#i guess if you want to make a slasher movie that isn’t really a slasher movie you have two options — lean into it or lean away from it lol
devilsskettle · 29 days
i think some of the popularity that meta horror has garnered is a little bit disingenuous tbqh even though i do like some of the movies that have come out of the subgenre, people don’t realize that the foundation of the slasher genre was established in the 60s/70s and a lot of the 80s movies that have become so classic were already riffing off of the tropes established by those movies before full fledged meta took off. the idea to make friday the 13th was sparked by the commercial success of halloween. the original script for slumber party massacre was a parody of the genre and the movie retains much of that humor which is referential to past slashers by nature. + it intentionally uses typical slasher tropes around gender and sexuality to bring forward the concerns of teenage girls. is that not something that meta horror is frequently touted as doing? child’s play is like a slasher, “except —” which is what a lot of meta horror comedies do now (“slasher except it’s a possessed doll” is not that far off from “slasher except it’s freaky friday” and whatnot). this isn’t to say that scream isn’t foundational to what the slasher genre evolved into or that contemporary meta slashers aren’t doing something interesting but i also think they tend to lean towards cynicism towards the movies they’re deriving their themes from + they’re not even as different as they think they are from “classic” 80s movies that already are borrowing from classic slashers which in turn borrowed from even older horror (for example, in halloween, laurie is watching the thing from another world from the 50s which was adapted into the now classic john carpenter’s the thing in the 80s). and of course many of these older horror movies were adapted from literature which also inspired more literature. like the shelley/byron/polidori scary story writing contest is now legendary but also you don’t get the shining without the haunting of hill house (and you don’t get the haunting of hill house without turn of the screw, for example) and the shining is probably one of the most referenced movies by other media of all time. horror has always been an intertextual genre let’s stop pretending it didn’t become “self aware” until 1996
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bosinclairsgff · 1 month
Lady Slashers Meeting their girlfriend
Includes: Baby Firefly, Amanda Young, Amber Freeman
Warnings: saw trap, hinting at kidnap
A/n I have the biggest crush on Baby
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- You met Baby when you were hitchhiking through Texas. You had been trying to make your way home to whatever state you live in and somehow found yourself standing next to Baby. “Hey there! Where ya heading?” She giggles. “Just trying to make it home to (your state).” You respond. After you guys make conversation, she realizes she’s taken a liking to you. She invites you over for the night. You accept and when a car pulls up to give you a ride you both get in together.
- When you make it to her house she offers you a cup of hot chocolate, which you accept happily. Baby sits next to you on the couch in the living room and turns on the TV. You aren’t really paying attention to the movie playing. Your more interested in how cool her house is. It’s like a museum of oddities and curiosity! “I love your house Baby, it’s truly amazing.” You say looking at her. Her eyes light up! “Thank you sugar, that’s so sweet.” She smiles.
- After an hour or so you guys decide to head to bed. Baby insists you sleep in her room with her. Which you absolutely don’t mind. Her room is just as eccentric as the rest of the house. You can tell she really loves baby dolls. “Ready for bed sugar? I got extra blankets just in case ya got cold.” Baby says. You nod and thank her. “Which side of the bed do you want?” You ask. She laughs at this question. “I don’t care honey. I’ll sleep anywhere as long as I’m sleeping with you.” She smirks playfully. You can feel your face heating up. Baby slips under the covers on the left side of the bed as you take the right. You both stay silent for a few minutes but baby takes the roll in ruining said silence. “Ya know…we could cuddle if ya like to.” She turns to face you. You guys are inches away from each other, you can feel her breath on your face. She smells like liquor and hot chocolate. A mixture you normally wouldn’t like, but coming from her you don’t mind. “Okay..I wouldn’t mind that.” You can feel yourself turning a bright red. She slips her hand over your waist and pulls you towards her. Baby let’s out a soft sigh as she closes her eyes to fall asleep. As she falls asleep first you follow shortly after.
- The next day you guys get to know each other better. Learning all her likes a dislikes, meeting her brothers and her mama. You and mama get along very well. You stay with the family for a few days really feeling at home and at peace with Baby. However, all good things must come to an end. “I really should get back home Baby.” You say softly one day as you girls are laying in bed. She sits up immediately. “What! Why? I thought ya liked it here sweetheart.” She pouts. “I want to stay but what about my life and my responsibilities?” You tell her as you rub small circles on her hand. Baby thinks for a moment about what to say. “You can make a life here. I’m not letting you leave me. I want to be with you and I know you want to be with me.” She says in almost a dark tone. You had to be honest with yourself, it scared you seeing her like this but also made you feel safe knowing how much she cherishes you. “Well I suppose if you won’t let me leave I’m stuck here, with you…which isn’t so bad I guess.” You smile. Baby’s whole demeanor changes, she’s full of happiness and love again. Without much warning she leans in and kisses your lips. You of course accept the kiss graciously, kissing her back.
- After a month of living with the family you and Baby officially started dating. By this time you had found out their dirty little secrets. You couldn’t do much about it, yes you loved Baby but she did tell you that you couldn’t leave her.
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- You had seen on the news about how there was a serial killer on the loose called Jigsaw. You were never to worried you’d run into him, I mean you were a nobody really. All you did was go to work and come home, on the rare occasion you’d go out with a few girlfriends but never often. That’s actually how all this started, you had just started walking home from the bar when someone in a pig mask came out of nowhere, stabbing you in the neck with something. After that assault you quickly started to get drowsy, within seconds you were fast asleep. When you awoke you found yourself bond to a chair, as your hands had been duct taped to the arms. On your head was a metal contraption. When you started to panic a TV in the corner turned on only to show a puppet. This puppet explained that he simply wanted to “play” a game. You have 60 seconds to free yourself from the reverse bear trap, as he called it, or it would permanently open your jaw. As in your head would be torn apart. To escape this trap you had to remove the key to the lock keeping it on you from a man’s stomach. Before you could truly take all of this in the TV cut off leaving you to start your game. As soon as you escaped the chair a timer started. You frantically tried the get the bear trap off without a key, it wouldn’t budge. You knew what you had to do. When you had finished getting the key and getting the trap off just in time, you passed out. Awaking to the fluorescent lights of a hospital room.
- Yes, you had survived the trap but you had been absolutely terrified of everything since that day. You were more great full for life, sure, you still always looked behind your shoulder and locked every door you entered. After a month or so you slowly started getting back into the groove of things. Which must be some cruel joke the universe was playing on you because as soon as things started to seem okay, you meet John. Who, as you came to know was behind the traps and murders. Though, he claims he never murdered anyone. John wanted you to help him with his work, make the traps, kidnap the people. You of course wanted absolutely nothing to do with that. You weren’t a psychopath who enjoyed hurting people. You loved people. However you didn’t have much of a choice.
- You had joined Johns team of apprentices, which is where you met her. Amanda Young. At first she really didn’t seem to like you all that much. She’d do anything in her power to absolutely avoid you. At first you took it personally but then you saw how she treated Mark. In that case you were thankful for how she treated you. Slowly you started to get her to open up. Saying hi to her when you would come in to work on traps or clean up the warehouse. Grabbing her a coffee when you got one for yourself. Eventually you two started to hangout even outside of working for John.
- After a while of constantly spending time with her you realized how much you liked her. You started to wonder if, maybe, she felt the same towards you. That’s when you decided to ask her one night. You guys normally hung out at your apartment, watching movies and eating unhealthy snacks. You let her choose the movie. As you guys were sitting on the couch, laying on opposite sides. You sat up, paused the movie and looked at her. “Mandy, I have something to tell you and ask you.” You state while looking down at your hands. What’s wrong? Did something happen!?” She questions with a worried expression. “What..no everything is fine don’t worry. I just. I wanted to tell you that, I have serious feelings for you and I was wondering if maybe you spelt the same.” You look up at her with a red face. For a moment she stays silent, which you internally start panic. “I-it’s okay! Let’s just forget I said anything.” You reach for the TV remote with was laying close to her. You lean over to get it and she grabs your face planting a kiss directly on your soft lips. Of course your taken completely off guard, not in a bad way though. After a second of pure bliss she ends the kiss. “I have feelings for you too y/n I was just scared I’d lose you if I said anything.” Amanda says shyly.
- You two officially started dating that night.
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Amber Freeman
- You had just moved to Woodsboro, and were very nervous starting at a new high school. Yeah, you were a senior but it was still scary. The first day you started you bumped into a girl named Amber, at first you thought she may yell at you as she looked so intimidating. Yet all she did was smile and tell you it’s not a problem. In your last class of the day you saw a familiar face upon the unfamiliar setting. It was Amber sitting alone in the back of the class. You made your way to her and asked if you might sit next to her. She happily made space for you. Over the next month you two become good friends. Exchanging numbers as to keep contact even outside of the class. She texted you good morning and goodnight everyday. Amber made you feel wanted and safe, no one would fuck with her or you. Even her friend group liked you.
- You guys would usually hangout all together as a group but there were times when she just wanted to be alone with you. She’d treat you to a horror movie or sneak over late at night. Amber just loved alone time with you, where she knew you were completely hers. You started to notice little hints that she liked you. Such as when she’d hold your hand when you guys watch scary movies, or how she got very jealous whenever you talked to other girls. There are even times where she’d rest her hand on your leg while you guys ate lunch in the cafeteria.
- One night at a party you both had been glued to each other all night. You found yourself cuddling with her on the couch and watching whatever was on TV. She was sitting up, you were in her lap and she was playing with your hair. You can’t remember the last time you felt this happy. After a while of this she suddenly stopped and told you to look at her. Confused, you did as she said. Sitting up you looked at her with tired eyes. “Is everything okay?” You questioned. She’s nods in response. “There’s something I need to ask you y/n, I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks.” Amber says looking into your eyes. “What is it? You can ask me anything.” You say. She stays silent for a moment, thinking. “I want you to be my girlfriend. I really, really like you and I want you to be mind.” She says while looking down. You can’t believe what you just heard. You almost don’t at first thinking maybe you did fall asleep and this is a dream. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend!” You softly yell. Her whole face lights up and she smiles. Leaning in you kiss her on the lips softly while cupping her face with your hands.
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Hey 🙂
Really enjoying your writings.
May I request the slashers - the usual suspects (Jason/Michael/Sinclairs/Thomas) and anyone else if you want, mistaking their fem s.o for being romantic with someone else (like the situation with this other person looks totally sketch and could be construed for something not so innocent but its absolutely innocent - s.o would never cheat).
How would the slashers initially react and how would they feel and go about the situation.
Warnings: Implied sexual harassment
Slashers and mistaking their s/o for being romantic with someone else
Jason Voorhees
He sees you holding a male camper’s hand as you walk away from the camp, and finds his heart breaking. Is he not enough? And if he isn’t, why would *that one* be?
Jason follows the two of you quietly, trying to see where this is going. He does not want to believe that you would truly cheat on him. But you give that camper sultry looks, and every time you do, Jason’s heart breaks a little more.
Finally, you arrive at a small clearing, far away from the camp.
“Now come on, honey, let daddy have some sugar”, the guy says, making grabby hands in the general direction of your chest.
“Oh I’ll let you have *something*, alright”, you say with a grin and, in one fluid motion, pull the small knife from your pocket and bury the blade in his throat.
“Shhh, no screaming, we don’t want to alert the others now, do we?”, you coo in a faux-comforting tone while his yellow camp shirt slowly turns red.
Jason comes out from between the trees and looks at you, bewildered.
You give him an apologetic smile. “There you are, love. Did you see all of that? Sorry. But this one was so gross that I just had to kill him myself.”
Now Jason just feels silly for ever doubting you.
Vincent Sinclair
He finally leaves his workshop for the day and wants to spend the rest of it with you, only to find you on the couch, with Lester leaning on you. It definitely looks like you’re cuddling.
Vincent feels like someone pulled the rug from under him. If you were to ever leave him, he would expect it to maybe be for Bo, but for Lester?
You and Lester both look up, and now Vincent notices that his youngest brother looks, quite frankly, miserable.
“Lester isn’t feeling well”, you tell Vincent in a soft voice. “Bo just left to the next town over, to get some meds, and asked me to take care of him until then.”
Lester coughs heavily. “Sorry, Bro. Didn’t mean to hog your girl.”
With his jealously forgotten, his protective older sibling instincts kick in, and he quickly sits down on Lester’s other side, putting his hand on his forehead. The youngest Sinclair is definitely running a decently high fever.
“If you let him lean on you for a bit, I can get up and make him some tea”, you say, and Vincent immediately agrees.
Freddy Krueger
He does not like you cozying up to other people, and being stuck in your subconscious, unable to do anything unless you fall asleep, sure isn’t helping.
Why are you watching horror movies with this loser? Why are you laughing so much? There you are, even casually mentioning Freddy by name, that should be enough of an indicator that you are unavailable, so why is this idiot still here?!
Once you fall asleep, Freddy confronts you about it. “I’ve killed significant others for less petty reasons before, bitch.”
“Okay? Sorry that I was trying to help you, I guess.”
“Help me?”
“Uhm, yeah? Did you not hear me tell him about you? Take a wild guess who the guy is gonna be thinking about when he goes to sleep tonight, and how those thoughts are gonna make him feel.”
Freddy presses his lips together. “...Fine, I guess. But next time, find a way to tell people about me without whoring yourself out to them, got it?”
Brahms Heelshire
You are getting just a tad to friendly with the new grocery delivery guy, and Brahms does not like that. It gives him flashbacks to Greta. So he tries to keep your attention away from the guy as well as he can. He unplugs the phone every time he calls, he demands your full attention during the times the man would be there and just generally tries to keep your eyes where they should be.
Finally, you have enough.
“Brahms, what is going on?!”
He keeps his eyes fixed on the ground. “Do you love him?”
“The delivery man. Do you love him?”
“Wha- Oh. Is this what this is about?” You sit down on Brahms’ bed and gesture for him to do the same.
