#i did a good job and that's a great feeling
pxuvalentinx · 14 hours
May I please req gentle Heian era sukuna as our husband? 🙏
a/n: omg is this me working on requests?? i'll try to work down the list over the next few days (i hope). i am terribly sick so i have time and hopefully also the motivation sob. ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST<33 i wasn't too sure if you wanted both sfw and nsfw or only sfw...SO I DID BOTH...but seperated them so dw! i also didn't notice that you didn't specifically ask for headcanons..but i hope that's okay too! i hope you're having a lovely day anon! SFW - I think he would act like such a tsundere. Acting like nothing affects him when truly his heart is jumping out of his chest, because of his wife. - He probably wouldn't be a man of many words, and more of small gestures that he thinks you don't notice. Like getting you a kimono in your favorite color, or in a design you talked about ages ago, or planting your favorite flowers in the garden. - Obviously he'd pretend that it was all a coincidence, and he didn't do it on purpose, or remembered the specific things you said. - Fight me over this, but I believe he would get so clingy when he's sleepy high. His 4 arms all wrapped around you while he babbles incoherent stuff. His arms would pull you even tighter if you tried to move away. - Sukuna would always make sure that you're pretty and all dolled up for him, whenever you're walking through the halls of his estate. And even if the two of you were only in his (and also yours) chambers, he'd find great enjoyment in seeing your hair and makeup all done. - As much as he loved to make teasing remarks about you, when you showed genuine insecurities or felt bad, he would certainly try his best to cheer you up or make you feel better about whatever you're insecure about - in his, well, own way. NSFW!!!! - Bathtub sex is a MUST. Two hands on your hips and two on your chest, gently sliding you up and down his dicks. There was this stupid grin on his face the whole time. - Sukuna certainly knows how to get you riled up, if it's only gentle breast groping, or one of his hands sliding up and down your ass, maybe even slipping under your panties and letting the fabric rub against your cunt. - I just know this man loves to wake you up with one of his dicks fully shoved in your cunt. Cooing at you and shushing you while his hand covered your mouth. He wasn't rough or animalistic as usual, slow and sensual thrusts woke you up. - You've lost track of how many times he's fucked you on his throne while calling you his queen, soft kisses along your neck. - He obviously loved fucking your throat like it was just a toy, but sometimes just leaning back and letting you do your job, felt better than anything else in the world. Praises are falling from his lips about how good you're doing and how good it feels. His sharp nails were massaging your scalp.
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hidden-poet · 2 days
Professor Snow
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Summary; Coriolanus takes a position at the university teaching military theory where he develops an unhealthy crush on one of his students.
Warnings; unethical behavior, teacher/student relationship, stalker behavior, coercive control, dubish consent, reader is not very smart, obsessive behavior, kidnapping, reader isn't described or named.
Editor: @hotline-to-hell
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After studying under Dr. Gaul, he took her place at the University. 
She was only looking for a successor, and now that she had found one, she no longer wanted to waste time there. So Coriolanus became the University's military theory professor, in addition to his Gamemaking duties. 
He hated the first year. If the pest of the day wasn’t some annoying boy who had never seen war talking about how he single-handedly would have defeated the districts, it was a young girl wanting to single out his attention.
But in his second year, an infatuation started to soften his days to something close to enjoyment.
She always sat alone, at the front, but rarely took any notes. At first, she jotted every word from Professor Snow, but by the end of the first month, her note-taking had stopped and she drew flowers upon the pages instead. 
When Coriolanus put up a slide depicting the horrors of war he had witnessed, she winced. She was a delicate flower ready for debasing, and Coriolanus found himself protective of her. 
He would catch a young boy staring at her occasionally, innocently or not, and would proceed to make an example out of him. 
He would save her homework assignments to the end, eager to see her opinions and problem-solving. They were both terrible, but he passed her anyway. Her analysis lacked any original thought, she only regurgitated what previous men in power thought. Her disinterest in the class was evident, but he still wrote ‘great job’ on her papers only to see her smile. 
It occurred to him, however, that if he kept passing her, he would no longer have her in his class. She was set to graduate at the end of the semester, and he might not see her again. So he began to fail her homework assignments and even essays that were worth a pass. 
 He watched her face as it sagged when she received her first fail. He hated to disappoint her, but it was for her own good. The longer she was in his class, the more she would warm to him. 
She was embarrassed, hiding her paper in her book bag. 
She began taking notes again in class. Their eyes would meet and Coriolanus could feel himself turn into putty every time she would glance up to look at him. 
It happened twice, he would get so lost just staring at her that he forgot where he was going with his sentence or tune out a student asking him a question. 
Twice was enough to decide that his little blossom had to come home with him, where he could give her the appreciation she deserved. He hated to see her so stressed out over these assignments. He wanted to kiss her brows as they furrowed trying to understand the content. 
“It didn’t matter, darling. Don’t worry about it,” he wanted to say, but instead he put a red line through her work. 
One lecture she did nothing but stare at him. 
“Professor Snow?”  She approached him timidly with her paper in her hands.
“Yes, honey?” It was not an appropriate way to address a student, but she was more than that. 
“I was wondering if you could take another look at my paper?” 
He took it from her soft hold and pretended to review it. She stood so close, he could smell her perfume.
“What about this deserves a higher grade?”
“I got nearly a zero, sir. I met all the criteria.”
“No. Hobbes and Rousseau met the criteria and you copied them. Philosophers I taught about in this class, so I have very little interest in re-reading them in your poor and clunky paraphrasing.” 
Her shoulder dropped and tears welled in her eyes. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” He stood up from his chair and took her into his arms, yet another thing that would be disapproved of by the school board. 
“I am sorry.” She sobbed. Her tears felt so good upon his shirt. He would have kept her there longer but she pulled away, embarrassed. 
“I am sorry. I am being silly. It just seems like no matter how hard I try, I keep failing.” More tears run down her cheeks, making Coriolanus want to pull her back into his arms. He was left with no choice but to cross them over his chest. 
“I tried so hard. I spent weeks on this assignment only to get four percent more than a person who never turned it in at all!”
“I understand, blossom, but I asked you what you thought about the constant state of war. Not what Hobbes thought.”
She nods her head looking defeated. Her body shifts to turn back to the door. He couldn’t let her leave upset with him. 
He pulls her back by her arm and lifts her head up to his level, tipping up her chin. 
“Hey, what do you think? Are people in a constant state of war with each other?” 
He doesn’t remove his hands, liking their place. 
She shrugs her shoulders, her voice small and meek, giving away how much she wanted to leave him.  
“I don’t know. Hobbes said-”
“Forget Hobbes. What do you think would happen if we didn’t have laws governing us?”
He, for one, knows that he wouldn’t be wasting time asking philosophical questions that went over her head. He would pin her to the floor and have his way until his name was the only one she remembered, and then take her home to safety. 
“I think people look for order. We would naturally form some type of governing system that would work for all.” 
God, she was foolish. 
“All people look for order? You don’t think anyone would hurt you if there were no repercussions?” 
He could see he was scaring her so he backed off a bit. Letting his hands fall to his side. 
“We live in the Capitol, sir. There’s no guarantee that they would be met with repercussions here.” 
It was the first original thought he heard from her, and it wasn’t all the way incorrect. Corruption was prominent within the Capitol.
“I think people are good. Mostly. A few bad apples but…” she shrugs again, finishing her sentence before completion. 
“And what should we do with the ‘bad apples’?” 
What would she do to him? 
Another shrug and her eyes go floating around the room. 
“Help them, I guess.” 
A grin spread across his face. She would comfort the wolf that ate her. 
“Well,” he reaches across his desk for the paper and a pen. Although she was undeserving, he wrote a large A across the top. “I must say I disagree but the assignment is based on your perspective.” 
He hands the paper to her who stands shocked, but with a great big smile across her face. 
He would do anything to see her smile, even if it derailed his plans.
“Thank you, sir.” 
His mind raced with ways to keep her close but the next class needed the room soon. 
“You need extra help,” he takes his satchel off the floor and leads her to the door, “Come see me in my office on Tuesdays at 6.”
“I couldn’t sir. I wouldn’t want to be a burden.” 
Coriolanus felt as though he might die if she didn’t agree to come.
“My measure as a teacher is based upon my worst performing student.”
He knew his words stung her and he hated to do it but soon he would only speak sweet words to her. Coddling her from the world they live in.
“I would be more than happy to have a one-on-one with you.” 
He dreamt of the upcoming Tuesday. The staff at the University were out for drinks and dinner so the office was always empty. He was completely alone with his girl. It made the long day worth it.  
He sat next to her, too close, as he helped her complete his homework on his office desk. 
She had asked him a question but it was lost upon his ears. 
“Hm?” He hums absentmindedly, before clearing his throat and trying a harder and deeper ‘hm’. 
“I am stuck on question 8.”
He leans over her to check the question. 
“It’s C.” 
“But why is it C?”
The question was simple, and Coriolanus was through with teaching for the day. 
“The answer is just C.” 
He gets up as she fills in the bubble. 
“Are you hungry?” He asks. 
“No, sir. Should I leave? I didn’t mean to interfere with your dinner.” 
She goes to get up but she had only been there an hour. He wanted more time.
“Sit,” he told her, rushing over to hinder her chance of escape. 
She doesn’t fight him, sitting down and dropping her homework back down. 
“I’ll order something in. Finish your homework.” 
He returns from his phone only to find that she had finished all her work. 
Disappointment filled him. It would only take a few seconds to check it and then she would leave. He tries to act indifferent. Essay homework would now be given. 
“Right, let's take a look.” With his guidance, the answers were all correct so his brain worked to make a reason to prolong her stay. 
“Very good, angel,” he praised and she glowed under him. 
“Now, your reading notes. I want to see that you picked up the right ideas.” 
He holds his hand out. Praying that she had no notes to give him. 
Her reaction told him she had not. Her shoulders shrunk, and her nose reddened. 
“You did do your readings, did you not?” He teases. 
“I was going to do it tomorrow morning,” she admits quietly. 
He fakes disappointment. “Oh no, petal. That won’t do. I need to see that you are understanding the content. Readings are crucial to your learning.” 
“I am sorry. I didn’t know you wanted me to have it done.” 
He shakes his head although he could laugh giddily. 
“Take your book out and begin.” 
She looked like a kicked cat as she started her readings. 
He remains close, marking other students' work next to her. He takes a break to retrieve the food when it arrives but her eyes never stray from the page. 
The food was lukewarm and nothing special but he acted as if it was the best thing he had ever eaten. 
He holds his fork out to her, hopeful but she politely declines, stating that she isn’t hungry. 
“You’re going to make me eat alone?” He asks, already opening all the containers on the desk. 
“I should really finish and go home. My parents are waiting for me.” 
“You don’t live in student accommodation?” He knew this already but confessing he did could seem obsessive. 
“No. My parents don’t live far so it's easy for me to commute.'' 
He hands her a plastic fork now that she is distracted from her work and she takes it. 
“What are your plans after graduation?”
He imagined her in his home pregnant. 
“I am not sure. My father wants me to take over the family business, but I’m not sure it’s for me.” 
The family business sold high-end jewelry. She was always adorned in it. 
“Why?” he pushes. 
She avoids his eyes again as she speaks. 
“I would like to do something that helps people,” she admits. 
“But you chose a business major?” Under a normal student/professor relationship he would not have known that without her telling him. But he spent hours going over her academic record. Her grades were not great, but they didn’t need to be. He would look after her.  
“My father chose a business major, I just completed it.”
She pushes her food away and brings back her textbook, “Well, almost. This class is the only one I have to complete to graduate.” 
“Better get back to studying then.”
He cleans up the food. He had no appetite either.  
It was good to know that she was susceptible to influence. If she did what her father wanted, as her husband, she would cause him little trouble. 
She yawns and he supposed he had kept her long enough. It was only a full workday before he could see her in class again. He wondered if he could devise a plan to see her on weekends. But for now, he bid her goodnight and saw her off in her car. 
They continued their Tuesday nights. Coriolanus even managed to get her to come in some Saturdays before a big test. He helped her not only with his class but all she signed up for. Coriolanus was blessed with an academic mind and found her business major incredibly easy while she struggled with proposals and understanding key learning criteria. It worked well for him seeing her nearly three times a week. He was beginning to think he would be able to pass her after all. The sooner she graduates, the sooner their student/teacher relationship ends and something more could bloom. 
When he entered class on Thursday, she was talking to another student. Another male student. It ruined his good mood completely. 
He barked at everyone to sit down, and the other student, who Coriolanus never bothered to learn the name of, thankfully went back to his usual seat up in the stands. 
He couldn’t help but glare at her during his lecture, along with slamming papers down on the desk too hard and manhandling University equipment. 
Did she know of his affections for her, and was now using them against him for a passing grade? Coriolanus Snow would not be made a fool. 
