#i am not a math guy until it’s something i am interested in
foolishlyzephyrus · 1 month
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This was a very silly goofy post I enjoyed but it also sparked genuine curiosity: how accurate is this? I’m a data hound, so I did some fact checking. Please be aware I am by no means an expert and this was simply a result of some cursory investigating and inputting stuff into a calculator.
For RTD, I took it to mean any episode title that was singular. Only eight out of the sixty episodes of RTD’s run have one word titles, with six having two syllables (Dalek, Doomsday, Gridlock, 42, Utopia, and Midnight) and the other two being monosyllabic (Rose and Blink). That’s roughly 13% of his episodes. Definitely a trend but he was actually quite creative with his titles. Here’s some other fun statistical stuff: the most popular words in episode titles appear to be ‘dead’ (The Unquiet Dead, Forest of the Dead and Planet of The Dead), ‘planet’ (Impossible Planet, Planet of the Ood, Planet of the Dead) and ‘time’ (Last of the Time Lords, End of Time Part 1 and End of Time Part 2) occurring at about 5% each, with ‘earth’ and ‘doctor’ occurring twice each respectively.
For Moffat, I went a little more broad, considering any episode that used the naming convention ‘of’/‘of the’ or featured ‘doctor’ in any capacity. Out of the eighty-four episodes in his run, twenty six filled the criteria, that’s about 31%. Eighteen adhered to the ‘of’ requirement (Victory of the Daleks, The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice, Day of the Moon, Curse of the Black Spot, The Wedding of River Song, Asylum of the Daleks, The Power of Three, The Bells of Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten, Journey to the Center of the TARDIS, Robot of Sherwood, In the Forest of the Night, The Husbands of River Song, The Pyramid at the End of the World, The Lie of the Land, The Empress of Mars, and The Eaters of Light), four contained the word ‘doctor’ (Vincent and the Doctor, The Doctor’s Wife, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, and The Doctor Falls), and four fit into both categories (The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor and The Return of Doctor Mysterio; it’s funny once you realize that Name, Day and Time were all released sequentially). The claim is thereby substantiated, the man loves his ‘of’s’.
Chibnall’s criteria was difficult to discern but I decided on anything that contained the name of a Who monster classic or otherwise, was a part, or similarly used ‘of’/‘of the’. My findings were quite interesting as there was bunch of overlap between my selected categories. As a whole, out of the thirty-one episodes in Chibnall’s run, eighteen fit the criteria. That’s an overwhelming 58%, so it is most definitely correct assumption. In terms of part episodes, there were eight as there are two proper parted episodes (Spyfall, Part 1 and Spyfall, Part 2) and the serialized six-episode Flux series. Thirteen episodes contain ‘of’/‘of the’ with six exclusively using ‘of’/‘of the’ (The Demons of the Punjab, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Chapter Five: Survivors of the Flux, Power of The Doctor). This is where it gets interesting, as the remaining seven episodes containing ‘of’ are all the Who monster episodes (Ascension of the Cybermen, Revolution of the Daleks, Fugitive of the Judoon, Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans, Chapter Four: Village of the Angels, Eve of the Daleks, Legend of the Sea Devils). It would appear that Chibnall is an equal fiend for ‘of’s’, especially considering the monsters. So, very on brand for classic who naming conventions as well.
To conclude, it was a largely factual silly goofy post (props to @fanonical) and I enjoyed my little data collection exercise.
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tkwrites · 7 months
Messages - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: Messages 
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Pre-established: Quinn x Sarah
Warnings: smut (18+ only), mutual masturbation, phone sex (sort of) 
Summary: Missing him something fierce, Sarah sends Quinn a video of herself in his bed. 
Word count: 1,600
Comments: 2 stories in 2 days? Who am I? In all seriousness, this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, and tonight felt like a good night for it to go into the world. 
This snapshot is way out of the beginning-ish timeline I’ve been sticking to for a while. Hope you enjoy! 
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
Don’t listen until you’re alone. 
Quinn was always interested when Sarah messaged him in the middle of the day. She was usually in school, so if she had something to say it was important. 
This cryptic message, though, really piqued his interest. 
A few seconds later, a video came through. The preview was black. He glanced around at the guys on the bus. No one seemed to be paying him any attention, and his airpods were in, so no one would overhear. 
It was likely just her telling him a story with a lot of foul language. She always prefaced those this same way, not wanting anyone else to overhear despite his insistence that anyone he hung around with wouldn't be bothered. 
So, he took the chance and pressed play. 
Nothing changed. The screen stayed black, and it was quiet for a long while. He clicked to make sure it was playing. The progress bar at the bottom informed him there were two minutes left. The lighting was so dim, he wasn’t sure if he could see something in the top corner of the screen or not. 
Then came the sound of her breathing - hitched, quick breaths that reminded him distinctly of being in bed with her. Tiny little moans followed. The kind that always made him want to make her really moan. 
He gulped. 
Eyes glued to the screen, Quinn listened as her breathy moans got louder. 
Suddenly, it clicked. The video was of the ceiling. Of his ceiling. He could just make out the outline of the light fixture over his bed. The idea of her touching herself in his bed almost made him moan out loud. 
His thoughts raced along with his heart. 
He'd given her a key a few weeks before after she told him she liked to study there - it was so beautiful and so much quieter than her place or anywhere on campus. There was no point in it sitting empty while he was on the road, especially when she studied there when he was home, anyway. 
Never in a million years had he thought she would be masturbating in his bed. 
“Quinn,” her voice swam through his veins. His tongue felt heavy with the longing to kiss her and his suit pants grew uncomfortably tight. 
Holy shit. 
Holy shit. 
He clicked out of the video, cutting off her next words that sounded like they might be, "I wish-"
He couldn't listen to this here. They were just about to get to PNC. He would have to walk into the arena in less than 10 minutes with photographers and social media teams taking pictures and videos. He couldn’t walk off the bus with his lower half standing at attention like this. He’d be all over the internet in no time. Chirped by the team and his friends for the rest of his life. 
Closing his eyes, he thought about swimming in the lake, taking a cold shower and his high school math teacher. 
His body finally relaxed. 
What the hell, Sarah? He messaged her then, ignoring the pull in his stomach to click on the video again. He could do it later, after a win over the Hurricanes. I’m on the bus.
No one else heard. WHY would you send this in the middle of the day? And tell me not to watch it! Of course I’m watching it with that warning. 
Deciding she ought to just be honest, Sarah chewed her lip as she typed, I didn’t want to lose the nerve. I felt like if I waited until tonight, I might chicken out. I thought you were in the arena already. 
Quinn almost asked her why she was sending it in the first place. They’d had phone sex only once, and that was just two nights ago, when he had an evening off with no roommate and could catch her before bed with the time change. It had been exciting and awkward, but ultimately fulfilling for both of them. Even still, he didn't really expect it to happen again until his next road trip.
I’m sorry if I messed up your pre-game.
A smile melted onto his face. You didn't. Caught me off guard is all.
I did warn you. 
“What’s got you blushing, Huggy?” Connor asked, leaning over to look at the phone screen.
At least 10 heads swiveled to look at him, and despite his attempts to remain cool, Quinn felt his face get warmer. 
“Nothing,” he said, slipping his phone into his pocket. 
Connor arched an eyebrow, but didn't press. 
In the locker room, before putting his phone away, he sent her one last message before the game. 
Miss you. Call you after. 
Finally, alone in his hotel room after a hard fought win over the Hurricanes, Quinn called Sarah. It was nearly midnight in Vancouver. She might be sleeping, but he always called, even if just to leave a message. 
“Hey,” she answered, voice husky and groggy. 
“How do you feel?”
“Better now,” he said sitting on the end of the bed, glad to be out of his suit and in his basketball shorts.
“You played so good tonight, Q.”
“Thanks,” he said. “How was your day?” 
He knew he should let her go back to sleep, but he wanted to keep talking a little longer. Missing her was a physical thing to him now. An elephant in every hotel room.
“Fine,” she said before yawning loudly. “Nothing major to report.”
“Other than you sent me a video so I could hear you getting yourself off in my bed.” He tried to say it nonchalantly, but it still came out a little desperate. 
She laughed. “True. That was a pretty big thing.”
“Why did you do it?” he asked. “Not that I'm complaining, but you've never done anything like this before."
Sarah rolled over, switching the phone to her other ear. 
“Honestly? I'm ovulating and this morning I was so horny I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I missed you so much and your bed smells so much like you and I kept thinking, wouldn't it be hot if Quinn could hear me right now?”
He hummed. 
“And then I thought, he could, technology is a thing. So I started recording and just kept thinking about you in your hotel room, getting off to the sound of me and my vibrator. And God, it was so hot. I mean, you know.”
“I don't,” he said, his voice pitched higher. He didn't even need her video. He was getting worked up right now. 
“You haven't listened yet?”
“I haven't been alone.” It was the worst part of playing a team sport. He had so little time to himself.  
She giggled, but it was interrupted by another yawn. 
“Go back to sleep,” he said. “I'll call you tomorrow. Just wanted to say goodnight.”
“Night Quinn. I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Sarah. Four more days.”
“Four more days,” she repeated. “I can't wait to see you.”
“Me either. Get some sleep now.”
“Okay,” she murmured.
Hitting the end button, he flopped back on the bed and sighed. Before Sarah had come into his life, he would have been out partying, taking in the nightlife with the prospect of a late afternoon practice the next day, and nothing to worry about in the morning. Now, it felt pointless. He wanted Sarah. He didn’t want anyone else. He never really liked hookups, even when he was younger and single - it took him too long to open up to people - but traveling away from her was harder than he had expected. 
He lay there for a minute thinking of her before his curiosity and excitement got the best of him and he played the video. Setting the phone next to him, he closed his eyes. It was easy to imagine her in his bed that morning, wanting him. 
“Quinn,” she moaned, “I wish you were here.” 
“I wish I was too,” he groaned, running his hand up and down his length that he’d pulled out of his shorts.
She began to grunt softly. It was something she always did when she was trying to get to the right spot or angle. 
His breathing began to huff. 
“Do you like it, Q?” 
“Yes,” he all but moaned. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was glad he’d clicked off the video earlier that day. If he’d gotten this far into it, he wasn't sure he could have stayed quiet. 
Here, in the dim light of a nice hotel he didn’t remember the name of, the sound of the city all around him, Quinn let his mind focus on Sarah, imagining it was her hand on his hard cock rather than his own. 
“I can’t wait to have you home, and have you inside me.” 
His mind flew into a frenzy. He was never deleting this video.
She made a louder noise then, and whined, “Quinn, I’m so close.” 
God, he was too. 
