#i Need to continue that lyric comic i really do but the song is So Long
creamiceandsugar · 3 months
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so i knelt beside the river and
i drank until i drank until
i drank until i died
but something in the water must have
brought me back it brought me back
it brought me back to life
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Random Lackadaisy Pilot Thoughts:
-- I knew going in that I would have a fundamental disagreement with this pilot, from both knowing median audience preferences and seeing promotional documents; namely Rocky. Rocky is your zany lyrical comic relief character, who says things like this all the time:
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And everyone in universe treats him like that police officer does; as an annoying lunatic. On the page this level of court jester can work; no one is reading it aloud to me, I can go at my own pace, others in-universe are responding the way I would respond in-universe, I can appreciate the dynamic. As spoken dialogue though, its a lot harder - he is talking *at* me, I am no longer a distant observer but instead just like one of the characters in the story, feeling what they are feeling; namely, cringe.
So how do you execute a character like Rocky on screen? A lot of ways (he isn't an issue at all if this is a comedy or a musical, for example) but overall I think you need to pair him off and reduce him - he should be playing off people most of the time, talk like 40% less, get interrupted more, his lines should often be set-ups for eye-roll punchlines by others. You balance him for the reality of film.
However! Rocky is also the 'protagonist' - not really, but he is the first character we meet - and a fan favourite. Western animation 'loves' zany weirdo characters, he is flash you can use to position your product in the market. So Rocky is not reduced in the pilot, he is expanded - full solo opening, musical number, lots of setpiece sequences around him. He is absolutely the primary character of the pilot. Which does not work for me, I think it was a poor choice - it sells the story itself short.
-- Related to that, I think the Rocky choice and some others frayed the story's film noir tone. Lackadaisy is famous amoung webcomics for its out-of-this-world levels of detailed shading and toning, which it uses to build a city of shadows and light:
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Its the kind art that sells a troubled man torturing his bounty for information about his own dark past for pyschological reasons. There is just no way an indie long-form animated show can look like this, they aren't Studio Shaft. So your Mordecai is gonna look like this
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Which is fine, but you are bleeding film noir points, you need to make them up elsewhere - which you cannot do if zany Rocky is your lead and 60% of the run time is combat shenanigans! This pilot is selling a very different vision of the story; its aesthetics have been altered by the demands of the medium, and the story isn't calibrated to that to preserve the comic's balance (which is equally serious & comedic).
There is also a plotting issue behind this to - the pilot does not start the same way as the comic, in the comic Rocky's opponents are some unimportant farmhands he is robbing, meanwhile Mordecai is introduced in full targeting some equally unimportant dudes. Which means people get to die, fight scenes can get brutal, it can pivot from comedic to serious by escalating the stakes. However, since this pilot is all main characters, they all have plot armor, no one can die, so the tone has to stay zany. The characters cant bleed, so the film noir points continue to do so for them.
-- Lol these short thoughts ballooned, sorry! I definitely still liked it, I love Lackadaisy after all. Something I did like was that, even though it could not preserve the sepia-shadow detail of the comic, when given the space it did a lot of great things with lighting, special effects and staging to give it visual flair. Rocky's bridge song has a lot of that:
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And the final cigar-ash-burning-the-flower shot was a great all-into-our-vibe choice:
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When the pilot chose to be fully art deco or film noir, it really hit it.
-- This pilot is a great example of industry shaping art. This is not a short, its a pilot; a pilot is a pitch letter to production studios asking them to pick up your show. That is a different ask from "be a good first episode for your story". It wants to introduce all the cast because everyone has their favourites and you want to maximize buzz with casting like their voice actors and stuff. It wants to be flashy with a lot of combat and movement because that is what a studio thinks the 'median' audience member wants from a cartoon. It probably toned down the blood because as a cartoon in America it needs to be pitched for an all-ages demo and doesn't want box itself into a corner ratings-wise. The ways it deviates from the comic are probably less artistic desire and instead a combination of the medium-is-the-message and the realities of how a show like this is financed if its going to reach a full cour. I can't fault it for any of that, and it really helps to know those things as you are watching it imo.
-- What is up with the rough pencil motion lines still in the final cut??
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This isn't a budget or accident thing, these shots are fully colored and lit and all that, removing those lines would have been trivial. At least I think they should have been. It seems an intentional choice, but it kindof baffles me, why? Someone must have explained this somewhere, I am legitimately asking, if you know tell me.
-- Lots of great Cat Moments, Mordecai hissing at the water, amazing. We need at least one an episode if this gets picked up.
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jelixpo · 30 days
(This may sound random but)
For the bowuigi comic what song do you think would fit the characters in the story?
Anon, when I tell you I finished answering this ask, providing links and lyrics for the canon representation of the characters before I scrolled back up and realised you were asking about A Table Turned. Just had to share that lol, my reading comprehension is great.
Obligatory continuing under the cut because this'll get long
Blame it on the Neon by Leaving Thomas
Luigi in the story is just so fed up with his life in the MK, he's willing to do anything to escape it. It's alluded to in the story that Bowser didn't really have to do much to get Luigi to trust him, the cracks in the foundation were already showing, so to speak. Specifically the lyric below really sums up his choices in the story.
If I just made a big mistake, it’s better made in the red shade That don’t hurt my eyes I bet this bar has seen it all, the way these walls can make you fall Woah, these colours go straight to head So I’ll blame it on the neon if I lean on him right away The way the light is glowing, how he’s holdin’ me, I wanna stay Stay out of the daylight, the moonlight, it just feels right These drinks ain’t too strong If this is all wrong I’ll blame it on the neon
Honourable mention: Boys Will be Bugs by Cavetown
The Next Right Thing for Frozen 2 by Kristen Bell
Mario is just really broken for the majority of the story, so this feels right.
This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down But a tiny voice whispers in my mind "You are lost, hope is gone But you must go on And do the next right thing" Can there be a day beyond this night?
Honourable mention: Eight by Sleeping At Last
Are You Satisfied? by MARINA
When talking to friends irl about my representation of Peach, I like to classify her as morally dark-grey. Clearly doing the wrong things but for the right reasons, and there's a part of her that knows she's doing the wrong things but she's so wound up in being perfect that she can't stand to admit when she's made a mistake.
High achiever, don't you see? Baby, nothing comes for free They say I'm a control freak Driven by a greed to succeed Nobody can stop me Cause it's my problem if I want to pack up and run away It's my business if I feel the need to smoke and drink and sway It's my problem, it's my problem if I feel the need to hide And it's my problem if I have no friends and feel I want to die
Honourable mention: Bird Song by Florence + The Machine
Sick of the Silence by Mother Mother
I don't really know how to explain this one. Just vibes lol
I get so sick of the silence Because I'm terrified of what's inside of it Yeah, I get so sick of the silence That I have to That I have to just scream (I don't wanna hear what's deep inside of me)
Honourable mention: I'm Still Here for Treasure Planet by John Rzeznik
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echotunes · 9 months
Slimecicle characterization: (sorry this is a bit long)
* Mainly referred to as slime but close friends (Wilbur, Philza, etc.) almost exclusively call him Charlie
* He makes up slime related words a lot and will just make random noises
* Makes up songs a lot/ will replace lyrics of existing songs to whatever he finds situationally appropriate/ funny
* Does both goofy humor where he laughs at himself/ along with others and dry humor where he plays everything totally straight
* “Yarf/ I’m gonna yarf” (throw up)
* “My bones!” (When hurt)
* Doesn’t use emoticons in messages, no caps unless it’s the full word for emphasis, single messages with punctuation if needed (chat example: “we won the war. (qsmp)” vod 35:45 you can see his chat history with Foolish)
* He has a really extensive vocabulary and when making jokes will always switch up the phrasing/ use synonyms so as to not say the same words repeatedly
* He will make jokes to himself/ quietly and if no one heard it then he might repeat it once more but never more than that
* He makes himself the butt of the joke a lot, especially with new people. Only when he’s super close friends with someone will he makes jokes about them
* Literally king of the bit. Will take any opportunity to continue a bit or make a new one (breaking Roier’s windows, calling Phil old, getting “stuck” in the ghost maze)
* Mf is both easily distracted and laser focused, often at the same time and rarely aware of his surroundings
* He almost never responds to being hit when people are trying to get his attention, especially if he’s having a conversation with someone else (in general if he’s having a one on one convo with someone he’s practically blind to anyone else)
* Doesn’t move around when talking to the point that someone may leave his view and it might take a few seconds for him to move to see them again
* Despite being highly social he doesn’t like interacting with large groups that have multiple conversations going on (most likely cause it’s hard for him to pull focus) - he’ll often ask others to step to the side
* *After leaving a group* “I can finally hear myself think”
* He’s isn’t super knowledgeable about minecraft so isn’t aware of a lot of mechanics. He plays almost exclusively to hang out with people and doesn’t enjoy doing things alone
* Will play into his own ignorance for a joke - typically comically over exaggerated
* He’s super grateful for gifts and if it’s something that directly benefits him (amour, food, supplies) he’ll always ask if the giver is sure
* If he’s around quackity there is an extremely high chance of him getting manipulated
* Boy has pipes and while yes this does make him a good singer it also makes him a really loud screamer
* Loves to be silly and goofy and then pulls out the most gut wrenching angst/ trauma you’ve ever had the misfortune of witnessing
* When in serious situations will entirely drop any jokes and talks very sincerely/ more soft voice
Specifically QSMP
* Canonically can shape shift
* Was kept in a cage as a child and had abusive parents and multiple other siblings who are assumedly deceased
* Thinks very lowly of himself and doesn’t think himself deserving of any kindness shown towards him since accidentally killing Tilín
* Is an alcoholic and self harms (uses a taser to electrocute himself when he feels sad… which is often)
* Loves his family more than anything and actively talks about how much he misses them every time he streams
* Fights with Mariana are more humor based - like what’s the most absurd thing that can be said
* Repeats eggs’ names a lot when talking to them
* There’s natural gas in his mine that makes him hallucinate and forget things
(I definitely went a bit overboard with this so feel free to pick and choose what would actually be useful for the cheat sheet. Hopefully there’s some helpful stuff here 💙)
!! ty so much anon! I'm not much of a Charlie viewer so this is a big help I'll make sure to add it to the doc
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bluepeachstudios · 10 months
GitS Asks
(These are from before Chapter 30 came out)
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They're unprepared but they make up for it in their tenacity and flexibility!
