#i cant bring myself to have any interest in what they do or what they have to offer
chaiaurchaandni · 7 months
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echo-s-land · 2 months
It's insane how most of the time I don't get how ppl interact and I also Don't Fucking Care
#vent ig#i wish i could#but unfortunately i havent had the occasion of sharing one of my interest with you in the past three months and when i did it didnt go as i#wanted and now we're supposed to talk through smalltalks except i dont know how to do those so im awkward as hell and unconsciously cut the#short and now im being hated (?) even tho that wasnt my intent#but i guess no matter how trustful i am i just look like a liar#and i cant even bring myself to care bc how am i supposed to explain myself when youre convinced what i say is a lie#we werent even supposed to be this close so sorry if im stiff. i tried to get along but i just cant#the never ending circle between 'i want to have ppl to interact with being alone to experience this world is exhausting and dreadful' and#'im not even remotely interested by any of you'#its different on tumblr bc i can curate my own experience & nobody comes @ me when i dont interact with them for days or weeks (BC IVE GOT#NOTHING TO SAY) and its okay and its normal and we dont have to do the 'hi how are you wyd' script every single time (sure we can check up#on each other once in a while but it doesnt become a script. it feels genuine.)#anyway. im so normal. i can def care about ppl that have never been as insane as me about something we both love(d at some point)#am pretty sure i developed 'i perceived you saying/thinking One(1) bad thing about me and now i dont care at all about your existence' as#a child as a coping mechanism but goddammit i feel like an asshole everytime it happened#i hate feeling apathetic#and i hate lying too so i cant just say shit to reassure them when i dont mean them#cant tell them im sorry about how my behavior is perceived when im so damn tired and would rather they disappear of my life
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cinnamon-notes · 1 month
i have been ghosting my friends for idk a month??? and they have been doing the same??? except for when we meet in a workplace cuz somehow our jobs decided to cross over :)
#feeling so bad about it but like i cant bring myself to interact with people right now but i am also constantly sad because i dont interact#with anyone out of work :/ but working makes me socially exhausted & tbh all i wanna do is be depressed with my books & my movies &my tunes#but i also crave affection like i realize i have zero social life and i sometimes schedule some hangout with my friends but it's almost#become like idk a task? something i look at through work eyes. like- i arrange our hangouts the way i arrange work meetings. it's so sad.#i know it is. but still- i cant help it. through all my life ive been missing having a lifelong friend who knows me like the back of their#hands and i know like the back of mine. never had it. cant cry over that. it's passed. i cant invent lifelong friendships that never existed#and i gotta make peace with that. plus- what am i complaining about if im just incapable of keeping any friend for longer than a month???#after the first month- maybe the first couple of months- it all gets boring and dont get me wrong i really love my friends but somehow they#lose interest in me and i lose interest in them and we become just people who know each other and occasionally hang out but like- i've never#had a friend who's there for me when things happen in my life. i've always had friends to tell things to afterwards. like- i know i cant#really pick up the phone and say “hey. im having a bad time. can we take a walk? talk on the phone? can you tell me about your day? can you#just be here for me?“ and i cant even idk just randomly pop up with a ”oh my god i hate him i hate him i hate him it's a whole montague vs#capulet but if romeo and juliet never existed kind of hatred!!“ i just cant vent right away. ive always thought that that's my problem.#and maybe it is. but still- how's come they can vent to me? im always there right away. i do love my people and i show up for them.#sometimes my depression makes it soooo difficult to hang out constantly but if there's one thing that cannot be said about mw is that i dont#care. cuz i do. and maybe that's the problem#and maybe it's just easier for me to care than let others care? idk? but then again- i did try to open up. i did try to let them care. i did#try everything by the book & off the book but still- idk it's always just an “im sorry” never an “i care so much to say more than im sorry”#and yeah it's my problem cuz i am not a constant person im not that steady in what i do. i still dont know if it's because i havent found#yet the people worth doing it or if i am just traumatized (my ex is knocking on this door lol) but- idk it makes me extremely sad!!!#and ive rambled on way too much but i jusg needed to let some things out of my mind cuz i cant understand whats wrong with me and why i#crave true friendships although im hella scared of and bored of and unwilling to nurturing one :)#cinnamon diary
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trans-estinien · 2 months
its so wild seeing how non mmo players exist and well. i dont like it!
#i saw an iceberg bass by and i. dont want to be anywhere near that iceberg#if youve never played over 100 hours of any mmo. i dont trust you or your opinions about video games tbh.#like sorry talking to people on a video game is scary. skill issue.#also. also. also. controversial opinion but subscription based games arent actually bad. shocking i know#its a super big pet peeve when people hate on mmos for being. mmos. like. what did you expect lol???#or they hate on mmos for. gasp. needing consistent funding to keep running#if i said my opinions about single player games yall would attack me with hammers#single player games are boring as FUCK#ive only ever beaten two singleplayer games and it was hollow knight and nier replicant#i cant bring myself to play any other ones cause theyre just not interesting#like in theory i like bg3 but in practice i cant. be fucking bothered#that game is just. Too Much#which is rich coming from a FFXIV player who LOVES Bozja but like#i love being around people at all times and i hate doing things alone on the account of the autism#and unless i drag people into playing bg3 with me when i want to play it its just not worth it#i have to figure out the systems by myself and i have no motivation to keep playing (yeah i could just google it but. thats not my point)#like honestly. singleplayer games make me feel like im wasting my time.#why would i play bg3 by myself when i could be afk in limsa watching people argue in shout chat. which is much more fun
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toastsnaffler · 8 months
i keep getting irrationally miffed at ppl 😐😐
#'impressed by how much u can talk abt this considering youve not played either game'#fuck off. as if im not just trying to show interest bc u + another friend are both into them + constantly talk abt them in our gc!!#i mean since u guys talk abt them all the time + theyre huge on tumblr like. it would be hard for me to not know anything abt them at all#literally what else can i talk to u guys abt anyway. i dont think there are any interests i personally have that they both gaf abt#if anything they actively dislike most of the things im hyperfixated on. or at least she does so like i cant bring that up can i.#all i did was share a post i saw on tumblr that i thought was funny. its not like i had some negative/controversial opinion#i just saw it and thought hey that makes me think of my friends bc they like those things maybe theyll find it funny too!!#dog sitting outside the door with rly big sad eyes offering them a stick i found in a puddle#i like listening to them talk and i will eventually play some of the games theyre into myself cuz they make them sound rly cool#and even if theyre not my kind of thing i like sharing interests with other ppl and sometimes thats enough for me to be able to enjoy it#i literally own some of them already but im just not in the mental space to start smth new right now. which i have SAID!!!!#why do u even care girl. as if u dont already have a ton of friends playing it that ur talking to abt it???? i wont have anything to add#and thats not gonna stop u from being able to talk to me abt it anyway????? like 2/3 of our conversations atm are abt bg3#man. i know its not that deep but it makes me kinda sad for some reason. im just trying. i guess next time ill just let u guys talk-#to each other or at me and not comment or say anything so u can pretend im not here or whatever it is u want#ughh. she probably didnt even mean it like that and ill feel stupid for getting annoyed and delete this later but whatever.#might work out early today and then i can like draw or play a game or smth the rest of the day. alright lets go#.vent#listening to my silly little jfunk/jazz/soul playlist and i already feel over it. healing
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fairuzfan · 3 months
As an american myself I can understand why people are so scared that arab-americans are refusing to vote for biden since im terrified of what trump will do to our country. I very much feel forced to choose between two very evil people where i have to choose who will probably do less overall damage. But yelling at arab-americans isnt the right move. Im terrified at what decisions ill have to make with voting, but its not like all arab-americans who refuse to vote for biden are trump supporters and in fact many of them were going to vote for biden before october 7. I dont know what we should do about voting, but yelling at grieving arab-americans who cant bring themselves to vote for biden when biden helped kill their family is just wrong. I get the fear, i really do because i feel it too, but that doesnt make it right.
