#i don't know What im doing
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POV: Wei Wuxian came back from the dead to fuck around with your life once again
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lumaxramblings · 11 months
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deideighst · 2 months
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I made this thing a while ago but I wanted to reupload it here so knlokwjwkwnw
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la-bruja · 11 months
Fanfiction Reccomendations
hi im a little insane and i read way too many fics 💖
here are some fics I've enjoyed this week! so far it's mostly batman, danny phantom, and crossovers between those two! haha I need some variety I swear.
everything under the read more because I have fifteen (15) listed! <3 okay thanks for checking out my recs!!
(if the formatting is a little ugly, it's because i did this on the app on my phone <3)
(tumblr (app) is a peice of shit and deleted some of the fics i had on here. aaaaaaaaa) (i will try again next week)
Wait, I'm a What? by @atiyasnake
based on a tumblr post
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 31k+ Words. Last Updated June. 5k+ Kudos. Misunderstandings. Ghost King Danny. Accidental Crime Lord Danny. Cryptid Danny. Sentient Gotham.
He kept taking the cash from the assholes (and damn there were a lot of assholes near where he lived) messing with the residents who lived in the area. He kept accepting their offers of food. So because of this new routine that kept him able to afford to rent out his shitty (and possibly illegal) apartment and the hunger pangs sufficiently satisfied, rumors grew.
Like and Survive - Phantom’s Guide to Young Hero Survival by @robinasnyder
based on a tumblr post
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 73k+ Words. Last Updated July. 3k+ Kudos. Youtuber Danny. Ghost King Danny. Adult Danny. Good Parent Clark Kent. Therapist Jasmine Fenton.
Phantom is considered an old timer who deals with a small city and nowhere else. When he begins uploading videos with advice for young heroes, he hopes a few new heroes might avoid some of the pain he went through. He's shocked at just how popular his advice suddenly becomes.
Bus To Nowhere by @precarious-hermit
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 98k+ Words. Last Updated July. 20k+ Kudos. Ghost King Danny. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton.
After being on the run from his parents and the government for a couple of months, moving from town to town, Danny ends up in Gotham City and decides to risk staying in Batman's territory. He'd take the wrath of Batman over live vivisection via beloved parents or being studied and torn apart by the government. Besides, he's not a meta. Being dead is a medical condition.
The Firstborn Son by @faeriekit
Complete. Two-Shot. 7.5k Words. 1k+ Kudos. Ghost King Danny. The Infinite Realms. Dimension Travel. Accidental Child Acquisition. Child Endangerment. Mind Control. Horror.
Danny Phantom, a somewhat established ruler of the Ghost Zone, has unwittingly acquired a baby.
And. Well. He can't exactly keep it in Pariah's Keep. He's no parent, not to mention the huge problem of how the air and sky destabilize human cellular structure. There has to be a way to prove that the man is safer than the home the baby comes from.
...But the man has his own ward.
Hm. Danny can exploit this. What's an assessment without a little test?
Amity In The Ghost Zone by @ghostboybrainrot
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 7k+ Words. Last Updated March. 1k+ Kudos. Good Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton.
The city doesn't return on its own after Pariah Dark is defeated. Without knowing how to get the whole city back to the living world, Danny tries to evacuate the residents but most Amity Parkers don't really want to leave. Some people do, but many decide to stay. After all, Amity Park is their home, and the idea of having to start over somewhere new isn't very appealing. So the town, for the most part, continues on like normal.
Holding Me Now In Hand by @disillusioneddanny
Completed. Multi-Chaptered. 67k+ Words. 4k+ Kudos. Death Defying. Dick/Danny. Ghost King Danny. Teacher Danny. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton. Miscommunication. Identity Reveal.
After Tim Drake tells his family about his new insane chemistry teacher, Dick Grayson decides to do some investigation himself.
What he wasn't expecting was to instantly fall in love with the chaotic science teacher.
Our Empty Graves by @nabtime
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 63k+ Words. Last Updated July. 3k+ Kudos. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dead On Main. Jason/Danny. Slowburn. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton. Hazmat AU. Mute Danny. Hurt/Comfort.