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You. Are you spying on me? Squints
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OUGH </3
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Yeah, Don will make friends with anyone! He's often torn up over them leaving, as well. Ghost just lost too much. He's scared to get close to people because they might leave, or he might leave, but the kids kind of kidnapped him, so.
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Spirit thinks that Leo's unfocused but he definitely doesn't mind it. He does think a lot about "is this how I would have been had I not been the leader?" He loves Leo, though. He loves that he gets to be silly goofy and a kid.
Spirit thinks Raph makes a good leader when he's not panicking over his little brothers. He's got a bit of learning to do, and some helicopter brothering going on, but Spirit gets it. This Raph isn't as angry. He can't afford to be as angry and reckless as Spirit's Raphael.
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Probably Splinter, considering he's more skilled as a ninja but also incredibly used to Rise logic fhgkdjfhg
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Oh yeah Mike would have a GRAND old time with the villains. He'd love the banter, love the theming. God he'd be delighted. All the villains are confused because he always gets so excited to see them.
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Yup! One way or another, Don gets mutated.
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The TV shows, movies, books, songs, entertainment media. There might be equivalents in this dimension, but not all of them exist. He wishes he could read Justice Force stuff because that's what his Mikey was most into, but it doesn't exist in the Rise Dimension. There are songs he can't quite remember the lyrics to but the melodies are stuck in his head. Some stuff just. Doesn't exist here.
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Bringing back the Michelangelo saying "So THAT'S where you've been you WHORE" joke for this one
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Arguably yes. In another dimension, Splinter lost his son the same way Rise Splinter lost his mother. It makes him worry that he's going to lose his sons again, so he withdraws further, which only worsens his depression. When Ghost withdraws, the kids go and drag him out, because they know that they can. They probably tried, when they were younger, to spend time with Splinter even when he felt bad, but he snapped at them sometimes. They would leave, and he'd feel even worse about himself.
Ghost being around means he doesn't have to worry about them as much. Ghost can do that for him. Ghost is a better father than him. Like Ghost said, he's a terrible father. So why bother trying?
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I feel like I've definitely answered this before or it's in the fic, but he likes to bake with Mikey and do drawing stuff with him. Ghost only does blueprints, so his drawings are all very technical, but Mikey likes to do this thing where he takes Ghost's technical drawings and paints them all wild and colorful and it's a very nice juxtaposition.
With Leo, Ghost geeks out with him. They read Jupiter Jim comics together, they watch Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim movies, Leo will infodump about theories and headcanons and basically fanfic ideas he has, and Ghost will happily listen. His big brother used to listen to is infodumps, so this feels like repaying him, somehow.
Raph and Ghost usually train, or Ghost shows Raph how to build things. Raph's a big guy, he's a bit clumsy, he's never felt like he could build or make anything before, not like Mikey or Donnie, who are creative as all get out. But Ghost shows him he just needs the right medium. Metal is good for Raph because he can bend it easily, and he starts enjoying welding. He helps Ghost with a lot of the bigger repairs around the lair. Otherwise, they'll sit and read next to each other. They get cozy.
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Yeah. That's why during "Same As It Never Was" short story, when Ghost intercepted Freshly Mutated Lou, they both kinda just. Broke down to each other and then. Y'know. Raised the kids together. Co-parenting. Generally much better off than Ghost continuing to isolate himself.
Anonymous asked: I really do love how you make a point to emphasize that mutated Ghost is a scared animal more than a monster. 03 didn’t really give the time or depth to explore Ghost’s psyche as much. (Not that it’s a bad thing! It’s my favorite arc for a reason and part of it is just the nature of a visual and auditory medium rather than a written one, plus the nature of weekly episodes and the audience being a bunch of kids who are freaking out over their favorite character, it simply makes sense why they didn’t dwell on that and instead focused on his brothers’ reactions to it instead.) As a complete animal nerd to the point where animals and animal behavior is basically a special interest of mine though, it REALLY scratches an itch when writers actually take how animals actually think and behave into account rather than just defaulting to stereotypical monster behavior. An injured animal IS the most dangerous thing you can encounter in the wild for a reason. They’re scared. They’re in pain. They’re worried you want to kill them and therefore think they have nothing left to lose and will fight with everything they have to get you away from them. On top of it all, Ghost has just enough of his mind left to seek stuff out but not know /why/ he does the things he does. He follows scents that are familiar. He didn’t chase the boys or lunge until they got too close. He still tries to hide. Leo’s right when he says Ghost still doesn’t want to hurt them, it’s just that for once animal panic and self preservation instincts are making him forget everything else. He doesn’t understand that they’re trying to help him. A scared animal doesn’t want to fight, it just wants to be safe. -- (Keep Scrolling Anon)
This is a very good analysis on what I wanted Ghost to feel like. He's in a massive amount of pain. He's scared. He wants it to stop, but there are things reaching for him. He doesn't know that he's hurting the people he cares about, he just knows that he's being hurt.
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@hrshlandturtles Yup! Fridays seem to be a good day to do stuff. A lot of other fics update on Saturday or Sunday and Friday is a good time for people who were busy with school or work to read the chapter after getting back for the weekend.
-------- The following ask happened after Chapter 30 released!
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:') I'm very sorry for everyone's pain. I tried to warn people.
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bvannn · 5 months
Weekly Update December 22, 2023
Still recovering from the semester, going very slowly. I’m trying to do stuff but mood and body are being volatile. Probably dread and anxiety leading up to the surgery next Tuesday, but I have been updated that most likely I will actually be able to leave on the same day after all because they moved it to 7:30 in the fucking morning. Convenient I guess but also going to be messed up that whole week probably.
I did a good few drawings yesterday. If I’m feeling up tonight I might do more. I’m trying to do more of the soft shading in addition to the hard shading, so the hard shading isn’t as harsh looking. Did it in my new pfp and it looks really good on the ghosts in particular. Has had more mixed results on the others but that’s probably due to my color choices.
Going to try fiddling with comic thumbnails as well, hoping it’ll be a larger project for next year. I’ve been drawing the characters for my secondary story a little more than I probably should so I’m going to hope inspiration hits for the O’Malley kids soon, since art block is kinda cropping up in that regard.
Music: the main song I’ve been working on is done instrumentally for now, soundfonts did in fact fix everything. Specifically the Touhou soundfont, because of course it was that one. I’m hoping if I get more energy tonight I can record pieces for the next song. I’ll still need to fiddle with outlining and lyrics for the first song, but I can’t progress much further on it until I manage to snag a vocaloid or utau (or synthV or cevio I guess, but idk or care much about those). Next couple ones I try to bite at are going to probably be instrumental. I might throw boards together for videos for them but that will be low priority until the songs are done done.
TRGA: so due to circumstance I haven’t really had as much chance to work on it as I thought. I did start cleaning up Tim 1-4, but not too much beyond that. Mostly because the time I set aside for it has been allotted to tending to my mood and body, so hopefully after some rest I can start taking bigger bites at it. If I get messed up on painkillers next week that is the project I will be most likely to work on, so I’ll try to get actual big bites out of it. If I get myself back to doing a schedule, I can probably get shots done faster than I have, which is good because admittedly I have been probably more proscrastinatey than I should be. Tonight I’ll try to continue on it, until I get Tim completely cleaned up, and potentially also get started on his face or hands.
Next week will be unpredictable, due to holiday and surgery. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get that computer I’ve been teased about so I can try to actually unload all my music making stuff, and get a good opportunity to reorganize my CSP brushes. I went a bit crazy on Black Friday this year since music software sites apparently just have 100% off sales on some of their cheaper items, and I got like $300 worth of stuff for free and then some. Haven’t been using it because of storage space. Whatever, bottom line is I can’t really predict next week but I can try to put a schedule together tonight and maybe abide by it as best I can. Whatever.
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
Hello! Just trying out the Redacted Audio Matchup!
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
I am currently obsessed with the song Bitterwater by The Oh Hellos, I love folk-rock and songs I feel like would be played in a DND tavern.
"Bury me beneath the tree I climbed when I was a child"
I don't know why I liked this verse but it gave me a message that home is a place where you are the happiest (If that makes sense)
What is your Enneagram type?
