#i did see but dont worry 🫶🏻
pe0ple3ater · 3 months
For the ask game, I imagine no one else will ask, so how do you feel about the ghost of the cell and Abueloier? Their little arc in prison has not left my head since. I don't know if they have a duo name or not but them.
(If you saw this ask sent in not anonymously, no you didn't.)
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PLEASE I LOVE THEM. It's so funny, I love to think they were old prison cellmates that hated each other but were secretly fucking. Hate fucking. They couldn't go one day without fighting but they also couldn't go one night without fucking like animals. Maybe that's why Abueloier didn't like Cellbit, he reminded him of his annoying cell mate who he also fucked regularly
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percyluvr · 4 months
hello!! you're fics r amazing and i wanted to request some hc or a drabble, you choose, about fem!reading being the head counselor of hermes cabin and totally being his fem version. thank u so much if u do 🫶🏻🫶🏻
percy jackson x hermes cabin counselor!reader summary: hcs abt percy with hermes counselor reader basically being him but as a girl
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first, i think u two would be inseparable
like im talking sitting at each others tables during meals, training together all the time, sneaking off to go make out in his cabin when u really should be leading camp activities, sleeping in each other's cabins, etc etc
im just thinking of the iconic percabeth underwater kiss with u guys
with him using his powers to make sure u can breathe while u kiss, and teeth clashing together making u guys just giggle ur little hearts out
when u two go back to nyc for the school year u would live with him, sally, and paul and they would treat u like their own kid
they see how much percy likes you and how similar you two are and they cant help but think of u as one of their own
hanging out in nyc together, he teaches u how to skateboard bc he DEFINITELY knows how to
adding onto that, he would definitely teach u how to surf if u didnt know how
just thinking about if u also have the same music taste, u two dancing around the kitchen to ur favorite songs
making brownies together for estelle's school bake sales in the future!!! my heart omfg
back to camp, i think everyone would be worried if they ever saw u two not together
like im talking celebrity break up gossip page type all up in ur business
but then they see one of you sneaking out of the same place the other one just walked out of and they realize that u two were just trying to be sneaky???
but why
bc really u two have never been sneaky in ur entire lives
if either of u got picked to lead a quest, u would immediately pick the other as the first person to come with on ur quest bc u literally cannot live without each other
or just sentences in general
literally couple goals
like, if someone is talking to both of u, sometimes you'll make the same joke at the exact same time and laugh ur asses off and the other person will just like. stand there staring until they eventually just walk away bc u two wont stop laughing
like i just think u two are on the same wavelength all the time
if one of u forgets to do something, u dont even have to worry bc the other already did it for u
i saw somewhere that leo could probably tweak phones so the demigods can use them, and u two would both go to him to get phones so u could make each other ur lockscreen and background
i think the two of u would send each other the DUMBEST tiktoks or instagram reels
or like u would send it and then realize that the other already sent it or liked it
the two of u would definitely do tiktok trends
dancing together
u would DEFINITELY do the peeling the orange trend
and he would just peel the orange. no questions asked
like u wouldnt even have to ask him
he'd just see u with the orange be like "here baby give me that, i'll peel it for you"
matching tiktok pfps for SURE
or matching bios !!!!!
u two definitely went to see the barbie movie together
i have no doubts
whenever he gets pranked by connor or travis, u immediately send them to laundry duty
but they still say its worth it because one time when u were sleeping in percy's room, they poured water on the two of u and both of u chased them around camp until u realized that percy had no shirt, and u had no pants
u werent THAT embarrassed bc like. everyone already knows anyway
but the stolls thought it was SO funny and they made it their mission to prank both of u again
when u two go on cabin inspections, even if u arent doing it together, u always give each other's cabin a 10 even tho u both know that neither of ur cabins deserve it ....
the two of u definitely sneak out of ur cabins at night when u arent together and sit down by the river, just to be met with the other sitting there with the exact same thought as u
and u end up going back to his cabin to sleep
u guys have definitely gotten yelled at by mr d and chiron
but u kept doing it
so they just gave up
but anyways, u guys r literally the it couple at camp
like, all the couples wanna be like u guys
ur just such a perfect fit & u love each other so much and u cant help but show it
a/n: this was my first time doing hcs and i think i kinda got a bit carried away... but anyways i hope u like it !! also, i love writing and im so happy that u like mine, it means so much to me <3
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emmyrosee · 3 months
could I be a bit greedy and make another teeny tiny request?? you don’t have to feel obligated to do it AT ALL if you don’t want to!!! I’ve just been having an interesting time lately and you do comfort so well ☹️
genuinely all I’ve wanted all week is to be babied a bit/taken care of/pampered/absolutely smothered with soft gentle affection by atsumu when he starts to notice I’m getting overwhelmed or burnt out :(
I think he’d be good at catching it before it gets too out of control and keeping me sane. he wouldn’t let me lift a finger and he’d be so over the top with his physical affection cuz he knows I love that 😕
I feel so bad bc I feel like I’ve been bugging you a lot lately so pls pls pls don’t feel like you have to!!! I completely understand, there’s no pressure 🫶🏻🫶🏻
anon <3
he catches it pretty much immediately, with how you were clinging to him a little bit more than usual last night, brows seemingly forever pinched in the middle of your head and your fingers fisting the collar of his night shirt. he didn't say anything, but he definitely makes a note to keep an eye on it.
especially when, the next morning, you turn to your side to let him get ready for practice, and you hike the blankets higher and screw your eyes shut to try and tune him out.
he sees this, and crawls his body back into bed, mind now only focusing on taking care of you before you drown.
"peepee-poopoo," he whispers, hanging his head upside down to look at you, his blonde hair hanging shaggily. "where's my fighty baby this morning, hmm?"
you shrug and avoid his eyes, and pulls his head back to take this more seriously, "c'mere. come talk to me."
"you have to go-"
"i don't have to do a thing," he assures. he's quick to take out his phone and text coach that he's not going to make it, but he doesn't tell you that because the last thing you need is worrying about him missing a day to care for you.
which is one of his favorite things to do- but you fight him on it constantly. and he hopes today you're compliant enough to let him be here for you.
"do you want to talk about it?" he asks, gently rubbing his knuckles over your shoulder, and when you shake your head, he leans over your body again to kiss your cheek. "okay," he whispers, lingering for a minute before pulling back to head to the kitchen to make you breakfast.
breakfast, that was supposed to be in bed, but you worked up the courage to wade into the kitchen not long after him. "hey-" you begin, but you're cut off by the yelp from his lips and the dropping of an egg square to the floor, which you both look at blankly.
he starts to snicker, "whups."
he clicks his tongue, "shut up- come get a kiss," he says, stepping over the egg and pulling you into a hug, and his shoulders relax when you loosen in his arms. he sponges kisses to the crown of your head, "don't ever be sorry for something i did. it wasnt your fault."
you immediately tense back up, and atsumu knows his hit the nail on the head with it, and you burrow your face deeper into his chest and he tightens his grip on you to keep you grounded. "go back to bed," he soothes. "im with you today-"
"i dont want to be so far from you," you say, and he smiles as you dont put up an argument, dont scold him for staying, but his heart sinks slightly at the idea that youre so in your head all you can think about is him right now. "not today. can i stay?"
"id be bummed if you didn't," he says. he smirks and scoops you in his massive arms, relishing in the giggles you let you as he carries you and sets you on the counter, where he then feeds you slices of fruit while your eggs sear on the oven. he feeds you breakfast bite for bite, placing a straw in some water for you to drink before carrying you to the bathroom, where he tells you to brush your teeth.
you get shy, "can... do you think... maybe-"
"yeah," he smiles. "open up, babe."
he brushes your teeth, sure to get all the areas the dentist warns him about, before pulling back with a happy sigh and holding out his hand.
you quirk a brow, "what?"
"spit it into my hand."
"ew!" you laugh, and god it truly is his favorite sound, and you turn your head to spit the froth in the sink. "youre nasty."
"and you picked me first. too late to question your choice."
"yet i do every day."
"little fucker," he snickers, and when he makes a move to tickle you, you dart away, laughter ringing in the air as he barrels down after you, down the hall and into the bedroom, where he tackles you onto the bed. "i made you breakfast and this is the thanks i get?" he sighs, playfully punching your tummy, successfully dodging your hands to try and still his barely touching fists.
"l-learn from osamu," you manage, and his jaw slacks at your audacity while you giggle more in anticipation.
