingi throws his head back, cursing lowly as he begins to pick up his pace.
Your arms wind around his neck and you’re clutching onto him as you bury your face into his shoulder. The sight of him within you is forgotten once you're both beginning to chase your climax.
The grip Mingi has on your ass is bruising as he starts to pound himself within your pussy. His tempo has picked up speed as the pleasure continues to build. The sound of his cock squelching against your dripping folds is loud as is the sound of his balls slapping against your skin.
Each thrust has his pelvis dragging against your already sensitive clit. You're trying to meet his movements best you can, but you're so far gone with pleasure that you simply hang off him as he plows into your aching cunt.
“S-So… good,” you blubber out as you begin to drool on his shoulder.
His palms are suddenly hooking under your knees as he pushes your legs back, effectively folding you into yourself as he begins to fuck himself into you harder. Your hands fall from him at this new position and you're desperately fisting the bedsheets when he begins to slam himself back into you.
The new angle has his cock hitting your g spot, each plunge on his length sending you closer and closer into euphoria. You begin chanting his name, each syllable growing louder in volume until he has to silence you with his mouth.
You're both moaning through the lip lock, tongues entangled in a passionate dance as he rocks himself into you. You know he's close with the way his grip is beginning to slack around your legs. Even then, his pace doesn't let up as he begins to snap his hips harder against you. In between kisses, you begin to coax him closer to his release.
“Need your cum… please, Mingi!” The guttural moan that escapes him resonates through your core, fluids gushing around his cock as he starts fucking you faster.
“Fuck, baby girl… You want me to fill you up? Does my needy slut want to be stuffed full of cum?”
He’s merciless with his movements as he sets an unrelenting pace, desperate to chase his orgasm. The harder he ruts into you, the more your pussy clenches around him.
“Yes, Mingi. Please!”
Hearing your admission, you can feel the way his moves are no longer calculated — a sloppy and erratic rhythm overtaking his movements. Still, each push of his throbbing length slamming against your g spot has your entire body alight with fire.
The pressure is building within you, ready to snap at any moment. Only seconds later you're unraveling beneath him, your second orgasm flooding you as you thrash and moan whilst cumming against his cock, walls squeezing around him impossibly tight. Your juices flood around him, the sounds of your wetness growing louder as he bucks harder.
The feeling of your cunt gripping and convulsing around him sends him into a craze and he fucks into you harder and harder until he's pumping you full his release. Even as he's painting your walls full of his cum, he cannot help himself but to roll his hips a bit longer, riding out his peak as he pushes his seeds deeper within your cunt. The cum begins to spill over, drooling out from your pussy as he finally stills his movements.
After several seconds, he drops your legs and collapses on top of you. You grunt at his weight but bring a hand up to gently stroke his hair. Both of you pant heavily as you try to recover from the aftershocks of such an intense orgasm, exhaustion sweeping over you. His hands are carefully kneading around your hips while his head rests between your breasts, nuzzling into them affectionately.
“Love you, babe. Thanks for making it up to me.”
You kiss the top of his head.
“Yeah, yeah.. Love you too. Even if you did interrupt my sleep…”
You both knew the bed was in a state of disarray but you were both too tired to care at the moment, beginning to fall asleep in a pool of your mixed juices.
It’s not even ten minutes later that you hear a loud series of knocks on the door, causing you both to jolt awake.
"Morning, you sex fiends! Breakfast is ready!” San calls out from behind the door, an obvious hint of mischief in his tone.
Oh god, you were definitely too loud and you know you would never hear the end of it from him.
“Fuck off! We're sleeping in!” Mingi yells back, though his words don’t match the cheeky grin he sports.
You roll your eyes and gently nudge him off of you.
“Can we at least change the bed sheets first?”
“Sure thing, babe.” Fin~
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jeongin-lvr · 2 months
Hello, I hope you're doing well 💕 I've come to share a thought that won't let me sleep...
Roommate Chan who notices that when you and your bf get busy, your bf is very loud whereas Chan doesn't hear a peep out of you. The walls of your shared apartment are pretty thin, and he's sure he should hear at least something from you from time to time. This leads him to wonder if you ever get to orgasm. But he's a good friend and keeps these thoughts and wonderings to himself.
Before this accidental realisation, he would put on headphones whenever he could hear the goings on, but now that he's been exposed to hearing it a few times – when he's left the shower and walked past, or come home in the middle of it – he can't help but listen. He can't stop himself from unconsciously straining his ears in the hopes of hearing something on your part – not because he wants to hear what you sound like (even though he's thought about it), but because he hopes to high heaven that you're getting some pleasure too.
One day, he comes home to find you on the sofa, staring blankly at the TV. When he asks if everything's okay, you tell him that your relationship has ended. You don't seem too upset about it, but Chan still waits a while before bringing it up – a little awkwardly, but he can't help himself. When you confess that your now ex couldn't get you there, Chan offers to help, before confessing that he's liked you for a long long time.
cee!!!! oh my gosh so sorry this took forever 😭😭 I’m so slow when it comes to stuff like this!!
ohhhhh my gosh I love this… the thin walls drive him crazy at first. he’s rushing to put on headphones the moment he hears things are getting on through the walls. however, there was one occasion when he actually paused to listen. there was the familiar creak of the bed, the soft wood banging unevenly against the wall… even the deep pants and moans of your boyfriend. however, there was never any, well, you. and whatever he did hear from you was the soft words of “good job” to your partner. to Chan it didn’t seem like he was doing much of a good job. He almost laughed when he heard that for the first time.
Then he got curious, furrowing his brows as he spent the rest of the night wondering. that’s when he first found himself pondering if he could be the one to get you there. of course, he always pushed those thoughts away because, obviously, you had a boyfriend. that and he didn’t know if you just weren’t very vocal in bed or if his suspicions were genuinely correct. either way, it left him curious.
but then there was one night when your boyfriend wasn’t over and he heard you mewling through the wall. Chan knew it was weird and gross but he pressed his ear against it, jaw slightly agape as he took in the sounds. oh, now he knew that your boyfriend just wasn’t very good. you were very vocal. very, very vocal. that was the conclusion Chan got to before scolding himself silently and stuffing his head in a pillow, trying to ignore how flustered he’d gotten himself.
and then a few weeks later he had found you sitting cross legged in the living room, mindlessly watching a TV show he’s never seen you even be remotely interested in. and your eyes were so distracted, it didn’t take a genius to notice that. Chan, being the good guy he is, asked if you’re okay; and in that moment it’s like he opened the dam, all your thoughts, frustrations, and annoyances pouring out of you like a rush of water. Chan listened and for the first time this entire ordeal he wonders if he can help. and before he had the chance to think it all through, he asks out loud; “do you want me to help you?”
and you’re shocked but he’s even worse. his eyes are wide and his lips are pressed together as he sits across from you on the couch, his hand on yours from when he was trying to comfort you. only now it felt deeper than just comfort. you both stare at each other for a while. he doesn’t truly realize how desperate you are as you nod and with watery eyes you say, “can you please?”
eventually he’d lay you down on the couch, at first he was awkward and nervous about his next advances. mumbling sorry’s and saying your name in gentle ways that made you feel more than your ex ever did. but somehow Chan would get confident as his lips connect with yours for the very first time. he doesn’t know when or how or what to even say when he pulls apart. but right now all he can think is that he wants— no, needs —to make you cum. so he does. he spends the entire night working on you. and honestly, it doesn’t take long to pry an orgasm from you. so he does it twice on his tongue, once on his fingers, and in the heat of the moment he finds the balls to spread your legs and sink his dick into you. you’re sensitive now, and Chan realizes this is the most vocal he’s ever heard you be. and now he spends every night wondering if he can get more of those sounds out of you.
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nakahras · 4 months
᯽ they forget valentine’s day • multi
synopsis • dazai is an oblivious and dramatic fool. chuuya is a wounded puppy that needs to relax
warnings • dazai (he needs his own warning yes), i’m not sure this even has cursing, anxiety, alcohol, drunk chuuya bc he’s a lightweight, reader is a civilian, fem!reader
wc • 2.8k
a/n • happy valentine’s day, lil birdies <3
you’d been pouty all week. giving him short responses both verbally and through texts. on day 3 he plucked up the courage to ask but you were short with him once again.
“i’m fine, osamu.”
you were lying to him. you never called him by his full first name, never called him “osamu.” it was always “‘samu” or “baby.” he tried his best to get it out of you a couple more times that day before letting out a huff of defeat at his desk. he was usually able to avoid his paperwork by distracting you but this week has been excruciating for him. you were “too busy” with paperwork. when had you ever been too busy for dazai? it just didn’t make sense.
you were lying and he knew you were.
on day 4, you were both dispatched on a mission together. it was just a standard patrol. something you have done a million times before and usually use it as an excuse to goof off and make a date out of it. this time, however, you apparently took it very seriously. you wouldn’t even let dazai hold your hand. dazai was wounded at this point. his chest felt heavy in the worst way possible.
even worse you started referring to him as dazai. he thinks he would prefer osamu over dazai.
“bella, why are you treating me like a mere colleague. i’m your boyfriend. shouldn’t i be able to hold your hand?”
he’s pouting, you can hear it in his voice but you refuse to acknowledge it. “we’re on assignment, dazai.”