I am a type 4 (the individualist) which makes sense kind of
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I have actually never heard of this channel so I don't have an answer.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
Their name is Jasmine, they've been my imaginary friend since I was a kid, and they change their look on the regular, they're usually there to comfort me when I'm down and alone.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Usually just put on some asmr video and wait till I fall asleep.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
I keeping my name at the moment, though I have tried to think of a name that suits me, that makes comfortable and confident in it. I don't have a name yet, but I hope to find one in the future
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
"Talking Commitment with your Werewolf Boyfriend"
This video just really shows how strong and healthy Milo and Sweetheart's relationship is, that they clarify that they don't feel like they need to get married to be devoted to each other. I love Milo and Sweetheart's relationship, it's full of fluff and understanding for each other.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Vega, he just doesn't interest me, he seems so bland and just has really nothing really worth for my to hear.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
How to Train Your Dragon (all the movies)
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
I know this kinda seems basic but Huxley, I see him more as a brother/best friend then anything romantic.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
I just start rambling about the most random things, like they aren't even related to what I was saying before, they just start Poppin outta nowhere.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Sausage rolls and Hot Chocolate, it always makes me feel like a child again.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
Funny thing...I don't have a playlist, the playlist I think would count would just be The Oh Hellos! Dear Wormwood album. I just love their songs ❤️
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Tough one but it would have to be reading bl comics and manga.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
I am an artist who is striving to be a character designer one day! I love DND and rpg games, I dance and sing in my room by myself, and I use my imagination more than I think is healthy. I am queer, and I want to make friends, but I tend to be quite odd to talk with, so that is mostly a problem. I very much hate math too and I am not a morning person (very much a night owl)
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Lemme tell you, this one took me on a RIDE- a flimflamming, tossing and turning, back and forth ride with loop de loops. I had to think incredibly hard about this, so it is with hard won assurance when I say you and Ollie must be together.
Being a Type Four, the Individualist, your imaginary friend, and wanting to make friends gives me the image of someone who’s kind of lonely, if I may say so? Ollie wouldn’t let that continue, because he personifies loyal, sweet, simple companionship like no other Redacted boi. Making friends would be so easy and natural with him by your side, integrating your lives together, introducing you to his cat, inviting you to board game nights with his friends. A life with him would be very full.
It would also be so fun! I think another reason y’all would get along so well is that y’all like a lot of the same things! I can just imagine y’all sharing character playlists for your campaigns, exchanging little TTRPG memes, getting little Cattywumpus footsteps all over your character sheets because y’all left them on the coffee table. When you’re not out with your TTRPG friends, you’re having lots of cozy nights in, chilling on the couch, Ollie kissing your cheek as he watches you draw over your shoulder.
They'll speak of me in whispered tones/ And say my name like it shakes their bones/ 'Cause we'll dance together so close we're sharing breath/ But now I'm leading, doesn't that just scare you to death
Is this a traditionally romantic or cute song? No. Is it hella fantasy, storytelling, narrative vibes? Abso-fucking-lately. It’s giving enemies to lovers with indescribable, undeniable chemistry and tension, and I think you and Ollie would have a blast carpool karaoke-ing it and acting it out.
So here’s where the issue was- Milo and Ollie were fucking duking it out for your hand with Asher just ekeing out behind in third. They’re both sweet and supportive, fun, eager to engage with your interests and hobbies; Milo even has a cat too. Ollie just fucking won because it’s canon he’s a game nerd and I liked an Unempowered boy with you.
note: we should be friends I myself am odd and unusual 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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souryogurt64 · 1 year
i think the post i’m abt to ask for a link to was made by you so apologies if it wasn’t but-
can you please link the post where you were talking about how the lyric “so he gets to die a saint but she will always be the whore” is probably loosely based on Lynz due to the way mcrtwt (mostly) has gone for her throat?
oh god tumblrs search function is doing most popular instead of most recent and i have no organizational skills whatsoever but ill just repeat what i said x100
the line "he gets to die a saint but she will always be the whore" is pretty obviously a reference to gendered double standards. everyone tries to act like its not because everyone pretends that saying "dont flash your tits to get on a tour bus" was the most groundbreaking opinion about women anyone had ever had in 2005 and it was gerards alone because ????????????????????? coming up with anything more advanced or thinking about how gerard has actual women in his life and is one of the only emo rock band guys feminist enough to marry a female musician instead of a model half their age would rip peoples brains to pieces i guess
i dont think this is necessary "mcr twitter," likely more broadly, but mcr fandom has a really hard time reckoning how gerard is married to an "evil" woman so there are constant divorce rumors and rumors lynz is abusing him and thats why theyre together people actually censoring lynz in photos he posts of them because they just cant comprehend how gerard, who is so deified to the point of most people in fandom believing he has a genuine connection to god, can be married to this woman they so deeply hate and are disgusted by.
lynz chief documented sin seems to be being in mindless self indulgence because jimmy urine seems to be incredibly awful and was sued for forcing a 14 year old to pee her pants on camera and war a diaper when he was 27 or something, however, gerard is also very close with jimmy urine and he was in the danger days videos and gerard and him were collaborating musically as recently as 2020.
there are a lot of questionable things involving racefaking, but gerard is also often accused of a lot of anti-asian racism in his comic books. a lot of the general drama and "receipts" about her being shitty in her personal life comes from her estranged half sister who she is no contact with. i feel like i dont need to explain why this is a biased source. lynz is accused of art theft but SO IS GERARD because they are MARRIED
she is also accused of faking playing bass and i dont know enough about technical music to weigh in on whether she is or not, but this is also something courtney love was accused of as well as not writing any of her songs. (courtney love also shitty but groundbreaking in many ways). its something female musicians are accused of frequently, and also, women experience a lot more barriers to learning how to play rock type instruments at young ages.
viv albertine of the slits, who were one of the most groundbreaking female punk bands of all time, touches on this in her memoir and she started being the slits before she really knew how to play, but she continued playing her whole life and it ultimately became something she did learn so like who the fuck cares lol
ALSO. mikey cheated on his fiancee and lynzs friend with a 19 year old fan when he was like 32 which was loser behavior and lynz set up a tumblr exposing it which was like not the most mature thing. and everyone tries to act like THIS is problematic like are you all fucking insane pete wentz was airing his alleged abortion/miscarriage/questionable abortion fictional story/whatever the fuck it was drama on blogspot and THIS is what youre concerned about
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blogger360ncislarules · 3 months
Filmmaker Adam Anders recently sat down with Movieguide®’s Evy Carroll to discuss how he got the idea to turn one of the greatest biblical events into a musical for all ages to enjoy.
“Nobody was crazy enough to try it, then I came along,” Anders said with a laugh.
Seventeen years ago, he “had this vision first when I was visiting my wife’s family in Iowa. I couldn’t find exactly this. You said nobody’s done this, and I’m like, ‘Why? We need to do this.'”
“I’ve been a songwriter and producer at that time,” he continued. “I sat down that Christmas and wrote an 11-page treatment with a bunch of song ideas and story ideas and character ideas, and that was the beginning of this journey for me.”
Seventeen years later, the movie hit the big screen. It’s now been nominated for several Movieguide® Awards, including the Epiphany Prize® Movies, the Best Movies For Families and the Grace Prize® for Movie Performance.
A synopsis of the film reads:
A young woman carrying an unimaginable responsibility. A young man torn between love and honor. A jealous king who will stop at nothing to keep his crown. This live-action Christmas musical adventure for the entire family weaves classic Christmas melodies with humor, faith, and new pop songs in a retelling of the greatest story ever told—the story of Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus. A unique new entry into the collection of holiday classic movies, this epic Christmas musical is unlike any before it.
Part of Movieguide®’s review says:
JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM is a heartfelt musical about the Nativity Story, the Birth of Jesus Christ. Taken mostly from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, the movie starts by introducing Mary and Joseph, the three wise men, and King Herod and his eldest son. Joseph sticks by Mary when he has a dream where the Angel Gabriel confirms Mary’s story about Mary carrying the Son of God. Meanwhile, after the three wise men visit the palace, King Herod sends his eldest son to find the mother of the Christ child and kill them. JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM is a great musical with lots of jeopardy and some funny comic relief to lighten the mood. The songs are really good, and so are the performances. Although this is a musical version of the Nativity Story, the filmmakers treat the birth of Jesus with the proper reverence it deserves. The script and song lyrics refer to Jesus as Lord, the Son of God, the Messiah, King of all kings, Immanuel, and “God with us.” JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM is one of the most enjoyable, uplifting movies of 2023.
Anders said he had one goal for the production: “to make a movie for the entire family.”
He wanted it to be like the “storybook Bible” he had as a kid come to life, something “that was a celebration and colorful and vibrant and fun because so many Biblical movies are more somber. People don’t smile, and there’s no color.
The musical was a hit with viewers. Many fans gave the film five stars and said, “JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM is an excellent adaptation with enjoyable songs that stays true to the spirit of the story despite taking a few liberties along the way.”
JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM received a 74% rating, according to Rotten Tomatoes.
