#i cant get this gif to work on desktop..
bobacupcake · 11 months
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how about sable!!
sable!! this uses a post processing outline effect i am very sure. usually outline effects (also called edge dection) do, well, that. they detect edges by looking for places with big differences in depth and normal direction and draw lines over them since those are usually the edges
sable looks like either it checks for a lot more than just depth/normals, or they do their edge detection based on differences in color. i wouldnt be surprised if they had everything rendered to a second texture based on color, as well as a way to tell certain materials to render to that texture as specific colors (so that the edge detection works on like all those little dots everywhere along the ground. i did something similar for the GoT game i worked on !!)
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mizusnose · 5 months
Could you possibly write some headcanons for what you think a relationship with Mizu would be like in Modern!AU? (xreader)
so this is actually gonna be a part of a separate drabble that includes doctor!mizu, but i’ll use that as a template for this headcannon response bc the brainrot is too strong..
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ofc mizu would be the typical nice to you and only you lover. this usually manifests in the way she talks to you, looks at you, and of course touches you.
she’s shy. most people take her glares and silence at face value and can’t understand how your relationship works.
even in med school where you both met, mizu is cutthroat and so smart. she’s intimidating and beautiful, and the first time you talked to her it was in a surgery. Her hands bloody and eyes focused.
she gives you her own pens when you lose your own on morning rounds. lets you wear her shirts and sweaters and sweats after showers and sex.
mizu works out in the mornings you do yoga. you do core workouts together and mizu always gets competitive when planks are involved. “the one who stays up longer has to cook dinner tonight” sort of vibe.
speaking of cooking, mizu cant. for shit. she relies heavily on takeout, or snacks, or protein bars. buys packs and packs of cliff bars and protein shakes and downs those on her short lunch breaks.
makes sure you eat though. sneaks vitamins into your coat pockets, the gummies because she knows you can’t swallow pills.
the relationship is professional in the hospital, but when you’re assigned on the same case, she makes sure to let you explain, talk to the patient, and take charge in the surgery room. mizu takes on charting, prescriptions, the quote unquote boring stuff she’d usually dump on an intern.
you’re both goal-oriented and driven. so whenever a new paper comes out, she sends you the pubmed link instantly and you both discuss it over dinner. mizu explains how she can use the research for her own paper.
on date nights, mizu dresses up and you’re mesmerized yet again by how beautiful she is. her golden chains she usually wears beneath her scrubs glow lightly in the nice sushi place she takes you.
she’s always reaching for you. across the table at dinner, on the couch relaxing, in the streets walking home. her palm is always wide and warm.
mizu is messy. you’ve actually had multiple fights over it. she doesn’t clean her toothpaste from the sink, shoves off her clothes into a pile in their room, leaves her side of the bed undone.
however, she’s extremely OCD at work. her desk, desktop, and calendar are neat and pretty. she teases you and your unorganized google calendar.
likes to show off her strength and wrestles you often. pins you down on the couch and kisses you soft and tender despite her constant weight above you.
loves loves LOVES to cuddle. i’m talking “babe come here i’m cold~~” sorta thing. gets extremely and genuinely upset in the summer times when you push her off you in favor of being cool.
is obsessed with you. has you as her wallpaper, her desktop photo, your name on her cell and pager is gorgeous.
answers your calls with a “hey you” and ends with an “i love you, see you tonight.”
is very skilled with her fingers (wink wink). in surgery, she’s the quickest and gets upset at the interns when they take too long.
kisses your forehead in the mornings. tells you a story at night when you can’t fall asleep. kisses you sweet and soft before you separate in the mornings.
i love doctor!mizu 😔
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bamsara · 7 months
I’m a little confused, who is Arson? Did you name your computer that or the program or something like that? Been trying to piece stuff together with all the posts about Arson but I feel a little lost. Like it’s an inside joke that I wasn’t there for the development of it
Rip I forgot new followers are not Aware of Arson
Arson is my laptop. Specifically a laptop sona I made for my laptop because of the sheer amount of trouble I've had with him. Twitch chat started shipping an 'enemies to lovers' between me and my laptop and it was giving me such a hard time during a livestream that it turned into a full fledged oc.
He's a gaming laptop I got in 2018 and had saved up for and while he's very good, his technical service life was only for 3 years and it's been about 5 and a half years since I've had him because I didn't want to replace him.
This means for the last two years he's been progressivly getting worse; starting with the battery going out completely, and then it getting discontinued so I couldn't replace it, the laptop started lagging hard, which I just kinda delt with. Then he's bluescreening a lot, and my files are getting corrupted and disappear. He cannot detatch from the wall so he's not a laptop anymore but really just a desktop now anyway. His model is discontinued so I cant get parts to replace him or have him repaired.
It's a running joke that 99% of all streaming problems are Arson's fault because for no reason he'll just. Crash and critcal error this and bluescreen that.
He got his name because he overheats really badly, and while gaming laptops are built to withstand that kind of heat, it still does wear and tear over time.
It would have been fine for 2-3 years but it's climbing near to 6 and part of the front is melted and I have to turn stream and art off early sometimes to let him cool down because the keyboard has left burns on my fingers. (Though this only happens when using him intensly, like streaming or gaming or art....which is 90% of what I do. The other being writing and work.) (Also before anyone asks, I regularly clean out the fans and I have a cooling stand beneath him)
Currently the top part of his keyboard is not working anymore and he's missing keys anyway. Part of his casing near the charging port is broken off. I've used his heat to cook tiny cookies while I've played skyrim before
TBH If you just search up Arson on my blog you'll see a whole series of posts about him.
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he's my guy......my robot.........
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equallyshaw · 7 months
the one where - | nico hischier
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─ nico x erik johnson oc sister
warnings: swearing, anxiety attack. angst, thats all i can say. a bit slow burning as well. sexual themes at end, but its like pg.
word count: 5.8K
shoe link.
dress link.
clutch link.
second outfit.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
the first time they met.
miranda stepped into the prudential arena for the first time since she had been hired by the management team. she followed the team assistant that had been waiting for her as soon as she walked into the staff wing, and the two made their way up to her office than she would be getting a personal tour of the arena. miranda johnson was hired as as the devils second in command to their head psychologist, thought she was hired for the social worker aspect. "is it true your erik johnsons little sister?" the assistant asked and the girl nodded towards the older girl. "yep unfortuntly." miranda hummed causing the blonde girl to giggle. "i have an older brother too- id like to kill him sometimes." and miranda laughed. "oh good lord, i want to sometimes as well. sometimes they need their lives threatened every once in a while." miranda joked as casey opened her office door.
four walls covered with grey paint, a desk, small leather couch, mini fridge, a tv, some fake succulents and a desktop computer filled the room. "home sweet home." miranda said softly, setting her bag down under the desk. "lets head down to the ice, I'm sure its different then denver." casey smiled and miranda grinned. "well for starters yall have no mountains." miranda joked. miranda had done her undergraduate and graduate degree at the university of denver, and as soon as her brother was traded she no longer wanted to be in denver. so she headed out to the east coast, looking for different jobs in the new york area and came across the devils. match made in heaven she thought, doing what she loved and working within the sport she adored. the two headed down talking about jersey and the team themselves, "i would say the captain does a great job of keeping the team together but he's also younger so sometimes it doesn't always work out." casey explained and miranda nodded. "good to know." she hummed, now walking down to the bench. the ice was clean, patiently waiting for the players. they sat on the bench taking in the quietness of the arena. "it definitely is different than ball arena." miranda commented, with slight sadness in her voice. the two spoke about the team, the coach and anything else casey had to say. they stood up just as some of the players began to filter out. "casey!" the boys said as they noticed the girls. they smiled at miranda before stepping out on the ice, and then nico stepped out. "hi casey!" he said and then stalled seeing the dark haired girl. casey noticed him trying to figure out who miranda was as she watched the players skate around. "oh this is miranda johnson, the new social worker we just hired for the team!" casey explained and miranda was pulled out of her trance and turned to look at nico. "miranda johnson, nice to meet you..." she trailed off as she held out her hand. he took off his glove and held out his hand, "nico hischier, captain." and she nodded before pulling back her hand. "hopefully we arent too much work." he joked and she waved him off, "nothing i cant handle." she smiled and he chuckled softly. "let me know if that's the case in a...week." he joked before stepping onto the ice. miranda looked at casey, "you're gonna hate jack hughes in a week." casey joked causing miranda to smile respectfully. "trust me, you will..." casey added, before the two headed back upstairs.