“That man is my cousin”, you finally tell him. “Kinda distant though. I found out when I did one of those genetics tests you can order from the internet for fun.”
“So… You’re not gonna leave with him?”
“Hell no. I told him I got a great thing going here. But he’s also the only blood related family I have any real access to here, so I’m trying to maintain a good relationship with him.”
“Oh… okay, I think I understand.”
Bubba Sawyer
Subtle flirting is kind of part of business, especially when dealing with customers as a woman. You explained as much to Bubba when Drayton had the idea of you earning your keep by helping out with peddling his chili to people. But that doesn’t mean he has to like it. In the rare cases where he gets to watch from afar as you charm the customers into getting seconds, he finds himself irritatedly fiddling with his chainsaw.
One night, you come home, pull the hair net from your head and heavily sit down next to Bubba.
“What a day”, you grumble. “I swear, some of these people think they can treat me however they like just because they pay some chump change for Drayton’s chili.”
Now that catches Bubba’s attention. He looks at you, confused.
“What, you didn’t think that I *like* getting hit on by randos every day, did you?”, you say. “I want to tell them that I am married, but Drayton doesn’t want me to. Says they’re paying for the view and that feeling like they’re encroaching on another guy’s territory is going to scare them away.”
Now Bubba coos empathetically and begins rubbing small circles on your back, to help you relax. Now that he knows that you don’t like it, he feels a lot better about it.
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kiss-theggoat · 11 months
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Ghostface (Billy Loomis) x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: You've been having a shameful relationship with a certain Woodsboro slasher. One night, during a particularly passionate encounter, you discover who it actually is you’ve been spending time with.
Warnings: Smut, you don’t know you’re fucking Billy so I guess elements of non-con
“Guys come on! So what if I’m a virgin, I mean it’s normal!” Randy sat on the concrete ledge, fighting for his life against the vultures that are Stu and Billy. They cackled and fist bumped, turning back towards Randy to listen to him dig himself deeper into the virginity hole.
You overheard this conversation as you walked towards the group, lunch tray in hand and backpack slung over one shoulder, making it ache. Stu and Tatum sat furthest to the right, as usual, on top of eachother, kissing and touching, Tatum sitting on his lap. Then Sydney to their left, then Billy beside her, chewing on some apple slices Syd had brought. Randy sat furthest to the right, a few feet away from Billy. You strode over, plopping down between Billy and Randy. “What’s everyone arguing about?” You asked with a smile, also silently questioning if your school chicken sandwich would give you salmonella.
Stu laughed, tossing a chocolate in his mouth. “We just figured out that ol’ stunner Randy Meeks here is a virgin.” He threw a candy towards Randy, making him swat it away and flip Stu off. You were conflicted. You could take Randy’s side and say you were too, but that’d be a lie. If you said you weren’t a virgin, then everyone would ask who you’d slept with, because you told Syd and Tatum that you were a virgin. They’d know it happened recently, and you couldn’t exactly tell them you’d been meeting with a certain ghost-faced serial killer.
You shrugged. “Me too.” With a sneer, you peeled the bun back to reveal a questionably pink looking breaded piece of chicken. “You want this?” You held the burger out to Stu, who snatched it up and began to scarf it down like he hadn’t eaten in a month, which left you with a few bland, soggy french fries.
“A-HA!” Randy pointed an accusatory finger at Billy. “Told you! Totally normal to be a virgin. Just cause you're used to seeing movies where every single teenager is having sex doesn’t mean that-“
“It’s not the movies, Spielberg.” Billy interrupted. “Most of the people I know - in this school - aren’t virgins.”
You made eye contact with Billy, just now realizing that he was staring you down, deep brown eyes burning holes into yours. Trying to play off how nervous you were around him, you rolled your eyes. “What’s the big deal, Billy? Being a virgin isn’t embarrassing.”
Billy dropped the apple slice he was eating, leaning closer to you. Something in his eyes looked right through you. It looked like he knew all of your secrets, every little thing you’ve done in the dark. You tensed and backed up, biting half of your cardboard-like fry. “What?” You asked defensively, trying to get him to back off.
He didn’t say a word for a few seconds, staring at you with the same blank expression. “You’re really a virgin, huh?”
Did he know? How could he possibly know? Did EVERYONE know? You started to panic internally, but kept it cool on the outside. “Yes! I don’t know what the big deal is. Just because I haven’t found someone yet doesn’t mean I’m a loser or something.”
“Yeah right! You’re a total loser!” Stu yelled, finishing your sandwich. “I can’t believe a hottie like you is a virgin! Maybe you and Randy can fuck, get it over with.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you. You threw a fry at him, but it missed him, unlike Tatum’s slap on the chest, “Ugh, Stu don’t be gross.” She whined.
Randy’s face was bright red. You always thought he might have a little thing for you, but you’d pretty much had your eyes on Billy ever since high school started. You were glad to be his friend, but when he started dating one of your best friends, Syd, you couldn’t help but be consumed completely with jealousy. She knew you’d had a crush on him a little bit, and still dated him. You convinced her you were over it. Girl code, y’know?
“I’m not rushing to not be a virgin. I’m fine with it.” You said matter-of-factly and ate another fry. Billy scoffed, leaning back against his hands, which earned him a glare from both you and Sydney. You had no clue why he was being so rude about this, he couldn’t know. The bell rang out, signaling both the terrible start of your Algebra class and the blissful end of this conversation. “See you guys later.” You mumbled, taking your tray with you as you left.
The alarm clock beside you read 12:36 AM. You had been reading next to your lamp at your desk for a while, procrastinating your homework long enough to where it hopefully disappeared. With a yawn and an ache behind your eyes you decided it was bedtime. As you stood up to turn your lamp off, you jumped at the sound of your phone ringing. Your body had an immediate response, like Pavlov’s dogs. A phone call late at night usually meant a visit from your favorite ghost.
You picked up the line. “Hello?” You asked, a small smile tugging at your lips as you mindlessly chewed on your fingernail.
“Hi pretty girl…” his sultry voice had you hot in your cool bedroom, cheeks turning pink. “Your blinds are closed. I thought I told you to keep those open.”
“Sorry.” You said softly. “It was hot today…” you walked towards your curtains and moved them to the side, standing in the window.
A hearty chuckle sounded from over the line. “There she is…wearing my favorite shirt…good girl…”
You looked down at the tank top you had on, pink, simple, but low cut and revealing. Perfect for bed and, apparently, Ghostface. With it, you wore a pair of plain black lounge shorts that fit loose around your thighs.
“I’m in a hurry tonight, princess so get to it.” He said quickly, “Is the window unlocked like I told you?”
You nodded, big enough for him to see from his usual spot in the yard. You decided to listen to the man, getting to work. You set the phone down for just a second, quickly taking your shirt off. You had no bra, so he had a full unobstructed view of your tits he loved so much. You picked up the phone again and heard a small groan from him. “Attagirl…”
You shimmied your shorts off your legs, pleased that you had worn panties he liked, your girliest ones, purple with a little gemstone heart on the waistband.
“It’s almost like you knew I was coming, pretty girl.”
You bit your lip, leaning in closer to the window. “Come inside already…” You whispered needily, voice almost trembling from your desperation.
One minute your yard was empty, normal. The picture of suburban bliss. The next, it was overtaken by the shadow of a brutal, ruthless killer, threatening aura filling the whole yard. He should scare you, but your body had a visceral reaction to him. Face hot, skin tingling, panties wet. You wanted him every single night like you’d never wanted anything before, and seeing him was like lighting a fire in your chest. It was borderline humiliating how bad you needed him.
You slid the window open, screen discarded weeks ago, and you waited with vibrating skin. You watched his gloved hands grip the window sill, strong arms pulling him up into your childhood bedroom. Maybe that was part of the appeal. He was so forbidden, having a secret relationship in your home with a man like him was so hot to you.
There he stood in all his glory, black boots heavy on your white rug. He was on you in seconds, hands wandering, grabbing your tits hard with one, the other pushing your panties down. “So wet already.” He growled. His voice close-up was weird, but something you’d gotten used to. You knew he was using a voice changer, it crackled very once in a while and you could hear another voice in tandem with his deep, modulated one. His real voice. You couldn’t hear it well enough to know who it was, but you liked hearing it anyway.
You nodded, breathless, backing up to your bed while pulling him at the bicep with you. You laid back, and he slid your panties off the rest of the way, slipping them into his back pocket. That made your face flame red. The fact that he wanted to keep your wet panties was insane to you, made you feel hot, made you feel wanted. It made you feel like he needed you as bad as you needed him.
“Please…” you whined, pulling on his cloak as he stepped between your legs.
“Needy, huh? Such a pretty girl shouldn’t be acting like such a slut.” He snapped, but you could hear the smirk in his voice. His gloved hands trailed up the smooth skin of your inner thighs, stopping at the apex to admire the way you looked in the low warm light of your bedroom.
He slid his glove off, something he’s never done before. You looked down quickly at his hand, but a firm grip on your jaw slammed you back down to the bed. “No peeking, princess.”
You nodded, finally feeling his skin on yours. His touch felt so much better than the rough material of his gloves. Based on the glance you got, his hands were big, but smooth. Something you didn’t expect from him. You expected rough and dirty hands, not soft and manicured fingers.
All of your pensive thoughts were scrambled when you felt his finger push inside of you, quite easily with how wet you were at this point. He groaned at the feeling of your warm insides, eager to be inside you. A second finger slid in beside the first, curling upwards against the soft spot he knew got a reaction from you. You tensed, legs spreading further with a whine at his touch.
Warmth spread over your legs and belly, up to your chest and face. His fingers squelched as he fucked them into you, curled upwards at every right moment. Your bedsheets felt so soft against your hands as you gripped onto them, eyes closed and mouth open, wanton moans escaping you. While you weren’t focused, he slid a hand underneath his cloak, palming himself through his jeans.
He grumbled something softly, something you didn’t hear.
“Huh?” You asked, that small word the only thing you could muster between moans.
“Wanna taste you.” He said louder, grinding his hips into his hand. “You're gonna be a good girl and keep your eyes shut, okay?” He asked, but you felt a threatening undertone present in his words. You nodded quickly, but whined when his fingers left you. You felt yourself clench around nothing,feeling empty without him inside you.
You shut your eyes tightly, hearing him move to the window to shut the curtain. Your hands were clammy as they pressed over your eyes, you had to make sure you wouldn’t peek. You wanted to see what he looked like, but didn’t want to end up in the paper as the newest Ghostface victim.
For a minute, you waited, then suddenly, an eruption of pleasure as you felt his mouth on you, tongue running up your clit, hands pressing your thighs down against the bed. Without even thinking about it, your hands flew down to grip his hair. He didn’t seem to mind. You tried to gather what little information you could from the feeling. He felt sweaty, but his hair was soft, a little bit longer. But that’s all you could gather. You scrunched your face to emphasize the fact that your eyes were closed.
He sucked your clit into his mouth as two large fingers pushed inside of you. You let out a loud moan, mouth hanging open and back arching up off of the bed. “Holy shit…” you moaned, tightening your grip on his hair. He groaned, squeezing your thighs tight with his bare hands, to your delight, both gloves were off. He was becoming way more comfortable with you.
You felt yourself get close, you felt tingles on your thighs and up your waist, all the way up to your arms. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, you felt so good and you couldn’t think straight. At that moment, you wanted to see him. You needed to know who he was. Desperately, you wanted to kiss him.
“I’m…I…” you whined.
“You’re gonna cum?” He asked, voice breathy with small pants. You tensed up. His voice changer wasn’t on. He sounded so familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on it. It was bugging you, but you couldn’t focus on it too long as your orgasm overtook your body, gushing over his fingers and legs trembling as a damn near shriek left your mouth. You felt like you couldn’t see, your ears were ringing and you felt like you had just been beat up. You decided to look. You had to. His voice. You knew him.
You opened your eyes to see the man you’d been fucking the last few weeks. His lips and chin glistening with your cum, face flushed and soft pants escaping his plumped lips, hair sweaty and tousled from your pulling, falling in front of those gorgeous brown eyes.
You couldn’t believe it. You stared in shock. “….B-Billy?”
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~1.3k
Summary: Movie night!
A/N: This is just something fun and fluffy. Thanks for those who voted, it helps me get my life together ✌🏼
Warnings: mostly fluff, inadvertent drug use
“Y/n no, I’m not watching that creepy movie again.”
You’re pouting as Wanda holds the remote up above you from where you’re lying on her stomach on the couch. The two of you are spending a night in and watching a movie with your pets, but they’re mostly doing their own thing as you and Wanda try to decide what to watch. You of course wanted to watch a horror movie since you haven’t seen Yelena in a while and you haven’t gotten your fix. However, you knew very well that your wife wasn’t a fan, and you honestly did not pick the best option for an already wary participant.
“Pleaseee come on, Wands. It’s so good!”
You try in vain to reach for the remote again, and you eventually sigh in defeat before burying your face in your wife’s shirt with a groan. Wanda just shoots you a look before she tries to dissuade you from your particular movie choice. She can’t even begin to understand why it’s one of your favorites.
“It’s about a centuries-old clown who devours children. It’s creepy as fuck, detka.”
You consider this as you roll over and frown at Wanda in disappointment. You suppose you can compromise and you hum in thought before you offer up another option.
“Fair point. What about Aliens? That’s amazing.”
Wanda sighs in defeat because it appears that she’s not going to win this battle tonight. She had to admit that the last two times they’d had movie nights they’d watched a rom-com and thriller that she’d picked out. You’d liked them well enough, but tonight it was your turn to choose and you were eager to watch something different.
Wanda hands you the remote as she kisses the top of your head with a smile. She waits until you sit up before she wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you towards her.  She’s still going to try and get something out of this deal. If she has to watch a movie with an acid-for-blood alien, she was going to get cuddles.
“Deal, but in exchange you have to sit here.”
