#i am v excited for this system/game
immawritethat · 1 year
Me, a very normal person when I see Robbie Daymond and Anjali Bhimani in the Candela Obscura trailer: Okay if they've been on set and Aabria has been on set recently here's how we can get a new EXU and a little more Dorian Storm in our lives.
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hyah-lian · 5 months
The end of the year decided to shit-kick my teeth in ooof
On the plus side. My raging anxiety and resurgence of fnaf hyperfixation and lack of ability to sleep due to sudden medication withdrawl have let me make good headway on cleaning my room and the lower shelves of everything I have neglected
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houseforwhores · 2 years
7 minutes in heaven | stu macher x fem!reader
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a/n: a little feedback would be appreciated! please feel free to comment!
part 2
scream masterlist
warnings : drinking, smut, p in v, light fingering, grinding, language, slight dub-con elements 18+ mentions of being a prude, very slight degradation, infidelity (?) breeding kink (?) unprotected sex.
word count: 3852
by clicking forward you agree that you are of age, and have read the warnings, i am not responsible for your media consumption!
randy and stu had planned a get together for the group. that consisting of themselves, billy, tatum, sidney, and of course you. it wasn't supposed to be anything crazy just a couple of beers and flicks. but as the alcohol coursed it's way through the groups systems- everyone began growing restless.
"c'mon man, i'm fucking bored. let's jazz up this snooze fest," stu said throwing his hand in the air annoyed at how things were currently going, everything was quiet and a bit awkward, the group of friends gawked around at the walls and decor as the ending credits to nightmare on elm street played on the tv.
"i got an idea," randy quipped before taking a fairly large swig of beer, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"that's what i'm talking about lay it on me freak," stu said clapping his hands, before rubbing them together
"what about 7 minutes in heaven," randy said grinning as he shrugged, a cheeky look upon his face.
"the only ones single here are you and y/n dill weed," tatum said as she glared at randy with a disapproving look.
"i mean as long as everyone consents it could be some good fun," randy said raising his hands beside his shoulders as he shrugged.
"yeah i'm game," stu said with a sardonic grin etched on his face.
"i don't know guys..." sidney said sheepishly, biting at her lip. "what if someone gets jealous? is this really smart?"
"sid, we're all friends here loosen up," billy said nudging her teasingly. "plus no one would go too far. like randy said, as long as everyone consents."
"yeah, right. plus no one's gonna get down and dirty with the person they're dating in the other room. we'll keep it tv-14," randy stated placing his empty beer on the table.
"y/n what do you think?" tatum asked as she crossed her arms, putting you in the limelight, something you always dreaded.
"oh well, uh. i don't care really, i'm down if you and sid are," you said shrugging, you didn't want to seem so excited to feel up your friends' boyfriends while locked in a closet, but you also didn't want to be a prude. sidney and tatum exchanged looks before glancing at their grinning boyfriends. sid nodded her head shyly.
"what the hell i guess. let's play," tatum said before finishing her drink in hand.
"how are we gonna do this," billy asked, looking in randy's direction.
"well we'll spin the bottle, the person who spun, and the person it lands on get locked in the closet for 7 minutes. quite simple," randy said with a sly grin.
"sounds easy," sidney said as everyone began to shuffle around to even out the angles of which the bottle would spin. you were sitting between tatum and randy, across from sidney, billy, and stu.
"whose going first?" you asked, silently hoping it wasn't you, you weren't exactly ready to be shoved into a dark closet with one of your dear friends.
"i'll do it. just know, what happens in the closet, stays in the closet," randy said, practically pouncing at the chance to get one of you guys alone. he eagerly spun the bottle, you all eyed it in anticipation as it began to slow down, your heart rate started to pick up each time it neared you. but thankfully, it didn't land on you, it landed on tatum. you saw a disgruntled look flash across stu's face but it left as quickly as it appeared, replaced with an all too knowing grin. tatum rolled her eyes as she stood up and outstretched her hand to randy helping him up.
everyone at this point got up to watch tatum and randy be ushered in the closet. it wasn't too spacious and there were plenty of coats on the coat rack, and a few boxes on the shelf, your mind wandered to what would you could even do in there with that little space, but that wasn't for you to worry about right now. you were drawn out of your thoughts as you heard the lock turn on the closet door.
"have fun kids. don't do anything i wouldn't do," stu said speaking to the pair through the door.
"what are we gonna do while we wait?" sidney said as we all made our way back to the table.
"a little bit of truth or dare?" stu said in the form of a question as he set the timer down on the table. no one protested stu's idea, which seemed to inflate his ego as his face beamed with maniacal joy.
"okay, y/n truth or dare?" stu asked you as he eyed you up and down, you decided to try and play it safe and say truth, which you should've known was a mistake.
"truth," you said flashing him a small smile, sipping your beer.
"which one of us would you rather fuck?" stu asked so casually, causing you to do a spit take, choking on your beer.
"uh.. actually, dare," you said as you gathered your breath.
"tsk tsk tsk.. that isn't how it works y/n," stu said sucking his teeth, grinning at you, making your cheeks heat up.
"no it's fine, i have a dare for her," billy said smiling, his eyes not once leaving your face as his arm was strewn around sidney's shoulder.
"looks like you're off the hook this time." stu scoffed, before laughing briefly.
"i dare you to sit on stu's lap until the next round," billy said before his eyes skipped from you to stu's, it's as if they were communicating through glances.
"uhm. sid. help me." you mouthed to her, she shrugged causing you to glare at her. you wanted her to scold her boyfriend for putting you in that position.
"billy give her another dare. i'm sure tatum wouldn't appreciate having someone on her boyfriends lap," sidney said elbowing billy lightly
"c'mon don't be a prude, we're all friends here. we're just having fun. plus, i'm sure she's in there doing god knows what, probably getting finger blasted by randy- right now." billy shrugged
"i-" before you could even get your words out stu picked you up placing you in his lap, throwing a arm around your waist, almost possessively, but you didn't dare move, you were shocked to say the least.
"sidney, your turn to ask," stu said. you decided to try and get comfortable, you did have another 5 minutes till the next round. you tried to lift yourself a bit to adjust on his lap, but you were met with something prodding at your ass.
"uhm stu, can you move your flashlight, or whatever the hell that is," you whispered wiggling trying to make yourself comfortable.
"what flashlight?" he chuckled pulling you impossibly closer to him, making sure you felt it against you, and there was no doubt you were mistaken, that definitely wasn't a flashlight, you felt him throb against you, his sweats and your leggings not providing enough of a barrier between the two of you.
"i- i uh." you felt yourself growing hot, as your face grew flushed bashfully, you didn't know what to do with yourself, you felt arousal pooling at your core, you cursed yourself for feeling this way about him. you were dragged out of your self deprecation as stu shook you, the group staring at you.
"what-?" you asked as you looked at sidney.
"are you okay y/n? you look a little flustered." sidney asked looking you over
"yeah i'm fine why?" you asked hoping sidney was oblivious to the internal conflict you were dealing with.
"well you kinda dozed off, it's your turn to ask," sidney said shrugging
"oh, uhm okay. sid i dare you to take a shot of ever clear," you said with a smirk
"ever clear?! are you trying to kill me? that shits 190 proof," she said her eyes wide.
"you'll live," you said with a wink. "i'll pour it for you," you said attempting to excusing yourself, pushing off stu by his hips, but your attempt was futile.
"billy's got it," stu said with a chuckle, thrusting his hips up into you as he pulled you back against him, but no one seemed to pay it any mind. you felt his erection prodding at your core. you swallowed thickly as you suppressed your instincts to moan at the feeling of him pressed against you. you watched as billy ushered sidney out the room as he grinned at stu. you weren't sure what that was about, if was he aware of what stu's lewd shenanigans.
"i know you feel how bricked i am," stu said his hands gripping your hips holding you in place, your breathing hitched, you weren't quite sure how to respond, you felt like a slut for allowing this to go on as long as it has, your eyes drifted to the timer, three minutes still left on the clock.
"shit," you moaned out as stu began to slowly rock you back and forth against his length, it was all you could muster. the feeling of his cock pressing against your clit a bit too euphoric for it to be something so erroneous.
"this could all be yours if you want it," stu said, pressing you against him harder, using more pressure as he grinds against you, you could feel your arousal trickling through your folds, you prayed silently that it wouldn't leak through onto stu's grey sweats.