He spoke too fast for her to finish taking notes, leaving her to try to absorb information as much as she could. He dismissed the class after handing out the week's homework assignment, stopping by her desk last.
He places a hand up on her desk. “Stay,” he demands. 
She leaves her packed bag by her feet as her classmates exit the room. The boy had the gall to wave goodbye but she only smiled back.
He knew he had no reason to be mad. Classmates talk. But he is mad. He is so furious. 
He waits until the classroom is cleared before leaning closer with a fierce glare. 
“Is my class a joke to you?” 
“No, sir.” 
“Then perhaps you can tell me why after hours of wasting my time with you, you still manage to hand in something I can barely read, let alone pass?”
“What?” Her voice quivers. The grades were not released yet, so her hope for a pass was still standing. 
“Maybe if you spent less time flirting and more time studying I could have my nights back.” 
As an only daughter, she was unused to being spoken to harshly. So the words of an authority figure upset with her quickly made her eyes water. 
He wanted to pull her up from her seat and kiss her tears away, but she needed to know what she did was wrong. 
“You’ll have to redo it.” 
There goes her weekend and any plans with any boy, he thought. 
She nods her head, “Yes, sir.” 
“I want it on my desk by Monday morning.” 
She nods again. Thinking it was over, she reached for her bag. 
“Well?” He snaps. “Say thank you. I shouldn’t be giving you another chance.” 
“Thank you, Professor Snow.” She mutters. 
“What? Speak up,” he pushes. 
“Thank you, Professor Snow,” she says more loudly. 
“Go,” he flicks his hand towards the door and she rushes out. 
Coriolanus didn’t want to leave for the week with her still mad at him, he had to make amends. So he waits in the multi-level parking garage. It took him a while to find her car, relieved that it was still there. 
He waits for an hour, sitting on the hood of her car. When she does arrive, her eyes are red and puffy from crying. He felt terrible that he had caused her to bawl her eyes out for what was sure to have been an hour and a half. 
“Professor Snow?” She questions, making her way to the car. 
“Oh, precious. I am sorry.” She stood far enough in front of him that he could reach out and tug her forward into his hold. 
“I just want what’s best for you, darling.” And it’s not that boy. 
He proves he is stronger than her when she fails to break free from his hold. 
With his grasp, he uses his right arm to stretch over her and pull her jaw up to look at him. His left arm wrapped around her shoulders keeping her pressed against his chest. A loose curl fell over his forehead and across his eyes. 
“You were doing so well. You need to refocus, angel. We can study more together, you’ll get there.”
“You fail me for no reason”. Well, there was a reason. “I thought you were my friend.”
“I am your friend, honey.” His grip suddenly turns painful, causing her to squirm but he keeps her face still up towards him. 
“Is he your friend too?” 
“What are you talking about?”
The sound of footsteps echoing through the concrete building forced Coriolanus to release his hold. He would have trouble explaining to the school board why he thought this position was appropriate. 
Another female student in tall heels makes her way up the slope. She had large headphones on that quieted the awful sound of her heels meeting the concrete floor, but it drowned further conversation between the two. 
With Coriolanus off her, she unlocks her car, throwing her bag into the passenger seat. 
“I won’t waste any more of your time, Professor Snow. Thank you for your help.”
If the other student had walked any faster, Coriolanus would have thrown open her car door and yanked her out. But even with the students' large headphones if she decided to scream it would be heard. So he steps out of the way, watching the sleek car go. He was left with an empty feeling and a quiet rage. 
He taps his pen against his desk while his other hand is pressed against his lips, propping him up. He had expected her to make her way to him by now. He had sent her a reminder message that their study session was still on. 
He knew she would be here. She told him she hated studying at home. Her parents always distracted her. They loved their daughter and never put too much value on her schooling. Their money would take care of her before her husband came along. Her father would be happy for her to never marry and stay in the home, but he knew that he wouldn’t be around forever, and there would be a need to have someone else to look after her. 
Coriolanus knew that they only bothered to send their daughter to University as a hunting ground for eligible bachelors. While not the intended fish, Coriolanus was certain he could win over her parents. But first, he had to win her over. And she was making it very difficult by not keeping their plans. 
She was at the library, he was certain. Only 100 yards from his office. She would sit there until her assignment was done. He was sure to fail it again. 
His chair scrapes against the floor as he pushes it back. He storms through the University without coming across another soul. It was late Saturday, and students and academics had long started their weekend. It was perfect for him. He wouldn’t mind if everyone else in the world died, so long as it left him and his girl. It was a sunny day, the temperature warm enough to stay outside in it. Once he found her, he would suggest that they lay a blanket on the field. 
The library was dead. Capitol students were more interested in the social life of the University rather than the academic. He had expected that it was only her there, head burrowed into a book with her usual perplexed expression.
But through the book stands, he could see her sitting next to the boy from his class. They sat close together with books, coffee, and pens scattered over the table. 
“Trust me, he wants you to write more formally. Try this-” she transcribes his words onto her paper and Coriolanus makes himself known. 
“This is academic misconduct. You both could be expelled from the University.” 
Maybe that’s what she needed. Her family would surely shun her and with no earning potential of her own, it would drive her into his arms. 
“I was just helping.”
“You were just completing her assignment for her.” 
She shook her head, going to speak, “No-”
“Shut up,” he spat. 
He points to the young boy, “I want to speak to her alone. Leave.” 
They both wait until the boy is far enough so their conversation won’t be heard. 
She looks at Coriolanus with hopeful eyes. 
“Sir, I-”
“You fucking slut.” 
“Excuse me?” She asks, shocked. 
“Whoring yourself out for an assignment. What would your parents think?” 
She stands up behind the table, scooping her things into her arms. 
“How dare you suggest that. He was helping me because you suck at your job.”
He crosses the table and grabs her by the arm to stop her from leaving. 
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Home.” She tugged against his hold but she was only a young woman, barely an adult, and he was a full-grown man. 
“We are going to the Dean, and you can explain to him that the reason you cheated is because he hired me.”
He doesn’t let go of her arm, using it to lead her to his car. She doesn’t fight him. She was too stupid to realize that the Dean wouldn’t hear concerns of academic misconduct on a Saturday. Or that Coriolanus had darker intentions than penalizing her for colluding with another student. 
He drove too fast through the city. Her hands clenched his leather seats but she said nothing to him the entire journey. When they arrive at his skyrise and the gates open to his carport, she sobers to the idea that she might be in danger. 
“Where are we?” She asks as he parks the car.
“Get out of the car,” he demands, unclipping his seat belt. 
She follows him willingly into the elevator and up to his penthouse. 
“Professor Snow, why are we here?” 
He slams the door shut behind her and uses the solidified door to push her up against it. 
“You are so fucking dumb, you know that? I’ve never seen anymore more undeserving of a place at the University than you.” 
He had his hand on her neck to keep her there but added no pressure to hurt her. 
“What was your plan with that boy? Use him to graduate and then get knocked up by him? Force him to marry you?”
“No! I didn’t have a plan. We’re just friends.” Her small hands go up around his wrists. 
“Well, I don’t like you being ‘just friends’ with him. You’re never to see him again.” 
She nodded as much as she could in her position. 
“Okay, sir. Just please let me go. My family are expecting me home.”
Now that she was here, he didn’t like the idea of any other place being her home.
“Take your phone out of your pocket and tell your parents that you’re spending the weekend at Sophie's.” 
Sophie was her best friend. She spoke of her often but Coriolanus had never met her. 
She does as she was told, and Coriolanus leans in closer to watch her type the message on the family group chat. She was an adult and could stay where she pleased, so long as it was a preapproved place by her father, and Sophie’s was. 
He takes the phone, pocketing it and releasing her from the door. 
Her hand reached back to open it but the lock sprang up. 
“Why did I have to tell them that?” She questions. 
He knew now, and forever more, he was going to have to spell things out for her.
“We’ve had a terrible fight and now just need time to regather ourselves.” 
He walks towards the open kitchen expecting her to follow. 
“I am sorry. You can tell the Dean. I’ll be expelled for misconduct.” 
“You think I care about academic misconduct? What do you think we were doing these past few weeks? I was doing your homework.” 
She followed him to the kitchen now, and he could feel her presence behind him as he reached into the fridge for one of the fizzy drinks she liked. He stocked up in case she ever did decide to come over. 
“What are you doing? Let me out then.” 
He cracked open the tin and took a sip. It was sweet and too bubbly for his liking. 
“Your parents sent you to school to find a husband. I think it’s time you found one.”
“I told you, I wasn't flirting with him!” She protested. 
“Me, you dumb girl.” 
She looked taken back. She steps back away from him, her eyes wide and frightened. 
“You? Professor Snow-”
“I think given everything, you can call me Coriolanus, sweetheart.” 
She retreats to the living room to create some distance. 
“I am sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.” 
He scoffs at her, placing the can on the kitchen island and following her to where she stood. 
“I won’t tell anyone about this,” she offers, “Just open the door.”
He chooses to sit, pulling her down on top of him. Her dress rises up to her thighs and he takes a second to run his hands up and down them. He helps her position her legs around his waist before holding her down by her hips.
“You don’t find me handsome, is that it?” He asks. He saw the way she looked at him when she thought he couldn’t see her. He knew she wasn’t immune to his natural good looks. 
“Please, Professor Snow. I just want to go home.” 
“Oh, love. You’re going to be staying here now with me, darling.” 
“No. No I can't, I have to go home.” 
Coriolanus shakes his head. “This is your home now, beautiful.”
He really hated to see her cry.
“Everything’s going to be fine, sweetheart. Don’t cry.” He reaches up and wipes the tears as they fall. 
Her jewelry jingles as she runs her hands through her hair. For the first time, it bothered Coriolanus. It felt as though the jewelry was symbolic of her father's hold over her. She was Coriolanus' property now. Her chains belonged to him. 
He began by sliding her gold bangles off her wrists and unclipping the delicate bracelets that hid in between them. He let them fall around him, unbothered. She doesn’t stop him as he reaches for her necklace and earrings. 
He smiles up at her now that she is bare from her jewelry. He slides his hands up to the back of her shoulders and pushes her to rest on his chest.  
Coriolanus took the week off work to help her settle. He woke up early this morning next to her and went to get her favorite breakfast sandwich from a nearby café. 
The line was long so when he returned home, he knew she would be up. 
“Are you hungry, petal? I got us some food,” he calls out.  
He places the food on the table, upon hearing no reply. 
“Petal?” He calls. “Sweetheart?” 
He searches his apartment to find her sitting by the door to the greenhouse, crying. He crouches down next to an expensive marble statue that she had used as a battering ram. 
“Well, why did you break it if you didn’t want it broken?” He spoke to her as if he was speaking to a child. 
“It wouldn’t break,’’ she sobbed. “I couldn’t get it to crack open.”
He taps against the reinforced glass that has only minor cracks. 
“It’s tough,” he consoles. If anyone else would have broken his things, he would have gone berserk, but she had free reign to smash and destroy what she liked. 
“Come here,” he picks her up by her arms, forcing her to her feet and back into the bedroom. 
“I want to go home to my parents,” she cried. 
“I am not keeping you from your parents, petal” he says, placing her back into bed, “We’ll go visit them when you feel better.”
She curls into her side and he places himself behind her, halfway on top of her so he could speak gently into her ear. 
“Don’t you want me to take care of you? Make your father proud of the man you’ve chosen? All your parents want is for you to be married. You could give it to them and never have to worry about a single thing again.” 
She uncurls herself slightly, encouraging him to keep going. 
“I’ll make sure you pass all your classes. Have the finest things. All you need to do is be my good little girl. So easy, even you could do it.” 
He knew she had deep anxiety about the future. He could offer her a world, where all of the if’s were disintegrated. She was interested in it, flipping on her back to look up at him. 
“We’ll wait until you graduate to announce our relationship. We’ll tell your parents tonight.” He wanted to strike while she was still in a deluded state. “You’ll move in. Become my personal assistant after graduation. You said you wanted to help people. Help me. Your dad will be so proud of you.” 
He clouded her mind. It was an easy way out from everything that troubled her, offered by a man who she had crushed on but never thought she could have. 
She nods her head, even before she was aware of it. Only the crushing feeling of his lips against hers brought her head movements to attention. 
They both returned to the classroom on Thursday for the final exam. Her mind knew that Coriolanus was not right in the head. That he couldn’t love like a normal person. But it was too late. Her parents approved of the relationship. Her father was glad that it was an older, successful man rather than an immature young boy. And her mother was glad that he was handsome and rich. It would disappoint them, despite the circumstances of the relationship, to break it off. Coriolanus had already promised them a wedding by the end of the following year. Coriolanus acted indifferent to her in class, not even looking at her as he placed the exam paper down in front of her. It was already filled out with the answers. All she had to do was sit there for an hour pretending. Nevertheless, that night they celebrated her achievement. Coriolanus told her how smart she was, and that her grades placed her at the top of his class. And his work ensured that she at least passed the rest of hers. The rest of the school year was spent organizing a graduation party while Coriolanus handed in work with her name on it. This life was easy, but came at a price. Her life was no longer hers. Coriolanus played with it like a doll. 
