#i guess that doesnt rule him out but we really dont know much about him
mbat · 1 year
okay im stressed im trying to think of a fic for wings of fire and i wont say much but i was thinking about if sunny had a dragonet but like... who would she even have it with cause shes never shown interest in anyone really and maybe she would be aro but then i looked some stuff up and found this quote from an interview thing from tui about, i think, book 9?
"I do have someone in mind for Sunny one day that I have introduced elsewhere in the series, and if they ever meet, I think they’d be perfect for each other. But it’s a matter of getting them into the same place at the same time."
anyone got any ideas? i found a thread about this somewhere once but all the options people gave didnt really make sense with her. not to mention, i dont even know if the series will continue after book 15?
i could always just make an oc and all that but idk, i thought id give a try at a canon character first maybe
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sukunasweetheart · 3 months
//just me venting about sukuna haters sorry
Not me seeing so much discourse about whether sukuna is a well written villain or not... he essentially has no backstory shown as of yet and we barely know anything about him but he is still one of the most naturally interesting and compelling characters in the whole damn series bro 💀 buckle up bc its about to get lengthy (im just glazing sukuna in this post ngl so 🧎‍♀️)
so many whiny ass mfs are weeping about how he "doesn't have any personal goals or a proper reason to be a villain" when that is the whole point???? He lives on his own desires and satisfactions and does whatever he wants to, because he is capable enough to do that. Mfs want "real villains" but cant even handle sukuna 💀 ive seen too many shit ass threads and poorly articulated "critiques" on his character that dont make any valid points. If you can't even separate your personal dislike of a character from your analysis of their writing, dont even bother posting that shit please 😭😭😭 the fact that we haven't even gotten any information about his background yet and people are jumping the gun about him being "poorly written" is already saying a lot 🤨
The fact that yall are so bitter and angry about him that you can write 500+ words about how oh-so-terrible of a villain he is kinda proves that he's doing his job well tbh 💁‍♀️
What also bothers me to no END is how people compare him with villains of other series, who had compelling sob stories that made people empathise with them. Thats nice and all but why should all villains have grand ideals and be subject to feelings of empathy/sympathy from their audience?
Part of what makes sukuna so interesting is how he's not tied down by morals, rules or long term goals in life. He doesn't limit himself, which is what makes him an unpredictable character. He's completely left behind what it means to be human in many ways, and he's clearly not a character written to be empathised with. He is very purposefully inhumane and distant from everyone else, and that feeling transcends from within the series to real life as well. There is a clear lack of understanding bc most of us can't comprehend what its like to just live without being goal-oriented.
Sukuna is a true anomaly in the sense that he doesnt really fit in any kind of box within the series. He's born from man, but its clear that he separates himself from humans (and nobody else considers him human, either). He's not a cursed spirit. He hovers between life and death. The narrator referred to him as the honoured one, whilst angel referred to him as the disgraced one.
These little contradictions in his character make him all the more complicated and interesting to think about. And even recently, he's been shown to waver a little bit momentarily in the manga, questioning his own irritation at yuuji. He's capable of self reflection, and though sukuna does whatever he wants for the most part, he doesn't blindly go into things without some thought first, he's a constant thinker and analyser, and an intelligent one at that.
And honestly, he is always such a joy to watch and read, his personality is so flavourful, and the way he carries himself is very attractive. He's not afraid to get messy or of getting hurt, theres so much chaos in the way he does things and yet he also has a huge element of gracefulness to him, which shines through the poetic way he speaks. Its undeniable that sukuna simply oozes charisma...
And this isnt talked about enough but this man is genuinely so effortlessly funny (in a kind of sinister way i guess?) Like yes he is an old ass man having real beef with one FIFTEEN YEAR OLD for very little reason, he accidentally healed yuujis arm and somehow expected him to be grateful for it despite how he literally ripped his heart out afterwards, then he proceeded to sit on him after kicking him down likeeee 😭 what kind of behaviour is this sir
His facial expressions at yorozus yapping 💀 THE WAY HE COMPARED YUUJIS FACE OF DESPAIR TO THE HARIMA STATUE 😭😭😭💀😭💀💀😭 omg that was so foul but i was fucking losing it ngl
How he randomly compared gojo to a fish and started talking abt his scales... thats a very unique and descriptive comparison, isnt it? Even in the recent leaks, he was 100% ready and squaring up to a literal child talking abt "youre starting to get annoying" LIKE HELPPP 😭 HE FR SAID "fuck them kids and fuck you too"
I saw someone saying that sukuna has no passion, like are we talking about the same character....? This man is a literal jujutsu NERD 💀💀 he truly recognises talented sorcerers and the only time hes seen to be having genuine fun is when hes fighting a mf... is that not passion? This is literally sukuna when it comes to jujutsu: 🤓
Anyway im done here now, im pretty sure i missed a lot of things i couldve talked about as well but ive done enough yapping
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weirdmageddon · 8 months
since hes open to feedback im considering talking to james roach about giving jade the justice she deserves after her narrative shafting in act 6 and one-dimensional ooc-ness (and also being a plot device deprived of agency) in the epilogues. if i do im probably going to link to this post……
so james if i sent this to you and you’re reading this, hi! :)
you say, “i want you to know if youre having problems with the story you can come to me with it and i will hear you out”. first of all you are such a good dude and have such a good open honest approach to the fans. i need to get that out there, because i know you’re just as much a fan of these characters and world are we are. secondly, i don’t know what your plans for homestuck beyond canon are, but dave and jade’s poor handling is a problem in both homestuck canon (act 6, even act 5 fucking them over with “tell, don’t show”; see the latter half of section 1 of the post at > Dave: Deploy cloning apparatus. and section 2) and post-canon that has yet to be addressed.
i understand the nuances of making things flow in a story; things that have already been established can’t be simply retconned. i wrote this post knowing that in mind and hopefully working around that into believably timed and justified/needed arcs gives it more potential
jade is a character i care about so much, and many fans also. her dynamic with dave was one of my favorites but the resolution to their separation…is not even really a resolution. it’s hard to talk about one without the other since theyve always been narratively intertwined. or at least jade has
remember how they musically collaborated more than the other kids? (crystalanthemums is their surprisingly tender song dont forget. i saw that the weird troll grub versions of objects make a comeback in the upd8; make music a relevant part of homestuck in-universe again too </3) dave sending her sbahj furry poster in the mail? the first ones to use a collaborative fraymotif in the comic? kringlefucker and conksuck boot? literally collaborating on creating the right seed for the new universe? and then dave died in jade’s arms and they were separated for 3 years and then that never gets touched on because of the retcon and all the other endgame shit going on (and lets be real grimbark jade from before the retcon wasn’t a satisfying reunion either). we get like, a brief exchange of dialogue at the very very end that made you want to see MORE of them after the battle but it. doesnt happen.
and then in the epilogues jade gets warped into this oddly hypersexual ooc one-dimensional character meant to narratively get in the way of davekat and it’s so awkward and uncomfortable for them. and even THEN in meat timeline gets her agency revoked by the narrative with alt calliope. and in candy dave realizes he’s gay (i thought he was explicitly bi? didnt he call jane hot multiple times both pre-and post-retcon, and once call roxy a “choice babe” in pajamas before he knew it was his ectomom?? if you’re actually gay and in denial why would you have these subconscious freudian blunders). and being married to jade gnaws at him because of it which is. unsatisfying i guess and isn’t consistent with dave’s established sexuality…and then he dies leaving his probably concerned wife and becomes a robot. even if the “point” is that the epilogues are metanarrative commentary about storytelling and candy represents the kind of fanfic that goes off the rails with fanservice it doesn’t feel good when i still care about these characters and their established canons. and a lot of people are in the same camp as me regarding this. it’s still an uncomfortable resolution for their relationship
i really want to see jade’s arc overcoming being used as a puppet by the narrative and the space aspect. just some things to think about / consider that have been running through my head: she’s a witch, right? isn’t what she’s supposed to do is actively bend the rules of her aspect? feferi bended the rules of life by asking the horrorterrors to create dream bubbles so the deceased could still sort of “live” which had a massive narrative impact. who exactly determines that being spacebound means you are fated to be passive and alone? the author? alt calliope? how do we know alt calliope can be trusted or if she’s just projecting her experiences as the most passive class possible onto jade, who ironically has an active manipulation class but is forced to be passive for some reason? normal calliope wasn’t right about everything classpect-related either.