"mm, stu thi- this is wrong," you moaned out lowly, stu slid his right hand between your legs, fondling your folds trough the dampened fabric, your legs spreading a little wider, not by your own volition, it's as if stu had you in a lust induced trance
"your pussy seems to disagree, you're fucking soaked kitten," stu groaned into your ear. as his fingers pinched at your clit with just enough pressure to send you reeling. his other hand slipped under your shirt as he groped at your chest, still rutting himself against you with no restrain
"fucking hell," you moaned, reveling in the feeling of his cock pressing against you in all the places it mattered, stu rubbed slow pressure filled circles against your clit, teasing you as he continued to rock you against him. you heard him groan, clearly he was indulging in this just as much as you were if not even more. much to your dismay, stu pulled his hands away from your breast, and clit returning them to your hips, you sighed with a whimper as your back arched craving more of his touch. but stu stilled all movements and you were pulled from your pleasure drunk state as you heard sidney's giggles nearing the two of you. you did your best to pull yourself together, straightening your shirt and closing your legs.
"god y/n that was literally disgusting," sidney said as she plopped in the couch in front of you guys.
the timer began buzzing erratically, the alarm blaring you shot up from stu's lap. he grabbed a pillow cushion of the couch and pulled it over his lap, hiding his otherwise very noticeable erection.
"times up, we should go let them out. yeah? yeah," you said practically stumbling over your own two feet, making your way this the linen closet, unlocking the door, you opened it a bit too keenly. you saw randy fumbling with his belt.
tatum slipped past you out the closet, keeping her eyes low, making her way back to the group. you turned around leaving randy in the closet to finish straightening his belt. seeing them caught in the middle of whatever has transpired made you feel somewhat relieved, maybe you didn't need to feel so guilty for what took place between you and stu.
you made your way to the group, you saw tatum sitting what you found now to be annoyingly close to stu, you weren't sure why it bothered you so much now, after all, that is her boyfriend, not yours. something you shouldn't need to remind yourself. you found yourself sitting next to billy. you crossed your arms as you grimaced at the couple, however you did realize stu wasn't returning her affections, which you liked a bit more than you should have.
"trouble in paradise?" billy whispered in your ear slyly, as he leaned toward you eying the couple, it made you chuckle. a few moments later, randy had returned, the order had officially changed, it was now sidney billy, then you, across from randy tatum and stu.
"who's spinning next?" randy asked a jubilant grin on his face.
"i'll go." you spoke, volunteering all to quickly, which unbeknownst to you caught stu's attention. you reached for the bottle and spun it with a little oomph. you watched the bottle as it twirled and twirled, it began slowing down,
"oh my god guys! what's that?!" billy shouted pointing towards the window, everyone looked in the direction of the window, searching for any sign of what billy was referring too.
"damn, false alarm." he said chuckling, he pulled sidney closer to him laying a kiss atop of her forehead. you rolled your eyes at his stupid antics.
you looked back to the bottle and the neck of it was pointed to no one other than stu. you felt your cheeks heat up, you looked at billy he shrugged at you nonchalantly before giving you a subtle wink. which could only mean one thing- this was his doing.
"looks like it's me and you kitten," stu said as he stood up walking over to you, before you could protest- not that you were, he grabbed you by your waist before lifting you over his shoulder carrying you to the closet.
"stu i can walk you ass-hat," you said patting at his back to which he just chuckled setting you down once you reached the closet stu placed you back on your feet.
"what i can't carry you and be a gentleman," he asked, faux hurt crossing his face as he held his chest. there was a thickness in the air, maybe it was all in your imagination but it seemed like everyone sensed it maybe not randy, he was too enveloped in his excitement from whatever happened between him and tatum.
"that was more caveman style, but hey! can't blame you for getting confused." randy said shrugging before he leaned against the side table mainly used for decor.
"shut up ass-wipe." stu pinched randy's nose between his index and middle fingers.
you rolled your eyes at their banter as you opened the closet door, you looked at stu with a raised eyebrow.
"you coming?" you asked, your voice a little lower and richer than you intended
"tuh, fuck yeah," stu said under his breath, but it didn't seem to slip past tatum ears as she scoffed and turned on her hills back toward the living room.
you walked in the small linen closet stu right on your heels. soon as the door closed with a click, stu's lips were planted on yours as he began making quick work of your button up blouse.
"seven minutes isn't much, but we can make it work can't we?" stu said as he began pressing his lips to your neck kissing and sucking, it definitely seemed as if he were marking you, there would be dark maroon hickeys in a few moments.
his hand slipped into your panties as he chuckled feeling what a mess you made earlier while you were seated on his lap.
"what a little slut you are, look at how fucking wet you are for my cock, hmm?" stu said, slipping two fingers in causing you to moan, your head pressed against the wall as you bit your lip. he was curling his fingers in an attempt to open you up, but he didn't need to do much as his hand was flooded by a river of your arousal. "my dick isn't even in you yet and you're whimpering like a bitch in heat."
you opened your eyes once again when you felt him slip his hand out of your panties. he turned you around, the only noise heard was the click of his belt as he unbuckled it. you pulled down your panties and leggings all in one go, feeling a bit embarrassed at how eager you were.
"i don't have a condom." stu groaned, you chuckled a bit you never pegged him for the safe sex type, but that was a good thing.
"i'm on the pill, so as long as your clean-" you started before you were cutoff.
"fuck yeah i'm clean." stu grabbed your hip with one hand as he began teasing his dick through your folds with his other hand. you whimpered as he prodded at your core, he slid his tip in just a smidge before sliding back and doing it again, teasing you.
"i wanna hear you beg for my cock," he said lightly nibbling at your ear slightly,fisting his cock, making sure to spread the precum, you froze slightly, still unsure if you even wanted to give in.
"stu-" you began in an apathetic response, which wasn't what he wanted to hear.
his hand reached your hair pulling your head back a little bit so his mouth would be directly over your ear, before he whispered sharply.
and that was all you needed to hear before you were begging like a puppy.
"fuck stu please just fuck me," you moaned, pushing back just enough for his tip to slip fully inside you.
"fuck, doll," stu groaned as he sank you back on him inch by inch, watching as his length slowly disappear into you. he began thrusting shallowly as he tried to find a rhythm that would please you both, he bit his lip from a combination of the pleasure and concentration.
"how much time do you think we have left babe?" stu asked grunting almost to him self as he thrusted into you, uttering a few fucks under his breath. he struggled to keep his breathing steady as he took in the feeling of your pussy gripping his cock. your walls were wet and warm as your pussy welcomed him deeper inside you.
"s'probably five minutes," you rasped out, closing your eyes as he found your spot, making you arch your back, your ass curving against him, pushing him into places you're not even sure have been reached before. his hands were on your hips as his grip progressively got tighter. your warm walls, enveloped his dick, pulsing around him, making him groan as he continued to split you open.
"so fucking tight for me huh doll?" stu questioned, continuing to drag you back and for on his length. it caused the most obscene noise, your pussy squelching as he drove his cock into you with vigor. your sopping wet cunt stretching around him. the feeling he gave you, like you'd seen a little slice of heaven. your eyes were shut tightly as your mouth hung agape.
stu's brutal pace kept your words locked in your throat from the pleasure you were receiving. you felt every vein as his cock passed through your velvet channel. a warmth started to build in your stomach, you felt slightly embarrassed that stu was able to elicit an approaching orgasam so fast.
"how we doin doll?" stu questioned, a soft pant leaving his mouth as he let his head fall back in pleasure. you hummed in response, too cock drunk to answer properly. stu paused before pulling out.
"stuu," you whined, not caring how needy you sounded, your pussy pulsed around nothing as it leaked your slick. you pushed your ass back, feeling his cock slip past your folds as you tried to entice him. his cock just barely caught on your entrance before you heard him in your ear.
"be a good cockslut and answer me when i'm talking to you," stu gritted as he snapped his hips forward, you were filled to the hilt as you felt him grind his strokes into you.
"fuck-! stu-" stu placed his hand over your mouth, silencing you as he drove his hips into you faster.
"shh you can't be too loud." he chuckled. "we wouldn't want them knowing what a little slut you are for me huh?"
you had one hand on top of stu's, the hand he was using to keep you quiet. your other hand on the wall to keep your balance as stu plowed into you from behind. you felt his cock twitch as it dragged past your walls. you were getting close, and stu could feel your walls contracting around him, his dick throbbing faster. it felt euphoric as you mewled into his hand.
"you gonna be a good girl and stay quiet if i move my hand?" stu asked, you hummed as you nodded "good."
"i'm gonna cum soon doll, tell me where you want it huh? want me to fill your cunt with my seed, hmm?" stu grunted as he slipped his hand between your thighs toying with your clit.
"fuck-! yess, stu yes!" you whisper-shouted, trying to remain quiet as he rearranged your whole thought process let alone your guts.
"want me to send you out there dripping my cum?" his fingers circling your clit faster causing you to gasp as you struggled to form a sentence. you settled for a nod, the only thing leaving your mouth were soft moans and whimper.
a final harsh thrust of stu's hips sent you reeling, your cum covering his cock as your walls rapidly squeezed around him, gripping his cock like a vice, stu spilled his seed into you. he held you flush against him as he grinded into you, doing his best to prolong the feeling of your highs. thick white ropes of his cum painted your walls, you could feel it as it started to seep out of your pussy, and down your legs.
the sound of the timer could be heard in the distance. stu took his time pulling out before he reached down and pulled your panties and leggings up, helping you stand up straight. the foot steps grew closer, to the door, but stu still hasn’t even tucked himself away yet.
