#i do not take criticism regarding that
blackknight-100 · 4 months
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Hello there anon, and thank you for the prompt! I got so excited with this I accidentally posted your ask without answering it (I'm so sorry����😭) so I'm afraid I have to use a screenshot. I hope you like reading this!
Character Swap - Arjuna and Karna
Phalguna comes to Kuntidesha as it always does, but this year the air is colder, and the soil is wet with rain. The ponds are full and even rivers flow swifter, for Indra turns his eye upon them.
Princess Pritha bears the last few weeks of her womanly toil with ill grace; she is yet sixteen, face perpetually wrinkled in agony. The King of Gods has promised her maidenhood, Pritha thinks she would have given that up to be rid of this soreness.
When her time comes one cloudy eve, her trusted maid kneels by her screaming self, and snips the cord off a divine child.
The babe is soft and beautiful, with her looks and her smile and her curled hair; he yawns in restless sleep like a little dark moon. Pritha’s head is bent in prayer, her still-young heart is numb. She is a princess of two noble Kings, a star in the darkness of Āryavarta. Few women have her fortune, even lesser have her power, and yet she is just another girl, at the mercy of sages and gods, and the thought makes Pritha's head bow lower.
She stands by the raging Aswa as her maid gently sets the basket afloat, for foolish she may be, but cruelty comes only through her orders, and never by her hand, and the sky shatters with thunder and rain. Of all the recipients of Indra’s wrath, there has never been one more tragic.
His father from his heavenly throne names the child Arjuna, swears to guide and lead and bestow divine counsel, but as songs later let us know: he is ever known by his mothers’ names, for he is Rādha and Pritha's son.
Karna is born the last of Kunti’s sons, and the third of Pāndu’s scions. He comes into the world like a shining light, with her face and her smile and her curls in his hair. For the first few weeks, Kunti cannot bear to look at the babe, and nurses him with her eyes to the sky. The sun shines upon them, bright and reprimanding, and Kunti wills Surya to chastise his own brother.
To Mādri she says, and to a concerned Pāndu, that the birth tired her, to the child she murmurs tales of a long-lost brother.
“He looked just like you,” Kunti tells him, as Karna swings in his cradle. It is a rickety thing, old as Yudhisthira, and worn with Bheema’s fervour, but it is a cradle still, and Kunti wonders if her other son ever knew one.
“I think you would have loved him,” Kunti says, wistfully, weaving dreams out of her yearning. “He would have been your big brother.”
The boy in the cradle coos at her, toothless smile lighting up the world, and for a moment his face is dark, and outside it rains, and the babe in her arms is Indra’s child.
“You are terrible,” Arjuna scowls at Duryodhana, even though his father has taken great pains to counsel him otherwise. “He is just having fun.”
Duryodhana turns an interesting shade of purple. “His fun involves beating up my brothers and acting innocent when Pitāmaha asks him about it.”
Arjuna has no reason to defend this new prince, one whom he has never seen nor met, but his mouth betrays him once more. “That is not a good enough reason to kill him. You are merely jealous.”
“Kill whom?” says a voice, and Arjuna nigh jumps out of his skin as a boy swings down from the mango tree.
“Karna,” Duryodhana sighs. “Are you troubling the squirrels again?”
“No,” the boy says, shoving his fist behind his back. He is barely five and... light; his eyes are light and honey-brown, his hair is the light of sunshine on tree-barks, and his face glows like day. “You’re going to kill my brother,” he repeats stubbornly.
Arjuna blinks; his father would not forgive him for this.
Duryodhana sighs once more. “Your brother is beating mine up.”
“I will tell him not to,” Karna promises, and Arjuna is a little sorry for the boy – all wobbling lips and earnest eyes. “I will tell Mother if he does. Please don’t kill him.”
Arjuna expects Duryodhana to say something like ‘Run along, child’ or ‘Do not eavesdrop on your elders’, but the prince has an indulgent, almost fond look on his face.