ultimately these things are up to you. you’re still the director of course. but i’m speaking to you, as equally caring of these characters as you and everyone on the team, as a hypothetical suggestion or just something to consider for a jade arc: i think it would do such good to jade and the comic as a whole to see her speak to the manager and recognize the power she has and take back the reigns over her own life and dignity. jade is MAD that she had her own possibilities for socialization and agency taken away from her. and with floralmarsupial, my beloved mutual floral who i went to homestuck high together with, i KNOW the potential they possess to write a compelling arc for jade harley. i think everyone knows too lol floral is THE compelling deep jade harley fanwork big name fan. i dont know what we got to lose. with you guys in charge now, and with the last we see of jade in hs^2 (now hs:bc) fighting callie’s influence and advocating for her own agency, really the only way to go from here for jade is up. (assuming she doesn’t permadie of peanut but i doubt that’s going to happen since she’s one of the original kids and it wouldn’t be satisfying storytelling. and it’s homestuck)
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this statement so ripe with potential to me ^ and we’re left on a cliffhanger with jade going in this direction
i want jade and dave to be close friends who care about each other a lot and do silly stuff together again. this isn’t even a call to make davejade canon; it doesnt have to be romantic—i dont want a davekat davejade war to break out, you know? i know you’re trying to balance fan demands. but i just loved their dynamic a lot and i MISS it so much, homestuck act 6 didnt give us this and i wish their reunion had more that went into it. we’re past that point though
i want jade and dave to have a talk that’s like old times. something that isn’t awkward as hell or about sexual relations or drama or whos fucking who. just something for the two of them. something that grounds them in what made homestuck so compelling in the first place: character and friendships and these kind of interactions
i want to see them collaborate again. an idea i have is maybe they start a band or something since they’re both musically talented and also live together so they can make stuff together in person now. you’re a music guy you get it. tangle buddies. jam buddies
and maybe something more serious that concerns just the two of them. post-retcon dave never talked to jade about his thoughts when they fought bec noir right? knowing that jade would inevitably kill him with bullets through bec, but he couldnt warn her because he knows she wouldn’t go through with it, creating a doomed timeline? so jade thought all that time she killed him by accident…..what about all that guilt she must harbor? the first person she had in-person contact with since she was probably four years old, her best friend online, and accidentally killed him within just a few hours of meeting him? and never got to talk about it with him, let alone anyone, after three years? hello?? :(
these are the final lines of the last pesterlog between jade and dave before their 3-year separation (and basically all of act 6)
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so uh…..this exchange really openly invites some kind of talk to take place even if it’s long overdue. among other things maybe. they need to hug or something. jade’s touch starvation is real, but not everything needs to be sexualized about touch. she’s lonely and starved of affection but i feel like it would be more meaningful if it wasn’t sexualized. just really basic platonic primal cloth mother needs. just like..both being human beings and having basic needs like this that jade’s been deprived of. who’s the person she would feel most comfortable going to? who does she have the richest history with throughout the webcomic? dave, right? her online best friend since childhood that always cared a lot about her? they have stuff to talk about
i feel like that would address the issue people had with jade’s out of left-field promiscuity in the epilogues and even leftovers of it in hs^2. not only do i think primal platonic touch starvation would be a more meaningful and evocative type of interaction to give them at some point, it wouldn’t rock the boat or create any ship drama (davekat has long since sailed and most people seem to be on board with it) and it would probably be really positive representation of these sorts of things which not only throws a bone to aroace people but just depicting this sort of thing normalizes the fact that two people can be close and not necessarily in an official relationship.
this is a good transition point to this post also which is basically an extension to this one. it’s exactly the issues i had. it’s on the nature of what they had going and how much they mean to each other but how the storytelling held them back when it was unnecessary
this breaks my heart. mr. roach and hs:bc writing team please i miss my favorite blorbo duo being happy in each other’s company. they were such good friends but circumstances pulled them apart. i miss when they created music together and talked about their interests and exchanged quips. i am such a well of ideas for stuff like this. show us how much they mean to each other again
if youre still reading this james thanks for hearing me out. if you wanna pass on to the writing team to look at and get their feedback on this i’d be so so thankful
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“and to think that after all this he still chose to save her, like always, probably knowing he had little to no chance, just because he cares for her, her life and who she is beyond this moment, really meant a lot for them. i really, really was mad that this would be the last time they would truly ever be together in a way that to me mattered” — vintagegamebro
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creamiceandsugar · 2 months
i talked previously on how i just love thinking about the paths characters are and what it means about their character or story and nothing makes it more obvious than going "of course, what else but erudition" at jade, realizing I forgot to even register what path firefly is but going "uuuh, destruction. what else could she be" and just checking for confirmation.
so i guess i'll loosely define what personality traits i personally think each path represents (very very loosely bc it really does depend on the character and there's a wide spectrum for interpretation. i'll put some examples). and right away i'll tell you i do not have harmony figured out. it's the hardest path. like, i'll try, but i am not confident.
also i'll say this, none of these "personality traits" are inherently good or bad. like for erudition i used the word "manipulator" bc i have no other word i can put down but i dont meant it in a bad way. jing yuan manipulates people all the time but it's generally for the greater good.
destruction: pretty literal. linked to destructive behavior (hook) or destruction of others and/or the self (blade/firefly). dan heng IL is so neat because technically he is so non-confrontational and doesn't Want to be destructive but it's his past self that carries it over. like, he can't escape it, it still haunts him and that is why his true path is destruction. delicious, right? also destruction of bonds (unwillingness to reconnect with jing yuan etc.) clara is the hardest to interpret but if you got a big robot with you that fires lasers then idk what to tell you
erudition: chess players, manipulators, "genius/smart". do i need examples? it's so self explanatory. easiest path to interpret for real. i think argenti is the weirdest one to be erudition, but we also dont know much about him yet and i think he's plenty smart and manipulative just. in a very eccentric way?
hunt: "has a goal to follow" in the simplest terms. very narrowed in on that goal. stubborn. (yanqing wants to get stronger, dan heng wants to be free/escape his past etc. etc.)
nihility: disconnected from people or the world around them. (in different ways. welt is from a different dimension and guinaifen works mainly online but both disconnects them from the people around them. which doesnt mean they cant form bonds or care about people)
preservation: very simple and obvious but a protector type. "by the book" (doesn't cheat). upfront. (you'd think aventurine would be the outlier but i maintain that he's more honest than people expect him to be and he hates cheating. so he plays by the rules even if he bends them and he HAS a protective instinct. i personally actually think march is the outlier here who's a bit hard to pin down but what can you expect from a girl who doesnt even really know herself)
abundance: researcher type. fascinated with humanity in one way or another. (so so hard to pin them down but i think this fits broadly, at least for now, even for gallagher. may change the more abundance characters we get. dont mention huo huo, Please, she's like a harmony/abundance hybrid anyways. and she IS fascinated with humanity ok, fascinated how confident her coworkers are anyways)
harmony: bro please, idk. look at the characters we have and tell me what they have in common. i'm dying i'm in the desert and i have no water. i WOULD have said administrators/bureaucrats who are willing to take on responsibility but then sparkle happened so i don't know anymore. also she's playing a character so what do we REALLY know about her. how about "puts their all into things". "commits"(to the bit). that feels vaguely right.
so anyways this is what i have so far. i've thought more about some than others, obviously, i have my favorite characters, but i think this can at least for now broadly apply.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Ranks: Miraculous Ladybug Classmates
Thats Right! I am going to be ranking Marinette and Adrien's classmates from my Least Favorite to My favorite.