The tell-tale sound of her coming orgasm spilled out of his phone - sheets rustling, panted breaths, little moans and mewls. 
Her voice tipped high, and he knew she was riding a wave of pleasure. 
He squeezed his hand, trying to get a more realistic feeling. Grunting, gutterally and deep, he spilled onto his own chest. 
His breathing slowed down as he lay there, feeling his heart pound in his chest. 
“I miss you, Quinn," she said before the phone went silent. 
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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leeehye · 10 months
🫧˗ˏˋmy shy boy´ˎ˗ 🫧
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[ summary ☁️] Seonghwa’s rejection to Y/n might turn out unexpected after time. But why did he reject her in the first place?
[ pairing ] nerd!seonghwa x prettygirl!reader /best friends to lovers
[ warnings ⚠️] none full fluff really. Just kissing- nothing happens, not fully proofread sorry
[ a/n 🍒] I’m sorry I’m taking long with the series, this is just a short drabble to make up 🌷
Y/n’s POV
I was finishing getting ready to go out with my best friend, Park Seonghwa, or as my other friends may know him, my long-time crush. Yet I have always lived a life of rejecting the truth ever since that day.
While putting in my earrings he came to my mind, and not like my best friend it made me remember that day, it was finals back in high school and I had invited him over to study for the math final.
We were sitting down on the floor in the living room each of us working and then tutoring each other like always and goofing around once in a while.
Until I caught myself admiring Seonghwa working on his iPad and then transferring information to his notes. His black hair, looked so soft and touchable, his big black eyes were focused on his work and his pretty lips gently parted as he mumbled what he wrote to himself.
I small smile formed on my face, before looking back at my laptop. I had developed a crush on Seonghwa probably since freshman year in high school and it was growing worse (bigger). We were in Senior year now, about to graduate and head to college and I was gathering the courage to tell him my feelings.
Though I had to admit it was scary, he was a really focused guy and he didn’t really talk about girls with me nor I have never seen him interested in love. As I was drowned in my thoughts his gentle voice let out a soft “oops” making me look. He had dropped his eraser and I smiled slowly reaching for it, and he did as well. Our fingertips gently touched.
We have held hands before, shared hugs or kiss each other’s heads but to me all of those little things mean more to me. But I am sure to him he just sees it as something normal. Like right now, the feeling of his warm fingers on my hand gave me soft butterflies on my belly.
Should I tell him right now? Gathering the courage I cleared my throat giving him his eraser before scooting closer to him our knees touching and I glanced at what he was looking at.
“um…Hwa?” I whispered to him, he hummed as he finished writing something before looking at me. I gulped softly swallowing the knot in my throat.
“have you ever…liked someone?” my question made his face turn into a confused one as his eyes moved to somewhere in the house as he seemed to think about it.
“oh…I had never actually thought about it Y/n…but I don’t think so…I think I’m just really focused on studying…I think I’m a weird nerd” he said laughing softly making me laugh with him shaking my head.
“no I don’t think so Hwa! Actually um…I think you’re really…cute” I finished my sentence quietly as he slowly stopped writing a formula in his notebook, but he didn’t look at me for a few seconds.
I was dying inside, wanting to take back everything but it was too late. I had told him what I thought of him but in a more honest tone. Which he quickly caught realizing I wasn’t joking, like we do.
His head slowly turns as his eyes meets mine. My body was hot, I couldn’t read him, his expression wasn’t good nor bad and I didn’t know what to expect.
Future me might regret it later but I slowly took the pencil off his hand and slowly his eyes watched my movements carefully and my hand slowly rested on his.
My eyes kept looking at him and taking the chance that his head was turned away, I leaned in a placed a soft kiss on his cheek. His eyes widened and his hand gently flinched under mine.
He looked at me, moving his hand away as his mouth gently opened and closed trying to find the words. I somehow got the feeling that he didn’t feel that same. Letting me know this was a one-sided love.
“Y/n…what—” Seonghwa stutter as his hand slowly touched the spot that I kissed. My shoulders slowly dropped looking down.
“Y/n I don’t…I didn’t expect this” he finished saying as my heart slowly broke, I looked at him quickly moving away.
“I’m…I’m really sorry…you’re right…um…I think we’re ready for the final on Wednesday…” I whispered trying to calm down and change the subject. Trying to forget what had happened.
“I’m tired…You should get home before it gets dark” I said picking up my books and notebooks getting up leaving to my room, and then a cried all night, from embarrassment, pain and for probably ruining my friendship with Seonghwa.
After that incident, at school Seonghwa told me to forget about what had happened and to act like it never happened and from then our friendship continued but I was mire reserved while working on moving on from him.
I came back to reality when my mom knocked on the door, I quickly grabbed my bag and opened the door.“Sweetie, Seonghwa is here. I think he hust parked” my mom said as I walked out
After she said that the doorbell rang, and we both smiled. “Yup that’s him mom” I said giggling and we headed down. I got the door and opened it seeing Seonghwa smiling as soon as he saw me.
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“Hi…” I said sweetly as he returned the greeting before my mom appeared behind me.
“Oh good evening Mrs. Kim” he said to my mom giving her a smile showing his pretty teeth. My mom giggled and sneakily elbowed me.
“Just to let you guys know, don’t rush on getting back, just don’t be to noisy just in case—” my mom started making my eyes go wide.
“mom!” I quickly said stopping her from finishing as my cheeks turned red. Seonghwa was wearing his focused faced with what my mom was saying, which he probably understood. Before smiling when I stopped my mom.
After saying goodnight to my mom I got out of the house closing the door behind me. I awkwardly smiled at Seonghwa.
“sorry for my mom…um where are we going?” I said softly while we walked to his car as he opened the door for me.
“I was thinking we could go to the park, and maybe do some stargazing and just walk around and grab some snacks on the way” he suggested and I smiled nodding happily.
To some people it may seem boring, mostly for this society but I loved how we both were old fashioned, mostly me. The way he was simple in his ideas made me like him more, but we were just friends. Yet I couldn’t stop seeing him as the guy that would write you letters, have a cute lego building night, a reading date. He was perfect for that.
We had finally reached the park and started walking to out usual stargazing spot. I smiled noticing he was carrying a fluffy blanket.
“What? You didn’t think I was going to let you sit on the grass right? It’s really itchy after” he said making me laugh at his comment.
“thank you Hwa…” I quietly said earning a smile from him. While reaching our spot I noticed an old lady with an ice cream stand.
“Ooh Hwa, can we get ice cream?” I asked grabbing him by his sleeve pulling him over hearing him giggle. Reaching the ice cream stand I looked inside before picking chocolate for me and strawberry for Seonghwa.
“How you know?” Seonghwa asked as I looked at him. “Hm…I just do…That’s how good I know you” I responded playfully winking at him before looking at the nice ild lady getting some cash from my pocket but Seonghwa held my hand.
Bringing back the feeling of his soft hand on mine I stayed quiet watching him pay instead and I gently grabbed my ice cream and he took his, he still had my hand in his.
Not wanting to be reminded of that day I took my hand away from his and giggled.
“Can I try your ice cream?” I asked him sweetly and he just smiled allowing me to ad he got his ice cream come to me, as I softly tried his ice cream and that’s when he gently pushed it towards me getting it on my lips and some on my nose making me squeal.
“Hwa!!” I whined giggling licking the ice cream off my lips pouting trying to get myself cleaned while he was laughing. After a fee laughs he took out some napkins and came close to me cleaning my nose. He was close I could smell the strawberries 🍓 in his breath.
God, Y/n you need to contain yourself like you’ve been doing all along. He had a smile on his lips while cleaning me, his movements slowed down, and I see his eyes darken. His glance from my nose went to my eyes, and slowly to my lips.
I did want to get ahead of myself and took the napkin from him. “Thank you Hwa! Come on the evening is beautiful!” I said changing the subject going to our usual spot under a cherry blossom tree, it was so pretty. It wasn’t windy but it was just perfect and some of them were flying off.
Seonghwa laid the blanket down and we took a seat finishing our ice cream. I admired the evening as time went on and the sky started to tint itself with pink and orange.
“it looks so pretty, don’t you think?” I asked “Hwa—” I asked turning my head to him already staring at me as he jumped quickly shaking his head waking up from whatever thoughts he was having.
“Yeah, yes it’s…really pretty…” Seonghwa responded with his soft stuttering voice. I showed him a smile and gently hit his arm
“Um…Y/n? Did you ever…felt bad or…were you ever embarrassed of me? For being the quiet…nerd?” Seonghwa asked me making me look at him in shock.
“Of course not Hwa! What kind of question is that?!” I exclaimed gently touching his arm and he gently gave me a closed smile.
“I was just curious, since a girl like you back in…high school…it would have been strange…since you were the pretty girl…you know?” Seonghwa was talking nervously and started to make no sense but it only made me giggle.
“So does that mean? Wait…back then, god I wish I could turn back time” he whispered making me confused, I slowly tilted my head feeling his hand on top of mine. I looked down at it, we were now in opposite roles from back then.
He came close and my heart started raising, his strawberry breath reached my senses and the butterflies from high school were felt again. His big eyes were on mine before moving down, to my lips.
I opened my mouth to try and word something but I couldn’t, not because I couldn’t find the words but because before I could talk he crashed his lips on mine.
I was frozen, he was kissing me for the first time, and not on the cheek like I did, on the lips, they were so soft. The way he softly moved them, making me kiss him back after a few seconds. Our lips worked in sync sharing a sweet and soft kiss.
His hand slowly rearranged itself and intertwined our fingers together before moving his other hand to the back of my head, making us drop down slowly laying me on the blanket.
I had waited for this for so long I couldn’t let it go to waist. Still kissing him we separated a few millimeters to catch our breath before continuing and that’s when I gently licked his lower lip, I felt his reaction to my sudden movement making me blush.
We slowly pull away followed with a soft wet sound, and we just looked at each other with smiles on our faces and I slowly touched his shirt gently fixing his hoodie.
“W-why until now?” I whispered to him gently kissing his chin making him smile shyly.
“Because I was a coward Y/n I think that’s the only explanation there is…” he started as he looked down before tuning him glance back at me.
“I was scared? Of what others might think, imagine the quiet nerd dating the prettiest and sweetest girl, the class president? I just…I think you were to much for me Y/n” he whispered softly pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.
“and you don’t know how much I regret not responding to you that day…everyday I thought about it…and well…I hope I’m not to late” Seonghwa whispered to me making me give him a sad smile.
He was getting out of his comfort zone and expressing his feelings for me, of course it wasn’t too late, my love for him was still there and he was new to all this, I couldn’t blame him. He was so cute!