“Give me that,” he says, pointing at the hand Karna has behind his back. Arjuna thinks it a cruel thing to ask, then the boy reluctantly brings out a bursting handful of areca nuts, and Arjuna has to laugh.
Duryodhana smiles as well, plucks one of the six in his hand. Karna drops two others, and as he bends to retrieve his fallen treasures, Duryodhana ruffles his hair.
“Run along now, little scamp,” the Kaurava prince says.
“Are you going to kill him?” Karna asks, eyes wide and worried.
“No,” Duryodhana assures him, “but remember what we agreed, yes?”
Karna beams at them, one after the other. “I will! See you.”
With that, he is gone.
Duryodhana cracks the nut and hands half of it to Arjuna – sinfully possessive one moment, impossibly generous the next.
Arjuna gapes at him. “Are you really not going to kill Bheem?”
Duryodhana glowers at him. “Go lay an egg,” he says, rudely, and stalks off. Arjuna stares at his retreating back, confused.
But no news comes that day, or the next, or any of the weeks after, and slowly, Arjuna learns to breathe easier.
“Who is that?” Krishna asks.
Karna starts, he has not been paying attention. Krishna is the scion of faraway Dwārika, and not much of an acquaintance in any manner of the term, although the dark haired prince claims he has hardly ever been outside Vrindāvan, and never to the city by the sea.
“Pardon me,” Karna says, contrite, “whom do you speak of?”
“That boy,” says Krishna, and points towards a lone figure lurking by the stables.
“That is Arjuna. His father is Pitāmaha's charioteer.”
“May I speak to him?”
“Excuse me,” Karna hails the older boy, “can you spare a moment?”
Arjuna appears at his side, all muddy fringes and stiff bows. “Greetings, princes.”
“Greetings,” Karna nods. “This is Krishna, my cousin. Krishna, Arjuna.”
Krishna is tall and dark, his young face beams with pleasure. “How do you do, Pārtha?”
Arjuna blinks. “Uh... I am not called that. My mother’s name is Rādha.”
Krishna gives him a secret smile, and waves at someone above his head. Karna, distracted by a squirrel, nearly misses it.
“Duryodhana?” he says, delighted, when he notices the other boy on the balcony. “Come down, come down.”
Krishna shakes his arm. “Perhaps, the four of us can go to the garden?”
Sometime later, the four of them are seated around a bush, shears in hand. The rose shrub is not big enough to make a topiary out of, but Queen Gandhari has arranged tables around it with the hopes of giving the boys a more fruitful pastime to channel their excitement into.
“And what should I do?”
Arjuna is seated beside Krishna, facing the others. Duryodhana picks up his shears and snips a stray leaf. “We have to make this appear smooth and shapely.”
Karna stares at him. “Because Aunt Gandhari says so, of course.”
Krishna pulls his legs up on the bench, lifts a fist to the air. “Let’s dooo it!”
For the next couple of hours they work diligently, or at least pretend to, for Duryodhana starts kicking Karna under the bench, and Karna kicks him back, and it is an entertaining game; Krishna, meanwhile, shows Arjuna how and where to snip – he has clever eyes, and his hands are dexterous.
When they finally leave, one side of the bush poorer than the other, Krishna swings his hands around his new friend’s shoulders and lags behind the two princes. “You were saying Guru Drona does not want to teach you?”
Arjuna flushes. “That is true. It is er... his choice, of course, no disrespect intended.”
Krishna’s eyes twinkle. “Dau and I are going to study with Guru Sāndīpani. Do you wish to come with?”
Arjuna chances a glance at Karna, barely jealous, but there still. “I think I would like that.”
“Can we not do this here?” Arjuna hisses. His father looks over from the garden where he and Rādha Mā are talking to Lord Bhishma, and Arjuna is afraid.
“Come now,” Duryodhana groans. “We are settling it man to man, just as Pitāmaha wanted. What is wrong now?”
Arjuna glances at the Pāndava brothers, aching with the weight of Anga’s crown and the knowledge of the Jatugrīha. “Why am I a part of this conversation?”
