#its half a MB but i think tumblr does something with gifs where if you optimize them w transparency it doesnt count
bobacupcake · 11 months
Tumblr media
how about sable!!
sable!! this uses a post processing outline effect i am very sure. usually outline effects (also called edge dection) do, well, that. they detect edges by looking for places with big differences in depth and normal direction and draw lines over them since those are usually the edges
sable looks like either it checks for a lot more than just depth/normals, or they do their edge detection based on differences in color. i wouldnt be surprised if they had everything rendered to a second texture based on color, as well as a way to tell certain materials to render to that texture as specific colors (so that the edge detection works on like all those little dots everywhere along the ground. i did something similar for the GoT game i worked on !!)
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