#i havent watched naruto but its about sakura
freunwol · 9 months
if you go into a guy characters tag (like. choose a guy and try your luck) youll find bucketfulls of fanart and him-centric aus and angst and thinkpieces about his character and relevance to the story and thematic weight and everything. if you go into a girls tag (once again, choose a girl, try your luck), you find her in the background of group posts and the "designated braincell" of every incorrect-quotes blog. if you're really lucky you might even find a take that doesn't make you want to projectile vomit blood!
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aceyanaheim · 2 years
“it’s not that complicated i simply wanna kill him”
asjdfnksdf Gaara omg
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heleizition · 5 months
AIGHT im back and i did the reading and i need to know e v e r y t h i n g about the naruto au im not even fucking around. the amount of times ive fixated on that shit despite never finishing it is unreal. also which one was the one that got beheaded? because thats superb shit and i require more information to rotate them in my mind
HIIIIIII thank u so much for this ask i saw it at work and i was SO EXCITED to get home and tell u all about a) the naruto au b) eden who's the one who gets beheaded :3
BTW you can find the art i did of my ocs by checking out the tags on my blog of their name (ex nell art is under #nell, vik's is under #vik ...)
i'll start with eden !!! he's my token white haired guy (altho i have also a white haired girl in the same group of oc lol) to whom i do many terrible things. ever since i created him he's had a scenario where his neck got hurt (electric shock to his neck, knife injury, beheading to simply head explosiong lmao). he's an angel in the angel/demon scenario and the village's doctor in the farm au :3 he's always some sort of healer ! (he's that one "im a healer but... *cocks gun*" meme)
in the angel au he has extraordinary healing powers that antagonists want for themselves until they realise eden is not gonna give under the pressure and side with them so they behead him/make his head explode. not quite sure whcih one yet <3. except he doesn't die bc his power is more. body manipulation than healing and it acts by itself and stitch him back together . its a very traumatizing process but in return he destroys the other guys : D he's often nell's best friend in aus... moody guys who become menaces together. he was supposed to end up w jasper when i very first made him but eh !!!
okay so . disclaimer most of what i know of naruto is memories from what i watched when i was a young teen and a lot of sakura centered fanfics ive read the past few months lol
the story focus on on genin team but for the sake of the story ill jst go and talk abt the others too :
a) main genin team is nell, vik, lena and their teacher abel
b) second genin team is belly, jasper and eden with their teacher noah
c) cody is basically tsunade, titania is a civilian from a noble family who has a whole side story with lena lol
nell and belly (twins) are illegitimate kids from a clan's girl, who possess the clan's kekkei genkai. no i dont know what it is yet it's not even relevant to the story SEFJSEFOSFJOE
once their mother die they're put under the care of their mother's clan, where they're not rly treated well,,,, belly is a natural as using the clan's technic while nell isn't,,, they stick together but they're treated different and it sucks. tbh nell and belly's ways of dealing with family trauma is a recurring theme in all of the universes they're part of...
nell's fighting style focus on ice jutsu mostly, he's not a powerhouse but he's deadly. belly is more of a brawler type but i havent figured it out much yet :]
vik is an orphan who was groomed into roots (in universe it's a secret unit of ninjas like anbu but it's controlled by danzou who's a fucker and stole kekkei genkai including sharingans by STEALING DEAD PEOPLE'S EYES), who want's belly & nell's clan's kekkei genkai, and who's sent to pass as a new genin in nell's team to gain his trust and kill him and take his eyes,,, theres prob something going on to take belly's also but i havent gotten that far lol
lena (my BABYGIRL) is a civilian, born from a big player merchant family, who's supposed to inherit her parent's role but does Not want to :] she's lovely she's great she has a lot of chakra that she uses for summons (tigers!!!) and also she IS a powerhouse (uses . axes). not the most usefull of spy missions lol i love her <3
abel, in most of my stories, is a big brother figure to most of the kids especially nell,,,, i have not figured out yet what exaclty he does in this au BUT he and cody are old buddies and are destined to be together in all of my aus. anyway
quick other stuff, belly is very angry in hte beginning like her brother and does not know how to work with a team, jasper is kind and gentle and has to learn how to deal with her, also later masters mokuton (tree/plants jutsu) (which makes him very precious and rare), eden is once again a healer in this except he also works with poisons. bitch
and their teacher, noah, also works in torture and interrogation which will come up later.
basically the story follows nell's team as they meet and start working with each other, vik realising that maybe he's doing something that he shouldn't, almost kills nell once when infiltrating his living place but manages to get out when he hears belly coming in, discovers the power of friendship, then they're sent in the death forest for their chunin exam, antagonist guy sends more roots agents bc vik can't do the job, vik protects nell and lena, spills as much of the beans as he can before the seal in his throat starts to paralyze him, nell holds on to him for dear life and fights the other roots, lena gets one of her summoned tiger to go find eden and his team who save the day & also vik...
once vik is saved he cooperated with t&i and noah, who works on the case, adopts him,,, all is well. its not much . i feel like i had more thoughts lmao but its all messy in my head <3 thank u for reading
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thatwritingho · 2 years
I was thinking about this earlier, and you are the perfect person for this ask. What do you suppose are each of the boys' favorite animes? Bonus, what show recommendations does Olive have for them? (I had to include her, I miss her!)
I hope you have a relaxing, restful evening 💜
Ooooh this is a good one!
Nathan: Aggretsuko! I feel like this is an obvious choice, but it just fits so well!
Pickles: Cowboy Beebop. Look, I just feel it in my bones that he would love it. I just know.
Murderface: Berserk, because of course its his favorite. Its dark, its violent, its medieval. Whats not to love?
Toki: Cardcaptor Sakura. Again, another obvious choice, but look. We all know in our hearts its the truth.
Skwisgaar: Castlevania. He is literally Alucard. Plus, I just feel like Skwis has a thing for vampire media. Idk dude, I just get that vibe.
Charles: he doesn't watch anime. Yet.
Olive: she would have soo many recommendations for them! I actually have a few little sub plots of the story already planned out where she introduces them to a few various ones. For exaple:
-coming up in the next couple chapters actually, so mild spoilers, Olive is going to be watching a LOT of Naruto as a coping mechanism, and the boys will get second hand exposure by hanging around her. They will get interested in an arch here and there, but none of them have the patience or attention span to watch the entire series.😂 She will proceed to make salty little remarks for the remainder of the story about how none of them watched it. "Maybe if you had seen Episode xyz of Naurto, this wouldn't have happened.🤷‍♀️"
-Toki being nosey and going through the clothes in her closet, coming across a Sailor Moon cosplay costume from a con she went to previously, and the two end up watching the entire series together over a span of time! Also she may or may not try it on for him😉
-her finding out they havent seen Death Note and being (rightfully) shocked, and they all binge the series together over the course of a couple days, just all glued to the couch. The boys dont really get all the back and forth between L and Light, but the show is dark and intriguing enough and has enough murders to keep them interested. There are jokes made about how Olive sometimes dresses similarly to Misa.
-Olive watching Yugioh, the boys discovring that she played the shit out of Duel Monsters and has binders full of cards. Hijinks insue as she attempts to teach them to play. They watch the dub and all laugh at the 4Kids censoring.
-there will be quite a few others Olive just has on in the background when the guys go bother her or hang out in her room that will snag their attentions to various degrees with varying amount of commentary, such as:
One Piece
One Punch Man
Yu Yu Hakusho
Ouran High School Host Club
Samurai Champloo
Love Live
Demon Slayer
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dadmilkman · 3 years
im actually so confused by sasuke and sakura. the end of shippuden makes it seem like hes ready to be apologetic to her and everyone for the neglect and youre eventually given the impression hes actually very caring and wants to be loved and so his relationship with sakura is meant to be an extention of his desire to make things right and and be on the right side this time, coming back to his friends, and if thats where it ended i could believe it if i had to, like when he sets off to travel the world or whatever but promises sakura hed be back thats where it should have stopped! but then he manages to have a kid with sakura and none of it makes any sense, why did they make him absentee and make sarada so upset by it, is she not supposed to be furious that her dad abandoned them and her mom doesn't seem to care? and what was the point of sasukes ENTIRE redemption via naruto, where hes made to realize he DOESNT need to abandon his friends and family in order to find out who he is and what he wants, when he immediately turns around and leaves his wife and child and never sees them again. it feels like such a waste. his redemption at the end of shippuden was barely believable as it was but then they turn around in the new era and make him exactly the same person he was before. absent, unreliable, seemingly uncaring, selfish, etc. like what was the point of spending 20 years watching naruto chase after sasuke only for the writers to backtrack on anything and everything that made him who he was at the end of shippuden
#him showing a human emotion over his dead brother was literally the only only time i have felt bad for him or sympathized#EVERYTHING else has been too much. he does all that and naruto still goes after him and he has this big relevation in the end only to#backpedal so hard in the boruto series and turn back into the same ridiculous selfish person he was before#and no i havent watched all of boruto im only on like episode 30 but thats not the point !#the 15 year interim between the 4th war and the start of boruto should have been plenty of time for him to get his shit together!#considering were made to believe he was actually starting to repent for anything hed ever done!#and then ! in the boruto manga hes suddenly like 'im prepared to die at any time for konoha' and its so out of the blue i was like hello???#maybe theyre saving his development for later in the series but really its been like over a decade since you already had your redemption#he needs to just get on with it. he never should have had a kid with sakura. and if he was going to anyway he should have stuck around#before i finished the actual naruto manga i was always so mad about sasukes redemption and now that i have seen the whole thing im#more willing to accept it was understandable and then boruto happens and literally none of it makes sense again#im so frustrated. i actually seriously dislike his character so much. hes literally nothing but an issue all of the time#itachi should have killed the mf when he had the chance#actually im rereading my own tags and i want to add that after he was showing remourse for itachis death and the truth about it i was like#oh okay so this is his redemption. he realized hes done wrong and now he will fix it#but no! then he just got worse. i think thats when i truly gave up on him being redeemable. kishimoto im sorry its not working
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pupuseriazag · 2 years
holaaa :D yesterday i saw you reblogged a post about self insert ocs and i was curious about yours! if you wanna talk a little about them of course, sin compromiso 😆
Holisss Pa mi sera un placer hablar de mis bbs y me alegra mucho que te diera curiosidad 🥺🥺💜 So I'll tell you a little about them UwU:
My main self inserts in my OCs are two, my Naruto OC Haruka and my The Arcana MC Luna (Long post ahead)
🌸 Haruka 🌸
I created her around 2008 when I first watched naruto, I was soo into Sasuke I would daydream about ""me"" in the story and how I would also fangirl for Sasuke just like Sakura 😂 Actually, she even started as Sakura's sister/twin (And one of my cousins lended me his naruto clash of ninja game fo the gamecube and I would use a recolor of Sakura to signify "hey thats her :D") Also the name yeah, being similar to Sakura's 😅
Then I kinda drifted away from the idea of her being Sakura's twin and just went with what I wanted to be percieved back there (I wanted to dye my hair red and my fav color was blue so...