Yudhisthira coughs politely, as he is wont to. It gets on Arjuna's nerves like nothing else. “If you will excuse me,” he says, “we must greet our mother.”
The Pāndavas glance up as one, and Arjuna notices Dowager Empress Kunti hurrying down the steps.
“Mother,” Karna and Sahadeva exclaim excitably and there is a flurry of motion as they settle down to accept their blessings. To his surprise, Duryodhana follows, and he is compelled to join in the flock.
“There you are, darling,” Kunti says, pulling him up, then freezes.
Something old and forgotten stirs within Arjuna – a shadow of a memory, a wisp of a dream, a woman still as a flame with a child in her arms. Mother, he nearly says, ancient words soaring to his mouth, the shapes of them lingering on his tongue. Mother, look what we have brought home.
Then the Grandfather joins them and the moment is gone.
His father throws him a disapproving glance, and Arjuna shrinks from the princes. His mother, though, is staring at Karna.
“Vāsu...?” she whispers, as if to a ghost, and Karna turns.
“Yes, Mā?”
“His name is Karna,” Bheema declares loudly, and glares at them. The prince has not yet forgiven Arjuna’s stunt at the Graduation, even if Karna claims he would have done the same.
Radha Mā looks flustered, and Karna shifts in discomfort, as if put on a stage for a part he does not know how to play. Adhiratha grabs Arjuna and wraps an arm around his wife.
“Please forgive her, Prince,” he says, and starts pulling them away. “By your leave...”
Arjuna supposes they have embarrassed his father enough. His mother walks as if in a trance. “Vāsu?” she murmurs under her breath. “Vāsusena... child, where are you gone?”
Arjuna, alarmed, turns one last time. Karna is miserable and bewildered, staring after Rādha like a lost child, and Kunti's eyes, seeking him, are wet with tears.
Arjuna sits silent and still, horror trembling beneath his skin like a fluttering bird.
“Duryodhana, please...” Arjuna whispers, unsure of what he begs, and fearful of the prince's wrath.
“I bet my brother, Karna,” Yudhisthira says, drunk on dharma and shivering with repentance. “If I win, I shall have him and all that is on the board; if you do, then he is yours.”
Karna looks up, stunned. There is betrayal on his face, and Arjuna’s heart stings. Even Duryodhana frowns, for Karna alone of all his cousins he names a friend.
“As you say,” Shakuni shrugs, and rolls his dice. “Lo! I win!”
Karna rises from his seat without being asked, walks over to kneel beside his brothers. His mien is smooth and calm now, all torment shielded behind a mask, but Bheema leaps up, enraged.
“Brother!” he tells Yudhisthira, “Hear me! Cease this madness before you lose all else.”
“I cannot leave them to this fate, Bheema,” Yudhisthira says, and picks the dice again. “I stake Bheema.”
“No, wait,” Duryodhana says, brows furrowed. “Māmāshree, do not bet now.”
The two players look up.
“No more?” Yudhisthira repeats slowly, as if he thought this game would go on forever, till the last brother was staked, and perhaps his wife and mother as well.
“Are you sure, my dear?” Shakuni asks.
Duryodhana ignores both of them, strides over to Karna. “Come with me.”
“I shall split your head open,” Bheema roars from beside Yudhisthira. “Leave him alone.”
“I won him,” Duryodhana reminds him coldly, “and I would that he comes with me.”
Karna rises with a grace that startles Arjuna, no longer the clumsy middle prince who dropped things, just like he is no longer a charioteer's dutiful son.
“I will go,” he says, and Yudhisthira turns to the court at large. “Please forgive my brother’s outburst.”
Arjuna wants to slap him.
Duryodhana wraps an arm around Karna's shoulders, and steers him to the doors. For a moment it appears that Bheema would follow, but then the Kaurava prince dismisses the guards, and they step just outside, far enough so no one can overhear whispers, but near enough that they are seen, and a fuming Bheema sits back down.
Arjuna sits and waits for a long time, like all others at court, even the blind Emperor, who can never walk without his son, and thinks miserably of how much Krishna would disapprove.