“stu!” you whisper-shouted, grabbing his dick and tucking it in his boxers quickly before rushing to get the belt through the buckle, zipping him up before the door flew open at the hands of a very gleeful randy. your face flushed as you felt you’d been caught in the act.
billy let out a cat-calling whistle before he clicked his tongue twice. abashedly you dropped your hands from stu’s zipper, walking out the closet, stu grabbed your hand before you could get two far from him, ducking down to whisper in your ear.
“next time you grab my dick like that, you better be doing more than tucking it away.”
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bryce-bucher · 1 year
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.50 Caliber 3D Platformer Post #7
Finally, I've gotten around to making the environment art for the one level that I've got rn. I've been playing the system shock remake, and I really love how that game creates the illusion of grungy detail that reveals itself to be very low-resolution textures up-close. I knew I wanted the game to look like of grungy for a while now, but I didn't know exactly how I would go about achieving it. I toyed with the idea of layering photocopy textures over everything, but I eventually settled on using low resolution textures that are dithered with web colors. I'm quite happy with how it ended up looking. I think it has a source engineish vibe that reveals itself to be more colorful and strange up-close.
The Textures:
The process for making these is a lot simpler and less time consuming that how I usually make textures. This is mostly because I'm relying a lot more on the baked lighting to make things look good in this particular game, so the textures can get away with being less detailed. I'm mostly just grabbing stuff off of websites like textures.com and adjusting the contrast / coloration before shrinking them down and lowering the color depth. Here are some examples of how they look wowee wow:
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For this game I'm using baked lighting as opposed to vertex based or realtime. I really like how it looks, and it ends up saving me a lot of time. If you don't know how baked lighting works, basically I place lights around a scene in unity, and then I use anything but unity's built in lightbaker that is bad and sucks (I use bakery) to essentially turn the lighting into a texture map that is placed on the mesh. It turns lights into textures basically. It is a lot more performant than real-time lighting, and it usually looks a lot better as well. With this game's particular art style, everything really ends up coming together with the lighting, and it would look pretty trash without it.
Cameo Skinz:
I've always really liked putting cameos in my stuff from artists that I'm friends with and/or take a lot of inspiration from. In this game, I plan to include a lot of unlockable skins for the player character that are characters from games / animations / whatever that I like. So far I've made a couple to breakup my time working on environment art. Check um out:
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This one is Peter Shorts from an upcoming game called You Are Peter Shorts. I loved this dude at first sight and it was the first skin I ended up making. He was really fun to make because he has no body or hands, so I ended up making his head/torso one big thing that is attached to the head bone. You are Peter Shorts is made by the talented ondydev who I don't think I've actually asked permission to include this skin yet. If it doesn't end up in the final game pretend I didn't post about it lol. You should check out their previous game Tres-Bashers if you haven't.
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This one is Appy from Brawlers World! Brawlers World is one of those creative projects that is so great that it gives me envy. I'm honestly so excited to be able to have this little dude in my game, and I think he ended up fitting into the art style super well. Those are the only two skins I've made so far. I have a lot more planned including Nova from Anodyne 2, Frog from Jamphibian, Knight of Trye from Knight's Try, Orbo from Peeb Adventures & Orbo's Odyssey, and some characters from my own stuff. They aren't a high priority right now because I have to actually make the game first, but I'll probably make a few here and there to curb burnout, and I'll show them off whenever I do. I am v passionate about the cool shit my peers are making, and I hope other people are too.
idk it's like 8 am and I haven't slept. I've just been workin a lot while listening to the magnus archives. I guess I can turn this conclusion into me talking about the magnus archives. I'm on episode 197 while writing this so im almost done. It is p cool and I like how much it changes tonally overtime. It really feels like a big long journey, and I like media that can do that kinda thing. It is now a series that I will forever associate with the development of this game considering I listened to it all while working on it. It's kinda funny how that happens. Sometimes I'll be in a location in one of my games and it'll make me think about some video essay or w/e that I was watching while making it. Anyway, have a good day every1 pls tyty
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dc-marvel-life · 1 year
Perfect Fit Part 2
Pairing: Wanda x Natasha x reader
Word Count: 2.9
Summary: Y/N is the new member joining the Avengers that came from a top-secret program in SHIELD that she was in all her life. Now that she has joined the team, she is experiencing life for the first time. She has caught the eye of the two most powerful women on the team.
A/N: Thanks for all the love for this series! I didn't think it was going to be that popular. I am also sick, and that's why it took so long.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Y/N is in her room unpacking the single bag she brought. She does not have many personal items but a photo of all the kids in the program. It was her only set of friends, but they were all gone now. That all changed now because now she is an Avenger with many people, she can come friends with. She has already made friends with Wanda and Nat. She is excited about that because they are the most powerful people on the team, and two, they are both attractive, and that is all she can think of. Y/N knew it was wrong to find them attractive and want to be with them; she couldn’t help it. Y/N knew from a young age that she liked women but also multiple women at once. 
Y/N can be in a monogamous relationship with someone if she wants to, but she can’t stop who she likes. Right now, she likes Wanda and Nat, but nothing will come out of it. Wanda and Nat have been dating for years and even have promise rings. 
Those thoughts were pushed out of her mind when she heard a knock on the door. She goes and answers the door to find Sam and Bucky. 
“Hey, guys! What are you doing here?” Y/N asks the pair.
“We know you are settling in, but we wanted to come by and say hello. Possibly we were wondering if you like to play video games?” Sam asks.
“I never played video games. I was too busy training or on a mission,” Y/N confesses; Sam and Bucky are shocked.
“Well, that is going to change now because we will teach you how to play, and it will be a blast,” Bucky says with a smile. Y/N was excited that she was getting invited to hang out. She is trying to hide her excitement by moving from side to side. 
“Okay! I would love to,” Y/N almost screams, making Sam and Bucky chuckle to themselves.
Follow us to the game room,” Sam says, smiling. They all enter the game room, and when Y/N enters, she is amazed. The room is a big room with multiple TVs that all have a different console hookup to them and high-end PCs. There are plenty of seating opinions to choose from.
“This place is great! I feel like I am a kid,” Y/N says, walking around the room and looking at the consoles and games. 
“Yeah, we spent a lot of time here when we were not training or on a mission,” Bucky says, sitting on the couch with Sam, who is starting the system. 
“So, what game should we start her on?” Sam asks Bucky.
“I feel like GTA V would be a good start for her, and we can help her along the way,” Bucky says, looking around to find Y/N looking at all their games.
“Tony loves buying video games, so we have plenty to choose from. For now, let’s start with simple games,” Sam says, patting the spot beside him and signaling Y/N to sit beside him. Sam hands Y/N the remote and starts playing the game. At first, the reader kept getting killed by random people, but she began to get better at the game after about half an hour. 
Once Y/N started to get good at the game, Sam and Bucky wanted to introduce her to their favorite sports games, 2K and Madden. Y/N was able to kick both of their asses in the games.
“How are you this good at 2K, and you just started to play,” Sam says, throwing this remote to the side and Bucky laughing at him.
“I do not understand why you are laughing because she destroyed you in madden,” Sam says, laughing at Bucky now, who is silent. Sam and Bucky give each other a death stare and then interrupt into a play fight, with the two just slapping each other. Y/N just sat back on the couch and enjoyed watching the two friends. Y/N hears two people enter the room, and she turns around to see Yelena and Kate.
“Are you two really fighting in front of our new member?” Yelena says, then joins in to break up the fighting.
“How are you settling in so far, Y/N? I see that Sam and Bucky have a new gaming buddy,” Kate says, settling beside Y/N.
“I am settling in fine. Thanks to Wanda and Nat, I got a tour of the place and could unpack everything I brought,” Y/N says.
“That’s great, so do you know what you will wear to the party tonight?” Kate wonders.
“Yes, I do. The clothes that I am wearing now,” Y/N says frankly.
“Well, it is going to be a party, and you need to dress up a little,” Yelena says, returning from breaking up the fight.
“So I need to go and get a ball gown?” Y/N questions.
“No, silly. Like a party outfit that you would wear downtown or to a house party,” Kate says, and Y/N looks a little lost. 
“I don’t have clothes like that. Normal when I have to go to a party, it is a formal event, and SHEILD always gives me clothes for that event,” Y/N says, innocent. 
“Sorry, guys, but we need to take Y/N away from you so we can get her ready for the party,” Kate says, grabbing Y/N’s hands and leading her out of the room with Yelena.
