#i dunno what else i can tag this with
1bringthesun · 11 months
alright. we’ve reached deranged o’clock. today, i, tai, will be dissecting the garb of Fyodor (bsd). if someone has done this already, oops! let’s begin.
to start, an image of Fyodor for reference.
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so i’m kicking us off with his hat, because that’s probably the easiest part. the fandom has collectively agreed that it’s an ushanka, and yeah, i tend to agree. it pretty much looks exactly like this (image pictured below: white ushanka from this link).
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so that’s that. to balance it out, i’m doing his cape next, because what the fuck. it looks like a pretty normal cape at first glance. one with fur lining. like this (image pictured below: a black cape with fur lining at the top near the collar from this link.)
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but i urge you to go look back at the reference image, because not only does Fyodor’s cape not attach at the top, not only does it have buttons along the edges, but it has a notch lapel (a type of collar lapel; basically those foldy things by the sides at the top of a trench coat). and once again, it doesn’t attach at the damn top.
so that leaves us two options: either it’s an unbuttoned coat with sleeves that don’t show because it’s so dark and a fur lining, or it’s a really weird cape. and please spare me, because i know nothing about fashion. i’m doing this all for fun. so let’s explore each option.
it could definitely be something like this, except with fur added (image pictured below: soviet officer’s naval uniform from this link)
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except… you know. it doesn’t have sleeves. but his cape doesn’t have anywhere to clip onto at the top, and it also has that collar lapel, and also buttons, so it barely looks like a cape at all! what are you WEARING, Fyodor??
there’s one last possibility, but it’s not a style of cape so much as it is one specific thing i found that looks like the discolored version of what Fyodor is wearing. because i know i’m going to hit the image limit, i’m just going to tell you to visit this link if you wanna see what it looks like. it’s just a lora piana cape.
in any case, his cape does look like a personally tailored version of something that originally came from the russian military, so there’s some food for thought. moving onto his shirt.
the one clothing item that looks most like what he’s wearing is a qipao/cheongsam top. for all intents and purposes, the style and everything looks quite similar—the buttons and how they’re in the middle, where the purple-colored trim would go on Fyodor’s shirt and how it aligns with the sewing, etc. here is an example.
(image pictured below: a white qipao/cheongsam top that honestly looks a lot like what Fyodor is wearing from this link)
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that looks pretty similar, right? right?!?! but damnit Fyodor, you had to make things complicated, didn’t you?! because … because your collar? that is NOT a qipao/cheongsam collar. (image pictured below: official art of Fyodor holding his hat and smiling with no cape on from this link)
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the only thing that would explain how this was still a qipao/cheongsam top was if he was wearing a fengxian collar. and even then… it’s not quite right. (image pictured below: woman wearing a red dudou with a fengxian collar from this link.)
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…but putting so much effort into styling one single shirt… i mean, i couldn’t find any men’s examples of the fengxian collar because styling your qipao is more of a feminine thing to do. so let’s visit russian fashion again.
ah, but there’s the slight kicker. 19th century russian fashion was, to my knowledge, influenced by asian fashion. for example, the khalat, also known as a russian cape, which— huh, do you think he could be wearing a khalat?
….i finished talking about his cape. and as i was writing about the weird collar on his shirt, i remembered this official art, which i grabbed and saved directly from the manga so i don’t have a link source. (image pictured below: newish official art released in the manga—Dazai and Fyodor standing next to each other with yellow paint(?) severing their heads from their bodies and TV screens with various pictures surrounding them.)
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Fyodor’s collar! look, it’s straight! maybe he IS wearing a cheongsam! the cape still has that weird collar lapel (goddamn it) so i can’t really say anything enlightened about that, but… the shirt!!
cool! alright! his pants! so this is really straightforward. idk if it’s pants that come as a pair with the shirt or something, but they just look like normal white linen pants to me. (image pictured below: linen, white pants on a woman from this link)
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finally, his shoes. i only have one image left before i hit the image limit, so i hope you’re willing to scroll back to the top, where you’ll see his shoes look very strange, but surprisingly, they’re easy enough to label.
i think it’s likely he’s wearing Renaissance boots, given how they look almost identical to his sans the fact they’re disconnected in the front, but Renaissance boots DO have gaps, it’s just not pictured in the specific image of these specific boots i chose. (image pictured below: Renaissance boots from this link.)