“Of course it’s not too late Hwa…yes I was sad that day but our friendship was way more important but now that…I know how you feel I’m so happy” I said gently cupping his face as his cheeks tinted red and looked down shyly.
“Do you…want to…give me a chance? I promise to show you all my love, because I’ve always wanted to be more than friends with you” Seonghwa whispered while admiring my eyes making me blush as I have him a gentle nod.
“Yes Hwa I will give you a chance, but you better not hurt me like that day” I said playfully kissing his cheek as he shook his head wanting to forget about that day before pecking my lips but I pulled him down into a more passionate kiss.
After sharing a passionate kiss he was laying down with one arm behind his head and the other arm around me as we watched the stars. I couldn’t ask for more, I loved my shy boy so much.
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IM IN LOVE WITH PARK SEONGHWA 🤎 and this just made me love him more this is so cuteee!
I’m sorry for taking long on a dare after all and sweet truth I have been busy and I couldn’t really get into it fully! I posted this to update you guys with something ☕
Any interaction is really appreciated. 💕
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teag-writes · 4 months
Teachers Pet
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guess who's back!! me!! yay!! umm another request from my pookie bear @etherealhozier so thank her for this one! (also apologies for the unoriginal ass title, i couldnt think of anything else so yeah!!)
cw: age gap (20 sumthing years idk i cant do math!), pet names, thigh riding, cumming on leg (yum), i think thats it!!
You knew from a small age you wanted to catch “bad guys” for a living. Which is why immediately after you graduated high school, you had already enrolled in one of the criminal behavioural classes at the college you attended, as one of your main classes.  
After about a month of being at your university, you had settled in quite nicely as you got to know all of your teachers and other classmates. Now the love for criminal activity and all things crime being the main reason you were attending college, you promised yourself that you wouldn’t let anything get in your way. 
Until you saw him. Dr. Reid, or more formally known as the FBI agent turned professor, was the one who taught you and everyone else all about the interesting subject. He was tall, slender and had dark hair, and even darker eyes like he was hiding something. The way he talked so passionately about his life in the BAU made your stomach swirl. 
You knew this was completely wrong, having a crush on a man who was at least in his mid 40s, while you were in your early 20s. It almost disgusted you, the things you thought of letting him do to you, bending you over and smack-
“(Y/n). Are you paying attention?” A stern but quiet voice interrupted your daydreams as you looked at the man in front of you. 
“Yes sir. Sorry.” You said embarrassed. If he could read minds, you’d sure as hell be in a lot of trouble. 
He pursed his lips at you, forming a smile and giving you a nod and continued teaching. You groaned quietly, knowing this would be a long semester. 
After class, you’d packed your things up and were about to head off to your dorm for study time, when you were halted by a call of your name. 
“(Y/n). Can I speak to you for a moment?” Your professor had caught you red handed and you knew you were done for as you walked over to his desk, after he shut the door. 
“Your attention span has been decreasing lately. Is everything at home okay? Anyone bothering you?” He seemed genuinely concerned for you as he asked you. 
“No sir. Everything’s fine. I’m just… it’s hard to pay attention in class.” Your tone slipped out more seductive than it should’ve and you knew damn well what you were doing was wrong, but you couldn’t care less. Spencer swallowed harshly, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly as you spoke to him. 
“Oh? Why’s that (y/n)? I’m not boring you, am I?” He said with a raspy laugh that made your stomach flip. 
“No, not at all sir. If anything,” you said looking him up and down. “It’s quite the opposite.” 
You were so nervous with what you were doing right now that you felt like throwing up. You took a step closer to the man in front of you and looked at him. 
“No. Stop.” He whispered out. “This is utterly inappropriate and so, so wrong.” He stopped you in your tracks and you started at him with embarrassment and guilt. 
“Shit, I’m… I’m gonna go.” You quickly grabbed your things and rushed out the door, Spencer yelling after you but you didn’t turn back. 
That night in your dorm, you couldn’t stop thinking about what happened as you got so frustrated with yourself. But within a few seconds, an idea popped into your head. If he really wanted you, you’d have to make him show you. And that’s exactly what you were going to do. 
The next day for class, you’d almost forgotten about what had happened when you remembered your plan. Make him want you. You thought to yourself if this was really what you wanted to do, yet you went through with the plan. You jumped out of your current skirt and replaced it with another, shorter, smaller one as you did the same with your shirt. You popped open the first few buttons and let your hair fall loosely over your shoulders, and decided to go with a dark red lipstick, with well as a pair of heels as you walked to class. 
Everyone had their eyes on you. Teachers, students, hell, everyone was gawking at you in awe. Whispers of shock fled peoples mouths as you walked into class and took a seat. You sat front row, as you always do, and waited for class to begin. The moment Spencer walked in, you stopped breathing, remembering that this was all for him. 
“Good morning class…” Spencer trailed off of his sentence as he saw you, and let out a choked cough.  “Pardon me, I must’ve had something in my throat. Please take out your notebooks, we will be talking notes today.” The whole entire time Spencer was speaking, he didn’t take his eyes off you once. And that continued throughout the whole lesson. 
By the time class was done, everyone had made their way out as you remained last again, trying to pack up quickly when an angry seeming voice halted you once again. 
“(Y/n). We need to talk.” Spencer didn’t seem impressed at all, but that only filled you with more lust. You gave him a warm, innocent smile and sat back down as he closed his door again. 
“Is something wrong, Dr?” You batted your eyelashes at Spencer and you hated every second of it, but you needed him. 
“Don’t call me that.” He had a furious look on his face, as he stepped closer towards you. “What’s going on with you today? The makeup and clothes, I mean.” 
You playfully spoke back to him as he asked you a question. “I don’t know what you mean.”
He groaned as you spoke to him, tipping his head back slightly. “Don’t play dumb with me, (y/n). You know what you’re doing.” 
He lunged forward to you and grabbed your wrist, hard but not too hard. 
“Is it working, Dr?” You purred back at him, and that only made things worse as he gently put his hand around your neck. 
“Yes. Yes it is, (y/n). Your little “whore” getup makes me sick. God, you don’t know what you do to me.” He said growling back at you. As he continued his grip on your neck, another hand made its way down to your legs and stopped at your heat. 
“Fucking soaked. Bet you’ve thought about this hm? Me pinning you against this wall and fucking you raw?” 
You moaned at his harsh, lustful words as he continued circling your clit through your panties. His grip tightened when you didn’t answer, making you squeal loudly. 
“Answer me. Have you thought about this, (y/n)? 
“Yes.” Was all you managed to breathe out. 
“Atta girl.” He praised you as he let go of your neck, sitting back down his desk chair. You stared at him with confusion, not knowing what to do. 
“C’mere.” He patted his thigh and motioned you to come sit on his lap. You immediately complied, straddling yourself right over his bulge, making you gasp. 
“If you want this so bad, you’ll get off on my thigh while I grade these papers.” He cooed gently at you, moving the hair out of your face. The angry man that was there seconds ago, was now gone. You whimpered at his command, as you knew you were going to have to work for it. 
“I know baby, I know. You’ll be okay.” He praised softly, as he leaned in for a kiss. You let his tongue swipe yours, as his teeth grazed your bottom lip, making you moan. He pulled apart from the kiss and you groaned at the loss of contact. 
“I know you wanted me to fuck you, but there’s consequences when you come into my office dressed like that. I’m being nice and at least letting you get off, hm? Such a good girl.” 
You couldn’t even be mad at him, his sweet tone had taken complete control over you. You started moving your hips against his leg, slowly and painfully, eliciting a moan from your lips that only made him twitch under you. You slowly started to speed up your movements, already feeling your muscles spasm over his cock. His hands made their way from the papers on his desk to your hips, moving them expertly against his leg. He saw that you were getting tired, so he naturally bucked his leg repeatedly into your wet cunt. 
The familiar coil in your stomach began to break apart and you came tortuously hard on his leg with a loud moan, not caring if anyone heard. He bucked his leg into you again, riding you through your orgasm as you let out sweet little whimpers. 
“Shh shh, I’ve got you baby. It’s okay. Good girl.” All the little praises he mumbled to you made you needy enough to come again, but you couldn’t. Instead, you sit there with your head on his shoulder, all fucked out because of him. 
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tofulikesmala · 24 days
hii!! how are you? i hope good, could you write a draken x fem reader, maybe smut if you feel comfortable with it, where reader is a shy nerd and since she met draken she changed completely and you do the rest!! sorry for bad english but its not much first language!!😭
At the flip of a coin
Draken x fem reader
author notes: hello, thank you for requesting! Unfortunately, I am a MINOR, so I don’t write smut. I apologize for the inconvenience. ANDAHHHB I TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE THIS IM SOS SORRY
It was time for midterms. Again. This time, Draken finally mustered enough motivation to study for it the first time in his life. The cold breeze of the aircon caused his long hair to sway a little. The quietness of the library was in contrast to the noisy environment of the Tokyo manji gang. Observing the tables—which were mostly packed with people, he sat himself down at a table which only had one person.
You watched as this tall and muscular guy sat down on your table. Looking back at the three assignments that was due the next day, you sighed. Well, you can’t do anything about it, might as well not complain, it’ll be beneficial for you anyways! Hey, it might even teach you to write faster! Looking at the guy who was flipping through his notebook, creases forming on his eyebrow, glaring at his notebook as he scowled. PleasedonttalktomePleasedonttalktomePleasedonttalktome
Placing his very clean textbook on the table, he begun flipping through the pages, not understanding a single thing at all. Staring at the girl in front of him, he sighed, before nudging her and placed his textbook in front of her. “Hey, if you can, can you explain what it’s trying to say?” The girl took some time to process his words, but after that she read the pages of the textbook, flipping here and there quickly. “This is my curriculum for next year…but be glad I still studied one year ahead.” She mumbled quietly. Draken jaw internally dropped. Which motherfucker would want to study a year ahead? The girl sitting in front of him, apparently. The girl started mumbling words Draken couldn’t even make up. “Can you speak up. You’re too soft.” A tinge of red appeared on her cheeks as she cleared her throat. “Alright….sorry…” Speaking a little louder, she explained the formulas, how to solve it, scribbling all over his textbook. Draken had to stretch his ears to be as long as a Buddha’s in order to hear her clearly. But Draken didn’t ask her to speak louder, since she seemed to have social anxiety. Shaking her leg, hand shaky, eh Draken decided not to push any further. After like half an hour of explaining the chapters tested for the exam, she put down her pen and sighed. “W-well, I hope you understood everything…..sorry if my explanation isn’t the best, I’m not very good at teaching, I mean I can understand the topic but I just can’t teach I’m really weird and all, so sorry. I’m so bad at teaching I hope you understood if it was too complicated just tell me….” As the girl went on and on, her voice got softer and softer, until she stopped speaking all together. “It was great, thanks.” Draken replied. The girl blushed a deeper shade of red. “T-thanks, it means a lot….” “Let’s be friends. You can help me with math and shit.” A deeper shade of red appeared on her cheeks. Friends….? Dang, she didn’t have a lot of that…. “I take that as a yes.” Draken stared at her before packing his things and walking away.