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....Yeah 💀
That's the only drawing I ever did of Haruka before "realizing" it was a cringy thing to make self inserts and completely discarded her and stopped watching Naruto for a long time 😔
Fast forward 2021, shit happened to me, went to therapy, you know the gig and said "You know what?! FUCK IT. I want to be happy like that again. I'll remake her"
And so I retook the ideas of her and and managed to make a new version of her, one I felt prouder but tryin to keep the same general idea about her, (and some minor hc's I would daydream about once I would remember about sasuke or the series)
I discussed it with a dear friend who is still very involved in naruto and this is her now!
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Also I've been actively writing her story as I rewatch naruto and think what she would've done in the series (which... yeah is mostly a passion project and something I'm doing mostly for me and my friends to read about my girl :'3 Its LOOONG and I havent even reached the final fight with Zabusa 💀✋🏻)
Her story at the moment is that both Sasuke and Itachi found her unconscious as a little child in a river nearby the village, and the Uchihas deciding to take her of her instead of leaving her in the care of the higher ups (specially after seeing naruto's situation 😬). And she grows really close to Sasuke, even escaping with him, basically being his right hand.
I'll think about releasing her story if anybody is interested in my bs 😅
🌙 Luna 🌙
Luna is my The Arcana MC and the other self insert I have given much love. When I joined the arcana fandom I was coming out a dark point in my life, and saw how diverse and open the game was to every kind of MC to exist so I said "fuck it" and went full self insert with Luna, even more than Haruka 😂
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This is my baby, a chubby, short haired, small and non binary songstress 💜 I was so inspired by other latine artists in the fandom and decided to show a little bit of el salvador with Luna as well 😂 specially in their clothing and making them come from a fictional city-state called Kuatlán. Luna is basically the most close to what I look like irl down, to even the small necklace they wear. I always tried to make them be a representation of both myself and salvadorean culture because damn, there's really not that guanaco representation 😅.
Even in their story I tried to incoporate certain aspects of things that have happened to me (but the majority is fiction in the arcana universe) I have their backstory in my AO3 if you are interested! Its liked in my pinned post uwu. Although I still need to write their childhood and how they escaped Kuatlán to live in Vesuvia... and also this other story I planned about them and Muriel visiting Kuatlán that I never wrote... yeah...
Although I have left the arcana fandom for personal reasons I may do more things about them if I see people interested lol but Luna still holds a space in my heart in how I managed to lend them my appearence and culture to represent 💜💜 (but they will definetly not be the last OC I'll salvadorize 😈😈😈)
That will be all the self ins-
...nevermind theres another one, but we don't talk about Iris
That will be all! Gracias por tu curiosidad en elles :'3
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gaylittleinnkeepers · 3 years
azzie watches naruto — ep 9
Ahahaha Pain
(notes: this guy is a fuckin weirdo but hes SO COOL)
oh man this ep is literally called oath of pain so-
mmm narusasu
ahthats right we’re still in mist land with mr creepy ass fucking quick death
sasuke darling its not for you
KAKASHIIII what a precious guy
oh no oh fuck
oh right i forgot the blood water
theyre all water
bitch even has a big ass thanos sword but he still cant defeat lakashi LOLLL
the assassin laughs like the demon that nezuko kicks in like the third episode of kny
i just realised the sleeves that the assassin wears be like cow patterns
he has…a bingo book?
i can see him playing bingo with like grannies and stuff
theres an ad at the side while naruto is going thru his flashback and its about car suspensions
go naruto kick his ass kid
did he just get the headband back…?
“the man” bestie you arr younger than mr and everyone calls ME a baby >-<
then again i have the maturity of a four year old
aw yeashhh naruto go buddy
oh man sakuras starting to being moronsexual rip her
come on kids!!! defeat this bitch!!! you got this!!!
oh no
bridge builder sir????????
thats not good zabuza-
the demon…….?
jesus fucking christ if graduation is this hard im gonna jump off a bridge bye
one less ninja to worry about!
oh man this is brutal
sakura stop asking questions i dont think you wanna know
F U N ???
wait no sasuke!!! nono dont kill him!!
hell yeah bestie!! pop out that shadow clone jutsu!!
oh no-
we stan sasuke admitting that naruto has a smol piece of brain
tbh i think sakura took all of it
kill kill kill kill kill kill
damn it frog jump
wait omg theyre actually narutos
oh wow talk about complicated plans
the end music is such a jam tho
@mantabanter aaAaaand thats it! thats my thoughts! my meager brain bits
i very liked this ep, though it was a bit drama heavy. hopefully future ones are less scary
and im sad i havent met team gai yet but i love team kakashi <3
k thats it byeeeezzzzz
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sasukesun · 3 years
Bella have you read kizuna hikari on ao3 ??? Its literally SO good like i havent read anything this good in such a long while also sasuke and naruto are so IN CHARACTER it really feels like ur watching a naruto episode gghdhfh
i did anon!! overall i liked it, but i think it wasn’t 100% in character… i think it lacked the longing post 698 fics usually have because to me sasuke already knows he’s in love and naruto doesn’t put on a name to his feelings but the longing is there… i also think naruto was too dumb sometimes, he grew and matured, but these weren’t things that would made me stop reading… i found the physical part of their relationship very accurate to what i imagine lol naruto being like “wym you’ve never jerked off” and sasuke like “of course i’ve never jerked off” that part was funny. kakashi was very in character to me as well with all the guilt tripping and sakura… she made me very uncomfortable in the beginning, which is in character and it surprised me, and the fact that she didn’t magically got over sasuke like she does in fanfics and got hurt when she found out about him and naruto… i didn’t expect that, the most ooc thing i thought about her was how she was suddenly considerate regarding sasuke and his clan which honestly… she’s never been, but again, she’s usually so ooc in fanfics, this one was much closer to reality. anyway, it’s worth reading and it’s fun, some parts of naruto and sasuke’s relationship were very well explored to me
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char-lotteral · 3 years
I can understand why people would ship NS. In most cases, the tsundere always end with the MC .
Someone actually pointed out that SP was anti NS because they always abused the "tsundere punches the MC to get him out of his funk" trope. They painted her as abusive especially in the fillers where she always punches him when in reality that's not true. She barely punches in the manga. I feel like they did it to fuel anti Sakura people just so they point out and say look she's this she's that 😞 :')
Have you read the Sakura novel ?
Yea, I can see why some ppl ship NS, a lot of them mostly admire their bond and or think its the ship that wouldve made the most sense. Or they just rlly love that bestfriends to lovers sort of trope
And yes! Ive also read those criticisms against SP with the whole hitting thing. This is my MY MYYY perspective in that whole "SP is anti Sakura because of the hitting MC"
Its actually pretty common in shounen anime tropes for the tsundere female lead to hit the MC alot. FMAB. Winry literally hits Ed with a damn wrench from time to time. Black clover. Fairy Tail. Yu Yu hakusho and etcnsam.
BASICALLY, what Im trying to say is that I personally dont think SP animated those Sakura hitting scenes with ill intent, it was all for comedic effect. Basic slapstick comedy. I think it was the Studio's interpretation for Sakura's relationship with Nart and her character but I doubt they did that to attract antis on purpose. I also don't think they did it to put her in a bad spotlight. The Studio just happened to exaggerate the hitting joke from time to time that the fans used that joke against her character and the fans interpreted it the wrong way.
And I also dont think SP was "anti ns" because i promise you, there actually are alot of fillers about NS in shippuden. I watched most of the fillers because I was bored and every time i watched them, my nh heart just silently broke ;-; I skipped thru most of them cuz it hurt too much man. They also exaggerate Nardo simping for Sakura alot too, or maybe im just a bitter nh shipper lmao.
I mean, you cant tell me that SP is anti ns when ROAD TO NINJA EXISTS?¿
LIKE?? Have you seen that little birdal carry thingy and that filler episode where he talks about her smile, that other filler episode about mecha naruto (i read that Kishi made Mecha Naruto originally for the game and in the game, mecha dude liked hina :3 but in the anime, weeeeellll) Gahhhh too much NS in shippuden, my NH kokoro could not take it T^T.
The only fillers we had were when they were genin so stop holding that argument "Nh thrives off of fillers" against us okay?? T^T There were like 2-3 episodes of them going out on missions together as genin BUT THATS IT. THATS BASICALLY IT.
Stop slandering my comfort ship or else im gonna cry >=[
Okay but going back to the topic, i seriously doubt SP was anti ns. I dont think SP was anti anything. Theyre literally a group of different animators who provide for the fans. Now, Im not saying they dont have their faults with their interpretations and whatnot, IM JUST SAYING, i dont think the studio would be that childish to purposefully paint a character bad just to attract antis. Its just the fans misinterpreting it i guess.
