#i do want to draw the other characters as cats too once I actually design them
mistydragonflyart · 23 days
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I would totally keep her as a cat but it doesn't fit the world that I've created for her so I guess I made a fursona for my spidersona. Oops.
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campbell-rose · 5 months
Charlie Redesign!
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I want charlie to look super out of place in Hell. I wanted her color palette to resemble the sky, as the sky can symbolize infinity and is usually associated with the place gods reside, high above it all. The main point is looking super out of place in Pride, which will carry over to Vaggie. I made her colors bright because i can’t be bothered to alter the colors of Viv’s hell to dull it down and from the trailer it doesn’t seem like shading is that important. Not shitting on that btw, i hate shading my drawings. 
The way I imagine this version of Charlie is that she helps do the paperwork side of things, since Viv’s hell is just earth but red, I'm just assuming her heaven will be similar. Charlie helps schedule things, she’s kind of a secretary and works under Adam to help make sure the Exterminations go smoothly. She takes stock of weapons, sees what was lost, tallies up the total deaths, general stuff like that, you feel me? She doesn’t like the Exterminations; she thinks it’s horrific and that the people in hell ought to have a chance to come to heaven. 
So it’s basically the exact same plot as before and her personality is the same because Charlie was the only character i liked from the pilot the others all had something that threw the vibes off slightly. Charlie’s relationship with Alastor will be a little different, because he’s one of her benefactors. He wants to watch the pretty little angel’s plans crash and burn, and she is determined to prove him wrong. Side note while I'm thinking of him, I’m changing the overlords – they aren’t sinners that got powers because sinners don’t have powers in this version. Well, no, they are sinners, just sinners that made contracts with demons and gained favor with hell during their lives, earning their own place in the hierarchy of hell. Speaking of which, it goes: Sinners, Overlords, Hellborn, Ars Goetia, Princes/Seven Sins. Overlords are given the power to torture other sinners (so it makes sense that Valentino makes Angel’s life miserable, it’s his job to torment other sinners) 
Once the show actually drops, I might add more benefactors in my rewrite. Like, since Alastor is backing Charlie, the cannibals from cannibal colony will be friendly towards her, things like that. Hell, maybe Val backs her, idk don’t want to jump the shark. 
Either way, i think Charlie being an angel sets her up for a better character arc with her naivete and attitude towards sinners. Also i think my design for her is literally beautiful she’s so pretty, she’s my baby i love her. And for the sake of making things easier, i fused her little goats Razzle and Dazzle with the key cat KeeKee because i think having three cute little pets is too many and R/D didn’t really do anything in the pilot. I’ve doodled them a bit, haven’t settled on a design yet. In my mind this little kitty is a cherub thing that Husk adores as his first hint of not being a complete ass. 
Any who. That is all. 
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knightmareaceblue · 22 days
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A redraw of the group photo from the Nether hopping arc! I wanted to get in more practice drawing the characters in this specific style, and also see if I can fix some issues with their designs that were bugging me. I... mostly succeeded on that 2nd part?
Some notes regarding these CG designs (plus some headcannons):
-Red's outfit frustrates me, because I like it a lot without colour, but once I start trying to add colour it always ends up looking off. The current colour scheme is fine, I guess, but I'm a little torn on whether or not the colours suit Red, and not making him too close to the other colour schemes present (which I like a lot more).
-Red's outfits will often have animal motifs designed into them. Usually cat, rabbit, or pig, but they have all sorts of animal clothes.
-Though it can't usually be seen due to not drawing them with their hood up often, Red's hoodie has cat ears. The reason I don't usually draw the hood up is because I like drawing his hair too much.
-Red will alternate between gloves, bracelets, and, post AVM season 3, a yellow headband and armbands.
-Under the hoodie Red will usually wear a tank top or crop top. Though it can't be seen in this photo, the arm holes for the hoodie are incredibly large, so Red's top can sometimes be seen when lifting her arms or looking at them from the side.
-In general, I do like Yellow's outfit. It suits her personality well and has some good colours. My primary concern is that it may be too... plain? Stereotypical? Basically, that it's too stereotypically 'nerd' to be interesting. But I can't come up with anything better, so this'll be her default outfit for now.
-What I do like on Yellow, however, is the hair. I think the short hair with a singular braid is really cool. A nice mix of neat and practical and stylish, especially mixed with the glasses.
-One issue I do have is with the boots. All the shoes in general, actually. They all look so samey, especially Blue and Yellow's boots. This is a pretty simplistic style I'm drawing in though, and I don't want to make anything too complicated. Why do shoes have to be so stupid?
-I used to have the same problem with Second's outfit as with Red's - particularly, with their shirt. However, that's when I realized that Second is an artist, and can change their shirt design at the drop of a hat. So, now the shirt has a different drawing on it regularly. Second will try to use all their friends colours in their designs. If they leave a person off, it usually means their either consciously or subconsciously upset with that stick. If they don't draw on their shirt at all and leave it blank, it usually means something's up with them.
-I also added leggings from the previous design. It felt right.
-Both Second and Chosen dislike shoes. I will not elaborate, but Second's tolerance is better than Chosen. He can handle it for short periods of time, but is usually grumpy and will kick them off first chance he gets.
-I like to imagine Second using her large, poofy hair to put things in, the same way she'd put things in their inventory. I also like to imagine Green is low-key horrified by this, while Red, Blue, and Yellow will also use her fluff to store things. Sometimes without Second even noticing.
-Second carries the belt with them in their hair in their inventory and will put it on before fighting/platforming so their oversized shirt doesn't get in their way. Otherwise they prefer to have their clothing loose and flowing.
-Everyone has a multicoloured accessory. Second was the one who started it with his bracelet, then the others wanted some too so Second drew up more for the gang. An anklet for Red, an armband for Yellow, a belt for Green, and a neckerchief for Blue.
-Green may just have the best outfit of everyone here. It's sleek, it's cool, it suits them, and it's easy to fight in (with an easily striped jacket if need be). I also added a lil choker.
-I don't think I expressed this before, but I didn't like Green's previous hairstyle. Something about it irked me, but I couldn't place what at the time. Now I know it'd needed more on top, haha.
-Blue's outfits tend to be more on the practical side, since they do a lot of manual labour, but with bits of fun and whimsy added in. After AvM Season 3, she trades her funny socks for long funny socks and fun stockings.
-The original intent was for everyone to have a different type of hair, but Blue's and Yellow's ended up a lot more similar than I'd hope. The idea was for Blue to have really thick hair, but it's hard to tell. Might think of something else later.
-Anyone who wants something different can go to Second and ask. They all have their own things they like, but they're all willing to try almost anything, with very little exception.
Feel free to let me know your thoughts. I think I really like these character designs I came up with. :)
Original pic used for reference:
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aeon-borealis · 3 months
Dumb AleHeather Related Rambles
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I play with the idea of "Dumbass is jealous of/has a goofy rivalry with their S/O's cat" for Serirei (Serizawa X Reigen), but I just can't do it with AleHeather. It'd be in-character for them. It'd be so petty and fall so perfectly in place with what kind of writing better Total Drama has. Hell, if I got to work on an older TD cast special, I'd sooo want to storyboard whatever Looney Tunes antics someone brewed up for Alejandro and Bruiser.
But I'm not strict canon compliant for AleHeather. I can, will, and have broken what's "in character" to get more sincere, fluffy moments than I'd get otherwise. That includes both Alejandro and Heather being cat persons. And Alejandro loves Bruiser as much as Heather does because that's wholesome as fuck to me.
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I've also been sold on Alejandro and Heather both being HUGE fans of puppetry and that being the nerdy interest they both sync on. I want to do more research because if there's a scene with more of Alejandro's room, there's gonna be more than just the Jim Henson poster or references to The Muppets.
I vaguely remember establishing Alejandro as a Star Wars fan in a fan fic too. I'm not 100% sold on that one any more. It's more because I've never been that into it and I'd have trouble selling a character's enthusiasm on it.
