#hyunsung fic
mixtape-racha · 8 months
gleeks and freaks !
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pairing: skz hyunjin and jisung (hyunsung) x fem!reader
side-pairings: skz seunglixho (poly), haerin x chaeryeong (all previously established)
au: friends to lovers, love at first sight, polyamory, social media au
genre: fluff, crack, eventual smut (18+ only)
summary: jisung and hyunjin were practically the power couple of your university campus, and no one could imagine it any different. but after coming to see one of your glee club performances, hyunjin starts to view your friendship a little differently, and jisung finally understands the meaning of love at first sight.
warnings: attached to each chapter -- cussing, sexual themes, boy on boy action, stereotypes and cliches // ignore ALL timestamps and follower counts
featuring: all of skz, itzy's yeji and chaeryeong, p1harmony's keeho, kep1er's bahiyyih, newjeans' haerin (and aespa's ningning as mc's faceclaim)
status: started nov 1 2023 !
taglist: OPEN ! join here or by sending ask or commenting on this masterlist
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introducing: gleeks ☆ introducing: freaks
1: virgins r us
2: kbbq
3: bokkie-phobia
4: ba ba ba bum
5: shut up jeongin
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orv aladdin au! with kim dokja as aladdin (conman supreme), han sooyoung as fellow thief (also aladdin), yoo sangah as jasmine (trapped by her family), yoo joonghyuk as ysh's bodyguard
kdj 'cons' yjh into being distracted while hsy sneaks into ysh's room to steal jewellery and then ends up panic-flirting with ysh
jhw and lhs are there too! heewon is a robin hood steal-from-rich-to-give-to-poor and hyunsung is the guard that sort of lets her but also doesnt because its for a good cause. (poor guy has 'turns a blind eye to injustice' attribute canonically). on the other hand sooyoung is absolutely DECKED in the face when she tries to get into the treasury or any other place.
they're all friends and sort-of not, especially after hsy flirts her way into becoming co-queens with ysh.
lee jihye and kim namwoon! jihye is joonghyuk's squire (officially) and namwoon is also his squire (not officially) - dokja is some sort of weird uncle to namwoon (the aus where theyre distantly related are always funny to me) and if bribed at the right time, knw is swayed pretty easily into letting his weird-ass uncle get into the royal palace.
yjh actually knows about this - hes always the one being sent to go after kdj - but kdj somehow always escapes the cells and manages to reclaim whatever loot he'd been trying to steal when yjh sometimes catches him.
the kids (gilyoung, yoosung, biyoo) are all kdj's little apprentice minions that hsy begrudgingly helps train and look after as well. yoosung actually wants to be a knight (of some sort, more about just protecting people) and kdj indulges her on it by introducing her to jihye through namwoon.
gilyoung and biyoo very much want to follow in kdj's footsteps, on the other hand and have a fun little dynamic where biyoo for a while echoes a lot of what gilyoung does and in an older brother kind of way gilyoung is SO angry at this.
jang hayoung is also in the web of kim dokja's weird-ass long distance relatives, but is a NOBLE?! very funny, hayoung finds out she has a weird uncle and cousin in the city and forces them both to visit sangah with her at some point, and its very awkward when the infamous conman of your kingdom and the kid he bribes to let him into your palace - who is also a KNIGHT of your palace, are talking over tea.
through a series of events that involve saving sangah from some ransomer (yjh is indisposed), kdj gets a badge of HONOUR and also a queen's pardon for most of his crimes before he disappears back into the shadows. he and sangah are now besties but hsy WILL NOT let him ever live it down that he ever went that 'good.' kdj goes on a crime spree at his nearest convenience to bump back up his tally of crimes and wanted-ness.
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missiletoe · 5 months
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I Won't Say (I'm in Love)
Jihye Lee is one of the first to know but one of the last to accept it.
People say that you should never meet your heroes. She argues that you should never meet your heroes’ taste in men, because that is infinitely worse.