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yeah, they’re a little short, and maybe they don’t look EXACTLY right, but you can’t deny it’s the same style. if you think the shoe quarters look a little less attached to the vamps, then i’d just tell you to consider the fact he’s wearing spatterdashes and call it a day. (more about spats here.)
and finally, if you’re interested in 19th century/historical russian fashion, given Fyodor’s outfit seems pretty inspired by that, i advise you check out this link, which goes into some detail about things i didn’t.
of course, i hope you enjoyed my disorganized insanity, and may you have a good sun-out time or moon-out time!
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nicepersondisorder · 2 months
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galactic-mermaid · 1 month
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((Original here Link))
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valentronic · 8 months
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“I didn’t expect to feel any remorse”
A companion piece for my Hoffman/Rigg art focusing instead on Saws V and VI! Coffin room beloved + some study sketches :]
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creativibee · 21 days
whoop meant to do this earlier
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I doom scrolled, so now yall get a baby velociraptor. enjoy.
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Hey guys, my name is Ashton and I'm reopening up my commissions!
I'm mainly a Pokemon/Furry artist, but I can do humans too (if you don't mind the cartoon-y style!) I've been drawing for nearly 12 years and it's a big passion of mine.
If you are ever interested in commissioning me, feel free to dm me on Tumblr! I'd be happy to discuss with you what you'd like :>
Not sure what else to say here, it's been a minute. Thanks for the patience on me updating my commission sheet!
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
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khaotunq · 1 year
uncle jim rly said this guy who's been helping with all the bills, organising my shit and trying to help save my livelihood means less to me than a guy i shagged this one time ?? make it make sense mate
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insert-neologism · 1 month
Shauna's drunk. When she's drunk, she starts thinking (more than usual, that is).
Also, something's wrong.
Jackie dances in the middle of the floor. With Jeff.
Shauna is watching her from outside the mass of writhing bodies and feels horrible.
It's not that they're dancing now, as if nothing's ever happened, as if Jackie didn't cry just last night in Shauna's bed (only in the dark, silently, when she thought Shauna was sleeping. She wasn't.)
It's not even that Jackie is back together with him, even though he doesn't make her happy and Jackie knows that just as well as Shauna. Even though she keeps saying the opposite.
It's that Shauna cant stop thinking about it; that even if she forces her eyes to wander they still come back to Jackie every time, fixate on her like there's nothing else in the room.
It's that Shauna can't look anywhere but her, and that the music fades ever so slightly when she does (only for her. only ever for her.)
It's that she's dancing so closely with Jeff that they might as well be one, a single body. And it feels... wrong, just deeply, plainly wrong. It shouldn't be him.
It's that Shauna can't be happy for Jackie. It's that she's the worst best friend to ever exist.
She downs the rest of her drink, barely even tasting it.
Jackie, unaware, turns her face towards the ceiling, eyes closed. The light illuminating it turns blue.
It gives Jackie's skin an almost ethereal glow; she doesn't look real anymore, like her soul has left and all that's moving is just her body, a lifeless shell. She stills, for a second or forever - Shauna can't tell. But she's not moving anymore, and her skin turns lighter, white-ish.
Snow starts to fall. It's terribly cold.
Shauna flinches; the red solo cup crumbles beneath her grip. She feels bile rise in her throat.
It's not snow, of course it isnt; it's summer and they're inside. The spotlights are just throwing white flecks everywhere, like the ones behind Shauna's eyes when she closes them and tries to think of nothing (it never works). Jackie's moving again, blue again, with Jeff's hands all over her again.
It hits her, as sudden as a punch to the face: an overwhelming pain, something that can't be described as just 'sadness'. Something that runs so deep that not even death could expel her from feeling it.
It's still cold, impossibly so; goosebumps are covering her entire body and suddenly it's too light and too loud and too cramped and just too much and if she doesn't get out of here right the fuck now she's going to die.
The warm summer air outside and light breeze do make her feel better. There are less people out here, too; or at least Shauna can't see them. Doesn't care for them.
Everything is blurry. She's lost her cup somewhere on the way, but it doesn't matter; it was empty anyways.
Somebody - Nat? there's a shimmer of yellow, but to be honest Shauna would just like to close her eyes and lay on the ground until the earth consumes her, (out of protest against anyone who hinders her she refuses to open her eyes more than absolutely necessary) so she can't be sure - is tapping her shoulder and handing her a piece of bread, saying "for fuck sake, how much did you drink? Did you eat nothing all day or are that much of a lightweight?"