They say that Red Hood has a loyal mutt. The man rules his territory in Crime Alley with an iron fist and a guard dog at his side. No one's ever heard him speak. Anyone who's ever seen him says he looks like an experiment gone wrong, that Hood picked him up somewhere unspeakable. They say he'll do anything Red Hood asks of him and he'll do it well. Rival gangs say he's vicious, that he'd sooner rip your throat out than let you go.
death echoes by @redskyeatnight
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 38k+ Words. Last Updated June. 9k+ Kudos. Account Locked. Ghost King Danny. BAMF Danny. Creepy Danny.
Cold air on the back of his neck. Skeletal fingertips skittering up his spine, barely there and yet pressing so hard they would surely leave indents. A sound like an iceberg cracking apart echoing in his ears and through his head, pain following in its wake.
His throat went cold, his tongue suddenly numb.
And for a second - just a second - he smelled nothing but the stench of death.
"Oh My God, I'm Becoming My Father." by @fanfiction-artist-prototype
Incomplete. Three-Shot. 22k+ Words. Last Updated June. 1k+ Kudos. Account Locked. Misunderstandings. Angst and Hurt/Comfort. Blood and Injury. Accidental Child Acquisition. Implied/Reference Underage Prostitution. Protective Jason Todd.
Dani needs money, there's only so long her human body can last without food, and she lost the credit card Sam gave her when she crash-landed in Gotham city bay. So, she decides she's going to go the one guy she knows exists in Gotham that will help a kid down on their luck no questions asked - Red Hood.
Last time she'd seen Danny, he'd told her that there were rumours the Red Hood was undead, so he was the safest option for a halfa like her.
Hatred At First Sight by Sagoberattare
based on a tumblr post
Complete. One-Shot. 1k Words. 4k+ Kudos. SoulHate AU. Danny Phantom is a Little Shit.
Until the Joker looked at the skrunky kid in a ratty hoodie that looked like he could be a Wayne adoptee. And they both froze for a good minute.
And like some kind of demented switch got flipped the kid snarled and (still with his hands tied behind his back mind you) launched himself at the Joker.
Back to the World, In the End by @akela-nakamura
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 9k+ Words. Last Updated June. 800 Kudos. Halfa Jason Todd. Heavy Angst. Supernatural illnesses. Jason Todd is Not Okay. Eventual Comfort.
Jason's been sick for weeks and nothing he does seems to help. He's not ready for his confrontation with the Bat. He's not ready for his plans to fall apart when they've barely begun.
But his illness isn't stopping. One warm Gotham night, he hits a metaphorical wall.
Nightwing finds Red Hood on a rooftop. It's been a long night, but it might be looking up. After all, finally capturing the Red Hood will make Gotham that much safer.
Inquisitive by @oliveofvanders
Completed. One-Shot. 1k+ Words. 2k+ Kudos. Journalist Danny. Danny is a Little Shit. Damien Wayne Loves Animals. Crack Treated Seriously.
Damian has a very specific way of dealing with reporters – show them the animals, that usually scares them off.
Danny, however, has seen weirder shit in his lifetime.
Like Betta Fish Do by @clockwayswrites
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 48k+ Words. Last Updated July. Updates Bi-Weekly. 7k+ Kudos. Dead On Main. Jason/Danny. Ghost King Danny. Halfa Jason. Canon-Typical Violence. Jason Todd Needs a Hug. Danny Fenton Needs a Hug. Lazarus Side Effects. Identity Reveal.
Danny had ended up trespassing in Jason's haunt. He didn't mean to. Total accident, he swears. (He blames Johnny.) So he bought the other halfa a basket of bathbombs and chocolate as a 'sorry, please don't disembowel me' gift. It was the proper thing to do, alright?
Everything was going to be just fine.
Then things got a little out of hand.
Send To All by @cairoscene
Completed. One-Shot. 3k Words. 5k+ Kudos. Emails. Epistolary. Poison Ivy Adjacent.
I, _____________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”).
»»———-Danny Phantom-———-««
and they were roommates by @captainbrookeworm
Completed. One-Shot. 9k+ Words. 400 Kudos. ChatFic. Humor. Memes. Crack. Crack Treated Seriously. Post-Canon. Identity Reveal.
Mr. Lancer’s English Class Group Chat
Wes Weston: FINALLY
Tucker Foley: For the last time the moon landing was NOT faked!!!!