Like as a disabled person I'm pretty nervous about trump presidency ngl. I need meds that allow me to function on a day to day basis. But I cannot in good conscious vote for the man that killed my family's loved ones. Not to give too much info but a family member's best friend was Heba Abu Nada... when they learned of her death they cried for three days straight and asked me not to say any news about Palestine for a week back in October. Even when I told them that Heba's poem became viral, they just nodded at me and said "a lot of talented people in Gaza died" before going quiet, staring out in the distance. That's something that will stay with me for the rest of my life and I can't bare to think of voting for the man that caused that amount of sorrow to anyone. So imagine every single Palestinian family — they all have their own stories and their own grief. So telling them "that means absolutely nothing" and being told to suck it up isn't going to make anyone want to trust you that you have people's best interests in heart. I don't know. It just is so so obvious how little people care about other people and to me that's the most.... shocking thing.
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pinkandlilacroses · 1 month
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Angel - Paige bueckers
part 1
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• summary {when an unsuspecting girl falls for the basketball star}
•warnings {none (for now)}
•comment if you would like to be added to the taglist
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bellas pov
“Im just saying, a rom com romance would be fantastic tight now” I state to my best friend, Avery. “i mean everyday is the same thing over and over” i continue. I can tell she doesn’t care, Avery’s been in a relationship with her high school sweetheart, Jake since freshman year.
“you need to stop being desperate” she says scooting closer to me on our couch.
this may sound rude, but thats just how Avery is, ane i guess ive gotten used to it
“nobody understands me” i say dramatically as i get up and walk towards my room.
“remember, we are going out tonight” Avery yells
fuck. i forgot.
i hate going out, theres to many people
i feel like sometimes Avery relyes on me, i mean sometimes i wanna hang out with other people, not just her. Avery on the other hand, im her only friend and i understand why, i love her but she is so mean to any and everyone that she comes across.
a few hours pass and i begin getting ready. i put on a matching pink set with a tube top and a mini skirt, i feel cute, i cant wait for this to get ruined by a bunch of drunk, sweaty college students.
i know i take a while to get ready, i mean its taken me two hours to pick my outfit and do my hair and i haven’t even started my makeup yet. my excuse is that you can never rush perfection.
“bella cmon we gotta go” Avery yells, ‘how is she ready so early’ i think to myself, finishing my coat of mascara.
“ok, ok, im ready” i say 20 minutes later. i can tell shes pissed, but it doesn’t bother me.
“your so dramatic, its a 5 minute walk” Avery says, annoyed, as always.
“i am not made for walking”
its only been 5 minutes since our arrival and i want to leave
“hey baby” a clearly drunk guy says, while he slyly brings his hand to my bare waist.
“who are you” i say, bluntly
“hey loosen up princess” he says, getting closer
i do like that nickname. but i hate him.
“im gonna go now”
i dont know if im straight, to be honest. i was raised in a household where anything but straight was a sin, so i never really questioned my interests. but whenever i see a girl who is tall and strong, my straightness goes out the window, and i feel like im sinning. ive never done anything with a girl before and im scared, i dont know if i ever would.
i walk away from the drunk man and towards the bar
“oh my god im so sorry” ‘fuck. why am i so clumsy’, i say to the girl i bumped into
“nah your all good” she says, looking down at me
i hadn’t looked at her, but now that i am. i never wanna stop. shes tall and blonde.
“hi, im paige” she says, breaking my admiration.
“im bella” i say, shamelessly checking her out
she has on grey sweatpants and a black tshirt. hot.
“do you go here” she says, continuing the conversation.
“uh, yeah, im a junior” i say, stuttering. why am i stuttering
“are you nervous?” she says, bringing her face closer to my own. yes, i am so nervous, you make me so nervous, ohmygodohmygodohmygod
“no” i say, unconvincingly.
“you sure?” she questions again. im not ok
“your on the basketball team, right?” i say, attempting to shift the conversation
she chuckles
“yeah” she states, moving back to her original position, further away from me. come back
“have you heard of me” she says, cockily
“i think everyone has here” i say, to be honest, i dont know anything about basketball. but ive heard of her before and her eyes have me trapped, there so blue and inviting.
what am i saying
“i wanna know more about you though” she whispers, moving closer than before.
“what do you wanna know” i say wrapping my arms around her neck. i dont know where all this confidence has came from
“yo paige” some girl says, she turns around and breaks the position we were in.
