#i am also getting to meet Sam for a photo op this saturday
narukyuu · 6 months
You know what is absolutely amazing?
Watching Critical Role live with 12500 critter cheering and rocking the floor and screaming.
Worth. Everything. All the money, all the anxiety, the flight, the hotel, EVERYTHING.
Best time of my life. BEST TIME OF MY LIFE.
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phantom-soldat · 5 years
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Meeting Sebastian Stan. 
This is not an opportunity I ever expected to have, at least not anytime soon. When he was first announced to be a guest at MCM Comic Con (London, May 2019) I had a bunch of people tagging me in the announcement post. Sebastian is an actor that means a lot to me - He’s caring and has struggled with a lot of the same things that I struggle with; from anxiety to depression, and generally being a bit lost in the world. We’ve all seen the posts of him commenting on fan’s posts, giving them advice while simultaneously putting more positivity and support into the world. For this reason, and more, he is incredibly inspiring and important to me. I aspire to be as supportive, caring, loving, goofy and giving as this man. 
So, when he was announced, I knew I had to meet him. For me, it wasn’t an option: I had to. It was simply too important for me not to. 
One thing I had wanted to do before I met him was get a tattoo of the Winter Soldier, however, due to money issues and time, etc, I had never had the opportunity to get one before comic con. Until comic-con. Another opportunity came up when MCM announced that they were having tattoo artists at the convention, and so I booked in with a lovely lady by the name of Laura, from Empire INK in Edinburgh. Thankfully, I managed to save up enough money for the tattoo - Through both selling possessions and saving up money from my day-job. 
She was absolutely lovely and great with communicating the design I had in mind. I wanted something to match the other tattoos on the opposite arm; a portrait, with his signature at the bottom (on my opposite arm I have a Hela portrait). The Bucky tattoo would be on my left inner forearm, covering self-harm scars with something - someone/a character - that means so much to me. Bucky, much like myself, has been through a lot of mental issues. He’s lost, finding his way, but despite all of the issues he’s had? He’s made it through it all, he’s continued fighting despite all of the challenges he’s faced... and that’s something I can remind myself: I can fight and get through the challenges I face. I will survive, and have survived. The significance of this tattoo, and getting Sebastian to sign it, was and is extremely important to me. 
Which leads to the first picture. 
First picture.  So, on the first day of comic-con (the Friday) Sebastian wasn't there. This was the day I booked in for a full-day session for my tattoo. Laura, my artist, was absolutely ecstatic as she’s also a fan of the guy, and was super pumped to find out that Sebastian would be seeing her work. The session lasted for, roughly, seven hours with only one five-minute break for both my artist and I to have something to eat. During the course of the tattoo, the MCM staff came up to view the process of the tattoo; the security were very excited about it, and got the media team to come down to the section of the hall where all of the tattoo artists were. It was all very exciting, talking to them was lovely - They were all so supportive, kind and frequently returned throughout the course of the day to see the process. Alas, the media team turned up and took a few photos: One of which winded up on the MCM social media sites: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Both Laura and I freaked out, it was getting a lot of attention. 
Second/third picture.  Saturday came around fairly quickly. This was the day where I would try to get my autograph - The day I HAD to get it, as to not disturb the healing process of my tattoo. I was dressed as Wakanda Bucky that day, deciding to cosplay something more comfortable due to both the pain from my arm, the hot weather, and the fact that I couldn’t restrict my arm in tight costumes. 
Before the convention, I had put together a little gift-box for Sebastian to give back to him the love, care and gratitude he gives to his fans. Inside, there was a Winter Soldier book (Civil War) that I had made him; personalised on the inside to, firstly, look like it held Winter Soldier documents which lead on to messages I had collected from fans. All stories about how he had changed their lives for the better, how he had made a positive impact on the world. I included other gifts, too, like a t-shirt (that says ‘Straight Outta Cryo’, much like his ‘Straight Outta Romania’ shirt), some drawings of mine, a Bucky, Nat and Sam tsum-tsum and a little lego figurine of Bucky. 
So, with the box in my arms, I waited for about an hour and a half in the autograph queue. Although I missed his panel, it was worth it, because I knew that if I had attended that I would only spend more time waiting, and less time with my friends later on. 
While waiting in the queue, I was alone and full of anxiety. This was a big moment for me. I’d actually see him. Meet him. Something I’d been waiting for years and years to have the opportunity for. People were trying to snag sneaky pictures of him: going on their friends shoulders just to get a peak of the infamous Seb Stan. 
Eventually, it was my turn to walk up to the table where he was signing. Due to the sheer amount of people that were there, it was very rushed, for they wanted to get through as many people as possible: I knew this going in, and so I’d been going over and over what I’d say to him in my head. With a smile, he greeted me; it was clear that he was tired, having flown in the previous morning and hadn’t stopped working since. Rumour has it he worked through his breaks to continue meeting fans - between the photo-ops, the panels and the signings he must have been really exhausted, with jet-lag on top of that, and so I felt really bad for the guy. 
In brief words I explained my gift to him, and he smiled and let out a laugh upon hearing what the t-shirt said. At the time he didn’t open the box, because it was simply too busy to do so and the convention staff were pushing him to continue  going through as many people as he could. In the panel I had missed, or the panel the next day (I can’t remember which one) I believe he referenced this and said how he wished he could spend more time with us all, and talk to us all properly. I still treasure every second I got to spend with him, though, because as previously stated, it was a moment that is extremely close to heart, and I know a lot of people wouldn’t have had this opportunity (this was also why I gathered fan messages, so that I could give him something from them in-case they never do have this opportunity). 
