#hypothetical casting
musicalcastingideas · 2 months
Gender Fucked Falsettos Dreamcast
So, I feel like Falsettos is one of those shows that you can't fully gender bend, because the character's genders are central to the plot (Marvin and Whizzer have to be gay men, Charlotte and Cordelia have to be lesbians, Trina and Mendel have to be the token straights). However, I do think it would be very possible and also amazing to have all the actors in drag. I did do this casting using current bigger names, but it would be amazing to have this show done with only drag kings and queens.
Marvin: Rachel Bloom
She plays an asshole really well on Crazy-Ex Girlfriend, so I think she'd be great for Marvin. Also, alto rights.
Trina: Daniel Radcliffe
Please, Broadway Backwards, give me Daniel Radcliffe doing I'm Breaking Down. He also isn't afraid of gender-fuckery parts (I have no idea what show the clip is from, but I have seen his She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain drag performance more times than I can count) and I think he would do great as this neurotic mess of a character.
Whizzer: Kat Graham
She's a great actress, and got absolutely shafted by the Vampire Diaries. Also a really great singer. I think she deserves a better career, and I think she would be a great Whizzer. Whizzer is a tough one, because of the difference between Act 1 and Act 2 Whizzer, and I think she would be able to pull it off. (Sorry for the vagueness, I'm trying to be as spoiler free as possible).
Mendel: Julie Benko
The people's Fanny Brice is an absolute powerhouse, and I think she could kill any part, but I think her endearing nature would make a great Mendel. Also, I just have a feeling her and Daniel Radcliffe would play really well off each other.
Charlotte: Daveed Diggs
I'll be honest, I can't think of a part Daveed Diggs wouldn't kill.
Cordelia: Jan Sport
I just want to hear her do "You save lives and I save chicken fat. I can't fucking deal with that". Also, she has some strong ass high notes.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 1 month
If you were to make a norse mythology accurate movie who would you cast in the roles of the main gods?
Just so you know, I don't watch a lot of recent movies because I cancelled subscriptions and sail the seas if something interests me enough (So I am not familiar with a lot of younger actors; I barely know who Chalamet is).
Also, I don't know how old you'd want them to appear or be relative to each other because they eat apples that give them back their youth, and technically they've all lived past mortal lifespans based on the myth with Thiazi. So would they have multiple actors for different stages? Or can we just assume some ate an apple more recently? Those would be important questions to ask beforehand.
TBH, the GOW Thor depiction (Ryan Hurst) is possibly the best depiction of myth!Thor to this day. But other than that, for Thor, I'd go with Kristofer Hivju. Dude's a Scandinavian ginger already.
For Balder, it'd be some guy that's very conventionally good-looking. Can't think of a specific one at the top of my head, but not hard to find.
For Loki, I have a variety of actors. Loki has the widest choice in actors as a shapeshifter. I want someone that is kinda weird looking but scrunkly (suggestions are welcome).
IF there's anything an actor that has portrayed a depiction of Loki has in common with the rest is that they're usually scrunkly-looking.
Cameron Monaghan because he was batshit enough in Gotham (I know the ginger hair is a misconception based on the incorrect assumption that he's a fire God, but there's a ginger (most common depiction) and might be too young compared to Hivju but maybe he just ate an apple more recently like in the Thiazi myth).
I love David Dastmalchian and he's scrunkly so I am including him here (and he's closer in age to Hivju).
I think on anon asks with hypothetical casting choices, we've mentioned though unlikely, Tilda Swinton, David Tennant or Kieran Culkin would kill it.
I also love Patrick Fischler. He's so likeable even when he plays violent murderers that seem to have sprouted from Hell (and for some weird reason I'm convinced that had the Avengers movie been developed in the 90s he'd have been MCU!Loki, arguably in a more villainous direction but very likeable).
EDIT: Forgot to mention Robert Carlyle. He'd be perfect in that role.
For Odin, Claes Bang, Willem Dafoe, or Mads Mikkelsen. Needs to be kinda aloof but also a shifty bastard.
Not sure who I'd pick for Heimdall, maybe the guy that plays Tyrell Wellick in Mr. Robot (he could also work for other roles tho; and is weird-enough to be Loki too)? IDK this is hard ! D:
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egophiliac · 5 months
happy new year Ego!!! Just wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore your twst fanart and the tags are just an absolute pleasure to read! You are my greatest inspiration for my personal twst art and I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful masterpieces <333 if possible, may I ask what are some of your headcanons for the diasomnia family? If not for diasomnia then any other characters are fine as well!
thank you, and happy new year! 💚💜💚 that is amazing to hear; it's always a little bewildering but super flattering that other people like my silly little doodles so much!