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I made some fanart with a hypothetical AleHeather fankid back in high school. She never had a concrete design or personality. The only given was that her name was Alejandra Heather Burromuerto.
By this point, I'm not keen on revising this character or doing anything further because it's important to me to have solid, meaningful childfree rep. I'm on the fence myself, but I feel like deliberately childfree characters with rich, interesting lives outside of kids is woefully under-explored in media at large. To me, its very believable that Alejandro and Heather could be childfree by choice as adults. I definitely want to write/draw content for late 20's-early 30's AleHeather. I don't have any solid ideas or directions other than that drabble I posted a couple months ago about depressed Alejandro.
Writing for them at that phase of life hits a bit too close to home. That's why it's so hard for me. By the reboot standards, they're the same age as me! It was one thing to write for them as a teenager. Hell, a few people told me my writing for Alejandro was spot-on ten years ago. By now, though, I don't want just the angst-fest and I don't have patience for the soap opera theatrics with no real payoff. I honestly want to flesh out and do more with them figuring out a healthy, meaningful dynamic. That's more of what I'm aiming for with my in-progress fan comic (once I actually get back to it. Going through some shit right now and its been hard to drum up motivation again).
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stepswordsen · 4 days
【Magi】 Judar and JuAli 🐈‍⬛🖤 ❤️ 💛
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JuAli WIP doodles 🖤 ❤️ 💛
Quick doodles before I head back to my assignments
Been a while since I drew Judar and Alibaba together… I missed them!!! I hope to draw them more~
You can see the rest under the cut~
I wasn't sure if I should post my sketches here since they're so messy but I thought I might as well
I'll copy paste my old rambles too since I have more to add this time
2024 vs. 2022
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Comparison (2022 ~ 2023)
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Comparison (November 2022)
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For the kissy one:
Wasn't sure which one I liked more tbh
1st one fits more...
Though for the 2nd one, I think Judar looks more efforted ADHSHDHSH
Since I excel at drawing meow meow mf charas
3rd one I drew in November 2022. The expressions are still cute in this one so I still like it, but my brush strokes improved a lot since then
For the hanfu Judar one:
Recent versions (+ the old one from 2022)
I've been playing around with the eyes~ I like these ones best. The eyes are bigger in the 1st one, and the others have them a bit smaller. The 1st one has a more innocent look. The 2nd has more slitted eyes and a "seductive" look?
Judar has sharp (tsurime) eyes and rings in his eyes, which are really fun to draw hehe 🤗
I'll redraw the hair soon! I just drew it quickly in like 5 minutes. It's finals season for me. I'm not fully free from this semester so I'm still quite busy, but you'll probably see small doodles from me 🙏
I'm definitely seeing art improvement (improvement in brush strokes and anatomy and proportions)
Ohtaka deliberately draws hatched lines near Judar's eyes to represent his eyeshadow 🤭 ❤️
I drew the hair quickly, so I didn't pay much attention to the shapes of the hair spikes so it's not as soft. But even with the quick doodle, the hair has better weight now. Once I get to refine things properly, I'll actually pay attention to the way his hair spikes are drawn.
I was recently rereading my old dialogue scripts from my JuAli AU and revamping them! I doodled Judar and Alibaba SO much in 2022. It's the Fire/Ice duality and Black Cat x Golden Retriever ship dynamic 🖤💛🐈‍⬛🐕
I wanna draw JuAli again soon and redraw my old doodles. JuAli is my main Magi ship so ofc I wanna draw lots of them~ I haven't gotten the time yet, but I want to draw my ships like AliHaku, SinJa, and KouMor eventually, too 🙏✨
Based on this black and red (Judar colours) hanfu I got~
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Judar rambles
I originally drew Judar wearing hanfu in 2022! Still one of my personal fave doodles ❤️ Judar is my fave (no one is surprised, I have the most obvious predictable tastes in the world LMAO). A meow meow mf perfect for my tastes.
Judar fits perfectly into the highly specific Sen-core niche that my top faves all tend to fall under - Meow meow mf. C*nty sen-core bastard cat who's violent, threatens people, and ok with murder. Bloodthirsty. Monochrome aesthetic colour palette.
Manga Judar has red eyeliner (?) and anime Judar has purple eyeshadow? Both are good, but I like Judar with red eyeliner since black and red are his theme colours! 🖤❤️ I like how the colours pop, the contrast against his design, and how it matches his red eyes.
In my HCs, Judar wears a type of hanfu called Ruqun (襦裙). Ru (襦) is the cross-collared top of a hanfu, and the wrap-around skirt is called Qun (裙). The coat jacket is called Da Xiu Shan (大袖衫).
I want him to wear black, white, red, gold, hanfu & hanfu earrings, with red eyeliner and black painted nails 🤗
I still need to pick my headcanon hanfu earrings for Judar... I imagine they'd be gold with red accessories.
I just have to refine the eyes, redraw the hair and hanfu, and then start doing the lineart for it! I love the expression tbh
Additional rambles
I miss my sons, I wanna draw my HC designs of JuAli (with Judar wearing hanfu and Alibaba with tanner skin, wearing traditional Arabic clothes), as a fix-it for the obvious colourism going on in Magi's character designs of SWANA and South Asian inspired characters
I bought black and red hanfu back in 2023. I based my Judar hanfu doodles on it 🥺❤️ It's in Judar colours. Black red and white 🖤❤️🤍 I'm so HAPPY to get something that reminds me of my fave 🥰🤭❤️✨ I got it from the Hanfu Story~ They have such a large selection of hanfu and they're all so gorgeous~
Basically Judar themed hanfu~ I love traditional clothes, so it's my dream to collect them! Now I can use it as refs to draw him with the poses and lighting I want teehee. Hanfu & huafu look GORGEOUS to me. I also have Việt Phục like áo dài and áo tấc~
The colours are amazing!! I love black and red combo 😭💖 It's way too easy to fall into the fashion hole and collecting traditional clothes but I definitely want more in the future!
Magi: Ch. 110 - 111, Ch. 196 - 197, Ch. 239, Ch. 288
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I love how Ohtaka stylizes and draws the shape of Judar's hair and braids. It's so clever how she simplifies the shapes. It just looks so good. It looks galaxy/tornado shaped… I love how the hatched lines above his eyes in Ohtaka's inking represents his eyeliner... ❤️
Judar's expressions from Ch. 110 - 111 are so unhinged… The Ch. 288 omake Judar is iconic. Fucking crazy ass LMAO 😭😂 Love you tho! 💞🫶
I'll be honest. I've thought about changing my PFP to this Judar again from the Magi omakes, like I thought of doing it as an April Fool's joke before, but I feel like no one would bat an eye cuz of how my faves are like LMFAO
Sen-core faves: Murderous, bloodthirsty, violent (or at the very least, has a disposition for violence), MAY eat people and/or their innards 🙌
JuAli core ship posts
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And while you're at it, have the meme edit of them I made (1st image)
Anyways I made the 1st image's meme edit myself <33
Alibaba with tanner skin has such great visual contrast against his earrings~
I also wanna commission arts of JuAli at one point but I'd want to do it with my headcanon designs of them (Judar wearing hanfu and Alibaba with tanner skin wearing traditional Arabic clothes)
Art rambles
When I sketch, I draw out the expressions and decide which ones looks best (I either do it once or a few ~ several times) depending on whether I'm satisfied with it. I like the two most recent 2024 versions I showed~ The old ones are still nice... But I prefer the recent versions, because I think it shows how my art style and proportions improved.
These sketches are super messy right now so when I get the time I'll refine them more! It's just to make it consistent with my current style. I'm a little insecure about my sketches, so I prefer to keep most of them on priv for mutuals.
Since I'm not really a fan of the idea of my sketches/WIPs getting posted around when I'm bound to fix/refine/improve on them later when I get the chance to refine them. Though thankfully with my 2022+ lining style, my sketches look more "aesthetically nice" or "post worthy" to me...