The convention staff got me to show him what I wanted signed: Most people brought posters, or pop-vinyls, but I showed him my arm and said I’d like my wrist tattooed. He delicately held my hand and arm as he signed it, and then I was on my way once I had thanked him. 
Afterwards, I immediately called up my bestfriend and burst into tears. I had met him. I had thanked him. I had given him a gift and, now, I would have his autograph on me forever, knowing that I have a very personal reminder to myself: I can do this. Whatever ‘this’ is, I can do it. 
Due to the overwhelming emotions I was having, the busy crowds, the heat, and the pain and toll the tattoo session the previous day had caused me, I did have quite a big panic-attack. During this time, I had to go outside and get some fresh air, but my best-friend stayed on the phone with me and calmed me down - I am eternally grateful for his friendship and support, and for moments like these when he helps ground me back to reality. 
This leads on to the next photo; where, once I’d had some fresh air, a drink and some food, I went back inside to get the signature tattooed. Once again, Laura and I freaked out over it, and I told her all about it excitedly as she finished up tattooing the autograph and shading around it. She even went back over the little red star at the top of my wrist, which Seb had signed over. Laura did an amazing job with the tattoo, and worked the signature into it flawlessly. I can’t thank her enough. 
Sunday.  This was the day that my photo-op was booked (that was an entire process of its own. Tickets sold out within 2-3 minutes - I am so, SO thankful that I managed to snag one). Much like the autograph process, the MCM staff were trying to get through as many people as possible, and so the entire thing was very ‘click and go’. Generally, this is the case with photo-ops at conventions - It’s less personal, more of a ‘capture the moment’ type of thing. 
On this day, I was dressed as Black Widow from The Winter Soldier. It wasn’t the best costume I have ever worn, admittedly, but I was excited for my photo-op none the less. My costume broke on the way to the con, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me, and once again I was waiting in a long line for one last moment with Sebastian. 
I knew that he likes Bucky and Natasha’s relationship in the comics, and that he would’ve liked them to be together in the movies. This is a ship that I also sail, along with Stucky, but I thought that being Nat would be a lot better as it’s also something that he enjoys. I actually managed to capture a sneaky video on my phone of me approaching him during the photo-op. They were very strict about no-photos apart from the one you paid for, which I understand, but at the same time, this was too important for me not to try and grab sneaky videos, etc. So I did. Sue me. (Please don’t, I’m going to be a poor student soon). 
As I approached him during the photo-op, he looked a lot less tired, which I was thankful to see. He greeted me with a smile once more, and I showed him my finished tattoo - I kind of stood my ground and spoke to him very briefly before the photo-op was taken. Most people were conveyor belted through their sessions with him, but I was determined to show him the finished product. With a smile and an expression somewhat akin to awe, he said that it was amazing. We soon moved onto talking about what I wanted for the photo-op, and it took a split second for us both to get into position. 
I wanted to look as if we were dancing romantically, as Natasha has a history of ballet. The final photo in the post was my photo-op, and I couldn’t be happier with it. It was a very full-on weekend, but I enjoyed every second of it. 
Thank you MCM for giving me, and others, the opportunity to meet such an amazing man. Thank you Sebastian for flying all the way to London to take the time to meet your fans in England. Thank you Laura, for being an amazing tattoo-artist and for the nerdy talks we had during my tattoo session, and for giving me a piece of work on my art that is very, very treasured to me; and, finally, thank you to all of my friends for supporting and loving me, for continuously encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone and to keep on fighting. 
And continue fighting on I will, just like Bucky. 
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alleiradayne · 5 years
SPN MinnCon Day 3
You know what, I’m pulling the I-just-gave-birth-to-a-tiny-helpless-human card. That’s why I didn’t get back to this sooner. Also my mom and aunt were in town helping out a ton but it also kept me away from Tumblr most days.
So. MinnCon Day 3. This day was the day for me. I had been looking forward to the whole weekend for months. But truly, this day was something that I had been freaking out about for about two weeks for two reasons. 1.) Jared Photo Op. 2) Jared 30 Minute Meet and Greet.
I’ll preface this with the fact that I am a dyed-in-the-wool Jared/Sam stan. I cannot get enough of him and his smile and his sense of humor and his hair and his compassion and his empathy and his brain and his eyes. Okay, yeah, I love the 6′4″ mansuit he inhabits, too.
When you read this, you’re going to see a lot of Jared. A decent bit of Jensen, too (I took a lot of pictures of him). But I’ll be writing a lot more about Jared. Except for the meet and greets. Which... ugh, I wish I could tell you guys about his 30 minute meet and greet as well as his 10 minute for VIP. But I can’t. :(
Buckle up bitches, this shits long...
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It was the first picture I took.
The day started out with the Gold Panel. If you haven’t seen it yet, my fellow VIP’er, Sue, gave Jared a thing of cupcakes when he called on her for a question and she didn’t have one ready. So she asked him if he wanted a cupcake. There’s rules about giving them food; I guess they’re not supposed to take it, but Jared was like, “Uh shit yeah I want a cupcake.”
He was only supposed to take one for each of them. But I don’t think he could hear her very well. So he took the whole thing. I was supposed to eat one of those fucking cupcakes.
And then:
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It went on for several minutes. Jared dropped the cupcakes (THAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO EAT) and made a giant mess. A creation staff person came out to help, a fan offered baby wipes, and Jensen had to help clean Jared’s face.
“Help a brother out, man.”
“You are beyond help.”
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Brothers. I swear.