the time she ended up at his place. and one where she got fired.
it was saturday night, before a early afternoon game between her brother and the devils in jersey. she had been with the devils for about two months already and was enjoying her time, and most definitely understanding the chatter (mostly harmless) around jack hughes. he definitely had a lot to say, and most of the time it was just drama he wanted to talk about. she had to remind him many times, that she was a mental health professional not somebody who talked about drama all day everyday. he still came around, to do just that. but she enjoyed getting to know the other players and some of their wives, all of them wanting to meet the person on the team who had been knocking some sense into their men and who was making progress. like real progress. and creating an environment that made the team, staff, and everybody who came across her safe.
she smoothed down her black mini dress and stepped into her baby blue heels, making sure everything looked good before she left her apartment. she quickly made her way down to her car, sliding in and letting erik she was on her way. about 35 minutes later, she pulled up to the Italian restaurant in lower manhattan and pulled up to valet, letting them pull her car around back. she made her way in and greeted the hostess, and they took her towards her brother. "bean!" he said wrapping his arms around her 5'5 frame. "hi bear." she smiled, taking in the hug she had missed the most. they parted, and he pulled out the chair for his sister and she thanked him. "so tell me about jersey, how is it?" he asked as she sipped the wine he had ordered for the two. she smiled, "its good! i've pretty much have found my groove with everybody. i think they're really taking to my style of work and i think the way everybody has responded to it has been good. though." she paused giggling, "there is one guy that quite literally just wants to gossip with me, he knows my role and stuff but just wants to gossip. half the time its funny shit but others its like serious and so i tell him he cant go around blabbing his mouth but i know he doesn't listen." she said and ej laughed. "hows buffalo though, hows josty?" she questioned, a small smile forming on her soft pink lips. ej laughed, "he's great! he's happy to have me on the team...y'know he still asks about you." ej said grinning and miranda rolled her eyes. "last time i checked..isn't he the one that said we couldn't be together after he was traded? that he didn't want to do long distance?" she smirked, quirking an eyebrow. he shrugged, "i think because im now there, he realizes how much he's missed having a johnson in his life." he said with a toothy smile. she rolled her eyes, "alright big bear." she hummed.
as the dinner progressed, miranda's phone hadn't stopped vibrating in her clutch that sat next to her. erik took notice of it, but did not say anything at first. "hey randy, you wanna check your phone?" he asked slirping spaghetti in his mouth. her eyebrows creased in confusion, and she pulled out her phone to see multiple messages from nico as well as a few phone calls. she read the messages, nico clearly in some sort of distress. "do you need to take it?" ej asked and she looked up at him, "its one of the players." she said looking back down debating if she wanted to call or text. she chose the latter,
miranda: you ok?
nico: i dont know whats happening
miranda: whats going on? are you hurt? do you need an ambulance or me to call somebody?
nico: thats why i was calling you. my chest hurts, i cant breathe.
miranda sighed knowing what was happening.
miranda: do you need me to call?
nico: can you come over? i need to talk face to face with whatever this is
miranda thought long and hard, before looking back up at erik. "one of the players needs me to come to his place and i-i don't know." she paused to bite her lip, thinking if ethically she could. "ej-im sorry." she said looking up at him but he waved her off. "your job calls, don't worry randy. go, ill take care of the bill. ill see you tomorrow." he said standing up to hug the girl. the big bear wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head before they pulled apart. "ill let you know when i get home!" she said before taking off towards valet. she texted nico, asking for his address and he responded quickly. back to jersey.
she knocked on the highrise apartment, alerting the swiss inside. he stood up and dragged his feet towards the door and as soon as she saw the state of nico; she knew she was in for a long night. he opened the door wider for her, and she took in the surroundings. clean, crisp, and sleek, she thought. she turned around to face nico, keeping a bit of distant between the two. he took in her attire and then looked at her. "were you on a date?" he questioned, with somewhat of a distaste in his mouth. she shook her head, "no i was out with my brother. him and buffalo just got in." she said and he was confused. "my brother is erik johnson." and then nico's eyes went wide. "i had no idea, I'm so sorry!" he said feeling bad, his anxiety rising even more. she shook her head, "no no, its ok! i just want to make sure you are ok nico. whats going on?" she asked softly. he closed his eyes and sighed. she took in his composure and his inability to relax. may it be because he's the captain and he feels as if he can't show any weakness or maybe its pride. "take your time nico, you don't need to spit it out all at once i promise. whatever you feel comfortable with." she said trying to gage his reaction. he nodded, reopening his eyes, and looked towards the kitchen. "would you like some water?" he asked shooting himself in the foot, calling himself stupid for not asking it to begin with. "sure, ofcourse, thankyou." she said following him towards the kitchen now. she could tell that it was eating him up inside, and knew at some point she'd need to inquire about it. but tonight was not the night. she sat down at the island counter, and he pulled out a bottle of water for himself and her.
"how are you feeling right now nico?" she asked sipping a bit before setting it back down. he shrugged, "i feel a bit better, after you said you were coming i kind of calmed down a bit but my mind wont st-stop racing. which is causing my to be nervous about something, i have no idea." he rambled as bit and she nodded. "what are the thoughts you're having? are they about hockey, personal things, family?" she asked tilting her head to the side just a bit. he bit his lip, "its-its nothing." he said closing off, and she nodded "okay. in order for this to work nico and to understand more of why you called me, can you explain a bit about how you were feeling earlier?" she questioned, treading water. he was either going to answer it or retaliate and get upset. he sighed, "it felt like i had a weight on my chest or something, i couldn't breathe. my breathing was fast and shallow, i was sweating..i-i cried a bit." he said looking down at the ground. "I've never had that happen before though, it was a shock and so that made it worse." he said looking up at miranda. "well it is completely normal, nico. i can assure you that. sometimes our bodies can not always tolerate or compensate our anxiety. thus, leading to anxiety attacks. so we have chills, the sweats, overwhelming thoughts for various reasons. could be from work, could be our family or personal life or it can just be triggered for no apparent reason." miranda explained and nico nodded. "i don't want you to feel as if its wrong or that it means you are weak, because that is far from the truth. i like to say that when people have an anxiety or panic attack, it shows how strong mentally we are because to get to the point of an attack we would have had to gone through so much turmoil mentally and emotionally. and sometimes the only release is for those to happen. to think of how much you might have been taking on and that is remarkable in itself. besides, having an anxiety attack makes humans more resilient." and that made nico relax just a bit.