Perhaps in the future... I do genuinely like my art style and I'm very happy with my art improvement, but I want to keep growing as an artist first. I want to reach the point where I manage to become more technically skilled and confident about my works (even my sketches)
Though since I posted the rest of the sketches under the cut, feel free to reblog them if you want!
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lumiidragon · 6 months
So now that I've seen the last season of the Nine Realms, I can finally give my own personal review on it, and the last seeing as how this was the last season and TNR is officially over.
So let me start out on a, sadly poor note with this: this season was super disappointing... The big finale, the end-all, the conclusion to The Nine Realms was...flat. Boring. Pointless. Like, this was actually probably one of the more poorer seasons...
So let's start with The World Serpent (Yeah, I can't spell the other name, so I'll just refer to it as 'The Serpent' for ease. This dragon was honestly a really cool design, but not as a "predator of all dragons and the destroyer of The Hidden World". First off, a top-tier predatory animal that is meant to destroy all dragons and the dragon ecosystem...doesn't make sense. Why would an animal like that exist??? If The Hidden World is supposed to be this perfect dragon paradise, then why is there a dragon that literally goes against this notion. Also, this dragon was literally seen poorly trying to catch a terrible terror in a flock of three that was just casually flying around its face like a cat trying to catch a fly and not doing very good at it. This is the dragon that can supposedly take down any dragon such as a Red Death? A bewilderbeast? Any titan-class dragon? No, I don't think so. The poisonous gas attack it has is powerful, but this dragon just doesn't scream "Destroyer of The Hidden World" to me. Not that a dragon that is destined to destroy the world all the dragons that are damned there forever makes sense anyways, but still. On top of that, this dragon spent most of its time "defeating the Riders" by hitting them with the same amount of power any other dragon enemy has and then just taking off. That was pretty much it. It hit once or twice then ran away. The series literally only made this thing to be "unbeatable" because they made the Riders' dragons have 2 HP per battle and have the bad guy dip afterward, thus drawing this out through the entirety of the season. This dragon wasn't powerful, it was long-winded. Finally, the final battle was so.......boring? The group brought in an "Army Of Dragons" to defeat this thing, which would have been cool if it weren't for the fact that they basically just brought one or two dragons a piece. That's not an army and if a handful of common dragons with two special bosses (the Faultripper and the Sky Torcher) is all that it took to beat this thing, then this dragon was never the ultimate dragon destroyer the legends made it out to be. I could really go more into how The Serpant and the battles with it were pointless, boring, and just anti-climatic, but this section has gotten long enough, so I'll leave it at this.
Next up, Tom and Jun. Their romance drama was so pointless and added literally nothing to the story. This is the last season and it's only 6 episodes long. They don't need teen romance side-drama this late into the series, they need to concentrate on what was supposed to be the issue at hand. That, and Jun breaking it off with Tom over him doing the same thing he's always done since Season 1 really shows their compatibility as a romantic duo. But yeah, their whole romance here was just completely pointless and added nothing to the series. Also, Alex and Eugene was also completely unnecessary with what they were trying to build.
Then we have the villains. So Buzzsaw's goons and Linda are the most pointless characters in the villain side of things. The bumbling side kicks to a villain can be charming, but when every villain's group are just kids in adult bodies that still need to be babysat or else they can't do anything right, then it gets annoying and kind of pointless. Linda was probably the worst of them. As for Buzzsaw, his redemption was too much a play off of Dagur and, in my opinion very unnecessary. It felt like they only redeemed him because they didn't need him anymore, but didn't have the time to properly deal with him. As for Sledkin, she was actually a decent villain for what the series was giving, but ultimately fell into the weak trope of "I'm so desperately obsessed over my final goal that I am just throwing self preservation out the window so I can be pointlessly reckless despite being a very intelligent individual" and ended up getting killed over it (which I'm surprised TNR actually had a human death in this).
So let's finally move to my final complaints with this season:
-Thunder being "alpha" is bullshit. There is no way the night lights (yes, even the Elder Night Light) are the "Kings of Dragons" when most dragons didn't give them two glances. So there is no way Thunder is an alpha. I'm sorry, but no. Also, with the Elder Night Light passing, it's nice to see how literally no one cared since Thunder can glow like a radioactive lightbulb now, I guess. They grieved Sledkin more than this dragon. Thunder hardly even cared. Along with the night light thing, Thunder's family is not only useless in the series, but seeing as how we never get a real reason as to why night lights are breeding with each other, I am not convinced that this family line isn't just a messed up family wreath than a family tree at this point. Nothing was explained, so the fans only have the fact that there were only 3 night lights from Toothless (Toothless who was basically never mentioned in this series) and the Light Fury (who wasn't mentioned at all) and no others exist, but we see night lights having kids with each other....I....ew.
-The Raker episode was literally just not necessary and could have been left out altogether and nothing change. This is the last season, we don't need pointless spoilers.
-Olivia was being built as a true character earlier in the series, shame she was basically forgotten about. Same for the other parents.
-The Gods Realm was boring and really uninteresting to look at. Like...it might as well have been any chamber in any cave around the world, not the "Lungs of the Hidden World", which the dragonite still makes no sense and there's no way they would have run out of oxygen in that massive chamber that quickly with the stone removed. None of that made sense.
-There's no way Tom would have ever learned how to communicate with dragons with Valka's staff. I don't know where they got this "Hypnotizing" thing from, but Valka lived alone with dragons for 20 years. She communicated and learned their language that she developed replications of in her own way. Tom cannot learn that in a short montage because Valka's power with dragons came from her connection and understanding from more time of experience with dragons alone than Tom has even been alive for. The staff was a tool, not the power itself. That, and Hiccup would never use his mother's staff. That's A. not his approach to dragons anyway, and B. his mother's. Valka most likely would have had her burial with that staff. Oh, and it's nice to see yet another thing just be casually destroyed and not cared about.
-And I think the last thing I've got for this massive post is the ending. Yes, the dragons leave. What a surprise. This time, the dragons choose to leave and more or less say "Sorry kids, you guys...eh, kinda suck.". The Riders were basically pleading with their dragons (mostly Tom) that there had to be another way and the dragons wouldn't even let them touch them anymore. They acted like they had their fun and it's gone stale so it's time to leave. Great...bond??? Of course, it was over "HOOMANS BAD." so why bother to fix the world when you can just hide in a dead-looking cave system forever? Right? Not only that, but the group itself also split up, expect for Tom and Jun of course, because how else can the series end off with the romance that they pointlessly shoved in.
So yeah, this season was......not good. I really had my hopes out for the series ending much more interestingly, but in the end, with the dragons shoving themselves away again, nothing came from this series other than Tom gets a girlfriend and the group learns the true power of video calls. So in all, I give TNR a personal 5-6/10.
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mintmoth · 1 year
OKAY I'm gonna do a big ask response here! There's a few I didn't grab which are mostly just people saying sweet things- to which honestly I can't thank you all enough 😭 it's so wild to me to see people enjoying my art so much
I'm gonna keep most of the replies under the cut since it's gonna get a bit long but I wanted to touch on this one real quick-
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Absolutely anyone is free to use my art as an icon wherever! Just be sure to have something crediting somewhere and yeah absolutely go for it!