I will be judging based on Bustier's Class. So No Zoe, Kagami, or Marc. Even if they hang out.
Marinette and Adrien will be Excluded from this list (Think of them as Honorary 1 and 2 if included)
I will be using all of the episodes that have come out as reference. And there will be potential spoilers up to Episode 20 of season 5.
This isnt about which classmates are the best or worst. Its about My personal like or dislike of a classmate.
Including Marinette and Adrien there are 15 students. So this will be out of 13.
13th. Sabrina Raincomprix
(She doesnt deserve a gif.)
Yea... after the recent episodes I really cant bring any sort of desire to like you. Oh sure Chloé is cruel and Lila is a manipulator... Sabrina is just a spineless worm that lets others get hurt or even ASSISTS in it. There is a corrupt cop joke here but its too easy. Also even with that she has no personality outside of Chloé Lackey. Chloé wouldnt be able to pull off most of her evil schemes without someone doing the dirty work and sorry Sabrina, thats you.
12th. Chloé Bourgeois
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A moment of silence for the wasted Character potential... Okay. So yea Chloé sucks. Granted the season 4 and 5 have gone so over the top with showing that season 2 and 3 were not actually important that it causes massive whiplash. I cant find myself hating her like I can with sabrina. I just pity this character. And that is even AFTER I saw what happened in Derision, though at this point I have no interest in seeing a redemption. The writers could have made her heel turn back to evil more believable IF they did it gradually with more effort. But its clear that there was no effort to do so.
11th. Lê Chiến Kim
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This man went from top 4 on my list to BARELY missing the top 10. Just goes to show how much one episode can change one's view on a character. In some ways I actually would say I like him less than Chloé now... but Kim at least did apologize and did say he would make an effort to be better. But MAN, when I found out what he did I was watching Chat noir BEAT HIS ASS ON LOOP. You know I was about to give that boy THESE HANDS for that s***. Derision really shifted everyone's view on this once lovable himbo, now he is a dumbass.
10.Rose Lavillant
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I just dont like her design that much. Her personality is the stereotypical bubbly girl. And while she does get some exploration on why that is... its never touched on again. Also I am a touch salty about Migration. Juleka was expecting to hear a confession but WE ALL GOT BAITED AND SWITCHED. Guess the show cant have any girl confessing to another girl unless that girl being confessed to is Marinette.
9. and 8. Ivan Bruel and Mylène Haprèle
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So to me these two are basically interchangable in terms of ranking. Ivan is the gentle giant that is misunderstood. Mylene is the soft scarred cat that wants the world to be a better place. If I had to pick, i would say I prefer Myléne more, but thats because she gets more character development.
7. Lila Rossi
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So Lila always struck me as a character with huge potential. The problem is the writers have no idea how to write a cruel, calculating and manipulative character without dumbing down everyone else to make her seem smart. Now in season 5 I have found myself starting to like her more. Is it because the writing got better? F*** no, its just been more fun with her in it. She is just clearly having more fun with it, and just seeing how the ridiculous plans somehow work almost makes it funny. Also its clear she is being set up as the next big bad, so I cant wait to see how convoluted the show makes her to make her WORSE than Gabriel. So unlike Chloé whose cartoonish evilness feels like a waste, with Lila it feels more fun to watch.
6. Max Kante
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He built Markov. Plus after Gamer he has been a pretty solid character. I also do enjoy his support of his Idiot Friend Kim. Even if Kim doesnt deserve it. Also, he has the best transformation sequence. Boy goes WAY too hard for it. I also just think he is a charming character.
5. Nathanael Kurtzberg
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Tomato son. While it took me some time to forgive him for Reverser. He is basically a shipper with Marc and its a fun time. I enjoy their plans and adorable antics. But part of me still misses season 1 Nathanael, wonder if he still had a crush on Marinette. Not much else to add, just that he is fun to have on screen and his english dub voice is still dope.
4. Juleka Couffaine
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She has my favorite design of the Classmates. She does develop more as the show goes on, I would say she has the most consistant development of the classmates outside of the top 3 contenders. Juleka is now the lead of Kitty Section, and has some incredible Lyrics within her. She wants to stand out and wants to stop being a wall flower. I can respect her guts and attempts at growing and improving.
3. and 2. Alya Cesaire and Nino Lahiffe
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The respective best friends of Adrien and Marinette. They are likely the most known about classmates of the Miracuclass. Well Alya is. Nino sadly doesnt get as much delved into. That being said, both are supportive friends and go to great lengths to help them. Nino is surprisingly the more chaotic of the two resulting in him thinking Chat noir was stealing his girl OR forming a resistance against Monarch. Alya learning her best friend's identity and being her emotional rock. Now I thought I would put Alya higher than Nino, but Nino's charm and antics make it hard to dismiss and so I have them both as a tie. Though they also had some moments (Thanks to bad writing) that make me cringe a bit.
1. Alix Kubdel
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The most consistently written character in the entire class. The Time travel hero, a character that in my opinion is slept on a lot more than she should be. While I am not crazy about time travel, I do enjoy Alix as a character. She is fun loving and ready to call people out on their BS, also she gets some great lines. She also shows how much of a supportive friend she is to nathanael, Marinette, Ladybug and Chat noir. Its sad she had to go into the time stream to hide from monarch, but it is still a fun way to send a character off for a time
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drpeppertummy · 2 months
extra leon & shel lore/tidbits copy pasted from the group chat that i dont think ive shared (non-kink-related)
[warning for mentions/descriptions of alcoholism, abuse, death including child death & pet death, transphobia, self harm]
angela really did not like shel before they became friends she thought he was just the most pissy old bitch. shel liked her fine bc she 1. never did anything to piss him off herself and 2. Called him a pissy old bitch which he thought was funny. i think she only changed her mind about him when she realized he was one of the only people to immediately start calling her the right name when she came out & when she realized he was friends with leon, who she already was cool with. now she'll defend him she'll be like No Hes Cool If Youre Friends With Him Honest I Swear. he always just liked her bc he thought she was Spunky. never really made a move to be pals with her just considered her one of his more tolerable coworkers. they both think its hilarious now that she hated him & she still Jokingly calls him a pissy old bitch. she was cool with leon Before coming out but only really became close with him After coming out bc he was like [in private] omg wait me too [<-paraphrased] & trans coworkers gotta stick together
shels cats prefer laying on leon when hes over bc hes softer & warmer & shel gets jealous so naturally the solution is for shel to use leon as a pillow so the cats have to lay on her instead
i think leon likes showering at shels house bc she has a shower chair & its nice. he probably winds up getting one himself anyway so shel can feel safer showering at his house too
shels house is pretty well cat-proofed. hes invested in soft carpeting so shits less likely to break if it falls, hazards are generally well-secured, hes got magnets on his cabinet doors so they cant break in, shit like that etc. the cats are more or less allowed anywhere in the house But he has a Strict no cats in the laundry room rule bc hes absolutely terrified of one sneaking into the dryer when hes not looking
leons place is like. very Lived In. kinda messy but not Gross (i imagine shel probably helps him keep on top of cleaning sometimes). a little dingy but not so much so that you dont wanna sit down & hang around. kinda dated. not overly well-maintained. needs some repairs that he just hasnt gotten around to (for years). hasnt been renovated or anything in decades. ugly old couch. he tries to keep trash off the floor but he is guilty of having old bottles & shit sitting around. making it look nice isnt a huge priority for him but he tries to at least keep it sanitary
shels house as we know is full of cat-themed crap & knickknacks & i think its kinda granny-esque & a lot of brown & pink & off-white & warm neutral colors. clean but cluttered & cozy. small but comfortable. nothing is like harsh & bright the color is all soft & subdued & the lighting is warm & gentle. lot of decorative things & photos on shelves & on the walls & on end tables etc. maybe some doilies. shel could be a doily guy. lot of cute fridge magnets