Everything was done together or not at all. He considered her his, and as such, expected everything she did to be run past him first. 
“Yes, Professor Snow.” She would tease him when he gave her an outright demand, instead of dressing it up with sweet talk. 
He left his position at the University to his successor, much like Dr Gaul did. He had bigger things to focus on. His presidential run and growing family took precedence over teaching military theory and the likes of Hobbes and Rousseau. He laughed at her when she failed to remember the ideas of Hobbes. His dumb, naive little girl never had to worry about the state of warre that plagued mankind. He would protect her from humanity in its entirety. 
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 days
Lonelier in Misery
Part 2 of Lonely in Misery
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!paramedic!reader
Summary: After you first date with Tim, you decide to keep your relationship from Nolan and Bailey for as long as possible.
Warnings: brief angst, fluff
Word Count: 1.7k+ words
A/N: Titles are hard sometimes. This is one of those times.
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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The morning after your first date with Tim, feigning your continued misery isn’t hard. You miss him already, even though it’s been less than twelve hours since he kissed you and turned your world on its axis. He changed everything, and you never want to go back to how it was before. Now your absent smile and downcast demeanor are because you miss Tim; you miss someone rather than not having anyone. It’s a nice change, but you’re still craving another kiss.
When you arrive at work, Bailey runs across the station to meet you. She pulls you into a tight hug, and you slowly wrap your arms around her in return.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispers. “I thought it would work out with Tim.”
“Oh,” you murmur as you realize she’s still making assumptions based on your text from last night. “Right.”
“Don’t take this as a sign or anything, though. I promise I will do better next time! Just tell me what you did and didn’t like.”
“Bailey, you don’t have to set me up again.”
“No, you need someone. I hate seeing you like this. Being lonely sucks, and with our job, we deserve to have a person to go home to.”
“I agree, but a blind date isn’t-“
“You have to give me another chance. Nolan has more friends, plenty that aren’t cops, so I can find you the right guy.”
Bailey turns when the battalion chief calls her name, and you’re left alone again. You’ll have to convince her not to set you up on another date later. The problem is that you can’t tell her why, not unless you want her to insert herself into your relationship with Tim. Bailey is great, she’s your best friend, but she meddles.
You sigh as you pull your phone out. Tim has responded to your good morning text, so you send a quick warning: Bailey wants to set me up on another date since last night ‘didn’t work out’
Tim answers quickly, and his message brings a smile to your face.
Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle all the dates from now on.
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While you avoid answering Bailey’s questions, Tim is dealing with his own line of inquiries about the date last night.
“How did it go? You like her, right? I know you’ve met before,” Nolan asks quickly.
“It was fine,” Tim answers.
“Fine… Is that it? I don’t get more details?”
Tim shrugs and repeats, “It went fine.”
Nolan tosses his hands up in exasperation. Tim won’t elaborate, he already knows that, but he needs to know if he and Bailey were right about their idea that you and Tim would be perfect for one another.
“Sergeant Grey!” Nolan calls. “Bradford and I can deliver the safety brochures to the police station.”
“You want to do a rookie’s assignment for them?” Grey asks, his skepticism audible.
“Yes, sir.”
“Yeah. I know you’re just going to visit Bailey, though, you’re not smooth, Nolan.”
“Never expected to be. Thank you, sir!” Nolan turns to Tim to say, “Let’s go.”
“Why?” Tim asks.
“Because I want to hear from both of you. Fine isn’t good enough.”
Tim grumbles as he follows Nolan to the shop. “I’m driving,” he yells when he catches up.
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You’re restocking an equipment kit near the open garage door when a police car parks outside. As you set your gear aside, you see Tim exit the driver’s seat. You smile at him, but he shakes his head just before you see Nolan on the other side. It’s not a friendly visit, then.
“Good morning,” Tim greets. “We are here to drop off these public safety cards.”
“Great. Thanks,” you reply as you take them.
Your fingers brush over Tim’s and you feel the same jolt as when he kissed you last night.
“Where’s Bailey?” Nolan asks.
“Kitchen, I think,” you answer.
He nods to thank you, then walks past the fire engines to find Bailey. You raise your brows and look at Tim, but he just sighs. It’s not far-fetched to assume Nolan gave him treatment similar to the one you got from Bailey.
“Alright,” Nolan calls. He returns with Bailey beside him, and you sigh with Tim this time. “Let’s get to the bottom of this.”
“What happened last night, Tim?” Bailey asks. “You get to the restaurant, and?”
“She’s not who I expected,” Tim answers. He glances at you quickly, and you immediately decide to play along.
“Exactly,” you agree. “Blind date usually implies that you don’t know the person. We’ve met before.”
“Okay, but there’s no animosity or anything. You get along,” Nolan argues. “So, why’d you leave just as sad as when you got there?”
“Because I was still lonely,” you answer.
It’s not a lie. Neither you nor Tim will lie, but you’re going to answer the questions without admitting that they were right. They’ll never let you live it down if they can take credit for your relationship with Tim.
“I just don’t understand why you didn’t enjoy yourselves,” Bailey says. “But your relationships are your decisions. And I already have another guy lined up that I want you to meet.”
You open your mouth to argue, but Tim winks at you before you speak. He told you not to worry about it, so you won’t.
“We need to get back to the station if you’re done with the interrogation,” Tim tells Nolan.
“Sure, yeah,” Nolan responds.
You wave discreetly as Tim leaves, and your internal countdown to when you’ll see him again resumes.
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As you walk out of the fire station after your shift ends, your phone rings.
“Hi,” you answer.
“Hi,” Tim repeats. “Are you off?”
“I am. I’m leaving right now.”
“Then you should come over for dinner.”
“I’d love that.”
Tim texts you his address, and you smile for the entire trip to his house. When he opens the door and pulls you into a hug, you feel complete again.
“Whoa, it smells amazing in here. Are you cooking?” you ask.
“Maybe,” Tim answers. “That depends on if you have any stereotypical views that I can’t because I’m a man and a cop.”
“I think you can do everything and look good doing it,” you reply happily.
“Then, yes, I’m cooking. And thank you.”
You follow Tim into the kitchen and settle at his side as he finishes preparing the meal. Everything looks great, but you’d do just about anything as long as you were with Tim.
“I’m sorry if I pushed everything too far today. I know we don’t want them in our business, but if you want me to stop covering things up, I will,” Tim offers.
“You didn’t go too far. I thought it was kind of fun. Plus, I like being with you, even if we are lying to my best friend.”
“Lying,” Tim scoffs.
“By omission, yeah.”
Tim rolls his eyes but tugs you closer to kiss you. His hands rest on your cheeks and as you move with him, you know that it is impossible to feel sad or lonely around Tim Bradford.
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Two days later, you find yourself pacing beside your ambulance. Tim texted this morning, just: I won’t answer for a while.
There hasn’t been anything on the news or the radio channels about big police operations, so you’re left to worry about him with nothing more to go on. You try to convince yourself that he’s just in a meeting or on patrol with someone, so he can’t use his phone, but then your mind wanders to a dangerous situation where using his phone could get him killed.
“Oh no,” Bailey murmurs. “Are you okay?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” you answer, snapping yourself out of your thoughts. “I’m just stressing. For no reason.”
“Get your stuff.”
“What? Why?”
“You need a distraction, and John Nolan is my favorite distraction. Tag along with me?”
You consider it for a moment. If you stay here, you’ll just be worried and alone. “Yes, please,” you decide.
When Bailey parks at the Mid-Wilshire station, you follow her inside and force yourself not to check your phone again. Tim will reach out when he can. Someone calls your name, and both you and Bailey stop.
“Hi, Detective Lopez,” you greet when you see Angela.
She hugs you tightly as she says, “Stop, it’s Angela. Especially now that you’re dating my BFF.”
“What?” Bailey interrupts.
Angela’s eyes widen, and she whispers, “I’m so sorry. I thought everyone knew. He told me, so I just assumed.”
Bailey says your name and points at you, ready to accuse you of lying to her and keeping secrets. Before she can, Nolan yells, “Why?!” from somewhere else in the station.
A few seconds later, he walks into the bullpen with Tim following closely behind him. Tim is talking, sternly and meanly, based on his stance. Nolan sees you and Bailey and quickens his pace.
“Bailey,” he begins.
“I know!” she replies. “They’re liars.”
“Why would you lie about that?” Nolan asks.
Tim steps to your side as you answer, “Technically, we didn’t lie. We answered your questions.”
“You just didn’t ask the right questions,” Tim agrees. “Which is part of your job, Nolan.”
“No, no, no. Don’t make this about me,” Nolan argues.
“Wait, so then are you going out again?” Bailey asks.
“And did you actually consider that to be a date? Enjoy it and everything?” Nolan adds.
Tim takes your hand as they continue asking questions, and you wave kindly to Angela as he leads you away. You smile as you follow him blindly. Once he has you away from the bullpen and the endless questions, he stops and pulls you close.
“Are you okay?” you ask. “I’ve been worried.”
“I’m sorry. I got called into a meeting to consult on a UC operation. Everything is confidential, so I couldn’t have my phone on me.”
“I’m not mad. I feel much better now that I know you’re okay.”
“It’s Friday,” he reminds you. “We have another date tonight.”
You nod, and Tim moves his hands, one on your waist and one on your jaw. He dips his chin and kisses you in the empty hallway, and you wonder what did it feel like to be miserable again?
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luvj4key · 3 days
sweet impulses - yjw
pairing - bf!jungwon x f!reader genre - drabble, fluff, established relationship wc - 612 warning(s) - skinship, kissing 🎐⋆⭒˚。⋆ tiana's note 🎀 - this has me sick. i need a man saur bad. also, your girl's back <3 ✧˖° ... (library)
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jungwon is usually good at holding himself back from acting on his impulsive thoughts - well, he claims to but you don't believe it for a second. but when it comes to you? he's letting them win in a heartbeat. he will give up everything on the spot for you. so when he saw you sitting at your desk, completely immersed in the book you were reading, he knew he had to approach you.
you suddenly feel a pair of lips on yours. surprised, you glanced up, meeting eyes with jungwon who had a grin on his face. "may i help you?" you smiled while asking, raising an eyebrow.
"no need for help. you just looked very kissable." he answered. “i needed to kiss you.” he added.
“really? how?” you chuckle, bookmarking your book, "i'm just sitting and reading my book." 
"did you know you pout when you're concentrated? i think it's the cutest thing ever," he points out, leaning against your desk, "does that answer your question for you?”
"do i really? there's no way." you said in disbelief. to jungwon's amusement, you unconsciously started to pout as you tried to recall any moments where you did make that face. you stopped, growing conscious, "i'm doing it now, aren't i?"
"absolutely," he cooed, leaning over to pinch your cheeks to which you whine, trying to swat his hands away, "never beating the cutie allegations."
rolling your eyes, you scoffed, "yeah, yeah are you done yet? 
“why should i be? i’m your boyfriend, it’s my job to smother you.” he replied in a matter-of-fact way.
“smothering, huh? is that what you call it?” you jokingly remarked.
“uh yeah?” he raised an eyebrow, “what’s your version of smothering?”
you give him a mischievous smile before getting up and launching yourself into jungwon’s arms. catching him off guard, the two of you nearly lose your balance however, jungwon was quick to regain his footing. "careful there” he chuckled, patting your head affectionately. 
wrapping your arms around his neck, you surprised him by attacking his face with kisses all over. a warm smile grows on his face and when you finally reach his lips, you give him a small smile before melting into a tender kiss. he pulls you in closer by the waist, not wanting to let go.
jungwon could go for hours kissing you. to jungwon, you are addictive - like a drug he refuses to quit. he’s always left wanting more from you. 
when you finally part for air, you catch jungwon’s gentle gaze - you didn’t miss the great amount of love he had in them. your smile grew bigger as you moved closer and nudged your nose against his, knowing how weak he gets when you do that. a faint blush spread throughout his cheeks. “are you done reading?” he asks softly.
you pretended to think, “hm…yeah i’m done,” tilting your head to the side, you asked, “why-“
suddenly, you feel yourself being lifted off the ground causing a surprised yelp to leave your mouth, “we’re going to bed.” jungwon says, walking towards your bed.
“but it’s the afternoon?” he gently places you on the bed to which you get under the covers without any protests.
“so? we can cuddle and rot in bed together, just for awhile.” he insists, climbing into bed and pulling you closer to him. as you lay your head on his chest, you feel his steady heartbeat and you can already feel the sleepiness creeping in. 