“Man, I was actually having a good time with her,” Bucky says, a little upset.
“How about we call Carol in to play?” Sam says, trying to make Bucky feel better.
“I would like that,” Bucky says, and Sam calls in Carol. 
Meanwhile, Y/N, Kate, and Yelena walk to Kate’s room and pass the kitchen where Natasha and Wanda are. Wanda was cooking both of them a late lunch. 
“Wow, that smells amazing, Wanda. What is it?” Y/N stops and questions Wanda. Wanda was flatter that Y/N stopped and complimented her food. She even started to blush a little. Natasha saw this and smiled to herself.
“Oh, this is nothing; it is just beef stroganoff. Do you want some? I bet you are hungry from the move,” Wanda says, starting to make Y/N a plate. Y/N sees that she only made even for just her and Nat, so she stops her.
“No, no, Wanda, you can’t do that. You only made enough for the two of you, and I don’t want to take away from that,” Y/N persists. 
“Y/N, I love to cook and to cook for people. So you are going to listen and obey me, okay” Wanda says sternly, making Y/N push her legs closer together. All Y/N could do was just nod.
“Good, now sit down and enjoy this food,” Wanda says, finishing making a plate for Y/N and putting it in front of her. Then she continues to make a bowl for her and Natasha. 
“Can we have some?” Kate ask.
“No, we don’t have enough,” Natasha says, sitting down to eat. Kate and Yelena sit down, waiting for Y/N to finish.
“So, what are you guys doing?” Wanda asks the three girls.
“We were going to my room to help Y/N pick out some clothes for the party since she doesn’t have any. We need to take her to the store to get some clothes for sure,” Kate says, and everyone agrees. They turned to look at Y/N for input, but her face was buried in the bowl, eating every last drip of food.
“That was delicious, Wanda. Thank you so much for letting me eat your guy's food,” Y/N says, getting up and cleaning her bowl.
“No problem, anytime. If you ever want anything in particular, just let me know, and I can cook it up for you,” Wanda says, smiling.
“Wow, how nice of you, Wanda. You never offer to cook for us unless it is your turn to cook for the team dinner night,” Yelena says with her eyebrow raised.
“I am just being nice to Y/N since she is new,” Wanda says. Yelena and Wanda start having a stare-down.
“Alright then, let’s go and find Y/N an outfit for tonight” Kate stops the staring contest between the two. Y/N, Yelena, and Kate all go into Kate’s room.
“Yelena, do you not like Wanda?” Y/N questions because of the events that were just taken place.
“Of course, I don’t. Why would you say that?” Yelena looks at Y/N, confused.
“I was just wondering because of what just happened out there,” Y/N says
“Oh, that is normal for Wana and me. We just play around. I have always given her a hard time since she started to date Nat. If we aren’t joking around like that, then I am mad at her,” Yelena says and smiles.
“Okay, I was just making sure,” Y/N says and looks around Kate’s room, “I love your room, by the way, Kate.” 
“Thanks, now let’s find you an outfit, " Kate says, going into her closet to find a perfect outfit. Kate asked Y/N what her style was, and Y/N just shrugged, so it was all up to Kate. They went through all of Kate’s clothes and tried to match them together, but Y/N kept saying no to all of them.
“Alright, I give up. I don’t know what to give you, Y/N,” Kate says and lays on the mountain of clothes on the floor. Then there was a knock on the door, and Nat and Wanda entered the room.
“We just came to check to see if Y/N found an outfit,” Natasha says, leaning on the door frame.
“No luck here, to be honest. Y/N can’t decide on what she wants or what she will look good in,” Yelena says.
“Well, I think that Y/N would look really good in red,” Wanda says, looking at Y/N up and down and then at Natasha, smirking.
“That’s a good idea because I think I have a red bodysuit and black jeans that would look good on you, and Kate can find some cute boots to go with it. Do you like that idea?” Yelena says to Y/N. Y/N looks at Yelena and Kate, then to Natastsa and Wanda, and back to Yelena and Kate and agrees. Wanda and Natasha leave the room to prepare for the party while Yelena goes to her room to find the outfit. Kate starts to clean up her room from all the clothes and finds the boots that will fit Y/N.
Kate and Yelena feel proud of themselves that they got an outfit for Y/N. Yelena comes back with the outfit, and Y/N loves it. Kate even found some boots that will go great with the outfit.
They hear another knock on the door, and it is Tony.
“Hey ladies, so I was able to get a bunch of people to come here tonight, so we need to prepare and clean the building, and that is all hands on deck for this one,” Tony says.
“Alright, Tony, we will be out there in a second,” Yelena says, and all three of them come out of the room and start cleaning. Everyone was there to help clean in some way. Y/N loved this because she never had the chance to do this work growing up, and now doing it with her new family is something special. 
After about an hour and a half, the massive building was finally clean and ready to set up for the party.
“Alright, I need help buying everything at the liquor store. Who is in?” Tony asks the group. Natasha, Carol, and Bucky all agree to go with Tony. They left for the store, and everyone else started to get ready for the party in a few hours. Y/N didn’t need to start getting prepared that minute because it didn’t take long to change, so she just went to the living room and started watching TV. She puts on a random show and tunes in.
“What are you watching?” A voice said behind Y/N, scaring her so much that she jumped out of her seat. She turns around, and it is Wanda holding in her laugh.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. " I just wanted to see what you were watching,” Wanda says, going around the couch and sitting where Y/N was seated.
“No, you are good. I just thought everyone was getting ready right now, so I wasn’t expecting anyone,” Y/N says, then sits about a couch cushion away.
“Why are you so far away,” Wanda then moved very close to Y/N, where their thighs were touching, “are you scared of me or something?” Wanda says, looking right into Y/N’s eyes, making her a little nervous. 
“What!? No, I am not scared of you. I was just being respectful and giving you your space,” Y/n says and smiles innocently at Wanda.
“What if I don’t want you to be respectful to me,” Wanda says quietly.
“What did you say?” Y/N asked because she didn’t hear what Wanda had just said.
“I said what should we watch?” Wanda says, grabbing the remote.
“I don’t care,” Y/N says and gets comfortable in her spot. Wanda puts on a random movie that she wants to watch. Once the movie starts, Wanda cuddles into Y/N. Which makes her stiff and not know what to do.
“Are you okay with me cuddling you?” Wanda asks Y/N.
“Yeah, I am okay with it, but is Nat okay with you cuddling people,” Y/N says.
“Yes, she is. She knows I am a huge cuddler. I cuddle with everyone on the team when she is not around to cuddle,” Wanda says, and Y/N is a bit disappointed to hear that she does this with everybody.
“Okay, then I am cool with it,” Y/N says, and they return to watching the movie. About halfway through the movie, Tony, Natasha, Carol, and Bucky return from the store with lots of alcohol. Nat sees Y/N and Wanda cuddling, smiles, and goes over to them.
“Hey guys, we are back,” Natasha says, then kiss Wanda and pats Y/N’s shoulder. Y/N looked at Natasha, confused because she couldn’t tell if Natasha was upset with her cuddling with Wanda. Why else would she just pat her on the shoulder like that. 
“Yay, you are back now. We can go and get ready for the party!” Wanda says, jumping up. Y/N and Wanda laugh at how excited Wanda is about the party.
“I guess that is my cue to start getting ready for the party too,” Y/N says and gets up. Wanda, Y/N, and Natasha walk to their room to get ready. Wanda and Natasha headed into their room while Y/N went to hers.
“So, how was cuddling with Y/N?” Natasha asks Wanda right when the door closes.
“Oh my gosh, dulceata, are you really jealous,” Wanda says, turning around to look at Nat.
“No, I am not jealous. I was just asking a question, dorogoy” Nat then kisses Wanda on the forehead.
“Well then, I very much enjoyed cuddling Y/N. She is so soft and warm. It would have been even better if you were there cuddling with us,” Wanda says, walking to their shared bed.
“Why would it be better if I cuddled with you guys? You always cuddle our teammates, but when I come into the room, you only want to cuddle me,” Nat says, going to their closet to pull out their outfits for tonight.
“It just would be. I don’t know how to explain it, but you are telling me you wouldn’t want to cuddle with me and Y/N together,” Wanda says, smirking at Nat. Natasha says nothing and blushes a little.
“And since you are asking so many questions, let me ask you this. Why did you pat Y/N’s shoulders when you came in and kissed me? You hate touching other people that’s not me, and especially if you just met them that day,” Wanda asks, raising her eyebrows.
“I don’t know. I just saw you two together, and it was cute. Can I not pat my teammate on the shoulder?” Natasha says back at Wanda.
“You barely even pat Sam on the back when he does something good,” Wanda says.
“Alright, can we both just agree that there is something different and special about Y/N that we cannot understand just yet,” Natasha says with her hands up.