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talentforlying · 7 months
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@pulpnovels: ♬♬♬ — SONGS I LOVE
lightning field - sneaker pimps! i initially found this song for my star wars dnd character (lady-107 my beloved) and it's been living rent-free in my head ever since. it's very on par with constantine's simultaneous regret and lack of it when he inevitably sticks his nose where it doesn't belong and gets cosmic, karmic backlash for it: he always needs to know what's going on, no matter how ugly it is. he makes himself look at the worst that the world has to offer, even when he doesn't want to. and he's always got this inner monologue of 'should have left it alone, shouldn't have opened the door, should have asked the questions', but he just keeps doing it anyway, and he doesn't give a flying fuck about the consequences so long as he gets the answers he wants.
strike me down / better left it all unknown / strike me down / should have held it all alone / wash the questions off my hands / i'm the fate in no one's plans / strike me down / give it everything you've got
ballroom blitz - sweet! this has been my car ride scream-along song since i was a teenager, AND it's some quintessential rich-the-punk-era constantine to boot!! absolutely balls to the wall bar fight banger, with a flair of hellblazer unreality to taste. there's no meta for this one, other than a nod to the 2019 john constantine: hellblazer ending that's due to be continued in january, this is just a get-off-your-ass-and-dance classic.
oh yeah! it was electric / so frantically hectic / and the band started leaving / 'cause they all stopped breathing / yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
war pigs - CAKE! this cover and t-pain's are two of my FAVORITE covers ever made, and i feel like assigning constantine the band that did short skirt / long jacket is simply the right thing to do. aside from the obvious political commentary that aligns beautifully with constantine's attitudes towards bloodthirsty politicians and war, it specifically makes me think about the early warning - how i learned to love the bomb storyline in hellblazer issues 25-26, where a dying country town of brainwashed people worship a nuclear warhead at the neighboring american missile base. there's some really fascinating commentary in that issue, and of course it ends tragically, but there's also a sick panel of constantine (who cannot drive) doing donuts in a parking lot with a hot-wired car blasting music at top volume. the lyrics are so well-aligned to the story that i'm almost certain this was their inspiration for that two-parter:
now in darkness, world stops turning / ashes where their bodies burning / no more war pigs have the power / hand of god has struck the hour
+ 3 songs: for pronsias cassidy, underrated love of my LIFE, fire in the empire - william crighton is always what plays in my head during his duel with jesse, and the lyrics remind me intensely of him waking up in the river in the comics after being turned, what with the 'iron tears' being blood. also, man catches fire in the sun, just seems to fit.
i was out where the straight road ends / red dust rises, mighty river bends / i lay down on the sand / fell into a dream / the earth and the crow appeared / with a beak of eyes filled with iron tears
for sly gould, because he is SO cool to me, con man - dispatch is the song i always thought of when i saw his promo pics! feels both sinister and playful in equal amounts, and i would love to see a scene where it's playing in the background while henry thomas walk into a room with that coin spinning over his fingers.
he's just another con man sitting on a hill / you see him at the bull fight, closest to the kill / he lives up in a tower, sells dreams to the poor / no matter how he gets 'em, he always wants some more
and for dan torrance, also the love of my life, thanatos - soap&skin gives me major doctor sleep vibes. not only does it nail the movie ending right in the heart, but i think it also kind of encapsulates his hopeless spiral at the top of the book, and the dark tint that his shine seems to have after the overlook. idk, to me this song feels like both a sunset and a sunrise, which both feel like doctor sleep danny to me.
torn open tomb / i fell in your / cold fission bomb / i fell in your war / ages of delirium / curse of my oblivion
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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The Venture Bros. #28: “Showdown at Cremation Creek Part II” | October 15, 2006 – 10:30PM | S02E13
Well, it's all lead up to this! The second part of a two-part episode wherein a lot of heavy plot stuff happens. I have to say, honestly, these episodes rank pretty low for me for Venture Bros. Seasons of Venture Bros. typically end with a big plot-shake-up action-blow-out and they are way more focused on comic-book shit than they are the comedy. This episode is well-crafted, and the action is good, but you really do feel like the comedy definitely comes second. It's a problem the show would grapple with from here on out, especially in the next season. In fact, I would almost say that these two episodes feel way more like proto-season-three episodes than they do season two.
We continue from last week, with a mock “last time on Venture Bros” bit that simply fast-forwards through the first episode up to the point where Phantom Limb shows up. This erupts into a full-scale war between everyone involved. Brock takes over as commanding officer of the Monarch's minions (with the Monarch's sort-of blessing). Hank is among the ranks, still in disguise. Dean is stuck in the engine room and hallucinating from engine fumes. Dr. Venture and the Monarch wind up fairly chummy in this episode, with the Monarch's truce still in place. The Monarch even shares an escape pod with Dr. V.
The Triad (Dr. Orpheus, Dana Snyder, and the Blacula hunter guy) are trying to get in on the action, showing up to conveniently rescue Dean, preserving his easily-replaced life. Our principals mostly come out unscathed, except for Phantom Limb, whose invisible limbs are tripped over and made into trophies when the dust settles.
The most memorable part of this is David Bowie seemingly gets killed at the start when we find out that Iggy Pop and Klaus Nomi are actually double agents for Phantom Limb. Bowie, aka the Sovereign, turns out to be a survivor, and eventually shows up to put a pin in Phantom Limb's plans. Most of the humor in these scenes involve these characters constantly referencing lyrics from their various songs. Also we find out the Monarch's henchmen's wings actually work and can lift them into the air easily; a fact that had alluded them until his moment.
All that stuff is good. It's certain things like the Triad that feels crammed in, and Dean's storybook fantasy, which resembles childhood favorite The Never-Ending Story, doesn't do much to add to the proceedings, except that one scene where he keeps missing the hints to put a sword directly in the villain's black electrified heart, insisting on chopping off arms and stabbing him in non-fatal places until he basically starts begging Dean to just aim for the heart.That’s a fun scene, but it’s basically a Monty Python sketch or something just dropped into the middle of the episode.
With this week we've reached what I believe is peak Adult Swim as far as quantity; There are seven premieres to discuss this week, which means I'm moving in real time. Things will level off eventually. I forget if I pointed this out, but this era of Adult Swim represents my return to the Adult Swim fold; I actually started recording the entire block again so I could hang onto my favorite shows and bumpers and stuff. Somewhere in my vast archives I have a rotting case of DVD-Rs I badly need to exhume so I can rip the DVDs and share them in some capacity. Will I die before that day comes? Yes. Probably.
*david cross voice* open your mailbag *knock knock knock* open your mailbag
I remember this routine and it was a phenomenally long way to go to mock the band Harlow even though they were nice to him. What a JERK!!!!
What do you think of Taz- Mania, the Taz Cartoon sitcom?
I sorta remember enjoying it slightly when it was on TV but never cared for it that much. I got a best-of VHS from a thrift store and turned it off after the first short because it sucked, and then I watched it again for my bad Simpsons blog and thought it was pathetic. BAD SHOW.
I do remember my friend’s older brother quoting a line he thought was funny, which was from Taz’s Bing-Crosby-esque father, he’s waxing romantic about meeting Taz’s mother and says something like “I knew she was the one, so I looked her in the eyes and said ‘blah blah blah, yackedy smackedy’“ (that was that guys’ catchphrase). This joke is burned into my brain. It sucks!
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allthemusic · 7 days
Week ending: 7 April
I'm hurtling towards real time - or at least closer to real time than I've been for a little while with this project, and we're getting spring-like. Perhaps that's why we're getting songs about blossom?
Cherry Pink (And Apple Blossom White) - Pérez Prado (peaked at Number 1)
I'll let you in on a secret. I have known and loved this song for some time. So you are about to get a load of gushing. Because this song rocks. If you do not know it, go listen to it. I'll wait. I could listen to this song for days.
Pérez Prado, if the name didn't give it away, is a Latin musician by trade, a bandleader from Cuba, who picked up this song, originally a French track by French-Spanish songwriter Louiguy, who also wrote La vie en rose for Édith Piaf. So it's a song with an interesting history.
I listened to the original for contrast, and it's still got quite a Spanish / Latin vibe, with a clave rhythm throughout. And lyrics! I had no clue - it's a song from 1950 about young love leading to marriage and kids, laced through with a metaphor about two trees growing together. It's slinky, with its rhythm, but still reasonably sedate.
What isn't sedate is Pérez's version! Immediately we've got blaring horns, blasting out a few brash, brassy notes, before a solo trumpet cuts through, building to a peak before woozily coming down, slurring all the way and slowing down, just minutely, so that the song threatens to lurch to a stop before continuing. If you've ever wondered what a drunk trumpet sounded like, check this out.
And then we settle into a proper sexy Latin beat, with the trumpet taking over the lines that were sung in the original, and the horns forming a sort of response to the trumpet. There's also a deep, honking horn that sometimes cuts in underneath, in a way that should be comical but kind of works. I was about to say it reminds me of a bit of Mambo No. 5, and then I looked and guess who did the original Mambo No. 5 that the Lou Bega version was based off? You guessed it, one Mr. Prado.
There's one single vocalisation in the middle, which is just a man shouting "hyuurgh". Perfect energy for the song, which keeps throwing in other little, quieter segments, before coming back to its high energy, major-key refrain. It keeps you on your toes, and honestly, it's just some of the most in-your-face brass we've had for a while, and I love it.