“iceee” she says, dapping up her teammate
im offended.
i make my way from her and towards my friend group. i want to go home
“was that you flirting with paige bueckers”
“we were just talking, shes not interested”
“girl, paige would be interested in a tree if it had a pussy, she is definitely interested” chanel says
everyone laughs. but me
im confused, why am i attracted to her, i like men, not women.
“bella cmon, lets get you home” Avery says, i mentally thank her from saving me from this conversation.
i tuck myself into bed after taking my outfit and makeup off and get ready for my favourite activity. sleep, until.
- hey is this bella?
what the fuck. do i have a stalker
- yes
- hahah thank god
- this is paige
what the fuck
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A/N - first fic, how do we feeeelllllllll
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theallegedbird · 6 months
look this really isn't the kind of post i'd normally make but why the fuck aren't we talking about trans rights in the uk. this is just the latest thing they've thrown at us. it's absolute shit here to be blunt.
on the 19th the uk department of education (DfE) released its guidance for schools and colleges and how they deal with trans kids
its bad. really fucking bad.
but there is some hope in that they are asking for feedback from teachers and school leaders, myself and a friend wrote a document going through why the guidelines are so awful but stopped after focusing on four points since it was. half midnight on the same day this guidance was released. we then gave this to as many teachers as we could before the holiday break and believe me it did a lot, we're working on completing a full version soon
so, uk students, i am begging you to do similar and try persuade your teachers to give feedback (if its safe for you to do so), you'd be surprised how supportive they can be if you break down what this guidance will bring
teacher feedback can be given here, the deadline is the 12th of march 2024
i'm going to go through some of the worst parts of this guidance, keep in mind that according to the education secretary gillian keegan, "this guidance puts the best interests of all children first" utter bullshit obviously
to start off throughout this whole thing they never use the word trans/transgender, just "gender questioning" which feels so fucked up to me
ok so to be blunt essentially what this is going to do is to out any trans kids who want to socially transition to their parents, as well as the fact a school can just. fucking decline any request to socially transition.
"The… guidance clarifies that schools and colleges do not have to, and should not, accept all requests for social transition."
"We are also clear how vital it is that parents are informed and involved in the decisions that impact their children’s lives."
"Parents’ views must also be at the heart of all decisions made about their children – and nowhere is that more important than with decisions that can have significant effects on a child’s life for years to come.”
oh yeah they also connote the whole "trans kids can just get permanent altering medical treatment" bs
on top of that we have this shit
"In exceptional cases where a request to social transition is agreed, children, teachers or staff at a school should not be required to adopt the use of preferred pronouns and there must be no sanction, verbal or otherwise."
so even if you're fucking allowed to socially transition people can straight up misgender you with no fucking consequences. they are legitimately making it so transphobia cant be punished
there is so much more fucked up stuff in this thing as well but you can read that yourself
they are going to kill trans kids if this goes through. they fucking know that. i have the privilege of being out to my parents and them being tolerant but so many closeted trans kids, friends of mine included, wouldn't be able to safely come out even in school. and i know personally how shitty your mental health can get in that situation.
the intent of this guidance is simply put, not in the interest of ‘protecting children’, but in the further marginalisation of an already extremely vulnerable group. they're trying to wipe us out.
uk students, please inform your teachers of what this guidance will do and get them to oppose it in feedback. others just try and spread the word
protect trans kids and fuck the tories.
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killuagirly · 5 months
Hi <3 how about yandere freminet with fem reader who's always in a wheelchair, how would freminet try and court them especialy since there oblivious and don't believe anyone would like that way because of them being very week to the point they cant walk for long
Yandere Freminet x F!Reader
Summary: Freminet was obsessed with you, it couldn't get more obvious than that. But somehow, you still managed to remain oblivious to his methods of trying to grab your attention.
Notes: Apologies if I got this request wrong at all. Since I don't suffer from insecurities like this myself, it's a little harder to imagine to situation from the reader's perspective into detail!! D: [Also I really want to write actual yandere situations rather than just obsession, but then I also feel bad for the reader? Like how am I supposed to kill off most everyone you interact with and still comfort you??"
CW: Yandere, Obsessive tendencies, Insecurities, Reader is weak[in a wheelchair], Stalking, etc. Read at your own risk!
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☆ You were just like any other average girl, except for the small inconvenience that you were bound to a wheelchair. Because of your situation, you begin to believe that it was near impossible for someone to be genuinely attracted to you. If only your oblivious mind had noticed Freminet's desperate attempts and romantic gestures to grab you interest.
☆ It got to the point where he began thinking outside of the box; instead of bringing you things from his diving travels and complimenting you constantly, he started to watch over you. He had a little notepad full of every little thing you liked. From your favorite color to your most worn pair of socks, he knew it all. He also knew you might get annoyed if he was following you around like a lost puppy all the time, so he took to observing in your footprint, always just out of your sightline.
☆ Still even with his best efforts, he just couldn't manage to get you to understand what he was trying to hint. You thanked him for all his gifts, compliments, and efforts to take notice of your interests; even though you didn't know the extents he was going to, but you just seemed to brush of any attempts of his obsessively obvious flirting.
☆ Maybe you didn't reciprocate his feelings for you, or maybe he was doing it all wrong. But in reality, you just couldn't come to terms with the fact someone may be romantically interested in you. From a glance, you believed nobody would even take joy in your company at all, not to mention that your dear friend Freminet could have much better opportunities and ways to spend his time.
☆ This time tough, he would make it different. Freminet's heart was racing, begging him not to go through with this. What if he ruined your friendship? At this point, he couldn't live without you but kidnapping you if he failed would be cruel. He had to force his overflowing thoughts to halt, and plead his feet to move toward you.
☆ "So [Name], I was wondering if we could talk for a bit. It's serious." The timid diver's voice shook as he spoke, he contemplated if this was just a mistake; too late to go back now though. "Yeah of course, anything you need?" You looked up at him from your accustomed seat in your wheelchair with a wondering gaze. With that, everything fell from his lips at once.