“I can agree with you on that. Now let’s get ready to drink and hang out with Y/N even more. I bet she is a fun drunk. I call the first to shower,” Wanda says, running to the bathroom in the room, but Natasha stops her.
“Now, everyone is probably taking a shower right about now. Why don’t we save some water and take it together” Natasha says with a smile.
“I like that idea” Wanda kisses Natasha on the lips and takes her hand to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, in Y/N’s room, she had just gotten out of the shower and checked herself in the mirror. She wanted to ensure she looked good for Nat and Wanda tonight. 
“Tonight is going to be a great night. Everyone said they are getting drunk tonight, so it will be great. What can go wrong” Y/N says to herself and puts on the outfit that Kate and Yelena pick out. 
@tigerlillyruiz @marvelwomen-simp @smromanoff @whitewidowsbite @cd-4848
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isekai-crow · 5 months
The Witch and the Beast / Majo to Yajuu Episode 1
Overall Score So Far: 9/10
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Guideau on the left, Ashaf in the middle, and Genderless Hottie on the right :3
Anime, now with more CROW BAIT. This time it's literal!! :D
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OF COURSE the Goth With The Coffin on his back can use CROW MAGIC. AHHHHHHH.
Also, Guys. You guys. Fucking TOSHIYUKI MORIKAWA is voicing Ashaf.
And Guideau is voice by Taichi, You - Jousuke from JoJo, Suphia from TenSura, Saya from Dead Mount Death Play, and Dorothy from Princess Principal!! A great rough and tumble voice perfect for Guideau. (1st Epi Spoiler: I can't tell if she's voicing Guideau's true form.)
More Episode 1 Spoilers Below!
I don't really know what I was expecting except for Hot Goth Dude with a Coffin Boyfriend, and a badass punch-em-up beauty with a nasty mouth from the PV on youtube, but that's what I got and more, and I am so very pleased about it.
I was SO EXCITED ABOUT THE CROWS YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Hottie Mage whips out a spell covered arms and MY BABIES ARE BURSTING FORTH IN A MURDER OF ADORABLE!!! I might have woken up Capybara's deaf elderly neighbors in my excitement.
What I was not expecting was a giant Zom 100 Shark to show up in the middle of the city lmfao.
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Zom 100 Zombie shark on the left and Big Buff Giant Shark Dude on the right.
It's just a dude whose turned himself into a shark with magic, who immediately gets dispelled by a witch, and that THIS IS A NORMAL OCCURANCE??? People are like, oh noooo, there's a giant shark, Ione will deal with iiiiit, no worriesssss.
The implications this gives of a mixed soft/hard magic system tho.
I'm really looking forward to learning (or maybe not learning and discovering through negative space) the rules that don't get broken (which is necessary for a magic system), but also hope that they'll be playing hard and fast with what's possible. Cause seriously, wtf is this shark. Delightful, lol.
They mind games played with "Are Witches Bad or Not?" in this episode is fun, because as a viewer going in blind, we could have had some lawful good protagonists or we could have had some chaotic anti-heros, and I would have accepted either outcome. We kind of get both and that's even better!
Trying to include a speech about the morals of getting revenge with Ione as she tries to justify her actions for removing the lock on her grandmother was interesting, but I'm still not sure if her Grandma was the one to cause the fire and people 300 years ago killed her, or if her getting blamed for the fires and then killed just so happened to lock the fire away, but either way...
Along with this I'm not surprised by the coven of would-be witch's nor the attempts by them to claim that witches aren't bad, "you're just like everyone else," when you can tell from the art that the stereotypes in this world hold weight, lol.
However, I don't know WHY I was surprised by said witches getting their hands and feet removed as part of a ritual summoning of hellfire.
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How... how is there not blood E V E R Y W H E R E ??!!?? Some heavy duty arteries have been cut, yo. I guess there kind of is but there should be MORE.
Ashaf finally figures out what's going on and gives in to Guideau, letting her go wild, and HELL YES I love it when we get a beast gremlin on a rampage!
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Witch Laser Beams! Sure!
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I also LOVE when Characters get the shit beat out of them and then Keep. Standing. Up.
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The very purposeful listing of the two ways to lift a Witch's spell at the very beginning of the show, True Love's Kiss or A Change of Heart),was such a great Chekhov's Gun that I knew there was probably going to be another (secret) way to deal with it.
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Fuck yea, angry kiss!! Let Guideau feast on your soul!!
But the most surprising thing that has me fully on board and ready to rock and roll is Coffin Boyfriend.
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What gender is Coffin Boyfriend? We don't know.
Coffin Boyfriend is not a third character like I initially expected.
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Coffin Boyfriend is Mother Fucking Guideau Y'all.
Everything makes so much sense now. Ashaf carries coffin boyfriend's true body around in his backpack like it's no big thing.
And Guideau, with all that rage packed into a tiny little body, has to go around kissing witches to switch from her current body back to the original to then proceed to beat the shit out of said witch.
I fucking here for this. I'm so hype.
Hot Bois, Crows, Body/Gender Swaps, Witch and Magic Fuckery. I'm here for it all, y'all.
(I might even go read ahead in the manga for this one cause OH MY GOD MANGA ASHAF IS ALSO VERY GOOD)
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But also... Chrollo? Is that you?
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Ashaf on the left, Chrollo Lucilfer from Hunter X Hunter on the right.
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I love this. I love their vibe. After Apothecary Diaries, this might just end up being my favorite this season. I'll save that judgement for a few more episodes in though.
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links
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rimouskis · 4 months
How do u make your yearly budget ? I remember you posting about your budget spreadsheet once. Pls I am v interested on how you set it up
I simply must ask if you're the FBI agent in my phone, because I genuinely just sent a message to a friend saying how excited I was it's the end of the month, meaning tomorrow I get to start with a fresh new slate in my budget hahaha
alright let's talk:
I don't do a yearly budget, technically! I budget month-per-month. There are lots of styles of budgets—some allowing for a yearly/more Long Term view—but what worked for my income level was a month-based system.
I lurked on r/personalfinance on reddit for a long while and actually pilfered my budget template from there!
I use this one, which I like both because I've used it for five years and because it's just plain ol' simple. I don't need charts to automatically populate and I don't want to categorize every purchase I make. I just want to see how much money I have per month and how much I'm spending.
That's also crucial to how I personally do budgeting. I don't set aside $X for food and $X for activities and $X for going out or whatever every month. That isn't productive to me; my life looks different every month depending on what's going on. I don't use my budget to be prescriptive; outside of my fixed expenses (rent, utilities, etc.) I just use my budget to track 1. where my money is going and 2. how much of it I have left.
If you want something with a bit more frills, there are lots of other options (one, two, three) on reddit, but I've [personally] found all their bells and whistles overwhelming. If they have useful features you want to use (like, some will have tabs for you to track debt and payments toward it), you can experiment with them, but I don't recommend them for someone new to budgeting.
...I also don't inherently recommend my preferred spreadsheet, either. It doesn't work for everyone. I've shown it to some friends and they almost immediately knew it wouldn't work for them. The reason it works for me is because I am kind of neurotic about budgeting.
To me, "peace of mind" is maintained by having a really close eye on my finances. That means that I track what I spend daily. I manually input every purchase into the spreadsheet. I manually put every paycheck into the spreadsheet. I keep the Google Sheets app on my phone for this very purpose.
That isn't something everyone's willing to do, and there's no shame in that—we all find the different tools that work best for us! But if you don't think you're able to keep up with manually tracking every cent you make and spend, I don't think that this method will be good for you.
If you need more automation in your budgeting, where you can get things autofilled and so on and so forth, I would have pointed you towards Mint, which I've heard good things about, but it's sadly shutting down this March. The article I linked provided an alternate recommendation, but I can't personally vouch for any of those services.
I've been tempted by YNAB a time or two — I like the idea that they intentionally work you towards living off of old paychecks instead of the money you earn month-of [which is a financial goal we should ALL strive for, even though it can be very hard], and I like that they encourage giving every dollar a "job", but you don't NEED their service to do either of those things. I don't like paying money to save money, you know? lol
I keep a secondary, simple spreadsheet with my "rolling funds" in it — money I set aside every month (which I input as a monthly "expense" in my normal spreadsheet) which I allocate to specific funds, like car funds, travel funds... I even had a "hockey game fund" for a few years, haha.
I prefer that method to paying for a service to do it for me. I'm sure YNAB has some nice bells and whistles, and it's clear MANY people love being integrated into their system, which has some automated bits that definitely make budgeting "easier," but I like Ye Olde Spreadsheet. Having to input every purchase keeps me accountable, I feel. Also it sometimes discourages me from spending money, haha, which is probably a good thing in the long run.
idk. I'm a huge advocate for budgeting. I know it can be really hard for some people, but I sincerely think there's some budgeting method out there that will work for you, you know? I credit my budget spreadsheets for keeping my head above water during the many times where money was/is tight. Knowledge is power and all that.