The real villain here is kishimoto, whatre you guys talking about
I think it all boils down to perspective honestly. I as a viewer never held it against her tbh. Nart deserved it sometimes, so im not complaining ajdnks
And no, i havent hehe but ive read some snippets of it (mostly nh moments ;D) and i think i know the plot¿ im honestly too lazy to read all the light novels, i just skim through it sometimes hehehe
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ask-shakespearehigh · 5 years
in true highschooler fashion i must know.... who are the weebs and the gamers of the cast
Aster’s Kids
(( [name]*= has responded/been mentioned/is set, but has not appeared in design))
Macbeth— no, he did homestuck but he doesn’t really do games and has seen one (1) anime, bc of Banquo (it was FMA:B)
Lady— she’s “too pretty to know what that (anime) is”
Banquo— he’s like. Casually anime. FMA and FMA:B, Yu Yu Hakusho, he had an Inuyasha phase briefly, and he’s big into Pokemon. He doesn’t do much console or PC gaming, but he has a DS and he plays Pokemon games, Stardew Valley (if that’s on DS???), and Animal Crossing (he likes. Chill task based games)
Macduff— will play smash and Mario Kart at parties and is decent
Duncan— nah
Malcolm— dumb shoujo anime/manga is his secret guilty pleasure
Donalbain— he plays indie games. He got Very into Undertale. He likes Bastion, One Hand Clapping, and Cave Story.
Twelfth Night
Viola— their family owns a Wii and she fucking kills it at Wii Sports. Also Mario Kart. She’d be better at Smash if she didn’t insist on always playing as Kirby.
Sebastian— same as Viola.
Antonio— he’s played overwatch. That’s about it though
Duke— he’s seen a few anime, mostly via Netflix surfing. He actually really likes Ouran.
Olivia— nah
Malvolio— nah
Taming of the Shrew
Kate— nah
Bianca— nah
Petruchio— he feels like he plays some sorta FPS
Julius Caesar
Julius— nah
Calpurnia— animal crossing sometimes
Cassius— yes he’s anime but it’s a secret and he will Never admit it
Brutus— he’s anime and Will admit it but no one has ever asked
Octavius — he plays fortnite but he hates that he does so
The Tempest
Miranda— fire emblem baybee
Much Ado About Nothing
Beatrice— probably but idk what
Benedick— same
Antony— Smash and Mario Kart at parties and stuff. Got very hyped about Dream Daddy, it was ironic at first but then.
Cleopatra— same as Lady.
Star’s Kids
Hamlet (Tristson) - no. Watches horatio and ophelia instead of playing bc he has “better things to do”
Ophelia (Elskerson) - beats her brothers ass in smash. Mains peach and isabelle. Has played stardew valley. Also mario kart
Horatio (Venson) - plays smash w ophelia and sometimes w yorick. Mains fox and ness. Surprisingly good at mario kart.
Laertes (Elskerson) - has gotten his ass beat in smash. Mains ganondorf and bowser but he sucks at it lol. Aggressively hype abt wii games for no reason
Yorick - hes baby but he has played smash.
Fortinbras - hes too busy studying
Rosencrantz* - yeah both but i dont rlly care abt them sorry :(
Guildenstern* - “”
Gertrude* - no
Claudius* - no
Hamlet’s Dad* - no
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo (Montague) - YES the montacrew has game nights (smash, mario kart, just dance) Benny made him watch ouran and his favorite is tamaki
Juliet (Capulet) - has played mario kart w tybalt but isnt rlly a gamer girl. She likes shoujo anime a Lot and loves cardcaptor sakura
Mercutio (Prince) - KING OF JUST DANCE!!!!!!! KING. Owned a sasuke body pillow on a dare from romeo in middle school. Benny got rid of it. Has seen princess jellyfish
Benvolio (Montague) - shounen stan for the most part. Fairy tail, naruto, dragonball etc. watches slice of life to make fun of it for being cliche. Cried really hard at the nina tucker episode of fma:b
Tybalt (Capulet) - i feel like….he plays overwatch….and mains hanzo
Paris (Bellarico) - has seen episodes of bnha and sailor moon but isnt an avid anime fan. Thinks the 90’s anime aesthetic is sweet
Escalus (Prince) - owned a gamecube growing up and loves pokemon. Slides references to them in his homework like a NERD.
Othello (Cuore) - mario kart and smash (doesnt main anyone he likes trying out every character but thinks big mac is fun even tho hes not rlly good at the game) he likes pokemon but doesnt play the games. Watched the anime growing up.
Desdemona (Di’Bianca) - “”””fake”””” gamer girl energy but she’s already tracer AND widowmaker. Good luck stopping her. Sipped a grande low-fat whip caramel macchiato while watching the E3 stream.
Iago (Ilmale) - HE LIKES SONIC UNIRONICALLY BC HE GREW UP W IT. He’s seen some classic shounen anime like bleach and tried bnha. Liked bakugou.
(Michael) Cassio - played persona. Catches himself singing Last Surprise under his breath. Thinks akira kurusu is really hot. Hes right. Has yet to try anime but hes interested
Roderigo (Ingenuo) - i wanna say hes played like dating sims? But not gross creepy ones i mean like from indie artists. Undertale fucked him up real bad.
Emilia (Ilmale) - she likes women she hopped on revolutionary girl utena and keeps searching for wlw anime. Bloom into you got her messed up rn
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Puck (Robin Goodfellow) - runs a gaming channel on youtube and watches a Lot of anime. Definitely has a lot of merch
Oberon (Kingsman) - anime and game nights at his house! Owns dream daddy for the gay rights.
Titania (Queensland) - realized she was gay after watching sailor moon and the “””cousins”””. Pretty good at video games. Has the persona dancing star night game for seemingly no reason (its for ann)
Peaseblossom - LOVED princess tutu and never shuts up about it. Plays the hall om mig amv all the time
Moth - sings anime ops randomly for no reason. Mains the cute characters on smash
Cobweb - married tharja in fates for the goth rights. Mains bayonetta.
Mustardseed - MINECRAFT.
Hermia - puella magica madoka girl. LOVES the magical girl aesthetic. Started sewing bows onto her dresses
Lysander - the designated gamer of the 4. Immediately attaches to pretty boys in animes. Claimed he was a “bishounen” himself when he was like 14 and the rest havent let him live it down.
Helena - likes mystery/horror anime like baccano and tokyo ghoul
Demetrius - action shounen stan. Owns an akatsuki cloak
Nick Bottom* - watches hentai
Puck’s Dad 1 (Puck based) - pokemon champion fire red
Puck’s Dad 2 (Oberon based) - pokemon champion leaf green
Love’s Labor’s Lost
Ferdinand - started playing volleyball bc he likes haikyuu. didnt think hed get this far
Birone - thinks fma:b is the peak of anime and hes right.
Longaville - likes the boxing anime (cant remember what its called) and smash (mains ryu)
Dumaine - hes the video of the drunk guy making all of the noises in the crash bandicoot game
Princess - she Is revolutionary girl utena
Rosalina - won’t ever admit it but does watch some anime from time to time.
Katherine - hibiki girls euphonium stan even tho she doesnt play an instrument
Maria - got tricked into playing fortnite once. Plays minecraft on peaceful and is rlly excited about bees being in the game
William Shakespeare - “anne whats a waifu”
Anne Shakespeare - has a pkmn card collection. Loves sylveon
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sasukebarmitzvah · 5 years
naruto absolutely could be a jock BUT. hes not like that archetypal meathead hes that kid whos like on the team because hes good at the sport but everybody else fucking hates him because hes annoying and always making weird jokes and he knows what everyone thinks of him and it hurts but it's better to be around people than be lonely because he had enough of that growing up. im deciding he plays soccer because thats fun. he always wears an orange sweatband when he plays. he has his same funny dumb asshole personality as he does in canon so he vibes with sasuke the resident hot goth of the grade who acts cooler than everyone else he only has three friends because he thinks everyone else is annoying. well taka are annoying too but yeah he becomes friends with naruto because they're like in math class together or smth idk they sit next to each other and check answers together and naruto invites sasuke to his games and gets really excited when he sees him in the stands and sasuke acts like he hates school and has no spirit but suigetsu and karin make fun of him and call bs because they know he always goes to the soccer games to cheer karins cousin on. sasuke likes to write and he does art and naruto sometimes goes to the art room with him during lunch to watch him paint and naruto makes him little pictures which are kinda bad but cute and sasuke secretly loves it. narutos only real friend aside from sasuke is sakura and she plays a sport too idk what but shes like one of those kids whos really good at school and her sport and its like unfair but shes a lil bitchy and standoffish and theres a rumor she used to beat people up in middle school so a lot of people are kinda scared of her but yeah shes narutos best friend and they like to roast people together and everyone thinks theyre dating and naruto and sakura are both haha awkward about that because theyre both gay but they havent told the other because theyre both too nervous. or maybe naruto doesnt even realize that he likes boys and like he clearly has a crush on sasuke but doesnt realize and he just acts like an idiot about it like oh here sasuke i drew you :) sasuke you look so good in all black :) i love your pierced ears sasuke i didnt know guys could do that :) and sasuke is like he is so annoying i cant believe i have a crush on him. so theyre like high school losers very good friends but neither one confesses because sasuke thinks naruto is straight and naruto doesnt even realize he has a crush on sasuke but then at like their senior prom they go as a group naruto sakura sasuke and taka because none of them got dates anyway the slow dance starts and theyre sitting alone at their dinner table like everyone else got up and the sappy song makes something click in narutos head and he holds his hand out to sasuke and they slow dance in the corner of the big room where no one sees and after the slow song ends they go outside and like sit somewhere quiet and awkwardly confess and talk about their feelings and hold hands narutos like i know a lot of people dont like me but i stopped caring once i met you and sasukes like yeah i used to be pretty cynical and like hated everything in that very teenage way but i couldnt hate you no matter how hard i tried and they call each other assholes and kis. the end
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blueskittlesart · 5 years
Dhrududksnshsys naruto
now HERES one i havent seen but i definitely can do. naruto mutuals this is for u
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation
fav characters: sasuke for no reason other than i heard he faked his death and i think thats fucking funny
least fav characters: i only know like 6 naruto characters and i dont dislike any of them lmao
fav relationship: sasunaru is the only relationship as far as any naruto content ive ever seen is concerned
fav moment: u know that one scene that my mutuals will not stop posting about where naruto and sasuke are like fucked up beyond repair and laying next to each other all bloody?? i have no idea the context for that but it looks pretty romantic in that sort of heart-shattering shounen way so i’ll go with that
headcanons/theories: naruto died and was replaced with a slightly uglier look alike and thats why he looks Like That now
unpopular opinion: there are too many characters,,, i only know naruto sasuke kakashi……… sakura??? ina???????? uhhh fucking dwayne the rock lee or whatever??? theres Too Many
how’d you find it: mutuals
random thoughts: every time i see a naruto post on my dash its some new weird thing that i dont understand. sasukes eyes are red??? sakura has another, smaller sakura living inside her???? i dont know what to believe anymore
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sariasprincy-writes · 5 years
Hollow Point 23
One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine // Ten // Eleven // Twelve // Thirteen // Fourteen // Fifteen // Sixteen // Seventeen // Eighteen // Nineteen // Twenty // Twenty-One // Twenty-Two // Twenty-Three (here) 
Chapter Twenty-Three The longest road to nowhere…
“You’re sure about this?” Kakashi asked not for the first time.