"you're annoying," he snorts, leaning down to nibble your ear and neck while his fingers spider up your sides, you shriek and shove his shoulders weakly. he stops and kisses the rest of the giggles from your lips, and he hums when you wrap your arms around his neck. when he pulls away, you mewl and tug him closer. he shushes you easily, "not going anywhere babydoll, i promise."
and he doesn't. he doesn't go anywhere, merely rolling you both onto your sides where he cradles you close, cupping the back of your head protectively as you burrow into him.
every now and then, he feels your shoulders tense up and quiver, as if you're fighting tears, but he doesn't make you say anything. not until you're ready to.
and when you are, he's there, his thumb gently stroking the back of your head while your tears soak into his shirt. he shushes you softly when your cries turn to sobs, or your breathing picks up too much for his comfort.
he reminds you he's not going anywhere, ever, he's got your back no matter what, and if it takes one day or fifteen, he's more than happy to stay in that bed, brush your teeth, feed you food, anything to keep you from drowning in your own anxieties and thoughts.
"thank you for telling me," he whispers every now and again. "im so proud of you."
"im so tired, atsumu... i don't know what to do anymore."
he screws his eyes shut as your voice cracks, "you're doing great, angel. keep doing what you're doing, because its your best, and its more than enough. and i'm sorry the world hasn't let you think it has been.
"you're more than enough. please keep going for me, okay?"
"I love you."
"I love you too atsu..."
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thelov3lybookworm · 5 months
Remember me? (Part 11)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Summary: Under the Mountain, Y/n met the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. She was scared of him, but soon she found out that he wasn't who he pretended to be. Despite her efforts at not falling in love with him, she fails. It's not that bad as he loves her back.
But now he's gone, and she's left alone with nothing.
Except for a very adorable reminder of him.
Tw: secret pregnancy, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: honestly dedicated to @thehighladywrites because we love High Lord Eris in this house 😏😌🫶🏻
also, i feel like this timeline ca be confusing because i honestly dont know what im doing lol so just so you all are aware, this part is supposed to be based on the time just before feyre has fled the night court 😉
(Not edited as i am going to slee, sorry! ignore any mistakes ❣️)
The curtains were parted to let in a gentle autumn breeze which toyed with the ends of Y/n's hair, and she huffed gently when she felt someone watching her.
She finished adjusting the covers around the sleeping Fin, taking her time to smooth out the creases before she straightened, turning to find Eris leaning against the doorway, his arms folded across his chest, his eyes trained on the softly snoring boy on the bed.
And he was shirtless.
Y/n told herself it was not that big of a deal, that she had seen plenty of men naked, but seeing that pale expanse of skin covering those hard earned muscles, something shifted in her belly.
He glanced at her, blinking when she stepped forward. He straightened when Y/n continued walking forward, and his arms fell at his sides when she passed by him.
Her brows furrowed as she glanced at him and found a blush covering his face.
"Eris? Are you alright? Is your magic malfunctioning or something?"
He shook his head, still standing in the doorway. She paused to turn an watch him.
"You look a little red, you know. Are you sure you don't have a fever?"
He shook his head again, glancing back at Fin once before he inclined his head towards the corridor leading away from the boy's room.
To say Y/n was concerned and confused would be an understatement.
Eris closed the door to Fin's room gently, then grasped Y/n's hand, hesitantly, tugging her towards a large window nearby.
Y/n whirled towards him the moment he stopped walking. "Eris? What is going on?"
He didn't say anything, simply pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of the pants that hung dangerously low on his hips.
Y/n's frustrations finally got the best of her. "Are we playing charades, Eris? Or did someone cut off your tongue?"
He sighed. "I did not want to be the bearer of bad news, but I guess I still am as I brought you the letter. It's from Feyre. Forgive me for reading it, but it was open when it fell onto my desk."
Y/n's heart slowed down in fright. It... It could also be something good, right? It didn't have to be about her leaving Rhysand. It could be about him getting better and apologizing...
Y/n knew how stupid it was, really, to hope for that.
And even if that hope had really come true, Feyre was responsible enough to not send the letter practically in the middle of the night.
Y/n opened the folded piece of paper, her eyes moving frantically as she read it and searched for words that would soothe her worries.
It was all in vain.
Y/n, I can't live here anymore. I will soon be winnowing to autumn with Nyx. I hope you don't mind.
Y/n suppressed the rage that reared its head in her chest, taking a deep breath as her eyes rose to meet Eris's.
His eyes held the same sadness she felt and was sure were displayed in her own eyes.
"I have weakened the wards enough for both of them to come through without any harm coming to them, and have already ordered the servants to prepare quarters for them to live in. You don't have to worry about much."
Grateful, Y/n moved without realising what she was doing. One moment, she was standing facing him, the cool autumn air curling around her, and the next, she was surrounded by warmth, her face buried in his shoulder, her arms thrown around her neck. He stiffened, but moments later, he relaxed with a heavy sigh, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Thank you." She mumbled onto his welcoming skin, tightening her hold, knowing she shouldn't.
She felt him nod, and she pulled back to glance at him.
If there was any chance Y/n had been mistaken before about him blushing, she wasn't now.
He definitely was blushing, as red as the colour of the leaves in the court he ruled.
"It- it's nothing."
Despite the heavy news that they had received, Y/n felt her lips curl. "Are you blushing, Vanserra?"
He huffed. "Of course not. Why would I blush?"
"You know," Y/n began as se stopped leaning on him and straightened, though his hands tightened on her waist, as if unwilling to let go. Y/n chose to remain silent on the matter. "It is not nice to lie. Did your mother not teach you?"
He leaned his head closer, a smirk forming on his lips. "She might have, but she also focused more on how to treat the female you love the right way. Must've forgotten about the lying lessons."
Y/n blinked, her face going hot. But before she could say anything, she felt Eris stiffen under her arms. He pulled away instantly, tearing his hands through his hair.
"She's here."
Y/n nodded, her hands falling heavily to her sides.
"Let's go welcome them."
Part 12
Remember me Taglist: @holb32 @awoa1 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @luvmoo @we-were-beautiful @eerievixen @zoe2 @fussel9913 @j-pendragonx @thesnugglingduck @jesssicapaniagua @devilsnightz @esposadomd @littleffawn @mandowhatnow @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @princesslolaasworld @asemkta @cat-or-kitten @txzii @bunnyredgirl @theofficialmadman @leeknows-wife @aria-chikage @amygdtjhddzvb @azriels-mate123 @inky-clover @kemillyfreitas @12358 @justdreamstars @cuethedepession @princessvesta @fides25 @nocasdatsgay @acourtofbatboydreams @stained-glass-eyes0708 @glaciuswduo @wallacewillow0773638 @cassie6392 @quackitysdrugdealer @txzii @anuttellaa @coisas-da-dani @hnyclover @sassyslytherinshai @historygeekqueen
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
Eris taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter
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gvnvks · 1 year
Giving your hand to zb1 members w/out saying anythingg
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> pairings: non-idol!zb1 x fem!reader
> warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread
> song recommendation: lemonade by dreamnote
> note: long time no see yall … but im back ig (can u tell I had no idea what to do on matthews part lmao ??)
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김 jiwoong.
if u really want to confuse ur man this is the right way
jiwoong would look up from his phone screen with question marks around his face
“what?” in the most quiet tone the world has ever heard 😭
hes so puppy.
would hold ur hand
he’s getting more and more confused with each passing second
tries not to laugh so hard.
i mean you just stand there like 🧍🏻‍♀️ GIRL WHO WOULDNT LAUGH
when u continue to stay still he just goes “okay” and lets go of you hand
but u still don’t move even an inch
this bitch sighs in the most passive aggressive way ever
shakes his head and goes back to his phone
u give up cause … like girl who wouldnt
u just wanted ur boyfie to kiss ur hand.
장 hao.
oh sorry forgot we talking bout hao
the way this boy is so whipped for u
hes just casually eating his meal when all of a sudden his eyes catch ur figure
he’s excited because of the thought of eatin together, feeding u and allat ykyk
but u just🧍🏻‍♀️with ur hand in the front
“u hungry?” ppLEASE
when u dont respond he sits there with confused but still filled with love for you eyes
hao so awkward 💔
eventually gives up guessing what u want and just places a random kiss on ur hand WE WON
성 hanbin.
“did u get hurt?” “does ur hand hurt?”
when u dont respond he assumes somethings wrong so
he would massage the shit out of your hand 💯
but he’s so aggressive about it for some reason ? 😭
he would quite literally not massage but hit ur hand
like okay ig …
u kinda hiss in pain cause the way he “massages” ur hand just hurts ??
gently blows on ur hand 💔 pls kill me
like who blames him girl u steaming hot !
and all he was supposed to do was just to kiss ur hand
석 matthew.
why do i feel like he would be the one to give u his hand without saying anything
he immediately gets what u want but
he decides to mess with u a little
and just ignores u ?? like straight up 😭
and you’re kinda offended cause like ??
he literally pays zero attention to you
like zero, 0, none
u just sigh and give up
grabs both of ur hands and leaves wet marks on them (ew 💯)
promises not to ignore u ever again
김 taerae.
taerae would be kinda confused but i mean
he would jus take ur hand and stroke it with both of his thumbs
“u want a kiss?” YES
he kisses your hand like it’s some fragile glass
taeraes lips make their way from your hand all the way up to your cheek
whispers little i love yous in between kisses
he’s a cutie
u love him sm 🫶🏻
리키 ricky.
gentleman. thats all.
i mean we talking bout ricky
the ceo of the rizz company himself
he knows u need his kisses the second he sees ur hand and the expression on ur face
he just knows you too well
girl and trust me when i say
he gives your hand kiss in the most gentleman way known to a MAN 😭
im being so fr u think about gentleman u think about rizzky
looks at u with those seductive eyes of his …….
asks u if u need something more ??
but yes. yes i do. pls kiss my forehead.