This is a sexy song. Imagine dancing with somebody to this, doing something slinky with your hips, pulling in close to your partner on all those woozy trumpet bits and just lingering as it slows down, almost holding your breath...
Yeah, I don't need to explain myself. This is my blog.
Prize of Gold - Joan Regan (6)
Well. Following Pérez was always going to be a tough act. But Joan really makes it easy for me to have an opinion. Because this song, I hate to say, is lame.
I'm not helped here by my particular recording, which is fuzzy and low-quality, making Joan sound like she's singing in the rain. But I think even without the rain sound, she would sound kind of glum as she starts off. And fair enough, they're not super exciting lyrics. I would be glum too, if I was singing trite nonsense like this.
I mean, we open on Why do people crave for fortune, / Everything their eyes behold? / What’s the good of fame and fortune? / Love is the prize of gold. Which is a sentiment I am behind. I too think there are more important things than money. I too think that love is pretty important. And I do think good songs to get out of it - I'm thinking in particular of the Beatles with Can't Buy Me Love with its slightly garbled but definitely anti-materialist message, or even Lorde with Royals, if you want a more recent example. But those songs have one thing in common, namely that they're fun. And this song, sadly, is not.
It's just slow, and Joan sounds kind of staid and sad. She's singing about the joys of love, but she makes them sound kind of like a reliable investment, or something, as she sings about how You have to have a heart to sing to / After all your dreams grow old and how If we have our love to cling to / We have the prize of gold. I get it, it's supposed to be romantic. But dreams growing old and having to cling to your love is hardly a glittering advertisement.
It's all a very similar tune and dynamic throughout, too, and I think that's part of the issue. I liked Cherry Pink because it kept throwing different sections at me, with different moods and different speeds and different instrumentations. And you don't get that here. Here you have lyrics - which should theoretically be an advantage for this song over Cherry Pink - and yet somehow you've made a song that says less than the instrumental did.
I'm trying to see what people saw in this, and I do think that these kind of anti-materialist "money and fame isn't the answer" songs can come about in times of economic hardship. I'm thinking of the whole punk DIY ethos, here, as well as Royals, from the depths of the financial crisis. And I guess Britain was recovering from World War II, but there was maybe still a memory of financial hardship linked to the costs of war? I mean, rationing had only ended half a year ago, so maybe this is speaking to that. Or perhaps it's more of a universal theme, beloved by grannies everywhere, and I'm talking nonsense. Who knows?
I think I've made my stance clear, and the reasons for it. Not much more needs saying, except please go listen to Cherry Pink. It's so good, a genuine ought-to-be-classic.
Favourite song of the bunch: Cherry Pink (And Apple Blossom White)
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purlturtle · 9 months
Going through my drafts and found this ask list, posted by @dduane - I really like it, so I'm going to go for it. Here are the asks themselves; my replies I'll put under a readmore so as not to clutter your dashes.
what’s the last song that got stuck in your head? (for inclusiveness to any deaf people, which I apologize for not being skilled at: what’s the last creative thing you couldn’t look away from/kept coming back to?)
name a fictional character you identify with. why?
if you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?
explain any philosophical ~epiphany you’ve ever had.
talk about a band/tv show/movie/book/fandom you love. why?
what gets you high? (chemical or not, as you wish)
would you rather die in a day or live forever? why?
if you could create an ideal nation/political system, what would it be like?
what’s your favorite story (in any form - book, tv, fanfic, storytelling, comics, song, anything)?
if you have any tattoos, and/or if you were to get any tattoos, what are they?
if you could go forward/back in time to any year, when would you go to and what would you do? (you have the option to come back.)
If anyone wants to do these, feel free!
1 - what’s the last song that got stuck in your head? (for inclusiveness to any deaf people, which I apologize for not being skilled at: what’s the last creative thing you couldn’t look away from/kept coming back to?)
"Do you wanna be an agent", because I just reblogged that. :D In fact the moment I hear a song, or see song lyrics I recognize, chances are near-certain that it'll become my earworm that instant.
2 - name a fictional character you identify with. why?
Deanna Troi, ever since I first saw her. I couldn't quite find the words for why, as a kid when I first watched TNG, but these days I know - it's her warmth, her emotionality, the way she can sense others' emotions (not just in a detached/observational way but in that she feels them as well). The way that that makes life among people who are unaware of that quite hard, and sometimes very lonely. The way that in order to function, she has to erect conscious barriers against not being flooded by other people's emotions. The way that because of all that, she is the first to strive to understand and empathize with even the worst of opponents (Armus). The way that none of that makes her weak, or a liability in the eyes of her crewmates and friends - on the contrary, they see her and her abilities as something to be cherished, something helpful, and something that is simply part of her. Also, she has a quote that I internalized as a teen, which has helped me accept myself and love myself just the way I am, and that in turn has helped me through so much in my life:
I'll never be longely, because I'll always have myself.
3 - if you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?
Enjoy myself to the fullest. That includes taking in stories (reading, watching, listening) and putting out stories (writing). That includes good food, and the company of good people (online and IRL both). That includes a home that I love and feel at ease in. That includes visiting places I have always wanted to see, and re-visiting places that I liked seeing when I visited them before.
4 - explain any philosophical ~epiphany you’ve ever had.
Radical acceptance is a stance that changed my life. For me, that means that I accept what my self asks of me - a day of quiet? Sure, let's have a day of quiet. Chocolate for breakfast because I had a shitty night, sure, let's do that. I feel like shit right now and need to be angry and rail at the world? Yep, roger that, get it out of the system, and then let's do something good to come back to a balanced state of mind.
It also applies to other people in my life. Someone had a bad time and hasn't been able to continue our conversation, so I haven't heard from them in months, even years? And now they're back to say hi? Fuck yeah my friend, I'm glad you're feeling better now. Someone tells me they need to cancel plans we had because they're not feeling good? Thank you for letting me know, of course we'll cancel; I hope you'll feel better soon - and please let me know if I can do anything. I will take what you tell me at face value and in good faith. I will accept you, as you are, because that is how I want to treat people (including myself).
And it applies to life. Granted, that's the hardest: some things aren't easy to accept. And it doesn't mean taking things lying down - accepting doesn't mean liking; accepting just means "this is the way this thing is. I might not like it, but there's no use denying that this is the way this thing is. Now, can I change it?" I'm working on accepting that I am functionally/socially disabled now. There are a ton of things that are impossible for me to do right now, and I have no idea if I'll ever be able to do them again. Denying that, OR railing against that, is futile and counterproductive; it'll only deplete my energy to work out how to live with it. (like I said: not easy.)
5 - talk about a band/tv show/movie/book/fandom you love. why?
I love the Bering and Wells fandom and the friends I made in it. We're a bunch of whackos still talking over a show that stopped airing almost ten years ago; we still write, draw, make gifsets and other kinds of art, for these two goobers that we've all fallen in love with. It's a small fandom, at this point (it never really was huge to begin with), and quite the welcoming place.
6 - what gets you high? (chemical or not, as you wish)
Feels. As outlined in my reply about Deanna Troi above, I can easily feel what someone else is feeling. In the ideal moment, this creates such a positive feedback loop that I'm on top of the world. Even outside that feedback loop with others, I can call up any feeling within myself like someone putting a song on their internal jukebox - "oh, what shall we feel right now: love? Sure, a classic, let's go for it." And just like that, I feel love - for a person, for a place, for a song, for the whole world. And that's a pretty big fucking high, that is.
7 - would you rather die in a day or live forever? why?
Live forever. I'm so curious where we'll go, as a society. (I'm also often disillusioned and salty and unspeakably angry, but that hasn't diminished my lust for life yet.) If it's a choice between only these two options? Live forever.
8 - if you could create an ideal nation/political system, what would it be like?
I actually don't mind the one I'm living in - capitalism, but (hear me out, please, I'm not talking about the US/UK system, which is fucked) with checks and balances: social market economy. Sure, it could be better than what we're currently doing with it. UBI would be my first big change, and a big shift towards the left with regards to taxes and what they'll finance, and corporations and what they'll no longer be allowed etc etc. But yeah, we're not doing so badly over here.
9 - what’s your favorite story (in any form - book, tv, fanfic, storytelling, comics, song, anything)?
For people (the protagonist for sure, but others in the narrative as well) to find love. Be that romantic love, a found family kind of scenario (and if that merges with biological/legal family situations, i.e. someone in that group marrying or having a kid, sure, the more the merrier no matter what family bonds there are), friendship/platonic love, mentoring, etc. etc. The predominant emotion of my childhood and teenage years was a profound sense of loneliness, and I'm a sucker for stories in which people find a place where they aren't lonely anymore.
10 - if you have any tattoos, and/or if you were to get any tattoos, what are they?
I still want to get a tattoo that symbolizes my writing and Bering and Wells, and I also want to get one to remind myself that being highly sensitive is something to accept about myself and take pride in, even if it's hard to bear sometimes. Not sure yet what to do about the latter; I'm thinking of a flower or plant that is difficult to cultivate (needs the exact right conditions to thrive) but is also very beautiful if you can get it to thrive.
11 - if you could go forward/back in time to any year, when would you go to and what would you do? (you have the option to come back.)
Might go back and tell myself to actually take the step to break up with the people I stayed with out of a desire to make it work, until *they* broke up with me in turn? Then again, might go back even further and try to prevent Reagan and Thatcher from being elected? Then again, might go back EVEN further and have a dinner date with Katharine Hepburn, or Sappho herself.