He is about to join them, either to pacify or to add fuel to the fire, when Karna speaks, loud and sarcastic enough to be heard all over the court. “I loved it. I loved it so much I am going to write a play about it, and have actors sent to perform it all over Āryavarta. Why, I should- ”
Duryodhana catches his flailing hands, shushes him. They whisper once more. The blind Emperor swivels his head in apparent confusion. Arjuna gets up to intervene.
Then Duryodhana walks in, a furious Karna in tow.
Arjuna seizes him by the arm. “Let them go, Duryodhana,” he pleads. “Do not do this.”
His patron and friend...? looks at him quietly for a long time, so long that Arjuna very nearly reaches for his bow.
Dhritarashtra, for once in his life, takes the cue. “Court is dismissed,” he calls, and the ordeal is over.
“You have counselled me wisely,” Duryodhana says at last. “Now, and before. It is a shame that I heeded you not.” Then he raises his head and says aloud, without preamble or explanation, “Let all be returned and restored to the Pāndava princes. Thank you, noble ones, for joining us in this game. We shall retire soon for lunch.”
Two years later, when the knowledge of the game is a rumour, and the incident at Indraprastha's lake is forgotten, Karna comes alone to Hastinapura. Krishna, who is visiting, gives Arjuna one of his secret smiles.
At the gates, Duryodhana meets him stiffly, for things have never been the same between the two sets of cousins. They bow ceremoniously, Dhritarashtra speaks a few half-hearted greetings, and Gandhari fusses over him.
Karna and Duryodhana stare at each other, and then Karna wraps him in a fierce hug.
“You’re not forgiven,” the Pandava prince says, voice muffled, but Arjuna notes Karna's trembling hands and thinks he knows otherwise.
Then, to his surprise, Karna turns to him. Krishna smiles at him again and whispers, “Prepare yourself, Angarāja.”
Before Arjuna can ask him what he means, Karna bows to him and says, “Greetings, brother.”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 18 days
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Market based mistakes.
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starrysharks · 8 months
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zeno's ultimate pokemiku tierlist ⁉️(it's all his opinion and he loves them all regardless⁉️)
#like arrfgggdiakaktmcksmsama this was literally all for me like they knew what they were doing#i love character design i love pokemon i love miku. and then you put ALL THREE TOGETHER....#i will explain some of my choices here#poison miku is just too good but also i am a big sucker for freaky scientists with constant “worry” eyebrows#her design is just so out there and crazy (this is about the shoes. some understand the greatness of the shoes and some dont. and thats ok.)#every other miku in peak i think establishes their theme exeptionally well especially ghost bug and fighting#for ghost i already love spooky and gloomy looking characters and that miku delivers tenfold (of course shes designed by the GOAT take)#esp with the mix of ghostly and electronic/digital regarding the glitchy parts n the 01 hologram#she looks like shell invade my computer and give it a virus if i dont send the chainmail about her tragic file corruption to 10 friends#(in the best way possible)#for bug miku the big dress is a huge plus but also i just think shes adorable nuff said#for fighting - i love a delinquent character and she fits that really well. the half coat thing is a big highlight for me#also the leek theme is absolutely iconic#for the ones i didnt like as much - i honestly just think the koraidon one is a leeeeetle bit boring#dont get me wrong. it has really cool aspects like the hair and the koraidon like cape but idk#it feels like theres a lot going on but not that much at the same time? its still a really nice design tho esp the hair color#for the ones in yellow tier - i just dont like the color palletes very much . theyre still really nice designs esp fire miku#but all in all these are genuinely all amazing designs and i dont want to be too critical or mean to any of them esp seeing im not a pro#but this was really fun to see unfold!!! cant wait until the songs start dropping#in the topic of miku as well - hey muse dash where's my miku on the switch version....#please dont make us wait too long 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
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sunshades · 6 months
One thing about canto VI is like. I see so many people predicting it'll be about Fighting Evil Wife or Breaking Codependent Toxic Relationship and I just kinda think that would suck? If the major theme isn't grief AND love and the way both are seen as like Kinda Weird/inappropriate in the setting of the city. Then I'll be very sad.