leon will refer to his pre-transition self as a girl/woman almost as if she was a different person he used to know. angela only refers to herself as a girl/woman including when talking about the past bc thats what shes always been even before she knew. & shel well hes just shel
projecting onto leon he'll be buying pants & be like "omg these fit Perfectly" & theyll be like a foot too long. length, as we know, does not matter when youre built like grimace
i think shel (playfully) gives leon grief for bein older than him. bc shel Looks older. if u asked their coworkers to guess theyd place leon at no older than 43 and shel at like 55
they bring out the best in each other. when shels around leon tries not to drink & he tries to take better care of himself bc he doesnt wanna disappoint him. when leons around shels less bitchy & less grumpy & in much better humor. theyre both happier around each other
i think leon was a little nervous about becoming an Official Couple & i think hed be a little nervous about getting married moving in together etc, not bc he thinks shel would ever hurt him but bc he still worries that all the abuse he took from bill was his own fault & hes afraid shels gonna start to see him the way bill saw him & get sick of him. & he feels guilty for feeling that way
shels had A Lot of cats in his life & he carries the grief of every single one hes ever said goodbye to. the majority of his Family Photos he has framed or in albums are pets & sometimes he'll be looking through them & gets a little misty. & i think leon realizing that all these cats have always pretty much been shels only family & hearing the way he reminisces about them the way somebody would fondly recall happy memories with their family or friends is a point where he realizes just how lonely shels life has been. hes always been very sentimental about his cats. if he finds a loose whisker on the floor he sticks it in a jar bc its too cool to just sweep up. & if one of them cuts him deeply enough to leave a scar he looks at it with fondness. & the paw prints they do at the vet when the times up. he def has those all hung up amongst whatever photos & other shit he has on the walls
i think shel has some kind of goofy little tattoo he got when he was really young & dysfunctional like. on her hip or some weird spot where nobody ever sees it & its some weird random stupid little thing & the first time leon sees it hes like ??????????? idk what it would even be but its definitely shittily done & probably doesnt have any meaning behind it
leon was originally supposed to be bitter & grumpy & bitchy like shel (who has been around longer & whose bitterness & grumpiness & bitchiness was well established by the time leon came around) but he wound up being more sad & sweet & nervous. i think his coworkers still generally dont like him unless they know him well & its mostly bc they make Assumptions about him based on the things they know. hes an alcoholic, hes a hot mess, he hangs out with that bitchy weirdo shel, he doesnt socialize much, etc
Thinking About Shels Cat Pics u knowww they look like shit. if hes texting them . with his flip phone. but also i think she takes a lot of Camera Pictures & puts em in a photo album. all the time leons receiving grainy shitty flip phone cat pic texts & he Adores it he feels so in love
Thinking About Angela & Leon i think they have like an extra special little friendship which they really come to think of as a father/daughter relationship after a while. it just kinda Becomes Like That. since she was relatively recently disowned by her parents & he lost his daughter & they both have a major void that theyre subconsciously trying to fill. he might take her shopping since she came out pretty recently & doesnt have much of a wardrobe & hes pretty experienced in the field of Womens Clothes. they make a whole little day of it. i think ive already mentioned leons necklace that his mom gave him that her mom probably gave her that he was gonna give to his daughter which he wound up giving to angela & it was gonna be a casual gesture but it wound up being a whole teary huggy thing for both of em
i think. if he found out bill died or something he would be all freaked out like Omg I Shouldve Been There For Him bc even after everything theres still a big part of him that thinks maybe if he tried harder if he did a better job if he was a better spouse etc they couldve been happy. even tho he Knows bill was awful to him & he Knows bill was a nasty evil abusive person & he would never wish what he went through on anybody else theres still a big part of him that feels like it was his fault & he deserved all of it & he cant possibly deserve better
Thinking About Baby Shel. sometimes as someone who works in school/childcare youll have a kid who nobody can figure out how to help--beyond troubled, disillusioned, home life is a mess, etc--& you just know in your heart that if Somebody cant figure it out theyre not gonna make it. shel was one of those kids from a very early age. any teachers he had who are still alive remember him well bc he was such a fucked up little terror & theyd be astonished to see that hes alive. not only alive but Relatively Happy. functioning. sober. nothing like the disturbed child they knew back then
the destroyed parent in leon wishes so badly he couldve been there for shel when he was little. even tho had they known each other at the time hes only like 4 years older. he hears about tidbits of shels childhood & just wishes he could go there & hold him. but he can comfort him now & shel appreciates that. i usually depict shel being more Okay bc he does have his shit way more together but sometimes he is just all fucked up & leons there for him. sometimes he has Bad Brain Days & sometimes its just that kind of day & sometimes its brought on by his pain or lack of sleep or somethin & sometimes something triggers it & fucks him up. & he might be agitated & moody or he might be sad & fragile or he might just be numb & barely responsive but leon will treat him gentle & make sure hes not isolating himself or neglecting himself or hurting himself & make sure hes taken care of until he feels ok again. leon often feels like he doesnt do nearly enough for shel considering how much shel supports him sometimes but when those days happen he usually (probably unknowingly) prevents shel from spiraling into a weeks-long & potentially life-threatening funk
Thinking About Leon bc ive established how angela & shel came to be without a family but ive never gone into detail on leon. i think his family was never very supportive to start with & they didnt like the man he married & blamed leon for getting himself into the relationship when it started going south & bill kinda drove a wedge between him & his family and then when he started to really become a hot mess with Apparent Mental Health Issues Including Alcoholism they shunned him even more & wanted no part of him or his problems & then by the time he divorced bill & started his transition he was so estranged from them & he knew how unsupportive they were in general that he just never came out to them & essentially disappeared. he was their black sheep & they were fine with him getting away. i think if he had the chance to forgive them & go back to them he would do it in a heartbeat in spite of everything. if he found them again & they were willing to take him back he would forget how much pain they let him go through all alone Immediately. hes too forgiving bc he doesnt think he deserves better. he woulda let bill back into his life too if shel hadnta beat him to it. hes afraid of being alone he thinks hes unlovable😔 shels trying to get him past that
shels mother was a terrible parent but sometimes he wonders if they wouldve had a happy life without his dad. & sometimes he wonders if he couldve saved her. leon will be like “you were just a little kid theres nothing you couldve done” but he cant help thinking about it. & honestly if it werent for his dad his mom probably wouldve been a fine parent but their relationship was so vicious & abusive & horrible that the household was just a constant screaming fighting mess
when leon got his top surgery he was freshly divorced & had no friends bc his shity husband had him all isolated & he was like the most alone hed ever been in his life he didnt have Nobody & he had to go through the whole process & recovery all alone & it was miserable so when shel gets his knees done leon makes dam sure hes there for him every step of the way
thinking about leon & angela finding out about stuff shel never got to do as a kid & being like Oh My God We Are Taking His Old Ass To The Zoo. take his old ass to the boardwalk for minigolf & rides & ice cream. cant take his old ass to action park. sad
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quodekash · 1 year
the eclipse os2 episode commentary continued (bc i ran out of images in the first part)
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its so boring
and yeah, theres not as much exercise in golf as there is in other sports like footy and cricket and stuff
you have to move back and forth and all around to collect the golf balls
idk much about golf tho
im not sure if ive ever played actual golf
i dont think id like it tho
the only golf i like is the director of the eclipse
and golf on the wii, thats fun
i got sidetracked talking about golf
shARING ROOMS BASED ON THE TEAMS??? damn wat, you're brutal
hes probably just trying to keep his mind as clear as possible, which wont happen if the couples sleep in the same rooms as each other lmao
"to be honest, im worried about thua" well what on earth does that mean
are you just referencing all the times you were worried about thua when he was hanging out with aye
cos if so
i. i picked up on that. and that feels important for everyone to know. and now you know.