Or 7 times people realized Kim Dokja and Yu Junghyeok were in love and 1 time they figured it out for themselves.
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violet-1atte · 8 months
Kinktober Day Five: Sweat - Jisung/Hyunjin
Tags: Sweat kink, gross!Jisung, bjs, getting caught, way too much sweat its really kind of gross
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Jisung couldn’t stop staring. 
Hyunjin was wearing a tank top for the concert tonight, one that hugged his chest and waist and put his newly muscled arms on display. He had to keep himself from drooling as he watched his hyung perform his hardest, with sweat dripping down his face and collecting on his chest, making it shiny. Jisung was overcome with the urge to lick it off of him. 
After the concert was over and they were all backstage, resting for a bit and getting changed before they headed out. Hyunjin had sat back on one of the couches and the sight of him nearly made Jisung whimper. Spread thighs, head tossed back over the back of the couch, long, sweat-soaked hair clinging to his face, droplets of sweat still running down the column of his neck. Jisung might grow hard just looking at him. 
Apparently his staring was obvious, because while it didn’t seem like Hyunjin noticed, Minho did. He came up behind Jisung, clapped a hand onto his shoulder, and smirked. “Close your mouth, Sungie. You’ll catch flies.” Jisung immediately snapped his mouth shut and Minho cackled. “Oh. And you might wanna take care of that.” He raised an eyebrow at him and then looked down. Jisung followed his gaze and gasped, throwing his hands over his crotch. Shit, he was already getting hard. 
“Fuck off!” Jisung whined while Minho walked away laughing. 
He cursed under his breath. The only way to the bathroom was walking past the couch where Hyunjin was sitting. Not good. 
He kept his hands over his crotch and carefully shuffled past the couch, trying not to draw any attention to himself as he did. Of course holding his hands in front of himself probably wasn’t helping anything but he had no other choice. It was either that or allow the others–Hyunjin specifically–to see the fact that his dick was straining against his pants. 
He’d nearly made it past the couch without Hyunjin looking up but then of course he had to stumble over his own feet. Hyunjin lifted his head slightly and made eye contact with him through hooded eyes and Jisung gulped. The way he looked at him didn’t make matters any better. “Yah, Jisung-ah. You alright? Don’t be so clumsy, silly,” he chastised and Jisung felt hot embarrassment twist in his stomach. 
“Y-yeah, sorry,” Jisung mumbled, ducking his head. “Just wasn’t watching where I was going.” He let out an embarrassed laugh and then dashed off towards the bathroom. 
He let out a heavy sigh as reached the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He looked down at the bulge in his pants and bit his lip. Logically, he should just wait for it to go down. He should think about something gross or weird, get rid of the post-concert horniness and stop thinking about Hyunjin, and Hyunjin’s lips, and Hyunjin’s skin shiny with sweat and his shirt soaked with it. 
The problem was, Jisung wasn’t very good at thinking logically. 
After about two seconds of attempting to think of anything other than Hyunjin, he gave up and undid his pants and pushed them down his thighs along with his boxers, freeing his already achingly hard dick. He let out a shuddering breath and wrapped his hand around it. He could just get off really quick and then go back and join the others like nothing happened. Yeah. That would work. 
He bit his bottom lip to muffle his sounds as he began to slide his hand up and down his shaft. The slide was dry but the heat of his hand still felt good, and the images of Hyunjin were still fresh in his mind. His stomach was already tightening, warning him of approaching release. He inhaled slowly as he thumbed over his leaking tip and swallowed back a moan. Just a little longer, just a little more–
And then the door swung open. 
Jisung’s eyes snapped to the door to see Hyunjin standing there, eyes wide and mouth open. He barely had time to register his presence enough to pull up his pants and Hyunjin’s brain seemed to work faster than his as he realized he was staring and yelped out a, “Shit! Sorry Jisung! I didn’t know!” Then he slammed the door shut.  