You roll your eyes as you lean against your wife before glancing at the table in front of you. The snacks are still in reach and your pets are still behaving so all is well. You make sure that Wanda meets your gaze as you glance up at her with a smile.
“Wow, you drive a hard bargain. I guess I can stay here comfortably in your arms. Not the worst thing.”
Wanda laughs as she tickles you until you give in and kiss her as an apology. You both settle and you turn your attention to the television to look for the movie. Once you find it you start it and place the remote by your head and Wanda’s shoulder as you roll slightly to try and get more comfortable. Wanda adjusts her hold on you and you sigh happily as you hug Wanda close.
“Let me know if you really can’t stand it, okay? We’ll watch something else.”
Wanda’s touched by how thoughtful you are, and how sincere she knows you’re being. This is not the goriest of movies, but it also does have a fair share of blood in it. Wanda isn’t squeamish, but she doesn’t particularly like watching slashers for this reason.
She brushes some of your hair behind your ear with a nod and you hum happily.
“Thank you. I will. “
The alien is only just starting to hunt down the main characters when Wanda stops paying attention. Honestly, she’d been focusing on you most of the time as she played with your hair and handed you whatever snack you wanted. She’d even let Boone up on the couch near your feet. He was actually sitting on your feet, but since he was keeping them warm you didn’t protest. You watched the movie playing on the screen with a smile. You’d seen this movie countless of times, but you couldn’t help but love it. Sigourney Weaver made these movies which is why you’d only watched the ones that she was in.
“Having fun?”
You turn to look at your wife who’s smiling at you in amusement and you nod in response. The movie is getting to the best part and as you say this she leans over to kiss your forehead. Your smile fades and you pout as you try to sit up as she pulls away. You whine pitifully and Wanda just rolls her eyes before she decides to give in, not that she had considered refusing you for a second.
You and Wanda are still kissing when your favorite part comes on. You barely notice the alien screaming and the accompanying gunshots in the background as you hover over your wife. She’d pulled you down on top of her and the movie was quickly forgotten as you continue to tease your wife.
 “You’re missing your movie.”
Wanda mumbles this between kisses and you just shake your head as you move down your wife’s neck with a sigh. You’ve seen this movie so many times you know what’s happening just by listening, but you don’t care at the moment, and you smile against Wanda’s skin as you say this.
“Forget the movie.”
So it’s decided and you and Wanda ditch the movie and your dog on the couch for your bedroom. You don’t even bother turning it off and Steve actually wanders in later to find the credits rolling and Boone still lying on the couch fast asleep.
It’s not until you have Wanda half naked underneath you in bed that she starts to feel weird. She hadn’t noticed at first because her mind usually got a little foggy when you kissed her like this. However; now that you’ve moved away from her lips and are focusing on her chest and stomach, she realizes the tingling of her lips isn’t normal.
You hum in acknowledgement but don’t stop what you’re doing until you feel your wife run her fingers through your hair.
“Y/n, I feel kinda weird.”
This gets your attention and you look up to see Wanda is staring at the ceiling with a frown. You sit up and reach out for her as you try to figure out what’s wrong.
“Weird how? What’s wrong?”
You watch and wait patiently as Wanda takes a moment to try and figure out how to describe how she feels. She feels light and can’t make herself focus on anything and not for a lack of trying. She sits up and looks at you barely registering the sight of your worried frown as she takes a deep breath.
“I-I feel weird…like I’m high or something.”
Your frown deepens and you have no idea why your wife would feel like this. You don’t take too much time to think about it though because the dazed look in Wanda’s eye is stressing you out. You reach out to help her to her feet before trying to plan your next move.
“Do you need to go downstairs? Do you need to see a doctor?”
Wanda shakes her head but you’re already helping her to her feet while you look for her shirt. You don’t know what could be the cause of this. Neither of you have had anything to eat, drink, or smoke that would cause this so you’re going to have her see a doctor. You text Bucky to ask who’s on right now, and after Wanda’s dressed you lead her out the door and down the hall. Her minimal protest made you realize that she truly wasn’t feeling well, and you quickly lead her toward the elevator as your phone rings.
“Hey, Bucky.”
“Y/n. What’s going on?”
“Hey! Who ate my drugs?!”
You see your brother-in-law come running out of the kitchen with a frown as he looks around for a culprit. You sigh heavily as you quickly put two and two together, and from the way your wife stiffens beside you and tries to stand up and confront her brother, you know it’s going to be a long night.
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batztrangem · 2 years
Hey, horror community. Here’s your daily reminder that someone talking about the horror films they like is not an invitation for you to insult their taste and try to get them to watch something they are uncomfortable with.
My limit with gore pretty much ends with the Terrifier franchise. I won’t watch anything gorier than that because I know I probably wouldn’t be able to handle it. Some people have even smaller limits and that’s okay. It’s completely normal and okay to have boundaries when it comes to what horror movies you want to watch.
If I say, “Yeah, my favorite horror movie is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I’m a big fan of more modern movies too, like Hereditary or Terrifer.”
That is NOT an invitation for you to try to coax me into trying to watch A Serbian Film or something else that’s equally as fucked up.
Instead of saying something like, “Man, your movie taste is shit. That’s nothing compared to [insert movie here].”
You should say something more like this: “Oh, that’s cool.”
And leave it at that.
I’m really not interested in watching edge lord horror movies. I have a limit. I know my limit. And guess what? It’s normal for people to have limits. Just because I like a gorey movie like Terrifier 2 doesn’t mean I want to watch something beyond that.
Horror isn’t a competition on who can sit through the most gut wrenching stuff.
When I say my favorite horror movie is a 70s slasher, I’m not looking for an argument where I have to defend myself against some angry guy on the internet.
If you’re reading this (especially if you’re new to horror), remember what I said. Horror isn’t a competition. Don’t feel pressured to watch something you’re uncomfortable with. Enjoy your slasher films, enjoy your psychological films, your grindhouse films, etc., etc. Just don’t feel like you have to expose yourself to something you don’t feel comfortable watching.
(Also another note: People’s limits have a lot to do with subject matter as well. I can watch Terrifier but still to this day one of the Saw movies makes me extremely sick, even though it has less gore. It’s all about context and subject matter. For example, I used to be terrified of the Child’s Play series when I was younger but I had no issue watching Hellraiser when I was younger. )
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Part 2 to slasher Ghost. Please. Love you <3
This is a part 2 to this! Think of this like the second movie.
It’d been almost a year. 11 months, to be exact. Soap had become kind of known as the “Slasher Fieldtrip” survivor which was annoying for so many reasons but that had died down. Thankfully.
No one had found out that the only reason he’d survived was trying to sleep with the killer, either. Which would be fucking mortifying if it ever came out so he was entirely grateful that it had not.
Soap had... not forgotten. He’d moved on, kind of but... he still sometimes woke up to the sensation of blood dripping on him. To images of death and gore. If he was alone for too long, he caught flashes of blue eyes in the shadows, felt breath on his neck.
Thankfully, Rodolfo had him move in with him and Alejandro. It was technically Alejandro’s apartment (though apartment was loose since it was fucking giant) but Alejandro was very sweet on Rudy, so Rodolfo had just kind of said move in and Alejandro had shrugged and said “sure.”
So, Soap had done just that. It was really nice not living alone. Rodolfo was smart enough to never bring up the incident and he’d tried to fight several people who did. 
Soap had to admit, he’d become kind of clingy to Rodolfo. He couldn’t stand being alone at all. Any time he did, the words of the note would come back to him. “I’ll be back for you. You’re mine.” Anytime he thought of the words, his blood would run cold. 
Three months after the incident, Rodolfo had walked in on him, shredding the now healed mark with a knife. Rodolfo had almost screamed and stopped him. It was unrecognizable, now, and Soap was glad for that. He hated being marked like that.
“Hey, Soap, have you been listening at all??” Rodolfo clicked his fingers in front of Soap’s face and he flinched, looking at him. “Right.” Rodolfo winced. “Anyway, I was telling you that Alejandro is going on another fucking trip again.”
Soap frowned. “Damn, I’m sorry. I’m surprised he can get away with taking that many in the year. Surely his attendance is shit.”
Rodolfo snorted. “His dad practically funds the college. He’ll be fine.” He waved his hand and then put his chin in his palm. “Whatever.”
“I’m sorry, Rudy.” Soap rubbed his shoulder. “Well, we can hang out and watch movies.”
Rodolfo smiled. “Yeah, we could.” He softened and relaxed. Then, he got a devious smile. “You know... there’s a party, tomorrow. We could go...”
“Uh huh.” Soap laughed, knowing his friend well. “And I’m guessing this party definitely isn’t just so you can take pictures and send them to Alejandro and provoke him into coming home early, hmm?”
“Definitely not.” Rodolfo laughed and shook his head, though he was clearly lying.
Soap snorted, amused by his friend. “Whatever, it’s a costume party. I don’t have a costume.” Of course, all of the parties that month would be a costume party, since it was October.
Rodolfo held up a card and Soap could easily see “Alejandro Vargas” on it. “Ale left his credit card to make up for leaving.”
“Oh hell yeah,” Soap grinned. “You know I love spending everyone else’s money.” He knew Alejandro wouldn’t mind, he spoiled Rodolfo.
Rodolfo laughed and they both immediately got up, going to a costume store.
“I don’t want to be something basic.” Soap sighed, looking at another sexy fireman costume. He looked at Rodolfo, who was drinking an iced coffee they picked up on the way, messing with some shorts.
“I’m just gonna wear my demon costume from last year.” Rodolfo shrugged a little. “Alejandro went crazy for that fishnet shirt.”
“Didn’t he tear a hole in it?” Soap winced, remembering how almost feral Alejandro had been. It’d been hella awkward, though Rodolfo was into it. Rodolfo liked crazy men. 
Rodolfo flushed. “Fuck. Yeah, he tore several. Alright, I guess I’m buying a new top.”
“Or you could go without.” Soap shrugged. “Really drive him crazy.”
“You are so smart.” Rodolfo grinned, still messing with the shorts. Soap saw that devious little sparkle in his eye. They were bright red and made of a stretchy material that would hug skin. 
“You’re not going to be able to walk...” Soap warned, chuckling. 
Rodolfo laughed and pulled the shorts off the rack. “Perfect.” He threw the hanger over his shoulder and hummed. “I’ll just wear my converse.”
Soap shook his head. “Well, I guess I could be an angel to compliment you.”
“Gaz is going to be an angel.” Rodolfo winced. “He’s got these cute little wings and everything.”
Soap groaned. “Great, so I’m back at square one.” He needed a costume that would cover his chest. He didn’t need that scar being shown off. “Ugh... this is hard.”
“Priest.” Rodolfo grinned, getting the priest costume off the shelf. “A priest, an angel, and a demon?”
Soap shrugged, since it covered his chest. It just had a pair of very short shorts. “Hell, I’ll take it.” He took the costume from Rodolfo and then they checked out.
The cashier looked at him oddly. “Hey, you were on the news!”
Soap internally sighed. “No, I don’t think so, but I get that a lot.”
“No, no, you definitely were. You’re the Slasher Fieldtrip Survivor! Dude, I’m such a true crime fan. How was it?? Was it terrifying?” The cashier grinned. 
Soap winced back. “Yeah, it was real fucking scary. I woke up to all of my classmates dead.”
The cashier shook his head. “So fucking crazy. I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Probably not want to be reminded when you’re at a costume store.” Rodolfo snapped as he spoke up, slamming the costumes on the counter. “Check us out.”
The cashier winced. “Sorry, man, I was just curious.”
“Go fuck yourself.” Rodolfo narrowed his eyes at him. “Just check us out, now.”
The cashier quickly did as told and Soap sighed as they left. “Thanks, Rudy.”
“The fucking nerve!” Rodolfo huffed. “What the fuck is wrong with people??”
Soap shrugged and sighed. “I’m used to it at this rate.”
Rodolfo rolled his eyes. “I should go back in there and beat his ass.” He muttered. 
Soap chuckled. “Not necessary but thank you. Really. I agree, it was really shitty.” He got in the car with Rodolfo, shaking his head.
Rodolfo was currently posing himself on the bathroom sink, taking pictures. He had his full costume on, which... didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Soap could remember high school when Rodolfo had been very reserved. But, Alejandro had ruined that. He’d given Rodolfo confidence.
Soap was still getting dressed, making sure his hair looked decent. He had let get kind of shaggy, though he left the sides shaved. “A priest with a mohawk.” He snorted, making sure he looked okay.
“A sexy priest.” Rodolfo corrected, laughing. Soap flushed and grinned, showing off a little.
Rodolfo got a few more pictures before hopping down and then they finally headed to the party. 
It was already loud when they got there, but they both slipped in and looked around. Gaz was already there, drinking. They both waved and went to him. “Hey! Awe, look at your wings!” Rodolfo smiled, touching them. He had his own black ones that moved when he moved his arms.
“Look are yours! They’re so cool!” Gaz gushed, looking over the wings. He handed them both red solo cups, dumping alcohol in them.
Soap sipped his, looking around. The music was pretty decent, so he nodded his head a little. Rodolfo pulled them both to an empty corner and danced a little with them. 
It was barely ten minutes before Rodolfo was getting a phone call and he grinned. “It’s Ale!” He answered and spoke in Spanish for a bit before pretending he couldn’t hear him. “It’s so loud! I’m sorry, mi Corazón, I will have to call you back!” He hung up.
Soap shook his head. “You are evil!”
“It’s the game, Soap. He won’t come back if I don’t tease him a little.” Rodolfo shrugged. He took another picture and then Soap leaned over, watching him text it to Alejandro. 
Rodolfo then put his phone back in a little thigh phone holster thing he had. 
Gaz looked amused, taking a drink. “He’s going to eat you when he gets back.”
“I hope so...” Rodolfo sighed, wistfully. 