김 gyuvin.
and i dont mean it in a bad way cause hes like
awkward but in a cute way
he’s so clueless fr 🤓
like homeboy has NO idea what that hand for
just stares at it
does nothing else
just that blank stare 😭
u put ur hand closer to his lips to maybe like
help him guess ?? lmaoo 💔
gyuvin just tries to hold ur hand but like
VERY delicately
after what feels like HOURS he gets an idea ‼️
his lips finally melt on your skin
hi im gonna kms
박 gunwook.
okay now
he’s not AS clueless as gyuvin but still 😭
just as jiwoong, boy got question marks wandering around his lovely eyes
after few seconds he gets what you mean but like
he’s even more aggressive than hanbin about it ?? 😭
nuzzles his whole (literally whole) face in your hand
i have no idea how he does that but he just does.
as his lips finally meet your hand, his soft gaze locks in yours
but then the aggressiveness kicks in again
and he just
violently shakes ur hand ??
so playful, gunwook, so playful baby
u kinda like what the fuck cause
why ur boyfie so aggressive for ?? 🤨
but it just the way he is
cute aggression (gunwook version)
한 yujin.
oh yujin baby
immediately thinks u hurt yourself cause like
why else would u give him ur hand like that.
with kinda (not even kinda) puzzled look painted on his face
he grabs ur hand and starts brushing his fingers through your skin
looking for cuts, bruises, like whatever
but the wtf look on your face kinda knocks him off the track 😭
u start twitching ur hand a little so he gets the idea ??
it doesn’t work btw 💯
yujin officially has joined the confused squad
copies ur movements.
homeboy literally laughs at you
but he’s cute so
btw you’re the one who should’ve been kissing his hand. pls remember that ‼️
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gvnvks © 2023
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a-nemoiia · 4 months
「 Hidden scars 」
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Summary: The emotional scars from Robert's traumatic childhood pose an obstacle in his marriage.
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: A slap (he deserves it) + reference to abortion
Note: Thank you to @red-riding-wood for helping me 🫶🏻
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The clicking of fine silverware against family china was the only sound piercing throught the heavy silence that had fallen over the dinning room, everyone's eyes drifted between one another, exchanging glances as if they could see the dark cloud hanging heavily over your husband's head, a visible indication of his sour mood.
Hesitation gripped your heart as you looked at Robert, his eyes distant, barely interested in the food infront of him as he pushed it around the plate, Gently, you tried to reach for his hand to comfort him, but before you could Robert withdrew his, as if your touch was meant to burn him.
The heavy scrap of wood against floor tiles caught everyone's attention, as Robert pushed his chair back, stood on his feet and excused himself, leaving you behind, sitting there under the heavy gaze of judgement from both your families.
Your heart ached, and you moved from your chair in an attempt to follow him but the cold voice of the old man stopped you"Leave him" Robert's father said dismissively, not even showing the slightest bit of concern for his only son "He's always causing trouble" he muttered under his breath, making your hand tighten around your cutlery, how could any parent be so heartless!
A couple of hours earlier...
You stood in the bathroom, frozen, your eyes locked on the plastic stick in your hand displaying two red lines. A surge of emotions took place within you, Joy, excitement but most of all fear...
Beacuse you and Robert never talked about growing your little family...well, you did, all he did was just listen, "It's still a bit early for that" he'd say, dismissing the conversation whenever you broached the topic on a random night,. It worried you, what if he wasn't ready yet? But you've been married for quite sometime now, and his father frequently asking for grandchildren only added pressure.
"Babe!" Robert called over for you but his voice couldn't pierce through the turmoil taking place inside your head, you remind motionless, your eyes kept staring at the two faint lines, as if sheer concentration could make them vanish.
Lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice his return until he called for you again"Y/n..." robert spoke your name from the door way, still clad in his expensive suit, turning around to fully face him, you saw his gaze drift to the test in your hand, like iron to magent, with a nervous smile on your face you gently announced "I'm pregnant", Hoping that these words would bring him joy.
Unfortunately, silence was his only response, the man with blue eyes simply turned around and continued his daily routine without exchanging a single word with you. Leaving you with doubts you dreaded believing now confirmed.
That evening you remained seated at the dinner table, drained, after the families took their leave, your eyes obsereved the maids as they cleared away the plates. With a heavy sigh you rose from your seat, and made your way upstairs to where your husband was.
With a simple push, the bedroom door opened quitley, stepping inside, you found Robert standing in the balcony, gazing out into the night, slowly you made your way to him, and gently you placed a hand on his back "Robbie..." you started although you didn't know what to say "I don't want children" Robert said without turning, his voice cutting through the silence and might as well through your heart "What?" you asked, your voice barely audible.
Your husband turned around to face you then, the gentle eyes you swore held the warmth of a thousand sun now cold as ice "I dont want kids" he repeated, plainly.
With a quite sigh you reached for him, smoothing his already wrinkle free shirt in a calming gesture "Robbie, I know this is sooner than expected, but I'm sure we're will be fine..." you said, in a soothing voice, trying to calm your worried husband, a loving smile tugging on your lips as visions of your happy future filled your heart.
Robert shock his head, removing your hands not so gently, he looked at you intensely, and you could see the internal conflict ragging within him"You're not listening y/n, I don't want kids, not now, not ever" he said firmly and you swore you could hear your heart splinter within your chest.
The rejection cut deep as the future which seemed to take shape inside your head shattered into a million piece...
Deep down you knew he wasn't ready, a small part of you already expected him to react this way, but you never imagined such a blunt rejection. Your thoughts raced as you looked at him, the moonlight creased his features and you searched his face for any sign that he didn't mean what he said.
"How could you keep this from me? I've talked about this countless times, not once did you think I should know about your true feeling?" you asked with a frown, your tone showing the hurt and frustration buildind inside you.
Robert strode into the room, leaving you standing in the balcony, but you matched his steps, uwilling to let him brush this topic aside anymore, not when you're already carrying his child...
Grasping his arm, you brought his strides to a halt "Don't walk away from me!" you pleaded, "I'm carrying your child Robert, I know we didn't plan this but that doesn't change anything" you continued, looking into his eyes earnestly, but Robert rolled his eyes at your statement as if he didn't believe you.
Skipitism was written all over his face"Give me a break, You think I'll believe this wasn't your plan all along?" Robert accused you, as he gestured coldly at your still-flat abdomen.
His words stung deeply. the man who always expressed his profound love to you now accused without care for your feeling. The lips that kissed away your tears now dripped with venom and the tongue that whispered sweet nothings in your ear every night now turned sharp meant to inflict pain.
Shocked, you whispered in disbelief as you fought back tears "You...you truly believe I tricked you?", his words felt like a punch in the gut. How could he think so low of you? Why right now when you've been together for years already!
A bitter scoffe escaped his lips "Why not? You've been nagging about this for how long now? A year? 2 years? Of course you'd pull up a stunt" Robert said, and before his rational thoughts could intervene, he spat his next words "Is it even mine?" anger ignited within you, mingling with your hurt, without reasoning your hands met his cheek in a sharp slap.
Silence bounced off the walls following the echo, as you both looked at each other, like two strangers on roads that don't intersect. Distrust and anguish overflowing from your eyes.
Your voice cracked with the threat of tears  "Don't you fucking dare, Fischer... If I wanted to have that kid through manipulation it would've happened long time ago, on our first night together" you said through gritted teeth.
Taking a shakey breath you continued "But that had never been my way... I'm not someone who plots behind my partner's back, I don't make the biggest life decisions alone, I don't decide for our future without sharing a word" you said, tears escaped your eyes, your chest heaving with effort to contain the pain eating at your heart, as your gaze held his.
Visably swallowing the thick sliva trapped in his throat, Robert squeezed his eyes shut before he dared to speak "We don't have to go through with it.There are ways to-...we can just stay as we are, nothing needs to change" he said quitley, his gaze avoiding yours as his words hung heavy in the air.
You couldn't fathom the suggestion that just came out from the mouth of the man who had vowed to cherish you, sharp and painful like the singing crack of a whip. However, the look in Robert's eyes didn't match the bitterness tainting his tongues...
Looking at your husband, you didn't see malice but fear, as if deeper pain and confusion was hiding beneath the surface of what he said.
Standing before you, wasn't a cruel man but a lost child, who grasped at the only answer he knew, because at least to him, it seemed better than facing failure and safer than turning anything like his own father...