“see? this isn’t so bad now, is it?” he whispers softly, his hand gently stroking your arm, as the two of you slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
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thank you for reading! reblogs and feedback would be very much appreciated <3
©luvj4key 2024. all work is written by me. do not copy or repost
taglist (open): @j-jinxee @j4keluver @suneng @ikeuzsn
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franzkafkagf · 2 days
The fact that Aegon loving his children it’s even book canon. TGC is describing Aegon’s personality as it is hinted in the book and yet people is mad.
Tom literally acknowledges he is not a good parent but he loves his children.It makes total sense that he would have a complicated relationship with fatherhood based on how his father treated him. Or that in his mind, he wants to be better than Viserys.
Thank you anon! You're exactly right, we've always known from the book that he loved his children. Adding onto that is that we have barely seen 20 minutes of Aegon until now, if the early reviews are true we'll get 15 minutes of Aegon in the first episode ALONE. Of course we find out much more about the character, we barely know anything about him!
This made me wonder; what do we know about Aegon?
We meet Aegon for the first time in episode 3 of season 1. He is just a two year-old who plays with a wooden dragon toy and yet the older characters around him only see him as a threat, a pawn or, by his father, as a replacement— watching the episode it's clear to me that Viserys wanted Baelon, Aegon cannot be Baelon. It's pretty telling that the only positive on-screen interactions Aegon has with his father are in this episode. He is a little kid still, Viserys can project his wishes and fantasies about Baelon onto him, something he isn't able to do once his son is grown up.
I think it's pretty crucial to understand this part of Aegon's and Viserys' relationship— the perfect ideal of Baelon (he killed the only woman he ever loved for the perfect son; you cannot come back from that) stands between them, like a shadow Aegon could never escape and a standard he could never meet.
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We don't really see Aegon again until episode 6— he is a teenager now and thus a completely different person. The little baby from episode 3 has been shaped by years of neglect, unfulfilled expectations, and the toxic dynamics within the family. What has he become? He is a 15 year old with problematic relationship to alcohol that is used as the punching bag of the family. He jacks off from windows (welcome back Roman Roy!), leers at maids and bullies his younger brother.
Teen Aegon is perceived as a disappointment by his grandfather, who sees him just as a weakling and a pawn to be controlled (a belief he still holds at the start of season 2 apparently). His mother projects her own ambitions, resentments and fears onto him.
These behaviors are all very troubling and someone should've done something to prevent these habits from festering within him; no one did. I honestly feel like no one really cares about him that much.
And yet, there is also so much postitive to be said about this iteration of him too, glimpses of Aegon's potential for goodness and his capacity for loyalty. You might call it naivety, but Aegon seems to believe in the good in people— he trusted Rhaenyra not to hurt him or his brothers if she was to become queen (something I agree with). He also seems to treat his nephews well enough, he doesn't seem to care about the bastard-allegations -> he also seems to be friends with bastards as an adult! Eddard Waters belongs to his entourage, this informs his character— yes he is an entitled prince, but there's also an element to him that is endearingly down-to-earth.
Another notable example is in episode 7, he decided to protect his mother after Aemond blamed him for spreading rumors about his nephews' legitimacy . He never cared about the rumors, yet he stood his ground and shielded his mother when faced with his father's wrath.
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Ty Tennant does such a great job here. The scene highlights his complexity— he is not simply a drunken disappointment, a villain or a victim, but a young man trapped in a situation he doesn't seem to be able to get out of.
When we next see Aegon, he is in his early twenties, and the toll his upbringing took on him is evident. His introduction in episode 8 is a hefty one. He is shown sleeping off a hangover, his drinking habit from his youth has fully established itself in him. His mother yells at him, tries to get him to understand the consequences of his behavior— he has raped a maid, something that, disturbingly, is not new for him. This moment speaks volumes about the man the little boy from episode 3 has become: flawed, morally compromised, and numbed by his vices.
Further even, Aegon engages in activities that reflect a deep-seated cruelty and a disconnection from others— watching toddlers rip each other apart in brutal fights shows his general desensitization and apathy to everything. These behaviors are obviously unacceptable, but this is a fictional character we are talking about and you know what these behaviors tell me about him? These are just manifestation of the dehumanizing effects of his upbringing.
He is desperate to be loved but destined to be hated — Tom Glynn Carney
Because characters can be multi-faceted and complex, Aegon fights off insecurities and still yearns for love and acceptance from those around him. Him acting out like this can be read as misguided attempts to drown out the background noise, to try to assert control in a world where he feels constantly undermined and unloved. However, his actions only serve to alienate him further from the people he wants to be accepted by.
Aegon's aversion to the throne and his rejection of the responsibilities that come with it are just other manifestations of his deep-seated apathy. He despises the very idea of kingship and what it represents. He doesn't want to take up responsibility become a pawn, he yearns to run away but he himself knows that he will never be able to run.
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The carriage ride to the sept and the coronation are gifts that keep on giving. It's all so horribly tragic. He never wanted this. Crowning him will kill him, he knows this is his end deep down!
He is so preoccupied with what his father wanted, Baelon is absolutely still haunting the narrative— his father's desire for him to embody virtues he never possessed or could aspire to (BAELON) are still at the forefront of his thoughts.
As he walks to receive the crown, he is literally crying, this single moment encapsulates it all so well. He is man who, despite his privileged position, is trapped by the very power and responsibility he was born into but never desired for.
But then, at the very end of episode 9, we see a shift in Aegon— something else to him that will be at the forefront of his character in season 2. He finally gets the adoration and the purpose he always sought after with the crown. The moment he realizes that the smallfolk is cheering for him is the moment the apathy that defined him up until now begins to lose its grip, replaced by newfound determination.
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This change in Aegon will be furthered by the death of Jaehaerys, a source of pride and a reminder for him that he is capable to create and care for something precious and pure (thank you TGC) -> I won't go into this deeper, let's wait until the season airs.
In conclusion, a wise woman once said that apathy is death. For so much of his life Aegon embodied apathy, only for the very thing he feared most (kingship) to make him rethink everything. Aegon will be driven by his determination, but this path will lead to his destruction, consuming him until there is barely anything left of him. It will ultimately tear him apart; he is both redeemed and ruined by the weight of a crown he never wanted.
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cosmerelists · 2 days
How Stormlight Characters Would Act With a Bad Cold
As requested by anon. :)
Of course, probably these days none of our main characters would ever have a cold, since they all can either heal with Stormlight or ask someone to do the healing for them.
But let's say they did, somehow, get a bad cold that they could not immediately heal from. How would they act?
1. Kaladin: Insists that he is not sick
Think of how he was with his injured leg in WOR, hobbling about everywhere.
Kaladin: I’m not sick--I feel fine! Teft: ...You have snot streaming down your face. Kaladin: Uh, no, those are just my...tears. Kaladin: Because of, uh, all of my...trauma. Kaladin: [thumbs up] Teft: GO TO BED
2. Dalinar: Insists that he can do his job despite being sick
Dalinar wouldn't lie about being sick. He would also not give up one iota of responsibility.
Dalinar: ..And that (cough) is why (sniff) we must (cough) band together (sniff) to beat (cough) Odium! Dalinar: ... Dalinar: (sniff) Is my gravitas taking a hit?
3. Jasnah: Takes time off
Controversial, but I think Jasnah would take the practical, actually-realistic-and-good attitude toward sickness: aka, stay home until you feel better.
Wit: Don't worry, my love, I have every immunity, so brought you some - Wit: ... Wit: Are you working? Jasnah: What? Don't be ridiculous. Jasnah: This is my recreational research. Jasnah: What?
4. Shallan: Lies in bed, bundled up, making herself feel better through terrible quips
Her hair is frazzled, her eyes red, and she is huddling in a blanket nest of her own design as she coughs and sniffles.
Adolin: Shallan are you, uh, okay? Adolin: You look a bit rough. Shallan: I'm great, thank you. Shallan: I'm practicing for my new position as Highlady of Snot, she who produces Snot for all of the Less Fortunate. Adolin: ...I love you, but what? Shallan: You can't expect me to be all that clever--I'm sick!
5. Navani: Gets through it with the help of her fabrials
Navani isn't going to just tough it out--she has science!
Dalinar: ...Do I want to ask? Navani: Ah, Dalinar! Navani: My snot-fabrial works! Navani: It is attracting all of the snot out of my sinuses, keeping them clear! Dalinar: ...Is that how that works? Navani: Honestly, I'm so feverish that I have no idea! Dalinar: Let's get you to bed!
6. Adolin & Renarin: Always make their mother's chicken soup
Canon or not, I believe that Evi had some sort of "my boys are sick" meal that she made for them, and that Adolin & Renarin always make it for each other if one of them is sick.
Renarin: Here, Adolin. You'll never feel better if you don't eat mother's chicken soup! Adolin: Oh, thank you! I always feel better the next day when I have this! Shallan: I can SMELL the spice from here! Adolin (fondly): Yeah, it's the best.
7. Elhokar: Gets grumpy & melodramatic
Not gonna lie, this is me when I'm sick (I'm so sorry to my loving wife).
Elhokar: I shall cut off my own nose! Elhokar: It is full of snot and I will cut it off of my face to be free! Elhokar: [throwing himself dramatically onto the bed when no one responds] Elhokar: I HATE being SICK
8. Szeth: Believes that his suffering will redeem mankind
My wife got very sick on our honeymoon (pre-covid). I woke up in the middle of the night and she was sitting on the couch. When I asked if she was okay, she said that she had reached enlightenment and that she had taken on the pain of humanity and that her suffering would redeem the world. I gave her Tylenol.
Anyway. That's Szeth.
Kaladin: Uh...Szeth? Why are you sitting in the darkness? Szeth: I have reached enlightenment. Szeth: I suffer for the world. Szeth: My suffering will redeem them all. Kaladin: ...I'm gonna get you something for that fever.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 20 hours
06/06-07/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Guz Khan; Vico Ortiz; Gerard Butler; SaveOFMDCrew #NeverLeft; AdoptOurCrew #SpeakUpMax; Voting: Tell Tale Awards; Voting; British Podcast Awards; Articles; FYC Emmy Nominations; In Person Meeting: Midwest Retreat for Wayward Pirates; Vianton Week; Jeopardy; Fan Spotlight; LoveNotes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys is out at To 29 and Beyond!
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Source: Outpost 29 Palms Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Just a Taika, wearing a Taika (the drink company) Hat. Not gonna lie, I kinda want one now that we are all Taika.
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Source: Taika (the company) Instagram
And then there was the BTS for Rita's new music video. You can see the video here:
Some screen grabs from it:
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== Guz Khan ==
Guz was out doing a live podcast with Adan Buxton tonight!
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico got a hair cut and wanted to share with us the before and afters <3
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Source: Vico's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
So Samba did some hand modeling! But was a bit surprised it was for a leprosy commercial. Very good cause though <3 Thanks Samba
Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
And Samba sending some love to Soprano's Deli out in LA!
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Source: Samba's Instagram
== Damien Gerard ==
Our Father Teach sending more baby cat pics.
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Source: Damien Gerard's Instagram
== SOFMD Crew #NeverLeft Video ==
Our crewmates over at @saveofmdcrewmates put together an informational video about the #NeverLeft campaign going on! It highlights the hypocrisy of Max and corporate pride. Please give it a watch! To learn more, visit their tumblr.
Source: SaveOFMD Crew Youtube
== AdoptOurCrew - Speak Up Max ==
Our crewmates over at @adoptourcrew are sticking it to Max! Their new hashtag is #SpeakUpMax-- Please visit their Tumblr to learn more and learn facts about how Max has been reducing "the amount of diverse and inclusive media and entertainment content available it [their] customers." SpeakUpMax /SpeakUpMax Facts
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Tumblr
== Voting Reminders ==
= Tell Tale TV Awards =
Reminder! The second round of voting for the Tell-Tale TV Awards is open until June 9, 9pm EST! Please be sure to get your votes in every day! Vote here.
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Source: @saveofmdcrewmates Tumblr
= British Podcast Awards =
Hey! More voting opportunities for our dear captain Rhys Darby! If you feel inclined, we'd love it if you'd vote for The Cryptid Factor on the British Podcast Awards to help out Rhys, Dan, and Buttons!
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Source: @ ShellOFMD on Twitter
= More Under the Cut: Long Post is Long =
== Articles ==
The first article tonight has an amazing quote, I highly recommend reading it "Either way, it won't make up for David Zaslav not being hugged enough as a child".
== FYC Emmy Considerations ==
Wondering if your efforts are being noticed? Well so far I've seen Samba, and Con both sharing the Emmy4 graphics everyone's been sharing! Great job everyone! Our friends over at Our Flag Means Fanfiction have this handy calendar on how to keep pushing! Thank you so much crew for continuing to support our cast!
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Source: Our Flag Means Death Instagram
== In Person Meet Ups ==
= Midwest Retreat for Wayward Pirates! =
Are you in the Midwest area of the US? Are you a fan of OFMD? Well good news! August 8th-11th at Camp Dewan in Burlington, WI will be hosting a Gay Pirate Summer Camp! Wanna learn more? Visit their website!