All in all, Soap was rather awkward at parties. He usually just got super drunk and went back with Rodolfo but... he wanted something, that night. It’d been almost a year. He could try a hookup.
He looked around once he’d had a decent amount of alcohol. He found some random dude in a corner, who looked fairly awkward, and went over. Gaz and Rodolfo were pretty engrossed in a conversation, so they barely noticed him leave.
“Hey.” He smiled when he went over. “You all alone?” He was fairly cute. Brown hair, brown eyes. Tall.
“Yeah, I guess.” He nodded, his eyes seeming unsure where to look. 
Soap leaned against the wall and hummed. “You go to parties alone, often?”
“No, this is my first.” He laughed, nervously. “I’m Evan, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Soap.” Soap laughed and held out his hand, which Evan shook. “I’m gonna be straight up with you. I came for sex.”
Evan seemed shocked before relaxing and laughing. “Oh good, me too.”
“Want to come back to my apartment?” Soap offered. He didn’t like doing the whole small talk and flirt thing.
Evan shrugged and nodded. “Sure.” Soap grinned and took his hand, dragging him out of the party.
Soap sighed as he got up to go to the bathroom. He noticed Evan was standing at the window and he shook his head. It was too dark to really see him but he was just standing. Maybe he struggled to sleep and wasn’t ready to do the walk of shame, yet.
When he was done, he came back out, seeing Evan was still standing at the window. He climbed into bed, rolling to face the wall and yawning. “You gonna come back to bed or do the walk of shame?” He joked. 
Soap heard soft shuffling come to the bed and he shook his head, yawning and pulling the blanket up to his chin. Evan’s weight dipped into the bed and then he was pressing to Soap’s back, his arm going over him.
Soap melted and kissed the arm. They’d likely never see each other again, but he didn’t mind faking intimacy in the meantime. Evan’s mouth kissed the back of his neck and he smiled, yawning and curling up and dozing back off again.
Soap was awoken by Rodolfo letting out a bloodcurdling scream. He jerked awake, looking around. He saw what he’d screamed about, immediately. There was so much fucking blood.
Evan was propped against the window, but his back had been slashed to shreds and there was blood everywhere around him. Soap’s eyes widened and he was immediately up and over to Rodolfo, looking at the scene with horror. 
“Look!” Rodolfo pointed at the wall and Soap’s stomach dropped. I said you were mine was written in blood.
Soap immediately called the police. When they came, they questioned Soap and Rodolfo. Soap was shaking the entire time as he answered their questions. “I...”
“You’re that kid. The Slasher Fieldtrip survivor or whatever.” The cop frowned and then he gestured to his partner, saying something. “Don’t leave town.”
“I don’t plan on it.” Soap cringed back.
A car suddenly pulled up and Alejandro was getting out, running over to Rodolfo and hugging him. Rodolfo immediately melted into him. “Are you okay?” Alejandro quickly said, holding him tightly.
Rodolfo nodded, sniffling. “It was horrible, Ale. There was so much blood...”
“Shh... It’s gonna be okay.” Alejandro kissed his hair and then glanced at Soap. “Are you okay?”
Soap nodded a bit, which was a blatant lie. He was not okay at all. “Yeah, I’ll be good.” He stuffed his hands in his pocket. “I’m sorry your apartments... covered in blood.”
“It can be cleaned.” Alejandro shook his head and sighed. “As long as you both are safe.”
Rodolfo was still trembling a little. “I’m so glad you’re home...”
Alejandro nodded and kissed his hair again. Soap frowned, now realizing that Rodolfo had never called him. He hadn’t had a chance. The cops had been in the neighborhood and immediately came over. “Why are you home?”
Alejandro seemed to freeze. Rodolfo made a face, clearly realizing the same. He pulled away and looked up at Alejandro, frowning. Alejandro cringed. “The pictures... I would have been home last night but I wasn’t sure I wanted to drive in the dark.”
Soap shrugged, accepting this. Rodolfo seemed to accept it as well and moved right back into Alejandro’s arms. Alejandro rubbed his back. 
Soap was quiet for a moment as his brain started to put some pieces together. When he’d gotten back from the bathroom, Evan was at the window. When he laid down, Evan came over and put his arms around him. But... when Soap woke up, he was still at the window.
Soap felt like he was going to be sick. The cops left and Soap just sank to the ground, feeling weird. His entire body was cold and he was shaking. “Soap??” Rodolfo immediately came over, crouching.
“He... he laid in bed with me... He put his arms around me...” Soap couldn’t breathe. He covered his face. Everywhere that had been touched felt like it had a thin layer of filth on it and he wanted to scream.
Soap met Rodolfo’s eyes and he looked horrified as well. “Are you going to be okay??”
Soap shook his head. “No... a fucking psychopath is obsessed with me! How am I going to be okay?!” He snapped.
Rodolfo cringed back, clearly feeling bad. “I’m sorry...”
Soap sighed and softened, feeling bad for snapping. “No, no, I... I just... this is all so much... How did he find me again??”
Alejandro spoke up. “I mean, it’s not like you moved states. I want to know how the fuck he got in. I’ve got a very expensive security system and I want to know how someone got the fuck in.” He got out his phone and immediately made a call, walking away.
Rodolfo watched him go and then turned to Soap. “I’m sorry... This is awful...”
“No,” Soap sighed. “I mean, you shouldn’t have to be dealing with some weird fucker because of me...”
Rodolfo shook his head. “You shouldn’t be dealing with some weird fucker!”
Soap sighed in agreement and slumped. “I... He said I was pretty. When he spared me. Acted like he wanted me. I mean... I guess he does. You saw the bloody note.”
Rodolfo winced. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“It was embarrassing...” Soap cringed and looked down. “I tried to fuck a murderer to save my own life. I’m... already kind of known as a whore.”
Rodolfo frowned. “You were fighting for your life. I think some things can be forgiven.”
Soap shrugged and fidgeted with his fingers. He covered his face again. “This feels like a horrible nightmare... I want to wake up...”
Rodolfo hugged him, though he didn’t say anything. Soap was glad, he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear it.
Soap rubbed at his eyes. He was exhausted. He’d barely slept, lately. Every time he did, he started to get terrified that he’d find arms wrapping around him again. Alejandro had upgraded the security system and he’d promised Rodolfo he wouldn’t be going on any more trips.
Soap was still paranoid. He was on edge. He shook all the time.
So, he was doing research on Simon Riley. Real smart, research the psychopath trying to... do something to him. What, he didn’t know. Sleep with him was the obvious answer, but... that was weird. 
He sighed, at the library, since it had access to articles that he would hopefully find useful. He typed in “Riley Family Murders” and looked over them, frowning. He’d been thinking about it, and some things were odd.
For one, Ghost had... impressive speech. Granted, he was 14 when he’d killed his entire family but... he’d been in the woods alone for 7 years. That would have had to have fucked with his speech patterns, but no. It was perfect.
Oh top of that, Soap thought over his clothes. The article had him listed as only 5′11 when he went missing, but Soap would wager he was at least 6′2. And he’d seen the pictures. He was a lot bigger, now. But his clothes, a black hoodie and black jeans, had fit just fine. If they were the same clothes he’d went missing in... Well, Soap reasonably doubted he would be able to fit them at all.
Also, he was muscular. He had to be working out, somehow. He didn’t think there’d be much in the woods that would allow for bulking or toning. 
Soap clicked the first article. It was just the basic one, going over the details of the murders. The mom had been slashed across her throat. The younger brother, who was only 12, had been shot in the back of the head, execution style. But... the father had been tortured.
He was apparently still alive when the police got there, but he had died on the way to the hospital.
The article left out any details of how he’d been tortured, so Soap went to a police report. The father’s arms had been flayed, apparently, so deep you could see the bones and that was where Soap stopped reading, images of every dead body coming back.
Soap frowned, thinking about it. There’d been 13 of them, including Mr Scott. That meant 9 people had been left. He wasn’t going to doubt Ghost was... a man of many talents but 9 people who could all run? Ghost would have had to have been very fast and very strong.
Maybe two people but... that didn’t make sense. Besides, who could the second person be?
Soap sighed. He decided to look into murders in the local area. He found several and started to go through any that stuck out. 2015, around the same time as the Riley Family Murders, he found an article talking about a High School teacher who’d been found with an axe in her skull.
She’d apparently been sleeping with several of her male students. Soap looked through the list of victims and his eyes widened at the last name on the list. Alejandro Vargas. 
Alejandro had mentioned, once, that he’d been abused as a kid. He’d been super drunk and super sad. But, he’d never mentioned who. This had to have been what he was talking about. Poor Alejandro...
He continued to go through the articles, stopping at one in 2017. Three teenagers had been found dead, all murdered in gruesome ways, on a boat. Looking over their injuries... It was pretty obvious it was Simon Riley who’d done it.
However, near the same time, another pack of murders popped up. 3 other teenagers, all killed with an axe. 
So there was a second killer. There had to be. This lined up weirdly. He looked and found more instances of a group being murdered in a gruesome way and then another group was murdered, all with axe wounds.
Soap frowned. So who was the second murderer? He had to be someone normal. Someone with access to society. 
He needed to talk to Rodolfo.
Rodolfo looked at him, oddly. “What do you mean there was a second murderer?”
“He killed ten people over the course of a few hours! That... is possible but it’s so unlikely! And he had perfect speech.”
“He was only 14 when he disappeared.” Rodolfo frowned. 
Soap sighed. “But he was in the woods for 7 years, Rudy! Come on, he shouldn’t be able to talk perfectly.”
Rodolfo seemed to consider it. “But the cops said there was one murderer.”
“Okay, okay,” Soap got the articles he’d printed, and laid them out. “All of these are within a day or two of each other. All of them. All in our area. That’s a wild fucking coincidence.”
Rodolfo looked over the teacher article. “Alejandro was a victim?”
Soap cringed. “Yeah, I was surprised, too. But... Rudy, come on. There has to be a second murderer.”
Rodolfo shook his head. “I mean... I don’t disbelieve you but... why does it matter?”
“Because I could potentially have two psychopaths after me!” Soap grabbed Rodolfo’s shoulders and shook him. “Rudy! You don’t think he may get his friend to help him get me??”
Rodolfo seemed to finally get it. “You need to tell the police.”
“The fuck are they going to do?” Alejandro spoke up, from the doorway. “They still haven’t managed to catch the first creep. Let alone a second.”
Soap had to agree. “Exactly. Fuck...” He shoved a hand through his hair.
Alejandro came over and pulled Rodolfo into his lap when he sat. “We’ll just keep doing the buddy system with you when you go out. Well, Rodolfo will have to. I have to go on another trip this Friday.”
“What?!” Rodolfo immediately stood. “You’re kidding. Alejandro, please tell me you are joking.”
Alejandro winced. “I have no choice, Rudy...”
“Fuck that, you have plenty of choices.” Rodolfo crossed his arms. “Some fucking creep broke in and you’re going to just leave us alone??”
“My sol, I don’t want to...” Alejandro took Rodolfo’s hands but Rodolfo jerked away from him. He sighed, softly. “I’ll... talk to my dad. See what I can do.”
Rodolfo immediately relaxed and climbed back into his lap, curling up. “Okay...” He closed his eyes. Soap shook his head. They were obnoxiously cute, sometimes.
Soap cringed as he heard Alejandro and Rodolfo arguing, thankfully in Spanish. Rodolfo had found out Alejandro was still going on the trip and had lost his shit. Soap felt bad because Alejandro clearly had no choice.
But... he had to admit his anxiety was high at the idea as well. He adjusted his costume, jumping away from the bathroom door as Rodolfo stormed in. As soon as Rodolfo had found out, he had told Soap to go put his costume on because they were going to yet another costume party.
It was in the middle of the woods at a lakehouse. Yes, this scared the shit out of Soap, but it was a giant party, there would be a ton of people. And Rodolfo had made it pretty fucking clear he was going with or without Soap.
Rodolfo slammed his horns on his head and angrily slipped on the wings while Alejandro pleaded from the doorway. “Go, then!” He huffed. “But... If you fucking leave, I won’t be here when you get back. Soap and I will go to my parents’ house.”
Soap cringed, wondering when he’d agreed to that. But, then Rodolfo glared at him and he realized, oh yeah, then. “Mi cielito, please... I don’t want to go on this trip but my father-”
“Fuck your father!” Rodolfo cursed at Alejandro in Spanish for several minutes. 
Alejandro winced and then glared at him. “Rodolfo. Stop being so difficult.”
Soap cringed. Ah, that was the worst thing to say. Rodolfo stopped and went still for a moment before slowly turning to Alejandro. “I take it back. Leave or don’t leave. We’re done.”
Rodolfo grabbed Soap’s hand and yanked him out of the bathroom, dragging him to the door. Alejandro followed them, pleading in Spanish. Rodolfo just ignored him and Soap followed him to the car, getting in.
Soap smiled, apologetically, at Alejandro, before Rodolfo was speeding out of the driveway. “God! Fuck him! Some fucking psychopath is on the loose and he’s just going to fucking leave?!” Rodolfo cursed.
“Um, Rudy? Please slow down. I already have to worry about a psychopath. I don’t want to die in a car accident.” Soap cringed, holding tightly to the handle above the door.
Rodolfo sighed and slowed down, immediately. “Sorry, I just- he’s so fucking inconsiderate, sometimes. He’s constantly going on trips and he’s- ugh, my entire life is going to be at his father’s every whim and will.”
Soap shrugged. “He said he’d tell him to fuck off after college.”
“He won’t.” Rodolfo snorted. “Did you know his dad supposedly killed his mom? When Alejandro was a baby. Put an axe in her skull. But... the charges were dropped halfway through the trial.”
Soap frowned. “An axe?” What an odd coincidence. What a terrifying coincidence. Could Alejandro’s father be the second murderer? No, that made no sense. Alejandro’s father would be too old and why would he partner up with Ghost?