Not going forward because, remember, I'm living forever anyway. I'll get there in time. The long way around.
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bvannn · 1 month
Weekly Update March 29, 2024
I’m pretty volatile in terms of mood, but I did get a good amount of actual work done on projects. I’m exhausted, I haven’t fixed my sleep schedule yet because I’m addicted to working. Like I’ve genuinely tried to stop and go to be early or sleep in and I just always ‘just one more drawing, just one more verse, just one more thumbnail, it’s let me find this one perfect instrument, just let me finish these four bars, just let me-‘ and before you know it it’s two hours past bedtime and you haven’t even brushed your teeth yet. Or eaten dinner. On the bright side all the stuff I’ve done has gone pretty well!
First big exciting point, that little pitch comic I’ve been working on? Thumbnailing/writing is done. Done enough anyway. I might still go back to edit some pages but I can get going on others now, which is great because even though I’ll only post the full thing once I have the whole comic complete, I might post individual panels, so there will be stuff to see! I’m also going to try to keep writing at night, so I can let other episodes and stories play out a bit, but Art priority will be shifting more to the comic. It will be 30 pages so it will likely take a while, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to do 3 or so panels a week while I’m finishing up this semester and switch to a page a day once I have more time.
Music is also going very well. I’m putting the final mixing touches on a vocaloid cover song (unless I decide to go back and redo the guitar, which I might), which I’ll try to start putting visuals to soon, although that’ll likely be pretty slow since I finally got past the thing that was bottlenecking me on the comic project. I’ll also have to get licensing settled, although that currently looks to be affordable. The whole project has given me a taste for blood and now I want to do a bunch of other cover stuff, but good news: I also found a nearly finished cover of another song that I had put aside in favor of the Green Day one. That’ll probably take a while before I can call it ‘done’, though, whereas I could probably release the first cover song today if I really wanted. I have some time tonight where I’ll try to throw some music together, maybe I’ll work on that.
There’s a few smaller nearly-finished songs I dug up from the depths of my WIPs too, one I need to redo a melody line, one I was bottlenecked on finding a specific instrument for, which I did the other day in lab, and a few others that also either need structure or Melodies. Plus there’s those two that are waiting on lyrics still but I’m still chugging at that, just slowly. I might also try that one tonight too, if I finish or can’t do the vocal cover for whatever reason. There’s also a couple character themes that haven’t really been priorities but I did re-outline one that I’ve been working on, so once I have recording time I can go try that one. That one is on its third draft so I really hope this one will stick.
Other miscellaneous projects haven’t seen much progress this week. I’m still thinking things through for that epithet TTRPG campaign, but I’m having a bit of trouble outlining the third chapter. I just need more brain power for that though, so earlier bedtimes would do it. A couple other art things keep coming to mind but I’ve been focusing more on big projects, so that’ll probably continue if I can. This next week I want to focus on keeping my body as healthy as I can, and then comic, second cover song, and visuals for first cover song, in that order of priority. Passive projects I can work on while doing other activities will be epithet TTRPG planning, song lyrics, and outlining future comic stuff, in that order of priority. If I come up with any song Melodies or ideas for visuals for the song I’m finishing up those priorities might shift, but right now I want to stick to more of a plan, since it worked out well this week.
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saiyan98 · 1 year
Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 7)
[First Chapter] - [Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
Chapter 7: Sam becomes the Eagle-Bearer.
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
So, the first day of camp (officially) and of course my brother is still asleep. Isn’t he one of the camp counselors?
This isn’t the first time this has happened; back when I was in elementary school, Percy would oversleep whenever he and Annabeth would come and visit. Usually some loud noise would tend to wake him up, especially since he snores really loud. And don’t get me started on his drool. Over 30’s and has two kids and still drools in his sleep. Like, what did Annabeth see in this guy?
Luckily, I have my phone, with my favorite music. 
I turned it with max volume to one of my favorites, Heat of the Moment by Asia.
Percy instantly woke up and sat up. 
“Rise and shine, Seaweed Brain!” I said while dancing to the song and then lip syncing to the lyrics.
Percy groaned as I told him it’s morning.
He’s never a morning person.
After we got dressed for the day, we met up with Sam for the introduction. Since I’m still a temporary camper, my introduction was short but Percy gave a strong look at the campers and asked them to behave themselves with Sam and I. 
I rolled my eyes in annoyance, he’s still my annoying, dorky overprotective brother. Many of the campers were tempted to do their traditional bathroom  initiation, but I straight up looked at them and said, “touch my friend here, and you wish you were fighting monsters.”
Most of them shivered at my wrath, but there were a couple of them that scoffed it off. 
Good to know who’d to avoid in camp. 
After the introduction, Percy took me and Sam to the barracks to get our weapon of choice.
“That reminds me, Annabeth is coming over with the kids,” Percy said on the way.
“Really?! That’s awesome! I need her to tell me everything!” I said excitedly. As we reached the barracks, I noticed several campers all dirty and filled with dirt and soot. 
“Children of Hephaestus,” Percy explained. “They love tinkering and building stuff. Leo’s one too.”
“That makes so much sense,” I said. “But… that still doesn’t explain how he managed to get a woman like Calypso?” I asked. 
Percy chuckled. “He asked himself the same question. Check out the inventory, see what peaks your interest.” I nodded and looked around. 
There are many kinds of weapons on the shelves. Swords; daggers; spears; axes; etc. There was just a huge variety of weapons. One of the children of Hephaestus, Jim was his name, helping me and Sam on recommendations. 
Knowing Sam though, she’s a hardcore fan of Assassin’s Creed. And with the many references to Greek Mythology, well…
“I don’t know what to pick,” Sam said excitedly. “What do you think I should get, Stella?”
I shrugged. 
Sam continues to look around as I did the same. Truth be told, I never  thought about what kind of weapon I’d use, fantasy or not. Though if I had to choose it’d be something like how Annabeth or Percy would fight. I know Percy uses a sword, but that doesn’t seem like my style. He did tell me that Annabeth tends to use a dagger but lost during their trip to Rome so she tends to use a sword made of Drakon bones. 
Another reason why she’s awesome. 
Though if you think about it, each weapon would have a fallback in comeback. Jim was telling us about each type of weapon downfalls. For swords, you’ll need room to even swing or thrust or you’ll be in trouble. Daggers are good for close combat but very ineffective against enemies from distance. Polearms can do that but it’s difficult for close range as well as concealment. 
After much debate in my head, I went for the daggers. Thanks to the many lessons I received from Annabeth, I’m pretty good with martial arts. Percy insisted that I learned self-defense just in case. It’s funny though because it didn’t do much against Vulture and the Minotaur. Plus, after watching Supernatural, I always dream of having a demon-killing knife like Dean Winchester. Maybe someday Jim or his siblings can make a replica someday. That’d be awesome.
“Found something?” Percy asked. 
“Yeah, I’m gonna go with a dagger. You know how Dean Winchester has a knife when hunting monsters? I figured I should give it a try.”
“Estelle, this is real-life, not a tv show.”
I rolled my eyes.
“I know, Percy. I’m just stating some inspiration for my choice. Anyways, let’s see what Sam picked.” 
We both went to find Sam in the barracks and found her picking a sword. 
“What’s that?” I asked. 
“A Kopis! It’s one of the many weapons Greeks would use back then.”
I chuckled and asked, “Let me guess, Assassin’s Creed?” 
Sam smiled and shrugged , “You know me.” 
We both laughed until Sam noticed something in one of the crates of weapons. 
“Hey, Jim,” Sam said to one of the campers in the barracks. “What’s that crate for?” 
Jim responded, “Just some defective gear in the past. We tend to have some gears and artifacts that can’t be reused or destroyed so we keep them in that box.”
Sam kneels down towards the crate and picks up what seems to be a broken piece of a spear. It’s mostly just the tip with the other end broken off. The blade is completely rusted and unfit to be used for any reason.
“Where did you guys get the broken spear from?” I asked.
“Been around since Ancient Greece. It was leftovers from the fallen Spartans during the Persian invasion.”
“The 300 Spartans?!” Sam yelled in excitement. Jim nodded and it made her squeal in excitement. I already knew what this meant. You see, Sam loves history. Especially ancient history and war. So when Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey came out, it became one of our favorite games. So the fact that we’re finding an actual broken spear from the 300 Spartans is one of Sam's happiest moments in her life. 
“Can I take it?! Please?” She asked. 
Jim shrugged. 
“If you want, go ahead. The spear is rusted and nothing we do seems to work on it. We even try to attach it to another polearm, but it seems to… reject it. So we had no choice but to just leave it in the crate with the others. You can keep it as a souvenir if you like.”
Sam shouted yes when suddenly, the spear blade started to glow and shake rapidly. All of a sudden, the rust on it washed away.
“Sam, you okay?!” Percy asked. 
Sam responded, “Yeah but… what was that?”
Everyone looked at the spear as it continued to glow. 
“No way…” Jim said. “They tried everything to lose the rust. How…”
“Because that spear once belonged to a powerful warrior,” Said another voice. 
We all looked and found Annabeth, wearing one of the camp’s T-shirts and jeans. 
“Annabeth!” I yelled. “You got here quickly.” 