Not to sound like a #girlboss shilling my financial advice on tiktok (of which there are too many), but being aware of where your money is going is sincerely the biggest, most important step you can take towards building financial safety for yourself. My budget saved my ass this last year.
If you have any other questions, shoot them my way. I know it can seem daunting, but I totally think it's worth it! <3
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lancerfay · 1 year
Imagine, for a fun little thought experiment, that SIGNALIS had a TTRPG?
Imagine I’m making one using my bespoke game system?
What if I told you it's first playtestable draft is available right here!
Finally what if I said I was looking to see if my mutuals were interested in collaborating on visuals and feedback? Or for playtest info from folks that were also signalis fans? Because I might be an illustrator but I am NOT a graphic designer nor am I infallible, and the more eyes on early versions the better IMO.
If you like narrative roleplaying and games like Blades in the Dark, I especially want to hear from you. This is my first public release of my tabletop mechanics so I'm equally filled with nerves and excitement.
I hope folks enjoy this little passion project! I'll be updating it more following feedback and further playtesting on my end.
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hamofjustice · 11 months
I don't want to just painstakingly copypaste my triple-layered self-QRT thread about it on Twitter and any other ones floating around but
I am very emotionally invested in seeing Penny, Arven, and (personally) especially Nemona again in the Scarlet/Violet DLC, after GF followed up the best 3 hours of Pokemon game story ever by having to abruptly cut it off the second these lonely kids finish opening up to you and say you can hang out with them anytime. Which you never do. It was some pretty painful whiplash, and I was sure the main point of the DLC was to relieve that, especially when their arcs don't seem quite complete yet. Very clever, evil marketing! But uh... well... about that...
It is very worrying that aside from a little "the story so far" montage, they have not been seen or mentioned in promotional material/footage whatsoever. Y'know, DLC for the game that's about how the real treasure was the friends you found along the way (literally, in Nemona's case), and even if your family and support systems fail you, you still have each other? Written from the heart by someone who said Arven's story is inspired by their own life? With the sappy Ed Sheeran song about reaching out for connection with others, that also seems to be named after Team Star? The game where one of the features the devs seemed most proud of was going on adventures and into boss fights with 3 of your friends? The game that ended with a fully functional and quite immersive bonding adventure with these characters you'd gotten to know and care about, that basically everyone thought was the best part of the game by a mile, and were left wishing the whole game was like that?
Yeah, I (and everyone else) have been driving around alone in that game for 8 months ever since finishing that story. 8 months of minor updates with a ton of the beloved characters functionally or literally gone, while we go around doing online stuff with nothing else to do in the world, with a single player postgame more barren than we had on Game Boy Color (thank god for mints and bottle caps though). I'm left just... wanting to go back to the way things were before I beat the game. Not to be overly dramatic, but this world I supposedly saved feels like one I failed to save. And I'm getting really frustrated. (The framerate hasn't gotten any better, either, but this isn't about that.)
It's like Game Freak (or whoever forced this thing out a year early, or both) never expected you to boot the game up again once you got bored of the Ace Academy Tournament, which the game acts like is the entire total of what you could want from being friends and "rivals for life" with your squad (I mean I'm the sicko that loves Tera Raids, so I'm not that bored, but still). It makes a bunch of implications that your adventure is just beginning, and then it totally just... isn't. Why is the E4 building closed? Why do you only rematch the gyms once? And most of all, for me personally: Why did we get access to our friends' rooms if there's nothing to do or talk about there? (Besides look for character study clues, which they have lots of)
All they could come up with when asked to write a newsletter email about what you can still do in S/V and why you should still be playing it was Raids. That was it. Remember when you had an endless challenge in the Tower/Maison that you could optionally take on with a bunch of story characters as your partners instead of alone, that motivated you to keep getting stronger bit by bit? Remember rematching gym leaders multiple times and watching their teams grow and evolve each time? Yeah, there's none of that here, because that would take more than a week to implement. If you want friends and you want battles, you'll have to do it yourself online now. They're not allocating any budget for that.
Your rival for life, who's so excited you're on her level now, who seems to have the passion and skill to be the your Battle Tower gameplay loop by herself if she wanted to, who battles you for hours offscreen with multiple teams, whose whole character arc is that she finally has someone she can do this with... is fully static, with one kinda mediocre team that never grows or changes. She can't keep up with you and doesn't know what items or EVs are. You have to get lucky to even see her at all. She is no more your rival than your Home Ec teacher is (no offense Saguaro, you're cool too). I think it's really, really sad.
I'm left nostalgic and pining to go back, having to cope through fanfic because my character can't spend the day with - or even so much as take a new trainer card photo with - the girl who said they might be her greatest treasure, without resetting my save, because she and the others are standing somewhere that the camera and internet features are both disabled.
Like, legitimately, I want to keep being friends with these kids the way we were before, and have the ability to do post-game stuff with them, like being able to go out and adventure together whenever in some basic, non-story capacity, or just, I don't know, maybe give them more than one line of dialogue in their rooms? I don't want a new region or new characters. Not yet, anyway.
I thought I was preordering the continuation of their story and rewarding the company for making me care about Pokemon so much again.
But, uh... I'm really worried that the people who own these characters do not care. And as I said on the trailer's comments before they turned them off (lol), I'll be pissed enough to not buy any more games if I'm right, and we're forced to abandon these poor kids. At the very least, it's some pretty garbage marketing to leave the possibility of that up in the air. If nothing else, that is a frustration that I'm going to keep talking about for a while, even if it ends up being fine.
I thought it was impossible, and I was being silly. Why not have our friends in cute new outfits as promo art when the DLC was first announced, and all they had was promo art? Seems like an easy slam dunk. Oh, they didn't yet? Well, I'm sure it'll happen eventually.
And then they weren't in the trailer either, months later. Are they trying to sell us on it or not?
The whole reason I want the DLCs. Still not a single word acknowledging them, just that little opening montage. Still no hints of how the DLCs have anything to do with Area Zero's ongoing story, either. How is a sea turtle linked with a landlocked crater?
So like... At this point I have to assume both DLCs start with you making your friends cry as they're left alone again, arbitrarily excluded from events they're more than qualified to be invited to, to make room for some new dweebs we don't need, who won't be given nearly enough time to be as compelling as Nemona, Arven, and Penny were, because that makes the trailer look more like a new game, and that's the only way they know how to advertise. More. New. Buy. Consume. Throw away. Buy. Consume. Throw away. I should assume this so that whatever we get can't be worse.
But they're probably not (self-aware enough / allowed / both) to write that. Your lonely / orphaned / anime-binging friends might just cheer you on for getting to go do something cool like being forced to train a new legendary because the story said so, then go back to being statues with as much relevance to your life as an NPC in a third story apartment that tells you what a hold item is.
Can't I just live in Paldea with my friends, in the version of the game we would have gotten if it was finished, instead of being pulled into these adventures for the sake of looking good in a trailer? (which it doesn't btw lol) It's not an unrealistic thing to want when that's what it briefly was, and I was so excited that it would keep being that I've been thinking about it this entire time.
I hope I'm wrong about all this, and next year I can look back on this post, happy that the DLC did actually allow us to continue to take care of these characters, conclude Area Zero's mysteries in a satisfying way, fix up some technical issues, let us relive some things that are currently once-only (including letting us see that photo album our character made but we had to screenshot ourselves), and make it fun to keep playing for years afterward, and let that be the model for games going forward, but uh...
They really are not showing me anything I care about in the game I desperately want to care about, that I saw - and wanted to defend - the heart in, despite the circumstances it was produced under, and that really worries and frustrates me. The surprisingly many great things about this game got my hopes up for an awesome postgame full of warm fuzzy feelings and cool things to do 8 months ago that just didn't deliver, and now, I'm not sure if they'll even let me pay for one, at this rate, because they're not advertising one.
Just throw us a scrap. If whoever's in charge here stops caring about this story, I won't care about the next one.
Anyone else feeling this?
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siremasterlawrence · 6 months
Just Press Play request by @spiralteewriter
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Thomas Hardy is a hard working guy finally about to relax after a long day when he sees his son waltz into the home and he ignores him.
Angrily he rolls his eyes pounding after him in total annoyance opening the swinging door of the kitchen and bounces into the living room.
When he saw is the complete opposite of his expectations a new video game system according to the box it the Hypno Tech V 5 and special edition.
He places the box down accidentally hitting the remote as television blurts on with an old static like buzz breaking through at him with no issues.
Soon the emblem of a multicolor spiral rush at him beginning to spin his mind twist and twirls causing him into a fallen state as he drop to the couch.
He is lost unable to do anything except to stare at the scene a thunderously loud ping could be heard coming from the system and straight to him.