“Yeah. No one really knows why. Alejandro doesn’t like talking about it. But... fuck, come on! He’s fine just bowing to that man’s every command!”
Soap cringed. Yeah, that sounded shitty. Even if it wasn’t sure, Alejandro had to question if he had at least a little. “I’m sorry, Rudy.”
“Whatever, it’s over now.” Rodolfo mumbled. “So, I’m gonna get drunk. Really drunk.”
Soap sighed in agreement.
When they made it to the party, they both decided not to talk about it. Rodolfo just wanted to drink and Soap just wanted to keep him alive, so... both would end up too busy to really talk about it.
Gaz had decided to stay home and study that night. Fine. 
Soap got a soda and stuck close to Rodolfo as he did shots. “Slow down!” Soap frowned, concerned. 
Rodolfo rolled his eyes at him and did another shot before sighing. “I’ll stop for a bit!” He looked around before pulling Soap to where everyone was dancing. Soap stuck close to him while he danced. He was on edge.
Every slightly loud noise made his heart jolt. But, there was so many people. They would be fine. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 
“Soap! Come on, calm down!” Rodolfo took his wrist. “Loosen up! I promise, nothing bad is going to happen.”
Soap opened his eyes and then sighed. “You’re right...” He accepted a shot offered to him by Rodolfo and tried to relax. He went back to dancing with Rodolfo, forcing himself not to think about it.
At Rodolfo’s request, they took more shots and Soap got tipsy, quickly. He started to be a lot more relaxed and danced a little more confidently. Rodolfo grinned when he did and found someone to dance with.
Soap shook his head, letting him cope however. He flushed when he felt hands on his hips, someone pressing up against him. He closed his eyes and smiled, shivering at breath on his neck.
“Hello, stranger.”
Soap turned around and was almost immediately jerking back at blue eyes, blonde hair. But... the blonde hair was long, pulled back into a pony tail, save for some in the front, which hung around his face.. Granted, there was a face mask covering the bottom of his face, but those were more and more common. He had fake military garb on.
“Something wrong?” The stranger frowned and Soap relaxed. 
“No...” He smiled again. Why would Ghost come into the middle of a party and dance with him? That was not his MO. He was being paranoid. 
The stranger nodded and seemed to relax. Soap pressed against him again, swaying to the music. The alcohol made him feel warm and fuzzy and he laid his head on the stranger’s shoulder.
Eventually, the stranger pulled away and touched Soap’s face before backing away and leaving. Soap went to follow him, but stopped, hearing screaming. He turned, meeting eyes with Rodolfo, who looked just as concerned.
Red was reflected in the windows and both immediately ran to them. A wall of fire surrounded the house and there were several dead bodies littering around the wall. 
Rodolfo grabbed Soap’s arm, pointing. Soap immediately looked and they both watched a man in a black skull mask embed an axe deep in someone’s back. Soap’s eyes widened. The man turned and made eye contact with Rodolfo, who jerked back, immediately. 
“We need to go!” Soap cried and grabbed Rodolfo’s arm, dragging him away from the window. Everything was chaos. People were running out or in, several people had fallen and gotten trampled.
“Go fucking where?!” Rodolfo stopped. “Everywhere but the lake is on fucking fire!”
Soap cursed and tried to think. Rodolfo couldn’t swim, either. And Soap wasn’t a strong enough swimmer to carry him. “We need to hide. There’s a cellar, I think I saw the doors outside!”
“Where the axe maniac is?!” Rodolfo was clearly hyperventilating and Soap winced. 
“Everyone else is running around, screaming. I doubt we’ll really be noticed! Come on, it’s our best shot!” Soap grabbed his arm and they both immediately ran outside, going through the back door since they’d seen the axe dude in the front. 
Soap went to the cellar doors, cursing at seeing a chain on them. He tugged at them, but they didn’t budge. He yanked at his hair and cursed loudly. “Fuck!” He looked around, frantically, before jolting back when something flew past his face.
He looked to his left, where the side of the house was, seeing a knife embedded deep inside it. Rodolfo and Soap both shared a terrified stare and they turned to their right. There, several yards away, was a man in a white skull mask.
So there had been a second murderer. 
Rodolfo led this time, dragging Soap back inside. They both slammed and locked the door. Most people had left, the rest were clearly trying to hide. Soap followed Rodolfo upstairs and they both climbed under a bed.
They listened to the pure pandemonium outside. Screaming, mostly, lots of footsteps. Soap squeezed his eyes shut as he heard screaming start in the house. He covered his mouth so they couldn’t hear him. 
Then... there was no more screaming. Soap tensed, very tightly. Please just think they got everyone and leave. Please leave.
However, Soap could hear footsteps approaching the door to their room. Then, the door was swinging open. Soap covered his mouth tighter and looked to Rodolfo, who looked terrified. He had his eyes squeezed shut.
Soap watched feet step into the room. An axe swung casually beside them, soaked in blood. Soap dug his nails into the wood beneath him, trembling. 
Rodolfo took in a shuddering breath that was thankfully silent. The feet stopped where Soap couldn’t see and he dug his nails deeper into the floor, feeling the wood splinter.
Suddenly, Rodolfo screamed as he was yanked out from under the bed. Soap didn’t hesitate, coming after him. The man stabbed something into Rodolfo’s neck and he immediately passed out.
Soap yelled, “hey!” He tried to move to Rodolfo, but the man just turned to Soap and used his foot to shove him down.
He reached up and pulled off the mask, which was now soaked in blood as well. “Alejandro...” Soap breathed, seeing Alejandro’s face reveal itself. The pieces clicked into place. “You... you were the second murderer.”
Alejandro grinned. “You figured it out. I’m impressed.” He crouched down in front of Soap. 
Soap frowned. “I... You killed your teacher...”
“She fucking deserved it.” Alejandro’s voice went hard. “The things she did to me and the others. She took something from me that I will never get back.” He shook his head. “So I took a page from my dear old dad. He killed my mother with an axe.”
Soap frowned, deeply. “But... you liked it.” He realized. There was no other reason why he’d keep killing. 
Alejandro laughed. “It felt fantastic. Control. Of course, Simon helped me. I found him days after. I’d ran into the woods when the weight of what I’d done hit me. He had just killed his father. Discovered he liked it, too.”
“I...” More and more things started to make sense. “The trips... You just happened to come back the day we were to go to Simon Riley’s house. You... you knew.”
“In my defense, Rodolfo was supposed to convince you to stay behind. I figured he would. But... he convinced you to go, instead.” Alejandro shrugged. “I figured... oh well. Mi sol would be oh so upset about his friend dying and of course, where would he go?”
“Right into your arms.” Soap glared at him, now irritated. Alejandro was going to just let him die. “But... Ghost took interest in me.”
Alejandro grinned. “It was perfect. Two best friends for two best friends. And he wanted you so bad... I noticed in the back of one of Rodolfo’s pictures... that you were leaving with someone. I texted him, immediately. Gave him the security codes.”
Soap’s breath caught in his throat. Of course... Ghost had gotten in so easily because he knew how to get in. “Why... why?”
“Oh, he couldn’t have you taking interest in anyone else, right?” Alejandro shrugged. “So, he killed him. And I knew you. You wouldn’t sleep around anymore. Too scared to take the risk.”
Soap looked away, clenching his hands into fists. “So, tonight...”
“Sadly, this wasn’t planned. I... I needed to kill again. So, I planned to take another trip-”
“Those were fake?! But, your father-”
Alejandro laughed, loudly. “My father is dead, Johnny. He’s been dead for a very long time.” He held up the axe and wiped some of the blood off of it. “But.. Rodolfo left me. I couldn’t let that happen. So, I figured... Ghost needed an excuse to take you. Why not tonight?”
Soap glared at him. “He’s never going to take you back, now.”
“Oh, Soap...” Alejandro laughed again. “He doesn’t have a choice. And neither do you.” Both looked to the door as heavy footsteps came up the stairs.
“Is it done?” Alejandro asked as Ghost came in, pulling off his mask. Soap’s breath caught. His hair was long, pulled back, save for the front which fell around his face.
“A few escaped, but... none saw our faces.” Ghost shrugged. His eyes seemed to soften when he saw Soap. He smiled and came over. “There you are.”
“He and mi sol escaped up here. So clever... but I know them too well...” Alejandro reached and scooped Rodolfo up. Soap glared at them both.
“Put him down.” Soap stood, staring at them defiantly. 
“Johnny, don’t be difficult.” Alejandro sighed. “I will knock you out if necessary.”
Soap glared at him and lunged to grab Rodolfo from Alejandro. However, something grabbed him. He felt an intense sting in his neck and then he was passing out.
Don’t hate me, this was so long, already. I’ll do a PT3 if requested.
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simmerdowndee · 19 days
windenburg years special: forever
Greetings from Windenburg! Theo and I have officially been here for three months. So far, I’m adjusting very well. I haven’t wanted to run back home yet, so that’s good. Theo has been doing a really good job at checking in with me and making sure I am okay.
WE BOUGHT OUR FIRST HOME! I’m so proud of Theo and I because we saved every dime, we had for the first two months we were here to be able to do this. Staying at grahams guest house was a great idea because we didn’t immediately have to pay many bills. I’m still in the process of decorating it fully, but it is a 5-bedroom home with a nice backyard/patio. We even used one of the bedrooms as an office for the both of us. Oh, look at that, only enough left to have 3/5 kids he wanted…. Bummer…..
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Today, we are both off from work and spending some time at home. Theo planned a movie day and we’ve now reached the part of the day where he wants to watch scary movies. I am not a fan of scary movies and really don’t want to do this but he watched every Tim burton movie I wanted to see today, so it’s only fair.
Dakota: You picked the scariest movies to watch.
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Theo: They aren’t that bad babe.
Dakota: To you.
Theo: I’m right here, and its only 6pm. It’s not even dark yet.
Dakota: But it WILL be when we finish the last one, conveniently one that will keep me up at night.
Theo: I got something that will help you sleep tonight.
Oh brother.
Dakota: *rolls eyes*
Dakota: Yeah, whatever.
(He actually isn’t wrong tho)
He always picks gore or demons. Why can’t we just watch slasher films? At least I know I won’t be bothered by them.
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Dakota: Oh my god…..
Dakota: Oh my god please…..
*The wind rattles the front door*
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Theo: *Laughs*
Dakota: It’s so funny isn’t it. Am I a joke to you?
Theo: Drama. Queen.
Theo: Here, we’ll switch sides so you aren’t scared of the door.
He’s such as dick.
Dakota: You’re such a dick.
Theo: Awh babe. Here, come closer.
Theo: Better?
Dakota: A little, I guess.
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We make it through the first two movies. Apparently, the end of the second one annoyed Theo because he started yelling at the screen as if they can hear him.
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Dakota: Let’s take a break before we watch the last one. Jesus.
Theo: That’s fine babe.
Theo: So, our anniversary is coming up.
Dakota: The original one?
Theo: Yes. I was thinking we could have a really nice dinner.
Dakota: That’s fine with me. Where did you wanna go?
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Theo: Actually, there’s this restaurant in Selvadorada I wanted to take you to…
Dakota: As in the country………….?
Theo: Yes.
I know we’ve had some beers but he can’t be that drunk…..
Dakota: Uh….
Theo: *Laughs*
Theo: You are so cute when you're confused.
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Theo: We’re going to Selvadorada for our anniversary.
Dakota: Theo, are you serious???!
Theo: Yeah, so you better figure out what you want to wear and how many wigs you plan to pack.
Not him calling me out like that.
Dakota: Ahhhh, I’m so excited babe!
Theo: I thought you’d like your gift.
Dakota: I love you.
Theo: I love you too babe.
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Now, I really do need to figure out how many wigs I wanna bring…...
*Two weeks later*
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Theo and I are headed to Selvadorada! He’s so excited. I don’t know if it’s because it’s the first anniversary we’ve celebrated since we got back together or if he’s just excited to go on vacation. See you when we land in Selvadorada!
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 month
Peeping Tom (1960)
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I’ve seen Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom on several lists of “the best slasher movies ever made”. I don’t know if it belongs among the likes of Halloween or The Burning. Not because it isn’t good. Quite the opposite; this is an excellent film. I’m saying it doesn’t belong because this isn’t really a slasher film. This psychological horror-thriller doesn’t have the masked killed, the character “in the know” or many of the other tropes you’d expect to see. Instead, it has the transitional elements that would someday become them. Semantics aside, this film stands confidently as a piece of horror history or on its own.
In London, Mark Lewis (Carl Boehm) is a photographer and aspiring filmmaker obsessed with capturing images of fear. Alone in his loft, he watches videos of the murders he's committed. As the investigators on his tail begin getting closer, he befriends Helen Stephens (Anna Massey).
It would be interesting to see Peeping Tom remade because so many aspects of it would be different if shot today. In 1960, cameras weren’t rare but they weren’t everpresent the way they are today and you could argue that we’ve become as obsessed with photography and videos as Mark. He isn’t merely shooting the last moments of his victim’s lives; he goes back to the scene of the crime the next morning to capture the looks on people’s faces when they wheel out the prostitute he murdered (Brenda Bruce). He wants to see how people react when they find the bodies. He wants to see the moment when his victims realize their lives are over again and again. Whenever he meets a woman and shows the slightest bit of interest in her, you wonder what he sees. Another victim? A kindred spirit? To a man this unhinged, is there a difference?
The thing is that Mark isn’t completely loony. Most of the time, he seems like a perfectly normal person. Perhaps a bit shy, but he has a normal job, the scenes with him and Helen are even a bit sweet - though they can make the middle feel a tad slow. You’d never guess just how disturbed he is under that facade, which makes him much scarier than someone like Jason Voorhees. This is the kind of character any psychologist would have a field day evaluating because each scene unveils a new layer of psychological complexity.