☆ "I've been trying really hard to get your attention. [Name] I really, really like you, actually, I love you. It's completely fine if you don't feel the same but I just.." The blonde went on and on about all the things he loved about you. Your physical attributes, your tastes, he managed to even bring up habits you didn't even know you possessed yourself. You sat there, stunned while he confessed his entire heart to you. Really, you felt the same. You just had a habit of forcing those thoughts down in fear that he wouldn't feel the same. In your view, who would anyway??
☆ Well, Freminet would. Once his endearing voice came to a slow stop with nervousness written all over his features, he looked at your starstruck face searching for an answer. "Freminet.. I...." how could you even respond to that? Do you tell him you feel the same way?? "If you don't feel the same we can still be friends..!!" He said, panicked that he made you uncomfortable. "Yes..?" You said not even really knowing id that made sense. "What....??"
☆ "I, uhmm.. Yes, I feel the same way about you." A look of shock followed by pure bliss came from the boy. He instantly bent over to wrap his arms around your fragile figure making note not to injure you, and planted a kiss on your cheek. "Thank you so much [Name].." He spoke just barely above a whisper. "I'll love you forever."
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nori-the-cat · 5 days
a bit of a long ramble but
I'e been observing and following kpop on and off for some time because theres really not much other music out rn besides whatever is mainstream and even that doesnt always interest me enough. but I just wonder why so much of kpop has been so dramatic lately? lkke in these past few years online drama seems to increase surrounding idols especially and what idols do in their personal life doesnt need to be shared online like wtf and it just seems like every small thing for kpop groups tend to become big drama or their fans make it big drama all the time. thats why i watch from afar these days cause it seems anyone can have negative thing to say abt anyone whos in the kpop entertainment. even if there is some good things abt kpop music, overall it doesnt paint it in good light cause it make their fans seem like a pack of wild vultures who watch their idols like hawkes or ppl who cant seem to mind their business or let idols roam freely in their spare time cause smartphones seem to mean ppl can shove them in the idols face esp at airports.
its just kind of tiring most of the time like if people just liked it for the songs it wouldnt be so bad instead it seems to be one extreme or the other. i dont blame idols for never saying who they date bc look at what happened to karina and the actor. social media just spoils the fun of something and makes it into something else enitrely where its now often filled with dramas or toxic behaviours idfk whatever ppl post towards idols it only for them to get more negative reactions. i wouldnt be surprised if most idols are already dating but when it seem to get leaked in the media then ppl who are their fans act like it end of the world. i think the problem isnt social media itself but more so smartphones bc ppl who are more their hard core stans, i guess is the right word, they might go to extremes and they keep showing that extreme behaviour any time something doesnt sit right with them. like one minute the idol can be worshipped and next they can be tarnished so they cant really win anymore.
when ppl say that kpop is becoming westernised i only think thats in the sense of them adding foreigners nowadays to the groups, but the groups and their fans are still very much particular towards things like in 2024 i didnt expect idols dating to still be considered a scandal? whereas in the west they date who they want or idfk adult idols going out to clubs and drinking seem to surprise some folk. even the stuff in the media dont surprise me anymore cause it no a big deal to me at least. honestly with the way their fans behave online and irl towards idols theres one thing im glad abt and that is i will never have to deal with them or knetz lol.
its shame bc theres still so much kpop could bring to music but its so formatted and rigid or set in its ways of doing things. the other thing is they arent debuting older age idols who may have more life experiences and they may be more mentally prepared to handle such fans behaviours or they might have different style vocals and so on, so with that in mind im like its so awkward and horrible to even watch the way much younger idols get treated or mistreated, i should say, by their own fans and maybe by other adults that they work with.
other than whatever is mainstream there doesnt seem to be market for my age group anymore cause in kpop theyre debuting them too young and ik they always done that but it still feels weird to me to like a group whos 4/5/6 years younger than myself. id have loved an other group like btob or a smaller version of exo but nowadays it seems groups have nearly 30 smth members in them and they usually have to be quite young :/ if ateez had been my age it would seal the deal but i dont even care too deeply for them either its just once in awhile sort of thing i will like their songs why does it always have to be more than that?
like im no going to go doolally about every group nowadays either for this reason that my generation seems to be getting left out of a lot of things to do with kpop. like i honestly really feel old these days esp when i look at an idol and theyre like a 99liner or 00liner :O and kpop probs now considers 20 year olds too old as well :( fomo sets in too when u dont particularly care deeply abt dance challenges or latest internet fads cause i rather just like a group for their songs or their talent than their looks or their group position / personality whatever its called
lastly whoever date or marry bts i honestly feel so bad for them like they going to get so much media attention and their fans wont like it either so the internet will descend into more chaos when they marry if they arent already secretly married that is. it really sometimes often feels like the beatles but with the internet involved its 100x more crazy no matter the group it always has bunch of crazies who seem to twke it way too far
sorry for my long ramble
GUUUUUURRRRL please don’t be sorry for your long ramble. I had similar thoughts as you but I have come to terms with it, especially when I’m the same age as NCT 127 Jungwoo things in K-pop music has become less enjoyable too. Hence, I don’t know much about newer groups or groups outside of my interests ㅠ ㅠ
You also pointed out how fans can idolise their idols and drop them the next minute when they’re “wrong”, for example going to the club, dating, and having a life basically. I think all of this is the company’s fault. Take SM for example, I’m not comfortable in the direction that RIIZE is going with the booheju (girlfriend stan) stuff, but it’s what it makes money? Because of this, I’ve slowly detaching myself from them and only like their songs and I have one particular member that I like, he is Lee Sohee. I also like him because of his singing skill and that’s all.