》 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。 。° 。。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。 。°《
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v5b5 · 4 months
I had a request of Carlitos after AO, just felling exhausted and confessing his fellings because he just wants you to be with him. BUT I ELIMINATED ACCIDENTALLY, IM REALLY SORRY. 😭😭
Btw, I'm still taking requests, so you're free and welcome to ask whatever you want.
Warnings: bad mental health/extremely exhausted Carlos.
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You had known Carlos since you both were 18, and always had an especial connection, but you never saw it like anything romantic. For the last 2 years of friendship, you tried to accompany him to some tournaments, so you were now in Melbourne, Australia. Watching his matches and eating sushi the night before. Even though you have been friends for years, a few months ago, you started to realize that this was probably love, because no one travels around the whole world just to support a friend every time they ask for, no?.
But you ignored the fact that his eyes were always on you, and every little thing you do. But now you guys were so distracted to think about stupid theories like those. The night before his match with Zverev, he invited you to eat sushi as usual, but when you arrived at his hotel room you noticed, it was just him.
"It's just you and me?". You ask certainly confused. You entered his room and sat at the edge of his bed. He wasn't a very messy person, but he had a bit of clothes around the room, his suitcase on the floor full of things and the door of the bathroom open, from where you could feel the humidity of a recently used shower, and you could also tell from his semi-wet hair.
"Yes, you wanted to invite someone else?". He asks a bit concerned, you know him very well, he's much of a people pleaser, so you have to reassure him. "No... It's good to be just us". You say with a sweet smile and looking around. "The sushi is almost here". He says looking down at you. "It's ok, I'm not that hungry". You answer sweetly not to worry him. "What about we watch a movie while eating?". You propose with a smile. "Sounds good". He answered with his big representative smile.
Then you took the TV remote and started sapping, and you decided to watch a rom-com. During the dinner, you started to feel very cold, cause Carlos loved to have the A.C at its lowest temperature, and you loved it too, but the humidity from the bathroom didn't help with the cold. Carlos noticed that and hugged you from your shoulders. "Are you cold?". He asked in a whisper near your lobe, you could feel his warmth, it made you feel safe and cozy. "Yes, a little." You answer blushing a little. Then Carlos got up from bed and opened his suitcase and took out one of his Nike favorite hoodies, a very classic but pretty white hoodie with a little logo of a colorful tennis court. "Here, have it". He Said sweetly and extended it to you. You took it and put it on, it was cozy, you could smell his scent. "thanks", you limit yourself to say. The night was amazing, so wonderful that Carlos stayed awake thinking about the situation he was in with his relationship with you, a difficult one... A platonic romantic friendship.
The next day, he was extremely tired, he even fell asleep while eating breakfast. So by the time of the match, he was exhausted physically. He lost the match, for way too much difference. He felt stupid, not enough. He had already tried to improve those aspects of self-sabotage with his psychologist, but today was not his day to think about that. He was destroyed, he felt like nothing.
So when he got to his room, he limited himself to throw his bags to the floor and do the same with his "useless" body. But suddenly he heard a knock, a special one, one that only y/n used with her loved ones. It was something little but he was a person of details, and he liked to remember that kind of things. He wasn't good with birthdays, words or dancing, nor even signing, but learning little details of his loved ones was definitely his thing, it was his way to show love and this was her little detail to remember. He got up from the cold floor and walked a few steps towards the door, his eyes were red from some sobbing on the way to his room, but he felt strong enough to face y/n. He opened the door and just threw himself into her arms, and started sobbing. "I'm sorry". She said sweetly while caressing his nape. "you made everything you could". "No, I didn't made enough". He said to her and also for himself to hear. "of course you did, sometimes it is good to know our limits, maybe your body was just... Exhausted". She says trying her best to comfort him. He picked her up, and carried her to his bed. He jumped to bed with her in his arms. He just wanted to cuddle. "I think I need you... I can't hide it anymore". He says in a sweet voice. "I know you feel it too, I can see it in your eyes". He says looking Deeply into her eyes. "I know you think we guys never notice, but I do". He says before caressing her hand. "Be my girlf..." He couldn't even finish the sentence because you were already kissing him in a sweet subtly way.
I'm finally done, I was so tired with uni that I didn't have time to write. But I'm here... Hope you like it. I made a big effort to write this and not to fall asleep while doing it. IM SO TIRED.