Jisung gulped and his face burned. He thought he’d locked the door but he supposed in his haste he’d forgotten. 
Any logical person would have tucked themselves away, splashed some cold water on their face, and gone out and bowed to the floor in shame and apologized to their bandmate for what they witnessed. 
The problem was, Jisung wasn’t a logical person. 
“Um, Hyunjin?” he called meekly. He hadn’t heard footsteps, which meant either Hyunjin had walked really quietly…or he was still there. 
“Yeah?” came Hyunjin’s muffled voice from behind the door. Jisung wet his lips and gulped. His mouth felt dry. 
“You uh–you don’t have to leave. If you don’t want,” he said, almost too quiet to pick up. But he heard Hyunjin inhale deeply on the other side of the door. 
He waited and his heart began to pound faster. Fuck he shouldn’t have said anything. “I’m sorry, I-I don’t know what came over me, you can just ignore–”
The door opened again and Hyunjin looked into his eyes, something wild in his gaze. “Are you actually being serious right now, Jisung-ah?” he asked. His voice sounded strained. 
Jisung gulped and found himself nodding dumbly. “Y-yeah, but it’s okay you can just pretend I didn’t say anything. That’s so weird I know, you can forget it,” he said with a wry laugh. 
Hyunjin didn’t look away and his gaze only hardened. “No.” 
“Huh?” Jisung blinked at him. 
“No, I’m not going to forget,” he said, his voice lowering. He took one long step forward and closed the door behind him, locking it. 
Jisung’s stomach flipped and his breath hitched in his throat as Hyunjin stalked closer until they were inches apart. “W-why–” 
“Cause I want to be here, Sung-ah.” 
“You–wait–mm!” Hyunjin suddenly invaded Jisung’s senses and his lips were on his and his hands were on his waist. Jisung took a moment to process what was happening, but when he did he eagerly kissed back. He tossed his arms around Hyunjin as he pushed him back against the wall. His shirt was still soaked from sweat and it dampened Jisung’s skin. He whined brokenly against Hyunjin’s mouth and curled his hands into his shirt. The sweat squeezed out between his fingertips. And maybe it was disgusting, but Jisung fucking loved it. 
Hyunjin ran his tongue across the seam of Jisung’s lips and Jisung opened for him, allowing him to lick into his mouth. Hyunjin’s grip on his waist tightened and he pushed his thigh between Jisung’s legs. Jisung moaned into his mouth and rolled his hips. “Sh-shit, Jinnie, hyung,” he whimpered, tightening his arms around Hyunjin. 
“Jisung…” Hyunjin mumbled against his lips. Jisung panted lightly and rolled his hips forward again and kissed Hyunjin deeper as an even louder moan tried to make its way up his throat. Hyunjin rubbed up his side and pulled away for a moment, which had Jisung whining. “I saw you staring at me. During the concert. And after. I wasn’t sure what it meant but…now I see.” 
Jisung whimpered and he clenched his fists. “You just–you looked so hot. Your stupid tank top and the stupid new muscles you have and you being–all sweaty from dancing. How do you look so pretty like that?” he asked in an almost offended tone. “No one else does. Like–gosh I just wanna…I want to lick you.” If his head weren’t clouded with horniness then maybe he would have a filter, but he didn’t. 
Hyunjin laughed and raised his eyebrows. “Sweat, huh Jisung-ah? Should’ve known you’d be a kinky bastard,” he said, shaking his head. 
“Hey!” Jisung pouted and Hyunjin lifted his hand to cup his round cheek. He brushed his thumb over his lips. 
“But that’s okay. I think it’s sexy.” He grinned, the type of grin he got on stage when he was really feeling the choreography. “I haven’t gotten the chance to wash up or change yet so…why don’t I indulge you?” 
Jisung nodded his head vigorously and bit his lip. “Fuck, please.” 