“‘samu. ‘s ‘samu, not dazai. what did i do to deserve this injustice?” the pressure in his chest grows as you continue to look forward, straight faced.
you let out a sigh. “if you don’t know what you did -- or didn’t do -- i don’t know what to tell you.”
dazai spends the rest of that assignment wracking his head over things he specifically avoided doing.
on day 5 he started to actually sweat a little bit because of your increasing mistreatment of him. was this how you were ending things with him? he couldn’t for the life of him think of anything he had done wrong, or hadn’t done at all, as of late. he had been on especially good behavior recently. so the only conclusion he could rationally (read: irrationally) come to was that you were sick of him. you couldn’t stand him anymore. you hated him. that was the only possible explanation.
it wasn’t.
on day 6 dazai had lost all hope. he spent his whole day at his desk staring at the ceiling. he was moping and he was aware of it. the whole office was aware of it but no one was indulging him and that was part of the problem. it’s as if everyone was in on it with you. they all knew but no one would give him a hint. traitors. every single one of them were traitors. even his usually sweet protege, atsushi refused to stare dazai in the eye. that’s how he knew they were all keeping it from him.
dazai wholeheartedly believed they were all plotting on his demise.
finally ranpo came to dazai day 7 with a bag full of…heart themed treats? what was he supposed to-- oh. OH!? how could he have missed that it was mid february. he was meant to ask you to be his valentine and now it was day of and he didn’t even have any plans. he didn’t like the idea of ranpo having to bail him out. once he’s connected the dots, dazai bolts straight up. his chair crashing to the floor with a loud thud. he startles everyone in the office, even you look up in shock. he doesn’t say anything just rushes out leaving everyone, especially you, utterly confused.
he comes back an hour later with the biggest stuffed teddy you had ever laid your eyes on and the most gorgeous bouquet of 2 dozen roses. you’re not even sure where dazai got the money to buy them? you desperately hope he didn’t manage to steal them. he struggles his way over to you and gives you his big pleading puppy dog eyes that he knows works every time.
“i’m such a fool! my belladonna, i’ve failed you and i deserve to be shot where i stand. if you were to deny me i would completely understand,” no he wouldn’t. “but would you please be my valentine?”
you try to stay stern with him but you can feel yourself melting under his big brown eyed gaze. you’re conflicted and it shows on your face. “’samu…”
thank god for yosano walking in at that very moment. she is your savior for the second time this week. she looks at dazai incredulously and then just starts crackling. everyone looks at her confused. once she’s composed herself enough, she looks to you.
“please, tell me i get to be the one to break the news to him.” dazai’s brow furrows in confusion as he looks back at you for an answer.
you nod your head and smile relieved. “i haven’t told him yet….”
“told me what? what am i missing? why are you two being so cryptic?” dazai is whining now. he’s only slightly nervous that you have yet to give him a response, surely you won’t say no to him, right?
“this sweet little angel agreed to be my valentine yesterday.” yosano announces proudly while wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
it’s comical, the way dazai’s jaw drops. he let’s out a dramatic gasp. “yosano i thought we were friends. you would steal my bella just like that?!”
“chicks before dicks, dazai. you slept on my pretty angel for too long.”
dazai tries so hard to be appalled but the shrill and scandalized “yosano” kunikida yelps out makes dazai lose his composure. the brunette takes opportunity in yosano and kunikida bickering to pull you aside. he gives you an earnest look, one so rare that you forget to breathe for a moment.
“are you really going to continue to be yosano’s valentine and not mine?”
curse his shining burnt caramel colored eyes. curse his pathetic shaggy haircut that made his waves frame his face so beautifully. and last of all curse those pouty and perfectly pink lips of his that you’ve denied yourself of for a week now. you want to curse him. you really do. but he is so pretty and you’re so weak to a pretty face.
your fold under his gaze and huff in defeat. he lights up like the radiant star he is. you missed his light, it had been dull the last 7 days. you pout as he brings you into his arms. “thank you for giving me another chance, my bella. i promise to make it up to you.”
“you better, ‘samu.”
chuuya always worked extra hours. it was normal for him to overwork himself. but lately he felt as though his workload had doubled. he could only delegate so much before he started to feel bad about not doing the work himself. even the paperwork started piling up. after a long 4 days of sleepless nights chuuya has finally managed to clear out every stack of papers that were littering his office.
as if she had a sixth sense for knowing when chuuya was done with his work, kouyou walked in at the most opportune time. “a little birdy told me that you’d finally finished your work. how about we go for drinks to celebrate. it’s still early enough. my little sister should still be in her night class, right? she wouldn’t mind if i stole you for an hour or two, would she?”
“a drink?” chuuya can’t deny that a nice glass of vintage sounds heavenly right now. he hasn’t seen you in 4 days and although he wants nothing more than to hold you in his arms, he has to respect that you’re currently occupied by the one night class you have a week. kouyou was right, you wouldn’t be out until 9pm. it was only a handful of minutes before 7pm.
chuuya nods. “yeah, i could go for a drink.”
he found himself in one of the private rooms of one of the many restaurants kouyou owns. as promised he is sipping at his second glass of wine, heat is starting to settle in his stomach and he knows that soon enough, if he doesn’t pace himself, he’ll be feeling that heat in his head. it always made his mind foggy.
the conversation had lulled but it was a comfortable silence as they both picked at the appetizers kouyou had ordered for the two of them. kouyou takes a bite of and enoki beef roll and sighs in satisfaction. mid chew her eyes widen and she hums as if something just occurred to her. she hovers her hand in front of her mouth starts to chew quicker. a finger is held up by her other hand to indicate that it’ll just be a moment.
kouyou swallows her food intently and looks at chuuya excitedly. “what do you have planned tomorrow for my little sister?”
kouyou gives chuuya an excited smile and expectant look. the problem is…chuuya has no idea what kouyou is talking about. why would he plan something for tomorrow? panic starts to settle at the pit of his stomach. why would he have something planned for tomorrow? did he forget your birthday? anniversary? what even was the date?
kouyous smile drops as she watches visible panic flit across chuuya’s expression. she sighs, feeling a little sorry for bringing it up. she thought maybe chuuya had been working so hard to get everything finished to enjoy the day with you tomorrow. no, he was just being his usual self and overworking himself to exhaustion. evidently he had no idea what tomorrow was.
“chuuya, calm down. it’s only valentine’s day. she’s forgiving. i’m sure she won’t hold it against you if you forget one valentine’s day. even so, you still have time. i’ll make reservations for dinner for you two at my nicest restaurant, the one at the hotel in the business district. i’ll book you a suite to stay the night as well. on me.”
chuuya visibly relaxes but the look on his face is still one of worry. kouyou gives him another expectant look and chuuyas shoulders slump over. he looks like a wounded puppy. she could practically hear the whimpers.
“i didn’t ask her to be my valentine…” chuuya feels ridiculous saying it but he figures if anyone was going to understand it would be kouyou.
kouyou picks up the bottle of wine and tops off chuuya’s now empty wine glass. she doesn’t think he’s noticed in his panic how much he’s had to drink but she’s hoping a little more will relax him. she doesn’t expect him to finish the whole glass, maybe just another sip or two.
kouyou has never been so wrong in her life.
you get let out early from your night class, something about needing to prepare for tomorrow? whatever that was supposed to mean. perhaps it was a special day for him?
as you’re walking up the stairs to your small apartment you look at the time: 8:23pm. you had expected to take the train home but one of your friends offered to give you a lift home. so you were home earlier than expected and you were so appreciative of it. it’s been a long week and you just want to relax.
you shot chuuya a text when you got out. you felt a little guilty for not being able to talk to him more the last 5 or so days. you’d been busy with starting up clinicals and of course having mock patient evaluations and notes due the same day. but you were finally settled and just so happened to have the next 2 days completely free.
you check your messages and see that the message is marked as read but chuuya never replied. you don’t have much time to worry about it though because the second you’re rounding the corner you see -- is that two? yes, it is. you see two familiar heads of ginger hair standing outside of your apartment door. your brows furrow as you get closer and notice your boyfriend is leaning on kouyou for support. his face is abnormally red; it's almost comical.
you clear your throat and kouyou looks up from struggling to keep her own balance. she gives you an apologetic smile. “sorry to dump him on you, sunshine, but he refused to go home after he got your text. i had no choice but to bring him here.”
chuuya seems to have enough consciousness to realize that kouyou is talking to someone. he finally looks up and squints at your for a moment before his eyes light up in recognition. he whispers your name under his breath and gets this adorably determined expression on his face. oh god, he and kouyou must have just came from having drinks. he’s surprisingly stable on his feet still, only stumbles over his feet twice before he’s standing in front of you, examining your face intently, as if he's looking for something that’s clearly not there.
“did kouyou feed you too much wine again, baby?” you let out a small giggle and chuuya swears he could cry over how much he missed you these last few days.
“...yeah. she did. drank too much wine. ‘was good though.” his sentences are short and words are slurred. you think if his speech wasn’t slightly broken, he would definitely be slurring more.
you peer over at kouyou and smile at her appreciatively. “thank you for getting him to me safely, kouyou. are you gonna be alright getting home?”
she waves her hand at you dismissively. “he insisted. i have my driver with me. you two lovebirds have a good night and enjoy your date tomorrow~”
just like that, kouyou leaves you confused. before you’re able to process her words and form a question she’s already made her way around the corner and out of sight. you look at chuuya for an answer instead. his eyebrows are furrowed and he’s examining your face once again. you begin to feel self conscious and pat at your face.
“what? what is it? also… what was kouyou talking about? what date? are you taking me somewhere tomorrow?” you know you might be asking too many questions for chuuya’s muddled brain right now but you’re far too confused to care.
chuuya huffs as if remembering something distasteful. his mouth turns down in a frown and he does something he rarely would sober. his hands find your waist and he pulls you into him with his ability. you make a small squeak of surprise as you practically crash into his chest. your palms placed o his chest to brace yourself. you notice chuuya is uncommonly stable for his state and chalk it up to his ability being activated. you’re correct of course, his body is illuminated by a red glow -- your’s is too.
before you have a chance to ask what in the hell was going on you’re distracted by chuuya’s hands slipping under your scrub top and circling your waist. your breath hitches at the intimate touch. his head drops to your shoulder and he breathes you in. the breath is immediately followed by a content sigh.