“No monster sightings. Seems like you guys made a lot of commotion last time.”
“Mrs. Jackson,” Sam said. “What do you mean a powerful warrior?”
Annabeth walked toward the spear and picked it up. The glow shimmered as she did and gave it to Sam.
“The Spear once belonged to a powerful Spartan warrior. A king.”
Sam and I gasped as we knew exactly who.
“Leonidas of Sparta…” I said. 
Annabeth nodded and spoke, “Long ago, before Leonidas confronted the Persian army of Xerxes, he was visited by the gods and was gifted with a spear. To this day, we don’t know what this spear is made of. But, it always glows whenever Leonidas wields it. And now…” Annabeth hands the spear to Sam. “It seems it found its next user.”
“Me?” Sam asked. 
“With some practice, we’ll help you learn how to use a weapon.”
Sam grasped at the spear and was in awe. Eventually, we all left, thanking the children of Hephaestus for their help. 
“Where are the kids?” I asked. 
“They’re with the children of Demeter. They’re really great babysitters and they owe me a favor. Now, tell me about your experience here so far.”
Sam and I explained to her everything about our experience. From the car chase to the introduction ceremony.  
“Wow,” Annabeth said. “You two had the same experience as Percy did.”
“Exactly what I thought when he told us his story!” I yelled. “Which reminds me. Annabeth? You’re a demigod too, right? Who’s your godly parent?” 
“Oh, Athena.”
“What?!” I yelled. “You, a daughter of Athena, is married to a Son of Poseidon?!” 
“I see that you are listening to your classes, Estelle.” 
“Only her favorite ones,” Sam added. “Also, Mrs. Jackson?”
“Just call me Annabeth, sweetie,” Annabeth replied.
“Okay, Annabeth, why did you say I was chosen by the spear?” 
“After the death of Leonidas, the spear never glowed again. It just rusted away until now. Not even Leonidas’ descendants were able to unlock its power. It just stays dormant. The fact that it awoke right when you picked it up shows that you have something in you that is special.” 
“Woah,” Sam said. “Then… Can I be called Samantha, The Eagle-Bearer?!” 
I laughed because I knew the moment we saw the spear, she’d make an Assassin’s Creed reference. She alway loves playing those games. 
“Let's just focus on your training. You get to join the Capture the Flag game tomorrow.”
“And apparently, I don’t” I said, sulking.
“Sorry, Estelle,” Annabeth said. “But I agree with Percy. Our camp activities are a little too much for you.” 
“Yet it’s fine for kids younger than me to join,” I replied.
“Estelle, look,” Percy spoke. “Demigods are different from regular people like you. Because we have godly blood in us, we’re hunted by monsters. We have no choice but to learn to fight, so that we can live to see tomorrow.”
I was also gonna reply how Sam and Dean from Supernatural were humans too and they fought even powerful beings, even God himself. But, then again, they only won because Chuck (God) blessed them with luck so that they could give him more writing materials. 
Crazy right?
“Let's just learn to fight,” I said. 
We arrived at the training arena and the Jacksons were teaching us formations and tips on how to wield a weapon. Since I was using a dagger, Annabeth is teaching me while Percy is teaching Sam how to wield a sword. 
Annabeth was really good at using daggers back in her teen days. But ever since she lost it in her fight with Arachne, she uses a sword made of Drakon bones. I tend to ask her about Arachne since just a couple days ago I was at a museum learning about a tablet based on her. But, Annabeth doesn’t like talking about it. Apparently, Children of Athena are mortal enemies to spiders and freak out the moment they see one. 
That does explain one time how Annabeth got on the dining table during their visit. I saw a little spider and she just screamed in fear. Since Sam and I like spiders, we tend to just pick them up and drop them outside safely. 
I never stopped teasing her about it since.
“Hey Annabeth?” I asked during our training.
“What was Piper McClean like?” I asked. I was still surprised that Percy and Annabeth knew Piper McClean.
“Oh… Piper was… kind and supportive to us.” 
“Percy said she doesn’t come to camp anymore. And I never saw her come visit us like you and the others.” 
Annabeth had a sad look on her face when she replied. “…She went through some difficult times at the moment and… well, Camp just brings a lot of memories.”
“Bad memories?”
“No… good memories…”
I was confused, but she said she’ll talk about it some other time when she’s ready. 
“Okay, then how about Jason? Can you tell me about him? I saw him in a picture with you and everyone. Percy said he’s not around anymore so… I’m assuming the worst right now.”
Annabeth hesitated for a second but nodded. 
Jason Grace was his name and he was Thalia Grace’s younger brother. Apparently the siblings were children of Zeus/Jupiter. He was this tall handsome guy with great looks and was strong in combat. He can fly like Superman, thus tends to be called that by his friends. But he tends to get beaten up hard by enemies and can be a little clumsy sometimes. But despite that, he always gets back up and does the right thing, no matter what.
“Sounds to me like he’s no Superman.” I said.
“He made mistakes, sure. But he’s always there for his friends.”
“No, Annabeth. I meant that he’s no Superman. He was just a regular teenager just wanting to help his friends. He was just… a good man.”
Annabeth smiled.
“Yeah… he was.”
Hearing about Jason really brought a lot of respect from me. Shame that he’s gone… I would’ve loved to meet him.
Anyways, while Annabeth and I were training on dagger techniques, I noticed that Sam is starting to get the hang of using her Kopis. She’s not using the broken spear since she’s hoping to fix it up with the help of the Hephaestus kids. 
She’ll probably want to make it look like the Spear in Odyssey. Classic Sam.
“How are you holding up Sam?” I asked.
Panting, she replied, “It’s really difficult holding a sword when you’re not an outdoor person. 
I snickered, “That’s what you get for staying inside to play games all day.”
“Okay, you two. Let’s take a break,” Percy replied. 
All four of us sat at a fallen log nearby to take a breather from training. As we did, I asked Sam something. 
“Hey Sam, do you remember how you were fighting the Vulture?”
“Not really, no. It’s kinda foggy to remember. After seeing Dad… you know… everything just, kinda went dark and I blacked out.”
“It’s okay,” Annabeth replied. “It can be difficult to remember something traumatizing. You don’t have to explain.”
“But that’s the thing. After she killed my father, I felt this strong feeling surrounding me. Like a calm wave of warm light. Then, next thing I knew, I was hearing the Vulture in my head, telling me how she was gonna strike. But everything else, it just went blank.”
“Hm, did you have any dreams afterwards?” Annabeth asked. 
“I actually did. It was weird though, I saw this hooded man and he spoke to me. I can’t remember what he said, but he had this strong vibe, yet calming. It’s… it’s kinda hard to describe it. But I didn’t think much of it.”
“Dreams are a lot stronger for demigods, I’m afraid,” Annabeth explained. “You see, demigod dreams can show vague information that is crucial to you and your destiny. Sometimes they give omens if something bad is going to happen; or they give you details of something happening elsewhere.”
Bad omen? Then, would my dream a while ago be considered as one? Should I even ask? I mean, ever since then, I haven’t had another weird dream yet. But knowing Percy, he’ll probably make a big deal of it.
Anyways, Annabeth insists that Sam keeps an eye out for her dreams whenever she sleeps. I guess life really is hard for a demigod. 
Suddenly, two other campers passed by, whispering. One of them scoffed and said, “She’ll be gone within a week. Girl got all nervous just by the introduction; she ain’t gonna last long out there.” 
I assume they were talking about Sam since she did get nervous at the ceremony. I mean, you try introducing yourself to a bunch of other kids holding deadly weapons with an urge to shove you down a toilet. Still, I never allow that to happen in school so I sure won’t let that happen in camp. 
“Hey!” I yelled as I got up and walked toward the campers. “Do you mind repeating that?” 
The two campers turned around. One of them was a bit tall and had a bit of muscle on him, probably from the training here at camp, and had brown eyes. Tanned skin with short brown hair. The other guy had dark skin with bright hair; he’s not as built as the other guy, but he seems toned out; he also has green eyes.
“What do you want?” The built guy said. 
“My friend has been through enough already. We don’t need to deal with your attitude!” I yelled out. 
“Stella,” Sam got up and spoke to me, “it’s fine. This isn’t the first time, just let it slide.” 
The jerk was about to reply until his friend spoke, “Look, Mitch, just walk it off. Please? I don’t want to see you get in trouble like last year.”
Mitch scoffed and just walked off. 
“I’m sorry about Mitch. He’s… been through a lot last year.” He took out his hand. “I’m Daniel, son of Hermes. That was Mitch, Son of Ares.”
I shook his hand and replied. 
“I’m Estelle, Percy’s sister on mom's side. This is Sam, I don't know about her god parent though.”
Daniel shrugs, “It happens, some of us still don’t know who our parents are. Your brother tried to change that but… well…”
“Gods rarely change,” Percy replied.  “Is Mitch still upset about last year, Danny?”
Daniel nodded.
“What happened?” Sam asked.
“I… rather not talk about it. Too much to handle at the moment. And again, I’m sorry about Mitch. He was never good with talking to people.”
“Are all children of Ares like that?” I asked. 
“Not really, I heard tales of how of of Ares' daughter used to bully Mr. Jackson here.”
I snickered at the thought, “I’m sorry, a daughter of Ares? Percy got bullied by a girl?”