She did eat. Enough, even though she gave Jackie half of it. Well, 'gave' is relative; but she doesn't like to say she forced Jackie to eat. Doesn't think she could do that, force Jackie to do anything. Doesn't think anyone could. Not really.
But she really isn't feeling that great, and food does help more often than not, so she accepts it and watches the shimmer of blonde float away again.
She bites into the bread. It feels hard and cold and tastes salty and not at all like bread.
Shauna turns and throws up.
Somebody gathers her hair and holds it up, holds her up until she's slowly calming down. "Are you alright?" a voice asks.
Shauna looks up. It's Van, Van with her fiery red hair and a scar on her face. She blurs.
"Something's wrong." Shauna says.
"Yeah, obviously. You've had way too much, what the fuck is going on?"
"No, it's..." Shauna doesn't know how to explain. Can't explain, because how do you explain something you don't even know yourself? How do you say something you can't even think, that you don't know is true?
So she doesn't. Instead, she holds her hand out and traces Van's scar, red against white.
Blood on snow.
The skin is smooth.
Her fingertips are crawling. She feels like she did seconds (hours? How long did she lay here?) ago, when she was inside; too light and too loud and cramped. Only this time, it's not because of other people; this time, it's just herself, her own body who she wants (needs) to get rid of. There are feelings inside of her, feelings she can't contain nor express and they're building up (They've always been building up. They've always come close to being more than what she can handle. But today it feels inevitable.); there's an ocean inside of her, and it's gathering up into a wave so big it's impossible to perceive and it's gonna crash, it's gonna crash and crush her and she's gonna go down, go under and drown. She's tearing at the seams.
Van's looking at her, she realises, eyes wide and filled with an badly hidden emotion that Shauna knows intimately, can match to what's inside her, infesting her like a parasite. That sometimes overcomes her, makes her unable to move and makes her always keep Jackie halfway out (because she doesn't know what, but something's wrong with her. And if Jackie ever finds out it's going to be the end of them - the end of the only good thing Shauna has.
And she knows it's futile, knows she'll destroy it either way; by keeping Jackie out and by letting her in, but this way she can at least pretend.
She can pretend until it's too late, and then keep pretending; because deep down she knows Jackie won't ever leave her. She's imprinted in her skin, behind her eyelids, her brain; she's haunting her already, so why should that be different when she's dead?)
What she doesn't know is why Van is feeling that, why Van is even familiar with it, the bone-deep fear that infests everything she knows like a toxic gas - unable to keep out and killing everything around her.
But she's still looking at her, with the same wide eyes as minutes (seconds?) ago, her mouth slightly open.
She doesn't move, doesn't even blink - just like Shauna, who then becomes aware that she has a body too, that she is more than just a thousand thoughts and prayers and emotions, insecurity and rage, mixed up and dumped into a pocket of air. She becomes aware that her throat hurts, that there's a twig digging into her thigh, that her hand is still on Van's face, unmoving.
"Van?" a voice calls. Van flinches, and so does Shauna. She drops her hand (it lands on her lap, limp and unfeeling), and Van blinks rapidly as if to make up for all the time she didn't, and time starts moving again.
Being normal again.
Except that nothing is.
A hand lands on Van's shoulder, and this time only Shauna flinches. "Damn." Tai says. "Is she alright?"
YES, Shauna wants to say. She is alright. She is the alrightest she's ever been, so could everyone please just leave her alone? Thank you.
"I don't think so." Van says.
She's still looking at her, this time tinged with something like an understanding. A connection. Shauna doesn't want it.
"Do we have to get Jackie? I know where she is, I just saw her-"
Tai sighs. "Van, please, I'm not dealing with this tonight. First... "
She wishes she could throw up again, get out every thought and memory and watch it disappear into the ground. If it won't claim her body then maybe it'll be enough for it to claim everything that makes her her. Maybe she'll be the ground afterwards; after all, swallowing her thoughts is all she ever does. ("Just talk to someone. It'll be good for you.", her mother had said. Shauna had taken up journaling instead.)
Somebody's pulling her up to her feet.
"Shauna? Shauna, hey..."
Shauna sways, held up only by Van's arm around her waist. Her eyes land on an exceptionally blurry Tai, who's watching her with a concerned look (which is her own fault, Shauna thinks. If they just would've let the earth consume her in peace she'd be long gone already and everything would be alright.)