Questions were fun and it was during this panel that I could tell that the day would be distinctly different from previous con’s Sundays. We all know Jared is quite a bit more talkative than Jensen. But today, that would not be the case. Someone put a quarter in Jensen...
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He’s so pretty.
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Again, I’m not sure what someone said (I know I could go watch the video but, time) but Jensen busted out the imaginary popcorn.
And then there were more wonderful pictures of Jared.
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See. Lots of Jared.
If you want to see ALL of the pictures I took (and edited) from the entire weekend:
The flicker album will be available until flickr decides to get rid of free accounts or whatever nonsense Yahoo wants to do with flickr.
After the gold panel I had Jared’s 30 minute meet and greet and his photo op. I was hoping that by waiting to post this, I’d have my .jpg from Chris, but I don’t.  The meet and greet was fantastic. There were 20 people in that session, and we drew numbers for seats. I got number 6 which ended up being right in the middle of the front row. I don’t know how I got so fucking lucky...
I got to ask my very weird question and got a very cogent and incredibly self-aware answer that kind of blew me away. And we even had time to sneak in my follow-up, which also resulted in another ridiculously self-aware response. And he remembered these questions because he later brought the topic up again at the 10 minute VIP.
Now the photo op. I’m pretty sure this interaction tops the entire weekend (just sneaking past his autograph and getting a smooch from Rob Benedict). Remember the fact that I’m 37 weeks pregnant. I had no clue what the hell to do for this photo op. I was wearing my self-made maternity “Love Yourself First” t-shirt, all black, with red/black buffalo plaid. I don’t know if it was entirely obvious that I was pregnant as I walked up to Jared for my op.
The VIP folks with his op got to go first. I opted, out of the four of us with his op, to go last. I walked up as Bang A Gong (Get It On) played, and whenever there is music playing, I cannot help but dance a bit. So my dumbass does my white-girl shimmy up to him and he laughed as he did his own short dance, but then proceeded to damn near do the splits to take the picture. I’m 5′4″. He’s 6′4″. I definitely didn’t want to take a picture with my face at his sternum. He knew that.
But other than that I didn’t know what to do. So I told him that. Here’s the conversation:
“Hey. I really don’t know what to do because she’s in the way,” I said as I pointed at my very-much-in-the-way-pregnant-stomach.
Jared’s eyes popped when he looked and then immediately started rubbing my stomach. Now normally, I would not have been okay with some rando touching my pregnant stomach without asking.
Jared Padalecki is not some rando. And he asked, “How far along are you?”
I laughed as I said, “I’m due in three weeks.”
If I thought his eyes popped before, they damn near fell out of his head at that. He replied, “Holy shit, how the fuck are you on your feet?! That is so badass, I can’t believe you’re here!” He held up his hand for a high-five, which I did, and he grabbed my hand to hold on to it. He then asked me my name. I told him and mentioned I’d been to the con last year with my sister and she was sad she couldn’t make it this year. And he then said, “Jeanna, awesome, I’m so sorry your sister couldn’t be here. But, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?” I told him I was great and that I’d been looking forward to this for months even though I’m huge and was really nervous about this photo op.
He then pulled me into him, wrapped his arms around me (like he does for most of his ops) and we took the picture. With his arms still around me, he looked me in the eye and said, “It was wonderful to meet you again. I am so glad you are here and that you’re doing so well. Is this your first?”
“I am so happy for you, that’s awesome. I remember Gen had the pregnancy glow, you look absolutely stunning, you’re rockin’ it hard. Thank you again for being here. I’ll see you again later in VIP.”
I thanked him and hugged him once more and he kissed the top of my god damn head.
And then I left the photo op room. As I was walking out of the room, a fellow VIP’er was waiting for me and saw me walking out. I think I had the worst dead-eyes face on because she said, “What happened?! Did something go wrong with your op?!”
And I said, “No. It was amazing I’m fucking speechless and don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m forgetting something. I... don’t know what to do all of a sudden.”
“Breathe, honey. You’re forgetting to breathe.”
You’re god damn right I was forgetting to breathe. I mean, this just happened:
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I couldn’t have asked for a better photo.
Moving on...
Next was Mark Pellegrino’s panel which was stellar. I love him.
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Rob came out eventually and was giving Mark the Dad stare. I kinda wish Rob would look at me like that... eh, @atc74?
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And then there was some funny God and His Children interactions.
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Such a stellar cast.
And then there was the Jensen and Jared main panel.
Guys. Gals. There are so many fucking pictures I took. Here’s a random sampling:
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It was an amazing panel. Like I said someone put a quarter in Jensen and he was just on point this year. Compared to other cons and videos I’ve watched, he really came out of his shell at this event and put on an amazing show with Jared. I absolutely recommend watching all the videos from this convention because they are so worth it.
After the main panel was Mark’s, Jensen’s, and Jared’s 10 minute VIP meet and greets. Holy shit were they great. Again, can’t really talk about them, but I got to sit next to Jared and he doesn’t understand personal space. I’ll leave it at that.
The night ended with autographs. I hit up Jared’s first, which in hindsight wish I’d done last but oh well. I hopped in line and when he saw me he said, “Remind me how long you’ve got?” as he reached out and touched my stomach again. I told him it was three weeks out and he smiled and shook his head as he said, “Damn, you are a fucking trooper. Congratulations again. Keep kickin’ ass.” He signed the photo, thanked me, and I thanked him. Right as I stepped away, he said, “You tweet that baby’s picture right away! I wanna see her face!”
I did tweet a picture, but I don’t think he saw it. That’s okay, I didn’t really think he would.