Hyunjin smirked. He stepped back from him until his back was against the sink. He pulled his tank top over his head, revealing planes of shiny, sticky, honeyed skin. Jisung’s mouth watered as his eyes raked over his torso, taking everything in. He saw Hyunjin shirtless since they lived in the same dorm, and it was often enough for his own sanity to be brought into question. But he’d never seen him in this context, skin still shiny with sweat and tinted pink from the heat and exertion of dancing so much. 
“H-hyunjin,” Jisung breathed, his fists clenching at his sides. Hyunjin tilted his head. 
“Well? What are you waiting for, Sungie?” he asked. His tone was slightly condescending and it made Jisung’s knees weak. “Clean me up. And take this. Do what you want with it.” He tossed Jisung his sweaty shirt and he caught it. His cheeks burned deep red and kept the shirt clenched in one of his fists, shivering at the dampness against his fingers. He inched forward until he was nearly pressed against Hyunjin and he rested his hands against his hips. From this distance he could smell the expensive rose perfume he used mixed with the salty scent of musk and sweat. Fuck. Jisung wanted to drink it. 
For once he was glad Hyunjin was taller than him because it made it easier for him to dip his head down and lick a long stripe up Hyunjin’s neck. The taste of salt hit his tongue and he groaned. His cock ached. The fact that this should have been at least somewhat gross only made it hotter. Jisung felt dirty as he lapped the sweat off Hyunjin’s neck and collarbones like a dog drinking water. Hyunjin’s breath quickened as he ran his tongue along the tendon on the side of his neck and up, up, until he was licking the side of his face, where new beads of sweat were appearing from the heat of the bathroom. “Y-yeah, that’s good, good Jisung,” Hyunjin said quietly. Jisung whimpered and his hips jerked forward. 
“Taste good, so good,” Jisung moaned, giving a kitten lick to his cheek before he dipped his head and bent his knees slightly so he could be face to face with Hyunjin’s chest. He licked his own lips before flattening his tongue between Hyunjin’s pecs. He dragged his tongue up between them and collected the drops of liquid that ran down the crevice. Hyunjin shuddered and gripped the edge of the sink behind him. 
“Ah, Jisung–” he moaned, and the sound went straight to Jisung’s cock, which was hard and weeping between his legs. His pants were still down from where he’d never pulled them up so his neediness was on display for both of them. 
“Should clean you up after every concert,” Jisung mumbled against his warm skin. He could get addicted to this, as weird as it was. 
He licked up every drop of sweat he could find, gulping it down like it was sweet alcohol. He wished he’d gotten Hyunjin sooner, moments after their concert where he was still completely drenched in it, looking like he’d just walked out of a shower rather than an intense workout. Thankfully, the bathroom was hot, and their combined body heat was enough to have Hyunjin’s skin glistening in the artificial light of the bathroom. 
Hyunjin let out sweet, breathy moans as Jisung ran his tongue all over his chest and moved down to his abs. A whimper caught in his throat as he flicked his tongue along the line between his abs. A few months ago he’d merely had a flat stomach, now he had actual abs. They rippled and flexed as Jisung licked and sucked at his skin, tasting him like a man dying of thirst. 
He was getting closer to Hyunjin’s crotch and the heady smell of sweat was becoming stronger. It was gross and Jisung was desperate for more. By this point, he was on his knees and his hands were clutching Hyunjin’s thighs. The shirt Hyunjin had tossed off was still clutched in his hand. 
As his tongue lolled out again to take a taste of the v-line of Hyunjin’s waist leading into his pants, an idea popped into his head. The thought had him gasping. “Jinnie, can I–can I use your shirt–can I get off with your shirt?” he asked. 
Hyunjin groaned and his grip on the sink turned white-knuckled. “Shit–yeah Jisung, wow,” he muttered, his voice thick with arousal. 
Jisung put the damp tank-top over his dick and let out a choked moan. He began to buck his hips forward and bit his lip to hold back the loud whines he was making. Hyunjin looked down at him through lidded eyes and a drop of sweat dripped down from his chin onto Jisung’s face. Oh, fuck. 