"aye. dont touch thua" lmao calm down bro
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(read this to the tune of the sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g song from when we were like 12) WAT AND NAMO, SHARING A ROOM. F-U-C---
"so what did you and aye argue about?" "...we didnt" bro dont lie
in all honesty, aye gives great advice. like, he always seems to know the right thing to say to help someone make a decision and stuff
oh no
communication issues
why must there be communication issues
pls guys just talk to each other
akk, all you gotta do is tell aye how youre feeling
thua, all you gotta do is tell kan what you would like and need
aye and kan, listen
its really simple, guys, its really not hard at all in the slightest
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jeez thats a standoff and a half (note: wat is leaning on namo's shoulder. just something for everyone to observe.)
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bro why do you have to be shirtless
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thank you namo for saying what we're all thinking
aight theyre all playing in the water now, and playing in the water tends to make akk and aye feel better and stuff
noooooo namo dont have an existential crisis about graduating and growing up and saying goodbyes and potentially never seeing your friends again, you'll set me off into one of my own
"will you forget me?" "we will." lmao rip namo i guess
damn that phone is loud, how can they hear it over the river. its almost like... like it was edited in in post or something. hmmmmmmmmm
its fine tho bc aye knows its akk's birthday. right? he knows, right? im sure he knows. hes gonna surprise akk. r i g h t ? ? ?
i like these funky little friendship bonding sessions, its very nice
sponsorship timeeeee
i know they probably bought them at the same time from the same store or something but thats not the point its still super cute
YOUVE BOTH LITERALLY SAID TO EACH OTHER 'youre allowed to be weak. at least around me.'
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is song the way that they communicate
i knew this would happen. i literally know this would happen.
just cos theyre assigned different rooms to their partners, it doesnt mean theyre gonna actually abide by those rules. theyre just gonna switch. badabing badaboom everyone is gay
"can you stop asking already?" "why?" "if you dont stop talking, how can i kiss you?" brooooooo
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but its all good now
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okay theyre talking to each other, finally
its gonna end in another argument probably but at least akk is getting towards telling aye how hes making him feel rn and theyre communicating and working it out
aye, ily, and i know youre tryna make him feel better, but this isn't solving the problem
yeah hes cute when hes angry, but he doesnt like being angry with you because (as he has just tried to tell you) it makes him feel like youre aggravating him on purpose for no reason and makes him question your relationship.
akk, youre also at fault here because you didnt talk to him sooner about your thoughts and feelings
but right now in the current moment aye is being a little bit mean and a little bit silly (but not silly in the fun way)
theyre making out now tho. but they still havent made up.
its fine, theyll get to that tomorrow.
well, technically tonight. it's 2am.
talk about time blindness, it takes me three times the amount of time that the episode actually takes to watch it
final thoughts: i am excited for tomorrow (tonight??), this episode was very very very good, the eclipse makes me happy, happy is good, i need to go to sleep
goodnight folks! this will be even more incoherent next episode because ill be even more exhausted than i am now! byebyeeeeee
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1892 · 1 year
me thinks… we should leave the idea.. that “pop music bad” in the year 2022… not saying its wrong you dont like pop music. but.. doesnt it get exhausting? it definitely exhausted me out. i used to hate pop music as well. now i love it! all the music actually. life becomes much more nicer when you dont spend your time on things you dont like. peace and love ! and a happy new year ! 💕
im a hater for life, it doesn’t get exhausting. i know what u mean but i have fun with other mundane things :-) some pop music is fun and innovative, i agree with that!!!! but like, harry styles??? what is he doing for music that makes him worth my while. charlie xcx rules. does sza count as pop? beyonce....there's so many wonderful ladies in the pop sphere, i don't need another shawn mendes or harry styles or taylor swift. (and i used to love taylor! and i still have very important serious takes on her music [swiftieism exists within post-swiftieism] )
i love music and i appreciate the power of any music to move someone. if harry's house really touched ur heart like objectively i think you're wrong about it but i'm glad you connected with music at all i guess. but at the end of the day i care about taste and quality and the majority of pop music does not deliver. pop is dead <3
however. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! peace and love to you as well :D
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breadnabreadd · 10 months
I'm curious why Sam would accept such a dangerous role.
I assume there are other characters from the books, what are her interactions and relationships with then like if she meets then frequently? Does she spend more time in the human world or Wonderland?
✦ Howdy! So...
Sam accept this role not because she wanted to but she needed to. If she wanted to live peacefully and be freed from these Jabberwocky Creatures and keep the realms safe and balanced, she needed to accept that role. In the beginning she didnt agree on this, since she isnt ready for such responsibility and thinks she is not the best person for it (and she also thinks everyone on the Wonderland are completely bonkers, which she isnt so wrong about it). but slowly she started getting used by it and accept it, and kinda started to enjoying her magical and mad adventures between the two worlds a little bit. And of course she doesnt enjoy when she almost dies in a big fight between a jabberwocky creature--
In fact the "Into the Borderland" world got the characters from the books! And got other characters I've created because... oh, well, why not? :3c
Mostly of Sam interactions with the Wonderlandians are almost similar with the Alice interactions with the Wonderlandians in the original book. Almost. I cant explain it without showing some examples, so how about I say how it is like Sam's relationships with two Wonderlandians and their personalities?
Let's start with the first Wonderlandian she meet with, and surprisingly it wasnt the white rabbit. It was the Jack of Hearts!
♥️🃏 Jack of Hearts are a member of the royalty of hearts in the kingdom of hearts, call him Jack or just Hearts. He is kinda the adopted son of the Red Queen of Hearts (The Queen of Hearts got three children if we count with Jack).
Jack was the person who saved Sam from a Jabberwocky Creature attack after she crossed into the borderland (eyy) between the two worlds accidentally, so she didnt even had any idea of what was going on and who was him. He knew that Sam wasn't no ordinary human so he convinced her to go to the wonderland with him so she could figure out what was going on. He teached her how to survive around wonderland and understand it's rules, and yadda yadda. He is always helping her to fight and make plans against the creatures in a way to defeat them.
Jack's age is around Sam's age. They dont got much age difference, its probably about a year or 2. He is very proud of himself, full of self confidence but he is a gentleman and a really sweet dude with a good heart. He is kinda of the theatrical kid, always looking for the dramatic. Sam find him a little annoying and a few times reckless, but she doesnt mind much tho. They two are good friends.
A funny thing about him is that sometimes when he tries to look cool and then fails successfully, he tries to hide it by faking it all was a part of his plan and have a winning smirk on his face. He also got feelings towards Sam and acts a little romantic towards her but she doesnt even notice him.
Sam: "Oh my god! Did it hurt when you fell???"
Jack: "When I fell over my knees for you?"
Sam: ... *inhale.*
And now... let's go to the most mysterious and smiling Wonderlandian, the Cheshire cat.
💜☁️ The Cheshire Cat is a normal looking cat, well, if you assume a pink cat with a big wide smile as a normal cat characteristics then, yes! He is a normal looking cat.
Remember that in wonderland you dont find Cheshire, he is the one who finds you.
When someone is lost in the Wonderland, the Cheshire cat appears and tries to "help" the lost person to find their path (Well he actually makes the person confused and in the end the own person finds their own way, so... I guess he helps a little bit???). And one time when Sam lost herself from Jack and doesnt know how to leave the woods, the cat showed up to her. They two had a interaction very similar to the books and the classic disney animation version of it. Sam doesn't seem to understand what is up with that weird cat but she tries to not to think too much about it, after that everytime Sam is feeling lonely or is "lost" (In both meanings, like losing herself from her path or not knowing what to do) Cheshire shows up to her and helps her in his own kinda way. He also randomly shows up just for funsies because he can.