Overall, I agree with you. Tbh it’s the parasocial relationship that is an issue. Some fans seeks comfort from their idol and the idol gives them that. However, often they forget that an idol job stops when they’re behind the camera. They have a life too. So, I’m with you on this too. I have started to like a group for their song and less about what is trendy or their looks and personality. Girl groups wise I’m into Aespa, NewJeans and BabyMonster. Their songs are right up my alley. Now, the younger idols debuting is a problem in it of itself. But this has happened way before in Kpop. Take Taemin for example, or NCT Dream Jisung. I think the main reason is that the younger they are, the easier to “manipulate” them or influence them. I guess if a company debuts someone above 25 years old, they’re going to have a hard time dealing with them because their pre-frontal cortex has developed.
that’s my easiest bet! 🤡
I’m also not Korean so I can’t say for certain this is true. However, I’m Asian. I realise Asian people put so much emphasis on good character. Because of this, idols are seen as role models and they are constantly judged and put on a pedestal. It’s kinda sad really. So, take Seunghan for example, whether his rumours are true or not. His scandal has been a huge part of his idol career and to some, it could look like there is no going back. In terms of fan wars, I think people on the internet are just bored or mean. Most fan wars started by some troll or a fan who likes to compare other idols. I don’t know much about fan wards but this is what I noticed. I’m pretty sure if BTS gets married, it is during the time of their life where they are not at their “prime”. That way is easier for them to be accepted by their fans and the South Korean. Take, Ryewook from Super Junior. He got married recently and the fans seem fine. But ofc, we can’t exclude the obsessive fans. I’m sure idols realise they have obsessive fans. In general, I’m pretty sure idols knows their consequences and downsides to being an idol. We as fans also have full control of our interests. The only thing becoming Westernised in kpop is the song and not the culture. 🤡
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triptychofvoids · 1 month
hey dove! I’m curious, you’re low empathy autistic right? I’m really curious about the details of that. What are some differences you’ve noticed between yourself and others? Do you deal with a lot of communication issues with others? (Irl or online) Are there any behaviors that others do that feel silly to you in relation to empathy? Genuinely curious :3
correct!! hm,,
sometimes i dont notice the differences in my behavior unless they are mentioned to me but there have been several occasions where a friend has been sad/happy/mad about something, and i am never sad or happy or mad about whatever that something is. dont even get me started on when people start crying around me, i have to resort to logic first because reacting with emotion just seems so disingenuous. i cant bring myself to feel what they are feeling or care about why they are feeling it unless it directly affects me. that doesnt mean i dont care about my friends though! even if i dont feel what they are feeling i do care about Them! i just struggle with the 'putting myself in their shoes' part of it. this does lead to some communication issues, if only because i am on some completely different wavelength than everyone else. it also tends to create situations where i attempt to show that i care about someone but i do it Wrong. we would be here all day i think if i attempted to list every example where i misinterpret, misreact to, or even altogether miss how other people are feeling and reacting to situations and/or where i try to connect with someone through what are apparently extremely bizarre means.
in terms of behaviors that i find silly.. well, the first thing that comes to mind is things like crying at movies and yelling at televised sports.. i often wonder if people are putting on some sort of show for the sake of people around them, but apparently people will weep at a tv show or yell at a referee on the screen in full sincerity, which is something i find interesting at best, annoying and ridiculous at worst. but i digress
i think this post here puts most of my experiences with having low empathy into words pretty well!!
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @dreatine - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
warnings: mentions of rape and abuse, no graphic descriptions
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Where You Belong
As Spencer stalks the corridor of prison cells, he cant help but feel a little smug. He really did well in ensuring this monster would end up in the closest place to hell he could find. During one of the six nights of your absence, Spencer looked into the most notoriously brutal prisons in the country, just so he knew exactly where to send the man that had taken you. Usually, the prisons that serial killers end up in isnt up to the BAU, but being close friends with a tech genius like Penelope Garcia meant that it really wasnt difficult to switch the name of the prison the monster was to be sent to, marking it up as a hitch in the prison data systems. Penelope isnt one for revenge, but her along with the entire team adore you as well as Spencer, and they saw how broken he was without you; knowing what was happening to you because you were the thirteenth victim of the unsub meant everyone wanted the scum dead.
Spencer knew that he wanted to visit him at least once, to put him in his place one last time, within the walls he would be trapped in for the rest of his miserable life. Showing the prison guard his ID, the guard nods at him and lets him into the visitation room, where the monster is waiting for him. Spencer gleefully notices the resemblance between this scene and the first time he had met this man, except this time he’s handcuffed to a table and wearing a prison uniform.
“I had hoped you would be bringing the ever so lovely (Y/N) with you.” The scum chirps, far too thrilled by this situation. Spencer will soon put a stop to that.
“You dont deserve to breathe the same air as her, let alone see her.” Spencer tells him, his voice controlled and quiet as he stands at the opposite side of the table, staring him down.
“That’s a shame, I would’ve adored seeing her reaction to me smiling at her.” The serial killer grins wickedly.
“You’ll never know, because she’s under my protection.” Spencer declares.
“You mean like she was the night I took her?” The monster smirks, thinking he’s got leverage over Spencer.
Although his words sting, Spencer has far more leverage prepared. “I will regret not going into her home that night for the rest of my life, but the fact that you’re here makes both her and I feel a lot better.”
The scum leans towards him. “She will never recover from what I did.”
Spencer walks to the side of the room to glance out of the small window. “And that is the reason you are here.”
The embodiment of evil scoffs, revealing his narcissism further, as if it wasnt already blindingly obvious. “Im here because I killed twelve women and mercilessly beat your girlfriend.”
Spencer is quick to turn on his heel and lean against the wall with his hands in his suit trouser pockets, meeting those beady eyes with a steely gaze. “No, you are in here because (Y/N) is alive. If you had killed her, I would have killed you myself.”
“Oh, is that so?” The murderer tries to laugh off Spencer’s words, but his fear shines through. Handcuffed to a table in a prison as notoriously brutal as this one, Spencer could do whatever he wanted and the guards would turn a blind eye.
“Do you want to know the reasons behind your failure?”
“Please, do tell!” The subhuman is enthralled by any conversation about himself, which is exactly why Spencer approached this new conversation in the way he did; now the bitch has no choice but to listen to him.
The genius takes very slow, casual steps towards him as he talks, glancing around the room as though the topic has little interest to him, further infuriating the prisoner. “You abandoned your M.O and victim pool, you made it personal and left behind your own methods, meaning you were clumsy and made mistakes. Previously, your abductions were in broad daylight, you kept each woman for a week and then raped them and slit their throats, choosing to dump them outside of the high school where you were first rejected by a girl you liked, isnt that right?” He deliberately meets his gaze again upon asking the question.
The killer shuffles uncomfortably.