"Something's obviously going on." Van says. "I'm not leaving her alone, not in that state."
Both Tais glare at Van.
Shauna blinks.
Both of them are still there.
One of the Tais, the one with the longer hair, says something.
Her teeth are dark.
Maybe her bread fell into the dirt too, Shauna thinks miserably.
They're still arguing, still about her. She doesn't want them to, doesn't want them to care for her. Caring for her is not going to end well; she's a knife, a violent paper doll, hurting and destroying and incredibly fragile all the while. Waiting to be discarded.
She turns into Van and starts to cry.
"That's it." Tai (Shauna can't see which one) says. "I'm getting Lottie. Her party, her responsibility. "
Van just sighs and rubs Shauna's back.
Some time later (Shauna is confident that this is a correct estimate about how much time has passed) she's sitting on the steps to the balcony; at least, that's what she thinks based on the noises around her and the smell of weed in the air. The party is obstructed by the impossibly huge plants on the balcony, and it's too dark to make anything out except for a stream of light in front of her. She's grateful for it.
She still feels Van's touch on her back, a ghost handprint.
They're talking about her, Shauna knows, and about her. They (Van and Lottie; Tai pretended to leave but Shauna can feel her eyes from somewhere behind her) are standing a bit apart and the only thing she can hear are whispers. It's not hard though, to know what they're talking about; it's always the same thing. As if they’re entwined, as if Shauna doesn't even exist without her.
Don't get Jackie. At least theyre honoring that wish; they might pass her around like she's a particularly fucked up plant that everybody wants to get rid of as soon as possible, but god forbid anyone would want to pry Jackie from her second body.
Let's get Lottie instead.
She didn't want them to, and told them as much (which didn't do anything at all). Almost like she isn’t her own human with her own agenda; somehow, everybody keeps insisting that she can't possibly make her own decisions, that she doesn't know what she wants. Misplaced. A puppy hanging around outside, waiting to be let back in.
There's something to be said (thought) here, something that she can't grasp right now; it feels just out of reach, dancing behind closed glass doors, but it's interrupted by Lottie's shadow appearing right in front of her, cutting into the yellow light.
She isn't wearing a hat or anything, Shauna notes; which is weird considering it sort of looks that way on her shadow - as if there's a very weird tree growing from her head. Briefly, Shauna wonders if she's high - if she's simply inhaled enough smoke on her time on the balcony to make up for actually smoking.
Lottie, who's holding a joint, doesn't make that theory seem too absurd.
The smoke curls up and obstructs part of her face. Together with the dim light Lottie looks like she's hidden behind a veil.
It's cold again.
The smoke lifts, and Shauna can see Lottie's frown. She doesn't want to, doesn't want anything to make Lottie frown. Especially not to be the reason.
" -you alright? Van said you said something's wrong."
Shauna can't talk, can't get any words out. She feels too weak, suddenly, like she could just collapse right here in the steps and sleep forever. She wants to.
"Did you eat enough?" Shauna nods, hastily. She won't eat anything else tonight. Can't.
Lottie grouches. Her shadow convulses, almost following the movements of Lottie's body and forms into something else, something smaller. The branches have grown. They're almost at the border of the lightstream now. It feels like they're reaching for it. Shauna's hand finds hold on her arm, nails biting into skin.
"You know, " Lottie says, gently.
Shauna's eyes are ripped away from the... thing cowering in the light, to Lottie's eyes.
The smoke-veil has lifted completely now. There's a softness in Lottie's eyes Shauna almost never sees; and if, it's never directed at her. Only ever at Laura Lee. Nat, sometimes.
It feels like an ocean. Calm and harmless; but at the bottom, Shauna knows she'll be crushed. And she's sinking, faster than she ever did before. Her heart is a hand-grenade, beating with anger and fear, but there's something else there, too.
"There- Sometimes you don't know what's going on, and that's ok. Sometimes you're feeling things that don't make sense, or that you don't want to feel, or that make you want to rip your heart out every time you do feel them. Because you have to. And because they're so great you can't just feel them alone, because one person's just not enough but you cant talk to anyone about it because they'd kill you. Not literally. But metaphorically.
But I- I guess I just want you to know that you can talk to me about it, alright? About everything. About her. "
Lottie looks away briefly, her eyes releasing Shauna.
The joint dangles between her pointer- and ring finger, burning into her clothes or maybe not. It doesn't catch on fire.