“‘m sorry. i forgot” it’s muffled but you still make it out.
you swallow thickly trying to ignore just how much his touch affects you. “you’re sorry about what? what did you forget?”
“didn’t ask you sooner…” you think maybe he’s lost his mind. it’s the only explanation you have for the nonsense he’s spewing.
you reach over to pry chuuya from your shoulder but it’s no use. you let out a defeated sigh. “ask me now.”
chuuya looks up at that. for the third time in the past ten minutes he’s examining your face. you’re no longer questioning it. you suppose it makes sense. it’s been almost a week since you last saw each other. you can’t deny that you missed him too.
“be my valentine?” you don’t think that you’re seen him this nervous since he asked you out.
your brows furrow for a moment until realization slaps you in the face. your mouth forms a circle as it hits you that today is the thirteenth of february. tomorrow is valentine’s day. guilt seeps into your very core. you had completely forgotten because of how busy with school you were.
you sigh and reach out to hold chuuya’s face. “only if you’re still willing to be mine too since i also forgot that tomorrow is valentine’s day.”
chuuya perks up, it’s akin to an excited puppy. you can’t help the way your heart melts at the sight of his soft expression. you giggle as chuuya brings you in and showers you in kisses. you can’t help but to think that all the hard work you put in and going days without seeing chuuya is all worth it when you finally reunite and get to see him again like this.
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folkloresthings · 10 months
in which the older sister of lando norris finds herself teetering dangerously towards the precipice of her brother’s, significantly older, colleague.
( fernando alonso x norris!reader )
track one: gold rush. track two: delicate. track three: labyrinth. track four: false god. track five: happiness. track six: the 1. track seven: daylight. track eight: lover.
✩⡱ warnings: age gap! reader is 25, fernando is 41.
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liked by charles_leclerc, emmawatson, and 77,294 others
yourusername national charity gala! you were all so wonderful, and raised so much money for everyone in need ❤️ and i adored playing dress up
view all 31,399 comments
user staring respectfully
danielricciardo wowowowowowow 🤩🤩🤩
landonorris the good looks run in the family
⤷ yourusername do they?
⤷ landonorris rude
user 🧎🧎🧎
lancestroll beautiful as ever!
lewishamilton such a fun night!!
⤷ yourusername thanks to all those cocktails you bought
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after a rather long, but albeit enjoyable, night you were making your way back across london to your flat. lewis, who had also been in attendance at the gala, kindly offered you a lift with his driver. however, the world—champion was much drunker than you, and spent most of the drive from chelsea to north kensington blabbering nonsense that you could barely make sense of.
“thanks again, lew!” you called into the backseat as you shut the door behind you, watching the town car drive off from where it had dropped you. you lift the skirt of your gown, turning to unlock the little gate at the bottom of the steps. but a figure catches your eye, sat on the top step beside the front door, watching your every move.
“fernando,” you mutter, unsure if the darkness of the night is playing tricks on you. he stands, the automatic lamp outside of your door illuminating him. you’re still stopped at the gate, staring up at him in shock. “what are you doing here?”
“i spoke to lando,” he starts, readying himself for a speech he’d seem to have been practicing for a while.
“i know,” you tell him, still stuck on the fact that he’s actually here.
“i told him everything. everything i feel for you, everything i think you feel for me,” his cheeks flush, unprepared for how being so vulnerable would feel. he’d already had to wear his heart on his sleeve for your brother. “he understands now. he’ll be happy for us.”
“i know,” you repeat again, and his brows furrow. “he told me.”
it kills you, the hope that rises in his eyes. the hope that, now that you knew, you’d have changed your mind. but you’d taken so long to come to your conclusion, it would be difficult to go back on it now.
you sigh, lifting your dress to climb the steps until you’re stood in front of him, nearly eye to eye in your heels. that tearing feeling comes back into your chest. “it doesn’t change everything i’ve said before. i mean, it’s still so complicated. too many people could get hurt in the process and —”
fernando cuts you off, his hands coming to cup your cheeks. they’re cold from the night air, sending shivers down your spine. “why do you have to be so stubborn all the time?” he muses, smirking fondly. once again, he could see right through you, spotting your search for excuse as a cover for how you truly felt.
because you wanted him, so badly.
“i’m in love with you,” he whispers, thumb grazing your cheekbone. your eyes flicker downward, trying to hide the small smile that creeps onto your face. “isn’t that enough?”
when you find the courage to look at him again, you swear your legs wobble. he’s looking at you like you’ve hung the stars in the sky, like you were the only person that mattered on the face of the earth.
“you are?” you eventually murmur, and he chuckles, head falling back. his hands wander down to your waist, palming the soft fabric of your silk dress. without a second thought, he bundles you up in his strong arms and kisses you with all of the passion he can muster, hot and heavy.
“you look so beautiful, mi amor,” fernando whispers into your mouth, making you blush. you pull him closer by his belt, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. they’re freezing, nearly blue against your lipstick.
“how long have you been sat out here?” you giggle.
“oh, just a few hours.” fernando admits, shrugging. but he can’t wipe the grin from his face, happier than he’s ever been in his whole life.
“well, you better come inside and warm up.”
yourusername has added to their story!
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writers note: yay! parents are happy in love. there’s one more part to come, just to tie everything off 💌
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auras-moonstone · 2 months
hiii i rlly love ur writing so if u cld write this i’d actually pass out ‼️
u can pick urself if it’ll be jack, Ethan, hockey player Ethan or even smth else! But what im thinking abt is like where he breaks up with reader because hes convinced he lost his feelings towards her but later on realized he didnt?? Hope u have a good day 🙁
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ all you had to do was stay
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ᡣ𐭩 word count: 1.4K
ᡣ𐭩 pairing: hockey player!ethan landry x fem!reader
ᡣ𐭩 summary: convinced his feelings are gone, ethan breaks up with y/n. when he wins the championship, he realizes he made a mistake.
ᡣ𐭩 contents/warnings: heartbreak. angst. make-up. fluff.
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ethan truly thought his feelings for y/n had washed away. but it’s wasn’t until now, looking around the arena for her, having just won the hockey championship, that he realized that maybe he had rushed into conclusions and fucked everything up.
the team went to a bar to celebrate, and while his teammates drank and danced, ethan moped by the bar with a drink in his hand, replaying in his head, like a sad movie scene, the moment he ended things with y/n.
why had he been so stupid? he had set in his mind the idea that hockey should be above everything and anyone else, that it was the only thing that mattered. and not only he had managed to slowly tear the most important bond in his life, but he had also fooled himself into thinking the feelings weren’t there anymore.
“hey, man. i’m going home, tara’s waiting for me. talk to you later?” chad asked.
ethan forced a smile and nodded. “yeah, go. i’m leaving in a few, too.”
chad walked out of the bar, and ethan’s heart reached another level of heaviness. his best friend was going home to celebrate with his girlfriend, he had managed to maintain his relationship while having the exact same responsibilities than ethan. the difference? chad had never failed to find balance and see how important life outside hockey was. ethan hadn’t, and now that hockey was over for a while, he realized he had nothing left.
with an emptiness no amount of drinks could ever fill, he walked back to the dorms, where some people were still on cloud nine from the win. he was congratulated, patted in the back, yet he could not enjoy his win completely. not when the guiltiness and regret lingered heavily over him. was it too late to try get back on track the relationship he had drove off the road?
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the celebration was certainly overwhelming for y/n because everything reminded her of ethan and the way he had locked her out when she was letting him in. hell, she was ready to say the l-word when he pushed her aside. the way he had broken her heart was one she remembered all too well, every word, every expression, every little movement.
ethan hovered over her, standing as she sat on the couch. frown on his face, pained expression, as if the act of letting out the words physically hurt him. “i don’t think i- i’m not sure if i… still have feelings for you. i don’t know, i just, it’s not the same as it was a months ago. it’s as if something is missing.”
“did it cross your mind that maybe the problem is that you put hockey first?”
“y/n that’s my future. of course i’m going to put hockey first.”
“sorry, let me rephrase that. did it cross your mind that maybe the problem is that hockey is all you care about? because it’s always about that. you have stopped having time for me since you became captain. do you even remember the last time you stayed over? that we went on a date? that we spend time together without you worrying over the championship or some other fucking match?”
“y/n…” he sighed.
“well, i can remember. three months, that was the last time you acted like a boyfriend. something was indeed missing in this relationship. you.”
“hockey is everything to me, y/n/n.”
“yes, and that’s the fucking problem, ethan. your whole life can’t revolve sorely on a sport. but you clearly can’t see that, so this is useless.”
that was the last time she spoke to him, but not the last she had seen him. it was impossible not to do that, he was blackmore’s hockey star, he was fucking everywhere. she, on the other hand, managed to hide in the shadows, so she made sure she stayed hidden and not bump into him. until now.
she was leaving tara’s dorm when her eyes caught his wide frame. her feet became one with the floor, not allowing her to move. like magnet, his attention quickly fell on her.
“y/n” her name fell out of his mouth absentmindedly.
at the sound of his rough voice, she snapped out of her daze. her lips parted, but she didn’t know what to say. and then his feet kept going until he was standing right before her. was it too much to ask to disappear?
“hi.” he said after a couple of seconds of silence.
“hi.” her soft voice warmed his heart, and he had to put his hands in his pockets to stop himself from bringing her into his arms. “um… congratulations. on the win.”
“thanks.” for the first time in the night, he truly felt like smiling.