Jensen was next, who I had sign my J2 op from the previous year with my sister. While signing, his mala bead bracelet got stuck on the table cloth. My first thought was to say, “What did you do, Ray?” in my best Winston impression. And Jensen didn’t miss a beat. “I couldn’t help it. It just popped in there...”
Thanks for knowing your Ghostbusters references, Jensen.
Last but not least was Misha. Aside from his 10-min meet and greet, I’d never really interacted with him. There was a short wait for him as he finished up his Castiel photo ops. My VIP liaison and I were waiting together because she had an op for his auto too. And then he arrived, got settled and waved us over. I had him sign the first op my sister and I ever got from 2016 with Misha and Mark Sheppard. Mark had signed it last year.
And Misha remembered from VIP on Saturday that I was pregnant and asked me about it. When I told him it was a girl, he said, “Oh yeah, you’re gonna love it, it’s stupidly fun. Picked a name yet?” and I told him we decided on Elizabeth. His response was, “How cool, my sister’s name is Elizabeth. You have fun with that baby and don’t listen to anyone. Follow your gut. Science, too. But trust yourself. You got this.”
And then we were done. I went back to the VIP room, helped clean up a bit, gathered my stuff, and headed for my car. The second I walked out of the room, I started crying because... it was over. Everything was done, all the things I’d been looking forward to for months were... done. Just like that, in the blink of an eye, the weekend was behind me.
I’m still not over it. I’m waiting for the next opportunity to meet them all again. I called my sister in that moment of sudden sadness and told her that we absolutely had to do VIP together at Chicago, or hope they come back to Minneapolis soon. I can’t imagine doing a con without VIP again.
And the weekend wouldn’t have been what it was without all the people I met and new friends I made. You’re all wonderful and amazing and I can’t thank you enough for how welcoming you all were.
I hope you all enjoyed reading these. I think I’ll put a master post together to link to all three parts/days and add a link to the flickr album there as well. Thanks again for reading!
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mackenzielass4ever · 6 years
Outlander Con Vegas part 1...
First of all, I want to say this was a well organized event and very low key, chill. I Loved it! The first day had some glitches with the autograph lines, but the staff corrected for this and it wasn’t a problem for the rest of the weekend. I also feel there were many more opportunities for personal interactions with the cast. I chatted with everyone I had a ticket for and there was no pressure to move along and leave people alone. I’ve never seen an OL event with so many cast members in attendance. I know many were upset with Sam’s inability to attend the Con, but Creation who put on the event, did a fabulous job of securing so many other actors for a one stop shopping kind of experience. I really appreciated this! I would absolutely go to another OL themed Con again if Creation was in charge.
Sophie Skelton: may I say this woman is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen! She’s delicate and tiny like a flipping teacup fairy. It’s ridiculous! I appreciated a couple things about her. Firstly, she takes her role as Brianna very seriously. She knows what others have said about her and her performance and she takes it to heart. She actually apologized to fans for not meeting their expectations. We all quickly put that sentiment to rest for her! She appreciated the support and encouragement we gave her. Secondly, she took time to talk to each and every fan in her autograph line on Sunday and she was at the table for probably 3 hours. She was attentive, patient and such a friendly individual.
During her q&a session, she shared this:
The scene from the book where Jamie shows Brianna she can’t fight a man off if he means to physically overpower her is in the show as well. During the filming of this scene, Scotland was in the midst of a hailstorm. It was so cold and they were being pelted by hail to the point where she and Sam could’ve even deliver their lines. At one point, Sam said he couldn’t do it anymore because he was too cold. Sophie said Sam is usually a trooper, but this time he couldn’t hack it. After all this, they had to film the scene all over again.
In the infamous scene with Bri and Stephen Bonnet, you know the one, Sophie said she’d have a 4 am call to go to set and 3-4 days in a row she got up just to have the shoot cancelled due to the severe weather. Sophie had to study the subject and get in a dark head space in order to do that scene and it was hard to have wait in limbo all that time just to get it done. When the scene was over, she cried afterward.
Richard Rankin: this man is charming, cocky, irreverent, sexy as hell and hilariously funny! He had everyone cracking up all the time. He flew in Saturday late and stayed up all night to hang out and enjoy Vegas so he had NO sleep before he hit the ground running on Sunday. You’d never know it. The man never stopped. BTW, he went to the Beatles show, LOVE. He loved it. He also drank a lot and ate a huge stack of pancakes for breakfast. He was regretting those choices!
Richard and I discussed hair product. He is growing his hair out for season 5 and he let me know that he puts a little leave in conditioner when his hair is freshly washed. Light product to keep it on place and then he’s ready to go! I finally got to tell him I’ve loved his work for years and am so happy he’s Roger on OL.
This man was so accommodating to his fans. One woman wanted a photo op with him, but was in a wheelchair and couldn’t stand or walk well. He took the time to help her up, get posed just like she wanted then helped her back to her chair again. He was so careful and considerate. It made me tear up.
During his q&a, Stephen Walters was introducing him and Richard was standing off stage. They started improvising a bit where Stephen was channeling the spirits and Richard responded as a ghost. Richard kept saying, “is there anyone here in the audience with a name that starts with a B? This person would also have a grandmother.” Stephen couldn’t keep a straight face. Then Stephen read a poem to introduce Richard. He said, “ you really want me to do this?” Richard said, “yes, it’s in my contract. I must be introduced with poetry.” I’ve seen this bit on SM and if you get the chance, watch it. It’s hysterical! He finishes his set with an Irish jig!