"well good thing you said that, i was feeling like a freak over here." he said cracking a small smile. she nodded, "yeah no, you are from a sneak i can assure you. if its considered to be a freak, then call me one. i don't wanna feel left out." she hummed, "you've had them before?" nico asked quickly. she nodded after realizing what she had said and the fact that she shared personal info, "uh yes. I've had them throughout my childhood and adolescence. its gotten better over my young adult years but i still get them occasionally. especially when i feel like a fraud at work or in my personal life." she said shrugging. "a fraud?" he questioned, moving towards the kitchen island and resting his elbows on it, their hands now only inches away from one another. she nodded, "yes. i believe and feel as if i don't belong where i have ended up. i believe that i don't know enough, have enough experience for the work i do. and then i don't feel as if i deserve the friends i have, especially the ones i made back in denver. I've always thought that if they did not know my brother, they wouldn't give me a second look." she said shrugging before she took some sips of water.
nico took in that information and his heart broke just a bit, she didn't understand what a god send she was. how kind, open hearted, always willing to help in any way she could and on top of that, she was hilarious. always had a joke or two to cheer up some of the guys. he didn't like how she sold herself short over friendships. "i don't buy that for one second." he said, "the friends part. you're pretty rad miranda." he hummed and she felt her cheeks heat up just a bit. "oh really? i guess ill add that to my case file." she said laughing, and nico chuckled softly with a smile forming.
"what do you like to do to relieve any stress or anxiety?" she asked, trying to regain focus on why she was here. he shrugged, "does hockey count?" he asked genuinely. she nodded, "ofcourse but that is also your job. so anything else that you do outside of work would be a good place to start." she said and he nodded. "i uh like to hang with the guys, um i read a bit, i like to workout and play video games." he said, "but i don't know if those count." he said but she nodded anyways. "ofcourse! anything you do to distract yourself in a healthy way and relieve stress are coping skills, the ones you have are great nico!" she said smiling and he nodded, mirroring hers. "i would stick with those but would not limit yourself to just those. there are so many out there, i can definitely offer some others when i go back into the office monday." she offered and he nodded.
"thankyou, i definitely am feeling much better now. you've relieved a lot of anxiety i had tonight, by just talking and listening to me." he stated and she nodded. "I'm glad nico, i find that talking about things in a safe place can do wonders. and having somebody understand you as well can be beneficial. would you like to come see at some point this week?" she questioned and he nodded. "yeah id like that." he said smiling. the smile he gave everybody closest to him. "great, ill send out a few times for you and we can go from there." she said standing up. he nodded, again taking in her outfit. "sorry, i came right from manhattan so i didn't have time to change." she said feeling self conscious, "nonsense..you look uh, you look really nice." he said. really nice? oh my god, he thought. "well uh thankyou nico, ill see you monday. text me if you need anything else." she said praying to the universe to get out of there as quick as possible. he nodded her walking her back to the front door, he thanked her once more and she slipped out.
she woke up the next morning to a text from her boss, stating the he needed to see her in the office today. she groaned as she stood up, her body feeling the effects of only getting 6 hours of sleep. she quickly got ready and stopped at starbucks before heading over there. when she walked into the arena, some of the players had just begun to arrive. she slipped between arena personal trying to get to her office. once she opened it, she saw nico sitting in one of the seat two seats in front of her desk. "ah hi nico, how can i help you?" she questioned setting her bag down under her desk and sitting down. "i wanted to apologize for calling you over last night. it was way outta line and it shouldn't have happened." he said feeling remorseful and guilty for the reprimand she was about to get, "oh uh, no problem nico. its all good." she said trying to reassure him but she could tell that by the look in his eye, it was not. "i have to go see larry, ill stop by and talk to you guys soon. just check in." she said as they both stood up. he only nodded before walking out. she sighed, placing her hands on her hips. what did all this mean? she did not have time to ponder anymore because larry knocked on the door. "hi larry! what did you want to speak about?" she questioned, her hand raising for him to sit down in front of her. he sat down sighing, not sure of how to say what he was about to say. "you're fired miss johnson, i'm sorry i have to do this. but you are not permitted to treat players at their residences." larry said feeling horrible, he really liked miranda but nobody from upper management liked that she did what she did. "wait-what? he was having a crisis! i went over there, besides. nobody wanted to tell me this, tell me what i cannot do?" she said as her heart beat began to rise. he shook his head, "it was in your contract." he stated and she shook her head. "larry excuse my language, but what the fuck? it was not!" she said taking out the contract she kept in her desk. she threw it on the table before them, "you no what no. I'm taking this." she said snatching it up and putting it in her bag. "seriously larry what the fuck. fuck you." she said angrily. she hoisted her bag up and threw open the door, and made her way down the hallway toward her car.
"miranda!" he screamed but she didnt budge. she continued walking faster now, weaving in and out of people. she sighed knowing that she was about to pass the lockerroom and most likely a group of guys playing soccer. "miranda!" larry yelled again, gaining some attention from people. "don't you fucking say another word larry. you guys will be hearing from my lawyer." she spat as she turned around to face him. larry froze taking in the words, and knew she was serious. the group of players looked up as soon as she had said that. all of them confused and looking at one another. she shook her head turning around and continued towards the exit. larry stood there shocked, and mentally panicking. they did not need a scandal to get out, and he quickly made his way out to find somebody in upper management.
the one where she confronts nico.
she sat at the bar, sitting next to a friend she had made in her time here in jersey. "i cant believe they didn't even give you a warning! fuck them, I'm never supporting them ever again." molly spat, and miranda chuckled. the two had had there fair share of cocktails the past 2 hours as they conversed. "but that means you can come work with me!" molly added causing the dark brunette to giggle. "we'll see. I'm sure erik would want me to come to buffalo." she sighed. "or ill go back to denver." she said shrugging. molly nodded before swearing, "you are fucking kidding me." she growled seeing some of the devils players walk in. miranda followed her eye sight before the taste of vile hit her throat. "fuck off." she mumbled, pinching her nose. "lets go." molly said looking at her phone calling an uber. "yes lets." miranda sighed, "lets head outside it'll be five minutes." molly said and they both stood up. as they began their dissent out, nico took notice of the dark haired girl. he immediately felt guilty and a sense of dread washed over him. "isn't that-" jack didn't even finish his sentence before nico was off to go talk to the girl. molly and miranda held hands as they filtered their way through and miranda felt a tap on her shoulder as they were close to the door. she turned around and looked up at nico. "oh no not you." she growled but he wouldn't let her leave that quickly. "wait miranda!" he said but she was not in the mood. "what do you have to say nico, huh? wanna let everybody else in the world know that i came to your place last night to talk? huh! you wanna tell explain to them that that was the only reason why i came over? you wanna tell management that that was all that happened? because they think other stuff happened and i'm you know quite disappointed in you, being the captain and all. let me know if you need some help, i know a great captain that can help you out if you need it." she seethed, molly and the rest of the team taking in the interaction between the two. nico felt like an ass watching her as she walked out. he felt like an idiot too for telling a trainer that they had seen each other last night. not thinking anything of it when they asked what he did over the two day break.
the one where nico apologizes.
miranda was back in denver by new years, taking on a new position with the denver hospital. she would be working in case management and was happy to be back with her friends and the organization that adored her. she worked part time for the avalanche, after nathan mackinnon begged for her to come on for the rest of the season. he accredited some of his work these past few years to her. even if she was just a student at the time, her advice had helped tremendously. it was right before all star break when the devils came into town and she was dreading the game. she stood down near the entrances that the players used to get to the lockerroom. she was chatting with the head sports psychologist about a research article they'd both read in the past when nico saw the girl. she did not notice him at first but when she heard jack, she knew that the devils were arriving. she turned to look when she heard the whiney voice call her name. barabra the psychologist laughed and then bid her goodbye until after the game. "if it isn't mr hughes." she said crossing her arms, "oh it is me johnson. I'm sure you've missed our gossip sessions." he said cheekily, smiling widely. she rolled her eyes, "not in the slightest, bud." she said smiling just a bit. he grabbed his chest where his heart was, "that hurts." he said causing her to giggle. she saw luke walk in and she smiled to him and he waved back with one. "hows luke doing?" she asked the older brother, and he shrugged. "taking it one game at a time. day by day." and she smiled. "well good, im glad." she hummed. nico stood by jack, waiting to continue their walk together but also hoped there would be a chance to apologize. "well jack, good luck with the game." she said bidding her farewell. he nodded, saluting her briefly before turning back around. as miranda was about to take off, she heard her name. "miranda!" nico called out, his thick swiss german accent sending shivers down her spine. she sighed stopping and turned around, "yes?" she asked curtly. "can we talk..in private?" he asked and she thought for a brief second. "come e're." she said motioning for him to follow. they walked off into a hallway over from the opponent's lockerroom that was deserted. "yes, nico?" she asked, and he sighed. he knew he didn't have much time, "im sorry." he blurted, and her lips turned inward. "im sorry i said something without clarifying what had happened. im sorry i didn't defend you or speak to management. i fucked up badly, i know that and i wish i could take it all back." he said taking in her reaction.