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Source: @ lyndzi's Twitter / @lcwebsxoxo's Twitter
== Vianton Week ==
Hey! Did you know it was Vianton week from June 6th - June 13th? Sure it's not OFMD but as we all know it's a sister-fandom to OFMD so it's getting a highlight! Graphic and info provided by @ viantonweek on Twitter. PS: Happy belated Unholy Masquerade! (06/06)
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Source: ViantonWeek Twitter
== Jeopardy ==
Hey! I bet we could answer this one! Thank you @ Stedecoded_ on twitter for the screencap! They were also kind enough to include the clip here: https://x.com/stedecoded_/status/1799249795816829319
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Source: @ stedecoded_
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards=
More cast cards from @melvisik! The first, Jono Capel-Baker was the unfortunate groom who's wedding was interrupted by "The Devil and the Kids". Tonight's cast card is Amber Templemore one of the many directors on Our Flag Means Death! <3
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== OFMPride Colouring Pages! ==
More Colouring pages by the very kind @patchworkpiratebear being shared by @adoptourcrew!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Happy Frenchie Friday Lovelies! It's finally here! The weekend is here, and if you have the time off, please use it to have some fun and get some rest-- and if you don't, I'm sending so many hugs your way to get through the weekend work week. One of the things that I love so much about this community is seeing so many of you showing yourselves bit by bit over the past many months. Some of you are brand new to the fandom, and some of you have been here for so much longer than many of us have. No matter when you started though, I've seen folks who we don't hear often start to speak up more. I see more and more people who stopped doing gifs/art/fics, or didn't do gifs/art/fics before suddenly sharing their stuff with the community. It's so wonderful to see you bloom in and out of season, did you know that? Some of you don't feel comfortable putting yourself out there that much, but I see you like or reblog on various peoples blogs, or leave a comment here or there. Some of you have started really putting yourself out there bit by bit, in tags, in comments, posting meta, gifs, or fics, or artwork, or sometimes just sending lovely letters through @ofmdlovelyletters (which btw I love yall who run that so much you're such a stellar group and you drive kindness in this fandom to new heights). Some of you are unapologetically loud and yourselves and I love that too. I love every beautiful level of the fans we have here coming in and out and participating and making this fandom such a wonderful place to be in. Every day I continue to marvel at the kindness, and supportiveness, and creativity of this crew... of all the wonderful things your minds come up with, and all the goodness you put into this world. You all have really made my life so much better, and I can't thank you enough for that. I feel richer in mind and spirit because of you all and I'm so happy to get to share this time with you. Thank you to every one of you who makes each day worth coming back for, even if we've never spoken, I hope you know you make all the difference. Love you crew, I hope you have the best of weekends and things are looking up, and if they're not, that they do soon.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's gifs are themed only in that I too want to look a bit more closely at Rhys' outfit. Rhys gif by the glorious @ratchet and Taika Gif by the absolutely amazing @meluli!
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Taika Gif Source: @meluli
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🎈emoji so I’ll see it:
ok so I’m a middle schooler (M), yes I’m 14 (old enough to be on the site) and today we were doing some end of year activities (eg. signing yearbooks, playing games, etc etc). And I was talking to a friend of mine we’ll call her V. Suddenly I was approached by a teacher who said that a kid (let’s say Jessica) wanted to talk to me. I was like “oh ok sure.” Jesica approached me and brought me a card. Now some background on Jessica:
So Jessica is autistic and in all different classes than me. I’ve interacted with her a few times, she seems to have some friends? I don’t really know. In the past I tried to be her friend not knowing she was autistic (this is the possibly asshole part) but her behavior was really strange as she would often say odd things that made me uncomfortable (not perverted or anything but just really awkward) and would really kinda creep me out so once my class with her was over I never spoke to her unless she initiated it which only happened once or twice. Another thing that really bothers me is that I co-lead our showchoir group with V and another student and it’s a difficult job that requires a lot of participation and effort from all the members. Yet Jessica hardly ever does anything, she just sits in a chair half the time while everyone else is working hard. I know that it’s a spectrum and not all autistic ppl are the same but there’s two other autistic dudes who both work super hard and help out a ton!
Anyway she insisted that it had to be a surprise and told me to close my eyes and put out my hands. I absolutely hate closing my eyes in public due to the worry that someone will touch me while my eyes are closed but I didn’t wanna upset her so I did it anyway. When I opened my eyes she’d placed a folded over piece of paper in my hands. She’d written a card in pink magic marker, it was almost illegible so all I could make out was “my full name and grade, the date, summer (have a good summer?), and school. She asked me to read it out loud so I mumbled a bunch of sounds together to make it seem like I was reading it even though I couldn’t tell what it said on account of the handwriting. She seemed satisfied so I thanked her telling her how much I appreciated and moved to leave when she said “and what do we say?” Confused I said “thank you”. I think that was the right answer? She then put out a hand toward me which is a pretty normal gesture in our school meaning you want the other person to dap you up. So I did, to which she seemed confused and tried to shake my hand. She then said “don’t I get a hug? You have to hug me right?” I HATE hugs. It brings back traumatic memories and I really really could not bring myself to hug her epesecially since I didn’t know her well. “I told her I’m sorry but I don’t do hugs. I just really don’t like them.” She looked disappointed at that and then said “that was really sweet of me right, writing you a letter?” I didn’t know how to reply to that so I said “yeah it’s great.” She replied saying I had to right her back and that I should “write it at home and give it to her the next day”. Knowing I’d forget, I just grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it to her right there. It was a simple paragraph on a different sheet of paper with the usual stuff, “have a good summer, you’re really cool, good luck in hs” the kind of stuff you write in someone’s yearbook. she seemed satisfied and she put her hand out again so I dapped her up again. She then shook my hand vigorously and walked away saying she’d see my tommorow.
I hated everything about this encounter but I still feel like I did a good job being nice and stuff even though I have a hard time being patient with people that pressure me to do things (eg. Writing her another letter, hugging, affirming her over and over, the handshake thing). Idk V said it was a strange situation and I handled it fine but again was not hugging her bad of me? Or like did I mess up in some other way? I have no beef with autistic people at all and I’m friends with a few of them but is it wrong of me to just not like her?
Also thanks for reading all that but if it was too long:
TLDR: autistic girl wanted me to hug her as thanks for her writing me a letter and I declined, aita?
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sarnai4 · 3 days
The Real Deal
The Penguins of Madagascar is a great show for many reasons, but I feel like one is very underrated. Despite being a comedy, it has good villains. I have seen series where the comedy becomes a bigger part, so villains are written as playful obstacles or too silly to really be taken seriously. That does not happen here.
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Hans is a villain who not only acts as an antagonist for the show, but he also connects to Skipper's past, adding new layers to the already mysterious nature of the Denmark incident. Because of whatever happened, Hans is that type of villain who won't kill the heroes. He even mentions how he didn't want to fry Skipper in a real volcano. He just wants to make him miserable. These villains are so dangerous because death isn't their goal. In a sense, torture is.
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Dr. Blowhole is on the other end of this. He makes it very clear that he wants Skipper dead. Between making him even "most importantly" forget how to swim (as he falls into the ocean, mind you), this dolphin has a penguin-seeking middle. He has plans to make the world suffer for his pain and will destroy anyone in his path.
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Rat King is a surprisingly fun villain to me. He easily could have just been the dumb jock kind of enemy who's basically an older version of a high school bully. Despite that, he's pretty clever too, shown when he hustled the penguins out of their habitat. He's also way more ruthless than I gave him credit for being. He had a vat of acid somehow and was going to use it to kill them.
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Kuchikukan was not a villain I ever expected to see in the series. Evil spirits weren't on my radar, but this is probably the only time I won't complain about their presence. He was so much fun! He mastered the combination of "light-hearted jokester who messes with the mere mortals" and "all-powerful being who can and will destroy the Earth." That's not an easy balance to strike. It's such a great time to watch him go from an almost laughable threat due to his host body, then show how much he can still do. By the time the episode is over, I know why he was able to destroy a world inside of a cheese loaf.
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Blue Hen was a nice way to give the penguins a psychological threat. She knew how to come after them where it mattered most. Go after Kowalski's obsession with science and go after Skipper's position as leader. It's a shame that she only was in season 3 because it would have been fun to see what else she did with more time.
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Last, but certainly not least, X. Just X because he's been an animal control officer, zookeeper, exterminator, fishmonger, storekeeper, and unemployed. Of them all, he is my favorite. I love this character so much. He's also got something going for him that I feel is unique to him. You can see the downward spiral of X throughout each episode he's in. Gradually, he becomes more and more unhinged. It makes sense that he's one of the only human villains because he's so competent that he doesn't even need to know what the penguins are saying in order to stop them from doing everything they want. He just was the pinnacle of competency to the point of even freaking Skipper out because he kept failing against him in the zookeeper episode. Through it all, we see X go from this super officer of animal control, then more and more, he loses it because of the penguins. He even gets a cameo in an episode where he's just throwing chopsticks of a poster with the penguins on it and is later shown to have bowling pins painted as penguins. I almost feel bad for him since he really did want to just do his job, but there comes a point when you have to relinquish your obsessions and he's an example of why.
The other villains were also fun to me, but these were my favorites. PoM didn't have to try hard with its villains, but they still did and I really appreciate that.
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xoxochb · 7 hours
Heyooo!!!!! 🫶🏻 could I request a leo x reader where the reader’s on the lifeguard stand and he’s just flirting with her. He just keeps finding excuses to come up to you and starts acting like an idiot in the ocean so you pay attention to him 😭 He’s totally the kinda guy to pretend to drown so he can get a ‘kiss’ lol
The others are like dude she’s just gonna ignore you, but the reader actually starts to flirt back. (Maybe they’re already friends or maybe not idk) And it’s just the two of them going back and forth with bad pick-up lines and stuff
Just a cute story about how the two got together ☀️🏖️
oh, he looks so cute wrapped around my finger
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warnings: kissing, but it’s nothing graphic
pairing: leo valdez x fem lifeguard reader
summary: kind of what the request said, but I added some of my own ideas with it
A/N: I’m not sure if I like this tbh 😭
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“you wanna hear a pickup line?”
you sigh when you hear the voice, “sure”
“you must be the reason for global warming because you’re hot”
“I’m flattered” you roll your eyes
“wait I have another one”
“of course you do”
“are you the eiffel tower? because I fell (eiffel) for you”
“leo, that’s so overused” you run your fingers down your face
“I’ve got another-”
you cut him off “no you don’t”
he sighs “wanna swim with me?”
“I’m on duty” you cross your arms
“you could always take a break” he suggested
“and lose my job? I don’t think so” you remarked
“okay… well I’ll just swim by myself I guess” he kicks the sand
“okay” you state
he walks away, and you know is plan. He’s done it many times, he’s going to pretend to drown so you can save him
you watch as he tries to pretend that he can’t swim, occasionally falling into the water, and with a sigh you get up from your seat and walk to the shore
when you get there you see him come up from the water, coughing, and when he sees you he starts fake coughing more
“y/n” he says between coughs “I can’t breathe, I think I need mouth to mouth”
“oh yes, I think that’s a good idea, let me come to you” you walk over to him in the water
once your close enough to him you put your hands on his shoulders, and you know your plan is working when he leans in, thinking his plan will work
you place a hand over his mouth, “you earn it”
he takes your hand away and frowns “I’ll do anything”
“anything?” you smirk
he averts his gaze from your eyes to your lips, “yes”
“go underwater for one minute without coming up for air” you say quietly
he thinks for a second, “I’ll do it”
“great!” you clap your hands
he takes a deep breath and then he goes underwater. After thirty seconds he comes up for air
“was that a minute?” he asks smiling
“thirty seconds” you reply
“then I earn half a prize?” he requests
“that’s not how it works, try again”
and he does
six more times, and when he reaches the seventh time he finally reaches sixty seconds
“I did it! do I earn a kiss now?” he smiles
“It’s not that simple” you laugh
he fakes a pout
“I don’t feel bad for you”
he pretends to fake cry
“don’t be stupid leo” you smack his head
“this is unfair, I almost drowned and this is how I’m treated?” he says
“cry me a river”
“just one kiss, that’s it” he says
you sigh and think for a second. who are you to say no to him? after a year of him doing everything in his power to win you over, which includes him risking his life, he deserves this.
you kiss him, and you swear you’ve never seen anyone so eager to kiss back in your life
after a few seconds you try to pull away but he quickly tangles his hand in your hair to keep you close, and you let him, you’ve secretly wanted this since you met him
you wrap your arms around his neck and he moves his arms to your waist. you knew you only agreed to one kiss but you’ve yearned for this, and he earned it after all those months
you begin to wonder why you waited this long, but at this point nothing else matters but the boy who’s lips are pressed to your own
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morallyinept · 5 hours
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Shoot: So It Goes Magazine, published online 28th September 2016
Photographer: Victoria Stevens
Interviewer: David Benioff
Grooming: KC Fee
Full interview, behind the scenes, outtakes & shoot photographs below. 👇🏻
Jett's Pedro Shoots Masterlist
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• Shoot photographs & outtakes
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• BTS video clips via stylist Ashley Pruitt
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• Full Interview
We jumped at the chance to listen in as Game of Thrones co-creator David Benioff got the low-down from actor Pedro Pascal ahead of the launch of Season 2 of Narcos on Netflix.