Jisung began to mouth at Hyunjin’s abs again, now unable to tell whether the dampness on his skin was from the sweat or his own saliva. He rutted into his shirt as he ran his tongue along the strip of skin right above Hyunjin’s waistband. The friction of the fabric combined with the dampness and the knowledge that this was Hyunjin’s shirt and it was soaked with his sweat sent shocks of pleasure up Jisung’s spine and through his stomach. His skin was on fire and he knew he must have been a sight to Hyunjin above him. 
“Jisung, fuck. Want you to suck me off,” Hyunjin groaned, his hips bucking a little when Jisung nipped at his skin. 
Jisung moaned and nodded his head rapidly. He tucked the shirt between his thighs so that he didn’t have to hold it any longer but could still rut against it, and then he began undoing Hyunjin’s pants. He was so glad his fingers decided to work for him because he was able to do it fairly quickly and had his pants pulled down in one quick motion. 
He immediately wrapped his lips around the head of Hyunjin’s hard cock and groaned at the salty, musky taste that filled his mouth. Hyunjin swore as he flattened his tongue along the underside of his shaft and began to bob his head up and down. The skin of his inner thighs and his cock was moist and it made heat curl inside Jisung’s stomach. He was getting close embarrassingly fast. 
“Sh-shit, Sung,” Hyunjin moaned, his voice becoming high and whiny. It spurred Jisung on to take his cock further in his mouth, eyes rolling back at the taste. “Yoo-your mouth–fuck, I’m so–” 
A knock sounded at the door and Jisung’s eyes widened. He quickly scrambled back and wiped his mouth while Hyunjin worked to tug up his pants. 
“Hyunjin, you in there?” came Chan’s muffled voice. 
Jisung held his breath and Hyunjin cleared his throat. “Uh yeah. I’ll be out in a second,” he said, doing his best to keep his voice from sounding strained. 
“Okay, we were just getting ready to leave.” 
“Got it.” 
“Oh…have you seen Jisung at all? We haven’t been able to find him,” he said. Jisung and Hyunjin made eye contact for a second before Hyunjin looked at the door again. 
“Uh, no, I don’t think so. I’ll let you know if I do though, hyung,” he responded. 
“Alright! We’re heading out in ten minutes. See you in a minute.” 
They listened for Chan’s footsteps to move away and then both let out a sigh of relief. “That was close,” Jisung mumbled. 
They both got as dressed as they could, Hyunjin opting to just stay shirtless and grab another shirt after he left. They stuffed his shirt in the trash. They could always get another one like it. 
Before Hyunjin left the bathroom, both of them having decided it would be the least suspicious if he left first, he wrapped his hand around the back of Jisung’s neck and his lips brushed against his ear. “We’ll finish this when we get back…and maybe just for you…I’ll ask our driver to turn up the heat in the car.” 
Jisung shivered and nodded dumbly. Oh, fuck. 
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chrisbangsbf · 5 months
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Explicit | 910 words
TAGS: semi crack fic, Santa's elves! hyunsung, Christmas magic, double sided dildo, food fucking (literally), magic aphrodisiac (?), rimming, being walked in on by Santa
→ the post on AO3
"I can't believe you've done this," Hyunjin laughs, holding the candy cane dildo Jisung had just created in his hands, turning it over to examine its perfection.
The sweat on his palms is already making it stick to him a little, and he would grimace if he wasn't already so turned on. Rolling his eyes at himself for even considering Jisung's little idea in the first place, Hyunjin hands the dildo back to him.
Jisung had used a little Christmas magic to turn one of their double sided dildos into a real candy cane. All the dildo texture was still there and everything, but it was just... hard, and made of candy.
Unbelievable. He truly has an exceptional mind.
"Hey, you're the one who put the image of you fucking me with a bundle of candy canes in my head to begin with!" Jisung pouts, crossing his arms over the swell of his chest and cocking his hip, and looking positively edible doing so. The little bell on his hat jingles with the movement, and Hyunjin grins with amusement.