her arms were crossed per usual, her neutral stance. "nico, i-i cant talk about this." she said shaking her head. he knew why, he knew about the lawsuit going on. "yeah, i know. I'm sorry about it though." he said and she nodded. "yeah, thanks." she mumbled. " i really am, you were an asset to our team. larry couldn't crack half these guys in the time he's been here and it took you all of 2 days to. the guys miss you, especially me." he said the last part softer. her eyebrows crinkled, "you made my job easier ofcourse." he teased. "ahh gotcha." she said rolling her eyes playfully. "its unfortunate that you guys are the most affected by this. the constant in and out of psychologists and therapists is not good for the morale and the mental health of the team, so I'm sorry you guys are going through the ever-revolving door." she said and he nodded. "yeah its too bad. i don't particularly feel comfortable talking to any of them." he said non chalantly. alrighty, she thought. "i hope things get fixed soon nico, i really do. if any of the guys need a place to talk outside of larry, i can send some referrals out." she said looking at nico in the eye, and he nodded. "thankyou miranda and again...i really am sorry." he said genuinely. she nodded, "its all good." she said. "good luck tonight, you'll need it." she said grinning as she began to walk backwards towards her team. his face lit up in a cheeky smile one second and in the next she was gone.
the one where they confess.
molly and miranda laid out in the sun of sunny hawaii, as by week had finally rolled around for the nhl. molly jumping at the opportunity to join the girl, her brother and her brother's fiance. the two chatted for a while in the sun, sipping on some mimosas after brunch. miranda stood up, stating that she was going to get another. she walked from the private pool area where the villas were and walk towards the main one that had a bar. she took in her surroundings, lots of families, couples, and great, the familiar group of guys from jersey. she sighed hurrying towards the bar across from them, and she quickly ordered another mimosa and a water bottle. she tapped her fingers tapped the wooden bar and took in the slight chill that was coming off of the ocean just beneath them. "holy fuck- johnson?" she heard to her right and she turned to see john marino. "john!" she said smiling softly, "how are you?" she asked taking the mimosa and water bottle from the bartender. "good, good! can never be sad with by week." he mused and she nodded, "no you cant, or else i would knock some sense into ya." she teased and he laughed. "oh don't we know it." he said laughing. "randy!" she heard her brothers name from the left of her, and she turned to see him waving her over. "good luck with the rest of the season and have a wonderful rest of the week." she said before walking off.
she walked towards erik when she heard the group of guys talking loudly, all now looking over to see the girl. nico took in her two piece suit, the soft waves hanging off of her shoulders and the confidence she possessed. "whats up bear?" she asked erik, shielding her eyes from the sun. "dana wants to know if you guys wanna get dinner at 7." he stated and she nodded, "i don't see why not. we didn't have any plans." she said and erik nodded, "see ya bean!" and she smiled, "see ya big bear." and the two went their separate ways. nico watched as she went back to the private area with bungalows. he prayed to the universe he'd see her again.
it was 6:20 when molly and miranda went down to the hotel bar before dinner. the two had napped and sobered up since their mimosas and sun time. they stood there drinking some champagne, when molly had left briefly to use the washroom. miranda sat down on the bar stool and took out her phone. she heard the familiar deep voice of the swiss she hadn't seen for a few weeks. she turned to her right and saw him in black collard shirt, black suit jacket and black pants. he looked good, she thought. too good. she turned back to her phone and hoped molly would come back soon. "fancy seeing you here." she heard and she turned towards nico who had a toothy grin. "hi nico." she said setting down her champagne. "what can i do for ya?" she said turning towards him. "well for one you can let me join you." he said boldly and she was taken back, but found her self nodding softly. he sat down next to her, "how are you enjoying your by week?" he questioned, sipping his drink. "its been nice thus far, especially when i'm not the one footing the bill." she grinned and nico chuckled. "i told ej to spread the wealth one time years ago and thankfully he hasn't stop providing." she teased causing nico to laugh again. "all jokes aside, im extremely grateful for him. he just doesn't know how to take no for an answer." she said as nico looked at her. "oh really? so you're not a moocher?" he grinned, and she grinned. "not in the slightest!" she said placing a soft hand on his arm. he looked down at it, and then back at her. she didn't move it, especially not when he looked back at her. she left it there for a few seconds, before pulling away. "sorry, i should probably be finding molly. we've got dinner with my brother and his fiance." she said clearing her throat. nico nodded, a tad bit sad. "well i think she'll be a bit occupied for a while longer. saw john sneaking her into the elevator as i walked in." he mused and miranda's eyes went wide. "no way!" she said, her hand going back to the spot it had just occupied.
"things have happened since you left, that happened quickly after you screamed at me in the bar." he said and her face flashed through guilt and remorse. "yeah...sorry about that." she said biting her lip. he shrugged, "i needed it. it knocked some sense into me." he hummed finishing the rest of his drink. "well now i don't feel as badly." she grinned, enticingly. he looked at her, and she at him. her hand softly moved down his arm, her head cocking to the side. call it alcohol, call it the heat of the moment, or the fact that she'd been thinking about nico since she spoke to him in his apartment. "maybe you could also sneak me into the elevator." she whispered just loud enough for him to hear. nico had a mischievous look on his face, once he realized what she was getting at. "lets go." he said pulling her off of the bar stool by her hand.
as soon as they entered the elevator, nico placed his hands on her waist pulling her in closely. "god I've been waiting for this." he whispered in a husky voice. "oh really?" she teased innocently, catching the heat in his eyes. "hmm mmm. couldn't wait to tell you that i like you...the first moment we met i was a goner." he said as the elevator dinged to his floor. "is that so?" she grinned, feeling butterflies flutter in her chest. "uh huh. surprised you didn't notice that long stares, always finding ourselves in the same area and the smiles i reserved just for you." he said as they entered his room. "i thought you were just being nice, nico." she hummed, placing her hands on his chest. "oh no, only reserve those smiles for the girl who stole my heart one casual conversation at a time." he hummed sliding out of his suit jacket as she began to work on his buttons. "i feel quite flattered, cap." she grinned looking up at him with a glint of excitement in her eyes.
clothes were quickly discarded after that, teasing and many kisses were exchanged after that. "well its a good thing i like you too, nico." she said as she laid in his arms. she looked up at him with a smirk, before he leaned down and kissed her. "how bout i come to denver after the season ends?" he questioned and she nodded. "id really like that, really would." she smiled resting her head on his chest. they looked at one another for a minute more, "now tell me whats going on in that pretty head of yours." she smiled and he blushed. "where do i begin?" he smiled.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed, it would mean a ton!