OH ALSO my submissions don't work on mobile for some reason? The formatting messes up I guess, but check out this awesome coloring!! I love how the layers of shading look 😭
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LMAO okay so I've seen a good handful of older/mafia au designs for Floyd and Jade and a lot of them have either both of them with double sleeves or Floyd with sleeves and Jade with a back piece- though I've also seen somewhere both of them having one sleeve on the opposite side
Right now I'm just messing around so I don't have any official tattoo designs for either of them, but I do know I want Floyd with at LEAST the double sleeves, and Jade with some pieces he keeps hidden by mostly wearing business attire lmao
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XBSISNK THANK YOU 😭😭 honestly drawing hair is one of my absolutley FAVORITE things to draw lmao, most of my ocs have long hair I just can't help it honestly
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YES ABSOLUTLEY probably not too often but I could definitely see Azul going to bed and waking up to a very full bed lmao. Funnier yet because I think all three of them are the type to cling in their sleep when they have someone else beside them. They're just weird sea creatures used to small comfy spaces
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I actually haven't thought about this! Honestly I think that would be really cool! Or even if he found that he had a specific shade range of color blindness as a human- though I could see Jade and Floyd taking advantage of that by doing something like giving him the wrong color shirt to wear that day or something lmao
Though you also reminded me! Eels also have terrible eyesight! So I've seen people both having the headcanon that the twins wear contacts, and also the headcanon that Azul needs glasses now because he did a deal to give part of his vision to both of them
Honestly it's really cool to think about! I don't know which headcanons here I like the most, but I love seeing them
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Okay honestly I absolutley have to draw this because I LOVE this idea and part of why I'm answering this is to mentally catalogue that I need to draw this lmao
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I also love this idea! Like at lunch, after classes before they go to work at the lounge, and after the lounge closes up for the night it just becomes the twins' gossip hour lmao
Because yeah they do spend a lot of time together, but they're still apart a lot, and there's no way they're not telling each other about all the nonsense they're getting up to once they meet back up
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DBSISNSK DONT CRY LMAO I got a handful of questions about Niles I want to try to touch on here
Absolutley he wouldn't mind helping anyone set up games on their computer lmao, especially if it's a hard to get visual novel that he's a fan of because he's the type to want everyone to play and love the games he loves
He's definitely dropped hundreds of hours into "creature crossing" with one of those islands with tons of customization and cute shit, and his "island creatures" are mostly cats with a couple dogs and the pegasus LMAO
Also while he's not directly inspired by any specific character, since he's in Ignihyde he does have a little Greek mythos theming and has some inspiration from Eros, which is also why he's very "love" themed/romantic
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OH MAN I'm actually not 100% sure which moray I think the twins would be, I'd have to look more into them specifically
But I did want to mention that my idiot self is tempted to make Yet Another Oc (though I probably won't post this one since I feel very oc heavy already) that's also a moray- but specifically a snowflake just because wow I want to make a design around the coloration they have 😭
ALSO!!! Regarding Eel Anon!
I wasn't able to screenshot everything you sent but it was absolutley fun hearing about the dorm idea you have!! I love hearing about new dorm concepts and I've seen a couple nightmare before christmas dorms so it's neat to see the different ideas people have! Also no way do Eri and Rika sound like knock offs of the twins lmao they both sound really fun and I like how they juxtapose one another- also how you have their whole family worked out??? It just reminded me I need to do some more backstory work for my group lmao but honestly it was really cool reading about them so don't even worry about long asks or anything!
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cookieeevee · 3 months
Hello Yellow and Welcome People!!
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Most people tend to call me Cookie or Cookieeevee because of my blog name, but call me Alice! I use the pronouns She/Her and They/Them (I don't mind which one you use)
I am into Rain World, OneShot, Pokemon, Warrior Cats, Kirby, Sonic, Pikmin, Ori, Chicory: a colorful tale, Steven universe, MHA, Epic Mickey, and many more
You can ask me anything, I'd love to chat with you all (Ask about ADH au or ask Lily if u want too)
Art requests are always welcomed :D
My designs of the slugcats and Iterators My Rain world OCs My other OCs
Side blogs of mine:
Cookie: @ask-cookieeevee03
Madge: rainworld-starsandclouds023
Droplet (Old, should probably reboot at some point): rainworld-ask-the-medic
SOES: rainworld-lifeisendless230
Slugcat's: rainworld-cycle-of-slugcats
just doodle/art blog: mossy-doodles85
Silly adventurers of my plush's (feel free to send me art in Messages of the sillys if you want, I will post it and credit u, if u want :3)
you can draw for me if ya want
Amazing Friends Of Mine!: @rainworld-obsessed-cat-reborn (One of my first tumblr friends! Probably one of my closes friends here! They are really silly and has great art! I thought I'd never see them again once their main blog got deleted... I'm very glad they're back now. I care for them with the might of a 1000 suns and always wish for the best of them! I'll always have their back, no matter what <3) @stargazer0001 (A great friend, who I really care for! One of the first people I go to talk to about silly ideas and aus of mine. They're art is a joy to see and our silly chats we had before were really fun! Thanks for being there for me <3) @critter2 (Super silly bud that I met because of Star! Their art is amazing and its always a blast to be around them! Sadly they aren't on often so that kinda sucks... ALSO THEY ARE WHOLESOME WHEREVER THEY THINK/KNOW THAT OR NOT!!!!) @lanternlightsovercloudyskies (I've actually never checked if we're friends or not, but see her as one! Cute silly art that a joy to see, and shes super wholesome in my opinion! I always hope for the best for her!) @bananacat76 (My silly great friend! They're super cool and wholesome, all things I wish to be. They've let me add their RW persona, Banana cat, to my RW AU and even let me make Banana Cat Enot's sibling! Lots of hugs to them! A joy see and a gift to be around ^^) @meowyncherry (THIS SUPER AMAZING AND COOL PERSON IS MY FRIEND!!! Hes made super cute and silly art that is a joy to see and always puts a smile on my face! Cherry has been a super great person and he need MORE LOVE so go check him out and give him some love!!)
@puffstarss (I'm pretty sure we're friends, at least to me she is! Puffs is probably one of the most kind people here! She's a big UT and UTY fan and is the owner of The Undertale Yellow Runaway Route AU! If your a fan of UTY aus and stuff be sure you check out her blog! also I will die for them like all friends of mine)
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Random things about me: My favorite colors are mint green and lavender I want to write but am too scared to put it online and I get writers block a lot... I wish people would ask me more things (on any of my blogs)... My IRL friend group and I do a lot of dark humour I draw all the time, in class, at lunch, at home, in the car, and many other places Cream is my favorite Sonic character I my 3rd favorite Sonic character is Chris from Sonic X, FIGHT ME ON IT I have four brothers and no sisters... I have many AUs which I will probably never tell anyone about because I am scared of doing that Rain world brain rot I REALLY want to play SA2 just because of the chao garden Undertale Yellow fan! I'VE DODGED DEATH!!!! If you want to be friends with me, just ask. Cuz I'm probably not gonna ask you that and I'm always happy to have more friends I need help
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peridyke · 20 days
How many comics do you have? and where can I find them?
thank you for asking!!!!
sadly right now i don’t have any finished comics to show off as I only recently got the time to seriously work on my art BUT i do have a variety of projects that i can show off! there’s some stuff i’m actively working on and other stuff that’s more of a back burner thing but let me list out everything i’ve done/have planned on doing
1) angel bites
ok so my current project i’m working on right now is called angel bites and it’s actually going to be a fun lesbian erotica comic about an angel girl and devil girl who are bandmates and who secretly hook up on the side. i’m currently in the process of thumbnailing this one and i’m guessing it’s gonna be around 60 or so pages. once im done i’m gonna have the comic up on patreon/have it for sale digitally on a platform like itch.io BUT the first 20ish pages are sfw so I will post those publicly for free so i can show off my work and characters.