The vulnerability in your husband's eyes slowly erased the anger inside of you, replacing it with compassion and empathy towards the man who was hurting as much as you right now.
Drawing a shallow breath that barely seemed to fill your lunges, you thought about your next words carefully "I believe we need time to think...I'm not going to force you into a life you didn't chose, Robert...neither can I stay where trust has been broken" you said, wiping away the traces of fresh tears staining your cheeks, you continued "... Until then, I'll be waiting for your decision, and I can only hope that this time you'll share it with me before it's too late again" with that your legs carried you out of the room
Your parting words left Robert to reflect on everything that had happened, his heart chanting prayers, matching the ones inside you, that this won't destroy everything you had built together... that this time, he'd be making the right choice, for you, him and the future of the little life growing inside you, soon to enter his world.
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kichikichiko · 1 year
Trip to dreamland
Request by : @lunarowen 🤭
Synopsis : Wally sees his beloved tired and sleepy, so the puppet prepared his Darling charm and comforts you
Pairing: wally darling x gn puppet! Reader
Cw: fluff, comfort, established relationship, slightly OOC?, sleeping together on the same bed 🥹🫶🏻, not proofread
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Sorry to bother you both, but have you seen (name) anywhere today?" The neighbourhoods favourite artist asked Julie Joyful and Frank Frankly, interupting their conversation.
"Oh sorry wally! I havent seen them at all today! Now that I think about it, they seem quite off the day before, right Frank?" Julie looked back at Frank, looking for some kind of answer
Frank nodded after a bit of thinking and looked at the yellow puppet "why dont you ask Eddie? He's probably delivering mail right now"
Wally thanked the 2 and made his way down to Eddie Dear's post office and asked him the same question.
"Sorry Wally" Eddie started, back facing Wally as he sorted out mails and packages. "I havent seen em today either, I will stop by their house later on, if you want I can report to you what I find"
Wally shaked his head "no that wont be necessary I think I'll just head over to their house instead, thank you Eddie"
You and Wally were suppose to have a painting date around the woods of the neighbourhood, but you never showed up.
After a bit, the yellow puppet arrived at your home and knocked a few times, when there was no answer he started to get worried.
He knocked again "hello~? (Name), its me Wally. Are you alright in there?" No answer
He pondered for a bit then decided to do something
"I'll come inside then (name)"
He entered your house and stood at the entrance, waiting to hear something, anything from you but again no sound can be heard.
Wally went up the stairs to your bedroom and knocked, "(name)? Are you alright?"
He opened your bedroom door slightly and peaked his head in, the sight he saw was you propped up on the floor dozing off with papers scattered around the floor.
Wally walked up to you and crouchrd down, shaking you a bit to wake you up.
You opened your eyes and groaned a bit "wally...? What are you doing here? Were suppose to meet tomorrow..."
"It IS already tomorrow (name), you didnt show up at our meeting place" He answered you with his signature smile and lazy eyes.
Once he said that did you finally gain your senses, you looked around to see the sun shining through your window, then at the clock and back at Wally
He didnt seemed bothered at the slightest, making you feel guilty. "Im... so sorry Wally I didnt- I should have set an alarm! I didnt realised I dozed off last night oh no!"
Wally placed his hand on your head and shaked his head, the smile still on his face "dont worry about it, I was worried something happened to you, speaking of which...whats with all this paper scattered about?"
You scanned the area and finally remembered what you were SUPPOSE to do the night before
"I was... trying to prepare a drawing of the both of us last night.. as a surprise gift to give to you when we meet up..." blush formed around your cheeks (if that was even possible) as you looked down to your hands, slightly embarrassed "none of them looked nice so I kept on trying to draw a better one... i guess I lost track of time and the next thing I knew, I've already fallen asleep"
The yellow puppet laughed at your words, "ha.. ha...ha" some puppets thoight the way he laughed was iffy or strange, but you never thought of it that way, in fact when he laughs, it washes your worries away.
"Oh dear (name) I think all your drawings look lovely, I would have appreciated all of them either way and Im sure you know that" he gave you a closed eyes smile reassuring you, making you smile a bit. He took your hand and stood up "lets just spend the day at your place, you seem pretty tired so lets just relax"
You nodded and lead him to your bed as you layed on it Wally following along.
He attemped to hug you, but ended up limp in the process making you laugh "youve gotten slightly better at this Wally"
"Im glad, the concept of hugging is still strange to me, ha.. ha.. ha..."
Comfortable silence ensued and you started feeling your eyelids drop, before you made your way to dreamland, Wally kissed your forehead and said the following words,
"Have a wonderful trip to dreamland, I'll see you there, Darling."
Masterlist here!
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gavisfanta · 5 months
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Secrets - Pedri
Just trying out something new. tell me if you like it tho ;)
pov: you are frenkie de jongs sister and there are a lot of rumours around you and some barca players
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2nd pic is me thinking if i should dye my hair for vacation or not.
liked by pedri, frenkiedejong and 192.389.290 others.
pedri im voting for blue!
yourinsta @pedri ofc you are
frenkiedejong where did you even get that pic from?
yourinsta @frenkiedejong🤫🤫🤫
iloveyn omg! you're so pretty!!!!
barcafan2829 frenkies picture is killing me 🤣🤣🤣
luv4pedri why is suddenly every barca player liking her pictures?
ynamor @luv4pedri y/n is Frenkies sister thats why
grosn14 @ynamor she's hanging out with them more the last few weeks no?
ntrdame so pretty 😍
joaofelix79 me personally, I'd choose blue for your hair, i feel like it'd suit you pretty well
pedri @joaofelix79 that's what I'm saying
yourinsta @joaofelix79 @pedri no ❤️
joaofelix79 @pedri lets not give up
pedri @joaofelix79 understand sir
user729 @joaofelix79 LMAOOOO
ilycr7suiii who cares?
macaronparatoi i feel like blonde would suit you pretty well 🫶🏻
user920 joao what are you doing here?????
mikkykiemeney you're pretty either way 😘❤️
yourinsta @mikkykiemeney nawww youre too sweet 😘😘
siramartinezc love you ❤️
yourinsta @siramartinezc love you more ❤️
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Ibiza was great! Thanks for sticking along @pablogavi 😘
liked by pablogavi, pedri and 729.926.292 others.
pablogavi no problem 😘
yourinsta @pablogavi 😘🤣
pedri i cant see your blue hair y/n
yourinsta @pedri shut the heck up
joaofelix79 @pedri real me neither
yourinsta @pedri @joaofelix79 you both shut up please
iloveyn so pretty!!!!
user392 where is she going next?
mikkykiemeney come home! I miss you 😪
yourinsta @mikkykiemeney Ill be back soon dont worry
joaofelix79 and she cried over nothing...
pedri @joaofelix79 so there was nothing i could do to stop...
joaofelix79 @pedri her from cutting...
pedri @joaofelix79 her beautiful blue hair off...
joaofelix79 @pedri dum dum dum...
pedri @joaofelix79 dum dum dum.
yourinsta @joaofelix79 @pedri i swear to god you two are so annoying
carsrliffe why is Gavi with her?
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about rome... @pablogavi
liked by pablogavi, paulodybala and 279,829,231 other.
joaofelix79 still can't see blue hair
yourinsta @joaofelix79 im gonna block you
pablogavi "Gavi take a picture, it'll look aesthetic"
yourinsta @pablogavi it does look aesthetic no?
pablogavi @yourinsta fuck yeah
frenkiedejong ❤️
yourinsta @frenkiedejong ❤️
ynlove she's so gorgeous 😍 💖
user729 did she meet dybala or why did he like her picture?
brycehall Looks fantastic next time bring me too please
yourinsta @brycehall I'll make sure bryce
heiznorm where is she going next?
siramartinezc Rome is beautiful but you're prettier ❤️
yourinsta @siramartinezc nawwww stop sira youre making me blush ❤️
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enid-rhees · 10 months
please can you write something for Tara? maybe an argument that ends in a love confession? 🩷 sorry I don’t have many good ideas but I love your writing
oh god i love Tara so much. tysm for requesting!! hope you enjoy <3 and this is an amazing request dont apologize! and tysm 🫶🏻
warnings: arguing, slightly suggestive.
a/n: hope you all enjoy! requests are currently closed but will be opened again very soon 🫶🏻! this is a bit short but i hope that is okay!
it had been two hours since you came back home just to discover that Tara wasn’t there. she never left the house without telling you. even if it was just a small run that would take an hour max, she always told you.
you asked Rosita, Glenn, Eugene, everyone, and no one had known where she had gone. your mind was racing a million miles a second with possibilities you didn’t even want to think about.