@hischierhaze @nicohischierz @jayda12 @skatesnstuff
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puppy95 · 2 months
locked myself out of my phone in the most ridiculous and pathetic way possible like of all the things to forget the password to unlock ur phone is the most annoying I called out of work to start spring break early that's how annoyed I am waiting on an email from apple because I cant get into the cloud either thanks for reading latest installment of pathetic 28 year old woman diaries I miss all the gifs on my phone but tbh desktop is faster than Tumblr mobile at this point thats how buggy it has been
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eggfeather · 1 year
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i didnt know how to go about this? very sorry if its incoherent or irrelevant hdjsdjjs
i do lineless in a specific way that may not be possible for all programs, so ill give you my way and a few tips that might help you if you do it another way!
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i use medibang for all my art, i use the “fill” brush (these are my settings ^), you can get it through the cloud download thing and its possible for both the desktop and mobile versions of medibang (and maybe firealpaca? i dont know what downloadable brushes it has but there might be something there)
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this is my process of drawing the base! im one of them weirdos who does pretty much all of the work on one layer excluding the sketch, but you could easily break it up into pieces and layers!
you could probably recreate this method with like, clip studios fill lasso tool or just the lasso or polygon tools that come with a lot of programs
Tip time!
(assuming you draw the silhouette of the character first and fill it in with the paint bucket)
- stabilizers are your friend! especially if youre newer to doing lineless stabilizers help a lot for smoothing your lines!
- or alternatively, do fast, confident strokes! even if you over shoot your lines, itll look less shaky and better overall!
- color in the white spots where the paint bucket doesnt fill in! not a tip just. fill those in bc if you ever post it you wont stop noticing the blank spots
- avoid lining in a color to close to the background, either change the bg or the color youre lining with bc GOD its a pain because if you cant see it its all the more hard to follow the sketch and see the little holes in it
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autisticangus · 1 year
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And now... The Sexy Zone Poll: Amnesty begins!
Like last time, I chose the 8 characters I felt would have the best chances and have seeded the poll so they will not be available until round 2. Because there weren't as many characters in Amnesty as Balance, trying to keep things fair was a little harder so there are a few that are...pretty obvious whos gonna win but I did my best to even the board. Each round will last one day and the first round will be up in just a few minutes!
Hollis VS Keith (WINNER VS Duck Newton)
Billy VS Kirby (WINNER VS Ned Chicane)
Barclay VS Jake Coolice (WINNER VS Mama)
Leo Tarkesian VS Janelle (WINNER VS Minerva)
Juno Devine VS Pigeon Wilson (WINNER VS Aubrey Little)
Dr Sarah Drake VS Agent Joseph Stern (WINNER VS Arlo Thacker)
Muffy VS Winthrop (WINNER VS Dani)
Sheriff Owens VS Deputy Dewey (WINNER VS Indrid Cold)
Additionally, I'm still seeing a glitch with alt text where the text is available on desktop but everything appears undescribed on mobile. I still havent heard back from staff on why this is happening. The images that accompany these polls are just the title card for the campaign that I edited to read "The Sexy Zone: Amnesty" and a simple depiction of the bracket, but all information in the bracket is included in this post and subsequent updates to the bracket will be reflected in the body of the post. I will add the alt text to the polls, but because of how polls work they cant be edited so I have no way to fix the text disappearing if it happens again, but I want everyone to know that no important information is lost if you cannot get the description of the images!
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justcallmefox89 · 1 year
The Royal Romance: Cinderfella’s Adventure’s in Cordonia - Chapter Twelve
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
Drake, Hana, and Maxwell reveal their grand plan; Drake makes a confession. 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
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Drake swallows hard, the muscles of his throat jumping beneath my hand.
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” I murmur, trying to ignore the way hips cant back against me.  “Why the hell are you here?”
“Liam is getting married,” he manages to croak out.
I tighten my grip on Drake’s body, unconsciously betraying my distress at the mention of the Cordonian prince.  “That’s got nothing to do with me,” I respond, relaxing my hold, but still keeping his body tight to mine.
“We need to stop the wedding.  And we need your help.”
“Goddamn it,” I mutter, leaning forward to rest my head on his shoulder.  I let out a frustrated groan and Drake shivers, his breath catching.  I shove him away from me, running my hands through my hair in an attempt to calm my nerves.  “Come on then.  Let’s get this over with.”
Thirty minutes later…….
“I’m sorry… you want me to do what?”  I lean back in my office chair, looking over my desk at Hana, Maxwell, and Drake.
“Attend Liam and Madeline’s engagement party,” Hana says hurriedly.
“Talk to Liam privately,” Drake says.
“And blow up the engagement so Liam can call off the wedding!” Maxwell finishes.
I rest my elbows on my desk and drop my head into my hands.  “Yeah, that’s what I though you said.”
“I know we’re asking a lot of you,” Hana says, rising from her seat and joining me behind my desk.  She wraps her arms around me and squeezes tightly.  “And I’m sorry we just barged in like this, but we really don’t know what else to do.”
I raise my head and gently extricate myself from her embrace.  “Even if I agree to do this, there’s a chance it won’t work, Cinnamon Bun.”
Hana smiles at my use of her nickname.  “It may not,” she admits.  “But at least we’ll have tried.”
“Liam has to get married at some point,” I continue.  “Why can’t he just marry Madeline and get it over with?”
Maxwell grimaces.  “Madeline is awful.”
“Liam deserves to be happy.  And you made him happy,” Drake says, looking as if this admission is causing him physical pain.  “He needs to be reminded that there’s more to his life than just duty to Cordonia.”
I bark out a laugh, the sound loud and startlingly cruel in the relative silence of my office.  “He didn’t care when I left; what makes you think he’s going to care now?”
“To be fair you completely ghosted him.  What was he supposed to do?” Maxwell says bitterly.
“I left him a note.”  Defensive, I cross my arms over my chest.
The three of them exchange a look I can’t decipher.
“Liam never got a note,” Hana says slowly.
I shake my head.  “No.  No… I left a note in his room, just like I did you guys.  I told him… it doesn’t matter now.  But I left him a note.  Are you sure he didn’t get it?”
“No, he didn’t.”  Drake scowls. “Which means someone got to it before he did.”
“You really think someone in the palace would hide something like that from Liam?” Maxwell asks, frowning.
“Constantine,” Hana whispers.  “Constantine would.”
 “It doesn’t matter now,” I repeat, shaking my head.  I drum my fingers against my desktop, thinking.  “So to re-cap... you want me to go to a party full of people who despise me and would do almost anything to keep me from being with Liam. Then you want me to somehow sneak past who knows how many bodyguards to try to speak with Liam privately.  And if he does agree to talk to me, you want me to convince him to rebel against his father and call off his wedding, which could potentially affect his ability become king?”
“Yeah, that about sums it up,” Maxwell says brightly.
“You’re all fucking insane.”
Hana sighs.  “We understand, Callum.  It was unfair of us to even - ”
“Do it for me,” Drake interrupts her.  “Please, Callum.  Please do this for me.”
His brown eyes bore into mine, silently pleading with me.
“Motherfucker,” I mutter, rubbing my forehead.  “Fine.  Fine. What’s the plan?”
The trio exchanges a surprised look, like they hadn’t actually expected me to ever agree.
“You can come to the engagement party as my date,” Drake blurts out suddenly. “And the three of us can get you an opening to talk to Liam.”
“Drake…”  Hana glances between Drake and I, suddenly hesitant.
“You really want me as your date, Brat?” I ask, unable to keep the teasing note from my voice.
“Absolutely,” he replies, his voice low and husky.
This is insane.
“When are we doing this?”
“Tomorrow night,” Maxwell says.  “Dress code is black tie.”
I shove a post-it and a pen towards him.  “Write down the details.”
“The party is in the ballroom of the hotel we’re staying at. You should meet me at my hotel room before the party starts,” Drake says, blushing faintly.  “So we can walk in together.”