The pair let us in on how Pascal ended up on Game of Thrones, walking the line between reality and fiction in Narcos and working on upcoming Chinese epic The Great Wall.
DAVID: Hi Pedro. So what’s the best way for us to destroy your career once and for all?
PEDRO: I figured you would know, that’s why I asked you to do this interview.
DAVID: I feel like some good anti-semitic commentary could do it.
PEDRO: I’ll leave that to you.
DAVID: I can’t do it, I’m Jewish! Shall we begin at the beginning, Pedro? Tell me - how did you escape from Orange County?
PEDRO: Well we moved there in ’86 or’ 87, I was turning 12 and I had to attend Corona del Mar High School from 7th to 12th grade. I don’t know how else to tell it other than the 7th and 8th grade being truly dark years in sunny Orange County - which inspired a blossoming drama nerd. After the 8th grade, I just didn’t fit in. My sister did though.
DAVID: I know your sister, she’s really fun and cool.
PEDRO: I wasn’t fun and cool. Or I just didn’t know how to fake it yet.
DAVID: I’m picturing one of those California schools where everyone’s beautiful, and everyone’s tanned and you - were you a punk rocker back then?
PEDRO: No, I was just the kid crying because, like, Empire of The Sun didn’t get nominated for Best Picture… everyone was like, ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’
DAVID: Which is a crime, by the way, it’s one of Spielberg’s best movies.
PEDRO: I was the one buying the soundtrack, and people would catch me on my walkman listening to that weird Danish song from Empire of The Sun. So my mom found out about a performing arts programme - Orange County School of the Arts - that you had to audition to get in. I ended up going to high school in Long Beach and commuting like 40 minutes every day and essentially spending four years outside of Newport Beach in a more middle-class kind of environment. I got into NYU - I begged my parents to let me go, and I won that fight so I ended up in New York in ’93 and sort of got stuck here.
DAVID: So what happened in ’93? You started getting jobs, did you get an agent quickly? What was the path?
PEDRO: I started auditioning right away and I signed with some representation while I was in school. I graduated and I didn’t get hired for anything at all – I was a waiter, I was getting fired left and right. Despite not fitting in in Orange County, it had definitely made me quite sheltered. Seriously, I got fired from maybe 17 places in about a year and a half.
DAVID: All restaurants?
PEDRO: Restaurants, cafés, coffee shops…
DAVID: Was it incompetence, or being rude to management, or showing up late? What got you canned?
PEDRO: All of the above. Incompetence mostly.
DAVID: And was it around this time that you met Sarah Paulson [American Horror Story]?
PEDRO: Yeah, she was one of my first friends in New York. That’s where I was really lucky, in New York I made a sort of family of friends right away. It definitely built a great foundation in New York City and they’re still my friends to this day.
DAVID: So, aside from Christian Bale in Empire, who were the people you were watching and thinking, ‘Fuck, I wanna be like that guy?’
PEDRO: I was watching everything. I started to consume voraciously very early as a viewer and a reader. It’s funny, as an actor, once you get some exposure people ask you what are your interests? What do you do? And you feel like such a loser, because you’re like I don’t do anything! I’m not athletic, I haven’t developed any intense interest in, like, scuba diving, or spelunking - I still just watch TV and read books and that’s how I was as a kid. When I couldn’t make friends in Orange County, I started reading and renting videos voraciously. And I got into the classics, I had an early obsession with Marlon Brando, James Dean, and reading American and English playwrights, like Pinter. Which, come on, I didn’t understand at all. But it was still very entertaining to imagine myself as one of the characters on the stage. So Empire of the Sun was only one of a basket of Spielberg movies that totally shaped my imagination.
DAVID: Are you campaigning for a job with Stephen Spielberg right now, or…?
PEDRO: (laughs) Definitely
DAVID: Nah, after he hears the anti-Jewish stuff, it’s over. Not gonna happen dude.
PEDRO: Just keep trying to force anti-semitism on me.
DAVID: So now, you’re in New York, getting fired from 17 different restaurants. What was your first big acting break?
PEDRO: That’s what’s funny, I never got a big acting break I guess, in the way that that seems to be understood by the general public. I stuck it out in the theatre and wanted to follow in the footsteps of the people I was inspired by. I was attached to the idea of someone who came from New York theatre - Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro, that whole crew. Unfortunately that romanticism kept me in New York, killing myself trying to pay rent. Finally I got an off Broadway play at Theatre Club - where your wife, Amanda Peet, had her play introduced. I’d say that I stopped waiting tables by the time I was 30? Kept things going, did all the Law & Orders, all the cop shows, The Good Wife, and managed with cheap rent to keep the theatre thing going.
Listen, David, I become very inarticulate talking to you because I know you’re smarter than me. It was a big mistake to have this interview. In fact I’d like to cancel it right now and get someone else. Can we get Dan [Weiss, Game of Thrones]? Wait no, get me one of the kids. (laughs)
DAVID: Anyway, as this is happening… do you have some friends who are starting to succeed or fall by the wayside?
PEDRO: Well, Sarah [Paulson] was one. She got her first job and she never really stopped. She got a guest spot on Law & Order which amazed all of us - we couldn’t believe it. To me that was a very early success that I envied and that inspired me, but I bet if you talked to her she’d say things are finally coming together this year. Which is insane, but I bet that’s how it feels. My first off Broadway play in New York was with Oscar Isaac, freshly out of Juilliard. He seemed like a comet to me, totally leaving me behind. Shooting with Leo DiCaprio, Ridley Scott, then you talk to him now as well and he’s like, ‘Yeah, this year things are coming together.’ This is going to sound so corny but it’s extremely comforting when people you care about are successful. Whether it’s happening to you or not, it feels good when it’s happening for someone you love and respect.
DAVID: Gore Vidal said, ‘A little part of me dies every time a friend succeeds.’
PEDRO: Yeah, but not the two friends I mentioned. (laughs)
DAVID: Did you ever have doubts? Did you think about going and doing something else?
PEDRO: I think it came down to a very simple thing - realising that I’d stuck at something for so long, I’d made the grind and the uncertainty into a familiar thing and it wasn’t too scary any more. The desire to do it started to shape my identity at such an early age, starting with that childhood fantasy of wanting to be in a Spielberg movie - literally lying and telling people that I was the silhouette of Christian Bale in the Empire of the Sun poster. Which is part of why I didn’t make friends.
I started to realise that I didn’t know how to do anything else… That I was fated to be that 73-year-old in the Law & Order casting room furiously trying to remember the words for a 4-line role. That still very well could be me.
DAVID: How did this Game of Thrones thing come about? The people want to know. It’s an interesting story.
PEDRO: I was helping this kid that I was mentoring, and he put himself on tape for this amazing part on your show, which I was already watching. I was initially curious because the script contained one of the most important spoilers for most of us. Some of us kept punishing ourselves by watching your show to see if something terrible would happen to Joffrey. But I had that satisfaction ripped away from me when I was helping this kid tape and reading for Oberyn. As I kept reading, it’s embarrassing to admit, but I connected to it so completely that it lit this crazy fire in me. I felt instantly attached to the character so I was totally focussed on my representatives getting me the material and taping an audition. I was pretty convinced that because I wasn’t known and didn’t have a European passport, that there was no chance. So I called the first friend I made when I moved to New York and was 18-years-old, Sarah Paulson, one of my closest friends, who is best friends with your wife Amanda. I called her and told her that I’d just put myself on tape for this part that no one’s gonna see. She didn’t even let me finish asking - she insisted that I send her the audition and she and Amanda showed it to you that night.
DAVID: Even after we hired you, you didn’t believe you had the part? I kept hearing back from Sarah [Paulson] - ‘He doesn’t think he has the part.’ We were flying you to Belfast for a costume fitting and you still didn’t believe it.
PEDRO: This is great because it backs up my story… no one had told me! Maybe my agents were nervous, I obviously was nervous and I found it a little hard to believe. Having been in the game as long as I have, there have been a lot of close calls and I could tell the good ones from the bad. And the kind of parts that could change things. It obviously had so much to do with how popular the show is, but it was such a good part – thrilling and terrifying at the same time to be able to get a part that good. They don’t come around very often.
DAVID: There’s no one like Oberyn on the show and he does his own thing. That was something you brought beautifully to it. When you came to that first meeting, you still didn’t think you had the part and I guess we hadn’t signed the deal yet but you would’ve had to get up, pull your pants down, and shit on the desk not to get that part because the audition was so strong. I was still hearing through Sarah that you didn’t think you had it…
PEDRO: Come to think of it, I did pull down my pants and shit on the desk.
DAVID: We weren’t going to tell that story though…
PEDRO: When you sent me to London and were pouring goop on my head and making a cast of my shoulders, head, face, I still didn’t believe 100% that I had gotten the part.
DAVID: You did get the part. What was your first scene?
PEDRO: My first scene was with Peter [Dinklage]…
DAVID: I remember we were shooting abroad and I was watching the dailies so I emailed you and you were like, ‘Thank god, I thought I totally blew it.’ Maybe that’s your secret - if you ever realise how good you are, it’ll ruin you.
PEDRO: I still don’t believe you and it’s an illness - a psychological illness. I remember panicking a bit on my first day because there wasn’t any way I could fulfill the potential of that scene having come to it so early and then you emailed me. You didn’t say ‘great job’ but I’d say you’re a pretty busy man with a pretty large cast and complicated locations and you took the time to write me a very generous note that settled me into the whole experience. I’m very grateful.
DAVID: Well I know it can be intimidating working with Peter. People don’t know about his violent side…
PEDRO: It’s tough when he throws benches at you and stuff like that.
DAVID: So moving on into the real life drama of Narcos. How did that come about? Did Eric Newman just see Game of Thrones and think, ‘Shit, I need that guy,’ or did you audition?
PEDRO: I think someone at Netflix saw the scene that we just talked about. Eric, our executive producer on Narcos, was initially extremely disappointed that I was available. He, anticipating the big fight with the Mountain while trying to cast his show, was extremely upset that I was available to play Javier Peña. A bit of a spoiler. It came at me very fast and it was the first time I’d been offered something without having to audition for it. There was only about 12 hours to decide whether to do it.
DAVID: How closely does your character adhere to the real life person [DEA Agent, Javier] Peña?
PEDRO: I think he actively keeps his real experience there secret - whether that’s because he did more than what we’re telling? Or less? I want to be able to interpret a character that was actually there on my own terms as much as possible. The things that are the most interesting to me, and the audience, are ways to move through [the story] with more ambiguity; without seeing things in black and white. More than good guys fighting bad buys. With the show, they’re making a very authentic visual experience. In the playing of it, you’re very much a piece in this visual landscape and I think you would stand out if you tried to control it.
DAVID: Have you ever gotten feedback from him and he’s like, ‘Oh, I’d never smoke with my left hand,’ or something like that? Or is he hands-off?
PEDRO: He’s totally hands-off. We call each other and he’ll be like, ‘This cute girl at the Mac store asked me if I could give you her number when she found out you were playing me in Narcos‘, ‘This cute girl at Starbucks asked…’
DAVID: He’s just telling all the girls that he’s been immortalised on Netflix.
PEDRO: He’s been very supportive and available at any given moment to talk about it - he’s so chilled. I think we could take it in any direction with the character - put him in a wheelchair, make him a serial killer, and he’d be like, ‘Yo man, it’s just TV.’ Cause he knows no one really knows what happened.
DAVID: So now bring us to China and another director you were very excited about working with. Tell us the story of The Great Wall.
PEDRO: So, as we’ve covered so extensively in my movie nerd-dom, I was introduced to Zhang Yimou pretty young. I saw Raise The Red Lantern and The Story of Qui Ju and Shanghai Triad in the movie theatre. So I didn’t take my agents very seriously when they brought up the project that was me, starring alongside Matt Damon in this huge Hollywood and Chinese cinema collaboration. I was wrong - it turned out to be true and they offered me the part. I went to China for nearly five months and shot the movie with Zhang Yimou, Matt Damon, Willem Dafoe, and Andy Lau.
DAVID: Was that terrifying? To be directed by one of your idols?