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itsbitmxd-a-blog · 5 years
     The Walker Stalker Con Germany 2019 Experience
Sooooo Well now that I’m bit recovered from the whole weekend which was seriously one of the bests weekends so far :’D not only because of the WSC but because of all the amazing people I met there, and the tour I did the first day I got to Germany before the WSC.
So now the WSC was like really fun I went there alone because well my mom and her bf came as well but they were doing mostly tourism around Germany and other stuff xdxd. Once in the WSC tho I met one of my fave fanart artists which I won’t mention here  her username is YOUREMYFANART on IG so if you want to check her stuff she is one of the bests out there, I spend most of the time with her and her friends as well and all of them were just so sweet to me, I really had an amazing time thanks to them.
Then the actors, omg where do I start X’D so the first day I first went to Isaac ( aka Bran Stark ) because he was one of the main GOT actors I was more excited to meet plus there weren’t lots of people on his stand which was bit sad poor bby, he is so cute and kind and just uh I would have spent the whole day just chilling with him if I could, he also reminded me so much of my young cousin lmao. 
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Then I went to meet Khary ( aka King Ezequiel ) and LET ME TELL YOU words cannot describe the  kindness and goodness of this man like I was talking to him like if he was an old time buddy, he was just so chill, even if I was shaking and I barely could form words but he was just the purest. 
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Later on I tried meeting Seth ( father Gabriel ) 3 times, it’s a fun story but I won’t expand myself here event more X’D to me maybe he was the more serious , was bit intimidated at first tbh lol but in the end he was still really nice and we ended up talking about Teen Wolf aswell and the pic he signed was actually from Teen Wolf XD. 
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Then it came the Photo OP with Kit Harington ( aka JOn friggin Snow )  it was so fast and furious I didn’t even have the time to process how my body was reacting X’D it felt a bit weird  plus I look HORRIBLE like seriously HORRIBLE and doesn’t help he is next to me welp. Then I went to get an autograth of him aswell at his stan, but he wasn’t doing any selfies like the rest which was weird aswell but he was still really nice and sweet , maybe bit too shy,  or at least that’s what I saw, btu I mean it was his first con I think so it would be normal that he was bit shy xd.
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Then same day I also took selfies with a couple of great cosplayers , like seriously the level of the cosplayers in that con was just amazing like some even looked like the actors o.o
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Then finally I got to meet Chandler ( aka Carl ) who was also really sweet but also bit shy xd which was cute to be honest , but he also didn’t have many people waiting on his stan, which was weird considering he was one of the main charachters for so long o.o like I mean even Ross ( Aaron) had more people, like he was the one who had the most people he and Khary X’D. But still Chandler was just realaly swet also didn’t help I am already akward at first meetings, plus me being so friggin nervous didn’t help X’D.
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So the second day was bit mroe chill in general than the first day, also lots of people went only on Saturday bc Kit was going only that day but welp xdxd it was still fun first thing I did was take a pic with a group of cosplayers I saw on saturdsay that were really cool but i was just like saving them for later :3.
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Then I met John ( aka Sam ) for the 2nd time, yep I also meet him on Saturday but a cool thin that you can do with some actors ( not everyone of course ) but some of them you could just go say hi and talk to them for free,  you could just do that if you didn’t want to spent money on selfies and autografs, so the second day I got some more money and finally got to take a selfie with him, and if I could describe this guy in one word would be ADORABLE, like seriously I was even doubting if he was actually Sam himself irl X’D, but he was super chill.
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Then I went with Isaac again because I just couldn’t help it, and both of their stans were so lonely I felt bad like I just wanted to spend the day with them chillin’ :c
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ANNNND last but not least, I met friggin Alanna ( aka Tara ) and ok just I can’t stop screaming at how sweet and adorable she was like :’D I cry every time I fell so harsh for her uuhg, also we got bit emotional at the end because I kind of came out to her and yep >.< but she was just the sweetest and also the one that took the most selfies like she took maybbe 10 ? xdxd 
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Also the second day I did some panels aswell Khary and Cooper’s and the GOT ones. 
Aaand that’s my ramble for today X’D sorrie it was so long but I needed to scream somewhere about the amazing weekend I had, also if any of you ever can manage to go to a WSC just do it, you won’t regret it :’D 
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impala-dreamer · 7 years
NJCon Through A Dreamer's Eyes...
My Memories of the weekend. It’s long, so it’s under the cut.
I know I’m going to forget things, but here’s what I remember most: (in no logical order)
Jason Manns is a really cool dude. We had a few moments that made me think some thoughts. My selfie with him is one of my fave pics from the weekend. We’re totally in love. Lol.
Emily Swallow is a beautiful bird who has been magicked to us from the 1970s and I want to have a sleepover girly party with her and I told her as much. She’s beautiful.
I’m fairly certain that Kim Rhodes and I are the same person.
I want to bed Brianna. And I have no shame in saying that.
Ruth Connell is the most adorable being to ever walk the Earth AND she can fucking sing like an angel and I want to put her in my pocket to keep her forever.
Shoshanna is an absolutely beautiful soul. Her panel was incredible and I cried through most of it. Immediately bought an auto with her afterwards and I’m so happy that I got to meet her. She’s just… an exceptional human being.
Louden Swain!!! So… this is funny. I have always loved Mike. He’s adorable. I said as much when they took the stage on Friday, and April (who just met my husband) says, “Yeah, because he’s an Asian version of Bill (my husband)” to which i was like “Naw…. OH MY LORD you’re right!” lol. I even sent Bill and picture and he goes “Yeah, that’s me!” lol. So… I go to get my CD signed, and I was going down the line and I said “Hi” to Billy, bc … whatever. He gets enough attention. I told Steven about my 10 year old being a drummer and he was like “Awe, cool!” And then.. I get to Mike. I put my hands on the table and leaned over and said: “You wanna hear the most awkward thing you’ll hear all weekend?” He looks up and says “YES!”. “I love you and you’re adorable and I just realized it’s because you look just like my husband.” And he turned pink and giggled. I walked away very proud of myself! Lol.