#bell.txt#not putting it in the tag i dont wanna spam but yes limbus posting yes girls will be thinking about mortal regret#LIKE. LIKE. remember the discourse on twt about how like it was bad writing that yi sang didnt mourn dongbaek etc#and like that was the thing right. thsts not a thing you do in the city. that was part of why roland (who takes lots after wh's themes)#was so exceptional. that is the whole thing about the sickness of the city#to say it in comedia literary criticism terms: sins are split between wrongly-directed love and excess of love with sloth (lack of love)#being an outlier. i think heatho and generally og wh is about excess of love and not wrongly-directed love. it is the thing that lasts#all the way to the other side. it is the shared coffin and meeting again in the next life#i think itd be AWFULLY disappointing to get some boring boring 'they make each other worse' take. being APART due to societal pressures#makes them worse and horribly lonely. death makes them worse baby. so in my mind thats it#we get to see cathy die or still be unreachable in some way and then in very roland style we get furioso mode#and then the ending is about recognizing the love that has in fact been there all along and carrying it with u. and hoping to reunite some#where some other time. NO more slander of that awful girl. YES to the comfort of the memories.#me typing over my foscolo notes like i can surely post about heathcliff really fast and not write a novel in the tags (unaware)#i have more thoughts about this in regards to ruina with xiao and some stuff from leviathan but in the meantime. listen to my ramblings boy#ALSO. considering that implication. he feels for her what queequeg feels for ishy. ARGHH. RIPPING MY HAIR OFF#ok actually its been enough hours to not spam ppl I'll tag it now for blog org. i should maybe have a tag for posting specifically#limbus company
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andthebeanstalk · 11 days
ur post about queerbaiting and the dismissal of people in fandom to critical analysis is so incredibly true thank you. i feel like marcille's writing in the anime has been super misogynistic a lot of the time and every time i bring this up all anyone wants to say is "well maybe this isn't for you! and you shouldn't watch the show!" like. i don't think this is about taste lmao, i am analyzing the text in front of me and coming to conclusions about the craft of it.
[This is in reference to this post]
It is so so frustrating!!!!
It's like being at a restaurant and being served a bunch of delicious appetizers, but then one of the bread appetizers is literally just a plate of crumbs; and then when you're like, "Hey, uhh, why are we being served literal crumbs?", a bunch of the other folks eating at the restaurant are like,
And maybe they say it politely, but "Aw, sorry, maybe this restaurant just isn't for you 💖" is just trading out an aggressive dismissive tone for a patronizing dismissive tone. It's the same message.
And it's like! I was honestly happy to move on from the crumbs once my complaint was acknowledged because the meal overall is still delicious, but then all these folks got SUPER WEIRD AND DEFENSIVE ABOUT IT, so now I find myself double-checking all the other dishes -- and, actually, you know what those eggs DO look a Iittle misogynistic undercooked!!!!