If it would, Shauna asks herself, would her shadow be exterminated too, destroyed by the light? Or would it simply be freed?
"Shauna?" Lottie starts moving towards her.
"No." Shauna says. "Stay in the light. Please."
As long as Lottie stays right there, in the light of the half-open balcony door, the shadow will stay there too. Has to. If she lets it into the dark Shauna can't keep track of it anymore, will lose sight of it, and it's gonna envelop her, burrow itself inside her and never let her go.
"Do you still think you're a killer?" Lottie's shadow asks. "You could be. If you tried."
"I know. " Shauna's shadow says.
Lottie stills and looks at her. There's surprise in her eyes now, along with that overwhelming softness.
Shauna realises that she's sitting behind one of the plants, in the dark; there's no light. So there's no shadow. She lets her head drop to her knees.
Lottie sighs. There's a rush of air and rustling of clothes and Lottie's hand, gentle on her head.
" Oh, honey."
Shauna wishes that she could drown in her honey voice, could let herself fall and sink and go under and never come back up again. Live as her reflection. It'd be alright then; she's nothing more than fragments of a person who might've existed once anyways.
She doesn't dare look up now, now that she knows Lottie's shadow isnt contained anymore.
She doesn't dare feel anything else than her hand.
"Lottie? Uh, I think they need you inside. There's a. Well, I wouldn't call it a fight, but Tai and J-. Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting?"
Lottie breathes out.
"You could never, Laura Lee."
She stands up.
"Could you stay with Shauna till I'm back? She's not feeling well."
"Of course." Laura Lee says.
Shauna can only imagine the look they share, but she's seen them a thousand times so she can imagine it pretty well. It hollows her out, pulls something inside of her out piece by piece until there's nothing left. Until she's but a shell. In some way, she supposes, she's never been more.
Laura Lee sits down beside her. Shauna can feel her eyes; not concerned like Van's or inquiring like Tai's or whatever the hell Lottie was, but simply looking.
She always does this; sitting beside someone and simply being there until they start talking. Even if it takes forever. It always works.
She's the best of all of them. Of the team, of the world; she tries and tries and never gives up. She's never once thought about being a bad person; she's never once thought about anyone being a bad person, because she believes in the irrevocable good in anyone.
Shauna doesn't realise she's crying until she feels Laura Lee in front of her, gently trying to pry her hands from her head. They fail.
"Shauna. Shauna, please look at me."
Shauna shakes Laura Lee off.
"I can't." she says, muffled. "If I do, something bad's gonna happen."
"To me?"
Shauna doesn't know. Van's scars weren't ever there. Of the two Tai's that went to get Lottie only one came back, and none remained. And Jackie's still dancing.
"Something weird is happening, Laura Lee. Something bad, and I don't know what to do against it, how to stop it, what to-"
Laura Lee stops her struggles against Shauna's arms.
"You know. Some things you can't stop. Some things are just bound to happen, and you can't avoid them. They're going to find you anyway. But, once you're through, you're a stronger person."
"I don't think this is supposed to happen." Shauna says. And, then: "Wait, you mean like a test? from God?"
Shauna can't hear it, can't feel it, and yet she knows the expression Laura Lee makes. When she starts talking again, though, her voice is just as gentle as before.
"I don't like calling it a test."
"Because it implies that you can fail."
Shauna sniffles.
"What, you don't think you can fail?"
You don't think I'm set up for failing, for being the worst possible person with every step I take.
"I don't think he'd do that. He didn't create us to fail, he created us to be good."
"Is that in the bible?"
"I'm not bound to the bible, Shauna." She hears the smile in Laura Lee's voice. "Look at me? Please?"
It was stupid to believe she'd get through with this. Laura Lee listens, and talks, and keeps company until it works. And it always works.
Slowly, Shauna looks up.
The night sky is much darker here, with Lottie's house being out of town and less polluted by the street lights.
Shauna knows, though right now it's being largely obscured by Laura Lee's face, painted blue by the moonlight. There's a light breeze, and warmth, and the giggles of random boys who probably went outside with a stolen joint or something.
It doesn't matter, though. All that matters is Laura Lee.
There's so much love, so much certainty in her eyes that Shauna feels herself simultaneously recoil and wanting to come closer; to submerge herself in the belief Laura Lee holds, that spans her world, endless like the sky.
How one person can have so much faith, Shauna doesn't know. Can't imagine. Wishes she could.