I don't think I really have any really solid headcanons and also canon keeps validating me left and right (FLUFFY DOMESTIC DIAFAM IS REAL). mostly just kind of...impressions and general thoughts, if that makes sense! lately though I've been kind of obsessed with thinking about Lilia's hair, and specifically when/why he ended up cutting it. (l-look, we're bouncing around the timeline and I gotta make decisions about these things when I draw, it's relevant) (I mean I would probably be weirdly fixated on this anyway, but.)
I think I've settled on the idea that he kept it long until he went to NRC, partly because 1) I like drawing The Ponytail, and 2) I think he thought of NRC as a chance to reinvent himself a bit! he gets to go and be a wacky carefree teenager for a few years and have fun! (officially he's there to keep an eye on Son #1, but how much trouble could he get into, really.) so he gave himself a Cool Teen Haircut to go with his fresh new Cool Teen Persona!
also maybe he had some reflection on his hair's troubled past with three kids...
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...and had to weigh his vanity versus the fact that he was going off to be around hundreds of kids on a daily basis, and. the choice suddenly seemed obvious.
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 6 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 6 spoilers#this is my blog and i'm going to write a million words about lilia and you can't stop me#but anyway i do genuinely get the impression that he's using Pretending to Be a Teenager as a chance to be even sillier than usual#he's a very silly man he's just being EXTRA silly#supported by his recent birthday card where he says he was specifically trying to cast himself as an adorable little brother-type#because he wanted the other students to give him free shit and save him seats and things like that#it worked for about a week before he turned out to be way too good at stuff and everyone just kind of ended up in awe of him instead#and he was like DANGIT. I'VE RUINED IT FOR MYSELF.#(then he and epel went on to talk about their hypothetical vtubersonas because the birthday cards are INSANE but anyway)#i'm bad at headcanons :( sorry!#unless it's dumb things like...what pokemon they would have or whatever#(malleus would have some kind of special fancy-colored dragapult) (but i digress)#i have a hard time putting things into words. just know that i love the grampa bat and his weird kids very much.#my brain is also still kind of fried from the last couple of weeks#i am however starting 2024 off the way i intend to continue it: in deep contemplation of anime hair#(sorry if these look weirdly aliased) (i realized about 3/4 of the way through i was using the wrong brush and i didn't want to restart :U)
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mooselybased · 6 months
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And there we have it, all thirty fighters from our hypothetical Adventure Zone platform fighter. I've loved making these, and may return to add some "DLC" at some point (gotta get the Steeplechase player characters, right?), but for now we're gonna leave it here.
12 Balance reps, 6 Amnesty reps, 5 Graduation reps, 4 Ethersea reps, and one each from Dust, Commitment, and Dadlands. Let me know who you'd main, what you'd like to see as hypothetical DLC for this hypothetical game, or any other thoughts!
Links to individual movesets under the cut, and I'll see y'all next time!
Magnus Burnsides | Taako | Merle Highchurch | Killian & Carey | Kravitz | Lup
Lucas Miller | Barry Bluejeans | Klarg | Roswell | Lucretia | Garfield the Deals Warlock
Duck Newton | Aubrey Little | Ned Chicane | Minerva | Mama | Arlo Thacker
Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt | Argo Keene | The Firbolg | Demon Prince Gray | Rainer Michelle | | Augustus Parsons
Amber Gris | Zoox | Devo la Main | Urchin | Kardala | Dad Squad
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solarpunkani · 5 months
*poke poke*
You wanna guerrilla garden some swamp milkweed around a retention pond so bad.
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chronic-cynic · 1 month
I know everyone wants a Solitaire movie (and so do I) but I honestly think they'd fuck it up beyond anyone's imagination.
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Yes AI is scary and it’s kind of making the internet a worse place and blah blah yada yada
But is it unreasonable of me to want AI to one day have the ability to create an entire feature length film adaption of the fan fiction, Twist and Shout, using the likeness of Karla era Misha Collins, and Spn season 1 Jensen Ackles????
Am I truly asking too much???? I will pay anything????? Name your price??????