"Santa is gonna be pissed," Hyunjin says while pushing his pants down and kicking them off his ankles in a hurry. They probably don't have much time before the higher up elves start trying to find where they've run off to, or even worse, the jolly man himself.
Hyunjin can't even really complain though, especially not when Jisung was thoughtful enough to offer lube with a matching flavor to go along with the candied dildo.
Jisung beams as he watches the other elf strip bare and lay back on the bed, spreading his legs to toy with his own hole eagerly. "You seem more excited than me!"
"It's hot that you're so reckless," Hyunjin groans, hating to admit that the other is probably right. He's excited. "You gonna get your tasty little ass over here or not?" he teases, a mess of giggles bubbling up out of his throat without permission. The smell of peppermint always gets him excited.
Jisung doesn't have to be asked twice. He throws his clothes to the side and crawls up into the bed as well, excitement buzzing under his skin at the prospect of it all. He watches Hyunjin slip one end of the candy cane into his slippery hole with a moan, his face twisting in pleasure. He scoots as close as possible, their balls touching, and lays a sticky hand against Hyunjin's hip. The smell of peppermint is almost dizzying.
"It feels so good," Hyunjin hisses, licking his beautifully plump, glossy lips.
After a few moments of adjusting to the girth of the candy cane, he reaches forward and spreads the lube across Jisung's entrance as well before slipping a couple of long fingers inside. Jisung whimpers as Hyunjin plays with his prostate, sticky fingers stretching him open with determination and accuracy.
When the candy cane dildo finally slips into him as well, he can't help but release a needy whine in response. Hyunjin rocks against him, making the candy shift inside both of them, and it feels incredible. Jisung grabs onto one of Hyunjin's outstretched, lanky legs to ground himself, already almost overwhelmed with pleasure.
Perhaps the magic has made them extra sensitive… or maybe it's like an aphrodisiac or something. They didn't know. Jisung definitely didn't read the fine print.
"Oh fuck, Jisungie. I'm gonna cum," Hyunjin wails, throwing his head back as his hips roll and buck wildly.
The warmth of being inside them, mixed with the wetness of lube has made the candy melt significantly, red stickiness seeping out of their holes and onto their asscheeks, making them messily stick together each time their skin touches. Which is with every movement.
"Me too," Jisung cries out, feeling the candy drag against his prostate in the most perfect way. He's almost delirious with need.
Their orgasms wash over them quickly, cum dribbling out all over each other and making even more of a mess than before. The two let the candy slip out of them before sitting up to kiss each other tenderly, smearing the melted sugar against the sheets even farther.
"Do you think we are on the naughty list yet?" Hyunjin asks, hoping that maybe Santa will punish them for this if so. That man knows way too much.
"I hope so." Jisung smirks mischievously, pushing Hyunjin back against the bed again and crawling up to straddle his face. He chuckles and turns around the other way before dropping down to lick the sweetness from Hyunjin's balls, tongue dragging over his puffy rim. "But if not, we'd surely have to be after this.
Hyunjin hums in agreement and wraps his arms around Jisung's thighs before pulling him down to tongue hungrily at his hole and slurp up the melted candy, eager to continue despite their matching sensitivity.
And with Hyunjin digging his tongue inside him like this, swirling it around, Jisung feels like he could probably cum again. He grinds against his face ever so slightly and lets his own sweetened drool run down to Hyunjin's abused hole from where he's laying, open mouthed and panting, against his taint.
High on sugar and adrenaline, and also probably the magic, neither of them even react to the sound of heavy footsteps coming closer from the end of the hallway… not even paying any mind when the door knob twists and there's a familiar huff of disappointment at the door.