Time Skip. The young couple falls in love…
Dating Draken while being shy and nerdy would include….
Due to your shy personality, he feels an even more overwhelming sense of protectiveness over you
bring you to meet toman when your comfortable, of course
would 100% bonk anyone on the head if they try to make a dirty joke, he’d rather keep your innocence
A lot of times you rant about the topic your interested in to draken, although he doesn’t know what your talking about 90% of the time, he’ll listen anyways
remembers the stuff you rant about. He would see something related and would be like “hey don’t you like this”
very caring, protective and accepting! 10/10
if anyone bullies you, he’d beat them up, immediately
You groaned as your classmates who are a waste of oxygen forcefully pushed you against the locker again, slamming a hand beside you, causing all your books from your hand to fall to the ground. The smirk on his face only grew wider at your scared expression. What’s he gonna do next, beat you up? Like every other day? “If it isn’t the ner-” blood splattered on your cheek as your classmate fell onto the floor, blood trickling down your nose. Huh? What just happened? A tall figure loomed over you, as he placed his hands on your shoulders, a gentle but firm voice rang out. “Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?” You nodded your head, you were perfectly fine, after all. Draken nodded, before straddling the guy and beating the shit out of him, saying some curse words you didn’t even know, spitting insults here and there. As you were bullied quite frequently, more beating occurred. More shouts. More blood. More gore. More swears. Of course, it started to affect you in some way!
Three missing assignments, two exams, and 7 worksheets to complete by tomorrow. You were pissed. Very pissed. Things really decided not to go your way. You were sick, absent for only TWO days, and your asshole of a teacher decided to release all the homework that was meant for like, a fucking week. You weren’t even given an extension! Oh the urge to stab a knife into your teachers stomach and twist it, see her beg for mercy as more blood flowed out— “Ah!” You collapsed to the floor, scraping your knees on wooden floor somehow. “Oh! Isn’t this the WHORE who’s dating Draken? How did you even pull him, he’s so out of your league! Hahahah! I know, maybe it’s because you’re such a SLUT!” Of all days, she decided to piss you off today. Fuck. You were so done. Standing up, you launched right at her, pushing her onto the ground as you slammed her head against the locker. Screams sounded as both her and your classmates were shocked. Several others from other classes begun peeping their heads in, curious about the commotion. Grabbing her hair, you forcefully lifted her head, before slamming her head down again. You’ve seen draken do it many times, it was pretty easy to imitate. You lifted up her head tearing her hair. “I hope you get raped. Multiple times.” Taking your scissors, you brought it to her stomach, running the blade through her clothes. “I’m gonna make sure all the yellow fat from your stomach flows out.” Pressing a bit harder, the girl screamed and kicked, but the immense unknown strength from your body kept her down. Blood began to flow, but before you could continue, somebody picked you up, throwing away the scissors from your hands and pulling you into a hug. As you the scent of Draken’s shampoo filled your nose, you relaxed and leaned into his arms.
Draken went to the classroom too because, firstly, it’s your classroom, secondly, there was screaming.
But instead, he found you slamming your bully’s head on the floor, blood spilling everywhere.
He knew you would usually cower behind your own hands, but this time you didn’t even flinch.
“W-wha…?” Draken is SO confused, what happened to his cutie potootie pookie wookie sweet honey bear gentle girlfriend?
he can’t even MOVE. That’s until you started going a little too far
Back at the brothel, Draken used some wet wipes to gently scrub off the blood off your face. “So…who taught you all that….?” “You…?” You replied bluntly. Draken gulped. Guess there’s no turning back now
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solstramaii · 8 months
Misfits on the first day
See (Masterlist) for warnings!
★ SYNOPSIS! Nishimura Niki, a boy who’s apart of one of the biggest boy bands. Obviously he’s still a teenager so he is still in high school. Now he’s quite famous at school himself. Niki thinks he’s 2 cool 4 skool. He wasn’t interested in school until he seen you sitting in his music class. Arguing about how you weren’t gonna sing. Finding out that you, yourself were in a band aswell. But in one of his rival companies. What are you gonna do when the most popular boy wants to be your friend?
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Y/ns pov
It is currently 6:30 am. Your only running on two hours of sleep getting ready for the first day of school. You were stressing over the fact that you didn’t know if you had a concert later that day.
Not only that but you guys were performing at a very big venue. So it made you anxious not being able to get sleep. But now you most definitely regretted it. Your not only Cranky, you’re also upset that your first class is music. Anxiously typing on twitter about your day as you try to get through it. You were looking for Chae but didn’t know where she was. Just heading back to class.
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Leaning back on your chair in the class room with your eyes closed you couldn’t help but doze off a little. I mean you looked decent for school. But the bags under your eyes certainly didn’t help your case at all.
“Students!” The person you dreaded the most. Ms Deul.
Watching as the older women put all her stuff down and her clip board out to take role you couldn’t help but stare at her in tiredness.
“Hi” you say in a monotone voice not wanting to be there at all. I mean who does. At this point you’d rather take math first thing in the morning.
“Nishimura Ri-ki?” Couldn’t help but turn around and at-least try to put names to faces. Just to keep yourself awake. But as soon as the kids in class heard that the teacher earned giggles.
“Mam we all know he isn’t coming!”
Raising a brow you looked at the girl. Not caring you turned around.
“Okay then he’s not coming I guess?” Ms Deul said confused as well.
As soon as she was done she wanted to get the class to sing. To try and find their vocal ranges. “Y/n why don’t you get us started for today. Sing a note so the other students can get comfortable.”
Looking at her you didn’t budge. “No thanks.” Making her a little pissed.
One thing turned to another. She kept pushing your buttons and you said something. And here you both are now arguing loud as all out doors all because you simply nicely rejected her offer.
“What do you mean no thanks? Young lady I asked you to do something.”
“And I said no thanks? What are you not getting?” You responded.
Causing a scene with the teacher you couldn’t help but feel a little bit of your anger issues start to come out. Some would say it’s spunk. But the real ones know it wasn’t anything to look at cutely.
You were quite scary.
The two of you started to bicker for about 15 minutes very loudly.
But suddenly stopped when a guy appeared in the door way dumbfounded by the two of you arguing.
“Can I help you?” Ms Deul looked away from you and to the taller boy. His hair was blonde he had a mole under his eye, many piercings on his ears, he looked almost as if he didn’t belong here quite majestic others would say.
“Uhm. Your ms Deul?” The boy looked at her. The rest of your classmates mouths were open. As if they weren’t expecting this person to be here.
“Yup that would be me. You are?”
“Nishimura Riki mam” You couldn’t help bet let your eyes linger on the boy. He was handsome but you couldn’t afford to pay attention.
Grabbing your stuff you quickly found your way out the room slightly shoving him on your way out. You couldn’t stand being there with Ms Deul any longer.
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Niki didn’t know why the girl left? Shit he didn’t want to be there either but I mean who does? He was almost close to asking if she was okay. But he didn’t want to. Deciding to mind his business.
She was just Different..
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jwonsociety · 2 years
strictly professional // psh
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pairing ➼ athlete!sunghoon x tutor!fem!reader
genre ➼ strangers to lovers, fluff
word count ➼ 1.6k
warnings ➼ mild profanity, sunghoon is bad at math, y/n is bad at feelings
You need extra credit, and Sunghoon happens to have a C in calculus.
a/n ➼ i’m writing a multi-chapter niki fic at the moment, so here’s a little something with sunghoon while i work on that :) i’m a sucker for the tutor trope and we all know hoon’s bad at math so this felt obligatory
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As you sat isolated in the library with only a hangnail to accompany you, you reflected on the life choices that led you here.
You considered yourself a perfectly normal high school student. You got straight As, were loved by all your teachers, and turned every assignment in on time. Even outside of academics, you had a good amount of friends and plenty of interesting hobbies to pass your free time — so, once again, how did this happen? What malicious forces aligned that led you to pretending to be captivated by the nutrition facts of your drink so that people didn’t realize how awkward you felt?
The answer was actually rather simple: a negative six.
Just the thought of that godforsaken negative six made your blood boil. You clenched your fist tightly as if you were a super villain reflecting on the tragic backstory that led them to a life of crime.
Last Monday, there was a huge test in calculus — “huge” as in “30% of your grade” huge. Suffice to say, you were nervous. You spent the entire week leading up to it studying your textbook, meeting your teacher after class, and making your friends quiz you during lunch. Hell, you even color coded flash cards! *Color coded!*
When the day of the test finally came, you felt confident. All of your hard work would surely pay off. The final question of the exam consisted of four parts and was worth the majority of the points on the test. Confident in the material, you jumped right in. It wasn’t until you went back to check your work that you realized that in the first part, you had misread a negative six in the equation as positive by accident, consequently throwing off your calculations for the entire question.
Before you could fix it, the dismissal bell rang like the trumpets of judgment day. There was no turning back.
You had begged your teacher to let you retake the test — honestly, *groveled* was probably a more accurate way to describe the level of ass-kissing you deployed.
“Please, ma’am,” you had pleaded. “It was one simple mistake. Can’t I have another chance?”
Your teacher had not been impressed in the slightest. “I’m sorry, y/n, but you know I have a strict no retake policy in this class. However, there is one thing you can do for extra credit, if you’re interested.”
“Yes, I’m interested!”
She’d sighed. “One of the boys on the soccer team currently has a C in my class. As you know, athletes at this school must maintain at least a B-minus average in all subjects in order to play, so he’s looking for a tutor.”
So, yeah. Negative six. Library. Hangnail.
The mysterious boy you were patiently waiting for was Park Sunghoon. You had certainly heard about him — just about every girl in your school had a crush on him — but you’d never really interacted with him personally. You had seen him run out with the rest of the soccer team during the pep rally, but that was about it. You supposed he seemed like an alright guy.
However, Park Sunghoon was currently fifteen minutes late for the tutoring session. You thrummed your pencil against the table. Where the hell was he? You almost considered leaving when you heard the library doors swing open.
“I am so sorry,” you heard a breathless voice say behind you. “I know I’m super late.”