If Lottie is the dark, all shadow and hidden half-smiles, then Laura Lee is light incarnate.
"It's going to be alright." she says, and for once, Shauna believes her (because it's said with such conviction, such immense knowledge that Shauna can't not believe her.)
The sky starts to burn. There are snakes of fire, a place of smoke, rising around Laura Lee's head like a halo.
A second later, there's a boom. It shatters the earth and Shauna's heart, vibrating deep in her bones.
"What the fuck?" Lottie shouts from somewhere behind Laura Lee, who's still towering over Shauna, hair still reflecting the light.
"Who the fuck brought fireworks? I swear to God and everything that's holy, I will get your asses, and you will never show your godforsaken face here again."
Fireworks. Of course.
Shauna exhales, shakily.
It rains blue and purple fire around Laura Lee's head.
In the moonlight, it looks like snow.
Is she right back where she started?
"Did you see? Nothing happened." Laura Lee smiles, tentatively. "I'm alright."
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your-neighbor-bear · 2 months
Somepony pls buy a dragon (or two) I need them to go 🙏
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(There's also some in the nursery)
Individual (clearer) pics under the cut (minus one bc image limit)
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cryptic-bee · 7 months
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It was the knowing that he was a monster. A monster that feeds on players and players alone.
Maybe that was just his way of coping with his death, his very first one long before he'd become a monster. Maybe this was his twisted form of revenge on the ones who caused it.
Maybe he liked that more than he should.
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The Guy™️ he is Silly
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yewphoric · 10 months
Commissions post!
Hello! I've finally decided to open commissions !! :D
All of my prices and info are in this document!! I may try and get a carrd or simple graphic set up at some point, but docs is easiest for me at the moment
Please allow at least 1 week for turnaround; I try to work fast but I also have a job and school coming up so it may take a little bit!
Please DM me for Spicy Art examples, I did not feel comfortable putting any in the sheet itself.
Speaking of that, You MUST have your age in your bio to commission me. By commissioning you agree that you are 18+. If I find out you were lying about your age you will be blacklisted.
I have a right to refuse your commission for any reason!!
For now, slots are unlimited. I'll close them if I get too many, which I will make a post about!
Please contact me through DMs on here or Discord if you have my discord! (which mutuals can always ask for <3)
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trannydykes · 3 months
wanna give a little cheer to lesbians on the spectrums (any spectrum. autism, aro/ace, gender*, ect, including mental health/disorder spectrums)
I just want you all to know, that those parts of you are important and while some come with troubles, and others get pointed bigotry at you, you'll always be a lesbian
and if you arent a lesbian but are on a spectrum, reblog this to let lesbians in your circle know they're welcome to be themselves without fear of lesbophobia (because that's an all too common fear for us now)
*not ppl whose gender identity is "man or male-aligned". no man can be a lesbian, no matter if he was afab or not.
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yovillustar · 1 year
Please share and reblog
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drawnaghht · 9 months
usagi chronicles fandom (fandom salt)
just a small thought i had today but - I notice there's always either a lot of misinfo surrounding this show or a lot of negativity - either the characters or the ship, either from new or old fans of Usagi or TMNT... can I just ask yall older fans to be NICER to the younger fans? like some of them might actually like the show but are too scared to say it out loud because of how wide the gamut runs for fan opinions. wish other fans were nicer in general about this show just for the sake of normalcy inside these online spaces :'D
like yea you're allowed 2 have your opinions and all but idk. be nice about it? there are way worse things to be mad about than a cartoon non-adaptation lol
i just feel bad for the younger fans bc i've been in their shoes. you like a show or character bc it really gives you something different or uplifts you during a difficult time.... only to see that a majority of "fans" actually hate it or only like it for the "idea" and like to change it more bc they think it's actually bad... lol i've been there and all I can say is. in that case it's good I guess, to just post on your own blog about it, or just post your art/fic online about it and live in your own bubble. maybe find friends who might like it or post things online and hope to find fans who like it just as much as you
(thank goodness I have friends and siblings to talk about this show to or I would go as insane as I did 15 years ago)
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thingstrumperssay · 1 year
Here’s a collection of JKR’s transphobic tweets (and some related to her transphobia) because I’m getting annoyed by having to search for a specific one.
I’m sure I’ll be adding onto this post and maybe making other posts when I find more. (Or when she tweets again.)
Updated 3/26/23:
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