Cheshire: "He went that way."
Sam: "...Who?"
Cheshire: "The white rabbit."
Sam: "Really?? Where did he go?"
Cheshire: "He who?"
Sam: "The white rabbit."
Cheshire: "What rabbit?"
We dont know much about his magical abilities or his real power, we only know he can change his form, teleport around and be invisible.
And that's all for a few relationships she got with the Wonderlandians, in the future I can tell about her relationship with others.
✦ And for the last and not least... I would say she stays in the two worlds like the same much? I guess so. :'3c
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misslauwie · 1 year
Been in a slump for the past 2 days due to the BB Hot 100 clusterfuck.
As a Jimin-bias I was saddened and disheartened by the opps that Jimin face.
Its been a roller coaster since he releases SMF pt 2 where ppl were shading on his autotune. But fortunately it didnt show up much on my TL. Hence I wasnt too bothered. Anyway for me the song resonates more than LC so at my age I dont really care about other opinion but my own for important things. People will have different preferences and you cant expect everybody to like what you like or hate what you hate.
And then the 10s encore happened. To be honest when I first watched it. I cringed and dread pooled in my stomach coz I just know he is going to be dragged over it. Nevermind the stunning performances he delivered in Musicbank. But he shut up the haters again with Lee Mujin accoustic performance and I was over the moon again.
And then Billboard Hot 100 happened and I literally cried while holding my phone and posting to twitter and stationhead because I was streaming there. Couldnt sleep even though it was a working day after that night.
Anyways the takeaway here is that. I know its cliche but I also need to remind myself that Jimin knows he's love by many. More than the hatred hes receiving. The fact that he tears up during the live after BB 100 also is a testimony how it was so unexpected & moving for him.
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We came down and moved on too fast from the #1 BB Hot 100. It should be celebrated more. I was reminded yet again that Jimin is the first Korean soloist to achieve that title in the last 6 decades where competition is intense and GP is bombarded with new content every other day and where content is heavily curated for the GP to consume. So lets not dim the light from that achievement.
During all these chaos, I remember a saying...
The greatest light cast a long shadow.
As much as I hate all these shades thrown on Jimin... A publicity good or bad is still publicity. & Jimin will become more popular, well known because of it. We as his supporters just need to share more of the good stuff so GP dont misunderstand him or receives the wrong perception.
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But I have faith in Jimin because hes known to break boundaries and delivers more than what is expected of him. He never overpromises and underdeliver. He always slay and perform.
Actually know BTS since 2018 but didnt become a fan until Sep 2022. Jimin was the one who hooked me from ON MV with his blue hair and just great dance performance.
I can just binge on his Lee Mujin performance. I do think he needs to release that accoustic versions to streaming platform. Its such a waste that I cant listen to it while I sleep. His voice is a lullaby for me.
I guess the whole point of this blog is to remind myself and everyone out there that we need to celebrate more on his #1 BB 100 rather than focusing on the negative.
I was thinking that we can do a legal recourse with regards to how blatant the discrimination against Jimin is. But other than signing a global petition to boycott BB, cant think of any other way. But this discrimination against a colored and non US artist and how Armys rallied and use different platforms to support Jimin is actually the first ripple of a stone drop in the lake. It might takes away relevancy of the ruling platform like YT and chart like BB.
After all consumer doesnt like being treated as fools. Im pretty sure even non-army who saw the blatant discrimination if they are rational will also see that this kind of monopoly is not good in the long run.
Changes always start small and then ripples to become waves. I believe in Jimin. I believe in BTS. I believe in Army. Lets pay the positivity forward.
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livecharliereaction · 4 months
Ill probably make charumiq2 for next ep for easier navigation for meeee But yeah thats done now thats um aaahahahha
- bernkastel showed up i am so happy. YAY! So many mentions of this lambdadelta i kind of thought shed be satoko somehow but im not seeing it rn well see when she shows up
- i rly hope the witches wont stay as only ????? characters n get weaved into the main story but guess what im like 100% sure thatll happen at least somehow but i dont know how. Miss bern said shed help me YAYYY! So nice of her
- i can rly see what ppl mean when they say it starts slow though it wasnt a problem for me bcs i liked the characters in the family already but i can totally see it being a problem for someone else Bcs like i knew theres witches. So theres the whole "ooh u think itll be a regular murder mystery but its fantasy" "is there a 19th person ooh" Well that just doesnt happen at all. However smth ive been noticing about wtc that although theres always secrets and thus always reveals theres SO MANY mysteries that the story doesnt rly lose THAT much if u know smth (But its still important to me that i get to know things in the order the author wants me to like in general so spoilers r still being crazy avoided...)
- i had the theory that beatrice was very young when kinzo met her and was traumatized by his "love" and then died and her spirit is sort of haunting the mansion but its not entirely clicking what that would be so im ditching it for now
- i know tea party and ????? cant be taken tooooooooo seriously but theyre the main reason i dont think that anymore See Im kind of doubting the existence of a human beatrice altogether. Sure bernkastel was kinda rikaing around but it seems too complicated to compare it to that so no way
- I still cant forget lambdadelta sharing some resemblance to satoko (from the shit that i saw BEFORE i was avoiding spoilers Im talking very very slight like rly just hair n eye color) but i feel like we wont see her in the next ep at all. Im imagining (hoping) each ep might have a new witch in it. I cant imagine the gold thing going all the way through 8 eps so... (Bcos What riddle takes that long.)
- Favs r still maria and natsuhi from the human side at least Like that didnt change. And i doubt it would I also like jessica a lot i do
- motherhood goes crazy Natsuhi and Jessica i could die and also marias lack of motherly love rips me apart
- Im very curious about the physics of this though or i mean like What now? Are we going back in time? If so how much????? Im kinda imagining its just kinda similar all over again but with different sacrifices each time but the ways that can be done r hmm. Someone else might try to do as the epitaph says and thus killing people but yeah.
- Not to be battler but if ep1 were to actually be a humans doing itd be maria (u know) natsuhi (absolutely not sorry for even saying it queen but she was running around w the rifle and all and had a lot of control over some situations) or kinzo (its easiest to believe that corpse wasnt really Him out of the corpses The toe thing isnt convincing to me but theres the problem of Ok whose body is it charlie? and i wouldnt know)
- Excited and baffled it was 12 hrs i feel like i started it what maybe this week idfk School starts again so i have to slow down the pace but thats ok...