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
do you think that somewhere, deep deep down inside heather, shes kinda into p!noah? (apologies, i’ve just seen the alejandro connection with p!noah and i was trying to stuff alenoaheather in with it)
anyway, ur b pfp messed me up when i was looking for u through who i follow and i was kinda just chanting ophe until i found it TT-TT
I think, deep deep down inside, Heather has a lot of introspective re-evaluation to do before she can even consider admitting to herself that she likes someone. And she's iconic for that. That doesn't stop her from forming crushes on people, mind you.
As for liking p!Noah? Well, (as a Noaheather Enjoyer myself) a lot of Heather's potential romance partners, in my mind at least, stem from the connections she can/does make with them. She's slow to open herself up to people, and really prickly, so for her to have positive feelings for someone else is a novelty. (*cough*gray-aro Heather real*cough*)
If Heather was able to foster some sort of rapport between herself and p!Noah, let's say by offering him something akin to an alliance (since it's only strategic to have a wildcard like Noah's turned out to be on her side- keep your enemies close and all), and see behind the many layers of crazy and deceit? She'd probably have a sense of begrudging respect for him, at least. It takes smarts and dedication to keep up a ruse like his for so long- Heather herself couldn't keep up the "nice girl" act for more than a few episodes- and she knows that Noah's deceptively smart.
Maybe that begrudging respect could blossom into more? Who's to say.
Maybe p!Noah also respects Heather's ruthlessness and cunning, since she was able to scheme and sabotage her way into the final three on Island. She's interesting, and Noah appreciates people who are interesting.
The main drawback of liking someone as eccentric as p!Noah is, as we saw with Izzy and Owen in canon, Heather would need to be able to keep up with him.
Obviously, Noah's not nearly as hyper and fickle as Izzy is, but he's just as impulsive and detached from reality. Heather can appreciate his cleverness and craftiness all she wants- if she can't deal with his callous madness, she'd have very little luck in trying to romance him.
The B pfp was an impulsive choice on my part but I'm not sorry for it because B deserves more recognition for literally carrying his whole team for the first few episodes. I do apologise for any confusion though!
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vonaegiremblem · 2 months
I finished my neutral run of Undertale Yellow yesterday, and I'm still thinking about how cool it was. The graphics in the final boss fight were so impressive and the different art styles were executed incredibly. The reveal that Clover would stay with Toriel if Flowey didn't intervene I think adds so much to the hints of their past we get throughout the game. I think it's not unreasonable to interpret this as Clover desiring a better home life so much that they would be willing to sacrifice their mission for it. It's a neat character detail.
I think the absolute coolest part of it all, though, is the pre-fight because it shows how well the dev team understood what made Undertale special. Undertale played on the expectations of your average gamer, and Undertale Yellow in turn plays on your expectations as someone who liked Undertale enough to seek out a fan game for it. I think it's safe to say that most people probably got the pacifist ending on their first run since they weren't forced into a neutral run like in Undertale. The pacifist ending basically shows the best and presumably canon ending for Undertale Yellow. After all, the only person who has to die is Clover. This naturally raises the question of what happens on a neutral run. It must be meaningfully different, or else it wouldn't be optional. Doing a low LV neutral run initially presents what would probably have been a fairly decent outcome for most characters if Flowey didn't step in. (Also it raises a really fascinating ethical question on whether you would be willing to sacrifice one random scrub monster or robot for a decent ending where Clover gets to live.) Without Flowey's intervention at the end, Dalv would stop isolating and would connect with the inhabitants of the Ruins, Ceroba would find solace in being with the Feisty Five, Starlo would return to his old self and makes good with his posse, Axis would get to remain active and without his anger issues, and Martlet and Clover would get to have a pleasant existence together. Now, all of this is, admittedly, pretty hypothetical, but it's not unreasonable to assume that this is how things would go. For those that wanted an ending where Clover lives, the neutral route seems to provide that as a possibility. And then it rips that possibility away. It plays with and takes advantage of that desire I think most people have to see all of the main cast if not happy, then at least content. Even though we got the "best" ending and know Clover has to die, we still want that wish fulfillment of seeing everyone together after the credits roll, and I think the devs were fully aware of that. It is genuinely so impressive that the devs managed to make such the neutral run into something so fascinating when it could have easily been a boring, stepping stone on the way to the other endings
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desultory-novice · 2 months
Hello! I had a silly idea :0 - Yume Nikki Fangame with Adeleine as protagonist.
She has the perfect age range and body type for it!