i designed these in universe pin ups that i haven’t posted publicly yet and even though i wanted to wait until i finish the third one in the series that’s a little sillier theyre my most recent and best looking art of the characters
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2) sacrificial lamb
sacrificial lamb was my main focus for a bit but i’ve taken a break from it for the time being to work on other projects. it’s a more serious project than anything else i’ve been doing but it’s one i’ve been planning out since 2021 and that i do want to seriously look into getting published when it’s finished. it is a lesbian horror comic about a butch lesbian rabbit whose femme cat girlfriend gets sucked into the darker side of new age spiritualism. here is my WIP of the cover and a finished page
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3) claw wrench
this is a lower priority project of mine but one i still want to make exist in some form one of these days. it’s about a teenage cat named milly going to live with their estranged super genius mad scientist half sister named mindy and her robot assistant mr. rogato. it would be a newspaper strip style comic with a few larger plot threads. i might start it up one of these days after i’ve gotten some other comics under my belt and i feel like i have a better mental image of what i want the writing to be like. here’s some designs i did in 2021
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4) be mine, valentine
this is a project featuring characters of mine who i’ve had for a few years but only recently decided i wanted to turn into a short story. it’s about a peryton coder named cupid who is unbeknownst to herself a trans girl egg discovering her identity after being hired by a trans girl sex worker unicorn named valentine to help build a website for her work. it’s a short but sweet little love story that i have to plan out better before i seriously work on it but i can see it being something i make in the near-ish future. there will be some nudity and sexual themes but nothing pornographic so i will upload it for free online when it’s done ^_^ sadly i um…don’t have a sfw drawing of valentine yet LOL so you’re just gonna have to deal with a cropped pic
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5) thalassophobia
this is probably most relevant to peoples’ interest who follow me and something probably remember. thalassophobia is a really big steven universe fan comic i started writing to give lapis a more complete arc. i had a lot of passion for it back in 2022/23 but steven universe hasn’t been on my mind as much recently so it’s gone on the back burner. still i put a ton of work into it so i’d like to come back and finish writing it one day, although for the actual comic process i might see about getting some help on pages and colors and such since considering the scale i think it’s way too big for me to do solo. here’s a cover and a few test pages i did
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I HAVE ONE MORE COMIC TO TALK ABOUT BUT IVE USED UP THE IMAGE LIMIT i’m gonna finish in a reblog so give me a second
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borbology · 1 year
idk if anyone has asked this before but may i ask for some knight headcanons? specifically sword and blade,,?👀
YESSS I have been waiting for this ask! I have a lot of hcs about Sword and Blade that I'd love to share. GET READY FOR A LONG POST!
To start off, I have the post where I drew what I think they look like under their armor (I also birthed this cursed image).
First of all, and as much as I love them, I think Sword and Blade didn't get a big enough personality in the anime. If I were to describe them in my hcs, I think that Sword is generally the more chill one out of the two. He strikes me as the kind who is easy to hang out with, but he can be unexpectedly funny or stubborn at times. Sword is more gentle with the way he speaks, whilest Blade is bri'ish and has an ocassional potty mouth (says wanker and consistently gets away with it because no-one knows what it means). Because Blade has a harsher voice in the dub that somehow makes me want to make him the bolder one of the two. He's the one who's more likely to express himself. We gotta hear more of that hilarious voice afterall lol. In making his design I gave him his one eye that he has in the game sprites. I've really enjoyed drawing him very expressive so I decided to make him a creechur with big emotions.
I love thinking about how they interact with eachother. I see them as brothers. They've been through a lot, love eachother, but also get into shenanigens and bother each other sometimes.
Their relationship is both endearing and hilarious. Between the two of them, Blade is actually the older one -- I decided that because it's funnier if he's the eldest even though he's shorter. At this point they wouldn't know what to do with eachother. I think that they share a room next to Meta Knight's quarters, and that they have bunk beds. I actually have a sketch of their room that I want to finish someday soon.
As for their personal lives, it's important to me that characters have substance which makes them feel like real people, so when I make my own characters I always give them five things to help with that -- hobbies, desires, a favorite food and favorite drink, a birthday, and trivia (some little traits that have no real impact on the character in their story but still exist and are interesting). This is something I love doing and my autism always has me making lists/filling out self-made questionares for characters. I highly reccommend it, it's fun as Hell and a useful tool for writing character.
He can play guitar and he likes music in general. Once I decided to give him antenna I thought it would be neat because bugs hear by picking up vibrations, so the vibrations of music are probably very pleasing. He also likes to watch sports because he has become quite athletic since training under Meta Knight.
He is happy with the state of his life but once he feels like the timing is right he wants to find a girlfriend. My man has been alone too long. Part of this is because he feels like he missed out on getting to experience relationships when he younger (due to the war). He'd like a girlfriend, but he's somehow embarrassed to talk about it and he worries how Blade would feel if he spent some of time with another person.
Sword likes comfort foods like macaroni and cheese. He enjoys the taste of ginger ale because it makes him think of the ginger beer they sold at home (whatever the kirby universe's equivilant to australia is lol)
His birthday is June 14th (I do have a system for how I pick chracter birthdays btw but I'm not willing to share it you just have to trust me)
For trivia, he likes cats, and he's allrgic to peanuts
He likes to relax in his off-time and scientifically the best way to do this is by playing Animal Crossing, so I gave him an Animal Crossing town because I love Animal Crossing. It'd be funny if there was a game in the Kirby universe where you played as a cappy or something in a village of creatures like Rick, Kine, and Coo. He also likes to practice baking (he and sword said in the anime that they both always wanted to be cooks, but they were too afraid to tell this to meta knight. plus its fun for him to watch meta knight eat all the treats and still somehow try to deny he has a sweet tooth lol)
Blade, unfortunately, is British - which means that he, unfortunately, likes British food. He will eat beans on toast and make everyone around him uncomfortable. As for his favorite drink... peach nectar lol (bugs love sugarsugarsugar)
His birthday is March 9th (don't question meee)
For trivia, he likes dogs (its funny if he is a dog person while sword it a cat person). He's got just the one big eye so cats give him allergy. I also subscribed to the idea of him being trans because of the difference in his voice between the sub and the dub versions of the anime. Just this alone comes with its own set of hcs I won't get into here.
Lastly, I felt the need to dive into their history. Their backstory about being survivors of the war and having to resort to robbery to survive is so interestingly tragic and something I feel like people don't pay attention to enough when it comes to portraying them. They had to have homes and family and friends that they both lost before happening upon each-other and deciding that two is better than one when it comes to staying alive in the barren hellscape that they now roamed. I plan on making some art about this topic in the future so I'll leave out my hcs for now.
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yellowvixen · 4 months
Hi, hello! Binturong anon with a lot of word vomit here, so be warned. I just read your reply to my ask and I'm so happy right now! I was slightly worried for a bit that you didn't like my silly little story, but hearing that you put off posting it because you liked reading it made me feel warm inside. And you want to draw it someday??? 😳 I can't believe this I'm hdhdjgk
As for my Sol OCs, I do have a few that are specifically parallels, but I'm never quite happy with them. There's always so many good ideas and I sometimes end up finding other people's takes on them that are SO cool (like Rime!) or that have ideas I was thinking of and I'm suddenly paranoid that I'm ripping off somebody else's character...
I absolutely get the struggle of deciding things like species, there's so many cool animals to use and I freaking struggled deciding on ones for mine. The Knuckles one is probably one of the most complete actually, but unfortunately I cannot show you her or any others because I'm not an artist. 😞 So I just rotate them all in my head until I think "Nice" and put it down on a digital notepad. I'm always interested to see others create their takes on them though! I'm certainly interested in all of yours!
I never considered Team Dark, apart from my Sol Shadow, who's definitely the least thought out. There's so many other cool ones out there, so I never really bothered. The few I have, if you're curious, are supposed to be Knuckles and Amy, to round out Blaze and Marine's Classic Quartet basically. And also a different Sol Eggman, because Blaze's nemesis being Eggman in G-major feels like a kick in the face to both Blaze and the actual Eggman 😒. (I also have a Sol Big but she's technically a joke character. She's also really small. I gave her a dinosaur though, as all women deserve.)
Anyway, basically just wanted to let you know that Rime is cool and I'm going to be thinking about that reply for the foreseeable future. Have a good week!
SORRYY I LEFT THIS SO LONG stuff kept happening and then I got ill and then more stuff happened 😩
But! Yeah!! I think it's cool seeing other people's ideas for stuff like this, like I know for sure there are other versions of Sol Shadow out there that are ice powered cats like Rime!! I don't rlly think it's the end of the world if people independently come up with the same ideas as long as you don't purposefully copy anyone.