#original#queerbaiting#dunmeshi#dungeon meshi#falin x marcille#marcille x falin#marcille donato#delicious in dungeon#dungeon meshi marcille#listen i like marcille but u r right she is basically there to be a wet blanket a LOT of the time and that is a sexist trope#i think the bar is super super low for female characters in adventure anime and the lack of constant ogling maybe makes the female#characters feel better written than they are. i mean falin basically has no personality. she's got an innocent heart but that's nothing.#and i think these conversations are worth having bc no piece of media is perfect and this is how we learn to do better#also like. I've seen media criticisms that make me go 'oh you straight up should reserve commentary bc you#haven't watched the show and you're wrong' or 'i see what you're saying but you are simply incorrect' but like#i don't think I'd tell someone to just NOT watch Hazbin Hotel bc they have a bad take - and certainly not bc they have accurately#pinpointed a real flaw about the show (of which there are more than a few but frankly not what became the biggest subject of Disc Horse)#Angel is actually an amazing character & i think people mistook a criticism on the way abuse is glamourized as actually glamourizing abuse#like his song about abuse is called Poison and he's trapped in an abusive performance contract - bringing to mind Britney Spears#i think it is a wildly triggering and painful scene but i think a lot of people took the pain it gave them to mean it was bad art#but tbh they are still allowed to eat at the table if they so choose!!!#sorry i got sidetracked - as an abuse survivor Angel just matters a lot to me. i have a couple serious criticisms of vivziepop's work but#Angel is very much not one of them#also in regards to the actual subject of this post i think the most audacity of the responses i got was the one that said#that by complaining about queerbaiting I was 'de-incentivizing writers to write any interaction b/t women that could look even a little gay#and I'm just like. good. I hope they stop writing entirely. if the takeaway from 'please don't sell me bread and then serve me crumbs' is#'WELL NOW I JUST WON'T BAKE ANY BREAD PRODUCT' then that person is a bad chef. they should find a different job.#or at least do a whole lot of work on themselves. but either way i wouldn't be too broken up to know i won't be getting any food from them.#'just leave then' is so obviously a gut reaction defense mechanism & it implies media criticism should only be for things you don't like
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aroacehanzawa · 3 months
"victor is self-absorbed" to YOU. to me he just has low empathy and i get him
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antirepurp · 3 months
happy to announce that it is now illegal to argue that sonic 06's canonity fucks with or irreparably ruins the timeline without acknowledging the fundamentally worse damage caused by sonic generations' concept and writing, hope that helps!
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bunnihearted · 5 months
my mom said that we need to have a long talk when she calms down.. im dreading it sm. i already know that this talk will just be me sitting there letting her say whatever she wants, and then i need to grovel and apologize and just go along with whatever she says about me. and when i talk she'll only be suspicious of every word i say. i need to figure out what she wants to hear from me so i dont make it worse. i dont have the energy for this
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chuchayucca · 17 days
Tbh I'm surprised nobody else has brought up the idea of Richard being abused too
It feels like a lot of potential for it and an explanation (aside from their status) as to why Roy never got help for it either -- Richard thought it was normal.
Now this is just making me imagine a scene where Carmen remarks that Roy will "grow out of it" (it being his behavior) like Richard did in front of the other Hatz and Ross and Robert just share a Look
Anddd now I'm wondering how much Carmen knows
TW for discussions of fictional CSA/SA and mentions of alcoholism
Me too, I thought it would be an obvious assumption but I guess not.
Exactly, I’ve seen the fandom explore Carmen and Roy’s relationship regarding his CSA but never with Richard. I think it’s ashamed because there’s a lot you can write for the relationship, even outside of their CSA.
Omg that’s a good scene idea. The Hatzgang are realized there is a deeper issue, and Roy has to unfortunately unpack that generational trauma. I can see how learning his dad is a possible CSA victim, like him, starts pushing Roy to tell his parents but also discourages him because basically Richard unknowingly knew Roy was SA but never recognized it because he doesn’t know he was SA too. I also believe Richard normalized his brother’s actions too. It’s truly devastating how Richard indirectly contributed to the normalization of Roy’s abuse but he doesn’t know it’s SA. He believes those fun “games” him and his brother played were normal family bonding activities and is happy to hear his son is getting along with his brother, a brother he admired when growing up.
These headcanons might change as the series continues and the deeper I get into research.
I headcanon Carmen doesn’t know anything but has suspected something was off a few times. She never thought anything of Richard’s behavior at first because he alway been this way. When they became adults, she started questioning as Richard still had issues with intimacy at that point in their relationship and his alcoholism was at its worst. (Short ver: Richard started drinking at a young age to cope with trauma of his SA and the Uncle encouraged this, buying him alcohol for various reasons. Modern day, Richard is a functional alcoholic but has gotten better with his drinking)
As of the moment, Roy’s parents are unaware of Roy’s CSA. The day the Uncle died, Roy did get in trouble but for separate reasons. Carmen and Richard were mad at Roy for hanging out with “plebeians” and sending them to one of his uncle’s private properties. Roy doesn’t feel comfortable telling them yet because they’re snobby, judgmental people, so he assumes they won’t react well.