PEDRO: I was really nervous at first but I wrote him an email. I felt like I had to confess - it felt stupid to play down that I’d never imagined I could work with someone I admired to that degree. I think I saw Shanghai Triad like, four times in the movie theatre - I took my mom, I took my friends. He was a filmmaker that I really studied and prided myself on knowing. It was the 90s and he was making some of the best independent films that are out there. Then suddenly everyone was like, ‘Have you seen Hero?’ and I was like ‘DUDE, I’ve seen SEVEN movies before Hero!’, you know? So I wrote to him and told him, and when I got to China, one of the producers gave me an envelope - this beautiful envelope and I pull out a response from Zhang Yimou that he had hand written in Chinese characters on this elegant paper. It was like a piece of art. I have it framed, actually. It was him thanking me for my note and for being involved in the movie. The guy’s a class act. He’s as kind as he is talented. So he beat you and your email…
DAVID: I was going to send it to you in Chinese characters but then I realised I didn’t know Chinese and it would have just been gibberish.
PEDRO: The only way you could’ve won is by sending a singing telegram.
DAVID: So five months in China sounds almost as good as three months in Belfast. Not quite, but any adventures there you can tell us about?
PEDRO: I travelled around like a tourist whenever I got the opportunity. We spent so much time shooting and I got to pal around with Matt Damon because as everyone knows, he’s a real jerk (laughs).
DAVID: Yeah, famously terrible.
PEDRO: A notorious bad guy in the industry. He and his wife adopted me into their family and took me through the experience and I had the time of my life. We were tourists together whenever we got the chance - we went to Hong Kong and I went to see some friends in Bangkok. I can’t tell you about that weekend.
DAVID: When you’re talking to Matt Damon, are you ever not thinking, ‘Here I am, having a conversation with Matt Damon.’
PEDRO: It took a while. Initially, in getting to know him, the jet lag helped - I was so out of it. Matt came to say hi, and we were doing all these scenes together so he just said, ‘Hey man, let’s be friends,’ and I was just like… Okay sure! Whatever you say!
DAVID: Is it fair to say you’ve supplanted Ben Affleck as Matt Damon’s best friend?
PEDRO: Yeah. I’ll make room for Ben, I guess.
DAVID: You and Matt need to write an Oscar winning script to really make Ben jealous.
PEDRO: That would be the next thing… To end my career instead of anti-semitism.
DAVID: So when is The Great Wall out?
PEDRO: February!
DAVID: Originally when you were cast as Oberyn, there was controversy that you weren’t Latino enough. What do you make of the controversy around Matt Damon in this film? Is it about him being a white guy?
PEDRO: Yeah, him being a white guy is very…
DAVID: Incontrovertible? No one can deny that Matt Damon is a white guy.
PEDRO: No one can deny that. It’s not an issue of him not being Latino enough, that’s for sure. But his being white has very specific context in terms of the plot. I think that the arguments should be made after the movie comes out, instead of a one minute and 20 second trailer. I’m sure very good arguments can still be made from both sides in terms of ethnic representation but this is a Hollywood creature feature combined with epic Chinese cinema and it’s ultimately helmed by this visionary director who is Chinese.
DAVID: One of the greatest living directors.
PEDRO: Shall we say, the Spielberg of China?
DAVID: And if he wants to work with the whitest guy in Hollywood, who’s to say no?
PEDRO: Exactly! (laughs) This is a Chinese crew, and there are big Chinese stars and newcomers playing heroic roles in this movie. What people are given is just a film that’s called The Great Wall with Matt Damon, and basing the argument on that. But the movie needs to be seen.
DAVID: Yes, that sounds like good reasoning to me. I do think it’s hard to deny that you’re not Latino enough though. So you’re born in Chile and your parents had to flee after the CIA-sponsored coup - if the coup hadn’t happened, you would just be Chilean. It’s almost like the CIA fucked everything up. What do you think about that?
PEDRO: Are we actually giving credit to the CIA?
DAVID: Maybe you would’ve never become an actor and all the things that led to Game of Thrones may never have happened.
PEDRO: I would have made it happen. I would have crawled from Santiago, Chile all the way to you, to knock on your office door and be like, ‘I will be your champion.’
DAVID: Where is your character from in The Great Wall?
PEDRO: España. Which is exactly where my ancestors were from.
DAVID: No one can argue with that. Where’s Matt’s character from?
PEDRO: He’s English.
DAVID: Does he have an accent? Is he speaking Chinese in the movie?
PEDRO: No, he’s not speaking Chinese. He is English – it’s 1100 AD so whatever that accent is.
DAVID: He has an Old English accent? This is sounding pretty awesome. I don’t think anyone would know how that would sound. Probably it sounds just like Matt Damon, that’s what I think. So, have we covered all the bases? Have I left anything out that you want to talk about? Your political stance - does everyone know about your pro-Trump agenda? What’s it like being one of the few Hollywood actors who supports Mr. Trump, can you tell us about that?
PEDRO: (laughs) My combover is very much modelled on the earlier part of Trump’s hair career. What are you going to do, David? Are you going to move if Trump-
DAVID: This is a Pedro Pascal interview! No one’s interviewing me here, buddy. So I’ll be asking the questions.
PEDRO: Do you really think it’s not going to happen?
DAVID: I really think it’s not going to happen.
PEDRO: I just got into an argument with a stranger literally five minutes before you called. I was getting coffee and they asked my name so they could put it on the cup and call my name when it was ready. And he was like, ‘Oh, vote for Pedro,’ - first time I’ve heard that. Then he was like, ‘Yo, I’d rather vote for you than either of the two candidates that we’ve got.’ I was like, ‘Dude, really?’ - this was a mixed race guy making the coffee - I was like, ‘Do you really believe that? Do you dislike Hillary so much that you would consider voting for Trump?!’ And that sort of reignited my terror. It feels like such a no-brainer, but here’s this hard-working mixed race guy at Starbucks who is undecided! That scares the shit out of me.
DAVID: Well I hope you talked some sense into him.
PEDRO: He just kept saying, ‘I don’t know about Hillary,’ and I said, ‘What don’t you know?’ ‘Oh, I just don’t trust her,’ but he didn’t have any real answers about what makes her different from other politicians that you do believe in and do trust.
DAVID: That feels pretty good, I think we covered everything.
PEDRO: I think we covered too much.
Jett's Pedro Shoots Masterlist
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 hours
HH cast crushing on the reader 3/3
You guys already know the drill!!
Characters: Vox, Carmilla, Cherri Bomb
Notes: reader is GN but post focuses on the canon characters, check other parts for other characters
Cws: none
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Obvious because he flirts with you and buys you stuff to try to win you over. He's so simultaneously full of himself yet cripplingly insecure that you're interested in someone else that he almost becomes obsessive with how you view him or if you're looking for someone else to fill your dating life. The jealous type, 100%. He does everything he can to capture and maintain your attention, can not stand the idea of you turning away to give it to someone else. God forbid you look in the same direction as a certain deer demon, it's going to drive him insane. Yet he feels he's above actually begging you for your time. Mixed signals, in a way. Denies being obsessed with you.
Doesn't like playing games, so she's not going to beat around the bush with asking you out on a date. She sits and lingers on her ideas for a little while, before making the decision to approach you. You actually didn't even notice she had feelings for you because she did such a good job at hiding it. If anything, outwardly she might seem... nicer? to you... though that doesn't feel like the right word. She becomes more tolerant of any nonsense or jokes you bring around her, she tends to stay in work or mom mode a lot of the time. You make her more... domestic... if that makes sense. Like a secret third mode, something more casual.
She does what I like to call a vibe check. She hangs around you to see if you're really as cool as she thinks you are. Leads to her crush developing even more. She keeps her cool, though, and doesn't let you get any hints that you're on her mind. She does flirt with you, though. She just doesn't let herself get flustered or embarrassed around you. She takes great pleasure in flirting with you, if you tend to be the type to get flustered easily. Will just spit it out if you are the oblivious type, though, she does it out of frustration though.
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jujumin-translates · 2 days
Misumi Ikaruga | [SSR] Mankai Treasure | Treasure Hunt: MISUMI - Part 1
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Izumi: Good work at the meeting, you two.
Izumi: Since, apart from the leaders, we had you and Azami-kun join us today, Yuki-kun, we were able to make lots of decisions on costume-related things.
Yuki: I’ve been really looking forward to making the costumes I’ve been thinking of trying to make.
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Tenma: Sakuya and the others had some pretty high hopes for those costumes too.
???: Sumi-san, that’s so crazy cool!
???: But it’s kinda wild how weird it feels without Kumopi, y’know~?
???: Next time we do a rerun, let’s see what we can do!
Izumi: Room 202 certainly sounds lively.
Tenma: That reminds me, I got a message from the Summer Troupe LIME saying to meet in Room 202 after the meeting earlier.
Yuki: I wonder what’s got them all worked up… Whatever let’s just get going.
Tenma: Since you’re already here, why don’t you come with us, Director?
Izumi: Are you sure? Well, I guess I’ll just pop in for a little bit, then.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Knock on door and door opens*
Tenma: We’re here.
Muku: Ah, Tenma-kun, Yuki-kun, and Director-san, too! Good work to you all.
Misumi: Welcoooome.
Kumon: We were watching the recording of “Sky Pirates”!
Tenma: “Sky Pirates”?
Kazunari: Yep, yep! I was sorting through videos and then it turned into a sorta viewing party. So I thought why not just invite the whole gang over, y’know?
Yuki: So that’s what all your yapping was about.
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Kazunari: Did you guys just get done with the meeting, Director-chan?
Izumi: Yeah. We’ve been discussing it for a while now, but we’ve decided that we’re going to do birthday merch again this year.
Kazunari: For realsies!?
Kumon: Wooo! We’ve been waiting to hear that!
Muku: What’s the theme going to be this time?
Izumi: The costumes are going to be made of PVC material and we’ll be taking advantage of the light reflections from it. Yuki-kun was the one who suggested it.
Misumi: PVC material? What’s that~?
Yuki: These are the references I showed to everyone at the meeting earlier. I’m thinking of something like this for the general vibe.
Kumon: Whoa, so sparkly! That’s awesome! And crazy cool!
Kazunari: Super galaxy brain of you to come up with something like this, Yukki!
Tenma: It’s something different from the previous outfits, and it looks nice and has a real birthday feel to it.
Kazunari: For sure!
Kazunari: Speaking of that, now I kinda wanna come up with a birthday-related project too. Since we do something every year, y’know?
Kazunari: I’ve had a few ideas, but I’m still trying to decide on what to do~.
Muku: …A treasure hunt.
Izumi: Treasure hunt?
Muku: Ah, umm… The costumes this time are really sparkly! So I thought that maybe we could do a treasure hunt with the thing linking the two being sparkling things.
Muku: And because we were just watching the recording of “Sky Pirates”, I thought it’d be kind of timely.
Kazunari: I LOVE that! Great thinking, Mukkun!
Misumi: I wanna do a treasure hunt!
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Tenma: You’ve got a point. The way the costumes shine definitely can be linked to the appearance of treasure.
Yuki: Yeah, it’s not too bad of an idea. I’m sure I’d be able to incorporate some of that idea into the costumes.
Kumon: I agree! This is gonna be a super exciting project!
Kazunari: Alright, I think about it lots with that in mind! Do we have your seal of approval, Director-chan?
Izumi: Of course. I’m looking forward to it too.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: Thanksies for gathering here today, gang~!
Kazunari: So I’ve been thinking about the deets of the birthday project while keeping the idea of a treasure hunt that Mukkun suggested the other day in mind.
Misumi: What kinda project is it~?
Kazunari: On the day of each person’s birthday, whoever’s birthday it is will get a note from Director-chan with a clue as to where to find their gift… A.K.A., the treasure.
Kazunari: Other clues and the gift will be given to them by someone else in the company, and it’ll be that person’s job to find out who that person is!
Kazunari: And based on the info in the note, it’ll be like going out and looking for the gift and for the person who prepared it.
Kazunari: BTDubs, you’re gonna be filming the whole thing ♪
Tenma: I see. So we’re gonna search for the treasure and the people participating while recording the whole thing?
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Kazunari: You’ve got it! And then I thought for the end that we could take pics of the treasure and post ‘em.
Kazunari: Even though it’s a whole project, the only real way to show it off is to post the final pics on Inste…
Kazunari: I know I said you’d be recording the whole thing, but that’s more so just for documenting it or just for the memories.
Kazunari: It’ll just be like a home video, so there’s no need to be too worried about being on camera!
Muku: Waaah, that sounds really fun! And it’ll make really wonderful memories.
Kumon: That sounds really interesting! I wanna do it, I wanna do it!
Yuki: There should be lots of room to be creative about the gifts and clues.
Tenma: And I’m sure posting the pics on Inste would make all of our fans happy.
Misumi: I can’t wait to do a birthday treasure hunt!
Izumi: It sounds perfect for a birthday and I think it’s a great idea. Let’s go with this for the project.