Sakura didn’t bother him with a glance. She merely studied the bullet between her fingers, feeling its weight in her hands, the brass warm from her own body heat.
“We could always tie him to a cement block, drop him over the side of the pier. No one would ever find his body,” Kakashi said.
“No,” she said, loading the shot into the magazine with the rest before she jammed it into his rifle. “I want him executed. Publicly. This is a reminder to all my clients what will become of them if they try and betray me. Just like Kabuto did.”
Beside her, Kakashi said nothing. Like he knew there was no longer any point in trying to convince her otherwise.
Around them, the wind continued to blow. Up where they crouched on the roof, it was colder than down on the street, but it gave them a better view, a better vantage point to the shipping yard below. Kabuto’s men wandered between the large, storage containers. From here, they looked like little ants in a maze but through the scope, Sakura could make out each individual face. None were Kabuto’s.
“You’re sure he’s still here?” Sakura asked after a minute.
Kakashi nodded beside her, a pair of binoculars pressed to his eyes. “Give him a minute. He’ll show himself.”
Sure enough, only a few minutes later Kabuto appeared. His hands were deep in the pockets of his jacket, his collar turned up against the chilling breeze. The setting sun cast a long shadow out behind him, causing his scrawny figure appear even more lanky. A cigarette smoldered between his teeth, making his mouth and nose glow faintly.
That familiar rage simmered deep in Sakura’s chest. Just waiting to pounce like an angered jaguar in a cage, wanting to be released so it could skin its claws in. She zeroed him in on her sites, her finger putting the faintest pressure on the trigger. 
Only to relax a moment later.
Instead, she fished her phone out of her pocket and set it on speaker on the ledge beside her before she dialed. She only had to wait two rings before he answered.
“Where the hell are you?” Kabuto demanded through the headphone in his ear.
Sakura merely chuckled. “I’m sorry, Kabuto, but you won’t be meeting your contact tonight.”
Through the scope, she saw him freeze, his body going absolutely still as he recognized her voice. “Tsunade…”
“What? Did you think you could get rid of me that easily?” she asked, her voice light. Almost playful.
Even from here, she could see the way he pinched his cigarette between his teeth until he nearly cut it in half. He swallowed thickly, but didn’t reply.
It didn’t matter. She continued nonetheless. “You made a deal with me. And then you went and turned against me. You should know by now I’m the grudge-holding type.”
“It-it was a misunderstanding,” he stuttered. “I can explain.”
Sakura resisted the urge to sigh. “You see, that’s the problem, isn’t it? You’re a big talker, Kabuto, but you’re nothing special. Just a little street rat. When you die, someone will just fill your place. As if you had never been here at all. And I’m done listening to your excuses.”
The moment the last word left her mouth, Sakura pulled the trigger. The first shot went through his shoulder, the round so powerful that it knocked him right off his feet. He hit the ground hard. Through the phone, she could hear his ragged breathing as it came out in short, pained gasps. He raised a shaking hand to his shoulder, only for his fingers to come away deep red with blotches of darker spots. Bloody tissue and clots. Behind her scope, Sakura smirked. She would never forget the look of pain and utter terror etched into his expression.
Around him, Kabuto’s men screamed and shouted as they ran for cover. None stopped to help the boss they had pledged their loyalty to. He would die there, alone and abandoned.
“There is one more thing you can do for me, Kabuto,” Sakura continued, as if she hadn’t just put a bullet through him.
Kabuto didn’t respond but she knew he was listening. The headphone was still in his ear.
“I want you to keep that terrified look on your face as the life drains out of your eyes. Do try not to disappoint.”
Then she hung up. Even from here, she could see the pure, honest fear in his eyes as he tried to pull himself up and drag himself to cover. Dark, twisted satisfaction rippled through her but it paled in comparison to when she fired the next shot.
Kabuto fell still and didn’t move again. Through her scope, Sakura watched the blood pool around his head before it spilled down the concrete. Nearby, his glasses lay abandoned, one of the lenses cracked and reflecting the light in fractured waves.
None of Kabuto’s men were out in the open. Those that hadn’t run away were ducked inside the shadows. Sakura didn’t pay them any mind. She did what she had come to do.
“You’re sure the police won’t be a problem?” she asked Kakashi as an afterthought.
He shook his head. “The bullets are untraceable. And the workers for this yard are on strike. Either Kabuto’s men will clean up the mess or his body will be found when the employees return to the yard. At which point, the trail will be long cold.”
Sakura hummed indifferently. She gazed at the yard below as a few of the men made a break for escape before she turned away. Her face indifferent. As if she hadn’t just taken a man’s life only moments before.
Kakashi stared at her but said nothing more. He merely packed up the rifle before they headed down to the parking garage where he had left his car. They were nearly at the state border before he spoke again, “You’re quiet tonight. What’s on your mind?”
Sakura drew her gaze from the window to glance at him. She met his eye for a moment before his attention returned to the road. A long sigh passed between her lips. “I spoke with Temari this morning. She found that the port downtown is under the control of Madara.”
“Madara?” Kakashi repeated, his brow furrowing in confusion. “But Akatsuki is using it to move product.”
Sakura said nothing when he glanced at her. Merely waited for him to put the pieces together. When he did, he almost forgot to stop at the coming red-light. “Madara is working with Akatsuki?” he asked after nearly slamming the car to a stop. His voice was full of obvious disbelief.
She nodded. “Which means we need to tread carefully. Very carefully.”
“Are you going to tell your CIA buddy?” Kakashi asked.
Sakura didn’t immediately offer him an answer. Her mind wandering back to that night in her condo only a few days ago when Itachi had wrapped himself around her. She had been so vulnerable then. She couldn’t let that happen again. She wouldn’t. Things were already complicated enough without adding emotion into the equation.
Blinking, Sakura jerked herself back to the present. “Yeah. They’re better equipped to take Madara down. We won’t suffer any losses by letting them take the lead on this one.”
“When are you going to call them?”
“Tonight,” she said. “I’ll go with my contact to the port tomorrow and then hopefully from there his company can track Madara and take him down.”
Kakashi nodded, turning down a dark side street where they had left her car. “Has Naruto told you anything new?”
Frowning, Sakura shook her head. “I texted him but I haven’t gotten a reply yet.”
“Do you want me to come with you?”
Pursing her lips, Sakura considered her answer. Recalled the last time he had asked her this very question and the consequences that had occurred when she said no.
“Yeah,” she nodded. “I can always use your eyes.”
Kakashi smiled in response, the look just a little forced in the corners of his mouth. Like he was remembering it too.
She smiled back comfortingly before she finally climbed out his car to head for her own. Only once she was back in her apartment did she finally text Itachi. Just like she always did: a time and a location. And an unsaid expectation that he would be there.
The following night, Itachi arrived exactly on time. Sakura heard him before she saw him, the soft rumble of the car engine echoing faintly against the concrete walls of the parking garage. This time of night, only a few cars remained, though they all lay dormant on the lower levels.
Leaning against the trunk of her car, Sakura picked her head up when headlights began to cut through the stone, support pillars. She didn’t move. Merely tracked that familiar Lexus with her eyes as it rolled past the empty stalls and pulled into a slot across the way from her.
Itachi killed the engine before he slipped out of the car, his footsteps echoing faintly as he crossed the short distance to approach her. Sakura simply watched him as he glanced one way down the garage and then the other.
He wore a pair of dark jeans with a grey shirt under his black jacket. The look was casual, but somehow undeniably sexy. She wondered if he even realized how handsome he truly was. And then she shook the thought away immediately as she reminded herself she wasn’t supposed to be thinking these things. The voice in the back of her head quietly whispered that she was still allowed to look.
When Itachi finally stopped before her, his eyes raked down her form. Only the small tug in the corner of his mouth was his give away. She simply met his gaze evenly.
“I’m fine,” she told him.
His gaze lingered on the blotchy, purple marks around her wrist before they fell to her face. “Are you?”
The memory of Kabuto’s face before she shot a bullet through it crossed her mind. It was then that she finally gave him a small smile. “Yes.”
If Itachi knew what that meant, he spoke nothing of it. But the ridged set of his shoulders did relax as he peered absently about the garage again. “Interesting place for a midnight rendezvous. What did you want to meet for then?”
He asked the question like he knew she had a purpose. That she wasn’t interested in talking about that night she had kissed him. She wondered for a brief moment if perhaps he knew her better than she liked. But Sakura didn’t give that much more thought. Because she did have a reason for speaking with him and she might as well cut to the chase.
“Madara is working for Akatsuki.”
Itachi nodded. “Yes, I know.”
Surprise rippled through Sakura like a bolt of lightning. She straightened from her car as she fixed him with a hard stare. “What do you mean ‘you know’?”
To her surprise, Itachi simply tucked his hands into his pockets and shrugged. “You got us a copy of Madara’s phone, remember? We dug through some of his old messages and found some warning someone against a raid Hashirama’s men were planning in Newark. The one you told me about.”
“And were you planning to tell me about Madara?”
A strange expression crossed Itachi’s face then, as if he was actually offended by her question. “Of course. We only found out yesterday morning.”
Which was about when Sakura had learned the truth too. Her glare lasted a moment longer before it finally faded.
“So, what is the CIA going to do?” she asked.
“They want more intel. My company will not act until they are sure they can bring Madara down,” he told her. “We have had too many close calls, too many misses to just move in without knowing his next moves.”