“Wasn’t the first time,” Annabeth added. This made me laugh hysterically. My brother who saved the world more times than the Avengers, gotten bullied by several girls? That’s just hilarious.
After I stopped laughing I asked, “How on earth are you popular here?!” 
“Whatever,” Percy said. “Let’s just get back to training.”
We said our goodbyes to Daniel as we headed back to the field for some more training. Percy and Annabeth really helped us out a lot about how to use our new weapons. Though, Sam wants to work on the spear itself once it’s fixed. During training, Sam and I asked a lot about their past and learned more about the half-blood’s life. 
You think it’s filled with adventures and action mixed with some love and comedy, right? Well, it was… along with traumatic experiences, drama and death. 
Remember the kids, Luke and Silena? They were named after some people Percy and Annabeth knew in the past. 
Cliché. But I guess it helps them bear through the trauma. Don’t forget, they fought monsters; gods; immortal beings; traveled to several hells; literally carried the sky and so much more. All at least around my age or younger. 
I gotta agree with Percy, they deserve a vacation. 
I even learned a lot about our family. How they've been through a lot as well but are learning to cope with it. Which reminds me, if being a demigod is traumatizing, how come they don’t have therapy? I can’t imagine what would happen if these kids are mentally unstable. Still, with New Rome support, which is another place like Camp Half Blood but for Romans, they were able to expand Camp Half-Blood with more activities and support. Hopefully they can do therapy sessions soon.
Anyways, after training, we went to pick up the kids from the Demeter cabin. Luke and Silena saw me, got very excited and hugged me tightly. 
“Hey Annabeth?” I spoke. “Where are the kids going to be sleeping?” 
“By the Big House. Kids are still too young for camp but eventually they’ll experience it themselves.”
“Even questing?!” 
“Not until they’re eighteen years old!” Percy yelled.
I mean, I figured that’s what would happen. Other than being an overprotective brother, he’s also an overprotective father. 
“Well, at least the kids will be safe.” 
“I’ll be with them as well. Percy will be staying with you until you head back home. Trust me, this place is too dangerous for you.”
“Ugh, I don’t need babysitting, Annabeth,” I argued. “I’m fifteen years old! I can take care of myself. This is just summer camp, not like monsters can sneak in here!”
“That happens more often than you think,” Percy replied.
I continued arguing about how grown up I am and that I’m usually the one watching over Sam in school. I help babysit the kids every time they come and visit. However, it’s already late and I’m too tired from training. 
I gave up and just let it be. 
As soon as we got to the cabin, I crashed to bed and just rest up. 
And once again, the dream appeared. 
I was in the same dark room with the same three ladies. Only difference is that the ladies were not making any new clothings. One of the elderly ladies looked up at me and spoke. 
“Estelle Blofis… a crossroad has been made for you…”
I was confused at the comment but she continued. 
“You must make a choice that shall forever change your fate. Along with those you care deeply…”
“Fate? What fate?” I asked. “What choice? I don’t understand!”
Suddenly, I felt an immense pain on my hand and saw the same spider that bit me at the museum. As I looked up, the elderly ladies were gone. But there was one feminine figure in the shadows. It was just standing there for a bit, menacingly. Then I saw something appearing from behind her. Looked like long insect legs; it didn’t take me long to realize they were spider legs and that they’re coming from behind the lady. Her eyes were glowing bright green. 
“Embrace me…” She spoke eerily. 
The way she spoke gave me the creeps. 
“Who are you?” I asked. 
She didn’t speak for a while, until she replied. 
“You’re destiny!” 
She charged rapidly towards me. 
And suddenly, I awoke. Sweating and panting from my dream.
I was trying to make some understanding of my dream. I mean first off, I don’t dream so why on earth did that happen? And second, what were those elderly ladies talking about? What choice did I have to make? And who was that shadow lady with the spider legs and bright green eyes?! 
So many questions, yet no answers. 
I recall Annabeth talking about Demigod dreams but it couldn’t be that. I’m not a demigod so it shouldn’t happen to me. 
I will have to worry about it later. Right now I need to get up and see one of camp’s most favorite activities.
Capture the Flag.
It can’t be that dangerous, right? 
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forthemasses1789 · 2 years
Slow Days- Egon Spengler x Reader
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Summary: On one of the rare days that they aren't absolutely flooded with calls, (Y/N) decides to clean ECTO-1, to make the job go quicker they put on some music, which eventually leads to them singing and dancing along. Much to the delight of a particular brown-eyed scientist.
Word count: 933
The upbeat sounds of ‘It’s Raining Men’ filled the garage of the firehouse with ease, accompanied by the sounds of (Y/N) singing along softly. Surprisingly, today was going quite slowly, with only about 5 calls scattered throughout the day. With it being so quiet, and Egon being the only one in headquarters, (Y/N) decided to give ECTO-1 a well-needed wash.
As they continued to scrub away the stains, most of which had been put there courtesy of Slimer (little bugger always found a way to stain either ECTO-1 or their uniforms, more often than not it was the latter), the radio, which had previously been playing the disco/pop song, switched. The new song was slower, and a lot more soulful compared to the upbeat song from before, and once the rhythm and tune began to flow through the slightly tattered radio it was instantly recognizable; the tunes of ‘Just the Two of Us’ had begun to fill the air.
As the first lyrics of the song ran through the radio, (Y/N) began to hum from their spot on the garage floor, this song had always been a favorite of theirs. As the song progressed, (Y/N)’s humming did too, slowly morphing into soft singing, which grew to slight swaying as they moved around ECTO trying to get the stains out, which combined, led to the ultimate singing-dancing combination that Dr. Egon Spengler, who had been conducting some experiments on his fungi in the lab downstairs, found them in.
It was ultimately the muffled singing and soft music that brought Egon up to the garage, his curiosity became too much to bear and since he had nothing better to do, he figured ‘Why the hell not?’. Egon trudged down the hall, the sounds beginning to grow in volume as he got closer to the source. His eyes wandered the building as he walked, trying to find the source of the music, and eventually came to the conclusion that it was coming from the garage. Meanwhile, (Y/N) had decided to stop their incessant scrubbing of ECTO for a short while for a well-deserved (and needed) dance break, and was currently in the midst of quite the dance routine.
The jazzy tunes continued to fill headquarters, and (Y/N) continued to dance and sing along, oblivious of the now quite amused man leaning against the door, watching them. (Y/N) continued to sing happily, using a brush previously being used to get some incredibly hard stains off of ECTO as a makeshift microphone. They continued to sing while dancing and moving around the garage, "I hear the crystal raindrops fall on the window down the ha-" that is of course until they saw Egon with a slight smile gracing his lips, and a pair of amused eyes staring straight at them.
"Oh- I uh, hi Egon! What are you- what are you doing here?" The look in his brown eyes was comical as he stared at them and the smirk on his face was shit-eating at best, almost uncanny to that of the cat who ate the canary. "I could ask you the same thing (Y/N)." The blush on (Y/N)'s cheeks reddened faintly, as they spluttered out an answer. "Well, you know, it was quiet today and I had nothing to do and I noticed that ECTO desperately needed a clean, I mean just look at her, and I found some car wash and a bucket lying around so I got to work,' as (Y/N) continued to explain, they became more expressive with their hands and slowly began to get consumed in their ramblings, 'but about half an hour in, the silence was like really eerie so I put on the radio that Ray brought over from the bookshop for some background music, and then 'Just the Two of Us' came on and I really love that song, like really love that song, so I started to sing along with it and dance it to it and then, well, then I turned around and saw you."
The smile on Egon's lips hadn't left the whole time they explained, nor did leave after, if anything, it had grown. "Look, I'm, uh, well I'm really sorry if I interrupted you or distracted you from any of your experiments, I'll turn it down now if you want." Turning to move away from Egon and quieten down the radio, they were willing to do anything to put an end to this dumpster fire of an interaction, even if it meant losing some of their favorite tunes, they failed to see an amused chuckle leave Egon's lips. "I don't think that's necessary, it's not like I was doing any serious work. I was only indulging in some experiments relating to my spore, mold, and fungus collection." A moment passed before (Y/N) turned around again, asking with slight hesitation "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to distract you more than I have already, and it's no problem turning down really-"
Before they could delve into another ramble, Egon interrupted gently, "I'm sure. In fact, how about I join you up here, do you have another microfibre cloth I could use? I'm sure an extra set of hands couldn't hurt, plus, you can keep the music on that way." Now with a look of surprise on (Y/N)'s face, they nodded, searching around before spotting the spare cloth they had discarded a few hours before. Handing it to him, they smiled, finally becoming (slightly) more comfortable after he first spotted them. "Sure, you can use this one. There's one particular stain that I'm pretty sure is going to be the death of me so we can start with that!"
They continued to work for hours, and eventually got ECTO-1 shining and looking brand new again, and the radio stayed on the whole time.
Just the two of us, you and I.
A/N- *Insert drumroll from Charles in the Stickman series here* How exciting! My first-ever fanfiction is complete! YAY! I can't wait to see how it goes and I really hope that you all enjoyed it! Even if you didn't like the story, please let me know if you like my writing style or have any suggestions for getting better. My writing is not perfect, and I would love to be given the opportunity to advance my skills. Have a wonderful day!
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