- I thought the role of "the witchs messenger" might change too but i kind of hope its just marias job each time i liked the way she did it shes so fun
- no clue abt the rules of this world yet but im excited bcs theyre spelling it out to Think about it so u know it wont be obvious I dont even think i Can make a good guess rn
- natsuhi save me
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technicalknockout · 4 months
Yes!!!!!!!! it reveals so much to show what ko DOESNT let himself feel and its like. how tko is quite literally canonically ko's biggest fear. i dont think thats Literal though, considering ko didnt know of tko as a person beforehand and his answer to enid questioning if thats his biggest fear being "i don't know, i guess so." but hes at the very least representative of it. or metaphorically it.
and i think this shows Why ko does these things. Projection. and to that idea, some degree of hating himself for having those kind of feelings. another note being the fact that ko also doesnt Really see tko as a person. lftte to the end IS bad. but "even when i accepted you as part of me i treated you as this angry thing" really does show something important in why ko treats tko like that.
and its like. part of the reason WHY "tko and ko being the same person" (put in quotes because they arent) feels so unsatisfying as a conclusion is because it literally does not address the elephant in the room of WHY ko is like this and how people treated tko (even BEFORE they actually believed tko to at least have a will separate to tko). because even if we have no fucking idea what caused ko to be like that originally... i dont think you develop that kind of issue just by yourself, and that kind of fear was very much reinforced by what everyone did with tko.
likeee tko rules is so interesting! ko LIES to carol about him breaking the rule, because he KNOWS itd be worse to admit he let out tko willingly and its just aagh. along with how others treating tko having a very major effect on how tko sees the world and acts. did you know tko calls ko a weirdo twice. once for the. sync machine in tkos house and again in tko rules for cleaning his room. this implies tko might think of ko as a weirdo for caring about him. :)
AAAGHHGGHGGGGGG EXACTLY excuse me while i die on the floor
the tko being ko's biggest fear bit might be related to how open tko is about his feelings, and how often it echoes ko's own. because he doesnt like facing that those ARE his emotions. In lftte it looks like ko at least accepts that, but like you said it feels kind of unresolved because (aside from the entire merge thing) we dont know where the repression originated, and if you cant find the cause of the problem it might happen again. tko sometimes acts out how ko wants to act, and while it's not really a good thing (he lacks self control and hurts a lot of people) the people around him disregard his feelings and simply view him as evil. what lesson does THAT teach ko. repress your negative emotions and dont express them ever which ko, viewing tko as negative emotions itself, does to tko.. so i think theres definitely something external in there. conclusion: AHHDJSBJFJSNFJSKNFMSMFKSKDN
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Umineko, again
episode 1, part 7
i am not entering the Danger Zone where i want to see fanart of natsuhi but i cannot look her up bc i need my mind to be absolutely unblemished. if i saw a spoiler now, that would ruin everything. i actually care about this enough to actively avoid and fear spoilers. thats how serious it is getting. usually i really dont care.
so. back to the story.
eva suggests the servants did this together and its obvious she also fears what they could do, should they find out she knows. this makes sense superficially. perhaps it was even done under the directions of kinzo or natsuhi. man eva really fucking hates her. except why would the servants do this and why would shannon be a victim, too? and why would they draw that weird summoning circle on the sheds door? perhaps the closest theory that makes sense is that kinzo was behind it all and possibly got help from genji but even so... getting rid of his children and doing weird black magic shit might make sense but again, why shannon?
if this was an ace attorney game, we would now collect evidence. but it isnt and we cant because its dangerous. that would be too easy and umineko really loves to take its time before it presents you with conclusions.
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never heard of her
concerningly, maria has entered her joker arc now. i cannot say whether this is her or beatrice using her as a vessel, much like i think she did during the reading of the letter. i just highly suspect shes doing that. ehhhh, not sure this needed three different cg's that get creepier each time. you're overdoing it man. its creepier if theres just a Little off about maria's face. this is my personal subjective criticism.
in general, i personally dislike the creepy child portrayal they started doing with maria. mostly bc i think its corny and instead of making things More Scary and creating tension, its just ruining the built up atmosphere. for me.
later on there is discussion whether her behaviour can be written off as Purely roleplay but i am not quite buying this. there has got to be more to it. then again if there is One thing that can change a childs speech pattern like this and influence their entire body language and behaviour.... it gotta be a witch hyperfixation and urge to roleplay.
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so what does all of that mean!!!! huh!!!!!! it seems important to me that breaking free off bonds is a topic in this. everyone dead seems to at least share this common burden. some sort of social obligation to bound them. who doesnt!! but this seems to be an important topic in this game.
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battler's personal resolution haver theme is really good. he is so funny. he is not buying any of this. from a rational standpoint it is correct of his to keep his guard up and suspect the worst of his questionable relative. from a meta standpoint it is extremely funny and bizarre he would rather blame a relative than escape into the more calming belief that a magical being could be causing all of this. even when the servants all straight up tell him beatrice is a person.
battler said NO escapism. i accuse my aunt of murder like a man. and then he also threatened the servants into talking, i guess. well, let him be mean, he has lost so much....
it seems battler specifically was just born with the inability to see or talk to her. skill issue. so she has to communicate with him through others? AND THE THING IS he is right. there is no reason to believe in a witch. he might look silly to others but i get him though.
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is this beatrice in the room with us right now
servants of course accept beatrice as the culprit no problem and they seem to just straight up know that the six dead people were choosen by chance. interesting. so thats just one of the normal game rules? i guess? i had been wondering.
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also i had not expected my comment about how natsuhi living reminded me of a game of werewolf to be this accurate. so maria's charm actually did it's due. wtf my questions are actually getting answered.
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natsuhi with a gun
the lore for that gun is so fucking funny. grandpas western culture love is so unserious if you Are the western culture reading this
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ihateeverything101 · 1 year
get ready for nonsense rambles! some of these i pulled from my notes where i write when i am upset or feeling things. i don't think it follows a train of thought but this is how i'm feeling
general explaining / talking:
Katie is moving in early August and Char will be flying to Connecticut to drive with her back to CO. when Char first talked about Katie he said that she would be visiting for the first time in August, there wasn't a rush. that's comical.
I enjoyed spending time with Katie and getting to know her, there are some qualities about her that I don’t enjoy but that is the reality with people. I am not looking forward to living with her but I am also OK with it. Im not looking forward to it because it is different than we are living now, I know we will make new routines and they might even be better. It is hard to think positively though because I am focused on the bad and annoying things that I am going to have to deal with by sharing the space and partner with her. She was such a messy person.. god. She left everything everywhere, hair ties, underwear, other clothes, whatever that wasnt on her body was thrown around! It wasnt as bad as I am making it out to be but I am a perfectionist and put myself on a high standard, jesus christ I didnt realize people lived like this. I know she will listen to me and would be upset if she knew how much I didn’t like her mess but its kinda what I was talking about earlier.
Also its part of the work to have to teach someone the standards. I know she wants to do what I want but its still work for me to teach or train her on those things. But I guess I really have unrealistic standards because how is she supposed to learn if no body teaches her. sigh . ya know I guess the problem is that I didn’t choose her. That sounds petty and it isnt really the issue but it is. If I had talked to her for months and grown a connection, sure yeah I like you and you like me and move in and we will see where this takes us. It will be a similar process but also drastically different. She will move in and we will grow a connection and see if we like each other. I dont think the answer will be that we dont like each other but it makes me uncomfortable and upset. I dont want this basic stranger moving into our house and our life and I am expected to jump on board and be besties with her? No one is saying these things but it is how it feels. Like I am the bitch if I need time to process or time to do things on my own. Honestly I am putting a lot of these restrictions and rules on myself. I should be more open with Char and Katie. I know that is the mature thing and I want to do that but like I explained earlier I get confused and turned around on what I should actually do vs what I am feeling.
He says It was the way it was because of Steff.but it wasn't only her but the house that you and her made together. I don’t like the blame you put on her because you guys were partners, I know she was weighing you down and I don't have an eloquent way to say this but. You are both equally to blame, you allowed her energy to affect you and the relationships you had with other people. It is hard because I know that you feel guilty and frustrated that you brought me into this situation, but I wish there was something we could do. You tell me that I inspire you and push you to do things that you wouldnt do without me but I do not feel that. In our day-to-day life I do not feel like I am the light of your life, I do not feel like your partner is fighting with you against the world. I feel like we are fighting each other, I feel like we put our energy into other people or things instead of each other.
I know he cares about my things but it doesn't feel that way. I wish he would put his phone down and look at me when I am talking. I wish he would be engaged with me and how I talk to him and show him things. It feels like the whole time he is only waiting for me to be done talking and that doesnt feel nice.