Spencer continues. “And at one of those crime scenes, you overheard me figuring out the exact cause of your rage, so you decided to make it personal and take (Y/N). Though that mistake could have been fatal for you, the next mistake you made actually saved your life.”
“How so?” The killer asks, trying to hide his shaking legs beneath the table.
Spencer keeps his hands in his pockets as he stands directly beside the man handcuffed to the table, towering over him with unseen authority. “You underestimated her. You thought that cruel words and beating her would be enough to break her, but you were wrong. Because every second she spent with you, she knew that I was coming to get her, she knew that if she made herself more interesting to you then she could buy herself as much time as possible for me and my team to find her. She played you, and she won.” The monster parts his mouth to retort, but Spencer tilts his head and frowns. “Oh, did you think she wouldnt tell me about her pressing you for information about the girl that rejected you, using the kindness and persuasion only (Y/N) possesses to her own advantage, until you started crying and showing her pictures of the girl who never even knew you existed?” Spencer laughs darkly. “You are absolutely pathetic.” He shakes his head and walks back around the table. “You got more than just the girlfriend of an FBI agent when you took (Y/N), and she broke you. You lost, and the whole world knows.” Spencer stops when he reaches the door of the visitation room. “Especially your fellow inmates, who will most likely enjoy making you cry, over and over again, until you are begging them to stop in the same way those women begged you. And just like you, they dont remember the meaning of mercy.” He holds his gaze just long enough to make him squirm, and then he leaves, without giving the subhuman anytime to respond and reinforce his ego, because Spencer knows that will haunt him for the rest of his days.
The drive home, Spencer is sure his car is powered by his own adrenaline. Despite feeling relieved at getting the closure he needed, it isnt until he sees you sitting up on the couch in a cocoon of blankets, hiding everything except your face as you stare at your laptop screen, that Spencer truly relaxes. The chuckle that leaves his lips is so light and joyous, he feels like he’s spent a lifetime with you experiencing nothing but bliss, and the memories of the past hour feel as though they belonged to an ancestor. Kicking off his shoes, Spencer drops his keys to your house on the table, undoes his tie and places it on the back of the couch, before flopping down next to you.
“Cozy, angel?” He asks quietly.
“Mhmm!” She nods excitedly, unable to tear her gaze from the show she’s binging on Netflix.
Spencer laughs at how adorable you are. “Is there room for two in there?”
Only words that lead to cuddles have the tower to break your concentration, you turn to him with a beaming smile and open up your blanket cocoon. “Of course!”
Spencer grins and wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you onto his lap and cradling you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead and cheek, which you thank him for by returning the kisses to his forehead and cheek. The two of you smile and snuggle up under what is now a blanket mountain rather than a cocoon, and you begin explaining to Spencer what he missed in the last episode of the show that you watched while he was gone.
Because you are returning to normal life, you are feeling safe in your home again, and you will ask Spencer about the visit when you feel like you’re ready to hear it. You are exactly where you belong, so is Spencer, and so is he.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 3 months
which character ya wanna post about? (invitation to go off)
ouuHGUHUGHHG ive been rotating this around for hours bc ive redirected myself like 5 times since u sent it but ithink i got it i got it this time. i wanna talk abt porccubus. ok gimme a minute gimme a minute
so like. i know theyre technically the same thing, across lobcorp/ruina, but i really really wanna dissect the weird contrast it has going on there. (though, isuppose, their "same"ness is kinda up in the air re:abnos, considering there was a librarian snippet abt child of the galaxy being more "vicious", but wwwwwweh [waves hands around])
so like. the thing about lobcorp porccubus is that its just. an odd fucking creature. like yeah obviously, but its about the way its perception seems to weave around it. its core themes, that of pleasure and euphoria, uncontainable and uncontrollable, would imply that its something impulsive, stimulation-seeking, something that is driven wholly by desire and would be difficult to pin down. however, the way that its logs and flavor text are written give off a much more... subdued vibe, for lack of better words to describe it.
it is the source of that elation, yes, but everything in the way it holds itself is so withdrawn. it simply floats there, yes, but there is little to no mention of it making any moves of its own (which, now that i recheck its info log, is also mentioned plaintext!) and its in-work flavor text seems to speak with the tone of someone Studying it, Speaking about it, rather than observations of its movements or descriptions of its mindset. its all very distant. speaking in third person to someone who is listening. ...right?
which is to say: whats wrong with this dog. its story implies direct exploitation yet it just… it Just. its some strange little animal. its not malevolent and trying to kill people for fun. but it also isnt all sad like petals plucked from a daisy. it just Is. it has almost the same sort of feel as some sort of object. and yet it is clearly alive. does it have a will? it must; as abnormalities Do. so what is it? it functions by its own rules and just kinda Goes Here. does it want? does it need?
porccubus itself acts more like a Service or Trade than an actual creature. you walk in and interact with it, and it knows what to do in response. game of trust - it does a little song and dance as is its nature, yet doesnt seem to desire much more.
which also brings me to the shackle-- the little necklace around its neck. it speaks about how it was chained up, for whatever reason, and yet nobody seems to have any idea why. and porccubus... just doesnt seem to mind it. never mentions it. its such a particular type of indifference. (i suppose another good question is what is it shackled to?) and even further still... what does it mean that the ego gift it grants Is that necklace?
lc!porccubus as a creature is laced with restraint. both in a literal sense, And in an internal sense. pleasure and euphoria, yet it is definitively restrained. it cannot reach out first. it does not act on its own, but rather waits for something else to reach out First. even when it breaches, it (according to what im reading,) simply... waits. waits for an approach. (you Must approach it. it has to be a Choice.) theres something very Aimless about it, mechanical almost. i cant really sum it up in any way other than That Is An Animal.