God you're so right about there being so many cool animals to choose from... Sol Rouge was easy for me but everyone else is being a pain skfjfhdgd. Eventually I'll figure them out though. (One day I promise...) Also! It seems like you have the descriptions of characters down even if you can't draw them, so you could always commission someone!!
I love the idea of Sol Amy too, I personally have 0 ideas for them so might not design my own version tbh. But having a Sol Classic 4 is super cute! You could have a lot of fun with their designs too, the way classic Amy looks pretty different from modern Amy. Sol Eggman too... I've just kinda retconned Nega and made him actually be from the Sol dimension idc about canon LOL I haven't thought about it too much.
Also TINY SOL BIG??? I'm in love that's so cute and such a fun alt version. With a dinosaur too FUCK yes.
I really love how imaginative people are when it comes to the Sol dimension, actually giving it more characters and lore! If sega won't give it love then at least we will 😤
Thank you sm for enjoying Rime, and once again sorry this took so long for me to answer 🥲🩵 I hope you have a nice week too!!!
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gr1evance · 24 days
making a post about some of my miscellaneous pool toy and plane ocs/designs, since i mentioned doing so over on my main! i imagine all these guys living in a world where living planes and pool toys (maybe other objects?) are common, but i don't actually have any real worldbuilding for that or anything, it's kind of just a placeholder for me to do whatever with. i don't really have a set thing for these guys!
rest will be under a cut, because i suspect this will be a long post lol
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starting with my sonas! this is sugarsqueaks- he can't talk, but he WILL drag you into the pool with him. i think he's pretty laid back, he just likes floating around the pool, but i imagine when he's frustrated or excited he'll bap his paws against something or stomp on the ground. (cute!) and i'm always torn on if i think he should be scented like sugar/candy or if he should just have the classic vinyl pool toy smell
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my plane sona's name is cloud nine!! i love him, he kind of sucks at flying and doesn't do it very often, but he's super excitable and has a personality that definitely makes up for it. he gets himself into a lot of injuries while trying to fly, he's very much a klutz, but he REALLY wants to be good at doing plane things. he's younger and a bit smaller than most of his group, and he'll.. probably grow less clumsy with time.
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my boyfriend!! or, well, i almost exclusively call him my boyfriend out of habit but he DOES have a name. it's razzle dazzle :) he's based off the pool candy unicorn and he lives in my room! in my self indulgent thoughts, he's pretty softspoken, but very affectionate. i go between him being drawn as anthro and as just a pool ring, those are both very true in my mind. he's kind of just whatever i want him to be! i most often imagine him paired with and hanging out with captain starburst (me!) but that's not canon to starb's stuff at all.
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wanderlust is a pool toy AND a plane, and loves exploring (hence the name)! i'm not actually sure if he can fly or not, he probably can't? i doubt that would stop him from getting his plane friends to carry him around, though
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this is snail mail!! he's kind of another design i have that's on boyfriend tier to me, lol.. he's a mail carrier! he's definitely big, but i'm unsure if he's actually big enough for the houses and trees on his back to be people-sized. most likely not, but that may change. i think he's dating (or at least romantically talking to) cloud nine, i think they're a pair of cuties :3
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i like collecting holiday themed designs and characters, so here's my halloween and christmas themed pool toys! the cat's name is jackie lantern, he's another one that im romantically inclined towards LOL. but i've been trying to think of what he's like more.. i think he spends most of his time "sleeping" (can pool toys even sleep?) or just generally relaxing. the other one i don't have a name for yet or any real ideas, but i REALLY like the design (thank u theooo)! definitely lives in a colder environment and enjoys that, despite pool toys.. y'know, being in the pool and stuff.
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here's a few more pool toys, some less developed ones but ones i really like nonetheless! their names are finny, cherry pit, and candy zone in that order. finny is polite and reserved, just very kind and cute. cherry pit is my newest addition to all these guys and i don't have too many ideas about him yet, but i LOVE him. definitely feels like a pool party kind of guy to me. candy zone is very chill but VERY much a worrywart. they also have a partner that's a cute plushie dragon that i've yet to draw!
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and here's three more planes! aerodyne, chocolate delight, and powder. aerodyne is the biggest plane in the group, and their job is to be the big kind of airliner that carries people or cargo you most often see! a real gentle giant. chocolate delight is kind of aloof, but pretty nice once you get to know them. and powder is the smallest of the group, he's a little fighter jet. he can be kind of abrasive and has a lot of energy.
if you read all of this, uhhhh... thanks lol! i hope you like my silly object guys. i mostly post about my stories and stuff like that on here, but sometimes i really do just like having characters just to hoard them or have silly thoughts about them or whatever. maybe i'll post about them more after i revamp the tags and stuff on this blog!
a majority of these designs were done by my friends @apotheoseity and @pbjpuppy. some extra designs are by @citripede, shrillard, and jamsbunnies. other art is by @lame-4-u and feraljayce!
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crazys-art · 2 months
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day 28 of martch - redraw old art
had this idea 4 years ago and now i have realized it lol. i put way too much thought into this so notes below
notes for designs i did while making this:
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i wanted them all to have unique eye shapes instead of defaulting to how i draw eyes normally because animal crossing characters dont have uniform eyes lol
also i worried wayy too much about some of the species choices lol. like. do i make junko a bear because monokuma, or does that give the twist away? do i make everybody a different species, or do i double dip in a few places to make the twin twist less predictable? ultimately decided fuck it im not writing the game im drawing fanart i can do what i want
when i first came up with this idea i'd only fully decided on the species of 7 of the cast so here's my train of thought for why they are what they are:
yasuhiro- easiest out of the way first. there's nothing else he could be but a frog. decided to give him the weird facial hair animal crossing sometimes gives their characters because its not animal crossing without a couple ugly guys (affectionate)
hifumi- big guy. elephant. made sense. gave him some pink accents despite not thinking it worked all that well to get that animal crossing authenticity yknow lol. plus he likes some cutesy things so he can have some pink as a treat
sakura- felt bad about making her a gorilla ngl- especially since she is. one of the three characters in this game with a darker skin tone. but literally no other species made sense for her. and ngl there are like. no gorilla villagers i like. so i tried my best to make her look cool as hell
sayaka- cat villagers are super popular, so might as well make the ultimate pop idol one, right?
asahina- okay this comes from bias on my part but in my new horizons my default uchi villager was a rabbit and asahina would 100% be an uchi villager so bada bing bada boom. ended up making her coat more orange than it actually is cause i wanted her to be red and didnt want it to clash.
mondo- im going to be completely honest. when i thought of this i was just like "oh that makes sense i always associated mondo with tigers i dont remember why tho." and i just double checked and not only are they in his execution but he also has tiger underwear. so. this ones canon imo
ishimaru- once again, wolf villagers are popular, and just made sense for him. hes a loyal rules guy, and more edgy than a dog- plus, it gives him a cat and dog dynamic with mondo! this concludes everyone that i came up with their species 4 years ago, below is the ones i decided now
kyoko: i was between anteater and wolf for her, and since i decided not to double dip on species, i went with anteater. idk, anteater villagers always seem so aloof and strange to me, it's just her vibe.
junko & mukuro: i was between bear, cat, and rabbit for them, and once again, avoided double dipping. bear is pretty obvious, but cat was because once again, cat villagers are so popular, and rabbit was because of the irony. junko's ears are also supposed to mimic the little monokuma hair ties she has lol
celestia: i was between anteater and ostrich, and i'd already chosen kyoko as the anteater. i didn't even remember that the ostrich villager was called ostrich for a bit, i kept thinking of her as a peacock, but then realized that was perfect for her whole european thing lol.
toko: i was between cat and squirrel, and sayaka was cat. her just being such a small bitter little guy is fitting for her i think.
chihiro: i was between hamster, rabbit, and mouse, and rabbit was taken. i think i only went with mouse because i wanted to draw that head shape, but i did realize after that that means they and mondo are a cat and mouse lol
makoto: i was between deer and dog, and honestly it all came down to his ahoge. if there was a way to have antlers and an ahoge, i would have done so, but honestly it worked out for the best i think. having a dog and cat relationship with sayaka + komaru and toko being dog and squirrel just worked too well.
togami: i was between horse and eagle and this was one of the hardest decisions. ultimately went with eagle simply because i didnt want to draw an animal crossing horse. this did end up making the squirrel be obsessed with the eagle which i do love. i kept trying to work blue into his design but it just did not work at all.
leon: oh leon. the hardest one to choose. i had to save him for until id decided everyone else lol. i was between bull, eagle, and tiger, and went with bull bc of double dipping. all three suited him equally i think it was hard to choose. also coloring him was hard too lol
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zecromgen5 · 8 months
Alright, here we go: I'm going to go over my thought and design process for some of my dragons, starting with my Seam dragon.