My heart thumps loudly in my chest.  “Sure,” I manage to say, my mouth suddenly dry.
“We should probably go,” Hana says, breaking the tension between me and Drake.  “It’s late and tomorrow’s going to be a big day.”
“Yeah,” I mumble in agreement.
I hug Maxwell and Hana before they hurry out of my office, leaving Drake to linger behind.
“You need something else?” I ask, arching one eyebrow.
He takes a step closer to me.  “From you?  So many things.”
My eyes widen in surprise, and a frisson of excitement streaks through me.  I raise my hand, cupping the side of his face.  Drake sighs, nestling further into my touch.  I run my thumb over his full lower lip as a number of sinful thoughts run through my mind.
“Tell me,” I whisper.  “Tell me and I’ll give you anything you want.”
Drake nervously licks his lips, his tongue flicking out and touching my thumb.  I groan, unable to stop myself, the warm, wet touch of his tongue sending every drop of blood in my body straight to my dick.  Drake suddenly jerks away from me, breaking the spell.
“Maxwell and Hana are waiting,” he says, stumbling to the door on shaky legs.  “See you tomorrow.”
“See you…”
What the fuck was that?
I heave out a shuddering breath, staring at my closed office door.  “What am I doing?”
I sit back down in my office chair, taking out my phone and automatically opening up a news app.  
“Cordonian Prince Visits New York as the Last Stop on Official Engagement Tour”.  A full color picture of Liam and Madeline walking arm in arm accompanies the headline. They look happy.  
Like they belong together.
“What is wrong with me?” I mutter, unable to take my eyes off of my phone screen.  I trace Liam’s face with the tip of my finger, remembering the softness of his skin. His scent.  The way his body felt against mine.  The way his lips tasted.  How his eyes would crinkle at the corners when he would smile.
“Fuck!” I scream, throwing my phone.  It shatters against the walls, bits of plastic flying through my office like shrapnel.  I sweep my arm across my desk, scattering papers and bits of office paraphernalia.
The emotions I’ve spent that past year bottling up swirl in my chest, refusing to be contained any longer.  I scream again, tearing the computer monitor from the top of my desk, and smashing it on the floor.  I slam my office chair against the wall, tearing a hole through the dry wall.  I tear pictures and framed certificates from the walls, dropping them to the floor and crushing them beneath my boots.  A visitor’s chair gets tossed against the door, cracking the smooth wooden finish.  When I run out of things to destroy, I crouch down in the far corner of my office, tugging on my hair as I breath heavily, using the pain as an anchor.  
 The next evening…
“Damn it.”  Drake stand in front of a mirror, struggling with his tie.  A soft knock sounds on his hotel door, breaking his concentration.  He sighs, giving up on his tie, and goes to answer the door.
“Hey, Brat.”  Callum leans against the door jamb, smirking languidly as his eyes lazily rove over Drake’s body.  “You look good.”
Drake’s brain short circuits as he takes in Callum’s appearance.  Dressed in a form fitting black suit and black silk shirt, black gauges and septum ring his only jewelry, he oozes confidence and sex appeal.  Unlike Drake, he’s opted not to wear a tie, leaving the top few buttons of his dress shirt undone and showing off a tantalizing strip of skin that Drake desperately wants to kiss.
“Having some troubles?” Callum asks, gesturing to the undone tie hanging around Drake’s neck.
Drake clears his throat, trying to fight the blush creeping over his cheeks. “Yeah… I never really learned how to tie one of these things.”
“Want some help?”
Drake nods, sighing in relief.
“What do you say when you want something, Brat?”  Callum’s voice is low and playful.
“What’s the magic word?”
Drake narrows his eyes.  “I’m not playing this game with you.  I’ll figure it out on my own.”
Callum kicks the door closed and takes a step closer, gazing down into Drake’s eyes as he takes hold of the tie around his neck.  “Who’s playing?  All you have to do is say one little word… then I’ll give you what you want.”
Drake blushes and clears his throat, growing increasingly flustered by my flirting.
Too easy.
“You should quit teasing me,” he mutters.
“Who says I’m teasing, Brat?” I purr, using the tie to tug him closer, until his chest is pressing against mine.
His eyes flit away momentarily before meeting mine once again. “Can I ask you something, Callum?”
“Of course,” I say, confused by the sudden subject change.
“If we had met somewhere else… anywhere else.  At a club in New York, or in an airport, or at a party… If you hadn’t been our waiter that night, and I hadn’t been sitting next to Liam…  Do you think all of this… do you think it could’ve been different… between us?”
I blink, stunned into inaction by the question.
Would it have been different?
Drake stares up at me, beautiful brown eyes wide and beseeching as he waits for my answer.  Drake, who had always been on my side, who had done his best to warn me about the dangers of the Cordonia court.  Who had been there for me when Liam wasn’t.  Who let me be myself and liked me in spite of it.  Drake, who stands before me open and vulnerable, laying his feelings bare for me to accept or reject.
I lean forward until our mouths are barely a hairsbreadth apart.  “Yeah, baby,” I murmur, our lips gently brushing together with every word I speak.  “It would’ve been different.  I think everything would’ve been different.”
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moonrkgk · 2 years
.art program breakdown
I kind of wanted to make a list for myself, but i also wanted to make it available for others to view if they wanted a pro and con list of different art programs! I'll start my lists with pro's and follow with con's. I will be focusing on desktop programs.
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Paint Tool Sai v1/v2 :
A program i started off with, very simple to use. Between v1 and v2 there are minimal changes so i will be putting them together.
Brush engine is very 'plush'. This may be dependent on your tablet settings, but i have found through Sai that you dont need a lot of pressure to get a good result.
Great starter program. Is by no means overwhelming, and everything is clearly labelled. (Or with a small amount of exploring you will be able to find the use of each button/function.)
Many layer modes, a few are exclusive to Sai. (shade/shine specifically.)
Save states (Sai V2)
Perpetual License.
Program is made by a singular person, so updates are few and far between.
No dark UI.
You cannot import ABR's.
Desktop only.
Given that the program is fairly minimal anyway, i feel like deducting 'points' from it for not having things like importing assets would be a bad idea. So for what its advertised as, id say its a solid 3 out of 5.
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Clip Studio Paint :
I have used this program for a few years, and have used on iOS and Windows.
You can import ABR's
3D models and other importable objects.
In app brush/object/material marketplace.
In app storage for art files.
'Teams' ( You are able to save your works and share them with another CSP user for coop on things like webtoons/comics or other projects.)
QA community, learn and teach, and showcase available in app.
Many layer modes, gradient maps, rulers, and materials.
Animation timelines. (CSP PRO only allows for 24 frames per animation. If you need/want more allowance you will have to upgrade to EX.)
Webtoon / comic creating features.
Mobile app companion.
Adjustable UI shades. (light/medium/dark)
Save states.
Limited perpetual license.*
Mobile version does not have a perpetual license and is monthly p2u.
Brush engine is very rigid.
SUT are not able to be used anywhere else but CSP.
*While i cant think of many cons, as of August 2022 and their decision to 'remove' perpetual licenses im docking them quite a few 'points'. A TLDR version would be while they do still offer perpetual licenses for version 2.0 onward, you will no longer get updates unless you pay for an update pass yearly fee ALONG WITH your perpetual license cost. You can read the entire article here. While the program is decent and widely used, their recent rug pull left a bad taste in the mouths of many so i will give it a 3of 5 for that reason. Use at your own risk.
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Krita :
Open source.
Save states.
Limited ABR importation.*
Animation timelines.
*While you can import ABR's, it only imports the brush tip. You have to recreate the brush from there and this can be tedious.
'Clunky' UI
No help desk.
Desktop only.