Jake Abel. Jake… Abel…. He grew up, dude. Wow. That man… is gorgeous. His panel was awesome and we all walked away with a twinkle in our eyes. Well, then we get to his autograph, and April is all cute and nice to him. I get up and lean down on the table (this apparently is my “you listen here, sonny” move of the weekend) and I said, “You sir, are incredibly charming. You panel was great.” And he said “I love compliments! Keep them coming!” April chimes in with “You converted her! She hated Adam!” And I was like “Hold up, I don’t HATE Adam… OK, I did… “ Turn back to Jake and wag my finger at him and go, “You are charming as fuck. Keep it up” And he laughed. He’s fucking charming, and he needs to know that. Lol
JDM: That man OOZES testosterone. I don’t even like him, but he walked passed me and April and my knees actually buckled. He is SEX on legs. I’m not even exaggerating. And he’s so sweet and kind and just amazing.
Rachel Minor was beautiful and so sweet and just a lovely person. Her panel was great and she was truly excited to see everyone. For her autograph, I don’t know what happened, but I just about started to cry, so I turned my face away and she said “No, No, it’s OK” And she grabbed my hand and squeezed me a bit. She was so … she’s just a kind unicorn and that’s the end of that. I will love her for the rest of my days.
Karaoke was LOUD and hilarious. Emily was my favorite thing ever and she wore a Tiger costume and did the running man. She is literally adorable.
SNS- AMAZING. Like, I could probably do 3K just on that, but I won’t. Just know it was very emotional for me and I cried hard. HARD.
MARK SHEPPARD: He was my first photo op. I was a little nervous, but I pushed through. I walked up and said “I have always loved you, Mark.” He smiled and I went to hug him, but he turned me and pressed his cheek to mine for the photo. He was solid and real and I was like “Holy crap”. After the photo, he’s still got his hands on me and I said, “We’re all going to miss you.” And he squeezed my shoulder. I walked away, hit the door and started crying. I don’t know what it was, or why, but I cried. He has been in every single show I’ve ever loved, and … he’s just… MARK. So cool. His panel was FUCKING HILARIOUS AND I LOVE HIM. My auto with him: I have my box ready to sign, but I have a specific place I need J2M2 to sign it, because I’m insane. So… It went something like this:
Me: Hi Mark!Mark: Hi. (kinda smile. He goes to sign the top and I waved my hand over it)
Me: No! Could you please sign on this side?
Mark: No.
Me: Please?Mark: Where?
Me: Here (shows spot)
Mark: No.
Me: Please?Mark: Why?Me: Because I need you to sign in here.
Mark: Why?Me: Because I love you.
Mark: No.
Me: Fucking Sign It!Mark: Well, tip it up!Me: THANK YOU!
Mark: *Smirk*
It was magical and I love him so much.
MISHA COLLINS: I woke up Saturday morning and my first thought was MISHA!!! So… I go in for the auto, and amazingly I’m not too nervous. I see him standing there and I think “fuck, he’s skinny” lol. I watch him do his thing, some girl jumps on his back, another does a silly pose. Then these girls are asking him to do something and he’s saying ‘no’, he doesn’t want to, but they insist, and so they pose with him “smacking” their asses. It kinda seemed like he wasn’t happy with it. So, anyway, I get up and I’m like “Hi Mr. Collins!” And he says Hi, and then I was like “Um… dealer’s choice.” So we smushed together and he gave like a finger gun. It was cute, but I walked away kinda disappointed. Like, he wasn’t MISHA. It was weird. Later at his panel he explained how he’d been traveling for like 17 hours to get there and had taken a sleeping pill and then not slept on the plane, so apparently not-Misha was just exhausted-Misha, so I gave him a pass. We’re cool again. He’s still Misha. BTW- we got TWO Misha panels because of a JDM time issue on Sunday and it was awesome. He is … well… Misha. He’s funny and filthy and I love him. Sigh.
His auto: I had him sign “Sam’s side” of the box. Because I know Crowley and Sam hate each other, so I split up my Destiel for Sam’s sake (did I mention I’m insane? OK, cool)
He goes to sign THE TOP! So I said “i’m so sorry, I gotta direct you to sign over here” and he kinda was like “Fuck you, I do what I want” But he did. IN GOLD. Everyone else signed in silver, but Misha used GOLD because… it’s fuckin’ Misha. Anyway… I said “I know you must be exhausted, but thank you so much for being here. You are fucking amazing.” And he looked up… and Winked that big-ass, Misha wink. And I was like “fuck yeah” Misha.
JENSEN ACKLES: What do I say about Jensen? Do I describe how I could barely look him in the face? I guess I’ll be honest and tell the truth as it happened to me….
I shared an op with my Stephie (bless her for snatching that up for us). I was fine on line, we get in the room and I start freaking out. Halfway up the line I turn to her and say, “I don’t feel good” And she goes “You’re fine” and I’m like, “I am. I got this.”