...I will say, I don't think Adeleine is a good fit for a YNFG protagonist thematically. Those games are often about exploring powerful subconscious TRAUMA through dreams. Can you imagine this Adeleine with the, "iya, iya" ("no, no") reaction in front of a door?
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Now, while I've nitpicked once before on the issue the fandom (and I'm not innocent of it) has with stretching and squeezing Adeleine too much to try and cram her into any of a dozen different roles she's not a good match for because she's the only human member of the cast and–at least on the surface–the easiest one to project onto (Really, KIRBY should be the easiest one to project onto, and indeed, Kirby is primed for a YN fangame, as Ondaja already figured out! ^_-) her being seen as Kirby and friends' grounded-in-reality Christopher Robin does mean it at least wouldn't be that unusual/unexpected.
So let's explore the MOST cliche scenario we could use:
I call it, "Dess McGee's Adeleine" XD
Adeleine is a patient undergoing therapy in the real world because Dream Land, Popstar, and everyone there are merely delusions she's having to cope with something awful/frightening in her life. This is her "iya, iya", where she doesn't want to leave her bedroom and continue getting treated so she can face the real world. She wants to go back to sleep so she can keep crutching on her comfort fantasy, though the two "realities" are now battling in her subconscious.
Her dream realms might consist of twisted versions of familiar Kirby landscapes that have intersected with or been awkwardly fused with elements of the real world and various psychoses that might hint (but never explain) why she withdrew from reality in the first place.
The characters might superficially resemble the familiar Kirby cast but not be acting like themselves. Some would shake their heads and walk away or ignore her, some might act aggressively and blame her for trying to "kill them" by getting treatment (these would probably be your chasers), others might look normal but start to decay in a jumpscare-like manner if you interact using certain Effects.
One could even play with the Adeleine/Ado thing here. Perhaps "Adeleine" is part of the delusion. The forever-young child who never has to grow up while "Ado" already resembled someone in her late teens. You could have a series of chasers who look like Ado, or are tall and lanky and represent other aspects of becoming a "grown-up"
Among the Effects are things like Kracko and Ice Dragon as rideables of different speed + inducing various handy weather effects, as well as her trusty paintbrush which could have a variety of functions including a return to hub effect? She should have a Dark Matter-adjacent Effect too, as a former possession victim in 64.
She miiiight also have the crystal gun as her Weapon, though to be true to the YM-style, using it on people should be more violent and semi-permanent than expected. (Oh no, real world consequences are invading my comfort space!)  And of course, there is a "Ribbon" Effect that gives her fairy wings if you equip it.
The Good (?) End has Adeleine embrace her reality as the now grown up Ado and leave her room at last. The Bad (?) End has you go to sleep one last time, only to return to a fully restored, fully healed Dream Land with all her friends happy that she's back at last! ^_^
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jq37 · 1 month
i would /love/ to see danielle radford play sklonda, she would absolutely kill it (especially if the game were set after sklonda's passed her bar exam)
Ohhh that's such a good answer! As a former paralegal she'd kill it with any of the lawyer stuff Brennan threw her way. Hell, she'd probably throw some unexpected lawyer stuff *his* way. And also I'm just always here for more Danielle. She's such a fun player.
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danganronpa96 · 2 months
I’ve heard mentions of a hypothetical 3rd killing game but I can’t actually find the original post so I guess this is a uh
Can you link back to it
And also share any new ideas you might have had
For posts about the 3rd hypothetical killing game, I did actually make a tag for that! I'll add it onto this post as well so you can look through all the other posts easily.
For talk about the most up to date list of potential cast members so far, you can find that in this post here!
And for those wondering, I have come up with a few more characters since then.
First, I'm thinking of scrapping Kokomi, and replacing her with Ena Shinonome (Project Sekai). Kanade gets a friend yippee! Also I know that gets rid of the potential "protag finally comes alone without a friend from their media" idea but this killing game will never actually happen so put down the complaint slab.
The thing is, however, Ena isn't just going to be a support, but actually a second protagonist! How does that work? Well, uh, I haven't really decided on all the specifics but I was thinking at certain points in the narrative, the POV would swap between Kanade and Ena. Whether this be in the same chapter, or one POV per chapter, I'm not sure. Does this make them exempt from either of them dying with this concept? Not really, but it depends how everything would play out.