Rolling your eyes, you whipped around to face him. “Sunghoon, where were…”
Woah. He’s definitely a lot more attractive when you’re not looking at him from a set of bleachers. Silky, chestnut brown hair framed his face, slightly windswept from the hurry he had just been in. His forehead was obscured by wispy bangs that settled over his brows and his dark eyes were wide and pleading, like he was afraid that you were annoyed with him.
His expression morphed into one of confusion, probably because you trailed off mid sentence literally just to stare at him like an idiot. “Uh,” he began, visibly perturbed by the fact that you were burning holes through him with your eyeballs. “You’re y/n, right?”
You stared some more. “You know my name?”
“Well, Mrs. Jang told me you would be my tutor, so…”
Right. Tutoring. This was a tutoring session. “Oh, yeah. Duh.” You cleared your throat and straightened your posture in an attempt to gather yourself. “Here, sit down.”
He smiled shyly and settled down next to you, slinging his backpack over the back of his chair. He pulled out a notebook and a pencil case and set them down on the table before turning to face you. “So, where do we start?”
Now that you could observe him up close, you noticed a lot more small details about him — specifically, the small freckle that was on the side of his nose. Truly, Sunghoon was a beautiful person.
“What do you struggle with?” you asked, trying to sound as professional as possible.
He cringed. “I don’t know. I guess kind of… everything…?”
That wasn’t helpful at all, but Sunghoon was one of the cutest guys you’d ever seen so you were going to let it slide. “Let’s just start with the chapter we’re learning in class right now. Is that okay?”
He agreed, and you flipped open the textbook to the content you had been assigned last week. As you explained you could tell that Sunghoon wasn’t fully processing the information you were telling him, but he was still making an effort to understand. He nodded at everything you said and even asked clarifying questions when he missed something. You knew this was an educational context, yet you couldn’t help but get butterflies at the undivided attention he was giving you.
You pointed at a problem on the page. “This question is asking for you to find the integer part of this expression. How would you go about doing that?”
Sunghoon stared at the question for a few moments, chewing his lip as he thought of a solution. You couldn’t help your gaze from traveling down to his mouth as he worried his soft, rosy lips between his teeth. You noticed that his canines were considerably sharp, like a vampire’s. For some reason you found it extremely attractive.
“You should use the density of the rationals?” he answered hesitantly, eyes flitting up to yours in search of approval.
You grinned. “That’s right, Sunghoon! See, I knew you’d get the hang of this!”
He smiled back at you bashfully, running his hand through his hair. “Ah, it was just an easy question. I’m kind of hopeless when it comes to this stuff.”
“Aw, come on, that isn’t true,” you insisted with a frown. “Clearly you’re not completely hopeless. You just answered a question correctly!”
He shrugged, casting his gaze downwards. “The only reason I’m here is because I’m totally flunking calculus. Mrs. Jang is so pissed at me because she thinks I’m not trying, but I swear I am! I just genuinely don’t understand most of this stuff.”
He looked so defeated, it kind of broke your heart. Wanting to comfort him, you reached over and gently placed your hand on the side of his arm. “But you’re still trying, Sunghoon. That’s what really matters. Some people just aren’t built for a traditional classroom, that’s all.”
Sunghoon gave you a small smile. “Thanks, y/n. We should definitely have another session together sometime soon. You’re an amazing teacher.”
“Aw, thanks,” you replied sheepishly, cheeks turning a warm pink hue at the compliment. “Just don’t be late next time!”
He giggled and rubbed the back of his neck in an embarrassed manner. “Yeah, sorry about that, by the way. It was a family thing.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine, don’t worry,” he assured you. “My mom was stuck in awful traffic so I had to go pick up my little sister from her school and take her home. I was really worried about her — I didn’t want her waiting there all alone and confused, you know?”
You nodded in understanding. “Don’t worry, I get it. You really care about your sister, huh?”
“Yeah,” he replied in a soft voice. “She’s such a goofball. I love her.”
He smiled to himself, as if he were musing on the many fond memories he shared with his sibling. You could feel your heart melt. It was sweet to see Sunghoon be such a doting older brother.
Suddenly, you heard your phone buzz and turned to look at it from its place on the table. When you saw the time on your home screen, you tensed.
“Crap, my bus is going to leave soon,” you said, panicked. You gathered your materials and turned to him. “This was great, Sunghoon! I’ll see you—”
“Wait, y/n,” he interrupted. “I should probably give you my number, right?”
You blinked. “Oh. Yeah, that would probably be a good idea.”
He smiled, amused by your disorderly manner. “Give me your phone.”
You complied and he quickly entered his information. When you took your phone back, you could see he saved his contact as “hoonie <3”. The heart made your face heat up.
“It’s my nickname,” he explained. “But only people I like can call me that.”
This boy seriously made your brain malfunction in every way possible. Was he flirting with you? “Th-thanks,” you stuttered. You started for the door but he grabbed your hand, causing you to stop in your tracks. When you turned to look at him, he had leaned in closer. So close that you could count his eyelashes if you wanted to. You hoped he couldn’t hear the pounding of your heart.
“Listen, y/n,” he started, voice low. “We should hang out sometime, outside of school. Just the two of us.”
He looked straight into your eyes, searching for a response. The feeling of his hand in yours nearly made your knees buckle. Your faces were mere inches apart; you felt so tiny under his gaze.
“I’d love to, Hoonie,” you answered, voice so breathless it was almost a whisper.
“Great,” he said, smiling. “It’s a date then.”
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blue-raeofsunshine · 1 month
here’s a really long analysis of cady’s arc in the mean girls musical because i think my favourite version of cady heron is the version from the stage musical.
while the original movie version is absolutely brilliant of course, there’s something about the way the stage musical portrays cady’s arc. i feel like each of cady’s songs really progresses her arc in a way that isn’t done to the same extent by the movie. obviously i know that’s partially because the writers of the stage musical had time to improve on the original and truly think on how to portray cady’s arc.
in it roars, cady’s dissatisfaction with her life in africa and her initial awkwardness in high school is showed brilliantly. though we do see cady’s awkwardness in the movie, we don’t see her feeling less satisfied with her life in africa and I thought that was a brilliant addition.
stupid with love is such a brilliant song. i didn’t truly appreciate it until i watched the new movie :/ anyway getting her internal monologue on aaron and her history with love is a brilliant insight. and honestly i appreciated her crush on aaron a lot more in the musical because of this song. also i liked the bits like ‘do you have an eraser?’ ‘i would love to’ because they’re hilarious
apex predator is an interesting one. i haven’t watched the musical in a while but i’m pretty sure in the stage version gretchen finds out sbout cady’s crush on aaron in this song. so seeing cady’s realisation that she’s not entirely safe with this new “friend” of hers. i don’t remember getting as much of cady dwelling on this in the original movie but i liked seeing it in the musical.
stupid with love (reprise) is a song i don’t have too much to say about, but i liked cady pretending to be bad at math being more of an accident here. it seems to show cady as a little more sympathetic, but still a bad person because of her keeping up the act
i also don’t have too much to say about revenge party apart from it being a good montage of cady, janis and damien’s plan. and the focus on cady ending up with aaron is interesting, showing how cady’s fixated herself on getting with aaron. cady also only agreeing to crack gretchen because of aaron is interesting. the musical puts a lot of focus on cady trying to use manipulation as a way of getting aaron (the taking down of regina, her pretending to be bad at math and the party scene). and i liked that focus.
fearless. this sows the seeds for cady becoming the new queen bee, with gretchen instantly turning to admire cady. we also see this with regina’s part, in her observation of the ‘new hair, new skirt’ - representative of cady’s personality changing. it also shows a bit of manipulation on cady’s end (i did it for me, sure, but also for you) but mostly i think she’s just happy she won. idk i don’t listen to fearless enough to analyse it
am i the only one who imagined a timeskip between fearless and stop? anyway
stop shows cady’s fixation on aaron; talking about her failing math and damien saying ‘my god girl, he’s just a guy’ showing that damien and janis have started to pick up on cady’s changing. also showing that cady can’t stop herself from fixating on aaron. which again. i think that’s very prominent in the musical
more is better is a song i’m salty about being cut from the new movie. i could soend an eternity analysing ut, like the start when cady stops herself from talking about the animals she observed because she fears it will be cringe. or the slower speed of this song contrasting the faster paced songs she sang at the start of the musical. or the fact tbat she’s adopted regina’s sentiment of ‘more is always better’. the mentions of stars and how cady almost sounds wistful. showing that she doesn’t want to be trapped in the role of queen bee anymore either. and showing that she misses the simplicity of her old life. then her bringing it back to the way she’s started dressing. and then that moment when aaron sees that cady has become a plastic; except i liked it more in the musical because you could see the lead-up to his realisation in the verses samg before. when aaron drops the line ‘i would prefer the girl you were’, i believe cady truly realises that she wants to change. obviously the janis bit adds to that as well, but this moment is very profound. then aaron turns cady’s own words back on cady and cady finishes by repeating his sentiment; that she should have thought everything through properly. i might make a post just about this song tbh.
someone gets hurt (reprise) i mean what do i say. this is the big moment where everything falls apart for cady. where she loses her two best friends. and realises she’s become plastic. this paired with more is always better earlier makes these moments incredibly profound.
do this thing is about cady embracing herself again. its a nerdy song, with kevin’s rapping and cady hyping herself up, telling herself she can do it. this song is cady rebecoming herself. also the fact that she solves the final problem in front of aaron, instead of him being absent like in the original movie makes her win more profound. and her realisation that leads her to her speech in i see stars. when watching clips of that song cady seems so genuinely happy and i think that’s what makes this song brilliant.
i see stars. a brilliant finale to the musical and casy’s arx. her realisation that everyone is beautiful and deserves to be seen. and loved. it’s a beautiful song that i sing to motivate myself. the passion in cady’s voice as she sings it makes me trult happy as well, as you can tell she truly believes her own words. its a brilliant song and the rest of the actors joining in at the end makes it more beautiful; she’s convinced everyone of her words. also the line ‘it’s me and you, not us and her’ makes me so happy; showing that people don’t have to gang up on each other.
in conclusion, i’ve said my piece. cady heron is incredible in the original movie and the stage musical, but the way all her songs show her arc in the musical make me prefer it ever so slightly than the arc in either of the films.