Then I feel it. I know I’m going to cry. It’s so tight in my gut and it’s working it’s way up. Now, my fear before hand was being taken out of line in my Jared op, so for this to be happening for Jensen kinda shocked me. So, I finally see him, and I grabbed Steph’s arm and I remember saying “THIGHS” lol. But then all hell breaks loose inside of me. I start shaking and the tears are coming. We get two away, and I spin around away from Jensen and say aloud, “I AM NO OK!” So the I’m Alive lady steps towards me, but Steph calls her off and just spins me back around, has her hand on my back and she’s like “It’s OK, bring it down. You got this.” And SOMEHOW I managed to suck it all up and walk over to Jensen.
Now, here’s where it gets blurry. I look up at his face and I go, “Oh My God!” And I run to him. He opens his arms, and I duck under one, and Steph the other. I have my arm around his back and I didn’t know what to do with my hand, so I shoved it up under his arm. Lol. So I’m… in Jensen’s pits. And … I took a deep breath. (did not like his smell. Don’t hate me. It did not agree with my nose. lol) Anyway… then I said thanks and walked out. NOW- STEPH Says That I also said “I WANT TO SQUISH YOU!” But I clearly blacked out, because I do not remember that. Anyway, next thing I know, we are standing outside (edited for adult content) and I am full on panic attack. My entire body is shaking. My stomach is quaking, I can’t breath. I’m just clinging to the balcony bricks like “HOLY FUCKING SHIT” and I takes me about thirty mins to calm down. I go back to the room and kick April out and I just cried. Like, full on, sobbing tears. Then, dried off, took a shot of whiskey and moved on with my life.
I met Jensen twice more that day, but I’ll save those for later.
JARED PADALECKI: I was not nervous. I was not emotional. I got online, and I was fine. I saw his shoes first. And then as we got closer, his legs, then his hands, and then finally his face. I started to get a little choked up, but the girl behind me was full on crying, so I turned and said to her “You listen to me, Jared is a ray of sunshine and he’s about to make everything ok” And she calmed down. I think telling her to stop crying actually kept me from crying. OK. So…
The song playing when we walked in was Bad Company “Shooting Star” And I was air guitaring to keep my hands from shaking. Then it changed to Tiffany “I think we’re alone now”, and Jared did the BOOTY DANCE!!! And I died a little.
Then he gets a phone call. He says “i’m so sorry, it’s the wifey” So he steps back a bit and answers, then he’s talking to his kids and his face is just… he’s so smiley and happy and peaceful. He kept coming back to the line like “i’m so sorry, just a sec” and we were all like “do what you gotta do dude” I could watch him talk on the phone forever.
Then… right next to me Rachel shows up from the back door to say hi. And he drops to his knees and is talking to her, and he’s so focused and loving and they chat and I’m just like “Is this man for real?” He is.
He comes back to line finally and walks towards the giant light and says “I’m Burning up!” And lifts his shirt to fan himself and there it is: Padabelly. I saw his light brown leather belt and a tiny tiny line of his Saxx and I … yeah. Anyway…
So I get up to him and he turns to me and smiles so beautifully and I said “Hi!” And he says “How are ya?” And I said “I’m aldhflUKeglKShg”. A weird squeak comes out and I just lunge at him and bury my face in his chest. So he kinda shrugs and we take a hug picture.
I walked away… I swear to god I have never felt so happy in my whole life. It was like my body was floating on a cloud. My heart was full of cotton candy and unicorns. Jared was so genuine, and enjoying being there and so so happy. And if Jared Padalecki is happy, there is nothing wrong in the world.
We made it back to the hotel room and I burst out singing and dancing “I’ve got everything that I need, right in front of me” And I think I scared April, but it was appropriate. I was so so happy.
More on Jared coming up.  
J2 Panel was awesomesauce. I’m sure you’ve all watched it.
J2 Photo Op: I was cool as a fucking cucumber. I walked up to them like “sup, bitches?”. Lol
Jared was closest. He turns and smiles and says “hi!” And I go “Hi again!” And I go over to Jensen and I said, “Could I do the selfie pose, please?” And he seemed kinda annoyed, maybe because I was all smiley with Jared and not him, but whatever. So he signals to Chris and they set up. I pull Jared’s sleeve and he leans his ear down to me and I said, “I got your Bedazzeled reference right away. I was the person laughing.” And he went “Nice!” And laughed that ‘tossing head back’ laugh and I died a little more. I MADE JARED LAUGH!. OK… so we take the picture and then I thank them and I’m out. I LOVE THIS PICTURE SO MUCH! And I got Jensen smoulder!! Yesssss.
OK, so… lots of panels, lots of stuff. Awesome time.
But the end of the evening Sunday, I was totally exhausted and we hadn’t eaten like, all weekend. So I’m delirious. Apparently… tired + hungry = Beka goes Nuts. And in that insanity, I apparently decided that I hate Jensen. He took the brunt of all of my exhaustion. Irrational anger flowed towards that man well into the midnight hour. Just “God, I wanna… grrrrrr…. Fuckin’ Ackles!!” No reason, no explanation, just irrational annoyance with that poor poor man. LOL.
JARED AUTO: In line, there’s like three people crying hysterically and telling him their sob stories and I’m like “OH For Fuck’s Sake” So I turned to Bronwyn and I’m like “I gotta make him laugh” Because I’m just like that. I gotta lighten the mood. So I go up and show him the box. I opened it up and he looks and smiles “oh cool!”. I’m like “could you please sign on Sam’s side?” And there was a little confusion, because the box is the front of Impala, so it’s kind of backwards. So he’s like “here?” and i’m like “no, here” so I reached around it and pointed and he put his hand over mine and was like “Ok, cool” And JARED TOUCHED MY HAND!!