Otherwise, some other characters I'd like to add next include: Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) because I think his personality would be a funny clash with some others, and Filbo Fiddlepie (Bugsnax) as I recently re-watched that funny lil game and thought it would nice to add some rep from that. I mean, it doesn't have to be Filbo but he also has an interesting personality to add to the mix. And since we already have some puppet/la creatura characters like Duck, Pim and Charlie, it's not like he'd stick out like a sore thumb.
I was also thinking of maaaybe adding some rep from Lookism? Does anyone know what that is? It's this Korean webcomic about a guy with two bodies (where one is hyper conventionally attractive) and also there's a fight scene every other panel /hj
Character wise for that I was thinking either Vasco, Zoe, Jiho or Jay since they're my favourites heha
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kakyoinryoko · 1 year
i hope your favorite game series gets a netflix show and it’s terrible and the entire tag gets flooded with the most disgusting insufferable people you didn’t even know god could create <- my curse
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ottosbigtop · 18 days
love wolf 359s character writing so much like it occupies my brain so often but it also makes it even more disappointing when looking at Maxwell. I suppose in the grand scheme of 7 characters you’re bound to end up neglecting some of them, but the sum of her parts really is not as strong as her parts individually.
like she’s a really compelling facet to Jacobi and Hera’s stories specifically, the impact she has on both of them and how they carry on in season 4 is really strong, and she’s got great interactions with other characters, yeah. But removing her from those interactions sort of leaves her free floating. I really don’t have much to say about her if it doesn’t involve the people around her so directly. And yeah characters relationships with each other are important aspects to stories, especially wolf, but you can still view the characters independently and find their separate narrative amidst the rest of the cast. I don’t really!! Feel like she has that!! Even within her relationship with Hera, which is incredibly narratively strong and a fucking great part of the podcast, it’s very much. Hera centric. That much is obvious. Aided by Maxwell and her drive and possibly her ego, sure, but. Idk. There’s not as much outward force that explains her motivations outside of Hera. Hell, we don’t even get as strong of a focus on what being with the SI-5 and under Kepler’s management means to her like we do with Jacobi.
idk. Shaking her around sorry about the events girl.
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mooselybased · 7 months
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What's this?? It's the Dad Squad from The Adventure Zone: Dadlands, all together in a single platform fighter moveset! Enter Briquette Hoggins, Chip Hugginsbee, Guy Ferrari, and Coach Red Ruffinsore!
I wanted to include a law/chaos meter mechanic in this, so here's how this one works. You play as one dad at a time, and each of the four special moves will swap you to the corresponding dad. Landing hits as a chaos dad (Briquette or Chip) will raise your chaos but drop your law. Landing hits as a law dad (Guy or Red) will raise your law but drop your chaos. Most standard attacks are themed after one type of dad (grill, vacation, car, or sports), and landing hits themed to your current dad will give extra meter. You can spend meter by holding down the special buttons for powered up versions of those attacks. Spend chaos for stronger neutral or up specials, and spend law for stronger side or down specials.
Now for the moveset itself. The down special swaps you to Coach Red Ruffinsore, who let's out a piercing toot on his whistle for high damage but practically no range. Spend law meter to chain together several whistles with no cooldown.
The side special swaps you to Guy Ferrari, who will drive forward a good distance in his Hyundai Elantra. Spend law meter to instead drive Yvette the Corvette, which explodes for massive damage at the end of the move.
The neutral specials swaps you to Chip Hugginsbee, who will toss a snack from his backpack in a lofty arc. Spend chaos meter to instead whip out just a gun, for a faster and more powerful projectile that shoots straight forward.
The up special swaps you to Briquette Hoggins, who fires a cut of meat from his chest cavity straight down, giving him a small bit of air in the process. Spend chaos meter to instead summon Chokey the barbecue spirit, which propels Briquette faster, further, and in any direction.
The Dad Squad's finale has them reach into a Continuity Obliterating Recurrent Neutrino (or, C.O.R.N.) Hole, extruding them through time and space. Briefly, all four dads, and fractal copies of them, will spread horizontally across the stage, moving and attacking in unison.
To those who made it this far, thanks! This was my 29th moveset concept in this series, and I'm planning on taking a break from this once I post the 30th one. Lemme know if you have any guesses as to who it might be, and I'll see y'all then!
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ceruleanvulpine · 3 months
jim gordon must die episode 3: cryptocurrency hater jim gordon
We discuss S1E3 of Gotham, 'The Balloonman.' This episode is good, actually.
Typical content warnings for discussion of fictional police brutality, and then also, I guess, cartoonish murder by weather balloon.
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