Crashing into his ears his body shook upon it instantly hitting him at his core he can’t do anything but obey deep down inside what he is.
The screen switches the system demands his presses play, he pushes the x button as the room is now in lights and the color over took the entirety of the room.
His hands are now glued to the controller as he picks it up holding it tightly not even aware of the fact that the screen is shooting out a ray scanning his body to exact body specifications.
The scanning stops saying uploading as it changes image to image the countdown is about to begin and once it hits one his eyes close.
On the side of his wall the kid formerly his son watches on in a thrill of excitement as his dad’s head drops, his dick springs to action and an avatar of his appears on the screen.
The system transforms with golden light as it projections every bit of information on him online hacking through his banks encryption and connecting his information.
Two strapping and tall men walk in through his door into his home are at his sides one takes his hand forces him to robotically sign a lengthy form on a pad.
The pad shut down rebooting with his name on it center stage his body totally let’s go and shuts down falling into the men’s arms they grab his under arms.
They lift him upward then throw him on to the floor enjoying every moment they carry him out and load him into the back of the van.
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Every single trace of him is now erased from the neighborhood and surrounding town as if he never existed but his kid so richly paid a compensation every month.
The van drives for miles into an open road on a secret alley back end off the highway so it stops and releases him to head down a single path.
They inform him of his short journey to a real paradise for men of no worth to find meaning in their lonely, tiresome and monotonous life.
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Previously on Just Press Play, Thomas M Hardy discovers the joy of the power of a video game when he is uploaded as avatar onto The Hypno Tech video game system interface.
The minute he is upload a second ping hits even harder in one resounding noise flowing through the air ricocheting into every home in the area you can see a gold beam appear in different rooms.
Children and wives seem to fall immediately in to a deep trance but men’s eyes pop open feeling a deep need to sit up in bed and some need down the staircase to the living room.
The minute they see to the screen their over active minds slowly are corrupting deeply in a shroud of nothingness and a haze of red smoke consume him leaving me mindless in a weird way.
The minds slowly swing side to side, back to forth watching the television screen as the spiral appears swamping up their screens they can’t help but to walk over to chair plopping down onto the couch.
A strange young man transmit on to the screen sitting in his swinging chair with a wicked looking smile creeping over his face with evil intent.
“You can thank your neighbor for this”
“I am your boss”
“Your new creator “
“Smile for me and let’s begin your interface”
“Strip your clothes off”
“Kneel and let’s play a game while we wait”
“Yes Creator”
“Two men will walk in to your home “
“Sign the form and follow them”
“Get in the van “
“Rest for a short journey”
“Yes creator “
“The path is a few miles down “
“It’s a beautiful farm made for men like you”
“Good boi! Go get milked”
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The end
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jones-friend · 4 months
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This is about as far as I’ll get.
Im a big fan of Final Fantasy. I grew up with X and IV, I branched out to V and VI, am working through VII, and have XIII downloaded. I did not enjoy XV and I was excited when I heard XVI was good.
And it is! Theres a LOT to love about this game. It plays smart in a number of ways. The soundtrack is phenomenal. The combat system mid game is up to some great stuff. Its the only media I’ve encountered that adopts GOT elements while successfully retaining its identity.
I love how summons are godlike entities that deliver big kaiju fights. They give you a great sense of scale by having the first feel slow and clunky, by making you fight Ifrit on foot, working their way up so when you fight Titan you get an amazing feel for scale.
The game also adopts GOT style intrigue without abandoning what makes FF a FF game. The game opens with a red wedding style sacking of a major house with implications for the rest of the game, but it does it within what a Final Fantasy game would do. And the game has loads of lore tools to help you stay keyed into the plot. Its great. The pacing is also excellent, each chapter ramps up from small town sidequests to giant kaiju battles, then deescalates to give the eikon fights space.
Combat is flashy and fun with lots of combos you can chain across powers. I ended up using a lot of counter abilities and had such a good time in every 1v1 battle. Battles are also showy in satisfying ways despite being a bit spammy.
The OST is also a powerhouse good LORD. Its an alltimer, Heart of Stone and Find the Flame clapping absolute cheeks out here. I cannot recommend the ost highly enough.
Theres a few minor issues I was able to look past. Weapon crafting/upgrading is largely uninteresting. You just upgrade for better number. Theres no real resource management or choices being made. I would rather be awarded weapons like KH2 keyblades. Sidequests smartly delve into the fine details of the world but are largely a waste of space, padding out the runtime and delaying the better parts of the game. But largely these were just tedious, not bad.
My beef with this game is the camera. Its 2024, we’ve had 3D games for 30 years, and there’s a $70 price tag on this game. Absolutely unacceptable that I cannot access meaningful accessibility controls that would alleviate the issue.
I’ve played lots of games in 3D with fast cameras. I’ve played all of Elden Ring, MGRR, Bayonetta, every Halo game, both Wolfenstein games, I’ve only been made motion sick by Generation Zero, Saturnalia. I’m not prone to motion sickness in games, and outside Saturnalia where its cropped up I’ve been able to use accessibility settings to negate it.
Pressing O to block and counter is great but the camera whips around violently for each of the three follow up attacks. I’ve looked through threads and implemented everything I can with what options the game offers and it has not saved the experience for me.
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Man. I was so excited for this one. And I was having a great time with what I played. Im just over 50% through and I’m gonna have to call it here. It made me physically sick over the weekend and I’m still feeling bad.
I beg you 🅱️lease fix the camera. A game on this scale should be better than this. I literally cannot play your game in this state.
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thegreatklaid · 4 months
Welcome to Klaid's Awful Idea of Playing Every Numbered Final Fantasy in Order!!
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So, to make a long story short, the Pixel Remasters were on sale. With that I realized, I had every one of the numbered games minus XVI on the Steam Deck. So, I decided, I hate myself. Thus, we are gonna play all of them.
I am pretty excited, I have been wanting to replay some of these games again. I've done this before, many many years ago, before FFXIII even came out. And nowhere near in order. (FFVIII was my first game and the last one that I managed to beat). But, I've always told myself that I can't beat FFVII for a 33rd time, and that I should play a new game for once. But now I have an excuse, and I hope you all join me in this one.
I'm gonna use this space to keep track of my thoughts, even more than that I plan on organizing them into a before and after. Like I've said, I've beaten the first twelve, so we're gonna talk about how I remember them, what I want to do this playthrough, and how I expect to like it after the fact. Then we'll do another post on how that all came out, and where I think it goes in order after everything. Which means I should put my current list
XII > X > VII > IV > IX > I > VIII > V > XI > VI > III > II
Now we're wiping that away. Because I actually already beat I. I didn't want to start this whole thing if I couldn't even get through one game. And now I'm committed to the idea. In short, I liked FFI. I made some weird mistakes, completely forgot that you can just buy 99 potions, so the first few dungeons were way harder and getting bullshit hits was way meaner than I remember it being. I made a lot of notes on that I didn't like the dungeons in the first game. Too many blind dead ends with them. But I really liked the bosses.
Also these pixel remasters are the weirdest collection of changes that have happened to FF1. They use the old class change styles where they get all skinny. But it uses mostly the Origins stats. Although I learned after the fact that it uses changes made to Red Mage, Monk, and Thief from Dawn of Souls, but it keeps the MP system. It was bizarre.
Which makes me wonder how FFII will work out. But that's for the next day.
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‘I’m so excited to be a queer parent’
Sara Quin is beaming as she flips through photographs of her newborn son on her phone.
It’s the first time the Vancouver-based musician, one half of twin sister pop duo Tegan and Sara, has been away since he was born 11 weeks ago and she’s missing him dearly.
“Isn’t he cute?” she asks. “I love him so much.”
“I’m so excited to be a queer parent,” she adds.
Before the nostalgic series began development, Sara was already looking to the future. She started a fertility journey with her partner that stretched over four years, as it became stalled by COVID-19 clinic closures and other complications. Her partner gave birth on June 24, the same day the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade.
As a sleep-deprived new parent, the timing made her consider many other women who don’t have childcare services, financial security and other support systems.
Two months after her child was born, Sara shared the news on the duo’s Instagram account, posting an image that concealed her son’s face.
She’s being cautious for now, keeping his name under wraps as she considers how much of her personal life she wants to put into the world.
“It’s a conversation I’ve had with Tegan and with my partner,” she says.
“My instinct is to share very little because I want to keep it (out of) the public domain. But then on the other hand, I’m desperate to see other versions of what I’m doing and I can’t seem to find them,” she says, of queer representation.
She points out that those who don’t give birth often seem to be missing from the conversation, especially in LGBTQ families.
“I feel like it’s reason enough to, with careful thought, share some of my experience,” she says.
Perhaps more than ever, the sisters are on noticeably different trajectories in their personal lives, which they acknowledge may seep into their professional work at some point.