...which brings a very interesting contrast between It and its Ruina counterpart. in the library, its much more Jubilant. it speaks, for one, which is something i straight up didnt know it did for a while. the way that it presents itself outwardly is much more outspoken-- inviting, wanting someone to engage, trying to persuade that first step. it yearns! pet it! it wants to share what it has to give, but it still wants that hand of yours offered to it First. its happy! its happy! come be happy with it!! dance with it, play with it! its demeanor is so much more forward, more present... more conscious.
and crucially... that shackle is no longer tied about its neck. rather, it dangles loose from the end of its tail, almost like an accessory rather than something granted/given to it. does this represent the release of former ties? it certainly acts more free than it did before-- whatever was holding it back, is it gone now? is its shift in demeanor the jubilant frolicking of that which has never been able to soar? is this what allows its nature of wishing to share that elation to shine through? much like a dog chained to a stake, finally being set loose in an open field.
in an unspoken turn of events, porccubus seems to focus on Release. release of ties, release of inhibitions, release of that which had been holding you back. it wants nothing more than to give what it is experiencing to those which are weighed down by things that keep them unhappy. and yet, it does nothing to truly alleviate what those woes are, simply covering them up with a layer of unrelenting sweetness.
..............which of course, brings me to angela. yeah yall thought i could go an essay without her?? lol. lmao.
on the floor realization centered around her staunch desire to live, it almost seems to stick out like a sore thumb. with all of the withdrawn mourning and wishing that the rest of the phases share, pleasure is an odd slap in the face, almost. but... it really does make it hit that much harder-- Especially with that which was expanded upon above. the imagery of unshackling yourself from that which held you down, allowing yourself to feel things you never were able to-- never were Allowed to. is that not what she stands for, here?
its reaching towards an open door, trying to grasp to any amount of Living that you can reach-- you deserve that much, at least. at the Very least. you Have to be allowed something. but not only is it that desire, but its also the Ignorance. the understanding that no matter what you mask it with, all that baggage still remains. chasing those short, intense bursts of happiness-- everything else still continues to eat away at what's underneath. and yet, theres still a consciousness to that. even further than that, a commitment.
who cares what becomes of you because of this? this happiness-- this which you were never allowed to so much as dream of-- is right within your grasp. and to taste it for even the smallest of moments, the briefest amount of time-- that makes it worth it. it was all worth it. nothing matters more than this complete devotion to sensation. it doesnt matter if it tears you apart from the inside, this is what you were always looking for. this is what you deserve. and youll do anything to hold onto it.
in some odd way, it really is about rotting.
in conclusion,
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
HM for the bingo: matoba, um um um. your least favorite oppie. your most favorite starscreamer. ummmmm. Abyssal Black Flame Dragon
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shitty id in alt. WELL THATS URRRR GUY. thats the guy thats nat.sume is about. pretty sure <- took me like a year to figure out this is not the case. he is silly. ive seen it in the gag manga. hessss a pretty loser goth in and out of drag what is not to like. im just assuming ur the most right about him i dunno if that means other ppl are wrong tho
joelle joelleity joelletwo is trying to get my ass murdered on tumblr dot gov. EDITED AND UPDATED. need to reflect that my constant with this one is i get why megs got like that
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[alt]. ohhh buddy...... you asked. 1. no personality. 2. hate his whole vibe (aesthetics/affect) 3. BETRAYED THE REVOLUTION. 4. not a very good conflicted pasicfist if thats what they were gonna go for. 5. tee fee pee special. u know show dont tell. this is tell, then forget to bring up ever again. simply. simply. listen if the girlies in the tag have to make him interesting for their fanfic and fuck nasty shit (honourary) go with god. i have read good fic of him. but thats compliments to the fans. me personally. i would simply use any other iteration. i suppose u cant beat how DIVORCED this guy is. im not opposed any of his specific characteristics really. its the holistic sum thats my enemy.
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[ALT] actually can i edit this again lets do a bingo for bullying. he got bullied possible the most anyone has but ill bully him some more 😏🤨😳. now ur some ppl might think oh u like this screamer so much to u inversely not like this megs for beating him up. well not u tho. thats gotta be one of my favourite 2 minutes in all of tf kajdgbjfdhb. hes not real so hes fine with that i asked him myself. ANYWAY WHAT IF U WERE BACKED INTO A CORNER BY UR OWN VIOLENT IMPULSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF UR OWN ACTIONS and also millennia of unending war so u just decide to go full nihilist about it. and this literally saves your world and people. well not the ones u killed but most of em. and u keep winning <3 and ur pettiness and self severing survival instincts also saved the universe. btw. idk if i have HC so much as. i can see my reading of the text not being universal but also im right <3. billybob thompson one of 2 fav non latta screamers. prettiest modern screamer design
out of LEFT field but i LOVE IT
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[alt] wait how did u land on a orbeez side character i would at remember the vibes of enough to get double bingo. was it dragon sooyoung? kfjjdf. DO U KNOW. how often i watch something and think. this character would be improved if they were an edgy anime fourteen year old. WELL HERE IT IS. the most important thing u can be in the world is a shitty emo teen with a deviant art dragon fursona. i dont remember anything else im literally just like. thats perfect. what a shit head. the best character in the book now im saying so.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 5 months
Big sadpost
I dont feel guilty about not being in the labour force as such. A strong employment ethic is a shameful display of class cuckoldry. And I make my living off of, essentially, gifts—not investment and ownership. And fwiw i think those gifts are sourced about as ethically as i am likely to find anywhere
Its been years and years since ive had a special interest
No, i feel guilty bc ive been given this tremendous gift, years and years free of toil, and spent it on... whzt? Ive done some activism ig, helped some friends in need. But in honesty thsts taken precious little of my time comparatively. Researched and produced intellectually or creatively stimulating work,? I mean, a little, and im proud of it. But much much less than my peers and i did in grad school. Focused on myself and navel gazing self improvement? My deteriorating health speaks to thzt. Hedonistic promiscuity? Ehh for a bit but i mostly finished up with that a few years back. Decadent consoomerism? Not fucking even! I play a couple of video games about as much as their mild-to-moderate fans, i barely can manage even occasionally to bring myself to read crappy comics and watch crappy anime. Blog? I mean, some. But a Serious Blogger or even Social Media Personality or keen observer of the vibesphere i am not. For the most part my time is just... blank. I have nothing to do... and i can't even do that!!
Eta: "oh yr spending the time on socials just browsing" yea prolly but this is treating symptoms, when i deliberately cut socials i just stare at walls and shit. Tumblr scrolling isnt an addiction its filling a void of mindless lazing
And the temptation is to say "yea im disabled" and i mean, yea probably. Not utterly incapacitatingly but when i was working my school basically did in so many words tell me i was clearly mentally disturbed enough to exculpate me for my rank unprofessionalism. But absent employment/schooling the worst triggers for those disturbances are gone, so you would figure it would free up my time. And yet, instead...