“shouldn’t you be celebrating?” why was she still talking to him? her brain screamed ‘get out of here’ while her heart told her to stay.
“i wasn’t feeling it.” ethan shrugged.
y/n frowned. “you… weren’t feeling it? ethan, what are you talking about? you’ve worked so hard for this win.”
ethan let out a humourless laugh. “the funny thing is… it wasn’t until i lifted the cup that i realize that i wasn’t happy with the win.”
the girl blinked, trying to make sense of what he was saying. ethan landry, the boy who lived for hockey, was saying he wasn’t happy with winning a championship. what was wrong with the world? “i don’t understand.”
“what is succeeding if you don’t have anyone to celebrate it with? that trophy was a reminder of what i pushed away in order to get it. it made me feel miserable.”
his sad gaze found hers. “what i’m trying to say is that i miss you, and that the win means nothing if you’re not with me. i looked around the stands, you weren’t there and it felt like a punch to the gut.”
she was certainly not ready to hear that. “let me remind you it was what you wanted, you ended it, ethan. you put hockey first, and it got us here.” maybe she was being a bit harsh, especially after he was pouring his heart out.
“i know. fuck. don’t i know it.” he was not going to cry. if y/n somehow managed to find it in her to forgive him, it was not going to be out of pity. but he wanted to sob so badly. “i’m sorry. i’m so sorry. i was so fucking blind, and i hurt you.”
hurt was an understatement. ethan had absolutely broke her, and she had been trying to pick up the pieces of the mess he had made.
“i want to punch myself for everything i’ve done. for taking this long to realize i made a huge mistake. i don’t want for my life to revolve around hockey.”
y/n nodded. “that’s a good realization.”
“i don’t know what to say. there’s no justification for what i did, i was stupid and that’s the only truth. i… i want us back.” the anguish was written on his face. “i don’t know what to do to fix it.”
“all you had to do was stay… you had me in the palm of your hand. i would’ve done anything for you.”
“i know, you were too good for me. and i promise you i’ll work everyday to be the person you deserve, if you let me.” he put a strand of hair behind her ear. “i’m never making the same mistake again. i love you. you don’t have to decide now, take as long as you need. i’d wait forever.”
“you know it can’t be like before, right? you can’t keep this relationship in the lowest rank of your priorities.”
“i know, and i won’t. i love hockey, going professional is still my goal but now i know that my dream isn’t only hockey, is having you by my side while i play it.”
y/n slowly broke into a smile. “i would hate to see you succeed without me.” she grimaced as soon as the words clicked. “shit, that sounded so awful. i didn’t mean that i don’t want you to succeed unless you’re with me. that would be so bitchy, and i know you hurt me but i would neve-“
ethan couldn’t help himself, he cut her rambling with a soft kiss. “you’re the absolute cutest. i love it when you ramble.”
“it’s rude to interrupt someone, landry. you need to learn some manners.” she gave him a quick peck. “i guess i’m taking you back, or whatever.”
the hockey player smiled like a little kid and lifted her up on his arms. “i love you. did you know that?”
“i know it now. and i love you, too.” she wrapped her legs around his waist. “now, let’s go celebrate, captain.”
“fuck, yes. i have so many ideas.” the mischievous glint in his deep brown eyes made her stomach swirl.
“i’m down for anything if it’s with you.”
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ssweetleaf · 2 years
bigmouth strikes again
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♡ pairing- best friend!steve harrington x fem!reader (she/her pronouns)
♡ summary- steve doesn’t get jealous. ever. and when eddie ‘the freak’ munson tries to kiss you, he makes it his mission to split you open and show you who you belong to. but it’s totally not because he’s jealous,, definitely not.
♡ includes- SMUT, best friends to lovers, angst, pussy eating cuz it’s my fave, degradation, praise, jealous!steve, rushed bathroom sex, unprotected sex, (please don’t do that, use protection) spanking, shitty ending because you know me,,
♡ a/n- i was totally gonna make this a threesome including eddie, but decided against it :( seriously thinking of writing one of those now,,
Steve wasn’t jealous. Not at all. In fact, zero jealousy was looming inside of his mind even when ‘the freak’ Munson gave you heart eyes, practically pressing himself against you, letting all the prying eyes of the party ogle at the scene— god, Steve hoped that Eddie wouldn’t lean in for a kiss, he was so close, dangerously close and Harrington swore to all hell, he’d pour all of the contents of Eddie’s stupid lunch box down the fucking toilet bowl if he put his mouth on you—
Well, shit. Steve was totally jealous.
But how could he not be? The high school’s designated cult leader was flirting with his best friend! And yeah he wasn’t your boyfriend, but he sure as hell wanted to be, and seeing you all snug against Eddie’s chest, practically grinding against him while some Duran Duran song filtered throughout the house…Oh no, he was going in for the kiss,,
It didn’t take Steve long to be right by your sides, digging his palm into Munson’s shoulder and pushing him back with a surprising amount of force.
Poor King Steve was in deep.
“Get your fuckin’ mouth off her.” He grumbled, standing tall in front of you, shielding your body from his most deadly threat in that moment. Eddie blinked at him in a sort of disbelief, cocking his face to the side with hazy eyes.
“Well, I’m sorry-” he spoke, sarcasm practically dripping from the tip of his tongue, “I didn’t know y/n had a boyfriend.”
Steve stuttered over his speech, shifting from foot to foot and even looking back at you as if to say, can you believe this guy?
“Steve, what’re you doing?” You sighed while frowning up at him, of course he had to ruin a perfectly good interaction with a real pretty guy! You had thought it was time to move on from your stupid little crush on your best friend, and he had to go and fuck it up by inserting himself between you and a potential candidate to get over him. The worst part was, it just made you fall even deeper in love with Harrington than before, and you were really trying.
Steve was your best friend. Steve was your best friend!
“What am I doing?” He was still stuttering, gawking down at you as if you had two heads, and you could see Eddie was getting rather amused, watching the scene unfurl. “Seriously, y/n? I’m trying to get this freak away from you, before he gives you some- some disease!”
“What is your fuckin’ problem, Harrington?” Yeah, Eddie was no longer smirking, in fact he was scowling, pushing at Steve’s chest. All the ruckus was earning a small crowd, various inebriated eyes blinking up at the three of you.
What an embarrassment.
Steve shook his head, wrapping a hand around your wrist, though being careful not to tug too hard, attempting to usher you away, wanting to go somewhere a lot more private. Away from all the prying eyes; away from Eddie fucking Munson.
“Oh, I get it-” Munson smirked, getting all up in Steve’s space, face mere inches from his own and Steve could smell the weed on his clothes, “pretty boy stevie’s in love.”
Oh shit. He was blushing. He wasn’t supposed to be blushing, how the hell did Eddie figure that out?
“Shut up.” He seethed, scoffing at his conclusion, which was completely right actually, but he couldn’t ever let him have the satisfaction. It would ruin him.
“You jealous, Harrington? Is that right?” They were slowly starting to shove each other, harder with each go, but you couldn’t quite concentrate on the scene before you, those words coursing throughout your brain like a fucking mantra.
Pretty boy Stevie’s in love.
God, if it were true. You heart hammered at the thought, gnawing idly at your slick bottom lip — maybe it was time to interject. At the rate they were going, you were sure a fight would break loose, and you were even more sure of it when Steve went in for the punch.
For Christ’s sake!
His fist collided with the skin of Eddie’s cheek, splitting the skin of his knuckles and reddening Munson’s pretty face, the outline of a bruise already blooming.
“Alright, that’s enough!” You pulled at the collar of Steve’s shirt, pulling him back as much as you could— putting as much space between the two of them, enough so that when Eddie swung, his fist punched the air. “What has gotten into you, Steve!”
He shook his head, his knuckles throbbing, but it was worth it, he thought, curling his fingers around your wrist once again.
“Come on, y/n, it’s time to go.” Steve was still seething, but he wanted to get you alone. Fuck, he wanted to show you that you were his and no one else’s, he wanted to find the nearest bathroom and fuck you with his cock, nice ‘n’ deep until you knew who you belonged to, until the only name on your mind was his. Not Eddie’s.
His cock was stirring in his pants, and oddly, the growing welt upon Munson’s face had him throbbing.
“Eddie, I’m so sorry-” you tried to apologise, all while Steve dragged you off, “I’ll see you later, okay?”
Steve scoffed, and Eddie called after you, shouting loud enough so you could hear him over the thumping of the current record.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head over it, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart? Sweetheart!
Oh yeah, now Steve was fuming. Tugging you behind him, his strides so large you could barely keep up with him, stumbling after him like a lost puppy.
Countless times you prodded at him, wondering where he was taking you. You could tell how angry he was, steam practically shooting from his ears and there were people staring.
It didn’t take him too long to find an empty room after searching through all of the locked and unfortunately unlocked ones— which mostly consisted of couples that were in the middle of fucking. Not a pretty sight.
“In.” His tone was clipped, brow furrowed and you wanted to smooth his worry lines away with the pads of your thumbs, but you quickly shook the thought away while he locked the door.
You weren’t totally sure what to do. Were you supposed to say something? To be frank, you quite liked the position you were in— the bathroom wasn’t small, but Steve couldn’t bring himself to step away from you, and neither could you, your chests heaving and you watched him sigh and groan.
“I don’t want him touching you like that,” He almost whined, rubbing his face with a palm, “I don’t want anyone touching you like that.”
“I- Steve, you can’t just decide who gets to touch me—”
“Do you seriously not understand what I’m trying to say?” He cut you off. What? Of course you didn’t understand, he was babbling and being rather possessive, and you wanted to punch yourself at how turned on you had gotten because of it.
“Enlighten me, Harrington.”
“You’re mine!” He huffed, “you belong to me, and no one else, especially not that fucking freak.”