Sakura frowned but didn’t voice her complaint. She couldn’t entirely blame the CIA for not jumping into action. She was just as aware as Itachi of how smart Madara really was. If they so much as misstepped even once, he would be long out of their reach before they could recover. And who knows when their next opportunity would be.
“Well then, I suppose it’s a good thing I know what Madara’s planning next.”
Itachi’s brows furrowed in confusion only for understanding to dawn on him a moment later. “The port.”
Her answer was a cunning smile.
They took Sakura’s car to old town. Just a cheap but clean, little Honda she had borrowed from downtown earlier that day. It blended in with the rest of the rusting cars in the lot. She parked at the base of a building that overlooked the entire warehouse by the river before she led the way to the stairs that would take them to the roof.
Neither of them spoke as they climbed, but one check from her phone told her two things: the first was that Kakashi was in position at another abandoned building nearby and the second was that she still hadn’t heard from Naruto. Not the first time the blond had been slow to reply, but just as annoying.
On the top floor, both she and Itachi pulled out binoculars. For a few minutes they said nothing. Merely perched shoulder-to-shoulder as they observed the activity below, their breath turning a soft white and mingling together in the wind.
“Judging from Madara’s messages, I get the feeling he has been here awhile,” Itachi eventually said.
“At least six months,” Sakura replied, watching the men move about in the dark below. This time of night, they were only shadows, but there was just enough lighting to see them hauling and organizing crates. Her eyes narrowed. “And it looks like they just got a new shipment.”
She felt Itachi glance at her briefly. “Does that mean something?”
“Only that Madara was lying when he told Hashirama that Akatsuki had temporarily gone underground.”
“So Hashirama isn’t connected to Akatsuki,” he summed.
“No,” Sakura said, lowering her sights. “Madara has definitely betrayed Hashirama. And I assume Izuna has as well, considering he was monitoring the ports in the area in case Akatsuki moved in.”
Itachi set his binoculars down as well but didn’t immediately speak as a thoughtful frown crossed his face. “Hashirama doesn’t know this port exists then?”
“No, I never told him,” Sakura said, returning her gaze back to the movements below. She wondered if the double meaning in his tone was real or just her imagination. “With Madara watching him, he’s too unreliable. I didn’t want Madara moving his operation before we could act.”
Itachi didn’t reply to that as he too resumed his observation of the warehouse. They didn’t speak for a while as they surveyed the activity below, mentally noting anything that seemed of importance.
Eventually Itachi sat back again. “You’ve been watching this port for a while. How much product have they moved?”
“A lot,” she said vaguely. Because she couldn’t give him an accurate estimate until she spoke to Naruto.
Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Sakura unlocked the screen only to frown when she still found nothing from him. Instead, she shot off a text to Kakashi telling him they would be moving out soon and to find the dumb, blond idiot. Then she pocketed it again.
“I think we need to have a chat with Kisame,” Sakura continued, glancing at Itachi. “He didn’t know about this port so either he’s compromised or Akatsuki is moving in a different direction without his knowledge.”
A deep frown settled in the corners of Itachi’s mouth but he nodded his agreement. “I will contact him shortly and see if he can meet. Here. In New York.”
They packed up after that, ensuring they left no trace that they had ever been there. Sakura drove them towards the city as Itachi texted on his phone. The ride was quiet but comfortable, say for the soft, little ‘pings’ from his cell as he sent out messages. She wondered if he was texting his company or Kisame but didn’t ask. Merely navigated the roads in silence.
Eventually Itachi pocketed his phone. He peered out the window before he glanced at her. “What are your next moves?”
“I’m not sure yet,” she told him honestly. “I need more information.”
“On the port?”
“The port, Madara, Akatsuki, Kisame,” she listed. “There’s too many open ends for me to decide how to move forward yet.”
“But you will move forward?”
Sakura took her eyes off the road briefly to flash Itachi a confused glance. She caught a strange look on his face before her eyes turned forward once more. “What do you mean?” she asked.
“I just get the feeling Madara is more of an inconvenience to you than a problem.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?” she asked flatly, not liking the direction this conversation was suddenly going.
If he read the tone in her voice, he didn’t back down. “No.” When she didn’t reply, he continued, “I think you don’t care if he lives or dies. As long as he is out of the way.”
“Well, what about you?” she redirected with a quick glance in his direction. “You still haven’t told me why the CIA is after him.”
Itachi shrugged. “Madara is a traitor to the company. The CIA doesn’t really need much more reason than that.”
They lapsed into silence for a few blocks after that. Sakura still didn’t think Itachi was telling the truth but she wasn’t in the mood to press for more. She doubted he would tell her anyway. And she didn’t want to risk having Itachi turn the conversation around on her. She couldn’t tell anyone of her true objective. Even Kakashi didn’t know about it. Still, it weighed on her mind. Already she could feel the time closing in on when she would have to act.
“Madara’s death is simply a means to another end,” she eventually said, her voice barely above a murmur.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Itachi look at her. “So, you have another purpose here in New York than Akatsuki?”
“You’re asking rather a lot of questions tonight. Are you playing bad cop right now?” she asked playfully. Because it was the easiest way to redirect the conversation. Still, there was an edge of seriousness in her tone. A warning to not press too far.
Sakura drew to a stop at the next red light and peered at Itachi to find he was now smiling, as if he too recalled the events in that interrogation room in Tel Aviv. It wasn’t too obvious. Just a little pull in the corners of his mouth.
The look was utterly adorable. She forced herself to turn away. Both trying to hide her own smile and to stomp down the feeling in her chest. She reminded herself that night in her condo was a one-time thing. An impulse after a rough day. Still, that feeling lingered like the heat on one’s skin after a warm bath.
At least until she glanced in the rearview mirror and saw two police cars behind her.
Like a light switch, her entire demeanor changed. Her smile gone as was the warmth in her chest. And in its place cold began to set in.
Itachi noticed the change immediately. He peered in the side mirror, not understand. “What is it?” he asked.
“This is a stolen car,” she said, her voice calmer than she felt.
He turned to her abruptly. “Why the hell would you take a stolen car?”
“I needed something that would blend in. Something that Madara’s men wouldn’t take a second look if they saw us.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him open his mouth. Whether to scold her or curse, she didn’t know. In the end, he did neither. He simply inhaled slowly. “What are you going to do?”
“That depends. Can you use your CIA immunity to get us out of this?”
His answer was clearly written on his face. They were on their own. She didn’t know exactly how the CIA operated in situations like these, but she didn’t ask. They didn’t have time for the details.
Without a word, Sakura turned her sights forward, her mind racing through the options. The light was still red but it wouldn’t be for much longer. As soon as she started to move, she was certain the police would hit their lights. There were still only two cars behind her, but she could already see a third coming towards them.
Like water trickling into pool with no exits, Sakura felt her body begin to fill with quiet adrenaline. Mentally she planned her escape route.
Forward was the fastest way to the highway, but she couldn’t go that way. The police were expecting her to head that direction. She’d have to try and outrun them through Old Town. It was a good thing she knew these streets. And that the police cars were Crown Vics. They didn’t handle nearly as well as the newer cars.
“I’m going to run,” Sakura eventually said, her voice quiet as if the officers in the car behind her could hear.
Itachi stared at her. He looked like he wanted to argue, but said nothing before he withdrew his phone from his pocket. She didn’t pay him any more mind as the streetlight turned green.
Like a bullet, Sakura shifted into gear and hit the gas. From the center lane, she took a hard left, cutting across the oncoming lanes. Though, this time of night, they were all empty.
Just as she anticipated, the police cars hit their lights and sirens as they gave chase. Her entire body thrummed with energy as she sped through the otherwise quiet streets. On either side of her, the buildings flew by, red and blue lights flickering off the cold, pale stone. Her grip around the wheel was tight and her heart pounded in her chest as her eyes constantly flickered to the mirror.
To her frustration, the police kept up with her. Two cars turning into three and then five, and she was sure there were more on their way. It was a serious crime to steal a car. Even worse given the fact that she was armed. Itachi undoubtedly was too.
“Wake up, I have a situation,” Itachi suddenly said in the passenger seat.
Confused, Sakura briefly glanced at him, only for her brows to furrow when she saw he was on the phone. She didn’t know what he was doing and she didn’t ask as her attention returned to the road. She took a hard turn right and then a left, cutting strategically between two, old warehouses, the alley between them barely big enough for the small Honda.
When they popped out the other side, she could already see a couple of approaching cars, their flashing lights closer than she had hoped.
“Shit,” she cursed lowly as she turned the opposite direction, her foot slamming the gas pedal.
“I’m on Broadway and…” Itachi trailed off as he squinted at the street sign as they blew through the next intersection. “43rd.  At least six units. Where are they coming from?”
Sakura half-listened as she drove, weaving through the dead streets. The closest cruiser was almost a block behind, but their engines were faster. They would catch up soon.
“Take the next right,” Itachi told her.
She didn’t question him. Simply slammed the brakes as she turned the car nearly ninety degrees to catch the turn. Whoever Itachi was talking to seemed to know what they were doing. It quickly crossed her mind that the other person could probably hear their scanners, but she didn’t ask.
Itachi told her to take another right and then a left. Down five blocks before turning again.
They were gaining some distance, but unless they lost the police completely, they wouldn’t get away even on the highway. State Patrol was likely already alerted.
A few blocks later, Sakura saw her opportunity. On the other side of the overpass, there was what appeared to be an abandoned chop shop. The long-forgotten building sat dark with peeling paint and broken windows. Beside it, old cars were piled in the small lot, parked together around chunks of old, rusted parts.
Killing her lights, Sakura went around the block before quickly circling back to it. She slipped into a narrow space between two rusted minivans, going so fast the brakes nearly didn’t stop them in time from slamming into the back of a car parked on the other side. Then she threw the car into park and killed the engine in the same second before both she and Itachi ducked down.
A breath later, they heard the scream of sirens as police cars sped down the road behind them, their lights flickering through the windows and bouncing around the roof of the Honda.
Neither of them dared to move. They barely dared to breath as they hunkered there. Sakura’s heart pounded so hard she thought it might rip out of her chest, the blood roaring in her ears loud enough that she had to strain to hear the sirens.