Tara meant everything to you. it had been around five months since you and your group made it to Alexandria. but before that, you and Tara met in the train cart at Terminus. you were with Rick, Carl, Michonne and Daryl.
the two of you got along quickly, mostly due to one thing: you both liked girls. you figured her out quickly, when you watched the way she watched Rosita. and with you, she just… knew.
you followed her when Eugene needed to get to Washington, well, before he lied about even being a scientist and knew a “cure”. the entire journey brought you guys closer. so when Aaron appeared and offered your group to live in Alexandria, you guys decided to live together.
as the months went by, you felt your feelings for Tara grow more and more. it was hard to keep it in, you wished you were able to tell her, and just spit it out finally.
you weren’t sure what was stopping you, because all you wanted was to finally call Tara yours, or be able to wake up in the morning and see her next to you, or just be able to finally kiss her. you’ve dreamt of it too much.
your leg shook under the coffee table as you sat with your head in your hands. this wasn’t like Tara, at all. she always, always told you where she was going. always.
this was killing you. not knowing if she was okay or not. not knowing if she’s gotten hurt, and is stranded somewhere where she’s defenseless, or if she’s gotten bit-
the front door opened.
Tara stepped inside, taking her shoes off and hanging her hoodie like it was nothing. you stood up and ran to her, “where the fuck did you go?!” you yelled.
her eyes widened as she took a step back. “i just went to the pharmacy a few miles down…”
“why the fuck didn’t you tell me? or anyone?! i was worried sick about you, Tara!” her face was full of confusion, not knowing why you were so upset at her.
“i-i didn’t think it was a big deal. i wasn’t gone that long, Y/N. i’m fine!” she defended. “but what if you weren’t?! i mean- what if you got hurt, Tara? you always tell me when you’re leaving. do you know how worried i was to come home and see that you’re gone? and when i asked everyone where you were, none of them knew. do you not know how scary that was?”
tears ran down your cheeks and you quickly wiped them away. you didn’t want to cry over this, but nothing had truly frightened you like this. losing Tara is something you try your hardest to avoid thinking about at all times.
“Y/N- i’m sorry, okay? i know i always tell you when i’m leaving, but all i needed was one thing. i don’t understand why you’re so mad-“
“because i’m in love with you!” you yelled, causing her to freeze. “i mean- fuck Tara! i’m so in love with you, and i can’t fucking hide that anymore. you’re everything to me. just the smallest thought of you getting hurt scares the shit out of me. i can’t imagine how i could ever live with myself if you’ve ever gotten hurt somehow. i can’t do this without-“
Tara lunged forward, smashing her lips onto yours. she held on tightly to your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to her as you kissed her back just as hard. your hands wrapped around her neck, not even leaving a millimeter of space between the two of you.
you pulled away briefly, but you immediately dove back into each other, unable to get enough of each other. one of your hands tangled itself into her hair, and she moaned into your mouth at the feeling.
Tara moved forward until you were pressed against the wall behind you. the deep kiss continued until you were both out of your breath. she leaned her head on yours as you caught your breath, still holding onto you tightly.
“i can’t lose you.” you whispered breathlessly. she nodded, “i know, i can’t lose you either. i’m sorry for leaving like that without saying anything.”
you shook your head, pulling her into another kiss. your head hit the wall when she suddenly brought her head down to your neck, bringing you nothing but complete bliss.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 7 months
9. (Hate or Love) at first sight with RED Sniper and BLU Spy (Enemies to Lovers, or just homoerotic enemies since youre not writing a novel here. Btw youre doing great so dont worry about rushing through all your asks <3)
❤️Red Sniper + Blu Spy💙
Ah, homoerotic enemies to lovers, my beloved 🫶🏻 Finally writing this paired with the fact that someone asked for Bloodysuit headcanons works very well, I'm sure. Uh! I added a bit more than the original prompt because I have this idea that I need to speak on❗️Also, this means I'm finally chipping away at all this piled up content! Would you believe I have over 40 requests piled up? Anyways! Enough about me. let's get to the gays.
Per the last fic with red and blu mercs, I'm just going to call them Sniper and Spy, they are red and blu respectively.
Sniper, even though he would never admit it, likes to recall the first time he met Spy, even if it was the start of his most infuriating rivalry.
The sun was beating down on everyone, making it unbearably hot. Sniper leaned back on his chair, stretching out slightly before quickly getting back into position, scoping the battlefield.
He stopped when his sights landed on Spy, hidden in the shade. Now maybe Sniper should have taken the shot right then and there, killing the man before he even became a problem, after all, that was his job, but he found himself unable to, only managing to stare him down. He was fussing with his clothes silently, probably despising the heat, not being used to the hot days, Sniper found himself enamored by watching Spy, wondering why he seemed so out of place. A weird mix of annoyance and intrigue washed over Sniper, and he found himself wanting to know everything he could about the strange man. He wanted to be close to him for reasons he's still not sure of. He knew the feelings rising inside him were a problem. He shook the memories of the term "love at first sight" from his head. That couldn't be right. He looked like such a pompous bastard, so arrogant, so, oh. He knew know why he was so fascinated, Spy pissed him off. That was all. That had to be it because that was a lot easier than Sniper having to admit he fell hard for a man he didn't even know. The mix of emotions in Sniper's head made him confused and rather irritated. So he did what anyone would do in order to cope with strange new emotions. He took a shot, sending a bullet drilling straight through his skull. Direct hit. He found his feelings muddled by his newfound pride in how clean his kill had been. He let out a soft chuckle and went back to work.
A little under ten minutes had passed before Sniper was distracted by a soft creak behind him. His hand slowly reached for his machete, but he was too slow. A knife to his back made him drop to the floor. He looked up as his vision faded to see the smirking face of Spy looking down at him. When he found himself back at the respawn, he knew his feelings had to be hate, and that this was the beginning of a battle. A battle he was determined to win.
That was about six months ago, and the fight between the two had only gotten more intense. Both sides were prideful and ready to best the other until one day, the outcome was different. Sniper found himself watching Spy through his scope, something that had become a routine lately. He'd find himself staring for a moment too long before taking the shot, admiring the man before him. He had tried to convince himself it was all out for trying to take the perfect shot, to get the angles just right, but deep down, he knew why he was really staring. He knew he had stared a second too long when Spy glanced around quickly, and a smirk quickly sprouted on his face as his eyes locked on to where Sniper was hiding. 
That look, so smug, reading him instantly and wordlessly. Sniper had been caught. Spy now knew Sniper was too distracted by staring at him to take the shot. That set something off in Sniper, breaking his concentration for just a second, his line of sight being broken just for one moment as he pushed back from his scope, he found himself being caught off gaurd, an emotion that came very rarely for him, he also found himself embarrassed. He figured Spy would find a way to use this against him, even if Sniper managed to blow his head clean off, speaking of that. Sniper's attention was regained quickly as he scrambled to realign his sights only to find… nothing. Of course, what else could he really expect? That Spy would stay there for even a second longer and just let himself be killed? He could only sigh, knowing Spy would be around soon enough. He held his hand over his machete, not moving away from his spot, hoping to somehow surprised Spy when he entered the room. And as if on que, he heard a slight creak from behind him made him fully grab his machete, getting up quickly to defend himself, but Spy only stood there, lit cigarette in, looking as pretentious as ever. It was laughable that even amidst the battle, he still seemed so keen on keeping up his appearance of class and elegance. Sniper could only bring himself to stare at him. Confused.
"You seem to have a staring problem, Bushman." Spy teased, his smirk from before creeping back. "I see now your insistence on seeking me out has been more for personal reasons than a true desire for composition." Sniper seethed quietly, infuriated that Spy seemed to have so much control over the situation, that he was so smug, that he had the upper hand. Then it clicked. Sniper walked closer to Spy, neither Sniper nor Spy's confidence wavering in the slighted. Sniper reached a hand out, grabbing Spy by the collar, no doubt ruffling it,
"So what if it is for me? I highly doubt you don't like the attention." And in that momen, Spy's facade cracked, as his looked changed in a way Sniper still can't decode. But it didn't matter. In Sniper's mind, the falter was enough to signify that he had won. He could only bring himself to laugh, now having to debate on killing Spy or watching how things would play out from here. Maybe he'd do both. Maybe he'd do neither. It's a fine line between love and hate, but Sniper had the rest of the match to walk it.
Gay men, GAH!! I might have taken the subtext out of homoerotic subtext, but oh well, and I may also have gone feral a couple of times while writing this, but hey, at least it's done now. The rest of the flufftober prompts will get done soon, I swear, I'm going to get all these ask answered stat! Excuse any, um, possible plot holes, and anything that might not make sense, i am very tired rn :,) Sorry again for the long waits Pro! Hope you enjoy <3
Embarrassing how many times I rewrote this 💔
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mymelodymia · 8 days
could you maybe write a fic where reader is Mike's 16 yo brother and is is ftm? Maybe reader came out to him a year or two ago and is having a bad day with dysphoria so Mike let's him bowwow one of his hoodies to see if it'll help?? maybe it does and r hugs him or does something to show how grateful for him they are?
sorry if this is too specific!! if you want to cut some of the stuff out that's okay, too. <33 thank you in advance if you decide to write this!! You're writing is wonderful and I'm excited to read whatever you write 🫶🏻
don't worry, bro // brother!Mike Schmidt x trans!brother!reader
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Summary: ur trans and Mike helps u out
Warnings: dysphoria (i think that it??)