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dreadark · 4 months
After tens of thousands of years, their long journey had finally come to an end. They'd broken past the Final Wall, awoken the Oldest Dream, and could finally live the rest of their lives out in peace. Even Kim Namwoon could be satisfied with this ending. [Giant Story ‘Delusional Design’ is stuttering!] ...As soon as he figured out how to stop that.
the 999th regression gang + secretive plotter + oldest dream post-epilogue... but from the pov of the "monarch of the great abyss"
or: trying to exorcise my many many thoughts about kim namwoon by putting them in fic form
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rachalixie · 2 years
a/n: for @moonacholy’s request for spooky fic with vampire hyunsung and witch felix and reader! sorry i lost your ask baby, i posted it and had to delete it and repost :(
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you giggle at hyunjin’s sigh as jisung applies another layer of white makeup to his face, and you follow in with a delicate swipe of blush just like you knew he didn’t want it. he’s wearing a ridiculous dracula outfit that shouldn’t look good on anyone, complete with greased back hair and a red lined cape. but hyunjin looks unfairly good in everything, so. he looks phenomenal.
“vampires aren’t even this pale. i should know. i am one.” he whines, kicking jisung’s shin much harder than he ever could kick a human’s. jisung, on the other hand, went the twilight route, with glistening sparkly skin and his glowy yellow eyes out on display. he’s wearing a shirt that says say it. out loud. it made you cackle when he first emerged from his room in it.
“oh really?” jisung feigns surprise, his red-painted lips forming into a perfect ‘O’. “i’ve never met a vampire before! what’s that like? what does blood taste like?”
“jisung shut up, you literally drank some of my blood last night.” felix rolls his eyes as he joins you all in the kitchen and wraps an arm around you. “the blood that i drew out for a really important potion, and i now need to wait for the next full moon to arrive to do. remind me to never let you drink witches blood again, by the way, it makes you way too hyper.”
you ignore jisung’s indignant squawk to turn towards your boyfriend and press a soft kiss to his cheek. he has star sequins dotting his face, one for each freckle you could find, and his tall and pointy witches hat matches the one perched on top of your head. it almost falls off when you lean in, but he catches it with one hand while the other squeezes you closer into him. he winks at you as you let some of your magic seep through the air, turning the tips of his hair bright pink and the fringe of yours a deep purple.
“are we going out?” you ask, glancing at the time on the microwave’s clock. it’s nearly 10pm, the day is almost over and you want to get out at least a couple hours of being out and about in your true forms, even if it’s playing pretend. you’re meeting your werewolf friend chan and his packmates jeongin and seungmin at a party, and you’re sure that felix’ fae cousin changbin and his mermaid roommate minho will be there too. among a bunch of unassuming humans too, but tonight thats the least of your worries. its halloween, the one night you all don’t have to hide.
“one more shot before we go!” jisung cries, pouring out a couple of blood shots for him and hyunjin while you pour out normal ones for you and felix. in different colored shot glasses, of course, you can only make the mistake of accidently drinking blood once before you learn quickly how not to mix them up.
you all stumble out of your apartment together, walking towards the full moon and enjoying each other’s company until you hear a series of loud kissing noises and a thump coming from behind you.
“but hyunjinnie!” jisung is pouting, draping himself over hyunjin’s shoulders and keeping his grip when the taller boy tries to knock him off. “you’re my soulmate!”
“maybe. doesn’t mean i want your lips anywhere near mine.” the blonde boy grimaces, taking jisung’s hand anyways.
“after over 200 years of being together, you think they would get tired of the bickering,” felix’ deep voice hits your ears, drawing attention away from the mess behind you and onto the boy whose hand your holding.