Only once she was certain she could no longer hear those familiar sirens did she slowly sit up again. Itachi did the same, the screen of his phone pressed to his chest to hide the faint glow.
When he was certain they were alone, he pressed the device to his ear. “We’re clear,” he said before he hung up.
Neither of them spoke as the silence stretched on. Sakura peered into the rearview mirror, checking for certain they had got away before she finally glanced at Itachi. Only to find he was already looking at her, some unnamable expression on his face.
Sakura wasn’t sure who moved first. All she knew was that in one moment she was sitting there staring at him and in the next, their mouths had found each other. There was nothing sweet or shy about this kiss. It was all tongues and gentle teeth and passion.
Somehow, she found her way over the center console and in his lap, the cramped quarters pressing their bodies flush together. Her knees on either side of him, his hips pressed against the inside of her thighs.
Sakura knew how dangerous adrenaline crashes were. To be so high only for nothing to come of it. They could make one think they were invincible. Take a bullet without any pain or consequence. Start a fight one couldn’t possibly win. Make decisions they wouldn’t normally make.
But none of that mattered now. All that mattered was Itachi’s hands were on her. Under her shirt, on her skin. His warm touch set her body on fire.
She tugged him closer, slanting her mouth against his. Letting him give and take as much as she did. He groaned low in his throat when her own hands found their way under the hem of his shirt. Itachi was of lean stature, but she felt nothing but muscle under her fingertips. Her hands smoothing over the firm ridges of his stomach before moving over his ribs where his shoulder holster kept his gun secured.
Sakura thought nothing of the weapon now. She didn’t even think of her own as his hand slipped over the one on her hip to grab her thigh just under her ass to pull her closer. A soft gasp escaped her at the sudden pressure, but there were too many clothes, too many barriers, and she pulled away just far enough to drag his jacket off his shoulders.
In the confined space of the passenger seat, it took a bit of struggling to get it off, but once it was, his hands returned to her, slipping her own jacket down her arms before tossing it aside. One of the sleeves landed on the center-console, the rest fell on the driver’s seat, forgotten.
Somewhere, so far in the back of her mind in nearly didn’t exist, Sakura knew she shouldn’t be doing this. But she gave it no thought. Only ground against him harder, wanting him around, against and inside her as heat and desire pooled low in her stomach.
If Itachi had any of the same, fleeting thoughts he didn’t show it as his hands gripped her hips, pushing her down harder, her name echoing out in each of his gasps. The simple sound did delicious things to her insides. She kissed him harder, her hands going for his belt.
That’s when Itachi grabbed her wrists. Not hard but with enough force to make her flinch at the old bruises still lingering there. His grip immediately loosened.
“Sakura, wait,” he murmured, his lips so close they nearly brushed hers with each word. “We shouldn’t…”
Sakura pulled back before she went completely still, not sure she understood. She could see the want and lust lingering deep in his onyx eyes, but something else as well. Something that made that little voice in the back of her mind come forward, reminding her of who she was and who he was. She knew he was right. They were just feeling the aftereffects of their adrenaline. Still, she couldn’t help the little sliver of rejection that embedding itself into her chest.
Closing her eyes, Sakura inhaled slowly before letting it out again. When she finally opened them again, she stared past Itachi to see the windows had begun to fog. Maybe that would have embarrassed her if she wasn’t so conflicted. So frustrated at stopping, so startled by wanting him so badly in the moment.
Itachi’s grasp on her wrists loosened to hold them gently, almost more of a caress as he leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to her forehead. Such a juxtaposition from the hardness she could still feel through his jeans. Where it pressed into her center. Aching and throbbing.
“Not here,” he said against her brow. “Not like this.”
Something Sakura couldn’t quite name swelled in her chest. She didn’t know what to say to that and so she said nothing. Simply met his gaze wordlessly before he maneuvered out from under her and slipped out of the car.
Sakura took that moment alone to gather herself. She inhaled deeply, forcefully stomping the still-smoldering embers of her arousal down, as she smoothed her fingers through her hair. She reached for her jacket as Itachi pulled the driver’s side door open, but didn’t bother putting it on. She still felt hot all over. Like his hands had seared her skin in the places he had touched.
They didn’t speak as Itachi started the engine and pulled out on the main road. Simply let the silence fill the space between them.
to be continued…
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blessethwrites · 5 years
stars exploding
(Day 1 of MultiSaku Month)
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: SasuSaku
Summary: Don't get Sakura wrong, she was happy she and Sasuke were becoming friends, following everything that had happened. Ecstatic even. But hell, did he have to be on her mind all the damn time?
On AO3
Her love for Sasuke had always been one of her defining characteristics, Sakura was starting to realize. Back in the Academy that was the thing everyone knew about her and, to be fair, she hadn’t minded. Then when they were placed on the same team that damn crush continued to be her driving force even as Naruto and Sasuke kept growing and improving, not only as shinobi but also as people; it was somewhere around the Chunin exams that Sakura had decided her feelings were more than an infatuation and had been brave enough to call it love.
It all spiralled from there. And somehow after all those years, after an entire damn war, that same love she held for him remained so deeply ingrained in her very being that she couldn’t imagine ever not loving him.
Except. She let out a heavy sigh once she finished up the last of her paperwork. Now things were different. There was no war anymore, there was no need to run around chasing Sasuke and silly as it might’ve sounded, it felt like the beginning of a new era. And for once, Sakura was happy with where she was. She was enjoying settling into her new life. That was a challenge of its own -- even after a few months, at times she still had trouble remembering it was all over -- but not an unwelcome one. The others, at least, seemed to be struggling with getting used to the newly established life of peace as well, and Sakura thought there was a sense of relief in navigating their new lives together.
She pushed herself up from her desk and stretched in an attempt to work out the kinks in her back. Ino would tell her to stop overthinking everything and just enjoy it; and she’d be right, of course, even though Sakura would never admit that to her face. The thing was, there wasn't a switch she could turn to stop thinking. In fact, thinking was all she’d been doing lately and somehow it all kept coming back to Sasuke. As it always did.
She wondered, not for the first time, why she seemed to be the only one unable to move on. Their former classmates had. Karin had. Ino had. Meanwhile, Sakura was stuck. Or at least, she had been. She still believed she’d always love Sasuke, except lately she was starting to realize that didn’t necessarily mean romantic love. After all, platonic love was just as precious.
So one could say she was slowly coming to terms with the fact that perhaps while she did love him, it was only as a dear friend. A very, very dear friend. And she tried to treat him as such, she reasoned with herself. She'd come to pacing around the room which wasn’t all that spacious to begin with and nodded along to her thoughts. Yes, ever since Sasuke had been released on probation she’d made sure to be friendly while not being too friendly to a point where he might feel uncomfortable. She really wanted to build a relationship with him that wasn’t based on a childish infatuation followed by years of separation. She wanted to get to know the man he’d become and to become someone he could trust in return; she wanted that teammate bond they lacked, the one she’d dismissed as boring when she’d been younger.
And it seemed he wasn’t entirely opposed to the idea. Of course, she hadn’t been so forward as to tell him all of that but she’d made an effort he appeared to recognize. She would even go as far as say he tried to return it in his own way. And she was incredibly happy he did, naturally, but that didn’t mean she was equally happy that he occupied so many of her thoughts.
“Friends, you idiot, friends,” she chastised herself and let out a low groan. She was hopeless, was what she was. She immediately tensed once she heard a snort come from behind her and whirled around, fists ready, only to recognize the chakra signature at the very last moment.
“Um,” she racked her brain for something to say, mind drawing blank. As much as she thought about him, nothing could really compare to the real thing, she realized as she watched Sasuke raise an eyebrow at her. “Hi?”
He let out another snort and shook his head; there was something akin to fondness in his eyes, though Sakura must have imagined that. “Hi,” he returned her greeting dryly and she had to stifle a grin. During the past months, she’d come to find he had a very dry sense of humour; right now he was basically teasing her. “I see you’re busy, should I come back later?”
This time she let the grin spread on her lips and leaned back until she was perched on her desk. It wasn’t as unusual as it would’ve been some time ago, to have Sasuke stop by to visit her at the hospital, but it also wasn’t as if he’d made it into a habit. A happy surprise, Sakura would call it. “Is there something I can do for you or did you just come to tell jokes?”
He seemed amused by her comment but didn’t say anything. He was watching her, eyes calculating, and she had no idea what he was looking for until he finally spoke up. “You haven’t had dinner yet, have you.”
The tone of his voice suggested it was a statement rather than a question and that he knew perfectly well she hadn’t. Sakura threw a glance at the old clock sitting on the desk next to her and then her eyes returned to Sasuke almost defensively; it wasn’t that late. “No,” she said cautiously, hoping to avoid a lecture. Not that Sasuke was the type to give her one, generally, but she’d had enough from both Ino and Naruto to last her a lifetime. She shrugged lightly. “I was going to head home soon anyway.”
He merely hummed, unmoving from where he was leaning on the wall, and Sakura crossed her arms. Her days of trying to decipher his grunts were over; if he wanted to say something he’d have to use actual words. She raised an eyebrow at him, stifling a smile as he snorted, apparently having understood her silent protest. “Come eat with me. I made too much food.”
His wording was a little off but it was still major progress from the closed-off boy he’d used to be, Sakura thought fondly. Then her brain caught up with the fact he’d invited her to have dinner with him and she had to look away, choosing to focus on a few of the manila folders sitting on her right side. As she straightened them out, making sure they were perfectly aligned with both the desk and each other, she cleared her throat. “Um, yeah, sure, that’d be nice.” When she finally glanced back at him there was something in his eyes she couldn’t quite read. “Thank you for offering.”
Sasuke shrugged, shifting his weight slightly, and looked around the room. “You done?”
Sakura bit her lip and it took everything in her not to fidget. She could certainly find something to keep her busy if she looked for it, like a last minute patient or a nurse who needed help; those were always easy to find. And on any other night that was precisely what she would’ve done. But tonight Sasuke was here and he wanted to have dinner with her, and as anxious as the idea made her, she was also looking forward to it. She threw him a small smile and pushed herself away from the desk. “Yeah, all done.”