Age: 16
Area/place: I can't remember 😭
A/N: this is like the last fnaf reqs I have 👍 sorry this is so darn late
💀˚~˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡*°◇🎧✧˚.⋆◇🦢+*°♡+
You stared at yourself through the mirror, looking at your chest, arms, legs, everything that looked even slightly feminine. You were really upset about this, you then heard a knock on your door
Mike walked in, and as he saw you, again in front of your mirror he looked at you sympathetically. He walked in and hung a sheet over the mirror
You sighed "i dont look right"
Mike sighed as well as he heard this, then slipped off his hoodie, handing it to you "....here"
He helped you put it on, his scent still lingering in the fabric.
He ruffled your short hair, that had grown out to your shoulders "we 'otta redo your hair today, hm?" His attempts to lighten the mood did nothing
He sighed and took you into his embrace. He cupped your head on his chest. Rubbing your back and shushing you softly
He took you to sit on the couch and whispered something in abbys ear. She grinned and ran off
Mike sat with you, an arm around your shoulder while you watched whatever Abby turned on
The rest of the day you found blankets and sheets over any mirror, Abby.
You appreciated their support deeply, and kept on reminding them
Abby hugged you again, her short arms wrapping around your hips "i love you y/n" she spoke softly
"Love you too, abs. You do all this?"
"Well duhh!"
A/N: this low key sucks I hate it lol
@white-wolf-buckaroo (srry if i missed any)
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im-yn-suckers · 10 months
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they dont match butttttt, I. DO. NOT. CARE. PERIODT.
pairing- bf choi yeonjun x mexican female reader
warnings- hugs, kisses, food, not proofread, uhhhhh idk what else lol
yes, i did it. coming from a mexican female, i think i have a say in this. where all my mexicanas at? i love yall🫶🏻
christmas with your parents was an exciting topic for yeonjun. he always wanted to meet your parents and was extremely excited to meet them on christmas.
you arrive at you parents house and yeonjun was flowing with excitement and joy. he was excited to stay the night and he wanted to see how you lived growing up. you werent nervous about him meeting your parents at all because you knew theyd get along. you were a bit worried about the food.
what if he didnt like it? would it make your parents feel guilty? no, hes going to love it.
"mija! your here! oh i missed you!" your mom greeted you at the door as soon as she saw you. you hugged your dad next.
"mija! how are you?" "im ok, papi" yea, you called him papi, and? he your father, you love him.
"mijo! its so nice to finally meet you! how are you?" "yes it is! im alright, mrs.-" "oh, dont start that nonsense, call me mama." you heart melted at the sight of your mom and your boyfriend getting along so well.
"mijo, how are you?" "im good, mr.-" "call me suegro" (it means father in law in spanish). "alright" your dad shook yeonjuns hand and smiled very fondly at him.
"so! shall we have some dinner!" "lets eat!"
the table was decorated with pozole, tamales, pico de gallo, enchiladas and mole. yeonjun was left amazed at all the dishes on the table.
you two ere standing as your mom brought out the bowls, spices, and anything you could imagine.
"sit down mijo, get whatever you'd like, i made pozole and tamales. if you dont like that theres pico de gallo, enchiladas, mole, and theres desserts."
"thank you" he served himself some pozole and you grabbed the bowl of tortilla chips to eat with the pozole. (thats how i eat it lmao, if you eat it differently, adjust it as you wish)
"uh, y/n how do i eat it?" he nervously giggled and stared at his bowl in confusion.
"you can use your spoon to drink the soup, you can roll up the tortilla to dip it in the soup and use the spoon to eat the chicken and the corn. and you can also put lime, lettuce, raddish, and chile in it."
"ok, thank you" he did as you told him to and his face lit up with delight when he took the first spoonful. "wow, this so good!'
"im glad you liked it, mijo!''
he served himself one enchilada, a small spoonful of mole, and some pico de gallo, you cant forget the tamal he put on his plate.
he ate some of everything and he loved every bite of it. you mom served him a glass of horchata and he had two cups of it!
"i'll clean up you guys go and wait in the living room, and when im done we can eat dessert!" your mom obviously could not wait until a certain dessert that ill leave to your imagination for now.
"i'll help you pick up!" yeonjun immediately refused to sit down and went to go help you mom.
in the living room, you and your dad were chatting. "so, yeonjun, really liked the food, huh, mija?" "yea, he loved it. i think he liked moms pozole best though. the chiltipin helped a lot too." "well, your mom made a lot for your could take leftovers home." "i'd love that. also, mami never made this much food for christmas when i was a little girl. we only had pozole and we bought the horchata, did she make it?' ' she did, and she was going to make birria but it takes too long." "aww, i love her birria" "come get desserts guys!!" your mom poked out of the kitchen and called you in.
when you walked in, the table had a big rosca de reyes in the middle and buñuelos and conchas, and mugs of champurrado. oh, how you missed the nostalgic smell.
"ok, who wants the first piece of it?" "be careful, if you get the baby, you need to make the tamales for everybody" "oh, uh. should i get the first piece?" "if you want" "papi, did you get the baby?" " no thankfully" "mami, give me this piece" "no baby!!!" "yeonjun, here you go!" she gave him a random slice and she bought the rosca de reyes so, she couldnt cheat. "did you get it baby?" "uh, yea." your family burst into laughter at the fact that yeonjun, who had tasted tamales for the first time today, was stuck making them!" "ay, mijo! i'll give you guys the recipe dont worry."
all the dessert was delicious and so was the champurrado. you and yeonjun cleaned up as your parents set up the living room for gifts and maybe some mistletoe. but shhhh. they may be mexican but, they still follow the trends duh.
"so, we gotta make tamales for the boys huh"
"i guess, but i dont know how to make them. and your lucky, mami never made this much food on christmas."
"im her favorite i guess" "when i was a kid, i always dreamed of getting the baby. when i turned fifteen, me and my sister got it and we were stuck with making tamales. never wanted the baby ever again."
yeonjun laughed as you walked into the living room with your mom and dad waiting. a big present marked yeonjun and y/n was waiting in your seat.
"open this one first!" you opened it and a big ol pot was wrapped up. your mom and dad were laughing and you and yeonjun were smiling. you mostly wanted to cry, you cant make tamales like girl.
everyone opened up their gifts and they gave you guys some to give to the boys back home. "alright, its really late lets go to sleep." you and yeonjun got ready for bed and went into your parents guest room. it was filled with pictures of your childhood an teen years and stuff you wouldnt really display yourself.
"good night mijo! buenas noches mija! te amo! (i love you)" your mom told you both as you were walking into your room. "buenas noches mami. te amo!" "good night mama!" you wouldve definitely melted into putty right there and then if you could.
you plopped into the bed and waited for yeonjun to finish changing. "your moms so sweet. y/n!" "i know, she was texting me nonstop in the morning asking what time we were heading over." "aww," he laid down and kissed you softly. "goodnight baby" "goodnight my love"
in the morning you were woken up with a torta that smelled like heaven. you needed to leave soon so you ate then went to your room to clean up your things. "we only ate beans and tortilas for breakfast when i was a kid. you must really be the favorite." "she loves me''
"alright, mami. the cars loaded, we're gunna get going."
"oh, wait!" she brought out three(BIG) full bags of containers of food.
"wow, this is alot. " "good, now no one will have to cook for at least a day." "with five men in the house, itll be gone in an hour"
"bye mijo, it was nice having you over and meeting you." "thank you suegro. it was nice meeting you too" yep, melted again.
"mija, bye, i love you." "bye papi, i love you too"
"mija, bye, i'll miss you. thank you for coming over. i love you" "i'll miss you too, thanks for having us. i love you too mami"
"ay mijo. i dont want you to leave." "i dont want to leave either"
"bye mijo, thank you so much for coming. i'll miss you." ''bye, mama. thank you for having us. i'll miss you too."
you two walked out the front door and got into the car.
"love you guys! say hi to the boys for me!" "we will mami! love you too!"
"bye mama! love you!!!"
and with that, you were driving back to your house. yeonjun intertwined your hands and kissed it. man he was hot driving with one hand.
the end
um so why am i posting a christmas fic in august, bc i thought abt it while eating mole sooooooooo. yall, before you come at me for having the rosca de reyes in december, i know its eaten in january but, yall arent gunna visit them until then soooo. uh LATINAS FOR YEONJUN
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spamgyu · 3 months
Bestie, Henry Lee from UC Berkley just dropped a photo with his long hair and I need your thoughts about it
Also, I hope the links helped you 🫶🏻
- 🔮
Henry Lee for UC Berkeley.......... the menace from Bay Area.