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agaypanic · 8 months
HI! can you do a request or head cannons for kelso where he falls in love with an over achiever/ really smart girl? Where she pretty much wants nothing to do with him because she thinks he'll just ruin her grades and her bright future, but he just continues to follow her around like a lovesick puppy anyways. HE JUST WANTS HER TO LIKE HIM SO BADDD 😭😭
Michael Kelso Falling For An Over Achiever Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: when she’s smart and he’s the stupidest man on the planet>>>>
You guys def met bc you had to tutor him in something
There’s no other way you guys would interact
Kelso never noticed you before because you don’t share any classes or hang in similar circles
But the second he meets you, he wishes he noticed you sooner
“Michael Kelso?” A voice sounded behind the boy, who was talking to his friends. Kelso turned around and, being a giant, looked down to see you looking back at him with an inquisitive look.
“That’s me.” Kelso grinned, wondering what a cute girl like you wanted to talk to him about. “I’ve never seen you around before. Are you new? Need me to help you find your classes, because honestly, I dunno if I’ll be much help.” You laughed.
“I’m not new, Michael. You may not have seen me around, but I’ve certainly seen you.” You held your hand out for him to shake. “I’m Y/n, your new math tutor. I’m in Stevens’ stats class, and he asked me to help you. Are you free after school today?” Michael nodded, taken aback by your directness and the fact that he had never noticed you before. “Good, meet me at the library after school then. We can go over what you need to work on.” 
You waved goodbye to both him and his friends before taking off. Kelso watched you until you turned a corner and were out of sight, and even then, he didn’t turn around until Eric tapped him on the shoulder.
“You good, Kelso?” He asked, watching the goofy smile on his friend’s face.
“Yeah, yeah.” Kelso took another quick look behind him, secretly hoping you’d somehow pop up again. “Hey, do you guys know where the library is? And, uh, since when did we have a library?”
It took a while, but Kelso was able to find the library
He didn’t really care about the actual tutoring, more focused on getting to know you
Or rather, getting into your pants
But you shut that down immediately 
“Michael, you need to focus.” You said for what felt like the thousandth time as you caught Michael not working on the problem in front of him. Instead, he stared at you with a dopey grin.
“Oh, I am.” He said, eyes dragging down your form before raising his eyebrows suggestively. “Why don’t we get out of here?”
“Absolutely not.” You snorted. “Look, Michael, if you wanna waste your time, that’s fine. But I have more important things to do if you won’t even try to make an effort.” You gathered your things into your bag and stood up from your seat.
Michael started to panic. He didn’t know exactly what he wanted from you, but he knew he didn’t want you to leave. There was some kind of magnetic pull you had on him.
You only made a few steps before you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Wait!” A librarian loudly shushed Michael, and he flinched. You turned around expectantly, and he took his hand off you, trying to find words because he honestly didn’t think you’d stop. “Don’t go. I’ll… I’ll try, I promise. Just don’t leave.” Your annoyed expression softened, and you moved to sit back in your chair, Michael eagerly following you. “How about we make a deal?”
“I have to make a deal with you to get you to do your work?” You asked, a small but amused smile gracing your lips. “What kind of deal?” Michael grinned at your intrigue.
“I’ll do everything you want me to do: the note-taking, the practice questions, my homework.”
“You should already be doing your homework, Michael.”
“But, every time I get something right, I get to ask a question about you.” You raised a brow, both in confusion and interest.
“Why do you wanna know stuff about me?”
“Just do.” He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. He wanted to seem casual to not scare you off with the fact that, for some reason, he suddenly wanted to know every little thing about you.
Kelso actually starts trying to do his work
He wants to impress you so bad
And whenever he gets something right, he gets to learn more about you
It eventually paid off
“Y/n!” Kelso ran through the hallway towards you, pushing through people who were just trying to leave school. You jumped in surprise, turning in his direction, and watched him skid to a stop, almost falling on his face.
“Michael? Are you okay?” 
Kelso dug around in his jacket pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper. He unraveled it and turned the front page to face you.
“I got a B minus!” He said ecstatically. You grinned.
“Congrats, Michael!” If you had gotten a C plus on an assignment, especially your midterm test, you would’ve been beyond disappointed in yourself. But you and Michael were different, him getting that kind of grade was an extreme improvement. “That should take your class grade up to some kind of C.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“I’m glad to have helped.” Then you turned on your heel and started to walk away. Your work with Michael was done; he needed help passing his midterm, and you did just that. Now you could focus on acing your own assignments.
But Michael jumped in front of you, causing you to stumble in surprise.
“Wait, where are you going?”
“I’m going home; I have to study.” Michael laughed, shaking his head at you.
“What? No, let’s go celebrate!”
“No offense, Michael, but I have more important things to do than party with you. I’m sure you have friends who are more than willing to get wasted.” You pushed past him, leaving the boy saddened.
After that, Kelso felt like you were avoiding him
It was like he never saw you anymore, and if he did, you wouldn’t talk to him
It wasn’t a conscious decision on your part, at least you thought
You never hung out with Kelso before you had to tutor him, why would you do so now?
Besides, you knew that being around him any longer than necessary would just be detrimental to everything you’ve worked for
Kelso clearly didn’t feel the same
“Kelso, you gotta stop being so hung up on this chick.” Hyde reprimanded, sick of his friend constantly watching your moves. “It’s weird, and it’s honestly bumming me out.”
“I can’t help it, Hyde!” Kelso rested his head in his head, staring longingly at you reading while eating your lunch. “She’s, like, so perfect, and she won’t even give me a chance.”
“I think that means you should look for someone else, bud,” Eric said, sitting beside him.
“I’m not giving up, Eric. I just need one chance.” Kelso suddenly stood up, long legs almost making him trip over the cafeteria table bench. “That’s all I need.” 
In a flash, he was sitting across from you. So engrossed in your textbook, you barely noticed Kelso’s presence.
“Hi.” You gave him a glance before continuing with your reading. “Why don’t you wanna hang out with me, Y/n? I just wanna have fun with you, and I don’t mean that in a gross way, I swear. I just think you’re really cool, and I really liked getting to know you, and I think we could have a lot of fun-”
“That’s the problem, Michael.” You interrupted, catching him off guard. Of course, he was happy that you were speaking to him. But your response made him a bit upset. 
“What do you mean?”
You took a deep breath, bookmarking your page and setting the book on the table to clasp your hands in front of you. Then you looked at Kelso.
“All you want is fun. That may be fine for you, but I have a future to think about, one that I’ve been working so hard for. I can’t put that on hold just because you wanna have a good time.” You scratched your cheek, wishing for this conversation to be over. “I’m pretty sure that half of the girls at this school would love to have your attention.”
“But I don’t wanna give them my attention, Y/n,” Kelso replied, feeling helpless. “Please, just one date. It doesn’t even have to be a date. I just want one chance.”
“If you decide you don’t want anything to do with me, I’ll leave you alone. I promise. Just one date.”
You were silent for a while, too long for Kelso’s liking. He watched you stare at him, probably to figure out the best way to reject him once and for all.
“Fine.” It was a quiet grumble, but Kelso definitely heard it. He grinned that stupid grin of his.
“Really?” He asked excitedly.
“One date. And then that’s it, Michael. Got it?”
“Yup!” He nodded enthusiastically. “Y/n, I promise you won’t regret this.”
“I think I already am.” You whispered to yourself, but Kelso caught it. But he wasn’t saddened by the comment because he could pick out the tiniest joking tone in your voice.
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the-darklings · 2 years
first of all last chapter broke my heart but in a way i'm still happy about it?? i expected something when you said dream was being his usual asshole self but unfortunately i did not see this coming!!
i am once again agreeing with cori that wanderer should run away and hang out with him the whole time instead (ignoring dream's repercussions but whatever!!) it was adorable how corinthian hangs out on wanderer's island now, very fitting with how there would always be a friend waiting for her there!! speaking of- the island stays right?? dream doesn't get so angsty that he destroys even that?? bc i would actually be down with murder if so
i've been doing very quick maths (which i suck at, so correct me if i'm wrong) but isn't the year wanderer is ordered to leave the same year that dream gets pissy and tells hob he doesn't need or want friends?? if so, does it by any chance influence each other?? also are we going to have any interactions between hob and wanderer bc i love them both sm and i'd love to see it :))
also i NEED to see death tear dream a new one for being Like That™ to her friend!! will we see reactions from some of dream's siblings in the future or is that going to be left to our imagination??
either way- it was an amazing chapter, as always!! this is honestly my favourite fanfic of sandman- idk their companionship feels so authentic to the themes of the sandman and it'd honestly fit right in the story and i'm invested enough that it feels like something is missing when wanderer isn't actually in canon :// anyhow- i hope you have a lovely day today <33
ah, thank you very much!! 💕
so, to speed through these:
yes, Corinthian is that friend whose always waiting with a smile (or a smirk in this case) to meet Wanderer whenever she arrives. He probs considers it the only place where he can unwind without a shadow looming over him because unlike the rest of the Dreaming, Wanderer Island comes half from Wanderer, so it adores Corinthian as much as the source does.
no, Dream physically couldn’t bring himself to destroy the island, but would write it off as “it’s part of the dreaming and mortals go to it often and it was created for a purpose yadayada” aka man is denial and looking for a reason not to destroy last remnant of Wanderer because it’s all he has left. the island is effected by what happened between them tho 👁
yes, both fallouts happen around the same time. which comes first, I’ll leave up to you to decide, but they do directly impact one another. Dream said: ruining my life on speed run ig. also yes, Wanderer and Hob will definitely meet and I think you guys will like them a lot. I’m personally in love with their dynamic in my head.
you will see Death’s & Desire’s reactions (still holding back from writing other Endless until I get to them in the comics because I want to do them justice) but eventually if/when I do other extras after tibyim is done, you might get glimpses. most def had reactions to it, quite interesting too.
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eatabubble · 2 years
Baby steps
Finney x reader
Summary: reader and finney don't really know eachother but finney likes reader and after their actual first face to face encounter he says something and his friends just drag it along to embarrass him however the reader doesn't really mind it infact it kind of encourages them?
Idk I can't really do summaries and titles
This sucks, reader and finney don't really get far but yeah, anyway reader is a year older JUST A YEAR
Word count: 1,390
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Finney had never seen you I mean there were times where you two crossed paths but he just never really got a good look at you but as he entered his freshman year and you presumably entered your sophomore year he ended up having atleast 4 classes with you and found you quite intriguing but he felt as if you'd never even glanced at him though you have you never approached him, having your own little friend group you never reached out to new people and then you were promptly teased about having a thing for Vance which finney didn't really understand, why, why would your friends 'ship' you with someone you've repeatedly said you didn't like and on multiple occasions you would try to distance yourself from your friends when they brought him up almost like today except today was different, different as in it surprised finney so much he would have chocked on his chocolate milk if he hadn't already finished it.
"Heyyyy robin mind if I sit here with you and your friends for awhile until the whole 'omg Vance and y/n are so cute together' storm is done and over?" You had a sarcastic tone while quoting what all your other friends have been saying for over a month now.