Sasuke grunted once again, in response to which she reached to poke him in the ribs; no grunting on her watch. He let out an amused huff and Sakura’s smile grew as the two of them headed towards the main entrance. She couldn’t help but think how weird it was that spending time with Sasuke felt so normal. She’d expected there to be a certain awkwardness, all things considered, and while there had been in the beginning, it had all but dissipated by now. Yet another example of how much better their platonic relationship was as opposed to the one-sided crush she’d had, she thought.
When she glanced at Sasuke out of the corner of her eye, she was surprised to find he was already looking at her. “What?”
He didn’t move his gaze for a while and once he finally did, Sakura realized she’d been subconsciously holding her breath. “You get lost in your head a lot,” he said simply without offering any more explanation. He didn’t need to, anyway, she knew exactly what he meant.
“Sorry.” She threw him a sheepish grin and had to resist the urge to rub the back of her neck; she refused to completely turn into Kakashi. The ghost of a smile on Sasuke’s lips told her he knew exactly what she’d been thinking which made her grin widen. “I promise for the rest of the night I’ll be one hundred percent present.”
Sasuke didn’t offer a verbal response, something Sakura was about to tease him for, when she spotted Shizune talking to Kira-san on the front desk. She glanced at them and raised a finger to signal Sasuke she’d be just a moment; then she moved to approach the two women.
“Hey,” she smiled and nodded in greeting before turning to Shizune as the nurse moved to give them some privacy. “Do you need my help with anything? I wanted to check with you before I head out.”
The look Shizune gave her had Sakura raising her hands and hurrying to explain; she didn’t want Shizune thinking she was shrinking her duties or anything of the sort. “My shift ended a few hours ago, but if you need me then of course I’ll stay--”
The woman laughed, hands coming to rest over Sakura’s. “I know, I know. I was just surprised you’re voluntarily leaving, that’s all; I’m pretty sure Naruto-kun had to drag you away last time.”
The memory made Sakura flush as she recalled Naruto insisting she was overworking herself and quite literally carrying her out of the hospital; while she appreciated the concern, it was embarrassing. “Yes, well…” She trailed off and her gaze slid to Sasuke who was patiently waiting for her by the doors. He raised both his eyebrows when he caught her gaze and she shook her head before turning back to Shizune, not quite managing to contain her smile.
“Ah, I get it now.” Shizune’s tone was teasing but the warmth in it was unmistakable and Sakura’s flush became even more apparent.
“It’s not like that, Shizune, don’t tease me,” she laughed it off. “Not you too.” She’d been getting suggestive looks and wry smirks for at least a month now and she wasn’t sure how many more times she could repeat the phrase ‘we’re just friends’. She wasn’t mad, she knew nobody meant anything by it, but she could definitely go without it as well.
Shizune’s smile turned apologetic. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” She glanced down the hallway behind Sakura and let out a semi-amused breath. “You better get going before there’s an emergency and you end up staying here the whole night.”
Sakura snorted in agreement before saying her goodbyes. Finally, she returned to Sasuke’s side. “Okay, now I’m really all done.”
He held the door open for her, a gesture that would’ve made her past self swoon. If she was being perfectly honest it made her swoon now as well, but she told herself it was only natural. She would’ve enjoyed it regardless of the person.
“Are you inviting Naruto?” she spoke up once they’d started walking. As far as she was aware they were headed towards Sasuke’s new apartment at the centre of the village and while it wasn’t far from the hospital, she didn’t want them to spend the walk in silence.
Her question made him huff as he glanced at her, amused. “I said I made too much food but not that much.”
She shook her head at the familiar teasing but there was also a side of her that grew even more anxious now that he’d more or less confirmed it would just be the two of them. It was fine, though, it really was. Friends had dinner together all the time. It was fine.
“How’s work at the hospital?”
It wasn’t the question itself that surprised her rather than the fact he’d asked it at all. She quickly tried to shake the surprise off, however, and simply shrugged. “Not a lot going on right now, but that’s good news.” She paused, considering. “Of course there’s still a ton of paperwork, but at least I also have some more time to do research. Actually, Hinata’s been letting me have a closer look at the Byakugan and it’s really fascinating.”
She wasn’t about to go into detail about her findings for one because the information was only to be kept inside the Hyuga clan and for another, most people would find it boring even if she could talk about it. In any case, Sasuke was a smart man, she had no doubt he’d understand the secrecy around the Hyugas’ bloodline limit.
He seemed to hesitate for a moment before glancing away, looking anywhere but at her as he spoke. “I don’t mind if you want to research the Sharingan.”
Sakura actually stopped walking for a moment out of sheer shock. The Uchihas were notoriously secretive when it came to their bloodline limit, even moreso than the Hyugas. For Sasuke to say this to her…
“I wasn’t trying to imply--” she started to say once she remembered to keep walking but he simply sighed, cutting her off before she’d had the chance to explain she hadn’t mentioned Hinata in some attempt to rope Sasuke into letting her do the same to him.
“Sakura. What you find will benefit me as well,” was all he said and she could feel her heartbeat slowly return to its normal pace. That made perfect sense; of course he’d want to know more about the Sharingan, especially since he was the last living Uchiha. She was overthinking everything, as usual. Sasuke cleared his throat and although his voice was quiet, Sakura heard him perfectly. “I trust you.”
“Oh.” Even if she’d wanted to, she couldn’t have helped her wide smile. There were a lot of things she could say in return, from Thank you to I trust you too, but she had a feeling Sasuke still wasn’t completely used to being so open with his emotions and she didn’t want to scare him off. Baby steps, she reminded herself. “Okay then. Whenever you’re free you can stop by the hospital and we can get started. Just make sure to let me know beforehand.”
Sasuke gave a sharp nod and after a beat proceeded to surprise her yet again. “Are you free tomorrow?”
She fumbled for a response, letting out a small, unsure chuckle as she did. “Um, sure. Does noon work for you?”
This time the nod was the only answer she received and before he could throw any more curveballs at her, she found they’d reached his apartment. He unlocked the door easily enough -- Sakura would forever be jealous of doors which didn’t need prodding and punching to open, unlike her own -- and led her to the dining room. The apartment wasn’t big but Sakura liked that about it; she had a feeling Sasuke did too. Somehow it had a homey feel to it, despite the scarce decorations. Perhaps it was because there was a bit of Team Seven scattered around every room -- a few of Kakashi’s books were resting on a shelf in the dining room which also served as a living room, the bathroom smelled of kiwi and mango, courtesy of Sakura leaving a spare bottle of shampoo in case she needed to sleep over, and she also knew for a fact that the fridge was well-stocked with instant ramen. In any case, whatever it was, it made her feel at home. She had to imagine Sasuke felt the same way, despite his actual childhood home being on the other side of the village. He’d mentioned to her a few weeks back that it felt more like a graveyard than a home, and her heart had broken for him.
“Here,” he said as he entered the room, placing one plate on the table in front of Sakura and one right across of it, where he took a seat. “It’s omusubi.”
Sakura could see that but she also knew what he really meant; it was basically the equivalent of him asking if it was an acceptable meal. She gave him a small smile. “It looks lovely.” And it really did. She could spot fish flakes and what appeared to be tomatoes, and she found herself thinking this was a very Sasuke-like meal. “Itadakimasu.”
Sasuke echoed her words and the two of them proceeded to eat in silence -- strangely enough, Sakura didn’t feel any of the unease she’d expected. This was technically the first time she and Sasuke dined together, just the two of them, and it was actually a nice change of pace. With Naruto there was always this sense of urgency to their meal, especially seeing how quick he was to finish his food. Sasuke, on the other hand, took his time.
She remembered how he’d be just as fast as Naruto back in their childhood, matching his pace with ease, but she also assumed that had been merely a part of the rivalry the two of them shared. Now things were different. While the rivalry was still there, Sakura liked to think it had taken a turn for the better.
“There’s anmitsu in the fridge,” Sasuke said some time later, eyes not moving from the rice ball he was holding with his chopsticks. His tone was even, as if describing the weather, but Sakura couldn’t help staring. While that was one of her favourite foods, he hated sweets. She knew that because back when she was young and crushing on him, she’d made a point to catalogue all of his likes and dislikes. And sweets definitely fell into the latter category.
It made no sense unless he’d developed a sweet tooth during all those years away from Konoha, a thought that made her unreasonably sad. She knew he’d changed, she wasn’t stupid, but there was something about the idea of not knowing him as well as she used to that unsettled her.
And that was precisely why they were doing the friendship thing, she reminded herself. To get to know each other better. So she hummed in a way she hoped seemed casual enough and swallowed the last of her food before replying. “I didn’t know you liked sweets.”
The amusement was plain in his eyes though the rest of his face remained impassive. “I don’t.”
Her response, or the lack of thereof, seemed to amuse him even further, but there was also that same flash of fondness she’d thought she’d imagined earlier. He didn’t say anything else as he too finished his meal until at last, he stood up and moved to go to the kitchen. Sakura watched as he disappeared behind the door only to return a few moments later with a small bowl of anmitsu.
“Wait, you also made this?” When he’d mentioned having sweets she’d assumed he’d just bought them. Sasuke grunted in response and she couldn’t even find it in herself to get mad. “Wow. I-- Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me before you’ve made sure it’s edible,” he said dryly but she could see the careful way he was watching her as she tried the dessert.
She didn’t know what she expected but it was good. Everything tasted just as it was supposed to and she smiled. “It’s great, Sasuke, thank you. Not just for dessert but the whole meal. And,” she added with a laugh, “for getting me out of the hospital.”
A snort of amusement and another easy silence fell upon the room. Sakura took the opportunity to get another look around. Sure, she’d been there before with Naruto and Kakashi for team bonding or something of the sort, but now, with nothing else to do, she found her eyes drifting. Not entirely surprising that they landed on a picture, the only one she could see, standing innocently on a small coffee table. Their old genin photo.
It was Naruto who had given it to Sasuke, frame and all, upon his return, but the mere fact he’d kept it and displayed so openly had warmth blooming in Sakura’s chest. They had different teams now and Sai and Yamato were without a doubt part of their little family but even so, the four of them -- herself, Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi -- had something that felt special.