For the titular peeping tom alone, this is a great film but there are other elements to appreciate. The very first shot is from Mark’s point of view. It’s not because we’re going to have a twist reveal of his identity later; it’s so we can feel what it’s like to be him. We never see the actual murders - the camera always cuts away. This means we eagerly anticipate the scenes where Mark sits down to watch his snuff films - even if the scene just happened. Like him, we’re hoping to catch something we didn’t the first time. Every time, his reels fail to deliver what we want. It makes us look forward to the next crime. “This time, for sure” the film seems to say. For 101 minutes, we're addicts and that ending? It’s quite a shocker. You should’ve seen coming but didn’t, which makes it that much more unsettling.
Like so many horror classics before it, Peeping Tom was practically burned at the stake upon its initial release. In a way, you can sort of understand why. Even today, Mark Lewis makes your skin crawl and the idea that a “good movie” has to be “good for you” still prevails. The outrage made everyone miss the excellent storytelling and characterization at the core of Peeping Tom. This is a picture I see myself returning to, and appreciating more with every subsequent watch. (May 13, 2022)
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Something New
Relationship(s): Geri Broussard/Cordell Walker, Trey Barnett/Cassie Perez, Trey Barnett/Geri Broussard
Tags/Warnings: Breaking up, Angst, Developing Relationships, Complicated Relationships, Fights, First Kiss, First Date
Summary: Geri and trey are having trouble locking down dates with their partners and end up on dates of their own. After a while, they get tired of the same old song and dance and decide to cut things off. It's awkward, but maybe it's for the best.
A/N: Blame @theladywyn for putting Geri/Trey in my head
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
[Text from: Cordell]: Sorry, babe. Caught up at work. I won’t be there tonight.
[Text from: Cordell]: I’ll make it up to you <3
Geri sighed and looked up from her phone to see Trey frowning at his. “Let me guess: Cassie canceled because of work?”
Trey sighed and put his phone away. “Walker too?”
Trey got up from the table. “Well. That's just great, isn’t it?” He started clearing away the plates. “Guess you can go on home then. I’ll clean up.”
“Hey, Trey, come on.” She stood up and grabbed his wrist. “That’s not- We don’t have to give up on a fun night just because Cordi and Cassie did. I mean, you made all this food and we already have a movie queued up….”
It was supposed to be a double date. A relaxing evening with four friends to eat too much and drink too much and just shoot the shit. She remembered the days where she and Hoyt would have those nights with Cordell and Emily and it was nice to sort of recreate them with Cassie and Trey.
Trey sighed. “Yeah. A fun night half of the people involved in couldn’t be bothered to make time for. And you can’t tell me you were really looking forward to watching the made-for-TV Hawk’s Shadow movie.”
“We don’t have to watch that movie if you don’t want to,” Geri said. “And I’m mad at them too, believe me. But we’re already here and I’ve been looking forward to this and I’ve been wanting to dig into those nachos since I got here.”
Trey sighed before giving her a wry smile. “You don’t have to do this. I know we aren’t really friends. You probably have better ways to spend your evening.”
Geri snorted. “Yeah, right. My only other options for this evening are either go home and interrupt Colton and Stella’s date-night-in or go to work. Trust me, I’d rather spend my time here.”
Trey chuckled. “Well, if you insist. But we’re not watching Hawk’s Shadow. I’ll watch it for Cassie but….”
“Hey, no complaints here. I’m more of a slasher movie girl anyway.” Geri smirked and grabbed the nacho platter. “Wanna try out that new Scream movie?”
“You took the words right out of my mouth.”
That was the first time Cassie and Cordell ditched their double date for work. Unfortunately, it was not the last.
Honestly, Geri preferred it to when Cordell would cancel their single dates. At least when they canceled a double date, she had Trey to talk to.
That didn’t make it less annoying when it happened.
“I can’t believe they canceled again,” Trey grumbled into his popcorn while they waited for the movie to start.
“I know. At least they refunded us for the tickets,” Geri muttered.
“I mean, seriously, this is the sixth time in a row they’ve canceled on us.”
“I know. It’s annoying.”
“And they say it’s work stuff but- I work there too! And I make the effort to get my damn job done and make sure I have time for these scheduled date nights. Do they- Do they not remember that I have the exact same job they do?”
“Yeah, well, there’s nothing we can do about it now. Let’s just enjoy the movie, okay?” Geri was just as annoyed as Trey was but she had enough experience being disappointed by Hoyt to let this slip.
Trey sighed. “Yeah, I guess.”
It had been a good movie but it clearly wasn’t good enough to distract Trey. “I don’t understand how you’re so chill about this,” he said over the frozen yogurt they stopped to get on the way home. “I mean, I feel like we’ve been on more dates with each other than we have been with our actual partners. And aren’t you tired of the same old work excuse?”
“Work is work,” Geri said. “You know how demanding the work is. And Cordi’s always been like that.” It did seem like he made more of an effort to be home with Emily but his kids were younger then too so that probably made a difference. “And you know Cassie’s looking to climb the ranks. Micki left some big shoes for her to fill and Cordell’s record is intimidating. I know James expects a lot out of the both of you….”
“So why is she working longer hours? It just seems weird to me.”
Geir shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably partner solidarity? You know how Cordell is about getting his paperwork done. Cassie probably just feels bad about letting him stay alone.”
“But she doesn’t feel bad about abandoning us.”
She rolled her eyes. “Okay, I think that’s a little dramatic.” In the grand scheme of things, a few canceled dates wasn’t a big deal. “Have you tried talking to her about it? I’m sure she’d try harder if she knew it was bugging you this bad. Hell, she’d probably kick Cordell’s ass about it too.”
“I shouldn’t have to tell her I’m bothered by her canceling our dates at the last minute with the same dumb excuse,” he griped. “Probably wouldn’t mind so much if it wasn’t the same bullshit reason every time.”
“Why are you assuming it’s a bullshit reason?”
“Because it just doesn’t make any sense that I can make the time to be there for our dates and they can’t. If there was a serious case, James would call me in for it. If it’s just paperwork, they can just do it on time. And we don’t schedule any dates during times when any of us have patrols. It just seems a little odd to me that that’s their excuse every time. Just makes me wonder what they’re really getting-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there.” Geri put her spoon down. “Look, you’re right to feel hurt. You don’t think I’m annoyed that Cordi keeps canceling on me? Of course I am. But I accept it as part of his job. I don’t poke holes in his reasons and look for reasons why he might be lying to me. You know why? Because I know he’s a good person and he wouldn’t lie to me and go fool around behind my back. He’s not that kind of person. And I think you know Cassie’s not that kind of person either. If you really think she is, then you need to have a talk with her about that.”
Trey winced. “Yeah, I know. You’re right. It’s dumb. I just- It sucks, waiting around on them all the time.”
“It does, but that’s just part of it. And it’s not like it’s your first rodeo; you had to deal with it with Micki too, right?”
“Mhm…” He looked blankly at his yogurt. “And she left me.”
Right. Maybe that wasn’t the best argument. “And Cassie’s not Micki.”
“I know she isn’t. But she’s a Texas Ranger. And she’s Walker’s partner. And she has a habit of putting the job over me. I can’t help but feel like I’m just going through the same sad story again, you know?”
“It’s okay to feel that way. Just… be fair to Cassie? Maybe talk to her and see if you two can work out a compromise.”
Trey nodded. “I will. Thanks.”
Geri smiled. “Happy to help.”
Geri had a lot of patience. After dealing with Hoyt and Cordell for almost 30 years, she had to be. But even she had her limits.
So, after the 3 canceled double dates in one month, she decided to join Trey on the bitching. Maybe it was the wine talking but she had a lot of complaining to do. “Does he- Does he think that just because I waited around forever for Hoyt I’m gonna wait around for him too? I mean- He’s my best friend and all but I do have standards.”
“He shouldn’t expect you to wait around!” Trey agreed. “I mean, has he even properly apologized?”
She snorted. “Didn’t even buy me flowers,” she muttered. Not that she liked having dying plants in her house. But still. It was the thought that counted and she didn’t get the sense that Cordell was thinking of her at all.
“It’s just not fair,” Trey went on. “I mean, at this point, I feel like we’ve been on more dates with each other than we have with our own partners, yaknow?”
“It does! And that’s so stupid and unfair!”
“It is!”
The conversation didn’t go much further than that because they were both a little too drunk to be having that kind of talk. But, the next morning, as Geri made breakfast for the both of them in Trey’s kitchen (and since when did she get to know his kitchen well enough for that?), her mind drifted back to it.
Maybe they were just living out the same tired story again. Maybe Geri was just wasting her time waiting on Cordell like she did with Hoyt. Maybe Trey was just setting himself up for heartbreak by loving someone who couldn’t return the favor again. Maybe this was all just inevitable.
Did that mean they had to suffer through it, though? 
So what if Cordell was her best friend? This was already their second try at a relationship and it wasn’t really going how she’d hoped. Did she just have to put up with it because she was already 40 and admittedly a little scared of starting at zero with a stranger? Why shouldn’t she go find someone who was actually willing to make time for her?
And so what if Cassie is part of why Trey made the move to stay in Austin? Did that mean he had to shackle himself to her while she went chasing the next step in her career? Why shouldn’t he find someone who was willing to do as much giving as taking?
Her phone rang on the counter next to the stove and she glanced at it long enough to see it was Cordell. The bacon was done. She could answer it. Or…she could let it ring. Enjoy her morning eating breakfast with someone who seemed to actually want to talk to her.
“Morning.” Trey came into the kitchen, yawning, and grabbed plates. “You gonna get that.”
She shook her head. “I’ll text him in a minute to let him know where I am. I’m still pissed at him for last night….”
He snorted. “I don’t blame you. I haven’t even heard anything from Cassie yet.”
She quietly plated their breakfast and they ate standing around the little island. While she ate, she sent a quick text to Cordell letting him know she was okay and where she was. A few moments later, she sent another one asking to talk to him later. “Trey….”
“About last night….” she bit her lip. “I’m telling you because you’re probably gonna hear about it from him, but I think I’m gonna break it off with Cordi. For real. I just- I’m tired of waiting around for him to love me, I guess.”
Trey nodded. “You should do that. It’s gonna be hard, but you need to do what’s right for you. If he’s really your best friend, he’ll understand that.”
She smiled. “Thanks.”
He pushed the breakfast on his plate a bit before speaking again. “I think I’m going to break things off with Cassie, too. I know she’s not Micki but…. It’s too close to that for me. It’s not fair to her if I’m gonna keep making those comparisons. And it’s not fair to me to keep putting myself in that headspace.”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”
Geri thought this moment would be more earth shattering than calmly talking over breakfast with someone who had become a good friend. She thought it would be more emotional, more heartbreaking. Maybe it spoke to how good of a choice it was that this whole thing was so mundane.
Either way, she was sure Cordell wouldn’t take the news too well.
“Hey, Ger.”
Geri smiled at Cordell and opened the door for him to come in. “Hey. Thanks for coming.”
“Yeah, of course. You…said you wanted to talk?”
“Yeah, yeah…. It’s important.” She brought him into the living area and sat him down.
“This, uh, seems like a pretty serious talk,” Cordell said, chuckling nervously. “Are you pregnant or something?”
She crossed her arms. “I think we both know if I was pregnant I would’ve taken you to task at the ranch so I could have your parents as backup instead of asking you nicely to come over here.”
“True…. So why did you ask me nicely to come here?”
“Because….” Geri sighed. Here goes. “I want to break up.”
Cordell’s smile dropped instantly. “I- Ger- Is it because I canceled so much? I’m really trying to be better about that, it’s just hard with the job-”
“I know. I know. I knew when you asked me out. And that is part of it,” she said carefully. “I know your job is important and you feel bad about canceling so much and I appreciate the apology flowers. I do, really. But…. You can’t just say you’re trying and never improve. I gotta be honest, I feel like I’ve been on more dates with Trey than I have with you this year. And maybe that’s just the job and I thought I could handle that but….” she sighed. “I spent a long time waiting on Hoyt to be serious. And I’ve run out of patience.”
“Geri-” Cordell stood up and took her hands in his own. “-I never meant to make you feel like I’m not serious about you. About us. Because I am. I am so, completely serious-”
“You see, you say that,” she said, taking her hands away. “You say that you’re sorry and that you’re serious and that you’re here for me but then you turn around and don’t answer my calls and cancel our dates at the last minute and- I thought I could handle it because I thought I knew what it was like from hearing Emily complain about it but- I don’t think you left her hanging as many times as you have me. I really don’t. I don’t know if it’s because you wanted to be there for the kids or because you actually love her and I’m just your safe option but-”
“Woah, hang on,” he interrupted. “Geri, I- You’re not a ‘safe option’, whatever that means. I-”
“Aren’t I? Because it sure as hell feels that way. You only want me here when it’s convenient for you and when I’m just backing up whatever you do or say. Honestly, I’m not sure you didn’t just latch onto me because I’m the closest thing you can get to Emily. And- And I’m not sure I didn’t latch onto you because you’re almost the furthest I can get from Hoyt….”
She’d never really thought of it that way, but it was true. After so many years of Hoyt, Geri had needed someone stable, a shoulder she could really lean on. She’d thought Cordell could do that for her. Maybe she was wrong.
His mouth snapped shut and she saw an unfamiliar wall go up in his eyes. “Well. Nice to know how you really feel,” he muttered. “I guess that’s just it then.”
“I guess it is.”
He nodded curtly and quickly left her house, slamming the front door behind him.
She took a deep breath and wiped away the tears. It hurt, but it had to be said.
“He’ll come around in a few days,” she muttered to herself as she went to make a pot of tea. “You both just need time. It’ll be okay….”
Trey’s Singles Date invitation came by text a week later. She’d almost laughed when she first read it.
[Text to: Trey]: What’s a Singles Date? Sounds like an oxymoron.
[Text from: Trey]: It’s what happens when two friends who are recently single go on a ‘date’ to get over their messy feelings
[Text to: Trey]: Sounds perfect. Where should we meet?