The man that def would be from San Jose.... a reformed Kevin Nguyen but oh..... he can go back to those days if he wanted ...
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this man....... this man will ruin ur life (lovingly)
type to text back after 2 days and say "my b didn't see ur message." he did. he's busy. he got girls drooling for him but "i dont have time for all of that. i'll worry about girls after grad school"
sir pls just one chance omfg
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quit-125 · 9 months
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Congratulations, @shuuuuush, for getting over 100 followers I'm so proud of you!!🥳
This fic honestly gives me enchanted by taylor Swift vibes😭😅
This is a special fic jst for you and i hope you like it!🥰
Word count: i honestly dont know💀
Warnings:Strong language, detailed kissing(is that even a thing?😭)
(Not using Y/N)!
Marly and Kenny met in New york, and they instantly caught feelings for each other,but what troubles will they have to face? Will they end up together? Or will someone try to get in between them?
Taylor-your best friend
Kenny- Stranger
to lover
Aj- your friend
Niko-your friend
Chunkz-Your friend
Sharky-your friend
The first time i laid eyes on you-Kenny
Chapter 1 out of 5🫶🏻
I felt the warm water hitting my body as i washed my hair. I truly needed a warm shower after a long day. I grabbed a dry towel and stepped out of the shower. I dried my hair and body and put on my clothes. Just before i could lay down, i got a call from taylor."Marly? Where the hell are you? I asked you to come over 20 minutes ago. Did you seriously forget?" Said taylor. "Oh shit im so sorry. I'll be there soon!"i said. "Yeah.. okay." taylor said. I grabbed my keys and unlocked my front door.
Kennys POV:
"Hey guys! Today we'll see who can make the most money in New york in just 24 hours!" Said niko. I honestly hated these challenges. We had to do stupid things for money. But this time it wasn't as bad since New york was absolutely beautiful! I was looking forward to spending time here. "Kenny?Bro?You good?" I heard aj say. "What? Oh yeah, im good." I said. "Yeah, if you say so." Said aj. There we're 2 teams, me,Aj and niko. Chunkz and sharky. Since we had more people, Chunkz and sharky got a headstart. As i walked through the streets of New York, i could hear chatter and laughter all around me. Most of it was from my friends. I didn't like to get involved in many conversations,im more of a quiet person. Dont get me wrong,i love hanging out with my friends, of course, but sometimes i prefer to be lost in my own thoughts.
Marlys POV:
I was in a hurry. i didn't want Taylor to get even more mad at me..well, that's what i thought. I was about to cross the road when i saw 3 extremely familiar boys. "No fucking way..." i whispered to myself. It was no other than the beta squad! And kenny was there.. he was my BIGGEST crush, and i was his #1 fan...well, that's what i think, at least. I just stopped and stared at Kenny, and i couldn't help but blush. Just before i was going to talk to them, i saw kenny looking at me, and we made eye contact. My stomach was filled with butterflies. i gave an awkward smile and waved as he did the same. I felt like a complete idiot. I digged my face into my hands in embarrassment.
Kennys POV:
I could feel a pair of eyes looking at me, i looked to my left to see the most beautiful girl ever,my heart was beating like crazy. I smiled at her, and we made eye contact. She was gorgeous.. We instantly clicked.
Marlys POV:
I saw them crossing the road, so i thought it was a perfect opportunity to go talk to them. They were getting closer and closer,multiple thoughts ran threw my head. i stood there, not knowing what to do as he approached me.
Kennys POV:
i got closer and closer towards her as she just stood there. "Hey, my name is kenny. What about yours?" That was so stupid of me..i said under my breath. "Huh? What did you say?" She said. "Oh! Nothing, dont worry."i said. "Okay! Uhm, well, my name is marly. Well, im a huge fan of you three and the rest, by the way!" said Marly.
It was even better that she was a fan.The rest of the beta squad introduced themselves to her,im so glad that she at least knows me."Ay Kennys got a gyal," i heard aj say. I gave him an annoyed look. "She's not my "gyal, " i said. There was awkward silence for a few seconds,i could feel the tension between us. "So, uhm, could i get ur number or something?" I asked her. "Yeah, sure, of course!" I gave her a smile, and we exchanged numbers. "I'll call you later today?" I said. I honestly was so happy on the inside that she actually gave me her number. Most girls dont. "Sure! I'll see you around, " I heard her say. "This is great content," said niko. "Bro, cut it out," i told him.
Time skip
Marlys POV:
I just came back from taylors house, i told her everything that happened on the way there. I was honestly shocked that Kenny wanted my number! I flopped onto my bed and put on my headphones.Maybe i was wrong.. What if he doesn't actually like me?What if he's just joking? I thought to myself. I sighed and picked up my phone. Just then, i got a message from kenny.
Kenny:Hey, Marly! Do you maybe wanna hang out tomorrow if you're free?
Marly: sure!❤️
Kenny:Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 5pm? We can go watch a movie together if you'd like?
Marly: Okay, sounds amazing!
Kenny: i have to go, but I'll talk to you later, marly! :)
Marly: alright no worrys!
I squeeled in excitement. i couldn't believe what just happened. i was so excited! I called up taylor to tell her what happened. "Omg girl, you won't believe who i was texting!" I said. "OMG! who??" I hear taylor say. "Kenny!! He asked if he wanted to hang out, and i obviously said yes!" I said in an over excited voice. "EEKK, im so happy for you!"i heard her say. "Thank you!!! I'll keep you updated!" I said before hanging up the phone.
Time skip:
Kennys POV:
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing." Why the fuck is someone calling me at 11am."i said to myself. I groaned and sat up and picked up my phone,it was niko. "Bro you better have a good fucking reason for waking me up."i said. "Jeez.. someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed... It's not my fault you wake up at 11 a.m. Anyways, our latest video went viral because of you and marly. Everyone says that you guys should be together. "So? Who cares? It's not like we are together." I said. "Yeah, i know, but it's kinda obvious that you like her..." said niko. "Yeah, okay, maybe i do like her, but it has nothing to do with you, does it?" I said slightly, embarrassed.
"Yeah okay chill its just a question. There's no need to get so worked up about it.." niko said. "Yeah, sorry..im not in a good mood." I told him. "It's all good,I'll call you back later," niko said. "Alright." I told him. I put my phone back on my desk and tried going back to sleep, but i just couldn't. "Maybe i should tell Marly how i feel.." i said to myself . Part of me wanted to tell her, but part of me didn't. i wasn't sure if she liked me back. I sighed and got out of bed.
Marlys POV:
I woke up to the sunlight shining threw my window, i lifted my head from my pillow and rubbed my eyes. I slowly got up from my bed and made my way to the kitchen. I made breakfast.
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I was still over the moon that kenny wanted to hang out. I wasn't sure what to wear. i never really went out on many dates, but i had a few ideas in mind.
Time skip-
it was almost 5, i was kinda panicking since I wasn't sure where kenny was. Lucky i already picked out an outfit..
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Just before i could say another word, i heard a loud knock on the door. A huge smile emerged on my face as i went to unlock the front door.
There stood kenny, i was so excited to see him. "Hey Kenny! You look great." I said. "Same goes for you Marly you look gorgeous." He said. His words were enough to make me blush. He handed me a bouquet of red roses.
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"There, beautiful! Thank you so much, " i said. "Glad you like them. Shall we?" Said kenny. I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek.He opened the front door of his car as i got in. I gave him a smile as he started the car. I looked out the window and enjoyed the view.
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Most of the car ride was slient,but it wasn't awkward at all...it was surprisingly comforting. I didn't want anything more than to be in Kennys presence. I liked him, but i didn't know how to tell him. I felt stupid for liking someone like him...afterall, he was basically a celebrity, and i was just an ordinary girl. I turned my head to face him,his beautiful brown eyes shining in the sun. "We're here, marly," he said, smiling. He got out of his car and offered me a hand. I smiled back and held onto his hand.
Time skip
The movie was finished, and we made our way back to the car. "If you like, i could take you home?" He said, not making eye contact. "That would be great," i told him. Before i knew it, we were already half way threw the journey back home. I hadn't had this much fun with someone in a long time..and i was happy that i got to spend it with Kenny.
We were almost home, i wasn't sure if i should tell kenny how i felt yet. Right then, i heard the car stop. "We're here," said kenny. "Thank you again, im looking forward to hanging out with you again, Kenny!" I said. Just before i could open the car door. I felt kennys hand on mine. "I had a lot of fun with you as well
.." he said. There was a few seconds of complete silence before he pulled me into a kiss. His hand carresed my cheek as he pulled me in closer into his grip. I was shocked,my eyes widened as he pulled away. "Im so sorry, i dont know what got into me i shouldn't have done that. im sorry." Said kenny. "nono, it's not that...its just i didn't expect it, that's all.." i told him. "Right..ill be on my way, then I'll talk to you later once again. im sorry." Kenny said.