#sorry if the length bothers you#This idea has been taking up my brain#There is so much to unpack about this idea like Richard’s life in the past. the generational truama. and Roy’s life in the present#I also want to apologize if some headcanons are poorly implemented. I feel there was certain headcanons I have that wouldn’t make sense-#without other pre-lore headcanons to explain them and I didn’t know to add them smoothly#I have so many thoughts for this AU they obviously focus on Richard’s youth and Roy in current#I’m currently interested in fleshing out Richard’s youth and how he dealt with the CSA without knowing it#Especially the social side of like being a boyfriend and having dumbass friends who also are dealing with their own issues. develop their-#own terrible habits. and encourage one another toxic behaviors because they were stupid teenagers#I do have a scene in mind when Roy eventually tells Carmen and Richard about his SA and have written a little for it#Like I’d mentioned there’s a lot of potential with this AU and I want to see the fandom talk about Roy and Richard’s relationship-#More so regarding their CSA experiences. I believe it can be a powerful story to write#Though one thing I don’t like about it is how I have to write for the Uncle and give him a character#just a awful character to write for#eugh#BTW I do have a sensitive reader for this AU but criticism is still very much welcome#spooky month#spooky month roy#spooky month carmen#spooky month richard#answered asks#ChuchaYucca.text#tw csa mention#tw csa#tw sa mention#tw sa#tw alchoholism
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the-king-of-lemons · 2 months
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feral-radfem · 1 year
Hey if you're a non-radfem and you want to make a complaint that radical feminist critique keeps getting applied to you because you hang around radical feminist spaces here is my advice: leave.
Honestly, I'm so tired of seeing this shit. Go find some other places to hang out. I don't care that you came here because everyone else kicked you out for being a "transphobe". That does not make it our responsibility to soften our movement and our criticisms so that you feel comfortable in a movement you have no intention of of committing to. You are welcome here on the basis of being a woman, however, if you can't handle the feminist action that goes on in these spaces, then you need to leave. That is a you problem, not ours. I'm tired of hearing y'all whine that we don't coddle you enough and then adding anecdotal evidence of feminist harm or strawmen arguments for why you're justified in doing patriarchal actions were other women are not. There is not a single identifier or life experience you can tell me that is going to make me think that you deserve to be exempt from the same criticisms I would level at any other woman. If you're an adult, you should be mature enough to hear them. If you are not mature enough to hear feminist critique, you need to leave feminist spaces.
if you want to be self-serving, it is completely your right to do so. I've heard a number of you in passing claim that you "don't want to be feminist, you want to be people". Which, while that's an insulting sentiment as a feminist, just demonstrates that the only person y'all care about is yourself. You see being a person as inherently being self-serving and self-centered. First and foremost, it's all about you. That level of selfishness is pathetic and frowned upon in collective spaces. Feminism being one of them.
Just save us all the headache and go away. Y'all are one of the only groups of people on the internet who are able to piss me off in seconds, istg.