Robin and you only talked in science it was the one of the only classes you had with him but you guys hit it off pretty well though you don't talk out of school he was really the only person you talked to other than, well you know, your friend group.
"Oh yeah, do they really not care whether or not you guys like eachother because honestly I would be so annoyed if i were you right now"
"Oh my god they literally don't and believe me I am I just don't know how to get them off my back I've repeatedly told them I'm not interested and Vance had said so too, I think they're just bored though"
Finney was still quiet he wanted to talk he just didn't know what to say, he silently hoped though that Robin would introduce him but he knew robin and robin didn't do introductions for other people not even poor finney himself, he also couldn't think of how you and robin even became "friends"
"What if you just told them you liked someone else, or idk fake date someone?" Today was one of the occasional days Gwen had decided to sit with her brother at lunch and this conversation made her want to help even if her idea was a bit far fetched you still said it wasn't a bad idea til someone said something.
"Or knock some sense into them like, literally" you looked over at finney right before Gwen and robin did it seemed as everyone else was surprised because normally it would seem as if Gwen would say that and finney would have said something more gentle you however were just surprised because you knew finney in class and he never liked to talk so something like that, though it wasn't very violent it was still out of character from what you've seen.
Now that everyone was looking at him he was internally panicking, scared that what he said was way worse than what he thought, he knew what he said but he didn't think it was that bad.
"Okay finney settle down its just teasing no one needs a good knocking to shut up for that but just in case that idea isn't so bad"
"No actually that seems reasonable thank you finney" you said, it was a joke obviously, but finney was quick to say something
"no no don't do it, its really not reasonable"
"I'm just teasing, but anyway it's 4 minutes til the bell I'll see you in math finney, bye robin" you waved while walking towards your friends, surely they stopped talking about Vance awhile ago.
"Woah finn what a great first sentence to say to your crush" Gwen said only joking but it still made him embarrassed
"no, really, I would of thought he would say something like ' hey y/n how are you' or something decent not 'you should hit your friends until reality hits them' but you do you finn" Robin was also joking, finney knew that and, that they were just making it a bigger deal than it was for fun but it still got him feeling very awkward "that's not even remotely close to what I really said" "no but it's what you meant right?" "Not even" he rolled his eyes picking up his bag from the lunch table making his way to his next class, math.
Hmm that's weird why weren't you in your normal seat you looked like you were already on your way here when you left with your friends but as he turned his head you were there at his table looking at him gesturing him to sit in his normal seat
"Hey finn" there was 3 minutes until the last bell rang signifying that everyone should be in their class or they'll be marked tardy "Oh wait is it okay to call you that I'm so sorry I meant finney"
"No yeah its alright and hey sorry for what I said I now realize it was kind of awkward and embarrassing"
"Oh in the cafeteria its fine I didn't really think of it that way and at this point it might be effective" a minute til the bell rings
"Haha yeah"
"Uhm I know this is a bit weird and sudden since we've never talked but I was thinking about what your sister said-"
*ding* ding* the damn bell for the starting of class
"Alright class lets open those text books up to page 465 get through all the problems you can in both the front and back"
"What about page 464 we didn't do that one yet"
Finney wanted you to finish what you were going to say but you seemed to have dropped it focusing on the teacher and that one other student talking "hey what were you going to say, what did my sister say what are you thinking about?" He really wanted you to finish your sentence he just hated when people never finished their sentences "Huh oh nothing I'll tell you after this class, promise" so there you sat next to him finishing you work in silence like the whole class but finney couldn't stop bouncing his leg and tapping his space ship flashlight while trying to focus on his work.
There was 8 minutes till class was out so he tapped on your shoulder surely you'd tell him now class was nearly out he leaned a bit closer in "Can you tell me now?" You gave him an unsure look you didn't want to tell him outloud you knew your whispering was loud and you didn't want your teacher to hear you so you got a piece of paper and started writing on it
Well you certainly made this suspenseful though it isn't a big deal I was just referring to what Gwen said at lunch before you said what you said
Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it a bigger deal than it was, wait what? The fake dating thing? You want me to-
you snatched the piece of paper from him after peeking over his shoulder
Quickly scribbling your words
No, no, not what I was going towards I was just going to say that I wanted to keep hanging out with you I know that doesn't really correlate with fake dating I don't why I brought it up sorry if I got you on the wrong foot I'll obviously figure out the whole friends and Vance thing out myself don't worry but yes to hanging out?
Oh oops sorry I just assumed because, you know, uh my bad but yes, yes to hanging out what works?
There goes the bell ending class
"Uhm tomorrow after school works for me what about you finney"
"Me too that works but call me finn"
"Alright, call me y/n/n then"
"Okay y/n/n see you in the front of the building after school tomorrow?"
"Absolutely" you and finn smile at eachother before packing up and going to different classes.
Didn't know how to end this, sorry
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
Hi, if you're still doing the matchups, I'd love to see what you have in store!
Song fixations
-- Currently, I've been listening to MARK CHAPMAN by Måneskin. The first lyrics that came to my mind was the end of the first verse and the chorus.
Ma se soltanto avesse La possibilità Ti seguirebbe al quattro angoli della città Nascosto fra la gente Senza un'identità Dice che mi ama ma lo so che mente
Si muove a piede libero Vestito come un incubo Vuole tu sia in pericolo Però'ti chiama idolo
Translated as: "But if only he had the possibility, It would follow you to the four corners of the city. Hidden among the people, without an identity. He says he loves me but I know he's lying. He moves freely, dressed like a nightmare. He wants you to be in danger, but he calls you an idol." I'm not entirely sure why these lyrics stand out to me in the way they do, but oh well. I've also been listening to READ YOUR DIARY from the same album.
The Redacted Part of this Ask
-- I absolutely love Hush's introductory video. The sound design and overall ambiguity surrounding his character at that point was so absolutely intriguing on its first release, and I still listen to it regularly.
I never was able to get into Asher, unfortunately. I know that there's probably so much more to his story, but it's just never clicked with me.
I would completely and absolutely love to befriend Huxley. I am a total Plant Slut, and I have (quite frankly) a concerning amount of house plants. Having someone who is not only Chill as Fuck to hang with, but could also help with the plants? That is a friendship that I need.
Book/series/tv show
-- Just solely by the volume of it that I watch, I could probably recall any given episode of Dimension 20. I watch it while crocheting, and so when I'm just chilling and have time on my hands, dice time it goes. I could probably name every insane Nat 20 Ally made in FH:FY and every intimidating Evan Kelmp line in Misfits + Magic.
Various other info (Sleepy time, Enneagram, etc)
-- My go-to way to fall asleep is, unfortunately, staying awake until I physically cannot keep my eyes open any longer. When I do get sleepy, I talk about stationary. It's something I've been into for a long time, and when I simply do not have the filter to not talk about my interests, I unleash everything about pens and notebooks that I know on the poor soul who is near me.
I'm a type 5 on the Enneagram and am currently pursuing a degree in Mathematics. Ideally, I want to go to grad school. I just really, really, fucking love maths. It is the best subject.
Gas Station. I normally do a water, a monster zero ultra, and kettle-cooked salt and vinegar chips.
Other than all of this, I'm just a dude. Just a silly little guy, if you will. Teehee. Have fun!
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So this one was both so fun but so hard. You’re so interesting, you’ve got so much going on- a typical Type Five. Not to make you sound like a Manic Pixie Dream Boy but god, James could use you in his life.
By that, I mean Type Five’s are characterized as thoughtful, unique free-thinkers prone to philosophy and complexity. I think James respects and admires these qualities in you in addition to your pursuit of higher education. (I don’t think he knows a ton about math, but I do think he likes to hear you talk about it.) Complementing that, he loves the more unexpected, chaotic parts of you. Like, can you imagine listening to your thoughts and the cognitive dissonance of theorems versus Riz going up a corn monster’s butt? You keep him on his toes in the best way.
Another reason James strikes me as a good match for you is how easy, I think, it’ll be for him to take you with him to ETS. He could listen to Dimension 20 when he misses you, deeply confusing his coworkers who can’t picture him as a DnD guy. Like, I don’t think you would have had time to crochet him a blanket before he left, but maybe he’s got gloves, a scarf, socks, something you made for him that he can touch. Also, can’t you imagine sending him on his work trip with a little plant? The bonding opportunities for James and Anton to take care of their plants and miss their lovers write themselves!
Gonna soften the blow, soften the blow and give it up/ I saw the surprise, the look in your eyes, I gave it up/ Gonna be who I am, be who I am, and give it up/ I traveled the way/ Wait for me, wait for me/ It's all better now, it's all better now/ Wait for me, wait for me
James strikes me as an indie, alt rock kind of guy, so Kings of Leon would be a good fit for him. I like this song for y’all for that reason and the fact it’s got a sweet, longing kind of feel. Also, “wait for me” when he’s on that business trip a little incel motherfucker made that much longer just hits.
Anton is obviously a runner-up; like, he came to mind first. However, James strikes me as more interesting and therefore a better match for someone as interesting as you. Lasko is another runner-up because I think y’all would really share interests and hobbies. If I were doing platonic match-ups, he’d have been at the top of list.
note: thank you for waiting 🧡
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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deathsmallcaps · 1 year
(USA based sorry)
I’m definitely speaking into an echo chamber but like.
Nearly every algebra student I tutor ends up with a word problem involving the gender wage gap. And they’re all confounded by it and have no clue.
And a guy in my fucking Calc 3 class was like “wait you guys were serious? That’s real?” When it came up. BRO YOU’RE ABOUT OLD ENOUGH TO DRINK???
It’s amazing what is and isn’t common knowledge. Feminist history isn’t taught past “and then women got their right to vote :)))))).” With occasional mentions of Title IX and the late 1900s waves of feminism. Of course only in in-depth history classes, not general Ed. Wow.
I am not in training to be a historian or a history teacher, but by all that is right in the world I hope it becomes more normalized and common to speak about shit that is LESS than 100 years ago in depth when it comes to American History & culture. Wtf. I swear even when I took AP history* the professor was afraid to touch on that stuff. For some reason (happily) my English teachers were a lot more willing to teach about modern history & minority stories.
And this is just what affects my white anglo cishetallo abled-passing housed female life personally. I cannot truly imagine the feeling of personal erasure & irritation one of comes to other identities & issues that have only relatively recently been resolved, addressed, acknowledged or even only pointedly ignored. I am fucking angry FOR you and can’t wait for things to change. You ALL deserve better. Don’t forget that.