I exited the car as i watched him drive off. I felt like a complete fool. The guy i had a crush on just kissed me, and i didn't kiss back. I felt guitly, but i wasn't sure how to react. I unlocked the front door and went inside. I sighed and sat down on the sofa and picked up the bouquet of roses. I didn't feel like doing anything and headed straight to bed.
Time skip
I woke up later than usual, i rubbed my eyes and lifted my head up from my pillow. I got dressed and headed downstairs to make breakfast. I was still in shock from yesterday, but i had to move on. I picked up my phone to see several messages from Kenny.
Hello Marly? 9:50 pm
Are you awake? 9:50 pm
I need to talk to you. 10:00 pm
Text me when you're awake.10:20 pm
Sorry, i was sleeping! 10:48pm
It's all good, i was wondering if you could come over to my place? I was hoping we could talk. 10:50 pm
Sure, what time? 10:52pm
I was thinking maybe you could come over in 30 minutes?10:52 pm
Sure, see you soon!10:52 pm
I was a bit nervous since i wasn't sure why he wanted to talk to me so badly..i didnt question it too much and got ready.
Time skip:
I arrived outside his house as i knocked on the front door. I was anxiously waiting for him to unlock the door. "Hey, marly, come in!" He told me. "So i needed to tell you something that has been on my mind for a while." Kenny said. "Sure, go ahead. You can tell me anything." I told him.
"Well, ever since i met you, I knew there was something about you that was different..in a good way, of course. I wanted to tell you this for such a long time, but i wasn't sure if you liked me back. After yesterday, i was sure how you felt about me, but i figured I'd tell you anyway." Said kenny. I was waiting forever for those words. I was too stunned to speak. "Say something, please," he said. "I never thought you felt the same way i did! Im sorry for yesterday as well.
i didn't know how to react!" I said. "So i can kiss you again..for real this time?" He said with a smirk on his face. I nodded and blushed at the same time. He pulled me in closer, putting his cold hands on my waist as he carresed my cheek, his soft lips pressed onto mine, pulling our bodies closer together.
I put my hands around his neck and pulled away for a second for a gasp of air. Our lips once again pressed against each other, this time more passionate and longer. We both pulled away,"So does this make me your boyfriend?" He said. "Of course idiot" i said playfully as i let out a chuckle. "It's getting late, i think I'll head home now, but we can finish this later," i said as i winked at him. "Okay, darling, whatever you say,"he said. His words were enough to make my heart flutter. I was so excited to tell Taylor the good news, i know she'll be just as happy as i am.
Taylors POV:
I was just about to head out when i received a text from marly
Me and kenny are dating now! There's so much you need to catch up on!12:55pm
I was fuming in rage. I've liked marly for longer than i can remember, and just before i could tell her, she suddenly gets a boyfriend.
Wow, that's great! 12:57pm
I want marly to be happy, of course, but with me. I just dont get what she sees in him. For the longest time, i had to pretend that i was happy that she met Kenny when all i wanted was to be with her. I'll make sure that I'll we'll be together no matter what it takes....
Ahh! FINALLYY CHAPTER 1 IS DONE!! I hope you like it, marly!
Chapter 2 coming soon!
@vctrvn-ls @shuuuuush @b4tasquad @allygatcr
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kichikichiko · 1 year
Mr. Gentleman
Written by a minor! Block if uncomfortable 🫶🏻
Kazuha x afab reader! Cunillingus, p to v sex, creampie, breeding i think petnames, passinoate sex , Kazuha aski g for consent!, established relationship, reader kinda gets fucked dumb i think?, not proofread
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Kazuha was a gentleman with a kind heart and a personality as calming as the ocean in by the bay of Inazuma.
Being with him was never a rush, everything with him was slow and nice, you get to feel everything with him, one step at a time, and that included nights together in the bedroom.
Kazuha doesnt have sex with you, he makes love with you. For him it was 2 different things.
Making love with him was slow and passionate. However, he does his best fufilling your deepest desires. Feeling his lips lightly kiss your neck all the way down to your stomach and down to your inner thighs.
His gaze reaches yours as he placed 1 final kiss on your innee thigh, asking ever so slightly for your approval to go further.
You nodded slightly, and that was all he needed to proceed further. While having an intimate moment with you, he'd focus on making you feel good first, because to him, that would be the greatest gift of all.
His fingers pushes away your panties and taps lightly on your clit, teasing you a bit causing you to hiss
"Does your pussy feel neglected my love..? Dont worry, I'll make sure it will recieve all the love it can get from me tonight" he smirked a bit, before swiftly placing his tounge between your folds.
You moaned out a bit before covering your mouth.
Kazuha let you cover your mouth for a while longer, before he started lapping up your juices "My love, please don't cover your mouth. I'd like to hear your sweet sounds as I drink up your delicious taste"
The ronin always had a way with his words, because as soon as he madr that request, you uncovered your mouth and started moaning louder. "K-kazuha... it feels so go..good. mmhm"
He chuckled, which made you feel more pleasure through the vibration. "Would you like me to go faster dear?"
You nodded eagerly "please... please give me more.."
After you gave your consent he started moving his tongue faster and moans between your folds
"Ohh~ Kazuha! Fuck...! I think Im g-gonna cum...!"
You moaned out, grabbing his hair and pushing him further into your pussy.
"Cum for me love! Cum on my tongue... I know you can do it" he said, muffled as he was pressed between your thighs, still lapping up your pussy like no tomorrow causing you to cum.
Kazuha wasted no time to lick up all the juice that came out, while you panted, letting go of his hair that you took ahold of as you reached your high.
"S-sorry...did I hurt your hair?" You asked shyly eyes following his as he made his way up to your body "dont worry dear, Im quite alright.. may I put it in now?"
You once again nodded, spreading your legs wider for him to enter in causing him to chuckle a bit "you sure are eager... please, feel free to scratch or claw on my back if you want to"
Slowly but surely, Kazuha steadied himself before pushing his girth between your folds slowly.
"I-is this okay..?" He said while moaning a bit
"Y-yes.. fuck youre so big..!" You moaned out, grabbing a hold of his back
"And youre so tight my love, youre taking my cock in so nicely like I was made for your sweet little pussy" he smiled before starting to move slowly.
You pant out with every thrust and asked him to go faster, and when he did you started to see stars
In and out in and out,
The faster he went the more lewd erotic sounds you let out. Begging him to go faster and fuck your pussy full of his cum. "Ohhh! Kazuha fuck me! Your cock is so big please go faster! Aahhhh~~"
"As you wish my love" he'd whine out, eyes shut as he grabs a hold of your waist and thrusts in faster.
"Ah ah ah! Yes yes yes! Im cumming I- Im cumming!" You moaned as out as you can, clawing his back as you came around his cock. Soon after Kazuha came as well inside your pussy.
He layed down on your chest as you both tried to catch some air, his cock still inside you.
After a while, Kazuha looked at you and kissed you slowly. Only lasted a few seconds before he pulled away, and pulled his cock out from your pussy. Cum dripping out as he did so.
He smiled and kissed your forehead. "Lets get you cleaned up now shall we?" He asked as he picked you up, and went straight to the showers.
My my what a true gentleman he is, and its moments like this, when you truly are greatful.
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atrirose · 5 months
hi! idk if you were the anon who asked abt tagging you on my latest work but i’m so so sorry i didn’t, i only joined two weeks ago and i’ve never had to tag anyone yet so i didn’t know it was the convention,,,
i promise i didn’t mean to use your idea without credit, i thought linking the original post was the right way of giving credit and that you’d be notified but if that’s not the case i sincerely apologize
as for permission, in a similar vein, i thought liking/reblogging was the way to do so since that’s what moodboard/header creators ask for but i completely get that it could be different for writers
if you’d prefer that i take down what i wrote, just lmk and i will! if you're okay with me keeping it up, i'll tag you as soon as you give me the word — again, i’m really really sorry and i’ll be sure to go about things better when i get inspo from another user
hi babes i have no idea what you are talking about so i checked your page and it seems to me that you linked one of my random thoughts as jay oneshot that you wrote. it’s okay since you are new, it’s completely fine but as far as it goes whenever there was someone on enhablr who wanted to do something similar to me after being inspired by my work have asked me before hand in case im comfortable with it or not and it can be confusing i understand but moodboard creators have it mentioned as to how they want credits which does not apply to everyone here.
secondly it’s alright you can keep it up if you want i mean, i did see your rb under my post but i didn’t think of something you would actually be doing, uhm yeah also if you see someone brainstorming or putting ideas out there please ask them if you can use it or just leave it be as it can be disrespectful to some people (im not saying me but i want you to be careful thats all 😭🫶🏻) anyways so you can have it up dont worry.
as for whether anon(?) is me or not, it’s not me i actually had that anon informing about it too so i think they are the same people. BTW DONT SWEAT IT TAKE IT EASY.
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