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This is going to be a pretty long post, so all of what I'm going to be talking about will be below the cut.
So Seam was a unique case since in the actual game we only ever see their head in the seap. This provided me a unique opportunity to kind of do whatever I wanted with the dragon design, and admittedly I might have gone a bit overboard with the design and lore for them.
I knew I wanted to keep this dragon very cat-like, as well as lean into the fact that they were once a powerful magician. I went with an Asian Lung style dragon combined with a Lynx. Since Lung dragons are known for their magic, and a Lynx fit well because I could stylize their cheek-fluff to give a similar effect to Seams beard.
This design originally didn't have the flames present on the current design. I decided later on that I wanted to emphasize the fire magic aspect of this dragon, and I chose blue flames - 1. To compliment the orange on the design. And 2. Blue flames are hotter than normal fire, so choosing blue as the flame color sort of hints at how powerful Seam could be potentially.
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(First VS. Current design)
Alright, here's the part where I talk about a abilities and lore specific stuff for this dragon.
Starting with abilities, Seam has the ability to conjure and control fire around them, and has a wide range of utility-based magic; one such ability being able to enchant items. So somewhat similar to an animus in Wings of Fire, with the main difference and drawback being that this magic takes a lot of energy to cast, instead of the whole "chipping away at your soul" thing animus magic has.
Being based off of an Asian Lung dragon, Seam does have the ability to fly using their magic.
When using their fire magic, the mane at the base of their neck will also increase in heat depending on the scale of the attack used. Their mane also moves similarly to fire when using magic.
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For character lore, seam is the largest and one of the oldest dragons within the AU. They're around two and half thousand years give or take. So around late 60s-early 70s in human age. Why do I have him so old? I felt like it kinda fit with the Lung-style of dragon they are, but other than that I don't really have a reason. Seam good friends with the kings that reigned when they were around 100-200 years old and served the Royal line for most of their life. Up until Jevil had to be locked away. Since then they primarily serve as a trading post for the dragons of Scarlet Forest, and partially as a landmark due to their size.
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(A joke drawing I did a while ago to show their size)
I have thought about making this dragon a smaller form for those times when being a giant isn't super convenient, but I haven't come up with a design I like yet so maybe someday. I'm open to people creating and suggesting designs for me if that's what they want to do.
And that's pretty much the long and short of Seam's design and lore. I'm not super used to writing things like this, so I hope this was coherent and didn't come off as too self-indulgent. If there are any suggestions as to a different dragon any of you want to see another post like this for, let me know. I would be happy to do this again. Also if there are any questions you have, feel free to ask and I will try my best to answer.
Alright, bye for now!
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silliestsakura · 8 months
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Silly Sakura Stuff
~My introductory post is supposed to be a simple description of myself and what I do, but it is outdated and dry :/ So now, I'll take the time to make a more clear 'About me' post and then later update up my pinned post :)
Interests - (Described)
(Some have been mentioned before)
•Playing piano. I've mentioned it a couple of times already, but it just shows how much I really love it :)
•Jigsaw puzzles. In my free time, I like to play the ones online rather than physically go and buy one hehehehe but still :3
•Drawing. This one's obvious :0 I've improved a lot digitally over the time I've spent here, although my traditional art is... not the same😵‍💫
•Listening to music while doing nothing but think of scenarios in my head to fit with it. This one is self-explanatory and I'm sure everybody has done it at least once >:)
•Creating story prompts. Though I absolutely hate writing in real life, I still love to think of stories to never use ever again🥰
•Interacting with my mutuals, or in other words, my silly geese as I like to say. Again, this one is pretty self-explanatory, but I loved messing around (@cloudymistedskies ) and being tagged in silly games and whatnot ;)
Things I like - Listed
•Cherry blossom trees🌸
•Anything astronomy related🛸🌙☄️
•Sleeping in💤
•Cold weather❄️
•The sound of bamboo flutes🎍🪈
Things I do not like - Listed
•Having to correct autocorrect🤖
•Loud noises/Sudden noises📢
•Alarm clocks⏰
•Touchy people🤨
•Hot weather☀️
•Impatient people⌚
•Typing correctly on keyboards⌨️
•Loud chewers😑
•Sitting still🐈
Favorite things - Listed
•Pop colors🌸🪻💙🐸⭐
•Music boxes🎼
•All of my mutuals🩷
Animes I've watched/read
•Demon Slayer- Watched✔️ Fully read✖️🗡️
•Komi Can't Communicate- Watched✔️ Fully read✖️🗣️
•Chainsaw Man- Watched✔️ Fully read✖️🦊
•Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun- Watched✔️ Currently reading✔️👻
Video games I've played - Listed
•Animal Crossing, New Horizons- Nintendo Switch🔔
•Super Smash Bros. Ultimate- Nintendo Switch❗
•Mario Kart- Nintendo Switch🏁
•Super Mario Party- Nintendo Switch🎉
•Kirby and the Forgotten Land- Nintendo Switch🩷
•Super Mario 3D World, Galaxy, Bowser's Fury- All on Nintendo Switch🐱🔥🌌
•Rec Room- Oculus, Quest Two🧡
•Deltarune- Nintendo Switch🔪
•The Legend of Zelda:
~Breath of the Wild- Nintendo Switch🏰
~Tears of the Kingdom- Nintendo Switch☁️💧
~Link's Awakening- Nintendo Switch, Gameboy🏝️
~Wind Waker- Wii💨🐉
Enthusiastic about- Listed and Why
•Those of you who have my discord, you can see my display name is literally 'Kirby Enthusiast'. I've always loved the Kirby series and everything about it from the designs of the game, music, characters, and the variety of places you can explore within the games🌸🩷(If you want to, my discord name is 'silliestsakura' if you want to add me <3) 🩷
•The Toilet-Bound Hanako series. Again, a lot of you (@theyluvsmilo and @yuichiroleftarm ) might know how much I actually loved the show and every single character ever. There certain characters I am intensely enthusiastic about (again, @yuichiroleftarm might know who I'm speaking of💀) But I could talk about it for hours👻🚽
•These two things specifically are things I could talk about forever, but there is some other things I like a lot, just not as much as these :3
Real Life details about Myself- Briefly Listed
•I'm actually aroace, but still, there are some characters I cannot speak regularly about without turning into a crazy fangirl simp💀
•Not too long ago I found out and got diagnosed with dyslexia, so sometimes I don't make any sense at all with spelling and grammar. It's my main reason for using autocorrect as well :)
•One of my parents is Japanese, making me part Japanese also🇯🇵 It's just a little fact I wanted to share❤️
•I'm a terrible public speaker🗣️ I don't like speaking in front of large groups, but online is a way different story as you all can tell.. I am a completely changed person online🫣
Favorite Characters-
❤️-Demon Slayer-❤️
•Obanai Iguro- I love his design and his character, personality, and backstory. I think he's a very well written character and has a lot more to him than being in love with Mitsuri🐍
•Kanao Tsuyuri- I also think she was well written and was really pretty and stuff, y'know :)🦋💜
•Muichiro Tokito- At first, I was drawn to him and literally fangirled over him for a really long time and read fan-fics about him💀 But then the energy died down a little bit :0 I still like him tho💙🌁
☂️-Komi Can't Communicate-☂️
•Komi Shouko- She reminds me a lot like myself with her social anxiety (expect mine isn't that bad) The show was really cute and she was probably my favorite because of.. everything :D
•I don't really remember a lot of the other characters, but I also thought Tadano was pretty silly and stuff heehe >:)
🔥-Chainsaw Man-🔥
•Pochita- Pochita is so silly and cute and silly and cute and I loved him.. Pochita is also very important so that's another reason aside from his silliness🧡
•Kobeni and Power- I thought Kobeni's whole reason for becoming a devil hunter in the first place was really sad and I felt bad for her, and I also just loved her scared and silly view of things. Power on the other hand is a character I love for her energy and personality. I was originally planning on being her for Halloween while my sister was going to be Makima, but things changed and she chose something else🥲
•Aki (forgor last name)- He's very bbg. All I have to say🔪🦊
🔪-Toilet-Bound Hanako-🔪
- (Warning! Simp Sakura up ahead!)