It’s not your job to educate these people or their children (unless you’re literally a history teacher or something) but I want to shake the people who decide these what gets taught until the cowardice & insecurity & thoughtlessness & malice & election-based anxiety shits out of their assholes and leaves their hearts hungering for intelligent, thoughtful & interested discussions on modern issues and genuine history that should not be squeezed into the last pages of textbooks out of fear of offending paper white & paper thin pride.
Human rights deserve attention. Human rights should not have to be a radical talking point. It should be both as natural and expected as breathing clean air & as ingrained and knowable as to be accessible in math problems.
There is so much to be done. And it is exhausting. But please know that you are not alone.
*interesting tidbit below but basically irrelevant to the above post
I took AP america history to learn about the parts of American history that are never, or barely, covered in history classes throughout the grades. Basically, if it happened outside of the Puritans-WWII, it’s got a poor chance chance of in-depth coverage. And while the class did teach me good analysis skills and some interesting facts, it mostly covered the exact fucking periods I mentioned above.
And you know what? Literally right before we took the AP test, our teacher told us “study up on periods 2-7” (im pretty sure there are 9 periods of American history, forgive me it’s been like 5 years) “they never test on 1, 8 or 9”. Guess what the essay questions were on. And guess what time periods 1,8 & 9 are? If you posited precolonial america, the mid 1900s and modern day, ding ding ding you’re the winner! :))))))
(AP classes are worth it if you’re bored and/or trying to cut down on the amount of classes you’ll take in college & thus save money. But a lot (not all) of the AP certified teachers will try to convince you it’s the be all, end all of learning in high school. Also the weighted GPAs are a scam. No one looks at those. If you’re worried about keeping a good average, stick to the class level that fits within both circles of ‘not boring’ and ‘not going to wreck your life’. You can take an AP test and have it count and not take the class. Just be warned it is genuinely difficult.)
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Okay I stumbled across your blog and I love it! 💖💖 I was reading your Isekaied farmer headcannons and it reminded me of an idea thats been living rent free in my head for too long now! Isekaied farmer but the world they are from is the bachelor(ette)'s favorite TV show?? Like they are the bachelor(ette)'s favorite fictional character kinda thing?? Idk do with it what you like I just needed to share!!
Bachelor(ette)s x Isekaied Character from Their Favourite TV Show
Firstly, I'm so sorry for the wait! Secondly, SKJHDSF thank you!!! Such a cool idea, I'd love to write for it! <3
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Somehow isn't freaking out. He's way to focused on the fact that his favourite character is standing right in front of him! He immediately takes you to his place and explains everything he can about how your reality is supposed to be purely fictional in this universe. He wants to hear everything!
At first, he thinks you're just an amazing cosplayer and actor. But once you explain to him what's going on, he has a bit of a crisis. The directors of the show created something and clearly it became real, so does what he creates become real too? All the battles, deaths, heartaches - did it all really happen to someone, somewhere? Is he at fault?
Spits out his coffee when he sees you. Absolutely dumbfounded. For the first time in ten years, he goes up to a stranger and invites them to talk. He explains everything in perfect detail. You guys are well on track to finding out what's up. To be honest, he gets over it pretty quickly and learns to like you for who you are here, not there!
Spits Out His Coffee Two: Electric Boogaloo. This guy also has a crisis, but not for the same reason as Elliott. His is more because this proves the existence of the multiverse, the ability to travel between them, and probably some cosmic entity that brought you here (or a truck). Super on edge around you, but he doesn't dislike you in any way. He's just nervous on how to get close to you.
He's super interested in what you have to say about your world. There's only so much a set can provide for worldbuilding. You two get drunk and talk about how different it must be living here now. I HC this man is too drunk/sleep deprived/annoyed to care about anything. He's just like 'alright. Well, that's gonna give me a crisis,' and goes about his day.
His brain is overloaded with information. He can barely comprehend letters in math. What is this? Why is the cute character from my favourite show moving into town? Am I dreaming? Probably! He becomes sort of protective of you. I mean, if you came here enemies might have as well!
She's super flustered to see you. You're definitely from an obscure book from an even obscurer library so nobody but her recognises you. You'd certainly have to be the one to approach her. She's very cautious in helping you with your isekai issue, fearing it may mess things up even further.
Sweet Yoba, it's Bob Ross you! She walks up to you immediately pretending to not notice that you're her favourite character. She waits until you confide in her to admit she's known the whole time. She knows it must be pretty confusing for you, and she wants to give you time.
Long, giddy stares from across the room. Everybody thinks she has a thing for you, when in reality she's just so excited to have the coolest person ever in the same room as her! A person who, frankly, shouldn't even exist! Very open with the isekai thing, talking about it in public (and getting confused stares as she does).
Before she says hello, she takes a few weeks to try and figure out why and how this has happened. When she eventually comes to the conclusion that she doesn't know, she invites you over and shows you the episodes you're featured in, explaining all the knowledge she has on the situation. Although she'd like to, she knows she can't risk just letting you stay.
She screams with delight at seeing you. A few others probably recognise you as well, so they're not as judgmental when she runs to you with open arms and wraps you in a big hug. Gives you a big tour of town and explains everything you need to know, even how to do a handshake.
She will NEVER approach you. It's just lots of confused staring from across the fountain or room. Is that really them? It can't be! When you talk to her, she's really awkward and flustered. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's you! Despite never talking to you however, she does make an active effort to be near you.
Once again, sorry for the wait! I really like this prompt. Thank you for the ask! <33
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yubellia · 1 year
Jason Dean (J.D. Heathers) Soulmate AU Headcanon
Yes, yes. Here i am again. Talking about this guy. What can i say? This lovable psycho is worth it. There is not enough like this here so i descided to write it myself. I continue the other project with him when i got more time ok? be patient with me. And sorry for any mistakes. Like i said before i am from germany and so i don't see all mistakes until it is too late.
This time i wanted to share some thoughts about the soulmate topic. No real story here. Just ideas. Enjoy!
I believe that after everything that happened to him, J.d. would really want a soulmate. Like he would cling on to them.
I think he would want something stable. No, he NEEDS something stable.
I mean his dad moves with him all the time, he has no real reason to bother with names and faces, no friends....
talking about his dad..... that is not healthy either. Not at all.
As we all know, his mom...."left" but his dad means it was an accident. It was not. His wife had problems and moving around probably did not help.
So the idea that someone is waiting just for him? Perfect for him and not leavin? Damn Yes! Sign him up!
Here are a few ideas.
Imagine an AU were the universe introduces you to each other before meeting.
Like, you share knowledge. You wake up and suddenly you know new stuff about your soulmate. Stuff they like, stuff that is important to them. Or stuff that is important in their life and family....... Oh my.....
I mean one morning you wake up and know that his mom....you know? That would be messed up.
Or you suddenly know how to use a gun. Or how to take down a house and build a bomb.
I know that i would pray for my soulmate to just be a history/science nerd. (We all know that won't work no matter how hard we pray)
Now imagine you are a history nerd yourself and you are interested in.... i don't know.... old torture devices. And how to use them....
Not the kind of knowledge you wanna share with him.
It would even more convince him that you are made for each other.
Another idea: Imagine an AU were you have numbers on your wrist. Not a timer but how far you are away from each other. Something that tells you how close you are
I am sure he is already pissed every time his dad tells him that they move again.
Even more so with this.
But know imagine, (like in my last post) that you are from europe. Maybe germany like in my case.
And one day J.d. is done and does the math. Finding out that it does not matter where he goes in america would be a hard pill
Nothing that would stop him however, I am sure.
Let's be real here. We know how he got with Veronica. You better be ready for this whole soulmate thing because he is not leaving once he got you.
This is the last thing. Imagine an AU were you share scars and injuries. However you don't get it as bad as your soulmate.
That would be one more reason for him to have that gun on him.
And IF he gets hurt? (Kurt Ram?) Oh he will deal with them. After all, they did not just attack him.
(This gives me ideas for the heathers too. but maybe later)
The point is, nobody is allowed to lay a finger on you.
But at the same time he has his slushies.... that damn.....
But this is different because.... well..... once he found you, you share the pain. He gets you slushies and you give it all back. Thats ok. (No it isn't)
So that is it for now. Like i said i continue the other soulmate stuff later. I promise. See ya!
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thesoulspulse · 1 year
Danny Phantom Randomness (Supernatural Endurance/Healing)
Something came to mind recently I’m not sure if anyone else has talked about before, so as usual, here I am. This is actually part of a passing thought I had more or less during the episode “Public Enemies” where a bunch of people at Casper High and the Mayor at the time were possessed by Walker and his goons. It goes something like this:
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I touched on this a little before in a previous post about possession vs overshadowing so here I’d like to expand it a little further. Now, we all remember how Dash along with many other students and teachers at Casper High were overshadowed by Walk and his men, right? Well, while their bodies were being controlled, Danny didn’t pull any punches and honestly a lot of things that happened during their confrontation could have either killed or seriously hurt them if it weren’t for the superhuman strength and endurance that was extended to each person through the ghost inhabiting them at the time.
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Here’s one example. Kwan gets slammed into the sidewalk with enough force that it breaks yet he’s able to escape completely unscathed. To be completely honest I kinda suck at math so I tried to look up a few things to get an idea of how difficult it is to break concrete in general and this is what I came up with...
32736 lb (Minimum Concrete Breaking Force) = 4000 psi
3000 lb (Concrete Endurance)
360-450 lb (Average Force Behind A Human Punch) = 120-150 psi
1000 lb (Average Force Behind A Human Kick)
190 lb (Average Weight Of Teen Football Player)
Feel free to crunch the numbers if you’re better at math than I am, but hopefully you get the idea. My point is, considering Danny’s superhuman strength and the force behind slamming Kwan into the ground like that (or Dash into the roof of a car for that matter) these two are lucky to be alive. They’re ALL lucky to have survived, which they only did because of the ghosts inside of them literally shielding these guys from all that serious damage.
With all that in mind, what I’m wondering is...does this protection include superhuman healing in the unlikely event that their host DOES get injured? Think about it, Danny’s taken quite a few beatings himself up until this point, but always bounced back the next day tired but without a single scratch or bruise on him. So let's say one day during a patrol or something, Sam or Tucker twist/break an ankle or their wrist. If Danny overshadowed them long enough, would that heal the bone/fracture as good as new?
If so, that would be a really cool way for him to indirectly heal people, which is an interesting concept if you ask me. Similarly, Danny could save someone from drowning by overshadowing them since ghosts can breathe underwater, or I guess it's more like they don’t have to breathe at all! I’m just saying there’s some potential here for ways to think of some more creative ways to make the most out of how overshadowing/possession works in the Danny Phantom universe.
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