[Text from: Trey]: Well, I did just get a new subscription to a horror movie streaming service so…..
[Text to: Trey]: Movie night in sounds great! I’ll bring drinks if you make those nachos again.
[Text from: Trey]: You read my mind ;)
It was just a night in with a friend. There was no reason her heart should jump the way it did when he opened the door for her. There was no reason for her to be nervous and angst over what to wear. There was really no reason for her to wonder about where to sit on the couch and how close would be too close.
Then again, there was no reason for Trey to do the classic “yawn and stretch and put your arm around the girl” move either.
So Geri rested her head on his shoulder and let him hold her for the rest of the night. And, at the end, she let herself kiss his cheek.
It was too soon for anything else. She didn’t want to just latch onto someone else for the sake of it. But if he wanted to invite her over again, or maybe ask her out on a real date…. There was no reason for her to say no.
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neon-green-reagent · 1 year
Yet Another 50 Underrated Horror Films
I guess most people would want to talk about the best movies they watched in the past year, but I thought this would be a more fun way of ending 2022. Let me give you some links to other lists before I get started, in case you are into this and just cannot get enough. Well, allow me to be of service.  
The First 50 
The Second 50 
UFO Movies 
Mad Science Movies 
Aquatic Movies
Found Footage Movies 
Heavy Metal Movies 
Werewolf Movies 
Eyes of Fire : Back in old timey pioneer days, a group of people get cast out from their community because their preacher is a sex fiend. So they find their own place. That is full of evil fae magic and ghosts and stuff, and things get wonderfully weird. 
Highway To Hell : It’s Orpheus but full of puns and dumb jokes and incredible special effects. My favorite bit is about the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Also, Adam Storke is in this... You know, Larry from the 90s Stand miniseries. That guy. He’s great here. 
Shallow Ground : Ghosts. But so so so much cooler than just that. I don’t want to say too much. This one is all about the reveal. This teenager shows up naked and covered in blood, and everyone goes what the hell happened to him? And shit gets STRANGE.
Nightflyers : Adaptation of a George R.R. Martin short story that really needs a blu-ray release, like, yesterday. Beautifully 80s SF horror film full of weird, futuristic bullshit that I can’t get enough of. 
Beyond Dream's Door : What if A Nightmare On Elm Street were made on $3 and a ton of LSD? Take this trip, no pun intended. 
Night Vision : A guy that literally just fell off the turnip truck decides to be a writer in in THE BIG CITY. Which supernaturally chews him up and spits him back out. A cool, low budget time.
The Murder Mansion : Giallo! Two rather attractive people meet, fall in love instantly, and then get trapped in a murder mansion. That’s all you need for a giallo masterpiece really. 
Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell : An alien invasion that goes super hard. A plane crashes due to alien interference, and the survivors are faced with just... the scariest alien invasion of all time. This movie fucks. 
Island of Terror : Lil goo monster that kills you the moment it touches you. It feels like they were trying to do a Lovecraft thing, and it’s quaint and British with Peter Cushing. 
The Majorettes : One of those late 80s slashers that just keeps on giving. The first fifteen minutes were hilarious enough, and then the third act happens. There’s a siege? On a trailer park? In my slasher? 
Sometimes They Come Back... Again : Alexis Arquette (RIP) gives the performance of a lifetime as an undead thug who will fuck your daughter and your dad. Watch it for her. 
Sweet Home : Nothing is quite like a Japanese ghost story. This one throws some slasher tropes in there, too, with very over-the-top kills. Then it lands the dismount. Give me a blu-ray now please. 
Creature : Alien rip-off! Now hear me out. I am a sucker for those, but this is probably the best one in existence. Watch The Titan Find cut, as it’s the director’s preferred version, and I think it slaps. 
Candy Corn : Why isn’t this a Halloween classic? It’s like Trick r Treat meets Dark Night of the Scarecrow. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that’s an incredibly good thing. Also, the kills are brutal. 
Auntie Lee's Meat Pies : Auntie Lee has lots of BEAUTIFUL nieces who attract dumb men that she puts into delicious meat pies. Good for her, right? Some rockers in bad wigs show up and... predictably become pies. 
Skinned Deep : If Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 had no limiters on. If they were ALL off. All of them. I mean, just all of them. Warwick Davis is having the time of his life here. And Surgeon General’s mask is made out of what you ask? Boyfriend material. 
Werewolves on Wheels : A biker gang stumbles across a cult having a ritual. This makes them become werewolves. And that’s awesome. 
Distortions : Olivia Hussey and Piper Laurie attempt to out act one another while both going completely out of their minds. Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. 
Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge : When you’re such a simp for The Phantom you’ll watch a hunky version kick ass underground in a mall. Also, it’s a good slasher. With Pauly Shore being... actually a fun character. 
The Marsh : A children’s book writer moves to the country to rest and get inspired. Then ghost shit starts happening. Trust me, this movie goes around some bends I didn’t expect, and it’s really worth taking the ride. We love a good ghost mystery in this house.
Dead and Buried : The story kicks off with a photographer getting set on fire at the beach by an angry mob. And it doesn’t get less weird. Definitely more weird. It blew my mind, and I didn’t think that was possible after all I’ve seen. With Robert Englund before he was Freddy. 
Clearcut : Native American horror. This one is all about Graham Greene playing Arthur, a gleefully violent fellow with a lot of secrets. I kept thinking of Severen in Near Dark. The performance is that good, yes. 
Satan's Triangle : Made for TV movie about the Bermuda Triangle. But also the devil. With an ending that I’ll never stop thinking about. 
Night Shadow : A werewolf movie! Where the werewolf and some lady have a psychic connection. I think. I mean, I guess. And her brother knows kung-fu, but doesn’t use it to fight the werewolf. Some bad choices were made, but ultimately it’s a good-bad time. 
Tales from the QuadeaD Zone : From the maker of Black Devil Doll From Hell comes... this! A horror blaxploitation anthology that really... It really is real. Also, what’s a QuadeaD? Dunno. And that’s not a typo. That’s how it’s spelled. Watch this. You’ll thank me. Or hunt me down, not sure which.
Alien Predators : A horror comedy that is heavy on the goofball antics and low on the scares. But damn if those antics aren’t cuter because it’s Dennis Christopher partaking in them! 
Too Beautiful To Die : A late 80s giallo full of fucked up shit, a crazy murder weapon, and giallo’s favorite victim: fashion models. And I need to say 80s one more time to emphasize the true magic of this film. Okay, one more time: 80s!
All-American Murder : Christopher Walken. Ahem. Oh, you needed me to say something else? Well, murders. And lots of silly, silly, silly dialogue. And Walken gets to say a lot of it, too. 
The Killer Is Still Among Us : Another giallo. This one is all about the ending. I find a lack of resolution to be one of the scariest thing a horror film can do. Very effective. 
Slime City : A man has to eat people to keep from melting. It’s a tale as old as time. He goes full goblin mode by the end. Good old-fashioned melt movie. 
Flesheater : Directed by the guy who played the first zombie in Night of the Living Dead. The cemetery one. Not sure why that made him qualified to direct a film, and when you watch it, you’ll see that it didn’t. But that’s why it’s good. Because it’s amazingly bad. Also, directed The Majorettes from up there, if that’s any indication of what you’re getting into. 
All About Evil : Directed by Peaches Christ, this is an absolute love letter to horror cinema. Right down to the very theaters the movies play in. Cassandra Peterson stares at an Elvira poster. It’s that kind of movie. 
I, Madman : There need to be more movies like this. About the power of stories to come alive. One minute you’re reading a book. The next minute, the book is happening to you. Stars Jenny Wright, who deserved a better career. 
Grotesque : Linda Blair versus a gang of punks. Oh, excuse me. Punkers. That was one of my favorite parts, that they insisted on calling them punkers. Home invasion that goes completely WTF by the end. WTF endings are a theme with me. 
Hell High : A group of high school outcasts decide to terrorize their teacher. Not realizing a nudge will make her go postal. This movie is way better than it has any right to be, quite frankly. 
The Untamed : A Mexican SF horror film that is all about sex. It’s not SEXY. It’s ABOUT sex. And the need for it, the way it wrecks relationships, addiction to it, cheating, not being able to be true to yourself about your own identity or needs. It’s a lot. I love it. 
Death To Metal : I love to see heavy metal horror alive and well. An evil priest gets a toxic waste makeover and decides to take out his religious frustrations in a local dive hosting a rock concert. It’s low budget and full of love. 
Tropic of Cancer : Giallo! Again! With voodoo. Not accurate voodoo, don’t ever look for that in a horror film. But with magic and antics is what I really mean. And those antics are quite wild and fun. 
Final Judgment : Brad Dourif as a priest with a gun trying to catch a serial killer. Also, lots of strippers. If nothing about that makes you want to watch it, may I check your temperature? 
The Mangler : One of those bottom-of-the-barrel Stephen King adaptations with so much to give. Directed (well, in part, it sounds complicated) by Tobe Hooper. Starring Ted Levine. With an absolutely gigantic, evil, designed-by-Dracula laundry press.
Deep Blood : I haven’t seen every Jaws ripoff known to man. But why do I have the feeling this is the worst? If you want to relax with friends and laugh heartily over a multitude of poor choices and production mistakes, have I got the movie for you. 
Identity : How unknown is this? I mean, it has John Cusack and Ray Liotta in it. But I still feel like no one talks about it. Still needs way more love. And Then There Were None, but twists galore. And lots of great, fun performances. 
Retribution : A man attempts suicide right as a murder is taking place. The soul of the victim enters him and uses his body to exact vengeance. With a fantastic performance from Dennis Lipscomb and a lot of heart. 
The Devil's Men : Priest Donald Pleasence versus cult leader Peter Cushing. In a fight to the death. With a minotaur there as well. Place your bets!
The Stone Tape : Do you like Halloween III? The same guy wrote this. It has a similar blending of technology and the supernatural. And the supernatural tends to win in those scenarios... 
Benny Loves You : This is a flawed movie, but one thing is for certain: Benny is perfect. Benny loves us, and you’ll love him, too. A killer toy movie that’s a cut above the rest. 
It! (1967) : Of course, I had to include the year, because, no, I’m not talking about one of the most popular horror stories of all time. I’m talking about Roddy McDowall (doing a Psycho) and a golem. And murderous hijinks! 
Wind Chill : I know Christmas is over at the time of writing this, but this was a fantastic, underrated Christmas horror. A guy and a girl drive home from college in the snow and get stuck. Where a lot of people have gotten stuck before. And died. 
The Shuttered Room : We’re in Lovecraft country here. Yog Sothoth doesn’t show up, but a lot of other gothic trappings sure do. People locked up in attics. Getting harassed by locals who are itching to say YOU AIN’T FROM AROUND HERE, ARE YA? Covered in a layer of creepy sweat. With Oliver Reed! 
The Dead Hate The Living : Gotta end on a total banger. An independent film crew gets a little too zealous in making their horror flick and unleashes zombies upon themselves. With a ton of shoutouts and horror nerding, enough even for little old me. 
That does it! These are always a labor of love for me, and I hope there are those of you out there that get some mileage out of this. 
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
I have now seen the first two Scream movies and decided to check in. As much as it pains me to ever agree with anyone, you’re totally right about how great these are.
The original Scream is a masterpiece. It had me laughing my ass off pretty much from start to finish. I loved it a lot and couldn’t believe I’d never seen it before.
I realized immediately that I’d seen Scream 2 before, but it was so long ago that my memory was fuzzy and I only remembered things right before or as they happened. I didn’t like it as much as the original, but it was still fun. David Arquette makes the most bizarre and intense facial expressions and I hate it and love it at the same time.
I love the humor of this franchise, and all the meta stuff was truly ahead of its time. It’s exciting too! I was legit squealing a bit while Courtney Cox was sneaking around the soundproof walls. My favorite thing might be the mystery element that really sets it apart from the other big slasher franchises. I retain so little of what I see online that I have no idea who the killers are! Other than the fifth movie. I know that one.
Which movie is your favorite?
-Yellowjackets Anon
Hi there!
Hahaha I’m so glad that you’re enjoying yourself! Yes - the original Scream is such a masterpiece, I’m so glad you agree ❤️
I agree that the second movie isn’t as good as the first but it’s still fun. In my opinion the og is just such a masterpiece none of the subsequent content will ever truly compete but that’s okay because it continues to be fresh & fun.
David Arquette & his facial expressions are so iconic 😂 I love him & I love Dewey so much. Funny fact unrelated to anything but I watched the parody movie Scary Movie before I watched Scream (I know…. I’m a terrible horror fan lol) & because Dewey’s parody character is the killer I was CONVINCED all through the first movie that Dewey was the killer. That has nothing to do with anything I just find it funny
I know right? The mystery element of Scream & the way they actually do get you invested in the characters sets it apart from & elevates it above all other slasher franchises for me personally.
I’m so happy for you that you don’t remember who any of the killers are! There’s nothing more fun in life than trying to guess a Scream killer & their motives!
I honestly hate meta stuff 90% of the time because it’s almost always done poorly. The Scream writers are very clever & actually did an amazing job keeping it clever but not obnoxious & they continue to do that imo! I totally agree the original was ahead of its time! And they’ve always been very timely. To some people some of the timely jokes might date the movies but to me, I love stuff that’s a product of its time it’s just fun to me
Which movie is my favorite? Well I honestly feel like including the og in the competition is unfair because of course it’s that like c’mon 😂 BUT not including the original? I’d have to go with 4 or 6. It’s been 4 for years but I don’t know, 6 really revitalized the franchise in a way that I just loved so much plus the Ghostface story was tailor made for me personally to obsess over & the new movies are focused on siblings which is all I want from any movie!