I am overwhelmed with both the vastness and worth of my life and this disorienting retrospection where i can clearly see myself having used it for... nothing. Just absolutely fuckall. Like winning the lottery and 3yrs later opening your bank account to see yr balance in the negatives without any recollection of any purchases
And what's even stranger is i have so much less of that suicidal zeal i once did too. As i look over this tenuous and ill spent life i cant summon up any of that fanatical desire to lay it down for The Cause. More than ever i cling greedily to the sughts and sounds and feelings and connections abd capacities of life, my life. It makes no sense!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Ranks: Miraculous Ladybug Classmates
Thats Right! I am going to be ranking Marinette and Adrien's classmates from my Least Favorite to My favorite.
I will be judging based on Bustier's Class. So No Zoe, Kagami, or Marc. Even if they hang out.
Marinette and Adrien will be Excluded from this list (Think of them as Honorary 1 and 2 if included)
I will be using all of the episodes that have come out as reference. And there will be potential spoilers up to Episode 20 of season 5.
This isnt about which classmates are the best or worst. Its about My personal like or dislike of a classmate.
Including Marinette and Adrien there are 15 students. So this will be out of 13.
13th. Sabrina Raincomprix
(She doesnt deserve a gif.)
Yea... after the recent episodes I really cant bring any sort of desire to like you. Oh sure Chloé is cruel and Lila is a manipulator... Sabrina is just a spineless worm that lets others get hurt or even ASSISTS in it. There is a corrupt cop joke here but its too easy. Also even with that she has no personality outside of Chloé Lackey. Chloé wouldnt be able to pull off most of her evil schemes without someone doing the dirty work and sorry Sabrina, thats you.
12th. Chloé Bourgeois
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A moment of silence for the wasted Character potential... Okay. So yea Chloé sucks. Granted the season 4 and 5 have gone so over the top with showing that season 2 and 3 were not actually important that it causes massive whiplash. I cant find myself hating her like I can with sabrina. I just pity this character. And that is even AFTER I saw what happened in Derision, though at this point I have no interest in seeing a redemption. The writers could have made her heel turn back to evil more believable IF they did it gradually with more effort. But its clear that there was no effort to do so.
11th. Lê Chiến Kim
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This man went from top 4 on my list to BARELY missing the top 10. Just goes to show how much one episode can change one's view on a character. In some ways I actually would say I like him less than Chloé now... but Kim at least did apologize and did say he would make an effort to be better. But MAN, when I found out what he did I was watching Chat noir BEAT HIS ASS ON LOOP. You know I was about to give that boy THESE HANDS for that s***. Derision really shifted everyone's view on this once lovable himbo, now he is a dumbass.
10.Rose Lavillant
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I just dont like her design that much. Her personality is the stereotypical bubbly girl. And while she does get some exploration on why that is... its never touched on again. Also I am a touch salty about Migration. Juleka was expecting to hear a confession but WE ALL GOT BAITED AND SWITCHED. Guess the show cant have any girl confessing to another girl unless that girl being confessed to is Marinette.
9. and 8. Ivan Bruel and Mylène Haprèle
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So to me these two are basically interchangable in terms of ranking. Ivan is the gentle giant that is misunderstood. Mylene is the soft scarred cat that wants the world to be a better place. If I had to pick, i would say I prefer Myléne more, but thats because she gets more character development.
7. Lila Rossi
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So Lila always struck me as a character with huge potential. The problem is the writers have no idea how to write a cruel, calculating and manipulative character without dumbing down everyone else to make her seem smart. Now in season 5 I have found myself starting to like her more. Is it because the writing got better? F*** no, its just been more fun with her in it. She is just clearly having more fun with it, and just seeing how the ridiculous plans somehow work almost makes it funny. Also its clear she is being set up as the next big bad, so I cant wait to see how convoluted the show makes her to make her WORSE than Gabriel. So unlike Chloé whose cartoonish evilness feels like a waste, with Lila it feels more fun to watch.
6. Max Kante
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He built Markov. Plus after Gamer he has been a pretty solid character. I also do enjoy his support of his Idiot Friend Kim. Even if Kim doesnt deserve it. Also, he has the best transformation sequence. Boy goes WAY too hard for it. I also just think he is a charming character.
5. Nathanael Kurtzberg
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Tomato son. While it took me some time to forgive him for Reverser. He is basically a shipper with Marc and its a fun time. I enjoy their plans and adorable antics. But part of me still misses season 1 Nathanael, wonder if he still had a crush on Marinette. Not much else to add, just that he is fun to have on screen and his english dub voice is still dope.
4. Juleka Couffaine
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She has my favorite design of the Classmates. She does develop more as the show goes on, I would say she has the most consistant development of the classmates outside of the top 3 contenders. Juleka is now the lead of Kitty Section, and has some incredible Lyrics within her. She wants to stand out and wants to stop being a wall flower. I can respect her guts and attempts at growing and improving.
3. and 2. Alya Cesaire and Nino Lahiffe
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The respective best friends of Adrien and Marinette. They are likely the most known about classmates of the Miracuclass. Well Alya is. Nino sadly doesnt get as much delved into. That being said, both are supportive friends and go to great lengths to help them. Nino is surprisingly the more chaotic of the two resulting in him thinking Chat noir was stealing his girl OR forming a resistance against Monarch. Alya learning her best friend's identity and being her emotional rock. Now I thought I would put Alya higher than Nino, but Nino's charm and antics make it hard to dismiss and so I have them both as a tie. Though they also had some moments (Thanks to bad writing) that make me cringe a bit.
1. Alix Kubdel
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The most consistently written character in the entire class. The Time travel hero, a character that in my opinion is slept on a lot more than she should be. While I am not crazy about time travel, I do enjoy Alix as a character. She is fun loving and ready to call people out on their BS, also she gets some great lines. She also shows how much of a supportive friend she is to nathanael, Marinette, Ladybug and Chat noir. Its sad she had to go into the time stream to hide from monarch, but it is still a fun way to send a character off for a time
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