So he signs and I said “Thank you so much for Sam and for all you do.” And he smiled and looked me in the eyes and I go, “I just love you!” And… kissie faced him. As in, I smushed up my lips and blew him three quick kisses. He laughs and smiles and I quickly move away. APPARENTLY as I’m not looking, he kissie faces me back and goes “Love ya!” Of course I missed that. Stupid Beka. lol.
JENSEN AUTO: As I mentioned, I hate him by now. Just… “Goddamn it Jensen” for no reason.
So we get up to him and I hand him the box and I said “Good Evening, sir.” And he says “Hi.” he signs and I go “Thank you.” And walk away. Because… I have nothing to say to him. Lol. Poor Jensen. I kinda want to send him an email like “sorry I hated you for 6 hours for no reason” lol. I can’t even believe myself. I couldn’t look him in the face because he’s so beautiful but damn it, if I didn’t wanna pop him in the nose. Future Reference: EAT AT CON you stupid Beka. EAT. lol
So… That’s that. I will say, now that I’ve eaten and rested a bit, I no longer hate Mr. Ackles. Which is good.
I’m sure I forgot loads of stuff, but that’s what I need to get out right now.
In summary: Jared is exactly what you think he is. He’s light and love and hope and beauty and I will never not be totally in love with him.
And Jensen is Tired!Beka’s arch enemy. Who knew?
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empireintheair · 7 years
I can’t believe this weekend went by so quick, but I’m glad to be back in the cozy Bay Area, avoiding the snow storms that are now blizzarding the east coast. Last weekend, my high school sis, Kat and I met up in DC to run the Rock’n Roll Half marathon! She now lives in Alabama, so we thought it’d be a fun idea to meet up “half way” to share our passion of running together. We both flew in Thursday night to ensure a full day of recovery before the race on Saturday.
5:30 am and below 30 degrees, we got up to get our shakeout run in while being tourists at the same time. Most of our run included pit stops all over the National Mall. If you followed me on IG stories, I was playing “On Your Left” (from Captain America).
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We were so in awe of all the historic monuments and open space. Another plus side of running so early meant zero crowds and photo ops.
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After we ate breakfast at a Baked Joint, we freshened up and picked up our race packets at the DC Armory. On the way back to Capital Hill, there were so many signs that promoted love, equality, and freedom of speech. Both Kat and I were all for it.
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For lunch I was so excited to try Momofuku. I knew they were known for their amazing desserts, but how perfect that they had such yummy savory foods as well. We also met with my friend Lalida who made the time to meet up with us. Oh, and in case you’re wondering we did get a dozen cookies. And if you’re also wondering, no there are no more left. I didn’t even photograph them…
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Did you know majority of the museums in DC are Free?! Neither did I! After lunch we had to stop by the National Museum of Natural History and the Freer Gallery of Art. We also made a stop by Hirshhorn Museum Saturday afternoon which featured some of the wackiest pieces I’ve ever seen.
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Saturday, Race Day. Woke up at 6am and it was a cool 26 degrees. yikes. I wasn’t as much nervous for the race as I was of the cold, but we both layer up and made it out to the start line. I actually changed my corral (start time) two lines up so that I could start at the same time as Kat, which was a little motivation to run faster. I honestly hadn’t trained as well for this race, and there wasn’t any turning back now.
RUNcations are just my favorite. For those of you who haven’t ran a race before, I would totally recommend a Rock n Roll Series race do to all the entertainment to keep you distracted from how many miles you’re doing. Music was at nearly every mile. Oh and spectator signs were obviously political too. My favorites included “Make America Chaf again” and “you’re running better than our government.” DC specifically had some of the best race support and views I have ever seen during a race.
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Not sure if it was the cold or the little itty bitty hills (compared to San Francisco) but I both Kat and I ended up PRing by 5+ minutes! Pro Tip, always pack extra clothes to get out of your sweaty ones in your check in bag. Luckily I had my “Stitched Logo Drop Tee” to flex with my well earned medal at the Finish Line.
It was getting colder and windy after the race, so Kat and I got warm and cleaned up at the hotel before heading out for lunch. We took lyft to Union Market to get a little taste of local DC. Around the corner they had a few murals that we couldn’t pass up. Kat looked into the Metro Trail that she researched and turned out they hosted POWWOW DC 2016!
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Sunday, Last Day in DC :( 
Our hotel was in the Navy  Yard, so we took a morning stroll around the area before checking out of the hotel. The area was newly renovated, similar to the Yard at AT&T park, but I came across this bench facing the waterfront. I noticed a little notebook underneath and got curious. The bench was apart of “Open Spaces Sacred Places” where you can share bench stories. I kept it short and sweet to leave note of our purpose in DC.
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We spent our last hours up in Georgetown, which I could not compare to any little town I’ve been to. I was skeptical, but seeing how Georgetown Cupcakes is on TLC (lol) I think we had to try at least one cupcake while we were in town. I got the Cherry Cheesecake and Kat got the Vegan Apple Cinnamon. We didn’t eat them until we had lunch at the airport but they were the most moist and decadent cupcakes I’ve ever consumed! I think if you believe cupcakes are overrated (me) you’ll be proved otherwise. Don’t be discouraged by the 20+ min wait, it goes by fast!
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Going to DC for this Runcation was amazing despite the cold. Kat and I had been friends since 05′ but I believe this was our first trip on our own ever. I don’t have too many girl friends but I value the little ones I do have.  This trip won’t be our last.
Until we run again, Sam@empire
Recap of @smankeyy running the streets of DC better than our government ;) I can't believe this weekend went by so quick, but I'm glad to be back in the cozy Bay Area, avoiding the snow storms that are now blizzarding the east coast.
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