You were gawking, cheeks burning and you swore your eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets. You hadn’t even realised he’d pushed you against the counter, trapping you there with a hand on either side of you, and you whined when his arms flexed.
The tension was thick, so thick you could cut it with a knife and his eyes flickered over your lips before he brought a hand to your throat, squeezing just barely. The scenario had gone from zero to a hundred so fast it could’ve given you whiplash and your senses were on a complete overload. The alcohol in your systems had you working at a fast pace, and you knew drunk Steve well enough to know how cocky he’d get.
“You gonna let me show you, sweetheart?” Steve’s lips ghosted over your cheek, breath fanning over the most sensitive parts of your neck and he even left a chaste little kiss to the skin. “Gonna be a good girl and let everyone hear how cock drunk you’re gonna be?”
Steve knew what you liked— all the late nights talking about what other guys did that turned you on, it really came in handy. His filthy words got to you, and you whined a quick yes before leaning in for a kiss. He stopped you however, pushing you back and the hand on your neck moved to your cheeks, squeezing them, making your lips jut into a pout.
“Not so fast, baby,” he cooed, “what’s the magic word?”
The fucking tease.
“Please, Stevie!” You fisted his shirt, whining and crying out already, all you wanted was his kisses.
“Atta girl.”
Your hips were flush against the counter, and his mouth was pressed hotly against yours, licking into your mouth and sloppily sucking your tongue into his. Steve thought he could’ve came from the pretty sound of your whimpers alone, but he promised himself he’d fuck you nice and dumb, split you open with his cock and have you all drooling and pretty underneath him.
He had to stay focused.
“On the counter, pretty girl,” his speech was muffled against your slick mouth, but you complied, shuffling awkwardly onto the bathroom counter and you only managed to lift yourself onto it with his help. “that’s it.”
He was quick to suck at your neck, mouthing at your pulse point and using his teeth and lips to litter your skin with filthy bruises. You were completely falling apart at the seams, mind buzzing and solely focused on Steve and you were so fucking wet, saturating the cotton that covered your cunt, and probably seeping into the fabric of your jeans.
“Take ‘em off.” You whined, squeezing at his biceps and letting a loud moan tumble from your throat at the sight of his swollen lips. He did as you asked with a smirk on his face, shuffling the denim down your thighs, fumbling to get rid of the shoes you were wearing and kicking them away.
“Such a greedy girl, hm? Fuckin’ dripping for me and I haven’t even gotten to the good part.” Three of his fingers rubbed you through your underwear, using his thumb to press down on your clit, “gonna let everyone know, isn’t that right? Gonna let everyone know how much of a whore you are for your best friend Stevie.”
Oh shit.
You were clenching around nothing, chest heaving because of his filthy mouth and nodding along to everything he said.
“Come on, thighs open-” his breath was getting laboured- impatient, pushing at your thighs and keeping them wide, falling to his knees and tugging your underwear to the side— a crude ripping sound followed suit, but fuck, you didn’t care, not when his pretty face nuzzled in between your thighs, breathing in your scent and fluttering his lashes up at you. He even had the audacity to smirk. “Gonna eat this fuckin’ pussy.”
Steve stuck to his word alright, starting off by mouthing at your thighs and slowly making his way to your folds, bumping his nose against your hidden clit before parting your folds with two fingers.
You were dripping, slick with arousal and all because of him, your clit throbbed and crooned to be in his mouth and you tugged at his hair, whining and batting your lashes.
“Please, Stevie,” his hips bucked at the sound, “m’so wet for you.”
He licked a fat stripe up the length of your pussy, starting at the base of your hole, right up to your clit and he dipped the tip of his tongue inside you, spreading your slick around, getting your clit all wet before suckling it between his lips.
He hummed against your cunt, the vibrations thrumming on your clit and he lapped and suckled, rolling it between his lips. He shook his head from side to side, and you cried out, tugging at his hair and pushing him deeper.
“Good girl,” those vibrations again! “Want you nice ‘n’ loud, d’you think you can do that f’me, honey?”
You babbled out a yes, cheeks already streaming with salty tears, running in long black lines, your lashes wet and thick with mascara— Steve thought you looked completely seraphic, even while your pussy was being devoured by his lips and tongue, even while you looked so fucked out. He couldn’t wait to get his cock inside you.
Full lips occasionally puckered against the inners of your thighs, the hot flesh slick with spit and faint outlines of his teeth before diving straight back to your pussy, lolling his tongue and sloppily thrusting his jaw like a starved man eating the forbidden fruit.
You were already so close, all from mere minutes of your clit being suckled at, but how could anyone blame you when he devoured your cunt like an absolute champ?!
It was as if he had read your mind,,
“Y’gonna cum, pretty girl?” he mumbled against you, crude squelching noises erupting throughout the bathroom and if it weren’t for the constant music thumping around the house, you were sure everyone would’ve been able to hear everything. “Be a good girl and hold it.”
“No-” you whined, sobbing into the air and pulling hard at his hair, guiding him to where you needed him most, practically fucking his face with the speed your hips bucked. “Needa cum, let me cum- I’ve been so good-”
Steve pulled away from your cunt, his palm landing a sharp smack to your thigh and his eyes were so fucking dark. A surge of warmth flooded your already sopping pussy and you couldn’t contain your sobs when he spanked you again.
“Too greedy for your own good-” he muttered, rising from his knees with a little bit of hesitation, he could’ve kneeled there for hours, but he wanted to keep you on your toes, show you who was in charge. “you cum when I tell you to cum, do you understand?”
His hands were on you again, squeezing at your cheeks like before, humiliating you, his cock throbbing just looking at the state of you.
And you fucking loved it.
He didn’t give you time to respond, using a free hand to open his belt buckle and unzip his fly— pushing his jeans and boxers down just enough for his cock to be free from all the confines.
He kissed you- once, twice, three times, then in quick succession, he had your t-shirt bunched around the curve of both breasts, tugging crudely at the band of your bra and thumb swiping over the little bow that lay pride and place between your tits. The weight of your breasts spilled out of the cups, so heavy in his palms and nipples achingly stiff when he rolled his thumbs over each one.
You poor thing, you were getting restless, thighs unable to clench and squeeze together because of his perch between them, resulting in you crooning and begging for him to hurry, to settle himself inside you and satiate the obscene throbbing of your desperately engorged clit.
Your spurring had him take his cock in his hand, and you ogled at how pretty it looked— the tip was your favourite shade of pink, glistening in the flickering light of the lamp, pearly white beads of pre-cum dripped along the sides of his shaft, slicking him up and sinking into the ridges.
So pretty. So mouth-wateringly pretty.
He was big too, surpassing any other guy you had been with before, and you just knew there was gonna be one hell of a stretch.
“Like what you see?” He flashed you a mocking smile. Cocky boy. “you’re practically drooling, messy girl.”
You wanted to quip back at him, or roll your eyes at least, but you couldn’t! Your gaze was glued to his cock, you were fucking gawking and yes, he was right, you were drooling.
“You’re so big.”
Steve’s tugs upon his cock faltered at that, you were whining so pathetically and he thought he was gonna explode. Compose yourself, Harrington, he thought.
“I know, baby, but you can take it, can’t you?” He cooed, “pretty pussy of yours is so wet, bet I’ll just slip right in, ain’t that right?”
His questions were truly rhetorical, and he proved his filthy mouth right when he slipped inside you with little resistance— your gummy walls sucking him in and he could barely move with your vice-like grip.
“Holy shit-” his hips stuttered, pressing his face against your tits so he could gather some composure. He wasn’t gonna last long. “Stop squeezin’ me like that or I’ll fucking cum.”
“Can’t help it, Stevie, I can feel you in my tummy-”
It took him a couple minutes, just standing there, balls-deep in your slick cunt before he started to thrust his hips. And once he had a rhythm going, he was relentless, fucking up into you nice and deep, just like he’d promised you before— his pace so fast, your fuzzy mind couldn’t quite comprehend it and you drooled at how deep he was, already nudging your special spot and making you writhe.
“Does that feel good, sweetheart?”
You couldn’t answer, dumb from the deep thrusts of that perfect cock of his.
“So cockdrunk you can’t even use your words,” he moaned loud into the stuffy air, “fuck, imagine if Munson saw us. Saw you sat on your best friend’s cock. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
You nodded, squealing and whining, so pathetic and pretty and a part of you wanted Eddie to see you- or anyone for that matter, so everyone would know that you belonged to your best friend Steve Harrington: one of the most sought after boys in Hawkins.
“Christ- didn’t know you were such a— oh fuck- such a whore.”
You were close, and you made that apparent— with the constant pounding of his cock and the bumping of his pelvis upon your puffy clit had you near to cumming, you hoped he’d let you cum this time, leaning in for a kiss that was entirely tongue and teeth, his lips still sticky with your arousal and you quivered around him.
“Gonna- gonna cum! Needa cum so bad-” he did too, you could feel it, he was groaning, whining, clinging onto your thighs and pumping erratically into you— he was throbbing hotly, and the thought of his cum inside you, all deep and stuffed full to the brim- holy shit!
“Me too- fuck, baby-” he clung to you, kissing any space upon you that was closest, “go on, cum with me. Be a good girl now-”
A flurry of stars and twinkly lights fluttered around the room and Stevie was a complete blur, but still managed to be oh so pretty. You were so full of his cum, warm throughout, and your hole quivered and your clit thumped with the bliss of cumming finally. Expletives fell from his lips, and yours too, feeling sated and breathless, but not entirely settled because of the spasms that racked your limp body.
Steve stood shakily between your still-parted thighs, face nuzzled into the crook of your neck with a thumb grazing your warm cheek.