Sooo yeah I might have to calm down about 6 & re-watch it a few times before I can truly say if it beats out 4, a feat that I would have assumed impossible 😱
Thank you for sharing your reactions to the movies! I’m so jealous of you getting to watch them for the first time lol! ❤️❤️❤️
Also - it’s almost time for new Yellowjackets! Idk if I’ll be able to watch live but I’d at least like to watch the day after or something if I can because I’m looking forward to the discussion 👀
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sir-klauz · 2 years
Sorry but being so adamant that nobody can every write about anything ever in their books that isn’t basically PG or 100% purely nothing included that’s a difficult topic is terribly boring, terribly so far flung from reality, and if you do want fiction, then removing fantasy that might include difficult topics pretty much also participates in pretending it doesn’t exist and it shouldn’t be a problem to write about.
Sure, add trigger warnings and avoid things that negatively affect you and hurt you to read, but saying the writer is evil for including them or is problematic unless they themselves are expressing actually being their character they’re writing about and being a bigot, someone like JK Rowling for an easy example presenting as a bigot and writing alongside as one within her material.
It’s a bit much to put someone who’s say, writing about perhaps a homophobic crime occurring to a character/being bullied and then coining them as problematic themselves for even writing about that and “probably a homophobe themselves” and reducing writers not at all like that to this when it’s not even true.
These things, bad things, villains, and more, as bad as they are, need to be written about sometimes because often characters are Based On Real People, or have elements or depictions of real experiences, and stories need a variety of people because you won’t find many books without a selection of good and bad characters, even in fluffy kids books.
Now, how it’s written, how a realistic negative event is written, if it’s informed or written insensitivity or perhaps a warning and things alike, criticise that instead.
But to suddenly cancel a writer and complain about them and reducing their entire capacity as a writer all for their characters having difficult experiences in a book, or evil characters being present… I mean come on, do you really expect they entirety of literature now needs to only have Heroes. How bland.
And I’m not saying books like that aren’t bad, I love a good warm and lovely book, but I mean if that’s the only genre and writing style there ever was whilst trying to reach this false idea of perfection or purity as a writer apparently needs to be producing or god forbid?
Gimme a breakkk, I know you read several Steven King novels in your teens. Wouldn’t call that slasher movie non-problematic either but you still go watch them on horror night and don’t criticise the creator as “evidently politically siding with Jason Voorhees”, because it’s a fookin horror movie innit.
Don’t consume genres you don’t like that have clear warnings with material in it that you don’t enjoy. It doesn’t make a writer evil for writing about not so fluffy things, what’s important is how it’s done, that it’s not for an undertone of the writers true beliefs, and that they’re been careful to write it well. Be critical, call out discriminatory writing that is coming from the writer, call out if the writing is making minorities suffer from its production, but keep in mind a writer isn’t also a bigot because there’s characters within their work that are. Just like they’re probably also not the banking entrepreneur that swipes a random fashion column writer off their feet on a summers day in New York in their second book.
I mean maybe they are and I guess kudos for having that much time on their hands to be a banker, successful writer and hamming it with a great romantic life as well whilst catching a day with nice weather.
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talenlee · 8 months
Story Pile: Halloween (1978)
Continuing my ongoing experience of watching the classic horror movies that all the horror movies I saw was referencing, I decided to investigate what’s probably the dawn of the horror-slasher-serial killer genre of movies that fascinates me. I grew up in a world shaped by these movies, and the movies of my adolescence that wanted to be scary were often made in response to, or conversation with, these classic movies, so it’s time to pop open a movie about a relentless, unstoppable super-human killing machine that will not stop hunting you or delivering interesting, creative kills, until you’re dead.
This… is Halloween (1978, because I have to specify, because there was a 2018 movie).
Content and spoiler warning! I’m going to talk about some general suburban horror themes, and also, stuff that happens in the movie and its conclusion. You might not feel this particularly merits a warning, but in case you haven’t seen Halloween and wondered if it’s worth watching, and want to check it out without knowing what I think ahead of time, I liked it a lot, and it was very different to what I expected.
First of all, my impression of Halloween based on it and the genre of movies that followed along after it, was that it’s about some kind of haunted ghost monster man with super powers that could show up and mess you up, like he was practically teleporting and stuff. Scream and Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street and other things that the Simpsons wound up referencing all had the same general vibe and I assume these mostly come out of Halloween. It seemed to be first.
Guess what, other newbies? This movie isn’t that kind of movie! It’s not about an implacable, unstoppable, inhuman supermurderbeast who does weird creative kills and seemingly teleports off-screen! This is a psychological horror movie that is super scary in part because it’s so unsettlingly realistic.
Oh, it’s not that realistic, I’m sure. The society wasn’t that pristine, the streets weren’t that clean, the people weren’t that innocent and safe and the whole world was not so unvarnished. But the world presented in Hallloween is a really well constructed, whole, tense story.
The story is about a kid, who commits an act of violence, then is institutionalised and through good old 1960s into 70s medical and psychological science, becomes a territorial monster overwhelmingly focused on returning to the place he feels safe, and defending it. It’s not magical, there’s no quest, there’s no possession: You’re watching people who have no meaningful idea of how to interact with a story encountering violence and horror as represented by something of their own they didn’t want to deal with.
It feels in a lot of ways less like a ‘horror movie’ or a ‘slasher movie’ as much as almost a kind of true crime movie. There’s a material sensibility to what’s going on. No cursed knives or impossibly gory kills, just relentless, implacable stalking from someone who doesn’t care about the pain they’re inflicting. Someone who doesn’t really understand other people’s feelings, in a way that feels, well, realistically traumatised.
Realism is always a moving target, right? It seems a realistic story to me, within a little boundary of its hyper-reality. You can’t support an entire body on a knife through the sternum into a wall, that’s not likely going to work. I haven’t handled a 1970s phone as far as I know, I don’t think the cables are strong enough to choke someone to death. I assume that if I did that with a cable from my childhood, a decade or more later, the cable would snap first. Maybe because they made the cables weaker after this movie! Who’s to say.
On the other hand, a lot of things that the genre did after this point that are treated as ‘unrealistic’ tropes of the form, just make complete sense here. Laurie Stroud running from Michael Myers and falling over wasn’t because she was stupid and sucks and they wanted to needlessly build tension: It was because she’d just fallen down the stairs and she was injured! People weren’t answering their doors or helping her because it was Halloween, so they figured it was a prank!
The closest thing to a meaningful ‘plot hole’ I can see in the whole thing is that it is a bit weird that Michael can drive. It’s weird because I can’t work out where he would have learned it. I mean, I can – just have someone roleplay it with him in the asylum as part of therapy. But the person who would oversee that is Loomis, and that person would know about it.
I don’t imagine that Michael Myers was made the way he was by the story because there was some greater point about psychological institutions in the United States. I think that’s just how it looks, now, looking back, that a man institutionalised and doped up for containment for 15 years because his therapist didn’t know how to understand him, winds up being a very dangerous, hostile asshole who wants to control his environment through violent means. The why doesn’t need much exploring, and honestly, asking for a why is kind of missing the truth right in front of you.
There’s not really an explanation for what Michael is. We know he was a kid, we know he did something, but there’s no actual explanation for what he did and why he did it. There’s no explanation for why he’s so strong or why he’s so big or why he’s so relentless. It’s all just a silhouette, a cutout in the shape of a person, because he’s not actually about why. He’s just about what.
Despite that though, there’s a lot of stuff he does that makes absolute sense. He went back to his house and he got mad at someone who touched it. He wanted to be left alone, so he attacked people connected to that. He didn’t have a reasonable response, but he still did things in a reasonable, coherent, acceptable way. Stalking around the streets, he was capable of behaving in a way that minimised attention to him; staying out of sight, exploiting darkness, or keeping distance from the things he was observing. When he was chasing Laurie, he didn’t run after her, which makes sense, because he knew she was injured, and him chasing her would get attention.
It’s probably for the best that Michael doesn’t have anything to him. At least, nothing that needs further explaining. There’s room to make hay out of the idea that Michael Myers needs a reason to be the way he is, but the movie doesn’t seem to think so. There’s not a lot of reason to explain what he is, and even Loomis’ bombastic sentiment about it seems to be born out of an attempt to get the people around him to take what he’s talking about seriously.
Honestly, the biggest thing about this movie after watching it is realising how alien it is, how the world it is in is so messed up and different to the world I’m in, and even the world I grew up in, and how hard it can be to determine if that’s because of things the movie changed in the world. Can you treat Halloween as a piece of apocalyptic fiction? Not post-apocalyptic, but apocalyptic, in that it generates a great revelation and then the world is changed afterwards. What I mean is that Halloween, as a movie, is a movie that ended the world. In the real world. The world existed in one way, and then Halloween happened, and after Halloween the world was different, and started to change to reflect what Halloween had done to it.
After this movie came out, did it become easier to imagine a strange, loose stalker hunting people at night? Did people get more defensive, more paranoid, because a story they were told about a safe place like theirs, and as a result, get more withdrawn and less interested in connecting to their community?
Did Halloween the movie erode its own place in the world?
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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a-nice-egg-offering · 11 months
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Tysm for the tag angel!! @ocularmacdown
Are you named after anyone?
Yes I am named after a famous reggae artist’s mother. So the name is of Jamaican origin and I always feel very embarrassed telling people what my name is as a very clearly white person lmao so far I’ve only had positive responses of people thinking it’s cool but I still cringe a little every time I say it. I guess I just don’t want to come across like one of those white twitter weeboos that name themselves asian names or something?? Idk I probably overthink it lol I generally go by a shortened version anyway tho bc the full one is unusual and people can get annoying and just say it all the time for no reason
Do you have any kids?
No but I want a lot, I’d like to adopt at least one too.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
First thing you notice about people?
It’s relative isn’t it? I guess just the thing that stands out the most about whatever person is in question
What’s your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive but I will say I generally prefer media that makes me want to rip my eyes out and jump into a fire pit. Ninety one whiskey for example though made me feel that and then I actually wouldn’t have been able to cope if it didn’t have a happy ending so sometimes both are necessary. I will say I’m not rly a fan of slasher movies, if it’s horror there has to be a psychological element to it for me
Special talents?
Throwing skittles/m&ms and catching them in my mouth
What are your hobbies?
Musical theatre, singing, acting, drawing, writing, editing, fandomming, playing guitar & piano
Have any pets?
I have 2 cats one is satan incarnate the other one is cute sometimes
What sports do you/have you played?
I did acrobatics and ballet from the age of 3 to 14 and I used to go to tennis summer camps, I do a mean serve
How tall are you?
Just under 5’6 (167cm) I see some people say 5’5 is short so often and it baffles me lol it’s really not. It’s above average for women in every country. & like I hate feeling tall and I always do bc everyone is so damn short
Favourite subject in school?
I loved german bc I was in love with my teacher lol I was actually very bad at languages tho so I think based on pure enjoyability of the subject itself I’d say english or when I got to college psychology.
Dream job?
Forensic psychologist, musical theatre performer, singer in general, tattoo artist, special FX make up artist (what I’m actually trained to do lol) or cake decorator
U think my adhd ass is gonna remember 15 names to tag? I’m just gonna do ones that come up in my suggested @cauldronofmorning @boyantigone @kkshowtunes @definitelynotdennisreynolds @kod-lyoko @scorchedfangirl
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bodies bodies bodies. also im older.
i’m a different person but also the same kind of person. i still read webtoons lol. anyway i wanted to write some things about bodies bodies bodies because it’s getting complicated but i dont want to be witnessed, but also do. you know. also yes i know this movie is a hundred years in the past i dont care im talking about it
i wish bodies x3 wasn’t poisoned by lena wilson’s review - i think it deserves to be criticized and stand on its own. i also don’t really like how she reviewed it - like, they weren’t really. wearing sexualizing clothes, so to speak? 95 minutes of advertisements for cleavage feels egregious for a movie that really only has like, 5 minutes total of a pool scene
that said: onto my criticism
i think bodies x3 either needed to lean into the black comedy/absurdity more or into the satire more. i honestly sincerely think that a slasher was a great idea for a movie genre that needed an update - the high strung energy of being in a - and i know i sound like an old man - “hyperwoke” environment is very interesting, combined with - as many people have said - the kind of constant surveillance state we exist in. and the way that pushes people who might otherwise be normal assholes be like, nuanced assholes.
so, in my opinion, either it needed to poke more fun at how much we’ve pathologized ourselves. but then there’s also serious stuff, like how sophie says her friends learned she got sober and then went on with popping champagne and snorting coke. like, she has a point! even if she is the one that decides to be around them, and has bad commitment issues, and is a deeply bad girlfriend, it’s absolutely wild that nobody stopped to be like, maybe this isn’t how we should be treating our newly rehab-ed friend. and we only kind of have that language because therapyspeak is so prevalent.
but then on the other hand, there’s david, who literally accidentally slits his own throat because he’s having a stupid one-sided pissing contest with greg. that’s like... comedic. it’s hilarious that because he just cannot get over his masculinity being threatened to the point he accidentally kills himself and kicks of this paranoia fuelled nightmare. but - and i truly cannot emphasize this enough - this is also in a movie where sophie, who is terminally incapable of sincerity, sincerely makes a point about being triggered by people she’s kind of codependently attached to.
i guess maybe i think bodies x3 doesn’t decide whether it wants to be sincere or satirical - which is fine, i’m not demanding that every single movie has an easily digestible or even clear throughline to still be entertaining or good. but because it never leans into one or the other, it’s just vaguely confusing. i don’t want bodies x3 to reinvent the wheel or anything, but i also don’t want tradition.
i still really like it - in part because there’s a lot of new talent that i think would be a shame to put it down. i just think that - like do revenge - it’s very confused on how updating the movie would really change its dynamics. and, to be quite mean, i think it’s the boomerification of millenials. i think they haven’t quite figured out what gen z is about, and as a terminally online gen z, that’s a real shame.
p.s. i dont care if greg was innocent the way people keep slobbering over his existence is weird. he’s like double their age. he should’ve said no to alice lmfao the fuck
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