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
I had another thought today
I wonder what would happen if Billy Batson went on a field trip to Wayne Industries and out of habit pick pocketed Damian Wayne, who doesn't notice until later in the day that something is missing from his person (which immediately sets off red flags, bc, it him??? How tf does the heir to the demon and son of the bat get pick pocketed???!?!)
Answer: one billy batson
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therainbowtea · 1 year
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On my touch-tone, touch-tone telephone🎵
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lemonic-whimssyy · 2 months
Through the mirror, beneath the skin
I looked in a mirror today. Reflected back is a body that is thinner, curves accentuated, and all around, pretty.
I hate her so much.
I hate her because I know who she is, how she wishes to be someone else. I hate her because she is soft, and fragile, and incomplete, but still fabulous. I hate her because she is me, the little kid in the mirror looking back with dead eyes.
I know that she did not choose this for herself. I know how she wishes to be me, imagining scars drawn out beneath her chest which seems too big, too whole, too fit for someone else. I know that on the surface, he thinks that he is looking at himself, yet in diving a little deeper, understands that he is merely looking at his body.
I know that he wishes he could love her, because she is beautiful, and deserves to be celebrated as the force of nature and compassion and healing and hope that she rightfully is. She is a temple, a monument, only all too deserving of praise and worship. I know that he knows that someone else would love her so much more than he ever could, how he wishes that that someone else could have had her instead, in another life.
He tells himself to wait, wait, just a few more years, wait, wait, until he's 18. Until he is able to get what he wishes for every day when he looks down at himself, at her. But that day is so far, and in the news, he sees people who hate him, hate him so much just because he is human. And he tells himself to just keep holding on, just a few more years, just years, you'll be able to get it, just years, I can look in the mirror and be myself, just years. If I'm allowed to by then.
Because that kid has it good, he thinks. That boy, within the shell of that girl. That girl that people all love so much, that girl, they think, when they pass him in a grocery store, that girl, they say, when they talk about him to their friends. There is no way that they could know, so he finds it hard to blame them. He is so fortunate to be alive.
Oh, how he wants to destroy her. How much he loves and protects and cares for her, knowing that she is trying her best to be loved by him. How he wishes that he could love her enough. How he wants to break her down, and fix her up into him instead. These words melt into soup inside my mind, him him him, her her her, what does it matter?
He just wants to be him so badly. No matter how broken or whole, no matter how interchangeable those words are when it comes to his flesh. He wants to be known as him. His body is a puzzle; not broken, only waiting to be arranged. And he wishes that it could be arranged so damn badly, trying to hold out for that day--- the day he hopes will come, but is never certain.
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madamchriss · 10 months
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This is for all the girls that had crushes on creepypasta’s 🤞🤞
Yes I made him emo I think it fits
Drawing my queen Jane next….maybe
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doodlingdilemma · 1 year
I'm a Hermitcitizen now I guess
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softrainyskies · 1 year
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Hello everyone! Don't exactly have a idea of an introduction, nor have I ever used Tumblr before until now- Just wanted a lil space to talk more about SSO or any other horse game I come across so hopefully this goes well!
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lettlopi · 10 months
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Life's so confusing sometimes.
I know I've been gone for a bit but I've finally been able to draw again
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c28hunter · 11 months
Last Friday Night but make it Käärijä fandom
There's a bulbasaur in my bed There's a Bojan's moans in my head Black eyeliner all over my face Pink flamingo (fRaNk!)in the pool I smell like a pina colada Jukka's passed out in the yard Pink dancers on the barbecue This a dick or tits in the post?
Pictures of last night ended up online, we're saved! Oh, well There'r not a lot of vids, but I'm pretty sure gig ruled Damn
Last Friday night Yeah, we made a centipede, and we made too many (dick)joker Think they (Käärijä and Jukka) kissed, but I forgot last Friday night Yeah, we maxed our horny posts and got some anons lol So we hit with tity jokes last Friday night We went simping really wild, pokemons are making out Then had a ménage à trois last Friday night Yeah, I think we broke this site, Käärijä's trendind cuz of us, oh oh oh-oh
But this Friday night Do it all again
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xx0-yaya-0xx · 2 years
Tumblr did a number on the quality :')
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chupenguin · 8 months
Kunikidazai but make it Legally Blonde this is my best creation
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giblopn · 1 year
Uh what
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I think the last pic is epic
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