He couldn’t pull himself out of you yet, too fucked out to put his softening cock back into his jeans.
It was silent between you both, apart from your laboured breaths.
“Y’know-” you managed to croak out, voice horse from the constant squealing and whining of SteveSteveSteve- and you raked a hand through his messy hair, “you were totally jealous.”
“I was not jealous.”
“You so were!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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maknaeswrld · 6 months
a life remembered | l.mh, h.js
wc: 4.6k
genre: soulmate au; reincarnation au; fluff; angst; poly!minsung x reader
cw: primarily Han pov; illusions to suggestive conversation; concert highs; anxiety/panic attack mentions; food/eating mentions; Bee (I feel like they need a warning lol, love them the most); arguing but bc they care (not between the soulmates); please let me know if I missed anything
part one: a life forgotten
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Soulmates are a curious thing. Everyone has them, and someway, somehow, they always find each other.
When Lee Minho walked into JYP Entertainment for the first time, Jisung didn’t know what to do or how to react, and looking back on it now, it was comical. Minho was, in Jisungs opinion, one of, if not the most, handsome man he’d ever seen. It had struck a chord in him he’d chosen to interpret as jealousy.
When Chan told him he wanted to include Minho in the group he was creating, Jisung couldn’t decide if he was giddy or nervous. He’d met the other boy twice and couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling that they knew each other. It wasn’t until their third meeting, the first one in an official capacity, to learn the song Chan wanted to showcase, that Jisung realized why.
The small space of the practice room they were designated to made the group circle a tight one, Minho rushing in and dropping to the floor in the open spot between Jisung and Felix, accidentally brushing against Jisung in the process and shooting them both headfirst into a memory both could swear wasn’t theirs.
Water surrounded them in every direction, the sounds of laughter filling the air. The ship rocked gently as the waves pushed it along steadily.
Minho took Jisungs hand, leading him to the edge of the ship. 
“Where is your beautiful mind right now, my love?” 
And although it didn’t feel like he was talking to Minho, and there was no response, Jisung’s smile lit up his entire face, his eyes twinkling in pure content.
“Come back to the group, love. The boys are going to start their whining if you ignore them for too long.” Minho groaned.
Again there was no response, as if a chunk of their memory for this specific moment was still missing.
“You know how your boys can get.” Jisung waved nonchalantly, hand grasping at thin air before the two turned back to join the rest of the crew.
Practice was immediately derailed as they were brought back to the present, everyone looking worried as they surrounded the pair.
“What just happened?” Changbin asked, holding Jisungs shoulder to keep him steady.
“I’m not entirely sure.” Jisung couldn’t stop himself from seeking out Minho’s eyes, which were already on him, holding the softest expression Jisung has ever seen in his life.
“Please tell me you saw the ship too.” Minho whispered, voice unsure, hand grasping Jisungs for dear life and all he could do was nod. Minho started nodding along with him, the two slowly morphing from shock to joy as smiles spread across their faces.
Tears pricked at Jisungs eyes the more the realization hit him.
“We’re soulmates.”
Five years. 
In five years, so much had changed for Han Jisung. In just five years he’d met not only the love of his life, but also his soul brothers, a realization they came to some time after the soulmate realization, as Minho and Jisung saw the rest of the members in almost all of their past lives. 
In five years Stray Kids had also risen to a level of fame not one of them had predicted. They were living a life their younger selves could have only hoped to dream of, and they were so beyond grateful and happy to be able to keep doing music together.
But also within those five years, Minho and Jisung had come to the conclusion that something was missing. They were absolutely positive that they were soulmates, of that there was not even a shadow of a doubt, but there were too many holes in their shared memories, conversations that felt one sided, moments in bed with a gap between them that shouldn't be there if they were at peace with one another. But the confirmation that they were missing a piece came in a memory that surfaced much later than the rest, one with Jisung storming up to Minho’s door, fist banging in anger, wedding band adorning his finger but not Minho’s. 
That memory was one of Jisung being angry with Minho and not even knowing who he was, with Minho knowing of Jisung but not knowing him personally, of them both being in love with a person that wasn’t the other. Minho is positive he’d despise cheaters in every life, yet was accused of sleeping with a married person. Neither Jisung, nor Minho could remember Jisungs spouse's name, what they looked like, what gender they were, all they knew was that both of them loved them, and they both loved them as desperately as they love one another, and that was enough to convince them that the piece missing was a third soulmate.
They didn’t know how to go about it, they couldn’t even be allowed to share the truth of their relationship and thousands of Stays were claiming to be each members soulmates daily just for a chance of meeting them. The chances of finding their third and final piece was slim at absolute best. 
People always say trust the soulmate connection and that time would bring them together, but that was hard knowing you couldn’t remember someone you love. 
Han Jisung spent far too many concerts and fan meets searching the crowd in hopes that you’d be there, that he’d finally find you and the trio would finally be complete. Likewise, he’d spent just as many nights disappointed that you were nowhere to be found. With their fame came the higher likelihood of you being able to find them, but that also meant it’d be harder for them to find you. However, Chan and his soulmate, Riley, gave Jisung hope that he would find you.
Lee Minho wanted to find you just as badly, though he looked for you in the mundane. Whilst his partner expected you to reach out via their fame, Minho hoped more for bumping into you on the sidewalk or in a coffee shop, it made him feel more attainable. Minho knew that whilst Riley and Chan made it work, and even Bee and Changbin, there were just as many people that would be scared off by celebrity soulmates as there are seeking them. 
Another concert, another night of Jisung daydreaming about finding you in the crowd and whisking you away after to finally meet you and remember you. Riley gave Chan a knowing glare, the parental figures of the group concerned about their younger friend. Ever since the two soulmates came to the conclusion they have a third one, which isn’t unheard of but is fairly rare, their friends have been doubtful to say the least. 
No one likes seeing the kicked puppy look on Jisungs face whenever someone mentions that maybe there isn’t anyone else out there, or the way Minho gets defensive when they try to talk to him about the possibility of their memories just not having fully solidified yet. Both in the firm belief that five years connected at the hip was enough time to remember everything. But that didn’t stop the worried glances and strained smiles when they’d start talking about their ‘other soulmate’.
“They’re gonna be here tonight.” Jisung stated as if it were an absolute fact.
“You said that last night, Sungie.” Hyunjin muttered.
“Yeah, but I can feel it this time. They’re in the crowd right now, I’m positive of it.”
“Ji, you have an incredible soulmate already, why are you so eager to find another one?” Bee asked from their almost permanent place snuggled into Changbin. “I’m just saying, I can’t imagine dealing with more than one Binnie.”
“They’re not another Minho, they’re mine and Min’s missing piece.” Jisung argued. It was a conversation that felt all too familiar, and every time one of his soul brothers or other lifetime friends make comments, he feels himself getting just a little more hostile but also a little more defeated.
Maybe they were wrong, maybe there wasn’t a missing piece and they truly just haven’t had the best relationship in every lifetime. But Jisung couldn’t bring himself to believe that. Seeing how whole Bee and Bin, and Riley and Chan, were, how they didn’t have memory gaps or questionable moments and conversations, made him feel like there was no other explanation aside from another person to fill the void. It wasn’t like Jisung thought Minho wasn’t enough for him, he wasn’t seeking more from outside their relationship, he loved Minho with every fiber of his being, but he knew Minho wasn’t the only one he’d hold these feelings towards. And Minho knew it too, it was a long conversation to have, one that ended in tears but mutual understanding that they would always have each other and weren’t seeking out this third person for any reason other than them wholeheartedly believing they are also their soulmate.
As the time to go on stage got closer and closer, Jisung felt more antsy. He wasn’t sure why tonight felt different, but he couldn’t stop fidgeting. Minho tried to calm him down, but was just as on edge. 
The concert went smoothly, they always did, but Minho and Jisung both spent far more time engaging towards one specific area than they ever had before. It’s like they couldn’t abandon the section for longer than a few minutes and they always ended up right back there the second they could. Jisung felt better than he had in a long time, adrenaline pumping through his veins and a smile plastered on his face. He felt good, he felt whole for the first time in a long time. Jisung couldn’t explain it, but that stage was the most at home he’d felt since he first found Minho.
As they said their goodbyes to Stay and made their way backstage, the overwhelming peace Jisung had felt slowly faded. He couldn’t think of any reason why, but as he watched Riley smother his leader with kisses and Bee put his best friend into a headlock, he felt himself growing more numb. 
Minho wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling into his shoulder, relieving the aching feeling sinking in so fast it would have given Jisung whiplash if he weren’t already used to the other boys' affect on him, body and mind. Jisung could feel giggles bubbling up in him with each soft kiss placed on the base of his neck.
“You were radiant out there tonight, my love.”
“And you were very sexy.” Jisung giggled.
“Hey now! There are children present!” Riley scolded, breaking away from Chan to cover Jeongin’s ears. “Go foreplay somewhere else.”
“Yeah!” Bee shouted from Changbin’s back. “There’s dressing rooms for a reason!”
The look of absolute dismay Riley shot Bee was priceless, “That’s not what the dressing rooms are for.” 
“It’s not? Did you know that bro?”
Changbins ears were red. “Please don’t call me bro while talking about this.”
“How about we just all get showered and changed and go grab something to eat?” Chan suggested in a tone that left no room for argument, clapping his hands together and pulling Riley back towards his body. “And stop babying Innie, he’s worse than Bee these days.”
“I will never stop babying my baby, but I am hungry.” Riley muttered in agreement. “If y’all take too long in the shower, we’re leaving without you.” Riley pointed at Bee and Changbin, who’s ears somehow got even more red. Bee just winked at their best friend, shiteating grin plastered on their face.