The thing that makes my stomach sink is thinking about her moving in. less time for me. Less energy for me. Someone to do things better than what I can do. It’s a lot of insecurity and jealousy. I don’t want him to even leave for an hour, how am I supposed to do a couple of days without him? It makes me very reactive and emotional. I dont want him to leave, I dont want him having a special moment with someone else. I know he isnt trying to replace me but that is how it feels sometimes when the steps are similar to what me and Him did. I’m sure this is something that I need to learn and deal with because I am sure there will be other people who want to move in and will drive with them across the country. Idk. It makes me sad. We dont have money for it but it doesn't seem to matter to him. I wish I had the time to travel and spend time with the person I loved. I wish I could have a 3 day trip with him. I know I got my trip when we drove to OH but thats what makes me feel sad. Like, now were are established there is no more flirting or fun to be had. It makes me sad about our relationship. I try to motivate him but I bring him down. He tries to motivate me but it brings me down. I don’t want him driving with her. Do I deserve things? Do I deserve softness? Do I deserve all the time I want? I want to be enabled. I want him to care about me and give me everything.
Does Katie have the standards she has to meet for you? Or does she only have to try her best? I feel very upset thinking and feeling that she passes the test most of the time regardless of what she does and I only pass the test if I get above a 95%. I wish you could communicate with me more, ask me more things. 
I do like Katie but I also dont. I feel like I cannot talk to her and often times I do not understand what she is trying to get at or explain. I don’t like how loud she is randomly or in general. I dont like sharing you with her. I know I am too pessimistic but why did it feel so different when she was here. Why do I not energize you, why dont you like me? Why dont you wnat to have fun with me? Why don't you want to give me slack?
You say we dont do sexual things because I am not giving the right energy or because I dont ask. Those statements make me sad. You say you want to do things with me but you dont show that. You dont ask me to do things, you don't seem excited, you dont try to squeeze things in with me. Why do I always have to be the one that is bridging the gap. I know you feel like you're doing 75% but I feel like I am doing 75%!!
am i enough? he seemed so happy when she was here. he seems so dead with me. he's always saying how much i do for him, i wish i felt it. but is that an internal thing? am i too stupid to realize what he is doing? it makes me really upset because i don't think so but i doubt myself so much. i cant bring something up to him without questioning myself first and being mean to myself. i don't feel like the light of his life. 
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uwuowotf2waslife · 2 years
How would the Mercs comfort their s/o after a nightmare?
I may or may not needed this
I think we all agree that although Scout acts tough, when he was a lil scooter he'd crawl to his mamas bed for comfort after a nightmare. So, in the same light, he'd ask you if you were comfortable sleeping with him/him sleeping with in your bed for comfort. He is a snorer, but he is also very warm and likes to cuddle up so i guess its a gift and a headache in a wonderful package.
Soldier might seem denser than concrete, but he is adamant that a soldier must sleep at least 7 hours to ensure perfection in the battlefield. It might be a pain to wake him up, but he'll do anything to help you sleep. Beware, he is a small spoon and will scoot as close to you. Maybe even give small hand kisses.
Pyro never sleep, but they will give you as many stuffies as you need to help you out a bit. Maybe even make some hot milk (or burned, they be trying allright). If you dont mind their plasticy suit they will even cuddle you ( or them nakey if they are really close to you).
Engie likes to stay up late yet he makes a fuss if he finds out if you do the same (hypocrite). He has stress nightmares a lot so he relates to you and is always down to have you explain your nightmare so he can disembowel and solve it. If you want to fall asleep again he'll get all cozy with ya and start talking about mathematics or engineering so you'll fall asleep.
Demo is kinda harder to wake up in account of being completely shitfaced but he sobers up faster than your average spicy drink consumer. He will cuddle you and atart telling you stories from his childhood or fairytails. If that aint working hell open the tv and try to pick the most boring/stale telenovela or program so you fall asleep.He likes to pet your hair so thatll help to make you get the sleepies fast.
Heavy has much experience with all kinds nightmare related. He knows how to deal with the whole shebang - warm milk and huggies for you to get the sleepies. If that doesnt work, hell start reading some book in russian to you so youll fall asleep from his asmr reading voice (field tested).
The nightowl to rule them all- Medick- will probably offer you some sleeping aid (melatonin or sleeping pills) at first. If you dont want/cant have them hell have you at the infantry and either let Archimedes lull you to sleep by his coos or hell start telling you doctor stuff so youll eventually fall asleep.
Sniper probably falls to the good ol back stargaze untill you fall asleep method, something Mama and Papa Sniper perfected. If he and you are in the mood, he might offer to cuddle under the starts and try and fail to braid your hair.
Spy might look unfaced but he suffers from nightmares constantly so he has no idea how to help you. Probably will offer sex to loosen up your nerves, or a hot bath and massage to make you sleepy. If you are really really close he'll take off his mask and youll cuddle up next to the fire place with his whispering soft french to ease your mind. Please cuddle him and he'll make soft french coos that'll lull you to the frencest of dreamland
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musubiki · 2 years
Okay so I saw the word "Royal" in your last post and so like do you have an idea about the Royal Family or anything like who is in charge can we get the deets on that or is that spoilers? 👀
the .,..country? region?? mochi and lime live in is ruled by the central kingdom. m&l dont live in the capital, instead living in a city actually pretty close to the borderlands between the central kingdom and the mountain region
as you can probably guess the capital is where the palace is and indeed the central kingdom is ruled by a monarch (not a figurehead, he actually does have quite a bit of power, but not all-powerful)
the royal family passes down from generation to generation, and for a LOOONG time the royal agenda has been very anti-magic. not publicly and outright because theyve actually been doing a pretty good campaign of convincing the public slowly that magic isnt really a thing.
but under the hood theyve established anti-magic things like the m34th, they have barriers in place to bar magic from entering the palace, etc
they central kingdom hates magic because theyre afraid of what it can do and what it has done. they dont believe when witches say they are bound by blood oath to never harm humans, so they do whatever they can to destroy witches/mages/magic creatures
similar story to the m34th, they started as a strong fight against magic but over time realized killing the witches wasnt really doing anything so they settled for "allowing" them to live among humans while keeping a close eye on them
currently, there is the king and queen and their two sons. as of whats going on in my head right now, the story surrounding that is that the first son is,....somewhere. gone?? i dont know. hes not at the palace and not in line for the throne. i dont know what he did.
the second son was mentioned a long time ago but his story runs into the frog witch!!
while the father is very anti-witch, the prince (second son) is secretly a bit of a witch sympathizer. the stories his mother told him have him curious and hes the big hearted type, so when his father goes on and on about witch extermination etc the prince....does not agree
im not sure what the in-between is, whether they have some falling out or something but one way or another, the prince ends up running away (eventually after getting himself in a lot of shit finds himself in the swamp region and in the hands of a witch - literally begs her to let him stay and learn from her because he wants to k n o w)
and this subplot actually ends up involving mochi and is her little episode for when she meets the frog witch!!
what happens is the m34th shows up on mochis door one day, not to threaten her, but to bring her in to see the king because he demands her help
supposedly though he doesnt like magic, hes been trying to find his son and hasnt been able to, so he turns to the strongest witch in the lands to help find him. in exchange he promises appropriate compensation and to leave her and her guild in peace.
(i dont think the king is an evil man, just conditioned to think a certain way after being raised and immersed in generations of a certain way of thinking. but he really does love his son and wants him safe and home, and is willing to work with magic things if need be to make that happen)
and mochi DOES NOT LIKE THE CENTRAL KINGDOM. AT ALL. but, after much deliberation, comes to the conclusion that the king is coming to her for help as a father and not as a monarch, so eventually takes the commission and goes on her frog witch meeting adventure
and at the end we find out that one of the women close to the king, either the queen or one of the royal advisers, is actually secretly a witch (or former witch) herself (perhaps the dog witch or something with a cute lil black Pomeranian familiar or something), and mochi earns several friends in VERY high places which will probably come in handy later on (madam royal witch as well as the prince)
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