Performance and lag issues regularly.
I dont think ive ever had a particularly good experience using Krita. One of the main reasons i gave it up back in the day was solely because i was having so many performance issues and it was crashing regularly. These may no longer be issues, but i feel its important to add that it was a good enough reason that many people stopped using it because of. I give a 2 of 5.
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Open Canvas / Medibang / FireAlpaca :
These three will get honourable mentions. While open canvas is not free, medibang and firealpaca are. Their UI is pretty much the same, as well as their features.
The most i would be able to say about these three is they are super minimal and basic. (However, if you do decide to stick with any i know people like Jax Sheridan 'Clockbirds' was able to create masterpieces with medibang. They seem to have since moved to photoshop as of ~4yr ago.)
2 of 5!
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ABR that are widely used and easily accessible.
Many layer modes.
Ruler and grid tools.
In app marketplace.
Cloud storage.
Mobile app.
Save states.
Accessible help desk / forum support.
Monthly subscription.
Open GL issues.
Sporadic performance issues.
While i know a ton of people dislike PS CC because theyve had the market cornered for so long, i feel like the program itself is one of the best. You can find addons for thins like animation timelines, different UI settings, etc. (While not always free as they are user made.) The monthly cost is $9.99 USD (this may change based on your own currency or country.) which is fairly low. (I pay more for netflix per month.) They have been using this subscription model since 2012 when they introduced CC. Personally, the cost of using the program pays itself, but i understand the issues people have with this.
4 of 5.
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Paintstorm Studio :
Save states.
ABR importing.
Many brush layers, grids, rulers.
Active forum community and responsive help desk.
Extremely customizable brushes.
Customizable UI. (colours AND dark/light.)
Issues with integrated graphics.
Occassional performance issues.
Perpetual license cost.
While paintstorm is not free, its $20 price tag is incredibly justifiable for what you get. They are fairly transparent with their plans, issues, and updates for the program (even with things like including animation tools or fixes.). I personally had some performance issues with the program and had to email their support and was replied to PROMPTLY with all the willingness to help.
The closest comparison i can make is that paintstorm is a mix of sai and CSP. Ive considered dropping CSP for this program entirely. (I just need a bit more time to get more comfortable.)
3 of 5.
While these programs are not getting their own column, if you want to expand and try them out i wish you luck! (I may have either not used it long enough to form a solid enough yay or nay opinion, or i just dont particularly care for it either way anyway.)
Corel Painter
Procreate (iOS only)
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I may at some point append this list as I grow, but for now i just really wanted to share what ive learned over the years with others. These are generally my own personal opinions, so youre free to take them with a grain of salt! But hopefully it helps someone out :)
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I’m a squid inside of a plastic bottle. After yet ANOTHER extremely long hiatus I'd kind of like to use this account but I'm still not changing my cool as fuck Liar Liar 2 desktop theme and nobody can make me.
this is my sideblog!
fuck heavy with cartoons, movies and video games of all sorts. have read a lot of snuff, guro and ryona doujins. watch many horror movies, read many splatterpunk books. I'll try to tag things but i REALLY don't wanna use my old tagging system so. I'll figure something out. feel free to hit me up for recommendations of gory media.
i'm very passionate about practical effects. i write sometimes. im in a plastic bottle! let me ouuuuttt!
im currently writing two extreme lit novels and might start on a third. i'm also a filmmaker and artist, but i havent filmed anything since my thesis in college.
this account is full of old art that i hate and i hate looking at.
18+ -- i cant check every follower i get so we're working on the honor system.
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geez dad isn't it Society (1989)'s fault I act this way ?!?!?!?
currently reading:
House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski)
American Psycho (Brett Easton Ellis)
Wasp Factory (Iain Banks)
The Bighead (Edward Lee)
Filth (Irvine Welsh)
120 Days of Sodom (Marquis de Sade)
Hogg (Samuel R. Delaney)
starting soon:
Naked Lunch (William S. Burroughs)
Head Full of Ghosts (Paul Tremblay)
Less than Zero (Brett Easton Ellis)
Son of the Slob (Aron Beauregard)
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happiiest · 6 years
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public wifi at work won't connect to the internet
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yelenassecretlover · 3 years
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medieval au hcs [sfw] pt 2
anime: attack on titan
characters: erwin, armin, mikasa
a/n: no thoughts head empty, y’all know I’m on mobile and I cant copy and paste from the google doc I work on to here, its so annoying I have to boot up my old ass desktop to copy and paste :)
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King, helped lead his kingdom into a golden age. Although it seems war is just over the horizon, maybe he can help prevent it once again?
It seems as if King Erwin has been in power for centuries…but that cant be. Rumors says he’s over 300 yrs old but those are just rumors
Can either be extremely intelligent and knowledgeable or a complete himbo, there is no in between
A Dilf, has a bunch of daughters who he loves dearly, will behead you if you so much as look at them in the wrong way
Had a beautiful garden made, named it “of eden” as he located every flower and beautiful plant in the kingdom and planted them there for his partner.
Is not intimidated by the demons he calls knights Levi and Yelena. One of the few people who isn’t scared of them, occasionally messes with them
Loves PARTIES, a new ball or some event is occurring every week. Truly he just makes up any excuse to party. (Levi’s usually stuck as the head of the party planning committee, claims to hate it but he volunteered)
“ The butler recently bought a new puppy. Let's celebrate the life of the animal with a ball. Invite everyone”
Many of his conquests and goals are questionable, but no one dares question him (except his daughters they’re always pestering him with new questions)
Has a throne room that he does sit in, but you’ll have a better time finding him in his office (he thinks the throne room is kind of tacky but Levi and Yelena insist on him using it)
Was raised in royalty his entire life but spent his young adulthood sneaking off into the villages, where he met Levi (No surprise, to his dismay, his daughters do the same)
Baker, inherited his parents business after they disappeared in a trip to the forbidden land
Extremely curious and inquisitive, questions everything around him. Even owns a couple of banned books but don't tell anyone
Always smells like the latest delight on the menu, on Mondays you’ll smell Snickerdoodle, Wednesday Blueberry muffins and Friday, well Friday is experiment day but sweet is one word to describe it.
Wears an apron regardless if he’s in the kitchen or not, although food isn’t the only thing cooking (some say at 3am you can heard weird spells being cast, but in the morning you merely smell the freshly made bread so who knows)
“ ha..silly rumors we all know casting spells is illegal. I’m just preparing for the next day”
Extremely kind and caring but not naive, picks up on things quickly. Book smart and Street smart
Humble origins. Not that it bothers him he’s always cared more about the way things are done, then the actual things themselves. To hung up on the can it be done not worried on the should it be, you already know this story
Animals really like him, although he hates it because they’re constantly stealing his sweets, he needs those to make a living so he’s a bit stressed
Such a sweet and lovely aura to him, no surprise he’s as sweet as his cookies
Constantly getting flour on his books, when he opens them he’s not sure if its dust or flour but he is currently in a coughing fit so he won't notice
Wanted to follow Eren and Mikasa into knighthood but didnt, although not because of his psychique (baking requires quite the workout, so he’s a bit toned) but rather decided to continue his families legacy in the sweets department
Knight, Joined for two reasons, for her friend but also her loyalty to her Kingdom.
Stern face but very warm once spoken to, looks mean but is the sweetest
Due to the kingdom being in a golden age her full potential has not been shown, but it has been noticed. Sworn into the head knights team at a young age, the first to do so.
Contrary to popular belief not in love with Eren, she’s very protective of all her close friends, the mom friend of the group. The one you can count on bringing in extra blankets for the mission
Doesn’t drink no matter how hard the day may have been, has to make sure Eren or Sasha dont get into any trouble
“Captain was pissed when you two snuck into his office, the next time you do some dumb shit like that I’ll snitch on you myself”
Touch starved, attention starved, really craves love but instead spends her days training to distract herself
Extremely agile, great fighter, master at swordcraft. Basically amazing at everything she does, Armin tried to bribe her to join his bakery, she refused.