•This is what my mind is focused on 3/4 of my day. Just this show.. Do be warned, for all of my simp emotions will be taken out (mostly) on the upcoming list..
•Amane Yugi/Hanako- Loved both of them equally, given that they're technically two different people, but Amane holds a special place in my heart. His story was sad and traumatic, everything a good main character needs. Design, voice, story, character relationships, all of it. I love him❤️
•Kou Minamoto- Trying my best not to get too wild right now.. Literally every character in this show had an amazing English and Japanese voice, and he was probably one of my favorites. He is veeery bbg and deserves all of the love🎴
•Mitsuba Sousuke- Only @yuichiroleftarm knows what I mean when I say I love him.. The literal second he was introduced, it was like almost all of my mutuals with Muichiro.. Trust me when I say you don't wanna know how much I really love this guy.. I've said some things none of you guys will ever know🩷💀
•These are my top three, but if you ask me, pretty much everybody in the show is fine asf (Sakura swearing?) Still though, this probably surpassed my first love for Demon Slayer I'd say.. Still love both tho :')
Closing Out
•This took way longer than it should have, but it was fun getting to write down a much more specific description about myself! Have a great day and stay safe out there :)))
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juliasnrubs · 2 years
How to write characters (fun)
Creating characters is one of my favorite parts of writing. From naming them to figuring the dynamics between them and other characters, it feels like getting to know a real person.
Naming characters. I could go on an on about this, but I’ll keep it short. Some things to keep in mind are: a characters ethnicity or background (John vs Juan vs Hanna); meaning, either symbolically (Ash, Grace, ect.) or linguistically (Alison= “noble” in German, “the tooth” in Arabic). Sometimes the name itself can give you an idea for a character— I see the name Raven and I get a teenage girl with long hair and eyeliner, possibly an assassin. I see the name Doris and I think of a receptionist at a dentist’s office with short curly hair and a mug with a cat on it. I see the name Grant and I think of a love interest in some sort of dark-academia boarding-school mystery kind of setting.
Character playlists. I don’t care what anyone says, character playlists ARE writing. What songs remind you of your character? What songs fit their vibe? What would they sing in the car? What song describes their relationship with their s/o, sibling, best friend? There’s a Taylor Swift song for every relationship. (Forbidden love? Getaway Car. Friends to lovers? It’s Nice To Have A Friend. Falling out of love? tolerate it. Abandonment issues? All You Had To Do Was Stay. I COULD GO ON). One Direction has a lot of good relationship songs, but at the end of the day, it’s your playlist. Do what feels right!
Pinterest. There are so many cool character ideas/designs/concepts on Pinterest. I’m more of a visual learner, so it’s helpful for me to actually see people and create a whole character that way. The visual range of the subject in the drawing/photo as well as the range of content creators helps so much in keeping my characters diverse in personality, ethnicity, age, body type, hair type as well as cool ideas for scars, outfits, weapons, hobbies, ect. The possibilities are endless.
MBTI personality types. Most people (myself included) don’t know enough about the personality types to be able to pull types out of the air when creating characters, but once you get to know our character, looking up the MBTI types can be helpful, especially when it comes to the strengths and weaknesses of each type. I either make my best guess per character and read through a couple different types for ideas, take the MBTI test as if I were that character, or, if I’ve based my character (i.e. Calida) off a person I know (i.e. my best friend), find out what personality type that person is (ESTP).
I also have a running list of people’s personality types on my phone, which helps when guessing characters personality types or creating a character based off an MBTI type (i.e. I want an ENFJ character. Who do I know who’s an ENFJ? Can I base a character off them? What would they do in x situation?)
Memes. Incorrect quotes, “_____ characters as Vines,” “_____ characters as TikToks,” alignment charts (chaotic good, lawful evil, ect.), that one triangle of “pulls into McDonalds while children cheer, orders a single black coffee and leaves,” or just a plain old meme, it’s a great and fun way to get to know your characters in a more informal setting and learning how they interact with each other and fit into their friend group. Sense of humor? Mom friend? Snarky or deadpan? Accident prone? These aren’t the kind of things you discover about your characters right away. It only works after you’ve spent time with them, and when writing seems too overwhelming or cumbersome, memes are the way to go.
The better you know your characters, the better you know how they’ll interact with other characters. Which leads us to…
Creating dynamics. Dynamics are all about relationships. Sibling dynamics, for example, can range from Gamora and Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy) to Luke and Leia (Star Wars) to found family, like Kaz and Jesper (Six of Crows). Sticking to the siblings theme, clichés can be a jumping-off point— because if you truly make them your own, they’re not clichés anymore, they’re people. Overprotective, popular teenage brother and their younger sister? It’s a Wattpad classic because that’s an actual situation. A multitude of sisters and one younger brother? I’ve lived that. A messy sibling and a neat one sharing a room? I’ve lived that. There are an endless combination of people, and no two relationships are the same. As long as you take the time to do it right, there’s no way it can be cliché.
Write everything down. Whenever I can, I try to save lists of characters people wish they could see more in books. Whenever I get a character idea or an idea for a character dynamic, I write it down, even if I have no idea what to do with it later. Here’s some examples straight from my Notes app (feel free to use these to to add to them):
Two sisters with Reputation/Lover personalities, respectively. (For those who don’t know, Reputation and Lover are two Taylor Swift albums with completely opposite vibes). One is intensely scary on the outside but really wants love and security and to protect those she cares about and pretends not to care about what people think of her (Reputation). The other is bubbly and happy and friendly on the outside but will mess you upppp with zero hesitation or regret, low-key sociopathic (Lover, with a twist).
Hot jock sword girl (broadsword, or possibly a mace) (Think Jane Foster Thor) with her nerdy short cartographer boyfriend who wears glasses and gets flustered easily and can barely lift her weapon
Viking-esque (pirate?) sword/axe girl with bleach-blonde curls
Older sibling who is shorter than their younger sibling (and mad about it)
“Every firstborn daughter is the girl version of their dad.”
Upper-class character who is secretly poor but doing everything they can to hide it and keep their family out of relative poverty
Princess/gardener romance. He leaves her roses on her window but she has no idea it’s from him. He’s pretty faded into the background (a wallflower, pun intended) so she’ll just be talking to her friend trying to figure out who it is and not even noticing him but he hears every word but is too shy to say anything. Maybe she’s kind of snooty in the beginning, but changes by the end? Bonus points if he ends up saving her life. OOH what if he saves her life somehow, she’s kind of snooty and pretentious and mean to him and he loses feelings but they’re stuck together, they go on some kind of adventure, she gets humbled along the way, she finds out he was her secret admirer and falls for him, he’s going to give up on her but then she does something that shows her character tear development (parallel to the beginning of the book, but she makes a different choice?), he falls for her again and they live happily ever after, secret admirer to enemies to lovers 50K words BOOM.
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