Twenty minutes later, Jisung piled into the van with his bandmates and additional soulmates, Seungmin and Hyunjin discussing what they wanted to eat whilst Felix snuggled into Bee’s side, the two looking at memes while Changbin pouted.
Jisung felt more drained than he had in a long time, his social battery past empty and moved on to completely fried. Minho pulling him into his side eased some of the anxiousness starting to well up.
“No panic attacks after amazing shows.” Minho whispered.
Jisung buried his head further into the other mans neck. “I’m trying.”
“I know.” He kissed the crown of his head gently, smiling softly while tightening his hold. “I’m seriously so proud of you.”
The ride was uneventful out to the opposite side of the city, in hopes less people would recognize them so they could have their meal in peace. Minho and Jisung were the last of the group to venture out of the vehicle and towards the restaurant. They didn’t get too far before a voice rapping along to Han’s part to All In stopped them dead in their tracks.
“Y/n, please, you’re in public.” 
“You’re wasting your breath, you know how they are about their spotlight songs.”
Han’s eyes landed on the person rapping his line with such ease it was as if they’d written it themself. He felt excitement flood through him instantaneously, rushing over and joining them, singing along to the song playing quietly in the outdoor speakers overhead.
He watched your eyes light up as the two of you sang along together, ignoring your friends and focusing on one another. Not a thing in the world was registering to either of you as you both turned to Minho, watching as he rolled his eyes, smile already playing at his lips, joining in for the last parts of the song.
Your laughter filled the air as the song came to an end, and Jisung could swear it was already becoming one of his favorite sounds. 
“Took you long enough.”
Your voice was laced with amusement.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“You know I don’t like singing by myself.” You nudged his shoulder lightly, causing him to wrap his arm around your shoulders and squeeze tight.
“But your voice is so nice!”
A blush lit up your cheeks in an instant, mouth opening to respond when someone clearing their throat behind you drew the groups attention.
“Y/n, um, what?”
“Min! Sungie! Hurry your asses up or we’re gonna eat without you.” Bee shouted from down the way, drawing Jisungs attention just long enough for you to slip out of his hold.
By the time he or Minho could focus back on you, you were gone. No trace of a person having been standing with them, as if you’d been a figment of their imagination.
“I know.”
“That was…”
Minho was staring off into the direction you had to have gone in, itching to run after you. Jisung stared at his hands, in disbelief that just moments prior he was holding the final piece of his puzzle in those same hands.
You, the random stranger unabashedly performing one of their songs in the middle of the street, were the one person Jisung and Minho had been looking for incessantly. The person they knew they couldn’t remember. 
“Do you ever wonder what we’d be like if we didn’t find each other? What’d it’d be like if we don’t keep finding each other?”
Jisung was used to thinking these types of questions, but hearing you ask them out loud hurt more than him thinking them ever did.
“I’d rather imagine we’ll always find each other.” Jisung grumbled, tightening his hold on both of the bodies on either side of his.
“Okay but what if-”
“There are no what if’s, my love. We’ll always find one another, in every lifetime, even if some take a little longer than others. I don’t see a reason to dwell on the impossibility of not ending up right back here every single time.”
You snuggled deeper into Jisungs chest, hand squeezing Minho’s.
“I suppose you’re right.” You mumbled. Minho squeezed your hand comfortingly in response. 
Jisungs arms shifted entirely around you, squeezing as he rolled over to toss you in the middle, both of your soulmates wanting to hold you close. You sighed in content, snuggling into your boys happily.
“I am so dead serious right now, you two. We will absolutely eat without you if you don’t- why do your faces look like that?”
“We found them.”
“Found who? Why are you being cryptic.”
“We found our other soulmate.” Jisung said.
Bee’s mouth dropped open and within moments all of their brothers and Riley were there, bombarding them with questions.
“Okay, so is no one surprised that they actually have another soulmate? Is that just me?” Hyunjin said, a smack from Seungmin following shortly after. 
“Which direction did they go? We need to find them!” Jeongin said, already shifting from one foot to the other as if he were ready to sprint in any direction in a moments notice. 
“We didn’t actually see what direction they went in because somebody distracted us.” Jisung glared at Bee.
“Oh, I’m sorry I’m hungry and didn’t know.” They huffed.
“We were facing that way so they definitely couldn’t have gone in that direction.” Minho cut in, knowing a grumpy Jisung and a hangry Bee is never a good combination. They loved each other like siblings but damn could they argue until they both turned blue.
“Alright, everyone pick a direction and let's find our boys’ soulmate.” Chan said, “Go in pairs and meet here in one hour, no exceptions. Even if everyone comes back empty handed, we have to at least try.” Turning to his first and last children, his eyes and tone softened. “Is there anything we can use to recognise them?”
Jisung immediately jumped into a full description, followed by Minho simply saying, “Ask if they know ‘All In’. They were singing it with us just now.”
Nods all around as people started pairing up.
“Okay, I’m going with Ji.” Riley stated, looping their arm through Jisungs. “Channie, you take Min. Bin and Bee, separate. I am not dealing with soulmates getting distracted and off mission right now.”
Before Jisung could even think about protesting, he was being swept away by Riley in the first direction he would have guessed you ran in. Jisung struggled to keep up with the pace set by Riley as they ducked into shops and restaurants, checking bathrooms and fitting rooms as they went. Riley wanted to cover as much ground as possible in the one hour timeframe given, which Jisung was appreciative of. However, Jisung hoped Minho and Chan were having better luck, or anyone else for that matter.
He wanted to find you more than anything. Knowing he had you in his arms was enough for him to get addicted to you, and if he stopped for a moment and focused on his memories, he was sure you were already fitting yourself into almost every single one..
Every one sided conversation suddenly being completed, all those nights spent with an unnecessary space between himself and Minho being filled by you. Your presence for those four minutes he got with you had already led to a downward spiral of need to be close to you, to hold you in his arms once more.
In combination with the presence of you in old memories, as if you’d always been there, there was also a small onslaught of new memories, ones without Minho but including you. Ones that further solidified your rightful place within his life.
As another memory flashed behind his eyes, he took a seat on a bench outside of a small corner store.
“Are you okay?” Riley asked, always a mother hen.
“I’m fine, just, check this one without me, I need a moment.”
Riley seemed to understand and didn’t ask questions as they pat him on the back and wandered into the store.
“Do you believe in soulmates?” A voice whispered in your ear as hands made their way around your waist. “Because I feel like we’ve met before and I’d like to get to know you again.”
You could smell the stench of alcohol emanating off the stranger feeling you up in the middle of the dance floor. Rolling your eyes, you ripped his hands off you, turning around and shoving him back for safe measure. 
“I do believe in soulmates, and you sure as hell ain’t mine. But the guy who is doesn’t really take kindly to strangers touching what's his.” 
Before the idiot could open his mouth again, Jisungs arm slid into place across your shoulders, pulling you in for a downright make out session right in the middle of the bars dance floor.
When he finally pulled away, the dude was nowhere to be seen.
“Took you long enough.” You said teasingly.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” He smiled gently, and then led you to the booth he’d been watching you from.
You shook your head as you splashed water on your face in the bathroom, your best friend, Lia, pacing behind you.
“I thought you wanted to avoid them?”
Lia was the only person you’d confided in after coming to terms with the fact that your soulmates were not one, but two international superstars.
“I did, but, I don’t know. It was like being like that with them was so natural I didn’t even register that we don’t know each other. It felt right.”
“Do you think they know?”
Sighing, you lightly tapped your head against the wall, eyes squeezed shut. “I don’t know. If they don’t yet, we’ve met now, it’s only a matter of time before I start filtering into their memories.”
“Do you want to keep hiding from them? Y/n/n, they know now, there’s no avoiding them not remembering you anymore. Don’t you think avoiding them now will just cause unnecessary pain?”
“I know that! I do. But, I’m not sure I could handle being in their world, and what if they end up resenting me for ruining the good thing they already had? They’ve been together for so long, and then I just blindside them with my existence? What if they didn’t even know they had a third soulmate?”
“Then they do now and they’re probably looking everywhere for them. Those two don’t seem like the type to resent you for coming into their lives, but they might if you enter it just to disappear forever. I get the feeling now that they know, they’ll never stop looking for you. Do you understand that?”
You opened your mouth to answer when the door to the bathroom swung open.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I was just looking for someone.” The stranger looked flushed, as if they’d been running, but even so you could tell they were stunning. “Um, neither of you happen to know the song All In, do you?”
You and Lia shot each other confused but nervous looks, which seemed to be enough for this stranger who finally let the bathroom door shut behind them, leaning against it and eyeing you both.
“So which one of you is the runner?”
“What do you mean?”
“One of you just met your two soulmates and then booked it while they had their backs turned, which was it?”
Lia threw her hands up in defense, pointing at you in the process and backing up.
“Traitor.” You mumbled, causing her to stifle a laugh.
The stranger blocking the exit landed their gaze on you, “I ran too.”
Of all the things you were expecting them to say, that was definitely not on the list of possibilities.
“It’s scary,” They continued, pushing off the door and walking towards you. “But the separation is worse. I promise you, it’s better than you can possibly imagine. The company takes good care of us, and while we aren’t allowed to be public, we go pretty much everywhere with the boys if we want to. They don’t do anything to risk our relationships.”
“I’m sorry but, who are you and what do you mean by our?”
“Oh! I’m Riley, I’m Chan’s soulmate. And Changbin found his as well, their name is Bee. I went through the running and being scared of falling for someone in the industry but Bee was already in the industry themself when they found Bin, so it was slightly easier for them. Sorry, I’m rambling, but my point is we’re both here for you and we both understand how you’re feeling. And that those men you just left in the dust are two of the best I’ve ever met, and they’ve been looking for you for a long time.”