Tegan brought home a German shepherd border collie puppy during the pandemic and started to shape a few TV pitches with other collaborators. Sara recently began shopping around her own concept for a series that’s separate from her sister.
They welcome the suggestion of recording solo music projects in the coming years, which they admit they probably wouldn’t have seriously considered earlier in their careers.
Sara’s new role as mom lingers amid all these possibilities.
Both of them have discussed whether Sara should open up her own Instagram account where she can foster a community interested in hearing about her adventures in motherhood and how she shares time with her child.
“I am going to get to show him things, lead him places and tell him about the world,” she said.
“Even silly things like I can’t wait to start swim lessons with him. I can’t wait for his personality to develop”
She adds: “I’ve been disrupting systems since I was a teenager and now I feel some weird thrill about being in a video game and it’s called ‘Being a Parent.’” (X)
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arthur-kilgore · 6 months
I have a lot of thoughts about the GTA VI trailer and idk where to put them bc I didn’t like GTA V enough to really engage in fandom but I also want to avoid any more speculation or leaks about the game bc I want to go in as blind as possible when get to play it two years from now (help lol). Most of my comparison points are based off of the red dead franchise bc I’ve only played GTA V out of all of those games BUT
I am (perhaps naïvely) optimistic that the story will be more emotionally meaningful than GTA V’s was, and a lot of that stems from the first trailer centering Lucia. Rockstar’s first female protagonist!! And what little we’ve seen about her shows a lot of potential for her to be well developed just as John and Arthur were (not that the GTA V protags weren’t well developed, but none of them resonated with me on a personal level the way so many RDR characters did and do to this day)
From the short glimpse we’ve seen, we know Lucia is someone who’s made mistakes due to her circumstances and has the potential to be a multifaceted character. We know she has a partner that she loves (James?), and we know that their relationship is a central component of this game - similar to red dead’s honor system - assuming that the leaks about that are correct. If we can assume that decisions around their relationship will be central to the plot’s direction and will affect the overall outcome of the story, I am so, so excited to see that in action because there is MASSIVE potential for that story to be exciting and emotionally compelling all at once.
The other thing that really excites me about this game is that it seems like they’ve really leaned into the realism and building an amazing open world the same way they did for RDR2. I haven’t played the older games with Vice City so I don’t have a frame of reference, but the shots they shared looked GORGEOUS and we know from the RDR2 trailers that we can expect the actual gameplay to look like that. I especially love that we can practically feel the footprint of RDR2’s world beneath it - they are two very different parts of the world and two totally different time periods, but that sky?? That’s the same sky and it’s just as gorgeous as it was in West Elizabeth. There are multiple shots of the Everglades (it reminded me of Bayou Nwa!!), and the ocean, and other wilderness outside of the city and I really strongly hope we get a lot of potential for exploration in those areas. Yes the city is obviously the main stage, but I am hoping for a wide world to explore beyond that (rockstar please let us have a horse in this game i am begging you on my hands and knees)
Like I said GTA V never emotionally resonated with me, and I very nearly didn’t give RDR2 a chance because until playing it I assumed it was “cowboy GTA”, so I’m very intrigued that this game seems to have some essence of what made RDR2 special built into it and I hope that future previews continue to support that. Given that we’re not likely to get another red dead installment (and that even if we did it would be probably 10-15 years away at minimum ough) I’m absolutely dying for something new that can fill that same void that only RDR2 can fill and I’m really hoping that they chose to give the story the attention it deserves with such a promising world to tell it in.
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theseatedheats · 1 year
Games I played in 2022
No Man’s Sky: 5/10
Not bad but not my cup of tea. I also am not a huge fan of the unknown and would frequently get freaked out by black holes and giant floating space skeletons etc etc. Good game for playing with friends though!
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Lost In Random: 7/10
The gameplay in this game was so interesting and I loved a lot of the Worldbuilding but the ending killed it for me. It felt unfinished. There was so much more I think could have been done with the three head and the Queen but it felt a little cliche. Otherwise great game!
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Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines: 7/10
I really enjoyed this game and it was my first introduction into VTM. My only complaints were that it is possible to accidentally distribute your ability points in such a way that you are utterly incapable of successfully completing any late game mission without cheating. That’s more of a personal fault for not better using the system though. I really loved it and am excited for the sequel.
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V Rising: 8/10
Another vampire game that I found really addicting. Very fun mechanics and challenging but possible as a single player as well.
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Stray: 9/10
I loved this game. The world building and story were amazing. The designs were so beautiful and I loved the sweet cute moments with the robots and your cat. The literal only reason it’s not 10/10 is because you can’t bring your robot buddy out into the world with you at the end.
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Red Dead Redemption II: 10/10
The ending of this game had me SOBBING. I was so invested in all of it, loved the story, the graphics and gameplay were so fun, and I am considering playing it again in the new year. Masterpiece of a game.
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Honorable Mentions (unfinished or early access games)
Potion Craft: 10/10 so far it’s so fun I am addicted
Coral Island: 8/10 only for some glitches but I really enjoy it so far. The number of islanders is a little overwhelming but I am really enjoying it. I think I have exhausted what I am capable of doing with the current content though.
Slime Rancher 2: 6/10. Good so far but I was a little disappointed with how little there was to do at this stage. I know it’s new and not finished but dang I finished it quickly. Everything that is there is pretty great though.
Cult of the Lamb: 7/10 I have gotten to the final boss fight but not finished it. Enjoy it quite a bit but it wasn’t as addicting as expected.
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wooahaes · 2 years
follow up to the fire emblem ask 😵‍💫 yes i found another blog who likes fire emblem and seventeen ! i won everyone !! ps sorry for the mini rant i got excited
anyways … let me tell you that the conquest route of fates was something! (i got sad) and then third dlc route revelation, writing was confusing but eh its dlc im not mad. i’m trying to find a way to get birthright soon so i can finally play that path.
ALSO TELL ME WHY I ALSO KEPT UNITS AWAY FROM OTHERS SO THEY COULDNT PAIR 😭. like i play as a f!unit so i kept her away from everyone but like one character so they had to be together. i personally did chrom and sumia just bc everyone said but i also chrom has funny supports and i heard his support with sully is sweet.
i actually talked to one of my moots abt someone making a video game based smau, they asked me to do it but im not at that level yet… but then fire emblem popped into my head. like the class system is so cool and usually connected to the type of person the characters are! i kept trying to see which members of seventeen + other idols would fit into each class role. sorry i got carried away 😅
hi lovely <3 no need to be sorry! i like talking abt stuff that makes ppl happy
god yeah i can imagine. i remember getting sad over birthright too :( i played through most of conquest and revelations tbh but its been like. at least a year or two so my memory's pretty foggy lmao i just remember not liking jakob
im always like "stay away until i get ppl married and then u can pair up however tbh" (still pairs married couples or parents w their kid bc i think them working together is cute).
god... i feel bad but im not a huge fan of sumia as a unit. some ppl say she's great but she always goes down so easily for me. i cannot imagine playing the game on classic. chroms support w sully is v sweet tho! if i wasnt trying to get lucina some specific skills from olivia, i probably would have pushed chrom with sully. they arent optimal according to a lot of ppl, but their supports would make up for it <3
ngl with this playthrough though ive had my f!unit like. sticking around multiple men to get the supports up to A so that i can figure out who i wanna romance......... homie i didnt expect for so many of them to have cute supports??? gaius's is cute (im p sure he calls the mc "bubbles" regardless of gender but i like his nicknames for ppl dsfkhdsf + his sweet tooth is endearing to me), stahl being the kind of person who looks out for people is sweet, lon'qu slowly growing more used to f!unit and being kind of endeared by her... and also henry just being the weirdo he is ksfdhdsf like ??? how am i supposed to pick. i mentioned it but i managed to get inigo (my favorite slutty man /hj) last night and his supports w f!unit are also kind of cute? just him going from a skirtchaser to trying to be more conscious of everyone else around him and taking care of ppl... ugh hes sweet <3
also last night i realized that olivia sparkles. like ??? girl straight up sparkles. i love that for her dskfhsdf also someone asked me if u have the option to be gay in awakening and im like NO bc god i love cherche and sully... and also lissa... and also maribelle... theres so many pretty women :(
ooo a video game based smau would be so fun... if i could do it, i would since theres like. so many games w so much potential there. i've had a vague idea for a life is strange-esque au (mc with powers dealing w that, basically) and since im already writing a one-shot w felix... idk, it just feels like a fun idea to play with. my go-to would be 3 because its the only game w a viable male love interest, sorry warren and whatever the guy from 2 was i love 3 the most and like ngl a smau would be an interesting way of doing it...
ooo do you have any thoughts on who would be in what role? i'd love to hear them! i talked with an anon about it a while back but i'd have to go find those asks bc i admittedly can't remember anything we picked out rn :(
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