Women of a few words, her actions are how she expresses herself
Cherishes the gifts given to her by the villagers no matter how useless
“Mika that’s the 10th letter opener you were given you do not need that give it away” “……no”
When not in her usual knight attire, she wears lovely summer dresses that go just below her knees, even in winter, claims she cant feel cold. (funny.... Levi claims this too)
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sunb0rn · 2 years
07 May 2022
last night nasa biyahe na pabalik ng LP when I realized na hindi ako nakahiram ng lab laptop para magamit sa bahay.
sabi ko, okay, no choice pag tiyagaan ko laptop ko.
today, i was able to take a bath earlier than usual (kapag wkend) para kako maaga mag start at talagang magawa ang dapat gawin. lagi ko naman shinishare dito na struggle sa akin to get ready as early as possible para mag gawa ng thesis things. maaga din ako nag on ng lappy kasi alam kong tatamadin ako mag set up nito talaga. so ✨small wins✨ na mga yan.
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dami pa din set backs a.k.a katamaran througout the afternoon coz fck cant really pull myself up; pero eto na nga I was about to start na at around 4 pm.. kaso ayaw talaga gumana kahit ng mouse
(nag saksak ako kasi hindi na nagana mouse pad; pati keyboard ng desktop ko kinabit ko coz some letters arent working na din).
let's conclude na wala ako magagawa over the weekend.
ive been thinking kanina pa what if mag stay ako ng friday night- saturday afternoon sa apartment (yes, NPA days are over; don na ako sa apartment ni Mae and D) sa mga susunod na weekends. feeling ko mas makakapag trabaho ako doon.
tang ina. sana okay lang ako. i know dami ko nang sinabi at sinubukan din naman na ways para makapag simula na tlga ng mga gawain pero alaws talaga yawa. slump pa din. im not liking it coz responsibilities, goals, but my body and mind just wants to rest.
i also thought of having a one to two-hour thesis sesh every after shift but.. (ill post about this kapag nag share na ako ng lipat apartment) shizz.
ngayon iniisip ko nalang na mag thought dump na, re:blog backlogs. like pipigain ko na, maexpress lang what i wanna share since May 1 pa. ahhkk.
what if manuod din ako ng Secrets of Dumbledore?? bukas?? 👀👀
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It has occurred to me that Tumblr can be a void with friends so my problems arent unheard, but they are out I my head
Hey howdy poodle, it's me, snickerdoodle.
What's good my fellows.
I am very glad you exist.
Thank you for existing and caring for me.
I love you so much.
Bless you.
Thank you.
I am coming down from a 12 hour panic attack/mental shutdown/depressive episode where I was nonverbal for 8.5 hours, and when I finally started calming down I had to speak with people and stand up and walk and make food for 2 hours. So all in all. Not great.
But better.
Anywho, so There Is A Reason for my inactivity.
I mean, there are several, but theyre all highly personal and meh.
So my fam and I spent the last.. 2 months? Or more? Moving 1800 miles across the country. We have 99% of all our stuff in one (1) storage unit that is still at our old town. (We took 1 suitcase and several bags of our stuff. That is it. For months or maybe even a year. Clothes and stuff included.) I had to leave my desktop BUT I have a laptop.
I mean it's literally held together by tape and can't be unplugged and overheats faster than Satan's flambe kitchen in high summer, but it works and I can write so it's mostly good I guess?
We... Kinda have been living in a hotel for... What, 9? Days? Bc my parents cant find a place to move to in the city we're in, and the fact I am basically Tiny Tim with art skills and a good leg doesnt help...
Tumblr is a silly fun way to escape reality but I dont have the energy or mental capacity or time to respond to people if they tag me (unless it's 1 sentence or less but that is still pushing it) or write or anything or even post.
I havent been sleeping well, (lol thanks asthma, allergies, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and altitude y'all are doin amazing) and I had to leave my entire irl friendgroup back home. A lot of them dont have Instagram or ways for me to contact them aside from texting.
We moved to my previous home when I was very small, but it took me almost 12 years to finally feel like I was home. And that was because of the people I met and cherished and loved. I finally had a support network.
And then I got the news we were moving 1800 miles away.
I have left the life i've spent 12 years rebuilding. Heyhey, depression when did you get here? 16 years ago? Dandy.
Long story short, i've been through all the stages of grief already but I'm still on shakey ground. (The anger stage was the fastest? Bc I dont get angry? Except at people who are genuinely bad or disrespectful towards their audience for no reason other than petty revenge or ego. I'm talking about Thomas Austruc, in case it wasnt obvious. Friggin Miraculous...) I accepted what happened, and have accepted it since about 2 weeks after I heard. I accept and adjust to things quickly and easily. Doesnt mean I like it, but I can and do adjust my mindset and lifestyle to the winds of life.
Kinda sucks at times tbh.
Bc my brain shoves the whole messy business of 'processing' side to acknowledge and move on.
Anyways, that's not the point.
Point is, I am mentally royally screwed atm. I am not medicated for any I my issues, (ADD, major depression, multiple severe anxiety issues, to name just a few of the 'nom-physical' issues) which means life is about a billion times harder to exist in. So in short: my online status will be steady but my posts? Only time will tell.
I would like to apologize for everyone who follows me @un-romancible-npc for my Chance Maribat MariDami/Daminette AU, I am working on it, but I'm also aware of my own issues right now. And I can get about... 500 words a week at the most? Because we're so busy and I'm studying for my driver's test (several years late sadly but when you can barely afford food every month it isnt as much of a concern. Dont worry, we're better off now but it's still a struggle.) and organizin everything at home, and looking after my 2 younger siblings and my big bro, who is currently practically bed-ridden and puking his guts out. Basically... I am very sorry but I cant work on it. I CAN get a snippet out once I finish the freaking 'Mari meets everyone in the lobby' scene. I havr almost 3k words for that and some stuff that follows but the friggin LOBBY SCENE I SWEAR TO PASTA--
That's why I've been gone...
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lgalacticjayl · 5 years
High school musical, the musical, the series. What a show. Its like a fake reality show like the next step almost but also just a tv show with side bars that also knows its purpose isnt to be realistic. Its a group of kid from where high school musical was shot putting on a preformace of hsm. Its a little cringy but not bad i guess. Kinda like daybreak also.
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There are a couple unrealistic scenes like how instagram changes feom mobile veiw to desktop for no reason. Also Drama (at least what I know) doesnt work like the teacher just hands you someone to read dor and there are never any qnouncements over the intercom about it. Also do you need numbers for 15 people that you already know. And there is no way youd be able to have a cast list ready that fast. Also you cant change scripts unless you ask the writer/publisher. The characters themselves are quite something with an obvious troy always late and confused all the time. A transfer student who mentions being a transfer student all the time, something no one does, who is basically sharpay. The guy playing sharpay is pretty cool tho, just a theatre nerd whos family raises cows, i like him. Troys best friend whos only quality is red hair and waiting around for troy to get out of rehearsal. Gabriella who is torn between two boys that do not actually care that much for her but think they do. I mean stealing your girlfriends phone, not cool man. Gabrielle's bf who is like chad and troy but plays water polo and didnt get the lead role but dresses up as a wildcat everyday. His cousin who plays the drama teacher and writes her own songs. The choreographer who is just mini ryan. And the drama teacher who loves hsm too much and takes this too seriously. Its quite a show but is funny and entertaining to watch and isnt actually that bad. At least it isnt a reboot of hsm.
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