Kazunari: Kay-kay! Thanksies, fam! Alright, I’ll get to updating the others right away ♪
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: --Alright, here’s the camera Kazunari-kun gave to me. Make sure to be filming when you start the treasure hunt.
Misumi: Roger that~!
Izumi: Well then, here’s your clue paper. Try your best to find the treasure based on what’s written there.
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Misumi: Kaaaay!
Izumi: Alright, good luck!
Misumi: Okay, time to go treasure hunting~!
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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penkura · 2 days
Fever Dream [2/2]
Note: Hi! This is part 2 of the request from the lovely @xxchaosjojoxx for Penguin x Reader! :) I finally got it done, I really hope you guys will like it as much as the first part! It may have gotten away from me, sometimes I don't know how to stop myself and just add more parts, that's probably why the WCI chapter of 'knowing' was almost 8k words. :')
Oh well, again, hope you all enjoy!
Part 1 here!
@bby-deerling | @xxchaosjojoxx
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Penguin doesn’t think anything is wrong the next day, not at first anyway. He’s finally over his fever with strict orders from Law to take it easy and let others help him out, which he promises to do with the threat of toilet cleaning duty over his head, the thought of asking you or Shachi more than anyone else, especially when he goes to greet you that morning before breakfast.
Only, you give him a wide-eyed look before shouting your own ‘good morning’ and quickly walking past him, saying you’re starving and want to get breakfast right away, when Ikkaku asks what’s wrong. When your best friend sees Penguin is the reason you’ve run to the kitchen faster than she’s ever seen, Ikkaku just smiles a bit, laughing slightly.
“Oh it’s you, Penguin. Morning, happy to see you’re better!”
“Ha, thanks, Ikkaku,” before she gets past him to kitchen, Penguin grabs her wrist to stop her, “Is [Y/N] okay…? She’s never run away from me before.”
“Mm,” nodding, Ikkaku keeps grinning like a devil before Penguin lets her wrist go and she pats him on the shoulder, “She’s doing great, thanks to you.”
Ikkaku doesn’t tell him anything else, not even when Penguin tilts his head in confusion and tries to ask what she means, she just continues on to the kitchen. He follows suit shortly after, catching your eye again and giving you a smile, but it falters when you look away quickly, turning to Jean Bart and asking him something. That’s not normal for you, anytime Penguin speaks to you or gives you a smile, you always reciprocate, you have from the very beginning. When you joined the Heart Pirates you seemed so nervous about everything, Penguin made it his job to help you get comfortable, he didn’t really expect to fall in love with you over that time. He seriously thought you felt the same, that he’d be able to ask you out soon and start courting you.
But now he has to wonder what he did to make you be like this around him. A few of your crewmates notice the difference, shaking their heads at Penguin or snickering over it, especially when you finish your breakfast and take off before he can stop you. It starts to frustrate him, to the point Penguin looks at everyone still around with a frown, though some of them don’t meet his eye (granted they can’t even see his eyes but still).
“…what the hell happened?”
You don’t stay around Penguin for very long that day, if you can help it. Law paired you both up briefly to wash the dishes, Penguin being surprised when you put your headphones on and ignore him this time. Whenever you do any task together, the two of you would have a blast, chatting or swapping jokes or book recommendations, time flying by and you both feeling like you’ve gotten closer. You’ve been a Heart Pirate for five years now, there’s still so much Penguin has to learn about you he feels like, but if you won’t even talk to him now, it feels like your growing relationship, still a friendship, is starting to backslide.
And he doesn’t know why. You were fine two days ago, what happened yesterday?
“Shachi…” Penguin’s whining pulls Shachi’s focus from his task of checking supplies, Law wanting one more run to the island before you all take off. He barely looks at his lifelong friend before going back to making notes on what the ship could use extra of, since the next potential stop is weeks away from the current one.
“What’s up, Pen?”
“[Y/N]’s been ignoring or running from me all day!”
“Oh yeah?” He snickers a bit, knowing exactly why, Ikkaku had told him and Shachi may have let it slip to a few people who knew how smitten you two were with each other. He really did hope this was the push you both needed to get your relationship going.
“I can’t figure out why, and everyone keeps shaking their heads at me! Did I do something??”
“…wait, you don’t remember?” Shachi stops writing to finally look at Penguin, who shakes his head with a pout.
“No! And if someone says that one more time, I’m going to—”
“Dude, you told her you love her.”
Penguin stops ranting and rambling when Shachi says that, his eyes widening as he barely manages to get a quiet ‘huh’ out before his friend nods.
“Ikkaku said that [Y/N] told her you thought she was Ikka, and were asking how to tell her that you love her—”
“I don’t—” Penguin feels his face turning red and starts to pull his hat down over his face.
“—and then you kissed her before passing out from your fever. That’s the basic gist of it, man.”
Shachi is somewhat amused seeing Penguin fully cover his face with his hat, a bright red blush showing through what’s visible. Twenty-eight and still nervous as hell when it came to romance, no matter how times he’s flirted with other women in the past, it stopped the second he met you when you joined them. It was like a flip switched in Penguin’s brain that told him ‘she’s the one!’ and he’s been enamored with you ever since.
Not like you didn’t feel the same, he’d heard it from Ikkaku constantly. She tells him everything about what you say regarding Penguin, how much you like him back and wish you could make a move but you didn’t want to ruin your friendship in the process. A fair reason, though if you’d only known sooner how in love Penguin was, you probably wouldn’t be running from him all day. Penguin probably wouldn’t be going through such mental anguish and feeling like he’s done a terrible thing by kissing you like that.
He keeps muttering about how that was so wrong, he messed up, you must hate him now. How could you not? He probably just stole your first kiss! And without even asking if he could kiss you! That wasn’t fair to you, he just feels awful about it.
Letting him have a few minutes, Shachi eventually pats Penguin on the shoulder, giving him a smile.
“You should go sit down and talk to her. You guys need to work this out, but I doubt she’s mad at you.”
“She’s probably more embarrassed than anything, based on what Ikka told me. So just go give it your best shot, Pen.”
Law pairs you up again that day to work on the crew’s laundry, something that shouldn’t take long or cause Penguin enough stress to make his fever come back. The only thing really stressing him out is the fact you still haven’t really spoken to him, except when you tell him you’re taking clothes to their respective owners. The few times you leave to do so, he tries to hype himself up and convince himself to just talk to you, see if you’re mad or if you’re willing to work things out with him.
When you come back the last time, no headphones in sight, he feels like he has a chance.
“Captain wants me to help him with something, can you finish here?”
His shoulders slump and he’s about to say that he’ll be fine, but instead Penguin shakes his head.
“No, uh, I mean, yeah I can, but…can we talk?”
You bite your lip a bit, Penguin not looking at you, and you shake your head slightly.
“What’s there to talk about? You were sick, it wasn’t on purpose.”
“But what I did was wrong, even if it was because of my fever.”
The way he sounds when he speaks almost sets you off, you almost start telling him that no it wasn’t a big deal, you have the same feelings for him. You were just shocked he returned them! Okay maybe a little embarrassed still, but that was all on you, he’s the first person you’ve ever kissed, you don’t know how to handle it yet.
“I,” you want to tell Penguin he really didn’t do anything wrong, but even though you can’t see his eyes for that hat, you feel like he’s giving you puppy dog eyes and you’re going to absolutely break down and try to kiss him if this keeps up, “I need to go!”
“No, wait, please!!” Penguin grabs your arm, nearly begging you to stay, “I…I’m sorry for kissing you! But I…I love you! So please…stop running away from me.”
You’re both silent for several minutes, you still don’t look at Penguin and it makes him so much more anxious. He needed to apologize, right? That would fix it, it would fix everything. He was delusional and didn’t think that fever dream was reality, he made a mistake and kissed you without permission or knowing he was even doing it. He felt so bad about it, that’s not how it should’ve gone!
“This wasn’t…how I wanted to tell you…”
“…how did you want to tell me?”
“I…I wanted to take you on a date,” he quietly speaks, while you turn around and watch him, Penguin doesn’t lift his head to look at you, “I was going to take you out yesterday but, well, you know…”
“Yeah, I know,” the laugh you give when you respond makes Penguin finally look back to you, he’s almost shocked to see the blush on your face as you slip your hand into his and lace your fingers together, “I would’ve said yes, if you asked.”
Nodding, you let Penguin pull you closer to himself, slipping his other arm around your shoulders in a hug that you return. He’s honestly glad to hear that you’d agree to a date with him, finally deciding to ask you today.
“So…will you go out with me tomorrow? Before we leave the island.”
“I’d like nothing more, Penguin.”
“And,” he takes a breath and sets his forehead against your own, giving you a better look at his pretty blue eyes and the blush across his own face while you smile, “Can I kiss you…for real this time?”
You giggle a but and nod, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“To your heart’s content.”
You’ll probably have to talk about things more later, but the grin Penguin gives you before properly kissing you makes you forget about anything else you wanted to say.
At least until Law comes looking for you and has to break you apart before you two take things too far, deciding that he’s not going to be pairing you up for tasks again anytime soon. You and Penguin making out isn’t what he meant by taking it easy.
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 day
did the Volcano Manor existed before Rykard?
I think it’s quite possible! The existence of the Serpent-Hunter essentially tells us that there has already been a concentrated effort to hunt down the Great Serpent:
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“Weapon that serves as both greatsword and spear. Thought to have been used to hunt an immortal great serpent in the distant past, it manifests a long blade of light when facing such a creature. When their master's heroic aspirations degenerated into mere greed, his men searched for a weapon with which they might halt their lord.”
We also know that Mt. Gelmir’s ancient serpent-worshipping civilization died out a long time ago…
“Curved sword fashioned in the image of an ancient serpent deity and tool of a forgotten religion practiced on Mt. Gelmir.”
…so we have to ask ourselves, what happened to them? They may very well have been purged by the Golden Order, who created a weapon specifically to destroy their serpent god. The Golden Order considers the serpent to be a traitor to the Erdtree, so it makes total sense that they would have carried out a purge against serpent-worshippers in such close proximity to the capital… and maybe erected a fortress around the volcano to ensure the serpent god never returned. The question is, was this hypothetical conflict the reason why serpents are considered traitors (and the Golden Order was simply doing what it does best — eradicating any civilization that might pose a threat to their own), or did the Golden Order already despise the serpent because of a different reason? (we might find out in the DLC… looking at you, Messmer)
Anyway, I can see this fortress over time becoming less focused on hunting the Great Serpent, as it doesn’t seem like it resurfaced for an extremely long time, and more focused on being used as a dungeon where criminals and heretics were sent to be imprisoned and interrogated. What better place to send prisoners than a long-abandoned castle on top of a volcano? Unfortunately for the Golden Order, the guy they made Praetor, though being very good at his job, also happened to really enjoy committing heresy himself.
Volcano Manor also has some architectural details I find interesting; they might not actually be intended to imply a timeline, but I feel like mentioning them nevertheless: Volcano Manor is a Gothic-style castle (at least the outside is; the inside is actually pretty Neo-Classical), but it’s always struck me as inspired by 19th-century Gothic-revival palaces more so than genuine Gothic fortresses from the Middle Ages... the scale of the Manor, with its many intricate spires and chimneys and massive walls covered in windows, reminds me more of the likes of Neuschwanstein Castle and Hohenzollern Castle, which were built by 19th century nobility as luxurious showpieces… you know what, maybe that’s why it’s called Volcano Manor rather than something like “Volcano Castle”!
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This idea seems to go against the idea that Volcano Manor is extremely old, but at the same time, this is a video game, so historical architectural styles can’t technically be used to prove or disprove a theory. Also, castles can be rebuilt! The current Hohenzollern Castle was built right on top of the old castle after it fell into disrepair. Who’s to say Rykard didn’t take on an entire remodeling of an old castle to meet his own architectural tastes… it’s certainly in character. I’d also bet that he added that giant mechanical bridge that we raise up out of the lava:
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Anyway, tl;dr I think it makes a ton of sense for the fortress to have already been there, but if it was, Rykard probably did some remodeling.
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ryemiffie · 3 days
Hazbin hotel is trending again, time for more Vox rants.
So basically this bitch-!
But in realness I'm gonna be honest, I despise Vox on a visceral level but I do think he has the best voice casting in the show. Vox's va did an amazing job voicing that pompous prick and that ain't no jab at him, he did an actual good job. I liked the casting choice for Vox best of all, his line delivery was convincing, I feel he really embodied the energy Vox carries, and his singing was probably my favourite. I think there was only one line delivery that I thought sounded a little awkward but besides that the va was great talent for the role, so good on that guy for being one of the only competent VAs working on that show!
On the other hand, fuck that tv headed bitch! His anatomy will forever confuse me and I'm even madder cause I know they ain't ever gonna explain it! What the fuck?! I need answers! Are his nipples cable ports? Are they??! I need answers!
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