#lily responds#literally any of you who do not have a vested interest in the liberation of women refuse to do feminist action and#then still feel entitled to control how these space is function#f*** off. we have enough trouble holding spaces where we can have these discussions because we are feminist in the first place#we don't need a bunch of non-feminist women coming in and telling us that we are hurting their feelings and they#want us to do something about it. we're not doing s*** about it.#if you can't handle the fact that the things you're doing harm other women then stop f****** doing them#don't get mad at us because we're pointing out the damage you're doing and the damage in the messages you're helping perpetuate#you can log off and go experience all the spaces in the world that aren't made specifically for radical feminism#y'all hear that we're here to serve women in the effort to liberate all women and think that means we're here to serve you personally#I may be responding directly to a person regarding this soon but I'm so irritated I can't edit my post at the moment#I will make it clear here that I don't think every woman of the groups I just listed is doing this at all#I think it's a minority however I'm tired of these minority group of women using these identifiers to justify being a shit feminist#or justify why they don't have to be a feminist but should still have all the entitlement to the feminist spaces we create to talk about#our movement. these are feminist spaces first women's spaces secondary#I don't even know how to tag this because the specific people I want to reach is you fucking entitled ass orbiters#you who take advantage of the fact that we are welcoming to any woman to be divisive in our movement when you don't wish to be an activist#in the first place. or you want to claim the title alone and do good action but get us to stop criticizing ur anti-feminist actions#there's clearly enough of you that y'all can create your own gender critical non-feminist spaces. just leave us the f***#alone.#also when you use being gay as a justification for why you shouldn't have to be a feminist you make all us lesbian feminist look bad#there are plenty of feminists who recognized that we are women and therefore benefit from women's liberation#y'all are so f****** annoying#some of my tags may not make sense because I just listed just about every group of women there is realized I listed every group of women#and then erased it because I realized that was a lot of words for no reason so those are the identifiers I'm talking about in my tags
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
God... spamton discourse on my feed. I mentioned the demographic shift btwn my 2 main fandom accounts as it pertains to posting time before but it's also surreal to look at the discourse topics that go through each.
People are debating whether you should sympathize with spamton or not because he says hochi mama to a teenager and is in general kind of a creep, and how people "romanticize and baby him" despite that? Meanwhile in sv fandom im posting about how Shang Qinghua watched all of his teenage classmates be brutally decapitated and thought it was super hot and everyone's like fuck yes he's my little hamster baby I would give him sunflower seeds to nibble on
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mostlyanything19 · 2 years
FCG: This group that you used to work with, the Nobodies, did they... If I might ask... Do you resent them for all leaving you? 
Ashton: Absolutely fucking not. I would've done the same.
- C3 Ep10 -- Ashton arguing for why the Nobodies taking care of themselves over staying with him was the right thing to do.
FCG: But...we have to take care of ourselves too, we can’t only focus on bringing her back.
Ashton: You don’t leave anyone behind. It’s the fucking rule.
- C3 E35
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snxpdragons · 9 months
I really don't understand how parxies can hear watch what happens next and say its just awsten singing about how selfish he is/how he only wants money. As if thats not the exact reaction he's criticizing ...
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holyshit · 1 year
#'no need to post' anon#yeah like you said in your second ask i think most of the criticism right now is based around them being very lazy and relying on fans#to do the work they should be doing#even if louis doesn't personally want to go on a press tour right now- there is still tonnnns they could be doing that don't require his#active participation#but instead of investing resources into him and his career and do that work#they instead just keep falling back onto the fans to do everything which is always gonna result in very limited reach#so i do very much agree with the criticism people are throwing at his team right now#but regarding what you said- i agree as well there#i do think there is a lot of focus on only a specific kind of success- like the beyonce level of famous#which is not at all what everyone is gonna want#i do think louis wants to be successful and he's said as much#but everyone has different parameters for what they consider to be success#for their own life and their own comfort and downtime#like as someone who partially owns a small business- i have absolutely no desire to make my business a multi-million dollar affair#i want it to stay at a certain level that allows me to still be in control of it#where i get to live a comfortable life and maintain my business at a manageable level that doesn't take away all my free time#i'm still ambitious but ambitious within the parameters of the kind of 'success' i want#and i think it's weird when people act like i'm not ambitious or driven because of that#and i think people often views it in a very black and white way- either you don't care at all or you want to be the biggest artist in the#world#which i think is a narrow way of seeing it#none of us truly know what kind of success louis wants. i think he does want his music to be heard and i do think he wants to continue#growing his fanbase and his live shows#based on what he's said. i think he's ambitious and driven.#so i think his marketing departments need to get off their asses and do more#but do i think he wants to be the biggest artist in the world and constantly be on press tours? not necessarily. maybe. idk.#but i don't think that should be the only barometer people use when judging what success is. it varies a lot from person to person.
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
something i really like about venti is how. there is selflessness in his selfishness and selfishness in his selflessness
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