That comment shocked you to your core. 
They’ve been looking for you.
“How could they be looking for me, they couldn’t have even known about me.”
Riley seemed to hesitate. “To be honest, none of us believed them. For a while we really just assumed that they found each other at such a young age they’ve never experienced anything but one another, so the whole third soulmate thing was just sort of a way to come to terms with the fact that they wanted a change of pace or something. But, here you are, and we stand corrected. 
“They may not have known you, or known how to find you, but they’ve been searching for their ‘missing piece’ about as long as I’ve known them.” Then Riley quirked their head in a very parental like motion. “You already knew, didn’t you.”
It was phrased as a question, but was completely an irrefutable statement.
“How long have you known?” Where you were expecting harshness or judgment, you received only the sound of sheer curiosity.
“Almost a year now.” You mumbled, arms wrapping around yourself for a sense of security. 
Riley blanched. “A YEAR?!”
You just nodded. 
“Damn hun, I would’ve lost my mind if I’d known who Chris was for a whole year. How the hell did you manage that?!”
“By convincing themself that Minho and Han were already happy and better off without them, that they’d just throw a hitch in their lives that they didn’t need.” Lia stated, you could practically hear her rolling her eyes at you. Riley’s eyes softened at her words.
Grabbing your hands in one hand, Riley brushed a stray piece of hair out of your face, gently cupping your cheek. “I know exactly how you feel. When I found Chris, I ran too. I didn’t think I could survive his work schedule, the expectations placed on him, all the fans claiming him, but he is so worth every single difficulty and so much more. I know you’re scared right now, and it’s probably worse for you because it’s just Chris and me, but Min and Ji already adore you, they could never be happier without you than they will be with you, I can promise you that much.
“I understand if you’re not ready yet. I wasn’t ready for a long time myself, so if it’s okay with you, I want to give you mine and Bee’s numbers, you can reach out to us with any and all questions, concerns, whatever. Heck, if you just want to use them to get to know us, that’s fine too. I didn’t have anyone to help me, but you have us, we’ll help you all the way. Think about it, okay? All three of you will be so much happier together. You aren’t meant to be apart.”
You felt tears stinging your eyes again. You knew Riley was right, you’d always known you’d be happier with them, but you also knew there was no way for you to get their attention, no way for them to actually find you, now that you had, now that they knew you, you were truly out of logical reasons to avoid taking your place by their sides.
Because soulmates are a curious thing. Everyone has them, and someway, somehow, they always find each other.
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next part: a life eluded
a/n: ahhhhhh part two, I feel like it’s been done for a while but I’ve been like nervous about it idk, anyways I hope you enjoyed!! I know it’ll run for at least two more parts with potential for spin off(s) on the others finding their soulmates or even ‘prequels’ of Riley and Chan as well as Bee and Changbin🫣🤭 please feel free and encouraged to leave your thoughts and opinions and also lemme know if you’d be interested in being tagged in upcoming parts? ciao!! 🫶
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cy6err · 4 months
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First look — W.S.
Pairings: Actress!Reader x Walker Scobell
Warnings: None! just fluff :) not proofread
Summary: After attending the Percy Jackson event at Disney, you were met by Walker and felt an instant connection with him.
A/N: Hi everyone, this is my first ever post and I don’t know if this will get a lot of attention :( How do people usually do that, by the way? Anyways! I hope you guys enjoy this because this was so fun to make. Also, my writing is a bit rusty because I have not written in almost two years 🥸.
And to come to my conclusion, Percy Jackson has been kind of a big hit lately (Walker scobell)
Note: This is completely made up and decided that you and Leah acted together in a show. (You can imagine whatever show you want!!) also, this is extremely short and a bit rushed 😭.
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Arriving at the Santa Monica pier for Percy Jackson after being invited by your closest friend Leah Sava’ Jefferies, you took a look around the place.
It had been a long flight and drive but you had a feeling it was worth it. You looked your best that day, with a light touch of makeup, your hair done, and even a cute but comfortable dress.
Leah always talked about the days she had when filming the series over FaceTime, giggling and saying she had an amazing time. She would also talk about her friends, Walker and Aryan. You knew Walker from the movie he starred in with Ryan Reynolds “the Adam project”, so you were a bit stoked to see him in person.
To put it quite simply, you were a huge fan of him. I mean, who wouldn’t? He was an amazing actor and he was definitely passionate about his career.
It was beautiful outside, the weather breezy but not too windy or cold. You were lost in your thoughts when Leah snapped you out of it, “hey, they’re over there!” She exclaimed, grabbing your hand and practically dragging you over to them.
You laughed to yourself at your friend’s energetic self, eventually catching up to her with a smile. “Hey guys, this is Y/n, a close friend of mine back from an old project I was in.” Leah greeted, gesturing towards you.
“Hi, I’m Aryan Simhradi.” Aryan smiled, nodding towards you as Walker also introduced himself. “And I’m Walker. Scobell, Walker. Walker Scobell.” He whispered something under his breath for embarrassing himself a bit.
You chuckle, shaking his hand. “Y/n L/n, pleasure to finally meet you.” He looked at you confused and repeated your words, “To finally meet me?”
“Right, sorry, I probably sound insane.” You laugh to yourself, blushing a bit as you felt self conscious. “Leah would always talk about you and Aryan, and I was a big fan of you since your movie ‘The Adam project’.”
He nods in acknowledgment, “oh, I see. Good things I hope?” He smiled softly.
“Yeah, totally.” You return the smile. “I like your shirt, by the way. Blue really suits you.”
His smile only grew, a light tint of pink covering his cheeks. Someone wouldn’t usually get him like that so he was confused, but he liked the feeling. “Thanks, I like your hair. It’s pretty.”
You haven’t even noticed Leah and Aryan already gone, leaving you and Walker alone together. You guys got to know each other more and even gave a little complimenting back and forth.
Later came the time for him to greet fans and take pictures, along with autographs and sign the board. During that time, he also talked to you and fans were ecstatic to see you as well— Mostly because they knew you from the big role you played in (your show of choice).
After the pictures and chats were over with, you guys talked some more. “No way, you were actually into the show that much?” Walker asked meekly, surprised that you watched the show all in one day to catch up on what’s happening.
“I mean, yeah. Its amazing! You played the role well, honestly.” You said, waving your hands to prove your point.
“That’s impressive, actually. I’m flattered.” He laughed to himself. He felt himself drawn to you, your bubbly personality and that killer smile. He loved the way you would talk about your interests and he found it adorable when your eyes would light up on the topic you liked.
You too felt that way, you loved his presence and you instantly felt comfortable and easy to talk to. It felt like you had known him for years. You felt your chest clench, but in a good way— and whenever he would compliment you, you’d find yourself turning red. Everyone’s dream, am I right?
Leah and Aryan were not oblivious, they caught on to you two and noticed your guys’ faces when you looked at each other. They giggled like school girls and talked about you two from afar until it was time for them to go home.
You said your goodbyes to Walker and the others and hop into the car with an exhausted sigh. Turning your head to meet Leah’s smirking face, “what?”
“Oh nothing, just had a great time. You?” She asked, getting comfortable in her seat.
“Yeah, it was great actually. Thanks for inviting me.” You reply, blushing a bit at the fact that you talked to the Walker Scobell and did light flirting.
It wasn’t long for fans to pick up on you two as well, videos going viral of you two together at the pier. You were in your room scrolling through tiktok when you found a video of you and walker talking to each other, giving bright smiles.
Your Instagram blew up as well, getting tons of notifications from being tagged and getting new followers. Getting interested in the news, you found yourself tapping on the page and smile to yourself.
Liked by: leahsavajeffries and 12,309 others
Walkersfangirl21: is no one gonna talk about how Walker and Y/n look at each other??
User1: RIGHT?? Like, they’re so cute together omg 😔
User2: they def have feelings for each other, fight me.
User3: NOO my man 💔
—> User2: HELP ??? User3
User4: fandom bouta go crazy 😭 they look good tg ngl
Y/nsliver: she’s so pretty 🙁 they compliment each other so well!!
You scrolled through the comments, giggling to yourself like a little girl until you got another notification: walker.scobell followed you. now
Immediately sitting up on your bed, you got a message from him. Your heart was beating to fast it felt like it was about to explode.
Walker Scobell:
Hey! Finally found your insta
I couldn’t get it beforehand because I forgot to ask for it :/
Hey, what’s up? No way you spent your time trying to find my account 😭
Walker Scobell:
Okay.. you caught me. I didn’t actually spend my time to look for it. I went on Leah’s account following and searched your name, who can blame me?
lol, work smarter not harder.
Walker Scobell:
Exactly! Anyways, I had a question for you?
Yeah, what is it? I’m a bit nervous.
Walker Scobell:
Trust me, I am too 😭 but I’d like to say that I enjoyed my time with you this evening and I’d like to know more about you? I like how you are
Hopefully that didn’t sound creepy oh my gosh.
Like, what I meant to say is I like your energy?
Yeah, of course! On text? Or…
Walker Scobell:
We can hang out? Go to an arcade or something. Whatever you want to be honest.
Are you asking me out on a date?
Walker Scobell:
If I say yes is that a yes? Cause if not, I might actually die.
LOL it’s a yes, I would love to go out :)
Walker Scobell:
Great! Text me the details when you figure it out? (I totally didn’t just have a panic attack.)
Yeah, I will! (Same tbh)
Walker Scobell:
Okay awesome… uh, wanna ft?
Ofc!!! Here’s my # xxx-xxxx
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
Hi guys!! I hope you guys enjoyed it… I’m not sure how to feel about this 😭 please send any requests 🤍🤍 xx
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