Sasuke noticed her gaze, naturally, but he didn’t say anything. She had a strong feeling he didn’t like to think about those times, regardless of all the good parts, and she respected that; one thing she’d learnt as a medic was that everyone coped in different ways.
“Once again, thank you for the meal,” she repeated as she set the now empty bowl down on the table, suddenly unsure of what to do with her hands. She ended up clasping them in her lap in order to resist fidgeting. “I guess I better get going now. I have an early shift tomorrow and you can imagine what those are like.” She’d stood up at some point and now had to bite her lip to stop talking; she could feel the words bubbling up under the surface and she didn’t think Sasuke would appreciate her rambling.
“I’ll walk you.”
He was also standing, moving around the table to stand in front of her, and she blinked up at him. “Are you sure?” She didn’t add that she could take care of herself because if after everything they’d been through he still didn’t see that then there wasn’t much else she could do. And besides, she had a feeling he hadn’t offered in some misguided attempt to protect her; Naruto usually walked her home after every little gathering they attended, and when he wasn’t able to, Kakashi did it instead under the excuse he was headed in the same direction as her anyway. Hell, even Sai had walked her on one memorable occasion which nearly ended with him in the hospital.
Thus, she concluded, Sasuke was just being a good friend. Still, she didn’t want him to feel as though he had to simply because other members of their team did.
He looked at her in a way that said plenty; if she had to interpret it as just one sentence, however, it would be something along the lines of Of course I’m sure, I wouldn’t have offered otherwise. Another smile grew on her lips and distinctly she remembered Ino saying something about how she’d been smiling a lot lately.
The walk to her apartment was, unsurprisingly, silent. But Sasuke didn’t seem to be in a hurry, matching her slower pace without complaint, and when she felt the heat of his body by her side, she realized they were walking closer than usual too.
Upon reaching the door, she turned to face him. “Thank you for walking me.”
He was about to respond with another grunt, she could feel it, but when he saw her raised eyebrow, his lips twitched in amusement. “You’re welcome.”
Pleased, she turned back around to face the door and was about to insert the key when her mouth opened without her permission. “Would you like to come inside?” She froze, scrunching her nose at her stupidity, and took a breath before looking over her shoulder at Sasuke who hadn’t moved an inch. “For, uh, tea?”
She watched his face carefully, ready to backtrack the second he showed any sign of annoyance, and promptly stopped breathing when he smiled. It was only a half-smile, granted, but it was the closest to a genuine one she’d seen from him and it was directed at her. It softened all his features and even his dark eyes, which had seemed so emotionless a few years ago, now appeared warm.
“Yes,” was all he said and her heart skipped a beat.
So much for platonic feelings.
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hotwngz · 5 years
For the naruto asks: binch all of them?
LOL first u prompt me to talk about my general thoughts on greed and now this. youre a real one
1) favorite villagenot 2 b basic but konoha. And sunagakure. Amegakure is cool too like the architecture is weird but im into it2) favorite kage6th hokage and 5th kazekage 😏3) which villain would you most like to fightI want to throttle danzo4) favorite chunin exam fightgaara vs rock lee for life. But i think sasuke v gaara is a close second.5) how would you have cheated during the chunin examsIf we’re talking abt the written test, Oliver sneaks around and sends me answers via our synced 3rd eye chakras6) byakugan, sharingan, or rinnegansharingan7) which battle was your favoriteGaara v lee. Gaara v deidara. Sasuke vs deidara. Sasuke vs itachi. i still have whiplash from naruto vs pain. shikamaru and kakashi vs hidan and kakuzu. o and kakashi vs pain was fun :))8) favorite female ninja’s outfitlove temari, karui and kurenais lewks.9) favorite male ninja’s outfiti rly like sais gay ass crop top outfit and all of gaaras outfits are cool af. tbh any of them that include those mesh undershirts have my vote10) favorite ninja’s hairdeidara and kakashi.11) how would you wear your headbandstapled to my ass12) what would your ninjutsu beoff the shits no jutsu. Ill tell u what I WANT. i would kill for lightning style anything since ive aways been a hoe for that shit. static shock no jutsu i wear socks and slide across the carpet then i zap u. im also a BIG fan of how extra deidaras explosion release jutsu is. if i could do something like that where its a fun little creative outlet and causes mass destruction itd b ideal. sais jutsu too like its basically the equivalent of the magic pencil in spongebob. doodlebob no jutsu. also evil meals no jutsu bc im a ninja chef on the side13) what ninjas would you want as your teammatesAll my obvious faves but imma highlight shino bc we r both bug loving bitches and shikamaru bc i would appreciate his ability to formulate brilliant strategies but also constantly make fun of him like “omg shikamaru your mind 🤯”14) which opening is your favoriteI answered this 1 already but ill just copy paste. In og naruto besides the obv choice of WE ARE FIGHTING DREAMERS i think opening 2 is still my fave cuz that song slaps. And shippuden openings 1, 4 and… 10. I havent even gotten that far but i have seen that op and its. rly something.15) which closing is your favoriteI mainly remember ending 1 from og naruto like its such a classic vibe and 12 mostly for the song. For shippuden i have several faves so far bc several of them r whack and it cracks me up. 6 bc sasunaru real, and 10 bc everyone is just @ the beach in swimwear for some reason. And then the one where the main chorus is just the word “bicycle” over and over primarily bc naruto and sakura actually complain about it in one of the omakes16) how long have you been into narutoI think its been 7 years but ive been quiet….Im ready to be annoying again now17) do you mostly watch or read narutowatch, ive only read a few volumes of the manga.18) favorite characterbitch i love so many. kakashi, sand sibs, naruto, yamato, deidara, sai, suigetsu, lee, itachi, hidan, shikamaru, tenten, shino…i could go on19) least favorite characteronce again, FUCK danzo. also i like do not care about konohamaru tbh. he gets too much screen time like pls im begging just give it to tenten instead.20) do you own any naruto merchi have a headband and i just got some prints and stuff. And because im me and idk how to save money Im boutta have more soon ;-)21) in the akatsuki what color would you paint your nails..matte black, for the aesthetic22) who would you want your partner to be in the akatsukideidara the original art hoe. & i think id get along with hidan. we r both annoying and a little dumb23) have you ever played any of the naruto video gamesnaruto ultimate ninja storm but idr which one. i miss it tho and i almost want to buy a game console so i can play it again24) weapon of choiceI have no skills with anything except knives so id prob keep it simple with kunai and shuriken. And paper bombs  25) favorite clanAburame, inuzuka and nara cuz bugs dogs and shadows i need not elaborate26) favorite uchihaGenuinely just love the uchiha bros but. itAChiIIIIIIIII27) what animal would you summonhaha snakes. We got ninken why not ninhebi. but i love that tsunade summons slugs tho like i rly identify with that too28) favorite filler episodeEveryones fave: the one where they try 2 see kakashis face. And im now trying to recover from the one in shippuden where naruto and sasuke get their hands stuck together while on a mission. I cannot believe…..29) favorite arcI honestly forget a lot of the arcs from classic naruto but i liked the zabuza arc a lot actually. And the chuunin exams is just a classic. Then out of shippuden the kazekage rescue mission, tenchi bridge, akatsuki suppression mission, pain’s assault and thats abt as far as ive gotten into the series so far30) otpKotetsu and izumo. Also heres the tea: sasunaru is real. Ino and sakura r in love. Temari and shikamaru is like, the only valid canon ship. And kakashi has like 4 boyfriends. The end.31) brotpSharkboy from sharkboy and lavagirl and kisame32) favorite non-human characterpakkun and katsuyu33) favorite bijuuKurama Shukaku and matatabi bc kitty34) favorite jinchurikigaara naruto and killer b35) what ninja occupation would you choosejounin. i like the vest plus im tired and in my 20s so id fit right in.
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relxnyda25800 · 6 years
I always watch videos of the best pairings in naruto and shikatema is in 3rd to 1st place which is awesome!, but i remembered how the meet and how they "grown" together and in my opinion shikatema is the best ship in Naruto, for me they should always be 1st, let me tell you why.
Shikamaru was a lazy man who never liked to do something and if it was for him he would stay in the grass not doing something and now he's the right hand of the hokage, a really awesome husband and dad, and i havent seen him saying every 5 minutes troublesome
Temari was a girl who was cruelest and never show her emotions (like love or empathy) and every time she appeared we could see how mature she was growing and by her own (she didn't have his father a mother, technically she had to mature to protect their brothers) like the moment when she went with shikamaru to the hospital and she wasn't showing empathy to shikamaru but when he's dad was scolding him she show empathy just a little bit but she did it, and for me that's growing. Now she's a mom who worries about her family and want her son to be the best, well she wants him not to be lazy as shikamaru was.
Anyway, what i wanted to say is that they literally grown to be mature persons, they relationship grown up in a wholesome way, they didn't wanted or even thought they could be married or fell in love with someone, and since they first appeared working together we all known they were going to stay together and here is why i think they have to be the best ship.
1.they complement each other.
2.they planned perfect strategies which made a perfect and deadly combo.
3.And guys do you remember when temari accidentally thought shikamaru wanted to have their honeymoon and she didn't wanted to see shikamaru because of that, he apologized for the misunderstanding and there's were i want you to see the maturity, the old shikamaru would never do that and now he does it by himself, nobody told him to do that.
Thats a great developed of character!, since kashi only developed sasuke and naruto because they were the main and the whole history was focused in them, that shikamaru was developed its incredible (a miracle!!!!!)
In conclusion shikatema is a perfect developed ship.
Naruhina: i like it but you now after 19 years (naruto's age in the last) he FINALLY noticed that hinata love him and he ONLY noticed it because she was kidnapped, in my opinion neji died for nothing, naruhina never appeared in shippuden after that moment xD (internally im crying)
Sasusaku: welp i dont have anything to say i didn't like it and i don't like it, i hated sakura until boruto where i'm starting to like her again (don't blame me), and i think everyone know why this ship is never in top 1 or 2 xD
Inosai: There's literally nothing to say about them xD
And I'm not going to talk about tenten and chouji xD
So with this i want you to see why shikatema its the best ship kishi developed xD
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