“you think we’re going to end up like them in 100 years?” you ask, smiling at him as if you know the answer already.
he just smiles in response, eyes twinkling like the stars as you continue to walk together.
soft hours
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skz-vla · 10 months
When life throws you a curveball (hit it out of the park)
✦ Baseball AU, Fake Dating, Small town AU, Established 🐿️🐶, Childhood Friends 🥟🐶, Poly Endgame, Hurt/Comfort ✦ Seungjin/Seungsung/Hyunsung ✦ Finished, 41.5k ✦ Rated T
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opheliaweeps · 10 months
orv brainrot has fully consumed me so here’s a fic that was written entirely on my notes app, only when I was at work cause that’s the only fucking time I ever got the inspiration or motivation to finish it. this is an unedited, incoherent mess of lists akin to those therapy lists that ppl write abt what makes them happy, and kind of incorporates a hc of mine which is that even after yjh came back from space, it took a while for kdj’s body to fully heal up and for him to wake up (bcs I enjoy angst). if you decide to read it, hope you enjoy it.
(he opens his eyes, and yoo joonghyuk is holding his hand and han sooyoung is reading to him and it’s everything, everything, everything)
lists of love written by a protector, by a judge, by a librarian, by an author, by a regressor, by a dreamer
a series of character studies framed as lists of the activities some members of kim dokja’s company look forward to and enjoy in the peacetime with the people they love
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five-star-stay · 7 months
Spare fic recs please!
Some Conditions:
+ on ao3
+ han jisung centric
+ any ship or no ship.
- no non con
- no mpreg
- no incomplete fics
- no infidelity
- no x reader or x oc or genderbending
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sofonn · 2 years
Silly little KDJ x LHS sketchy post cause i feel like I needed this in canon
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LHS: (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
KDJ: Why are you...?
LHS: We've missed you. I've missed you.
KDJ: ...
KDJ: I'm sorry.
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Finally about to pass out from sheer exhaustion. Bless. All I have to say before I pass out is I want Hyunjin's cock shoved so far down my throat I feel it in my stomach and my pupils turn into hearts thanks
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ququoquaw · 11 months
hes like a cute little teddy bear
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xnicowritesx · 1 year
His Sword and Shield
Fandom(s): 전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong
Relationship(s): Jung Heewon/Kim Dokja/Lee Hyunsung, Jung Heewon/Kim Dokja, Jung Heewon/Lee Hyunsung, Kim Dokja/Lee Hyunsung
Archive Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Series: N/A
Summary: Jung Heewon and Lee Hyunsung are Kim Dokja’s sword and shield respectively. He loves them for that and for more.
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mae-i-scribble · 3 months
Dokja has to stay where she can see him, preferably somewhere nice and warm and comfortable with lots of food and water. Everyone else can join too, she supposes, but that seems like it’d be a hassle to arrange, so just Dokja is fine for now. She’s fulfilling most of the list already; it’s warm and comfortable here, along with being right next to the kitchen where she can go and fetch supplies. “Yoosung-” Ah right, Hyunsung is talking to her. She pulls her focus back to him, yawning despite her best efforts. “There you are,” he says with a light chuckle. “Now, I know you’ve settled here on the couch, but wouldn’t it be better to make your nest somewhere cozier?” She blinks at him, brows furrowing. “I’m not making a nest? You’re the only one who does that. They’re very nice, by the way. Very cozy.” Bemusedly, Hyunsung says, “Yoosung-ah, you’re presenting. You’re trying to make a nest. Or: Yoosung's first heat, with her family
Kim Dokja's Company & Shin Yoosung Lee Hyunsung & Shin Yoosung Lee Gilyoung & Shin Yoosung Kim Dokja & Shin Yoosung
Rating: Teen & Up
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mouseplaid · 11 months
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and finally (finally) I have found a way to be happy, happy by fiona_apiston
“I thought you were on tour?” Hyunjin’s voice was full of shock. He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that Chan was here, in front of him, apparently waiting for him. “We had a break, so we came back home,” Chan explained. “And…I wanted to come visit you. It’s been a while.” Hyunjin nodded, trying to seem nonchalant, but he was close to tears. It had been over a month since Chan had visited him, and he had missed him dearly.
After struggling with an eating disorder for a while, Hyunjin is kicked out of Stray Kids. It ends up being the thing that saves him.
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